BY MAGNEIr rE.,41/rTiii *SPORT= obvizia.-7-:; Apar the ip*it t itigle Doh! ciiiO4tiw, '..:;' :.:..";ttEu , ,Tals. 31 4 26 ' Date. fivan gartstiffdarluirthe - eheek received by the Facing tiiriyttln-,ita)oth I strayed l'lntittii . to it s cetare,4'!4**d the 'people on the ten% detest paint ....c...,, :_:- ," 1 ' - ATi!!! Preach., natal atturohed on the 27th 01 Japrit, from t - vie*i. 6i-*itikbni, met willt more ' ' than ho-ha exPec t 4 w k ia : vain albeit a' - idea citi; he PaYea Pr ate: , reminder of Oar rage:sae api . 1 • in the meanie „,- . .4 Etaiiiils' were - not idle., ' Onthis 26th,, theTeiriiiirrer' e created: ida ee: ': -trusted with the Command of the trarps,denthed: for the defencsref the Republic. The streets were. barricaded, and ihritential Conti:titles/p= alining the entraneeoftleFtencli *hey ;i ' ~ ins, in MO they &d,,to blow up the Q !did. ii i ,;, 1 Vatican and '- t• re#o: , ." , ... .... - '' ' ' The Frenetithart:septied as tin were ins !Dilutive, and ho"would entei Rothe „tr e bly, if ne- On advancing to the etty,ahe F eh were re- , celved with vollies of muittetry, d were coss '..4yened to retreat with the Ides of 200 ' led and 600 17nnried. ...„ .. The Engiish aithonnts state that the French were „ pulsed with the Ines Of 600 tilted. . . The French prisoners declared themselves trier-, - • into the espedhlcut, and that they thought thii. Inns° to fght the Austrian& During the action, Genersl Onatot had been; taken prisoner, but atter a great deal of difficulty.. • • been rescued. On the receipt of the news otthe Waif at Paris, the President wrote theidlowincletter to General. sabot • Emu Nolo:mt. Poses' , May 8. ' Van Grnarat:—TbaL telegraphic newt amain am strong resistance you encountered ender .0 walls at Rome, has deeplY.toained use. Iliad •• • that the inhabitants of ROme;opening the r •-yes to evidence, mouktreceive with eagerness an army which had artived to accomplish friendly and disinterested mission- This not been the case. One soldiers Wive 'received as anemias, cut military honor is inkqed, and I will not suffer it to loci impagned,Yor' einforeemanta ahah tnot be wanting tolon. your soldiers kapnreciatis their, bravery, and take' an in what they endure, and they. may damp an tar attpporiaa d grntitude. My dear Gletters3,lemive , the e n ziments or my slat esteem. : LAM Mr.:lion BONAPARTE. Prs.aa Tiny 26. Pravite telOphla al2ltott !me the nr. vat °I . " C 440 _ aid Oregon steatners at Pa - ee the:oM 4"; , CHOLERA . IN CINCINNATL - --. , • erectlimier, May 2& There were alma slew cues of Cholera during . • 24 hours endiag te=darat 12 &emir, end two The sairkeuhreaisetten,ged. .., • . - PHILADKLIIIIA MARKET lUwn—Prices . to,lak have advaneed Flour--The market bidet, but holders era firm, at pravicmai4ciefiatious Some, however, would sant easier rates Map cuMeat yesterday. Graia—The , secelpte of 'Wheat are "'nett:— Sales, to day, of Mee: White at '10%91 COcould of Yenta Red at 1010101 e: FoiCora, the market is firm, with a gointdmitina: - Provisions-Seles of 250 bbls Mena Parket 310,..: ' SO, sad of Prim - at AS 7109 pei bbl: 'l3aima Ls irt good daniaudoiad pri•ave advanced. • The market,gentrally, without change. . • NEW YpE.E N2d3tEET. ; • NSW Yam Cotton—Thin -laws liytha Caledonia bim cbeck. , ' ied tansactions, and correct +Romanis canarabet Floar—Thermarket is Steady, btu not ambit and them 1. no - change In quotations. Thadeatitrid is confined main city trade-only. ProvisioniThere. is ,a good demand barldesn: Pork at SIO, and for Prime at ItS 25 per, bbL—., Lard Is active,and the market is firm. Sales in bids at 6k, and in kegs at 7071 e. Seem is also in good dimuind;with an advance in prices. Sales, of Shot:Men et ifiric, and of Hams at Signs thoceries—Dentand steady; nocturrige in quo., k:/.1f•ki1aa):444 , 3: 4 ;1V1A Grain—The steamer l e notes has lad oo effect tip= the market lip pet. Sales of SOCO bus Ohio. wheal at 1139ii105c . per bit. Flom—Thebtarket pelage no materiel &rate: _ By the Pretaltdeut of. the IlnitenlStabsana In punmanee °flaw, I JAMES K. POLS, President'. of the United Stater of' Anomie; do hereby deciliter and make known, that public salorenblie hektat the rualerntentioned land °lkea to the Slone of WISCON. SIN, at tho periods hereinafter deatenated to ant; At the beta office at thePallaid'ST. CROIX. dyer, econoanoing on Monday' the fourth day of June neat, for the disposal or !inland. atuated nitbin tho, untlarmentiomalTernrosidpa and parts of T. 3U-that* and .Ika.t thelghqh Froctlonal township mini:ivy-aye, and townships thirtYs thirtPwles: l 44 thinr-twoi of rop SZIVELIteIEEL, Ftrictional townships twitrupfive 'and twenty-six,,, and townaloPt one, lhixtStm! ) l . anli thirirl*refr, virago eighteen- ; Fractistml township! twenty-sir ; and townhipnl twenty nine, thirty-three, and • thirtY-flea, of ranger uttereetn. Townships thirty-three, thirty far, and thirty-fite, of rallge twenty. At gab aux nacx, tont:unclog on Monday ths third day of Septembernen, for the diegosel of MI the, pubro Wads withAis the townships end fractional town ships shove mannerited, which hate been, or shall be, repeated before tho - dayasslei as containing tapper" lead, co other„valuttbla arcs, to be offered:for sale id • spuntswqoarter sestinas, or not Ins than five dollars per acre, except exeeptthe serum sad pens of sections, If: any, covered try' than =hong lesserwhich shall not be sleterminedtP t he day fixed for the cotconentemem of the public silt, ,itescsidatice with the• provisions of the act, *Braved on the third day of March, eighteen bombed and forty-snren, : e.ntitled 'An Act to OTnille an. :additional land district ha the Temlory,otWlSCON- • MN, sun (or other imp neat' ' • At the land Oleo at atINERALVOINT, nommen ehtar ou Monday rho day of 'Jeer next, for she tbsposal of t he, vamots public lands stratum the no- Elenneutionefi townships end parts t& townships, vim Arra ofge /bus' and Wirt of the FartstA. principal Adraidinra. Tamilhips fourteen, Sneer' .and sixteen, of range Otte. Toomshigs Somme 'amen °eau sixteen, of range ~.,...thlto°oll44tolootirtooetitY-cne, end twenty-two, of TOL . - ernr3ships nineteen, twenty, 'Manly-VW, and men tY.olo, lane- row- Tawnatups nineteen and twenty, of range Gee. Towooh,ipaektiacen, nineteen, and twenty, ornate Town datlps eighreell,.rtinethen., and twenty, dfronge Norm T o ,",,, gg higo oighth ‘ m, pineleell,.l/11 Maly, ofrum. I•roetioeal itemahip• eighteen, and trotted= nine teen and twenty, of mop! nine. Fractional tamable eighteen- and township. =c laim and twen army Via tan. Froctional,to ty, wnships eighteen and nineteen, and township twenty, of nuts n eleven. ;pelaVNlollonal , tovinalups n inatent and twenty, of range . FriCtiati2lloWillup tun May, ef rergethirteets. , Lands oppropriatedliy `law foe the sae of =boots, unitary, onil other pulp°, .'er r _ will lao excluded froM The arming of the above' trepanned lands will be stennermad on the - days *pp Mated, end proceed -lathe aster in whleh they ate seam' ised. with all cone. Man dairy— etch, until the whole &hall have been oar. Mi. Ind the sales tool close d. last no sato shalt .grapea Imager then two wean and no prim en try of any of the lands ado thud until aver Ns 41=7anf two weekm nnder my hind, at the easy of Waildngton, thia twginywerenth do of I FahrtutrY• Sono Gintin , one thatwand eight. and &GI 4040 - ty the S. POLIf. aICHARD N. YOUNG, , Comilanorim of t ie Leant Office. -.To the Public. TO* tollarseed rho above minimal-len are. momma ly on end adement to dm Nistilsaippi and En Mots. Thom deagente d ass mineral, aro ostrerasty. valitablei because to addition" Uto copper and Oiler Ores fmind in thaM, at.l Welt waned, and Erre lady access to market, dither td the loan, by the Idusissippi Mgr, or to 0. 0 E 13 4 ,3 Y 1 10 Wig or UM bleu, and the Several lines of C0M.111,12. nfeuianthai"Waneathamwille..• Valuable_ Weber and an other =ening?, eglandel building and intwitlain ere Silted - In great shank algae', and ad %/mild" , anithl- Tao climate la bel& nay sa d znourant— the eold being rs rely more intense tbea W the, centime' part of New ork—and many af a n d,, ogo extftwogly feralry. predating all the t vgbva and Yedetabics da.. l clul raised in Maya- . or ninthem New York, =lg rho kimathes of thy =ace, and other w,lnablC infortuation relating thereto , derived from tho hlearmy, , winch =nut ho embraced Ada ld- r r,,„e x mice, will be prepared and deposited us ilad 1 .. g aw e et et. Crouch" inspection as .n o ire en pm. ticable before the IClMOluneemeta of the public cates. mock,. to rgamemptlon Olalmante;. • Eve - person entitled to the nett of pre-cetpue% , way et Ingleside within the townships a means of town. . 4 W* above. entunerated, is reonnM to estahlino the "E. to limemlsfeetion of the register and nmeiteror the proper land odlee, and make payment therefor as won =practicable altar seeing shim notice, and h e . Yore the troy appointed f o rte cornmencement of the pabha nut of 1 . 4 . roming the tract claimed, vidtunviss inch claim will be forfeited. ' SUCHARD AL YOUNG, Comnirilener of the General Land Once_ • ' 3 NoTICIE. , , op/J.I,3GS ST.. CROLS.iI The Sales Overtired above= be held at liteJdnd oN Sae aka. Prr.r. or Si. Czar ILIT.r, the day CICTUINgOitui nos 'sun •asi of Sammtme next, win not be held: a neOr Drowtoe' hOtof been °113""- ad outlet mid tjuttihstri et Imo; In the State of Win. . oancatjand the land Mks far that part In the Territory cd. MOtulfto having Gain duetted to be removed 10 eirrmwszot; from and rim; the thirarth day of Judd z.ext, 1:1 act of Gangster, apPrittaliJareb trVr d`l3 ad, 1849.. ay the Padded: OC I IN G lIMEIMIJULLYOUN G, lad tCamsonaarntk of m a General & •.• 7 i Meath MOW.. epO,lltkwitil, "b I OE-4 1 ) #rni.intclitic,e.: liu~ ing sloAlar Wet 41.10 13 14. SAWS= ir,S3U7ll' ;rr.4e^~~C,~-Yafi - : iYreosm~s . ~ytdrdstre~fr+u r"~ ~-sw -: ~_~ - ~:i~ .. v , s~,iyra~_z . Y._,y, ; ~~ ~:.a ~,atit~'..rt~k ` .^ . s; e.y~- commun NElMZialEffgl r 7 8a5520.... '............. - - • ''' • • iSlibaday,.. 99 Tuesday, —. '3O Wedrioada , •.... • • M. Thursday' , ....—../.... '1 , IrsidaY . - 7.-. • -! r. , ' • prrwou ; ; on pos.uso 00; TBAtIL MNJTIEE volt *Ay, , • • • sari= ' • .;;;.' 1 4 • orrjeswrimiiniot Giratua: Y, itlondoy Mornilm May." - 1849•The_tttatte; —, Stturisi wink azultabY 14 , thing guiiiinsi Intact tlid dny,itanfildOgonna .119111i71.4i1 ooly morons day Ttio — iiver i once mom; down m themetal mart, widelrhai so lan tinii hid front tiati tinir, ihe am pie cage ed' lister apb atadh idii.ietten favored, and oat innalliti and lighter . dtoOri:!stittmert eta coat= ins Into reqoliiticin, and dam, - aid - Mel' of 214.c1au to ran alike 41 - westelaire or water.' - • F,LOLOit.-,-the receipts on pall:ll'44y were constan. , -Salet:o 15 0616.00 d ;mato& brands rit..33,360 tcyr,_ staor 060 ',MIS' ertriii • p from lelferson Atillsi 4104 if. , 'Uri, fro* eiert In dray toad lots at EV:4*U°V bbi, p market prndents no change from our Ink qiuited rites: - Vety 111lle ir doing in the way of Isles, and we 'cart only give the following =ailed „Vint/alone: Wheel :00•75, Rye nO, Barley =We, Corn andOots Verve ho, from store. 6 ROCRRlRS—thesnarket in every respect in with ant change, ibut remains quite Fain at Conner rates, : Lai for N 0 (hot sast, N 0 brobssee :7ar4e,3uger hone 40a4 , 4 RIO Coffee :102e; and Rice 4105 e per • PrcovlsuiNs—s4es s,qco to Ham. ' composed a of cited akio . Sides are in fair request M *and Shoulders .t ate rp C. Sales crf tar mad eanyassed Llama at Sidifk, and of Dried Drag at the alima6gures. - OlLD—Bainraf Linseed in Lliaale, and of Lead al frerlar4e 115. CliEE3C4Sates of good Common WIL at of Cream ar 7e,,nnd of Goshen it Slane irr • liplr4 of the Dot Mastic Markets • j - L 0221, May 17;1649. 'continue light, and the demand at:l ave at 134. Since oar lam, but two tales have tranapi. red, amounting to about 300 pigs at 84. Yesterday sad to day the market was bare. • Tobacco—Lk very Odd business. has been done in this article, sod soles for the past three days, at both wireborfsectionannt to antral blit Ai zzy 2 hada, refu sed, et 1111,Xillhlids at Ett,so“ at tied 020 at 34, 75. and 3 bhdi deranged, treat 75 tot 05c, ~fiewp--Nettsitluitanding the unfaiorable trawler the market has beenoctive,. mut nearly all received and Intended forsele; sold at pticea, ranging froingl,2.4 to -13t,rs. Saks ort Monday, of about 2:410 bales. Floar...Tbdistarleeteontinlies dull, with o very light stock. Ybstepl ot y,loo JAW' good country brands sold (or 13,6121, Today receipt° were very !leaned codes - acutely !each blils--say 103 bbls fine et tg1,..r.,c 300 bbla good congtry Nand at 83,50, Inspection „guaran teed. Wheai.' , 4iiindequabt. Annan has caused an advance in this tanele,..tiad aales yesterday and to day of prime have ranged froni,&.l to 84e. ICOrn--YerY bole received, With an naive demand for.hollse!bse.. Y r easerday there were no sates reported. To day two; small lots-99., 106 net. sokl, 30c, and 731, frommota st al, and about bill at p be, sack* rettanedm.CißgO• , . Cireurroco, Map 22, ISO. Cartel Heetipts—Flour, 120 bbic Pork, .Z 3 do; Whis ker, Z 6 do; Dotter, 1171 lbw; Dried Frail, 9395 do Lord 14,840 do,' Seen 17,001 do; boa, 101.341 do; Nails, 39, 4:4 dm Giese, 7,7C7 do; Potter.e Ware, 23,7.20 do; Wheat, 2,342 b. hlarket—There is but little. deism' lodes are GOO ms bops 150 . 910 bet Com 42u; 1400 do .Wheat 85e; 270 do Apples. 46e1 8 wee Hams and Shoulders 4r4201r ID bbls pled Hams Ode; Exi bbls salt $1; 1900 lbs Dried Ap ples 3e.-4Heruld. 1:11:1=1121 New Irsuroca, May 14,1819. simanoWs notice as improvement in the demand for Specie Oil since our last. The sales embrace about 12303bb1e, 7pe bbli of. which ..eold at Mk,. SOD bbls at Irtle,eash, and the remainder on private texas. but on derstoodto be a trifle below the above named prices. Whede4-There has been a bruit demand duce oar pristeipallyfor export, and prices are well tutu.. mined. We notice Wes of 1001 bbbs. at 33c; and Wl3O at34c, 41144 tit tile export, 115 bbla for manufacturing, *l - 23..and1150 bbls at Mc. ME!ISEM=I:I ErrAmii::&rr EFcirrroN • Naar °swum, May le t 1949. Stock 941 hi4d Ist September, 1949, bales 37401 11171yedPasillirse days, • 13193 'AtriSed 10.57•* 197099'7 S..tpartaplw three days, ExParto Preylott.lY> • Stock" in band Ind on ahf p bbard, bales 00798 'Sagariloitisiana—Yhe demnod Sugar on the le- Yea has enafinned to be of a limited character since our lasireporOlitif its the businesis was interimpted yciderdrirbi "rain. thesale, of th e past hiUlfe days barely mond to some 45Eililds, m about the range of prices beforndsOleti=say lb* Inferior 44243, Common nidl l 3s, Fair net I, Pont, 4,b1441, Choice ,4455 f, beddi.bein rib.. We bump( no midi en plastid= Many plainaliod are overflowed, and it is sapposnd the coming Crop will be somewhat shortened In consequence. /Arrived during the pasty/tree days P4O bids; 10.1 bbli, Cheated for lishirnike 9 hbdis4o3 bile Hams UV bbls,•Phdadelphia 118 do, tipalachicalat.± Vida, 40 bbis,,New York 41 bbds. AZOlnttea-41tereititi,beeirathei,lesi aellvity In the ,tlesu.d intake 10ee durlng.the put few dart than we had oecetioolo rast area, and as the iteets base Inerensedi p/iees hero:berm fully supported. The inks of.the paid three dap , embrace about :Cl/ bids, end the renge,of Prices hee been as follows Inferior rn.Ordinetl72dil,, ha to prime is tr; choice reboil. ed ISCISI9O !still We are' not advised of any sales Cr plannltion, Arrived doting the past. three days 25iS bbW ; Cleared for Apalachicola 45 bbls. ' Tobacco—Tie Tobacco market presents no new fCalnre; eallicit for extended,, murk, since our report of Saturday last. The inquiry is still good, sued pneen generally very tbll, bm Mere is not a sufficieuit supply on was to edepie. of any very large operations. The soli. Mating the past three days amount to about 1250 Mt. at the range of priers before emoted—say fOr Lags, factork, NIA, Planters' do 41=3/, Leaf, Inferior trietrnifonAtiD4l,. Fair to Fine :50t, Choice and Se 'leetions 15417.1 e 11, Pikes &nom. , . tL7. 4 . „. gentlemen of Pittstint . who had fallen into W open cell rafter the ' , Great Fire," sprained his an ds. co neveriP WE he was unable to refrain front ery iag out With the pant A friend whis had been swing B. A:Fs4inestock & QV. linbefaeleat and been cored of Itheaminista, gave him what remained in the bottle, and althcingithis wasgrewil— y swollen, he was epleisgy restored to health in twelve hours and freed &obi pale. This is bet one or a great mambos df ellei which hare COI= under the observation of the proprietors- ,Prepared and sold by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co, Corner Lit and Wood; also, earner oth and Wood eta For Zan Pruned/am, California. , itrofstfLaß LINE OP PACKET SHIPS— .< ..i . ' F F, on the Wax Jano— Tye superior (not g coplerod mid capper fasteni nip };11110 will sail for the above port as above, bay threik a info quarters of bar freight engagnil. Ads being of rho largest class, and having un smalfy clone and well ventilated amonimodatrons, often pawmagers a very desirable opportunity whereby toseenro that comfort and safety women's. trot Oct long • voyage. pwin Camille, will be famished with sep arate codoirmarencattag steno (111411.11, and cipeßen eed cdryinctsa will accompany the slap. For balandi of freight or i•••Pt app/../ to G. W. atiPlimivaiol., Booth aide angels street wharf, evil divrvgiolortit Am. l'hiladel Ina. - Q# 000 ilay C°UN B I : I ;CHW RIP, , for ultra. , ttoSecond 61 Tm-K SIALS—A few Shards Hand az. Bridge Sloot. tor dale by • ',..i,dry22 . S SCITOYEB, US Second it •DARCELY FLOUR-100 bbl, Faniily Flares for sCo by me-* J 8 DILWORTH & Co yLITHERB-12 skspis - ste Featliers, for fink by toga - 7 J 8 DIL.WORTH b. Co TAY-i 2 ski C T., for do by lora . l vDu WORTrt & Co trCKEINZL-30 bbls li'd 3 Idackerel, but seed pot canal and Ibr sate law by my 2 JAM; DALZEIX (11fracerz-,43 bra good W R Cruse., lamb's pee 1. E and &liana, and &r ale low to close &Mugu tan* br LOSES DALZELL lEFINEDSUBB-42'n small lo o stf, crushed, .. i x t =t ,b ut;d 31ta a d,In store F u rt s l 3 ' rwrge.ut re rigerds St. lands Elagas Nernnellt & b 13c1 Ns 31 Water and 92 Front al L L pig, Galena Lead, jan reed and IXT - ate 2447 sarrnt JAMES A HUTCHISON &Co Slllly-49 kegi axed 3bot, &vase and for sale by A HUTCHISOII Co N ,AVIEFRI npd for llsgqo 3 &Loam', hun t now ' wra b u ir BACIALEY & SMMI MOS AND BH4O - 100 bbls No 1 Itertings; U. No I Shad; pat re.a,d and fm sale. by , 2419 • • BADALEY k SMITH WANTED TO PURCHASE ‘. folnilj Homo, will broke to the Elstf — fs ‘ .ReT2 a Ka, other nett% be 'Aare& ALEXANDER k DAY, mon' Marko st •!=°,1.4:11',71:4,. the 'don &VD. sad bp th em steepled, for 910, dazed Sfax .1.41840, az 90 day. after eight, and accepted May 18, UP, payable to the order of drawere, and by them teamed tri,,P.X.Shannon A who has flake that pay ittard lz f th e, soma - hoe Wen slopped 10 the hand, of doh!' hPFateatit Ca , F. RICHAUDSON, , . . of Riebardcdole Gelb. .• :.,7 :For grotty sit Pass 401LN H. MELLOR,OI Woad street, will sell forlierip at par, the following new and second nand Minoru One elegant rosewood 61 octave Pi. atmoikiide by Baker la. Wren, N. Y . lath co • -Orser4rydo6l cc nue. • .* 90000 One,oofeWoOd 0 Solose, Gales to Co, N. Ar..: 270 00 . .0,51. do 0 do do do. •• • 43000 One fdabogany 0 do, do neuly now. •OM 00 0,i,,,: , :,.. A so it do Lond " "• • 243 OD One do. GI do Rosenbaum 100 OD One' , do . t d , do German GO 00 One • `'"dd rili do' It ESAV Noma ••••• -- Ono do 8 do English •• • • 'PIM= or axitularaiti the IlittiTal *new Add spicripl taibtaaatndl Pleaos Mon the otonatactoty or Jots.* Chickerinc Hosiotv-asiorta them a magma tem ;Xotostoett roll Orson Piano Porte. 7 octaves. Al',., S allperb avant Plano Pone. 7 octaves, carved 102iirOak Otto aisle or Leda XIV,. with a swim of 7i /MAW a'odaves, to wlliteh the attention of parches ,en4t.mgrAglsl4l. _to "thm R, ODUAPPi . A . iCAAF-OnXIFO-Itialls Fortes be Won "pra haaspitols.:, 11 NobilPio NO 2, Gilson, Bome/. Baltic, Jacobs, Brom:motile. "Ando, Darkhison, Brownsville , 'Cileb Cope, Murdock. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver; Clark, Beaver. Telegraph No 1, Harden, Louisville. Pilot No map:dia. Peru, Calhoun, Sunfish. DEPARTED. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacob, Browunfile. Bih.niim, Parkinson, Browiurville. , Louts McLane, Bennett, Brownsville Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Ohio, Stoops, Bay State,—", *Am - 435 4 311 4:33 423 433 4 Zr r 4 31. 711) 720 721 70 723 72$ Tut Ervin.—There were 4 feet 6 inches in Ake channel, by 'metal mark, last evening at dusk, and falling, • BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. • .Brownießle Packets, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. Beaver Packet, tO A. M. and 4 P. M. CineinnaB—Z Taylor. Aaron Han—Cin. Telegraph No I—Louiseill• SITAYBOAT Accurst.-Ipe learn from the oTheers of the steamer Wax. Soon, says the Louisville Democrat, cr.the 22d, tlet the steam.. Bride, bound for Cincinnati - Boni Near Orleans with a heavy freight, broke at War thington,a Pbint, and was compelled to send to Vick. harg for the imecasaty means to repair with. She had broken the Piston, and knocked out the cylinder head of one of her engines. LOIII.9ITILLE—Per Telegraph No I—l box mdse, Robinson &. Rapport; 1 copper .till, 1-asinaston, Rog gen & co; 5 bks mdse, 11 Gag -.& co; I ask hardware, 4 bxs lob, ddo sarsaparilla, A Gordon; 4 rings, Cole man, Badman & co; 1 box books, 10 hb tob, 10 do sum, 1 101 bbl bacon, Forsyth & Lhincon; 3 bls skins, W B & Irro; 1 box books, B A Fahnestock A co; VI bgs finahers, RR King; Mt dodo, Carson & Mc- Knighr, Yt. Dia stone, /no Me don A co; 20 pcs cast- Spang. & co; 3 bra mdse, .35 tihds lob, I box do, Wm Bingham; 1 box pal:aim, 1 do anise. D Leech & •ao; I fishing rod, 1 basket, 1 trunk, 1 package, C S Maltby; GB Ws carton C , P McCormick; 31 cab. shooldors, Grier; 15/ 'ado do, lark & Thaw. WHPI3,ING—Per Hudson-3 bbd. sob, S A Roe; 43 do do, D Leach & co; LW bbl. flour, S MeClurkan & co; 44 do do. Al Oram; 59 .sks barley, R A Campbell & co; 50 bbb; flour, 21 Omit & co; VO do do, osraer on board. M'f.nns WO= Vatreavroa—The following erJer shows at once the demand for and the excellence of p i tA rr i7ll 2 ;or .' oPt e liis C il e creli . hove tat b te e :l n eo " usider i lt . unnecessary to add any more. Yeas, July Mat, 1817. "J. Kidd & Co.—The Vennifuge left us on We some time ago by your agent, Is all sold. It sells very ea. pidly, and eves great satisfaction. As we are entire ly out of the trade and having frequent calls for it, you will please slam some unmedtately. C. A. MORRIS A 00." For sale of the Drug Store of! KIDD & Co. myl7 n In•nramacto Company. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Secretary—J. Purnrc, Jr. I President—R. Mazes, Jr. Domennts—R. Miller, Jr., J. IV. Better, Geo. Mack, Wm. IA Ilan:tea, N. Hama, Jr., C. !Masan, Geo. W. Jackson, Win. Si. Lyon,' ThealL Lltch, Jas. Limit, co_ ,te Jas. hPAuley, Ales. Novick , Thos. Scott. This Company is now fully orgardsed, and prepared to effect Imarante on all demolitions of property against Lass by Firo—clots of Inland Transportation, and on Rolls and Cargoes afloat. and Vorsels, Applicadons for lusnomee may be made (for th present.) to R. Miller, Jr. President, ei the warehouse of RoOmson b Minis No. 21 Wood street; or to J. Fin. my, Jr., Seeretary, at his office, No. 37 Water street, Pinsbuntlx. myll DR. 0. DOROW, OP Ness Orleans, would respectfully announce to the eitimm of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he has located himself on Smithfield street. between Filth and Sixth, West aide, where he will devote his anew. tins to the tremment of the Cholera, in which be has met with unequalled snecen, having treated over three hundred owes dining the bast meter and spring, and RD coos. . failing to restore the patient tea proper state of health; he Batters himself that he has a medi cine surpassed by none In the country, end when pro perly administered never falls to efford'reilet To persona . ho are traveling be mould say, Ms medicine tan be m pat up so that they can carry it about them erjth but little umanventence„ and by taking small doses at dotes, it mould prevent an attack of the fell destroyer. lie would recommend It to permms traveling and to families, as being n. cheap and effec tual remedy. N. B. —Pr. Norm will be found to hla °Mee at all times of the day, except when out upon peek -IEIO.I duty. • 711&7116774;.u. th. Icidges • na Quarter &SAMSs of the Peru* in artd for the uo7sas I=3 Cou . o fr z rzty pention f cl li s !'' s. It ' o wax Jr. Sea, of the 2d Ward, el of Pinsbargh, in the roomy aforeaald, hum that your petitioners have provided themselves with materials for the accommodation of travelers and other, rd their dwelling house, in the Ward afore said, and pray that your bourn will be pleased to groat theme heetow to keep a Public House of Enter. tamment., Ant • your petitioners, as in duty bound will pray; We, thi minarthers,eitizena of the aforesaid Ward, docenitithat the above petitioners are of rood repute for homely and temperance, and are well prcended with bonne room and conveniences for the accommo dation and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern is John ande=iiison, Jr., D. 8.. Miller, I.W. Ihnbridge, 3, R. Lyon, T. EL Carta, ht. Roberson, J. I. Roggen, M. W. Beltehoover, A. hi. Wallingford, Ches. Knipp, Jr., Henry Wood. Ei.LIOTT & ENGLISH, 7S Wood street. between ethaml Diamond alley, have received • large sapply of Theologdeal and other works, among which am the Rao - wing, viz hliseellaneons haw. and Ms- I courses. y President Hopkinz; Christ isAlb Law and Gospel, yS. H. Tymr, IL D.; Life of De 't% in Cantos, Ismog rams of America, Itcpublican Chrielsniry by Us rt, Man Primeval by Harris, Phrenology awl bleunerisos, by Rev. N. L. Rice. D. D., Bamboo, to lemon end Mode, by Beecher, Nineveh and ds Ho Mama; Moments of the Bible, by hPlParlane; Earnest Ministry; and Church In tamest, by .1. A. James; Ed wards, Works,. volt, nee hi.; J. M. Marines works complete; Cowper'. LIM and %Pork. of Cowper; Flo ming on Rim and Pall of Papacy., Torrethlne. Theol ogy, Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious Ancedenes, Edgar's !Narratives of Popery, Chriat Receiving 'Ton nen, Bible Evidences for the People, by J. Cumming - , Modem Society, Modern Accomplishment., Haldane o n n o te ll =lLS &TO f i gtlrk S' N ' a P re W rZ' HUT to e ; el o i l Erabostimi, hi - Eingdoca., ' lacuires on Pilgrim ' s .Pro Beecher. Beecher. L.BI , IMPRESS—The Hill DifEsalty, and wore expo. Trevose. Of Life in the plains of Ease, with other Alle gories, try George B. Cheerer, D. IL, with Portrait of aather. IA Lew coldo tee/ and foe aide b wry_ n.LIOTT A ENGLISH, II Wood at_ BENNETT 4 BROTHER; • CIFEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, - 131umbsgbamt, [soar Plat 'bur 0.1 Pa. Warehouse., No. 137, Wood sired, Pittsburgh. irWILL constantly keep en bend a rood anon- Mut of Want; of our own manufacture, and nnpertorquably. 'Wholesale and country Mu Chards are tespeettally invited to rail and ea online for theme Ives, a we are determined to sell cheaper' than Mauer before been otrered to the pub. lie. Err Orders sent by man, aceompanied by the cub or try raferenee, welt be promptly amended to. cute Barge far Sale. A NEW oubstarotal well built Barge, well fastened M area/lent renteralo—of 1175 ton, barthett. For solo by WM. U. WALKER, Etwobetb, nlyl7:d2vr Alleghenyeouttry, PL. F _ ER SALE—A handsome Family Carriege, for oils or two bones, bath at Philadelphia by a celebra ted nmnufactorer ThD carriage is in every respect a first rite article, made with all the modern Improve ments, lined with blue cloth and fin Wed in superior mamma It is malrely new, and sold for want Glare. Empdre of ALEXANDER & DAY, mitt, 73 37.kat at, N W corner of the Diamond FFEATHERS--oohirid constaitry,foThle myl2 111A1A61 DICKEY & Co 1 , . I • —You bb s extra Flour, reed and for e clyl7 S& tir IiARBAUGR TMPSOVED SPONGE BLOTTING PAPER, • fkiTx rank article for Banks or Rook-Keepers. For sale JOHNSTON t STOCKTON, - ' " j3OOhGl3: BOOKS!!—The New Anteriem Gardener, by Thomas G Femenden. The Now American Orchardist. by Wm. Kenriek. The Complete Farmer and Rural Economist, by Fes. senders. ' Modem Demesne Cookery by Wm A [Undersea. Just rec'd by JOHNSON A STOCKTON, eerie corner market and 3d om • - • TeII: her-60 but, Tar; 60 do Pitch; 30 do Rosin; Mel received; for sale by _lolx+___. J 13CEIOONMAKER Co • OSE PINK Ezirs-3 bbls fresh and 6se. for sale R bT my 23 J SCHOONBIARER to Co , -; QA.I.,SODA.-7 oaks for .ale by relyVs J EICgOONTILAKER lc Ca ' ' aA. A. Ist s, „ . kit stn.!, 6 caeca fast colored Calicoes, cc tha low price of ae eta htnii TusT RECEIVED at printed Price Sucre, 60 Nat fp kat ot, 10,000 yd. • o f Lawns andlluilicra at the extreme low price of 121 eta tnylo A A hIARONII, Co_ iut 08 DE LAMS-5000 yds plow de Labs, at 14 0 1 a. now opening at the Ono PAMote MOf m • A Ai Ca ==l FLOWN AIUSLINB-40 bates at 41 a • • bats. sayl9 A A MASON & Co MIR*AI RICE FLOOH—Juar reed and for of at the Spice and Mnatard Facwry, comer of Ferry and Liberty etc ot •IS JOHN LI BELL ".. & oat tea , tom i e out, ___ fen and fot • ale ... 11_27y JOHN 13 HELL AT itegiW,artePlano sod Saw, NO Wood street, a complete examinees of Cute's:mad Coopers Tools, for tale by myAO HUBER & LAUF2d&N ONE FURNACE HEARTH, tottonfacmred from a superior article , of Bolivar Fire Brick Clay, in store and for sale by KIER & JONk3. Mr. W. W. Wallace having toed a }Wirth of mom gaunt/ and manufacture for the peat eignteen months, prmmances it superior to the hearths now in general DACON, AND .FLAXSEED 014-0001 lbs Bacon 13 Bider, =LW.. pore Flaxseed Oil, in store and for sale by ' ' JOHN WATTA crater Oftiten . Y mot Band sut DpIE9PEA . CIIBS.:IOu Web Akio~ilica }au to delved and for sole by BA W 11ARBAULi11 • , myt, rviToLDAND - siL , lglMrwr rffacww.ll,9r , Lx . ES—Duptex Watsbes, made by the celebrated Cooper of London, hL J. Tebbe, of Liverpool, and a Varga assortment of detached gold and silver Levers, made by the best Geneva mannfacuarera. Spectacles cora kindr, Commanlon Ware to acts; Gold Pens; Jewelry to large vermin Haver spoons, Potki, 07 Watch repairing executed in the limo manner. W W WILSON, . myth corner Mak. and etl, sts Tk:S.SORTED ose, in do tans, enclosed in a sliding lid box, containing • llamard, 4spie, Cinnamon, Ganger,. , Cloves,_ , Peeper, Warranted pare, Fez Sue at the MP/ Spica, and Palette& Factory, comer of Ferry & Ilberty aux myth. • JOEIN B`LL,' "Nyg...6110 Nub justtee'd and f ale try_ mylb AndiffaltrNO caopat 119 = 1 ;i44 1 " 4 1" 11 , ma ' s Alizavitit lalapArir. PORT OF PHT'SORGif. POll. PRIUDELPHLI. D. Leech dr. co's, packet line. 9 P. M 'IMPORTS BY aivzn. M=C=l LOCAL MMES. I pi: Jr = 101_ - 111" , 2 , 1 4,901711-r. .M.Estre big car iiindeini Itintet the Iliinthti of the 'Abashing , ' County Tapperanee League, which takes place this aflame= in the Finn Presbyterian Chorch. Addresses may be expected fnim Drs. Murray, Plummer, and other eminent divines. . One of the voluateer compa nies of our city, turned out in strong force on Saturday, and made every osldier like appearance. We could not help thinking, as we looked at them, of the differ ence between the "mimic .pageantry of war" and the actual service of the "tented field." How quickly the Sutlers, the tall cape, the epaule ttes, and the laced coats are alarmed for more com fortable, if not more soldier like Itatulamemts . _ FM 2 . —The slimmer fire at an early hour on Saturday morning, was calmed by the ;burning of the temporary hospital, designed for cholera pa tients, connected with the Mercy Hospital. Those persons living near the hospital, have, from the first, manifested a decided hostility to it, and it was set on fire in three places, and as no water could be procured, it was burnt to the ground, luckily withotu injuring the main building of the Hospi tal. WONI, —As this le the season of the year when `mantle are most toraudable among childranxtie propel limn of Al'ban's Vermitlige beg leave to call upon parents, solimung their attention to its virtues for the repelling 91 - these annoying and often fatal enemies of children. 'Their invention is by a physician a greet experience in Virgin/a, and after using it for eeveral year, in hi) OPFTI practice, and fi nding its recces, so activated, he has been induced at last to offer it to the public as • cheep but certain and excellent medicine. Call end purchase at the Drug store of myftd&taT. I. KIDD it CO. hPLank's Livia offering this medicine` to the public, the proprietors are well aware that they nave to encounter a hostility generated by the count less impositions which have been palmed upon the public under the shape of patent medicines. We are convinced, however, that it is only necessary ID ve Mee remedy a trial tri place It in public estimation gi far above all medical agents of the kind ever offered to the public. II Is the invention of an enlightened, ex perienced and learned physician, who for many years used It in his own practice, when its great success in. duced him to offer it to the public at large. For sate at the Drug Store o f mitt J JUDD & Co Da—McLane, Lams Pius!! !—Thfs great American remedy (or one of the moat formidable dls that Resit is Emir to, is now acknowledged superior to any medi eine oldie kind ever offeredto the public. The action is easy, certain, and attendant with no [Lupien= It, suit. h has never been tried without producing the most salutary effect. Compounded by one of the most eminent physicians in out country, oil the medicine Which science, skill and experience offers to human 'offering. Call, mad purchase a box at the drag store of myt I 1:111W 1 Co. 'Economy to West.,' and if Mr. Shields had hot been governed by the above mono, he might have sa ved money and himself much phyaical stiffener, bat read the following letter, dated April 10th, I.sin: Als.Win. Shields, • respeetabla farmer of this Vieth. ay, woo taken ill; called tn.. Doctor who doctored lion for Dyspepsia for one year, belle still got worse. He then discharged his Doctor and paid him thirty dollars. He then got a vial of poor Vermilage, and one box of Sanative Pills, and by the use of these med lanes (costing only 00 canto) be disettargV , ays, at least one tho u s a nd worms, and le two wet so improved in health as to attend to his bird and has been in good health ever since, and any. Dr. Joyne's Vermiform and Sanative Pills have made a somid man of him. IV7I. R. DEAN P. M., To Dr. D. Jayae, Phila. an Pori William, 0. For sale in Plusburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 70 Fourth street. near Wood. febl7-ittorS IN the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny L.s. county, In the runner of the treat of M'Clurg & Dan:list., and lirClurg, Derrmiston & Co. Add now, to wit: May 12, 11319—0 n hearing the petiuon of the trustees, the Coon order end decree that the petitioners may Edo their account as preyed for, of the execution of the trust up to this data, and the said account shun be confirmed "nisi:" And the Coon further fir Saturday, the ftd day of June nert, when sold account shall be confirmed absolutely, and said petitioners be dismissed and discharged from an the duties and liabilities as trustees aforesaid, unless good cause be shown to the contrary. And that doe notice oldie application for the discharge of the said trustees be given in the Gazette and Morning Mecca. ry. By the Coon: mylb.t.2ss HIRAM lIIILTZ. Pro JOHN vmaros liptVoL BILK. El-PREs stLY FOR SEWING.—The attention o Merchants is malted to a new article of SEWING SILK put up on spool., manufactured by John Ryla of Paramon, New Jersey, which from the many adv. sages It possesses over the customary stun, most, be fore long, entirely supersede the use of it This silk asneatly put in boxes of one down spools —fifty of which bozos, or 50 do: spools, are contained in one ease, suitably monad for retailing, Among the many advanteges which this new mode of putting up Thread presents, may be classed the hallowing: tn. The consumer louses no time in winding or reeling the alit, and sullies no loss in the tangling •o comdlon to this operation, while the •exatious trouble of disengaging the skein is entirely avoided. NI. The country storekeeper will have at the end of the year his unsold stock in good condnioa whereas in retailing by the skein, be finds at the end of the season, • large queenly so tel. - mingled as to be stony wont, 3rd. The Salesman intend of loatna amo. as is sl umps the case, to sclectmg u certem color from a par cel of a hundred or more skeins. will regasta bat • mo ment to had the apeol of the shade or color he is in search of. The quality of this *llk is equal to the hest Italian in the market. The quantity ono spool is learranted 20 yards, winch is the average length of the ordinary stein, that eorninands the same puce, the cote. are Well wtted, rod cannot fad to one all pulcuaseny being of die grease. variety. For sale only by the ease, of at dos spools, by AWL H. LIORSTMANN fa SONS, No. al itin—ls Third S t Phila. agents , myelviesio9l. atilsEHATUS—ltil it supenor goihry Saleratus, landing this ileyi for sale by myl9 BAGALEIf d SMITH, 19 and 99 wood as L ARD -10 k n . Just reed am' f j or u si s e l i ta imo, mid wader .t, between emithfied and Weal BRAZIL SIIGAR-70 4.5. r awe myl6 MILLER & RIL I SON SUNDRIES—Baeon, ZOO lb. Hams; 3000 lbs Shout dens, 4101 lb. &der, 53 bbls No Lard; 3 sacks wool; 49 do F eathers; to aretve by slaw Dolptun, for sale utyl6 ISAIAH DICKEY Go, Prow.al_ rfIUPTBRICI-16,(SYTIFiee13nek, tartding peisan .L' boat Lake Erie, and for isle low by snyl4 JAMPS DALZELL CLOVER SEED-0 bbl. reed and for sale by mit] S F VON BONNHOWT & Co 1011 'ONEYA caska Cuba HuneiTiding .LILL sale by nsyl7 JAMES DALZELL GLASS -104 boo eslo and 101111 Glass, In store an far sale by mylo J S DILWORTH &Co BLEACHED MUEILINS-51 eases at 41 and 6 eta— for sale by myth A A MASON & Co 8R0D37.01., dozen turn Brooms., reed .o4for sale by RHEY, 6IATTHEWS & mythls orate, st OAF SUGAR -250 - 11 . 61 - e - nerncers 4, .67 - 67 i audl Loaf Stag.", of daferent refiners. In aIOIL and for sale by MILLER A RICRET/dON, my/.7 174 and 174 Liberty , CIGAItS-0.4 M eraz & Tian;Pnn. Clgan, ju - sT r - ceased and for .ala by m 71.7 MILLER te RICEETSON - - shoCaeiZ, D on tonugnmeso and for sate by myl7 51ILLER & RICKETSON bastes imdie - o - Criand for rola I,ir . myl7 MILLER& RICK/MON LARtI-10 Dbl. for sale by myl7 8 0' VON BONNHOFLBT &Co CWARS—RA M gars Common Ci, rec`d sod (or sal. 0; — l7l - yl7 8& W lIARBAUGH BACON -10,00 u Bacon Stales. ray Lei IsVOILLS fr. ROE p - afrig - lii. 0.111.10k11-40 hods in item and for sale. n_iyl9 PLANTATION MOLASSES — InbbIa and hlf bbl.s. nrylB M'OILLS t ROE AFEW BBLS. WHITE REANS—StiII on hand and for sale. niylB hFUILLS t ROE rk.:l3ALE—Flvelilta eligifdTsitnated iii the floor hlng town of Birmingham. The lota are situa ted on Denman Street, exurtbered in F BRII•1111/03 plan 75, 70, 80, 81 and dal—Lot No TS fronting 20 feet on Ma ry Ann street, 711 feet deep; the other four '4 feet flout each, by 80 feet deep. Tenn.—Greater pan of porcham money may re main for no year., mmanal by .unrifE r th' .. .' E lL..." 1 . aim, mown, of royle 110 Beeoria ar L OUISVILLE LI/dl6-175 bbls reo'd per sun, TOl6- graph, and for sale by oryl4 ARMSTRONG it CROZRR SllO l / 1 .C1.1 - 11E1M111:1-12 nor". Stagg & Shay's superiorßogor Homy just lan ding and for sale by soyl4 & W HARIMUOH GLAHd—dOO Lis assorts 4 await:WU — m/17i and for sale by nryl4 8 & W FIARHAVOH '1,1113111-00 bbl, No 1 trunmed Shad; 30 bbls and half Jr„ tibia No 1 Herring, 10 do No 2 Mackerel; 10 do No 1 Salmon, lost roo'd and for sale by .Artll4 JOHN WATT rk Co D. AB B— sta. c and a And (or b c " -• r"rildasi Nal T MIS J B CANFIELD MCHEESE -Ibo bole. Put reek! at the W uer and Chem Depot, and for atA4 toptB / C (10=3E-87 bib vely IS Woo and large, now landingi .1„„i•ifor Mid by AIAH DICKEY & Co, MACKEREL -60 bbls No 2 Mackerel, for tale or BURBRIDOE, WILSON & Co, , - .20718 Kik Water -111161TTTE.egiijiit reetrandaTe. .JUIP myln WOILLS & ROE RESIT TE.6B--#6 half cheat Young Ilyson Tens, W of latest importations •i New fork, coment mg a fine iuserlMßlll of firm end medium qualities, now landing from canal; for sale b y .111719 BAGALEY & SMITH HOSE. itoSE:...IOOO feet 21n. 3917.14t1.1tabu0r flose—Pat received for the Bo r ough of Manches ter which will be held In more fora few days. The Holum Bolting Company express a strong deinee for the firs depanmsnu of the cities of Pittsburgh and Al. legtieny to call end examine and make a trial of them. The company is willing to put them to any test they think proper fo conclude neon. usylo J & H PHILLIPS, b wood st BOOKS rui — i - t - tig - gußWMlPtiorravivrttc in the Citizens' Interline° Company of Pittsburgh, will be opened in the Rooms of the Bowel of Trade, on the first Monday Of November next, at .10o'clock, s. tr. Wm. Latimer, Jr. Robert Woods, Wm. R. APClure, Joseph Plummer, S. M. Kier, Josiah King, John Shenit All D. Kle_g Roseburg, apllhdiuovl sad IL COmosissioners. =t3 MBE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid 1. assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac• taut Pianos, vith and without Coleman'. celebrated Xollan Attachment. The above instruments ue war- Meted to be equal to any mutufeentred in this noun. try, and will be sold tearer than any brought from the Fast. F. BLUME, Ne 112 wood st. Rd door above 6th N. B —City t3cnp will be taken at par for a few of he above ameorunent. my 2 F. B. IMaia ANUMBER OP ACTIVE MEN, to go Smith ans, Went. Also some to the New England Snarl. to ant sa agents (or Swale of new and popular works, em.) per yea Stn over and above them expensed will be Insured them, with as opportonily Of Wearing 111,000 Per Year, and mote' If they are active. Some men now m oar employ, will, no ilonbk make offer Mpg per Year clear of all expenses, tad them are ehaes (or tithtor, to do the mum. Eaeh man will have la district, and It.Wlll be necessity for them to ltrivi to t least $O7 to ISSO, _toobtain a good fitting oar ly A WLSE,IIO Cheroot, Ph le , attend tabl•wlm•T .awmprAsone amp WUW 4M17.1 coarvalrinexi b.,' Inimnriameself tho ertablithed wept of the the Dentoemtle Antimatter's andWiscivorAllegh..T team . alsefabb In prima, labetingsvin their Maim Diatrieta on Siaordey, the Id day of June, 15114 to elan top perms Qom each disatekan Delegates ton Comity Contention, to meet al the Coate Hoasercur Wedneeda the tith day of Jane, at 10 dela, Illi,;*iyat (Ti on rateable candidates - to tes laniPoass bY dm Wll7 ai •tho General East:ton in on sober neat rnaeons and Whip of the earn shigEtt excepta,l will tbe anal plane. foe ho primary meetitga, Demean the hears of and SP. and these orate - Wards and boron:he and Pin sweetest, between the home of 7 sad 0, P. hi • ROWE CAJZOTLIEICS, Chairman of the Committee of Correspondence. Apia 47,1819. CANDIDATES POD NOMINATION. SHERIFFALTY. SararmaXL-1 am a candidate for the office cd gh,. a uraf Allegheny ecomy, =Went to the deciaion of the sltinurwhi.ll whig and Anilmasonto Convention for nominating county ticket. CARTER CSICTIS. Sixth Ward, Pittsburgh, April 2, 1840—ditvar Elarenvitrn.—Caps W. A. CrtAlWron will be sup ported for the gene of Sherif, object to the main& use of th e Andnensonie and Wblx County Convention marl:layoff T HUMS Wasp, Pernamaa. Samatrretirr,—Capp Joule You , Robirwon town ship, orilltie supported for the office of Shutt; subject to the decision of the approaching Whig and Annus. sonic Convention. Alcove Wean. apito•.r_ •-IL ONOTABS. Ploroonmettv—The wings of Allegheny canary will urge the claims of Wes. as J. May: nommation to this office the coming entisl. Mt. M. i• • good whig, and is every Ira competent to dis charge dm duties of the office, and deserving a nomi nation by the party ALLT.OH=II COP/CM mytsidAwT hii Eorrow—You will please state that I will be candidate far nomination for the dike of Prothonota ry, before our next Whig and Anna:mown Canary Convention. Yours, &e., SAAPI, PARNESTOCE. Elisabeth township, Pitarch,, HO. • ploniosarArt. ALPXII:I W. hissgs, of Peebles township, Will be supported for nenunation to this of fice before the emitting Anthinasonie and Whig Con vention. The ltnown abilities of Mr. Meeks, and his long experience m the °Mee, are sufficient guarantees i for the correct discharge of ts duties, if he shonld be aoMinnted. rogSidnawkwteT iIriTOSON. Paorttonoren.—ldlthr thyaelf as ■ cendulatefor the °thee of Protbonotaxy, subject to the declaim of the approaching Antunasonio and Whig County Convert. ,on. tny.bilvietee, Roam Castarstsms Paornosovart.—F. C. FI-801101, it • candidate for the office of PrOthonOlary, mbjeet to the decision of tho antimnaottie and 'Whig Nominating Convention. inytialaarati TREASILTRIM. Ion" V. liOletaXO Esq., Of Upper St. Cl= town ship, Will be supported for the oaks of Quint) , Trees UM, SUbieCt to the decision of the approaching Anti masonie and Whig Convention. Sr. Cunt mytreatertcr'r commissloNEEL Comm Cotemsmosrca,.—l will be a candidate for the office .of County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Antimasonte and Whig Convention. rip7:3lAsetc9 • RABRIkL ADAMS. Conan Coarsnastona.—Eaturcrsa Boruia, of North Fayette township, will be sepporuid before the et:. ktrouhlng Andm.onle end %Thlg County Convention tor Cenral Voluntigsloner, subject to the decision of said Convention. hlr. B ayles is • working man of the pany, end every way qualified and deserving of the Oleo. my 18:d&u.S NOMI Farrrie Coorry Coicussunnca—Mr. Editor: Yon will please announce Wai. Elms, Br, of Robinson township, as • candidate fof County. Commissioner, subject to the deer next nof the ne Antimasonic and Whig Conven tion • mytOttl&WS &urn Wain. Cot. Jasus 0. GLErs, of Upper St. Clan township, null be a candidate for the dice of County Commis wooer, at the approaching Wing and Antinvisonde Convention. ntyr3te Ursa Sr. Clads. MEM Aoorrna.—..Toile Emu:l,e ?me tamable, will be a candidate for doditot, ninon to the decision of'tha neat Antimasolde and Whig emery Convention. mr.r.tul/taT Turco Wa_an. DDr...—Please annormce Jouts Elam, or Find' Up Talon:1.11EO, u a candidate for Anditor, subject to dm decision alas Whig and Antittutsonic Cann: Won. dfr-ser St CLAIR. BRIGADIER GENERAL. Esna.nnta 01:31:141,—lital. WK. trim" Jr, will he supported the office of Brigadier General, at the military election. Election dna Monday yeth day) of June. 01y91.12kw9 Ala= Voice:ram LEGISLATURE. MP Einar C. Witurna, Est, of Elisabeth Borough, swill be zepported, heron ihe approaching Antimuonio sad Whig Cedars Convention, for nomination as a candidate for lumber of Legislaure, kr the aril7idlttater Winos as OLD lilusaigns. Asstual.s.-1 offer stigwir ova candidate for norm nation as a member oldie General Assembly, before the approaching Antimesorde and Wbig Convention. J. J. Alm, of Versailles township. utyllnlitorteT Cm_ loam, TATI.OII, Of Elisabeth township, will be preeetual by his filmes as s candidata for the Legis lature at the approacboog Convention of the enlimasmio party. Deere Ketennon, of Jefferson township, will be • candldate for the Leg:stature, sni*ect to the decision of the Auttnrasonic and County Convention. myl M•oe. IL Wirt= You will please announce the name of Ahanstrogfa.Warson s of Sloes Warns/up, es a candi date for tie State Legislature, settee to the decision of the Antiosesorue aad Whi Convention. Tha claims of Me. Watson, es a s. - elf qualified and influential member of the parry, %nil be earnestly pressed by those who are best acqueutted until hon. myb A Goon Wmo. Joan 111`Ct.oterr, of Robtoton tour:setup, will be • eandolate for the Loutslearn, eubjert to the decision of the Antinlanonie and Wing County Convention. my2l:dkortr•T Cob. W Est.; of Lower St. Clair, will be supported by his numerous friends for the Lopslaws, subject to the dsetsion of the Whig and AIytiIIULSOSt Convention. my rtAtarT Prrr Al the whmuuon of many of hu fr..A., 51 • 3 * rfrAl-t. oar has consented to be a candi date for the Leistslatnie s subject to the deniguon of the Whts and Anutussonto Convention. otyl7:davell Jon" Maas. of Use borough of Sharpstsurel solll be • eandidate for Me Legislatre, subject toUse de decoct the Whys and Antiosuumir Convention. csyLtd&vrel Thoshts Preorre, of the boo of hPlicospoft,•nil be a ohnditiate for POOllllll.O for masher of MS.. bly. to approaehlog Anumelonie sad Whig Coon. ty Choveohou my3diw9 Mr. ‘VISITI—PIr•se announce the earns of June F Kau, Fes., of Pinaeargb. es. candidate for the State LArtaiature, sublect to the deeiston of the approaching Mug and Anneutsonle Convenuon mr2t Foams Waon. APYLE BUTTER-3 bbi. for We. my &MILLS & ROE APPLES bosh for ..10. asyIbWOILL9 & ROE' LIT.R.RINORLIZ Ws 6... n teams., lananieff canal and for site by my 17 JAMES DALZELIs OIL OILMAN Uhl—bulbs reed and for sale by mylO J KIDD & Co SLP. CARE. SODA—ISU lb. just ree d and for gale by m_yl6 J KIDD 8c Co CHLORIDE OP SODA-2 doz iota reed and for gale by mylu J KIDD 3 Co SUGAR HOUSE MOLA3SF-4 , ---100 bblzatrurbouse Molssaex,Bl /mart y; 10 dodo drarLoulai ene ReSeerli le core and forrale by bIILLER & RICICETSVN, rayl6 N 0.174 and 174 Liberty at DRI KU A PPLm—tro bola dned Apple.: 62 site do, on emougement and ler sale by MILLER & RICKF7I3ON POTASII—.A, robs pure Potash, in store and for sale by myl4 J & R FLOYD r lSll—d bbl. premed 10 do do Herring; lb do end No I, 2 and 3 Mask -1; I case smoked Hail:but: boo Lebec waled Herring; forsale by reylo J D WILLIAMS TEAS -10 half chestsestirsili 6 oases cilia . Young Mysore; 3 do Imperial and Clempelnier; 20 eau) , boxes various grades, for sale by sayle J D WILLIAMS:: xfEW RELIGIOUS WORRS--Thoughte on Albite 1. 1 11 Prayer, by Samuel Mlles, D. D., L. L. D. Thoughts on Fturuly Worelup, by James W. Alai under. Just received by utyl7 JOHNSTON & groarrox TO COTTON AND WAXICEN - 14111RIVATTIT: RERS.—Having made arrangements for a con slant supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell at low pnces Calf and Sheep RAM Skins, Lace Lea ther, Pickers, Reeds, Shunt., Hemp - Twine Treadles, No. 5 to 15 Belt Punches, Wrenches, Suippbm Cards, 10 to in; Perm Dresser Brushes, Weavers Snub s be. Ac, LOGAN, WILSON & CO., [nye 126 Wood Insect, Pittsburgh. SSPICES-dOO mats Cassia; SO beg. Pepper; 10 do &tome, In core and fen sale by myln MILLER k IUCIEFSON Ro urburrEk—o bbliTiiihT7OrTale - by -- m 717 S F VON BONNHORST R Co YE FLOUR-20 bbls Rye Flora reed and Cot Rsale by myl7 I & W LARBAUGH ( - 1 LASS-423 bane. MarkalN brand Glass, reel and for sale b m. 17 S& W HARBAUGH U re alums One ea tore, 17 cases o n U wew style Beges, Lawns and Calicoes. wynt A A MASON & Co tOUISVILCEITIS.LE-50 - Ibliln ejore and Tor sale by mild ^ TASSEY & BEST IN STORE for D. C. Evan,-6O eh Com. Owner will please cell for same. :ROD HARDY, JONES R Co METALIC PAlNT— Janrecd and for tole by _ mytO WICK & ADCANDLESB .12,000 lbs, mostly clear, in store; ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, Front nn r: AND WATER PROOF PAlNT— stonily; far solo by ISAIAII DICKEY & Co CIIRLED HAIR-300 lbs Carted Hair, a very tope riot %mete, reed this day and tot sale by mrp LOGAN, WILSON !lc Co -•-- QHOVRLS AND FORKS—A very sopertor snide S °Morels end Forks in more and for aalo Fmk, WILSON A Co Calc• in store; for axle by voyl9 N- 16 b OMAR DICKEY & Co CligES6-70 bis now larding; for rare by roylo ISAIAH DICKIES' & Co FIILF. BRICK-214000 Bloyer.aßolivar Aire Briek,in store and for sale by BIER &JONES, myld Canal Bases l irat ---- ''l,S—A.aaea Morrie, or thei Heroine Domestic Life. History of filna , Charles the Second, of Englund, by Jacob Abbott, with enanwinga. last ree4l by JeCtiiiiSTON & STOCKTON, mr9 corner Bd and Mar . ket all MOLABSES-1.00 bbls &Wanes, to arnve row; for rale by B & W HARBAUDIL mylD 'S,7 Water and *Mesita MOO & IL/MAW! by lo wo ,POßK— Ait Aga AZIDI:bii taa sna utio by ' • • L w nauntroa DRY eVARIRTY,GOODS. lOSIERY—Hatiek and ebPd Mak, buck .3.1 cord black, brows,slam sad Con vrms- Farnr, whim abaft; Drove and blk Straiatr, Geatillirmai IworrA, r pm= isl co= for wit _p PH EAT Coy Posrun rcryZ" between Wood ankliatiet PARABOLS—A strustl Ista well selected Pausal owe offered for sale at redneedsrleci bt • •P II EATON lc •et youth et LOVF—A ummoninVor Laos end gents Ed. Neapothan and embroidnred.Ea t ldsle t Coo. too, dm. of MI colon and Mame,-fat men, women and ehddzen t can. be obtained wbolmide or Ma t In EATON & Co 's Tn=ft Odom my2s . Fourth at pIitIMMINGS-431ck sad. cora silk ►see Friar Gimp, Braid, and Batons, alma ys for isle at myad • 1841.10PP9,0n Fourth it MANTILLAS—F. H. HaVOlllr. Co, keep comannely on hand, or make toprde?, Bills Mantillas of w en. pattern, and of any color. dralrable. Also, Man.. Oa Scarfs, a new style. Embroidering, scalloping, ruffling, narking, and all kinds of fancy needle not executed to order at their note, No 62 Foarth street, between Wood and ?Stoical. ' uty2s VINE MUSH LINENS—W. R. Mourn invites the ff• pardeultir attention of berm m his anortmerd or Hite Bosom Linens, lately received, warranted alt Has, and ofa superior make. • Also, ' Loma Goons generally, Each as Table Diapers, of of different widths, and n< annually low prises;— Bleached Linen Table Cloths, also mach lower than ever before offered; Lineri r Dillow ease Limn, Dia pers and Crash for towelling, be. As.. r mrarsa Duerr, , for .snonnar bedspreads; superior colored,Qnilia, low prised do, aad while Coontraymes, at very low price for quality—vit. north east corner of 4th and Market eta. Wholesale Hoorn§ op stun. my2s New Goods and alleate 811121111.1111 R. THOMPSON, No.llo Merkel street, near Li. s berty, has lest returned from the Eastern Cities with his second supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Re has now on hand one of the largest and best selected stocks that he has ever had the pleasure ot . S h mning 7 to e very l :d o t i he r ji h ablie—among black glade 8' fancy St&s, Turk widths, for Cardinal,, de.; gaups, every 'width of black Silk Laces and Fringes, fox trim.mMgr, POLLARD SILKS, TISSUES, fled and plain Berton, Embroi dered Swisc Organdies; Lawns; EmblUntin Ging ham, a new and - beautiful article) plain and bard dog French Gingham.% Ac. Ors Doxinar Seca in very fall, comprising every description' of Chintzes and Calicoce, some for 111 that sold Ude spring for Linen and ?Malin Sheet ing., from I to 3 yard. wide; elan, Sheeting Muni., very low, with a fall assortment of thie Inn Linens, for window hangingn Turkeyßed China, embroider ed and stripedDrimery, Sc. de. Our Shawl department presents every description of plain and embroidered Canton Crape, changeable and BO Silk, Huey, Cashmere Jed Detains, plain and ern laroidered nibee also, a large assortment of Petunia, Bonnets, de. Sc. Caul Makers will brut a full supply of Clods, Da- took; Moreens, tc.,ke,, In their line. The above Goodi have been purchased on the most adventurous terms, and puichesem may rely upon getting them at the LOWIta TOSSIIILS Prom. myradew ROST. D. THOMPSON. K'BiLEK PARASOLS—W. R. Murphy has Inst DI received so assortment of .black Silk Parasols, figured and plain, some of which are ewe nu. Dark Omen PartwoU, figured and Oahu' large size brown do—an assorunent received, and offered at low prices, at northout corner of Ith and Market eta. 191/3 DITON OSNABURG—Yard vide—Ono bcdo late C ly received at Dry Goods noose of. . OIXIMEM rt, ANCY SUNDOER.CASSINEEFD—We have Just r received a very handsome lot of French Summer Cassimetei, of • very fine quality, which we are MI. ling at very low prices, and to width we would invite the attendee of the gentlemen. o 2l ALEX.ANDFE ft DAY PLENffID CHAN ORARLE ELM—Um received, 0 a lot of very handles= changeable Bilks, including some or a very superior qualAnwttiali we are selling at very inferior micas. ALEXANDER it DAY, mri 745 Market, N W eor of this Diamond - MORE NEW GOODS—W. n. o.ltrantr has MB morning open now and handsome styles Prints for rki cm per yd; Sarin, Mull and Nansook Moans (or dreams. Also received within a few days, Bonnet Ribbons, Black Bilks, he., at iurrlbrost comer 4dl' and Market meets Country Merchants replenishing their stocks, will find a choice assortment at low ;tweets, In Wholesale Rooms, op stain. mylD r ADIM DRR3S GOODS—W. IL tdositrr ' runtll- 1.4 east eomer.Foarth sad Market stn, lneites the at.. motion of ladies to his excellent assortment of the dif: !erect styles of Drug Goods, soluble for tho season, such as Plain, Pink, blue .ad drab Hamm; Printed do, a larae W0rt614)14 talk and linen Throng silk and lin on7ms•.rer linen do, of ratio. Ander, Britiab and -French printed Lawns: white and embroidered ➢ins. ling embroidered Lawns, Prentsh Ginghatos—all of which -Ai; be adored be low prices for quality. Wholesale Rooms on 2d story. myl.7 SBACKI.ETT i WHITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 09 WOOD STREET, A RE n" orre c ce a L ing r:=pmati ":'a ive r riel that' will sell to the trade at snob piipt as mum fag to sive entire satisfaction. City and Country Me:chants are invited to roll end examine out dock Wore purchasing alserartrena DHY GOODS AT WHOLMIALZ— WR. MURPHY blunts this attention of mer. chants to tins large amply of Jim opened in his wholesale Booms, on 2dst o rywartheast earner 4th and market streets, Piusburgh. This being his setoeui pply for this spring he has many kinds of goods at minced prim, ansl =WI styles not to be found elsewhere. evilolftw/P vir 0:01TORT LXILLAHS, CAMS, A. Ma son & Co. bane reed per Ewers, more than 150 U Collar", Capes, Cane, Gherousens., Cogs, An. Al to, Edgings and lasenings al half t h e usual prices. XTV.N OOODS—Neve opiaig at the One Price Sore, eases and packages cit ewer and desirable tic.* cOmprming a large lot M Silk, Berne, M de Leine, Tbibet, Paster andother Shawls, at considera bly reduced once*. carat A A MASON is Co affic:lu /TRIPE CASSIIIIERPI , 3—I cue nes, nyre 0 fancy "adz stripe" Cassioseres, just ree.d and for sale by ➢IUHPHY, WILSON & Co, U ISBONS—A handsome, rutuortomut of new bearuiftd mice Balmer Illsbbond,jon reel trod for sale at reduced prieee by myt AIIMPIIY, WILSON & Co Iy_TOWILRD DUCK-5 bales heavy Corms Duck, ja satiable for steam boat docks, wagon coven, &a., last received and for sale by mill MURPHY, WILSON & Co IDINID - 0 - 450DS-10 or Gold Spectaetes; I" Igm Diamond ringer Rings; 10 tduracal Rom, shell cased; A large an n,rtruont of Fans, with fine paintings siva, gold and silent. 0111.. Scher Bauer Kalrelq with agate handling Gold and silver waist Buckles and Slides. ANo—PARASOLS, dark green and other fashiona ble colors. Th. .Dove 60.0* with a luso araortaant or Jewel tY, Fancy Goods, /Le., will be .old for scam or other good money, at No 07 Market meet, by mYll ZEBULON HINSEif "'drill - P.M-AB-10 cues optima and gingham Um . aTict7.l;l;b7r7o - `llr — re — cerv7ti and for dale by SHACKLitirr wyt3 O9 wood Bt P .. atASOLS-4 caws cams, gingham and silk Parasols, new Pyles and dutipm; (Lean Two a do, with (noires and plam.bordera and beautiful ivo ry and fancy bindles, lust reek% and for sale b mil 81LACKLE/T a W CRIMERE-6 pieces very date doe skin (blank) Cassimere, received so a sample direct from the manufaMarer, for eels by 11 LEE, myEl )3 Lfbertss a ' meatus dth 1.111-LAP AND WOOL SKOE--Ct: a std indCgi sale by . my 9 11 LER BZillit ElDllol4 6 —ftew styles /sonnet name. apeman at the OaaPSiele Stara, One lot Ma lOW as 12/ Ma nrlt 'A A MASON fr. Co "EIINEYDILE - SDNYLS - - - - - Wii - liairicieTtlid — a X large lot of Fancy Silk Shawls, to which we in vite the mutation of the ladies. ALEXANDER & DAY Ths Itrorwasvillo Water Corellistablish. menu. TARS. BAELZ & MASON, in retu rn ing their grate. .jj fill acknowledgments to the friends of the Inman tion end to a direeruulg peblie in general, for the lib-. teal patronage hitherto received, announce as the same time that they have made essential improve. menu in the interior its well as the exterior of the es tablishment, during last fall and winter, which will greedy enhance the comforts and amusements of in alids, who intend to visit this place daring the toms mg summer. All the prevailing diseases are treated hare, and they will endeavor to keep up the reputation the establish ment has won through the west, by Mint attention to patient, that entrust themeelves under their care. In order to undergo the treatment, patient. have ID provide themselves web two woollen Manama, two cotton stoma, three comfonables or a tight feather bed and six tinsels. Terms, six dollars, payable weekly. myßdlm 101011.0AN'S WORM KlLLER.—Another proof of tke triumphant mean of Morgan's VenniAlge. PEIVMPU, May 10, 11340. Mr. John D. Mormon—lf my name le of any use to the wafering community, in regard to the article of Menages Yerminige, you am perfectly welcome to it. I had tWo children sorely afilleted with wormm I be came alarmed, and very Justly so, when I tried your renowned Vermiluge, and eatonlabing to tell, one of them mu delivered of about fifty worms fifteen lashes long, of the most frightful hand, resembling more the appearance of eels. The other child was delivered of about Xr.l. The children are now doing finely. You 'may well be proud of your Warm Killer. Ydurs truly Dann SLIM, Virgin allay. • Prey axed and sold wholesale and retail by JOHN D. MORtJAN, Druggist, Wood street, one door below Di ammo alley. myl4 Vii,Jn COUGH MAY BE CURED. ALLSoCUM Cerv(3d Ward,) . April 20,1849. Mr. B. E. Sellers Being afflicted for some time with • cough, which wan so severe as to not ma for my daily rployment. Frequently after coughlng,l have been mock exhausted, a. to be obliged to an down and nest. Hewing of Me good erects produced by your Cough Syrup..l concluded to give It a trial, and am Nippy to say it produced the desired erect la my cue.. After 'wing it one night, the cough was abated, and I ern now perfectly well Lim acumen. This pleasant and popular Cough Syrup is prepared and said by RF. SELLERS, 57 Wood street. Sold also by Druggist. generally in the two cities and vi. sanity, sant OTIC/BI IMITTELACTII CANAL LITITTNII—Tho snider deiced, Trustees of the Wabash mid Erie Caaal, hereby:dive notice that they will receive sealed proposals at Washington, Davies county, liallana. on the vlth day of Joao next, for the construction of about twenty-four miler of aid Canal, extending from the proposed Dam across the West fork of White River. near the booth line efOrace Monty. to Maysville, in Davie cotmty. On this por tion of /ma there am to be constructed flee Lift lacks and one Geed Lock, to be. built of timber, a Drum aeon Slinkard's Creek, and ono or two small Ague Aque duct., together with the Mal variety of earth work emotion to • caoeL The lino will be divided Imo sec tions averaging about half • Mile in length. At the same time and piece, propagate will be recei ved Mr bulhiing, with cut stone mimicry, the pier. of the Aqueduct over East fa* of White Haver. The .tone (or tam masonry must be RrOenredtramthe quar ries of durable limestone to be (found On Or near either the East or Wet fork of Whim Elie; from which paint they can be delivered by water. The line to by plated under contract, will be ready foe folpeentra ten days provleni to the time of letting, and ell necessary Information In reforeneethereto wdl .he given by the ftesidentEnglueer. CHARLES BUTLER, THO. LI.DLASE. . . • Taurriss'OMittei • Terre-Hanle, April Ibk/649. $ iny7:tiettelD UEO. W. OMB -0 CU., IVO= tbelt !heads sad the public thattliey hays t a r i ri p Mimy Ctiection own :r . their fats establish. lagnrumed, a lbeit satin helium to the ?C li ng ; l'Ut arrl&d 49 aCMITLOLAtiS--t<ample boxes of this ina , tiorletAdag y w it ror4=4 „ lr . - ''lar.'olBl'oßT - 1110ft`g:.7•• gxesitsa ENunciaw.tium, • POA PHITADELPRIAreIy ftn. AND 13ALTINON; • Exalut -- .11agM-The Beats of this Linn 11eaTe is &Mom, st 9 Velneltat night .;Indians—P lioVLtdiseadsg, ay I . 0111111,-A zeattorriThtbr Thomson,' 12. Boitag, 811h4J, 20 . Okio=ACralhinnAli, ha. Egnincti;-11 Trubl, Thelt s =" 7 P , an. .Tdisaa—P Barra=lair, 9L A Cineg Ridgy, VA s iLt i i;mk ' gf-- 4 11 Trilby; Bamday, Lonislans—J P Thompson, Sunday, Zr. Indiana—P Balmy, inenday, 26. Ohio—A Craig, Tuesday, 29.. Keraeclry—Capt El Truby, Wedneming, zap= For pauage apply to W HUTCH, ManongthelA Moe, sone or D LEECH L Co. Canal Basin mat 1849. MEM Warren and Cleveland Paussengir'Llnev Cava' Packet—dWALLAJW. - - . —OCEAN. n NEI of the'above Plait] leave , Beaver every dap (8 when the7eo I ted) sad 4ni Te Mall Stages f next morning t 0; Akron and Clevelaad, arriving at each of these plates before night. Orm of the paek.eta leave Warren daily at 5 P. M., and arrive at Beaver in time Intake the morning boat for Pluaborgh. S LEER:NOWELL Co, Warren, PlO. M 11 TAYLOR, do JOHN A C.AUGHE apt 3 comer Water and SmnbUld am= 1849. m ai UNION LINE, ON THIN PIidNIPA AND OHIO CANAL 46 Caawaosn & Cnaarmana,Cleveland,O. t R. O. Puma - Balmer, Pa. $ T lane Neill I.e prep ,, a - ed on the oixo:dng of anal- AlgtlTaro= l ClMLA " ?4l 3 l, P"" to XPo ' int on the Canal and Lake& The facilitiesOf ihti Line are nanizpassed in number, quality and capacity of Boats, experience of captains: and efficiency or Agents. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in cornisction witSthe steamers LAKE POP AND MICHIGAN, Between Piusbh and Beaver, and a line of Ant class Steamers, Prollers and Female on the Lakes. Anzirra—R 0 Parka, Buse; P. Jesus Baldwin. Youngstown, 0100. M B Taylor Warren, Cyrus Premise, Ravenna, " Wheeler & Co, Akron, Crawford & Chamberlin, Ckvelami, 0 Sears & Gr JOHN A. CAUCHEY, Agent, office, ear Witter and Smithaehl sta Pittsburgh. y HEAVIDILPACHELTS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. a—Cast-Chinn. LAKE ERIE, -s Gordon. - THE above regular and well known Beaver Pack et., have commenced making their daily trips to and from Beaver, and will continue to run between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the mascot, as Blichi No. leave. Pittsbumh daily at o'clock, A. EL, sad Beaver at 2 o'eloek, P. M. Lakd Erie leaves Beaver daily at 8 o'clock, A.-SL, and Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. AL These steamers will run in eouneminn with R 0 Parke' Express racket L,ine, for Erie; Taylor & LeffiingwelPs Warren Packers; Union Line of Freight Boits for Clevela; Beam. Clarke & Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight R 0 Parks dolly New Castle Pockets. CLAR= PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh, rachttl cur Water and Smithfield ate 1849. akam PIfIABORCII IND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. HE Proprietors of this old established and popular 1. daily line, emulating of SLETEEN first Masa Canal &rats, owned ste a memselves and running in Cry with the boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled ratilides for tho *f ir= to and allPrng'nonte*Puent s=ilflToktiatd N. k canals and the Lakes. E. M. PITCH & Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL & BROTHER, nix, Beaver. • J. C. )31DWEL " Avnt, Water &met, Pittabinth. =mem; D. 1:120NIICLL, Pittsburgh. BIOW,ELL 6r. BROTHER. Forwarding Radiants, BEAVER, PA., draw far via BEAVER, dada:ye:Wand Lena, Pins. &mei and .84 Lim via Eris, and for gears Emu Bawer Cala Cope.. Having pnrel the Lap and substantial Wharf Boat Jaw built fol the Monongahela Paekeda, have with the addition o a Warehouse, the mow ample an ebnimadatlona for , receiving and fermi - aiding, and pledge tjwir r*ost Intention promptness and despair-II ca is to their care, and rely on their friends tor • trial.' noundly B. BRO. For Greenwood Garden. New dal•1109:111:11I—The steamer TIIOB. BCO2T,pwill commence on de', Nap 7,__to run from the Old Greenwood Landing, foot of Pitt al, to the Garden, leaving at 8 o'clock, , X., and at each even hoar mut 0 o'clock, Ir. vs.,lnst tnp Gm the Gar den at 10 .... The Saloons are supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Tea at 6 o'clock. The Garden,with a large collection of Greenhouse Planta, Dahlia., An nual Pinar Plants and Shubbery. The comfortable wharf boat Greenwood, will be placed at the Pitt street landing. rare. • Derain. ComerofFaiinh and Decatur, between Markin and Ferry •;P2-afTt. .7. WESTI7AIr, k DENTLTY, Respeerfolly tenders ?us profenional services to the eltleens &Allegheny city. Office, northeast corner of the Diamond. Refer to Dr. T F. Dale, Dr. T. Fl. Mon, Dr 14 R. Trevor, Dr. Jno. Dickson, Dr. J. B. Herren, Dr. R. R. Mowery, Dr. M. M. Kora, Dr. EL R. Dell. Wm. A. Wvd, Demur, R. A. W. Black, Rev. N. Wen U. W. DIDDLE, Dentist—. REMOVED to a new three tam Cilia +14 4 .. cm Smithfield atm; one door below •• Sixth street. Teeth mu... Led from otm. to an entire set, on the suction principle, with • beau tiful repmsentation of the natural gum—restoring the or;_i_lim eirraeofth"(l7.lrith hole or no Pain. Decayed Teeth perm.rady saved by Plelltmg• pre venung the tooth ache, which is much better duis =- ring It, though it should be done m five minutes, or even mwardly. eteltlY WALL PAPICII WARE/10171E. N 0.41 Market Meer, Pitttah, Pa. THOMAS PALit RESPEsa r !ILLY announce to his frurnds cad ens. touters, that he has hsi at to par. period a* amen sive a Stock as ho has at mama. Henan offer wpm chasers, on ex= moderato tentmsott Ms old estahnsh. ed Stand on Blot/tat street, alum! every article In his Ctrundng•toom, Etad-charalmr, D room, Parlor and Roll Paper. With Bordent,Pll: &cape., Fire-board Punts, Pr and Transparent What." Shades, Bonnet and Binders' Boards, Wri. tiny, Wrapping, and Tea Paper, ha is abundantly um phad, and requests country merchants and housekeep. an to call and examine baa assortment. t32MMIM;gigMi BIEW HARDW ASZ STORM. . SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, - No. 78 Wood street, Plitaborgh. HAND LAUFMAN, IMPOrtall and dealer in Foreign and Doman% HARDWARE, In all ire VlliailMase now empanel to sell so low and on as reasonab leterms escort be purchased cisme - hen. We solicit our fnetute, and the public generally, to call and examine our stock which comets in pat of KNIVES and FORKS, PO ! KET and PEN KNIVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Donn TrOuninp, such en Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws, together with every article nuttily kept In Hardware Stoma We Invite the attention of Carpenters and Mechanics generally to our msortroupt O'Toole, which bamboos selected with goat cue; end whkh we are domr ain. ed to will sou to give sandman. - apikdkorT mica, MARSH'S NEW NOVEL-,Mordantrt Ha or a Seppobr Nlghr, by the author of:Two old "s" E'" JO V l= " dt. “ Vg l aßTl't Just ree tw y r ard&A corner Market and ad ets Itoollattp—Okalwantated Via Plisses. TBE "chambers beg to call the attention ofßuSidert, Architects and careen of Buildings. to the many advantages which these plates patens over all other metallic sobannees hitherto nowt for roofing, 1n.., as theyposwas u once the lightens of iron, submit its liability to rust, having now been tasted for several years TA this parnoular, both in dos country and Ma rope. They an lots liable to expansion sad =Mate, tin e from =Una change Of the atmosphere, than eon mon tin plates, inna,sme, or any other metal now nand for roofing ,and consequently form* much bettor and tighter roo6 requiring Cm less frequent repairs, whilst the first cost is but a trite more. A full supply, of all eizu, from le to 30 W. 04 coo- aunty on hand and for sale by OF.O. S. bIOREWOOD CO., 14 and 16 Beaver street, New York. The patent right for this article Ita i m i r seemed for the United States, all retries either by importatbm or callensiae, will prosecu ted. cwolltwittoriTT . . HE nadersigned hare erected works in the city of New York, for the Cialvsnizim all RUSTof Iron, which it is derle to PROTECT FROM , inch as Telraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, NUL, Wire for Fence and any o th er a rt icle which map be re4aLred. For Hoops for Casks, for bald RoPq Inc Clothes Lanes, Lig Rods, and abort of other applications, h will be Co cheap dubbin. 'They would partictihirly call menden to th em e Halm& rod Wire for fences; It requires no paint, and will not rut. Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of which Li also mach importance, that it will command huff to the notice of all town interested. OHO. D. MOREWOOD & CO-, Patentees, octftb-dikoHaT to and 16 Beaver at. N. York. TANNERS' OIL. 4,008P-L.T4N' OIL, I"""' *""' Le" l OlL—Constantly on hand, bleached and unbleach , ed winter and spring Operm, Orotund and Whale Oi Alan, light colored selected N. W. Coat! Whale Oil, suitable for retaliate. PATENT OIL FOR MACHINERY—The mtbacrio beta are new prepared to amply Tenho:es Patent Oil , Ie mly quantity; machinixtamennfacturem, an-, ant requested to call and examine the article. Certificates of so efficacy and mperiority over all other oils, from several of our moat atannfacuvera, ate in our rowession. ALLEN & NEEDLES, Agts, Pa and V 3 south wharves, near Chestnut at., febtasodern Philadelplua. rElfig widersigned having been appointed Agent of the DILMAIIII. Wm!. Sancti Instrament COM rOrt, in the place of John Pinney. Jr., redgned, re. speedelly Informs the public and the Mende and cus tomers of the Company, that he is prepared to take Marine, Inland and Floe risks on liberal terimil their otfire, Net 57 Water street P. A. MAD ritylB - 7t Nen TABLE UP PUSE Onin - ChZ,, con J. tithing an alpliabeucal list of Posta:Lees through. ont the Untied Rune; distance* from Wubluldon.o: C.; Maui end terntonal capitals respectively, oho ex. the,Post °film in each Batty!. wallas corm- Val 4u appendix of the United Slates and Ettidsh -Jul. reed by JOHNSTON& er.ocirros, cornet dd and market as 1D ACON:EIDFS- 6 lade put the'd and.foroder. by. 4111 - . rand , awnansAuow: Nllllolor...Tbe highest *abet price I cub, will be ; 11, Okla':Vida OrittUNtlihild ' ‘# , Y.V7 6;7. PRP.m94 -. lmaMtlvnit!, 10 , 141•11. CoarLiall tot lk•BOUticeir ibis's/ms teak fira.-2, ihet wadi, er e Rae, Mozscogslutta Steer. Tan Deal of the eety 'beet fr o and eaay of tweets. .Any amber of acres, nt twenty-sre to airoadrad,lngbt •"" be obtained. Persona dub= of ptcrehasing, can call on PitriLICIKEt REED, on the, or Wm. Reed, oppeedie the Post °Zee, wito will give any ta lon:nation col:warning the property. The above will be told ate mat bargain. Isiraddol Holum aunt Let for Sala IN ALLEGHENY CITY.—. 2. neat 214 com fortable brick Dwelling House, and Lot of round, VN feet front bp lis feet deep,) intuit* ea the bank of the river, near i tabstestoek's lead fan tors, is calla:ad for sale e low. raw eat? tad titbs dupla:able. Apply to Abrahard Eakon, blonoupleda eir Y ,. ' JAMES rtitubtagla. 0W24,1210 MO LET—A good brick DoreltinEr tints,. en I. Beldam = street, Allegbeot o . 46 m myth SO MO SCHOVER -. 4 1209. aux CHEAP FOR 9 RIP—A lot of crowd V situate on Webster street, . feet from High .ueo 20 feet Omit on Webster, by 80 eat to 'Ave tbet alley. —orate close to noon march° Prase Ma Terme, 2:15D cash in hand; bulaneo in o ' two , three and four years from the Ant of Apol ha Conroy =I City Scrip maim or each payment. In • • .of myltt 9 SOHO : • HO second so • 055 Win la • Lend ter Babe. 8/2"Talihin the llowniviutiarlyer,atent leading from i'We ersh and 3 nulesabove third Loot, In the immediate netabborhood of Megan Lyon & SUM,. • End Mr. lohnlierron'a puratime. This line body of Coal will be Midas the low price of $133 per acre—ons • Mini in band, balance in five equal annual payments, without izdereat Title indisputable. Location vat/ secab—cannot be For further particulate' enquire of B. „ wbo bas a draft of mkt pro. Perry. Residence Sal liciourFerty,ktrAdanuMmr....- N. B. Thera ',another seam' of coal en Oda treat, about CO fest above dos lower, 'of eicollant quality. iyObdif B. Fiestas And Lot. foinirk - A11,17" SA TWO story Brick Ban* Outdates eikit • -- rooms exclueve of basement :and eellanjamt:;.- able for two families, almond on Liberty, streeVl'-. allegbany,-vOil be sold low fio Scrriipp Mrulnlxs of oTtiff B.- HAYS, °matte ONO* Valuable Ilielldlag Lots tbUllede;', T HE truhadribera am authorized %Delhi at piteab i,. of TO "l' ry ' v ud alt2l7EtlMll * x Lo v° ls vab , =r ill A I S ., portion of the Loin nered tt>, 68, 6p and ,Ilk• Ise Woods' General Plan of the City of Plttaburgh,lahttat,f.:.,• red at the matt eauntranillyeorner ofPennund Weyitei:; . 7 smul u f to . 21 . 0=ni h a s 4) ,: t E r. ,,,, %=4 4 : " .. ..„ ezo — rtdoga past ores+ Erg teat tbe:leekleslkla . P,-;. 8. Stemma; Earp t ditoestiAL • • A plan or anbthataion of the share taiii,'..ll:Ci'.C.7 . • misy aids which hie prop:4l4.W ea, may be s=et the office of the undentfirooft,oa Fourth, bugLacit _Un- • hat and Perry am „WILLIAM & ray 3 Valuable 'West Estate' CDs Sa e. frUM. subscriber will sell, at prirtte side, diarist**. ble Property, on the Fourth streetroad, a4ioining his presetu revidence,,and ore posttidoci inGetediaser .Iy. There ere about TEN AC Ina high state of cultivation. The improveindois.ans,. a large and well finished brick DWELLING HOUSE,' a ',meth Dam and other out bsdhlings. AdJohungthe dwelling is a running Fountain and agood Pomp., which dimishes • constant snpyly of excellent There isa variety of oi . ' bo Prun d 'Ar ri s b :t i td iihrublictLy on pot sold P soo ' It will be 4 ' . Cam t =or lat, a lae board rge LOT ic on Penns quire ylvania Avenue, at use ent of wiln of apitsidas DAVID 13EELEIL . • alleged. Haag ./gatato ftte /111 M Trustees of the WeaternTheologieal Seminary hvvlng decided to setlon perpetual tem, a par.!_%.c uon of their property In Allegheny city, offer on veer: favorable terms, !tom an to de Lots of Caroni alma. A warnotee due will be given. Aldan of tholoto aan be seen at No. 1.19 Wood meet. • Co For engrave olt u dtler l o . f the rtul LOOAN ALEX. Leuemily meLcom LEsedis • IL LEumari. At • wera7 low Ilarnt. AA TWO story Brick limas, on -Federal 'sty we door above the minharesi earner of the mitt Common, Allegheny—wide hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen an dm first floor. Four mama on ltd - wary, with a finished aide. Possession to to had Immediately. Inquire of aptl CEOBIfILTENBB6GEB, B 7 rit st VaTwiablit RtaarEEM rrEE following Wormy: in'tios city ofl Pitulrar and near the - borough of Blanchester, en the OW , rivet, oTered fin sale on armonunodating terms. 3 Lou ( subdivision of Lot No Adll in the plan of the city of ) having° feet front an He. 'oath street, by KO et to Strawberry allay . near Grant street 10 one .ere Lott fronting on an Ammo, 0 Met wife, numb; from Deaver road to the Ohio river. ad. Joining FliiMpala Oil Cloth Fan For Minn, enquire of CHAHLF9 S SCULLY, or JAMES 011/1111, Burke'. Building, 4th at. V las • •perty or -in - TN THE NINTH WARD OF PITITHURGH.-434nr -1 s* Lots olltsidsrin and Liberty shuns, In the 921 Ward, 2 foot by Hl2, and adlseent the proposed depot of the Central android. Far toneslnquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JAMES WHAILd., =MS Itosko2s Bolldlas, tfh at. TWO HOUSES AND LOTS' NOD. SALN. TWO MOTS on Beaser 'met, lb the city . e Allegheny, abase Ibis epperConariona, an which emend a frame building, two mattes high, suitable for two sma ll tenemenu. The lota aro each twenty feet ht front by one hundred feet deep, and run bac! to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on the pre! adzes will pay* very handsome interest on the Invests mean, &lathe property will be sold cheap for *ash. Apply to H. Spred, Clerk's office; U. S. A or to Y novir) & Co f LOTS, 21 foray 170, named on the higher r:o l nod, and fronting on thouritle North Contmotig in am Baena VIM Egtetudo , . Term VON dub - JAMES ROBINSON - - RORINSCiNa OS., Exchange Buildings, St Clair it _Scotch T EN ACRES OP LAND , situated in Peebles town. ship, on the Hanonsinttels, Miro miles front Pim bargh—in loft to etas parchasent Par Anther panic- Wars apply to Geary Woods, 61 st,o2 6 WASHINGTON, 4th, shove Smithfield at WAREIIO SE FOR: • ' Therabactiber oters for sale the three story brick Warehouse on Wood street, odenpied by R. Tanner & Co. spl7 WSL WILSON, Jr. VUABLE REAL ESTATE ON FENN STREET OR SALE—A Lot of Oround situate on Peas street, between Ray and Mort:nay streets, adioining the house and lot no occupied by Richar d Edwards, • having a front of 25 feet, and in depth ISO lest, writ be sold on,favorable tenon. Tula unexceptionable. En quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, d h st,near Wood. A DIMIIIWILE Bull "Fo rale. " vombly beayed,, city anb la WW be 1014 on CCORIM;i • about t " febe • i_a_pg• terms. bloke !if J D WILUANB, 11.0 wood v : ,r ~ ,(1 Property ho Allegtteny Oily tor anis. nbscnbers oder for safe a amber of choice n, eu simate la the Second Ward, frontiat on the entmad, on easy terms. Inqxure of W. Cell. ROBINSON, Any at Low, St Calf it - or of JAB ROBINSON, on thepremises. myl7MA•rtfT 9000 PREMIUM BLINDS. H. J. witzums, Na 12 Norm Strm Smarr, PHILADELPHIA. IMAN 'BLIND AND WINDOW SHADE UFACBURER; (Awarded the firm anil high est Medals at the New Yort, Baltimore and Philadel phia Erdliltionr, for the eimeriority of his Blinds; with confirmed con fi dence in his mannaemre,) askrthe at tention of purchase -la to his assortment of SOW Blinds of narrow and wide alms, with Caney hod plain Trim mings, of new . atyles toed .colon. Also, a Imp and general actratment 'of Transparent Window...ftadee, all otwhlch he will sell at the lowest cash prices. old Mitre painted and trimitoodto look equal to new. ItT DEALERS SUPPLIED on liberal term. The einrens of A legheny county an tangentially wined to call before baying elsewhere—confident...sf lensing all. Open fn thenvenbigs. ntott.P...A Notice to Daigaiereotype Artiste, TUSI received' a small invotee of VOIOTLAEN tP • DEN'S qUICHWORKING INSTRUMMITS— now canstrucuon. These Instruments possess great advantages over all otters over made, novenae size Plate, reducing the time of sitting one producing n sharper, clearer and better de pic sure. They,lhorefont, deserve the Intention of all Al alms cum ed or intending to engage in the buineu. Price for the Tate SIN. 4 general assortment of Votatiaenderts Ludy eelsL't brazed Inehimerns,of all sizes, u well u Damtutr vm_Mnierials, at Me lowest rates. MR. PETER SMITH, Cincinnati, Ohio, is our. ,thotised agent for the .sale of the above laalcparati.' A last of Pneas can be obtained by addressa t Poll 4 paid; W. ft LANGER' p it. . . - . _ Fzehongn, --ontoelphin, Importers of Dago erreotpe 31strensis, Ana Dotterel Agents for the solo of 71,olgOnender's Optical Instru- Mentz. . T61170:e.03g1i mot case, Bedford, Pa. 'man mom:ems Indiana, Po; • HMG is 2100.11ILEAT?, WHOLESALE GROCERS, F.f•ex end Com yy mission Merchants., and dealers in Produce end Pittsburgh Manufamores, comer of the Diamond and Diamond salty,c hard Hard Pittsburgh. Itznoimma—Dr. Shohabeflier, Ri, Hon. Ica. Morrison, e , Melt. S.' Elliott, Esq. "".• Simon Drom,Eap„Greenslmrsill J. r 111=111./b.Co..Philsdelphis. =thee& Sops, Lenristosos, • Reamer; • • Me. Wm, T. Dough , cr u ta lkaf " andhin & Ray, apisrfrow& AIiGHWAIs switiloAL oinftog . .` No. 65, DIAMOND , a . - lbw doors helm Wood street, . Mika. - • ' regabudy educated to the medic*. • fnrefessien, end been for some time general practice, now confmea Ids attention to the treMmant of • ' thmie Floats and delleate - anal , ;414 , plaints.farwidch. his opportunities : : , and ...experience Peenlioril MGM , " it yeas asaidaously deleted. team p treatment adman eismphtintsAumgMhisb Emu be has bad more ,pracuce sad bon eared mere pa, fintlS th an eta ever Cell to she lot Of shy pirate prat. • t bore) Imp t., 0.101.44,0 n to odor ambrances of • .speed,:manent,,mntsali try rate to all aillicted widrdeate dimmer WM all..Olee.ues arising there' Dr. Drown would bilkdathOWl *Meted With private Hulse. which have beeper anode by Woe. or ad framed by the use of tiny glee common nostrums of the day, that their complandi Moshe radically amigo:Re ovally eatzt4 be having given hia . earellal astectiorivo the treastatat of arch Cll6ll, and Mieceeded hihnndrode of instant:main ming persons of indancoatiod neck of the bladder, mid kindred diseases which often. - moth from thosecoom where others have ermined them to hopeless despair. He particularly Unites scab as have been long and unsueceedelly treated by other' to cormult tdm; when every satisfaction will be Merl thorn, and their eases treated in a canfolohorough and Intelligent manner, penned out by a long exponent° e and!, and tavertipruon, which it is impossible for num in- one g e e general praetice of rataielno to glee an - trriltruis or Itopture.—Dr. MI:MU Obeid-rites per) sow afflicted with Hernia to eell, as he baspald parties alar attendants els diabase. Skin disessex slo 3 FX . oetdily rople N. Pszkrats of Crib x sex thinot idi¢gngp be aumlll their Anus. in writingjinn. Ilium oral. tatilk,Cl.ll obtain mums with as 6. one, Iskinneng I'. BROWN, Pt ;x:nt Paid, .4 =kw: No 12t ..u4rv0. eS, Dtsixtond Vey; *Mete the 4 t e etif ose. .—ltratratrlt's newly dlattevernl tetati.;' ' aftrn uTtot zintattxm bra speedy: and.egtain nuni 4l4 o. - t., thillatufal Multi& It newer fa* Ptivate Comlttmg..Atocams;ll6,"63 mort4l47,Pizabscret, Pa. The Doctor is arm ar Pie ma 4rt:Y AVPLV3-40 Dab, 96161. fciitiaa - siyanompfor.tii. PlE=tll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers