The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 31, 1849, Image 1

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ATroaNEY Ar LAW. Office on Foorth street,
between Cherry alley and Grant st. loyLlly
diDellera, in Produce, No. Et Mittketshreet
s .borth -deeB
a. Z. 111:41LITILD. W. N. VAT.
.13 13
,15treeta,Y0,1'or, st.":,'`vidgr o illnD'il
lactated i ' fiats., the., No. E2O Liberty synch Pats
~ 71.101:1 1 I 9.01 i, 0000.01. MITI.
Ell aI . .LUVI & REITER, Wholemlo ond•Itetoll Woe.
t rit z kug, , t omer of Liberty and St. Clair streetoiTpto
m., t '`.
=Winos, of. a snows.
ROWI I 4. CfnAtERTSO7 4 ‘ Whole Grocers,
and C•mrolasum Meretion No. 14 5 , L.r , Y , L,
Proborirli. l'a • • dqtly.
P • A. I'AIINESTOCK ar C4:1 1
XII. tall Druggists, comer w_
1.11 'Ai Wood street Fittsbuiyh.
Wholesale and ik
and Stlves. I 1
;;Io droners, Id and
CA MeA.NBUTY & Co, P•rtrattlitt,g and Com
• mission Merchants, Canol . um, 4utsbur r g d h ch P 2 a.
DaTfustiusiaSprirak;4.i.go,illialiir.-autsa grids
Works. •
(101E1d&N,'BAIELMAN & Co, unit ufaetitters of
C.oaen and Eliptic Springs, RamOtered Axles,
Spring and Plough Steel, Iron, &e, - WarettOute
Water and Frontstreets, Piltsburgb.
Also, denten ill Coach Trimmings and Malleable
iennxturo Nina:Eras,
nONTINUES to mtumfactiire Monuments, Burial
V Vaults, Tombs, Bead Stones, Mantel Pieces, Cen
tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at
• regular and fag mice.
N.B.—Drawings for monuments, snobs, &e. famish
ed, of arty desenpuon. Ile solicits share o f
patronage. ug4dlf
MN. E. =aura
& II ' ENNSIT, ,(lam English, Gap er
1. Co.) Wheilesale Grocers, Commission an d For swasdsql. Morchuasouid deals." in Produce sad
OurgtiManotactoru,No. 37 . Wood bistweini ttd sod
3d streets. oml
CI, Commission and Forwarding
Merchant, No. Zt Wood street. Pittsburgh. myl7
fioniz Lice.atiTe , frAtv
411.11LTUN RTEWART, manufacturer of Heavy
H Shirting., Chocks, ix., Rebecca street, city of
LEE, (successor to Murphy & Loe,) Wool Doill
1111. or and Commission Merchant, for the sale of
American WOOletks, Liberty,oppoute Cdtt st._ . I'ol7
wis. ass., Llslumoro.
D. c. sec.:wog, DAM A. Wannlca,
EALD DUCKNOR, Tobacco Commission Mer
etosms, 41 North Wares Pb, & 10 North Wharves,
• nov3D-lf
awn, JONES & Co, (successots to Amsted,
JJL Janet & CO.) Conn...non uld FORVILIA=
charley dealers. in Pittsburgh Manufactured
Pittsburgh, Pa. rackt27
Muni xacens, ROM= TilrErt rib
g=DICKEY & Co., Wholesale Groceis,Col3l-
sa Merchants, and dealers in ?reduce, 1i05.68
Water, and lin Front streets, Pittsburgh. need
CANFIF,LLI, (Imo of arren,Ohlo,) Commie
dedu ' ir t i l.".`"`"l, d :1; 2 1" .1
1 . 1
Saul Mb, and western Produce genera% y, Wrter
neat. between Smi th field and Wood, Pin abate.. apa
TWIN WATT, asuseessor to tivrait & Gabbana
0 WU!mist GLOM Courruisston Morahan,
denier in Produee and Pittsburgh hianufiratures, oar
uoreLbatty ita Mad "mots, Pittsburgh Ps. 100
JAMES WAIMEA ow. of iho firm of Algco . Vi
MeGairey) Merchant Tai or, St. Chnries Balding*,
Third streetiness Woo_d y Pittsburgh.
1631E8 A. HUICHISON, & Co.—Saccessors
IP Levis Hutchison & Co., Commission hlerehents,
and Agents of tho St. Louis Stem Sager Sellincry.
N 0.45 water and r front streets, Pittsburgh.
1 B. DILWORTH h. Co., Wholesale Orocera, Pro
duce and Carentiation Merchants, and Agents
for the Hamad Powder Co. of N. ti.. No. 27 Wood at,
IMN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, end deal-
U or in Dye BUM, rebus, oils, Varnishes, ke, N 0.113
Wood street, ode door South of Diamond Alley, Pius
bt_igh. • - Feel
JATIIIKFaII, Jr., & Co., Oinceessor to Joseph G.
Dasis,) Ship Chandlers, 36 Water stpeL ocal
CIN FL tilt.LlA:dt,Whateitale and Roma dealer
in Mule and Musical Instruments, School Hoots,
t, Slates, Steal Pens, quills, Pnnters , Cardsould
Stationary genorally, No. el Wood ta.„ Pittsburgh.
irrit i ,,,,s b, ? . t h,.., taken in voile._ sepls
1 SCHOONMAKER & Co, Wholesale Druggists,
U e No. St Wood meet, Pittsburgh.
OBN D. DAVIS', Ann Lancer, corner 6th and Wood
1.1 su-eets, Pittsburgh. oeu3
J OIINSTON & frIiNACTON, Booksellers, Poston
and Paper rd.sfuesurers, No. 44 !Slakes sl., PILL.
Lu .
lose Fran, BIOL. 'Lotn.
J& IL FLOYD, Wholesale Grocrs, commission
Merchants, and Dealers in Produce Round
Chruch Buildings, fronting on Liberty, Wood and dill
streets, Pittsburgh, Pa • My&
1 - AMES 7,01 ?R (t
I Wholesale racer, Ccounissinn
Meichatit,and -dealer in Produce and Plashtirgh
Manufscutres. Neil 24 Water st.., Pittsburgh. Janie
101114 M. TOWNBEND, Druggist turd ApotheCitry,
No. 43 Market at. throe dans above Third a Piths.
burgh, will have constantly au hand a well selettcd as
sortment of the best mad freshest Mmiremes, which he
will sell on the most reasonable torn Physlcians
Berating orders, will be promptly attended to, and sup
plied with arucleathey may rely upon us genuine.
[or Phyaiciatut Preseripuons will be accurately and
scaly prepared from the bast materials, to any hettr of
ne day m night.
Also for sale, a. large stock of fresh and good Polio-
JONES,Fororarding aud Commission gier
altar., Dealersin Produ. and Pittsburgh mina.*
Lectured oracles, Canal Bans, near 7dt A. .A.l •
KiL,CbtlLibLce lanufaet •oqery
Teme and Halting. jadO
Vennilrina 1.1,11 Works. ,
DALZELL & Co, manutaaturcra Jiii-
Bar, Shoe; Boiler Iron and Nana of tho.brat
Warebnuso, 54 water and KC front U.
Ann, .
tiO WATPAINIA V , Wholesale (how, Forward
s far and Coralsission Merchant, Dealer in Pins
gh Manufactures sad Produce, Nos. 31 Winer sr,
and Front lit • 127
MIDI 6 IlDir 'I I
LOOKING GL4.8.5 ganufeentrers, and •Wholeule
dealers in foreign and domestic Variety Goods.
Western merchants, Pedlars and others ate Invited
to call and examine the prices and finality of oar mock,
as without present increased facilities in ntriufactur
Me red
le to ra in y:ill ' s:an; k otl e r t lo ' ofter VICC U L .ff the
Mountains. jaß•ly
WED /rani. As. D. wan, WD.1.1113 C. DOD.
C.G.ILLS Wholesale Grocers and Commie,
al; sion-blerchants, No. 19$ Liberty st., Pittsburgh.
MUHYHY WILSON & CO y ( late Jones, Murphy &
Co.) Wholesale Dealer. m Dry Goods, Pio. 42
Wood street, Pittsburgh. norIN
X. Masa, limas, ors , 0. aMmll•
ALL Of Conmussion and YorWarding
, Merchants, Water and Front ins, between
ood and Market sta. Jane
A.TIIigWVIII.SON, Fortran andiliniataiallaM
LTA ter. aeon* comer of Yost Otiacoohlley and
Fourth street., entrance on 4th neu Market.
NHOLMIS & BON, No. CS Market st., second
a door (root comer of Fourth, defiers in Foreign
and Demesne lids of Exchange, Cert.theates of Depos
it, Bank NOW and Specie.
Collecti nik mad on all the principal eines
duo.. boot the United States. • Dcel7
Conveyeateizig of all keels dens with tee &emelt
aan and leimt adeeteney.
Titles to Real &luta arnadoed„ kt. 0ci3)41
8. T. Roberta, ht. D.,
oPTIEL6.LhUO. SULU:U.IN snit atuand w the Mot
meat of Diseases of the Eye. •
Dr. .R. Sias been engaged in this Wench of the medi
cal professton for sixteen years, and has eandneted an
ostarclilhinent for the liniment of diseases of the eye
alone for Several yean.
WTI= and reudeoca, comer of ganditslry st and
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. • • stetl3
a 1..„ neat Wood—All quantize of Green and
Bltal Teas, done up lu qoarter, half, and
one pound packages, ranging from Gu eta. "per pound
Inpi. hr.& A. JAVNLS,Iir Pekin Tea Co.
1001.SkitCr MAMA Wholesale (linear, Beatifying
Diadlier, dealer in Produce, D e m esne, nafac
t,,, o, arid all kind. of Foreign and Winea
and Liquors, N. LI Liberty street 011 hand a very
large coca of superior old Monongahela *turkey,
winch will be sold low for cub.
11MaiXT 1101.80 X, .I.l[lo S. 101111194. t.
LBUBINSON & Co., Wholesale Grocers, /Produce
awl Comminston Merchants, rod basica In Mt.
Ps. la,uui ' l l' lts Marsfuetures, No. LBO Liberty st.,. Pittsburgh.
rilir-RlTlnizia is Co., Wholesale Grocer,
Commission ni Forwarding Merchants, dealers
Product: and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty st.
Pittsburgh, Pa . feb2,l
A. CUNtitrittlLAhl, Wholesale grocer
Dealer osYrodueo and Pl.burgh niehllactanta
.144/Alserty ill 2
S. I.•snits.
L 0. m amps,
I,IOIiICNOLDS &SUM Formirdintand Cogition
it. Morel/ants, tor the Allegheny Aiy or Trade, cal.
U. m Groeetiea, Produeo, Plus ttgh Mannlaeloree
Lod Chloride of Llano.
fashighettoioel, in cash, paid at all tines for rause
Tara Corner 0(143in and havlrt sta. . , i
n.A.c14.1. - rr. urrF, Molosalo DO •in
0-Parew. and Lannestic Dry Goods. N 0.99 W
PlUsbongii. •
1.1779. — W..1 1- .AllETAllar WOO\ Mire * re
O. inflow' and riaduco generally, arsilk . ortv
goug _commission Merchants, No. Igl Wider • 11 1 4 7 . g,..
BAGALEY & Co., Wholesale Gement sold
S Q l odoco dealers, No.= Market entschlectsrectiLta
and .dip, North tide, Philadelphia. mete
0 • • PiICUL' I , Produce and Genind Com
° utlsatistllllerchauls, No. 17 latbeny sr, Pittsburgh.
*perm, Linseed nod Lard oils
VON LtONMIIORST, & Wholesale Orn
nen, Forwurthng and Commmion Merchants,
in Pittsburgh Manufactures Ind Wectern Pro
hz to their now warlitanse,thld steady
Ns. aeracacti Prom a. and Chancery Lane. •
1101/ -
W. 1. nolat. T. takeeiTT.
TROTA h HOOT?, Whole:so:a and Retail dealers la
Box% zakta, Trunks,. Carpet Bags,
o flier cf sts.usbaricaPa. tad •
ESSEIiTr. GUT, Wlselesalo GroterTsstrettnitirs
hterehaanu, and dealers in - Produce. NO: al
oad c. r11.14p10. ' 1/622
Jr A 7. dIrreIIELTREIE., Wholesale Grocers
TT. s RectifylneDstilimrs, and Wine and Llano,
Kercdrlnna Also, of Soda Ash andOloach
inersldder, No.l6ol4enrstrech Pittsburgh , Pi.
. .
Pealer tn NiftWiktTs, Jewelry
It Outer Wars, Brditorg floods, r.e..,.N0.,4141ar
• Kit. •
• '
- _
tom 0. WICIL, DAVID ,11 . ..:10
"tAnicK ItrcANDLCSs, (". kJ. D.
Wholerate Grocers, Foranirding sind
COMMIAILLOU sterehimta, deniers in Iron, Nails, Ca...
1,0155 ram., and rim burgh Manufacture. generally,
wiener of Wood and Wale: -tree.. l'uottiorgla
yltontiruislon and Forwarding
!iteration!, No. 90 Front sL between Wood ana
nrket %tree.. lab%
WALLACE, Mill stone mut Mill Furnish--
Ty . ins establishment, N 0.244 Liherty L, noo the
es arD
• W
H. MOD-VinTl i )VtioieSsie eind DMini dealer in
'orsign and Domestic Dry Goods, north east
compt of Market and Foarth sts. amrdl_
tilkf. TOllltia, /NO. a. Wee._
WbL youNci & Co.—Dealers In leather hides, tr.r.
143 Liberty at ,artily
WM. tecldlt. ' ofr.'l'errenews
& 11. MIMITCIILON, Wholesale Grocers, dea
l' V , len in Produce, Iron, Nails, Glrus, and Pitts.
burgh Alanufactures generally, 1&2 Libertyst, Pins
burgb. deeg
NtirW.WlLtd3N, Vatebes,JeCife — lif,gWer War,
• and Mill tud Goods, corner of Market and 4th
streets, Pittsburgh, Pa • N. B.—Watches and Clock,.
eßfectilly repaired. dec4
W — IILIAM 14MITii, -- bieumfnetnter of Cotton and
. colored Linen, Fringes for Dresses, do.; Searlng
glilt'Slitil colored Cotton Fringes for silk and gingham
Parasols. Gimp, Mohair,. and Bilk Bullion Fringes,
made to order on the shortest nonce. . ,
STows, comer of Maiden Lune nod William, entrance
No SS NViiiinza street, third floor, over Abner tr.
store, No us Maiden Lane Now York. 1Y I.
VITSTs - YOO/10 - iii: CO,
Shoe Ihndings, he. No. 10 Liberty street, have
lest received their SERINO STOCK of good., rom.
prising a large assortment of articles in their tine, to
which the attention orporchnsers is invited.
rtirr TOftleift a. co .
Orincx any. M. &WM & Co,
No. 41 NVater Aucet
Froniiin Fug .inatirancs Co. of Poidade
DllitCTOßS.—Churres N. Bancker, Thorne* Ilnri,
Tobias Wagner, Samuel °rant, Jacob ft Smith,
(ko. W 6ichaw , Mordeeel D. Lew., Adolpho E.
Bono; David S. Brown, Moths Patterson.
Camas N. 8an..6.11, President.
Charles 0. lilancter, Secretary.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description of property in town or country,
at rates as low as arc consistent with security
To Company hove reserved a large contrtteent Fund,
which With their Capital and Prennurus, safely invest
ed. Raced ample protection to de assured.
The assets of the company, on January 121,1,40, an
pribluled agreeably to an act of Assembly, is ere as
Real Estate• • • •• •
Temporary Loans
Cash, es_
51324,492 71
Since their incorporation, • period of 19 yean, they
have NIA upwards clone million tour hundred thous
and dollars, !oases hy fire, thereby .Cording evidence
of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability
and dispoanion to meet with promptness all liabilities.
wee N E corner Wood and 3.1 eta
015 - LaVekinglittfTETALll.l9l9tritANcg CO.
p. A. MADEIRA. Agent at Pittsburgh for the Dela•
1.61 - 0 Mnmd Safety insurance Company of Ph ial
adelphi. Fire Risks upon betiding, and merchandise
Of ovary description, and Marine Risks upon Lulls or
Carlota of veSsels,.tateu upon um most favorable
OSae in the Warehouse of W. D. Holmes A. Bro.,
No. 37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh.
• N. B.—The mimeos. of this Company glace the octal,
lichment sit.f the Agency in this City, with the prompt
ness and liberality with which every claim upon them
fir loss hus been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in
inciting the confidense and patronage of his friends and
theCOMMOllity at large to the Delaware M. S. Insu
rance Crimpany, while it has the &Mittmanl advantages
is an Insuusboa =erg the most flourishing in Pbtladel
plitta—as having an ample pawl-In capital. whlch by the
Optellibll Of its. charter in uoristrintly increasing, as
yielding to each pence assured his due share. in the
proftte of the company, without involving him in any
responsitglity whatever, and therefore es possessing
the itiptutti pranelpie diva.ted ai every Oinstaiona fra
mes, and.III its most nuraeuve farm. nova
Flft AIM MAYttIfYG illtaVrteacE.
pity. Ittonranee Comitoy of North Ame.rten, through
de ditty eutborize Agent, the eulterriber. otters to
mere raimt-1n end limited howl-once on prop-or.
tine ciW hod en rieouty, uu stuptnents by tor Ca
A rthrty G
Charles Taylor,
Ambroo. Who,
John IL
RAchnol D. Wood,
Frain" 110.14 ens,
S. Austin,
ELRA9Xd Sall al
John A... Brown,
John Whn,
Samuel F. Smith,
Samuel ltrooka,
Urn! D 3icaaasau, Sa-c'y
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Untied
Slams, having been ni 1794. It. chorine is
perpetual, Slut from nr high stienintg, long expenettee,
iambi means, and avoiding all entl at oh Crum har character, et may be considered on °Baring am
ple security to the public. W. P. JON FJ.I.
' Al the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co ,
and Front streets PdAsburgh. roteen
r WE
1 tem. B o U f Cho lush Eß e k e " Comp ' sta " y of TiVth AZ:qI P Z,
and will issue Poherea and intend to the other busineis
Of the Agency, at the warehouse of Atwood, Jonex
O. aptS WM. P. J 0.".: Et , . water st
II I.lli
Re. 97 South Wharves, aa..v.l No. It: South Waxy st.
I)EGS to inform the trans and dealers genera:ly, of
p j',tu rgh, that they have made such arrangements
lank the 1111)4144in manufacturers aod the Growers of
the West, IN est Indies, and other places, ns %soil tusure
large and constant supply of the following deacon-
Coils bf Tobacco, which will be sold upon as ocean,
Modeling terms as any other house to this city or else.
*here, and all goods ordered from them will be war.
trAequal to representation:
v St. Domingo; C 0..; )
re; Porto Rico; Peou'e-; Peed Lea to-
Og, lEmuttl & Florida; ) bneeoi
, wirth -B a la frrh h e ' as c so el nree eb r' it te t d o e r Aroma tipoc Stag
toe (.. brands,
mid qnalities of pounds, 65,.h5,125,.1f1a and Its,
So, 6,:fie and 10. Plele; . Leitheel Twist; Virginia rwlst,
ice, tweet and m whole and half bone,, a
and tin, toge th er with every variety of article belong
ihg Id the trade. lelfdly
Commiuion lacrehant and Forwarder,
' ID" Pattienlnc' attention paid to the purchestng of
of nog article of Produce in this market. Also to the
forwarding of Goods genernlly. Refer to
• '
dlnnsrs. John /Swaney ft Co,)
'• Martin &Stockwell }Cineinnali, 0.
S. C. Parkbornt, Esq. )
LApplocoU & Co.
Kier & 106., } Patabn rgh, Pa.
English & Beratets,
..,..._ rnarn:dGni
C01:111flial/031 and Forwarding Merchant.
no. 28 wool. or., rtre.cuon,
CONTENSTES m transatt a general Commission best-
Oesit,, especially in the purchase and salt of Amen
can Manufactures and Produce, and to receiving and
forwarding lined& consigned to lus ease. As Agent for
the Manufactures, he will be constantly supplied with
the prinespal emotes of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the
loweit wholesale prices. Orders and consignments
are respcetfolly solicited.
BRCHANDISE BROKER nod Coranthstoo Mer.
' AXIL ghant, No. 35 South Front street, (second story,)
Philadelphia. 13:7 - Cloods purchased, padked, insured,
and Oiipped to otter. Wool, Floor, Grain, Dried
Erthi and Ohtanie reoeibod on consignment sod stor
age, with insurance: obtained.
Arrearecsa—Wm. Ball tr. Sou, Mr. H. Hight', and
,Ml._HarreLchS4Sb. , rh• fett-rttos•
. .
VOIIWIIDING;ANll 10M1111S8102i 2134C11419T,
iron, Nails, Cotbdoa Yarns & Pittsburgh
Manufactures generally,
No. 10 WOOD nat., errnsautunn, es.
hap:rinse and Devlin tit Foreign and Datneutte
Saddlery Hardware & Carriage Trimmings,
Mo. 133 Wood at., Pittsburgh, Pa.
El now reeeiving tihnSpring supply of floods, and
Mittel tho attended ot Saddlers, Coachmakors and
Itlerihant• to his swan It has been bought upon th•
best terms, from the besi sources and he therefore
(Ceti ffOnrident of being able to afford aausfartion to
all wt. may favor him with • call. me I:27dttin
L'n PADF.S,LIIICIVELS,,Ac•-40 don Spades and Sho •
Seth; 10 do Manure Fork.; A do errant Shovels; Di
do Stickel do; Area, Hatchets, hlanocks and Picks,
Delloura, Vices ) Ain, Gar sale at manufacturers prices
be 41E0 COCHRAN, 211 mood at
JONES & civics°,
arultiißS of spring blister steel,
M A ploilsteel, steel plough anngs, rosee and clip:
tie spiting ainmcred iron oil., and deniers in wool;
leek castings, fire engine Ininps,and roach trimmings
'generally, tomer of &MS and }root su, Piusburgli,
Po . . frio9
Asmaralble Pl'tering Cock,
Which renders turbid wilier pure by
rot:losing all substances not soluble in
water. 1:110 croon Water hr N. York,
although clear mid pare to the eye, yet
when it puma an boar th rough On
V...p.:1: filtering cock, shows a large Cerrow' .
Impart substances, worms, h.e.Thts
is the ease more or less with all hydrant water.
1.1 5 , Reversible Filterer is neat and durable, and is
not uttanded with the imam...nee incident to other
th ey
it cleaned without being detached from
pipe, by merely taming the key or handl.
from cue ad to the other. RY thw rosy Process, the
curse airtime Is clanged, and all aocurnalstions to
Impure substances am dnven of almost 10.1341)Ily,
the Filter. 11 also possesses tbr
a be,* estop cock, sad as mak in many
cues will be Very cerivenient red economical.
Doan bow:welted were there is say pressure high
or low to a cask, tank, t ub, ke. with ease. To be had
of the sole Agent,Vir, W. WII.SON,
~c(inter_of Fourth and Market ate_
Ftagelgoa and Domestic Liquors.
A GOOD assortment of Foreign and pOtabrile
guafs, always on hand and for sale in quantities
'biapt.mPurbb"b". by W-k• ht MITCHELTREF
ktaapratp' 11 -- roedblma Yoder,
(Chloride ellachl
118 subscribers have recentlf received (direct from
the manufacturer) a
fresh 'apply of the above
r efebrated article, which Wog will sell at the lowest
market price for cash or approved bills.
V C ISE bbis • u pencTr Late Lime, recd
or sale by my.* 8k W IiARBAUGH
13ACON—I 1 ho iht prime family Haws; 1000 do sugar
JO stand do; =0 do sugar oared Shoulders, for sale
by myl.o J U WILLIAM'
W H.
Bau&r.. Pa
WILL also attend rolleetions and sill other Moo.
shimmed to him in Bun, and .krtustrona
counties,}a. Itch,.
J. & R. Floyd, liberty pt.)
W. \V. Wallace, do
Jismes Marshall do I Pittsborgh
_dly Kay ft Co. Wood st. ) •
Tlt swErrzEß. /Wortley al how. mitre 11 st
opposne Rt. Charles lion fh.hurgh, mll nko
attend promptly to Colic...amt. in West:lll4ton. raYt ,
nod Omen counties, Pa.
Blaelistoek. Ball h Co.,
ILli T ure mo 1c r
b '.Horgan ,
T 2 J. HENRY. Attorney and Counvellor nt
Calm:man, Ohm. Collect tone tit ticeathete (Me
and in litthana, and in Kenturky, promptly and eare•
fully attended to. Commi•moner for the State of Penn.
itylvanity, for taking Ileposinon4, aelitowiedgment.
Rxnen To Hon. Wm. Ben & Son, Corns. Church a.
Canabe.rts, Wm. linrs, D"‘.'
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office removed In Fourth
street. between Smithfield and Grant street.
DT:MnP, , M 611.
LIN I .01' h. SEWELL. attorney at Law, Offices on
1-1 Smithfield, between 3t and 4th at,
J OHN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Counwillor to Law
COIIIIIIIIMICIIICT for the State of Pennsylvonia
St. Louw, hlo.. (late ot Pluatiorgh.)
RXlMMNeCil.—Pttuburgh: Hon W Forsvard,
G fililler, hlVandless tr. M'Ctnro, John E Yorke,
Rwsel IF it Semple. ISPCord h. King.
A TTOR.NEI* AT I. IV, Fourth, erred, brtwcen
Snuthhold and Grant 1112-dolin
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, near G ru w.
AIT 0 H. ROBINSON Attorney at Lay, has re.
. moved his once to the Exchange Building., St
Clar next door M Alderman Joits. aprly
(Successors to M'Corti tic King) 00116 ,• Ratter's,'
Corikir of Wood and Fthh. Street,
ARTICULA R attention paid to OW Reim', Timle.
gentlemen eini ly upon getting. their Itati and
Cup, from our r.tablish re ment of the MATIOIIAIS 111.1
avaitutrotantr, DI the Lamer ETTLICE, slid at the LOWEST
Countcy Merchants, purchasing by wholesale. are
respectfully invited to nail and examine our Stock; tra
we cut any with confidence that as regard• grat.rrY
and rm., it will not gaffer in a conspart , on wort any
houee in Philadelphia, febl7
CALIFORNIA HATS—I 2 don water proof
California Haig, pet received and bar saM by
IRD & Co.
teb27 corner Lib nod Wood gm
SIM: 439 41
94,724 93
it "13 29
.894 37
4 /
AMOR D 8. Co introduce on Sato,
daday, March 34. the Spr:ng sty is of HATS.
Those to warn Of a n^a! end ,oronor hs:. arc .nv,ted
to call at corner as stti and Wool 'treats mart:
S PRING BONNET RIBBONS. R Murphy has now open a supply of .Drina Bonnet Rtbbona,
of new .od hnadsonae stviax
Alan, new szyin flied l.tale Late, and
Ings, Lin, n EJ3toc•; Victorto do, p:sud Mvaltua nud
J.otte.. rml.roldrred hoin., kg.,
large Asoort.ent of ..._ , Toriug hoods generany, at north
etot rornor lth 2nd 151nrkot strr.:u.
tVholg••i.. linom. 2nel
Dr. Use's' Celebrated Remedies.
Dn JACOB A. 111 - iiiil-1. ihr discoverer and wale pro.
prwtor of these moat popular and beneficial med
nes, and is theinventor oi the celebrated Instr.
talent for inflating the Lungs, to etteetdog • CUTot
Chrome diseases, Wil• • studentol that eminent ph) •i•
elan, Doctor Physic. and is a gradtmte of the Univers,
ty of Penns y !Yenta. and tor thirty ),1101.111C0 113-• bee , :
engaged iii 1110 inye,tigatton 10 t disease, and the applo
Cobalt or rellleti/011 thereto.
Through the one at his inflating tube. in ronneetion
yeah his Trophy lactic Lityrup and other .,. 11 medica.
he 1105 gamed Itll anpotraleiled eniiite...i.. to raring
those dreadful and. taint 11111.040, ar C.oni•
RUOIOOOII, t.alleera, I , erotoln. Itheninoti-no.
Free and Agor, Fever, ofa.. Linde, Ch.... 1,,
Linuoid all Move obstinate thwia•c• pee uhar to .iitna.e.
ludenl very nor.. vittit•tor• u••i
of hi • mine... to which liumandy in hear—netby me
uNe ot our COOOOOOIO orvy, for thatnmlea
with Physionnrieal Law,,but by the UPC M /11* rr rne
dieis adapted to nod pre.ientxd tor ear bit ni
of dri•estae
to Rose , Tonle /titers., when used sre i.
.snahly acknowledged to be impeller to othcr. ao
a purgative or liver pill. Inasmuch as they leave the
bowel, perteetty free from costreerte, ttl.r h
Golden Pill• t. admitted by the laeoity to mosses. 1.-co
lter properues adapted to female disruotn, but being
satisfied that a bare trial i• ,utficirtit to p.m.:id, what
has been said In the 1/11n.l. n( the most skeptical
The afflicted ore molted to rail upon the agent, and
procure (grotto) one of the Doctor, pamphlets, giving
a d.saled account of each,ennedy and it. application
For sale by the foitowing agent.. as well as toy most
Druggist,. throughout the countr4.
titchoonataker & Co. 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh,
J kl Town.end, Market st
lea A lieettinin, " near the Pti Allegheny ~ty;
Jos Barkley, Darlington. Beaver county, i'n
Jito Elliott. Ention
T Adam., Deaver,
novlo.lll y
k J tuar—llovin g a for long time been distres.ed
with a •OVPre pain in the aide tad rifest, neemnpsnied
with a dry cough, ono induced, upon toe urgent eon
cannon of a friend, to Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver•
W 1 ,11., and I must ray this medicine has answered Its
gospel. adinimbly. My distress wit* produced u
severe bum and was so crest that it wa• with dilicudy
I could awallOW my mod Indeed. I ern •ntialled
41114,401 e mu.; non- terinnawd ilk GOIISCrupt... or some
fatal thseare, bad tt not been cured by this judicious
medicine. To all who seek to proung utieJr I. ve, I
would advise the use of Dr. Taylor's Ittneunt ul LAVC,
wort. 14131 ES GOWAN. for, Bowery
This medicine famines. expectoration, reduce. Ie•
ver, restores strength, and may be eOll,lllC,J 00 a su
perior preparation for the cure and prevention of 0.1
diseases in the Chest and Lungs and shou.d he resort
ed to, even alter these diseases haver esisted the UPU•
al remedies. In the practice of this old and very re.
spectable physician, this !labium of Liverwort has ur •
gutted an enviable reputation for its virtues. as supr•
nor to that of the abundant nos
iron. of the day, 4/1
was the character and prolnty of its inventor, ta, teat
of quacks and empinc•.
CONSUMPTION CURED—My •on having a vio
lent cold, used to cough violently, reumng quantities of
thick putrid [natter, and finaily be rouid not turn over
at bed, from weakness. Ile manite.ted every •sni,
tom of confirmed consumption. For six year, be hail
been subject to the asthma. His physicians, MC.4I.
Vero:Louie et Anderson, anlll he wax ineurabir i and
must soon ilte. I'M I vas determined to try Dr. Tay
lor's Hainaut of Ldverwory and strange as at may ap•
pear, thus tordicine bat rally restored his health.
SOPHIA Wkl,LtrN, 14 Norfolk street
Sold In Pittsburgh by J U Tlonrou trn Wood .t, J
Townsend, 45 Market st; II Unkyser. sor Market sod
lams; Henderson & Co, 5 Laborty Puce restored
teL2,l,LOpor boUlo. ness
Jaynes , EZpoolloram
SALMI, Columbiana co., Apr. YS, 1.11
./.) Et tUPd . the 7A ' sdre l le 4 l4l fl pt A jte S , v l rti f l 'e n ' t 6 . ° 1-I ' f u o d f t t h o t op ."
portuuttyof prying pultheity :mite i r aux.:hoary deets
of pour e rs Lpeetorant myse f. lavin.g been allltried
[or servsl years with a severe couch. beetle fever
and Rs conennutant Mileages, and sceroed only doomed
to linger out a short but toiaerable exhitener, until the
fall of le"1", when, being more severely attacked, and
having remodel? to all my former renunltes, unit the pre
sentation, of two of the most reapectable phyttirlans in
the neighborhood without denying any benefit. or the
Consolation of aumartng but n few days or weeks ut
farthest—when the last gleam of hope WWI shoot to
vanish, 1 had recommended to me your Espertorant—
and blessed It) that [Smog who does ell things 111 the
use of the means—aid) contrary to the gaper:anon. of
my physicians and friends, I
was few y • reugral
from my bed, and was enabled by too use of u bottle. to
attend to my business, enjoymg since hotter health :nen
had for ten yeses prevlova
RespectluLy yoara, tre
For rule in Pittsburgh, at the rekut Tea Store, 72
Fourth ttreet run r-29
1 ry,
,0 ;S3I.L /EttifilAl VINEGAR.—
sto, balsa truc and tome properties to
b'tnegerender it far superior to Cologne water tor
the ordinary purposes of the toile l. oi
surpassg the tat
ter m Its perfume. It prevents and remove. pimple+,
pine, and asperity of the Win, it refresher. nrol
We attn, rendering it ton and rutouln. It corrects me
clammy and hitter lapin L. 11, mouth. impeatmg itCrest.
end pleasant bream. It cieariiimi and wil/141.1,1
teeth, and hardens the gums For all me atm+ , pur•
post,. II is used With minter in +nett (rlwurtl4ll.l.6 /nay
be found most agreeable. Hy u, haling ii mini ntbhmg
it on the temples, it will remove headache. It appirml
iwitnntly to burn or brunt", it will eventumiy previ-ht
mortibration. It correct vitiated /of, and W., NnUCta
from .1111rIon, 111, thersgurc VCry Tar purifiing
and periuming apart:nen.. For sale by
It 1: SELLERS, Wholesale Druggist,
57 trtm,l street, Pittsburgh
Dr. Mel.sns• In Tennessee.
THIS Is to certtly that I purehased nor vial of In
hieLano l • Worm Speedo., some two months hen
and 'eye to a WO of mine, some seven years old, two
turt•poOt. lull, and although the amount may appear
large, yet I have no doubt trot there wan upwards of
IWO TllloMisno *Mots plumed from him, mutteurmg
from We quarter of nn nob to two W
11 inch 0. long.
1.1/A V.
Homey !.leek. CA rrol co. Tenn., Doc 07, 1417 1 m 2.1
I:uthatena, Jon.
Mr. 11. K. I•tellers:—rour Veruniugn 11. 0010 Wrd,
and /13• been ugh y spoken 01 by all Who hays u‘ed
Front ILc sure., attending Mc tut...sir:atom 01
your Verintiugo in every I have heard 01, I sin
confident I can sell fl/01, durtag the •..11. , ./1
than I did last. will to glad la re cei a.ulicr pup
ply of lor 5 ern.. loom, ft...pectin:ly ve .
11-Is tract irorn letter.) R CAIIThaI
Prepared end sold by it. F. 07 Wood at,
and sold by druggists generally, n Pitintourip sold Al
leghny. 1001,
/13. IL 1111.41,10,1. X. Y. ri17.01. 4.0 .1.4 N.
YEAT2I&IS, PITTICIA N & co .01.1111 ,
No. 132 Second stre..t.
tn/2127.15m• ST 1,1/1:IS, MI!
T .
F, sabseriher has removed Pis fdroeii•
j ry Store to the comer oil lamen t .trrtl and Alle•
gimpy Wharf; next door to the Furry Holnia.
rneh27:ilif JOAN F. FERRY.
ving, a large and mleeted assort
teem of line Vatehes and Jewelry, which will
Ire sold as cheap as in my other estahltslituent In this
or the Eastern tides.
Also—A large 10l of variety store Wnaelles and Jew
elry, at very low ;meas. Full Jewelled 11, karat (fold
Levers, as lOW as thirty-five Jolter..
riteh.3o corner 4111 rind market .ts
For Greenwood Gardens.
BE new awl fast running swam boot THOMAS
scorr, leave, the Greenwood Wharf Boat, rot the
Point, every half hour during the day, landing at the
garden gate.
A fine collection of the ehowevt Greenhouse Plunta
an (or sale m the Garden. Ice Creams and other re
freshments fornialted In the rektor.
"Moneta pin Op at the shortest notice Orders for
noquets, loft at the wharf lqnt, will receive prompt a
rjMiE ea-partnennip Iteretotore eatzttar ledween
I *A r.. In the name a( Friend. Rh, .4 Co.,
e.,• do. day dizzokeed by 111111.: onn•ri , Rhey
evil ..Iv the tbe en..rerr.. .or aid] par
po, he IR authorized In uze !min, old, ann.
J A \ (Lett),
re 1.13 ry 7. 1z.19. (,E(( RIIEY.
The ra have as.orinte.lihem•elvrs
in We-name of MIEN'. NIAtTIIEWS It Co.. for the
purpose of traugnettng a general Grocery, COMMI/stOrt
d For,yrd", 8uan,,.... at the •f moil of the lure firm
Cl Friend. Rhey k Co • where the) wd: plea aed to
reeerve the pozrotiuge of the rugfnmer* of that house
and our tnenth GEO MIEN',
IV,. take pleasure to recommending to Mr confidence
of our friends mod those of Fnend, Rhey k t 0., our
surer .sors in bust:less, Rney, Matthew. & Co.
rilif E co-partner. hip heretofore exisung between the
subterthers. to the IMMO of Constable, Burke &
1... is dn. day ditsolved by 11114MTI content Mem,.
Burke & Barnes v.-01 tenth, the inone.. of the con
cern. for which porno., they ore authonsed to use the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have this day ansemiated themselves
In the name of BURKE S. BARNES, for the purpose
or manumeturnis Firs Proof Safes, Vault Dour, Sc.
Ar.. at the mewl of Me late firm of Constahle. Burke
S. CO., where they will he pleased to reed, the pa
tronage of the customers or that house arid their friends.
lii retatug from the firm of Constable, Burt< Co& ,
I %etah •n re pleneure recommend Megan , . Burke&
Burro, to the confident, o( my Inert& and
lehi3 du
'VIDE partnership so long ertsung under thr firm or
1 Ina:ord S Kutq, wsa y mutu•l rourent dro
thr Irt tart. The burtnerr will he kraal at the old
stand it caller of us. using the non, of the firm for
that Brun; drrtrous to be's., our business
rlored hale Uri., pourdae. we would re
•preaully request thorn indebted to eoll and settle
Weir act eunin. !MIN D. MCOItD,
tr2,l II D KING
JOIIN NUCOR!) henna e.. and wtth h.. h.
brother Joint, Nl'Cord, motet Mr at) Ic of Nl•Cordi
wt„ vallll/111t . the lint. Cap and For butte.. In
all ot vartotot brunette, wholutatOs nod rotatl, at the
old toutd, rornet %Vood nod Sib ttroota, where they
n eottlinuatton of the outronose ItOerutly be
stowed tot the 00l hem. JttliN D M'CORD
IN retinng from the old and eeel: k nn-Arn fiTISI 01
1 M'Cord fc. King. I mo•‘ reepeetflly recomend to
the patremagre of the ouhtle tny eaccesnor, m Merin.
M 'cord & Co. ;atII 1.) lil:ilf.
. _
T H , E .TieT , b ro y hJp
le finn , 4.11 be sc..: / nnulunl I
Lea. J R Jolt:111'11Y,
I . l..tqugh. J. O. 1t49 II LEE
YOTIVI'I.—TOO 00.10,1,04 v/111 contlooe thr Voln
and 0000 , 110 the 'OlO to . Wooten Good., at
•ttc d stood II 14.1.
In rel.ll , ng qnm the firth Of Murrill . ) it If', I Ink<
ht , al Het ,entnmr,finr Mr Lee the
nTihdmn , nay fne,d. einel the imll , !ic
1 1 innbut ;b. Jan 3, I+o J 11 MURPHY.
rrHE m,ne rapers 1,, lir. d.r ft.,orisied then,
j room,- ; pu,rose tranratung a
wholes., :lin , ! Mall hey (mend. I:id I,ocra Innuner,
No upposne •trrel. under Inc
f : :411FI ELI , II A
l'osahut Jarmo, 1.1,111
w tar..., tr,dl;.,umler I), ht. of
SCAIVE ATE.IN:WN, kw] carry v. th 4
Cvirper,v...lSh.-rtl•ou inanuMelogy
Ms° Ilinektmolons In all .I.rnnehet. 1 , 1 On- old
m II Sea., Ftrst ems, WOO.l
, 14.15 •a•arLutad 011 131 IN It.,
1,11/111•,1011 1,14
ai J S 1/11.Wilit rti
a J OILS% 11µ1 . 11
J'lllaarN 1 I-4V
C F!A T F : JC . 5 ., 11 . 1 . 1: \
Ili V.. I°,o. s a l 'o I N
J‘ti K NI, 1 NE.
T A Mi., I) Irt tr•li u /It .for 1/13,.y yettr.
1.1 3•113 31... r. t.e, n rt.:onto •tol tate John
N-o: 1 toten I ) aaltrlool r.
liooloterotr lima,. a; Ao Woo, Nor, ert betwoon
and 4111 torrate, where ma) LcroLtra 'tamable; etaitlatir
ul ~, F A3.13.13KL) 1:-Nar1.12 , 11 arra Arliiiiticritrid
AL nioßs, at prtrel oror the Ko.trra rile. n-EN,.1.1,1 anti lINTINKVI Al. 1:11‘)L;str. Hr.
l'Ortr•/.11,.. tanoratrattera. 00 ,truportatl to order
t - tr111.111.0.:: 1 oral INGORholtATkir
v_s are cottlied to reeetve theta Lovas duty Iwo
l y r lata.tra mod Amertoart t 'ata.o,tdea larttarborl Va
. to a.l those Who Lletote them 01,111 t•er tot, to
gay athlros.
J U I. 1010 arrato r to. ira,rpy to extol.: to :ado, and
V-141CII),1 hl. 1 tw 1.1 1.11.0111. toy toy
tout orloe.t. ne may por,rrtts rotardo, trtertz.. so, la
.LND VALLABLE la tith..--StNavral. tool
.0 Its Roulto Oa, watt On srcoutst of rts, to the
ChaldeanChttatantt• lortitt.tar, 0•.,! ttte er.tur., cot
Wor•loorter. and 1%11,01;11,y1ort the manner,
and sr, 0. Ote aro:tent A•at nano: 1.1 Auto, Holly)
Layxrd. }Ad, C J trot ren a .11,1 :or satr I.)
A MK, 1.4,‘ 1:“ •ot lr. 14,otoe.icr nod Impor.,
of 1.. n., ood a:rcet. Lon 0.1
and Alorrico,,
noruornt• 1.11,1 1 111 . 0., v. hid: he is
prcpur , el to ,owns Lllry coo hr ol,alued ibe•
Eno. al. Conttoenta. Uook., Itevtews, Maya
Lllll+ awl .\..w .pup., to order.
• • • .
prne u. arty Revtayr. Mapt, , ne or Nevrppaprr.
may leaot...rt./on, on nordtraltort to Mr I.
ntsti and Amencan Cara:odor.. furmthed roil.
Mr I. I..letnl. to Itan U e Kamern edit, 10 a teva
days, and ,110 lon held',to execapn any order. lo
Roo r. Endrut ang. or SLUi/0.0. it a mnal: advance
on the rut.. 1/1)9
KW 14M/KS-I.4yard'. Nlne•eh and its Fterndioll,
With ids arcottnt or vt•lt in Inc ellaide,o ChM,-
Lon.. liutdtrtun. stud thc It t.t lxvil•\‘'orstup
r.r, land du ;nip., 1040 Ilrc Manncrs and art. 01 11.
trto Atr ., ;rlans with ititrodu,tory :etter n
nnt,,,ou vole, urtavo, yr. h about 101111.attrui.ont.
Cher wee% Lawn.. on in. I . llgrn't Prop. ..ft I •ni.
12rno Ynce Wooed to 61,00.
Crude., Concordance, conrieured red,r,es tr. gl
toy Erag:and, Harper a new ed,
two vo, octavo— large. pritif awl fine paper, per vul
75 ceala,
etena-on• Ikbrew and Engl,hll heho.on, newed
itninnvhd fur 66.• by H kir , PKINn.
ttlyll 4tll at. ur nr NI.IOAI
11 , PLAN" —l3ruon el Church and !irate. by
Rev B Non,
The bhurel, b) Hey 3 A nKe, jetne•
Advn , to nung M. by T N Arthur. gill
1 nun, Ladle• ••
El.. y Or Ella—Charbe. Lamb
lipidenon Cholera, by Prot Coventry
l'yolopoOol of Moral and fla - I,tous AtteriiWrit
Cornl ICIr Works .4 Cbanotto Lotanett, oh me ,
solt' hy husband. 2 vols. Itla.twated v.olt
leet plat.
Oregon and C•ltfornta In let4o. he furl. Thoreean
Theta. Flipedmon to the 4.1 Sea.
Proverb. for tire People, or Dill+lllllollo Proxtlrei
,:rolottes. draorts trout the lirrok of Wisdom, to F. 1,
Uni.reity Sermon, by Dr NVoyhtod
Connent. of Mett oroloo, Ly 1 Itrook!ethe. A M
I or soie try It llrl Ph INS,
ray? Apollo Butidoz.ith or I
Vi ParMF.VAI. or The C01.11{14011 a.d Prim
noOlftt...l tu, liumno A rr trine
nn In lo oloar , o , Scion, by lobo Dor,. I) I,
L. — tures 01111 g M
r CA nu vor.oui onpor;oor •ut.-
Joel. uy IteorO,
as ta,on Works, tornpient. rola, 12mo.
Ihe • 0 01 1 14 • rT,, rum, ate folio nil vres Jail
rer, by 'ill If 11"1 4 11N:A •Ith sl, 41C4, wood
MAt:AI LAY'S ENGLAND—Harper, fin
-11,00 , 111 porwhos, 00111 roots per VO. WOW
rot. 410 1• 111/ IN 1 1111 S h S.D.rf.:is roN.
np7 c r Mllkt I 11,1
. -
Not O.Is•-• Lito . lls,e'—Ecin r • V aria, 4001 04 1 Popes).
I,y H.- o boorry, A•noopho; ‘k orks. raeltu•
11roit 4, I ;over.). Sersons, ipy ay land. Nowt..
111,ory of Etolotootron. Lire non Time. of Plolto tiro
ry, Lon of ling Homy VOllll, l'invnnh. nr rio• f•ropto
of Magoon, Theopooo),or ronntre•lation of sod la
chi is I, 71. noon of .1 rowel! Hut ion, Bart, Chstat I.
all. Typg, /Inot,al, Os oasporr and mode, The MO
lifnpricon,..! nil, ifs
Le.tares oo !,,ta •
Pronres, efwever's Woodertnns or a Yilnow f,, ihr
Alps. A rolersoo Hlon.rre ooe•toono, MotiarA An•
Inoropltahowo,. 1,0,111414 of 1-:11-bo. lVorneo of Hr•
t. 00,11011, by Airs F7lnr, Lon re Eolluk, for sal , oy
insro —
Olt wood si
ll' MANAI Al.Nrl ISM 011• to thspasamo
st iquay. rog no uncrnio to show the uonl7
I o
apottnanon for the relwt n , tulTeolon 1., %V
Nnworatra, Eno., authoror ,eforoal
of Hotly and Mind." roe. Th,. Bert work no tine •oh,e,
pnl.llA For sate by YEE et ENGLISH.
:V wood sl
N IP 0 A
-IK-, /repo, and Cilloor toa by
J comil Thornia, lore JudKo of Urn 1. 1 .111, ,, ine
court 01 Orem., mot norrespoontron fonorber al'
Antnrinan Institute. WWI approotts, ,
nor nl/ od authentle I/111/Mll\ 0011 011 Ilrn sublenr or Or
1 .1,11, MINF-S 01 Cllllloolllo and 0111111 1 vual Rhin Ina,
lo • 01.1111.,114 10 1140 I • 1114g1,111.11, lon. 1 11111 41.14.•114.1.1111101
and a long, in two voluble..
R111111:1,1, or putt., nr the book of In? ftl,o.oroy I,y
Alphotoo• Low JJJ 1 J 11 , , author of the t'llutory of wn
loroooloon,.or 3lcntoo, 01 tlan root°. 01 ni•
Fronch Itayol0000," 010 loot reecoved tool for /1111,
I,y 301INSTON & ST"eicroN.
,nehll corner market and 341
InIC M ETICH np, 01 th AltEe
publiv, O IS rcrimottuby called 10
Um eerulicutg
Ma. S. imbilquantity of Gold
rg , lgLed by 10. AVOMEterr, fluil too result proves
your instrument correct; an rot:Milo:loud We use of it
Io rhosgoing m Citli.lol3lll, SS the best uusiihod for ohs
honing um real vo.lim of Go Id. gab yours,
1.11. JUNl..kiint'i Hold Pittsburgh., March 1.5,4t5t
ee.sEt March 7, len.
N. I.:suns—Dem Sir. Ha lt- ving re examined the "Into
meter.' manuhsettired at your teems, I do not hauler°
to commend 11 to the are of those gentlemen who are
about removing Le California to search of (old.
It rives a closaapprorittla , lou In the specific real
t Vol metal., and enruunly enable the adventurer
to assertsm who, his placer as yteldlng (Sold.
trssl3 Y ours, resp'9, J. fL APCLINTOCK.
. _
AT W. M. MICI.INTOCXI4, No 75. Fourth street,
ray he se en a .0,4'111 vane ty of sap Royal Vel
vet and Tape airy Carpets, latest ely I/ a Also, Brus
sels, 3 plys an d sup and fine reared% Carpets , sup
styles and qu ab le. , and nronuection n always be
100 o 1 Tat.. Lewes, Cr.ehes,
tron/1/2M Ch ,tha, N_ , all ot...Wteeh we ea.( We
attsnUon of puIPiC. mug*
atTITIS establishment long and widely known its
being ,me of the most commodious to the city of
Buhl:nom. has recently undergone very
s‘ve alterations and unprevements. An enure new
tang has been added, containing numerous and airy
sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms.
The Ladles' deparunent has also been completely
reorganixen and fitted up in a most tongue and beauti
ful style. In fart the whole arrangement alike House
has been remodeled, with a whole cye on the part of
the proprietor, rewards the comfort and pleasure of
their Uuests, anti which they confidently assert will
challenge enmpartson with any Hotel In the Union.
Their table will always be supplied with every sub
stanial anti luxury which the market affords, served
up in a superior style, while in the way or Wines, kg,
they will net be surpassed.
In conclusion the pmprietors heg to say. that nothing
will he left undone on then pan, and on the part of their
stetaoto. to render this Hotel worthy the contmued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The priers for board have also been reduced to the
following rates,
Ladies' Ordinary, 81,7.5 per day.
Genti erne tit LSO
N. 13—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al•
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landtmot,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of charge. marhf
The subscriber having assumed the manage
mum of this long established and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
!labile generally, that he will be at all nines prepared
to accommodate them in all things destrable to a well
regulated Hotel. 'The House Is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout. and new Furroture added, and no
NM* Will he spared to make the Exchange one of the
very best Hotels to the country .
The undersigned respectfully solicits a conunuance
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
ref-et ved. THOMAS OWSTON,
feliedtf Proprietor.
e06.1.0f 'WIRTH Al-In GIBANT ViRILL2I,
THE subscriber respectfully announces that
he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of travelers, [warden,.
and the pinlie xenerally. The house and furniture
are entirely new. and no pain• expense have .been
spared to render it one or the or
most comfortable and
pleasant Hoick in the city
The eutieeritier le determined to dreerve, and there
(am when, a 411 IT apublie patronape.
rietl4-dly JACOB HOtelift, Proprietor.
rr . BITW Ctel ruturni .11, MTH STS.
P d P elli M il l i rE n D' lll of Pl l j;F. L 'r " ';,l ' .l i'".- Proprietor .
Strip at Par,
KI.F.REFt. at Woodwon's. No. F 3 Third ptrect
ti o;: P o r t le C e h' ro le rTV2r . gT.
A!:eaheny city and Counts' Send They comprlw
trnnt ti to 7 or,av , ••, and were neleeied by Mr Chtek.
Inn for tht. market Th, are warranted to hebdunl
to any to the edy. hartne al, the latent improvemrnt,
ouch x• circa:at r,..
But ro 111 ., tovt.ett to prev.nu4 to purehnetne
cit.:ashore. nod ttit.o hien %rob them gorne good
penOtetontta , nr ntherwtse. to Amite of the quell
ty of the altos, "Ito-ranter.
N. II —Wratrn eunl entree ,vlll IK zkven wah each
Piano en , ltdnd Inc halder exg.hatt.lec cam! the .1.
formoneat proved Iu the lewd degree imp-crier, or
.addv mei H R
Ntimeklett & White, •
\ O ' r t' i, l
1:n ') .1 ° :( j ere p lze 'R- nt. ' to D 111. S. ; '" it 1 o: ' 1[ c :1 1. ):;411!
, AN AND FOREIGN DRY GOOD', one receiving
du . from fir, la ands.
Reef tvol; poppliot of first rood' , lil.lllC
an 4 dnvotaog a large share of th, cleuliall
to Kamm Auct:on sa., they run confidetaly ••nore
voyern they set!! find ;t to the, Intrrent to examtne
the, one It
re , o Intro invaces of new style Dress
Goods. Farwy I . rmsA. Ca.sneses, Cloths. °Summer
Good.. I.a , en. tic•nde, Irish 1.. neon, Ta4ors'
'l't orumitg. end I•ruxn anti ~learhed Sbeetlns. of vs
brarsal . marl
Modern and Antique Furniture,
Itn. Turn. •r an, Ptrrsocnon.
2r i A large :L."l
ol Furniture. i.
onitrible tn,
!met, conctantiv on liniid nnil maide W orJor.
•I,Ofworry' I'r
sv.• in purrima , would do v,ll ut c:ve ate a ra.l,
lam d.-turmord my rive]. yuiLlipleaar. Part nr
:h.- 'tor a .41.1%1/1 11l-
Tete a Etarie. ,
1).64 tal Loo, X V r
Freqrh ~ ; 41togany Itrdatend, 1.131110 Commode
:AI w,th 1 . .05h I,d H., to•vs;
:401:anognn, Itocatm, Chan,
4I doe Parlor
vl F ney
pan thvanx, 4 pan me, Table.,
1. martfM top
s. Dre , ssit.g Burm
Wardrobe 9.orrrmrif.• aa,
od Book rakeSs
mar., lop Wash Stan d•,
A to
4 pair Omornans;
P pan nfory Work Stands:
00171•000 a‘oortment of common rhon and oincr
lorniture too numerous ha rurolion.
D -- s,ram Ilnatt rut-1,0,10n the shone.t not,re
a:..4 on the tilosl rem.nnnip:r lerm• decls
Chocolate, Cocoa, Sc.
W. Bakre• Amrnr nn mJ Prearh ,Shoc..,.F.e. Preto.,
rat 1 ' 4,01 Ilroms. Cocoa S!..!:•. Sr
r. merchant• sad con•sumers. who would purchase
toe he, ptd uct , . or Cocoa, Iree trona milu.tershon,
more utr,loo• ten or ,wife.., and ,oimal,ty
a••,,1. the •utsc no, recommends Inc oracles,
tunnut,,tured r EMOSVII. and staemo-.1 with h:s 11.13 ,
His Brorrin and Cocoa Paste. as debt..., palatable,
and salutary dun c. to invall.l‘. convaiesecnts. and
otherss. see pronounced by the most miaow phystetaas
super., to any other preparanons lit. maimactures
are s.way•ort lair. in any quantity, by me most rc
sio,tabi... ,tnert the eastern does. and by their
agents, Hawes.t.rny kco . of Bosun, Junes NI Hance
co, Hartford. Conn: Hussey At Murray. New York.
linntk Storm, l'huadc.phm.: 'room. V Drundh4e,
=ore; and lied Alic k lien.nett, rtnemnah, Ohio
V. AI. BAKER. Dorchester Mass.
For sale by aug3l 11.MiA1.EY lc SMITH. Aght
Ikrougittand Coto ron Railing. —
rpltE subserilv.r. beg leave tlnform the public that
1 they haven otamr.l from the East all the late anri
farhionable devorna lot Iron Rathog. hots for houses
and remeterteL lemon. winkung to procure harnd
some paw,. vrtil please en, and examine. and Judge
for tlicmaelves Raiims will and
rurniphed at the short
est notice. and in the brat manner. at the corner of
Critic and Rebecca streets, A:lraneny etty.
anc,S , -.llf A. LAMONT A for, a
BX, Gentry A Koymer'. superior neat
2.1 do M A Butior•
U.I hi do Pricolc ilurwood , "
21 do do do
V. , do do Notrl k Honvlroo " &
I do J Rotnnoon ••
5; la
or do
• Jo Win lhomson
TI do T Wrnthi's
• do G Ander.on
. do I. r
• do II Moron,
• do
/mil landing Iron 4 •iramer soditnd for said
II YAM , . 111. CKNOII et. Co,
41 north erntcr •I end 16 north vrliar.ra,
ht Jonas
111 h
;Shalt Itls WelAter Old 'tape nor Sweet S. lump.
" Lawienre I ranter '
'• 1.-titty A lint •' 3a sb. . ' rl l/uponr (de la Kure) 5.
15 " Laurrenc• 6.5 6. plug
Just landing front ineanter, and for pale by
II I:A LP, UL'CKtiUH & Co,
41 N walcr at and 16 N what're.,
' r ' r 1 Ttcr;l ' a " . s ; : :::-.711 " r " u7: rt
ore ureoorrd to uo I, 011 t Ill.! wait de,-
putcu our lid no our u••rl, ikr so"a1/1 laud emu.-
faction u,:k gi:un .1 reg. d .is neut." and du-
In.. Boni" ruled to nny and hound sub
.rtantirCly nusnlirrit or ohl Uguigg bound car,
lly or
a tepnirrd. pui hook. in gilt In
hO•C that X% V/ OUT 111, Ilfr. ,1111
.lALF ,KIN,--.OIJ dot eel.., I re,cll i+kizi.7ci
Ivr.l Ind lor 10,1•Nlo & Co,
I 111 oberty •t
H A . v v r . N ...w (;ou clot r ; r r e
d o• u k co ,
, t
lie, for Itm pwronagr 01 Mil Mir mend, rod en,
11.11.2(trf W 'POINDEXTER,
THE POI N DEx-rga.
rmt•bnrgh Aug 40,1.1 R
I 11. GRANT, Wholrewl.l irorer, Gllllllllll/111011 Anal
r"r wurdlo q Alerrlaann, No 44 Wator wt. MI /2
/3ML I. A NE) 1111.ASN POVVOICV. '
ALA FULTON, Kell and Rm.. Founder. hue re
built and ronunenerd hu.rnera at his old stand,
where he will be pleated to nee his old ru.funt.
eta and 1.11.1111 I.
i'llurch,Steninbonf and Bel:. of evert.. 1,... (rent 10
lt , 1 0 WI 11013 mil, rap% I rum pa 11.,.. 01lhe tn.. , 1,w.,
ad naairla, und warranted no be nt the lor, 111i41 , 1,1i1
hltnernl Watnt Finnan. Com, r, Railing, Ar. far
ther 10111, every var., ni Ura,. Cu. p
flogn. :I rered,
twined and Inn,hrtl 111 the, manner.
A F i• •01 , pruptirlor or Il,nxi rll A At 1,1-
VoSt M NT•4 .0 W•tiy na lebrutc.l ler Me Trthir Mon of
If IrEJon ma , ltmery The um! , poit V ron
g • 1111 had of 111111 al II Mlles 11120 IV
paper 1111i1 In Ibisvirosol), by al all lime , well Nup
p,lod w ith thr deer-rent.l/.1:,/ 01 paper of rare rior qt.!,
iy, whJet, we offer at the 10w,.l molar pnrcs.
Any sire or quallty will be rtionufselared to miler at
.hart 1101 K,. REYNOLDS 8. SHE'',
• • •
earner Penn tied Irwin sts
INDIA RUAUER CLOTHINU—Just received for the
California Kapcdsmet, a complete too:Korn:cent of
tium Etas.: Clothnig, at 'elmsranging from %M.:Alto
SI Lib Ow se t t of root, panto tied Imt. For .ale at the
India Rubber Depot, iho it Wood st_
JCirl Reg: s:lctias--Tar;o of flooto .010 Y
celebrated U./burgh Planos, axed constantly by
List. Tuttle rg and other great performers, together
with n large 111.60(171fIll of rowooal and mrthoglmy,
of my own manufacture_ T he abovelnstrumentoaro
sourrtunal ta Le perfect in every respect, and swill be
sold love for cash. DLUIdE,
dnalN No IN Wood at. id door from 3th
Nor California.
ri , HE celebrated Hazard Rale Powder, in keg", hall
J. keg., quarter. and cans, for aslo by
lebLl J S DILWORTH tc Co, h7wood at
- nnastratitta Patent Sods Ash.
t. 1;) C&SIaS just received pat canners IYant
i r
y0.1• , - , and St Cloud, attd tor
MsaleYll: by
& Rd 11FLTREE,
- kerehl2 tret Liberty at
1) NrkEit:ll 011,-110 bbN to stare and for sale by
*ll- comer Liberty and St Clan Its
No. N Wood street,
AIrOULD call the attention of the public to their
prevent stock of Paper iiissigingo, which for ni
nety, beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, 1111-
11911111...1 by coy establishment m the Union.
Beside. a largo and full assortment of paper of their
own manufacture, they are now receiving a direct no
poruttion of French and English styles of Paper Hang-
Pdrenkked by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the firm,
now in Enrope, connoting of
Ynriaian manufacture, 10,000 pieces.
London do 5,000 do
Of their own inunifeeture they have 1002 251 ,p , ecc.
Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces satin glazed Indow
Hiindrti &e
Megan. James Howard 2c Co. have spared neither
ex pence nor labor la their endeavor. to nazi] the east
well paper eatabliahmenta, both in quality of man
ufacture and renew of pattern; and they ere warrant
ed m itssenng the pnbile that they have succeeded.
The whole amortmera, foreign and home manufac
ture, will be offered on terms as low as those of east
ern inanufacturemaind importers. mchn•dtf_
of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia
And General Commission Merchants,
No. (ZI ALtnewr Star., between Eleventh tint
Twelfth sta., PHILADELPHIA.
- .
rritE subscribers bog leave rmpeetfully to arquaint
their friends and the petite that they have nolo
r tated themselves m Philadelphia, for the purpose of
transacting a General Commit: ion Rusineas, and trust
that long erperience in basins. will means to theta
lair PatrOTlB.lo..
Parnelllax alumion will be given to sales of
Flour and Produce generally; and any purchases In
she Philadelphia market for Western account.
REFERENCES—The merchants of Pittsburgh gen
erally; Springer k Whiteman, Lehner & Anderson,
Cinema., Ohm; H D Newcomb & Bro., W B Clifton,
Lairs R une Jas Todd, Louisville, Ky.; Crow, Me-
Creery & Barksdale, St Louis, Mo.; Hewitt, Norton &
CO., W A Violet; New Orleans, List Gill, (Aliens &
Noyes, Iti'Gregor & Mortis. New York; W R Thomp
son £. Co., John Tufts d, Co, Peter Marseilles, ki hi
Jones, Deal, Milligan & Burt, Pilaw:l'n. apiPant
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
1 VIII give particular attention to the collection of
Claims, and all money received, shrill be rammed
without delay.
Russminvecs—Hon. R Coulter, Supreme Bench, Pa.;
Messrs. Lyou, Sliorb & Co. St. Lotus; Wood, Alamo A
Co Philad'a, !no H Brown & Co. do; Mr Charles II
Welling, do, Eno, Mahoney & Co New York, Chine.-
Jen. Bliss & Co. dn; !laugher & Orendorri. Baltimore;
W F A et Murdoch, do; Love, Martin & Co. dn; Mr.
John Falconer; Messrs. lenretts. Sterling & Co Pitts
burgh, Forsy the &Co do; Hampton, Smith b. Co do,
Mr. L S Waterman, do turtiMidiesu
N E z.M I , I I S-Al ZEBULON KINBEY'S, 67 21ar.
dot very high back Shen Tuck Comln;
2 " low "
21 " plain "
le " narrow bzWded lop "
(alley lop Buffalo "
In plain .•
20 gross corn Horn. 39 doz shell side. azaorted n
om 101 grow nom horn Side, d dnz shell drawing do;
12 do: Buffaio do do, 1 do Imitation do do, 20 do hest
Enallah Horn, 6 do S S S fine lorry. cztla ;toe, 1: do
ydo ,10, I."zes, 12 grow do do, ido comb
Cleaner. mole
. .
IRuccoaßor• to If tot.ry, Fianna & Co ,
DA NK FAO , . EX CH ANG E BROKERS, and dealer*
Forclo, and Docnelue Exelangc y CeruGeraca
of Depo•ate, Bank N ood Ettoo , o—Ftott‘tt
aearly oppo•de the Bank of Phohurgh Current no
n, rece , d on lertmar—gsght Cheek), for waie. and
roPernon• made na netody all the poneird point. In
the United State..
The 114[6,4 prerumm paid for Foreign and A merle.
Advance, mode nn ronlognment. of Produce.. 'hp
ped t..,.,
on Itheral ~m , opt
IifILArINvLN nos.— vALuABLE-insovocf,
Boa Wrsrtng
THE TABLES far surpuaing every otbot
Vnal.oll 01 the kind now extant. They .an be ra
1•11.1.. d 'rota ten to rwrnty-Gve feet, and when elo.ed
the leave• are all ,nntained 11111dei tbey or made to
all ~/•• and •Ilarrm. and are admirably adapted (or
lantbout.. Ilote.-. anti larae prlvate tarnAlleo.
.•In•col a cnnapleta Ctn.! table.
will-A , AND NURFIA VS—Theme nrueie• nre
nab:, parheuk,., n drone who w , •h to ee.tow
no-. room nod rooreet .leelnox 11pm - intent III:0
pot's°, or %11111111, they eon be opened nod •lint
at COllVVlllellef. III) when nhuln the Ledds, ,or,on
r‘.l A rr-aL .avorg m room and rot, Ail Ow
,trrdr whro Ho•ml form a beauttful lore, co laralture.
tor • parlor or •itring room.
INNIF CASE,...—A neat and rutr.rul art,lo for parlor
or draorolg room.
WRITIN4, IJF, , KS—For Inv/ oßrr. , rnvnung room.,
an.lother other., when I,penell moat convenient hed
raa. when eloPed a perfect Lh-4 and Library alone
All mese articles need no recommendation. the
beauty of the whole is, they are warranted not to gel
out,nl repair It will be for your interests to call and
eXamme the articles, at the manufacturer'. store, No.
sCI Third •• t. Pittalturgh. In addmon to the above
adv•iitage, they are proof agamm bags.
JAN Nl: rt.. centric., that Immediately alter
having attended my brother, who died of conaumg bon
in March, 1re12., I was taken siek with the Consumption
or Liver Complaint, and was redoeed so low wrth the
disease. that for four years I was unable to attend to
my business. caner at home or abroad, being for the
most time confined to my tied. During the above per,
oil on wee. I lead expended for medical attendance o
regen t , ph vsirlanot and medicines. to the [mount of
WO , . without receivlng anyhencbt therefrdm. In
Joty. 1.45. I ..oinmeneed taking Dr Jayne's Medi
cines. an d nave taken mein more or less eV, mace,
and believe that at was by persevering 111 their use,
that I non now truly an; that I have coettpletey tree,
vered my health I believe tnaiJayne's Sanative Pills
and Expectorant are We best family medicines now in
I reside no Sprtngfield. Otsego county, N. V., and
carry on a furnace and machine shop In Mot place,
and am not interested In any manner In the sale of the
above medicines. and make this certificate for the ben
efit of throe •Micted. „ ELIJAH EATON.
Springfield, N. Y., Seltt;,ll3
ANUFAC.TCRF.It TI)ll.l.CCo—The - tubscrOxr
would call the attentruo or :he e/q , trade .od
dealers generally. to the trO.owttig brand. Tobacco.,
abbe and to arrive. winch being consomme.. di.
met from manufacturer.. he t. enable° to sell at east
ern profer
bas R W Crenshaw as,
70 1 •• James !dad..., •is,
.1 LaMllllllo 5.,
" altrabeaa de,
&I 1 " Pulnarn 6. and IS;
15 Roberts & Stasen at,
Oscar Hurl 51,
" Jobns Lewts Is;
- Warwick, sups Is; •
4m 1 " Henry & James 5., Is and ea;
- Pitt Machine Works and Ponnary.
JOHN WRIGHT t Co , are prepared la baud Cotton
and Woolen Machinery of every description, such
a. Carding Maehines. Spinning Frames, Speed ' ,
Drawing IFNI/me, Railway Heads. Warners, Spooters,
Dressing Frwric, Loos., Card Grinders, deem Wrought
Iron Shaftingturned, all sues of Cant Iron. Patin, and
Hangers 04 the late.i patter.. slide and hand Lathes,
and Wok of all kinds Castings of every description
furnished on stiori none, Patten. mad, to order bn
Mull Gearing. Iron &o. Steam. Pipe r hear.
me Factories. Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Ca,
imp. generally. Order. lea at the Warehcome of J.
Palmer A. Co , Liberty street, will have prompt alien.
Refer to Rlizeksunek, Bell tc C J. K Alooretwad A.
o. t, F. Warner, John Irwin tr. Sons, PAMburgh ; li .
C. & J 11 Warner, Steubenville. 'OOl9
Penn intaenitae anon.
IVIGIf I'M A N—Mium lucturer 011%11 lands of cot
. to ;t a n d wpsi,so rnaeht nen , Allrgheny city, Pa
The works being now in full and successful up.
emu°, l am prrpnred to execute order• with di, aid
(or all kinds ot inachincry line such as ot:lows.
pi..Ye to *premiers. c aids. yl iodiug inaehsnes, railway s,
ass.lng frames. weeders., mama. woolen
i , l,tioule nu,:c.lur tuult . lts/ilur coUntry wo,k:
inn'en sack ~,dc and hand tathe • and loofa*: , :t•
.111 tied , in snarling made to order, or pia.
to lot gcuring larlyru, of Mak teitr.nuLble r barge.
II coon rn- Keniteds , to Co.
to . King, Pr tinoek /c . Int 0 (1111
A ,4, \V v i u ti2; t . l. 7 , o t .;:ot i t , l 4 d vc re:t r u:::: , tl , :: , ll:: • l 6 l o il p ol o l7 . l
1.. 01 {.110M1,11r1.111,11, .I,ltduat, tare., rm,
now ..km4 and are prtpared tutrovive orders tor
e,rry deo,,tptnat oi velat.te. Conrhtto. Ba
rtow:hes, 131tagint. Plaelona, a e , ha , witteh rrom their
lona expriene, la the mnaufacture of the tthove work,
and the !actin., they have, they teal rozOldekl they are
taunted to do work on me natt•l reatonolt:a tern. won
too. , wanting ameleo In their Itrm.
Pnytug rartlettlar attention to the aelertton or ma,-
hnving none but rernieetent vrerlrn,n, the,
hove no heettanon tit warrenting their work W.
therefore tut the attention ,4 the intblie to the. matter
11. Repairtng done tti the beet manner, •hd nn the
inosl reeeottable wrote. 'DIU II
Illonongabela Livery Stable.
115cROBERT 11. PA'ITERSVN bon opened
the 10rg,....mb1e on First at, running through
In S , cootltt. between W..oat land Stnithßad
aia .111 the raur of the Alononpuhcla Mouse,
Ant, an enttrely peva sto,k of Ilorsrs pa Carnage, of
tor br gusto) andlaical styles.lllovu-s krpt at live
ry in for beat nuulit , r. . j.-Ally
Patna i:rrnibuttullnanre Battery einoi
Jw awed Pol. fur Afedscal and atAer
I, the only instrument al the kind that ban over
been presented this country or Europe for med.
ran ini eponey, nail is the only one over known to man,
t whiela the galvanic Mod con be conveyed to the Int
oil.. , ye, the ear, the been, or to any Ilan of the body,
either externally or internally, in a doratite gentle
%Arrant, without thank. or pun—withperfect vuety—
and alien with the happlest cancan
This imponant npparatos In now highly approved ol
by many of the most eminent pigskins. of Ws mum.
try and Europe, to whom We inflicted and others whom
it may concern can he referred. Reference will also
he elven to rnanlt highly respectable citizens, Who have
been cured by Ittel.oll of thiernost wdrialtle apparet.
of some alba most inveterate nerve. disorders which
coold not be removed by any other known
t o
Among VOrlolll/ others, it has been proved to tie mt ,
nuraoly adapted for the cure of the following &imams,
`llz nervous headeche and other &serums in the brain.
It is with this apparent+ Wont that the operator eon
convey the 'nape. fluid with ease end safety to the
eye, to restore night„ or rare ansaurenns; to ho ear to
restore heawng; to the tongue and other organs, to ref
stare speech; and to the canons parts or Me body, for
the cure of chronic rheumullam, asthme, neursigni, or
tie doloureuz, paralysis, or
gout, chorea Or St.
Vita'. donee, epilepsy, weakness from sons..., wine
discuses peculiar in females, conuatuon of the C.d..,
leekjaw,cte. eto.
Ildshtsior surrounding eountlem of Western ra, and
printeges, with the instrument, may in as
tested for the cure of diseases.
. . . . - .
Full instructress sell bu pren for We canoes diem/-
cabs labs used for venous diseases, and the ben man
ner for operating far the cure of those diseases will al
so be fully explitined lathe purchaser, and a pamphlet
put into his bands express: y for these purposes, care
fully prepared by the patentee. Freteire e
ocM3.-04 s 11.LAAM9yVine sl, Pittaburgh.
1111EF1,11F....-100 ba• extra Cream Cheese, yen coed
MI for sale by my 3 J I/ CANFIELD
)Ir%:g77:72I I IPO4G I gDnUEGZ O g,
~.elected with more than usual care during the last few
%ecks, in lie New York and Philadelphia markets,
end embracing n great variety of almost every de
scripuon of the latest aid moat fastuottable styles, and
a large portion of it having been bought at the EAST.
ERN AUCTIONS at a great redaction Cram the rega
l. rates, we are enabled to oiler great inducementa
to cash buyers, ether by wholesale or !Mail. We
would therefore respectfully invite the attention of the
public to our Stock, feeling confident of our ability to
suit buyers in almost every article they may wish
our hoe. To the ladies tee mould especially commend
oar snick of
•• o .
Srtmenm Dams Silas, of which we have a very
large and beautiful assortment of the latest styles and
moat fashionable colors.
Latino Dans Coons—Mouslin de Lalnes, roil de
Choevre, silk, linen and mohair Lustre., punted
Lawns, gnightun Lawns, Foulards, new style Bereaes,
English, French end Scotch Dinghanw, men Gtng
hums ta great variety, de. de.
Beimart—New style Donne., very cheap.
Blazon A-ND Flowess—Of the latest styles and supe
rior in quality.
Pwasen,s—A very large and handsome stock of Par
mile, of almost every style sad quaMry.
Saawta—A fine imsortment of spring and summer
Shawls, of all styles and prices.
Fara. Curves—A good supply of super French,
English and American Cloths and Cassimeres, to which
we would invite the attention of persons needing such
ALSO—A full and general supply of Shirting Checks,
Ticking., brown and bleached Muslim, Table Linens,
Sheeting., Diapers, Cambric., Drilarqcs, gammas Goods
Mei.' and boys' wear, Jaconets, Mulls, Swiss, Nan
nooks. Nemkins, Punts, (Anaheim*, Crupe,Craliml.d.'r-,
Cravats, tAoves, Hammy, silk tidal's, Veils, Am. Ac.
Persons wishing to buy by wholesale, should call
and examine our stock, as our prices are such
make it then totems, to buy.
ALEXANDER d DAY, 75 Market at,
ap2l northwest corner of the Diamond
AA. MASON A. Co., No. GO Market street, have
on band the larval variety of Embroideries
watch they have ever offered. The ir assortment coo
aintam port of the following goods, vim
185 rich embroidered Nloalin Capea, from $1,50 to fI,M
830" " " Collars " 37e to 111,30
3W crochet Collars, from 371 to 75
350 lace " 8 to 121
Oimpure " to 12}
150 Jenny Lind .` " 621 to 1,011
190 muslin Habits, 50 to 1.50
500 pairs ZIIII4III Cuffs, - 311 to WI
Also, Mourning Collars, from IQ to Ze.
Coil at the cheap one /ince store of A. A. MASON
ik Co, No 60 Market at. myl2
-I.lfay, te.—M , R. filearev has this manilas re
ceiver' by Express a lot of handsome straw colored,
green and blue Bonnet Fhbbons. Also, glossy black
silks for dresses ' Visite., mantillas, ike.
li t,cs Slur Laors—A large assortment lately recei
‘Varra GOODS (or dresses—such as aortas and mall
mann., Nanaooka, tee Alm, embroldered matins
for dresses, all at lowest preen, at northeast Corner
Fourth and Market streets.
Wholesale Rooms uf nm rs, myll
I' R. NICYPIIT , haa now open a fall assortment ore
above &Mete, tor dresses and sacka--emong the
ere ..nnv, scare , colors, sorb as pink, blue, green,
, luau. pink, blue, green, and mode cabala of Cha t
incleon l-awns, and a large assortment of embroider
,d and Lawn:.
W R M 's recent purchase is now all received and
open, and per.. wanting Dry Goods will do well to
look at h.s .arge end fresh stock to-fore purchasing—
.at note:sat corner 4th and auk. eta..
Who, at rsale Rooms up stairs. my 2
A R ri FICIA t. Fl.fn '17.12-3—Pdatcrtats for Arts
/1.. Flowers. ors: Plain tissue paper. spotted do, Cor
semi pope, for extlortog, link Paucera Leaves of eve
ry form. buds. tips, and callow+, ran Ins obtained et
H EATON & Co's Trimming Store,
apl4 62 Fourth at
tvNURDI DENY—Worsted patterns, f0r0.1111./IN
lj Pl.lll , Stools, Table envers, Travels Hag.., with
great variety of scrustl patterns. &too, Worsteds of
all colors and shade, by the pd, ounce, or chain
Mr sale by apl4 F Fl V.ATOM onn & Co, 02 Fourth st
CikeONDSU - Pi s—W It Murphy, at northeast cor
k net of ith and Market streets, has now open its
cortIND supply °room; and summer Oncals, and has a
largeassortment of Dress (Mode of newest mica, and
tioodii of every kind, all of which will he sold
low. •P27_
REFS MUSLIN DE LAIN Fe—W , fi Murphy hoe
reectvcd Inn above ncarre end delorable arucle,
of the fueloonable shade; lino, Green Berages. .p 2?
c.).‘lNt Elt S AND IMPORT RS,
61 hi Are 6. - e. STRILET,
4 d now opening the mo extensive and varied
assortment id Spring cud Summer Goods ever
Ihilined in the W-,crit e outt;ry, comprising upwards
of Klevr.ll Hundred Case., purchased in entire packa
ge. from the manufacturers, Importers, and large nue
:gnu •nlet. hy one of we hem n•siding in New York,
she /9 consianiq sending ne the newest and most
fannionaldegood.. They name in per-I—
'M vs.,. rich Spring Pridis; 30 cases hl de Lame;
Lawns and Naslm. 35 - cotton and linen
" Wen, hod hluslins,all Gingham.;
, grades; 30 cord Muslim;
40shirting Checks and 27 Salk. Colton
domestic Gingham.; roles and summer Stuffs
250 “ Brown Mealins;
Al., rakes and package. of Bonnets, Flower., La
req, Ribbons. Silks, Shawl, Berevr, White Goods,
Millinery Arueles, Clotho sad Cathimerea, Li 1101213, Ho
nary mid Gloves, /a to.
City anii country merehants will find their stock a.
large and desirable o. hastern aux., and an exami
nation of their goods and prices cannot fail to con
vince all that with their undeniable advantages and
facilities, they can compete arm set Easy.> loans.
MA fact has ithen'clearly demonstrated to hundreds
of their patrons who formerly purchased But. Their
stock will always be found complete. ap7
10118, - 1849
ITEN NEDY A. SAWYER, corner Waal and Fourth
11 street, are now receming,fitrert from first hands,
• large stock of Fancy and Vinety Goods, including
Clork a of every vanety,
old and ver Watcher,
levvelry, Frrnch Yruns, Combs, Hooks and Eyes.
biloves and Hosiery, Suspenders, Gun Cape, end all
other articles in their line—all of which havtog neon
purchased personally of the manufacturers east, du
ring the last Wniter, expressly for the Spring trade,
wl, he sold 'wholesale eta small advance Ott cost.
Constantly on hand, all desenpuotut of Looking Olwasi
ea, of our own manaracturtng, at eastern prices. mho
.1.11 ULON KINSErS, 67 blarket street.
- -
lOU pt. fine Chinn Vases, ase'd; t 7 seta most and
cut velvet coat Button.; 40 fine velvet Carpet Saga; 211
do do gent's traveling; 100 grotto coney snk Buttiotu,
for dresses- 10 del Nan Brwthes, used; 100 gnu fine
tint Vest Buttons, ass'd; WA, do do gat uld plated, do;
2 doe roaewood Heti' Brushes; 1 do Washing - too do;
1 do Barbet, do, 3 gm Flan Lutes; Elsa Hooka, Lime
rick. do
lEW—.5O gold lever Watches; 50 do de
ached lever Watcnes, 10 ,'o Leonia do; 10 fine dia
mond Finger Rings; I anzfine gold Vest md Fob
Chum 2 do do Guards, Breast Pins, Finger Rings,
Ear Rings, On.
6 lArVkkg, rce.-200 dor Ladies Cotton Gloves, assld;
31,* do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, Or.; 10 do gents'
silk Gloves; I 2 do do kid do; 50 do ladies kid, ass dl 10
do do fancy top silk.
VARIETY I.:Sri/DB-75 pkgs Alnerierin Pins; 300
boo Cotton Cords; 75 pis Paper !Bastin; 500,000 ribbed
Percussion Caps; 200 gro dress Whalebone do; 100 dos
Ivory Combs; Dressing Combs, Back Combs, the. On.
11. EATON k CO. are now opening their Sp run
E. stock of - Tha:rungs, cm:unsung in pan of Man
tilla and Dress Fringes, tinnps, black and coPell Silk
Lanes, Mack Flounce Lace, Buttons, Bnda, 801111.
*Prunnatnge, gents, ladles and nkildrens plant and fan.
cy llosiery, Shirts tor men and hot*, Comb., Ivory and
other Fan., Yarn, Spool Cotton, Needles, Tapes, Rab
ml Plitt, ten , which they ether .ale A both
wholesale and rnt, or thin Trimming Store, G 2 Fourth
street, between. Wood and Market. •014
NEW SPRING (10005.—A. A. MAX.:Io.,
60 Market stmet, are now opening 40 eases and
packages of splendid SPRING GOODS, compnaing
Law., Manilas, Beteg., M. Lames, (lutetium,
Prints, French C•inbnnit, Linens, Ribbons, Laces,
Silk., Shawls, Gloves, Hasten., and • general uson
mein of Goods
TIECF:IVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths
of the Tatou and most approved patterns, sad at
pricesto tun purchaarrs, and cheap as can be pur
chased I rI.IIV Cr air Eastern clues, eornprtsing the fob
v ar lanes
igstra Royal Wcivet pae Carpe;k
Al.uninister Carpels, am, .1.. otil MOMS or veal
'l'uputr; du ta)u,L.
,up Ro., al Brun•ClS do Taystry ltali carpets;
Katra ply do Brussels do do
„ e do , IteltiLoa Sufis,
1,G,n,” do tuned do
t-toprrftee on do Lit on do
LI,. .10110,m0 c. Door 0111/ii
Creamer In nu Tuned do do
-1, .4-4 a rurcerry AGein.,l do do
D0,0:01 do :Ulcer •tin do do
4_4, 3-4 A, I mid elato'ned PlOOO COOC.
'moan do 0-4 do Table do
4.1 3-4 A I rout, do On 1,4 war' do do
Cotton fa ro to do 6-4 wonted and Imen do do
Or. Vrocutto do 411040 Stall Rods
--4 cotton ID, gp.t,
124 erno:en do
164 wool crumb cloths
Stott Luca
Enghth 'rabic Ot: cloths; Dosper dO
=I nor"'l
4 1 do do do Carpet Binding;
Sheet Oil Cloths, of newTranap'nt aViedow Shades
Tapestry patterns, cut to fit
o the above we are constantly receiving our Spring
Stock of Carpets, (hi Cloths and Stasi:oboe( Trimmings,
te which vrc invite the attention of all who wish to fur.
nish their houses or steamboats Ka we will he able to
eller Roods OA to* as they can be purchased in the
Ka•t and of the richest and talcs' styles Call and ea.
auntie nor -lock tic fore pa re basica eh‘cwhere Ware
house, NO 73 Fourth 51. sic toTI Yrl'C L IN -COCK.
Th- Largest, Cheapest att,i'";a7 . ”l - Pathuntable Sea
of Goods, adapted to tirade - num', pring am/
~ a moser n r ogr, :2 just ',titans , al
rlProprtelor of the above establishment would
ompeetfully inform his numerous customers, that
he Pas mit retooled from the Eastern ours with the
not splembd a..rltnetit of good, in his line, that was
ovor brought to this city, comprising all that is now
rahl,i,mahle, elegant and Cheap in cloths, Caesium's's,
Ciwtmereto , Drap lk Ely. and every descoption of
collo.. linen and woollen Summer Stuffs; Shirts, pro.
g at, Itdsie, Siopender., he., of the newest styles;
w hom, together with his very large and fuhlonable
stock if rend) -made Clothing. lie &a prepared to offer
at Ins usual low prices.
Country Merchant., Contractors. and all who pur
chase largely, are panicuinrly Invited to call and ex
amine the stock, which is decidedly Mc largest and
most faahlonable in the city. and great attention has
been paid in get n up suitable to the wholesale trade.
Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the moat
fashionable manner, and that nothing may be wanting
to ensure the newest and best style of cutting. A gen
tleman who has had great experience in the Eastern
has been added to the establishment
nich . 2l nL do
Dry Good• Jobbers,
Nlt K 001) b - TREZT—Woalil call the attention
of Merchanu to their large stook of Domestic
and Ferrara DRY GOODS, Jost receiving from the Im
porters and klauanactarera and which they will sell
at very low rates for cash or approved credit
, Oar stock is now falland complete, and well worth
the attention of buyers, as we are determined to sell
sash extremely law price. as cannot lad to make It
a rumor knducemont for morehanw to met.. bill with
VOL. XVI. NO. 253.
Coast:lora at ISM;
"•-• Capital Stoat, Annual Recaipts, and
enrolls ME .000,000.
All lourprompily paid at tha Genand Army
ace for the Western States,located ITmeinnati,
This Company is of long mantling, and mill known
Manua= the United Slams for Ito wilveney and
M.:Mt payment of looes—ltaing Moaned end sot
swi, to die satisfaction of all ooncerned, over VIM
rnt, unommin g in the a gnat ato Knrf 11:11L tO2ll
' , mums, dm receipts for eh me on the Sins et
the Corn_pany m Hartford and Cincinnati,
The y Pittsburgh agency of this office wasorivnallF
heb hiosee,Arwood, Ego, and Wu annty
taxed out of the Bunn by a tar amounting to a Pew'
bition of all Foreign Irtmomme Orospanienjust in 00.-
son In escape lona by the dm of lOth AP%18414 •
The agency is now reorganised code r e charge of
the undemigned, who win receive applicator! a and
issue Policies against IArSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE
on Stares, Warehouses, Dwellings, tor-, with the con
tests, Also, on Goods, Wares and Merchandise s•
porno theperils of Mama AND luta= Naumann at
the current rate. of premium,
Office at M. H. BROWN 3 BROTHER'S, N 0.127
Wood street. • FAYETTE BROWN.
Agent Protection Insurance Co. for Pittsbnegh and
Allegheny Co. •
Milos to the holders of Pittsburgh City &my.
with the MI ooh Onlluanee
lof the 18th of April, 1.842, dire undo
"to negotiate FOR CI'T'Y scan., the Bemis ant = l .
gages of individuals held by the any for property Wit,
.LAREM—miblic notice is hereby given, that the add
obligations wilt how be diapeaed of for the Cortxmoe
issues of the C 4 of Pittaborgh, of the denominations
of One, Two and Three Dollar.
Further notice Is hereby given, that City Bonds
banning Warm from the 18th day of April, 1819 at the
rate ofe per rent per one wall s 1 any time hereaf
ter be issued to the holder or holders of City 804, in
some of One Hundred Dollars and upward., aecomt
to the provisions of the Ordinance of the above data.
ap2l 8. R. JOHNSTON Cl Treasurer-
AtTLY: 111,S- 0
T tAP.
AN EMINENT and erPerienced Physician from the
Esse,M Myriam mandtmr, offers to rata 'llamas
of a Delicate Nature mint pmniptness and secrecy.
Bis InIGGOII3 in Buffalo and other large cities hes
been proverbial. Eta charges are moderate, and hes
cares permanent. Old cases °Whew, Stricture, &To
nne. Fluor Mims, II heurattion, Ague , Syphilis, or any
throw,: or Inveterate cases solicited.
A cure warranted, or chalice refunded.
0771L0, SC Clair street, 2 doors front the Bridge.
Teeth Extracted. Adytee to the poor gratis
N. s.—Dr. A. solicits the worst cases of any disease
in Puuba hto call. a. laxity
Manataetarer of Mineral Water Apparatni,
elan Or rat WILDS" SAO. AND 10II0IAIN,
No. 213 North Second Si., above Vine,
AN top hence of more than twelve years in the
inanufaeturint of Mineral Water Apparatus, and
the preparanon of Mineral NVater in Bottles and Foun
tains, nu an extensive scale, with • scientific and prat,
4e:1 . 1 t i l p tboth
Improvements in
of b
the ostainettirt
the Apparatus and the prepense of the Water, which
he has succeeded in adoptmg since hia visit to Parts,
and after years of close study and practical applies.
tiom as applied to the
ri b Mechanic. and Metall.
try, enables dm subscber to coma
ths pablle
wah entire confidence, and offer theca the best and
most complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of Ifut.
crab Water m Bonles.and Fountains, that can be fur
nished In the United Stares.
lie silo ItXUarsitraWslf that the enlarged Esteems he
has met with, and the presem extensive and daily in
creasing amount of his hurt/less to both the above de
partments, furnishes the meet convincing proof of his
claim to the suponosay of over dame of all
others, and of the panty salubrity of the Water
prepared therefrom.
Persons who order the Apparatakrom a distance,
may be arsured that their instructions shall be faithful
ly complied with, and so'ortked as to carry safely
either by land 0/ water to any part of the U. &aux
To avoid thsappoinunent, it is recommended to these
who Intend supplymg themselves the approaching sea
r, to forward their orders at us early a day aa eon
hlnteral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and
Fountains, Urnameninl Urns and Pedestals for Stands,
toasters and Bate of lintels, for drawing Hydrant
%Water, together with Corking and Tying Maniacs,
and everything appermung to the above bunions,
constantly on head, and for sale on the lowest tartms
for gash, ap2d4codflm
GROCERIE-100 bgs prom Green Rio Coe.;
75 pckgs V H, Impertal and G P Teas;
60 bus L. 5s and 5. spun Tobacco;
300 bbls N b and angarhoeute Molassog
05 hhd• N O Sugar,
150 bbls Shad, Herrings, Mackerel and Salmon;
30 do porn Flaxseed Oil;
5000 aworted Cotton Yarns;
75 bales Batting and Candlewick;
50 ban Pepper and Alvin;
40 bates Pearl and Common Starch;
50 do mould and dip'd Candles;
10 do Star do
160 do No 1 Soap;
10000 Sides and Shoulder. Baeoty
73 dozen Coro Brooms, in store and for sale by
JOHN WATT & Co, Liberly ss
inTer for sale •
r 1
HE subscribers are receiving
low rates as follows, vim`
100 pack agee . :l , H, Imperial arid O P Ten
304 bga Rio 1
lava Coffee;
60 Ittr . s ' 1 ",71.6 6tlr tr. —T b‘C"'i
40 bb l assorted Nos Loaugar;
15 do Tanners 011; 18 do Lam p Oil;
610 gross Blacking;
Mackerel, No 1, 2 and 3, in bbla and hi' bble;
NM bra Llebee scale Herring; 30 bra white Pipes;
bga Pepper, 10 dos allspice; 2 rums Cann;
5000 lbs Cotton Yarn, axed Nos; 110 bales Haulm
50 bra Palm Soap; 50 do Toilet & Variegated deg
25 do Starch; 50 do Large Raiaintn
10 bales Almonds; 25 do Pa/ca Nuts; •
.01 do E Walnuts; 20 do Filberts;
200 bga ground Nuts; 16 bra spaced Chocolate;
3 oases Liquorice;
15,000 Prindpe and Regalia &tam
45 gron Cut and Dry Tobacco;
20 Sol Bed Cords; 15 bra Rock Candy;
12 boa Sperm Candles; Ml do Star do;
1 vol Ombra Madder,2 =rocas Ludlam)"
2 case. Cloves; 1 do manna;
10 bbls Whiting - , S do Chalk;
50 dor Buckets; 4N50 lbs solemn;2o bxs fine out Chewing Tobacco.
Common and half Sp_annh Cu/tau
ENGLISH & BENNETT, 37 Wood .t,
.53 5 opposite St Clan. Hotel
Pine and Cedar
rillll3 subscriber keeps el
1. sale and retail, very la
Wash Tabs,
Bath Tabs,
Ware Sanfactory,
Atm Frrra Shay
sonstantly oil nand, whole.
oar for coat.-
Banal Chiral,
Sul Chime,
Half Bushels, kn.
hia Me made to ordat.
Ali ether kinds Were in
Diaphragm Ftltar, , for Hydrant Water.
iiiissfis THIS is to certify that I have ap
pointed ngston, Roggen &Ci
Sole drums for the sale of.lenabies
Point Diaoraligm Filter,
ties of Pittsburgh and All for did cill
NA Walter M Gibson, 349 Broadway;
Om. 0, LY49. •
Vs is have been using one of the above articles at the
office of the Novelty Works for three mone trial,
and feel perfectly satisfied that it is a usefu in v esting
and we take pleasure-in recommending them as a use article to ell who love pure water. Orden will be
thankfully received and promptly execute d ,
GIURAY - WIEStkaUW ------- '
a) UFACTORY.—The thlascriber takes this m e thod
of iuthrerung his friends and the public in general that
he has the largest stock of the following named arti.
cies of his owe manufacture in this city—Saddle, H g ,..
nes, Trunks and Whips, all of which hes will warrant
to be made of the best mamnal and by the best mech
. enact an Alleghthy county Being dethrtruned to sell
ma manufactures something lower thou has been hero.
tonere sold by any similar thusblashownt in the city,
lie ivinnd invite persons in need of the above named
ethicies to his warehouse, No. 111 Liberry street. oppo
site ;seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine
rY ithiltaly G. KERBY
pliE second Session of this Institution, under tho
I . mire of Mr. and Mrs. Gomm., for the
.endemic year, will commence on the first of Feb.:n
il nut, to the same Moldings, No..k.t Liberty strew.
Arrangements have been made by which th ey will
boa ble to furnish young ladies fealties equal to any
in the West, for obtaining a thorough English. Clasal
eel, and Ornamental calucatlon. A wil l s of Phl
- cud Chemical Lectures he delivered
during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de
! panntents of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modell,
. Languages, Drawing and Ranting, will each be midi,
' th e care of a competent Professor. By close attend=
to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu
pils, the Rine:pals hope to merit a continuation of the
liberal patronage they base hitherto enJoyed.. For
terms, see circular or apply to the Principals.
d in a flourthhing town, with Patterni, Tool;
he, s n ood y our business, will be sold on accommo
dating terms, or exchange for Iron or goals.
This odersan excellent opportunity to a young man
WWI moll capitol to commence the Iron Foundry bu
siness. Enquire of
Ist near Woode/....._
Oooklng Stovall, GI ,
AL, WALLACE k. CO., Round Church,
.1,1 g.. renter Liberty and Wood Stems, manafacturti
and oiler for sale Platform, Floor aria Counter Stales,
orate most ant/roved quality; Cooking Staves, for Mood
and coal; Itg Stoves id various saes Parka an 4
common Crates, Hollow Ware, &o. &o. They also
manufacture the Kitchen Range, which has given itch
green.' mnsfaction to those harms it in use, to all of
which they would respectfully invite the attention of
the wizen* and the pu generally. CisTS7-41‘
assortment of Cornelius & Co's celebrated mane
menace, tine suenor all others In ow; adapted to
churches, slep to
arnlioats, factories, dwelling., public and
pm/menials, and to all other uses where a. cheap, safe
and brilliant light is desirable.
Arl ,threedoleli, Hall Lanterns,_Candelahras,Glok.k;
Wicks simntee, Cans, Trlmmers, a.e. Also,
Leas Chandeliers, from one t0(214
deck W W 48 market Irt
LOGAN,.WILISON & CO, &openers and Wholen&
Dealers in Hardware, tltulery and
.Baddlory, No
Wood meet, atom Rill, have now 1p sten& very
cheap and pelt selected or Hardsrana
since the decline of pnce• Europe, and adai= .
are determined to mil conespe blow. Merchant&
wfio have been in the habit ageing- Os barb , requested to call and look tiling% coy: ;tool, au
We confidently believe they will save theJr, expeiese.
• .
Ikr/IfidlaßY—ital tibia Whiakey in au.,fixt
TT sale by aprd W &.hafrlnC THEN
Iq dikm:t9l ule • 77 r