The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 23, 1849, Image 1

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kiTOILNEY AT LAW. Mee on s onsin aunt;
between Chem alley and Gant it nty1:117:.
As S'ROYO & CROZER,Commission Ate:chants
Atatcrs in P ‘ rodneo, No. LN ?darktt greet
ScaAJS, toTtno 4l l , e oe szla ti ideal,n
incurred '4 tides, /ie., No. 2.0 Liberty Weal, aanrna-
nE142... rt J"V.N,
smilax warn.
IS guts; t ernes of Liberty and BL e ahlis s ,
burgh, po
.0111.14 LIMOS. •
B anrinits=Wit Wim*pleets,
ts ca. 34
. 4, La it.
I . lll:burgy: Pa. 'l4
d'3l y.
Wl"llmeate. gni Rig:
Bi tail Drugging, Comm Wood and Mb
u - 11.E.y7k. SMITH, Whan , lc 6 "'" n • and
20 Wool street Pillsbu gb. .• •
C. A. AIeANI.ILTY & Co, Forimaittg . and Corn
Nan mission Merchants, Caul 11104 Pittsliurgh•Pa
• .
LagaeiaG iiiiikVASa;lo7el - Iroa
OLEMAN, eItAILMAN, & ittituutacturtra of
1-1, Cost& asiO Eltruto Siotogat : tiatamerett,
Suringand Plougb..Sices, boor . ,)Varehoutc on
Water and rtonl. streets, IItiALUEVI; •
Also, .dosten is; Coach Triautuogs:4lll Malltablo
4 1 8 0 6 P. 5i INT L: 00 111 11 — P . L tS f il l4t ). - 1 1 1r P"11.2r11
ttgrINIIIM to manufacture l'iltintutiii*Akettial
la Vaults, Tombs, Wad Stouts; Manbil Piceti, Cen
tro' atut Pict TO. of foreign and:duittutic arable, at
a twist and fair price.
Iti.lll—iDraeriuss (or olollll.llltiltit, can Ltiacjurcish
ad, of any description. Ile solicits a stiare.Ublio
. war. a. Erdman, • dualurz rducars - r.
MINGLISH fr. BENNETT, (rata Engthitr, grallagher
JCA Cur Wholesale Grocers, COTIMOIII4IOII ihd For.
- uranium blerehunthourd drahurs Brrioduceaud Tau,.
burgh Alanulacturea, No. 37, Woo"d sz., butsrutrk td and
3d streets,
cit'aittiE WEEESlNi r onmmte.lo3l,andEeteeettr , '•g
hiereltant,l4o. Woodatreet I'ittabarg4.: - nyl7
ANUITON STEM/ART, rnematen laser - otileary
.11 - 131drtings, Cheeks, to., Itebeeen greet,- city of
Allejettor. , L .' 7 f navtredll.
I[X, LEE, Isneeep;or to Marphr,er.Lei,j - WOdll:ielg
er and Commission Merchant, far the silo of
American Woolens,'Llberty,oppot4toPaiLet.
WM. - BallituOre. ' •
E.WASD UMN 1 Philo4a.
i.. .secanso6, .1011. N
HEAU) IL Tobaceo.-CamitiLselon Mm
ettant,, 41 Ninth Water at, & 16 Nirrilk 11166rresi
Jai. Jones & Ca.) , Comzmsuon arid Forwarding Met
ctivatse devd6i.ia Pittsburgh tditauCelnted : •
•: nich27
auktr nazrxr,- nowner*crat Os,
TIAIAILDICIMY LE Co.iNirboleiidleUrosexs, Com
adsaltda MertlnditS, and dadlers id.Pr dddoe,tioa.s6
aur, and 107 Front awls, Pittebutptli.., nove
J. IL cAINIFIELLI, Unto of Wairen, Commits
ion and - ronvaralng Merchant, awl Wholesale
dealer in. Western Reserve Meese, ,Butior, Pot. and
Pearl Ashouid Western rolaluee gennrallb.,Water
trent, baTeeri. Smithfield Wood, PiltubFrgh.„ .P 3
OIIN WATr,.(iziciassor . zo Hertlt 4...Gtbbart,)
Wholosale. Grocer' and. Controblaion • Merchant,
41eller Prodttes'and Pittsburgh Illannfactares,:cor
ncr LihenT and Maud streets, Pitistnirkh Pa. Jr.%
MPSB DIeGUIRE; Sate of the fino ifil&eo and
bieGalroplerelosS Talloi, Si. Marks .Boildin64
ult street, war Wood, Pittsbur. h.'
j i t i ariacitaM i rCO N YC l.Cb ir:l7::=
and Agents et the St. Lams Steam Pliggr - 111.:11hery.
No. 43 water and 92 front streets, Pittsburgh
thsl .
a DILINVRTII & Co., Wholouder tiroacts, Pro
t!, diTt n -V" tkrmminsiou bterettpx&i,Asd , Agents
. 111 P owder
Co. of N. Y.j N0.i27 Woad el,
OHN D. MORGAN, Wholesuili /;/rrlt& e i li st, sod - deal.
U er in Dye Bedfs,Vnlede, 04., Yards .ke., No. 93
Wood Street, orte door South of Diamond ey, Pitt..
U Ti.,/ Ship • Wales AMU.. • °cat
PLTKIBLUR WhiTorenZe — and — betifl - daei
ty in Mule unlade. tosiroments, School 800.,
Paper, Slates, Steel Pens,' Quells, }hinters. , c.nh,
Siationuy generally, Na. tit Wood M., Pittiburgh: • •
ED" KafttLaafvt.l.ten in trade. sepil
, SCIIOONMAKEM a= Co Wholesale Bremen;
LW Nn. *I 'Wood strati. Piesbargh.
lourC D. DAV/S, Atictloneet, carpet ati aTI Vii6od
0 wee TWA= . h.OMg
TOHNSTON'fr. STI3CKTON, Bookiaerai Pzinrs
U `sad Pup.. letaattUotarers, N 0.49 Matti istri,,Au.s.
Joint noTn.
ik,11...7L01rp, \Vimlesale Grocers •Comminion
• • Iddithozlec .nad' Lientlen in PrOdate Round
Church Baildirtgli, fronting on WV' and Gib
'lnt% riltairgb, P.
LOLZELlLholoale OrtmerCcrniasiet
afeature : ! n it ,, ;YZ ala l r iMan
trIHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist and Epothointry,
.../10:45.1ttarket thrie doors above Tldrd pt. pap,-
burgh, wilt have conatanily unhand is well Selected ets
sortmerii of the. but and - freshest Medicinal, which h
will sell on the - most reasonable terms. Physicians
sending . orders , will be promptly auended to, And sup.
plied wait articles they may rely apon as granhap.
flarr Physicians Prescripoons will be noeuirately and
nanny prepared from the best ranted" tu any hoax of
ea day or sada.
Alan fora hogs stock el freatt'sniitOodPerfa
171E111t1ONEX,Formarding and Conuain
okanctillealeni In I.codace andlltribuigh.taqUL
f•emml =Jere*. Canal Basin, near7th ,
KENNEDY; CO.Martufar tu;rn okseiq
raperior 4-4 rsheetitiga, Clirpr• ..1 Cyji.b o Cottoo
•tane eaulTatiing,
Vesuvius iron .IVorliss, - ,, ,
T EWL9,,DALZELLac Co., maaofaetto4iSf s 4
Xs ago,Bar, Sheet, Boiler ken nal Naga Of the ben
qoality. Warchottor, LI valor and 105 Smite-
'Grocer, Forum*
ing and Comminton Nerd:mot, llgaler ja Pitts.
rimblilanuttatureerthil Ptaduci4"Nos. 41:1111
. 11eY 'el,
and at Front':. ,
animus T so. )htur . ht. IrAW.i
Kinstuan - se.wirxtrif ;?
oosiNo GLASS Dlaaufacturors r SailoWlsolesale
'4 dealers in foreign strul_domesdeNallititY SC?4..
Venom mebtinu, Pr_dler s emit -ohm ere wetted
w eall and exualue tbe prices mil unahmof ere T stack,
as with our present,i n ercased faegulegin inknufitetur•
lugg, and purchasin g , to think we elmorlat Is. great
indecentcuts tqlruy e ra as any *valor ate
ions rnu,a , 1/57 , 411.71:: — 7SIATAB 4
eGILLS &EVA IVlwinalo fgoetrtlatitt*.ms..
AM skin Dleralartu, No. Li!..4 - 44 eigstautch•
WILSON &CO.,Netto iroes.C.filurishy htr.
CO.) Wholetale Coolers lo , Dry , Gliodit, No. 0
Wood b ee t, Pittsburgh.
pALL.IO4_,_, , al,ici. Nutley, , isi . i. - aJ ivasica.
' ALLTZr ft Co', Commisxl9ll and •Forsrarihng
Machin*" 1 ,' arid Emit. stm bttwe.o
nod and Minket KM - , :- , -- Ina
' 41151 % Ric Atramorhotii..ii Grocqp ..d
hlerrinms,•Pio. UV, Übe rinst.aitui.
h, . • . janig
Wll..SON.Ponrultand Miniature am.
lal ter. Roams, ,corner of I'm, Who dile; and.
Fourth 'tract, entratiter on 9th near Market. ,
deendtf. - , • '
ifBOULEZ & EgiN, No: A. Market: e . beCda
door from corner at' Fourth, dcaleia Potelgo
and ficonesda Ullis of Erehange, CenitlenteSofvetioa•
ic Bank Note. andSpecle. =
Cr Collections mad on all the principal. tides .
throashourtite United Nunes. dicl7
41881datir ahoy. Smithfield,' south Odd:
aionveyanedig an° tihde done Wllt the , g.tal.xl
care and legal aceuntey.
Titles to Iteal Exam eramthed, ocC
T. Iroberta, .
OriItALMIC - BLIMEON, will mend uit We treat.
meal of diaseasea of Ma Lye.
Do. S. haa been cogaged in this branch ,of. tite medi.
cal prod:salad foraixtean years, mid hastamidueleil att
anablialiment for Ma trciumant of dlleasea OVUM eye
Mono tor. sesaral yam.• '=.•
Uri= and :residency corner of. Sitridnity n !and
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city.
RIM= TEA. TOZTJer,No. Zll Four*
• ; 61 4 nest WOOd--/tli .l lilAnli(lair if 01.11, and
flack ?pia, done op iirqsawarOtalf, 'and
~,,,,,,,urg•paok-agea, ranging fromoU awpar pound
' , IRA. • alt • A. JAVNES, A gt. forret ln , TifiCo. •
artAlKE,.Whowaaro wooer, itecufrag
dealer is Pardue ; Pittalaltrikilianufao.
•*faxes, and all kinds of Foraigo and floowialo Whet
Aral Vonore, Rio. 11. Liberty street 'Oa very
lam cook of anparior old Alitontrakala•arldakey,
wallah will 6o sold low for cosh.. • :NW, •
110,1111ibON k Co.,Wbolcosle Llamas, Prairie,
and ConsmissioriMerchana, hoiDenters in Pia*
rush Manufactures, No. Iso Liberty st., Pittsborghi
part' DALZtiLL, & Co, Wholesale:: Grocery
Commission and Forwarding Merano* duelers
Padua and Pittsburgh hamitzetarek, LibettyuL:
Pittaavi, fetal
• A. "CUriPil 'hOle r r•
Daisy lA - Pm:two apd ylystrurili'XMAritatidt.
0.144 Libinj i).12
lt E2l(l :=lly k rif j e Fn it=eqiiier.Ttiole, deal
cr, 0r.c..1., rzodu . Pitu,41,9k1:44446
/IC highest pnets, in cash, paid calf tile; for coca
., nir. -Coiner of baug anairstin es. •
0111CII.Vrr, Tztogql',WElTZ ::
§I:CHLETT It WHITE, .VilutleteleDiMiers to
FeiVt atul Domestic Dry Goode: No. 99Worel el. ,
- -•- ifebl7ll•
470 1 ./LiDitril. l i47.WAlia,rttrei t lifyi l itirs
.in Floor sell Produce, gce e r, j m • •
• • ' ii I arm ' N li "4 ' 1.44" t4l
am Cormousion or is, ti. Water st..i him.
to h.
cs arm B.m.imAtv 4k. Co,' Wulleiale Ouster* and
0 Produce dealers, No. =Market sults belumen eqk
Iva EA; North side, PlAllguitloWs. • , , ,
_lTinauxon. Itno ineuaLs,l4lll,ll,i
QELEKS SICOLS, rtodute and: owlet.' c, 0 ..
1,7 ildssiott Merchants, rio. 17 Liberty !my r ,. 1 1 6, 1; •.1,..
*Perm, Litupoed and Lard Oils. , -
F. YONIBON . IrJORST tk Cd4,litholduiddh o .
ohs, Fosorardmg and Wo,miarloll- Nett hanui,
s iTh putsbdrgh Mattufsouizet add Wdetedit Prii-
Lftabandsreirdrird. to theirdevrlncrebandoOd imm o ti
.06 . ClitZer of Front *4 and Chancery Leu*
'- ' . • -', '-' -•- ~,-,--;,:-,.,, I
TROTU'ic Ware, tit, dreiild add' Efitia Wets
• BCiatS. tweet,' TIIIIIkff,. carpe! iiags,• . , &,:e - .,, - . 8, ,
er nee of ttli Rad Stirfsald Its Putsburlt Pa.3.1a.11
sisint 4 IlWl', Wholetulegrocers 4 tfaii , .
Adia • Plesdants, iii 4 - dealers inki:od#43, - .,.N0..
God itollusburigh: ' ~ '
.: p4.,V
Yer- , .&.--,A1.. IIIiTCUELTREE,, Whole:* q. (te
e , Bettitying. bisUllcrei road: ,, %OA,' Snal„, Yucs
erc b nat.« , Atm, Isapo.siers oi.crocia 44.1 1 / 1 a cll.
lac Powder; !to. UP Wu - Mita - el, Pittsburgh, **,, 1
. ~
• '
-...11111111110 '
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-..- •,.....+1,22,2..27,1•27,ti1;i713*.i,.T_2=2*V..‹.15.2:?..ta.VMMi,‘2242-:;;.1:'2;2..2,-2.222,2,..e22,....4 en .--......-,..r.0.....va1., - ...2.1.,.. , ...,...21k,..22...0.,....r.,,...2,- t *,, .... ,- ,..,...77....."• , ,^-- -. -4 --- ,Z.,. , .„ . .. .
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,ago. IN- 1786:: • . __
W WILSDN, Dealer in• Wanks, Jewelry
DilsetWare, Military Goods, h e ., No. 6711 a r
ket it. • roirl
0/11111, KV.IOIII/3231-
117/CH & IWCANDLM, (successors to D
Wick,) holesale eers, Forwarding and
Comsoinsirm !W Ore Merchants, dealers in Iron,_NUM4
Comma Yam, Ind - Pittsburgh kl®afaetot t generallY,
soma, or Wood 1111111 Weiler .uvete, Pittsburgh.
04 . r.... t, NO. 90 r'roat between Wood 112111
arket fob.%
WIV. ALLACE, Mill atom land Fartush
. Leg esiablithment, No. 2 , 14 ILlbetty st., near the
eo : • mad/
Wholesale and -
Metal dealer le
We Foreign anti Dam No Dry G<MXIS, north east
eonter of Market Watt renritt ats. • earn
Wm. unnta, tau c ntnnz.
•r. voursc k Co.—Deafen In leather hut., lut ,
143 Libe;ly al •
& ILIWCIITCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, deo
lone in ilsodoce, Non Nils, Glass, and Pas.
bary:Uanteaclurcs =drolly,
Lamely sl, Pots
. . g
Txr --- WAtritso - 14,
,T . and Military Goods, corns, of klarket and 4d,
:= 3, Si m litbzt , Oh : , Pa. N. 13. —Weems an:LT i ocks
hlsautieerer of Caton and
Silk" olored.thsen, Friars for Dresses, key Sesang
Sk and colored Cotton Frulge. for .11k and knaban,
Phmehlt ak.lh Mohair, and Silk Belton holgts,
mode ordoron tkd slowest moire_
Proxxsortier Or filnideo 'Arne and William, entrant.
No OS William itteet, third door, over Abner .4. illy
store, Nealt Illidden Lone New York. ITIn
wlti;:yousu A, co. • .
~jJ Shoe Findings, No. 113 Liberty street, hoe
i ota' received Opt SPRINO STOCK of goods, earn
prising n'lntge ageoriment of articles in their into, t
}be ntlentlein of perehnnern te invited.
mat. P/112.TTIMLITAN
0111C111110Vi Ax.r.221 hCo,
No. 42 Wotor street.
me Praniliii Para :lisissrisisca Co. of Philadelphia.
DIREC.TORS.4;,ChttIes N. thineker Thom. Hart,
• Tolima WakpertSemstel Grant, Jacob R. smith.
Goa. W Richards; Merdeetti 17. Lewis, Adoipho
Boric ; Powil S. *own, Morris Patterson.
Chains, N. Dattoreat, President.
Charles 0. Baniker, Secretary.
Continue to make insurance, perpems I or hnoted,
on beery dostriptiOn of property In town or country,
at rates .low Wire tonsistent with seventy.
TO Comptuty.haue reserved a large contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Namur., wfely
ed, afford ample ptutettion to the assured.
The assets orahh coMpauy, on January lot, luta,
published agreeably ban act of Assembly, were
fellows riot
t 1 rt es •
th 3 alVtate .
Temporary Loam
swam .
Cash, the.
5t,:t5.,42 71
Since their incorporation, a period of 19 years, they
hate paid upwards of OLIO million (our hundred dral tho
itiallers, losses by ire, thereby affording evidence
cf e advantages of insurance, as well
is the ability
and dispomtion to F meet with prinaptimas all liabilities. r.
..1-: - GARDINER COFFIN, Agent,
ciarlAll . r:Gfilea N E corner Iftil and 3d ma
bilitiLAWAI• tr i tilAlarliM.ANGEOGs
. 'DI
-'s . A.
.I. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Dela
.wateMataalliefery Insurance Company of Phial
suLe him. Fire Risks upon buildings and merchandise
et very description, and Marine Risk a upon halls or
e es of yesseG, taken upon the most favorable
to a
111 - Office in the Warehouse of W. B. liornes fr. Bro.,
Pso.n7 Water, near:Market street, Pittsburgh.
NlB.—The anemia of this Company since the este,-
Larnaca( of the .Agency in this city, with the prompt-
Coss , and liberality with which every claim upon them
for loss hiss been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in
inviting the confidence Sind patronage of his friends and
the community inlatge to the Delaware M.S. Insu
rance Company, While it ban the additional advantages
as aninatitution anding.the moat flourishing in Philadel
phia—as having to amplepaid-In capital, which by the
operation of Its charter is constantly increasing, us
ytelding to each . peimi Insured his due share of the
profits of the company, without involving him in any
responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing
the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious felt.
ture,"and o, eta most auractive (brut nor 4
B i llUrAktiliralk Nil - X NII . I.IIXKAtE, . -
TRE Insiiimien oampluty of North Antencm incough
cs duly authorized Agent, the sulsseubcr, oder. to
make permanent irnllinuted Insurance on property, in
this city and Its viaiinty, told on shipments by the Co.
nal end Rivers. , i
• .
' • ' S. .
Ambit, 0 Co ffi n, . 'DIRECT OR CharIes Taylor,
Sam4W. Jones., Ambrose White,
Edward Smith 'Jacob DI. Thrones,
lobe A. Drown, John R. Neff,
John White • . litehard U . Wood,
Thomas P. (...' Ise, Wm. Welsh
Serene' F. Smith, , ;
•Franies iitalens,,
Samuel Brooks, • S. Aastin Alliboue,
‘,.. . ARTHUR 0. COFFIN, Pee
RESET D. iStrastaxitn, kee , y.
This is the oldest lasurenee Company in the United
States, hiving Imen'ehartered in Val its charter is
perpetual, and from jta high standing, Mug expeneuee,
temple means, and nsoidiog all rinks of no extra haz
ardous character it Inar be cnniqd.rod as otr.c.W.-
06 security io MI. public, ,
Atwood, .W.C.104.
At the Counting HoOmhf JO., 41.. 4 Wa
ter mut Front streets "Pittiburgh. mays
tIIIIE SUItSCRIDE/Lhas been appointed Agent pro
y, tern of die insurance Company of North An:erten,
and will issue Policies and attend to the other basin...
of the ,Agency, al Ike warehouse of Atwood, Jone. A
.; •• . apl2 . ,:. . WhL P. JONES, wuter lit
C.ll. D.8.11...r., J Wet. ore.
N 0..%) South IVhanrett, m.d No. 117 Booth Water st .
Blriettioe,„-hriti'„?arhtes,gtetzi. generally, or
with the vieothe usanalectureia and die Grower] of
the West, West Indica and other ptacca, ws will insure
a Iwo and constant Supply of the following descry.
dons of Tobacco, which will be sold upon no Berme-
Maclean terms ea any other hone in this city or else
where, and all goods ordered fitnn them will be woe
rented equal to representation.
means; at. Domingo; Conn.;
Yam, leortolticro; l'ean's.; Seed Leaf to-
Cuba; Ignonl & Florida, bac.,
ALSO -Brooch's' celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven
dish, with a large asidriseent of ether popular bninda,
and qualities ai pounds, Gs, as, IP.a, 10s sod 2s, lamp,
Gs, 6, es and los Flag; Lod ies' 'Twist, Virginia 'rootsl,
, sweet loud Talon, In *bole sad halt bones, wood
and tut, algellier With every variety of article belong
ta to tee trade. Pr
Commission tetanal andYoninider,
f htleation paid to the putehustng 0
of any article of Prodare in this market. Also to Oa
forwarding of %roods generally. Hafer to
!dryers. John Strrnaey & Co,
Martin K, StockweiCinetnnan, O.
St C. Parkhorst,Esq. ,
Lipptneott &
• t tKier & Jones, . &
Meanest, }
E Fatabargh, ma Pa.
tagitsirtmen, rt:am
Comma'salon and Vorwarding Merchant.
t.V Wept, a. , rrivsamson,
fIONITNITF to =miner a general Corandssion Kuri
l/ nese, especially lathe purchase and sale of am en
can jdanufactures nod Produce, and in receiving and
forserinling tloods consigned to his care. As Agent for
the Manufactures , be +trill he constantly supplied with
the priutipal articles of Pittsburgh hlrmnfatinre at the
lowest wholesale pride. Orders end cosedioudente
are respectfollysolicited. 07
rtsi , EG 0 F
, P.RCHANDISE HOOKER end Commlislon der.
chant, No. 35 South Front street, (second sioryo
Philadelphia. irpflornis Purchased, pecked insared,
nod shipped to order wool, Floor, Grain, Dried
Fruit and Cheese received On contligurnent and aro,
age 'with hishranee obtained.
istreaaarea—Wm. D4llO Pon, Mr. It. /fishy, and
Mr. Ilancy feb-dtha
Iron, Nails, Cot AN to D n Yarns At Pittsburgh
• Ilaninbatures generally,
la —ll Wooto gnaw. rrnsausan
T. 1-£ECK, JR.
hapogera2l4,l)taktin Fareigi cud Demesne
BaddlegyU rdwnre k.Carringe Trimmings,
Noi, 133 lArOod-4/.. Rlttiburah. Pa.
IS pew receiving his Spring supply et Goods, and
Invites the at:canon of Saddlers, Concha:lakes, and
Mete mpts to Ittsatook:.,ll Ism been bought- emelt the
best terms, from limo best sources, stud he therefore
feels confident of being able to ationl ealisfaefloo to
all who nsay favor Inn With a call
_me te7ulem
PADES, 8110VELS;,1cm-50 de/ Spade. and
vels; area Mnnure•Forkr , 23 do Grala,Shovels;
do Socket dol . Area, Hatchets, blallocks 'Aid ricks,
Bellows, Vices,tr.c., for isle at manufacturers prices
iv eeviS We11...AN...01.W at
AIWROCTUWEBt'• oh, &Bog and blictor rte 1,
has. plough Steel, stool plough wings, coach and cltp:
tin apianga t hammercd lton ogles, and dealer. in ntal:
141/716 caalinga,fixn cognac lampo, and coach mammas
• drontrallVecuner dr and brontata, Putabargb.,
Pt •
. Whick.tondera turbid vitas . punnj
, 1111143.RUCtS not Bellallo
• • walca.. Croton orator ta hi. Tort,
although Wear and par g to We eye, yet
• ; when 4 pulses an hitt. through ud.
Nett poring pock, shown * largo dottocit
mum schtnaumr 4 T, A. Eta
is the calm more ini•with h water.
The Binrensible Fitter& is neat and arable, and I,
not attataled the incoutvanlehoc Ittideut to other
Filterech as It is clumped arlihont belmhdetnelted 800
thewamt pipe, , by tamely turning We key or handl..
Goon one rude to We other. By thAs easy proems, tha
dormer la chanted, and all. mmtututadom
r yn t s : ju b s . t ooa drmen off almost humanly,
ov Ar eg ra p• g UlOl l /1141. It atm pessenes Um
cock, and& ouch in many
4474a :1 8 °11. 4 1"U" d Main:dal.
Svc v eonutrue an a
Bean be attached *him there /A terpreectue httch
aft !ut* ems, taok,Blbt .be• with tem /t , be had
ta Utla Agent, _OM .
&Mel or reetth andnlattet um
7 7 7 7L'oeolgn and .710,Mestio Liquors.
A GOOD assortment of koteiga and Domestic Li
milts, always on hoot and lei sale In quantities
mtechseccii, by - -
Ittalatide 4
riv..,, , cdber. tactual/ music! (dticat haat
-tbc-taartfaatantra): a flash comply, of Op above
celebrated ankle, which, that Will sail Idle 112Wf.Jt
apaskist price far each Grow:ova
. Ida W - tc m mrroniarintsu
%Butler, Pa
. ,
IF'also attend to collections and all other W Lmsl
,css entrusted to him in Butler and Armstnnte
counties, F. Refer to
J. tt R.' Floyd; Liberty st.
W. 'W. Wallace, do
'runes Marshall do Pittsburtrh.
dui Kay & Co., Wood sr I pm.ta
T D. SWOTZER, Attorney at Law, &nee 3d
0., opposite Et. Chorine Hotel, Pittsburgh, will aim,
smilenti promptly to Collections, to Washmeton, Fayette
and Green commies, Pr.
Blackatock, Bell A. Co.,
Church &Carothers, }Pittsburgh.
D. T. Morgan, sel3dly
J. lIRNEVY, Attorney Coancellor nt Law,
_Eh Ciumnnau, Col!anions in Southern Ohio,
and attendeda, and in Kentucky, promptly and care
fully to. Conmusaioncr far the Suite of Penn
sylvania, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments,
RZrzs. IVm. Belt & Son, Carus, Church &
Carothers, Wm. Maya, Houk %%111.1 & Dams. te.M
TTORN E 1( A. (Mice removed to Fourth
street, between sum/Meld and Grant street.
. .
1•.1[1. torwhor I. Lummox saverii
-11 IJNILS & SEWELL.. attorney m Law, Offices on
Smithfield, between 7d and 40. aim
. . -
It. NANKIN, Attorney and Cowen-11°r at Law
and Commissioner for the State or PenticyWilma
SL Loma, filo., (late of Pittsburgh.
Rcreaeaces.—Eillaborg: Boa W Forn,rd -
ion & bl'Candleas & rirClurc, Jolin F. 'tamParkep,
Alia:clle & Semple, fiPilord tE. 014.1y_
i.roRNIVIRT TlONiara..42,
eel, between
A Smithfield nui/ Giant. in12,16m
11 A
tatty AT LAW. 11.
Tomb et ,
et, near Grant.
• .- -
O. 11. ROBINSON Auorney et Lew, haa re
moved hie aloe to the Ilschange Ihaddoign, St.
ClrYr at, next door to Alderman Johns. opOly
(Succesrs to & King)
4111 t Fiashlonabl• U
Corner of Wad and AM ' &Teas.
ARTICULAR attention pool to oar Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their flats and
Caps from oar cstablisionem of the loon MALStlilwl.l4 acid
WOWLAISBUII, of the LAMS? M 1.., and at the LoW CST
Country Merchants purchasing by' wholesale, are
respectfully invited to gall and examine our Stack; a.•
see can say with confidence that as wends ur ALIT.
end riles , it will not catTer in n comparison with any
house in Philadelphia.
CALIFORNIA HAT: 4 ,-12 do: water proof
California lints, just received and for sale by -
hTC0111) & Co,
corner sth and Wood eta
51,097,415 41
99,724 sa
51,5 M 45
99,19.4 T.
InaNPCOR.EI& Co. will nuroducc an Sant,.
day, March :id, the Spring style of HATS.
Thos e In want of a neat and superior hat, are in
to call at corner of Ada nod tVood streets. mug
low now open a supply of spring Bonnet Ribbons,
of new and handsome styles.
Also, new style fig'd Netts; Lisle Laces and Edg
ings; Listen Edgings; Victena do; Plaid Nachos sod
Jsconew, embroidered Swum Muslin, he; besides et
large assortment of Rpring Orxels generally, at nonh
east corner 4th and Market streets.
Wholesale Rooms np stairs. urn
Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies.
Tilt JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro-
J prictor of these most popular and beneficial cued-
Mines, and also the inventor of the celebrated instru
ment for iodating the Lungs, in effecting a rare of
Chaise diseases, was a student of that eminent ph pat
clan, Doctor Physic, and is a graduate of the Ilttiversi
ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirty years since has been
engaged in the investigation of disease, and the appli
cation of remedies therito.
Through the use of his inflating mbe, in connection
moth his Praphyineuc Syrup nod other of his remedies,
he has gamed an utiparalel/ed eatmence searing
those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular COO
mmption, Cancers, Sr:Willa ITheumausm, Asthma,
Fever and Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Erysipe
las, and all those obstmate diseases pecultar to females.
Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the use
of his remedies, to which humanity is heir—not by the
use of one compound only, for that is thcompauble
with Physiological Lave, but by the use of his reme
dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form
of disease.
Dr. Sore'. Tonle Alterative Pills, when used are ins
miably aeknowledged to be superior to all other, as
purgative or liver pill, Inasmuch as they leave the
bowels perfectly free from costiveness; as also his
Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to possess pecu
liar properties adopted to female diseases, but licuig
satisfied that a bare trio./ is sufficient to establish what
has been said in the minds of the most skepucal
The afflicted are knitted to call upon the agent and
procure (gratis) one of the Docuar's pamphleto, giving
a detailed account Meech remedy and its applicatunt
For sale by the following agents, as well us by most
Manilas throughout the country:
J h oonmo k er& Co, 21 Wood street, Pittsburgh;
111 Townsend, dniggist, 45 Market st
Lea A Beckham, near the P. CS Allegheny city;
Jos Barkley, Darlington, Heaver county, Pa.
Jno Elliott. Ennon Valley,
T Adams. 'knitter, "
nor ladly
. .
ItEtr Ulm fug a for longtime been alistre:sed
with a revere pain in the lute and chest, a9cotnitaand
with a dry rough, I WWI induced, span tie urgent soli
citation 01 a Mend, to Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver
wort, and I must say this medicine has answered its
purposs admirably. My distress was produced Ly a
severe hart, and was so great that it was with dutieully
I li out swallow my tool.lndeed, I um scouted tide
disease must have terminated in Consumption, or sea.
fatal disease, bad it not been mired by tins tad:mous
medistie. To all who seek to prolong their lives, I
woufd u edvise die use of Inc. Taylor's Batmen of I aye r•
wort JAMES uot9 AN, 4145 Bowery.
Thu medicine farnimtes expectoration, reduces fe
ver, restores strength, and may be considered an
perior preparation tOr the core and prevention or all
diseases in the Chest and Lungs, and should be recoil
ed to, even niter these diseases Move resisted the usu
al remedtes. In the prarolce of this old and re
spectable physician, this Balsam of Liverwort hivery .
quired all enviable rep tenon for 11, virtues, as supe
rior to that of the abundant nostrums of the day, as
wits the °Mum ter and probity of its inventor, to that
of quarks and empines.
CONSUMPTION CUBED —Nly son home n vio
let:, cold, used to eaogh violently, nosing qummies of
thick putrid matter, and finally he :meld not turn over
in bed, from weakness. He manifested e
of confirmed consumption For six yes.very
he t h n ad
beet: subject to Me asthma. His physlciens, Messrs.
Veritioule & Anders s aid ha was incu
T rable, and
must tem on,
die. Yet I was determined to try Dr uy•
lors Halsain of Liverwort, anal strange as may ap
pear, this medicine has fully resiored his health.
SOPHIA. GALLON, 14 Norfolk :meet.
Sold In Pittsbergia by J I) Morgan, 03 Wood at;
Townsend, 45 Market st ; It Striper, car Market and
11113; !lender:WM& Co, 5 Liberty at. Price reduced
to .21,50 per bottle. MA/
Jaynaar Expectorant.
Est. : Control:tem 00,0., Apr. 24, 1141.
TIR.D. JAYNE-1.3: Hasa Sin—l feel bound to you
I) and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op
porundty of giving publicity to the extraordinary r 11,-cts
of your Expectorant on myself. Havilbeen afflicted
for several year. with u severe coug beetle fever
and its concomitant diseases, and meter only doomed
to linger oat a short but miserable axisteme, until the
full of 1832, when, being more severely attacked, and
having restarted to all my Mawr remedies, and the pro
scriptions of two of the most respectable physicians in
the neighlmrliond without denying any benefit, or the
consolatim of surviving but a few days or weeks at
farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to
vanish, I had recommended to me your EApectormit—
and blessed by dint living who does all things in We
use of the means—and contrary to Mc expectations of
my physicians and friends, I war in a few days raised
from my bed, and eras enabled by the use of a bottle, to
ottend to my business, enjoying since better health than
I bad for ten years previous.
Respectfully yours, he,
Jan. W. F-rriu.
For sale to Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, T 2
Fourth street. mare
I t O l U y SS I:.:„Lw'Sr A y, balsa.Tol
and lonic ropertkro oar
Vinegar render it far superior to C.rog r ne water fur
the ordinary purposes of the toilet, surp.sing the lat
ter in In perfetee. It prevents and removes pimples,
truer and asperity of the skin, it refreshes and whitens
die skin, rendering it soft and sincsith. It corrects We
clammy and bitter taste of the mouth, tmpanmg a fresh
and pleasant breath. It cleanses and
teeth, and hardens the gums. For all the above pie.
poses, it L used with water in such proportion us may
be found most agreeable. Hy Inhaling It and rubbing
it on the temples, It will remove headache. II applied
instantly to barn or bruise, it will ill
pre unit
mortification. It correct vmumd air, und guanynues
from edneigion; It Is therefore very useful for ptrlifiing
and perfuming apartments. For sale by
It id SELLERS, NVholesule Druggist,
metal. 57 Wood street,
Dr. fileMicne in - Tenn .
is to certify that I purchased one vial of Be.
MoLane'l Worm Specific, some two months ago.
,and gate to a eon of same, some seven years old, two
inavoolis fall, and although the /LlAaunt may appear
largo, yin / bare no doubt but there was upwards of
irWei tiOnaOsn wools passed from him, measuring
aas quarter of an inch to two inches long.
Rona', Creek% Carrel co. Tenn_, Dec 27, 1847. ja2l
SELLERS' VERIIII/110F. c, 1 , 02 4 F . t ) (7 . 1A ,z,
Mx R e g Sellani,—Your Verinifuge has sold well,
and lasheen highly spoken oft by all who have used
Frain the success attending administration of
your Vermifuge se ll ery ease have heard of, I an:
confident I min se man, during the emng season
than I did last I will be gin,' to receive another sup
ply .r 4 9r 5 greets. Yours, rmpectfully,
{Extract from letter.] IL CARTER.
Prepared and sold by IL E. SELLERS, 57 Wood at,
and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al
Is_gbay. bar
I A . 7 . TUMICAN. r-I. rrrrann. ono. a gownwn.
. No. 152 Second stract,
mchndecon ST. LOUIS, MU.
rrilE anbseriber has removed hie Wholesale Grove•
ry Store to the Comer of flanesmir creel anti Alle
gheny Wharf next door to the Perry posse.
tochg7altf /MINI , . PERRY.
Aoiset7G - i;ri ieicitied — a - ssoitt
meet of fine Wittebea and Jewelry, which will
be sold as cheap as in any other establishment In this
or the Eastern
Also—.A.!lorgo lot of variety store Wowlsar; and Jew
elry, int tory LOW once. Fall jewelled IS k arathold
Lovers, as low as Ilarty-avo dollars.
tamer 4th and market sts
I*i Orritingood GarrSem.
FIE hes and fast running strain boat THOMAS
seoTT, leaves the larcener...l Wharf Boat, at the
entry half how daring tno day, landing at the
garden gate.
SA...collection of the choicest Greenhottse Plants
irsior alibi In the Ondan. ,Ice Creams and other re•
(regiments famished la he
rlteeuets put up at the •honest notice. Ontere for
IBosinecii.ll at dm wharf bekt, will mecive prompt's
TITS co-pormership heretofore existing between the
subsertbers, in the name of Friend, Riley Co.,
mins this day dissolvedby mutunl consent. Geo. Filmy
will settle the business of the concern, for which par
pose he is authorized to use the name of the firm.
February 7, LAU.
The subscribers have thw day associated UlPl2lll4lloes
ill the name of MIRY, AIATIIIEWS 1 Co, for the
porpose of transaelmg a general Grocery. Commission
and Forwarding Gasolene, at the stand of the late 6rm
of Friend, Rhey er. Co., where they will he pleased to
receive the patronage of the MUMMY of that house
and our friends. RIIEY,
February 7,1549.
We take pleasure in recommending to the confiden
of our friumln and thoseof Friend, Rimy & Co., o
suereraors in 'Justness, Rimy, Matthews & Co.
THE co-partnershm heretofore rowing between the
subscribers, In lite name of IfinnWtle, florke
Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent Alessi.
Burke A. Barnes will arthle the business or the con
cern, for which purpose they are authorised to use the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undenteed have this day aquae inted thentnelve
in the name of BURKE & BARNES, for the purr...
of anufacturing Fire Proof Saren, Vault Doom. &
tee ,m at the .mud of the lute firm of Countable. Durk
Co., where they will be plenumd to receive Me pa
Donne of the routornert of that house , and their friend.
In mitring from the Arm of Constable, Burke k Co,
I With sincere pleasure re mend Messrs. Burke fr.
)brae,ea the confidence of my friends and the public.
M`Cord h King, was loat;.',"..".`..",hs.fino"rved
on the Ist inst. The basin» will bm closed at the old
stand 1 wither of os, using the name of the firm for
that purpose. Being desirous to have our business
cloyed with as ante delay we possible. we Would re
spectfully request those indebted to call and settle
their accounts. JOHN D. 11.1 . C0H11,
lulal H. D. KING.
TOIIN D. ?HUMID Loving assoetated moth him ha
brother James Al'Cord. under the style of M'Cord
k Co., will counting the Hat, Cap and Far business itt
all ils varinax branches wholesale .d retail, at rho
old stand, earner of %Voo, and fit/ street., where they
solicit n ronunuation of the patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old firm. JOHN I) RI'lX)R11.
N reusing from the old and well known firm of
M'Cord in King, I moat reapeetflly reeoramend to
the patronage of the public my stieersoars. kleors.
Ateord rot) H. I). EMI.
THE partnerslop f SIERVIIIi k LEE is this day
dissolved by tautest consent. The boon.) of the
late into will he settled H. Lee. J. R. hIERPIII,
Pittsburgh, Jan. So, lota. 11. LEE.
NOTICE—The underugtted e.,11 continue the Woo
ht,onese and attend to the sale of Woolen GOIAS, 6
the ohl stand. 11. LEI—
In retiring from the firm of Murphy A Lee. 1 take
great pleasure in recommending Mr. 11. Lee to the
confidence of toy blends and the public.
Pittsburgh, Jan. 3U, 1549. J R. MURPHY.
subacribers have tin; day essociated them
'. selves together for the purpose of transacting a
wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business,
at No :HO Liberty, appoint,' Seventh street, under dm
style and firm of 1111811 FIELD ik HAYS.
Pittsburgh, January 1, IMO.
N. B.—Our old customers and the public are Invited
to vim). a eau.
have entered into partnership, under the atm of
FE A ATICINSON. and will carry on the Tin,
Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory.
Al,, Illacksuuthlng in all its branches, at the old
stand of Wm. It. Senile. fleet Street. near Wood.
Partieular attention given to amantimat work.
11AVE this do:._ unmelated with pre In the whole-
Smle Grocery, ,Produce and COMMi.IOOII business,
other Joseph, under the firm of J. S DILWORTH
January ISO.
C0 -PAR T NICILSIIII.—Wm. Young having this
day associuted wing him, John R. M'Cune, Me lea
ther bosoms will hereafter be conducted under the
firm of Wm. Young Zr. Co. %ViLLIA,II YOUNG,
lean JNO. IL MailL'NE.
TAltlIll.4 D LOCKWOOD, (for many years moires
es cd with Messrs. Wiley and Panne., and hoe John
Wiley, New York and Londond has essablisliet/
llookselliag House at No. ID Wood street, between :Id
and 4th crams, wham may be Kauai a valuable caller
A IITIJORS, at prices an low asin the Eastern cite.. II:it . ENULISSI and CONTINENTAL:F:OOII.'3, Re
v.teses, 111mvrines,Nwspaprria„NIghtigiTMOVISr
CHV I S um e t t T ire i S to r s tSceive their books duty.
try - I.4tglitili and Amerman Catalogues famished ca.
us to all thole who desire them, rat. nt per luau to
say address.
J. D. L. will always Ire happy to exhibit to ladies and
gentleman his hooks, and inteart to thew any tinware
non which be may p.-scan regulole:l Men.. tu)l.o
Remain., with an aceount of a visit to the
Chaldean Chrmaanssaf Kurdistan, and the Yeratlis. or
De•ti Worslimpers, and an inquiry 11,10 the mners
and acts of the ancient Assyrians; Henryby Austen H
Layurd, Esti , D C.l) Joel recd and for tale by
ANIKS LOCKWOOD. Bookseller and Importer
of Foreign Hooks, &I Wood ntreet, has on hand •
valuable roltepuon a 1 English and Alnennan Books
In the different departments of Literature, Mlde h he
prep:Ted to 411 as low as they eau be obtained 10 the
Erodern cities
4:ryrh.b nd Contmental Book, Review., Maga.
Lilt, and Newepapere, imported to order.
Tim price any Renew, Nlapartne or Newspaper,
may lte aneertamed on apPltuitton to Mr 1..
littelteb and American Cattrior.o, et. formatted Knorr
Air 1.. sulendl to atm the &later,' eine, in a few
days, and will be happy to enema, any order. lor
on the
Hooka, F . ngracsues or Stationery, et .1:12/1 advanco
N EW 8.001
with a %.' , 4—Layardhi Nineveh and Fremont.,
ll account ol elan to the Chaldean l'hro.
naps iitirdi•tan, and ihe Vends., or Lh'vtl•Wor.hip
per., and an inquiry into the manlier. and arts of the
Ancient Amyl - lane, with Cuintroductory letter by 0
Robinson. 2 vole. octavo, with about ll*
Cliched'. Lecture* on lire Pilgrim'. Prove.. I vol,
Moo. pace reducal to 51 ,11.1
Crudele. Concordance, conderwed•
3lacaulay's If/story of England, Harper'. rd,
two vols. octavo— large pant and fine paper, per net.
73 cents.
Getrcnimd Hebrew and Engint Lextron; nrvr rd
proved. For wlc by II IItrPKINS.
Ith e 4 nen, worAi
Roo 11 W Noel.
The Chosen ut Earnest, by Rev J Angel Jame ,
Ailince to young Men, by T $ Arthur, attt
lt °nag lashes
Essays of Ells—Charteti Larnh
Eptilenne Cholera, by I'rot Coventry
Cyulin , rtho of blond and Religious Anecdot e s.
ColOpicie Works of Charlotte Eltsabeth,
oel plates.
mn . by her husband. rola, so. Illustrated wok
Oregon nod California in Isla by Judge norm°.
The late Expedition to the Dead Sao.
Proverb@ for proople; hookranonsfflf Practical
Coodllnese drawn the of SVtkiftint. E L
E,„..ersity Sermon', by Dr IVityland.
Elements of Meteorology, by J Brook lesby, A. Al. '
sale by It HOPKINS,
tay7 Apollo Iluthhog,Mit
M AN PRISIEVAL: or The Cortantunon and Prim,
boo COIIIIIIIOII Of the !Inman tieing. A contribu
tion to Theologleal Science, by John Hums, D. It.
Lectures to Vaasa; Men on venous Important sob
/eels: by II W
Chamatig's Works, complete: 0 vole, Isms
The worts bf T S Arthur, uniform ed. If, solo. Just
read by 41)Il R I/OPKINS,4th sk near wood
—Unlon of Church and 2Alst.., by
M ACAULA Y'S ENGLAND—Harpers tine adman,
8 en
portstuts• cloth-75 is per volume
For sale by JOIiNSTUN & salteliTOttl.
corner Market and 3d sts
BOOKS".—Edgur's Variations of Popery.
by Rev C Sperry; Xenophon's Works& Tacos.'
Works; University Serums, by Wayland; Natural
iltstory of Enthusiasm; Life and Times or Philip hen
ry; Life of Res Henry `Jelin; Proverbs of the People
of Magoon; Theophany, or insmsfestauon of tiod in
Christ; Memoirs of J Powell Ihmon, Bart; eh nst to
all, by Tyag; Itapttsm j its import and modes; The Mid
dle )Ungdom 2 sole; Cheesers Lectures on Pilgrun's
Progress. Cheercer WandeCon s rings of a Pilgrim to the
Alps; Adderson's Domestic titutio ,n• Modern Ac
complishments; Last days of Elisha; Women o the
Revolution, by Mrs Mich Life of Pollok; for onir by
marl 2 ELLIMT & ENGLISH, :V wood Ft
LT UMAN hIAGNETISAI—Its claims to depasston
ii. ate impury; being on attempt to show the utility
its eipplmonon for Me rehef of suirerinss by W.
Newoham, FAT, author of "The recirocal induence
of Body and Mind," cm. The best work on the subject
pnbiilicd. For sale by ta.Livrr & ENULISIS,
mart 2
711 wood at
,f KW 110083.—Oregon and California In le4at by
&I J. Quinn Thornton, lute Judge of the Supreme
Court of Oregon, and corresponding member or the
American Institute. With an appendix, including re
rout and atithenue utfortualmn ots the subject of the
(101.1) MONEY of Cal/forma, and other valuable mat.
ter of interest to the emigrants, etc. With Illustruoons
and a mop. In two volumes.
Raphael; or pagan of the book of life at twenty: by
Alphonse de Lemartine, author of the .111 story of the
Girondists, or Personal Memoirs of the Putztow of the
nch Revolutton,. ate. Just received and for sale
corner market and 3d its
the DLH •
attentton o pub ICODIE lic in rea TIG
pactmoy °idled to
A the hallowing certificates:
S. ilaatra--Huclog tested gmmtlty of (told
weighed by your Arcomotor, I find the result proves
your instrument curroch hod recommend the use of It
to those going to Cultfornia, as the beet method (or oh
taming the real Yaluo of (MM. [lnsp. yours,
J. IL DUNLEVY, Gold Beam.
Pittsburgh, March 10,1842.
Trainman, March 7, IMO.
Rolm—Dear It,. Having a/mined the "Arco
meter," manulacturail at your rooms, I do not helmet°
to commend to Me roam' those gentleman who axe
about removing to California in search of Gold.
It gives a close approximation to the specific yawl
ty of metals, and will Matronly enable the &daemons
to ascertain Men his placer le yielding Gold.
e-f!? , Vann, really, llt P.PCLINTOOK,
_T ve7ll7 — fatliNTOCkli, No. 7I Ft7oriVstreet,
eon beacon et splendid variety of asp Royal Vel
vet and Tepenry Carpets, Isms; styles. Also, Beare
vele,3 plysand sup and fine Ingram Carrell, or sup
styles and qualitieN sad in commotion can always he
(send Table Linens, Crashes, Diapers, Damasks, Mo
ravia, Oil Cloths,lre. to,, to all of winch we call the
attention efthwpublic. tarn
THIS establishment long and widely known as
being one of the most esitaaatethalla to the city of
Baltimore, hos recently andergorte very exten
sive alterations and improveraents. An entire new
wing hits been added, containing immerens and airy
sleeping apartments, and ertensivnbathing mores.
The Ladies' department hue also lmen completely
reorganised and fitted up to a RIM unique and bet:oo
- style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House
has been remodeled, vith a single eye on the part of
the proprietors, tower& the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidently assert will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always lie supplied with every sub-
Menial and luxury which the minutet affords, served
up In a superior style; labile In the way of Wines, he.,
they will no be wwpassed_
In conclus i o n the pmprietors beg to ray, that nothing
will lie left undone on their part, and no the part of Lbws
assistants, to tender this Hotel worthy the continued
PsWOnaga Or their friends and the public generally.
The paces for board have also been reduced to the
fallowing rats.:
Ladies' Ordinary, 11,75 per day.
Gentlemen's ' 1.0
N. 11.--The Barrier Wagon of the House will al
bey found at th e Car and Steamboat landmga,
winch will convey baggage to end from the Howl, free
lmesas or rem. •im sr. ant e nil, , termanuatt, PA. a The sulinerther having assumed the manage
ment of thin long established and popular lintel.
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
to o, e r i aly
h t amt ht i I , l h b m e o ni
d a!l i t m ina b o le u
regulated Hotel. The House is Dow being thontnighlY
repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no
Pouts will be. spured to make the Exchange one of Me
very hest Hotels in the country.
unde r sig n edundesined romper-Wally solicits continuance
of the r patronage the House h. heretofore
Colehltf Proprietor.
MEM Or nitrite rirre •TitCrrii, rid THE subscriber mspectfally announces that
he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of travelers, boarders,
and the public generally. The house and re
are tire entirely new, and no puns or expense have been
spared to render il one of the most comfortable and
pleasant Hotels in the city.
The subscriber is determined to deserim, and there
fore solicits, a slum of public patronage.
JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor.
Cilletriirr ST., s =WM. MM. sea
IPPOSITE late Bank of the United States, Phil..
kj &Aphis. M. POPE MITCHF.I.I.,
murex Proprietor .
Scrip at Par,
KLEBER, at IVoalwellit, No. RI Third weer,
All a otters (or sole an elegant lot Qatari/nes Pia
no*, (Boston) at the lowest cash Rate ' for Pittsburgh,
Allegheny city, and County Scrip. They compme
from 6 in' titmice', and were relented by Mr. Chtek
ering for thin market. They are warranted to be equal
to any to the city, having ail the latest improvements,
such or circular scale, etc.
Buyers arc Invited to call previous to purchasing
eltrwhere, and. also. to bring with them some goal
Judge. professional or otlterwtse. to judge of the quali
ty of the above instruments.
N. B.—Written guarantee, will be given with each
Piano, entitling the holder to exchange in case the it.
stnament be proved to the least degree imperfect, or
Nutty. m 74 K.
Slinklett & IV hitt,
DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 Wood street, ask the
attention of Merchants to their stock of AMERI
direct from fir.t hands.
Receiving mauler .up I ts . of first goods during di.
season, and devoting a e share of their anenuoi
to Eastern Auction sales. t ey can confidently assu •
buyers they wilt find it to their interest to examm•
the. stock
totalVed, little invoices of nniO style Dress
Goods, Fancy Pddts, Comintern., Cloths, Summer
Goods. Lace. White Goods, Irish Linens, Tailors'
Trimmings and brown and bleached Sheeting. of wal
e. brands. am
modern and Antique Furniture,
83, nfl. Srneur, Prrnetraon.
A large and splendid
assollencOt of FUritittkr,..,
saimhle for S.ambouts,
Hotels and private dwel-
Imp, constantly on hand and made to order.
'The presont stout on hand cannot be exceeded by
any' manufactory in air western country. Persons
wishing to- purchase would do well to glee lac a call,
as lam determuted my prices shall please. Part of
the meek cOnsisw
Tete a Tete; Buffet nageie;
Louts XIV Chairs; Queen ELDabeth charm;
Tau. Boyse; Fruit Tables;
Toilet Tables; Louis X V Coruruoder;
Franch Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stool,
do mtflui with Plush and Ilsur-cloth CZIIIII4
SO Mahogany Rocking Chairs;
40 dos l'arlor do
'• Panes do
US centre Tables;
pair Wilms, 4 pair pier Tables;
marble top Dressing Darnall,
8 Wardrobes; Sceretanes and Book cave,
20 marble top Wash Stsuuls;
4 paw Ottomans;
g ruistiout,
A very large assortment of common chairs and other
furniture too numerous to mention.
jor-- Steam Boats tinmshed on the shortest notice,
id on the most reasonable terms. declfi
Chocolate, Cocos, L..
W. Baker's Amer - wpm and l'rench t hocolate, f . repar•
ed Cocoa, Cocoa Brom, Came :shells, Ae
rift) uterrliao, and rommitn-rs. ho would rumbas.-
the hest products it t oeun, tree trout 11th11,1.4011,
mon. nutrition, Man tea or rode, and in quality unsur
passed, the subset-MI, recommends the almve anieles,
manufactured by himself, and stamped youth hi. mune.
MG Breton and Cocoa four,
na delicate, palatable,
mid salutary (nuts for invalirk, ennealesceuts, and
other, are pronounced by the trio, eminent phymetans
supertor to any other preparatroos flot trmufacturc•
are always nu sole, In any eurtnuty, by the most re•
Foretold* grogers to the eastern cities, and by then
agents, A. co, of Boston; James M Butter
A. en, Ilarttord, Conn; Hussey A Murray. New York;
Grant A Slone, Philadelphia, Toorna• V Erundign, Bal
timore; and Kellogg A Bennett, Cnteinnatt, Ohio
WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Mass.
For sale by anal ItAIiALEY Agts
Wrought anti C ut
lIIE subscribers beg leave to inloriu the pubbe that
I they have obtained from the East all the late and
fasittonable designs (or Iron Railing, both (or housua
and cemetencs Persons wishinx to procure hand
some patterns please cali and examtne, and Judge
for themselves Sodom well be furnished at the shord
est notice, and In the best manner at the corner of
Craig and Rebeee• streets, Allegheny city
etorga-dif A LAMON't & KNOX
!Mann fac t otred l'ObacceZ
O 1 2 1 5 X :i 4 0 11; I n A try n t i, Rgater's sup.ylor rot , er' , s Ips;
IS hi do Price tr. Ilarwood's
SI do do do
!d, do F'earl & 11arsvoal " " &
11 do J Robinson
57 hf dn do " " 5 •
XI do do Win ILavnion
TI do T "
:17 do Li Arojerusa
do I. T " S . •
1 do It Moron's
do Ltatelid
Jost landing (rum steamer nod packets, end for sale
41 north water nt and In north wharves.
Or Son'ssuperior sweet lt, lumps.
75 half bas LVebster Old superior sweetss lumps
to " Lowt..lll, ruder ho
90 " Dupont (de In Sure)
llr" 111rLond
" Lawrenor Lofton " ken plug
Jun landing (ruin nearnor, and for 'Wein
1114ALD, 111.1CKNOR 2c.
41 N water nn and 12N wharven,
WI-: are null engaged In the above. borrow., corner
of Maxi and Third street, ritteliurgh, where
we are prepared to do arty work ru our liar with des
patch. We aueng to our work ricrrottally, und rillin
factian will Ire given rn regard to tic neatness nod an
Blank Banks ruled to any pattern and bound sub
stantially. Rooks in numbers orold hook. hound care
fully or repaired. Names put on books in ght /otter,
Prose that have work tit our line are invited to call.
Prices Ipro. mpahtf
tIALF SKINS-Ldo dui geniliftilPi.i. - - Skitti, a
net fine article. A few dozens Philadelphia
Skins, from the ritnouractory of II Id Crawford to
which the attention of hoot makers is invited. Just
received and for sate by W YODNIS A. Co,
ICI liberty at
- NoViefs.
_ . _ _
LfAPINIJ sold our cadre stock to C. 11. GRANT, with
a viewto cloong our old business, welterrby so
for him the patronage of all our (trends and mits
tooter. RO. W. POINDEXTER,
Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 184 d.
CClsale 11. GRANT, Whole Grocer, Commis.ion and
. Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water sL nett
. .
AHELL - AND BRADS '1 7 01.1 - Pitilif. ---
A FULTON,I3eII land Brass Founder, has re
built and commenced businesa at his old wend,
where he will be pleased to sae hie old custom
era end friends.
Gitareb,Staambout, and Bells of every sign, loom 10
to 10,000 poooda,Caat (19:11 patterns orate moat appear•
ed model+, and warranted to be Grillo best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps,Counters, Bulling, fee., toga
noir win, over; varialy of Brass Bastian., it ragweed,
Inroad and bombed to the neatest manlier.
A. F is the sole proprietor of Ilsonte's Ann-Arm.
Thal MaTal., so juat:y celebrated for the redaction of
(moon in inaohtnory. The Bolas and Composmon
Cask be had of him at all times. nvttay
MEE subscribers havin g the exclusive Agency for
selling the Printing Paper eta new and extensivepaper mill in this viettuty, will be at all trams well sop.
plied with the thfercitt sixes at paper ufinipellai qUaL
ty, which we oder at the lowest regular pnces.
Any sale or quality will be manufactured to order at
short notice. REYNOLDS Cc SHEE,
iso timcomer Penn and Irwin 'as
NDIA It' VEBER CLOTHING—Jost received for the
California Expediuoth a complete assortment of
Dam Eleatic Clothutc, at price. rangier; from Attu
811su fur suit of coat, punts and lam For sale at the
India Rubber Depot, No Ii Wood
dce9J kit PHILLIPS
tjURTEECKIVEI3—TOWn - tnage of those so
celebrated liantlionth Pianos, used constantly by
Tbalberg and other great performers, together
with a large assortment 4( rosewood and mahogany,
of my own tri.nufneture. The above instruments are
warranted is be parlem in every respect, and will be
sold low fur moth. - P BLUME,
deem Nn OS Wend st.a.rl door frem fiat
rn oFier, In liege, hail
Co, 27w00d .1
nereatt's Patent,. Soda A.h.
202 CAMS just received per mummers Wenhen
end St Cloud, and for =tie by
neehts IGO Liberty st
L INSEED Ul4-lo bble more and fot •aleßy
come, Liberty and Si Chus sts
I2Esons: a/LS.IEIOW AAR al co."
No. 81 Wood Street,
IiTOULD call the .nee ion of the public to their
1y present stock of Paper Hanging., which (.! va
riety, beastly of finish, durability and cheap:nen; to 00-
au .seed by nay establishment in the Unto.
Besides a large and fall assortmem of paper of their
own marmfacture, they aro now receiving a direct bts•
poriallon of French and Engliah etylesolTaper Hang
alnow tn ga, purc Eu hased by Mr. Levi Howard, ono of the Ann,
rope, consisting of
Parisian atanufaelure, 10,M0 places.
London do 6,000 do
Of their own unumfacture they haveMlXl v =
Wall Paper, lad LUDO pieces satin g
Messrs. James Howard & Co. have spared runihm
expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the east.
ern wall paper establishatema, both fa quality of man ,
ufaenue and variety of pattern. =ld they are warrant.
ed in assuring the public thatt hey have meceeded.
The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac
ture, will he offered on fen. as low as those of tart.
ern manufacturers and Importers. mehndif
G. Dl...Mut:Di
Of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia.
And General Comma Saxton Blerobtantx.
No. 423 Mon. Simi, between Eleventh and
riplll4 nil...ethers be leave respectfully to acquaint
Al„ then (nand. and the pnelic that they lase assn•
mated themselves In Philadelphia, for the purpose of
transacting a General Commission linsiness,and trust
that long expectance in business will secure to them
felt patronage.
ED- Pante:afar attention be given to sal-
Flour end Produce generally; and any purcluoe
the Philadelphia market for Westetra account.
REFERENCES—The metehants of Pitzsburgb am
end ly; Springer ir. Whiteman, Lehraer & Anacreon,
Cthetnnau, Ohio; D Newcomb & Bro., W B
Lewis Ruffner, Jas Todd, Louisville, Ky.; Crow, Mc
emery A Barksdale, St Louis, Mo.• Hewitt, Norm. A
Co, W A Violeu, Netv Orleans, Lit.; Gill Odletta&
Noyes, riPOregor A Morris, New York; W R Thorap
son A Co., John Tiers A Co, Peter Marseilles, 13 Al
Jones, Deal, & Burt, Philadla. ap4]nr
Attorney mod Connullor at Law,
Will gave particular !mention to the collection of
Claims, and MI money received, shall be remitted
without delay.
Ravramtcan—Hon R. Coulter, Supreme Bench, Pu.;
Messrs. Lynn, Short, & Co. St. Louts; Wood, Abbott A
Co. Phlladna, Jon If Brown & Co. do; Mr. Charles kl•
Welling, do; Eno, Mahoney & Co. New York; Chinon
den. Bliss & Co. do., Boucher & Orendore, Baltimore;
W F& A hlurdpeth, do; Love, Martin & Co. do; Mr.
John Falconer, Menu. Lorenz, Sterling tr, Co. Pitts
burgh; Forsythe & Co. do; Hampton, Smith & Co. do;
Mr. L S Waltman, do. meloßaLlm
1\11:1 7 1 COMBS—At ZEJ.IUI i ON KINSEY'S, 67 Mar
ket street—
/ dos very high bulk Shell Tuck Combs;
3 " medium " " " "
I " narrow beaded top 0
50 " Macy top Buffalo
to " plain ,
20 gross cam. Item llidot shell side, Besotted ri
2"1,T.1.7,71.`fd h 07 d l er t d ron I i do d ; 70 "i d " o g b!s o i
Englian Hong 6d06 S S fin e Ivory, erten Ilse; IS do
9 9 do do, in boxes; 1.2 gross 8 fine do do; 1 do comb
WATEIitY,I rigarsa. 3061117 A NOMA. WIC I- Wart
(Successors to Hussey, H.. CO.)
13 in Foreign and Domestic Enshrine, Certificates
of Deposita, Hank Nos, and Speefe--Fourth street,
nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo
ney received on deposite—Sight Checks for sale, and
collections made on nearly all the principal points in
the United States.
• .
The highest premium paid for Foreign and kmeri
Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship
ped Eat,s on liberal terms.
Po auto Sacra= /Am mar Ist, 150.
Patent rm.-lever extexnern Wiles, Softy, Bocreane,
Baqk Casa, Writing Deake.
THE TABLES far surpeasing every other in
, vention of the kind now extant. They can be ex
tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when cloned
the leaves are all contained inside; they art made to
all aims mul shape*, and are admirably adapted for
Steamboats, Hotels, and large private families, ferin
ing when dieted a complete centre table.
SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are Inval
uable, particulerly to those mho- wish to econo
mise room, and convert sleepingapartment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they can be ap
opened and chat
at convenience, and when shot, the bedding is enclos
ed. A great saving in room and rent. All the bed
steads when closed form a beantifal piece of farmture
fer a parlor or gifting mom.
BOOK CASES—A neat and useful article for parlor
or drawing
WRITING DESKS—For lea/Maces, cotattiat moms,
and other offices; when opened a meat convenient bed
stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone
is visible.
AL the omelet need no recommendation: the
twenty Of the whole Is, they are warranted not toget
out.of repair. It will be for your interests to call and
examine the articles, at the manufacturer', store, No.
xt Thinl street, Punburgh. In addition to the above
advantages, they are proof against bugs.
ISlCkt.DAirk - Albli i itfetreTartlifto — Dir.
171 JAVNF.—Ttus certifies, that immediately oiler
having attended my brother,. who died of consumption
in March, 1142, I was taken sick with the Consumption
or Lire, Complaint, and was reduced so low with the
Macaw, Mut for four years I was unable to attend to
my litione•‘, vino, at hfimo or brood, being for the
o ne
confined to my brit Dunn,g tbe above Peri
od of time , had mtpendeil for medical attendance o
regular Physicians and mediemes, to the amount of
Vino, without reemvtng any benefit therefrom. In
July, ts.S, I commenced taking Dr. Jayue's Medi
eines, and Lave taken them more or less over since,
and LieLeve that it was by persevering in their use,
that I ran now truly say that I have completely rend..
erred my health. I behove that Joyne's ganauve pais
and Espectorent are the best family medicines nom in
I reside in Springfield, Otsego county, M. V., and
c•rry on a (ornate and machine shop In that place,
and am not interested in any manner m the sate of the
above medicines, and make this eenificate for the ben
efit of those Whined. ELLJAH EATON.
Springfield, N. Y. Sept. 14 lets. -
MANuFAcTll6:ls — Ttiiirdcti:—The sulvacribei.
would call the attention of the etty trade and
dealers generally, to the following brands Tobaccos,
in more and to arrive, which being consignments di
rect from manufacturers, he a enabled to all at east
ern prices:
Rd I boa R W Crenshaw *
" James Madison ss;
" Lamell.
33 " Mirabean ke;
U 9 f .• Pulllikell • Nv and Is;
td # Roberts & Sisson ss;
Oscat Burl
" Johns & Leans
" Warwick, nape Is;
48 " Henry & lamp 51. :wend as;
Pitt ',lactase Worke—iiiiniroirasialy—
TOIIN WRIGHT & Co, me prepared to build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery of every description, such
in Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders,
Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpeni,Spootets,
Dressing Frames, Looms, Card (Jtinders, ae. Wrought
Iron Shafting turned; all sines of Cast Iron, eallies and
Hanger. of the latest patterns, slide and mud Lather,
mid ...ll* of all kinds. Castings of every description
furnished on short notice. patterns made to order for
DL II Gesnitg, Iron Railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for beat
ins, Factor:co, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy CI.-
ttn:• generally. Orden lell at thy Warehouse of J.
Putnen & Co., Liberty street, will have prompt alleri•
Refer to Blockstock, Dell to Co. K. Moorehead &
Co., G. R Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Pittsburgh i G.
C. to J. IL Warner, Steubenville. Tonle
Penntt r iiiettlice — g6iip.
TT NOIR llTMAN—illmmfactianar of ill kinds of cot
ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa.
The above works being now in full mad successful op
eratlon, I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in my line, such as willows,
pickers, spreaders, card. grinding =chines, mitways,
drawing fmntee, speeder,, throssils, looms, woolen
cards, doable or magic, for merchant or country work,
mules„aacks,&c.; slide and hand lathes and tools in gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or pl.e giv
en for gearing (octane. or mills at reasonable charge.
6rr611 ro—Kennody Childs to Co, Blackstock, Lien
to CO., King, Pennock & Co, Jas. A. Gray.
NEW coetaiLVAirrosy,7 ------
A. WHITE a Co. would respectfully inform
the public that they horn erected n shop on
!rico< k, between Federal nod Sandanky streets. They
ore now making and are prepared to receive orders for
even, description of rehtcles, Coaches, Chariot's, Lta
roaches, Ruggles, Humans, at., at., which from their
Lorg ,l e.:pe r Limme in the manufacture of the above work,
f Ilium they have, they feel confident they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
those wanting articles in their line.
Paying particular anention to the selection of mato
rials, and having none bat competent workmen, they
hare no hesitnuon in warranting their work. We
therefore ask the attention of tlufpublle to thinenaner.
N. It. Repairing done in the beet manner, and Mt the
moat reasonable terms. Jandif
Monongahela Livery Stable.
the large stable on First .4n:inning throsgh
to Second et, between Wood and Saddtrield
sts,ln the rear of the Monongahela. Mine,
with an entirely now stock of Horses 'old Carriages of
the best quality and latest styles. -Hones kept at live
ry In the beet manner. lr2dly
• • • -
Patent Graduated 0.1:1012=0 gam, and Per'
Insulated Paola,. Madded and
I the only instrument ofdie kind tffr V u, ste t
M Is rbeen presented In this country or Europe for mad,
Idol purposes, and la the only encore, known to man,
by which the galvanic field min be convoyed to the htt
man eye, the ear, the brain, or to any part of the body,
either externally or internally, In a definite genus
weans, witlapat shookaor paln—witti perfect safety—
and often with the happiest effects.
This Important wanes. Is nowhifhly approved.,
by ninny of the most eminent phyale Ins of this coun
try and Yampa, to whom the alhieted sad others wham
it may concern can he refetred. nehmen& will also
be given to many highly teepee table citizens, who have
been cured by means of most valuable apparatus
or some of the most Inveterate nervous disorder, which
could not be removed by any other known mama
Among various others, it has been proved to be ad
numbly adopted for the care of the fellovriag Mumma
vim nervous headache and other diseases of the brain
I/ le with due apparatus alone that the operator Can
cottony the magnetic fluid with ease and gamy to the
eye, to restore sight, or cure amaarosas; to the ear to
restore hearing; to the longue and other organs, to re;
store speech; and to the various parts of the Maly, for
the cure of throat° rheumatism asthma, neuralgia, or
tic delourc., paralysis, or palsy, gout, chorea or &
Vlttee dance, epilepsy, weakness from forams, some
dmeases peculiar to lemales, contraction of the Mobs,
lockjaw, etc. eta.
Rights for surrounding “inaUes of Western P , lsitd
privileges, with this instrument, may be purebaae sad
also tested for disturb or limas..
instructions will ber
used me for the serious cloud
cats to be ed for various ,erases, end the best wart.
tier foi eperetkig (or the ease of those dimities wilt el
ro be fully expleined to the puretteser, and • pankpldet
put Intl) his hands expressly for these
oe pus,fi'""""b i ib l4tr% off
Old Plus
..t h
CEEIb-100 bee extra Cilllll2Cbsese, ree'd
sad tot ralt, by my 9 J BBABFIL2,B
WE gre tow f_
S AND e S UMM ERhoe as
sortment of SPRING GOODS,
Selected with mom than small em durin the last few
weeks, in the New York and Philadelp hia
ia markets,.
and embracing a gmatiariety of almost every de
seriptiosof tho latest and samtfashianahle styles, and
a _awl portion of It haviog been bought at the EnS-S
-=N LAUCTIONS at it - gresa redaction Rea the regu
lar rates, we am enabled to offer gre n t . induccatents
to cash buyers, either by wholesale or rant, We
weaLltherefore temetnfally invite the adman of Ili.
public to our Stock, feeling confident of. ougability M
Gait buyers is almost every article they Ixtey'Llaish fa
car Rae. To the ladles we wised especially commend
oar stoe.k of
.BtLiamo DR/1:0 SILLS; of which we have o very
large anddonab beautifal ammo= of the lateen stystyle.ang
atm fadl
LLanniDlSEll o
' Cinema—W=lin de Lathes, Poil do
Chem; silk, linen and Mohair Ltastres, Painted
Lawns, gingham LIMA; Fonlards,new style Ilareget,
English, French and Seolch Gingham., linen al -
ham in great variety, to, Ise.
Boanare—New style Boauleis, very cheap. •
Menem sten Funvints , —.ofthe Imes! styles aid
riOr in qualay.
raausms—A very large and handsalue stool: of Par
asols, of almost' every style and unality.
Saiwto— , A dna 'morn:nem of sprang and summer
MMS, fall styles end prices.
Paancra CLOTnS—A goo,* simply of super French,
English and American Cloths and Casmmeres, to which
we would inviie the attention of persons needing such
ALSD—A full sad suppl of Shirtin Cecks,
llckmes, brown andgeneral
blatmbed Alos y
lins, Tabl g e
Li h nens,
Sbcdtidg., IYapen, Combrics, Drillinge s smouter Comb.
mans' nod boy.' wear, Jsconets, Swiss, Nan•
took., Nankin', Prints, Oingbarns, Crape, Crape Lace,
Cravats, Clovety Hosiery, tilt lidk is, Veils, An. At. .
Persons witting to buy by wholesale, should call
and examine oar stock, as our prices are such a. to
make it their tnterest to buy.
A1.P.1 ANDER A. DAY, 75 'Mutat st,
ap:7l northwest corner or the Diontond:
A. MASON A. Ca., No. 60 Martel street,. have A on hand the largest variety of Banbroulanes
whoc . h they have ever °tiered. Their amoruneut eve
mom in part of the fialloorms goods, vss:
185 rich embroidered Muslin Capes, from 81,50 to 5,00
850 " Collars 171 to Sl,Ott
500 crochet Collars, from 37k to 15
350 lace 8 to 121 •
700 ()impure " 6$ to 121
150 Jerry Land " 825 to 11.,a
180 =rim Habits, " 50 to 1,50
a* pairs muslin Cuffs, " 37/ to 021
C A l so a Mo h u e ch
C o o epace ato m t o o
f Z A .
rr. Co, No 110 Market st.
11 GESS, Moors, has thts morning ro
ceived by Express • lot of handsome straw colored,
green and blue Bonnet frabbons. Also, glossy black
Sulks for dresses, 'flatten, mantillas, Ac.
Bract Stu Late--A large assorurtent lately recem
Warm 0 OOPS for dresses—sock as swms and mall
muslins, Niutooks, ese. Also, embroidered mashes
for dresses, all at lowest prices, at northeast corner
Fourth and Market streets.
Wholesale Rooms ai stairs.myll
Meaner has now open a full assonment of a
above ankles, for dresses and sacks—among the let
ter are soma scarce colors, such as pink, blue, green,
he also, pink, blue, green, and mode colors of Cha
ed mush= and Lawns.
meleon Lawns, and a large assortment s( embroider-
W. IL IL's recent purchase is now all received and
oDan, and parsons warning Dry Goods will do well to
look at his Inge and fresh stock before purchasing—
at northeast corner 4th and market alt
Wholesale Booms ap stains my 2
AItTIFICIAL PLOWElLS—Materials for Anniela
Flowers, via: Plain tisane paper, spotted do, Car
mine paper for relating, Pint Snorers, Gners of eve
ry num, buds, bps, an callows, ean be obtained Ji
P 11 EATON & Co's Trimming Store,
apl4 69 Peurtla si
SHIRCHDERV—Worated ...erns for °item...,
Pinny Bumls, Table Coven, Travelingßage, with
a great variety of em.... 1 patterns. Also, Wormed. of
all colors and shade., by the pound, ounce, or skein
for sale by apl4 F H EATON tr. Co, 62 Fourth at
ECOND SUPPLY—W @Murphy, at noritst co,
ner of 4th and Market meets, has now Op= his
sitcom, supply of spring and summer Goods, and has a
large assortment of Dress Goods of newest styles, and
staple floods of every kind, all of which will he sold
low. ap27
reeetvedrhe above scarce and desirable article,
of the fashionable shade; also, Green Ramses mr.l7
A A. OLSSON & Co, •
60 Maim= Sum,
A HE now openin g the most extensive and varied
es aortment o fSpring and Summer Odods ever
exhibited in the Wuteracounuy, oompriaing upwards et - Maven Hundred Cases, purchased In enuro packa
ges (rem the =winter-toren; importers, and large axe-.
Lion sales, by one of the firm residirtg in New York %.
who is constantly sending 1111 the newest and most
fashioneble goods They name in part—
ial cases rich Spring Panel, 00 muses bi de Lainei
" Lawns imdllialins 33 " cotton and Eden
" bleached Muslins,all Gingham%
30 " col'd Mustie
40 " shtrung Checks and 27 " Blokes Col ton.domestic CUnghams; ades and summer Stuffs
260 " Brown Musbas;
Also, case. and package. of Dminets, Plower., La
ces, Ribbons, Silk., Shawls, Deng., I , l%4f:tooth,
Millinery Articles, Cloths and Casseres, Linens, Ho
lder), end Gloves, ice. Ice.
City and country merchants will find their mock as
large and desirable aa Eastern stock., and an exami
nation of their goods and prices cannot fail to eon.
vines all that with their undeniable advantages and
faeirdiery they can compelesktrtrAltr Enna= lotaU.
1111. fact has been clearly itemonumwd to handled.
of their patrons who fammely purchased Emu. Their
stock will alway. be found mimplete. up 7
tfarC001:18; 1849.
12" ENNEDY it SAWYER, corner Wood and Fourth
street, arc now receiving direct froso first bands,
a lase stock of Fancy and Variety Cowls, including
Clocks of every vancry, geld and silver Watches,
Jewelry, French Prints. Combs, Hooks and Ryes,
Waves and Hosiery, Suspender., Gun Caps, and ail
other article. in their line—all of which having horn
petrehnsed personally of the manufacturers east, ela
ting the last winter, expressiy for the Spring trade,
will besold wholesale al a small advance on east.
CoosaallY on hand, all e - -'istien. of Looking Glmass
es, of our own eastern prices. ien
. _
NW FANCY AND veittnry GOODY--At 1.133
ULON KINSEY'S, 67 Market street.
10u pm tine China Vases, ta.i`d; 175 rots twiot and
cut velvet coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Bags; 31
do do gent's traveling; 100 gross fancy silk Button.,
for dresses; in dos Nall Brushes, ass , d; 1101 gre line
1.11 Vett Ituttonsoisstd; 1210 do do It end plated, do;
00 don roworoal Hair Brushes; 4 do ‘Vashtnison do;
1 do Barbers do, 3 gm Fish Lines; Fish !rooks Lime
rick, Ac.
JEWELRY, &e.-50 gold lever Winches' ' 00 do
lever Watches; 10 do Leith do; - 10 fine dia
mond Mager Rings; 1 dog fine gold Vest and Fob
Chains . !I do do (lauds; Breast Pins, Finger Rings,
Eta &c.
GLOVES, Le.-260 dor. Lodges Cotton Gloves, ses`d;
300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, 41c4 -10 do gents'
silk Gloves; 12 do do kid do; 50 do ladles kid, need; .10
do do fancy top silk.
VARIETY GOODS-75 pkgs American Pins; N.)
Ars Cotton Cords; 73 pe Paper Muslin- 011000 ribbed
Percussion Caps, =gm dress Where-Itono do; Illidos
Ivory Combs, Dressing Combs, Hoek Combs, &c. Act.
.0 9
11. EATON & CO, are now °petting . Wore Spring
stock of Trimming., conskung ionart of MO.
tll a and Dress Fringes, (Amps, Mack ad cold Silk
Laces, blaek Flounce Lae°, Buttons, Ands, Bonnet
Trimmings, gents, ladies and children. plain and fan
cy Hosiery, Shirk (or men and boys, Combs, I.ory end
other Fan., Yarn, Spool Cotton, Needles , Tapes, Bob
bins, Pins, Ac. ite., winch they der for sale, both
wholesale and retail, at tbrt Trimming Store, 03Pounh
street, between Wood one hlarket. apl4
NEW SPRING GOODS.—A. A. Mows A Co., no.
Mt Market street, are now opening 40 ton, and
packages of splendid SPRING GOODS, comprising
Lawns, Muth., Bereges, 3L de Lakes, Ginghoms,
Prong, French Crinolines, Linens, Ribbons, he n ce,
Silk, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general assort
ment of Goods. mclel7
nEcoVED THIS DAY, Carpeinig and Oil Cloths
it, of We latest and most approved patterns, and at
prices to wit purchasers, and chmip as can be pure
chased in any of the Eastern cities, comprising the fol
lowing varieilos:—
. Extrn Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
Alsrunuster Carpets; onyx= hall roo.lot reel
Tapestry do Oboists.
Sup Royal Brussel. do Tapestry stair carpets;
Ezioc sup 3 ply do Brussels do do
Superfine do do Chemlie Rugs;
Extra sap Ingrain do Tufted do
Superfine, do do Brussels do
Fine do do Cheadle Door mats; •
Common do do Tailed do do
' 4.4, 3-4 A Tapestry Adelnid do do
Damask do Sheep skin do do
4-4,34 A l awed Ye- 13-4 Emb'scil Piano covers
onion do 64 do Tubbs do
4-4, 3-4 A l plan do do 34 wool do do
Conon Ingrain do 6-4 worsted and linen do do
yo Venetian do Bross Stair Rods
S - 4 cotton DrOgltOti • 1 0 -4 wool crumb clothe
12-4 woolen do • . Stole Linen
4.4 do do 0-1 table do
Fnglish Table Oil cloths( Dlepee do
German do do do do Crash
0-4 Floor 011 cloths; • Snow-Drop Napkins;
7-4 do do do Ctimson Plush;
0-4 do do do p qf pk, do
6-4 do do do 'Maroon do
44 do do do Carpet Binding;
Sheet (hi Cloths, of nevrTwasp3it Window Shades
Tapestry patterns, not to fit
LICo the above we are constantly recchringouriipring
Stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths and btesmboat Trimmings,
to which we irwito the attention of all who wish to fur
nish their bousesor steamboats as we will be able to
offer goods as low ay they can' be purchased in the
East, and of the richest and latest nylu, Call end et.
arollla oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. Ware,
house, No 73 Fourth .t. inch.W IV.IIPCLINTOCK.
Large-sr, Cheapest a mart Falluirnala Sbak
of Goods, adapted so Snake:nes Spring mid
Somme Wear ' esjuse reasintng at
t 36 LIBERTY writ Err.
TIM Proprietor of the above establishment would
respectfully inform his IMIXIIIMin customers, that
h e has just returned fine the Bement cities with the
most splendid assortment of goods MIAs hue, that was
ever brought to this city, comprising all that is now
fashionable, elegant .4 Cheap in Cloths, Cassirneres,
Cashmeretts, Drop De ISM, and every description of
cotton, hoe, nod woollen Summer Stuffs; Shins, C mu, vats, Mitts, Suspenders, fen, of the newest tityle
which, together anth his very large and fashionable
stock of ready-made Clothing, ho Is prepared to offer
at his anal low pricei.
Country Merchants, Contractor*, and all who pur
chase largely, are particularly invited to call and ex
amine the stock, which tit decidedly the largest .d.
Most fashionable In the city, and great attention has
been paid to get it up suitable to the erholeattleirada.
Or&ra in Me Tailoring lino execaled tbe most
fashionable manner. and that [willing may be wanting
to ensure the newest and best style of cutting. A enti
tle.mon•who hos hod great experience to the Eastern
cities, has been added to the establishment.,
Dry Goode Jobbers,
NO. 99 WOOD STBEET—WouI• v at t i os . nenti ,
of hlerehente m their large Meek of Demealle
and pomign DRY GOODS. ittut rreelvtog froth 'helm.
petters./ ManuttethrerA. ut ..:1 t^ th ey vvtll
of very low rates for ea. '::
Oar emek is now fob awl tootowttvand well wont
the Boeotian otbuyeD, acwo ars sell
at 'itch exuemely fow ;beer as eaneortall to Date
• soon uiducsatual for mutts= to mute a Eiltobi
L .aw c.,,,J-4.1 441 L.,
L. XVI. NO. 246._
-0,1-Alri,-4-!"", :NY OF HARTFORD, CONN.
' Crean= MIAS:
awing Stnelk, Annual iteceszna, and
:arm. avid S l , O OOOOO. • .
All losses
_promptly paid at the ConnndAgen4.
Ice fo rho %Yemeni States,leeatedatanelcuettl,o6to.
Xhis Company Islet long standing ,and walk known
throcighmit the United States thy its 30 .lacfic7 and
Prompt Pentad eflosseal-lattring. incurred and 1104
tied, to the aatisEaction:olall concerned, Over 6,00 D
Loam, am ocuningltithe•aggregue to.Stant. =atone
ornoLLo3, the reeripts tor winch aro on Arlo
,11lest of
the Company at Hartley/ and Ciaelnnll4 ' •
The Pittsburgh agency of thheolfice - was origtnelly
held by Morns Atarpod, , Fan, and was subsequently
tared mu of the State, by a letri.antoanOng to a ptobi.
Litton or all For e i DuntranceCompaings, fun In sea
'..son to escape loi n the fire ortuth Aprd,
The agency is now reorganized under tha charge of
the undonegned, Who will receive applications and
issue Policies a gainst Ltr3S OR DAMAGE BY FIRS
...stores, Warehouses, Dwellings, &c.., with the
Also, mr goods, Wares and Merchandise a
gainst the perils M Manton Ann 1 natty Narnsionos,at
the current rates of premiwn.
Office at M.11. - CROWN & N. for
Agent Protection Insurance C. (or Pittsburgh and
Allegheny Co. • ' wird:one
Nortee so the holders of Patlburgh Cuy Scrip.
TN conformity with the :rd - Section of the .Ordinanes
1 of the tt,th FORpri, t 319, directing the andemlaned
"Co negoilate CITY SCRIP, the Ikea lied Mart
gage/sot individuals held by th e Qty for properlY sold.
I.ARS , !—public nonce is hereby ilsoen, that the' slid
obligauous C it y who domosed of Ger the Corporate
iutte. of the of - Pittsburgh, of the denomlnal.Loo.
of Ona. , 'Perii• and Three Dollar.. ' • '
Farther melee lo hereby gi,ert, Au city Boil.
bearing ialerert from the .16.01 day orApr at the
rate of 0 per cent. per annum; wall 03 any Ilan:chorear
ler be issued to the holder ocholdorsof City Scrip, m
aims of One Ileadmot Dollars ohd neuron:VA, accbrdihs
to the previsions of , the ordinance of the 0W141105.
H. JOHNSTON, • • Troartrer.
1 . 7A)74{ 8:62
rel NON.
A N EMINENT adexpericirceff Thystelin from the
4 - 3.. East. o(2n years standlog, offers to Beat all oases
of a Delicate Nature with promptness and secrecy.
His success in Buffalo and other large cities has
been proverbial. His charges are moderate, and his
cures ent. Old caws of Weer, W1 . 1°131119., Ben,
fain, usr ' ;Tlbus, Rheumatism, Agati,Byphilis, or soy
chronic of Inveterate cakes solicited. -
A cure warranted... charge refunded.
0771 C., Bt. Clair street, 2 doors from the Bridge,
Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis.
N. 11..—Dr. A: solicits the worst eases clan disease
wer.Leafte trEzart,
Manufacturer of Mineral Water apparatai,
atom or trig ooLlega loulegaral,
N 0.2 1 3 North Second Si., above Vine,
AN expeenco of more than twelve years in the
n manatee:hulas of Memel Water Apparatus and,
the preparation of Mineral Water IR Bottles and Font.
taint, on an extermive scale, with a senentille and praz_tics! knowledge of of both brancim of brialmulle Unr.•
they with recent tmprovements in the construction of
the Apparatus and the plreparing of the Water, which
he has succeeded in adepung since his_ nut to Pads,
and after years of close study and practical applica
tions as applied to the arts in Mechanics and Chants
try, enables the sabscriber us cows heroin the public
with enure confidence, and offer them the ben and
most complete Apparatus, for the maratfactere of lihn•
eral Water in Denies and Fountain, that can be fur
nished in the United States .
He also flatters himself lima the enlarged meccas ho
has met with, mid the present extensive and daily, in
creasing witty
of his business in both the above' de.
partmerus, tallitshea the mom convincing proof of his
eta= to the superiority, of Apparatus over. Ammo( all
others, and of the panty and salubrity lit the Water
prepared therefrom.
Persons who order Me Appantles from a distanc
may be assured that then. instmetiens shall berTaithfal
ly complied with, and, so peeked new terry safely
either by land or water to any pan of the U. States.
To avoid disappotrument, it is recommended to those
who intend SePlit7dter lhealeclYos the eltflmeeiting Pee
wit,eo to forward their ordrn at as early a day as don.
• •
Almond Water Apparanis, Generators, ,Puptps and
Foal:dams, Ornamental Lens and Peddtals for Stands,
Cormier+ and Bars of Hotels, far drawing !Wren:
Water, together with Corking and Tytng Maehmes,
and everything appertaining to the above business,
constantly on hand, and (or sale no the lowest teams
for cash,
CIROCERIE--likrhgese Breen Rua Codes;
75 pckgs VH, Imperial and P Tea;
50 hos 5+ and Sc spun Tobacco;
300 bibs N 0 and sugarhouse dlolaases;* .
25 hhds NO Sugar;
,150 tibia Shad, Herringa,hleckerek and Salleon,
al do pure Flaxseed Oil;
0000 assoned Colton Imes; •
75 bales Batting and Candleittcir;
20 bge Pepper and Advice,
40 boxes Pearl and Common Starch;
DO do mouldand chpd Candlesi
15)1 do No 1 Soap;
10031/ Sides and Simulacra Bacon;
75klezett Corn Brooms, in store and for sole by
I_ll JOHN WATT&Co, Idbetr_ .
11011 E subscubers .tre receiving and offeFtur tab a
A. love rate, as follows, vre:—
nal package. Y 11, Imperial and P Teat
Tao has Rio and Java Coffee.
tau pkg. 5,12, I lump, 16 and .Ps span Tobtemt
GO Mein O begat - , bbls 0 51olime",
4 15 11 dboLd'l‘m"Xerr's'dOiNl; oe
o 'f L B a " re 4 p a ' 0 ; 11,
Melanie. Illiteknig,
Mackerel, No I, 2 and 3, in Mile end lir bkle,
WI hos lichee nettle Montag, 30 boil arkmeripee,
55 lige Pepper, to do Alapice r g Vials Comae;
aka lb, Cotton Yarn, road Nos, lilt baler Batting,
Lula. Palen Soap, 50 do Toilet & Variegated do,
m do Starch; :;0 de Large Retainer
10 boles Almon,* 15 do Paha Nina;
riU do E W 1,111111., !..ti do Pillierla,
thro bgs ground Nut, 13 boo Spired Chocolate;
J eases Liquorice,
15,000 nor,
and Regalia Segars,
on gene, Col and Dry To
211 doz Bed. Gordo; IL bre Rock Candy;
15 1,. Sperm Caudle., Undo Star der
1 ask Chubre Madder 2 carom. inalgoZ
coo.. Cloves, 1 do Niuntegm
1U Mils Whilroo, 5 do Chollr,
au dot Buckets; 10w
P'Bl'frig.",l'.l"lsr'.lblhVe'''''''''':la7; Wood 21,
_ a te opposite St Charles Hotel
Pine and Cedar
No. 87 s mama Mauer
lute subscriber keeps e
sale and retail, very It
Wash Tube,
/lath Tubs,
Horse Backe.,
All ether kinds Ware in
Ellephrespe Filter, few Hydrant Water.
THIS is te , eentfy that I have a-
Patent planted Livingston, 'Roggen as Co:
Sole Agents fur the side of Yenning
acs of Pittsb 's
lhaprulym Filter, for the mi
urgh and Allegheny.
inn Walter AT Gibson - , DIP Broadway,
• &In
(Jct. Ems. •
WC. have been ailing o le, ne of th e above articles Pt the
office of the Novelty Works for three month. on total,
and feel perfectly satisfied that It is n useful Invention,
and we mho pleasure re recommending diem as a ago
ra.' arIICIO to all who love parvenue. Orders Will in:
thaulthilly received and promptly excepted.
S,Tit -E UNE iiit 11
0 UFACTORY.—The subscriber Lakes this meth od
of informing his !rinds end the biin in
,general that
he bat the largest meek of the fo f oll owing naided aro
cies of his own manufacture in this city — Saddles, Ilar
nes. Trunks and Whipl, all of arbleh he war.,,,,,,,,,,,
to be made ofthe best material and by the best mech.
anion in Allegheny a...inf.' Being determined SO sell
his manufactures something lower than has been hem
h ' o r,. sa w by
any modal ostublitbilleut in 010 clay,
e Would invite. need 014 s above, gamed
articles to his warehouse, No. 111 . Sty Areal, oppo
site Seventh Alm, bands made to is cr.for machine
s", occil-ly
_.. 0. KERBY.
PITTE811111:0111 - F
a t
Hain iNifirkeirPg
rill /E, Second &anon of Ws Instithilon, andeg'dic
, I earn of Mr. and 'BIM 608 1108X,!Tor the resent
academic year, will elOnmenca on the first of kelrrua
ry, In Ilse same buildings, No. Stithedy street.
Arrangements have bean made by Which they will'
ba aide to furnish young ladies &eddies egual tO Oily
In the Weat, for obtaining a
.thorough I]mbott, .Cla
eel, and Ornamentpl educauon. A fall edam° of Phi . -
Isophical and Chemical Lactates Wi ll be delivered
daring the winter, illustrated by enplane. The de
partmenu of Vocal and Instrumental Mesta, Modern
Languages, Drawing and Pending, will eSels he under
the care of a competent Professor. lty close h e
to the moral and onellecosal maroons:lota or theft pa- .
pile, the Principals hope to morn a etoltalliasion of the
liberal patronage they have lotherlp ettloYed. Far
terms. GC, el/C . /liar or appl)T to the PrineiPlds.
jI., dry to a flourishing towa with Pattern; Toole,
A.., all ready tor busapess, wil l ho sold erl benne:me
dauns terms, or exchunips for Iron or pods, e
Tlus oilers an excellent oppornutitxte 0 young man
with small capital to Commence the DOI FOUndfl ha
da.. Enquire of
_ d. c e t
Ist neat Wood street
- Scales, Cooklniiicivios,, Abe.XNARSHALL, WALLACH Fe CO, Round Clurrib,
11. IL comer Liberty and Wood interne, rastutfactans
and ogee for role Platform, Floor androarnetScale,,
of the most improved nualityi Cooking poses, intermix'
and coal; Egg Stoves:!of various suer, Pnrl
.commou Grates ' Iloilo* Ware, Se . Ac. They Als or,and
, manufseture theXitchen Range, wide!' ha , even rittch
general satimactiou - M thiaso having dirt use r ' Malted
which, they would respectfolly limo thaiatterakin•of
the citizens e pohliogm_ireksliy.27.4o
111071101 - -SOUR- rA ltbklL'.l.-4 4 cmg,,,,,,,,,,
i essortmdat of Cornelius ic Cp's celebrated mea
-1 fitetarei and superior to all OalctS itt .ttgei attoptod to
churches, steamboats , remodel, diVellingl, piddle and
pfivatehalls, and to all other ones %MIMI,* ChM., rife
and brilliant light isdesnable. • - ,
Also;tilrandoles, Hall Lantents,Ctnielsbras,Ghsbrrt
Shades, Wicks, Chluaqles,,Cone,Trinimert.AC. Also,
Gas Mataleiters, from one to footlights.
W W WILSON. 4$ market et_
-Einrdvaray",,ph,!----- igt — ii" - ' - 'l.4i d veil .
LUth"i;sliairnfiv.ta “11='.'eicrfnil."SaddleiTi 'No
I.V 'Wood strter;alimie Rl' have 110901,1 otomo,,ay
cheap, att tt*ell'Eolotteti 8 . of gid..., =NEW , '
since dm decline tifiariecs i bbirope; .04 wfwett inpy
are determined ro s e cortesbondiner.„L... Melehaels
Who bare been in the baba ." ,, rnirig - eatssi aro portico
lbslY, re nested to call and I dirongh,pat cod"
'lO.l- confident:Cy tele , e lit* . in • % Y .- #. 4o b,TialleeC t
-e las - wp -,---
inkrby apt. — All
flp I, thrthrtc-, fonsztl6 -- "7" .
I soya • • lIAUIVIcKey
..4) LaaaaVa yttat.} Atzwjai ri
Ware. Malinfattoty,
cN.Frrrir errroopreOß
constantly oa hand, vhol..
'ow for earth—
staff llhamoZ; •
I kJ'
his lino outdo to order,