ESTABLLSBEI" IN 1786 BUSINESS CARDS R. H. CARNAHAN, • i A rroRNE A r LAW. Othec on Fourth sptet, between !berry allot and Grant at. znyl:ll7 A faurra, q.t caozest,commi.ion Meiclutiato Jo& god itlealorol m Prakee, N. 2! Market inztev Ptuabla J. 1 doc. 9. ' ____ ____ , , . S. . a 03111 WI.. W. note 8V15146 LELD & HAYS, Wholesale dealers in Dry Good Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Pinahnigh tusnol facidred I lucks, &0., No. t2O Liberty street. Pitts. burgh.__ _.... ._ is , ORM= LI SIWIN 010101 urns& DNA Ufa & Wiselesale • 4 Re* 11 Drug J)II gists, to-met of Liberty and C it streets, Pill -laurel r , mayl4 anal . 21 , 4131, Bn OW I I 4 . and C. amadaston Mery l'ltiatturstb. BA. nott.44 - rocx . tall .Druggirt., cOrtiel W.OALKY tc SMiTII, WWI JIB A-S In Wood street Pittsburgh. , . MeANULTV & Co, Forw pding and Coin. mission Merchants, Canal Ban a, Pittsburgh Pa. mcb2 tinTginiansi Spring, Ar.lle, St . el and Iron Works. COLEMAN,r & Co, manufneturent of Conch and Eliptio Springs, Hammered Arica, Spring and Plough Steel, Iron, &c . Warehouse on Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers inj Coach Trimming, awl Malleable Casting,._ octil MARBLE - WORKS ON LIBLIITY - ST - 0 - F, P - 0 - 1410 THE HEAD OF WOOD, PITTSBURGH. EDDLITSD wu.KINs, novmsalEs to li med hlontiments, Rtnial 1.,./ Vaults, Tombs, limed Stones, Mantel Pieces, Ceo- ‘ . tre. and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marl, at. a regular and fair pneg. N. H.-Dranfirtas for monuments, rutin, &e. ruolish ed, of any description hr when . a elln of public' Patronage augn-dif wig. a. roOLLIIII, TASMIS 2. ameirM _.. _..., . I,,INGLI9If & BENNETT, Bate Ermllsh,.l.lallirr LA' 4. Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce 8.114 P alo ha& Manufactures, No. 37 _ Wood si., between 24 and 3d streets. Den' iZEURVE CuCUBAN, earosussanneµsd rd 'Wood street. Pittstiorg4. nayl7 HOME LE/waitEA -, A1111,70N STE:WART, manufacturer of Bea*, H Shirting; cheek ! , 4.., Rebecca street, eity of Allegheny. novls-41ys - 11 LEE, (successor to Murphy Lee,) WoOl Deal . or and Commission Merchant, for the sale es American Woolens, Liberty. opposite et. febl7 war. =ASA r:cumA c im4 uwasn maza / Phi lada • • n. secastson ma A. WA.2.161, TWEALT/ A BUCKNOII, Tobacco Commission Use. ;Li Sham, 41 North Water & 10 North Wharves, Phila. nov3o,lf. A. A. nary. H ARM, JONES & Co., (=cc... w Atwood, Jona,' & Co) Commission and Forwarding 314 , Omits, dealers in Pitteburgh Morturattured Goody,: Piltarargh, Po. meh77 MIAS =Ma recg TA, ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, Wholesale Gro n om, , COM , mission hircrehnts„ and dealers in Produce, Nos. • • ' atm., arid ICJ Front streets, Final li ii C o. A . NMen, ante of Warren, Otuo,) Contmin. dealer - in Western Re;t 7 rv i e g , • Ch 'b :,ll4Te d r wi l l taL °l !ltd Pearl Ash, eked Western Produce generally, Wav treat, between dmithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh., TWIN WATT, (successar to Ewan &Man.) Wbolerala Groner and Commission hlerahaut; dealer to Produce and Pittsburgh Mantuacturna Der of Liberty and Hand streets, Pittsburgh pa. net* • JAbIEZ hIcGUIRE, time of the Curt of Alamo an V ItlcGairej March= Tailor, Si Charles Buddlita, nail tweet, near Wood Pittsburpr t h JLevi'.ittetTorc,. l l'seco'N. c?;. - ?," 1“"erallx‘ and .4entut or the Si Lon. SteszoNli4tr Hefner,. No. L water and OR trout streets, Pmsnorgh. 4S. DILWORTiI dr. Co., Wholesale (irooeri, Prot' deco and Commission Merchants, end Agouti r the Lewd Powder Co. of N. Y., No 27 Woody ; PitAbOneb• 014 t Id..MOROAN, Wholesale Draggle; and deal- U T , et in Dy.Stutli, Pahus, Vonumbea,&a.,lN6,o3. Wood etrect, one door South. of Dturtiord Alloy, PSIS , Gd b. 4= I Lt c 3 -J-Tlt) Idlre,a Wotei sure. oasis; a. it „r In Musk , and Lames] Instruments, school kloolosi. taper, Shinn, Steel Petts, Primers' Cent., and. Stationary generally, No. dl Wood st-, Plll.s4orgh. • _QT Bads bodght or taken in Mule. sepls JSCIWONMAKER &to Wholunto Druggleoi • .No. Wood Muse, Pit etiurgh. 7 OdIN D. DAVIS, Auctdocer, corner 61h and Wood J streethyitohurgh. °eta": JORNSTON & STOCKTON, Bookseller., and,Poper Manufacture., No. 44 Market at, Pho booth. - Joan Fran. }talus. non, & 8. FLOYD, tYholesale Grocers ' Caroni's!On e Merchant., and Dealers m Yrodoee Round. Church Untidier., fronting on Liberty, Woo d and dth weals, Pittsburab, Pe. tart • • TAMES DAIZILL, Wholesale tireteer, Cc motisitom Meseturd, and dealer in Praluee end Pittsburgh. Maaafacterea. Nq. 21 Water le- Pinalturris ' ,• • ATOTIN' TOI.V . V.PIatr, Dragon •34 Apotaseary, , , 1,5 Mutes three dronrahowerhh‘l in. raw buiiht will have sonitniuly onhand a well selected as sorts:enrol the best and freshest Aledielnea,whielthe Will (Itt the moot reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders, will he promptly attended to, end sap+ Plied with articles they may rasp upon sermina. Physieimis Prescuptions will he emulsion and neatly prepared from dm beat materials, at any hearer be dal or niint. Also for sta le, a largo stock of fresh and good Perfa, JONES, Forwarding and Coutrumaion Me .M chinas, Dealers in Produce and Ptusburgla [MI featured ainclits„ Cana{-Data, near 7th d2l - - PRIEM DjILL PITTSBUtttill. PA. rdarpitifittrera ° th gm 'rwmin and Batting. • ja.4o-17 VesnrSltts Iron Works. LEMS, DALZELI. le Co, manufacturers of all si ;es Bar, bheet, Boiler Iron ond Nails of the has quality. Warehouae, 54 water and It* front et. • lento WAT . . AN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward• int and Conradmon Merchant, Dealer In Pitte•- •zugh Nanafaclares and Froduee, Nos, "21 Miler st.i and GY Front r_ k2 ITIOX/lIMLICIII, /E. UMW M. ta4 - 1 a • ACIANNEDY & SAWYER, - LOOSING GLASS filanufacuuera and Whole:tile dealers in foreign and domestic Variety Gt.& Western merchants, Pollani and others are invited to call and examine tbepriees and onaliry of oar stock, as with oar present increased facilities in manufactur ing and purehtudng . tblak we can offer as great Inducements to buyers as any other house west of the Mountains. roam leo= JAI. U. 114 1 ;17.1.i.7 . cisiiricse. LOU. VreGILI.23& ROE, Wholetalo Grocers and eamsuis• AU Sion Merchants, \o. IN Liberty' aL, Pittsburgh. Hoc M t DRP,EIY, WILSON litre Jones, Murphy Co.) Wholesale' Dealers m Dry Goods. No. 43. Wood street, Pittsburgh.novitS : it ALLLa_ atria.. MM., W. a. mama.. 41ALLEN th. Commirrion and Forwarthem , Dietchonto, { Pater and Front era, between: cod and Market op. ina /kil AT/AVM WILSON, Portrait and 51.17iaturePain .1.XL ter. Room,, corner of Post Office Alley and Fourth arrow, enrrence on Ath near ?dulcet deen.dtf. NLdIES tc. OON, No. 55 Markel door from Corner of Fourth, dealers in 1 7 0= and Dmeetio. Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Depos it, Bank Notes and °Pock- Mr Collections mad on all the principal tine* throughout the United State. deal? BijcirmAz.vrEg, lignanauxi---001ee, Fount In, 1,11 thud dour above 7millifield, wean aide. • Conveyancing °fan Linde done with the greaten cam and legal tenancy. to Real Esuite examined fee. 0ct3641 . . R. T. Roberts, S. OnIIALMIC SURGEON, will attend to the traw m.o. of the Or. A. has been engaged In'llds branch of the medl eal-profeatdon for =then yea., and has conducted an establiahment for the treumentnf Mee.ta of the eye Ilene for errand yean. OM= and render. ' corner of Sand.ity In and Strataherty alloy, Alieghetty oh) , ectt3 ;xi PEKIN TEA, STORE.—Nn. Et Taunt, se.oreitr Wood—All quantities of Green and Black, Tear, dorm up in quarter, half, add Oars pound paekiges, magic; from a) cu— - pet pawl& - LAO, , jyt A. JAANES., Agt for Pekin, lea Co.. 13 °BLEU MOORE,' Wholesale termer, ltezufying .11, Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Masrfue. Urea, and all kinds" of Foreign and Domestic Wows and Liquors, No.ll. Liberty street. On hand a very log* ouch of superior oid Monongebeht whiskey, which willlbe sold low for cash. apl &ly =it" siTirinsox,* SAMUEL tweiCTlso3. ROBLNSON Is Co, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pitta- Parch hlanufacturcb,No. MU Liberty sr, Pittsburgh. . 10010 i — OYEar DA.LZ4II.I. iC Co, Wholesale Grocer, and Porn - A.1134 !dereLimn, denten .Produta and riusburgh Munuctudares, Liberty M. Yudslnirgh. Yn. febti WM. CONINGII6III, Wnoienale Osoner Deddin• In Prodnee and Plitabizzgb Idnunfactntes, 0.1.441.dbeny rt. ;712 E. 0. 11 0$01.1"ty J. 1.. SOIL Ijo ESN OLDs 81117., Forwarding and Convnbuion Maretialna, for the Allegheny RIVeI Mae, deal an in Groner/es, Praline. Pitialpuglt Monufaeluree and Chloride of Liam Tan dlgheat prices, cash paid at all timed for Nip n• tags. Corner of Penn ind.l.(Wol Eta. . } C. SCACIIMICC2, CUM L WM, C. • O..aaCKLLIT k WHITE, Wacolasaio Dealers , In pp Foreign and Lamm. Lay G.A. .11;o. DO Wood sL husbusgh. labia W. HARBAUGH, Waal hterclianta Deafen Sa In non: and Produce generally, and Forwarding Jag Commission Alerebants, N. Lei Water as, Pam burgh.: • Q. MTH, HAGAI.F,Y 1.10., Wholesale llincers . ii - ld PnXhice design; 1114.2 . .. n Ittukez sues; between sth tad 1:44, North sidei Philadrlplas._ sovEl t. 'rissannto 10101 nuatou, awmaitn. S NICOLS, Produes aml Genets! Cont. mission Merchants, N0..17 Liberty sL , p.u.b urx h. Bps tat, Linseed and Lad. Oils. LIP. VON. BONNIIORST t C4?,iiiiiotesale ow ear" , Forvsarding and Lommession Merchants, ni in Pittsburgh hlaunractures and Western pm &alums removed to th eir new ivarehousedold stand) No, comer OT Prom st. toad Chancery Lune. 4. Laura . f.P 6CVTL gr a o rem or itlita * so =admen. ma, Pittsburg - a i l* ni..cra itniicoi,iig storaterchaols,a,ad-dealerx in Produee.. No. 34 t rind 'Et- Palti mAarreiiMaitEE, :Wbolesaln (Dwell Yarr. Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Lino*, cluents.., aim, Importers of Soda dab and Bleach. tug Perlede4 N0..1R1 Liberty mat, Pittsburgh, Pa. WTr II ..71p Wale, Malian , (loot., Ito., No. b 7 Mot 1161.11, • ttorO-- THE PITTSBURGH DAILY :GAZETTE. CARDS reANDLFss, (nurse Torn w U. V y Wick ' ) 'Wholesale limners, Forwarding ' and Comminion Iltercbants, dialer. in Iron, Nails, - Glass, Lotton Varna, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, romPr tif Wood and Water , lirent, Pittsburgl,. Irreeau6t,--NO—.90;;;It—t7redenPWo-ITUi: arket Sancta. fetal u r W. WALLACE, 411 atone and Mill Vannes- Ty . lag estabLialament, No. 244 Liberty sr, runs the canal. mares MURPHY al ~ Wholese and Retail dealer to Mr 1!... ..Forei g n and Domestic Dry Goods, north cast corner of Market and Foarth au. ascii IrOCNO, 11.. WCaaL 1 11471 L YOUNG & Co.—Denim in leather hides, IT 343 Liberty la. . . W & APCUTCITEON, Wde holesale Grocers, e lers In Produce, Iron, Nails, Cu.., a and Pitts. burgh . Manufacturei generally, IR: Liberty at, Pius. burgh. dec2 and Military Good., corner of Market and 4th streets, Pituburgh, P. N. IL—Watches and Clocks earefulltrepaired. dec4 'WILLIAM OMIT/ MMinfacturer r 4" Conn . colored Linen, PrinOs for Dreae &e.i Sewing Silk and colored Cotton Funges for silk and gingham Parasol. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bulimia Fringes, mado morder on the al:mum notice. 'racer, IS tna . .. .. . . . • • • Sruns,corner of Maid. Lane and William, entrance No 85 WILIMm street, third door, over Atmer,k Mrs , stare No 65 Maiden Lane Nov York. )ylO _ . ' —'I;VIECTOONO slk, CO. pnotEALERS IN HIDES AND LEAT H ER , Morocco, . Shoo Findings, fro., No. 143 Liberty street, have received their SPRING STOCK of goods l corn tniHng e large assortment pf articles in their , lime, to which the auention of purchasers Is invited. meta:, • , PETTIO/IMAIT & '_..• - STEAM NO•AT AGENTS Onict *unix M. Au .3 ' °cal ; Na 42 Willer 15IIVel- INSURANCE. ISPDIC UNITY. The Fratalin Fire inouronee Co. of Philodelphia. LRECTURS.—CharIes N. Brumker Thom. Hart, j J Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grunt, acob R. South, W Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph° E. Bone, David?). Brown, Morrie Patterson. Cosmos N. Dance., President Charles G. Beecher, Secretary. Continue to make insuranee, perpetual or bruited, on every description of property in town or country, et rates as low as are consistent with security. To Company have reserved a large contingent Pend, which with their Capitol and ?remnants, safely hires, ed, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January IshlßL9, -- published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were torte vis: 1 te = /l Temporary Loans /dinette Cash, dre. Since their incorporation A' period of 93i 1.... ,rus, n they have paid upwards of ooe Million four hundred thous and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence cf the advantages of Mailroom, as well no the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER uORFIN, Agmt, marl.dly Office N E corner Wood and 3d sts DIM I:I9IIACCi. 13 A. MADELRA, Agent at Pittsburgh for tbe Dela . warchlenial Safety Insurance Compmy of Phial adelphin. Pon Risks upon buildings and merchandise Of every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken open the most favorable tr 7. Office in the 'fi r areticome of W. B. Holmes k. Bro., 1h0..%" 'Water, near Market sweat Piusburgit N.l—The success of tins Company some the estab liahment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt -1.11.11 and liberality with. which every claim upon them for loss has been aches:ad, fisilY warrant the agent in inviting the eionfidence and patronage °this friends and the commumty 'as large to the Delaware AL S. Dian n-nee Compimy, while is has the additional advantage. as an in...tenon among the most flourishing in Philadel phia—as having an ample capital, which by the operation of its charter es constantly me - teasing, as yielding to each pemon unwed his doe share of the profits of the company, without involving him in shy responaibility whatever, . and therefore m possessmg the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious fea thLe_and in its most attractive form. nov4 F__e AND; 111 HE Insurance Company of North America torough duly authorised Agent, the subscriber, ofierii to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in !MS city and its vicinity, and, on shipments by the Mi . nal and Riven, DIRECTORS. Arthur 0 Celan. Omit's taylor, Swill W. Jones, Ambrose White, Edward Smite Jacob M.Thontes, John A. DmWu, John It Ned, Joint White Richard D. Wood, lignites Y. Cope, Wm. Weill, Samuel F. Smith, • Freon, Hindiens,. • Samuel Brooks, S. Austin Allthone, ARTHUR U. COFFIN, Pixel- Ham D. Stnistasan, f3r-eiy. • Thus is the.oldein Insurance Company in the United Slaws, having been chartered in I/Y4. Its charier is perpetual, and from ns high standing, long expenence, ample meant, and avoiding iii ;risks of an extra km. ludous character, it may he considered as offenng am- PliiVeCurity to the public. W. Y. JOPik. Al the Counting Room of ArWood, Jones ik CO., Wa le and Front AMPS Pitabuzed may3 • hiUilriClLlßElt tau been eppinitted Arent pro tem of ate insurance Company of North America, sail will issue, Policies sad attdnd a die other business oldie Agency, al the warehouse of Atwood, Jones tr. Co.. eplY . MCP. JONLZ, water rt FORWARDING &-COLIIIBSION / C. 11.2/JatillocWq ; J. qt/..• CHARLES R. DANEHHOWER £ CO. TOBACCO BORIMISSOII DIBICHANTS, !No. 59 Sundt Wharves, and DIM. 117 South Water at. PHILADELPHIA. B EGS to inform the mile and dealers generally, of I). Pittsburgh, thatthey have made such arrangemeuts with the Virginia manufacturers and the Grower. of :the West, West lodges, mad other places, as will insure 0 large and constant supply sir ;the following ileac:zip ' .tioas of Tobacco, which will be sold upon as mecum stuitdating ten= as any other braise in this city or else -where, and all amid. ordered from them will be ati ;rented equal to representation: .fiaVana, SL Domingiq Cohn.;) • :Yuri; Cuba; Porto Rico; Petite.; } Sued Leaf to. f it Florida; Niece; 'AL.4O.--Brarielt's celebrated Aromatic Stag Coven- AC/I, with is large assortment of other popular brands, and qualities of pounds, 6s, Ps, 16s, 16s sad 32a, Letup; Ss, 6,as and 1 1 / 8 Phm.i.dh.' Twist; Vitgotia TWI6t, An., sweet and plain, to whole and half bores, wood trod tin, together with every Variety of article belong in; . m the trade. jeladly JOHN A. SHAW, PACKER OF PORK AND BEEP, Commiesion flerehant and forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST., CINCINNATI, OHIO. ar Particular 1111101M011 paid to the purchasing - or of any article of Produce in thia market Also to the torararding of Oooda generally.' :Neer to ' Messrs. John Kimsey & Martin& tilockvrell}Cincinnati, 0. S. C. Parkhdrst, Esq. Lippincott ft Co. Kier & Jones, . - }Pittsbargh, Pa. ; • Etagllalitt Bennett, mar4.l6m GlCORkila COollitdrh - Commission and Forwarding Merchant. tarn rfOrrinitiE3 to' transact . general Commission burl. ness, menially to the purchale and sole of Anteli naralanufacutres and Prodose, and In receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to hio care. As Agent for the hluntfactures, he will be constantly supplied with be principal articles of Pittsburgh Altuittiacinre at the {omen wholesale prices. Orders and consignments titecosily Follette& it 7 CAFLIO. M. EGbLF , , ERCTIANDISE BROKER and Commission Met. Chant, No. Xi South Front Weer, (second story.) Vhiledelphia. WrGoods purchased, packed, insured, Ind shipped to order. Wool, Floor,Grain Drie Em i l and Cheese received on consignsent and .m e. age, with insurance obtained. Ittnrautscas—Wm. llnß & Son, Mn. H. filgby, and !dr. Harvey Childs 7 •Pineborah. feb-dam G0 ( 711 .2E41. BE R E RZ FORIVagi AND C 0111111100; NEKCILIAT AND DEA-LEM:IN iron, Nana' Calton Phttaburgb Ilanureetures gaper...lly, so. 10 WOOD MD:I7, =eau ; PA- R. T., LEECH, JR._, .D and.eakrin,Forcien gold Damertue , ligiTkriti . liardware & Carriage Trimmings, No. 133 Wood at., Pitiabsizah, Pa. Lte•eg now receiving hie Prillg coyly of Goods, and Invitee the acor:Lon of Saddle ra,Coaclunakere end rchanta to bin stook. It has beta bought upon the t Aerate, from the best aonrce.o, and it. therefore feels Confident of bang Oda to &Cord satisfaction to nil . r,o may faV . or him with a calk me hriddin ge.triEs, SHOVELS, ike.-430 dosSp - 1;d; and Sim. .velt; dude Namarakgrk,n g 0 do Grain Shovels; 50 do Socket do; 111., 11/11hheta, himmeke .and Picks, Whirrs., Vicei, do., for sale at Mannfacturare prince be • pn.i9 _6EO cocuDAN. 28 wood el PirSiiireclirgii: Wits-7ArioseDiND AND 4XLE FACTORY. 614110 401[11,% MIMI V. demi,. JOAES & (Luta°, I\ir 111dUFACTURFAS of spring arsl blister steel,' plough steel, steel plough wing,, coach and tic ipmg.. hamturzed imn axles, and dealers In midi keine eastings,fire engine. lemptind coach Uinin . morally, corner of Ross and Front &Ls, Pittsbn feb --- Raversltila S as Cook, FOR PURIFYING WATER, r Which reader. turbid water pare by removing all frobsuumea riot soluble ut water. The colonwear In N. York' A ., 91011,5 h Cie= !had pure to the cps, yet ritg.g n emk, pewee hII en hour through lair ORS large deposit . iinsureanbstaticesosorms, to. mu hi the mum more or We with all hydrant water. .The Reversible Filterer Is neat and durable, and borademded with dm Meenverdeltee breldent m othm. Pilferers, to it la cleansed arhboutbeingdelaehed from We Wider pipe, by merely tansi i t Me key or ham% hum mu! tide to the other. By easy grocers, thar einfout °finder Is changed and seintmulmbins fo Wpm! rad-stens are driven of almost Instand_ ,y without anseresing the Fillet. It also poitseiums advantage of being • mot , rook, and as suck in many eases will be very convenient aniteconowleaL cot he adaished Where there Garry prepare high rir lour to a cask, tank, tub, lee. with ease. To be haul of thesole Agent,- - W, W. WILSON, bell 7 ' corner of Fourth and Market on I • Foreign usditionutxtio . Liquors. [4: GOOD ossoruesot of Foreipt and pomestiel4r gum", Unisys on hand nud far sale to quumurs "i tiA 'rchud7l'bY Wdo M .RTCJIELTKF.E negro Bleaching Powder, • (Chloride of Lune.) TUE subscribers, he mull/ received (direct !rota tho manufsertuert) froth u shows pply of the sho 4 Skated article, which Wet wdlsell at the lowest Stitket price for cue or approved b i as. aptW s Ai hIITCHELTKRE Lkl•Mia s—tu IMM mpineadce Lime, reed !Mk eale by my 4 11A2BAUGH cured doi =ld* mei eured.Elhoolders, Sir sale D WILLIAMS • WM. TISIBLLN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, pa- T urfiL CAD attend to collections and all other 611. b yy nest entrusted to ban tu Butler sad Armstrong counties, Pa. Refer to • • J. aR. Floyd, Liberty et W. W. Wallace, do A s h Marshall do Ptllshnrgh• fly Kay T R. SWEITZER, Attorney at Law. office al nAd St. Charles Hotel, Yutsburgh, will also promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Green counties, Pn. FERRE TO Blackstock, Bell dr. Co., Church d. Carothers, I.Pitniburgh. D. T. Morgan, *totality .BJ. lIENRY, Anorney and Couneellor at Law, Cineionan, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, ;1. in Indiana, and in Kenuteky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner fir the State of Penn sylvania, for taking Deposition., • acknowledgments, ese. ke. Mans eo—Hon. W. Bell k Pon Curtin. Church k Carozbern, AVm. linye, Esq., Willoei& DaVM 12.5 A s A TTORNEY AT LAW. Mee removed to Fourth ..1 street, between Southfield and Groot street. Jos-dim /AIM; 0121.1. t. I. 11.1. Unroll tirVELL. 1 - 11.TNLOP & SE 4 VE.LJJ,lntortrey to Law, Offices on .1./ Smithfield, between fid and 4th ma. J OIIN IL FLANKII4, Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Commissioner for the State of Penneylvmus. St. Loma, Mo., flute of Pittsburgh.) Runiammes,—Pittsbuzgh t Hon W Forward, Hamp ton tr. Miller, llPCandlass & APClure, John F. Parke, Howells & Semple, bl'Cord & Ring,iel4tly JOHN T. COCILATAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth stmet, between .1 . 1„ Smithfield and Gram. ntlll-dim • • _ •• Vift - - - c; - Flitit - R 13, - A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, new Grant. AMR) , C t'VO. If. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, bed re . moved his office to the ESC bulge Building's, Bt. r tz st., next door to Ahlerman Johns. open,' HATS, CAN - AND BONNETS Itl 9 oollll & 00. 4 (Sueeesaors to Iti*Cord Ss King) 1111/1 1„ 1/? aalallon•ble Flatter:a I Corms of Woad and Fifth Smelts. TIMICI7CI7LAR =ammo paid to oar Retell Trade. Gefttlemen can rely upon getting their Hata and Caps from our establiatsment of the atarr surtonele and 0e0 , ...“-^" , ., of the LAM M MUM, and at the waxen Country Merchants, purthaifing . by wholesale, arc respectfully invited to stall and examine oar Stock; no we can say with confidence that as regards qiimsnr and 19.1C1L, it will not suffer in a comparison until any house in Philadelphia. feta] - • CALIFORNIA RATS-12 don water proof CaltforTdtt Hats, /list received and for vale by teb27 111•CoRD & Co. comer Sth and Wood On 61 047,433 41 94,724 63 90MI 63 31,61. n 45 33.304 37 Fa SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1849. lIPCORD k Co. loin introduce on Sant, wean44ld :ld, the Spring ntyle of HATS. Thorn tot of a new and superior hat, are invite to call at corner of 6th and Wood streets. mend MONO BONNET RIBBONS, de.—W R Murphy has now open a supply of spring Bonnet Ribbons, t ' tnew and handsome styles. Also, new style Red Nett. Lisle Laces and Edg ings; an. F.dgings; Victoria do; plaid Mullins and Jaconent, embroidered Swim Muslim, he. besides a large assortment of Spring Goods generally, 'at north east comer 9th and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. soil MEDICAL. ISPORTAZT TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. Itose's Celebrated itiiitedteL DR. JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and role pi, prietor of these most popular and beneficial med. mines, and atea the inventor of the celebrated instro• meat for Inflating the Lungs, In effecting a core of Chronic diseases , was student of thai canasta phys, clan, Doctor Phyalo, and is a graduate of the I:ameni ty-of Pennsylvania, and for durty Team stone has been engaged in the investigation of disease, and the apph. canon or remedies thereto. Through the ase of ha intlanne tut., in connection with his Pro p hylactic Syrup and - other of his remedies, he has gained an unparalciled eminence in curing those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con sumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Juliana, Fever and Are, Foyers of all kinds, Chronic Erysipe las, und all those obsunate diseases peculiar to females. Indeed every form of diseam vanish., under the use of his remedies, to which hum aniry s heir —not by the use of one compound only, for that is incumpatib;,,. with Physiological Law, but by the use of hit tense dieis adapted to and prescribed tor each pectdlaz form Dr. &recta Tonic Alterative Ma, when used are in variably acknowledged to ba supenor to all other, as pargauve or liver pill, inasmuch so th ey leave the trowels perfectly free from costiveness: as also his Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to possess pecti ns, properites adapted to female disease., bat being satisfied that a been trial is rafficieru to establish what has been caul in the minds of the most skeptical. The Manned are invited to call span the agent, and procure (grans) one of the Doctors pamphlets, giving detailed ILCCOltill of emit remedy and its application. For sale by the following agents, as well as by most Druggists throughout the country, .1 Sehoorimaker Co t lll Wood *treat, Pittsburgh; J 51 Townsend, dnibpst, 45 Market at Lea A Beckham, near the P. O. Allegheny city; Jos Barkley Darlington, Beaver county, Pa. Juo Ellioo, Ennon Valley, t` T Adams, Beaver, U novlo4ll y • - - - - - CIOUGR, PAIN IN TILE SIDE AND CHEST CC VV RED—Having a rot long time been ilistresoed with a severe pain in the aide and chest, accompanied with a dry cough, I was induced, upon the urgent soli citation of a flund, to Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Lome wort, and I mast sky ibis medicine has answered no purpose admirably. My distress was produced by a severe bunt, and was so great that it was with tube u Icy retail swallow my load. Indeed, I ate maligned thin Macau must have terminated in Conotimpuon or some fatal disease, had it not been eared by ibis judicious medicine. To all "rho seek to prolong their lives, I would advt. the use of be. Taylor's Demo of Liver- Wert. JAMES ROWAN, 420 Bowery. This medicine facilitates expectoration, reduces fe ver, restores strength, and may be considered as a su perior preparation for the cars and prevenuon of all diseases in Use Cheat and Loom and should be moult ed to, even after these disease* have restored the usu• al remedies. to the practice of this old and very re speetable physician, thlaltalsata of Liverwitirt has ac glared an enviable reputation for its virtues, as supe rior to Mat of the enmilant nostrums of the day, LI was the character aria probity of iu inventor, to that if quacks and empirica. ` , ONSUMPTION CURED- CONSUMPTIOR CIIRED.—My son haring a en sent cold, used to cough violently, nosing quastodes o thick putrid matter, and finally he could not turn eves to bed, from ansairiess. lie manifested every symp tom of confirmed consumption. For six years he had been subject to the etlilo3o. His physicians, Messes. VenZIOUR, & Anderson, said he was incurable,and must soon die. Yet I was determined to try Dr. 'faay loris Balsam of Ltvermon, and strange n it may ap pear, this medicine has fully restored his health. SOPHIA CiALLON,I4 Norfolk street. Sold in Pittsburgh by .1 D Morgan, g 3 Waal at ; Townsend, id Market at; II Sinister, roe Market and 3d am Henderson Co, 6 Liberty sr Pleee reds:wed 61.66 per bottle. fele Jaynes* gape etonana. Palmy Columbiana co., 0., Apr. 24, tall. rIFL D. JAYNES: Dana Bin:--1 feel bound to you Jj and the afflicted public, to avail myself of tins op. portumSgiving publicity to the extraordinary effects f your Exp on myself. Havmg been afflicted seve years with a wrote weigh, hectic fever and its concbMiutni dilemma, and Seemed only doomed to Unger out a Wain but miserable existence, until the fall .df 1230, when, being more severely attacked, and having resorted to all my former remedies, end the pre seripdons of two of the mom respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of surviving but a few day. or weeks at farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended to me your EY-Inamorata— and blessed by that Being , who does all thing. in the um of the means—and contrary to the arpeetattons of my physicians and friends, I was in a few days raised from my bed, end was enabled by the um of a bottle,. attend to my business, enjoying memo bettor health than I bad for mu yearn preview. Respectfully young, eke..., J.. W. Emu. For sale to Piusboogh, at the Pekin Tea Stem, 79 Fourth street. =an I_, 011BSEL.13 AROfiIAIfICITYINWA4L 7 -Tbe MO LL ly i sanatory, baluamle and tonic properties of leis Vinegar render t far superior to Cologne water for the ordinary purposes of the toilet, nurpasslng the lat ter in Its perfume. It prevents and removes pimples, totter and asperity of the akin, it refreshers and whitens the skin, rendering it sod and smooth. It corrects the clammy and bluer mate of the mouth, Imparting afresh and pianism breath. It Mewls. and whitens the teeth, and hardens the gums. For MI the above par. poses, tt is used with water in such proportion as may be found most agreeable., liy inhaling d and rubbing it on the temple., it 2611 remove headache. If applied Instantly to a burn or Malec, it will eventually prevent mortification It correct vitiated air, and guaranties from contagion, it is therefore very useful (or porifung end perfuming a panglenal. For aide by it E SEI4LEES, Wholesale Drug girt, Me.hsl 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh , - ,} nem r Inn TEDS is Us certify that I purchased one vial of Dr. gleLane , s Worn, Specific, some two months ago and ore to a son of !rune, some seven years old, two tenspoas end although the mown may appear tarp, "fat I have no doubt but there was upwards of rye VBSICISICD wanes passed from him, measuring hum eau quarter of an Inch to two inches tong, W HOLLIDAY. Roan's Croak Canol co, Tenn Deo 27 104^ a. 24 SELLERS*VERBUFUGE IN OIX3RGIA.— cow:mous, „leo. 8U1, 1840. Mr. R. E. Sellenn—Your Vennifuge has sold well, and has been hlgitypPolten of by all who have used It. Prom the snecess attending the adadantralon of your Yen:lnfuse In every cue I have beard of, I a t e confident I ran sell: mots doriog the canting season than I did lash I will be glad to receive another sup ply o(4 or 5 gran. Yours, respectfully, [Extract from lettet.]J, R. CARTER. Prepared and sold by E, E. SELLERS, G 7 Wood at, coil held by druggists generally, In Pittsburgh and Al !canny. Ject2 Sat I. TlLtntalt. Lr. rtrrsan. atm Licoeutsos. YEATEIAN, PITTMAN & FORWARDISO ii,COMMISSION MIIRCRANTS, fi0...02 second street nuntahant• ST. WthS, MO. RICRIOVAL npirs sobwriber has removed his Wholesale Orme. j ty Store to the, corner of Hancock .Rest and Alle gheny Mark nest door to the Perry HOnsa. meh.ll7:dif JOHN P. PERRY. A • PHIL.—Jost opening, a large and sae - Sled assort. meat of Lae Watches and Jewelry, which will bo xotel as cheap as in any other earablwhment in this Or the Eastern clues. Also—A large lot of variety store Watches and Jew elry, et verb low priers. Poll ie welled 18 karat Gold Levers, as low as thirty-five dollar. W W WILSON, raeh3o Center 411, and market sta. "-------- cmlweele.weed Gardenia. of now and fart refuting steam boat I . IIOMAS SCOTT, leave. the Greenwood Wharf Isom, at the , °int, every half hour during the day, landreg or the: - garden gate. ' A Rile colleetlon of the choicest Greentionse Plasm re (beetle in the-Pardee. Ice Creme and other re. ahmeas famished In the Ralooler Spinets pro up al As shoran notice. Orders far ttognonr, left at lAQ . walirilloat, will receive :award • 4111111111. 1.P21 PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1849 Misolutton. THE co-partnerst heretofore existing between the subscribers, eHume of Friend, Rhey k Co., was Mix day dissolved by mums./ consent. Geo. Rhey will settle the business of the concern, for which pur pose he is authorized to use dm name of the ann. February 7,1849 Co-Partnerehtp. The maiscribera hare thiadaynasoeiawd themselves In the name of RIIEY, MATTHEWS k Co., for the purpose of translating • general Grocery, Commission and Forwarding Business, at the stand of the late firm of Friend, Riley fr.. Co, where they will be pletwesi receive the patronage of the customers of that house Saud out friends. GFA). RHEY, MATTHEWS, WM. EBBS. February 7,1849 We take pleasure to recommending to the eosifiden Of Our friends and those of Friend, Rhoy k Co., • successors in bounces, RLey, Matthews I Co. PORTER FL FRIEND, (009 JAMES WOODS. Dissolution. TIIE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, in the name of sftursOle. Burke & Co, is tbia day diuolyed by mutual coneera. Mamma Burke k Barnes will settle the business of the eon• cum, for which purpose they are authorised to use the name of the concern. NATILA.NIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BARNES. The undirsigned have ttps day ...Mated themselves m Manama of BURKE & BARNEZ, for the parpow of manufacturing Fire Proof Saws, Vault Doors, &c, tee., at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke & Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the customers of that house and their Mends. In rettring from the firm of Constable, Burke & Co , with sincere pleasure recommend Moran. Birke & Battles to the confidence of my fnends and the panne. Feb. 9, 1e49. NATILA.IIII CONSTASt.E. fetal-dn. portnrTitlity . . DIME pannership so long enstmg under the Cum of J. 11I'Cord & King, was by matualconsent dissolved on the Ist Inn. The business will be closed at the old stand tw either of us, using the name of the firm for than purpose. Being desirous to have our btounms closed with as little delay as possible. we would re lTemfittly request Nose indebted to all and settle their acsounts. JOHN A 2111.10111). /..28 11. D. KING. Co—Partnership. wted tth him less J'b}rrNoth!),..l'.°Ta.",',l„,t — thr C 0.., will continue the list, Cap and e Fur boo of tless 05 all na various branches, wholneale nod retail, at the old stand, etorner of Wood and Rh stream, where they solicit a continuation of the patronage so libernlly be stowed on the old firm. JOHN D APCORD le n JAMES 6. AVCORD. 1 - 71 retiring from the old and well known lira of 1. hf`Cord & Pang, I most respectilly recorantand In the patronage of the enbhe my successora, _Messrs. Wooed & Co H D. 'G. DISSOLUTION. THE partnership of MURPHY & LEH tstlis day dissolved by mutual cons.. The businonsof the late firm will be settled /I. Lee. J. If MURPHY, Pntaburgh, JAIL RI , tees H. LEE. NO ness and attend TICE—The undersigned will of continue the hazi to tho sale Woolen G ood y the old moot IL LEE. In retiring from the 51= of Murphy & Lea, l take great pleasure In recommending Mr. H Lee to the confidence of lay friends and the public. Jan. 30 , THL subscribercKiive they associated iheni• selves together for the purpose of trance:tang a wholesale and retell Dry Goods and Grocery an hotness, at No PAlL.therty, opposite Seventh street, der the style and firm of BUSIIFIELD A HAYS. , a ee 1,1949. N. l r 2 Za 'ry jn r oldeasointers and the public are Invited to give us • call. lay CO-PARTNE.a fl IP. M B. SCAIFE and Capt. JAMES ATKINSON have entered into partnership, under the firm of IFE & ATKINSON. nod will carry on the Tut, C, and Sheet Imo Ware nianufaebry. Also 13lacksmIthIng in CI its branches, at the old stand of Wm. B Score, Pint street, near Wood. Particular attenuon given to steamboat work. oorr 1y HAVE dos day sommed wi th Dm the whole gale iirocery, P andora and Comnsissibn business my brother Joseph, undsr lbc firm of J.S. DILWORTI & tic. J S. IMLAY WITH. January 1.1649. .• . _ (10-P ARTIP E.R.81.11P Wm. Young having nos N_J day otisociateil with lon, John R. M`Cone, 1.40 lea ther totisinem wtil humane, be conductctl under the hno of Wm. Young A. Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, ons JNO. R. M.CI/NE. BOOK TRADE. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOOKS TAMES D LOCK WOOD, lier many years connect k. ed with Meson. Wiley and Putnam and late John Wiley, New York and Lunde ,/ has estabfialted Bookaellinc House at No. 03 Wood spec[, belt/seen :td and atti streete, where may he found a valuabl• collar non of STANDARD ENGLISH and AstgEticAN AUTHORS, at pnces an low as to th e Easterlf IrrENGLISII and CONTINIINTAL„ORMIA So- Itlcvnlt Alaffan.. / Newapaperik Ike., imparted In ordft. 'I.IIII3FITUTIONS and vvecntroairirD S. CH:TIF9 are entitled to receive their bookadoty free. Xl—Ertgllsh and American Catalogues furnished gra ns to all those who desire them, or sent per mail to any address. .1 D. 1.. will always be happy to exhAtt to ladies sad gentlemen Ms books, and 000 art to them any ink/ruin nonwinch he may possessregardlng them. tarlf NAND VALUABLE WIJIIK —Ntinv•u; ast - fi .11 Its aacoairis, with ito account of a visit to Me ChM dean Chnsttan• of Kurdistan, and the Ye:edit, or Devil Worahippers, and an inquiry bite the manners and acts of the anmeut Assyrians; by Austen Henry Late rd, Esq., D. C Just reed and for nee by ni y 7 JOHNSTON fc STOCKTON fki% IT'fiCRIVU - Ob. Bookseller ria — Liporter fl of Foreign Books, BC Wood street, has on hand a valual tie collection of English and American Books in she different departments of Literature, which he to prepat rid to sell as low as they can be obtained to the ENatern MO, Englotb nod Continental Books, Het/tows, 31ags• more end Newspapers, imported to order. The price of soy Review, Magazine or Newspaper, may bo imeertained on application to Mr L English and Amencan Catalogues furnished grabs. Mr. L intends to vont the Eastern clues In a tow days, and will be happy to e.ecule any orders for Books. &SIM , tugs or Stationery, at a small advance an the cost mytt NEW HlNJKS—Layartre Nineveh and ita Rcnnuns, with s n account of a emit to the Chaldean Chria. Uaru of Kurdietan, and the Yer.idie, or Devil-Worship pers, and an inquiry into the manner. and arts of the Ancient Arillynans, with an introductory tester by D. Robinson. 2 vole, .iavo, with about WO illustrations. Cbeever's Lecture, 011 the Pilgrim's Progreso 1 eel, limo. Price reduced to 81,00. Crudeti'l Concordance, co donned. reduced to 81.80. Al.aulay's History of England, ilruperts new ed, two vole octavo—large print .d ;fine paper, per .1. centa. Cieserims . Hebrew and English Lexicon• new ed. improved. For' sale by it HOP/lINS, 4th .t, near wood BOOKS"—Union of Church and State, by ge• B W Neel. The Church in Earnest, by Rev .1 Angel James. Advice to Young Man, by T 17 Arthur; glit. Young Ladles Essay. of Elm—(:ha rice Lamb. Epidemic. Cholera, by Prof Coventry. Cyclopedia or Moral and Itellionua Anecdotes. Complete Worts of Charlotte Elizabeth, with Me moir by her husband. 9 vole, 8 vo. Illustrated with steel plates. • Oregon and California in 1645, by Judge Thornton. The late Expedition to the Dead Sea. Proverbs for the People: or Illustrations of Prune-al Gallamas drawn from the Book of Wisdom. uy E L Mo nos. Lutveriity Sermons, by Dr Wayland. Elements of Meteorology, by J Brockleaby, A. M. For sale by R HOPKENS, to y ? Apollo Besidiug,4lb a 4,1 4AN PRIMEVAL: or The Consul:iron and Prism- Sal tive condmon of the Human Being. A contribu tion to Theologies/ Science, various impatient John Hams, D. D. Lectures to Young Men n sub jects: by tf W Beecher. Chancing's Works, complete: d voisinimo. The works Gf TS Amber, uniform ed. 15 cola Just reed by myl I R HOPKINS, 4th st, nem wood ----- M ACA ULAY'S_ENGLAND—Harner's fine edition, tl en, wish porn:tom, cloth—O6 cents per volume. For sale by • JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, _ u p?_ comer Market snd Jd sts BOORS':: n Br BOOKBll—Edgar's Vartatlons of Popery, _ t it.) by Rev C Sperry; Xenophon's Works; Tacit. , Works; liniversny Senors, by IVayland; Natural History of Eathavaem; L i !, and nines of Philip Hen• ry; Life. of Row lienry Vent. Proverbs of the People M.SOnn; Theophimy, or manifestation of God in Christ: Memoirs of J Fowell Buxton, Bart; Christ Is all, by Memoirs Baptism, lb inapt:l.4nd males; The Aim die Ringdoin, 2 vols. Cheever's Lectures on PdgriniN Progress; Cheever's Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Alps; Anderson'. Domestic Constitution; Modern Ac complishments; Last dnys of &tithe; Women of the Rovolotion, by Mrs Ell.; Lite of Pollak; for eale by ntarl2 ELLiorr & ENGLISH, N, wood irj LIMAN MAGNETISM-14 claims to dlimasstetr- XIL ate ingairy; being an attempt to show the utility of its application for the retie: or suffering; by Nv• Ness-ninon, E.q., author of . `The reciprocal uttioenee of Body and Mind," ate. The best work Oil the sultleor published. For talc by ELLIOTT lk ENGLISH, rnazltt W wood st N' ,SER' /10011 EN—Oregon and CaManua in ;by .L 1 J. Quinn Thornum i late Judea of the Supreme Court of Oregon, and corresponding member of the American Institute. With an appendit, including re cent and unbentie information on the onion of the GOLD MINTZ of Cablornia, and other valuable mat• ter of interest to the -emigrants, etc. With illustrunons and a map. In two volumes. Raphael; or pages of th e book of life at twenty; by Alpha - ow de Lemartme, author of the "litatory of the endure, or Personal Memoirs of the Penton of the .ich Revolution," etc. Just received end for sale . 10 11PLSTON.A. STOCKTON, corner market and 3d sts IWE anemic . . ( theo p uKONNITEI4.bIic, le [mot:mousy called to the following cenlfiaatem Ma. S. Rsasse—llaving tasted a quemtity of Gold weighed by your Mummer, find the r exalt proves your instrument comet; and recommend the toe of It io throe g oing the ben method for ob taining the real video of Gold. HOW. .1. B. DUNLETT,O 9 Id f l oat.. Putsburgh, March 9, 1849. Premix:aim March 7,1669. Ma &Ants—Dear Sin Having examined the "ere°. meter," mansfaelared at your rooms, I do not hautate Co eemmendit to the use of those rainless= who are ebont nanovh.or to California in mintier Gold. It gmeam clasp approMmadon to the spode , . Sall ofmetalaamd°est:only emtblo too advemmer to ascertain whoa his placer is*MA Your, mpy, lI=T OOK. ATlVThredirffirt4, — N - o - . - 73FittiiIrsiT,e7, etut be wears splendid vanewol ep Royal Vel vet and Tppestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Urns sells, 3 ply. and sup , and to Ingrate Carpets, of sap sty/es and iloalitim.and in COMIEEtiOII MI dwelt !band, Table Linens, Crashes, Dlapers, Llastuseks, meek DIL Cloths, he. ke., to all of whtch we eall the mention of the public. inset FOUNTAIN lIOTICL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE POGO nu THOlidto2l, itt/Pllll,OO. 1171119 POGO long and widely known as L eing nne of the most commodious in the city of Bellmore, has recently undergone very eaten. sive alterations and improvements. An enure new 'Fong has been added, containing nameraus and aity , tkepteg apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. T Ladies' department bac also been completely reorganized and fitted up in a mom unique and beset. fill style. In fact the whole arrangement of the Hoene hem been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of their (Mesta, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Uninn. Their table will always be supplied with every nub sumial and luxury which the market affords, served up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, Sc., they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing unll he left undone on their part, and on the part of their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, 81,76 per day. Gentlemen's u 1,50 N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found at the Can and Steamboat Landings, wilt= will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. mayStf PORTER FL FRIEND, - JAM WOOD, GEO. RIIEY. KXOHANG • H t - • COLTIM or rams am, a. can ern, rrenterinsin, The subscriber having assumed the manage. meld of this long establithed and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared to accommodate them in all thing. desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furruture added, and no puns will be spared to make the Exehtutge one of the very hem Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully solictia a continuance of the very liberal patronage the Holm has heretofore received. THOMAS ONV§:11:1N, BURKF, TllOril AS BAANF.S. ROUltsun a COLTS Or 7 00170 Adil SLAT SITELTS, 1 , 1173308011. THE subacriber respectfully ILIMMIIIeeI that he has now opened his new and excellent lintel orthe accommodation of traveler., boarders, and the public generally. The house and furniture are entirely new, and no pains or expense have been spared to render it one of the most comfortable and plant Hotels in the city. The subrnriber to determined to closers., and there• fort solicits, a abate of public patronage. octl4-dly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor . MT) staTics EL, BitrWIZOI vnurrn W. /OTIS MI. rIPPOSITE late Banta the United States, dolphin. M. Pt/PE MITCHELL, marlxf Pvoprietor . Scrip at Per, TAKEN FOR CHICKERINCPS PIANOS. HKLEBER, at WoodweWegunt it lot Clocker Third ors tr s Pia eet, . °dere for sale t nos. t Boston) at the lowest cash price, for Pittaburgli, Allegheny nay, and County Scrtp. They comprise from dto 7 octaves, and were selected by Mr Chick. ering for this market They are warranted to be equal to any to the city, havingall the latest improvements, such ea ctrcular acale. etc Borers are invited to call previous Cu pa:Chasing elnewhere, end, also, to bring moth them 50141. good Professionel or otherwise, to lodge or the rigidi ty of the above imminent. N. D.—Written Runts... will be given with each Piano, entitling the holder to exchange In ease the in strument be proved m the least degree imperfect, or faulty. my 4 H. FRESICII . PRINGIOOO - DS= Bhaeklett & White, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 09 Wood street, ask the attention of Alerchants to their sloe* of A.MERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now receiving direct from first hands. . . Receiving regular supplies of first goods during the wasoo and devoting a large shore of their attention to Engem Auction sales, they eon confidently assure fittfors they will find it to their interest to examine their stock. Just received, large Invoices of new style Dress Goods, Fancy Prints, Ctssimeres, Cloths, Summer Goods, Lae., White Goods, Irish Linens, Tailors' Trunmings end brown and bleached Pheetings of van • ous brands. mar 3 JAMBE W. WOODNITEILL, modern and Antique Furniture, tn, Timm tints., a Prrreaskon. large atul splendid assortment of Furniture, suitable Ira Steamboats, (totals and 'imam dare!• Gr eonsrandy on hand and made to order. The present mock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in thewestern country. Persons Inabing to purchase would do well to give me a call, as I not determined my prim attall plea.. Pan of the stock contour in— Tete a Tete; Buffet &mei.; Louis XIV Chunk &peen Elizabeth chair.; Tea Poy Toilet 'rabi pe; es, F rail Tables; Louis XV eartunoder; }leash Mahogany Bedsteads; Pismo Stools; 50 Norm with Plash and Halr.eloth 001,1tr5; 50 Mahogany Boating Chain; 40 dos Parlor do 311 '• Fancy do 1.5 centre Tables; 20 pair Divans; 4 pair pier Table; 15 marble top Demising Bureaus; a Wardrobes; U Secretaries and Book rates; 105 marble top Wash Stands; 4 pale Onnurana; El pair fanny Work Stands; A very Buie anion men% of common chairs and other nature too numerous to mention. iFt - Steam Beall furnished on the ahollest nom,. an on the most re”ottable terms. dee 15 Chocolate ; Cocoa di... W. dater'. Amerman and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Broata, Cocoa Shells, be. 1 the Best produce `.7'g<•'.7." , (r7,, h 7row."Vall:'„tr n , omnuous than tea or coffee, and in quality unsus pamed, the atibecnber recommends the above articles,mufacnired by himself, and stamped with his name. dl Drama and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, anti salutary drinks for invalids, couraleacenta, and ethers, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians SitperlOr to any other preparations Him manufactures are always on sale, in any quantity ; by the most re spectable grocer. in the eimmrti clues, and by Men Wm. ; eo., of Boston, James lit Bwice Ir. en, Ilamford, Conn: Hussey & Alurray, New York; Orem h. Stone, Philadelphia; TnomaaV Brundage, Bal. amore; and Kellogg re. lknnett, Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Mass. Fee sale by maga BAGALEY & SMITH , Agts - Wrought and Cast Iron nailingg. rf,. subscribers beg leave to Inform the public Mat they have obtained from the East all the late and e ashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for honaas and cemeteries Persona wishing to procure hand. some patterns will pleasstall and examine, and judge for themselves. Railing will be furnished at the short est notice, and in the best manner, at the comer of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny eiq.. aug2sl-411 A. LAMONT A KNOX. 48 Moo utactured Tobacco. ILXI3 Gentry k Royster's SIIIXITiOr sweet 6 Ipa 25 do lil A Dollar'. lb lb Itf do Price & Barsroed's " " 5 " 21 do do do " "16 " 25 do do Pearl is flora cod " " 5.b lb " 11 do .1 Flobuuson 57 do do ti do do Wm Dawson 33 do 'l' Wnght's 37 do G Anderson 9 do I. T Dade's do R ftlacon's 0 do Ratela " " lb " t landing from steamer and packets, and for sale HEALD, 13LCKNUR & Co, 4t north Stralai at and north wharves, jel4 Philadelphia & Son's superior sweet ib luinpa 75 half tas Webster Old superior sweet!. lumps 36 " Lowrance Lotting " 5. " Gentry & Rovsier " as& 6. 211 Dupont Ida la Bore) " 63 " In- Mcleod & " Lawrence Looter "be &6s pay Just lauding from steamer. and (or sale by HEALD, BBC KNOB & Co, 41 N water stand 16 N wharves, 11 7 31 __ W. &J. GLENN, Book Hinder. MrEa .all engaged in the above business, corner re of Wood and nut streeu, Pittsburgh, where we repprepared to do any work to our lute with de. patch. We attend to our work personally, and sallk f.tion will be given in regard to its neatness and du rability. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books in numbers or old books bound care fully or repmred. Names pat on books in gilt letters. Those that have work in our hoe are invited to call. Priem; low. coy2o:tt Cit. - V - B - KiNt) tie. genuine French Calf hams, a very hue article. A few dozens PhilsolVclua Skies, from the manufactory of ii hi Crawfo rd, to which the attention of boot makers is invited. tut raaataed and for sale by W YOUNG a Co, lea 143 liberty at ... . . ic I A VING nold oor enure nook a C. &Gam., with ,L I. a emu. in eloting our old business, we hereby Na bcit for him the paironege of all our friends nod cue lamer,. RO. W. 1101NDEXTER, THE POLNDEXTER. fluaburgh, Aug. 4th, 1818. C. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and . Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water . aslti — DULL - AND Itiraiiii - POVINXita. AA FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has re built land commenced business at his old stand, where he will be pleased to see his old custom ers and friends. . - •• Church, Steambont, end Bella of every Mee, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approv ed modela, and warranted tai be of the beat materiels , Pomp., Counters, Hailing, fee, loge. %net with terry Vartety of Brass Caning., tf required, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the Pole proprietor of Bs Amt•Amt not Mtn . .., Po msily esiebrami far be reduenon of (notion in machinery. The Boxes and Composmon ean be had of h. at all times. PKICIN TING PAPER. MILE subscribers having theexclualve Agency for 1. selling the Printing Paper of a new and extensive paper mill us tbis vicinity, will be at all times well sup plied with the different ale. of paper of superior gaol ty, which we offer at th e lowest regular once.. Any size or glltally will be manufactured to order at short soiree. REYNOLDS& lad Ike corner Pena and Irwin Idri INDIA RUIJBER CIAYTHING—Just received ?or the Catifornta Expedition, a complete assortment of Gum Elastic Clothing, at pnces rename from $440 to $11,60 for suit of rest, pants and het. For ale at the India Rubber Depot, No 6 Wood at. deem Jfk. II PHILLIPS TisTfiafT.lETir— r flircettoriTof thew, so lastly g) celebrated Hamburgh Plano., used conatantly by List, Thalberg and other great performers ( together with a large worm:tent of rosewood and mahogany, of my own manifacture. The above instruments are warranted to be perfect in every respect, and will be sold low for cash. • FHL dente No 119 Wood at, SI door from Par California. THE celebrated Ilarard Rifle Powder, to kegs, hall kegs, quarters and cane, for wile by • febl3 J II DILWORTII tr. Co, 27w00d Tifiesprattoe 'Pasant. 202 ' end St Cited, anTi'doriTle'll'e,y"l". Ivanhoe Wa. MITCHELTREE, "Sllll- We Liberty la LilitlEEDClL—to bids io more and for sale by BHAUN & REITER, comer Liberty and St Chdr stx HOTELS M w. roLiiirran EITNOLDS of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia. POINDEXTER & REYNOLDS, FLOUR FACTORS, And Clonarad Comml.lon Illeredivantas No. 483 Masan sonar ketween I.loventh and Twelfth sta., PHILADELPHIA. mllE subscribern beg leave respectfully to acquaint ellattheir friends and Me ;melte that they have W.* ed themselves in Philadelphts, for the purpose of transacting a General Commission Buainess, and trust that long experience in hminess will secure to Mein fair patronage. FlicParticular attention pill be given to soles of uc and Produce generally; and any purchases in the Philadelphia market for Western acconnt. R. W. POINDEXTER, C. REYNOLDS. REFERENCES—The merchant. of Pittsburgh gen. *roily; Springer & Lehner A And riot,, Cincinnati, 0E0; D Newcomb &. Bro., W B Clifton, Lewis Ruffner, Jos Todd, Louisville, K .Crow, Me• emery & Barksdale, St Louis, Mo.; He wi tt, Norton Co., IV A Violet., New Orleans, La; Gill, Wien. & Noyes, AlGregor & Morris, New York; W R Thomp son & Ce., John Tiero In Co, Peter ;Marseilles, B.l{ /ones, Deal, Milligan A Burt, Philid'a apet2m J. 77. P . BhtlTg - Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ST. LOUIS, MO. Will rive particular attention to the collection of Claims, and all money received, shall be remitted without delay. Rareamsc.--Hon. R. Coulr, Supreme Bench.a; M Lyon, short, A Co. SL te Lotus; Wood, Abbo tt & Co Phtlad'a, JJIO H Brown & Co. do, Mr Charles H Welling, do; Eno, Mahoney & Co. New York; Chitten den. Rh. & Co. do; Rougher A Orendord, Baltimore; W F & A Murdoch, do, Love, Marna A Co. do; Mr. John Falconer; Messrs. Lore. Sterling & Co Puts. burgh; Forsythe A Co. do; Hampton, Sumo A Co. do; Mr. L S Waterman, do. rnehc,l2itt VEW CO M B S—AI ZEBULON ;ONSETS, 67 na, kW don very high hank 3.11 Tuck COMILS, 3 " medium " J low " " 21 plam hi gh I " now., headed top " " t' fancy top Buffalo " 10 0 gro. eons. Horn. Si dos shell side; awned res; 30 gross on hors ide; 3 doz shell dresistrig do; la dos Hudak, do do; 1 do linitanon do do, 50 do hest English Horn; 6 do 16 S S fine Ivory. extra sue; 18 do. S S do do, to boxes, 12 gross S hue do do; 1 do corrin Cleft/11:1'1. BANKE RS,, EXCHANGE BROKERS . and ) dealers la Foreign and Domesue Exchange, Ceruficates of Ucposite, Bank Notes, and Speme--Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo neyreeyed deposim—Sight Cheeks for sale, and the United States. collecti m ons mode on nearly all the principal points in The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold. Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped Cato on liberal terms. aP2 acE 7l- ? I INIVAL - 7(n A F 1.3 EDISCO Via ill PATIN"' SEC9IIDIAMVAIIT Ist. 1819. Palma rross-trvar ca.enterna Tablas, Sofa., Bureaus. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. THE TABLES fu turpantog every other cera in ,. ton of the kuld now extant. They can be ex tended trom ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves are all contained inside; they an: made to all sues and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hates, and large private families, fern,' trig when closed a Complete centre table. SOFAS. AND BUREAUS—These articles are Meal- ! sable, particularly to those who lush toecono -111.5f room and concert • sleeping apartment Otto a parlor or cuing room, as they can be opened and shut at convenience. and when shay the bedding la enclos ed. A great m ring in room and rent. All the bed steads when closed mot a beautiful pieceur furniture h' il a drA r A o :lF— ti `it in ln r e7it m iind useful article for parlor or drawingroom. WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms, and other offices; when opened n most ebnvenient bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone All these erne], need no recommendation: the beauty of the whole i,,they are warranted not to get out,of repair. It will be for your interests to call and extuune the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No. •3 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above , advent s. 7 . racy arc Prof='AtOonws..t.L. NIEL l ILUAJI EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO ISI J YNE—This certifies, that immediately after having vended m ite brother who died of eonstimption to Mare ISIS, I was taken ' slci with the Consumption or Live Complaint, and was reduced so low with die disimae. that for four years I Isom enable to attend to my bust ens, either at home or •hroad, being for the now urtm confined to my bed. Durinx rho above pen. od of ante, I hod expended for medical attendance o regular Physicians and medicines, to the amount of 631 X., without receiving any • benefit therefrom. In July, 1f4.5, I eommenced taking Dr. Jayne's hledt. eine., and have taken them mom or less aver since, and believe that it was by persevering in their use, that I can now truly say that I have completely moo, erred my health. I believe that Jaynels &mauve Pills and Expectorant am the best leanly medicines now in I reside in Springfield, Otsego roomy, N. Y., and carry on a farnaen and machine shop In that place, and am not interested in any manner in we sale of the above medicine., and make this certificate tor the ben efit of those aillictesl. ELLJAII EATON. bonngficht, N. Y., Sept. It IS4A. m 4 SIANUPACTiffkED id call the attention of the city wade nnd dealem generally, to the following brands Tobaccos, itf store and to arrive, which tieing consignments di rect from mantifamuntra, he ts enabled to sell at east ern pm., 139 I bus R W Crenshaw ss: 70 I James Madison Ss; 81 I " Lamarune 54; 33 I. " liltrabeau sst Zel f •• Putnam tls and le; 1.5 I " Roberts & Sweon .se; I Oscar Bari ss; 9 I " Johns & Lewis 1.; 3 I " Warwick, sapr le; 48 1 " Heary & /smog So, Is and 8S: label L 8 WATERALAN Pltl IVerita and Voundi - y. 171711..111, TORN WRIGHT & Co., we proposed to baild Cotton e) and Woolen Machinery of every desenption, such ise Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders. Drawing I rames, Railway Heads, NVerpers,Spoolers, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, 8.. e. Wrought Iron Shorting turned; all sizes of Cast Iron, ?utiles and Hangers of die latest partenu, slide and band Lathes. arid tools of all Muds. Casungs of every deunpuon furnished on short nonce. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing. be. Steam Pipe tor heat ing Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash mid fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left or the Warehouse of I. Palmer & Co., Liberty street, will have prompt anon non. ' Refer to Blackstack. Bell & Co., J. K Mourenead & co. ii. K. Warner, John Irwot & Sone, Pftsbargli ; 0 C. I II Warner, Steubenville mt., poss Placksles la WltillTfil AN—Matatfamtwer or all cads of cot 11. too and woollen inciy. Alleglisoy Lary, Pa The above works befits nowto lull and succeesful op erauoo I ern prepared to execute orders with dispatch for all koide of machinery in my line, such s willows, pickers, spreaders, aunts, gruoling machines, railways, drawoor frames, speeders, tbrossda, looms, woolen earths double or stogie, for merchant or country work, males, Jocks, &a.: slide and hand lathes and tools to gen eral. All kiple of oluraing made to order, or plaits gre en for gearing Caotonee or mills t reasonable con-se. Reran no—Kennedy. Childs h a CO., Blackstock, !Jell & Co , King, Penstock & Co., Jo, A Gray . ":--- NEW COAOII PACTOILY, -- rit.t.aortarr. /St the Wliil L! that CO . rt ' a d ve create:4 To alif " o ".. ; m Lacock, betw ir ee ut n Federal at d Sandasky streets. Th ey are sow making and are prepaxed to renews orders for every ileocrant in of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Bo couches, Magri*. }lineman, he , So., which from their ./. long expenene to the mainthintare of the above work, tmd the facu s they hove, they feel confident toy aze enabled to do ork on the most reasomfb/e Miles with those waoung nieles to their hoc. Paying parocular aummon to the sclecoon of mate nets, and havi sg none bar competent workmen, they hare no heslatton to warranting their work. We therefore ask tie attention of the public to this inatter. N. R. Itepairnistene in the best tactrinelyrald 011 the moat reaeonalst . tonna. une&lf _ - .------..--. Monongahela Livery Stable. a2ROHLITT H. PATTE:RSON has opened the large stable on rural at, running through to Second st, between Wood and tamultfield sts.,ln the rear of the lionongahela Hotta', with an entir e ly now stock of Horses and Catriages of the beat quality and latest styles. Horses kept at live ry In the Item manner. }rally ----oa:Pti __ . _. • Patens Graduated Gram as BeMery and. Paten , Insulated Palm for Medical onoloawr oy lea nnadttrome. ibis .notuonf the try or tind thatur for reed . 67 1 ,117=IWU ' iell o n/ Y e:g6==belt man eye, We ear, the brain, or to any part of the body, either externally or internally, in a dein. gentle decant, 'nth shocks or palm—with gowned and often with ani happiest edeeta This important apparauts Is now highly opened of by many, of the most eminent phystei nee try and Dame, to whom the afflicted widener, whom It may concern can be referred. Refereece will also be given to to.y highly respectable ellixens, who have been cared by means of this most saleable apparatus of some of the most inveterate nerveus disorder. winch could not be removed by any other known means. Among venous others, it haa been proved L. be ad mirably adapted fur the cure of the following disease., vim nervous tendone sad other dine.. of the brain. It is with tins appendus alone that the operator can convey the =tuck fluid with ease and safety to the eye, to mums eight,. earn amaorosaw to the ear to restore heraium to We tongue and other organs, to re: atom speech; and to the various parts of We body, for the cure of Mumnla rheumatism, asthma, noweltrie, or he doloureux, paralyels, or palsy, goat, eborca or dt. Vito', dance, epilepsy, weakness Item trpromts, UKme dleetwea penultae to nasal., coutraction of the limba, 100 aw, Wr 2: , ,..:YrOandlitrevantles of Wean. Pa-,, and Priv . M., with the inslitimear, may be parehasa , .. and also tested for the ewe of diseases , Pall birtruction. Will be given for the various died seals to be used fir varless disease., and the batman- err Operated forth' ram of them diseases.willal so be (ally expleinal to the pareheser, and a pamphlet , pat into hi. hands ezprees/y for these purposes_' fully prepared by the yew... Enquire or PlesbniAt4 GEIZE—IIIe to .exua_CispaCkieele,lost suet sae for sale by J,..IICA:(E(ELI?'. mscm,ogous. PAPER HANGINGS II . ESEI REItJA . B._HOWARD £ 00 Ai. Si {toad Street, WOULD call Ow 'attention of the puldie to Met present stock of Paper klgs, weith rar va riety, beauty of finish,durability nod Cheapness, g-a -fug.f..l a y any ettabllabmeut the Urnon ideludes Large and fall usorament of paper of their own manufacture, they are now - receiving a direct im portation of Preach and Eng . Lish etyles of - Paper Henn inapt, purchased by . and Lent Howard, one of the firm, note in &nose, conSisaing of Parisian manufacture Igooo pieces. London do 5,000 do Of their own martme they hre 1 00 . 0 tht_pi.“. Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces Ra in Window Blibds, fr.. Messrs. hones Howard 3 Co. have spared neither expense nor labor In their endeavors to rival the east ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of MMn afacoure and variety of pattern; and they are warrant ed in assuring the public that they have succeeded. Thewhole assortment, foreign and borne ritanafact tare, will be offered on terms as low as those of east ern manufacturers and Importers. ntehßride - =RI= CO.,PALMIER, & O &at aLles,..lVraing-besi.r. DRY & VARIETY GOODS. PRISM SPRING GOODS . .Nrnen w w °mirror very. and choke an eortnient of SPRING AND suaumEn UOODN, selected with mote than usual care during the last few weeks, in the New York sad Philadelphia markets, and embracing a great county of almost every de scription of the latest and yawn fashionable styles, and a 1 portion of it having been bonaht at the EAST ERN AUCTIONS at a great redue n on front the regu lar rates, we ans enabled totiffer - great inducements GO cash lingers, either by wholesale or retail. We would therefore respectfully invite the attention of the public to our Stock, feeling confident of oar ability to amt bayou in almost every article they may wish in our line. To the ladies we would especially commend 0111 Meek of Brummtro Dam Bugs, of which we halm ■ sexy large and beautiful assortment or the latest styles anti most fashionable colon. Lodmas Incase Goon—Mons!!., de Lames, Poll-de Cheevre, silk, linen and mohair Lestres, painted Lawns, gingham Lawns, Foulards, new style Bemires, English, French and Scotch Ginghams, linen Clog harnim great variety, &u. &e. Somme—New style Bonnets, very cheap. Rtesons AND Flowsmn—Of the latest styles and supe rior in quality. Psaums—A very large and handsome stock of Par asols, of almost every style and quality. Beswln—A tine amorunent of spring and summer Shawls, of MI styles and prices. FILENCII CLorns—A good supply of super French, Englksh and Amerieutelottna and Casanneres, to which we would invite the attention of persons needing such goods: ALSO—A fall and general supply oflihnling Checks, Ticking', brown and bleached Muslims, Table Lineal, Sheedngs, Diapers, Cambric., Drillings, summer Goods men.' and boys' wear, Jaconets, Mulls, Swiss, Nan woks, Hoskins, Prints, Gingham., Crape, Crape Lace, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, silk Hdltfs, Vella, the. tke. Personmwistung to buy by wholesale, should call and examine our stock, as our prices are such as to make IL their interest LO buy. ALEXANDER A. DAY, 75 Market st, ap2l nomhwest corner of the Diamond A A. MASQN & Co. ....v., N. GO Market rover, have or on hanthe largest variety of Embroideries 'inch they have ever olTered. Their aseortment con sist% in part of the following good., vim 123 rich embroidered Ildue/in l lar, 81, Capes, from 51,50 to 50000 500 crochet Collar., from 371 to 73 330 lace tl to 12 : 700 Giniport• 04. to 121 1.0 Jenny Lind " 621 to 1,00 A ISO muslin Habits, " all to 1.50 590 pairs moshn (Milk," 37 to 05 Also, Mourning Collar., from le! to Call at the cheap one price store of A. MASON & Co, No 61) Market at. myl2 10EW RIBBONS. BLACK SILKS, BLK. BABA. .111 GEO, sc.—W. R. Moaner has thm moemag re cd by Express a lot of handsome straw colored. green and blue Bonnet Rtbboos. Also, glossy black Silks for dresses ' V,nne. manallas, ho. Buck SILK Laons—A late assortment lately recei ved. Warm. Goom for drriums—stmh • swum an& m Nankuoka, to. Also, embroidered mzisii for dramas, au at lowest paces, at northeast con Fourth and Market stream • • --s Wholesale Rooms ap starts. myl4 FBENCH LLVEN AND LINEN. - LUSTUDSI- . IN• R. sft - a.n., , , ha, now open a full assortment Of a: aloft fancies. for dress,,• and sac k s—amonk the ha ter urn scans scarce colon, such a, pink, blue, won, 0.•., ciao, pink, blue, greet, and mode colors of Cha rneleon Lawns, and a large assortment of embroider ed mueltta and Lawns. W. R Ws recent purchnoe Is now all received and open, and persons w.nng Dry Goods moll do well to look at his large and rr. . sh stock before purchastug— at northeast corner 4th and market sta. Wholesale Rooms up malts. re ft ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS—Alatenals for Artsficiat Flowers, viz: Plain crone paper, spoiled do, Cai rn:cc paper for coloring, Pink Saucers, Leaves of eve ry iorm, Duds. Cps and callow., can be obtained at F H EATON aL Co's Trimming Store, apl4 62 Fourth sr. EBROlDERY—worsted patterns for Ottomans, ' Pomo Smola, Tabla Covers, Traveling Bags, wall a grant variety of small pattern.. Also, Worsteds of all colors and shades, by the pound, ounce, or skein for ante by apl4 FII EATON & Co, &I Fourth at SECOND SUPPLY— W EMurphy, at northeast cor nee of 4th and Market streets, has now open his skcoan supply of spnag and moaner Good., and has a large assortment of Dress Goods of newest styles, and staple Goods of every kind, all of whisk will be sold low. .027 I_REEN MUSLIN DE LAINE— %V R Murphy has %.5 received the above scarce and deeirable article, of the fashionable shade; Ilea, Green Borne.- a p27 W HOLICSALIC LILY GOODS. A A. MASON It CO., GO?th.dI6,ONERS AND IMPORTERS, CO 111•..crr 'Scam. • • - • . A RE now opening the most extensive and varied Ll assortment of Spring and Summer Goods ever ilibsted in the Western counuy, comprising. upwards of Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased ul entire packa ges from the manufacturers, importers, and large auc tion sales, by one of the firm residing in New York, who is constantly sending as the newest and most fashionsble goods. They name in hau— -1 cases nch Spring Prints; 30 cues hide Linne; 94 " Lawns and filunlins 34 " cotton and linen 12t/ " beat lied Musbas,all GI/agitate* grades; de ." colki filushrnc 40 " shirting Checks nod 07 Mph. Conon domestic Ginkhams; I Ides and summer Shills 150 Brown kinsluss; Also, rases and packages of lionneui, Flowers, La Millinery Ribbons, Silks, Shawls. Bercgas. Whin , Gonda Aruolck, Cloths sad Cassimeres, Liuena , itl• siery and Cloy., dn. kn. City anti country merchants will find their stook as large and destrabfe as Eastern stocks, and ari exaint , nation of their goods and cannot fail to COTT ,' nacre all that wob their undeniable advantages and facilities, they ran compete wits ear Korona loses. This fart has been clearly demonstrated to bundreds of their patrons who formerly purchased Emu, nets stock will always be found complete ap7 11 13 W GOODS, 1849. - ENNEDY & SA W VER. corner Wood and Foonb street, are now receiving direct from first hands, a large mock of Fancy and S'Onety Coml., including Clocks of every variety, gold and silver Watches, Jewelry, French Pratt., Combs, Hooks and lives, Gloves and Hosiery, Suspenders, Gun Cam and all other articles in their tine—all of which having stern purchued personally of the manufacturers east, du ring the Inn winter, expressly for the Spring trade, will be sold wholeaale at a small advance on cost. Constantly on hand, ail descuptiona of Looking Glass es, of our own manufacturing, at canteen pnces. mhin N • • FANCY AND VARIETY tiOODs—At Eli ULON KINSEY'S. 67 Market meet. 100 pre fine Cbina Vases, .1.9; 175 sets twist and cut velvet coot Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Bags; .9 do do gent's travelirnp LOU gross fancy silk Buttons, (or dresses; 10 doe Nast Brushes,ssed; 100 gro fine blk Vest Buttons. ass'd; to do do gilt and plated, do; 25 doe rosewood HIM Brushes; 4 do Washiugton do; 1 do Barbers do, 8 gro Fick tlehllookA, Lme rick, ire. JEWELRY, Sr —5O gold lever Watches; 50 do de tached lever Wine hes; 10 do Lepine do' 10 fine 'Sn. mood Finger Ring.; I don floe Fold Vest and Fob Chains; 2 do do Guards; Breast Pam, Finger Raga, Ear Ring Sr , GLOVI.. 50.-210 dos Ladies Cotton Gloves, au'd; 300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, &v..; 10 do geom. silk Gloves; 19 do do kid do; 50 do ladies kid, as d; 10 do do fancy top silk. VARIETY GOODS-75 pkgs Anacnean Pius; 300 bars Cotton Cords; 75 ps Paper Muslin; 300,000 ribbed Percuasion Caps; MO gro dross IVbalebone do; 100 doz Ivory Combs, Dressing Combs, Back Combs, ,te. RO. app LI EATON a CO. are nom opening mete Spring . H. stock of Tnmentrigs, ronnianne in part of 51an tilla and Dress Fringes, lumps, black and cold Silk Laces, black Flounce Lacy, Banana, Bride, Bonnet I 'Primmiligs, gents, ladies and cauldrens plain and lan• cy Hoalery. Shirts for men and loot ',Comb., Rory nod other Fans, Yarn. Spool Cotton, Needles, Tapes, Bob bins, Pins, Sc. Sr., which they oiler for sale, both wholesale Mid . thilTrimuung Store, 22 Fourth street. between. Wood and Market. Rota XTEW SPRING GOODS —A- A. Mae. re co., No. IA 00 Market street, are tom opening 40 cases and packages o( splendid SPRING GOODS. compriltng Lawns, Nature, &reps, M de Lames, Gingham:tic Pnam. French Cambncs, Linens, Ribbon., Laces, Silks. She grot, Gloves, lioncry, and a general assort ment of t.oods 21.11PlaVS, OIL OLO'I.IIO, to . 1. f 5 ‘ 1 1 1 , :1. : 1) ,„ 1:1 . 1 , 1 . 0 a i D . A .. l.. p e p ant il i k ca a and Cloth, prices to suit purchasers, a. I cheap no can he par chauci in any of the Eastern ewes, comprtamg toe Vol. loptim v an- nes,— Kora Royal Velvet Pile Carpets; MMIEM= top Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair carpets; ! Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do Superfine do do Cheinne Rugs; • 4:xtra sup liege= do Tuned do perfine do do Bruasels do tine 'hem. Door Common do do Tufted do do I 4.4, 3-4 tr. 5 Tapestry eidelad do do Damask do Sheep +km do do I & twl'd V.- 12-4 klmblsed Piano cowers can do 6-4 do Tate). do 4-4,34 & plain do do 6-4 wool do do Colton Ingrate do 6-4 worsted and lineal 20 de do Venetian do Brass Stair Rods d-4 ninon Druggek 16-4 wool crumb cloth* • 1:44 woolen do Omit • Linen 6-4 do do 6-4 table do English Table Cid cloths; Diaper do Gamma do do do do Crash 6-4 Floor Oil cloths; Snow-Drop Napkins, 7.4 do oo do Convent Plunk 6-4 do do do Purple do 6-4 do do do Maroon do 4-4 do do do Carpet Rindener. Sheet 041 Cloths, of neeseTmaplut Window Shade. I.s,ulro'silre etry ; 14.1 “ iv ' e n' we c o u rt ' ° Con t gandrfoodlolollf SOrlog took of Carpets, oil Cloths and Steamboat 'ximinaings, to which we invito the attention of all who wish to fur nigh their houses or steamboau. as we will be able to offer goods so low os they ran be purchased in the East, and of the richest and Coll and en. smote OEM stock before purchastog nisewhom WarC• house, No 75 Foterth st. enchfil W. lii'CLLNTRCK. The Largest, Cheapest an , most Po.thiorsattle 8 • of Gonda, adapted to Gentlemitya'.l Spring and Summer Wear, 'spa& remit:mg at DIGUY'S CHEAP CASH CLOTHINH STORE, 133 LIBERTY STREET. • rgagyF, prone.", of tho above mablashrnent would I respectfully inform his numerous etwomers, !AN be has just returned from the EAstern cities with the stoat splendid assortment of goods in his line, Nat was ever brought to this city, comprising all that is now fashionable, elegant and Cheap In Cloths, Cm/mere, Caidunereds, Drap lie Ete i and every desenpuun of count, linen and woollen Summer Stuffs, Shirts, Cra • pats, }Mkt, Suspenders, ha, of the newest style, which, together math his very large and fashionable stork of ready-made Clothlng, he Is prepared to otret at his count low pneen. Country Merchants, Contractors,iind all who ur chase largely, art particularly Mooed to tail and p ex. amino the stock, which is decidedly ;be largest and most fashionable in the city, and great attention has been paid to get T ail o ring suitable to the wholecale trade. Orders in the lute executed in the moat fashionable foamier. and that nothing may be wattling to endure the newest and best etylo of cutting. A gen demat who boo had great experience in the Eastern edieg, has been added to the establuttnient. mehn am - • DAY GOODS. SHACKLETT 4. WHITE. , Dr-y Goods iobbaa•. Np. 99 WOOD STREET—WouId call the auentron 'of "Merchants to their large mock of Demeede and Foreign DRY , GOO w 43,h:0n d receiving front dor Ito 'fiT=l4;erd Mrtra't; ctlit. wau -11 u now full and complete, and well worth thehttenhon of buyers, as we are determined to sell ' ArVidltxtsaterelykroF Frites ia cannot fail (*Make It a■i - tiaia isithwelmfoir Emettipmultraa a bill With . 443 • VOL.' XVI. NO. 251 MISCELLANEOUS. • INEIIyjuLOESS • TUE PROTECTION FIRE AND sif EARLNE INSURANCE CO2IIPA e , NI OF HARTFORD, CONN. \ enamel= MIER& staples fund 1,00 Cao,oo o. pital Stock, Ahnosl Receipts, W All looses promptly paid at the Oerhsral Agency OF for Me West o n Ststes,located at Cincinnad,ana. iv. t of long standing, and well known throaghoot the United State* for Its solvency and ired,mt te r =s t fa:t f irn ue ,tlo "I'4 astern 'erce"Add.,l2 sang amounting to tha aggregate to Lags mots os the reeeiros for d which uo on tho dies of the Company at Dartford an Cincinnati. The Pittsburgh agency of this ogles was origmelly hold by Moses Atwood, Fan, and woo imbuement/7 taxed ont of the Slam, by a law amounting to aMO Immo of all Foreign Instommo Companies, kilt In ten. son to escape loss by the fire of Bah April. LAS The agency is now reorganized under the charge of the undersigned, who wtit receive applications and mane Polka,. against Lugs OR DAMAO!' BY FIRE On Stereo, IVaroboas., Dwellings, tec.,,,,h t h e eon teats. Also, on Goods, Warta and kle,rekandlito a gainst the penis of Man = AM inn.LnEn DUVIGKIION, at current rates of Premium- , Office at R. BROWN Je unonietts, No. 141 Wood sweet. PAYETTEI3ROWN, Agent Protection Insurance Co. Cot Pittob _band Allegheny Co. t a " CITY SCRIP. Matta to the kolders of Piitehur,g4 . City Seri,. IN conforrney with the :hi Section of the Ordirtance of the leth of April, 1849, directing the undersigned "to negotiate FOR CITY SCRIP,the Bonds and Mort gages of individuals held by the City fbr property sold, amounting te TWENTY-EIGLirTHOUSAND LARS'Letrilblic notice is hcrehygiren, that the said oblige:ie. will now be amends:if for the Corporate issues of the City of Pittsburgh, of the denominatious of One. Two and Three Dollars. Portlier notice IS hereby pnes, that City Bondi bearing interest from die 16th day of dpril, 1049, at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, will at any time bentaf• ter be issued to the holder or holders of City Scrip, in sums of One Mildred Dollars and onwards, acio.dbig to the provnuons of the Ordinance of the above date. apt! S. A. JOHNSTON. Ci • Treasitrer. _ i ' 7-4-----.-- t -t " 2 :t-T - - - :- . .t -4----- :; -, - . ---: 7-.. :,. ,:-• 1 :1 41tN 6 &01HF,-!'l Ali .. - 1, ~- - -,....! • ~....if.,:ii ' 9 -1 nisi A• P Ti\ r f; 7 ! , •v,s,j i 0,.....! • 4 t o, , ci , j r„.. .4 +f'~~ sz;x;Tl';~-- A N EIIIINE,NT and experienced Phyaietan axon Ma East, of 20 years standing, offer. to new enema of a Delicate Nature with promptness and secreoy. Hu success in Buffalo and other largo cUies has been proverbial. His charges are meraie, and ha carte immanent. Old oases of Gloat, Strierare, Scro fula, Plane Athat. Rhenmatism, Ague, Syphilis, or any chrome or inveterate cases A cure warranted, or charge refunded. Orricas, St. Clair sweet, 2 doom from the Bridge. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis. N. B.—Dr. A. solmna the worst cameo( may disease in Pittsburgh to call. • 1.4.a11y WILLIAM BEMIS% llanalactorer of Mineral Water Apparatus, LION 07 , seta rn /00.413, No. 213 North Second t. above Vine, PHILADELPHIA. AN expenence of more than twelve years in the manufacturrng of Mineral Witter Appartatia, and the preparation of latneral Water in Bottle, and Foun tains, on an extensive eeple, with a scientific and peace ucal Ireowledge of of both branches of lankness, toga. thee with recent improvements in die emu:tram:lon of the Apparatus and the preparing of the Wetter, which by has succeeded to adopung since his sigh to Pads, and alter years of close stody and practice/ a Mina. dons as applied to the its in Mechanics and Chomia try, enables the subscnber to come before the public with enure confidence, and °ler them the best and moat complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of