The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 08, 1849, Image 1
,- ~.Z:3, • . . _ .. t , '- 1,- , '• I,:>-2 , ----_ , ,--1 ~ e•• , . ..-1T,,,,,„--14:',."--".5,--r.,-," '''' - ''''''' , ...'"l'-'' -v,•k-'' , • 1 1 7 y?; 4• • • •:' - 2 4 -X ,, •,.;•..4 , ---F ,- -.= , ; , ,...„ , ,,,,....,,,.,.. ,< " "'" ,' • . ''' - ' ' -, (.0 '''-` ~ ..1 , -, ^ ''' '%".A ' .- + ' ". ... .. - _ .. . . 7 1 -,:,-,----- - ;,f;•:.- -, '''',,,:.:"...,`,..K1.f.7,,1 "2-.,V,' ;t 1;4 .. V 4i -'- ' ' ' ,7ll '; - ' . : ::• ' : a - l" ° ' ' ' ''- " -,.- ::;:` ," i:'. --''- ' : -("' ''''' ' -- ' '-. '-''''''''' ' ' ''''-'' '''' '".--• ' ' ' -' - - 4 . i -'f'' ' ' : - . L . * . . ..... ..._ _ , ~.., , . . , DAILy GAzETTE _4 I 3 , i , . 1 i . . 1 . ESTABLISHED IN 1786 BUSINESS CMS, IL B. cetr.N &1 1 / 4 14, ,:,,, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office o Fourth Street, Between Cherry alley and 0 1 st. mylitlyi 11.7-thifflae-YD/tOROZER,CO- 'isiiiiintletiaiiiiis and Dialers in Produce, No 22 Market Set itsburgl,._ d.cs tre • • , B. BL-61.11V11.D. W. .11..1.. B D USHI IELD & HAYS, Wholesale dealers its Dry Good% Gl...tea. Boots, Shils, Pinaborgh ono. - teamed eaneles, Itc., No. 2•10 Item street. PHA burgh; las ...-...-----t -nr.11.1 I I BID on, assess ssirnii. rUfii & REITER, Wholesale ..1 Retail Drug gists, sinner of Liberty and Bt. Clair streets, inti... I. r. msyt4 CIILEr I assn, U. B. 110Wil. ROW I I i CULBERTSON, Waeleaale. , Grocer, Band Comas.= Merchant., No. 1 45 , I,lltert 11, Mallard. 'Pi. . doll Y ly. BA I aTIITSIT.B.CiO,, Wholesale — sod RW -1.1 • tail Draggled., corner Wood told d o lts sts. Jyt_. AL SMITH, Wholesale Grocers IS and Woad street Pittsburgh.. CI A. MeTLIN Co.,a Forwarding aid - Coms .311 Merchants, Canal Hum, Pittsburgh ehl P•. x..,.2.l.gprlactriale., Ste COLEMAN,' HA_II.O.I.AN & Co, manufacturer. of Coach stud Elipuc Springs, Hammered Axles, Spring and Plough Steel, Iron, tre. Waretunira on Water and Front strosta, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers int Coach Trimmings and Malleable Co.tnip. 0ct.12 baRBERIW4SZW6NITaIiTit r- 5T.7. 0- ki l idSITE THE HEAD OF WOOD PITTSBURGH. EDIOIUIIO WILIF./.IOS, • CONTINUES to manufacture Monuments, Ductal Vaults, Tombs, Head Storms, Mantel Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, nt a regular and fair price. N. H.—Drawings for monuments, vaults, Be. furnish ed, of any descrlption. He gotten, share of public patronage nugthdtf Wm. a. Catta il & SENNETT, (late English, Gallagher „Ed 4. Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Corummaion and For. warding Merchants, and dealer. to Produce and PM. burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood st , between thi and 3d streets. tl b:URGE COCHILAN, Commission an d Forwarding Merchant, No. No. 20 Wood street Pittsburgh. mill HOME LEAOUE FACTORT. 1.1 AbIILiON STEWART, ntanufactsuct of Heavy Shitungs, Chocks, Re., Retrench street, City of Allegheny. novlb-dlylt 'TT . LEE, (successor to Murphy — A; f or t he 11. et nod Cotatrusslon blotch..., for the Sale Ile o( AZILCIie•/1 Woolens, Liberty. opposite 6th febl7 _ WIC 1124.1.14, nollllllolo. L. J. wean°. 114WA/11l nxs.. t sc. WC/LIMON JOHN 5. WA-11.21-811,. Pk""44. EALDA BUOICSOIt, Tobacco Commission Met- LI. °nuns, 41 North W otos at, & 1G North Whntres, rad. nov3o4l .4a151T. • . • - MI - AIWA JONES & Co., tauccesaara to Atwood, JUL Joo., tr. Co.) Camausaaon and Imam:dims Met. =ants, dealers, in l'utsburglt /Manufactured liooda, Piraburitt,ya DORM IHRET, 10, CUL. Diaz. iseuai DICIiEV a. ea., wh0k.7.76. minion Merchant% mdleftlen Produce, any, and 107 Front wens. Plitaborni. novB B. CANFLELA (late of Warren, Ontri,) COMMIS . alms and ForwahAng Itlercnaut, and wholesale dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Pot and Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Water tract, between Smalateld and Wood, Pittsburgh. ap3 JOHN WATT, (successor to Ewan s Gebbars) Wholesale Grocer and ant, dealer in Produce and PwtsburgMa nufacture., t coo. ner of Liberty and Hand streets, Patsburgh Pa ja2g AM} 11 1310311/RE. ante of th e Arm of Alger and Mclialre,) Merchant Toiler, Ss Cheri. Budding., wee; near Wood, Pittsburgh. 'Wrd HUTCHISON, .4 Co.--Successors to U Lewis Hutchison tr. Connuusion Merchants, and Agoras of the St. Lotto , 3140.111 Sugar Rnanery. NO. 43 water and 92 front smote, Pittsburgh. • • Its. DILWORTH & Co, W note sale idirocen Pro t,• dune .and Conordamou tdereharda, and Agents for ion Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. 27 Wood In, PillabureL. • • JDUN D. ItIORCIATI, Wholmmle Druggist, and deal or in Dye Stuffs, Palma, Oils, Varnishes, &e., N0.,P3 Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Phis bn pint AS Ah — IiS KERR, Jr., /c 17;ucectsor to Joseph U. dDtoris,) Ship Chmullers, Water street oe3l AOHLni 51£.LLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer to /dusk and Musical Instruments, School Books, per, Slates, Steel Pe., limas, Printers' Card., end Stationary geuetully,No. 81 Wood st., ?timbal/h.. 11:r Ss bought or taken of trade. sepls JSCROONAUthER t. Co Wholesale Druggists, • No. PI Wood Street. Pit tsburgh. 1 OI! 11 DAVIS, A:mum:met, cornea sth and 'Wood ttrectx, Pitutstrgh. ort9 • TOHISSTON & STOCKTON, Book*e.ller3, Prince U and Pape, 31wmatitclurers, No. 44 Market at., Pius burgh. • Joan Fur.. itICII.IL. Fr.nro. Jt IL FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commission e Merclumrs, and Deniers in Produce, Round Gturreh Della:ls, (Mount on Liberty, Wood' and sth stream, PM:Moran, Pa. myS • • TAXES IM.LZE.I,I-, Wholesale Grocer, Commission le Merchant, aid dealer ist Produce and Pittsburgh telgoofactarc+. N 0.24 Water st., Pitisbo . h. Jaws trkla7riera.TiVie.e Coors above, burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selectieslii sottraent nf th de host an freshest Medicines, which he will sail on the most reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders, will be promptly attended to, and sup plied with articles they may rely upon as toUulne. 115,- Prberiptio materi als,l ccly and needy prepared from the besat coyhoar el or day or night. Jew lot sale, a largo stock of fresh and good Perim- Forwardnig and - tomer...ion Mit cham., Dealers to Produce tdiustrure mann ered uncles, Canal Dada, near Yh at. dill P" gam! tIILL PITTOBUanuIMAILAG PAZ ENNEDS, CHILDS & Mfacture. of very superior 4-4 Shccuogs, Carpet Chain COUOIL JEL. twine and Batting. jalitYly -----Veisilias Iron Works. , LDA.LZELL & Co., rnamdectureirs of all si res Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Netts of the hest Quality. Warshroire, 64 water and 105 frollt et. Wag kN Vita '1.14114-04 Volaolcarde liroco4 Fortatta . thi arid Case”s•eioe Merchant, Medal . in •Pitts ik Mannfactozes sad Produce, Nos. 31 Water st, and CS Front st tiows,,mam7 Ja.y uf sAmir ,O E r it el. , saw n KEBIILOCINLNLI GLASS Alanufacrures, and Wholesale -dealers In foreign and s domst Variety Goods. Yule= merchants, Pedlar and others are invited to call and evanne the prices and quality of our stock, es with Cu, present increued facilities in utanufactur. lag and purchasing, we think we can offer as great imbrue's:caw to buyers as coy other house well of the Mountains. ja.S4 T 'Ant. tmr^ Philada, c. w. incecrsos,Pidsbulgh- AgrILLES. tr. BICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and AL Imposters of Smdies, Wines and Segars, Nos. 17s and 174, earner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pius. burgh, Pa. arra to= trans yp t s. a meta.- Wa.Lahra r. WM. /VcCGILISIL NMI, Wholesale Grocers had Commis aloe Merelitnts, No. w-L Liberty 5t.., , Pittsburgh. ad M 1 PHI', WILSON S. co., (late JonetLMrtrPhy & .CO Wholesale Dealers to Dry rienke, No. 48 Wood street, Pittsburgh. nOva2 IL at.t.irat - , __ emu- mama, ww.. la maws- ALMS! & Co., Co narraaainn and ' Forwarding ALL, Merchants, Water and Front Its., between Wood andSlerket Ina. 4. IVIAXTILEW WlLSWPortrent wtd iiirdurePatn. ler. ` Roomy corner of Post Office Alley and Potent meet, entrance on 4th near Market. . dete-tid. .. 1101.1.1.12. & BON, No. '55 Market sti second door from corner of Fourth, dollers in Foreign and Domestic Wiz of Exchange, t.nruficatesof Depos it, Bank Notes and Specie. EX Collections mod on MI the princiPal clues thro • . hoot the United States. den? Ikr BUCKhIAI3TEIt, Amlion...r.—Olien, Fourth - 01-, third door abere Eltithitheid, south side. Conveyancing of kind. done ',nth the greateat owe sod iegal weentoey. Titles to Kcal Einem exam= IL T. Hobert., ytY, p; OWITIALMIC SURGEON, will attend to the treat %,,F mem of Inseams of the Eye. Dr. FL has been engaged to this branch o(. Ilse medi cal plofession for sixteen years, and has conducted an dtabllshatent for the treatment of diseasedref the !rye alone for a/natal years. , OW= and residence, earner of Sandusky st and Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. .A. ectl3 I:ll—akiiirll lek.lA tIW.M7—No,7 - 7 . 1 Fooral st, near Wood—All miantnies otOreen and Mack Teas, done up In qoartekhalf, and . IWO pound packages, ranging from SU c% par pcmtul 4140. 11.1 A. /Al NIS, Aga Pea Co. ix OBEICF kletittE., Wholesale 'Grocer, Seco:yang Lk. Distiller dealer to Produce, Pittsburgh id.onufac tures, and all kinds of Foreign nod Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street. Oil hand e eery large atock of superior Ind Monongahela whiskey, Wei will be sold low for cash. • ''i . „._ aid&lY anntleir/a, ssanet.4. 11.011LVOX, nOIIiNSUN & CO, Wholesale limners, Prairie° nod Commisaion Merchants, and Dealers lPitts- Dllmufactures, Nit. lee Liberty. st.4„Yilt lb rtl sburg g % a • .3' ll CO Wholesale • Grouts, uonkar P." - M l- 17 bleictiardiollaaldn uf uu Übony t. toginee and Paubutgh Um us th 1. I rucianugh, Pa IJIMM e. CUNIiWUU" ikoieskier Grocer L. Dealer rroduee mud Ptuftburgh Airudat 72 toses, Movner ) Oi ILLTISOSIirLIL Li ILYN OLDS LTA, SHEE., Foretarding. t ind =bait= IN Mart a+, for the 11.11nhany an is Groarties, Produce, Yittabagt Meaffenfosee and Chloride of Wee hightu prima, in eat, paid at all tildeq for noun rap. Comer of Penn and Irwin AL23 diliaWairrl WHITE, Whol;;;10::DikliA1 . qp. =a amt Domesue Dry cools : No. 99 zr l 4, ( -- w711.e.? - eutai", Wooi gig Rtr ia =w' m fZur. Li'N"V d qerst, Pitts. Writ 011,11T14. ILMIALEY & Co., Wholesale Groeeiii and 0 Produce dealers, No.= :darker street, between ISth arid Sib. North aide,, PbPhiladelphia. : , ~,,,,,s - - , rrrurtozon. 10. M. 111.11.1.... & N1C01.13, Produce 1114 'General Com mission ?de/chants, No. 17 Liberty at.,fittabarg/L. [Sperm, Linseed end Lard Oil. 11014 lIONINHORST, Co.', Wholesale Gro g& core r Forwardly; and Codonladho Merchants, Ix Pittsburgh alannfacuartsfEld Weston:. Yr.. 11•VC,I4panVezi IteNV IlarabOUMeAoid 11112 d) tfl n alooraer of Front st. and Chancery Llye. ---. PR OM dr, SCOTT, 'Who and Remit deade. in 1 Zona, Biwa', Trunksl esale, Carpet Dais, de., 8 . W. o nen' arty am Smith Lai d au, rntaborgh t ,P. inn linBBElC ES - WT, WloTian Grneets and Conical.. lion MeteNava, and dealer in Prodaeo. No. 25 E . IIIna ..... AIRTIL, -. past .da 11., MITCHELTRES, Wholeasle Oiiine - r • a Rectifying Diadllen and "lOVine and Ligon, • mportal of Sods rah and Bleach ing Payday, NaNo, UR Labeny street,-Pittabargli, Pa PM CARDS: MIDI D.DAM IiCCANDLNDA iCiAnftI'CANDLESS, (successor. to L. & J. D yy Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nail., Glass, Lonna Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, yr of Wood and Water •ireels, Pittsburgh. FBT - Commission and ForWardini ' Merchant, No. 90 Front to. between Wood and et streets. fob% UT W. WALLACE, Mill stone and Allll Furrush- T V ins establishment, No. 244 Liberty near the c anal. mart WMIDIPIII, %Vl:totes..le and Retail dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north east cornet of Market and Formh sm. anvil • , WM. YOUNG & Co.—Dealers la leather Irides, dn. V 143 Liberrf s. W. WILL ~..eleart. TDEIt. MCCUTC.III.OrI A y tn k. L'V;rCLIN, WholesaeGrocr, den and "e 0du!I ? l e7PtburghMananctarca 1,4 borgh_ . dec2 Ili C IV - aches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, yv . and Military Co ods, corner Of liltuker. and dth Wools, Pittsburgh, Pa. N.U.—Watches and Clocks carefully repaired. deed ILLLAM SMITH, Mannfacturer of Cotton nod colored Linen, Pongee for Dreicies, Au.; Sewing S lk end colored Cotton Forager for ado and gingham Parasol. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes, condo to order on the shortest dobee. Soolia, corner of Maiden Lane and William, entrance No es William comet. Bard floor over Abner k Elsv store. No 65 Malden Lilac New York ia 1. 3 W WILSON, 7ealer in — Watches, Jewelry t o Spoor Ware, Military Goods, foe., bit). 67 Ajar elt s noW . _ . 3(1:11GNO els CO4 AEALERS IN HI DPZ AND LEAT HE R, Morocco, Shoo Findings, Ac., No. 143 Liberty sweet. have Rot received thur SPRING STOCK of roods. cont inuing a lure assortment of gold. 111 their line. to which the attention of purchasers 111 invited. mehts PETTIGREW & CO . , is STEAM BOAT AG EN Oretot Aiwa% M. ALL. & Co, .121 No, 42 Water meet. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CO. of North Amenen will make permanrnt and limited lasui•ace on pro perty In this city and, vicinity. and n Ouynienis by itivi-ra,les. and by Sea. The properties o this Company arc welt invested, and furnish an avail able fund for the ample indemnity of all perrons who dealre to be protested by insaranee. myth WIT P. JUNES, Agent, 41 Water et The Frank/in Fare Insurance Co. of Pietladeepe.l. DIRECTORS.—CharIcs N. blancher, Thomas Ham Tobins Wagner, Samuel Oran, Jacob R. South, Gee. W Richard, Mordecai D. Lewis, Ado!pho E. Rorie, David S. Brown, tilorcis Patterson. Cesar-as N. lisscass, Precedent. Charles 0 Rancher, Secretary. Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limbed, on every description of property in town or country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. To Company have reserved a large contnigrnt Fund which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invent. eg, afford ample protection to the areured. The assets of the company, on January Ist. pu blished agreeably to an rt of Assembly, mere 6J 101/OV/AL12 6. .. 5e, 'Real Estate. • • Temporary Loans Pipets Cash, he 81,339,499 71 Since their incorporation, a period of 19 years, they have paid upwards alone million four hundred thous mid dollars, lasses by flee, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, SA well ha the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liatalltie. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, marl-dly Mee N R corner Wood And 3d sta DEtAw - axinitt;Ttl - ACIiIiSCILANCE CO. P. A. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Dela . ware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phial. hdelphia. Flee Risks upon buildings and merchandise of every de.nption, and Marine itiskit upon butts or cargoes of vessels, token upon the most favorable terms. p- Offer at the Warehouse of W. B Holmes h Bro , N 0.37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. B.—The sauces* of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency i this oily, with the prompt ness mid liberality with which every claim upon them for loss ha. been adjusted, fully wartant the agent to inviting the confidence and patronage of his friends mid the community at large to the Delaware M. P. Insu rance Company, while it has the additional advantages as an 1121.111111011 among the most floanshlng In Mimic.. phla- 4 -as having en ample paid-in capital, which by the operetta= of its chatter to constantly increoelng, as yteldlng to cash person insured his due sham ot probte of the company - , without it bum In any responsibility whatever, end therefore IA possessuig the filutual principle divested of every obnomous fea ture, and in its most attractive form. nov4 FLILU A - .ND MAILISE MHE Inentrance Company of Nona America, uarough 1„ its duly authorised Agent, the suhse rarer, utters to make permanent and limitedlnsurance on property, in this gay and its victnity, and on shlpments by the Ca nal and Rivers. DIRECTORS Charles Taylor, Ambmp, Pabnius i2— h il t 7l l L ; lVocitl, %Yea Welsh, Fronk. Mate., 9, Austin A ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Preis. Ilium D. Samtlilan, See y. This is the oldest luminance Company it, the Culted States, having been chartered IA 1754. lm charter Is perpetual, and from its high standing, long espenence, ample means, and avoiding all rtalts of an extra 100.2. ardor. char-ate, it may be considered as offeringam ple security to the public. W. P. JONES. At the Con uti,ig Room of Atwood, /once a. Cu., %V ra ter and Front osce. Plasburgh. nay'_ T9I.I.Ix I CII.IIIEIt has been appointed Agent pro I . tem. of Ste I/maritime Company of North Amery - a, slid will issue Policies and attend to the Other business of the Agency, at the warehouse of Amoral. Jones tr. Co. apP2 WN. P JUNKS. tauter st Arthur 0 Cadrin, s,m•i W. Jones, F.avrxrd Smith John 4.,Drown, ttiossi . iii - F . . Cope, Samuel F. Smoh, Stowe' Brook., FORWARDING & CODIMISSION, C. IL .3.11 , PW rah_ I. . Slt• CHAILLEB 8. D&NENFIOWEB. & CO. TOBACCO CURIMIABOA fiBitCHAMTA, N. IS South Wharves, d No. 117 South Water sk P DILA DBLPHIA. BEGS to inform the trusts and dealers generally, of Pittsburgh, that they 'lave made such arrangements with the Virginia manalumorem and the Growers of the West, Welt Indies, end other place., a. will insure a large and constant supply of the following descrtp tions of Tobacco; which will be sold upon as accom modating trims as any other house An this city or else where, and all goods ordered from theta will be war rented equal to representation: Havana; Si_ Domingo; Coca.; Vera; Poros Rico; Penna.; }Seed Leal to- Cuba;(gum; A Florida; baeco; ALSO—Branch's celebremd Aromaue Stag Caven dish, with a large tomortment of ether popular brands. and commies of pounds ; sa, LC, and Tls, Lump; Sa, a. ela and 105 Plug; Ladies' Twinti Virga Torwt. a.e., meet and pun in whale and half Loses, wood and tut, together with every variety of true le belong ing to the trade. JelEally - JOUR A. SHAW, PACKER OF PORK AND BEEF, Commission Merchant and Forwarder, NO./ CANAL ST., CINCINNATI, OHIO. QT Porucular attention paid so the purehamug of of any article of Pre:sloe< 11 ibis ntarkci Alto to the forwarding of Goods generally. Roger to hlesire John ElorawlY A C: ' Martin tr. Stockwell S. C. Parkhurst, Esq. Lippincott & Cu. Kier & Jones, Pnuitourgh, Pe. English & Bennett, mars:Mho • 'CiEORGE - ZUCIIILAN• Commission and Forwarding Merchant. 00. 24 WOOD sr., errancacat, fION7'INIII to transact a general Commaslon bud nese espectally in the purchase and We of Amen .n MahUfaciures and Produce, end to receiving and forwarding Goode consqued u toe care. A. 'Agent for the blander-tares, he will he constantly supplied watt the principal snicks of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest WilairnllliG prices. Orden and consignments are reeteeifullyeohelted. 197 M..E.GOLF, IiNERCIIANDISE BROKE.It mod Goirinosmon Itter• chaut, 33 South Front street, second .tor),) Ploladelptta lij.t.iinds purchased, packed, insured, and shipPed M order. Wool, Flour, Gram Dried Fruit and Che•ae received on consignment and stor age, sisidtinsagnime obtained. dia3ili3SCsi—Wm. Sell k Son, Mr. 11. Iligby, and ZdiA . larfnz l.Tilda, Fittaborgh._ fcb-d:rm a EO fto E A. BB witoLEs.u.s. catoosats: YOBWRDINU AND munissium REACIIVIT, AND DRILLER LN Iron, Halls, Cotten Turns et Pittsburgh Blanuthetures generally, No. 10 WOOD newer, 147,181:1011, - R. T. LEECH, JR,_, Importer and Dealer in Poreigi and Voatestm Saddlery Bard Ware k Carriage Trimmings, No. 133 Wood It., Pittsburgh, Pa.. I s now teceivang his Spring supply et ()Dods, and invites the stemma( Saddle ra, Coachnmatern and Alerchtmts to his stock. It has been bought upon the brat terms, from am beat ...rec. and be therefore feels confident of betna able to afford swish...bon to all who may favor tom with a calk me 6VMM° - lAs. IL IL.TVAN. E. /. ClTslitAn. oco. it. Coa.soN. YMATEIANs PITTMAN a. GO-, FORNVAIiIIINti k COMMISSION MERCIIILSTE, No. 162 Second street, men27:d6inli cT. LOUIS, MO. Li PACES, SHOVELS, tr.e.-60 dor. Spades and ' She. 0 eels; 40 do Manure Forks; SU do Grain Shovels.; & do Socket doi Axes, Hatchets, Mattocks and Picks. Belli/Nos, VLCes, &C., (r sale at manufacturers prices he octitS CiFl) COCH RAN. 110 wood at PITTSBURGH STEF.L WORKS ANC — SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. ISAAC 701C13, /MN C. em... JONES & 40100,, MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel, plough steel, steel plough wimp, coach and alto; uc spungs, hammere,d Iron axles, and deplc” j.,, mai; IcAble camangs, fire engine lamps, and coach trimmings generally, corner of Ram and Front sta, Yitral fe turh, Fa l° reros rni;rrs - riiiiiiii3FigrpitutVeci Oowl—E-AtErt -1 Virhich renders turbid water pure' by ..,-',.;, removing all subetsuces not eoluble to, w ater. h lls i e emu,: ws . t t er (21 , N. York, ka.c ;. :l '''' w hen ogg lt c pareas ear "' lln P hOu t r o th . ro ' n ' sc ' a ~.-„:".; dueling cock, shows a large neseert • , ---"- ' imp:ire substrancesover=s, ae. Ttus is the 0000 mere or less with all hydrant water. The Reversible Filierer is neat and drable, and le not attended with the auconverdence incident to ether Fllterers, u it is cleansed withentbeing detar.hed from the water sip e, by merely taminl the key or heal. front one doe i s the other. fly Ms easy procw, the course of water Is changed, and ell accumulations to Impure substance. are dolma Of Piro:rot Instantly, Without to:sorrowing the Filter. It also possesses the advantwe of bete a sin cock and as such ha Mali Coro. Do vers g eonsiLenl :IA rtoonomicaL 7 It can be launched where there is any pressure htgh or low to et cask, tank, tub, aa with ease. To be bed of t h e sole Agent, NV, W. WILSON, *mo comer of Fourth and Market irtn LAW OFFICES. WM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bugle r, Pa W - ioo sound to collection.endall other bust- TY near entrusted to him in Butler end Armstrong countma, Flu Refer to J. & R. Floyd, Liberty rt. W. W. Wallace, do lamer Marshall do dig Kay & Co., Wood st. R SWEITZF.R, Anorney t Lase, office 'id in . e opposite St Charles Hotel, Vlltshurgh, attend promptly to Collections, In Wimhington, Fayette and Green counties, Pa REFER TO Blackstock, Bell te Co., uurch & Carothers, ) C ro Pittsburgh. D T. Morgan, -' EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Counteellor at Law, . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky. promptly and care fully attended to Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvania, for taking Depoinuons, acknowledgments, Eke. &e. Rory, vo—Hon. Wm. Dell I Son, Carus, Church & Carothers. Wm. Hays, Esq., Willock re Davis. EC.R. A TT9RNEY AT LASS; Officer emoved hi Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grant street. L 1.13 OCNI.IO, 1 11/kill/SONfGW ILL. DUNLOP SEWIII nooruey at Law, Offices on Smithfield, between and 4to ste _ _ JOAN It. RANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor at 1.114 , and Comansaioner for the State of Pennsylvania St. Loma into., (late 01 Ihusburgh.) Itsrakmmas.—Plttshurga IlraiW Forward. }lamp on nfiner, M`Candless k Itl`Clure, John F. Parke, Dingell, tr. Semple. M'Cord ec Kink. telLiy JOHN T. COCHRAN, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth .trees between A Suatthfield and Grant. tette-dent laT 0 11. ROBINSON, Attorney nt Lna, hal re y y . moved his office to the Exchange Cm, .t., next door to Alderman John. , opl7ly HATS, CAPS ANb BONNETS. !MORD CO., ISuccestiorn M'Onid Elnal 011, Fashlon•bl• Els.tter's,t Corner of Woof! and Flji &reeks. pARTICULAR attenuon paid to oar Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting then Hats and Caps from our estubilshment of the amr rskrarau end, of the urea maks, and at wt tow n! ?RPM, Country hlerchanu, purchasing by wholenale, tire respectfully turned to gall and examine our Stock; as we can say with confidence that as regards QV.4.112 and rates, it well not suffer In a comparkon wih soyy house in Philadelphia. (bI _ CALIFORNIA lIATB—rd dot water proof Cartornia Hat•, Jun received nail far .ale by M'CORD A Co. tent!: corner sth and Wood sts SPRING FASHIONS FOR 11349,4 hFCCiRD a. Co wilt on trator• 4111111-day, March ltd. to e Sprlng ...Lyle 01 HATS Those waist of a nest and superior hat, are inkne to roll at corner of sth and WOlki wee. mord 0 . PRIN. BONNET RIBBONS, he —W !Murphy has now open a supply of spring Bonnet Itibbolu. of new and handsome style• Also, new style figld Nettn. Li•le Liwe• and Edg rigs; Linen Edgings; Vietorie do. paid Montilla and Jae ten, embroidered Swiss Muntins. beetl e. large an•orunent Spnng (roods generally, ut [forth ea er 4th and Market streets. Wholesale Room. on slims gnu SI 047 4' 41 414.;!4 981. 51 37 3 37 MEDICAL. I.:BEFACIIiNT —Butte. while raining . lartre La the arida are very aptto l•ruit, and lII,Yrt themsetveA in many way• They •re t•P mined.are could be made of B A Fuhnestook A eo 'a }tubers mren and toe lanced part well amand the remedy rubbed would gcc ralea edd mice the petit No farmer should wtthout at, celebrated medicare, n. . alike healing to man or beam Pre pared and cold by It A FAIINESTOt'K k Co. corner of Wood and I.t sot, al.°. corner Mit and Wood. cul7 M OZ , A. rn N 121 K . IL O Lr t s t o — r r p m r 0;%,,j:c.0e PETTO.I3I. am, Nley 10. 1040 Mr John D. Morgaid—lf ray name ss of any use to the suffering rocnrouinty. in regard to the article tit Morgan's is ermituge, you are perfectly welcome to It I had two cluldren sor , ty with worms, I be• came alacmed. and very ;lastly so. when I trted your renowned VermiAlgt, atasi astonmoing to nit:. usher or them was delivered at about fifty worm. fincen long, of the most frurbiful kind. resembling more the appearance of eels The other child sons delsiwred about 20. The elitist rc are now dotng hut. y You may well be proud of your Worm IVOR, Yours tr[l:y Du 7b SOMA. Virgin alley Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by JOHN 1). MORDAN. Druggist, Wood street. one door Leßow Di amond alley. fruit \POUR COe(shr MAY iIECUBRD Itlr B. E Sellers Betng afflicted for some ton " • cough, which was so severe as to unfit m o my duly employment Frequently after congtung,T have been so much elhausted. as to Ise °binged to sit down and rest. hearing of the good effects produced by your Couga Syrup, I concluded to give it • tstal. •nd nth happ) to say it produced rho dewed effect In my case. After using it one utght, the cough war abated. and 1 ma how perfectly eyed J•nns Joussois. 'Phisideasant and popular Cough Syrup ta prepared and sold by It E SELLERS, 57 Wood street Sold also by Druggtsts getteraly in the two cases and r, LlNty. nay 11 4.1 A VED DEB Vermtfuge Is the arts- LS -21,1410 N, Va. Jan. at, 1-40 Mr J. 51. Wilson—Dear Stri The vial of Sellers' Vermtfuge 1 bought from you some tllllO ago, brought from my sal d years old, the emtond.tung number of hundred it °rms. I ben,. a she world have need • very short tne. out for Bus toed/mita SENI tolf to. Jr ?reamed and sold by R E SELLERS. H it rotor. sold al. by Drumm , generally In the IWO MT° IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies. 1 - IR. JACOB S. ROSE, the dtscoyerer and sole pro. if pmts. of the.. moat popular and benefirtal mess. n., and also the inventor of the celebrated tnetru• m oot for taming the Lungs, to eßesting a rare of Chronic dm..s wasa student of that eminent ph).• man, Doctoi Physte, end to graduate of the Univ... ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirty prom since h. beet engaged in the investigation of theOf US, ROW too appld canon of remedtes thereto. Throuct the tr. of his inflating tube, In eonneetior with his rophylaeue Syrup and other of Ms ren.dirs he has gained an unparalelled etruncnee. In coring those dreadful and fatal maiudies,Tnberc¢ler Con. aurnpUon, Lancers, Scrofuls, Rheumatism, A t Fever and Ague. Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Krympe• Ins, and all those obstinate Mac.. pecan. to temaies Indeed every form of discuss varnish. under the u,. of or. rem-Iw, to which htstnstruty heir—not be the use of one compound only, for that Is incomptsuble with Phyaio/oglcal Law. but by it, use of bta rem, dies adapted to and prescrthed lor each peculiar form of disease. Dr. Korea Tonic Alterative Pills when used ore ina variably acknowledged to be supior to all other, at a purgative or liver pill, ittaptnuch tlll 0.1 letiv.• the bowels perfectly tree from COStIVI:IIesS", as al,,t bra Golden Pill. is sultrutted by the faculty to possess peen liarpropertles aslspted female s , but hems satisfied that bare to 011tflete . 1 , 1 toestablish what has bee stud tit the rotas of the moat skeptical The afflicted area llVlted LO call upon the agent, and procure (gratis) one of the Doctor's pamphlets, g.ving • detailed account aeries remedy and Its application. For .ale by the fol owing agents, tie well es by most Druggists throughout the country, J Schootimaker Co, 04 Wood street, Pluseutg NlTownactid, druggist, 45 Market Leo A Beckham, `• near the P U. Allegheni eft)', Jos Barkley, Derltngton,l3.ver county, Ps Jito Elliott, Ennon V,tlle y," T Adams Beaver, n0v10.41 y Jaynes , Expectorant. S•tax, Columbiana co ,0., Apr. XI, Is, Tlit. Li JAYNES: DIAS. Snr—l feel bound to yo and the afflicted public, to avail myself of One op portunity of giving publicity to the extraordinary edema uJ your Expectorant on myself. Having been afflicted 65r several years with a severe cough, It tie fever and its concomitant &Amines. and seemed only doomed to linger out a short but ruiserab , e existence, until the fall of Doti, when, being more severely attacked, and having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pro seriptious of two of the most respectable pity...mils in the neighborhood sof-r without deriving any benefit or the oon of iving but a few days Or weeks at furthest—when the last glenia nf hope wait about to vanish, 1 had recommended to yur Expectorant— and blessed lip nut Rettig Whodoe.all things in the am Mtn , means—and contrary to the strectations of my physicians and friend., I was in a tea: days raised from my lied, and was endfled by the use of a loose, to attend to my bunnesa,emoying since Letter heath than -Iliadd for ten years previous Ilespectiuny yours, in, as. W For sale in Pittsburg., at the Pekin Ten Sore, 72 ['moth aniet. martli 110ESSEL.13 ARONIATICK VINEMA R tigh lyy sanatory, balsamic and tome properties in inns Vinegar render it fur superior to Colognewan , Ivr the ordinary purposes of the toilet, •tirpussing the Int tar in its perfume. It prevents and removes pimples, ): teller and Paper. of the skin, it refreshes and whdells die skin, rendenng it soft and swank. It correct. the sOluininy and bitter taste of the rnoutb, imparting a :real and pleasant breath. It cleanses and whitens the teeth, nnd hnrdene the gumaters For all the above pur poses, it is used with w in each proportion as ins, be found moot agreeable. f3y intialitig it and ruld•trig tit On the temples, it will remove headoelic. I: applied instantly to a burn or bruise, it will eventually prevent mortification. It correct vitiated me, and guarunnes _from contagion; it is therefore very useful for purshing 'and perfuming ear:mien:, Whoe by ft F . SELLFIRSesaIe Druggist, mcb3l 07 Wood street. Pinsto•gli Dr. McLane Lu Tens.eamee. pins Is to certify that I purchased one viai of Dr. 1 McLane,. Worm Specific, some two month" ago ; ar.d gave to a an d of mine, some croon years old, tyro ea fall, and although the amount may appear Irge, vat I have no doubt but there wits upwards ol two 1110CSJIM WOlllOl passed from hint i trici.unng t.n.•qp.rt.ef of .rnalk ID MO IneilOS Ong. (i W HOLLIDAY. Rome. Crook. Carrot co. Tenn., Dee 27, 1t377. tali SELLERS' COLC II,I bte (i va JDL.— M an. hill, 4100. Mr. R. E. Sellene—Your Verintfugo has Bold well, and has Leen higay spoken of by ail who Bova used It From the success attending the adnamistration of your Vermifuge to every case I hove beard M. not yo u I eon sell more during he coining season Wan I did lost I will be glad to receive another sup ply oft or b gross. Yours, respectfily, [Extract from letter. R. CARTER. Prepared sad sold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood et, and sold by druggists generally, to Pittsburgh find Al leghny. 1.22 HAG IrAL. Irby st:7.ibxehtl'ru7r:l7lthlctel'hsn'ett,(27:: gh ry any Wharf; next - door to the Perry Hoene. toottEhdlf /URN F. PERRY Foralgn and ilantexiioLtquor a. A GOOD autortrocnt of Forat and Domestic L. guars, alvcayr on hand and gn for sale In quonttues to sa4gretpurra, by W & MITCHELTREE wE have rumsmade on 011 Improved plan, so as not to (meta to the toldost ore.stocr. 'Pomona wanting ruch &metes, aro Invited to call and sin th em u SCAIVE k ATKINSON'S , Inyts let, betwvon Wood dliuket rut PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 8, 1849 C€ PARTNERSHIPS. Dla.olatfon THE co-partnership heretofore evsung between the j. amine nhers, in the name of Friend. Rhey & Co., wan Mtn day dissolved by mutual consent Geo. Rhey nettle the brininess of the concern, for wliteki pur pone he is auttiort.d to use the name of the ern PORTER R. PRIM), .11...N1E5. WOOD, GEO. RHET. =UM Co-Paxtaorship. The subscribers have this day assectated theMselves n Me name of RHEIC, ALATTIIEWS & Co., for or, purpose of transnettng a general Grocery, Coevalssf on Id Forwarding Rumness, at the stand of the late firm Friend, Rhcy & Co., where they will be gleaned ret ve the patronage of the eustomers of that honer friend.. GFA. RIIEY. LEVI MATTHEWS, Wht. EBBS. 121=7EIM We mire pleasure in recommending to the confidence our !Wend. and those of Friend, Rhey Co.. our ccesaors in Imsincaa, May, Matthews tr. Co. PORTER R. FRIEND, felts JASIFIS WOODrt_ -- bisect rations THE eistiartitership heretofore exisucg botweite the latiscritiors, in the name of Constable, Burke a. Co.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent Meats. Burke h Barnes will settle the business of the cou rier, for which purpose they are authorised to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undorsTorit have this day assocteded thenvelve• n the name of BURKE k BARNES, for the puspose f manufacturtna Biro Brow Sao , . Valt ors, Re. c t thy stand of the late firm of Con u sta D bl o e, Burke C11., a where they will be pleased toeonet vs the pa ronage at the customers of that house and their friends. EDMUND BURK?, TIiONIAS BARNES. In refirLog from the firm of Constnfile, Burke h Co , Plefirurr recommend :Heger•. Burke & Borne• In the cenfidence of my friend• and the palilie Fel, O. 149 NATHANIEL CUNSTABLB. 1e1,13-du Dlosollat a on. HE partnership so in revenue under the fir= of al'Cord Hine. was it, corise ni dissolved on the Ist met The business will ho closed at the old end by either 0i as. using :henem. , of ilic for that purpose Being desirous to titer our business elated with ut bibe May to possible. we would re pectfully request those Indebted to cell and Wale their uccounts JOHN D at'CORD, albe H. D CO-Partnership. TWIN M CoRD having associated le tom h. Lthei Jame. , tirtirod, under die style of 3 , 1 . .0rd k. Co., will corium, the lIIL Cup and For sliminess 14 .11 its ',nous tiranchea wholle mid rettiO at the old •taret, cornuer rd Wood and sth esa streets, where they schen a eetilintiallOn of the patronageso sio liberally De wiel on the old Lrm. JOHN I) M'COIt • JAMES B. INITORD. N retatutr front thr old end well known firm 1 ITCord k Kng. I roost roevecirly roconunrndto the patronnge oh the pubho my sucen-sors, Mescrs. M'cord A Co. rur N. I) KING. _ - - - - DISSOLUTION. 9 , 111: partnership Of MURPHY es. LEE ts this day by my... 1 consent. The Lusu,ess of Or Inte tam..,-tt!cd 11 Lr.e. J. R. NIL;RPHI, l'ot.burgh, Ja n Yu, I-41, H LEE NOTICE—The u.lerPtined will comm. th< 'Wool • Impesa and &ttend to ,he •nle of NVooler. Goods, et e 1•;.1 cunt 11. 1.1.:E. In rrt,rmc Irani the hrrn .r Murbln B or, I take great pleanure fu rotoroatenthrtg Mr. H. Loo to the coaforeneu of my frond. and the public. l'atehurgh, !au. 3lr. ledd J It MUMMA'. THE - subscTaberehive Ole day easoctatta then, ve% together for the purpoge of trangsteling • wh01e..., nod retail Dry (foods and Grocery banners*. at o liberty. oppoene seventh atm... under the .kyle end firma n , 13lielIFIKLI) t lIAN'S Pitt.totrg h. January I, IA) N IL—Our old C41.061f1, end the ptiLlte are tnYtted to go, ut to3' CO-PA.B.TNILItSIII.' • • • --- IVpure entered into naru,rn4,p, under tk krm o SZ:III,E and wi., vorry on mr Tm, Copper , so,l Sheet Iron 'Ware nasinuirwtory. Also. liincknroilinng ui sul itn branchvs, or noold .mud of %Vizi Ii Feutr, Firststfre,ne-r Weal. Pamir nier attenuon given to steamboat work 11A E ;het day e...eontated WWI uu. inN a whole o• tir:tecry, erode, and essesuuston y blether Jourph. under the 11/ - n1 n( J DiLwowni J. S. 1/11...1c1 natl. January 1.1-19 10—P AllT N sealtlllllP-- Wm. 1 °mug nnyLng dug Nj day ...XII., 1,11 John FL NI uune. tim tburWl4l eam, t,e roridurte.l under the drat CI Wru Young a r ea WILLI AM YOI'ING, JNi'l It WrI'NE.. BOOK TIIADE fl tflTflmwlrTrfl 1,, , LL10T1 . EN1.1.1,11. 1. •dreet, between L., itlt and Lharnond h•ve received • Irtryis impply of Theological rind other sinon, veh,o •rc. ton fo:lowing, Nlisccurineou• l'lxray, awl Lbs.. ` ..lTrijeN/ s •l l o4rriftl i ggeße t- Werr ird. and ,y Muncoir, Pranc•ii , by Harris. rhronalogry Mew:or:ism, I.y Rev R. Impori nod Mode. try Re...oler. Nineveh arid A* Re. roam. Nloanintn. me Liao< lky M F . :Wane, Earnest Nintriry and ourea in k.arr•-•1, by J A ..1., Fld ward• worir•, 4 vol. near rd.not,. worry worper • Luc •, yt orik• of Cowper; Flo. sratt,g on EL, an 3 0:1'14 rune:lune% 111.1- ogy, , 1.4 Religious Anecdote. E.ogor. Narrative's el ?qr./ t hr. Itecelvmg , 1.141 , ;n hvideneer r Peopie, t, Cu turtung; Modc ro Store,: , Mode r,, I In:dasi• on R Wll2llll, Original ilrouglit• on ,•crirtarc. now pu blisned. of I'D lot. :Sakurai II Cory or klnthur,arrn, Mald:c. Kingdoms, I..crum. Prog rear, lleethcr ll‘ III.! ultll[ expe• r.eace. DI Lac 111 via... of Vars. MILO Li. het A t o • gor,er. t y .•' . .r} A In COp • rer d tr.! n, 19 Z. r.SOLIsIi, Woo.' .1 1000 K, 1;004 , ' —Tun Nen. Amconan hardener, I_ll tr) loonar• C, Fcl•ccden. fhc New An neon ore rn Kenrtek The Cuarrne, Farm, and Rural I,ooourc, by Frs. rende,. Morton Doom., footer), I.y 'Vol A Horde's , . Just reed t.y. lotiNsTON .9 STOCKTON. myl4 ro•nor mar tel and 31 .r• EhA,ridoLa WoRKS. -frougtit on Nano 1' Prayer. ny saw.: :111iler. It Li L U. Ehouguts an Fruntly Worship, by Jayne. W Alex ander Just recetvcd by myr JOIENSTLIN S SrocicToN ‘Tr,NV BOOKS—Agee. Morrie. or the Hertnue of Domeane Lie If tatory of Kt. Charles the Fwcood, hy Jacob Abbott. with engravlngs. Just rec'd ny 1011NsI0N a S. 1 Otlis VON, lo corner 3d and Market at. ICNOLISII AND AMERICAN BOOKS AMLM U LOCKWfaiD. liar many years connect f. od wait Mess.. Wiley and Nuttier, and late John - Wiley, New York and London,) h. estanitshed floakecdlng House at No. MI Wood sum, between 3d fittil ant street, ornate may be round a Vain., eon.- MAI of S *\UAILD IiNtaLISII and ANI KR ICA N AUTHORS, at prices as low as in the Eastern cams. IfrENGLISH and CONTINENTAL NOOK, view• tildlee, Nr,Vapepers, et.e., imported to order (Er INS , TI CTIONS mod INCUKPORATED SU CIETIES err eitilLed to teem.- their books duty free. and Amencant ata.opici furnished gra . to stit 111.0 WhO realm them, or sent per mull. any add... J. U. L tool always be happy to °Habit to ladles nod nongentle..o, Ns me; books, posse an! .rnattrt to the n m any mor.- wh be . regarding mem. MY KW AND V A LUA ISLE WOMlC—YiaiTzli, Ufa as Remo., with en account of n vdtd to the baideatt C +f Kurdistan, end the VestOts, or De.; Worslyppers, and an inotury into the taunters and arts of the anemnt Assyr.ons; by Austen Henry layard, Fray, I) C. D. /net reed and for bill, by JOHNSTON a. STOCKTON my : TAMEA LOC EWOD - 1.)7. ETot — aisiTlieTiOTlTtip — OH;r tfl of Fureig ii Books Wood street, has oil hand valuable colieCtion of' Englioh and Arnietionn Book's in We different departments of Litereture, which he is prepared to seii es low as they eau he obtuned in the Eastern togli. ILI/Li Continent.) Hooka, Reviews, Maga zines tool Newspapers, imported to order. The price of any Review, Nlagitstne or Newsp•per, may be meet - tutted on application to Mr Luxii. and American Catalogues furaished grass. • Mr. 1.. intend. to vied the Eastern cities in ft rev, t day a, and win he happy to execute any ord• rs for . Kooks, Engrav tags or Stationery, at small advance *?Eli' BOOKS—Layinif• Nineveh and in Remains, .j with an 11(,02111 of a vout to the Chaldean Liirlr- I • aus of Ku rdi .tan and the re zidle, or Dotiii.Worsnip prrs, and au inquiry into the manners end arts of the Ancient Alsyrtans, with an introductory leiter by D. Robin Cheettson. 2 vole, ixtrivo, with shout 114/illustrations. er's Lectures on the Yilgrun's Progress. vat, 12ino. Price reduced to 81,00. Crude , Concords., condensed. reduced to $l.,Su. iiistory of England, Harper's new rd. tis vols. octavo— large print 1411•: Inc paper, Per Vol. o 73 ern.. firsci.tos' Ilobtew and Etigi.ta Lexicon, new ed. unproved. For sale by 11011:INn, myll gili st, ne.ircal DIJOKS' BOOKS" --Union in Untieh and State, by 1.) Rev B Noel. nie Church in I:tiniest, by Rev J Ansel Janes. r 1 11. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, COUta/0“ion sad A ,_,. Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water s 4 wall BELL AND ialkkg l lo . ol.Mffir.i 7 . A FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, hem re• built and commenced baseness at for old stand, where he will be pleased to see hI, old custom ers and Glenda. Church,Steambout.wid Belle of every aloe, from Iti tee 1t1,200 pounds, cast from patterns of the molt spool, od models, and warrunied te be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pamirs, Counters Railing, dm., toge ther with every variety of Brow Cusungs, it required, turned and finished to the neatest manner. A. F is the inde proprietor of BO.lllOl'S ANTI-ATTOI - Aiwa, so Justly esdabreited far the redaction of frmuen 10 machinery. The Boxes and Comp eatuon can be had of lion at all times. mainly — PII.I - 151145 1 0 PA Pglt• rf its 'abg.nre'll;7llll77P.pethr' o'f's6ut.sTaakcia:fastfvaar paper milt to this vicanity, will be at all tunes well sup plied wttb the diderent saw of paper of superior quali ty, winch we offer at the lowest regular prices_ Any sou or pienty will be Manufactured to order at short Ilellee. B - C:OLDS & SHEE, ra2 tin corner Penn and Irwin sts NDIA a1t131411 CLOTTIING-Just received f art - h e ICaliternin Expedition, a complete assortment of Gum Elastic Clothing, at prices ransom from 55,50 to 5t1,50 for snit of cent, pants and hat. For sale at the lathe Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at. demln J & II PHILLIPS g LtiT R.P.UffIrED-Three nacre of 00eso Justly t./ celebrated thenburgli Pianos, used constantly by LIM, Thaloerg and other great perfonaers, together with a large assortment of rosewood and mahogazy, ofmy own manufacture. The 1.1101.M1111.111 ate warranted to be perfect in every reapedt and wilt ba told low for cash. F BLUME, denies No 112 Wood et. 11.1 door from 50 —_—_ - PlllOlOOl.Oll, March 7, 1641 . THE eelebratedFliwur Crd.latiltfc'oer:Plor:dbeyr, in kegs, hall Mx F•.” - v-Bear So, Having examined lhe "Are e-,`lT''"".""3 tad can.,& Co. 27woed at motor," cannalnotared at your rooms, I de act hauttal. 4 to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who we shoat removing to OW:Mcrae la searedi of Gold. 20C)11C.:717."e;C:"-Ely.1 P.ii:ii.teailm°*-Iv.'h—oe It gives a eleSe g, rout to the arceilto gravl . 4 .0 and at Cloud, and (or sale by ty of metals, and will enable the elven:war W & M MITCHELTREF , to awcsain when Me placer ts Tit Gold - b 15U Labcrty st . . .- . G ROUND F1F7p".1,1...Er'1.7.m.Y.b0z';:67,..'''diA;:71:,,X,..., LIN... 011,-10 Mils In BRACH d . fo ast r sh r te E bz sale by roy2l NVICR ar, arcwiDLEab • my'll cornet Liberty and St Clair sts • • ALIVICe tu Young Soo, by T 6 Aran, 4,11 Young Ladle. Ersays of Elter—Charler Lam., m., Cholera, by Prol Uoventry t yeloperha or dlortd and gel.gtour Ahredotd• Conapirin f art. of Charndle Ehrubeth, uo, .034 J., in, n•bor.l. vo•tratr ‘. so el plater Oregon and Caltfornta in 1919, by Jod:Je Thortoon. The lute Egpeditton Co the. Dead ,tt. a. Provern• for the People, or Illastranort• of Practical (~.111ttrar drarrlt frvut the Book of NV trinm, by E Magoon toverrny StrTnionr, by Dr Way:and. gement.s of !deteoroloey, by J Lind.kle•by, For rale by It lit ri•KtYrS, ury7 Apollo Dutldnt6,4.h sit I Pr A AN PRINIKVAL. or The I:onsutuoon and Printd /Vltom condtoost of tho }lnman Doug. A contnhu tron Thcologtcal 3eienee, by John Harm, D. a Lecturer to Your.. :Bum on Yarrow, ouporMnt sub. rect.: by II N Breeller. eltantough. Work., complete 6 volr, The works 41T 3 Arthur, untfono erg. vols. Jon reed by ntyll fIOPKIN3, 4th et, mum Wood THE APLIZOITMTZB • ti CIE nutrition of the noblle is rearmounny milled to the following terunentow Mu. S. Valui—iinving tested tit:non:7 of Gold weighed by your Areontotor, I hod te remit prov es your instrument correct; rind recommend tho retro of 0 to those going to California. nu the best mothod for oh. uniting the real elute of Uo.d. Beep. yours J. 11. DUNLEVY, Gel d Bea ter. riusharg.h. March 9, L 649. HOTELS - - - -• • FOUNTAIN HOTEGL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. 1 . 04 e son INTILSTOII, noterthroaa THIS establishment long and widely known as being one of the moat commodious in the city of Rintimore, has recently undergone very cotes- siv e ancrunons and improvements. Art enure new , tome has been added. containing numerous and Ivry sleeping apanments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies' department has also been completely reorganized and hued up in a most unique and beauu- fa! sails. In fact the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the propnetors. tanned, the comfort and pleasure of there Quests, and which they confidently assort will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub sternal and luxury which the market affords, served up in a superior style; while ut the way of Wines, Arno they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be fell undone on their pan, nod on the part of their notistanix, to render this lintel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The pacesfor board have also been reduced to the followmg razes: Ladles' Ordinary, 61,73 pet day. Gentlemen's " 1,50 N. It —The Baggage Wagon of the House st oreys be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, , will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free ofilAa. may'Af EXCHABIGID HOTEL. WWI. 07 PENN /0111 IT, •ztThe subsenber having assumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that be will be at all times prepared to internam...le them to all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The Home Is now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture added, and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotel% to the errantry. The undersigned respectfully solicits a coot/oatmeal of the very liberal patronage the House h. heretofore received. THOMAS OWSITON, feb9llf Proprietor. • • L talftitig—tititrilia;-- --- COLTIII Or ToVISTII ATP GRANT STMTS. PITTISSU.BII. 21. THE subsenber respectfully announces that he has now opened hi, new and excellent Hotel for the as of travelers, hoarders, and the piddle generatty. The houso and furnaure are entirely new, and no puns or expense have been spared to render It one of the most comfortable and plowant Hotels to the city. The sub ender is determined to deserve, and fore salient, a share of public patronage. eeli4-dly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, CIMTNTT Sr,ETVIS= FOORTIS SAD TITTo an () PPOSITE late Bank of the United Staten, Phila . dinphis. M. POPE MITCHELL, mutt( Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS Scrip at Par, TAKEN FOR CIIIC.KERING'S PIANOS KLEIIER, it Woodwalihi, No. 6.3 Third street, oders for sale an elegant lot Chickering's Pia nos, Illoston) ai the lowest cash price, (or Pittsburgh, Allegheny city, and Cnonty Scrip. Theycomprise Iron] to octaves and were selected lip Itlr Cliirit • trine for this merit,. They are warranted to he equal to any in the city, haying all the latest improvemenle, such us circular scale, etc. • • • - • - Buyer. //re locoed to cad prev was to parchardag eirewhere. and. alto, to truig whh tbetu sotne geed /adze. pre/few/et/al or WE/era/we. no Judge of tho guah ty of the above Inver/menta. N 13 —Written cuareatere oil be glven with each Pusto. eouting the holder to ,c1••••4e /n case the In strument :se proved ot the /cant degree l,perfect, fault P. ntr4 BRUSH SPRING GOODS Bhatklat k V kite, lARY (MODS JOBBERS, W Wood itreet, aek the stionnon of Merchant. to their Mock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now reecrettite direct from fir:i head, • • • Reeeiviins regular supphas of 6T.t goods durtng the *clarion, and devoting u larye share of tnetr anenuon to Enstern Auction sales, they Can ronfidently &store buyers they wig find It to the, interest ID examine thole nook . •• Just reeowed. large tromees Of Iteß , rye Dress Goois, Fency Pont, emaalmeroa, Cloths, Summer Goods. Lac., White Goods, In.h Linens, radars . Tnmehmen and brown end bleached Shecungs of yen. ons brands nner3 _ _ Jemics tic. WOODWELL, Modern and Antique Furniture, c 3, Tman Sraaser,'Prrrsaraom MiA large and splendid .....,..c ..• .. mem of Furniture, ..'•'' ,7 ! , ." - ...."-7 r i suitable for Steamhoa., .7 - ',."..7 7-77 ' ,..7 . - Hotels and prteate dwel bars, eamstantly on hand and made to order. The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. Pers... -wishing to purchase would do well to !rye rue n call, as 1 ern determined toy prices shall plearo. Parr of the stock comsat. in— Tete a Tote, Buffet Fraqeief Louts XIV Chairs; Que., Elisabeth chives, Tea Pn) so, Fruit Table.; Toilet Tablas, Louts XV Commoder; French \Jahr-irony Bedsteads, Piano Stools, 50.t. - ._ wort Plush and Harr-math rosary, 50 Mahogany Rocking Chams; 40 des Parlor do M - Fancy do . ia 11 9 -51 :TV I E/ii-liaing ouremaq q Wardrobes; B Secretaries and Book cases; 30 marble top Wash Stands; 4 pa te Ottomans; S pr fncy Work Standa; A very large a as.ortrnent of common chairs and other turniture lOU iltlllierOUß to common ..,lifoltiuleeammollio,,a,t=tis.hetd. an s rhe shortest d r c t t r, Chocolate, Cocoa, &c. W Baker's Amenerm and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Coro , Corot Paste. Broma, Cocoa Shells, be. TG merchants mot consumers. who would purchase J. the best products of Cocoa Bye from adulternuon, more nutritious than tea or coffee, and in quality 1.111.121 . • passed, the snbecnber recommends the above arneles, . a n by himself and stamped etch Ms name. ' Ms Brows arid Cocoa Ih.le. as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for invaltds, convalescents, and eta., are pronounced by the most eminent physteians superior to any other preporntions. Hug manometer. are lkiwanll Orr sale i in any tyranny . , by the most re - f i pectable grocers n the eastern ni nes, and by then . siren., Hawes, Gray & co., of Boston, James 5: Bunco A co, Hartford. C 0,,,,. Hussey & Murray, New York; , train & Stone, Phil g adelphia, Pum. V Brunitige, Bal• I timore, and Kellog & Bennett, ri Chum:mat, Ohio. w ALTER BAICER, Dorchester Mass. For sale by aug3l BACA-LEY & SMITH, Apt. — Wrought and Cast Iron "tailing. TILE subscribers beg lease to Inform the public Mat they have obtained from the Hut all the late and b.: minable designs for Iron, both for houses anu eernetcrien Persons wishing to prrwure hand -1 some patterns will please call and examine, and mdge I for themselves Hailing will he furnished •t the whorl est notice, and at the best manner, at the corner llif Cr:LK and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. augthaffir A. LANIONT & ILNOX klassufactured Tobacco. 4, s !,,,,,c,l,,T.lll,l3..dctiß,,Tter's nip7lor scret: Isis, 19 h dO Price A Ilarwood`• 7 7 l i kl do do do Y 5 d.o do Pearl & Harwood so 14 do J Robinson 1 57 Lf do do 23 do do Wm Dawson 53 do T Weight's 37 do () Anderson o do L T Dade's 8 S do Fr Macon's 9 do Rate liff Just landing from steamer end packets. and for sale HEALD, BLCK.NOII & Co, , by dl north water st and 16 north wharves, jett4 Philadelphia jk, ,CgUFACTC REId To - liKCCogohi MbJanes in. & Son , suprior sweet lb lumps. 75 half ars ,` 'cinder Old superior sweet ffs lumps 36 " Lawrence Lower .l S. -. 00 ,• Gentry & Rooster •. II& 6ri 20 l' Dupont fde la Duel 7 6... 10 " McLeod .5 .. Lawrence lower 7 5. Ads plug Just, from ateamer, and for sale by HEALD. DUCKNOR & Co, 41 71 water st and Id N wharves, myllt PtaladalphiaL —*C-si:.i. ClLlTSl7tl7.iiii itliaiin. k: are still engaged In the above business, corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work in our line with des patch. NVe attend to our work personally, sod urns lamina will be given in regard to its neatness and du rability. Rt ß n a ul k y Drm ß k o s o k ru s l in nu to m abneypoart toelrnd and bound Mb books bound care fully or repaired. Names put an book• in gilt letters. Those that have work in our line are invited to call. Prices low. mythidf CALF Slrl7a--.3 0 doe genturolFYreneh bt-tardatiss. a very line article. A few dozens Palladellshia Skins, from the manufactory of 11 hi Crawford. to which die attencion of toot makers is melted. Just received and for role by W YOUNG & Co, jett.77143 belay al — N6 ti - - 0 - A viNu sold onr cadre stock to C. H. Guar, with view to clostnk our old bust neon, we hereby so licit for him the patronage of all our friends rind ers- Writer, RO. W. POINDEXTER, THE POIN ma - ma. PittabUrgh, Aug. 4th. 1049. MISCEi I ANEOUS. PAPER HANGINGS. 111ESSR Eft JAS.-HOWARD & CO., MO. 81 Wood give*, -uro utx. dun the attention of the public w their Ty present stock of Paper hangings, stanch for va netY• beauty of WA, thwebihty and cheapness, is surpmwd by any establishment toile I.7teon Emotes • large and full amortise= of paper of their own ro.ufacture, they are now reteiMug • direct tra portation of French and 'English styles orPeper Hang toga, purchasal by Mn. Lest Howard, one of the firm, now In Europe, emulating of Parisian manufacture, 10,000 pieces. London do 3,000 do Of their own mermfacurre they have ionprxipi..e. Wall Paper, and lA W indow tilted., pieces satin glased to. Magary. James Howard do Co. have spared neither expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the east ern wall paper establishments, both in ouP' , f 7 of . 0 . - afactare and variety of parternt and they Orewarrant od trt assuring the public that they have succeeded. Thu whole assortment, foreign and home Marmfac tare, will be offered on terms as low as those of east ern mmurfactarers and Importers. mehdhattf 2. NV.ILCEWLIM • of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia_ POINDEXTER & RETEOLDE, FLOUR FACTORS, And General Cannalesion Merchants. No. 423 hisexm Blamer. between Eleventh and Tweiu,pittLADELFEte. IHE subset-diem hog' leave respectfu ll y to ecquaint 1 their friends and the pnclic that they have nose ated themselves in Philadelphia, foe the parpom of trammeling • General Columns:on Businasa and trust the I long experience m business will secure to them latr patronage. Mr . Particular attention wilt be given to sales of Flour and Produce generally; and any parchesas in the Philadelphia masker for Wellern geevitun. R. W. POINDEXTER, C. M. REtiNOLDS. REFERENCES—The merchants of PinsbarKk gen •rni dpnniver k Whnittaan, LeAreer k--Anderson, Culcuman, Ohio; H D Newepsetb &Bro., W R Clifton, Lesvos Ruffner, las Todd, lentluDie, Ky.; Crow, Me- Creery A Barksdale, St Louis, Mo.; Hewitt, Norton k. Co, W A Violet; Near Orleans, Gth o‘ llol . Noyes, hrGregor ellforrfa. New York; a Thomp son & Co., lan Tien /hCo, Peter Marseilles, B M. Jones, Deal, Mulligan k Hart, PhilaPu aP 9 . 3 m J. O. P. Attorney and Conniellor at Law, Will pee parn23T;LOatu'eintemMtts° MO. collecnon of Claims, and as money received, shall be remitted wlthoutdelay. Rasusunees—Flon. R. Coulter, Supreme Bench, PIRA Mewls. Lyon, Shorb G Co. St. Loins; Wood, Abbott Se Co. Phltad'a, /no H Brown St Co. do Mr. Charles H WeHof do; Eoo, Mahoney & Co New York, Chittens den, Rh o. &Co do; Bangher t OrendorS Baltimore; WFt A Murdoch, to; Love, Martin A, Co. do; Mr. John Faleoner,• Messrs. Loren:, Sterling k Co. Pitts burgh; Forsythe Co. do; Hampton, Smith & Co. do; Mr. L B Waterman, do. mittliSsUsin NT, EW COMBS—At ZEJ3ULON KINSEY'S, 07 Mat • ket street— * dos very high back Shell Seek Combs, 3 " mediana " " " Inc Rf plain if - TS at row beaded top " 50 •• fancy top Beflaio 10 •• plain " RO gross corn. Horn; 30 dog shell side. assorted sa. cc., 30 gross com bon Side; 2 dos shelf dressing do; 19 dor. Buffalo do do 4 do Imitation do do; Si do best English Horn; 6 do h S S fine I.ry, own syse; 19 do S S do do, m boxes; 52 gross S fine do do; 1 do comb Cleaners. aplo L. 11417 PALMER, ILANNA a CO., (Sues...ors to Hussey, Hanna & Co TANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS,veId Aealers I_ll in Foreign and Liorn“oe Ezehange„ Certhficates of Deposite, Bank Notes, and Specie--Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bank of Putsborgh. Current coo ved on dep.:one—Sight Cheeks for sale, and collection.l made on nearly all the principal polo= in the United States The highest premium plaid for Foreigner= American Gold. Advance. made on conaignmenta of Produce, dap ped Fat, on fli , eral terms GREAT BISCOVERV! • • - - PArefrt Seeintan /aerate! ler, 1E49. Patent crasslrv, extenriem Teddetr, Sofas, Bmwtta, Doak C 6.3, Wrrtn,, Thula. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. rilaz TABLES far surpassing every other jntion of the kind now extant. They can he ex tended rem ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves are all contained Inside; they are made to all sires and snapea, and are atlimmbly adapted for Steamboat. Hotels, and large pnvate fund., form mg when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREALS--These articles are Mval nalile, particularly to those who wish to emino ui., room. and convert •sleepmg apartment into • caner or sitting room, the h y can th be openett and shut a: convenience, and when sut, e bedding in coclo , ed. A great saving in room and rent_ Ail the bed.. steeds when closed norm a beautiful piece of furnitare for a ;...clot or sitting room. BOOK CARES--A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law Mikes, contitmg roams. and miter office. , when otmneu most convenient bed- Illend, when closeda perfect Desk and Library Alone ble. RiciadbisakeSem --evie/m—Feurfinmreirl'ordall Int examine the articles at the manufacturer's store, No. E 3 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above advantages, they are proof against bugs. mettle JAMES NV WOODWEI.L. m R. ELIJAHEATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR ..l'hytabreoethro4e,whthoadticimdareof pauolth.r huvmg March, toiled oil, I was taken sick with the Consumption or Liver Complrlint, and wet reduced so bow with the I inteme, that for four years I was unable to attend my buainess, either at home or •broad, being for the molt nme confined In my bed. Donna the above pen al of nine , 1 bad expended for medical attendance o regular Physicians . and medicine, to Inc amount of &lab without receiving any benefit therefrom. In I July, 1•4.5, I commenced inking Dr. Jayne's Medi j cities. and have taken them more or leas ever since, I and believe that it was by persevering in their use, that I can now traly say that I have completely reco, vercit my health. I believe that Jaynes Sanative Pills and F.l.ll.CCLOrlitil are the best family medicines new in W I reside to Sprtngtield, Otsego county, N. V., and [ ' carry on a furnace and machine shop in that place, I and ram not Intere.ted In say manner al the sale oldie above medicines and make this certificate tor the efit of those afflicted. ELIJAH EATON. [ Spnngfield, N. V., Sept. 16 In4B. 104 I IaANUPACTURF.D TOLIACTIte subacnber would call the attention of the city trade and I dealers generally, to the foflowang brands 'Tobacco., I in snare and to arrnse, srlatch bemg consignments di- tact train manufacturers, he la enabled to sell at east- I ern price.: lai I bra R W Crenshaw sa; 70 I " Jame. Madison 6s, 1 oh 4 u Lamartme ss; 53 1 " Mitabeau ss; 01 1 " Putnam 5s and is 1 15 1 " Roberts h. Sewn fia It f " Oscar Burl 2.; b 1 - Johns 6. Lewis is; t 0 4 - Warwtek, supr Is; 1 48 I" • Henry tr. Jame. 6. Is and Bg, febti L S WATER-MAN I pltt 1:4 - Ce - iii - e - Vlii a too , 47 • rrrrsaraan, ea. 1 J0.,11.7,1vV1440,H1f5c Co ;ry are o p e re v. p r a v ro6 rie t .c o , I , tti po ld , Co . t= aa Cardats Machines, Spaltung Fthrnc., Speeder., Drawing FiRIACS. Hallway Heeds, V 1 arpers,Spoolers, Dresszng Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, he. Wrought Iron Shafting turned, all saes of Ci.elron, Potties and flange's of the latest peturns, slide and hand Lathes, and to of .11 kinds. Gassings of story descrintaa fat.ashed on short. nouce. Patterns made to order foe Mill Geanag, font Railmg, Jae Steno Pipe for heat ing FaeIOTICS, Cast Iron Wang , Sash and fancy Ca. niirs generally Orders le the 'Warehouse of J • Punnet fa Co., Liberty street, 61 have prompt titan- UM Refer to Blackstock, Bell b. Co, J. E. Moorehead 8. [ Co., IL E. Warner, John Data fa Son. Pittsburgh [ 0. [ C to J. 11. Warner, Steubenville. _ 1.19 • 16 & lb 164 5 5 6 — Penn •-• se • ne • • op. WlGHThlAN—Maritifactrirer oral] kind. of cot. 11, ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa The above works being now m full and rftecessful op. eration,l am prepared to execute orders h dispatch for all kinds of machinery in my brie, sue. - Dickers, spreader., cards, grinding OlLritthel, ri= arawing frames, weeders, throsails, cards, double or tingle, for merchant or contry work, mules, jacks, ie.; slide and hand ladies and tools gen. eral. All kinds of zhallin; made to order, or plans v. !A for gearing faetones or OOHS la reasonable charge. Korea to—Kennedy, Childs & Co., Blackatock, Bell & Co., King, Pennock & Co., Jas. A. Gray. .—NEAV-00-ICCIFBA.I3VOIX,27-- TE Id Ada A the W p i ll lc .' tlla C t O ilieTr o e M Ze ' c c t t td di l sTa f p 'rm o Lecock, between Federal an Sandusky streets. Te.; ee, ...king and are prepared to receive orders for toe every deacnption of vehicles, Conches, Chariot'.. Re touches. Haggis, Phaetons. . te., which from Mei, iong extern:lnce in the manufacture of the above work, and the (aciline. they have, they feel confident iheyjire enabled to do work on the most retwomble terms with Mow wanting article. in their line. Puyteg particular a:minion 10 the selection of mate riel., and h aving none bat competent workmen, they hay. sio heehaw:on m warranting their work. We In, retire eat the anemic. of tine public to this matter. N. R Repairing done to the beat manner, and on the tenet retwomtble terms. _ —_--. Dlonotaygahela Mowry Stable. ROklk.RT ii. PATTERSON has opened the large stable on First st, running through n at, between Wood and Smithfield ' SPA ' 17. 3 ., e ut c* tt ' l roar of the Monongahela house with an entirely new stock of Horses and Carnage• of the best quality and latest styles. liaises kept at live. r_y_io the heaLeaeener.dly_ iSO Wfl Plume Graduated Golnmate Batety matij Paten' hmuleami Pola for Medical sea saw THIS is the only instrument of ao kind that has 01P,1 been presented is this conutry or Europe for ena mel pore... andthe only one ever Irnown tai ma.. by which the' is galvanic fluid con be conveyed %Atte bur. men eye, the ear, the brain, or to nay Pen of the body, either externally or internally, in a definite sands stream, without shocks or pain—with perfect gaiety— and often with the happiest elleols. • This important apparatus it now hifhly unpaved of , by many of the moot eminent physic ans of thin amn. ' try and Europe, to whom the agitated and Giber* whom it may concern Can be referred. Reference will also be given to many highly respeetable clitisens, who have been cured by means of %Menton valuable apparatus at some of the most inveterate nerveu disordens which could not be removed by any other known means. Amoug visinins others, tt has been roved p to he ed. rmrably adapted fur the cure of the following dlstues, via: nervous headache end o th er diseases of the bride. It is with this aarel. alone that the operator can money the mag p n p etic fluid With ease and safety to the eye, to restore sight, or cure atonoroses, to the set le restore hearumi to the mngue and Other organ., to to/ store speech; and to the various parts of the body, bat Ithe rare of chronic rheuntstlain, esthme, neoreltilet or uc dolcntreux, paralysis, or palsy, gent, chorea or St Vitals dance, epilepsy, wenk,ss from spoon% some diseases peculiar to females, contracuon of las ilmbe, Leckie*, coo. eta Blida for eurroundlng caned. of seases•Westh.r=and..4 1 F . Ti a vil n = Llittb . : instgze , nt, grey be pur Tull instructions will be gwen for the various eheeni. cats to Ist need for various doestses, .a the best math nor far operating for the cure of those diseases will al. . rio be folly explelned to the purchaser, soda pamphlet poi into his hands expowey fur these reuposes, cam fully prepared by the patentee. Enquire of _ ecU3.dly SWll.,llAblii, Vine st, Plaaharga i VIEEJE-100 bet , lira Cretan intr iz illit fila't i V anti (qr sale by .. 4 DRY & VARIETY GOODS 861.15811 SMIRK' GOODY. urE nye now °peeling e very largeand choice na. 7 7 sarunmt .r SPRING AND SUMMER 000118, selected with mote than mai cared uring the lam few weeks, in the New York and Philadelphia markets, and eetbreeing a great variety of almost every d e . se option of she latest and most faattionahle sty: ,, s. and • large portion of n having been bought al the EAST. ER.N AUCTIONS at a great roductfon front the regu lar rates, we areenabled to offer great Inducements t.... 1 buyers, either by . "Thelma° or tetra We would therefore mapeetfully matte the amnion of the poplin to oar Stook, feeling confident of our abitity st. Me buyer@ in almost every article they may *lab . vt our line. To the ladles we would espenially commend our mock of very r Dams Mrs, of which we have a vry Large and betatifal morment of Me laumt Myles and most fashionable colors. ' Lamm 'Dims Oooto—Mouslin de Laittet, Poll de Cheerers, silk, linen and mohair Lemma primed Lawns, gingham Lawns, Foulards, new style Bareges, Englialt, French' and eeteeb,Cflasitaias, linen Oust. ham., great Vaeielyvice, &e. Bosco —Nerar style Bonnets, very cheap. Ramon also FLowantib-Of the lama mica and supe rior in.quality. . . ... Psassoia—A very large and handsome steels of Par aseloi of klmost every style and ?entity. Slt=all styles &apices.* spring "‘4 =='" Bbawts, noraca Cub me—A good supply of awes Frerlich, English andAruerlcan Cloths and Casumeres, to which we would invite The admit:Mu of persona needing inch goods. ALSO—A fall and /camel supply of Shirting Cheeks, Tick rigs, brown and bleached Muslim, Table Linens, Sheeting% Diapma,Cambrics, Drillings, seamier Goode mess' and bays wear, Jaeonats, Mall., Swiss, NS/l ac/eke, Nankin., Prints, Oitalmus, Crape, Crape Lace, Cravats, Gloves, Rosary, silk Mils, Veils, ike• an. Persons wishing to'buy by wholesale, should call and ermine oar stock, as our prices are such nato make it their mtereet to boy. LEXANDER fa DAY, 75 Market st, ....I northwest comer of the Distourrui A. . A. — MASON tr. Co., N. W Wicket iittord, have ou bond the lamestvariety of Embroideries , which they have ever offered. Melt moon:merit cent.' us. in part of me followinggoals, vim , L'id. rich embroidered Magian Capes, from 5450 M 5 , 00 ' SW " " " Cellars " 57tr tO um , 60ti crochet Collars, from Vi to 73 • • • v • • . . , 350 Lase " -• 9 to 12g Mo " St to 12 1.30 Jomy Lind . 1 " ele to 1,09 180 rousan Habits, v 50 to 1,23 Wm pairs mambo Cuffs 1 1 37j to Mg ' • I Also, Mourning Collars, Gorr 2nd to 220. Call at the cheap one price stbre of A. A. MASON & Co, No 90 Market st. myl2 ‘IEW RIBBONS, BLACK 811. RS, 13.U—BAMA -11 GEM, &c.—W. R. ISICZ.PHT has title morning re ceived by Express a lot of handsome lace colored; green and Wm Bonnet Ribbons. Also, glossy Mack' Saks for dresses, Vutites, ullm, &o. Bum 20.0 Lsoste—A large assortment lately Teem- I warm Goons for dresses—each as swiss and Moll meshes, Nuts..., kc. Also, embroidered mualins for dresses, all at lowest paces, at northeast core. Fourth and .Market streets. Wholesale Rooms op stairs myl4 VRENCH LINEN AND LLNEN LOsrctim: R. Mt ears has now opet, a fell .sortment of above wvieles, for dresses and sacks—emoreg tke 11:1 ter are some scarce colors, such as pink, blue, green, &e.• al., pink, blue, green, and mode colt. of Cha, icon Lawns, and a large assortment of embroider ed mush. nod Lawns. W. It M.'s recent purchue is now .1 recetved and open, and persons wanting Drf Oasts will do well to look at his lane d fresh stock efore purcbssing— at northeau co rn er 4th sod starket b stn. Wholesale Roams op stairs. ww A lITIFICI E AL FLOWRS—Manuals for A AFlowers, viz: Plain tissue paper r; satt v d e. do ol. Cor eve, an ' rn be th,r eb sio tv" ,e n:l Fourth at VSIBROIDERV—Worsted pasterns for Ottomans., _Ls Plano Stools, Table Covers, Trayelins Bags, Wail • great variety of small patterns. Also, iVorerteds of all lors and shades, by. she pound, ocusee, or skein for sale Ly 1.14 111 EATON & Co, 42 Fostrib at . . . - FAIC)ND r.ti!PTIN—W R irlitTphy, at northeast core 1,7 nee of ilth and Market CM, IS, ha.oo open his 'sow. supply of spnog add summer Goods, and has a large simortment of Dress Goods of neweat styles, and staple Goods of every kind, all of which will he sold 'PP ._... 2711D3L1N DE LA.II4B—IN kturphf — tau received the above scarce and desirable article, of the fashionable shade; also, Omen Barages. IN 11l 0 1. )1. & Y Gobos. I 9180 X I; C, CON.Ni.dIS.ONIII , L9 AND IMPORTERS, A ILK now opening the most extensive Lad varied assortment f Spring and Hemmer Goods eves exhibited in the Westemwatmtry,comprisins lapormds/ of Eleven Hundred Cases, pnrchssed in enure packs. gv• Irons the manufacturers, Importers, and large an • too sales, by one of the firm residlng to New York, who is constantly sending us the newest and Most fashionable goods. They name in part 10n crises rich Spring !'ants; 30 env, Mde Leine; 24 - Lawns and Alusluas 35 cotton and Imes 120 " blermhed Muslins,an Gingham , : grades; 30 " col'd Muslims; Sn elartmg Checks and " 'Hokin. Cotton. domestic litmhamar I cedes and summer Stnirs 230 " Brown MoMMW ._ ._. . Cm' .1 country merelt.ts will find their stock as large and desirable as Eastern stocks, and an exami nation of their goods and prices c.not fail to cons vthee all that with their usrdeniable inivaluages sad facilities, they C. compete went a= Reprise ROM. This feet has been demonstrated to hundreds of inc.. patrons who formerly pare...est East. Their stock m..2.1•l sea. lrlss Sourocoi r scipletr________ NH GOO 8, 1849. KENNEDY A. SAWYER, comer Wood and Fourth street, are now receiving direct from first hands, • large s stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, including , Ll.k of every sanely, gold and elver Watches, I Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, Hooks and Eyas, Gloves and Hosiery, Suspenders, G. Caps, and all other articles in their line--all of which havetg been I porobwed personally et the manufacturers east, do seng the last weal., expressly for the Spring trade, wsll be sold wholesale at a small adv.. on cost. Constantly on hand, ad desanptio. of Looking Gloss. 'our own manufacturing , at e.t.a prices. mhssfil - I\TEW FANCY AND VARIETY WOOS—At KT:LI ULON KINSEY'S, 07 Market street 100 prs fine China Vases, msM: 1 73 sat. twat 903 cut velvet coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Bags; tal do do gent's treveling; . 100 gross fancy silk Bunting, tor dresses; 10 do: Nail Brushes, ass'd; 100 gro fine blk Vest Buttons, sited; 250 do arid plated, do; 25 doe rosewood Hatt Bros Lea: 4 do Washingtoo do; 1 do Barber, do, 3 roo Fish Li 11.4 Flat Hooks, Llatc rlck, JWELRY, Jac —5O gold lever Wombed; 50 do de tached lever Watches; 10 do Lepme do,• 10 fine dia mond Finger Rings; I do: fine gold Vest and Fob , Chains; 9 do do Ce.rds; Breast Puts, Finger Rings, j Ear Maga, ha. OLOVM, ra.— . 209 dor Ladies Cotton Gloves. us' • 300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, ice.; 10 do tient d si si/k • Gloves; 12 do do kid do; 50 do ladies kid, as d; 10 do do fancy top VARIETY 13430D5-95 pkgs AM:altar:l Pins; 300 tam Cotton Cow* 75 ps Paper Masan; 500003 nbbed Pereuon Caps; 9005 Combs, Whal Backebone do; hr. 100 don Ivory Combs; Dressieg Combs, tro. Llt H. EATON is CO. are now opening Mem Spring . stock of Trimmings, emsusting an part of Man na. end Dress Fringes, limps, blank and cord Silk Lsres, black Flounce Lane, Bunons, Beds, Bonnet Trimmings. gents, ladies and ckildrens plain and tend or Hosiery. Shins Mr men and box s, Combs, leery and other Fa tt ns, Yarn, Spool Cotton, lieedles, Tapes, Bob other In., which they offer for tale, both whotessle and . retail et tem Trimming Store, 62 Fourth Street, betwee Woo and Market. molt SPRINGSW tiOODS.—.4. A. Masa, No. NOO Market street, aro nowopening 40 eases . and packages of rplendid SPRING d GOODS, tompnaing Prints, B. l7n F e c a ' , ' Llneno N L'Fat . tion°i*,ts.ers', Sllks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general assort ment of Goods.metriD CARPI:ITS, OIL oLoTual so. RECEIVED TILLS DAY, Carpeung and Oil Clo th o of tho lomat and most approved pallor., sad at prices to suit purchasors, .4 cheap sa can be r chased to any of the Eastern ettles, comprising the fol lowing vorietlem— Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets; AltreliMster Carpets; any size hall rooms or veal Tapests7 do dilates Sup Royal Brussels do Tapestry suur carpets; Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do Bop:atria do do Chemile Rugs; Extra sup Ingram do Tufted do Superfine do to Brussel. do Floe do do Chet:ode Door mate; Commou de du Tufted de do 44, 3.4 & 'Tapestry Adeltud do do Damask do Sheep skin do do 4-4, 3-4 & twrd Ve- 14-4 Emb'sed Piano covers nett. de 6-4 do Table de 44, 54 & 1 plain do do 11-1 wool to do Cotton Ingram do 6.4 worsted .d linen do de. do Veneti. do Bra. Stair Rods S-4 soonDrage. 16-4 wool crumb cloths 114 woolen do Stint Linen 6-4 do do 6-4 table do Floglith Table 011 cloths; Diaper do German do do do do Clash . 6-4 Floor Ott cloths; Snow-Drop Napkins: 7-4 do co Cmnson 6-4 do do do Purple do 6-4 do do do Alsroon do' 4-4 do do do Cat Binding; Sheet Ott Clo th s, of nevrTran rp s e p , nt NVlndow Shades Tapestry patterns, cut to fit I l„To the above we are constantly tecetvinp our Spring Stock of Carpets, Oil Clo th s and Sumuntooat Cummings, to which we welt., the soonest of all who wish to fur nish their houses or sattuohoste as tat will be able 10 oar goods se low as they can be purchased in the East, and of the richest and Imes . aryl.. Call and ex amtne oar dock before pnrchasit g elsewhere-Ware house, No Va Fourth at.tenTOCK. The Largest, Cheapen and mad Faekilmsido of G o ode, adapted to Gentlemen's Spring and Emitter Treat . , ulna rsceinng at D CHEAPix LIBERTY STREET. fo.f therm hb ago m e a. eta . bLish . me . nt would The hH'lElcus4r*llettied from tie Eastern on art roar the most s plendid nutriment of goods In hi. 6nq t h at wait „ va r brought to this oily, comprising all that ts now fadoomble, elegant and Cheap to Cloths, Cassimercs, C a nine:ens, Ehlap Do Eta. and every denriPlio. of ninon, linen end woollen Sommer Studs; Shirt., Cra. y a m, Ildkfs, Suspender, to., of the o o lo K which, together 'nth his very large mid fashionable won of readrmdts Clothing, he ix prepared to oder at his usual low price. Country Merchants, Contractors, and all who pus. chase largely, are particularly invited to cull end ex. amine the stock, which ie decidedly the largest and most fashionable in the city, and great attention has been paid toget it up satiable to the wholesale trade. Orders in Use Tailoring line esemtal in the most fashionable manner, and that nothing may be muting to Ensure the newest and best style of cutting. A gen tleman who has had great expenenee in the EMI/MI cities, her been added to the establishment. mciatal3na GOODS., SHACKLETT W HITE. Dr 7 Goard• Jo•ra, XTO. 95 WOOD VELEM—WouId call the attention NO. of Merchants to their large week of Domesde and Foreign DRY GOODS, lust =erring front the lm. porters NM hianufsontrers, and which they will tell at very low rates for out. or approved credit. Oat .rock is new Sill and ouraplete, and well worth the attention of boyars, as we an determined to sell at such extremely low prier Ita cannot bet to Make it . • Moog latarawar ha mullions to maks t4ll wixb. EPA& VOL. XVI. NO. 260 FrFR . MW TORN FORSYTH, Merchant Tailor. bee removed el to NO. 31 Market 'tree; ono door from Second. East vide; . Thank fhl for past favors, he respectfully soheire con...lnce of the puronag-e of his former customers, and Itkewtse the patronage of es many new ones as are of the right stripe. Orders in the Tliiollng line executed in the most fashinnable manner. and with dispatch. Also, a faunonable assortment of ready made Cho! thing, of all kinds. Cheap for each, of course. Gentlemens' Furnishing Goods in all thus vadat:kw always on hand, suh as Shirts, Bourns, Conan, CM -8.-ochei Scarfs, Hosiery, Suspender., Pock.: Hdkfs, Gloves, Drawers, Umbrellas, kg. to. to. ray2lnOrn Poi BarirsaPar. _ ip pipp it JOHN U. - 3.M1.1.0R, St Wood street, will eel] for Strip at par , the following new and second band Pianos: One ekg.m mg.e.ropl 64 octave Pl an, made by Baker tr. Raven. Nl. . .1026 00 Om do do 61 octave ........ . . 40000 One resawood 6 octave, Gales tr. Co, NV.. •• 476'03 One do 6 do do do. • . 230 00 One mahogany 6 do ao neatly to •WO OR One do 6 do Load .• •• 00 . _ One do 54 do Rosenbaum One do d do Getman •• • . One do 51 do El. & Nucuis One do 5 do English my 3 i"PI I T T T ZV . * * MARINEPSATCT4 : :C , NY OF HARTFORD, Ctt Ca•ZO112.10 Capital Stock, Annual • condos •.d 1,000,000. All lesses . promptly paid at the General A Gee for the Western Stains, leered at emelt , This Company is of long standing, and we. throughout the Urinal States for tts sole. • pmEopt payment !glosses—haying Incarrea . dad, to the sau.infz.mort of MI ecticerned, ove , mama, ammmung in the aggragato to lust a•• en nourna the receipt. for which are on the fi..• the Company at Hanford and CiIICIDMILL The Plusburgh agency of this *Mee was origins , y hold by Mose. Atwood, Eerl and was subsequently taloa outooe by n law anwenting to a prohi bition of all Foreign Insurance Companies, Job tu sea son to escape loss by the fire oflOth April 1641 The agency la now reorganized ander the Miura of thetioderaigned, who will receive applications and issu t iltr against Ike/3 OR DAMAGE. BY FIRO an Wareham", llWallings, le., with the Con mobs. so on Goods, Wares and Merchandise a aunet tke.patils of Maims can Baran Namoarma, at the currant muss ofineolima t;Mliee et X It BROWN & totarfuerrs, No. 197 ' FAYETTE, BROWN, A NEkiNMYT call c'sperineci - Pitysicitm . frOm the 1 MON of =yaws standiag, offers tp treat &llama of a. Delicate Nature with psongitness and secrecy. • His success in Buffalo and other largo cities lins been proverbial. ills charges are moderate, and his mes Trita r out. Old cues of Glut, Stricture, Soto- PPI Alb., Ithoomousm., Ague, Syphilis, or any chronic ar insetcrue cues solicited. A 011 TO worrented, or charge refunded. Q7IICTS, St Clair street 2 doors from the Bridge. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poorgratis. N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the worst cases of env disease In Similar . to ea& WILLIAM ELOISA, Mann! adorer of Mineral . Water Apparatus, 0/ ruts eau." LOLA .4777 70 No. 213 North Second ill., •I,7nrine, PHILADELPHIA. AN eXperionceof more then twelve you. in the rnmafacturing_of Mineral Water Appsaney and the preparation of mineral Witter in Bottles and loon tal., on an extensive scale, with a ecieutilic and prao tioal knowledge of of both branches of truainessi, nage ther with recent improvements in the compunotlon of the Apparatus and the preparing of the Water, Whisk he Las .ace - , ..1ed in adopting since his visit to Yetis, and after year. of claw study and practical applies mom asapplied to the arts in Methadonmu/Chard. try f enables the subscriber to rams before the pablio vault entire confidence, uid oder them the best and mint conoph•te Appal . .., for the manufacture of Min eral Water in Bottles and Fountains, that can be fur nished in the United Staleal also 11 Were Ik/medians, the enlarged turners. he has met wttn, and the present Menem, end daily in creasing amount of his business in both the above-de partnieuus, furmahes the most consuming proof of his ' ePada tothe superionty of Apparatus over those of all others, and 'of the panty and salubrity of the Water prepared therefrom.- Persons who ordpr the Apparatus from divan,: may be assured that their imernetions shall be faillifel lycomplied with, and en packed as to marry safely either b - s. land or water to any part of the U. State. To event disappointment, it urecommended. these who Intend •,, oTis and Pedestals for btands, _emittrs 'and With of Hotels, for drawing Hydrants Wattli, together with Corking and Tying Machines, and enryttung upperuuntog to the above business, constantly on hand, and for sale on the lowest dwois for cash, spettitdeodem GROCERIF3-100 lags Kane Green gm Coffee; 75 pc kg. Y H, hopertal and G P Teas; NI hie to. .5s and 55 spun Tobacco; Na bbl. N 0 and sagarbouse Molasses; NO• Sugar, 150 bola Shad, Harrtngs, Mackarol and Salmon, 3tl do pore Flaisaad Ott; 5000 assorted Cotten Yams,_ 75 betel Batting and Candleanola 20 togs Pepper dud Alspies; 40 beans Paul and Comma &area 50 do mould and dip'd Oandlos, 10 do Star do 150 do No 1 Soap; lONX, Sides and Shoulders Bacon; 75 draws Core Broome, In store and for sale by • • /OLIN WATT & Co, Libor% st THE u• ribars are receivim low rates as follows, sir 100fmekages Y H, imperial and 0 P Tees 300 Las Rio and Java Coffee . ttM: tt l tga l M 1 /7o=Z ebseeeC 411 bbi. usorted Nos Loaf Sugar, 15d0 Tanner* OIL 19 do Lamp OE; 1012i - 0u Blecting; thlackarel, No 1, 2 and 3, in bbls welt! 300,10. Lichee scale Herring; 30 boo tvh,,e 3.6%gs Pepper, 10 de Alsince; 2 rums /11-1,1 5000 lb. Conon Yarn, ass.d Nos; luu use 10 4100 Palm Soap; 50 00 Toilet tr. Vat:, , • 25 do Starch; 50 do Large Artistes; 10 bales idioms , * •StS do Palm Num, , 20 do E Walnuts; 953 do Friberts; You bgs ground Nuts; 13 bra Spleod 3 came LulnOticel 11,2 Pile s :roe and Begone Sega.; gro Cut and Dry Tobacco; dos Bed Oords; 15 bas Rook Canon , 15 bus Sperm Candles; 20 do Star no 1 est Ombrc Maddox 2 oeroons Intemo,l tousle Cloves; 1 do Nutmegs; 10 Ibis Whiner, 6 do Chalk; 50 dos Buckets; 4000 Mt Solemn; IS boo fine rut Chewing TehaecOi common and hail SpanishE4sta. ENOIISH & 37 Wood st, p 2 5 opposite St Cantle. Hotel Diagsisrsipm titer for Hrtgraak, ai THIS la to certify that I have ap• pointed Livingston, Roggen & Co' Sole Agent* for the sal. of Jeanine; Patent Utaprahgm Filter, for the di ties of Pruslm .4 nil*,..exty. JOEL OWI4, Agent,. for Walter 01 Gibson, Broadway, Oct. 10, 124 E We have been using one of the above alleles at the omen of the Novelty Work. for three esott2tts, on vial, and feel perfectly saueled that rt U a asefall invention, and wg take pleasure in recommending them .13 0.1.0- flu nutlet. to all who to pore pore wider. Orders will he thankftdly reoeived and promptly executed. ocll2 IJI/INGOTON, ROGOEN & Co • ,T l 2 SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK AND MM . MAN UFAM'ORY.—no rabscriber takes this meduta/ of informing hit friend. and the public to general that be has th e largest steak of the following named arti cles of his own =outran.° in this city—Saddlery liar Trooks and Wraps, ell of which to will warrant to be =de of henest autierial and by the best mach- Allegy county. Being de teratined his mitiostactures something lower than has hmo here- _ Wore sold by any =mar establish.= m the eity, he would invite persons to heed of the shove noshed articles to his warehoose, No. 244 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bends made to order for nutob n• otat-ly G. KERBY. ul r the .PPIHT Second Smsion this thilitliaoo, =Mr the rare of Mr. and Mr. G011801:1; for we _present acadentue will eat. Thee on the ant of Yebnut ry next, in the same buildings, No. tit Liberty street. ArriageOlerall have been mode by which they will be able to furnish young Indies feedlots Multi to any in the,West, for °biennial & thorough English, Classi al, sad O rn amental ennead°. A foll'eourse of Pith lisophical and Chemical LOCUM. will Be delivered durtng the winter, illostnned by apparatus. The de arum= of Vocal sod Imtromenml Menlo, Modem s, Drawing gad Painting, will each be under the c 11413 of a COMPOteat Professor. By close attention to the'moral sad lutelleemal improvement of their pu pa., lbe Principals hope to merit & continuation of the Liberal pirtronaga they have Ititharto enjoyed. Per terms, me circular or apply to the Prismilatia., faltidtf TllO j,s/VoIINDILY I , OIIBIaLE.—A Koran Iron lhorn dry m a flourishing warn, wish Patter., Tools, 3r, an ready for business, will bo sold no dodo* terms, or diehangc for Iron or goods. This oilers an a:callow opponunity to a young man with small capital to commence the Iron Foundry Ma nnesa. Ezumneof fkiales, Coblelog liiewv•a, Orates 6e. VIARSiI 13 WALLACE 6. C,0., Hood Church, In, earner Llherry and Wood meets, Martzfam_o and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Counter 8e.e1., of the most improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood and coal; Egg Stoves of redone Mum, Park, . 11 ,k common orate{, Hollow Ware, lo: do. They also manufacture dm Kite Lon Reap, which has given geed general mulzfectlon to those havotg aie use, to all of winch they would rezpecthdly Invite the aneralon of the citizen. entitle public generally. rmffl-dtf It /TENT SOLAR GAIL 6 extemave ••• --•• ••• • essortmentof Cognates & Co's celebrated mann- Notate, and aupettOr to nLL cabers to Met adapted to churbbes, steaMboata, factories, dwellings, public and private and to all other epee where a eliesP, safe and bailie.* light to desirable. ea, Also,Girandel Hall Lanterns, Cendalab rssAild boss Shades, Wicks, Cuns, Trimmers, &c. Alcor G as chandelier., from One to tcta deal \V W WILSON 48 market el . erdneare--0 • caper Ter' LCOHAN, WLLSON & limporsen and Medinal. LA Healers In Hardware, Conan , and iNattkry, Nov IV Wood street, above/10k &Plow m oU.rtve.7 cheap and well selected enek of kinumm, wbtph Wei since the decline apices ro fgroP q and are determined town ec0ng 42,11 .4 1 0 0w. fanfabanta who have been in the habit of 1 0.. 74=4 to can wad too &reap air modrOts beawre Uri will save Iticit 6.14 •and 6 4 — s b ill YISMUZi kyl LARD-is iit, stri2 ' DIALIg SCSIFE et ATIUNSON. Ut ee44 Wood street.