-'~"~_ ESTABLISHED IN• 178 g. 'BUSINESS CARD R. B. cm.u.Naue-N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on F. 4, a rm, E,,,,,,,, r , mem alley and Grant at. mAlly ... _ _ A RhisTßoxce ACELOZER,COMMieIiOM MCTtbaltS ii. fLoIiJtAiLI4 m PrOdMe., No. M Marker e deeB rect Pnisburgl:. _._ _ a.—scsnrrun . i. _ MAI _ 'vr. CABf LELD & RAYS , AVl,olesale dealers In Dry BGood ,„ Groceries, Boots, Sloes,. Pillsburglitno.nu metarid , / tides, &e., No. tn) Llbeny stleal;' TRU burgh. —__-- . jA S ,___. 111,11)MMI 11, DRACiI, Gums stir= Drualb a RFITER, Win! esare sad Reid Drag • b l i f g r i ?j,& , ~. .4 . 4 Liberty fit. Clair street, Pius ..._ cm 201.110, . • 3. .1: - Y. I. asoWN. ROW? r- • CHLBERTSO".4 Wholesale •Geohers, and C aironfsdon March , No. 143, TAMMY st, Put:dual,. Pa. A ritIINFSTOCK & Wholesale ail. Se p . Druggists, corner 11,1 and Oth sts. • Iyl - pp & SMITH, W • aside Grocers, IS and 20 Wood street Pittsburg Cl A. hIcANULTV & Co.: Forss;rdims and C- - V. mission Merelmia, Cm Rusin, Pittsburgh Ps. bugs:wino Spill:l l. Amli / 34, or 00IMIAN, ' HAILMAN Co, manufacturers of N.,..i Coach and Bijou° tiprit liummeted ' Axles, Spring and Plough Steal, Do 1, &c.. Warehouse on Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Also, dealenl 10 Coach Trimmings and Malleable Castings. F. 112 IsI.ABELE Wo - iiirs - ( Yzi I. — aili:TetirgT,_"TlikAii3rll: TILE HEAD OP WOOD PgICPSDURGII - W) KISS, Corehmam to manufacture Monuments, Birial Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Piccei, Can. tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at • regular Mad fair price. N. 8.-Drawings for monuments, vaults, er.c. famish ed, of may descrmuon. Ile solicits a share of public patronage. ±'.,'Vtd,_l2:_ NFL. B. =GUM; 11.119 1. acorn, EENGLISH& 13ENNETTA Nate Englisla Gafisish o e t r . t C Commieslon and o.) Wholesale Grocer., srudung Merchants, and dealers in Ihrduceand itu st burgh Manufactures, No. 37_ Wood st., between Vd and 3d reets. °eel_ LIEORGE COCHRAN, Comnbscort and Foribbiain,; Mbrthant, No. ;V Rood street. PiUsburgb, ' bar I DONE L EA.OIIIO 101[AMILION STEW ART, manufacturer M /icon 1.11. Shillings, Chocks, au., Rebecca Mute; city of Abegheny. • novlSdly• E. LICE, (successor to hlorphy & Leia)W4Ol Cl and Commission Merchant, Mr thiSlala of American :Woolens, Liberty. opposite sth it. ,febl7_ __ _ Nom. imam, &UMW°. • .1731=014.-EMAILD Philod& o. c. 110C...019, 30112 t •. EALD A BUCKNOR, Tobacco Commiaalon Mer JULI canals, 41 North Water st, !CIO Nonh Wbgrves Pluto. nov3o-tf . . •• TSAR M, JONES & Co., (Ituccesiors to Atwood, .1.1. Jones & Co.) Commuston and Forynditlit . Lder. hams, dealer:lin Pittabtugh &Ittowlitattted hoods, mai= USA.IIII BMW, 1011Prt WRIT, /1, ; ISAIAH DICKEY tr. Co., Wholesa/o Gracela, Com mission Merctnnats, and dealers la Produce, N 05.50 war, and 107 Front sot ets;Pinobargh. ruiv9 TB. CANFLELD, (bate of Warren, Ottirar ey ion and For:earring Merchant, and wholesais dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, pot end Pearl Ash, and ,Western Produce generally, Water tract, between tantithGeld and Wood, Pittsburgh. ap3 J _ 01IN WATT, (successor in Ewalt 2r. Habhart,) Wholesale Grocer and Commission ilesehmo, dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Illanufacturea, ens ues of Liberty and Hand wrests, Pittsburgh Po. Pal S MeGUIRE, (lam Ali and J McGaire,) ItferehMtt Tailor, St. Charles Bruitlings, Thud street, near Wood, Pittsburgh. JAMT. A. HUTCHISON, olt Co.--SiceesSOrs to Lewis Hutchison & Ca. , Commission Merchants, and Agents of the St. LOllO Steam Sugar Hertimry. No. 46 water madTr2 front meets, Pittsburgh. • j & DILWCIITH tr, Co, Wholesale Grocers; for * the Ilazird Posvdr-c - Ca. of h iri , , , Nt! V I W A Xs ' t, Putsbargb. "- JOHN D. MORGAN, 'Wholesale Dgist, and d..t. in Dye Staffsi Punts, Oils, Vnralehu, Re, N 0.93 Wood alltet, ono door South of Monona alley,Pitts. , brach.Janl TAMES IMRE., Jr., Co, (successor to Joseph G. Davis,) Ship Chandlers, an Wafer street oe3l JOHN H. SIELLOR, Wholesale aturßetail &mar in basis and Musical Instruments, Sehool Boon , Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers' Cards, arla Stationary generMly,No. SI Wood at, Pittsburgh. jp- !y it e boogp or token tu trade. repl.s scaotißmAkkll: WhdicialeDriaggists, No. $ Wood street, Pittsburgh. JOHN D. DAVIS,eer, earner 4th and Pro — od VIS, Auctioneer, streets, Pitubtogh_ cool J'TinnstoN A STOCKTON, illeolGLellers, Ptters r and PapeManufacturers, No, 44 Market 'L. 'ins. burgh. leg ==l T Ft. FLOYD, Wholesale GrosOrs, Commission . Metetiauts, Dealeis In Produce, Bound Choseh Buildings, framing on Liberty, Wood and Coh mesas, Plusbargh, Fe °WO JAMIO DALZE.I.I., Wholesale tinxer, eIMPILS.IOII Mambas*, and dealer n Produce and Pittsburgh Alanutisetarea rio 2-1 Water • Piushit ;IL jut fa trouri is. 'TOWNSEND, Drumm sag Apothecary, No. 45 Marketer; three dmorelebons‘EhirnetaNtts. bench, will have eminently ma hand a well:selected as sortment of rho ben and freshest Atedtelaca L sehteh he wall sell on the mon reasonable terntL stryintians sending ordare,will be promptly attended to, arld asp piled with asocial they may rely open as gosoue.. ir e - Physicians Preseripu: t os wiU . bet O.CtatllLOjy. and ~r7. l . , reo r reLfrom the be mater ials, at any bear Of Moo for sale, a large stock of fresh and good POrfo. many 17" LER & JONES, Forwarding and ComalualoaXer JN. amnia, Dealer. in Produce and Poisburgh ninzu tactured articles, Omni Raain, near 7th at dJI PENN MALL, PrrTstillltail, P. KENNEDY, CHILDS rs Alanutactare ofvery uper= 44 .16eetanga, Carpet 'Chau, Coon tt 1-ivsze .d Batting. P1304y Vescrrlns Iron Works. DALZELL ,!‘• Go., manufacturer. of all ni- L sea Bar, Sheet, Iknler iron and Nails of the heat quality. Warehouse, C.l tenter and 105 front sL jaal9 bur!:l WAITE/MAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward- . Ingindecturaission Merchaui r Dealer in Pius. gh Manufactures and Produce, Nos. at Water si.., and CJ rrtur c_ 1M & COKING GLASSMiumfatlinerst, and Wholesa/e 1.4 dealers in foreign mid domestic Variety Goods. Western merchants, Pedlars and others are malted to call and ea tunlao the prtees and quality Maur Mock, as with oar present increased facilities in manafaittur mg end purchasing, we think we can am its great inducements to buyers as any other house wen of the Mountains. !at-fy . NMI Jiro= •is D. Walt,- woinza — O. XX WILLS toRCLY., Wholeroto Grocors ILLstoil Alerthanto, No. lAt Liberty ot., Pittobo.4.l. MURPHY , WILSON tr. CO, (Mtn Jones Mnrion7 Co.) Wholesale Dealers In Thy Goods, No. 48 Wood street, t'itteburgh. • eamlu . _ AILLI, ALES. n,cc*, PM. I. =G.. 1111 A , LEN er.. CO, Commission sad Forwarding ?denim/us, • Water and Front its., between Wood and Market ant. Ana TA ArtlIEW WII.ION, JAL ter. Roma, comer of Post Office Alloy and F01311.111.1.1YET., entrtmee on 41h near t dark et. _ _ NHOMES Cc tiON, .No. as Market a itownd t door Lunn Corner of Fourth, dealers i n Fortim and Domenic BUis of Exchangc, Certificates of Depos it, Bank Not. and Specie. 4 irr col-k.k.* twit on nil thei principal. cities itiroughorn the United Sinica. dent 7 IVr" BUCKIIASTEEt, d.toiravas—Wiee, Fourth IA • thini door ahoy., Ltiaititheld, south sole.. Conveyancing ore' hinds doao with the greatest oars sno legal accuracy. Titles us /teal Estate emideed, 11. T. Itobartei i r..p., - OPTIIALDIIC SURGEON, w' *l4.d me nj of Diseases of rho Eye. , hubeiti emerged ill this literieh of the medi cal profession for sixteen years, and.bas condoetnl an establishment for the treumsed of - dtsetises of the eye alone for sevaral yenrs. Oirem“ and residence, canter of 'Sandusky st and Strawberry alley;Alleglieny sett 5 atEMICLIS TEA STOE.E.—NO. 72 Fourth near quaatities of Green end Each -Teas, do. op in gainer, half, and e.e powlll packages, ranging from GO cui. "per pound ky4 A. JAIN ES, Agt. for Pekin Toe Co. t tnik jer hien,BJEI, Wholesale Grocer, Been:ging xi,. Distiller, dealer in Produce, Haab:ugh Manufac tures, and all kinds of Foreign and Doinestie and Liquors, No.ll Liberty creel. Cn hind' a very I Z e h will be nko so r ld low ' ; or forth. "'"hel' 'y, xly 1331011 /UpOSOR, R. 080303. ROI3MISON & Co.,Wholesaletirecers, FrOdaca and Conuousion Merchants, and Dealers In Fitt. Orgh Tilenufaentres, No. lee Liberty it, Pittsbarnb. • altisiEgTD Ztll Co, Wisolesssts Commission Ana Forsveralseg Merabunte, dOaltrs Produevand Pittsburgh blitnufactures, Liberty st. Plastugb, Pw. ' ' feb."l ltlarr, A. cuansimpthol, Wholemde Grocer Dealer in Prodoce and NittalmrstiManclactares, o.tai Liben7 at. 17_12 L. 0. ILLT4OI.OII, J. L. MAIL IjEYNOLDS re SHEE, Forwarding and Coniatissior .I.lr Merchants., Wallin Anegheity Rivet Trade, deal. andao Grocedea, Prodnec, nushurgh Maantacturce Chloride of Lil3lo. The highest priesa in cash, paid at all tithes for eon°. raga Comer or Perin 0101 Irwin sta. /mai lUMACILLELL, saw s witrz. SDACKLEFr WHITE, Wholesale Dealers In Foreign and DoseesunDry Goods. N 0.40 Wood at. Pittsburgh. 11AE.1.1M/Gll, — iVOol Dealers in Floni and Produsc gencrelly,and•Forwasein,g and Commission Merchants, No. 63 Water 0., Pitt. burgh. ALEVa. Co., tVholesilr ' ~rocen and Produce deniers, No.= Markel streey between 6th and taia, p:orrh rads, Philadelphia. nove _rmrsitiaou 1010 r tacnnti, raziaaru it, NICOL Produce laud (Er„..,fyi 17 Biarr,laants, ho. VP . Llberty PiLtabarey. Pverau, laluated and Lard Oda._ azF. VON BONATHOItter, h. Co, • Whoi,,,c o u ;; earl, FOrwarding emit I..omblimon Nero Marts, errs Piltiburgh Memninetures had Westoru Pm -411:11,1vP removed to their new warehoore,told hum!) No. orger VI FNnt rt. and ehaneely Lana _ -- Crs - "Tin - rt' ,: - TROTH & SCOTT, Wholesale and Reran desks in . 1 .• DIKIIn Shoes, '! t runk s, Carpet Bags, &c., S. W. n rner 014th end 401.ithlield eta, thlubtlly Pn. ja.? rigra E-VV,frgaTei.liiiri-ken Dad Ciiituni.- 60 2 MC reitZatir, Bad - dealers In Prod.-en 'Na. 23 nod et, rinstrugh. • • -....--L...- P422 _ . _ - - MITCRELTREE, Vaolestdc UToenta Rectifying Ditaillens,_ cad Wine aad 135r E__hazda. Allejnapcoacce of Sada Anti wad Bleach &dd . Xrca., No. 160 Liberty street, Pat,ba-41h, W wii o r in Watcliei, 'Jewelry, KEPTIT thii,.ry Goode, ic, 1i0..61 r i A: • ' ' Pin? .... • lOWA D. WICK, • ..-'. DA YID IrCYNDLLTA WICK & Bre&NDLEr,e, 'successors to L. & J. D. IT Wick,) Wholesale efifrocers, Forst-larding and Commission Mercian/its, deißetrs in Iran, Nails, Glass, Lotion Yams, and Pittsbargll Manufactures generally, romerof Wood and Wawr 'erect', Pittsburg - li. - itql• iiiiwEN—cemsa.uon nod Forwarttins Mentalist, No. titi Folio st between Wood ma Market streets. yir feti24 117 - W. WALLACE, hl4; atone and MITI Formals ill, 5 log establishment, N. 044 Liberty st., near the canal. ' marts Wh al and lie I dealer W a.. f t- L * g U li aPa d Y 'Dome= I;r3iiereils, '" north eaTt corner of o alacitlFourtsts. earn ..„ _,.. W. kocina,, • se tOo. a. ra'cung.. tit rAL YOUNG' Co.—Wry:Oen to leather hides, &v. YII 143 Liberty - . :X i anAly _ ant. 111 N. aorr. JI . CrIC-lISOD- W& R. iIIiCINC/TEO4 Whole.mie Grocers, dea lers in•PrOduce, Ire.. Nails, Gloss, and rill, hurgh . ll.lanufacunies generally, 152 Liberty It, Pitts burgh. dec2 - ttr -- 14'.11711.:10N; WianVrl, ;Jewel - Ware, yr a and Military Good e, of Market and 4th steels, Pittsburgh, Pa IVl.—Watches and Clocks carefully repaired. dec4 WILLIAIR lal - Vill,, ,hlannflictorer or - Cotton and colored Linen, Frmgra for Dresses, An.; Sewing Silk ainl colored Cotton Froiges for silk and gingham ritramiiii. Gimp, Mohair. and Silk Million Fringes, made to order on the shortest notice. sachl ►ad'tron -•- . &max., corner of Maiden Lane and William. entrance No 65 William street, thint.loor. over Abner St. More No ad Malden Lane New York al 171731.1C01:00O A. CO., F:IILERS IN HIDES AtiD LEATHER, Morocco. ,L 1 Shoe Flochngs.ac., Nos 143 Liberty streei , have last received their SPRINg STOCK of amnia, com prising a large assortment igen/cies. their which the attention of parcoasers Is invited. mehls PETTIGILEW & STEAM BOAT Ali ENTS Ornotakors At. Auu. & Co, oot:31 ' No. 4! Water sm., INSURA3kCE. letti.E3l3.NiTY. 27. Fra lddin Fare ..I.urch.4..ec Co. of Plalarle DIRECTORS.—CharIes ?Bander . Thomas Ilan, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob It. Smith, rice. 'W 'beholds, Mordecai: 13 Len-u, Adolphe E. Bode, David S. Brown, Torts Patterson. esmaLks :5. Itakcims, President. Charles G. Banker, Sec reiury. Continue to make insurande, perpetual or limited, on every descripuon of property in town or country, at rater u km as arc consisdint with se.eurdy. To Company have reserved a large comma.. Fund, which,rith their Capita/ onsrremmnis, safely invest ed, afford ample protection tohlie assured. The kissed o 1 rte company) on January Ist, 1e49, its published' agreeably to an aO7 of Assail:LW), were a. hallowa i kir Mortgages 51,047,438 41 Real Esude 94,721 scl Teadantim Lamm 08,031 tki Stocks 54.1 a 25 Cash, km. 30,4434 37 • $1,81M,499 71 StneP their incorporation, i period o(19 years, they have ptud upwards of one million four hundred thous and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence cf the ad•mitages of insuranc!e, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with - promptness all liotnimes. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, marl-dly 011 ea N E turner Wood anci3.l sts OrtifilW AMiffICIUTUSI., INSURANCE CO. - 13111 A MADEIRA, Agent re. Pittsburgh for the Dela. A • Ware Mutual Safety Watt - slice tympany of Phb‘i. atielphia. Fire Risks upon bedding. and merehandme of every description, and Marine Esk• upon bulls or cargoes of vessels, Mken upon the most favorable terms. ID Oy r ;c to one 3 N0..7 {ti titer, n th a e at i Larke ' t=e f , W itt a tal i ttr ° ot. B's. 7 Al. DS—The meccas of ads ti.ukany .vice the estab lishment of the Agency in thai city, vnth the prompt num mil litheridity with which every claim upon them for loss; box been adjusted, fatly wiarrant the agent tit confidense and Coihenage of hie friends and the community at large to tie Delawue S. Insu rance Company, while it I#a the additional advantages inatitation among the Wet launching Philadel phia—ea having an ample capital, which by the operattOn of Its chimer 111 rlbutantly increasing, es rithu.g to each Person msured his due share of the profits of the company, volition involung him to any responsibility whatever, and:Attention, as posoasoing the Mutual principle divesteittoi every obnoxious fea ture, and in its most attractive form. nov4 • plait' MVO - Egg tikteiscs.. - Tag Insurance Company dc.North.Antenert, manna its duly'untborised Agenthe subscriber, riders to make pbsmament and bunted ftmarknee on propert e y, dim city and its vicitury, and kismet. by th Ca nal and Elver.. ... . . _ , DIRECTiSRS. Arthur l CoCm, :X. Charles Taylor, Sarni W. Jones, I:.' Ambrose Mote, lidarani Smith 7 Jacob NI. Thornas, John Ai Brown, ..'. John EL Neff. John White,; Richard D. Wood, Thorank P. Copts; : Wm. Welsh, Samuel F. Smith, Frames Hastens, Sarsue [Brooks, , la. Austin Alhbone, ARTHUR D. COFFIN, Pros't. Hicsgs D. SLIICLIM., See This Is the oldest knsurance;Company to the Untied States, 'having been chartertd in 17b4. Its Charier is perpetuil, and from its h;gb soiling. long expenenee, ample Steams, and avoiding all risks of as extra has ardour C.haracter, it may be eimmdered as odaring am ple 'charity to the public. ...s W. P. JONES. At thgCourinng Roo rn of Allssood, Jones A. Co., Wa ter and Front streets Piltshor. ' intay4 rilllE t(II33CRIAtERrhas 144 - apPeined Agent PT° j tem, of the Insurance Copasty of North Amens,. nod will iss ae Policies and ailgnd to the other bustne,s of ate Agency, at the wurcl44av of Atwood, .10,11.4 A. Cm spit. WEI gjoSEP. act, rt Imoo - n ,•taw,Gl FORIV9IDENG 0A11416810N, Datennettnetda, .17 1. hanalno haat. CIIA.ELLES DANE.HOWEIL a CO. TOBACCO COMHOISBOA. aIERCHAJITK, N 0.51: South Wharves, c el *. Ii? South Water .0. urifrii lA . DEGS to inform the trait.: and dealer. genera:ly, et 1„) Piusbaigh. inat they have tirade othch arrangement • with the Virgiacs rnatitunictunirs and the landwert of the West, Went Indies, ors tither place, it. will to.o re a large and constant sapid) , or the fothennag deeenp- Ilona of Tobacco, whit& will I.e soiil alum as accom modating terms as any other hoare iu this city or elan where, arid all pods ordered from them will be wit:- geared equal to representagon: flavanig Sr. Domingo; ltionu, • Yarn: Mono Rico, Peoot,; }Seed Leaf to- Cabe; • igtuali & Flonda; bueco, ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic P , ijuven• dish, with a large assortment of ether r e coar t: one : . and qattlities or 'wards, Ss, hs, 12v, 16s and tens, Lump, ha, 6. as and ion Plum Ladies' Twist, Virginia Twist, &e., sweet and plain, la whole mid bait Loxes, woo l mad un. together with ovary ornery 01 arsete vloag ing to the lean, Jeladdy lE=i2M PACKER OF PORK AND BEEF. Commission Merchant and Corwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST., CINCINNATI, OHIO. ErPamelaJur attention paid to the purchasing of oamnia of Produce in this markel. Aku w the forwarding of Goods generally. Refer or Messrs. John Swasey & Co, ) Martin tr. StockweillsCnlClnlol.l, O. S. C. Parkhurst, Fay. Irpplticou &Co, Krer Jorms, }Paul/nigh, Pa. Englith & Bennett, • • _ GEORGIEWCIIIIA N Commission and Forwarding Merchant. O. M WOOD tr., nrnetruutf, CONTINI.II. to cranimet a general CO/1411111.10L1 bon,- near, especially in the purchase iwarvie of Anie ri. can Manufactures and Produce, and in recei•ingand forvrarcling Goods consigned to his care. As Agent for the Manufactures, ho will be constantly supplied wat, the prinelpal articles of Pittsburgh NDuatfitemre at the lowest "choices:depnces. Orders and constglitnents HIV respectfully solicited. di] CARD. • M. EGOLF, ASS E lt ECILANDISROKES and Commiworin bier- J.l'l chant, No. as South Front street, (second story,) Philadelphia [D—Goods porchued, p.ked, insured, and shipped to order. Wool, Flour, Orion, Dried Frail and Cheese received on consignment and stor age, arab insurance obt-vneit. artrzscans— Wm. Ball tr:Son, M. IL Iligby, and Mr. Harycy Chich i Pittabargh,_ fobrfam GEORGE A. BERRY, GROCILItS, FORWRDBII AND COIIIIOIEBIOI AIBLHANT, AND DEALER IN hoar Nell., Cotton Yarns t Pittsburgh kisisraltetures generally, WOOD tone., armee colt, sL - - R. T. LEECH, JR., Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Danurne .Saddlery Hardware & Carriage Trimmings, ..isolaaa Wood st., Pittsburgh, Pa. 18 tow receiving hie Springsupply el Good., and Weft. the attention of Saddle re, Cosmarnakora and Merchants to Ma stock. It has been bought upon the best ternm, from the beat unreel and he therefore feels confulent of being able to a fford eatisfacnou tp all who may favor him with s esIL me tar7fddin 'FADE,S, SHOVELS, he.--511.10i Bppcdes and Sim la Yelr, 40 do Manure Fork.l to doOrclu Shovels; 50 do Seek. do; Ales, liateheta7 klattocks and Pia, Bellows, Vices, rte.:for sale at manufacture. prices by noels GEO COCHRAN, inl wool MTRIT - 7,I6BpRING AND AXLE FACTORY. OMAR Beech /01111 C. knirioo. .108E8 & 41111361, itXANUFACTURERS of Ewing end blismr plougb steel, steel plough wings, chub and elipi fit springs, hammered iron tales, mid dealers in mel t leable casSegs, fire engine lamps, mid coach trimmings generally, corner of Rom and krout Pii.burgli, l'a. fetal lble Filtering Cock, FOR PURIFYING WATER, • FFF Which renders turbid crater pure b 7 reatlng not soluble in water. The town water In N. York, ... k t,...... ll ,: : .¢:though . cloar and pure to the eye, yed viten It posses en hour through this afierreg tore, shows o linen depOalt f or subetances, worms, Z.. Th. m t he eime more or less with all hydrant water. The Reversible Pilferer is heat and durable, and in not attended with the Ineonverdenee incident La other pthe rem om is emceed withoot t h e toy from o re m m er . 0p.,. by merely cu n ning the toy or handl. Gem one ands the other. y trus easy pro t o t Coarse of water h changed, and all aceurculalions impure anhemu«r em - driven 01 al, trummtly, th e Flier. 11 al, priareases the cock, and u coca In tun ndsmtvge curing "WP and comical. eury bo very convenient oco ilea. be ansichod where there la pree t en o re be hlg w. h or low to a cook, tarok, nib, there 74t iF. WILSON, of the sole Age.; octl7 comer ofidurth .d Mirk.= sts Domestio n tilezrs . ; A G q ° l2 l) rs, away ou ' l ° L i tl 4' un 'i ror ' sale couture to amt anediasers, by A.lll MITCH ELTRFE POWllar, • (Chloride of Lune.) IKlCsabscribers have recently received (direct from 'the manufacturer.). a fresh ‘opply or the above ebnile4 article, which theg will sell at the lowest mdtket price for cub or approved Lille. w t N MITCHELTKEE ARE LIAM—to so Late Lime, rte'd and Jj.forsale by supt sh W LIAILLIAUCiti BAcTretit° Itme,dirt JDWILLLa.9 EINiEI CADS. aoame.!MAW, LAW OFFICES. TIMBLIN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Batter, Pa Ty IL.L also sumnd to collections nod all other too. y touts