The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 07, 1849, Image 1

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TOHNEY A r LAW. Mike on Pourth Street,
A•r b e ,,,,, cherrLalley arid arm tt. ruylttly.
- --------
IthlfrPHONG teCßOZEß,Comadasiorlldereduida
.and;Crateri in ?mate, No. 12 'gasket 'Weer,
AibFrilt . _---
- ,
•.... Mitt ri:t.l... W. &HAIL
13Ddlif (PLO & HAYS, Wholesale dealers lii Dry
EP Good. it 9rocesies,Boots, Shoes, Pittiburgh mans
(sewed I • helm de., No. 420 Liberty street, Crilts
beret!. ill__
- .
Jrzimou Is iiitrx,
gitautcrt -Err
• tail ,Druggists, earner Wood
aHALEY & SMITH, Wholes
I.ffi 40 Wood street Pluttbargh,_
- -
ClAi Mc•NULTP de „Co, Forwarding and Cam-
V. minion Merchants, Ca nal Bain, Pittsburgh Pa.
Yltssqmosima Bprintr i Llmles
CriOLEMAN, ' MAILMAN ,tr. Co, ,ouniufacturbrs of
Couch and &tette Serums, liammered
sprurg and Plough Steel, lroa, he. Warehouse on
terW and Front streets, Pittsburgh.
Lso, dude» L.: Coach Trimmings and Malleable
Castings. omit
isanntrriD Wllkacuss,
CONTINUES to manufacture Monuments, Burial
Vsalts, Tombs, Head SIO Ilse, Mantel Pieces, Cen
tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at
• regular and fair price.
N. B.—Drawings for monuments, vault., &e. furnish
ed, of airy description. He solicits a share of public.
patronage augn-dtf
WIC X. 1311.1.3131, 3.11.1113
MINGLISH A tiENNErr, unto.Enr,liSh, Gallneter
Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Camonssion and For.
urardnag Merchants, and &aims in Pre nod itt...
burgh Mandactures, No. 37:W1 and st.., oduc
IN end
341 streets. net'
OUCHRAN, Commumson and lorsrardteg
Merchens. No. M Woodstrant. Pltubtargh. vall7
H&MILTON STEWART, manufeternzert of Jleprl
Shirting& CJ3eehs, ees • of
LEE, Otteeenor to Murphy
& P
er and Commission Merchant, for tho Ole of
site Ath st. ft&l7
American Woolens, Liberty, oppo
WY. naalA Daltunore.
h. & iecamon, mar a. WA911.3., 5
EALD & EIICKNOR, TObseeo Comml.tan Met ,
jiketuthts, 41 North Water st, & 16 North
. W .. hrr,
_ _ -
lIA RD Y , JON E 4 & Co.,
(successor sAßDY, to itto.raA,
Jones & Co. ) Communion and For w arding Mar
charm, dealers Pittsburgh blumfantured Goods,
P. tneb27,
I.ILB 11119Z1: 1 D/CiXT, 31,
rAIA.I4 DICIEY & Cka., Whole ' . Gr -. .. 7 . 7 .5 , 7.6074-
scission Idetehants, and dealers in Produce, No,
ater, and 107 Front smuts, Pittsburgh. noso
T B. CANFIELD, Bate of Warren, Otuo,) Commis
-0 ((ion and Fon.reing Merchant, and wholesale
dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, -Pet and
Pearl Ash, and Western Proiote generally, Water
Dein, between Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh: ap3
JOIIN WATT, (successor to Ewalt & Dabber - 41
Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant,
deader to Prods.. and lquaburgh filmufactares, cor
ner of Liberty and Hand etreeu Plusbnrgh Pa la'_}
S McGUIDE, Dam of the firm of Algee and
MeGuire,) Merchant 'holm, St Charles Buddiugs,
• near W• • • Plushy-3h.
JAtifiiA. HUTCHISON, & Co.--Soteetsors
Lewis Hutchison A Co y 001311:111111011 merchants,
and Agents of the Bt. Lotus Stearn Sugar Refinery.
No. 45 water sadiN front streets, Pittsburgh.
DmvoRTH a co., wh01e...10 c. 0..; Pos.
Ig • .thice and Conunission Merchants, and ageats
tor the Itssari - Powder Co. or N. Y., No. M Wood at,
)1 OLIN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Droggist, and Seal
or in Dye Bmds,rionte, Varniabee, an ti No.V3
Wood meet, one door Booth of Ihnsonod Alley, Plus
. KERR, Jr., I Co., isneresser to Joseph 0.
Danis,) Shia Chandler', 30 Water sums- oat
1101LN - IL MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer
al in Maisie ind Musical .Instrametata School
PiliPFrt 81 nLoo, Steel Peal, Quills, Primate' Cards, Bono
Stationary generally,No. 81Wood et., Pinslntrgh.
_jgr Rags bolz ght or taken is trade. septa
1 SCII.OON?deIiER Co., Wholesale Droggtsts,
U • No. 24 Wood street, Putsburgh.
1011 N D. DAVLS, Aucvoneer, corner sth and Wood
ii otroels„Pittobrirgb. octO
TOKNSTON I STOCKTON,Ltooksellers, Printers
ep ISIld Pipe? MILIILICISSULSESS, NO. 44 Marker sL, Pill.
.11 Az. ./04.,
Jona From. Wonsan iota
-r sR. FWYD, Wholesale tiro." Conuniasion
ep . Marshants, and Dealers us Prodder. Hound
. (botchDeriding. Doming on Liberty, Wo od and &I
arms, Pittsburgh, P. myd
ioAXES DALZELL, Wholesale GTOGet, Commission
Modems, end and dealer in Produce and Ihto'bomb
afactures. N 0.24 Water Prose h. laulti
4J013111 - 1.1.. TO • NALTaIi Druggist acid Apothecary,
No. 45 Market sL, three doom above Third M. Pitts
burgh, will have consiantly on haul a well selected as•
rionmest of Ma ban end freshest Medicines, which ho
will gall an the aunt mainutable term. Physician
sending orders, willbe. promptly afialaded to, add tap-
plied with articles they may rely open at genalrie.
tiecPhysicians Prescriptants accurately and
prepared from the ben materials, at any boar of
Also l fo7 t
a h ,a large cock of fresh and good Pena.
VIES & JONES, Forwarding and eninan.irion Net
chants, Dealers in Produce and husburigh mann
factored vueks, Curd 13sainotear 71.1, at . 421
VENNEDY,CUOILDS tr. CO., Manaraoaters of very
jrk alpenior 4-4 Staeungs, Carpet Chain, Ocala. ,
lartaa tad Sassing.
Vesuvius iron Works.
j MIZELL tr. Co., manufactorers'of Ala
Sot, Skeet, Sod water
Iron and Nall. of the bee
quality. Worellonse, 61 water end 105 front N.
TT 6 WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward
sadComaisslon Merchant, Denier m Pit
atg 111••nfeetares and Produce, Non. 31 ;Valor .1
andei Front v.: /27
IoolClNG.Gljild£3 Alumfactzwers, and wholesale
dealers in foreign and domestic Variety. Good.
estern merchants, Pedlars and others 'are Invited
to tall and Clarnint :he mints and quality of our stuck,
MI with our present nintnatc. , In MISTIOLCWS•
lng and purchasing, me think we mu. act at great
lmincements to buyers as any other house west of
• • •• ,aB-ly
DAVI icatu. lot D. DrIaD.L. WALT= D. Lois
~ im BICCIILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grouts ,
No. 194 Liberty at, ,Pittsburgh.
1 SUILPIIIY, WILSON & 00,0am/ones, Murphy &
JAI Co.) W hot. al e Ikalcrs ol IMF Oroxl* , N. M
Wood arm; Pltialougn. doves _
-r:.,.,.:., AL= karma. watr. Nuli.
&To., Commizolon and Forwarding
~ M m
Merchant; Winer and Fro sta., betweto Market As. • intl6
WAA.TriIEW WILSON, Portrait uld MiintureFain.
/FA ler. Flown, comer of koar Office Alloy od
Fmmtkotreel, eumanee on .:d.. ucar :Market
dcrOWIL. • .
OLMES SON, No. 63 Marken al, meand
Nedam - from co nor of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
and Umenie Bills of Exclemae, Cm-afloat. of Depos
it, Bank Notes sod Spoolo.
Mr Collections mad on all the principal ctn.
• • oat the Uthad Stairs deal
BUCHNLASTER, ehallows—Orrice, Fourth
third doer oboes soul side.
roreyaneing of all kinds done with the greatest
ears and legal accuracy.
TtUes to Real Banta examined, tr.o.
D. T. Roberta, nt. D., ,
(1711.1iLhtle SURGIEDbI, will attend to the treat.
ramie( Disease. of the Eye.
. R. hal been engaged in mu branch of the medi
cal pmfe.sieh for sixteen years, and has cosidacied an
aatabl•ohment forth.: treatment of disease. of the eye
alone for several Team . , .
On= and real:lanes, corner of Sandasky sr and
!Strawberry alley, Alletheny dry. actl3
alnitarsiN TEA EITOILE.—No. 1g Fourth
st.i war Wood—ALL quantities of Green and
Black Teas, alone up in quartet, h4l, and
our o goaftd Package., IM from 69 U. pet pound
St . 114 A. JAI * Agt. Cor Pekin Pea Co.
sr t gt — fiWli,Too BE, Wholesale (Siemer, Rectifying
jci, Dimilier, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgb Menefee
tures and all bands of Foray" and Domestic IVittei
and Liquors, No. II Liberty street. On bond a very
h u ge pock a( superior old Monongahela %whiskey,
which will be sold low for cash- iNpilly
ir—s-aim, , x:t. a, anntimoir.
ROBINSON & Co.,‘Pholosele Groceftl,Preaue.
Land Commission Merchants, and Desilert In Pitts
..% Idanafactures, No. LOU Liberty at., Pittsburgh.
ft. *du
• • "r DA.LIII.-1. A Co., Wholesale Grocers,
Comfaistion an 1.1,r...ding Merchants, dealer.
Produce and Pittsborgh blanufsetures, Lamm, at.
Pittsburgh, Pa feb2l
d .i . ----"--"—Vl—Trj fJtr.r A. CUNNINGHAM, esa w ooer
Dealer Frain= and ttilusbargh Mannfsetrues,
ST 144 Liberty, sl
z.. 0. cam
Bloreiuma, for We AllegtKuy Diver Trade, dool.
enGrocerito, Produce, PlD.buigh
god Cbtavida of Woe.
Thehigbest prices, in co.k, paid ti all Lima for coon
.Carat of PCI3II sod trorio au ; juiS
1191cyaarr, rum. Jr_ arm
11.-hoICZO-GeSsi-is a.
rig Farago and timuti. pey Goads. No. OD Woo:1 a.
Pittsholgi. fdtant
IF. [iwRIIAU6H ; Wool
•La Flo." Proa..4 goaorally, and Fargrardm
SAXI Gcnsious s ion ZileTchatzto, No. 63 WWI NUL
. rn, BAGALEY fr. Co., Wholesale 6 roeeW , . o-
. produce dealers, Ne.r.* Market street, tretWeen bill
..d 1504 North . Side, Plateulelphia. oseB
. id_ e, . .--
P. E lrile a M s rren.7"g- :0311114, i&i1f1.4.0.
it PIICOLS, Produce and ileum! Coop
SISd.SIOII Merchants, rt0..17 Ulmer, 0 , firtg,,,,,b.
Spensii"d Lard Chls.
EI:VON BONN1101157;la Co, 'Nit koala lirt
e gve, Forwardmg and CaernaianotAleteliaut
in Pit/stank ManuMetureavtd Mesterei hs.-
ge. hose removed to their new
ea corner of From at. and Chanetry Lams •
• kerb
r.isamv' Whoteesto rs in
TROTH aLicarrim.k
Be., S. W.
of :Niadatbut 2,7italruightPs_.,
, Whoe — se Grocers aufeetoakii
Woo .Nerelants, nod dealers la Prodnee.-• No. :3
eioast.:Tltudrurgh. , psta
Ramifying Distillers, sad Win e last - Lima.;
Alan Importers of Soda AIM tad33leaelt
rastfar, NO,lOO Liberty street, Satsbattit;
• •
Alf All WILr3ON Dealer Marries, Jewelry
'T Alf[
IPUTOCW•Miditi ,III OP°N . "7 0, 67 4 r
_ .
' ll7 °M' telt t w i l ltred.NDLESS, raueceLars '"D ur - 1....1 . 1 . ..
yv Wick,' Wholesale Grocers, Forwardatg and
Commission blerehauts, dealers to Iron, NalbtGlass,
Lorton Yaras, and Pittsburgh Manufactares generally.
twat, of Wood and Wale, streets. Pittsburgh.
ayV"O3T BOWLINI--Cominision and Forsvaktng
glerehant, N 0.90 Front at between Wood and
rket streets. febttl
wW. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Farinshl
. log estalill.bel•nt, No. 241 Liberty st.., near the
c anal. otax22
W. E.ZUft.P gn . !.y h t o thol t l o sale and Eletail
Dry Goods,,
corner of Market and Four% eta ./g . 41
TOllllO, S 1110.12
wM. YOUNG Ye Co.—Dealers in leather lode., Bs.
113 Liberty st..
-roll m'corctritoa. WM. lICCITIVILICOII
. • . • . .
& N. 11PCUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocer., dea
ler. in Prodnce, Iron, Neils, Olam, and Pitt a
burgh . Mannfacture. generally, Ife. Liberty st, Puts
b7-L'a" nr — e,
. and Military Grads, corner :I' Alsr . ket ' an " :l ath
streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. I.l.—Watelics and Clocks
carefully repaired. dee4
VIIVILLIPLAT SMITH, 111moineturoe of Cotton and
TV colored Lanett, Fringes for Louses, d.c.; Searing
Silk and colored Conon Fringes for silk and gingham
(AMP. Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes,
made to artier on the Mama& mace.
Swan, comer of klaiden hen, and William, entrance
No 0 William third Boor, over A bore & Ely s`
more, No (3. Maiden Lune New York trIO
wax. TOONO bo.,
Shoe Findings, &h., N. 143 Merry ,rest , It
lost roseived their SPRING STOCK of c.d.:
prising • largo assortment of .melee in their ' tcl
which the ...Won of pitirchostrs is invited.
Orsacz ♦eovo 81. ALLAN h Co,
0031 No. 421 Water weet.
THE •INSIMANCE CO. ot Non]. Amend. will
make permanent and hawed inautauee on pto-
Pd.)" in thin
Od a, a nd
Canel, liver., I .• a, and by Sea. The eroperve.
this Company are well invemed, and (email an avail.
able 'fund for the ample indennity of all p.m.r who
dealke to be 'untamed by iusuranee.
Myll3 WM. P. JONES. AI
The Freak/140 Fn. Insurernot Co. of Philadelphia.
TIIRECTORS.—CIzatIes N. Rancker, Thomas Ilan,
Tobias Wagner , Samoel Gram, !aeon R South,
cteo.W Richarde, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolphe E.
Bone, David S. llroam, Morns Pattern,
Cheats:a N. BM(CILIOI, President
Charles O. Rancher, Secretary.
Continue LO [lake perpetual or limited,
on every description of property in sown or country,
at rates as low am are consistent with secunty,
To Company - have reserved a large corm:lent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest.
ed, afford ample promotion to the inesureeL
The Imam of the company, on Janniuy Ist, Isl 9. as
published agreeably to an art of Assembly, were as
fellows, vial
Real Estate • • .....
Temporary Loans
~..ocks •
Since their incorporation, a period or t 9 yea., they
have paid upwards alone indium four hundred thous
and dollars, losses hy fire, thereby affordrug mdeuce
cf the advantages of insurance, as well as the atalUy
and disposmou to meet with promptness all l•slAllties.
y Orgee N £ corner Wood and Ai so,
A. hLADE/RA, Agent at Pittsburgh fot the Dela.
ware Mutual Safety Lnaurrment Company of Phial.
adelphin Fteo Risk& upon buildings and merchandme
of every dnicription, and Maxine - Risks upon hulls or
cargoes of vessels, taken open the most favorable
fa. office in the 'Warehouse of Vit B. Holmes & Eno.
No. 37 Water, new Marko once; rittaburgh.
N. B.—Thc meccas of this Company twee the estab
lishment of the Agency in this cay, web the prompt
ness and liberality with which esti) , damn upon them
for loss has been 0/1312.511, fully :Warrant the agent In
inviting the coolidenee and pattrorfagt altos friends and
the commumty at largo to the Delaware il. 3. Insu
rance Comptmy, while it has the additional advantages
ut sum/smut:mu emuidt the intim flourishing in Plidadel
phiss—us having en ample ptud-an cum.!, which by the
openhan of ns charter a constantly increastng. as
yielding to each person mooned his due sham ot the
probes of the company, without involving him to any
responlibility whenever, end therefore or possestong
the Mutual principle divested ofAvery obnoxious tee.
tore, and iu its most atuscuve form. itov4
THE Insurance Com pany of Nonh America, mrough
ns day authoriat agent the latioscriber, oarn to
make porniauteut and limited Ininarante cal property
this say and to vicinity i aad ou iihmmeata by the Ca
nal and Warn.
Sam'l Jonoes,
- - -
John A. Brown,
John When.
Wm. Welsh,
Pratt., Hoskens,
S. Austin Athlone,
ARTHUR a. 1t0t1 , 11%, Preet.
listia• D. SINICIMILILD, Secy.
Thema. F. Cope,
Samuel F. Smith,
Samuel Fleoots,
This Is the oldest IrWaraneo Company in the United
thaws, harttig been chartered tri 17iti h. charter is
perpetual, and from ns high standing, long expenenet,
ample menus, and avoiding all Val of an extra haz
ardous character, it may be considered as offering am
ple security to We public. W. P. JONIt,.
At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones ft Co, Wa
n. and From ...eta Pittsburgh mayb
hew been appointed Agent pro
iszt. of the Laurance Company of North Arne tt
and will wenn Policies and attend to the other Lucille , .
of the Agency, at the anrehoust Of Atwood, Junes 6.
Co. 'W AI P. JON EN. water •t
C 1.1.!O1,00/u,. 1 = ULU°
No. 52 South Whence, No. 117 South Water at .
Efif4 to Inform the Isaac and dealers generally, of
Putsbargh, that they have made such arrangements
wtth the Virginia manna...mem and tie Growers of
the West, wen Indic[, and other places, as and imam
• large and emistant supply of the following deserip
uons of Tobacco, Winch will be sold upon asaccOM
modatmg term, as any other house on We city or olio
wiser., and all goods ordered from them will no war.
rented equal to representation:
Havana; St. Domingo; Conn.;
'Para; Porto RiMic Penn's; }Seed Leaf to
Cobs; & Florida, barcm
ALSO—Branch's celebrated Anymatic Stag Caven•
-orh n tango assortment of ether popular brands,
and 41.11140. ,Jo ss, as, 1.25, Its and Z.,N, LUMP,
se, q w 11101 to. Yhtg; Ladles 1 . , ,•• winton• Twist,
fie , sweet and plioniln whole and hen .i
and un, togettieriwah every variety of article belong.
log to the trade. ieledty
Commission Merchant and Forwarder,
Particular attention ptid to the yurohumg of
of a~sy ools of Produce is this market. Also to lie
forwarding of Goode generally. Enter to
Messrs. John Swasey & ,
Martin & Stockwell Cu) .Cmcinnsii, 0
H. C. Parkhurst, Esq.
Lippincott A Co.
Kier & Jones, Paulin ig h, Pa.
fEnglieh & Bennett, mareideni
Comiplitsion and Forwarding Derehant..
eo. 2G wain at., retreat's/in
C ONTINUES te transact a general CoM
antsion boo.
. nest ' especially m die purchase and sale of Ameri
can Manufattores and Produce, hod in reemmtvg and
forwarding Goode consigned to his care. As Agent for
the Manaaesures, he will he constantly supplied with
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Mannfacinre at the
lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments
are respectfulitaolicited.
CARD - .
*-Nti EGOLF,
chant, No. 13 Southnt Cocci,tsecond
PiiladelpWa E 7 000 purchased, packed, insured,
awl slopped to order. Wool, Flour, Grain, Dried
Fruit and Cheese received ou consignment and stor
age with Mill rant., obtuned.
reuitiariess—Wm. Dell & Son, Mr. H. 'Bei'', and
Mr. Dewey nails. Pittsburgh.
Ivens Nall.l, Cotton Tarns & Pittsburgh
Ntanntleetures generally,
011. 10 Wool , IrocCCT Co.
Ireportsr and Dealer in Fortijel sod liansertze
Saddlery llardwart h Carriage Trimmings,
No. t 33 Wood at., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ta now reesifing his Spring Wipply of Goods, and
*"'" fi"it" the an.ntion of fladdlen Co.bmakers and
Merchants to his stook. It has been bought upon the
best terms, dram dm lien sources, and he therefore
feels confident of being •hie ton afford gausfacuon
all who may favoritism with a sail, me k.e.,:dem
XIS. S. Ttxxl&A. Y. Irs - ma... te . L pa,q,..y.
No-162 Second stloat
IST. Wthl3, 1510.
inekenvldm •
- .
LI YAMS, 5110VELS, &e.-50 dm Aortae. ma
U we* ttdo Manure Forks . 11) do Ocala Stovabc 60
do Becket do; Axes, Hatch es, Mamas and Picks,
Bellows, Vico', 30., for sale at manufacturers price.
be my I 8 GEO COCHRAN, zoti wood si
ISAAC /ORB, .1011:1 V. Qtrtosi
MTUPACTUREES of coring and Witter steel,
plough deo!, meal plough wings., coach and clip:
he *room haconotred iron axles, nod deniers lo mat
leahle °amino, hre engine lampo, and couch trimmtng.
generally, corner of Ron and Front sta., Pandoirgh,
Rem • MAte — wrtstkTO — oc Is ,
Which tpr " mbld
not noMFo b J,
'a" wates ' . Pllc a croton wa ter In N. York,
f ~eltbough clear sod pate to the eye, yet
k ‘ .. tr•- • ;,1 when passes se haus duo. uk tLL
N.? filtering cock, snows &Agape dSepo sit
Impure eabstencesoronns, nta
edit all Itantarezet.
. 7 ., 115 0 t ,,,, 8 "„.,r 0 rbp, " le"
neat end duntlabt,
Dot attended with Fil the l e re ineen"taniente Incident Yr other
Plltetessos lI te cleaned w_,....ithotitbeizwiu,deote:rbedh.fauron
lb. , Gddr Pipet u rr t e,p carp process, the
Rom one side to t h e other .
d acertunateldons tc
coerce avatar ts ehantr.d . ,_!" off almost Impure substances ate pipp poisons the
without maserewlng um titer. st
hap crack, and as mach tn mem
cases * Z Will Tbreing shoe
tend economical.
IT co n
UM be attached where there Is any prelate high
or low to a cask, tank, alb, Ike. with ease. To
sole be hes
oft Agent, .
t N,
oetl7 awl Marke e el.
Y 1211-40 tads No 3 idadieetrai da --- kikt , 4 4l A
„V do Not Honing, jut reed and (CO data by
myth RKEY, !d.diTHEWS La Go.
WILL also spend to collecuou• and all over Lind
a!sa entrusted to him In Butler and Armstrong
counties, Pa. Refer to
J. & R. Floyd, Lilian) , •t
W. W. Wallace, do
James Marshall .do I Pititburgh
dly Ray 1c Co, Wood al ) lan?
T B. S‘VEITZER. Attorney 1A.., nit,- 3d •t
g opposite !Si. Charles Botch Pittsburgh, will ako
attend prpmpuy to Collections, in Washington, Fayette
and Green counties, In.
BLackatoek, Bell & Co.,
Church & Carothers, }Pittsburgh.
D. T. Morgan, eel:l4ly
J. HENRY, Attorney and Councellor st !Air,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in South , ' n
and in Indiana, and in Kr-punchy, prouiptly and care
fully attended to. Commissioner Car the ?tate Cl Penn
eylvania, for taking Deposinaus, acknowlealgmente,
Rte. lion Wm. Bell & Son, Curtis, Chneeh &
Carothers, Wmt. Bay, Esq.. NVillemk & Davis a. 25
- 3AS3le9c SERB,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Otliec removed toFourth
street, between Snsithfield end (:runt street
LOAM DUNLOP, 1. n. canon atw ILL
TIUN SEWELL, attorney at law, Whoa, on
ll Stnoltfield, between 34 and 4th sta
J OlttN 11. FLANK! N, Attorney tutd Loon.ellor at Law
and oa,llm:toner tor the State of Votttott i Nauru
Loutt, Mo.. m time or
Rrs.cmcam—Plusbutg it. Bon lC Fortvottl. Homo.
htt & N,ller , &Pt:audios, & & Velum Jot., F. Parke,
h Sample. M'Cord & King. Jolt lb
ATTORNEV AT LAW, Fourth street, between
Southfield and Grant. jal2-dem
AT LAW, Fourth etreet, near Grant.
A re(
WO. ROBINSON, Attorney at Lim, hex re
oved h. other to the Exehanye Buddinge.St
Clam it, m
next door to Atherman John upl7:y
(Secer sew, to NCCord SKull
Fashionable ll•tter'e r t
Corner af Wood and Piiih Streets..
ARTlCULARattention paid to oar lino.' Trade.
blantionsen ran rely upoti getting door flats and
Caps from our estatilishment of the Burr aaramairi and
aroustatouur, of the lATICIT sodto, srol at tna LOWIST
Coo try INterthania, purehnAag by wholerale, ern
respectfully invited to sail audgesnmoic our Stock, ma
we ono say with confidence slhat as regards 4,C11.11,
and Kinn. II Nndi not aldrer In a cornpark-on with ally
ho .e
111 Plitindeinnln. 1..147
411 CALIFORNIA HATS-11 do: water pivot
o .l.aootta list., lust received and for sale by
IWO .RI) & Co,
leb?7 corner sth nod Wood
M'CORD & Co tatti tntrodure on tar
eilladay. March Md. the 1.•‘; ring style of iIATs.
Thou in want of a neat and aupenor hat. are Invite
to call at Corner of rah and Wood myeta marl
• •61 047,43.
94,724 51
• 96,161 Eu
a. 54623 24
33,1K4 37
PRIM; BONNET RIBBONS, ace.—‘l7 R MurphyS
hn. now open a supply of sprang Bonnet Ribbons,
of new and handsome styles_
Also, new style ftig'd Netts; Lisle Laces and Edg
ing; Lmen Edgings, Victoria do; bleslms and
isteonets, eanhroidered Swim lEuslins. . Lieside•
large assortment of Spnng floods generally. at ..ono
east corner 4th and Market streets
Wholesale Rooms uo *lnt, apt"
ÜBEFACIENT.—!forsce 1,113,. Al
116 in the fields are very apt to bruise and ,antro
themselves m many wa) a They are often dlsabled
ao as to be tapeless for a long lune. inettlediale
fOll , l be made el Id A Fahimstock A. Co. s trubctes
elem. and the I rinsed part well satecncd, d • •
remedy robbed ta, st mould levee relief and ease the
pale.No termer shoeld be without this celebrated
medicine, e. izts alike healing to man or t•cast Pre.
pared and }old by H A FAUN Eta. TOcK
corner or Wood end Ist sts; also. corner um and
Wood. myl7
ORG - W$ WORM KlLL.F.R..—A.totheiFoa of
the trunethhath seem. of MorgatCs Verruitemc
P1211.1.1t, ?day to. 1,19
Mr John D Moroni—linty name m of any use to
the suffering romm.tity. in regard to the arta . , of
hl re p meetly welrnmc to
C V Ere U n g' ;de o l; attlieted
came &lamed, and very Marry w. when I trirod , our
renowned Vern:huge, and astotustona to one
them was delivered or about fifty worms fincen
long, of the most fmghtful kind. rewnibli rigmore the
appearance of eels.. The other child was dr ive r,.l Of
alum line children are now long finely 1.,u
may well be proud of yodf W 4 1 ,, Kt:lrt
You truly Dar, 50.11.4. Virgin alley
Prepared end onld wholesale and r JOHN It
MORGAN. Duo+ gtst, \\'..l wrest. one door t.s,o, Di
amond alley. .0)14
youß COL;(ill MAY BE CUBED
A1.1.26/1., Ctrs 134 Wa•d • /
Aprals-1, I
Mr K Kenos.: Being aril:coed for u•rne tune wttli
cough. winch was •n nevem a• t , • unfit me to•
dully employment. Frequently after coughing, I nave
been much exhausted. on to be obliged to ott down
and rest_ Hearing of the good effects prditared lay
your Cough :syrup. I concluded to give •trial. •nd
tun hippy to say 4 produced destreal elect m) ease. After toting It one night, Inc cough cur aated.
and I au, no, perfectly well J an.. /011,0.04
This pie aaain sad - •••tr Coast , ••••t• .••• • ••••••••• , re•l
and sold by ft ,•••
o: Wood street.
abut by Drogntstn generally In the two ett:oti an
t d ,•
tinny. mit
Chart. 741;,
Atabroee 'l{rblte,
iscob 211.Tbontas,
John R. Neff,
Richard D. Wood
C A VED I I EttEITE—Se: iers' Vermiuge . thr
cla. I.**otalos. V*. /*a ,41, I ..4•.•
M Sit The vial or .e:arrt .
Veruuhrge I I-ought trona youtwo. tame ago, br ,ught
tonal coy gal 5 year. old, tbeAutomatung ounther o I 5
hundred %Yoram, I t.e,, oh< would brave
very short time, but lor that
Preoarrd and sold by R E SELLERS 57 W st.
. 0 1.1 by Drugiti."l ernera:ly Illr :WO
Dr. &Jac'. Ctlebrited Remedies.
T A R. JACOB 9 ROSE, the dist ovorer and .1. .
J prietor of these mon, popular and henefictru med
icine.,oi and also the inventor of the celebrated In. tru•
ment fur infl•ting the Lungs, La effecting acure of
Chrome disease., was • student of that ernanent ph yal.
6211, Doctor Physic, and is a graduate of the l'atversc
ty of Pentnylvania, snd for hoary yearn since ha. !wen
engaged the luvesugation 01 OLISG.e, and the app.
Cotton of remedies thereto.
Thtoul the use of bin Inetattug tubs, In thttnertton
wit h hik 11 , • , el.,' "I
he has 'Fumed 11,4 •
those dreadful and fatal meladie, Tubercular Cott.
sompuon, Cancers, Scrofula, kbettinaume, Asthma
Fever and Agee, Fevers of all kinds,Chrome Erysipe •
leis, and all those obstinate is peculiar to (crueler
Indeed every form of Mamma vonishes under the ove
of hn retitedtes, to which humanity heir—not try the
ore of otte cmmimed only, for 11,111 is incompulthle
Law. `rut by ilte use or h. star
die, adapted to am- ,e toed for each peculiar iota.
of Mecum.
Tonle Alterative ?lila, when used •rc
tenably acknowledged to be anpenor to all other.
a porgotive or liver mil, tnimant,h • 2t• unite t•ie ,
trowels per f ectly tree from cosuyeuet lu•
fioideu Pills is &donned by the faculty to pe•ue•i per o
liar properues adapted In femme thieurr• but ,weriK
satisfied that a bare tn.! Is gorficient to eumbhih what
has been soul in the min& of the most skeptical.
The staunch are tuvued to colt upon the agent, and
procure threw° one of the Doctor's imeiphlets, giving
a deta i led ace•ont of [lll . ll remedy and its applicmum
For sale by the followtog agettu, as well alb, ooU
Dragmate throughout the COMM)
J &booms:taker A Co, M IVom.l erect, Fatabure
M Townsend, druggist, 45 Market et
lea A Beckham, " Imre the P. th Alleghen, pity,
Jok Buckley, Dashugton, Beaver roomy, Pe
JllO Elliott, FAnon
T Adams, Beaver,
novlo,ll y, Columbiana co., 0., Apr. 24, Ir II .
TRH. a JATNbS: DEAR 111 w—I feel hound to you
J and the afflicted pubbc, to avail myself of Mit op
portuntly of giving publicity to the eatruordtm ry. rdera
of your Dxpeetorant on my If. Having been afflicted
for several years with a ae•ere cough, beet..
fond ha COOCOMilalll diseases, and .e only doomed
to linger not Pahort hat miaerat,e eximenee, until the
fall of when, being more severely attacked. and
having retorted to all my former remedira, and Or pre
seripuoite of two olde most retpeetable phy stein. in
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
coma:ltalic-a of surviving but a few dun or weeks at
farthest—wben the taut gleam of hope was about in
vanish, I bad recommended to me your Expectorant—
tad bleated by that Being who does sit things in the
use of the mean—wad contrary to the expectation of
my physician and friends, I woe in a few days rai,id
front oty bed, and was enabled by the use of LI bottle, to
attend to my buttons, er,.iyins ranee better Imalth than
I had for ten years prevsout.
Iwapec .saiLiy ours, ice , Jos. W.
For sale la P ittsburgh, at the Pekitt Tea Store, 7 . 2
Fourth Street.
Iij6SEL..O A12051.c1t+2 ,: t'iN p •
ysanatory, balsamic . and tonic properties of this
Vinegar render it far supertorto Cologne water for
the ordinary purposes oftoilet,
surpassing the lat
ter in its perfume. It prevent , and removes pimples,
letter and asperity of the thin. it refreshes mild wh•ten+
the skin, rendentig soft and .100010.
It corrects the
clammy and Inner taste of the mouth, imparting a fresh
and pleasant breath. It cleanses and whitens the
teeth, and hardens the gums. For all the above pur
poses, Wu axed with water in such proportion as may
be found most agreeable. Ily inhaling it and rubbing
it on the temples, it will remove headaelw If applied
io•tataly to a burn or bruise, it wilf eventually prevent
=fortification. It correct vitiated ate, and guaranties
from conta4ion; it is therefore very useful fur purtfiing
ins vertu:rung apartments. For ante by
R L SELLERS, Wholesale Druggist.
melt% 57 Wood street, Fiturbuleh
Di;AlELane Ira 'rdno.nsioe.
" ' " •-• ' "-
Hip fo to cerCoy that I purrhasod one vial or Dr
lltHane's Worm nuertftr, wine two mouth• ugo
and gavel to awn of mum, some seven years old, two
tettwoona foil, and althoug, h the illhount may appeu
inrilits jot I have no doubt but mere waa upwards of
two allowasa worms pnwori front him, measuring
tom na• quarter of an inch to rwo mettes tong.
Rime. Crook, Carrot ro Tenn , Dec FL 1017 mai
CoLostams, Jan. eth, 101 Sr
Mr. R. E. Sellers:--Your VI! nonage la, sold well,
htut boon high y similar. of brall who have userl
it Prom th . Mittel, attending the i4llllll2l3lnitiuti 0
your Vermifuge toe
arry rase I have heard of, 1 eta
eonfulent I can .11 more during the eostimg season
than I did loot I will Le glad to receive wont, sup
ply ofA or ti gross. Yours, respectfully,
[Entrant from letter ft. CARTER.
peopared and sold by I P 9ELLE/LS,rl7 WottJ
lad sold by dtvggista generally, to Pittsburgh and Al
- -
/1.1111110 VAL •
I OE subscriber has removed his Wholesale Ciroce
ry Store to the earner nf llancoell street nod Mir
arttelly Wharf, Mot door to the Penny noes°.
/tstott, asaa Domestic, Liquors.
A ROOD assortment of Pores n end Domestic
.gaon, always on hand and for sale In Ousittotes
to saltpurchasers, by
VVEhave some PUMPS, made on ass truproeed
plan, so a. not to freeze in the coldest weather.
Pe2lolll wanting such erodes, cro Invited to mill and
sao them M SCUFF. k ATKINSON'S,
alp; Ist, Oilstone Wood Motet sts
center a PatiTnla
~ - . :••• • : ,.- - ' ,-., ' . : , ,.: , ,,i , ' 7 .; ',, . :', : 1:.
Butler, Pa
Jaynes , E.pector“.sat
THE co-partnership heretofore exteung between the
eubserlbon. In the name of Friend, Rhey
woe SOF dny damolved by mutual content. Deo. Rbey
4,11 Fettle the boemees of the concern. for which Pur
pose hr le authonred to nee the name of the him.
Th• subscriber. have this day associated thertaelVee
trt the name of RHEY, MATTHEWS A. Co., for the
purpose of it an, v c ung a general Grocery, Commissiod
coil Forwarding Business, at the stood of the law fisai
of Friend. Rhey A. Co , where they von be pleased to
reeetve the patronage of the customers of that house
and our friends. GEO RHEV,
rebruaty 7 1t,49
tVe take pleneure i n rerommending to the confidence
of our friends and thin , of Friend, Rhey & D0.i . 0 00
hrecimom ' , unmet, Rhey, Matthew. & Co.
fe by
/ 111uolatloa.
TIIFco-pertnerhip heretofore exuding between the
subsetthem. ni the mune of Constable, Burke &
Pas day dissolved by mutual consent Messrs
Burke & Battles wall settle the business of the 000
cern. tor which purpose they are authorised to use the
nit me 01 the euneern N Mt. CONSTA ULF,
The undersigned have Hos day associated themselves
in the name of BURKE fr. BARNES, for the purpom
n. , --ineturtug Fire Proof Safer, Vault Doors, &e.
ut Ind of the late firm of Constable, Burke
C., where Me, he pleased to receive the pa
tronage of the I. u atonic rs oldies honae and them Blends.
In rettring from the firm of Conetahlm Burke & CO.,
I with ltneere ple•mre recommend Mee,. Burke
arm,. lo Ihr confidelsee of my friend,. mid the puOlte
fehrlAtf _ _
illE partner.htp so long eg.nng under the firm at
!'Corsi & Kmg, wan by mutual conseut dlsaolved
en the 1.1 ton. The Luaon.. tartil closed at the old
tund by either of us, using the name of the firm tor
Mtn purpose. Being .ieR/TOUS to have oar htunneas
closed with a. Intl.. delay al po..lble we would re
epectially rettnest :hone tndrbted to call and 14.1100
Ibtlf nccoutax. JOHN D. hretJELD,
n. 28 II D. KING.
JJOHN 1) M'CORD hartng assoesatedwith him hat
brother James ArCord. under the style of M.Cord
S. Co , roptlnt, the Hat. Cap and Fur bastoess tn
9 , Its ...rants I.rsaenes. weolesale mud retell, at the
old stand, Nimer of Wood and sth streets, where they
*alien a e01.111.110/1 of the patronage so liberally be
stowed on use old firm. JOHN 1) 11PCOR1).
ruts JAhIEB 8. M'CORD.
IN rcurtng from the oid and well known firm of
AlCord k King. I meat nrdro
the patronage of the puhhe my sue-el:nu? Mewara.
Nl'vern fr. Co is-te 11. D.
late firm w. .I sealed U. Les. NIURPHY.
l'lttmlairgit, Jan. !...11,1,10 Ii LEE.
NOTICE---The usolorvanoll sNI continue tile Wool
bus/floss anti attend to ills sale of NVOOICII Good, al
toc ad stand. H. LEL.
Inretiring from the hereof Thy & Lee, I take
.rent in recomm an ending aly H Lee to the
confidence of froti
ts d Ric patnie
Pala Itt49. J R. muftriiv.
THE sutetet 7 ibere — havc thm day assoetoted them.
aeLvea togethet for the ;turbo, of tron•aeung a
tiolcaalr and r.t.ttil Dry Goods •ntlt/reccry bosiness.
at No •22 , 1 Liberty, appoattc Seventh !greet, under th.
st) le and firm ttt Bt SIIFIELD it HAYS
- .burg 1.. January 1, Dili.
Si It- (tar old curtomera and the public ore 1nv0.,,al
to give us CUti. ltd
under the him nt
Copper, k ATKIN...Its, And will ' earry on .he Ttn.
Copper, and 'sheet Iron N% are manufactory
Also, Blacken:tat:mg trt a:, Its brioche*, at the old
stand ut B Seam, nrat street near Voo,t
rurutar site talon green to steamboat avert
I 1 II AVI-t tn.. day assori•ted with me to the what...
sate t.roecry. Itroduce and Comnitsaton hustness,
my ototterr Joseph. under the hem 011 S DILWORTH
laitu•ry I. IndO
C 0 , - . P A It T
thrr hr. , ltter
. rodduer.l under . tbe
erm a W. \ %% 11.1.1 A 1
J It Wel N 1...
121.1.1‘ , 1 r A 4:N1A...1:4H, :o 14 atreet between
411. o“. 1 Dienlotol have wed a
aupply of 'll, , ,lcirmi a,Ol other we: •• among 4 004
ar• the foll“wlngr, vlt 11,•ou• 14...aaya otiol Dia•
eoura,a. 1,, 1 . ,,deal Hopkln., ehrial ta A 11,1.4,4 au.]
Govel, by 1 , 11 Ty itg. 1) I), Ulc 01 DO Wlti
lArlng "ratm.. al Atnerto.a, Itepublwan
by h 1•40.0 Nina I . ntoevof by Harris, Yhronotoor
hleamerlem. by 80, 1.. Rin. 13aptiaa4, 0.
Import :0,0 klo.le by Unction, Ntnevrb .od its 'He
rmann hlt.untali.s of the Bad., ~y Nl'Varfeor, Fitswg
hilmatry l:OuLrrn 1, I.7.4arnewt. b) J n .14121.,
ward: wort I, 4 4,14,114 w adman .1 11 hla4on'a work.
ampule; owper a 1,05 and %Sort', 01 Cowper, Fir.
ming 031 11.4•1. and Pall of Papacy, TUTOVIII/011oia 1'114.1.
• ol Mora 004 llellpoo• Anecdote..
Poprry i'brmt Iteectv3og ,01
nerx, 1111,;•• Evldence• i.r :` • 1., J 171,11/u
:Modern S.. Accoaatino,nucun... Ituidunt
Ratra•n. :Jr.rnan linnasl•tt on nenpture.Lo t
none firm punl••uctl Ponok, Natural Basun,' ol
I.:ntAn•aunn. 1.1.11 e K.ogdoisla, Lecture% on Inlet ten.
Prof re... ISrec oe t
•Tn n • ,I• 1, • -
,or rem, t., I ',or,. 13 I:lire rr. D wah runts.. or
Autner Ais cni• • I re. d for sane by
1.1 t, rrr7l.lWocAl
Now ArracticAn Gardy•ncr.
by Thome. U 1 emmendelt
The Nt-w America. Ur. bard.. 3, by X% co Kenn. - k
Th.- 0.11;.,C1c r dm,:•l brounturor, by Fe.
Nlalt.rn Donwtur Co.Acry by Wm A
rec., t.y JOHNS rwq a ..,rocKTos,
no 1.1 turner amtket •nd :Id %is
pi Prayer. by 5amue...1, , 1., I) I) I. L D
111 y I JOHNSTON & srucicroN
", 141 )I{S—Agnes %arta or Luc Hems< .1
Ilmory of Kiur 'nur:e• thr Sf-cond. of
Jacob AL6oti. wt. rik,rarnagia. .11”1 roe 'd Ly
.10/IN2ITON S vl'OCli-111.Y,
inyo comer 34 and Market au
TAMES 13 LOCKWOOD tior many years cot,eci•
EA Messrs Wiley and Pulliam, nil late Joy n
st No al s;,ect, Oetween ld
toot ith orret., whet< may be iouod • valuable celiac
.iott of °'rANUANU Co w and AMERICAN
L rtioßt , , lortee• a. t o w ns ni the F.a•tern eines
sae Atagagnagg, Newspaper, at c., imported to order
are ctiiiiled iu recce.. t.o.,kg duly tree
DX Eng it,. Lout AmerbesoCatalogues tornighed gra
us to ali tho•e wno theto, or sent per mail to
J. 11 1. will always be nappy to egad,. to ladies and
gentle inert h,. book, and Orman to them any infor,
Nwhich be may pos•esa regarding thin, nay It!
Ew ANI) VALPAltt:ENiromic. - -NiiiWii,, and
it. Retnaton, woth an account of . a vistt io the
•••••0•1”, • an.l the Yeaoshz, et
or - shippers, and an Inquiry into the routnern
and arts at the 6.0•111 Aseyrians, by Austen Ifenry
Layard, Esq., DCD Just recd and for sale by
ANIE-'w Ylookaeller alai Importer
of Formian llooka, &3 Wood +treat, Pas on hand a
valuable coliection of Engliali and Amenean Books
the different department. of Literati,. -
preplan:trio tell as low as they cut Le othatned in the
eliie •
k.nglolt and Continental 1.300ka, Ramer's, Nitta*•
rin and Newapapers, Imported to order.
Th e., e
pre, of any Review, Magas.. or Newspaper,
may 1.
I,qt/so and Ameman Calnlogaes furnirhed graus.
Mr Illielld• fo r visit doe Eastern cities in • Mar
days, and trill be happy to raceme any orders for
Book., Engravings or Stationery, at a small adrane•
on the cost. myu
F.W I.ayn rd, Nineveh and to Remain.,
1,1 MW, nn Beeman , of a vnot to the Chaldean
naaa of Kurth LA. 111 c exidt., or DeMl-Worshiln
per., tool xu inquiry into the manlier. and arts of the
A Li/Clll As.ynans, with an introductory Inner by a
Robinson 0 rol., octavo, with alenit lOU illustratlons.
Cheerer'. Lectures on the PIS.- ••••:1 , 1 rul,
!lino. Trice reduced
Cruderrs Conenorance, condensed: reduced to St ,to
Placa,lay's Htotnr7 of England, Harper's new ca,
two .0., oe.vo—large print and fine poper, per vol.
75 rents.
. .
litretons . Hebrew and Engfish Lexteon, new ed.
tobeoved. For sale by R WORMS,
In) 11_ st, near wood
S! - 001C.4"-- - Unreh — or — Clot itth and Slue, by
Rev 13 %V Noel.
The Church in Emmert, by Rev! Angel/antes.
Advice to Young Man, by T ti Arthur; gilt
Young Ladies
Flasays of Elln--Charles Lomb.
Epidemic Cholera. try Pro( Coventry
i4clope , ttx of Moral and Iteligtous ALl2liotra
03121PiCIC Work. of Charlotte Elizabeth, watt coo•
Izmir by her husband. 2 vol., •U. 111221(2.22 Wilh
meet plains
Oregon and Calllolll/a by Judge Thornton.
The late taped/non to the Dead Sen.
roverbt for Hie People; or Illusirattonot of Practical
Oodlineto drat. tt Iwo/ We Hook of NVlsdutu, Ley LL
UtlivoottY Solttoon•, by Dr Wayland.
I:temente of Mete nro logy, by I Hroek lathy, A. M
For male by It HOPKINS,
tal7 Apollo Butldlng, ath
,/ AN PRIM b;V A I.: or The Conentutlon stet Prune
Lo,, Itve coudtiloit 01 the iiillollll Hang.A contnbu
°on to Theologies! retie, e,
John llama, L. 11
Lecture• to Young Matt on Vl3/IMIS Important 40..
by II W Iletrn,r.
~,,, ttg Wort tt, eontplete. volt, Moo
111 , Wolk. IIT 'A Arthur, uniform it volt Jury
reed by tay n HOPKINS, Alit al..•oottr wood
UHF. sucation of Ids cello respeettutiy esfied to
the fultowlitg certi ficates:
Ala n. Prune—itarlng tasted a quantity of (old
weighed by your AtIMIIStaf 1 find Oatomtit proses
your instrumout correct; and recommend the use of it
to those out to California. as the beat method for ot.”
tuning the real value of Gold. Rea ogre
I. DIJIII,EIVP, Gold nave.
Pittsburgh, Mosel 9, Leta.
.Prryostrzotr, Mare , -
Ma. Eammt—fMt Sul Item; caste'
meter," ennnutictored 11 year roe^
to commend It to Thu use of
about manovbas to Oc.'
It pees • elo•a'
ty ametala ae - "
la &ace ,-
roan ken yneranne, PILOPIII7OII.
12TIIIS establishment long and widely known as
being one of the moat commodious in the elty of
Baltimore, hem recently undergone very ellen
rive alterations .11 improvement. An entice new
wing has been added, containing numerous and airy
smelting apartments, and extensive bathing rooms.
Ladies' department hart also been completely
reorganized and fated up In a most nip° and beauti
ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the Llanoe
has been remodeled. with a single eye on the part of
the proprietor., towards the comfort and pleasure of
then ritiestra end which they confidently smart will
challenge comparison with any Hotel In the Union.
Their table will alway• be supplied with every sub
mittal end throry which the market affords, served
up eta mipenor style; while in the way of Wines, ho.,
they will not he surpassed.
In conclusion the proprietor, beg tomy, that nothirz
will be left undone on their part, and en the Pits orlh
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued'
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The piers for board hear also been reduced to the
following even:
Ladies' Ordinary, $1,73 per day.
Gentlemen's " lAD
N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of the bone will al
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, ham
al charge.
; 1,1
consul of PLISS MCP sr. eLArlt TM, SITTSZOTAIII, TA.
2 The subscriber having xsauthed the manage
rnant of tha long established and popular Hotel,
spretfally announce. to Travellers and the
Public generally. that be well be at all times prepared
to accommodate them in all thongs desirable in a well
repainted Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, andno
plans will he spared to make the Exchange one of the
very best Hotels in the country.
The undersigned respectfully solicit. • continuance
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
received. THOMAS OWSTON,
febarlif Proprietor.
iIkTHE subsenber respectfully announces that
he hits now opened his new and excellent Hotel
(or the accommodation of travelers, boarders,
and the public generally. The house and furniture
are entirely new, and no pains or expense have bees
spume to render it one of the most comfortable and
pleasant note._ ,ety
The sobseriber m dem rnrined to deaerve, and Mare.
fore schen*, a sham of public patronage.
ocri4-41y JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor.
O EPITILTD wtKirleki
m.vj entaa . wt., =wax, warren own Hale ate.
PPOSITE taco Bank of the United States, Ptula
Saelp at Par,
ISAILIF.R, at Wooden,ll's, No Ed Third street,
oder, for sate an elegant tot Chmkenng's
(Boston) at the lowest cub prtee, for Pntalsorgh,
Allegheny my, and County Scrip. They comprise
from Gto 7 octaves. and were selected by Mr Chick
ertng (or t h is market_ They •re warranted to be egos./
to any In the city, haymg all the latest Improvements,
such a• mrdelar scale, rte.
Buyers are Invited to call previous to purchasing
elsewhere. and, also, to binig with them souse good
judge, prolanuto "' al or otherwise, to fudge of quails
f4 'H ll " SVri ‘ 7len '''''n". tie va n with each
Piano, enfitllng nut holder to exchangein case the w
elcome:li be proved in the least degree iwperiael, or
faulty. my 4 H. K.
FRESH - IiPRINGI - 000011. -
Shaeklett &
DRY UOODS .10111IERS, vg Wood rtrem. ask the
ationoon of Merchants to them stock of AMERI
llr.Ct from fir, ht.. 01.
Rereivtne regular •urrillit. ftrat good. daring the
Kl*on. and devoting a large Ware of their attention
to r:rutern Auction ...Iv., tiny ean confidently assure
buyers they will find it their interest to cgandut
their awe k
Just received, lame invert., of n style Dress
Gazods, Fsoc y f`rtai, Cloth ew s, SIaIIIIIICT
Goals. I.aess, la, bloods,
, I ttsh Loves, Tailors'
Truninini. anal brown a... 1 t.ieartied Sheettngs of vari
ous I.esue• marl
Modern and Antique Furniture,
la. Turn Nrarn, PrTreernu.
A Inge and splendtd
assortment of Furniture.
sodahte (or SUMS:OI.6ILS, - •
liotrls and prtv•te duel.
Lou., constanuy on hand •
and made to order.
th , preunt .tort on hand cannot be exceeded by
try manufactory ot the western country Persons
attothme to purchase would do well to gitte me • call,
as lam determined my prteett shall please— Part of
the stock coatsosts
lttr a 1 , te. flit get nagete,
1.0.4 XV COmmal.r.
l'rench Mahogany PLano Sunnis,
40 sofas WI lia.l . lush anJ Hair-cloth aoaara
50 Nlaltegally Boatmg Chaim;
4 dos Parlor Jo
Funs'iU Ua
centre Table. '
Invan., 4 parr pm, Tallies,
15 marble top Deeming Humans:
tl Wanlrobem b Beesetattes sad Book eases,
51, marMe Lop Wash Mande;
8 pair nwey Wo.k Stands;
A very large •••ort mem of eofbmon char
tenons'," too nac,ron• in menitoe
tp - Steam Boats forn olbed on the snortest none,
and on the mos; reasonable terra, deel3
r.I t'..eou Poe n. Brom*. C1A.0.1 Ar
rip° the erl,.tut. . °nommen, who would porehaer
.1 the hest peed'. . t'ana. tree from adulteramon,
nett than tea or code, .. .n-o r
passed, tur r reanntuabah the above asuclee,
manufactured b) himself. and .tamped with his name
11., itrouba and l'oeost Pane •• delicate, palatable,
drinto for i valeacestta. and
other.. are pronounred by the taw eminent phew...toe
•upenot to any OLI3, prepare/tone Ile manuthettaree
ere al way o no •Air. any 4 , 4T111/ , ' y the most re.
ene,.tatme gowers in the falt
en. cities, and by belt
...ent• tiny&to . ofeneten. Itneten, /awes M Ranee
Grant A. Stone, Yhtlade/pluts, tnosaps V
he , Bal, and Kellogg A blettoett,llnannat. quo
WA L rhR LiAA LP.. Dorchester
Per NW , '7 aught BAGALEY tr. SMITII, Agts
Wroo . ght •n d coat
TIF. saber rthent beg lee, to Inform the public that
they have obtathad from the Eat all the late and
fahlonable dcatigna tor Ito. Ratting, both for boast.
an 4 act...rice Persons arteang to procure Ladd
some pattern.. will please call and eamine, and fudge
for themealvet Hsiang will be fur b ished at the short.
cht nom, and in the beet tanner, at the corner of
Craig and Rebecca Creels. Allegheny city.
auggil-.111 A. LAhIONT & KNOX
Illanodractessed Tobacco.
48 BXS [;entry A. Rayslees superior .weet 5 Ips,
VA do Id A Uuder's
19 ht do PIICC tt Ilarwood's
31 do do do
3do do Pearl a Harwood "
11 - no , 'won
57 51 do do
53 do do Wrn Dawson
1.1 TWrlghea
3'7 do Li Andenoso
9 do T Dades
5 do It Maron •
du War hd
Just lane., item .1• me and `.mats, and for ri le
ir y 1111ALlt 131:1_711010k re Co,
it north water at and 10 north wharvev,
1v.14 Pluladelplda
MA N UFAcru RED vitiAcco—o) b a bib acme;
& 111 on aupetior sweet lb lump,.
75 halt bts Webster Old supenor sweet 5. lamp.
34 " Lawcence Lanier . 5a
" Gentry & Rproer "3s& 64 "
" Dupont Ide In Lore) . 5.
10 " hleLeal
55 ^ Lawrence Lower "5. 38. plug
Just landlng from .teamer. and for sale by
...LLD, NOR /c Co.
41 N wamr .t and lo N wharves,
myol Philadalphlal
- %ht.& J. OL ENN, I
e tocik Binders.
fl "W'uo"nd":Mtatod th a
ee a ts " , ' Y corner wlr
we are prepared to do any work in our line with ales
patch. IVs attend to our work personally, and sans
(action will be given in regard to its neatness and du
Blank Hooks ruled to any N 1.1,, n. 1,1 Lotted sub
stantially 11.,nks numbers or old books bound care
fully or repaired. Names put on books In gilt letters.
Those that have work an oar line see Invited to call.
Prier. low • aryglkif
ciALP Pinbitt.--30 doe conuine - Piench
VC ry bee Bailee. A few doyens Plidarie r ria
S ns, from the manufactory of H M Crawl°
which the tomiluoll of boot =liars I. invited. Just
received mid for vole by NV YHVH() & Co,
14.1 liberty et
AVINO sold our emirs mock ro C. 11.Ciumr, with
ir view to rioting our old busuiess, we •o
hett for him the putt - condo of ell our •nde and eue
Fitteburgh, Aug. 4th, 1948.
(1 11. ()RANT, Wholesale Grocer, Coccussisvon sod
• Forwartltag Iderelloot, No. 41 IVaior st. sill
...... . . ... .
AA FULTON, Dell and Bross Founder, hes re
built and commenced trus his of d at h old gland,
whe If` he mill be pleased to see tus old cowm
en and friends.
Chareh,Steamboat t and Bells of every else, from 10
0) 10,000 pounds, coat from proteins of the most ilkprOV•
rd motels. end warranted to be of the beet materials.
rtutteral %Voter Pump., Counters, Railing, Re., togs.
Myr with every voriety of Deus Connors, If requireal,
utmost ond 111 the ?mutest manner.
A. is the ride proprietor of 194nrr'. Anst•Arrm-
TION Mrs.., so justly celebrated far the redaction of
(notion in machinery. The flaxen and Composition
can be had of him at all times.
nellmg me
paper malt in Mi. Tichuty, will be all tunes writ sap.
plied with the different slue of paper of superior qti
ty, which we offer at the
regular maces.
Any cite or quality will be mariufactured In order et
short notice. REYNOLDS la SHER,
}at Cm corner Penn arid Irwin eta
Ntife—tfollitEtturriTlNG—Joot toootooa rorwe
J. California Elpedinon, a complete assortment of
limn Elastic Clothing, as pnce• fattens from {S i nn to
Stye for suit of coat, pants end tit . For sale at We
India Rabbet tkpot, No 5 Wood st.
dean - & II PMLLIPS
1 - 61WilkrVillree more of —--- ose so lastly
celebrated ii6Mblirgh erect constantly by
Last, Tbolberg odul other great porforrnsta, WPM.'
with • largo easortment of rosewood and mahogany,
of my own t1161113(12CIPIL Tho above utstruments
mated ta ho pester.' In every respect, and will be
sold low for cash- F BLUME,
derde No tL2 Wood at, Rd door (nom dth
riptiE eciebriuo,'"
Frir''77lll : Tr7M
;axes RS. .INS. HOWARD It co..
No. 'Bl Wood itrett,
.r pRKut
nett', beauty of irdzordaiNvm....biteaiiheihmosny
surpasked by say establishment In th and e
Besides a largo and full msentrnent of paper of their
own manufacture, they are now teceivnig a direct im
portation of French and English styles orPar sr Hang
ing., Pnrehosed by fdr.Lesi Howard, one of the bra,
now mEurope, contacting of
• Parixian mannfacnue, 11400 pieces.
London do &AO do
Of their awn manufacture they harelgieEtPi cc "
Wall Paper, and 12,0 D pieroassatin WurrdoW
k 0...
MOW; tr. - Co. have spared siteither
entente tor labor In their endeasoriurrival the east
ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of man
tiCactuce and variety of pattern; and they are wertant
cd in swearing thisitubtletbsithey tare succeeded.
The whole wmortment, foreign and home manufac
ture, will be offered. on teethe as low as thole of east
ern, emmufsensteratnil layette.. • instaLdif
t. W.
• C. M. IMMO.,
of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia
And Botierall Commission Dlesehants,
No..4lolsairr Srannr, between Eleventh and
Twelfth ats, PHILADELPHIA.
HE rubseribers beg leave respectfully to acquaint
their friends writhe Ruche that they have ano
eieted themselves in Philadelphia, for the parpose of
lianascuog a General Commission Business, and trust
that long experience in [liminess will secure to them
fair patronage.
J Penises, attention wok be given to sales of
Floor and Produce generally; and any purchase. in
the Philadelplua market for Western eseount.
REFERENCar--The merchants of Pittsburgh gen
vrnllY; Springer Sr Whiteman, Lelaner k andemon,
Cincinnati, Ohio; H D Newcomb k Bra, W B
Lewis Horner, Ja. Todd, Louisville, Kyi Crow, Me-
Crecr Barksdale, at Loam, Ma; Hewitt, Nation k
Co, V.' A Yiolett, New Orleans, La-; Gtlyy °alerts Se
Noyes, Mtiregor k Morris, Now York; W R Thomp
son k Os. John Tiers A Co, Peter Marseilles, B M
Jones, peal, WAHL. & Burt, PhilarPa akde.3o,
J. c; . r. -- grarvra; -
Attorney and Counsellor at Law, .
Will give parucular attention to the collection of
Claws, and all money received, shall be remitted
without delay.
Rcrocescm—Hon. R. Conker, Supreme Bench, Pa.;
Menem Lyon, Short. &Co St. 1,...0eu5, Wood Abbott tc
Co Philadlv, Jno H Bronco & Co do; Mc. Charles H
Welling, do; Eno. Mahoney & Co New York; Chinon
den. Bit.. & Co do; Snitcher & Orendord, Bclidnore,
W Fk A Murdoch, de, Love, Maxim & Co. do; Mr
John FAlconar, Megan. Lorenz, Sterling & Co Pitivi
burgh, ?only.° ACo do, Hampton, Smith ACo do;
Mr I. S Waterman, do. mch2EINLIM
k•i street—
, dos very high beck Shell Tuck Comb.'
3 " znednam " "
2 " 104 " "
I "
i plate bib
narrow, beaded top "
50 u fancy by Buffalo "
10 " Nam "
20 gross cons Ilona; 30 dos shell gado, owned si
xes; 30 gross com bonSide; 3 dor shell dressmg do;
12 dog Bath do do; 4do linasstlan do dm 50 do best
English Horn; 6 do 8 S 8 fine Aismy, ettre 18 do
S r 4 do do, in boxes; 12 gro. 13 fine do do; 1 do comb
Cleaners. apl6
(Successor. to Hussey, Hanna & Co.)
1) in Forman and Borneo. Exchange, Certific•ica
of Deposite, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street,
nauly napes. the Bank of PidaLusgh. Current mo
ney received on der...le—Sight Check. for sale, and
collection. made on nearly an the pnncipal points in
the United Slati..
•• • - - - - .
Thu Ingheat premium veld for Forcian and Amencan
Advance* made on consignments of Produce, ship
ped list,• on liberal terms. upd
oItP.AfiRVEIN — P — PON!—V Lil ALICE - 1 , 113d0V ER fl
Book aura, Wruing Dub.
LEVER OF wßoucirr IRON
gins TABLES far surpassing every other in
vention or the kind now extant. They eon be ex
tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed
the leaves arc all contained Inside ; they are made to
all sines and shapes, and are admirably adapted for
Nteamboats, Hotels, and largo private hurolles, form
ing when closed a coloplete centre table.
SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are Inval
uable, particulasty to those who wish to econo
mise roo
i m
and convert a sleeping apartment into •
parlor or etung MOM, as they can be opened and shot
at convenience, and when shut, the bedding I. cue los
ed A great sevtng to room and rent_ All the bed
steads when closed form u beautiful piece of lurniture
(°r l7l , l k L o ZZ ' l n ln m : o a m i ' S.rid useful article for parlor
or drawing_ a:atom.
WRITINti DESS—For law offices, cououng rooms,
and <iCher office; when opened a most convenient
when clo s
ed a perfect Desk and Library alone
11 visible.
All these 1111ICIGS need no recommeudation: the
beauty of the whole is, they •re warranted not to get
out,Of repair. It will he for your intenwts to call and
examine the erodes, at the manufacturer's store. No.
IC Third street, Pitts burgh. In addition to Mt above
e me I gh e' th ey
".."'" I f AnItMOODWELL.
VOL I.IIIIAN RAtiatsrs ro Ii i
171 JAYNE.—This certifies, that immediately after
having attended my throttler, who died of ronsompttoo
In March, 1042, I was taken sick with the ftensuraption
or Liner Coruplaint, end was reduce... h i. 0.. -
d that for four years I was unable t attend to
04, bo , n• •e. either at home or abroad. being for the
wt tie coon:heti to sill tied. Dorths •
uJ ot tone. I had expended for medical attendonet o
regular Dhystriout and toodiefffes, to the ILUICIIII3I of
IMO, whitlow receiving any bench. therefrom. In
July, 1 , 45, I commenced taking Dr JaVne'•
eine, and have taken them more or less once Wire.
and believe th at wan by persevertng die. 1.1.,
that I ean now truly soy that I have completely moo-.
veseil or) owohlt. I believe taatJayt Sanative Dills
sod k:xpectorwtt are dm best faintly medicines new in
I reside to Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y., and
- •...he and inachtne shop in that plane,
and om not Interested in any mainwr in Inc sale of the
ahov• inedienies, and wake lbw cot:neve rut the ben ,
eni of those afflicted. GLAJAII 21A10.0
Springfield, N. Y., Sept 16 16.16
TGl3ACiti—riin - sulitetilet 7 r
ILLwould call the attention of the city
dealers generally, to the following brwads Tobaccos,
to store and to [wire, which ben consignments di
feet from onastufsctorers, :_%
`•1 to sell at east
ern pt,cs.
139 br.s H W Crenshaw ss;
James Madison ss;
61 Lainartine 5.;
II I " Mirabeas Its;
Putnam • bs and Is;
15 I Roberts I &wool sa,
I (hear Hurl 5s
Jobns & Leans I.
3 I Warwick sops Is,
45 I Henry & Jamea sa, Is and Ets;
lett& L S
pat llnaLiai Works and -Foundry.
JTORN WRIOWP h. Co, are prepared to build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery eleven description, such
as Carding Machine., Spinning Frames, Speeders,
Drawing Frames, Hallway Reads Warpors, Spoolers,
incasing Frames. Looms, Card Grinders, he. Wioaght
Iron Shafting touted; all sizes o(Cast Iron, Polite. and
!tangent of the latest patternatlide and hand Lattice,
and tools of all kinds. Casungs every description
Nmialied on ahon notice. Patton, made to onlet for
Mill Gertnng, Iron Railing, &a. Steam Pipe for heat.
tog Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Cas.
Pgg generally. Orders loft at the Warehouse old.
almer h Co , Liberty street, will have prompt atten
Refer ie Blaekatoet, Bell &Co J. R. Moorehead &
Co., (3. E. Wont, 1. John Irwin & Boat, Parshorgh; O.
C. t J. H. MULCT, Steabenrtlle. lento
%via Trt? TAN-.-Tils.nutse truer <din kinds of rot.
JAL. ton and woollen machinery Allegheny city, Pa
Too above works hem/ now In run and successful op
eration, I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in my hoe, such as willows,
pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding machines, runways,
drawing frames, speeden, throssila looms, woolen
cards, doable or single, for merchant or country work,
molrs,jacks, &a.; slide and hand lethsaand tools In gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to ardor, or plum gt v.
en for gearing factones or mills at reasonable charge.
Rosa. ro—Reanady, Childs & Co., Blacksiock, Bell
& Co., hmg, Pennock & Co., lea A. Gray.
lir A. WHITE Se CO, would respectfully informs
0.1, the public that they have ereetod a shop on
Laeock, between Federal ru.d Sandusky watts. l'hey
are now making and are prepared to receive orders for
. . . _ .
every deseripuon of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot'., Ba
rottches, Rogan., Photon, the, arm, which from their
long experience in the manufacture of the above work,
ma the liscillues they have, they feel confident they are
entibleil to do work on the mow:ensemble terms with
those wanting ankles in their line.
Paying particular attention to the selection of PISLIE ,
Fists, and hawing none'but competent workmen, they
have no 'hesitation in wananung thew work. We
thereforemk the attention of the public to this matter.
N.ll. Repairing done in the best harmer, and on the
most reasonable terms. jot (ktf
Ilorsoagabela Livery Stable.
ROBERT li. PATTERSON has opened
the large stable on Fret st, running through
to Second st, between Wood end Southfield
sts., In the roar of the 'Alaneogshola 800.,
with no courtly new stock of Hones and Carriages of
the best quality and latest styles. Horses kept at 11•0-
ri in We beaL manner.
0041 , 13
Pa.: Graduated Gsfrassto Damn and Peters'
Inrubscd Polo for Mertiasl and aker pot t s, L
Hli is the onlylnstrument of the kind that tout arm
1, been presented In this country or Ramo for med
ical intro.., and is the only .nearer known to man,
by which the galvardo Reid can be oonvoyedto the ha.
men eye, the ear, the brain, or to any put of the laxly,
either externally or Internally, la a definite geode
stream, shocks or pelts—wi th perfect eatery—
and often with the happiest efleets.
This Important apparatus Is now kWy
by lowly of the most eminent phyaleans of
try and Romps, to whom the adlicted and others whom
it may concetn can be referred. ffefhreriee will also
be siren to many highly r wpm:table tritium', who have
been oared by metros of Woman valuable appoint.
of some of the moat inveterate DeSTOlla di/014m which
could not be any other known means.
among redoes others, It hes been ;roved to be ag•
minkly adapted far the care of the Wowing. diseases,
rim nerves headache and other diseases oleos Wain.
It is with Ms apparatus; OM that mho operator can
convey t h e otegoetle Anidwith elite end safety to the
eye, to MUM tzgist, Or Cato aranorosari the eat
melo !leering; tO me tongue and other organs, to re,
store speech; end to the various ports of the toady, for
I. ewe of ehronlo rhersoudismosthms.
tie doloureas,Peretrels, or peleb poets .h^te. Or 01.
Vitrea derteei ?Repay, write.* WEI stiretns, woke
diseases pecul or to females, contraction of the limbs,
toc_kject, etc. etc.
Rights for suremodin; reeert, of W.tero Pe, and
privileges, with the instrument, may ho purchased, and
elle tuned for the cute of diseases.
lrttll initmetleerwill he given Orr the miens eberui•
L tOre ascribe cutups disuses, end the busman
`teruittir 'Mike cure of Moto diseases will al
'llMdMili to the porketter, and a pamphlet
oAl n ter ii. pe o rroses, (aro
- W111: !",. The sk Plttetextrit
V his earfk 01111.1% Cheese, as car
- - -
lITE are stow opantm • very large and chelee
V y .0,1113013 t of SPRi NO AND SUMMED WOW.,
selected wills more than usual care dorms the last few
weeks, is the New York and Philadelphia market.,
andembracing a pear variety of almost every de
scription of the lama and moat friahionohio atYks, and
• laac portion of it having been bought at Me EAST."
ERN AUCTIONS at a grearredactLon from the rep,-
lag rams, we are enabled to ogler great indaeetnents
oash buyers, either by wheieskte Or feud. We
would therefore respectfully Melte the onotatioo of the
public to our Stock, feeling confident of oar abliity to
suit buyer. in almost every article they may wish
out lime. To the lathes we calm:lolly commend
our stalk of •
Senor Dams Suss, of which we have a Tory
large and beautiful assortment of the latest style.. and
MOM fashion.. colors.
Lams Dann Goona—Mouslin de Lantern, Pon de
Cheennk, silk, linan and mohair Lamm,. painted
Lawns, (ugh= Lawns, Foulards, new style 13‘14 ... 5,
English, French and Scotch Gingham., linen
hams to great variety, to. to.
Bowmen—New stylaßounets, very cheap.
Rthatito non Fkowsuts—Of the latest style. and supe
rior in quality.
PILISCUI—A. very large and handsome stock of Par
asols, °Cramps% ever; style and quality.
Stuwits—A fine assortment of spring and summer
Shawls., of all styles and prices
Fun. Cuoros—A good 'apply of super French,
Engbahand American Cloths and cassimeren. to which
we would invite the attention of personae...thug such
ALSO—A lull and general supply of Shining Checks,
Ttek inga brown and ilesched Muslims, Table Limns,.
Sheeting', Diapers, Cembries, Drtlaugs, DO..
wens , and boys , wear, Jaconets, Malls, Swiss, Nan
looks, Natl Prints, Gingham( Crape Crape Lane,
Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, silk Edith., Veils, the. &c.
Persons wishing to buy by wholesale, should call
and examine cur stock, u oar prices are such uto
make n their interest to buy.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market viv
a • lit northwasscorner of the DI•100(01
AA. MASON CO.,, No. BO Market street, have
on hand the largest variety of Embroideries
^hieh they have ever offersid. Their AtsortmentAme
sun: in pan of the following goods,
185 rich embroidered Muslin - Calms, from 81,50 to 5,00
KAI " " " Collars " 3711;a111409
500 crochet Collars, froze Wit°
350 !goo •• `• 8 to
700 Guapore "alto •
=Jenny Lisa " 62a to LANO
UV =
pairsAlM liatilua da " SO to 1,60
Wu muslin ° 3711 691
Also, hiontning Colt ars, nom 1.6i25t.
Call at the cheap one ptice sone of A. A. MASON
& Co, No 60 naked st. nryla,
xrEW 11113BONSiticKt TIARA
.OI GIES, te.—Vl7. . Moonn liaa is =mint re
ceived by Express a lot of bansisonto Walt% colosod,
amen and bloc Bonnet Ribbons. Alpo, buck
Silks for Mauna, Mums mantillas, de:
.ca Sun 1.
ca bug° asaortmcnt Lowly recal
{Veers GOODS (or dresses--mlett as swims and mall
mush's. Nemmoks, Am. Also, embroidered minkns
for dream, all at lowest prices, at northeast corner
Fourth and Market street.
. . .
Wholesale llamas up sutra. mpl4
FL Itlonnsr has now op. a fall assortment Of a
shore articles, for dresses and imam—among the Mt
ter are some scarce colors, sack so pink, blue, green,
also, pink, blue, green, .0 mode colon of Cha
nsel.o. Lawns, and a large ..nmeni ef embroider
ed mush. and Lawns.
W. Ft M.'s reclean purchase la now all received and
open, sod persons aranung Dry °wads will do well to
look at his large and fresh stook before parclusaing—
at northeast comer Ith and musket its.
Wholesale Banos up Ma. my 2
ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS—Materials for A • oial
Flowers, viz Plain none paper, waned do, Car
min• paper for coloring', Pink &nears, Leaves of eve
ry loin, buibi ups, and airflow., can be obtalned at
II EATON ir• Trimming Store,
• 14 69 Fourth at
I[ , MBROLTNIECY—Wc,mcd pulorna for Ottomans,
XI, Plano Stools, Table Coven, Travels:l_l3ns, w9b
a grout •anmy of small patterns. Also; Worateds of
all colors and abodes, by the pound, ounce., or skein
lot sale by apl4 F EATON & C 0,69 Fourth ar
MOND SUPPLY—W 11l Murphy, at northeast nor
nor of 4th mud Market aroma,. has now open hill
auconn supply of spring and summer Goods, and has a
large mwriment of Dm. Woods of newess styles, and
staple Goods of every kind, all of which wit be acid
Low. anz"
1.7 reeetverl the above scarce and desirable article,
of the fashionable shade; also, Green Barges• ap27
lirfil - 0 - 0 - D - 13
A R 24 near opening U e ro o s2 ens ' naive and varied
assert:Dent of Sating and Summer Goods ever
es hilemd to the Western country, ecireptising upwards
at Eleven Hundred Cases, parC6l/1•4 111 enure packa
ges from the maltase: eon, importers, sad large atm
lion sales, by one of the arm residing in New York,
who isconstantly sending on then ewest and most
fashionable rid. They name In part—
Iw cases ne Spring FMCS, 30 cases tif de Leone;
04 " Lawns and Muslims 05 " cotton and lmen
lka " bleached MiuLins,all
grades, " valid Muslin.,
40 " Blurting Cheeks and 07 " Bipkas
domestic Gingham., odes and , summer Studs
250 " Brown Muslin.;
Also, cues and packages of Bonnes, Flowers, La
ces, Ribbons, Silks Shawls, Bereges, White Goods,
Millinery Articles, Cloths sad Cush:items, LineAs, Ho
story and Gloves, &A A.
City sad emintry merchants will find their stock as
large and desirable so Eastern stocks, and AU csami
nationof their goods and prices cannot fail to <so--
once all ilist with them andentable advantages and
ficeibues, they can compete worn An ELM= .1 onn.
Ibis fact has been clearly demonstrated to hundreds
of their plane. who formerly porelmed East. Thar
stock will always be found complete ap7
1113 W GOON, 1949
ENNEDY d SAWYER, conger Wood and Fourth
street, are now receiving direct from first hands.
large stock of Esney and Variety Goods, including
Caws. of every'versery, gold and silver Watches,
Jewelry, French Nnots, Combo, Hooks and Eyes,
Gloves and Hosiery, Swipenderv, Gun Caps, antl all
other articles in their line—all of which himag been
,risonally of the manufaeturen ent, da
wig the lasi waiter, expressly for the Spring trade,
ll he sold wholesale at • small advance on cost
Constantly on hand, all desenptions qf Looking 11100-
es, of our own manufacturing, at carters price*. mkgl3
ULON KINSFI"B, 57 Markel Wee..
lOU pr. fine Chu. Vases, us'd, 175 seu twin and
rn , ....lee; coat Damns, 40 fine velvet Carpet Bags, .35
do do gent'. travelsng, LW gross fancy 4.1 k Buttons,
for dresse., 10 dot IVeul Brushea, gas'di 100 gro fine
1./15 Ve.t Buttons, amid, 450 do do gilt and plated, do,
25 do. ro.ewood Slue Brulhe.; 4 No Wsnfiinglon do;
- . ,
liirhere do. 1 goo Fish Lines; Fish Hooke, Lance
rtrk, he .
JEW ELRY ,he —6O Fold Lever Watehes; 50 do de
tached lever Watches; 10 do L,epine do, 10 fine dia
mond Finger ILMAIN I dos fine gold
Fingerd Fob
Chains. 2 do do Guards; 131-east Pums, Rings,
Ear Rings ; ho.
GLOVES, he.-200 doz Ladies Cotton Gloves, aes'il;
Zue do do Lisle Thread, Caney top, dr.c.; 10 do gents'
sills Gloves; 12 do do kid do; 1,0 do ladles kid, ass .d; 10
do do fancy top silk.
VARIETY 00004-73 pkgs American Pins; MO
hzs Cotton Cords; Th-ps Paper Muslin; Stlo,ooo ribbed
Percussion elliON goo dress Whalebone do; 100 dos
Ivory Combs; Dressing Combs, Reek Combs, An. At.
LI H. EATON 1. CO. arc now opening their Spring
stock of Trimmings, consmung in pan or 1,11. P.
Ulla and Dress Fringes, (imps, black and cold Silk
Lace., black Flounce Lace, Buttons, Bridu Bonnet
Trartmings, gents, ladies and childrem plain and No
sy Hosiery, Shuts for men and tools, Combs, Isory and
other Fans, Yarn, Spool Cotton, Needles, Tapes, Bob
bins, Puts, tee. feu, which they offer for sale, both
wholesale and retail, at Um Trimming Store, CM Fourth
street, betwear. Wood and Marker anti
XTEW SPRING GOODH—A. a. ?demo & No,
LI 60 Harter street arc now opening 40 oases and
packages of rpletidid SPRING GOODS, comprming:'
Lawns, ?duoline, Bemoan, M. de Laines, Gin=
Prints, French Cambric& Linens, Ribbons,
Silks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general &mo
ment ol Goode. Mtli27
RECEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths
of the latest and most approved patterns, and at
prices to suit purchasers, and cheap no can 'be par
chased in any of the Eastern cities, comprising the Nl
towsng varietlem—
Ema Royal Velvet Pile Carnet;
Aixmlnistor Car.. any srue hall rooms or mil
Tapestry do tlbules.
Sup Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair carpets;
Extra sup 3 ply do Dr.sels do do
Superfine do do Chenille Rugs;
Extra sap 'ingrain do Tufted do
Superfine do do Brussels do
Fine do do Chemoin Door mats;
Common do do Tuned do do
44, 3-4 & 'Tapestry Adelaid do do
Damask do Sheep skin do do
4-1, d. I twPd Ve- 124 Enth'eed Piano covers
nett. de 64 do Tittle do
44,34 & 4 plain do do 6-4 wool do do
Cotton Ingram do 0-4 wonted and linen do de
do Venetian do Brass Suit Rods
t 4 cotton Dnagge4 , 16-4 wool crumb eiodm
12-4 woolen do , Stair Linen
6-4 do do 64 table do
English Table Oil cloths; Diaper do
German do do do do Crash
BA Floor Oil cloths; Snow-Drop Napkins;
7-4 do do do Crimson Plash:
64 do do do Purple do
64 do do do Maroon do
4-4 do do do Carpet Biaduig -
Sheet thi Cloths, of nearTransp'at w Shad.
Tapestry patterns, cut to fit
I Cgo the above wo are eurtstamly reeeiviale et n t=lg ,
Stook . of Consent, Oil Cloths .4 Steamboat T
to which we - inane the attention of all who wish to fur..
alsh their house. or steamboat{ as ma will be able to
offer goods as /ow as they can he Parehalled it the
East, ami of the richest and loIrE styles. Call and ex
amine. our stock before purehaeirg elsewhere. 'Vase
house No 75 Fourth st. sootal Wad'CLINTQCK.
Th Largra, Cheapest and molt FaskumaUe
of Gods, adopted to Gentleman's Spring asd
&mew Wear, &qua rweinng at
WM. D1G1131013
• • - •
TILE Proprietor of the above establishment would
rer prethilly Inform Ids nnraerons customers,. Utah
be hit just reunited from the Eastern eines with the
molt splendid assortment armada in his line, that was
ere, Win oily, comprising all that Is now
bultionabie, elegant and Cheep In Cloths, Cassimeres,
Cast:amens, Drap De Etc, and every deseription of -
coll., linen and woollen Summer Sturm Shut.. Cris.
ts, lidlrk Sispenders,./sa, of the ewes myles 1
which, together with Ma very large end fashionable
mock of mody.made Clothing, he is prepared to ear
at his usual low prices.
Country Merchants, Contractor., and all who par
chase largely, are partiodarly invited to cad and ex
amine the meek, which is decidedly the largest and
most fashionable in the . city, and great mention has
been paid Cr get it op suitable to wholesale bade.
Order, in the Tailoring lino executed in the lIIOIIt
fashionable manner, and that nothing maybe wanting
10 ensure the newest and best style of cutting. d gen.
Haman who bee bad great expariange nt the Eastern
sines, hos bete add.O to the cruddlatuneca.
Pry Goode JObbairs,
0.29 WOOD STREED—WeeId cell the Wiwi=
f ?denim:its to their large Mock of Dontedio
paseign DRY GOODS. ant recoil/Ingham thy ts
p o rters and fillanufaaturers, and which they will nil
at very law remain , cash ex apprcaradconlit.
Oar peek ts now & S and complete and well venni
dm attention •ofbnyco wwe are determinedM . sekt:
at Web arnetnety law pence as cannot lad to mete it,
a wont indatlitne29 paaatlkwki 19 maker
VOL. XVI. NO. 259.
oHN FORSYTH, Me . I;Mo : 4Ta il or, h. removed
lI T to No. 34 Market street., om door from Setood,
Thankful for past favors, be respeettsdly solicits •
cononnance of the patronage of his former customers,
and Ilkessim the patronage of as many new ones as
are of the right strip.
°Mars tu the Tailoring line ezeentsd is rho mmst
fashikaald s manner, and with dispatch.
Ala a, a fashionable aasortinr-ot of ready mad• Cla;
thtnill MaL kinds. , ,Gbeap for cash, of cosine.
Gentlemens` Forinsbialy Goods lo all their vuladas
always (inland, 'Joh as Elhfrts, Bosoms, Conan, Chair.
vats, Stacks, Sear* Hosiery, Suspender., i s c.b"
ildhfs, Gloves, Drawers, Umbrellas, he. &a. arr.
JOHN 11, Wood Mee
for Bonp H it e;ss, Bi the following
new and 5ee04.11.0 Planes:
Out elegant rosewood CO octave Pt.
1.% Wade 413 " , t & N.Y.. .sass tat
One do do 64 oc tav e . Raven,
............ 360 ou
One rosewood 0 Warta; inhe. a e q , N. Y. • gyp 0 0
Oct do 6 do do d 0.... tra 00
One nothognny 6 do do seedy new 200 OD
One de 6 do Load 00
Ong, do si do Rottanhaant .-. IGO OS
Opr do 0 do ...... 56 oo
Oros do O do R & Rums ,0000
One do 5 do English • ..... 30 ou
tay3 .
- Ids mausolea •
Cuomo:Lao to 1845. igglyth
- Capital Stook, Antoci Receipts, and
lturnlea 1,000,000 s
All losses promptly paides the General AgettoL77
fuse for the Western States, located at Cincinnati, Ohlo
This Company Is of long standing, and well 'lterrsrvi
throughout the United States for Os solvency mid
prnmpt,payment si lossos—having incurred and *el
ided, tethe satisfaction of all concerned; over 5000
,tesse,notositting in the aggregate to sum =Arens
nots.eas, the receipta for which are on the glee of
.the Company at Hartford and Chairman.
ThaPUUMatth agency of Mu office watt originally
held by Moses Atwood, Esq., and was subsequently
tided out of the State, by a law amounting to a . prohr•
Intim of all Foreign Insurance Companies, put In .4
son to escape lots by the fire of 10th April, 1845.
Theietrancy Is now reorganised under Me ahem.> of
the undersigned, who will receive applications and
' Issue Polkres against LOSS OR DAMAGE. BY FIRE
ea Stores, Warehouses, Dwellings, Au, with the sou-
Wats. Also,. on_ Goods, Wants and Harcliandlso a
glum, the petili of rdsams sae Damn, Naviosstox, at
the cane= ratewof prat:darn
Office at N. H. BROWN re BROTHER'S, No 127
Wood street. PAYEITE DROWN,
Agent Protection Insurance Co. for Pittsburgh d
Allegheny Co. aptekdamo
filTiViiiWisin Bashi and 'other 4ge cities has
been proverbial. His charges are motets^ and his
wires perinseent. Old eases of Oleet, Stricture, Scro
fula, Fluor Alhos f lilieismatisra, Arse, Syphilis, or say
ahroldo or iliVeteMto cases solicited.
A cure warm:dad, or chasan reloaded.
Ceylon, 81. Clair street. 2 doers from the fridge.
Tooth Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis.
N4l,—Dr. A. solicits the worst eases of any disease
in Pittsbn Th to cal.
. amiss,
illaufaetarer of Mineral Water Apparatus,
mix or Tar 0... Lola MID FoolliaLr,
No. 4L3 Dee•nd et., allo•• Vine.
k N experience of more than twelve years In the
manufnetnrinxof Mineral Water Appaaan% and
the preparation of Mineral Water in Bottles and Form-
WAS, en an extensive scale, with a scientific and prop
deal knowledge e( of both branches of business., to
then with recent fmprovements in the construction of
the Apparatus and the preparing of the Water, which
he has anceeeded in adopdure since his visit to Paris,
and after yearn of claw study and practical ayyplica-
Voes applied to the arts in Mechanics era Menne
try, enable. the eribecriber to coma before the pahlia
vruh entire confidence, and offer them the best and
moot complete Apparatus, for the manufactore ofMin
real Water in Bottles .std Ponntains, that can be for.
nishedin the United States.
He also flatten Inmself that the enlarged enceen ho
hat met with, mid 'he present extensive cod daily in
creasing amount o(1.0 business in both the above de
partments. Inruishes the most echo - mein pm( of his
claim to the supertonty of Apparatus over now of all
others, and of -the panty and salubrity of the Water
prepared therefrom.
Persons who order the Apparatus from a distance,
may be usated that their untmetions shall be (glad
ly complied with, and so peeked as to cam safely
either by /and or water to any part of the U. States.
To avoid disappointment, tt is recommended to these
who intend supplying themselves the approaching ma
son, to forward teed orders at as early a day as con-
Mineral Water Appamlus, Generators, Pump. and
Founreins, Ornamental I/ MAnail Pedestals for Stands,
Counters mot Han of Hotels, for drawing Hydrant
Watert, r ,tagether with Corking' mud Tylng Maektina,
and elffirything appertaining to the above bosh:tem,
rash ly on hand, and for sale on the "lowest term.
for cash, ap2Baleodem
dOO bra p Green Rio
73 petits Y 11, tropenal and role P
60 bralASe mans .post Tobacco;
100 tibia N 0 and sugaMouseMum
t 3 hit& N 0 Sugar;
150 bid. Shad, Herrings, Mackerel and Salmon;
30 do pure Flaxseed Ott;
6007 aii,ortnd Cotten Yuma;
75 bales nailing and Candlewick;
53 by. Pepper and Alspiee;
40 bones per
and Common Starch,
60 do mould and dip 'd Candles,
ID do Star do
L3O do No I Soap;
0500 Side. and Shoulders Bacon;
73 dozen Corn Brooms, in store and by sale by
• JOHN WATT •& Co, Litiem_st
T l Tirra b Zs n a b nilrowil, me y' " and
.°l° °
100 packeFei 11,1mponal and 13 P Teas
330 loss RIO and Jaya Coffee. '
150 pkgs 5, 12, t lump; 10 and s'. span Tobitoce:
en Mies Sugar, WO bbis 0 Molasses;
40 bbl. assorted Nos Loaf Sugar;
.15 do Tanners Oil; IS do Lamp Oil; •
/01gross Blanking; I
Mackerel, No , 2 and 3, la bbla and lt(bbla
300 boo Ltebee male Herring; 30 bus white Pipes,
25 bg. Pepper, 10 do Allspice; It mats questa
5000 Bs Cotton Tara &Ned vo F; lOU bales Beans;
50 bee PIOT Swop, dtt ao Toilet & Variegated du,
.4 do Starch, 50 do Large Raisins;
10 bales Almond.% 25 do Pahn Nuts,
S 3 do E Walnuts; 20 do PilbenA
bgs ground Nuts; 151 w Spiced Chocolate;
3 eases Liquorice;
15,000 Principe and Regalia Sagan;
40 gross Cut and Dry Tobacco,
70 dor Bed Cords, 15 bra Rock Candy
IS bre Sperm Candles; 20 do Star do; 04
oak Umbra Hadder2 careens Indigea
2 ewe Cloaca; doNutmeg.;
10 bbl. Whiting, 5 do
10 dos Buckets; 4000 lb. Saleratm,
20 Om fine cot Chewing Tobacco;
Common and half Spaniah Cigars.
ENGLISH & BENNEIn, 37 Wood .t,
opposite St Charles Hata
Diaphragm far Hydrant. Waters
Li to ceruty that t have
=nt: for t ' sale ß Tlle
Patent Diaprahrpm alter, 53r Hie ell
ties of Plusburgh sad Allegheny.
for Walter M Gibson, ataßroadway,
Etave Tuasingane of the than articles al the
Ace oldie Novelty Works for three months, on trial,
feel perfectly Bandied that it is meal Invention,
and 147141a11e pleasure ton recommending Manse nes.
fat article to all who love pure water. Orders will be
thankfully received and prmptly executed.
- -
IIFAMORY.—The anbscritiat takes this l it=
taforating his Mends and the pablie in general that
he ha. the largest stack of the following named arti
cles of his own manufacture in this eny--Saildies, Her. ,
nese, Trunks and Wilms, all of which he will 'sanest
to be made eau, beat material and by the beat mech
anics& Allegheny county. Being derennosed to mil
his manufactures something lower than has boen here
tofore sold byany aimilar emabllahmem in the city.
he would invite persons in need of the above named
uncles to his warehouse, No. 244 Liberty woe; cfppo
mita Seventh. Also, bands runic to order for machine
ry-oet3O-12 G. KERBY.
..prvnistrtiou OlimiAls. JaveTivirrss
'PTIIIE Stood Session of this lastladlon, ander the
cue of Mr. and Urn Gasztaan, far tba
wadcmie year, will commence on the first of
ry next, In the mot buildings, N0.1521.11,4:if? street,
Arrsagenumis have been mode b y writ they wW
be able to furnish young ladles i tuna to any
In tha i tat, for ob
tal uunnsa • thorough &Irish, Closs
ent, Ornamen education A fell tonne of Phi.
lisop and Chemical Lecterns will be delivered
dung the whiter, illustrated by ap •Th a d o .
wof Yowl and Inat umaotel blued, Modem
age., Drawing and Panting, will etch
the care of a competent Professor. By clew notation
to the moral and =takeout improvement of their pa.
Os, the Prineipas hope to merit a tenth:cation of the
liberal purountle they have hitherto enjoyed. For
matinees, circular or apply to the Principals.,
I dry In • dearishlng town, with Patternei*Tools,
an,ed ready Coe bustoren will be add on stroinuto.
' doefterms, or exchange Gr.. Iron or goods.
Thlgeffen an owellot opportunity, to suma c man
with small capital to memento the Iron Foendry bst•
einem, klutitare of
decd. lst new Wood street.
ielalles Caplan into
1161 - ARSHII,Ir, WelEnCE T ra r ftat2 tun i ch,
JIL earner Liberty
_and Wood meets, masmfaetare
and offer for sale Platform, Floor anffilffoanter Scale%
of the most traprovedauallty; Coohint StorT far Woad
sad boat; Egg Stoves of various alms, Ran and
commas Crates, Hollow Ware, &a. &a. They Lao
manufacture the Eltetten Range r arbleh has lean Barn
instiefaction to those having In ii .., of
ankh they would -nerpoinfully Milli the 'alaloe of
the citizens and the pdblle ge tsoctß
DAUNT - Wag 4n annum
.L assortment of Cornelia. le Cola aelebrated mann•
futon, and superior to all mien fn nar, erd to
ehrushea r aterra, fantortea,. dwellings, and
private baba, and to all other Uttn•Celartre r nfa
and brilliant light to danrabla.
alwapirandoia., Hall Lamm— ,CyndellbTha,Globas.
Shade., Wick', Weald*, Oarth'ffer=anyffer Alp s
Coo Chandeliara, trod sae to row Uhta - .
dun _ W W maxlia et
liaraWana.47haspor Mani gnarl
WlLL3gr i aVeonsa nisd a rcdeinli
Lb . Dealen IA 011ittri tat MI No
IN Vood weet;abova ' oof
damp and 'well selected at owatioloa,
d o deter civil). la Europe. and
aro determined to sell earraillodalffiCaT l aid
~ - _ _
l =
who halabeen the habit atlOnn. panto
to col' and loon looop , oar, Ma, a.
rell= l- tairteiW ' II T OI2 /Ith s MOMS.
:Y-700 W
sale to' Av4.lgagearst e
L,n;;.:,,ieMrMo l,la oor.w
mr~ - _ ;~;
-.. ..~._ _,