The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 05, 1849, Image 1

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./1„ between Chesil alley . an
_. _ .
ARMSTRONG ts.OßDZElL,Coorraisf-tori.Elerchnots
. 32 ,1 Dealers la Prostate, No. 2.! 'Market street
BC•111 CU. 1 NY. IL 1.1.
DUSFIF IrLD & RAY. Wholesale Zeal." in Dry
Good r Groceries, Ltoots, Shoes, Pyttsbargh manes
factored Is 'lcier, fee., No. TA) Li trergy street, Pitts
?such. lafi
garasto 1 1 •14.171., altenws aJISR
es REITER, Wholesale mind Retell Drug
gu, met of Liberty and St. OW streets. Pitts
burgh, Pa a tosyl4
BROWiI 4. CULBERTSON, Wlt&"'e G. '"'''
end Commission Merchant, No 141, Liberty t_,
YabibutaL. l's. de.3lly.
-- .
1) A I'AIINESTOCK & Co, Wholes , . and Re•
lik• mil Druggists corner Wood and ath .. iyl
8 :GALIN fr. SIOI7II. Itrlioleaale linnets, IS and
20 Wood street Pittsburgh. _
et A. McANISLTY I. Co, Forum - ding and Cam-
V • minion Merchants. canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa.
. .
Duqueans Spring, Axles Steel and Iron
CIOL&MAN,'HAILMAIV t Co, manufacturers of
Coach and Fitpuc Springs, Hammered
Spring aid Plough Steel, Iron, de. Warehouse on
Water and From street., Pittsburgh_
Ala, dealers inj Coach Trimmings and Malleable
Casting, omit!
THE MEAD 0F0011, P1T798 ;ROll.
OW...TIMMS to manufacture Monuments, Burial
Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones. Mantel Pieces, Cen
tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domeatio marble, at
a regular and fair puce.
N. B.—Drawings fur monument., vaults, Ac. furnish
ed, of any desenpuon. Be solicit. a share of public
patrol/of, angts-dtf
. JAM. 2. ace err.
ENGLISH toBENNETT, (late English, Gallagher
Co Wholesale Grocers. Commis.. and For
warding Al rdnima and dealers m Produce and Pitts
ainclustS, No. 37 Wood et., between Id and
3d streets. octl
skutiGECOCHBAN. Communal] cod Forwarding
kJ .
Merchant. Nu. do Woodatrcot. Potsbungh inyl7
1101111 L L.E.ALGek. FACtO-11.1%
lI AMILION 'STEWART, manufammer of Heavy
Shirting., Checks, h.c., Rebecca street, city of
Allegheny. novls-dlys
IiEE, (saccessoi undurphy Lec.) Wool Deal
er and ellartrasslon Merchant, for the sale of
American Woolen., Liberty; opposite tub s 1 ianl7
w.., - fiTurtruare.
•. //t.c.oa, usu.,
"UEALD & BCC...KNOB, Tobacco Commission Mari
JUI COMBS, 41 North Water at, A. IS North Wharras
LIARDY. JONES & Co., (successors to Atwood,
jl Jones fr. Co.) Commission and Forwarding Mer.
chants, dealer. in Puuburgh Manufactured Uoods,
Pittsburgh, PA.
16141. - ROM= LICLICL In,
;DALAI DICKEY & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Coto-
Marlon Merchmta, and dealers in Produce, N 05.56
ater, and 107 Front streets. Plusburgh. nov6
T Lt. CANFIELD, (late of Warren, Otto,) Commit
*Lon and Fortearelng Merchant, and wholesale
dealer ut NVestern Rescue Cheese, Butter, Poe and
Pearl Act , and Western Produce' generally, Water
meet, between. Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. ep3
JOIIN WATT, (successor to Ewalt A.Gebbart,)
Wholesale Grocer end Commouon hlerehunt,
dealer in Produce no! Pinsbnrgh Menufaetures, cot•
ner of Istberty and (Land streets, Pittsburgh pwja33
JAMP'S MeI:LURE, pate of the firm of Algeo and
hleGulrrl Merchant Tailor. N Charles Budd/Aga,
Tlurd street near Wood. Pittsburgh.
Afill.`-4 LIUTeIIISON, Co.—Successors to
Lewis Hutchison tr. Ca, C. 112101.1011 Merchants,
and Agana of the 44. LOUIS Sletl.lo Sugar listitiery.
Na. 43 water and Mi trout ttreClA, l'insburgtt.
I S. C . 0., Wholesale Grocers, Pro
it P e o ' rer ' re
1013 N D. MOUGAN, Wholesale Drgisa., and deal
t/ et in Dye Studs, Pam.. Oils, VarnWses,‘Ae-i rio•sa
Wood street, ono door South of Diamond Alley, Pani
A.ALES KERR. Jr, A Co., (successor to - Joseph D.
Davis,)J Ship Chandlers, 311 Water street. oc3l.
JOlllll IL MELLOR, Wholesale oral Itelml denier
to Music end Musical. Instruments, School Boats,
Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers' Cards, and
Busuortury generally, No. 21 Wood sr., Pittsburgh.
liffs bought or taken la thine sepl3
JI3CHOESNILLIa.:I4 Ii Co., Wholesale !haggis.,
. No. .M Wood street, Putiburgh.
101111 a DAVIS, Am:boater, corner Sth and Wood
strr.ess, Pittshofgh.
JOIINSTOisi A STOCKTON Booksellers, Pril.lll
and Paper blanufucurreta No. 44 Market et., Pitts
burgh. Jed
Joint PIOT]. Manua' flora.
• .. •• •• .
J. k FLOYD, Wholesale Groces, Commission
Merchants, and Dealers in Produce, Round
Church Buildings, fronting ou Liberty, Wood end nth
streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. niyB
T AMES DALZELL, WbotesulS times, Ccmitussion
tiletchant, and •dettler in Produce and Pittsburgh
Mann/acmes. No. ZS Water ss s pittsburgh. sanid
JOHN M. TIAVNSEIND, Druggist sad Apotticeaty,
No. 45 Market three doom above Third st.
burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected as•
wment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he
will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians
sending orders, will be promptly attended to, and sop•
plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine.
D.' Physicians Present... will be accurately and
newly prepared from the best materials, at any hear of
ne day or nkit.
Also for sale, a large stork of fresh and good Pref.
mary. 1501
LEE 3 JONLS, Furwardtug aint COMMIS,. Me,
chant., Dealers to Produce and Piltaburga manu
factured arurlen, Canal Basin, near 701 et. dill
ENNE.LEY, & CO.. Manufacturern Myer,.
auperior 4-4 Sheeting., Carpet Chatn, Conan
lsetne and Batting.
Vesuvius Iron Works. -
LeT ENV - 19 DALZELL Co., marooneturem of all el
sea liar,, Boiler Iron and Nails of No beet
quality. IVerediouse, Si water and it i frout
L 8 WATERM AN, Wholesale (inner, Forward
. lagd Corrantusaton Merchant, Dealer in Pitts-
Man%factures and Produce, Nos. 31 Water Si,
and Cel Front et.
=ow recurni, Jowl Y. BART
. . . .
LOOZING GLASS Manufacturers, and Wholesale
dealers in foreign .d domcsuc 'Variety Goods.
NVestern merchants, Pedlars and other. are incited
to call and examine the pnces and quality of our stock,
ea with our present Increased famalues w manufaetar
ing and purchasing, we think we can offer as great to buyer, as nay other bottle west of the
_ . . _
v A. le ' sto liroc:retTd Comma.
reborn 194 Ebony St, Pllllolll.llll.
MI/ RYHY, WILSN &O CO , (late Josrea, Murphy &
Co.) Wholesale Dealers to Dry Goods, No. 48
Wood street. Ptuaborg& norZt
Ndi i ttisi A Co, Comm.:urn and Foreraultos
, erchant., Water and Front sta., between
od .d Market au hole
MATTIiFfirViILSON, ['ome sae NliiratureFain•
ter. Rooms, corner of Yost Office Alley and
Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market.
HOLMES k BON, No. &S Market si t second
door from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
and Domesno Bills of Exchange, Leruficates of Dew/.
tt, Bank Notes and Specie.
Collections toad on all the pnocipal Ellie)
throughout the Unnall States. deal
kIUCKALASTER, Fourth sl y
. Irani door above dmithheid, south side.
Conveyancing of all kinds done scull the greatest
care and legal accuracy.
Titles to Real Estate examined, he. -oct3o-ly
T. Roberts, M. D.,
UTIIAL-MIC SURGEON, wilt attend inftbe Deaf
ll ment of Deems. of the Eye.
Dr. FL has been calmed in this branch of •ehe m=4i
cal profession for sixteen years, and has connacted na
catabluturtent for the treatment of disease. of the eye
alone for sward year, -
Om. andrewdence ' comer of at and
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. setl2
re PEKIN TEA STORE.—No. 72 Fourth
at., neor Rood—All quanuue. of Green and
tll encnaseZ ra o nging from Sue - per pound
one pons packages,
VAL .Iyl A. JA)iNk&li, Av. for Pelln
rubta muuktE, Wholesale Groccr, Reallryinj
Dotiller, dealer in Produce, Pitoburgh alartufaes
lutes, and-all kind. of Foreign end Domesue Wines
and Liquor. N. 11 Liberty oreet. On &and a very
Large stock of career aid Monongahela whiskey,
w hich will to. sold 'VW for eumh aplhtly
1,111-,50N, loo& B. enema&
ROBIN SON & CO ,Wholemale, Produce
and COUFfUIs.IOII Merchant., and Dealers in Pitts.
Mmuitietores, No. Itat Liberty st., rtuebargb.
Pa_ plata
riff & en , Wholesale tinteeri,
COMMIS.. aid Forwarding Illefahanla, dealers
Produce and Pitoburgh Alanufartures, Liberty n.
Pittsburg. Pie &bat
rCLINININGIIIOI, Wholesale Glrocer
Deruer In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures,,beny
0. Mtgotas,
I) I...II NOLTY6go43ISEE., For•rardmX and CeMatusio.
X t. M " ch 'u.J., for the Allrg hen) River deal
Produce, Pittsburgh 11Innetfueture
and J.:blonde 01 L.,
The highest tiricenji t cash, pahl at all times lot Col=
r.4(11. COT., Of ?tau auy Iry sta. la=•Li
Z. C. ..16.1,11.1.11 _______,__. —....
Tilt. I. wilki.
SHAcKtaxr & WIIITF., \Venni...le Deakin in
Foielon and Doinent.e Dry hand.. No.Pd Woodni.
riiint i ni k. le6l7ll .
Z., - & W. HAI:HAUGH, Wool Alsccbmitg, Dealers
0,, in Flour inidlninluee rrortany, n .,,,i r c ,, w ,,,,ii,,,
m i COMMISSiOII Merchant., N. M Witter it., Phu.
Prll. PAL :ALFA .4 Co., NV uolt;eleirrocere MA
S Produce dealers, NO.MKI Market meet,hetwece fob
Lad 6th, North rode, Pluladclplou. uov 9
L"'"3l''''''t!' r
:I " ;: ' T' .*"": '''
SELI.Uq& N:0lC / PrOu,:l l.l.i Caw.
21./06 filercialas No. I, Lrbert) tl, Plusburge.
perm, IJuseed audL;nl Ode.
R'holesalo tiro-
F. -VON I.oNNlion.sT, c. ,
ears, Forwarchng and Counnoonun Merehtows,
nn , n , pno.hdrgli hinsatineterrn nod Wentern p ro .
thinne removed to thew new warolntne.totil stand)
N. g 5, newsier of Front et. and Chancery bane.
TROTH & 3C077, Wholesale and Retail dealers lo
A Boot., Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bass,
B. W.
sr roes of 4th sod Smabfield aa, ooPtP64 Po. pa
Wholenisle firmer, and 'Commis
dila Nen/hunts, and dealers uk Yrodoca. No.
dud 4, Pillatutarh. pot!
3.111& JA. 11/NTer/ELT&NE, ..Voolesol. Grocer.
• Rooomog Dhaullers, asul IVuse and Lovas,
- obartts. "A/Ao, Importer] of Porta As 4 and Bleach
log Powder, No. led Liberty esreet, P11.1.10rg4,
WWICIL..I6N . D0.0.10r .11 velry
9 Bpor INarojttilisozy Hoods, fr.o., N 0.57 Mat
to Wlcll, DAVID NEVA.51,1...s
IATICK M'CANDL ESS, (succersors lo L. hc J. D
yy Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Corammision ?demi:aunt. dealers in Imo, Glass,
Logan Yams, and Prunbargh Manufactures Generally.
r r.i - Wood and W 121.01 street. Pittsburgh
yvu-110%VEN—Coratrussiou and Forwarding
Malnuit. No 54 Front at. between Wood and
Market *mac. fcb24
WW. WAI.LACK,MtiI stoneDud,u SUL Farrush
a log establishment., No. 214 Liberty st., near the
canal mar-23
IXT It MI: RPM . Isolesole and Retort dealer In
i s Foreign and Demesne Dry Goods, north east
corner of Market and Fuortl au. •uggl
- - - - - •
WIC. TOCNIII, cm , . a X . C,41,..
Wlll. YOUNG Co.—Dealers in leather hides, Ice.
143 Ltlieny sr. ,enAly
st'orrcname. a'cctcuma
k R. M'CUTCHIX)N, Wholesale Grocers. den.
Mrs in Produce, iron, Nail., lila", and Plns.
burgh Idanufaclotes generally, lid Liberty At, Pitts.
burgh. lord
NVW. WILSON:WM..4as. Jewelry, Sive eIV arc •
and Military Goode, come, ot Marker and lii,
streets, Pinsburgh, P. N. B.—IS etches and Cock,
carefully repaired. ' Jeri
WILI.LIM 520 Th, Mansfacturer 01 1,(1011 and
colored Linen. FringiM tor Inegses. he.. Sewing
Silk anal colored Cotton Flanges for silk and gingham
Parasols. Limp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes.
mode to order on the shortest notice.
tiros. center of Altudeu Lone mod William. e °lre nee
No !AS William street, third door, over Aura. A Ely.
store. No 6.5 Maiden Lane New York yin
Shoe Finding., ken No. 143 Liberty mrret.
rust received brim SPRING STOCK of goods,
prising a large assortment or orpcles in their LIIIP
which the attention of purchasers is invited
ry S T 1-: AII 13 AT EN
OrilcI•601•C M. Aur..r h Cu,
ocgl No. 42 Woo, sat,
r'ourth meet,
t. myl Ily
The Fratillin Fva /am rams Co. of Phsludeiphto
TllRECroßs.—Charles N. Raneker.
ji Tobias Wagner. Samuel Grant. Jacob R. South
Geo. NV Richards. Mordecai D. 1.4,011, Ado.plia C
Boil, David S. Brow, Morru Paidersirit.
CIL 81. E., N. Raarawri, Pre, ideal.
Charle. (I Banelter, Secretary
Continue to moire Inalarntice.. perpetua or Ittotted.
On every desertpaort of property in town or count,'
at rates as low as axe fonststent weur.ty
To Company have reserved x large rontitt,nt Fund.
which with their Capital and Premium., rawly lavrai
ed, stood ample protection to m.assureil
The avec. or Me compaoy, on January Ist 1140.
pilahlhed arscably to an art at Asseual.l), were a
follows, viz.
. .
Reid &mete • • •
Temporary Loans
Since their incorporation, a pr•riod of 10 years. Wry
hnec P.ll upwards of one million four hundred thou,
And dollars, Icensen by hre. thereby nitordine evidence
of the advantneen of insurenice, no well ns the nbirty
timposaton to meet with promptness all ha 1,11.11.
Office N E corner Wood and MST.
iii LAW AlLit fitirtrAL INSURANCE CO.
1 . ) A. MADEIRA, Agent Is Plavt.trgh for the I:Ha
-1 ware Mutual Safety Insure nee totopent of Yinnal
otlelplsa. Ftre upon hulk:sig nod merchant:lle
of every dew:spoon, and Montle Haeks upon hut', or
ID - Other in the Warrhouae of W Deo ,
No 37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh
. N. 13.—The one.. of Lids Company site, the rotab•
listiment of she Agency or this city, with the prompt
and liberality with which every chum upon them
for lons has been adjusted. lolly werrani :be agent in
litriting the confidence end patron_n. o
, of his iricieln and
the community at large to die Delaware NI. S. Insu
rance company, while it has pie additional adviimage•
as an insutution among the most flourishing in Piffled-el
plun—rts having an amplepaid-in capital : which by the
oreranon of its dinner is COD./ ISt/ y increasing,
yielding to each person insured his due nhoce ot the
profits of the company, without involving him In any
respousibibty whatever, and therefore an p.n.nig
the Alma] principle divested of everi obnu.sieur fea
ture, and to its moot attractive tom nevi
TUK Company of North An.rica. tarough
it, duly authori z ed Agent, the sulioeriber. oders to
mate pennant-lit and limited iti.urame on property. in
Om any and its vicinity, and urn shipment, by the car
nal and Rivers.
Arthur 6 Coff
Sans'l W.
Edward Smith
Charles Taylor,
Jacob Thcnaa,
John IL Ned.
ffichard 1). Wood,
‘l - m. Welsh,
Frames lloslions.
S Alononr,
John A. Brown,
John White.
Thomas F Cope,
Nuuuel F l,lla,
Eektuat , l Brook:.
- -
Thin to the °Wiwi Insurance Company in the United
States, harine been chartered to 1794. In, charier Is
perpetnal, and front is high standing, long oxpermure,
ample means, and wrouling all risks of au extra
atdous chararMr, it may be considered. , °tiering am
ide security to We public. VP. P. JONIUr.
At the Counting Room of Atwood, donee tr.. Co., %Vo
ir and Front .t/cels Pius/lame. innyd_
riliiktbiffeliCilliiFfilliaT ' becn appointed Agent pro
j tem. of the Inwarance Company of North Amery a.
And will ins,. Polies gold anciul to the other basdnent
of the Age. - y. at the warehoame of Atwood. Ito, , in U.
Co. R'3l P JUNE.n, water
U.N./SOW J 14.•11,0
0 1141LLE.8 " i3... DAN EN HOW En CU..
N 0.9 . ..South Wharves, 117 50u . .1. ~,
phriS to thforth this and dealers g..tierahy of
D Pittsburgh. taut ;Ivey nave made such arrange
with the Virs.tha mann:lse:titers and toe tirOwer• of
the West, W est Indies. anti other places. a. w:i; insure
a large and constant supply oi the lotlownie deser.,..
Lions of Tokbacth, which will be SOWUIIOII ILO fir . r . o[l3-
modnutig Ds. as any other house of ray or else.
where, and al;goods ordered Duni them wilt be nor.
-rented equal to representation.
Havana; St. 'Aiming°, Corot.;
Fara,' POrro Rleoi Penn '
s; - !..Seed Leal to.
Cuba; Igunth A. Florida. liseeo,
ALSO—Braun:. celebrated A rainalic Stag Coven.
dthb, with a large ithaortioent of other popular brands,
and qualitses oi pounds, 55, Ss, IN. the and Vs, 1,131,
Gs, a, es and Plug; Lades' Twist; Virginia Tn tit.
he, sweet and plain, in whole and half hones, wood
and ugh togetar with ever) variety or tionein belong
to the trade ,
. _
Commission Merchant and Forwarder,
UT Pocono bar anerdron plod to the purenapung of
'crony arucle nt Produce in iliac market. Algo io (Ili
fOrsearding of boodu generally. Itrler to
Messrs. John SoroshY & Co,
Marn & Stockwell 'Corm nuns is
S. C. l' sr Sham Esq.
Lippincott & Co.
Kier & Jones,
English & Bennett,
COMMiI/iOl2 and Forwarding Mere liana.
NO. 26 WOOD la., nrise Roil
rIONTINITD3 to transact a general Commission bust
aegis, especially in die purchase and sale of Ameri
can Manufactures and Produce. and in receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned to ots care. AA Agent far
the Mruntfoctures, he will Le constantly supplied with
the principal articles of Pittsburgh .Mationtrinre at the
lowest wholesale ?ricer. Orders and consignments
are reectfully contented-
viERCIIANDISE BROKER rind Commission Mgr.
01. Chant, No 36 South Front street, (second story.)
L - rtioods purchased, pursuit, insured,
and shipped to order. Wool, Flour, Grant. lined
Fruit and Cheese received on consignment and situ
age, with insurance obtained.
Harrosauccs--Arrn. Hell in Son, Mr. 11. and
Mr. Harvey Childs, Putsborgh. le
FORWIlDlhii dhD t66117118810N MEI:CHANT,
Iron, galls, Cotton Yams & Pittsburgh
Manufactures generally,
no. IC svun prrnoreuu, PA.
importer and Deale,. m Fore Lg.,. and Dermeme
.addlery Hardware & Carriage Trimmings,
No. 133 Wood •t., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Is now receiving Las Vioul K supply 0 Goods, and
j. invites the an.ution of Paddler., Cotschnuakern and
March.. to his stock. It has been bought upon O.
beat terms, from the best sources, lord nu 11aeremre
feels confident of being able to atlord sous( rnon to
all who may favor boo with a call ow lian'Altlt
SPADF—a, SHOVELS, &c..—. 50 dos. Spode. and She
vela; 40 do Manure Fork.; Ss do Orlon 5h0..1.; Su
do Soeket doi Axes., Hatehrt., Alattocks and SAL,
Pellagra, Vleca, &e., for sale as manufacturer. price.
I,v bovIS G Ftl COCHRAN woods
MAC lON 121, luilT I. 41,1613.
JONES & %01U0,
ANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel,
plough steel, Fled plough wings conch and slip:
to springs, hammered iron lutes, deulsr• mil:
,sable castings, fire engiac lamps, and conch 'rooming.
generally, corner of Ross and Front Sr. , Poto:losoro,
PL trio
Itiv•rsttrlo liClltertag Cook,
Which tender. turbid water pure by
r.g.. removing all substances not soluble in
utty, file crotch water In N.ork,
; )1 , ~.4 a lthot taker sod pure in the eye, yel
"when it passes az hour through this
filtering cock, shows a //ego deposit
impure alb/names, worms, as nits
is the Cale more or less With all hydrant water .
The R e versaue Fincret is neat and durable, and is
not attended with the inconvenience incident to other
Filteters, as it is cleansed without being detached frau
the water pipe, by merely turning the key Of bandit
from one sole to the other. By this easy process, nig
routse of water is changed, nod all acentnnistionS la
impure sobstnuces an driven off almost instantly,
without unscrewing the Filter. It else possesses ths
anva o tog o being a stop reek, and au such ill MVO
Cues will be very convenient and economical.
!tout he attached where these is any presume high
or low o rank, mok, tuL, he with ca
TO he had
of the wan Agent, W, W. WILSON,
arty corner of Fourth and Musket Sill
Foreign . and Doniestio ., L , in=
G q "j uol ' at, al riam of t '''' n ' t% ' d g for gale iii qua educe
to soil peirchaaera, by
_aptts WAPI VI ITCH ,T
Illaapratte , Bleaching Powder,
IChloride of Lime.l
THE: stiliacribent havereceotli reeniartl plir,t from
istanuractarerai a fresh eapply 01 the aliove
celebrated article, which itseg will all at the Were.:
malter price for cash Ofapproved bill,.
L .1 .0 1{ , E..1 1 15 , 1; , 1-10 b m bl , , i . zoperi s or ,v !ef „ e i l i t A in a e l , i T t .l u d ;;d
TiA6SIN-10(elbs prime Y Nam.; 1000 do sup.,
cured do; = augur Po do aug cored Shuldera, for eat<
by mylL J 1) wuxtents
.u.,L y ....x
- .
Butler, Pet
UTILL also attend to collections and tOl other km,
Tvne, mitrua:cd to Inni Buller and Armatrond
counties, Ps. Refer :o
J. & R. Floyd, Liberty at.
W. 'V Wallace, do
Janie, Nlarchall do \ Pit , burg ,
dly Kay & Co., Wno.lst. j mr7
H swErrzEß. Attorneyst Low. odic , 14
OPT at. Charles Hold. Pittsburgh. wdi
attend promptly to Collections, m Wamington, Fayette
and Green counties, Pa.
Mark melt. Bell & Co, )
Church b. Carothers, ' , .PittsbUrgit
D T. !dorm, aclddly
'1) J. II ENRY, Attorney Coo Tenor s: Law.
Ja Cinemonti. Ohio. Coil., lona in Southern ohno,
and 111 Indiana, and in Kentucky promptly and cr
fully ntiend..d Coinon•,nnor'lair the Staid or Penn.
sylvania, tor takine Depo•mmi., ark nowl , dr meat,
ro--Ilon Wm. R.t:: & Son, Comot, l'hurch
rmitrrs. Nay:. 'hock A. NM,
.YAMP. 11C,11.13.,
, ATTORNEY Al' LAW. Office rs.moved to Fourth
I.• Smolifi-J,I and 1,1
111:. HA RS'V"~ilc Fib
U;s m i .1L Otkeer on
J MIN II RANKIN. Altortte! . and Connprdot I. , tw
Contratstooner for the State of Vennt)l,tl;at
AL Lou,., Mo. (law of I . ltltturglt
Itorynkvccs.—Patsi. Hon NV Forward, Iltunp•
01: A. Mthet. &I . CllldistßA 1 1I t•lure, /Won N
l • Jr,l A l: , •te 0111,
4 Tl', /R NL. V A r LAW. Fourth t.tre,.
1 ,nutnliend nnol ,; rant. ,n I .2,trou
A TrORN EV AT LAW. Futtrlll ttr , rl ri , ur t.r.t.
% 011 11. Rt'sTtiliCtSYtiti„):l"7‘rerts';,;‘!
C:a.r Next door to Aidcruia, Juiut.
Ntt ord Elngi
Fashionable Ilatter'e.. •
Cori, el Fraud ~ad Flii Strrat
13 A ICEICUI.A.R altell“011 Nal to oar Rota, rand:.
t,tc.eno, ttro. , vc,:or thair 11,, ~1
Capa:roan ov. q-,,,oLtaarnt 01 lb. butr Mw71,1.,
of the Latter tqw.a - a. and at ate Lac.vt., - r
1 , 11111:17 Mcrehanta. poranaotna bb who:eano- nrc
reapeetful!y matted to Vail and examine out ~ t ock•
wr ra.:l anv with conhalence that an recarda
11.1 rtucv wall not suffer e coanpar,, ,
bonne in Inalladelphin. tells :} d
4 CaO.IFORNIA Ita oloa praao
titioratka Eat, tort reeesved and :or an , - ,
Ca .110
bb: corn, :AL aaoi o od . t .
M . CORD.'t Co will Edror nee on Sonar
411111 day, March 'LI. the Spr.ra; •:)!a
Ettore ws-nt oi neat and .ups tt k , [kl
T all al corner ni Lik and Wood streeia snarl
BONNbr RIBBONS, &‘. -W E Murphy
1.1 Lai opt n app -Trln( 80., Ribbon.,
ul new 6111 1101 K 1
hand•ome aayte•
Al., new atyle Etc'd I.Noca nod Ed,
anr, Lane,,Ealganc• Victo,la fin. p ‘tu•lo“
iClll.ctraltronlered !rw,a tc,e
large la•ortmant ‘,t Sprlng 13no.ta Lonit
east corner ath and Markt, we,-
Wholeaale Room. nn atntra 111
El 04" 1- it
SI 423 t... 5
J 4 -.4
Or. Roses Celebrated Purifies.
J) t p h o o p d u yLo:: o , r ,, a ,, r , t . d th at:.
ietnes, nod a ~ .10 the !Si vrntor :tar ol•-lantrd
meal for tnflainoc L.ungs. to a
Chrome dtarare, n odudrtn of Lao: omno.Tti pa)•.•
elan, Loolar Ithyaa, and to a ernduate of Ono I rt.ver.t.
ty of Pron.y,anta, and for ttt,rt) prar.•“l.-e ha. to-ott
enraged to the inva.ttgabon t .. 4:,010. and the app!.
canon of rentodtex thrreto
Through the iwe or hi• lobe .tt ronnr..t.on
ranth his Frophy tart.. :tyro', um:other, hi
far ha. grun. , d unparnlel,4l entinr.or
those dreadful and fatal maladies. Ta be - rule r : Con
aumplion. t.aneera, Serati!a, Rhruntan , n. A.thnin.
Fever and Arne, Freer. 01 ell kinds, Chrome Er, sup,.
lus. and all thoar at/royale tli.en•es peculiar lo le.nate•
Indeed every Corm of disease 711.11101^1 under t
of ....rd.., to ,tath:th Ithmanyy t• a. het . y
ase of 0110 compound only. tor that is ".
with Phys./0g1e...1 LAW. f.ut by the ura h,. em. ,
drys, adapted to and pre.eribed for each perthia ,bent
al - disease
Dr. Ruse's 'Pont , Alleratrve tan, u•ed L rxr
acknowledged tole •tsperlor aY a alobl. a•
a purgall ye or liver pail, 111/nlllllCil 11* they tenor
bowel, perk,: v ;rum ea*, •.
Golden Pill. is arlut.te.l by the
[tar propernes adapted to female du,. naea, but T.
sattoSed That a bare trial t• .15thelem tr, truest
has been said 111 the 'mad. al the most •tep‘o•ul.
Thr ullbeted ore located to earl ups,. the /men, a... 1
procure tenths] One of the Doetor. pamphlets,
a detailed a earl. remedy and 114 appaeatthn
For sale by
Mc fol'osving agents, al V 4,1: 3.1. y 11710•1
Dragglats throughout the country:
J Schoonmaker A. Co. 24 %Nowt lore, Potsburgh.
J Al Teary:rend. druggist, 45 M••rket •I
Lea A Reck ham, - near the 1. I/ Alleglre,.,
Jo.Liartley. totiu, l'a
Jon 1 - '.Sloth tenon ••
T, Leaver
novlo-,!ly TIIEtIL/F. ANI) t 111,1•.:t
cor 01, LIU,
Wetl, a ...te ,a We.aie and car, a, eamparaed
0, a Jr., cough I wa. laducca ll,ht:1 ur,crill aco
3,tat.,in 31 a tricad, al Dr Ta, lia..cao
3 31 I ata, any Ow, 11:14
purpo.,. 33)
aur:.a,,,l IVa• •il gr3a: Wa• ti,ll - 11 umm,
I cou .1 n I ,Il
rominaat Coa•
11:13 it 1101 c • a 3,, ~,.
tn , LL , ,F, To oh who taur,. u
.a, .1 .I
woual 11, “•,' I. lir • I ta,• •on I v• i .
Tll,l tot•dtc,nell,,Ntr•
4m. rast.lllo., I.r 0010.01ered tef •0
penur preparattontur thn cure Esn.l preernll,l 01 a,.
the.Chrot nod Luera. and ..teell4.l Ise ;.•2.011.
Cr] to. even uttri 1111,e1.,e, I..alre 3 , 00.1 , 0 uno•
rernedle, 11, pr th, o,.111:10 ver,
1 1 1.CL.11/, 911y.erten. Le, 11.1.xx.11 01 I, vrrw.rrt haa ar
quirt. envoutPie reputritm-t fur It a e....ype
rrnr 10
nut of Ow a...T....10w no.truut- o . 11. Ler,
Wag the I'ltntarirr and prol.ity u• 0,^1.10r to Ilaht
uf quark • In.,leutpt , .,.-
00N,LAIPTIt•N L 111.11 •ne 10,10,
irill rOlO, u. 0,110 eOOOO. vaerel., fuJ •011 1 1 1 4, .. ."
thickpc nn 6r:aay n. rOLINI t pVer
in bcd. tromn vve.3,sr.or. Ile man.r , ..ed er , r,•
tom oi 00,1E1,1 con.iurnp:io.k For
t tfie m•Ip111.1 11.•.nr•
.4ruou Anticr.on. +:1,1 ‘Va.l Lpepru l,• ll3.l 0.00,1 lip . I 411 . 11, arr,TlPl‘rk , e4 Ir) I . p ,
luistain,:,3llK.. a. It y itp
pier In" airt...c., qii.y nr.orekl 111.
Sold Pdt‘burKb by J I) Mir ood J
Towb.rbd, 45 SarKet ~ lIIn, ror Mar:, .ttid dr. 1 0, 5 Laberti l'z Lbe , •rd
to 61.50 por bob:.
11.,..burgh. Pa.
11‘:.ornt:::::::* •ro 11. A,:r. .21 1.11
I) n 1:1 1 1 l ' h A e
porwo, .og ity to Ito - , stroorrlotory 1 .
of :our Earx•rtornot 1 A,' lion!:onll
o 01
for xesr
rol )rara woh nCver- rougfi, hrrne ...vrr
rodronersin::aht dr.e0••••• aorl oheoled or:1y itonno - r1
to lager out 0100 hu: to ::crulrle ext.:low, onto the
fail of 1,10 when. hoot . < moro oo•oro , Ulthosor l IL , 1•1
hartntg 011111) lormor 'clued:en : und the pr...
setiptiorh , of ty:n 01 themo:rt to:Tort:tow ;Or . thos rn
the nelghhoriroml .vllllOlll Orr: ;rug ar:y I:enel:i.
our:1.31.10 .urvrvito; but row day. or wrra‘ .ri
fart when the lost gleam of hope vv. about io
:m001,14.d trough:her:Ord lo me your Err:error:tot—
:mid loe:o•od by that Hoing who dors ar: thine. rh
u•re 01 the meart..—oad tary to the YIN, M 114,1111,..
ley ph y.illll rr:entl o:M a. vv., to POW rthrt rA
110111 my tool : rtons
tur 4 d wet. ohn 1 :1rel by the an.. 01 a loorlo. to
Re , peetfuily yintr, kr. , J. W. EITIIJ.
For wde• in Pit,...l".irro et the resin Tea ?ton, 7..!
Fnerth wort
1t0C.1:. , E1..1 4 KONIATIUK FIN Er .% It - . fur
ly and tome properrie• oi
Vinegar render it mr ,uperior to 120104 m w a:rr fn.
the ordinary purpoaee or ,he .uriinii4ing Ito
ter in ite perfume prevent
and reinemr•
tette, and arperity of Mr reirealir• uod
the abut, renderlim it roll and idfituith It
clammy and bitter 1111 1 1 e 111 1111 . 11.011111.1111p.runKrah
and plc/main Wrath. It Hean-e. and whiten. km
teeth. and harden,. Me all the loon pot
wird 'VIOL W4l. - r •uelf proportion Or y
be found Wart nicrersiile if yinhaling 11 .11111 ruidonif
u on the Melillo,. It Will remove lienflarbe .ipl.ed
finintolly to a burn or .1 Vilri 0' ,1 111411/11 / Prl"rent
mortitientio.. Ii correct vitiated air. onarnidief
iron. einimmon, therefore Mr pur.inins
and perlumu apartment. For ,-ale
57 W. 301 ri,...1•14,04
Dr. McLane in Pennell,
'I'HIS i. to rcr(y that I purchtt..rel of, via! ol
111eLialte l . \Vona Sperito .ono. IWO nth. to% ago
tad gave to a .on of cal or, ..111, Ay Vt• 11 ) r:L r• Iwo
leasj.:4o.• full, and of
the 11,11101.11 inn y ztf. twat
Argo, yat 1 Lave 110 do I I.{ rc v.ur. tthwatJs of
f.O 11.00.= wotual pawed
from turn, sneanormg
bum one qtoutof of MO It to Iwo W
Ulf he< lne.
rtarta's Creak, Canal to Tenn .I)er
..ratars. Ju IMV
Mr It F. Svellere - --Your V C... rrouluar hae I well.
xnd ny hero laalay •ank rn nt I,Y w who have uera
From the ouarree atirm , nr thr namnae;ruonn n(
your Verminier e e ry rast. I huvr and
01111.ICIII ran ern more derma Mr corn...,
Icyl did lext I Will he glad r. rmvr avtahrt
my of or 5 g.1.0*11 resierrtio.l`y,
tract from letter j Ft CARTER
Prraared end .o!d nY It. E. SEI.I.F.RS. 57 %%and •I,
sod ...MA 1)y Jrnrrally• Ifl haeburgh and Al
...;,Thil• 111141,1 ko n Until Nattat
... . I
[sloth , lOW
rprlE SiltlllClo l , has removed las Wholesale brat,
r r , lorr• tovorner rrl Hancock str. , l aorl A I.r
altrily SS ha d; aeat door to lIIC err', llouar ,
m.111:1111 J. riiN 11.:RIIS.
A 1 ' R , 1 :4
chrap x uxy mho, r-tektp:,hits../11 Ix th,
or its., Ell•l1 , 11 rat,•
A wo. -A large lot of yarlety store W•lrlwa and Jew
elry, atvery low viers Fad Jew... 11,4 1, 11,11.1
Le:err, la, low ty•br<
meh..7o rorner aln and wankel .t.
Inew and last raw. hos: THOMAS
, SCI.YI7, ittAVVO the tirranwrocal What, 131.0.,11( we
P.m,. every half our during the day, laualing at the
runlet, Kate
A our . collection el the eltoiee. Grernioorme llaman
era for a, iii LI, bal., !CC Cf.lig, an,/ i•••
irCSilinefl. hart...fed to tut .I.loolin
Baguets put up the shortest notice Order! for
leis al the wharf bout, will prourpt a
Serous stret,
1,1 , 1•Iss, NI"
For Greenwood Gardens
Di••el ution
THE co.parthr r•hlp herr tower , at,tlng hrtwe , n the
..thaerlher.. in the mane el Frleud, Riley At 'et .
th. day dt.,,,;ved by inutunl..onsent Rhey
wdl•e".h. tot. In, ear.. the onerrn. for Sr s, put
pe, Iththotued to Use Ow name h rut
J A M KS woou,
Fehreary 1,49. (IEO RIIEV
- •
.I,ersber. have Lill, du% aaeoetated themoelvee
puthe name RII El% MATTHEWS & Co., for the
rpos.e. tranAnctt rig a general Grocery, Comtnietoon
and Forwardlng Itu.ineaa, at the eland of the tate firm
of Friend, Racy k Ito, where they mill be plentfed to
rocetvc the pat,onner of the euetotnerst of that haute
and oar Irtend, GEO, 12111:1".
.1:V1 NI A I I MR',
\ r tx.kit otraltur- recommendetig to the rottfitkorte
of our 110-11(1. anti Itto.t,t ot Itrtentl. lihry . our
ttuct,..tor. —. ..11milltectts St Co.
J AMFS W 011 Dr. ,
- • •
THI: no partner.litp heretotore ritstlng betwenn the
•titn , rrtin-r5. En Ilin nannt of ennutable, Beate A.
1'....• thi• .13, d..eoivell t.v mown! concern,- Menem
Burke 11 Barn., nr,.l the bu•tne•i of the eon.
cern e he h ourp•o , the,. nre nothor,,tl to Li. , the
name ni ,le ,nnot fit NA'l II CONSTA
1.:1011 . ti 111•RKF:.
lift MA, BARNES .
Tlir under,cl,l have :hi' der' 11•.0 1. 1111 , / themKelves
Zl,lll , 0 I. & BA RN E. , , tor purpu•e
.• . • . • .
oCniat.ameluring Fkr , lion; Sab, Vn.lll
rollr ,111.1 of the tat , fain al l'otl.table. Rorke
A herr they ha wrlt•e•il in the (•s•
trtilmac ,i•mincr‘l , la, how , 1.3,11 i.., , 7,11,1!
1•3/N11"NI ,
Tilt.Nl A. BA ItNPS
lir !be li , ro or C0n,...1 , . Bork.- It 4o
I vv....1 tre I:ktrio. A
oti {l, I-t 11...1 r ,• 0,4
..3:1•1 t,tlErr tbr. 11110 , Ul for
pUrrll.! ~, 14/1,. •,Ili .•tos.,e•S
tatlr' In enn nun
it,IIN rk,14,1).
I/ti Si It ,i I'IWD tut
1,1,• 1 • 1 Ord I t t it ,- :Fe ot NI t:ord
oil- I ra• waoir • .1,1 r—ta, , . at
osd 4,• 'Le( tt• tA Of, a zit Fth Ft t•telth wurre th , :y
..••1 Ott' ), the 1,1,1,11, AO Atteltil, 1.0
I M.C01,1)
/now.: firm o ,
/ )1:I revonttnend
o• put• , , , • i o.•..e i rlr:
T III . rxs , rer•lttp tu All 1:1 1 111 n LF.I. ..1:..• tin)
4,s< ,vll, i.e t Fl I.< .1 It 1, 11 II I'lll
.1111 it
u , alru,v,., a voi, tik, \Vnol
aad a:tctul 4o: aV.A,ll,aal• al
Out ~aa, 1.1.
irttrinr :tom the ltttrt or :11trrtit, 1 Lm. I :tike
rtr, p rarL.rr Itt rertriatnynalittr
II I. to :Ire
• ooltdr :tot itt 11,1
Pit,. 11r,, J.ltt tit 1-49 J It NIVRI . LIN
vihrt,rx r /OW ret•Ll I Dn . irottrds Br, tt•t'tr.••
'Aitr lot rrty, oppottrte Srt , trltt:t toter, t:tt
tr rtrttl firm ro 111
\ Li t rut r .1. a•torturti rtzt,llll, put tr nr^ •0..0rkl
erm t
SCAI/- I.& A lIZINSI,N. rcl.l curn t.o tar rill.
Cupp,' 'roil Warr manu.,nr)
Pl4ll II:, 1.,e3H.0n qH , r, ..ciuntm.ut sv6H.
I HA \ ....• ans tbr who. ,
I 1.1 k'onurt z-,on .t•Hke*,,
gl.l J, tH,er 4 t
( 10-P ART N ItSll I P m
oi Ilk loon C CO ‘‘ 11.1.1...N1 t .1 NI.
to IN 4, It NO I
pu, am 411 E.ut.trrzt tt,e•
rENc.I.I,II an e wONTioNI.N rn ItinlK,
v3rw., Nrummupent, dr ommrtrit toned.,
L717,..1 . 171 . T1t CS" INO, oft 1 4, 1tAT1 Ir
urr mutt.• slut, trt -
Up I itt . Attnert , unl . MMM mutt tuttumed grtt.
1.4 . ttt mot,w e.,ecturc turm.orttut. ,tutrrr r...,.
J U I.
W.< men Ims 0,4
N I t :
• 1114.-Irti ttr:
111 . if rr.
OyI)r 414 i lis r .rrr,
444 ; 404; .rtr.
i ‘ , IF- I
Ain. I:w
N ,: ,: , , , .. t. 8 . ,.,.,
~,,, , . :. t ,, ,,,J
,; ...N .
~ --. ‘‘
~,~~ ~,~
t,cr -
111111110 M
Prnv , rtn. for Inc Pen!, e • I.n - n 1 Pre. tp , no
1...1 11,s. 1,11/ 13 , 1t.k .., I
Jqtr,• , . ANI
11 .NN I'HINIF.VAL or l'ourLit.o.rou 1 . 11/01-
.WL 7.. , 1001.1k11013 011:w Hum.... IL A
Ito."o I •••• Ny John 1/
mrp,„.3: .“1..
1 , 1" . I1 11, II It 111 1 1 . 1,1N5, .1111. nem
I.AI 1N1.1., N 1 let
/ 'I'D. rrN.
1„r1 I:2l"r,rtr„'..
I,ntvrrcly S.r.oro, 1 , ,
/1,•1/ , r, 01 P. 1.146171.111, /Ale Tim,. at,nn3~.lh
.I. 01 lir, 11,111, Prow
he0p,,,,,),14 u
1a1,,,” 1,/,
Nlreno,c• J roc,ll Bur on, Mt, 1 , 1,,•11. ,
11.pti./11 ,i• ,rtipnr, Alta
I,,nuiea. 2 v., Cbd, vet 7 , talra 011 1 . .'2,rn
h.•«vr. W 311.1.1.11 2, of it 1.1
mp.tentttl:te, 1.8.1 dap: el K 1,1: e. Woolen tt:
itR , 000100 r• /tire Etlet, 81:nr I:t
merit: F.1.1.R,Tr wneul et
N 1,1. tl.•prte•no::
Laynenrterent 10 1000 V the utany
tt• epp :ennon fortree 0 , 10
nil r,
H ' 11
\r ken Ittitnevr •• l'he er.,:rrrea:
ntlt. 100 i ,111..11 ' eir The : , rel vortr
I nr SAW 11.1.1 , 1 . 1 . • E1N4.1,1511,
marl: , wood, •t
Any e Itn gr. mPprllilta
itt oi 0101, VII
lot . 01 ...:or , .1..1 ellor•outtlo, rl. Olt 111,1,1,01,
r.. 1 1., Iwo N 01.11,1.
itl.lo6ar: pao••••. Imok Iwer.ll
Alp/01....•• .Ir. I...mar:no- Ikroonr of 111.- 111. 1110
I irio " J. 1.1
01.N, , T0N ~ 1 •1 It
hi I .•Ornor mark ri asiol J.l •:‘
Mx t , -11mvirig mole,' a .icattatt,' 'told
t.tglied ,rtt, 'route:et'. I It.l ttltl e,llll.
OUP 111,1,111ft111 furter revolt:tint me. t.I
ti. n.111,11,, I.lm. bent method fur
:h.: vatue 1I p. your',
J. D. I NI..EV Beater.
1 1 /n.4.10, Moro It 9,1949.
Mc En um).-- Dear 5.r. Haying osucloma tile “Aree•
.1 .3101.1. 1 / 1 1. 711131 1,01., I .1 U. haumtn
lio ..nineto.l It I*, 1141, .0 al llued r e veto arc
al.out ran:wet/1g to Colttornio .carell (bold.
It glues • ( . 10, 110.0X.11111/on, no opecifte: Franl
y ut meta., aud Will errtalnly root, mu a4Cellllllll .
10 110111 wilco We plaid,' a )1c1.11:14
You,a, real , y. J. It. 31'(11.17!TOCK.
ATW M sct.tyrocii. 0. No. 75 Fourth ntreet.
.fraff a , ple:ohd variety oi •ap Ito, al Vel
sci foul Tapestry Cariff,. latest ~ • .\in.,, Drus
..Jplyesnd.up and hoe.. lave.. Calp,o4 of nap
my ire and qualtlfe.. and o aeLon can alway a be
found Tatfle Crashes, Divas, Damask. Mo
a{ts. Oilcloth., Af. , all of Which WC cull the
enon ovine publte. IWir.
c•tablotiment a and widely known an
GC Laing one of inn most commodious in the city of
Baltimore. has recently undergone very eaten-
Sloe alterations end improvements. An enure new
ng h., been raided. contaming numerous and airy
sleeping apartments, and extennve bathing rooms.
The Ladies' deportment has also been completely
reorganised and hued up in a most unique and latuan.
NI ate In. In fact tire whole arrangement of the House
has been remodeled. wtth a single eye on the part of
the proprietors. towards the comfort and pleasure of
their ()teeth and which they confidently assert will
challenge comparison with any Hotel to the Union.
Their table will always IN supplied with every sub.
mental and luxury which the market afford, served
up In a superior style: while in the way of Wines, ,ke ,
tey will not be surpassed.
colicluston the proprietors beg to say, that nothing
will be len undone on their part, andon the part of their
assistants. to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of Mohr friends and the public generally
The prices for board have also been reduced to the
following rates:
lathes' tirthniim 81,75 per day.
N. —The Baggage Wagon of the House ertll al
way. be found at the Car and Stealetletat landmgti
which wall convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free
rhorge may2tf
E IC HA Pi fik-liciYfuL,
CONNIVE or ea, •an rer CLAIR FrS, Pl7l - 6.11011, ?L.
Thr •üb , criher havlng ansumed the manage
ment of thi• long establolied and popular Hole!,
reipertfullyannounces to Travellers and the
rulboe generally that hew ell be at all times prepared
tonccommodate them in all thugs desirable in a well
rrguluted Violet. The House la now being thoroughly
repo red throughout. and new Furniture Inked. rina no
pans. wid he spared to nnake the Ex chanKr one of the
very brat Hotels In the country
The uhneraleoed reapr•eliallf .heits continuance
of the very liberal patronage the. House has heretofore
LAM A it.TINE 1101.154 e,
.111 r. aulottortltor retaportfutly aintonnora that
Itn ad. nolo itoottett It, new and nace:lrttt lintel
lot ut , itettontnicoltoton travont, hoarder,
anti the pun ,n,rl!!, Th.. 1141Lio•• tinti turntturr
aro no pa•ns or ripen,. bevil
aparett to 1, II one of thy. IEIO,I COMtbrilibit . antt
Alen a.~t llotel• .tt We no;
•lab.cribr, oetertuttlrd to o,,rve, and Wore
fore ko6llll
straLie of vol.:he 1,11/1,.
nril4 d: s JACOB HOUGH. Proprwtor
Cll.' , 1.1,1,7,1 IND rirrri m ( MN/SITE Itti• Bank of the Cluteti -1010.. Flolit
Al POPE M1TC10.1.1..
itotrot • Proprietor
Scrip at Par,
I K 1.110.1 11
1. at , %oIA u
wel.'s. No , 1 Tbd street
1. •st ao elegant lot Chtekering'. Pia•
•t K 04101.) a .110 41W1•111 east. price. tor Putsburgh.
A:,.gneov and CouTey Scrip They compel.,
Irmo of. were selected by Mr Cludi
ettog Co, 11., uc.rtet 1111, .1/0 warranted to he equal
.1.• ta,.,4g all the latrat itnprovement•
5... a• •ra..
1:u‘,.,• tn ra!! prr,ouo to purchtt.otc
Nod. a . . o. Lor:ltg wlth ale,. e good
,dge. profet•tona or ochervrt.c.. vadge of the rlua:-
*PI ttr at.o. tr.,
It SVritll,,,urnn,r• sr, lir Vv ert A-Lth rarh
..Idfr rit.....n0,r rx, thr
1,11111.1. l pfOVV, 1;1 th.. Irllllt degree .relperlret. or
1 , 1tI:511 SPRING GOODS
Sharklth k Whit,
TN K 1 (..00S.1,111111:R3, 9U Wood ' , tree,. a•k the
wt,oLoP. •r Nlerthattts to the.', •cork of
♦\ AND FOliEll:N DRY IiOIPDS, now teeriv Lag
Jtr•rt han&•
rrgtilar •ttittthos ot Itrt ,00‘14 Om trig the
tte•oott ottoG lurPe 11. re 0 , the, al
tot 1:41.1.11 *la,. ,01% Cullhdfully nsotire
IN)br..l :1 l 0 ”itrrett W exasnote
the, Coot
recovni ore.itivoirea of ll,ll 14% le Dry,
", t'...lturre, Cloth, Summer
llnor Irvat Linen.. Tailor.'
t..eactleal Sheeung.ol van
ou. na.rl
Modern and Antique Furniture,
nr, nod •pinrldid
n•.ortinent of Furnitue.
•u4nl., tr Steamboat.,
runerr;ynte dvre . ,
mi hand and meat. to ordrr
t .1... k on beind rnitnoi be err erit , il 1 , 1
'it,‘r.t..r• .n thr rou:dry Prrounr
to pl.ruitn-e wou'..! evel. to ¢tve to • catt,
as I ant olv per c. rhali loco, Yan of
•to• 11. -
I,lf a
.Sal , X V Conn wader;
11.4igicatIn. PLago Sloggs,
atm, liur-eloth aoy•rs;
Mahogany WW1...! eh...,
go do, Pa r:
. ram y do
pa, Diva., I ono o'er TaLicti
nutrnie lop tior}tUt;
srdrol.e., - and
Boot elLies;
txrt•.e top We. Stan d.; onsr 11101111.. j
patr Isulry Work
A 7.r) :ArCr n...ortmcni of common ,hairi and other
.u/ I , IIU re ~,, numerout to mewl-on
Il r •-•tonet Ito.tstll•Pr‘i ro. ttoortrAt non,
.00l iii naltle tern, tleet3
Chocolate, Cocoa., Le.
..I I 'ip.l
rr r•-...t:.:. nn.l.-ot,tumer.. wouid purr..<
t“orr wr; ..... ....I or r•erre. notl imality umfur•
•, ..... r rerrnas the row,. aruclea,
Illit.k fril bou.t. aid " .tamped wall I. name
II.• Won, and as Jenertte, palatable,
atad sawn. y rot rovshdo., convateecents. and
oth• r.• are pronounced by then.., eminent phywcwoo
,o.pcnor tn our other prepara3ans Ilts manutacturr•
arc• any cruautity. by the IMIDC re•
• !at., croeers np• easron caws. and by thco
Ace,. Ilawest.ruv Aro.. or g.OOll. Janie. NI Bum,
• o. Baruord. ono, Hussey /c Nlurray, New b ork,
Slane rtofroleiplua. Thomas V Brundtgr, Bal
t:more. aro! hellog; Be tut,ll, '.tnctanatt. Oho"
I. ALTER BAKER. Dorchester Mn,,.
For se. , by .1,11 BAGALEY k SMITH, Arm
Wrought mud Cast Iron 11.1114.
I‘llF. subscrilwis bra wane 11/ tillOrM the public that
ey lIIIVr Ohl* Mrd irom the Varal It:, me lute and
desoo• 'or Iron R attow. huth for
• 1...11,1 , T1C• ,au: 14. procure louol.
•ort.c o p.eose r 1 tlltlille 3.11t1 ,tolge
Ita,l r a.shrd •t the %hurt
“.11i ta.oo,r, the corner or
Ihrwood'• ••
do J Nun ~T
dn I. Iknor •
It ,• I. •
to do fin, d' ••
Jona., irno, nnd Nirltrl• lor
11 n,..11, nto, •t nod In /wall wharve.,
,;2I 1 . 111 1 3c1r 1 phi•
I'ACTI !}'II 11111A0111 , :41 t, 1115 si,mr,
7, ! ! kk t 11.1 .up,lor •weel s. lump,
I..airs & Rn 3. & "
.211 • Dupont 'dr. la Eure .` 5n
wrrnot I.ottler 5. &G. p!ug
it.•, trona•Lemnr.r. and for rah- by
41 !`. water at and IS wharve.,
,n, it it l'hihreletioi:_
W. t. J. BLESN, Book DlOdera.
W.rr •1111 eitrrtrg , l n We mho,. Iruk.nraa, corn,
F't •Woo,l al,tl 'll,rd alrret., httrburgli, where
wrrr prepor..d ludo any work ar our no< with dee
rlllll. ou, wink Lwrsonally, and AZI.-
111.011 ~./ givrn 1/1 u, Jls octanes& rind du•
11 auk Hook • rp,erl to any puttern rind bound sub
rnhh:dly Book. 1 , 1 or old books bounds
itillo or rnpa..-.1 :kiln... put on book, in gilt letters.
'Bro. , Wort I r ...rve work in our line ere inviu.d to
Pri. mr211:11 .
lA e,. li' ,/k -51 1100 g..tiuttlo French Ihrlf Skin, u
or.ry hoe arrwle A tow dokro, l'lnladelphor
Skln... Ilona LI, ntaborar•Lory ot 11 &I Crawford, to
%met,14110,100 , 1 01 1. orakrr• is invied. Jun
r..velyr.l • and tor sa, by IV 1 trUNI, &
1411 liberty .1
1101' IC B.
HAVING •ohl our en.ire gun. m C II Glum', saSIII
a view to r in¢ our.old huhures6, we hereby
ior han rlir pa , ruirrtgrvur all our mend. hlld Co-
10111,1, RII. W POIN DEXTER,
I k k1:411, ^ . IS,
rRA NT. Whole.s:l;Groter, Commixmon •nd
Fowar.l,l., Mrrrhaol, 41 Waterer.ll
A VI I,l't,N, Bell •nd Itru” Founder, ha,. re•
1.111 nod coll..lir ...imam at his old stand
Whcre he wil, ht. pi...xi
esacd to 000 Lie old cualont
”, and Irwink
Chu rvlk. fficwnbmn.nnd Bell• of every xize, from 10
10.001/ ' , off lid, tot .carom pn ro •of t h e LOOM approv
,tlmodrl.. end wur remirti la 0.1 of the I.e. umwrlnl.
NI 111 , r3l ntc r Pumps. l'ountr rn, lintung. hr., teogr
tne t tilt vro cnr,rty Itrnce t 'attuttcn, rctintrcd
WA "ad e
nrnirri Innnttrr
A F thr +t, pr,pprl,or of IV ssrr's A mri -A rtii•
1 . 14 , •61FrAt. y , J Yfl.y t.e,lnatcti (Tr the reduction of
m Illuentrwr) rlre uml
COT tw land ol hint ttt nil Milt,. ja2017
'111.: rthery hKvlrt, thr: exclusive Agrney for
the I . rtntgt.g raper of a new and extenonv,
pttit , I the• vtt. mit). he tit ad times well sup
watt tne o.llTrrrnt of otwer of itopenor 1111111-
" Will , h wr 011 - cr at tue toweNt rrgular prtr
A toat.ity t!I Ite manufactured tooflit, at
mart n“.” ILEYNULIJS tr. SHKE,
1 3 " ' corner Penn and Irwin ats
It received tor t h e
Caloornia it Vomplele anaoroneni
liuni Fit oat.. Cinthing. price. ranging from $5.50
tor mini ol giants and Aro_ For aalc the
Rubio r Drpot, No S Wood at
more of those so rasrlY
celebrated liristitrurgh Pianos, used constantly by
Thalberg and °tier great performers, together
with a large assortment of rosewood and mahogany,
of toy own tnattufacture. The above Instruments art
warranted in be perfect in every respect, and will be
arild low for cash. F BLUME.
decry No tin Wood at. 2,1 door frompth
THE rricbraten Ilararit Rale Powder, in kegs, half
keg.. naarters asd cans. for salo by
febl3 / n HU.WORTH & Co, 27w00d
nspeatt's Patent Nods ANA
20.) r/ t A , h d &h , i , ~,o,not,.rre,e,rdoto,p.e.:,,srarney• Ivanhoe
O',berrymob❑ W
N SEKI) buM m jtore u r i d i, fot ykle E b i z
corywr Lanny mid di Char as
ti` ,
44.1 L-..-
So. 81 Wood Street,
11/OULD tail the attention of the public to their
present stock of Paper liangtngs, which 10t va•
riety, beauty of Bnish,ditrabildy and cheapness. is mm
surpassed by any establishment to the 1;10 an.
Resides a large and full ItAsOf.flll Or paper althea
own manufacture. they arc now receiving a direct ill.
ortallos of French and English. styles of Paper Hang
s, purchased by Mr. Levi Howard. one of the firm.
now in Europe, consisting of
Pans.= manufacture, 10 0 0 pincer.
London do 5010 do
Of Weir own manufacture they haze Itta4ooo pieces
Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces satin glazed Window
Blinds, krt.
Messrs. James Howard it. Co have spared neither
expense nor labor in their endeavors to timil m a. , t•
ern wall papermblisaments, both in quality of man
ufacture and variety of pattern; and they are warrant.
ed 111 assuring the public that they have sueeeeded
The whole mionment, foreign and home 1111111111 R,
tare, will be offered on term, as low a, those of east
ern manufacturers and importers. mitts:l7 . dd
c sCaiebes
of ri,t,urgh. ss
of Philadelphia
And General Commission illerchant•,
No 412 Moo. = Sr.., I.etween Elovvoth toot
Twelfth .u., PaILADELPHIA.
rpHE .übfcriber. beg leave respectfully to acquaint
1 their friends and the poetic that they have arm.
eMated themselves on Philadelploa. for the purpose of
transacting a lieneral Commission Business, and trust
that longernenence in business will secure to them
fair patronage.
Particular attention will be given to sales of
Flour and Produce generally; and any purchases in
the Philadelphia market for Western aceount.
' •
RF:FkUIIENCES—The merchants of Phtsburgh gen
rally. Springer k Whiteman, Lehmer & Andersmi.
Cincinnati. Ohio; H D Newcomb &Jiro Wl3 Clifton,
Lewis Ruffner. Jan Todd, Loutsville, Ky , Crow, Mc.
Cr, ry Itarkadale, Mo , Hewitt, Norton k
Co IV A Violett. New Orleans, La ; lull, (Salons &
Noyos. Sllrregor h. Moms. New York; W R Tho M
p-11 & C.ll . John Tiers F Co. Peter I? NI
Heal. hldl,oon & Dam Philad'a. up 9.31.
W..: uvr porucular attention to Me collection 01
Clam), und 0/1 money rucetved, tee
be rennuml
without drlay.
filt•.[Nl•ll-1-11011 ft Coultrr. Supreme Blench. Pa
Nlex.rii Lyon, Shorb & Co St Lout., Wood. Abbott &
Co Mad'n. Jno 11 Brown & Mr Churl,. II
Wr!,,,,g, do Coo. Mahoney ACo New York, Chltten.
den. tilluu h Co. do, Rougher & I Irri.tortr Baltimore.,
WF' dr. A Murdoch, do. Love. Menu] &Co do Mr
John Faleoner, Lornnt. Stnriing & n'o Pitts.
Largo. For+ythe a Co. do; llampum. Smith h. Co do,
Mr 1. S Waterman. do [neut. diner
ket 'treat.—
dot very [nigh back Shell 'rock
:I ntedltun •"•
• plain Inch ••
la• ourow handed top •• •
fancy top Bud.°
116,rosk corn Horn, :10 don ahrll sole, nakorted
tea, g rots rout horn Stde, .1 dot ',hell drecatit, do,
don Llutfala do do. .1 do Imltatton do do. .50 do brat
I:oki,k, Horn, 6 do $ Sr fine laory. emu roue; IC do
S do do. in bozo+, 12 groan S foe do do. 1 do rood
rs apl6
rowntn nd botne.tue Fichang, Certlhentr ,
of Pervie. Ran a k N 0... end grew—Fourth 'tree:,
°curly oppn,:r !to. Bunk of Potoburgn eurret.
!ley vr,l or, deTo•i,--,4,01, Cher k.for .ml, nod
eollect.w. , mad.. on ncnr.y u,l the prln,,rn ,o
thr Slat.
Thr tiognegt prcuktuin vaid lor Fore,gn and American
Adv.,. made on conlornmenns of on
pod Itheral terms. pY
THE TABLES far turpaa•nr, every other In
~ of the ktndexta.nt. flay Can I, ex
tended trom ten enty-five feet, and when elnaed
the leaven are all to
con tw tained inside; they are Inn& to
all am-. and •titipe, and arr. admirably adapted lox
S.teantlmmts. and large private famillr, form
tux when eloped a camp, centre mine
40FAS AND BUR FIA I...S—Thefte aror MO .1.
eable far ularl) to tho•te who Nic:rl: ono•
or a node onvert a aparinke.
parlor or filAtalr (DOW ar they can he opened and .hut
an convenience., and when .h t. th , 1,11‘1,, off f'10•-
Ofi A OW saving In room anti rent A . - t!,
s o t* . 7h o cn clo.ed roma, heautin, pier. • o..orulture
. 1 Of :1111OK 1.00111
Huth, ElAqi..c.
(Wt." Phrat.,ll4cOrt
ru.t rani..:
ROW CASES—A neat and u,i1.11 erode :or phrior
rt drewmg ro.,m
NVRITIN4.I)IdSES—For law othre•.eoun• no•nna,
nd twhernthers, when opened a nanal cane...ern ned•
Mend, when •clawed a eerier: Ue•k and ld , rary anon..
11 •I++bk.
All datlw tattler. need no reronttorridtotort the
beauty ot the allow It. they are teat rooted 110 t t 0 rt
041.0( repn I wtll Ire wyour interest. to call and
aniline Wenrticle, at thenanumeturer• 0d0r... No
tdl Third tore., Pitt.hurah addltion to the alto, e
ulvantace•, they are proof arrant. raga.
kk,ttK KI.IJAII EATtiN't. CERTincATE .1,, DR
in lAN N —Thot rerOfir., that itsedlately after
having attended my brother, ran dted n atet...imp:ion
to !dart,. 1,12. I was taken •trk with the l'on.usammt
or Liver rotnptaint. and redueed low wilt the
downxe that tot (our rear. I w nattie to attend In
inn ha sl tte••, tither at home or attroad, Itetne to the
most nate confined to my Iced Purina the peri
od or um, bad expernded tor medical attendance o
reviler Ph) 'orlon. and tnemetnek to the ainouto tof
wohout reeetettig any bettcht therefrom In
Jut y. 1 . 4 k, commenced Mentg Dr. Joyne's Med--
nine, and have taken them morn or lea• ever more,
and believe that it W. try perseverma to their tor,
that I ean /lOW truly sa) that I have completely tee.,
vered health I betieve that/my...NV/tat/VC Pol.
aid E.llll<lofliit are the beet lalatly inedicuies now to
I reside In Springhed. Otwao county. N \', and
carry on • (unlace and machine chop in that place
uttl oot intere•ted t.t any Mantle, In the •ate. of the
above 111 , iiit Hie, arid make tale rernfieate lar the nn
chi or Woke atttmted EATIPN
Sprin,hrl.l, N 1 . Scpt. Id J o 4
AN CF kr. - 11:Rr.L) TOll,i6) the ulo , n•
In. would Cre. thr Nl,lOlOll . 01 the coy trade. :I.;
draw', groerni,. thr loh:oo - Ing
In 'tore mot arrivr. ro ,, •ogninr .1?
Tr., own notokrocturrrr. „r0na.,...1 to re!! entrarc
pr rr•
I I 6.21. It \V Crrll.rutw
' .16111,1.\114.:1,1.t
sari, l
TWIN NV Rl,ll rS. Co ate preoored to hood Cotton
t r )
and 0n0.,: Morholemver. .tren
Cortiour Nine hmet. smoom, rernm. .vmeder.
riamr, vvn) Ilemis. er pem., 'Tomer,
l(rmoong I.mont. Curd I.roler.. (Vroultht
Iron Stooling turomi. u,l res or Cast Iron. I'M ...4 mid
11.1oFor• or the .ntrAt pattern.. n.olc ruol hand 1...,
ot( 10111• or 0:1 (end. o( ever, al', rtplton
lu rel.bril 011 short roam< l'otterov 11111 d, 111 Ord, 101
Imaroot. 1,0,1 R.oong. Ste(tm ripe tor he
Famorm...'l.4l (tom NV indow "Im(tr and !nor(' Ca , -
1111,. .441<r. left at Mr, Warchouse or J.
Ptorner . Liberty rtreek. we! have prompt
r to Ellurk•tnck,}l.•;l k Co.. J K. Nlonrehelul
FF nnvr. Jnhn jr.„, k s o „, , p
kJ II .truer. ,trubenFihr 14
Penn Ittnehtne Shop.
NVII.IIrI.\N--Aianuracturer nl ad kunie of ern-
Jla. too a , nl wooden Intlehltlery. Allegheny r .Pa
The above I.yorte hemp now in full and supersenn op•
erntn, I ant prepared to exerute ordera with diepatelt
for ai o l kind', of machinery IIL my !me. avrh a wzllowe,
picker, sproaders, earth, grinding UlaChillt, runway,
drawls K framer, apredere, thronkil•. looms, woolen
art's. double or 'angle, for rneerrhant Or rountry work,
riulee.racka, ace, .I,a, and hand lathe. and tool. in gen
eral. All kind. 01 ShaftlJig made to order, giv
er for gearing iariories or null: a; reueoriable char,
roLKornell, Cnllll. . 1 / 4 lilnekstock,l3,l
Ir. Pennock h Co.. Ju.. A Gray.
AI A WIIITE h CO., would respectfully inform
In. public that they have ereeted a ‘hop on
I.acrsek. between Federal ar.d Sandusky orret. 1 her
sue now making and are prepared to meet. orders In
every de,cripuon of vehicle., Coaches. l'hurlot•s,
maybe,. Buggies. 111u5.... be , winch from their
long re Renew, in the manufacture of the above work,
uml the tar !hut , they have. they feel c - onfolent they
enabled Id do work on themoot reasonable teen , with
those wanting artirles their lute.
Yuytne intrlietttar attention to it, releenon of mote
rink. aml having none but competent worlimen, they
have no hesitation to artkrrasillag . their work We
theretore ask the lineation of the public to this !natter
N It. Tteprisritte done in the best manner, and On the
non reasonable ler. am jateti
lllenongahela Livery Stable.
the large 'Woe on nrst at. runtung through
to Second It. hetween %Vocal and halt Infield
sts ,
,the rear of the Monongahela Rouse,
with an enurely new stork of Horses and Carnage* of
the I,est qualay and latent styles. hionses kept at IIVG•
ry .tt the)... almoner, /Y,MIY
Patera Graduated Gs:lmam Battery and Paten)
inmstalrei Poles fur Medical and other purposes , .
th . str u c o m . e , lo n t the o k4 : d um th w at p . m;
d r .
cal e, and is the only one ever known to mart'
by which the galvanic fitold can be conveyed to the ha
rye, the e., the brain, or to soy ran orthe body,
ei a
ther externally or Inte rn ally, in a definite gentle
rtrearn, wlthpost shocks or paln--with perfects afety—
and often with the happiest effects.
'Pita important apparatus Is now highly approved of
by many of the most eminent physic's. of this coun
try and Europe, to whom the alllicted and other, whom
a may concern can be referred. Reference will also
he give. to m e a ns ly respectable citizens, who have
been roved by ma of th.most valuable apparatus
of sot. of the most t d
by nervoas disorder. which
rook' not be removed by any other known means
Among various others, It has been provin g
to be ad
mirably adapted for the cure of the following diseases,
viz: nervous headache and other diseases of the bra.
It is with thus apparatus alone that the operator one
convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the
eye, to restore sight„ or cure amaurosar; to the ear to
restore hearing; to tee tongue and other ores., to rot
ttore speech; and to the various parts 01 the body, for
he cure of chronic rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or
is doloureux, paralysis, or palsy, gout, chores or .91.
Vita's donee, epilepsy, wealings from sprat.. some
diseases peculiar to leartalcs, contract,oe of the inn.,
toe w, etc. eto.
his for surrounding countess of Westolit 1 . 0 3 20 d
privi ewes, with the onnturnent, may be purchase,
also tested for the cure of diseases.
Full instructions will be green for the Cartons chemi
cals to be used br mules* thseeses, and the best mea
ner for operatitig for the curs of those diseases wall at
so he fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet
piri into his hands expressly for these pawners, Caro.
peepsoed by the paten., Finvine of
oettßdly S WILLIAMS, Vino st,
ILISF-SE-400 boa extra Cream ateese,Aast reed
%.,) Sod for ode by my 3 J 8 CANFIELD
Attorney and Councilor at Law,
Bout W rut ng
,I 1 POlll4lll
bet, .4
/ ' 1/..ear 11.1
J 06114
I %Vann/. . • typ r 1..
4- I •• Henry 5. J1i111134 s*. I• and
Pitt Machine Works and Foundry
WE arc now opening • very large and motes
mm:int of SPRING * AND eVAUSEht GOtildb.
'alerted with tuner than usual care during the last few
weeks. in the New York and Philadelphia markets,
and riot r acIO I( a great variety of almost every de
se !IMMO of the latest and most fashionable styles, and
• lntlt portion of a having been bought at the EnST.
SRN A UCTIONS. at a great reduction from the regu
lar Caine. we me enabled to offer great inducements
to cash buyers, either by wholesale or retail. We
wentid therefore reitieetfially invite the attention of the
p.a to our Stork. feeling confident of one ability to
suit buyers in tall Lost every article they may wish in
our line To the ladies we would especially commend
our stock of
SPLENDID Dans Stu., of which we have a very
large and beautiful assortmant of the latest styles and
most fashionable colors.
. . .
• Lama , U. Guous—lttoushn de Lames, roll de
Cheevre, stlk, linen and toohair Lustre, patnted
Lawns, onghatn LAY/111, Foulards, new style Itattgua,
French and Serb ihnetants. Innen tiing
hauls 111 pent vriety, to. At , .
IktNturN—New style Bonnets. very cheap.
Rue oosh ..en Fhowmas--01 the latest styles and sup,
not tn qualsty
Psa.stou.s—A very large and handsome stock of Par
oi, of altzto.l every •tyle and quality
Stilawt.s.—A fine tusortment of spring and tutnnter
Shawls, of oil otylt• and pr...
Cuans—A good supply of super Franca,
English tosJ Anterteau Cloths and Cassunorcs, to winch
we ...kid Invite the then:lon of persons needing Inch
ALSO— A tall and general supply of Slurung
To.ltnK., brown and bleached Mash., Table Linen. , ,
St....ones.['tapers. entnb nes, Drillings, sumase r Goods
men.' and boys' wear. Jneonew, Mulls. Swots, Man.
sook P. Nankin., Prints, tonglutnts, Crape. Crape L.ace,
Cravat, Wove, Hostery. tag /WSW. Veils, ke. ko.
Perso/m evislung to buy by whoictelo. should coil
and erum.n. nur nor, as our once. are such us lo
wake /t then - to Brest to buy
spg2l northwest corner of the thentona
A MA gggl & Co, Ng, 110 Igerket have
11 hand the lares, vorgety of Krnbroiderits
tell tory have ever offered, The,gg
eeortment con.
stme to port of the toglowtos goods, viz. .
1 , 4 r
etaDruiderc.l Mus,ut frdm 51,50 t./ 5.00
" Collar. • .Pt to 31,00
50 , P , roenct from Pt
WU parr. tountut Cut T..• 371 to 621
A. , sl..MournttKll2 , .. front P`i
Cad ut ,or r!tegtp on< pnre store of A A MASON
& Co, M UU Maser st. myl2
-1.1 r W. R 1110.1111{ re-
I,) Elprese. ,ot o; hhavimame straw colored,
zreennuJ blue llnnoct Ribbons. Also, glossy black
for dre....e.c. Visttra, manullag. Ac
WN,TI l• 00. drtssca —putt, tut xxlsr. and mull
$I11.1111•. &, Mao, eutlacndered
, or drr•. , es. ft!! at prIC,, at northeast conies
Fourth and Market curse..
5% tiol,,ale Rooms up ataurs Inyli
1' R 41,11 has rum , open a molt , assortment Of
ebhveante., for tiressa• end saeka—among the tat
ter m
at , sortie scarce co!ors, such ptnk, blue, veto
A,• . 111:o. punk, bine. Green. anal ode colors ol Chit
tleh,” Lawns. and a taro: assortment of embroider
td opt...n. end iAlWil•
W R recent percha,n is now ell received and
open, and persons wuntLng Dry Gooda wtil do well to
look at Ina arge and Ire•/i stock belore purchnsmg—
northe:t•trorner 4th and market 1111.
. • . •
Whoi,:tie Room. up stairs. my/
K PLOWERS—MatermIS for ArstriTai
it Flowers, osz Plum slosue paper, spotted do,Car
rams: pap, for rolorine, Pink Saucers, Leaves of eve
ry Jorm. buds. up., nod enilow6. con be obtasned at
rns Otrcmius,
_LA I Lano Stoob., Tab, Covcrs, Travels ng Bagrb with
v.brt vulirt) ot •mall patter.. A:sib Worntede of
romo rind shade, by the pound, ounce., or algoin
tor .14r by moll II F:ATON tfo. 62 Fourth pt
~N D SUPPLA—tV R Murphy. at northeast coi
-0 ner of 4th and Market streets, hnn now open hot
sicvoxv mipp.y of spring end nu/natter Goods, and has a
arg• aysortmeni of Dress Goods of newts: style, anti
.tnple iba.v.vl. of every ktnd, of whreh will he sold
low. spl7
( , REEN ML ..31.1:•4 DE LAINE—W R Murphy has
treetv,l the ahoy, scan, and desirable article,
ta...Gionatue Urven ihirages. hr.!:
11014/ILSALE. DILY 000D11.7
oo MAJorri , soorxr.
A , . .
RE now openin g m o stenemata, and varied
assortment of itpnng and Summer Goods eves
e.1111 , 1.1.ed. in the Western country', comprising upwards
ci E.even - Hundred Cases. purchased in enure paean
fr,• frain then ianuinclurers. importers, nod Mtge UM
lion .rLie, by one ol the firm residing in Now Vora,
who is const mai y sending us the newest mid mast
M.tunnelde goods They nasne in part—
tint cue, 11:11 spring t'nnts, 30 ease. M de Lainri
24 " lawns and Martin,, las - rotten and linen
Int • I.le ac hed itlushns,all Gingham,
grades. 30 '' col'd Maslms4
42 •- •Itiriting Cheeks and 27 Hipkaa Cottons
domestic Gina - hams, sides and summer Stalls
Chit Brown Muslin.,
Alen. rases and aortas-es of Donne., Flowers, I.e.ces. Ribbons, Silk ' s. Shawls. Bereges. Whttn Goods,
]Lunacy Arur we, Cloths wad Canal:acres, Linens, Ho
siery Ind I.loneß, &C. fee.
City and country merchants find their stock ns
large and decrultle Eastern stocks, and art einlni•
notien Of their goads and prices cannot fail tr. con
vince that with their undemoble advantages and
fee attics. they ran compete wyru ANT Haavaaa Jona..
Thls tact lies Leen clearly demmunrated to hundreds
ut their patrons who formerly purchaand East. Their
rel:r.l;Wey• lie hand complete ape
NEW GOODS, 1849.
KEN N ~ A WYEIt, comer Wood and Fourth
teeare ao re..-elvuig dlre , t from Ern hands,
.t n.. 1, or Pant v and Vdrety Goa.. tnelmltng
eacrl varwty, gold and sliver Watches.
Jewelry, Pworft Pro,.. Combs, Hooks and F.ea,
roove. tool flattery. Suspendew. Gun Cups, and all
other utile,. in thew 'd —all at whlch having ono
pit:coaled personally of the manufneturons eaxt, du•
rinK tne.tast expressly for the Spring trade,
lw Add wholesale at a small advance on colt.
Colnda at, yon hand, all dcaciapriOan 1.001:Mg
r of our Droll Malin nielurtin, an aaalern pride, ruidtd
U'Lt ,N KINSEY'S, 67 Market Wert
. .
100 prs fine l'ainn Vase, ass'di 17.5 sets twtst Ind
rut vrivet coat Buttons'. 40 fine velvet Carpet Bo4s; ..a)
do do tzent's travelittY: 10. yr.odi usury sok Buttons.
tor dre,or.., 10 11, NIA ass . d. 100 fro love
Ilk Vest 111ete,•.n..A..2.5.. do do .dO.l and plaice!, do,
YS Jo[ Ood-WOod Iluir Brushes. 4 do Wastuttg'toa do.
I do Barter. do. 1 gro Ft•l. Lte.; Foth Boot, Lune-
JEWFLIt V. Ai- —SO enol iever no do de•
d do one do, Idlion ond l'ngri RIM, I tn..hne quid and
Rlun., iilo do lionrds. Brt.:vit Ping, Finger Rings,
Kat Rini,. dr
(11.11 V FS. a. — . ao d(l7 Lade.Collo4l Gin rtn, ased,
3 , a1.10 du lA., Thread. (to , y top, A. , 10 do gent ,
ro, 19 do do 1/../.1 do ;Aldo ladies 10.1. ar.i'd, 10
, 10 far,)
Vit H 11-'.1 . 1 fl/S p.g. tnerkra. Prn4; Ihaf
Collon Cord.. 75 pa l'aper rlblred
Ire rcu•sion Cap, a gin dre, Wira,lrontr do: 1.00 do 4
Ivor) IlDnlrs, Drer,ini; Comb,. Hack Combry Sc Se.
LI 11. -.0 o are no.r op.mog :ay. - spring
. rfor 4 of COTOOPLIO 11: purr of
n and IT ...• eord
F , 1111 , ^ !Arr. Horner
',idle,. plat. and Can
.or men and C00n,..1,0rp add
otanr MO, Conor, Need e.. Tape.. flot.•
ma. D... Sc offer for .ale. 1.001
who!. an ! at Um - Tr:mm.lg 510re..2
alreet Wm.; 21arkr, aol4
Alatlet are :row openlm, 40 caars and
pneknrer of SPRING comprlnlnlC
Lawn-, NU,. .a.. ll.rroc• di Lames. Cringharna,
french Rll , lrona,
; 4 1 la. Shawl, thoons. Ihroory. and x 4,encrral scan,
Or ,{prod. nrch27
1 - ) ErF.I VEI) TIIIS DAY. Carperma or..d (hi Cloths
lA. of the Isom" and mare. approved patter.. uod nt
prn• , .• rt. purchaser, andcheap nr. can be par.
etm..ed • In env .3(rhe Ev•tere ewe •. romp...sing the Ml
omg v,muer.
Extra HON al Vrlvel Yale inure.;
do Cr-.mile lAtor mat,
liornoak do Sheep skin do Jo
44.3-4 h 1 t writ Ve- P 2-4 Emlatted Piano covers
nation an 64 do Taboo do
44.3-4 tc 1 plain do do 6-4 wool' do do
Cotton Inc rant do 0-4 worsted and linen do do
t do Venetian Co Rrnsa Stair Roth
IG-4 wool crumb cloths
so.. Linen
cotton Drugzrt,
114 trnolen
V.og:i•h rn,lr eloths; Dtaper do
do U.. do do ent,h
Floor phi othx,
7-4 In au rlu Crtnl.ou
4.1 do do do rarpat Binding;
Sheet Oil rioilts, of nowTransplin iVindow Shades
Tapestry patterns. cut to fit
LTo die above we are consiantly recelmng our Spring
Stock of Carpets, l h I Gloms and Steamboat Trimmings,
to which we invite the atteation of ..ill woiti to fur
oink their houses or steamboats an we wol be able to
afet goods as low a• they can be purchased in the
Kant, and or Um richest and lutes' styles Call and ou
rltllllllca clock before punches. g cisewheni• Ware
house, No :5 Fourth •t etc htl NIVIANTOCK.
rie La: gent, Claapret linaTiost Faalciartable
of Good, adapted w leentleosera'r Speurg and
..Sumns,, ...just rartotng at
• • •
TIIE Propricior of the slave establuthmen; wouid
I rasp.. riot.. inform Inn numerous eustotners, that
he has tat remrned [roan the Eastern eine. with the
m .; splemhd assortment of goods m hi• that was
„ r b r ought to Mt. rut , comprisnig all that is now
maiatun !t al , le, elegant and Cheup to Cloths. Cassimeres,
t'asloeretts, rap De Ete. and every deacnption of
,otton linen and woollen Summer Stull, Shirts, Cra
vats, I4lk is, Suspenders, of Na newest styles;
which topether with his very largo and hodummble
rtock of ready•made Clothing, he Is prepared to Mier
at has usual low price..
Country Merchants, Contractors, and all who pur
chase largely are particularly melted to call and ex
amine the .ink. which ia decidedly the largest and
most lashionable me city. and great attenneat has
been paid to get it up •uttah:e to toe who.osale trade.
Orders to the Tmloritag line executed at the 10050
faehtonalde manner, and that nothing talky be
to ensure the newest and best style of , utung. A gen
tlemn who hos had great experienee tn the Eastesutrrn
has been added to the cstabllghmcnit
mehtlt.dtlm .
NDDry Goods Jobbers,
vn Wt KM STREET—WouId call the atnentron
of resmu 10 Melt large mock of Iromestle
mod Forman DRY GOODS. lust rereivtng from the Im
porter. and Manufacturers. and which Mey oil cell
at •rry low rater for croft or approved credit.
Our stork m now full and complete, sad watt worth
the tatetroon of buyers, as we axe determined to well
at such extremely low pnees as cannot MI to make it
• WWI uniacement for mereltima to make • trill with
as. mabz
VOL. XVI. NO: 257.
. •
Cauarnumn as ISM
Clamed Stock, Amapa! Rec.ezpu, and
.urplus fund 81,000000.
All losses promptly paid at the General Agency Of
fice for the Western States, located at Clnettuantl, Ohio.
This Company is of long standing, and well knowu
throughout the United States for tea solvency and
prompt payment of losses—having Incurred and «si
ded, to the uusfaction of all concerned, over 4,00 u
wean, amounting at the aggregate to lust! NH-um
or trou.afts, the receipts for which axe on the Ales of
the Company at Hartford sad Cincianati.
The PinaLurga agency of Ws office was originally
held by Moses Atwood, Esq., and was subsegnantly
taxed out of the State, by a law amounting to a prohi
bition of all Foreign Insurance Companies, lasi in sea
son to escape lot by the fire of 10th April, 1.845.
Theo A tecey toyer ch charge .t of
thetat who will receive applicaumu and
Dome Policies against LttSs OR DAIIABI. BY FIRE
on smrea Warehouses, Dwellings, 3a, with the con
teats. Also, on Goods, Wares and Merchandise a
gainst the pc/ilia of MAJllfft AND INLIANO NAVIGATION, at
the current rams of preintain
Office at M. 11. BROWN h. BROTHER'S;I97
Whod sweet. FAYEFFE BROWN,
Agent Protection Insurance Co. for Pittsburgh and
iillegeny . _ . op.rodtmo
Antra to the holders of Puttsburgh City &rip.
TN conformity with the ad Section of the Ordinance
.1„, of the NM of Apnl, 1539, directing the undersigned
•ao negotiate FOR CITY SCRIP. the Bonds and Mort
gagee of Individuals held by the City (or properly sold,
LARD.--public notice is hereby Given, that the mid
abligatioos will now be disposed of for the Corporate
Issues of the City of klimburgh, of the denotninationa
of One, Two and Three Dollars.
Further notice to hereby oven, that City Bonds
bearing interest front the loth day of Apr., INa at the
rate 0(6 per rent per annum. will m any lane Unreal
ter be .sued to the holder or holder. of City Scrip. In
mins of One Hundred Dollars and upwards. according
to the provisions of the Ordinance of the above date.
mat S. H. JOHNSTON, City 'tree-surer.
--, ,, i_z4 , -.,:--,--„
...7-1----- pr - l -. cl , c - s - Tolf"\
fq_loB,-4 c . itki?.. ,, ..;,
i;.• . 4. ' - I , --', -v- '" , : ‘ ,.`”-4-"- -, -;-4."4
NiliatiliD fillIt: %Pi ITCI.CIMi---._,-/
A N EMINENT and espertenced Phyructun from the
Enst, of 20 year. standing, offers to treat all cam(
f a Delicate Nature with promptnew and secrecy.
Iris suedes ut Buffalo and other large cities has
been pro•erbial. Ills charge.. are moderate, and his
ores permanent Old cases of Gloat, Stricture, ger&
lila, Fluor Alt., Dtteumatram.rigrae,Syplulls, or any
hrome or Inveterate maces solicited.
A core arerrettfed, or chit go. roranded.
Onion, Bt. Blatt strecyr door. from the Bridge.
Teeth Extracted. • Admen to the pool' gram.
ti. B.—Dr. A. latticetn the worst eases Or any d.theas.
n Pattateugh to call.
------- - - - apld:dly
_ .
Manufacturer of Mineral Water Apparatus,
msa or rua onaosa aro. 1.31) TOZSTA.f.,
No 213 North Second st., above Vine
AN 'experience of more than twelve years in the
manofactaraig of Mineral Water Apparatus. and
Inc 'preparation of Mineral Waterin Bottles tend Foun
tains. on an extensive scale, with a scientific and prao
heal knowledge viol both branches of business, toge•
Mier with recent improvements to the construction of
the Apparatus and the preptiemg of the Water, which
he has succeeded to adopting since hi. visit to Paris,
and alter years of close study and practical alica
tion. as applied to tee arts in Nlechmilcs and (cphepmis
try, enable. the subscriber to yams beiarb the public
with entire confidence. and oiler them the best and
,most complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of Mill.
r•{11 Water to Bottles and Fountains, that can be far
rushed in the United SM...
Ile also flatter* himself that the enlarged meccas he
thaa met math, and the present ertenaive and daily to
ereasing amount or his business to both the above de
partments, furnishes the most convincing proof of his
claim to the mpenonty of Apparatus over those of all .
others. and of the panty and salubrity ot the Water
'prepared therefrom.
Persons who order the Apparatus trom a Matinee,
may be motored that their instruebonimthall be faithful
ly compiled wait, and so packedMA to carry safely
either by land or water to any pan of the U. State.
To avoid disappotannent, tt is recommended to those
who intend strpplytrig themselves the approaching sea
s., to forward their orders at ae early a day ae cou
Mineral Water Apparatus. Generators. Pumps and
Fountain, Ornainen,l Urns and PedesiMa for Stands,
Counters and Bars of Hotels, for drawing Hydrant
Water, together mina Corking and 'l' ying Manholes,
and every thingappertaining to the above business,'
constantly on hand. and for sale on the lowest terms
for cash, aptiiidrodam
GROCERIES 'Lig% prune Carvell Rio Coffee,
75 peke Y H, Imperial and fi P Tens;
Ni hos 12a, 55 and 51 spun Tobacco;
MI hbia N G and sugartiousc :dolmas.;
05 kihda N O Sugar;
150 buts Stud, Herring, Mackerel and Salmon;
;SJ do pure Flaxseed Oil,
fiUtai assorted Cotton Yarns;
75 bales ttatung mud Chndlennek,
2nllgs Pepper and Aloptem
Unboxes Pearl and Common Starr+,
511 do monad and dip'd Candles,
Id do Star do
150 do No 1 Soap;
WOW Sides and Shoulder' , flacon;
OS dozen Curt, Brooms, to store and lot sale be
apau JUH3: WATT h. Co, Liberty es
cptiCsubscribers axe receiving and oder tot sale a
,k ,o‘v rams ed tollows,
100 packages Y Klmportal and 6 P Teas
300 bee Rio and Java Coffee;
150 bps pail Tobacco,
MP inns 0 Supra,. Mal bbls 0 /lolearea
40 bbis assorted Nos Loal'Sugar,
I do Tanners 011; IS do Lamp Oth
110 gross Blacking;
Mackerel, No I, 2 and 3, in bbta and hi bbl.,
3251 hos Lebec scale Herring; 30 b. whim Puma
10 bgs Pepper, 1U do Alapme; U mat/ Cassia;
:4../ Cotion 1 arn, mood Nos; 101.1 bales Booing;
-50 hoa Palm Soap; 50 do Toilet tr. Variegated do,
25 do Starch, 50 do Large Hawn,;
IO hates Almonds, aft do Palm Num;
'AI do E Walnuts, At do Fuberts;
btra ground Nuts, 15 hos Spmed Chocolate,
3 cases Lamoee,
I 5 Prmeme and s Regalia Segars;
40 gross Cut and Dry Tobacco;
Al sox Bed Cords, 15 aos Rock Candy;
15 hos Sperm Candles; 20 do Star do
esk (Wilma Madder; 2 german, Indigo; ss" —
2 cases Cloves; I do ii11111:11411,
bhls Whiong, 5 do Chalk,
So dos Buckets, 4000 Ihs Sale.tus,
20 his am cut Cocas - mug Tobacco,
Common and half Spantsh
BENNE:I f. 37 Wood at
. oppostle St Charles Hotel
- - ---
Pine and Cedar "Ware lannfattory,
c o o w ns fo uu e ntl h
on baud, whole.
Wash Tubs, Barrel Chums,
Bath Tubs, Strut Churns,.
Boron Buckets, llad Bushels, rte.
A slur kl,iJo Ware in his line made to order.
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water.
4411111...THis .. to certify that I have ap
pointed- Livlng.ton, Roggen Co:
Solo Agents tr. (or the sale of leaning.
Patent llteptalmnt Flinn, for the ci f
nes of P.lmburgh and Allegheny.
Jon (ARSON, Agent, •
pzr , go/ter AL Gibson, 340 Bread
Om_ 10, La-48.
kNe. hove been asum one of the above arucles at the
office of the Novelty %Voris., for three month,, on VIC,
and !eel perfectly satisfied toot it Is a uncial tnveznon,
and we take pleasure in recommending thorn as a um
tut aruele to all who lore pure muter. Orders wall be
thankfully received and prolnittly ereented.
.‘ lO
, •
UFACTOIII . —The suorertber takes that method
lit I:Vomiting hi. friends mid the public iu general that
he has the largest stock at the following named arti
cles of hie own manufacture in this city—Saddle, Hal ,
ne.e, Trunks and Whips, all of which be will warrant
~, he made,,, the best materiel and by inc Lest mech
anics in Allegheny county Using determined to •
his manufactures something lower than has licen here
wort cold by any virrlilay establishment In We city,
he wouldmyth: persons in ncoil of the above named
arneier to his wareboww, No. 211 Liberty eVet, oppo
site .re venth. Ala, bands made to order for machine
ocLii, I y G. KERRY.
Lor"..°,,utr'th°, -I ;rre.thn't
academic year, will commence en the firer of Februa
ry next, in the Caine buildings, No. r 1 Liberty street
Arrangements have been made by which they will
lw eel , to furnish young Indies lacillties cyan,many
in the West, (or obtaining a thorough English, Claim.
cal, andinnament& education. A full course of Phi
lotophical and Cheaucal Lectures will be delivered
during the winter. Illustrated by apparent, The de
partments of Pored and Instnlinedtal Mesta Modern
laviguages, Drawing and Farming, will each be under
the care of a competent Professor. Hycloae attention
to Me moral and intellee mai Improvement of theirpu
pils, the Pnnespals hope to merit a common/ion of the
liberal patronage Iney have hitherto emoyed. For
termn see circular or apply to the Principals
IRON . FOUNbiIIi FOY! riALE.--rt Iron Form
dry in don mining town, ' , mall
with Phiternm, Toots,
all ready for irumnpr.s, will he 'mid on tecomuno.
term...or ',:',sh ims for Iron or goods.
odor• excllent opporturnty to a young man
with *malt cuprtid to commence the Iron Foundry be
nne., Enquire oh
Ist n”.r Wauti
Scales, Cooking Stoves, Orate. .
MtnHAM. WALLACE tc CU , Round Church,
4toner Itheray 411,1 Wood streets, manufacture
mulid often. for so, Pattern, Floor nmt Counter Scales,
Mlle most improved quality, Cooking Stoves, for wood
and coal; I-ng Stoves in 'annul sires, Parlor and
eummoo Grams, nohow Ware, de. de. Tbey al.
manufacture the Sac lien Rouge, which ha given such
grnetal 4¢llst action to thole barnng at le use, in all of
:climb would respectfully met. the attention of
the ctn.., and the public generally. 06127.414(
PATENT SOLAR LARD LAlciPri-- - ' — raTT,T,E,7,7,
444641.6t661 of Cornelius A. Cola celebrated matt
lacture, and superior to all others intiad, adapted to
churches, neat:thous, factories, dwellings, pu hho and
private halls, and to all other awn satiate a cheap, 1/V0
and tight it destrable.
Also,Gtrandoles, Hall Lanterns CanSelabraa,Glo bey
Shade., Wicks, Chinames, Cents, Trunmers, Au. A 1.,
Gas Ch.dehers, from one to four tights,
dec3 w w W1L64,1N 46 oaf
kiliciiwarewsCh thass fewer*
WAN, WILSON & CO ., Impermn and Whoiesolo
jj Dealers in Hardware, Clattery red Saddlery, No
120 Wood wee; above Fillla i have now in sterna ter?
cheapand well selected moo or hardware, imported
since the deanne of peaces in }kappa, and which they
are den:mulled to s^tl correspondmglv low. Mereti.ts
who babe been 05 the habit of going 'Mut. ere panic°.
tarty tegileilerd to call •Gti look ‘llllllOl OU/ 54000,
we OGGfidently believe they will save their cepences.
nbliWhiskey,Tistore and for
yob, by W & kl rdriftllFLTDßit
ARD—WS DOB PIO I, la s ia ta z arl ic e s bi4