,'7...5i T A (Itt ra :4 'i' ESTABLISH 141, i„lusins& CARDS CAUNATIANi•-:: - I:• A.Tiiltttlr W: i - AT LA Of ori roltolh meet,. • bot O-o," Cherry allry and Gram. -101 . 1:11y A .11..NISTRONGN CREAM, Caranaaahmm er m,... 'ill and :dl;ralars fir Produce, No. MriFket-surer powomy F. e. 1) 15t , 11f I ELI) d HAYS ; Wholceale;fetaer...i. Dr y Good ~,tiruc.cn.,, Roots, tillor.,,.rittsinirgb ma E•1110k3, ZWLlbe!ty„strpet, burgh. Valt.Sl•l I oO.ab* foist 4111 RAUNA. ItEITER, Wholetsle glut Retail Untg s Plk fist!, r ilek of pbetty rot St. Clair 'greets, I'm% urTu l Pa ' innyl4 rc45 1 17 . 0 , 71. ,_,...- ' U. ii lOWV. ) ROW.! 4. CULBERTSON, V7l3Alessle Grote., I) RatlCiCAMllattir. ,/lccr.har.a,, tiql4:4 LAA'rtY .i. .I'..v.abure,h. les., ..- • dcfnly .? A. l'A IMF's', rttgli: A co, Wholtvale lama I. I).'itit • 13rut!;i - othl, ranter Wax:A=3ll6th FT , . _ iyi .... .. 11.-.:3 A L liV A. teirrti,..WkolcrAl6l.irocers, I . ..a..__Zl lydalvreti Vitt.t.ur,ll. C A , hild trtv,•ol. Al,fehant , , Canal Vlttilatih thaw. Auo 41pring,_ enact A. 1.1 Steel lron urka. • ' 11 , 1,1.)N1 Co, Illanitfarainura of Foaeh :out I,:iptlC Ildtorherdtt mud; and Omen Iron, tcc.., Warehouse on Of - stet And Front etrectr, Fiturlorreft. Also, Male., int, Couch Trimantlf,9 ond,6Talleabte - .lstAiniar.67trouLt , ON d UT "TinT,'7litilitisiTE. -- - - TIIMIIMtr •dr on t urn, • • EDMUND WiLKIN3, . rpiNTINIJES to manufacture , allarnantoan l / 2 Ronal lJ Vaults, 'tombs, Head &artery hfunial..)ACCent fko• tre and Pier Tops of foresee and dotnende kilallifo:j. of It regular and ' 14 , 11-I,mennea for montuncotn,vaithg,...ti:l'onuch ' ed, of nay doconpuon, lterunteits a itri . FadAToldie . • .Artigalltf nicr7o. ',met Ora:mt. ToNC;LISit litWoirrr, (late Oallagher 4:1 4. Co.) Wholt , alc CAlll3lol,l4,llinsl'Cot ,. trakill4g. Mete/tants, and derOrr iv VriairretaniklMt•- • 'barer IkFaltaLantdre?,.NO. :17 Wood et„kciareteit int tind - 34 areths, " • • • • 141- tiOl • an.;•,m,.,1,1.,,inf MVO., ramentaitolff - - • , filetchant, No, to woodmica I Attlonfill. 11CialiCiairiblik:ritt• - .....,. • • IJAlSlWTON'FiliVlAßT..amatfaciartr. Of /Navy Shirtincd:i Clemks, Ito,' Fcaucc. dArn"..ft MY' of ~:heny. . noy2s-411* • 111 • LEN tsacrereat.to Aluiptir R V..ld Wtsol Vern • 11 rr and Cuornatrilon Merchant, for the role , IX Merman fllf Liner4;tipposite foth .1. rcbri ocf,t. naann, Holtman,. --• ' . nifidum, ruwatru uPiir' , • j'tol.3 • C- lent. wax, witY .I.IUtTiNO it, Tobacco Corandnitt, u _Li. chum., 41 North TYatcr a 4 &Pt NA!clir IVIou am, , , te Co., (sac cese,ors lortslneed, crlmtdission and'ydreeaxdim :der -4idolr*aigtAticrogafo47lt="l', Jr/114%11 DICKE,Y & Ch:, Wholefale Urocres, Cora • eaplibril‘rete.fraitlecala clenietelri Produet, Nos : s6 ofie;nitil 1(11 Prong 6t12,11 , , _ C.4.1.41 7 11.11.17,111=7Mar" n, 6174 . .. 4 5414,- U akon.ond Porn,:ai4lnglClercl,Prd,..ttrill,tylinleselo :dealer Lalreerern Rood ou eildeFe4 . Matt, Tot: rind Pearl /44i, Western:Pp:Muer, senErallrj-Nraier et, bee:c. emith6cl4-and•lltoial pittitprer: ' • 1 1 0111VIVA.rn, Aloccesenr,-ter Erslde.te Gebbatt) Wholreale Grocer and Conutusetutt lilexcbmns. dealer -id Produce. and - Pittsbargb Alenutsclures ear. ner of Liberty.and Hand meets, Pittsburgh Pre 426 11111,1E.M AlrG U1111 , ;(1dte , o(16. , Erre otA ) geo:s,.a It? MeGoird,):4Tercheer TaiMr , ;It tiltarlte• Moldings, Thirdletreet, deer IV/M.3 A. .111.7C11.150111, h a. , — Sadcgssoi; L 9 LOW Ittacitkon I: Co, CommLnstolt 4terclotit, and .krate ot,tho St Lours SICIIOI Bur,pr„Refincry. Nd. 46 Nitalertunl,72 front streets, Pittsburgh. .Jto h I D a tIP UTII t: '‘brfri t 6 Xg ' ej'omler;eiMlgr,-tqft i.sbell h tud Co. Woods,Vtan: . • - *OlOl. ' , IAN, As lotpr .-C, win..P.Sqr..l.6.Prant*,kAile,.Vstn4isrtts, ‘Vood =try or..c.door, *au& DlAmoix4 ••• • . „ JAMA'S .Dwris,) Ship Cbctryilers,..36•Wanrstretiu, Deal • 11701M11,. , AIELE;(.41,.•Whillesale .2;fitteikil - Ileta •tr tyr Mum and Dinotbra Irtnemmmts, cchnai )3645, ritivrj Saie.n, 'Steel • rtms, Prmtrys , nail Stationary geuct4y, No. el , Wood ac , Pitylbu'rgb. __Apr. Rags. boutfrt e, ba n iu . i.mde. • scittooWmAhifgWv.i., . 4V4otritmer, . JWIN 1.).,,,PAV1§ . , Exacts-Pacer, eorllet e.psl Wo . t./ streets Pittsboro bej . TeIiNSTON 1 . 1 Eq`oefiT7)N, IloOlaVelfoispiqfirte Si and Paper 3looloseturers, No. 44 Mailret &VW burgh. • " ref; JotVt Ylon). - • ; ' Kama. FLorn. - I tr. 11. - .1 , 1,017.1j, Wholesale Grocer!,l2.6rtinnrsinn Ul erbium., and Maier. in , Prodticei ITound , Gtirch % inmung on Liberty, Wood and oh streets, Pinshoreh, Pa. - 14.51.1• N jr o, I nn it:J . o=f t idetelzunr, bud dealer in Prodnee'and - PittaKii •h Manufeerares. NO. 21 Wh ter s[; - Prulturgh," ArilL JtnlN-hrT',lNJWlCriLlltl,st ud polltenry, No.4slffer_ket„ec,,thieednorrialrove'Fhird et Pitw burgh, will inive'coristunnY on band a well rielgetid es nonntenkpr the bertand ucebext hiethSinel,Whichle will !ell. ea .the men , . realsoualdwierna. Physiniana4 Betiding •otderN.will, be,protupttr„ alwaded tb, and rap, plied with arueleathey may rely upon as genuine. ". La. Phincienr.Prerctipuons aeourglely and' .Dclly prepared from the. Lest maleriate, atalry;hetti of r he day atnight- Alto forastle,,..largo stack af.fresh and toed Perth, • MILVIi:JO:\11?-4, Vot; : ardimi cladasjkidint Produce .nd I'M,L,nrgh Lid:Utica, aruetex t C. 4,141 itui Is, Ueat7t11,4... • FtATI 21111.17; - 1.71 , ett.Gi - K LN :pP ,' io v f-I " 4l, l :tt e g.: " A, " ri n .. 4 Paztgr t ,7, • /wine and Isaumg. • • '}e.10:44. • • • • Vest...lca - W - 6'ml WorksT L . • iu. EWIS, 1).1J:1.1.:1.1. .0,, in.tulatrert , , se. Llar,'Sheet, Boi!erirort and 1)( jimbem IVareliout(Tsl`vvater atiilllr, toil malt' S Wtolruit, ce6lon.titt 'l i3- Nal llomma.stosi ;nercbant, Uraler in; Ent.- .. tr i g t ! . l4l , 4l . lzr . eTni . i . es mut; Produce, 1,:ic.11, cuolus ' : 3011113r.11!alatie: • ZINN , fIitGDY. & T iJOKINU GLASS Idanuratairers,'iind VlTlONititto 14 den*rt in tairiatrand'donlaatirNarilay , Clooo2. IVraletti. autichtutia, Nahum aid othura ate matte',] : ' to cal/ and eXaminc the [met-sand quality elithir %talk, am, without' ofttent increased faeihues hr trlinuriotor. we,StiAt ••••,! con.o4cf as great indoceraysta 10 buyern slialtau ! West al OK Mountains. r - • 'mum, Talatai cGILL.9 & Rol; Wholesale, (&Area aiiti 05111MiS al, "lon I.tm - rhanst, No, WVlsbrrtYat ., rilitinkrgh ,ninteni-,WILSON h , (bee Jllll[3, ilotr y •rirl Co.) WhoiceoJe, !realer, tn. Dry..litrochs, Wooa Etree.critr6orgh.,-rff 2°' J[ll .. .WM. Z. N. • ALLIN, iand,Forrriardotg Neu/tuts. Water:stay.-helivicen Vood •'•• WlLSON;' , l'llltrtrtuid rt . In /YU ter. Room, arbor 'AO 1 - ort °thee Alt el &I'd Founloreel,eotrlcoes as 4th near t deeC-4.1. ,ried tit.Vo;eign ainilkateltip MIN orytrinenc! 11, Bunk Noir, mot 'Arctie: CoUttßionn =Ea - rao- nil the pr F. 11,1 ‘1 ,, 47 . i littarghotrcllnt Illsuktd,Strttee. ' • der . . N13111. 1 /L.'ILibTEJI4 . aura douratd, 'Coaceyunelnt oral! tintil neturntr. - • • tTitlnate it.+2.l'Ett3te extrtlnt4 • _ • . •n. M.ltobexts, M. D., OPT/Q..4IIICtiIiIIGEON, talent! to the a" treat •ment af• - ilv.: Lye. D. IL boa boon tika,tollitt tit& Itioncit of tho menl profemombularteme years; milts,' coullocted on estublithmein ft. the tr-atmeht of d:tittatte*orgho nye alone for Leery and resit:roma, conmep e )lAo4l ..Streml.rry nilay,Ailsghtny city. , • " • 103 PLtifnlJA xEn IiTOIt 1i0 ,. 1s Oa !nib F 24 sr.; near Wonil—A II qunntltles (Anna ',Dui JllaCt rais,atonavix•in , qtrantri and o.te pow pscing,..% ranging sissarigt.ClnsAint o=lo CAW.. lytr. A,IVi c innt (Si P'Ain l'ess Cot rros i r:;: 7 l=tiVrns n t l ig ig ; toms nn nts nuts- of Forestps - and ,llousesslin Wind; ana,b4astan4 Nin l o g y ' ! . ssertre' lnuid *ss jalite stock or 4131.0 310nonttohola Ixdbittkey, whid t old low tot - • ipt.l . ll luSr tnT 'TV& whot.""c", 1 ) .: a ?, amosoiltdou dort.honot.ent ' dlkVPryiift 4urghtkottrresi , No.lol) Vittaboigh' DALZULL si t o rrnr - rWy r , ttlonataiwoo sinnt.Fon'tvanisng -Illoschanntitetatts Yrodueostol l'itisbatrgb AS twactnrea, Lihnly it. PlictiturgO„ . .Arita. A.A.:U2NNIMAIAIII., Whol6.lltlev (I..eucer 41_PrVdttee.a114 rtleslnsrigh filanufaglum, -1 . 0 .1441:4 , Crty et.. . .. tv. ,- averanizosi- - ' I,III6YNOLIrS a. SIIEE. Forwarding and Comrnirgien e mb G re ohaamm , f oP nA u Ai leFgiAsMl M a l g Ci h v etid aradC4 uttares cudCldonde or Lime. .1' ' 31 4 4.4 4'W. enAa r pt.l-311.11 Varner IL c. liitAtist.r Tljovi, palltg (.111ACI4iHrr k 'WIMP; wholeste DqaterA lu 1 .9 j 6 . 7 ,1 7 h g . n, and bumestic Dry „„.L6ll ,y tuld,Vorwaidlne Colarmswou . 11 cr , t4.4 , ., No-4' WE. LIAOIII,KIt to en., W td Produce d0t00,,,, No.lMMorkounrett,botwoen Nookridn, tioludolalna;• v i s s • - magl . nrOP.E,64. , b k taxtts NICOLS, Frodute and lientral Caw. „.„ ~,,Ab.t h . Lah...eihno Lard !gig- •- . ,-Permt SF VON LlONNltoltel CaLlVholeiata Oro eenl F or yadloo. and Ctoondsnon Marthutna, - , looljolo Finsborgta illanuf.turesand. Waunorn *O - I:o=l , ltause,told lb 4l corner of en= syand enomery.Lane.. , J. ert3OOTT, - {llliales'eonnd io , , ikons, Trunks, Qarpcl Bgs, S.V. 0 Ater of 40r and Smitlifioid stsoritttExti t yp, droucro oud !don Morelia nt,,,and deulors ni tro4u p. I'Ju at itood - ..e.iffultainuTW TT, ithrtayhts Inonlora, -and. Wma anAL,Liittio, lato, 'ovarian ollinsavAtlutodUlzapti luir kgrakiery.Nta. IGO lalloon Attics, Faudnoogb, rai rQTA' • „ 4 1 1 - Viff,s - 00,1 7 OenlerinTiVaiiito7 - , 7 detociri , - o81(er1Vor . , fornnory chvds eh< , • ' ' . . . . Zttii,' A' --,-FzTT a c . l .T rg- Vr 4 F.nmtrg 4 ! , rqt'#FYM'' , ..Lr: , •rt;:'n. -, •'.i - ,r,-,. , ::-vz, , ,,,,.„--.•----,„—.,,, ~ . .. .__ .-...... .... - ... . , ....,-. -„,....-_,„ _ ....., . . ... - . -......• ,_ ___ . _ , • . - • . - ig ', • -- i.;" ""' 'l l ol.l'iL , _ ...- ' . • ' - I i . 7 ~,g; .. f • -•; .. :: _ , I , . , ,_' 7,":' - . ~., !,' -,,,:'...; , . : - • , , . . . -„,,..,,,., , ;.,,,.. ; . '.: • , ',. . ~ -GB . .. • T . ,:,..„..,1i..„...„ • P. NUT, : DA YID IICCAZLILM. /SPCA NDLESS, (awe ...3 to I. J. It ‘Vick,rWtotefirde r. and ,Cpintots.kion Vert:ll.ls, dealers Iron, Naily., totwit Yamsotht Pitiattugl.Maintrucum. gcn..d/Y, Oiver oflt oud pill Witl4r • Lreel.a., irdin4 Mrrthrtrit, No. !A Front at, beAsvoen Waal and Market wools:. - W. , W.' MM stone nnd Mm . lortablliihment, No. ROI Liberty rt., gain!. man.- "W' R. IR WitniosnOi Wog! kouOiTleoios TT • Foreipt and Domenic Dry Goods, norlh e: corner of Market and Fourth sit 211r2 WZ. YOUNII,, JlGin L 111'.152. YOUSG CO.—/k3ICI, in leather hides, &r. •W 143 liberty it. • AO-Iy WK ateuecneds. - 'Erna. m'clerre awn %AT-&.II..APCUTCIIIRON, Wholesale Clearer, dna 11.11a •lera in,l'nidaer, Iron, Nall*, Glees. and l'ate. burgh Manufahlarra generally, 152 Idlanty st, Nth dee/ Ewe, • and Military flood), or 911 Alarketand dth rtrrrewl•Mktharghj: •N. D.-11'alrhee and Clocks earefully'retealeelll ' det4 Srid.FAMINOTITi," /iliu;utaeinier e . olisii and Tnlortaineli, Fridge, for Drewes,&e.; Sesame anal colored COtton for saand PoSnala earaaals gimp, ..I Silk !Judean 1. - Wages, Made to order On the. thadeat Ilotam• rotnekorAtaiden Lane and Withal/1,4,1am., No r;5 William Street, thin' floor, or Mawr & 12)a , sore: No 65 stntd,ii tame New ' por k 'Tip =III • • . TOCSO Y. CO., rII:ALERS IN. ltf DEN ATLI) 1.1.AT11 Eli, Moro,. tqtoe Fottlenekato..-No. I4;1 taherty ,„ Mel received their , vrattl, primly, a large 171.(1131[1110iatoeles in 1111,1 . hoe. . otkich the •Ileationof Buret/au:re te melted. mold:: • 1 • • ST.I.AIII BOAT AO BNT •lireoat mama N Ahse.4,l et Co, oeell ' No. 42 41'414r 441,4.! • - ESE iittitigitlig r latimOlec-C.A. of Phi/ark/ph. D,RF.w mks..:-vc, kfuneker, Thom. Ittirt Totiuss NVatarr,ttatniatr Grant, Jacob RSouth Rielltirds; oatmeal D. Lewis. Adulphu E Butte, David $. Brostir,..liiiirris Patterson. CnAvisnir N. RAM:NeII, I•resinent Cliorien.(i..,Soceetnyy. Continue to make knituraztee, perpetual or tonnvit on every desetiption'tif prnperty In town or country , at ruler an lOW MILIV.CIIII.SISteIIt with security. To eompurtrlitien reverend n Inept eonunecni Fund, which vim, inert Capital and Vrerniunci, can 1; invert. rd, atior4 ample protection ig the The nt.e.ollhf rtintrany, 011 January tat, 1,19, pu [Alstond nsteentitylo nn act 111 i-eml. , trio viz: • • • Real Horne. Terntiortre•Lortnn Stocks 1 ....I Cush. kn. 81,1g19,499 71 Sines theivineorporauon, n periml of 19 year., they riarephid.up9iordx °lime million Mar Imndre.l Moan nod dollar", Immes by tre, thereby affording evidence the.mtvanhigrivoi marines, no well an the ability and ~,t OOOJ prordpincon all ha biliher. VARINNER t3)II , FIN, Agent, mgfrindly Moo N E earner Wood rind b.99L AAR/ SIM /MUTUAL INS IGN/AINGE Co. 10/1 A. ISTADEIKA, , Agent at hustiorgh Mr Me Dela- VirralltitanlSAffeltylosurimee Company of Phial. aderphla... Frreltiik. upon Mahlon, land nnerrhandme 01 9 vrY :ffeveltldrOrh land Alaririo Enda" spun !Mrs or cargoes of voosolb, taken upon the most favorable term,. _ A l l.s . Ortlee in the ' Warehouse Of R !Win re es Bro., 0.37 Water, rigni3Larkat street, Pitteburz,lt. N. 11.--Thie sdeceas df this Company sin, the estab lishment of the .A•geney in this city, with th prompt ness and liberality with which every claim upon tlmm for loss t he Imen adriglied, wa riant. the :trent in invillt the conEdence, , aodyintipnage bf his friends and the contranniientlarg•C to* the, Delalvire M. . Insu rance Company,' rehilert teas 11$, addiardial advantages as art ins basi l turtangitlio mord flourtahing in Philadel phis basil% ad amplopaikilir estpital;.hich by die opciation of lig ehardir eirastantly increasing, as yielding to,eartkynirsod It bled. 'share ot dm proSta rnspoo of die company, Williotil a s nivohrig turn situp Whattivq, and therefore poss,Plag the'llitenal principle di v e s every ObtauZiOlni tore, and in its Most attractive Porn, 110 V-f ixstittericE. rpm: i.uraueriltimpo.y. of North Anielica, din:nigh its ditly.asithernzedJ4enti the slamPerlbrr, Ddr, make permanent and Ideated Iniiurnnee un prripcnr dos coy and rurticinity, and On sturnnenin hy the Cs. nal o:n4.ft-o'er.. is .`IDIIIEf.TOB3. Arthur 0 Coffin,'t _ Cherie, Taylor, gum') W. Jonee 4 ' • Ambrose Jaen!, Al Tinoni•, John.A. Brown, • John R. John Wbi o, • 'Richard Woo', MK.. P. Cope, . \Vm. Samuel I'. Smith, Prnnien floyteliej SioutielliTOOkb, Ausitn ASTIIUJ2 1;. CUEFIN, Pree'L Ilenicr D. Sutuaut4.Seey. This the ohlot..l.ll.aucr. hi Company . in the Uniud Staten, linen chartered 17%. hisoner pegielithl, an./ (molls Ingla at:aiding, tong experienm ample nleani,, and iioialing all risk, of on exit,. liar .nrilounolineneine Winny be eohridered a, offering nn pl. nrchritY lo the pplAib. • W..P. At the Counting Boom of Atwood, Jones rt Co , We ter and'ffroor mirgehr.l . illrburgh. • r It 003 he.. appolttlid Agcut p anti: °fete histitattei Company of North Ameroen oil itlll4mtue ralleios lOW attend to the other Int.:mats tithe Akpaer, at et e valtrehotrio of Atwood, Jonroc Ca. • . upt2,. 1 . -.IOIY water st MiTrigrafTjTirro p: a. nuyrm.w 1. arraarae, gam. P11.11,15145S 1d..."1/&lsl6:Nll.olLla7it &. CO. TOBACCO •tOillßllBBoll - 59 &garb Wlitirviiit , t ar.rl No, 117 Senith Vale, st. Plll 4/1111A411.9. ' 13F.G1 :1 16 Inform the. trade and dealer" generally, of 'JD Pi • %nth:that they. h...• e made nog , arrangement. irvith the Vuxlttia dianalaeturera and the Grower, of Ilse West, West indiesoind other places, as will insure large and ronstant soPply of the following dc•erip lhans of 'foliar-ea, r Whit . li 1.1.1 open cc aroma skialating ter.ns era 'iny:other house in Ibis city or elan where 'and oil goods ordered loom them Will be nat • rented lirivanur ' l St DomIligo; Conn.; Vara; Pond Ripo; . Penna., ;Seed Leaf to- Cuing. lguldt; 7 & Pleinda; ..) badro; ealebraied Arrinorrie Stag Caven dish, arch a large asSortillent of Other popnlar brands, and qualities aipahni,lis, 6s, Ps, Mr ; 16s pun :La, Letup; •.ss, 11,6tandina PIT Ladies , Twist, Virginia &e sweet and pla t in'ishole and half hones, wood •aooi WI, Ingather Wi ogery variety of article belong ing mitre erode. ' jelVidly afPlll3l A SHAW. PACEER OP.:FORK AND BEEF, Commission litre ant and Forwarder, NO. - -4 CANAL trri; CINCINNATI, CHI' t. rattieutte , entelnuiln paid 10 - the purchasing es! of artyrutiele of g i oduep in this Market. Alto to the forwarding of etotllSl generally. littler to Messrs. Jed& KwaSer Co,") Tfortirile &Dotsvolll.Cincimean, n. S.C. l'ittklaresta.F49. 3 Lippincott el CO'. Kier to dones husbufgh, Ca. tttglish te Nannett e . inarsalm_ titte,ll4eare.COCllll.A.N. ' Conalallohl,ott oUel iltPtirrearal sag Ethic haat. srbolskr., rettantnwir, ' c.lNTlNUF.SiOtrattsact a general ConliNfission neon- N.:./ notes, especially itotheepurcheite and sale of AMeri tan Idatilfarillren Sand Pbiluee, and in reedy/at and foresardnir tfoods'Ocatsigned to hie - care.A,,Ar n hut for the telanniacturesiqte :trill be romantly• sh.kithet,l with • thhprrnerphl anodes of Onshore' Ilianufireinre at ilto• tow, wholesale! price.: Order', and consignments arc e. sully utheEled. tto; • • 'lf M ` ..,.Er.t 0 LT ' 'kirk:ROAN-DISE 1111.0s1 tll. and , ettnAl,2llo dOrkialii riot.' street, Viacom' story,' tr.YGOINIK.P.mirtdi looked, and •snipril& d. to ar . ] Pool, Grain, Dried F'rvioanVtierse race,iveli tin eon/imminent nod star. 0D35, ondrittsasulantrottnifteeL I ILSVS/LitSCsi - -Wiri. Itcll a. tkni t AIL IL MO y, and Mr-P.:v.7 Yahla..kqtasbFlFlt. • • rb.4.1.. _ G EORGE 'A. BERRY' WnoLleaxim catooEits' FO6l'lEOl INICIASIBISSION AthiCILINT, ANir.D}.2.lN • lron, Nall., Colton W RA a T.. rne dr. Plnabnrgh rildanerraptuder generally, Ma All 'Ayoub! Wrenn., Prtrannvai, rA. -- -- . LEECH, JR, in ' , 71 , and .1,, , ne1n, in, Fordirts . and Unman, Baddlely Hardware & Carriage :Trimmings, • 1'0.133-wood: 0'.., Pittsburgh, Pa. "I S nowareeiying.hattrptlng supply or GOMIS, and .1 inviteltherdrentlen)6l FaildlerNeonebruakese and Alerchante to his stotk i It has been lemght opal Re. 'twat tetras, :from' the ;best sources, and ho therefore feels confident of bents able to afford satisfaction to 'at Who MO favoi Ides wlllt a Call ma h2l . lant CtrADMSIIOVELIS, ite. , -60troz Sirodes and Sho . k.3.nnts;,lo do Illimarn FOrkss; vu at, Grub Ellrovets; 50' do Noatet dot Axes, iltothets, fifonocke and Picks, Bellows, VICO., tts:i for sale at munfoetarers prices he t. heels -, ..OF.O CoCIIRAN, tr, wood to ~zien•HuVidir iffHkir-ivHiikii—iTyirsi.no; 'AND. AXLE FACTORY. malt TO* ' ~ .'• , • l, 'O.IIN V. plan.. ' • ''''' ' ''JON'SS IL ''S./.IIIGG, MANUFACTURERS of sprit% and blister steel, 1 o tl ptooglt steel, steel plongh-urings, reneli and edit. on FilflpgNlnunntered'.inNl,n.elen, sus ii, n i nni in malt i teehas duartge, fine engine tampn; and rue h tninnangs generally corner b( terms and F ront' sal Plununr e h i reter - ftetfersiblei bslteeing Coale, ' 1" F PURIFYING WA rmt, (~ ,+ .- . , Wide 'ldere turbid neater pure by . rentovi "11 substances nil entuld e in 1 ‘ '.....t , water. I e creeps). water In N. fork, i 1.... 1C .r hen ;:'. although clear nod pure to the eye, s e , •, •1 4. „ .: when ..n. Parsee. OA hoer ukraugh Um • .....- ~. ~ 'filleting conk, shown a largo deposit ( .'""ls -, . insure substances, worms, As. nu 0, the CU* mare or est with allhydrunt Wlttei. • .11te fierorsible Filleirer.is neat and durable, sad is eel attended with 4e ..inigneentellee incident to other Viltif int Id, it is chunked With° ing detached from .lbe =eif - me, bilateral *turn 'the toy or handl. frentorniable to the. [She r fly easy process, the I t come Of water's 41,41g.h and .....11 1 .110 ,, a LS Impure sentanectr,aro,.drilresi allf almost Instantly, without unscrewing the , b oc kE Ivalso Volume. tha advunage of in a ilop, and is suck in many Hasa will,ho yertgontenieufeadecanormeaL . He,. boonheiraritteiOfthare .i ll a rlY Frert e ld b l: i - fir IoW to st cultkilinhi D2U .X. &° ' 1p,e,11... " . nirls,4oN , lorthcr %.61.3 - •itgenc, - 4" . . oc ti ...... e.arner.Of Fourth tad Market ma ---.- P - sacriiTytiagleViholateitlin. LTrirl U re. assortra ea s beForelipt and boniest, e 1.1- A c rt,.oayi pi/. bit) ir. HI. aro, sole in . quantiou t" '''''' ""h'''''' oven , a • a: curromxTßßE •-...2i ‘z • ... • .......:_1_L.- i N. - --- - hlusipiatts , BleachingYane4or, .. (Ohlivid:b-at Lune.) THE subreribern have retsina/lb:waived (direct boon 1., tae anumfatturcrs) ,''sash fUpply. of ,thn o 'owe c.allialsa article, which theg . wilt sell in : ,the lowest Masker pries fag eitatiitc'epprosetiblUa• . utth - ... -- 3v , & - hturrcHrunlyx. --- ;itri.: - 7 - - -- . irne.r.inddY? LiTiViirpenor ',axe Lime roodY , Td .11:4 rprAikie tyr Is a, w 11AltbAJJW1 111 A cia 10W ca fi r i ed 1 8601;1"! 1 14) ° : " Tla r • 4.1", •_ XV" D wua here •• • ... CAIrDS JAMES bt/XT Or. I HARMS-43N VaIViLL. TIUNIA)r SEWF.I.L, ntlorory et Lnw, utlicW on Sroil hfir Id, Lei wren 3d nod lt It E. 4 _ . y Out:, I N. A Itocne) .. nn , lennnaollo, at Loa Lou t ., AL,. 01 I . ol4l.)lVian It/tr0103 . 1..-I . tllKbitrgh: llon W Forward, ;lamp 'Pro & Alillrr , AFC:amides% & APClure, Jolt 6 Parke tEitasell. & Semple, sFeord a Kong. a:14.1r . _. JOHN T. COCHRAN,' - A WORM'S AT LAW. Fourth ' , trout, holt,. Smithfirld and Grant. le Itt-df __ . .._. _.. _ A -- WM. C..143.1-ir:MD, . - TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth arruea ursr Grant uaradly • Ur O. 11. ROBINSON, Attorney nt Loh, nix Y . moved has odic, to-the Excloruare IhuldingVNt Chu r at , next door to A Id‘nuno Johns. apllly BATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. R11C011.13 & 0 0. , (ftiteces.arn to filiCord & King) lit va•hionabie inatter . .o Varner of IVOrki and Pi* Strrta. PARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trail, Gentlemen can rely upon :tonne their Rat. and Carl from OUT retablishoirni 01 the 11.2 - 112 2 2Taalat.0 0201 WilltlatalCalll . , Of the LATIalt 5111.0 a, and at WC LiOrtaiT la./CEI. Country Merchant, purchaalne by wholc,lr, are winpeetrully Rivard to all and c”nlitic oar Slur k, an on. ran any wilt, confidence that n• reenedn quaint and clues, it will not nutter to compaction with nay brawn tn 6.147 /d i CALIFORNIA li/1114-19 doz water proof California ilatg, not reeeired And for gale by M'CiiRD & reirti7 corn/511i and AVoiral at. pieSPHING FASIIIONS FOIL 1149. 3I'VOICII .0 Co. will intraluce On Saint alifillikolny, March ad., the Spring utyle of RATS. Thow in avant of a twat and nopenor hat, are ace, to call at corner of sth and Wood nirrets nine? I DI7 4.14 Mll 01,724 `,./ 06 ROI 3.S,SH ‘Lt PRI.INU Lk /Alia ite.—W R Nurph,' A? low now °pun et supply of aprlng llortnri gibbon, of new and balubtorne myle• Also, new style fig 'd Neu.; ,Irk Laces and VA' la• Link. EligataN Victoria do; plaid mid 'scone; embroidered Swing 111.1iiiv, bmiika large twitortulentnwing Gonda genetally,• at north cart eoruer 4th and Market Rtrentr. Whole-I,llr Rootn. 00 .tnir.. I.IGPOILTANT TO THE AFFLICTED Dr. Rose's Coltbratril firmedirs. DR JACOB S. ROBE, the discoverer and role pro prietor of Mese most popular and henelieutl wed imees, and also the inventor of the celebrated mum men for inflating the Lungs, in eflerang a cure Chronic threaten, was a student of that eminent idlyst mon, Doctor Physic, and as a grados to of the ITO/sem, ty of Pennsylvania, and for ;forty year. miler hue bee engaged an the invesugation of downs°, and this apish rattan at remethes thereto. Through the use of las inflating rube, in eonneeto Iwith law Proplit lac. Syrup and oilier hi h i, retnedles hal gained,. utiparalelled end/it-nee eartsee those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Cert. sumpona, tianqrs, Scrofula Ilinsuniatinab Asthma Fever and Ague, Fevers of all kite is, Chrome Erystpe las, and all Move obstinate dasensca peel/I.r to females ludetal every form of diseane vamsliet under the one of hta remedies, to which lititaanny in heir d i vi i I. y the one of oncoompound only, tar that is inerinipauble with Phystologwal I.aw, I.Lit by the WM, at hi* reow dofies, adap . ted to and pre. libel Si,. each peculiar 1. out disease Dr. Rose's Tonic Allecouve Pills, when unrd arc in variably acknowledged, to be superior to all collet . as a purgative or liver pill, tam:much alley team' the bowels perfectly free - from costiveness as also hi. Golden Pills is achnitteil by the faculty to posses, p liar properties adapted to female disease, but le mile satisfied that a bare trod is sufficient to establ.lt v. fill has been said in the minds of the most skepocai The afflicted arc mei ted'tfa_rall upon the agent, and procure (gratis) one or did Doctor's pamphlets, env me a detailed account of each smartly aid . applieati on For .5111 C by the folloormg agents, as well tis by most Druggists throughout the country: I Sehounmaker 8 Co, It Wood Street, Pit.burtt J M Towasmid, druggist, 41 Market at Lea A Beckham, " near the P.O. Allegheny Jon Barkley, Lactingtost, Braver county, Pa Jos Filion, Douse Valley, • T Adams, 'leaver, novlO-dly (1013G/1, PAIN IN TILE SIDE AND elf ESP t ILEDl—lluving a for long time heron Jistres with a severe pain tn the stile and ellest, arrogypan with a dry rough, I was endured, upon the urgent si •ii citation ni a friend, to Dr. Taylor's Cnlnnm of la r. it won, and I Must say the medicine has answered I purposs admirably. Idly distress was produred by revere hurt. and VAS shut it Waa Wi th dithehis count swallow my food. Indeed, I agn ,abed au. disease mum mite terminated in C O / 1 ,1.,115(in or -nine fatal disease bad it lust bera eared , mdteinu. medicine. To all who wet; In profane their live.. I weald advise the use of Dr. Taylor's Barnum of !Ave, Wart JAMES GUM' AN, Ca; Bowery This medicine facilitates expectoration, reduce. o • vet. restores strength, and may be considered n- pertor preparation fur the cure raid prevention oi 311 diseases is the Chest and Lungs, and should he remit id to, even alb, these diseases have re.,.;-,l the usu al remedies. In the praellre or this old and very on spectrible pity - Me/am Ihw Balsam of Liverwort 1.:4. ac quired an enviable eputation for its virtues, as - nor to that of the al bundant nostrums of the ila j, sups- Wee a. the character mitt probity of cis inventor, to that of quacks and empiric.. CONSUSII'TION CERED.—pIy son having a mo. lent cold, used to cough violently, raising quarto U.'S of thick putrid matter, and finally he could tint turn nvcr In bed, from weakness. Ile manifested every IMO of confirmed consumption. For six years Ir had been miner( to the lailloan. 11/2 phywelonn, n terser. . Venal:Ode a.. Amt.:ruin, satil he was ineurob and must anon die. Yet I was determined to try it, ray tar's flotsam of Liverwort, and strange as it is ay ap pear, this medicine has fully restored health Sold to Pittsb SOPILLA PALLIIN,I4 Norfolk re, urgh b 1,13 Woo. Townwnd, 4.3-Market y J ; lI D SmMyorgsan, I cr, cur Marl et and 3d els.; llendeSsost A Co, 5 Liberty st Price r. •dneed to 81455 per IssOs• p Oth Jaynes* S.xpeetorna Columbiana c0.,(1. Apr. 21, I/ 41 DIL D. JAYNI•I9.: Fete Ole .— I feel honed 40 you and the allliebed public, Cu avail myself of Mi., op. poilpinly of giving publicity to the emnionlinat -y effects of your Espectoratit oil myself. Ilairing been athlete,' for several years with a severe co.!, her tre lever and its coneountant diseases, and seemed only 'doomed In linger out n short but inbiesable osistence, nilu the hull of le)M, when, being noire severely attar Led, and haVIIIg reset ted to oil it limner remedies, and I die pre seription s of two of the mart respectable phystem us in the neighborhood without denying any bericht , nr the congolation of surviving but a few days or u , erss at farthemb—wlien the last gleam of hope was about to vanish, I tail recommended to me your Czpee toning— rind blessed iydbut Bring who does all things I in the use of the meanig—imil esmtrary to the rperm ludo, of my physicians mid frit:mils, I was in a few day n rinsed from my lied, mid was coal/led by the aloof n It nine, to attend to my haziness, enjoying mune better health than I bad for ten yol. previous. Respectfully yours, Ice., For sale in Pittsburgh, ni Mc Pekin Tca h..0re,72 Fourth street. ma id:, AROMATICIK YIN FA/A ll—The high Lk, ly sanatory, bals.umie .d ionic properties in oil Vinegarrender it far superior ro Cologne wader fo the ordinary' parpows of the toilet, surpasong tin, ter in its pentone. It prevents and removes psoipless, tester and asperity of the skin, it refreshes and *linen s the skin, rendering it soft and smooth. It rorreets n, e clammy and biller taste of the mouth, imparting a i reel and pleasant breath. It cleanses and whitens ills 'teeth, and hardens the gums. For all the n Love pot pores, p used /with water In curb . proporti on us may be found most agreeable. I'y Inhaling it roof rubbing it on the temples, it will remove headache. If apple instantly to. a Gum or bruise it will eventually prevent morti4catiou. It correct vitiated air, and guarnnt,ea (rum contagion; to therefore very useful for punning and perfuming apartments. Poi sole by E Wholesale Druggist, mch3l Wood street. f ttGliorgh — llii. — ifeLii6e In Veiinease.e. rpins is to certify that I purchased ono vial of McLonssa %Venn Speeifie, some two mouths min and gave to a 1011 Of lame, some seven years old, 11,0 , Assponna lull, and although the amount may appear Lama ) yet 1 have no diwald but there was upwards of two .11093 pared from him meager.)). MAD are trot DO inch to two irrelres , G W 11111,I.IGAY. gotta). egoak, Cann' co. Tenn., Ike 27; lOW 124 S ELLEILS' VERAIIEUGE IN IIEORGIA. rlotaroatio, Jar,. CM, lain. Ale. R. It. Sellerg:—YOUr Vernoduze has sold well, and hat been highly spoken of by all who boom used IL From the success unending the ednlinistrn torn of goat Verinituge In every ease I nave beard of, I arn. confident I run sell more during the cornntr, seaman 11%11111 did laid. I Will be glad to receive untidier sim ply ofd orb gross. Youta, respectfully, lEsstract from letter.) It. CARTER. Prepared and sold by fL SELI.F.ItS, tai qt, and gold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and AI leghny. x. C. T 1 41 , .1.X. it V. PITMAN. co. IL saols.n. YEATIIIA, PITTMAN S. co., 'OCIVARDINti MEIMUNTB, No. 12 Second .lreri, meh.2.7:d500 ST. LOINS, NO REMO VAL. rrlfr. satmenher has removed his %Vitoleash: tr;roee j. ry Store to the eunmr Ilanroet street and Alle gheny Wharf; next dour to the Perry House. utch27ltl .101 IN PERRY kiiiill. meet --lasto_peni nit, a large and selected assort: meet of fine Watehes and Je welry, winch will be sold as cheap as In any other establotunent tat this or the Eastern cities. Also—A large lot of variety store Watches and Jew 01,Y1 01 very kwv Prices. Pail Jr welled le karat Gold Levers, . low .14 nstrty-five d 011,,,.. mohto W W WIIoSON. earner dal and market sta . Per Greenlee...l Gardens. nearand real running tenant boat TIIONIA.SI 2sctin, leave. the Greenwood Wburf lione,at I ha Vertu, every half hour during the day, landing at t he gan/en gate. • A fine collection of the choteest Greenhouse Pl• no- are for site in the Golden. lee Croon,. end other se Irestunents forntsbert In the saloons GOrtentla put up et the shortcut nonce. (tracts for ,Bognenh left et the arharf•hosn, wtlt recervo area 4 , t a • arrt/./ a 1 • LAW OFFICES AT T Ol V a AT LAW, Butler, pe, W. also attend to collection. , and all other Intw• nett. entrtnned to him in Illutlcr and A rmwong eonntidtb Pa. Refer to I. & R. Floyd, Liberty in W. W. Wa/lare, do James Marshall do I . tttshomh dly Ray 2c Co., Wood F t ) jnn7 1 IL SWEITZER, Attorney nt Law. otLee .t oppoette St. Charlet. Ilotel, rttolturytt, writ nl•o attend promptly to Collet:l44ns, to Wa. Manton, Fawn. and Omen ersarnmet, &E illackstoek, RE & Cm, ER Church & Carothers, ]TO I . .O.t.utely D. T. Morgan ,seChily ZI J. HENRY, Attrarneyand Counrellor Law, • Clnenutan, Ohio. CoNevin.. 111 South,. I duo, and to Indiana, and la Keumeky, prohtptly and care fully attended in. Cornano , Noner for the Saute ni Venn gylv.ao, for takang Depormons, aellnamdedpnent., Ac. &e, Ituraa no—lion. Wm. Roll A :Mn, Carus, Chair!. A !Permit..., Wm. /lays, Esq., Whack & ;32.5 • _ • • . — JAMES . KERB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. lttlwe removed to I , stroe.. betworn Stoolifivid and Grant tweet ja:l4l3m MEDICAL. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 24: 1849 raPARTNERSIIIPS. 1=221 THE co-portnenthtp heretofore exishng between the subscribers, to the name 01 Friend, Rhey tc Ca., vto• thiA tiny diczolvetl by tutnutil consent. Geo tlltey will cettle the hu , inec• o(the concern, for whirl, pur pose het to Lt., then lA - the litnt PORTEano. R H. FRIF.:111, J ABIES tOll, El). rcla.lry 7, Co-Partnership. The euttrrrtintre have tine day associated themplve in the name or ft BEV, MATTHEWS 4, Co., for the of transaeung a general Grocery, Conmaivaiol and Forwarding Business, at the stand of the Into Ern of Friend, Riley h Co . where they will he pleased to reren, the patronage of the rummers or that itou and our frnettiv. HHF.V, LEVI hutrritEws, WM. RIMS. We hike ploau re 111 recommending to the cop fa dem, of oer friend. and I ho.r (Friend, n Rimy 8: Co , our acre tors ,n 'they, Matthew. IC CO. tRTER R. FRIEND,feIt9 FII DIA•oIu .I I.. 4 IO i n E : . W°Ql)B. rll l lll , .eo.partttelehlp heretofore rxisung between the tattur titter., In the name of Constable. Burke re .o. any dt....lved by mutual convene :treaters. Murk.. 'u thune. well settle the luntoteau of the ..on cern, for whoeh pu moue they are nuthoriuml to o.n Ihr name of the concern. e()NSTRIIL.F., EIMIUND 14URKEI.10MAS BARNE S..S rh, untlemg,ard have thi. day ft,totlatc.4l them...rive in the name of & BARNES, tor the purpnl of ntattultteturtng Fire Proof Sera, Vault Doors k ac, at the .rand of the lute firm at Constable, !lurk & Co , where they will he pleaged to rceeiva the pa Ironage of the eu , tnrne r. of that house and their irleutl- FI/MUNIYBURKE, TIMI AS UAItNI-5. In firfirtnlt from the firm of Constattlo, Burka:lt Co, I With gthr,re oletoture rreommend llenArs. Burke S, DArnem to the r (Incident, of my ftlend. end the ?obit., Frh NATHANIEL Cl/Nr3TAHT.E... te1t1:1-dtt Dissolution . . partnership so long roisung ender the firm of M'Cord 11. Riot , . was by mutual rewire: dlnolved on the Ist net The business will he closed at tlaS old mead tip either of us. smog the name of the firm for Oita purpose. Rettig desireuc to have ear tombless closed woh . lisle delay as posnible. we :maid re spctfolly moue, thew Indebted to and settle theft . ..motets. JOHN la • Co-Partnership. n MrekllD •hnvinp u•siseinted nun hts 0 brother Joines 111'Cord. under the style of M'Cord Jr.. Co., will conunne the lint, Cup and Fur business in all 11.5 cartons lotkrirlees, wholesule and retail, ut the old itorni. eorner of Wood 31,4 sth =treed, where they schen n vnorm notion of the ro liberally be stenettl on the old firm, JOHN D bITORJr, 042 - 5 JAMES S. M'CliktD. IN retiring fr4the old and well known firm of A.Kiny, 1 moot rrg.nstflty recommend to Cl.! pittrounge of the pohlic Tay succe.o. blesses. Menni CO II RINK purtiwr.ltip of MURPHY et. LEE 1: Owl day .11.4.11,41 by ',nowt! the laic firm wtll I.e .etur.l 11. to-e. .1 It. Nll'llllll'. I . ...burgle. Jan :nl, 1,49 11 LEI. uottrraignett t•t•tti ‘A 00i homtor... nod ttitentl to tio: rulr to %Vll°leo I -• • • • It. 111121:21 In rrnr.r from Uir firm fat Murphy & Ira. !take err* plennure la recommending Mn It Ise to the ronhdence ot lay Irn , d• nad the polio Illothurrh. Jan 311.1.19 J It MURPHY _ MILK aut,erthera &tee tho day ar•orinted mum. .1_ ...Ices together Jo, the puior, 01 Iran:meting a wholemlt, mail Dry 1:00.1a and lirocery I.uatnerne, at No 2411 laberly, oppotate Seventh .troot, 0111 k, t he ntylc and firm nl 111:$111 , 11.3.1, & ILA VS. l'ittalotryh. January 1,1 , 19 N. It —Otsrohl customers and the pohltr are tnvited n out: ay • M. H. SCAM.: and Cal. JAMES ATICINStiN V liavreiiirrrd p patiorrrlu. under hrni of SVAIFE ATKINStiN. slid will carry on we Tin, roimper, and Sheri Iron Ware manufactory. Al',,, Itlackstuithi,ls in all as limnehr.s at Ihre oW stand 01 A% in. 11. S,Oll, First rii,rt. near Wood • • orfirtilar aro - noon givon to , troorl.oat work noir! HAVE rlits May ur“memierl with me in the r•roe,ry. Itndeurnuti•ruon trusine,g, MM uer J,erM, under Mr firm of J • s 110-PAItTN EH- 4 4111P- Wm 1 oung lame.. dam I.} day o.soconie.l wolf lion, John IL. Arl'uoe the Inu tile, Nov', well hero..., he conducted under hno Wm ft 4 1 / 4 . CO WI 1.1.1,11 , 1 \r /1. NIL IL LIITNI.L BOOK TRADE. • --• N.INGLISII AND AMERICAN BOOMS TANI Et" Ii I ."Cli Itor many years cvancel t, ed with 11,thra. V, dr y and Putnam, and John Wile, New York hilt 1.0t10051.1 /1.I• ..•olbilf/iell No, cl Wood ott , ol,,elßel3l 114 and 4th airy., wlthre may he mond a •aluable °akar • won 10 or OiTANDARD 1 - OM:I.ISi 1 rind AMI:II.ICAI% A 1...1111.R1, pooch as low as in the Easterit dine. ([l - 1,:NO 1.181 land CONT/NENTAI. 800K....r, viewa, Alagaxmas, Newspapers, At . linportell to order trrINKEITUTIONr , and INVOIL I . thIIATED Str eik:TlESara entitled to receive weir tthols duty fore I /-Inglish and Arne:news Catalogues turinshed ti• to all Chore who destre thorn, or sent per triad to y address 1. 1) 1.. will rdwa) • I.e happy to r. .litho to lads, and gentlemen lila hooks, and impart or thew any Inform, ‘14311 wlm•n he may po•ness rrlarillith them. myltr Fly. AND I Al.l A 111.1. W Rh ---Ntam . r ti, arol ita lictntho..wtth Of II It/ 1/11. 01 Kurth/tan. 111/14 the I ., zerius, or lbcoil 1 , 1°1,1/Imre:a, .arid oil inquiry ttho the manners and acts of the torment Ass) nuns, by Austen Ilenry L..yard, F.. 1 ,1/ 1.1 rryt err. d and for sale , JthIINSTI IN A ,TocicroN I Aid 11. , 1) i.r n7/01.011 Bookseller and lirporte .0 or Fore th rt Hooks. ha ood street, has on hand valualrir eolreconn ni 1.1101./1 Iqld American !foro. in the did , rmat department.. of Literature, vehreli he i. prepared to set , as mar as they ran be °blamed I:1.1• I II Conoorntni 114.1, Mu!aa and tinpOrt , lllo otdrr. 'Le OM, 01 11/ij Itavoow, Mumn/ine or Now..paper y u. , vert,wo...ltn, app.u.anon to Air 1.. En,lith and ,l and Catalog., furn.,l.e.l gran, Mr 1.. intro.!. to vt.it lb. Eunern cilia in u ra duY , , .and t‘ , il Ix happy to enc , ute any order. , l for Book., Eogru,otra or Sutuoncry. .0 u small /01110/4CC on Or COIL 01), NEw 1 1 001 , 6--Loyaril Nizievvh and it. llrtnaint with an 8,01111101 a visit to the Chaldean lien., noon 01 hunti.tun, and the Yezi,ha, or Dv vd- hVonhtp p^r, and teem arts of the Annkiit A..yriang. Vrtli• inirod or tory Ivo, by U. Robinson 1 vol.. onto vo, with about 100 illustrarions. flierver's f,Cfbre. nn thr Pmgre" I vet, 1?,no. Price mdurrd In rrilen•• C.itrordaner, rontlensvll rr,ine.rd to ll.Ory or F.11,41114f, 11311.1-eri Iwo vats. octavo-Is,, print and hoc paper, pt. vol. 75 cent, nine' liebrvw and En,lt-te Lexicon, new ed mred For •sle I,y It IItn . KINS, yll lttk et, near wrke: )( /KS! 111 , 1)NS! / Rev 7t W N0..1 —Union of Church and State .. I.) The elnyrell tn I:nrne.n. b) Rnt I Angel /am Advme /0 1 ming Ain, by T N Arlin., p./1 '• Youtir Ladirts •• •• ot Elm—Charles. Lanth. gpletemo. Choler, I.y Prot-Col...tory Cyelopettso of Moral ~,,, Complete %Yorks of Charlotte I :Itro orttl, mom by her Iturbettl vol.,v u Itlortrettel tvellt ntoul plutolt. t/regon antl e;tltiutnet in I,y Thor won The kW Ilipeallaoll no the (A o Si.. Proverlo. for the People; or Ilturtrations of Itreetletil Iluetilitets &evert trine the Book of %V ',loth, by F. I. Itionon liniverstly Sermons, by Dr IVayland. Eleent. of Meteorology, 141 Itrookle.by . , A 71. For sale by tNt, my 7 Apollo Doi'ding, 4th j M AN PRIM [NAL, or The C• 111.0114.011 sold Brisue use COll4l/ti4Pl Ul the 11(111.11 lining. A ennt.l's• Uon to 'rheolop,inal Nfleltel., by John lint,... 41 l) Lecture. to Young Met on various Important sal, fret.: by II W Beecher Chaniang's Works, complete: ti vols., Nato The wort, t.l TS A rthar, uniform eft. la cols Just reed by toyvl It 110 MINI., 4th at, near meal . MJI,CvAtoI: 1,11,7 For .ale by .1011.NM.TON op 7 corner Market arid ad eme DOImKS: LOOKS!' -FAlgar'. Vunalions of Popery. 43 by Hey C Sperry; ..Icooplion'n %York; Tnctto.' Work.; University Seraons, by Wayland, Ntoott.l Ilintory of Enthusiasm, Lite and Tuns. of I . lttlip Rett• my; LAle of Rev Henry 1..., Proverb. of tit.. People of Magoon; l'lteomatuoy. or trianakatiation of tout to Christ; !Monaural of J Fowell llu smolt, Dart; Brier 14 all; by Ty ammi Italmtnon, its Import flail nuale.; The Med dle Kingdom, m: cols; IMltonver's Lecture. on Pfligrffo'll Prove... Cheever's Wonderig. of n Ptiarini mu the Alp., Ai:der - eon's Demesne toloolitillfoilj Modern Ae comnplmliments; laaat day. of Oudot; Woofml of lite R.volunott, by Mrs Ellei; Lily of PoMluk; for .ale by trotrl2 1•11,1.1(rIVer. Is:NM:USU. 79 wood •1 H IrMAN 0. tmintrY; being on attempt to show the twiny of mi. applicatton for the reltet or %,filf-rilit; by IV. Newubatim, KN., author ol “The fecfprocui tollaence of Roily nod Aliud," etc. not woilt ois the subvert publotited. For aaie SIT Am Is:MII.ISM mash! 79 secamd mt FAY LIOOKI-4,lregota and Italitorma I;tiiy J. (titian Thornton, late Judge of the Sup Mme Coon 01 Oregon, nod corresponding member id the Amertenn 'natant, %Vith On appendix. toelntli re• rent null authentic iiironnalturt on the .atineet or the MINES of California, unit either Viil l lo l, l.l Ural ic( of oiteref tto the otorrant, en. \Vali diutdruttona and n unto. In two volumen. Itnithach•or pop, or the hook of lite tit twenty . 1,1 Alphonse de lieliturtirie, author of the . ./Iloory of the tOrooduos, or Vermont Memoirs 01 the of the Freneh /out reneteed and for mato I.y JOLINSTUN riTIK;KTON, Cotner market and ad oa TILE MILEOMETER . . /11.111 , , attention of the public . respect:tiny eni led to the loilowing certificates,: hit Masts.—flaving teat.] n quantity of Gold weighed by your Arcntnetar, I find tlio result proves year instruo tent currant; and recommend ILO ow of It to !bore Only to Caldornia, so the best method tor oln beating the real value of (told. Reap. your. • J. A. IrUNLIiV V, bull Beater. Pitt‘burgb, Alurch V, Ic4o. 1 . 1111130.4311, March 7, I rig , . Ala. tie a tar—Dear Sal finning exasninea the nate*. meter," manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate coruntend it to the nor of those gentlemen who non about removing to California In march of Uold. It given a clove apprenzeatlou to the speedo, goner 07 01 metals, and will certainly enable the adveutnrt r to once...thin •When his placer Is yilslang (Sold. marls . Yonne, retail , ' 1. li. APCLINTOCIE. AT W. AI'CLINTOCIPS, No. 70 numb treet, ran be teen a eplendid mrannty of mp Ruin, Vol. vet7'np•lnteycarpets, latest styles. Ala,, Unu •els, 3 ply, nod cup. and bite Ingrain Caryols, of top etylca mob ylleilito, end in romirenon run always hr Mond Thitle !dorm. Crathhs, Otaisres, Damasks, Mo le/m.l, 011 Cloth, Sc &r , to all el tr With we Call the Attention am public. mg2l HOTELS FOUNTAIN TIOEL. LIGHT S O TR T EET BALTI-MORE roan AND nuns - rm. rstemmtnan. TILLS establishment long and widely known as being one of the most commodious in rho city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvement. Art entire new wing has been added, COntairti nig nomneauc sad airy stamina apanments, and extensive bathing toucan. i'he Ladies , department has also been completely reo rga tined and final up In a moat unique and hettott thl style. In fart the whole arrangement of the Boone has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, tewanis the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and whieh they confidently assert will challenge romper - Imm with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sob menial and luxury which the market affords, served op in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, ke., they will not be surpassed./ In conclusion the propyleners beg la say, dm bottling will be led undone on their part, and on part of their ss , atstanm, to render this lintel worthy the continued ! patronage or their trielubi and the public generally. The Psis,. for board have also been reduced to the following rates: Lailles` Lied:nary, 81,75 per day. Ilmidemen's 1,50 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Nonce will al ways be round at the Car and Steamboat Landings, winch will convey baggage to and from the Third, free ofeharge. may`Af. 1 11X011ANCIEE H . . . . eammo Or TOM AND re. CLAM Its., rISTISIIIX/Olll ‘ PA. The subscriber having assumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces ro Travellers end' the retitle generelly, that he will be at ell timee eys:wed tollecommodaie diem ell thing. desirable to t e well s regulated Hotel. The House is new being thoroughly repaired throughout. end new Fermium added, and no punts will be soured in mete the Exchange one of the vcry beet Hotels in the country.. The undersigned respectfully solielts n ebnihmance of the very liberal patronage the lion. has heretofore recraved. THOMAS OWSTON, febadtf Proprietor. LA:bilAH.Tlgki HOUSE, tCORN. Or re 17.111 can etaler aromas, exTreratman. ik he ha • TH ~ E .subserther respectfully announces that 11170 . opened his new and excellent Hotel foe the aerommodatton of travelers, boarder., and the public. generally. The hewn and furniture ere entirely new, end no pains or expense have been spored to render it oue of the most c omfortable and pleasant Hotels in the ray. The sphstriher is determined to deserve, and there fore solvents, a Peale of public patronage. netl4-dly JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor. UNITED STATES 110 TEL, carmen ry, lIITWCXI roUllell AND "nu Sl3. late Bank of the United States, Phda ,h•lplun nf. popr. MITCHELL, mnruN Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS Scrip at Par, TAKEN FOR eIIICKEILINCPS PIANOS KI.P.IIIiR, at IV°.!well's, No. Third street, Li.. otters fur sale an elegmg lot Chickerimrs Pm nos, (Boston, al the lowest cash price ' for Pittsburgh, Allegheay city, rind County Scrip. They - comprise from 6to 7 octaves, and were selected by Mr. Chick ering for this market. They are warranted toles equal to any aa the coy, haring all the latest Improvements, suck as circular scale, etc. Sayers :we invited to call previous to purchasing nod, nilsn. to hung with them some gond Judge. proternoonal on otherwise, to judge attic qua', tg of the litatramel.. N. lt —Written guarantees will be given orith each Paulo, ',titling the holder to exchange In ease the tu gtoonent he ported in the lea+, degree noperfect, or tna4 Pit ES lI . SPIt I NO GOODS. 8 tmeklett & White, I) 11 ,);. c . 07:1 - Vt):Xtr,;lL.q.' of ' the CA NI AND IN 'SEWN DRY tiOODS, now reeetrteg ,Inset from hart Mind, Receiving mauler supplies of first goods daring th =woo and devoting n forge share of their ottentio Eastern Auction toles, they can confidently ana tioyeni they will find It to their interest to exam' hei• •rock. Juet received, large taw:Ares of new rtyle Dr ti 0.14 Fem.! Caysitorres, Cloths, Strom. f:ood•, Lam,. Whit,. Goods, Irish [Anent, Tallo Trirnintare nod l•rown and blearbed Stleattaga of to yes Great!, marl JAMES W. woonwEi.L, Modern and Antique Furnttnr , Tmar :.rrKarr, Pri-r