_ _, ANNltaile SIIPPLIZIII ..PotetriiiiiitiW Bureau o Navq f Conetructtort, Equipment, arietEepaux, Mar 220849. SEA_LED FRoposts, endorsed. “Proposafe for navel . erupplies' (naming the yard p l ot which the offer i s uledeSwill he received rat this Bureau until 3 o'clock P.M. of the 30th Juno neat, for fur nishing and delivering, under contract, at the res pective Navy Yards hereinafter named, the eleve n] articles specified In this advertisement. One fourth part of ft the articles required at each of said navy yards, comprising a 'due proportion of each kind,must be delivered on or bobcat etaftrat of ' hSptember next; one other fourth part on or, before ettlitottlecember next; one otherantrtitpart on or b efore the of April: and the residue on or he.._ ford the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and Or and, In case of failure to fautitsh and 'deliver the articles within thee-time and in the propttrtion ePeoiffed, the Bureau Or the respective comMand ants-of said navy yards to have the right tatlitect purchases to be made to supply any deficiency, and the contractor and his Intones to be liable in twice the contract price. Proposals must provide for furnishing and de livering, on lac toms and condition+, any addition. al quantity of the oracles contracted for ,that may be required at either of the said navy yards be fore the expiration of the knee ear ending on the i . said 30th June, Ib6o, on nee dap' premiumo n tice Gam the Bureau or the' mmandant of the yard where the articles are re fired. Persona offering for more than one yard aunt make separate and deettna p rh,asal, for dic Apply of ault, dtvping the clanes ofinielts all separate, and 1 embracing the whole gnaw' of a the article, s h enumerated in the clase coat of each ilea most be distinctly carried out, and the ag. I,r gregate of each clan,, coffee. II footed up, which material to a fair comparison of bids. An errone. ous eitension or an ermine° a aggregate wilkinati. 'luta an informality, and the id will not be consid ered. No extension of time for eliveries under arty contract will be granted, an. penalties for, nortibl inent will in all cases be rigi ty enforcedibidders are therefore requested to o er for no more than they are sure they coo furnish within the time specified. All the articles must be of the very best quality, conforming to samples which wilt be exhibited on application to the commandant of the yard at which they are to be delivered. They must be in good order and condition, i n imitable vessels or packages, ea the case may be; all vessels, article., and packages to be subject to the inspection of the yard where they are received, rind be io all respects to a.; sal faction of the comrnandanL Approved sureties in twice the estimated amount will be required in the manner set forth in the form of contract, and ten per cenium in addition will be withheld from the amount of each payment as collateral security for the faithful ped.irmanoe of the contract_ Ninety per cenL of each delivery will be paid by too Navy Agent within thirty days utter the presentation of approved bills, in - tripli cate, by the commandant of the yard at which the deliveries are mode Emiy offer must be accompanies' by a written guaranty (the responsibility of the guarantor or guarantors m be certified bye Navy Agent or oth er official pemon, or by some one known to the Bureau) that, dam offer be accepted, the bidder or bidden will, within five days after the receipt of the contract at the post office designated, execute the same, with good and sufficieot sureties; to fur nish the articles proposed, agreeably to the terms - . • specified in this advertisement, mid which may be embodied in the contract. The law of 10th August 1816, forbids the consideration ofall proposals not accompanied by such guaranty. Bidden are particularly cautioned to endorse their offers as above required, that they may be distinguished from other business letters, is order to prevent their being opened before the proper time. All oirera mot made in strict conformity with this advertisement in every particular will be rejected as inCormal. Those whose oilers are amepied will be duly notified,and contracts forwarded yrith out delay. Persons °dating are directed to designate the poet office through which they desire to be addres sed and the navy agent to whom•the contract shall be sent for execution. FORM OF AN OFFER. -,1949 I hereby agree to furnish and deliver, at the NI, vy Yard at-, in conformity with the require ments of the advertisement from the Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair of the 22d May, 1549, the several articles embraced m arm ee one and two for that yard, to wit- Class No. --lbs. white lead et--cems.. lampblack at— do .. red lead at— do .. --lbs. lititarge at— do .. CIAAS No. 2. --gallon sperm od ru--eautE4 S --Ho-sperm medics at— do .... Very respectively To COM. Cass= W. Ssisevor, Chiefof the Bureiso of Construction, S c.. Wash. We, the underaigned, residents of -,in the State of-, beteby guaranty that, m case the Vamping bittof accepted, within five days after the receipt of the contract ea the post office designated, execute the name, with good anal sufficient nacelle, to furnish the supplies embraced in acid bid in conformity with the terms of the advertisement under which it wan made. A. B. C. D. I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowl edge and belief, the above named guarantors are good and sufficient E. F. NAVY Y A RD, CH ARLESTo , MASS (.4..ass No. 1 -I 6,0001 b. 11 inch round iral per pound 5,000 do 1 do do do 4,000 do Ido do do 3,000 do Ido do do 2,000 do 4do do do 1,000 do 1 do do do 500 dos-16 do do do 300 do I do do do 300 do 3-LOdo do do 2,000 do6by 1 loch flat do do 2,000 do 4 by I do do do 2,000 do 21 by i do do . - do 1,000 do 2by 4 do do do 2,000 do 3by 4 do do do 2,000 do 24 by 1 do do do 1,000 de, Ibyl do do do 500 do Russia sheet iron do 1,000 do Russia or Sureties nail rods do 1,000 do do do rpike rods 1 by 1 inch do 36,60 1 4autmth t All the iron o be of the best American menu factor. Cuss No. 2—Copper. i 500 1b5.04 oz braziers' cop'r labeets 6 by 3EI. per lb; 500" 54 oz do do do do 1,000 "34 oz do do do do 1,000 . 320 z do do do do 3,000 pounds 500 sheets aa oz. hot rolled sheathing copper, estimated to weigh 4,700 lbs. per lb. 500 sheets 34 oz. hot rolled sheathing copper, saturated to weigh 5,000 lbs. per lb. 100 sheets 18 oz. hot rolled sheathing copper, estimated to weigh 500 lb. 100 sheets 22 oz. hot rolled sheathing copper, estimated to weigh 600 Ile. per lb. AU the sheet copper most have straight edges and square ends and be of parallel sanitise- CLASS. No. 3—flordtvor. each' 5 cooper's area per sample, each , 5 coopees adzes do do 5 broad axes, handled do do 10 narrow axes, handled do do 2 hollow adzes, handled do do 2 carpenters' adzes, handled do do 25 bradawls, do do do 25 awls, do do do 3 braces and bit's, (48 bins) do ,do 2 Iron do CIO hilt') do do • sDearbom's balances to weigh 50Ibedo do 100 VI iron brads 11 to 11 inch do per M. ,20 . fLanda/Ps patent brads do do 2 ie .!, firmer chisels 1 to 2 inches each set handled 2 sets socket chisels 1 to 2 Inches each s-t; handled 10 carpenters' compasses 2 coopers' callipers 2 mast callipers. do do 2 large butchers " cleavers do do 3 small ... do do 251 lbs. i inch iron chain do per lb. ZIO . 7-16 " do do 250 " 1 " do do 250 . . ' do do op v 1 lt do do 6 dos. fine ti4W•6les,(Greaves St Sons) per doz 12 " 4 inch band saw files do do 12 " 6 inch do do 12 " 7 inch ' do do 1 " rat tail ales do do 2 seta firmer.girges (to 2 inch, handled • per sample, per set 2 sets erkket gouges i to 2 inch, handled Jo do 3 steel tongued bevils do each 3 bona borers do do 3 tap borers do do 0 doz bras. buttons on plates d., per doz 50 lbs copper burrs do per lb 50 " cur copper rivets do do 10 bran cocks do each 3 cooper crows do do 2 glazing diamonds do do 3 brass dividers do do 6 dos biasseseutrheons, assorted do 'per doz 2 . spike gimlets do do 2 . nail gimlets Jo do 6 Ash kettles do each 2 0 stew pans, assorted sizes do do 10 trying pans do do 2 0 take pans, aivorted ,sizeß .10 do 20 !• 0 2per tes kettles, ti quart do do 20 Ifolll tea kettles do do 4 carpenters' gauges do do lalltal CUM glut do per lb. 3,000 tenter hooks ~ do per M. 12 butchene knives. 12 inch do each 6 cheese . .10 loch do do / 00,41 narl troOks, assorted do do 12 broad hatchets do do 24 claw hammers do do . 3 wrench hammers do do • 4 ( krzeitzlions 4,x ijach heavy brats . .. butt binges, wan std4ipg pins per,d4a, 3 dittipairAZ 2 4lnchheiseg.hrm butt • icsipshwitli slating phor 1- .. .do , . . . iidoz pair 21 x 2 Inch heavy brass butt II / • ' biriges, with shifting pins a. i . 8 dos 2z If inch heavy butt lunges do 1 doz t inch braes door honks . and eyes . per sample, do I„doz 6 inch ' braza.docir book, wand eyes do do 2 daz nun butt hinges, assorted do do I 2-gridirons do each . G•griddles do do s.inon ladles do do . 2 wattle irons do do 2 jron pots 1 doz do do secretary hingeswith springs& per dor 10 tinder boxes and steel do each , It Shoe knives -do do 6 drawing knives do do 6 pallet knives do do 4 putty fives , do do 2 pitch kettles do do 2 hollowing knives do do 2 iouhding knives do do 10 sail knives do do ISs blank door keys do par gros 2 do blank drawer do do do 12 Mortice. doors, (Nashua,/ with mineral knob, do 10 dozen 3 inch iron tumbler pad locks,l2 kinds of keys Meech dozes 5 doze 3 inch brass tumbler pad loon, 12 hinds or keys to mien dozek 6 dozen, 4 inch iron cupboard locks, 12 kinds of keys to each dozen t 1 dozen Co inch iron closet locks 12 kinds of keys to each doyen do do 25 papers sewing needles, assM do per papr 2,000 lbs iron cut nails, 111:1 to 40d, e qual quantities, each size 1,000 lira wrought iron nails, 6d to 12d, equal quantkieseach size, do dr GOO lbs cut copper nails, 4cl to 20d, equal quantities each size do do 200 lb. iron finishing nails, 04 and 113 d, equal quantites each sire do do 4 M snapper nails. , do per M 10 M i clout nails do do 6 short johner planes do each 3 long do do do : 6 jack planes do do 3 grooving planes do do 2 pairs match planes do do 3 astrigal planes per sample, each 4 moulding planes do do 4 bead planes do do 3 plow planes do. do 3 coopers' block planes do do 1 reopens' Jointer long do do 1 cooper's' jointer short do du 6 spoke shaves do do 3 bucket shaves do do 3 can shaves do do 3 in. shaves do do ...1 ream sand paper do per ream 10 2 teat rules, single and double Jointed do each j 1.0 wood rasps do do 3 gauging rods do do 10 sail rubbers • do do 200 pounds iron ri vets, assorted weirdo per lb. 10 cast steel shovels do each 6 spades do do 4 shovels and tongues do do 6 Gunter scales do do 6 screw drivers do do 6 steelyards . do do 10 hand saws do do 3 tenon saws do do 2 sash saws do do 2 compass saws do do 2 woad sawn, framed do do 2 whip saws (pits) do do - cross cut saws do do 2 keyhole and pad saws do do 2 dovetail saws do do 1,000 Ihs patent deck spikes, 4-41,5-sd, 661, 7-71, 8-9 in., equal quantities each kind, per sample, per lb. 4 butchers' steels do each 4 trying squares do do 4 iron 11113 V• do do 4 saw sets do do 4 bras squares do do 4 bread 'sieves do do 4 Mead shods do do 3 . 10 re tin bread scales,with sets weights do 3 small do do dr, do do 3 flat do do do do do 1110 M copper tacks 1, 1. I, and 1 inch, equal j quantities each size per M 100 do tinned tacks, 1 inch do 100 do iron tacks I, I, #, and 1 lack, equal (aura. titles each size per M 1 10 boxes XX tin per box 2 bench vices, larger per somple, each 2 bench vices, small do do 2 hand vices, do do 2 cooper's vices do do 4 sets iron weights, Ito 4 pounds per set 4 do do 4to 2S pounds do 4 do lead do loxto 1 pound do 500 pounds sheet zinc per lb. 500 pounds pig zinc do 200 pounds iron sheathing nail do 20 pass I inch No. 5 iron screws por grow 5 do I inch No. 13 do do 10 do 1 inch No. 9 do do 10 do 1 inch No 9 do, do 10 do 1 inch No. 9 no do ILI do 11 inch No. 6 do de 3 do 11 inch No. 9 do dr Class No. 4—Fiat Canna,. 200 bolts No. I flax canvass .. 150 do N 0.3 do ~ 50 do No. 9 do do Each bolt to be 10 yards in length and 2.0 inches wide, according to sample, and subject to the use- al test Ctoeo No. 6-3111 p Cdeedlery. 50 hicbory brooms per sample, mini. .00 corn brooms do cl 7 .00 whitewash brushes do do 00 paint brushes, No I i do do 25 malt tool brushes, do do 50 camel's hair brush, do do 5o hand scrubbing his:inns do do 50 clamp scrubbing brustiee do do 20 long-houulle tar brushes do. do 20 short-handle tar brushed do do 10 rolls worsted binding assort ed colon do do S pieces white bunting, 40 yards in length, 18 inches wide do per piece. 5 pieces scarlet bunting, 40 yards in length, 18 inches wide do do S pieces blue bunting, 40 yards in length 18 inches wide do do 1 piece yellow bunting„ 40 yards in length 18 incite, wide do do 5 ailvet:calls do cock 30 yards bleached cotton, 1-8 wide do per yard. I set truss hoops do per set 1Q poutids curled hair do per pound 2.5 aided. rigging leather, r'ti mated to weigh 500 ..'1 pounds do do r 41k. aided primp leather, anima : .. ted to weigh 200 pounds-do do 22. aides bellow. leather, esti mated to weigh 115 pounds do do 50 pounds lamp wick do do 5 gross lamp wick woe do per groin 25 chalk lines do each 10 cubs lime do do 6 tape lines do do 50 gallons whale oil per gallon. 30 gallon. tar oil do 10 china bowls for water otos- eta par sat uple, each. 25 fishing lines do do 25 pounds seine twine do per pound. 25 pounds whipping twine do do 20 pounds yellow beeswax do do 20 mounted roping palms do do 20 mounted seaming palms do do 100 dozen Russia mats, Inc cov ering cordage do per dozen. 3 Turkey oil stones a. each 3 grind stones, estimated at 208 pound. per pound. 100 east ateel scraper.p u r aample, each 100 ox hides for rope. estimated to weigh 10,000 pounds du per pound. 1,000 pound. No. 1 extra soap, do 10 do thread, assorted colors 'per sample, per lb. 10 ' do oboe thread do do 200 do tallow do 10 do mop tallow_ do do 7.1 bundles coopers' litigant/. mated at 150 pounds do 50 life preservers per sample, each, 1 patent log do do I. cotton seine and bag, 40 fathoms, 18 feet deep . do do 1 cotton seine and bag, 60 fisthoms,24 feet deep do 100 feet 3.inch leather how 100 feet 21'inch do 00. 25 yards black cotton velvet per yard. Cuss No. o —Paints and Oib. 8,000 pound, pure dry White ledd per pound. 1,000 do lamp black do 500 do red lead do 860 do litharge do 200 do Venetlfin red do 3,000 do Spants.b whiting do 200 do cheorae green (woods) do 100 do French yellow one • do 7 . 5 do gum shellac do 10 do Prussian blue do 1,000 gallons raw bawl linseed oil per rOlon. 300 do spirits turpentine do C 1,,,, No. 7—Oakum. 10,000 pounds oakum, (best quality, made from junk) per pound. CLAM No. B—hfuniar Hemp. 20 toes Manilla Hemp, per ton of 2,240 On do per set do do do each do do PAS. No 9—Stationers, 50 memorandum books, large per maple, each 50 • do small do do 10 blank books, 2 quire. • do do 10 do • 3 do - do do 20 pieces India robber per sample, pr piece. 60 half plot bottles black ink do pr Naiad 10 do do do do - 20 lakstmide ' do each. I. inkatandith_, _ do do 12 peokaives, path 4 blades do do .1 re•ms log paper do per ream '2O do foolscap parr do do 10 do letter do do 5 do ,envelope d o do do 2 do blettlug do do do 60 cards steel pens doper card. 30 ebeetLeirawlog paper do per sheet 5 parallel rulers do coal 5 round rulers. do do 5 dot rulers do do ; .. 5 lollinteuleis do do TO dezeolead pencils do per dos 502 Ado puede do pr hood. . 25 Wuners pencils o each 3,000 quills , , ' do per hued. 10 sandboxes- do each 30 pounds sand do per lb 10 double log slate, do each 10 single do do do 2 boxes water colors do do 10 pounds wafers do per lb 50 papers Ink powder do F:eLteper 6 boxes and pounce do d Guater's scales do do 75 bolts red tape do per bolt 10 paper felders do each. 1 box mathematical loam ments do do 10 pounds waling wax do p er a, 20 bolts taste do d o _ .. . _ ... Cuss No. 10--Pod. .50 cords mixed oak wood per cord 25 tons red rush coal per ton 0(2240 lbs. Cuss No. 11 - Natal Storer, 1,200 barrel/ Suffolk tar per beneL 50 do pitch do . 25 do main do 10 do turpentine do NAVY YARD, BROOKLYN, N. Y. CLatS No. 1-- iron, pr, pound. Round. 3,000 lbo. 1 inch.2,ooo lbs. 5-16 inch 3,000 do 5-16 do 3,000 do. I do. 3,000 do 1 do 4,000 do. 7-16 do. 1,500 do 7-16 do 2, ,000 do- I do. 3,000 do I do 2000 do. 9-16 do. , 1,000 do 9-16 do 2,000 do. do. 3,000 do 1 do 2000 do. 11-16 do. 1,500 do 3-16 do 2000 do. : do. 2,008 do 11-16 do 2,000 do. 1 du. 4,000 do do 1,600 do. 11 do. 3,000 do 13-16 do 2,000 do. 11 do 4,000 do : do 1,000 do. I I do 5,000 do 1 do 2,000 do. 2 dr 4,000 do 1-16 do 6,000 do 11 do 2,000 do I 3 1 ddo two do 11 do 2,1100 do 15-16 do 1,000 do 17.14 do 2,000 do 11 do 1,000 do 11 do 1,000 do 11 do 2,000 do 2 do 1,000 do 21 do 2,000 do 21 do 3,000 do 32 do 2,000 do 31 do 3,000 do 4 do do per lb b7s Iron, per pound, 1,000 lbs Iby la. 1,000 lbs 3by 1 in. 1,000 lbs 11 by I in. 2,000 lbs 31 by 1 in. 1 1 000 lbs. 11 by 5.16113. 2,000 lbs 31 by I in. 2,000 lbs 11 by 1 in. 2,000 lbs 4 by I in. 1,000 lbs llby 1 in. 1,500 11. 4by in. 2,000 lbs 11 by 1 in. 3,000 lbs 41 by in. 3,000 lbs 11 by 1i a. 1.000 lbs 41 by in. 1,000 lbs 11 by 3-16 in. 1,500 lbs 41 by in. 1,000 11. 14 by I in. 2,000 lbs sby in. 2,000 lbs 11 by I in. 3,000 lbs 5 by 7- 0 is. 2,000 lbs 11 by 1 in. 1,000 It. sby io. 3,000 lbs 11 by 1 In. 1,000 lbs sby in. 2,000 IL. 11 by i In. 1,000 lbs 51 by in, 2,000 lbs 2by I in. 1,000 lbs 54 by in. 2,000 lbs 2by I la. 1,000 lbs 5i by in. 2,500 lbs 2by 1 a. 1,000 lbs 51 by in. 2,000 lbs 2by la. 1,000 lbs 6by , a . 2,900 lbs oby 1 la. 1,000 lbs oby in. 1,000 lbs 21 by I in. 1,000 It.' 7by in. 2,000 lbs 21 by i in. 2,000 lbs 9 by 0, 2,000 lbs 24 by i ia. -- 2,000 lbs 3 by 1 in. 71.500 lbs. 2,000 lb. 3 by 1 in. Hoop Iron- Se cwt. 2 inch hoop iron, No 6, yard guage ft cwt 50 do 11 do whale hoop iron do 65 do 11 do Jo do do 60 do 11 do do do do 50 do 11 do do do do 30 do I 1 do merchantable hoop iron do 10 do 11 do do do do 30 do 1 i do do do do 20 do 11 do do do do 30 do 1 do do do do 5 do ido do do do Skeet /ran. 3 bundles Russia sheet iron, No 10 by the bundle 3 do do 12 do All the iron to be pf tho beat American manu facture. Cuss No 2—Copper. 2.50 sheets, say 1000 lbs, 14 oz, hot rolled al:teeth -25 ing copper . per lb aheeta, say 100 lba; 14 oz cold rolled do do 8 do each 20, 24, 26, 29, 30; 22, 31 and 4010 brazier's copper, say in all 1,872 lb. do 4 do 60 lbs brazier'. copper, my 240 lbs do All the Jiteet copper must have etraight edge. and square ends and be of parallel width. Cuss No 3—Lesd ands 2 rolls, each 4, 44,5 and 71ba, milled fillet lead, (say 2,050 lbs par pound 1,000 lb. India tin • 6 boxes I C tin plate 14 by 20 per box 10 do I X do 10 by 14 do do 8D X do du 6 do DXX do • do 3 lengths, each I, 1, 11,2, 24 inch milled lead pipe, say 315 Orsper pound Cl-433 No 4—Copps and Cotapontum Naas. 00 pounds 20d copper cut nails per pound 00 do 12d do do do do 600 do 10d do do do do 700 do Sd do do do do 500 do fid do do do do 150 do 1 inch composition nails do Jou do 24 do do do do 300 do 3 do do do do 300 do 31 do do do do C 1.4.9. No s—Glars. 100 feet 7bS 9 Redford crown glass don % ble thickness per foot. 100 do Bby If/ do do do do do 109 do . 9by 11 do do do do do 100 do 10 by 12 do do do do do 100 do 10 by 14 do do do do do 100 do 11 by 15 do do do do do 100 do 12 by 17 do do do do do 100 do 12 by 12 do do do do do lOU do 12 by 16 do do do do do 100 do 12 by 18 do do do do do 2: lights, dint glass, far bowsprit lenteros per patter. per light. 12 patent deck lights, 3* by 9 inches do 12 do do do 31 by 10 do do 12 do do do 31 by 11 do do 4 12 inch patent magazine lights, 1 inch thick, free from all defects do 4 13 inch do do do 11 do do do do Cuss No 6—fOas Comm.. GO bolt. No I Hex canvas, 20 inches wide, 40 yards long, sample per bolt_ do 2 do do do do de do do do 3 do do do do do do do don do do do do do do do do 7 do do do do do do do do 8 do do do do do do do Cuss No 7 —Coctort Cans.= 10 bolls No 1 cotton canvass, 20 inch. wide, 50 yards long, per sample r bolt. .0 do do 2 do do do do do do pe do :0 do do 3 do do do do do do do 20 do do 4 do do do do do do do 20 do do 5 do do do do do do do 50 do Jo 6 do do do do do do do 10 do do 7 do do do do do do do 10, do do 8 do do do do do do do 10do dol 0 do do do do do do do 10 do cotton canvass for cots, 30 inches wide, 50 yard. long do 150 do do hammock stuff, 42 inch. wide,so yards long do do 100 do do hag do 42 do do do do do '3O do Russia dock do do 20 do Ravens du light do do 4000 yards twilled bagging, 39 inch wide do p. yd. CUM No B—Twins. GO do 50 do 50 do 50 do 50 do 1000 Ibi dmi sewing twine, 3 thread, sample, per lb 700 do COMM do do 7 do do do X, do seine do do do 25 do whipping do do do Cuss No 9—Sperm Oat oed Cisshllsr. 3,000 galls pure winter anuned sperm oil per gall. 8,000 lba pure sperm candles par lb. 10—Whod. 250 cords sorted young oak wood Ci-Lks No 11—Cask 200 tons best peach orchard Schuylkill coal, broken and screened 400 do do lump Cumberland coal, per ton of 2,240 lbs CLAIM No 12—Parma and Oth. . .... - 30,000 pound. pure dry white leed, per pound. 2,000 do do do red load do 500 do Jo lamp blank do 000 do do liihrage do 1,500 do do yellow ochre ,' do 50 do do chrome green do • 50 do do chrome yellow do 10 do do vermilion do 2,000 gallons, pore linseed oil raw per gallon 7.50 do apirita turpentine do 100 do brown Japan, do 20 do copal varaish do 30 do honest do do '35 do beat coat varnish do 25 do do furniture do do Cum No 13—Loath i. 0 side. heavy oiled pump leather, say 150 pounds, sample. per pound. 251 b. beat quality W 0 tanned . pump leather, 110! Mu thin JO lbs per side, say 250 lbs, do do 200 Iba rigging leather, do per side 100 do bellows do do do 10 do buff do do do 10 do white oak tanned vie leather 20 do hose leather 30 do burrito leather, assort'd thickness 100 do best Quality sheep skins, dressed in the wool do CLus No 14—Bordwors. 100 pounds, each 20d 12d, 10d and 8d wrought ova nail. • per pound. 200 do each 6d, sd, Id, sod Sddo do 100 do eabh 20J, 12d, 10d 13d and 6d wrought woo nails do 100 do 6-inch Coo cut spilt. do 300 do 40d iron cut nails do 300 do 30d • • • do 100 do 20d " " do 100 do 12d " • do ltiOu do 10d • " 1 do 100 do lid " • do 100 do . 6d " " do 300 do 4d " • 100 do 3d " " " dodo 500 do t2d " brad head nail, do WO do 734 u . ~ d, 100 do 10d " " " 200 do 6d " " • 100 do 541 • " " 10 M 101001 nails, wrought iron • AO do 1. " " 1 do 1,1 " ' "" r Oer dOli 0 " ?‘ 20 do 1... ° - lo itio4d 50 asa -do 63 /be, each, Nal 3 ,5, 6, 7 , 5 , 2 / 10 ; 11, 12, 13,14, 15,17, and 19 iron wire do 50 35 Mdo inch copper ent tacks 15 do " 5 do I " " I dot " 10 do 1 " 5 do I 5 dot " 6 dot • 1 M i " bness truuk nails 2 shovel braze, No 12 3 " "14 3 " "16 4 " each, Nos 18, 19, 20, 21.22d0 20 M 1 inch iron cut brads, 20 do 11 20 do 1; " " 20 do / 10 M 1 inch iron rut brads 10 do 1 15 do 9os gimp tacks 20 do o do iron cut melts 50 do 10 do do do 10 do 12 do do do 15 do 14 do do do odo iron tinned rivets, 21 to 3 inches 2 sets 7 Utah iron bed screws 1 do 1 inch " " 3 M a in iron sheave rivets 1 diam do do 3do2lin do do 5-16 do do du Ido2l is do do 3-16 do do do r, do 11 in du do do Idollin do do do 1doI; in do do do do 5 pounds, each, Nos 17, 19 and 19 cop per wire, pound. 50 lbs brass ware, assorted Nos Ito 15 do 12 sets brass table fastenings sample set 4 comp% hasps Sr. plate maples, for arm chaire do do 2 seta brass wheel fixtures, do du 1 set do binnacle braces and fixtures do dv I dos do nab milers No 4 do do Ido japanned stubbs and plates do do 12 do 3 inch best American iron padlocks, assorted key. do do 12 du 21 inch do do do do do 6do 13 inch do brass do do do 6do - 21 inch do do do do do Ido 2 inch do do du do do 312 ineh stock !MIDI do 97,000 Ib,. Nat 11 41 5 I I I — l I I I ; 11 1 I I 15IG I I, I I ' I ' llt ill 1 ' l 1"Iii i 2 I fI I i t 1 11 I I :1 1 ;I 41 I I I, I II ' ! II , 1 I, • , 4 inch iron cheat locks, sample per doz 3 inch io do do do "21 inch do do do do " 3 inch do desk locks do do 2 ~ 24 inch do mortice closet locks do do 2 " 6 inch do do do do do 2 "5 I sob do do do do do 2 " 4 inch do do Jo do do • 5 inch double faced cupboard locks do do :h upright mortice locks 1 inch thick, brass screws for knobs, do do 3 " 3s mob uprght mortice looks,* inch thick, brass screws for knobs, do do I • 4 inch mortice knob latches do do 1 " 24 inch cupboard ketches with keys do do 1 "21 mch iron dower locks du do 1 •2i inch do do do do 2 ii 2 inch do do du do 1 ‘. 11 inch du do do do 1 " 3 Inch do do do do 2 "34 inch brass sideboard locks do do 29 ° blank comph keys do do 20 " do iron drawer luck keys.ass'ildo do " 2 mob flat escutcheons do du "21 inch do do do do "11 mob do do do do "11 inch do du do do "I i inch do do do do "11 inch do do do do • t inch brass Nub knohaw lib screwed° do • I mob do 'Lotter knobs do do 2 " i inch do au do do 12 "24 mob mahogany knobs do di, 13 " 2 inch do do do do 10 "1 1 inch ' do do do do "11 inch do do do do •11 inch do do do do ° I inch do do do do • 1 inch do do du do " I mob do do do do ' " pain 3 inch iron butt hinges do do " pairs 3/ inch do do do do " pairs 4 inch do do do do • pain 5 inch do do do do " pain 2 inch do do do do pain 31 by 31incir do do do do " pairs 4by 4 inch do du do do .. punk s by 5 loch brass do do do " pans( by 4 inch do do do do " pairs 31by 31 inch do du do do • pairs 3by 3 inch du do do do " pairs 21 by2l inch do do do do • pairs 2by 2 inch do do do do ' ° pain 5 inch do do do do " pairs 41 inch do do do do " pairs 4 inch du do do do " pain 3i inch do du do do I " pairs 3 inch do do do do 10 • pairs 21 inch do do do do 2 " pairs 2 inch do do do do 3 • pairs 11 inch do do do do 1 ° pain 2by 4 inch dotable butsdo do 1 ° pain 2i by 5 inch do do do do 1 " pairs II by 3i lath do do do do 24 ° 1 inch brass eyes,onth screws do do 1 °2l inch do side books de ayes do do 1 "11 inch do do do do do 2• 3 inch do do do do do 8 °ll inch do side hooks do do , 6 inch do cabin door hooks do do " 4 inch do do do do do 3 inch do do do do do •21 inch do do do do do " 3 inch do lamp do do do " 2 inch do do do do do " 5 melt do barrel do do do " 6 inch do do do do do I I • 4 inch do do do do do $ .. 5 inch do square rand bolts do do i " 6 inch do do do do do 4 • 5 inch donraight aqoatedo do do 1 . 6 inch du balk head do do do 2"5 Inch do do do do do 3 " 4 inch do do do do do 2 " 3 loch do Hush do do do 2 ° 4 inch do do do do do 2 "31 inch do do do do do 3, 'i i inch do curtain rings do do 8 " 1 inch do do do do do 3 " :inch do do do do do 8 " I inch do do do do do 1 • 1 loch do flash do do do 1 "11 inch do • do do do do 15 yards bra...lack chain No 15 yard 1 doz 11 inch straight brass castors dozen 1 sat brava came -tour Incomings set Peach 40 pounds best quality sash cord nod 3 brass bib cocks, I inch, best American, o each 30 do do do I inch do do do do do 1 Inch do do do stop do 1 inch do do do do do 11 inch do do do do do 2 inch do do do: best C 8 wood axes, handiedaamples each do brad owls handled do do do carpenters' mires, bloodied do do do do hollow do do do do do broad ascii do do do do coopers' do do do do do do adzes do do do anvil. do pound iron braces, with 20 bats carob do art wood braces, with 45 bats each do do bong borers do each tap borers do do patent balance to weigh 500 lbs de do doz C 8 carpenters' compasses Jo doz. " " coopers' do do do " " firmer chisels, can'tchtudl'd do do " "socket " " " do to 60 pounds whit, chalk do coopers' crows do do seta drills, with boxes and bows do do net. dicaletters and figures, 1 inch do do glaziers' diamonds, best ilonlity do each pain brass dividers, fur sail makersdo do coopers' frow do do dos each 8,10,12,and 14 in. dat files do dozen do 8,9, and 10 in. round do do do do 8,10,12, and 14 in. half do do do do 3,4.5, and 6 In. rat-tail do du do do whipsaw files do do do handsaw do do do do crosscut do do do do fine saw do do do do nail gimlets, assorted do do do spike do do do do do firmer gouges do Hand do do do socket do do do do do 50 pounds gine, beat make, Cooper's do pound carpenters' gauge, do each 50 fish hooks, assorted sizes, large, do par 100 dos beat C 8 large hatchets, handl'd do dozen " " claw hammers " do do " " saddlers' " " do do " " coopering lawmen " do do " " tamers' " " do do " " scre**auch 16 Inch" mayors' maiking Irony beck irons doz. bestpidityabase kolas, drawing n o pallet " putty " glue kettles, copper iron pitch kettles don best quality nail koivas do do do Jo do do stmple do do do do do Brass Screw., gros, I 6 I. ll 20 111 1 , 1 • • ; i , , 1 • 1 I • 1 !I ' 111 1 1 I I' 1 1 1 1 1 i s 11 1 1 s, 1 1 1 'l' 2 .11 'll I 11 1 11 I I' '2l ' ' ? I' I , lj 1 I , s . I 4 .: ' l ' l ..:' , I: it l' , I' '' 11 , li ! I I ' ,' 1 I . ; l l ' 1: I . r . ' , I : ' I 1 1 2, I I' I I' I ' ' 9 V 1 5 1 .2 11 1 0 !run Soave, grow. do do do each do do do dozen do do do do do do do each do do do dozen balder hies, do de cheese knives do do 1 Iron casting Wiles do do 1 ~c tuilk lines do do " pitch ladles do do " placers do do 1 PlYets do do 2 reams sand paper do ream 12 smoothing plisnes, double irons do each 6 jack do do pr match " do pair Icooyers' long jointer do " do each Ong " do " do do 3 doz. 2 ft. rtdes, 4 (old do dozen 3 " wood rasps, 14 inch do do 4 gauging rods do each 6 don best C. S. shovels do dozen 2 " " spades do do 1 " best bread shovels do do I " best C. S. sheep sheen do do " pairs brass snuffers do do 1 ," C. S. squares do do 10 pounds brass solder do pound 2 Iron stakes do do 3 Unners' edging stakes do do 3 phuushing stakes do do 6 small screw plates and taps 2 firmer& shears 2 " hand shears 2 steelyards, to weigh 250 lbs 2 dozen best quality handsaws 2 crosscut saws, 4111. long 3 wood saws and Games 3 sash saws 6 panel saws 2 compass saws 2 keyhole saws and pads 12 tenon saws 2 dove tail saws 12 spoke shaves, aimed 3 Turkey oil stones 2 grindstones 2 patent saw sets 3 brass squares, for sailmakens 2 scale beams 6 bomber steels 3 tape Hoes of 100 24 hand vices 3 small bench vices 2 large bench vices 6 cooper's vices 6 sets lead weights, 1 oz. to 1 lb. 6 sets Iron weights, 1 lb. to 4 lb. 6do de 4 to 28 12 gridirons 4 griddles 6 iron tea kettles 1 fish kettle 6 frying pans 25 stew pans, assort. 6 waffle irons 3 camp kettles Cuss No. 15. —Brush.. 12 doz. best extra whitewash brushes do doze 2 do long handled tar do do. do 4 do short do do do do do I do varnish do do do / do painters' dusting do do do 2 do hand do do do do 2 do 00 00000 paint do do do 2 do 0000 do do do do 4 do 000 do do do do 3 do 00 do do do do 2 do No. 5 sash tool do do do 24 do clamp scrub, bandfd do do do 24 do hand scrub, do do do per *heat. Cum No. 16 —S/try Chinn/try. 25 barrels roam per barrel. 2 0p000ds copper hose rireta sample pound 10 do do burrs do do 12 piurs magazine socks do pair 600 pounds match rope do pound 25 dozen C N snip scrapeni, iron handles do 100 pounds best quality brown soap e, do nal ammoniac do I barrel coal tar I(00 barrels best thus tar 70 do white turpentine 73 pounds sewing thread, white, red and blue, do 23 do oboe thread do 2000 do tallow do 75 Aro thrums do 7000 gni'', for tubes do 200 pounds beeswax ID do small copper wire, assort 40 do black worsted yarn do I 0 china bowls and natures the water closet, do 2 dozen comp'n water closet cocks, 1 inch do 3900 barrel hoop poles, first quality 50 bundles coopers' dams do 4000 i. in. yellow pine deck ple,g, do 20,0001 in. do do no do do 500 1/ in. do do do do do 5 bolts, each IS in. white scarlet, and blue bunting do 5 bolts, each 12 in., white and scar let bunting do S bolts, each 9 in., seluie i scarlet, and blue bunting do 20 bolts., each 4 in., white and war let bunting do 500 best Shaker tom brooms do 400 do hickory do do 100 Bristol knob, do 12 pounds best quality brushes do i; dozen rolls green wonted Land ing do 100 !interns I in. abort link proof chain pound 130 do 5.16 in. do do do do 130 do 4.16 in. du do do do /35 do 3.10 in. du do do do 10 yards bottle green cloth do yard 44 do 24 inch hair cloth du do 15 do 2S do do do do 15 do 30 do do do do 10 do 26 do do du do 500 pounds 'pun cotton tor milking do pound. 12 boatswain's silver calls sample each 7 pounds catgut do pound. 23 garde Feamaugtit do yar d 50 do black silk gimp do do 1400 patunda hambroline, do pound. 1000 de h •useline do do 500 sheitis large middle burn do sheet 100 pounds picked corked hair do pound. 6 co astindlines, St) fathoms! in. do lute. 2 dozen cod linen do don. 25 do fishing lines, 30 fathoms each, assorted do du 500 pounds tarred marline do pound. 500 do white do do do wo stultuaker'a seaming needles do 100 lisi 4 clamed needles do do 100 gallons fish oil gallon 4 barrels tar oil barrel. 10(1 do pitch do 25 wood hand pumps do each 2 dosen seaming and roping palms mounted do dozen. Cuss No. I 7.—Snottonery. t.; ezpenditure books each. 5 letter boob, 3 quotes, cap size./ bound sample each. 2 dozen 2 quire cap blank books do dozen. I do Ido do do do do do 5 do memorandum do do do do Ido nor). letter folders do d o 3 cases mathematical mama- menu du cue. 6 dozen half pint bottles black ink, Maynard de Noyes dozen. 2 do pint bottles do do do 1I do belfpost do red do do 6 do papers ink powder 3 do inkstmds, inetsd, with cov en sam do 3 do pieces India rubber dople, do 5 reams foolscap paper, ft. lined do ream '.O do regulation do do do do 6 do letter paper do do do do buffenvelope paper do do 2 do blotting du do do 1; de kg du do do 60 sheets elephant:drawing paper, Whartmaa's do sheet. 24 penknives, 4 blades do each. I dozen camel's hair pencils, do dozen. 500 slate paned. sample, per 100 4 gross lead pencils, A. W. Faber's best, do per gross: 12 dozen boxes of steel peas, 1 doz en, and holder in box, sample, pr dos big 12 ivory pounce boxes, filled with pounce, sample, each, 6000 quills, No. 80 6 rolling rules, sample, each. ii parallel do ,24 inch, do do 6 round rules, do do 0 flat do, do do 0 dozen hall pint papers black sand dozen 2 do beat quality sand boxes, do do II do slates do do 11 do log slates, do do I do Genter's scales, boxwood, do do 12 do pieces red tape, do do 50 rolls silk taste, do per roll 6 boxes water ...don, do per box 0 wafer male., do each. I'l pounds water., do pound. 10 do sealing wax, do do NAVY YARD, PHILADELPHIA. Ceres No. I.—lron per M. 9-16 inch diameter, 20,000 pounds. 15-16 do do 12,000 do do do 10,000 do n -IS do do 10410 do 7-16 do do 10,000 do • I do do 5,000 do • Sin do do 1,0000 do I do do 5,000 do 21 do dos 2,000 do 21 do du 2,000 do 21 do do .2,000 do 31 do do 2,000 do Total round iron, 91,001 pounds 1 by 1 mob. 500 pound. If by lalfd do V by Ido lOW do 2by 1111 u I,uu (dlo" 21 by Ido o,lou do SI by 11 do 2,000 do 21 by I do 210/ do by 1 !tuo.' do 3 by Ido 11.122.1 do I by 11 do 2010 du ' l3 Ile 2." do 2,000 do :11 by do 2,0U1l do 4 by 1 do rArir do Ol by I to . IrAisAlii do 4f by 7.10 do 200 u do b bY 2lOl: !tut ' : do r b r y Ido 2001 do by Ido 2, , 0101 do .2 by 7-10 do 2,500 do by Ido 2,1122 do al by II do do by 4do 2,000 2,5127 du 71 by 1 do 2,sou do Total 14tlyck . 43,il)ckpozids. Sheol iron inch thick. SOD pounds do do 3-16 do do FOD do do do do do 1,10) do . ... . - - ~, 12' Jo do camel's hair do do do 12 do' hand scrubbing do Jo do 6 do ' clamp do do do do 6 smith's bellows, 2n, 6 in. wale each. 4do do 211.8 do do 2do do 311 wide do 200 Bath bricks per sample. 100 pounds borax per pound. 25 dozen plain brass buttons, for fur niture per dozen. 5 pounds best Russia bristle, p. stun. plb 100 Mlf inch iron 1=1431 do M. 5 lbs catgut do per lb. 10 dozen socket c , 'sets ' (assorted and handled,).l to 3 inches, do per dot 10 do firmer chisels, (assorted and handled,) 11 in. and under do do 2 do silver calls do do 2 do carpenters' compasses do do 12 drill boxes and bows do each 3 dozen binnacle glasses -do dot 6 do east iron grates for drying stoves do do . 6 do 3 square files, assorted do do 6 do 4 do• do do do do 6do wood rasps do do do 6 dozen fishing hook; assorted, per sample. 6 do best claw hammers, handl'd do I do do saddler's do do 1 4 do sail knives do 3 do long batcher's knives do 1 do patent leads, Erricson's, do 12 do best iron padlocks, keys to differ do 20 do cotton chalk lines, 10011. each do I do linen tape do do stout tape do 13 do fishing do assorted do 6 do log do do 2 (tuning lathes and tools, complete do 6 dozen glass lamp chimneys do 4 do reflecting lamps do 6 do life preservers do 6 do carpenter's iron knob latches, 4 inch best quality do 20 do sail needles, do 2000 pounds 30,1 iron cut nails, best manufacture. 2000 " 20 " " 2000 " 12 2030 " 10 " " '• 2000 0 s 2000 " 6 ~ 1000 I L 4 0 20 Win. tin iron clout ' .20 do II do ", . 2 dozen pairs pincers per sample. 2 Jo plyera do 2 do cutting nippen do 1 dozen jack planes do I do smoothing planes do Ido astrlgal " do I do grooving " do I do sail pickers do 12 do roping palms mounted do 12 do seaming do do do 6 do surplice pins do 2 do 2 foot folding mks do 2 do sail robbers do 4 do men shovels. do 30 do ship scrapers do - do iron spades, do do Gunter's scales do do steelyards do do spoke shavers do do Nova Scotia grindstones do do trying squares do do iron do do do brass do ' do do saw sets do 'l3 do bag do do 2do large tin bread scales, with beams •ss , " - t 3 do Na inches 4, 20 wide . 2 2 do small do fist wood meat " •• 4 is a 1400 yards twilled flax bagging. 30 in. wide per yd. , 2 do butcher's steel's per sample. Cuss No. 6.-Skip Chandlery. ; 500 pounds best cast stee 8 -;', l, I I inch and under, as. 100 lbs flax twine, per rb. sorted 100 lbs cotton twine, per lb. , 500 do blister do assorted 25 lbs thrums, lb. . 500 do Germando 2 bbls fish oil, per Mil- , 1 dozen rag stones do per sample 20 bbls tar, per bbl. : Ido mil gabbers 40 bbls pitch, per do too pounds brass solder 12 bbls rosin, per bbl. 'bl do bbl.. 26 bbl, clear white turpentine, per bbL I dozen panel saws do i do large sizes bench „coo do '2700 lbs clean tallow, pier lb. 1 do small size do do ~ Cuss No. 7. -Sperm Oil. 2 do hand vices do 100 gallons oter strained sperm oil, in tight Ido sets zinc weights, lozto 4 lbs do veserds, pet er. 2 do screw wrenches, from medium NARD, WASHINGTON. to large sire do Cr.sra No. 1.-Iron, (by ths Ponadd il2 do brass flush rings, 4 inch dialer do 43 do coptea kettles, do 390 pounds 1-inch round iron per d po o und, ," 3000 do 1-inch do 4000 do 1 inch do d• 1 2do tisk do kettles do 4000 do 11-inch do do 1 ' 6 do stans 4000 do If-Inch do do ew pdo4 do f " _d 6000 do 11-inch do do 6 do ba ry ke ing " d o o second class frig p ate, v 2 do griddles The bar sod late iis ron for one camboose !ors 2do gnihrons do do pl ow i ron, weighing about 3400 lbs. per . poun d 105 fathoms 3-16 inch chain fur launches do Bar non, weighing about 2500 lbs. per pound 200 do 4-16 " JO The bar and plate iron for six coo:Moils' es for ! I g o do ft.. , ~ .. do second Cl6/3 sloops, viz - CLAIN No 5 -Lead, Tn. and Z..- 9 rolls 3 pound sheet lead, say 7fiti lbs per lb Plate iron, weighing about 9500 lbs. per pound. ; Bar iron, weighing ebont 5.500 lbs. per pound. 6.‘ d „ " " 720 lbs per lb Schedules of the dimension.' of the plates and ' 6 .. 5 .. " " 900 lbs per lb bars for the same to be furnished front the navy 6. s 6 ~ '. " 1080 This per lb yard. 4 '• 9t30 lbs per lb All the iron to be of the best American menu - ' m d tx ,, ttedy b est Hie .. woe , tie per lb facture. : 1000 du do pig zinc ' do Cuss No. 2. -C4iper. 30 sheets, or 1200 pounds brazier's copper, 30 by I ‘ki° ?. per fool- Cr oss NoNo 6-G/oa e klO feet thick glues, 14 by 22 inc 60 niches and 50 ounces In the foot per poLan b d y . ! do do 14 by 16 do do 0 sheets, or 350 pounds brazier's copper, do T 2 inches and 60 ounces to the foot per pound. ;r0 des ' Jo 1 1 2 0 b3 by , 1126 Jo All the elaint copper must have straight edges '' do and square ends, end be of parallel widths. CLAIR] No 7-Flax I'a.N.3. 400 bolts No I din canvass , per bah. aka, No. 3.-.olisais, kr. 6,04:.) 1-inch Randal's finial:urn brads, per M I 200 do 2 do do 4,000 I inch do do do per M, 100 do 4 do do 20 do 3 do do 6,000 11-inch do du do p ee 'M' - do I ream sand paper, Nos. 1 and 2, r ream 100 do S do pe Cuss No. 4.-Lead and Tin. Lhe bob of 40 yards to be 20 inches wide, per I roll milled sheet lead, 10 pounds to the foot, any "ample. 5110 lbs. I roll milled sheet kat, 8 pounds to di P e " no P X„.%; ; 1 , 04 bolts .o C N -14 0 "4 oNottooso7.liC:,itrose'"'""' per bolt. Jo o do do 400 lbs. per pound. , '' 75 do 6 do do I roll milled sheet lead, 5 pounds to the kiot, any 1 ,- d ,., „ 250 lbs. per pound. I - - ' do do 10 10,000 lba English or East India block tin, per lb. , ~,„ _, 3o do 4 boxes double X tin, 131 by 17 inches, by the box I "'l.' '''' be do do g do do 3 boxes single X tin, by the box , 7o do hammock do do Cuss No. 5.-Pant, ye. I The cotton aortas of, bolt of 50 yards, and 20 ; Inches wide. Hammock and bag stuff to contain 1,000 pounds pure white lead, (dry) per pound 700 woods Spanish orbiting do do per bolt 5 0 yards and 42 inches wide-per 110/21t 1,000 pounds red lead, do do P lc 150 pounds lithatge do do 100 pounds Paris green do do 12 pounds chrome green do do 300 poomis pare lampblack do .do 5 pounds Chinese vennilbon do do 6 pounds Prussian blue do do 120 gallons best American raw linseed oil per gal. 30 gallons spirits of turpentine per gallon. Outs No. 6. 50 tons No. I American gray pig iron, per ton of 2,240 pounds. NAVY YARD, GOSPORT, Vs. Cuss No. 1.-Roared, Mat, mad Sonars Iron. 1,000 pounds I-inch round iron per pound 1,500 do 5-16-inch do do 2,000 do I-Inch do do 2,500 du I - Inch do do 6,000 do t-incli do do :4,000 do I 1.43-inch do do 6,000 do 11-inch do do 3,000 do 21-inch do do 600 do 4 -inch do do 1,000 do I by iron . 1 inch flat do 1,000 do II by' I inch do do 1,000 do 11 by 1 inch do do 1,000 do 11 by 1 inch do do 1,000 do 2 by 1 inch do do 1,000 do 3 by f melt do do 1,000 do n by _f inch do do 500 do 6 by inch do do 2,000 do 11 by inch do do 2,000 do 21 by inch do do 2,000 do 21 by inch do do 2,000 do 21 by inch do do 3,000 do 3 by inch do do 1,000 do 31 by inch do do 3,000 do 3i by inch do do 2,000 do 4 by inch do do 3,600 do 41 by inch do do 500 do 5 by inch dd do 1,500 du 51 by inch do do 1,000 do 6 by Inch do do 4,000 do 51 by inch do do 1,000 do 31 by inch do do 2,000 do 5 by inch do do 1,000 do 51 by Inch do do 2,000 do 51 by inch do do 2000 do 0 by inch do do 1,000 do 11 by i inch do do 1,000 do 2 by 1 inch do do 1,000 do 31 by I inch do do 4,000 do 5 by 1 inch do do 3,000 do 2 by I inch do do 3,000 do 24 by I inch do ' do 4,000 do 3 by 1 inch do do 1,000, do 31 by 1 inch do do 1,000 do 5i by I i inch do do 1,000 do 6 by 11 inch do do 3000 do 3 by 11 inch do do 1,500 do 31 by 11 inch do do 2,000 do 4 by 11 loch do do 2,000 do 5 by 11 inch do do 1,000 do 4 by 14 inch do do 2,000 do 3 by 2 inch do do 1.000 do 31 by 2 inch do do 2000 do 41 by 2/ inch do do 1,000 do 1 mob square iron do 1,000 do 5-16 inch do do 0,000 do 7-16 loch do do 0,000 do 9-16 inch do do Total plats iron 2,300 pounds Siloam non inch, 1 . 50 01000d0 ddoo do 4 do %WO do do 41 do 4,000 do Torol Boone !Iron 5,500 pounds the iron uto te of tbe best Aieenenn manufacture CLASS No. 2--Copyr, prep:Met 1 Inch diameter 20,000 poundl 1 1-10 do do 2.000 do. do do 93400 do 3-18 do do fall do. do do WO do. 1-18 do do 14,000 do. 1-d do do 10.000 do. 3-18 do do 40,000 do. I do do 04000 do. 5-18 do do MOM do. do do 15,008 , do. -1I; do do 111,000 do do do 15,000 do 0-10 do do 10100 do do 10,000 du . 11-18 do do 5,000 do. do do 5400 do. Total bolts copper =AV pounds 700 sheets of 27 ounce sheathing copper IMO do 10 do do d, 54111 do 34 do do do Total taught of sheathing copper 19,NM lb. , per I All tie sheet oopper must have straight edges at tonere ends, and be of parallel widths. Cuss Ni,, 3.--Eardwore. 3 dozen 6 inch knob locks, Mau works, with screws, esentelteent, per sample, pr do 3 do 6 inch dead locks, do do d o do 4 do 4 du double faced closet leeks, with icrews, escutcheon do du 2 dozen 3 nick brass pad locks. do 2 do 7 do do tank plates & screws, do du 2 dor paws 4 tool, brass flash hooks, eyes and armor*, klo do 2 dozen 5 meli sash sprang.. eyes and serene. do do 4 dozen 3f inch mil springsdo do do 4 do 21 inch boon., with screws, rounded, do 4 grow 11 Inch screws, No. 16, dozen I inch iron drawer rollers, wOh screw, d o 100 lbs 6-penny Masking rutile, per lb. 100 do , t-periny do do do 100 dual-penny do do do Lean. 10,0o00lbs pig lead. Cuss No. 4.—Plat Canvas. 33 bolts No. I, 29-in. wide and 40 yards long, by sample per bolt 81 do No. 2, do do do do do 29 do No. 3, do do do do do 29 do No. 4, do do do do do 36 do No. 5, do do do do do 30 do No. 6, do do do do do 12 do No. 7, do do do do do 32 do No. 8, do do do do do Gnaw No. s.—Corson 2 bolls No. 1, 20-inch wide, 50 yards long, by sample, per bolt do No. 2, do do do do do do No. 4, do do do do do do No. 5, do do do do do do No. 6, do do do do do do No. 8, do do do do do do No.lo, do do do do do do Coma hammock slog, 42 in. wide, 50 yds. long, per bolt do do do do each do do do do do doTen do each do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do pound do do do each do do do do do do do do do do do pound do do do each do eel do do do do do each do do do do do do th, do do do do do do do Cuss No. 9. Twin., 2000 pounds flax sewin g twine 600 do cotton do 500 do whipping do 300 do seine d., Cuss No.lo.—S/up Chandlery. 100 casks Waahmgion lime per cask 200 barrels bright tar per bbL 100 do black tar do 150 do pitch do 100 do soft turpentine (virgin drip) do 2000 pounds beat clean tallow (in bbl.) per pound 300 do do beeswax do do 1000 do do white chalk do Cu. No 11 —Porn., CO4, 4 . c. 30,03(1 pounds best dry white lend per pound 5,000 do do red do do 1000 do do ',theme do 1,000 do do yellow ochre do 2,000 do do pulverized black lead do 1.000 do do Spanish brown do 20 do do Venitian red do 20 do do Chia.. Vermillion do 200 di/ ohname green do 20 do Prussian blue do 1,000 do lampblack do 5,000 do Spanish whiting do 5,000 gallon. pure raw linseed oil per gallon 10 do pure sweet oil do 200 do pure neatsfoot oil • do 100 do pure tar do 300 do pure fish do 1,000 do pure spirits of turpentine do 5 do pure spirits of wine do ' Luse No, IS—Sperm Chi and Camfk.s. 3 000 galls. best winter strained sperm oil,per gall. 10,000 lb. best sperm candles, 6to the lb. per lb. Cuss No. 1 3 —/isarp. 3,001) lbs. hemp, for wiping stuff, in compact bales of 100 lbs, each per lb. 1,000 lba. hemp packing yarn, in compact bal. of 100 lb.. each do Cu. No. 14.—Sowionery. 2 doz. expenditure books, full bound, pm.doz. 2do 3-quire letter do do 'do sam p. p. do Ido 3-quire order do do do do Ido 4 quire bleak do ilf. bound do do 2 Jo 3-quire blank do do do do 2do 2-quire blank do do do do 2do 1-quire blank do do do do 12 do memorandum do leather hacks do do 10 reams blank weekly returns do per ream 3Jo blank monthly returns do do 50 do best ruled foolscap paper do do 30 do best ruled letter paper do do sdo best log paper do do 10 do beat envelove paper do do 2do temt blotting paper do do 100 sheets best drawing paper, double elephant do per ilbeet 12 doz. pint bottle black ink do per dos. 2do half pint bottles red ink do do 2do wood ink steads, 2 boles do do 3do wood Ink stands, 1 hole- do do 3do glass ink atands, 1 hole do do Bdo best qual.penknives,3&4l.dadee do do 200 cards best quality steel pcas do per cord 6 groan boas quality black lead pencils do per to ass 200 paper. black sand, in 1 lb papers do per 300 10 pounds best wafers do per lb. 121,100 do 20 pound. best Keating vv., Irish do per lb. All the Won to-be of Ike best American menu- 3 gross best red take do per gross facture, 1 grata beat silk tame do ler gross Cuss Na, 2.Plate and Hoop Iron, 2 lbs.berd India rubber, in 1 oe.pleceollo per lb. 1,000 pound. 346 Mob plate iron parpound 1 doz , large parallel rol.„ 24 in. long do per doz. 5,000 pomade I inch do dro 2 doz.Carringtonls rolling rulers, pat. do per doz. 1,500 pounds 9-15 loch do ,do 500 elate pencils do per 100 do per dos. 120 pound. iron hoop,, 9 feet 7 Inches long, 21 in. i wide and I inch thick 6 dozen camel's hair teucils per pound . 10 M. best quills, No. O tt do per 111. 12t) pounds iron hoops, 10 feet 1 inch bog, . 1 doz. boxes water colors, complete do per doz. 21 inches wide, and 1 loch thick per pound . I do pounce loxes and pounce dodo 2,000 pound. hoop iron, Ii inch wide, 1-10 Maki Ido Gunter.. ''''''lc.' do do thick, not less than 22 feet long per pound 2do ivory paper knives do do 1,200 pounds hoop iron, 1 s inch wide, 448 inches 2do wafer'''6 q 9 do do . thick, not le. than 22 feet long per pound 4do box wood sand loran ,do du 2,000 pound. hoop iron, 11 inch wide, 1-10 inch do do 2 do double log elates thick, not less than 22 feet hang per pound 2do email log slates . do .do All to be of the test manufacture, Cuss No. Ir,-- iv.a. 50 cords best southern heart pew wood Cuss No. 3.—801 t end &prom Copper. - (kindling rot StGaneno 30,000 pound. I web bolt copper per pound so cords best oat wood 20,000 pounds I inch bolt sapper do - Cress No. 16--Bituou ou L 10,000 pounds II mob bolt copper do -stn tont best Cumberland lump rions C coal for steamer., pounds 11 lneh bolt copper do • per ion of 2,*10 pounds. 500 pounds 5-16 inch imbue copper rods do Cum No. 17—Chommd. 500 pounds r inch square copper rods do TAM bushels bout burnt charcoal per bushel 300Ipouuds 11 16inch sq _lmre copper rods do , Cuss No. 18--Lcuthe., My the pound) Chess No 4— Hardwors, in. ;nu sides best quality pump leather sap t r um lbs 6 smiths' ensile, (from 110 to 150 pounds each) 1 2 :: t 1, ° . , i b ',,,,,„": '''' t: 11 ' 4 " ) ,; y , .A4 o ° 111 per sample.' arm bides do nixing do nay VIM lbs 20 dozen earn brooms, copper wire bound to oain, as bat do sar 150 lbs P . dozen. ebass 19—Dry Goods. 20 do hickory do p. sem. p. don. so Pisces Etna buswue ~ 0. , .ample. pej o rliece 12 do 10 knot whitewash brush's do do - nu e° ed: red 1: 2 do do Ido Muting do do do . ndo „ lb . g o do do , 6do iron hotrod varnish do do do 6do • green 110 do do 12 do 0000 pain One grounddo do do .am yerds . wltiteminslin, for Mr. do - per yard 1 2 do 0000paInt, coarse do do do do 'lo .w-ObV.oos°.‘, pl ow . 16 and 2 . , do. l P.r dos s do . amoUtod sash tool. do do - -14.,„21:01 , ...144, ~....._eMilbEe. . , A O mid - ~I - i`-a 3 1 21 . ri - •" "..!ww-c.welltliSb Wide - do. d e - -- .''''? -, ' 1 •-•.-' -7'Z'.7"- . . , 100 do 'lnn @kcal:imp 100 Jo cotton do - .ro • , 70 do bit masa velver(bestipaliOlde. ‘i 15pounds whim searing thread, No. 9Y do poi do black do do do SO do assorted do do do NAVY YARD, PENSACOLA. Glue No. I—firm, (by the pcdrod.). 2.000 pound. dot b. iron, 9 by I Inches 9.050 do do do 4 lry I dri 9.000 do do do 4by I do 1.00) do do do St by f do 1.000 do round do i do 2.000 do do do 1 do I. do do do 1.1 do 1.000 do do do If do g SIN do do do 5-16 do 4 300 do do do } do 1.000 do outward do i do 1.000 do do do 1 do NM do do do 14 do 500 do do do 3 do 2,01.10 do sheet iron, f tn. 7 ft. long by II wide lois do boiler non, f in. thick 0 bundles, or 3,000 pounds, hoop iron, 1 Mob 6 do or 3,560 pomade do I,f Inch 6 do or 4,000 potmds de 1,000 pound. 9.10 square iron, Sur spikes If inch 1,0061,006 do 2000 do 11.16 do do I 1,000 do dna plate usn, 9by I in. DO do If inch east steel AU the iron to be ;gate best American rdaDUteet: CLAM No. 2 --C:ppms. 1,000 poonds bolt copper, I la 1,005 do do 4in NI & lon 1,000 do do I an. do 1,150) do do 1 in. do a sheets, 60 lbs. each, say 360 lb., braziers' copper .00 do 34 oz; or 1,000 lbs. copper do do 100 d o 39 oz, or 1,005 lbs. do do 100 do LS oz, or NU lb.. do ao, lOU do 24 oz., or 700 lbs. do do 400 do 1.55 oz., or 1,100 lb.. do • do 100 do 16 oz, or 1,1410 lbs. do do NO do 14 am, or 800 lbs. -do do KO pounds If tn. composition elkesulung nail. do 500 do ad copper rot mills do 500 do ail do do do 50 Si copper pump tacks,; La. per Id iron SO sf. In tucks, from 12 to 10 or. - do SU pounds bniss speller per pool 50 M. iron brads, from 1 to 11 .0. per al 1,000 pound. Don cut ad male per pout 1,01.0 do do 8 , 6 mal, do 1,100 do do 10d nails do SOO do 'do .201 node do 505 do do 40d nag do 10 do copper bell wire do 150 welded thimbles, 3 tn. diameter pr r 100 5D do do 24 ht do do 1.1 q) do do 3 in. do do 250 do dO 4 iq. do do , 13 pounds 1.321neb brass mire Der pOOO 25 do 1.10 inch do . a. 15 - do f Inch do do LS do 1 inch do do All the 'One copper some have straight edges so, square ends and be of parallellvidths. Cuss No. 3- I , liirdlaneva... 1.500 pounds tanner 1,000 gallon. sperm ell 603 do linseed oil . . 101 do noatsfbot ml 2,500 pounds white lead per pm. 2,(X)0 do black paint do 100 do rooms green, i of do 210 do verdigris, to od, 4 to 6 lb cans do 50 do bor. do 200 do route..., do 2,00) cod fish hooks per 100 ROW Lattenck trout hooka (assorted) do MO pounds block on do 1 barrel Venetian red (dry) per barrel dozen brass padlocks per dozen 4 do iron do 2 do cubpoerd locks 2 do claw hammers - I do riveung !milkmen 100 pounds floor of emery IW yards green baice 200 whitewash brushes 100 paint brushes, WOO 100 do 00 20 sides bellows leather 20 do pump do 20 2 d d oren 01 1,, P A knives o 2 do butcher do smoothing planes '4O corn brooms 200 hickory brooms O grow troo screws do I in. do 6 do I} tn. do 6 'do le in. do do 24 In. do CLen Na 4—Starsorte,y. is foolscap regulation•paper per re= plain hunt-lined do best quality i•ller paper, blue heed do Gillett's eagle steel pens per (roan Mame best envelope paper dozen d-guire blank books per ream per dozen do G-guire do do do 4-game do do 2 do 2-quire do do 2 do I -quire do do 6 do memorandum books ' do 4 do bottles beat black ink do 2d Congress 4 blade penknives do I do o 6-gture letter books do i do sand boons may2l4—law4w do PROPOSALS FOR A LOAN. 'JOIE de .eighth section of the stet of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "Ac act to provide for the ordinary expenses of the Clevern mem, the repair and Canals and Railroads of the Commonwealth, the payment of other chalets due by the same," approved the tenth day of April, A. D. our thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, provides— " That the Governor of the Commonwealth be, and h• is hereby authorithd to borrow, on the faith of die Com monwealth. and of the revenue hereinafter mentioned, and which is hereby specifically pledged for the pay ment of the interest and re-payment of the principal, the sum of four hundred thousand dollars, and issue certificates of lam therefor, redeemable in thirty yeses front date, to be paid into the Internal Improvement fund, and appropriated to the expenditures under this act, the said Into to hear interest ma rate not exceed. log six percent. per annum, payable half-yearly, in specie, an the first day of Januery and July, to be teem ed the Innlided Plane Dean." It further provides, “That there shall be tomaidly am span by the Com missioners of the Internal Improvement flint, out of the revenue of the 'oldie works, for the payment of the interest awl final Imaidmion of the debt hereby au thonved, the sum of thirty thousand dollars per mown, and it shall ho the duty of the said Commissioncra, after paying - .the imeres, annually, as Invest the sm elt.,together With its wain. *don of intetest, In th e said lone m , or in any ether th an of the Commonwealth, lithe sold loan cannot be &Debased at its par value, the said investment to (arm a sinking fond for the re demption of the principal at maturity" In pis the of the provisions aforlsaid, nonce a ocean, arms that proposals will be received at the office at e Secretary of the Commonwealth, until 4 o'clock, P. M., of Thursday the thirty-first day of May next, for loaning to the Commonwealth, for the pur p set forth to the said act, the case of FOUR HUN DRED D THOUSAND DOLLARS, in a rate of tannest not exceeding air per eenh_per armunki payable half. yearly, in specie, at the Mooney of the COMlaarl• wealth' the said loan to be redeemable in Gam years after d ate. Certificates of amok for the said loan, in the mai manner or agreeably to the terms thereof, will be is. sued by the Governors the rune being transferable by the aware or owners on the books of the Auditor Gen. per pound The ffere proposalswill be required to stain explicitly the mnomit od--which shall not in any caw be lex. than one hundred doilarx—the rate of interest not ex ceeding six per cents and the premium proposed. The State reserves the right to accept the whole OT toy part of the sum offered, unless the proposals stipulate to the contrary. Bids for the loan must be dimes and explicit. No conditional or hypothetical proposal will be received. Upon the acceptance of the proposal., the money most be paid MO the State Treasqry, In such proportions and at such times, as the Goseraor shall direct or appoint, and upon delivery of the re ceipts therefor from the Treimurer, certificate', ofemek will be issued In each anusunto as may be requested by the lenders. - • • The proposals to be directed under seal to this office, ndorsed - Proposaie for loan.—they will not be open . d or iliselmied until the period for receiving them has .lapsed, after which no alteration in the termswlll be dmatted. TOWNSEND DAME% Secretary of the Commonwealth. oa- The Secretary would bring to the notice of those wining to loan to the Commonwealth, the Cue; that m th e e nl jono Interest th art e. " l ' o b an fo theral i ts 'g "trlkze We pay d, Is leo than the voonot now paid annually for the support of thelnclined Plane: and hence, the approprianon thus made does not diminish the annual reaourres of the Treasury. my7:othwernay3o _ GEORGE Aam °,B, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market street, - LTA vING purchased 011 extensive maCcarefully se- AU. lected stock of Spring and Summer Goods, the subscriber respectfully inform. his friends and the public, that he is now prepanng to receive and exe cute their orders with dispatch, and in the neatest, ost •Itistantial, and fashionable manner As he is tied to do business on the cash system, he fiat if that he will be able to do work as cheap tione at any establishment in the country. stack in varied, consisting of Casein:terns, Broad oths, Vestings, dsc., which his friends are respectful nvited to examine for themselves. mr.24.11.1 GEORGE ARMOR. TO sArtargas AND LIINBEIMEN. THE undersigned offem for sale in OFlCean nanny, Pa., 1800 acres of wed timbered LAND, with an excellent Saw Mill nearly ne. and two now Frame Houses, one 41 Ma front by 47 hack; the other XI feet front by 21 beck. Also, good new frame Dam, thirty by forty feet. The mill and land are tamed four mlles from the Allegheny nem. A . Ecat deal of PINE TIMBER of the best quality, and avast gitantiry of the very best hemlock. Also, one acme on the bank of the Allegheny, near a cove, most admirably adapt , for rafting, where lumber can be rafted on the Ice in winter, and be perfectly safe from all freshets— Price 00000, or SO an acre. Terms easy. Will take it gic.rod email farm, with good house and or chard open l 4 as part payment, if location is ennoble, and the balance in lumber, or as may be agreed on. This in en excellent opportunity for umbering; and the probability is great that in two or three years this property will double its value, in consequence of to proximity to the New York and Eno Railroad_ Tim ber sufficient to wear out several saw mills—and see. end mill sacs on the stream which runs nearly, the centre of the land. About fifteen sore, tenpass No hill to rise heisting lumber from odil to river. Trout and game in nbundatice. For further pastime. late, address, tpost-paid.j P. EI.TEhIPLETON, Garotte otßee, Pittsburgh. . . • PEKIN TEA STORE. eIIHE subscriber bar just received at the Pekin Tea j Store; 70 Fourth nreci, a very large and drop aa lrated stock of pare GREEN AND BLACK Al 3, from New York, all of which baa been mewed T in E this country since the first of February last, comistlag of all ifferent grades grown In tile Celestial Entrome. Our stock being among the Wiest to dut West, we are peeporrd to wholesale, on better terms than any other house to the city. We invite retail grocers to COM and rlaMille our stock and pact... They can have it pack ed in I, and lLb patkages, 5 tin cannon..., or by half chests, to suit their convenience. Our retell prices vary for Oolong, Black Teas from .. set . t o 0450 per lb.; Ning young Souchong, 50 eta; ngo 50, and Engluth Breakfast 50, Yocum. limn, ompowdes are rior and Imperial, from 35 eta r l peb. Famili reuested to send and get *ample. of of our Tear, and t r y theta before purchaaing. ray A. JAYNES, :0 Fourth sheet GFREATIALIO. CITY LOTS OF ALLEGHENY AT PUBLIC AUC TION. . VORTY LOTS on Feferal street, in tho centre of L the city of Allegheny, : eael t 20 feel front by WU rte. oilinft1,101:1171.1 ley, h J77,;,'.7l:,hcrZtu,`P.Te. on the premise. These lote comprile the very heat d moat valdable unimproved property Co either of the two cities, and rust continue Co gra* In tame urea to come, and to eapitalisia mutt necessari kr ly afford an opportunity for the inee_surient of mone ,W y, no where else to be Gtend in the neighborhood, or 'n the two cities. They will be sold subject rano annual r=rent alone dollar per foot, on terms saccanum to the purchasers, winch 11 be 'made known at the . time el.'s. A plan of the lots cart ed b dra yperons winking to r 1. fl 16 1 Alleghetry, May 2g—ts_ Sr TURPENTINE- 20 Terperbinc t received and for We by . 919 DRAM; a REn;kit. 110Tegti—d. superior uncle, abissys an bind out tor tele by isyle. DR.AUN rk. REITER P. , Pd. per gall. do