-'~"~_ ESTABLISHED IN• 178 g. 'BUSINESS CARD R. B. cm.u.Naue-N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on F. 4, a rm, E,,,,,,,, r , mem alley and Grant at. mAlly ... _ _ A RhisTßoxce ACELOZER,COMMieIiOM MCTtbaltS ii. fLoIiJtAiLI4 m PrOdMe., No. M Marker e deeB rect Pnisburgl:. _._ _ a.—scsnrrun . i. _ MAI _ 'vr. CABf LELD & RAYS , AVl,olesale dealers In Dry BGood ,„ Groceries, Boots, Sloes,. Pillsburglitno.nu metarid , / tides, &e., No. tn) Llbeny stleal;' TRU burgh. —__-- . jA S ,___. 111,11)MMI 11, DRACiI, Gums stir= Drualb a RFITER, Win! esare sad Reid Drag • b l i f g r i ?j,& , ~. .4 . 4 Liberty fit. Clair street, Pius ..._ cm 201.110, . • 3. .1: - Y. I. asoWN. ROW? r- • CHLBERTSO".4 Wholesale •Geohers, and C aironfsdon March , No. 143, TAMMY st, Put:dual,. Pa. A ritIINFSTOCK & Wholesale ail. Se p . Druggists, corner 11,1 and Oth sts. • Iyl - pp & SMITH, W • aside Grocers, IS and 20 Wood street Pittsburg Cl A. hIcANULTV & Co.: Forss;rdims and C- - V. mission Merelmia, Cm Rusin, Pittsburgh Ps. bugs:wino Spill:l l. Amli / 34, or 00IMIAN, ' HAILMAN Co, manufacturers of N.,..i Coach and Bijou° tiprit liummeted ' Axles, Spring and Plough Steal, Do 1, &c.. Warehouse on Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Also, dealenl 10 Coach Trimmings and Malleable Castings. F. 112 IsI.ABELE Wo - iiirs - ( Yzi I. — aili:TetirgT,_"TlikAii3rll: TILE HEAD OP WOOD PgICPSDURGII - W) KISS, Corehmam to manufacture Monuments, Birial Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Piccei, Can. tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at • regular Mad fair price. N. 8.-Drawings for monuments, vaults, er.c. famish ed, of may descrmuon. Ile solicits a share of public patronage. ±'.,'Vtd,_l2:_ NFL. B. =GUM; 11.119 1. acorn, EENGLISH& 13ENNETTA Nate Englisla Gafisish o e t r . t C Commieslon and o.) Wholesale Grocer., srudung Merchants, and dealers in Ihrduceand itu st burgh Manufactures, No. 37_ Wood st., between Vd and 3d reets. °eel_ LIEORGE COCHRAN, Comnbscort and Foribbiain,; Mbrthant, No. ;V Rood street. PiUsburgb, ' bar I DONE L EA.OIIIO 101[AMILION STEW ART, manufacturer M /icon 1.11. Shillings, Chocks, au., Rebecca Mute; city of Abegheny. • novlSdly• E. LICE, (successor to hlorphy & Leia)W4Ol Cl and Commission Merchant, Mr thiSlala of American :Woolens, Liberty. opposite sth it. ,febl7_ __ _ Nom. imam, &UMW°. • .1731=014.-EMAILD Philod& o. c. 110C...019, 30112 t •. EALD A BUCKNOR, Tobacco Commiaalon Mer JULI canals, 41 North Water st, !CIO Nonh Wbgrves Pluto. nov3o-tf . . •• TSAR M, JONES & Co., (Ituccesiors to Atwood, .1.1. Jones & Co.) Commuston and Forynditlit . Lder. hams, dealer:lin Pittabtugh &Ittowlitattted hoods, mai= USA.IIII BMW, 1011Prt WRIT, /1, ; ISAIAH DICKEY tr. Co., Wholesa/o Gracela, Com mission Merctnnats, and dealers la Produce, N 05.50 war, and 107 Front sot ets;Pinobargh. ruiv9 TB. CANFLELD, (bate of Warren, Ottirar ey ion and For:earring Merchant, and wholesais dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, pot end Pearl Ash, and ,Western Produce generally, Water tract, between tantithGeld and Wood, Pittsburgh. ap3 J _ 01IN WATT, (successor in Ewalt 2r. Habhart,) Wholesale Grocer and Commission ilesehmo, dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Illanufacturea, ens ues of Liberty and Hand wrests, Pittsburgh Po. Pal S MeGUIRE, (lam Ali and J McGaire,) ItferehMtt Tailor, St. Charles Bruitlings, Thud street, near Wood, Pittsburgh. JAMT. A. HUTCHISON, olt Co.--SiceesSOrs to Lewis Hutchison & Ca. , Commission Merchants, and Agents of the St. LOllO Steam Sugar Hertimry. No. 46 water madTr2 front meets, Pittsburgh. • j & DILWCIITH tr, Co, Wholesale Grocers; for * the Ilazird Posvdr-c - Ca. of h iri , , , Nt! V I W A Xs ' t, Putsbargb. "- JOHN D. MORGAN, 'Wholesale Dgist, and d..t. in Dye Staffsi Punts, Oils, Vnralehu, Re, N 0.93 Wood alltet, ono door South of Monona alley,Pitts. , brach.Janl TAMES IMRE., Jr., Co, (successor to Joseph G. Davis,) Ship Chandlers, an Wafer street oe3l JOHN H. SIELLOR, Wholesale aturßetail &mar in basis and Musical Instruments, Sehool Boon , Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers' Cards, arla Stationary generMly,No. SI Wood at, Pittsburgh. jp- !y it e boogp or token tu trade. repl.s scaotißmAkkll: WhdicialeDriaggists, No. $ Wood street, Pittsburgh. JOHN D. DAVIS,eer, earner 4th and Pro — od VIS, Auctioneer, streets, Pitubtogh_ cool J'TinnstoN A STOCKTON, illeolGLellers, Ptters r and PapeManufacturers, No, 44 Market 'L. 'ins. burgh. leg ==l T Ft. FLOYD, Wholesale GrosOrs, Commission . Metetiauts, Dealeis In Produce, Bound Choseh Buildings, framing on Liberty, Wood and Coh mesas, Plusbargh, Fe °WO JAMIO DALZE.I.I., Wholesale tinxer, eIMPILS.IOII Mambas*, and dealer n Produce and Pittsburgh Alanutisetarea rio 2-1 Water • Piushit ;IL jut fa trouri is. 'TOWNSEND, Drumm sag Apothecary, No. 45 Marketer; three dmorelebons‘EhirnetaNtts. bench, will have eminently ma hand a well:selected as sortment of rho ben and freshest Atedtelaca L sehteh he wall sell on the mon reasonable terntL stryintians sending ordare,will be promptly attended to, arld asp piled with asocial they may rely open as gosoue.. ir e - Physicians Preseripu: t os wiU . bet O.CtatllLOjy. and ~r7. l . , reo r reLfrom the be mater ials, at any bear Of Moo for sale, a large stock of fresh and good POrfo. many 17" LER & JONES, Forwarding and ComalualoaXer JN. amnia, Dealer. in Produce and Poisburgh ninzu tactured articles, Omni Raain, near 7th at dJI PENN MALL, PrrTstillltail, P. KENNEDY, CHILDS rs Alanutactare ofvery uper= 44 .16eetanga, Carpet 'Chau, Coon tt 1-ivsze .d Batting. P1304y Vescrrlns Iron Works. DALZELL ,!‘• Go., manufacturer. of all ni- L sea Bar, Sheet, Iknler iron and Nails of the heat quality. Warehouse, C.l tenter and 105 front sL jaal9 bur!:l WAITE/MAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward- . Ingindecturaission Merchaui r Dealer in Pius. gh Manufactures and Produce, Nos. at Water si.., and CJ rrtur c_ 1M & COKING GLASSMiumfatlinerst, and Wholesa/e 1.4 dealers in foreign mid domestic Variety Goods. Western merchants, Pedlars and others are malted to call and ea tunlao the prtees and quality Maur Mock, as with oar present increased facilities in manafaittur mg end purchasing, we think we can am its great inducements to buyers as any other house wen of the Mountains. !at-fy . NMI Jiro= •is D. Walt,- woinza — O. XX WILLS toRCLY., Wholeroto Grocors ILLstoil Alerthanto, No. lAt Liberty ot., Pittobo.4.l. MURPHY , WILSON tr. CO, (Mtn Jones Mnrion7 Co.) Wholesale Dealers In Thy Goods, No. 48 Wood street, t'itteburgh. • eamlu . _ AILLI, ALES. n,cc*, PM. I. =G.. 1111 A , LEN er.. CO, Commission sad Forwarding ?denim/us, • Water and Front its., between Wood and Market ant. Ana TA ArtlIEW WII.ION, JAL ter. Roma, comer of Post Office Alloy and F01311.111.1.1YET., entrtmee on 41h near t dark et. _ _ NHOMES Cc tiON, .No. as Market a itownd t door Lunn Corner of Fourth, dealers i n Fortim and Domenic BUis of Exchangc, Certificates of Depos it, Bank Not. and Specie. 4 irr col-k.k.* twit on nil thei principal. cities itiroughorn the United Sinica. dent 7 IVr" BUCKIIASTEEt, d.toiravas—Wiee, Fourth IA • thini door ahoy., Ltiaititheld, south sole.. Conveyancing ore' hinds doao with the greatest oars sno legal accuracy. Titles us /teal Estate emideed, 11. T. Itobartei i r..p., - OPTIIALDIIC SURGEON, w' *l4.d me nj of Diseases of rho Eye. , hubeiti emerged ill this literieh of the medi cal profession for sixteen years, and.bas condoetnl an establishment for the treumsed of - dtsetises of the eye alone for sevaral yenrs. Oirem“ and residence, canter of 'Sandusky st and Strawberry alley;Alleglieny sett 5 atEMICLIS TEA STOE.E.—NO. 72 Fourth near quaatities of Green end Each -Teas, do. op in gainer, half, and e.e powlll packages, ranging from GO cui. "per pound ky4 A. JAIN ES, Agt. for Pekin Toe Co. t tnik jer hien,BJEI, Wholesale Grocer, Been:ging xi,. Distiller, dealer in Produce, Haab:ugh Manufac tures, and all kinds of Foreign and Doinestie and Liquors, No.ll Liberty creel. Cn hind' a very I Z e h will be nko so r ld low ' ; or forth. "'"hel' 'y, xly 1331011 /UpOSOR, R. 080303. ROI3MISON & Co.,Wholesaletirecers, FrOdaca and Conuousion Merchants, and Dealers In Fitt. Orgh Tilenufaentres, No. lee Liberty it, Pittsbarnb. • altisiEgTD Ztll Co, Wisolesssts Commission Ana Forsveralseg Merabunte, dOaltrs Produevand Pittsburgh blitnufactures, Liberty st. Plastugb, Pw. ' ' feb."l ltlarr, A. cuansimpthol, Wholemde Grocer Dealer in Prodoce and NittalmrstiManclactares, o.tai Liben7 at. 17_12 L. 0. ILLT4OI.OII, J. L. MAIL IjEYNOLDS re SHEE, Forwarding and Coniatissior .I.lr Merchants., Wallin Anegheity Rivet Trade, deal. andao Grocedea, Prodnec, nushurgh Maantacturce Chloride of Lil3lo. The highest priesa in cash, paid at all tithes for eon°. raga Comer or Perin 0101 Irwin sta. /mai lUMACILLELL, saw s witrz. SDACKLEFr WHITE, Wholesale Dealers In Foreign and DoseesunDry Goods. N 0.40 Wood at. Pittsburgh. 11AE.1.1M/Gll, — iVOol Dealers in Floni and Produsc gencrelly,and•Forwasein,g and Commission Merchants, No. 63 Water 0., Pitt. burgh. ALEVa. Co., tVholesilr ' ~rocen and Produce deniers, No.= Markel streey between 6th and taia, p:orrh rads, Philadelphia. nove _rmrsitiaou 1010 r tacnnti, raziaaru it, NICOL Produce laud (Er„..,fyi 17 Biarr,laants, ho. VP . Llberty PiLtabarey. Pverau, laluated and Lard Oda._ azF. VON BONATHOItter, h. Co, • Whoi,,,c o u ;; earl, FOrwarding emit I..omblimon Nero Marts, errs Piltiburgh Memninetures had Westoru Pm -411:11,1vP removed to their new warehoore,told hum!) No. orger VI FNnt rt. and ehaneely Lana _ -- Crs - "Tin - rt' ,: - TROTH & SCOTT, Wholesale and Reran desks in . 1 .• DIKIIn Shoes, '! t runk s, Carpet Bags, &c., S. W. n rner 014th end 401.ithlield eta, thlubtlly Pn. ja.? rigra E-VV,frgaTei.liiiri-ken Dad Ciiituni.- 60 2 MC reitZatir, Bad - dealers In Prod.-en 'Na. 23 nod et, rinstrugh. • • -....--L...- P422 _ . _ - - MITCRELTREE, Vaolestdc UToenta Rectifying Ditaillens,_ cad Wine aad 135r E__hazda. Allejnapcoacce of Sada Anti wad Bleach &dd . Xrca., No. 160 Liberty street, Pat,ba-41h, W wii o r in Watcliei, 'Jewelry, KEPTIT thii,.ry Goode, ic, 1i0..61 r i A: • ' ' Pin? .... • lOWA D. WICK, • ..-'. DA YID IrCYNDLLTA WICK & Bre&NDLEr,e, 'successors to L. & J. D. IT Wick,) Wholesale efifrocers, Forst-larding and Commission Mercian/its, deißetrs in Iran, Nails, Glass, Lotion Yams, and Pittsbargll Manufactures generally, romerof Wood and Wawr 'erect', Pittsburg - li. - itql• iiiiwEN—cemsa.uon nod Forwarttins Mentalist, No. titi Folio st between Wood ma Market streets. yir feti24 117 - W. WALLACE, hl4; atone and MITI Formals ill, 5 log establishment, N. 044 Liberty st., near the canal. ' marts Wh al and lie I dealer W a.. f t- L * g U li aPa d Y 'Dome= I;r3iiereils, '" north eaTt corner of o alacitlFourtsts. earn ..„ _,.. W. kocina,, • se tOo. a. ra'cung.. tit rAL YOUNG' Co.—Wry:Oen to leather hides, &v. YII 143 Liberty - . :X i anAly _ ant. 111 N. aorr. JI . CrIC-lISOD- W& R. iIIiCINC/TEO4 Whole.mie Grocers, dea lers in•PrOduce, Ire.. Nails, Gloss, and rill, hurgh . ll.lanufacunies generally, 152 Liberty It, Pitts burgh. dec2 - ttr -- 14'.11711.:10N; WianVrl, ;Jewel - Ware, yr a and Military Good e, of Market and 4th steels, Pittsburgh, Pa IVl.—Watches and Clocks carefully repaired. dec4 WILLIAIR lal - Vill,, ,hlannflictorer or - Cotton and colored Linen, Frmgra for Dresses, An.; Sewing Silk ainl colored Cotton Froiges for silk and gingham ritramiiii. Gimp, Mohair. and Silk Million Fringes, made to order on the shortest notice. sachl ►ad'tron -•- . &max., corner of Maiden Lane and William. entrance No 65 William street, thint.loor. over Abner St. More No ad Malden Lane New York al 171731.1C01:00O A. CO., F:IILERS IN HIDES AtiD LEATHER, Morocco. ,L 1 Shoe Flochngs.ac., Nos 143 Liberty streei , have last received their SPRINg STOCK of amnia, com prising a large assortment igen/cies. their which the attention of parcoasers Is invited. mehls PETTIGILEW & STEAM BOAT Ali ENTS Ornotakors At. Auu. & Co, oot:31 ' No. 4! Water sm., INSURA3kCE. letti.E3l3.NiTY. 27. Fra lddin Fare ..I.urch.4..ec Co. of Plalarle DIRECTORS.—CharIes ?Bander . Thomas Ilan, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob It. Smith, rice. 'W 'beholds, Mordecai: 13 Len-u, Adolphe E. Bode, David S. Brown, Torts Patterson. esmaLks :5. Itakcims, President. Charles G. Banker, Sec reiury. Continue to make insurande, perpetual or limited, on every descripuon of property in town or country, at rater u km as arc consisdint with se.eurdy. To Company have reserved a large comma.. Fund, which,rith their Capita/ onsrremmnis, safely invest ed, afford ample protection tohlie assured. The kissed o 1 rte company) on January Ist, 1e49, its published' agreeably to an aO7 of Assail:LW), were a. hallowa i kir Mortgages 51,047,438 41 Real Esude 94,721 scl Teadantim Lamm 08,031 tki Stocks 54.1 a 25 Cash, km. 30,4434 37 • $1,81M,499 71 StneP their incorporation, i period o(19 years, they have ptud upwards of one million four hundred thous and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence cf the ad•mitages of insuranc!e, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with - promptness all liotnimes. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, marl-dly 011 ea N E turner Wood anci3.l sts OrtifilW AMiffICIUTUSI., INSURANCE CO. - 13111 A MADEIRA, Agent re. Pittsburgh for the Dela. A • Ware Mutual Safety Watt - slice tympany of Phb‘i. atielphia. Fire Risks upon bedding. and merehandme of every description, and Marine Esk• upon bulls or cargoes of vessels, Mken upon the most favorable terms. ID Oy r ;c to one 3 N0..7 {ti titer, n th a e at i Larke ' t=e f , W itt a tal i ttr ° ot. B's. 7 Al. DS—The meccas of ads ti.ukany .vice the estab lishment of the Agency in thai city, vnth the prompt num mil litheridity with which every claim upon them for loss; box been adjusted, fatly wiarrant the agent tit confidense and Coihenage of hie friends and the community at large to tie Delawue S. Insu rance Company, while it I#a the additional advantages inatitation among the Wet launching Philadel phia—ea having an ample capital, which by the operattOn of Its chimer 111 rlbutantly increasing, es rithu.g to each Person msured his due share of the profits of the company, volition involung him to any responsibility whatever, and:Attention, as posoasoing the Mutual principle divesteittoi every obnoxious fea ture, and in its most attractive form. nov4 • plait' MVO - Egg tikteiscs.. - Tag Insurance Company dc.North.Antenert, manna its duly'untborised Agenthe subscriber, riders to make pbsmament and bunted ftmarknee on propert e y, dim city and its vicitury, and kismet. by th Ca nal and Elver.. ... . . _ , DIRECTiSRS. Arthur l CoCm, :X. Charles Taylor, Sarni W. Jones, I:.' Ambrose Mote, lidarani Smith 7 Jacob NI. Thornas, John Ai Brown, ..'. John EL Neff. John White,; Richard D. Wood, Thorank P. Copts; : Wm. Welsh, Samuel F. Smith, Frames Hastens, Sarsue [Brooks, , la. Austin Alhbone, ARTHUR D. COFFIN, Pros't. Hicsgs D. SLIICLIM., See This Is the oldest knsurance;Company to the Untied States, 'having been chartertd in 17b4. Its Charier is perpetuil, and from its h;gb soiling. long expenenee, ample Steams, and avoiding all risks of as extra has ardour C.haracter, it may be eimmdered as odaring am ple 'charity to the public. ...s W. P. JONES. At thgCourinng Roo rn of Allssood, Jones A. Co., Wa ter and Front streets Piltshor. ' intay4 rilllE t(II33CRIAtERrhas 144 - apPeined Agent PT° j tem, of the Insurance Copasty of North Amens,. nod will iss ae Policies and ailgnd to the other bustne,s of ate Agency, at the wurcl44av of Atwood, .10,11.4 A. Cm spit. WEI gjoSEP. act, rt Imoo - n ,•taw,Gl FORIV9IDENG 0A11416810N, Datennettnetda, .17 1. hanalno haat. CIIA.ELLES DANE.HOWEIL a CO. TOBACCO COMHOISBOA. aIERCHAJITK, N 0.51: South Wharves, c el *. Ii? South Water .0. urifrii lA . DEGS to inform the trait.: and dealer. genera:ly, et 1„) Piusbaigh. inat they have tirade othch arrangement • with the Virgiacs rnatitunictunirs and the landwert of the West, Went Indies, ors tither place, it. will to.o re a large and constant sapid) , or the fothennag deeenp- Ilona of Tobacco, whit& will I.e soiil alum as accom modating terms as any other hoare iu this city or elan where, arid all pods ordered from them will be wit:- geared equal to representagon: flavanig Sr. Domingo; ltionu, • Yarn: Mono Rico, Peoot,; }Seed Leaf to- Cabe; • igtuali & Flonda; bueco, ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic P , ijuven• dish, with a large assortment of ether r e coar t: one : . and qattlities or 'wards, Ss, hs, 12v, 16s and tens, Lump, ha, 6. as and ion Plum Ladies' Twist, Virginia Twist, &e., sweet and plain, la whole mid bait Loxes, woo l mad un. together with ovary ornery 01 arsete vloag ing to the lean, Jeladdy lE=i2M PACKER OF PORK AND BEEF. Commission Merchant and Corwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST., CINCINNATI, OHIO. ErPamelaJur attention paid to the purchasing of oamnia of Produce in this markel. Aku w the forwarding of Goods generally. Refer or Messrs. John Swasey & Co, ) Martin tr. StockweillsCnlClnlol.l, O. S. C. Parkhurst, Fay. Irpplticou &Co, Krer Jorms, }Paul/nigh, Pa. Englith & Bennett, • • _ GEORGIEWCIIIIA N Commission and Forwarding Merchant. O. M WOOD tr., nrnetruutf, CONTINI.II. to cranimet a general CO/1411111.10L1 bon,- near, especially in the purchase iwarvie of Anie ri. can Manufactures and Produce, and in recei•ingand forvrarcling Goods consigned to his care. As Agent for the Manufactures, ho will be constantly supplied wat, the prinelpal articles of Pittsburgh NDuatfitemre at the lowest "choices:depnces. Orders and constglitnents HIV respectfully solicited. di] CARD. • M. EGOLF, ASS E lt ECILANDISROKES and Commiworin bier- J.l'l chant, No. as South Front street, (second story,) Philadelphia [D—Goods porchued, p.ked, insured, and shipped to order. Wool, Flour, Orion, Dried Frail and Cheese received on consignment and stor age, arab insurance obt-vneit. artrzscans— Wm. Ball tr:Son, M. IL Iligby, and Mr. Harycy Chich i Pittabargh,_ fobrfam GEORGE A. BERRY, GROCILItS, FORWRDBII AND COIIIIOIEBIOI AIBLHANT, AND DEALER IN hoar Nell., Cotton Yarns t Pittsburgh kisisraltetures generally, WOOD tone., armee colt, sL - - R. T. LEECH, JR., Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Danurne .Saddlery Hardware & Carriage Trimmings, ..isolaaa Wood st., Pittsburgh, Pa. 18 tow receiving hie Springsupply el Good., and Weft. the attention of Saddle re, Cosmarnakora and Merchants to Ma stock. It has been bought upon the best ternm, from the beat unreel and he therefore feels confulent of being able to a fford eatisfacnou tp all who may favor him with s esIL me tar7fddin 'FADE,S, SHOVELS, he.--511.10i Bppcdes and Sim la Yelr, 40 do Manure Fork.l to doOrclu Shovels; 50 do Seek. do; Ales, liateheta7 klattocks and Pia, Bellows, Vices, rte.:for sale at manufacture. prices by noels GEO COCHRAN, inl wool MTRIT - 7,I6BpRING AND AXLE FACTORY. OMAR Beech /01111 C. knirioo. .108E8 & 41111361, itXANUFACTURERS of Ewing end blismr plougb steel, steel plough wings, chub and elipi fit springs, hammered iron tales, mid dealers in mel t leable casSegs, fire engine lamps, mid coach trimmings generally, corner of Rom and krout Pii.burgli, l'a. fetal lble Filtering Cock, FOR PURIFYING WATER, • FFF Which renders turbid crater pure b 7 reatlng not soluble in water. The town water In N. York, ... k t,...... ll ,: : .¢:though . cloar and pure to the eye, yed viten It posses en hour through this afierreg tore, shows o linen depOalt f or subetances, worms, Z.. Th. m t he eime more or less with all hydrant water. The Reversible Pilferer is heat and durable, and in not attended with the Ineonverdenee incident La other pthe rem om is emceed withoot t h e toy from o re m m er . 0p.,. by merely cu n ning the toy or handl. Gem one ands the other. y trus easy pro t o t Coarse of water h changed, and all aceurculalions impure anhemu«r em - driven 01 al, trummtly, th e Flier. 11 al, priareases the cock, and u coca In tun ndsmtvge curing "WP and comical. eury bo very convenient oco ilea. be ansichod where there la pree t en o re be hlg w. h or low to a cook, tarok, nib, there 74t iF. WILSON, of the sole Age.; octl7 comer ofidurth .d Mirk.= sts Domestio n tilezrs . ; A G q ° l2 l) rs, away ou ' l ° L i tl 4' un 'i ror ' sale couture to amt anediasers, by A.lll MITCH ELTRFE POWllar, • (Chloride of Lune.) IKlCsabscribers have recently received (direct from 'the manufacturer.). a fresh ‘opply or the above ebnile4 article, which theg will sell at the lowest mdtket price for cub or approved Lille. w t N MITCHELTKEE ARE LIAM—to so Late Lime, rte'd and Jj.forsale by supt sh W LIAILLIAUCiti BAcTretit° Itme,dirt JDWILLLa.9 EINiEI CADS. aoame.!MAW, LAW OFFICES. TIMBLIN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Batter, Pa Ty IL.L also sumnd to collections nod all other too. y touts <mowed to him to Butler arid Armstrong COUntics, Pa. Refer to J. E R- Floyd, Liberty at W. W. Wallace, do 1 James Marston do / Pittsburgh My Kay & Co., Wood at. • T s R etWEITZER, &Manley at Lam, office Id at. opposite st. Churl., Hotel. Plttsburgh, mill aim atP•nit promptly to Collections, in Waahinguan, Fayette and Green counting, P. REFER TO Blackstock, Bell & Co., Church & Carothers, }-PitttliurKb D T Morgan, ec EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Conncellor at Lam. . Clnetnnati, Chin. Coilectiona in Southern I thin, and in Indiana. and in Kentucky. ptomtly and care fully attended to. Comminstoner far the butte of Penn spirant& for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, RUK.II Wnt. Roll & Son, Conte,. Church& corothon. Writ. Hart, Wd:or & Day's .025 JAMEI9tr• REBA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Other rernovoti to Fourth oe, Demean .t3rosthfie:d and Grant rtreto ra:l-d;:na )AV}' S 07,0, 111/1.1,0,1 'FAUN IA A SE'tVFLL, atMr. , Y on Southfield, between tkl and 4th Oil N IL RANKIN, Attorney and Count.e::or at Law Low.. COMllligalnner for the Stair. of l'enti.ylt ania St. Loos. Alo..llate or Plusburga.) Itueettxtict&—l'ittstrurgh: Hon W Forward, !Loop & Maier, &Pt:audio. & ArClere, Juan Parke, lbs.ell • & Semplr, 11 , Cord & bone. ti. 44 I v_ JOHN T. COCHRAN, A TFORNET AT LAW, Fourth ntreet. between A Southfield and Grant inlt4dein WEI. C. FRIEND, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth .treet, near Grant. tal-dly • W_ II ROBINSON, Attorney at Law. hi t . re. . moved ltis office to the Elea:tiler Builthoit, St. Clair vt.. nort date to Alderman Johns. apt lip . . . HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, 21'COILD & CO, (Successors to hreord a t, Raw) fa F•shloneble Retie r'a t : Corn, of Wood and Fah Streets 1101ARTICIM.AR attention paid m oar Brost! Trade. Meni.enten can rely upon eetting their Hat. tool Capn from our eslablialinient of the atwr focrEal..t rind Woant....tur, of the master snub, and at the Country Merehants, pnrchastng by wholewl.., are respectfully larded to call and carmine our Stet k we ensay with ronfidener that as regard. orsurt and batch. it will not soles in a comparwon with nay h.. In Phliadelptua. totsl, • CALIFORNIA IiAIS—I2 dot water proof fart received and for sole by Al'Ciirtli Co, icier correlate and nonst • ill SPRING FASHIONS FOR IWCORD tr. CO Will introduce on Satur• -- dligday, March thi, the Sprtng style saf HATS. Those an want of ti teat and inuperier hat, are Invite to call at corner of Sala and Wood streets. mar/ - - DoNNET RIBBONS. Ac.—W It ttlurplsy is. now open a stylesf sprats Bonnet Ribbous, of lies. and handsome Also, new style fird Netts, Ltsle Laces and Fad tngs, Loma Edglngs Victoria do, plead Muslin• and Jaconets eatbroidercd Sanas Matadi, Ike - bestoes largo aesortment of Spring Hoods generall), al north east corner 4th and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms on states ant, MEDICAL IMPORTANT TO THE. AFFLICTED. Or. bin Celebrated Remedies. R. JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer mid tote pre motor of these most popular and beneficial med. inures, and rt!so the inventor of the cembrated ti,tru ntent for inantmg the Longs, in effecting s cure of Chronic diseases, was x student of that en nnent Fi man, Doctor Physic, nnd is a graduate. of the L n S . el,- ty of Pennsylvnnia, and for thirty years since liar been na.ged in the investigation 01 tl..ease. and the rpr.i. catton of remedies thereto. Through dm use of Ms inilaunte, tube, In eonncet:on with las Yrophylactm Syrup mai other of his remethei, he has g - aincd an fatal emmenre at ennui; those dreadful and fatal nutludlea Tubercalat Con sumption, Lancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma.. Fever and Ague, levers of all kola, Chronic Erysipe los, and all those obsunam discuses occults., to Ice:miles Indeed every form of dpumse vumsttett under the use situp rentedms, to which impunity is tictr—not t axe of one compound only, ,tor that in intumpatiale with l'hysio/ogicul Law, but L,i the 11• C Ot his re des, adapted to and prescrthed for each pea altar farm of ac.< Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative when used are et variably acknowledged to be supermr to all other, as. a purgonve or flyer pill. inasmuch to they leave me bowels perfectly free from costiveuess, ho. (holden Pill. to adulated by Me faculty to poeses.peest har properties adapted to ler:talc diseases, his; betaif satisfied that a bare trial is sufficient to estublieh whet hoz been said tit the minds of the most akcpacal The allucted are invited to eisit upon the agent, and procure (grout) one of the Doctor's pamphlets, giving a dreaded necilltint of each remedy and as application Fora by the fol , ovving agents, as well WI by most .Dragg M throughout, the country, , f JSchdmmankor & Co. 64 Wood street, Pittsbumh; M Townsend. dnsimist, 45 Market at - Lea A Beckham, - near the I. 0 Alter her.y cur. Jos Barkley. Dartinflon. Beaver aomtty, Pa Dia Knott. Ennoh T Adam, Heuvcr, nor) idly 11/1:1.11. PAIN IN ThE SIDI . ANN/ CIIESICT• REIY-I:evai, a tor longurtar been with a srvere pornthr strk. and , hesl accompanied wltl, a dry rough. 1 %pa. Induerd. upon thg urCel , ea..- runt,. of a Ir:rud. Teylne lie!•am lArrr• ~ t , and lon gay th tue.ip.m.. ha. nor wet, .'• ptrrpon. edmantly NIS' l. 111.1:1,11 vrh. prreluer,l ri <eve, nun dl urea so greet ,IJel .1 gru. t l .ll, 1 cou An, .nAv Pr, ed 1 Ttfrl 1.11• dire mac here terooodvd fatal r 1 ,1 1 ,10, had It hot he r a I.yLn. ined]cinr To d who a..., prum , ig the.c I =ll EMEIMNIEM ver. rcaioren.otrenvt, and mat be ruti•inered a,. pertor prroarounti ;or the eur• Eton prerei.n., nt :11 eht rueei and Lunr.. • r.•O ed to, eV!, after the., dioenb.ea tiav• uso, wretnedie, lo the. prattle.' of Ito; old and v,r, speetabie poysirlan. ;Ins nf Liverwort o• gutted on enviable reputatiou for ti • owe TIOT of tne .011:niAnt 110 A, 'On. Oh the dab, a• was the ehar•eter allet probity or inv•rrnr, zo that of . quark. nod empirle..._ CON: 4 1:111I'TION CURED--.My .on having n v.o I,it cold, used to c0u,,,, violentlyraietim frt.ll,ll Wick putrid matt,. and linely lie enuld not :nen one r in bed. from vvrelevee,. 11.• mawfnetnd a tnp tom of coottruted connueoptton ror vie year. 11 , hail been nuWect to the eulltooi. Vermoulc ik Anderson, ta,tl hn era. ,nrurat , e. tram coon 1, I wax determiacd lo :r) l'u) lore Balsam of I,iverv.ort. and strung, ae tt inay ap pear, this medicine h., fully restored at. health /N. 14 Norfolk street . . . Sold In Pnt.longh oy .1 I) Morrun, rl ‘V0.041.t J Townsen.L. 45 Marko( .1. II Sony..., tor Slattrt and 3,1 ri, llonder.on tc. Go, 5 Labrrty et. Yr., roduord to 81.511,r bonne. • Jaya.' Expectorant Satan, Cuiuminann en Apr. 13, lei! DD.JAV NF-41Liana Strt.—l teei bound to ou J and the nifrieted public, to avail itryaelt of o yp portunity of giving Intl riett) to the extraordlllllty rrketn of your EZIPCO.OI . I.III 11/3 - ,.i. been artbeted for severa. ydara a severe sough, hectic fever and Ito CCOW . OII/Ituat diAmisen, and memed only doomed to linger out a short but tmeeraute cataract.. until the full of t iPt, when, being more ricverciy attacked, and having resorted to alt my former remedies, and the pre scriptions of two of the MOs{ respectable physician. tit then eighborhood without deriving any bencta, or me .insalation of torn' Tun; but a few daysor weeks at farthest—when the last gleam of hope wan .Lout to vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant— and blessed by that Being who does all thing. to the use of the tneans—nad contrary to the axpertations of my physicians and friends, I was In few days raised from my bed, and was enabled by the use of a heti,. to athwid to my basilic's, enjoying once better health than I had for ten years previous. Respectfull yoUrs, Li, 1.. W. Fart. For tole in Pittsburgh ' , at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth Street mare mwsinTicK VINEGAR.—The Inch- Lk o If sanatory, balsatinc end mine tirupertic• of Mi. Vinegar render it far supettor to Cologne water fur the °wintery purpose. of the toilet, surpassing the Int• ter in Its perfume. It prevent• and reanove• pimples, letter end atipertly of the skin, it refreshes and whtwils the skin, readenng n soft and smooth It corrects the clammy and biller taste of the mouth, imparting a fresh and pleasant breath. It cleanses and whitens the teeth, and billtlen• the gums. For all the above pur poses, it is used with water in such proportion as may be found most agreeable. Ily inhaling it and rubbing it on the temples, it will remove headache. If applied instantly to a burn or bruise, it will eventually prevent morUftealloll. It roreect vitiated sir, and guaranties from contagion; tt to therefore very useful hoe pofilling and pert . ..tug eparonemg. For Pula by If h. SELLERS, Wholesale Druggist, 57 Wood street. ritudatigh -- Dr. McLane in Teunea... Z 1418 is to candy that I purchased one vial of It. MOLano's IVorm Specific, some two months ago and gave to it son of mine some scorn peace old. two toospocame fall, and although the amount may appear tugs, yet have no doubt but them was upwards of MO TAM.. WORMS passed from tam, tocasunng torn oat quarter of as mob to two tnohes long. ti IV HOLLIDAY. Roost's Ctook, Corral eo. Tenn, Dec V, lel: Jetta Q F:LLEFts , VENNI FUG IN (iFARt IA— Mr. IL F Sone ra,—Your Verinifuge has sold well, •pd has been higlty spoken of by all who Ms• used IC From the success attending the administration of Inn r Vermifuge in every case I hove heard of, I am confident I enn sell more during ilfe coming • , [l.Oll thinl did last. an be glad to receive other sup. ply 0(4 orb groan. Yours, respectfully, lExtract (Coin letter. R. CARTER Prepared and sold b 7 IL it. SELLERS, 07 Wood at, and wld by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh nod Al leghny iietf a g't4Tiat r... F. 0.. a. Rooms., YEATDIAN, PITTMAN A. co., FORIVARDINO k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 142 Second street, inchn7:d6,o• T. IMIAS, ISEEDIOVAL• T .:_itclbsenber has removed his Wholesale t.roeo• , e b the corner of Hancock street and Alle gheny Wharf, .21 door to the Perry House. melna.dtf JOHN F FF.RILV I'JIIL—Jn.t opentng, It large and At' lee led an.ort 'neat of tine Watches and Jewelry, rebteb wmll be sold as cheap et In any other eatabnehment m Mt, or the Eastern eines. Also--A iarge lot of variety store Watches and Jew elry, at very lose once. Fed jewelled le karat Gold Levers, as low an tinny-Gye dollars. W W WILSON, meh-10 corner 4th and market stl SOC. OreenwooeTVardiet•:.— MIIE new nod ftn running steam boat THOMAS 1. SCOTT, leave. the Greenwood Wharf lilonLni the Saint, every half hoar during the dny, landing al the Barden gate. A fine collection of the choicest Greenhouse Plants are for sale m the Gard... let CiE/121.1 sod other re freshroenta furnished in ihe saloon, 13oquele put op at the 'honest notice. Orden for BOSOM', /oft pt the wbsrf boat, will recetve prompt a WILL t ay= PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 12, 1849. COPARTNERSHIPS. Dissolution THE. co-partnership heretofore existing between the sublieribert. in the name of Friend, Rimy & Co, was this day dbisolved by mutual eonsent. (tee. [they will reale the buniness of the concern. for which pixr pose be is authorized to use the name of the firm. PORTER EL FRIEND, ./MiIES WOOD, February 7,1.49. CEO. RREY. Co-Partnership. The subscribers have this day associated themselves in the name of RHEY, .MATTHEWS & Co., for the purport of transacting!, general Grocery, Commission widwarding 13usiness, at the stand of the late firm of Friend. Riley & Co„ where they will he pleased to mem', the pstr . onage of the customers of that house and our friends GEO RHE)", LEVI MATTHEWS, February 7. Indii WM. EkES. We take pleasure in recommending to the confidence of our Ctn. rd. and those of Friend, Rhey & Co., our stwersuors in nusutess , Rhr y. Matthews & Co. PORTF.R R FRIEND, , JAMES WOODS.. _ Dismohttion. _ • • • en-pertitcro.hip heretofore exte..ing between the , ultocrth , r, in the neon, of Conoturble, Burke & •. to Lill , dn, rtt.oolvctl If mutual column:. MINSEVI. Hark.. & wt:l the butunr.o. of the con. cent s for wi”ch Iru roe, the, nrc terthrtrtr..,l to the name of the CO'W rn NAtkIANLEI. CONSTABLE . , EDMUND 1317RnE, TBONIAS BARN E.s. Tile uddersrEttAd nave Our day nqaoctated then...elves 0 the miror. or BURKE & 13A RNEO. for the purpose taanutarturto proof Safer. Vault Doors. he. .1e .at the rrand the late firm oh Coastal.le, 1.3.ke. & Co . fey Sr Wearied to receive Ike pu trodage ut toe cur turner, di drat bow, and thetr fnends. EDMUND BURK F.. TfirnlAS BARNES. li,tr,,m the hr m Constahle Burke k , I with mr,..ure ,rometl BM, tr. Dame. m cottfiamm. mmitrerld• rmd putrhe l'rl , 9. 1-1,1 N.1111ANIF:I. 01..olution TUE p 11111 f ut.der firm ut It King. W cantutd rent on the I.t The wid I, closed ortrl osed at the old and lte.' 0 ut..ing the rintot of the firm for that purpo-, . .truiroui. ro linvo our hasinr , ot wtih v •ttle dear nr rvrooitble wemould re yeetfu,, tlio.r indebted to eall an w d .qt:el their ac. COW., JOHN I) M'CUILL, Co-Partne-rship T('IL. I) NI vi tftU furrow ae,neinted retth Inin rothet Jan,e• tti Vont, under •tvie of Ni'Cord Co, soli! ennonue the Hat, Gap and Fur of in nils urotto tottoleattle at.tt retail, at Lila enrt • r 0: Woo.: ontl fltrrl, where 0,7 .1.1,14 n 1 .0111,10111.1.1021 Inc patronage so liberally b. atotgett on tt, 0..1 LOLL JOHN 1) NUCOR!) JANIF4 4 tl. 2,11.10 RD IN retnn, from thr oid and well kuown Cum of 1 Art 'org & ling. I moat respecu ,:y recommend tO :he pettrntiace. oi the put .te my ruccegwr N1,,,5. M'rord F CO J..' H Ir e KlNti --- DISSOLUTION. lam fain nba Pt' tied II Lca J 51 l liPlll , P, urge /au 10, II LI I- NI/TICE—The untlemeoehtl rill ronhoue the Wool he stere.• uhtl ~tend to the tolle o: Wooteh (.Dads.lne old stood. 11. I.IOK In r..:rrinc Irani the Eno of Nlurphy :.ce. I :ate ereut p'earnreryeommenthm; Mr II Lte the ronbdenee of my frnmds mid the public l'ia.a.urgh. Jan :M. 1^49 R. MURPHY sub.ertnery have OIL, tiny ansortat.r.d them -1 together for the putpo.< oi trannaet.ag a and retail Dry lioods land I,roe..ry nt No 0,0 I.ao , rt, oppocte e.eventu otrert, and., the ply le and lat.n ISUSIIFIELD l'it.ourg 1.. January I. 1.-.19 MMiliiiiiiiliMli CO—PA ILTN EILSII IP. 1 - )CM .3141 4...0pt. JAMES ATKINS44N yy hay.. en,rect lulu euzu...”....1p, under the-4mo of SC kIFE & ATKINSON. and will carry on We Copper, and Sheet Iron Wet, tr.antam tory Al, o 111..rit•oattnins branches. e: c.. 1 ittood el Wro 11 Scatte, First timer near Wrxrd. Pan tra.ar urcnuou glycn m steamboat work - I HAVE tun, day ea.o.r.aled wan me 1,1 Wheit• towrry Prod., a, , d COM{III%.OII ..10th ic&epu. under Lrln of .1 S 1111.WORTII .4. ~ January 1-1,49 ClO-.P A RTNNII.:4 I P \ )I.rung lill JuLu )t t tr. r c, ,14111 c. tut, hurt. attrt r tte conducted under tum 0; m Oi.IJIg a. CO WILLI A3I t tt'N(r, BOOK TRADE. ENDLIBII AND AMERICAN BOOKS T .11[I:s LoClOvi 100. Imf ',ea., ,unLem L .J wdt. ) lemrs 11, nti um.l am Jo, WI . A.), New 1 del. eu I A d,m"lLehed BAAL ',And liom, at No \ Lcmd ,C,Vre'll and ith streets, A Lem may Le IAwAI a eltamLie S !ANL/AHD EN01.1,11 and AMERICAN AL rnotcs, a. 10, IA Mi• lAamms enme L7r - t•INL.LI-11 ;;;;;.; LAO; tAI. BOOK, It, Al•rstalle, N svapen. . ;.;;It ; 1);1'olt1.111IATFL/ ;•.;(t nre ctiutied u, 1,oul• ,ree L 13C, 3i3,/, tlo Am t ooArs Fe. • , vl, , desaru 03 11( 3 1/3 rua.. , /IN attart.,, MBIEIBM#IIIMiI :AM Ar. 1444 4 44 , 4 • r..grid.. tt' FS% AN., VALI ALILE % , 01(1.: 14• 44 ! .01 tts Reia.:ta mt., net - ottt.l ttt u v att trir l't.r.x.tusta Kar xha 1.-/..0.1 or.n pref. s.t4 41,4411 144, 41444 and ;wt. tat ntt , ,ettt A") 3 . 13114. ..11 4 44•11 tor.l . t' ne 4 tilul ' kV. tt liaioker .rr und ;aar. r J r a a 00, a:rcr: =lll 4,, eerlG.nt, RPV Ninon I,e e New•puper 41111 i .I.uxrrJo 11/1 u. .rti ~~i~ r ~ ~ n •iii ~. x~lv.~..rc MMI N ll4 rtl • r~llll 41 K111dr•In a 11,114 //d.• r r., arrrl roo I .rrlcr 1114 on, ric Ito:- r.oel . 4 v.,. ,rrrta v , ..trt r.• 11 11. 1,. 4 1411 1. 1A 1 .1 . .. 1 r.,:rtr • mo l t re. Ir. 1 titio Pr r• c rrrrluceil tl,l. 'elar,t.rt M.., 111 I.zigiu,l.l. lin .rippro,o I.'ar IP v :g1 II rtt i ,, A• 1 I.tutti ut 1.116 i; t'nurt., Lartit, tt, J .%stet: J:rmt Ad,cr t.l„~:~~,\hu, L7l'n Amu, g..t I...rn—Churic• }.p.demic rr and ,vr matt 1., i.u.11 , 13,..1. 2 vv... I.:uvtrhird “. ste cl trrg,tb and Chl,iortoa to 1-1, by Jsbigtt Thornton Tbt. blipetbutto to tbr Dead ,31 t'rovcr.a. lor the People, or liwelbabi.. , l Pructir nl Cotlltbr.o. dry,n trott the book or W... 1, Lb. S47rolons, by Dr Wayland. I:,,nrots of Alrworektogy, by .1 Broeigleaby, A NI •alc by it 111.1'101V , , toy' Apollo Building, 4111.1 j 11.4 AN PRIMEVAL. or The Conaututtnn and Prim, 1,1 uv, , 01.1,1101, WU., Human BeLnot. Aco ntnbu tion to Tbronmocal S,ence, by John Horrid. D. Men °lt vuriou. , ob• Jeri.. by II IV n, Ctsanh,g'y Works, rompleir. 6 vola, 12,n0 The your" r h Arthur uruforyn ed I vuk. -NYr rre'd by my 11 it 11 , /I I KINS, 411, .1, near wood Air, A , ' A I:1,AI F:Nli N Ter'. fino rd "lon, IV/Yu , wt.!, portrhos. Morn -75 r voltum Fur by .11/liNsToN & yo./ WFuicroN, rorner Ithrirt and :14 est - • . I)OGHW 1 3) (10 4 "—F:dent'. Vorinhon. of l'op , r7• JI by Rev Sperry ; X.rttophon', Works; "I'ltc,tox' Worts, l'itsyrraiiy Sereone, by Wayland: Natural History of Enthunmern; Ltfe nod Time. of. Philip Hen ry; Ltre of Rev Henry Venn; Prpverbe tho Profit of Magoon; Theapliony, or maldfc•tahon or God m Mn 11110.7. 01.1 Sowell Baitten., Hart, Ch nn ig on , by Tlogi Barnum, tut Import and triode, 'rho dle Kingdom/3 vol, fTheever's Lectures on l'ilgritn's Progre••.Wanderings of n Pi Mlo.ron 111 the n Airy, Anderso's Dottiest. t, ttttt littllloll, Itlodorn mono:who...me; Loot day. of Elsoha NVonwn of the Revolmoss, by hire Ella.; Life of Pollok; tar sale by muorr & ENGLISH, ftl wood st Tj Lid AN MAGNETISM—Its claps. In dstlinseton -1.1 ow inquiry, being on utter:opt to show tke othty of I app:ir1411011 for the relief of tallersig; by " Nrwllilltni, author of "Theremorocal tolltwore ,f Ilwly nod Tlte be•l wk on theentge,.l ti pubbsed r For sole by ELLIOTTELLiorr ENtiLISII. 711 wood et "MEW Oregon and California m I, II Quinn Thornton, Ime Juilgr ot ~ a preear Covt of Oragen, rod corresponding Forrnbrr of Lk, Arnerkrnn Instaute With an upen.s, rr rrnt and •uthr nor informal.. irn the •üb,r,t 601..1) al Callaalan, and mher vaivablr rnxl' ter of ntlerrst to lin. ennarums, SVith IJurtlr anal map. In Lwo volumes. . Rorieri, or page, of the book of hr.nt tweiltylry Alphoio. , de Lrenstrune.uneltor of the -I leoory oi the Geroodm.e, or l'ere.oreal Sle.inoir. of the l'althetx 01 French Revolution, - rte Just rreeevril nod eor solo by JI/LINNTON ruclel 1 corner market tend 3d It. Tub:. A REOMICTEII • n tb E c . 3. r 7 ,, n: w , l g o( co lls n e i ci a b m tic .: I. ref owned to 3ita. K. Eamith—liavtog mined a tinemuly of (told weighed by our Arcumotat, find icut lt prvve• your thdtrantent correct; and recommend nof um of 0 to Motto gouts to California. as Use heat method fur ot, ttutung the real amino of tio/d. Ratp..yourc, J. D. DUNI.V.VI,Goid Beater. nuaburgh, March 1, 1 . 171.47.0%Mil 7, ISM. Ma. ilastms—Door Sir: Hering examined the "Amu motr,' nanuisctored sit your ratios, I do not hesitate to c o mmend it to tar use of Mon gentlemen who are about removing to California to search of Gold. It loves • eine epproximation to the speelfia gent ty olusetals, and will certaenly enable the adventater ascertain when his placer 1.1 yielding Bold _martfl Yours, tCPWY, J. IL h.OOLINTOCK. AT W Ai. ll'CLilYTOCirq, No. itcleourth street, st, be teen a splendid ninety of sup Royal Vet ', sod Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Alias, Bros mls, ply. mud sup and elm Ingram Carpets, of sup styles and gonfalon, ruid m CCM/MCA:100 Can always be Mend 'ruble Live as, emote., Diapers, Dimwit..., Ma rceu, Oil Cloths, .kr sic., to all 01 which we nail the attention of the puttl.e. tug= FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE 2Tllls establishment long and widely known as being one of the mart commodious in the city of Baltimore, hue recently undergone very eaten stye alterations and improvement.. An enure new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping apartments. and extensive bathing rooms. The Luibes department has also been completely reorganizedand fitted op in a MOB{ unique and beauu fel In fact the whole arrangement of the House has been WlMOdelcal, with a single epe n on the Part of the propnetors, towards the comfort - end pleasure of then Onests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub sternal and luxury which the market adords, served up in a superior style; white in the way of Wines, tee., they will not be aurpassed. In conclunon the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their pan, and on th e part of then ainstants, to render this Hotel worthy continued patronage of their friends and the publiclene The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rate, Ludic.' Ordinary, $1,75 per day. Gentlemen's 1,50 nr. It —The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free 92 •4 11g .t • • maytild krOLIANG-k-TiolirETL. COO:Veit Or MN,/ AND ST. CLArli STS" r1TT113.611, PA. 2 Thesubsenber havingassumed the manage ment of this long estabhabed and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Traveller. and the Public gr•lerrdly. that he will he at all tunes prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House to now beang thoroughly repaired throughout and new Furniture added, and no puns will he !Tared to make the Exchange one of the very best Ilotels in the country. -The undertogned respectfully Felt.. a C0M0...C0 of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. I'HUNLAS OWSTUINI, fe.tt9tiff LAME A RTINE 116081 , . _ COarea 07 roll.. A. 0a....n 6211.7 . 11., rilTalerlatt. THE sulircribet respectfully announce. that he h. now opened his new and excellent Hotel for 1 / 1 c necoillnio4latton of travelers, [warder., and the public genera:ly 'rlic house and furniture are entirely new. and no paint or expel,. have bee. spared to one ol Lho loon[ collifOrtaable nod plcia...lll Hoi lotn the i-ity 'rhe ts determined to deserve, and there fore mnicits, a clime of public patronage. ortl4-dip JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor UIBITfiD STATES utodrlct, MUM, sr.. AND 1/157131 riPPoSITE late Elliot of the United States, PIM* ll delPhis M POPE MITCIik2..L. mar4l Propnetor. IMMO hiLSCELLANEOUS. Scrip at Par, TAKEN FOR CIIICKERINO'S PIANOS fiLfiBER, at Woodwelife, No. by Third meet. JU., offer. for .fife an elegant lot Cbtekenmes Ha nos, tfrostoni RE the f *west rash puce, for Pitteburgh, Allegheny eft), and County Scrip. They comprise from nto 7 Oft 3,•, and were effected by Mr Cluck • ering .r this market. They are warranted to be equal any to the city, having all the Latent liMprovemesita, Sueli Re etrcular scale, rte Buyers arc lovued in call previous to purchasing elsewhere, and, also, to tamp with them ,uroe good judge, professional or otherwise, to judge of the the above instruments. N 11 - Written guarantee, will be given watt each Piano. entitling the holderjo exchange in vane the m atron:lent U. proved in the least degree imperfect. or fut,ty my 4 11. K. FRESH SPRING GOODS. Shaeklett & Whitt, 1 Wood sweet, ask the ) Rx t,w 6( ,t m o ' l ll o ' f i N ( l ' e a r!it ' lnts . 99 to stock of A M ERJ CA N AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now recrivlng davet from first hands ceiving regular supoltes of first roods during the session. ~4J deyoung a large share of their their Enstc. Auction wale, they C. confidently atasstre boyars they will find tt to their triterest to examine their stack J wit received, !urge invoices of new style Dream Goods, Fluicy Print, Cassimeres. Cloths, Summer Goods. Laces. \\' lair Goods, Irish Lanett.. Tailors' Trimmings •nd brow ii and bleached Sheetlngs of v tal on. brands mar 3 JAMES W. WOODWELL, Madera and Antique Furniture, r‘2, Taint ttenra - r. Ferrseouin. 1 , large end splendid .•... —,...,..". ~,,.. assortment of Furniture. "1 ... 7 , 1 --. '':''',.., suitable for Steamboats, • .-.•----- • -.• ~ Hotel. end pnvate dyed- linss. constantly on band and made to order. The present stock no hand ea..ot be elceeded by any ulttuuntrtory 111 tbe wrstern country Persons swishing to purrhose would do well to give me a cetil, as I .un detrruuned toy pnces *ball plortue Part of the rock consists to— =BE= rete a Tae. Dogrel Elegem, Imna XIV Chmr..queen Illizabeth shun; Ten Poysr. Fruit Tables; Toot, fal ,, e, Lool, XV Commoder; reeneb Nlahorenny lied...tend< Piano Stools, Ise sot. ;vim Plash and Haar-Moth eovarL al Mahogany H.oattne Churn, 40 dos. Perrier do ai Fan. y do is rent, Tablas, tv pmr Lemma; a pair pier Tables; IS marble top Dressing Boman.: ‘‘'ardrobca, , Secretaries and Boot rases. al marble top 'Wash Stands, I par Ottomans: pm( fancy Wort Stands, A very tar, assortment of common chairs and other Mtnnure u/ tiomerous to Metllloll r Strum Boat* furno.hed Inc shortest nouee, loo:, the moot reasonable tem* dirts Choe.olate, Coco*, •.c.W Baker's A tro.rwon end French thoculatc. Yrepar. la•o*...oeps Pa .do, Brom*, Cue na She.ls Ase ,11 as-tenants and consumers. who mould purchase j„ the Octd rpl of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more outrionus t:.an tea or coffee. and in Lios Lay Loom, pas•cd. the subscr.her recommend. the above *mei.... mannotetured Cr , hOn*eit and stamped With hi. name Ilrosna and 1 . 4..0m Poet.'. a* delicate. palatable, fort, convalescents. and tnher*. are pranounced try the moat rl3ll.llll , Syncieut. .npanor any toher ikreparalion* nhanufazturee ..re soar*, on aa.r in any yuanuty. by the moat re- • Krug. , , in o,eS.terll rltle•. nnd thell K , lipurr• I.ray & co.. of Boman; /nal, '.l INN= 11 krttor.:,'ono. Ilunmr y & Mu: ray . New , York: .1 A PN. Tnutztak ltrundigr, 13.1- tOktor.., nu.l Kr'.l"s A Be.trtetk ClllClttall. ~No. N% A .TER BAKER. I,orr belar r For utle by tag3l I.tAtiALEY h. SMITH, Agu Wrought And Coal Iron Rolling : Tim .arbse rine,. bre:rave to thiorth the public. that :hr., o6tatnd troth the Eau all the late and Nrhione.b. , ....en. tor Iron Rallutg. both for hoarer and error,-,• Perron. wl.hiag to procure hand - ::• ,vl:ll,rale rall and exanone. will Judge trr thrrure.v•• Itatang wt:l tot lartushed at the abort. r.l the bel.t mahnrr. at the corner of ..10.1f and Iletteern Wee.. Allegheny City rue,' di: A LAAIONT & KNIUX Manufactured Tobacco. Lid yr Ir • .11 Vl • :P . z I rt.nlti i. • I 48 Y ' „ " s7A " li:) ' li "P 7-"" 15 n• I`,Jce & tiarvreed's 3 21 do d,• do Peoti hHarwood 14 do / noldlo.o/1 57 11, do do 01 do du Win DoWSO4 31 do T Wrw Id • 37 do li And,oon 5 do 7, T Inwc • 11 do 1l \lnr.!, • , Ilra,l/11 10.1 .ndld; from •tentocr rand Tracker, nod for goie 5e HEALD 111 'KNOB &. Co, 41 north water Id and 16 north wham.,., 7e24 l'unadelptun It 111/1.h1N,,, ANITACTLIO:O TORACCO—ZI hi his Oconee 111 &So'.Nur,or ‘weet lh lumpe Vi half his Webster Old oupertor lumpi 34 •• Lawrence Lome, 12MMVE0=121 '• 1-awreure Lanier 51 kdn plug /u.l iandmg film •Icnmer, and (nr .le by IIUCKNOR 41 N wafer el and 16 N wharves • my7l Phlladrlphiv W.A.J. OLKN N. book Binders. of we are prepared to do any weak in our line with des. pairh. WI, attend to our work personally. and sans- Inetion will be given ut regard to its neatness and du rabillty BIM. Boni" ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantially Hooks to number. or old books bound care toll yor rerouted Name. pot on books in gilt letters. 'Those iltai hove wort to our one aro molted to coll. Hirer* mw SKlNS—Wd•agentiiiie French Calf tilting, • •ery One notch,. A few donee. Philadelphia trout the thanura , tory of :11 Crawford to which the nitration or boot makers is invited, Just reee,yed and for •Mile by YOUNti b.. Co, '0:77 143 liberty at NOTICIt. JIA !NG sold our entire stock to C. ll.Otorr, 'rah a elev. , oloong our old busmen*, we hereby b. 0, hen for bun the inoronage of all nor friends and r Untie 110 W. POINDEXTER, Ihttchurgh, Aug 4th, 1541. C 11 GRANT. Wholesale ltrortr, Commlntoon and Forwarding Merchant. No. 41 Water in. walla _ BELL AND BRASS FOUNDifil. IA FL:I.TtrN, Bell and Bra. Founder. h. re Im It and commenced hostiles at ht. old mend, where he wkll too pleased to see hie old CUMOIII - and frirtle. Church, Sintanboat, and Dells of every etre, from 10 to taimo pound.. curt from patterns °Me inc.t approv ed t arram th ootle's, mod wed to be or eWO inatortala Ntriterul Wntcr Pump, Countcrot, rre., torrc• nu, walk every ver,ety or Wars Casting), tt required, termed nod lit the rieetert Planner. A I /11 the mole proprietor 01 1iA11.11 . 11 TION Alsr•g... so justly valebrated Ist the reduetton of frirt.ii in mixellinery The Boxe• andCompomuon can be tad of hlm Cl all Onto.. ,a110:ly PRINTING PAPER. rluuvr i u n b g T : r " tritr i Tg " l s ar ' iri h r r eTc Y nat r v u t r sr i paper null Lliot vicinity. will hr at all Uwe. well nap piled WWI the different In of paper or zupertor qua/. 4', squirt, we offer at the Inwerit regular plum Any awe or quality will hr manufactured to order at abort notice. REYNOLDS & RH RE, corner Peru and Irmo rt. Cdl„.trlllaNcli,o—,4ll:t.te.eezu.d ent t e f Gant Mama, Clothing, at prices ranging Torn $5.. - 50 to 811.611 for suit of root, pant, and haL Fin oak at the India Hulot, Depot, No 5 Wood st. do ad° J to II he itl,kiVELs--Ttsree more of Nose so sttstrY s) celebrated liumburgh PICLIIOIk, used constantly by List, Thalberg and other great performers, together with a largo assortment of rosewood and mahogany, of toy own manufacture. The above Instruments are warranted to he perfect in every respect, and will be sold low for cash. F MUNE. declP No 119 Wood al. Yid door from Eth . erlE cg e , el g ebnued Harmed Rthe Powder, in kegs, hell lebl3 'rounnen and rr 27w00d et izaprecti , aWaiiiT. 202 c.„".rd%', rnetd3 160 Liberty et L INSEED UlL—lu bbis ha store mad for sale by BRAUN & REITER, Ltberry and tIt CAW na HOTELS EMD=M LLANF,OUS. PAPER'HANGINGS MESSRS. JAS. HOW ARO & Co. , No. al Wood Street, WOULD call the attention of the public to their present stock of Per ,, Mangle," which for va nety, beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, is un surpassed by any establishment in the Union. Besides a large and foil assortment of paper of their own manufacture, they are now receiving a &reel tut portatton of French and English styles of Paper Mmtg tngs, purchased by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the Mtn, now in Europe, consisting of Parisian manufacture, 10,001 pieces. London do 3,000 do Of their own manufacture they have 100,000 pieces Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces satin glared Wutdow Blinds, &e. Messrs. lames Howard & Co. have spared neither expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the east ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of man ufacture and variety of pattern; and they are warrant ed to assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign and home mumfac tare, will be offered on terms u low as those of east ern manufacturers and Importers. meh27:dtf w. tom:Derr., of Pittaborgh C Y. ILIVINoLDS of Philadelphm POINDIHTES & SEYNOLDB, FLOUR. FACTORS, And General Commission Merchants, No. 423 Almaln Snout between Eleventh and Twelfth vw., PHILADELPHIA. _ 7111 E auhserthers heg leave respectfully to acquaint 4. their friends and the penile that they have keen elated themselves in Philadelphia. for the purpose of transacung a lieneral Commission 13usinces,imd trust that long experience in business will cream to them Lair patronage. lIT Particular attention iriX be given to mice of Flour and Produce generally;, and any purchases in the Ptaladolphm market (or Womorn account. 12. W. POINDEXTER, C. M. REYNOLD,+. . - REF ERF:NCES—The merehan. of Pittsburgh gen •ral ly; Springer & AVldteman, Lehmer & Anderson. Cineinnau, Oleo; II D Newcomb & Bro W B Clifton, Lew. Ruffner, Jo, Todd, latinsydle, Ky ; Crow, Mc. emery S. Barksdale, St I,ollln, Alo., Hewitt, Norton k Co W A Violet; New Orleans, La.; GrIL, Gillet. & Noyes. Ill'Gregor & Morns, New York; W R Thomp. son It Co , John Tiers in Co, Peter Marseilles, 13 NI Jones. Deal, Milligan & Burt, Philad . ll. ap.J.dra .1. C. P. 8141 TH, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, EITMEE , . NVill give ' , antralar attention to the colleetton of Claind all motley received, .Loll be remitted wahou m, t dealay, Revattaucka.--lion. B. Coulter, Supreme Bench, Pa., Messrs. Lyon, Short, & Co. St. Louie; Wood, Abbott h. Co. Fhttladht, .1 no ki Brown h Co. do; Mr. Charlea Ii Welltng, do; Eno, Mahoney IS Co New York, Chitten den. Blase IS Co. do; Baugher IS orendortr, Hatumore; W F& A Murdoch, do, Love, bloom IS Co. do; Mr. John Falconer; Meters. /AMU. Sterhng h Co throb burgh; Foraythe & Co. do; Hampton, Smith IS Co. do, Mr. L S Waterman, do. meleßbdtbn N EWC .u. O:l ,,t 3l4—At ZEBULON KINSEr S, 67 Atar i dot very high back Shell Tuck Combs; 3 " medium " " `" low ft 01 " plain high " " • 11 natror beaded top " 50 fancy top Buffalo " 10 plum " 20 groat corn. Horn; 30 dot shell side. assorted n -30 on. eon] hors Side; 3 dot shell drosain,g do; 12 dot Buffalo do do; 4 do Imitation du do, 00 do best English Horn, 6 do A S S fine Ivory, extra onto, IS do S do do, in boxes; 12 prow S fate do do, t do comb Cleaners, apl6 W•tt.11.11•3 r.isns. 0311 C• 11.11,1:14. WM. c. ft," • . . PALNINIR, HANNA & (Sucre-Astor. to Hussey, Hanna k Co BANKERS, EXCHANGE I.II3.OKERS, and deniers 1)) in Foreign and Demesne Eachange, Cerufirates of Deposite, Bank Notes, and Speete—Fourth street, nearly impost. the Bank of Plusburgh. Current loo ney received on deposite—Sight Cheeks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points in the United States. The tugboat mouton paid for Foreign and American Gold Advances made on concoments of Produce, atup ped Eat, on Itheral :emu. spy Gar N VIINTIOti V AI. CA itLE liISCOVERI" Y•rsee 3seoam Jarmaav lay 1449 =l= Ca. us, Wrstirrg Du s. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON Turs TABLES far surpassing every other in , venoon of the kind now extant. They dan be ex tended worn ten to twenty-five feet, and when cloned the leaven are all contanted Inatdet they are made to all amen and shaper. and are admirably adapted for Hmsmingut, Hotels. and large pnvam camtlles, form• tn,g when cloven a comptete centre table. t4oFistS AND BURF.Alatt—There Knicks are invo.l. cable. particularly to those who vetch to reono- • parlorn,. and convert a sleeping. apartment Into a or utting room. as they can be opened and shut at Convenience, and when shut, the bedding Is enclos ed A great saving in room and rent. AEI the bed steads when closed forma beanuful piece of furniture for a parlor or titans ream. ttto)K CASEN--A neat and useful article for parlor or dravnng room. WRITING DESKt , For lave offices, counung rooms, and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed stead, when closed • perfect Desk and Library alone ta Ail these articles need no recominendattota the beauty of the whole ts. they are warranted not to get out..of repair. It will be for your Interests to call and coitalne the arnele., at the nufacturer'. store, No. .11 Third street, Plusbarch. In addition to the above advantage.. the) , are proof against bugs. melt. JAMES W %VW - 111R7E1.h F. . l iCATE DR Nri A . c. E. c U rt N ifies ‘ , ' thot UT L ' inediately atter having attended my brother, who died of cqnsump,ion in March. 1,12. I aas taken stet with the Cfixisumpuon. or Liver Compltunt, and war reduced so law with the dises•e, that (or four years I wan unable t 0 attend to my business. inner at home or abroad. being for the most Liam onfined to my nett. Dunng the above per c i od of time. I bad expended for medical aendance o recular Physicians and medicines, to the tt amount of 15:4,41 without recelving an) benefit therefrom. In July.. 1,44. I rommeneed taklng Dr. Jayne's 'dedi cate., and have taken them more or lees ever Imre, and beneve Mat it was by petWaenng their use, that I ran non tru,y say that I have completely reco-. ver , fd my health. I believe that Jaynes Sanative Phis and.Kapectorant are the best family medicines now 111 US, reside in Springfietd. Otsego county, N.Y. and crry on a furnace and machine shop to that place, an a d am not interested fit any iunniier /II tar sent the above medicines, and make thia certificate wr i the ben efit of tho-r ottlbettd ELIJAH EATtiN Spriatchrid..N V. Sept In 10-to m.l m rm:, dealers reneral!y, to the folloolmt brands Tobacco-, glott and lo arri•e. %lo ch Oesog con•ognment; re, from mo.orfar,rers. no IS to ex., oto mmes: I'o I t,s R W Crenshaw Ss, 1 1 I " Jame. Nlo.,,limon Ls, n 1 1 I . I.nanmoine S., XI I I . Slirabeau Se, 9.1 I '• honam Ss ..I Is, 15 I - Roberta d Smarm So, 4 4 - Oscar burl Se, 9 I .. Johns k. Lewla la, 'I I n Warstork, .upr Is, 4. i . Usury & James Se, I. and Rs, (Orli 1.. WATERMAN Pitt Narking, Works and Ponndry: TotIN wßiGirr a. Co., are rtenured to Amid Cotton and WoolPn MarMori . ) of cver. us Curdlng Morino., Solninng F,m,••. Sperm,' Druvrlng I , rnmrs. liathray Heads. Warprr.,Spo,,lrrs, Dr,,,stng Frames, Looms. Card lirtndr ra, ,!cr Wrought Iron Shafting turned, all stirs ot Coot Iron. Yu,lte., sad Hangers of thr latest paurrns, s,tdc and hand I.at and toots of 511 Ittadn rasuagr of evrry dc-crtotton furtushed on short notice. Patterns mod , . to order for licartng, Iron he. Strum hoe for brat. Fartortrs. V.aet Iron Wnt.low Sash and foamy r..• grner Illy Urdero lett et the Warehouse to Pa h., & t'n Liberty &Erect, will have prompt urea,Uon Refer in Illickstoce, Hell a. Co, J. K. Moorehead tr. Co.. li F.. Ws er, John Irwin et &on*, P.ttsburgh . G. C. A. J H War er, Steubenville. intil9 P nn kl•ohinikhop. HTT W IGH' I AN—elanufacturer of all k inds or rei n . ton and ak.lleti machinery, Allegheny elty, l'a The above wait!'" being now In full and successful op ration.' am prepared to execute orders with dispatch (or all kinds of machinery tit my line, such no wdlows, pickers. spreaders, card., grinding machine.,illiiNVOys, drawing frames, speeders, throssils, looms, woolen curds, doubleor single, for merchant or country work, mules.). her;ks, c., slide and hand lathe• and tools in g it e. ro.I All kind. of shafting mode to order, or pleat giv en (or gearing factories or nulls at ressonahle charge. Rivas To—Kennedy, Child. et. Co., tllackstock, Boil A Co , King. Pennock hCo., Jas. A. Gray. NEW COACII PAPTORY, A I A. WHITECO., would respectfully inform dn. the public that they hove erected ashop on Laeock, between Federal d Sandnaky stream They nre now making and are prepaid to receive orders for every deseription of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's. Ba touches, Buggies, Ph tone, /cc , which front their long experience in the intimater tore of the above work, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they ate enabled to do work on the m reasonable terms with those wanting amoks in their oot Itne. Pay tog particular !Mennen to the selecoon of mate nal*, and having none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in sat/minting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N. B. Repaving done oi the best manner, and on the matt reasonable Tyrat. Jlonongahel in Livery Sta.ble. ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened Irk the largelt“l.l , I: on First et, runnt in through nnd . , b tween Wood and Smithfield lie rear of the klonongahcla Rouse, wall an entirely new stock of Horses and Carnage. of the best quality end latest styles, Horses kept at live ry in the bent manner. »-AdlY - - Patent Graduated advance Battery and Paten' insulaud Pola for Medical and othsr purposes. THIS the only inatrament of the kind that bias ever been presented in this country or Europe for med iael purports, and is the only one ever known to nian, by which the galvanic Auld can be conveyed to the hu• man eye, the ear, the brain, or to any part of the body, either externally or lntnronlly, In a definite gentle L "r illo t:el"e'aPPloerst pain —witheiee perfect This important apparatus la now highly approved of by many of the most eminent physlmans of this coon try and &mope, to whom the afflicted and others whom it may concern can be referred. Reference will also be goveu to many highly respectable citizens, who have been cured by means of this most enfeeble apparatus of someabf the molt Inveterate nervosa disorders which could not be removed by any other known means. - Among canons others, It has been proved to be ad• morably adopted for the cure of the following diseases, •m: nervous headache and other diseases of the brain. It is with this apparatus alone that the operator can cotton the alarctte fluid With case and safety to the eye, to restore sight„ or core macrons; to the ear to restore beartng; to the tongue and other organs, m re, store speech; and to the various parts of the body, for the Cute of chrome rbeurnansre„ asthma, neoralgou, or tic dolour:eel; paralysis., or palsy, gout, chilica SL Vito's dance, epilepsy, wealmms from liar..., some diseases peel/liar to frontal., coutraction of the Webs, lockjaw, etc. eta. Rights forhurrounding counties of Wester Pa, and an V also i"l teTet c tth e o ' re, "'""'' ot disct may be p" haeed' d Full instruction* will be given for the various chemi cal* to be used for various aiseasea, and the best man ner the operating for the cure of those diseaseswill be pally explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet pot into his hands expressly for these purpose., care fully prepared by the patentee. Eutostire of octl3-dly PI WILLIAMS, Vine at. Pittabargh. CIBEESE-100 but extra Ceram [beau, ost 1110'd .and rot sale by my 3 J U CANFIELL•D DRY & VARIETY GOODS FRESH SPRING Goons E are now opening a eery l nod Moak., sot - truant of SPRING A.,ND SUM arge MER GOODp selected with more than areal care during the lam few weeks, in the New York and Philadelphia markets, and embracing a great variety of almost every de. seripuon of the latest and most fashionable styles, said a large portion of it havng been bought at the EAST ERN AUCTIONS at a great reduction from the regu lar sates, we are enabled co offer great Inducomeats to cash buyers, either by wholesale or retail. We would therefore respectfully invite the actention of the public to our Stock, feeling confident of oar ability to suit buyers in almost every smote they may wish in our line. To the ladles we would espeatally commend our stock of Sms-vow Dam Slum of which we have a very large and beaunfol assortment of the latest styles and most faahmnable color. Lana:. Cass. goons—Monslin de Lames, Potl do Chcevre, silt, linen and mohair Lust.res, paused Lawns, gingham Lawns, Foulards, new style Severn, EngLish, French and Scotch thogiiruns, linen sling hams in great canary, ace. itc. Botrains—New style Bonnets, very cheap. RItMON - 9 AMP Fhowatits—Of the latest styles and supe rior In quality . Psassohs.—A very large and handsome stout of Par asols. cicala.. every style and quality. Swivel-a—A fine assortment of spnng and summer Shawls, of all styles and pnces. F'ardicit Currioi—A good supply of roper French, English and ..truencan Cloths and Cassuneres, to witooh we would insitte the uttention of persons needing such gash ALSO—A roll and general so r ry of shitting Checks, brown and bleached usliao, Table Lotena, Sheeting., Diapers, Comilincs, summer Goods men,. mid boy.' wear, inconcta, 51.11 , SOVIZI4 Nan soaks, Nan k tus, Prints, tinigliams, Crepe, Crape Lace, , Craved (Hove., Hosiery, silk Hdltts, &c. Person!. wlstong to buy uy Nano:coal., should call and examine our stock, MI our prices are such as to make it their interest to buy. ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 Market st, apgl normwest earner in me Diamond 4 A MASON re Co.. No. 60 Marget street, have no hand the largest variety or Embroideries winch they have ever offered. Their assortment con sists in part of the following goods, vii. 1 3 15 , erutfrolatfred N11 ... ..frfr0 , 1 , 2 0 5 i t0;. : from 8 3 1 1 50 to m . ttl) 51.10 crochet Co:Laret, from 37i to 75 350 lace 700 (iiennure • 13n Jenny Lad 1=1MIE! MO ;onus muslin Cuffs, • 371 to 62{ Also, Mournlng Collars, from I,Ato Cad at the cheap one once store of A A MASON S.. Co, No 110 Market st. myllt IV KW RIBBONS, BLACt SILKS, BLK. BABA- G ES, IL Meayur hue this morrung re ceived by Raines* a lot of handsome straw colored, green and blue Bonnet Rd:Atolls. Also, glossy black Silk. for dressos, Vintes, mantillas, tic. libscs. SILK LACED—A large assortment lately reser ved. Witt. Goons (or dresses—such nsand mull mushily, Nansooks, /kr Also, embroide red musims for dresses. all at lowest pnecs, at northeast corner Fourth and Markel streets. Whole., Rooms up stairs. myl4 pRENC/I LINEN AND LINEN LI.:STIVW: R. NI carat has now open a full assortment of a above article, for dresses and sacks—among the lat• ler are some scares colors, such as pink, blue, green, fric ~also. pink, bloc, green, and mode colors of Cha meleon Lawns, and a large assorunent of embroider ed muslin. and lawns. NV It M.'s recent purchase Is now all received and open. and persons wanting Dry Goods will do well to look at los urge and fresh stook before purchasing— at northeast corner 4th end Market sts. Wholesale Rooms up mom. 'lO , l A. riFICI AL FLOWElLS—Materials (or Artificial Flowers, vir. Plain tissue paper, spotted do, Car. lame paper for coloring, Pink Sancors, Leaves of eve ry form, buds. ups, and callow.. eon be obtained at F H PATON es Co'. Trimming Store, apl4 02 Fourth st EM.BROIDEKI—kk orsteo paver. for Ottomans, Plano Stook Table Covers, 'Traveling Bags, with a greatvariety of small patterns. Also, NVeirateds of color, and shades, by the pound, ounce, or skein for sale by aiill EA 'TON & Co, ei2 Fourth st ! ECOND SUPPLY—W It Murphy, at northeast war °ner of Ith and Markets treets, has now open his semen supply of spring and annuncr Goods, and has large 41.01 - 11nell I of Dress Goods of newest styles, and staple Goode of every lund, all of which will be sold low. ap27 BEEN NIUSI.IN GE LAINE—W B Murphy hos 1.7 re dived Inc I,ore scarce and desirable article, of the fashionable snade; also, Green Storages. 4127 1711 , iIOLZSALE Utt.Y GOODS• A. USDA k CO., CAI ‘1... lONERS AND IMPORTERS, 60 MARX. Swart, ARE now opening the most extensive and varied assortment of Spring and Summer Goods ever exhibited in the Western country, comp - mum upwards of Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased in entire pucka go. from the manufacumers, importer., and large ones non sales, by one of the firm residing In New York, who is constantly sending us the newest and moat fashionable good. They name in plin— th() cases rich :tram Petits; 30 cases Mde Lathe; .• ha was and Itlnalins 35 • cotton and linen taro • bleached hlualms,all Gin hams, grades, .1 at rai d 4U ' shrrung Cheeks and 27 u Bipkas Cotton. domesue (iingharas; odes sad summer Stern 22U `• Brown Mushnsi Also, nos, and pacirnaos of Bonnets, Flower', I.a -., 11.11.bons, - Silks, Shawls, Beres.. Vane Goods, Millinery Ankles, Clotho and C.lnmores, Linen., Ho ar'''. and Gloves, &c. &o. City and country merchents will Lad their stock. as large grid desirablems Eastern stoeLs, nod an exami nation of their goods and prices cannot fail to COP. ail that wait their undeniable advantages and famitues, they can compete Wino artv Egsvxmis Jogai. This (act has been clearly demonstrated to hundreds of their patrons who funnerly purchased East. Theto stock always he tound complem., are' NEW GOODS, 1849. ENNEDY k SAWYER. corner tEnbil and Fourth 11.1 •tree, :lom receiving direct Irmo first hand, s vim, of Fancy and Yarte.ty tiomta, Ing.uittng riocks of ev,ry vanety, gold and sillier Watches, Frinich Prints, Combs, Hoof" and Eyes. liloves and flowery, Suspender', Gun Cup, and all other onto., in their of tchtch havog Peen purchased personally of the manufacturers east. du ring the last expressly Mr the Spring trade. and be 1.0:11 VI" 11C, I V at it small advance on coot. Constaip.iy harm, all dePerl(.o. of Looking Glass 'es, of our ors, Maililiikt,ll,C, a. eartlvro Imre,mhtl 1C ENV FANCY AND VARIETY 60012,—At Ztß ULON KI NSF.) 'rf.. fif7 Marittf.sneet. Baf pi , fine Cm. Vann-, an.. it 175 net* tan. and , rut velvet coat Buffoon: 40 fine trivet Carpet 132,1, 2tl do do gent. truncitng; 100 groin fancy ant Buttons. hor drennen. Err Nail Brunhen, DlP'kl. gm fine is Vent Bu•fottn.ann'd, 25111,10 do grit and Plated, do: 25 do. rogewood Hair Brushes. 4 do Waskagton do; 1 fto Burn,. Jo, 3 gro Finh Lutes, Finn Floots , Jute. riot. Ac J ENV!. V.he •51; gold lever NV atehe. 30 do de .n..l ;ever \ Vale het. 10 do Lernne do, 10 fine dm , mond Finger Itmen; I Mr: fine gold Vest and Pol. Chant.. Y do do Guards; Breast Pau, Ptuger Rtn,gs, Itar Hints. ke 1:1.0V E. , . he —att. doz Ladies Cotton Gloves, ass'd, 31;(1;;lo do Thread, fancy top, lb do gents' shlt Gloves, 12 do do 0.0 do, SO do ladies kid, ai r s' d. 10 do do fan, top'stia VARIEtY 1.01U05-70 pog. American Pins: NO zs Colton Cords, 15 p. Paper ‘lusltn, 500.000 ribbed Percusstott Caps. .2.o‘lgro dress Whaleboat; do; 100 doz ; Ivory Combs. Dressing Combs, Hack Combs, &o. L , II ECw a see nopentog their ttprtng t stool of Trimming., ennetstlng to port o( Man and Dr,: Fringes, I.itupn, Inaest and cord ptlk Lao,. I.nee. and Tro rpu.nes. 2.;rt;•. lad:, and eathlren platen nan ny Ilostery, 01111,s !or men am; ho, s, Combs. ory and other Fen, torn. Spool Cbttott, Needles, Tapes, Rot, ben, Pm., Re he, wtnekt then oiler for sale. both whoiessh• and retml, at thee Trtminttig zttore,62Fourtu crcet. twt.twttrt Wood and Market. apt! ENV SPRING <MODS —A A ce Co , ,No _ 00 Market .treet. are :law opratng .10 ease. nod package. of .plendat SPRING GOODS, couspriting Lawn., Ileregen. NI de Lames, Gingham., Frenca Cambric., Linen., Ribbons, Lanes, Silk.. Snawl.. llosiery, and a genera, assort ment or Goods melca despErs, tl;l3l , lff3f TFICEIVED 'nib , D.ll'. Citrpetir and Oil Cloths of the latest and most approved patterns, and m prices to suit purchasers, and cheap as Call be pur chased in any of the Eastern cities, compritung the fol lowing varieties:— Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpet.; Ault - 101.1er Carpets; any area hall rooms or veal Tapestry do Pbuln. Sup Royal Brussel ado Tape. try stair carpets; Extra sop .3 ply do Ilruvvels do do Superfine do do ebernile Roo; Extra sup Ingrudn du Tufted do Superfine do do liras ell do Flue do do Cern=le lloot aata4 Common do do Tolled do do 4.1.3-0 & I Tnpertry Ade laid do do Dantaak do Sheen skto do do • 4-1.3-4 & ttvPd Ve- 1 . 2-4 Ernb'sed Piano covers nettan do 6-4 do Table do 4-4. piton do do d--1 wool do do Cotton Ingrain do LA worsted and linen do do do Vet an do Brass Stair Hod• cotton Drugg.t; 124 woolen do 144 wool crumb cloths Stair Linen MEMO - • t.:ogli•tz Table lh; cloths; Dtoper do German do do do do Cramh 0-4 Floor 0,1 cloth•; Snow-Drop NopkAus, 7.4 do do do enuason Plush, EMEMBiI . . 4-4 do do do Carpet Booting - , Sheet Oil Cloths, of newTralisp , nt Window Shad. CCra 'g tlPe . a P li ' a ' re tn we r a u r t e ' eo fi n t stuntly receiving oar Sprat . melt of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Steamboat Trimmtairs g , to which we mime lie au...lnuit 431'1111 who wash to fur nigh their lotuses or steamboats a. We nen he able to offer goods as low . they cut be purchased in the Kest, and of the richest and late. stY Ira Coil and en. amine our stock I.e fore iitumh....':^.'ber.s Wnre house, No :sFoorth oh In .• c h 2-3 NV. NI LINTOCK. The Largest, GAropra ank m l4ool Fashionable Stock of Goods, adapt..( to Gentloosen't Spbsng and Slimmer Wear, LI plli metiotng at Wlll. DIGDY% CHEAP CASH CLOTHING STORE, • "- Mb LIBERTY !STREET. IsllFPropel,. of Me above establishmont would respy runny inform h. numerous Cll,lollllef, that he has Just returned from the Eastern ratios with the most splendid assortment of goods in his line, dint was „.„ „neg. to this city, composing all that is now fashionable, elegant and Cheap in Cloths, C.simeres, Cefiatlf 1,11, Map Be Etc, and every description of cotton. linen and woollen Bummer Stud's, Shins, Cm vowgats, Ildkix Suspenders, in., of the newest styles; together with his vary large and fashionable stock of reedy-made Clothing, he is prepared to Offer et his usual low prices. Country blerChants, Contractors. and all who por chase largely, are particularly invited to call and ex the stock, which is decidedly tho largest and most fashionable in the city. and great attention has been paid to got n up minable to me wholesale trade. Orders ni the Tailoring live executed in the most fashionable manner. and that nothing may be wanting to ensure the newest and best style of cutmig. A gen tleman who h. hail great experence in the Eastern cities, has been added to the establishment. mett2l,d3m DECIrOOODS SHACKLETT & WHITE. Dry Goods Jobber•, IVro. DO WOOD STREET—WouId call the artentlon of )Instants to their large stork of Doinelido and Foreign DRY GOODS, last receiving from the up. porter. and litandfaantrers, mad which they will .ell et very low rate. for cash or approved credit. Our stock is now fall end complete, and well worth the attention of buyers, as am ere determined-cm aell at tech extremely low mice. u cannot tad to melee It a moil Inducement tot merchuft toumbe a. bill 'KID utsbal XVI. NO, 268. VOL. 1101DINFEIMI1111 131 / 1 11311.140/3 7 • •• TUE PROTEGTION FIRE AND MARINE gystauNcE COMPA. NY OF HARTFORD, CONN.. CHU:111MB CI ISM Cavite' Stook, Annual Receipts, and sure!. and 11.000,000. All !opens promptly paid et the General Agency OF for th e Western Stetes,lonautd at Cincinnati, Ohio. This Company is of long standing, and well known throughout the United States for Its solvency and prompt payment of lossmt—having trimmed sad net. tied, to the satisfaction of all corsterned, Over 5,000 1.03415, esnortnitng in the 10 sari MISZLDIta H. WU..., the receipts for w nit axe on the Mena . the Company at Hanford and CindlnnatL The Putsborgh agency of this °race was originally held by Moses Atwoodi. Esti., and wu subsequentil [sled out of the State. by a law amounting to a pro bitten of all Foreign Insurance Companies, PM in ...o wn ID e.g.* loss by the An of 10th April, IS The agency IS now trent - salted under the chary of the undersigned, who will receive applications and issue Polictes egainst LOSS OR DAMAGE 13Y FIRE on Stores, Warehouses, Dwelling., e.c., with the con tests. Also, on Goods, Wates and Merchandise a. &West the penis of MAXI. •50 1111 a-In fig,113.1M10.1. at e cermet rates of premium. Office at M. 11. BROWN &BROTHER'S, N 0.1517 PAYETTE MOWN, • Agent Protection InouteitheTCo. for PitnEorgh and Allegheny Co. ap2s:dym• I=2 Nonce to the holders of Pat.aSurgh Croy Scrip. TN conformity with the 2tl Seatton of the Ordinance j_ of the 19th of April, 1.949, directing the widersignod uto negotiate FOR CM SCRIP the Bonds and Mart gages of individuals held by the airy for property istald,l* vaunting to TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND DOLi LA RS"—public notice is hereby given, that the gad, obligations will now be disposed of for the CorpOrlia unities of the City of Pittsburgh, of the denominaumw of One, Two and Three Dollars. Further notice ta hereby given, that City Donets bearing interest from the 19th day or April, 1e49 at the rate of 11 per cent. per will at any time hereaf ter be issued to the holder or holders of City Scrip,. he' stna of One Hundred Dollarn and upwaels, aceoriblitg to the provisions of the Ordinance of the above deb. ap2l S. R. JOHNSTON, CitY Tt,v tAttreL V IATRI*8 ; 0 1 • 11 VZ7*IE :WW,ER3 F:1 Are ,v1G:0 lennAt., J,•••g,• A N EMINENT and experienced Pbyaimanfrostrthe 1. East, of 20 years standing, offers to treat all oases of a Delicate Nature with promptness and secrecy. Ills *accessin Buffalo. and other large eines hirs been proverbial. His charges are moderate, and his cures permanent. Old eases of Gleet, Stricture, Seto- Ada, Fluor Albas, Rhintmatisin, Ague, Syphilis,. or any chronic or inveterate bases solicited. A rare 141.0.11ted, or ChtUITO refunded. yt Orman, St. Clair street, I doors from the Bridge. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis.. N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the worst cases of any disease in Pittsburgh to call. WILLIAM HELM, Manufacturer of Mineral Water Apparatua, 1.0 07 TIM G... .0. AIM 1191,71..t1 No. 213 North Second st., above Vine, PHILADELPHIA. j i . li m ex , li i cr , tence of rffe n. Zetr v twelve years in the end the prerara ' uo t z u t ' fi ' l l' lli o n l eral Water inf'lLAttri=ttut thins, on an extensive scale, with a scientific and peso deal knowledge of of both branches of business, toge ther with recent improvements in the construction of the Apparatus and the preparing of the Water, which he has succeeded J.O adopting since his visit to Pails, and atter years of close study nod warden' applica tions as applied to the arts in Mechanics and Merida wnables the subscriber to coma before the Nadia ith enure confidence, and offer them the best exi most complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of [thin veal Water in Bottles and Forunatna, that can be tar nished to the United States. He also damns htmself that. the enlarged success ha has met with, and the present extensive and daily in. ereanng amount °flue business in both the above de partments, furnishes the most e.vineing proof of .dis claim to the superiority of Apparatus over those of all others, mild of the punty and salubrtry of the Water prepared therefrom Peron. whit order the Apparatus from a distance s :nay be moored that their lostraenons shall be faithful ly complied watt, and soacked as to enrry safely either by land or water to toy pan oldie U. Satan To avoid disappoontnenh it reeolllll3ended to those who intend stipplyirig then:Luny. the approaching stia sou, to forward their orders at as early a day as con venient_ AlLneral Welt, Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and Fountrunn Ornaments! Urns and Pedestal. for Stands, Counters and Bars of Hotel.", for drsortng Hydrant Water, together Dna, Corkmg and Tylng Machines, and overytfung appercanung to the above business, constantly on hand, and for solo en the lowest terms for cash, ap2Stdecaltba GROCERIFfI6Obgs - inme ()reed RioCoffe 75 pckgs Y H, Imponel and 0 P Teas; 50 boo Cl., 5s and Ss span TobaccOt 300 bbl. N 0 and nagerhouns Molluscs, 26 MIAs N 0 Sugar, 150 bole Shad, liernags, Mackerel and Salmon; 30 do pore Flaxseed 50001nuned Cotton )(string 75 g bales Batting and Candlevnek, Pepper and &Upton' 40 boxes Pearl end Common Starch, 60 do mould and dip'd Candles, 10 do Star do 150 do Not Soap; DOW Sides and Shoulders Bacon; 75 dozen . Corn Brooms, In non, and for sale by span____JOHN WATT ,k CO, Liberty' at • f FHB aultscibtr-tze recess:l4lnd a:Aufor aide :ow rates.. lnllu,v,, lOU packages Y H, Impend and G P Teas a 6.1 bvs Gm and Jaya t..offee. 150 pkgs 5, 12, 1 lump, 16 ca d s's spun Tobacco; I;LLhbd. 11 Sugar. ' Don Mtn 0 Moloney; n OD In assorted Nos Loaf Sugar, 15 do Tanner. Oil; 18 do Lamp. Oil, ItO gross Blookulg; .11 mkore`, No L 2 and . ; to bbls arta hf bbly, 300Rus Liebec stare Homng, 30 btu white 'Neat 25.bgat Pepper. La do .blspice; 2 mats Cowen; 5000 Ibs Cotton Yarn, attakl Nos; lIJO bales BaltinZ 70 bas Palm Etisap; .5U do Toilet k Variegated dm 25 do Starch, Su do Large Hannan 10 balcs Almonds, 25 do Palm Nuts; Ut In 'Walnut.; lB do Flt bans; 7bp ground Nets, IS bolt Spiced Chocolate, cases Loynarlee, IS len Ponotpc and Regatta Segal'', 40 gross Cut and Dry Tobacco; 20 nu Bed Cord.; 15 boo Bock Candy, 15 Las Sperm Candles; 33 do Star do. cad Onabre Aleddcr, S ceroons Lntiggps; w" 7 '"' 2 roves glove,; I do Masonic • 10 bbl. Wlnust,c, do Chalk, 50 dot Bockats, 4000 lbs :mimeses, 2 ,, boo fi n e out Chewing Tobacco, centaimt and hap Spaussts Ctgers. LNUI.ISII & RENNCI' r,77 wood.‘ • aptS6 opposite St Charles Hotel TS AND CHURNS. Pine a n ti Cadar Wary Manufactory, No 87s cues AliatET ua Furs ri lIIE subsonbor keeps constantly on hand, wholes coin and ratan, very tow for cosh— Wash 'rubs, Barrel Chums, Bath Tubs. tad Churne,., linear Hue k ets, Cult Banns, ke. All other nude Ware In Ms line maple to order. in:Y.llw s'aituLL tutuzsEN, Diaphragm Filter, for nyilramt Water. THIS is to certify that I have ap pointed Livingston. Roggen & Ca. `vole Agents Mr Ore sale of Jeuning'a Patent Diapraligth Fowl for We ei.l nes of n,ustpursta aild Allegheny. JOHN lilltSON, Agniu, - For Walter al Gibson, :119'Bruadway, Oct Pl, ISM. We nave been tang of the Move ante/. at the office of the Novelty Warks for three months, on trial, s od t perfectly ramied thnill hi a maw invention, sod we take pleasure in recommending thcm as a use ful article to all who love pure water. Orders will be thankfully received and prompdy executed. ST9 9 LIVINti aTON , ROGGEN h Co Gfg AT WgiIVERN SARCVN"r'Ii2LA4tWIP h I Te . r r takes iotamethod of informing s friends mid the public ie general that he ha. the largest stock of thedollowtng named artl• cies of his owa nianufactare in (hos city—Baddles, liar. cant; Trunks and Whips, all of which be wilt warned to b.,,, ma d e of h e neat material and by the best mech. arum in Allegheny coun: y. Being determined to jell bin manufactures tornething lower than has been her0,,,,i,„, ,,,,i,„, so ld by my similar establishment In the y, ar is e s l invite persons in need of the above nanted artle to his warehouse, No. NI Liberty street, ono site Seventh. Also. bands made to order for macron.. rl• • ociatiLly El KERBY. • PITTSBVRCiii FEACTIFIG I MIT Il e irt - K pill: Second Stigma of this Institution, under the _l_ care or Mr. and Mra Gamma for the 1.....t academic year, will commence on the first of Februa ry veil, in the same buildings, No. tel Liberty street Arrangement* have been &ads by which they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal to any in the Weal, for obtaining a thorough English, Clod. cal, and Ornamental educauon. A full nouns of Phi. limphical cud Chemical Lectures will be delivered tiering the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de partments of Verret end Imarumernal Mace, Modern Languages, Drawing anP ro Pd atnting, *Wench be unde the care of a competent fessor. By close a/tendon r to the moral and Intellectual improvement of theupit pile, the Principals hope to merit econtinuatlon of the liberal patronage they have hitherto mo a pe& Phi towns, see circular or Apply to the Pnnerpal sugadtf IRON ID RJR FR rop,.. dry in a dourishiug town, with Patiertui., Tools, Ac., all ready for bustnoss, will be sold en /000011110. Jan ng terms, or a:Mimic for Iron or gooda Tim oiler. an excellent opportunity to a young man with mall capital to commence the Iron Foundry liti imma. Enquire of SCAIFE & ATKINSON. tett Ito near Wood street. Dookbar Beale*, Oookbag Stoves, G 4t.a. IL/ ARsijALL, WALLACE & CO, Round Cherub, in corner When" , nod Wood streets, manctettigo. and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Glamor mkt, of the most unproved quality; Cooking horn,, for wood and coal; Egg 'eves of Canons slana Parlor and common Grates; llollow Were, the. &e. They alms manufacture the Kitchen itenre, which has given such general sahafaction to those liavm g It In was, to all of which they would respectfully snows the attention of the unison, and the public generally. 00127-dtf DATFINT. rAILD----An assortment of Cornell, & Co's c elebrated mho facture, and superior to all Vol in use; adapted to churches, steamborus, (octane dwellings, pobbc sod private halls, and to a/1 other ascii where a cheap, safe and brilliant light is desirable. Also,Girandoles,Lanterns, Candelabou,Globea, Shades, Wicks, Climates, Cans, Tnmmars,&e: Alto, Gas Chandeliers, from one to four hghts. dees W W WILSON, 49 Market at - - - - lEla rdetrare.weheaper them lalwera T (26, 41 I , yiLsoN & CO, Importers and WholearsJe 1.4 Dealers In Hardware, cutler, and B t.dederYi Na t 9) Wood street, above flan, harem'w in store& very , cheap and well selected stook of Hardware, imported note the decline of prices JAZ:trope, and winch they are determined tosell eorrerPondinglY l o.• hlexcharda who have been Hathe hahlt of plas East, are punk,. laxly requested to cull and loo; - tltrolrgh our mock, we eentuleotly beltere Shaven/1 save itiluzspertes. ott4 w -- NL,K --- a...:F00 We 'Matey for. apes W k 2.1 eIITCHELTIERki - - • ARll—vg bbt Ito 1, to cam larl2 MUT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers