BrMAGNETIOMEGM4 ItZPOILTEDEGUAPItittoi, Dee the Pittsburgh 1ui. 1 3 0 41611Itts• FOREIGN N 91. THE swum suit' CALEDONIA . LATER' F i ttlfoPßA3 INTEMA4I,,ENCE. By avelitarld Express reenal.lSt i ttria..4. lir;Jomea,(l,sr.l3i*ii 4 - raid. news by the ':a pm. " Ulna no new &tune. The - money 'marker p m _ .„ sinitatiattp. I fl 4 ' r'; • • miasegttenco ot the threaten nifittmot of aA -faire in Renee and Italy, patinn are de. pressed. Lrettarce I MaY 12 , 1810. . Comex—The market has u steady during the past week. Aftm them pt Of theadvicre by the 'American Mail Steam Hennsnei holders acted With Sreater Artiness. American , desp tionsluiVo advanced l; Sum has, also:! aavhilied. ' On Tneitlay; the market do; A heavily, with la evesaingsmetities OiSming. ' At the usual meeting o the Cotton - Broker's CconmEttee„:beld yesterday, the scale of price, were declared to be thesaewith those of last week, viz Fair Gpland and b bile 41;.: fair Or leans at 4-1 per lb. The sales of the week ending on the 11th, vete about 42,680 bales, 0001:i of which were'for export, chiefly to Ensile, and 5,- 600 on IpCnnintlOlL The imports -have -been ,mall, amounting ably to 20,000, owing to the prevalence reuefivorable winds. -. Coax Taanx.—The heavy feeling which 'pre veiled in the corn trade, previous to tho sailing of the' last steamer, alp continues. Ftomh•-22iseei bbl. has bean accepted for con siderableof, western canal ; said of Balti more, at r eb ; prima Ohio, at 2356 d. " harms. Coax is in improved demand at better prices thin early last week, bat the demand was lost daring the past ttko dapni 31032 s for white; 23i 6d23ts for yellow, with moderate demand. Psevutop--Lard has been in fair demand. Dotiltg the week eater hare amounted to about 100 tans ed 33Intsper cwt. At Tuesday's auction• the large•quantiq of bacon brought forward pro duced a depressing erect upon the market, to the extent of 2s per cwt. Since then the demand has slightly Improved, and the fur sates made were *about 11per cwt under those of last week. Hams - -of almost every dvutriptlea have been nearly un l'esterdai, Zs per cwt. were accepted Efr 100 timeee ordinary in dry salt. Good shoul ders Meet free sales at previous rates. Cheese his been In ordinary request, but fine Is retailing Au re prices. Beif moves off slowly, *Rhein champ in value.• A limited business has been ki Pork at lower figures. ',Hell stores are la dull demand; the market b bOt Lem this week es at last sepal. Mortar . .151.smorr.--English secaritles fluctuate considerably, and a 'decline in the value accusals has been established. The tone of the market on _Tuesday was rather beuer, although but little bo• slam was transacted. Consols elated in the are Cantu at 914 to 90e and improved to 9rs. Bank arfEdgiaed shame ranged at 192 e; Exchange Hills, 460104 money is easily obtained On stock securi ties at very low rates. At tlefore 3 o'clock, can .loil for the account closed at 91e. l'ha steamer Caledonia arrived at Halifax at f past 7 *clock. Your express left at S, and arrived in :this Chi at 19 o'clock Uds morning. She bring* OM and forty passengers. She stopped at Hali fax, and Waste have lefr Gar Boston at 9 o'clock. =GLAND The bill for the modification of the Naitigation Lama was carried in the Rouse of Lords by majority of 10, In favor of the ministry; the result given swarm to the Whig ministry a nee tenure 01'01:lee. In the House, the Parliamentary Oath Bill, hay. Ititar its object tie removal of the Jewish dials lanes, has been rend a second time by a larger majority than before. Mr. Roebuck was abcmt bringing befonsParlie- Ment hie plan for the better government,efthe col inks. It mu siva moved theta Cortimittee be es tablished to ascertain the amount of deb! due from *Ensign governments to British subjects. The arguments on the writ of C1T031,4 the case sd • W. B. O'Brien and McManus had been read before the Mouse of. Lords, eritiioni ..lunKing the aonmslior the crown taw. 'Tie. Lords nud Jcidg- C 8 unitnitniinaly directed that the errors "tutsigned by the plaintiffs could not be maintained: 'The argument of the judgment at die Queen Comte!' Ireland stands affirmed. It fa annalsed hat they will pr:bably be transported abOnt the Ist of /sum. - Dairy's proimentkm has been obandened. The quarrel between the parliaments throughout GroininlY, bas reached the highest pitch. In - Saxony a conflict has already taken place.— The people fought with the troops semen hours with great saes of life. The railways were &lapin ced,toprerrett the snivel, of the mama from Ber lin, sufficient Amino foray came opportunely, and momentary, tranquillity was restored by the railer,' tome. The fight was renewed next day, and cannonading continued till night. On the 7th, the battle was renewed at 4 o'clock In the morning, and a deadly warfare was going on la tab Waists. Intelligence from Dreeden to gm' Sth, - lays that boatilin” raged between the resilient and the people, HUNGARY Accounts from this quarter represent the ex citement et the highest pitch, and that it wilt take MOM than Rasta and Anstria Combined to quell Zadetorms are malting to creato a revoMtion to 1:41 lap* nt fact, from Pampa to Penh, the whole 'tergmuy Le involved . In. oraa the brink of host!- ' ; - England itsal Stance disapprotte of ;Luesia's in beturnen Attatiia and the Hannutens. The Fienchmereatepped in tkeir march inaraida Panne, by the Repithhosna, watt the lota of Capt. Ondblot,and one:bandred and eighty killed, and Sow hundred wounded. *hi builaii fiver continues The qnsxrel between Napoleon and his amain b &win room fleXce, Parbsoursu, May 2.1. Item Smithers and Enna Brown have been trteged and committed, under charge ol killing Francis Toner, by - striking him on the head with aspmther•durthg the firemen's riot on Wednesday. The markets are generally without change. Cr. Louie, May 2S. • Four Cemeterree.bstre reported tvretus tetermen qtateday ofeith. by Chaters—e others made en . Dar,- The public meeting held lam night. reesonneeded ttritietting the wharf, by extending it into the river. Cisemran, May 23. Thera we 14 caw eases of Cbolern, and two death OLee 1,41414.9 Nuw Yoas, May 25. Two =2 dead bodies were recovered (rote th Wreck of the steamer Empire y eat erday. Boston, May 25. An insurance was effecurd, yesterday, on Conning by the atcantet Caledonia. U.., h....beta received here, giving on account . eirimereeedette earthquake at Maracaibo, on the 12th of Apia, which canted an immense destraetion of pre; Menages is grill acting President, but it mat reported ghat Pun orenlii 10011 411 that ofliee. Wasnannott, Mv 25. 'MO Orton Coup hove confirmed the veidiei of th eel:wool Court, in, the case of flood, who woo 'convict -14 of stealing the loverruneaLjeeally whinl th" rah' imprisonment in the Penitentiary. ' DEATH FROM A FIREMEN'S FIGHT. rimanwstA, May 2/ James Totter, the nun wounded at the fira.nes fish ' on Wednesday nixht stied soddenly at the hospital last night. BALTIMORE MA Ritir }hung--The markt! I unchanged Grain.-Wheat ,has slightly zaprovtd. Comas steady. PfOsisions—Sals -of Mess Pork a 1811: of Prime nk OD peibbl. Sales orLard in kegs at 71. and in bLls , at Pigpen:lb. bacon tins slightly - advanced f]tacerieo Far Coat, prizes urn fully aaStaincd--- '. Baguio Taber dull. NEW NOIIK NtAIiENT. ''Slarn—Cedurion 'Western brands ere in demand at 114 4t; Coed Western as $1 GI, and Orbau at 53 73, whith sgireil2soosbli • - vim: sold.' btebto'Wbent at 10Se. Corn is in good reinest, with n 0004603 Prices. Prosistena—Salei . of litesi Pork at 6 9 90) and or at g 0 25 per.ibl. Lard is Orin 451227 c CINCINNATI MARKET -May '25. .-..----" n 4 * -Th.-mise IV ~..- Abk_.:fnive, lAA, rh....Alse Markt% iA anthem charge. , iI, ti ,,, i i i. ,,,,,,,,elerekvip lb. aheaddera al 11ia... - .; . ''il - igairnagalaiirattro wharf al Snap* fan COMICUL ;RECORD. 1849 uns;r-1- AWL/MAO. 1 26 Siktuidayi . ,t.••• Pathan 98 0 da ys Toes_ ,day 'JO - Wedneday, • 31•TIninday, .- 1 Friday , PITTSBURGH BOARD Or 'TRAMS COMMIVER FOS MAY. T. I. • CLitti. _lee/ ISELZXJ4. J. DaLIJCILL. Canoe Prin.-Non asra-rti, Saturday ?darning, May at, rtue. The market yesterday maintained it. usisal quiet peas, and no material change xsas manifested in the prices of any mimic. The Weather wns unusually chit, and raw far the 1c0n... FLOUR-41M receipts showed a considerable faliing oftfrom thrice of the, previous day, and the quantity altered. front first hands armi comparatively light -- Bales ammating to XIXI bids were rammed to us on the wharf at 53,60083.0 for goal to bast brands. PROVISIONSTIIe Bacon market i. still very firm. with advancing tendency. We- note soles of sides to donstacrahlo exteht at BIS*, of Shoulders at 41! sad of Slarias at 612,01 for good Western ilared in elk.: tad of city cored tole face amount at the tame figures- Lard la in fair Mg+, with sem.ln bbl, at 50, and in kegs at Shßble Y IC—as la quality. Butter is dull. and few sales arc tanking. We may quote common roll in tbls at 9010, and of a good article at 10012 c p pound., GROCERIES—There is a (air. demand at full price', but sales are confined to !United lots only al former quotations. Sugar ranges from 5 to 51e—according quality, Molasses (rota 97 to 29c Q gall, and Rio cof fee from 71 Mee P rb. Woos. n hfrentoatv—But few States in the tam, nil the Detroit Advertiser, are better adapted in soli and climate to the business of Wool. powtng then I.llOhlgen. The following is the amount exported from ?ellellipti each year since 1844 n.. 1844, Ilbs• •• • • Zel,4ta 1845, " 412.081 184 " 718,537 1847. " 963,410 Exclitsive of the exports, there is a large quantity mmoractured and tote 4 in the State. In the year iso, the =aunt of cloth manufactured far home <comma tioll at the seven different woollen mills, besides that menufstetured by hand loom, In the cantor. of St Jo seph, amounted to lip) yenla.: In Centrum, )(alma rod, end Northern counties, tha amount is moth larger; ittLeaurstree, Midge, Jackson, Oakland, and severs) other counties, the mount Is probably equal to 131.10- !mph county, which gives aomething of an idea of the largegnatnity of Wool cannoned within the nate. The estimated value of the export. for 1887, was 8218,831 50—a fraction Over an average of 22c per lb In this market. We have no correct scarce et hand by whith we eon ante the exporti for 1848, but think It exceeded those of 1047. We have no mean. of knowing the number of sheep in the State, bat think there iefrom 400,000 to 580,000 head. ROOFISG PAPER—Of s&potior quality, COLISUIIit ly on hand; for sea by my2s J SCHOONNIAKER & Co CHEESE-100 beg Just ree'd at the W It Butter and ‘../ Cheese Depot, and for sale, by m 23 1 DCANFIELD APER-8 teams crown and median, for sale by P My. -5 J 11 CANFIELD BACm°Y I 3 BI D B3- Itl 4 Alld D ' I r C ' IVF; I'y & Co, Fmnut AHD-150 E, Nils No 1, in r s .umancip i y r c iodabi y 6 L OIL— Z bbl. muter strained Lard Oil, reed for sale by my-24 Vir h R Arcurc NEON parr ASH-4 bbls Na 1 Pot Ash, rand sad for sale by tr , l l, W rt mvirreuEoN VlSti—bo Ltd* No 1 trim , d Obo DO Co No 1 Her. ring.; 3D do:No 9 Mackend; 20 do No 3 dm 10 do No 1 Salmon; 40 hi bbl* No 1 Honing*• loot ron'd and for wale by JOAN WATT. my9l corner of Liberty and Hand Ito aIEMM—S3 bxo prime — now Choose, Mat recd' and for Bale by & It 111TUTCHFA/N, myt4 16'.1 Liberty at B ACON -200 pieces prune Kneen hog ond, recd and Cor ...le by inyd4 WICK fr: m h_PCANDIASS "DOTASTI-10 csks Potash, a prime &nick, for re• received and for sale by my2l WICKM'CANDLESS myDRY APPLE 3-122 oc i al l e . & 31 jA DHY PEACRES—WS rks Dry Pboncos; 18 bbl. do do: for rile by my'll WICK & WCAN DL•••-9 fiIIDER-14 bbls sweet Cider; this day reed and for %.,/ sale by ady2l WICK b M'CANDI.EyS 01IXO CIDEII-e1 Wale Boiled Cider, for sale by mr3l WICK & aI'CANDLESS ALERATIIII-14 eras BeletataN V 2 bbl. do; Z 2 bee IO pulverized do, for sale by WICK t II'CANDLESS WAPPLPiId PAPER-2121 restos medium W rap ping Paper; 250 do crown dol 40 do double ern do, on hand and for rale by rny24 WICK tr. 61'CANDLESS SALT—WO bbla No 1 Salt, for .ale by 1424 WICK & M'CANDLESS GROUND PEPPER-70 bozo. Ground Pepper. for alile by my2i WICK & APCANDIANS IGIAMILX Fuva-140 bbla Parkinson's Family .Floar, ler tale by WICK ft WCANDLESS MOULD CANDLES-100 bre yammer Mould. Can dies, &nude by 11,24 WICK & terCANDLESS FI7E.A.THFRA—PWO lb. prima Ky. Fealhen, on band and far .aleby mral WICK lc WCANDLESS COHCIIINGS—I6 caLl tACOtaiings7fOr .4. by 0 my 24 • WICK M'CaNDLKS9 ANT 001 —Titi's day %calved and for sale by my 24 WICK & AVCANDLESS SHAD AND HERRlNG—Reerived and for sate by my 24 WICK & bI'CANDLW COCOA -10 lila soperiorsCocoa, jton reed and for sale by ray 24 WICK & M'CANDJ,9 ALIISI-12 bbl. Alum, for m a le by myil WICK & 141`CANDLESS etIiEESE—IO3 bxs W Cheese, reed and for sale V by myet WICK K M'CANDLESS BRANDY, best quality—l eaak just reed and for arils by BRAUN & RprEft, my 43 comer St Clair and Labors • sts CHLORID OF LIME-2 y•ske just reed and for nate EI by mrs3 IBRACN & REITER Phitede vr. trieernio Pi /EILLER te.EICKF.TEON,,MnoIesaIe n, Groee isb ni, oreh d . AL Importers of H dies, Wines and Sege's, Nos and 174, earner of Llberf aad Irwin streets, Pills: :TO, Pa. 1211.1i.C0N detect in good onl er, reed per ljtsimr Pull; for bald by I.;Eu COCH RAN, 10y.23 241 Wood .t rk;Arqs--.1 ease Joan., Stephenville meenfosiure, tl ..itee'd on coma:Union, for ode by "123 r GPO COCHRAN pla6lB z gataN—Jast reel) anal for olio L 7 t. - - - OZ. lodine; $ oz lodide. o Potassium; 45 oz of `11..! lodine of Perri; Cararo.Ferri; ^J lb. Tart ano• many; 50 .oz Sulphate quinibe; sulphaus Morphs.; Acetate dm Masts of Sliver, pure. Chloroform and Asada EU:ter, just r ead and for sale by mon .1 KIDD to co 5T10.9 LARD OIL-10 bbls Rood quality No. g Lard ' Oil. in lbw order. 20 vo No I, Coolding's slam and far sale at lowestprices, by MVO ' SELLERS 8 NICOLu 13UTTER--4),bla fresh Rollflutter, Just reed at at the W flutter and Cheese Depot, and for ewe by. , mpg) J DCANFIELD CHEESE - 4Q° Put reed at the R Butter and 1„/ Cheese Depot, and for We by my 23 J B CA NFIRLD Toni peps:iv. DILL'. is J„ the name Of dhavvidaztl - v'd-d7Aompsol:an.3„orthep.. gthezreenitgfr7t'thefk,etre Paper MHti ereteyle :14d .c ows the pateen ngo,oflhe publle, ,and the Conner customers of the se nior partner. • They will al:all times keep on band a geoenl as. 'eminent of writing, wrapping, tea and all paper., bonnet boards, blank books, etc. etc ., tablet they Istil exchange for clean linen and cotton raga Printer. and Hook Publishers can besupplied with every description of printing Doper at short notice, and atiediteed priees. THOMPSON HANNA. Mini J, '49—my37•alans EaSII.IND S. HANNA. a REGULAR LINE OF PACKET SHIPS— To salt on die loth Jmy—The superior fast J Wilt, i eappered and clapper fastened slop EUROPE, wi gall for the above port as above, hav ing Rine gnarteriother fight engaged, 'flue ship heiartaCthe lo at class, and haying un usually spaylotto 'Rid well Canted accommod.ona, ogee to pesseigere a very desirable opportunity whereby to secure that comfon and safety so necessa ry Cu so long a voyage. - Pa...engem with families Will be furnished with sep arate and enmmanicanng step TOOL., and experien ced physietan will accompany the ship. For balance of freight or pf age, apply to (./ . . ASPINWALL, Soadt side Dock street wharf, my23.l2or—{North Am. ; Philadelphia. 8 4 000 cCgt•Yby AND COUNTYFIOYEU for ti+ Sllo econd POCK 0 for matt by _my?! 8 SOHOYEB. 110 Second • t FAMIL Y FLOUR-100 WA* Family Flour, for 80. Te by my 22 J tl DILWORTH & Co JAMBS D. LOCKWOOD, (Pon many yearn connected with Messrs. Wiley & Putnam, nod hue John Wney t N. York mod London,) 500%.1.1.12. ♦.ID WORM 01 • ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN BOORS, No. MI Woo* rritscr, (Nearly opposite the SL Charles Hotel.) PITTSBURG H. In E n glis h , French , and German Reviews nod falatines, and Newspapers insporteelto order, price. amide, may be ascertained on application to Mt. L. Catalopes gran. soya VEATH ske - T - trint — e - Fe - aUtiii7, my2J_ 7 S Da:WORTH & Co TAB -12 N C Tor, for moo by morn • J P DILWORTH & Co .1 if ACItEREL-30 tads No 3 Mackerel, just recd ak per erynal ami (or sobs low by .'" M 722 JAMES DALZELT. _criEsgr,-2il bar good w K (Meese Mimes per r. - 0.0 akliee, arid for sale lore 1;0.5 calltigll- ma at by . Myt2 JAMF34 DA r.?. FILL nEvtittfiroicAls-474 bbis small loaf, erustji, n powered and clarifiedi in stow and for wale at ra dar-ad piers, ba , JAMESI HUTCHISON Ir. Co, . Agent-ISt. Loots Sugar Refinery, . ,ogi No Si Water and fa Front rt . —.._ T 11611-1, 1 igi9llena it ad, Nit teed and N. talc bY ra JAMES A HUTCHISON &Co S . • HOT-10 keg( need Men: in store lmnd for ule by arm • .TANES A HUTCHISON & Co WANTED To puEc • HASL A good r~ thdr Y gl i t i eti be oßeted. ge t"ba "Ifts ' N°°° . ALEXAND Eft & DAY Market' et t • Catalan. • Mit pubf.d are candoded aphid ptathaileg the draft bY Ridbetaton & OC/b on Ina M'Fa den h Co. sod tl• ilient accepted, fordPIP; dated May 13,'i af PO FlOya . aver data, and atee pied Nay 10, latit,paycble.a tha.otder of drawers, and bream epdpreed to F, C. Shannon, who bac notice that per - Meet of the Woe has beet" nipped In the bentis ot John ISlVedetatc Ca. lIICHARDSOff ;.• i t SlichP*o Gab. PORT OF PITTSBURIA. . ARREGTED. Michigan No 2. Gibisat, Beaver. Baltic-, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic-, Parkinson, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsvdk, Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. :Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Bay Cia. 'N-Vm Phillips, MePhial Kittaning. A ar ,,,, Ban, Koontz, St Louis. Messenger No 2, Woodward, Cia. Fort Pitt, Miller, Clinton. DEPARTED. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic,Jacob, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Laois McLane, Bennett, Brownsville Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. -Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Camden. Hendrickson, McKeesport. riendship, Davis, Sunfish. rmantown, Cio. schuylkilL Beacon, Connell, St Louis. iy 7 10 1 34 7 20 433 721 433 72: 4 3 722 43/ 723 4 31 7 24 Tut am:R.—There Were 4 feet 4 inches in the channel, by pier mark, last evening at dusk, and BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Broconaville Packet., 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. Beaver Packers, 10 A.. M. and 4 P. M. Clneinnati-2 Taylor. Strafiab--Cinderella. FOR I.IIILADELPEM. D. Leech ds co's, packet line. 9 P. M Tbe - fine steamer, Zschary Taylor, we perceive, is up (or Cincinnati. Let .11 who may be passing in that direction see to it, (or Zachary's accommalatiotte are just loch as to give comfort and ease to the pay.: gar. Oar acknowledgements are doe the accommodatine clerk of the fine steamer, damn Hart, for late files of St Lents paper The Allegheny river is se low as to render it ex. tremely difficult for any boat to ascend, excepting of the smallest class. The Fort Pitt started for Franklin yesterday morning, but could only proceed as high as Clinton, where she left her freight, and returned again to this city in the afternoon. Srwrssa Sen..l—The steamer Bolivar was sunk in the Comberlima river, fifteen miles above Salina, on the 11th. Boat end cargo supposed to be a Int e l lons Passengers and crew were saved. She had en board about 150 hogsheads of tabacco which were insured.— No insurance I n the beat. The steamer Transport. hound for New Olden,. struck the bank whilst running in a fog en the night of the Ith inn, a few miles above Donaldsonville, and sank to her boiler deck. No lives loss—fLotidssulle Journal. IMPORTS BY *[VIER. ZANESVILLE—Per Lowell-25 hhd. tob, 4 bbls beeswax, 1 sk feathers, 770 bbls floor. 5 .k. wcrtl. Leech & co; 10 cake baron. 5 kgs 1 bbl /.rd. H Grad & cts. 02 bbls lard. L Waterrnon; 113 bbls Boor Sellers & Nicola; 9 mineral WM. Mts. M S Johns; 1 ha mdse. Hart & Black; OS bbls pork and lard. H S !teem& hhd bacon, A Sampson; 100 bbl. flour, H Graff & co; is hhds rob, or Lnwell; 1 box mdse. H E Sellers; I do do. Miller, 10 bbl. flour, 5 bbl. corn. 8 Mrs corn meal, J & It Floyd; 97 sits oats, 9.0 bbl. fl ur, 3 dos sacks, I S Dil worth: 11 .k. rwts, Bagaley 172 flour. ate Lowell; IS hilds bacon, It Dairen; D aks dried apples, Bor. bridge. Wilson & co; 50 dos butte., Church k Caroth• ers; 100 dos brooms, IV Greer; 2 live oxen, owner Al'Lmars Wog. Vasocrom—The following order shows at onde the demand for and the exellence of this great medicine. Certificates have been so multi. plied in favor of thin Von:mine, that we consider II unnecessary to add any more. Tool. July Wah, Ivl7 "J. Kidd k Co.—The Vermifuae left us on sale some time ago by your %rent. ir all sold. sells very ra pidly, and alesasusfaction. As are entire ly out of the article, and haying frequent crib for it, you will please us some immediately. C. A. MORRIS ac CO." For tale at the Ding Store of .13 KIDD te Co myl7 W extern Insurance Company. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Secretary—J. Fmrxr. Jr. President—R. Mrt.r..ati, Jr. lhaacroks—R. Diller, Jr, J. W. Boiler, Dec. BlJak, W. ti. Holmes. N Dolmas, Jr., C. Ihmsen, Geo. W. Jaekson, Wm. D. Lyon The , . K. Lirch, J.. Lipp.- con, Jas. NPAnicy, Alex. Nitpick. Thos. Scott This Company is now fully organized. and prepared to effect Insurance on all description., of property against Lott by Fire—risks of Iniand Transportation, and on Huh s and Cargoes of Boats and Vessels App!imam. for Insurance may be made (for the present,) to R.:Biller, Jr. President, at the warehome of Robmson & Minis, No. 21'Wood street; or to J. Pin ney, Jr, Secretary. at hie cave, No. 37 Water street, Pittsburgh. myl4 TOVAIIMEIIS AND LIIBIDNILINEN. TILE underaigned offers for sale in M'Kean county, Pa., LW acres of well tiroberot LAND, with en excellent Sow Mill nearly nqw; and two new Frame nooses, one 41 feet front by 47 back. the other 33 feet front by 24 back. Also, good new (tame Barn. thirty by forty feet. 'The mill and land are situated four miles from the Allegheny river. A great deal of PINE TL'il BER of the best quality, and also a vast quantity of the very best hemlock. Also, one acre on the bank of the Allegheny. near a cove, most admirably adapt ed for rafting, where lumber can be ratted on the tee in winter, and be perfectly safe from all freshets.— Price $5,000, or SD an acre. Terms easy. Will take a well cleared small farm, wtth good house and or chard upon It, as part payinfint, if location IS Suitable, and the kinlanco In lambert, or as may be topsail on.. This is an excellent oppormnity for 'timbering; and the probability is great that In two or three year, this property will doable its valise, in comequence of Its proximity to the New York and Erie Railroad. 'Tim ber sialicient to wear out several saw mills—and sev. real mill sites on the stream which runs nearly through the centre of the land. About fifteen acne to grass. No hilt to rine to battling lumber front mill to rivet Trout and game in abundance. For further partieu• lays, euidress, Ipost-paidj I'. B. TE.MPLF:TUN, myxlidfcwAS Gazette office, Pittsburgh. DR. P. MOILOW OF New Orleans., would respectfutly announce to the cidsens of Pittsburgh and vicintty, that hr hu located himself on Smithfield street, between Fifth and Sixth, West side, where he will devote his auen non to the treatment of the Cholera., in which he has met with unequalled success, having treated over three hundred enses during the last winter and spnng. and no cue failing to restate the patient to a proper elite of health: he flatters himself that he has a medi• eine surpused by none in the country, and whoa pro perly administered never foils to strut] telief. .•. • . To persons who are traveling he would say, hi. medicine ran be put up so that they can entry it shout them mob hot little inconvenience, end by taking small doses at times, it wood prevent an attack of thi fell destroyer. lie would recommend it to rr-im.s traveling and to families, us being a cheap end effec tual remedy. N tloenw will Ito found to h!. office at till time. of the day, except when out upon prele.vtonal duty. mrbt To thogonoradle tAe - fteelgee of ire - Court of Gene * etel Quarter Seagram of the Przau, in and for the Comity of MM.;ouuuonofJ so Ca:out," & Son, of the 211 Word. j city of Pittaburgh. in the eounly aformistd, burnt - W., snewelb,that your petitionere have provided thernrel r et with materials for the accommodation of travelers and omer•, at their dwelling bon/o, in the Wert albre aaid, and pray that your honors will be plenved to grant them &Leen.. to keep a Public H.. of Enter. tainment. And your petitioners, ay in duty bound will pray. We, the subsenbers, citizens of the aforesaid Ward, do cerufy, that the above pouttoners are of good repute Mr honesty and temperance and a.a well provided with house roam and corivem , ences for the accommo dation and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern is necessary. John Anderson, W. Wartals Jr. D. R. :Bitter. J. W Butbridge, J. B. Lyon. T s lAarke, M Robertson, J J Rog);en, M. W. Reit:hoover, A. M. WsLinsford Chas. Isnapp, Jr., Ilanry Woods 112).1.5:A1t AR, &c.-60 bid. Tar; 60 do Pliah, 30 do Rome, .I. rest received, for sale by rey36 .1 SCHOONIII AKER k Co ROSE PINK, Ertro-3 bbls fre.h and Eo.c. for Kale by my2II J LICHOONAI AK ER & Co AL SODA-7 for sn'e hp S SCHOONM A KER & Co es•-• IN the Court of Common Plena of Allegheny L. a. county, in the matter of the trim of M'Clnrg see-. &. "Monist.", and til'Clurg,,Deonditon & Co. And now, to sett: May 19, 1919—0 n hearing the petition of the trustees, the Court order and decree that the petitioners may file their account at prayed fer i a the execution of the trust up to this date, and the said accouni shall he confirmed "nay' And the Cons further fix Saturday, the MI day of June nen, when said account shall be confirmed absolutely, end said peutieneri be ellautilved and discharged from all the duties and liabilates OA trustees aforesaid. good came be shown to the contrary. And that due notice of the application for the discharge of the said trustees, he given in the Gazette and Morning Mercu ry. Bp the Court: trylanilfive tIIRAM lICLTZ, Pro PORTORA INSTITUTE, 1.1.131V1T ellT, 1A711.1. be opened (D. V.l for the admission of young V V Gentlemen oh b(onday, the 9d. day of April. Teams, (payable in advance) per session of 5 months: Englinh, Classical and blathematical depart -INi Peglish department 818 A mailed number of boarders will be received. Par tettimunials, references and additional informa tion, enquire of the Principal, at the Institute, Robin ette street, between Federal street and Sandusky, Chislett's ROW. W. COPELAND, A. R., Of Trinity College, Dublin, Ex-Sizisr, and Queen's Scholar tram the Roy el School or Enniskillen. Federal et. near Rubinson w niaysMil NIiTRKL i—O IGIOUS WOHKS—Thoughts Pub - he Prayer, by Samuel Millar. IL D., L. L. D. Thoughts on Family Worslup, by James W. Ale, ender. Just received by curl: JOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON rro COTTON - AND - WOOLEN - MANUFACTU- J. REILS.-11.:ng made vuneemeoa. for it con insult supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell at low pike. Calf and Sneep Roler Skins, Lone Lea ther, Pieter', Reeds, Shuttles, Hemp Twine Treadles, No. ft %add Ilelt Pooches, Wrenches, Sirlptnint Cards, 10 to Id IA Patent Dresser Brushes Weavers' Brush • Ae. Ac. LOGAN. WILSON te CO., roy4 WS Wood street, Pittsburgh. STEW HOOKS—Agnes ltlorrls, or the Heroine of Domestic History or King Charles the Second. of England, by Jacob Abbots, with engravinFa Jost reed by JOILNS TON & S FOC KTON, myth corner bd and Market sts Mto armye to-mor. row; for sale by & W BARHAM:in. thils/ 53 %Tater and tot Prom st PLOVtt fiC7ut,itbst reed and for - sale by my Ith & HARBAUGH PUPSE—su bets prime Pork, tit end (or Y by MylP s a W 6 .111 - NroiiirCirTfi/e•TiiTof and for ale by _th S & W HARBAUGH V - OW - OPEING. bet street. caws fast colored Calicoes? et the low price of CI , or,. myth UST nifaaVb) at the One Price Store, GO Mar t)T kat st, 10.000 yds of printed Lawns and Mamba., at the extreme love price of the or.. myth A A MASON k Co - - - mous DE LAIN —SOW ids !dm. de utei l now opehlng %Ito One .Prie_e_r_e_l m co 3U" BROWN ALUSL/1451-4a bates at 44 and 5 eta mylo A A MASON ACo F Fej e r i t e st . ten'd and for said at tad Librtty myll - 7.1(11; I.l er ° l l. lr. l lZ ITaWri- 5 1 / 1 1—Itti ree'd from the eta. a_ E , joilt24ll7,inyie• JOHN 13 ne.LL ' ...awthc , A.,.._l . ta Saar, Woad street, ..o.4zimetd.or %wows c00p,..44N tr. , 5127141. IMF'S 61414 LOCAL nrnutis. alma= rove rim rirmusan osn:r GAM= Tha sale of Mr. A. /ideCum.% stoat of twits and shoes, damaged by the le. fire, Kill be columned. his core to-day at ten e'etixt. Correspondence of the Baltimore Son IL E. Church and M. E. Church South ALIZLODZIA,VI., May 19, IBIS. Addresses upon the questions at issue between these churches, were delivered by the. Rev. L. M. Lee, of Richmond, Ye., in the Alexandria Lyceum, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, to large, respectable and attentive audiences. The meet ings, composed persons of both aides, with some "upon the 'Stirs," and many outsiders, all of whom, kir the first time in this place, were publicly ad dressed upon the questions at issue. Mr. L, who by the way speaks with great flu ency and force and with ao unusually effective notion, elated that he appeared before the meeting, upon this invitation of a committee of the elbserm of Alexandria, for the purpose of addressing them in reference to the causes that produced the no fortunate rupture in M. E. Church, and upon the q &scrawl-a and priszaples involved therein. The whole thing, he stated, grow out of the question of slavery, and was precipitated upon the church by the action of the Baltimore Annual Conference, in. the case of Mr. Harding, and by the comae of the General Conference, in the care of Bishop Andrew, Neither of these gentlemen, it was represented had violated any rule of the discipline, because of en absence of any immediate ownership upon their part in the property against which the rule lama directed, and that it they had any each owaembirl the laws of their States inhibit enraocipation.—• Such action, he stated, was an unjusutiable and unprovoked interference upon the part °foetid cone keenees in these cases, and manifested a forward ness to busy themselves with other men's nietters. The policy of the church in regard to slavery was referred to in conneetton with the final eettleinerA of tee question in 'lei y thd adoption of the ac-call. ed compromise bill, which to still in force in Willi churches. Slavery as a teat of membership hit declared was a question with which the church had nothing to dm that it belonged to Casa", end' there it ought to rest. Mr L proclaimed himself to be a non-daveholder and as no advocate of:sla very, hut no merely contending for a fair comstruo den of the discipline as it is, in. order to an evert. sion of the inefulaess of the church in As miasion of peace to both the &mut and the free On Thursday evening Mr. L. referred partied. larly to the property question at issue. and mm plaiaed that a went of -chnsmin friendship and the strictest equity," to which the M. E Church was pledged In the plan of separation, had so far depra ved the Church South of its pro rata proportion of the joint property of the church. The (needs of Southen Methodism remained of the meeting was dismissed on Thursday even me, and decided not to be pricipitate in the, so. ion, prefering to wait until the public, both in and out of the church, etionid be fully enlightened up on the insure in question, before and definite action in had in the premises. On Friday evening, Sereptn Hull was thronged, with an respectable, and intelligent audience, (a moiety of whom were ladies) as. perhaps, ever congregated specially at any public meeting In this place. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mt. Lamahnn, who returned thanks teat they were still privileged to worship God in their own way, according to the dictates of their own conscience. Their coming together, he hop ed. might be productive of the end hod in view, and that the ?irirnary object in future life, of all present, might he to "follow praw with all men and /Owns, without which no man could see the Lord." The Roe. Mr. Hamilton then stated the object of the meeting, and es premed has regret that circum stances should have rendered it necessary for their being called together upon that occasion. It was a controversy, he remarked, neither taught nor desired by the Methodist Episcopal church; hut they were not the more to shrink from any respon sibility which devolve upon them an ministers of said church. Mr. S. A. Roze-II then took the stand. and with en eloquence which captivated, if it did not con vince, an Intelligence truly instructive if not de monstronve, and a propriety of manner not to be aurpassed, he essayed the vindication of the Meth odist Episcopal church and the Baltimore annual conference, upon divers issues mooted by the ehurch South. Mr. IL. said 'that ha appeared before the au dience, not to mislead their minds by appeals to their sectional prejudices, but for the porpese of addressing himself to their sober judgments. He disclaimed being influenced in his course by a bias for or against any portion of the Union or its ball. tattoos, and proclaimed himielf to be, pot only a son of the Old Dominion, and one who loved her as his mother, but an American, who, jealous of her honor and resentful of her wrongs, was even ready, should occasion require, to partake, with sword in. hand, in the struggle of his country`2l gainst a world in arms. He then entered upon an exposition of the poli cy of the to. E. Church in regard to slavery, from the ((rat institution of said church to the recent di vision. He represented it to have been originally an an ti-slavery church, and as at all timea:opoosed to slavery as a princepir. though em designating It ea a crime. The 111... E. Church, he further show, ed, so far from having been premed by the Nor& to forego its merely anti-slavery position for that of abolition, (the latter, by the way, bring quite a dif ferent thing from the farmer.) had been li:cloned by the urgency of the South to yield its original nen slavebuldieg position for that of, if not pro.slaverv, at least of slavery under certain circumstances. He then referred to the cam of Bishop Andrew rod al Mr. Hardingas well as to the division in the church and the distosal of its property. the M. E. Church South having been invited to institute a Snit. in order to effect an amicable sod equitable diviaion of the property. He stated, also, that the discip line, of the M. E. Church and the church South were identical; and moreover reworked that not a solitary abolition petition had been presented at the last general conference. Many indecorous expressions were made, and mach Genre non annltision omeeiled for some time outside the hall, before and after the adjournment of the meeting. but order won reigned, as it should at all time, and every where, but more especially among cArarrion.: It has been ex :voted fiat the main question nt issee, me refusal of the last veneral conference of tne M E Ch tech to receive Dr Price at n delegate from the M E Church South :o maid confereuee, and the failure of the former church to carry out ice pier of separation to "christian fellowship and strictest equity." as Herein enervated. wet Who , ty preterinitled. The lateness d rho hour. however, and the evident pnytica I ea ha nytton rf the sprat er resat have been thy reason why the-c ipmattons ire net adverted to. Snou.d the thscuasinn Ix roarmed, it 15 It, I,: hOl.ed tint the f. , hcarundr. nod a reward ecod order. wol he ehjoried rq Ih., noes-ern urrou all dm, who takesft inter , t io the 0, , In.r• nervy. Srmukl such adonormso be arse, and a wart of order he no weourodly noorfc.ded, t nrd' 14 (sir to r resume thnt the dormu e dy take no art. terra from principle In the emote. Acq^rrAL OF me Itec Tu.,.. 7. BUFtartoll3. The trial I Mr. Berrouctri ter renrisiaughter enema the death clime. Byard B•shop, nt Snow Hill. to February lam, by shooting torn with n , o:, closed ou Saturday, with a verdict of scumint, the art having proved one of sell-defence, or con.• m :tied under rr:r.oaeble apprehension of great bo dily harm. The verdict seems to he (oily sustain ed by the testimony; for in the absence of positive proof as to the design of the deceased, the acts and the language proved in concretion with the total tery tear:vett tied no other verdict. It wan not for Mr Burroughs to ascertain the mind of the assailant, nor to determine whether he was untied. The character of the assault, aggravated by the circum stances of the preceding everting, was much es to cause natural apprehension of violence and the testimony of the prosecution establtsed nothing more thou preparations fur defence. For ibis the prisoner is not amenable to the laws of the land, whatever his responsthihty may be in:an ecclesias tical court. The defence, we understand, counted of some additional (acts to the issue, and a general tentsino ny as to character, which was most substantial and honorable. The speech of Mr. Wise is spoken of as one of the most maxerly, learned and cogent arguments ever atdressed to ajury. He occupied nine hours in its delivery, and in the course of his remarks. reviewed with each keen and COOStal reproof the indiscreet and mischievous course of the Shield, published at Blow Hill, that its editor, who was present, rase and asked the protection of the court. The court stated that if matter was introduced ir relevant to the issue. it would mimic-two its author ity , but Mr. Wlee so blended the course at the Shield with his argument bet.° the Jury, and showed its immediate connection with the. that he proceeded without interruption. lie clos ed at Si o'clock on Friday night. The argument for the State was resumed by Mr. Franklin on Ss, urday rooming, who spoke with greet force and abality for some three hours, when the ease was given to the jury, They reused to their mom, and after an absence of about an hour and a half, re turned with a verdict of "not guilty." After the verdict was rendered, Mr. Burroughs was surrounded by numerous friends, nod connW ulaied warmly upon the result. He left Snow Hill immediately for Chestertown, where his wife and family remained during the period of hie imprison ment and trial. Mearnurr —The City Ittgisler Midies the fol. ~ ving statement ta regard to the health or the city. The whole number of deaths from all Mlleea for the seven days ending Sunday night, the 13th, Weil 273; of whteh,lal were from cholera. The interments dolly from the hut disease were as fol. lows: Monday, May 7th 16 Tuesday, May bih................ ........ 36 Wednesday May ....... .......... 22 Thursday. May 10th 30 Friday, May 11th.... .......... ...... 33 Saturday, May 12th............ .......... . 19 Sunday, May 13th 22 Total in seven days. rromnther diseases • Whole number 273 The number of deaths reported for Monday the 14th, Woo 21; being eleven leo, than on the dui, the !magical day, showing a drum:km.ln this particular direnve. The entire number of deaths on Monday, woo 311., This in a really frightful mortality, and ell tbooffh llguay no argued that the pestilence lea n neva thdhumberolits alanina, and in its ann. Inane, it saints terrors enough to ids= SLIMS* say an y - 6t. 4/Z2f 10. . WihozFaa,cir IT.SISAXIZ .far lll,— The ID - eueltheforii the Corinterratileisibtugh Wan =D eluded on Saturday night, and resulted in a verdict attributing the collision to the careleasnessor want ofjudginent of the plot date Empire. Several additional dead bodies have been fimnd . making thirteen in all, vie Eliza Carson, her son, aged eight, George Buekland, a boy named Dun can, aged 10, three ternalea, aged from 18 to 30, a man aged about 25, a boy aged about 14, with out money, who had leave to work his faze to Al bony, three of the brothers Ladd, and one other not identified. Eirorta are being made to mire the boat, when en opportunity will be etTorded of ascertaining how many yet remain in the cabins. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. Turner R. King to be Register of the land ° B k° at Springfield, thumbs, vies James W. Barrett, re moved. Walter Davie to be Receiver of the lead office to Springfield, I.llmots, ma Archer G. Herndon, re moved. Cornelius Roscoelt to be Register °jibe land o®• ea at Genesse, himhigau, vice John Barton, re moved. George IL Smith to be Receiver of the lend offi ce at Nemnaneville, Florida, Mee lobo Parsons, re moved. Andrew Guthrie to be Margin! of the western district of Tennessee, Wu Robert J. Chester, re moved. COLLECTORS OP TIER CUSTOMS. William R.. Easton, Nantucket, Massachuseths, vice Charles W. Rand. removed. Ebenezer Bacon,Bant ;table, Massachusetts, vice Phioney, removed. Samuel L. Thaxter, Fall River, Massachuneeta, William T. Bueacll,New 13edford,hiassachusette„ vice Joseph T. Adams, removed., vice Phineua B. Leland, removed. Jncob Richardson. Oswego, New York, vice George H. McWhorter. removed. Levi Allen, Buffalo, New York, vice Henry W. Rogers, removed. Wd:irtm Bowden, Petersburg, 'Virginia, vice J. Travis Rosser, removed. VATIIVYYOBI or ill; CIISTOUII. . . William T. A versa, Ipswich, Massachusetts, vice A. IL Wilder, removed. Philip I. Gray, Camden, Now Jeney,v me Charles S. (areas, removed. Henry Woods, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, vice John B. GuMrie, removed. IV,lliam It Bond, Clocatuntii, Ohio, vino Patrick removed. 13Y THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. - - Wilbam J. Howard to be Pennioo Agent at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, vice John B. Guthrie, re. moved. ANTIELASONIC AND WIIIG COUNTY CONVENTION To pursuance of the established usages of the party, the Demoershe Atittrua.ons and Whigs of Allegheny county, will assemble in primary meetings, in their seaoral Itlection Diartets, on Saturday, the led day of June, ISI9, to elect two persons from each district, as Delegate. to n County Coneuntion, to meet at the Court /loose on Wednesday, the oth day alone: at 10 Welk, A. NI., to put in nomination suitable candidate, to be ea; paned by the party at the General EleeVon in Oc tober next The Anturnsons and Whigs of Ott tumuli ship. (Pitt excepted,; wilt meet at the 11.111111 plane s for holding primary meeting, littweett the hours of 2 and P, 31. and Clow, of the Wants and boroughs and Pitt township, between the hour. of 7 arid 9. P. 3.1. ROBT. CA ROTHERS, Chairman of the Caramirtea of Come epcadence. April Z", ISt9. CANDIDATES FOR NOMINATION SHERIFFALTY. St:ZEI77 LIMY —I am a candidate for the office of Sherif of A , lngheny county., sublect to the decision of the npproaching Whig and Anthriasonic Convention for nominating county ticket. CARTER CURTIS. Size, Ward, Pinsborgh, April d, I6l9—d&seT 9IIE3I7.I.TT.—CIapt. W. A. CII•31.1 . 0:1 will be sup ported for the office of Sheriff, .abject to the eitiouttet . don or the Antunnsame and Whig County Convention. mazOrdhertf T Flicirru Passau-sat, Sessurrandr.—Cape. Joan Youno, of Robinson town ship. will he supported for the office of Sheriff. tattuett tiathe decision of the approaching Whig and Annus.- rdnie Convention SECOND Vi . 44lE. ap3thd.S.w•T - kito - TFIOMYrkftY: -.- Paorimnerrsov.—The hiCounty p Of Allegheny catimy will this a o t,ffic the e at cla the ims of coming ALLE V overman. Mr. Or OCrtainatiaa to it a good wine, and to every Ivey competent to dis charge the dental of the office, and deserving nomi canoe by the pony. ALLSOBX.IT Corona. mytffidAwT • Ms Furrow—You will please state that I will be a candidate for nomination tar the office of Prothonota ry, before our nest Whig and Andrus.. County Convention. Yours, the., SAM . % FAIINESTOCK. tlizabetb werruhip, March, 22, 1999. Thitat..NOTART. A LVE. W. AI AEA of Peebles township. will be supported for nomination to Oslo of- Ace befdre the ensuing Antimasomc and Whi; Con- The known abilities of Mr Markt, and his long experience to the-ories, are sufficient guarantees fot the correct discharge of us duties, if he should be nominated. stroSidlUiwttooteT Jams:sea. ViertnoSerrars.-100er caysoll es *pendia.° fin •ho ogee of Prothonotary, subject to the decbdott ZINN, enmeshing Antsmatonic and Whig County Convert nty3tdtcatte9 Razzes. Casoyassus. Paornotrimaar.—F. C. Ft.A.PlialX Is acandidate (or the office of Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the Antimoson.. and ‘Whig Nominating Convention. myl.4:ditor•S MMaEI! loon V. ROW - 14.1.11). Esq.. of Vpper Si. Clair town ship. wiii he supported on the office of ectinty user, annieci the deem. of the approaching Anti c:man:lin and Whig Convent., myl3:ctOwiror COMMISSIONER - - - COCS7I emll be a candidate for Om office of Cocinty COIII/11t , 1 , 1011C, •abject to the decision of the Antimagnmc and Widg Convention. groridgestricS GABRIEL ADAMS. COM, CO.ll326lo3..—Enextrui Bonze, of North Fayere to vovnip, will he surported before the NT maaanic and Wh.g County Convention r t (nutty, ct aotnec( to the deaion of aanl C nvennon Ilay:es is a wovking man a( the pa ty. sod non ry way (juallfted and deserving of the odice. myo,d,kwaS Nunn Fain". COCVIT C 1,3111,510%. —)ir Editor You will plea. ~,unco Wm. LINN. S , of flootlson • v , •dola. Mr nil Cnntrua.toner, swleel to the Ire i•lon of the neZ Ann n..d g Con•en .mn Sant Wi.uo G. 13 I•E.z,IN. of Uopet SI Cla :own.ship, wolf o on..didate :or the office of Cooor y C-nitnos •000 , appro•criog 3'.lu& otol Aotirrs.wc Coo v enLon. to, KIIc. t pr. Sr. cwt A l DI TOR A , 11 , 01,1—)043 ^l . Pine to.. , ara'tp vri:l he ran ltdaa , f r A 11 , 11tr , r..,phje, I, we tlecnomi of be r. A ~ ,,nns ryte an.] Wlog ,r,}1.,1S \U.Eurfon,-1` onec .nn un- Jou!. ”Tian f Fond v p u. •:e fot A u/ Jr , Om den tion of the l‘ Ins nud Antininenanic t:buvennau CLAIR. BRIGADIER GENERAL ittltcatotte riehtteet hlot. %V et Lelthise Jr. he •upporte..l for m^ oXtee or !Ingather betteral It the ot“thry elcohon Elt.chou firer Monne, t4th Oh)) of Rle. ney24toSeeeS diner Votehrzetes. LEGISLATURE r-T Romare. WALK.. EN. of Ehtabrih FliarOagh. ropporiod.! eft" c the approaching antiotayouic ai 41 Whig Coiny Coovenhan, for nomioation as a caatiti:ato To o rneratior of I. , girlatura. by the obrithiNvioT Wales or OLD ELIZADDSII. A tS2 - 211LT oder Myrelf as a candidate for horni notion as a member of the General Assembly, before the approaching Antimtwottle and \Vhig Convention. J. J. Mos., of Versailles icrwriship. mpliallwter COL .I,IEIII TAT ,031., of irlaysbeth township, will be p+eoented by his friends its a candidate for the Lego; • Islam or the approaching Convention of ;he Whig and Araintasonic party. rAggitlfr.wT • Do rta Ktrissnr, of Jefferson township, mil be e randoiele for the l i rgisioture, subject he the decision of the Aourrissonie and Whig County Convention. inyS Mx. Warn: You will idease announce the name of A1.r.24... Wsnos, of Ro.s toroidal>, as a oundl. dew for the :Rate Legtolaturo, subject to the decision of the Annwasorne and. W tug Convention. Trio claims of Mr Watson, on a wad qualified and iniluanutd member of the party, wil. ho naturally pressed by those who are host acquaintod sonh h m. . • • one - Goon Wino. ions M'Chessev, of Robinson townsltt , , will he • candidate for the Legislator. subject to the decision of the Anninaro• le nod Whig County Convention. myliolk.wie•T W Ferr i of Lower St Cleu, will he supported by to. s friends for ;he Legislature. .uhiect to Upi dren numerou non of Wlug and Aututiluorue Culiacan.. Inyl7ide.ser Pia"' fa - At the .oliettation of many of his friend?. Moo. Sw. ItinV KLpta bas ronsented to ben eandi -412, for the Legislntate, subject to the deetsion of the Whig and Antimanonte Convention. myl7:dtsis-8 100, Mtt.t.ui of the borough of Shargabragh, will betx eandldate for the Legtelature, tub to the de. <11.10:1 of the Whig and Couvenuon. my I delkw..l TEOII/14 PISNITZT, of the borough of hlllleepport, will he it candidate for nominattots for member of Assem bly. at the approaching Andreasonic and Whlg Coun ty Convention. my3td&w£l Mr Winn—Plea.e announce the name ofJaatta F. Kenn. Esq., of Pittsburgh, n andidate far the State Legislature, subject to the decision of the approaching Whig and AlltiMpSOLUe Con 'region. my 24 Focarn Wenn. APPLE BUTTER-3 Mils for sale. myte e- NEC/ILLS & ROE— . _ 1111 D APPLES-500 bash for cla 11 myt9 11E I OILLS k ROE 7iERHINd9-251T0: fresh ilerringi, Morris bi jj, canal aud for sale by myl7 JAMES EALZELL (AIL OR/OANUM-50 lbs Net reed eked for sld Coy myld J KIDD & SUP.CARD. SODA-1601b. just reed and for sale by myl6 J KIDD tr. Co CHLORIDE ON SODA-2 dos just reed end for .ale by my 10 J KIDD & Co 1:113 AR HOUSE 11,10LASSE.9-1110 obi. angatbouse tO Molasses, Rs Jame. Refinery; 10 do dodo, Loaisi• ant Refinery; In store sou for sale by MILLER & RICRETSONI, royld [cos 170 and 174 Liberty st r SHIED APPLe..B-20 bbl. dried Apples: 6t tits do, L./ on consignment and for sale by A RICKETSON 1)0 rnsit—ta c.ita ram Potash, in Nora and for .ale by • rayli J k FLO V D FIBESt ym 111-470, hogd cuasiatolYi for oikay IZALOA MOW IO Co DRY it- EMIT GOODS., Row Hood, and Great BarraU.% RD. 774010.8031,N0.1102darket sue., ltcto.Y" bertyihariurt tamed from the Eastern ewes with Ms second supply of SPRING AHD SUMMER. 600113: He has nowenband oat of the largest and hest selected stocks lot he has aver had the ptearare of opening to his cusionsera and the public—among which myaySlks, he found every style of rich chaageable end fanc Turk Satins, black aide 'Sas, all widths, for Cardinals, de.; wither & width of' black Silk Laces and Fringes, for DULLARD SILKS. TISSITM., fig hl and plain Bengali, Swiss; Ordnaig Lawn; Ern/I'd/Inm Ging ham, a new end benaufal article; plain and bard do; French Gingham; de. Orallevarrtc Sr= I. very fllll,.ecnnprising every description of Chintzes and Calicoes, seine for 114 that sold this spring for H., Linen and Munn Sheet ing., from Ito 3 yards wide; also, Sheeting Myelin; very low, with a fell uscrnment of fine Irish Linens, for window hangings Turk" Red Chinn, embroider ed and striped Drapery, Buff Holland, de. de. Dor Shawl department presents every desenpthlin of plain and embroidered Canton Crape, changeable nod fig'd Silk, Re•rw,.. Cashew. and Deletes, plain and em broidered Thbet; also, a large tisaortment of Par.ols, Bennet; to. de. Coach Makers will find a full supply of Cloths, Da maaks' Morten; &a. ice., in their line. The above Goods have been purchased on the most advmeageous ten., and purchasers may rely upon getting them at the warm? menus Inman mr2l - ‘l2er HOOT. D. THOMPSON. 1 5 /RABOI,B-IV. - Tr- Wrpby has Just received an assortment of black Bt Parasols, figured and plain, some of which snore% aim. - Dark Green Parasols, figured Ind plain large size brown do—an assortment received, and offered at low prices, at northeast corner of ath and Market sta. OTTON'OSNABURG—Yasd wide—Oat bale late C recd at Dry Goods Roue of mr.l3 W R hfURPITY BONNET RIBBONS—New styles Bonnet Ribbons opening at the One Price Stare, one lot a low to 12k eta mySt A e MASON & Co FANCY BUMMER CASSIMEREES—we have just received a very handsome lot of French Summer Cassimeres, of • very fine quality. which we are sel ling at very low erre., and to which we would Invite the attention of the !centime. *KB NE, Cis s R. — h — a - s — ttir s Mmorning . open new and handsome styles Prints for IRe et. per yd; Swiss, Mali and Natmook Mnslisto for dresses. Also ;scanned within • few days, Bonnet Ribbons, Black Silks, So., at northeast corner 4th and Market streets. Country Merchants replenishing their stocks, will find a choice assortmenrat War prices, in Wholesale Rooms, up stairs.' anyl9 r AMES DRESS GOODS--W.. 11. bloomy, north east corner Fourth and Market its, invites the at tention °Clothes to his excellent assortment of the dif ferent styles of Drags Goods, mutable for the season, each as Pink, bine and drab Barasec Punted do. a large assortment; lung and linen Tisanes; silk and lin en Linares - linen do, of various shades; British sad French printed Lawns; white and embroidered Mss. tins; embroidered Lawns, French (iinghams—all of which will be offered at loss priers for quality. Wholesale Rooms on 2d story. myi7 SHAOKLIETT & WRITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 09 WOOD STREET, ARE now receiving a very Otriro stock of fresh Go:oda, of recent parchase and importation,which they will sell to.the trade at such prices as cannot fall to give entire satisfaction. City and Country Merchant. are invited to call end examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. myB DRY GOODS AY WHOLEVALE. liVto r R. MURPHY invites No attention of mar- s chants the lap supply Of new Goods Jut opened in his urbole.ole Rooms. on Ed story, northeast corner 4th ad whet streets, Pittsburgh. Than being his second supply for this spring, he has may kinds of goods at reduced prices, and some styles noun be found elsewhere. myEtdlsseT ROUGFIT COLLARS CAPES, '&.—A. A. Ms• VT colt Co. hare ree'd per Express, more than 15L0 Collar., Capes, Caps, Cherametts, Cads, &c. Al so, Edgings and lneertings at half the use.' price. GOODSNowopeang at the One Prier NStore, cases and packages of new and desirable Goods, comprising • large lot of Silk, Berege, N de Leine, 'Mimi, Fancy and other Shawls, at consider.- toy reduced prices. mr2l A A MASON & Co Q IDE STRIPE CASSURERES-1 case new style 10 fancy "aide stripe" Cashmeres, Into rec'd and for sale by MURPHY, WILSON A Co, myll 48 wood et RIBBONS --A handsome assortment of new and beautiful style. Bonnet Itlbbona,jast recd and for ludo at reduced pnees by myt t MURPHY, WILSON & Co OWARD DUCK-5 bales heavy Cotton Dick, XL suitable for swain boat decks, wagon coven, atc, jest received and for sale by myll MURPHY, WILSON k. • FIRE GOODS--18 pr Gold Spectaeles; 8 fine Diamond Finger Rings; 10 Musical Boxes, .hell edged; A large assortment of Fans, with fine paintings alao, gold - and silver gilt. Silver Bauer Knives; with agate handles; Gold and silver waist Buckles and 'Ride. AIso—PARASOLS, dark green and other fashiona ble colors. The above goods, with a large assortment of Jewel ry, Fancy Goods, he., will be sold for smn or other good money, at No 67 Market street, by mull ZEBULON KINSEY TTMBURLLAH--10 cases cotton and gingham Um brellas, Carlo and whalebone rib*, just received and for sale by SHACKLETT h WHITF, myB 99 wood st PARASOLS -95 gases cotton,. citing am ---- and — rilk Parasols, new styles and designs; green Turc sa tin, with fringes and plain borders, and beutuful ion. ry and fancy handles, met reed and for sale by myB SHACKLETT ft WHITE CASSIbIERE--6 pieces very fine doe akin lblackl Casairocre, resolved as a sample direct from the manixfacUtrer, far sale by H LEF .myB , Liberty tit ,r Recite gth PLAY AND WOOL B,kar - --Oni. and Viefor lt IM sale by znyft H LEE MORGAN'S WORM KlLLER—Another proof of the triumphant success of hforgan's Vermifuge. Prrnosetou, May Hi, 1840. Mr. John D. Morgan:—lf my name is of any tom to the suffering community, in regard to the article of Morgan's Vermlfuge, you are perfectly welcome to it I had two children sorely afflicted with worms; I be came alarmc't and very jostly so, when I tried your renowned Vernufuge and astonishing to tell, one of them was delivered o ' f about fifty worms fifteen inches long, of the moofrightful told, resembling more the appearance of eels. The other child eras delivered of about 20. The children are now doing finely. You may well be proud of your Worm Killer. Yooeo truly Dsvm Sari,Virgin alley. Prepared and mild wholesale and rtail by JOHN D. MORGAN, Druggist, Wood street, one door below Di =toad alley. YOUR CO - UGH MAY BE CURED. Atcluntotr crm Ward,) April 20, 1E49. Mr. IL E. Sellers: Deng afflicted for same tune with a cough, which was so severe as to unfit me for my daily employment Frequently after roughing, I have been PO much exhansted. as to be obliged to nit down and rest. Hearing of the good effects produced by your Cough Syrup. I concluded to give it • trial, and am happy to say it produced the desired effect in my ease. Alice usuig it one night, the cough sots abated, stud I am now perfectly well. lsatia Jonoson. This oetuant and popular Cough Syrup is prepared and sold R E SELLERS, 57 Wood street. Sold alto by Druggists generally in the two cities and vi cinity. myll NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CANAL LETTING—The 4M3=117 ogn-d, Trustees o( the Watta.h Did Erie Cana, hereby give not.ea that thry Ki i ft .eased proposals et Washington. Divies noutry, on lie alth la , _Woe next. .or 1...5 t my, u t shout tairh y•iour talk, of unl i ilia the propoood S t ress die Wet fort 0/ Whoe Ifierr oear th- South lit,. of ;to r., to 0.01. v ,ix. in Davies county.rhot oor tuu DI .inat ,hoe are ,e roixitru el bye ii 1.1. i Lora. alt.! ors Boost Loeb. Is be of item..., a 13 , m ecru.. ol.,.kard's Creak, ...d 011 C 01 IWO e I Ague. onto the usuai iery 01 earth tvoik ronattion to ewaal. The•bite bo divided into ',- baits :tveragsug about half aau e in enixtli. At the rued unto and place, proposals will be recei ved for build g, with cot storm maso-ry, the piers of the Aqueductover East fork of White Ranee. The tuts stone or masonry must be procured from the qua, rtes of durable limestone to ha band on or Hear either the East or West fork of White River, from which point they can be delivered by winter. The line to be plated wader contract, will be ready for Hopedale ten days previone to the time of letting. aid a I necessary information in reference thereto will be goen by the Resident Engineer CHARLES BUTLER, A. 51. PUETT, TllO.ll. BLAKE. Tat:arras' Orates, j Terre-Raute. April 24,1 E 41). S my7ttjunc27 PROPOSALIFFOI,I. — ricOAN. rptirx thirty-eighth section of the net of the General 1 Assembly of this Commonwealth,endled "An act lo provide for the ordinary expenses of the Govern ment, thevepair of the Camel. and Railroads of the Commonwealth, and the payment of other claims doe by the same," approved the tenth day of April, A. a one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, provides— " That toe Governor of the Commonwealth be, and he is hereby authorized to borrow, on the faith of the Com monwealth. and of the revenue hereinafter mentioned, and which I. hereby specifically pledged for the pay ment of the interval and re-payment of the principal, the two of four hundred thousand dollars, and issne certificates of loan therefor, redeemable in thirty years from date, to be paid into the Internal Improvement fond, and appropriated to the expenditures under this act, the said lona to Lear interest at a rate not exceed ing six per cent per annum, payable half-yearly, in specie, on the first day of limitary and July, to be term ed the Inclined Plane Loan." It further provides, .I'6ll there shell be annually set apart by the Com missioners of the /demo' -Improvement fund, out of the revenue of the public traria, for the payment of the interest and final liquidation of the debt hereby an triorised, the sumo( thirty thousand dollars per annum, and a shall be the duty of the said Commissionere, after paying the interest, annually, to Invest the sur plus, together with Its accumulation of interest, in the said load, or in any other loan of the Commonwealth, if the wad loan cannot be purchased at its par value, the sad Investment to forma linking fund for the re demption of the principal at matoritY." In pursatince of the prod.., afordsaid, nonce m nearer? may that proposals will he received at the ofice of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, until 4 o'clock, P. AI, of Thursday the thirty-first day of May next, for loaning to the Commonwealth, for the par mses set forth in the said tel. the sum of FOUR HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, et a rate of interest not exceeding six per rent per armum, nayable half. yearly, In specie, at the Treasury of the Common wealth; the said loan to be redeemable in thirty years after date. Certificates of stock for the said loan, iti-tbe usual manner or agreeably to the terms thereof, will be is• sued by the Goveroor; the same being transferable by the owner or owners on the books of the Auditor Gen eral. The proposals will be required to elate explicitly the amount offered—which shall not in any case be less than one hundred dollars—the rate of interest not ex ceeding six per cent. and tie premiere proposed. The State reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the sum offered unless the proposals stipulate to the contrary. Bids for the loan mast be direct and explicit. No conditional or hypothetical proposal will be received. Upon the seceptatice of the proposals, the money must be paid Into the State Treasury, such proportions and a: inch times, as the Governor shall direct or appoint, add open delivery of the re helms therefor from the Treasurer, certificates of stock will be issued in inch !moan's as may he requested by the lenders. The proposals to he directed under seal to this office, endorsed "Proposals for lose—they will not be open ed or disclosed Until the period for receiving them tn. etapseafter which no ItheTetioll In the terms *ll be admitted. TOWNS .1' , 11) MINES. Secretary of the Comntottwealth. • igl3 6 The Secretary would bring to thine eau! their willing to lout to the Commonwealth, 'the dna the 1130,W3 Bet apart In the foregoing any for the pap• Mad or (meant an the lean therein amhorttedi L less than the =own new raid annually far theimpport of the Inclined Plane: and hence, the appropreholithes. Elide does not diminish the anneal resonates. of the Treasury. lny7al3tawnhayto IaTEW - C2aTT Ci - rg--S Rani la . beatetyorthir i. yeller Waed . ..a:lA . lloz Glaa , ? l . r a r c l i at= c ;r : P wed by TRANSPORTATION &c. — EMPRESS PACKET LIMICi • .` FOR. PDELADELPHLI AND RALTIMORE.; - Passengen. l gkW=lll—The &tau arta. Lim will leave as follows, at 9 o'clock at night.. ticalmr, Wednesday, isay 10. Ohio-=A Craig, l'%orsday..l.7. Kentucky --11 Trnbl, Frlhay. 19. Louisiana-4 P Thompson, &nutty, 19. ladlani—P Bunny, Sunday, 23. Ohio—A Craig, Monday, 21. , Kentucky-1i Truby, Tuesday, Losustana—.l P Thompson, Wee ee .d.„.,, Indiana -- P Bushey, 1 horsday, ' Ohio—Caps. A Cralg,Priday, Kentucky—fl Truly, Saturday, vt. Louisiana-3 P Thomplron, Sunday, ay. ladiana—P Corker, aondaY, Ohio—A Craig, Tuesday. TJ. Kentucky—Cant Traby, Wednesday. my 30. For puling° apply to W BUTCH, _mylo nr D LEECH Hanes, &Co. Canal Basin r ag ! , 1849. ei j im Warren and Cleveland Paestenger Llne. Canal Packet—SWALLOW. —OCEAN. r I NEI of the above Packet. leave Battler corm dal (13midays excepted) and. arrive Dell nterang Warm token they connect vrith the Stages far Akron and Cleveland, arriving at marketers° places before night. Oae of the packets leave Warren daily at 6 P. M., and arrive at Beaver In time to lake the, moming boat far Pittabargh.. C E S LEFFINOWT.LL & Co, Wansaa p ro. B TAYLOR, do $ JOHN A CAE/GREY, Agent, V l3 • comer Water and Sambgeld ata ".. - rtt.-=z,", 1849, im at i vi ON LINE, ON THE PENN'A AND OHIO CANALS. . _ Cuorrou, & Czuncexiute,Cloveland,ol p ror , Paw . Beaver, Pa. THIS . Lino be pre a etE .v :LI tho opening of navi. to transport ht and Passengers from , PITTSBURGH and CLE D, to .any point on the Canal and Lakes. The facilitie. of the Line are tunmrpassedin number, quality and capacity or Boats, expenenee.of captains, and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leaves Pinaburgh and Cleveland Oily, run ning in connection with the steadiers LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a finis of first class Steamers, Propellers end Vessels on the Laken. Aorns—R G Parks, Beaver, Pa lease Baldwin, Varmanown, Obla. M B Tartar Warren Cyr-• • Pro% as,anvanna, wb.T , l;;. - 4Z<TA --- ,n CivWie7id a Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0 Sears & Griffith. Buffalo, N.Y. JOHN A. CAUGGEY, Agent, Office, SOT Water and Smithfield rta, Pittsburgh. metffilly BEAVER PACKETS. Steamer MICHICAN No. 2.—Caps. LABE ERIE, " Cordon. THE above regular and welt lament Beaver Pack ins, have commenced making their daily trips to and from Boner, and will continua to run between Pittaburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as fallovrst Michigan No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh dolly at 2 o'clock, A. M., and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily at 8 o'clock, A . and Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. M.. • These steamers will ran In convection with R U Parks' F.xpress eteket Line, for Wei Taylor & Lefking - welPs Warren Packet* . Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland' Clarke & Piusburgh and Cleveland Llrio Fre,lgh Rants. R It Pdrks daily New Castle Packets. - - - • • CLARKE:, PARKS A Co, Bearer, AIM,. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh, mehat oar Water =I Smithfield rts 1849. PITTEDURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. THE Proprietors of this old established and popular duly line, consisting of SIXTEEN first class Canal Boon, owned by themselves nod running in connec tion with the steam bents BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for the transportation of freightonnd passengers, on the opening of Canal navigation, to all points on the Penn sylvania and Ohio and N. York eannL and the Lakes. E. Id. FITCH A Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL A BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. C. BIDWELL, Agent, imult Water street, Pittsburgh. • I. C. IrDWL/, Pinsborgh. D. w. e. - • • • BIDWELL & BROTHER. Forwarding torekanta, BEAVER, PA., Agent: for Ma Pittsburgh essaMoelsolst Lasse,Pista burg A and-,Erso Limo via Eris, and As ea= done Beaver: and CaLr6 Cops. Haring purchaned the large and substantial Wharf Boat Just built for tho hlonongahela Pactets, have with the addition of a Warehouse, the most aro* ac commodations for receiving andi forwarding, and pledge their utmost atmnuon, promptness and despateh to consignments to their care, and rely on their friends ,or a tnal. marredly B, h BRO. For Greenwood Garden. Nsw tiancroziazitn—The blamer THUS. SCOTT, commence on NoodoT. Noy 7, tor. from .the Old Greenwood I,anding, foot of Pitt at , to the Garden, leaving at ti o'clock, a. d and at cash even hoar until 9 o'clock, r. a, lam trip (taro the Gas den at 10 e The Saloone are rapplled with ell the dellcaniea of the reason. Tea ate o'clock. The Garden, with a large collection of Greenhouse Plants, Dahlia:. An noel Flora Ylants and Shabbery. The comfit:labia wharf boat Greenwood, Will be placed at the Pin atreeeloading. myd DIG 0.--atiarw— ;zi:, %Wh im Dentin. Corner afro:emit and Decatur, between Market and Perry sheet. rep2Alyin ::3 • Vr . J. WK TRAY, —44 .•rilaer.v,e . • DENTIST, Respectfully tenders profesrionol service• to the tinge. Of Allegheny any. Office, northeast corner of the. Diamond. Refer to A.1.14.6Ei EMT: Dr. T F. Dole, • Dr. T. H. Elliott, Dr. M. B. Trevor, Dr. lno Diekeor, Dr. J. B. Herron, Dr. R. B. Mowery, Dr-111.. H. Knox, Dr. H. R. Dell Rev. A. W. Blatt, npap:dim• Wm. A. Ward, Dentist; Rev. N. West. Or W. lIIDDLE g Deatbt— RtihtO to a new three riory brick on Smithfield street, one door below Sixth street. Teeth inserted from one to an entire tut, on the ruction principle, with a Dean &al representaticn of the natural gum—restonng the oriental !Web° of the face. 11.—Teeth extracted with little or no pain. Decayed Teeth penntatentlY saved by pnigglng, pre canon; the tooth ache, which is much better then cu. ring tt, though it shoubl be done in five mins tea, or a reit instantly. mpg v WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, N 0.47 Alarketarret, Pittem 4h., Pa. TRORAS PAL tIIEIL, _ . • RESPECTELi Y announce, to his (needs node.. Somers, that he has bud at no past period PO even ve¢ Stock as be hos et present. He can oder to pur chasers, en yeas moderate terms. at the old establish. ed Stand on Market street, a moat every article Id hiS Counting-room, Bed-chamber, Dining rnom.l'ortor and tin!: Pee,. WUti uorters, Land, scares. t ire boasd l'iipti-, rape • and Tiasspareitt Wind•S shilde• Iton et coal d•oder ' si rt. tt s r u,ql rrt a an re rep. I and c..uotr, nub ,rile and unus,Yersp. .•.0 I ewLa-t 'Se - ,ze .to. IS Wood Pittsburgh. HuLtER ANL/ LAI_ kAii AN. lawmen cal dealers. u, Forasa and Doia •AUC 1111.11.0Witklat, to all it. vaneues, prepared to sell as low on as rcusonaale. , f6lT as can to purchased elsewhere We sol,cd ou,rid,.encs, enJ the public gnieraby, to call and examine oar Oct.t , which 301133313 in part lit KNIVES and pm:KET and YLNAMVE , I lislo FLY. $ll itAZUR.S, House Trimmings, such 63 Lacks, Leiche4, Hinges and Screws, tot - other with every article usually kept in Hardware Stores. We invite the attention or Carpenters and Mechanics generally to our ...rt.:neat of 'Fools, which haveibeen selected with great rare, and which we ore dote:min ol to sal so 0.11 to pee . ..faction. aptidharT AirRS. MARSH'S NEW NOVEL--htordaunt lrl orscSs" ' ,ster Nlcht , by the author of "Two old men's tales. ha Wyndltam*"Angelia," etc. Jam reed by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, splthdavrT corner Market and 3d its Retorlzsg.—..Galvaalastl Tin Plazas,. .~rtiE.ob.crtben beg, 10 call the attention of Builders, 1 Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantages which these plate. pane. over all other metallic substances hitherto seed for roofing 3e, as they possess at once the lightness of Iron, without Its liability to rust, having now been tested for several years to this particular, both in the, country and in tfic. rope. They are le. liable to expansion and contrac tion from sadden change of the atmosPhere, than COIII. mon tin plate, iron, zinc, or any other metal now used for goofing, and consequently form a much better and tighter ro of; requirmg far less frequent repairs, whilst the first cost Is but a trifle more. A full supply, of all sizes, from 16 to Mt W. 0., con stantly on hand and for sale by OEO. B. MOREWOOD A. CO., 14 and 16 Beaver street, New York. The patent right for this article having been secured for hie United Plates,, ell parties thronging thereon, either by Importation or otherwise, will he proseca. oebbathimlyT 11LO N . • Tiff. undersigned have erected worts in the eity of New York. tor the purpose of 6:dermal:la all arti cles of Iron, which it is destiable to PROTECT FRW.I RUST, emelt as Telegraph Wire, bulb, Spikes, Nail,, Wire tor Fences and any other artiste winch map be required. For H oops for Casks. sea substitute for ale Rope; for Clothes Lines, Isighuottg Rods, and a host of other applications, it will ee found cheap and durable. They Would parucularly call attention to .he 6:dean'. zed Wire for fences; it requires no palm, and will not rust Also to Spikes and Bona, the precareadon of whlekris of so mach Importance, that it will commend iiscllto the nonce of all those intere-stcd. OW. IZ AIOII.SWOOD.k. CO., Patentees, ocOO-dstesivT 14 and If Beaver at. N Vork. H. • cirria, Bedford, Pa. ono sroollirean,11111.11• Kr KING & 111.0013,11.EA1h 'I77IIOLESALLL GROCERS, Forwarding and Com. TyMioll Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, corner of the Diamond and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. Rzezadoco—lh. P. Shocebarger, Richard Bard ru 1213¢. ksp Hon. Jos. Morrison, Rich. R. Elliott, ER. SL Simon Drum, Esq., Greensburgt4 T. (kruntill & Co., Pelleololphi.a. J. Milliken & Rona, Lewistown, Pa. J. Reamer, Bedroll Hon. Wm. J. Dougherty, MulholLan & Bay, Wrsril e. eg3iwkstirBi - CARD. THE undersigned having been appointed Agent of the Dintaurans Paten.. .Same litsertancl Con rase, to the place of John Finney, Jr., resigned, re, specifully informs the public and the Mends lindens corners of to Company, that he is prepared In take Marine, inland mid }ire nabs on liberal terms, pt their ° pl c , Ng. 37 Writer strict. P. A. MADEIRA, ' myte ri 111.E.11.&11 N TADIA: Olt Nun Or I t ICE.I3, con mining au alphsocural list of Pon Maces through out the Untied Suttee; distances from Wm , lila gum, D. C.; mate and territorial capitals respectively; alk, es hibitins the Pont Mikes In eanitSotte„ as well a. Coon. ty, with on appendix of the edited Starts and British. Tariff.. Jeri reed by JOHNSTON It STOCKTON, atyla • eortleild xarketsts tiecox igliitt-4111 - dijaai re e' . =3 , 10 kV& W HARIMUCifir NVOOL-'lse bigbestzentkez prieerin Au% will be ' - tietdfoi=tpe aldereng gnaltairof welivruhed - . • `-‘1,,,--V -ROUSE )%:1M8,44 ' kiWk.; •` V naIIstAdEtORVLD3I4/Dgraillta • • A oirri• iall aborelaek Nit . :9, at tholocerik 11, arm Br en t l e lco s miriade flyer. Tim' Cod II orate vary best quality, and'esef-lit seem; ' , Amy numberVarres, from rweaty•Sve to skonstred,cmybt be obtained. Persons desirous •of porches:44 CIA Rad on WALKER REED, on tbe premb . es, or Wm. eed. opposite the Post omen, who will gine' atrY in" formation concerning the property. The above will be said etc great bargain. •. myChditita nous* and Lot Tor ifoLa litlN ALLEGHENY CPTY.--A nett'aild cam niroable brick Dwelling Mato, and Lot of od. PA feet feet front by that deep,) sitnato On bank of the river. nearFahnestook's lead fac tory, m offered for sale low. Ternmeoty And title In-' cspotable. Apply to Abraham Felton - hiartongabala my,or ythdtwo JAMES BLAKELY, Pittsburgh. m Houtaisindrt.lit for Salo tor.Sorlp, _ K jea, A TWO story Brick Haase, totalizing elght roo= exclusive of basement Nor Collar,. ea sellable for two families, &mood on Liberty stra4 Allegheny, will be sold low for Scrip Enquire of myttlif IL HAYS, Gazette &aro Valuable 1111 Siding Lola Mr Sale. TAR orbieribers are anthOnzed ofßo at Ovate "." VPOrt.446hly favorable tem., a amber of •ary eldaawe Bundlesetnatrishyr_ porson of the Lots cambered a. %Voads' General Plan of the h d lated at the mud, eausranlly cornet of end anvils, fronting 040 teet on the footer and extelldoll w e the Saner oboet 600 feet to the AlleSteni •that, eg and being a pan of the Real Estate of the late 7asess S. Stevenson, Esq., deceased. ' •_a A plan es sab4vialen of the above Leta, hs cseaser mtty with which it Is proposed ra s eng be gem el. the office of the undersigned, on between Mar kat wed Ferry sts. NV &NUM • sny3 To Sat. AndA TWO leery brick dwelling heal% plemont, Omitted In oa/1.4 wjlh Ave met of tande•-, will to rented qtre tow If appliemlost made Imaxedllealy. Inquire of ap23 HARDT .10=1 &Coll 205 Roses Coal Lana tae Daly ITUATex on the bionaphas tiver,aboatidmilail kJ hem ergb and 3 =lea above third Loa, ta the Immediate neighbarhood efhlears•Lyon &Shot% CoalMc John Herroxes masa. Ibis Be. .body of willire Sold as Ate law puieeof =I per third In hand, balance! in See equal =near payments, withoat lama Tide ; indiegurable..-LOettat eery , good—cannot be .lowyeamed.; - : or fOrtborpankatara mire of & DUDLEY, who has • _draft Of saldnos Eby 'Rade= st,belerw Parfait. Adams , Rare. N. ft nue is anther seam of coat 'coV4ata MO% shoat 60 feet above Om loweriOrdlxoo4ool4tait OUNTiyOktiff- EL Y 10.1110/151111'IOE WOOL 21202 10 ACIICS OF GROUND, attained. near Fittsbuigh and Greonsargh Admit from the city, and seating the hag Oa sal, on br ic k Le Greeted • lame teal ektshed two sten , Derabeetrate,together wiikstales, carriage house, Re. re-anise on the yreases • large vanety of hat bees, and a spring of tinniail =Lance antigens to the dwelllor jell wts. YOU NG, ita Matta O' Valuable Real Estate tor Ws. ?HE •uhs.iber will soil. a; private =1 6 71 v valet , i ble Property, on the earth stmet adjoining kw present midenee, and ow pound= Mediate. 11. There are about TEN /WILES 01 1 ' 1101 ORLAND. in a high state of eultivadoa: The aprovemants sr• a large and well finished brink DWELLING BOMA superb Barn, and otbet out buildings. !Afiktitung the dweffing Is a running Fonntain and • good Pomp whisk farabes s comma se_pply of =maim water. There is a satiety of Firth Dees stok Shrubbery OA the premises. If the abase desetibed m a c is not told scom it will be tented fora time. Gor ashk a lame thr , 00 Peasykrala meats; at - ad Of the board walk. Lanus of aptan DAVID ICEELEIVA ifiastable lima Waikato Mir Salo. Mace. Trustees of the Western 'Theological Seminary 1, heats decided to sell, on palpates] lease, ik pore two of their property In.dilegbetry dry, oiler ona rely favorable tans, from 30 to 00 Lots of dillemor ottaa A warrantee title will be given. Aplan oftbnintlodzi. be seen at NO. 1.21 Wood street. For partleulan, enquire of either of Gm undersigned Committee JOH47. LOGAN Al Lamina H. hi• (MILLCOLA LREC4I BAL. LET. At a very low Rent. .12. A TWO story Risk House, en Federal sty one door above the northwest ownwet. the North Commas, Alletsheny-rwide 1114 palter, ay . . ro alkite n haan theteardoer. Four Mona Poseraris yr t i o be a had hfedtately. Intolteer • spit GEO B:elL ENBEILGE 87 Rant et • nun • i state Mull THE following property In the city of Main% end Deer the - borough of llitssichester, on the OW nvir L l c s . orored tr t :! di nig i n it r ernara te = l., of the city of burgitrhusing PO !Matrons on Ele venth mesa, by 0(0 feet to Stroorborg Wet, Mai Grant street. 10 one wire Lots Coming on en Mozniti aver ' tot wide, running from Beater road to the Ohio . 04- loining Philips's Oil Climb For terms, enquire of C1L F1 171 . ..E8 D. 8131111.1 f, or .1.01.E5 (MARA, • Butes Building, Cid it. tau • • • • st, r INTN THE NINTH WARD Or PfITERHIRGH—Serr; end Lois en Bahlarla and Many streets, In the oth Ward, SI feet by _lOO, and adiseeat the ,properaed depot of tin Central Railroad. For ternreArAltre of CHARLES RS=LLY, or JAMES CFHARA, Marken Deßdlnx, ith et • I 8 BALE.. A TINE two wary Brick Wow, pleasantly le:sated on the hilldirectly beet - 01111r. Andrew wanton% property, new Pennsylvania avenue. tee aortae end lot will be sold very low for - cash. For farther information apply to D. W. ic A. 8. BELL, Anomeye at Leer, 4th street, betoken Smithfield and Grunt. FOR MIALE,i L IS free - rabic terms— Lis. of firma& on th e month ' side of Penn sum., near the Monongahela rim ming 80 feet on Penn street, and extending lio feet depth to an solep im A ioide a most desirable loess n eats for prfrate residences or for muulafaistatimg • • fells. les. Sequiricif J BC/1001IXAICE 8 & Co, .. No 9.1 Wood et •DOUNTRY SHIT TO slikilt—td, lwo Mick Dwelling, with 61, sera highitioPiw•evi • Land, situated in (Ashland, ut let from let April lex!. lIARDY,IJONCS A Co, • ieta. n/5.Z.L.11,1.1.• ~:.- --, 44 Water street • giivon irff' —i 7 K ------ ,rono toll - ice yews, fiunithe fi nit Dwellingegigra , az l s, • n lttr: i =oLietArl . 3 of tharldo river, ailJoinfog thlt borough of hianoluni ter, - ivitit about four aorta of land, out buildings, .fridt u'''' ' '‘"..".c.Applyt e jot .thniS A lIIITCHLSONA43O . A LARGE and we. Entail:a Lee* second awry, on the comet of Wood and Tblzd areas, above the Exchange °Moe of W Poreessbaugiven Immeduaely. legatee et, je s APGILLSk ROE. 494 Liberty at !I ur LKT—A large beet Detung House, gnitable for two families, shamed en Federal tuset, Allegheny, above Mr. Graves , stem. Apply to fehttl Liberty at, opposite dth Irt) HOUSES AND L - 0111 - NDEITIECLID Asb, TWO Lars on - Beaver street, In the city o Allegheny, above the, upper thmunons, on which is emoted a frame budding, two stories high, imitable for two mall tenements. The lo th ate each twenty feet in (root by one hundred feet deep, and run bath to a street borty feet wide. The building. on the pre. misu will pay a very handmaid inthrein on the Iwrwj meat, and the property will be mid cheap fpr cash Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk's office; U. S. er to novr4 KAY te Co T . EN LOTS, 2t feet by 1111 +twitted on the Meter ground. and fronting on the "ride Nowt Commons in the Baena Vista katcnidoa Tema Ettio, cut, JAMES R tMINISON, wm ROBINSON:, mchtNcho Omen, Fachnnge Balding+, St Clod, .1 Scotob Ilottom Laming. ACILES. Ur LA •U. eitunieao. - I,s ,up. m- , +loeonenocht, three .111 e. 1,1, n , p i n,„ nt . .—ln :ol• In sungu renames. Tor rt.n,nr parole. reply w I( t .iny Woods, -Id ri or in A WASH I Neal /N, aovendif Itti, Minim Smithfield et PSE STR amTe:-.7re. gunner - re - et ;21.. infer.Mt tale the three corgi brick Warman.' on Wood meet, accepted ny" IL Tauter a Co. 017 Witt WILSONOr ED122121 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET FUR SALE Lot of around nitwit/sae Penn _street, bets.cco lie) and. Plarbary ouveur, ado:doing o boost and lot now ocropiod by Richurd.Edwards, having a (root of XS feet, and in depth LSO itch will be sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. • En, gum of C. 0. LOOMIS, it, near Wood. not For Salo. DESIRABLE Banding Lot In Allegheny MY, eg. vorably located, is Joze ...boat half an nem and soil be sold on accoatmallting tonna Gagnlns lota 7 D WILLLabIEt, fill wood et 08 6 FOR RENT—A room in the 'wend Jahn Wood street iNU Property Allitergtouly entreat asig. — ,T7atibumbers otter (or mar a number of chola* ~tr, citrate, In the, Oecolui. Ward, fronting an .. eel CGMm;'.IOWIVI3I;II47JAnft.7 Z Chaz • or of JASII.OI3INSON, on theprezoirrar,,:= myl7:dkertf T 211111:11061. At St Erle s iLL Op 7O • ~,,, -,..„ !co . QS, DIAMOND ALLEY. a 1 . d..,, , . .aw rs below Wood sneer, tol :•,,,.',.- e,, , , ...- Da. DROWN, having, been r1iZ.,,,,.., . SegalSrlyedvicared to the seediest 4''. li '''., ' rp and been for soma dune t'...Y.4--1 - /..; -,-- I n = v 7 ;7:- , 17.;_.k..1, . his suentgi ' VVir7 c"An Vi; cyg, , ,,:i•-•: , .... those pnrato and dello= coral i-i-..,..... ; ;.,4 plaints (at which hie oppotremitles W.., 14 . , .;'..., ' and experience peculiarly qua. i's l ";!%. , - \ hint. 'II years width: lasi). &motel to mai a. mantissa of those complaint:l;oElmin which time ho hos had more practice and has cared more pa. umua than can aver fall to the tot of any prime paid mimics) amply qualifies him to Oder 100 911104011 01 speedy, pctimment, ILIA sir-leader, mole, all Metal with de,,,,,,,, and oil diseases arising there} from. Dr. Drown would inform those ;aloud with private discus. which have beam= by' time 4?: .4111 gram." by the use of any of-the ennumittnestramthi the day, that their compliunts eau be ridthelly sad that.. onghiy cured; he having given his - carefel'ausention the treatment of such eases, and atteceeded in hand/win of instances in cuing persona -of palm:mina of thot neck of the bladder, awl kindred diseases which ellen omit from dune elses where others have inuislgned them to bowiess despair. liciparticalarty Weave each as have been long and unsueeessiblly treated by inhere to consult him, when every satiafacdos will be men them, and their eases treated In • careful, thoreagbanll intelligent manner, pointed oat by a tong asperk ace study, and investigauoni which ills impossible forthoe engaged in general practice of medicine to glee as one clime of ammo. -13:7- Hernia or Etnotn*—Dr. Drown oleo Unites peal snot &Meted with Bernie to cello's ho htspakt Panto, der extension sn this disease. , . .. • • CANCERS also cored. • • s k i n &w o n % aso s, Palsy, eta,rpe*dirreuned Maw ... very law. of ein sax Rang iTa &stain, stating their disease in writing, 7enring 411. no sym toms, can nett.* medicin demotio no, midge ling T. DROWN , es with nit paid n , and for nein" nes a fee. • . Lulea No. d 3 Diamsoi alley, oppoalui tlts Rouse- Rommunce—Dt.Etninn'a newly disenend tame dy Cot Rheumatic* Is* speedy, and onion remedy for that painful trouble. It haver fain. Odin sad' Prince qoasulting ROOM, No. Mi plat mond an*Y• Pltubsugh„Pa. The Dennis , -always at Itotws. RT. No etrn no pay • azo. w. satrrn a. ao., TNPOI/31 their friends and the pnblla duathay hurt 1. no longer_ any connection told' their laseestablish• me to Pemstrem, known as the pittalanh drewerA having rammed their satins blame= ta the POINT • Pig • • • sold* sa 'F"4-3 bbl.pickle. Salmon,••sderßiltukorpSharli 'lO do do Herring; 10 do utd k Noli 4and3Mackr .erel; • 1 ease, rebuked' I ollibeth t bag Lubec. , healed lierrl9l for rale by myio .1 El WILLIAMS ITBAB—lllholl chest tirtmehelani 0 55110 05,130 i N'tiong Wrap; 5d lolperialind Ganpowther; 40 hart bitch MBlpitts fib; AMA bj '• ••••' , •-• .: titakt - . ~, . I.PrIL 4 WeII •:'• .: y ...• ~-:' s' , ~ • 4
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