THE FITTSBURGIL tuor gunusuED & co PATTBUiIItOIis SATURDAY MoRNING, MAY 20, isip. Friet - 7 — Prrrtursean May: GiSierre Is published Ys Tn-14oekly , arul WeektyAt-The Daily it Scree Ilkalars peressum; the TriMeekly is Fire Dollette per annum; the Weekly is Taro Dellats pet sexism, strictly ettestees. , p rt- ,eADvanrareua ere earneattr,teguested to halad T favors before SP. and lts early In the day u doable{ . Advertisements not inserted far a 'sped fie rime will invariably he charred - until ordered out ADEIPEILLAfIIOII.TH AOIERICPIB. tdant I.atg'- the I—b 4. : le and Stares sad forwarded from rigs gface. Tee next paps or Telegrapnic Tsars. Par Leeal Matters see nest page.' Letteri on Cholera, er i . arm - niers!. Thole letter., ill If 1,1 extra Gazette, can be Lad at the mutter, Inv date tday. price G settle. le matter preitared finit, paper—editorial ~01,,..oarrsvpoode unavoidabty been !aid aier . a weak fro. to dai, the members of the Aro I ,lltatisoalo and pony, m this cooetr, , p set foe the ..tpose ; or electing'. delegates be the County 111.,vatiop, t o assemble on the Wednesdai fol lowing. As a nomination by thit . Convention it con'aidered equivalent to an election, - : the C 1199933 far nomination has bean exceedingly aphited—moro no than we ever recollect to have witnessed: especially Car the ;offices of : sheriff and Pecithonot*..'We ate happy 10 observe, hoivevii .er i that ii futi been amducted on courteous and amid that Nyboever among the respect** member , of the piny, who ore con . teading foetal prizes, raceme the nomination for . -the rarktmetdricen, will be replanted with a teal and anardai r ity ohll exceeded on any former neon f. . 7 44:11:tere'will he a very fall attendance at the pritiary . eneethiga, we would suggest the proprie: x - y.. of embracing the opportunity to organise the eisTeittd „election „districts . preparatory to the fall. canittakpi; -It Is invortant that one whole strength - ; - ,%i'elifitrottldbei brought out, for Canons and chylous rek toes, hat '*ore convince the country that Pennsylvania is in . eareest in bee o(l.Vhig principles. Hav ing elected Gov. ~i4l e duititcs and Gen-Taylor, it la oar duty to strength. ei'Ateir: hands while they carry ample far as comes the line of their official duiv, our cherish :-and beneficent principles. A. Canal Commis. 'donee is to be elected in place of Mr. Power, and . fib ongtd to be a Whig, that tome alight cheek may be interposed to party schemes in the Cant) Commissioners' office. The Whigs of this State can, and they ought to carry it mixt fall, and thus rebuke the bitter and unscrupulop's warfare now - waged upon our National end State administra• dons. Groat permanent and immediate goodwill revolt from it, and the adoption of Whig measures • by Congzesa, would be much facilitated thereby. Then let 93 organize in every township, borough, and ward at one primary meetings'. If Lanai time fora organizatimi at the meetinge,let as efficient and active Executive Committee be cho: men, compared of 911173 21740 will curt and meek, and let it be made their duty to oryettizo the districu and take all other measures nee emery to seams, e full vote. OUR BOOS TABLE ..Disturiulfs Guide o, Veto Mexico, Ciihforsio, and Organ, uria This is a neat little Pocket Guide Soak, fat travellers to our new Possessions.. It contain* much Important information ocenerning the vari. Gus routes, the diatancsa, expensas, Railroad, Sret r eacet,and M. - graph Baca,' This is a gnarl.) , publication, intended aa u guide through the Middle, Northern and East lam States, and Canada, an d also gives the great lines of travel, south and west, and the (mean steam packet arrangements. It also contains ta- - - . Wes or distances, telegraph lines, and chew:44nd various other motels of interest to travellers and businessmen A valuable work. "The Ameriosn Toe !Waite" Is the title of a book of rumcdotes, publisked Loo and Brother, Nem York. It is illustrated by a great number ot engravings, and appears to be quite an amusing collection. For dt Put,tburgh Farnham. who been for some time arommin g fora cargo . of #3atnen; for the California market, we are happy to perceive, him at last sail ed with bat three, all tolcUid but one of them sin gle. We thought, trom thehegintling, that the en terprise would faiL Oar echintry women have too much self respect to make' long voyages in search of husbands. They ark': not quite no cheap its that yet, and we trust never IFELOSE" HEW YORIE. Correspondence or the Pittsburgh Gasstu. •Nsw You, Meg 21. Wimpy:tenths? is upon ns, qui we shall icon see whether the Cholera to to rage With no, or not The eases of malignant typhus ,Lover, that have created so much alarm, ate gone, and the .city once more free. An examination of three .Chol era eases" was made by the greater pan; of the Physicians in town, with a,remarkable result. 4111 who bad witnessed the disease . in 1831 and 32 were sure this was not the genuine thing, while those who had never seen a case were certain that the real Asiatic Cholera was here. There Is all a good deal of alarm in the country, but none here. The banks have been counting their coin, and find th remount to be 83,200,000, which, added to the publindeposits, gives 810,250,000 in the city, or an increase alone kindred per cont. in sixty days. Stooks feel the effect of thia plethora of coin and abundance of money, aid are held very high. Tiensury union close at ill cash, and the loan of . . 1869 at 1143 with more buyers than sellers. Penn sylvania s's close attasl cash, with a good demand. Panties are rather more in demand, but people are rather averse to making , putchases. Money I t remains abundant, and the laths .f interest cannot be quoted over 6to '7 per cent: all good names. Mr. Ewbank, the new Comm inner of Patents, has !left for Washington, %nautili inner himself felt in his department. Ile a not of dreamy im practicable school of acientlso men, but one who ran give to his contemporaries thitivalue of his in tellect. Mr. Brady has assumed the management of the Post °Mee, and produced a marked change in the political feelings of the clerks. Ail are now origisedlayler men, and they arequite sure they acknowledged his fitness for the Preeidency long before he moved front the Rio Grande. More bodies have beep taken Gom the wreek of the Empire, and ea many ere missing The Cot otter's /my have justly censured the Pilot of the steamboat, and in all probability he will have an opportunity to study crime and law, and perhaps amuse himself awhile at Sing Sing, which would be simple justice. The great Ore in St. Louis does not affectour mance companies at all. Coact - thee, the Howard has 53,000, and the rest smell sums that give, in the aggregate, a loss of $lOO.OOO for the cities. he competition among various agents, reduced the rate of premium below the -profitable :point, and New York amen wundreerfrom the Oeld. Mr. Macready hes seat one thousand dollars to the Mayor an a donation in aid ofthe aufferers by the late mob. Mr. Forrest, as current rumor goes, has given fur the same purpose tire thousand dol lars, bat the story needs confirmation. The cost of this not will amount to a roupd sum, the mean for the police reach six hundred dollars. Six thou- sand dollars will not more than clear the expert. rtes oft:a three days in which martial law was prevalent At nine o'clock, to morrow, will . be launched a shipealled the Mee.hanic's Own, built ehiefly by bar owners, who will leave in her on the first of /My, for the "digging." She la the crock ship of the season, and has been fitted With baths and all the conveniences or a well appointed private real. dance. Hercompany 1, to briorgainzed as a body of military, and no discipline Oared that will give efficiency to their movemeate, or Secure in any. department. They take with them a Phy alchm, Chaplain, and Historian, beindes a Geolo gim.and Surveyor. The announcement ofthe ar rival of the Leming inn at Rio, with Irold for ballast". has caused a recumance of "YellowlFever,"though it may be remarked that we ere pretty well over It The Cotton Market is firm, with a good export demand. For flour there is afar, a good export des mend, with sales of 4000 Ali for that pnrpooe.— Common brends4,434firl,37i:Goodffiates,44o44o These prices show no advance, and the Market clan firm. Corn meal is scarce, liales at 2,874 Ohio wheat is arm 10'103 eta. with a stood supply. Genesee 1233125. Corn belle at 62 the round northern nod 591 for flat southern, and 57 the white. Shies 500 bbLs. Ohio Whiskey at 24 021C111. Pork is still doll, andloarer figures have been taken; Mel, 119,E7059,98. and same allow as Az, Prune 59,25. Cut meats arddipt, 200 hada dry sboulders at 40, and 4101 for Pickled: Lord ia firm at 637 for common to ;strictly prime with aides o(1500 bble, and some Imga ail/. Sales of . new boyazu 7 i. C. Twit GLwairj. erettmr, (sew soliabl,tie to bold its next session atpaaroit, Mich igan. atho proceedings of this body at Philadel phia, pn fjurday, the North dymerisan says On slavery, there was a very large number of overtures, one of which, from the ,Prcebytery : Palestine, threatened to separate fienu the ohureh , noires aomethicg is done to Where the-chitrch front ,' • ;the odium Or einem.. All tilde pipers iiall let thoieporegonof the ehnrehGnm Ito emit enaiditim slavery, and speak in strong teraut,of irepraze• !lon of tho chetah haying say 00.n:riot 'with A,. They were relent:4 to a special - . aMOW Asambly or, ate preabytArlaa Chi 3 jrob+.4lo, MAu" • " g0Va=123.1:011.-Z101121( DAM Friday, May 25 . , Tha &K nobly was caged to order by the Moder Mrs nod °Pellet' with prayer. Thd mututes of Thursday afternoon were read by the clerk, and adopted. Reports of committees were called up, and the committees on leave of absence and mileage re ported. A aiseussion arose upon the latter report, and wasatated that the assessment in the report would give. acme of the commissioners a greater amount than would pay their expenses, while others under it would receive len- A motion was made and carried, that no com missioner should receive more than his expenses. The report of the committee, as amended, wan reedited adopted. Dr; Spring, chairman of the committee on the report of the Board of Domestic Missians, reported. This report stated that the religioui instruction of slaves at the youth should receive a proper de gree of attention, but that at the same time the missionaries should pay a proper munition to Presbyterial rights. On motion, the report wan laid on the table. The committee appointed to nominate commis sioners to corresponding bodies reported, and their report was adopted. Dr. Lord was of the opinion that the expenses of cionamissioners to corresponding bodies should be defrayed by the General Assembly. A paper was read by Mr. Lawrie, stating that additiOnal aid was required by the Indian Mission. This subject was made tins third order of the day for Saturday. A ieverend gentleman thee offered a resolution recommending the board of.ptablioation to publish a Missionary Gazetteer, which was dochetted. The Moderator announced that the order of the day kad arived,but it was proposed that the order of the day be postponed, In order to:go on with the auifinlalied business in the ease tf the Rev. Le Roy DWI!. The Moderator stated that it loutd take bui very abort time to go on with the first order of the day,Whieh was the election of Trustees of the Princeton Theological Seminary. The 13101.1011 to postpone was withdrawn. and the Assembly went into the electiOn. The committee to whom the petition of Mrs. Bradford was relSrred, reported to the etfect that the General Assembly had no power to release or eoneey to of bee uses the property devised to them. Tho case of the Rev. Le Roy Davis was then lakett op, and the Moderator gave the usual solemn warning. The Rev. E. F. Rockwell arose and continued his da&nce of the Presbytery of Concord. and the Syn Off of North Carolina He again took up the chair of the false representioas which were al leged to have been made in relation to the dis mission of members from Cerium to Preepect, end proceeded to notice Dr. Plummer's comieents on the testimony. Mb. Wilson arose on ;he part of the Presbytery, and observed that there was a fee greater difficulty in presentlig facts tn the General Assembly than to a Presbytery, and that before the former body it was very,easy for a learned and eloquent divine to use the shafts of ridicule with great effect. The learned counsel for the appellant has made use of these weapons, and doubtless with considerable effect, so that we appear before you under many disadvantages. The Speaker then went on to comment upon semi evidence out of the record, when he was called to order by seam! persona; but the Moder ator decided that an the counsel for the appellant had also commented upon tho .113115 evidence, it was tint just that the counsel for the Presbytery should do so too. Thu speaker then proceeded to continue his comments. When Brother Davis had been found guilty, he was sentenced to receive a solemn rebuke from the :Moderator of the Presbytery. And daring that rebuke, and during the confession of the brother, when that brother was bathed in tears, they were tears4n which the whole Presbyt..ry• joined, I can not describe the feelings which pervaded ou r minds where Mr. Davis requested us to join in prayer with him, lest be should again fall The gentleman proceeded to mimment upon the want of courtesy which, be alleged, Dr. Plum mier had exhibited, in dwelling upon the izno ranee of the Presbytery when this ditActilty had originated, Dr. Plummer had made out his case too well. Every fact was equated and joined with COO much precision. Tho hour of adjournment baring arrived, the Moderns or announced the fact, and asked the mem ' ben of the Assembly if they had any notices to give. Dr. Brown, on the pat of the Committee on De. votional Exercises, read a report, assigniog to all the Choate. requesting each a favor, members crt the Assembly to preach in their several places of worship. Hi also announced that the celebralon of our lurdaltiupper will take place in the Pint Prebvte rian Church, on:Sunday afternoon, at half past three o'clock, when Dr. Murray (the Modentitrj will Fragile, and take round the bread, the Rev. Dr. Phi ips would take round the cup. Members of angle Churches in Pittsburgh and vicinity are reapectfully invited to attend. The Rev. Mr. Grater will preach in the Fint Presbyterian Church on this, Saturday, The report was adopted, and tho meeting con cluded with prayer, by the Rev. Dr. Reed. The following is a list of - the appoitments of the clergymen to preach on the coming Sabbath. 1. Smithfield Methodist Church—Rev. Thom.. L Jannewny, in the morning at lOt ; Rev. S. Hamil, in the evening. 2. Warty Street Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Wm. Graham, in tin t manioc Rev. B. PI MeCcivn, in the afternoon. a Beaver Street Methodist Episcopal Cherub Allegheny City-Rev. Anion William, in th • monad - , Rev. James Ferguson, afternoon. 4. notestant Methodist Church, Fifth Street Rev. C. A. Stillman, morning; Rev. F. FL Could tog, afternoon. . 5. First Baptist Church, earner Grant and Third streets—Rev. John Lill:o; Rev. 8.. W. Dunlap. 5. Methodist Episcopal Church, South COOl/100, Alteghtny—Rev. J. M. Wilson; Rev: F.. F. Rock well. . 7. Lutheran Church, Kay. Mr. Pataayaue 'Lev. R. L. Stanton; Rev. S. R. Alexani ler. S. nett Cumberland Presbyterian Ch urch, Alle gheny—Rev. J. H. Sytames; BJ.W. J. FL Laye. 9. Cobred Church, Wylie Street; Rev. John Johnston, D.D.; Mr the night, J. J. Hamilton. DI Asbury Chapel, Sixth Ward—Rev. Robert F. Caldwell 11. lidethodist Episcopal Church, Aliegheny— Rev. W. F. Ferguson; Rev. James FL Dinsmore. 12--Baptist Church, Grunt Street, 'Rev. Mr. Tends.le's—Rev, E. B. Edgar, Rev. Mr. Davidson 13. 'Wesley Chapel, Filth Ward, Pittsburgh— Rev. John M. Crabb; Rev. A. FL Naylor. 14. Methodist Chmnb, Teumeranceville—Rev. A. C. McClelland, morning. I& Cumberland Church, Pittaburish—Rev, W Lord; Rev. I. W. Ogden, Id Pint Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh—Rev. Gordon Spring, D. D.; Rev. Charles Hodge, D. D. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be ad ministered in the afternoon: exercises to commence at half past three o'clock. The preparatory ser mon is to be preached In the First Presbyterian Church, on Saturday evening, by the Rev. I. A. Greller--exercises to commence at 7i. IS. Third Preabytenan Chureh--Dr. Murray Rev. James Nurse. - 19. Fifth Plestryterina Churches-Rev. E. H Nevin; Rev. Willie Lord, D. 1). 20. First Presbyterian Church, AlleglionY etty Rev. W. Phillips, morning; Dr. Plummer, evening. .21. Second ,Presbyterian Church. Allegheny Roy. J. G. Monfiirt, morning. 22. At Mancheater—Rev. W. W. Hfl I, morning. 22. Finn A maxima Church. Birmingham, Rev. L. Long, parlor—Rev. G. W. Lane, at 14 f o'clock. AFT/ .4003 SEISIOn. The meeting was opened with pt aver by the 'Rev. Mr. Gildersleve. The minutes of the moneng eassil m wens lead =l= The chairman on the committee of ball and overtures reported annvemmeGrun this Presbyter" 'of Stenbeneale,praping that the Greer* Amembisr would make some prosilion far the re lief of egad and disabled ministers and their wiArsea and Or. plume Also an overture hem the Preebriel/.4 Beridreuville, bathe some effect. - • - •The °unique° erPeneOle Ire of the props mutt . nnd lie miring, tisk monivis docketed. Civerterea Were reporl4froris .the presby tet i u a ma r sh., Cesthaiet4:*: rdie, adverse to' slimy, att,d perfittle*4kit,Astrattdy rusk d ... take , some action cat the ' , Attbiect Calotthitimi.l* abolish thi* glazing m it wee termed. The committee through their chairman.. Dr. McGiil; reported • *erre* of *ix reMilutionr, which were 11 follows-- Resolved, lat. That the prinelpiea of the I'm*. byterian Church on the subject of slavery, are aheatly set 'forth in repotted deelersdtins ro 1141 as to need no further exposit/en, 24. That in view of the civil and doemdlo cc. tore of this institution, and the ootitpetettey of raire site institutions alone to remove P I evil In 1 . 401. et the earnest inquiry tad deep 0011011110 an Ihia onto Pact, which we now cliactoo le one of Omen °oaf. manwealths of our outotift Whew sisters it is considered ptsoilterly hopospei tool !helped'. cot for thin Aassituldy to 0114044 et plopora any measures in the worn eitoteelitatke 3. That ell etworaati mot- piOphf ptvioshot look been already made Lou the 4104001,0aq line upon thus, who fteirlioo of elel4lo 100 10101141 &alms of master end atlftlioll, 4114 the uneven! Assembly it Atwell' ready to ettaitve those pro. vistona, when the unfhithiblovist rf cap Interior court made matotest by pe0,44, appeal, or cum 4 th. We rtlolco to helmet that the action of a former Assembly, w 44 Not ahllrt4 or allowing the inkmitous “oppression or man by hi. fellow man," hoe boon steadily promoting an ankalloration In the condttlon of the slave., by the winning the confidence of masters; In 014410111(nm fitnattrism, and by sumolating Um slave bolder apd his pastor alike, to tabu: to .ltio religious *donation of the blacks. sth. That it is °Molted no Altgah teriau:tmeltue ted to Slave holding Stntes, to cek—ntinie to i em their exertion. for th e reltglous education 1 the slaves; and to report distantly to the usual nu nces to the General Assembly, the state of r tgion a i among the colored population. The report woo accepted and adopts d, one gen• roan voting against it, (Mr. Nevin was absent ) A report from the Synod of Florida was read, and docketed. The unfinished business of the morning (the Judicial case) was then taken up, and the Modera tor merle the mid solemn charge. Mr. Wilson rose, and concluded the speech which he commenced in the mormng. The Rev. Dr. Plummer Wowed him in a very eloquent and effective speech, which was not con. eluded when the hour ciadjonrament arrived. The meeting closed with prayer. PRON. WASIIIINGTOII. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. \Vasa:currant, May 22, 1b49. We are in great alarm here concerning the ap proach of the Cholera, which is reported, though I trust 'erroneously, to be making it, way towards us from North and South. We have flying rumors of Cholera in Norfolk, Cholera in Richmond, in New York, in Bel timore. I would lend no aid to terror stricken fancy, bus Mill 1 moot rallies& you to eland me the weekly Gazette, containing Dr. Haw thorne's letters on the treatment of Cholera, kir 'I hear them highly spoken of. It is now ascertained that the great part of the long Cabinet session of' yesterday was consumed in the consideration of the despatches from Cah. (brain, and a set of instructions is conjectured to have been drawn up for Gas. Smith, suited to the altered oircumstanoes in which he finds himself. The Ron. Daniel Duncan, late a member cf Congress from Ohio, was buried to-day in the Con gressional Cemetery. The funeral was attended by the President, sad Cabinet °dicers, and such members of Congress 1113 now remain in town. hi Duncan has not been elected to the next Con. gross. The eniou is again distinguishing itself tbr the ma lignity, vindictiveness, and venom which it throw. into BS assaults upon the President and his Cabi net, upon Mr. Warren, and generally upon all the prominent appointees of the new administration . I half regret, and am half pleased, to perceive that the editor and conespondents of the National Whig, are paying its editor wr in kind. To show the utter recklessness of his conduct, he said the other day that he should have noticed certain an swers to Ramo of his ea:amnion., and abusive as saults, but the Sot ;as. be was then on the at tack, and could not allow h imseif to be placed on the defence !! I consider that reasonably cooL— But he will be placed on the defenpe nevertheless, or lie will be compelled to cease hls unprincip:ed and unhaenly demi:nation. Quite a new and orig. alai idea of partisan wartnre, however, the old gentleman appears t 7 ha re, that he can go on rank les his scandalous denunciavons, and tram pag up his baseless charges, and when his denunciations are repelled, and his charges disproved, that he can with impunity bawl .oat—"Oh, I have no time for defeat-a, gentlemen, lam on the attack. - Bur he is now in good hands, where I willingly leave him. In mp statement me other day of the sexual amount of the appropriations of the last ...Of:, I knot to include ono large item, of an indefinite appropriation, which mey be set down at 51,560,- 000, for the expense of collecting the cayenne.— Thin item has never before had a place m the ap propriations, because the expenses of collection have always heretofore been taken out of the rev enue before the money was deposited in the treas ury. That is nowschanged by law. ' Among the numerous removals and appoint ments ordered on Monday were the three fsilow ins W. J. Howard vice Mr. Guthrie, to be Pe11.1013 Agent, Pittsburgh. Henry Woodr, Collector, Pattburgh vice Mr. Guthrie, removed. W. K. Bond. Collector, Cakomnati, vice P. Gal- lino, removed The two former appointments Mr your city, hay • mg been almost universally recommended by the Whig inhabitants, of course I could say nothing In approval of them whirh will not have been beuer said in your own and other whig journals, ere this can reach you. With Mr. Woods i had the pleas ure of a short acquaintance, formed while he was here this spring, and therefore know that he pea senes that one quality, personal adalality, so es. isential to the popularity Ma public officer, sod for the want of which, by the way, some persons no conspicuous Winona here should be promptly alas. mined. The name of Wm. Key Bond brings up a thousand associations of conflict and triumph in Congress, and before the people in the- iron times of Jackson and Van Buren. His appointment is a slight acknowledgement of old time service, snob as few have rendered. Of course oar Democratic annocents an office are strugglanglopon the tender hooks of doubt and alarm as to the expected mas sacre about the Gret of June. I think they may re assure themselves for at leaat another month's lease of life. The appointing power to not yet rea dy to enter upon the reformation. intended to be mode here. They will come an their own good We heard yesterday rooming of the lamentable death of Major General Worth, of Cholera, at San Antonio, the bead quarters of bin command in Texas. Since the clone a it. Mexican war, Gen• Worth's came has been in vane degree mingled with our political contest, so that all classes of our people are not in a frame of mind to award him that high mead of praise which history will un questionably assign him. Gen. Worth was one of the greatest soldiers of our country. flis attack upon Monterey, his management of his division at Cerro Gordo, his bloody fight at Molino del Rey, sad his masterly approach to and entrance of the city of Mexico, proved him to be not only among the first dour generals, but in the oration of ord. dairy men, the greatest tactician of our army in the department of approach and attack of betided points. Ile has fallen a noble victim to the sever. try of a soldier's duty. After three years of gal lant service,:through all the perils of the war,'ln chiding the Miners of a most malignant ohmates, he was ordered off to a savage frontier, where he has closed his brilliant career, In a manner which Ina soldiers view is peculiarly hard. But be was cut down in the midst of honorable and useful sev vice, and in all the brightness of Ms fame, leaving I tear, to a immesons family, little but his repute. boo and his honors. Rme. POT as PittsburgA On.e. tu. The 'emancipation movement In Ken- MIL EDIT011:411 my communication, yesterday, I stated Just before I doted it, the two specific objects for which the emancipation party of our State ors contending in the present political con trails, ms:—the adoption into the copstitution about to be harmed, of what Is styled the open clause, and a constitutional reatriction upon the farther introduction of slaves into our State for any pur pose, or under any possible circumstances. The question here may be asked, why do they not go for too insertion of a constitutional provision, pre paring the way and means of getting rid of slavery? answer frankly, that I do not believe they could *leaky elect, next August—the time when they are 'to elect the members of the ' convention to Aisne the now majority of the con, ',motion, who would he pledged to go for the inser .. On attach a provision. While on the other hanti, Tdo believe they can Sleet q minority pledged to '61:1 for the open statue. This wu the °pinks of the,convendon of emizelpatiordsti, lath& son , 7100 In. Frankfort in las,A.prlllTM7 ma so determine what the friends of the cause through. oat the State should fight for in the coming convene, and they had to choose between the - open clause and the insertion of an article providing directly for prospective emancipation. Composed as that convention was, of men of decided ability and talent, coming from nearly all section/of the State, they could and did determine which manatee they could moat likely obtain a majority of the State to to for. Their determination was in favor of the open clause, and this is the first specific object for which they are fighting. We emancipationists, by leaving the question of emancipation or no emancipeuon out of the present issue, do not thereby give it up. We obtain, in the mean time, by getting the open clause, the means of constitutionally reaching the „subject hereafter, which we could not do wader the present constitution. If we were now to try emancipation before the great jury of the people, this cause would likely be lost; whereas, if we postpone it n year or two, with the light which will bo abed upon the subject by the press and from the stump, It may he carried before them in triumph and success. If our constitution be closed on this subject, we are entirely powerless in re— gard to the whole matter, and defeat would be certain if wo make the direct question at the pre sent time. We go for the insertion of the law of '33, with additional restrictions, into the Dew con stitution, because it wcti'd prevent as rapid an increase of slaves as there would be if the emi gration of slaves from other States was unin terrupted, and there will therefore be a mach less number to emancipate, when the day for emanci pation comes. This law was always popular, and enjoyed the coefidence and embodied the will legislatively expressed, of a large majority of our people. There is one thing connected Inseparably with emancipation HI the mind of every emanci pationist with whom I hove ever talked; in short, it In a condition precedent to giving freedom to the block rocs: I mean, deportation of them from our soil. I know that the sympathies and tender heartednes.s of curtain persons are very much excited against what they charitably denominate our class view. and violemce in forcing the black race to leave our sod. But we ask not their sympathies, and we loathe their fellowship. It is our repjzord identity with these extunsively tender hearted gentlemen, which furnishes our opponents with their principal argument and rally iug cry. But we wish our intercourse with them to be like unto that which existed between the Jews and Samaritans. I have no doubt that if these sympathseic'gentlemen would let on alone, and let ua fight our own banks, we would succeed much more easily in the accomplishment of our object than we will otherwise do. Their conduct furnishes weapons and men to perpetunliam in Kentucky, which it could not otherwise procure. The very ercessirs seal of these men thus indirectly hinders and obstructs the object they profess to desire with so much vehemence. I would say before closing, that if any one has fallen into the egregious error of expecting emancipationists tn . our State to go for the immediate abolition Di slavery thert, that thry ere hopelessly ignorant of the character and lee ling* of the men who compose that party. More to morrow. INQUIRELIS. From Me SI. Louis Republican May I LAM vaov CIIIIMALIVA, SCCTA Ft, dm—Mr. Win. Curtis Skinner arrived is tius city yesterday from Chihuahua and Santa Fe. We learn from Mr. S., that he left Chihuahua on the 20th of March, at which time there was no news of any interest in that department of Mexico. The commerce is Chihuahua was in a deplorable condition—stues to any extent being only made at exceedingly reduced rate& Cotton goods were sold all 5 to 16 cents. Very little was being done at the old mines 111 the extraction of silver, but some mines have been re cently opened which bid fair to produce largely. The Apache Indians continua their depredations upon tee inhabitants of the State of Chihuahua with greater Impunity than ever. The Congress would, it was summed, pass a law restricting foreigners from retailing merchandise within the State. An almost eotire monopoly of the commerce o(the city by the Amermars bus occs wooed great Jealously on the part of the people of Chihuahua, and hence the demure to cripple the trade by this measure. If parited.;ll would not exist a month. A letter from Clashnshurt uya Two companies or panic. are berecistbeirerny to California; ono is from Tex. and the other from Massachusetts. They are ell fine looking young men, well armed and equipped for the Journey. They will len ve in a few days, having stopped here to recruit their animal. and lay in a supply of pro vision. for the road. Mr. Skinner lett 9aota Fe on the I.sth of April, company with others They brought in a Treat of ten wagons, with about Si 25 000 in specie and late• hon. All wee quiet in. Santa Fe when this party left. The powerful tribe of Indians in the northern part of New Mexico, known as the Enawn. were in open hostility with The citizens of WC United States, and several encounters had been bad with 'U.S. troops, detachments of which had been rent out by Col. Wiulaington against them. For the better protection of the frontier, Col. W. Lad nu 'Scribed the raising of five or six compaaiee of el unteers. Three or lour had already been organis ed and rent to different stations. Trade was very dull in Santa Fe, and goods could be bought, at the time tins party lea, cheap er than they can now be porunbly transported to that place from the Ewes. The party had received no molestation from the Judi.. Mr. & says the gram is good end water unusually abundant on the route. _ - - The can.. of Sew Mexico aro very indignant nt the impudent claim net up by Texan to the dun► auction over their territory; and are deeply chagrin. ed, that the hate Congress did not make tome pro vision for the establrahment of a civil government over them. In Santa Fe, there was a good deal of excite. meat on account of Major Beale attack upon the Entew Indian. Many citizens think that these diffi culties origionted through mirmanuagement nod lei prudence of Governor Washington. His admits 'ration as Governor is not at all liked., it bears no comparison with that of Major Beal. A great many of the best itif,rated citizens of SantaFe ore very sanguine on the subject of the Sangre de Christi gold mines near that place. They have not the least doubt that they will prove no good as any in CAS - meta. An expedition wan fitting out as this company left, far the purpose of making commies eons, and working them. In the early part of the month, Lient.WhineLsey, lit Dragoons, with n portion of hm company, en countered a war party of the Eutaws, near the Ito Colorado,and mated them. Lient.Whittehley had two of his men killed; that 01 tho enemy, an far an could be ascertained, was tan killed and several wounded. TJE Santa Fe Republican, of the 31st, stales that Dr. Kearns and 'Bill Williams,' the well known mountain guide, were recently murdered by a band of Eutaw!, Dr. Kearns and Wilhelm let Taos in search of the scientific instruments and other property lost by Colonel Fremont. On their re turn, they encountered a party of Indians, suppos ed to be the same with which Lieut. Whittelimy bad the engagement, and they were killed by them in retaliation Lieut. Taylor, with a party of Dragoons under hs eorumrmd, stationed at Albuquerque, arrived at zlanta Fe on the 30th March, henna , in charge tune or tan ADerieans who had been engaged in plunderlog wuntry bet Ween Albuquerque and Tome. A large party were to leave Santa Fe is a few Jays (or CaJigornia. Cotreap°!Wetter of the St Louie Republican /NDETIVIDENCS, May 13, 1518. The past hes been a gloomy week in Indepead• coca. Its streets and bulkiness places, which for some Limn previous have been all animation and bustle, now present in contrast a desolate appear ance. Emigraats have hastily moved to the plains, some of them,' fear, without making the aecesos ry provistoas for their comfort and proteetioa. The cacao alibis sodden change, and the apathy manifested by all, was the appearance oral, chol era in our audit. During the week I have heard of filly knit deaths, the larger poruon of which occurred la camp, stud some as far as eighty miles out. Information from the camps beyoed that distance report them m good health; such u were affected with chole ra, when nearer the settlements, have recovered entirely. As many companies will yet pan your city for California, it may be for their information and ben efit to state, that the supply of stock in this market, which a few weeks since exceeded the de.oand, has beta entirely exhausted. Other necessaries for the emigrants are in very limited supply. Until recently, nearly the whole emigration in tended logo by the South Pan. The line number emigrating has changed the coarse of ■ great many, and from what I can 1111Cenlitl, suppose that at lent Wee thousand person will take the Santa Fe route. This division of the emigration will be of great relief tio aIL Up to Ulm period, at lead Courteen:thootand per sons have arrived at their various places of ren• dercous, and are ready or have moved to the platen Daticulnea have arisen in several of the companies that have started, though no serious moment. The wagons of some, fortunately, have (tiled them before travelling eighty miles. I say fortunately, for had this calamity overtaken them when beyond means of submarinea or remedy, their situation would have been mode critical to the extreme. The little town of Kanzas, sibb,h lout meal[ was all businese and contusion, is aim nearly depopula ted. Business is wholly suispended, and many of its' eitaens who left. This apathy tru caw ed by thirteen persons dying during Friday and Saturday last. Since that time, however, but few deaths have occurred. In St. Louis, on Tuesday evening, the 13th in.., of congestion of the brain, In the lath year of his age, Mr. Bum Wain - walnut, of the firm or& and S Wain ...gin, of the Fulton Brewery Mr. Wainwright bat been a resident of St Louis for about 17 years In that period, he bus been called to fill several public trusts, having been frequently elect ed a .umber of the City Council, and having held du - - farm:a CIACI. an our VOl.ther Companies and the Fire Department. In hie public, as in hie private life, he ofalwny• governed by a lallOt mew of inane* and ght. (lendeinanly and courteous In his bearing to every on active and industrious in the pursuit of his boidners---his prosperity may be Judy referred to ea an instance of the value of their quedlues. Mr. IVain. aright leave. a wife and several children, and many friends, to lam.' a dispensation which L. removed blot from the .eeee of his usefalneas lathe meridiem of life, and when, to all appearance, many years of hap. pianos were In store forhitri here. In St. Louis, on Saturday, the ISIS inst., of cholera, Ur. .14303) 5- hPßonat.e, for many' yenta Cu =UIOOI broker of Mat city. Biudatia Ito re *lll be .topported for the °dice of Brigadier Generel et Q. Bratuul election. Election Ann .111enday, 4th 'day of June. ntylbinittertditB S. Ouzo, °Vices. UGAR-119 LOA; N 0 Mtgar, itoiYinLand for sale 0 by ON 4 0 U GRANT Dr virtue of sundry snits of Venditioni Erponas and Levan racism issued out of the District Court and Conn of Common - Pie. of Allegheny Conroy, .d to me directed, will be expos. to sale Rothe Court House to the City of Sittsbunn o on Monday the 18th de/ of June. A. D. 184.9, at In o'clock A. Al., the follOwlng .. r d Property, to Al that certnio two story frame dwelling boost, 18 feet on Ann street, and 30 feet deep, sold .ass is e rected on a lot sou we in Me First Ward of Allegheny City: Beginning co e corner of Ano etrett, and running parallel with .aid street 19 feet; throne to Isabel:. Curt 53 feet. hem part of lot No. 175 in Robinson's lower plan of lots in said City. Seized .d taken in execution n• the peleirly of William Green, at the snit of Lyman ALSO, All the right, title, otereet, ind claim of Aaron Broad. of, in. and In a certain lot of ground, Innate in Resent township. bounded and described so follows, viz atßeginninr a corner on the County Road lending through the village of New Troy, no the East ride thereof; i hence In lend of Thomas Southerly 84 perch es to a Poo: thence by lend of Herr West 7 perches to o lost: thence West by hue of Cooley 17 perches to a post at the line of en,d road; thence by said road East. erly P perches and 54 links to the place of begimiing. on which is erected e factory; being the sortie piece of ground which Dunes Garrison do Wife, by deed dated July zu. linT7, and recorded to deed book, vol. GI, page Intl, conveyed to the said Anton Broad.— Seized and taken in execution so the property of Aaron Broad, at the siot of John Nieholsha. All the right, title, interest and claim of Rensaiser N Havens, at, 111, to, and out of all that certrun piece of gmund sonata in the City of Allegheny, being part of tot. Nos. 11 and 14in Keovrtis subdivision of loth Nov 1,2, 3,4, 14, 15, IN 34. IN 38, 37, 57, 59, 59 end 001 n R. 4419011'0 plan of out lot No. 91, In Reserve tract, be ginning at the diatom., of GO feet from Lacock MVOs on the Eastwardly line of lot No. 12 In sold subdivi sion; runtung thence 34 feet 41 inches parallel with said I.ncock street, and to the centre of said lot No. 11, thence Southwardly Gil feet py a line parallel with the Eastwaldly line of said bit No. 11 to a2O feet Alley: thence Castwardly by the line o ll .oid Alley to th e Easivvardly line of lot No. 12, 31 eet 49 inches, more or teas thence to place of beginning. embracing one fourth part of the whole of into No. 10, LI, end 12, in Reown's subdivision. Four other lots of ground to subdivision of aforesaid subdivonon, bounded and described m fol terassi—The first beginning at the corner of Robinson and Grantham sts, running parallel with and on Robin son at about 18 lb end 8 inches thence Narthwerdly par allel with Grantham st, to a g 0 It Alley ICC feet thence parallel with said Alley Fe 11 and ti inches to Cheatham at; and thence parallel with Grantham st 100 ft to place of beginning, being part of lot No. ID ins— subdivi mon, upon which is erected a small frame tenement and stable, the second lot being composed of parts of Id and 17 in Known*. aubdivi•ion, commenceang rat the Westwardly corner or lot formerly owned by \Valiant Boyd on Robinson Street and miming Westwardly along Robinson street lb feet and 0 inches; thence Northwardly 100 feet parallel with Grantham street to said 20 feel Alley thence Eastwardly parallel with said Ailey IS feet l inches It line of lot of said Boyd: end thence parallel with line of said lot, 100 feet to plate of beginning, upon which is erected two frame tenements_ Third piece embracing pert of lots 15 and 1G in subdivision elorestud. commenting at the distance of 10 feet and 9 inches from the IVostwerdly line of lot of IFllliam Boyd nioresald; thence running along anti yarallel with Robinson street inn Westwardly di rection 1 9 feet ands inches. thence Nonhwardly 10,1 feet to a2O feet Alter , thence Mond stud Alley in an Eastwardly direction 18 het 8 inches, thence South wsrdly parallel with Grantham street Mk feet to plane of beginning. upon which one erected two small frame tenements. Fourth piece of property being composed of part of lot No. 15, commencmg at a thstmee of 37 feet and 1 inches from the Westwardly line of lot of Boyd aforeseid; thence running Westwardly per.illel WWI 1i011i04311 street IS feet d inches to property now Of Isle of Jetties Anderson; thence running Northerard ly pantile' with said Anderwris properly 100 feet to • 20 89, Alley; thence in an Bestwenlly direction pore , RI won said Alley 10 feet and a inches to line of last desaribed lots; thence Southwardly parallel with Gran tham Street towards Robinson street 100 feet, to place of beginning. upon which is erected a soil frame ten ement Sensed and taten in execution so, the property of Renseleir N. Havens, fit the soot or A bruin II Hoge. llamoel H. Hartman. and John Hartman, doing bust s Hoge A.Hartmens, for use of mini Hartman. and Thomas 11. Hoge and Wilhelm Bell, Assignees of A. H Heise All that certain two story inane dwelling Loom with stone cellar. situate in the borough of Shsrpsburgn, containing In front art Trunty street In said borough 30 Ire:, and extendtag hack 21feet, between Penn and Clay street, and cuataming b rooms and cellar kitch en, and the lot or piece of ground and cartilage s purtenant to raid building Seized and taken in execu o. torn as the property of IVilliam Swans, owner, Sc, at the sun of Joseph Ham. _ All the right, talc. interest and elalca of Cyrus Me -11. of, In and to, all those four lota of ground, sit uate In Julio linownts plan of buddt g lots, nthoirsong the borough of Birmingham, and marked and number ed as Nos. 54, 65, 56 • nd 6n, said lots Nos. 5455, and 02 frog each 20 feet in width or front or. Herron, .7 pros's, acid rucusbug back with Mary street CO feet to me hoe of lot No. Ca. and the said lot 62 being ISO feet in front on Mary street. and running back ailing the Fnoterly ends or those first mentioned lots GO feet; said four lots betog csougnons and 'chitty bounded and ste 'embed as foil nest beginning at the corner of lot No. 65 on Ilsrmony Steen,; thence along said street South erly Go feet to Mary street; thence with slid suer, Eastettli 9.0 feet m the comer of lot I , on. Mt thence with she line of semi lot Nontlt‘nordly ttO feet to the enr sr f lot Nr.57; thence in • liar parallel swath !Sari street Easterly 80 tort to itann-Sty street et the pl., of tr• mist int Petted and taken in execution as the prop r. t of Crum McDowell, at the suit of John Drown All the right, tole. interest and claim of Jacob I..ate• man, on tn. to. and out of . tl. that cerium Roof ground. sous. :n the b ouch of kleneltester. n. d hounded ant: Cesentind a,iollov - a becinclog no Market street an toe plan of said borough at the dtstance of t feet from toe comer of Strapson and Ferry streets to said plan. thence Nerth by in, lane of La. street lost aforesaid 24 feet; then. East at right ankles mob said street lOU fret to Lou,,', Alley in said plan. thence bath aka g toad Alley b 4 feet. thence Weal 100 feet to the place of beg - inning. Paired and taken In execution as the pro try of latch Lowman. 4, the soft of Charles M. iticwart for use of Rev N. Callender. the right, tine. interest and clam of Joseph Itlc. Manny, dear, iu the hands of his Adrnhustratore, Her. the Meklureey and Joseph Purgeen, of. In end to all that lot or piece of ground in ndiominr property of John Kelso end Taylor's heirs, banish a cor tier lot. and fronting on the State road lending to Pup-- bomb. and contidnlng about half an acre of groom!, on which is erected a twto fram e dwelling htter with stone basement. Sc. , , being the anion hose and lot conveyed by the Plaintiff to said Joseph kleHor. my to his lifetime. Seized and taken in execution a• theproperty of Joseph Iticlfforray, deed, in the hem, of his admitiletrators, at the suit of !Samuel Hopper. AR that certain tr o story brick house, with base• meant, and aftvancd into two dwell/nes, situate on thn south side of Pastures alley, in the Sixth Werd,lhe preen Townsend and Fulton streets, bung 11' feet In front on maid Paarnres alley. and extending back lit feet, adnuntrut the property of Peter Wallace on the cast ludo. and the lot or piece of xrnund and curtilage appurtenant to said bedding Seized and taken in ex. rcutinn art the property of Witham Simms, owner, and Peter Wallace and Robert Nelson, contractors, lee., ti the suit of -Neon* Mercer. ALSO, All the right, Otte. Interest and chum of fleecy Wel lace, of, in and to all that certain lot Or pigme of ground situate in Inc Reserve tract appestat Pittsburgh, boun ded and described as follow 4, vim Beginning on East Lane, at the thatance of al feet 7 inches from !edition street, mtd running timme north to propkty of Logan'. beim 14 feet 7 Inches' thence !along sind property enca ICat feet to an feet eller. thence south 14 feet 7 inch es to a point 30 feet 7 mattes from Jackson "men thence 100 feet to the place of begmning—being part eI the Same lot which ftwhard Woodward and Lydia has wile, by deed dated May la. 1a49, and recorded in the office for recording dead, in and for said coanty, eonrayed to the sold David llPLean, D. Seized and .kert an ekeenuon ae the property of Henry Wallace, at the cult of John Ilegme's Eire , All the mg. Otte interest ALSO and claim of John M'Afee of, In and to all that certain tract of lank, situate in Pm and Mai. f Wilknis and Pectiles,) and dew: ri • bed a. toll , we, to wit. Beginning on the Monongahe la river at a post, and running by hinds of Thomas and Nancy Nolands 141 degrees, east 133 perches to a poaq thence by land of the late John Fame south 35 deg. east SO perrhes to a post, thence by lands of Dr. Mc- Donald'• beim youth M I deg., west 16 perch. to a dog wood Rump; thence south a. 1 deg. west rib perches to a walnut• ' thence south 72/ deg. east 22/ perches to et black oak, thence south 751 deg. west 43 perched to ei atone; donee south 361 ilety. t 14 perches to the mid river; arid thence tenth al d e g. west 1.8./ perch es alone said river to the place of begitining—cordalw in/ 3u sore, strict measure, being the mane which Thomas Noland and wife, by de. dated :Starch sth, 1936, and recorded to deed' boat td, page 481. Seine d and taken In execution as the property of John Ill'Afee, I at the toll of Dr. J 11. O'Bryan. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and Mann of Robert Snodgrass, of, in and to all that certain tract of situate in Lower St. Clair township, Iteginntng at a post at the comer of lemil now or formerly owned by Jane and Elizabeth Snodgrma running thence south Gi, west 130 nerd.. to a poet on the line of land now or formerly owned by Mirth and Snodgress; thence along said line youth c7 l mein. 0 perch. to a post; Menne north 77 deg west 47 pore., lo n post; thence 64 east, 037 porches along the line of land now or formerly owned by Itubort Snodgrass, to a peatq thence north 574 deg. caw CO perches to the Mace of beginning --oontatning 51 acres and 100 perches, all the coal thereunder being reserved to John Belford, the grantor of Robert Snodgrass. Seised and taken inexecution as the property of Robert Snodgrass, at thy, lilt of Owner, P. Ran.. and Robert Woods, Fgqs. ALSO. All the right, Isle, interest and claim of Hem=ln D. Hunter, of, in and to, or out of all those seven couttg• lions lots, satla Joh Brown's plan of lots above and near to t h oroug hof Birmlnghsui, and number. eil in sold plan as luta Nos. y 9, 30, 31, u 33, 31 and M. being bounded en the south by a street 60 feet wide: on the west by Wayne street; nn the north by Virgin alley. 01 feet rvnle; and on the east by lot N 0.30. eoc anung Jointly la width or front on sod 199 foot Street. IPS feet; end running back with Wayne street HO feet o Virgin sl'ey—r•id seven lots tieing each *4 feet in 'this, and in depth NO feet. Seised and taken to et • elation es the property Of Deojarrdo D. Hunter, at the oft of John Brown. AllO, All the right, title, Interest and claim of George s. ails, of, in and to the blowing deuribed lot of ground tWato In rho city of Piusbargh, Pa., marked in CiL Woods' general plea or said coy No. ISt. bounded on the north by Front street, on the east by lot No. 150 L. said plan, on the entolt by Water street, and on the west by lot NO. 160 In said plan, extending in width on Water street .0 feet and or depth to Front strut 167 feel, more or leen. Also, all dui other lot of grorind in said coy, marked to Col. Woods , plan thereof as No ISt bounded ou the north by Front et. on the cut by Redoubt obey. on the south by Water street, and on Me west by n or 10 151, exit nding in hrearith on Wa ter street 40 feet, and depth parallel with Redoobt alley 157 feel, more or hiss, to Front street, on which said two lots are crewed a steam mill, plough manu factory, and other valuable buildings. And also, Cll that other let of ground in said oily, bounded a. Degnoongak enroer of Liberty . reef and of marl s od No Mt in Col. Woods general plan of said coy, and running along the line which divides It from No. 1,4 in wild plan, northwardly 124, mere at less, to an alley 10 feet Wide, then,. along sod alloy west, Wardly 30 feet; thence southwardly in a ling parallel I with the line which divides stud lots Nos. 123 and 104, I 112 feet, more or less, to Liberty street; and thence along Liberty street eastwardly to the beginning—the I said last Mentioned lot being the eutwardly pert of Lot ha. 1.11 to said plan. together well the buthilngs thereon erected. Seized and taken In execution as t e nroperty of George M. Evans, at the sun offhand lighey. ' All the right, title, Interest and claim of Thomas Neel, Of. in and 40 all that certain mossame or tram of land situate In East Deer township, bounded on the north by H. 11 Brackenridge, and en the nut by 'ands of William Ross and other., on the eolith by lands of said William Ron and Kennedymd on the weal by land of said H. H. Drectearldge, containing eighty acres, More Or less, being the name reassaage or (rut of land now In theocedpancy of said Thome. Neel, oa whlab le greeted a brick dwelling house, ther with a llama bum and other out buildings. Raised and taken in execution at the property of Therm Neel;'at thr sun of Samuel ldait d. All the riala, title, interest and shim of Jolla, Mc- Millen, of, in and to, mat out of ail that carrell ot or p i eesof frond situate La the Rheatram opposite the Lorthera lateutleaLtsow Plkb Ward of PittitiatiAl beteg lot No. 'JD In the plan of lota laid out by, Warner, Jacob Painter and V. Lorene , "containing in Rant on Liberty street 40 feet, era encoding bark 70 feet, more or less, to an .11,1 on erected' house, being the game Int which Wm. Pettit, by article of auesount dated Jan. Itch, 181 t, and Na,. 8, 1840, convoyed to said Jogs WMallea. Seised and it. ken in ateeadan ix the props of Jelin irnaleam, al the nan of John W. Banrell'sAd'arr. • ALSO, All the right, title, inter and eleim of Robert Haz lett, oil in sod to th e f crwing described piece of ground gleam in the Res reit tract in said county, op posite Pittsburgh, to win Seeming ar al point ItIO In t from the line of the North Common; thence north 121 degree* wan, 454 teet to the Nunnery line; thence north 76 degrees, east S 4 feet 6 Inches to Fleming stre-n thence south 1:11 degree., creel SS , feet: thence rtn Fat degrees, watt 9.5 feet; thence south 761 deg. we•: HO} feet to the place of beginning, sublem to a 60 tt•et street at the foot of said ground, running from Federal street parallel with the common - line, told the Nunnery line, being mom or less in the several lines. Seised and taken in execution as the property cf Ro bert Has:ep, et the mit of John Benny. ALSO, Ail that certain two story brick bulldin,e, alatatp in the city of Pinebargh. on the east side of Wylie street, between Fifth and High Streets, adjoining the property of Willie= Flree. containing in front on WY Ite ace. , 'Xi fent, end to depth about al feet—and the lot or piece of ground and curnlage eppertmarn thereto. Seined and taken in eXcaltaa as the property of Same, S. Liggett, owner or reputed owner, at the salt of John IYaker--and to be .old b OHN FORSYTH, Sheri Sheriff's Ogee, Ma J y 23th, ultn—my26;wfttS TO LET, nTHE Dwelling House on Third street, above Smithflab:towel:Tied by the family of the late Dr. A. N. HYDowell. Possession given on the July next. Also, some huge lot of Freund in the Ninth Ward, bete-ren the Fiat, Ward and Crogliansville suitable for blather yards. JOHN IV DARLINGTON, niriethltf At D. Darlington's, Fourth et SEGARS-100 by Regalin,• 100 do Prlneipee, and M./ do Antignefah, Just nerd and for cola by my:St JOHN WATT & Co, Liberty et V!:fT.ittTls bbl. pare c'd7ovizW:Mt*."c:''' LARD OIL—IO bbbi IV P Brown & Co's; IGdo Union AliHa do. in- store and for *ale by ay% JAMES DALZE.LL, 21 Water at IVT . O. 2 MACKEREL-52 Ws in More and for solo by my2o A D.AUZELI. DIIIED APPLES—UV bnabels dried apples. In . 1011,1 and far sale by cared J. DALZELL. BACON -4 bzt prime Baron, pat recal and for tale by my2B H GRANT V 0. MOLASRES--2IXI bbl. Plantation Molluscs, landing from stun. Aaron Hart, and for We by corr. JAMES A HUTCHISON • Co G LABS-400 has Sxlo Window Glass; 300 do 111019 do; 100 do 10 014 f n i ir I L% i d i zi for use re. by myY6 Day APPLE3-20D bush for mac by m) &I 8 F VON BONNHORST & Co E&TIIERS-400 bbl. for tale by F my - go S F VON BONNHOEST & Co CIHEF.SE-20 bas far sale by [1 , 1)1N F VON BONNHORST & Ca DOCK POWDER-150 kegs for sale by me2o 8 P VON BONNIIORSTCo -- SCYTHE. INEATHS-25 dor for sate by fora_ S r VON BUNNEIORST k Co -r_TAx Mil , by 1 , 1_01y20 S I VON BONNTIORST & Co ROLL BVTITH-10 bble fresh. for sale by tar..o F VON BCNNLIORST h co WINDOW 94.91i—tICUU lights for sate by myna 9 F VON BONNSIOHST Co FLOCK -?5 Obis 9 F Fionr,ii,osol?,Witur by oar iei Innter o.nd 15 Front rt 4OLA.9.9.—tuu NO Plantation Ma/asses, for IVI sale by oyl6 L L WATF.RNIAN bbd. prima NU Sugar, for LARD—It bbl. N o m - 18 L" 451'.4V°A4.tRfARA7r RUsTaTle b R—B bble m fresh Roll 117 . 1tr i Me.s,c3Nor I.ORUIT—Riu bo.h dned Pesebe. (halved zto do do APPIo.; for sole by mrai LS WATERMAN rpoaArco-20s boxes 5 Lump Tobacco, some of I which are of the most superior brands, just reel on comeaument and for sale by myRI L s WATE4 ALN SIINDRIF-l2 sacks %Vb.; 9 Mils Rye:l d Flax seed; fiu bbls whve Beans; 2 do Hickory uhts, for Sate by my2l I. 8 WATERMAN. ? „ 1 - . E , A.0 ,.. 1. - a l. r -4 few bbl. prtri.,RwArblity4ll,4tore , IMS AND BUCKETS-45 dosEdokets: odo Tubs. I llorgo;) 4 do Keeton, for sale by mr.Al L t 4 WATERMAN. , b TOTS YARNS &43-12,030 lbs , aasonerl Nos., yarn; 140bn e s Swung; Caudle Irtck—Carpet chtla sad Couon tone, for sal. by uly26 RHEY, MATTHEWS & Co, 79 Water st - 7a HITE BEANS-70 bttbt fn. solo low to elosecoTa TV lognatems, by RHEY, MAITHEWS & Co. )RT m 1" ,. .: . D r. 1 , .. RLIT :Ty 2Lll a tug : ls hi P: acla w M inree 12LAXrrEED-19 bbl. lost recd, and for sale by _my XIATTHEWI4 k Co. tOR.N URDONIS.—,SO dos. just rsc'd, and for sale by kt HEY. MATTHEWS & Co. PUT ASH-11 cabs fast BOIL .de by rtH H HEY, Al ATTHEWS 4. Co. tXMCHINGS-43 calm for •o(r by my . 2T. ITHEY, MATTHEWS k Co. L'lBll--40 bble No .I Mackerel; 21 do No I ;lead; 45 j; do No 1 Herring, goo recd and for gala by MATTIIEWn S. Co I„)10 NILTAL -230 tons Cold Blast; 45 do Hot do, just LL recd sod tor sale by _rt.y2o LLBEY, MAITILEWB k Co. MONDAY PACKET FOR CINt INNATI. aet ""' AIR gl' i al d .Vß'c' " , " ' ngs' .1 Knts, master, will leave for the above an alt intermediate parts on Woodsy, the Wsh mit, at 10 ereloek s • it. lot freight or pamage, basing superior accommoda tents, apply on board. myo FOR ST.WM .— - hil Isacs The splendid light dranght steamer BEACON tt W. H. Connell, master Brill leave, as :above this flay at 10 o'clock, A. PL. mer:s("b' or pa"TElCl.ll3l2llt;''k*C7;.,kkg.,.. SUNDAY TRIPS TO BEAVER. , The U.S. Mall steamer MICHIGAN • No. 2, will leave the I.ti tag opposite 447„1,,,.-Y,-;1; the Monongahela Hon., every Ban • • -- • ay morning at 9 o'clock, for Beaver. Returning. win arrive at 5 o'clock, F. M. Fare to Bayer and back, Twenty-five Cents. inyM REGULAR WHEELING PACKE - F. ci a L The Gee . steamer , . ZACHARY TAYLOR, Lucas, master, will hereafter run as • war paeket from Pitteburgh to Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday, Wenner day mid k'riday, Forireightnr: passage ninny on hoard. arise SUNDAY TRIPS TO BEAVER. a 5.,,... The steamer BEAVER will leave the wharf, opposite the 1 1 /01104101411. hell House, every Sunday marling I 2 o'clock, for Beaver. Returning, will leave Seaver at I o'clock, P. AI., end writ.. at 4 o'clock. Fare , • Twenty-five Ceuta my 24 ___. ____ =!2l rrt DE SANATORY BOARD deem it their duty to In a apse the public of Me h assuring city: And doing so have the pleasure ofe cit izens, and the public ist large, that no Cholera exists in oar midst, nor has there been • single ease angina ling here, so for as the Board have been able to ascer tain, and they have sought information from the best and most reliable sources. But while they congracm. I tie our citizen. in being thus mercifully preserved I.bin the ravages of this dreadful epidemic, they atilt urge upon them the necessity of observing the utmost vigilance in their attention to clemliness about their premises. The Hoard a well satisfied from good authority that Liar is one of the best purifying agents that eau be , used 111 nealrealinig the egreels of . the 1111.an0111110014 eWoetu glar.r. prevailing In thickly plipplaind clues. ' TN, Board II about making estrangements to have I IL full supply eon of Lune constantly on hand, so that eve- • IV (study be supplied In such quantities:us they may want (or this purpose, by calling on any member of the Board. It will be sapplied at the lowest price, and those who may be tumble to purchase will be sup. piled genus JOHN 11.1'0ILL, ALLEN CORDELL, I' M. W. LEWIS, C. YEAGER. IV): hare some PUMPS, made on an improves V plan, Ito a. not to freeze m the coldest weather. Persona wanting curb articles, are Invited to call and sec thh SCAIPh ATKINSON'S, . z lot, between Wood Market sts UNDlill - S—l3 bids No I Lard; M winks Feathers; tj I do Wool, t do teseng, now landlrg from mew Euphrates, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, nortS Front at 1,51 ANTILLAS—F. Fl. h7.-troa & CO., keep constantly on hand, or mate to ontler, Silk alatmllaa of er e, pattern, and'of any color dealrable. Also, Man.. uun St•rfs, a new style. F.mbroldering, scolloping, ruining. marking, and all kinds of fancy needle work executed loonier at their store, No CS FOOrth street, between Wood and Market my 23 LigENs—w. li. m w o, invites the b ir o, R:t,lloemultti.nt;intezitai.,,,onlyofrebNievr:d,no,,bls anssotatxtitit.of ,m; of a kuporiOr flake. Also, r•hrts ;o ton neutrally, tech as Table Diaper*, of of different widths, and at oatmeal!) , low prieec— Itim,chert Linen Table Cloths, also moth lower than err r before otfcred; Linen, Pillow case 1.401m0, Dia per. and Crash for towelling, &a &e. 'San, Felt:mem Down, for summer bedspread.; samrtur colored Raja; low priced do, aad white Connterparres, at very low pride fob qoallty—at north east corm rOl Ith and Market are. Wholtmale Roane op .tittrz. myth) W ANTED, at dm BALTIMORE, PITILABELFRIA, YOUR ROS roN AND NEW oFILF:ANe fiENE It AL A t.ENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, 'hound )Ik:..sf In wholesale and retail Uwe; and other sespectsble Luatnese, to pet as Boot-lreepors, hale. awn, Porters, IlaT•keepers, Wantre, Farmers, Coach- Ltr Agents, Root and Map Agent., Collectors, Ore seer in al/ branches of busi•was, Sc. We beep et ell tine. a Mtge number of good aituatione on hand, womb pay from 300 to 82,0:0 Per amain. Thee, i n want of situations of auy kind would do well to give call, as we have imams in each of the loose el tir,, which will enable us to place every applicant in a sattaLia alliance at the shortest notice. We have o !arse acquaintance in all the above named eines, which we trust will enable ns to give entire unarm non to ell who may favor on with • call TAYLOR is TA YMAN, No, lib Helmut at, betWee.4 Rooth and Gay. B —pervons Ihrteg in goy pArt qf the E. States, anti wishing to obtain a altoon in Baltireem, or ei• the r of Me above cities, will have their want. home. diem ly•ttended to by addressing os a hoe, (poet-Geld) as by . 0 ,t o u, they will cartel both unable and ex pen,e, whinh hey zit] Incur by ecullog to e city, and seeking crop i r,, for ea 4dtiress, 4 TAVNA.N, e 1.59 Second street, my2s:thf 514 ISlERit—Blaek and cent nut, oiaok and colkt Ingrain, black, bnswn, slate and white Conon Ito,e; Children ' Fancy w hite r slate, brown and bib Steektngs; Gents Vigarth, merino and cotton 800 for Ws • wholesale and retail, by ka' If 441'0N/a CO, FOOTIIi at, m4' 25 between Weed and Market AR atiOLS—A small lot or well .elected Parasols arettlcry4 foe-sale at tadaced prices by ra7a P EATON la Co, MI Poona st GLOVES -A large 1 1.1011=901 of ladies and rents Ma, Nenpatinn and embroidered Bilk, Lisle, Cot too freEtteCt.Cfcanailemr.,,d,i4„tvz..74,='.. • •••• II EATON & Co*TriourlielOtore, 1 71FIAMINCI.S,Blaeit wad .01'4 Priam Oraia, Braid, ctut llama; alarm tbr Ws at • . EATON on Ranh at ainnosig=ie .m 3 Chrome Yellow, Green sad 'l,' Red, for We by istSl J BClloofOldagt Co AuCOO' ,t1.8...P''. By John D.Davils./DoptIonooro:- tf Stay!. and Fame" Goa";;-?,-i On Monday morning, May MI, cla the Coma:metal Sales Roam, comer to of Wood and Finn screen will be sold, witiman , wom r , % rogga o k, carreey— A large assortment of freish ant seasonable staple and fancy Dry Good., among widen are so o ath., camarerea, minetts, tweeds, lemma, fartalzlMernne ring., black wain. dram alike, barage,d e !alas, min =tali., plaid sienna, super prima, Preach and Manchester gingham, :shawls and onlk hdlifs in great variety, bleached and Crown muslin., damask tme o table cloth, oneCks, tiekings, drilling., nottornades, no. Mary, gloves, sewing silk, spool cotton, banana, de. At 7 O'clock , Groceries, Qtreensware, Parainire, am. Yocum Hrs. Rod Imperial tea, eoree, No I shad, No 3 mackerel,•Va mannfactured tobacco, SPablell gat, No I palm soap, shovels, spade's., two and 'four pronged fotts,veninui and tray ipareat window blinds, mantel clock*, looking eau., carpeting, lamps, glass ware, dc. A largo and general assortment of hominoid and kitchen flunintre, kitchen uuosll., &e, istyM Large Sale ------- trge al Ciathsag, Fine Ming, three mynas credit' . On Tualatin* morning, 29th inst., rd 10 o'clock, at the Commercial & il ea Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth ate, will be sold without rererve, on a Credit 0(00 days for approved endorsed paper on all SIMS over IBM— A very large invoice of Clothing, Flee Shiva, composing to part, caper cloth, canimere, romans cloth, mohair, alpacas, eashusarett, crown cloth and tweed drew, (Wok and nook costa. black and fancy cashmere,setinel, CoUonade, Lumattine, RoxburyCalifornia, fancy check and Palo Alto ea. simere paints; "plaid cashmere, Palencia, black and fancy satin, lyons and commit veins; Pine linen Do coin, fancy and bias Merrimac, pink muslin, Union check and hickory shirts; MowndriU dratvem , also, d don Rough and Ready water proof sonthwestent. Catalogues can be obtained and clothing east:pined at the Auction Rooms. SOUK D DA,ns, Extensive Sale of Valushle- Bain, Lester and Cap Paper, Math Boob. .• . On Wednesday, Thursday . and Saturday evenings, 23d, 2lth. andleth fasts, delook, at the commer cial stake rooms, entries , of Wood and Fifth eta, will be sold R large collection °rasher's new his' ahniriovery department of litermuie and 140{BDCO, embracing Ma ny valuable worts on thuslogy, history, medicine, po etry, fiction and travels; elso•• super b collect= of eilita, crab , asp s, e tables, aliMar and Loa der edition.c Londoa teltanientli• with psalms and parapbmses, letter, commercial post, and cap paper, hill and half bound blank books, memoran dum books, !sc. royal JOHN , D DAVIS, Auct AIIUSEKNTS, • THEATRE. .nnd 3 /. 31 .13.....--ciai Porter. emu. .a. STAGE hipL623 pa- Th e CrienTlMliTVATrijt•A L . arrangement to give him a Benefit SASISIIDAT EVIZIAO L MAIM-- TIM LADY OF LE O 8. Clone Atelmine . Vannavar n. Pauline • .. i bliss Porter. To be followed by recitations from JACK CADE and the CARPENTIM. OP ROUEN. .. .. • To conclude arlth • . BLACK EYED - SUSAN: William Mr. Vanatavorm Susan. Miss Porter. _fp" Monday evening—The Miller and his Men. - EOAGE AllllOll, MERCHANT TAILOR; Mo. 46 Market street I IiffAVING purchased ao ezteosivomul carefully mr. .U.l !acted stock of Spring and . Summet Goods, the subscriber respectfully informs hie friends and .the public, that he is now preparing to reed. and exc rete their orders with dispatch, and AO the neatest, moat ,„, and fuluonehle meaner: • /isle la determined to do business eu the cash 'poem, he flat ters himself that he anti bo able to do work as cheap as it can be dorm at .yestablishmerit in the entrietty. Hls meek is varied, consisting of Casstmetes, Broad cloths, Vhstings, he., Which his friends are tespeetfulr ly invited to examine for themselves. dy.24Atf GEORGE ARMOR. WHiItSIG RS-.- Lttvering i h. h . d ., pulverized Sugam,jusi rood end for sale by the bbl or at retail, at the PekloTea store, 70 770 0nb at. mylbl F'S COPPEE—filoctot, African, Java, Lignite, Domingo and Elio Coffecejwit reed and far rale at the Poktn Tea Store, In Fourth at mylid brtlBl.rift AND FlCin—don eighth bee prime uto, sad OH small drams frau lgo, tun received and for owe at the Pekin Tea Stone 21:1 Foarth Wee. mynd rII.IOOOLATE, COCOA AND B O er,s fill Drama., No 1 Chocolate and Cocoa; aiso, Schtuita sweet spiced Chen:gate, just teed and for sale at the Pekin Tea. Store, 70 POcrih n. nayiffl 14 : ACKEREL—Iso bbls Large N— Elan. ash.. LVI sans inspection, in fine order, landing this morn ing and for sale by ROLSER773ON & REPPEJIT,. tuy2l:lot 11:9 Second' st ~{]OOL—Tpe highest puce In cash all tie, Ty different granes olden= washed wool., by mygt H LEE, Liberty at, opposite 5111 Sloth . and Tar. 50 7.1.1.N1,101 Her r ings, 010'Y 70 do No 3 Maokerel, (Ronan inspection) SO do N C Tar, in prima order reed and for sale by TAAFFE & cpecmirroa, mg2l:dlrn canter Penn and Wayne sts PL-t&-Dl-Lit'llANGEAßLgilLlSS—lual reed, olot of very hanivome changeable Silks, inc lu d in g some of a very superior quail y. which we sire sailing at very inferlor price. ALEXANDER & DAY, royal • 75 Market, N W ear of the Diamond BACON -13 bbd. assorted, now landing from stmr Dolphin, for sale by inra ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, Front at bbls No 1, now landing from mar Dol. phis for sale by nayni ISAIAH DICKEY d Co V570014—.3 seeks now 1=1.14 from mar Dolpbbs; g for .we by myyi isetsu DICKEY &Co FEATIIERS—;I9bigs now landing from iiniDol- ;Min; for sale by mysl ISAIAH DICKEY & Co LINSEED 01L—IS bbls Linseed oil, pore, gee order, for sale by niy2t J SCHOONALAIZER It Co QALLAD - CAL—Cf mperior quatitycha large and 0 all bottles and Musk*, for sale by I SCHOU:OIOMR & Co Q TIIRPENTINE— bbli in am order, for sale 0 by_ my2l J SCROD:IVA/SEE &Co R 00 42 - b l is , akß-20 bar s fizet , L - dizER k Co S TRAW PAPER -100 Ems extra Luxe straw Paper, for sale by J SCROONMARER & Co, myttl SW wood .t ERRINUS-5411 bx. No 1 Remota, landing from LI . tonal and for safe low to close co:mist:meat, by myl7 JAM} DALZELL, water st D F.FINED WlN't•kaLlgAlidLe. STAAINEDLAFID ..1.10 bblajoet redid and Inc se le by , myl7 • WA. R APJTJTCNEON P ° 2oo l dotriil 7 A eo N 1; 175 do de, g ' 4 .. 1 3;:d n 0 e d0 I 5 bbl. Fuse (or blasting, fOr sale by EY; • sera J DILWORTA &Co ' P - ktairAJTlli 111111: subscriber hos lust received at the Pekin Tea , 1 Store, 70 Fourth street. a very large and well se , Ireted smet of pare ORREN AND &LACK TEAS, I from New York, all of which has been received this country slase the One of February lest, eonelmiog of en the diderent geodes grown In the Celestial Ltripire. Our stock tieing am:mg the largest in the Wet, we are prepared to wholesale, on better terms than any other Isoll4o in the thy. ‘Ve invite 101411 grocer. to call and erernine oar stork aad once. They can have trimek , aaill lb packages, 5 lb tin canister, or by 1,,,,rat a ., to Mil their convenience. Our retail prices vary for Oolong, Black Team from Lo cra to 31, 5 0 per lb.; Ning Young Bourbon,. 50 cis; t•ongo 50, and Eltglisli Breakfast 50, Young Hyena, ustopowder end Imperiah from 35 cm. I. 81,05 per lb. Fanntles are requested to sead sad rat ample. of our Wai n and try them before pardwing. of mylo:d&svB A. JAYNDD, 70Poarth atter' TS tsl TEASII TEAMS' IT k with pleasure that the miltscribe-re • inform the mamas of Pittsburgh vi. cinny that they have completed *mate. ' meow wult Messrs. 7. C. Jenkins it Co., of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, And will hereafter be kept constantly on Fiend. They are neatly and securely pat M . up on metallic packs of and 1 lb, each, • lib their pouted cord—,showing the kind of Tea, price, name of the concern and depot in' Philadelphia , with en Invitatton to relent the Tea. if not liked. 0 , 1 Gunpowder M 1 55 1,00 1,25 1,50 S Iml 50 l,OO 1,25 1,50 ; Hymn 50 62{ 73 1,03 1,25 Y. Ryser, 50 e2{ "75 1,00 1,23 .1,5 A -37 a 60 aL4e..- Bi Fine a'k und exult Fine. .70 1,00 I,z 450 1 We will warrant all the TFAA 8 we sell to be equal to, if not itrIMIUOI tonny sold to This city, and a un t,' they net pone acceptable to the lute, they can be les tamed, and the money will be retooled, as tt is only math that understanding we sell We ask a raw 064 that the public may be able to j u d ge u,,,,,,, e 4a oar Tees and 1.116 heretofore sold by other conapatoo In Oda city. . , An lovers of rich,dehelowanogon llavored TEAS, should give on i VOL For side by JOB. S. ht. vomia 1. c o , N W earner 411. and Fitly *treat., and E YOUNG /k CO., i 8 W corner dd imd Rou street.. 1 myl9 dflmis RUdEPACIENrsei running at arge ra, the fields cooery apt to broke and injure themselves in many ways. They ire oftert„. disabled BO as to be aweless for a long time. If immediate an could be made of 0. A. Pahnestack & C 0.% ftobeLs cleat, and the indeed part well saturated, and the remedy rubbed in, It world give relief aad eau the pain No farmer should be without title celebrated medicine, as it Is alike healing to man or beast. Pre pared and sold by It 11 FAIINESTOCK it Co, comer of Wood and Ist err, also, corner OM and Wood. myl7 SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW SPRING' GOO*. A. A. MASON & CO., OSE PRICE STORE-NO. 00 MARKET EITREET-WHOLESALK ARM ABTAIL lA.• A S M t eC' r tie h reee mg m c m o otitenn=l b as 4 ! mg nosiness, am how prepared to eghibtt thine m um trade the most estensive stock of and fashion. able Imported and Amerman Goads they hare ever mfered in this city. Their large Shawl taboo, togeth er with another huge room, has been fitted op and ad. ded to their retell *summon; thereby mama them am ple room for No display of their Immense *met Being constantly In the receipt of noveGoods from their bonse to New York, they are enabled alwaya to offer the newest, latest and meet desirable go o ds, and at prices as low and as any boon la the country. Their stoat comitts N part of Pisa Hcnortro Preen °Contra itch Hemp., Tisanes, Aloamtea, Delphines and hlarnalseof new and elegant styles. Also, Pt:4 de Mean; Foulard Silks, Um d i , Lidos, Grenadines, rektor, Branthentete,Beoehn,Tenn Ma Nord, do fee Six Handled Ploceserfnew and riehatYkaAaeor th t e , Lawn, and Orqamtles..erdestehd dodgem. Bev. Hundred Places sad French Prints, my, e , Oilcans Cloth, Lima Ginglthnu, Chattett, fee. no . Pima eg Mental. g e .„,.. d End changeable Bilks, of entirety new ii.,„kZ - 711 4 r. bn ns n for dments, mumullasoks. of gape ; MO. Isom siOWLS—Casb Mixt, In 14,1 Bhawly Gros Mt friday Boic. de Bois, Cantosi o, Hde ilt Mr, Wood Pfau; Orenadmo sad WHITE GOODS— Cambria, - Jammed; Victoria Lawns, Book ami, Swiss !dolga Tatman, Fancy Check', LtnertlAVll,,. Dotted Mull mid Nair, °°v" M htAll tio ".‘ Ch LihOCI ants, mesley t. S ' lriatiati Um's, brat maks sratfailtit A =Vats mortar= of China Braid, 4S.s.ten.‘ STEAM BOATS. ~•1_ , . 1.1$.1•/.YJC3J4J, Arg, Sat e 0 A PACIEi LINE. pigwrg Inum' rim, aplendid poorly," Steam. sare composed of the begat errant, ben aided and thralshed, and most posterful beats cm dm mama of the West. Every maeredunnthulen end conk fort that money can procure, boa bean provided Go par, nevus. The Line hos beenin operadon far free pears -bee sanded a million of people ariihout the least tuee tptothelr penens. bows srUk beat Oho foot of Weed street the day promotes to staitimtor the recap. tie. or freifinial and ete entry-of passengers elkikerat tr," In aireue• the pacing. )lo .PY P°4l p is advance. suaromr .p.noktati ton ts,nAc NEwtoN, c=r+T o hic leave Pittsburgh every Sunday cl 4 air:t s oloo WhetHaa evary Boman tinning al or. May 0, 1947. --------- • • • ONDAM PAOITZT. The MONONGst LELA. Ow. arca; wal leim m a. l l; burgh every Monday morales et 14 o'clock; every Monday eveutag It 19 P. 14 I .• • TUESDAY. PACKS:X.. The 11113 ERMA No. a, Capt. J. Ku. trill leave 'itsburgh every Tuesday. meartingat t 0 o'e , Flquachayt every Tuesday mauls at 10 r.:X. - - - WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 2 erpt•: & 11l lc w i n leave Pius!) miry Walnestay Joni. o'clock; oven', Wednesday ovealog a .10 P. ■ . _ TIIIIILSDAY PACKET. • The BItILLIANT, Capt. Ours, stiU 141v41 . U. harsh emery Tharatlaysaorning atIO eVelee every Ttntrattay evetung at AT_ PACKET." The CLIPPER No. 2, Copt. Dtm, will km Plooburgh every niday mornioratlUo'oloclql;l7/mi Ilas . mr, Friday wromoz at 10 P.IE. ' • AV LISBON AND PITTSBURGH -DAILY LINN OP CANAL AND tyrzcSt raelcm, • . 1849. • I _ (vu ausaaw,)-- Uinta Pittaburgt dr.:4,419 Weleek,l:l Pd., and ay rives at Glasgow, linntahnfen Bandy and Beam Ca. nal,) at 3 deb:Oland New=snli, mime night. Leases Now Ushon at 6 - PAS (making the ~ trip canal the 01000 dwing Use ni%=Plasgew 9 demi, A. AL, and amves at: a: 3 P. ALtss snaking p h continuo= IWO for earryim pas. senders and freight between Now Lisbco: andMsw. bush, .hOrler.4lo and at Will intsWshen by any other. route. The proprietors et estate hassidai pleiswe °Pla =tte public this: they bassi fitteden twolint elan oats, for the acconunsalage . ot gaStengets and freight, to tun in termed= with tho Well - known Emmen CALEB COPE and DEAVIDP,send earmeet trig, es .Gbagols,.. with the Pittetnugh and Quid. nad and otherdaily Pines of /teams* down the Ohl° and blisslanippi :boa The -proprietor Pledge thane. selves to spare no expense or trouble to Ware coy for, safety and disq . m et, sad ask of the Wales: shave of then Penn tITEIORIZEDAOMD. O . lit RAIPTCN, • a. auumtran, Th iboTik• EL HANNA it Co. • rayllof PEARDAlkillik Co. ' I T "gm 'ORN have made NoncE—Ths iteamerlmerM t c. 15.. Clarke, mas. ter, vrid leave-altar this andel:y(9r We.divide • • • all: at a o'clock in the •• • • • . • 613 ------ } 5W119717119 AILLIANGEUMENTS for 11149. MONONGAHELA ROUTE. Only -79 Mlles Statiflnpg.. Via Brownsville and Cumberland to =him= and PhlladeLphim sIBE splendid and fastroman& U S Mall steamers ATLANTIC, cot/Parkinson; BALTIC; Capt A obs, LOUIS &PLANE, Capt B Belmett, are now double dniry cups between miki IITTSSUBOLIAND BBOWNISVILLE. The morning boat will leave the MMIMIIIIddIIa Wharf, =lmo Me Bridgedaily atildolock !namely . Passengers will take SUPKU COACHES at Brownie- Mlle, at So , cloak, P. M., and the splendid ems ot the Baltunore and Ohio Hellmad, al Cumber/and, at n o'clock, A. 2.1., and mitre in Baltimore W. USA WIWI. Mr, In lime gton for the evening line to Philadelphia and Washin city. From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, ,M hoe. Fare SIO From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 1g heave Fare _ 1112,M Th. evening Ant will leave at a o'clock', =cep DEW day evenings. Pamengem by this . boar, Will lodge en board In comfortable State Beanie 0,10 f rat nigh; pass over the mountains the following day In Eastern built Coaches, and lodge the second night It Cumbertand. Peasengers have Mace of Mther Steamboat or Rall Road between Baltimore and Phlindelphla, and the privilege of sawing at combaliuutad Baltimore, and resuming their seam at pleasure. Coaches char tered to pan= to travel =limy please. We make up the lands and may kolla fort= Conch. es In the Pittsburgh =lees, lln ordkr to aave time 0 0 arriving at Brownsville,) It is therefore important for pessengers to get their ueketa before going on board of the boat, at our office, Monongahela nom, Wautt street, or St Charles Hotel, Wood et, Pitubmit& spAdem 1 F . UF-SKIAIEN, Aged I , lmtatratrigh or, Louisville Packet Line FOR CINCMIILATI AND LOUISVILLE. _ The splendid - , qzr o il ii, Haslep,muter, ettato will leave for above • • Warm the •• st, a 10 o'clock • porta =Monday, POT freight ot i pasmapptv orrb ' card or ti , RIDGE, WILSON & Co. mrzs I GEO B MiLTATIBERQBPL PITTBBBROB AND LOULSV/I.LE PIOBET /JIVE Thanes and splendid Purl pawls. g" aaoa s Puk at master,Wreavo 4ii .* ' Cousia ' nail and Louisville on . Thursday s 'IV at 10 otloek, A. IL ' F o r ! vain or passage ly on ard, BURBILIDGE, NtilLßO & CV, or CEO B • XIVIZZAN WELKIN EMUS Bison= ITETABLIROIi AND HOCILENGPMET. The eteambciat - • - . f PILOT No. 2, Csign. I. N. Skunk, lemma ss'elock, , Pitts P. barga - • • Tuesday, at M., for Ellsabetn ery own, Camino, Sunfish, Proctor, Baroia Landlog, New Martinrrille,SardithBlMptaville, Tual'a Landing, biatamonsc, A. Sheet' lAnd=anolse, Newport, COW Cre ek, _ Mariana, ••Pcdot' Par. kariburg, Belpre, Ida, Had and Mckinnon. Renrastaa—Leavea lioeduagport. *ery Thttrada i L at 6 o'clock, P. M. Mariana on Fida ~ a t 6 A.. at the principal part of the above downs IH-740n Friday, before night. 1% 71 above arratigernant, boal`will be able to lay of Pittsburgh on Sundays, and keep:that day no It should ba. The public mthe`pend upou s e. boat contiumnst tha trade derma Tow water ott. • •••• to Loubraille and 81. Louts Packet Line. 2848. • 1849. REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. 'LOUIS The fine fait idaalngpauenge Batisteamer ATLANTIS, Geo. W. Metz, master, will leave or iha above and ate pogu avert' 3 Vvvaa2, at 10 o'cock, a. fig, For freight orbusasnapply on bond. or to C. KING, No. L 53 it ,Raw mars.demll Lanusvie. REGULAR SATURDAY PAClcur MR ST. LOUIS The fine fast nullpasurtgel , I , Irtenmer 0522. N. Alenterroo, maw, Agr • • ---- • a above sad latemedlaas pone arc. 17 Sourly, at itp &clock, r. AL. • For frel ht or pare a1.3„,,,,Z.:a1Lti0a. arars.dego • -.l.lM,alanila - - FOR WHEELING AND BRIDGEPORT. - The nom and substastaal mama HUDSON n-- 0-4 MaMiDen , motor woo pro afar & or mantas yips lameeerarbolla. whacky ; assuariaseposs wittleare, aastauga s on WednoodaY 4 4 4 84,0 417. For Belot or paa o c o _ L a, apply oa bite& A pt& WHEELING ennsuNrigui. OINDERELIA, floetamitravoTant=r;D7lll loan oa Mondays cad Tbanditio, ao 14 1" For Dal& or passage, apply on !Saar& aanuatizAzesvmmt*ex ur . natThe tine steamer , igGallaat A r master, w t'sza,aa MP' won/DY _WOO; oen Ans. barer and Zanerstle—leares crrory Tato. dal. For freights pply to , BAKER & FORST”ka g a b PIO,OL Water at _ FOR CINCINNATI. ; , a ; The splendid raimen t rxeLtli, rt r t 2 telonraitelia .l ll 4 ,arpJ eon_ 1i13120 as tha regular Monday paa tat d uring ll!!! bauon For freight or passage, apply on board! --', • GEO MREMOniltxiin antillgt. ;-7:- . 57? - 47•54 7 .:.`31 *tame: . Forwarding and Connataalon titer chant, has removed to No. 87 Featt,:hgttgan Wood and Elmithtled atreeta *PI DIRE AND RI/DMZ IN N . CEL. . rift' INSURANCE CO. al Nartb Atrusioa aria .1. mate permanent and Rads:ad/al cm Pm aerty Wads airy and vicinity, and en IL ems by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. Ti s,u, pertlea or ibis Company are Well lavesdad,. and AL an avail. able fund tar ample Indeatall7 at sir on. who desire to be prolemed by luarane, ~: • lane war P. JONES, Agent, 11tm.,,,,,. _____ CLOVEJI SEED-603 bosh Omer:ice ,ixt Imre aa for sala y myt4 Jk. P,LOyD rorenee, Namable, Rtmsb and Veal's. IS Ow, EN!' Ugh Chip, Farley, • - . BONNET RI Hl3o'..lS—Llid boxes of m ot and . CR Ribbons, of the best rrylett. Alms, bbtot d `' l° Taffeta, and ElatiN bear quay,. .61,,,,, t Bilks and Llrdngs,Arilletala, An. 3 . , ,„„ of HOSIERY AND GLOVES — Evart' . . —7. Z: ladies and Avonulemens Hose and ti tb• ,7_,„ — ' Scarfs, liditts. Also, Bente, Nue ' OP . Veils, Mask Ines demi V its, Ae. Iter'' ' t.: ^ NEW YISITES and rd e ANT/Lkabbia am 'xtte tub.. to. tamable calms and stylak 1. . EMBROIDERIIM, Lam, TEDIURe OS, the.— .. l ee antes, collars, eults,mandlag collars, theredsetrs, Vsliences, Franck and English Ngiarlst„twool,S'Adt Nert,lot Bolt Ribbons, than eaM!tritl tuv.ttr adzia nal/11'440 O. and PARASCRI*S—Iit ft". ' thousand Parasols and Sheasolent, of or 'vim Ine.ludltur the bon markes 6f Ileo Satin 'Cantelion, . t Clothstemsluter n. amitndst Stallln.....aDdrstTmseda, ‘' Jesus -A1... ClotZgr'.“'"‘ GINGHAM.% CAI Nz, I' - 6 .0t....%re thott 1117 two hundred cases of ths hest HYles Hid' of t ry vs. BLEACHED an i BROWN' 3II :MiNE—Orerr ace hundred as of igt HIS 1. 1 --./ 1 ' 13 " 2 . ' end aPPraxad makes of , Mikan oar. 4 blown do, ores- my misty and prim '.• ' ' . -.' Foto twat* MRS II:MI.9e", fronithn gran (=Mb» often snit „liSsimmalt 9 .. ,0 41UtungOre chancy, goods at the most Xemoumffs PROM .TWaystem or • LOW PRICES ulnae hY.lkestabllshment, as we. as Men ONE PRIC E SYtit,kidsns pl at with sad, unirorsal favor that the sub's-41)mi a re ‘ensiblett Co at far mill examen. butsnements loptuebasert t Evart as tied wrifietstaßre benuttßod Mild& kW - as end . r a n to ilea perfect sallsfactkm. from all pans ofilm Gauntry are Imbed us tall .•IL AL IdAsos a Co, . ighnia SS Kates, Willa at au ith stil t .