The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 23, 1849, Image 2

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    je k t l :'! - - - :: • .
PUICUSUED BY wirrrE. &to'.
Prristroksit Daum Ou7UTa'la psiblished
D ,Trt-Weekly, and Weekly.—Th• Dolly Sex=
..lhalisis per annual; the Tri-Weckly la Fun : Dollen per
annum; the Weekly is Taro Dollars per annum, rvlat p
n adeana.
67"Aovairrerese are eartseedi =gnashed to band la
.heir favor. before sr. ib wad as earl', in the day am
practicable. .ridverfieemerde WI Insetted fora apeei
fled time will invariably be charged ordfi ordered oat
Mivertisemeats and subscriptions to the North Amcr
lash aad United States Ormuz, Philadelphia, received
arid forwarded from this *See.
geeneat page Tor Telegraphic Igetes.
Po r Local 111 tttttt see next page.
Lamm Box.—The • "Gazaso Lew? • Ikee," has
been removed from Its old 5i1.14060[1, a window
nearer. thelPast Orme.
Leaser■ on Cholera,
• • •- -
These letters, in au extra Gtte, eau hi hell at th.
eountemisey time to - day. P re 6 cents.
Tuz CUOLEILI.—Our ctii still rereaits entirely
Gee from Cholera. Not a angle local case has oc
curred. Our country friends can came to market
with perfect safety, and strangers and merchants
by aojourninglierc a few days for business or re-
creation incur not the slightest damage.
Tan Sr. Loom Ftsx—The particulars •of the
t ar ad e lire m St. Lop* which We gave yesterday,
shows that the calamity, although one of fearful
.megniuule, is not as great as was at first appre
hended. The amount of property destroyed is
large, but the number of sufferers and of houses
destroyed falls far short of the number in the great
fire in this city. In St. Lotus, the number of hous•
es destroyed inject hundred end eighteen; at the
Pittsburgh fire, the number was nine hundred alid
',kalif tip°, denuding some fifty six acres of ground.
Irttkith'eities, the business parts suffered heavily,
IrtLiti" _Pittsburgh, the inhabitants of ope ward,
'Autilistring some six thousand souls,lWera strip•
r ;edol nearly every thin g, and tetidered , bouseless
ripd' homelets.
Nevertheless, there mutt be very great sutler
. ing in St. Louis,—many poor, who have lost their
all; and whose eases call loudly for •relief We
hope our city will not be behind in such deals of
benevolence as the exigencies of the care may
'Pacscairrion.—ln no article in reply to the
Union, the National Intelligencer says that 'fatalism.
tioris' about 'despotism' come most charmingly from
t hat Jacksoniti n party who formerly; when they
had turned oat old men from office to starve, re
morselessly insulted them, in addition, by saying
to them, through the Presidential organ of that day,
Mg , root or die" "
True enough, if shame had not wholly desert
ed the members of the now wailing and how ling
(Wien which has so long fattened upon the peo
ple's Money, they would hang their beads in ai
lence,•under s conscionanene that the long
etipurtishatent for years of misrule and proscrip.
;ton, heartless oppression, and peculation, had et
. length come, and that the cup they held no long
-tO . the lips of every man who would not bow the
bide to their Haab had at last been pressed to their
own. If they reap the fruits of their own doe
. trines and nets, is it not just' Let them gnash
their teeth, and wail loud and long, and pour all
this venom on the head of the calm old Chief who
sits in the White House, and dispenses justice
with an impartial hand,—he heeds them not, but
is:aa calm and unmoved as when they sent him to
• Buena Vista to meet the Mexican army, alter rob
bing.hins of his men. He laughed them to scorn
there, and whtpt Mr. Polk's General. Santa Anna,
nod he holds them and their slanders in derision
now. He trusted then, and he trusts now, in the
American people for justice; and as they have
heretofore awarded it to him, With their heart' go
ing with it, so will they continue, and he will be
remembered far his groat deeds, and. his personal
and political virtues, when the memory lit his Ira.
ducers has rotted. •
The savage attacks of the .Union" upon Gen.
Taylor and his cabinet, are arousing, the Whig
press, and the Whig party generally, and we may
expect to hear a universal sentiment of condem
nation. All moderato and reasonable Democrats
must; be disgusted at such est, i l ielonn of mg dness
and folly. The Baltimore Patriot Pamela as Ad
lows on the conduct of the Union:
- Tun .ComiSit. otr T Orrostmos.—Never was
any ndministration attached with the IMMO feroch
ty and unscruptiloorness, as is the administration
of Gen. Taylor. Even before he was icaugurn.
ted, the effort was made to tarnish his fair fame.
Ever since be has been in office, the wrath of
party malignity has been poured upon him. If an
officer is removed, no matter for what cause, it
is bald up an a disgraceful violation of pledges.—
If there it a seeming hesitation in removing anoth
er, it is declared to evidence a spirit i ,of trepide
tfoowhich lets,"l dere not, wait upon I would."
But it is not sufficient that the President himself is
attacked. Every member of his cabinet, collect
ively and individually, are srbimmized.
lather, they are called by the Onion, "lbw minded
unprincipled, and shameless politicians;" Air. Ew
ing is denounced as "kzoolous arid pieseriptive;"
JSdr.Collameris'called "tortuous and unscrupu
irmsf. while art inferior functionary is villified ea a
The article in the Union, in which these denun
ciations aad slanders appeared, has heretofore
been noticed in our column, in a letter from Our
Washington correspondent. The article had es
taped our attention, till It was directed to it . by
that letter (for we do not—does any bodyl—feel
obliged to read all that the Union says on this
aubjecx) We read with amazement the extracts
which were incorporated in that letter, and we
have since, by a dignified review of it, in the In
telligoncer of thia morning, been induced to read
it through.
. .
We nowt eay t —and so will every right mind.
ad man who tend. it--that never, in the worst
party times and in the ,tenet scrupulous of patty
papers; did ever such an attack appeai, as is teat
of the Union,nt Tuesday,on Oen. Taylor and his
And' what it the excuse, or rather the preteuce
for this attack? Ito, the Constitution been viola-
ted—any law vet at defiance—or doubtful power
assumed? None, none. tins the rights of any
man been violated—holm) , One, who Was a claim
on the government, been treated with neglect or
bad Ids claim disallowed! No. His any one
Leen wronged in person, property, or liberty?—
No. What is it, then, that cautes the Union to
open its vials of wrath upon the admirustmtiottr
It would scarcely be believed, if It were not that
the poblic mind ia prepared to hear any thing of
the opposition, that all that Geo. Taylor and bit
Cabinet have done, is not to keep in office the
Wren whom Mr. Polk and other Looofoeo admlnis
trmient appointed kir their partizan. services!—
That is alt. These men were, =lmo, them, de
faultersoome of them of even more doubtful hon
esty, all of them unserapuloser partizans, and
none of them ought ever to have bean appointed.
But this la nothing In the eyes of the Unite'. They
are Loeofocoa. That is their only recomaienda-
Lion, and that is all the Union wants. Very well.
What recommends them to the Union condemn
Mr. Polk and Gen. Can in the eyes of the people,
and they will tot object, let the Union rail ever so
loud, that the subalterns are turtieC.ont the the
same reason that the people refuted to put Gen.
Cuotxl4 in Tut: Wser.—The (allowing cbo
leis itemi am copied from the St. LOais P t epubli
.From six in the aronoon to sig in the afternoon
yesterday, thirty-two cases of cholera were sr
ported 'lathe city register, of whom ten proved
The sleamerHighlandMary which arrived from
Si. Joseph yesterday, bnags.diStresiing account
of the sufferings and deaths from cholera on the
steamboats going up with emigrants on board, and
•at some of thepowns on the Missouri river. The
steamer Mary woe met below Fort Lavenswerth,
sod arty other passengers and crew lied died from
cholera. The Monroe was lying at Jefferson City
deserted by ber officers eleven of her passengers
and crew died yesterday, between the hour' of 11
A. M. and S P. M.,including one of the pllota,
an engineer; and the sar keeper; and twenty others
on baud were sick. Every boat going up bad
more or less Mamma err board, and a number of
deaths. The Highland Mary lost three men going
up, and the newer* died corning dintrn. At Inde
pendence, St. Joseph, end Kansas IliCklloll3 Fe
uded to a great Went airing the emigrants and
dittzens. Twenty five. of the troops taken up to
Fort Lsvenworth by the St.-Paul had died, and ,
at Kansas Annum' were rePetted to harm taken
t ee in one night and several 011 frilowleg
'ihe steamer Illinois brought up atm New Or.
t en ni 425, emigrants principal) y Germans. The
Mmurdltio.3so, and the Surds 300; chiefly Eng
- link and Welch. The Illinois IMO of her passen
gem by -cholera, the Sarah 5, and the Mantehike
14, 20 of whom were of cholera, tad the bat
ante, 3 in number, opposed to be cases of ship
There were dvienases of cholera on board tie
Uncle Semi/Mei arrived.this Morning form • Now
Orleans, three orwhiCh proved . fatal.
itgyte regret tOleam that . the cholera Is Makin[
havoc Among the populaUnn of /runts
-Rock scathe bottoms on the:ttt 2 4 4 36 .".""
--Man7 Atql keen died, and one or, Air.;Lee,
Inid . W man op hisplantation; .
Rent Schenck, of I.T. S. Davy, died a short dis•
lance shovel Brunswick, a few days since, of
cholera. Us on takway overland to Cali
bez!erit AlksOibly; . ot P4.lrytertaia.
CbtUibt4=ol4 School.
Tuesday Morning, May 21
The meeting Was. called to order by the Mode.
rator, and opened with prayer.
Th e Clerk read the minutes of the proceeding'
of the preceding evening.
Dir. Potts read a report from the. Committee on
Finance, ahowingltio state of the funds of the As
The • Committee on Finance reported against
granting the prayer of Mr. Bradford, petitioning
that the Assembly relinquish its claims under the
- devise of Mr. BradMrd to property let
The first order of the day, "the fixing the place
of the next melting of the General Assenably,"
was taken up. '
The following are the names of the Churches
mid places nominated:
Sixth Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati; Sixth
Central Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati; First
Presbyterian Chinch, Louisville, Ky.; Presbyterian
Church, ZaneaSillo, Ohio; Second Presbyterian
Church, St. Louis; Second.. Presbyterian Church,
Clualeston, S. C.; First Presbyterian Church, N. Y.;
First Presbyterian.Ghurch, Nasal:tante, Tennessee-
The roll was called, and the place for which
he voted was appended to the name of each voter.
Oa counting the ballots, it appeared that there
were '75 votes for Cincinnati, 54 for New York, 20
for Charleston, 5 for Philadelphia, 4 for Si. Louis,
3 for Louisville, 2 for Nashville, 2 Or Zanesville.
Cincinnati wan thus selected by a majority of 24
over New "York.
The next order of the day, viz the election of
members to fill the two vacancies in the Board of
Trustees of the. General Assembly.
The following persons were nominated:—The
Moderator, (Dr. Murray) Rev. T. L Janneway,
Dr. Robert Sniele, Dr. Jones, Dr: logics, Rev. Mr
The filtoderator,req nested his friends not to vat
for him, as, if elected, ho could not attend to th
dirties of hi a office.
The vote was then taken, and
The Rev. Mes*a lanneway and Steele were
declared duly elected as Trustees, in the &see of
Ors.:Ashbel, Preen and Lotion.
The Committee on the Westeto Theological
Seminary at Pittiburgh, had leave to retire.
The Committee on Bills and Overtures, reported
:favor of granting the request of the Synod of
North Carolina, requesting the General Assembly
to establiah a Presbyterian College in Liberia, Al-
The tiord-order of the day, "the report of ib
Board of Domestic Missions," baying arrived ; lb
disemoion on the above report was deferred.
The report ott Domestic Missions was made
throe& its Chairman, Dr. NV na. McDowell.
From It we learn that the Board has had 514
Clergymen in employment during the past year,
213 having been added since the. last report, being
an excess of increase over the lag year of 51.
The number of feeble congregations supplied
daring the Nod year, has been 1400, situated m 28
States and Territories.
Missionaries have been sent to California and
Oregon, (four to California end one to Oregon.) and
it Was stated that in all probability a Presbytery
would be established •in California, et the next
meeting of Me General Assembly. Twenty-four
hundred new members have been added to the
Church during iho pats year, and 1 500 on certit
ude, being a total of 4,200.
The number of new Churches hulk, or or pro
em of erection during the past year, have been
130, being an increase of between 50 and GO.
The number of Sabbath Schools has been 800
with 6,000 teachers
The number of children in attendance, has been
30,000. There have been, besides, more than 500
bible and catechetical Masser.
Greater attention than usual boa been pod to
'Pastoral Visitations," and "Monthly Conceits."
Particular attention has been paid to the distri
bution Of Bibles lied tracts, received from the A
merican Tract Somety, and from the society of
our ovarchurch.
The amount of foods received during the p
year, has been, at New York, 550,234 37; at Louis
ville, 319,106 36; at Pinshargh, 69,655 54; from
the Synod of Ohio, $1,476 55.
The excess of immense of funds received over
that of last year has been $14,214 96; and the
balance on head is about $9,000.
A great amount of vela:11)1e clothing hoc lik
wise been distributed among the Missionari
about to start for foreign service.
The Table of clothing received at Louisville is
about $3,000; at other places, between $O,OOO and
The state of religion among the Presbyteria n
body has been favorable to Christianity, and an i
creased attention has been paid to religion.
The colporteurs and domestic missionaries of
the church have labored zealously in their fields
of labor, and their efforts have been abundantly
- . -
It wna moved that the report be accepted, and
referred to a committee, which possed.
A mdaida waa made that the committee apka
izstructed to inquire whether it is best to
continue requiring reports from suited minister,
responsible to their Presbyteries." The motion
was loot.
A motion was made, to place in the hands c
the comthmittee the papers connected will the
fisarkettd concerns of the Board of Missions, which
Wes carried..
The. Moderator announced that the Rev. Mr.
Wycof, 44legate from the Reformed Dumb Church
owlets to:g press of business, wished to take la.
leave oft Lhill Assembty; and the last hour of th
afterrioorawas fixed for that purpose.
A motion was made, to nominate persons to fit
the vacancy in the Board of Foreign Missions
occasioned by the expiration of the term of servic.
of the present Board. The motion prevailed. Th •
nominations were made; and the election was se
sous as am Second order of the day for to morrow
The 21ev. Mr. Janneway mad a report from th •
Committee on the Western Theological Seminary
which was adopted.
It was 'moved and carried, that the Assembly
proceed to the election of Directors of the Semi
nary, for the ensuing year. Several nominations
were made, among which we noticed the names
of our esteemed fellow citizen*, Alexander
Laughlin and Francis Bailey. The election was
made the third drder of the day for Wednesday
The third order of the day, "The case of the
Rev. Le Roy Davis," woo then taken up.
The Moderator requested the Asaembly to bear
in mind i that they were now about to perform a
solemn duty, to act in a Judicial capacity, and to
deliberate upon o question involving the character
of a reverend brother.
After some discussion, the sentence orate Pres
-bytery of Concord appointed to'conaider thd case,
was read, sentencing the ltev. Le Roy Davis to be
suspended from his ministerial functions, until the
Presbytery had received satisfactory evidene, of
his penittnce.
The appeal to the Synod of North Carolina was
read, by which it appeared that the Synod of N.C.
had sustained the decision of the Presbytery, by a
mall Majority. ,
TheaPpeal from the above Synod to the Gene
ral AsseriblY was read. The &aeons for his appeal
ware raid. It stated, the congregation of the Rev.
Mr. Le Roy Davis, notwithstanding the affliction
tinder,which he labors, has clung to him with un
varying tenacity.
Mr. D. stated, thm he had erred, that lie wall
penitent ; for his transgressions, and that he was
willing to submit M a public rebuke, to be deliver
ed by the Moderator of the Synod, but that he had
not received a just, fair, and impartial trial. The
charge brought against him, seemed to be that he
had not bcted,in subordinaiion to the Presbytery
to which he belonged, and that he had influenced
various memben to leave one church to join an
A motion van made and carried, to adjourn
bearing the evidence in thin cue.
The Wrport of the committee on church manic
was read by Mr. Bayley. It mated, that in the
report of,the previous committee on this subject,
the committee found such evidence of ability, that
they recommended the continuance of that oom
mittee, lead that they furnish to the next General
Assembly rtbook of tones adapted to our present
Dr. Pine:per thought that a list which it wan
proposed to read, should mat. be openly read, as
thereby,aince their proceedings were public, any
reporter in the house might take a list of the tones, -
thereby an/tabling any boot seller to whom they
communicated. it, to anticipate the publication of
the General Assembly.
The Assembly agreed Dot to hear the list read.
A member of the comsat:tee auggasted that the
Won of good old mole would dud la the list all
their favorite ttihes which havestoadShe test of
the good Mat Oran long a time.
Dr. Plummer hoped that the committee would'
be allowed to publish the book themselsen, with
out being submitted to the next General Assembly.
If it had to undergo the rexisMn of the next As
sembly, as well ce this, what would be left of ill
GANST toss Olt
RA' Peer Saves, P. M.
The first serious steamboat casualty upon the
North river, which it has been our duty to record
this season, occurred last night to the steamer
Empire, on her way from this city to &Reny.—
About ten o'clock last evening, nod when opposite
Newburgh, she discovered a schooner on her tzar
board bow, loaded with lumber, beating down.—
The wind was blowing fresh, and the schooner
under rapid way, when danger of collision was
first apparent. The pilot of the Empire s Mr. Levi
Smith, called out to the schooner to Intl; but no
attention was paid to him. The steamer at the
same time backed, rind was under n light stem
arnmeooo SEs2llO3. way, it is reported, when the schooner struck her,
The meeting was opened with prayer, by the near the forward gangway.
Rev. Mr.
The bowsprit of the schooner, which proved to
The minutes of the morning were read and be the No .Brown,
of Troy ' carrying abor t
tone, end loaded with lumber, pierced the hulln
adoPled• entered the forward cabin oldie Empire, , and o i a:
The Assembly proceeded to elect Ly ballot, ped off close to the bows. The steamer immedi
ately began to fill- Most forturiatyly the Rip Van
rectors for the Board of Foreign Missions. Winkle was directly behind the Empire, and sail
The Moderator appointed Mgesre. lissisenger ed along side, within ten minutes after the accident
and Cowan, tellers, bat the order of the day hoc- occurred. She towed the Empire towards the
ing arriyed, it wan taken up, and Moderator re- eastern shore, left her aground,
quested the members of the Arisecubly to recut- P end the remainder rande part c f
w she h Tarried to Albany.
lect that they were sitting in a judicial capacity, About 1 o'clock, A. M., the steamer Troy, Capt.
and to preserve the utmost decorum. I Fury, from Albany. arrived and run along side.—
a nt ecid a e n n d t„ for the further accounts of
, To this obliging officer we are indebted for the a
bove minutes of the Concord Presbstery were
the most painful feature of
being read by the clerk. when Dr. Plummer, the I t: W h i s' a e tra p"ti h ap c : " y
Counsel for the Apellant, arose, and objected to I which we have yet to relate.
any thieg being read from the minutes, which was I The usual thoughtlesaneas and delirium of ter
not to be found in the certified copy furnished to , f ie w ie w ei n ; ' a x a t, D e a r 7 l . b r i d ° c r. nihtawa'tietri' The bodi es
Mr. Le Roy Davie, as being the only parts of the ' of three pert.' were found upon the boat, who
minutes, relevant to the pont in issue. The certi- I were drowned, all female., one a child, and the
fled copy was read by consent other two adults. One of the latter was supposed,
from her attire, to be an emigrant.
It is not kn own with certainty that any more
The charges brought against him were. that he
had acted without paying any attention to sub- '
~ deaths had occurred when Capt. Fury left, about
ordination, be having preached while he was sus. I3A. M. Of those, however, who in their fright
threw themselves into the water, it Mto be feared
panded, and endeavored ,to build up a church
that some may have perushed.
without the consent of the Presbytery. I When the Troy arrived, about I o'clock, she
Dr. Plummer requested the prosecutor to state ; found the Empire had drifted down to, just above
the geographical of the churc h es C,,,0t, 1 Polypus island, where she now , all under the
'water, mire the saloon deck, her stern up, resting
end Prospect; which was done. I upon a bank, and her bows down, eo that the we-
The charges preferred egoi net Mr. Davis, were ter just reaches the:level of her floor, forward.
more particularly epecificd. They were to the I Some passengers were cut out of the ladies' cab
peaty of b rea ki ng hi s pn, in
one, who jumped overboard, was ta
effect that he had been ke o
up in a boat and returned to the city in the I
miees, that be had been guilty Df shaving notes, , Trey.
and that he had engaged a boggy, and afterwards I Capt. Fury supplied the sunken boat with all his
refused to pay for it. I spare cable; ropes end anchors; to be used this '
The Appellant was tried on the above charges morning when the tide rises, to gel her head on to
the More to prevent her straining by the falling of
before the Presbytery, and was found guilty. Ile the tide or by the rising oft.trt She was
was sentenced to conies. toe crime and lie rebuked lying,however, perfectly easy when Captain Fury
by the Moderator of the Assembly. 'flirty ruin- left
uses were given to Mr. Davis, to form his opinion, fm , T ra i V e , m r .r. ' „ g e r :eta advised
when he stood up and niter confessing that ha ges for the relief of the Empire at once. When
was in error, was rebuked. this aid arrives—it is expected this afternoon—they
will probably fasten her boilers down and draw of
The depositions of several witneseea were read,
their water, so as to float her in p art with their as
going to prove thaf Mr. Davis had preached out a w e ,
of the legitimate limits of his church, and in a The bull of the steamer is not supposed to be
place tending greatly to injure other churches. damaged, except the hole made in her side by the
sebooner.Thewater,of course, will injure her
On the contra depositions were read, tending f urniture and cabinet work seriously,
bet, beyond
to prove that provided the Rev. Mr. Davis had this, and the injury to the hull above mentioned."
not preached at a iShool house, afterwards con- no serious damage to the vessel is apprehended.
versed into a churcKiiturded between the churches The schooner belonged to Deacon Grant, a lum
of Centre and Prospect, many of the children would beonradneae.le,rt,,,cf sad
have been unable to attend service at all , hailed by Mr. Smith, pilot of the Empire, and M . -
The hour of eve having arrived, the Moderator tiered 'to lud, repeatedly, but no attention seemed
to be paid to the steamer, by the officer. of the
announced that the farther trial of this subject
would have to be FlcalPoaed• as tha t was the lima The names of those drowned are not known, but
fixed for the Rev. Henry Wykotr, Delegate from thename of Mrs. Noble u supposed to have belong.
the Dutch Reforitted Church to take his leave of ed to one of the victims.
The Ceptatn'e books and lint of pa:wingers all
the A Metribly. want down with the boat, eo speedily did the
The reverend gentleman then arose, bade fare- si nking follow the di s aster. One of t h e Ns „,„..
well in a very neat and appropriate speech. gem who came down. said there was shout no
on board,bnt upon inquiry that proved tote merely
!PROM NNW YORK. his conjecture.
Correspondence aim Pittsburgh Gazette. I Pilimy of the passenger, had retired for the night
Nsw Yosa, m ay io . I and of these, none carried more than the clothing
To their ensors
There is a great ado making about the Cholera, The ma d w. fresh. •
We expect more minute
but it is premature, end no one need hesitate about and reliable information by the Newburgh boat et
coming here and remaining as long as they please, j eleven, and we therefore forbear any
of alhie, lusio which ns to
A few cases, fear of death, fn. causes retteet hi t , the frightful rum on about the losses
are in circulation.
Cholera, have occurred, but the real mystery is
Twatve O'ctoca, P. M.—The news by the
how they have lived so long, in arch a place as steamer Roger Williams appals us. We had not
their late residence. Pittsburgh does not contain been prepared for the horrible details, whic t ie
; our melancholy duty to add to the accoune
a spot degraded enough to allow o faint comport
t td,p a robably
son to be made, for the plague spot that engenders 7 e h h o ` d erd th i ! n T a " aaa in g o :
this disease Las not a virtue rernainirg, and festers ogee experienced captain, who was i: e V yt i
with the whole catalogue of crime, supemdded to her, rind who forms his tudgment in part from
poverty In its most horrid Anus, and filth such as the fact foss three tables were spread Use whole
length of the cabin, and occuped at tea time.
motet be seen to be believed. lt that eatimate be correct, there is reason to fear
Businese is getting to be dull, indeed unusually , that over one hundred lives have been lost. The
so for the semen, and some d ry goo d s h oes , have Rip Van Winkle only took 611 - from "gt to SO.—
! We are .seared, by W. Hubbard, the pilot of the
been obliged suspen.; from remissness on the
Roger Williams, which arrived trout Newburgh
this morning, and to whom we are under great
part of their country customers. stoney was nev•
erniore abundant, and nay amount can be had on ' obligations for all these particulars, that up to the
good collateral, at five per cent. The banks are hour of hie departure. 7A. M., only fifteen or twen
very free In their discounts., on, suit customers
i Y u n w d ' r d I reeeae t
e h ! t the boas. A „
rh ' e m re n e g t who th at e d
with a good deal of pertinointy. Litvideoil ',sprig nor scope Ly swimming rim t bave perished.
stocks . are in demand, and the leading brokers in What number thus escaped it i s impossible to
goette_o out , farm any conjecture at present. The boat was a
the street are now buyers of fancy gunner of a mile from the shore when she sunk,
unfavorable indication as to the future price of too- uad none but expert swimmers could have saved
I themselvem unlesa they received aid from the
Another of the did fashioned hotels has 1 eon j beetle and those thus rescued are included in oar
doomed, and will soon be levelled to the ground.
Ito Th e "Mansion House," in Broadway, below Tres. Immediately alter the alarm Was given a greag
ity, pa the let of June will be va.ted. The march number threw themselves madly in the water.—
of trade is not to be resisted,
Broadway, be- I A lady who hod evidently just le ft her berth, rues:
tow the Park, awe h e it , comp l e t e p oes e ss ioe led out crying for some bodto save her, and watt
of those, who, in the language of an eminent Brit- I about to leap on the schoon e r, but wens seised by a
iah Statearnan, make their counting house their I gentleman who prevented her from falling into the
church, and their lager thou bible. !the water, which would have occurred tf she had
A shocking steamboat accident °emitted at mid• attempted so long a leap. He tried to calm her,
night of Thursday, on the river opposite Newburg, ' lot wiihout eaccess. She rushed from hint wild-
The Empire, a fait class boat, was run into by a ly, and was not seen by him again.
schooner loaded with wood, her side stove in, and The .reamtng of the victims w. heard with
frt. twelve to fifteen persons drowned. The pas- ftightfel distinctness on Me top of the hill in the
sengers were all in bed at the time of the collision, rear of Newburg, and spread terror throughout the
and escaped with life only So rapidly did the village. Several boats were out at once to the re
boot oink, that the ladies were cot out through the lief of the sufferers, but none arrived probably nn
ill she had sunk to the huttieane deck; in which
roof of their cabin, and one killed by the blow of
an Axe, while in such a dreadful poi tti oa . Th e eonditioa she was found by Mr. Hubbard when he
acciant was caused by the obstinacy of the pilots arrayed. Scarcely five minutes elapsed between
of the boat, who assumed that it was the place of the collision and the sinking.
the schooner to give them the whole of the river. Loud cries were made immediately for axes to
The same cause wrecked the Swallow, some out open the upper deck to relieve the occupants
years ago, and it is to Le hoped that the officers of vi the ladies' cabin, whose *creams were heart
the Empire will now h e tenet a lesson as to thin rending. A hole was tioally affected. and one fa.
value of humeri life, which, on the Hudson, is has- male who ass rutting under it in her berth was ta
es often as it ever win oe the m taa ,,,, p ,, i n ken from it unharmed. Attracted by cries under
its most reckless days. another part of the deck, the men made a hole as
Competition for Boston leave! has reduced the soon as possible, but before they were successful
rate o f
are to two eon ., a rude, and 0 „ some the object, of their labors had disappeared. The
routes is a lower point. The New York and cause of her disappearance is a subject of most
New Haven road, which has been doing a ruin- Pwalal soaleetute
ous business against the loots, hes ailenced them Among those who had thrown themselves over.
by a
of 55,0(10 per wt.m for twenty ye , board, and were rescued by boats, were Mr. Ber
gsma this road a rate of speed has been attamed den. the well known manufacturer of Troy, from
that amputee any road in the Unto*. Thirty-due Vrilliantsbergh. We have not learned the names
miles en hour is made, which is but five mars an Many ethers wbo were taken from the worm.
tweak. than the best time on the Englieh roads. By a telegraphic despatch dated at la o'cl.ltwe
The news from Europe does not affect Produce lava that from ten to twelve dead bodies had beee
materially . copon is kw . , w i t h a mo d erate h as ,. taken from Me wreck at 8 o'clock this morniog,
ness. Floor is unchanged. Com coo be bought among which ere several females. The fofl a wi tt g
lower—say 58c for white and mixed. Provisions te a copy Ma'
are cheaper ' With sales of Mesa Pork at $lO, and
Prime at 532:308 37i. Lieluses is arm in con
sequence of cousiderable puma.. Sr England,
both here and at Boston. Sixteen hundred hbds
have been taken already. This is an entire new
trade, and quite an anomaly It an unusually mo
notonous business.
The Sub Treasury h. accumulated 52,130,000.
Yet oo 'affect is produced on the Money market,
and the Leaks, with wonderful facility of opinion,
now congratulate themselves upon the fact that I
the coin is not with them. The State has adver
tised fora loan of $1,E00,000, at 6 per cent., to re
deem the 7 per cent loan now maturing, and will
no doubt sell at a premium of a Least 0 per cent.
`would be like the husband who had two wives;
a..yourg one and an old one: the young wife
plucked out all the white hairs, the old one all the
black, no that he had no hair left at all.
After some unimportant discussions, the report:
was adopted, and the meeting was elossil with
understand, that the expedition fur a trigonometri
cal and nautical survey of the Great Salt and Utah
Lakes, and the surrounding country, lyiag in the
northern portion of Upper California, is now being
fitted out in this city. It bee been:organised by
CoL J. J. Abert, of the topographical bureau, and
the command given to Capt. Howard Stansbury,
assisted by LieuL J. W. Gunnison, of the topo
graphical anathema, a corps which may well be
called the "workingmen of the army."
The point of departure in the special examina
tion of this parlor the great and madly unexplored
basis, is Fort Mit% on the Lewis fork of the Colum
bia river, and thence directly synth, by a new
route, to the Saltiake, which forms so remarkable
a feature in that interesting valley between the Si
erra Nevada and the Wabeatch and Timpanoxeo
Mountains, now chiefly 'held by the Utah tribes of
Indians', end in which the Mormons have made a
settlement, on the inner edge of the basin near Utah
Lake. The survey will particularly develope the
agnettllunsl resources of the country, with a view
to the supply of oar forts and troops galleried in
that country, as also to embrace th e utronornical,
meteloriologicaliand other purposes which shall give
a complete view of its phyoical geography ; and
they explore another new route, on the return
of the expeditioo, by which accrue may be had to
to the great basin.—. r. Louie RIP.
We learn by the Tiffin (Ohio 1 Whig Standard
extra, that on the night 'of the 15th, the large
warehouse of W. N. Montgomery, situated
at the Roil Rood Depot, was burned. The were
Iwuee contained about 8000 barb. of stored wheat,
brioniong.principally to Camera. together with ■
quantity of stoves, marble, and merehnndize of
..varions Linda An insurance of $5,000 on the
building and contents, which 1111 thoeght nearly
sufficient to cover the loss sustained by Mr. Mont
gomery; $5,000 of which is in the Stark Mutual,
and gvoo in he Etna Immune Company. It is
supposed the warehouse woo fel au fio by an in.
The Artesian well in Charleston is in steady pro•
grew. The workmen have reached a depth Of
110teet withotit having obtained the desired
ply of wauw. The Corporation design sinking
another well immediately with a view to obtahi
wator fun the extinguattment of Gm.
.FroID the 'New York Evening l'aet;of Friday evemng.
_ Dreadful Accident an the North River
Mr:am-aim, May Ica., 12 M
Between ten and twelve bodies have been ta
ken from the wreck of the Empire up to b A. M.
including several ladle. Efforts are making to
recover any others who may have been drowned.
TWO bodies were brought ashore just before the
Roger Williams let!, in the ferry boat, but they
were not recogniZed.
The child of Mrs. Layfayette Smith, of this city,
in said to have perished, and her mother,to be MEM.
ly distracted.
A company of twelve persons, on their way to
take up a permanent residence in Illinois, will be
obliged to proceed on their journey leaving four of
their number behind them—lour brothers—The
names we have not learned. _ _
. -
A meeting was held on the deck of the Rip Van
Winkle, as soon as active aid was no longer ne
coesery, for ths impure of teaming the extent of
the lasses, hot nothing more definite was arrived
at than we have already stated.
A paper was in circulation on board the lioger
Wilhama this morning for signatures among the
passengers of the Empire who were coming down,
designed to ascribe the accident which has be
fallen her to the carelessness of her of It did
not, however, receive much countenance.
Capt. Tupper enjoys, and we believe deservel,
the reputation of being one of 4w moat careful and
judicious captains on the river.
Mr. fkrai, the pilot, who is eo rey'powalp for
the collision, if coy one is on board the steamer,
no esteemed one of the most are and cautions pi
lot that goes out ofthis port. We have hid an
opportunity of learning from the best authority that
both his private habits and professional character
are in the highest degree creditable to himself
and his employers.
We have just received the following despatch
by magnetic telegraph.
ONE O'croca, P. M.—Thew area largo number
oi passeogera missing who were {mown to hove
bean on board. Among those recovered are re
cognized the person of Mr. Noble, ofTroy, a young
lady named Isabella Carson, and a mall lad na,
med Backland.
The number of deaths from cholera forth° week
ending to-day were lbl; total number from all
diseases 273. For the twenty-four hour. ending
on Monday night there were 21 deaths from cho
lera. . .
Michael S. Carte, the regularly nominated Whig
candidate, bets been elected c l er k of the 6 ,, u ,
court of St. joule by 450 majority, over Wilson
Priam, Loco.
,The steamer Highland Mary, arrived at St. Lou
ißom St. J mph on theinth, reports
Large numbers of emigrants ware endeavoring
to cross the river, preparatory to their final earl
for the Plains, and eo great was the rush that the
two rry . heats, though running all day and most
of, the night, were inadequate to supply the de
mand. Five dollars, and even as high as ten, had
hers paid for the transportation of a single wagon
and team. The Highland Mary made menial trips,
anti the Sacramento was then engaged in ferrying
-overtke eager crowd.
• • joiepti sod the surrounding country is iv:-
presented 1111 brag literally lined with wagons,
teams, and emigrants. The health of the place
continued good, tied bat few .olla9 al cholera had
Lr ia 03 Till liattlintia.—The following
extract we take ficatthe tratthitaut BAPublic" ,
published at Charleston, of May 16th.
binee our last the cholera has visited oar place
with coninderalde severity: A large-poition tithe
inhabitants have felt more or less. of the inflaenee
of the epidemic. The first death of cholera took
place on Wednesday morning the 9th Inst. The
number of deaths up to] yesterday was five, six.
Henry D60711:113, aged about 50, the 9th. Elise M.
Cobb, in her 14th year, daughter of Mr. Silas A.
Cobb, 10th, and on Sunday night the lltb, Silas 4
Cobb, aged about 50, and his son Andrew, about
10, and John M. Hickok. Hr. W. H. H. Ball, left
this place with his family, on Wednesday for his
Father-in-law's. Mr. B. Allen, a few miles up the
river, was taken with cholera and died the next
day. C. B. Thompson, more generally known in
this community by the name of Comma, died of
cholera, over the river opposite this place on Sat.
noisy last.
These fatal cases out of perhaps one hundred
which have been cured, simply because remedies
were promptly applied in the early stage, and al
most the only curable stage of the disease—the di
arrhaa, we regret to ray, have produced consider.
ahle alarm among a portion of our citizens, and
caused a goodly number of them to leave for the
Cases of Cholera have occured along the Kan
awha, from Point Pleasant up to the Salines, above
this place. Some deaths hove taken place at the
Mouth of Coal,'and at the 'Mouth of Poen We
regret to announce the death of Mr. Thomas Wells,
Salt Inspector for the upper District, alley an illness
of 24 hours, of Cholera. One or two others, we
learn, have died of Cholera in the Saline. About
twenty deaths from Cholera have occurred among
the negroes at the Furnaces within the last week.
W. 21. Wright, EL. D., Dentist,
Orrick mul residence on Fourth t,
opposite the. Pittsburgh Bank Office
hours from 9 o'cl.k to 11 A M., and
from 2 o'clock to 5 P. 2L scpbl,49
Fire and Marine Insuramoe.—Tel Prrra.
chartered IliCkl--emitinues to Insure, upon every de
scription of pro
on fotesin rota. •••
Orrice, No. 21 Market street.
Rouser Fume*, rkey• mysidem
The Stockholders of the above named Company are
Notified that the Dividend of Ten Dollars per share,
declared on the With January last. will be paid them
or their legal representatives, at the office of the Treas
urer of maid Company, in the clay of Pittsburgh, on or
alter the dist day of May, inst.
Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the office of J
W Clark d. Co., Boston.
myo THOS. M. HOWE, Treasurer.
Manlfrsts, Bats Lading, Contracts, Low Atlas
it•NO 511-1.11, CirdSISICAITS, marls,
rutactes, 3e./cc,
Printed at die shortest notice, at law prtces, nt Lb
defy Gasrrra UTV7CI. TB,. ma..
Improvements 1.11 Den ttttt y
DR. U. U. STEARNS, law Bost., it prepared
antliaeture sad net BLOCS Tinilll in whole .d pat
. . . .
at sets, upon liscrion or Atmospheric Suction Pin
TOOTWCIII cra. to Viva gmrrsx, where tita decro
exposed. Office and residence next door to the May
or', other, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
or ßarxa
ro—J. B. td`Faddert, F. H. Eaton. is
Pll.lollllll L i zon Scros..—Prepared by J. W. Kelly,
William street, N. Y., and for sale by A. Jaynes, No.
70 Fourth street This will be found a delightful arti
cle of beverage in flambee, and particularly for sick
Hearcrt's Dame. —An Improved Chocolate prepara
tion, being . contbinsuom of Cocoa not; innocent, in
vtgoraung and palatable, highly recommended partic
ularly for Invalid.. Prepared by W. Baker, Pomba.
ter, blue, and for sale by A. JAYNEN, at the Pekin
Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth at iambi{
Cot. Jsrats b. Gt.sexpeTir: Char township
wilt be a candelato for the office of County Comets
stoner, at the approaching Whig and • Anumnanrue
Convention ray raw Oven Sr. CLAIR.
Fr The Alumni ofd M. College, who are members
of the trenetal Assembly, or art at present urns in this
city, are requested to meet in the Lactate Hoorn Of the
Presbytenart Church, Fifth street, on Wednesday
ohs) evening, at ri o'cltxk, to take counsel together,
to renew their old acquaintance and frtendship, and
their interest to Alma Mater.
rnyV Mote Al.O•Nt.
RANDY, best quality—l. eat& Just stse'd and k
DA sole by BRAUN & REITEB,
testa corner St Clair and Liberty els
CLORIDE OF LIME-2 esks Jost reed and for
sale - by m ysel BRAUN & REITER
war. lemur. Pellsda e. w. elca.craan, Plltebolgh.
RAI ILLER & RICK EPSON, IVboloaale Grocer. and
.131 importers of Bomdiee, Wm. and Segart, Not.
171 and 174, corner or Liberty end Irenn Street. Niue
burgh, P. my 23
T)ACON H.1:5.—.5 tierces in good order, re 'd O.
snot Pans; for said by LEO COCHRAN,
trivia 26 Wood at
TEANS-1 cure Jeans, Steubenville manufacture,
rood on commtvinon; for sale by
PARIS GREEN—Just read and for sale by
tuytr.i J KIDD
4OZ. lodine, bti os lodide or Pot:maim; XOl
lotus of Fero; Citrate Vern; E 5 Lbs Tan An
many; 50 or ealptiate QUISMIC, sulphate hforphe
Acetate do, Nitride of Silver, pure.
Calm oiorm and Acetic Esher, just reed and for an
by air= J KLDD k. Co
xr O. 2 LARD 011r-10 bbls good quality No. 2 Lard
Al Oil, to hno order; 210 do No 1, CookLag's extra,
•tore and for solo at lowest picas, by
BLrrtn--4 bbts Rabb Roll Dauer, just reea a
at the W Bat Da tubi Meese Depoh dt tat
by m y li CANFIELD
GOl4 ~F ...KSE-M has Jam reed at the W It Batter
'bee. Depot. tool for sale by
mozi 7 1.1 CANFIELD
DIA.. BILK PARASOLS—W. IL Murphy has Jun
US received nit assortment of blast salt Parasols,
figured and plain, maw of which are mans rue.
Dark Green Parasols, figured and plaint large size
brown do—on smorunent received, and °Oared at low
prices, .1 northeast corner of 4th and 'Starke; sts.
60TTON OSNADURD—tiartI wide—One bale late.
ly received at Dry Goals Rouse of
Near Goods and Great Bargalnat
R .
a THOMPSON, No 110 Marl/ht . ter , near Li
s berry, bra lust returned from the Eastern Cities
with los second soppy of SPRING AND 81.1/11117.11
0000 s. Ho has now on band one of the largest and
best selecthd stocks that be has even had the pleasure
of opening to his customers and the pubile—athong
winch may be found every style of rich changeable
and fancy Silks, Turk Satins, black [lassie Sißts, all
aulths, for Caramels, tre.i with every width of black
Silk Lace. and Fringes, for riimmutio; POLLARD
SILKS, TISSUM, ftg'd and .plate Reneges, Embroi
dered Swiss; Organthes; Lawns; Embhl Linton Ging
ham, a raw bad beautiful article; plain and bark' do;
French (ringhams,
Ora Demesne at.. is very full, comprising every
description of Chintres and Calicoes, some for 111
that sold this spring for 184 Linen and Muslin Sheet
tags, from Ito 1 yard. wale; also, Sheeting Moulins,
very low, with a full assortment of tine Irish Littera'
for window hangings; Turkey Red Chime, embroider
ed slid striped Drapery, Buff Holland, Su inc. Our
shawl department presents every description of plain
and embrotdered Canton Crape, etiangealile and fighl
Slit, Herege, Cashmere and Deletes, plain and ern
broidand Thibet, also, a large assortment of Ferran's,
Bonnets, /th. de.
Coach Makers rill find a full supply of Cloths, Da
nnsks, Idoreens. &0. tee., tu their line.
The shove Goods have been purchased on the mos ,
advahtageoto 101111,1, and perehrsters may rely upot
getting them al the UMW POSSIBLE PRECO.
tarn davit ROBT. D. THOMPSON.
Valuable Coal Laud for Sal
if )UT four milt' above Lock No. s, to the mouth
/I. of Pine Ran, klmionsahels River. The Coal is
of ,ho very best quality, mid empty of mamma. Any
number of urea, from tweritY•five to a' hundked, might
be obtained. Persona desirous of pardbasing, can
call un WALKER REED, on the premises, or Wen.
Reed, upposna the Post orece, who will give any in
iorinatirim concerning the property. The above will
be sold al a great bargain. myskeddrn
.",..te"orAtra h paLe.ll:2.7&.°r,,,To w e L 1.7.
pose of inenufactunng paper, at the Clinton Paper
Mull, where they will he pleased to receive the patron
age of Me public, and the former customers of the se
nsor partner.
They wdl lit all Waal, Seep on bap& a gelmral as.
.oaMent of wllitog, wrapping, tee and wall papers,
bonnet boards, blanitvtrooks; eta ate., 'which they will
exchange for clean linen and cotton riga.
Printer. and Book Publishers can be supplied with
every drpion of printing pilper at abort ....ti ttotiee and
al reduced prlCOll. Ohirl39 A.
April '4%—uirrldfou EDMUND P N . HANNA.
; splendtattd r zught steame
W.ll. Connell, master' will le
• . bove to morrow at to look!" M
4 - ite4ll; or pa?svo a pp l y on board, or to
& CO., Agents._
For San Francisco, California.
To sail on the 111th June—The superior fast
soling coppered and copper fastened ship
EUROPE, will soil (or the above port es above, bas
ing' three quarter. of her freight engaged.
This ship being of the largest class, and having uri
•uscally apamous and well ventilated accommodations,
oilers io passengers a very desirable opportunity
whereby to secure that coralbst sad safety so ernes..
ry on to Inns a voyage. •
Passengers with families will be furnished w,th acp
ants and communteaUng state rooms, and experien
ced phyalcian will accompany Site tarp. .
Fur balance of freight 7 1. P vi ,,, rttAs p Ni4r id„
Booth aide of %els street wharf,
Am. Philadelphia.
1 COUNTy,..
my , 1:414w -(1
Thomtu Mellon,
m. o.vo Tend. Es. N 0.17, April T, 1810.
And now, to wit: ay 1%1849, on motion of Mr.
Wink the Coon appoint E. radford Todd, Eatl., A -
&ho' to distribute the money in Court, among the li n
ereditata• Fr.. WO Second :
11111 AM lIULTZ, Pm*
All pers.. Interested will please to tato nonce,
that the ALidliar abase wad, will attend for tho perc
pose of his appointment, at the omno of Todd & Smith,
Auorneya, Fourth street, Piusburgb, on Saturday, the
16th day of June next, at 10 o'clock A. M.
mygg , :tvlt•T IeTODD, Auditor.
Sr. Louts, May 15.
sale by 8 SCHOYER,
m ll¢Seco¢d
OTOCK FOR SALR—A few Shares Maul st. Bridr
1.7 Stock, for "Jolly
FLOU a-IPD bble Mgr, NT . 10
r by - roySO J S DILWORTH to Co
HF,FIRINI33-514 bxs No 1 Hondo" londimr from
canal and for Bala low to close constipmeut, by
-1313,—Z Ulla just roc'd and for Ws by
RI.IBEFACIENT.-11ersins while miming trarge
in the fields. am. very
_ip rb t ID braise and injure
themselves m aunty mityc. ey are often disabled
so Imre be aseless for irking dean If immediate um
could be mode of 11..A.,Felineateck Co.'s Enbefa
eieut„..and the /raised part Val sammted, and the
remedy rubbed Lt, it ereuldlive relief and euelbs
pain. No Ammer should be witbdut this celebrated
inedlcior, Ira It to alike beating Wan or beast. Pre
pared an ti iold by bA FA lINE.NTOCK tr. Co
corner al Woo/ and lot sit, also, earner Ittiand
Woad. myl7
WlWStrOASS—Lamialre leaf, -eidehed Aid
arized gaols, Jag tech, sad for raid by the
bbl or at retail, at the Petln Ten Stela, 70 Voluthsh
my 23
INECOFFEES—M• • African, Jaaa ?d f..
0 elm
AISINS AND FIGS-200 eighth bre prima Ital.
sins, and OD mad drams fresh Pigs, inn received
tale al the Pekin Tea Store, Id Staudt street.
21 2 2 A 2w2 , 2,2 I 11.—:ukre v
Brtnna, No 1 Cboeolaus 222121 Cocos; e 1•02 Sekmiik
Pekin •
_ -
VbOWDER-7118 kept Blasting; 6W act Rifle - Dent,
BM do . Rifle, N 175 do do, Hy; 50 Or do do, KY;
5 ls Fuse for bloating, for sec by
HERB -11
VE&THERB-11 Az prime IPeatkers, for nabs by
rtiy22 1 8 DILWORTH &Co
For San Francisco.
inThe fine new A I buena SARAH HOOP
ER, Capt. Hamer, will have dematah for the
above port, teaching at Rio de Janeiro and
Valparaiso, for provisions.
Passengers by the Sarah Hooper will find imperiar
accommodations, and every arrangement made to in
sole their comfort and convemance. For freight er
ptaanga WIII. E. HOOFER,
rarth,l73l Am. 74 Idowly's wharf.
TAR — sk. N CTas, I try
XNACKEREL-30 Phis No 3 Mackerel, just root
al per canal and for sale loor i lz w,
pe te r
HEME-28 Oz. good NY B Moen,landing pot L
E and 51 am, and lot solo low To clone eonvig.
moot br m 722 JAMES DALZELL
Rllill TSIIdAFIS-470 bbts small loaf, crushed,
pasrerod and clarified, In stare and for sale at no
demi prices, by JAMF-R A HUTCHESON & Co,
Agents St. Lads Sugar Refinery,
crty2l. No 31 Water and R 2 From at
EAD-650 pp Galena Lead, just reed and for sate
HOT-40 kegs ons'd Shot. in acme and rot sale by
wt (amity florae, well broke to the shafts. Nom
airok other need be offered,
m Market et
TROPINIM' RIBBONS—New styles Hormel RHO. ,
opening at the One PtiCV Stole, one lot as'lene
Me eta myfl A A MASON & Co
((For many years connected with Messrs. Wiley &
P 9108.0, and We John Matey, N. York and London,)
800[1ELLIII •ND 11161.01711 A OF
' No. 6:1 Woos. crux.,
(Nearly opposite the SL Charles IinteI.))PITTSBURGH.
Irr English, Preach, end German Harlem and
Magasions, and Pleanipapers imported to order, prices
of which may be ascertained on application to Mr. I.
Cotalognes gratis. mpll
TH' pubne are cautioned agamst purchasing the
droll drawn by Richardson & Gelb on Jno. hlsFs
den & Co. end by them accepted, for 6.210, dated Me
t 5, ISO, et 90 days after sight., and accepted May
into, payable to the order of drawers, and by the.•
endorsed to P. C. Shannon, who bee notice that pay
mcnt of the same has been stopped in the hands o
John M'Faden & Co. F. A. RICHARDSON,
tny9l of Richardson & Geib.
.PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the
Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, in
the city of Pittabargh, until SATURDAY, the 30th of
JUNE, 1810 for the Gradiug and Bridging of the Rail
Road from the month of Big Beaver to the State line
el Ohio, a disudice of Mann twenty miles. Drawings
and specifications of the work to be let my be seen at
Iho office in Pittsburgh, during the week before the
lading, on application to Solomon W. Roberts, Chief
Engineer, and information may be obtained at any
time at the office of Edward Warner, Resident Engi
neer of the Eastern Division, New Brighton, Beaver
county, Pa The work is well worthy of the atteetam
of experienced and energetic contracted', and the line
passes throogh a fertile country, and is era, of access
it all points.
By order of the Board of Directors.
WM. ROBINSON, Jr., President.
Pittsburgh, Mny n,1849. dill
North Atnemetto, Pennsylvanian, New York Tri
bune, American Rail Road Journal Cleveland Her
ald, snd Olsio State Journal copy three time., and wad
bills, with copies of paper, to the Rail Road office.
/1 - AOKEUEL-160 bbls Large No a, alassaeho
In setts inspection, in flue order, landing this morn
ing and for We by ROBERTSON t REPPEIrr,
my2l:lat 109 Second at
'WOOL—Tho tdrbesipima in cub paid for all the
VT different grades of clean washed wool, by
nay2l II LEE, Liberty et, oppokur sth
TORN FORSYTH, Merchant Tailor, has removed
it) to No. 34 Market street, ono door from Second,
East 1641 C.
Thankful for past lawars, he respectfully soheita a
continuance of the patronage of his former costumiers,
and likewise the patronage of as many new ones as
are of the right stripe.
Orders in the Tailoring line exemited in the most
fashionable manner, and with dispatch.
Alm, a fashionable sasorunciu of ready made Clo
thing, of all kind. Cheap for cash, of emirs..
Gentlemens' Furnisbnig Goods in all their varieties
always on hand, such es Shirts, Dkolorria, Collars, Cra
vats, Stook., Scarfs, lloaiery, Suipoinden, Pocket
Ildkfs, Gloves, Drawers, Umbrellas, &t. Ae. Ice.
Slab and Tar.
si'l BULB. No 1 Herring., Play taspriou.)
kr .70 bble No 1 Shad .
91 do No 1 Mackerel, (Boston inapectioai
LO do N C Tar, in prime order, reed aud to
sale by , T.LaFFE B. O'CONNOII,
sarll:dlca comer Pe. and Wave out
NRW GC/GILLS—New opening at the One K-ii;
Stare, eases and packegee of new and dcalrahle
Goods, eoaspriaing o large lot of Silk s Heine, hi Pe
Leine, Thibes, Fancy end other !Rawl!, at considera
bly reduced prices. ingil A A TEABON &Co
son & Co. have razed per gxpreurs, more than
I:4D Connie, Capes, Caps, Citemizette, Cuffs, de. Al-
so, Edging. and !awnings ei half the nand prices.
r received a very handeaute‘lot of French Etamater
Caniuteres, of a very fine paid' y ; which we are sel
ling at very law prim, and to winch we vroald Write
the attention of the gentlenaer
a lot awry handsome changeable Bilk', including
awe of a very superior quality. which are are sailing
to very inferior pnees. ALEXANDER & DAY,
73 Mike N W ear of the Dbustend
BgCOl , l-13 Moto nasosted, now landing from sum
Dolphin, for onto by
ARD-93 bblo No I, no landim from elmr Dol.
1./ Olin: for ash by te.,nsgau DICKEY & Co
TOOL-3 sacks now landing from atmr Dolphin;
for sale by myll ISAIAS DICKEY &Co
FEATIIERS-49 bap nor landing_ from gm Dol
pldn; for sale by mid ISAIAH DICKEY & Co
L INSEED OI L-15 bills LinseedDU, pure, in fine
BALLAD OIL—O( superior quality, in tarie sad
mall bottles and fiasks, ( (or sale by
royal SCHOuNMAKER & Co
P4S. TURPENTINE-2SS bbls to fine order, for sale
C . l by mr2L J SCLIOONMAKFAt & Co
OOT GINGER-2a begs for sale by
IL&W PAPER-114 riala extru Imp e draw Paper S for sale LpJ SCLIOONMAKER &
m • 24 wood st
lionorable the Judges of the Court 0 . 0 i;
roil Quarter &mow of the Palkin and for the
angrily of Allegheny.
T"E petition of 8. IS. lid.RT, of the Fourth Ward,
city of Pittsburgh . , In die county aforeaald, humbly
stieweth, that your petitioner has provided himself with
materials for the atcommodouon of travelers and
other., at his dwelling hon., in the Ward afore
said, and prey. that your honors will be pleased to
grant him a license to keep a Public !louse of
hod yqur p..o4onc*, p. in 4n4Y bound
will pray.
We, theoubsertbers, eitisetut of the aforesaid Ward,
do cerufy,lhat th e above petitioner is of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and oonvenienoes for the accommodation
and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that add
tavern is neceuary. -
James Lanbill, Thos. Smith, J. IL White, A. C. Bell,
Thomas Patterson. 11. Donning, R. Cony. J. Christy,
Thos. Clanton, lames Mathews, Diehard White P. P.
Varner. my9l:d3t
SALMATUS-120 ba• aupersor quality Salaratuy,
binding Oily day; for sale by'
rayl 0 BAGALEX t IiMITH, 18 and woud st
ICE-50 tierces fresh Rise gA Ladinghr t
tattled . sale by
r9YI9 ciAar ammi
111 hnding awl for
HE:HMOS AND SIT -100 bbls No 1 lierrinp;
N) do No I Shad; Jut recd and for sale by
LA ED-10 keg. reo'd and far solo by
my la ',Voter at, between Finitbielat and Wood
raiaEXTre" glottis, or tkroine of
History of Xing Charlas the
foo l,e of England, by
Jacob Abbott, •f~L engravings. ed by
JouNsTor 41,..snvirroN,
DAM 3d 41 Ma r k
at an sr at Ma
bbla Malawi to antra to-mar
M, row. toi oda by 9 & W'RARIiAtIOII,
my In MI Valor and 101 Front at
LOUR-500 bbls flour, Just reeld sod Iler sale by
L a ,
Ptails primo Park, raed and far
-I-. I. by m 719 $ tr.\ 11A.R.8.A.5611.
~.Y„~rm7~[.crrar~r~. T,.,,rf~
low ;idea of C cu. my 9'
JUBflike — E.l - VED ex the Ow Pnee Store, colds--
ht et, 10,000 yds of printed Lawns end Molina
et the extreme low price Lol eta
Inyl2 • A MASON a Cu
itircous DE L.Ains—s" ya. U 01 14.40 WI.; at I
.IXL co, pow opening at the One Pace Stare Of I
44119L1N5-0 1 bales at 41 ana tiets. '
myttl A A MASON & Co
MASACIIFD htUfilaray lNS-21dcA A Bl aaaa at
ASON Co 4 and cu.:-
w e by a
M—Lhrger. Watches, nada by , the celebrated
peeper of Lando% hi J. Tobias of Liverpool, and a
large assortment of detached gold. and diver ;.even, try
Geneva manufacturers.
Spectacles of all tindtt Communion. Ware In sets;
Gold Pens; Jewelry In large variety; iiilver Spoons,
Forts, Ea.
co- Womb repairing ezetlited in lye Lest Manner.
myth corner Market and 4th at. •
MORB NEW GOODS-M./ R. hi:tams has this
morning open new and handsome styles Prints
for 12i cis per yolt Swiss, Mall and Nonstok• Mastitis
for dresses. .filw incased within.; BtalliaTsi Bendel
Ribbons, Black Bilks, kc, at nenhatml cafackilth sad
Market streak
• •
Country Within?* replenlikilii &her hocks will
find n choice assorunent at low pnees, la Wholesale
EMMA op stabs. . . . m 719
HB T the ts j ig , ,utdeetnj . .. been ajlat o tt=lti i t
a r =ly gl i=tg Pn jr l. o rie " S:Vgl s k4;
tomer. of the Company, the he la prepared LO Lee
Marine, Inland and Pile hale ou hberal tame, at (heir
office, No. 37 %Vat= street. r A MADELIA,
=m7lll itEai
. .
117'.363ut D. Davis. ADDltinuser. 4
Fasashrgarriogs and RoasseapWagenterearregiors
On Friday afternoon, May tsth, at 3 &clock. in front
of the Cconmercial Sales Rom, earner of wood and
nth streets, will be .old, a splendid two horse family
Carriage, well finished and nearly new. -
One Roekaway Wagon, • good article made to or
der, and has been in use only a gam tome.
my 23 ' JOHN D..DAVIS,.Anet.
&me of Staple and Fano" Dry Gam
On Tborsdoy toodduk, 1414 - 24that 10 o'clock, Id
the Commercial Bales Rooms, corner of Wood and
nth areas, willbe sold— .
Marge assortment of fresh and ietwriable staple
and fancy Dry Goods, among which are superfine
cloths, dustmen; %IN /1•803.• jeons, 6 .CY
dugs, black satin. dress Wachs/ages, doled; lawna
awls,rauslina plaid vicuna', aver prints, French mod
Blanchester gusghtuus, shawls and silk Mktg in great
variety, bleached and brown muslinaa. damask linen
tablecloth, ch‘cks, ticking", drillings, cottonades, ho
siery, gloves, hats, Leghorn bonnets, ke.
At It o'clock,
Groceries, queetursnre, Fnmilare, he.
Young lipann and imperial tea, coffee, N O =or,
No I chuff, No 3 mackerel, Y. ausnufaetared tobsaeo;
I No 1 palm soap, shovels, Varlet, forks; T.nith. and
transparent window blinds, mantel clocks, looking
glasses. carpeting.
A largo and general assortment of household and
kitchen funduue, kitchen utensils, ie. mid
Large Salo of Clotkusg, Fine Shirts, iey ens thn
aserath, rnrdit
On Tuesday morning, lOth inst., 0110 o'clock, at the
Commercial Sales Rooms, earner of Wood and Fifth
sts, will be =ld sritlums reserve, ott a credit of 90days
for approved endorsed paper on an stuns over SAW—
A very , largo invoice of Clothing, Fine Shirts, &a
comnstog to part, super cloth, eashmerc, queens
cloth, mohair,. alpaca, cashmaratt, crotan cloth and
tor drew, frock and conk coats; blank and fancy
cualmere ' gannet, Cedlonade, Rremhn, Lantartine,
Rozbuty,Califonha, fancy check and Palo Alto cut.
simere pautr, plaid cashmere, valencia, black sod
fancy satin, lions and summer agog Fine linen .boi
rem, fancy and blue Merrimac,ph* muslin, Union
Check and hickory rhino, brown drill drawers: alsth
dos Rough and Ready water proof *oath whets.
Catalogues can beeobtained and clothing exuainad
at the Auction Rooms.
mylti JOHN D DAVI?, Anon
Externrion Sa!sof Valuable Bags, Late , and Ca!
Paptr, Blank Boob.
On Wednetday, Thursday and Saturdaevening.,
nth, and Mtlt { nets, at 71 o'clock, at t ho commert
dal sales moms, corner of Wood and Filth stay vrill be
sold • large collection of waned° new books in emery
department of literature and sebum", embraaing mar
ray tralualthr works on theology, history, medicine, poar
airy, fiction and travels; alto a superb collection of
quarto, arum, paw, andpocket bible,, some SnerLon.
don editions with clasps, London testaments' with
psalms and paraphraws, tatter ,- commercial post, sod
cap paper, full and half bawd Manic books. meamraw
darn books, de. Poll JOHN D DAVI% Altai ,
and Manager.•
AMINO AND S.azAttiam
P Al7\s7. ' ll7&;; T"' Tom.—
mat peculiar bone Him. Popular Polka. ill.c?ri m. ou — a
Wrerimmar EVY.WW, MAT
A ner which for the dad time the =riled drama of
Corinthian Tom Mi. W. H. Crisp.
Logic Mr. Brown.
Jerry Mr. Prior.
Jemmy Green Mr. Dann.
Kate Miss Onalso.
Sue Mrs. Prior.
Jane Mr.. Mahlon.
_Cp. In preparation The Miller and his Men.
FDE SALE—A bstulsome Fanny Carriage, for 0511
or two horses, built at Philadelphia by i celebra
ted manufaemrer. This canine is in every respeeM
a first rate article, made with all the modem Impraso-
menu, fined with blue cloth and finished in superior
manner. It is euhrely''' w and
sold for want of sod.
Enquire of ..1. h. DAY,
mrtt 75 Market a, N WeWone Diamond
F ' , Jo—nlo
„ A sitiVeY SILK SHAWLS—We have Jug penes e
e tare lot of Pancy Silk Shawls, la whi ch we In-
Ile the attention of the ladies.
HE Subscriber has lon received at the Pekin Tea
Fiore, 7)Pourth street, a very large and . well so.
looted mock of pore GREEN AND BLACK TEAS,
from New Mork, all of which has been reesived in this
country since the not of February laat..consiiliag of
all the &Herons grades grown In the Celestial Eraptro.
Oar stock henry moon the largest intim Wert, we are
prepared to wholesale, on bettor terms than any other
house in the city. We Invite renal graters to call and
cancel= our neck and prices. They can have uplelk.
ed in I, I, awl lib packages 5 VI tin cannimais, orpy
half chests, to suit their convenience.
Our retail prices vary fos Oolong, Black %visitors
50 eta to 51,00 per Ib.; Pang Young Boaehong. d 0 et;
Congo 00, end English Bleakflut fik Young Boon, I
Gunpowder end Imperial, from 25 eta: ts 61,25 pet Ili
Families are requested to send and get of
emir Teas, and try them before parchatingmaples
rtgilltdkAtS A. JAME% 10 Four/411nel,
11311 TEAS—didliZahests Young Tel, Fall of latest imputations at New York, uompris
ns a fine assortment of fine and medium qualities, now
limited from cal; for sale by
mylo BAOALEY 8511TH
ELLIOTP & ENGLISH, ni Wood street, between
4th end Diamond alley, lama received lugs
supply of Theological and ether works, =wag which
are the following, cm Miscellanea= hata=DM.
muses. by President Hopkins; Christ is hil t Law and
Gospel, by S. H. Tai, p. D.; Life of De Witt elintim. '
Living Oyators at America, Republican Chriatianny,
o u
by Magoon, Mint Primeval bt Phrenology : and
Mesmerism, by Rev. N. L. Meet D. Baptual, 113
Import and Mode, bY Beecher, Nineveh arid its Ha
maw; Illooaaftins of the Bible, by &Mariam; Earnest
hlinistry end Chuteh ill Earnest, by J. A.,Jesnem
vrartif worts, 4 vols, new edition; J.lll. Meson's %volt;
complete; Cmpers Lite and Works of . engines: It,
wing on Rim and Hallo, D e r , p, u rmerki c sh To n s.
Wg's s Y e o s i c r i le f wgirklz .4 o4::
nen, Bible Evidences the reps kry J.
Modem 13goiety; Modern , AcOo .Holdalso
Nor! & W p‘ . /t ( trPTA Be rg=V cil oi
Houlusisszo, Br Enema, Lemons oo Pilaw,
Beecher. " • •
P WMPBESS—The Hill nummiltr; - ii.itag ixp&
doom of . Life in tits plahViof HOSA! , , with - other Ailis.
Honed by 'George B. Chown, D. A,: with • Postpid► of
whet. • A low copies eved and Gro solo by et
my 19 . M. 1.10 71`e ENGLISH,A; Wood
II i 4 with plcutar• that the sabre en
ipform the citizens gittsbarati
cull . that they) h”e completed ammo
`f with bleaara J. t%.
Jger & Co,
And will hereafter be kept conalatply Oa
hand. Thep ore neatlat.„.„„,„
m , Kt:Arlan pea% 4, *nl4 %TN
;4 41 0 1 1:= 1 9f Me cUott and
art invitation to return the
azTAJZ. P ayees:
Ily pe sonal 42i .73 1,00 1,25 1,50
50 73 1 1,25
50 al 75 1,00 ,00
1,23 1,50
o l Y. Hymn
/ Mug . 'GI 1:125 75,0 Q 1 1,23 1,00
311 50
B " C " c Pius aild lain Fine. .75 1,09 1,917 I,N
We will warrant all .the TEAS we sell fet be equal
to, if not smettnin many sold in thia elm, and should
they tat prove acceptable to the taste, *boreal: , be lb
tamed, and the money will be refunded, as, Isle only
with that understanding we-sell. ..
We ask a fair trial, {hat the pablie may be able to
judge between our Teas
,and :Mee heretofom sold by
other companies In this city.
All beers of rich, debateus and good OavorMITEAS,
should give to a call.
For sale by JOS, S. M. YOUPliiit CO.,
N W cornet 41.13 odd Ferry streets. end
itne;_ad and Rou &Inc,
A . T . rba . :15 . 1 the Plaa m ax i dlr r aw ei 78 We nd strie4
Tools, f:rt sale 67 LIUBER7II &FRIA "
O4'r-400 burbles' reed and for sale by
PIG EILON-250 MS Pig Iran. tl.ho.f Thm.A.e,
landing and for kale by J& R PLAYA
myi4 Round Church Badinga
rg tO LET--A good beak Levolling_House. shade on
Robigion areal, AlltabenY• Enquire •
mytO, Spy:LW/11M OYER
situate on Webeter EMeSed feet from Htglistreog
40 feet (tont ed.-Webster, by SO lest to a !We rcpt' Way
—gulte dela band;ew seen honee. Pike 11112fo -Terms,
IMO Oath In Wawa Mone,two Hoe and foot.
years Horn ttm first sf April tut
cooigyand CU Y gulp taken far tub payment. In.
quire of myte EISCHOYER4IIO beeped st
le No 3 Mackeml, lone, now
4!. by
Take Nottee. • •
ALi. persons Jr dental , to the Estate*. of Wm. W.
Rams, deeessed,will please make payment on
or before 'hetet of July next, to the eximalots, who
will be fecutdstpx Murdock'', you'll b em , e n
Smithfield and Wood; nihilism - Melva:emirate will
tie len In the Windsor
d or ,. srattlEtßOlgErEx atill4 ecn ti urr r .
• • cATHElZlNE.Atralop .. mEz4iii4ii..
mimacwotT ..
HOED 110SE!—'4.00O Met 0114 3 ply India Robber
Hass—last received fa tkeßotonghof blanskS+
sw.idelt will be held In store then Few' days. Tho
Bosom Betting Company esprSiSS'stronedesiret
the firs departments ofta cities of Pitisbugh and Al.
Isigheny to call wad swat . and make a trul of them.
The C 0.131/ 44111 Willing ti) 001 them to soy test ttisl,
think popes to conclads. upon.
mro 6ll pun.up , s, irSreocHd st
firsi3AcCo-49 tma A7fcr34 tam — tato; 204 - e
Jugers!t !pm Vas dcs_lq 'taro asid - for sale by
• a 4314 *-3173:300YD
,111,1CkA STORIB-410. 1241311130 IBTRIBET—W IIOI . 2I 3LI4 AND r
A. AL k 00.1104 eonsideribly emirdte d their
. litog Perth ateanunadetion thelr lamest
busierssorreitosi Wasted Weald - tar WIWI. rot
undo the mdstUteer ' l
ameSlOkhrld usblen•
able linberindieberdmaridan. aeadd irtiarx ever
()Died in Ws err. •The3r large Shawl thrionn, %thresh. '
u with another large room, has been fined•apsued +tit
dad to their retell assortment, there:Tait - Mg them em
pie roost ire the display ltsf their immense rack: Being
eortsemtly in thetreeelpi nestOonetaresa their haat*
in New York, they are ertablecirdwaye to offer Ma
merest, latest and most derivable goods, and et prices
as low as any home In the estuary.
Their stock comitts in pan of
Frei Hung= Pura of extra nett Bereges, Tlatte4
Albums, Betphlnes and Mernalse of new and dews
styles. Also, Poll de Cheney Fantsrd &Ike, Mane db
Loins, Grenadhies, Patios, Brmillennes,Broehe,Tolis,
do Nerd, ree. ke.
Six Hundred Pilsen of new and rleh styles /axonal.*
LIMAS end Organdies—splendid dmigas. •
Soy Ilandred Fleece English and Irnmelk
Oraghlass, A
Challis lees reas, Odom , Cie
thiLidea r Olashisma,
ze.". alich hignme
end changeable Bilks, of . Faintly a
uto, style.. m i d ,
black Ado for dresses, Ta. 3, I: . lllMi*.c. of gape r
rim hish iaatri
SHAWLS—CashmemiZbeti LCog end squim
Shawls, Urea de Mate, tie Oriztai=
Margin de Lou,
ibtki.Wool-Plai Bede d
warn coons—m k oribiiii,„ Nrktons l •
Laura., Hoak • and flarlstsblushres, Tarlatan, Fancy
Cheeks, Use* Linens: Stoned Keehn% MM/ add rl
soak dadketithn".• - . ,
LINEN GOODS—Damask% Covers, Nitakiesd h. I X+ l
pm, Odk is, French Linen sad Drills,Bars42ol t-
Larrik eir eAti Irish Lianas, beat make and 6.1.2.
4 magics mongicut of Mae Bald,
~~llfl~ ~IM~Y~:~
C. S. Porter.
-•••W. IL Czar.
Vl:Unable Books
A. .VON & CO.,
Mit e
HlSnow Well knot en line of splendid passenter Steam-
enw composed of the largesuotarotest, bes
hod Lad (=abed, and most powered boats 0; the
waters of the West- -. Every accoeimodation and eau.
fon that memo eon procure, has been provided for pas
aroma. The line has been in operation for five yeah
—has tarried L million of people without the least rojto.
Tyro thole mum. :TM boots will be at the foot of
don street the dial provlous to starting, far thescrock.
non of fn' fht and entry of passengers on th e mu
ter. In al eases the passage money most be pail is
The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, will
leave Pittatsueett every Stanley morning at 10 alele.*
Settaay evening el 10 r. r.
May let, IDYL
The MONONGAHELA, Capt. Steel, Will IMMO Tllte
burgh every Monday learning at ID o'clock; Wheelies
every Monday evening .110 r.
Ttrr 111138KNIA No. 2, Capt. I. Kumnum; will
laave Pittaburgh every Taesitio n mething at 10 everr4r;
Wheeling every Tnerdog eve gatlD rt
The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, C.O. S. Di e,:witi
leave piazi every wednea* motow lii le
o'clock; gallery Wedoradav eveseora
The 131111,LL1.11T, Capt. Ciaara, brill lease
burgh every Thursday morning at 10 Wells* Mee*,
every Thursday everuat ort 10 zits
The CLIPPER No. Si Capt Pass thwst., wW leave
Pittsburgh every Friday morning et It/o'clock; Whea:
thls every Ptiday evening at 10 r.
40 `. ta.;" . 111111-Mill
(ms. ainfacrW t )
Leaves Pittsburgh daily, me o'clock, A. Al., itaufar
rives at Glaspw, (mouth of the Sandy and Beaver
eel,) at 3 otthek, and New When m 11, woe Might
Leaves New Lisbon at 6 o'clock, P.M., Waking tha
trip canal to the river during the eight,) and Glasgow
al 9 o'clock, A. AL., and amvrA at Pittsburgh at 3 P.
AL—thus making a continuous limier cacti ng pas.
wagers and freight between Now Lisbon and
in shorter lima and at kin rases than by any
other route.
The prop:liters of this Line have the pitman - of in
formingthe publio that they havaatted ap Miami class
Copal Boma, for the leentanindatina of passengers sea
Neigh; in sun in connection with the well known
mamma CALEB co o n and BEAVER, and connect.
ing, at Glaagusa t wi th the Pittshwrel and Cronin
nail and other daily lines of simmers dawn the Okla
and Miselaiiippi rivers. The proprietors pledge thus.
selves to spare no coense or trouble to athre eoP
fan, safety and dispatch, and ask of the public a than
of P'lrnioßivo AGENTS.
• tl. EI. tiefiroN, -
15.4 W. EIARIMUCaII, Plita.rSh.
IL HANNA; &Co. -
layittf J. 11A.Rlid13011. & 11.° I
NOTlCE—Thisatearaer HEAVES. C. E Cl*xke, ms
tar, will lam, after this settee, for Wellsville masa
ally at 0 o'clool la the learning. ' lea •
01111112111 AHHANGHAMENT3 for 1549.
Daly 73 Mlles IltaggrAg•
Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and
TIM splendid end tut conning U 9 Mill steamers
ATT.ANT/C, Cain J Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt A
egotist LOTUS MAIM, Capt B Bermetr, are now
making dauble daily nipabetween
The morning beat will leave the Monsiegabea
Wharf, above the Bridge, daily at 8 o'clock ptedisely.
Pomanders will take SUPERB COACHES at Ileratas.
vale, at 3 o'clock., 1 . ", and the agenda cars et the
Baltimore *Ad Oh io Railroad, at Cuniberburd, 1111
o'clock, A. AL, and mile in Baltimore the IP=
in time for the evening line to Philadelphia OA
leV city.
i ttabargh to Baltimore, only 19 boars.
Fare 510,M
. From Pittsburgh to:Philadelphia, only 40 hours.
Fare SNP
The eveningboatwill leave ate o'clock, excePtSit.a•
day omens*. Passengers by this boat will !gateau,
board in comfortable State Beams the lint night, Ate
over the mountains the following day P,yt ern
Coaches, and lodge the second night to
Thissengem have choice acid= Steamboat or Rail
Read between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and the
privilege of stoning at Cumberland and Baltimore,
and resuming their seats at pleurae. Coached thst.
send to pames to travel as they please.
We make up the loads and way hills for the Cloaeb
es lathe Pittsburgh offices, (its order to save r(rie
oohing at Bromnsrille,) it is therefore important for
passengers to get their dares, before going on board
of the Cosa at 011 T otkee, hionoushala
11 7,1,,
street, or St Charles llotel, Wo se, pimbe7 lu "
aplAdm J. AIBedRIMEN,
Ynburgh Pasitiii
The Weald new steamer
"" • Hellen, roam; will leave for ably
unermediam porta on Friday ,
the 111Mitsl, at 10 o'clock a IL
Fof freight or mmitomtagrAort bo v a o rr to
BURS to. •
; , • Tti
Rr gW and aplandid Du pumas.
::;; RAPlitia.9.
- . - -=-- - , uon,ansattn, will lama for Chains
.nati and Lonisailto on Thowday, tha RA Imrt., at 10
aPelook, A. AL Fag i abtUre l l at ago apply on boanl,
to WIL SO N Co, or
11Z19142 ontissorstessmornsime
The steamboat
MOT Nts2L ,
11lipt..J. shank , tar Ws Timn
ery Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, 1..
FlLtabetblown, Cantles, Smash.. Weems, liare's
MatillentiWardia,Simallo r TlSCP•
Landing, 21.0aseis, A. et's Landing, Vanelase,
NewPoilrOols it,_ l o*riena., Paha Mums,. Par
kerdnitlialNe, Hocking and Reeklpgpert.
lisTrannte-tLeases frock:lnge ort entry There.ig
m deduct,' P, AL Martens on Friday, *LAM,
f:anirlho part of the oboes Winn Mal
ngs on Prieay, demos night.
By the shove snungenniml, ilia boot will be able to
Lay et Pittsburgh on Sunday., and keep that day as it
shmild be.
' iisi - 1•1 1 0 AMR 131,Losda Padded Lissa.
• 11,5140..
matimi The floe last sunning Age
ateemer ' ' ATLANTIS,
Goa W. Wicks, mama, will Image
or the above and Irdetraradrro P OO5
every Tuesday, at 10 oMloek o.*. ' .
For freight or passage si d„ Co board, in to
E. C.
NO, N 0.153 Com. Row,
mars-dim Imalmtle.
The floe fast runic& pamenger
stermser GEN. '
A. Markarian meat eTail„ leagclor
edam i
and ntermediatdpont ive
rpdatga 0, , 4110 o'clock, C. m.
l poreE sdaop io board, or, GI ;
marsdBm 154
:The nem and substantial steamer
Illohlillen, manor will perf e r m
r regular trips between Piusburgh
Paneling , and aridgeport. She will leare:Pliastrargt,
on Wednesday and Saturday.
For freight or passage, apply on beard. . apl9
FOXlVntsitita MiffatiiPislL
mi zaj ti l :a fine Stellner ~ -
George Calboun, mammy einilleave
r &Sore and intermediate pens. on
Norutaya Th aye, ..410 asr ._ ~ .
Fill - Might or puma, apply on board.. apl.7
ITlurfule steamer
0 Galluger, Mameroril/ Tunas a reg
ar .week ly
_puha etween.Pfus
burgh and Zanesville-71mm Pittsburgh a11.4 1 S W. -
- day. .Fer traght spray to
&UM& FORSYTH, Agra, .
No 41 Warm .t
The splendid steamer ,• •'"
iferette, matter, wiII PARLS,
leave Sara
f tha Bletuassabela. She, erbr•eah
tam tu the mai= Menday ;ream derinribteessea.
'For &Wad CR • a • lyaer board. , %.10711
81111011 L...
- aeciENT,
- ' Forwarding' and Coastus&t., -
ebtxte, has reastio No . . ER ,FrOnt,
and ts.
filliP2./NBURANCII CO. of North. Arintiloli ...„,
.L Ariake perm ant sad limbed insebbloo 011 Phl
pertyin Oda eh d vicinity, and en sitiyurants - by
Canals - Rivers, es, and byllea. TM prppertica or
Oda Casa wall brewed, and fninigli an avail
able lb, the pia indarnnitl ar all 1 , 7" 1 . ITN ,
&Are to be led by insaranc. • ..
)11 I &
, oila-: • , WM. P. JON=l,..egant,44 Waterat. '
la tb s ale -- f
- basb alarar &Sk R FLOOD
Cara aid
frit'2ls bb on bAnd and for sale by
rili Yl , TAPPUR te.l3ElPp,
Florence, Dunstable, Rough and Ready,. Suaw, En(
llnh Lldp, Fanny; ke. to. •
BONNET RWBONS—,I3 boxes of Donne* and cap
Ribbons, of tho best Wyk*, Atm, Mack and -eYda
l'as, end &kn. best qaality. Also, Bonnet a
andinlnp,Ardlikie b . ... •
IMS/E 1 W; 2 4712 GLOVES —Erary destdiEdna , c (
ladles and Elm and tiloves; Cr. . 1 .6
Ildki Alb, l leregr, Gauze, Crape' . ..1 ,1 " 4 "
In tk ;tholank tea d eal ,Voils trx. to
NEW VISIT and MANTILLAS, niall ' l;ll .' 4 '
Washita allots inyles. • 1
Lace Westin s, cola , standing caw+. chekluteut4
Vallanoes,Pren h and EnglialtEdetPt enm"'° do,
zi r ud
10 dolintEnIt boas, Wed C =lmo andlaara IMitca,
er gliASo jk LS PARASOLEiTS—Mara Mai**
amount Pa Is and Pstessoletta, of 4 " 04 1 Tllnell't
Including the bees makes of fi ne Senn and CsatiLlan.
- Ckults,Casanterss,Veintinp,fiesustel Snaffs,Tweed,,,
4,Teani, - AWN Flaturemativanex,wwwerpsaes.• ..
two hundred caWs tithe ttlYll. "d of cvm7 ye
. .
' : BiZAGEEDIrd BROWNkETSLINE:4ye,,,,' ~,,,,
,itunelted noe l f an thearell known and agomr.d
... b . * of , c a pg.d.,r,, 300 bates DTONVIi do, afar
ettety plies. •
Ulder Purchaser., nay alwali der; Spinet. groat
YacSides °Olds estabbehtnent,ofo tataingthe ihotatat
goads at the room rel.lolol. plitel. She. aystem - at
LOWPRIOEE adopted by this establlOnstant, as well
as their ONE PRICE Ellt. twain-taw withatch
- tudyerral fame the 11.1 - angewthled to at
foritill itaineatteutts tocakehlwers: Evert
lisle then:fare toinarked at rub low mum ewe
not fail to give garfeet satisfaction. Merchants front
1 all pare Oftea dowry see Invited tocoll.
t ogbuinos , 119 /What, botataan 30 and Oh sty '