The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 26, 1849, Image 1

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    : , ,.....,/ . /F , ,STABL.IB . OD' IN ;',l*.
lusiNEss cßbs
t Ba B. oAtasalLeNi
mitriE y x r w. Wee ott,rozatil 1131155 t,
betbrean Cherry allay and Grant vt. , tuyl:ll7
DIJST110:40 &CHO • Commissianaltreloonts
ipteers In P •• • • F.lo• et tiorket.ifiro4
• Stal24p • dioS
...a. Mtn ULM
BUSHVEELD & RAYS, '• • o deOloor In Dry
Good Grooorioo, • • Bboeo, Pluiburgk motto
toctorod r.rdeke, tc.c., No. 220 1.1 bony Wind. Ritter
=nail rI mums,
I MO ,: taper of Übe
Gantol wins.
rholesala and:Retail Drag
r and St. Clais . itseetf, Pins.
:nem 22603. lE. B. 7110 4 67f. '
DROLVI CULBERTSON, Wholesale coxes*
I) lid Cdrllltiglaelll Werehares, No. US, Mary it.
!insberahLYa. &BIT, •
A. VALINESTOoK la Co., Wholesale exal
:Lie Arogitivia, earner Wood *FA Gait.
134:1ALEY 111.1.01e5.6.5 Grieets, ana
27. r Wood sweet Pitutrargl._. ,
Cl 1.1
A. cAIVULTY Co., Paiainadink and: Com.
NJ. minion Merchants, Canal Bum, pg uhure, Pa.
Inch 2
thuluesas Spring, Azle, _tool. sk an
riOLEMAIVILSILAI&N & Co,Aasnlikroatrs af
%.1 Conch and Eliptir. Sprlogi, Llombarod drier,
Spring and Plough. Sue, Iron, WArehinest ou
Walcrsod Front streets, Pittsburgh.
Also, dealers in 3 Coach Trimmings ale Malleable
EDMUND, 75.17511#':
nONTINUE3 to. mannfacmre. Monuments, Burial
Vonlls, Torahs, Mad Stoner, Mantelyiectm,Con=
sztd.Tler TopAngtortign and Montane marble, el
.N.11.--Drogoiu an
wings monome . hts, fornish..
ed, of and desonption- Ho roliehs A Aare of ilmblio
. 41 14
ma. & SIOLIIO4 I • SLIM &0121=T.
MING & BENNETT, (late EtattiLshi w het
Mit Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Cenarsielon 'or•
wanlata Merchants, and dealers In itredheena
beret Mannfacturea,•No. 37: W00d a4 hattoreen 2d and
&tweets. • •
•• • • .
Matik: iXtealtAri, Cxacuu4tiomuldomit4
Wareham, Na.. 40 AVoalatree.i. Yittabittigh. .thyl7
- -
HOME LS — Aetna zwoyos.v:l 777 .
HAMILTON STEWASTonartaftetater , of army
Shlrtinp, Checks, &a, Rebecca atrea to. y of
WrEE; (memo= to 143:aptly & L 9 Ci4Nt'iloj tirTal;
• or and Counaluton Merchant, far Ea sale of
American Mx:and, Uherry,opporite 61ki IL febl7 _
wIL Kul; gslumgre. — 7
s. ziculas, iroaanzuz, phima.
c. evuoto3, sosss. 1ara..21122;
11EALD kDO OR, Tobacco CodinlSsiori M.
. sauna
iia, It North Water u, & la North Whsas es,
tr. Co., (sneOeiso ( slo Atwood,
.LLJooes it. Co.) Commaaum and Fororaituet
chugs,. doalorsrittsbargh Altonfactorta
Pittabortb, Ts,. • - .• 'lnch)))
11.0 BM 'bloom sz,
ISALkii 'DICKEY b. oo.,Virbaleiale Gronest, Cons
onstiOn Merchants, and dealers In Prodnr.eiNas.6B
*MAU, Front streets. Yinsburah. . = =WI
13. CANFIELD, iiatereTWatren, Ohio,)
. sent and Forwarting Merchant, and wholesale
dealer in Western Deserve Cheer*, Etater, Pet and
Pearl AA, end Western Prodece general ly Water
treet, -between dinithtield and Wood, hashers/L. ap3
TouN men , Nactesear /Newt Geb
) Wholtaala Grocer end Cornialuden 'Merchant,
dealer in Preeduce and Pine/lama Mannfaetnrai i , cor
ner of Liberty end Head streets., Pittsburgh Pa. )did
J Me I G S MMVselitinditiVailor stie ° , l di.Cheirles the 4 :=o,
/Mud niece coot We • • Petah. S.
DAMES A. BUTCHIPQN, b Co.--Baceennots to
Lewin Uttichiaon & Co, Conuolutad hinrebrAnm,
.sad Agents of tho Ett. Loins Ste.= slltafittple/7.
la. 4 water and os. front streets, Pitntixtrgt4
JS. DILWORTH & Co., Wholesale Grdeers, Pro—
s duce and Conunissloo Merchants, and Agdnts
for the Hazard Powder Co. of N. V., No. $ Wood sr,
PlitaburgL jog
OHN A , MORGAN, Wholesnlo Dmgise, and dOnl-
U, ti in 1:11-e Byars, kaints, Oils, VamisEes, &e..; N 0.93
Wood atrees, one door Boons of Diamond Alley,
77 Co,
,V,!,t2;adi . te r s,36 was% r streets peal
IOHN a Nr.t.1.01; Wholesale and antaildeiler
4/ In Marie and Aimee' Inatramenns SehOol Coosa,
„, Paper, Slate', Steel Pens, Quit* &inters , Canis, road
Stationary gonernily,Nn. bl Woad K , rittrtyingli.
Irr Saga boafita or taken in undo. "015
1 SCHOONAIAKEff Wholeealollongaula,
tY No. el Wood meet, Pittsburgh.
DILN D. DAVL2,II.IICI3O.eI, corner SthinTlTSood
streets, Pittsburgh.
TOHNSTON & STOCKTON, 13ooksellerit, Prime
af and Paper Illemaii.turera, No. 44 Markd sr , Pit
eburgh. jeft
Ja IL FLOYD, Veto:use/a Grocer. Lin=lesion
tdere.osouL sad Dealers m Produce, Itound
Church =aiding. Doming c. LibCtlY,.. l 4 odd and pa,
Ileabore, P. myB
Wholesale Gmer, Cers-Shiseies
J Mel atilt, and dealer in Produce:twit Pittsburgh
litiszufacrores. Water sr., Pittsburgh: • Janie
JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist stud Apothecary,
N 0.43 Market st o three doors above Third et-•Pirts
borghorill have constantly on hand • well
sortment of the best and freshen Methaines 6 whlch he
will nil on the most reasonable tents . Pickax
leading order., will be promptly atroodod sod su p.
plied with articles they may rely upon a. genuine. -
Ear Phyaiciaas Prescriptions willhe accurately and
neatly prepared from the best matenals, so say boasof
ha day or moat
Also for wile, a largo week or fresh iind goo Perth-
EMT. jrdal
Krutt Th' uL t lic N 2i* F =e g e
tinctured aruclan, Canal 8aE1.171, neuerth q. thint
PENN &LILL, PITT 811111t011,
ENNEDY, CHI WA) & CO., Martatnetarers elven
-aaparior 4.4 Shecungs, Carpet Chain, Cotton
lonna and Batting. 0.304 y
Vesuvius Iron Works.
DALZIML k Vo., mantuketureriet all a/.
rem Dar, Vb..; Boiler iron and Neils of the Soot
quality. Warehouse, 54 water and 165 front it.
• %Warn MWhof rsalo Grocer, Forward
. Log and Camourrion Merchant, Dent= in Pitts
argrillanufortnres and Produce, Nos. 31 Water sn.„
and 03 Front sL - 127
=Mal litralcanY,rtc 10113 tt anari
- 008ING GLASS Elanohtetutersq*nad Wholesale
drew" in foreign and domelnin Variety Goods.
cetera merchants, Pedlars and others an invited
to call and amnion the prices and quality orancr surek,
es wish oar present increased facilities in muulfactat
int and parermang,- we think sre can offer as great
indnaeolanla to buyers as any other honse yrest of th e
30113 mans.iu n—
ItireGILLB & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Commis
= 161:111 Merehams, No. 1 4 Liberty M., Pius/nue..
MUHF V, WILSON & CO., (late Jones, Murphy &
Co.) Wholesale Denten to Dry Goods,' No. 49
Wood aura, L'ataburgis.
• "v 4
ALLEN h Co., Conusiesion earl Forwarding
iiig Itlarchents, Water' =1 From ktr., berw ooo
Mood and !darker an. ' - _ land
Itfi rariliEW Wl4tiON, Ponta& lad Miniatirelii&
1,1 ter. ROOMS, comer of Yost Ogiee dlldy and
flmrth mrecti euutheo on 4th near Market.
biHOLMES /a SON, No. .55' Market ft". second
door from comer of Fourth, dealers at. Foreign
arei Domestic Dills of Exam/age, ticrilhatttes of Depos
it, Bank Notes mad Specie.
QT Collections mad n all the pr6eipal cities
throughout the United Stoma
6taxtuvact-014ce, Fourth et,
11 third door above Snathfield, soviet aide: ,
avellUieittra an kinds done Wittrthe iteraezt
cue and 1e 1 accuracy.
Titles le Real Slime thutivvd, the.:
U. T. Roberta, AI. D.,
grlPl'ilbiLAllo mead to t a pe ma
k" alent of Diseases of the Eye. .
Dr. 8 Loa been engaged in this I;rench of the mull.
cal poeferclon for sixteen years, nod too condsteret.t en
estealishmertt for the treatment of dletwies of the eye
alone for several year..
Orr= 'and . reauteneo, comer of /*dinar at and
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. _ .1.13
PEEIN TEA STORM ' — Po. 7.0 rourttt
Wood—Ml quaseees Of °Viet] ind
Auk Tem, Ilene up in quzulet rod
ow, puese puskager, rairgeeg Art u ro . etu. ' per posed
}yr JA Ne.S„ Aut. tor 'Vain 'V CO.
-up' cll7l;grAtuuti.4 l' holm. Asroceseitairslfyiii:
ilk ',Unifier, dealer in Produce, Paulin:ugh Abrader,-
tures, and all kind. of Foreign arid .I.kimeotia Winos
auelLiquora, No. it Libeny .acct. A. 41 :mod • vety
large static of iniperior old Armoring:Lela, *Minkel,
lonian will 6.3 bid low fol. crush. • . opUely
iiii - iiiiii sifiii 7 . ---
- ----- •: - Cor. L neiniiiniri.
IL11.01:11%4ON ft Co„ Wholesale 0 rocers, I . sodom
find Connais.lon iderelnuna, miiDealere in Pin.
Itt Drenotitetarm, \ o. IMLiberty et-, Pill:burgh.
Pa.' • loon.
- -- -
141tT DALZp.L.E. & Co., Wholesale
Commission and Forwarding Merchants, deniers
Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Libony at.
Pittibargh, Po.. faced
r4e. A. CUNNINUHAM, Wiioicsalo Oroccr
Denier in Produce and l'itutborgb Alanufacturre,
44 Üborty ¢ /YU
1S"-uisaiTy • • t. a. WIIUL
Li - P:0(3)S 0.111-11...T.,rorivisrilirg and Commianion
Idnrebson, for We Allrgacny laver Trade, deal
ers in•Grocerma Prodne4 riu.thurgh Patkqtac cum
and Chloride of Lime. •
Tashigheinpriena in cash, paid at all tintoafor
Cometnf Pann'ilwalsoin fia.•
Z. C. 11.11ACitxri, 111.6. II: awl'.
Jle WHITE, Wholesale ,Dealen to
vi 4 Foreign and Doriesiie Dry Goods: riiou,ivood
iiJJ in Flour and Produce generally, atForivarkiing
and Commission Muni:emu; No. & i ne .Weter srti Dam
Q mrni..BAGAux Co., Wholetaleproe - cTi — ujid
ProducC. deiters,Zin.P.lAlarkct weer, botweenfith
KO Oh, Nark _ lut.uS
_ •
V. enaleLls, tri.IITIAXD.
• MCOL.9, Product end General Coro
mlcsaou Mural:auto, Nu. 17 Labatt Piucburgh.
tpero,Linactid cud bard Oils. _
2: VON . DONNIIORST, Co.i Wholesale Ora
ten, FOrtraiding_ Auld Commiulon. Matthaei )
thlruzaburgh Manaraeturea sad Waren) Pro
!ml have removed to their Or WarahoaSs,(old stand)
comer et rout at. and Chary pane.
TROTH San% Wbaltalae,and dqatcia
WM Shoen, 'banks, I.,arpet kiagy *A.,
10 .Tharafith and,tlenithield ste,YucsbariO t Pt. ja3
Idenilinats, and denteni in Pnnterce. Nn. 96
con in: Pitninintn.
4 2 1 t 11.:'XITC4E1.111tEE, f.irocers
c and Wino and Ligon,
pc.Pown..4,:varr. Bo& Ash and Mena:
-10 1411 '‘-. n rs l "°4 btugh, F.
241v4 WILSON WI 1 47 a t i 0 4 1 4,4
4%, El sr
~ . ,
A .
; , :t -i:• ---:- ''N. : .:,; -, :2;
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.. • e
toga D. vhszt DAVID 11C.A.3111.7Z1
k 7 ICK,Ic ItI r CANDLESS, (successors to L. & J. D
Yf Wica,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding end
Colll26iSsioll Merchants, dealers to Iran, Nails, Glass,
10 , 11P11 Yarns, and Pittantrat Itandisensres generally,
orno, , of Wood and %Valet -treats. Pirodrorah.
ir f*Yr. n. , Nowt' l'T.,” . , . •
y Merchant, No. 00 Front between Wood ant
a lake: streets. fob%
•ur w. wALLAcE, Mill:none and M4l Furnish.
T y . in* enablistunent., No. 914 Liberty n, oar
near the
ft... 111
7 7 111 Wholesale and Retell dealer tek
mad Domeado Dry Geode, north east
et and Pourth ate. edra
mt. Tc7tio, nto. L m'cpts.
`UALYOUNG & Co.--Dealers in leather lades, &e.
Ay 143 Liberty wt. ,415-1 Y
•• -• •
11PCUTCHIEON, Wholesale Wore., dea
n,' lei. in Produce, Iron Nails, Glars, and Plus _
burg:Manufactures generally, If 9 Liberty st, Pllts
t*Ol• deed
tlTTWOßiataN,Waiiairjes - rilii — Saver Ware,
Y •
wad Military COods, corner of Market end dth
strains, Pillsburgh, Pa. N. H.—Watehes and Clocks
Carefully tapaired. dee{
viruzimi SMITH, Manufacturer of Corson and
Fling. for Dresses, &c.; Sc wtng
Silk and colored Cotton Fringe n for &ilk and glnghant,
Parasols. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes,
amble to auger on die shortest notice.
Brass, earner of Maiden Lute and Willitun, entrane
Na 83 William street, third floor, over Abner & Ely
sitnpi3slllolden Lanr New Vora
W.111. - TOIINC , CO, _
TNP.At.rhei IN HI DIM AND LEATHER, Mortice •
Shoe Binding44kt,
N. 193 Libeny meet, has
just_ received their SPING STOCK of goods" cam
prising a large assortment of articles in their line, 1 ,
which the attention of purchasers is invited.
mehla ;
Omar &son M. Ala so & CO,
• *ma No. 42 Winer 'mot.
/11 s EMNITY.
• 7354 Frantlia
TVRECTORS F .— i Ch l ar n l s e o s rNn.ac3tas
nacks of
JJ Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob K. smith,
Lied. TV Richard., Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph° E.
Botts, David S. Brown, Morris Patterson.
Castuas N. alitair.a, President
Charfera: Rancher, Seeretary.
Continue to make insurance, perpetne I or limited,
on every description of property , in town or country,
=rues as low ns are consistent with neennty.
To COlap ia lykarT4 reserved a largo contingent Fund,
which With thete Capital and prentrums, safely in nr-.
edLiifford ample protection to the aviurea.
The taeui of the eompaiiy, on January Ist,
poblished arreenbly to an act of Assembly, were
Takao:are Loans
'. -- Cash, Etc.
lIIX,4Ird 71
Slane their incorporation, a period of ID years, they
have paid upwards of /me million foot hundred thous
and dollars, tosses by fire, thereby affording evidence
cf the ddvetoages of inserance, as well as thoahilay
cod cltspoantOn to
J. meet with pro GARDINER t..*mptness all
Ag ia lbilities.
FFIN, ent,
mart.dly Office N E corner Wood and 3d its
Dy.A.AVFAllMMOTlAi.ltitaliziascic co.
P 21. . MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Dela
-1 vmue of
Safety human= Commmy of Phtal
adelphia. Fire Risks upon buildings and marehmsdisa
of every deseription, and Marine Risk. upon bolls or
cargoes of Vessels, taken upon dm most favorable
Office ly the Warehouse of W. D. Holmes tr. Dro.,
N0.,77 Water, neu Market street, Pittsburgh.
N.'Et..,-.The success of th is Company since the null.
riskiest{ of the Agency in Inds ➢
wry, wan the prampb.
ness and liberality with which every claim elan theM
for /MO has been adjuted, fully warrant the agent in
inviting the etinhtlence and patronage of his friends end
the tiournmity at large to the Delaware M. H. (au
ral:We Carapnity, while It has the additional advantages
as me instimunn among the most flourishing In Philadel•
phin—as having an emplepaid-in capital, which by the
operation of its charter to constantl d y increasing, as
yielding to each parson muted his tie share of the
profits of the company, without involving bite in mop
responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing
the Mutual prinerple divested or every obnoxious leo
tue, and m Its most attractive tenet. dt4
rpltr. Insurance Company of Antenna, torough
j As duly authorized Aunt, the milbsertlier, otters to
make permanent and limited insurance on property, to
bus Any and lt, vicmity, and on shipments by inn Ca
nal Ltd Hiveie
Arthur C Caftt
Charles Taylor,
Ambrose Whin,
Jacob NI Thomas,
John R N.a.
Richard D. Wood,
Wm. Welsh,
Fr:sates Haste.,
S. Austin Ainbone,
Draw D. Disrsrsatb,
This is the oldest I.w:once Company in the Ututell
SW., having been chartered m 1794. Its charter is
perpetual, .d from iy liigh standlog, long espaneuee,
antplo means, and avoids:Ng alirisks of so extra base
isologs chat.ics it nay be eansnlered as offering nine pia security m:ACVvno W. P. JONES.
• At the Coantnig Deana of Arwood, Jones kCo, Wa
and Fem., wenn. Pnraburnh.
snail N. Joan.,
Edward Smash
JohniA. Broma,
Thomas P. Copy
Samdel F. Stnah,
Bomdel Brooks,
IrtLS. oVii%Cri2E%:"Z:olTpLlP,Po'rorthA=;ipera,o
eod will issue Politic! and auerid to the other bootee"
Or the Agehey. at the warehouse of Atwood. Juno k
Co. apl2 11 - 31. P. JONES. Neuter st
nanantroVrea,Ex.....Lny UAL CIMILL.ES DANENHOWER & Co.
. No. 6.1 South Wharves, No. 117 South Water st.
7DF7GS to inform the mom and deniers generally, of
pi Pittsburgh, that they base made snob arrangements
with the Virginia manufacturers and Mo Growers of
the West, nest Indies, end other places, sis will insure
o large and chasm:lt supply of tha following desenp
lions of Tobatco, which oval be sold upon es accom
modating Timis' as any other house In this city or else ,
wham, andoll goads ordmv-d from them will be war
ranted equal to ltpresentalialL
Navaho; St: Domingo; Conn.;
Tara;, Part . o .. Rico; Perin , a.; }Seed Leaf to-
Cubsi Monde; bane.,
A1...130-11ranch's celebrated Aternatic Stag Caron
-dish, with a large assortment of ether popular brands,
and qutilities peands,_ Ss, es, INs and ibis, Lump;
Os, 0, old las Flag; Ladles' Virginia Twist,
tee., slareel.and plant, in whole and alf beam, wood
End tat, together with every variety of article belong
ing lathe tradO.
MILIIOII &reliant and Forwarder,
[l:7. Partial:afar attention paid to the purchasing of
of any.anicle of Produce In this market Also to the
forwarding of Goods generally. Refer to
Messrs. John Swasoy & Co,
• " Tarim & gtockwel4Cinclnnoti, 0.
R. C. Parkhurst, Esq.
Lippincott & Co.
Ries & Jones, }Pittsburgh, P.
English& Bennett, marßdOrn _
- cowmen cocauaig.
Conuntesien and Forwarding Merchant.
td VI woos at, etrraavann,
tiONTINTIE.S to transact a general Commission basi
l) meal tereinlig in the purchase and rec e iv ing A/eeri
e= hismulacturca and Pled., and in and
forwardiniOoeds consigned to hu rare. AA Agent for
the hlanurtetures, ha wdl be cansuunly supplied with
the principal enact. of Pittsburgh hianutamnre at the
lowest, wholesile price. Orders and consignments
imic .. seetio,ll7 solicited. 07
A . M.RCIIANDI9.I4 BROKER andluomuniarion
IVA ehant, No. 35 Booth Front street, (second story.)
FlultdelFht. irrGoods purchased, peeked, insured,
and shipped to weer. Wool, Flour, girafo, Dned
Fruit and Cheese received on coi4ignmern and stor
age, with insurance obtained.
inrairsincra.:-Wm. m u t $Oll, Mr. IL Rigby, and
hb. Nervily Childs , Pittsburgh. feb-dam
wnoLicandr. Gammas:
Iron, HMIs, Cotton Tarns & Pittsburgh
Manufactures generally,
Sm. 10 'WOOD ,riliTsntritaa,
importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestse
Saddlery ilardware Is Carriage Trimmings,
No. 133 Wood ats; Plttabnurgh. Pa.
ago reeenong Ids Spring supply el Goods, and
Invitee the itheation of Saddlers, Conehtnalters and
blerehtutia to his stock'. It km been bought upon the
best tams, .from the best sources, and be therefore
feels confident Of being able to afford sausfeetton to
all who may faro btm vOthst snit. uterl,27:dant
so rat o t o, 4ll 4o 4 i n d tan o zre it r o or o k o lal m du G ra ta Sb ' e n • d cl B :l;
v,cer a. ' . "`"'tki `"'d
or Bale at manufacture r. prices
°' erre GED COCHRAN...ea weed or
Prrnediultbli sTEfra., WORKS AND SPRING
hue ;um,.
/Orl N.
, JONES & lauxpo,
Air ANEFACFPRERS or sprung nun blister steel,
J.Y.L plough steel, steel plougncolleb win elin
tie spiingu,liaremered ileitlers in mnl2
iunble ratings, firc engine lusapn, toil couch unreeling*
gene:ally, hornier oi Rags toil Front Pittburgh,
Pa. •
Reversible Fl 1111 l rig Cock,
.1 Which renders =bill water pure by
....., ~.„ 'yeruirelnFall stibetaticei hot ~,i,,hh,
r, , , armee I !ID CrOloll Wilk, 111 N. York
ivi - ,,A : . 4 ., although clear add pure to the eye., yet '
*....,,,Nte_9.: wheu el passes an houx.throtty,h i
,7 • filtenng cock, ahem a Wire dcpeeli
. Impure substauces,worola he. Thu
h is the Cue more or Leas with all hydrant 111/11D1r.
The jfeeemelE Filterer is neat and getable, and ls
no , . zand ..„ l with the Ineuttecaleace luehleat to other
filterers,lll ft Is cleansed without hehlg detached from
the , w.ier bip i , by intielY tarbl.b s c the key or handl.
( 6 ...., to the other, Hy this stuy linnets, du
eoursa'af *met b changed, and all acearenlattons to
traintue substallees are amen off almost Instantly,
entheat unscrewing the Filter. It also posserses the
n o rontw , or befog usurp cork, awl as seek ln mazy
crass eral bp. Ttry canna/CM Bad C4OZIOULIC*I.
It ens I,..ttul t ed where Literals say pressure high
or low .. m in, tut, nib, Ito. vrtat eau To be had
Of the 501e404 _ w. Iv. vaisos,
oar; corner of Fourth and Market eta
--- ko -- ro t --- aind Darnestto LlquorsZ - 7_
A cool:, lm Food& maul Locanuln
quonn always on hand and fcr sale In quandans
sno parahasars, by
aspritta BleaChalk, "'cma...,
{Chloride of Ileac)
fflilP. subscribers hare ratted/ received (direct from
.1. the rattandteter re) friah vapptp . of the above
celebrated treats, Chich theg wilt te ll at the lowest
masker pries for crab or siparnred Ws. - •
BPS , :Ye a AI 114r1VICELTREE •
bblampmierLakeLfine and
alp! B& akRBAUUL,
r 43 3N-100 ibtpximo falaDyliamc cm& =air
4e‘doi MOO do=gC; and .Ihoulders, Are uto
• :=7 l O ;. ID WILLIAMS.
Butler, pa
- - ,
ilttend mullections .d all other busi-
Wess entrustod to him m Butler and Armstrong
non:Mein PA Refer to
J. & R. Floyd, Liberty st j
W. \V. Wall a, do I
James ab.Zl '?
dly Kay & Co., Wood st. J Jan 7
T SWEITZtIi. Anorney Law, olace s
opposito St. Cbarles Hotel, Pntabtugh, will al
attend promptly to Collections, In Weabinglon,Fayet
and [been pommies, Pa.
Blaekozook, Bell & Co
Church & Carothers , r"mburgh
D. T. Morgan, }-TO
EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Conneeliar at Law,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection. m Southern Ohio,
and in Indiann, and in Kentooky, promptly and care
fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn.
sylvania:for taking Depo.mona, acknowledgments,,
Rance To—Hon. Wm. Bell & Son, Curtis, Church &.
Carothers, IPm . Hays. Paq., Willotk 4r. Davis. .5
. _
Threlted. ifikilK7
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office removed to Fourth
street. between Smithfield and Grant street.
/Align lIMLOP, r . 11.4611.01 , 1 SiNVELL.
DTlTlVlECtd, S tretveen ~I" h' '
at Law , " s "' "
Toto, IL R.A.ISKIN, Attorney solid Counsellor at Law
ej and Commissioner for the State of Pennsylvania
St. Louts, Uo. , (late ot Pmnburgh.)
fLossissmos—Pittsbargh t lion W Forward, !lamp
'an & Miller, MtCandless & M'Clure, John E Parke,
Bissells & Semple. 111Tord & King. Je.l4:ty
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, between
Stmithkeldjuld Gram. ial9-d6ra
Witt. C. valk.ND,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, near Grant.
0. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law ~has re
leflr sl, m ne ' rt 'd d hi sm a rl7l t d o e Er.ohnt'r.
21 , CORD & CO"
(Sacceasors to :11'Cord King)
wa•hionable ttttt t
r i
Corner of Wood and Fit/ Strata.
- DARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade.
J. Gentlemen cm rely upon getting their Haut and
Caps Ram our establishment of the soot stsramsui and
117082.11.4.15=7, of the tar= rrnn, and at the Lamm.
COMM,' Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully Invited to call and examine our Stock; as
we can Stly With confidence th at ea regards grain nice, It mull not *oilier in a comparison with - any
housein Philadelphia. febl7
74 CALIFORNIA HATS—III dos water proof
California Hats, fool received and for tale by
rirCi/RD & Co,
leb27 ' conger sth and Wood am
, SP.""' -
$1,047,13 11
94,724 27
9 , 9,001 83
51,5 . M25
J 5,804 37
SPCORD /r. Co. tell] introduce on Satur
dy, Starch Spring to of HATS.
Tho.e 0 of a neat and etsperfor hal, are nava
to cal/ at corner of bth Wood streets. marl
LI has now open It oupp or spring Bonnet ILbisaii,
or new and handsome sty ea
Alen, new style fird T 4 us: Lisle Laces and bldr
bum Linen Edgings; Vie na do, pistil blush:is and
Jimisnets, embroidered S ss Muslin, rte., lit sides a
large assortment of :Spun Goo-dB generally, at north
east corner ath and htarte streets_
Wholnimlo Roam. on ottiin an 6
Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies.
1 D R. JACOB S ROSE, the discoverer sad rota pro
pricier of these matt popular and beneficial wed.
I twee., and •Iso the inventor of the cerebrated instro
i ment for ulflaung the Lungs. en effccanc a cure of
Chronic diseases. was a studene of that eminent physi
cian, Doctor Plo tic , and M Factual. id the euverti•
ty of Peenisylvanea, and for Wert: yen nee has Ineen
engaged in the inireaLcatton Of 111-tai r, and the apart
ea of rClaed:e• therelo.
Through We U•e of hue tntild., ml e . 1.1 enrolee:ion
with km Propel) law, re, nip 51Iii.oner o: rented.e.,
he has dined wepuran-leed t .l l l / 1 1eiter 111 curlao
hoer dreadfol and bow tienthileci Tube, via, Colt
man/on., L ancers. berm., Rlicuinan-w. AalMoa.
Fever .d Ague, Fevers of nee kinds, e'brreetie
lua, and al: those olmenewe dine -s peva...! to 1.-tnale
Indeed every loan of dew., 1, 1.1./f• 1111/1 u.e
M reinedeca. wines humdrum e• he, —act t.) Oa
ace of one comp.:eel on.y. for :but es eseren.pielleree
with Physionipeal Law. out by we use of no i n
Met, adapted and presctibed for each preckaur iota,
of disease.
Dr. Rose's Tonic Anernbeic NT l rll..u.r.: tie.
Variably acknowledged be auger eor to all ma, as
a pur:sure or lever pin, enimmuca see lacy .caoe the
bowels perfectly erne train CO. 11,11 C... aLao ma
Golden hem donned by lacu .0 t o
fine properue• adapted m ;coulee diaeltaro, Oat being
satisfied that a Wire trial es sufficient eo e.lablah what
ha. been said en the minds of the moat skeptical.
Tho athicied are invited to call upon the yeast. and
Procure (VIM.) one Of the Doctor's pamphlet, giving
a detailed ncleount plea. remedy and its eapplicanou.
For sale by the foPoisung eget., as well as by mast
Drugists throughout the country:
.7 Schoortinaker 5. Co. 24 Wood street, ntuburgh,
I 111. Townsend. druggist, 45 Market let
Lea II Beckham, near the P.O. Allegheny city;
Jos Barkley, Darlington, Beaver county, Pa.
inn ElliOtt, Ennon Valley,
T Adam., Deaver, " ee
noel y
k." BRlX—Having a for long tame been ilestreseeed
with a severe paw m the side and chest a...notated
watt a dry cough, I was induced, upon the urgent socl
mtanon of a friend, to Dr. Taylor's Datieem of Liver
wort, and I mutt say tins medicine le. 0 11Stterrd
pompom admirably. My distress was produced ley a
severe hark and was so great that tt was with duneulty
I could swallow, my loud. Indeed, I am satisfied the •
disease Moat have ternamated to Contempt/on, or some
fatal dines 4, had it not been ruled by tau judJelot,
medicine. To all who seek to prolong their live , . 1
would advt. We use of Dr Taylor's Balsam of Inver.
Wart JAMES 4.71JW
.on 426 Bowery
This medicine (neonates expector, reduce. fe
wer, restores strength, and mar be considered as
penor preparauen for thecure and prevenuon of all
dismal. in the Chest and [clings, and should be rem. t.
eel to, even slier these hare resisted the usu
al remedies. in the practice of this old and re
spectable physician, this Bahian of Liverwort buvery s
quired an enviable reputation for its vir.ues, rape
nor to that of the ahem:Run noStrams of the day, as
was the chitracter and probity of its inventor, in that
of quacks and empiric..
CONSUMPTION CURED,fy son having • vio
lent cold, used to cough viole ntly ,, raising qatwours of
thick putrid matter, and finally e could not tune over
W bed, from weakness. He mariefemed every symp
tom of confirmed consumption., For six years he hod
been subject to the asthma. His physicians, Messrs.
Venocale ek. Anderson, said he was wearable, and
must soon die. Yet I was determinedto try Dr. Tmy
lor. Balsam - of Liverwort, and strange as it may ap
pear, thi. medicine boa fully restored his health.
SOPHIA GALLON,I4 Norfolk street
Sold In Plusbungh by J D Morgan, V 3 Word at; .7
Townsend, 40 Market at; H Smyser, one Marker and
3d sts; Henderson Co, 5 Liberty at. Price reduced
to 51.50 per bottle. A
Jaynes , Bap L.
Buzz, Coln:Ulan& eo., 0, Ape. 24, 1141.
DD. JAYNES: Data Sta—l feel bound to you
and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op
portunity of giving pabheity to the , alraord.uvy effect.
of your Expectorant on myself. Having been afflteted
for several year. with a severe cough, hectic fever
and its concomitant disease., and seemed only doomed
to linger out a short bat miserable existence, anul the
fall of 1640, when, being more severely attacked, and
I having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pee
-1 scripuons of two oldie moan respectable physicians in
the neighborldiOd without denying any benefit, or the
consolation of ourinving but • few days or weeks at
farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to
vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
and blessed by that Being who does all dung. In the
age of the moans—and contrary to the •xpeciatione of
my phyaiclans and friend. I was in a few days rinsed
from my bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
anon/310 my business. enjoying since better health than
I had for ten years proviso..
Respectfully your., Jas. W. East._
For sale to Pittsburgh, at the Pektn Tea Store, 72
Fourth street. mart
ly sanatory,. balstmle and ton. proven.. of tnt.
Vinegar :ender It far superior to Cologne water for
the ordniary purposes of the toilet, aorpassing the lag
ter to its perform,. It prevents and removes puerile.,
truer and asperity of the skin, it refreshes and whiten.
the skin, rendering it soil and smooth. it corrects the
clammy and bitter taste of the mouth, Imparting a fresh
and pleasant breath. It Cleanses and grin.ns the
teeth, and hardens the gums. For all the above pur
pose., It is used with water In such oropornon as may
be found most agreeable. By inhaling It and rubbing
it on the tempi., It will remove headache. It applied
instantly to a born or brutes, it anti eventually prevent
mortification. It correct vitiated air, and guaranties
from contagion; it to therefore very useful for punning
and perfuming apartments. Foe sole by
R E SELLERS, Wholesale Breasts t,
mch3l 57 Wood street, Folonufgh
THIS Is to certify that I purchased one vial of lir e
I McLane% Worm Specific, some two month. ago
and gave td a son of mine, wme 1 ,1 71111 yenn old, two
:curious full, mid although the sinotott may appeal.
Ante, y•t I thee no doubt but ll,re sees upwortls of
two Till=4llll worse passed from lIIM, inces.urlng
to Ong quarter of an ini a to two mei., long.
li lV .1101.1.114 AV
rants's Crnek, Canal co. Tenn . Dec V 7. 1-47 ta24
. -
S ELLERS' VERNlLFUGl , .... o l L, N ,ns ti . j l o i , liii , -. 1 . ,. I
MLR. F.. Scher.:—roarVennifuge ho. road well,
and has been bight y spoken of by ad wit., hut. used
It. From the caress attending the noon of
pone Venrdfuge in every cage I hove heard of, I ant
confident I hcan .11 more during the coming tr.{l.oll
Iron I did last. I will he glad to receive another cap.
ply of 4 or 5 gross. Yours, reopectfu iy,
(Extract from letter IR. CARTER.
Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 67 Waal et,
and sold by druggists generally, to Pittsburgh sod Al
•Li.S. L TIAIVAIII. K t. rrniurt. CEO WHIN...
No. 132 Second street
inehT7sirlec• ST. LOlllB,
mug aubsenber h;ereoloved hi: Wholeanhe Orem..
} S tan to the corner
or autoek street l.l4l Abe
g-.Lc4:dt.? n door to the Perry Hoene.
Atoent of Sao
be sold as cheap no in Watc kw
end Jewelry,
tho soy other estabLehrnent In this
Also—A large lot of variety wore Watches and Jew
elry, at very low prices. Feul jewelled la karat Gold
Levers, as low es thirty-five dollars.
cornered, and market sla
For Greorsareordstrus,
T L I T co s tui
ou L" I o n grAVo ' on h t 7o7fie l e t t?:t l the
'otot, every had tuna drama tim day, lamming et the
garden glue. .
A. fi ne eolleedon add, choicest demotions° Piero
an tot sale., in the Garden. Ice QUEms and other re
freelanced.; famished in the saloons. ,
Botiturts pat op at rho *honest notito. Orders (or
loft ot tha irfauf frost, WU/Tray° prompt a
'FOIE co-partnerahtp heretofore exiating Lotween the
aubsenbera„ m the name cr Friend. Riley & Co
was dux day die. Peed by mama! conbent Geo. RheT
will settle the bocinew of the concern, 'ln sehleh put_
ponebe Is authorized to air the name of ihe fit ca
February 7.1.949.
The subscnbers have this day associated themselves
in the name of RHEY, MAITHEtVE, tr. Co_ for the
purpose of transacting a general Grocery, Commission
and Forwarding Business, at the stand of the late Ann
of Friend, Rhey k Co., where they will be pleased to
receive the patronage of the customers of that house
and our friends. - GEO. RHEY.
Febrinry 7,1240
tVe take pleasure in recommending to the confidence
or our friends and those of Friend, Rbey & Co., our
successors in business, Rhey, Matthews h Co.
T " st . l7r P ;t rrn s77t h' tEa b' ne r' m l :t7 U=l b e:7l‘7 , l:o th ;t
Cu. is thes day dissolved by mutual comer& 31elpita.
Burke & Flume* mull scale the business of the con
cern, for which purpose they are authorised to ose (ho
Home of the concerti. NATILAP:IEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have thle day onsocimed themeaNee
la the name of BURKE& BARNES, for the purport,
of mimufacturing Fins Proof Sake, Vault Doom, &e.
Itc., at the stand of the late firm of Constable. Burke
& Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa
tronage of the customers of that hoax and their friend.
In rearing from the firm of Canstable,Tiorke
I With sincere plesienre recommend Messrs- Bur It.
Dames to the confidence of my friends and the public.
• • • • •
FIE p a rtnership so long existing under the inn .ot
lid`Cord & King, was by mum.] conuent dlssorrad
on the Ist inst. The business will be eloped at the old
stand !' either of us. using the name or the firm (or
that purpose. Being drsirous to have one busihoss
Closed with as hale delay as possible. we would re
spectfully request those indebted to all and the
their accounts. JOHN D. M'CORD,
OR D. M'CORD haring associated wtth him has
tP brother James hl`Cord, under the aryl° of l'il'Cord
& Co., will continue the Hut, Cap rind Fur liminess In
all its amino. branches. wholesale and retail, at the
old stand, eorner of Wood and sth streete where they
solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old brut JOHN" D M'CORD.
TN retiring from the old and well k nown firm of
ArCord King ,1 most respertflly recommend to
the patronage. of the public my auccessont, Mews.
11Pcord k Co. taw il. D. KING.
THE partnership of MURPHY a. LEE is this day
dissolved by mutual coneient. The linainesa of the
late Inn will be settled H. Lee. J. EL MURPHY,
Pittoburgh, Jan. MI, 1041. H. LET..
NUTICkl—The undersigned will continue the Wool
business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods al
the old *Land. . lI.LEIL
In retiring !emu the firm of Murphy & Lee, I take
great pleasure to recommending Mr. II Lee to the
confidence of friends •
and the publie.
Pittsburgh, Jan. 30, 1,410. J
frili‘rsitiii7Wiii - Tershaee this_
- day associated them.
sctves together for the purpose of transacung a
wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business,
at No VD Liberty, opposite eleventh sweet, II odor the
styte and firm of BUSHFLELD & HASP.
Putsourgn January 1,11-19.
ti Lt—Uor old customers auott the pain.: are .united
to pre ui it cad. tart
1;: n ood r
under T h l! , 1E.1103
SCA I FF. & ATKINSU N. and cell! carry on 010 Tile,
Corper, and Sneer !run %Vat, matiotor tory
HH.eksantootg in ail as bnutehe.. the old
and al
of Wm H Scent, First etreet. near %Vood
Portico/ur attention green to Steamboat wort
H.l VI.: thl, .1n) nil led wniz ./1 V.
." -a'. ur,tery. .t.ov
•Inc.:inn ofl S DI i.W
Jnauary 1. N-17
10. P AILTNIsIitS il LP—Wm. Young Igoviog Una
Li cloy assoc...te.l ay. oil, Joon R. NO•e. toe Ira
., ti
herenor condueied un cooler tine
non of ‘l,ll. %none tr. Co. WILLIAM YOUNG,
T All ES Li LOCK 111100, for amity year. connect
'. ed nit Meseta B lie) and Yuma., and late Jobn
ia day, New lark stet London.) hat
Bookaeliing Ilouee at No. tut Wood st.eet, between II
and ftrt streets. where may be bound a valuable roller.
min of DAR leNtaLkell and AMERICAN
A L THORS, at price.. as low as in the Emitstera ame.
LE7 - L , Nui.imi end CONTINENTAL liOttlin, Re
views, Maga:me, Newspapers. ac.. Imparted to order.
CIETLEii are courted to receive their books duty free.
Ifj - Enrsiash and Amen°l.o I atalownes furnished ga-a
tm to all those who desire them, or emit per marl to
any edam. a
J. L. L. will always be happy to eilluhtt to ladies and
gentlemen his books, and depart to Mem any in.orma-
Ilan wWch he may pirate.* regarding them. mutt(
its Remelt.. vrn.ll an areerinalor a vlsit to the
Cho/dean ChM:inns of Kurdistan, and the Terems, or
Dealt Worshippers, anti an loquiry into the manner.
and acts of the ancient Annyrinfoi. by Austen Henry
Lay awl. Eaa , 1) C. D. Just rec d and for sale liy
AM ForeignCKT)D. Bookseller and har perier
of Boots. ea Wood nrect, him on hand a
reliable coheetion of English and American Book.
In the Mderent department. of Literature, which he is
Prepared to sail an ,ow as they can be obtained in the
Eastern cities
. Ernelith and Coalmen.' Book., Review., Maga.
amen and Newspapera i Imported to order.
The price of any Roam, Megrixtne or Nowapailer,
troy be ascertained on apVlcation to Mr L.
Ens bah and Aniernan Latalogues Kenna.
Mr. 0. intende to visit the Eastern cities in ICW
days, and wilt be happy to execute any orders tor
Book., Engravings or Stationery, at a small advance
on the cost.
IVIENV BOOKS—Layard'• Nineveh and its Remains,
with an arcoant of a elat, to the Chaldean Qtr.-
uarts of Kardl•tan, and the Viva'., or Devil-Wer.MP
pen, and an inquiry into the manners and arts of the
Anctent Assyrian, with an Introductory letter by D.
Rol/11140, vole. octavo. with ahoutilalillastratton,
Cheever's Lectures on the hignra's Progre.. 1 vol,
Moo. Pnce reduced to 81,80.
Cruden'e Concordance condensed: reduced to 81.50.
Macaulay'. Ilimory of England. Harper, new ed,
two vole. octavo—large print and filic'paper, per vol.
75 cenui.
Ciesenins' Hebrew nod English Lexicon; new ed.
unproved. For safe by It HOPKINS..
tnyll 4th st, near wood
800., BOOKS7—Union of Church and State, by
H e y H W Noel,
The Church in Earnest, by Rev J Angel James.
Advice to Young Men, by T .4 Arthur, gilt
Essays of Elio—Cb• ries Lamb.
Epidemic Cholera, by Prof Coventry
Cyclopedia of Moral and Retigtoos Anecdotes.
COMplete Work• of Charlotte Elizabeth, with me
nby Inc husband. 2 vols. 4vo Illustrated with
ste o el plates
Oregon and California sn le4v, by Judge Thornton.
The Imre Expeduion to the b e nd Sea
Proverbs fur the People, or Blurt rano. of PrllCliCal
Godliness dravro from the Rook of Wisdom, by L
taverrity Sermons, by Dr Wayland.
Elements of Meteoroloiry, by /, A. M.
For wale by
MY? Allo Huilding,4lll
!Li PRIAIEVAL• or The Co, Couptart and rllllll.
LIU uvr conditton of thn Homan Being. A contriba
non to Theological Pmtence,by John Harris, I) D.
/e ms:
Lecturesby h
to k ming Al , en on various tnspormot sub.
II W Beec.
ins Works, complete, 6 sots, I (inn.
The worn. LIT S Arthur, uniform ed. Ih volt Jost
yead by my I I R HOPKINS, 4th st, near wood
• - -- • _
A s C n .A . L'
wL ry U, gormand; Inns 75 rnfrf.r.s.
For sale by JOHNsTON 0T10.!K rox.
corner Mkt km and as
DOOR'S! BOOKS: . --FAgar's Varian°. of Popery,
ley Rev C Sparry; Xenophon's Worts; Tscaus'
Work.; Vn/VerbiaY SCISMIS, by Wayland: Natutsl
History of Enthusiasm; Lao and Tinte•ot Philip Hen
ry' Life of Rev Henry Peon, Proverbs of the People
of lilsgemrt, Tileopluiny, or 11141.11efflattion VI 1,04 In
Christ, -Memoirs of .1 Powell Ruston, Bart, Christ
all, by Tyne, Usposisi, 't. import and modes, The sod-
Me Kutgdom, v role Chesser'. Lectures tut
Prcisreve; C breve '. Wandering's of • PIM run to ins
fide I,oii• bonzes:ie. • fffnazintsoff, Made. Ac
run/rt....fn., Last days of Eloslnt R omen of the
Revolution... by Mrs Elle, of tsr
marl/ ELLIOTI* A_ C....1:1A51) 7v wood •I
• .
t, NI AN 21 N rlatto, ,I,,paestort
fan inquiry, bents tin urn Inpt to will/W lilt Wilily
Of It. app/f Rtf on for the re co , rndertne by It
Nev. - titian:, Keg , author of nre furor ttlluf•nro
of nod} and Al mil.” rte The t metrit on the •eltieet
published For sale K1.1.1.111' &EN 1 , 1.1011,
marlS 1, wt.°, .t
IV, Ely nooKs- •Oregon and Calitorurn id 1341, by
1.1 J. Quinn Thornton lam Judgeor Mr Sal - wont°
Venn of °mg., arid correepoorrhig member 01.0
Amerman Inehtute. With an appendix, inert!, rig re
rent and autheime Inform.. mi the eutipiet La the
ti 01,1) MINE:, Caillotllll, and other VI:0.1161r 11111,
le rof mlerest to the macrame, rw. With dluatratione
and a map. la two volume.
Raphael; 00 pages or the hook of life at twenty: by
Alphonse de Lemarutie, author of the r . thoory of the
triroodiem, or ?maenad :demob, of the Putman of the
Preach Revolution," ete. Jost received and for male
corsair market and 3d sic
THE t luentinu of the public is respecOutry called to
he °noosing certificates:
Mu. S. sin g
tested a quantity of Gold
welshed by your Areomoter, I find duo result proves
your imarumant correct; and recommend the um of It
to thou going to Cuttlomia, as the beg method for ob
taining the reef value or Vold. floep..yonra,
J. 13. DUNLEVI, Gold Beaton.
Pluaborgh, March 9, 15411.
Puntsraan, March 7, IO4D.
Mu Emma—Dear Sin Having aiamiood the "arm.
meter? manufacturod at your rooms, I do not Lemma
to commend it to the use of those gentlemen who aro
"MI 1 . 2 9 V in to Callrandu in march of Gold.
It gives i glom approximation Co the specific groat
ty mounds., and will certainly enable the adamantly'
to ...certain when his placer Is yloldmg Gold.
4 :iFig Your., respl, J. A WCLINTO C
AT W. M. ATCLINTOCRIS I No. M Fourth mem,.
atm be seen a splendid vanoty of mp Royal Vel
vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest style& Also, Bra.
I . l2 v 3 Pila atul sup and Etsto Ingrain Carpet., of cup
styles and.qualitlas; and in academical can always be
found Table Linens, Cmaties, Diapers, Damasks, Blo
ttsj=l;hl Cloths, ke. &a, to all of Which We eall:tha
of the
roost remssroa, vaortmaroax
HIS establiahment long and widely known as
frbeine one of die most commodious in the city of
Baltimore, has recently undergone very m
atee alter:alone and improvements. An endre new
wing has been added. containing numerous and airy
sleeping aparunents, and extensive bathing rooms.
The Ladies' department has also been completely
reorganized and fined
whole arrangeme up in a most main. and b e
style, In fact the nt of the House
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
the proprietors. towards the comfort and ple.nre of
their Guests, and winch they confidently assert will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always be supplied with every sub
mantel and lurury which the market affords, served
up inn soperior style; while in the only of Wines, to.,
they will not be surpassed.
In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, dint nothing
will be left undone on their part, and on die part of their
a.latanta, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The price. for board have also been redured to the
following nom:
Loden Ordinary, ei,75 per day.
Gentlemen'. u 1,50
N. ag Waipan of the Hon. will al
ways be fu nd e t the Car and Steamboat Landings,
winch will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of char e. • •
Wilma 02 PSCOV Alto 62. CLAM WM, trrralmasm, PA.
aThe subscriber having assumed the manage
ment of this long establiehed and poplins. Hotel,
respectfully an ounces to Travellers and the
Public generally. that be will be at all times prepared
to accommodate them in all things desirable tit a well
regulated Hotel. Tn., Mouse Is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Prirmture added, and no
palm will be spared to make the Exchange one of the
very brm Hotel , in the country.
The undersigned reapectfolly solicits a continuance
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
_ . T11011U.13 OWSTON,
LAMASTIBE 110(1/119re,
A THE subscriber respectfully announces that
as 111.1
he h opened his new and excellent Hotel
for the acoominalation of trnvelers, boarders,
and the public generally. The house =A fu rn iture
are entirely new, and no pains or expense have been
spared to render it one of the most comfortable . and pletisant Hotels in the city.
The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, a share of public patronaga
ciett4-dly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor.
lIN ITED BT A TliFFlT6rlrat
CUM= SS., oRW=M Yocum A-ND Pent see.
OPPOSITE late Bank of the United States, Phila.
delphin Al. POPE MITCHELL,
marttf Proprietor.
Scrip at Par,
H. KLEBER, at Woodwell's, No. 83 Third street,
oder" for sate an elegant lot Chickering's Pia
nos, (Boston) at the low-eat cash price (or Pittsburgh,
Allegheny city, and County Scrip. They comprise
from 0 to 7 octaves. and were selected by Mr. Chick
enng for this market. They aro warranted to be equal
to any in the city, having all the latest Improvements,
such an circular scale, etc.
, .
Boyers are Invited to run pnrviotts to purchasing
el•ewbcre. and. also, to bring %tub go= some good
/edge, professional or othermae, to judge of the quart
ty of the above Instruments
N. B —Written guarantees will be given with each
Piano, entitling the holder to exchange in case the in
bent nttic proved the least degree imperfect. or
(ashy. my 4 H. R.
lihneklett & White,
DR)" GOODS JOBBERS, IN Wood street, ask the
aturnhon of Alernhania to their stock of AMERI
direct from Br, hands_
Receiving regular supplies of rim goods during the
tenon. end devoting • large share of their anenuon
to Eastern aurtion sales, they can confidently more
buyers they will find it to their interest to examine
thee. stock
ROI teeciord, large tamers of new style Dress
Goode, Fancy Prim, . Cawtmeres, Cloths, Rammer
Good, La.m, Wane Goody, Irish Linens, Tailors'
'l`rinumags and brown and bleached Sheeungs °Cana
aim tdaailt.. marl
Modern nod Antique Furniture,
Tin,t Smut, Prtriarnatt.
. -
" Q v—, A leo, nod oplendid
wtenrtment Of rainhatt,
ta_,, *unable lor . frt , ..'• ^-. ^ 4 . - "v" - ..
Hotel, nod pr t vale &wet
cortrtantiy on hand and made to order. •
The preftent Clock on hand cannot be exceeded by
any ntrutufnetory tit tLerec.:ern country Perc
retattots to put ld eltneo wba erell to give a all,
aa I ant determtned my price. rball pleatic. me
part of
the stork ronst.t.
I Tete a Tete. Buret Muncie;
Loan XI \ Chairs; Quern Elisabeth chat's;
Tea to se; Fruit Tables;
Toilet Tuides ; LOtti, XV Cummculer;
French Idaho, ant - Bedsteads, Piano Sion*
54, .Ma. with hush and Bair-cloth Wears;
GU Mahrmany Rocking Chaim
40 Oct Parlor do
- Fancy do
crane 'ranks:
21d pair ih vans; I pair pier Tables;
la marble top Dressing Bureaus:
h Wardrobe.; 4 Seeretaries and Book easels
15.1 marble top Wash Stankts;
4 pair Ottoman,
pair fancy Work Stands:
A very large its.ortment of common chairs and other
furniture too nnmerooa to mention.
Err Steam Boats furnished en the shortest notion,
and on the moo reasonable terms. deeld
Chocolate, Cocos, aco.
W Baker's Amerman and French Chocolate, Prepar
ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Broom, Cocoa Shell., Am.
Tmerchant. and couninters. who would purehue
the best products of Cocoa, free from adulteration,
more nutritious than ten or noire, and in quality unsur
passed, the suthnriher recommends the above article.,
manufactured I.y himself. and stamped with an name.
His Broma and exc. Perm, as delicate, palatable,
and ralunry d maks for invalids, convalescent.. and
others, are pronounced by the most eminent physician.
supernw io any other preparations. Ilts manufactures
. . .
are always on tale, to any qualms). by the most me
lipectable grocers in the eastern clues, and by that
agents, Hawes, Dray & co. of Boston: James M Rance
& ro, Hanford, Cnnn; Ilcuwey & blowsy, New York;
Heart tr. Monti, l'hHadelpitta. Thomas V finsndtge, Bal
timore; and Kellogg h Bennett, Ctnannnm, Ohio.
IV AL rEn BAKER, Dorchester Mus.
For tale by_ mord' BAHALET & SMITH, Arts
' --- tifrOngin. and Cut Iron noun:
TRS subscriber. beg leave to inform the pallid: that
I. they hare obtained from the East all the late and
faaMonable dningns for Iron Ratting, both for houses
trail cemeteries Persons wishing to precasts hand-
Nome pattern. will please call and examine, and judge
for themselves. Railing will he furnished at the chan
ce( notice, and in the heat m at the corner of
Craig and Rebecca streets, Alleghen anner, y
autritr-Mf . A. LAAIONT & KNOX.
Blanatactured Tobacco.
A O BLS Getury & Rower's superior sweet 5 Ip.i
.- 1 - 0 95 do M A Owlet's " " lb a
19 tif do Price & Ilistwood4 " 3
21 do do do " "16 .
23 do do Pearl & Harwood " 5A lb"
11 do .1 Robinson " Ins "
I{7 hf do do " " 5 "
23 do do Wm DA " 5
SI do T }Vrighi's " " 6 "
37 do Lit Anderson "
do I, T Daile's
3 do R AlasoWs 8 "
9 do Ratchtllb "
Just landing from Gensler and packets, and for sale
41 north water st and 16 north wharves,
Jell Philadelphia
ANCFA CI'CRED Tounecu—o.) bn tif 9 siones
& Son . * aupeno sweet lb lumps.
73 half b. Wetciter Old superior sweet 53 lumps
34 Lawrence Lottler " 5s
15 " Gentry & Rovsier " 31 & /3s "
211 " Dupont Gle la Euro) . 51 "
lo " McLeod . es "
2.3 " Lawrence Lanier 5s &6. plug
Jag landing from simmer, nod for sale by
41 N water .1 and 16 N wharves,
my3l Phtladelphia:
Book Itinaers.
W Ej . irv: o tT d elml , l , / , 1 1 the shave comer
we are prepared in do any work in nor lino with des
patch. We wend to our work personally, and satis
faction will be given in regard to as neatness and du
Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub.
annually Books in number+ or old books bound care
fully or repaired. Names put on books in grit loners.
Those that have work in our line are invited to call.
Prices low. mr-x.Hi
GALE sKIA--30 do: gen nine - Wenchtrafiiikrus, a
%,, very floc article. A few downs Philadlhia
Stint, from the V 11 iantanctory of bl Crawfo to
which the aurnuoo of boot makers is invited tat
received and for sale by AA' YOUNG dr Co,
__pr:7 14.1 liberty at
lI A VING sold our entire clock to C H. Ohara, ve dt
a view to clottng our oltl bounces, we hereby sot
holt for tom the porous/a of all our friends ism! cus
tomers. RU. Or POINDEXTER,
Pittsburgh. Aug. Ith, 194 E,
fl IL GRANT. ‘Vholeenle Grocer, Coneranoson and
kJ. Far wereteg hterehtrot, No. 41
. Water et. *ell
.. .
. .
lilt: L L - A N't.ilin - X - iiaT tiffsr onST ---
A PULTIIN, Bell and Braze FOLIII•in ha , re.
bulb and ronnerneed Immures et Ina old stand,
woe, he arztl be pleased to ace los old etonom•
era and mends.
ehurrh.SteauP,uot, and Belk of every sue, from 10
to 10,101 potluck, cuat from pone rue of the most opbrov•
stdmodel+, stud warre bled to be of tbe best inntermle.
:Ilunntrul Water Pump.. Counters, Italian, toge
ther troth every v ety ni Drava Canungs, if ' , guard,
natant and (unshed to the neater" manner.
A. F. m the sole proprletor of Worm's Arrn-Arral
no, Male, so justly relebrated for the redoenon of
(Action In mardunery. The hobo and Cowmen.on
on be had of hrm at all floes. tmObly
mHE subecriben haring the exclusive Agency for
j seihng Ibe l'ltnuitg Paper of a new and extensive
nattier Mill in tht. will be at all nines well sup
pded with the different sizes of paper of sot - moor quali
ty. which we offer nt the Wsest reieznar pmts.
. .. . .
An nonce .r quoit!) , w ~❑ be montanciomt to order at
100 dm corner Penn and Irwin no
............._ _
cLOIIIINU—Just recetacd for the
I California Expectinon, a lionipleut .sortinent of
bunt Elastic Clothing, at prtece ningtrig from MAO to
14140 for .ult of coaL, pants and hat. For sale at the
Duna Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at.
deetht J & If PHILLIPS
UST kb.CrilVED—Three more of those so pushy Jcelebrated Hantberr,h Pienos,-used constantly by
List, Tna/uerg and other great performers, together
unlit a large ansortment of rosewood and mahogany,
of my own manufacture. The above instruments art
warranted tt be perfect in every respect, and will be
sold low for rub. f 111.1.M1E,
dnelPtin tiff Wood st, ad noor eln
For Cla.Mortals.
THE celebrated Illarard Bade Powder, in kegs, doll
kegs, quarters end ems, for sale by
fchl3 J S DILWORTII & Co. 271 reed sr
202 CASKs pen received per stemaere Ivanhoe
end dt Cloud, and for ludo by
Lao Liberty in
L INSEED OIL-40 bbly in Jaws and for sale by
myll ender Lawry and St Clair RN
80. 81 Wood Street,
WOULD cull the attention of the public to their
Present Moat of Paper Hangings, which for va
rtetYi herlurpof finisb,darshility and cheapness, in un
ea_g,lmwd by any establishment in the Union.
Besides a large and fall assortment of paper of their
own aterinfatture., they are now remising a direct im
portation of French and English style. of Paper Hang
egs, purehased by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the firm,
now m EimnPe, eonslining of
Pathan mann: nue,
London do " • ig,tro Pi ' ills ".
Of their oren-Manufacture they haveloo,M22,Pieen
Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces satin gland
Messrs. James Howard /h. Co. have spared neither
expanse not labor in their endeavors to rival the east
ern wall paper establishments, both In quality of man
ufacture and variety of pattern; and they are warrant
ed In emitting the nubile that they have succeeded
The whole usamtment, foreign and home manufac
ture, will be offered on terms as low as those of caul
em mminfactoren and importers.
a. W. Remmers; t MllllOl.
Or Pittlibargh.. of Philade c.
And General Commission Merchants,
No. 423 num? Barn, between Eleventh and
fiIHE aubseribers be have neapeetthlly to acquaint
4. their friends mid the poetic that they have luso
mated themselves In Philadelphia, for the purpose of
traneneting a General Commission Dulness, and trust
that long experimme in business will seem., to them
few Patronage.
lir Particular anent:km oriil be given to sales of.
Floor and Produce generallyt and any purchases in
the PhilaAelphLa market for Western acemant.
REFERENCES—The metehanM of Pittsborgh gam
rally; rnger & Whiteman, Labour S. Andemlin,
Cinemas Ohio; H Newcomb &Bro., W B Clifton,
Lewis It or, Jas Todd, Louisville, Ky ; Crow, Mc-
Creary A Barksdale, Bt Lou* Mo.; Hewitt, Norton &
Co., W A Violet!, New Orleans, La.; Gill, Calms A
Noyes, hrGregor & Mortis, New Tut; W R Thomp
son & Co., Joint Tiers b. Co, Peter Marseilles, B
Jones, Deal, Milllgut & Burt, naiad's. apoe3sl
J. 711 -
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Will glee particular attention to the collection of
Claims, and all money received, shall be remitted
Rercesatcas—Hon. R. Coulter, Suprema Bench, Pai
Messrs. Lyon, Shorb & Co. St. Louts; Wood, Abbott &
Co. Flitted's, Jno li Brown & Co. do; Mr. Charles H
Welling, do; Eno, Mahoney & Co. New York,• Chtuen.
den, Bliss & Co. do; Baugh,. A Orendore. Baltimore;
W F S A Murdoch, do; Love, Martin A Co. do; Mr.
John Falconer; Mums. Loren:, Sterling & Co. Pitts
burgh; Forsythe & Co. do; Hampton, Smith & Co. do;
Mr. L 114 Waterman, do. mahlikdtin
bet mut—
e don very high back Shell Took Combs;
3 " medium " "
" low "
2i ." plain high " " "
14 " narrow beaded top "
60 " fancy top Buffalo "
10 " plain "
90 gross coca Horn. 30 dos shell side, assorted ai
ms; 30 gross coin bon 3 dos shell dressing do;
12 dos Buffalo do do 4 do Imitation do dm 60 do hest
English Horn; 0 do 8 El 8 fine Ivory, extra size; IS do
S 8 do do, to boxes; 19 gross 8 foie do do; 1 do comb
WATZII26.. ?Alan= 10/lICA HAS, WY. K. flit
(Successor. tu Hussey, Hums Co.)
,1) In Foreign and Domom ic Ilichange, Certificates
of Deposits, Bank Notes, and Spans--Foarth street,
nearly opposite the Bank of Piustmrgh. Current mo
tley received on deposite—Sight Checks for sale, and
collections made on nearly all the principal points In
the United Suite..
The highest premium mkt for Foreign and Amenean
Advances made on conugnments of Produce. ship
ped FAL, on !them' urn.. a nd
NVcairEiTY ErN-TiCri!=-SidaißLkMisrxiVEltil
Nuts, SW.. /L.IVAIT Ist. 1840.
Patent erns-inter extent-mos Tales, Sofas, Burro- ef..,
Book Cases, Wrsting Desks.
_ .
TEE TABLES the surpasung every other in
y vent.° of the kind now extant. They can be ex
tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed
the leaves are all contained manic; they are made to
dI sires and .hates, and are admtrably adapted for
Steamboats, Hotels, and large private families, term
ing when closed a complete centre table.
SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles an.
particularly to those who wish to econo
mise room, and cartoon a sleeping apartment into a
parlor or strung room, as they can be opened and shot
at .nvenietice, and when shut, the bedding is encloa
ed. A great saving in room and rent. Ail the bed
steads when closed form a beatable! piece of furniture
for • parlor or sitting room.
BOOK CASK —A neat and useful article for parlor
or drawings room.
WRITING DESKS--For law of counuag rooms,
and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed
stead, when ctosed a perfect Desk and Library alone
to visible.
All tape, article. need no recommendation: the
beauty of the whole is,
they are warranted not to gee
ma i n( repair. It midi be for your intercau to call and
exantme the articles, at the mumfacturees store. No.
83 Third street ?Indiana. In addition to the above
advat tage. they are proof egatoat bugs.
1t ELIIAH EArol , Ps
JAYNE..—TbIs eertifies, that immediately after
having attended my brother ' who died of consumption
in March, 181:1, I was takertsick with the Consumption
or Liver Complaint, and was seduced so low with the
dthease, that for fom years I was unable to attend to
my byline.. either at home or abroad, being far the
most time confined to my bed. During the above pert.
cml of tone, 1 had expended for medical attendance
regular Physicians and Medicines, to there ammo of
Watt withoet receiving any benefit thefrom. In
July, 1645, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi
cines, and have taken them more or leas ever since,
and believe that it was by persevering in their ate, I can now truly say that I have completely remi-.
vered my health. I behove that Jayne'. Sanative Pills
and Expectorant an the best fatally medicine. now in
1 reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y and
carry on a furnace and machine shop to that place,
and am not interested in any mariner to the sale of the
above medtctne. and make thia ceruficata tor the ben
efit of those athicted. ELLIAII EATON.
Spnligfield, N. V. Sept 16 IE4B. ja4
D TO&Aceo--Tb h scnber
M A vo ll otl 'A. '
call the attention of the city tootle and
dealers generally, to the following brands Tobaccos,
in store and to arrive, which beingconsignment. di
rect from manufacturers, he is enabled to sell at east- I
ern prices:
132 i bra R W Crenshaw. de;
70 I .1•211611 Madison 6s;
81 i " Lasagne 3si
33 I " Mirabeau .1%
23 I " Putnam 6s and Im
13 i " Roberta & Sisson 6 K
8 / Oscar Burl
I " Johns & Leeds tot
3 I " Warwick asp, 15
18 I " Henry & James 6e, Is and fm
711 , 6301.128, ?L.
TOILM WRIGHT & Co., are prepared to build Cocos
gg and Woolen Machinery of every damnation, such
as Carding Machine., Spinning Prates, Speeders,
Drawing Francs, Railway Head., Wuptrs, Srmolers,
Drgg,,tag prams, Looms, Card Grinders, Sc. Wrought
Iron 81mftrog turned; all saes of Cast Iron, Putties and
Huge. of the latest parterrns, slide and bud Lathes,.
and mole of all kinds. Casings of every demist - aim
furnished on lawn notice. Patterns made to order for
Mill Geanng,,l ron Railing Sc. Steam Pipe for heat
mg Famones, Cut Iron Window Saar and fancy Co..
tinge generally. Orders left at the Warehouse. oft.
Palmer & Co., Liberty street, trill have prompt atten
Hafer to Hlackstock, Bell IC eO., J. K. Moorehead &
Co, C. E. Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Patsbargh O.
C. J. H. Warner, Steubenville.
to n n 't an GllTAlA l t : ill m a . n c tite . ntrer ery m o i ral i f , knob; o . f
11 Pn
The Love works being now an e d g ett e e n c y e:s t itl
oration. I am prepared to execute order. with dispatch
(or .11 kuado or machinery in my Imo, such so willows,
pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding machines, rai/waye,
drawing frames, speeders, throesils, looms, W.I.
double or single, for mamba:no: country . work,
,noteejacke, km; slide and hand lathes and tools ingen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv
en for gearing famorma or milis at reasonable charge.
Rasta vo—Kcnnedy, & Co., Blackmon k, Del
& Co., King, Pennock Co., Jas. A. Gray.
coA - cn - P - A - vronitT ---
„ .
l ur A. WHITE & CO would respectfully inform
31.1.• the public that they have erected a shop on
Lacock, between Federal a; d Sandusky streets. They
are now making and are prepared to freely. orders for
every desenption of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Re
touches, Buggies, Pitt6lolll, &C., &C., which (mm their
long experience in the manufacture of the above work,
and the &gigues they have, they reel confident the are
enabled to do work on the moot reasonable terms with
those warning articles to their line.
Paying particular numrtion to the selection of mate•
dal., and having none bat competent wet/trams, they
have no heanation in warranting their work. We
therefore ask the attention alba public to this matter.
N B. Repairing done in the best manner, and ou the
matt rensonable term, paiMUI
Dioncongrahels Livery Stable.
1.. q. the large stable on First st, running through
a r a. to Second 11, between Wood and Smithfield
with an entirely new stock of Horses an Carnages
Be best quality and latest style/. Hones kept at live
ry in We best rummer. iTadly
Pond Graduated Onionisso Battery and Paten
!undated Polar for Mahon( litgia akar purl:emu.
rriltld is the only instrument of the kind that has COOT
been promnted in this country or Europe for med.
Mal purposes, and Is the only qos ever known to man,
by which the galvanic 8018 can be conveyed to the ha
men eye, the ear, the brain, or to any part of the body,
either ermmally or internall, in • definite geniis
stream, prahout shooks or pa in—with perfect safety—
and often with the happiest effects.
important apparatus is now highly approved of
by many of the most eminent physicians of this noun.
try and rotroP°, to orb= the Meted sad others whom
it may concern eke be referred. Reference will also
be given to many high!, respectable citizens, who bore
been cared by means of thismott apparatus
01..0 of the most inveterate lICIIRIUS disorders which
could not be removed by any other known means
Among ranks others, it has been proved to be ad
mirably adapted for the ewe of the followieg diseases,
eta: nervous headache and other discerns 01 the brain.
It is with this apparatus alone that the operator roe
convey the magnetic fluid with ease and moiety to the
eye, to restore sight„ or core amastrosas; to th e ear to
restore hearing; to Me Mope and outer organs, to nil
store speech; and W the various parts of the body, tar
the core of chronic rheumatism:4.olms, neuraigm, or
tie deloureox, paralysis, or palsy, gout, choice Of 8L
Vitae deuce, epilepsy, weakness from sprains, Borne
diseases peculiar to tersales, contraction of the Stubs,
lockjaw, eta. one.
Rights for aniroondiug mtuotlea of Western Pa, and
privileges, with the instrument, may be partbaseci, and
also tested for Mecum or diseases.
• Pug instreettraw win be given for. theVarions ami4
cals to be seed far various discerns, and tkr beat atm
000101OpefitOfff (or the care of those diesasetwill
B obo folly explained to theperchaser, sadVipampltiet
e l c .
inio his bands expreest7 for these VorPeses s core
trautby the ntee. or
d 8 W pateI LLIA = Vine
D V al n itE9B T -WT ma
* GA ch l rt C &
Ware now <mental! a very_ la nti choice
w r i m ent of gyRING AND SU M MER GOODS,
selected with more than usual Cale during the last few
weeks, In the New York and Pail:Wolohan matkets,
and embracing a great restagef almost every de
.riptiuct of the latest and moil fashionable styles, end
ii `, . , 7 e A P U " C li gO o Dg t a h t a a vi gleal b' ti es rtgl Vll he lb t e . gru T :
ill" rates, we are enabled to offer great inducements
to cosh buyers, either by wholesale or retail. We
would therefore respectfully itiViM the attention of the
public to our Stock, feeling confident of our ability to
suit buyers in almost every ankle they may wish to
our line. To the ladies areworthi especially commend
out stank of
Persmne Danis Sass, of which we have a very
lose and be.nonfol assortment of the latest Myles and
most fuhionsble collars.
Lamas Duos donne— Monslin de [alines, Pail de
Cheeirre, silk, linen and mohair Litstres, *null
Lawns, gingham Lawns, Poniards, new style Hang%
English, French and Scotch Ging:tams, linen Ging
hams in great society, rte. rm.
Boni,,—New style Bomar', very cheap.
Huston AND flowarts-411f the leftist styles and supe
rior in quality.
Partamo—A vary nage and handsome stock of Pat
mols, of almost everystyle and quality.
Suawits—A fine assortment of spring and summer
Shawls, of all styles and prices.
Emma Carus -A good supply of super French,
English and American Cloths mid - enssimares, to which
we would invite the anentioci of persons mending each .
ALSO—A fall and general supplyorShirlingCheak;
lickuitts, brown and bloodied Muslim, Table Linens
SheetMgs, Diaplto, Camb nes, Drillings, sinimer Good;
men.' and boys wear, Sseonets, Malls, Sarbis,,j‘lart
took., Nankmis, Prints, Gingham, Crape, Crape Lace,
Cravius, Glove., hosiery, .ilk Hdars, Vella &oar,
Persons wishing, to boy by wholesale, ahoold call
stock,and ezanym oar
:.t a.* oar prices am each nolo
make It their A
r ANDFk& Market at,
*On northwest corner of the Diamond
A A. MASON et Co., No. 50 Marken Mreet i have
on hand the largest variety of fttibrotdcries
which they have ever offered. Their assortment =M
aims in part of the following goods,
143 rich embroidered Mamie Capes, from BI 50 to 5,00
850 ~" Collars " 371 to 51,00
500 crochet Collars, from 271 to 75
359 lace " sto 12j
700 Gimpure " " 6i to 12e
L5O Jenny Lind 6211 to 1,00
180MU.= Habits, " 00 to 1,50
590 pairs muslin Cuffs," 370 to 621 •
Also, Mourning Collars, from lei to 25e. •
Cad at the cheap one price store of b A. MASON
& Co, No GO Market st. mylq
11 01M, de.—W. R. Mummy has this morning re
*hied by Express • lot of handsome straw colored,
green and blue Boneroridibbons. Also, glory black
Silk, for dressies[trtsites,-mentillas, Se.
131.scs Stut. Lsets—A Large assortment lately =Col
Wm. GOODS (or drench—at:eh as swiss and mall
mashes, Natuntobs, die. Also, embroidered musline
for dresses, all at lowest prices, at northeast corner
Fourth and Market streets.
Wholesale Rooms up stairs- myll
IL almost. Das now open 11l auonmcnt or
above article., for dresses and sacks—among the lat.
ter am some scarce colors, such as pink, blue, groan,
Ac.; also, pink, bine, green, and mode colors e( Ch..
male., Lawns, and n large assonment of embroider
ed mantis. and Lawns.
W. R. /SL's recent purchase Is now all received and
open, and persons wanting Dry Goods will do well to
look at his urge and leech stock before purchasing—
at northeast corner 4th and auukct at..
Wholesale Rooms up stvirs. my 9
APIFICIAL FLOWELCS—Materials tor Arnaciai
Flowers, vim Plain tissue paper, spotted do. Car
mine paper for coloring, Pink Saucers, Leaves of eve
ry Corm, buds, Opt, and callow% can be obtained at
F II EATON a Co's Trimming Store,
apl4 1311 , clunh at
EIBROIDERY—Worated parern• for truoinaus,
Piano Stools, Table Coven, Traveling Svgs, with
a great variety of Atoll patterns. Also, , orate& of
all eolone and almdes,by the poand, ounce, or skein
for sate by aplh Pll EATON & Co, al Fourth at
SECOND SUPPLY—W IlMnsphy, at northeast cor
ner of 41h and Market streets, has now open his
snots° supply of apron( and snootier Goods, and has a
largo assonment of Dress Goods of newest styles, and
staple Goods of every kind, nil of which will he sold
and 7
received the above scarce and desirable article,
the fashionable shade; also, Green Ravages. ap77
MAW & CO.,
60 Ninitln Stony.
ARet now opening the most extensive and varied
es cement of Spring and Summer Goods ever
exhibited an the Western country, comprising upwards
ef Eleven Hundred Cases, pore haled in enure packa
ges from the manufecturers, importers, and large nue
hon sale., by nne of the firm residing in New York,
who is constant/ eanding as the newest and most
faatuonable goods. They name in part
-100 eases rich Spring Nulls; 130 ceases 111 de lain,
Si a Lawns and Alush 31 " eon= and linen
120 bleached Ahmans,all Botulisms&
grades; 30 a col'd Mnslina;
40 a shirting Checks and 127 a Hittites Cotton.
domestic tiln,gharns, ad, and summer Staffs
2tH " Brown Stluslung
Also, cases nod packages of Bonnets, Flowers, La
ces, Ribbons, Silks, Shawl., Demme, White Goode,
Millinery Articles, C/oths and Casslmeres, Linens , Ho
siery and Gloves, Am. An.
City and country merchants will find their stock tie
large and desirable as Eastern stocks, end an exami
nation of their goods and prices cannot fall to eon
:nee all that with their andeniable advantages and
(anilines, they can compete wire ANT Eanaae Joehlre.
1102 fact has been clearly demonstrated to hundreds
of their petmns who formerly purchased Eau. noir
stock will always ba found complete. ap7
11R19 88008, 1849.
TTENNEDY & SAW I' corner Wood and Fourth
street, are now receiving direct from first hands,
Clarge stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, including
Clocks o( every variety, gold and silver Watches,
Jewelry, French Fruits, Combs, Hooks and Eyes,
Gloves and Hosiery, Boapmiders, Gun Caps, and all
other articles in their line—all of which having "eon
purchased personally of the manufacturers east. dn.
7,1 the for aurv—SlVl.U.codal:
Constantly on hand, all desenptious of Looking Glass
es of our own manufacturing, at eastern once* mien
11,1"Eir FANCY AND IJA/il ETV toOlJDn—At Zeds
CLON KINSEY'S, 07 Market street.
100 yrs fine China Vases, ass'd; 175 seta twist and
cut velvet coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet 'Barr 20
do do gent's traveling, 100 gross fancy silk Buttons,
for dresses; 10 dos Nall Brushes, ass'd; 100 gro fine
blk Vest &mons, sated; 050 do do gilt and plated, do;
06 do: rosewood Flair Brusher 4 do Washington do;
I do Barbers do, 3 gro Flab Lines; nth Hooks, Lime,.
JEWELRY,,: As —6O gold lever Watcher, SO do de
tached lever Watcher 10 do Leonia dm 10 fine dia
mond Finger Rings; I dos fine gold Vest and Fob
Chainr 2 do do Haan* Breast Puts, Finger Rungs,
Ear 1114 s, Rn
k.c.-200 dos Ladies Cotton Gloves, mud;
300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, de.; 10 do gents'
silk Gloves; 12 do do kid do; 60 do ladles kid, used; 10
do do fancy top silk.
VARIETY GOODS-75 pkgs American Pins; 300
b. Cotton Cords; 73 ps Paper 31.11 n; DUNA ribbed
Percussion Cap 4 200 gro dress Whalebone do; 100 dos
Ivory Combs; Dreasht,g Combs, Back Combs, &a. &a.
M 4l
H. EATON & CO. are pow opentny Weir apruig
stock of Trimmings, consisting in part of Man
tilla and Dress Fringes, Qtr.., blank and cold Silk
Laces, black Flounce Lace, Button., Bride, Bonnet
Tritaralfigiugents, ladies and children. plain and tan
ey Hosiery, Shirt, for men and boi s, Comb., Rory and
other Fans, Yarn, Spool Cotton, Needles, Tapes, Bob
bles, Pins, &c. &e, which their offer for sale, both
wholesale and retail, at Mir Trimming Stare, IS Foarth
street, between Wood and Marin,: ant.
HOODS.—A. A. Nunn ¢ Lo.,
iGE/ Market street, are now opening 90 cases and
packageMuslimplendid SPRING GOODS, comprising
Lawns, Bereges, Id de Laines, Qinghanut,
Prints, French Cambncs, Linens, Ribbons, Lanes,
Silks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, .1 a general ..ons
meat of Heeds. mehl7
RECEIVED THIS DAV, Carpeung and Oil Cloth/
of the latest and most approved patterns, mid at
prices to suit purchasers, and chea as can be pal.
chased in any of the Eastern clises, P
compriaing the fol.
louring vanntlen.,
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
• dirmbuster Carpets; any she hall rooms or vin3
Tapestry do obule&
Cup Royal Brussels do Tapestry huh calms;
Extra sup 3ply do Brashle do
Saperfine do do Chanute Rugs;
Extra sup Ingrain do Tufted do
do do I/tassels do
Fine do do Cheatho Door man;
Common do do Tuned do. do
4-1, 3.4 & 'Tapestry Adetaid do do
Damask do Sheep akin do do
4.4, 3-4 & torl'd Ye- 164 Einbhied Piano cotien
nedan do 0 7 4 do Tabte do
& 4 plain do do 6-6 wooldo do
Cotton Ingrain do 6-4 wonted and haen dodo
do Venetian do Bran Stair Rods
'-il cotton Druggen 16-4 wool eromo cloths
12-4 woolen do :stair Linen
6.4 do do 6-4 table do
English Table Oil clod.; Diaph do
Doman do do do do Clash
3.4 Floor Oil cloths; Snow-Drop NapkftruN
7.4 do do do Crimson rushi
64 do do do Purple do
3-4 do do do Maroon do
44 do do do Carpe' Binding;
Sheet Oil Cloths, of nesTranspad Window Shades
Tapestry pattern, cut to fit
LL To the Masse we ore constanl recetetng one Spring
tock of Cs n
rpe, 011 Cloths and Stem boat Trimmings,
to which we motto the atteutton of all who wish to far.
fish their houses or steamboats d'it we will be able to
offer goods as low so they eon be purchased in the
East, and oldie nahest and late. styles. Call and ex
amine our stork before purchssit g eaewhere Ware
bons& No 73 Fourth st. metal W. NCCLINTOCK.
Tha — Largeh, CGrapat onftMort Faslsianadde Stool
of Goode, adapted to Gaettleme•ie Spring and
sy. ou te Wear, cs just r.teicerzg at
Wale D.oews
_ _ .
THE Proprietor of the above establishmentyvnuld
respectfmly inform his numerous customers, that
he has Just returned from the Eastern nines with the
most splendid assortment of goods in his line, that was
fnever brought to this city, comprising all dui is WAY
ionenfe, elegant and Cheap in cloths. Cgssimeres.
Carhinerette, Drop De tat and every description of
cotton, hues and woollen Bummer Stuffs; Shim , Cra
rats,Paspendern, rec.. or the newest rtyles.
which, together with his very large and ist.hiottabla
stock of ready-made Clothing, he is prepared to oder
at his usual low price..
Country Merchants, Contractors, and all who par.
chime largely. ere particularly invited to call and e.g.
mostthe stock, witich is dim drdly the larger and
most fashionable to toe city, and great ettendrn has
been paid to get it up sellable to tue who male trade.
Order. in the Taitonng line executed in the most
fashiormitle manner, and that nothing may be wanUng
to ensure the newest and best style or tatting. A gen
tleman who has had great elper once In the East e rn
cities, has been added to the cinedilishineal
• - bii - V — acions.
Dry Good. Jobber.,
NO. 09 WOOD STREET — WouId tall tho attention
of Merchants to (heir
. large mock of Domeatio
and Foreign DRY GOODS, /QM receiving from the Im
porters and Mantithatarers,- and width they will tell
at very low rates for cash or/levered amid.
Oar stock is now fall and completa, and well worth
tho attendee of Sayan, as dm. am detenzdsed, to sell
.wykagiretaelplow ptcca es crank Oil eiiSteke it
smag Jammu Winfogaivis ta =tot hill WWI
VOL. XVI. NO. 249
, t z , , THE PROTEC r ( OM FIRE AND
$4,11) , ,.. - -s NY OP HARTFORD, CONN,
Clung= co ISM
• • - Capital Stock, Angel Receiptaiand
unpins fund 111,000,000.
All lota°. promptly patd at the General AirtmoylOP
flee for the Western States, located at Cineuntatl,Mk.
This Company la of long stamling, and well knewa
throughout the United Sates For its activeney and
prompt payment of losses—having loomed andWral,
tied, to the satisfaction of all concerned, over VW
lama, amounting he the aggregate to IWIT MUM
or souses, the receipt!. for whiare on the Gls of
the Company at Hanford and Clneuusati
The Putsburgh agency of this °Zee was oligmall
held by
M " e. A". oo d, Estir, and wee subsequently
taxed out of the State, by a law antounting so a prohi
bition doll Partin 1.0.11111 Ce COMpiales t Just in sea.
son to escape loss by the fire 0( Ithb APIU, 0 41
The agency Is now reorganised tinder MI charge of
the undersigo, who will receive applications and
tune Policies against GAS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE
on Sums, Warehouses, Dwellihga, to., with the con-
Imp, divot on Goods, Wales and Merchandise a
gainst the perils of satyrs sax, and
Xll/16•11¢1; ar
the curren t rates of premium.'
Office ü B.T. B. BR OW N &BROTHER'S, N 0.117
Wood street. PAYETTE BROWN, i,'
Co. Promotion Insurance Co. Or Vszabrnigb Tanf .
No use to the hada& of i'stir burgh City Se*
TN conformity with the 2d Election *NA °ritual:tea
of the 18th otApril,nlgidtreeting the =derdeme4
"to negotiate FOR CITY
gages - f indird bSyC RIP . W tho BotnedsH
LARS"—publlo notice re hereby emery that the saki
obligations will nowbe dbrposted of for the Corporate
Issues of the City orrnieburghofultettkineaulnatlons
of One. Two and Three Dollars.
PG rata I' notice la hereby riven. .tbm Weds,
bearing intertet from the 18th day of April, lettle, al
rate ofd per cent. per annum, weft at any thou hereaf
ter be issued to the holder or holders of ctry Scrip, 111
alms of One Hundred Dollars and openuds, arectas
to the provisions of the Ordinance of the above data.
ardii S. R. lORNSTON, Ci Treasurer.
it 1 if'
fp t
,'-"At's•J -
z• -;.-., ••••• 1 4,, ••• „ ,•- dilC? •
p ;
01111111 1: 1113
t d
A N EMINENT and experienced Physic= hum tbd
WanT:conil cnny
Ills muse in Buffalo and other large ears his
bun proverbial. His charges are moderate, and his
cures pennant= Old cues of Glut, Stricrars, Scro
fula Fluor dibas.,
chronic or Invaicrate o mE ttlel Ag r.' B"hilb. ' o nap
A cue warranted, or charge refanded.
litm h ureptt..Fair
" ITlce d w oo ge"poo m P e gra p t r U l . 4l
N. Dr. A. solicits the wont cases or any &sass
in Pittsburgh to call. - • Neil
WILLIAM muss, •
lanalaetarer of Ahmed Water apparalas,
moe of VIZ Clo‘gtt LOLL /MD 1000/AM,
No. 913 North Hecond st., above Vine,
AN experience of more than twelve years la the
manufacrturilrg_tif Mineral Water Apperataa, and
the preparation of Mineral Waterin Homes and fog,-
talus, on an extensive male, with a scientific, end praii
beat knowledge of of both branches 'of btishiess, loge•
her with recent improvements in dm CLOISUILItiOp of
the Apparatus and the preparing of the Water '
he has succeeded le adomang since his Wait to Paris,
and after ye., of close study and practical applica
tions as applied to the arts fa Mechanics and Chemis
iry, enables the schsenber to coma before the public
well enure confidence, and offer them the best and
moat complete Apparel., for the manufacture of Min
eral Water in Hold. and Fountains, that can be fur
nished in the UnitceStates.
He also gaiters himself that the enlarged success he
has met with, and the present extensive and daily in
creuing amount able business In both the above de
partments, furnishes the moat convincing proof of his
claim to the thperiority of Apparatus over those of all
°then, and of the purity and salubrity of the Water
prepared therefrom.
• ••
Persons who order the Apparel. from a distanee,.
may be assured that their inatruetions shall be MIMIC&
ly with, and so peeked as to carry sat y
either by land or water to anyport.of tho U. Stales.
To avoid disapponumem, it us recommended to di
who lamed supplying themselves/. aperosaing -
son, m forward their orders at as early day as -
bilateral Water Apparatus, Generators, Primps
Founts..., Ornament. I lint. and Pedestals for 8
counters and liars al 1.04 for drawing 11ydr
Water, together with Corking and Tying Mach
nod everything appertaining to the above basin.
constantly on hand, and lox sale on the lowest to
for cash, ap.!thdeodilm
GROCERIES -100 bg. pr me Green Rio CotTes77
75 pckg..Y Imperial and P Teas;
50 b. tb., 531 and s.llopals Tobacco;bbls N 0 and sugartioust blolassem
Ys. blies N 0 angari
150 bads Sued, Herrings, Mackerel and Mallory
3U do pure Fluwed 0.1;
5000 cavorted Cotton Yartm;
75 bales Batting ani Canilleanek;
26 bgs Pepper and Alspacc;
40 boxes Pearl and Coalmen Starelc
SU do mould and dip'd Candles;
10 do Sum do
150 do No 1 Soap;
10.14 Side. and Shoulders Bacon;
76 down Corn Brooms, in store and for sale by
.311 JOHN WATT & Co, Ltherty at
einie: subscriber. atereceioiorg and offer Ike de a
j. law rates as follows,
WO packages VIL Imperial and 0 Teu
300 btu Sin and Jean Lilfee.
150 pkg. 5, 12, l lamp; le e nd s's span Tobacem
00 alms 0 sager; .0 bills 0 Molasses;
40 bbls um:tried Nos Loaf Sagan
15 do Tanners Oil; IS do Lamp Oil;
ItMgrou Blanking'
Mackerel, No 4 , 2 and kin bbl, and hf bbis;
300 has Liebee se e Herrint 30 las white Pipes;
25 bgs Pepper 10 do Ahapioe; 2MEWI Cassia;
6000 ibs Cotton Yarn, as&d Nos; 101 bales Batting;
50 has Palm Soap; 50 do Tulle/ to Variegated do;
Star 50 Large Raising
10 bale Almonds,2s do Palm Nonn i
20 do E Walnuts; 20 do Puberti;
00 bgs ground Nuts, 15 b. Sp/cal Clocobile;
3 eases laquoricee
151= Principe and fk-galLe Serum
40 gross Cm and Dry Tobacco;
20 Cox Bed Cords; 16 ha. Reek Con dt -
IS bra Sperm Candles; 110 do Sure dm
ask oMbre Aladder,ll corm= lurbgro=
eases Cloves. 1 do Nutusep;
10 bbls Whiti ng; Edo Chalk;
50 dos Buckets; 4010 lb* Salerakun
Ma bra fine rut Chewing Tenneco;
Common and half Spanish Caters.
St.NETP, 37 Wood st,
ap2l3 opposite St Charles Hotel
Pine and Cedar Ware taaatastary,
No 8 canna Banana= Meta dn i 1 .4. ,, m0ug. n .
Tlik: subsertber keeps constantly on whole
sale nd retail, very low for cans—
Wash Tubs, Barrel Chums,
Ban Tuba Starr Chaney. . •
Hone Beekets, Half Bonne, kn.
All rther told. Ware in hia tine mule to order.
THIS - Is to eenify that 1 love ap•
pointed Limping Roggen A Co.
Sole Agents for the sale ofJerstutgbi
Panant Waprahgm Eller, for Me clj
ties of Pitiabumh and Allegheny.
res Walter Id Gibson, NO Ltroadwav"
v... 10, LMLL Hilfg,
N e have been using one of the above articles at the
' , Mee of th 'sgm e NoveFlryilteWirkar°fore thilreeYdramonlWoulti,.
and feel perfectly mashed that It is a awful trivendon,
i e wn.
u.d we lake pleasure in recommending them as a use
nu amnia to all who love pure water. Orders will be
trustaitfally received and4womptly executed.
cull. Ll yiNOS PON, R ai lLc_ o
cuticA'r w - is -TA—
J tIPACTOR Y.—rye subscriber tate, this mensal
of Informing tos Irmads and the public in general that
at has the hugest stock of the Ibllbsnag named •ru.
des °this awn manufacture in thin city—Saddles, liar
urn., Trunks and Whips, all of which be WW warrant
n be made of the beet material and by the beat mech
anic. In Allegheny county. Being determined to sell
an reattafacturea something lower than has been bens.
no told by any mailer establishment 121 the clay,
.Ould invite penou in need or the above named
...times to his VraICOOLLSE, N 0.144 Libeny street, *upo
n. Seventh. Also, bands Made to order for machine.
Y• ocrll.ty 0 KEN BY.
JPI T a T rn M of MMr.O K— B M l r i s
Gessn su f a i o io l r n fT Um l
I tHE neiond Session etMO
derre the
oW e IIC year, will An or }pORM
ry neat, to Me name builinngs, No. Ai Laverty Janet
Arrsingentepta have been mute by which they will
tm able to Inrush young ladies feminine equal to any
at tha West, for obtng • thorough English, Claus.
gal, and Ornamental educauon. A fall amine of Phis
isopbical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered
lams the winter, illustrated by apparatus. 'rye de
muumuu of Vocal and Inatrumental Moire, Modem
the care ofa
Languages, Drawmg and Paintrftg, will each be ankr
competent Proteaser. By close attention
to the moral and intelleetual improvement el their pa
,el., the Principe/shop° ha manta uniUntlellOn Of the
nberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. Poi.
terma....c circular or apply to the Principal.
I RuN FuuSruff ir gonui trio pours..
dry ut • tiourieung town, with Patterns; Toots,
...., all ready fur buatness, will be sold on
j a i, 4 acres, or exchange for Iron or geode. ancosursis
Ibis ode ra 1111 cirri/cot apportuany to a young wan ,
44,..1.. Enquire
rat near Wood street.
ilealeo, Cooking Store., Orate., to.
AILzHALI, WALLACE & co , Round Church,
Ili corner Liberty itod Wood streets, mwmfactutli
sod offer for sale Platform, Floor and Cannier Scales,
of Lilo mom Improved q on 4 . ; Cooking &oyes (o r wood
and Ord; Egg so's, or various size., ,
orte, and
common Grates, Endow 'Ware„&e.
Aanuf actor< the Kitchen Rouge, *lnch h •
as They alsh
giv. each
general sausfacttort to boat baring ill. arc to all of
which they would respectfully Mvile the attettuon of
the citizens and the public generally. octV4ll
DA -Qt-Qt
TENT anoronesn of Cornell u 4 & CO'S celebrated mania
teentre, and snperior to all other. in use; adapted to
chUrChea, tenor mall
raetteriett, dw elling, Pzbife sod
;awhile balls, and L or a
l OM. US. when • cheap, safe
and brilhant light is desirable.
ShadeirandoLea, Hall Lanterns, Candelabra:4loam,
s, Melte, Chinuties, Cans, 'trimmers, &e. Also,
Wu Chandeliers, train one to fear lights.
W W WILSUN, larnartret
i lardorareaChesper than AI vein
Lou., wiLsoN & CO, Importers and Wholesale
Dealers in Hardware, ennui and Saddlery r No
LW/ Wodd eater, above Fillknare enw trona very
cheap sad well weeered suet of Berthsaro, isrp o md
wane lee d ined tow tell erli. of orient in Lampe, and artuifi they
Cen t
km'. Mereharta
have twee in the habit of going Earn, are paint- r
truly retnered re call and Oak nmetb !our Mock ,
we tont:wily be tho,ll4.VWre jjasj i tocaces.
-703 Whlaken Itv - inoro and G
by spxs W aiITCHEZassa