Tit fiIiffORTATION .E 1849. •:' - Old Established Lin.- •. • . , .ON THEME EXTENSION tANAL. Tr DE Proprietcrt Pr this -IWlLknowst Line of canal s tep T Oasts. se ...IC .p ared to transport Passengers and Sleight to ell Is on the Erie P.oension, Now York Canals and Lnkes, upon the most [exorable wasted arid, des .7 .. Thts Liwsruns in a natetton with the Steam beats DEAVER and cei, 01 COPE, hetween Pittsburgh end .Bsasser, ord tl , ry , Line of steam hoats and vet • Belson the Lakes, and a Troy and Michigan Luke 8061 Lae on the New,muff. 1, • • j y. MEWED, Proprietor, Eric, l'a. .. Bidwell & rother, Ageuts,lleaver. W T Mather. Agent at 3 Meskimen'a Passenger Office, Monongahela Howe, Pittsburgh. CONSIGNEM4 --WC Malan, Sharon,• .1 E to S Hull, s3harpalturgi Smith. to Downing, do; 1 13 Plammet, West GreensillO"Vie It. Ache. O. Co, do; Wm Henry, lhoUtown; Davistc Stntora4.ltaffare; Iternes, Gibbs & Co; Sandusky' Jas A Armsmang, Detroin Rutland - & Neutberry, Sheboygan; M'Clure tr. Willlams,Milsimu kk; Loop, mad:sr.& Dutton ' Racine . . John lide • Chicago; A •Wheeler & CO, New York. . ' Plttabittik-tuld 81849 leirevate Packet Line'gii4=l rib= 11'. Z."'Z'ay. - 07 d 0e1 . 0iew j 'a ji nt eplendid Packet Boats to ran during. m a to e,e Le-. twee Blairsville and Pittsburgh—dm boats he tow ed bytbrea home, 1111i1 00017 effort made to meow: mediae pakkengers. Dreatrraaka.--Boara will leave Pdtaltorkh ever], Mandan Teeming, Thursday and Friday. at 7 o'clock, 1 r. x. from illtdreville every Mond y, Wedn..d . Y; Thanday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, . lc, and arrirci ar Pinabargh the saute day. A two h rva Hoek front India:audit meet the Goat at Pahatoo h. both On eV. ward and downward trap—pottrne pawngeT , danOli.,. - . from that place in one Say. Freight for the above Lute will be reeiveti Oaf. haute of the Itossimea's Line, bJno. Parma & Co.( who sae our nuthorisid Agents. AU weight received free of commissions.JNO • JAI MAllitit&LL & Co. , FAlttliThi Ir. Co, gents, Csnal,Dusin, Liberty sr, PitoMurgli A fleet leaves "Blairsville for You on the arrival of the boat—Moms to at in morning, Fore from Pittahamit to Yonuptown 52—received at office of Itomments Line through. upunlarn dit — aialt atEgia 1449.t0p For ass Triattsportation of rag is to a ram PITTSIIUROIL, YOllli, Pill LA 1.1 DELPiI LA, BALTIMORE., N. • 1/STON, , • Tiniam,floannoor. Philadelphia. ..Tanssa & 4.Poormost, Pittsburgh. HIS old established Line r now in full opera. tion;tinitpropsietare err ered with their usual exthuirrnatritigeintnis to fo rd metehandise, pro duce, fee. to and from the there ports, on liberal mini., with-the regularity; despatch and loamy peculiar hts Moir Mode Of tranfortasion ao °Mous, when huh. tthiPMent oaths vra s avoided. IffAll.conslgulucnts nod lot line received, char• gee paid, and forwarded Many required directs°. free of charge far emandasion, advancing or storage. No Weave; directly or indirectly. in steamboats. All commattiontirtsprompily attended to on applies , tion to the follostrist agents: li Tues. htaret st. Philadelphia. TAAFFE Clutat Basin. Pittsburgh. __O'CONNOR & Co, North et, Ltaltimote. BYI/of rris - s N . mehUt • 1849. 101101 For the Trausportonon of Merchandise between. PrITSBUROU, & Goad. ablppesi by this Lone, ere carried on Lout seeunn Portable Boats. frillEarobzeolun hoeing made arrangementnan ooze of a want of lttato Trueks at Colombia, to have their goods forwarded over the Hesitantly at can, so as to avoid the deloolloo that has heretofore acne. , d for the want of 'Pranks. tthapisets will had this to theft todvuue. No charges made for receiving or shop ping, or tor advancing charge, all goods forwarded with despatch, and on 0 reasonable terms as any Oth er Line. /WIN FARM'S & Co, corner of Canal and Liberty st, Pittsburgh. P. K. }cti:rz s. co, m.hiktAtin thIS Market st, Pholtioleyhos RUM 1 5 49 : - BINGUA2IB: Tamisroit A 0 Paucairrona, Joan Ilmouan, Taos BINOLIAIa, larantaas•c- Dora Condor:ad on strict SaLtalls•keepsitis prusetplea HE Proprietors of this old estaldsthed 1: on have Tput their stock sii the moat complete order, and ore oroughly prepared to forward PLemluet , and Montan-- thin to and from the Eastern We cruet that our long experience on the earryinS hominess, and zealous anent:lon to the mutesta of cus tomer., will rerane to us a roolloonneo and increase of the O trattOrte hstherto attended le to lo ihngtusm's Line. u: arrange ag ments will enab us e carry Freight with the utmost despatch, and mu pnces shall always be as tow so the lowest charged by other responastole Lines. We have opened on of mNo 183 Markel .Meer, between 4th and em as. Philade, for the convenience of ampere. Produce and Merchniutive will be received and for warded,Ekiat mid West, without any charge for . for warding. itivaneing freight. steerage Or commissiOn. Bills of Indnig forwarded, .11 every direction promptly Wooded to. Whi_ BINGLIA.M, Address or apply to Canal Basin, roe Liberty A lt{ till yn d:MS e et, MOOCHwbu, rgli. No 140 and We Market street, Pinhole. JAMES WILSON, Agent, No UN North Howard street. Baltimore WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, toch2l - No 10 West street, New York Proarasiivania Banalr-k—triirltisiiirks.; prealyast Packet Lille, , MO= 1849. FROM PITIAIIEI3II TO PIIIDADELPIIIA 1k1.1.41.,- TIMORE, 7 ' (Exclusively for Passagenk) {Epablie are le ,n...thilly informed Matthis Line 1. will commence miming on the lath inst,and non tume throughout tee Season. The boats are new, and of . superior class,wilh en. target! efddrmi which will give greater comfort. . The tars are the latest censtrueurns. A bolt( will always be in port, end tr.t.lerlS are rt. quested to toll and eland= them before engaging pa. ge eliewheno mi . • (Fare Indy nine dollars throng's.) One of the boats of this Lind will tense the handing (opposite U.S. Betel, comer of Pertosucer and Canal every night at nine n' clock Time 3} day, For information, apply et the Office, Monongahela Rouse, or to D Llik,ClLfr , Co mobil Canal Basin 0114111 , 8 PORTAXLE BOAT LINE, aliiiMilaM 44C t i r POT theTcluteportattoti or Fretglit to • TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE -' ENV YORK 110/I.IBINESA on the Canal being no oraed, the IA Proprietors of the above Line tee the public that they are prepared to r ive and for ward Freightwith despatch. and at lo rates. They vroald also call the ottention oftpurrpers.Fast wardwilie fact that the Beret employee by Warn to transportation, are °weed by them WAS commanded by experienced captains. stiippers of Meat to Bulk win find it advantageous to ship by this Line, Bs We •Ob.rlberf Jirlya mad t Cll. rIWIKOMCIIIS at Columbia to have such freight for Bal timore headed directly from boats tc cars, thereby gu ying arirebouse handling. Freight to Philadelphia goes clout through in the Loofa. No charge made for receiving chipping or advancir choreal. KIER J0P , 11.11, Propricinta, Canal Basin, Soo-nth Areal. AGENTS—John A. Shave, Cincinnati, ; Jno. Ali Clgio9o & Co. lialumore; Jaa Stool & Co., Philo& phi.; Frantic A 'Morass, Columbia =hal alig= 1849- krosEss FAST pectiF:r LINE, • /So% Paitsbetrgh to Palacio(phut arul Baltintort. attelusiv.iy for r.mr-oef.•/ TlYANucTsg.°.`ne The boats oft. Leta arr of a sopresorehttet web enlarged =lens, which will glee greater cantort to passettgers. A boat - will :drop, be in port, and traveler. are .meated to call and ezaanne them tefore entitaing eagn Winer . ..tea They sant teavolhe landing, op. pawns the U. S. hotel, coiner Penn ,trees and Canal, exemnight at ti o'clock. FAHP.—NINE DOLLARS THROUGH. Tiale-3} Daya • - For Information, apply at the office; hlmmemahela Douce, or ID LEECH & Co, Cana Mum,. RewThe proprietor. of the above ',inc . -are novo hadding an additional Line of Psreteu;to ranee above, nor about Sane IM in connection wlth the Pennayl. yards sad Road from Learnt...l tone/ode/phis. At thallium a pante will leave every moiningand even ing. Time thromph, VI dart. . amble IIitarIARICAPTPOUTABLICILTOT4TI.Itig, altaMl 1349. • . Pot the transportation of Aterenanotre, BENATEtN'PHILADPI.PIIIA AND-PITTSBURGH. 0005 •carried on 'this Line-Ire not ttinsltipPeti NT between Pittsburgh and. Philadelphia, being eat • nedbt fear reetion Portabla Boots crter land and wa ton—to ahippeta ol merchandize rdlisthlet. careful heading, this la imprumee. No ehattreautdo for reeeiving or ininpitrit, or for advaneing'eharges. Alt goilodee forwarded with chspatch, and on arritasonable tell= atlttnny other Line: JOHN ArVADEll'a Co, t • Canal Basin, Pena az; Pinabursh t • JAS Al DANIS & Co, 427 Market & 64 Commerie v.; Phila. .JOHN /*PADEN & Co, Forwardingarid Commie alowlitsettants,Vanal Basin, Penn it Pittaburgb. . JADES At DAVIS & Co, Flour Feeler. an d COMMiS sloollereben!4, .121 Market and &I Cumulate. street, Philadelphia.. mitt je'Ailvanee made by eillter of tbe alieie. MI Flom, Wool and other mareboutbzu consigned ..I.ellialti for , =1 meel3 :1849 • Ilterogranits, Tranagairtatton ;Line. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL k. EAWSOADS, rethamrma MCP I.IIMISCIAUS. • T h. Canals and Rail goads being now. opeO, and gooriorder are prepared to forward all lOodoriforerehandlae an d prmluce tp Ballialarc, with proroputhrs and desparehi and on as good urzmn arty other Loa. • , , 0 A MeAN Lain A. co., Canal Basin, Penn sl, Pittsburgh: Amonr-CHARLES RAYNOR, k'hibull.lplthn. soar ROSE MORRILLA Co,Taltimare. • REM 1849, XIMILCILAMTS, WAY_ LINE. For Blairsville, Johnstown, - Rollidaystnirgh, and all intermediate place. . • IS Lim will continue to .cars all Way Goods Fr whit thcp usual despatch, nial at fate rates of fie Acikars—C. A. M'ANULTY /c CO, Fittahargh. • D D Wakefield, JohnstoWn: John Miller, llofildayslnirgliZ Rassailess—James Jordan. Smith & Sinclair, Dr F Shoordmilger, It Moore, John 'Parker, F Von Donn. hors& Co, War Lehmer a Co, Jno & Bros, itittsborgb4 John Ivory, tkomit, Malhollan l s Ray, Job mch27 .ialiCa 1849. =--- , , ~ , ,it ' sesver AJ:id Erie E.:preen racier's - Line. TITSG. PARES, Beaver, Propnetor. mw and elegant Pnwenger Pocket., NIAGARA, _ Cot 11 11 Jeri.; • PENNSYLVANIA, JII notthwoa; LAKE CITY, . rirr.uhy.. . Q.UP,E - .razegolil . Fop:tips a daily Line between IkaYer oad. Erie, hare •ewnrannerld nanniss, and, will continue:during the 11M. .eon to nude theielnizaor,VPo, 100d4.800Y00 eller the ar o o of t he ma tediv 'oat fecin.rit*ltn lo , CI 0 , ..clockiy,ltyand arrive' nt Erie itlitialtt fO L T POIFIIg , r. 4cojiterghdicippling Loots to Buffo% or- uvtlre Lake. ~Tieketsthroogh to Erie end olt ' Lake' pop, earl ko . Aid - by, spftheation to JOIINACAUOIINY'rAnti --- •,- '. soros, or Water iikd,Sagibtiel.ijas .8 GUGRCIE: KEGS, ;.• lutier *lli eAtarpes Be tel MEDICAL. CREST CURE OF LIVERIDOMPLAINT, by he ongtrual, only true, end perdue laver FIB. SlLjdet Cttl4C, Ohio gamily, Vu. / Muth 2EthISI9 5- • 1111 FL i< Sellers . Dear Sir-4 think it • duty L a we to you and to the peddle (mem IT, to state that 1 have been talheted with the Ltler Comp Lana for a big .Imie, and fo badly that an ulmes. formed anti broke, - which left me Ina very lo* state. Raving 14 ." 3 of your celebrate% Liars !VS beteg far sale by A It Sharp, West Liberty, end recommended to me by is pity.wkan, Dr. 11 South, IL etaielelded to Five them a fair mat. purchased One lox, and found them to be lust what they are rat ommended, THE 13FATI.1- VER PILL EVER USED; ; and tater taking four boxes I End the disease ha s entirety left a.) and 1 am no ' perfteil) well. RespeetraliT yu D jICOLEMAN w e st Wherry, March 10,1gle 1 certify th;t 1 ant p e rsonell, aeouront d' mit Mr Coleman, and can hear le.umony to the truth of the above certinente A It silent . TEhxre 1:tr7:,5111,1, ood 0 arrthpj.e,p,aarnedd bq druggists ltitha two elites ^ OVIIE PLIBLIC,•-The orgtnal, only trueand gen- Moe =vet Pill" are prepared ny Sellers, odd have his name stamped is blunt wax apon the lel of each box, sad his smnautte on the outside wrapper—all feiu, or base imitations tratc.rj e n sELLEIts, propri etor lieJ.7ll'ls l E l3 GAMICOIATI,WW. u es/Lin e e r ß e e. I'S i:?ttelgee ' kil i a li gn " L n n a gaz P' i The w a sh having ban &Mitred during the past winter ' , rah a dmealte of the Illemath, sometimes pro 'ductal/algal p.m In the stbmach for tenor twelve hours sy t tbouttatereatsston, and after iwyleTui" nm remedies with battle elrect,Nras furntlhed whit a bolt:, c orn D Jayne.; Carrnmauve Balsam., Thu he Used at ordate to the directions, antlroandingartably that. racheemeaused the pain le abate in three or four eon rags, and 41l bßute Of twenty odnutesevere uneasy sensation was entirely quieted rho medtmne era. of letwardeused whenever indwadonsof the af proae 0 palnwereperceived, mul the Own was thereb) pre•ent ed.He cortilueedoo use the Med... ever) eventeg end sometimes In the naromag, and In a few wort health was so far renters that the sufferer Wei rt has ml from a large areouflt Of rgfpfe•serd pale Pram el pomace, therefor. , Ito caecuuSlently recomme. el 1) Jay ne'aCtunanatere Belem, as q saryaary locate t. for beaten of the btomach and bowels. A !DUNN D Allathay ckty,-Iy3l For sale In Pittsburgh et the PIMN TEA STUN ' Fourth street F , near Wood, and itar at the Drag StRIWARTZ, Federal street. AFeette, ------ --- Oaxaca Makllith Remedy. FOR Couglas,Colds,Aailkina and Coutsurtiption! The GREAT A-ND ONLY REMEDY for the curt of t. # above diseases, is LINGAIUAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered celelanted Dr. Buchan. or London, Englan rotlnced into the United Suites under the inane rilltendence of the inventorg The extraonli ,cCess of this inedimpe, in ilie, atm of Yulmo diseases. warrunis the Amen,. Agent in soliciting fbitriumnint the. orst possible ca ws that can be Mend in the Eonsamnity--rmws Met ',est relief invnin from atiyOf the common remedies of me day, and have been gripe op by the most distinguished tans us confirmed and incurable. The Its gun- mßala= hu cured, dilgi, waircureithe most!ilesporste of e.ea. It Is no quack nostrum, but a standard Lug lilt medicine. of known and establiabed efficacy, Every family in the Dieted States !Mould be suppheil with Bachan's Iningurian;.llalsam of Life, not only to eniunternettbn consumptive tendencies of the cllma.e, bat to be used sa e s pretentive medicine la all noses of , 00 1,1 a, coughs, s iting of blood, p4lll in We sole wed chest, unction vol surr.. of the lungs, Lioeln.,s, difficulty of breatin, hi.t. fever, night sweats, anon andseneral dadity, Sada., innuensa, who Opt I F cough an croup. Sold in largo bottlea, at RI per bottle, with fall dam. tacos for the restoration of health. Pannibleta, containing amass of English and Ameri can certificates, and Whole evidence, showing the un equalled merits of this great English Remedy, um) be obtained of the A,gantd. rmtuitously For sale by B A FAILNESTUCE U. Co., corner oh st and Wood nod Wood and Orb ele. unr' VALEInfil/Ef DERCOVIITLYr coNstriurT , ES, BE ON YoUic a CAB a na. SINAYN COMPOIAD SIRUP OF WILD CHERRY. SBBo,`r•* 0,051000 ru• Consumption, Cough, Cold, Aeololo, Bronchitis, Liv. "toCrlrsitinel'rt; rflteTrdge „ S o m aih ul wa Beam influenxi, Crony, Broken Con Mallon, Bore Throat, Narrow , Debta ty, AS Marmites of the Throat, Brealt and Inntgs;Antest e Werner and se cure ever known tor any at Ibet ablive disese. • is, La Cletoxpetunal Ilttrop of WSW 'Claerryl This materna no longer atnong thoie of doubtful utility. It has passel away from the thousands y .lanuetted upon the ti of experiment. t housands 110 W 0004. higher reps becoming more extensive ly need, Wan any othar Ptepuratlon InthalClTlL Over produced for the ritliefof aniferlng man. It Mu been Introduced very generally through the Ratted grates and EStrope, and there are CON unsirs of iMpotraece.but what Mint:tin some 'mart/Adak evt. dense of its good dffeers. For proof of the hi/weenie statements, and of ltte value and efficacy of this toed, eine, the proprietor Will, insert a few o f the unsay thou• sand testimonials wbieli have been presented to him by men Mate first itselliectitkluy-iMmi who have higher • wt.'s of moral responsitalay rout jugune.. than to cer tify to facts, because it mill alb another a favor. nod thermalvei no Unmated, Stich testimony proves con clusively, that its thing exCellence Zr established by its intrinsic merits, and the unquestionable auth ty at public opinion. ,The itilitluituneOlis rebel . it af. fords, and the soothing influence diffused through the whole frame by AV., renders n ntow agreeable remedy for the afflicted. REZIEMBER: •Virbent men, noting. (rain tom,riention• impehte, i voluntarily bear teatintany to the truth of • two g. or thlt,ttrolar (act, such teslintour, being contrary to their is aridly intexents and pOrpo.,i, roe tees eon ill its truth, and conmendaitself in a ispteini . ensdence:—/Ylltatralf s Nloral hlaxims ,uuvarsa l ßEAD 'ERE CERTIFICATES. gnu, aver ClityAbr CONS,aritirv— Them saver mremedy that has been as in desperate eases of 'Consumption, Ss Dr :sway nets t,:oropound Syrup of NVEd Cherry, It Rtrroltheto. the system, and uppears ilCli alce. on the 1 , 0 , 1 1 . cresting and rich Irloott, power possessed by MI what med icine. Co 0010 Coe April 45th, 104.9. Dr. Sweyno-,Dcar Sir. I verily believe your Cam- pried Syrup af Wild• Cherry lies been tan menus et saving my life. I mitten a reVere cold, seinen grunle• 011 f pet,' worse, attended wi th a severe cough, that' resisted ell the remedies which I hod recourse to, still i Itiereaning wail nly eine eihibited all the symptoms of Paltnonary Consumptien. Every thing I tried seemed ait hale run effect, arid My complaint mereaseil so rated- ' ty that friends wefts. myself, guve up all Lopes of I rarrecovery. At this bine I was recommended to try Tout invaluable ittedieine: I did w with the most hap- py resat.. The hint bottle bad the effect to looaen the Sough, noosing nit id efpeewinte freely . , and by the time I had used si• battletyl was entirety well, and the now as beast) , o ran es ler n orm ative th my lifs, nod cased be happy to tile any respecting my case, that other au dition may derive the. banebt for which lam so Vats:fat. For the math of the aheve rtnllr.uqeiiifefet you to m Peter Resh, Groceedicinr, West Chester of whose I pchased the me. Res ally Yeats, lamas Mosul IVendwful Cole of a Illathodist Minicar. th.gmarle—tkorliir: I (nal a debt of grautuda doe to you—rniti toilet,' to the afflicted generally, to °fr., my humble testimony. in (twor.of your Compound Sy rup of Wild Chary. ' Some three years store I woe violently attacked with cold 'tend indamenution of the I.llaligh.StlOCO. was Accompanied will a dearessing cettgli, pain in th e bawd and heed, a Very conaidera ble disehorge co offenuveemacus fro. the long., cape eially upon dosage Of weather, huweva Clain. At fest I (chop Worm about my condition, but VMS pretty soon convinced that I was rapidly ening into eonsump 'g bon. 1 gees , daily sleeker, and at length wits sarce ly able to walk oboUt, or speak slave 0 whispe r line), nem tho acceding weakness army lungs During thin - t ot 1 had tried vomits prcparattona and prewnpuons , - but faced no relic( —wrowing' oil the tune worse Just here 1 Was adviaisl and person by a dear friend in t IYUltaington'tio make Mal ay . .. Syrup of Wild Cher rr. I moat dqnlims that pwviously I had been pima • med mtulastpatent medicines, and I run null again!, thanes olningOnfOftile lined. of armories' bat nudes inaniling your Claim! to th e profession ta d pruence of medleine,nudlneeing Implicit faith la too saying of my ariend., I forthwith purchased of Dr. Show, one of your getita a few bottles, and commenced its one.. My il,.- cult was at thatlime of Wier Z. months' sthrohng, cut, ieepaintly, it .ref deeply seated. I found, however, Considerable relief Prom amine of dm trot four or bee bottlas. 'tut being • public emeakor, I frequently et tempted le preach with my Olereasing frequently and thereby rapture d those vessels that had elneinly hegun to hill; in this Way, dentine., my cure wa p red s a greatly telaiticd_ In consequence of erotic alas =te y. I had to use twelve or fifteen bottles b.:! eh was per fectly resnsred. .1 hove enquation, a much smaller npn.V.. onondo would have temle ma sound, but tot die ribove indssereuen_ The Syrup allay - Ltd the fever ish hab took awe), mOO0 thsessaig cough, put a stop be the iltscharga of tea leant the lotion .id ~ them and the entiresystem gothl health. 1 have defer red offering thin certtficate until non, for the Nap-pea of being perfectly sattafietl With the permanency of the cure, and now that I feel perfectly well I oder it with pleasure. Iles. J. P /onus a ..,, .. Dublin canar y, N. C. • Importpnt Caution—Rea& Read! There is bin one w e Igs:toter * pleparanoti of Wild Cherry, and that is Era. the first ever offered in the Uhe whiih has beers sold largely 'throughout Inc pulled Sutter arid K. me parts of Ero upe, and all pre. parations called by the of , Wild Chem have 11+ero phi out since this, under tenet Or 114:1113e deceptive ..eireantstances,,in order to give currency to their sales. a little observation, no person need nustake the isertuiris from the has.. Each bottle of the genuine ti tsnvelo.pedl aour g With the like..sar;i ;.LteLe; sl w , r.Swayne's Isiesutuies and as further seourity, the portrait of Dr. iSsruyne will he added 'hereafter so as to distingusslt WA preparation from all Others. F low, 11 it .1.1 not for !theigreal ourative properties and known virtues of Dr. Sarayines Compound Sirup of Wild Cherry, Dermas witald not be endttsvonng gsve currency to don h e fietitious unstruate by stealing the MUMS of Wild ;Cherry. Remember, always bear ill Win, the name . .ef . Dr. 14 .7rls will be not deceived. ~rirtOHlcer, corner of Eighth and Race ateeets, rfirdadalphiA pp, axle whOleistile and retsil by OGDEN taINOW. DEN, car 2d and 'Wood Cs; 11 A PAIINE3TtIICK Lc Co, Cot lot and Wood, and Gds and Wood es; Whl THORN, M Market st; JONts lee Liberty st; JAN A.JONE3, Oct Hood and Peon sit; ICIIN MITCH- Alleghetty eity, and by all respectable dealers in ortn A STRONO EVIDENCE that far SAYNVS Ea-'1 ArzeroaANT b autattior to all ether mutant for COnbajConeothrlon, Bronehlth,Arahmsonol other rule.. anti tgettilJOSill th at the run. pawns r u n nocononeneta the ow of it in Wide familia ton rats ago, raw tr t o o il nth. ratoulliaauftha load: and .barat.t.*trindwae4 toy °that yeepannions they lava almolt loartably bran itanpramted retalrimi th < benefit whkb was rwaorably andinpalad nay Oa bry bestow , ' by tharropekton, =Abs. fatntnad to the ass of ll poipoi Jallrfa . • rowdy Thai bar arras failed to relina thaw, and 1.14..t2 P MT si bad it. equal to arresting pohnotarydannee rnpu.o . 2 17 by Dr D. Jayne raj - 4.104a, and whim sitan .dosaltwlY ALEX. JAY NFS 71 Fourth at Dr. W.P. Wand's Promlam Plaster. R. W. Y. INLAND, of the hledireil Collega.l4 D aelelphia, acre, offers to the nubile hie Indian Veg etable Premium_ Plaster, the wieldiest of which, odor u t:El d tri.erdoefileriwen., tiwait.lesenaroe.fyht,o,nc•dlyn.ce-ah 114plapsna Meths or Polka Womb, he p reconotwods lee plaster, guaranteeing a sore and speedy cure in the ehortammo of from two to thee 'reeks, if applied with guy atallest—discarding all the counties' Instruments add expensiee bandages so long in aw, This he facie eonseientious In hinting, Inasmuch as he hal not foiled one ease oat of three hundred lad fifty-three pa. dente. Also fat Rheumatism and Weak lireast or ]too k, at tended with pain, there Is nothing to excel thw l'teeter In affording tellefor effecting a mire.. Per solo by I. Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market at • Drama& Reiter, o Liberty and St.. Clair sts Dr J &agent Federal st and Diamond, AR,- ghen} city • Jacquesi . & Co, is Denman and Diamond Birmlng lea s”nentgl, No 57 Wood Arm, dOle Agent for the side of IN. Tooroceed`s Gee -wee S.Optcparilin, has just received 2W deren of lid, Great Spring and SosoEer Medicine. Parrlaser. ehMild recollect C u E Sellers is Bole agent for snd I) N rry for Allegheny son' FRN Alrapoe PAINT.4I/Irtris Yu Prrroi PenniYst ,1.• • drab Color, reed and for male II the panst ware ildlnToo ap24 1 t I.IIILLIYI 4 , n wood re4l-,1 ,X 7.77 , 7-...,, - 1 Wirt . ..' ILLIII - Sy l'Fl: r tr Mrr e n ••,:er_ 5t....",. ,". 1 inTiki+Y 6.::. A 1 al. •C ' - - s 'r t: ii i i,.. - 1 -4 2i 3 1 '. ?: ':' '2-?.".! 1' ''; ;4.lfird3 l - 1 -- - " I' ' 11. ' ?IletijETß -Ciriti 2.=V-7 - itif,' - ;2.211i ,' ; 44:1- 4 4 ` t rfitiT"Ffirri 31 1 11 I - --...j,t t ,-,-.", ....÷1.,11%-ja - .41. , , ~."7,z-zr. : , ..,,,, , 3 , ....1.,_.,.,',1`5.,...., ,:.. --Jr DB. TOW P( 1Y D '9 co.wrocrsty,Ernonr or _ SARSAPARILLA. Tl.4ooef ootroordijol l gaft I tla ' World I Pia* Mama bpatt l . Quit Bantu is lo tiaour-okeaper. ploamior, loarroshoil rt. periar m 41,14' h tit,. without vaitiot,rorAtuot Lia evolog Pd or gob The rest beauty lAA elf - torby of Ws Sarsapsuilla tee , all ether =elan. is, a . while h eradicates she di. base, h inviserater the bed}} lab a. of the easy beet SPRING AND RlMOrit Ever latent; It aetelalr per".• tlea whole syestsa and rea ' rere the r=b7 ," l:6=7.l "' eirre! " tx 7l*. lei. Hes the mesa sestet of to weadestal seems. It has ilesfurroal within last two ym, oars than 1 4 2 0 . 000 eaves of lavers eases of Abuse, al least INlo9oover* considered locurallt. It has raved the bee. laf mom , than 10.000 children during the two bast seaeonA: 10,000 aqutes of General Debllile and aunt of Nervono Energy. Dr. Towniendle Baneparlde luvigormew the whole m system permanently. To those who have lad their thutcular retina by the effects of medicine ar bultscre thin committed in youth, or the summits indulgence of the passions, and brunght on • general phytical mane tem an he 1.190. ststam. lamitade, went of sonhitinn, fainting mall pnimatere decay and decline, damn- Inc towmds that fatal disease, Causumpeom mo be es way resumed by thi• pleasant remedy. This Sarsa parilla V fax_ auporior to any Invigorating Cordial, renew. and igoratas the aynent *Mirky to the limbs, and strength hi the 133111.1al system, la • mom sztranrtheary degree. I.;onanniption Cored. Mum. oast Strtegthcm Oaosomptios cam Is cured. Brendan& Ornramptiom Liver Complaint. Ocids. antrwrit,- °sae*. dritham. Srittiryr of blooo, Swaim in Os Ohm; Mate rh.k, /Nod kokti..l4 there Penfon Ahrens.- ration. Pain Cis Ude, 4m, isms :Hsu Mid sot bi wont. SPITTING 131.001 D . r.. 4p DIGSS. D. Teentateao-11 =MyNllm that roar SDK b. been the tm. tbroaph Preablea. of . ckr MWI t hant t. ware yews h.d a bad b. beams Irene aad wore. LI last I naiad lute Tomb Lu ofkbatel, dilllihrlat% mad to. Neat, &MD. lely and ralsood. mad aet ospeat to tear I ha. ealy r ests &snood& • steel ul tiorre kat a eresetorht ...be. ic e It. lama.. WH't to oath &l er. lb. ally. Ine bleed, a. ay *oath boa left mot Gas oral Dont. tkat I an tbaskfri It. than rasa. Ten eadhresermt, • WIS. 10111/14 Calbetise-. liettslo Te...e Porsapostita la a stored. eaa_orri:_lt etre So lastpleat Cessomptus, Ilarretoe. P owl or nib. of eh* Womb, Ca.... PtlZat7 eardrum, et Whim., obetraotod orpitSeobril.etr. Drlaa. or esostalowy Memel, ma fee dm paantl prom.. et Me moon— . amber eremite, Me remlf ettaimureet mue cam., prmigwed by tyroptoolly. Mom ar saddest leatbieg be non satpetsim Slats lia Mtn ereere se Me holm era.. Per.. el ore at aad from teklag 11, et am bosoms Mame gel NU el emery muter Us .lAaerme. Inezwitauly tem lamer et. Perttle rem. aid. to the pool mum Blirrelall.a. tilt urt ...ad of sows of rte 0... a sato. to exhibli nottlestoa of ram pare... bat tro sas am= Oa LG.. tins huraructeat cams bare Mureport. to ott Wohoonde al aa.. obore feetilia. hen bw.w whbont Andre. Mee main • Coo banks of tits totalaabta reottelea, eare twee blamed with taa, ball' y oftprlae. To 11[oaken oad tiourolod Tide - re f or ItersoparOlo hoe bee. ortommtr pre rrted In reforests* te do complain. Pie female Rho Ina resort its toms. elto approachiad that eticleal parted, • The tort. of tift,' &Mold Iliqbel take 11, se It Is a earn. prem.:dire for my a rte nontertna and benriblo &noon to ob.,' ftecutles aro rtb.et at tido Unto etllta. DIM prttod gory to do. I.yet fir . *twat pert kr arias Lida less . to It Tenable for those mbe are appraost by idlit I 6• is CatrAdaad 1.24ta 11111., qwa uiric salad the blood .ad irtigandlag the wen= Indeed. Wm mortal. iv tortlitable Ms an the delicrta dlsee ar• to which IrOetunl at.. rtbjart. It brae.. the ..bob spew. raceme primaevally the ustoral rterpire, by remcmc; the impart.. et the body, nat•ao the stimulating as to predate rtbsequeto relaxation, which le the es, a mast medintnesrtli Co female ...Poesy and dues. Ely rting a few bcatlst 0 1 tuts med... 000 f cad Prtarld enter.' ' , P.. unto only be pormlool Great naming u Motion wad Children. It is the safes std most effectual medicine for parity. int tb• rya.. .d a - chests, the soffseinfa upon childStrth ever dissavesed. It stfontaltots La k - the noshes and child present. pato MI amazes cs...end enriebea the food. those wk. here used it think it is Indispanorablis It is nsaul both before and after ansfonottent se it prevents divest.+ iittonsisict mi. ch il dbirth—is Costi.neo, Plies. Cramps S• elt ins of the Flom Despondency. Pats in the flask and Loins, False Paha, lletoorrhaEs, and in reralsting she atscrettorn sad equalistuf the cis eviction it has no Meal The pat Leant, of this mad 100 4 it 11 1d.,1173 safe, and Oa most delicate use k most onaceessfOlay, very les , uses require any other medicine, In some Undo Castor Oil, es klepersis. Is aselaL lE:seek. In the open eh, and tight food with this medicine, 'rill ahsays evens a tufa and inlay es. earnest. -"` Beauty wad Flemish. Cormsllea, Chalk, and • variety of preparetion• pow roll) to nee, when applied to the ems, very stem rival It of its beauty. They clam the poem of the ALI, and check the areolatlen. which. when nature le am thWart , eel by direr , or powder. or the skin inflamed by the alkalies used In mar. imautifiee Its own rm.:Mimi to the hem.', face thyme," as wed min the malice of rich and delicately tinted and variegated flowers_ A km active awl healthy id of the Basis, or ths roaming of tha teeth rich blood to the extremities , ts diet winch pann csontsnance In the moat exqui site. beauty. his that which Impart. the indercribithia shades aed flaske• at loveliness that all admire, but none cat, demribm This beauty is the °Drank of as ere—not elpsmire or map. lf there Is not a fr. and hsalthy circulative. thus le no betray. If the lady is fair as damn s ram, II elm palm. Led use not and th e blood La thick, net. and Impora, she 4 beam. tifuL If she he trim, or yello, and th ins h pure and ache. blood. it gives • del bloom to Dm cheeks. and krilltancy to their eyes that Is funteatiag. Thls Is why the lesuthern, espeelaDy the Sp.- lob ladle; are mat ed.ed. Ladies In the omit who take but both surd" or are confined la dam rin., or have tpolied thole or by Me sppli •atiou of deleurions mixtures,tbey wtsh to ris rids slasdesiy of sup, buoyant Mart.. elterlitnt opt. sod beautiful compleamm they theta am Dr. Took en.. Sarsaparilla. Thousands who hare tried it. me inore then satisfied, are delightett Ladies of it. . Matins, crowd our aloe daily Nodes to the I,ndiee. hair Thole teat imitate Dr. Tot...send'. SaruperiDe, Invariably salted Door stuff • greet Rawl, males, du., he, arid ha.. espbd our bills and circular , ',bleb relates to the complaints ileac., woe' wor , --other limo who pm on medians. have. since ob. cr... ennui.* of Dr. Townsend'. Barrapardla to complaint. incident to females, recommended Main, although pee siotuly they did nos. A number of thus Mixtures, Pith he., are hijeri2lw to females, u they sfirr•vata amen and undermine the constitatlem Dr. Townsend . . is the only and bast remedy for the slimness feeunk ecm pluoth—lt rarer If over falls of eferdw, • parinement cure. It the be taken by the mod deßoste female.. in soy WM OS by those by to become mothers, with the greatest advantages, as It prepares the rystem awl prevents cis or danger, ami mrengtheus both mother and chi . Da carotid le get the genuine. gcrotala Cored. TM. certtLeate conclusively prove. diet W. N 0... partite het perfect connolovas the most,hm.... dor mare of the Blood. Throe person corea one bon.. is utoprecodeuted. There Children. Da. Toirsecto—Dear 9tr t I have the Oeuvre to Inform you that three of my children have Leen cured of the Scrofula Ly the we of your cacelleta medicine. They were alibmcd very .ly with Lad Cores . have taken Daly four bottles; it took them •••y, for which I feel myself coder great obligation. Your, respectfully, LSAAC W. CRAIN, 1011Woostarit • Oplaloam of Physicians. Dr. Townsend Is almost daily receiving orders Imo Physicians in different pans ( the Unto. This is to cert.* thst oe, the andersiinsit Physicians erne City of Albany, have in immoral. eases preterit. ed Dr. Tolinsend's Earsap.ilis, sod believe It to be olio of the most rot preparations is the market: E. P. rtILINti, P. D. J WILEIOI, PI E. It. DILIECE, D Albany, April 1,1,317. P. E. ELIIENDOPS, r. D CA CTIOR. Owing to the ' , rest anecese .4 Imams. sale of Dr. Townsettars tiareavetrilla, • number uf may who wars formerly oar An bare commenced omkang Bamapa illa Estrus, Bitters. Extracts of Yellow Dock ha. They generally pot it co i t , the swine shaped bet tks, mod zoom of there have stole arid copied eve Rarer llsemeote—they vs only arorthku ltnitatloas, so should be avoided. • • Principal Office, 126 PULTUN Street, Sea Buddies. N Y.; Redding & Co, el State atria.. Rcutoe ; Uyou k Sous,. ITS North Serried turtle& Philadelphia; S. Hance, Druggist, 13alunione; P. M. Cohen. Cliattestou , Wright & Co., 151 .Chartres Street, N. , 105 South Pearl Street, Albany; end by aS the principal Drug M ete •nd Member. generally tbrouginiet the baitedee. Murree. Weer ludiea and the CuLulhs. N. R.—Persona inquiring Igir Mir medicine, ebould not he induced to tukc any other. Druggrote put up Samaparillaa, and of enure., prefer ;telling their own. Do not be deceived by any - -inquire for Town. ..nd'a nod tuke nu other. lir Rourcrtibe • the genu ine "Towneentl's Sarraparil a." imiti by the eole agents. R. E. SLII.I,ERS, General IVlsolerelo A. Detail Agent, No. 57. Wood .11001, and 11.51. CURRY, Allegheny je2f. sYldrioAts CoNSLICIPTISSN quick puls, back/tic rough, general weakness, restless sleep, ramble appetite, irregular Lowe!, peseta between the Milt/Uhler blades behind. inin1.11.161.11 STYPTOI63 1,11 , I,ol<sol.lloll..—Coughing night and dsp, flabby muse les, general dellibty, great ahortneaa of breath on 11010 g up slain, tml'endll l fl 1.11, or 'saltiest but a little fart, pulse always above one huodred. for weeks together; drenching bold mortals towards morning CatarrtinJ Consummate comes on lake a commmn catarrh nr cold, but about the period when that due ease usually is expected to aulisida„some of the symp toms nil aggravated The cough lo more I,C,Uhk smut, especially when lying down. There la 110 Gird pain in the chest, but tinteult breationg, Which Is WOllll 011 lyin down. The uppearenec of the expec toration, wh ich, n enpious, is changed from a thick yellow mucus, to u thinner substance. It Is very un pl to the patient, and .10/10 on unpleasant Smell when burned. It is of an uniform appearance, alisrts probably a mature of pus and toucan, as ot _ with water pan rook, and purl swine, dit may occur in any habit or at any age, and is eh. Incised by the peculiarity of the cough. The Balsam of Li•erwort street. the cure of th odious disenku by elpertornuon, the, and hear affected lungs. It never bola Wherever Dna 01,10 hurt been twed, we hear of int setecesa. For zero years It hat , been before the patriot', and bus ,b uauai ghly tested Or all complaints of ho Longs, and b us bro w,: Awl( hundreds merit to any dunk that- We might give of tratimottlidsfrosn pyl uuuus, rho press, clergy, and those who have tir -- - red, bat all we dealt , . ta to call the w i ll of /tinted ) and for their own good they will try IL Look out for rountertens : Always observe the erg , natitie, .ljeo.Tay M 1).1: no Ills engraved label, and prepared ut the %Oho sale Depot, 73 Beekman street, Pilaw York. kiold Illtsbargh by IS Idoman 03 Wood st; J Towhecod, 43 klarket et; if Soapier, car Market and adstx; Ilemicr.on & co, laberly st l'nce reduced to Si c k° per bottle. /. mark - - fri-MACKERI O .I,-74bio-ao woe iwrooole low vo colon conoopononi. !obi /A PAL,IIIII, GOLD W IT PARRY hasinvented a machine for washing Ails Gold, for which he has mode application for a patent. They are now offered for sale at th e ware house of Parry, Scott &Co., No. 103 Wood Street, I Pittsburgh. Adventurers to California are molted to call and ex amine these labor-saving machines. They are sm.,* in their contraction, easily transported on the back of moles or nines. weighing eighty pounds each, and enn be pot in operation to half an hour. They can he land with pronstoris. It is the opinion of those who has seen the Mal of one °rinse machines of smallest sloe, e that two men will wash the an rah from 121 bushels of sand or earth In n day, without the low of a particle of the mineral. They can be increased in tam and worked by water or mole power, if expedient. The operators mirk WillaMt going Into the water or tieing exposed to wet, and consequently without en dangertne their health. They will require but a small ream of crater, and can lie used the whole mason, id ran be put into operation where there is not rad, iwter mwash in the usual way. eof smallest sire SSA. Orders from abroad, or - mind by crush, will be promptly hlWd. 11. PARRY, at Panty, Scott & Co's, Iv No 103 NVitoil st, Pittsburgh. Illtupratt a Wm. , goal. Aati .-- tl3.cribers are now receiving then Fall stock the above article, three etlllo3l, viz: the Juniata, STedallion andiLydim, having arrived at Philadelphia and lialumore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and thortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared to receive Otderfl. They mill receive daring the win- nand erring regular sapid Ics via New I Irlean*. nel3 tV ek. rf IiIITeIIELTHER NIIOUNT EACH.E TRIPOI.I—For cleaning win dews and lamp glasses, stiver plate, brass, RH- maim. mid other ware. It rapidly takes out all spots an 4 roams, and reproduces the beautiful arid durable Lustre of new ware. Just received nod for rate, whole sale and }tall, by JOHN D raoRGAN, Intl ihog g .t. NOTICE. R. 11H-. H. HARTMAN having sold I a MR,. in .St 4 n ' the . p rtne es h f :I-airma, I Itu r trnar t i er a - Co , to the remnatiog partners. has this day retired from die firm. February 10, IttUdf ptillslll , ltists MANI: FACTU RES —The under signed. Agent far the inanularturers, has on hand 11111 t IR constantly rectrving a full supply of the articles made in Pittsburgh and vicinity. which he offers for ante at 11.114frif Wren priers. CEO COCHRAN, (WA, ga wood St NINA MILIEU PASTE—I gross bottles India Rat, bar Pruue, an excellent article for rendering boots and •lines perfectly water proof, and soft as a mere of Cloth. Une applionuon of this pasts is sufficient to make them impervious to water for 2 or 3 months, and a perleet preventative from the leather cracking. Reed and ior sale at the India Rubber Depot. No Wood Ft, frIgLI J k II PHILLIP:4 BIGELOW'S CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Diamond Alley, brfiesers Waal and Snrultfiekl Strrour. F. M. LIIIHEIA./W would respectfully inform the public that at Ins Factory ean at all times Le found a large .apply - . 471 . 06, ` of Family Carriages, Itarouelies. Rug gles, and all kinds of fancy Curnages.equal in ele gance nod neatness to any found lu the k.ust. Con. trams for any number of Crammer, Buggres and Wa. guns, will l's promptly filled. All work of his own manufacture will Le warranted. REPIIIt.C.-4;o1. It. Patterson, It. 11. Patterson. II D. I urrrain, Esq , Robert Robb, Erts C L Magill. Al. &man sluni. ieb26.3rn • WIRE RAILING. SECI'RED 111 1-I:ITER:t PATENT. 1)1.. - BLic ATTENTtoN in nalselLed to an Torun!) . now urt.cic o( RAILING. rondo of wrought iron Loot ..Ott orioralc , l 1.1,, or wiro, and expre-ody for cuclosing Cotia,es, GeOWIC(Ifik, tor, Public "mond.. Or , al Nines our) mg tiont SO nt 01. to 53,00 the lUD/ 1111 g 1001 IS MIMIC pannel• al vas ioua re 4 irrt high, with wrought iron no.-- Illeh al intervening di.lances 01 1111) lu tort. deaoed, thepaonols ran be wade ot any bright, io rontinuous span% or SO to Go foot, with or willow posts. N.o r o ar. Thai go for posts. Thr comparative lightneas. great .treitgth and dura bility 01 the WIRE RAILING, the brainy' or OR varied ornamentsil together with rho xtreinTly low per ne at which o sold. are causing it to Kuou.e.le the Coat 11011 Ra,t,ng wherever, their comparator. have been Inard. hoc oath, partirtilars ,d MARI3IIAI.I. A. BROTHERS, Agenig for Patentor., lhartiond alley, near Southfield at hoslorret. LOW ELL FLETC HER, UHUL AND PULE SPIRIT flltf Front end Vat< •Lrects, Cwauueu, C 4° ' , i1.c.1" may--- '=" t ''''"l '-4ZF:-----" •" - ~:`: TOME II RA , - -....1 --....-...., \-vt., ..4v1 . .. !tg,Cl , mil, 5 I ii. - 14 1 -. L .Q..>.t - " s - t ikr : - • ~.,.. a."ll i i 11 ii 0 11 : :?e , t • t • %I l' ve.,,,,A . A. t,..; --•_•-114---V,-NW „i---- ICT Or.lcrt from 1.11191,0rh for Alcohol, Pure Haw Pr KcettiEctl. Wlt,ltcy.vedi proMptly • dcd to al taywo.lll..lrlet prv. mc1,15 FA :El DYITTA-bA Carpet W hot-+.\o Fourth czol,oa.wd {Nano rover]. I . l“Tu,Lcy rec Cl do Tat tr d do do \ Or.icd do Jo do ! Jo I.l.otJe bait l/maa.k. C.,rpct Unrclaor 36.10—.77atip, Trun•parent . ..hrler; rvor• 0., I , ray•er) Clone-a erw .:.n p• 40 Cord mod Ta•-• finer Fxda. '11••• t.ootla aec oi tht nehest a^.4l WWI., ere Inv', Ute allconion of out mend Ind ru•lonscr, thow avtlaeenc ll larnea •-••- p,••no•i• "raw bOallt mild houatf Marl' Roxn and S.u,, flack si G6lOlt.C. K KY 31 . . • - Musinfue:urrr and drelrr In 0, TOBACCO, SNUFFS AND t:ICALI.S. T td• UIJ `..-tdo4,corner of ..lolanktni wort and Inamond 111. y, l'ond.arr 11. . would re.;.ertful iy ca, the ancndon o( C.nitry Mr.rriton , Ilotei and Ilatlireprtn,lo o Lugo And lopnrou nsnort mon, /,7 eitTED Cif ;.,k RS, moor g winch will noon' for foln,olut '..•' lr l Stnt Hrand. 51.nnivn anor Dolthr krdahnn. o. wh,eh will he raid low can 1. , naa at Any olio, honor in the ray Ai.cononntly hnnel and far •ale. a ler, and w/.11 voltet , rl stock or Nl,llll, Ni 1140121, Ind Fare Cut Cl,wing Tobacco AI., llnvana. Cuba and •Gnanou Leaf Tobacco. nn natuntiy on Enna and tot •n 1.-. novlalfit l o CPicCARPRT,: Itcecsved tlns any Lim,. I runt nl, manufacturer— Nc to •In V, In Tapry do d try 3 ply Carr.. rstra auto, o do nupnr, do do Itrut.cOl Cartn-O. do liroacoll, very cheap. do do rtotrarcdota voprr ingrain do 4 t. 3-1 and 5 , 10 - nvy Vrnction do 4 4.. 1-4 and O , ,•conotttoa do do . Mn! which witi.6ln, gold at a small advance, nod vr, ru ant. eal low ny ran he nave1...v....41 In the envt W Sl'l •LINTI It' li, 75 I 1.1 rth at COACH MAKING VIIOSS the very I.:ter:o encourage .1 went the sat...et - Wet It TR rccetved some he too located lont•elf to AUceltont, has tadacell Wm to mac • lease. for a term of year., on the property ne now accepters, at iklierf street, trtypedtately tter.Je the eahrm--. Church. From the long expo, tester In the altovo btounor and • doter welt:we, he Sows to uwt• it and reeetve share of ;welts pwronage. Now on hand and !tombola to order, K0ck...7 Ilus• e ev,y downtown 0 F.:rn;ott'ree'rn'alettoopollr'degr' front seventy-five dollar* to eteht hunaret Iscp!l-Mfl 101 IN !MUTH rh• Allegheny Cemetery. AT the altuaal eaceung of the Corporator., held on the tab falloanee peewee were unent inacel) re-cleated hlanagers Int the °matting year* no vNIA 110 W Y., Ftrtendeut. JOHN BISSI, , LL, / NATHANIEL. 110LAI1S, WILSON SWAN liLtasS, 101 IN 11 SIIOKN J AMPS II STEER, 1 FINNKI• Jr Seetetaty and l'reavoser. The otntstal statement present...l the Cain as volvany to very prosperous rooditson. Their who t the esy ts No 37 \Caw stgeet TILE STAR OF TOE WEST )40.VILNITIAN BLIND NIANUFACTORY Fast sole of the thatnood, where Verona Muds of ail the dalerntit vises and color arc kept on hand on made to order alit ton s, ai and most approved Kasten, (nh ton at the shortest 11011ee and on the WON reasonalile term , Mao, the cheap Boston roll nr min Blind Tramps reney and Paper Crimsons of all the different lira and w.f., on hand and for aide low for rash. Old Vim, IMO Blinds panned over and repaired, taken in part payment for new it M or Pro.pr N. IS—All v,o,- done with the hear material and workmanship, and Viler lllll{l3d 10 plcnrn thr most last udroos. eq(10-dip Allegheny any, Aog 10,1845. _ - AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY L~I.TILIIY R, 11171RIlk0 II AND WISER... WE,TPAN LIN E. °Mee at the) Itlxcharaga, R E d "''C'ED ll R hic ATES ra charges have been tedu• ce ueges to or trom ilaltimure, Pot. burgh or Whecliog, and 11. corresponding redoetton made on all telegr opine despair Lea forwarded from Bal. more Wert ofPittulturgh, Po Ras es. —lite churge tor a telegraph derpate.ll to 111 from Baltimore, Plashorgh and It herlotg, tr td rru,t. (of tire hot ten words, and 1 rents for each additional word. ID -. No charge is mode for the address and ingna tore• [NMI the cotopletion of the Booth Western Lute of Telegraph from hictrothis, Tenn., to New Orleans, des patches can be forwarded to Mcilmitis by Mist - owe, and mailed for Now I ',leans. PARTNER/mu.. A CIIF4IN WOODIIOUSE A. JOHN WCAMMIOI'SI4. HAZINGthin day as soctated themselves to in parmershlP, under the hem nod style of A. A w ooo hootin, for the manufacture of TIN, COPPEK AND 2.IIFAIT-MON WA ILE, tinfite corner of Robot. son street 11.1111 lhO Canal, to the lta Ward, Au-holm. 1 - 117, where they are prepared to farnish to order, wholesale and retail, all articles to their hot with progyoters. Fou p ndry Trimming.. and Carpenters' orders arc so. betted, which will meets, immediate attention. CI y of Allegheny, Feb. 1,1542 —dnm AN DrACA Ph: PA I . 1 ,/set, a N tew ul me Untie of Monterey; ...• Cerro tiordn; Buena Vista; „ Fete Jr Parts; • Chars do Lyon; o Lando Fraheals; ti Col C Auvergne; The above Is suitable foe pupenng large public rooms Just ree'd daunt from Parts, and for sato at The warehousd of aid SC HILL ri s, - 1 - k C . hc p u o ti m o I,l.4,,,iiqufitid. g earn% half the labor and ' dispensing enutel7w "' iril — to washboard. 'rho fittest Wilton carpets, at ° , 1,, ; „ g been in use cloven yeara, bar° bean perfectly restor ed, without the 'hears , tntary to fahno, wn y t . nut removing Irvin to door. It will not ure the cloth. Directions accompanying each bort., r y , o .Z 1 cern , For solo by J SCISOONMA6I4II tlostye , 44 wood at AID liitliliS—Ciorolo Potash, In Ib bottler Car/C Arid do Hypo. Kulph. Soda do Sob No. I.4smullk do Creosol.: do lronv lite LOllOll du Chirt(811.011 1(0 Jost received audl(a • tdo by 114}1 D A rAtINEST(An: Nimati4i3go3:4olo N. SOLICICS 16 - 110.1 re 'tankers, I:idlingter Itrolcui, NOTES, DRAFTS, AccEpTANcE9,GOTAsaNER Arm BANK NOTEIL COLLETTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and AccePtances parable in any put of the Unian collected ea the most favorable rent.. FACHANGE on Nev. york, Philadelphia and Thti more; also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Laths and NEW thleints. constantly for sole. BANK NOTES.—Notre an nil solvent banks in the Untied States discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds of Foreign rind American Cold and Silver Com bought and sold, 01fies No. CZ Market street, between ad and 4th, Pntsbugh, Pa. octes Focus BILIS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. Also, Drafts payable in any part of the Old Coanums, from LI to LIMO, at the rate of 65 to the £ Sterling, without deduction or dtscount, by JUMBO& ROBIN SON, 55sropean and General Agent, office sth st ono dean meet of wood. oeUSU ..1..., Clubilar-&Anuan [ROWMO RAMC dir• a 19.114, DANK:FRS AND EXCIiANGE DROMtS, dealers LP in Foreirn and Domestic Bills of Fachnstrc, Cer tifier... of Deposits, Bank NOV" illlll Coot, corner of 11 anti Wood streets, directly opposite St Charles Ho moMdl y _ liMAri WWI., Kentucky, !thesauri, Batt NoteN purchased at the lowest rates, bp N. HOLMES gc SONS, ncILI 3 LIA OP haCuAlSiar as :L I TE: i- h k o ' c t ir:" . Ncw York. Philadolptaa..and Holumore, Conitantly for sale by N. HOLMF t SONS sopl3 35 Market st BOOKS. "IJ SIC, &c. NEW liol.lo4—Complele %Verb, ofJobn M Mason, D D, in 4 vols. Mardi and a Veyage Hither, by Herrman Melville. Ilardor ‘Verfare of N Yen's, by W W Campbell. Here a Little aed There a Laile, by the author of ••I.,ne upon LIIW,nd Precept upon Precept" ftlesnotre of my Youth. by A De Ismail... Illustrated Life of Prankhn, pan nth, just reectvod and for rule by JOHNSTON It STOCKTON, at - y{ corner Third and Market sts EW BOOKS—De VoventryN Work on Epidentle 111 Choler, Its History, Cause*, Pathology and treat- n, by J. Morell i A. Al lici P tne ° ' P s h l.C o ie f e ll b v iLn i° l3f the Swain Engine. . . Chamber's Cyclopedia of I , lngltsti Literature, 2 vols. octavo, fine ttdaton, steel plate. Chambers' Miscellany of and Enternunlng Know'edge-10 volt', 1U mo. Illustrated. Adv., to Young Mon, by T. S. Arthur, ctn. Young IVonten, '• Elements of Meteorology, by 3. Brocklegby,M. A., rroyerhto for the People by F. Yi Magoon. l'niveryttv Sa•rtnons. I.y Dr Waylaud. l'retteh's I lulu an I.rcture, tor 1.46-7 —"rho fatless Dot, Sertpleres for unfolding the 4 , trttual Ilia to , ' 1 vol. ,vo No r. Franklin's L.l6+, Illustrated. R 1101'10:CS, Apollo BYLIAiIIIGN 4th 4‘ • 'VFW ItLICATIONS —Envoy on the the Union 1 . 1 of Church end Sole. by !lepton W Noel, 111 A. 1 vol Itnin entire edition of tint wort void in one Jay. on 11. putiliention in London! lenvtrtitroin Marlinfti:+niiitf•Journel,in ihr Pro ' tcrivcd lisl4 ttv,Ll voice of Massachusetts Bay- 167h.e. I vol Phuo 75c. IloyCe Porno. —Sketches of Ling hind Landscape. by Res Ralph Hoyt -new ed einerged- with illustra tions Pline 81,M A eat...einem of the Steam Fovea, Illustrative of the selenuhe principle upon which its operenho depends sod the practical details oi its structure, in its applies noir to noses, units, .trans nplllglllol3, and railwa) e with various suggestion sot iniproverueni by J Bourn. C. E. I rot 11.0 7he tliecver's Lectures on the Pllg-rorPii Progress—ne ed. Nato. Price rrtlared to 81.00. Th. Callous, a Parody nature Part I Ito. Franklin`, Laic, Intimated. Parts IV and V Van I, ;ParOus' litstorwr, by Prof Ty ti or. 0 1-180. For is 0yc1,4 N N ,4th Hole Agency for Nunn. i Olark.os Plano 'MTJUST RECEIVED and opening, new Lot of elega N n eoax, from thee celebrated factory of Nonnatt. Clark, N. V , comprising G,OI and 7 octaves, with important improvements, both in mechanism and exterior, possessed by uo others. Al-s.xt—A tine ,eleetion of Cbiekorig's n Ptanoa,linm G to i octaves. H. RIEDER, Salo Agent. at J. W. WoodwellN, to Third at. N It. The above will he sold at manufacturrts pri3 ce, without any addition for freight or expenses./ mean Journal and Chronicle ropy. d2EM if ffi gio A SPLF.NDID ansortm.t any and }Lea Pl wood Nano. no* , jast 1 hed. These tostrataenta are made the tatent pattern and best muerte see will be ;40,1 it. ;or rash by F. BLU6SF-112 Woad street, •••• • - door stave Firth. N EL—Those arbo are in meant of . good instrument, are re•peettully invited la examaie these before pur chsing elsewhere,. they cannot he excelled by any In the country, and will be sold lower than any brought train the Kass Al•opist reeetved. two pianos of Ham burgh manufacture. warrantee to be superior to any et rs wIJ to ILtr rowan' cret`n F. 11. NEW INNTILUNIENT rill:•unseritter has been appointed Sole Agent far I the rale or CAR' twitrs IMPROVED I INS. aswanuactured and and peteete4 by Masan. March & What., u Cincinnati. The inert! compost •nd extent being but four octave,. Mean. AI & W acrordenee with the general desire and demand. love extended the reale of these Instrument+ to 44 and even ft octaves, nom rank.* impracticable to perform alum theta nay music writtenr the Piano or Orgyn 'rtteeztei tot, a. , to, has been much improved by placing the louly or tire instrument uponl rtOil Igen frame twann fully bronzes' and ornamented. rendern* it at once a most elegant ad extrealaly desirable arttele "rbe pttre is put sat low as to bent' it orithui the mach of every oe to otastu a perfect musical instrument, and, at rite Panic time, • moat elegant piece et Sarno lure tar a comparative trttle. II KLEBlill, At J W oodyroll's ( N ro l in W t ro LT' pc . fo7 z r; i:l . e 'bc n' e ntirety new into ennui% of Piano Forte, rolled the I Nvr PIANO FititTF., whit It jaascootte wore pourer and •orettinets than the opiate Plano, oceeptes bet one Imola no much room, and i• • much more showy md I piece:of furniture. li is parucalarly des ble waere the oar tie of space it an object, twang no. credit/Kt y beat and oolripattl, andoccupying no Mole room than tuttall rule Tuttle The sub.roher to band a tetttirtionial of its taperioj front the celebra ted pianist, Nloselsellen, ut hit own nt Wind orriumr,vehich may be inspected. 11. KLEligli, °mai At J lV Womlanell's chicks iinrs Pianos. fiffi lif JESTreeemed and for sale at man o Me mne rs priresoworrams new Piano Font 1, 0, 01 and 7 octaves, of the most elegont patterns of furniture, and with tar late improved sealn. AL on hand and Mr sale low, 3 second hand Plan- JOHN II MELIA/11 i 0/1 Sole Agent for Chietenngbi Plan. for Western Pennsylvania, ul Wood Went mare 70 EW 3IUSIti IIY lIF.NRI lIHH-2-11; Last Hose JA of Summer, with an introduetion arid brilliant ve nation. for tbe Piano Fort, us pertormail or all his concerts in the United Stale. by Henn Herz. Maluku Polite, by Henri Ilert; Corn, Polka, ...Meer hell Polka, i" . Just received and for sale by niehl3 JOHN II IHELLAIII., SI wood at /S, with en actuator/en:Nem fur the Pieut-forte, adapted to the teatime( private perote, or claps,* In vocal wee, ticketed frorn ItaW4ll, French tu" Lerman cotonoecrs, by Lowell Macaw 7tt large pages of eltwely panted moxic, containing InG C.lne% prog te , siVrij arrangrd. Pelee cent., lout teceicett, supply of the alante, dtrect from the pplot.lar n, Ly JOHN H. hIELLOIL, wrial nl wotul It TRANSPORTATION. “frIED, PARKS & Co's. PACKICT LIRE. arriO3 1848. BEA V FIR AND cLEVELA N U LINE. via WARREN. Canal Packet—SW eI,I4,ASW, Caps Ford. " " OCEAN, Capt. Waiters. , i c )SiE of the above Packets lease Beaver every day, k (Sundays escrptedi bud arrive nest morning at awe, where they connect with the Stages fur Akron alld Cleveland, arriving at each of those places Delors night. One a( the Packets leave %Var.'. daily at 5 , and arrive ot Beaver to me to take the mn. no ng steamboat for Pittsburgh. CIYPES A LEFFINUWELL, Warren, t V IA)11, P top nt' I B TA BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE TTEltoooll TO TIN LaC• TT TONT TIOTTIL %eard Park at—Pnmerrkv•ms, Capt. felines; Tarn, " Pollock; " Luna Eat., " Truby; " " Psrrorns, " Brown; Eswinos, " Sayer. The above arm and eplendid Paanellre,' Packets have commenced mounts between BEAVER AND VERLE, and w II 'tin regulttly during the wawn—one boat imattig Iv,e evory morning at d o'clock, and one lear n Peavey I ~ cy emitting, immediately after the erri vat ut toe stramhoot Michigan from Pittelturgh boat. err or,' and comfortably furnished, and win ,an through In forty Loon. Passengers to any point on the Lakes, or to Niagara Falls, will find fhb rola. the moat eoinfonable and expedillotok Tickets tbiotteli to all ports on the Lake cut be procured by appoing to the proprietors. REED, PARKS-A Co, Beaver. JOHN A. CAIIOIIEII', Agt. Pittaburgh, roe. Water and Smithfield eta. I`S:—Jar C Ilarrlson, Buffalo, N V. C M Reed, Eno, Pa. G C Wick,Oreaavine, Pa; IWFarland and King, Big Band, Pod Ilays k Plumb, dbarpshurgh, W C Malan, Sharon, Pa; D C Mathews, Pulaski, Peg K W Cuomo : bane Now Castle OCILKE & CO'S FAST EXPRESS pint TER CUMBERLAND, BALTIMORE, AND TILEEASN CITIES. rill pc Proprietor. of this Lino have put on New Stock, I and are prepared to forward packages of all seripUona daily, at the lowest ratea. J. C. BIDWELL, Age t, Water street, Piteihurgh. ROBINSON & BOEHM, oet2l 92 South Charles at, Baltimore. r'auteniNtir and glean Situates Omen. AIIANILDEN A. CO. conunue to bring persons from c oy part of Ibtgbutd, Ireland. Scotland or %Vales, upon the most liberal tenon, with their mood punctuality and attention to the wont. and com fort el eaunignods We do not allow itur passengers in be robbed by the swicilling scamps shut intent the sea ports, as we take Charge of them the moment t:2 re port themselves, and see to their well being, do. .pinch them without any detention by the first ships.— We say this fearlessly, as we defy ono of oar poussen eery to show that they were detained 43 hours by ns Livertund, wlisha thousands of others were dammed hh ol they could be sent in some old -emit, at • oh p rate, which too frequently proved their coatis. We intend to perform our ConUncts honorably, cost what it luny, and not net as was the; ease at season, with ether ollicers,—who Mther PCIIOIIIICIi out an, Of when it sailed Men convenience. Et m ae drown at Pittsburgh for soy soot from ft lo limo payable at aAyor the p_rovinelal Banks In Ire land, btgland, Scala:a Wales. • - and JOSIIIJA ROBINSON, and General Agent, ftilipean iflli duvet. ens di Joni. below Vki,Vti V .ers, d 7 Market Meet,' 3u pe colored Volvo( assorted eolmr, Sit black " '• embroidery (imp; 10 pa wide min, 1., attnr. hbls tres6,cea atia-it we by w 6 17 AILMISTRONI.I 6 CRGI Z Sil DALLBT'g IDABICLL PAIN BITRACTOR: MILE followidefrom George E. Pometor,Eoq., the I well known proprietor of the for ltrelfof the importance of the Pair l i=tor to every parent. ExPiders Ones, Albany, Sept 1. Mu. DALLST: My Dear Sir—With feelings of no or dinary pleasure I address you in relation to the benefit 1 have received from your invaluable Pain Extractor. Lately, my little daughter, 0 years old, had a pitcher of boiling water turned into her bosom; Aire screams Were &valid, so that. crowd instantly fore the bore to learn the ratios orthe tenible '<reams. I tore her clothes uunder, and soon spread on your salve, and she seas carried and laid upon a bed. She NMI soon relieved from her pains, and ago 9kt.,feel as if I could laugh," end was soon In sweet sleep. She was scalded to a blister from the top of her shoulder I _over more than half her chest, and round under the arms. On the shoulder and breast it was very deep,. yet front the firm hour, she complained only . when It was dressed. The sore healed rapidly, and there is no contraction orate muscles. . With many wishes, my dear sir, for your seeress in the sale of this mighty article, I am yours, with respect, GEO. E. POMEROY. THE TEST and NO MISTAKE' The genuine Maley, will ever produce the same in stantaneous relief, arid soothing, cooling creel, in the severest muse. of Burns, Scald; Pilra,a-r• The Counserfeds—no 11114. alder what names they may appear—alvreys irritate PU B LIC ase the pain. TO TH:E L'Edurard P. Holama, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge, Columbia county, N. Y., have been efilicted with rhea manse] in my breast, feet, and all over my body,_ for a. a years, so that I could n stand, and was cured by eppllcatlens of Dalle ot v's Pule Extractor ERWXRD mum& e .Dalleyt Sir—l cat my finger with a copper nail, poisonous nature of which caused my arm to swell rs asiderably, with constant shooting pains up to the shoulder. A large swelling taking place at the arm pit, with Increastng pain, I became fearful of the Lock jaw. In this extremity your Pahl Extractor was re commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon to try. The consequence was that it afforded mo slowest instant relief, and in throe days I was completely ea red. JOSEPH lIARIUSON, New York, corner Broome and Sullivan as, Sept 8.1'944. y Usxurs is the inventor of this invalu able remed and never hes and never will communi cate to any living man the Secret Of ItS combination! All Extractors, therefore, out made and put up b him, are liSe counterfeits. PEWelLtrrtiell Dicrers-415 Broadway, New York; tMsChesmot street, Phila. JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. WIA/ THORN, Agents for Pittsburgh. 'lacy' Ammal Galan= Cure-All, Cures humors, suntan, quitter, Made, poll-evil, sores, galls, and lituises. Pamphlets, tontainnig car uficates of respectable parties, may be had on applica tion to JOHN D. &MAGIAN, Agent, Pittsburgh. =EI M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT OONTAINING NO MERCURY, or other Minerah— kj It has power to cruise all EXTERNAL. SORES, SCROFULOUS HUMORS, SKIN DISEASES, POI SONOUS WOUNDS to &zebrine their putrid matters, Mid then heals them. It rightly termed ALL-111dALIN(i, for there ia , scarcely a disease external or intilnial, that it will not ben a efit. I have used a for lest sixteen years for all discuses of the chest, lying tht tannest danger and responstlitlity, and I declare before heaves and man, that not in one case has it failed to benefit when the patient was within the reach of mortal means. I have hod physicians teamed In the profession. I have natusters of the gospel, fudges of the benela, el derly., lawyer., gentlemen of the highest madman, and mu... o f the poor use it In every variety at way, and there h. been butane voice—one universal voice saying-91PALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT bil_arDt . RIII:UhUITISM—It removes almost immediately the intininitration and swelling, when the pant ceases i Read the directions mound the box.) IIEA Li-ACHE—The solve has cured persona of the head-ache of twelve years standing, and who had it regular every week 60 that vomiting took place. EAR ACHE, TOOTH-ACHE, nod AGUE IN THE FACE, we helped with like success. SCALD Ill.:AD—We hare eared ensea that actnelly &Red every thing known, as well es the ability of fif teen ta twenty doctors. One man told us he bad spout lEMO on his children withou any benefit, when a few boxes of Ointment cared them. TErrEa—There is nothing boner for the rare of Trot r BURNS—It It one.e_iii , Lent thing , in the worlJ Burns. PlLES—Tbeenands are yearly cured by this Oint ment li rinvira fails in giving relief for the Pdes V - Around the box are directions for using JP.41.. truer, °interest/or Serefids,Litier Complaint, Erpripe. , Trier, Chilblain, Scald Heaff, Sara Eyes, Query, Sore Throes, BrenrAitas, Nauss Alfa-tient, Pains. Do tard of As Spine, Hard eau, asthma, Osamu, Ear net, 800., Cons, a ll Daus° of Skis, Sore Lips, Pim. p/..5, Swilling of 8rn0,Rd0,1116,15/71, Pler, odd Fut. Croup, Swelled or Broker Brous, Tooth oar, Ague in 454 Fees, fie. fie. COIM FEET—Liver Complaint, pain In the Chest and Side, falling if of the bur, or the other accompa. . cold feet. till's Ointment is the tote remedy.) it 1.• sure sign of diseue to hove cold feet. CORNS—Occasional ue of the Ointtnent aril, al ways keep earns from growing. People need movel be troubled with them if they use it frequently. - pCJ Thu Utemient a good for any pastel the bOdy Of limbs when inflamed. In some cues it should be applied often. enuTiort —No Oinument will be genuine onleas die name of JAMES McALLISTER wntten with a pen I on every label. For isle by my Assent in all the principal eines and towns w My United Shaun. JAMES McALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of the shove medicine. , Z , Pros o. etpal Otbse,No IS North Thad street, Phil. PRICE :5 CENTS PER SOS. Souris in Pirrsauson—Braun it Reiter, corner of Liberty and Si Clair su; and L Wilcox, Jr, corner of Market et and the Diamond, alm vacua of 4th and Southheld us; J If Cassel, comer of Walnut and Penn sts, sth ward; and sold at the bookstore in Smithfield at, door from Second at,in Allegheny city by II I' Sehwertt and J Sargent: 0 Smith , 0 .110 4 ; Wm. minglium; Negley,lSist liberty; II Rowland, Mc- Keesport; J Alexander tc i4lllk Monongahela City; N Itowoinsi Co, P and J T Rogers, Itrovrourge; John raley, Beaver, a; are wholesale agents fehd7-deodll WATER CURE ESTAIILIIIIRCLENT, PHILIPSBURG, PA. ri gal rapid snide. winch Ilydrepathy has made 1 since its letroductlon bac, Ude country—the bril liant and nsimu•bing curative cants Weald coater.ln chronic , and acute dtseasies,when employed after the method of the celebrated Prienuint, have removed from the mind of an intelligent and discerning public every name. of d mint as i. efficacy, and gamed it nm vernal favor. Considering the unsatisfactory reault. of remedies heretofore used in the treatment of chronic totoplaunts, (coroplalott, too, which ore Increasing qv ; ery yourd at saw; hen natural wish to see the success of a method by which so many unfortunate sufferers will be frted from their pouts and infirmities. The subwriber bating practised succensfelly this method for eight year. nt his Ilydropatthe .mblish• meat, which hay been considbrably enlarged andint• proved in all tin parts, and in every respect, IS now ready to receive and arcommodato patients who may choose to place themselves nader his care, skill end contrienee Philpsburg, situated upon tse left bank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth of the Mg Beaver, Is well known for as refreshing and selubrions aunesphere, its de lightful quietness and charming easiest scenery, come Lining every requisite to modes the tonsure of the in• valid agreeable, and contnboung not a Lode to trees. triblwh impaired health and physical strength. The establishment, the first started In the United Sinies, contains every thing, both for pleasure and condo., calculated to man, a sAeody and happy ter mination of the ailments of the nem. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the advanta ges here offered, will pleane address the sabscriber by letter, mating a. near as possible the nature of t hei r rompliunts, in order to decide and ad vise on their fitness and curability by the Ilydropothic treatment, and also what will be necessary for them to take along, for their especial and perwinal tin. EDWARD ACKER, M. D. Proprietor, Philipsburg, Beaver county, Pa. Ravononces—Revd. Armstrour, 1, D. Clark, Earl. do; lion. Thomas Henry, Deaver, L. Burlier, In, Prof Ch. Mliot, Pittsburgh, Pa.; L. U. iPerkins, Esq. Onto; Rev. S. 11. Sneed, New Albany; Rev. ltl Alien, Princeton, N. J. T. L. Station, Esq , INew York ; Dr. Cl. Winter, Ph il ipsburg ; Wm. H. kle• Cannel, Esq. Pawburgh, A. I.lldarell, Esq., do. mchlYd • QUNDRIM-100 packages fresh Trao—Y. Ily so gunpowder and Impenal; 'MU bags prime Green Rio Coffee; GO do Lagos , do; St du Old Ds. do; 25 hags block Pepper, to do Pimento; 15014bds new crop N 0 Hagar, bbill nonunion Molasses, 50 do Muer Ronan do 30 °areas tre.ell Rice; 15U boa Bauch Raisins; 15U boa manufactured Tobacco, various brands; _V keg s ()edge & Bro. 6 twist Tolumeo; 10 "H Dents' " " Plusburgh plug LW boa bale Window Glass, SO do 10x12 do; "XX/ kegs moiled Nails; Il ranks Naleratus; 5000 pounds Cotton Yarn, assorted Nos. Together with a full and general assortment of ar des is. taw Urocery line, on hands and for sale by I 2c R FLOYD, Round Church Buildings, Ode Fronting on Liberty, Wood and Sixth eta lAIAPORNIA RUIHIF.R 000 W—Just received, 11 39 Camp Blankets,• 22 officer coati 12 pra Pants; IF pairs not lined M ing Hoots; 12 Isthmus Bags; 3 water Tanks, 6 .d 12 Worts each; 60 canteens, 1 piton each, I dot Backside Money Beltm Ido mled cambric do do. The above goods for sale at the Call. fOrilla Coating Establiattmem, No 6 Wood st. meh2l J It II PHILLIPS ALLUGIININY VENITIAB BLIND, AND CABINET WARBROOM. 1. A. BROWN would-respect ' inform the public, that he tits on hand at his stand on the st side of the Dlamond. Stile tty city, a "complete neson ntof Venidan Blinds; also W hen Bhuners RIO nude to or rln the best style, warranted Rd to any in the United Stain. t Blinds tan be removed with the aid of a screw driver. „sing purahased the stock, Ms, and Wood Mae cabinet est Misluncat of Ramsay it APCIeI. Id, t am prepared to famish it old enstorners ma well as ivory thing In their line. met, Pittsburgh. I. A.I3ROWN. PPAPERHANGINGT- 1 ant adrrit yr eel4lii t diiea from the manufacturers m New York, Oda and Baltimore, a large and well aeleoted usort mem of all the latest and crest Improved styles am tic, glazed and common PAPER HANGINGS, Con. Meting of 10,00e pieces of Parlor and Fresco; IORDO" Hell and Column; 18000" Di mo rroont, chamber and one. Paper—which I would particularly invite the "Hendon of Show boring houses to paper, to call and examine, at the Paper Warehouse of S. C. HILL, Mg—__ S 7 wood at ii—iiiittrniNot has commenced to receive a fir _„ large tutsorunent of Fancy VARIETY COORS, conaistmg in put of Artificial., Ribbon., Laces, He. Mary, Olose., Crepe, Leisse,Combries,Nettinp, Lace Pongee Han dkerchief., gents Cravats, gingham and cotton Handkerchiefs, corded Skins, Bowing Silt, Threads, Buttons, Combs, Jewelry, Cut. tory, no. Ac. Country and arty osereltaina are tea matt - ally invited to call and examine his stock, No 84 ?2",2L;iirrr_.!;..si.s.2rUf 11:is.qatley., =hi* COFFirs tutted, which is ru st idly coming rog a m w o h os °l l ‘ .:p u'asitrandr:ig amble thou common gee, and far cheaper, as a s mall paper only ten cents, will go an far . loos pound* of Coitus. Manufactured by JOEIN B. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold at wholesale by B A PAMMErrOCK & Co, corner of First and Wood and Sixth and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. apfil • IVIACAHLAVS HISTORY OF 15NULAND—lien lerN edition, coataining all the matter, verbatim et literatim, of Vols. I and 2 of the Loudon edition, enf bellished with a ponmit of the sailor-2 Volt in oite. Fn., complete, IStic. A lame simply lathe above re ceived aml for gala by JOHN H Man Log, melalil • atwet at Sm:mks-4 bales potion ' , bgs reathenn do Flaxseed; 4 bbls No 1 Lard, latex from steamer F.:optima*, for tale by ISAL&H DICKEY ardd - 1 :T °111 IEIALf—' coo plovidearulas xi by - sr:4 JAMES IN ,QUART,BOTTLES. Fos Tur.,,akramovar. Q. PEUNAPEOPP MOM OP ALL. DISEASES AIUSIBO POOR - Mg IMPURE STATE . OP THE BLOOD 011 lIABIT OP TUE OICETE.3II 'VIZ* Scrofula or Ring's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Fsuprions, Pimpled or Pustules on the Fbee, Blotches, Ililes, Chronic Sere Eyes Ring Wm or Totter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Donee and Joints, Stubborn - Ulcers rilphilitie. Symp. toms, Sciatien or Lumbago, arid ' Weise. rinsing from an injudicious useorWereury, Atelier, Or Drop sy, 'Epostire or lmpmdelice m Life. Also, Chrome Constitutional Disorders. In this preparation areatrcrogly concentrated all the Medicine! properties of lismaratm.c., combined with the most effeemal aids, the meat salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and h has been so folly tested, not only by patients them selves, but also by PhYlielan/Okal it has received Weir unqualified recommendation and the approbation of the public; and bas established on its own merits a reputation for value and efficacy far mitmier to the varbmis compounds bearing the name of sarsaparilla Pnlawns. have been eared, inch en are not furnished' in the records of Wag mug and what tt bas already done for the thoutanda who have used it, it Is capable of doing for the minims mill suffering and atrunling with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and strengMens the fountain springs of life, and Infuses new vigor thoit out the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The fellowing striking and, as will be seen, pawns nent core of an inveterate cost of Se rotate, commends haelfto oil simile/1y entered; Sermon, Conn., Jan.l,lllo. Messrs. Seem Oentlemen—Sympathy for the &Me ted induces me to inform yen of the remarkable elms effected by your Sarsaparilla in the cuse of my wife. She was FOVO rely aiGicted with the scrotal. on dam. eat parts of the betlY; the glands of the neck Were greatly enlarged and her hmbimuch swollen._ After suffering over a year and Roiling an mlief from the remedies umd, the diaeue.attacked one leg, and be low the keen suppurated. Her physician advised it? should be laid open, which was done, bat without any permanent benefit. In this similes we heard of, and were Unlaced to use Sands , Stosaparilla Theirs% bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more thou any preseription sho had ever m a. and before she had used six bottles, to theamon. ishMent and delight of bet friends, she Mind her health quite restored. It Is now over a year slue the cure was !domed, and her health remain. geed,show. ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Our neighbors are all knowing .to them farm, and think very highly of Sands' Sarstrillis. Yours with respect, JIILIU PIKE, Extract freer a letter received from Mr. N.M. ms, a gentle.. well known In Louisa county, Y. Slu vGantlemen—l have cured a negro boy of mine with and o f who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. "Yours truly, N. W. MARIUS. "Fredericks Hall, Va., July 17, 1t34d." Sums 5A12111,313/14..—1t seems almost nroweemary to Street attention to nn article so well known, and an deservedly popular, as this preparation, but p atients often who wish to use the extract of Sarum Ila, are induced to try worthless compounds bearing the flame, bet containing little or none of the virme of this Valu able root; end we think we cannot confer a erenter benefit on our rendem M. in directing their attention to the advertisement of the Messrs. Bands in another cohuon. The bottle has recently been =dawdle bold a quart, and those who with a really good article will find concentrated to this all the mcdlcinal value of the mot The experience of Moaned* has proved its ef ficacy in curing the various &maws for which Ii M r. commended; and at the present time more than any other, perhaps, is this medicine useful, :.preparing the system for a change of season.—home Journal, Sept. PAS. Prepared and sold. wholecale and retail, by A. B. 6. D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, WO Fulton shut, corner ofWilliam. New York. Fold also by Drat. ots generally throughout the Vatted Stun end Cana dna Price el per Bottle . six Battles for AA 1:17Tor m Pima's:reit, wholesale and retail, by B. A. FAIENITDCR, 6. CO., corner of Wood and Front si c , also, comerof:4SM and Wood atie by L. WIL.CO.Ie, Jr., corner of Smithfield and Fourth sts, and also corner of Market at and the Diturtond,• also, by EDWARD FENDERICII, cot Monctuala Moue febto.dm MiLTICH.4I 3INSENG 'PANACEA! To THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNGS—The unprecedented necess which bed trended the use of the GINSENG PANACEA a all the various forma which Irritation of the hinge Mt teMeX, has induced the proprietor again to mil atten tion to this WONDERFUL. PREPARATION. The changithle weather which marks oar fall and smter months, ls always a fraltful source of COLDS AND COUGHS. These, If neglected, se but the pittances of that fall destroyer, COSUMPTION, TIM (premien, then how shall We nip the destroyer the bud? how shel l we get clear of our *nem and olds? to of vital importance to the public. TOE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will i.e found In the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this sve have from tame to nompublithed the certificates of dozens of oar hest known citizens, who ban exiest• reed las'eurative passers. , These, with a memo tea timeay from all parts of the country,—from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRsT STANDING, of the Gospel, An., togethar with copious nod tees from the ' JOURNALS OP THE DAV, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had paw of say of our agents thro=coantry. HUNDREDS OF have benn need in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS thonighatt the United Sautes and Canada, and am the lenge my man to point oat a SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when taken - accOnitoi direetione, end be fore the lungs Mul become family dtaortamied, haa aver failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, Peed the afflicted b y hesitte? Why tenon to theme rabla nostrums, gotten up ant own u ler the assumed 11.1110e . 0f some CeldflNlLUni phy steer, and puffed into notoriety by certificates oi pet sans cqaally unknown? Whilst a otedleine Of t iNi s A i tA vs rd) EFFICACY Is to be had, whose vouchers are nt homer neigh! bon,—many of whom it has SNATCHED PROM THE GRAVE. In order that this invaluable medicine May be placed within the reach of the poor u well Shelia, Ira bate pat the price ai ONLY FIFTY CIENTS t • lon one half the mad cost of congh medteines. to for sale by OUT IlgElo.ll in nearly every town and village over the west, Who are prepared to give frill inform. , don relative to it. _T. SALTER' , Proprietor,. , EntniwnY. Gincitumti, HYDUOPATIIIO ESTABI.IBII2I.I3aTc MOLLlMisolon, nutria co., PA. . EDWARD ACKER, takes Ma means of m- Dwesting his thanks to his friends and the public for the extensive patronage he Mot received, andofin forming them that he has lately erected ale t Teand II conctraeted building, for the exeltudva sea Or big WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT al old location, at Phillipsburgh, Pa., on the OEM river, opps. um the steamboat landing at Bence ' where bele ready to receivepatienta boanlers, and weal them on By . - droputhio pnneiplea In addition to hig lotus wen. eyes, and the great sonnet which has herelofdle at tended his treatment of patients committed to hL ease, he has now the additional facilities atibrded by an ex tentve ;Adding erected eZpreanly for dm paiyease, con taining munnodiono and airy rooms, and fitted op with every necessary aptraralus . for bathing, anti tering the Imminent to the utmost benefit and comfort of the patient. Phillipsbargh is a most delightful and healthy village, easy of access by steanandalit, and af fordo fine and ar !Wenn. water. Dr. Acker nearer I akar% altheterl persons who may place thenwelvee der his earn that every attention shall be paid to their comfort; end an an assurance oldie substantial benefit. to be derived, he points with confidence so the ban , dreds who have been permanently cored at by estals lashment The Water Cum leaves no injurious effects behind, as Is too often the cue with those who have been treated on the old ototam It removes the di. ' eau ; invigorates the system,probeeta freartlie danger. incident to changes of the Weather, creates II natural and acne, appsute, aud aripartr vigor to the digestive powers. Ter ul of treatment andboacding reasonable. For further pelYticulara Umtata at di e estaklishment, or address the proprietor" Phillipsbangh. z ; aue2G4, irt47l:ki NEM MITSSAT/Vl3 - 1 We base been informed by Mrs. Rode of servo per formed on her by Ds , .711/Men AIMIMMOves which prunes us superionty over !Merl other remedy of the km& sbe ban been &abated for the last sixteen years with NEoItOSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended with ulcerations and embliatlon of rations botteiolu rink which time many pitemshave been discharged from the rental bone of the cranium, from both her arms, wrists end hands, and from both icgs,aed from the left fettuarul bone, and from On right knee, besblei pedal sleets on other parts of berpenam, which base baffled the skill or *number or themodeminentjAynlciansol our city—dunng most 67 the time her saferires have been exertuaung and depimable. About three moll since she was induced wiry Dr.JsynekrAlkeratibe, which has bad an =wahines ly happy effeeiiipantert by remosins, all pain and swellings, and gamma the ulcers to heal, while at tho Mime time her petrel helltlit , hes become completely restored, so that shei near weighs 7.3 lbs more than she did beam she commented the aid of this truly valuable. mutton:—(Mo. Ems. Post. For further Infonnuunt4 unwire of Mrs.llo,se,No. IPB Filbert st,Phlladelphut. ' For tole in Panibergh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Foanhat. near. Woad. 112 D'.TOWNSENDS SAESA.PARD.r.s. ,Aildozen lust received of Dr. Townsend's' SantaparWa t the most extraordinary medicine in the world! This Uz i:lKM is plat up in quart tattles. It is six Maw cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted uncapr to amp sold. It cures disease without vomiting, purging, sicXening or debUltaiing the padent • Isnd ow ma Wrallosa—Driprincipledyemenaltalre' copied OUT labels, and pin up medwine in the tams awed bottle. See thai each bottle has theirtlttenaig. nature of S. P. - TorisemL R. S.S.F.I.LPILS,.Drug4ist, 67 Wood meat, between Third and Fourth, is Dr. Pow...eft only shah:isle and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the scullea article can be had. D. M. Curry has been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be had. A. IL NrY:IA . Tf U. 1.. narawroes,}Pittsbeigh. i ii i VlLl F es amun tala raw Blocs In 010 al - New Yorks lIE intderd are exiatrively animal ill Mei (11 %Vhol I business a 110.119 John arencirk, girl of N ew yotk, and are prenatal b, supply Druggists end wan Aterehana with Dm Pllllll4 Oils, Dwaralls, Virelgrt and "MIMI Perihmery i llamas, &Warr & Dander's Chandeals, (of their awn reportatha) art all otter snicks La Weir limn of cons 01 iliPen o rOldft , al 16W aa beiRUN ihtled in • this ar SAY wawa AY. New Vert. WO IL A.FAMUSSTnnitik flltitli3Flll, My the very' liberal enboarnentent Ur have received for to ICuuly yearly A h. mined to enlarge my business Armaiderabl7., Having a eartmatalll Parana; I MANIC, enabled to fill nil prompdY, en 4 Ike Vete& lit- oar areal style a c ed . la all Plates and aak the sitentlan of um beide and Meseta- t o sleek tIPLIbLSTE KY 60003 and Bede. Mammal am bedding, car tairi Mambas, Mmas and Momexer, Cornices, Prin. Llorderinirei Telaphb, Spilt and Bolter Blinaa, and every article ;many Expt - ict setablisttptett of the kind. OrdMaympecipliktAblicited Madromptly at- 1 It 11.—Caavota 'mto and pot mob& WM. NOBLA WON it Co 1111111MATIMIX. '111(IIKA farashriltresPeedully Won't , • that" ' in - Mande iced - the pioll4 — they have proS. red aulr tenoned teals Wool*, armor sant e hr boa's ' In Laconic sweet. wCantichrelnormst Feberal at, when, t o reparcit on mho few beanie's, as well as a tew Wore day whole's, and where their ex clusive auewian teilLbei devoted in lanntedou in all • the ordinary hnieehes of finest education. Suanews tte o fefelfwl - to Ilr. Alrm. Venues, Mr. John Ble.Fadden and 41"::F.. tea ' i before 0111 - tiCte most approv.eigiSiemplans— and moat (ethic nab Le EMstem patterns and colas. Also TILE CHEAP ROLL" or DOSION "IND, CO !LIMA or Redo to order of 111/ 01100, and al prices. Country Iderchame and ot hers are Melted to call and examine the ebove Tor themselves, as ill will be wild wholesale or Itetad,and • liberal dedection made Io wholeselopercheihrrei an A Vl' Elff ERTEL* TBUBSCEIBEBS having removed from Na. ITO I Nos. 172 and 1741dberry street. oder 6tt sale goods as follows, m store and now lending, sir. 350 bags prime Codise, new crop; 40 " ord . government Java Lodeer 1501 lids prime New (Menne Sugari 520 W " as Plantathen Molmneoo ' 100 St James Bops Haase Molasseth IGO ch. Wring-Bytom 'fet,• • 40 do Uoupowdor and Imperial Tee; l'urw 40 QO Clmlllo Powehong do 'crop. TO do catty bin Vll and 0 P do 100 bp white Brazil Sept,- ea bre white Havana bgs Pepper,. 20 do Alspier.; BO tunes Mosterd, to 1 and lb rant; 100 do Malaga Bauch Raisins; 30 do do do do, in layers; 60 Whim do do do 60 or do do do Zane C o wlwlls4 10 bales Sicily Almonds, • 100 bas Richmond Tobaccer,! 50 baskets Bordeaux and Marseilles Olive Oil; bbl, and 110 hf Obis Not large Mackerel; " / 1 ""e7; /51i1 'he Ohs, woo galls winter end 'springSperm Oi " • bleacked north urestlYhale 1000 " crude " " do 309,003 Onto and Sons Principe Began; 30,00 Q Havana do hfpipes Cognac Brandt, of varlom brands; 2 puncheons Jamaica Spirits; 3 pipes Midland Om, 00 ooartor cake sup. Teneriffe Wine; 10 do Madeira do 21 do Lisbon do 40 do Oporto do 59 do Sweet Malaga do 15 Intrian bble do do 16 tilde Claree 20 or csks Rent Santoro; 40 cases sup Bardeen' Claret; 30 Mullah; Champagne Wine; lido: cups Blemuch Bitters . ' 200 bbl pure Rye IVMskey, from I to 5 year! old toll MILLER & ItICKEI'BOIO WE hereby notify one triends end cerrespondenu I.= and I:throw:IOW we will uot, etmae aar enterrissesneo, receive freight from any Belt for vrtuch'.l. Newton Jones is agent. ' • • apt' 13110DE1 & ALCORN• A . 1 j0111A9.2VC 1 0 ... ., (erssent i In Robb i rig- i CtiIiSTAT else:Third, Philardplas, beg Inty. to infarct their ,friends and patron. that they have received the West SYRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS, with • largo assortment of Nei, Style GOODS; COITIFIsIng Clothe Cassimeres Vonlass, of ovary deactivates-411 of which are.etheir own im rrtationiltaving been catchall Be mod in Parts, a h2 ttiangers visiting Phtladelphis, are respectful ly united to call anti examine their extensive stock. rueb2SSidat TrintA RUBBER PASTE—Just receiving, 2 gross J. bottles of Rubber Paste, s superior article, lushly lolportens to persons that wish to keep their feet tic - i etVh74o th ill b' or T .L7Tt e zitt ialtVr.poz No 6 Woad meet. tosrd J & I[rium4Ps •GOLDII GIOLDIII m?. anbserlber, ',cadmic manufacturer or T MAY, invites wholesale dealera irid pedlars trs sing Socth and West—also, country stdreireepers to call and CZ11114113 bin mock of Jewell?, uttdeb will be sold at the lowcat price. for cash or approved accep tance'. Constantly' on hand and manufacturing, • large 11.511Ortaleall suitable far city or cannily_ _trade. 13. G. A. trexm,c corner of Fourth ad Branch its ts up stairs, _ aplEedaut Paper Hauglnv* , , VINO purchased at three of ihe largest Pechtt ries inthe East, (New Yank, Philadelphia and Ifsl ii ) s I argenssortment oftW newest•Mul mast Lap:treed styles of PAPER ELANGINOSMORDERS, - • Re and made arningentents by which 1 will be ens- • bum! M.Pnieure M 1 sew Panacea, sitsaltanconsyMth their appearance In the &were market, I would in- .. site the attention of those deSinng to have their heaths phpered with the latest styles of 'paper; to MLR examine my mock, before pmrshasing elsewhere: • •t hate now on the tray ham the last s =WA piece* . : of Gold, Satin Glazed, and mammon Paper Rengitqp, tehichi can sell at prices Tanen lionaßk Ma to $d ir piece. niehls 8 O RILL, 87artsisdat t &cola flutoktae. fAVINGhtst completed the rebanduigofeM•trnote houses, we ate now prepared to receive meet, and stooks ii in the mow mcarkentable manna. The booms are fitted with all the modern improve- ments, and are capa b HlEß lc JOND.I,Ie of containing Doom IN. etch- CainGELln, 14 near &Meath lit Pstsnriu PAPER—Having the eielii - serier Ort the sale of the 51:111 Grove Pvintittg Paper, ea !ILA CCP-Markle, Proprieters4 as will be constantly sappded with all the didereut sues of sapetiornaldwV, dkuch we offer &tete lowestregularprices. THIPNOI.4IOO. it SUEE, feb24 corner Pella and 'twill MIS niAIrESNEAVORICS• ' COLTMAN, H&IWILAN & CO. emotions to mano r facture Small Iron, Spring end A. Blister Smet, Plough, Fork and Hoe Steel, &vets ' Spikes and Wre't , lion N 1313, all sins, together with Coach and Eliot= Springs, hlf Pat, Taper and common Axles. Haring reduced the price of Wrought Iran Nam, dogma builders and others using the article, will find - it tb their interest to give this now branch of Pittsburgh manufseteres their euention. . Conch winnings and amicable ill= 011 liberal term, ~W arehouse on Water and Fonsth sta. fetsdb4 SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, IXOUANO UILDIVide, ST. CLASP. STELVET, PIT,II3DURGU. NEW YORK AND PIILLADELPRIA, , And is now receiving • fine assortment of CLOTHS, CONINIIRED AND VENTINAB, OF THE BM' QUALITY AND LATEST STYLED, • Which he Is prepared to msk• to order • n IN THE DEEITIDANNER And in leo latest Fashions, - mann Head lassatteirs for Boots and Shoes. Corner of Fonts and-Smithfield tweets, Prrrantraon, Pa. Mr JIB:MHZ Boatt 3C.lll.2.coubartencedfill rawhoi r esalo and retail, would respectfull moue the attention of their friends antilhe pub t i t gen entity, to their aplendld new stock, consistingof mem, *omens', misses' and cluldrena wear of every variety, nimble for the season, and at prices to nut the times. A splendid article home mode Wank,' such as gentlemen's fine Boots, ladies, ratans and children, fine moth. Please call antt examine :for yourselves TRQT/l. ASCarg, corner 4th and St:Meld Pit - 11.—Treveling Trunks, Carpet Bag., du. YrAl al- WUT4 on hand arid low for em,h Country merchants would find it to their interest no-. 1.3 as anallyvisen visiting Um =Alt - LOGAN, WILOON A. IMPORTERS and Wholesale Deafen in Porcignand. Domeslie Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, &Ai Wood surcf, Piusburgh, are now folly - prepared 'wide, a reeentty imported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sad- :: diary, Carpenter.' Tools, tee., to offer vet? reel 'duce:netts to Western blerehants, as in addition tr. 7. the many advantages had by onr predecmiorl, Moo as. Logan d; Kennedy, we have greallyitiereased nor tel paretase all oar goods from trot bandit on the ides, hest tenths. The jerdor member. of the Gnu devote their artslife.:. attention to tales, and feeling confident of giving eft , tifittetion, respectfully solicit a cat from aliwho utaY,Clint.. market • iudtiN BRIVK FOR SAL. Sti riundetalgued offers for sale • superiorartele briek Or building, made by his Steam POW,. improitd maehlue, for which he hasobtained aptgentit and agrees tis give purchasers a written gneennute that .• resodare stronger, and will resist frost uld wet troth- . Imbibe less moisture or dampness than UT ow , fir brie Poaseaslie pester body and supedqinSlare s'ind melt, more durable In every respeetaaeli tog, hod pea l2 .sted l Pm L fl r l een; a handsome tfe nod altdi make a trait equal to the best front brifki, They lave given the greatest patistswitra mall who eave putchased. A kilo mambo wane* reTireaSt uld • Geom. at rho Gaseue office. • Those having supplied themselves for Gelt headings,. Rod wishing handsome front brick, ot surdial but and solid paving brick, can obtainthem. • LuAdOuxic4 Birmj ham, Jane 12, IRA if bbts ' NNo 1 2111-30 bls No Imu med elmd; lob:did. F 1 do do; s bbla No 1 wow do . SO do No / Bar. imam •1.9 Herring - 20 half •do No I do a r p .• • I‘bla ro a k 4, Mackerel; 10 No 1 Salmon; fort . ' 03 3: 1 11 cotta).' ;,._ and for sale by ' JulIN WAIT 429 WWI' ii - CPARTNE/LoalY-1 have Oa day usodate¢ ) with me in the wholesale Omen . , rrodawand 'Commission Basioras,3U. John Wilson, 'andouille Inn - afJOIIII WATT& CO. JOHN wATr:.....1 • ' Piusblugh, April 10, lOW. • VRCS4rCoro B c AV 171 W it E pp ,tr2bim.; - i ap t3_47:2eilders, Br smoke . • R BURN:Ma:Ca 't PITTSBURGH - .1 3AZETTEil ) puuIAWIED DAILY, titI.4I7tEVIX & witsacm" Al doa..""B"ilaint,at._ossar de POSIO&I. RATES olo' A.avEßgyastivo.-' ~.. One insertion or Ittinil or 1e55,.... SO 'at Use insertions withoutallentions,...: .... ... . 0 "al i GO .. ..... . TwoWeekWeeks .", ...................... 2 1 La , Three rr ii if .... Oue Month, " . ... "' ' 4 CO ;T. .. ~ ___.....,. Oa ree " .. - _ . .160 11 7 WWI advertisements in samep . T. o.- 0...1 i ..7 1 i oc . 9no licpr 6 months, without Orclore.• . /5 ao eatisiiitionulicque rot 6 months .. •?•, ...., 14 “ . is , .. k-lU.OO 4:0 ; ola ''. axe ,'" zoo . lOW. ' ,reserta °Al ' P leasine u .: 'l5 00 St ' Each laditionlyqoulirbt / 2 c w°lll. -, 06' Tyro squaces,6 monthiverabblytp .k mm ra,.. _3O _ SAO) adilienalsquato. 6 oy9o oo . ••. .... •.. 0 00 , rY xiLyi.rY::6lzs:7ii4Arti or. Ones,u.irtio.4 BL.bo ih.daiti 110.r.;.......n A °AIM. IIISINISI CAIDS. Vine lineror lons , one year,' 6 OD girTCl9 hat . 6 00 ' ode you, daily 4 r. "Reidy, TO oa• ~" .ix months or 4 - ADTIIITINCIWn 11!, 'WI WY . For !,..0 1ine":1.1,4r4171 . ..... 1 .1:14 ; 71ffire . _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers