The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 30, 1849, Image 3

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For the Pittetourgh Dully Gazette
B , r. Loan, May 29.
Senator Benton made a speech at Jefferson City
a few days since. The first part only has yet been
published. Several columns ore devoted to an
exposition of the collisions arid inconsistencies on
the subject of slavery.
He is very explicit on the sable i t: gays it
is absurd to deny to Congress i ' late as it
pleases opOn the subject of slav i n theterrlto.
rtes. It has ever used the power and with the
sanction of all audio:him State and Federal, ftom
the foundation of the government to the present
Gcagress has power to prohibit or admit slave
ry, sod the power is lodged no where else. It is
not in the territories, for the Governments and
Delegates are the creatures of Congress. No cit
izen of the State con carry any property derived
-from a law of that State, an inch beyond its bona,
dry tine. Slave prxrperty, for this reason, cannot
be removed to California or New Mexico; nor can
any legal establishment of slavery Ike looked for in
either terntory.
The only effect of carrying slaves Mere would
be to set them tree. The people of both territories
are unanimous agninet if. The Missouri resolu.
lions were copied from those of Calhoun, offered
in the Senate in IS-17. and to know their design
we must know his. Its was aimed at the disco
lotion of the Union, and the members from slave..
holding States, who would not hallow bislead, Mr.
Benton especially.
These are the view, as far as published.
New Yoax, May 29.
Flour—The market is steady, but not active,
go change from previous quotation+.
Grain—The market is without change.
Provismns—Salcs have been moderate. Mess
Perk may be quoted at 5104 - $lO 12I• Sales of
Prime at C 7 2.5. Sales of Bacon Sides at Sic, of
Shoulders at 4 in, and °rennin/on Hams at bi
Moderate aides of Lard have been effected at 64
- - .
The weather ha• been rainy attire latt report
and the rain atill continues
NEW YOE.6 , Aleq 29, 1519.
Flour—The weather has been very nufavorable
for t51.114111G92. The market has been very inactive.
Sales of Wester, Common to Good at $4 44(ii"..53,-
7,i per bbl.
Grutri—Sales of Ohio Wheat at 105 c. Corn is
active, with hales of Mined Western at 80c pee
Provisions—No rhange in quotatlone . Th.
market n dull.
Whialray—Sales of Ohio at 21c per gallon
The following copy of n letter from a highly res
pectable source, has been placed in our hands by
Colonel whose office, 493 Broadway, the
original maybe seen. The writer Is well known
in New York city and vicinity, nod what he says
he lam men can be relied on.—New Yark Ea-pre...-
Three Hundred Thousand Dollar. In
CITY or Id calm, April 15, 1649
Here we are safe and sound, after a travel o
fifteen days from Vera Crux, the road being very
bad and our wagons very heavy. After arriving
here, finding that.we could sell our wagons for a
good price, and boy bones we have done so, and
have Milled the most of our baggage to Acapulco,
to go tram thence up the coast to San Francisco.
We expect now to along faster and more comforta
bly, and of course cheaper. We have had no
trouble of any kind in coming, except that a party
of robbers blocked up the road on the left side of
Rio Frio mountain one day, and waited for us, but
when they saw what a savage looking pany we
were they started off and we saw no more o
I have had a great deal of difficulty in passing
sovereigns, as they will not take them at all here,
and there are no brokers to exchange them; go I
have had to barrow of some friends, end when we
get to Mazatlan or San Francisco, they will go for
live dollars each.
There are three men here on their way home
from California with three hundred thousand dol
lars worth of 'gold with them, which they have
mado in one year, and which they showed us.—
The news they bring is better than ever, and- our
spirits are first rate, and oar courage equal to any
thing may come. Two or three of our party have
had the fever and ague, and I have been doctoring
them with the Tonic mixture, which cores them
right oft There is money enough to be made here
if a man has sufficient capital. I shall write from
Mazatlan, if possible, and the moment we reach
San Francisco. Mr. Ketchum is well, &c.,
FILOII Havana..—The steamship Isthmus arriv
ed at New Orleans on the 16t1;inst., from Havana.
Her dates, however, are no later than those re
ceived by the Falcon, at New York. '
The yellow fe+er had made its appearance at
Havana in a bad form. A young lady from the
United State.. a governess in a family, hild been
severely attacked.
Madam Bishop and Bachla was giving concerts
at Havana.
News from Lima to the 20th Mareh had been
receivdd at Havana
From Bolivia we learn that preliminary steps to
a new revolution in favor of er•President Balbei-
HU, now a refugee ut Chili, bad been taken, in
consequence of the "prononciamento" which rais
ed Gen. Beira •to the provincial Presidentship of
the Republic. Some troops had revolted with
this object, to Orwm, whither Gen, 'Belau bad re
paired from La Pion, to endeavor' to reestablish
ORTY LOTS on Federal greet, in the centre of
the city of Allegheny, each 21t feet front by BM let
length to a IS fan alley, will be offered at Public Sale
on 'fIIE.DAY, 12th day of JUNE, at 3 o'clock, P. M.,
on the premises. These lots tamperer the very best
and /nom valuable unimproved property in either of
the two cities, and mast continue to grow in value for
all time to COME, and ID capitaliras must rwceseardy
afford an opportunity the the investment of money, no
where elae to lie found an the neighborhood, or within
the two tale.. They will be sold =tact to an annual
ground rent of one dollar per foot, on terms accommo
dating male poyehusers, wheel, will he made known
at the ant of sale. A plan of the luta can be examin
ed by persons retailing to paella.. at the Mayor's of.
Allegheny, May Ch'm of Core
For Ban Franclime, California.
ln, To call on the Nth Jane—The sopenor fast
ail coprred and copper fastened sap
F.UROPIK will sail tor the alio. port at above, hay.
ng e s% rCI", ~' 2 l:7l' in d having an
unially spacious and well ventilated accomrtiodanons,
offers to paasengers a very desirable ?mortuary
whereby to secure dint Capron and safety to Isaacs.-
ry on to long a voyage.
Passengers with humid, will be furrahed with rep
trate and ounisnunicatag .tale mains, and experien
ced physics. will .company the slap.
Foe balance of freight or passage,
Papply 10
South Pide Of Dock street wharf.
my23:d2w—tNorth Am.
TF. undersigned have thin day li•ROGißleti under
the name of Thompson Humus k Son ? for the par
reofhemrrth"cry=, re parer, nt lb. ee ‘ i 7 c h e n l n he n pa P t ' per
age or the public, and the former costumers of the se
1110i painter.
They will at all times keep on hand a general as
seruneut of writing, scrimping, tell and wall papers,
bonnet board., blank hooks, ate. ate , which they will
exchange for Cif.) linen and cotton rags
Printers and Rook Publishers can be supplied rettli
every description of printing paper at then notice, and
Si reduced poems. TITOM PrA/N LIA NNA.
A pm! 1, l4P—rny`23.l6ro E:DMUritt P. HANNA.
War marry yes', connected kook Mello" Wiley &
Putnam, and late /oho Wiley, N. York and London,)
• roormn-rr an lirrolirrar or
No. p WOOO ,stErc,
(Nearly opposite. We St. Charlen /totelo
,English, French, and German Renews and
Maganne, and Nentspspera Imported to order,
of winch may In 1100ert,IIIICd 00 opplteation to el r
Celan:Toes gratis. torn
WIX)L-Tbe higbert pnee to cash petit for 511 the
ddlerent trieles of clean weehed wool, by
1.15 E, Liberty et, opposite sth
Flah and Tar.
5n naLs. t Herring', (bloY
V W,) tad. No I Shod,
'2O do No 3 hinekered, (Boman inspeetiond
N C Tar, in prone order, reed and for
sale by T&Arre: & O'CONNOR,
<omen Fenn and Wayno ats
Fubbls No 1 nimhl Shad; 30 do No I Nor
a.; 30 do No 0 ooketet; ..a) do No 3 do; 111 do
ISalmon; 21) In bids No 1 Herrings; Just reed and
tot gale by JOHN WATT,
toyibl eornor of Liberty and Hand ata
iIIiERSE- 86 t, prime nom Chess, just ree'd and
lJ for subs by \V k R
eard4 152 Ltberty at
prnielluenn. round, rintihl
fl and for sale by my 24 WICK e. ISPCANDL&SR
DcrrASA-115 - e ak. Potash, pilule article for re,
tailing, received and for sole by
. _
DitY7cl4 . l.l.Dry Apples, (or wle 14
I)R} RRAcjißs_tid.ko Rry Readier; 79 bbla do
do; fb,..b, by o;yd4 WICK it M'CANDLESS
IDE6-14 Itbts sweet Cider, thus dny reed and for
w ll i zrl a_ Ci f t . lr An t L etile by
_ _
ALERATCS-1i el;ic.Strieratimgllrbblsdo: 22 tas
0 pulverized go, c o , by
&NDIATFL - fibß b Fami ly
I _,u. Flom', for rble by WICK & JWCANDL
ICIDEEDE-100 Les test reed nt the: Dill Muter and
Cheese Depot, and for snle by
irr!sr ED-13-neems crown and median, (or
dt re'
- .
ACON 51Dy...4-.14..hi1dq for sale by
. ray!4 MONO' DICICFS h. Co, Front rt
Aft D-150 bbl, N 0.1,111 ,to end for gala by
exD 011,--2501r.momar - tlid co;ree'd
and, Az sale t 7 opt W& a AITITTCON
fI4H 11; I
I 11.1.11WIAC.
Z 7 Ounday,
, 37 Tuesday,
30 Wednesdy,
31 Thursday,
1 Priddy.
CL•DIL I. L MUM. 3. Di1..131.3_
VOL rim witsx ammo RAT W, 184.9.
Rftd.situ.—ln reviewing' the week lost closed, we
Cala elle nothing new or interesting. On the whole, the
general dullness him, if any thing, rather exceeded that
of the preceding week, and tales have exhibited lade
if any important change In VlOltiliON.
The weather, for the ranst part, has been cold and
disagreeable for the season, but for the past few days,
we have had copious showers of rain, which wilt toll
favorably in the growing crops of the farmer, and to
the coming supplies of our vegetable markets.
The nyer has bens nearly at a stand, witti plenty of
awe lot the middle and smaller class boots. but from
the recent plenteous rains, we again haven slight swell
pt the waters, and ihotild the rise be surtiment, in emi_
naction with the (set that there is leis alarm in regard
to sickness at We different points on the-river below, it
may tend very materially to enliven the raver business
and, as a natural eonsequesiee, lead a new 0/1 1 ,11.1 to
trade to our market
The receipts of the week, by river. have Wen tether
slim, but making •Ilowatiel
the way of our trade with
salt h
for the many obathr'e• in
to Welt and South, the 1,,
Is by no means ..fiteoul
e following table prei
Ingoons by river; for tbl
cots the larger parson of
week ending yesterday
Lard Oil. bbl. 000
lensred,olairlda 4
ske. .. :Po
Corn, sign.. • IrS.l
do 1.1.
Berle) , ak. • 74
Ple„ metal. tons
Wtndow Glans. 6:• 705
Green Apple, 61.1.
W lute 'and. • 41
SMrrh, I.z. I o
do 1,, 1.5
Vinegar, 60,1 s
Dried Apple., 'ltsol
bbls • LAI
M 0,..
1.1, • . I?
Furs nod skin, 61, 10..1
Wool, 17
Gnodatone, 41 • I-
Potash, esks
Towtcru Ilhd
do ho
Bacon, hh4la
do tierces
do las •
do pteces
Cheese, tits •
SuGnr, hh.1 , 6
du lad
Nlolagmes bld
Cotton bale
Pork. hbl
do keg ,
Flax eed .k s
do Lx•
Hunim) I lA.
/lemp, hi. • • • 315
ASHICS--I)uring the•past
week, the reeeLpli of th.
Leer extremely light, and
ertemdernttle amount have
!mous 4Lnd. al A•he• hur.
few if any operations to in
Transpired. With tanned s
pians.s of tan week is
Alec we ally contlnue ou
follow, Ponds 514E4, Sal
<oat , . Po. 4+24Y; Scorclonga 34e3f. und std.
AM al 3074 c .le . lb. Soda Ash has so iar lessened th•
demand tar Scorching, and Pots, that very lade
those trade as now brought to this market A nimu
factory for the prodac.n of Soda Ash IS 110 w in pr•
gmw of erection near thin city, which may tend I
lower the price of the foreign art,le.
ALL—We have no althrasion, ro mak.. m f,nne
figures. There is a air skinny
,detuand in the triad,
for borne brewed, at 1511.liTtEggu,3a--us in quality
ALCM—Sales are regularly effected at aliVie pe
APPLES—The reelipta of the week , nt Grern Ap
ppets, have bean let. aundanz, and supplies use hot dc.
Regular sales frotn store have Leen effected
at pnees ranging from 75e to SL:PS, according no
BACON—The demand in than niorket has increased.
and our quotations to day, show a partial advance from
those of our last weekly exhtbit. The receipts. us
shown in our table, have been to a fair extent, but as
considerable quauoues were designed for immediate
shipment East, the supplies left in our market are bare
ly sulliccent to the demand, and prices are gradually
improving. We note sales amounting to same 30,101
ms arty and western rated at, for Sides 54054, Should.
rn 4104/, and Hams nt 61061 n, the latter figures be
ing the present prevailing rates, with an improving
tendency: Sales of Sugar cured canvassed Hams at
St BSc, In small lots by the tierce. There is n good de
mand for country cured bulk, at, for Shoulders 41.
Sides 5, and limits at 61061 e B. with Masted sup
BETTER—The market maintains its asual dullness
with however, no material change in prices, Ws coo
Mole to quotd sales of roll in bbis, at prices ranging from
oto 110, according to quality. filmierate sales of keg
Batter at Peak. •
BROOMS—The receipts have been limited, and sup
plies are barely ,ailment to the demand. Scatty sales
ore effected from store at prices ranging from 81,041 to
52,50 IP dor, for boat .
BEESWAX—We notice a moderate demand in she
market, with small sales only at 140 HM Or B.
BLOOMS—Several considerable lots of Tennee
blooms have avtived, but:so far as we could learn,
sales to any large amount have transpired. For en
, non to best, 863 to 870 e ton are the fair quotations
the market.
BEANS—We quote regular limited sales from no
of best White at 70e, of Common or ,mood at 622:
hu. The receipts of the week amount to 30 Mils
BRAN AND SLlCORT3—Reeeipts have been ligl
- - -
and supplies are not trion4 than equal to the demand.—
We note tales frdm more, of Bran at 95110 c. of Short.
at 12.2 lttr Itu—as to quality.
BUCKETS AND TOES—We uouce Ina supplies in
store, with regular vales to the trade, of Eloc tt. at 52.
25, and of Tubs at si-504159 f dor, for large .Ire
BAITING—Wen no change 111 qU013.140111
Pale. are regular al Eil'ile lb, for ordinary in L.
CORDAGE—The following lea Wt of prices ;or
vartoos emotes 1211dt7 this head
MmHa rope, by colt,
White Rope, by doll,
do vet,
Tarred Pop; by cod,
do cut
Peeking Yarn, fine,
do • cobutron, •
e>a C 0.191.
kleedlia, 52,00030004,00 ft dor
do fk oil.— .lx •• b
Hemp, 111,C21 - 02,500 , 34.5 ft dor
do Ycoil, • • •the
Hamlin, 81 Hemp, 57k au doz.
CRACICERS--Our last quotations are without she r
Cram and sales are regularly effected at the Itttiowtokt
Water Crackers, per bbl
Bourr do "
Uyeprpue do •:
Pilot Breed
Fag er cracker., pe.:r
COTTON YARNP-- We find no change in qu.
The follavring is a bat of prices
•16 an° . .40
17 X 99, 9911, lOW
19 Coverlet Yarn p - 2O
Increasing Ic lb to No7o. Carpet Clean .
Long reel 8 doz. Cotton Twine • • L'a
No WO 9.• Di Candle Wlek •• • • • .1G al
CIIXFSE4-The reeetpb have been full. and we no
No 5 to No 10
" 11 10 13
acekir sopplie, nut) n good demand. Sales n 1 com
mon'W Hat 61, of Cream en 7e, and of Gunnel, at rt
nic lb.
CANDLE..--We quote regular sale+ et Cil y end C/
einnau cllpped . at lie; of Moult' at 101.. cl Star cued ,
at 21e iI lb.
material, no reportable sale! hare come I. our kn.
Edge. We continue to quote Pittsburgh manufactured
Sheeting, at last weeks prices, uly for best No s,
brown Sheeting, 7e, for colon:ton or Nonatook Cie per
yard, from factory.
COPPFR—SaIos of Cliff mine. In cab eml ,nctas at
19f3ZSci of Sheathing nt 270, and of old at Ii r. per
CUPPERAS--salen &y the quantny' ut 1101. P.
CASTOR Ott.—We have beard of no large sales du
ring the week, the the snide, by wholesale, may be
fairly quoted at SI,IISBER,Iii P gill.
CORN—The reempti have been light, and we no-
LiCO small supplies, end a gold demand in tin market,
say from store an 41drehe P
CORN MEAL—The .pp.tes on sales from store ore
limited, with nice to II small extent, fur good kiln
dried, et PPP bbl.
CIILOFUDE.LOvIE—SaIes by the esk at slefo ' lb
CAMPHOR—I' tiles in alencrel way at 40845 c pc
in quality.
DRIED FRUIT—The market cOnunnes very quiet
but we hod un•cliartge in quotation". Sales have' bee
confined to limited late at, for Peaches eldgi, and in
Apples 504156 c p bu.
DRIED BEEF—The market is only moderately sop
aucl aisles limited nt blaVe, for city and Wester
cooed. •
niOU'R—The . market has bens ctratnually dull, and
pricos have partially deeltned, The recerpts of the
weak have amounted to =2 Lela, but as large edam,
ties have beenshipped East, the supplars here have
accumulated. • No halts to any very large amount
beau trarusatt*d donng the week, and sales have bone
mostly confined, to limit.] lots at V. 1,4503,60 from fir. t
har,,la and $.2,72053, 4 0 from store. Fettle low of cc.
wa s f family breads have been disposevl of Irmo hist
hands at .0.3,75 hot the same description yester
day, would hatte fallen short of that figure. The latest
Intelligence front the Fast infortas to that the ate sme Os
news has had l depraesing effect upon the flour mar
ket, which may have the effect of chocking ills activ
ity of the artiale with us.
FISII—Of almost every kind of . Fish, we notoe fan
sapplie• in the market, and price* continue .cry -
In the way tit - gel:tare} sales, we give the following
lis t
of prices: Salinou 131.8,60, Rand 89,00.319; Mackerel,
No 1 812, Nod 58,23, dnd Ne 3at sap p blot pales
of thrum; at tilt p 14.4.
FEATIIF,FL.4.—We oats regular sales from store in
limited lots at lltliMc r
GRAIN—Of Wheat and Nye, +.17 haul. h as been
'nought to, and supplies nee very fight. We may doe"
nominally at 70c foe ilia forma i and 50e for the latter
hjalarate tales of Bade y at Lsdtittc; of Corn nt 3750
0, and of Oats at 371 e from store.
INSENIi —PerC sale.; are ever effer led in our mar•
I:er. and w•a can ouly quota nonutually at ve P QI, .
a small way
11 I A44—For all odes. Man/ glue, .priees riemain
monitored from oar 11.,5t quoted rota. , tel for COl
6rand . 2112 . 0 2 _84, 10 b a 12, 54,00, Cm =Mr 01, md: 8
44°' "trt aiS3PePB3, 7 3. Othat sus
OROL7RRIES—The market in VW! Mrt , . , I
out change from oar last quoted rates, say for N 0 S u .
gar 5 to Ste for lair to p rime; N 0 Molasses SsfinSe ;
Sugar house 40044 c; Rio Coffee continues in fmr re-
Ones at 7ioSe. Loaf Sugar, St Louis refined,
Rice at 41.05 c V R. The martin ts well tupphed moth
every thing under the head, ball sales have been con
fined to limited lots
7 19
4 1-1 729
435 721
411 21
4 t.l 7 2/
HAY—Regular Wes of good Tuncaly iron wagon
at sA.snasa tan.
11011t—hloderatc sales of coal Eastern ,socts are
reported to ua at 121 c. and of common or Western USII
Ilk Eh, by the bale.
HENlP—Moderate .ales are effected from store at
the rates of A 165 Y ton.
IRON AND NAlLs—Satcs of Wr at n range of 310
4I; Sheet Iron at 5436J0; mtles of Nails at n range of
Eatso to £oi-Sit go leg for Ind to 4tl sloe
UMBER—The neon' rate, for boarde at the neer
fe to slt, and from yard at SIIBSZ!, M feet
LEATIIER—The market continues •en" (Inn al for ,
er quotationn Sale. oi New York *ult. nt 17:ii IJe
and of Baltimore see at 214322 e
LARD—V a ry Oute doing to the market, log %yr
may quote the emelt firm. at 61e 111 tads for No 1. out
61e 111 tetr
LEAD—Eak• I , a mckler.e <Stem al 4 for log and
41c for ber load
LEAD I'IPE--San, of range of n; 0 7YY P ,
rortllng to site •
NIKTAL—The marL , t for Metal continues sr,
and wr hear 01 no sales worthy of report
-Nioderale sales of 8110 , y Nl.llirpos 'lore at
OILS--The supply oi lArrnwed i vary "."`
1a0in...1 sale, .sly nG. , of No 1 Lord .11
57'd.,c, nod of \o" at 5621.57 c le gull
I t trTATOESk—The market re Vr"
iv at hauled quanatte.. e Lu
RAtiS -Revoke F .od clean mosu•illo,..
SEEDS—fir ts aaira nas{,in, , , nut ver noy
guo.. nomnally ai. lor 82.7:p45t , t. Tunotha SI,
o:r1 Flax at afx•OSI t , bu
Fll,ll . - of Ilo•in ur ran. ',led al
10 , ,, 4P . lb
VJNYi A - Sa:r. of good role, 4.f1l tb
For 11, voronot o; Wool, iollooa,
rrsenl t.r rute‘ in phi, market
I. t.,
BEEF CATTLE—•fIee oficrtegs at the yard on Non
y. were murh Ittrv,er than that o(the pre,ecitng
mount:n, ,otne 400 bead. sver•
Liken al, ior Lpr yuaLn Say. for ordinary 314T41 , V
Lb. nett wr,fht 3 parlinltl,hl.e rom
lIEEP—The odered are.l,la,d. wid, sales
ras, 01 `rl to V 2 ja Ttrekl or II" per
logs—Are worm le .Ve lb. but few were offered
orrrr —The New lork sure„ mays '•From 1,
wr.tten be a w,ll informed Feterrhanl m Rio dr J
ttt ere patter IL. 10'1 lowing trite re•ts rty ,iauuce
1411011 10 rile Cotree trade et the
rnoof CI lON Of corrxr
Java and
Cuba and Pomo /Oro
St. Iltduit,ro .... • • •
Leguavra and Partin Cabeila
111111+11 West
Ce, lon sod linnet Indies •
e • • •
FttllCh 6/111 DUIGII West ladies
IklMad nail Nerbarlatida •
Germany and Northern Europe • • • • t 70.4011.00
Fr..' and Saiiitui Europe • I iii.uramaiii
lire. Britain • :15.t0n non
l'nited States and British America 175101,0 M
Stocks ou Enrope.Decembe, Ist, 144,,
r Erooll/ ISIt
Stneks m U ll
nited :4.mes, Ist December,
Prnduruon os el/ove, 15:`,',0011,000
I_ falling off in Brazil
orop, only 400,101 begs, 64,11.1,000
Supply' for 1649,
Probable stook. Der, 1'49, V 51.1.040.
The same writer eatirnatha the del - leacher of the B
.p 0 11 al 3011,000 hags. but, he the lolorthe
til not z.naest oil—the crop bel:tg est
mated from June to June
Michigan No 2. Gason, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brower,tile.
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville
Lake Ene. Gordon. Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Beaver.
Paris, Marotta, no.
Gladiator. Naphville.
New England, No 2, Nan, Cm.
Elite, Bowera, Brownsville.
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacob, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkturon, Brownsville.
Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Comet, Boyd, Zanesville,
Lowell, , Zanesville.
Pilot No 2, —,
Pennsylvania, Greenlee, Cu,
Elite, Bowers. Brownsville.
THE Rivas.—There were a little over lour tee
n channel last evening at dusk, and swelling
~C ijk to
I2c •'
10c '
Brownsville Packets, 6 A M. and 4 P. M
Beaver Packets, 10 A. M. and 4 P. M.
Ctnclona6-7. Taylor.
Aaron Hart—Gin.
D. Leech Sz. co's, paekel bee...) P. M
Woo. Vaxatreort —The ookowlng artier
chow e at once the demand for and the ex.7cnenee of
thm great medicine. Ceruficatel have been ao multi.
plied In In cot of thin Vermifuge, that we .rounder it
unroceratery to add any more.
. .
Yu.. July 25th I -47
`,I Kidd & Co.—The Vern:nset left us on sale some
e am, by you r agent. ts all stud. It sells
very' ra
illy. and air, cent si A. see ate suure
y out of the moele, and having
ng frequent culls me it
sou please scud us some immediately
For mile m ate Dour Stare of 1 KIDD & Co oyl7
W n Innuranee Company
Seereavy—J Finaaa. Jr. I Premdent —R. Mtm.ea, Jr
LhaaoTolbt —R. ruler, Jr.. 1 W. Boner. Geo Mack,
W In. U. [Wow, N liolmaa, Jr.. C !Masco,
Jackaou, Wok. M I.)m. 'nos K. Lana, Ja.. I.Lpfon..
colt. hu, Niinick, 'rhos Scott
Tins company - 'all, c orgasm zed, and prt .pareal
to effect Insurance on all do.cnrlton• at property
again... 1.0. r by Firc—r.ak• M Inland 'Craompor moon,
and on Hut. and Cargoes of BOW. and Ve..rle.
.... .
Applwatsosot ior losuran , a may 1. , made 11.4 r the
pre,tent...o 10 It Mlller. Jr jr'eatalrot, at the warelsoune
of Kobtrison tc Mil. s, No 21 Woal atro et . ' or to J Ft n.
iwy, Jr., Secretary, at 10 uttkee, No. 37 Water street,
P,lo,l3orgli. n7yl4
WHITE Stir A ILS—Lovert Rya loaf. erurtned and
pureertsett Sugars, in,. reed and for sale by the
bid or a t retail, at the relrtn Tea Storeq7U Fourth it.
COFFEES—Mocha., African, Java, Laguira,
r "It Domingo and Rio Cotkesousi rce'd and lor
tee at ina Pekin Tea Siore, 70 Fourth et. my 22
AIS. INS AND FlUs— , ..% gighth lona prune Rai
-1.11. and Lb small drums (rasa Figs, fig. received
and for sale at the Patin Tea Store, 711 Fourth street
r 22
Cc y , ( o ) ,. c . ( l ) m A t, B
and Cotolt:sitc.libknrof:
weet spiced Chor Urotna, Not
olate, just recd and (or sale at the
Prktn Tea Store.:) rosrth my=
OPTS. TliFt PENTIrgE—DU tthls rims Turpentine,
kj just received for sale by
POTASH—A impeller enicle, always on hand and
for sale by my' m 13DA UN A. HEITED
v ir ooL—J sacks now fending fromstinibolpliiii,
Nv for sale by mygl IVAIAfI DICKEY ar. Co
gs now landing frau, atom l.
D adii; for sole by aqui ISAIAH cKkw &Do
LINSEED LLBLinseed 011, pare, in fine
order, for sole by
SALLAD superior quality, tolarge nod
small bottles and tbseks, for sale by
Q NTS TURPENTINE,' -25 bbk in inn oodrr, for 9,11,
..1 by rn y2l J SCHOON2IAKES Alb
R UUT I:IN1 ER—"-L Lob for Sole
S T Io R r A XI - c ..Z . HUO7I ' l .r fi g gi ‘ tc w
044,11 24 wood at
40 o;,o,,:l;r:Te;--e•Ai.s.;:ii,x,l,,o,dtda, irutftie
suouy, or Sulphate Quinine; sulphate Alurphcw,
Acetate do, Nitrate of Silver. pure.
Chloroform and Acetic Ether, just reed and for sale
by I KIDD A t'o
No t : LARD 011,-10 bids good totality No. Lard
in hue order; do No I, Conicling's extra,
In store and for sale at lowest prtres. by
BUWEK-4 tibia fresh boll Butter, just reed at
M at the W IL Butter and Cheese Depot, and (or gale
by tnyZl 1 I/ CANFIELD
—— - -
Lan met reed at the W B Butixr and
Cher., Depot, and for rale by
m)::3 I B C ANFIF.II3
A.CICKKEB . G—B4 tibia I argo 10 3, MasaaTtio
ens tosvecon. in hue ordrr, landtag this morn
ing and ior rube by EtOBERTSCIN k nEvrEST,
no-31:101 Bo Second et
CHLORIDE OF LI3IE-, ark. pr.t reed and for
•ale by myYl 13RAIIN h [LEITER
tiAR4 --6 UCTCCiI in good order, reed per
J) •nor Poor, for oold by liar COCHRAN,
TEANS-1 cuye.Jeatis, Steubenville inanistecutte,
11 re<.4 on Clo6olllltall, for sale by
PitfUS CaBEEN — Jusl reed and to sale by
L 151123 J KIDD
IDACOist as
—1.3 khds sorted, now landing from sznis
Dolptilni . for sale by
roy2l I44IAIiDICIEY & Co, Front ai
Corps, fast reed Ind for
b 7 Ir
og gn" W/C/I & M'CANDLSOB
A boy was found drowned at Sewickley. on Sat.
unlay evening. He was about fourteen years old,
with sandy hair. and was dressed to a dark round
about, with blue pantaloons, a white shirt with a
linen bosom, and blue railed cotton socks. A
C.roner's Inquest was held upon bon, and a ver
dict in accordance with the (acts rendered.
Fran_—TherUU ----- house of the late Richard
Biddle, situated a short distance above Lawrence
ville, was struck by lightning, yesterday and war
totally consumed
LIGHTNING. — We learn that o ghral deal 0,
damage has been done ta the country around
Patebur.h, by the Itghtning. Several houses have
been ea ruck.
UNI - Olt. I l NATE 0,—We understand
that two brothers named Wlllard, ptlotrt on the fly
er, yesterday, made an attack on George Bell,
Mato a pilot, nod struck him ever the head. intl:ct•
mg a very serious and danger.. wound. Not•
titer of lieu.. we believe, has been yet arrested
—Theilloquettie (rey., otaer the cod,
nand of t'aptam I term), paraded yevierday alter
woo, preceded by a very tine bras. stud The,
a lid
IhrFalt, - AIL Sr'
tilaprn-nt,..., tor the toil. L. , s.ltUri , “. u
fru•ll an.l ‘L,nrutut ui h.. a.•u Itu• mo-f
,pul xr v,oul um. . than riul
lar Jr. iau..ll In 1111.•
and 1.10...0 tiraziaenta. 1,, a . ....Tuw.11 4- 0 111. I. nl 1 a,
I', .1,11,111,5.011 alll., 1.1.ra,
l• tii 11-1. it l•
Tree aoal all 1.011.011, ...anwnalal.. 1, 112 ered
v:.l ill" iiiiV a two) toe, II A i
ot.,r , 111.1.1. .1 wol I kur, •t.
cipettettre I/1 \ J{ll., uttl attrt ti
year. tit 11., li/M,lll alfd 11101,, •
ustlyet,ti tt tlttlut r , l t.t•l tz
all au,' % l
pualw a cticittt hut Ithtt xer
Ciftot ,. :It :tit I, tie Iturc J
My, w
For Chagres.
,1, 14 14 •
l'adonpat ew se 1. ,
..... eni
100 . .u... 1 de.... I • 1,0 t 6. For
or lt-, lin ...onoutfin . loo• upjoy !I.
te Loon nt Hue II A l'of.p. C.. %vim.. Fed
Po.. r u m s to J A I, 11 a0.1 . 11k
lord- A d 1351 , 1111 u, and • 1 . Bloom.. re
Tur., Ihwlttng unx.. 11i1 Th.rd \
Dow •tp,.
:Ite 1. ~t.
ot thr or
Dr. A n, on iti
1.4 t Ja:v rp-it
loz. ~.round :11 NmLIIIVArd
I.etsvcrn Filth \ll lor loobt, ) an.l• IVSI DAKLINI.TI , N.
At II lhir trlgton
1.5 UOU
ouns \I F.\ 1;1 wbo.esale anal retail .dorr...
bovines,. to tel Bool,krepeo.
men. Porters, Ilar•keepers Wn.tro. Farir,o. Lon,
Hirst. Car Agents, Book and Map Agent, i'o,,retora
• tr‘r,eery all branches of bow ev• e Its
whichholes a lor7r number of good .1.1110 n• on Instil
pay troth 3.0 to 51.0X1 pr 11.1111111 Thom.
.: it
want or sltuatJoas of any kit would do wr'.l gtv.
u. a cal!, as we bate asen . ...a each on the n 001 r,
, which will ens ..te to to plater every app!tcant t,
, Luital.le ‘ituation at the r.horter, 110{.1CC We h , ve
largo acquamtaure in all the above named e,ties
which ore trust will enal..le us to gore entire ....lac
to ell who may ttavor with a et,:l
TAYLOR .1 TAVMAN. So :0 rieenn 0.,
N. B —Verson. living in any you of the State,,
auJ wishing to olitain o Baltimore, or
the of the ahove ritie•, will have their wil', iinme•
thatcly attended to Li) addregging u• a an, l a post.pall
as by wdoing they ari,h rurtarl both trothle and ex
peaae, whleh airy otherwise wo.ild incur toy coming
to the rity. and .irking empio}ment for I.larmrever
I Address, TAILOR ~k TA YStAN,
No.;i9 Second surd.
Baltimore. hid
Jt FOR! , VTII. !•141 , 1ta... rem,"
to No 31 Turkel error.doo , uout Sa-cond.
Ea.t s,de
" '
Thank:a! no' turn . 0: :rn• •
.ndlnaaner lie na:rona, at 1:1• ro•totn,•.
I:testsepat In g e ol uno n new 0,1:, ••
urn of the Inr:pr .
Ord•r• in the I a..or ng:int rxrrutct: ;n the roo.:
Ingba.naide manner. and w.ta tit•patrtz
Ala, a faolitonattte nt ot ready made to
trona, of al: Ittott, Cheasstorteneep tor eaalt. ot ttourort
typtlrtnetot Flt
urtu•uta G00..,t a•• vartet.rt.
&way. on Itatol. a tch at. r•hirtl. l'orattala, C•. Crn.
lt,nek, Start, /to...rt. Suottottatrottar, Poet,
Ildkra. Wove., Dr twat.. I. utarettot...he I.c. hr.
mval 43m
81-. AN, Or Ittott tato tow to 010., t-ott-
Y, sigtonenta by all al. ATTIIEWS t.
1 - R rrr---...v0 EA, Ap
I- 1,1 , ,
- " k• h ' 11 ' 11 .4 1:C I . o ,
4 lnlla al Arrm .\\:.,
Y itr
y•zti 14.111 1 NIA rrtill,‘, C..
'O, I II mot 12 olm 11n1 010 • t
a; f 111.1'1 \ V, 4 & Co
r , lvvt , •tp•.l lo . . am:
UNDRII I 1 1.1 , 11. No I gad.% Fentlte,,
11 I do Woo' I E. lamb; g from .tmr
Eopt.rtg...... lot uric by ISA I All DICKE:N . ACr
myth/ Ern',
d r - .Nromo
v.. • for sCIRSIN \I AKER A t o
nINI i•ArI.R Itt .Uprr.or I,ughty, consul,
•ak. I.y
- •
iya A , Il Pr , A.. re , ' ,1 alai for •.1
by rn)2l \V A. H NlVl"rcifEtri
YARNS hr-'ROA. At‘ored No.
art.. 1401.a.r• wlct
I .101
mv Lei Itil EV NI Arriirws re . '-Kier
le I , y
A 1.1 n7; 1 .:, -,19 MO! Awnt
WII . K A CA sr 111.V8S
I R re, d nett to •XIC
.y ".111 11 ICK
lIRA 111.:11) . I rusk leat re , d uw.tfor
tll..t.lrororr r 4 t Claw mid !ober,' •••
rlrtk 1,1% Ireen , ,a. 100 Prwelpee :red
in i A1511“1,35 75•1 re-1 •ode I/1
m 1 '.A JOlll arr
i t ,
. " 11:4-1; ‘ Ja
v , A y ,,, ..1: , “ r:t.,f
" 16'.
Inv% JANII7* DA I 24 %Vet,
ICI.EitEL- -50 Lid. m outc and lur
S hi.../.1 n . , 4 „.2‘.. t1 . r N 7
D Riia , A 11p1111.1, it; •lor
and 1 , , y
I,y Tot:
DACON- 4 bz. , plin;c• Dann, 10.1 rre'd Rod for .0 .t.
W "1•
P1N" r"""
pino l'nor, 2 , 0 do crown do, 40 do doub ,
do, on hand cod :or •3I•
r 24 ANICA ^41,1.E5, ,
_ .
S A 1 ,.., T y ;- , 21. loble
1_11...W14D 1 . 1:1 . 1 . KR 0 0 boon. Ground l' , l , cr. 'or
•ule Icy m)2l WICK /k. NI`CANIII.ESS
I„ ' ;:. ' : ' le " b L y ES— inl4 " k boo
lc '" V'VA
"D :ATHEits—luou 16% prim^ Ky Bather,.F on bond
r nod for note by myll WICK 8. M'C DI.FISS
ce,a Srorclung, for ..alr by
0 II :11t1 M'CANDI.ESS
day rcceo. ed and for tale by
Q lIA I , AND lIERRING—RY erived roil for sale
tones WICK A M't'A N tH,E.SS
IN the Court of COMM, II Pier.. or Aiteglieliy
/ s county. 111 the matter of the trust ol AUCteirg
4g. Dentststoy, and M'Clurr, VCIIIII.IOII Lt. 1 . 0
And now. to wit: May 1,19- 1 / 1 1 hearing
the peutinot of the trustees. the Coupt order and fee
that the prtilloncrs MI, hie their acc o unt us prayed
tor, ot execution of the trust up to this dui, and
the said ...roma shell he confirmed 'man" And the
Court 'Luther Ili Saturday, the htl dry trf June neat.
when said account shall be confirmed ulomlutely, mild
s t ud p almoners Ire disinissed nod thschargell from till
the dunes and !tabiltne. us truster. atorcsaid, unless
Good r nuoc shown to the contrary. And that due
nonce of the apphcation for the discharge of the sold
trurtemi, be pacer in the (suzette and Nlortung Merl. u•
syr . i . ty the Court.
apt 4.11,2 w HIRAM (('(Ti. Pro
.71. )11N RYLE' SPOoL.11111,K•
EX"RI '.S.SLY FOR SFWING.—The ptier,un
Mono hoots la invited too nevr arue le of SEWINti
Sil.K put N ew
on gaols, manufactured by John RY ‘d
Patter.oo, New Jersey, which from the ninny ndvan
togo , pea,sessas over the custotuary mum be
ton! long. erittrely supersede 010 1100 of it.
Is neatly put in boots of one dozer) %pool ,
—ffy of w inch bores. or do dot spools, are contented
Tite case, mutably assorted for retuning. Among the
any tadvanuage. which tins neve mode ot putting 0 4 ,
hread pre. , " tOJI, may he classed the following
Ist. 'rhe consumer west. no Onto windlng or
reelin e the .olk. and sutlers uo lo.s in the taMtling
common to this upernuon, while the vexatious troulde
of dmengaging the skein to en tirely avoided.
Id. Thee ountry storekeeper will have to Om end of
the your Ms unsold Mock in good condition. whereas La
retai/ing I my the stern, he rinds at the end of the season,
a large ou aunty so intermingled as to be utterly worth.
ttril The Salesman instead of losinc time. a< a al
ways the emie, selecting o certain color Imre a par•
cet ot huhdred or mare skeins. will require lIIAL 410-
.e.jt tufted the spool of the shade or color lie is in
search of.
qitolity of dn. silk is equal to the best Italian in
the market The quatuity VII t•POOt is warranted to
YatO" , 'sthich to the overate I,:ogoi of to, ordmar
y .
skein. that commands the route price, tthecolors
wellsnorted, and cannot fail to suit all purchasers,
being of the greatestvariety
For sale only ky the case, of tit/dot spools, bb
Wnt H. itORSTAIANN it sitNihi a
-olio Agents.
N 0.51 Nn-)t Thud St. Nola.
!,Cer.l.ltr, was II," theme 1,611.111,e, a 1
t'tl d '
In pursuance of the established usages of the party.
the Demostratm Anumasaits and Whigs of Allegheny
county, will assemble in pnmary meetings, m their
several Election DlstliCt.a, On Saturday, the Yd day of
June, ISsitt. to elect two persona from each amulet, as
Delegates to a County Con venuon,.to meet at the Court
Douse on Wednesday, the nth day of Rule. at In o'elk,
A. NI . to put in nomination suitable candidates to he
supported by the party at Lila general Elect on in De
tober nest. The Ant/ and Whigs of the town
ships (P.. elceptral,. 0111 roecl al the usual places m"
holdtng pro:nary meetings. net...seen the hours of 2 and
5 P. NI.. and those of the ltrarda and boroughs and I'm
tow-futon. between Mc hours of 7 and 9.
Chatrtnan of the Commtitee of Correspondence
Aprn 07, 1,11.1.
SHURII,O,7 11111 candidate for the office of
Sherif of A , iegheny county, Fublect to the decision of
the approaching lAnig and Antonosorne Convention
for nonuonting county treks,. CARTER CURTIS
Sixth Ward. l' , u•burgh, April Y I,49—d.2„seT
ported for the odic , co - Sherd. subject to the 11011.113-
Oen of the Arternattott, and Whtg County C,onstentton.
mar9:titenttf Lau. Prernattitou.
SHEIIIVVALTT _Copt JotiN YOUNG, of Robln.n town.
In, .1,1 be supported for the office of Shenff. aullect
the drel.,on ol We approaching Whzg nod Antall.
rt“ , IIII,uIART —Tht 0 , Allegheny county
•111 our :he mein,. of \Vat NI•RAA torn onunaltou
• . .
th.- odic, to the notrong Count, Conveuttots. Mr
M 1- u good "log. and I , roe, way competent to di,.
etturre ttot dutoot to the otter, and tiescrynn, a norm
ou,on by the part, A111:3/IENT Coe ner
Int 15
Zia EN - row ou wo, prate. that I wrtl be a
rar4dato ror automation for aw odic, or Prottronota
r)'• I.el rteon rat Mira and Anirinuaontr fount)'
CW0,110(311 Vaur-, kr. ,
1'V.,1,0 , 0 - t• MT A /./1//ot Nleeett. Peritlett
n•hop eupported lot 1101,1113.11.1 10 till* Oi
too Itetore the ...Ott., Itttita•onatt otul %%lug Coot
vertutet 'l'l, Litooto alulttte. or Nlr. Alta t+, and hie
out; rt pc/It:nee to the °thee, are •Uthelellt yua
Olf dos 4 , 010 r di- •Itarett us tlotte, it he eltoold e tie
oc o
ontnirtl ter, luta totteT J EIVEIZSOM
1 . 1,,t11, , .0.” —I oller in, -ell R• .• mothil kite lur the l,l l'ruittonot ary. •O, 10 the tletelYtnn Ititt
approut . istnt!, A numnounte Ind \Vio,i County Con yen
1,111 In yJ Rot.. eMiorlitit.,
I'B.,llluNirLot ItT t' Fukr.GlN l• randidair for
I, 01,, of Plothonorv. tircigann of
hr A Otananon, sepl Nootiont., Cur vrivioo
no - 24 J.S.vv•S
iull , l ul el .r town
vrt/I.upporled ior the °awe Trehffi
ouL,,er ta the de...con Aprquaeliine ATM
. .
WiltV , onvel.uot,
nis .I'll,clr.t
1,51, Mri , Preblr.lon-nl.hip, will be
a.thdate for r to) Oommr.. b
..mrr. su,err rr ,he
.Irrot , on orllrr kl toe uml AnEtnie%onir Cover
hi...NT Win,
Corvn Comorovoorra -- I will Lee candidate for tha
Who r COO 114 t oula ..... oper.sultjoot io Olt doryoun
MILL111:1•0114.. and N 1 Convontom
clef. JhMli I.AIIRIEI, ADAM:,
STY 1. 041.11 1 010,[11 - r.10,11/1.11 Hui L.F . -‘. of North
I'aroe too u•lttro. 0,11 0t totrootcd lotto, the sp•
proye long A 111.11110,011 0. ntol to, CJutitY Coorethoot
for tlOO \ I'mm:tote...ter. sulttert to Ilia Jet mutt 01
taiti Ive:ilta, NI, t. woritog 0•0111 01
the tttett, tool evert w quitithed 31111 detterving of
the ugh , thy I, thlvt, Noarli F.e.scrtx.
CoUNTY COVVISSIORIVI - Mr repot You wdl Ven,.
litO.Yo,. W S or Howooon lovritEttr, n
u0d01.. , 'or C 0.." gut.,rl to Lb!
der .•lut. vl tut nett Aee ; ah..l NVlrg Cottyrn
11011 tut 0 . di WS eqrrti %V..
Cot. JAI.* It Itt.r, or UpperSrC:aa
ettlnlttle for oot ollwe or l ' otruiy
.roorr. At approtteng Whlg Alll 11113. 1 111 e
COnV"LO,t ru t
v. 1,11 CLAOL
AUDITOR —JOIN Emrll.l 4rl Pole lownabtp, mil. be
a ranthtlxie lot A udttor. aut,ect In the dertcon 01 the
nest Antintawonw anti Whlg Count) Convelllloll
121tti.w'r THIRD \VA.
EDITOIL—PIenee nonounre Joum Bra., of Find
v Town•lup. e• n rundttLite for Amino, subjert to
the deeielan Of the Whlg and A.M./Mir Convention
4.14. , •T St CLAIR.
1',N,01.1. of the Sixth Word,
svo' he ouppor . trd tor :to- office of Coroner. aub l ee•
the d,rtnion of the Wh.g and Anlllue•onie Cnllventloll.
in, '29 ilkot.r Maur Wutos.
13at.:At.itz.4:[NEA•t. —~lef. LA6IIIZI. Jr. will
•ripportrd for the office 01 Brigadier General, at the
muttory electron glectloit fa. Motirltry Nth day of
June. na yl.l OS. W Mass VoLt
—Cv: HIRAM iinLTS. svi:i Le
•appartrd iar Use tare o . lingeehrt t.enenil al the
Nll.oar) clef 11011 I,:iernon hr.t Nl,,nday. Ith day a
Jun_ rni d&voil • S Crrl4.l.
Mr Warcr—Plca., announce the !Larne o(J/...11. F
Km, tray t: P:ltsDurg - h n• a clinkillialf lOr the State
I,gt..ature..uO,-et to 1h- dret.on o! the opproaciung
and Antanasoule COIIVEIItiOII
trr Hoeg. t' Wat.sza. Kral . of lisalteth Borough.
be ry pporiral, t.rforr thr opproactitag Anttmastonte
Whig County Co , venttnti. for nomination as •
anth.late for ra, Legtsiature. by the
apll'.t*kwttr Biwa or 1 , 1.1) E1.4.81C111.
-- I otr, my.,l a. a c•ndtdroc for ~ Pllll
lana, a. a memt...r of I;..nern: A*.elnbly. b.fore
tue avw.aritmg M.llie.a.oluc nut! Whig Con, ertltoo
1 11,x. of Vr.raa,lir. towtlahlp
myl I.d&veicT
D IBBONS---A handsome assortment or new and
beautrial s•yie. Bonnet Riblions,inet d and tor
•aie at reduced prices by
e h c er y t o t n l o tz r k .:
Air. ;List received and r or sale by
myll MUR PIN, &
W"'" prasr 'fli'°°nce the n"'"' FINE 45100Ds.—i
tor At, 444 1. . 5.% al-NON 01 Ro•• township as a cant!,
Finger Rrng.,
.laic cur itie Slow 10-gis.arrire au:arc, to the derision "
U N 11161041 Bo ne
xes, shed rased,
ice A r. "" ras "' " "" v `" ir° " nrc ' l ' m' Ain assortment of Fans. 01111 hue paintings
of ND arson, as a nei. qualitord nod trailuerrum!
rirem-,or or the iwriv lie earnest, preatrd
; ...vaver Butter naives;
Mose who are hest a..auaiiiied with h 111
with agate nandleN
A Gold and silver waist 13U0kle, arid Slides
Also —PARAZtOLS, dark green and other tarinon,
Jour M ewe, or Rhhanwon b.weship, will bra
'and'il,,re for Inc Le‘'''.^”."... r "" r ,.. i° ' ne decision j rtnn shove goods, with a large awortment of lewel•
of 'h . A Convention. Ti.Fahey isoods, he .will he soul (or scare or other
1021 d& anc*T good money. a: No Al Market street, by
I myl I ZF:BULO7g
C, Furl, "Cr nrne° T NIBRELI.Ais-10 eases cotton arid gingham Urn
riN h.s numerous roe U eane and whalebone nbis, reee , red
toe Or or 'fir Wlll, and Antimasome l.oriverdrott
m) 7 II o.T Oil woods
1)A RASOLS-25 rase• cotton, gingham and silk
117' Atmany Of his friends I , Lo.ka
l•arnsols, new styles and designs, green 'Pure sa.
. 11 • 1 . 1 . 14. 1 . 1 • 11 ."' - u rrd be s nth- tin. with fringes and plat borders, and beautiful No
for" ' ° " or rue ry and limey handres, wed and tor sale by
Whn, AllllOlOllOlllO l'ori,eniion r :3/SACK LLI'I' a WHITE
, rIASMNIERE-11 pieces very fine doe skin intact,
Jona !Wm... the hinrough ef Shnn'" , a'o , v•"' swirlier, received as a ranipie direct from he
',mildew for the •ol teet tn ine manuiacturer tar !ile by H LEY.
risani or the Whig and Antimasonie Co:0(1111011 I ilierry Sr r epposite sth
TN 12,11
IKsatBLAP AND Wool. SA7fi—On and and tor
r ul eby my , IA IFY
n i.N „ :1 , 11 „ ; s o
. 13 , :i l i n a t i - , T7 1 , ,,, L r i ,:. 0. ;;
111 ets 0)11 A A MA,ON A in
1 ANC Y ei A 101,5—We have u•t
r truce int of Fancy Shawl.. to wilier. 0 ta
vrie. the 0110111101101 the ladies
The Brownsville W•ter Cure Est•blimis
rob Jol•ett 11011. E Inv. a.h n sorb, be
Fr•-•-.1.Le.1 b)• an a cull4ll.l.ite :co[ %h• Leg,.
. th. npp , "an Itttlg loNytnt“•b of the Whtg and
Aallal4.oll, purl. nryV d.f.vvr
TIION• ot Orr trorough of M'Keerrport, will
n nod.rhro• for “orniontton for nremb. r or
nt the approar,no A Ill11{111(40rIte and V. COllll
- irry3ll.4wS
0 h e r. 7 uz ( e . •
r r x e , :p . eV i f u sr i
Ita• loruted Ltm.elt ant Pronatald between Filth
411 1 3 70 I iti, Weal mile, where he will devote hni atten.
1301, lo thr it-retro,. nt the Choler, tit whirr/ he hot
met with unequulled nacre., treated over
tut., hundreds .e. during the 11.4 winter and iiikurifr,
and no 1 1 0 10 tall in rerlart, the patient to it Proper
rinse ot health. naiter• taut he ha• a inedt.
eine isurp...eil mulr in Ow collntry. and when pro
perly iidottinoured never link to afford relief.
To rierion. That
he would toy, but
are tr
triedlcaist enii lie put up that they cart entry it about
them with lint little incooiveitiener, and lip inkin
tio.e • 1 131110 %, 11 wun d prevent an attur of the
tell de.troyer fle would recornmrinl it to le .•
traveling and to laintlies.. helng cheap and elle,
mai ,ttril)
N i
Morow will he found 111 ht. office at all
July ol
the day, except when out upon prnite.mtonal
July niy24
1:1.1.1ifIT A I.l\ :11 Wood %treet. Intl:seen
JIII nod thamond alley. have reeelved u large
.apply heological and other works, among which
air tne !elbow Ina. v,/- icrelialieour F:asays end Ilte•
t . 1111r. , 5. by I're...ldent Iloplinis, Christ is All. I.IIW and
rio..pel, by 0 II 'Ping, D 1.1, Lire of De elluton.
1.. , i0g 'ram, 01 America. Republican Chrtellanity
by Manoon, Mao Prouevu . by Harm. Phrenology and
N 1,0,111411, by Rev N 1.. Rice. D D.. Ditpliam. Its
Import mid Mode. by Beecher, Nineveh and its Re-_
PI, NlOlllllBlll5 11 1 the Bible, by Ml'eriano, Faro,.
MR,i.dry nod Church 1 Faroe, l.y J A James; PA.
WY nil , ' 'Not Y... 4 vol., I,vr edition, J Ma .alll , l work,.
eompl , te. Cowper's lA,. Worts of Cowper, Fie.
1/111111 1111 Rootedrnel of Vapory. Turrellotte Theol
cv..;opedin oi Moroi nod Religious Anecdotes,
IL:dgar • Narrativ, al Popery. Christ Hereivrog Sin•
•. illlll, Evidence. lor the People. by 1 Cumming;
Modern Society, Modern Accomplialimenta, Haldane
111111111/1 11 , Original Thoughts on Scripture, toy Cecil,
new hino publirdord. lire of Pollak, Natural History of
Enthuriaam, Middle Kingdoms, Lectures on Pilgruns
Progrea , , Beecher
lII''EXPHESS--The 11,l Ddieulty, nO.l stoneexpe
',nee. of Life In the of Earie, with other
gorler. by George 13 Cheerer, D. D.. with Portrait of I
anOier A taw coo., ree'a and for role by
my to EA.l.turr A ENGLISH, 71.1 Wood Et
Birmingham. inear Pittsburgh,l Piu
Warehouse, No. 137, Wood sired, Pittsburgh.
WILL constantly keep on band a good minor*-
. '• meat of Witte; of our oven manufacture, .d
supermr qua: Wholesale and country Met
" chant. are nspectfully invlted to call and es•
minion for themselves. as I, are determined to cell
cheaper than has ever tmfore been offered to the pub-
Up, Orders rent by mail. accompanied by I.llle Clll l .ll Or
) reference. Yell! be promptly attended m• mYI,
Barge for vale.
A NEW ,tbstanuel wrd lAnit Barge, well fastened
/ILend of excellentruatertelo—ui 176 40,, bombe: ,
For .ale I.y WM B.W AI.K EH, Ettsabeth.
y 17 122 Allegheny county_. Pa
,PICES-Fast up for faunly use. /0 00
,au•. enelonedlo a slaltng 101 box, eontanung
M Luna rd A Isptee,
01110 0, I.tuger,
Warranled pure For •rtla at the .lew Spec zund
Muotsed Factory, corner of Ferry /r. I.oert su.
•1 i 3 BELL
Alol the Plane and Saw. 7, Wood_ oo strg,
(I. l. a th e e ont g plate assortment ol Catania. , co l lar:
TOOII. for sale myl6
ler, which lath be held in store for a few days. The
Roston selling Company express a strong desire for
the tire departmenth of the ethos of Patsburgh and Al
legheny to tall and examine and make a trial ill them.
The qemPany is willing to put them to any test they
thathroper to conclude upon
y 10 J & II PHILLIP:a, 6 wood st
I) obit ('IIH T WeitribßlPTlONTit i
lu the Citirenr , Insurance Company of Pittsburgh,
will bo opened tu the Rooms of the Board of Trade„ on
the first Monday of November next, at lOo'clock, •. at.
!.rimer, Jr. Robert Woods,
Wm. B. I.4•Clure, Joseph Plummer,
S. M. Kier , Josiah King,
/oho Sherd. Alex. Roseburg,
tia LL D.
ppiP:dcan% M a .ia
OSII RY—Black and cold tlilt, black and cord
Incrun, black, brown. alate and white Cotton
Mose, ChiWrens' Fancy, white, slate. brown and Mk
Stockmaw Gents Vionia, merino and cotton Socks.
for sale w ' tiolesale and retail, fir
F 11 EA fON lc Co, Fourth .t,
Ivr2s between Wood and Markel
PARASOL- , —A mall lot of well selected P1L111210.11
are offered for sale at reduced pnees by
tnyts F ff EATON & Co, &I Fourth or
LOVErt--A large assortment of ladies and gents
.J Aid. Neariolttan and embroidered Silk, Usk., Cot
ton, &c. Sr . of all colors and woes, for men, Women
and children. can be obtained 'wholesale or retail, at
F H EATON & Co's Trimming Store,
62 Fourth irt
TRl]l\ll\GB—Black and cord Stlk lace Fringe,
Gimp, Braid. and Buttons. always for stile to
to yit.s EATON'S. on Fourth st
tv,i AN rILLAS—F. H. E. 0.1.21& (o. keep constantly
LVI n band. or make to order. Sdk Nlatittlias of et,
ry pa o ttern. and of any color desirable Afro Man.
wla Scarf, a new style. liathroidering, scolloping.
ruining. marking, and all kinds of fancy needle work
executed to order at the" . store. No 62 Fourth street,
. .
between Wood and Market with W
T'INF IRISH LINENS--W H. Mr 171 1 .1 111,W5 I.lle
I,` particular attention of buyers to his assortment of
fine Bosom Linens, lately received, warranted all
and of a superior make. Also,
Lint, (,osos Teuerally, such as Table Diapers, of
of different widths, and al unusually low prime,—
Bleached Linen Table Cloths. also much lower than
ever before offered; Linen. Pillow care Linen. Dia
pers and Crash for towelling. fr.c.
Also, FeWrITO. Dnarrs, for summer bedspreads.
superior colored Quilts, low priced do, sad will,
Counterpane.. et very low pine lor quality—el norlit
east comer of atli end Market sts. Wholesale Rooms
up stairs myeb
New Goods and Great Idarg•lust
D TiIt.MPSON. No 110 Market street, neat IA
lA, berth, has furl returned !rum the Eastern Cities
with his second supply of SPRINIi AND SUMMER
BONDS. He has now on 1111111 011 P 01 ilic largrst end
best selected •tocis that be has ever hut the. p,easure
of opening to his cuaiorners and the public- among
which may be found every le at rich ehangeatile
and farm) Silks, Turk Satins, black Silk. all
wild.. tor Cardiaals. dr , with every w litth or black
Silk Lures and Fringes, tot trannurtg• FULLA RD
SILKS, Tlsst•Es. aged and plain Re revel, Enihriti
dered Swiss, Organdies, LAW.. F.mbd 'mien is leg
ham, a new rind beautiful article. pine all do,
French limy, ham, he.
Ott a Diimicoote Stock very W . I. re
description c,r Chintzes and Cocoon.. some tor 131
Met sold this wring for IS, Linen and ?dawn" slieet•
mg, from I to 3 yards wide, also. Sheeting Muslin,
very low. with a full assortment of fine Irtsli Linens,
rot window hangings, Turkey Red Chintz, embroider
ed and striped Drapery. Huff Holland, &r de Our
Shawl department presents every description ot plum
and embroidered Canton Crape, changeable onil rued
Silk, Berea, Cashmere and Delmer. plain and ein•
braider. d Thibet, also, a largeassortment of Parasol•
Bonnets. ecr &r,
Coach Makers w ill and a full supply of Cloths, Da
-1 mask, Moreen, he kr . In their line
Thr strove gods hove been purchased on the nlos‘
advantagrous trrm, and purchaser, may rely upon
getung them at the row \ST P 1.11.6 raters.
tnyz!..l.l2w Rowr D THOMPSON
SILK PARASOLS—NV. R Murphy ha, rust
trlri:rd on a.sortment of Wart Silk Parasol,
hgurrd and pintn. oronn oi wt., are extra FIZP
Dart 1_4,11 y•arar.nli. figured and piain, b e g s
i.rown do- an yen snit
and utlrred at to re
prfrrs, at northourt ..ornrr at 4th and Market .It
lUTTON I,SN A EH 114,—Vard wtdr—our Lair Ilt
ly reeesved si Dry Ooods Houve of
„, R
r received a very hand.oine lot of French ttotnine.
Caa.interes, 01 a vet y fine quality. whielt we a, ‘el
ling at ver) low prt and to hien we would tn.'
the atteniton or the 'gentlemen. emen.
L) a lot of very harblaotne changeable Silk.. including
....tne Dia vrry aupcnor which we aro selling
at very °derma pricer. ALEXANDER& DAY.
mr2l 75 Market. N W cor of the Diamond
ling open new and lanniboine styles Pant.
Inc iui p, Id. z.b.viu... Mull and Nato.ook Maxims
tor dress.-*. AI.o recet veil within n few day, Runner
Black Spa.. !Lc • at northeast corner 411, and
Market weer.
Cou M-r , lta , l , Frpleruslung thetr •lor pa. w.
hod n ehome a...0n/nem at low,
R0010..-up glum. wyl9
lADM.. DRESS 6001JS—W. R Islutunrr, non:
11•1 corner Fo ur th and Merkel sot. 13,11C8 Ulf
ICIII/ogl 01 lathes to 01* excullent assortment of the th
(rani Cy it, of Dress Goods, !notable for the auto
Plain. Pink. blur and drab Barages; Pnnted du. a
.arge assortment; silk and linen Tissues. silk and
Lustre.: !Inca do. of various shades; Bntisti and
Frew , printed Lawns: white nod embroidered Mes
hes; embrotdered Lan... French (Bitghanw—all of
winch will be offered at low once. fur quality.
Wholrsale Room. on tld story. ntyl7
ARE now receiving a very large stock of fresh
t rood, of recent parchase and importaxion.which
they will wit to the trade at such prices us cannot fail
to give enure satmfacuon
City and country Merchants are inched to roll and
examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere
WaNIURPFIV 11111 . 1./1 the attention of ome
chants to the large supply of new Good• font_
opened to his wholesale Raoul,. on 24 story, northeast
corner 4th and market streets. Pmsburga.
• nats being Ins second supply for Zhu spnng. he has
many klnds of goods at reduced puee.. and some
st) les not to he found elsewhere. turt.dirwT
G 441.. , CA 41.4' , A. —A i.
‘4 7 It a ' u ) 4 t. A. reed ' per ExPre:s more than
Lion Coal,. Capes. t Chernmetts, Cods, Ar. Al
so, Ed gtngs and Inscrungs ut ball the usual htlee,
"VI- - Air GOODS—Now opening Tai the ()ne
Store. non paean-gem of new and destrabl
Good, rotnomong a large lot of SOlc. Ikrege, H d
Lam, Th.ct. Faney and other Shawls, nt eonaidera
4.y reduced paces. nly2l A A MASON At Co
U fancy "ude sv~pe" Csasimer es, lust recd and (u
rale by 3I I: Rl' II WILSON & Co,
I ) RS. 11A1:1.% IA:• , 1)N. in TC11.11,1111,4 'heir grate.
tal act now ledements to the friends of the Instill,
bon and to n 04,ertitrig pllblic in general. for the Ith.
eral to , .tronage hitherto recet•ed, announce at the
name nine tnat they have mode ennential improve•
mei. in Me interior an w.. 11 an the exterior of the ,
tabli.hment, during lam tall and wittier, which will
1.11111.14, the rt• and antuncnient‘ of In
to Visa this place during the eii•u
121, •011111.4,
All Mr or.•v al Ms tliwau, are treated here, and they
will endeavor to /eel , up the reputation the establinl,
mein has won through the west, by otriet attention to
11•11rItis tlial entrust thetimelven under their care.
li, order to undergo the treatment. ',aliene have to
provide Mein...lves with two woollen blanket, two
eon...heron, three rornuirtables or tight feather bed
and sth To vela. Term, MI dollar*, payable weekly
yl.d I tu
lt nK4 A ?PS WORM KlLLER—Another proof oi
in the triumphant success , of Morgan's Verimfuge
Pmaratin, May In, 1049
Mr John I) Morgan.—lf uty name is of any nee to
the Adder.% community, In regard to the article of
Morgan's Vermillige, you ate perfectly welcome lc it
I had twit children sorely adlicted with rms, I Les,
came alarmed. and very Justly co. when I wo
tried your
renowned hermitage, and utoniamng to tell, one of
them 01 . 10111011VVred 01 about fifty worms fifteen inches
long, of the most frightful kind,resembling more the
appearance of eel, .1 . 81 . other child woo delivered of
bout 'Ai The children •re now doings finely. l'ou
may well be proud of your Worm Killer
Fours Ito y Dam Saute, Virgin alley
Prepared and cold wholeadlu and retell by .1011 Y I)
atliAAI. Druggist, Wood street, one door below Di.
and alley myl4
y OUR COUG MA 11. 1 K hl.)
Au-111ov, Cu, lad Ward. ,
April Ki, IN9 5
Mr R. P.. Sellers: Being afflicted for sonic MC with
I.ough, which seas so severe les to unfit me for toy
deity employment. Frequently after coughing, I have
been sou much exhaustod. as to de obliged to .0 down
and rest.. tearing of the good effects produced by
our Cough Syrup. I concluded to give a • tried, and
am happy to say it produced the desired effect in my
After using oue night, the cough w. abated.
and I ant now perfectly donor Jonxso•.
us ieeasant and popular Cough Syrup is prepared
xld sett! by Klt SKLLEISS, S. Wood street Sold
also by Druggists generally in the two eitfes and ai
-1 unity myil
CANAL Lk:TM:W.—The under
. kti.6:MiaM3l, signed, Trustees of the Wabash
:is.: evess..... -- r — ",-,-- nod Eete Itereby_gtve notice
that bey' will receive scaled proposals at Washington,
Dote tes county, Indiana, on the >Oat day Of June next.
for the construction of about twenty-four miles of said
Canal. extending from the proposed Dam across the
West fork of Whim Raver, near the South line of (heart
county to alays•ille. to Davies county. On this por
tion of line there are to he constructed five Lat Locke
mod one Guard Lock. to he built of umber, a Dom
ay . °. Slinkard's Creek, and one or two email Ague
duets. together with the usual vanety of earth work
common to canal. The line will be divided nib sec
tions averorrinir shout half a mile in length.
At the some woe nod place, proposals will lie recei
ved for building, with cot Mane masonry, the piers of
the Aqueduct over East fork of White River. The
•Lone tor this musette, utaxt be procured from the gas,
nos of durable limestone to he mond on or near either
the Enitt or West fork of White Raver, from whotth
point they can be delivered by water.
The bile to he placed under contract, will he reedy
for necessarytm- days previous to the non of letting.
and e erie y information to relerence thereto will
t m peen by the Resident Engineer.
Tnerremd Orme., I
Terre linuto, April 2,1, legn S m4l":llnned7
GEO. W. SMITH dlt. COn
TNFORM their (Mends and the petite thate hang
1. no longer city eonneetton with their tie th
went In Penn street, town am me Pttmhurgh Bremeerr,
having removed their entire !Amine. to the POINT
IMF:PVT:RT. in Pin .reset omrliktd v 9
EIVCASTCE GLAISS--SamitTe hoCes ortitri on.
N perm: brand window (illms received, And.orderl
be promptly 1111bd by S 'VW IiARBAUGH
Egelionvely for Paasengers.
asuwil2=s:. —The Boats or d], Ltnc will leave
nA fOliows, at 9 deiock a: night:
Imhana—P tiurkey, Wednesday, ,
Ohlo—A Craig, Thursday. 17.
Kentucky—H Troby, Friday. le
-I —P Rursey. P Thom.
Sunda son, Saturday. 19
Iny, to.
Ohtn—A Craig. !Monday, 21.
Truby, Toemday.
Inu.slana-1 P Thompson, Wednesday =3
Inolana—P RUtkey, Thillwi.Yl 24
Olno—Copt. A Crarg, Frday, .25.
Kent ty—H Tro by, Saturday..
Louisiana-3 1 1 Thompson. Sunday', V.
buhaan—P 'turkey, ssonday..&.
('O,O—A Cruz, Tuesday.
Keliturky—Cupt H Troop. Wednesday, stay 30.
For passage apply to W SITTCH,
Monongahela House,
my It: or I) I.F.ECH A Co. Canal Basin
10 . 1 11 . 1549. alaMi
n and Cleveland Psuenger Line
nnl Pacto—SWALLOW
°NH of the &Love Packet, leave Beaver every day
tSondays excepte It and arrive next morning at
V. amen, when they connect wttltt the Mall Stages (or
Akron and Cleveland, arrtvoig at each of Meat places
ttefore ugh:, time of the packete leave lVarren daily
at 5 . and arrive at Beaver in onae to take the
mornmg Imat for PaLsburgh
& Co, Warren, j Pro
M BTAYI,UB, do $
corner \Water and Southfield ate
1 4 9
C....wroan fe. Cleveland,o 7 „ rope .
Beaver, Yu
'lll O LI/le 1 .1 . 1i1 ho preps ed on the openlng 01 FiriVt•
Vat., to Iran-port -,ens and ['meager, tram
Rt. I I and eI.EVELA N D an' point on
e I'llllllllllld Lnk,.
the taeoLto.- ot the I,,Le me un•arpaased La numl.rr,
121.1% and eanarLt . , Boa', expert-ace at captain,
0.4)0 Lear,
On , Boat Nuaburph and Cleveland dally, run-
01111,11011 With F , r.
name,. Pmsburah and Beaver. and a line nt ern class
Propellrr• and Y<•.eb an the Lakes
Ak,,.arra it 6 Palk, Beaver. P.
Vonngliown, Olno.
B Taylor. SVarr•.n,
Cyrus Preon.n. Ravenna,
Wherder A. Co, Akron,
Crawford A. Chamberlin. Cleveland. 0
(Awe, ear Water and Smithfield sta. Patsburgb.
ruenzt I y _ _
Steamer Mlt'lllGAN No th—Copt .
•• LAKE ERIE, Gordon
THEabove regular and well known Beaver Pack.
et, nave commenced ntuk , ng their daily trips to
and from Beav and will C011.1.1e to run hetween
Pal•burath and Be aver legularly dunning the season. a.
NlicltAran Sio l leuvee Pntiburgh dally at 9 o'clock,
A NI., nod fieuver a: 2 o'clock, M Lake Eno
Iravee 13eaver dady at o'cicwk, A. Al...and Putrburgh
at ,b'thick, N M
Thrkr run Ln connection with
R f. Elprekr. eackrt lane, for Ent.,
To) lor A I Allif[sgwell', NVarrrn Packefki
Union l.tne of Pre.). Boa. for Cleveland;
Clarke fr. CAal.'“Aurgli and Cleveland Line Freight
Perk+ and', rwl.lArt•
?ARKS & H,aver. Agents.
JOHN A I'AI . ,;IIEV. Agent. l'et.borgh.
meEll , •or Water mud AnitAfteid .r.
TIl E,Proprnttots of lIIIS old established and popular
thillV imr. co.,,ung o(SIXTEEN first class Canal
Boat, owned by themselves andrutunn tn sonnec
non tvllll the steam boats BEAVER AN g D
COPE. are hub cd to offer tioequalled latottnes for
Lmivorlatlon of fretght and passengers, on the
opening 01 Canal navtgatton t to all V 0131.011 the Penn
ylv an
is and Ohio and N York eattais and the Laker.
K ht. PITCH & Co, Cleveland.
Agents, Beaver.
1, C. 131 DWELL, Agvnt,
mar/ Water lart., ril.bllrgh.
C hlnom . ll.,
PI l.burgh
Forwarding Merchants,
- -
Agents for the Pittsburgh aticlClerelanti Lou, Pitts
burgh and En., Lute er Erie, anti for steam
boats Beaver and Caleb Cope.
Racing purchased the large and sabstanual Wharf
Roar unt hunt for the Monongahela Pacisets, have
with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ac
commddauntis rot receiving and forwardnig, and
p.edge their utmost attenuon. promptness and despatch
constsnmet,:s to their care, and rely on their friends
‘or trial snarl-dig , 13..4 BRO. .
For Greenwood Garden
New A .I..,GUIS7II . .—The steamer
THOS. scurr,,w‘ii commence on
7.londny, Mav 7. to run from the Old
rernwond Landlng, foot of lilt 51
111 the liarJrn, • o'clock, and at often
even hour until U o'clock. r n.. lust trip from the G.-
upp!lA nnti! at' the dellenele.
The SalOOur are
e Fraimn Tea at a Welock. The Garden, with a
agerollyetion of t,rennoune Plan.. Dahlman, Alt.
al Flour Plan , and r4hubb.ry. The comfortable
hart hoot Greenwood ; will Lm placed at the Pitt
t lauding. tnys
- DR. D. HUNT,.
!7 1114 1111 : 11s• ' ,Yr Dentist Comer ofPourth
and Decatur, between
Nbtrket rind Ferry
'4lll lsv 1% - "
DEN (Is r,
fir.prrtful.y lenders 1.
nhec..lorlisca, Cor.ler 4•1, - Ihmaolld
Ur T. 11. Ethott.
r. Ih Jno Dteknon.
Dr it It Mowery
Ur H It
tr T F Dale.
r H Trrvor.
J LI Ilerrott,
K NI .11. Knot
Wm A Ward, Lkntstt, R A. W Black,
Rev N opand
G. W. BIDDLE. Dentist--
REMItVEId to IL ne w three .tory hock
Smahfirtd •treet, one door below
t..l,ll.treet Teeth It rod from one
o entire 001,•on .uction pr ot .tpie tac . wtth treau
ttui r•pre.ontattm cot the claturol Rum—r,tortog the
t. 41 .tale a i th• tftee
r \~ '
—teeth extracted with 'dile or no pain.
Drray,l Teeth peronownt, •avell hv p.ogglng, p
IQ, !he tooth ache. Whlril inock heart c
Ile It. though It d he done in five mitnetes,
No. 47 :Varies strevt, Ptushurgh., Pa.
ESVECITI. I.LY announces to no: frmnds .d cus
tomers. :ha: he has t.nd at no p wn re mod .0 eve:l
-le.: a Sumat present. lie eta oder to par
ellAve r, on veal moderate tern, at the ord mnat.ltsh
onnand on Mar, rt nano. every arlte,e on hos
lone , udong, 1-Led-ehiatt ver, Dontng:
room. I'v rlor and Hail raper Wotto Llordera. -
Imurd Pr:not. Paper Transparent
Shade, Itona.nt and Bonder: floard, ro:
Wrappong and Paper In: t• Inlanuy sup.
PI and rend. vo. non n. ry merrhant• and honsekeep
p.. a.l and einnoo .o.vormlr ,t
Tin, and rnoon—e. I•erap, taken on trude, th
h , ghtv. prone. mch:2l d.o w.tlnT
PEW II A 11. D W AH. li STOKE.
Igo. 78 Wood , Pittsburgh.
11 ` , I n `f ;;, " „ . ; ` ,;t. " . 1 ,;; ' 12 .,' L A t‘ N .; . lIARUWAIve, In
nn it. varietres, are now prepared no aril as Love and
non as tem./m.le terms as can be purchased elsewhere.
W.- Oar I !Milli, and the poetic generally, to
ran :old ezromne our .10C k, wmun cuuu.t. lii part of
sEISSORS. SHEARS, RAZORS, lieu, Trontrongs,
•ineln a- Locks, Latches, Hinges .41 Sr w•, together
with every Arnde usually kept on Hardware Stores.
W.. invite One attention of Carpenters and Mechanics
ecnernily no our Assortment on Tools, winch hovel:wen
keircied with great care, and which we are determin
ed to sell so at no glee 50u.... apr.ddiver
Mltd S NEW NOVEL— Mordant. Hag
a r' th iA -p it tentlser Nicht, by the author of 'qt.., old
men • tales: -Endlia Wyndham," -Amelia . " ale.
J cot rend by JOHNSToN & nrOCK roN,
uplu - d&ver cornier Market and :Id son
Roollng.—Onlvanised Tin Plates. ,
T " A E :„ltel ‘ ..:l7.l l =t o r r r n a o " f th lfaslZnr ,"''' n o o n t i i!e m int7y .'
advantages which these plates possess over all Other
metallic •uhintances hitherto used nor roofing, AC.,
they possess at once Mc nelitneas offron, without its
handily to rust, haring now been tested for several
year. oey n thts par ruler. both In thns country and tn Eu
rope Th arc 10.111 liable to exp...on and contrac
tion from sudden change of Me atmotphere, than el:il
men non plates, Iron, tine. or .y other metal now used
for roofing. and consequently form a much batter and
or., roof; requiruig far less frequent reputes, whilst
the host cost IA but a trifle more.
A non:supply, of all uses. from It to 30 G, eon
on hand and for saie by
and It Beaver street, New York.
The patent right for this article hurting been secured
for tine Lhinted States, all parties usiongting thereon,
anther by Importation or Otherwise, wIl, he pro.ccu-
Led 0er.30-d.k.wirT_
xueii I.itifoOP ttrnN
• • •
TILE undersigned have erected worts in the envy of
New York, for the purpose of Galvanizing all arti
cles of Iron, which it tin desirable to PRI trvA:r FROM
RUST, such as Telegraph Wire, Holub Spikes, Halls,
Wire tor Fences, and any other Ramie whtch meg be
required. For Hoops for Casks, asAubsulute for bale
Rope, tor Clothes Lanes, Ltgliming Rods, and a host of
oCher applications, a will be found cheap and durable.
They would particularly call anention to the Galvani
zed %V. ire (or fences; it requires no pault, and will not
rum. Also to SO C A and Molls, thr preservation of
which is of so mach t mportance , that tt will commend
Itself to the Douce. of all those oncreoted.
GEO H. NIOREWOOD r CO., Patentees,
cietabtlagilvT 14 and td llonver 54 Y. York.
TA.liiiEll.B, OIL
400 iTIiN:YEas• OIL, m handsome small
OIL --.Constendy on hand, bleached and unbleath!
ed winter mud wrote perm, Elephant and Whale
lso. light catered selected N. W. Coos, Whale 0,1,
suitsbls for rotalllnF.
PATENT OIL tnt MACIIINERV—The auttocri..
hers are now prepared to supply `Devlan's Patent DIP
to any guard.), machinists, runnufarturerv, /cc., are
requested to cull and examine the article. Caruficatea
of efficacy and supc runty over ail other oils, fro..
several of our most e rtennive martufacturr are
oar ,osessiou. ALLEN NEDLEM. Oros,
..e.2 and t.r.l south wharves. neat ehesmat at,
fehl6.codan Philadelphia.
slow,: undersigned having been appointed Agent of
1 the Dataw•aa Meorst.. Sutra I NiC11.43 , r. Cou
rson, the place of Joan Funny. Jr., resigned, re
speetfuly infortus the public and the friends and CW
-1019., of toe Company. that he is prepared to take
Marine. Inland and rue risks 011 Wier.' morns, at their
other, No. at Water saws. 1' A NIADE3R.A ;
my leLite.
ri , II.KMA TABU.: OVPrlsi" /PFiChls, coo
.1 wrung un alpliabeneal itst. of Post °dices through
out the ',Tinted Staten, distances from Washington, U.
C.; stare and territorial capitals respectively; also ex
bi btung the Post °thee. in suet State, as well as coun
ty, with on appendix of the United State, 1:1=1 Dntieh
Toflll. Just reed by JOHNSTON & STOCKTDN,
reyl6 corner 3d and otarket it.
I)ACON dltds Just reed..rt.. sale by
"UV OCIL—The tight.; market price it at* will he
yv piad for the dideutd gratin of well lutdiet
!MAW m 716 W RAO.O4lOOli
Valuable Coal tend tbr Salo.
A/3011T lota miles aboire Lock No. e. at the Month
of Noe Run, filommiptibela Myer: The Coal is
of the very best quality, and eu of access. Any
number of ac res, from twenty• five roe hundred, aught
be obtained Persons desirous of purchasing, can
call nn WALKER REED. on the manses, or Wm.
Reed. opposite the Post office. who wille any hi
tormation concerning the property. The giv above will .
be stint at
s great bargain. rrirlZhadm
Monte and Lot for Sale
IN ALLEGHENY CITY —A neat and com•
arable brunt Dwelling House. and Lot of
round. IN rem front by 17b fern deep,) situate
on the bank of the over. near Fahnestotk's lead fac•
t _ ors.
°dared for gale low. Terms euy ud title la
dmputable. Apply le Abraham Fulton, filonongsliel•
lily. or JAMES BLAKELY, Piusburh.
• LFT—A good buck 'DomainLEktuse, situate on
• Rollowon street. Allegheny. cure of
a SALE CHE FOR SCRIP—A lot of ground
• situate on Webster street, 25 feet from Iflgh screen
33 feet front on Webster, by SO feet to a five feet elle),
—quite close to new coon house. Price $O5O. Terms,
$350 cosh in hand; balance in one, two, three and font
years from the first of Apnl last
County and City Sone , taken for cash payment. In•
gayer of myte SCHOVRR. 110 second et
3165 Aare@ IJoal Land far Bale,
SITUA rm., on the Monongahela river, .boat
Rots View , arch and 3 mules above third Lock, In
the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon & Short }
end Mr. John lierron's purehase. This fine body a
Coal will be sold at the low prier of finnt per acro—one
third in hand, balance to One equal annual payments,
without interest. Title Indisputable. Location very
good—cannot be lumpy...ed. For further particulars
enquire of S. RALSLEY, who hes s draft of said pm
perty Residence 31 st, below Ferry, Mr. Adana' Rcrw .
N 11. There is another seam of coal en this tract,
about nt) feet strove the lower, of excellent qttality.
jr2bniti an.
House and Lot for Salo for Sorlp,
AZA TWO non. Brick Bootie, 'containing eight
loom. exelonten banement and cellar, and
liable ion two (mollies, situated Ott ',timely Mee;
Allegheny, will he 'old low for Scrip, Enquire of
myl at( R. HAYS, Barone Offlee
Valuable Building Lots for Sale.
ru 111.: mesert hers are Suthonzed to offer ai private
Plll2, and upon lughly favorable terms, a number
of very valuable. noildt, Into, comprtaing a large
portion of the Lots numbered 67, till, 60 and 711, in
Woods General Plan of the City of Pitteburgh. aims
ord at the south essozotrdly corner of Penn and Wayne
streets, fronting 140 feet on Me former, and extending
along the latter shoot 600 lent to the Allegheny river,
and Iteing a part of the Real Rebate of the late :antes
S Stevenson, Las., deceased.
A plan or subdivision of the above Lots,in confor
mity with which It ts proposed to sett. may be seen at
Me ode. nt Me undersigned, on Fourth, tipreett Mar
ket and Perry sta. WILLIAMS Pc KUHN
Ir4astable 8..1 - Estatefoi e. •
THE subscriber will sett, at private sale, that yahoo
ble Property, on Inc Fourth street road, adjoining
We present residence, and give possession Immediate
ly. There are about 'FEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND,
in a high state of euluvnuon. The improvements are
a large and well finished book DWELLING ROUSE,
superb Sarn,oud other oat Inn!thaws. Adjoining the
dwellingl S a ru ning Fountam and a good Pomp,
which fin i shes i n constant supply of excellent Water.
"here is a vartety of Frail Trees and Shrubbery on
prenuses. If the above described propcity to not
1 soon, it will be rented for a time. Also, for sale,
.arge LOT, on Pennsylvania AcColle, at the end of
the board walk. Indium of
he prenamen
'ld so,.
Valuable Real Estate tar Sale.
MOE Trustees or the Western Theological/ Summary
line mg decided to sell, on perpetual lease, a put
unit co thew property to Allegheny city, offer on very
favorable term.. Roos 30 to 50 LOU or different site..
A warrantee utle will be given. A plan Of the lour can
be seen at No IV Wood WC..
For portico tat s, empiric of either of the undamped
Committee. , JOHN T. LOGAN
At a very low Rent..
21 A TWO story Brick House, on Federal St.,
one door above the northwest comer of the
North Compton, Allegheny—wide hall, parlor,
dining room and ritehen on the fint Odor. Four rooms
on 211 mory, with a (unshed attic.
heeetelloll to be had immediately. Inquire of
apl t GEO B :MILTENBERGER, e 7 Front et
T1E. 1 1".°, - Zbl:ro - E g erbiyofTi—thecht7.,°`,..PitmaihO
river is offered for sale on accommodating reams:
S lAns Oaring gub-dnimon of Lot No 4014 at the pl.
of the ray of Pftubtagh,) banns 20 feet front on Se
venth street, by 240 feet to Strawberry alley Peer
Grant SM..
10 one acre Lots fronungan Avenue, GI. feet
de, running from Beaver road on
to the Ohio river. ad.
icing Philips. (JO Cloth Factory.
For terms, empiric of Carlini. t=t B. SCULLY,
Burke'. Building, 4th st.
d. w c.
licaver. - a Property for lisle,
ernl Lora on Llaiderin land Liberty events, in the
Dth Ward, 24 feet by WO, emit adtegent the Outman&
depot of tha Central Railroad. For terms inquire of
Burke's Building, tilt at
TWO LOTS on Beaver street, in thecy
Allegheny, strove the upper Commons, art which
is erected a frame building, two stones high, shitsblis
for two smell taseinents. The lots are each twenty
feet trout by one hundred feet deer, and run bark
to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on the pre?,
mines will pay a very handsome interest on the invest,
men, and the property will Ito sold ettgap for huh_
Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk •s office, C. 9. or to
bete(, KAY & Co
TEN LOTS, 24 feet by I/O, situated on the higher
ground. and fronting on the saide North Commons
in the Ltuena Vista Extension. Terms 3700, eaah.
mar 1122.72 m Office. F.xchnege Buildings. St Clair al
Scotch Bottomand for Selo.
r IEN ACRES OF LAND, situated in Peebles town.
slop, on the Mononaaheln. three miles from Pitt.-
burg b--trt lot, to matt purebarters. For further partic
ular. apply to Runty Wood, 3d it, or to
novt.bdt 4th, above emahrteld at
WAHEHO LSE FOR SALL—The subsc mbar
offers for aa,e the three story brie k Warehouse
on Wood street, ocrumed by it Tanner I Co.
apl7 WM.. WILSON, Jr.
Ir e n i. y ) . ti t
street, between flay and blorbury sueets, adjoining
I.lle house nod lot now occupied by Mettard blhwards,
iteviitg front of Ws feet, and in depth Infeet, will be
sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable.
quire of C. 0. I.oofillifi, Ash e4neer Wood.
A DESIRABLE Rendtog Lot in Allegheny city, fa ,
ably located, ,n size annul Mann acre, and
Wu: re so,d on aecoinmodaung terms. Inquire co
wird J 11 WILLIAMS, 110 wood st
Ad, Foil RENT—A morn in the second glory, Na
16.1 Woad street J.J.6+
_ .
Property 1/1 Allegheny Clty fori Salo.
ILoa, situate in the Sceond Ward, frontt r ag on the
Common ground, on easy zoos. Inquire of,
W. Ulf. ROBINSON, ALIT at Lan, St Clair et
or of I AS ROBINSON. on thepronalzoos.
inrl7.d.todi T
5../. 'WILLIAMS,
V MANUFACTURER, Awarded the first andisid.h.
est Medals at ihr New York, Sulu:nom end Philadel
phia Eantionon, for Inc superiority of h. Blinds, enth
confirmed confidence in his naanufarturo.) asks the et.
tention of purchasers to MI 113•01110 Cut or LVX.IO InindA
of narrow and wide sluts. with faney and plain Trim.
ming , . of lietV styles end colors. Alm, a lurr. and
eon , al assortment of Trankparont Window Shades,
whi..a velll so.: n. the lass est onsli pro,.
J Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to now
IIF-Al.EltS SU VLI E.l) on Ilberal terms,
Tnaeinocal of Allegheny county ore respectfully
11,1,1 to all tiekiec haying elsewhere—confident of
least., all Optin to no evenings. mob:tr.:co:l3in
iNoticTe to b — alisserreo type Artists.
TUrIT receved. a !Mali Invoice of VOIGITLAE.AI•
new contrucuon. The.e Instruments possess great
advariatt• aver all other. ever made, covering{
nee Ply, reducing the tuna of sitting one-half and
produein .harper, chimer and better defined ptd
tare 'rimy, Wereiore. deserve the intention of all Az
tnia. engaged or Intending to engage in the boldness
Price ior tae 'rube 13175
A general arttnent of llnignaender's teeny cele
brated litetrumen aso t., of all smes. a. well ss Ditguerriso
type Material., at We lowest rare.
PETER entente.. Ohio, our au
thorised isgeut for the sale of the auger linamuveut.•
A List of Prices can be obtained by addreasing, post
paid, W a F. LANGE:I , IIIEIAI,
Exchange, Phtladedptuty
Iniportem of Daguerreotype Alamnala and General
Agents for the sate of VotgUaendees Optical lustre
ll 6KS NO:B;ar0 - 1 . 11, N. 1011,4 1.01111.1“. Indians, P.
-1-LritoLEsALE GROCERS. Forwardtua and co.-
y T unamon,alcrchnot. and dealers in Produce and
Plushorgh Slanufacturcs , corner of the Diamond and
Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.—D P ShomMerger, „ ,
r itumorgn.
Richard Bard,
Bon Jos Mornwn, ,„ , _
Rich .4 Mon,
E sq.
L ' - ' 4 “.
Sanon Ihum. E•q„ 0 menaburuh
T.Benamill ac CO, Pluladelphis
J Milliken &Sons, Lewistown. Ps
I Reamer,
Don. Wm J. Dougherty, Bodiord,
hlulhollan A Ray, Blamssi
a pganksar&
— MeDICAL 01,13U111011JA - L 0/ 0 1/fIGE,
• No. 61, DIAMOND ALLEY, •
.... few
k doors below Wood street, tn.;
-•"? . .!: . ...7ga - ~. • DR. BROWN, having bens
~. N.A; - regularly educauxl to the meths.
...fg..,,• ~, „ . profesmon, and been for some din.
', , ,,1,. ' , to general practice, now confine*
~....- . • . Ma attention to the treatment of
-. - 3. .. Alk, thoso private and delicate cop,
~, i.' • , s . Own. fee which his opportanittea
:....V '" , '-.
~, re e l ' lt '' y n er7r; ' P t7ittontil üßnr l ;
d g e u ,V:7l.
to sta. y & treatment of those complamta(dunric which
date he has Had more practice and ha.s cured more pa l
nean than can ever fall to the lot of any private prae,
unoncr) amply qualifies biro to otter assurances of
speedy, permanent, we soosfactory ooze to all afflicted
~,,,,, d th ,,,,, e di.,,,.., and all &senses analog Mural
Dr. Brown would inform those afibcted with private
dike.. which boat become chrome by tune or agl
gmv rated by the use of any of the common :mamma el
the day, thaltheir camplalms can he radically and More
ougbly curicd; he - Wiles given his careful attention tD t
the areatment'ufilleli c.c.s, and wieeeeded in hundred,
of ~,,I,moe.Orictiring rano. of inflammation of the
neck 'of the' bladder, and kindred dismuma which often
,meatl fr ,,,,,,h,ase k where olden have eo.igned
then h I,,,,,eleas.dasPoit. lie particularly 'sync. knell
ash h b hhh iting Edpf unsuceerafully treated by others
to eonault hicu,julterreuerY caticlieuou will be oven
Meru, and their eau.* treated in a careful, thorough and
intelligent manner„.pninted out by n long egpezienee
ktudy, and investlgebDtf, which iris impossible for thus
engaged in general practice of medicine to give an
one class of dmase.
110 , 1lernia or Rupture..—Dr. Brown also invites pet 3
son. afflicted with Henna to roll, as he his paid partial
ular atienuon to this disease.
CANCERS Mao eared..
Skin diseases; also Pt! s, Palsy, etc., speedily owed
Charges very low.
N. IL—Patterns or. eith act living at a distantesby
stating their disease in wnting, giving all the sympi
toms, can obtain medicines with directions (or use, by
nddrtsstog T. BROWN, M. D., 1.3. P..a, and encl..,
ing tree.
Otrice No. fls, Diamond alley, eppasite the •• trimly
Brawn's eeeily diseoveretl Mina.
dy for Rheumatism is syspeeily f ond . ecru., remedy tat
ththat ir) never
mo w ph.bargh, 1116 Doctor always as"
%iJ' No mire no Pet , • , 40032,
LARY Aii4.l4-- 3,4 acks, 20 bbla, Ayr W. by '