The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 19, 1849, Image 2

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jjto—Tas Prnsarnsou Diu.V Gszavva is published
'hi-Weekly, and Weekty.—The Coldly is Eleven
„Clo Hamper annum; the Tri-Weekly 4 Else Dollars per
annum; the Weekly is Two DolLlta per annual, strictly
a sienna.
ll i pil r eilizt ',alp for Telligraphla News. io
Loon natteltio ter next page.
Istmais Bni.e—The "Giusti Litter Bar," has
-- removed from its old situation, a window
• - the PostOdiee.
Lotter' on Clio Zara,
ai Di Rawness&
4a inters, in an <rink Gazette, <an be had ex th,
tar, any than to-day. Price 5 aeon.
Quaky is still Gee from ebolera,--oca a bee;
can basing occurred, far as our knowledge
The deaths by cholera, ktigt. Louts, for the week
eding May 13, were twenty-eight.
.. . _
The reply of . Ceyfu " tO "One who .agaad the
.MeMioriali n b ias bee t
received; end will appear in
.onrhext. This claims the controvelpy.
The terrible cal4ity which biti befallen St.
r f ,
Louis, as appears lie our telegiaphio despatches,
produced a profimod sensation' in Mr, city, yester
day a ft ernoon. Th business connexions existing
between the two kis are of a very kithriate
character, and inset ed la th e lossesof eteam boats,
business houses .4 merchandise, is a considera—
ble amount of the p petty of oUr "citisens. This of
comae produced gre t anxiety to know the partial
. an; bat there was another and better feeling than
this, tharof nealloyed sympathy for those who had
bean coiled to pass through the fire, as we.fouryeare
am were called to pass; and the most ardent wish
e ra Is, that 9c Louis may once from her ashes as
Pittebtugh did—fairer, more prosperous, more ener
getic, and in many leypecta improved. This calam
ity will donbtbus be a loud call upon amber:moo
laces, and we hope our citizemi will not be behind
any in tendeting their condolence and pecuniary
Larrams as Cumsaa.—We republish to day
the letters of Dr. Hawthorne, on the Pathology
and treatment o f Cholera. The great demand for
these letters having exhausted all our privions
editions, and many of our subscribers having ex=
pressed a deiire to have them in one number of
the Daily, for preservation, we have done our.
selves the pleasure of gratifying them, and, we
trust, also suliserving the interests of humanity.
That all will poincide with Dr. Hawthorne, in
his mode of treatment, cannot be expected, but a
mom general acquiescence in any pcuition ban
hardly aver been known. The chief and almost
only point of difference that we have heard ex
pressed in, iu reference to the large doses of opi
um which he administers. This, of course, most
be left to the judgment of the observing practi
tuner, and his own experience will soon inform
him how far he may venture with safely. That
Dr. Hawthorne is a gentleman of decided ahirity
in his profession, and that he has been, renstuira
bly successful, cannot be questioned.
We learn that a meeting of the Board of Bite,
tors of the Peanslyvania and Ohio Railroad - was
held this week, at Canton, Ohl., at which it was
revolved to place twenty miles of the road, from
the mouth of Beaver to the State Line, under con,
tract, on the 29th of June. The !actions between
this city and Beaver, and tbaire from the State
, Line to Mansfield. will be prepared for mmtra ct
with all the expedition a erong force of eogineen
coo accomplish. The section from the month of
Beaver to the State Lice, is the most difficult on
the whole route, as the t able leads of Ohio hive to
be reached Gout the valley of the Ohio River. In
locating this section, :it has been fiend more fa
?arable than any previous examination had led
the directors to anticipate. The summit between
the Big and Little Beavers is overcome by enemy
cede, in no case more than forty nine feet to the
mile, ale withant any deep cutlieg, except in one
piece, of lie or three Inquired partia; Octitireen:-
big at... the mouth of Beaver Creelai.fin the Upper
aide, the road will keep 'nfi; . tkei -diet: to atibor t
distance above the New Brighton Bridge, where it
will cross that stream, and mill. Then take a diago
nal dlrectionwith the face of the Mil, to the Sum.
The director anted the people of Ohio all alive
in regard to this great wbrk Those on the, hoe
will do every thing in
_their power -to help on the
enterwiga, mid they are diligent in procuring sub
scriptions. Sections sout4t in - 0 west of the line
are Wring measures -to awned with it as Imo as
it is built, thus praving.,4le assertions we have
anode, from time to4imittiiti4a, by building this :Mad,
Pittsburgh would draw de ` roads and trade of
Ohio towards herself -.. elegation from Mouni
Vernon waited upon 6 ' ril ea Canton, to make
arrangements to form a dhlinecrion with this road
as Wooster. They have
.M . ehniter which permi6
them to choose their own route fa forming eastern
communications, and heretofore their attention
has been turned towards Zanesville, in th- direc
tion of the Baltimore Road. All their energies will
now, however, be directed toe connection with our
road, at Wooster, and with the - Cincinnati lint., at
Columbus; miff we underatnad that one gentle
man, who is able to make good his word, has pro
mised to raise stock to the amount of $300,000 for
this purpose. There is no doubt, that by rite lime
this road .is finished to Wooster, we shall have a
continuous road to Cincinbati. Oar readery are
030 swats that a road is now ander contract from
Cleveland to Columbus. This mad mattes a *de
sweep to the west, and passes west of Mansfield,
about twelve miles. When oor road is finished to
Mansfield it will be only necessary to extend it - that
additionalxwelve miles to tap the wade of that fin-
portant work. The Indianapolis and Bellionfisine
Rail Road Company aro also anxious for coin.
cdi l m,iontlon with this road, as well es other sections
in the west; and it crosses the Cleveland and
Wellsville roaduesr the lute between Columbiima
and Stark counties.
It will thus 6e seen that thM road will tap more
Rail Roads and means of intercommunication
with the Lakes, the Ohio River, and the interiot of
the country, than any Rail Road in the United
Statess and it is our candid opinion that it is the
most promising rail road. enterprise tat jested in
this whole country. It must be, in the very nature
of things, splendid stock, and it will make Pitts
trcugh one of the drat cities in the interior of the
Alter the above was in type, the fallowing emir
munication wat received from S. W.Roberu, Chief
Engineer of the Road:
Ohio and Pennsylvania flathroad.
The Board of Directors of :tide Company met on
Wednesday last at Canton, Ohio, and received the
antocription of 375.000, made by the Commission
ers of Stark Co. The Board authorized the Pres
ident and Chief Engineer, to advertise a letting of
the Grading and Bridging of the Railroad from the
month of Big Beaver to the State line, a distance
of about 20 miles, to be beld at the Company's Of
fice in Pittsburga, on Saturday, the 30th of June.
It wan also determined that a public celebration of
the Commencement of the work, by breaking
ground should take place on the 4th offnly, nt the
point of crossing the line between the states of Ohio
and Pennsyivada, new the village of Prilestine.-- , t
It Is Intended to posh on this work as fast as the
means can be provided, and as a proper regard to
a careful location, and to that true economy, which
looka to the protection of the interests of the whole
of the stock holders as a corporation will
A Committee of the Directors of the Columbus
and Pittsburgh Rail Road Company came from
Mount Vernon, and had a conference on the sub+
jam of the connection of their road with that of the
Ohio and Pennsylvania Company, at the most
convenient point, which will be a very important
connection for ,he interests of Pitniburgh
I• owSz Dasimoo.—The New York Journal of
Commerce has intelligence from SL Domino to
the 27th ultimo, which states that President Sou•
longue had met with an unexpicted check in his
victorious progress towards reducing the Spanish
part of the island to a onion with the Ilaylien Re
The accennts say that President Soulouque with
his army had been encamped within a law miles
of St. Domingo city, using water from a stream
whose source was near the city, the water of which'
had been poisoned by the Dominica* and had
occasioned much sickness and agreat ma n y.
deaths in the Haytien army. At this time :the Do
miniesna attacked them, (on - the 18th APrild kil
ling a great number, and taking many. prisoners,
and nearly capturing Souloutfue hlmselk. The
Haytien army was entirely put lomat&
A letter dated at the city of Domingo:tin the
241 h says that Bout:tonne's army left theAteld of
battle covered-with dead and wounded. Al] their'
artillery, munitions, and two flags.',Cell it* our,
hands. Among the dead have been recegnized
three generals, - the trophies obtained . (mm imbose
bodies, and one of the bp, belonging to the 22d
battalion of the 30th regiment,. have - been o aa i,
ed at St. Domingo : • The report, ofulti spies Es, that
their whole artny.ts disorganized", -
Verbal reports state that on the 21st Aptil the
town of Axon was recaptured, and General Santa
marched across the lines which divide the two
provinces, expressing his determination to be the
Aggressor, and to kill every protester be takes.
Ailestibly *Ms Prollrytirarias:
Ck,sish-.oid Barbi.
twoaD DAY.
FilD/T, May 18.
The Assembly met, pursuant to adjournment, et
nine o'clock. . The Meeting wan opened,with pray ,
er by the Moderator, after which the minaiee of the
previous meeting were Mad by the clerk.
A motion was then made to include the Presby.
Wry at Canton, Whose delegates were present,
among the Preshyterirm of this body, which was
unanimously adopted.
The Modernist read the fur owing list of the
Standing Committees,—
[We find that we cannot got a list in time for to
"Y's paper.]
A motion was made to admit the Rev. Dr.
Remy Wykof, of the Reformed Dutch Church, to
a sent in this body, which WWI carried.
A motion wu :made by the Rev. -
to receive the report of die Board of For
eign Minims.
In connection with this, the following was offer
"Resotossi, That the Report of the Board of For.
ign Dilations, inst . laid before the Assembly, be
toned to a Committee, and made the apemal or
. er for Monday next."
The resolution was carried.
The Board of Home Missions mill meet on
Thursday at ten o'clock, and the Board of Educa
tion at the sameihour on Wedbeaday.
report on the subject of Church Music, was
then presented, and, on motion, it was read.
The substance of it was, tt at six of the Commit
tee met last yeas M Philadelphia.
The Commince dwelt at length—First, on the
want of any standard of kluging, and on the isia
ry which the great multiplicity of hymn books In
flicted on the choirs of churches, as w!ll as oa the
inattention too frequently paid to this subjeci.
Another cause of this Injury was the employ
ment of professional singers of bad character, as
teachers of singing schools.
The .thltd was itie manner in which singing
!schools were conducted. They should be opened
and closed with prayer.
Fourth, the employment of professional singers
in the choir, lo enob au extent that some churches
have been stigcsattied as Opera Houses.
Fifth, while in some places the whole members
unite in singing, in others the choir alooe sing.—
The former reetlimfwas declared to be the proper
one, and the necessity of singing in family wor
ship was, dwelt on. Appended Id the report woo
a list of the trines which the Committee thought
most suitable, which it was proposed to submit to
the Assembly, in order that a selection should be
made, which should be a standard, and suitable
the public worship, in Churches, and Sunday
Schools, as well as in family worship. The Lum
ber proposed 'was slated to amount to 400, (about
the half of the tunes handed to tho Coniiii(iuce for
The eipedieney of having such .a standk
printed, was dwelt on at great length, and large&
by many cogent ream..
It was then.propowd to read the hat of tunes,
heeded "Railmodutt Ecelesia" but on motion, the
reading was dispensed
A motion men then made to publish 100 noon,s
of the ivories of tune,.
Dr. Plunimer ecmarked_that it would be better
not to print a hat of the tunes, as else the took ma
tron might get out a copy before the church, and
heresy might thus creep M. For there might be
heresy in a hymn, though there could be none in a
muitvi. There might be discord, there might be
bad tine, but there could be no heresy.
The Rev. Mr. Nevin thought tint Dr. Plummer
need not be ,o apprehermive of the lots of the
copy right, and was in favor of the motion.
The Rev. 51r: Allen WWI of the same opinion.
The Rev. Mr. Hamilton observed that be was
in favor of the motion, and,that a copy right of the
took did not embrace a copy right of the times,
except each ono was new, and copy righted reps
The Rev. Mr. Manford was opposed to the
motion, and in favor of referring it to a Select
amendment Woe their ma de by the Rev. Mt
MortiM to print 250 (topic% instead of 100, ea at
pmposed. -
The Ras. Lir. Bayley toss in favor of recom
mitting the list of limas to a Committee, trim should
beim:tett) , competent in every reapers to prepue
the work for putdiestion.
A motion wes,then matte to submit the list to a
Select Committee.
Itemarka were made on this motion by tee Rev .
Mn Gildersleeve, Rev. Mr. &ay, Do. Brown, of
Canonsburg, and Dr. Pons.
The question wasinen put, and the motion cur
The Moderator then announced that he had re
ceived two letters from respected members of the
Methodist EpiscopalChnrch, one from the Rev.
Mr. Cox, of the Smititeld St. Church, and another
UOOl the Rev. Mr. Coot, of the Liberty Street
Church, tendering to the Assembly, the nee of
their pulpita while # this city, and hoping th at the
present session of tge Aasembly, be tgeased with
abundant fruits of the Divine Love.
The letter. were referred to tot Committee 013
Devotional Sobjecta, with iisstr.mtlens to grant the
The Rev. Dr. Plummer then dwelt on the ne
cessity of revivals and stated that a plestong
change had bees Vtsible in this respect during the
past Bor 9 eionthe. He Otto proposed a resat].
tiorito the effect that a pastoral letter, urging on
the churches the necessity of paying attention t
revivals, Mould be issued.
Dr. Brown was by no means opposed to inch a
notion, bin suggested that pamphlets should not be
too mach multiplied, nod that the report on the
state ot religion, could include the substance or
the proposed pastorial letter.
Dr. Plummer then urged the propriety of estab
lishing soother monthly religious periodical, to the
two already established. He was of the opinion
that in no other point was the Presbyterian Church
so fart ehind sister chorales, as in her periodicals.
All others were exerting a greater power by peri
odical:a, in proportion to their !leathern, than ours.
He moved that the subject be referred to a Corn.
mittee of Seven.
Dr. Plummer theia,passed a very high eulogium
upon all persona connected with the Presbyterian
JonrnaL He was in favor ol.every pampa taking
the newspapers, both political and religious, and
in politics, a journal of each party if possible. lie
did not, however, think that the proposition of the
memorialists was necessarily connected with the
motion which he bad made.
The Rev. Mr. Nome rend a memorial in favor I
of establishing such a periodical front the Preaby •
try of Huntingdon..
The'Rev. Mr. Gelderaleve sustained Dr. Plum
mer's motion.
Dr. Mummer's motion was finally carried after
considerable disco:moo, in which Rev. Mr. Has
singer, and others participated.
Mr. Janneway then submitted the Report of the
General Assembly. on the claim of Mr. Bradford.
A legal pumas/ question ui involved in this
case, and it was referred to the Financial Com-
the freeman, with the Bible.
Mr. Gilderaleeve.Of Richmond,,Va., stated that For the Pitttburgh Gout*.
Mx Earria—lt is not my il2taattoll, in what fol•
he frequently furnished the colored population
in his vicinity with albite, and would still COatja- ; lows, tolay dawn any rules for treatment,-or offer
ue to do to. ' soy more prescriptions for the mere of that 1.14.
The Rev. Mr. Wycof bad been highly delighted nem pestilence whch is now hovering over and
around our sniokey city, bat simply to make a few
with the lucid statement of the agent of the Bible
Society, but was truly grieved to hear that though ' suggestions is regard te the approach of the di"
much good had been done, much more remained I ease ase.., and precautionary 'Desserts which
to be done. i ought to be liken, in my opinion, in order that, in
The true plan then was, in the words of • pohi. ! case we should hereafter unwillingly be compel
ibal i ew _v t „, k eep it before the people ,, th . 434. : led te realise the realities we now view In perspec-
The Report was then accepted, and referred to i tote, agitate, agitate." This is, to be sure, more • cve. We shell ds so mahout that " 4 "" cu ".
the Financial Committee. ' self evident than an axiom. It Is a truism, but dread; for in this light I sow view it, which almost
invariably manifests itself an the appearance of
suit we must not let the feat sink into forgetfulness ,
A Report on Christian Unity was then presented;
by Dr. Phillips, declaring the utility, nod practieal lon that account. The beautiful thought of Bishop this disease, and line already been developed in
• ,an almost inhuman tlegree,in the case of an tad&
Witty elan. a union, of the visions members of Heber on this subject occurred to him—
induct brought to our wharf, some time since,
the Horsoehold of Faith. The Report was then . "Shall we whose souls arm lighted
w h ose fast ebbing Hie was permitted to be joked
accepted, sod referred to a epeeist Committee. With wisdom from on High,
A motion was made by Dr. Lord, that 500 cop; Shall we to souls benighted, nut in . ear, on the streets of this hoapitable city.
ma of the roll Mike Assembly be published for , The lamp of life denyr I would lust remark here, that this evil has al
the use of the members, which was agreed to. The heavens are written ell over, with hy ready been remedied, in a measure, through the ,
, exertions of the Sanitary Committee and ors ra,
A letter woo read !rum the trustees oftbe Sea- , ItirPhiot which tell to every one that God is, and : In providing suitable hospitals for the ' shelter sod
end Presbyterian Ch urch, of pththbth,g.4-0....g rat' that he is a Great God. Give, then, the Bible to i i treatment of any strangers whom chance may
the disposal of the Assembly, the rooms in the ! all men. Open to all men this heavenly fountain, ; Ow" in ."MMne where web may be deemed
basement story of that Church, for the use of C o , i in which the tired may bathe their wearied limbs, { tlie v u a trt i o ; w o hic m h o t t hei her mmdcouldLb7ho have no friend's
muten of their General Assembly. ri .... . e . , It LB not enough the[ every one should Am. Ike I case only should persona attacked take n .
w with M this
this dr
cepted. ' word of Cod, he should hem it. ease be tahep to an hospital, perhaps already full
The Rev. Mr. Weggener could scarcely believe I of . J:lcagicp.c;;.7...Pecie..°74. In aur city, whets good
A letter was mad from the Delegate of the As- '
that such a state of things existed , as was disclosed , equal m promptness and facilltt lM l d dlth m th h e em rui with
sembly to the Congregational Association of Ver
monti which spoke In terms of high praise of the, by the report of the Bible Society, as read by the impression which boa so long prevailed In regard
He bad uo idea that so astounding ntt42lo - ISERESS of the diseas almost body. The letter was accepted, and ordered to Secretary . He to the a
lost as hold upon the community. Rwi has ai neut, be
state of thins existed ,g as seemed to be the casette printed in the appendix to the minutes . cense a was this 1 id= impteosion whieh closed A ieu c i- th em th e p e k oe . to t h e M oine Gee , iHe could not have had the slightest idea that so doors of our benevolent altirotiaa th e
guest a thole
al Conference, cm the subject of Blaeevy was th e n many hundreds of thousand/ of families in the m patient, already mentioned, aid which pan
read. It mated that a 41,, eithe i th , b ed ..; e o. the , United States were destitute of the Word of God it to he so very difficult sometime:etc end nurses to
Mr. Prime assured the gentleman that the report bes"tenodderly hc
cL l e m d i fo v r i , c a n iTiPw m hos ho e 'vcmiv i otherwie e
quesiion, as to whether it would be proper to con.
was correct, and that in SOMA places, one-fourth, Ily demand themes( cadre att eetith , thPeringe.
tuiethe correspondence of the Conference with '
ecclesiastical bodies, holding Slavery ......, is i t nod in others, a still greater proportion ware des- It appears to me that • great deal of good might
Mate of Bible*. • be done, and a Feu deal of time saved per-
Mr. Gelder, in the 'temporary absence of the
Treasurer of the General Assembly, submitted the
Annual Report, from which it appears the total
amount which was received during the past year,
3P821 $18,301,63--the expenditures were 815,237,-
04—leaving a balariee in favor of the board, of
A tabular statement of the stocks owned by the
General Assembly, together with their values, was
presented. They amount to the value of $150,-
The Del‘te had parinsisly denial th.
that the General Assembly attempted to justify
Slavery by the Bible. A very large majority of
the Mains Conference, however, he malt say
were in favor of diseonuatang all correaponderice
with the General Aasembly, believing that it was
a pro-Slavery Assembly.
A memorial on the same subject was then pre.
seated, from the:Presbytery of Coshocton, which
was signed by about forty ladles, sad gentlemen
gAnother memorial on the subject of Slavery
was then presented, also signed by a great num.
ber of persons.
All the communimnions on this subject, were
referred to the Committee On Memorials, after hav
ing been read by the Clerk.
Memorial, were also presented, and disposed of in
the same way, from Michigan, Cincinnati, and
Chilicothe, the latter of which was upon the subs
ject of Slavery.
The Rev, Mr. Prime . was then invited to ad
dress the Assembly in relation to the state of affairs
of the Bible Society.
lie dwelt on the necessities efthe Society, and
on its utility. The supply of bibles, could not
equal the demand in out owe country alone, roach
leas afford an adequate supply to Csreign countries•
The whole world wen now opened to the Bible,
Nations into which a few years ago, Bibles could
scarcely be smuggled, were now eager to receive
them, and they were openly read in the very sha
dows of Saint Peters at Rome.
Ireland, too, needed them., Bibles copld be dis
irlinited among the Catholics of that CoMury More
readily than among the' same clans in this country.
He also dwelt on the vast field opened for miq
sionary' enterprise in China.
Dr. Plummer then presented a series of reso
lutions in favor of the Bible Society.
Re said that now was the time to labor on the
vineyards of foreign countries, when many of
them had been almost miraculously opened to our
efforts. That great statesman Edward Burke,
One who was thoroughly acquainted with human
nature had declared that men could state what
should have been done, one hundred years ago
and meld propher4 what would be the cue in fa.
tore, but knew nothing of the present. Let us
not fall into this error, but take advantage of the
present opportunity.
The world was now alive to the importance of
spreading the scriptures over every nation of the
earth. Oa the accession of Queen Elizabeth, a
distinguished divine of those days told her that
when a sovereign ascended to the throne, it was
usual to release some prmoners, and that he now
begged that the fd:iir Evangelists should be releas
ed to the people. The Queen said she referred
the petitioner to the Evangelists themselves for
an answer. Those times have now passed
In connection with the spread of the gospel in
Ireland, the reverdnd gentlemen remarked that
he had been ensured, by pemons on whom be
cciuld rosy, whom word he would as readily be
llive as any member of that Assembly, that the
corn and the money sent to the relief of the starv.
lag in Ireland, had been faithfully distributed by
the Various committees there, but much of it bad
gone to pay the Roman deal:mho priests for mass
ties, to be said for the souls of a fattier, a mother,
o sister, or a brother, who had bean starved to
But still the chewing light of true religion was
spreading, even in Catholic countries. He had
read in some of the priats of the day, of discove
ries made at Rome, where, beneath some of the
most magnificent palaces and cathedrals, vaults
had been opened, filled with calcined bones—
The silken hair of the female, in many instances,
adhering to the shrivelled skull. These were the
victims of the Inquisition It required neither a
prophet nor the son of a prophet, to find why such
things had occurred, and would yet occur in any
country left in ignorance of the true word, nail
will of God.
The value scriptures was unspeakable
He knew a very intelligent man who bad not
learned to read till he was thirty years of age,
and had several children, and who now read con
stantly. thaSsits once' Salted by a friend, why he
learned to read at so advanced a period of he' life.
I will tell you why, Enid he i my father and elder
brother left me an estate of great value, in their
will, and I teamed to read, lest I should be de
frauded of my inheritance; through not knowing
what the will contained. Well, how much did
he leave you, raid the other, (who was a mere
wordly man ;) was It five thousand dollars? Oh
more. Was it ton thousand dollars 't Yes, more ,
it was worth more than ten thousand orbs, such,
an this earth, of solid gold. It was the Bible.
Or. Potts thee arose and made a few remarks
on the same subject, and after a prayer by the
Rev. Mr. Wyenf, the meeting adjourned until this
evening at three.
The meeting wits called to order by the Moder
star, and was opened with prayer.
The minutes of the morning were then read
arid adopted, after several corrections had been
Orrir , fpnuilcore uf the Pittsburgh ctueite
New Yeas, May IS, P4P.
The language of cur authorities has taken quite
a Parisian tone, and the city goes to bed to night
anticipating the sound 01 the Coma. The ministry
with a small exception, ban been dismissed, but
the commanding oilier has issued a bulletin order
ing all node? arms, at the salted of seven strokes
upon the fire alarms of the city—the tappet of plisw
York. None of the citizens who Were •abot hal.e
been batted, but wait the decision &tie couturei f ii
jury, now in its fourth day's tendon. An attempt
is makiej before this jury, to throw the entata
that never fails hr attach to such a violeal Sup
prelusion of a riot, upon the military; but it ciet4lot
succeed.. The civil authorities assumed the re-
Sponsikility, and an almost unanimous public
opinion sanctions their course. The fear of a riot
is still prevalent, and the mob is allowed little
license. At all fire. the utmost care In taken; all
approachesare guarded by a body of police, aided
by cavalry, and no one allowed to pass the lines
unless wearing a Gre man's uniform. Mr. Mac
ready, the unfortunate author of these troubles,
leave, Boston for England, is the Hibernia, on the
23d that., never more to visit our shores. A &load
public opinion hats also driven Mr, Forrest into
retirement Not filly persona were prevent at the
Broadway Theatre, on Saturday night, leavbe
him with empty boxes
A thorough examination of the news brought by
the steamer developer nothing to affect Suable.
generally. The ad vicea to relation to American
'The Assembly then took up the order of the al- rtocks are not as fiwurable, and the market drug.
ternoon , the unfinished business or the morning,
'rt7sequence. indeed stocks of all kinds never
duller, and never more generally held by
relative to the acceptance of the resolution on the we A
gradual but vary steady decline is
subject of the report of the Bible Society , expres• seen in We BSiseiCS, and a small touch of cholera
sine of the regret of the Assembly at the great ! news would send them down aye per cent. The
Progress n,uh oLt . he .u c o holeraits . thize m ste h r: re citizhc o au c se it :
want of Bibles in the United States, hundreds of ,
thousands being without the word of God. iis to course of thorough purillatnion, rod the
The Rev. Mr. Nevin said that the sun was free revues of the diseese will be materially checked,
i should the scourge visit its. banka are now
to all, and with its cheering beams, it warmed all.
So was the air. All breathed it, and so shoutd the ! ihtu""dg,,ac'upo"r%7o7:,,,a,nddve",y little bi its
Bible be free to all alike. le
quality is thrown out of bank.
There were eome tore millions in this country. The moat popular amusement just now, is the
who had not received any Bibles from the Bible ballad wines Dempster, who t;h..frmad:
Society, and who siteuiti have them. Every man h ' e sings the fresher appears to be I bis ry potation
for whom Jesus Christ died, should have them, and The next novelty is a "May Festival" at the Taber
' nixie, in which four hundred little girls are to firm
yet there is a class is this country to whom the Bi
large audience is certain. (or the whole
to talk about
ble has not yet been tendered. It or all very well
;am ch il ' y r o . f e A ach of the youthful debutante In sure to
sending the Bible to foreign countries, attend to witness the triumph of their own pets.
but we should look at oar owo country first. I Our Reformed Common Council has proceeded
I almost, Mr. Moderator, shed a tear of sympa- . to btrainesa, and make rapid work, as there la no
thy for the ungetnnnte man, who was in ell probs. W i r oTa°iPP°:ll,lrigesrit,,eth:, ttro g rsy o
ell some ofnemit7rumh
bility an heir to the throne of France. He was 1 deed and fifty unfinished bills over; all of which,
shut up in a sort of an iron mash, and no one could the new dynasty cleared off in one night. The
recognize him. So it is with a class in this coin-
IngUllgovernir;Cenr:old: not lack
i:ndityth: time
munity--the item. He did think that th ere was really ed. Willis Hall, the city attorney.
not one member of this Assembly who did not btu resigned, and expects to go abroad as • foreign
sympathme with this unfortunate class of beings, minister.
Markets settled Into some thing like =B
abel np in aeon of cages, in a free land. He
. i . nc
y For cotton a good demand on French
thought that the Bible should be furnished to them, account, with sales of 1500 bales. Flour is dull,
Dr. Plummer said that the Bible Society had, in and lower prices are accepted, as hue as St 2*
St 31; and St 37i
5 04 50 for good State; pure
numerous instaithee, furnished the slaves with
Genesee S 5 25055 50. Corn Meal; S 2 B7t(i3S3.
bias, and that he supposed, though he had not add- and Rye Flour, at the same figure*. Wheat is ,
ad ft up, their value must amount to about a thou- heavy, and the lent of the market fissure the buy.
sand dollars. e+; Genesee, SL 22. A good shipping .to-
Thera was now on hand an application to fur. 11 for Corn at easier prices; mixed southern,
37e ,
Dish bibles to some slaveis in Florida, which would 58c. C ; and 5Se for white. Re 57. Sallee,
sales of Ohio Illakey, at 20S.
he hoped, be promptly Mind. Provisions are heavy; sales of prime pork, at IS 25
Though the Society would do nothing to further GiiSS 371; and mess, 810 12i. Lard, tifetij Cut
views of
perty, they
would do than g 1 5 n i e• . ta ith are .a tin o tT, , 00 sho h u b ld d e n rs, 31194 c and hains c fa
in their power to furnish
all alike, the slave and
The Clerk next announced the arrival of nevem'
Commissiooen, who had not been hitherto report.
ed, principally, we believe, from the Southern
dl coonecuon with
After tem arks by Messrs. Wegener, Brown, Ham
mond, Parks, Ranting, Batley, Fargo son, Taylor
aniVoulning, the resolutions on the subject of the
report of the Bible Society, after being amended
by nub tinting the word section for state, and one
third instead of one-fifth, (allusion was here made
to the number of families in the United States des•
titute of Bibles) the resolutions were unanimous
ly passed.
The aerk then read a letter from the deleganon
of New Hampshire, stating that all the debbera.
bona of that body had been conducted in a spirit
of love and harmony. It wee then moved and car
ried that it be accepted and be printed in the ap•
pendix to the minutes.
The report of the Directors of the Unioo The,
Logical Seminary of Virginia, was then read. It
merely detailed the names of the students and
graduates of that University daring the pass year.
It was moved and carried, that the report he a,
cepted and take the aerial course.
The Report of the Board of Trustees of the
Western Theological Seminary was then read,
from which we learn that the highest number of
students in attendance during the past year was
My one, the number of students received was
twenty seven, and the nurbber of graduates was
ten. The report stated that the exerciser of the
seminary, in the wisdom of God, had been inter
rupted by a maligned fever whteh broke out is
that institution in March, and attached several of
the students. Two of their number had fallen
victims to It. The board forth er stated that seve
ral volumes of valuable books bud been presented
to the seminary by the Rev Mr. Speer, Misaioa
any to China; several bad also been presented by
the Rev. bl r. Beattie, of Steubenville, and the Rev.
Mr. Smythe, of Charlestown.
The report was referred to the usual committee.
A report wee them piesonted from the Secretary
of the Board of Trustees of the General Assembly,
announcieg the death of the late Preaident of the
Board, the Rev. Aahbel Green, D. D. It was
moved nod carried, that the election of au office:
t RI the vacancy. be made the special order for
to morrow, at ten o'clock.
It was moved that the hour of eleven tomorrow
be the one at which the reports on the subject of
religion be taken up. This mall amended by sug
gesting the insertion of nine, instead of eleven,
which was concurred In, a nd the motion was car
The Moderator then announced the names pf
the Committee on Synodical Records, as also the
Cemmitteeson MUM, a pastoral letter.a periodical,
and the subject of chrtstian union.
It was then moved, that as there was a fall at
tendance, the place of the next stated mvsling
should now he fixed by ballot Au amendment
was however made to the effect that the selection
of a place for this porpoise should be made the
order for Tuesday morning, immediately after the
reading of the minute. The amendment was
adopted and carried.
The names of the Committee on devotional ex
arcisee were than reed by the clerk.
It was moved and carried, that the synodical
records be made the second artier of the day for
It w. moved nod carried, that the judicial cam.
minea have leave to retire.
The Kay. Mr. McColl then gave notice thet
there would be eerviee in the ecuind Presbyterian
Church, on thin, Fnday evening.
It was moved nod carried, that the meeting ad
journ, eller which the exercises were closed with
prayer by the Rev. Mr. Lilly.
We made every exertion to procure the names
both of the standing conamilieen, and the member.
of the General Assembly uho ore n.'w In town,
but the clerk having refused either to give ut a
list, or to fin un hour at which we rouhl obta:n
we are reluctantly compeded to give up s.t Lye
of n to time for to day's
. -
`perlape many valuable f opt Pilot
einne Could agree .upon some one remedy, can
of the many propdard' for Cholera, ...all appear
to came eery two-the same, in be fundamen
tal pope:roes of mittotee,in quantity, drc
Might not at leaf& twelve ofoar M. Us. agree
on a land of medicine, which could be prepared
nod ready for instant use, for all who shroulil
, need it. Socha prescription. if d. wan to be pro-
I cored at the pnompal apothecary shops, with the
recommendation of several Physicians of this and
other cities, would tend more than many other
things which (teed Out enumerate, to allay that
vague. undefined dread, which even now ren
ders miserable many families, at least among the
poorer Claes of our ettitens.
This hitherto terrible disease, first made its pre
sence evident in this country—during its present
ciretimarnbient march—at York, last all.
From that place, the next we hear of It, is at the
other extremity of the United States, I might say.
along the bayous in the vletnity of New °deans;
end finally progressing onward in as mysterious
coursc--uneheolted by fruit or beat., by winter's
piercing blast or summer's sultry air—we hear of
its ravages within forty eight bourn ordinary travel
of this place. Yet there is nothing so terrible in
The history of its progress in this country is not
marked by that malignity which, in 1h34, nod pri
or to that period, caused such universal dread
throughout Europe, and -in America. So much
care and study hes been bestowed by physicians
in Europe, in madras into the character and di
(erect stegesof the disease—in watching with the
most diligent care the venous phases which it 11.1 , -
ruroes—tbat it is now treated with as much con(
dance of success, es many other disc• are, which
do not excite half so much fear, because, former
ly, they have been better understood.
The Inf Juana. in the summer of '4B, earned off
vanity more pdrsons In England and Ireland, than
dad the cholera. in the succeeding winter, under
qu to as us tavoral•le circumstances; for it is to b.. Erie poorer class of working men, in
those places which were visited by the former, in
summer, would not be in a Very good condition,
scared), of provision considered, to withstand the
latter in winter. Here, in this favored country.
sad especially in this particular section of that
country—where there are no poor comparatively
spent:lair-where all have common DeCesApnes
of life; many the luxuries—where there as goad
wholesome water, not only for household use, and
domestic purposes, but enough to cleanse our al.
ley. and streets,—there is not the tenet benefit to
be derived from surrendering ourselves to eigno•
rant fear, and the neglect of many thing., which
mtabt tend to oar health and prosperity, because
the cholera is in Cinchanan, or even among us.
On the contrary, the worst consequences may en
sue from snob a course.
lf some of our doctors would make a move
towards proposition, and a "cholera preartripuon "
be agreed upon, tr seeta• to me the confidence of
our ealarns would he reposed on such an one
more creel; than on any foreign prer.cripuou—how
ever eucce'atul—without the approbation of their
own pitybicatna
I hope, for the Bake more especially of the la-
boring clre•, among whom. too frequently, we find
but a small portion of time given to study into the
character and am.equeoces of disease,—that
some such measure may be adopted; so that ad
our citizens may have an approved medicine at
hand, when needed, and not be dependant upon
their own judgment, or the chance of "finding the
L.rm• out," 111 cases where life depend. entirely
oo the prompt application of a remedy
Putsburgh, May 14,1849
The New Orleans Picayune has advice, front
the city of Mexico to the 19th ultimo, from which
we learn that the Mexican Commission to act in
conjunction with our Commission to settling the
boundary between the United Statea and Mexico
left the capital of that Republic on the Bth ultimo
for San Diego, which it expects to reach before the
Mat of the present month. An escort of 250 car
airy accompanies the Commission. The following
are the Dame, given
Commissioner, Gen. Don P Garcia Conde; Snr
veyor, Don J Saimar e Ilarregal; Ist engineer and
secretary. Don F Junenez; 2d do. Don F Chaser°,
3d do. Don A G Conde; 4th do. Don R Itamins;
Interpreter, Don F de Jesus Iturbide.
We extract from the Picayune the fallowing
items of intelligence, gathered from Mexican pa-
..The Monitor of the 10th uliimo elates that pet.
vote letters bare readied the capital from Monit
ion announcing that during the week preceding
the 10th of March a schooner had arrived at
at that port bona San Francisco,wnh 15,000 oun
ces cf gold dust, which bad been bold there at from
all to 515 an mice. On the 18th of that month a
brig end a schooner sailed thence with seventy
puiiengers each. The intelligence which deity
arrives at Mazatlan is w good and so authentm
that the whole population are on the quo vim fur
strerting to the gold region. Other advice. state
that another placer has been discovered in Lower
California, which for richness will compete with
that on the Sacramento.
Forty Wegner., (Americans, we premmei well
armed. le the city of Mexico on the 11th ultimo.
en route for California.
The Monitor ot.the ISth %ay. that the (tow of
endgrantsto OnMoroi throng% the noniron!' gem,-
no continues uninterrupted. From the 26M of
Fetnuary up to date. 338 fomigo pautxutfutere
examined et the office of the Guternor of the Me
mel of the impinkt.
A number of wagons pp coed throngh Derange
with emigrants from the &aim, all bound for C.J.
iforktin. Difficulties occasionally take place be
tween them and the inhabitants,whici t the author.
tties are emphatically called on to suppress.
The Prestdent of Mexico has directed that an
express be forwarded to the capital from Arapo..o,
with the correspondence brought or to be brought
monthly by the American steamers to that port,
with all possible speed, was to admit of a return
courier that shell reach Acapulco in time to pot
on board a mail before she starts again, as a the
Care in refeience to the English steamer at Vera
El SIM of the 16th ultimo states that n leiter
from Tepic, dated the ith has come to hand, soi
-1 ting that the steam vessels which had nnived at
San Franc:sco were utterly stumble tom urn through
' the desertion of their crews, and sailors were not
to he moored even at 6200 a ;none.. Tee C
(area. the firrt of theme° it into port on the 21 hof
'February, And mere inn remains. Too aspen o f
things at the gmd giver bad changed much au
the better; order and regularity now reigned them
thanks to the judicious measures which had bees
rrhts paragraph shows that the Oregon wes
known to have arrived at San Francisco, though
we have not seen it announced in arty other lorni J
W. M. Wright, Ms D, Dentine,
a and residence on Fourth
Opposite me Potaborgh Haul Other
hours from St o'clock to LI ANJ nod
from o'clock toy P. X settle-It
FIR. nod Marine Inauraeoar—Tax Nero.
anion N•VIrI/1110. too Flit InCILLISCII Coarser—
chartered lerl—eontinoes to Insure, upon every de
scnonon of pronarty, at Ask:overt resin
Oilmen No 01 Market street
Poem. Ftnn.r Seery my &dem
frr PI - mu:lron bo.luN Dims° Co. DIVIDEND --
The Stockholders of , he anima named Comp..: an
clouded that the Invidend or lon Dollars per thane,
declared on the 2,111 January bur will be paid theca
or their legal r. pre...Louses, at the attire altos Treas.
rarer or mud Company, in the city of Piltsbargh, on or
after the Vic day of May, Inst.
Eamern Stockholders mull be paid at the office of J.
W. Clark dr Co., Boston.
myll THOS. N. HONVE, Treasurer.
Manifesm, Bill" Levitng, Contracts, Law Mania,
mt. BILL., users, cernracares, cn cm,
reaucuct, &e.
Printed at the shortest notice, at low prieee, at the
de:o ticarrre Orate& Thum neer,.
Improvements In Dentistry,.
DR. 0. 0. STEARNS, late of Donlon, is prepared to
manufacture and !GI BLOCK Tura in *bolo and parts
of son, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Plates.—
Ittoruscus (TO= sn rlys MINVIIS, Where the nerve ss
exposed. Other end residence next door to she /dny
or. other, Fourth street, Pllt/IbLillh.
Rxrea ro—J. It. M'Esulden, F. R. Ratan. I►l9
Puimicat Limos Suosa--Prepared by J. W. Hay,
William street, N. V., odd for sale by A. Jaynes, No.
reune Greer This grill be found a delightful arti
cle of beverage in families, and particularly for .to
Buns —An improved Chocolate peeper.-
non, being a “mbiriaume of Cocoa nut; Innocent, in.
vigroraiing tun; palatable. highly recommeaded puree
ularly for ii,valids i'mpuri dby o%'. Dorrhes-
Ler, ism., iuti for gale by A. JAYNES, at the Prim
Ten Mom, No 7U Fourth n amble
COPOrI C011101301006.1.—EZ1A.Z.0 SOILS, 07 :north
Fapeva towasuip, will Lie suppotwil before Me, u
proichiug Anumusonie and Wing Co¢ u ly Conic:Wo p o
,or County Commissioaer, submat to the decaion of
said C avonnou. Mr. tkiyles is n wwiting man of
ilia gaily, and every way qualified and deserving of
tug office. my itiativeui Nom Favarra
COUNT( COl l / 1 11.6310,13 — Alf. Editor: You wit; Woo,
otatounce Wu. k Lod, 9 , of ROtalliOn towatutt,
• eunditate or County Commit, toner, euteert to the
deal-flan of tho next Alltiro.olll.l a,.d µh g Conven
tio. a:gi6:t3w:3 Sara Way
Coasrra.—Tuostes Counma, of the Sixth Ward,
will be supported by Ins numerous !mods for the mime
of Coroner, subject -in the decbsiou of the %Vont blld
THE subscriber has Just received at the Pekin Tea
Store, 70 Fourth street, a vary largo and well se
lected stock of pars UUIGEN AND 15/.AC/4 TE4S,
from New lark, all or "ouch has been received this
country since the first of February lasi, consisting of
all the different grades grown in die Celestial Empire.
Our stock being unoug the largest in the Wert, we ate
proposed to wholesale, on better terms than any °Ow r
Image in the city. We invite tried grocers to call and
examine our stock sod prices They ran bare It pica/
el In 1, and Ilb packages, 5Lb 101 cam:deters, or by
half &tests, to suit dick convenience.
• • .
Uur raisin prices vary for °Moms, lii.ack Teas (Min
60 cm. to 81.,00 per lb. Mug Youog it , ouc hong Oil cu
Comm and Knglish Brelikalt, YOll/14 (kni
powder and [wenn!, from 33 ma. to 81,23 par
Futruites arc recittected to tend and get awrtplec of
of our Teas, and Icy b°fq ,4 P 4 ' , 45. 4 “g'
rail ..aravil JAYNF.S, 1U F ourth etrrot
'LI /I Ms.! TEAS-4i, half chests Young Hymn Tea/
r all of inio4l maponatmott at New York, campus
tny a fine assortment of him and medium qualtues, now
landing from canal; !Or sale by
ALEHATIIS-120 boa supenor quality firearatas,
loodrog lbw tamale by
roy 0 Et/WALE:I' tc Slll'l , ll, IS and 20 wood to
ICE-40 tierces Sege Mee, lending and lot We by
I ACK. Rtil —l3oi bbla No 3 Mackerel, large, nAr
IN landing and fOr sale by
jJ 031111: 1 166 AND 3IIA D-100 bbl. N o I fkffing.;
JIJ„. 60 do Nu I Shod; just reed and for sale by
Vulankkass Books.
ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, Dr Wood street. between
and Diamond alley, bare 'reeeised • w i ry
Siipply of Theological and other works, among which
are the Billowing, von Altscclumenus Essay. and Dias
eau nes. by President Hoploimc Christ is All, law nod
Gospel, by S. 11. Tyng, D. Itt Life of Do Witt Clinton.
Living Orators of America. Republican Ch•lstianity
by Magoon, Mao Prisnesa , by Gams, Phrenology ar i d
Mesmerism, by. Flee N. L. - Rice. D. D. Baptism. its
Import and Mode, by Beecher, Nineveh and ts Re
mains; Mountains of the Bible, by 111•Farians. Earnest
Ministry and Church in Earnest. by J. A. James Ed
ernrds' works, 4 vont, now minion; J. M. hl &sou's wort s
complrtm Cowper' s Lffe and Worts of Corixr. Fle
ming on Rue and PHI of Papacy; Turrellune • Throl.
op, Cyclopedia of Moral and Beliglous Anecdotes,
&deaf s Nanattves of Popery, Christ Fleceriring Sin
ners, Bible Evidences for the People, by J. Cumming;
Modern Society, Modern Accomplishments, Haldane
on Bantam, Oricund Thookhm on Scripture. by Cecil,
new firsrpoblished, Life of Pollok, Hawn' History of
Enthusiasm, NUM° Kingdoms, Lectures on Pilgrims
P Kress, Ikevber.
. ro
EXPRESS—.The Hill Difficulty, and some eee
riences of Life in the plains of Ease, with other Alio
cones, by George 11 Cheever, D. D., with Portrait of
anther. A few cones reed and for sale by
IT ts with pleasure that the subscribers
• Inform the citizens of Putsburgh and
entity that they has. completed Wean. ,
et:, nom, with Mesa,. J. C. Jenkins & Co..
err:111 of Philadelphia, to receive their superior
And artll hereancr be kept constantly on
P• hand. They are neatly and securely put
in metallic pack. of f, and lb. each,
with their pruned card—rnovring the kind
Tea. price, name of the concern and
depot in Philadelphia. with an menet,. to return the
Tea, if not
t4lmperial 621 75 1,02 1,25 4,93
I 50 75 1,00 1,25 1,50
; Hylton SO lin 75 1,03 143
- c IV. Hylton 50 621 75 1,00 1,25 1,50
I Oludk 371 50
''" cre. S Fine &activate& Fine. .70 1,00 1,25 1,50
We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be clued
tn. if not sermons to any sold in this city, and ihouLd
!her nut prove acceptable to the taste, they can be re-
turned. and the money will be refunded, as it Is only
wv.b that under tianding we sell.
We avk i fair trial, that the public msy be able to
lodge between our Tres and those heretofore sold by
oilier ent.opanie• in this city.
All lovers ot rich, Je !ICU, as nod good flavored TEAS,
sheeld Rive urn cull.
For sure by JOS. S. M. YOUNG & CO,
Ivi W corner 4th and Ferry streets, and
E YOUNG & co.,
S W corner ..1d and RIM streets
ARD—IO krea lust reed .d for eale by
my IS Wenn et. between Smithfield and Wood
13OOKS—agnes Moths, or rho Heroine of
111 Domestic Life.
Itiuory of King Charles the Second, of England, by
Jacob Abbott, with engravings Just reed by
JOHNSTON k S rocK.ros,
niylo corner 3cl and Market sts
N401..56E8-106 bbl. Molasses, to arnve
rpm; for mio by 8 h. W HARISAUGH,
my IV 53 Water and 101 Front st
- -
I:LOL R-000 Dbl. Flour, jam rend and for pale by
myt9 5 Pe W lIARBAU4III
091316 PORK-41 bbl. prima Pork, c'd and
I clic by myld &W HA RBAUtili
lANDLES-95 bx. Mould Casvites, rood and for
‘J wale by rnyl9 B & W HARBAUGH
no - Ow 01 ENING. at A. A MASON tr. Coa, U 9 Mar.
ket street. 6 cases t'stat cob.) Calicoes, at Ste
low prlea o( r ets. toyl9
JUST RF.CEI VED et the One Price Store, 60 Mee
km et, 10,000 yds of printed Lawns and McLain.n.
of the extreme low price of 14 me
mylo A A MASON & Co'
A OUS DE LAINS--501:0 ,d. ?Jou. de Loins, at IN
elf, now opening at the One Price Store of
myl9 A - A tit .ISON Co
BRI,WN USLINS-40 bale., at and 5 etc
ulyl9 A A MASON A Co
13 L CHED MUSLINS—aI cases at 4/ and 5 one
-1 JO for rale by nlyl9 A A MASON A Co
PENINO at the One Price Store, 1: cuesnew
ki style Lietcces, Lawns and Calicoes. •
ni • 19 A AMASON k. Co
‘_l ES—Duplex Watches, made by the celebrated
Cooper of London, M. J. Tobias of r iverpool, and a
large assortment of demehed gold and silver Levers,
mode by the best Geneva rnmtufaeturers.
Speetrmles of all kind., Communion Ware to sets;
Gold Pena; Jewelry m huge variety; Silver Spoons,
Forks, Au.
ID- Watch repairing excreted in the beat manner
myl9 corner Martel and 4111 are
IEW GOODS—W. R. Mostar has dna
morning open new and handsome styles Prints.
for 10* et, per yd; Sanas, Molt and tsulsotsk Almstins
for dresses. Also received within a few day.. Dootet
gibbons, Blank Sobs. Ice., at northerast corner 4th and
Market wrest,
' Country Merchants replentshuur thew stocks, will
find a chow° a•aortment at low arm., 11% Wholesale
Hot,ms, op .ours. m y ID
TSHERESY GIVEN that the fallowing named per
*ono have filed in the Rrothaer'a Office of Alleghe
ny county, Accounts of their seven! action, as Ad.
m !donators. Executor. and Guardians, and that said
A ...counts will be presented to the Orphans' Conn of
said county for confirmation and allowance, on MON-
D.% V. the Lath day of JUNE next, viz:
Henry Chalfant, Administrator of the Enate of Jae.
lii"Crarken, dec'd
Hugh 3l'Culiorigh Administrator of the Estate of
John Johnston. deed.
linrriet Looter, Administrntrix of the Estate of Hen
ry Lerner, reed.
John Hamilton and Robt Wilson, Administrators of
the Latour of Alex. Hamilton, dec'd.
Root Lytle, ourviving Administrator of the Estate of
Nathaniel deed.
Willtrun Riley, Jinn, Eat' calor of the Estate of Wit
'Go' a'sgol43 Administrator of the Estate of
John Jcakiruon,dechl.
ropnrendentary 2keeonntor7aines and Jon. W'. Kerr,
Administrator s of Estate of !mites Kerr, decd. Elizabeth Vashon, Administratrix of state of Hal
loo irnshon,
David ld'Alullen, surviving Executor of William
Risharamon, decd.
Stipplementitry and final account of John Rankin,
Jun, one of the Executors of John Rankin, decd.
Abt sham Cl ammo', Admmistrator of Solomon Clem
mer, kien`d.
/aeon. Painter mu/ lieut., DLlgh+o2ol, EieCl2lo,l of
t to ofJ•con Myer., deed.
Witham 11. Copeland, Adrohnstrater of Estate of
rain Downey. dec'd.
Joseph O'Brien, sating Executor of Estate of John
Coady decd.
Alexander Can., Admiutstrator of the Estate of
Monne hinrsolen, deed.
Banal. Godes and Rot. Davit, Adonnistmors of Ea.
taw or Jimon Winton. deed.
Alexander H. miller, Adminoitratix of Estate of
William Crosson, deed
Caiii-nne r'rranicen. Atli:cloth - trap. of Estate of &R
-ennet O'Hamon, deed.
VI:1,1i Account of William Holmes, acting Executor
oi the Eaton of John Burge-se, deed.
Henri S Grew, Administrator of Richard Biddle,
Arnold Lange and Kennedy T. Friend, Administra
tors of Dorothy Bowman, dead.
O. W. Hawkins, Administrator of Aaron Witintker,
Harmer Denny, Executor of James O'Hara, deed. •
Separate and final account of Itobt. Cuakey, one of
the Administnitnrs or ELiabath Musgrave, deed.
John AVOW, Executor of Est., of Samuel Knox,
Janoh Painter and Raub. Hughirmn, puritans of
minor hems of J snob Myers.
C Premix, guardian of minor heir of Conrad Gross,
Holmes, guardian of minor heir of John
unrge.•, dre'd
Andrew Leech, Jun., guardian of minor heir of John
Leech, don't!.
Wm M. Edgar, acting guardian of Elisabeth Jana
nod Margaret Ann Hindman.
Joun.han Mnldelowarth, guardian of a minor heir
4. J . 011N SCOTT, Register.
]lay is, ism t itsylitraltS
0 &RD.
put: undereigned haying been appointed Agent of
g the Dat.swaux Maros/. SserrY human= Cos-
PANT, in the place of Jam Finney. Jr, resigned, re-
Fancifully informs the public and the Mende and mu
mmers of if e Company, that he I. prepared to lake
Marine, Inland and Flre risks on libereJ terms, at their
flake, No. r Water street. P. A. MADEIRA,
myth _ Agent.
Journal, Post and Awerican copy.
THE INSURANCE co. ot North America will
make permanent and limited Insurance on pro
'erty in this city and vicinity, and • shipments by
curd Riven,
and by Sea. The properties of
ibis Company are well is and Ihrnish an avail
it tile fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who
desire In be promo ed by insurance.
myth WEL P. JONES, Agent, 44 Water at.
INFORMATION IS WANTED by an aged father,
how residing in city, of the wh of s
sort, SENJASLIN this ereabouts M hi
ulford, in
orkshire Encluid, who sailed from Liverpool. for
the ,
State• some (nor or Gee months since.—
Any intelligence cominatticaral to the subscriber,
wnich would lend to a meeting with his son, would be
o great charity, sod grateful.) , acknowledged by on
Pit *burgh, May 18, 1849.
t' S.—Editor* in the interior of Pennsylvania, would
confer a greet charity by giving this notice so loser.
non to nib ir reppechve papers. mytB
. 111s . i r EtV 110uS Volt
thillegy. or Cassieul Tables or the Creek. and
to which are added some notices of Syrian,
1100100 and SCRAM/12'4 An Superstitious, together with
tcame of the Amens, n Nauous, the whole rampart
Poly attain with true Petit; on. for the use of Schools.
J v,i read by JOlsli‘h CON it srocrrus,
tin) 19 [Mlle/ 3d aid 111Prket tits
ncEr.. , .. , ti—11.C441; and 2 eaaka jam anti
1" end for sale by ettyle B ceNnELD
.REA CUE:ESE-4GO boxes lust ie.:Mat thy W
vlt Butter and etteestiDepot, and'for male by
1111.ESE-87 bra very nice and large, uovvlandlog;
tut IS Front it
?if A CUM E f i slV E, Alu . kaj N f7 by
mytEl Weer tt
BuTTy7-2, 1 4,1 ror .4e.
11"5/11 • 8 & ROE
BACON -Al,OOO Bacon Sidea.
DRINIE N. u. SUUAR-40 bar!, in 4 1. " ntn d tar
__Ti algal ar. ROE
LANTATION MOLA.Y9E3--alk WIN and ¢tlbbl..
a lU tits S & ROE
dFEN UHL9. WHITE BELN — s—stiu
a. d for We. myth AUG 1 1 41.9 & 40E
DEs—i pads just rao'd wd fo'r we by
1) .)16_
Wol.—The highest market price nnit
° pout for the different ,grades oa Q t.
wool, by sinylif W HARtfinUoHed
firfli PALE—Ftve lotii;ltifffily situated in th 7
tsbnts town of Litrzningham. The lota are s to s .
' 5 4 i ,
77, ,j-ki.;rl‘4o.l"o.76Lo'r—Nbolr.froitiPipgß"l2o ? L eg: P hi l" .
e y „en steer Yu feet deep; the other lour 20 feet trout
ouch, hP [LI feet deep.
e,,nie--(;ranter part of pirate:a money mey
lor six years, secured by mortgage. For pan
intluire ,
i 14.11.1
'UN .b 26 TOBACCI-rattLui,
kj ego 4 as lump Congress Tcebacco,Just reed and fo;
We by royld SIILLLIA a RlNCHTtartn,
- 12XTRA 1159td in a
Ei 'rattled Hams, received and thr We l ty - """'.'
S & HARLiallea,
my le 63 vtaver endlOt rota DHTTEI.I.7O bbta One: l E l . o er, eeo'd and for sale by
.10 myl6 8& W WAR/UM:Hi
perior d window Wags reeci•.tdi • ttl. Fn ert.
w ill L e , promoly. Ailed by & W liefel3d,u 0H
By JoDA D. Davie pitetioneeir. •
Largr Stc,2- Gmis.
On Monday n.on.ta, Star 'list. et o'de/ed i ,
the LlommerE,4l Sae. corer l' %% nod and
Flab atreeta, orill •ola.‘ataoaal reaerte.
ClErrelle l e isrge nesertnirnt rr„,: .ea.enable
•nd feary Good• alaple
al r , •,, i,.4 ,t,,,fine
clod], en,a mere+. snt.:evl. yeeed,,,„ n „.. 4 v „. y ne y
unga. bluk &Alta. dreaa..lia.l , arrtac. /s de laial, Incertl k
prima. trtnrhan i •. •:16.•.• a. 5 k ' , els in greet •en•
ety, bleached and nro,:., curnnne, .11Anast Imen don
per check., actlaa, etateattata, fancy a, :
ales, tcr.
Groceries, Gueen.sisre Pomba., &A
Young Hrs. and Ilan,: tca. N 0 Ina r.
No 1 ahnd. tio 3 macticrel. lir mnolifacturerto, 10 b. No palm my. miring and wrapping
paper. shoreLs, spades. forks, window Win* nunnel
clocks, looking glasncs
kitchen f
/argo nd generrno
os, cni lionsaboln and
ur a ni ture, kiie al ..o ben uteris
At 7 o'cick,
A large collecuon or ysluable Londo, Books, by
catalogue, which aro rrody for (lam nraion. myl.7
Second hand zry at Auction.
OnSaturday morning. may 19 to n &clock, to front
o(the Commereiat Sales Booms. corners:if Wood and
FSrth streets. mill be solo. on- sabstaatiol well finished
Bum, with falling top.
Large eraPariiiim Sale of chola aad tvanabls
_ lorttfon Boda.
Many of them elegantly illustrated with spleadid
colored enfrovirigs, and m anortmorn of very
rare ohmic authors of the fifteenth centd'ry.
Will he sold ori • Saturday and Mondayeverilaga,
May 12 th and 21st, at the commercial mks moms
corner of Wood and Filth Inners, eornalencreg each
evening at 71. o'clock.
Full particulars in catalogue& cabled can be had on
.ppli.ticon m myl2 JOHN D DA VIA, Ant
For the effectual Care of
Indigestion, Hypo, Blue Devils, and Cholera
Tea public generally, who WV ant qf arts, eery Web ,
embrace this estieweil regareosisd ntendy, with the as.
serene, that it is Mesta:es, an antidote to Main ammo
grief, elleviatm pain, does not interfere with duties of the
day speedily renames bile, and has bean frequemly
known or reduce the room choleric to humour upon its
Bra application Besides, it reinvigorates the lath:at for
next days business Al ages, sexes and emalitione hays
been known to experience sensible relief. Instances ars
rife of tre swot being miraculously added to the Us of
an ochvelyik., to say =WE of the well-known ease
of a lady in search of health hnving hare stumbled on •
glad Aer/cusd. No PaerNT has been secured, es the M
ronts, although femme in Europe and Lunatic; and
r i peblished to the world, inthe sob pommlon of
th Crap of Ploanntory, and imilleas is Precluded IZ
the feet tlust If the smallest of the component perm
spurious or intorno', the compound is invariaMy found to
. .
- •
The (13pr:cheats are Ottanuless and yet how agreeable!)
• Igen of the Orehuent, a melons of be exquisite
Horsentanahip of I,llle.llosa ; the atartling tegrkerard S..
aureate and pram fame of Young Guam Rot on his
saddlakrs horse ; the great Begektocni Tricks ea hone
etter4Sonserresu and Bedoseing upon the Tight Rope
JUN; the Doarreatic Sows of .fete Maw-
SAN ard Bourne ; the Italian eryle• of liqui=kos by
Signor Low. Gassteon ; Equitation, rft=mk and
Herculean Fens, PantOrpil.• cod SpftftoW by Means.
Kamp; DAT, Mona. La Timer:ire, Joan Duxes%
Roarrre, Noma H•1114.112S and Mesdames Mrs,
Manmen, Hoar, and Name, in equal pate, cad •
4 ,„
• • 4
....IfMlll_ ezir-=- - aliZti \wq
sittr of the whimaical deportment and dreg a,
taw Of the eccentric Trick-flea; naoossoos., and the
add fkmity of diminutive Ponies, Ewa, Damn, Hamm-
ALADOnt, and Humans; the whole .mingled to
the comistency of Eras, with the quilts, prana, and
faction of Das RICE, tar! .no, Mosia l a t e es Jester, and
Batt Tema, the grad Tank. Comedies.
The system n psd for this delectable thee by •
glimpse of the trav ell cortege of the thatitrahre no it
enters town ; the Corm esd Seas Evian& of Lorre
PEx-diag of the Fronk r the knew nap
puggs and grargents Arroutm.., of the cavalcade of
Horsemen and wome, and the great Amnia= -Perim
swarm, drawn by dosofish masts and dares by Das Rio
Sasser "To do well shake,. wan Wren," habeen taken
oT the wrappers rime It has been disecnr . med that 4lt•
patient knernably sakes with laughter donor the emera t
tea enough for an practicable Eurposes. For Ow ar,
Marna% Meaux(Beals and Do Mee. Songs ad
Aka have am hind a sper‘de ; and fur the rye, ihe
Hm,tnathe Rau, dm charming J1L.11.11, the galas Graaf
411111 efficuelOns. (17 . •=taff102f,' 210 f ageism
eoaetndittn, form imitated could take-in the mow see.
dam; hot.grim the only dauber lb he apprehended, 53
wit, that the invalid may sea nap =sums of pt..-
sure dozing the Mats ad Equitation, or 11170 COXVI72.
.10n of laughter, during the throe of Dar Hum The
universal Petuteest will beproem/bed scrudendo at the
mod Had des Yeadider to be erected at
PITPALIDRGH, an Lot in front of the ASIDRICAN
HOTEL, Penn street, on AIONDA I', Mao 14th, and
remain six days, Doors open at 7—performance to
commence at to 9 o'clock, P.
0- A Grand Performance will be Siren each afOr
noon (Monday excepted,) at 3 o'clock, for the accom
modation of Jarchiles and Families, woo cannot at
tend at night_
Adminsio ' n 2 cents—n° half price.
DAN RICE, ED., tg..2416,t35,D5vi1a DoorevElle
RC Ontlizo A. Altriarlisri
Epsatuadu•stemma R. ; Yas car GLENN
ROI, Ptvf. ..=••
=DM Dena of the ftrohy.
A T a th:ligqX the Pl n ane and , S r at, IVood itrut,
Tool Aar ra P le by my 1 , 1 '4 17 ITIII.IIIIintFCIZT
All , -100 1‘;;s11 just reed un•l for
L g jr;t ll l *( l A ,
Idelme"irtcz:" cltrorl?„!fo'rg'ho,f/et7V
ea, having bran granted to the tin 'ersigned. all. per
to. having claim. against mid estate are notiliad to
present the same, authenticated. FOr sculement;
and those indebted to make payment without cloy to
IRON-4250 tons Piit , blahnotng Fnritec,
landing and fat sale by J a R FLOYD.
11 Round Church ihnldingv
_ - • .
ItO LET—A good brick Dwelling House, .mete on
Robinsonstreet, Allegheny. Enquire of
F oi!. SALE fIEk * P FOR SCRIP—A lot of ground innate on Wens., atiecL 2.3 feet row high street;
'22 feet flora op Webster, by a 0 feet to a five feet allay
—quite close to new coon bottle. Price 8920. Terms,
8350 cash in band; balance in one, two, three and four
years from the first of April last.
County and City Scrip taken for cash payment. In.
quire of myld 8 SCIIOYER, i in second at
T For for Oaria.
HE isrem of the Sale Low
leer of Seim,
pin all,
Futures, tr
Lo.. with sir itplrndui new ten all, rt. and
large assortment of the hr. all 2- p,, 4 ,1 ,„
best of order. The reason nt s . th- proprietor
has other business I. Mim! to This, I, u vett hand
some Saloon en nut floor, anti the place is tegulsrly
licensed for the sale of liquors, the. For further tutors
mationdpleate call at KaILLY'S,
m Smithlirtd street
Take Natio.
ALLi.4llll7;ceessebZtili'plthea'asErare Te l ay l ea V ne P lr co ,
or before the 1.1 of July. next, to theexecutors, who
will So found at Dr. Elardoet'a, Fourth street, between
and ‘Vood; olorseute their accounts alb
be left In the hands of the propos officers fel-col/se
-BA:dug!, ROBINSON. Executor. -
H°F. "u '',1 4 1 1 5, x • R'b;
ter, which be held in li o wre 9 for rfair 9 days. Tit •
Horan Belting. Campany express .• few
desire for
the lire depart - Operas of the vibes of Pittsburgh and Al
legheny tei eall'arot examine and make • trial of them.
Tot company it Willing to put them to any test they
think proper to cone:bane upon
turn - J ft Il PHILLIPS, 3 er.d pt
Airet7P—s OThr -, 1701.77.1 01;
mvl4 Jasper's 5 romping do, in store nod fur stye;
A A. M. & CO. havirig con.iderably enlarged their
111.• Store fort. accommodation of their meth.'
ing bariacm, ere now prepared to cannot to their re
tail trade the most ostensive cask of rick end Cash..
able imported and Anseresto Goods they have <War
offered on this city. Their trona Shawl Saloon, untedt
er with tengthet large snare, his been Stied op and,ad
ded to theyr retell usonment; rhombi giving them am
ple mom for the display of their Immense stock. /Wes
...gently in the 'well:mot newHoode from their house
to New York, they areenabled alway. to °Tee th e
newest, luau and mon dottre, goods, and to prices
C. /ow as say bongo In the country.
Their Stock conai ds in past or
Five Heankath At eirs areal. etch Betalltu, 12,
Athena., Dolphin. and Marquise of new and ale t
sty/es. Al., Pail de Chevre Foaled Silks. Mo de
Loins, Grenadines, Pekths, linuilicnnes,Broche, oils
de Nord, Ste. ice.
Es. Hundred Pieces of new cad !Mil styles Jac° eu,
Law. and Or r odies—esplanche design..
Seven H u ,. e d p.,,,,,,, English and French Pond, Gincka, Atheocas, Orleans Cloth, Llnan,Oltighante,
Ch l: l W c ih e" ree Ilumlred Pieces of rich plain, p g 4 re g
of eat/Tell , noon styles. so,
rr i eVl ' ll " etr i' d 2 rel l as: k s, well., laastellitseete. of :ee
rier high Metre. ' I
sHe cvL*--cLam.r.. Whet,. Long and Scanre
, Shawls,Groat. Ithitte, Paull do Satio;,„Canton Cthpe
' thik. iderage„sewing Bilk, Wool Plaid, Grenadines thi l
Muslin de Laws.
WHITE HOODS — , Otwahrles, lacontla, Vie tin
Lawns Hook Swiss Muslin., Tarim., Fancy ,
Checke, Liamt Loom,, Dotted Muslin,. Mall 5.044°'
enta no, e.c.&c.
LINEN O ool7 S—Darnasks, Cows.. Napkins. its.
ge, ,i, Hdkfs, French Lthatu and Dollt. Batacels7 Ob. , '
Irish do, /risk Loth., beat wake Cod 6n.2.
N.141.610,-A complete assortment of China Braid,
,i r,, i. , -..:::::: c f. ,- '' , ..;- \-'
1 : ATINCIIIINATI it ;PIT 9131711.4211
. ~ .
..",.. 4 . % . ; .a...,4 , - ...5..
DA I Lv PA 0 Kt'L. UN - E. •
is .ell known et hplmul l passonvr Steam
era .OM Composed Mike I pat; sevetest, bes
finished and famished, and Mom poWerial bails on Me
waters of the West. Evo aegotothodotionand eons
fort that money can proeurmhss been provided for pas-
Fenger. The Line has been 4 in opesation for five years
—has carried a million of people without the least infm
ry to their persons. The !is will be at the foot of
% nod street the day presto to starting, the the neeej.
non of (might tad the carr y pasaensers on
ter. In al/ CAMS the passage moneyoast a s PU l l ,',
Tha ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, villl
leave Pinstiargh every Sunday mommy at to deloalp
Wheeline ever 7 Sandal' irrmang at lAr. in.
thy 49,1947.
. -.--- •
.t ., 6 0
, th , , SIONONCA MiLA, Capt- Snit., Win le.Vn.
P t_ e , evy *Dully coming at 10 l'ei,..eki Wllo=oo
every Monday evening at ID p.m -
The HIBERNIA No.. Capt. J. liumcrivriay WA,
leave Pittsburgh every 'lll"equy
to mlO o'clock:
Wheeling every Tricsdow evening lo P. ss.
pitt NEW EV.:LAND No. k, Cava S. ea N. WUsbuns
o'clock; Wheelle h
eve ry
Wedncsday mon.4 r 10
g ry 'Wednesday evening• .10r
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Duna, sill leaks Pit/.
burgh every Thursday anomie' at IL o‘eock, Erlseelial
every Thursday evecuag at 10 se
Thq CLIPPER No. t, Cin: Pm DIiVAL,
eTery Priddy mornings' los'eloskwhe.,
:int eiftry Friday evening sr to P. e.•
lEt 49. atittik
(v. ounnow,) I
Loaves Pittsburgh daily, lug o'clock, A. ' riv. at Gl.gow, (mouth of the Sandy and Beaver: CW.
usl,) at 3 o'clock, nod New Lisbon at its= 414
Leaves New Lisbon at a o'elock, P. ....Batking
at trip canal to the neer daring tha night,i and Olugolir •
Y o'clock, A. M., and ILITIV. at Pittsburgh al:3
making °a continuo. line for
sengers and [rev. between New Lisbon and cm. 0
burgh, in shorter time and at less rateirthatlb7 any
other row&
The proprietor, thia Line hove see pleasure orb
/Canal b....Lat . ! , p/ f t o b r lill.p . s . t . they have
ommodation xtWo Aral slag
freight, to run in connection wi th the wall karate
rosamer• CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and ionhaell
ing, en Glasgow, with the Pinsburgh and bnoir,
mitt and other daily lines of steamers barn am Oh),
m.d Mississippi rivers. Tan proprietors pledge UAW
selves to apare no expense troublo to roc Long ank
(art, =fen and &yawl', and risk the pablias
of thea polrouslo. -
S. & W. 11A.R.BAUGli. Pirahnisa.
R. HANNA, & Co.
Now Lisbon.
91) Urlf J. IL&RLIA thin & Co.
. ~..
NOTICE—The meamer BE VER,C. a abirrai,Dits
wi, will leave cam this notice, for WellevillelMaing.!..
elly p el 9 olelivek in the morning. jel3 "
Naafi fß &ftgia . '
Only 73 Mlles Stating.
Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and
THP. splendid and fast running 1/
B EI Mall Maims
ATLANTIC, Capt .1 Parkinsont ALTIC, Caps A
ea.; LOUIS firLANE, Copt E Hemet; are now •
making doubl e daily trips between
The morning boat will leave the hlonongabela
Wharf, above the Badge, daily at 13 o'olock precuuslY.
Pessengars will take SUPBRIICOACIIhZet Browns
vine, at 3 o'clock, P. Id., and the splendid cars at the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Cotebetlind, al El
o'clock. A. M., and arrive in Baltimore the one eVets•
ing, in time for the evening line to Philadelphia sad
Washni/ton city.
From insbetsgh to Baltimore, only Mho.=
Fare $lO,OO
Prom Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 10 loam
Fare 5P3,00
The evening boat will leave at 0 o'cloek,eseept Rm.
day evenings. Passengers, by this boat will lodge on
board in comfortable Slate Booms the first nlght,'Paes
over the mountain. the following day In Eastern bulk
Coaches, and lodge the second eight in Cumberland.
Passengers have choice.of either Steamboaror.Rall
Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia,' ant the
privilege of .lopping at Cumberland and ilablosens,
and resuming their seam at pleasure. Coaches char
tered to parties to travel on they please.
We make up the loads and way hills for the Odeell•
es in the Pittanargh offices, liu order to nave time on
arriving at Brownville,) it is thereat:a important for
passenger. to get their tickets before going on board
of the boat, at our office, Monongahela Hon.e, Water
street, or St Charles Hotel, Wood at, Pitt:burgh.
apdoi3m J. AIESIOSIEN, Agent
Pleenbungle & Loulinrille Packet Lino
r'The splendid new Hamer .
siagaLlep, master y trill leave (or ab9n
d intermediate parts an' IVOR)
the ISM ins; at o'clock a. at - •
For freighter pumps apply . on boardoar to' _
, The neer nad apleadhl panes.
"e ger packet, .
taxworaatcr. teak leave for Clutha
=XL exat.Louttvalte. aa • Thursday, - t he vsd- 10 .4 :3
o , eloek, A. M. For freight orpeasage apply on.board,
to BEREIRTh(4, v ilLs.oYer. Ce, or • I. -4
• •
sr U _,_ -----
,L q
OrLall sicii pAciocr sUNZIar"-----
, t' '.
• ~ The steamboat
aiii mk apt. J. N. S P h l e L nk, 1 1 4 V ii;et P/Baborwh
Tuesday, at O'clock, P. M., 5
for kj,sabethmatm. Captive. Bonilla, Proctor, Haze's 1
Landing, New Alartinsoille,Sardig Sisiersville,TeePs 4
Landing, Matamoros, IL Sheet's Landing Vontatuns, ,
Nesapert,Uoor Creek, Marietta, Paint Harmer, Par. '3
kersburo, Bests, Little Hocking end floekiLlport. .'":
RTOISLINI—Lcavea H.Oekhogyert GMT,* 1 :',.
at 3 o'clock, P.
M Manetta on Friday, at OA. ,'
passing the pro:tetra part of the above learn{ •,",
londosgs on Friday, beG,re night .. . . ~• ,
By the above arrangement, this boat 'HI bet , abto to ' 7.
lay at
ould Pittsburgh on Buudays, and keep auwdayaa It ..;
sh be.
the 'the .
The penny may depend Imola this bookeontlenstig In :i
e during the ow weir, ot.nmen -#251.,
Lout We and 13CLcm4s 1, 3 .,, Ltne
The film fast tanning passenge
''''''' t e er. . T AC t it T s, " =te l ?' 1•11 f keen i l
or the above and to crodtate 'ports
I every Tursuay, at 10 o'clock, s_ at.
I Foi freight or passage apply on board or to
mars-dfira E. C. KIND, No. 1.53 Com-
REGULAR S Louisville. ~.''
aTIT AV IV g..AUI", "teg7pOß .ST. -LOUTS
L'',... The fine fast rurlin4 pasteagar
,- steamer GEN.
,gtaiigt, A. McPherson, tnast; leave fer i
-.--,..,---. • .o nbove and noterommafe port/lora '.
. •
0) natoruay, at 10 o'clock, r. et.
For freight
" PulT. 'al , :, ° P , o b lu d emr!°R,
~.., i
Loautegth fl
The neat and substantial steams,
siggingleMillen, ma •te ill perto r r g
er regular Let trtrieneen Pittsb , ,rea 1
Whee,ing and endgeport She will leave Piuray,,,,t, ..,
on Weds day and eaturday.
R -
For freight or peseagr, apply 013 board.
_6 22
The splendid ntots.lnger 111X0113331. Pn
C00.1}31, ': " 1
Boyd, muse, velli leave for thr,:above
and Intertneutate dat•Wed
por ts thLt
ensdaY, at 4 o'clock, P. is: ft
For freight or passage, apply on board-, aple . r,
The fin e.tenser r
g ia l
... George Calhoun, master, win lave 5
hl F on o d
g''''''''Wrlahtda,Thpo:rsdr..g'abia,:apntpoildyo ti::::,,,Le4l7SP°". c"'
REGULAR zep.r& r .viti..r. p.iciWk
. .
• . The fine steamer ' 1
A f
4 , 4.17, C °onager, mama, will run la a
',.,•, '''''•-•• M
ar weekly
_packet bet..4 - PM. /
hiirgh mid Zanesvide—leares Pittsburgh grim Toe. r
dip. For freight apply to
_.. RAKER tr. FORS WO. Av., i
• No UMW' w i
•v.,,ta The Ina light 4 La p ahl&atetasaer
frazlep, master will/eats far above
and int.rwaLoportvoli 'Sat.:Lay
19th at 4 o'cloch, r•
For freight az pastjqt, ag c
apply to.
r ED Bs 1111 LTESBtallSER
0,41, Atoll,SlT,
Forwarding Ea Commul r
chant, has removed to N 0.61 Front, between en Wood
and Smithfield strerts.
W I WT . EI)--4Carfa,
do 1173,5 :ate 6-Barley,
,for which Mny
a Waken
rontlegrice in cash will be pmd by
s & ueasartsti j
• v U„„,. °hp, wam mAi . by
rreet. Danusb/e., Rona and Heady, Straw, Ear I
Use ChiP, Pancri An. to
BONNET RI BBONS- of Donnas:id Ca!'
Albano., of the best style. Also, black and calorM
Taffeta, .4 Latin, bast quality Also, Boar= Hdlea
and LluiogrkArttielalklr.o.
HOSIEV.II AND G LOVES—Every description of 1
ladies and gentlemens UM and Wove.f, C ravats,
scarfs, Ildlos Also, Eterege Gattnn, Ch4tlai Uhl*
Veils, hlark lace devil Veils, L e .
NEW VIS/TES and hIANTILLAft, of ar the fish
Lac* capes, collars, entry ma ling collars, oho:awl; t
Valtauces, French and Englan Edgings, cambr i c 3
'awnin g , Holt Ribbons, Linen cambric and lawn Hdkfs,
dna IWO
thousand Parasols and Paraohnia, of unary
ItetUdlnT the bast punkas or fine Una and Carnation
Cloths, LSasimores,Vesungs, Sumacs thluirs,Tweeds, k
Jeans Alma Flannels, Cheats, counterpanes." .
GINGHAM:, ctiorrst, PQM* A n•-hiore than ! •
two hundred emits of the hem styles and of every irs• •
bundritd ea.e. of all the well known end approved
makes of Blear Ind Muslin; 300 bales brown do of ea- I•
cry variety and p rice
BY Y srehvefa may always depend irons the STIRI tt
rootho... , wae•tastahmenb of °bum.. rho clamant
n'tat the wort nostanablo priers. ,
PRICK'S adopted by this estab.lsarnellb 113
as their ONE PRICE L!•l4t having met with inch r
anisesal favor that the sabienbers are enabled So a
for Mili . grnalet Ind...MVO In
(tote wil toerefore marked q such low m a aa can
n„, 6.1 to give valiant on hierehards Bun
all par. of nha cont o ry wa Invited to can
MASON re. COe 111
aptwallisna Maiket, between 3d and ath