sYa4 ;... ~~. a~: ~m.,,...;vw r- - ♦'n-pr~- , =,...: ~..• I. . ::..r" ~s~ah ~. v r: aez. LaltoNvisioamDctaid =PORTED it. TELS9ILAPIVISP ,the 1 - Pittsburgh DWI/ QUta PRIM VALIFOHNIk. DISODYEBLY OP NEW MINES OF SILVER Arm QOICKSILVER. '1"'" • Finding on Finewers Dieroond! New Yeas, May We United Stales Consid sat !Ma . anlva da9 from that poet , larhe#4 he sited an - thelOth of April. Ho- brings with him geld des: to tho.Mlionitt of aid 4mM:ea:es the proceeds, id gold, of ~lheaaisis . deOlf the present Year, 4it30,b00,- 000• . • Three.= Garr quicksilver mines have beet: dia .- - covered, beildetdtbz silver mimes. Madmen is Olio known to exist in considerable , gairdides. - A &mond, of the size of a hen's egg, has been gitied In the valley of the Sactudento. The find , et deilendi $182,000 for it. The volunteers have hat a slijall frame house for atitt.tmithi and offered to rent it to hich for 818,000 a year—giving hint one day io consider. The cross of. the steamers Oregon and Califor nia an receiving $lOO per month l Cooke, $lOO. ' CHOLERA IN PHILADELPHIA.. PEITADIXI2IIIA, May 3t. 'The Board of Health report three death, tram cholera daring the lasi 21 bore. CHOLERA IN NEW YORE. New Yenta, May 31. There were eight new caeca of Cholera daring to-day, and two deaths. affairs. Lawrence P. Crane to be Attorney Omer& for the Wester% district of*LOrtisituta. Whi . ttlesay, of Ohio; to be First Comptrol -Ist of the Ttehruty. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PIIILADELPTIII, May 31. Flom--The market is steady but not active; dealers are.awaiting the arrival of the steamer. Sales of 1000 bids. common Pennsylvania brands, at 61 50 per bbl.; extra mid fancy brands, at $4 75 (1165 00. •Grahr—The supplies of wheat are exceedingly . . light, Which causes a quiet market. Sales 3000 bushels prime white and red, 1080109 c, Corn— Sales ofrennsylvturia yellow, at 59m 2500 bushels . southern yellow, at the same figures. Mil am • dull FYl:minions—The market is firm, but prices are _ "usahanged, There. is a good demand for lard, . ,Withatlets in kegs, at 81, in bids. at 7. , .11scon—The market is now almost bare, and , are firm- Sales of 200 Mids. of Western 1 and city cured, at, for shoulders, si; sideN Or; sager owed, 10e. NEW YORK MARKET. New You, May 31—hi. 'The Wainer is now over due, and is momen tarDy expected. The market to day was rather heavy, and team actions were almost exclusively confined to the regalareity.dentand.- , . Grant—Wheat continues scarce, with no ma .change In prices. The demand the corn for Shipment hesbeen large, and prices have rather finproved. Safes of N. Orleans damaged, at ;59c; Ohio mixed, attdc; Southern white, etas per bu. Ptuvishmi--The market is dull for pork, tau prices are. tmclumged. Lard is without change. Batton is In good demand, but there la no per. eeptitde clause inprices. Coffee—The demand is limited, with sales of tat , r, iv i i =43l.les per lb. btds.2o per gal. Money Market—Our commerMal and money MIMI% are may and quiet. The sales at the -stock boards are moderate at steady rates. Saiicka .are a little more animated, and the demand for solid stacks continues Red. Fancies tbountt In -la s active demand, are mill well maintained. Freights --The market is dull. CINCINNATI MARKET Flour—The market b without any matezia Change, though sellers lave the advantage. • I.Batana—Salatof 100 hhda. et, for aboulders,4 midi* se. Wh4l[eyisin saliva demand at 15i0151—an attinmes. Limo:ad Oil Is Belling 5o per gelL NEW pBI•RA NS MARKET. Osszeiri, May 30. P- Graitt—Agetg •Flogi--11Mogentiertgletet at prrricrosprieee. ,I,rojihilastglittsa pork may be gaoled at $8 .3 7 ; prime. 048 per bbl. 7.4m1 is scarce, and lied Inuit 3a is bble. • • tivreterieg—Sogar heal molasses are withrmat The demand lkowarer is good. iWldakoy—hiales at liSo per gel. W Inisrarramee Gousiniamy. FIRE AND DUB-ME INSURANCE. . Beemtary“..3.7mgag, Jr. Predawn—R. Mugs, Jr. Dzaacznraa-43.. Mlllex, Jz., J. Butler., peo. Star. Wsolß.liebans, N. lloynea, St, elhsoten, Geo. W. lankiini.Wen.M. Lyon, 'Maar. Idreh,! Jas. Ltypin emit, Jas. hPaaley, Ales Nim ic.k, Thos. Snots Mae Comp®p Is ncrw rally organized, and prepared gcr erect ;10C117.XUM an, oil Mesorigdons. of prope rty Evian Lou by Flre—Mdm o f Inland Frazurporumion, awl= RAID sod ClUrbelionEioala and Venal. APPReasiona forlaszninee I may be made (foe the preusatj to &Mier, Jr. PrerAdem, et the wzrelsoaeo of Robbmen Mmit, N 0.21 `Wood Asernyor to J. P.M nAy z =asetuy, Idarnfßee, N0..37 Water street, •mytg WateiCi=eMitiabllish• DAELZ & MAKIN, in returning their grate fat acknowialgestmte to the friends of the Inv tfoe and to a discerning poblie to for the lib eral patronage hitherto wear t ' ebnounee or .the sum time that they have made atsetitila inwrtm 44=0 LatheWehoy =wall as she exterior of the ay. taldlehnterrt, durlnglwa. atui.vvinter, which ,viur , greeSly.enhance the comforts and amusements a In. lla% Who imtnd,to vitit *ix place - dttring the must i„;,:...,Allykehmvading diseases atetreated here,iatid they endeavor to temp op the repatatian the establish, „meet hu won, throgia dm west, by wrier anent cat, to .1 132 1M1W Mil entreat themselvevwder Melt care. 1 r lntotderto cede rgo the treataten; patients ha* to ~limlicide,theltulellea with trwo woollen.filaxszeu, Iwo 1 IllcdM 4 5 1 24 1 4t 1 h11*-WIN K lee comfartahlent or a tight feather bed siZlowele. - J Teruo, six dollars, -payable Weekly. •.;;; 2X111:18 TEA STORE. • Erdererbarkas lart received at tho PertAT ' es latore,ko Frusta street, • INCIT largo and well tin -steel af:pam • MIMI. ANTI BLit.= TaltS, from New York, all of wide tr.has been received itt this counur Once - the fint ruaty last, • eontsting of all theZdertard grades grown In the Celestial Etalntw • Our woelr being mow tho hargertln the Wed, wd are =r i e r dzior e h t o y lest, f i e: y l i wner tarmi Oan io at= orleretkor omutre . skard Meet 7tTlitijeln h ct aveutp4k .adin+, 4, anal paeknes, kr du eanniitersorky -hat eheroa r to soit their emerenumee. ..• , Our retail prizes vary (or Oolong- , -Black Teat film go got, to gip per lb.; Ning Young Sonde:dig. fasts' : CC4 s 25= 44 11 1 - k4ibb larparls4 l3 firr 4 s Wsl a t l u r ilatfrli r M _Anserelles ars reported ,to 'betel end get 111901111 Of Meat Teas, and try them be wmehasiag. • uIY/ 2 :41Ol , I Tonn.h street 'axonal% A.11 , 31013,' ' ' • MERCHANT TAILOR, MIA& Market street, • - Thlrd.VlNapts sad an extensive and carefully arr. • - jaritoted awa of Spring and 81112111er. Goods, the llnhantiber renwahLur wont! hie friends add; the !goblin, that ha 'is now lonian:4 to nxeive and ems ,- -me their ardent with with dispatch, and in the nouns, , x t e n g soostatettaloind reduce:table manner. An he /a 'determined ID do - btudnes4 an the milt system, he Bat ' tem himself - that be volt be able to do work as e heap lilt eon be done to any estaldialunem be the country. stacks vaned, consisting of Cassimares, Woad "".cloths, Walrus, ace., which his friends are respoctitd. 17. im ted .to e tartans fur themselves. • my24eitt GEORGE .;.„ c.. .T. - - ..ansuurzsazia. ~t prtir LOTS OF-ALLEOFIIITY 4T PITBLCO'AIIC• r. ^ STY LOTS ort - Felerai creel, in the mi l ,. a . do city •,by Allegheny, each 20teet trent byloo-in to all; feat ahoy, will be offered at Public Bale .. •.- va MA 1 , , nth day of JUNE, tea o'clock, p.. 4., ,- • .., oaths prardowes, These-toil comprise the vary best - cod most valnableardmproved property in enher of "theism ra% and mast comb:lee to grow in•raltio Co. withal to come, and to capitalists won - neat Madly - Mfaht an opportunity for, thoSininiStMent of lumen no 1440 thiLIM be found in the aeighbothowl, ozatithia, the Mro clam 'They aria he sold 'laded teMiAddliai f one ftaar per foot, an terms SOCOMISIO. .s -- 4 " a b Parehiggli" , wblettlilli I. .11111d0.11410Wil -' - V__ m . ../kil Unmet ande. - 1, plan of the lots can be enrols, m WPmlScris 'wishing %purchase, et the Mayor% of• - ems, • , - ROBERT C.a/dPBELIh Clem of Coma i :,-..= ;War San Ihreatisto, CaLlforsda. ' . ak.. in. ;,. ~.13.14GULAR LINCOP PACKET SHIPS— ze % - I° fail ..- the nib Jtute—Tito eperier fag :,...,? FE, .41 sea= sad copper fastened : itdp see port s.. above, Wm' ii ' 4 Ip gr a _ ildp=onzkg h : ',lrsea , heel ir fan. ~ 4osuoi wawa o sad w.e.lveatilatediercomatoetia M`trigt=1,0..7.17,.d:r1"21:67: 46 thi ..- trai so lent a voyage. • p ums ".. with, tupelos 'rill be fun:tithed whinap: , . analintirecesumleitntif state rooms, ong experien- L, '• eallairrsieturorffl scaompany lb. ship. , • ' tx • , par - baba= of freight or prow; ap p)y in ' ; : • . -- . ' Elittitil leartia",N., - 74 ,0.n34. 40.-414. An t. - JARMO P . ,14110*.W00D, - connected with Wain* '- tad Ms Iota! Wiley; N.Notk and =,) Eitglasa. FRENcit. arm oram.a.s Boots; , tio43lStmo mama, • ' 01 ,*4 0 PP#ilfgta tl t • Chula notlit • rrri5e ' . ..... 4411 1.. tn r te vrovm. ll;424 4=u•Dn it ir Th .,pyttiTl vo/ y beAwartainedzil appliestion to out. L. gnus Junviniuun unit, INS crassow..7 THSANIMMg co; oi rNont, , ,tisa3te, e;audta mammal /4,6 limited war.otst - ,vezerbuttas tity.and . .ovklity, and on slapeumarbr , iativakßivasiLakesok4dAy Sea. The propartlealar IWiOOlO/4 11 yfiwireu baftwa, 3 .4 farrealiala seal ablailialelae: ilaplakilainnalry of all perseas who ,ydcato b. riteatea by baccaaea. E7lB WQl.P.mix, stud, woru COMMERCIAL RECORD. IMNiQa Rarlitorun - Sisr RS ma y, • . Tu. • .. Xi W. .4171 . "•"' 4.-- 1 • ' rwranuoion BOARD OY TUADS CONIEITUF. FOR BIAY. T. IL CLAM= NAL 01121.125. S. nAI-nas- 01=x, Pararraou GAzETrr, Friday Nonang. Jun. 7, 1540. The weather yesterday, was dear road pleasant, though !aminess appearedit a stand. We may remark bower/et, that in . , the . Way .1 f general sales, • fair e_ Menniof Int/haus was traniseted, at gestations, ahow tag nojampo!tinichmage (Ann lost report, The tiier Is now in excellent order the all the purpo ses of trade, but owing to the scarcity of freights, ve ry little Is doing that quarter. FLOUR--The receipts yesterday, ware eereparldlyei ly NA and the market, if any thing, was more doll. with lather a downward tenden2y in prices. Smal, lots only were tattered at the flyer, with sales at a. 1.55 P bbl. Sales from store in moderate montane. at 83, MOS3,dB P bbl. GRAIN--Ssles of 300 Jut Oats at the neer at XIS 35e; sales from store at 37033 e Pba Cara ts in nt r demand, with limited first hand sales at 33D35e P nu Barley la selling from store at 586450. No sales or Wheat or Rye. GROCERIES—Sides of 11 hints N 0 Sugar. n fair satiate at 5 00fe P b, on terms equivalent to cash.— Sales of 48 bbl, Molasses at 27 ie. Bnles of other =h etes were modems, with no change la prices. BACON—We notice a brisk demand, with further to a fair extent at folly quoted sales: any far my and Weatero cured, el, for Shoulders 41, Stdes 510 sf, end Rams at ale Pfn Sales of Sugar eared can vassed Rams, are regularly effected by the tierce at 8100 e P BEITI`ER—The market continue /inn, and sales ranked, say for common roil cc bhls Ocifor better qual ities 10611 c fr . th Sales in kegs at 848fe p to. CIEBEBE—Sales of good commodW Rat OMOtc of - Cream at 70, and of Gabon to Ft , , Ri9to f Et. For the 'refines grades Of Wool, the follooong or. the pfettill buying tales in this market: ' For Common tiic fr lb " 1 i hdo kwfd 45. " " 27c " " Frill Blood - Ma " " Priow 33c o CRACKERS —Ow Fiat quirt:trans at, without aher• soon, find ralea are regularly effected at the billowing mica : Wilier Crocker., per bbl Butter do i litttelt .4 do i tgr Cn - ters, per 1.0 Correspondence of the New York Tribune—Per Cole &min. 001N:tan Maskets. .13roms, Shipley & Co'. Circular. LIVEEWOOL, Mly 11. 1937. COITON—The quotations for Cotton are mintinuird lout as we gave them in our last Circular-of 4th unt, any 414 for fair Upland and fair Mobile, 414 for flux Orleans. /}d for middling Upland and Mobile, 4104111 for Middling Orleans, and 3146314 for the ordinary qualities. At the close of last week, and in the early part of this., the market was firm and buoyant, giving sellers some advantage, but the reverse has lance been the case the quantity offering exceeding the demand and the turn boring decidedly in favor of buyers. The tales foe the week, ended tn day, amount to 42460 Ms One largest portion the ETU three days of ill of which 6,000 is for export; nod 3,600 on speculation, rind th e A merican desc ri ptions eon.. of IMMO Upland at 310 614,13,360 Orleans at 31delthid and 611, 0030 Alabama, and Mobile at 314141 d, and 600 Sea Island in T. The winds havtog been unfavorable for arrivals the import in the same tome is only 23,000 hales. The very ansallsfamory political stare of the Continent his been ninth sensibly felt on the trade this week than previously. Stitt, Day & Co's Circular. Lrmatrooc, May 11, 1149. Beno--Thied and smoked, old, 15f/r.a; Long 36111 . 1- dies, Enatern, free frog{ bone in salt, IP c7l, 6i2s; Short do, Western fraa from bate, rib in, 266171; Shoulder*CfrlSs. _ Boer—Prime Meas, p tierce, MN Ike, new, 754265 a do do, ontinary, 606973; Mess, p bid, 200 tea, new, 40 0461 r, do do, onlipary and old, 31035; Prima do, 2840 ML Baas India, family. Conk dc—Whest, U and Canada, gg 70 ms, while sod tomnd, oo,l7 . 7 d; red, 54 Odertls; Flom, Western Canal. P bbl Okla fldiar2oq Philtdal a and Baltimore, 0401245; New Orletna and 0 o, 23s Cdo24s Cd; Canadlaa, 9ddlt2ol 0d; JAB and Canada, sour, 22a ilidellare Indian Corn p 480 Nu, yellow, 3203.55; white 311 Odinla 6d; Indian Meal, p bb1,190 Zbs, 14.6d0 Ira ed. Hams—Smoked or dry in ea.m.., p owt, 10sta4os, in asks, in salt, not smoked, 25.21137 t. Lard--Batra in kegs and pail., p cwt, 3744/30t; tine in kegs sod Gbh, 3-lao37si good in do, 33,03,1 a ordi nary to middling, 13032. Id; inform and grease Res® 30. Pork—Prime Mess, now, * bbl, 200 IDs, 46114 MA Mess, .93.0.105. Bruron—A nearly business bas been passing at about lan week's rata for known londLptacipa ll mand i, how fine :re r an ' th ogi '"' ne nu lit i g- ; nle n i ts note. A taw a ' fifea boo abort middlesi rib in, in bulk end in calk, hove boon sold al ilea, and eboulders Use[—The demand tins week bee been onn very moderate scale, to supply the tramediate want, Of dea -1 ' . Cieee—Full prices epolinao to La realized tor filter 4azatifies. ELI RIM FAMIMBIMOCINES—"TIity ace 04; 2dedietnes or in. dAy." Oastresetrgitier , Ohio, May 25,184 e. R. E. Sellers: I thtniritpg , for the benefit of coheirs to state some facts in illet/ort your excellent PIUS& 1 tisle.bsed your yettnititge srgeiy in dry own 8m ay, one vial frequently.enswe . g for. expelling large quantities (nay Ito Zell worms, from two children. I have also need your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in he fatally, and they have in every instance produced the offecl deemed. A. I.11:1 enraged in merchandising, I am able to rune iliac I have yet to hear of the drat failure where your eaddielnes have been used in ray- seedon of the !aeoneltenon, Imay my,- they err DU median& of the day, and are destined to have a very axtensila popularity. Yeats, respectfully, VV. Rritanus.. Preitaht . land sold by',ICE. SELLERS, No 57 wood meal, 'kid sold by Druggiris generally in the two ci ties artteleinity. m FOIL BALE FOISTY-SEVEN ACREB OF LAND, being part of of tbeilithop estate, Arwood Ovum four and half miles from Pinabargh, , and two miles from the Arse- Riatteat term am eletated, and the reptalmier is covered with excellent Umber. If Um yuraperty is not dispose& of in private: sale before. tha 10th of lose, it will bexold at auction on that day, at 3 o'clock, M 4 at Me new Court Novae, without mane, to the highest— sad best bidder,' For terms of sale and other partici:daze, enpaire ef. DAVID D. BRIJCE, Attorney at Law Fifth street, neat door to Alderman llPAlostet. USUA A ntio.I3I7NDREDAND VEITTY LTEBA W.M..IIIVEID at He Lattei at la o sad fifty ems tea ererlr. . CARLYSLE & KEYSER, 70p1INEVAIN, and ahem& TAMP PEACHES—h.% lust ree'd ana for — We JJ by imy3l ARMSTRONG i CROZER T &RD-1 bbl Rut rectd and [or Ws by '„j_j myZl dIERSTRONO & CROZER .ino YE FLOUR-10 bblainit red by ary3l ARMSTRONG & CROZER . 1011)tlCETS— 50 dor. Mariana Backers, 50 do large .661 waß Tabs; Just reo , d and for Jude by jay.lo •HROWN R CULBEETSON TOBACCO -20 bait boa Ramat! & Robinson Vs; 20 bid W H Grant's .Ts; 4 eases liarroorV i v r. r sad for sale by 135730 BROWN & COLD WOOL -100,000 pounds, of Wool, wanted by & W HARBAUGH, res3o 63 Water and 104 Front at 'EnBB—S 3 bbls No 1 trim , d Shad; 30 do No 1 pow mac Harrior 30 do No 3 Mutant; 20 do No 3 dojari yeosiredsad far sale by • 123 BROWN fr. CULBERTSON DOVISH-10 cuts Potasb, frocia mar 2., Naha; and for by JAS DALZELL, ari24l. 24 4 , 71222 61 r WHTNINO—For siae: emetic:En Lightning 'Mod LA Seism MISS with ISMAIL also:Gold and Silver Watches in ime onriety, So. um Wart, Jewelry, LIM% Gimodes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, tar p Goods, Communion Ware, kr • W W WILSON, mrdil Corner 4th and Marken Its INCHITE SllGAAS—Loiraring's loaf, crushed and pulirerised Sugars, just reed end for sale by the bbl or at naall,ai th e pain Tea Store, 70 Fourth et. ruy22 'LIME COFFEES—ldecita, African, Java,' Lapin, St Dodando and Flo . C.offeeojout reed and for tale at the Nam Tea Sto 70 Fourth it la AIMS AND FIGS,2OO eighth his prime net, sad 60 small &ems Casa Figs, exit Iso.ived OM my 22 for note at Ow Pekin Tea Bore, 70 Fourth street: UHOCOLLTE; COCOA AND BROBlA—Nakees Bemea, No I Chocolate sad Cocos; also, Schmitz ....etadwA checohms ion coed and thr sale at the Pain Ton Stare 70 Fourth nn mT24I S l rsi m iZc i 2 l2 ! E r i s for ale bbl. : p Bpt. 1 nPenth"; BRAUN & REITER a - 66 - N—yuy pieces p iision7.7-ros d, 1 / 4 1 ..D atilitor Sate by laylt: WICK 4b bITINDLP.r9 Pormitg_i• c id.. points, a 'pi= mute* (or re ralio g , received and for sale by• m 12 4, WICK & BPCANDLII4B -a PLPS-122 at e Ili: TVIY PEACFII23-111% aka Dv Peaches] 11) bbls d j do;.ror We by my 24; WICK hITANDLPAS o' raTtiat-14 bbls syrtet Older, this day reeld t" data bY mY2I :WW6 & BVCANDLV BS B o w CIDER-4 bbli Cider, for sale by 141 24 WICK k MiCANDLESS Ao....allaßATus-14 eskslilalerauts; 19 bbls do; =but IJ pulverized do, cot sale by * li-- , 0 21 • 'WICK & M'CAND , LEIS l'AilVe i 2, l4° nICF&"I=IPrVY rallaM , - 100 bis rend It the W R Ratter and Cheese Depot, end (or sole by . • 78 CANFIELD m 725 per ... 4to reams ewe end median, for sale DM DACON EIDES-14 bid. for sale br ajlr2s ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, Front st . - T ILRD--IS O bbls No I,ln stare and for sale by :- L ory3ll - . MAMA - PICA:ET Gcd ARill3 5 hble brinier stralael Lent 03, ree , d L .ad fir sale by. 0114 W rt. B )SPCUTCHEON COL- Tbe IdghbOpose fn emit paid . tier aft different gradesoftlean leashed wool, by • , soya BJEF Liberty N, opposite Mk soul Tose An MILL No Ilersinp, (Say saspeetieb.) is/Lit 3O bble No t shed, • • 20 do No a bioekerel,(Doeura litstYoon.) • • •60do N C Tat, in prime order, read and, for mile by . • TAAFF.g &Oa:NNW isay2Cdim corner Penn end Waynests T,liiiitao Lain No 1 nim'd Sitadoo do N0.1 . .11.y. o for 'idly by I tut WART, , V 124 carnet of Wan and Dna ;6111.13E5E4-138 had pima new Cheese.gutt reed and for sdlii by W 11 AVCWTCHEON 13111141 169 Liberty ad PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ATIRRITED. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdock. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Slat, -t McKeesport -, Elizabeth. Peru, Calhoun, Sunfish. North River, Dean, an. DEPARTED. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Bsie.c,Jacob, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Broprusvale Louis ?GLIM!, Bennett, Brownsville Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Friendship, Davis, Bridgeport. Hudson, McMillan, Sunfish. Wave, -, Franklin. Atiadne,- Brownsville. 7 19 729 7 7 21 7 21 23 4 r, 4 34 433 4 23 a 9 T.! 4 31 Tug KM:a—There mere 5 feet 8 inches in the channel, by pier [nark, last evening at dusk, and nearly at a stand. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. Beaver Packers, 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. SL Lonis—Gladiator. Cineiruaati--Shenandoah. St. Loofa—Aaron Hart. St. Lonis--Niagara. MI PIITLADMPLIIA. D. Leech S: co's, packet line. 9 P. M Vuluable Books ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 79 Wood street, between 4th and Diamond alley, have racemed a large suppl of Theological and other work., among which are th e following, viz: Miscelhoreous Essitys and Di•- courses, by President Hopkins; of iz All, Law and Gospel, by S. H. Tyng, D. D.; Rite of De Witt Clinton, Living Orators at Alnerine, Republican Clummy by Nage°. Man Pruneval by Harris, Phrenology and elmmerism, by Rev. N. L. Riee, D. D.; Daptinn, its Impo r t and Mode, by Beecher, Nineveh and it. Re mtunsi Mcnumains of the Bible, by M'Farlane; Earnest Ministry and Church in Earnest, by J. A. James, Ed wards' works, 4 vol., new edition; J M. Mason's works complete; Coorpers Life and Works of Cowper, Fle maw on Rim and Fall of Papacy; Turrethine's Theol ogy, Cyclopedia of Moral and. Religious Anecdote, Edgar's Narratives of th ey. Pope Christ Receiving Sin nergs, Bible Evidences for People, by J. Cumming; fifilidern Society, Modern Accotnplislamems, Haldane on Roman., Origtnal Thoughts on Scripture, by Cectl, now first published; Life ot Pollok, Natural litstory of Entensimm, Middle Kingdoms, Lecture• on Pilgtuns Progress, Beecher. — BY EXPRESS—The Hill Difficulty, and some expe err nences of Life in the plains of Ease, with other A gones, by George B. Cheever, D. D, with Portrait of anther. A few copies reed and for sale by myl9 ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 70 Wood at • IN the Coon of Common Pleas of Allegheny s. county, in the matter of the trust of M'Clurg & Denniston, and M'Clurg, Denntston & Co. And now, to wit: May 1.3, 18.19--On benetny the petition of the unwires, the Court order and decree that the petitionera may hie their aecount as prayed for, °flee execution of the trust up to this date.. and the said account &GI be confirmed unirtr" And the Court further fix Saturday, the Al day of Jane next, when said gement shall be confirmed absolutely, and said peutiatters be dismiseed and discharged from all the dratles and liabilities as trustees aforesrud, unless good owe be shown to the contrary And that doe notice of the applicanon for the dacha's., of the said trustees, be given in tee Gazette and hlortung Mercu ry. By the Court mylifed2w HIRAM HULTZ, Pro. TTOBACCO--IMboxes S Lump Tobacco, some of which are of the most superior brands, just teed On C0 . . 4.11ent and for sale by L S WATERbiAN —• • ... • 440- Va. SAVER HER LlFE—Sellers , Vero:n(l3se is the ant do Lszteovos, Va, Jan. 20, 1540. Mr. J. M. Wilson—Dear Sir: The vial of Sellers' Vermifuge I bought teem you soma tune ago, brought from or girt 5 years old the astonislung number of 5 hundred Worms. I believe she would have lived a veiy short time, but for this medicine, ivy. SPAST, Jr. Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 07 Wood at; m o ld slim by Druggista generally in tee two eines. int.s TETBITE BEANS-20 bids for sale low to close con y', signmenni, by aIIEY, M.ATTLIEWS 2r. Co. MTVI DRIED FRUIT--510 bushels Penches; 250 do Ap ples for sale by RHEY, MATTHEWS ACo usrel FLAXSEED —IS bbl. reed,and for de by my2o UNEY, MATTHEWS C. LASS-1100 boo 900 Window Give; 201) do Inrl2 G 100 do 1004 do; 511 do 21230 do; for unt by to 06 S F VON BONNHORST &11,10 DRY APPLES—SLO bush for sale by mOO @ F VON BONNHORST & Co rile) COTTON AND WOOLEN nieNuencril- RERS.—Having made arrangements fora eon illlta.pply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we .011 .11 at low prices Calf and Sheep Ruler Skins, Lace Lea ther. Ptckers, Heeds, Shuttles, /Imp Twit. Tteadles' No. 5 to 15 Hen Punches, Wrenches, Stopptug Cards, 10 to 15m, Patent Dresser 8r..., Weavers' Brash s &c. /se. LOGAN, WILSON & co, .art It? Wood.treat, PlUaburth. FEATitERS-405 bbl. for We by my2o 9 F VON BONNHORST & Co CBRES - E- - -193 bra for sale by ---2:-" 9 F VON BONNIIORST & co DOCK POWDER-150 keit for We by 1.11 my 93 9 F VON BONNHORST dr. Co CYTHE EINEATIIS—Ur doz for sale by zarYi `S-F VON 130NNYIOnST ACo MrAY RAKES-30 doz for sale by zorN S F VON IiONNIIORST Az Co ROLL BUTTER-10 bbts fresh, for sale by my 27 S F VON BONNOORST & Co WIT . T ve Mi SASH-2MO hgbut for sale by $ F VON BONNHORST a Co F LOUR -65 bb $ F Flour, in ono ma for o] by. L S 'WATERMAN, myal 31 {Voter and el Front st MOLASSES -100 bblo N 0 Plantation Rohm. for aiLle by royl6 L 8 WATERMAN UGA R-75 - h bd. pmae N 0 Flu i r s v r.fil TMAN salaby rarb LARD --12 bbllZo v l Lkrd; InVAT'Fil2:\l'A to BUTTER -8 bbl. fresh Roll 1111 L u.F! SA , r elfs do ilr lor sale to tuy-26 MIBUIT-430 bush dried Peaches (halves;) 360 do do Apples; for salo by nry9l3 L 8 WATEILMAN SUNDRIFS—L2 .nets Wheat; 9 bbls Rya; I do Flax seed; 60 Ws while Beans; a do Hickory otos. for sale by my 26 L 9 WATERMAN RYE FLOUR—A few bbls pima Rya Flow In stors sad foe sale by my2l L S WATERMAN ÜBS AND BUCKETS-05 dos Rackets: IS do Tub., T (lArgsi) 4 do Keeler; for wide by myTA , L S WATERMAN. MOLABSES-103 obi. N 0 Molasses, reed and for !sala by m 738 8 t N HARBAUGH RYE FLOUII--Il bbla F7c Flom, lost eeo'd and for male . m 30 g HAF.I3AUG H TAMED APPLE:B-273 bush Dried Apples, reed 1/ end fiir isle by my3D 8& N NARDAUGLI ARD.OIL —A few barrels 1.1.'4 end for sue by L 91,30 8 t W LIAILLIAUGIFY L ARD OlL—lu Dbl. jag lentliti end J far KIDD ftle b C otap.) & GSS-375 bra ased dxea, Mid reed Imd for sale m 731 9 & W HARBAUGH HEESE-30 bzs new Cream Cbeesejam we'd and C tor sale by mydl S k W HARBAUGH SODA ASll—:10 casks Soda A.b, just reed end for .3Je by sny3l 9 & W HARBAUGII OATS-600 bush , to arrive in a fear days, for sale by C A Id'ANULTY A Co, Canal Burn , my3l SCRIP, of Me two eines and county , bought and sold by my3l S SCHOYIIR. 110 Second at CItRESH-50 baa prime Western e Ilt.sery reed and for axle by W tr. 11. Iif'CUTCHEO3I, royal 152 Lawny al COlOl BROOMS-60 doz nun reed, and for sale by my2d RIIFY MATTHEWS & Co. POT ASH-11 elks first sons for sale by mr23 REEY, 31ATT/i6'iVB Co _2_ SCORCHINGS-43 asks for falo by my 'AI . HUEY, MA'2THEW 9 & Co. - F -- ISH—HThbla No 3 Mackerel', 20 do No I Shad, 45 do No 1 Herring, just reed and Gut sale by mr26 . RHEY t MATTHEWS & co. M META L—ZS/our Cold ewe ; 43 do Hot do, Jon P reed and for solo by my2s • RFIEY, MATTHEWS & CO. VirEpltr,:.l7,,Tifret:ineollrat'mPrall7erd. Persona wanting such s arti l eAa i A re invited tog s ! , and see them at c nry= la, between Wood Muket na UNDRIEB-13 bbls No I land; 3t auks FeutburE 0 1 do Wool; I do Ginsdng, now landing Irons sunr ;Euphrates, for sale by ISAIKII DICKEY &'Co, 'my23 Front rt CIHROME-1.0 mum Chrome Yellow, Green and 1 i -I Red, for sale by m 23 .1 SCROONMEIZGR & Co "DOOPING PAYER—Of superior goelity7C - insinni: 11, ly on Land; for see by • my2s Pd. 1311-4 bbl. No I Pot AO, reed and for ~It b f my 24 W st R WCUTCIIECIN COTTijICYARNR - ko-30,01.10 , lbo :Batons& Noe., yarn; lin biles Batting; Candle wick—Carpet chain and Cotton twine, for . wr RUBY, MA WS gr. Co., 29 Water et A LIJM-19 bbls Mum, (oracle b yy larit WICK BITANDLESS ClitrEe- m tal yin bxs W Et WICK Chnous, 4 ree'd nod for onto • M'CANDLES9 BRANDY, beat goallty-1 eaatr_rnst recd and for male by MAIM & MITER, corn corner St Clair and Lib...tuna CI ECIASS-100 boo Regalia; Inn do Pastern., 0.,d Old° do Antignefalt; just N4'd and (or sale by mr..13 3011 N WATT & Co.; . Liberty at -.._____ TrrIVEIJAR-24 bble pore Cider ihnegar, in store and V for sale by my'3ll JOHN WATT & Co LARD OIL-10 bbl W 9 Brom. k. Ca's; 16 do Union hints da, trt stare and for_sele by ay2o JAMES 54 Water et O. I MACRERK ' L-00 bbls in stare a nd fin sale by 1V 0190 3.DALZEILL. liTtl./LR-119 bads N ()Sugar, arriving and an rain 10 by coral C EI GRANT "JAWED APPLE' .0 basheli drind ap ples. m gore j./ and fat aala Ly /arm I. DkLZELL. BACON -4 his prima Dacca, lag reaq alai for tale C H GRANT WRAPPING PAPER-200 le arns nudism *rap piagyapar, INA do aroma 1103 40110 doable eels &coin hand and Gar dole by lay 24 WICK & EIVANDLESS Qbble No Salt,for ilia by /.7 ,33 .3 14 1 .1 , 1016. xrcionaLess G BOUNIIPEPPER-70 bozo' ground Pepper, for -sob by- - own WICK & WOANDLE3I:B 11 If OULDWINDLEZ-100 bn oxibmeThould'Our in din, fonder by mit4 WICr& bPCANDLESS F , 0,-PO64IIIISW-fges.l47o-V & , brCANDra, This do , teerbred ad HAD AND HERRlNG—Received and (or siale by my2t WICK tr. krCANDLESB LOCAL MATTERS. ILEPoRTZD ros TEZ MALICIOI7 , 3 Macaw.—A boy Wlll bound over t o appear at the next Court of Quetta/ Sessidas, on Wednesday, by the Mayor of Allegheny, for tear ing a quantity of boards from the stable of Mr. Blackburn, of the Third Ward of that city. Cuotaks.—We hear many rumors every day, that persons are dying of this disease, either in 'his city or:Allegheny, brit on tracing the reports to their Mundation,we find them to end in the same manner as the famous story of the "three black crows." Ravi Boxer.—The barn of Mr. Soyter, in Robinson Township, was attack by Lightning Ott Wednesday, and the electric fluid communicaurtg fire to the various combustible substances with which it was filled, it was burnt to the ground. The lightning has been playing strange pranks around Pittsburgh for some time put: burning houses and rending In pieces many a huge gnarled oak of a century's growth. The weather still con tinuing cloudy, we are afraid that this is not the sole event of the kind we will have to chronicle. Sorely the feeling of secunty which they afford, if nothing else should induce our citizen, to put up lightning nods, at least on buildings the situations of which expos.. them to the attacks of this mys terious, yet all powerful agent. CLoTOtta STORIL — We notice thatOtir old friend Mr. John Forsyth, merchant tailor, has removed to his splendid new house ottMarket Street, where he will be happy to see his old friend., and as Fatly new ones as may favor him with their pa tronage. Mr. ForaYth will, we are sure, give satisfaction to all who employ him,—his stock of goods being large, and the workmen whom he employs of great skill in their bosoms. Foss Now Goons.—We call the attention of our city and country friends to the advertisement of Mears. A. A. Mason & Co, in soother column. Their stoat, designed both for the wholesale and retail trade, is one of the most extensive ever offered for sale in Pittsburgh, comprising almost every variety of dry goods, which are sold at prices so low as to offer many inducements to purchases. The enterprise and industry which these gentlemen have manifested since theUpen. log of their immense establishment hare, deserves, as it is receiving, and will doubtless continue to receive, the cordial patronage not only of our own citizens, but of the wholesale buyers of neighbor ing Counties sad States. ASIIADLT AND Barmy.—We learn that n lady rejoicing in the elphoniout name of Philomena Bump, yesterday catered a complaint charging her landlord with the above offence. It seemed that he had called for Ma rent, which the refitted to pay, whereupon he threatened to put het out. She turned the tables by catching him by the collar and kicking hint tam the WOOL. Not satis fied with this revenge, however, the went and cued him before Squire Parkinson, and the case will go up to Court, where its true merits will doubtless be determined. Miiozs Orrice, Pittsburgh, May M.—Two men and as many women were brought before the Mayor this morning, charged with drunken ness. One of the tort paid his tine, and was dis charged, and the two women were sent to jail for twenty four hears ench. The fourth case was a very old mm, wooer hairs time has silvered while lying in the cells of the county jail, and yet his only crime is drunkenness. He has been habitu ally intemperate, for, as the legal term has it, "time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary." For five and twenty weary peon has he led this life of a drunkard, as we are as sured by one of the watchmen, and yet he was a sot when he knew him first. What a horrible picture does this case present. For the pleasure he derives from one night spent in his drunken orgies, ho is content to spend thirty days (his see' tense to the present instance) in jail, and bre on bread and water. Floirrnro. —One of the police officers arrested a man named Cassidy, for fighting and disorderly conduct, on Wednesday, but let him Mt on a pro lois° that he would come to the Mayor's Office, pay his fine, and sr,have better in future. He, however, forgetful °Obis '-promise plighted," foiled to come until his memory was refreshed by a fresh arrest yesterday evening, when he paid his fine. Acciorrr.—A young Lad named Farr, who was working in the buildings 013 Fifth Street, °emoted by Mr. Ryan as a tutoring attop,..dre., had hie face dreadfully injured yesterday afternoon by a piece of wood which be was turniagOlyini from the lathe, and etrihing him on the head. , Fordo Pittsburgh Garrtie. STAND VP. Stand op, if thou art right' God made thy spirit free— Then learn to know that spirit's might And be what's best to be. Fear not the roomer's =de-- Fear. not the artful knave; Defy them an the rock-bound isle Defies the tempest wave. Stand up, lithos' art right! Thy days arc sweeping past— They haste like meteors of the night, Along the azure vent. What work remains for thee, Thy heart it best can tell; Then stand erect, for thou art free 0 learn to labor well! Steed up, for this in right' MI Nature cries, awake' Thy Spartan nerve amid the fight Some tyruut's lance may break. Let cowards faint with fear, But spread the truth abroad— Sow It far, and row It near, And leave the rest to God. Stand up, as Tell hart two& And late the Switter% jug, Thy name, will live beside the good When all thy bones are duet' Thy mom:truant, that love Which Oa the Freeman's heart,— The Plumum tiro that mounts above When Death pots out the rent. Stand o Nil - thou art yighk 'With happy words and strong. Plead in darkness--speak in light, Or pour dry thoughts in song. Stand . up! you best know bow, By prose, by speech, or rhyme, The thoughts you breathe shall quicken;now, And vibrate through all time! Pittsburgh, May 30th, 1849. For Chogres. ••••1 1 The Al. fast sailing coppered and copper !,L70. , Casten:4d brig UNION, Lewis Hams, --- will positively sail as above SS a ally as twen ty passengers may offer. As the latest aceoants from Panama represent vessels plenty, this would seem to be the most desimble route to California. For freight or passage, hiving fins accommodations, apply 'to the master on board at Hugh A. Cooper's wharf, Fell's Point, or to /AMP'S HOOPER, E Baltimore andia;,7-.&-,-faiumore weLwz.r.v, DAILY at the BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. uosroN AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, Young SIEN in wholesale and retell store" and other respectable business, to ant as Book-keepers, Sales men, Porters, Bar•lteropen, Waiters, Farmer" Coach men, Car Agents, Book and Map . Agents, Collectors, Overman, In all branches of business, he. We have at all times a large number of good situations on hand, which pay*. A lt) to tAbOO per annum. Those in want awn:neon. of any kind would do well to give us a call, as we have agent. m each of the move ci ties, which will enable no to place everyapplicant to minable situation at the shortest nonce. We twee a largo acquaintance in aIL the above named side*, which we trust will enable as to give entire satislac• non to .11 who may favor us with a call. TAYLOR & TAYMAN, No. 59 Second between South and Gay. N. B —Persons Ilviug In wiy pan of the 1.1. States, and wishing to °buds n anemia" In Baltimore, or ei ther 01 1 11 9 above cities, will have their wants Imme diately attended to by addressing us a line, (post-paid) as by so doing they will curtail bath trouble and ex pense, which they otherwise would iueur by coating to the city, and seeking employment for themsalvec Address, TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. 59 Second street, myeliidtf Baltimore, Aid REMOVAL Lu tj ° l ll4 kr 1 1 4 8 117 a gel l i t;C: t l,tke T llo k. o r i m " NeWn e d d , East side. 7Ltnttel for past favors, he respeethilly Fencing • continuance of the patronage of his fanner cuatomers, and likewise the panoonge of as many new Clott as n" Crr o d r e th re e In Ch th i e str riforing line executed in the meet fashionable manner, sad with dispatch. Also, a ll uortable assortment of ready mode Clo thing, of a kind.. Cheap for cash, of course. Gentlemens' Pa :aiding Goods in all their varieties always on Imud, arch as Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cra vats, Sleeks, Scarfs, Hosiery, Suspender., Pocket MSG, Gloves, Drawers, t/mbrellaa, £r. &c. &c. sayUl:dam OR. Ho SIOILOVIry OP New Orleans, itrotddrespeetbilly . annotmee to the arise ns of-Pittsburgh and ',Jaunty, that he has located himself =Smithfield stmt. between Kith skid Sixth, Won Ada, whom he will dorote his atten tion to the treatment - of the-Cholera, in which be hoe met with.onalgualled none" having mated over three handled eases dating tho lost Whiter and fdflirilt and on Cale failing to restore the patient to a prop, stale of bealila ibutoyabinnelf that he ha.. medi oiz. =SW by none In the country, emd when pro- PeriT Mitered never.hils to afford miter. To persons who are travelog be would my, his medicine minim pot up let /bat they noncom a ottani them with lutt 111110. Intonitimence, and tqf taking dOseseet dElles,.h. would . peva* an attack °film fell detarhynr. •He w ould tehOntmend . It 10 perishes Ineeellog and to families, so baps • cheep and *Sta ins' " • N. Horny will he found in • ids offietirso all moo of the day, except when out upon profewdonal dory myib CA.IMIDLTI4II. FOB. ZIONIBATIOS. DAILY GAZPrrr• 13 IIXICCILISTI.-1 1131 a candidate for the othee,ol: Shernijof Allegheny county, subject to the decision Of the approaching Wkig and Airtiamsome C9l3Ventioll for nominating county ticket. CARTER CURTIS, Stith WWII, Pittsburgh, April 2, 1249—disorT E l atosirrratrr. , —Capt. W. A. Camixins will be sup Ported for the otToe of Sherif, sublect to the mama-, tion of the Anthrinsonic and Whig Comp Consenticus. marlhdeortfT Mew= WAD, P acmmvaoa Bustsuristrr.—Copt lons Yours, of Robinson town ship will be supported foe the office of Sherif, subject to the decision of the spppaching Whig and Amens, m ute Convention.. SICOND aplhdlcw•T 1 Sitzmnahrr.—ArAxAmnot himAa. of Pitt town ship, will he supported for the office a Sheriff, by the true Whig. and Autimasons of Allegheny County, at their prtmany meetings, on Inaluniay evening June 2d. rayillhdkyr PROTHMOTARY. Piontoninairr.—The whip of Allegheny ..UT . 11 Mge the claims of Wit. J. Maims, for nomination to this office at the coming County Convention. Mr. M. Is a ipmd Whig, and is every way competent mills charge Uie dunes of the office, and deserving a nomi nation by the party. Att.torUCti Conant. , mylfeddurT M. Enrrom—You will pleaxe elate that T will Ire a candidata for nomination for the office of Prothomna ry, before our nen iVhot and Ante:novo= County Convention. Yours, fru, PAHNESTOCK. Elizabeth township, Blazeh, 72,1849. Pairrnoarrrstrt. Axsar. W. Meals, of Peebles township, will be supported for nomination to due of. Gee before the ustung Antimesorne end Whig Con vention. The known abilities of Mr. Marks, and his long experience In the office, are sufficient guarantee. for the correct discharge of its dirties, if he should be nominated. mySid2awkwlcT Jrrizzaati. PIMIONOTA.T.-1 offer myaelfha a candidate for the office of Prothonotary. addaci to the deeieme of the approaching Aritintasonic and Whig County Canyon ion. loy3nt&wict3 }twiggy Cardirgaias •Paornoeoesae —F. C. Fuse:ore Is'a i.ecandidate for the office of Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the Antimaronie and Wing Nominating Convention. my24:gittor.9 Paornomoreay.--Iluott rirCoaduci, EM., will be sop ported for the office of Prothonotary, subject to the de eleron Of 11. npprotiehliajg Again:U.ll4c and Whig Con vention, by eplp:wtdh Meer Wilton COMMISSIONER( - - - - .• Cusiostsszadszu—Tuos. VAILICM, Esq., of Baldwin town :hi p, will be supported before the Antunuonte .d Whig Convention for the panning of card elate for County Comnitononer EteLoon nTowrsro. isplthwinT Jostort T hlrKelotrt. of Baldwin township, will candidate for County Conneuesioner, subject to the derision of the Anumasonic and Whig convention my In,atc•T Layrem St. C.s .IkY. Mttry u . Esq ,of Peebles - townshtp, veal be a eandidate for County Commissioner. subject - to the decision of the \VW' and Andinasonte Convention. Inradtr.wle•T MANI WRIGg Coiceniamise.a.-1 will be a candidate for the off:woof County Commusioner, subject to the decision of the Anumasonic and Wing Convention. idal7:ll,koitcS GABRIEL ADAMS. Coown Coaogaslo..—Fleautrao Flonam, of North Fayette township. will be supported before the op proachmg Antimattinie and VI hg County Convendon for Coons) , Commissioner, subject to the decision of said Convention. Mr. Boyles is a working man of the patty, sad every way qualified and deserving of the ethos. otYld:da , ttOS Noarti Farcrra. Comm Cwwwnistoirxit.—ltlc Editor: You will ?Ina. announce Wis. FLAN, Sr , of Rotnnson township, al • candidate , for County Commissioner, subject tethe decision of the next Axiornasonic and NVhig Conven tion. Smut Wastn. Cot. Jaw 8. GLLIN, of Upper 84 Clan tovonstup, rein be • comdniade for the office of County Commi.. moner, at the •pproar Ping Wing end Anumuonic Co' nvennon myrdte Urrn Si. CWt Acurroc—lotto Estaxicc.. Of Pine township, will be • candidate for Auditor, subject to the decision of the Lien Alhtimesorde •Lid Whig County Convention. my"ldd.wr Tunic We Ma. Denote—Plea.e announce ions urn., of Fuel ley Township, RA a candidate for Andttor, =hotel to the deciason of the Whig and Antiroasonie Convetnion (Ikea Bt. CLAIR.. erieectott.r, of the Sixth Ward, will be .pponed for the office Of Coroner, subject to the decnion oldie Whtg and Antimasoltio Comre... mranierseer hoar Ramos. BRIGADIER GENERAL. Buoamts—Maj. Wit LUMPTI, Jr., will be rapported tor the office of Brilyadiei General, at the %Winery elecuoa. Elecuan Ens Monday (4tll day lof Jma my2L•d&w9 Maas VounrrEams. litalnamas Grceatz...--.OeL Mime Ha= will be ropported for the office of Brigadier General at the Military election. Election first Moothty, Alth day of Rote. my2tadkartdeB S. Curs Greene. LEGISLATURE. Csh. Lee of Pittsburgh, will be supported candidate for U., before We AntiZatsoo lc and NV!. County Converstion„ Kr. Lea is known alm.t ell of our cies., and is known to be a gen tleman of oriel 'merrily and sobriety—of honest pno ciplea and indastnous [mints, and is possessed of the necessary qualifications to fit him for the Gimlet., in which his friends are demo. to Sea him placed. mydo A.11.1.13MT. herm Virg; Esc] , of Snowden township, will be repported before the Whig and Antimasortie Coaveu bunt for itoramontott ore ettedidgrelbe a member bribe State Le palate.. mry3o Malie err, Wirers. Mr. Wurrs—Please announce the name of loom E. Km, Esq.. of Putzburgiz as a candidate for the Stllte I,egullitture, subject to the decision of the approach tug Whig and Antionsonic Convention my2,l Forrant Rower C. WciArcri,Eati., of Elizabeth Borough, will be =phoned, before the approaching Anumusonie and Whig County Convention, for nomination as a candidate for member of Legislature, by the itplr.db.tincT Wnms u 7 OLP ELIZA-BR. A ssadun.r.—l offer myself ea a candidate for noon ammo ite a mambo, of rho General Aasembly, barons We approaching etntimuonie and Whig Convention. J J. Maw, of Vanua., tovroahip. • Calf- Jenine! Daiwa, of Elthabeth townahlp, will be presented by hie mend. as a candtdate for the Legi. lature at the approaching Concennon of the Wing and AM 101.11.10[110 puny. mylizeldorT Ma Warr= You will please announce the name of Aurshrom Wsrsom. of Ross townalup, as a eandt• dale for the State Legislature, subject TO the decision Of the Anumasonte sad Whin. Convention. The clams of Mr. Watson, as well qualtfied and tntluembal member of the party, will be earnestly pressed by those who are best aequeutued With him. top A GOOD Walo Joon M'Cbcseet, of Robinson bearidhip, will be candidate for the Legislature, subject to the decision of the Antimutonie and Whig County Convmanort. mrtLddwte•T CoL W. Fen, 0( LOOM St. Our, will be supported by his numerous (mends ter the LepeatOM subject to the dement °film Whug end Antnbutionid.COnYention. Inyl7uldearT 117 - At the solicitation of many of ins Mends, hlso. MULL Swstrrzemods has consented to be • candi date for the Lire:dare, subject to the decision of the Whig and Antinuitionie Convention. myt7idAvrh Jour Kum., of the horough of Shorpehurgh, oral be a eandidata for the Legislature; subject to the do eision of the Whig and Antimosonio Convention. atytfolkoroti Ttro3t. Fur, of the borough of 111 , Yeeepari, will be a candidate for nomination for member of deem• lily at the approaching Antimatotue and Whig Conn• ty ConventiOn_ my3:dawfl Notice to Stockholder*. ORIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD CO. liE Stockholders of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company are hereby notified to pay the Ant instillment of Five Dollars per share, on or be fore the IRA day of Judy next. The Stockholders reslateg is Petussylyardasstil pay the first instalment to the President or the Company, at the Exchange Rank of •Pdtsburgh; those in Colom biana coons Ohi o, to the Treasurer et Salem; and thou In Star Wayne and Malawi counties, to the rs Directo real " kin th osei oonntlea By order of the Board of Direnteri. . . car22dinwhyo JOS. J. BROOKSiTieesurer. The PATAPSCO P - 111(A.Lb3 INSTIT UT g MOM BIIZIZOLC, ELLICOTT'S BULLS (MD,) POST-OFFICE. 721.13 1111 =LEMON O► Lincoln Ph•lpa, Assisted by many able Professor., ma Teacher,, W ILL commence a now scholar. year on the 45th of SEPTEMBER NEXT. Pupils uttering for the new year can be aecontmodated during the vaca tion with hoard at the Institute, under proper super vision or tnstruction. Perms 5240 for board and all necessaries connected with It, en d Eagllsh educa tion for the scholastic year or forty-four weeks. Ao compliehmemts, Languages, he., with board in vaca tion, extra charges. For healthfulnees of location, (situated Ina high and salubrious region,) beauty of scenery, and facility at accers for travellers, the Patapsco Institute LA unsur passed. That. Its edvamage• for bestowing a liberal and accomplished education are appreciated by the public, is fully demonstrated by Its past .6 present PrOsPerßY myt.tla er6mr-.48a1t. Pat. TO PA6MSII.B . _ TinTeWinTd °Hers ter a aielt7lFfe. an county, P., Itoo acres of well limbered LAND, with an excellent Saw hill! nearly new; and two new Frame Houses, one 41 feet front by 17 back; the other 22 feet front by 21 back. Also, good new frame Harm thirty by forty feet. The mill end land are situnted lane miles tram the Allegheny river. A great deal of PINE TIMBER of the best quality, and also a vast quantity of the very best hemlock. Also, one sere on the bank of the Allegheny, near • cove, most admirably adopt ed for rafting, where lumber can be rafted 011 the ice in winter. and be perfectly safe from all freshets.— Price SOMA or $3 on acre. Terms euy. Will take a wall cleared small lawn, with good house and or chard upon it, we part payment, if locationin suitable, and the balance in lumber, or as may be weed on. so tucalinnt opportunity for nimboting; and the probability is great that in two or three yews thle pcopariy will doubly its value, to cousequence of Its pioaseety to tho Nov York and Erb, Ra il road- Tim ber sufficient to wear out caved law mills—end sev tral mill sites on the stream which runs uearly . through he centre of the Wad. About fifteen acres m gnus. No hill to rise lu heeling lumber from mill to river. Trout and game in abundance. For further pardon. let., Vost.plid,i P. B. TEMPLETON, invislielkeiuN_ °wane office, Pittaburith, . _ _ BENNETT - I BROTHERS QFERNSAVA RE MANUFACTURERS Illeminglism, [near Plttsblurd ih a. Warehouse, No. 137, Wood aired, ittaburgh. WlJl.L.coustarnly keep on bands goW wort ment of Wass; of our own manufacture, and • sepatiorqnality. - Wholesale andoouniry blee chenw lie reimeetflilly invited to cell end ex amine for themathichh as we age determined to sell etienpnr th4n liasnietberore been offend to the pals. tic. jD Oniters sent 'by mail, accompanied VI the scab or Ityrefeience, will tan promptly allendea to. 71716 go or 9'l e. - NEW aubstantlalwoll built Bum, well (monad and of oteellent tualctials—of 175 tom bonbon. Po saleby WbL B. WALKER, EllmbEth. myl7M3ur • Atle , bevy county, Pa. A PSOILTED SPI 'ES—Polo •• • family inn, in n A tang, enclosed in a gliding d box, contnining Mansard, .Alapiee, Cinnamon, Ginger, • 1 Gloves, - Per ~• Witinated pure. rale at p th pe e , new Spiro and Manual Funny, comer of Ferry a Libeirty m7lB JOHN 13 BELL 1!:=EMI .13triudixs-4 bales extrilmory 40 - laele• Burlaps, just reed by SHAMXTI" &WHITE, ealZI , 90 Wood st Gtricamms-7 Earhn.A, French and jast opened myZ. Datneslic, IiaIACIULKET & W EfITE FRINGES -150 places plaki, fancy col , d, a.] bk. k Sewing Silk and BullionF ;r3 jost T L E I;Aby nryo SEUL •T-2, RIBBONS-150 canon. black and colored manta. 11. and mitt Ribbon. Mn.. plain and Iti'd Gauze, Oro de Nap end Satin Cap and Bonnet Ribbons, c va ry burs USSattrlatt Of newrind styles, Put opened and for sale low 1, 9 8 cn.Elrr wurrE tay2P TIOSIERY—A complete assortment of blk, white 11 unbleached, mixed, and colored Cation Hose opened and for sale by m SHACICLETT k HOSIERY—BIank and c b o i ld Silk, bluk and cola 1 black, bro7,tsandbita C,bm.ab Stockinga Gum Vgonla n and cotton Socks, for sale wholtule and retail, by P H EATON It Co, Fourth at, mytH batsmen Woad and Musket P— ARA SOLS—A email lot of well selected Parasols are offered for sale at reduced prim by rry2s F II EATON & Co 62 Fourth at GLOVE.. --A large tursoriment of ladies and gents Eid, Neapolitan and embroidered Silk, Lisle, Cot ton Amite., of all colors and site., for men, women ....d F 4ei e Idren, can be obtained wholesale or retail, at E Fi EATON & Co'. Trimming Store, 25 62 Fourth II TIiIMINGS--Black and lid Silk lace Fringe, .1. (limp, Braid, .11 Buttons, always for sale at *, • ______ 25 __ EATON'S, . Fourth st TILLAS—F. IL Eamon & Co., keep con s tantly M n hand, or make to order, ' Silk Mantillas of ev ery pattern, and of any color desirable •, Also, Man til Scarfs, a new style. Embroidering, scolloping, ruffling, marking, and all kinds of fancy needle work executed to order at their store, No 62 Fourth street, between Wood and Market. ntrZ FlielE IRISH LINENS—W. IL Moamar Invites the D ias articular attention a buyers to his emolument of finebosom Linens, lately received, warranted all flax, and o a superior make. Also, LL Goons generally, nob as Table Diapers, of of d' rent widths, and at unusually low prices,— Bleach d Linen Table Cloths. also much lower then ever b ore offered; Linen, Pillow ease Loon, Di.- per. an Crash for towelling, &e. fee. Also, 'ammo. Dunn, for summer bedspreads; superior colored Quilts, low priced do, sad white Counterpes, at very low price for qualsty—at north Ca. corn rof 4th and Market sta. Wholesale Ronnie up stairs. oty26, RD. THOMPSON, No. ILO (Ballet stmt.. near . Li ., betty, has just returned from the Eastern Cams with his second supply of sravio AND SUMMER CAN.B.Bit. fie has now on band one of the largest and best relented stocks that he hes ever had the pleasure of opening to his customers and the public--among which may be found every style of rich changeable and fancy Silks, Turk Satins, black glove Silks, all widths, for Cardinals, Ac.; with every width of block Silk Laces and Fringea, for trunstungs; FULLARD SILKS, TISSUES, Sg`d and plain Bereges, Embrot dered Swiss; Organdies; Lawton. Embrd Linen Ging ham. a new and beautiful article; plum and bard do; French (heehaw!, .2e.. Off/ Dossavic Broca. is very full, compristng every description of Ctunttes and Cahoot., some for Its that sold Ibis spring for My Luton and Mantua Sheet toga, loom 1 to 3 yards wide; also, Sheering Mualias, very low, with a fall assortment of fine Irish Linens, for window hangings; Turkey Red Chiots, embroider ed and suipcd Drapery, Buff Holland, de. to. One Shawl department presents ever ducemtian of plan, and embroidered Conlon Crape, changeable and fig'd Silk, Berege, Cashmere and Deletes, plain end em broidered nib et, else, a huge assortment of Parasols, Bormets, &c. Coach Makers will find a full supply of Cloths, Da masks, Moreene, &u. &c., in their line. The above Goads have been purchmied on the mow silvautageoria Lerma, and purchasers may rely upon getting them at the tamest raasuma PVC= • - oriy2l42air HOST. D. THOMPSON. Wirt BILK PaartgaaL.9—W. Raiturphy has just _Di received ...minced of black 811 k Parasols, figured and plain, some of which arc extra one. Dark Green Parasols, figured and plain; large mite brown do—an assortment received, and 'Aired at low prices, at northoast corner of Oti and Market eta my 23 fIOTTOPI OSNABUR6—Yard wide—One bale late ly received at Dry Gonis House of my 23 W R MURPHY 1 - ,‘ANCY BUMMED CASSIMERES—We have nue received • very handsome lot of French Summer Cassimerca, of • vary fine quality, which we are act ling at very low price., and to which we would Invite the attention of the gentlemen. EIIDEMI O JYgi ALEXANDER & DAY PLNIDEIgo — EIDLESILEE—ist tee ived, 0 * let otvery handsaws changeable Silks, tacl ' udiog some at a rev) , superiorquality. which we aOO selling at very inferior pnees. A t•srW ANDER A DAY, myRl 75 Market, N W eor of the Diamond M . ORE NEW GOODS—W. IL Mttarny has this morning open new and handsome styles Prints for Igg et* per yd; Swiss, Moll and Nansook "dealing for dresses. Also received within s. few days, Boonat Rabbet., Black Siika lie., at northeast corner 4th and Market streets. Corny Merehunts replenishing their stocks, find a choice aaaonment at low ptiees, In Wholesale flow., up stairs. co,ylo LADIES DRESS GOOD: 3—W. It. moar I,nom, cast corner Fourth sad Market sts, invites the •i -tension of ladles to hu excellent usortinent of the dif ferent styles of Dross Goods, suitable for the season, such as Plain, Pink, blue and drab Baragest Pnrited do, a LtTurre.nne::S.'„Yd."o".'=ll.l%' a h t n ni - French punted Lawns; white and embroidered Mus lim; embroidered Lawns, Brutal Ginghrusw—a/1 which 'snit be offered at low prises for gualny. Nilolmpale Rooms an I.NI story. myl7 SHACIELETT & WHITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, .29 WOOD STREET, A • HE new reecivm ry g a von lamp stock of fre.h Goods, of recent pare:haw and fieportadert which they will sell to the trade at such prices as cannot tett EY ' L " ,l i gonntry . kic k :Cleats ha s invited to roll .d exageme out Roth IMAM: purchasing elsewhere. esyS NEW GOODS—Now opetung ,at the One Pe Store, eases and packages of new and desirable Goods,comprising a large lot of Silk, Berege, hl de Woe, Thibm, Fancy and other Shawls, at considera bly reduced pnees. my2l A A MASON Cc Co DAT GOODS AT WIIOCE SALE. WMURPHY hint. the attention of mar „ chanti to the large supply of new (Roods jest opened in his wholesale Rooms, on .2d story, northeast corner 4th and market UMW/6 Pittsburgh. This being his second supply for this spring, he him many kinds of goods at reduced prices, and some styles not to be found elscwheme. meL"dhisrT IRT - 1101.1 - 0111 . COLLAKS, CAPES, &c.—A. A. M . V- ...A Co. have. reed per Express, more than 1600 Cohan, Capes, Caps, Chensmetts, Cars, Ac. Al so, Edgings and Wettings at half the usual pricy a. myn SUM ETEITF. C euhIIMERL.N.-1 case new style fumy "side stripe” Cmatmeres lust reed an d for sale by hIURPIIY, WILSON /t. Co, RIBBONS—A hand•ome assortment orne. --- anz beasnitul rtYlea Bonnet Ribbons, put reed .nd for sale .t reduced prices by mytt MURPHY, WILSON .4. Co HOWARD DUCK—d bales heavy Cotton Dna, suitable for steam boat decks, wagon covers, /cc., Just received cadlor sale by • myll MURPHY, WILSON &Co FINE GOOD —IB pr Gold Spectacle; 8 fine Diamond 'finger Blum 10 Musical Brae, shell eased; la i rt i rrtment of Puss, with fine paintings Silver B oner with nate handle; Cold and silver waist Berkley and Slides. AIm—PARASOLS, dark green and other fashlona hie rotors. The above goods, with • large assortment of Jewel ry, Fancy 004 x%, So., will he sold for msur or other good money, at N 067 Market street, by myll ZEOULON KINSEY TratißKELAs=-76 CrseTeornirri v iiniglailiTisru brellas, cane and whalebone ribs, last received and gala by snAcKLErr te WRITE, _ 90 watel LILLEOLI-25 cases cotton,. gingham and silk ?erasebi,now styles and designs; green Tete se. eith fringu and plain borders, and loseaufel ry and fancy handles, just read and for sale by my@ 13HACKLE7T & WHITE CIASSIMERE—d pieces very fine doe skin (black) Cassimere, received as a sample direct from the mandamuses, for sale by H LEE, myB Liberty st opposite sth • ...----- MRLAP AND WOOL SAGE":=oltxt inutd encrior sole try myS R LEE DONNEIILIBBONS- - New Bole. Bonnet itiblono opening,at the One Price Store, one Int as low as tel CU. myttl A A MASON A Co 10ANOY0.. - ULTWW;s hiveTai npa It large lot of Fenny Silk Shawl!, to winch we i ane the Monti. of the Indies. myth ALEXANDER & DAY MOttarrill'S WORM KILLFIIL—Another proof of the tnumphant sneers* of Morgan'. Veraufuge. Press - sown, May 10, le/U. Mr. John D. Moroni—lfmq name Is of any ewe to the sulferlag commodity, in regard to the article of r i aLlt o a nr i trling z i e u r e r d fc:t i l welcome to It : mune alarmed, and very justly so, when I trod I yo b u e r renowned ug e and astonnthlng to tell, ono of them deliverrA about fifty worms fifteen Inches long, of the most frightfulturd, resembling more the appearance of *Mc The other child was delivered of about As The children ate now doing finely. You may wall he proud of your. Worm Killer„. Your, truly Damn Sums, Virgin alley Pmared and cold wholesale and retail by RAIN D. MOWJAN, Druggist, Wood street, one door below Di amond alley. myl4 YOUR COUGH MAY DE CURED. A ttsaon 34 v _ pr Crn il ( gft, I V SZ, I I Mr. IL E. Sam. Being alflietad A tor come time with a cough, which was so severe as to unfit we (or my daily employment. Frit to ently after coughing, I have been so much extents as be obliged to en down and relit, Hearing e good drum produced by your Cough Syrup. I concluded to give It • trial, and am happy to say it produced the de.dred erect in my ease. After using It one night, the cough was abated, and lam now perfectly wed. • bun Jameson. Ms element and populal Cough Syrup is prepared and sold by R E BELLE:RS, 57 Wood anti Sold also by Druggists generally in the two cities and vi cinity. • .ntyll NOTICE TO 00BITRACTORO. CANAL LETTII.IOO--The under. signed Trustees of the 'Wabash and Erie Canal, hereby give notice thin-they will meetee sealed proposals at Washington, Davi. county, Indiana, on the Vith day of Jone for the minstraction of about twenty-four miles of avid Canal, extending from the proposed Dam across the West fork of Whits River, mar the booth lino ofGreea county. to Maysville, in Davies .tn.ty. On this pm non of line there are to be constructed five Lift LAMA) and one Girard Lock, to be built of timber,. • Data across tilinkrini'a Creek, and One or two smolt Aque ducts, together with the usual satiety of earth work common to a canal. The line will be divided Into sec tions averaging about half a mile in length At the same time and place, proposals will be recei ved for building, with out stone matutry, the piers of the Aqueduct Over Eton fork of White RM . , The atone for this masonry mast Ise pmerned from the attu nes of durable limemone to be toned on or near either the East or West fork ef. White Elver, from which mot they can be delivered by water. The line to be placed snider contract, will be re dy fLf d ir:reil oen : n ion tar pi to madoa in = i t . h e tige u lf re ltUA be gismo by the Resident Engine er. CAELE. BUTLER, A. RI PUETT, TIIO. IL BLAKE. Tauvrass'Orvics, tt Terre-Haute. Aped na, fglp.s ---amirvirandirrrrigiotw, --- INFORM their friends and the PM. thhOlteT blot no longer any connection with their tats establish. meta to Pena ouzel, known es the - Pinebtogiracetair having removed their entire baaleeuro the PORN lotto& Kit 9,frf Ina urger mtrrhaT WA_'„ ri bolas of 104 in penal krussd window Masi remised, awl ciders I will be promptly tilled by 5 b W HAMIAOtiti mile DRY do VARIETY GOODE. Now Goode and Great Bargains! -n :m; M .r..+~ r"y'.;-rte«+ e•cw,^r-y~~..... e - "nwyT-' = "'a.:. :`t.: TRANSPORTATIOItko. EMPRILI3II PAORET LIRE. FOR PLIELA.DELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Exelealsely for Passers. F l i gl&itgffilk—The Boats of this Lien will leas as fellows, at °Meek at night Loußaana , -Caps. J P Thompase. May 31. Indiana—P Berkey, Pgday, Bute I. Ohio—A Craig Saterday, earesky—H Truby, Sunday, 3. Leaiaiana—J P nominee, Monday 4_ Inditma—P Muter; Tuesday, 8,. Ohio—A Brsig, Wednesday, is. Kentucky—}l Treh7l ThursdeY, 7 . Louisiana-7 P Thompson, Pnday, e. o Ko ln enhi sli o_cop ; ki a- - P LH EOl ATru t criug ke by y, : S ms ar orrddl a y, y ,, , 11. to anal P Thompson, Tuesday, ty. ledisma—P Berkey Wednesday, 13.. Ohio—A Craig, ThLsday, 11. Indiana — a —C" P — B. J P r t k i r e Tn :m B p . b so l d n ' a . y ni Sa , i da rd . Y' a l y s :l6. For passage apply to W STITCH, Atenoneln Haase, myll or D LEECH & Co. Qmal 11.. n 1849. aim' Warren and Cleveland Passenger Llnej Canal Packet—SWALLOW. • . —OCEAN. ONE of the above Packets !MVO Beaver every day (Smulaye excepted) mad arrive next miming al Warren, when they connect with dos Mail Stagto fox Akron nod Cleveland, arriving - et each of these places before night. One of the packets leavp Warren daily al 5 P. hL, mad arrive at Seaver in time to take the morning boat for Piusburgh. C F. S LEFFINGIVILL & Co, Witnory 13 M TAYLOR, /OEN A cAUGHL4 Agent, apl3 corner Water and Smithfield eta Ea= 1849. UNION LINE, ON THE PENIPA AND OHIO CANALS. CitswvininA CRAS:O33MM, CliMeart&O. FL pr.p O. PARA), Beaver, Pa. THIB Line will be moved on the opening of anvi cation, w tructspon freight and Pmsengers from PITPSBUROII and CLEVELAND, to any pant on the Canal and Lakes. The facilities of the Line are 9911991141Ct1in number, quality and capacity of Boas, expectance of captains, and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning a connection with the steamers LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a Hue of first Mass Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lake. Aomms—R G Parka, Beaver, Pe. Jesse Mathew, Youngstown, Ohio. B Taylor, Wi1999 Cyrus Pratinss, Ravenna, NV heeler A Co, Akron, Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0 Sears & Griffith,Bnffalo, N. - JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Office.cor Water and Smithfield sfa, Pittsburgh. mchglily DEA VER PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2—Capt. Gilson. " LAKE ERIE, " Gordon. THE above regular and well Conn Beaver Pack ets, have commenced making their daily trips to and from Beaver, and will mintimie to ran between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly Miring the season, as follows Michigan No. 9 leaves Pittaburgh daily al9 o'clock, A. M., mid Breve, at 2 o'clock, Pi M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily m 8 o'clock, A.M. and Pittsburgh at 3 &Mewl, P. M. These stelMen will (911 in C 0119999119 with R O Parks' Express Packet Line, for Erie; Taylor tr. Leannirwell's Warren Packets; Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland; Clarke tr. Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight Boats. Li Parks daily New Castle Packets. CLAR..., PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Pittsburgh, meh.7l nor Water and Smithfield sts 1849. Elam LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND 0100 CANALS. rpm: Proprietors of ibis old ertabllthertand popular X daily consisting of SIXTEEN first class Ovnnl owned by themselves and running in vonnee bon wi th the Strom bones BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offerrusequalled (=Wes for the transportation of freight and: passengers, us the opmung of Canal navigation, to all Feints onthe Penn. sylvan= and Ohio and - N. York canals and the Lakes. E hL PTPCH &,Co Cleveland. BIDWELL A BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. J. C. BIDWELL, Aon; mad Water street, Pittsburgh. 5;•;.0.r1M111,12.4 iltuTb - urgh7. BIDWELL & BROTHER. Forwarding ffirrettants, BEAVER, PA.., Agents for the Pittaitrrgbandarodand Lesse,Pitts burgh and Brie Line itia Erie, tend for steam kstts Bearer and Ca/a6 Cops• llama purchased the large and substantial Wharf Boat just built for the Monongahela Panama have withthe addition of a Warehonso, the m it ample ma cornmodations for receiving and forwardlag, and pledge their ototostattentiog Prowtheu42l44=ch eantagnatenta to their care, an/rely on their ds fora trial. antril•dly R. A BRA. i Por Greenwood Gaid - - New Aaastanneserl-The sten:mei : THOS. SCOTT, twill commence on onday, May 7, to run Amer tho Old Greenwood Landing, foosaGitiq at; to the Garden, leaving at 8 Welock,J t ‘ gi Ngind teen hottrtmul 9 o'clock, P. sci tot . den at 10 r. - - The Saloons are supplied with al khe delieseitts of the season. Tee at 6 o'clock. The Garden, with a large collection of Greenhouse Plan, Dahlia,,,,, An. need Flour Plants and Shabbery. The comfortable arbor( boat Greenwood, will be plated at the Plu (Met landing. mys • 13 11 1414 . Dentist Corner of/9mM and Decatur, between Market and Ferry total,,. 11:11127.,_ WESTEAIf, DENTIST, Respectffilly tenders his professional services to the dozens of Allegheny city. Office, northeast corner of the Diamond. Refer to /1.1.L.Ern112111. • Dr. T. F. Dale, D. T. U. Olteel, Dr M. K. Trevor, D. Jao. Dieksortf Dr. J. IL Herron, Dr. FL B. ?flowery, Dr. M. dG Knox., Dr. R. ItalelL Wm. 21.. Ward, Dentist] 'Rev. A. W. Black, Rev. N. West.. U. W. DIDDLE, Daunted.* RP-MOVED to a new three rimy brick Old 1 3 11 . fift. , s l trx , li , one door below to an entire set, on the ruction principle, with a beau tiMpe rese station of the notandlom—rosterrog the ori shape of the face. . B.—Teeth extracted with little or no pain. • Decayed Teeth permanently sand by plunging, pre-; sermon the tooth tithe, which is eh bettor thence ring is thoeghlt 'should be done in Aso , minntra; or eYen tostantly. • apattlYi Lk111.4. MARSH'S NEW .N0VE.L.....M0/tlannt Butt- - ar a September Nigh; by the Mahar ot.Tvre old Wes," "Emilia Wyndham," "Annelid: , etc. Jost rdb , d by JOHNSTON & STIVETON, apl&d&wT corner Market and 3d sts • Itoonisagr.oetiallwaintsad Tin Platen. ilF.subsenbers beg to call theattentionofßallders; T Architects and owners of Beildino, to the many advantages which these plates passe. over On other metallic substances hitlartensed for roofing, /se., as they passe. at once the lightness of iron, without its liabilinto rust, having now been tested for several years to this particular, both in this country and in Eu rope. They are loss liable to expansion and contras don from sadden changeof the, than com mon tin plates, iron, sine, or any other metal now used for roofing, and consequently form a mach better and tighter roof, regain:lg far less frequent repaint, whilst the tint cost is but • trifle more. A hill supply, of all sixes, from 16 to 30 W. G., con. needy on band and for sale by GEO. R. MORRWOOD .1k CD., H and 16 Beaver Street, New York. The patent tight for this ankle having been secured for the United Suites, all parties fafringing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, mill Ns prosecu ted. 0et.34/terlyT rIE undersig ned have etectedoorka in the city of New York , for the purpose of Ualvani awl of Bon, which it is desirable. P PROM RUST, sash so Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails,' Wire for Fences, and any other article which may be required. For Hoops for Calks, als substitute for Ode Rope; for Clothes Lm es, Lightning Rods, and a hoot of other applications, it will be found cheap and durable.' They would particularly call attention to the Cialvlink sed Wire for fences; it reclaims no paint, end will not rest. Al. to Spikes and 'Bolts, the preservation of arbich is orao mach irrirtance, that it will commend itself to the notice of all those interested. EO. B. MOREWOOD h CO., Patentees, oct3o-dessrOT 14 and td Beavarat, N. Fort. WALLPAPWA aER mi os No. 47 Marin street, PittrEltrgh, THOMAS PALI7.IM, ESPECTPULLY announces to his friends and ens- XV meters, that he hos halal., past period so exten sive • Stock as he has at present. Ile can offer to pur chasers, on MIT moderate terms, at the old estabash ad Stand ou ?casket street, almost every article w his lute—including Counting room, Bed-chamber, room, Parlor and 11511 Paper. With Borders, Land scapes, .Fire4mard Prints, Piper and 'Transparent IVindour Shades, Bonnet and Binders' Boards, Wri. tong, Wrapping, and Tea Paper, he to abundantly cm , plied, sod requests country merchants and housekeep ers to call and examine hts aSsorginetlf. • Rags and Tartness' Scraps taken ta trade, at then highest prices. mettglAtarT 151 E AV - 1i AUDWAIL/19 STORE, SIGN OF TAE PLANE AND SAW, No. 78 Wood strait Pittsburgh. HUSER AND LAWMAN, 18=3 n stud dokkra W Foreign and Domes= El WSW; In W its varieties, are now prepared to sell as key and ., as .ensemble tams as*an be purchased elsewhere. We solicit our (med., and the pultolle generally, to, call and examine our stook, which comostsOt pan of SNIFFS and FOWLS, rocKsr and PM.I SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, MUMS Trimmings, suck as Locks, Latches, Fling. and Senters, to Cher with every ~sclo usually kept In Illtudwaro Stores., We invlw the wientiou of Carpenters and Mechanic s genernity to our assortment of Tools, which hasobeen selected with great can, and which , arc dewrtttin ed to sell so as to give satiatketion. apT,d2crel /TIME undersigned having been appolatetragent of tho Dst.smana Mernat. &fan lusimancia Com rear, in the place of John Finney, Jr., resigned,. re. sprietfalty informs the public end the friends and ens lockers of the Company, that he is prepared `to take Vann., Inland and Fire risks on liberal terms, at their °thee, No. 37 bVnter street. P. A. MADEIRA, myt 1 tail:ing an alphabetical list of Post Meta through out the Baited States; distances from Washington, D. C.; state and tenitotial espitals respectivalr, also ex. Itibiung ther Post Offices in cub State, u well as coon anth s.ppandit of the United States and British Tarifa Jut mc'd by JOHNSTON .4.STOCKTON, mylo comer 3d and =act MICOSETidI - ff:llTificeifin. 3 ply India Rubber Heati--4nat =timid for the Boom/eta Blenches. ter, which will be held le store for a few days. The Boma Beltinreorepany express a Muni desire' for. the hie deparxmenta elate cities of Piusbarigh lted'Al legheny to call and examine and make himal of t he m. The company is willing to pot them to any tax they think proper to conclude open. • H PFlLLlM'M'ateea taxi° winßnWdatrxuna , ur s . rOcit , .UP In the Citizens' lewaratims.Cony of Piitebnys.h, will be opetied in the Boomiof the Bond 0CTW4413, the first Monday ocNovainbernexti'at3o.o'eleet, a. au: Laiiiner it' • • - ttobtat Woodsyl Wm. B. ttl'eltieni '3oseplx Elmnnsor • S. hL John Bhar~C t .,— , •• aindti" , 11- 44N 3 1i itplianard -',• %comiusucaleis. ICOOOA-10 Via supanor Cocoa, bat "teed j aer a4bY R 17% NYWNIII9IIVAN V =MI NUM, Ma NaM, . . - *To LICIW , -' -,,- - .- -- ,-, _,... i i` , THE Duetting lime on ttdrd area, awns Smittineli ompied bl the ninnity of the Isle .A-N. Pn , DelwelL rm•••ftittilrlan• a ni.c...aree huge lots etercand• nt Wu tintaii 7 7B7o, between the Fie. 6 Ward and Ctotrille,. inntanle for lumber yards. WM. U. InnIitLIZMON, • mrOdtf At Italariinvon'eFearth in _ _ ._ -- .__. _ 'DOB SALE—Five lots eliC e l a y snaked in the dou r iab. i n g town of Stritin ant. Ilds to% - ezn situa ted on Denman &tree, a= in F annum% plan 73, 79, SO, 81 sad 00—Lot rip 70 *untie( 20 Craton Me, 7 7 Awl Meet, 70 feet ding the caner per ..% fret keel each, by Ea feet deep. 7 n 7o3 —Grenter plat of lomat,* =mar may re main for six years, !UMW by I:o62lfa u rtartie. ears, impure of 0 myld Nos e"et --- Vielnabl ...Stub!. Coat Land tor Male*. A BOUT four roily above Lock No. 9,fit MO month an= Rath Moooetgahola River. TheACoal le of the very hem naltt 7 and cur of +coon. AM . lumber *foram, from tweetty-fiee to • bazdrul, aught be obtained Persons dealrom et putehming, can call cm WALKER BRED on the preasieesim W. tee, oppoeite the Post °dicer fornlntion concerning the 'Marty: am. ammo Wau b 6 told a , a great tearritto., tosiltlem noose and Lot lbw 8010 igIN ALLEGDENY CITY . --A new anst.coor rtabie brick welling lima, sag Lot of round, (2/ feet D front by Da fon & to,/ Wt.. to an the bent of the river, near Febneiltekh,fetd fac tory,,. offered for .ale km. Team easy nod title In ¬able. Apply to Almelo. Raton, Idoconguala all, or Ll JA LED BLAKELY, PintboniX soySltwo . LET-6 gucd brick Durautr dip a t a py, Robbubo mac, AllegheuT ,th e o r !Hp soionto LICHOSEER • ALE•THEAP FOR SCRIP-2, JO stunts, on Webster creet,il3 feet frootßigh Meet: a) feet front on Wehs,tar, by SO feet to a Bra fees allay —quite close to nag court house. Pries Lae Terms, IMO cash In band; balance he one, two, three sad Gear years from the dot of April last. County sad City Scrip Wreaths cosh payments In tikEir c of mile WOOFER:110 second st - - AO& Acres Coal hand tetrEale, SlTUATttbontehfonOngakelarlvoz,about Macs from cion eight end duals above .thirst Lock, in the hamediato ceighborhood of UMW& Lytitrils sffirb, and dfr. Johnlierron's Fore limb - Ate body of Coal will he sold at the law prim °MD per sore-ono third in hand, balance in fire equalanaffill payments, without huereat. Indisputable.. L ogin 0077 goad -cannot be For pertlont enquire of & BALE Y, who has a draft farther of aabdprano perty. Residence Zist,below Ferryshlr.dffiernFßow. N. B. There is medics seam of coal on this tract, about GO feet abora the lower, Gram:mill:at ough t ?' irze.tit H. itoitii - gb - i - Wittc h . .A TWO story Brick conteildng eight room, exclesave of haseirterrt and cellar, agid minable for two families, sheered on Liborty-sramt. Allegheny, Will be sold low kegler*. Bevan of ropkilf P. Y& Gazette office Valausble Xeiti ref gales TILE sabsertbers orb =IV! to offer at private gale, and uponhitrtolrfav Is terms, a- number of very rateable &Midair Lo comprising a large portion of the Lots numbered C 7, as, 119 And 70, in Woods , General Plan of the City of Pinrtbargh, sites. tad m the south castwerdlycomer of Perm sad W ry streets, fronting 1140 feet oath, formari.end eaeadit . along tiro latter about waft to the Al legh eny rivet, end Joins a part of the Beal State ef. lato Jamas B. &memo% Esq., deceased. - A. plan or sabdivislon of the shrive Lath ht confor mity with which It is proposed to gen; may beeben at the office of the andersigoe4 ca & i t r = s between Mar ket and Ferry Its. KUHN. . . er IMRE subscriber will sell,llp vale sala, that vitae. ble Property, on'the Fnanit strew rrbol . /L, his present residence, and sive possession z ty. Thwe tun about TEN ACRES OF CHOIORLAND, in a high state of cultivation. .ThewMormel. are a large and well (unshed brick D ROME. F e or e t l u=a a Mjanmiril l There groran . : uie es a ty co a nstan Frw o i t supply oLonst.celionbtt.7ersonc... the eremites, If the aboye dumbed .proporo is pm sold satin, it win be twned fat tine . Atee 4 - s fee ewe, a bug* Laren Pmunivanis lora:mei' at end et the board , Imam at- arad3cn • D . • 0 :1:1,1 =Ode R• Es • Ibr rrr Trustee. of Mc Western Thoologleol Elmoinory rt rosins doelderl to Si perpetual lease, por. o omen' promi7 kr4Y tdtb afar' yro3 fivoraOlo terms, from 37 to Lots Of differrmt duo. A - srarramoo Ate rill be givoM , i4lan of ttm Imo earl be Se.Gll ea N 0.159 Wood - smolt; 02 ; 3 16 4 Z niun' *" 11: l er 41013 3 *t IL Leuouriv LbULEEX4 DHLL_In_ BARM • At a very low Rent • A TWO story Brick Houses on Video] st, ono door above • thn• northwest eornes if the North Common, Allegheny—whirs hall, MOW, dialog rownand kitelterton thalratflooLtFoot roam on td - atory, wirlt,a finishedintle. POS.MII, .013 to be had Immediately. of awll OEO H SILLTENIINHOEFL 87 Front so ' Niralsa — itikaz Senate Star Saler yIHE folb.ill a =rl/ -in the do Tinge:" - and war the It of rfranottrawr, births Ohio W, blatrettdigrq . a.COMModill= UMW Lou lbelac tuour ot•Lot Ne AO the plan of the do of haying2 0 feet front on Se venth wn fset, by SIO eet to Strawberry , alley . near • llOcron woe Lott iraidfror on an Arenote, eb feet width traralnsbora Beaver toadtolha Ohio wirer. ad- IntranaStabyteaOleloth For ten% ,enentro of ..LrfAliti scojw, times coaAaA.,- . nerkes.adwarath irt; MMG • row Sag l % 'N'TKE HMO WA ' ITTEIRUM «al-LetsonAMirizt , edirtUstrly• streetr, in the Wed, drekby_lll9,-and adhirord,Uult depot °kite Central t ter= h_lre of CHAS./A.IUL scY, orlAblES 0 , 111,01 A, BoskdeHafding,dthst TWO 110USEIS AND- LOTS Ji . o.6.loAlogi TWO LOTS on .BISIVIV-lllltecin thtr CUL du:t Allegheny, above opper liktmoSoo w tit Acted n Irmo bulldlog, two storles- "suitabla for • two email terwments. The lots tree 'twenty fees is front by non hundred feet deep;And not benl tow noon forty fad ludbhugg autos' of miserroill pug avow Audio= Warm Gotha Inverej mom, and property will be wild-eleap,tor wish. Apply to IL spriudoLlork'e ogee; U, S. sr to • . • , • KAY ACo .1 11 4 4 •{An' 2 4 .fetrvilm.'nuasidd,craduilii g her A.' ertned:and frenzies on Iluysitsb• taw* Coreursou in the 'Baena Piste. liztensia& :Permsllaf i ash. N w - ch224M Office, " han .WILVKRCWIN Rzegrßaildbwi,r3t Clair u geoteh notioar Lana far WU*, 11111 . q . 17:13 h oPlaraksitunteals Peebles Sown .,e 6 blenoegabela, th ree can r e m Pins tough—to low us soil purslowars.... ?or rsithsir turtle, Warr apply to Ilanry Woods; 34 st,or .gss , WAS= ,GTON sior&bat, 4llboikbare essikbrAa wAßEttottaz FOB 8 41 ,, P-Tbeenbeeriber erers for ale the gime stosybefekWerabonse apir ou Woba BIM; b_renple4AEL Tanner & Co. _ :PlllXlNar. ITALUABLE REAL b.STATE ON PENN STREET - .11 , FQB 8A.f..E.,--A Let nf:Gronnitsituate cm Penn street, betyroca Illy and afarbluY lime% Aditdalnd terand totnowneeapted billiebard Edarania, a front 0f.43 feat. Audio doodad° fee Intl be Aold on Arrosabla testae. ThlenneUe En - .quiro of C. O.I.OIR4LES Alb at. ant Wood. vox. ApaidtAiliE Bauhi g ut hattimph443l# 3 , , n. • .. , ..rabiploc...ted mtxt obpstooNon, am* and bo told 'on aecommodatzog tenu. Inouire of JOWLl.T.nomvab sk F - 0 a AKIW--21. 4 ,, Dila& tAck. Nomad No. 7Projyarsys In IllUngttonylnty Inn in 00... sacneer& am for sale a. neseberaf ennui • its, sinus- in the Second- Ware, nennetl2ll the unemao euy term. Amens ot • W. OIL ROBINSON, Atty at Law, tit One a ornYJASROULNSON, an thaproodees. ii.irst Irr KM , • • • dib 1110 MIS linaliarAD,lmbuts,P4 f 011311DA.IN TXrHOLI"JiALE GROCERS, FprfnAnkug and &ma ylr mission Merchant& And dealing in Pirodue• and Plusbrajb blanufastiter, comet of the Dymond Vin! Ammo thtnruarw—br. A'„,rager,i pi,61,160,.. Di em& armt a Ilan. Jo& Manisfes it u n a Bjch. 8. Ellict l Ewl. - • • m =. Co:l 9 =st J. =liken& &&., 1 IM. lio fi: 'l b kinfli t'l4wis"l'i'4' - 11'414- ...,.. . .. . .•. id.m.,-Jhl & Ran JDOOKSJ BOOM—The . NewAsiceiesa Oartensr, by Thomas Q.Fessesden. The New American Orchardist, by Wm.. Remick. The Comptete Firmer. suttl Sate} Economia, by Modern Demestie Cookery, by Wm A Headetscat Jan wee by JOHNSTON tt. STOCKTON, myt4 comer tuts! and 3S sts vvrEw RELIGIOUS WORlES—Thoußdus con. Public LI PM.. by &and Miller, D. D., L. L. D. Thoulemon Fa mily Warship, by ..Iminas W. Alex ander. Aim received by myl7 • • • 70IENSTON A STOCKTON I oME4O Life. Hiatary King Marie. the Second, otEngland, by Jacob Abbot; with engraving. irnat O.II.NSTON STOCKTON, myl3 corner 3d sacillarket atm A T the gigicot a complete muumuu of allocinuatliCempere Tools, for tale by myth HUBER It LAUFNLOI • •-. ~• '' - No. • 4 lisspid3loll:(l - 41,,Latr. a '-':•..... -l ' 77 1 few aeon .behratWodenteet,lo, • ' rtat.. .__.•-• , -',. " .' . DIU ISBOWNe havisqy totem • -- l !,..... ' regalarlyedacated' tie the medical • '• ' mad been du semis time • . • ' . ' r 1 5 1ertet premiae, now (manes ....':' '• .- ( Ids artentieu 10 -the' treatment of .. , • . A thoxe entrant and delicate comp :',.... -.. ' •• : % pILIDts ler which his opportabbica 'i i ' , . - '' !...,,.. • and experience peculiarly qualm t'. - • .... t bud it year. auldriontly devoted to • • m Lteatptut of those cemplabtat,(dardzig which time he has had more practice gad has euredsostro pa, dents therm. ever fall to the lot of say.ptiside, prat. titlester) Amply qualifies him to agree. amatratteel of speedy, petrmartent, and sulsfactety otize lastialyttety Wife delicate discases, and au dhieseits atising.iherel Som. Dr. Drown would Leann thane afEletnn with Meats diseases which hem become chronic. by thorn an awl ars aced y the common 0.0011320.1i1 o day, ti l , 3Y ,tr w :gptilutt r eaa be nuiloo.4.entlthenj a _ mmbly eon* ha haring Oen ons earelhl ennottan to the onament of itch ewe*, and eneceeded 0( 0 , 000 , 00 a incuing mans Of Inltammatlcn of the met of the bladder, and kindled 'UMW' width often recall from those asses where others Mae enumignal them to impetus despair. Ile Ptunettlarlyinarrtna such te hen° been lomr.and ÜBEZICCOMA4 treated by aim to con ,,,n him, when errery sasistacticatlaill m be an W en] sad their mune uaafr.4 in a eszefelohonangh end final:meat manner, acted - oak by &foetal - pm:Lane° emaaaed attti, awl Vtdehitialiapartifbbr Oft Ikon P r4 C t icA!lqf 1 . 1 ", 1141 PP t a ' lth° an aria at jrratmta at DePtliree;4*.Drowrfalso Intlham coma elDinted vita Hangs iiCealt, at aettutpald site atanaltat to thla alum. sun Abteneenantrif srofir en4onl/4 —Pante= of 011 k - fenlida;aty 010h1D- their diem& tawntantogyinly„lol Dar u:titan obtain utedletriesaitheDeeDo4 itne, i„.64arinf I. NoMmgi r Rustriedst6—Drlkotii 41rfat Rheumatism tat him arialtdraaat clonal* remedy for thmosinfaltniablet. mar ADE . O ttalsothkg-lecatie'lrei as swat Pittall'Ettaa• MuiDootor la always . at halm (MN!! MO Re 7r : . Iter ;..4.;'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers