BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPIL 'IIB .PORTEID er, TELECORAPHZD Pot the Plittetrargh Deily Osiette. FOREIGN NEWS ;-fy i 4 ARILIVAL OF THE OTICAII SHIP NIAGARA. LATER IC lIIIOP-EAN ISTELLIG) verlaud Expres• from Halifax. _______ Sr. Jetts', June 1. The Niagara arrived at Halifax at 3 A. M. yes y, and and will be due at New York on Saturday evening. She brings out .£20,000 m specie ; and 63 tan. n gem The Express Made the run to Digby's Gut, one hundred and forty six miles, in eight hours and fifteen minutes. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL. C otion — Accounta,per bat ;steamer, of the Mertes ed recmpts of Cotton in the American ports was unexpected, and would have had the effect of de prmatog the market, had not intellfgenms been al ready received of severe frosts in the South and West, which checked the depression and kept the market steady. During the week, the quotations were fair, being the same as when the Caledonia sailed. The Rai., of the track meant to 30, 0 0 Q. bales, including 6,000 bales on speculation, and 4.000 for export. Of the whole amount there were 9,140 Upland at 4.Vier,e; 15 000 0 1. et 3 Krial Al 11,140 Alabama and ebife at 31 The fm. porta of the week amounied to 72,03 bales, and the total stock to port at this tune amounts td. 62,940 bales. A rather improved feeling pre vails. Roca—The [rude In flour is better than at the sailing of thin Caledonia. Philadtlphta and Patti• more brands are quoted at 232.3 s 6di at which . rates the demand is steady, but moderate. The best deecriptions of Ohio bring :AL Costa—The demand continues, with a further advance in prices. While is worth 3233, per quarter, yellow, 34 ands. LYDIAN hlaat—The demand la steady and the supplies cluall. Sales have taken place at 1! . 1 yid tal is Srd for WarAz—tiedes of Amencan dercriplions "have . taken place at is 10data7s per bri. BACON—TiIt .mportil continue large, thoogh the consumption is heavy, tle anxiety of holder to cell has forced down the quotations fully '2l per cwt. The larger portroo of western shipment. produce cold at 3:ii3.1.3 per cwt. Sales to a fair extent of fine Eastern cured meats have taken place at 36335. There is co chance of an advance Large quantities of Hams have arrived. but they are difficult to sell at 2.Sa:i."is per cwt. Beef—le more enquired after, hot the prices have not advanced. Poas—There is gal a limited demand in the market. On account of increased arrivals hollers are RDXIOI.I3 to disci ale, add have accepted low ratea, .raAging froth 49, I, :Hs prime mess; .40383, fur mess strips. Loan—The quantity in the market 431 Holders are hem; 3-15 has been paid for a line article, but more is asked. Burma our, Cutest: are dull, at kneel' prices. TALIDW—There is no stock in the market; but small lots coming JR sell readity; extra stripped • is quoted at 3750355 • Ducar. Smiscas.--Notaing us doing. Rica--Carolina description s are selling at 15a dd an is Bd. • Ittoa—Thu trade is in an unsatiuhcoury stale, and hale is doing. Tho advises by the Europa acted unfavorably on Scmch Pig. The Cambria was off Capn Clear on the :ISM, and the Hibernia In lat. 46 deg. 52 sec, lon. 46 deg. The Europa arrived et Liverpool or , the 17th, being nine days our (rune Now York, being the quieten trip on record. The Hermann arrived at Soinhamptot t on the 17M from Bremen, with 130 passenger s oil board for New York. She was advertised to sail on Sunday. Maxey fillanzst —There is no material amend ment of commercial affair', ut prospect. Moony continues plentiful. On Monday Consols °pewit at 901; and advaneed at eadily, closing on Friday at 911, In Paris, the Fren c h 3 per cents closed on Wednesday at 551 SO* the 5 per cents 68f. 95c. Por maYl•apia Slate a oats sold in London on the 16th, at 60; being 1.1.1 e only American stocks no ticed in the papers. The chief demand kw Amen- eau seermities is cie Carman accounts. From the mane Maturing districts complaint is general that gooin sent away return hula or nd profit whatever. I, The market far cured provisions is chnodantly supplied. Priem; generally lower and receding, FRANCE. The French elections o:curred on the 13th, but the retail was not yet known in Paris. ' . Nine . lsoctalisis had been elected i s Paris, and. . 19 moderates.. The Italian question.had been discussed in the French Availably, and the Ministers had triumph ed by 38 majonty. (leo. Oodittot, It Atm bad co instructions to enter Rome. He was to remain at Cevito Vecchia, and oot to march unleat is care of ocean ty. The Melia try ace, hoteever, divided cn the cub jest. At ell events, the French had not yet entered Rome. It is stated that the French Government had ad dressed letters to the Courts of London, Vienna, Berlin, and Si Petemburgh, deploring the inter. venticn of Ritual, in German affairs, saying that they will endeavor to defeat it b 7• diplomatic means, failing in which it will apply tr, the National As sembly for advide. The Minister of the Interior had resigned, aodi. NO. rumored that other merribean of the Cabine , would soon do so. r SICILY !nonce more in in surrection, nod the Neapolitan army has beau deVatted. EIEMII The Hauptman, are WI successful, and are Within a few de ye' march of Vienna, whither the Russians are ),astensuff. DEIOTARK. The Deana , force had again been worsted. and i is stated that the Cabinet at Copenhagen, bed de cided upon...accepting the mediation of England. ENGLAND Tha Canadian difficulties had been before Par Lament, and the Eroter's defeated and Lord Elgin acustained. A number of amendments were expected to the Navigation. Bill, which may materially change its Mut:eater, If not prevent its heal passage. GERMANY. There hell been renewed disturbances In ye. rictus parts of Germany. At Frankfort, the Revolutionery tendencies be came more and more evident. Fiwaa~aeuao,Juae 1, 191 9. The bicLstar the State Lean of 400{000, to defray the expenses of contracting a Railroad, avoiding the Inclined planes at Columbia, were opeoe yesterday, and the entire =mint wan taken at a small premium. The sucevmful bidders have not yet been de. aided upon. 5?. Loots , June 1, ISI9. Five oetneterica reported four ne sv Ca=" Chu ' era to day, and 12 of other dieeaae PHI LUISA •H lA, June 1. The arrival of the glimmer bas pat a stop to transactions, and quotations cannot be correctly given. The same muy ua said of the Bekihmore mar e ' ket. NAV YUlttl, Juaa 1-6 M. Mom IStututm.—The Government Securities act! State eleickn were firm to day, but trat uactmaa were moderate. Sales of Peon. F,vel• at Ent, to i the extent of $9,000. Sa!e, of ,S 1000; l'ena'a &tea at 97e. Tlesarnval of the Niagara mil upset eel mrq ketsguslertlly. NEW . YORK MARICEI NW:. WORT. law TONI, Jzne 1-12 M. Rant— have lemperardy withdrawn w aestba effect cd the ideamer'e news. Gram—There m but little doing m grain of any 'description. Prices arc unchangce. Provisions•—The market is without change, but lit any thing there is lees demand, The announce , roent of the steamer'* Hewn p.t a check to trans 'actions. Money Malliet—Nixpart'eular change in m t.ry affairr. Trip:actions at the F.toek Exchange this morning were not eaten!, e. Freighor--There ichrge r...inber of veveis, arid the rate to all aerate's are homer. The weather is very pltenul. CINCINNATI MARKET • Flour--Theee u Eta important change lone t 1. in the market, althouo notice gh aeHers have the advantage. Saies of 850 bkiLk at $3,75 to 83,81 per bbl. Provisions--Bales of 100 bbls. of melts Pork at 99.25 per bbl. Bacon --We note sales of Western and city cured Shoulders at 41; Sales of sugar cured ham. at 9c. O rocenes--Balea of 60 lthds Orleans Sugar at 50 for prime quality. Beeda - -Salea of Flax at 51,00 per ha . to the ex telt t or 5000 bathe's. comitucLti, 1&1L I ALICIANAC MAY 2134267dai, 4 Monday, ........... •.. 3 Tueutay, —.. . ....... o Weilnestlay. 7 Thar day, ..... .......... Frlday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE FOR JCNE 1 ,Errrixn. vr. a, MILL N. S. C LIAO MOVEMENTS °ETRE OCEAN STEAMERS Conx. Lutz—Sails for Amenca. America. Shannon, for Boston. May 24 Hihernm, Lang; for New York, May 31 AYIHICA, ron EulloPr Celtdorua, Leitch. from Boston. June d. Ntagaza. Ilpne , froniNew York June 13 Euripa, Lott, from Heston. June 22 Cambria, shamus, from New l'n• lc Jane 27'. Anitoitca, Horns°, from Boston. J a y 4 S Mau. Ltar roe 24,1:1040,0" AND Banos. FROM NEW YORK. Tice Hermann. Cant Crabtree, on nn 2Gro, The NValkilugloll. lap: IV 1 10•, d, on 00.2 July. • FROM lIRE.IIEN The NVaahinsit.,a, on the 15 it June. The Hermann ou the 15J, Ja.y COON! SOL'THAAIPTOV The Washington, on the sash June 'the Hermann, on the sum July '. ()verge f'clussesun Gairrre, Saturday Morning. June 2, 1i.19 I I The teacher yesterday manifeeted no materiel ehang. isery thing remaining quiet, as per last quutations. FLOUR—Very little Is corning forw•rd, end the a mount offered ham hear hands is very limited, cone.. queerly no sales transpired worthy of none, ill sales from more hare also been light, lt e notice sale ggl . 102 liblef i at Si/, days 2 , 1,62053 ti; rosy Er gyre, ws the pr4uent ruling figure. i'r.cri store. With or easid . . „ . lo sales in small :nit. at a stra II f 1,3 nd, a: Sit , 75 ilre , fittil. liFt.ifiN-;"%ve nu:,,, uu ctmg. 4 Li, iJrain MY; se.. Supplk a t''- - 46 E, and prey, nothinar Oft ERlES—Quotauons are itnera:4 Me same as at Isar (1110M:ions. say for N 0 Ire , 4:1::i, :..t fi.r to Tirane. N 0 Molasse. 27atitie, Sugar thee.- cogfisc. Rio Coffee 71Lottie Rote 41350 ito lb PROVISIONS—Are gencrall) w.thdut emings Lk. Can matinee. in settee demand, wall sales 1.1 eshs sr, for Shoulder, 4s, finies6l, Hams Ele Prb Pon eau.. try eared Shoulders 44@4{e. Sides 'Ole - if+ Hams rq a/ Ole are snout the ruling figures or the roamer. Lord .s inmoderam demand at dfighte in iiiiia, and 0436/e it kegs. Sugar cored canvassed Hams are sold regale:- ty by the neer, at !late. and Dried Beet at the same figures. FISH— FOI all kinds oh Fisk. there is a good read, demand at former rates, say for Salmon ttleAt, Shad $2,150; No 1 Mackerel 812, No 2 V. 25252.150, and No 3 at SO fr LLI. Sale. of Herring at So V 661 ratirr—«e note sales of Dried Apples ai and of Peitilet atBl,= Sa bu FEATHF.R.Y--Su:ca .11 tumid /LA. 124:015c Irr pound. CHEESE—SaIea of e girls Goshcn ¢, and or 40 bogs coon:runt AV 10 at 61.181 e Y lb Cream Cheese ts gallon tat 7a:4c ie fD CANDLES—SaIes of etorinuttu dip p ed at or, of Mould it 104, and of Star candles at 21r • _ SOAP—Sates of Rosm et 4 1 2 41, of vsueeale,{ al Oic Y , lb. Western Insurance Company. FIRE AND MARINE INSI:RANCE. Secretary—J. Mean, Jr. I President—R., Jr Drascroas —R. Atiller, Jr., J. W. Butter, Geo. Black, Wm. It Holmes, N. Holmes, Jr., C. Holten, Geo. W. Jeektori., W. M. Lyon, Thos. X. Inch, lee. Lipptu coat, lat. NPAultry, Alex . Ntm,ek. Thos. Soon. This Company as eow fully organised, and prepared to effect Insurance on all descriptions of property against Loss by Fire—risks of Inland Transportattoth and on Huh a and Cargoes of Roan and Vessels. Applicanons for Insurance may be mode for the preeent.) to R- Miller, Jr. Preilderth at the warehouse of Robinson A Manta, No. 9l Wood street. or to J. Fob nay, Jr., Secrqtaiy, at his office. No. 37 Wa ter street, Pittsburgh. . myl4 ---•- The Browlia*llle Wain'. Cure Extent,ltala- Meant. .FL9- BA ELZ A MASON, in returning their grate- Ihrl'aeknoWledgments to the (wends of the Instils, tion and to a discerning public in general, for the lib eral patronage hitherto received, announce at the same acne teat Th ey have made easen nno ual improve went. in the Interior-as ll ea the exterior or the es tabllshaleut, dust* last fall and winter, which veld greatly enhuthe The comfortaand amusements of in valids, who siten,d to coil this place during the castl ing serwer. All the prevailing dthease• IP:treated here, and they will endeavor to keep up the ter:nation the establish ,thard hith won through the west, by sthet attention to polthoth that entreat pavmselves under their core. IA outlet to underg o the treatment, panenta have to provide thernselvenveith two woollen hlanret. , t w o cotton sheets, three eoroionable. or a tight feather bed and six totvels,"remos, six dollars, payable weekly. tartdlm GNLII.IIOE. AILMOkL, _ P.tIERCJ-lANT TAILOR , Na. 46 Market atmet, Ei:1 1 , purchasedillT .,oci, L ,sp r tr . i, extend.. d es ' , l ,.. ila m nd , c a i r: f o c , tl . l y the,,.. ,ause e r respectfully intone, ht. friemla and the public hat he is now preparing andeelve and axe eate the?iir ordtrii with divpaten LA the ttentrst. most mitstantial. and fitstuonattleanner. As be le determined lo do itusitte. em toe estsystem, he flat ters ItilMtLif that be will he aide to do woo no cheap as , ta. , ‘ b e done in any ostatillshinent .1t me ctry Me mock is va ned, roneteting of Cat -timbres. torn cloths, Vemtito, !cc., whleit In. lilt-mil em Ti viim tini ly inottettto ntimine !or Inemse.vce my-24,dd liEOllO JAMES D. LOCIEWOOD; P'For many can ronnre Led wl.n Ale rrr. utnam, and um John W..ry, N 1 ore end LJadou,) eemantura a) nmm.a or ENGLISH, FRENCH ANV GERA/AN SOUKS, No. GS Wool, (Nearly Oppoelm Sm St. Chums Mott . PI•( I'S auRGH MaECT English French, and German Reviews and gaze es, a NeMpllpto imported to order. priers of which May be eacenamed oo applmatton to MS L Catalogues grate. mydl FwntlYUEbJCiyt z_ they are att Ousnsu's tntertOß Ohio, May is, 1419. Sellers . I thmk a neht for the benefit of other to suite wine fleets in relation to your excellent Faint ly Medicines • I have used your Verrothige largely in my own ram. fly, one vial frequently answering for expelling large q steatitic, fsays to 200) worm. from (mu chilitten. I hatle al. nerd your Lover Pals and Lough Syrup In my Camay, auditory have to every mstmice produced the C a may, As I atu engaged in merchandistag. I am able to state that I have yet to hen, of the Inc fahire where your, aledleines have been aced In my .coon of Liln ci2 os. 7 . In conclusion, I may state that they are modlemos of the day, and are destined to hare a vets extensive papule. ty Yoarr, respectfully, Vl,' IL . Vrepared anitaoltl by R. E SELLERS,I7io 57 Wood atrent, tuld'anld by Druggma generally in the two cl ues Ind FOR SALM. ORTVISEVRN ACRESOF LAND. being part of F of the Bishdp estate, mutated about four and a half miles Rom. Pittsburgh, and two miles from !he Ana.. Sixteen aare• are cleared, and the remainder ,s coveted with excel/rat limber. If the property I. not da.pofled of at pnvate sale before the Illth of June it will be sold at Rumor/ on that day, at 3 o'clock. P. , X. at the' new Court House, without reserve. to the highest and best bidder. For terms of sale and other particulars, enquire of DAVID D. BRUCE Attorney at Law, Fifth street, next door to Alderman SFAlaater my3l'dts For Bari Bra..lmmo, Oatlforafa I - REGULAR LINE OP PACKET SHIPS ,4I-, Tolll on the It June-The superior feet milling coppered and copper fastened sh.p EUROPE, .11 mil for the above port as above, hue. tog;_three3uarters of her freight engaged. This shsp, being of the largest class. and having um uanalif aftveioes ad well ventilated aecommeslattons, offers to passengers 111. very desirable opportunity whereby 6o acetate that comfort and safety so necessa ry on to long a voyage. Pansettifera with families will be furnished with imp antic and eommenicauag matt mans, and experien ced physiztn will necompuly the ship. Pot be co ofireight or plumage, apply to 0. W. ASPINWALL, 4 South aide of Dock street wharf, nwitlid _ Nosh Attn. Philadelphia __ _......_ _ _ ITIW,O NDRED AND FIFTY BRICK -1.. LAYERS WANTED, at St. Lotus. at two dollard and filly cents per day. Constant work. CARLYNLE On KEYSER, my3ltlsv JOHN EVANS, and others. rillYaii , xicalE both teat reed end for sale I by turfl ATIMSTRONG & CROZIER LAND -I bbl last reed end for salts by flay3l . . ARMSTRONG to CROZ ER RYE IPLOUR-ID bile Jost reed by iny3f ARMSTRONG & CRC/2ER iS.riCK_ _,„. RT „_.,_ ,- G _ - dodos Mantua Buckets, NI do large and small Tabs; 10.1 reed and for sale by my3o BRONVN t CULBERTSON sissASAfAXS—fal hal( bog Russell & Robinson 1 . .7 7 20 L Lis W II Urant's s'si 1 eases Bestow 's, foot recd and Lot .tiro by nolo BROWN & CULBERTSON W U°L-1144°Pc''''th of Wool, warned Gy 11. 53 Weser and (04 Front st . ilefli—'J fiefs No I trusi'd And; 00 do No I Pow mae neosoc; 20 do No 0 Macterol; 2D do No 3 40, jll4i recut wed and for sale by my3o BROWN & CULBERTSON NThrrAelll-10 casks Potash, lamOog from emu Jeu Nejson, nod for sole by /AS DALZELL, LIGHTNING—For sale. excellent Irghtning rind Points, tird lama pluur.a. Also. Goldand Skiver Watches in large variety, Sil ver Ware, Jewel , Lumps, throndoles, Tonle and Pocket Cutlery, Military Goods, Communion NVitre, ac W Pi' WILSON, • . . iIITrgWAF.S7-:.covering'• c abed n paherited Saga's, jarl rac'd an !or Ly the LLI h m r y ll t all, at Iltc Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth .t. VINE CUPIEFA—Jdocha, African, Java. Levant, St Domingo and Rio Coffees jest teed and for at the. Pekin Ten store. 70 roarilt sk. AND - Fkis--200 eighth Lk. prone Mal t ..111e..d 60 mail drums (reel Pi/mimic received and fo. sate at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth street CHtaiL Art', Coco). AND 81101/lA—L , llker's Ji m ., ;yd.} Cho,'late and Cocoa; also. Sehaata ,waai ainaad 0. , . a., Mat reed and for tale at the Pekin 7en Stan, fi Poaeth si. raral 'IOB.PENT NE--20 bbl. rp • Ttry lathe 0 julot not! br o.c c.nv,Tryt A ere *Ai t pwCae puma atm.,. og , m a w pep by scrti W/Cfi 4AVCANDI.F.S4 PORT OF PITTSBURGH. LO ARRRIVED, ' Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. M•rchanta , litzahange. • Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. At a reguhtr meeting of the Board of Trade, Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. ; held on the 'St at alt., the following preamble and Caleb Cope, Murdock. Wellsville • 1VR01111.10130 were unanimously adopted— Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark Beaver. Wus:news, The Board . (Trade has now obta.n• Elites, Bowers, Brownsville. . ed amiable rooms for ranging out one of the orim. Schuylkill, Vitt:lama Gin. nal objects of the institution, viz: a Merchants' Ex. Chieftain, —, Elizabeth. change, therefore-- Lamartine, Duncan, St Louis, . Rewired, That the following named gentlemen be &Committee to make arrangements for the iron.. DEPARTED. dints establishment of an Exchange in the Board Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. of Trade Rooms, similar to those existing in other Battle, Jacob, Brownsville. commercial cities, and lo give public notice of the Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville, day and hour, when the Exchange shall be open. Lotus McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. ed, and to Invite the business men of the city to be Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. present. Fern, Calhoun, Sunfish. t . vmmurre—Thos Bakewell, Wm 1 Totter, John Aaron Hart, Koontz. St Louis. MeFadco, S F Von Bon n horst, Creo Weyman, Geo Gladiator, Cbenoweth, Nashyllet Ogden, Fred Lorenz, W R. Islu.phy, Thos 9 Clark, Vermont. Haslet:. Louisville. Joseph Pennock. J Carothers and Wm Barker. Niagara, Cox, St Loma. The Committee are requested to meet in the Tug Rtvica.—There were 5 feet 5 inches in the Boned of Trade Room.. on Monday evening, at S channel, by pier mark, last evening at dunk, and o'clock JOHN HARPER, Sec'y R. T falling slowly Sunl Bea rises 1 net,, - 4 - 31 7 4 31 - 5 4 30 7 26 400 727 430 7 5^ 4 a 1 , •-, 4 2? I ". BOATS LEA VING THIS DAY. Brownsville Packets, 5 A. M. and 4 P. M. Beaver Packets, 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. Cincinnati—Shenandoah. Cmcinnan—COnsignee. Pue PIIILADIEL/ELL. ,uatii farrrpaunom—The Antimatma D. Leech .L- co's, packet line. w P. Al Rai Whiga of the Fourth Ward v/C1 meet at th: IMPORTS BY RIVER. ' Public School HJuse, at 5 o'clock Ihts evening, to BROWNSVILLE Per Atlantic-1 bbl butter, 57 do : clod do!ottn.tea to attend the C ' t. 'Y C" " °" ' n ' flour, 11 car wheel.; 10 pop ho, Per Louts sleLone-150 hos gigs', 17 pkg. dry good s By Order of Ward Cora. ill tibia wuhrey, :Jo apple., 51 :AR; dour. 111 tat on:., ' Stritt Wain PILIMARY Mcsuso.—The Whigs Li Or eggs in las I sad Antimasons of the Sath Ward will hold their F L'ZA WPM—Per C/reflain-51 lan glue, 50 bu oat`, 1 6.2 !item 1 bill hand'ea i meeting at Carling's School Room, to choose dele- Per keel bony Fultnn-113 ohs wool, 00 bu oats, h gates to the County CrAvenhon, this evenirg at bbl. dour, 1 bag corn rural. Pur keel boat Revival—ll 2 bbi. flour, 500 tan caw 7 o'clock. lot of eggs. - ; Flax —At about one o'clock, yesterday morning, Per dal boot—iO4 tubs dour, 1 sack wool the extensive soap and candle manufactory °I BEAVER—Per Luke Ene-50 bgs F Iteatep; Id • sks oats. J C ,hal brand bxd, G5l Horton; Messrs. R. C. Sawyer Cc Son, was discovered to 4 e. 3 . re " p 4 4, h '47d. vetk' keg b on,utter,Sbroo.N.. H art, :be on Inc, and owing to the highly combustible aboard; 5 Las mdse. 51 Brown. 40 sky wad. J C Rids nature of the materials with which it was filled, .yell, I box cigars . Copt green. j"'"Fullerton' 2c) buts bh. " fi s h , tt, was entirely consumed before the engines ar rived on the spot A great many barrels of resin, CINCINNATI—Per North River—l bbl 1 bag Ml2l,- tnrd seed. Rhodes 5: Alcorn, 1 hot inside, Livlngston which were on the outside of the huuse, were Roggen c 27 Olds o, H Grad ki co. 13 bus lea thers. 1 elk h a ms . box wise, 11 rolls leather. 21 hbde saved, but nothing else. We understand that the lob, I box mdse. Clark Thaw, 27 tends lob, Walling. ford ea loss of Mr. Sawyer will be about three thousand PerL Wilcox. 42 sks feathers, 5 dollars, fifteen hundred of which is covered by In. trunks clod:nue. i ns SleFeden h co; I box plants, J sonnet, The establishment which had lately 51.11.t0 55 bus eathers. D Leech 8. ro, 15 kinds I x tot, J A Hutchison k co, o bx • bacon, 9 sks rugs. I b b bl thkseed. I bale deerskins. Ido furs C Grant: 5 ski ! TaC n iu m ne a r c y h . will p be rov i e m d m , b ed i t a h t e e y in ly rebuilt of new raga, 0 bbls dried pcitelice..l S Dilworth, I bt window . Mad,. 11 Pin p.. Lsairro.—A man awned Phillip Linberg was SUNFISH—Per Peru-35 sks wheat, amith v arrested. and taken before the Mayor, 'A kble dour. Idd butter. 1 *net dal-seed. DY a sot "'""- WWI 4 hliels tch. 4 she wool. D Leech Si co. CO bbis charged, on oath rot Jacob Berger, Mnonfacturer flour. same; 74 do do, R Daltell,3o do do, Met:lurk an A. co. I est 4 tad bacon, L S Waterman. t ,k bacon. of Bbuvelei Spades, So.. wish stealing thi rte en I feet rags. Lambert .k Shinto!, L. 2 lib's dour, Union hatchets. and two shovel. from his establishment. Lene; 145 tails doki,t) Woodrow A search warrant was granted, and nine hatcheta GALLIPOLIS—Per Ohio-4t Ws tour, W W WIG • Ise, 2 bad cheese, 44 pc. meat. it sks rag., bibs identified by Mr. Berger as being his property, efißt , D T 51onon, 52 sks bran. 35 do short, J &maid • son; di eke wm were found in Lan berg's trunk. He Was fully com fi Ithits bib, D Leech h co, 19 bole corn. G A Martin. 54 milted for trial. Hot con, So do ma Rhodes a Acorn, 15 tons metal. 51 Alien Si. Cu. Vnlomble Books. fore the Mayor of Allegheny, an Thursday night , ULLIOTT tr. F:NGLISH, 1 11/ Wood street between and Friday morning, charged with drunkenness— _Ej sm and Diamond alley, have receiamong watch ved a larg supply of Theologicat It 13 singular that the Alleghenians will keep per an d other works. ore th e e following, vie - Nliscell•neous Essays and Via fectly sober, to all outward appearance, and not a courss. by Pre.ident Hopkins, (.'hoot is All. Law and Gospel, by S II Tyng, It It lade of De 13 at Clinton. !dying Orators at America: Republican Clviawniiity men iron, I taken to the watch boost for weeks at a and then a mania seems to seise them, and by Magoon. Man .Primera' by Horns. Phrenolog ) nod Mesmerism. by Rev N L. RIC, D D. Baptism. its they are brostaht in by the half dozen. Import and Mode. by Beecher, Nineveh and is Re- -- - ~y%mains; Mountains aline Bible, by 31'Forlone, Forncst DISUIL•CPUL CONDITION or Ton Brasses— Vi r tl IM rt r T,,,: r U k. d ‘ C ...l b ,,Th. h n ' ,, ' ,, E :,l7,: n ' ' . P . m . ' m A r ,' ; I :, : ~,.. o F r ' a k : call the attention of the Street Commissioner to the complete; Cossmer's Lain and %Corks of Cowper. Fie- Street in front of our office. The labor of a single ming nu Roe and Nall of Papacy. Torrettlinc's Theo- . man, and a horse and cart Mr a half an hoar, ogy, Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious Anecdoit, Edgar a Narratives of Papery, rhos, Receiving Cue would remove n public nuisance, which, as soon item, Bible Evidences fur the People. by I „Cumming; m o d em eei e i Modern ac,„b,„„ , ith ., as the weather becomes warm, may. if not attend, no K a ... , '-''' fe ioni Tnn.K.n. Ott 111 .. 1 f 1 IvIv. IT Cevt , • ed to, endanger the health of those hying around. now first publioned, Li fe of Yo;loir, Natural History at Enthusiasm, Middle Kingdoms, Lecture. on Pilgonis Cow KILLIOn at' LiottrAtrio.—DUring the thun- Prog Beecher . BY E XPRESS-..The PRESB-The Hill Difficulty, and wine expe• der storm, a day or two ago, when the Eagle Cot .of Life In the plains of Ease, with other Alit.- ton Works were struck by lightening, a cow which ear by George 11. Cheever, I/ D. with Portrait or anther A few cope. recd and for Sale by woo lying under a tree on Seminary 11t11, was kill 'myl9 ELLIOTT Cc ENGLISH, to Wood ot dby the electric fluid. We do not believe that GLASS --.375 bks &lied sizes, NC reed and tor sate any thunder storm which has ever before visited by tny3l S A W HkRB AUGII - . -. Pittsburgh has been productive of more damage CHEESE -30 boa new Cm. Cheese just recd and lOr .ale by Iny:11 S & W lIA RBA CC% fi than tam last one. though happily, no linen have - • . SUO:. ASH —ln casks Soda Ash. lust reed und—f-or been sage by my3l & W HA RBAUbli O ATs—sou bush, lo acme in a few days for {II:e %you's Orgt. - e, Pittsburgh, June lay —Five by c A ACANCLTy A c o . canA'i B urg persons, Mat men and one woman, were brought ray3l before the Mayor I his morning end :b elt mu O m CRIP of the two clues and county bought and sold have been least filly pers-anu presentan beat lee- CI b 7 my3t s SCIRIVEtt. 110 second at , - -- --- '' asternltummy in behalf pleas or other of tbetn. A German ttar,t,—. us.. pr otm %%Reserve Cheese. „J reed and for sale by WA It 3PCIOTCHEON had been arrested for disorderly conduct, and the 20)31 153 Liberty it greater portlon of the witeessen appeared for him. T OBACCO --Y 6: boxes .1 Lump Tobacco, those of :The M ayor, after having bee alirlOnt neatened 1 which are of the most .spent brands, thst rth a • , Ort conssgarareut and far sale t,j , I by their clamor, could think of nothing brier than mylM L S WATERMAN SA 'EL 11ER LlFE—setters' V "'" 4 " ' 2" kco. ' beenarrested, hut appeared no n wannest, y at who clew LErra+lo,. Va ,Jllll. 21), Ir 9. , Mr. J. M. Sr. the vial of Searrt' had evidently participated to the dtaturbaacr, to V".w°'4". I bought from '''' "wa ' tic' "e ' ~ .b ""' h . jell for five days. An unfortunate a,man, nem front rny &ill 5 year, old, the astalll,hlng num., of 5 hur ldrd W. .... I hellhe'. she ' , aid "en °volt a ' ed Fredertka Napoleon, a tunatic. for whom tooth 'way 'bon awe ' "‘ tor L'. r"--- t C"'"' • sty,„,, j r. lof our htlirtriae Cillierle are raising subscript,ons Prepared and sold by R E SELLEIT, 57 25 plod et, to send her to an Asylum, war committed for ten sold also by Drumm generally in the two ell, .e., WHITE A man found drunk, and sleeping In a car tint BEANS-20 bbls sans low con- for to close 2'734ingumentz, by RtlklY, 31A1THEWs s•.. cu. 1 on Seventh street was sent op for twenty DFUE.J FRVIT-200 lokabelb Poacher yo do Ark pleb solo by RH k..Y, orTHEIVo zo Co 'EED-1E bb,s lust reed, ead for era:a ;,), Ittit.Y, MArr . 2c Co. - •_ LA *S of S. W,ndow .71/0 do tl,zlz Gdo. 100 lull 4 do. 50 do nl.z.ln on, for vole 45 corn S F VOS BUNNjo , ltov 2 Co DR}' A PPLE,—,W can • tn9. , 0 F VU.N 8U.,0111 E AR lon _:- rl`o CONON AND WOOLEN 11E1571.-1110,1, make ar•uttaemeats I, a cub aant suppq of FACI'OSY FINLtle,-, we an/. sap st tttst p.p... CM I atad Sheep Kolar Sato.. Lice Lent Y ker.. Itteda. S.ILOCO, hemp I Treadles. No. 5 0 IS iStIl Put.thu, 1V renclaca, S rlitpioa 10 0 IS in, Patent Dresser Brusttes, Weavers firuallt s fr e e 4c. LOGAN. VI 'LSO,: my) LM Wood street, Flusburgh Eitis - loTaile by m Y 25 tl F VON DONNHORST h. Co 114EESE.---t0 bas for sale by rn j tat S F VON RON NIIOHNT it Co B OCK POWDER-1:W kegs for sale I.y 5050 VON HON NIIO Qt - 'THE SNEATISS—.T.3 dor for sale by y.ll S F VON BONNIIORST & Co Zr AY RA IiES--30 dos for sate by my2ttS F VON SONNIIORST & ( o D ULL bbls fresh. for sa.'.e by - oryo3 S F VON DONNIIORST & Co _ . -Y INDO: my light• fo, .1, S F vON DONN HURAT & Co Ikt,s S k' kloor. l ‘ . ' SVlVrgc/171 1' by triltt6 al Want, nod 132 Front rt M OLA...?E•ES-1 N U Vlanorbon Molsores, for ogle by by 16 Ltl WATERMAN s tu m A y t- hhils prune N 0 Sup, for gale nv La WATERMAN LARD -19 Lola Not Lard; G 5 keg, do do, for lalr bY rr) ' rG L WATEELMAN L'TTER—d LLI. fresh Roll flutter. IS keg* do, for oate by .r2u L V WATEILIIAN FRUIT -23U bust; cloud Peaches (halve sd RiO du do Apples; for sale by myati L S WATERMAN SUNDRIES—I 2 seeks Wheat; 7 bbls Rye; I do Flas seed, OU bbls Nolo, Beans; 2 do Hickory outs. :or sale by L S WATERMAN R YE FLOC few bblx prime Rye Flour in s t U ore and for sale by myYe L 8 WATERMAN •• • - TUBS AND BUCKETS-66 dor Buckets. 6do Tubs. Marge:) 4 do Keeters, for sole by my2tl I. S WATERMAN. DRIED A ITLEt , . —275 bu'ott Dried and tor sole by my3u u er. W LARD OIL—A few' Garrets reek! and for as e by royal S 5 W HARDAUDII L AR2 (3 O , IL-IU AI.L met landing WI d j it u tte , ty co A NVI L S—Wrought Iron Anvils, from the Temper annertlle works, warranted; will be eonaiantly on hand and .applied In order, by GEO COCIIR A V. 2* Wood s D OTASH-41 mast iort recta .ad for pate Uy na B CANFIELD 8 1:A ttai T e N to .d ; 7 -2' 4 '4 3 : t1 ' ; ' 0174 1 .7 1 4V,7: vr;','l.°o"dd.f°` ~..ILA're. ..C11,6-1 cask ree'd and or sale ny m^' 2 "+ r A RtluTlitvr I jrtit.NT TH H Lr-250 10. Stu art's superior, (or sale hv lOW MIN( IT LI POOL ccrrrori- llowuro'. cord 'ohne. kJ COO yd., received and (or ..1. • LAS 9-61) tole 7r Glaw4, in ;dare and for sale low by mrig JAMES DA I.Z ELL, Wait, at PEA NETS 50 bush Pen Nuts, in store sod for sale low to close consignment, by Mg2s JAMES D NNERS' 011.—.30 nnl. Tanner. UI/, 11.4.111, per canel and for tale low by nIytt i JAMES DALZELL Lthla ROM, landing from canal and fen I_lr +ale bv ydU JAlllflu DUI ZFLI ILTACNI s. ,, AF--151, bin Palm e. my 4 J A M.'4' F:ATZVI for 2 tablq Mayon'. Dlanklng, landing and JAMESDAL% b 1 I bis num reed a, the %V It 1 - 1 °" " 0 ." UepoS, and for yule by J II CANFIELD MIME (1 C mv2i 0 ERA ';;--..a,‘"RAy • R FIT r rorner aL els'lr .BACON -40,000 lb., in 'mot e tr really to be delivered at a week: for 'tie ur ,0 1 . lOAIAH ineßEy {! DAVF;fI--60.1 mains crown ond zncsltum. .3, 7 ) olygo J li CANYfk j H OY.S-2 bal. al core and for •aln M0T7.11.1 & RI.. por m A r S 4 ll-4 nuts just redo 1.13; :1 ;3( 11 1: 4 BATTING -7CO bales No i and 2, r noes a•nl 4 t We. SMALLS ee. ROE NO. MOLAS:Ws—z o au Lb.• PloraLou, . Moduli( from rm. Aaron Hum toor for •me by my 2 iJA.NIPM 3 FILTCIII,ON h co 1 AILI.Nin. i r.i k qr . , to - simfr rl a , d for salei alio, I, ... 0 • ...... .” 9 lIEIS four hour, Hie unormg “betraird" him. A dim geroUS character, apparently a hand on a .team. boat, pmd the usual fine for drunkennem and dui ' , trderly conduct, and was thecharged He bad, at about en o'ciock last night, made an attack on as unuffeading young mna with neatos hook and "cooked boa at the first attempt in the beck or his scat, when, not being made of an good 'braid. daub" as 'Lot of "rlat:e N,chol larvie" gave way. He then endeavored to book trin in the neck, but luckily the bock - encircled without doing him any harm, and be was pulled about to this manner un til the watchman arrested his assailant. A large bowie knife was found In his pocket when hewn. sear, hki at the Mayor's office. A colored man, who had been arrested lor disorderly conduct, paid his tine,and was discharged. PICK POCKE r.-Vie learn from Mr. Richardson, of the Mayor's Police, that a drunken man from Allegheny, while lying yesterday afternoon ,n board pile near the University, had his pocket, contawng sixty dollars, cut out. The police searched the lumber yard, but only found the pocket, divested of its valuable contents. The rascal who 'stole the money has not yet been crested. CITY LOTS OF ALLEOIiKNY AT PUBLIC AUC TION vORTY LUIS on Fe teral street. 111 tne centre of the coy of Allegheny. each gri feet iron: by 100 In .enigth to a 12 feet Riley, wo: he ode red ai Yobbo Safe nn fCESDAY, 12th day of JUNE, at 3 o'clock, P M., on the prenusel These lot. comprise the very best and roost vs:uable unimproved property to eoner of the two clue., anchnust continue to grow In value for all tone to tom, and to enpoaltsts ono t noccuarily afford an opportunity for the to vestment of motley, no where else to be found in the nelght.orhood, nr within the two ewe.. 'They will be sold *object to ion annual g round rent acute (loner per foot, on terms accommo ating to the imrchasers. which he made known at the time of Mk' A pion of the lot. nun be eaemo,_ ed by persons wtshing to purchatse, at the Nlayors of fice ROBERT CANIPHELL, Allegheny. May 2S-es ChM of Corn. JOHN D DAVIS. Aunt DAILY at the BALTIM ORE. PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. 111th roN AND NEW ORI. FANS Lik:NERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OPFICE. Young Mh:N 01 wholesale and retail stores, and cnlier respectable business, to act as klook•keep,.., sales men, Porters, Bur.keepers, Waiters, runners, Coach men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collectors, Oversee. In all branches of business ke. lye have at all woos a large number of good situations on band, which pay from atilt to 89,tgal per annum. Those 01 want of situations of any kind would do well to give ua call, at we have agents in each of the a ye m• b., which will enable us to place every applicant in a suitable situation al the shortest nonce. %Ye love u large acquaintance in all the above named rules. which we trust wi.l e table us to give ,utisf UOll to rill who ntay favor with a call. TAYLOR & TAYMAN, No. SD Second at., ketwevu South and Guy . N. B —Persons /.1 1 0 . g in any part of rite L States, and wishing to obtain sttuabon in Bellmore. or r/ thee o f above caies. will have their wants iliame• allately attended to by add re... ua a /1/0, Ipost.paid; go by yo doing they will curtail both Trouble.npld ex pense, which they °the rWise WO /Id ineur by corning 10 Ile elly, oud seeking emplo), [tient lor them•elves Address. TAII.OIt k TAYII AN my2s :St Apples re el IA RBA I'llll N 0.5.9 Second street, Baittotore„Md 2110 - VAL7 --- Jo FORSYTH, Merchant Tad, has remoeed to No. 31 Market meet, one door trona Second, F. 44.1 Tbankml for pan !areal, he respectfully ' 'ester. 4 NF:W substanual vre.l bin t Parr, ve e ,, res tene d •' he , EI . I . in 0 Pl'''. "I ec eL.ItIr let, w.ll he ren,, , ,,. rt end of excellent clatcr,a , •-of 1:5 ions boob. For elle ••y wn ii. 4 , 1 ,,, 1 , KE ,,. ~, ~0 ~,0. i an, a • necessary n.torin.nlen .1 reference locreto wilt . ue soslen bs lie 14 es‘det. t Laginecr myl? ,s2w Allegheny county. Pe 7AAI EL FI TT BSORTED SPICES ,m opifor family use to Ins ell 'Rr "! ..44 In ' "TLEl ' , Cana, enclosed in a eliding lid I es, col:tan:on isE Ildoetard, A Isplec, TllO II 131. A Twu•te.'Oreetra i Ctnnernon, Ginger, 1 Terre lin., Arm! 24,1,40 c rns::bunce.,7 Cloves, Pepper. - - • - 0 /C.O. VicTISY llr 11-711- estr. - Warranted note For role at the new apt, and , INFORN tdotr !s t eed. ' end , 11.• pus , ..te that they Inc. Mustaed Factory, corner of Ferry Se. la env ce my la JOlt. Ii DELL 1 i "" ' " " r '"'""'"'"'" ''''' ''''" ''''' `'‘''' ". - rnr.ttl, l'e.l•eni urgi. 'aro,. Flatl and T•s . tel 6 move., then. eta., 1 umness to lb. POIN 50 BBL' , No I herrntes. May r .11)Fl1,11011 I I ll.' F Y.) 1r , 1` o. Or grwol 3, bb s No I band • 2. d o N o 4 sleeke r ., ,R.•,... :tepee' oe I lIN re l'illf Yr.,',.:v s , dbw I. . 4.. 1.,01. ~.11 act or.)). S./ du N C Tar, in p•lnte o , dar rce d .41 for i 0 , , ,,, 0 , (IDod ' - . FLA e prom, 1 by 15 es Er RLIALCIII eal. by TAAFFE ..4 0 00t , 0001, mlO6 401LALin atormi riail led Wayne eta DI.; I m.tet.e. " l y, WESTBAV 1/1-: \ 11...•pe,..tuici ten:, r. elf zens of AI rginny eay .I . corner the Unan,nnl. Meter to prwess.on Act, on Dr T 11. E!!.ott, Dr Jro D,k• 111, Dr. it ft. Mowery D: Wm A WaNI " 1:2 ' .. ', 71. "' 11. : Vi. A. W Dr 1 p Ilerr . ..n 1)r. 31..31. Kaux, Q. W. DIL)I3I.Ii, R I.N1() V Elf kn ..e.v ;ye o. or, Uri • .111111,1? n. Tct n.. iron • - toru enhre 3•1 On We .ucuon prin tole, wan , ets• rrnreacnne I n Inc rtZtaral plln—rcn.Oring We or4;lifei rape of rare 11-1,-th eitrOCle4 . tt:c of no pain. D,nscrl perm:ln:4,y caved p uggnr; ;00111 actro. 1 , 0,00 le Inuen boner rhac cu ring .hlugn canard Pc clone ra fire ann. ins, or Oren lv f..c S NEW • tY,L . c• 1 Z.4:fac .lAk tnr , Nwht b) nt I a.O aid al , a 10.0, t•Le. Jr r, 'ay JUHS , TUN ,t j . • ref( roN, apla dar.veT ear., Alan, ar,d :41 •tot 1 7 :ciling.—alvan oGnixed Tin Plated. Tit Sul.XCilber• beg to call me acteotton of Bur :de rs, A rchnects and owners of But;titngs, to :hr tont.y advantages whlen three planes possess over all other metallir substances hltherto used tor roofing, hr, as they possess a: once nor lightness of Iron without Its lialso.:y to rust, having now been testes? for several years in nos particular. both on hits country and to Eu rope They are less Labile to est:tuts:on and contrac uon from sudden change of the atmosphere. than cone p.ates. Iron. vile, or any am, tro•tul now usel ftr•roofing. and conoocully forma amen better Ll. tighter run', no cost reouuttrlng rifie (or less rrequent repo 4 tau first whilst is b a tmore. A lull •upp . y, of sizes, from 10 to 'JO NV. G., eon. stoutly on bond mid (or Sale by 61-',O. 11 :11ORRWOOD & CO, 11 and 16 Renter street. New 1 ork. The patent right for this urue:e bavatK been secured (or the Untied Stntex, prunes turrishpitg thereon. either neportanon or otherwise, wit, be prosecu ted net:lo,A vet vT RUST PROOF ,. THE undersqtned have erected works tit the esty of 1 New York. tar the purpose at Unlvantentg all art, ,es of Iron. wtiten it is desirable to PROTECT FRUAI RUST stirn us Telelrapu Wire, Bolls, Spikes, Nat e, Wire tor Fencs, and any other article millet eta) required For a y oops (or Cost., ass sohstnuse for tie Rope, tor Clonles I. , nes,l.LghtninK Rods, um) 1(051 other arm:scat/on, wni he bound cheap and durab,e. They would particularly call attention he (C van, I.ed IVlre tor (else", IL requi. no panto and wl!I rust. Also ex sod [le re as, the ni prexervonon r. which ts of so mann importance, that it wt., COrni.Lerld use:lto tile notsce "full Ulnae sotere.ted. GEO h NIOREWtH)II A: Cu. , Patentee.. ocr.lll-dk wlvf 11 and In Heaver ~ N WALL PAPERA EL E II 0 U$E , Nu. 17 Ilarkre st rert, Palsonryq., f' u. 711081A.8 PAL 71 Elt, D F.SPECTFULLY announce. to rk“ Ida and en.- lA, turners, that he hal had at 110 par perl9l.o "'en. thana Stock a. he ban al Ile can offer lope chate. 011 VOIVY realer:tic tonne, .25 tee old entabhiah• ed Sta rs nd on ?darken sire, acinnat ee:) , arhete hoe—lnc:holing Conatiag-room, room. Par'or and /1a!I Pane, Walt Itorlers. Lao - Lire hoard Prot,. Paper and Tra,ispare... W.ndow Hon et and ....oder, Board., wrapp,, Pu,.cr anumlantiy sup. pord, and requerr. country mereb int. and nouscacep er. r., vali nod .x nsa Hag. and fanners' Scraps taken i tenrie ar nrT the It.ehe•t pn. co mehdl NEW HARDWARE STOLLE. Str. \ ,ir r,IE 1 • 1.AN!-: A ,SV f1: 0 . 78 Wood actor. Pit tz bor . gh. , 1 :11...4 AND LAI. FMAN. bn,pc.r•rra e , I 4cno•-• 1 to Po re ugh cud DOITICSLIC EL AILO \V 111 C., 1.. vane le.. are now prepared to a. low lain terms AS cau pu , ch.4s,, el,. he, e s • .c.. oor It.etors, and .ke s. to ea. s. examine our sto,:4, wh ch part or KV Roil F./NO(S, Pi),:k a...! I'S.'. K., KS H %Ur& 3. Hon.,: Nirefht,ga., ouch w1...c.1 . ,„ Lettehe.. Rod ,err Ns, o,eio N th every am, ic usushy Ktyl »are , i'orts. mime the allehUo Of Cape, .t.... 1 Aterhantos ro our skkortrneht of Tnis;., which have beta selected with great ',Pe and winch are de x.roti ed ie.] 6., Pi 10 rive s t• rink c:Awr CAR I. TAP. underLO , nrd how tog Coen expo • tel At of lee Deca, , ,,e ‘' . .,..Art MAIM, P•LrT, la the JonF . .nory. Jr reo LteJ r • ap,eofoOli tor puboc •od Ihn t .o fu - logaer. of op. us prepared to tak. Alsrioe, lot, 41 Flee ..114 Otl luo rat rot, at the, othae, NO, AVALer street. P. A. NIAJEIR \ IF : rril h oret.eai rrlll of p o ., trff, t o, Oril L.; tsoto-s. d sIL .prs from Is s tr - rrt.• , al cepqu'e c^ , c "e• Cal 1. A.. 64; peodi It 111 thete.l an ILA.ol• Just ree cl y/W I \ \ 45. ;44 • I, 1,415 u.; rI, II I ,c Woo , be I e J. , a n If ,prca rhe tire cl"p .44 In et , 4 'cc Cl r 1 r ny to ea.' 404 e max. TThe eotapan, ..:;111 .0 p .0 i e propLr •o Ilr.• up • tnylo L II 0,0.1• I I)o4)Kb — rr. - 1( )in the Co,/ , .4'r t:•• orgh. be openr.l in the ito , ,tot of •.le Brer / ni li a we fief) Nloodr, 4. 0Vcf11,, nrx , r. 100 c.ams A I.Lown,l .11 I O. nods, Skn,. 11. NI luta. Ploooocr. I±, lilt,. ) 0 , o. Job She A 'La /I 11 L. K. F la L'm eepecior lust oa,cf mil m e .744 M C4NDLEIII4 .ptOldtaav I LOOOA-11 41116 oy HOUSES, LOTS, RAM ko TO LET, .12 TIM: Dwelling noose on Third street, above i Ist nf Smithfield, occupied by the family of the lath Dr a N. hl'Doweil. Posaeasu luly next on given an the A's°, tomb hire 'eta nig - round in the Ninth Ward s , etsrpen the Ft th.lTard and Croghmuville. imitable' or tom -ter yard. 'WA! NI. DARLINGTON. Tr''L'Y At IL Darungtort's, Fourth BI • • po it SALE—Ftr. 10, • Itgibly wonted In the flow , C Jibing %Awn of Itteni .chare. The tots are MU.-- t.d nn Do man titres Pamt , crru in F Hasmn's Vpit 7 1.. 79 tdt, ki and t..3—lnt No 7.5 fronting 20 l'eso. Ns '', A •ii 70 !eel deep the o th er (oar 20 reel from each hy -0 feet deep • ,111, T. nya—Greater part of purchase money may re. vt ~ Cor .it Tref, secured by mortgage. For pants. ar, tixiturc or .3 PCROVER, mYta 110 .cand ma Valuable Coal Land tor Sala, A inp.g, fburli rni,,ei, Lookobove h R rio. 2, It h the wont! of 'hn° verv'beeito.q.un°;:t7gaOnts.l 'ettry"'ji aceols. AnY numb', . ( •crre, from twenty. hoe to a hundred, melt be obtuned. Peryoni desirous or pareharing, can -. nil on WALKKR REED, on the premise,, or Wm. Rye..oppcno e the Poo °thee, who will give any_ i!!: lonnalton concerti., tie prbperty. The oboe. mew he sold ate great ban,. ' - trlMlletal - - . , -•-. d ~....- .......—__... iN 1%..117,41::-Ni7:--r-il.l.—nea.t 'and nom , ~,,cb,,5,,..,,,„kt„,,,,:,,,Tr,t.,411 Lot i t i , r , on the bank of t , a river, near F ahne e :toek's ' leirdl ' tory, Is offered for rice low Terms easy and title in. dbty, o isputable. Apply to Abraham Fulton, Atonon my24:ddev• tahel r JAMES BLAKELY, Pittsbur-IL a EiCEME roLazAgj:lbifkf;elingo:ivate onrßo ~ ~; SOLOMON SCHOYER ... _ * ___ L • •Oli RekLE CHEAP FUR SCRIP—A 1.i.,...,„„ u situate on Webster street, 23 feet hoot Iligh stree h Al feet front on Webster, by 00 feet to a five feet tiLIY --quite c.o. tonew maim house. Price SOX Te two ca. In hand, balance in one, two, three and f rms, ear fears irate the Ent of Annl last q County anti City Scrip taken for each payment. I ______uirr of my -- tfi . S SCHOTHR. 110 condstA AO* Astnris sj.L —cittir Bally — LI ITIIA I . , on the Monongebela elver, about Inn:lles V fee.. ~ . at,. and 3 mien Athena third Loot s in the immediate neighborhood of Meriws. Lyon ik She., and 51r John Herron's pirtchatia Th. lob body of Coal will be sold at the low price of 133 per acre—ene third in hand, balance hi five equal annual pyment, without interest. Title indisputable. Location very good—cannot be surp.sed. For (ember paniettlnr• enquire of S. 14 ALSLE1", who has a M . . 1 of said ro perty. Resale ace fil st, below Ferry_ e Al r. Adams' Row. N. 13. Them la another sea. of &al on this tre at, about OD feet above the lower, of excellent quality.n ; yelititf a -'p and Lot roe Salo for-eaqa,---- Jet, A TWO story Brick House, containing eight Aira' rooms exclusive of basement arid celier, end suitable for two (amllles, situated on Liberty tame; Allegheny, will be sold :ow for Scri _myl p. Enquire of ntf __ ii.._HA } S., Guettnoffice rilllValuable But/ding Lola - trot Bale. stlioui, ~,lisde.riboenrshal et z. . v o o r m is l e. :, ;l . to oiler eat °a mbar of very valuaL lit'ifldtrng Lots, cotepra:i4 a arge portion of me Lois numbered 67, On, GU end 7 txt woods' Generai Plan of the City of Pittsburgh. itua ted at the smite eastward) y corner of Penn and Way.. rreels, fronting 240 feet on the fonnur, and extenang alma g the. loner about GOO feet to the Allegheny river, ~ dece S. an &e e ve d bin rts., p Es g • art of the Re Emote of thin late James asd. Ai plan or subd ivision of e al pm *bean Lots, in niar natty with which it la proposed to sell, .ey be se co en. the oaten al the underingmed, on Fourth J.. batsman Mar ket and Ferry ca. Wi1..1.5 A HU HA. inyil -- -- - Val nab/ e - Ri - sil Bet. for HE subscriber null sell, at privnte sale iiii.. , khnt ..,„.. T hie Properly, on the Fouith street road, adjOining his present reablenen and give possession unaledialet ly. There are chest T'EN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, in a high slate otcultirulion. The =prove/meats are a larac and teed finished brick D WELLING HOUSE, a superb Bea,,an till outer out bunilings. Adioitung the dweiling tuining Fountain and a good Parruh-.- which lurrillits a constant supp , ) , of excellent Water. Taco. ts a ninety of Fruit 'i roes and Shrubbery Oa the preausea. lf the those described property is net a soon., it nun be rented for a urns Also, for sale, a large LO r. oil Pennsylvania Avenue, at the end of the board sulk. Wyatt., of al?Xildta --Valuable Realß•tat e for Sale. rill IR Truatees of the Weatern nee:open/ Bettsur m7 1 Itavlng dec ro ided to sell on perpetual leas., a pOl.- taan of tbert pperty in AlleFhany dry, offer on ve favoratne terms troth JO to 5u Lob Of different urea A warrantee Heir w.ll be 'siren A plan of the 101 l oat be seca at No It.S Wood evert. For purlieu , ant, engcbr c of either of the undanigned Cattainittoe JOILN T LOG ,AN ALEX LAUDHDIALCOL3I LEECH, II CILILDS, ktut-tf SA3IL. /lAILEY. At a very low ftant.,---- .ti. TP, ii story tirtbk /louse, on Federal st, one &tor soot, the nor.iturest earner of the .\ ortb t..einn, a Annul, n) —wide hall, parlor, &tuna town and sir nun on toe brat Boor. I. our rooms o At f or), w,th u tint, bud a .... Faseessto u to Pc Had itataratelOy. Inquire of 0011 _i_rr.o 11 ~Iltk .NOlRALE L Fr o l___z_t_ , T"Valuab/e Real Estate for Sale. el.l:dr,*telr""Peibg;o7:TlLYof i!i'llwthechaelslytero,roPtYg: rin eI, z a offerel for awe Oft twenatatOdatlnff tarta 8 1,.(be.1 s sub Mrliunt of Lot No 460 111 the plan of ma coy of IlLsbur6h,) liartng Ai feet front on fie- Grant ktreeL Strawberry4.rtnt t , • by :JO tee. to Strawberry alley Ivor lo ....AL an Loos fronung on an Aventlet 84 r , Lc, run Otte /I om Beaver toed to tho Ohio nee/ ad ..* - niting pa' a lit Cloth Factory. For -arras, annum of CHARLES E. SCULLY, ur J AMES CPHARA, Burke', Be= lth at, V n o Peopert N THE NEY fit WARD OP PITTOBURCi lt — Sae. era' Lots on Balls„andWeeny anent, In the via Ward, nt feet 0) Het, adiaeent the propoeod depot of inn Central Bruireart. For tortes In Acura ct CHARLES B BCULLY, urtenf or . AMES 011,1114, Burke', Bonding, 4th o TWO millrace AFirD——Ptiii. TWO LO rs Sea LOTS ver etre., in the city o Alleglmay above tha upper Common; on et Inch z• riveted a frame Gadding, two swims htgb, ~vr ~,vvo usualsll te:minc2i!‘ ph lota are each twenty ,eet 10 y one Moulted met deep, and ran bark a creel forty met amle. Therrailihngs on the pro • nos , • , wta! pay a very woollen:le latent,. on the raves. Alt rop...rty rott cheap /or each, to II Sproul, Clurk•e alike, 5..?t:1p 'I 'ES LOT - 4, di Poa— s sect by Ilto situated on the higher riaond. 4:1,1 1111111Ing. on the wale North Commons . to Buena Vista kLiaenston. Terms 571/0, C.ll. 1 A SEES ROBINSON. mch2 turn °Ere. Exchae )1 VII. ROBINSON ge BoAdings, St Clair at 6cot.en Bottons-Lend for TEN' AcirEs I •AND,•Ltunted In Peebles ton t ala,t, oo the Aasoaranem otree [rules from &Ills . Pu., 5,1 pur,F.a,crs. For further art ~ 'p yto II,::,. 1 1 . 000.• at or as partro vda-dtt A WAS/liNGTON, o rtb, above Sauthaeld at - - IV E FOR tz:e. L oder. tor saJe tae three story bock IVarehoure P r un &tared Areal, occajuted R. Tanner & Co. a WIL.SON, Jr. VtrAl L T3TEV&RN:?LRTsef; Lot irEst, betureun limy nod Al arbury , trcets, adminms tar rouse sod i 0: How oceutnett by illehord Erlatrde, oe r log a trout co feet, and depth reet, be .out favorable tunas. 'rale oneicepbonable. ELI /Lure of C. 0. L 003115, ith at, near Woad. or b r a r Bas I iti, 1 i DES/ RABLE Building Lot in Allegheny etty, fa. 0-A„yurabi) located, m si. about halloo acre, Itnlll . vnli be sold on accommodating terms.lnquire of onlO J 1.) WILLI kAIS 110 n - onsi at 4.‘ns WoodA room Iti the incoad .tor — Tß7,. Ada&o stmet ja2l TlProperty In tls-linghitty Cltir—for Sale. . E n;s7.:l " un n ie b"ro ul th't-r ,c(.7,,l7.iva,.;Y:Prboenrt,o.lgOsni: Coma. 11l grou.ati, on cosy terms Inqutre of W. crit ROBINSON, At:) . at Law, St Clear st or of JAS ROI:IN:30N, on :he premikos. m717:11& :f t Ire.. tiro, Bcdfortll - Pit. tsirs“o---,". ana, Pa: KING & Ittoo/3.IIEAD; -- 'Aril° 1.1:..1LF: Li ROCERS, Forwarding and Come yyMP - 4 .r.I Merchant, nod dealer, iii Pr and Potsburg ~ st lufactiarcs cornier of the Dartattud and Ihansoust ~ eitneuryl; ...'_ _ Ittynetst Ls— Dr. 0 Shocsiberger, Richardlr"..._ ,„., Richard Bare, Ch rism. Jos. Morrls . nn, j..,, Low .. atch. 5. Elliott. Lsy (." Simon DfIlM, Flsq , Greenabargbl T. Gs:mina A. Co., Pthadelphsal J. Milliken & Sous, Le wittown Fa.. J. Reamer, lion Wm Bedford) J. DomplenY, hlulhollto & Ray, Otionedt. 'WKS: I,). a y """'""`"" t New a' 4t by Wm. Kengick. Ibe Farmer aa.l Eeemombn, by Fee. b...yern Dorn.Llc r,eyry. Iry IVes A Henderson. Itto mc's try JWINe MN sts er. SYUCKTON, p il l I rorlnr sarket and 34 ------ -- -- —_— ,V ENV Ft ELIC,Ir .1. ti. W ORK 4 _Thoaglas an Public LI 'Sayer. uy So rntoi M. 0., H. H. L. L. D. T, 0 gam on I ninny Worshrp, by James W. Aleg• aol r Jr.t rescreen by my!: JOHNSTON kSTOCKTON _ _ _. _ 1NT,L1„,V,,,011.(:)11.pii:,..1-FeAgn:s :ISorrlY or the Hetkriai — di lire Of / rot 14.ny Charles the Second, of England, by Jol:J4 Atrar.n, WI.II crseragorgr Jost reed by J 411 Se YON Se 8 I'OCKTON, mylS, _ _roe er 34 and Market stn. 1 'l' .be ;rerrorther — frl-me mod nee. Ire Woo 4 crteir, -- 1 n coop me asnot trent of Canernnair Coopers km; . :or a rie lry my ! d / 1 1.'414.11. Sr. LAUFMAN at tr. L.,' c Il. — k. 8u R G tc A.l„-01 . _,...,-.. No 83, 111ASIOS14 ALLEY, a ;its few dorms ucomeWood street, to ~.1 el ... musket. .-ritafoi."..7:l*;M: Da. BROWS, havlng beet 211.d'1LL.,..7, regularly ents - ated to the roedlca fo n r . r .. t 6 .1 :: hn. a:l,Ln,, to the H e cate td thane . 71 vote _nd delicate eons' . rd• hts opportontnc• • , & tren.nnend of those cotspiannts,/durting Which hich , a , h o d o/on, pp /sennur son has cured more pa. Atones) manean ever rob to to, lot of coy onvote prac- Atones) ampny qualttics offor as of •roetl4,perrosnent. and /attsl4.nory onre to all sAltcted Annt ‘Ol/eate ths,a.os. and an d.scases analog there,' • 1.001 Ur 3137, would tnforni tho, af(lieted wlth prlOatil liseasea which ,roene chronic by hille Or afj (I•VaLed Or the lige of to.) of tbe common noetilliste 01 , radiCally anitthor. Jar.. cred, a< OaVO, ivy. 0.1 oiszonil notroion to int tri r atineitt rta, air trice, s .io..c.:cded titiodroda 2 ' .tocti ttid.witioatter: of the cscii of the bladder, tar nu t Joey often result frOM those carter i ut viterr oirwr• ha, hem (0 d„ p ii..,artictilarty mirites such c boot/ .0111 s. I.llint.coloreO.l) imalch 0.1.411 co.•calt huh, ortirot eirer) flltiNfiLcOina he given 0 end their eaos . as • Cor,oal, thorough and • Inaloo . l po,foed ou.• by a lung ripononco 1t"..05,4•a5h.. vrtorli onposattle thos eiera: precoce of OledlC/lIC to give an •sila of stisolue. IL) -- Hernia Or FlNlptur,--Di 13osn aiso ul pot: loos Lod with to ha himpold partici liar A:toot:on io this aiscme. 44,50 red. I-ME I/1 etscascs, also Pt s, Pa 47. em., speedily cured Chars,. acre low. ti.—Pattenta of cub sex I.ving at • 'Usu.., by ttattul dt,case .s, stem,/ all the .ymp: ^ln ntedieth, .Itrecuons for use, by a.i,tr,..s t e n T. art, / MU, poet peel, and encl. t Olfi:e No OS, Diamond oi; , Y. ”oTI, tiouon, 1. .rwr.— Dr Drown'. r. +. ttle.cov,real rem.. lor cr.,rl r3r It ncv,. llik=e vat Pri r ale Roams., No. as DI•• horn.. !rinn , lialle7,l'lu.soutgla, paTho Doctoria alwye o 1 • ILE Na etua no pay. 414114 DA.VID DEELFJL MEI