tabfM MLLES. 7 1 7.. .„- r i s __-_- oviEct - 4u,, c ~,,3 , s ,--orm Vaal' I' - 07d Tairthrualted tine. 1 yst: , --, so; Is - MN THIN ERIE EXT&VMDIC.C . ---1 minis ewsPfielor thir we ared riown' P . C" -q. -Valid Pr i nri " :l Prer M on .. Lir 6'1.1r, 4:: - o irollormad tka G" Lakei,Vpott the matt favorable ..-: ' , * .ilstsaind Mith despatch. 'a:4,is Lbw rotas in connaetton wall the -meow boats , AFAVER and CAWS COPE; ,between, r a nd '''',-, tirdlfesifer,C Dc4'6 Tarte ec stAhm boor and vas .„ gals on the. Lake tad the'grr tt , _ Michigan Lake .. ''''''?".. , *l'? '" °4lll° ' ' ' C. pl '. TrgED, w itb_pfielor Erie, Pa. ''''' ''''''' '''' Bidwell &Brother, Agar*, /mat or! NV E Mather, .4runt so TAleakitnert's Passenger ,701Cei, MMIPJ.k.:.e/.. UM"' Pl n 't=l g ' ;,'—We MalanA a, y &S mu, •' Shawsbnig;• Smith & Downing, do; Jll Plummer, -'' ' en Grosaville; Wick, Aebre & CO, dp; Wm Henry, coargi,Dtpus 4 Swim, BalialeiValnieT, Gilks 4 .13iadirikt, Jag A"Afaut - song, Detroh, &NAM.' a a *'''*':' *".. i as B bgboiit Bl'atift .4 WthhaThMilmran irt t . em.-. , , Maffei MN iMeiDer hihil M.... ~.)_ a l con A Wileelet & Co, fieveNtlk. _, Kph 'Ti aßttsaWiind,lllalmeviMisE'itoket itlne 4 . lilibgal ' 1849 - " or i g_ . SVAMIie - fir'gruil,:iteel'?a,L; .5 __. endithracket Boats to nu Murat the smarm ee ,e, ilfeelll- lilaliesille and Pitatiatratts boats to be , tow ; , getbry IMO homes, and Overyatfart made, 1.4 ,- .20.", ''' Illt_ 1= 4 74 1 )Sta will testa Pitlstwth try , a, ' ,Mo day, Tuesday, Th ay and Friday, at a Wel' ,,,, k, A ~t. Erom Shihrsvill every Menai,' Wednesday,. ". vkargany mad Elstard , sir o'clock a u., and ernVe ' * at Patabutgh the mu day. A twar/iowe,fir-k imni 'lndiana lOU meet the oat at Salisborght cola an , rovatd andiotrommard rtri—pclitny Vr . , fnmilllttrace in on day . , i•-? 'Pagaght tog tkg *ha c Lana will be roceiimi St . the .. Minn of tke m Line, by Dia Perron & Lu., . , „mho ant,our AS , am ' A3l frelght received J. Der! Of Mattausalotts. Jld MARSHALL & Co. _ - ' - -- --•1 • Bast k, ' si . r a - ' h . ...A Maek kites BI Hari)? .hcoi fifoluigstown on the Ittriteli of Mu hass—Tethgas ha bola fa morning Pare t from Prasiorrik to-VenuqWteariMa—mesised at ether of BoturcumV Ca n Vatoir .. , ... _ .... d M 111T r ixagiejLall k.? TAIIILM does , - iati,l3l . 849, ' igitial l vf , In m atsgm , priTsBISROII Th DEPnEA. VALTIM Rt., N. sy - -•'' WHIR, sosrox,Ae. •, , Timm, poirenias, Pk9tige!phit, - -Turn ft. ireonnaa; Nreibiugh. yEIB old ettablished Wm being met in fun opera. tiott,lhoproprietcn. anipreptied nnil u 0 licherangementa to in rallltd merchandise, pro daPe4 &e. tp and from the elms* perm, en liberal term„ ~prilb.,-tbeteepbuityinlespatellinlut slaty p eculiar to r t .. -a ibeleanotle itriclunion an Sobsinus, when ups- . antiwar& avoided. . tgr in entatgannonla y aed for this line menial, elm, • savant:anal foricianted in.any repaired direetbina free ...:Dfchanse. fat commisanin advancing or average. No Imam" directly arialrectlr e inamaintionti. AU tomMiielelanck?sPinistfitY.Pelu. l d toign following Gouts: • n.lios:mouanotwtre ~ ..."AmrpßuckoNNokevurn, P i-i-p. O'CONNOR & Co,Nolln ^luau dati. ma •4 „„ =canna., semen WNW, - rifflipPEßAW4 . aldiOr bk.uku•Lirerc.4 4 4* ',,scetion 'Portia bo, . ati`bietthent haying made atftingenients gime °Wolin Of, &OM Trlieke a t , kiVe • theiegoidkfortted overthe 1141tikoic enni, on 43 , an to witabl this l a rded over han - ttesslofore onenaten lot the . want of Tenth, 'Fittitipapris . lll findylda tojnair . Jffp:.e.taignitnasie for earthing mil,. Pmi.rler a bps elnergea.:. All gpeata foreriu ed - IFMIa detriirtb,"aMd. on as reemnatile terms Ulm) 111- ' l *.l.4rM. - 3OHN &Cali . estl4 . er of Canal Ind I.lbelo tdelataloi • SlSldnikatsr,'Philitilel s. 1849, F .ituso Tzterstoi , oft. o 1.17; :icrtryturosur,_ , Tims.lltale, . We. ihrtenuAL 'Jams Does. Combatted an street Sabbath-Violet principles., jrl.Wirrnprietors of this. old estoddlipAed Line bte put Meitinock In the moat complete order, and ire • tborpalitlY Prepared to ferment Proclaim and Iderehina dire to and i'mun the Eau= „ We trust thus oar long. experierici In the carrying inktlneitir ...4 1 - 2 4ibletim attention to the Interest. of cns mon%tslll secure to of a continuums and Increase !gibe Aatt omega Unitise extended td Bingham's Line. Our trmingeptells will enable no to carry Freight ,wash ilanoet despatch, and our prices shall always . betatilout estrist "lowest einuge . d by other respoeMbie - -We have Opened Ms MU* in Pict IEI Market *lief; . between Oh end Mb sts, MAO*, for the. Warta r Ind Merchendlse di me d : for.NT:led, East and West, without limy thug,. for 'for. j al:g_ zr advanelhgfrc.ightortotsg*pr comunsuon. t.:41; Orrvanied, Lind every &reduce i tt i e r or apply to icat.nnsmnAm itre sts. Piasheiht. and.= Market • • O•iiEtik.r=g-S . ON= WILLIAM T 41.11, AgesMi LP West street, lietifit VATIlat a it.larnOlTut Pressfi*” P,1 4 M 81 ` 1 • 1116 , 184g:Wi F. - St • PRIF•I TITTABISCsit "OVPIMIAIKLPMA & • v:(ltiehudve4 rev Peugeot-a.) THRpablie are vespeettally Warmed that this on - ' •Mbil erniamenee yenning an the 19th last, and lieu , au thraugleaa the Season. • The GaAs are new,-and of a sikrior class, mut( en hused cabins which wi ll give greater comfon. The coca are the literianuanteuen. • .Aboatwill always be In, port, and travelers art eviesladlimalia.aduasaixte theta beGne engaging pat- Arc_ only nine ildllars through.). One of the blame of Ulm mill leave the lanth3 (opposite U.S. Hotel, comer Of Pennemeet and Can every men ulna .clack . AI days . ' For • Orittiliati, apply lel die ElAtem'lllitanugsdiala House, or to piax.eo Ca, steno. . • Canal Basin • Amino . powreoL)B BOAT LINZ Vet the Eraimpanstunt reigns TOTIIILACEI.PMA; BALTIMORE & NEW YORK IaILIAIAIESE sir the genii being now maimed, ;ma Proptietota elate "howl Line respectfully tete. Mupitbriethal. limy am to receive and for ward Atelghtusith and at lormort rates. -75er moildhilso the snenrioll. of ablirpera East - mad so thti fietthat the Beau employed by Morn in traneportation, sire Owned by . itienimulcontaumiled by 0 1 5 6 aVelf earilarns. , Meer la Milk will Lir" itarantageour Pby Lint, as thetralmmthers have mural at. ~„'etnigertielltsin Collimbia lin have iraeli freight fin Bal ., Miturashinded illirecilyfrombents car% therebyie•- ` tug.r t itireliteuM anNin ht 'Mr Ettibidelplus. gam eye; tbriugh iitthe Ne r hint ad in Alivank • e Cla e (doMe srp for usi, charzel. . Name! ftop neon(' ry - • - Canal ELIA; Seventh ante% r lIKNTS....tohn A. Shaer Cincinnati, 0.1 Jna. Culimmb 4 CAL•Eidninting •„luau:or/tea., plarac phis{ Francis A ThootasoCobtrebta. nutb3ll V 4 U. ROAMS, 4M*, Oa rr, ilia=" lB49! '": - :211FAM.B.9piBT.PA,EqTt77 27 7 l'iFittairre - Pleasulgplnts - 4trlftafizatirs. I geobl (I.cluaistly for,Pasinalgtra) t . • lfla tre lespectAty Mott:nod that thts lane cotamenee =Mug tl en IdotiditY, idntnn Thei boamortkis -Lino am at; a talierier class, with enlarged cables, vehicle will.,gitiet gnaw comfort to A bogZatilt always be la port,' and Manlius ati4 re gnested nestedbe malland antral:la theft tanatis engaging sop, bp , Whet - roma. , Theywillitereinelindin/BPP pestle du -11.4.0otal,.commaretill anent and L•sasil, every night at Sto'clee k. _ . •r: ' - „., ,L. Catikl,l'UNE DOLLARS TABOUBIL : 1 .. ,„ Trusie-311 , Dap, For information, apply -at the titan, hionongatisla -A n lCo, j ßuil. LEECII Co, -Canal Built. gi—Fild pre t reat! eif o idg pi i i. aboye Une ate . rt : rn l a t l = " ggiaZl=necttgtrlggn vldaltalliftenet from Let:Osumi in Pinlatlemaf thattimetpsetlun leamtemitymoghhg TiateihroneyVidgyt.".. , ' mciaai iiChtT - • ,ter t stin PEl=ETPLMA , Aratrirrenvitozi. galred.. on this -Lino are rind transhipped iimtweoa Pdlatnazgh pptntd Phlladelplus, Waage. 'Med m tour section PortaMe Uoids oder land and - ma. terra, phippens of merchandite - , requiring earl ful " handling, is of importance. N 9 charge main ;fin eiritlypingot for ad eine dispatch, and .ing eta . rges. eaonable . 5..77; any 4 Z " r ." Canal Ftiudn roirT p t , d t'ADEN ,4 rieli k b C: r4 , l DIeVL9 mart - .' "g 7 ?Mittel &St Camel:let Si, Phila. JOHN MrPADEN Et Co, Pommeling and Comte. aloe Manhunt, Canal Basin, Penn at, Pittsliorgh.. JAMES M DAVIB & Co, PtintrFieto and Conn , troacreints, 777 Market and nt -Cc:mere :t i tre, 1 -Fb i attpturces hi. , our made hp tither of Mi . abbe, ern Pleat, ramble consigned in thel for . . .. _ ... . , . . . : .Eitigni 1849.:;: lgarchantar 2' Irlzia.! Viit. , 2UNNRYLVANLA. CANAL-R . V.:ROADS, ritRE Canals cad Rail Roads- bt4dgßoW Agin, d •• 4. Ea good onlar, Ira ,re preparrd Sto-,forgrard all grab or matthandoe nod produaeld.ndladelptda d Baltimena, with growth.. and derprarl . 4" gad ad en goodie:ma sa. any caller Liar. -_ . , CA. bIeANCLTY& CA, . C.Z.I Bardn,Tellaar,Pluebargit; • Ailallsg—CHAßLCS RAYNOR, ThlladalghiA ..-goll2- - - -ROSEMORRILL la C6,llaltimore. i .abile a t 1849 atiatql /lIMILCUANTII• WAY 1h13111.141T LEN Pot Alateaville, Johnstown, lioladappborgb, • all losermollate IMP Line will gontittnato cant Way Good. - With their usual deeP•leb"Onyt - A; fall rate( of ght. . • - 11.•32tnk-.C. A. IIIPANCLTY & CA Pitiaborgh. D - IltraYefield,,Tolulitown. John Miller, Rollidaysfintglt. Ittnmatcri—Juacs Jordon, pmll& & Liaclait Ar P .Phoolsbenct, L ßldoore, John PArlrit,S Von Etann.. 'horst'& Co, sa Lamer &Co J, WDevitl & Btoy Yittobalph; John Pally, fliniiltAtalhapas & Bay, ;no thall • &Co, Ellahrtrfile.. mdb27.. 1849 • an Ib,rle Express Pietist 14 e. G. PARES, Ikant - new And *put emsenitt P = - NIAGARA,_ • Eli Hit Jeffrier, PENNSYLVANIA, • J 11,431•0; niug t wrtiogr_ , QUEEN' CITY, " Meßelip - • .Perailng a between . llesser and b..Y.le hoe bOothelleedmanly, sad sill coalthae Awing de taa oes elete theitrevgaririp, /easing .Reaver OK , eitivel el the woriblg Doan from PWabareb, ethek, v. ) *ado/vivo et Erlo In tam ( r parsengta. fo take at =mac Wan to llnhin or op the _Lake. 114414 Woe' to Erie and all Lokorta, can be Aml P 7 emillee 16 „JOHN A aeime. ismer of Water and Selnthbeldito • • a amoicau um ,: vats • radar tho M Chabot Hotel GILFSTCtriIg-OP!LTVER COMPLAINT, by ho. original, only One, and genuine Liver BUM calm, Ohio county, Va. March Z 1141840. IL E. sellear Deft think it • duty I owe to you and to the public generaly, to note that I balm been afflicted with the Liver Complaint for long tune, and ho badly ibittan abceas formed and broke, wide'. left me a very low state. Haviag heard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for we by A fr B m h y ' Xy i s n i "Tdd, by a (rat trial .1 pare= one box, and forma v e7se !al be 9,131 what they - are recommended, THE BEST ' LI• YEE PILL. EVER USED; and ellor taking four hotel I bud the diadems boa entirely left me, and I em noir'. perfeedy aaiL HaaPeelfaY Your., D if COLEMAN. West Liberty, March 1849. I candy that 1 ant personally acquainted with Mr Coleman, and can be testaaony to the truth of th e above certificate. -A R SHARP The tenants Llver Pala are pripared and sold by g. gaLEES, Ne 17 Wood street, and by druggilin in 111 e two Clue.. TO THE rusuc.—The original, only true and gen nine Liver Pille are prepared by E Sellers, and have his mane stamped en black wax upon the lid of reel; bazoaid his tignantre on the outside wrapper--all others are counterfena, or base imitation, . . • to • R E SELLERR Pv2t_pt rietor Ap C illemegATlV.E )36.1613A.1ii f"lrr The underngned having been afflicted during the past winter with disesse °film stomach, scanelhne s pro. deicing g ree n in the stomach for ten or twelve hour. I withoutintermmaion, and after hiving tried varions retnedles wilh Ride effect, twos fhmished with a bents I of Dr DYafroels Camainadvc Balsam Thus he noel or. allomfinturthe direction., and found invariably that itus ineditrude emoted the plait to abate im three or four ruin. 0104, add in fifteen or twenty ofirwtesevery uneasy sentation Wll3 entirefronicted. The medietne was af. ,eowudgroied wpeneverindicatione of the approar.h of palnwere perceived, andthe p.m was thereby prevent. ad He condoned to use the medleine every evening and awnetimes In the morning, and in a few week. health RIM en carrestored, that the lingerer was mile. ,V2fM72l a liege amount or oppressive L.Frow CJ meriettee,therefore, by can confidently tecomme,d r D Jayne's Cainainsuro UAW., at a salutary wedge ir. for &avian ofthestoditeliand boircls. A tiIIINND For sale in Pitt odor at the Mu vErT4.I 72 Foonh street,_near Wood, and all at the Drug Store all SCHWARTZ. Federfal meet. Alleefinot Great Titugllatt Remedy. FOR Coughs, Uolda Asthma and Consumption! The GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of the above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP LIFE, 'discovered by the celebrated Do Barb., of London, England, and intridneed Duo the'llmted States under the immediate tuperituendenee (lithe Inventor. The extrriordinafy 'Meets of this medicine, in ig core of Pulmonary disease., wombats the Adnertenn Agent be wilicidegfor treat:mesa the worst possible mi nes that can be found in the contmunity,;--cases thatmak relief In vain from my of the common remedies of the day, and have been given op by the most diatinguished physicians m confirmed and incurable. The Ifunguis. an Balsam has cured, and will aura, the most dcsperala Of Mann 11 us rte quack .estrum, bat • standard Eng lish medicine, of annum and established elfts any: Every family In the United States Mould he supplied with Thichtura Ibunpuian Balsam of Lite, not only so Colll3lEraCt the nOttltarayttive tendencies of the climate but to be used no a preventive medicine in all can, colds, etrugha, spitting of blood, pain in the side 61 chest, irritation and soreness of the langs. broch,om difficulty of breating, hectic fever, night sweats, mien and gemral delulity, oaths., inducers, wist,opl cough and croup. Sold in /urge battles, at $1 per battle, with full direo dam Car the restoration of health. Pamphleu, mintaloing a ma. of English .4 Amen I. can certificate., and other evidence, ahowom the un equalled manta of We areal English Remedy, may too obtained of tho Agents, grentitonaly. For sale 69 8 A PAIIITOCK A. Co., tomer of LL and Wood and Wood and oth vu. mar! VALUABLE DISCOVERY: CONSUMPTIVES, BB ON YOUR GUARD: DR. MAYNE'S CONFOIIND HOOP OF WILD CUBIISIi. ffi 01/1.1 . =MT TOE Consomptlea, Coughs, Gilds, asthma Bronchitis, Lly.. or CorMn i t s ,lp . ir d t Blood i < i s( Breath. lye llean, Influenta, Crony, troke ' n ' Xu n - of ediodon, Sore Throat, Nervous Albin '..thlund rill Diedues of the Throat, :Dreamland Bungs; to mostot. ' (tenni sop imedffy cure • ever known &ratty of dientiorn disw ia DR. SVATNE'S; °Gamow:id Eirrop of Wild Chorryl This medicine is no longer among those of doubtful *tiny. It hammed away from the thousand. daily launched upon the tide of experiment, and now muds higher m reputation, and is becoming more extensive ly usal than any other preparation of medicine ever Produced for the relief orsoffering man: It has been immdoced very generally through the Baited States andrope, and them WI few UMW. of importance .but what contain some remarkable evi dence of Its good effects. For proof of the foregoing etatathenutswia of the and efficacy of this medi cines theynaprictor will Buten a few of the many thou. .and testimonials-which have been presented to him by men oldie first respectability—men who have higher slaws of morel rerpousibility and justice, than to cer. tits to feels, borne.e it will do another a favor, and tberoseivu. no inumlice., :Sloth teithermy prove. con elusivelythat lot smptivinstexcellemee is established, by Ito inuinsio merits, and the unqa.tionable authors, ty of pub& opinion. The lemony...mous relief it of, fond., and the soothing influence diffused through the. whole frame by its sae, renders it a moat agrecab' remedy for-the afflicted. RESTMBEB! Men, aedng Crum conscientious nopalsra, voluntarily bear testimony to the .truth of a thing, or ,particular Stet, sheik tee :cony, being contrary to their `worldly interests and pniPoses, coerces ronvicuen of its troth, and commen d s itself in a special manner to universol eredenee.'.o l blomm's Moral • READ TILE ROSIE DESTIFICATI:s.t. Sens ASCRIXIM Canto! Plnixossar Commarruce— There never was *remedy thablmS beer. as seec.vt ul in desperate cases of Consamption, as Dr. Bwayne s -Compound Syrup of Wild. Cherry,...ll.,stmngthon. we 'paean, mad ennead to heal the trice. on the lungs, creating =wand rich blood; power possessed by no other medicine, OUST= CO., April Zth, I Dr. Surayno—Dear Silt 1 verily believe your Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been he means et saving my life. I caught a severe cold, which gradu ally grew worse, extended with severe cough, resisted all the remedies which I had recourse to, cult Increasing ontil my case exhibited all the symptom. of Pulmonary Consumption.; Every tiring I tried seemed to base no effect, and mytomplobsignereased so rapid ly that friends as well &eloper, nO lmt.m. of my recovery. At this time 1 was recommended to try yourinvaluable aseditinM ) did the moat hap py results, .The first honk hid treat to loosen the cough, canting me Waled In aria by the time.) had used six bold I was Calmly well and ant now as hearty a man aa ever seas In my HIM and world be happy to rive any nyformation respecting my cam, thsbotr sufferers' may dense the benefit for which lam so gratefilL For the troth of the above stawroal t refer yen to Peter Rnsh, Canter, Wein rlbester of whom I purchased the medlelne. ally yours, i•JCL• Wonder I/ Curs of a Methodist Minute, Dr- Bwallu , vrDcar Sini feel a debt of gratitude due e rina—mui a dory to the altered generally, to offer my humble testrimeny la favor of your Compound Sy. teapot ,Wild. Cherry. Senate three years since I was siolantly attacked with cold and inflammation of the L'aMg_ "" i d r h i e4 d tarp 'ing ble dlsibmge of offensive-amuses from the lift, e sp e - '- itlirE=entxlowietoilormy , di h th = slight et uon.coneMead that I waarapTrgelng Lam cost wd rsfr7 grew daily weaker, andai length was mune. .ty able to walk abaci, or speak above • whisper web erns theesteedlng weakness of toy lugs. Duri ng this time 1 laul ltiedvarlans pub ninon antt prescriptions, Ont f ound no relief—smorinlf all the mutt one. Just here I was advised and . persuaded by a. dear friend al -Wilmington to stake uml of your Syrup of Wild Cher. dice .0 tang tweets that premonaly I had been prepif diced agaiust patent ruedtatnea, and 1 am still against those eandas out of the halals of ensperfes, but Under standing your claims to the prfdession and pmcuce Medicine, sutd having impliett to In the saying of toy friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. &haw, one of put men% a few boitlee, and de r its me. My Ma ease was at that time of oft months' Standing, on. sequel:loy It moo deeply sealed. I feond, however, considerable relief from the use orate firm four or bre honks. But being • pedalo speaker, I frequently at tempted to preach with my bumming strength, and thereby ruptured those 'Marls Mat had already began to heal; in this way, doulalcu, MY cure 00 00 greatly I retarded. In eonuquence of acting thus imprudently. had to use twelve or Mien bottle s I was per fectly scatored. I have ruiv 4•••tio., • mach smeller amubcr of haulm wouldAtye made me sorted, bat for 'the abereindmerenon. Tile SYnSO ullaYed the fever. tab habit, took away the distrestung. rough, pal o go to the al/reliant:of Miter from thengs, mid g‘ v, themand this enure . stem good health. I have defer red °Tering Mis until new, for the psalms> aiming siert:icily mithified:yritli the permanency of the care, Vol now thatl.feel per fe ctly well I offer ,1 wan ginning. K. J. P. J 051.11..; - Dublin county, N. a Important ContMett — ' Redd' Read! There is bat one genuine Preparation of Wild Cherry, 'and that is Dr. SWATEIVIN ;the first ever offered in the public which has been sold larply throughout the United States and some parts of Eurom on all pre- Panne. caned by the name of Wild Cherry have been put out since this, under cover of some deceptive circumstances, in order lb give currency to their sales. By a little observed., no person need mistake the genuine from the false. Each bottle of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful steel engraving, with the Winans of William Penn thereon; the, Dr. Swaynos signataem and as farther enmity, the portrait of Dr. Swamis will be added betralter,so as to distinguish his preparation from another. Now, LI it was not for. the greaccanstive properties and known virtues of Dr. Stwrj d ne4Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persona not be endeavoring to live currency to their nnetitiotur amtrams" by stealing the name of Wild °berry. Remember, always bear is mi. the name of Dr. Sway., and be not deceived. p r ip,dpal Office, cornet of Eighth and Race steeets, Philadelphia. For sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN & SNOW- Dag, ear MI and Wood Ms; D A PAHNPSTOCK & CO, COT tot and Wood, and GM and Wood ate; Whl THORN_ ,63 Market all S JONES, I •nd Liberty sr, /AS A /ON t=:., cot, Hand and Pena etc JOHN MITCH ELL, Ailaghany city, and by all respectable dealers in medicine. A STRONG EVIDENCE nut Dr J A ENE'S EX PECFOXANT la Orportor to all other reettediu for capso , o9thia, Brandiale,Aellooaci other Point Ohry it the raise permits, it !" e as of it their &mita tea' pare ego, prefer to all . to remain of tbi kW: eAll.h.rmlll boeil ni timed o„rj, they !unfair:oast ram s been the which as rameaortr = el lfrolia high polies bestowed t 7 the pro • m ind here ottatte4 to th e tuto of JAiroto , tomorroirr;r t* , randy that ha tuner Wad to relieve Gem, and, protsl4 war had it.4.l •arraiof valmooarrdtwea PriTalod, crolY Dy D. Jam Phitaolpino, and told e. ALEX. JA NES Ig enlik, 7 .. ant • Fourth st Dr. W.P. illlsatail Premium Plaster. D". P. INLAND, ankle &Wien! College br Phil adelphia, now offers to Mt paid., bra India. Veg etable Premium Platter, the qualities of which, after long . and died nalserimmejles been satisfactorily es. odd' h.. To all worecawlie may be afflicted with Prolapout Uteria or Pallets Womb, he recommends Ks plaster, gnariuneeing a Sum wd speedy cure In the short spectra from two todsee weeks, if applied with tarn and reit—discarding tell the weraleu instruments and expenalso bandages to long In ese. Ws be feels censetentionain otatimt, inionneab sa he has not failed ia one coon 001 of threihuodred and 'fifty-three pe dants. Also for Liheaseatism Went Direst or Book, at tended with pato, there is Amities to Excel this Fiwter adoollogyellet or effeobAg cam For rob 0 by • L Wilcox coiner of Diaiwond wiellsaket Braun & Reiter, u Libehy and St: 19d, Surat u Federal •si and Dissoond,'An, bu J • 64E7 daj. aeww q & uo ßenin De. Benin sa mi d Diamond Ding. m ReE. SELLERS, Draagiat, No G 7 Wood sum, • Sale Agent for the de of Dr.lownuad's Sea- Straapais, Itaa jam received 1011 dorm: of riots Ortar Swing and Sum Ear Medicine, PArchasars thoild.racollese triasE.Selkas 5 . 1 0 *pat fof !Stamp, Lad D Curry far Alleghtair aps vntr. psoOF PIN2D. bbis Pleforislay al A. custwol i r p s a sim p th4 rattidT J': v 1 ~ ,MEDICAL N. B.—Persona inquiring for this medicine, should not be Induced to take any other. Druggists .put op Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling their own. Do not be deceived by imptqulre for Dr. Town send'e, and rate no o th er. Remember the genu ine "Townsend's Sarsaparil n , sold sold by the walee , :ts. K SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retail nt, No. 57 Waal (toed, mid D. M. CURRY, Al legh eny dry. tta PECIAL SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION.- 13 Quick rodeo, hacking cough, general weakness, restless near, variable appetite, Irregular bowels, pains between the shnulder blades behind. inrsLumn Sr - urinal or CotenrErnon.—Coughing night and day ; flabby muules, general debUity, great shortness of breath on going op stairs, ascending a hill, or walking but a little hut, pulse always above one hundred, for weeks together; drenching cold sweaterowards morning. Catarrhal Consumption cornets on like a common catarrh or cold, Opt about the period when that &M -eese nasally is exOeted to subside, some of th e env toms are aggravated. The cough Is more nimbi, .utte, unemally when lying down. There no fixed pain in the chest, but difficult breathing, which l e a worn on ( which ow c op iou s, pparnce of the expect 'oration, ls In ehanged from a tMek yellow muerta to • thinner substance. It is vary no pleasant to the patient, end emits en nopleasant sip It when burned. It is of an uniform appearance, and Is probablya mixture errata and mem., as on mixtriggat with water part sink. end part swims. This &so-sue may scene In any habit or at any age, and Is charao termed by the pecaltuny of the covert. The Balsam of Liverwon effects the core of ihi. In tames &masa by expecteration, soothe and heal s the affected Wag. h never fells. Wherever this medi cine h. Wan used, we bear of lie raccess. For thir teen year. it has been before the public, and has bean th o ,„,,,grdy tested for all complaints of the Lange, and has proved itself upenor in merit to any thing in use. .We Might giro, hundreds of testimonials hootphysl man., the presOlergy, end thou who have been ca red, bat all we desire 11 to cull the attention of the af flicted, and for their own good they wth icy it. took oat for counterfeits : Alertly. oburve the m ails aaze, "Oro. Taylor, M. D,° on th e and prepared at the' Whelmale Depot, in Bea... meet. New Vert. Sold In fbashan,o D Morgan 03 Wood sh J Townsend, 40 8 01 Yaer, bar Mutat and gd s r , Co, a Many st Rita redaead to BI par haul. • man N 0, 64 71 1 / 4 in . t its? ad o. /b. sal? krw 141 i) t111:A1 r , • 4.6 1 ;. 'll:_z[dil4l-t1 at 1 1 , _ D11..,T nnt W9W.D.98 cokio SARSAPA ILEA. Fronsisw.nad Dinafgg of do also. Tise coo. eitennsdnure Alniki n• Is &• World I rnis Ranw. pal .j Betslar b lo off elms thoooroo, plesenr.s. end wwwwiled es Pater to emq NU. It wry wills. 'se. 4 +^c T. grew dam =Piss* slab atiab , . lber wink, it and.= Y k invigorate. bodn. Is in ma of nu beet BPRIND AND wmtpa INEEDLCDIEII Ever known ; it *study pie . . dm wink sywnsan. arengthennthe pone.. bat inn ^etu semi II WI rick le.: a power reawnswa by g saber lad . inns lies t. gracannernlat wenterAdyncee It Ins phlwrowl within the two punk mane.. 100.000 clues of sms cur. of ; tent I incurable. Is ins need the liven of coon et. Inooo children dining thz twe pan mums.. , 10,00ik eases et General Debility and want Wont of Nervous Energy. Dr. To oscura Elanaparille lorliorzte• the •hoLe arm. To atop* oho Ita. kort their cortender by.. erects of feedlot. or W... tuto fa youth; or the wod. todelien. of Om passione, wet brought ra• petrel physlad prom. 0. of the Iterrooe systrort, lead.derldtdattf.dtbi,4.4 Calrabg mow.nti penntsts decay sad draw Amu lug tower. that feud diem, ConterdePtidttr .... b• ..." arely un by dils .m. remedy. Thls Som. milt. L. tareperio to p any Invigorating Cordial, Au it motto wad tortiorattra dm spigot, &so activity to the Limbs, .4 ottoogth to the macular sratoto, la • moth ostroordinary dem. Consumption Cured. Illermar drad Strowthoz. Clonnoteptiee cm. lie omit &rm.:Mils. Clut Liver Onortsist, Oeldc Qatari, Cowin, Anion, 8 4 4. 4 . el MM. Soronnio Qa Mart Hubs /balk, /Neu *meta, Dilloak or Press* Downs natio, Pas is tib Sods lro. bms foes sad lush most eraeirmii nzooto.- ilies /ray Airtlelitlta__ Oa. TOVNICCID-1 May Wine Om Few feta lem ion O. maim Wont IPrntlia."%TrA web. be Or synall rm. lowl • bed bons. col lowa Li tail I ri/ad borsquati thew m had *ln lbw" cid Tor repay dila uss.iaxa rolyeed, dhl elf lipid la Hrs. norm •aly spot 'oar OusayerOla don Mu =I thus km s wesdialiiilmage base irmstri sip. I mu., We to wan ail itywr dap. I rata as sad ay "nth 1.41t05. gas will to Oal lus ws• nnlar. 4.v •Impdialletnikb • " WIC 1117111=4 61 Catkattaut 11?ftwas Dr. Tromai 1. intaglio and aim fey oei V l Chutremptrif Ow; lf du Week Rik •• testban, ts• obettvairl •011111• Mt; teasktbases at Mtn, Imlashr, &arm; •nd ett gonna prottntlia-tsf Brim— wt =ma Thattuar the rodisflammt OMB Ott e••••• prodamod y trrqestity, Mars of logidan. Hobbs gut b. envy imptiAqlba hi bribruzdzit drub ea tk• tonal tranta S atriktrild hasb tads, bum Mkt:l:Ad sag Itensti• token=l .tarp tatty Mwas• lattellataly tb• vertilacrametti• konakt hurt whisk bite tam of Burtead h will sot kw el 44 Is sca m s apa e daanbk.a •m . mka eattlkaus of ob Moak Um Imam& amass haw, bout prytteud ras Mama. of nint mhos battle hank boo artilmet abb.% • kom WM* et We iminid. wad" ear. basabbmed milli las, lookly sikprtg. 17== 7 !'"=!! . • . This - Ectmet of Ihms= hat both wed refererer to who hes math to comes err i". .meadttaa dud deed perbai, • Tha foro WV mewl = take fa dtt Is serlda, meant= Pr may et' the aacerso cad Isereila thump ee wile eiteedes ari nod os en thee 21th. poriod mew he ste. btistips moat yawn by stew 13b dedboir. Net is it het flabtahls It. than wk. a anotoookinanto maahotal, to it it =Unitized Os esdie .we. by =Pk. min the blood sad totem. Weed, W nedithse Prat Po ell the Salsa= dew, ass to wile stomas are =noel It dam de who!. system. row Ike wand asetyina by name: tha haparitia h 0.17. =4 so ihr stendatter a. to potted eobsequat /ati=lll•l2. Which Is the cafe demi atedientes team foe female weekend out &easa ny opt afore bouts at this meadow, may ease= sad WOW mated opens dent may b. =dont Greed Blessing to notheisand Children. It la rho West tad mart eroded mead:mew pony. the the system, endtelloolag the nfreologe attended epos ebsUhirth dor dienersted. It erfacthees both the mother and dal, =mom pits sad dine= to. thinand andel= the OW, those who hare lewd it k la huitspenashia It le highly esetal both before • and aftereoldiam.m., as it portents dams= attradasn spa. ehildlerth—ls Cowart:nese rile* Cessepa 8.. n• F IZ . ; i r=W l =7}l . V" o u rtt 'fr.g. are, ad In terdating th e Norse= ad .gonn a ats• Wien it hat as thud The pat heap thb Redid.* it fa always oh, end dm mod d.lleam as. St cud amethedoey, racy for cote mod= thy taw ediae= is soot a Me Cam= Oil s or Mapes* la nada Eland= In the opea sio tad tight foad with the mediebta, ED always am= • sob sad easy ease toms= wooly wad Health. Camas Chalk, sad . variety of preepautiou pas rally la re, etas epplbed te the tere, very ...poll It Ite busty. Thy close Ina pone of the atia, red chest, tle circulation, eldelsielese numb us three ad by ahem or pawner, et the slch begatned by dee Malley used la loam bauttnee lis ova ambr e.. la the • humus hu Diviss" ea sell as b the gut. el rich lad delicately thud nategated gosears Dee, settee and burly theadutrot et as adds or the coug erne pus, rieb blood l tbs surasalu, that which Wad tb Posertansue la thene=et lit. beauty. It to tan slab Imparts the eludes and tubs, lovellaue that ell admire, hot use us auras Tat Wiest, b the oaring of se. tare—Dot elreeder U theft le ta i a Me sad healthy ...healer*. dun Is no bury. If the lady Is fair u &tun arm. If els palat e and an thatterks the biped la task, uY ad borers b. has bus AbA. If du be brows as yams% esd than la pare ad actin blood It rue a rich Mouth Du treks ad arilasey to their ere dui Ileorhee Tide la an ib• meatth le sad tb• tam leh Wiles an added ladles t• sera she take bat Ilia mune% or sne ermined hr does rouse, or hue epeBd their ematrulers by lbe eggete. cache of ddennhae nature If th.9P gale eludeny of rep, Irenriut ephits oparkllag_ use ud busied tuarratons they Wald see Dr. Wes mend'. gerseruills Tboasande who have Wed wore than utielied, are delighted Lease of *vary weep, creed ear Mau deny. Notion to au Ladles. Thom two ladies Dr. Townsend's Busepariith ham innotehly celled their owl • /rent Rs.. Po' Fr notes, to, k.. end love onOod ND cbsnlor which nista to the cemplainte of worth; wort for woo. —other MP who pot op Waldron hem, atone the great abeam of Dr. Tranisoire Earinpartheb consplahat icieldsot b toad.. mcnoressdod WontAZ vioitehr they dld sot. •niunltor eltheee tr., err hoodoo to Amass, en dry end undermine th e onaltettow. V=uire le the GOY end bat monody lin the =myth &sole carp plaints—ltrarely, II era bib of abaft • yormencou I. It the bo take. by the wort 10.14 thambee, in thy cosh or by thine expeettq Is become mothers, with Lb. groom odthespie. roputh the eyeball sod prevents or &coo stead etromplieth both mother sod chi ear he psalm. This torddesso poseJaholy Fyne lbai 'lbls Bata parlda hos perfect mud Goa do moo* oludzsalo cue. at du Blood. TU. porno owed to ono Pomo ooprooodazood. .IChree Children. . Da. Towaranin—ihar ; I ho.. that 'to Inform you that Om of sty ehildma hare= of ;ha Serofola by Su au of roar ozaellaa madlana. Tb.y vas &Maud my Pam* with Ind Sonar ham tar. only thour tattiam took Sam away, ibr std. 1 fool =Fair sada pail obligati. Tom rarpoctfally, ISAAC W. CRAM, 106 Wawa.. Oviedo= of Phyalelos. Dr. Towamod I. ininan dally marls' orders troa. Phmiaaas io dinar. parte of tha Ord.. 'nla or to certify that we. th.. 3 ,1.41.4 Ph= at dm City orAlbsny, hare In ammo. a... ad Dr. Tawnsen.P. Sarsaparilla, and ball.. II to ha o. of lb. moat traluabl. pmparatioaau lb. mark.: IL P. POLING 11. D. WILSON h{. D. B. IL 1111.11165, IL D. Alhaay, April I, 1210. P. E. ELME/GIMP, N D OAVTION Owing to the peat semen me Inensam oa4 of Dr. Town...aro Sarsaparilla, ..amber of mon who were formedy our Agents, ham emmenotal walls( &soap. rilla Ramer; palm, BUM; Estrum of Yellow Do* dm They morally pet It up In the lame duped bon tlas, and =meal them Moo atole cod ettplai oar Mawr Memento—they are only :worthless Isettatkno, and Mould be awolded. prignipal O 5 153 FULTON Btemb Bu Dadldlo& N. Y.; Redding & Co, 8 Stam Mint, Boston; Dyott & Ron. lee Muth Seibnd West, Philadelphia; B. B. Hanna, Drug . Calamine ; 31. Cabal, Chmenton ; Weight k 151 Charms /Wen, N. 0.; 105 Booth Pearl Street, Ebony; and by all the principal Deng. gists and Ilerchna leniently throughout lb. ening AlSUSalffest Indian and the Canada. • HPARRY has invented a mac. e for washing . Cield e thr which ha beam. voiheob oo ro, DUCAL They am now • offered (pc nate Li nt the see n. losose of h rum, Sew th Co, 167-Wood suss', Pittsburg Adventurers to California are Is.. Mewl and ex amine these laborsaving in their constnaction, easily transponed on the beet of males or horses, weighing nighty poema each, and elit be pin in operation in halt. bons „ They c oo be filled witirprovisions. It is the opinion of those who have seen the trial of one °Mese machines of smallest eire, that two Men W il l wash the mineral (rein MO bushels of mad or earth in n day, wit turet the low of a particle of the mineral. They eau be Increased in size lead worked by grater or mole power, If expedient The operators work without going into the water or being exposed to wet, and consequently without en dangering their health. They will rennin but a email arrant of water, and can be need the whole seamen, and can be pet ono operation where them is not suffi cient water to womb in the usual way. Prue of smallest size 63l Orders from abroad, ae compealod by cash, will be promptly filled. a PARRY, at Parry, Scott & Co's, No 103 Wood sr, Pittsburgh • ampraits 6EI • • •z:' , • • THE subsoaere am now receiving their Fall stock of the above article, three vessels, air lhe Juniata, Medallion an4Lydia, having arrived in Philadelphia and Balunuire, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Leila, shonly expected; they are, therefore, prepared to receive orders. They will receive during the aria. ter and spring regular supplies Ina New Orleans. n0v1.3 W 3 M MITCHELTELEE 'OLINT EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning dows and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass, lin tuuds.„, and other ware. It rapidly takes out all spots ani stuns, and reproduona the betatinal and durable lustre of new wars. Just received and for sale, whole sale and retail, by JOHN D MORGAN, {.Ol NOTICE. - ATE AML H. HARTMAN having sold his inter cat m the co-partnershlp of Coleman, Heilman O. Co, to the remaining partners, has this day retired from the firm. Febmary 19, 19,1194 wrial MUR MAN 0 7 247ffirtg. signed, Agent for the manufacturers, boa on hand and W constantly receiving a full supply of the articles made in Pinsborgh and eternity, which he offers for sale at manufacturers prices. CEO COT feteo RAir; INDIA, RUDDER PASTE —I gross bottles as nr. her Paste, an excellent article for rendering b.: and shoes perfectly water proof, and soft as • piece of cloth. One eppliesnon of this paste le eufhment to make them impervione to water for 2 or 3 months, and a perfect preventative from the leather cracking. Reed and for sale at the loth. Robber Depot, No 5 Wood et fetal & R PHILLIPS BIGELOW'S CARRIAGE ND V FACTOR Y, Diamond dltq , downs Mad and aniAfteid threas. E. M. BIGELOW would respectfully I inform the pubLe MU at his Factory "...newt can at all Units be found kluge empply of Fundy Carriages, Beseeches. Bu glee, and all ktuda of fancy Cunages, equal In ele gance and neatnes• to any found In the, EP•t COll - for any number of Carriages, Haggles and Wa. gone, will be promptly filled. All work of Ms own manufacture well be warranted. Ranatureas,--c o l. R. F`atterson, R. H. Patterson, E. D. Garrote, Esq., Robert Robb, Eaq., C. L. Magill, Ai de/mem Steel. feb2S-am WIYiII - lia"ll.7N(i~ - - -•- • . PUBLATTENTION LETTERS PATT IC IS solicited tso gamely new solicit of RAILJNO, made of wrought iron bent, and son annealed rode, or wire, sod exprewly designed for enclosing Cottages Cemeteries, Balco- Moe, Public °founds, Re., at prices varying from 50 cents to $3OO the running foot. It iv made pthnels of carton. lengths, V/ to 4 feat high, with wrought Ironpests IS inch square, at Intervening dlstencee of ill to 10 i s If datred, the panne!. can he made of any height, mo condone.. spans of SO to 60 ket, with or without pasta No ,rtrn charge for pmts. The comparative lightness,— groat etrongth and dura bility of in. WIRE RAILING, the beauty of oa vaned ornamental designs, together with the extremely low price at which it is sold, are causing it to supersede the Cast Iron Railing wherever their comparative merits have been tested. For further particulate, ad dress MARSHALL Ls BROTHERS, gents for Patentee Diamond allay, near ßeinth A lield st„ Pittsburg s, h. leitoti-d3m LOWELL IPLE TOE EIL ALCOHOL AND PURE APIRITb, Corner Front and Vine mem., Clneinnad, 0. ._, _ ___ ~ , , ded to at lowsor market plea' . ntoblAdly RCE/VbD TNT: DAY, at the noir Carpet W•ro• It house, No. 75 Fourth street— Leh embossed Plano covers Plain Turkey red C,hsn II do do Table do Fled do do do Worsted do do do do Bordartng, Bane Damask; Carpet Bindtngs; =IIIIMMII SO —Camps Gottsies Transparent Shades; Semprare 'Views do do Turkish do do do Chintss do do do itT . ape . r/ .. Cl4!, , tess E=M= l .!•ll Loadsoope do T GotOtos Miaii=MiZ=l . The above Goods ate of the richest and newest styles, to which we invite the attention of oar friends sad cos:tuners, and those wishing to tarnish or re. plenish steam hosts and hooses. mat'! W. hI`CLCNITOCIC - - - - _ CititdatiV, - VVICTICA3I, Manufacturer and dealer in all boas of TOBACCO, SNIBTFiI AND CIGARS. A T hi. Old Stand, corner of Smithfield, street and A Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa_ would respettful ly call the attention of Country hlerchanta, Hotel and Steamboat Barkeepes, to a large and 'superior anon meat of IMPORTED CIGARS, among vatiteh will be found the follawmg brands, vim Eagle, Regalia, Cu tellos, Ptincipe, La Norton', Star Brand, Minerva and Dollar Regattas all of which will be sold as low so can be bad at any other boon In the city. Also, constantly on hand and far sale, a large and wall selected stock of Virginia Mlasourt, and Fate Cut Chewing Telmer.. Also, Havana, Cuba and COMOZI Leaf Tobacco, constantly on hand and for sale. nov3utem VErreAßPETtr—ltii - el.ed this daj drieet teem I, the manufacturer.— Now style Tapestry 3 ply Carpets, extra armor, do do do do super; do do Brussel,Carpets; do Brpowls, vary cheap, do do rielfrobta super Ingrain do 44, 34 an may Ntenenan 4-4 L, 3-4 do do All of whlo do ti sold at a mull advance, and anti bran:sum as low as can be panbased In the east aec2s lV RPCLIPaOCK,76 Fourth .t COACH MAKING. FRAM the very Menu encourage meat the subscriber has received some he hash:mated himself In Allegheny, has /educed hunt to take a kerte,,for. ii tern of years, on the property he now I=i, in Deaver BMW I, taixosdaut I y betide the Chareh. From the long experience m the above busmen and a desire te plane, he hopes to met • hi end receive a share of public panonstm. . Now on hand and grushlng to order, Itockeway Bog ue*, open and top Doggies, and every descraption of Ullinagel Infulb to Ont., (MO seventy-Ave SOUTH- ighthentuft. foap3dill JOHN The All. Imlay •Th? ivory. A T the untold of the CorpOralon, held on .bk. the oth MIL. the were tut.. 41101131, 1 . 0.4.1 klanstgarabct tropoor THOMAS X LIOWS. Prmdatn. JOHN MN JMIE NATILABIEL HON 'WILSON APCANUL 1 Hanagent JOAMESIt HN SHOENHERO B. SPEER, L PIMIST, Jr, Secretary and Trent:tree The stenosl statement presented the strain of the Company in a very prorperons condition. Their odic. in the city to Na. =Water amt. Jou THE STAR OP THE WEST * VENEHAN BLIND MANUFACTORY East aide of the Diattiond, where Vermin Blinds aid! the different sizes and colors are kept on bander made to order aim the latest and moat approved Eastern full. l • se lonAnt the &honest nodes and on the mos reasons le tense Also, the cheap Meting tell or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Contd. of all the different alma and patterns, an hand and for rata law Par eaah Old Vent. nen Minds painted over and repaired, or taken in pun payment for now. RU ViMITERVELT, Preepr. N. II —All wen. done with the best material and wortmenship, and warranted to please the meet les tidtone angta4lly Allegheny eny, Aug. 10,187& AMERICAN TELECCIAPII bOrIPANII. ILLLTIAOLZ, artutatuto. WV-STERN LINE. (Mee at the Exchange, Baltimore. AurEDUCED RATES.—Thn charge. hare been redu ced on all aleasages to or from Baltlotose, Pius. gh or Whoollog, and a corresponding reduction made on alt telegraphic despatches forwarded from Rah Moons West of Pittsburgh, Pa. Ittria—Tho charge for a telegraph despatch to or from Hattimore, Pittabungh and Wheeling, Cs dd .11111 for the first ten words, and 3 dente for each additional word. turn.Mr No charge is 'made for the address arid sigma Mail the completion of tho South Weatsra Lino of TMegraph from Illemphle, Tenn., to ;gam Orleans, dm. Warmcan bo forwardod to laph.W by this room, and nulled. for Now Orloana. 101 l ACHESON WOODHOUSE fr. JOHN WOODHOUSE, IadVING this day sun:tanned themselves together Dn. m partnership, ander the firm and style of A. & J. Woonuons for the manufacture of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE, on the corner of Robin eon street and the Canal, In the let Ward, Ansonia. ern, where they are prepared to famish to order, wholesale and retail, al/ articles In their line with promptness. Foundry Trimmings, end Carpenter.' orders are too. hotted, which will receive immediate amutlon. _City of Allegheny, Feb. 1 , 1041.—dam LANDSCAPE PAPER -1 set, a view atria Battle of Monterey; " " Cerro Gordo; 1 " " " a Baena Vista; . " Pets de Par* " " Chang sip Lyon; " " Hard. Prancing; 1 . " " Col C Auvergne. The above is Suitable for papering 'Large publie rooms. Just reed direct from Puts, and for sale et the warehousd of .2 8 C BILL fir I. A.ll flue rozAttTy sael:g Wan tabor anddispensing *n ht tha washboard. The finest Wilton carpets, east haring been in cm cloven years, hare Dees perfectly restor ed, without the sfishtest Minty to the fabric, .nn .141 - out removing from the door. It will not Injure the cloth. Direatom aecompacyi4 each bottle. Price 1.1 cents. For gale, by I SCHOONAL&KER & Co. • 11, wood st CMlo Add . . ... d Hypo. BMA. Soda do Sub blic 111.0111lh do Creams do Granville Ledo' do Chloroform do lost received and for Ws by 1. m 73 11 A PAZINUTOOR h Co I.3 . ,NEvNl:3:l.lr4mlßelli Banker BONI%s, liSsebsagre Broker• • NOTES,DRAPTS ACUEPTANCES, , GOLD, SILVER COLLELVIONS.— AND I VS; NOTM.- Notes and Acceptances payable In any part of tho Woo, collected on the most favorable terms EXCHANGE on New York, Philtufeltible and Dal. timorm also, Quoin: an, Loulaville, Se m Louis and New Orleans, constantly Sr *elm BANK NOTPS..—Netes on all 'solvent bank* in the United States discounted et tha lowest rases. All kinds of Foreign and Amerman Gold end Sliver Coin bought and told OM. No. 63 Market k. stroot, between 3d and 4th Pittsburgh, .. peas Petunias EXOTIANGE.' ELLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland any amount et t he Current Rama of Exchange. , Drafts parable In any part of the Old Countries, from Ll to LIXh, in Ilia rats of tho L Starling, without deduction or doupoont, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European anal tiounral Axent, office fah at ona door west of wood. Axtlatt maxi auxin.) (novae-an SA Mil • 11111. da RM, BIOOADHLERS AND CHANGE A BBOKFRA, deelen in Foreign lind Domestic Dills of Exchange, Cei tamales of Deposits, Bank Notes and Coin, comer r 3d and Wood streets, dimetly opposing, N. Charles lit tal. IiirKESTMELNWSTUS ::-. Ohl°, ndiana. Kentneky, Musourt, purchased at the lowest rate., by Bank Notes; N. HOLM ES & SONS, sr pl 3 35 Market street It Er ifiitfre . CE - oi New r fork hdladelphkand ItifllOre, CLlnntrkiiy for sale by N. a, & SONS. sept 3 35 Market et. BOOKS. ' USIC, EW BOOKS—Complete Works of John 51 Mason, DD, in 4 wile. Mardi and a Voyego Hither, by Herman Melville. Howler Warfare of N York, by W W Campbell. Here a Linle and There • Little, by the author of "Lute Ran Line, end Preempt upon Precept." Momoin of my Youth, by A De Lamartine. Illustrated Lire of Franklin, part Bth Jost received and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, aptal corner Thad and Market am NE NV IY E7 -- HJKS—Dr. Covet:arra Work on Rpidernic Cholera, us History, Causes, Pathology and treat ment. Philo•ophy of Religion, by J. D. Morel', A. M Bourne's Catechism of the Steam Engine. Chamber's Cyclopedia of English Literature, 2 vole. octavo, fine edition, steel plates. Climbers' Miscellany of Useful and Ennnaining Knowledge -1u vela is on. Illustrated. Advice to Young Men, by T. S. Arthur, gilt. " Young Women, ^ FJemente of Meteorology, by J. Brocklosby, M. A., " ROvert.for the People, by ES. M. n. University Sermons, by Dr. Wayland. Frroch's Hansen, Lecturer. for 1.646-7 —The fallen of Holy Scriptures for enfolding the spiritual life of men' 1 vol, No. 5 Franklin's Life, illustrated. Received this day by R HOPKINS, •p 24 _Apollo Buildings, 4th Cl_ NEW PUHLICATIONS—Fasay on the the Union of Church and Stater by Baptist W. Noel, AL A. 1 vol. Itirmn..—slA An moire edition of Chu work was sold in one day, on Its publication In Loudon! Leaves from Margaret Smith'. Journal, in the Pro vince of Measackoseus Bay-1071.0. 1 vol. 12mo. 710. HoyPs Poen:ie.—Sketches of Life end Landseape, by Rev. Ralph llor—new ed. enimged—with Manta non.. 12mo. 0100. A Catechiam of' the Steam Engine, 11l ntratne alba mientific principles upon which - its operation depends, and ihe practical details of its stmeture, In Its applica. non to mints, mills, steam navigation, and railways; with venous suggestions of improvement by J Bourne C. F- 1 vol. 12mo. 75c. Chceoee'e Lectures on the Pilgrim'. Progress—new ed. 12r1o, Prue reduced to SI,OD. The Caxton*, a Family Picture. Part I. Franklin's Info, Illustrated. Peru IV and V. Rana Tontine' Ifistonee by Prof. Tyler—Dnoo. For solo by tondlii N HOPKINS, eth st. _ Sole Agency far Nunn' 6 Clark'. Plano& nit/1/ST RECEIVED and opening, • new lot of elegant Poinoe, from the celebrated factory of Norms tr. Clark, N. Y., comprising 6, 61 and 7 omega, with important improvements, both in mechanism and exterior, possessed by no others. ALSO—A One selection of Chickering's Pianos, trona 6 to 7 moves. IL KLEDER, Bole Agent, at .1. W. Woodwelre, El Third st. N. IL The above will be sold si manufacturers prii nes, without any addition for freight or expanse.) marl() Journal and Chronicle ropy . NHL A SPLENDID asaortmeat h ffillail gam. and Rosewood. ?moot, jut g.. tithed. These instruments are made 0( the latest patient and but matenalii; and will be sold low for custi by l F. DLu.7IE, 112 Wood street. - oor above fth. N B.—nose who are in want of d a good instru Fi ment, are respectfully invited to elan:tine these before per chaung elsewhere, as they CIRIUMI be excelled by any In the country, and will be sold lower than any brought from the East. AitioJum received, two pianos of Ham burghmanufacture, warranted to be superior to any ever sold no this country. actin F. B. NEW LNIBTRUNENT, j: R m E tnerltter hes been appointed Sale Agent fen ihe We of CAM WIT'S IMPROVED 511.1.0Dr:- ris, as manufactured and and perfected by Messrs. !dutch & White, of Cincinnati.' The usual comps. and extent being but kw octaves, Mears. M. & W , in accordutee with the general desire mad demand, bay, emended the scale of teem tustruments to 4j and even 5 octaves, thus making it practicable to perform upon them any music wnuan for the Piano or Organ. The exierior . , also, has been mush Improved by placing the body of the Instrument upon a cant iron Ramo beautifully bronzed and ornamented, rendenng it at once • most elegant and extremely desirable ankle. The gnat is pm se low an to bring It within the reach of every out to Obtain • perfect isumeal =sum:Dent, and, at the mime time, a men elegant piece of furni ture for a commtructm ,ride. H. EMBER, At 1 SW Woodweint r .,_ R Par ItRIATa L — NO VlT.77=—liiiti.eiit. - 4ii kJ has gm received from Fnrope, and for sale, no the I AO. new invention of ?tam, Pons, called the 1A ft- INKT PIANO FORTE, which ?assenting more wet and sweetness than the equate Piano, occupies • t one fourth as much mom and ta a much more sh and handsome piece:of faracture. It is pmucularly d tre ble where the laving of spate Is an object, be' ex ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying no ore room than a mall side table. The =bomber has is 6arsl a testimonial of no .opeliwiiy tram the celebra ted manna. kloschalles, in ha own hand wridng,veinch may be mrpeined. H. ILLEtt sn, ocet7 ' At J W Tiroed - e - sal`, Chictorture Plamos: — MNJUsT received and for sale at man ofacturers paces, MILICIMMI new Piano Fortes, 6, GS and 7 octaves, of the most elegant pattern. of furniture, and sclik the late improved scale. Also on hand and for sale 10w,3 second bond Pian os JHN II hLELLOR, Sole Agent for Clucketing's Piano* for Western Pennsylvania., Si Wood MCCOL MIMS NEW MUSICIJITHENRIHER:Z - -- - The — Lest Rose of Summer, tenth en introduction and brilliant •a• nations for the Pluto Forte, as performed in all his concerts to the United States by Henri Hers. - Milltary Polka, by Henn Hem COMIC Polka, Silver Bell Polka, " " Just received and for isle b tochl3 JOHN HItIELLOR, 81 wood et Vocal Examlass ANI)SOLFEOUIOS, %glib an accompaniment for the PL.-forte, adapted to the want. pnvate pupils, or °lasses In vocal music. Selected from Italian, French and German composers, by Lowell Hawn: 78 /sage pages of eiwnsly printed MI. containing 100 escreises progressively amine., P;ice 75 cents. Jest received, • supply of the above, direct from the publishEs„ . by JOHN H. MFI IAR, TRANSPORTATION. UMW, PARKE dr. Oohs PACKET LINE. Malicia . 1848. s al . BEAVER AND CLEVELAND LINE, via WARRE N. Canal Packet — SWALLOW , Capt. Ford. OCEAN, Capt. Waiters. cya E of the above Packets leave Beaver every day, (Sunday. excepted) and only. next morning at % eaten, where they connect With the Mad Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving as each of theee place. Won" night. One earths Packeu leave Warren dilly, at A P. M. and arrive et Deaver in time to take Um mo. onto int-itinhnll (or Pittsburgh. ill COVES LEFFINU WELL, WT.., U TAYLOR, BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. tglaVall TO TIM LAURIN PORT llog/a. I... l . l Pecket—Ponorn.eants, Capt. Jettrietc Tatssaant, " Polloct Laze Ern, " Traby; Primmtta, 0 Brown; ° PLI.CIIIOII, ' Sayer. The above now and splendid Plasenger Packet. have commeneed yenning between BEA VIM ANDIERIE, end will run regularly daring the season—one boat leaving Erie every morning at 8 o'clock, and one lean t., 11..v0r every Wren n% immediately anar the anti. vet ul tier steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh. boats are now and comfortably furnished, and win .11 thlough In ferry hours. Pomanders to nay prom en the beliea, or to Niagara Fall.e,, will gad this route the moat coodbrtable and expedition. Tickets throueh to all ports on the Lake can be procured by esipiying to the proprietors. - :L. • • /a Deaver. JOHN A. O R aNY, Pittabargh, COT. Watarand Psolthaeld 111,—Jaa 0 Mariann, Buffalo, N Y. a Al Bead, Bea, Pa. e, C and anaz ir, tll l :Ai r ti umd Py Hay. 45 Pima, Platrab . atib, W U Idalas,Sharn ,ct Pa, 0 Mathews, Pulaski, Pa; It W h New Gamic Pa. I 8113111/11Lit 00.11 PAPIT EXPREB /RAU& POR CUMDEELAND, DALT/MORE, AND THE Flit/STERN CITIES. ra ill nd P a77ne W p7tr ' e r dVlb a Linn hrrptirm Newo ane-k' sariptione daily, at the lowest rates. 3. :P l ar n te D st?l, Pit lA tsitTrg i' l,. ROBINSON. R DOEIOI, *cal lig South Charles at, Bellmore. maritiPs & Pailadnirer and Reendttasuss Odlos. iffkIIANRDEN & CO. continuo to bring person. irew any part of England, Ireland. Scotland or Wales, upon the =at liberal tents, with their usual punctuality and attention to the wants and com fort of cromigrants We do not alb:moor peasenoren to be robbed by the andedling souttris that infest the sea ports as we take charge of them the moment they re, port themselves, and see to their well being, and de-. lipwelt them withent any detention by the Brat ships.— We say this fearlessly, an we defy one of our passen gore to show that they were detained da boon br as in Liverpool, "tan thousands of others were detained months, omit they could be sent In acme old meth at a eh 4p rata, which tea trapssumly proved their corlina e intend to perfona car contrasts honorably, cow What It may, and not act as was the ease hut season, with e th er odeers,—whe either performed not all, or when it suited their cenatillauca Draft, &two at Pittsburgh for any irwo /Iwo, payable at any of nus_provincial Banks In Ire long, :Vend, Cautions and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Stropean and Clenethl Apoi, fabl lantaL,On• door bather wood. V . RlBBONS—Nlustreettedd ebeloo tors, 02.22uktrt inset, 20 b p* eklored Ireton Ribbon, *slotted olcaz 20 lack " deed " anbltal7l Cam 10 ps Wlde Ma, de. 0 : 17 t!I! ”.• or BILLET'S LIGICAL PIM BRUME VIM'S folloaring from George E. Pomeroy, Eaq.„ the II known ppprietor of me F4presa operas for itself of the irdportante of fito Pain Ernactor to every parent Psranas Orme; Albany, Sept. I. Ma. My Dear Sir—With !ethnics of no or dinary pleasure I address you In relatlerito the benefit I barn received from yourinalnable Palo Extractor. Cooly, my hula daughter, fl years old, had a pitcher of boiling water turned into her bosom;her screams were dreadful, so that • rented fastarddy Fathered be fore the hone to leant timeline ofthe terrible screams. tore bee antes min ,er and an spread on your salve, end ansalve, was envied and Laid own a bed. She was soon relined from her Oahu, and mays "Mn, / feel as if I could lasighin and an aeon In sweet sleep. She was scalded to • Mister from the top of her shoulder over mon than half her chest, arid round under the arm. CM the shohlder and breast it was vary deep, yet front the first hoar, she complained only when it was dressed. The sere healed rapidly, and there is no contr./ion of the muscle. • With many wishes, my dear sir, for your meccas in the sale of this mighty article, 1 am yonot, with respect, Gin - E. POMEROY. TILE TEST •nd NO 11118TAKE' The genuine Dailey, will ever prodnce the same in •1111111IMMIS relic( and soothing, cooling encl., in the severest eases of Barns, Scalds, Piles, So. The Counterfeits—no natter under what names they y .pp.—.lvrays irritate,. and increase the pain. TO THE PUBLIC I, Edward P. Helms, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge, Columbia county, N. Y„ have been efflicued with rheu matism in my breast, feet, and all over my body, for xyears, so drat I could not stand, and was cured by r applmations of Dalley'e Marcel Pain Extractor .Daley. Sir—l EDWARD P. HOLIES. cut my linger With a copper nail, poisonous nature of which caused my Inn to swell cr ssiderably, with constant dunning pains up to the shoulder. A large swelling taking place at the are,. alt. with increasing pain, I became fearful ofthe Lock. law. In this extremity your Pain Extractor was re. commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon en try. The eonaegoence was that it afforded me alums, instant relief, and in three days I was completely ea red. JOSEPH•HARRISON, New York, corner Broome and Sullivan as, Sept 8-1818. NOTICE—H. Doter is the Inventor of Ws invals. able remedy, and, never has and never will cornmeal este to any Irving men the secret of us combination! All Extractors, therefore, not made and put op b him, are base counterfeits. Pnorairroes Dxsors-415 Broadway, New York; ZY, Chestnut BIM; Phila. JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot: tDr. Whr, THORN Agents (or Pittsburgh. s Arum& Goloante Oure,Nl, Cures humors, epayiti, quitter, grease, poll-evil, sores, galls, and braise. Pemphleta, containing cer tificates of fespectable parties, may be bed on applies don to JOHN D. MORGAN, nervltdlyis Agent, Pittsburgh. M'ALLISTER'S OINTFNT drIONTAININO NO MERCURY, or oth er eral.- 1../ It has power w cause all POLTERNAL SORES, SCROFULOUS RUMORS, SION DISEASES, POI SONOUS WOUNDS to discharge their putrid matters, and then heals them. It ia rightly termed ALLMEALING, for there It scarcely a disease externafor inulmal, that it will not benetiL I have used It for the last sixteen years for all diseases of the chess, involving the utmost danger and reinionsibility, and I declare before heaven and nun, that not to one case has it tatted to benefit when the patient within the reach of mortal MO.. I have had physicians learned in the profession. I have minters of the gospel, fudges of the bench, Ll derintai, Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor use It in every variety of way, and there has been but one voice—one universal VPICeI saying—•M'ALLISTEE, YOUR OINTMENT IS 000 D!. RHEUMATISM—It removes almost immediately the inflammation and nettling, when the pain causes. (Rend the direetiotui around the box.) HEAD-AMIE—The salve has eared peruses of the head-ache of twelve yeah mending, and who had it regular every week ea that vonddng took place. EAR ACHE, TOCYrII-ACHE, and AOUS IN THE PACK am helped with like meccas. SCALD HEAD—We have eared eases that arneally defied every thing known, as well en the ability of flf teen to twenty damn. One man told an he had spout CUM on km children whiten any benefit, when a few boxes of Ointment cured them. KOZSMaii2=;iiii BURNS—It is om of the best things in the world 1. urn. PlLES—Thoommils LTO yearly oared by Mix Clint. men:. It nom fails m giving relief for the Piles. TI Around the box are directions for ming JPAL iianv Ointment for Scrofula, Lice Coakplaink frpittp*. Su, Tame Chilblain, &aid Hood, _Sad Rkss,guineyt Sure Th.n4ll,Etronantas, Nereons Apnea., P.M.. D.- owe of tha Spins, Headkadis, weans Deatruss, Xi+ mkt, Burns, Come, ail Damsel ea. San Lipt, Piefl plea, de, Smelling of the Limbs, Sore, Rheumaism., Piks, cold Feek Creep, Siestlet er Broken Ram; Tooth nat .t . est " l4.l4 "2 - r uv., 4• C ' cotlahrit, pain In the Chest and Side, falling ogre( tha lads, or the ether ammo. nies cold feet. (This Ointment is Lhe von remedy.) It is a eine sign of disease to have cold feel CORNS—Occasional ore of the Ointment will al ways keep corns from growing. People need never be troubled with them if they use it frequently. W- This Ointment is good for any part of the body or Imam when Inflamed. ILL some cases it .hold he applied often. CAUTION—No Ointooeut will be genuine cideu the name of J AMES McALLUSTER is written with a pen on every labeL . . MIRIMINE;= JAMES MeALLISTEE, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. 110 — Principal °Ake, No IN North Third street, Pln . elphla Aoassa m Prrommion—Braun k Enter, corner of Liberty and St Clair .to and L Wilcox, Jr, corner of Market n and the Diamond, also corner of 4th sod Smithfield stay J 54 Cassel, comer of Widnes and Penn oth ward; and wild at the bookstore in Smithfield St, 3d door from Second at, , in Allegheny Pity by 11 chwartz and J Sargent; by .1 U Smith, Draggat, Bir mingham; D Negley, East Liberty; 11 Rowland, Ile- Ke.v..l; 1 Alexander re Son, Monongahela City; N Llliowniza lc Co, Did T Rogers, armanstrillm John BmX l nY, Beaver, Pa; am wholesale agent. feb374lnodlY ik . f,44 , 1.1149.4 , 6 , ..kpr, 1 11„.11,1 , t..”/.IA PHILIPBBURG, PA. rItEIB rapid insides which Ilydropattry has made ,g„ since its miroduction into this country—the bril liant and utonishing curative adhets of cold water in chrome and acme diseases, when employed.; after the method of the celebrated Priesnitz, have removed from the mind of en intelligent and discerning public every article of doubt as to us efficacy, and gained uni versal favor. Considering the nnandaacmry malts of remedies heretofore !ma in the treatment of chronie comphonts, !complaints, too, which are increasing ee cry yens,) it mast he a wand wish to see the mem. of a method by whick so many mtforornate sufferers. will be freed from their pains and intinnitin. The subsenber having practised auccesseilly this method for eight yurs at his Elydropathle establish. men; which nu been considerebly enlarged Ind im proved in all its parts, and In every rospec; is neer readym receive and accommodate patients who may choose to place themselves ruder his cate, &11l and ' 7lllTat ' rg, !Manta opott the lee bank of the Ohio, opposite the month of Um Big Beaver is well known for its refreehing and salubrious athiesphere, to de lightful quietness and chanting natural scenery, coin hullos every requisite to render the *o9= of the in v agnimah redle, and contrlbunng not a little to re•ce uttilish unpai health end physieel strength. The establishment, the first started in the United States, contains every thing, lank for pies:ere and romfan, calculated to blame a sp eed y aid happy ter mination of the ailments of the Patient. Persons wishing to avail themselves atlas advents. Kee here clued, will please eddresa the subscriber by letter, (peei.peld,) staring as near as potato the tiature of their complaints, In order to decide and ad vise on their fitness and durability by the Bydronothie treatment, and also what will be nnemma7 for them to take along, for thou +especial aced personal erre. - EDWARD ACKER, M. D. Propiietor. Philipsburg, Beaver county, Pa. Rersamters—Rev'd. - Killikelly, Annstronc D. Clark, pp . do; Hon. Th ome. Remy, Beaver, • Dr. Barker, do; Prof. Ch. Elliot Pittaborgh Pc; C. Perkins, Ent. Ohio, Rev. S. li. Sneed, New Albany; Rev. M. Mien, Princeton, N. /4 T. L. Station Esq, New York; Or. Ch. Winter, ' Philipsburg; Wm. I L Me ' . Cannel. Esq. Pittsburgh; A. Bidwell, EN, do. mch2o S UNDRIa%I-1111 packages fresh Teas—Y. Hyuin Gunpowder and imperial; 300 bags prime Green Rio Coffee; 60 do Lsitittyra do; 10 do Old Jars do; 10 do Pimento; ltrathl: new crop Sugar; 601 bbl. Plantation Molasses; 50 do Sugar House do 30 tierces fresh Rice; 150 brs Bunch Raisins 150 brs manufacture d Tobacco, various brands; 20 kegs Gedge & Bra 0 twist Tobacco; 10 0 S Herds' o o 10 0 Pittsburgh plug 150 brs 0010 Window Glass; 50 do 10112 do; 300 kegs assorted Nails; 12 casks Saleratus4 00(10 ponnds Cotton Yarn, assorted Non Together with a fall and general assortment of arti cles us this Grocery line, on bands and for We by J all FLOYD, &mod Church Buildings, Fronting on Liberty, Wood and Sixth its CALIFORNIA RUBBER GOODS—Jan received, 38 Camp Blankets; 90 officer coats; 19 poi Penis; 19 pairs nen lined Mining Boon; 12 bikinis Bags; 3 water 'links, B end 19 gallons each; EA canteens, 1 gallon each; I doz Buckskin Money Bain; tdo oiled cambric do do. The above goods for sale at the Cali f orola Ontating F.stablishinent, No 5 Wood et. meat J & H puluars • - - ALLEGHENY ihcarrruiv BLIND, AND CABINET WAREROOM. A. BROWN would rescreen. mix inform the public, that be k.CR" tat hand sidle tend oa the ittlde of the Dulond, Alle" a en complete anon f Vni. ninths; also Va ian-13hatters are Made b olr r /Oho beat myle warranted oral M any lathe United States. Blinds ran be removed arab the aid of a serene. driver. ,Lng purchased th e stock, and wood of the cabinet ea lishment of Ramsay de I um prepared to tarnish . old oustentera as well as army tht in thou line. -.. Meet, Pargh. mehllj L A. BROWN._ llftWA PER lIANHINT,,. - -Tam now reciiiing, dire° I from the manufacturers In New York, Phlladel- ' Oda and Elaltimore, a lama and well seleated mason meat of ell the latest and moat Improved sryloe of sa tin, glazed and common PAPER HANGINGS, con sisting of 10,INDO pieces of Parlor and Fresco; 10,000 " Hall and Column; 10,000 " Dining-1900, chamber and *face Paptir—whlch I would particularly invite the ollooliOn of those having honees to paper, to call end easmi r ,,. at the Paper Warehouse of S. 0. HILL, eP2 8 7 "Mod st CI ARBUTHNOT hat c0rm...4 to ramie a large mortmeni of Farley VARIETY GOODS, con;isung in port of Artificial., Ribbons, La, ? ,, Bo ry, (noses, Crape, Leinc,Combries, Netdriga, lace Veils, Shawls, Pongee Handierehlefs, guns Cravats, gingham and union Handkerchiefs, cooled Skirts, Sewing Silk, Threads, Deimos, Combs, Jewelry, Cot. Lary, Ac. lkc. ComarY and city merchants are res .. rfaily loaned to eau and *amnion hie mock, No 84 Wood street, comer of Diamond alley. racial EYTILICT OF o:Tr r f r e,H—fin ankle which pidly miming cote max a wholesoute, nourishing mid delicious Inseam being mom pleasant lord pal atable Bum oorainort Cene,and Pir cheaper, as a small paper icout of Cotton. Omf Coded My _alnifil ten emus; will go as far u four JOHN S, proi. re i S Pittabargiti Pa. Sold .1 wholesale by B F MOCK & Co, comae of Fins and Wood and Sixth and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. 11 NACAULAY'S tusroolf OP ENGLAND—But = ler'seditlod, eamaining all the matter, verbatim et lionadm,of Vas. t and 2 of the London edition, em bellished with ago:malt of tho azuhar—a Vat-in one. Price,tomphite, 20e. A huge supply of ihe aborts ro• “ige4 and for sale by JOHN JiiitELLOS, mebl9 81 woods, cIUNDaXES-4 bale4Cattoo• biro YeathenN 2do 0./lamed; 4 OM' No 1 1.. d !analog from . team. 44s:4troles, for sac by El DI MY It Co, Pam a ' JAME, A ;1?•'• • .1 IiSSON • C• _.~~...._.e...~5.D.1 COME OP ' ALL DISEABBG3 ARISING BROIL AN .IDPITRE BWATE OH TUB BLOOD OR KAMA' OP • TIM STEITILD, PIZi Scrofula or King's Esti, Rhenniatiani; , Obstinate Con n.. &motions, Pimples or Pm:aft Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, ,Ring yonn or Tenor, Scald Head, Enlargement and Runof the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Syrup. toms, linden or Lumbago, and Assam. issuing from an injudiciona use ofliferenry, Asciteaor Drop .y, EipOsnre or Imprudence in LB& JUsci,.Cliromo Carastantionat Disorders. • • . In this preparation am lamely etmcentrated all the Medicinal propertim of Sas3AMEILLA., combined with • the most effectual olds, the most salutary productions, the mon potent simples of the vegetable Ifingdonn and it has been no - telly tested, not only by patinas tier. Iltiver, but also by Physzcians, that a has received their unqualified recommendation and the approbation Mate public; and has established as It. awn remits a reputauon for value and.efficanj far superior io the verions compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been eared, such an are not . familhed in the records of Mae ileac and what It haaalready done for the thousands who have madly it to capable Vetting for the millions still suffering and straggling with diseue. It purifies, cleanse's, and strengthens the fetemein entitles of Ilte,and &Uses new vigor tact, oat the art frame. • CURE OF SCROFULA. The rou e . ing and, es ber sena perma nent cure of MU teammate case of &rotate, command., to all similarly afflicted: Sontrerorr, Conn., Jen. 1,1618. Messrs. 8/002: Gentlenseir-BytrtpathY for the elk , ted todoee, me to inform you of the remarkableeme -effected by year Sansparilla In the else of thy wife. She was severely hatieted with the amen la on differ ent pans of the body; the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged and her limbs much swollen. After sullenng Over a year and finding no relief front the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, sod be. low the knee sappurated. Her physician &Mad It should be laid open, which was done, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard eic and were induced to Use Sands' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decoded and favorable effect, renew ing her more than any proscription she had ever ta lon, and before she had used si.s boulee, to the won- . ishment and delightof her friends, she band her health quite restored. It is now over ayear sine the. core was effecmd Mid her health remains good, show. ing the diastase wee thorodghly eradMated fremthe system. Our neighbors are all knowing to thew facts, and dilatanty highly of Sands. Sarsaparilla. Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE. Eraser from • letter received from Mr. N. IV. Har r* a gentleman well known in Louisa county, 431entlemen—I have cured a negro boy of minewith your darsanarills, who was attacked with dronsfela, and of • scrofulous Lundy. o Yours truly, . N. W. ILSRitIB. "Fredericks Ball, le., July 17, Banns' 8.6.11Me5/ILIA.--11 seems almost anaceassary to direct attendee man snide so well knOwn, %ad so deservedly popular, as this • preparation, but parients often who wish to use the extract of flarstapanllm are Loth:reed to try-worthless compounds bearing thermme, but oonudaing, little or soon order Anatol Mho into. able roe; and we think we cam= corder a greater benefit on our readers than in directingtheli Eteatiaa to the advertisement of the Moms. Sands In another column. The bottle has :seemly been eniargednihold a quart, and those who wish a really good anfolerwill find concentrated in this all the m.crital value of the root. The esperience of thousands has proved its ef ficacy in curing the various diseases for, which It is' reconuserldedi and at We present time mom thtur any other, perhaps, is this medicine useful, iaprepanng the system for a change of season—Home Journal, dept. Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail, by A.B. D. SANDS, Druggist. and Chemists, lee Fulton nisei, eorner of William, New York. Rohl also by Drag. grstSgenerally throughoutthe United State. and Cana— des. Price Et per Soule; .ix Bottle% for tag. 117..F0r sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, by D. A. FARNESTOCK, k. CO, comer of Wood turd Front. me, also, earner of Sixth end Wood -m.•, by L. WILCOX, Jr, corner of Smithfield and Fong as. and also corner of Market it end the Diamorut also, by EDWARD FENDERICH, cor Monongena Norma febil.d BAL'VZWES 4 31N8ENG PANACEA!. ~ To TIIOSE SUFFERING DISEASED LUNGS.—The nepreceeleisted eltheesi which has mended the use of the GINSENG PANACEA a all the ♦anions forms which irritation of the hangs as samea, Nut tattooed the proprietor again to till stun. tiou to attts WONDERFUL PREPARATION. . The changable . weather which marks our fall and winter months, is always a fruiqul moue of OLDS AND C0U011.9. Phew, If neglected, are but the precut - sots of that fall dutroyer, COSUMPTIGN. The question, then, how:shall ma nip the destroier to the bud! hum ; shall we get clear of on, cough.* and elastic of vital importance to the miblia. THE GREAT AND MIX REMEDY -......—. will be found m the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of tkie we have froze tame to moo publishadabe eertltleates of dozens of oor best known citizens, who have evert ed ita curative power.. Thew:y.4th a man of to d'iSSPc'Lltgleg 4 11i7rFIVANiX140. Manners of the (impel, ha.,l4ether with copione . 41 lees frOm the JOURNALS OF THE DAT, are have embodied la pamphlet form, and may b. had grans of arty of am agentstitn2tA m.a t a, mtthe coup,. HUNDREDS. OF tome beou used In ells city. THOUSANDS AND TIM OP THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and are chit (cage uty man to porta one a SINGLE INSTANCE o which, when taten seeo to directions, and bet tom the Mass had become totally dleoriancted, It has seer failed to ~"{i ~yry iiv~ : isa.~dHu:~:a Why, then, need theßectal hes:haul Why resort to the ensemble tortmma, goner tip by WOO oenrtndivld. aide ti ler the assmoed atone of some on elwatediphl.' deian, and paired into notoriety by certitleares ri par sons equally unknown? Whilst ■ medicine of UNPARALI.EM)If6TICACY I. to be had, whosevonchers era at home,—our bota—many of whenait has SNA.TCIIED FROM TRROIRStVP. In order that ,his invaluable medicine may bet placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, webers , pm the 0n...1L ONLY L4BTY CERT% lust one half the usual cost of cough medicine& nto or gale by ouragents in nearly every urnauttivalags over the weal, who are papered to give fall inform. don relative toil. .T. 8.41.,1t Propitiator, Broadway, obwinr.ti., Oho. W.IMSTPRVitifTESTRECISIIIIIRBITT „ettotaramman staves coo Tbrl- RDWitallk AtliEfi g. takesalus. meant of re- JJ turning Ms thatiki to Moeda end the pahlie Mr the eatensive patronage he hes reeeieed, and of In. forming them that he has lately erected largo and ell constructed btuldhwfor the exclusive purposes of his WATER CURE ESTABLISH/WENT, achis old location, at Phillipsburg/4 Pa.„ on the Ohio river, oppo site the steamboat landing at Beaverreakere he is ready receive pedants an boarders., and twin them on My drepathle principles. In addition to his long argon <nee, and the great mweess which. has heretofore at- tended hie treatment of patients committed to file care, he Wu now.the additional Maine& &forded by an G.:- teems building creetedeapresaty loathe pontos*, con taining coloas and airy roonis a r l dfaed 1 4 =h . every necessary apparatus .for ba , and wring the treatment to the Ittihad heal t and Comfort of the patent. Phillipsburgb. Is a hunt delightful and healthy village, easy or access by steamboats, and of fordo fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker nouns moss &Meted persons who may place themselves un der his care, that every attention shall be paid to fkelr lender; and es au usarance of the subatantial benefits to be derived, he points with coalldenee to the Ws dads who have been permaneptly cured at hisestab rii.h"... The Water Cure leaves no invoices etreecs, behind, as is too often the ease with Waste who have been treated on the old system. m. lt . resettyt the die fitoMe.ot to change. ' rtre m, wtathe ' r creates and active or ,n o and imparts vigor to the digestive powers. Terms treatment and briant& reasonable. For (antler particulars inquire at the e lislunern, or adders, the proprietor at Phillipcbtugh. 119, DR. JA Y NE'S 1 , S. We have been informed by Mrs. Row of a emu per on her by Drs Jaynes Alltarativw, which prove' la superiority over every ether remedy of the Lind. She has been Mtheted for tW last timed Years wIN EcaosEld or wureSWELLlNGSomended with alteration, and enfoliation of various bootee, da. ring which time manypieces have.been discharged from the irontal bane at t h e enigma . , front both her arms, smuts and hands, and from both leits,andirom the left femoral bone, and from the riltht knee, belittles palatal tiler re on other parts of her penon, wMehliavo,hafiled the dill of • oomber of the most eminent phpraielans of oar most of the time her suffernigi have been excrivaung and deplorable. About three months sinter she was ltulneed tb try Dr.Japria% Arimativ a, which has had an astonishingly happy effect upon her, by removing all Ram and swellings, and catalog the. dean to heal, while a/them:le umehergenetathenitlF has become completely restored, so that she OM weigba lbs more than she did before she tonimeneed therese'l of this truly valuable tirepetion.--Nat. Eve. Post. Per farther i n f ormauonithralairn of Mn. /1 " °,1•1° ' 129 Filbert at, Philadelphia, For ado to PtUsbagh, at the PEKIN TPA STORE, 72 Fourth a. neat' Wood. . • Iys DTOWNSENDS SAHSAPAIrt r.r. a dozen lnat reeeiveri of Dr. Townsend , . Sammrdin, tha, most I. aredielne in the world! act is par up idquart bottles. It Is st e t doles neaper, pleasanter, and . warranted superior to any sold. /I, cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debill a tag the patient. Lone OCT 1 / 011 =TATLITRIP—thipZillettil pontos have espied not label., and pot. up we elan in the slow, nsome ho g P. T shapedrde. =eh bottle Iva the written wi- a. E. sELLEas,Wosd intact, between Third and Fourth, is Dr. Townsend's only wholesale and retell agent for Pinaburgb, of whom the gtmuitte article em be had. - . . .. . .. D. hi. Curry ham been appointed the ole agent for Allegheny city, of Ithaca the genuine utieln can be had. elei B. A. Kau - merges, A. D: flat, ff. - V. - C.Cti B. 1.. PAnicisreckl.Pittsburgh. G. W. Paamearie, Wholesale Drug Store la the Olt yet . . .litaarterahmed are exteruhreiy enamel In the laalasaha Dmg auras, au Nu la Jobe ally of Nair York, and are ramjet(' :trucly ISlV:almonny Mareharus 'elm Mr, Pura, Ws, ihnipti aadcha Mr, ganalsr, IN dr Mande' (at thee arp rn roportatlazy omit all atter sutras In hap cf bui. ttese, at a 'limb) t,Tuttryne kns as 11 MT M. tom. dialed tot ra er any more eity, _ . • Naar Wirt. leabla . IL. A. FANINEEITOCII G RATEFUL (or the vary' liberal encoarigemeat I m ., a j aa a mean manyyeary I biro deem, mirmn to enlarge MY brminrm anlamaranry. Having Forma; dieral. km led to All iiioinpll7, and do tbe work fa Oreat myle mod as MU picas, and ask the =rattan et Wet+ chants end stiasensAo my large stock of UPHOLSTE RY GOODS and Bed tale mateae, Ad a at dn ba 3 n lm era ee n a s, d mc. , SCkn - gh sodnimilaaeli Sp/it and Baer Wads, and every ankle venally ke an actabliArena of m a Lind d .mpaßmliy tolleited and promptly at. wan l'L a-444 'ltalia& cam dawn. yas„Noßroz, SEEM ' • ZDtrOAICION.'g•••• T• 1 • k. MISS nv GILLAND cctfhpriallma Asia fiendsand the•Plthligalbsr,iimuttoonvad removed theit)6ool tai lizeom7 and costreadirol bawls trieoek itnec t ibiaotol thrbllALpiseet'llgteral .sharaittaran replied ie-likke• feriii•-bicierders, as rroli 1 4 *few moris.ditLactsPlait Lid whale the el , eidswe attifideaNnil • demgar to intrust!c, th 8/1 the military Irani= Eng:tah'edt*atizra:' Stiadamrs an , Waned Kr. We. Eshbaam, Mtn aieFlateia_ arid Dfr.F. pull At: P:untnazgh- - —.oft vatiertyirrireared t....eary Oa the mostapprmil Eaturapitste— and moat 4 141.11111 Ma &mere Ms arid trelOmi,Alla CIIRAPADLL. or roN BLILNLIVce bud or Made to order of al f rise., and al all prices. Country Merchant. and other" are invited WWI tad axisouno. the above for themselves, _as airecin be wtadoside or retell, and a Moral dellaeltOa Apia te wholesalepombaserm avidly • A wortEgirm MRS BURSCR.IIIFoR3 having comovealSS" x ol7ll Nei 171 mitt 174 Libeny ante; oforforiplepiods follosson 01000 anctuovirlandicroile , 3.70 bag. prime Care% 00. cp9/j 40 4 old sooetzunent Jaya UM* tdui prime Now Origin s Stigari 6•01 bbls s Plantation Molourses - 100 at Jazzes Sugar lionse Mails* 100 hien. IllarlOn Teal 40 do inlets'. end LaPorte Ton; new 40 do Clui Poorcho do 9.99. 70 do' calls bio 11 . H aPd O P do . 1 40 Wm white Ermillintari 4 nos *Moo Havana. t • 40 by Pepper; 00 do glop:cot 100 boxes Mplard.,in and klp 100 do Malaga Smch Ralsznu; 30 do dodo, us lagom Su hf boo do d o do 60 qr de do do' SO cats Zaino Pumps; 10 bales SicilrAbaccolm 100 boo Richmond Tobacco; _ 30 Miskolc pordeaar. and Macsaillea9llll.ll Oa; 900 bbiz and 110 hr bbla NO I lingo Mather 9 0 . Haws: 1141 lbs Sheen; 201:0 galls waists and aping ;11oGil.; 1000 mai Mete or west Whale Oil: _ credo 300,003 Cruz and Scam riancipo Sier do' m • . 30,C4110 itsepts • 4hiPT O ACOSnao Brandy, of varicktatraoAN 9 puncheons gamaica Spiaites 3 pipes llollisnd Gin; 20 router caliosap. Tenociffa Mos; 10 do Modena d o IM do Liabon do 40 do Oporto do 00 ,do . Sweat Maim& do 15 Lthilaa AN do do 16 titals Claret; 9341 . cob; Ilaulllanla9l9 • 40 cases sup Bordeaux Giusti - 30 bukata Champs oar Wino- O . , dos enpr Stomach Blue* . • • • old . 2 1 C ? bbl' pOOO 11" Rothe* co tho'Pultillo.: • hereby notify Oar friend* and"cotrespeollanta home and abotati f that Tay will eat "Sea assotactoorreocas, metes reac, freotto Runt anTßom for crltieh .1. Neartoh Joaoe la ascot. •1 •. RHOD ES b1,1:46pi. CIFEISTAT Entrot, share Third, Tautiontphli, beg leave to Worm their (timid+ R andittauttna.that ia tla havereceived rhos latest SPRING min_su FesmoNes - with • ime assortmentassortment ol. "Wfir. GOODS; cosayritier Clouts,' CassitteresiFelthoist of every dcacoption—allo t Nelda en, lheltowe its r jeation ic havolg beeo earefeLly selected to Pat* I);:j2'lltntOgers and Philadelphia, are respeollal ly tovited to epll and ermine their oxtonatva molt. • mehiltdeca TND/A. RUBBER POSTR—JasiAtotivii;:vose j - battles of Roltber Paste, a sopenor and hsV Important to pentane that wish to keep Melt: it prevents the leather if anottng,„anCerill take polish aver For sale et the India Ibia=l, No 6 Wood street. mare.._J !El _ - . . . .... . ROLM GOLD!! rinpiteDIU , GOLWILI r __ asubscriber, wholesale manafictunirof JEW RY, reviles wholesale deafershiapodlarstra. :lacrib and West—also, eozatry!Stroto boots 1 sed examine bit goes of JosralryilabWrwil bo told at the lowest Price s for emit OT appityeat inners: Conetanily on Maid and . • largeostorturent suitable for Verne= . comet of Fourth and Brannbst sut ..4, V , aplOrdem Ida Pipes , Ilanglmgai, ~' • . .!, IffAYJNO purehe,scodni dime et tha_largell Esen. XI., rids to the FAA (Now York,rnbrdelptsin and lialluaore,) a large LcaOrtineet of ihr awmost imprinted mi. of PAPER RANGING% kr.., and Masts arrangement. by ld 'Me be, ona• blO. mprocure all. now Panora.,snnaliir= i wbb their eppeararten ln the karma. market, I. te lt. the attention of thestrdesiting to Irrot Weir louses papered with the be for e atylee of paptrx, Ydyitli and eXamine say Met, elsewMV, 1 have now on the way the dittdatlydrow otGold, Sarin Glared, and Ce=4o,-0,16,- which I can aell atprice. ranging freer yri at. ~.tee. maid . . ..g 0 LULL, $7 wood 4 • on ..motel Met completed th e rebuilding oh= smoke we arenow,prerrwr:UL.reperMi. omeri In the mew mere iunable manner., The homes an fitted with all thilleolletti meets, and eree capable oteantoining3oo A oo3 11.. awl KIER &JONIII3, Canal Salim e 4 nalaarnalli a Puni — laireagenory 2e We Male elite Mill Greve g (fil. H. tr. O. P. hackle, Proprienns,) Ire , supplied with &Wile different et= Of quality, which cro offer et the lowest • ‘-;" ~ 111in g la r3 • ' Penn and "mitt eth fade DUckhrkihihrlVOD,Pilic , OLFZIAN, fiddapilt . CCk - tendiethrth Ara thotorstBmall illron, :Swim mouidthe43lister r tool, Plough, Fork aud'Hoe Stool, Elvoth,BFikes arid Wro , t lieu Nina unitizes, together With emelt Eliptlo Springs, kit Pat, Taper soul thoureaa , dthlea, , rw i Having ,educed tho price of. Wrotight,lthal,lNl t m meals kthilders and others usingrlukaruciN,, it to their in to gito this aeir Ind u keh of ;rtipuirli manufacturith theirs hmtion. ' Coach truorairige and makable ithtrith . Gbatal terms. Warehouse oa Waroscod Founts us. feblo4 $ W a ri MERCHANT. '1l; a: ;mamas. yr. cmsta - sTazET,,prwrxoThula, iAgruiTiccrainszkii, NEW YORK AND PIIII4DPELF:DkA, , And 4 new reeeeetti a Mitt auerlmeatati CLOTHS, CIB3IIIIBIIBB AIIII lativitt, PP TAE 91 7 # , Kr v-1 1 . 1 V,T4*14 1 :4 1 /LE S . Which he 4 prepared m make to • , . ff. A.d in the I Ate lit —H4 quartests for BoOta taitil N • Comm of Fourth and Botaldield Mem - 14-ri TROTH to SCOW halm! cbtatteneed* the piloting Boot and Shoe • trulniteei . whoiesaLhand eotail ir r i et .e•MrpecteMly -Mutt anandon MUM, ltejen welly, welly, to their eplendied newel/m.14 finens, womenet, boys', mimes , and elltdrenif Of eit..4 variety, salable WOW seurna. Ind Inieell , mult the time. A oplenclid article home , Madefileork, .nob as Armlet:non% Boa BotnaLl cif adievAtristie ao4 children, Sae work. Please - end' ellenthei for yourselves. TROT/I& EICOTT, corner and - SonateMins N. :11,-Thretellits Make, Carpellibau &e. to. , al ways on hand and low for cult — , i•• ;it Country tnerotunds Would Lea ilfet the/rinitqlest re itve us a Call whim visitineani • mate Lt - batILN. eilot CO PIPORTERS end Wholesale Dealers in Pendia and .1 Demesne Hardware, Cutlery, Baddlery,fte., - 129, Illocitintrem, Pittsburgh,. are now hilly neverad with a recently imported meek of Haeheace,l3infemSa4- diary, Cargo sera' Twills, to. to afke-Terygyenn in ducantewa WOUGITI /decal:ll3r ment••addition to tho many advantage-a had by our predeemikeekNies. 10g.,, & Kennedy, we have.grettly increased air facilities, and manse all oar gook L-' Ars* hauls en the very bat tutu.. _ TheJasionnembera of th e annidasoit`thaiiithole aueteion to Wes, and Melingeonlltleat of gyrinesal ndaeenn, restettally !Lull inns .eiltniffic.seay Enact( roe. SALE.' • underdvied ode= for Mal. überiePlitrale .11. of brick far- buildlng;nnule by li, Steam Pon, improved machine, (dr wideit hobo obtsdried a pew.; and street o n gfropdrehaidre Wilda imaranon that they are suonget,and will reilisamet and era weath er and imbibe len rl3414111) Offdamprit guut IMP oth er brick, possessing vnatet body - twilit-p.[46o=m and much more durable In every respeef,Mudi Wok being nbleeted to. pleasure of intraterror,,ilbja sewsfer a handsome smooth surge. nod ffp.,,.* they make a front equal or the best fontho - ,„ They have given the greatest sailsdiddirt ili,who Dare purchased. d. catibehee4air/ItoPlir am specimen at the Gazette Mike. r - - Those hawing supplied theiaseins /lbw" Inildings, and wisideg handsome from beteg, Or Wibriidr y ard mid solid paving brick, can ollutin'then. Iliebylutm, Jane 19,1148. tf ' N I N W e 111 1 17, u'l d iI I IN N* O nuns P Or 'Man , Hewing; ._ 6 O half a. l ivo 1 dt/ 'dr bbla No Mackerel; le Ma No 1 ardmanj int Ontibrdrotal and Mr sale by idiremplat CUP.ARTIVEitSIIIP-1 havo dos indoed,,,,w with me in the -wholesale Onnedwpfedge 4 ,,, d Commission lismineakkir..rekel WiLlDlVVldetagnita ofJOIIN WATT& OM • dOlifigWATT. Pittsburgh, ADAM, 1819. 4,1,1 i, drlOßNlfitOOßJ3=7s — dos Own ttrt,;, ftt for sate by_ altls Lts;_sippo o BliCtrilz -o , l4ol fitatßger home; for ale by a 710 113B1So ikr o k C o PITT 8 U RG44 - . l34kirri PV.BLlSfitfl l i Alt;P:lati-AVERIELY dr , W i i rd, donut Boddie" adis._ ; weekM,PliiiOns. risT - Eler OSP AVEMS•iIIi ar One Insertion OP•illitn, de lesit.nren.44o Twoinsertiotur withc mtiltdratlons, - .4.+1:4*..1) / 31 DO Three " 00 , --”WWwWI. - One Week . ' 160 Two Week; 50 Three . .r ' 00 One Meath, Two - 4:443 a) Three " ^ 1&I [C7' Longer advertieemente Iq 0 P 12:11 5 -...... One e9unte,6 months, without alieraleniief , lo 00 fueh edditioneil square fer 6 months, 500 " " • 12 - " One strui6 months, rentlialge it planate; 15 CO Sash 00 mop ennzree,6 panful, re'neelenlo . aker..5 . 00 00 Reel addition/IRO/46 254, P0 44 .7" ******* * e .7tb IMMIX CM TRI.WZSZLi FX .ILAILIt ;Sap'''. One nazze.3itmedioas, .+' 81 6 0 " each mkt:Wont ilisertidti..... 37 Five lines or le% a" lear” " ..... ........P.14 03 " ORO PUP &I'll& lirelitikio 05 " " .. girmoallott ~ _ .t. atlz 'il 00 4 14 mtvarrennuorri irtlitilmirfi Of 20 Mum, or WON Ole tir IlnielVii*,,,r4,;. Oo+ " ~ . Tineffi r '. l '' _ 1 a. 4 . " nti.***,4l4kr4f.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers