The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 22, 1849, Image 4

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    4114im 1849.
w icSa i
- T4E Okl Established Lute.
• • -
TUE Prop rietors f [ bin weU known AL
Lino of Con ti
Basta allow prepared to transport Pane:men
sad Freight to ell paints on the We Extension, New
Yetk Canals and dio Lakes, upon the most favorable
urns and with deaptiteh-
This Line rens in co.:mention with the ateeto Goat.
BEAVER and CALEB,COPE, between Petibuth
iand Beaver, C IN Heed's, Lino of steam boats and v. . ,
INllll6a the Lakes, and the Troy and Michigan Lake
801 l Lim an thd New Tart canal
C. IL REED, Proprietor, Erie, l'a
Bidwell & Broths?, Agent ,k'ttre'
VV T Maher, Agent at .1 meskune n's Passenger
e. Monongahela Sense, Pittsburgh.
. vsiGNEES-4V c Milan, Shama, JE& IS Ball,
Sharpatong; Smith & Downing, do, .1 Et Plummer.
West Greenvi ll e', Wick, Aehre L Co, do. Wm Beery,
ilartstown; Darts& Batts Balfalo; Barites, bibbs &
Co; Sandusky; Jur A Armstrong, Denim;
Newborn . , She lan ll'Cluts a Wilddtss, fil3 hvss
ills; Kass, Marley it Milton, Reelect John II Klatte,
Calsgrr; A Whce/er 4 Co, New York apJ
Pliteliargti — arid Blairsville Packet Lime
i 1849 fifitaf
'AWAIT. Itte4l , 4°TtZdZltoZ Xi
sp &Packet Bolts to ran during the wawa, er
rs Blain and Pittahnigh..-the boats to boron.
ed br bone', and every eflbri made to avec.-
e i hre.
atodatd ewe tiger,.
MolThl?laAlinTtut—lellaTl" wi a " g l an ea d re Fri P lir b P h o , erocV
P. V. From Blauardle every hunday, n irednesdny;
TThursday and Satanic , at 7 ddlodk,sost, pod arrive
Pinsbargh the gains sy. . A two baron Hatk from
imitates will =seethe b at at Saltsbeigh bah on es
fromward and dowsweel teens pasadit ,, . throughvthrough
that plata to one .
Freight for the above will ha received at the
hoer, of the Boatmen's Lice, by le. rotten ,-, Co.,
who are on: authorised pots. AR freight receli ,q 1
ffee of conandstiona J M MARSHALL & Cr.
INC EMMEN & Co, b Agents,
'mni fork * 11;
rows b Mack leave. O Blahrr /1 e .Youngrown on the
arrival orate boat—returns to boat linnortung Fare
from Pittsburgh to Yoortgrawn he-ereeeived at of9t e
of Boatmen`a Llllll through.. • apyhen e ,
Fora: Trearpor lB49.
tabot of rag tto ;pa r c ,
prrrsuunim, rifiLADEArlitA,BALTimurtE, N.
Tams. Beatings, Philadelphia
sys& °Torsos n e w 'Ping old established Lino being new In fell opera
..l.„ ti6n, the proprietor, are prepared:with their ultaal
eater:wise arrangements to forward rderchindtse, pto
dace, &e. to anti from the above portion liberal terms,
with the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar to
their mode of tratwearallen se obijecu, when Iron
all/put:eat on the wa s avoided.
jtlikli consignments y and for this line reeetved, that ,
gespakl, and forwarded luny required directions five
of charge far comuusalen,advancing ce storage.
No letereaL directly or indirectly, na steamboats.
- All communkatiohapromptly attended to on applica
tion to the follow agents:
THOS. BO • a st LIM Market at, Philadelphia
TAAFFE le . s , NNOR, Cased Itarn,..Patabutab.
.STCONNOR A Co, North et, Baltimore. mobil
Ililf - A2P DI Id NBr L ukr 1: - .
. ..
L - ... 1849. Sie2a
For tho Transvortasion Of Me between
rrmsßuttGli, Pill LADELPIEfA, & BALTIMORE.
Goods ahlpord by this Lane,. ere earned ltl four
neeliOn Parable Licata_
ILEatutturribers having mado arrangements la case
of a want of State Trunks at Cointaina, to have
l i n goods forwarded over the Railroads 111
as to avoid the deuteron that has neretofare
for the we= of Tracks Shippers will find title Lorimar
adanntegs. No charges made far receiving or ship
ping, or for advancing charges. Allgood. forwarded
with despateb, end an no ?clue:able teems as nay eth.
e Line. JOILY PLartzv A Co,
comer of Canal and Liberty sL Pittsburgh.
P. /METZ Co,
gds Market K.
a:, Philatl &
015= '
lonor Etzscusst, Toon. DlNCllnif,
8U16111.314 Jacoa Dom
Conducted on etrictSahhathheeplag principle..
MBE Propneters of this old mishitMed Lane have
A pal their Mock in the most complete order, and are
thoroughly prepared to forward Produce. and Merchan
dise to and from the Eastern cities.
Mr trust that nor long experience in the carrying
business, and seed°. attention to the interests of cus
tomers, will seem to us a eannintence nod increase
of the Patrounge hitherto emended to Ilingham's Ltne.
One arrangements will enable tut to carry Freight
with the Inmost despatch, and our prices about nlsyny
ho low as the lowest charged by Other resPfieltble
We have opened an office is No ITO Market meet.
between lth and sth tots, Philada, for the convenience
of ahippors.
Prcaluce and Merchandise will be received and for.
warded, East and West, without any charge for far
whaling. advancing freight, storage or commission.
Bills of Lading forwarded, and every direction
Promptly attended to.
C errilaW r cYr P lib U erty & Wa;lNte"stßa,lNgri,2,tltAirilt.
No IS! and 1711Alarket street, Pbtisnia.
No 1.4 North Howard street, Sal` more
No 10West street. New York
etreiaelre anal 7M — '" lei;
littein.rast Pocket. Line,
Nam -1849.
atkelusively.for Pasioagera)
T l .4lllmhik malwetfeßY mfooned thatthis Line
commence running on the inth inst,road COD.
none throrighoat the Semen.
Tito Loma are new, end of a superior glass, with en
*iced cabins, which will give greater ronafon. The
ears tie the latent contraction.
Aberatteill always be in port, and travelers are re
quested to call and examine them before e5e40.61....-
atre th rie4 nine dollars throigh.) Ono Oldie . boats of
thmLine will heave the landing (opposite 11. S. ;foto,
mama ofi t annatreet and Canal. every night ply
clock.' Time 31 days. For =brined. opat the
ty Monongahela Bowe, or to p Lump & Co
Meli .
~ Canal Atasin
Fortier, Transportation etg trb
- 11(011111SINk..9 on the
being now resented; the
_LI Proprietors of the above Line respectfully inform
thopebbe that they are prepared to receive arid fro
ward Freight with deapatch, end at lowest mites;
They would also call the attention of shippers . Easy.
_ward to the fact that the Bents employed by them in
tramportatlon,wro owned by them and catornemded
experienced captains,
...Shippers of Meru in Bulk will find it advents pa t
to ship by this Line, as the subscribers nave made tn.. •
nulgements el Colombia to have such freight for Bal
timore handed directly from Nuts to cars, thereby sa
ving warehouse handling.
b3 Attt•
Freight to Philadelphia goes clear through in the
No charge made for receiving planning or advancing
KIER & JIIYF.S Proprietor.,
Canal Basin, Seventh tweet.
ACIENTS—Ioho A. Shaw Cincinnati, 0.; Jae. Me
ade:mei: Zr. Co. Baltimore; Jar Steel k Ca., Peilemel-
Ptare Francis A Thomas, Columbia.
PZ 7I r B syr.VANIA OANAL t s . son 9,
atutM 1849. Ma
yzox •
PUtthrgh. to Phitaddpkia am:lß:dame/re.
• (P.acitudsely for
ITUEJrablie are respeetfo'ly informed et the. Line
X will commence ruomng on Monday, 19M March.
The boats of this
nl LOX are of a sopenor eat. with
eargedn ger.
cabins, which will give greater comfort to
A boat will alwayet be la lain, nod travelers are re
gamed to call and examined:Cent before engaging pas
sage by other Mutes. They will leave the landing, op
posite the U. S. Hotel, corner Penn street and Canal
Every rdght at 9 o'clock,
For information, apply m the Mfice, Monongahela.
MIS Of 0 IL LEECH er. Co, Canal Manta.
EI N.B.The proprietor of the above Line are now
building an additional L i ne of Packets, to run as shore
an or.abotat Jane In conuecuon with . th e Penrisyl
vanigßatl Rama from Lewistown to Philadelphia. Al
thalami a packet will leave every morning and even
ing. rime through, 4.daysi. mettIe IIELIANCS. JZIOLIANCIVE O O.IITAL ITCII
gilt= 1849, M&I,
,Parthein of / 1 10 . 01.1,00,
OODS carried on this Line are not tranahipped
betureen Pittsburgh and Philada, tied in in four section Portable Boars o verand tau
ten—to shippers of merchandise requiring careful
handling, thia
of importance. No Marge made for
receiving or shipping, or for advancing charges. 'Ali
/ems as by any other Lora
goods fonvanled with dispatch, and on as reasonable .
Canal Blain, Penn at. Pittsburgh
marl ‘7 Markel & Commerce at, Phila.
JOHN McPADEN & and Commis.
Mon Merchants, Cana/ Basin, Penn st, Piobargh.
JAMES hi DAVIS to Co, Flour Parrom and C0M1214-
iladelphi ha. t; 217 Market and at Commerce street,
• •
AllaTstdvanees mod, by either of the above on Flmartoor,
Wool and other merchmdiro consigned no them for
sale. • '
T 849 . TranaportiggP.
D .10.711Milltt.
mac Cafiat2 and Rail Roads being now open, and
4. in good order, weprepped to forward nil
kinds of merchanthae and produce to Philadelphia and
Baltimore, with prompinets and deapateh. and on on
:good terror no any other Line.
ANCL.TV & Co ,
Canal Basin. Penn at, Pittsburgh.
AiliAta—CllAßLP.s. RAYNOR, PtillaJelsdna.
lalß' ROSE MORRILL & Baltimore.
1849. g .`;
1717.4.1" WIA-VAGHT
ForLdpirsallle, Johnstown, Iloßidayabrirsh, and
ill intermediate place.. •
IS Line will continue ca. all Way Goode
Pgh in m
litt their usual Ocapalph, .3M at at, falai of
re t.
Aaaarril—C. A. APANUI:PY & Ca. Pillaborah.
D Wakefield,lollllitOW,l.
Jahn Miller. Bollialayaborgh.
Riasin:rnint—JameaJonion, Smith &Sinclair, Da I ,
".sbparabarger, ft Moore, John .Porker, F. Von.flortn
./toral.k. Co, %Vat Lehner & Co. Job APDaitt & Itroni
P/Ilahllreli John hotT. Sundt. Alulbollon A Ray, JOO
oll2el 27
. .
iffiaM 1849 '1••••-•••9.1==o)
Beaver sand •
larto Exprassr,Pirokee Lino
jr. a. PARK 'Beaver, Pnrprieser.
i IEE NVAVAt e t . I 7f Pa Ter7 - 71 1 ;11"'
PENNSta..._ vArriA.. - J frOttla d ' i
'LAKE ERR' " MTh:4-
QUEEN calr,
Forming& daily Line between Beaver. and Erie. Lave
coinateneedr, and will COUthille daring, the sea
son to make Marrero/1u trips, leaving - Beaver after
dock riv . aloan ha = v u otZe k BmPorprialiska,c
to take the Looming boar' to Bared° or ap the Lake.
Ileketribrongh to Erie and all Lake portai'oan be
e ked by application to JOHN A BABB_ BEY Aat,
oornarof "Water and Smithfield sea
water thi`SCOnttioa#otai
, -, :. 7 -r-.,.-',. , - , .,,, - •;,,,.3 -„ ,,,,,qi....i . . - „.. , .... , ..:,.
.;- - i'••;f;•:::-:: - •!..i:7 7 :.
.. .. ...„ , „.„..,...
original, Only true, and gmmino Liver Phi. • • he
Snob: CalLar. Ohio county, Va. 4
hatch WM, 1841).
to you and to
:klr. E, Mien. Dear Sir hatch
think it a eery I ewe . the public ruts:rely, to . 01, I Kong
been atElieted With the Liver
ate lnust for a long
time, and so badly that an abets , o
fanned and broke,.
which lea me to a dory 101• stele. having beard of
your celebrated Lire, Pills befeg for .ale by A H
8 "T: West Liberty, and recommended to one by
' o r P Yolvdttl. Dr. K .Bthsth. 1 courtuard to grrrt lint
fair trial. 3 purchased one hob end YonffneLbefn
VEUnjust febn,ftlfly ere .reeorumended, TUB BEST LI•
R PlLl,Eittft USED; and finer fakingAtur Ooze,
1 find the dikease boa entirely - leds me, and 1 an, now
per Reedteetralil 76u"•
-• Wes: lenerly, March 110.1849.
certify lb, I A n, pet sonally.nequninted unth kir
Coleareav,atnit Fbar testimony the truth of the
above eartltteato.. • .a R StIARP
'Tease:pelt. I4nrr !Wig are prroared and moldll
in he R slaygits,.No 5. woad mueet, and by druggimm
two entre..
To TILE finely.—The original, only true and gra-
Pills aro, prepared by It RSeliers, end hoed
hls har,,,,,,,amped hack was upon the ltd fit much
box„and his aignattrre on the outside wrapper—an
I others are cop.:terra:a, 01 bast,•
SEA.LElTi,Tr9 . p_tielor
CikkoA TIVt
PROAIIe Rorgulik well known and pop
olar C ergyman of die ProtestaiitPlethodist Ohurch
• The and rs ed , ttavettpliesnalfileted during the past
winter -with Wairialte oftbe wornech, somerauca
duchtggreerpairrin the stchnuchforten or twelve hourr
without intermission, and after haring Mod variour
remedies whit little effeet,tvaa furehhed with a bents
,n(Dr DJayneAriarminadve Balsam This tietbsed
cordimi to the di:embus, kt.l.lound infra aeblY Oat thlf
medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four mai
Lae. and in linen or twenty mlnutemerery i tems)
streitahon wes entirely li:timed. Tlfo medicine see end
terarafdaased igheneyer Indication, of the upptunet 0,
pain Were perceived, and the pain aren thereby , pre Vr el.
ed Ile Conandfed to uao are medicine p•rryl,/e/llng
'and ilinnetinter tattle -morning, and in a few .went,
'health wan as far mitered, tuna She mutterer
ed 'rpm a large Itaannt of oppressive paln. From ea
thereCor.le can confidently rye..
.toed I.
D Jayne'. Carminative tlelpun, .14 .laterY bedair
for diem.. 01 the ilinmach and bowel.s. A s Allegheny 111:NINO
For sato in Pittsburgh at the
711 Fourth weer, near Wood, and taro at thoDrur
Stoma( II t' SCHWARTZ, Federal rarer. .11egne.:,
Great kagllnh fiternetly.
FOR Cooghs,Cialds, diathma and Consumption! The
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the rare of u..
above diseases; is the 11UNHABIAN BALSAM tiF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr, Bache, ot
London' Ragland), add introdaccd iuto tho Vaned States
under the immediate superintendence of the tuventor
The eztraordinnry nieces. of this medicine, in IR
ere of Pqlmonary diseases, warrants the Americus
Agentlif solicf fi ngo treandent the worst possible r , .
neethni can be foundh die conarnuaity—cases therselk
relief in vain from any of ate !Qum= remedies of the
day, and have been given up by the mast distinguish e d
ebYttipiens as eatiftMled and incurable. The Ilmigua
ati Balsam has cared, and will cam, the most desperate
of case,. It is no quack tantrum, but a standard Fag.
hilt medicine, of known nod estabLialied efficacy.
Elverpfamily iathe finned States should be 'applied
with Backe:l.lSe Hungarian Belgian of Life, not only to
counteract the convert:pave tendencies of tbe climate,
but to be used t. a preventive mediate° iu all eases et
colds, rougher, spitting of blood, pain in the side nod
chest, irritation and dare/teas of the :nags, bror
difficulty or brewing, hectic fever, meta sumac, rat •z.
Dough ac audd
cro up. general debility, naMme Influenza, whoopi
Sold in large bottles, At 11l per bottle., with full direr.
Bons (or the rer.oralloll of health.
Pamphlets, cantalniuty, a masa of
,Puglieh and Amer,.
can certificates, and tuttlir evklenee, allowing the all.
egdolldd merith of.thisgruat blnelish Remedy, may us
obtained of the Ageraartnib3.- ,1 1,• •
For enle by B F leawrots. & Co, corneae!
at and Wood end Woodand 6thl sas s met ro
_ ____
- - . DR_ SWAYNK'S
tell GMT twin rot.
Coamamption, Coughs, Colds, Ludlam, Bronchitis. I.
cr t ponm haat. Spitng.tilood, Ihtheuley en liroutio
tag, Pain 111 the Side and Breast, Palpitation of
the lIPIIII, illgneraft, Croup, BlOkell Cop ,
OPP Prin. Sore Throat, Nervous Ihibiti
ty, and ell Diseases of the Throat,
I Dreastand loungs4 most cf.
fectnal end a • cure
ever:known or any of
the..abovo disc..
ets is To Eltofters ased Hlorsied Litoitire.
D R ..S IS A '(N bl' • S.: This Hanel of Baresparfita ban bona •sprastly al
root La ream. la fouls oteerplahro. N. firstals
HOstupowatt 13yonsSp or Wild Cherry: . h o h 0 .., ~...,,,,, .... „,. ,
This mediciue is nn logger Moog thorn of-dm/brut ~.„1,g,...1 ipwo , d. e Tg a h ... qf e to .
tatitty. It t t00 p 0 ,,. 0 4,,, e g y boa the Menu/yds an,. isle it, to It la • certain pomallon far .7 of sh•
taarehed upon the Ode °trap/sr/Mo r o. and now cm t,ls tomato. and borrittlet &surto Is ottab fatal.
Wither trt repotafiao, end le hee&deC "o" enter. eallwat at Mb dr. otur. Thu .tod mg Is are
ly used Om any other preparanifa of medicine coot L op , p t . ettoot , pot ,. , y
ththy , t r u
.., 406... N
productd far the relief or &tiering mica
It bow been introduced /sag genet/illy through Me t...,,,0,,,,,,,, , h I".
"I . L . 'ab i t rltotlt_atil"*.tid to ol' araint ". nal *P a r h y 411 q u t o i.
Coiled States aid native s aniattere are few town. 01 otter th• Wort cad Inviseretlag M mum. Indeed,
Importence but what roolnin some remarkable eni- th ,„ r ... tthitho i . hothatthh i . --i .. 61
Bence of iN good effects . : For proof of theforegotng e ,.., to - 7;1; k , ,
thth,,eet. Oh.
elateetents, and of the ealie and efficacy of th.s meth- It Brun the
...t ree.... .
doe, We proprietor trill insert a r.... of the marl th ou-
oe , oyet eoeyyteo. by
ee. .. „..,
eb.. e p =tit . t t i
o tt .
axed lestitatminis which have been presented to him by
men of dm first relpeetability —men ultrahere higher "'IT. sot " thee tkeehaiNt "to prods. raboogo on t
views of moral responsibility no jubilee. th en to rer. f r e e ,„ •""htek ele t tteeh hi th ee". of.= medicines , .... f,,,
-dry to theta, been.. it will do another • favor, and
,„ ...k.o - ”lsr 4 Er .slag • fee botdr-• or
themselves . ilkplatire. Such testimony proves con- t tr" tteelkette • tete " "`' .. .. 4 pd torfissi opera
elusively, that io wrptising excellence is eatablished ' ....V bc Pc.'....... 1 -
by Its intrinsie merit., and the unsplattietnifble authen- ir ,
If of public opinion. Tim instantaneous relief it of , *,71 . .. "tee". it." to tliotheas end Cllldrea ,
torts, and the .6110thIn g . influence differed through the ; It ,r o T . • ..1......, ....... dr...a ...did., one purify
whole Imo. by ita use, renders it n Most agreeable t ''',, ''' . ,:r...• ono ...Her the auffosiown sztandasu
. i nloes e -birth ewer It strengthena both
moiety for the attiotted.'
REISPISIDERI the mother ”d child, prevents paha cad dimwit, la
. ,
. When men, or ting, ,D - ont conscientim. unpin. ,. I cr ... . sad 7... he. the &ed. those who haws used it
of h
tooth. , . think It is indispenssalite. It Is highly useful both before
Pat. ..Oar fact, suet/ le atimub k . , being ...intro/1 to Mew " di "' Cr cddd .......• w B Wes... , maws altarlP.l
F r .,, childbith—a Costivetesa, Piles, Cramps. Seel. sod, coerce@ conviction et
Pilaf th.
ilettit and comment ohneH in a 'aPectial waw a , iu
.. Deopondeo9r, .floartbuts, ./weiting.
malt/Grad eredence."- , -allogan't :Hera' Marino. ''' s h. t he Snek .ed Loi... Fa.. Pd. !t
READ READ THE HOME CERTIMATES. awl me ridstleg the secretions sat winaLsing the eir
STILL Arinteran Cosa as Pesseurrr Ctretraterfate— I Gelation it has so equal Th• grou beauty of this
Tbetettbeer was • remedy that kits heeiwis a/leers/qui ' ''" ii./.. 1. / ft I. 400 7. chlb. tied tb• nth. neticete ow
. , I k twat tumors..y very few mew require any ether
to desperate Can of Consomption, as Dr. Sway no . ,
t0t.... _ , . ,
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the . I t ' t '•,: t ' t t ` e l e e th t e Ve "ethee Oa. ite Weeemin
syeteta, mad appears to heal the ulcers on Ow lone.
0tt ...,, c _
_, .p ro .6, dtf h. *ea 0 .1
ercatiog hew and rich blood; power prriaetaed oy no i °••••••°, will ...Ts ...ate a ado and easy we
other medicine .
Chats= Co., 'Ap n 1 tiSth, ISt). ! e-
Dr. Swityne--Deer Sir: I verily believe your Com- I -"' Beauty and Elcoltb.
Co•den, Chalk , tad • warily el preparsticeis Fans.
pound Syrup of WildEberry bus been the Means at I n th 1 0 o w h. ' um d,„ (
savittof my life. I caught& revere Cold, orbtch grad.
or Y o n,
...PP to an*, Very aeon rpoll it
allygreer worse, attended with a sc•cre cough, that ! , eec ,_ bc. „ c le. The y e 1... th e 8... of the am. bad
aided all the I had. recourse to, stdl ' , , -I;_._-....1==i-.- -1...• -h...... , ...Mew,
inethaSing mail my cue exhibited ail th e. symptom. of
. - 1.,Y,,, !..... Bred ,:r . P." .7 . or 0 . .ki. isflosort by the
p a oth es ha owe prodectien co
PuhnortiniConemnplipn. Efiery thing I tried seemed t ',, t , . h . thth . g.,,, D thi ..... th ..,
. th th .
~.6 ... .
in Ni t , gn ern', and My complaint luerw.ed to rapid- ,
ne toil delicately dotal andrarbegated dowers. A
led this friends as tvoll aernynelf, gave up al/ hope, 01
Dee, wont, and heralthy etrenhOne at the field t'
my recovery. Al Sue time finis recommended to try
1 7: 1 1-' ,. tm fb, zi* the go r o Lt, sieb .,,, ltthr . d , in .,
i tie lt, :agreli;Z a " U:
your invalltrible tuedielnet I did so With the await.,
py results The first bottle had the effect to !warm the
, "us bn - in ' ty. DM that .bleb imparts o tlis Ir:i *" ribilYl"
...igh ....Mg M. M. d r iP eemmd . frftlY, and by We ' Wades and bash. of lowliness that all admire. but
time Iliad .sod six booked was entirely well, end aro i
tow ...., hearty . moo .t „" ,„,,,,,, i . ,, my rte, t o , ; . 0 . 5 tie describe. Tito twenty in the afrapflep of au
, Uwe cot ofyeeier overpay. If Him h sot .fee and
would be haPPY I. arc. edk mfder..M`de respecting Me I Weiltly el...Wien, there lane hauled If the I d i
ease, ti th er attgerets rimy derive the .ittelit fur t fai r au drwea wee, U who natal and . .
winch; AM Co grateful. For Mr truth of We also/. I .. 4 th. tit he brim, bald
6 - 4 t0y.... 6.
t0 ..7:
........ I re. , 7.... t. l'cw_. R.. h. f " .. .°' , W °. I are. If she brims or yellow. ant there to nut
pun 700
Chester o. whom i par/A/wed the Mediesect, j woe s 01/0/1, Berta a rich bloom to th• cheeks, and
• Het y yourn, J 41121 / 11 . Calf. 1 their eyes that Is faselnialn4.
This he why the onothern, Ned es - pante,. y the Spa.
sob laillea are so much admired Ladles no the north
eho oho hut awe OP./Pi" or we confined La dose
roma; or have epoiled their eceoplexiou loy the
cation cif dab/ter/ow mixtures, if they wish to ,a,
Win elasticity of step, litioywit aphita , optobliet or.
and beautiful camplestons, they should ore Dr. Teets
sceirs Sareapsellla Thousand. oho bare Wed It, a re
w w " M. satisfied, aro delighted. 1.041•4 of e
.i 11.., prtrlrd our OM. da.l7 'er,
DI °dee to the Ladies.
Those Ina( hpflate Dr. Ternpend • H aemporills, he,
losnreably called their miff • great Remaly fie Pr
saales, It.e., dte... and here copied our hdis and mecineei
which re/etas to th. comptakat s af won., o ....•
--eater men who pot up medlettia, hew, ones this ire/.
.erne of Dr. To•uould'a Sareeparille no complaints
incident to females, recommended Matra although...
Woolly they did not • numbs: of these Dieter., rids.
ac; an shmakutil to females as they glome di.a.s,
and undermine the ontratatione. Dr. Towasend's Is the
only and bastramedy for the munereith female coal
plume—it raraly, if nn fails ofattester • parmananl
Core, ll eta he tak. by th e most delicate fenade,
fp any cue, at by thew. aniseed/I tit become nicrthem,
ebb the greaten advantages, es It prepares the system
and preemie. pain or danger, anti strengthen s hottt
niothsr and child. Bo wrath/ to get Ms melee.
Wonderful Cars of a Methodist illialase.
Dr. Serene—Dear Slit lfeela debt ergrentode doe
4 )ou—and g duty to die alllicted generally, to' offer
. et) bumble tactimeny In favorer' your Compound Sy
. rap of Wild. Cherry. Some three leap ranee f was
delentlyttlacked with hold nod indaMmanua of the
Lange, which woo accompanied with a dom it ,,,,,
dough, pain is the breeat and head, a very conaulera
ble discharge of otrenalvenaucus from the tang,, eau
dully upon change at weather, however slight. At
Gat! kit no alarm about my condluon, het was pretty
soon convinced that I was rapid going into consump
tion. I grew daily weaker, and a t length was scarce
I y able to walk about, or Speak above a whisper, cool
was the exceeding weakness of nry Maga Daring tin,
time I had tried vitriol* prepandlou and p rem none.
but found no relief—growiag all the time worse. Jria
hem I wee advised and persuaded by &dear [nand m
Wilmington to make trial . 6l your Syrup Of Wild Cher.
ry. I most confess that previouly I had been nem
diced against patent methemee, and I tutt , stlll against
thrice coming oat of the hands: ; _hf amputee, bet aide,
standing you derma to the peofearien and emetics of
medicine, and having imptlEttfoidt in thogeying or my
friends, I forthwith purehakedef Dv. Show, one of your
agent., a few bottles, end dentrueneed its use. my th,
ease was at that time or MOrZulDnihs' standing, co n .
acquently It was deeply stated. I found, tiovrey e ,
on relief from theme, of the hat four or five
booties. 1101 being a pablie speaker, I frequently at
tempted to preach with my • incresiong attuagm, sod
thereby rumnred those vessels that bed already begun
tee heal In this way, doubtless, my cure was gready.
retarded. Inconsuntenee of acting thoslmprudently,
I bed to ore twelve or kneed bottler before I was per
, rif.2.rreosnoefte.l.-hom ha v e male much matter
the above indtscrenon. The Syrup ollnyedethe fever
tab habit,
e V away Um distressing:cough, put a ,pup
to the dim get of matter from the lunge, and gave
them and entire system good health. I have defer
red olferinOms ceruhcam undl - now; foe the purpose
of being Perfectly satisfied with the Permanency of um
cure, and nose at I feel perfectly wall I offer it with
pteasure Re's. J. P. loan., •
Dublin county, N. C.
important Cauton--12aur Read.
There is bat one geuttine preparation of Wild Cherry
Ind that I. Dr. SWaTni'l, the first ever offered to id
mblic, which has bean cold largely throughout th.
tinned Stares and mine parts or,Eutope; end ail pre
P orations called by the name. of: Wild Cherry have
been put out since Oda, under Caviar of mute deceptive
circumstances, in order to give currency to their sales.
By a little observation, no peTittin aced minute the
genuine from the false: Each bottle of the genuine 11
enveloped with a bent:ldol steelengtoving, with the
Likeness of William Penn thereon; also, Dr. Kemple'.
signaler. and as further security, the pon.ot of Dr.
Swayea will be added hereafter, so as to distinguieh
hit. preparation foam all *lbws. Novriii it was not for
the greet curative propertlea and known virtues of Dr.
Ststayue's Compound Byrne of Wild Cherry, pennies
wend net be endeavonng to glee eurreney lo their
. fictitioas nostrums' , by stealing themime of Wild
Cherry. Remember, always boar iti mind the acme
of Dr. tlurayn_e end be not deceived.
principal oMce, corner of Eighth nod Rime corms,
Philadelphia. ' '
For sale wholeenle end retell byLNIDEN k SNOW-.
DEN, nor hi and _Wood acs; 1.3 A PALIN F.STOCIC tr.
Co, nor Let and Mad, and Oth nod Wood mei W3l
,THORN, 53 Market elf 8 ior , it, Ino titierty he JAI3 ,
AlO k., nor Nand and l'elm Mk, JIMIN AUTCLI
-141, Allegheny city; and by all reapeciable dealers in
medicine. octla
cl. PECTOILANT la aupanor to all other remedin for
-toughy Couomtption,Brosiehilisdiallm other Palm a _
etch agectima, is that the maw perinea eneetwed Ma
am of it in Bole frmilim ten year. sp. .r ter it to .11
other remedies of the kind; ant ethereally Omaha:Mead
lo try other praiser... they have illnlinthirariably been
laappeinted nu recelMeg the tmefit which, os rrameabiy
intLemsted fium the high the
bestowed by Lb e proprietors,
sod hem refereed to tfic at. of .1 . EXIfICTOZAITT, .
i remedy that hes nerer faded to rafters Minn, end which
Probably never lad hempen in arms/lig pun:doom Mamma
Prepared ordy by Dt 10. Jayne Phifa4elpltis,andeold ea
g rgai. w e ALea. jme
7-.: Fo wl
DRDr. W. P. Inland,' Pretrial= PlaspirP
. W. P. INLAND, of the Medico CdDege bt Ka
i j itilelphia. now nacre to PaDifearlf iodion 't"e''
,etable Premium Flamer, the nosh ufinauf ,ivtociff afire
tong Old tried experiemte, her been. ituffiamonlY re•
tablishen. To all Wonlon Who taffy iltflieted.with
PrOlapaue Muria Or Fallen Won th f irorreamammuls Ins
gearonteeing. • ittre'and speedy 'mire in the
short space of from two tothee weeks, if appfied with
ram and rem—discarding eli the Co gnl/Cmi , Lstrgi 11l
and nXlnnnalnn bandngna an to In Use: 'llia he fee:
rOnaniCdialnl In stating, Innen:web e• be Ln .,
no , n o l o o
, .one race out at three hundred and lifts"-tliree p
Al.o Car Itheamahare unl Weak littast tie Bark, at
tended with pain, there la nothing in ekeel WI I,laati.
In arording relief or effecting a cure. Vor inde by
liiirileoz, corner et Diamond and Market at
Manzi & Reiter, " Liberty and nt.Clairat.
Lti:J:Ratrant " Federal at and Dianiond, mle..
It ,, enli =7
ham,Jacques & eo, " Denman and Litationd Prudes,
itt, - h..11. sEbi.Pag, Dnigglet, No 67,1V0i0d atreel,
..q.: , ...parzhne " ' Ju b a; "Ureceo TvTilrijol.'Ortaol-Dtrin
Greer Spring and
aumEer Medicine. .
hikebliera thouldleiollect that R Ig•Sellers ia sole
ageutfor'ritttlierph, an DPI Cur
-itv . ry for . ittlechetty
5 .
drb 03 --ire Prooiinint;
PAETr e bbi„
" „: 1, 0,11 1 .tt paln "ow l /
Wood st
. ~.C:.3 u': ,
eco rofula
Th eortilSeala rkerovivelCared.y pram, thst ado Yoram.
parllla h
t. un as perfort control over Ebo roosl ar. dais
savos of the Blond. Three penally sated In ono house
Toonieno--D Three arr Eltr t I ha Children.
re th.
Inform 100 that We. of MY zhildt'oh "...'"".d
ttf the Scrofula by the use of your excellent mediae.
Ploy teero entitled vet? severely with bad Bores ; hare
whea only fa.. titmice It took them sway, for width
I feel repel, antler gnat obligation.
Yea, respeetfully,
ISAAC W. CIIACi t 101 Woottbaget
Opns! of Phy•La...
Dr. Toweeend alreavt daily recearlevf evdere Roo
1: e v1 , 157 , 7 , 3 . t , pzu of the
. Uuto .;d.
alike Mg, Alheny. have io aue the
eeroue cues pryer:llv.
vv.! Dr. Teleamera• viervapartlla led believe It Ve be
one orate meet valuable pvvparatieres le the markeL .
2. tViISON,II. U.
IL 11.
Albany, April 1, IEI7 . P. E. EBRIGGIN,
Owing to the great success .ad i 1110 1 ,2101 vale a Or
Townsend's Sersuprille,,a numb, or men who •ere
formerly our ',settle, hero cootormuod making tiarestne
rill. Fall/tell, ELaL. , Hitter; Eittreets of Yellow Does,
c.. They genendly put hop in the game ehaped boo
drs, and hems of throw Imre .tots usd copied our adette
Dentnenta---they ire col? worthless Saluttlona, and
should hit &Voided.
N. Pm(pal Ofbee. 120 FULTON Atr•et, Bea &wal e&
t Itkddiug & Co. e t: State street, a.....: DP. , 6 "
does, In North Second street. Philadelphia: ft, kl.
fleece, Druggist, rhiltimore; P. N. '; , ,hen. Charlesto n ,
‘Vtight & Co.."ls3.Chaeleto Swett ', ti , 116 Fouth
"Pearl Street. Albany; aad i.e or: t.O tont. eed or,
yn. mak ilerchauts reneruny throseltent the Uunsd
rtes. Wan lorihni end tree Pltrete•
N.a 11-I'entons inquiring for thtsmedicine, should
not be induced to lake any other Druggist+ pot up
Sarsaparillas, and of Course prefer selling their own.
Do not be deceived by anpnquiro for Dr. Town•
send',, end take no other. Remember the gent,-
inc. 'Townsend'. Sarreparil a,'' sold by the Cole °genie.
R. N. SELLP.I3O, Gehernl Wholesale ft Retail Agent,
No. 07 Woad turret. and D. 31 CUR/t V, Attache. ) ,
. ie . &
Q . PIFit7IAI., - ftl'hlPT, thin .1,1.' IT6N-M.;:111.T10717---
L , 4..01 Pak, hays, ot tough. gonend a solk
resde.s sleep, variable epocuse, I rre,lll lir newel.,
pains between the whoulder htente, behold.
Isyskuukit rivarrous or Cosenstm-ron--Conshing
night and day. tbaby wustlce, general debtlit v. strut
shortness of breath no going up stain, twrentling a
bill, ar norklknlg but a little fast. pulse alwayn ahoy,
one hundred, (or t:e eck a her;
drench, w , old
tweaks toward. morning.
catCatarrhal eansumpoott teem., on lac a commust
arrh or cold, hut abaut the period when that do. I '
at utt'iy is expected to nubs/do, some of the syrup. P l ' 'PPP'', •
Gum.; aro aggravated. The rough Is more trouble.
watch ' lIIIPIIIIII I' , ."'I Clo Pvtdersl onient are •n.
ly , oo d0,0.n. T 0 ,, , , 0 i , no A . ,. ‘ ., belted, watch scot receive Immediate attention.
1„,1,, • i„ ~„ 0,,, but ,litheult breathing, which is CII3"AP•10."1.3, P r'. I, P'4,-----4,nt
moral OIL lying li O,V r, The appearence or Ihe nspeL- 1 ANDY PP , PA PllR—
titration, erbith is topents, ik changed front a thick 4 I ^ "I , II `'... “(III• Hattie It( lllllntereYt
yellow mares, to • thinner ruhatenee, life very un . I - .. .• " Cerra Gordo;
pteethant to the prations, and molts an aunt...ant antell
Iluell4 V 1•111;
witen burned It ie of an uniform appearunee, end - te I'• •' " Pets de Pans;
. •
probably a totscuro "(pun and mucus, an on ntirlnglig i r " - • I 'hale dr ',on;
with water part links and port slalom . This disease 1 " " - 11.,'11.43 F.1...•'•111,
may OCIAII in any beta or at sr age, and ts chant, _I " " " L .' ••• 101'•111a•i
wined by the peculianty of the cough. - flu. whore 1• mniaLlP for papering largo patilta
The Bnlsant of lAverivort elTeeOr the cure of ibis t o. I root. Jll5l re e d direct . front Perm, and for sale at
tidtbus disease by expectoration soothe and heath the ' , to ° r•rt'itousd of and
0 0.1111.1
effected long.. li never falls. he
tide meth. lit PA al 111 1,, "e•-afftenneitt 1,,,,,,iiiii w e ld ,
eine hair been used, we bent or 115 success. .Poe tic,. I e lotto., carpets, talks, moot nod tine furt-;
wen year; it has been before the politic, and ban kitten nebieg bail the labor and dispensing entou/y Moresshe
thomaghly tested for nil complaint., of the I.ungs, .d . wanhooard The finer, Wilton carpets, after ey,
hey're iLself superior in merit to any !lints In oar. 1 been 111 ate eleven years, bare been eatfectly maim'.
‘ mien gine hundred, of tentitnottlals hem physi• . ad, without ri. n injury to the fabric, Bad vett!.
-on ;as , the press, clergy. and dos . : who have bra n ea- , oat removing from the door. It mill not injure ma
Litt an we de, re ato call the attention of 012 af- t cloth. Direction., "atcompanying each bottlet Pnce
1 :14 cents. For rale bY J StaIOONMA REA & Col
blood, and for their own good they wren try it.
Look oat for counterfeits: Always ob.,rue t t o .4.
IN wood st
" . ntklrtle, "Geo. Taylor, i'l De" °II Ifir''.llVl.•••4 10'0, 1 - JRCL - 0 -. -7- s tiroTil e Pat,
and prepared . the Witoleeale Depot, 71 Beekman
Citric Acid
strect, , Neer York.
/typo. Selph. soda
Sold in Pnthar.vb by 1 D Morgan 03 W, ct, i
stub Nit. trivalent -
Tumbeend, in Norket v.; it Stnywr, tor Itlarket and
Urasiville Lotion
3.1 rte; riendenton A Co, 5 Liberty it Price reduced
to 31 ,30 par bottle.
....-_._...,_______----- ----.----- .
"friro.ll MACKEREL-76 Et `r in to - ea/P . be We low t Just strewed "a fof . 1 e 11 .
.41 ID akin conalinmoni, real flb LAlZjaj, i _ 11.70 B AFAII:4ISTOCK &Co
- 1-
- ; - 6'..:;.-1 . :::
i ;DIcAL.
Mader nod Man, olf.tAs Iv.
The moot entraoultem, AI le.tne In the World /
•This tYlaut im pas 17. it; Quart Betlie.r: II te no'
ante adv.., pie...vier, and wanualni no
poker to oaf esT• h .ann widow
Olnil' n. ;drct Ltsentin,
or [ei
Pas Lu.
Tby gry.t !mutt, od 0f4.1/WIO bl . ttd• 8...pu11i•
....p.a., k te whi. h eradicates the di.
eu ite/AlVbrvt. tot. h Vas efotttgary hen
F.Yer known; It net only pm% thee' hole ortem..and
nominee ttrn perm; hal It n ultee On pore and riot
flood: • Korey pone:mud by at, yam abldleion. And l•
wallies the rued seem ef iu w ooderfulsunssee. It hes
performed withie the hut two yens, more One 100./Xn
cares of severe ono of disuse; al lam IS,OOO were
considerul bantrabln It has eared the lives of noun
then 10.000 el/harem dark/ the two poet {..1110...
10,000 caa. of General Debility and
wont of Nervous Energy..
• It, Towner/ad', Barnhillila Invigoratee the wbole
oyetton pectoonantly. To times who bath
m it
matcolov eneny by the *Teets of medicine ot
don committed i t , youth. or the secant,. indulgen ce of
• the passions, and bronbrao • general phyalcal proctra.
dna of the Servo. tytteke, lacritada, want of ambition,
(shale: senrations, p rantatore decoy and decline; haste.
Irig towards that fatal firearm, Consumption. eao be so.
orrly rnstornd by till/ plessain remedy. Thie Sara.
3, penile le far soperior barty
• Invigorating Cordial,
As it renew s end torigoratr e the syrtenh . giva activity
to the limbs, sini ttreerr t h to the uttrsculas enter. I. •
•atroonintary door,
Vortwomption Cum].
Weems< cad Strettetdr. Coltasonyttott caw b. ntred.
))mill/. 00.11331,7(i0n. Lserr Cetoptatith
Oaktarra Clesirds, dethete, Spittiv maim
3.orentii Lki /bent Piss": Night
Pawnee,Dfictt Hafats Egtele.
ranee PsiabiDs ads {a., kers •
• Asto aid Ds Do sired.
rr. .4prg Va dat
D. romaszaml rattly Won that PM Amp.
riho beau tho cum. through Prorldam. odoorlair
nay to I burs for &STOW yea. had • bad COM,
booms varm axml arm. /It lan I 'Mood Mara gaunt
m'hyad, kod
dem gloom, mad Ina imly .i.
Mad and radiated,
did arm *rpm to lira I halm
.std roor Elanapoack • abon dna, sad awe haa
• woadrmoltr dump boon arrantu La ma lam ay. oats
la walk ail avaa dm thy. I Mo. too blood, sad my
ammh Ish ca. Tao aratl hue.. dam 11.
Maatill bra thaaa molt.
Tm obodhafrarmt.
P.oolaltla., di Oath ortaava
r. ?weaned'. itarruparilla la a weeniest .4
atm far lealpteut Cleartageseo, Ilarnaaaaa, Pro
Mari, er FWSq of Ile Womb, Cutfireaaas, Mau e•
aorebera. or Unitas, obarrnotad ar;dieloola-Plalutraa
aM butotarlaauss et Orbs, ar lassi..bey disehary•
aud the cal fit l .l2thill .f the .111.111.1
1,10 matter weather dm math et ialuarm vans sr cuter.
prodoad by !martially, Mem or aasidn• Nothisa
000 b. mere ,emprising thee Its Isaate.., abate
taustarithanta Parana •B w wad laud
*oda has eater_ tt, at .an born. robust sad &.1
lusirry atulre ft. Enna.. It tuarsedissaly neatens.
ararraleausase et the tamale
en.* whlah th,
UD% or poet
rem of ire de Barreanem II wlll eat qs
be e•atasi at as, Lificits • swam a• sa.M.WI asrilikatea of
emus porlbsuasd. Inn we I= SAM. the athlete( tkat
Imdrodsetaaros hare ban reported oar. rberrearsio
of tun where tingles bsve boas witterai
bars bora • 41,• battler at tar Invaluable Isedirdaad with lash healthy thiprinp.
, - T
Golia),-.Aii.= -7-- '----------
ty PARBhas litsmoteds a machine for washing
i JILL• Gehl, for width, he has made application
patent They are now sale at the mace- Meuse or P.Ts, E ,, ..11 & Co., No. 1.03 Wood street,
Adventurers to California are inVited to earl and ex-
I amine these labor-saving machines. They are amine
in Wert to/retraction, easily transported on the hart of
mules or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, and
can be pet bi operation in half nn hour. The e
fibed With provisions. It is the opiaton of thoy .
se • ali be o
have seen the trial of one of these machines of sentliest
busnee, that two roeti will wash the mineral from bko
. hels of sand panicle of heti or earth in a day, withou t the torn ata
neral. Thm, be increased in 15111,
and worked by Water ey c
or mule power, If ex-N.:die..
The operators work without going into the scaler or
being exposetkto wet, 'and T h ey without en.
daugering their health. They will require but a small
stream of water, and cats be used Um whole eason,
rirniand ran be put alto °pennat where there is not soda
Water to trash t he usual way.
nce ofmnallest 5i1035. tinier. from abroad, ac
by call, will be promptly filled.
FL PARRY at Parry, Sone Y Co's,
No 11X1 klfood xi, Pitivburgit.
THE— itl nu - is r — a - 1. i — iti - 7i - it iral ThiirriCksti.-
subarr/ber, are now receiving their Fall stock
of the above article thive vessels, via: the Juntaln,
bledallion ardl Lydia, baking arrived at
and Raltnone , sod two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Lena. shortly expected; theyme, t herefore,
n du
so receive order,. They will receive during ilte
ter and spring rer vupplies eta New Orleans. urn.
. ' IT &hl lan:nu:tin=
nilFg in
ow and lamp glasses, silver
of bras Bn.
tannin, mid other wore It rapidly tapkes all spots
awl stairs, and reproduces the beautiful and durable
Tad, and
Inure of new ware. Just received and for sale, who/e-
kr R,...,5AnAtf,1,...,J.1.1,11Ar,L.:T IA H, N . f far, t e n o , L7lf i l l /j i s m is a l , ta
Co., to me remaining panners. has this der rented
from the ann.
February 1.2, Ista-if
poiriShilittl4ll Al AS l/FAvYIRES. Tbe under
go 41, Agent fur the marufacturers ban on hand
and i's. contrail tly reeeitring • full sapid) of rho articles
In PiftlllyrCli rind Vivtl.p. which he offers for
•ale at sumintatorrers pore, GEO COCHRAN,
20 wood at
1. Nble3ril'al'isttenerTeßs c P :ll B et l t ' t .a
nie'lreo7":: r'ren'slerrnin.* bßO4's'l'.;
and shoes pea fectly water proof, and nob an a piece of
cloth. rpplienuor of this 'taste Is suifietent to
make their imperelous fo water for 2 or 3 month., and
a perfect preventative from the leather rackiug.
Reed aril for sule nt the Intim Rublr, Depot. No 3
Wood so feb23 JA ll PHILLIPS .
Diennond Alley, bawd. Mod and ifirnirafi4 Soars.
E. IL BIGELOW would r
apree ay
.... w
. _
.a.,7,,5...a. inform Me ,. public
'1"..1a5..—.7-1) c 7 a . m " l ' l l l y
g'glabgee found
La ' r on ' ertign's " 1; 4 - '
I hies, and all k in d sof fancy Carriages, esianl
gaiter •n 4.1 1 ,111.10 .4 to any found In 1110 Kai{ tes
tracts for any- number of Carnage', panic. and gons, will be promptly filled.
All work of hints, manufacture will be warranted.
Havanancsa—alol. R. Ptt
aerson, R. 11. Patterson. K
IS Isaszunt, Esq., Ruben Robb, Erg . C L. filagill, Al.
dersuan Steel.
WIRE 11.4.1L1NG.
ID unt.E• A . ITENTItiN is oalict.d to au rem
tiarai new article of RaII.ING. Made of wrought im,
tiara, sod
soil umlauted or woe, and expressly
, ' :Jste recta,ee., Raleoi
m.. PUMA(' C•101411da, 4te., al Paces marling from 50
rent. to tam the running foot. It Is Made In panned,
of various lengths, tig to 4 fret high, with
;mitts If inch equate at Intervening distances of 6to
10 feet. Jr desired. ihr. ozoutels ran he made of aOY
height. In continuous spans of 60 to 60 feet, with Or
Without posts. No extra charge for poets
The comparative lightness, great strength and dura
bility of the WIRF: RAILING, the beauty of its varied
ornamental damenit together iamb the extremely low
price. at whieh n le. mod. are causing ti to impenordri
the Cast lion Railing wherever their comparative
, hate been testa& For further particulars. ad
ItIARSIIALL & alto-mi.:Es,
Diamond alley. hearStArugt;'".:e6till'atir P;ritnaro'rl'h.
Front and Vnte strcent. Cincinnati, O.
..'• ,!., _ 4-,, ,1y.. -.. ,? . .f,g , ,,A , ' 2 _?::: 1 1,•Y , 'AgT3%.., , ,
1,,"-;,---v--::_•-•'--- • ••.. I, f - ' .4 - -- :i.?` ,l ' 7 ""- ~
t 7--,vy4r-,1.EP.4 itc pi
Itk,„3,ta g 5_411..1G 2,4441:
- :•• ,- kb-r..=•...z. - i , 4i,41. ~:
foTac..l . t,Ei Ei j i, , r ,,1 ' eq,
tlitril ill a BB: - vt.
~. ~.,..„ ..r. t .
-„... .....5., „
• 1:1 I i' l li . : I:4
„,„... ..,..,;
--c. ,--
- mry.
j - Orderrs (root risishamh for Alcohol, Purn Syn.
11 oor eod 11'2.01.7, wid bo promptly attn.-
dell to at lowept market lyncr. loch ba y
i213:1 V; I/ at the ..err CarpC: VW.tre•
It boas, No 2.5 Fourth street—
/I/eh embon,..l Ph...corers Pla.o Turkey red Cb Lou
do do Table Jo }la J do do
IVet•leal du du du do lior•ldroic
suoreen Carrel Binding •
.6:001,140-1)w*. Liotlytt2s Ttraoopalent ~. Irtire
Sc/iplUrev.Turiasit 41,..0`
'Ltu•La do .1. .10
trout-0,1.n.. do do
t00t:1471.s 1'
I-and...aloe do 'do T do do
otd and r. owl "te.,. Hark
P...irr Enda
The • flood. ale of the,god ;were.
stylo, whlet / "l
va! the alle..nn of nu;
•a 4 cunonoera, and those o:.idog to to rhalt or re
pl.,l•ll meal to boat. •.4 held
41* 11 r7l INT,Irli
Cll,7oltta SC NT kg, lIrIA.
Manufacturer and donee a
s 4 kind• of
A T hi. Oldatrand, ennor of Smithfield starer and
PI fhamond o, Frusbursh, Fa , would eal/err and
or cal, the erten m ion }
Cl Country Merchant, t lintel and
soarotmar Barkeeper, Ina Large and urpermr ae•ort•
ou nt or IMPORTED C/ rr ARS, among which will be
fauna the olio - urns brands, NU. Eale, Re Cas
-44,414, //crop, La Norms, son Brand, Mrnoregal.,a and
Loner Regehas MI of whorl led be .oldylow s •
dm he hod at any ether Imuse in the ray.
Afro- constantly ewer
hand and Int cal, • tgrge and
weil selected snot 4,4 I irgini44, klaseen, and Fore Cut
Chewing Tobacco.
Assn, Her., Cuba and COIII/11011 Leaf Tolocco
connautA on hand end for sale. 0v3•16u,
1 \ 'EW Ch RFF7F44. -- -Reeeleed a ro day yre.4, onto
IN the nuanufamerer--
Nese nyleTope•try 3 ply C. 1.94440., eill/s super;
do de du do
do *open
do do
BrurselsCan Drussels, very rbecin. reut,
du rich color. super Ingrain
4.1.:t; and 3-17 henry Venous, do
4 4 3-4 end As columnl do do
A. of • i.,, k sr, I tie so.d ui a 'mull advance, and
and guarantee as row as can hr purchwed in the east
•dm W .FCLINTOCK, 75 Fennh at
FROM the very lateral encourage
. ' 0 .... -_ 7 hied the soloorther has received mnee
/....:,, , be has loesued himself io Allegheny,
•iir-ipost. has ~dared him to lake a leace, for a
term of years, on the property he now
occupos, to Deaver street, Inankediately Londe rho
err:Wren. Church Front the long expenenee in the
shod domes. and a deco I. please, he hope) to mer
it and receive a share of public patronage.
Now on hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Doe
/los, open and top Doggie., and every OO•CTpit
ln of
I-ortiages made to order, from ae•enty•fi•e dollars to
allhthonaret iwo3-dtf) JOHN SOUTH
The Allegheny f
so ry.
A T ti :e m ln . nu a el ceche: uao‘inthe CorpLeat w oz, ,,, h . . ,,, 1d a :
molly re-elthetel Managers lo g r par ensuing year:
THOMAS 111 HOWE, FeemdenL
J Florin, Jr, Secretary and Treasurer.
The annual statement preeenind ilie affair, of Mr
Company In a very prosperous coorhuon. Theo offer
or the ell y ts No. 37 Water street
Eon side of the DIOLOOOd, where Vorulleo
BO ods of al/ the different sires sod colors
are kept on hand or made to order de
Wealest and most approved Eastern fut.
at um shortest notice and on the Mos
ITO•Onable term,,
AM., the ci11e.1441, Becton roll or spirt Blind Transpa
rency and Proper Curt.. of all the different Woes and
pendia, err hmul and for sale low fordo!, Old Yens
two /Bolds painted over and repaired, or takari in pan
payment for new It Al WFMTERYELT FiCs'or
N. H —At/ wo,. done with the best material and
workmanship, and warranted to please the Word fro.
Allegheny Puy, Aug. 10, Is4a
-- - - -
MIALMOOK, 117111.1/1011 La WIIO.V.Lt..
lOffice at the hirahrtage. Baltimore.
1 , E.01.1:ED It Al charges litytt been
red On 1,1 Messages IO of from tlaltrolore. p,,,...
in."-gh or Whoahog,. and a oprremendinr reducran
etude cra aillelegirsphot• dinparches forwarded low flai•
Muoro It'oet of Piturbo rgh, Pa.
RATI..—Tho charter for n n
from &mead. no or
from Bedroom., Pittsburgh and %%hordin le 46 0..
- 'lnc first ton words, and 3 corm lot oaoll arldramw
IL? No charge to mode for the wittree e end gtrle
Until the completion or the Sobth Western Line o.
Telegraph front Atemphis, Tenn., to New (151 et..., dew
pouches emi Ine forwarded to Illediphl s by this route, end
awned for New (acleana.
HACILES. ON 11 ' 0( N/1101'SE SE JOll/1, IVODllutlth:,
AN:I N rth t:
n o:: days wp .inalthmer ziefidemtllms.ell)7l7o;nt.esei,iejr
I Wootmonsa, for the mamas/dar e ni TIN, COPPER
A ND lillE:T41;011,1 11.0 lit . ; no the corner Cr Rob, n.
401 J street and the
Canal,Can In Me L4l Wart. VALLEnlits sr
net, where on boy prepared to fOrniAls to order,
. h.:reale d retail, all "flick, in Ilight line WWI
L. bottle
Brink e.B 'an x e kaaatiga arok•r•p
COLLECTIONB,--BANK NOTBlDrafta, 'Noma and Acceptances
payable in any pun of the UCIA OI I,COUteIed On the most!
favorable te..
CHANGEEX On Nov York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore; ,C Loulle, Saint Louis and
New Orleans, constantly for sale.
BANK BMUS—Noses on all solvent .bunka inlitC
Crated Suues discounted at the lowett mt.. All kituts
of Foreign and Autensan Gold and Silver Coin bought
and sold.
_ , v
Other No, 53 Market street, between it and 9th,
Pittsburgh, PA •
—_—___. ;
BIV a oil Endl o arlesel e. an u„ d 4 Td Sc . o s tdatough.abanr.
Also, Drafts parable In any pan of the Old tkoantnen
from 1,1 to .f.lOOO, et the rate of B.: to the .t &crime,
without deduction or discoom, by JOSHUA ROBLN•
SON, F.aropen. a... General Agent, pit.. Slh .t one
door seem of nod.
Aa l skl::::. Oar
az. RAH
I/ In Bontnri aratDomestie Bills or Recharge, Oar
of potlin, Bank Notes and LIMe, comer of
3.1 sod Wood streets, directly opposite Sl.. Charles Ho
.... I y
Kenmetry, •
parehaaed at the owe rates, by Bank Notes;
ILLA . Market meet.
Nev 'Yor OV-rtraiikffri Cheekion
Commly for we by N. Jlol.',.&'ik. SON?. Rpm' =Market et.
. . .
BURK& ' USIU, .640.
NE‘V flmOKS—Compleie Works ofJohn Al Mason,
Li TA I/1 4 vols.
Mardi and a Voyage Hither, by Herman
Border Warfare of N Toik, by W IV Campbell.
Here a Little end There a Lade, by the author of
''Une upon Line, and Precept upon Proem."
Memoirs of my Youth. byLarstakuur.
Illustrated Liter of Franklyn /1
part fith, pott received'
and fur liele by JOHNSTON & STUCKTON,
corner Third mad Market st.
E W--1/00E:4--Dr. CoTeiciriii - W - Orli on Epidemic
NCholera, us History, Causes, Pathology and treat
Plulosemby of Religion, by l D. Morell, A.
I:Moron's Catechism of the Steam Engine.
Chan/bees Cyclopedia of &Iglu. !amnion. T vol.
octavo, fine edition, steel plates.
Chan:Mere Illtsceliany of Useful and I:memo/nog
Knowledge -10 vols.. mo. filuetrated.
Advtre to Vining Men, by T. S Arthur, nil.
t ruism ., .ll,lll
Young omen,
:lemon. of Meteorology, by J. Brucklesby, If. A.,
Prover!. for tbsiiPeople, by E S Magee,
I'mversity Sermon., by Cr. IVaylasd.
Preach. lia/sean Lecture*, for 1546-7—• The fitness
.1 Holy Scriptures for Inafoldillg the spiritual lue of
sum ' I vol, ry
von Pr/mall/Ps Ufa, illustrated.
(tenoned this day by
NT Eol(Vchl:l2l.lC.4.AtT,ltrtl,N: 1.1,-F,-thirpaty.,o..l.olViel, tir....A.
I voi. Minn . -814.. An swan edihoss of dn. work
War mid in one day, on Its publication in London!
Leaves from Margaret itandn's Journal, In the Pro
vince of blassactiuseits Bay—RCS-9. I vol. 12rieo. 'Mc.
Ilort's Poems.—eiketche s of Lae and Land.rape, by
Rev Ralph Mort —new ed enlarge) —with Woma
n... Ittmo. 81 dal.
A enteehinn of the Steam Enspria, illustrative orate
semnotic pont-mins upon %%twit Its operatton depend.,
and the praetienf debut of to strticiuse in ita appl
tioa le ninues, mills, .team naysgation, and railways;
with varl.• suggestions of improvement: Loyd Bourne
C. K I vol. 1.2ni0. 72e.
Checver's Lessen. on the Pilikrim's Progrevs—nelv
-al. !km°, Prase rcdneed to 111.1 at.
The Caxton., a Family Piathre. Part I. !be.
Franklin% tale, inlistrated. Pans I V and V. Rae..
Tnettus' Mooney; by Prof Tyler-12mo. For .
by ruch2l ,
4th Pt
Solo Agency lbw Nunn. AG Olarkra R HOPKINS
JUST RECkIYI , I) and opening,
new lot of elegant Pianos, front the
celebrated factory of Namur& Clerk,
N ' Y., comprising 6,6} and 7 octaves,
with towortant wprovements, twit ut mechanism and
ex -tenor possessed by uo others.
AL tO.-A
oin 7 fine selection of Chlekenng's Pianos, trom
octaves. 11. KLEBER, Sole Agin",
Third r
at J. W. W d oodwelPs, R 3 t.
N. D. The above tont he solat Otawfaurew pn:
ces, without an y addition for freight or eXPct etwes ti
__ ourn re
0 Jal and Chntele copy
P lIA.NO&T -----
A SPLENDID assortment b
1.. Y and fi ROsesgood Pianos, /us A. tp i pp
the Latest patte mmonals
wd wall be sold ''flor leStribl"'eby''''''rn and best ""t"'
P BLLINIR, 112 Wood street
M door above Elfitt-
N R-Thowe who are to want of • good instrument,
are respecoully invited to examine these before Dun
basing einneherc, as they cannot be excelled by any
in the tumuli", and will Ise soldlower than any brought
from We East Alsolust nrecived, two pianos of lu
burgh manufacture. warranted to be superior to any
__et iliold ito
, lass count r) mall P. 1.1.
rj tilt.: AubecriLer Nts been appointed Wade Agent bar
I. the went CARHAR rs Integovga 5/ELOOF,
ONA. as matorfeettund and arid perfected by Mem,.
March & Mote, of Cmcoman. The usual firmware
end exmnt being but four octanes, Meas.. N. & W.,
•e s , rdettrr 'nth the enteral drams end demand,
nave emended the waste elf thew witrumertte to 41 .. , 4
ev ea 4 orates, Mos mating utpractm•ble to perform
.p. a....a. Nu etasle oratLea log Ille giallo Of Organ.
The ertenor also, low been umeh Improved bYPlaCtug
the 1/.1.1s of the instrument upon a east iron frame
beauntubs bronzed mid ornamented rendenng it at
I n
• moil
wit and extremely dcalmble article
tic once oi pot low a. to bring it wig. the morel I
or es et, one to obtain a perfect
pin Lostrament,
and, et the tame time. • own elegant piece of Perin.
tme fora compete-sure noir , II KLEBER,
At J W Wow/well's
it RP.AT hflSlttit I. N(A'ELTY-'ll4. aaVai.Tibe,
k j r ass resit C.-. es, trace IllmOre, }Astir-yam for sale tin
ci•tt fc I) im • ni otr itt,,,. of .1 .t 0itc,i.41,1 the CAD
IN F.:T PIANO FOR I 1... a ho-hixessesonng more pas,
and sweetness than We metre Piano oecupies but One
fourth a. much moot, and is • lunch more showy and
bwdsorne peec:of Runtime. It is particularly deg..-
hie where the saving of wan. is em object, being ex
reedtrigly neat and compeer, and occupying no more
mein man a striall side .1,.. The subscriber has to
band a tr•umomal of ICIP .uperlority twin the eclat. ..-
led pi...! Mos, helles, in In• "ten nand "eratutzluch
may be inspeetml
At J W Woodweirs
Chickening. Plano. ---
JIJAT renewed and for sale at man
elegant patterns of furniture, r
and with
the late unproved mint,
Alto an hand and for sale low, 1 tonnod hand Piens
bole Agent for Chtetenn, • M..% fur Western
itres:us, et Wood street.
IVER/ AILSIt' fly HENRI lir:HZ-4k; Lao Roue
JA ut Surqns t r. with an Introduetion and tailLant ra
nsom,. for the Piano lot le , ti• performed in .11 los
roarrna to the Untied Mates I r Henn lien
Affl.lary Polk A, to Henn Ilcrt,
cow, Pont.
Salver Bell Polk., "
Just reeclved and Inc sale by
rachl3 JOHN II MELLOR, di arowl st
- _____ _
Vocal Exercise.
an a ecompaniment for Ilse
• 1 isit-forte, adapted to the Avatars of morale pupils,
or elates in vocal mow. Selected from Itaiinn,
Prem. It and Gentian egioltenierry by Lowell Hawn: ;a
Jorge pages of <timely pnnted mune, eontaining 114
czerrlael progreasiveky •rtstoged Priers 76 eulat -
J um received, a oupply of the above, direct (onto We
publishers, by .
tneh.. JOHN H. MELLOR,
_______ of wood at
1_ - •
It NED, Piltiiireaco;a7PACKET LIRE,
alekial 1848.
i alat
c!"" P.`l```—OCE.ti•H(Cl'p',LaatLiteFros.".
(~ Y 7,' : ".°„` dl : ° . ''.° . "4 „P7i ii ` a`n`l l l ° :”%rellrg:n i° 73 : '',ll
'. erten, where they conneet wall, hro hied Magee for
AY roe /red Cleveland, arrnmer fil each of these ranee.
oefure aught. Uev'of rho Parte. leave warren daily,
al 3 l' AL, and a neve at Deaver In Unto lo rake the
no. lung eteamboat rnr rat.aur g a.
CrYTIN A I.EPPING WELL, Warehl proprie,-
al 11 TA VLDE,
nutrition to sox Last us roan DOCks.
~anal Puck tit-Prmorinvonto, CapL Jeffries;
" TFLutanuit, .. Pelloa;
- - LaktrElrit, Tray;
" . Portions " Brown;
" " FoLertion, " Peyer.
The above new and splendid Pciseenaer Plackets hare
ornawneod running betwettin HEAVE R ANDPilitig
trill wII run regularly daring the season-ne e num
oaring Erot every roornmg at 8 o'clock,suid one lea,
e ages, every evening, immediately alter Mt tun
cm in the ate filiclogrui from Pittsburgh.
Ti , boon are new and emnfonably firm/Jibed, and
wilt tan through in forty boors. Passengers to toy
r.i... the L.."'" or in , Mogan Palle, oril/ dna:la
mum the mat eanifon.ble and expeditious. rickets
Moloch to elf ports on the Lae can be Procured by
P"" c ° Fl A 7.6 , , i PA RKS. & Co, Hearer.
....1.1. o,44?;,,trittititiatah.,,..
IS: -Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, NY.
C M Reed, Erie, Pa.
C C Wick, Greenville, Pa;
M'Perland and King, Big llend, Pe;
Hays & Pima, B harpsbargh, Pa;
W C hlalen,Sheran Po.,
Die Motheynt,Pultiki, Pa;
It ‘lf Li2bmtff., An w Cal_lll .7_ , t_
liala ilailik
1 , 1 ill firtl /HUTA&
,ft.loDi.:Rl,!-1A1,41117E, AND TIIK
rpm:Proprietors m i nas Line bore put on New IN*
and •re prepared to torward packages of all de
wription. doily. al 1 / 4 a lowest rates.
. J C, lIIDWFIItIe Ade%
nal ' IY 9 (471 .1(7TV1, b .
mill ill South Charles Di, linitunore.
__ ___.
- IWINDEN ik - C's- -
Piuntantker and Itantletatrroo Onion.'
/LANRDEN & CO. comma to bring pentane
any pert of England, land. fleethand or
kiliktZnle, upon the most liberal terme, wnh Melt
usual prmenteltty end mama., t e , th e „,,, nete nn ,
hat of eintaigrents We Janet allow our passestgere so
be robbed by the ondedling seams Mut Infat We sea.
porta is we take charge of them wellminen t to e , re .
pun themselves, and ore to We ts being, mod de
nentob them without any detention by the fint ehf h t_
W e B ay 11. hrtirl...lY ,on we defy one anr passe.
Eera to show that May were detained 4.9 boors by a to
~01, veliilat tbotiaande of others Were detained
months, until they could be rent in some old craft, at li
eh: p rate, which too tretlubnaY Preyed their coal:re.
intend to perform ons epntracts honorably, coat
whet it may and Oct act as was the cue last MIIIiOLI,
With ether othecm,--whe either perfbft e d eel err or
When it roiled their convenience. . ,
,Drsftpayable at Pitubtogh for any tam from LI to
pop. at Lo of this p.rovinet tiallh in Ire
illsed;tughind, Scotla nd end, Valles. ai
EMMA.. and Ganetal Agent,
noo ' PM ammo. doiteetaltne Wood.
Iti:Cirkt .- Eliil3o-RS-70-ritiocetieniiiiiii;
ter., 07 Market atreet, - : • . •
. .obeekoloreillielect Ribbon, ustrual eaiorsi ,
at - bladk R ibb on,
e .. embroidery Gimp; lops wide Plain, ass
( ILLBUTTE/L-10 6171 a null, last
(.bl7 ASIaITitONO /t CitA Z EX
' • : - 8 OIN M "
nONTAINING NO MERCURY, . other blineraL—
It has power to ruse all EXTERNAL SORES,
SONOUS WoUNDS to discharse their putrid metiers,
and then heals them.
It is rightly tanned ALL - HEALING, for there Is
reateely a disease external or intdrnal;that it will not
' benefit. I hove used it for the last oilmen years Air
all diseases of the eheste involving the utmost , danger
men i te
!bat not Monhib in il iane tY, and al( before heaven surd
m, case has t faled to benefit when
the patient was within thalami, arntettal means,
I have bad plyaleiuts Learned In the profession I
have nimbi/era of Me Tospeal, o f
of the bench, al
dermen, lawyers, Truneate or 0. highest Intik/on,
and mutated. of the poor use it in every variety of
way, and theie has been but one voice --one universal
RHEUMATIRM—It removes almost irtunedintely
the intlimunation nod swelltng., hen the pain ceases.
(Read the directions around the boa)
HEADACHE—The salvo has cored persons of the
head-she of twelve years Mantling, And who had it
Mltf, every
k CI7M th tar A i tfVE L* l n 4. P;altl , -
. ) Att
are helped wall like /Meets.. I
KCALD HEAD—We hare cored eases that actually
defied every Ming known, es well as the ebillty of fiG
ham to twen doctors. Ono mandohl us ha had at
lur c
WOO oty n
hildren with. may benefit, when 2 few
boxes or Ointment cared them.
TatteTETE:U6-T,, ls nothing borer for the care ofr.
BURNS—It is one of the beet things In the world for
PIES - -Tb.ands are yearly cured by this Oita
' mem. It rev,. falls in Ovum relief for the Piles.
ii:D"" Around the box are directions for sine AP4/-
fishes Ointment fee Serefolo, Leers Complaint, Hestia..
las, Terme. Chithlain, Scold Head, Rare Rya, Quincy,
Sine Thmal, Bsonvkims, Nose. Afeetiont, Foirts, Du
ro. col tI4 Sprne, Head ochB, . 0.. .. , D*0f.... EAr o.hri
Rani.. Core, ail 'hunter it( the SIAM, Seer
Lips, Pim
ples, 4, Swellivic of Me Lank, Skim, Rheumatism,
Pars, mid' Fou, preop,•Stretted oe Broken Brum, Ilea
aeit Arne its tEs Fats,
COLAlFEET—LivrComplaint, pale in the Chest
and Skis, rallies elf of the hair, or the other ace....
fileseold fret. 'This Ointment Is Llie true remedy.) It
as a lure algteordmeasa to have cold feet.
C ORNS--Oce.lonal ass of the Ointment will al
ways keep cants from ,rowing. People need never
be troubled with them ti they ewe it kennel:lay.
Cl:js This Ointment Is good for any part of the body
or limbs when inflamed. In some rues it should be
applied often.
CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine unless the
name MJAKIKS fiIvALLUSTER Isswritteir with a pert
. every label.
For sale by my Agents In ell the principal cities and
towns in the tinned Miles.
prietor of the above medic
UT P n IN. lise i I Odloe'spo 23North Tided etreet,ine. Phil.
Apollo nodding., Ath.
. ~ .
. • Aomegt m...Pimannaaignot. Reim; ea.. at'',
Libony and St. Clair eta; I. :AltfelllZ J.') b omeeer
!dukes In and the Diamond, elan corner of 411 i gad
emithfield au; J If Cason', comet otWalmnand Penn
ioa, 6th tettht and sold au the bookstore in Smithfield
II 1, ‘1 i doositrom &wand oti in Allegheny city by 11 P
Se m b;rant and J Sargent; by I C Smith,
Zeoltril ' P 6110 11 .4 E"'l,lt. Soljnb:Ar4lll.lingil*atela Cityil'iN':
0 9..m0n eoGo.l4):44.7lleges,'llltotenagillei John
ii.rkley. Beaver, Pg, are or holnsaie aemits.
___ l l l FadJ / --
rj t/113 rapid stride. which ilydropathy has made
1 since as introduction Into this l coca hunt sod astonishing curative erfeets of cold the bril
water in
, chronic and saute onseaaes, when employed after the
method of the celebrated Priesnits, have removed from
the toad of en intelligent and discerning public every
particle of doubt as ta its dame'', and Ruined it torn
rersal favor. Considering the unsatisfac resul
of remedies heretofere used In theireatertent ofehron ts ic
complaints, (complaints, too, which any increasing vv.
srY Year,' il must be a natural wish ID see the success
' of • method by which so many unfortonole sufferers
Trill be
su freed from their pains and Ineringlea.
The bscriber having practised successfully this
method for eight )ets at 'kis tilydropathic establish
ment, which has been considerably entitled and im
proved in an its parts, and In every respect, ia now
ready to Meellre and 5ee09341301/1.1.0 patient.. who may
choose to place themse/ves under his care, skill and
Philipsburg, ideated upon the left bank of the Ohio,
appueltel the mouth of Mew Dig Beaver, is well known
for as refreshing and ,tuslubrhsus atmeaphere, Its de
liglauhl quietness and charming natural scenery, com
buttes every leßulailil to render the sojourn of the in
rab.d agreeable, anti'muntrlbuting not a little to re-es.
nil:dish lmnairedlealth and physical strength.
sin T t h o e .,
.esrutinsh. en e e v id, ry thi t i hin fi g rs , t
l iz ih arte ro d , 111,tiette Vitizidl
comfort, calculated to Insure • speedy sad happy ter
tujontlett of the ailments of the Patient.
Persons wishing to avail themselves Otte adman.
gee here altered, will please addras the subscriber
by letter, (post-paid,/ swains as near as possible the
pantry, of their complaint,, In order to decide and ad.
nee on their fitness and curabty by dm Ilydooothio
hutment, and also what will be necessary for them to
take along, for their especial andersonal use.
EDWARD ACKER, X. D. Proprietor.
Philipsburg, aver county, Ps.
Rersau.scra—Resdil. Killikelly, Arkgstrong;
Cleft, Esq. do; lion. Thomas Henry, Heave_ ,r Pa.; Dr.
Barker, du; Prof. Ch. Ellial Pittsburgh, Pa.; L. C.
Perkins, Esq. Ohio; Rev. S. It. Sneed, Mew Albany;
Rev. M. A bon, Princeton, N. J.; T. L. &mum, Esq.,
New York; Dr. Ch. Winter, Philipsburg; Wm , B. Me. :
Conned, Esq. Patsburgig A. Bidwell, Es.q., do..
Q UNDRIESL-11:0 packages fresh Teas—Y. Ily so
13 Gunpowder and Impena4
300 bags prone Green Rio Cotree; GO do Lagar
do; 10 do Old JoiNt do;
n h e l o w ck ro Pe p Pr i ri () S. do p,....i., ,
504 bbl. Plantarom Malmsey '
SO de rtugar House do
20 tierces trash Rice; 150 Om Bunch Rotator;
150 hos ntmtufactored Tobacco, ',ado. Ontada;
20 keg. fledge & Bre. U twist Tobacco;
10 " 2 Holds' 0
10 ° Pittsburgh plug
15Q bsa Eiglit Wholow Wass; 20 do 1002 doi ,
:OR kegs assorted Nai l 12 casks dalernius;
&CO potmds Cotton Yarn, assonad Nos.
'Thigether with a hill andgeneral awoortment of arli.
ni in the Groecry lie on hands sad for sale by
• J k. H
FLOYD, Round Church Building,
g Fronting on Liberty, Wood and 8 1 ath its
' 1121.1.11011.N1A RUBBER GIOODS,Jan received,
a../ 3o Camp Ellaukciai IXlolficar coats; 11l pro Paola
lo pain emu !Med Mining Roots; 1g isthmus Ana; 3
water T,Loka, 6 mad 12 gallons cool' 5 0 canteens, i
woo each; I dos Bat:baba Abney Rini; Ido ode
cambric do do. The alma, goods for sale at the Cali
'rata Ousting ratablishomm, No 5 Wood 01.
1 & li niturps
•A. DROWN would nespert
h rrone Sat p4blio, that ht
on hand Ma stand on the
Jr of th At e
Oily, • complete ann
' Yenitian Rhoda; also Ye-
Shelton are made to or
the hmt style, warranted
• any in the Vatted Staten.
.1s ran be removed alib
i of of a screw driver.
rwrshalled i 0 smell.
and wood alba Cabinets.
meat of Ramsay ft
ans Prepared to farnish
d customer., as well as
/ Ming In their line.
.n, Pittsburgh.
PAPER lIANGINGS-1 am itow meeivlng,
(rote thu manufacturers in New York, Philadel
phia and Baltimore, • large end well Wetted assort
ment of all the latest and most Improved styles of sa
tin, eared and common PA PER HANOINGS, con
sisting of--
Ie,MA, pieces of Parlor and Freacm
10,000 Rail and Comma;
10,IXO " Dining-room, chamber and oleo
Poper—which I would particularly Invite the attention
of those having houses to paper, to erdl mad ekanti rte,
Si the Paper Warehouse of S. C. LULL,
S 7 woodat
or Fancy VARIRTIIII;44:
contemns; In part of Anidelals, Ribbons, Lace., no
'key, Glove., Crape, Leduc, Cambries,Nertings.Laca
veil, shawls, Pongee Handkerchiefs, guma Cravats,
gingham and COMM Handkere, carded Skins,
sewing Silk, Threads, Buttons, Co mb s, Jewelry, Cut
let'', &.e. As. Country and coy starched:es are res.
paetfally invited to call and examine hla stock, ygo 84
Wood street, corner or Diamond alley. mei=
mdly Cooney utto sae wholetome, nourishing
.d donde. beverage, being More pleasant b time common Ceren, and Air cheaper, as a
paper cosung only_ ten cents, will , go foe 14 our
;evade or Codee. Alatturiehmed by"
JOHN SatTJEALEW, Pittsburgh, pa.
Sold as wholesale by ATALMIEsToCK a
Cu, 'ecolver orintst and Wood and Sixth and Wood meets
MililtovlrSTO fr.:NOLAND—dud
er. edition, cemtalaingialdhe mailer, verbatim
'el literalize, of Vols. 1 and Sot the Loudon edition, a
bellLsked with a poriraittf lb. autbst3 Vols. In o
Brines complete, 0c largirisyyly e_f Lboaboye
,cnivad and for labs by JORNA aw.4,OR,
QUADU3-4 bales Cotterh oh, Feallten; hdo
10101Plartett tide Nei-UNA NaternEfum Memel
Eaphratea, for •ale by LSZLIAS DICKEY N Ca,
Front at
pap folloerrog from George E. Pomeroy, - E m ,
_IL wen known proprietor of the Egtm tweak. for
(trotter the Importance order Pain tar La every
.. .
Eyncasa Omer, AUsany, Sept. I.
Ma Dsturr: My Dear Sir—With feelings of no or
dinary Feature I stddreas you in relation to die benefit
I have received bum Aar Invaluable Pain Rstrretor.
l..,,atb:liri,ngm3little tlaught corned n..Oir e e r ars et. ; had
a p I.:her
were canto r
so Mat a crowd instantly gathered be
fore the hansom learn the cease ofthe terrible screams.
I tore her clothes asunder, and 'soon Spread on' your
naive, and she woe
carried and laid upon a bed. She
was soon relieved from her pains, an sweet "Ma, / feel
es in could lettghl" and wassoon in sleep. She
was scalded to a blister from. the top of her shoulder
onus. moreOn the than half her chest, d mood under the
shoulder an
and breast Rents very'deep,
yet from the first hour, site complained only when it
woo dressed. Th e sore healed , rapidly, and there le no
contraction of the muscles. ' -
We s ith many f wishes, my dear sir, for your success it
W ale o dus mighty article,
I am yours, svithrempeet,
• --
. The
stantan gem:tine Dailey, will ever produce the same in
eoua relief. mid toOthiag, cooling effect in We
severest eases of Burna,Scabia, Piles, - •
The Counterfeits—no n atter under what ge.
may they
y appear—always irritate, and
IC rease the pain.
I. Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge s
Columbia county, N. - Y., have been efaicted e
amnion in my breast feet and all over myb ody , ,
.• lyears, ea that / could hot
snear :i d-was cured by
e application. of Dailey' Mis cal Pain Extractor
EERY P. ligliMs9.
Dailey: Sir—ll cut my fingetarlth a coppe well
poisonous nature of welds cauwd as.
fo r swell • ( exiderably , with constant shooting pains up to the
1 r noalder. A large swelling taking plate at the ann.
,tit,with increasing pelts, I became fear/hl orate Lock
jaw. In this extremity year Pain EXtraehrh* r roto.thended to me, an which I WM. prevailed ape to
try. The consequence was that it Irorded tee detest
instant relief,' and in three day. I waa complete!) cu
rn ARRISON, New York,
coer Broome and Sullivan sus, Sept 51.1841.
NOTICE—It. balmy is the inventor of this inside
able remedy, and never has and never will communi
cate to anyliving m sushi, sextet of its combination!
All Extractors, therefore, not made and put op b
hint are base counterfeits.
.41SiP.ratRolVe Dl7Ore-415 Broadway, New York;
t4i 47/1. street,
:Mated Dering D r. W7d
THORN, Ageots for Pittiburgh. 7
Datley'a Antsnal Gamma Curs All,
Cares humors, roavin, quitter, grease, poll-evil,
mt.., tithe, sod Mums. Pamphlets, containing cer
tificates of respectable parties, may be had on &malice
non t 0.41.1 I
novl&dlyls JOHN D. ameti
Aeon; Pittsburgh....______
toI w • A •
p 0 7110.9.£ s
j LNGS —T nted som w
as hich:hthe
uended the ass he
of tee upreceden
to all the
si n . donna ornieh Irritation of thaltutts ad. rune s , has oelaccd.the protector amen to Cell Ulan.
Mon to thia. v
tvoND ßitniatespearaiON.
ma Memorable smash. which Marko oat mu =lx
sruoter manths, is alwaye afroulid mama of
of th ,
COLDS AND cotrota ; -
Meer, If neglected, are but the precursors at 4.11
The overdo., men o w gull we nip the destmyer id
the bud? hoer .hall we get clear of oar toughs sied
Pi`fliVjerfalkerNthßlitdrlV....,,i, „,. . '
will be fo u nd us the Rumens Panacea. In pr..r.. ,
ere have from tune bum, ptablithed the certificates of ,
Means of oar beet known cumena, who Mom oxii7;
enced ota curative powern. Them, with amass se to
rt g.D r l
' r.011.,. Li
hIV.N ' t ' 6 .- 'l` , d y' VI rPl u lsi 1 ' z't r A isr Dim G , .
ium or .o. oopoi, ko.,togothor with cation, nej
Ices from the
see have
Stella of ,
of our in pamphlet tout, , and may be had
any pamphlet
hue bran used Lit this clt
throeghom the Muted Smear and Canada, led we all:
Mute any maxi to pot. oat 111
1 I
a which, when mt. aetording to directions, amt.:
fore the limp hall becatne flotplly ohoortatuzed, it h
over felled to •
then, need the afflicted hetitue7 Why retort
the mirable no .lm4ll.tteu ort kV.. • D a. Regent.
.alt a ler the assumed num of soma tie =MIMI !phyl!
titian, and puffed into notoriety by certificates ri pelt
so. and
anknewer Matt ammilaine of
tt to be had, who. vouchers are at honte,—our nattki
bots,—many of whom u haa
In ruder that this unaluble Medicine duty be placed
=thin the reach of the poor ter wail the rich, nhave
pot the pd. at
onn6v Furry osnrr I
fast one half the utual east of cones
for rob by oar ammo in comily every tem, eedeat,,,,
over the west, Who am mural te, gis• fall informs
don triad. to It. T. SALTER, Proprienu,
Broadway, Cincinnati, Oloct
firbicto#ATtiacr EirrAnZisreanl N V
' emmtranu__ ,Mart =eV= ea, AS
nR. EDWARD ACIMR, takes thls means of na
t..) taming him thanks to hts *tends end 'the public
foe thb eneutive patron:ma helms received, and at kr
forming them that he has lately erected a large and
...all constructed buildiagam the arched.
location at Phillip:burgh, Pa, on the Ohio neer, app.
etc the meamboat leading at Saver, whets heismadt
to receim patients. boarder and treat Utem on fry.
dropathh principles. to addition to his long *spott
y ace, and the treat success which hu heretofam at
tended lee treatment of patients mated tted ts Ws cans,
be has no w
the addelonal facilities efforded by an ex ,
tentove haiku. erected espreesly for Ste purpose, con
mount cononotha. and any TOO.M and rated ttp onth
every neccuary apparstue for, and =MU.
tering the treatment m the utmost benefit and cogfort
df the patient. Plutimsbona t is a most delighs and
healthy Miti, easy of access by tteamborns ,andnar
.. line _wh
olesomeoe water. Dr-Acker assam.
those =listed wh may
shall be un
der hid care, that every attention shall be paid bath=
comfort, and as an nut:tali. elute substantial =net.
to be derived, he point* with confidence to th e Inn
dreds who have been pernemently coxed it Ida ettab
lotinnent The Water Cure leaven no inJunons erre,.
behind, ns la too often the case tli om whit hzi
been treated on the old mats. wlt remove, M the di
ems, inugonnes the system, protecta from the dan
tncident matelot. of the weather mama a +mimed
and active appetite, ind Imparts
vigor to the digettive
powers Terms of treatment nod boarding reasonable.
For forth. panicuilningutre-at the establishment, or
addreet the proprietor et• litillifebrusgb.
DR. IA y Whill AtalsNtaiv4,7-7-7.--,
Weltave been Informed by Mau Rose f a - care pen
Maned on her by Jayraa'a Ross t
with ulcerations and eufbliadon of vatioas bones, de
clog Which tune many placket's= been dtachamed from
the Imdtal bane of the 'mate. from both ter mats,
wrists end hands, and Rom both legs, and hum the left
heron] bone, and frenFthe right knee, besides palatal
elvers on ether pulse( hes puma, which have battled
the skill of • member of the momentum. physicians of
oar eit) -- durtng moat of the time her suEurings have
been excellently and deplorable. About three mambo
Flom she wu indaced to RyDr-Jynota Alterative,
stllwhich has had an retionwhongly- lumpy effect upon her
ec. 'crfsannell,asielhiritTlelt'aralliinSAlnpd_jelc""hgeat
Las become completely rearmed, ee MX= now% Weigel
113 Its more than she dui befine she commenced the We
of this truly valnable, prepanort—fSas. Eve. Poet.
Fltzfit4tltgitirdojitattamit, init utra of Mrs. Rote, No. 17p
For sale on Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA glom,w. d : • jy6
..,V lest received of Dr. Townscad't 8404441, the
most aktraardlun7 medicine int= world! Tido Et
han I. put up in mum Wales. II to al lutes Cheaper,
pleasanter, end vrerranted ouperior to an sold. It
emu diseue without -vomiting, muting, or
debilitmingthe pail cue
Lomat:moue ...votta—linpreicipledpentortshae
corded oar labels, and put op oxeckie in tke ear.
shaped bottle s See that each bottle hat the Written
natant of S. P. Townectml
IL E. SELLERS Thattist, 57 Wood street between
Thad and Fourth, I. Dr. To w only whomeate
and mall spot for Persbnnith, of whom the geanioll
uncle can be had.
D. hf. Carry has, been appointed the sole scent for
Allegheny ray, of wham the genuine unite - can bb
II PI j.
11 ....,_. _
IL A. Fettacirotel - • A:tl. Tfiru..-Wt 0,7
%holes/ I« Foßnerroca: Pinsbated
W. Fasitun tr.
W as
York AUTO to eh* Olt/ of
Now .
R anders4med are extapove4 allgaged . 11 t Ihf
rWholetabs Matta/I tem m No. 41, obit streak-Jo
o thy of Nine Yotk, end are prepared tct I
ROMS UM MembardawftirDmem
Oda, truvßafis s Min tad Amisrloan-W 1
g st l o u nn e e d_r t
tim t l
_ ketß
_ we a n
Wl_ffasNaoa)maial ashes w be
em,olathiederm., WYalrtFe_ u
tnaY elgcl 97hth gt
o_ t'
'` re s cn
-7Now Pee. pt__ NA.i_ _____t_ re I" . v
r_i RerEPUL for WI crer radraTeiteg44. 4 4, t
tx,have recory.4 fdrin Maar ben s; r
brre dying
AVVrd mi4 , o t,,, .purite nor,b =nets
.endtletibly: Haying
i colApeteatPorela Ku, !.1:*111 :De: cntbred to
eiv Prpnriflrs?lnd art U KWOrkin dur inual
fro, an S ZNtesrlOd ta ate attaintinc- of irtel.,
t, els,nis and ic .. ity tine 6IIIPROLS
,11:1XIV ind3foreetig,attantai
ret .111%:,F. 17 . ' t6d
,141, Thlir D
Ida. An respectfely N I ZLICI :14 PMMPLI,
. Balupvikilida sad pin dawn.
JEaltA.__-........ iiiiiiiresiiiiriaiiiiiii.
: , TELE SYSTMEIIs VlZs_ ~..,-,
Surdas or Linleit.EW.lrEhOMnintsm, Obitioato Dna
newts Pzupttons, Pimples or Pustules on the. Phee,
Blotches, Biles, l oluroale Sore Eyes, B.lng.W:prin p j
Tatter, Sushi Bud, Enlargement and.Fula
Bebe. end Joints, flnibbortr Incers,Byphilnlc .of Syr the up.
'toms, Sciatica or 'bombast% and.llama nrWor
from an injudicious useoftrercuryAscluts.orDropr
sy, Exposure orlaryrudenee co Life.
,Alsc e
Coat/nions! Disorders. t f - `
In this preparation we stronglycoucentratedirthe
?Jedielnal roperdes of ausstrattnzs,couthltivd with
the maw altht, the mow rottilicirma,
thamost potent simples ofthervegetaxe and
It hot been so folly testoknel only by patients era.
selves,' hut AL. by Physicians,. that It has-ruelved
their unqualifted reebtomentlation and thltagfrohdtion
of the public• ; sod has established on its own rawitta
reputation for value and Meaty far superior to the
Vllliolll compounds bearing the name of Sarsafnuilla.
Discuss have been eared, such U* flat-funlislw,...d
in the recants of tins, pts4 and what tt ha.l airew.Y
done for the thousands who have used It, it le capable
of dot. s foe th e =nuns .2111 .agesirandoting
with disease...ll 'purifies, -Weans and.somormens
the fountain springs °flit°, era lof es ziesrvigor thrtl'-
out the wholeanimal frame. I • •
The follovruag suiting and, as will bit.wctt,. pC/Mn
nent ewe of on inveterate' case of Serofuln,tothmeadi
itself to all similarly affileted:
. ... „ ,
• thitratroar,-Conellarli...LDEßS_
Munn. Sans:. Gentleinen—SymP,Abir for ..1,..w.
ted induces me to inform you 'Of the emarkable" cum
effected by yom Sarati parillt•ititheiee e of my wife
She was severely- aleacted with Dia toralaeuidillem
ept parts of the bod die gland* of tlie neck:mem
gutsily enhurd ender ilfriblAtileh ItWOnext. Anal.
suffering erre a year Malialll4.. noVellef from the
remedies used, tho disease minted one leg, and bm
low the knee. suppurated. ay physician edirhed it
abould be laid open, which am dott4bei without any ,
permanent benefit in Chili situation we heard of; and
*ere /mimed to um Stands, Sarropadllin The Ant
bottle produced a decided and favorable ereuti cellars
lag her more than any prescription eta had creer tal
tett, nod before she had used inn battles, to tbe wan- ]
ishment sad , delight of ler. frienda, alto &and ber
health unite restored, lt 'tenor, over a year slime the
cure was erected, and her health remaini r geod, siliok4
tug the disease was thoroughly' eradicated frobithe
system- Oar. neighbant are all knowing' la. them '
facts, and think very highly of Sands'fitarsavarilla.
Yours with respect,
Ilviraot from letter revolv e d from hir2N."Vir,'llar
ris, a gentleman web known in Louisa catcall', Va.:.
:rontletnen—!.have cured a negro bier ofealna
your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with. Scro ful a,
and of a semi/Sous family.
'Noun truly, . NolVllAilliiil.i.,
"Fredericks Nall, Va., July 1 ; 1 848.., • ' .
Same' Samaras:et-LA—lt seems almost anneeciniy 1
to direct attention to an —lt
well Intown,hal ao i
deaerredl7 Popular, as this • sveparation,,lnu inulanta
(ten who will/ to am tho cur of Saraispavilln,,apt
induced to ivy .worrolesa camped/ids bearing the quad,:
but eonmining Side or bone of thrivirtde of lids Ti!,. J
able sous and we thittri cannot cantors greater
hem& on our readers t in directing Sand to the adverdamapit of the Henn , Sands inauntber
column. The latidlehmrecentlybeenbalargedroliold
a quart, and those who-wiad a really good wield-win
find concentrated in this all the medic,, ,, value of the
root. The ex - pail/men of thamand a has proved itt ef
ilmmY in curing the witimmalimases for. which it In
I, commended; md at the present time more than any
other, perhaps, is this medicine useful, in preparing, the
system for in change of season.—liorne Jettlyhd, Sept..
Prepared and sot& wholesale and retail by A. D. &
D. SANDS, DTUAlrins and Cheroisloo Paton meet,.
corner of Williron, New York, Sold also by Drag.:
gads generally throughout the United Stales inlil Cana,:
dm. Rice ell per Houle six Doyle' for 5A
ErFor aale in PittsSTOClfburgh, wholesale and retail, by I
Front ets., alas,o, cos , cornet of e+ ofarth and Wood slig and
- b
WILCOX, Jr, comer of Smithfield and Foartliy L.
and also comer of Market et and the DttimondLalso,
febD-den EDIVARD FENDERICit cur litattongala Hamra
kr CRAB ow 0 vaLurrin e,
1 •
ANDrac aso
A x
a l' ow elcn fi ne r
And a u rec g a auonmest 0
QOM cessimzug AND YEBIIIBB, '
Which be is.prepared Wanks toorder .
• And in ike liteu Posh'. tee
-- Ele — ad gcuir
as, ewe.
ears ger Bowes ,
, Corner of trump and flagMbeld • -,
• • has Ps.
O, 4 • ROTH & SC4T hay:Leer, t.
,stho=nd remil, would respec • 7 1
hwhe ine alleation cif dusic friends and tke • bin
emny, Lo their splendid new stock,co • g racas,
.mess', boys', tolues' and chit/Deus of even.
I I variety. mutable bn the season, ander prices tom('
the times. A splendid ar t °theme ,orade work,
web as geatienmak line .Boole, ladies, rennet aad
el:11161ms Doe
walk. Please call end examine (or
•, &erect Wand Sninkbeld sae
N. ,11.,,Travelme
z /ma vca d w airlo!: 2l,m4 6"P'4_ , 7 *9"ke '
W -
iPo4l:llTUlEJ3me'alm'aed:Vit7oles:e inalediC 4;:;:grir'ftarnd-k.
1 Anteeminellfiniware, Cedery, Saddlery, &c., lAD,
00d streod, Pittsburgh, are now fully plenum:l with
illa • nicenty hinlierted stock of Itardssare, Cutlery, Bad
urratens Are..tern B tert a Wl o s, a t ! i f t e r %rat .7.
ilsthe many in:forges had hy/ porpredecesson v blilie• -;
ilb l riels .a , ait piTgriskr.ficuirh"gra.:llV"firsrbint.'
on guk very best gene% m ••
The j mum members Did i onh Bun devote their V;nnin
aped:nine sides, and conAdent of liners:el
isfastien, reapeeWiy acilkit a call from all: who COY
tji .... _,......itark0L
• nxaifiW - A - rwz 00, m--........,_........._..um142
lIE ondenigned wren lodeac a arms*stec
prX of bnek, for tutildink, ma by Ws Steam Pres*.
o s ved machine, for hrluch be has obtained aliment.
es matte purchasers a wring guaramee than
they me wronger, *ad will
or (mot and wet weath
er arid banithaless moisture or dammmu than =Toth
m brick, possessing greater body end miperiortektare
and Ansel more durable in every respe cacti buck
. being subjected Oct wattle of &event i on s, nlemes a handsome ancoodt surface and nee e gis,
dig make front opal TO the best OW brick.
They kiwi given the greatest se delliellou MaIPW•ho
,haveparcqL A kda can am wen a rr h L y ninnt Idid
sneelmen ant e Gazelle Mace.
Thine having su pplicittimanieleesbn thelr uildings,
and wishing handsome Beat brick or wed°, hen
and solid phving brick, c a n obtain TOM
W Bir rebigbam___. Lnil3, ISA if _
EW Pfeil bt 7 s - Nolir - i - eent ciusirmcriffio
Nat dodo; 6 bails NI. / MU do, Cy de No 1 Eal
He CU half do bin /do do, ....17 bbls ,tio,6
untmed; 10 do I , To a Salmon., boil crnvlus bwrild
and for sale by JOHN WA
CuPARI4O_ _ . Liberty,
TNB - itualati-abatod.
with Mole the trholerite Grocery, ra0d,,,,,, . 0 ,
Clemeedskine Business, Our John Wilson, Imder the Ann
Piusburgh,-April id; IMO.
Co ,„„- Biromarsa":3 -- dirs 0c,,-i ewe^ •
for ~l, by .tei "n
do-Qope eV
nAGOG-a0;006-Hrec--R:0061011-c-Mia mu a e
Xi Lamm for wit' by spy, • • It ROB cry
P I TTS B U a 4:i 4AZETtT t
PULIIIMIEDDALLTr Tal•Gymiliy * %%trimly
4, a‘Ciosaa Buladinis, Oda.. Incr.+, ,p.o6Xce
aATV 8 OD A..E, Ira tonts rnrch
Mei asertionsaf .16.1inest,-ms 1eu,..... - • • ../10,,,,5°
, Two insenwittliwitboutaitenttons ° "'
1 Three • . ..,
..... 0 ,,,
I co)
D IY,eek, ,i , .11 , ~ ....
1 Ni
,t° WQ!kli " .", -... ..... 2-,MI
Due Month; "• - : .... 0..
Two o • • o 6 , 00
Theis . .
{CP Unger a dvertisaniinto La wane proPoAlrn.
Ono ilium, 6 mouths, willbout slinntion,.. 10
Id 1.2• . ..•• A 5 OD
Each additional square for 6 mouth • n 00 ,
One'squise h
6 montler,renewahle at pleasur e,
16 OOLD. . ._ • . " " - , O) CO
Ytalechadditiqu'll4t4m4r " E Tt
...Sr%lal6Ziibl aimnre i')MAf nr6:6inonOw,•-•'...
nruza.n on war.lenzauT of " 141 girns•
One squari..3 /matron ' .... ........ SI 60
elnanertzsiz,..:...... 37
,• atedthr,..........: 5 (0
.Fivct lines ot les3 ono 70 3 4 r•••••5;••,...6 00 ,
~,- 4/2103MdatlYa•Week17710 °°'
C , . _ , mill3aMOSltiti .‘ .., ' 4 t;
~ oo
Anvrawranxurin sw
..u, For F ., 2o 1,,,,,,, a lievOncifspetsi n i,i. ... .... •so 30
~ "
" Tw°_,_ "I&
» ... . ..
•.. . -. ,'Jlizno " ... .....• 10A
“ouiliqem„, _ --
!i lurai pn'ss.ouzlayu tersifttaai r iz,b,i,i a.ix
: .aurn•l46l,o ald th. pubho, GolAnsse procured
an e w • renumd Shalt rattooi toarpomeurd conient hom
In lititick meet, schand Unveiling east o "''°al es,
ithepe.tha aro ;impaled to taloa felr hopsdeas, a s ,
mil as a few m o rn' day scholars, and where their z
' cicalae attention win scholars,
Instruction in WI
ibtatth i rrannhes of Enstehoducanon.
St= runt. referred to Mr. Wm.. achbanna, Mr.
John' E. oftdden 'and- art R Eaton at r ut.
l lrailvehnnond hir, Gentle Raker otAllotthell VGA
; Oditt
fintE• ••••• -, YE2132 WAN JitatilD2h, • ' •. '
ddand bestrariety.eveofered_ nt/daring
.2 tr
*nibs mast stpladved nao,/ it plans--
anditiell fandanable Nastelttrettenitr &Menlo*, rllso
T_Tr!_9.IE A TOLL. qt uosros zuNn, oa hand
ocvaaptdord rtrf allinewoind al allpriees. •
, •-ornnegitle huntsind When Ste Wined to eral end
antra:to the abbve for themselves, as all Will be sold
;wholesale or recall, and a liberal deduction wade to'
who k sa leparoasers.
J 214.1••••
rilliE Slitt Ea~ rur returned fron — ii: ---- ) „17 13
1 ,, N05:172 and /74 Llbeny !wed; efferfor isle good*
as fetiews,, sn store and now ~rag, vizi
ID b - fp print. We& new crap;
40 , old govertunent Java Coree '
: propaNew Orleans Sugar; !
120 bbls Plantitlein Itfolasser ‘
„IVIOO 0 St /awes Sugar Iforde Molasses;
INll'ziattrilysan.2pa4 - 1
40• -do entirk;fari"d” :,.."1
catty has 1" tf spa° P du ,
r " MAW white Brazil Sagan
•-, 40Whlte Nevada rw,-
;i 40 bhp_O, 20 do &towel; ,
, 100 oorea stnatihrdan and Ilb can&
' lib L os
• ' SUbfels do' ' •L° 41:“A141.0r'l
ir . !RV !':,. da _- do :to , i', •.- .
ot ,
ic% rilllifianto VOrreits; 3
Id bales Sicily Aletr:ll
I IPlibtihtda Sordenasazullmio Otbreoo; '
I MO Obbr and,llo bfbbla No 2 es -
I ' W•" n odo7rlsoolb s Pdte.,„
palls valtdarand springSplnr; oral
IMO rethl•
Weater! north weal Whale eill; '
" cla ck' • ", "' ' do'
300,000 Cm and:Soas priteipoSeAarai, . ,
' 2o , l : oo lNakur
.-• •
Brantj...cLof various brands;
,'' 'irgdi ifolhlare,a '-'"'" '
21,guarlor cake sap. Tenende Wine.
to do Nadeira. do . .
do Lisbon - do
In lo
indr .anD do Sweet Malaga do
• , 2
, hs . C i l s a % eq
aqmrca hc dt,o.N.m al,lSa
Pr swat= Z l ,*: .
20(I__,...._bbis Pgroarciivhai r honi 1 to 5 nun odd
ilittz. bi.... Ricrzesom
." *au. a u, ihs.
W-E aerebymorify oar (deeds- and. eonaspaagents
ilf ; at home And abroad, that we. will no/ L inton
ear creopm•Durcm receive lined front any now ( M .
whichL Newton 'toned 01 mem ' .. ILPD • _ MODES & ALCORN,
• . -.. Th. c ... juib ,......,_.
TObliN KELLY & CO, paccewou l t a ßobb k 1 Wm
FfMr'4,7l4.l3tet, r:rovriVnlY, Pla t
leave lo trona aheir friends and patrons that they
=llZeitZdwir 11'1'41 62111Ner
V IME11711!
000Ds; compthin,s`ao4 c . ..... .rwi, Wettings,
r. of ewory dascripdow-es of widen are of their own /up
porn,natio hamburg been carefully selected m Yin.,
Strangers nsh ing.Philadelphia, are respeettin•
.......„....._041./004 tO "all Ma exa'Aine am .."*.urn'o •t 024-
' mcliZalr • '
TNsua, supp tc E.--. 1 vecelnntit: glo.
.1.. lantlos of Rubber Paco, a superior ardo - hriltrY
Lmportant to pereorn it._._.iti keep their t ry .
It prevents fhwleather fin cracing, and rwill wke a'
polish crony
For sale tho'h &alba' Depot,
no 0 Wood street. I& EIPUILLIPS -
mr ag rnlt
ists _
r—EIRY, invites wholesale dealers antlyettatrae
sling South and West—also, 'country 5:12l0 deepen us
call and emunine hia meet of ..tenvelrY, Which will be
sold ut the lowest prices for cash or approved accep
tance. Constantly on hand' and manufactring, a
Luxe assortment suitable for City or esnintrtrada.
E. G. ii- D
corner of Fourth and Eralleh sts, up Main,' +
AmANING purettiZratiarar Mat largest Facto
, tied lit the Eag. (New Yorh eilthits and
ara) a large o.l3ollMallt °NIG 1 10 Weill and most
Improved styles of PAPER. /lANGfGG.S, BORDERS,
ha, and made arrangements hy which i will be mu, ',
Wad%) Pmeoth all itesd ?aileron, ihnnhaneoes witlrc'n`
their appearance in the'Etistim market, lwoal fis
sile the attention of those deaths's. to hare thelyhonsea
papered . with the latest Myths 'of paper,' to all dud
examine toy stool bathe purelthatrot elsewhete. ...
I have now on the way from the bat 41;000 pieces
of Gold, Patio Glared, and common Paper liniging;
which I can =nets rang* front 121 elleauS2 il.
S C BILL, 87
------Vaen smoki,-----c--- wood n
111 Cr ! MAIO AM completedthareballtiftigefour smoke
44,•hopaes, we are rimy prepared to : receive. idea; I
arid tinge it In the Most =namable mnheY.
The houses aft Ettettwith *lithe Modern Improve
ments, and are capable of contalhing SOlyXO Baseach
- KIER& JONES, Canal n,
-pLi I -
__._____near &math a
alkiTl ialaa—liaving th_ncnc - liiiive ague,'
fortee sale of thehlld Grove rrthUng Paper( (.•
ra4 t i.. „_4. 141 .5./VMEILIF ) Will,wol be constantly
-ra: ,, u4tt.....,r,0g.g.-z.,
.• .• . • • ...-,.,,. SAXE,
calmer Penn Find Irwin us
pf-- . DlNgrizastErworura. - • -
kaziAN,ILiGhxyLIS lc Cl). to maw
faeture Small Iron, Spriagand A. Blister Steel,
I ought, Folk and-Roe-Meal, Meetly 'Spiker and Wro%
Iron Nun; all sicasy-together with Coach awl Bllpi/e
Springs, hlf Pa; Taper and common Axles.
iMHaving reduced Ws pricaof Wanaght Iron-Phtti
Maiden and others agog the drueldn win
eir IntereG la give Ws ne w brinchat Rittalm rg
marintlietuths their atleation. ' •
Coach sad malmth/e.ipsa on /Band tem
2 ....__
. arehonse On Ear andl'ourth sta. ebekt;
• e