The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 08, 1849, Image 4

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eFri - 5 - 13. -- riG =
. .. . . .... . .
TIM Propnctor of this .... , ,I known lion of Canal
guts. is now prepared to transport Pa.sct,clers
and F,efght to 101 pool on the lute Ex ten...,.., New
Tort Canals and the Lakes, upon the in.,. farm cll.le
terms and with despur.h.
This Line taus in connection with the Pram ;• , ,a,.
BEAVER mad CALEB COPE, Lauren Puts, ,rca
ond , Basser, C M Bertha Lille of strata bnau on,, .e.
sels on the Lakes, and the Trn7 .d Michigan Lake
Boat Line on the New York Canal.. ,
C. M REED, Psoprielot, Elia, J . e_
Bidwell & Brothel, Agents, /teal.. r.
W T Mather, Agent at I Meskimcn's Passcazer
Ogee, Monongahela flame, Pittsburgh.
ctAgigltaTt. g —IV
,C Malan, Sharon; IEreSII el'.
Bhupsburg; Smith & 'Downing, do; J B Plnroater,
West Greener/19 Wink, Achre l's Co, do; Win }in„,
Ilarutown; Davis & Sutton. Buffalo; Borneo. GiI,L., k
Co; Sandusky; Joe A Armstrong. fircoir R,e1.; & ,,,,i &
Newbecl'il, Shehoita__..., M'Clurr & :Cilium+ Mow aa .
kin. Kn., iilartey & Patten, Racine; John /1 Kona,
Chiedro; A Wheeler & Co, New York. sus s
Pittsburgh mud Blairsville Par-kit-11n.
INEWaI - 1849. fpfip igh •
'POE ethii. •,. r iTw''ll - h - cli' informed that J 31.
A, MAitSJIALL CO. iiiiit hoed oat new a... 1
spientlid Packet Bo ts to run during the season 1.•
turret. Illair.vtlie a d i
Pittsburgh—thr Lotus to be row.
ed by :tree horses, .d ev-ry ellen rondo to se ant pa...sre,
DarAh. -- nn.-1-14 ita will ;enve Pithildelh evert
Mond.T. Tuesday, hur..tny ~ ' l'r,day. a , . cir' 01. k,
P.M. Front Maio, 'lie every li.u..cicly. 1, ..< ,,,, '. •
Thorular al,d Sat due, ~t 7 &Muer; .. a . l'Ll '''''' "l
at liiitaboriFh the ama day A two hem: Huck !Oval.
Indiana wilt meet te how. at Saltation/hi both or , .1 , -
ward and downer d tnp—poinon Puultget , through
tram that place to us day
Freight for the our Line wid he reeoierd • the
Firrse of the Boa COM LIPP. by Jno. barren A t , a..
who are our antho ic ed Agent'. All fire:gni tree i , ad
tree of cournissim .131 MARSHALL t Co.
(r ,
.1110 FAR It CIV A Co, A genls,
Canal Basin, Liberty at, Pittsborgh
A liner leaves Illstrevillefor Youngstown on the
arrival of the hoal—rcturns to boat In mortneg. Pare
tram Pittsburgh to Yonngrtown F2 , —retelved at OTIPP
of Bowmen's Line through. op9tddrn
Pitrfaiiiiiiii iiitilt•T/iii‘Uo - 6171.1.3 silt
.EißinllB49.:- r - L'...1 .1 -?' il7l -' ,7:5 . ..,4 ';'
P - r die Tr . ..”,..y0rk170,: fn • -th, 10 ant: f rog
PllTSlit:Rteil. Pl. r LA Lte.LPIIIA../lALTIhI.OBI '., N
YOR h., BOS'ION, 3.e.
Tarns li MILD; P. Philadel ph,•.
TAAPPE Pi- f , 'CoANos, Pittsburgh.
THIS old established Line being bow in full opera
non, the proprietors are pre red wite, their n.ual
ostensive arrangotorms to forward mere/Instance. re,.
dyes, Am to and from the above porta, on liberal terms,
stasrith the regularity, despatch and Carty peculiar to
their mode of transportation so oismous, when wan
shipment Or. the sea pl. avoided.
MAI/ conaigroneAM by mid for Ulla line received,
gee aid, and forstrzoi.d in any required directions five
of charge for comtraissmn. ads onmag or storage.
No intorno, aiirectly or mil vetly, to steam tam..
. All cornmanamstransprompaly attended to oat optative
non to the folloasnot apintist
1110111.. 13 , 00111 , C1a. 27n Market et, Ilhaladelphm
TA.AFFE AT/CONNOR, Canal nasal, Yittslitarr h.
O'CONNOR tr. Co. Noith it, italtimorc. mocks]
6.ll4MForde,Fit M4lOl.
Good. ' , hipped by thv. Lim. P, carried to
section I °rte.,: Bts
r E sabscrlbers has ingmade oriangementv. cave
of a want of :state Trost, at Columinp., to hat e
their goods forwarded ovnt the Poi,:rood Tn vats in
so to avoid the detention that hos heretofore actor, d
tor wo TCNII or Tracts Moppet, will hod this to their No eharges made for ',Tieing or ship.
ping, or Tar advancing charges. MI goods forwerin
with devatol., and on as reasonably terms as any n :11.
et Line. JOHN FA 1111 EN
toner? of Canal and Latent - st. Pittsburrt.
P FRI.:I'Z A Co,
113.1 Market at, Ptulnds!phia
MWMI 149,1,
+ , .MI nr7,.. V, Tile, illxonn.n,
, IM. 81,1C11.4.Y. jActr. DOCIL .
Conducted On %tr., Sebnollt keeping pnecaplea
FI , IIE Propel<tors of thi. old e.A.LbLeneLl L/ ..e I. .4 it
Lput their muck le them..l complete ortreg and “ .
thorouglnly pre pate.: 10 Cut wns .1 YrodUC,c untl NI: re:. J,l
.i, ‘u ...linen the I.lenem eine, $
We mat that our lottg expen,,,e In the err rrv.n
LU90.51. and teak,. ¢11,1:tou 'o the interest/ of CL,-
wLII secure to Y. et...inner ¢:'rl'tr., •
of the patronageg hither., ellentle4 :a Bingham', Lu,'
Our arrangements vr:', enab, u _s {O-c,rry
with the Otlllo.t eespalch. and our :ha
SS lOW as Me !art, char,d ctlidr
Ws. hay.- opelled art pffirr In Nn 1 4 3 31151. - ^t sly
tretween Eta,: Scs so, (f We
e( sh,prwn
Noduee rr,rl-r,d
warded Feet nv.,l erltho, , lIV I
ndvr , •,• , ing frrlpht,.•.
Ihii• very
rumor,' aztemilse
or aI•PIY. V. f.INtiIIA N.
hnnl bn-talt, en/ . Luer:y .4t.Wvi • e •.,.
Nu 1'63 end n; artrn 4A,
JAIII.-,4 Wll-90.:
No 1,2...1 Nnnh
rvrer sus A 6• qt r
mo10:1 Nn ; W.., tt. Now
t r ainn•yivezati Cana!
preenyart Packet Line,
kEzelalnvely for Paraunger..)
tense throughout me Sen&on
60414 are new, and of la superior eta+, az.).
T i
larged entree, wneh, gee ra:er comfort
can an., the
. . ..
• .
A boat Is,. always be port. and travelers s.-
µnested to call and exarreal them before cerrapart put
sage elsewhere.
(Fara O(Jc dollar! throvelt Oge of the l(
thusthc landing (opposite V. S 01l
comer of Perot atom end ('anal, currynsght tub. o•
...loot Tuve dity• For Inforreatina, apply at m.nif(co, Monongahela Monne, or to D LE:e.CII&
mcbt7 Canal Ben :1
. -
Tr u1 ;0.......,...,c;m ru
TO PHILA-DELPHIA. 'SA LTl3l.ol:ii 27.1'ilLAT Yogi
aINESS on the Canal being scum , '
Propnctorii of the above Ll no
the palate that they ace prepared ha receive and fit
were Freight with despatch. and a: lowest rote,.
They would niso call the attention of shippers C.a.!
ward t* Me fact that the Beats employed by them In
trausponatiorb an owned by them and rocantauded by
experienced captaina.
Shippers of Meat in Balk will find it advantageou•
to ship by this Line, as the anbeenoers have made ar
rangements at Columbia to have bitch freight for Bal
umare handed directly from boats In can, thereby sa
mg warehouse handling.
Freight to Philadelphia goes clear through in the
No charge made for reeeivieg thippingOiliatMlleipg
charges. KIKR &JrPS PS Proprietors,
Canal . n 'th
AGENT:3—.IOin A. Shaw. Cir ßabin ciennt ,n
• street_Mr
Outiough & Co. Haiunin-e. Jon Sorel a. Co., P,ll...nici.
Francis A Thomas:Colombia. mchal
Jr s- kiII.NBYLITANIA unai &J. Ec li.. RUMOR,
Putsburgh to Patiodelpitio and noltansorr.
lEsulasprely for Pssaenoreral
THE üblis nap respectfully Informed that tha.l.lna
will commence Tanning on Monday. /WS March.
The boats of ttus Line sic of a •uparior eta, west
rniarged ratans, which wail give granter "Rawl to
P' l" ' F 4 ! " '... • •
A boat will always be so port, and travelers are re
quested to call and examine them before engaging pas•
sage by other routes. They will leave the landing, op-
POW. the U. S. Hotel. corner Penn street and Calm:.
every night at 9 o'clock.
Days. '
For Information, apn'sy at the office, Mothingatiela
Hou., tes t D. LEECH & Co, Canal Baton
N. proprictom ofon above Line llyre now
building an additional Line of Packets, loran", alloys
un or about June Ist, in connection with the Penns - lb
mama Rail Road from Lewistowo to P 1140,101. At
that time a packet will leave every morning' and even.
sag. Tone thromh,l2l days. mattliS
P - ORTABibt . - BOA ' S LASE,
1849, ,i4a.
For We triumpartation of fuerchaneizo,
BETWEEN Pill LAX/MI . IIIA. AND PI rrsetu RC:11.
OODS carried on au. Line are not tranahipped
&Jr between Pittsburgh and Pholidielpboi. being car
ried to four section Portable Dome over land and wri
ter—op *Mop,, of uterchusidim requiring crirsful
banding, lists is of lIIIPOMVICC. No chore, made an
reeelving or *binni or for advancing [Len. Alt
goods fOrwardrd with ng,
dispatch, sod on as res./mu:a
items as by any other Lino
CIIIni Basun, l'e. u, Pluithurgh
217 Market &54 C oo onerce Pbila,
JOHN MeFA DEN tr. Co, Forwarding arrd COMM/ •
tion illerehanis, Canal Basin, Peon 44 Pauli:llE4L.
JAMES 11l DAVIS Co, Floor Paccort sad Comult.
Con Morahan., 2:12 Mork, and St ChtbateiveVirlitel,
Philadelphia. •
4Allolllleet made by either or the tgbovit olyloat,
,T and mile ..erehandrre consigned Witte= IS;
We. 'iltarla
_ _
Eial 1849. t4l
Illarotiania. Transportation Ltne.
THE Canals ONO KILO Road. I,c now opeo, ithd
4, in good order, we are prepared ing
to forward all
kinds ormerch,nMxe and pr.droo Ptuladllphia cod
Baltimore, with prompt era at.d and a o as
good terms as any' other Loot.
C A Me ANI. - LTV k. Co.,
Caned liaau4 l'rn[. et, Pdts
Aeldllie—CHAßT.ES RA 1 NUR, Floladcionio..
hei27 ROSE MORRILL & Co, Baltimore.
nßaciLi.Arrs, WAY S T RIL/G/IT La& LC.
For Blairevelte, Joiroinoorn, Noliodaysburgh, end
• .
all intEr.nedente Oar.,
FrlllB Line 'edit continuo to carry ell Wiry Coods
with thou tercel dorpown, end et (our terse cd
height. -
AsAM—C. A. M.ANULTY & Co, Plture:rjr, h.
Blit.Vetkoaold. Joharenern
Joh.. nmler . liolledaydoergh
R.Arrittecria--huner Jordon. South Le. fhorl&r, Dr F
Shaeriberiter Ft Monne. John Porker, S Yon PPII
- it co, We, Lelereter er Co. Jne Arlieveti h
Pittsburgh; John Ivory , Mul:Iollan Ray, Jub
OrmITA Co, Illnuovtile. meted:
Beaver and Adria Express Packet Lisle,
EL G. PARKS, Beaver. Pronneter.
TILE new and elegant Passenger Pockets,
NIAGARA, • CS7a 11 II Jeffries;
LAKE ERM •• hi Troi,y; • •
QUERY CITY, " I le.H111): •
Panning &Mindy Line between Seaver and Erie, !siva
cemmencell rennin, and will eontimie during theael.
son to matte Mthrtatrajatt iris. , tettitinct Beaver after
the arrival of the satorntag 'mat front Puma:lmo, (1, a'
cloth, P.M') Mad &mac at Krie to watt for latatacnt;clai
to take the Morumg boats to Buffalo or op the Lott.
Ttatita duough to Erie and all Lake ports, can be
had by Applicoon Ao JOHN A.CAUGHEy,
armored Water and Smithfield
asidar EO Chaatr, notrJ
original, only troe , and genuine Liver Pill.
SIIONT Cant, Ohio comity, V. /
Mateh wt h, S
Mr R. E. Salient, Dear Sir--1 trona it a duty I owe
10 YOU nod to the public gloom ly, to elate that 1 have
beet with the Liver Complamt tor a long
nine. not re hodly that on ewesr formed and broke.
aloe tett toe to a very low cut,. flalung neaYd
your rated [Ayer bong , rot win by A R
S harp, to Weal Liberty, and recommended to me by
e pitynetan, Dr E. Snoth, I conelneed to give them
° fart ~o 1 I potchared one boo. and found then, to
be juAt venal they ore rreonimemed, THE. 13F9T LI
VER YILI. EVER Uselia; and otter takttni four bone.
Eat sne. dteL•nee hoe eginrcof len roe, ant I am now
Pott...eby wed nespectfully yours,
Vre.t 1,0,111 Y, March eti,ICWO
27 IN
I rd
,cri,f, wu I pi, penal:ll4 Potth Mr
Coleman, and can boar tesnatotty to the truth of the
above ttcrtutcaw A R SHARP
Tre r•nouto Lover HI, are Prepared and sot- , bt
R 31 2 . LEra.t. Ye y: Wood street, and tat drug, tits
I a the two C1(1,,
• •
retiLlia,—The ots i n, e l.,, n l y „ ue gen.
time Li., ?MS 0111 prepared:us It K ee tiers, anJ have
hte name easemped f¢ black emir noon the lid or each
hot, and ingonedre on the couside wrapper—ail
others Asa or blue /lantana..
aptu R Fl SELIiERP, iivriprieter
altii ski fi i: l AnnireeTivia EIALSAM
[PROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well blown and poi
P star Clergymen of the Protestant AI ethodist Church.
The untierrigned having been afflicted darinethe pas,
W ' inner with a d'ibttuse of the Stomach, sometimes pro
due t ny great pain In the stomach for ten or twelve hone
rrAbout -nitre/tit/crop, and after having tiled v artom
ritur•dies with lirtle affect, was furnished with a both,
ofDr I/Jayne', Canntnu,reu liakarn. This he akei! at
ee, ;Inc to the direationri, ant round t00k...1i, t — ../.1 . ...,:i
.111C1i1C•11G .12,4`ti . ....: pike - , , r, at , 4.0 •0 three or (our al..
iikka, tkad in fi f teen or Ive rity .: :.n., - . ter L. • • •
Etna/tit:ea Was entirely ruined. The rbidicthe WI. iii
tetwardlinatil whenevr, , .ridierii.ons of the approach o
pultmefe perceived, and the pa /1 eon, thereby prevent
cd Ile cont.nved top., the irtediettle every err, 1
and cotnetahen .n the moraktg Pad Sri a low scotOrt
health was so far restored, Om/ the antler< I was rel.r
ed front a :arcc arllOULit of oppret.rtive pair.. Iron o f
pet - knee, therefore. he can cenbilently recomtne it I
0 lay¢e's ttarmineuve Itallarn,at a salutary medic J)
for anuaAti or the Allem, k iii bo we A SHINS(
Allo cit tyth
For salt In Patel.drgh at the PEKIg
N hen). y, T TE/ SOFI
711 Fourth orthot, near Wood, and u!..0 a Itrult
& ore of P SCION .% RTZ. Falcral atia,r. 1,-ner
. F.D . gllsh R.smedy .
FR Coughs, i'cids, Aithmrt and ConsApuon! Ti.
GREAT .'iPILY REAiI.OI" for the cure of
LlFEdiseases, 1. the HUNGARIAN BALSA OF
LIFE, discovh red by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
Loudon, Englunt. and introduced Into the United States
under the immediate superintendence of the , iiventor
The extraordinary soccer, of tins medicine, in ta
cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the Ainviicur
Agent to soliciting for treatment the morel possible ea-
SCA that can be found in the community—eases that ses
relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the
day, and have been given up by the most distinguished
phyticians no confirmed and incurable. The Ito tic YfIL
an Balsam has cured, and will cure, the Mort desperida
of eases. It is no quack nostrum. but a standard Kap
fish us - ovine, 01 known euld establisiled ceicany.
Every unruly m the Vaned Stales ahould be supplied
with Buchan's {lunge,. Balsam of laic, not only is
counteract the consumptive tendencies of the (inmate,
Mit to be used as a pre canoe medic,ne ses
colds, coughs. spilling or blood. pain die',
chest, irritation and soreness 01 the , ungs. Lruchitis
ilifficu!ty of b ree nog. hectie ,ver, night sweat., • ma-,
anon and general debility, anwino, militarize, 'ant op,
dough and croup
Sold in tags Inau-leg, at SI per bottle, with full bite
non. for the restoration of health.
- .
Pamphlet., cal/ wrung a uteri of llngiteb .d Amer,.
an cerbacere., and other evidence, showmg the un
quailed inert. of thus great Fagnen Remedy, me) Le
• beamed of the tegeAte. aratuamiely.
I'or sale by 13 A IF AHNEISTUCK & Ce, Lome,
t and Wood and "Wood and kb
coxsugurTivEs, BE ON YOUR G
Coll•o2PtiOn, Coutchs, Cold., A Ohms, Bioticlabs,
cr Comp:Dint, Spatmg Blood. Difficulty of Breath
LAir, th Vain in Sida &rut.
C Drea,s, Palpitation of
e Heart. InJnenroroup. Broken Con
..tilation. Sort Throat, Nervonit Deb..,
ty. arail inseuana of the Throat,
13renat and Laing', tfpit union of.
factual end specty care
eye, known for any of
Inc above dtrone-
. . -
04rukporiud Syrup of 'Wild Ch•rryl
=Memo is no longer among those of dourtM!
attlaty. It hag passed array from the thousands emir
munched upon the ude of esp., 'nem, I,ti. now to tot c:
higher in reputation. and is becoming m
acedore roe :.•
~1 than any other preparation of medical= et,
produced for Me relief of safe nag math
It 1%. boon Introduced very genarativ through the
licutegi Slater and &app., and %Pere are few to of
anportance boa what contain renrarkable eel
.leree of Its good erre,. For some
proot of the !prevail"
statement", and of the onto. and pr eacy of tht• niedt•
ca.ts, the proprietor wail Insert a fcw of the mac; t hod.
sand tcs!hnOnials which have been presented to ram 'my
iner:te first respectatniry—nary who torte nigher
vac (moral responsibility and I:111110 t . ,
nig a ets, because 0 will do another a favor. and
thern.tves no Injustice. Snell testanorty proves Cart.
c...tvely. that its sult excern-pee "as est.slarshed
/tv intranstre went, and the ono. ..noble author,
I) at pular, opuann. The restantancous relief a 01
fords, sod the 'coll./7, roil tette.• dJused through ate
nto fru. by arc ote, renders it u 1.110, tlgrt,tor
remedy tor the attn.-red.
"When IliGll. frntn cn,C.lll/01.14
voluntart:y uear t,attmorty the tvutn of a Vll7, or
,c6lar fact. AuCh triutrannv. being contrary to their
.vortd'y Intel,. and ram..., ree ronvacuou of
It, Iroat, and enrnmenda liar .1 in a averirti inanner to
cralene, • —O'Ho,nn Morul Nilllllll.l
Sr!! • COOS or P. L151.3.‘1”:01.5.11,1,,,-
1 . 14.,< ne, 'v a n r-nned ) k 7,tenul
delpellltt elmes Cor•unipuon, as Dr Sway,
mpount! Syrup of \ Ch-r•v. It stronethen toe
.yeteto and app art to heat the uears nu tar
lun n.
tin uun g n and rich blood, power p05,,,,,ed by no
other ntedtein ew
_ .
CII.L.,TXtee . Apri! 20th. tall
Lir 9w---Dre: Sir: I verily, betters our Cote-'
...want! rty•up of Wild charm has beets the en .4
111 Villr, my ufe. Ica out, a V•vere rola, which grado• ;
thy grew arnme. attended with a 'severe cough, that '
rusintusi all We remedms which I nad recourse to, r.r..i
.0 r relining omit nay CRP', exhibited all the •yittptom• of
Pa:metal-7 Consurarton Every thing I teed seemed
:. dove as effect, and my compliant tncreased so rapid-
iy that friends as well QS mysrtf, gave up oil hopes of
m, y ecvery. At this time I was recommended to try '
t ur in v aluable medicine: I ltd wi with the most hap- I
py re.ulu. The fast bottle hod the effect to loosen the
cough. eauaing me to expectorate freely; and by use '
me I had awed six bottles was entirely well, and am
now as hearty a mot ti n t ever war to ray life, mid
would be happy to evey Information respecting my
aro, that other sufferers a...y dertvet the heneht t , ,-
•....7..1 a lam so grrthefr! rot the truth of the shot
ttutemeu I refer ....., 0 li•ier Pr-n, Grocer, \lieu
tines.r uf aLtan I putcodaed the tan.'acihe
Res tidy years, Jl.lll. M,L..1•1.1
lir Sweyne— Dear Str. I feel a debt of gratitude due
la you—and a duty to the aillicmd generally, to offcr
my humble testimony in favor of your Compound Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Some three years once I was
violently attacked with cold and inflammation of toe
Lunge which was accompanied with u distressing
eough:pairt in the breast and head. a very conmderu.
ble doichatge Of offenstve , mnints from the lungs, espe-
Melly upon change ot weather, however slight At
first I felt co alarm about my condition, but was pretly
soon eanvinced that I wee rapidly going into conpurap
don. l grew daily weaker, sod at length was scarce
: ly able to walk abc .t or Teat above a whisper, such
w as thaegoccdir; ',AIM!n of or, .ungs. During this
time I had tried various preparations and prescription,.
but foe= no relief—growing all the ume vPorse it,,
here' I was advised and penmailed I.y a dear friend u
IWilmington to make trial of your Syrup of trod CI the.
ry. I must contras that premounly I had been preth
&cad against patent mesiletnes, and I am sun against
those coming out of the hands of =perks, britunder•
standing your clam. to the profess= and p c
medicine, and banns implicit faith in the saying of my
friends, I forthwith parch...cid of Dr. Shaw, one of your
agents, a few bottles, and commenced its LOW My di,
ease was at that time of 20 or 23 months standing, con
sequently it was deeply seated. I found, however.
imosiderab'r relief from thause of the first feu or hvc
!males. Bat being a public speaker, I frequently al.
tempted to preach with my increasing strength nod
thereby ruptured those vessels that had already begat,
to heal; in this way, doubtless, my cure er greatly
lauded. In cosmemmece of acting thus imprudently.
f had to use twelve or fifteen bottles before I was per
fectly restored. I have no question, a much scanner
cumber of bottle. would have made me sound, but for
die above indlscreson. The Syrup altered the fever
ich habit, took away the distreestng cough, put a amp
to the discharge of matter from the lungs. and gave
them and the entire systhan good health. I bane defer•
rod °dining this certificate until now, for the purl....
or being perfectly satisfied with the permanency or the
cure, and now that I feel perfectly well I offer it wit
pleasure. Rm. 1 I' Jou.onn ■
LAat.II; ecnutty, N. C.
Important Cautiern—Rerul! Read!
There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry
and but to Dr. tiwarna's, the first ever uttered to Li.
public, which hes been said largely throughout lb
United Suites and eome pane of Europe. mid all pre
parthone called by the name of Wud Ceerry bey
been put out since this, ender cover of wane decept, •
camarnetances In coin! 10 glre currency 10 ,
Sy a Rule observation, no penson aced nuetake we
genuine from the base liceb. bottle of the genuine me
I enveloped with a beartufal Steel cagrayttig, with the
;tlsenesa of Whham Penn thereon, also, Dr. Swnynow
• hgnaturet sod as further security, the pumas of Dr.
Swayer will be added hereatutrso as to 41 , 110/01110
tis preparation from all other. Now, it tt was lint 101
gregieurativepropertms end known virtues of Dr.
law yoga Compound !Syrup or Wild Cherry, persons
would nut be endeavoring to give eurreney to thew
••fichuous noctrumea by healing the .01e of wild
Cherry. Remember, chewy. bear us nomd the name
at Dr. Semple, and be not deceive&
Eruteipul Claes, corner of Eighth and RA., facet.,
Foe salt wholesale and retail by OGDEN &
-DEN, cot sd and Wood tel ft A•I'AIiNESTOCK
Co t tor In and Wood, and 6th nod - Wood He; WM
'MORN, 53 Market eh S JONES, Ise Liberty ch JAS
A JoNus,T. oor Hand and Penn ets, JOHN gutctii.
ELL, Allegheny m a y, by all respectable duelers in
YECTUILANT is super/or lo ell other remedies far
omehe,Comomptloo, Draechitm, Asthma, sad other Pal coo
mry effestimm, Is that Ma same perm.. seheemmassemed
of tM
11 to their framlies tro rem sco still prefer it to all
Jther remedies of dm kind; .4 when any hers hero induced
try . either repent/ohs they ban •Imast I.ari•Ny been
ilappointed 10 meolmay be boned/ which Ira. ramemably
141.11/ratse from Ma prow bestowed D 7 the propnetore,
.4 %ere retomml to the us* 0 PreTOSLAHT,
famed,. S.ll ha. term (~led rehms them/
prods/MI) . ow., Lad Its equal is prdronsuiri 41/ea../
Prepared only by Dr D. /arm Ph/fideiphm, end
Me'teelbl ALEX. JA
deribld&wt( 72Fourib
Dr. W. P. Inland's Pretax Sum Plaster.
iy Ik. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical
Sl sustlphsa, now offers to the pnolic hi. Indtan Vte•
etalhie l'retn Plaster, the onahors of which, aftS,
fang and tried expentence, has Leen stmsfsetorily en.
tablhabcd. To till SVOILICI/ who nosy be afflicted with
Prolapses tteros or Fallen Womb, he reconwiends It,.
pewter. gosseeweing a sure and cure in the
•bort space of irons two to thee weeks, if aonhe.l
core and rest—ossourdsna Gil the cousithist testes:mews
and eapenstve I.:swinges so long in use. Tuts he frets
cometenucas in among. inasmuch as he has not Cenci
in ono ease out of three hundred and litty•ta kee p a .
Also for Reennastnen and Weak Breve, or Bark, el
tended well pat, there. nottony to excel am Platte
tr, alierdatg relatf cr ettfecuag a cum. For .ale t,y
I. IViimg,, corner of Glantend and Market at
Bram At Reiter, v Liberty and Sc Clair sir
Dr .1 Sargettyent 't Federal at and Diamond, AU.
ta /negate & Co, . Damn= and Diamond Binning
T) E. SELLERS, Druggist, No 37 Wood streal,
1.11,• 8.10 Agent (Or the sale of Dr. Torenaend'a Gen.
nine &mamma; haajast received We doled of le,
GreavElpring and SamEer Medicine.
Parelmera reedid recollect that R F Sellers a. sett'
o.p ra for Pittsbcrgh, and 1r M Carry tor Allegheny
k lolitrs PROOF PAINT-20 LON 14ro Proof Punt, of
• drab color, rowd and for We at Ins punt won,
babe of 1.0 , 5 10c H PHILLIPS, 6 wood
co:ro:WO Rizsuipr or
Firoseter &eel lEcao4w a• .Igot.
The mast sv.nrdia.n eilotoe 4 the Word
Thor Extract vpa ,• Beale, it i. re!
• tea. agape, piers, 4r,-! oporroilted
porter to air orM eiLleue
or tig
• •
The great beauty and ime,ii - tority of Seraparttle
over Nil Diner menisci.** a. chile keiredicatee di.
ease, o We
G . We
II Is one of Me eery best
Ever knew. it cm eal pee'. tlis ertsola ey.m,
Tncor'lethenr raTe.'7ll.7l
wis ties the timid ciente( Its cond.!. we.. It h n
par e, within die lan me yea. more Man 100,000
'are, of severe owes of &maw at lout 15. D were
ennteler.l wearable. It has eared the Ilmo of moo.
Mill.. Carla; the two post rat....
10,000 eau.* of General Debility and
Irani of Nero.. Energy.
D. Toniosamd's Sareepesalla lavieorat. the whole
system permanently. To those who bad* loot Cools
muscular cam° by the effects of medicine or ladimita
non committed la youth, or the excessive hidalgo's...oot
the passions, and brine. oa • general 0011.1 prance
thin of the verso,. system, laadtada, wont atamillelea,
fainting asosetiool, premature daoy anddachlne, trastext.
mg towards that fatal disease, Ceamoopttom can
restored by this plea... ...eddy. Se r a This
patina u fee superior to any
vi gentling Cordial,
As It mosso nod tavieorates the system, slew activity
to tho nod strains-1h to the cormeular system, I.
. •
ors.t imery degree.
rottarsvopilen Cured.
Wean. and nrrvarrt. Coessimptiou cow it carat
Bronchitis Cormaatpticia, Liller Complete". Colds
CatersA, Ussiesee. Argus., .41...tcy of Moon.
. Screws,. Lis Chest Harm 71W, At
Swoon., Dtfloadt Po,,faaa levytntr
ottnot. Pain is du SW lava
.Zest sod sea is arad
Ot Nes Gri, 4.1
Tscromzists-/ . 0 17 bWen tbat P.12141/2.
all. he, bees as mama, thumb Pr:atlases of es
my la. I ha. tar 061 , 1132111111.11 had a had Conk. t
Lamas enn ad sues Al la 1 triad bugs gaaLL
tlao db.., ad aria Mama ad VOA Gaily dada
wad at rased, ad ad at aspect to Wm 1 havo
sea mat yea Saraaparilla • aka Chia, eel tars be.
errata La sts lam Uni abb.
to eat all Ora As alp. 1 ra. a bloat Lad my
Los la as Taa w sell laagta that I a
trsakft/ la then realm
Ti., audleafeallah
WiL lINGELIo W Catikest..i.
Female 2Ledlaiso.
G. Tow wad's 11..p.d1y los avarara as
as to laplont Naturattes Earroaaau
Oloa sr Pallas 0 tba Wab, Cadmus ids .=
arta/. or Wass erpialsaltralsactra
dos lauttate. et Vats, co boaboatay Sauna
Jura, and la the mond plectra. .f the mats
a manor whether th• malt st 1ab.,.., au* K eauy
poodeml by Intreauity, Maanft aeddant Seth./
Wll {I taro ...last au larlioratas ahem
o• the beau trams Pm.. a Ira.= ad Wa
ists hod taking It at nos boa.. rata apd gal et
raw ad. Ito lama. 11 bansdately clamant.
the strata.. sr Lho rata trams Lo prat
cam of Earransu It all at bas • tod it as la
et w dasam • alas to t tallsamo ar
eau postamsd let es sax am. th e atlas{
a s
bad. char. ben bon ropertod m u TbdaanL
.1 sum whar• hall.• faro bota stases ea.ns
ther acti a Car beam 0 la.laahls sada.
ars beea Lama. lath 111.4 halth.l
T• llatkar. sad Married ladles.
Thu of a vapthll.ho. bmllt aaritwwW7
pared la esterase* WI famals eataplatata N. (mat.
who ha. mama to sappon A. beapply...Wag OW
..meal ?Laical Ti• •••• of kik" abastld to
tale It. am It hi • *amain preventive Am ..y of As
tan, sons mall Imes:Edo disuses to 'slash (maim an
oetb;ost at this an. of lea This period may h 4..
Layeelfse aromat years by auriag Ude wasalisina Nos
Ls it less sulimbla far Qom who appottehhim ww
manhood, as It Le calimlatad to nada luta., by "wick
smog Ml* Wood mut inaLgorating apnoea ladead,
Lae =editing LI invalachla for all the dentists &sea
to which woman am subject.
It braces lb. whole ..rem, mama tl the
awaral m perawn
merma by mamma; the impurities the
body, not so las atitindatiay m to prodoca scitseqlmni
elaxation, attach is the ease arm. medicines When fee
female weakness sod disease. By vamp a few Wales cit
Ohl. madleinw many ...en and palniW wargical opera
lions ma; be pmeenmd.
Great Illeetelosg to 31•Ebers and Children.
t It t• the safest lad meet effectual medicate foe purify.
ho the vainnt acd relieving theadoring. attendant
mere chEd-birth aver discovered. It strength°n both
the mother sod eh.4LL prevents pain atid &masa Ise
cm...and enriches the food, those sho here used it
think It is Indispe.abia It Is highly useful both before
and after rengnament. ea it prevents diseases attendant
upo childlerth— in Cordate:lee, Piles. Cramps, Seedl
ing n
of the Feet. Despondency. Heartburn, Vomiting.
Pete in the Hoek and Loin., 1,1” Pains, Hemorrhage,
end fn reteuladug the ercretions and equalising the cis.
rulanon it has as aqua: the greet beitoly of this
etedicir.e a it Is alesys sofe. and the meat 4.11.e/a itt•
et most succenfully, very feo earee requ sr ire any ocher
medicine, to memo a little Caveat Oil, ISamtesta. 1.
mulct Exerrim In lie open eir, and tight food with
eha medicine, sin abeaye ensare • safe and any ocue
111.111.[11y and Health.
C....1et Chalk, end a aortety of preperstlocts
rally iv nee, whey applied to the fare, veal, soon spoil It
of its beauty. They close the pores of the elan, and
chock the circulation. which when nature is not thwart.
-..••• • • • • •
ed by dimea or powder, or the shin indented by the
alkali. teed it maps. bmottfim tts owe production it
the - human face Divine," am well e.I. the gardm of
rich end delicately tinted and wariagated dower. •
free, active and healthy circulation of the Bolds, or the
roaming of the pure, rich blood to the extrtimitlek le
that which patine the countenance In the most eaqui.
to beauty. kill that which Imparts the Indescribable
°bides tad flambee of lerrellema that all admire, hot
lona can describe. This beauty is lb. offspring o fan.
ters—not of powder or seep. If there is mot a bye end
healthy clrtelation, there to co beauty. If the lady to
fair as therm me, if she paces . ed wee coametica,
ard lie bleed is thick, cold end Import, Me le tot Itme
i."., If rue u. Isreent or yellow, nod there ft pore and
ac,re bloc& it gives a rich liloom to the chmke, tied
hrllharwy Io their...a that LT fmciaating.
?ht. It a by the southern, md eapectally the lapea.
tab l ad em are eo mach : ern ,
Ladles In the tooth
who take but Dula mercim, or ere coelloed in close
rooms, or hare spoiled their complasim by the appU.
canoe of deletermus matures, they wish to ro.
gam elasticity of etep, haoyant spmkllag eyee
and Install completion; they should me Dr. Town.
send'. Sareaperdla ?boomed. who have tried It. are
more than wished, are delighted. . Ladies of every
maxi., crowd our odle. duly
Notice to the Ladle*.
Thole met tate Dr. Teimeeedle, Sarsaparilla, bare
Invariably roll-A thew
e 'met Remedy Apr Pe
melee, &c., & and hare eorfed our bills and dee WI,
which relaiwe to the complaint. of.omes woo for too,
—other men woo put up mediate, !motel.. the greet
sawn.. of Dr Toirmeadl. Sarseparilla la complaints
tante. to females necoramatded their., although pro
noly they did cot A me
member of them Maters., PM,
are Intone. to females, to May summate disease,
end oedemas the comlltaties. Dr. Totenseodle I. the
only and best remedy for the ere tutrous female eon,
plaints—it rarely, if ever fell. of effecting a permanent
ern, It ma be taken by oh. eon dellmte femelea
it my cue, or by apes exputlag te become ratchet,
with the greatest adraatagm, to It prepares the rmtem
and prevent. milli or danger, and etrengthans both
mother mod chilti. Be .ambits get the geouite.
Scrofula C•raral.
Thu carmacata emaeltmivoly proves that this Bars.
partlia has perfect control me the meet obstinate dm
eases of the Bloat Thres persons cased la ens hems.
Throw Children.
NW a I hays the 'plea.. to
Inform yea that three of my child.* have heart eared
of the gerefula by the use of year eaceLleat medicine
They wan, wllietad way wweraly with ball Horn; bay.
aakao only four bottle ; kt took abeam away, fay .blot
1 (eel wayaolf nada, peat obligatio.
lroor, respectfully,
L.9AAC W. CHAIM, 10(1Waostawat.
Opinion* at Thracian*.
Or Townsend La elnemst dolly retelling orders lboto
Phealemma in parts a th e Union.
This Is to cent() that we, the underelgued, Phye
of the INty or Alhaey, here In numerous cuts
ad Dr. Townsend'. Sarceparllla, mad behove It to be
one of the mom valuable preparations In Ike market;
It. D. BRICX/B, N. D.
Albm3r.Aprll 1817. P. IL ELYPJ‘DOILP,II. D
- . •
Owing to the peat mucosa and lemmas, sole of Dr.
Towasond'a Sarsaparilla. • number of man who ware
formerly oar Annum. hats commenced making lliersep.
rifle Ex:raetnxlre, Bittern Extracts of Yellow Doe*,
They g Ily put It op In the same abaped bat
tle., and wens of them hare cola mad copied our Wear
tmemeuln—they are only
.worelelan Indrationa, and
atiould be .routed.
I. Principal l.,..
i Northc:, c z .
sc r : 7 ;
, 1 , ,a u 5 i... t.t., :0 ,..... : e n... 7 1,.. .,5 p :: . e n: 1 , : t i c1i
,p, 11 ,,,: n u: nie... ,8 , , D au lu . l eor i
A : .
h t
ii,: n ... . ,
: I
co;: sodr.
,iiT if ys .
:6: 7 7,1 .
~ ,: :. ,: ,,,. .1 :, ..i
i n t::
Shot, West Lodi. and Ow Canada.
N. B.—Persons inquiring for this modieins, sherold
not be Induced to take any other Drug/own pot up
Safe.Puralle, end of rouge prefer ni:ing nicht ow,
Do nut be d•cerved by anpriquire (or Dr Town
und'a, and take no other. Remember the genii.
um f iTownsendht Sarsaparil a,” wild by the soar agents
R. &SELLERS, General Wholesale it Retail Agent,
No. by Wood vire., and D. M. CURRY, Allegheny
Q PBCI I.L 6Y3IT roNis op coris i •st rrloN --
) Quick polio, haeaeng rough, general weakness,
restless sleep, unable appetite, irregular Innsola
pam. between the 'bonder blmies behind.
intrahmate biretronin ny concektrnon —Coughing
night and day, Hobby muscles, general debility, great
ahormess of breath on going op stairs, aacenduig n
hill, or walking bet a hide rut, pulse enure above
one hundred, for weeks together; drenching cold
sweets toorarde Looming.
Cabitthrd Consumption eonzecameo,on like n common
rdki tir gold, but about the period when that dise
tornk am Miallly is expected to tobtado, come of the snap
aggravated. The cOutt la morn trouble
some, epeeialiy when lying down. There lane hoed
wo n
the elms; hot difficult breathing, which in
wont only/441am. -The oppurence of dm air nee
Mrellotti .nia I. eopiout, is changed from a thick
yellow nineus,oo a florin, substance. It is very un
plearant in the pp bent, and emits nn untile•earti smell
when [turned h a ts or an antforrn appearance, and'its
probably • nutore of
n o d knd mucus, as on mgllt
nit water port sulks and part 22von• l'his disease
mai n
Onnor sn any ilahil or al any age nod ta charne
-1 Ir „1,,,,,A by me reeultanty of Ole 0000:
The Balsam 01 Li ierwort effects the eurn of this
er nermrotion. knoll. and heals the
hidiotis domain, by
it/recited longs. It never fork. Wherever the medi
cine has been used. we hoar of It. suave.. Per thlr
leen years it bus been before the publie, and has been
thoroughly tested fur all e atable..ts of the Lungs, and
has Droved :wolf .fur
in morn to any thing In one.
ie‘, ~,,,,,,,,,J, bemired, of trodurinials troll hysl•
due, the prow, clergy, and thou who have been cu
red, bat all we desire is to call the attenuon of this af
titeled, and for their owe gnat, they wail try it.
Look out for euunM r lett, ' Always observe the son
nattire, "lieu Taylor, Of D.," on the engraved label,
and prepared at the Wholesale Depot, 13 Beegubb
street, New York.
T Said in ffleahorgh by J D Morgan 93 Wood at, .1
Market at; It Smyser, coo Marketand
:11 , 1 ani; Random, A Co, 5 Liberty at Pinot reduced
tolffi,tiOpen mole
Mari_—_____________... •_..___..._....___________
go. 2 MACKEREL-76 Olt us ow.* am! Asy salo kow . LI AL SODA-7 asks for male by
In 8 , 0311 constrament bb/ DALLELL I m r" m ac UOONALUIF—EI tCo
- - • • ••
1- - -
. . ..
0 AII.D.
TF,l:_'.. vdtrz r ywnedxlll•lll,l4bee.,ll,tprrlnteld Agent of
- - • • - -
last -aster. -
',AT. in the plate of John Finney, Jr., , sixned. re
rpeetfully mforms the public and the friends and eas
terners Or the Company. that he is prepared to take
Menne. Inland and Flee nsks on liberal te - rms, at their
beeNo 37 Water street P. A MADEIRA.
Ottib- leet in 3 ply India Rabbet
H ere-coved for Me I3orough of Mane hes•
which will be held tn store for a few days The
Bomoti Belting Company express a strong desire for
the nee departments of the clues of Pittshurgh and At
legion y m call and examtne and make n trial of them
Tie company is Waling to put them to any teal they
think proper to conclude upon
bib 1 & H PHILLIPS. 5 wool st
11 it the 11'':•10H,.nfe.'ilarn.:rLaIlLsee—CRorcrti'plelPitt9fItis.burgil;
will Le opet.ed the Rouen. of the Board of Trude L .
the fart Monday of November next. at la o'clock, a. I.
Wm. Lorimer. Jr Robert Woods.
Wm. H M'Clure, Joseph Plummer.
S. 31 Kier. Josiah Kmg,
John Sue rat', Alex. Roseburg.
end 11. D. }Lilo.
apltitdm, I Comraisamae r•
HPARRY has Invented a mac hine for washltlo
. Gold, for which be hos made application for u
patent They are now offered tor snieat the; ar,
bonne of Parry, Scott & Co, No 103 Wood reet
Adventorers to Califorma are mooed to call and ex
amine theme labor-saveng machines. They are sttople
in thetr construction. easily transported on the back 01
mules or horses, weighing eighty pounds each. and
ran be put in operation in half an hour. They ean Lc
Ithed with
It is the opinion of those who
have seen the (nal of one of these machines of ankallest
sire, that two m tall] wean the mineral front 150
bushels of awn, or earth
earth in a day, without the loss of a
panic, of the tumoral They can La Increased m sue
and see
t e• mule power, if expedicht
The operators work without going Imo the water or
being exposed to wet and consequently wiiltout en.
dangerinis bits health. Thor wit: require but a an io n
canm water, and can be used the whche season,
and can be put into operation where there as not slat.
mem water to wash 111 the usual way.
Pm, of smallest aloe 636. Orders from abroad, ac
companied by cult, will be promptly fitted.
IL PARRY. at Parry, SCo'.,an & Co,
feltetdti No 110 Wood at, Pittsburgh.
fiVtKr • /II usiiratt irr.: Rorie Saba A•h.
Medallion and Lyilta, having arrived at Ploiadelplita
and Balton°, and two more, the Stephen Battle. and
Leila, shortly ripened they •, therefore, pretotreol
to receive eiders. They will receive derma the kook
ier nod spring replier supplies via New Orleans.
01:011' .— F:Afl LE TR/YULf—For de/ 11 1111Z WM.
dow and ioloy plaiscs, Over plate, brass, Bri
thonia, and other ware It rapidly takes not ail spots
ant a 150,,. and reproduces the beautiful and durable
lustre of new ware Just recei•ed and for .ale, whole.
sole and retail, by JOHN D 01ORGAN,
'kyr R 11. HARTMAN
sold hot utter.
191 11l the ropartnerahm of Coleman, Hallman &
Co. to m rem Wing partner., ha. this day ret, red
(rout th l e Goo. February 19, 19 , 10-tf
rACI RFS Tito under.
s.gued. A I fur the manufacturer., ha. on hand
and to C011.1111,1 , r rec el, n full sand) of he ti e r . madt Pod, arab and vicinity. which he °tier. for
ante at ronnufaourer. prase.. 1:1A) COCHRAN,
wood .t
NIJIA itI.I3ISER P kSTE—I en., bottles bltha . Ru).-
tier Pule. an excellent for render: .c t.r.o.
and perfectly water pro. and soil a• a pie, of
cloth. line application of hat puts
wake them I.pervious to water for 2 or 3 moral, •nd
• p , rfect prevent•tive trona tne leather cracking
Reed and for ante at the India Rusher lirpot. No 5
Wood t
I )C1ILIC ATTENTION t Noltetted toou entirely
bor new article of RAILING, moue of wrought iron
a and soft annealed rod.. or wire. and •
drsepned for ei.elo.lng Cottage., l'ettae.rien, Ba expre• rr, y
I me:, Public [.rounds, Se.. atoned, varyiLa from :ro
cents to 1:11.10 me looming toot. It is toade in panne:.
of vartou. to 1 fret w:tit wrought trot
hos. IS Naar, 01 th terve/ling thstanees of a to
ID fret. If demred. the panne. COO I,e made of any
m coon:luau. 'pans or St to 611 fret, with or
without pews No extra charge for port,
The comparative hghtneoa. great strength and dun,
bility of the WIRE RAILING, the beauty of to , varied
ornamental de.lgns, together with the extremely low
price tit wlttelt .114 .o.d. ore ranamg it to supersede
the Csst Iron wherever thetr comp a arative
tnertis have bet, Itstrtl For further parocur, ed.
dres. RSIIA 1.1. & BBC /THE
Agrntt Int Patctitrer.
il';rn emond .0,7. nem Suuthrte,d ,t, l'ittst•targ h
It( R.N.S. It t., one uf tne be.l things at the word fo ,
litti •
?I LES--Thotmit. are yearly mired by 0,0 Gin,
nie, It ~Asa (3ar in ros:ng relief or the Piles.
r.. - A roand .he boo are directions ler Using di'dl
lot, , ot vow, Jo, Scro, la, Lam+ Coom/aost, Eros....
Ids, Teeter. (Aaid.s,n. Scald Head, Sore Ey, (mosey,
..So, Th7uut, B., , ncatios, Mototas Afecoon, Poi., Lit,
Bs• all, Spore. Hs. cu.. asthma, Dsorness, Ear aohe.
se,o, rare, all Drseesss / the Sk.a. Sore Lops, Pon.
Fier 4..Nireatng of ars Lonbs, Sore, Rdercomonant.
?IL,. reef./ Vrrs, ( . .e.p, Sfrel,o4 of Broken B ~,, ,t, Tooth
mA,...lgue In Ma /nes. 4,4. e.
C , r1.1 , I F.Kr-Livrt Complaint, pain tn the Cheat
a,d I.,de, ilt..lng off oi the hair, or use OtLer acconapa. old be! 1 ro, 0u..,... the true remedy It
. 11 11 11 1, o.s. of di•ea. to hevo root feet
C. iRNS-tte...ontal use of the Donn:tent will a•
wa, . s•., eor ,, • trom Penni, need never
t. • !wonted with them tf they use ii truquently
Ki- 'FL, I ',atm-. is good for any pert of 1 1 .. .!).
o b
r lobs when intlanied In some eases it sI told • -
appt.ed on',
l'A t rioN-Nu fittainent will le centime n ...•,' e
rr HE •abseriber has here eppototed Sot- Age , 'et ' nun•
- of ' I ".' I -I Ile 11..11 , TER 0 ...eel wi.s a pen
j air sa.e or CA FtliAß I'S II; PRO% ED II tt..E• i o „ , '.,,,'.'„,:,.. ' . -
,tliNji,.,a,s t,nyahlii,lar,rtr,t-,lllalf:dolattly p1e.,::••...0Ld.:;,,..,11.t,..•.r.T,
,„:„ : • , , , . , ::: 4 .1i , , , , c , , i: , _,- ,,, tg ,. ., , n , t , 5 ,,, n i all the pt melon: en , . and
am] ec:rht em..g ',lt 10111 omave.. Mtn.... Ai ~ .;" • JANIES NIcALLISTER,
i 111 seeordaree eeh the general ,rent
n d dee...
S.M. Yroptertor of the afoot roadletrm
have ext..nde.l Mr i.cale ef these internmerii• to It a• 1
lev en d 0r,.,... ~,s „,,,,,, „ ~,„„.,.,.„,.,„ ,‘„,„, .
i r.7 - , Prine„,ai °thee. No tMNorsit 71. rd street, Phil.
' 1 ' 11 2. e.:1; " ;t0r .. . ' :.. "' ''
' r."'"
'.. Y . ........ (
. 4 0 , 1 -"'
n, nas I.eed mue intproved by pO. •,.' A 0K,1.1 IS crfraineve-loraut. S. Reiter, earner of
''','''''''' ''' P'''' T '''''' '''''' ' ''', ' b " "r ."-" , "..r.” a -1. ,, -- I..ber') heel. t Cnsir so., ard I. WiLcos. Jr. corner or
to ..o..vest market price mc1.15 di)
o '', "'""" '„,', ,' ' ''",,' " , a " o , °r "' mem. ',,'' r '''''' '', .' m I.artet st add the Dtamond, also all ei Oa, ...4
kahlVib THITTIA v. . the new carpet W s , . 1 - :; ." '' -.
r "'""!
"'.! , rd!!!!! •r'd! ' d Snot .ite:d sts, 111 , at-el, corner of Walnut arid Perin
0 Pro , 0 Pot !.. eds ba est Wthlt .! wdud! t,ld ' d" ' . cs em acrd, and told at the bookstore in Sinethfieid
hoe, No 7.1 Fourths treet-
Me Ii embossed Piano cover. I Plum Turkey red Chintz. ' Tr.:,., ‘ ,,.? . ,, ' ,„ ".. ,„:: ' ,,. ° :: 1 ,L ' : S. „ P „ ' ,:, '' ,... ' , ' 41 " 1 : ' ,„ ' ,.,.,2,. n. , ' ,r,' . ':::' , '' .' •I'' I 0 " , tr". ,4 'emid ''t , r, A l :', e m le b L e . .. b . r t u t , . v. l , ' 1 ,, , , , ,. .
do do (... do I 1,0. d An d° d° itslc for a romparative tr:fle. /I ICI.b:11Elt. . ' """''
I S'''''''.
" -
IVorsted do do do . do Bordering; ,
rob. Damask, i Carpet Bindings,
11-.•esi marten ' /'t BEAT
. kJ' his. M• 1 received from Europe, and fur ee.e. 41 . ltd.. r. Ilear,., ro, are aMOtette.e agent.
ALSO-Camps , o hies Transparent shades,
~rely hew zvectit, of Piano Forte, re I, tae, Ale b .,...: deselly
Scripture Views do do
Turkish ff, do do ' IN }-7 /IAN () FORTE, w hteli •n +„g more Pt , er WA'PEIL-CCRT6.Acsi.A-niTiiiimiT,
less do .1. , Lle and rthectect• then the snau:t..',l o.ocetipie, bta n.c.
; fourth . totals room and i• a marl. niere snowy ant
Trapery Chine,. nu do
I/IS rspid snide.: whirl, Ilydroptithy hr• made
handsome plece;ol turnithrt It . par:mu:arty de , r, •
Nit - tonne:a Views do do
, ' some . t'aroductien ado Hos country-the bra-
Landorape do do do tt.e where am •aving of .pore s• an oi,ect. ..-ins...- , hunt and .10iiielting curative effects oi 00.,1 water An
7 Gothic. d., do • e"edmtaY neat tibd ...Pe , . and oe e o PYtog o° mere • chronic
fl actde ...teases, when employed allot the
Curti land Tasse:s, toe, and Slats, Reel, Petite, room t m° ' ...ta '' . !` le mh ' e- Tbe .of, ..ther i'.. ' 0 n o .1,,,,, o. ~,.• ~ .e.ehraiell Pt - le..have removed from
band a testanontal of P. •uperionty from the e,:ei.,rs- „ • 1 „ - • A disc, rid ~ out •e every
Soler Ends
The above Good. ate
the richest sild 11 0 Ve , s1 .” PM.' :d.`d!Jd..e.. d! hi. °n!. Land 'rd.° . w!"d!! pa., te, ..: deele La ,1111 eific•cy, and guined it ant-
H. I: LE111•31.
ityle, ... wmets we . Iva, Me attention of ear .r.• at,. Iced
I ' d Id. Pds , d
v. :sr , /Cb.i•elereig the oissalistaetory results
At .1 W Woodw, ,
ival etmlonters. a those wishing to ldrit,sh or ro• '_ , tcn.r.tma heretzenre used in the treatment ol ebronie
teenish steam andoan houses Chtekering'• Pls:toss. ' enrup.a.t..iceiti,l.l.ll,...., aMtell tee alerramig •v.
-Ik7 tn.; NV NrCLIN - roc K . JUsT received and for ra.e ...Li,. ! [-'' [l,Ol 1.. . ,...° a '.......' 01.1..
L . ,w ~,RpE-I ' : Lit d a y diee ~e,e, ! atm.:user. 0.7e5.1,11.1,0:1,,ew Pato., or 11 ineined I.y wndh so many uttiorfunele auneret•
} ortm. 6. 6t, mind 7 te...ivec, of . f..• most ' wi.l be. I, eed :rum th•ir pees. el d ellituuttrs
.1.11 the manufacturer
elegant patter. of rurruture, and r - nla TIT sol.scrther ha vutg pu.l successfully tho
New style Tap es try 1 ply Carpets, extra snort,
New style
du do super [ the tate improved Kee,
method fur, eight yea. at ttio Flydropulltic establish.
do do B ross „ 1 , c g ,,,,„ I Also on hand end for sale tow. 1 second hand Patn. , tor nt, whtch itas been considerebly .11d and .11-
do Bryseelg, very cheap, . 'a. JO ll\ II MELLOR, proved in aq . parts and in every respect, .tiow
. I 80 , Agent for tinekeringS Pianos ter %Vette En rete ' y to reert‘e and accommodate patients arbo may
do rtercolOts super Ingrain
4-1.3-4 and'Yeleary Venetian do Pen.ylvants, el IV.d street. m i ehootte to place ittenaselven under h. care, skill end
44, 3-1 and Women do do ! XYPAV MUSIC lII' HENat HERZ- -The l.ast Hoge . r. ,P e r' e nt'e
All of winch w 1 to sold at a small advance, and I .1.1 of Summer, wah an Introduction and brC:tant va• ' l'hial”d'ailt. •intated upon the left bank of the 0100,
„ guarantee as :ow . can be purch.ed in the east natio - no for the Piano Forte, as performed in ad Li. a1a"' . ... , the month of the Rtg Bettye , . . well known
WAi teI.INTOCK.7S Fourth at concerts in the Untied Stales by Henn Ilers i for
esh.. and sabrious atmosphere st o re. . ALtaary Polk, by Ikon Hers, . Lonna quiet,. und charms. th e scenery, cm.
COACH MAKING. I Comic Polka, - -
. ' td.....0. :eery ect,nisac to tender the seal
t ot the in.
val., agrenab r. and eantributing not • little to re-..
FROM the very littera! 01 . 0 .111/1• , Sia°. I.°H P. ` k., " -
1.1. 011 111tp.,011 h• ath and physt,nl atength.
m • merilthe subscriber has received since ' .... re.e ' v ed ..'d :Iv . ..It.' by
'ls ~.. ••,...--2 he h. located himself in AJlegneity, 1 . ^(43 JOHN Ii IdELIAM, !.1 wood ..t ' rhe establesament. the first started r
te the United
I stales rontandi every thing. both Mr Neaten. and
Yesssaj s k - . has Induces! him to take . lease, for a; -- a,.. 0 ,.. 1 E. er ,,,.. a
convort, en lcu inted to tosura a speedy and happy tee
ter. of Tette , on the propmoy be now I % ND SOLPErriats. wah an .corripaniine, for die ' mi. an-li or me 1111.1[110 ra the Pence,
eeermies in Beaver street, tn.nediareiy bes i d e the 1 .. - 1. Pian•forte, adapted to the wants or ',taste. out, a. 1 I , rsnit• wahi...- to avail themeeives of the sol•anta.
P , oebrartart Caere , ream the 1 .4 e.Perteocc ,' or cll., 111 Vs.,. 1111.141 c Selected :torn Ituuan. !g e. hr-r. offe,ll, von. please address the subscriber
eteme Mime...end • de ,, reM. P1e.... , be hope„ to met - i ?valet, and (mrthett cosopo.ers, by Losve:/ N;Asoll 7e, b y , stattng art the. . hie the
a and reeerse a share of public patronage
terse pax. of riescly printed music, curamiong 1.11 110 1 .. re nt ::.r,r ...inoliants, in order to decide and ad-
Now on band and finiehing to order, Rock•way Bug- , escreise. prof r. .144Vri.) 10 (.1.11g[d P., 75 era. . vise to the., ft, ess ' and CUrnt,ily by Me Hydro sou
gl e e, open and top Boggles. and every desertOnen or . Jost reer.ed.asupply of the above, duet, from the ' t,rmu t t. tind ' ateo what a-UI be necCsartry for teem to
Carriages made. order. from seventy.five dollars to I onb!..h ers , t,
JOHN II NIP:LIAM, tole atone, for ,ell [sp[Cial and personal ate
sight barterer. faepß-dtfl JOHN SOUTH ' mete/3
,I or.dst 1.1)W ARD ACKER, Al. 1) Proortetor.
_e-••••••_ . s ;
Pluitpaturg, Beaver county. Pa_
Hall as i• assets Re va. Eilnkelly, Armstrong, Y D.
' I ar. 1...0, do, Hon. Thomas Fleury. Beaver, Pa , Dr.
- - . _
' t‘,“,..,. do, Prot Ch Paliot, Pittsburgh , Pa, L. C
REED, PARKS al. Coo , PACKET LINE. : l's: . 1,11 01., Rev S. ii s,lr..d New Albany,
Elatili 1848. ; ~"„, ', 1 0;1'.'7;;. '' , :.7 , F,';‘ , '.,n,:r N i' . ..,T.1 .- ,s',',!.'"i, E: - ,,v.
Cr• ,le 1•Isq Pittsburgh, A Bidwell, Esq,, do
Cana/ Packet-SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. -Ln CNBRIES--:011 padkages (mob Teas--1 11,.
cy'' " OCEAN, Coq, 11 anert. : 0 i.aupowder and mperial;
.}... of th e shove I . .S , 's :care Dearer even doe, .1011 hays ;tome 1. e'en RIO Coder, 50 du La guy,
I asund•l a excepted) and arrive t.c.rt mom., u, do. In do Old Java do,
I 'arren, where they connect with the lam! 5 , .. in: ...!'S bags black Pepper. 10 do Pimento;
.oe'L:riire," r A ar igi , d h ,, i.. ( ::: ( l 7 iir::: , oll l' th:t -r :T ' Be v a ' cla g v e;s a :l leave of
then, o rr.:tL p . ,. .. ' l_ i ' :
~ . '- d:a r b is l ' ,! , s .
, P "
, :I;.ilta:i.i ll "' n:ri u N s lt:o ( ::r:st e g o tt7
C n at. s. r m & 1 1 17F (o l Nr r Li r ' s ,' 1 ' 111, " Warren,
u ,.. , ' i .',IOI l ' i j sTt ' ultn " ;:tt ,' t ( i ' r ' e r .; T I S A
a1.c.';013, v " a " r c i h ou ll s ' l7TVal . s,
aI B 'l'..tVLOrt, ..
21; 'sc. ~edge All,. atwist Tobacco,
le '' Pittsburgh o:tig•
ISO b. exlit Wthdow Glass; SO do lUxl2 do•
.00 kegs asso:ted Nails; Is erteks Saleratus,
50.01.0,1.1 s Cotton Yarn, ttesorted NO..
Tothe u tat a full and general .sortnient of 41
~Tr t he rlroeory hoe, on ban. und for sale by
J k BFI.drYD, Round Church Buildings,
Pennon,. Liberty, Wood end !bath •
Inner Fro:lt aud V:ne fl/GCI.3, Cmcinnati, u.
Th• Allegheny Cemetery.
Athe anneal tneerumt of the Corporators, held on
the met., this hollowing persons were LUISA,
y reeweeted Manage. for the ensuing yeah
THOMAS M. HOWE, Pr...dent.
NATHANIEL 1101.111E8,
J. Floney, Jr., Secretary end Treutirer.
The annual statement presented Me &MUT. of the
Company in • very prosperous condition. Their oiler
in the city isNo. 37 Water street.
East aide at the Diamond,slANUF re V eit .wit
Blinds of ail the differentstres and coiors
arc kept
ana hand or made to order ails
the latet d most approved Eastern rash.
"si ion, at the shortest natter and on the moo
canon able term.,
Al., the °heap Boston toll or split Blind Transpa.
and Paper Comm. of all the different noes and
patterns, on handand for sale low (or cash. Old Van,
non Blinds painted over andrepaired, or taken In part
meat Mr new ft XI Pro'pr
. —All wm. doao with the beat material and
. km.shtp, and warranted to please ti m most las.
anglUell y
Allegheny nay, A ug. 10, 1849.
"'"'tv7 . :;7 2 =Yi;7""'' .
om.n at the Exchange, Raltlenthre.
It E e n e.l ' o e n E . L .ll ß A . elatt r-*.-- et Th ee " or " r e tZ
burgh or Wheeling, and a correaponding reduction
made on .11 telegraphic despatcher forwarded :runt Jini.
unsure West of Pittsburgh. Pa
R.4l . .—The charpe to a telearaph despatril to or
front Ilk/IMO, Putskrah and Is 43 rent
for the firm ten word., p i
3 cents for each addAtiok: ,
o:7 No charge . made for the addrees end engoo
Unul the completion of the South Western Line or
tc Imgraph from Alemplus, Term, to Neuf Orleans, des
nes can he Itirwartled to:tied:phis by this route, and
whirl for Nei* rrietans tell
1 A VI\l: lute day
W.opoosa, for Masai . ..ore of TIN. COPPER
AND SIIKF:T-IRON WARE, on the rorne r of Rohm
son street and the Canal, In the let Ward, A LlGari.T
et", where , he y •re
prepared 10 illflll/11/ to ardor,
wholesale end retail, all truck. in their fine with
idry Trinatnnir•. nil carcemmo• orders are ito.
welch will teem, iminciltate intention.
of Allegheny. Pelt I, 1 4 43 --dim
I set, a slew et me Battle of Monterey,
„ L. Cerro froMo;
I " L . " lktena Vats.
•• Teta de l i ons,
II " Chose de Lyon,
- • - Garde FrUllettly"; •
• •"' Col C Auvergne;
The al rove IX suitable for Auvergne;
r l
• rooms. Just recd three, p aria,
ree, from Paris, and for wale at
! the warclionad of ap2 ft C HILL
ri , () AMIL :f—Chmuical Liquid for atZehriit
I clothes, corpora, silk., paint and fine furniture—
savlng half the labor and dispensing entirely with the
rauhociard. The (meat Wilton carpets, after having
been in use eleven years, have bean perfectly restor
ed, without tee shahroat trucry to the fabric, and will,
out removing from the flaw,. It will not injure the
cloth. Directions aecompanyata each bottle. Price
23 rent, For sale by .1 SCHOf..2.III.IIXER k Co,
Mr/ 24 wood.
HUGS—Chlorate Poemb, In lb. bottles,
Cane Amd do
Hypolph. llod• do
Sob fist. Learmsth do
Creaerdo do
ronoillo Loom: do
Chloroform do
Just received and for slag by
Bankex•, Exchange Broleers,
COLI•ECTIONS.—Drana, Non s and Accepter:rex
parable in any parr of the Unton, car ere,' on Lae mos!
favorable terms
EXCHANGE ou New York, Phhadelci n a end Bal.
urnore: afro. Crneinnati, Lottisvil!e. Saint Lou, and
Now Orleans, eonst.itly 107 sale.
BANK NOTES.—Notes on all solvent hanks ul the
Fluted State, direnunted at the lowest raver A/1 h,odr
of Foreign sod American Gold and Srivrr Cout bought
and ,old.
Office No 55 Market street, between 3d and 4th.
Pmsburgh, Pa.
Engltmd. Ireland, and Sconand bone!,
jj any amount at the Current H.R.. of Eintion,se.
Also, Drafts payable to any part of tau Uld UOlllllll.,
from St to 11000, et the ram of S 5 to the S Sterl,on,
without deduetton or discount. by JOSHUA HOHIN.
SON, Fdtropeon aim Genera/ Agent., otLye st o
tt ne
door won of . wood.
Foremn rod Domestic Hat of hzehumn, Cm.
Ilfit•IULD Of Deposue, Bank Note, and Coin, come, of
3d and Wood streets, dmeet,y oppostc i ' hntir. Ito.
Uhln lndiana.
purchased at the loweat rate., by.
sept 3
ZZ arket st
Checks rreL
New York,
kfindepldß i and
Cal:memly for eaie by
N. 1101-MF... tr. SONS.
IS Market et.
BOOKS. k - f) I
lEW ROOKS—Complete Work. of John
DD. in volt.
March nod rx V..yage Herman :e
FkAler Warfere of N York. by NV by Cam het'.
Here n Linle rand There n Ltide, by the author or
.. I,lllf upon Line, end Precept upon Precri.:"
Memoinrointy Youth. boy A De Len - turtle,
Ibusarated I.4fe of part eth. ju.l reer,veil
and for by ..10fIN, rut , : & ATOCKTON.
•VAI corner Third and Market +r.
Th V ole '‘j r a, " tt . : — Di D n ' tOr e r c 'e n n u ' e ' e Y s . 7 i ' ' ‘ u .' th r o k :o o g n v ti E lftl d t7Z:
Philosophy of . Re b) J a Nloreti.., M
Bourne, Catet.l,.l” of the ' Akam I /11, r
Chamber• Cycinpedm of Engloot Lorratti, 2 -olg.
octavo, f, edition,, and E10rft...4,
liwled,-10 vol.. mo 1 , toed
Adv... to \ MCI, by r usti
Ar.hur. go;
" •• 1 oong\l - morn.
Klelrent• NleteufLoogy, by .1. Ilan
h 1 A
Prover'', orl thr Poop!, S Slow,rroo
Ico voooly , ormoo., by 1, Wt.y;l4..d
Frror',•, Ifo:roaol,rioro, for 1-46-7 'The 11,
m of Holy I
vul. , orliourer, or 3 onfoid.og ate •I..]atual
en ' rvo.
No IS FriiiLici'a [Ara, i:ltici - vied
Received this divy to
- -
VEW PUBLICATIONS- Essay 01 the L , 1033
: LI of Cl.ur,h awl Stat., by Harlot W Nori. A
I vol. Itrroi.— t 1.25 An eat., edition of - vi'ork
was. sold is
day. co ii• loil.C.cation 1,,,t,dr,
LIVIC33 P - om Nler,irel - Smith s Journal. t.., Pro
•ilice ir! assarlicsetts 8uy,11:76.4, soi Ptrihr
BoArs Poems — Sketches ofo o.,,oupe,
Rso Ralph Liott—near vii enlarr,l—wnh
MM.. Urns, *l,lll}A
Catechism 01 thn Steam Etosine,..ltoorritirs o:
sclentstor principles upon winch its operntion dope - dr
and Lae precut.] detail: or sirueitire is.
noe l to 1111 3 131013. 113131313. •Icaiii navigemwo. nod rao rio ws Yoi , , •
grit vartnus suga r esilons of unprolonrolot: by Bourn-
C E. I vo. P2iou 75c
Chooser's Lertures on the POirrinCs rogrc,,x—new
roduerd n 61.1.A1
Ti.- railoos, Poroor Part I I
S, Fra.rialuCs Lae, d'ustraled. Purt, IV 33133.1 V K( 3 31
Tur4a). 111 , :onec by Prof Ty'er—limo Ft.r,
1,1,1,21 it ifi , ri :rn~'4
Sole Agency for Nouns di Clarkl• Plano.
it'S'lr RECEIVED end CPrllme
hr l atod ot 111fac elegant Plato, it , •ni le
tc ..
c e tory
of N,ol & t';atir
N 1" , eoropronng ii. Og and ort,e•
will, itnr.ortant noprovententa. Lodi ,// 111CChunibmt and
exter,or p0**,.....1 t,y no others
A 1.,0-- A tine *election of Clttekoring. Platto*, iron,
ft 10 7 0f1.1,11 11. KLEBER..Sote Age,.
at I W W 00dwe11' , ...11111,1 MT
N B. ' rule atom tel be so , ,1 at manufacture, rt t2
re, 1 ,11/nut any addition /or freight or f AiPt,Cf 1
marl° Journal and Cb renteie eopy '
A t+PI.I NIJID u,or.rtst,l ,
rtny and Rosewood Plum, r,
pi , : ~
weed. Theme Instruments are matte...
the latest pattern 3... d t...l Mal: r::.. 6
and wlll Le sold !ow (or coati by
I' fiLLME. I 12 NV nod •Iree,
t!.1.1,m, above 1 :`.h aa
N 13 - Thotbe w bct ore tn wttot °I it Koott ~t runtert.
re.revett uliy inl to exeunt.,edit:bebt
in the Gout ,r
-tt,n, ewherr,tt• tney estboot t, ~ u..',
ary, abt w.,: Le sotd.oner Nut ,rty brzuteiti
1/041 the E. 14•: A:•3111tt telt ttletql. two pin-qt. or Kant.
burght consturneture, wt. - ranted to I , ••xupor,or t, any
ever sold in ttit• country Ottl4l
T 020 1 ,011 TO TUE Lal". In Roi.TT not Ha
~.r.tial Packet — Pmtatarmsta, Capt. Jerkin,
( . " Tat...urn, " Po:Iork;
I " " Lan Emu, . Truby,
I " " PRTTunta, “ Brown,
.. Sayer
rn, above new mut oplentlici Pa.senger Packets not e
, r , .n,nred ruunin, between DEAVER AND,ERI E.
I r.d no .1 run regular/y during the etrtmii—o o e nonl
ile. 'pi g Erie every morning old o'elork, mot one !ea,
.• IMlver every rs , nlnß twonletliotrly Idler the arro
Vol or the steamboat Michigan 8010 Fate burgh
T,.,. boot. urn new and rnager.bly turl,th e d, and
wm 1411 throUgh in forty Boma. Pas.enuers 10 ny
, point 1,1 then or to Niagara Falls, will hod ta,
route /be Mo roinlortable and e/peditioas. Tick,.
tbrou•b to it
poi.. ml the Lake eon be procured by
aepoorig to the proprtenara.
REED, PARRS h. Co, Beaver
JOILN A. CAUGBEY, Agt. Pittsburgh,
P.,—J.. C Ilartanon,
nor. W
Buffal ale, a o, N nti `mutlitie,d •ta
C 51 Reed, Erie, Pa_
C C Wick, Greenville, Pa;
i WFarlantl und Bang, Big Bend. Ps,
Baia A. Piumb, blurpsittrgh, Pa, I
IV C Mala.n,Sharon Pa;
D C Mathews, Pulaski. Pit.;
. --
R W cunrunghana, New Castle, Pa. ;‘. I
BURKE4I, C 0 ,15 FI
- BEftl-1111 i
,k rit: Proprietor• Mans Line have put oil New , oet,
~,d ~re prepared 10 tor:VI/RI pae1“4,... 01 ni.:l dr•
sr ripilons dem y. at the lowem rates.
J C. BIDW ELL, Ag , ut,
Water 1,1-.1, Put r•ti r
SAI 5.... Cr!. la, BAH:mot,:
i ha soN & 110
Patimaror a.nd, Remittane• Oftlc..
iiiiHA. RUE:, contnme to unlig perste
,from any pars of England, Ireland. Scotland
Wale.. upon the ITlnit libend terms, with d,
,um. punctuality and mtentlon to the Wattle and cone
for , hi h gota We do not allow oar paan,.cerf
' be robbed by the swicdling acamps that /1111”1 the sc io
ports, we take charge of Mem the moment they rr
port themselvos, and see to their well being, and de-
We my Om fearlemly. as we drip one of our p.o. e .
gem to ahow that they were dammed hour. by us in
Liverpool, whilm Homo.. of otter, were detidned
.mina, until they could be sent m nome old cruet. ut a
eh; p rate, RAC, WO fitltt
ggnity co probed their coll.,
We intend to perform o. ntracts honorably, cost
what it may, and hot act as was the cane 18.1 P A
wtm ether gthggm—erho el:her performed out all, eg,loor
when suited their COnVeILICIICC. •
Li n o. drawn at Pitts
oburghfor frotatato
and , ft.'l"tor
Europe. and GettlgtAl Agent,
fah? MOO mreet. ono door hale.. Weed.
orELVETRISBONS—Jum re cem .la
ed at Zebu' /f
-sey's, 07 Market street,
30 p. colored Velvet Ribbon, .sorted colors,
30 black "
embroidery: Gimpf lop. wide Plam, Au.
. .
ROLL BUTTRR-0 bbl. fresh,iiiror I
sale by febl7 ARALOTRO 0 A CRO Z
T HE, following from George E. Pomeroy, El. th e
known propnetor of the Rpm.. ot , ia • (or
itself 0: the imp...we of the Pain Extractor to every
Mu Da LI,. Eisele, Orarac,h.q. Sept,
My D Sir—Witbu or no or
dinary picasure I adthes ear s ou in r e la tio n to ilx
the benefit
have retcelveo from your Invaluable Pain Extractor
I.toely. my bole daughter, 0 years obi, had a pitcher
of bottle vas fee turned into her bosom; her screams
orre dreadful. so that a crowd lostantlY Coate"'
(ore the unser to !earn the cause attic terrible setearns
I [ore her clothes at/older, and moon spread on your
sale. and she. was carried and laid upon a bed. She
on relreand from her pains, and says I feel
as al could laugh," and was soon in meet sleep. She
sent scuided to a blister from the top of her shoulder
over more than half her Chest. and round under the
air., tin the shoulder low ver y deep,
, trona the first hour, she complained only when it
at dressed, The sore healed rapidly, and there is no
corm raeUnn of the muscles.
With nfArty unarm, my dear sir, (or your sneers, to
the sale of this :nighty arucle,
The genuine Dailey. swill ever produce he t tame tn.
...wane*. relict. and goothing, ceKiling effec, in obit
sere e,it a sof Burns, Scab* Ps, ko.
Ti,,' Conn twists—no o attar under what name. they
may appear—always irritate, and increase the pun.
I. Edward P Holmes, of Chatham. ldelvln Bridge,
Cujimilon eouniy, N. Y., hare been eillicted with rhea
, matiem in my breast, feet, and all over coy lady, for
y-on, so that I could not stand, and was cured by
appocationo of Dudley's 'Hoven) Pion Extractor
Da jry. eat my finger with copper had,
poisonous nature of whteh caused my arm to swel/
erasiderutay, with Collfialill •hoolong pains up to the
imaider A Jorge swelling taking place at die arm.
j ot, won iderraeog pain, I became fearful of the Lock
jaw. In tin. extremity your Pain' Extractor was re
couhnended to me, and which I was prevailed upon to
tin s
The consequence was that It afforded me almost
inetant relief, and In three days I was completely en•
corner Broome and Sullivan ate, Sept 8.
Doutr is the inventor of this torah,
able remedy, and never has and never will °aromati
c:lie to ally liningin on the secret of its combinanon!
Al. Extractor, therefore, not made and put up b
hon. are hap, counterfeits.
Darovs--115 Broadway, Now York;
Jai Chestnut street, Phila_
libelant et,
Bank Note,
JOHN I). MORGAN. General Depot; Dr. WM,
THORN, Agents for Ptitsburgh.
1)alled, Antm.l Gaivanst
Cure. humors, imam, quittor, greax,
gall.. and bruise.. Pamphlet., containing
iit.s of reopeetable putties. may he had on applica
nr lS dl pi. tion tu
.16J1\ D. AIORD.A.N,
Agent, Pittsburgh.
...,-• ' :: 7 . IWa, NI E RCURY, or other
7‘' ~ , e,, , n ernt. —lt has power to
--...,,M1. ' Er , t.,x"l'' ' cause all EXTERNAL
~j...,--,-. .... al \-,,,, , trORES, SCROI.ILLOI.B
...:474,1 .. ..r• El', ~ -,‘ NI:NItIRS, SKIN Die,
.7 . 7.k.,.._, 4 .. L EAS ES, POIStINODS
r•X-ew , --" -- ,-, , WOUNDS to dmcharge
-- w;,....... .7 - -. p . ,
t,14,....:, - k 4 - tired' putrid matters, and
x,......'. -----. the hr b`.:thr,`%":7, - ,e nned
'''',:te F S::: , .'- ' AI. L. HEALING, for
-1 1 W N
there is scarcely a dm
• li. , ' rase external or internal
eatmiglif that tt will not benefit.
...,, I have used II for the 1.1
til.t teen ) curs 1,,r a.I dmeases ot the chest, titvolvtng
uunort danger .ttul respottamility, and I declare
before he and man, that not 111 0/le cik.e It. it
fu.ed to benefit when the panent wax within the reach
I have rm t phystemox learned in the profe•sion. I I
itaxe emntriers of the gospel, judges of th e bench. al
dere en. ie.eyera gentlemen of the highest eruchnoo.
and multam.ra of the poor u•e ht In every variety of
sty, and there has been but ono voter—one universal
uotee sa, ing— ,.'U' VoLli OINTMENT
ItlICI •, IATISAI-1, teludyra Ptlllo.l tmntedtately
,fie tontiMMUMM sod swelling, when the pant ceases
,Ii Ad lb, d•remsons around the: box j
III:AD- AC II E—Thr 'Mee hat{ corr.l per..., of the
LiCY4I-.ache ld “Verne )(7.1S SflE , Ung, and who had it
regular every wedlt RO that VOMIIMX took place CAR-
are hditied with tae aticer.sta
~ALD FIEAD -We Lave cured cases that actually
defied every thing known, a, well ad the arality of If
,^e , m twenty doctors. One man last us he had ~neat
!dial on a x , !,.,d withou any benefit, when a sew
,Il'a Of
Ointment , ureJ Mem,
ECITR—Them is nothing better tor the cure of
R 110YKIN,
Apollo lilt
...rlitt Nits Ji ieeetved,
:p- Camp Blankets; 2ti officer eo.ipi, pr. Pants
patio hned 51mtag Loots; I:S4OM. Hort, :1
.r Tants. 6 uad 12 gallons enchi •=4) contactor, I
ettt.!.: 1 don Loekshiet Money Bal:s; 1 do oiled
do. The above goods for sale at the Galt.
or r rt•if
tutritteg Ksteldstreacut, No Wood at.
me. ht
J. A. BROWN would 'ranee,-
Ily in.Orm the puhlic, that he
teas Ott hand at his stand on the
st aide of the Ltarnond, la He
lea, city, a enruplete assort•
tnt of Ventlian Blinds. also ye.
fll:i , hutters are made to or.
In the beat style, warvented
aal to .y in the United States
• Itltnde ran it removed with
( the aid of seer,' driver.
purchased the *belt,
la and wood a/the cabinet ea-
Innen - mut of - Ramsay
o r irco r a r o7„ n e r r. " ,
well r
the 1..: ,tc icon e to et.h
very thing ip their late
Agency, No Wood street, I'itt•
mch , dl J. A. BROWN
1)A PF:I2 /I NGING,i— I sat now receiving. duce
J front the inatioraeturers in New York, Phlladet,
'ito and 13..1:n0re, a large and welt selected nation
[tent of all the latest and most improved styles of ...
14,1, glazed and coin:non PAPER ILANILLNOS, cor
I D,Unt/
p iece. of Parlor anti Fresco,
ltr,inat • Hall nod Colurnul
Paper—which 1 I ntan Ilinlng-room, chamber and odic particularly Invite the anent.
of :bore haring hottacs to paper, to roll and anal:tun
at u. l'aper Warrhoore of Y. C. HILL,
t, •
97 woods
' A
g ' Rl,l THNOT .; klinunenCe, receive .
9_ ~ large mbithitnent it
ent , b4intg in part nt Artificial., Ribbons Laces, Itti.
*lvry. tibot.,. Crape. Letsse, Cambrlcs, Netting*, Lace
l' , d., cl,sw.., Pongee liondkerchtefs, gents Cravats,
gt,gbato nn,, , onon Randkeirehitifs, needed Skim,
1 cc wing Silk, Threads, Buttons, Combs, Jewelry, Cab
~,., :,c ,1 c. Country and city merchants are ma
, pecindly Invited to call and esamtne his stook, No 84
Wood street. comer of Lnaillond alley. men=
EXTneT OF COPlRE.—AntiiiiTh;-t;Wicit 6'lT
ptC:y coining Imo oat as • wholesome, nouriatting
min ,iti tennis beverage, being more pleasant and nble than common Coiree, and hr cheaper, as a small
pm,. r eosllng only_ ten cents, will go as Ihr as roar
!Glib " 4 ‘ . chtl'lZt.P.kPittab th I'.
Sold at whole by LI • FAH:di:4'l9Z. ',k co,
corner of First and Wood and htstb and Wood streets,
A fACAbLAY4-11-I..?TORTrOP h hitt L :L—Rat.A
ill. lee'. edition, containing all the ;natter erbatim
et literatim, of Vols. I and 9 of the London edition, em
bellished with a portrait of the amber-9 Von, in one.
Price, complete, 60e. • largo supply of above ish
emwed and for salt by JOHN bi k1h.1.1.0/9,
SI wood.
1 flnl your', with respect.
GEO. F.. I.O.SIEROY, Conn., Jun. 1, livid.
Ales... Saxes: Gentlemen—Sympathy Inc the afr..d•
ted induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure
effected k our Sarsapantin In the ease of my wife
She was aeverely afficted with the .crop,,., on din:
ant parts of the tiodr; the gineds of the neck wer e
greatly enlarged •orl her Inntils much swollen. After
suderrng over a year and finding no rehet tram the
remedies used, the shse.e alicked one leg, and be
low the knee suppurated. ler physician advised It
aGould be lard open, which w done, but without any
permanent honefit. In this Mutation we heard of, and
were Induced to cur Sands' Sarsaparilla The first
bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, retie,
tog her more than any prescriptlon she bed ever ta
ken, and before she hail used mg bottles, to the won
tstonent and delight of her friends, she found her
health quite restored. It is now over a year aince the
cure was eifec'ed, and her health rrntaina good, show.
mg the disease W. thoro4shly eradicated from the
system ((or neighbors are all knowing to these
facts, and thlnt very hrglily of Sands' Sunup rata.
Yours with respect, JULIE'S PIKE.
Extract tram o letter received from Mr N. (V. Har
r%a gentleman well known in 14ra,sa county, Va.:
- fleritlemen-1 have cured u nedro boy of Mine with
your Sarnapantla, who was enacked with Sarotul%
and of a scrofula. nano)
• - l'oars truly, N. W. HARRIS.
"Fredeneks Hall, Va., Ju , y 17,1:448..
S•tsris' SA.A.SA sect. armost Linnet...l7
direct artonnon to an article so well known, and so
deservedly popular, a, th:s preparation, but patients
often who wish to use the extract of Saikep•rdle, are
Induced to try worthless compounds bearing the name,
but contmaing little or none of the opine of this valu
able our, nod we think we cannot confer a greater
benefit . uur readers than In directing then. atteutien
to hr ad•ertPernent of the Messrs. Sand. In another
column. The bottle has recently been enlarged to held
quart, and tho who with a really good artiole will
find concentrate ae d
it this all the medlcinal value of the
fi root. Tl, expenence o( thou...4a has proved its ef
cacy In ctiring the various diseases for wlsieh a in
r, commended, and at t he preeent lisirt more than any
other. perhaps. is this medielne useful, PrePoring ‘ho
system for a change of season.—llome Journal, Sept.
Prepared and sold. wholende aryl retail, by A. B. b
LI SANDS. Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fulton street,
corner .1 It'ilham, New York. Sold also by Drug
giata generally throughout the Were. and Cana
dui Price 51 per Dottie; six Bottles for 55.
fp"For sale in Pittsburgh. wholesale and retail, by
II A FAIINESTOCK, & CO., cof Wood and
Front eta., , also, corner of Stith std orn Wood sic by L.
WILCOX, Jr., corner of Smtildielil and Fourth at
andetl‘n corner of hlarkri st and the Diamond; also,
by EDWARD FENDERICiI. cot Monongala House.
' AI
rbangal.: N e weath U er "quell murk, oar tall and
ututer month., is a:tveys a fruitful pource of
neglected, are but theyrecursots of that fill
l). Agla Ora: i,;hi.ii•vvr i•OrittriLT,
' he
of vital important, to the paid,
di be found to t it he inseng Panacea. In proof of this
•, ours from ante to tome published die, ce rt ificates of
ozens of our best known 11.1.1111, who knee crperi
tired it Curative powers. Them, with a mass of in
linnuy (coin all parts of oho eountry.—from
Luis,. of the Gospel, tee, together moth coplous ooJ
cos from the
we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had
grans of any of our agents throughout Weep...).
have been used
throughout the Coned States and Canada, and we etia
ri which, when Learn aecorchngo dtrrettona and be.
fore the lungs had become fatally digorgutuxed, it has
ever failed to
Wily, then, need ine &libeled haenate! lb by reealrl to
the mievrable nostruma, gotten up by 411“ own nnvid
tall u ler the nest:trued inane of route •-•2 , Sratud phy
uriaa, and purred into notoriety :•f tenth, atos c, pail
mum equnde unknown! Whilst a medicine of
I. to he had, Whose vouchers are at home,—mir nehgfit•
bon,—many of venom it has
In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed
•ilhin the reach of the poor as well the rich, an have
put the pnce at
lauone half the usual cost of cough medicine. it us
lot sale by our agents in nearly every town and tillage
over the west, who are prepared to give full inform.
:ion relative to It 7. SAl.Tbnit, Proprietor
Broadway. Ciiict /matt, Ohio
. 10 .. Av CO., re.
I) R tis r } t . l D n ' g V li A bi a t i l ' m A u
icCsKIVI"I e p take. tens mean.°lttrtie.
for the extensive patronage he has received, and of in
forming lbein than he has lately erreted a large and
constructed bkling. for late purposut
location. at Pitillip.burgh, Pa., all the ohm river, oppo-A
elle the steu,nheat landing at Beaver, where he is ready
to reCrive iinuents as boarders, and arena to o n R
dropathie principles In addrlien to nts long exper,
ruler, and the great whtch has heretofore at
tended his treatment 01 pit twiiis °initiated Is his cart,
he has now the additional facilities afforded lay a. e-
Wuxi ve hulloing erected expressly foe the purpose, con
tuning commodious and ury rooms, and fitted up with
every necessary apparatus for batng, and ddmona
tering the trvannent to the utmost be hi nefit and comfort
of the patient Phillipahurgh is a aux, dellghtful and
beauty village, easy of access strauaboata, and af
fordsfine an
a wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures
afilmied persons who may place themselves un
der e a
care, that every anenuon shall be paid to their
comfort; and roe an assurance of the substanual benefits
he derwed, he points '#llll confidence to the hon.
dreds who have been permanent/y cured at has moat,.
halm - tent The Water Cure Irani, no Injunocts
Lielond, us Is too mien the cam, 'oath those wo es have
Leen treated ott the oid system. It remove• the dts
ease, inngorates the system. protects from the dangers
ctdent to changes of the weather, creates a natural
and acttve appetne, and imparts ngor to the digestive
powers Terms 01 treatment and boarding reasonable.
For further particulars tonsure at the eetablinluncuat, or
address the proprtetor at Pliillipaburgh.
DR. i . NEls A LTt R ose
We have been n
toformed by 'l r s. Roe, of a eas e per.
funned on her by Dr. Jayne. Alterative, which
proves As super.. ity over every other remedy yea rs
kool. She has berm named fur .he last strte ears
wuh Nktiluoga.tsi *.t: E SWELLINGS, attended
will. ulcer...on. end eofohauon of ranous bones, di,
ring which o-many pieces have been discharged from
the trontul hone of the cranium, from both her arum,
wrists and hands, from ri ght 'rs, and ilioca the left
his oral bone, and from the knee, foisttlea ainful
Ices. p
. on other ports of her person, which have battled
the skill of a number of the most em.nent ph ysictana of
our ea —during most of the time her sufferings hare
Oen nin on cru.ol.o6 and deplorttble About three months
he scsa zndured to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative
winch hat had an lvdOM:rivngly happy effeet upon her,
by removlng all pam andg and cattalos the
to hoot, while at the lame tone cne/ health
MG become completely rstored, so that shee now weighs
2.5 Iba more than she did , before .Le commenced the use
DI hie truly prep.,on.—[n,t Er ,. Posh
Fot further Information, inquire of Afro. Rose, No. ltS9
Frlbett at, Phlladelpha
For sale di Pittst.orgli, at the YEKIN TEA STORE,
PI Fourth st. near Weml. DIT S
A A do.r.CM
most m
exattr received ol Dr. Townsend', harsaparilla, the
undinary medicine in the world! This Ea
t, act ts put up in quart bonles. 11 is sta Voles cheaper,
ple r asanter, and vrarrouted superior to any sold. It
cues dmense without vomiting, purging, ackennig or
debt/mating the patient.
Loan eve sou lanyaronsa—Unprinmpled persona have
copied our labela, a put up medicine in the same
shaped bottle. See th at each bottle hoe the wtuten sig
nature of S. P. Townsend.
SELLERS, Drug,sist, 97 Wood Wer t, betweeo
Thiel an d Fru rt h, m Dr. Townsend's only wholesale
and retell agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine
erode can be bad.
D. Al. Carry him been appointed the role scent for
Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article ran to
It A. raitsmarruec, A. B. lieu, N. Y. 40tY
R. FAILDICITaCI,IPituobargh,
G. W. Fans my,.
W holesale Drug Store In the City of
Now York.
underiurned are extenavely engaged In the
Wholesale Drug busincaa at No 40 John Insect, In
t r le city of New York, und are PmPatTa s, apply
Drug rests and unarm Aletebmas wan Dutra, Pangs,
Ufa ltytmttliht. FOTOTO and Mande. Pertlnety,
Villn•uar tVairar k Altanierh, Chemicals, (of them own
moot tejlent, and nit other emetics /a their lam of hod
tem, of a superb squally es low as they can no - pnw
Chased In this or .1 outer. 0 4 .
`i oar York, Pablo L AL A D . Vs . ILWRSTOcg &
CIR.ATEFUL for the very liberal enc ouragement I
have received for so many years, I have deter
mined to enlarge mop moaildclably. Having
engaged a competent Foreman, / wit be enabl e d to
oil orders promptly, and do the wor 0 out usual
style And at fair prices, and ask the attention of Mee
chants and cinema to my large stock of I.IP/101-STFe
RV UOODS and Reds, Mattrusee and Redding, Car
tel., Alaterittla, Danmaks and Morcens, Cornlectl,
gu, Borderiuge, Tuttle, Split and Rodin! /Linda. and
every article usually kept m an establishment of dm
tind. Orders a l l aXnettll7 • 011 etted and promptly at.
leaded to.
am a—ClasPato made and put down.
ai WU. NOUN.
Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta
neous Emotion. Pimples or Pustule. on the Fare,
Blotches, Biles:Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or
Tenet', Seald fiend, Enlargement and Pain of the
Bones and Joints, Stubborn 'Ulcer., Syphilitic Symp.
terns, Sciatica or Lumbago, and Dumanes arising
from an injudicioun c.f. of Mercury, Aseites or Drop
ny, Exposure or Imprudence in Life. Also, Chronic
Constitutional Disorders_
In this preparation are strongly CenttnlTlted all the
Medictnai properties of 5a113.4,, combined with
dle moat effectual aid., the most salutary production.,
the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom- and
It has been no fully tested, not only by patients Mem
mice.. but also by Physicians, that it has received
their unqualified recommendation and the approbation
of the puldie; and has established on is own merits a
remit.on for value and efficacy far mperior to the
i' 37 . 7 .t.` 7, ?:r-VeTreZsu th e e h"sTaereo f n B ot'rggr'sh i a - ed
in the recortla of time past and what it has already
done for the Mouse.s who have used It, It t. capable
of doing for the millions still mitering and struggling
with disease. It purifies, cletinees, and ntrengthen,
the fOlllllll./1 springs of fife, and infuses new vigor Jam ,
out the whole animal frame.
The following striking and, as will bo seen, perma
nent cure of an inveterate case of Scrofula, commends
itself to all sunilarly waived:
.1•: , .(,s —The unpreceeleLud success velilett has
.ten.l.nt the uhe o( the
•:1 the v,rtons form. srluel t trntsuon of the lungs sue
me•, has• induced ate propnetor spun m null W.,
to tine
ltr R5...1 MISS liILNLI ritapecitally intim their
DEI. friend: and the
have procured anh
removed their school M room/ and convenient howls
in za,aook saner; second dwellmr east or Feberal st
where they art prepared to take a few boarders, as
well a. a tew more day rohol a ra. and where them es.
ChM, alles[loll will be devol , d to roatnietion 11111.11
the ordinary branches of Xupti nt:matron.
Strangers are referred to Mr Wm. Elrbbanm, lir .
Jobn ii. McFadden and Mr. P.,Eaton of rittsbair ,
- - ..eIT Overarmed In this ity'
. ~,,..„,_lnade on the Mom appteeml Eamorn lane—
n d roost (ammo eb Le Eastern pattern/and colors. Also
THE CHEAP LOU, or DOSlltple BLIND, On hand
or made to order of all oyes and kt al l p,,,,,,,..
Country Merchants and othe rs are turned to cell and
examine the above for t hem omleeo, as all loth be mid
wholesale or retail, and a liberXl dedeetion made to
hol emlepurchamm.
TIM SUBSCRIBERS having removed from N. 171:1
Nos. 1711 and 174 Liberty *VT, offer Mr sale goods
115 m store and now Im7 alp , viz,
35D bags prime Coffee, now c opt
40 v old government Jowl Coffee:
150 hbds prime New Orleans Sugar,
570 bIL Plantation Rotuma;
'lOO " St James 00 V Sagar Hooke Molassos;
let. Young limn Tea;
40 do Clunpowderand Imperial Tea, now
PO e eh at ' ty in go l : *lr Chang
3006 13 P - d d o o
11) 6?) t b ,ra w ‘.11,„
100 pper; 2000 do Alspice.
Iblx.ePs'hiastard, in* Sod 1 d•
Ido Sla ts . Bonen Raisin.;
30 do do
50 hlbas do do do d
doo, in layers,
50 qr "do do do
20 ask. Z 22143 Currants; 10 balm Sicily Almond.;
100 has Richmond Tobatco,
50 baskets Bordeaux and Marseilles Olive Oil;
2110 bbl, and 110 b( bbl. No 3 large Maekerol,
9 " Roney; 1500 lbs Cheese;
ItkMO galls winter and spring Sperm Oil.
al v bleached north west Whale OR!
1 0( 0 " crude " do
3410407 Crux and Sons Principe Segars,
30,0(0 Harms do
tfft hrpipes Cognac Brandy,. or •ftrlous brand.
9 puncheons JIM/lien SpldOSi
ptpos lioll.nd Cho i •
110 quarter elks sup Teneriffe Wl.ll/11,
lu do Madeira do
do Lisbon So
5o Sweet Idalag• do
15 Indian lAN do do
LS /dads Claret; 70 cabs Hoo
40 Ca., sup Bordeaux Claret,t Santora.
30 baskets Chan:Tag!. Wine;
It dor supr Stomach Ritter.
21111441 s pare Rye Whiskey, from I to 5 years old
' °llea to the Public:- -------
W E . he t z . by e no . nly a r i Llield a s , and
we vulrr.e.spon,,d.enuts
Axe cram...SCEs, receive freight from any ' boat for
which J. Newton Jones is agent_
C --
TORN KELLY & CO., (sucemsom
Tailb, Wind
t/ brener & Co., late filerchant es,( No. 102
CHISTNUT Street, above Third, PideJPlda s b<K
leave to inform their friends and patrons that Hai
have received the latest SPRING AND SUMMER
FASHIONS, witha large assortment of New Stile
GOODS; comprising Cloths, Cashmeres, Vesting. &e.
of event descaption—all of which ace of then- okra face
ponsOon, having been carefully selected In Paris,
Loudon &A.
ilt:l7 Strangers visaing Pluladelpina, me respectful.
ly mimed to call and examine their exteamive stook.
ziriLi RUBBER PASTE—Jm mag
i reehi, gene bottle, of Rubber Pane, a superior article, highly
Important to persons that wish to keep Mete feet dry.
It prevents the leather from cracking, and will take a
Nos h
polis over it. For sale at the Ind. Robber Depot,
WOcal street. mars Jk If PHILLIPS
iber, wholesal umfaotarea of JEW ,
ELRY, :nvit , wholesal ed alers and pedlars Wa
tling South and West-elso, country store reapers ta
ran and examine his stock of Jewelry, which will be
sold at the lowest tames for email or approved accep
tances. Comstantly on hand and tuanufacturtug, a
large msorment stumble for day or country trade.
corner of Founh and Branch ats, up stairs,
aplittiltim e•
Paper Hangings.
TTA VING purchased at three of the largest Facto
-1-1. netthe Ens; (New York, Philadelphia and
Inhamoreo it large aasonment of the newest and roost
improved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS,
&A, and made arrangements by which I will be ensw
bled to procure all now Patterns, simultaneous with
their appearance in the Ea.era market, I would in
•lte the attention of those desinng to have their houses
papered with the latest styles of paper, to call and
examine my mock, before parch...tag elsewhem.
I have now ou t i e way from the has. 10,(410 place,
of Gold, Satin Glazed, and common Paper Hangings,
which I can sell at prices ranging from t2 } eta tO S 2 P
piece. sel l
S HILL, wood at
LiavonSiSokiisg. •
Dird VING Jost completed the rebuilding of our smoke
humes,...-c are now prepared to receive meat,
and smoke it tri the most merchantable manner.
The houses are fitted wan all the modem improve
ments, and are capable of contairung 300,000 lb. each.
KIER &JONES, Ca ail Basin,
ace • Seventh at k
RL Tlic(TrAPEß—Havleg the ezelense egenny
f for the sale of the ?dill Grove Pruning Paper (9
B. & C P. Markle, Prepriiitem,) we will he constint/y
supinled wlth all the different sixes of superior quality,
Walsh WC offer at no lowe
feb24 itt t
oons ' S „
corner Penn and Irwin ins
- DUQUESNE worts.s. ----- -
00LEIHAN, HAILNIAN & CO. continue to masts
k_s facture :small Iron. Spring
end Am. Blister Steel,
Plough, Fork end Hoe Steel, &ts, spikes and Wrott
Iron Nuts, all sixes, together with Coach sad Ellptto
Springs, hlf Pat, Taper and common Azle.
Having reduced the pace of Wrought Iron Nuts,
engine builders and other. using the erode, will Lod
u to their interest to give this new branch of-Pittsburgh
C their attention.
Coach trlaumnifs and maieable mon on lateral bartall.
Warehouse on It ales and Fourth sm.
ILA 10. arrotoran IRON
And is now receiving a fine ttallartilleat of
Much he LI prepared to make to order
And in the Inte.t Fashions
Mewl %snarlers far Boots ..End fltuNIL,
Corner of Fourth and Southfield streets,
Paseltolesale •nd would r.peetfally
myna tee attention or then- friends and the patillt
ndly, to their splendid new stock, consisting Mamas,
w 0111.11 3 ., boys', misses' and children, wear of eve
variety, suitable for the season, nnd at prices to salt
the time. A splendid article of home made work,
such as gentlemen's fine Boots, luties, calm and
ehrldrens fine work. Please All and examisiafor
yourselves. TROTH it scorr,
corner 4th sad Smithfield ath•
N. 11.—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, tic. &a, al
wnys on band and low for case
Country merchants would find at to thelr intarest to
give us a call when visiting_the city. m • hid
Lo w
•F MPORTERS and Wholenale Dealers infla .,
te/4n and
1. Domestic, Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, &a., 1519,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, are now folly prepared with
• recently imported stock of Hardware, Celery, Sad
dlery, Carpenters' Tools, &c., to offer very "rear M
d.-erupts to Western Meretiants, as in addition to
the many adumtage• hid by oar predecewors, Mew
era Lam & Kennedy, we have greatly increased oar
and purchase allow goods Doan first hands
on the very beat terms.
The hutior members of the firm devote their whole
attention to sales, and feeling confident of giving sal
wfaction, respectfully solicit a call from oil who may
vac this market,
THE undersigned offers for sale • nuperlor synch
of brick for building . , mode by his Stearn Prew,
Improved machine, for winch he Ilse obtained • punt,
and agrees to give purchaners written guaratneothat
they are stronger, anisd will resist frost and wet weep
or and imbibe less moten. or dampness th an any olio
er brick, possessing greater body and superior
and much more durable ia ei, each brick
bung subjected to a pressure of se ver altons, Mal jo.
soaring a handsome smooth surface and even 'cages,
they slake a front equal to the best from brick.
They have given the greatest satisfaction moil who
have purchased. A tills can be seen at my works, and
specimen at the Gissette office.
Those having supplied themselves for their Braidings,
and wishing handsome front brick, or superior held
and said paving brick, C•l3 obtain thein.
Birmiogham L ione 12, 1848,
661. Nu I Intomod 111.6 15 7 351.01 .0 dr.
No I do do; 5 bbl. No 1 maw do; 50 do No 1 Ba.l
- Herring, 20 hull do No 1 do doi 27 bbl. No 3
Mackerel; 10 do No I &Limon, )roll 2,7, Ving o y 008 01
And for sole by BAIN WATT,
COPARTNEBSHIP—/ 0.00 00. dayl'isswelAto
with roe in the o Solerale Grocery, .Producle and
Commiunou llusiows,3l, yokto IVllsod, ander ham
Pittsburgh, Apnl 30, 1,15,.
for o.Jo . by .Pb It at/BISON A rmlN BRoom3-73 dos COM Braoons, ms,
AcoN-97;b00 inarrsoi7a
131 hou,sei for sale by Mr 22. lIUBIIUN a. Co
~.G . A 2 ,Z a .E TP ,,.. -
.. .. 0426. E
Oae insertion of 121tnes, or less, ..... .....5050
Two Mention. without at tumult. 0 75
Three ..
.......... 1 00
One Week " „ - Ibu
Two Weeks " .• 260
Three ,‘ •, ••
....... ..... 3 00
One Month, "
Two " „ "
..... .... 6 00
Three "
: ..... ... 7 60
aJ Longer advertinmen!. In game prone:lien.
One Nuare,ls month., Without altoratioll,... 10 00
taeh addttionnal pante for 6 month., . ..... 15 5
One I 'P t areje 6 months '
renewable at pleasure, IS.OO -
• 20 - 00
Each additional square far 12 month. t
le 00
Two squares, 6 month., tearable at pleasure, NI IXI
Each . additional square, 6 ............00. 8 00
whatuir on. 1911-011/..ili IN DAIL, VA/la.
One square, 3 insertlona, $1 60
" . each additional insertion,........ 33
suerwisa claim.
Vice line. Or len, one year, ...... ••••..•• 6 Oh
" " .11 month., .............. 000
. . one year, daily & weekly, 10 00
. . •• sin months " II ' OO
on vanansunzarrs in arnaKsor sesta. ,
For I 8 line., or les., One insertion, ........S0 DU
~ .• ',, Two, " ..... ~ t) In
t. " " Three, " 100
" " " Thor - - ---•
14 aoatlu iK?