The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 19, 1849, Image 1

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'4IZM'III .4.,,p4--',.7..f97,17,,7,,1147.57rq..-itkttTX..:s-:'n..*.:7,F:":;:7,7'!•;',17iW.Z:.-,,,.:',,-.'•-.,7,r,,y..:,-;,:..;..,....,,,,-;.,!.77,-..1:.f.:.-.:.:,,:,,,-,-17.*',...7.-,-,7,47,,,=1-:`.,,,:".:.-.,,,.:-,-:::7:.cti:.,.`;.:,.''',.*:C=l-..)n-z,:;,!.,'.'7..
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R. 13.1CAUNATIANi "4 -
TrOHNEY AT LAW. °Hee ott rensth streehi
between eltetrfulley end Grime wt. lityldly •,
STRONG fr. =OZER, CettiMtssitui Me:Schulte
L a irklat. in * Prt'due. , N. 2.l 4 Market ke street
Ot t i . : -,•-- .
I. ITrLD. 111. IL ELI%
3USOF CELLI& HAYS, Wholesale 'deniers In Dey
Gwits Hreeesies, Batts, Shoes, Pittsburgh =sun,
~..4 „ vole., itu., No. 220 liberty stteet. Pius-
t 1 'GRIMM Ziff=
RElTho, Wholesale .add RetW Droi:
MC , et iibtftl and 81. Clair streets, Pali;
A. MenNULTY & Co., Forwarding and Cwwi
I. Mission Merchant., Caned Basin, ihnabursh Pa.
• meh2
raitents Syring e Axlerligoei arid trot
rIOLEMAN,' MAILMAN & Cd, makottacturara of
Li Coach and Finnic Sprit r HlTOeretAlleri
?ilte_r sad Ploogh
ttete. ;
Also, dealers m Coach TrinatilnKaind Malleable
CONTINUES to manufacture Monuments,
Vaults, Tombs, Bead Stones, Mantel Pieces, CM.
r e and Pier Topa of foreign and domestic marble, al
i regular and fan pneu
•N. It—Drawings for monementa;vaults, itc„ furnish.
id,, of any desenption. Ile solicits a shire of public
"trams.• • genii -MI
t t 'OIL D. laiil2sll, JAMES Z. EMMET.
' E NG LISH & BENNETT, (late English, Gallagher
.... Leo.) 'Wholesale Grocers, eom.saton and For.,
h[esebanu, and dealer. In Produce and
riPanufacturea', No. 37 Wool st., between shl end'
d =tom . , . oil]
.NEORCit: COCHRAN, Commuolon ondrormardiu,
Morainal, No. 20 Wood zueiL PitiObargh. myl
• none. I..E.A.DEE FACittailt.
HAISILTON STEWART, tourafacticrer ,of Heavy
- Shirtings, Cheeks, &c., RebeeOst.:stree_ city of
Weak,. D0v1641.4*
(successor to Aforpfi Wool Deal,
. and Commission hierchant, for the we of
American Woolero,, Liberty. opposite Mk at. licl7
. _
WV. nattn, Baltimore.
I. matron, litrankl. REA.' • }
D.C. Weal:more mama. sesartr,
a E ALD & BUCkNOR, ToboccO Coftrolssion Moo
ottants, 41 North Water st, /r. 10 liorthlifLarrcy
...a- HANDY.
WY. 1...7031,11. • ,
IZ3 & Co, (.urceisits to Atwood,
Jame, is Co.) Cann:roman end Forwarding bier-.
dealers in Pittsburgh bliarthinurred Goads,
Ittabutgat,Prt. .
WWI Dicitzr, taultattdotia,rn,
IMII DICKEY b. Co., Waialeale Grocers, Com-.
111/013 bletChalltf, and dcalefi in Produce, Nos.b6
mer, and 107 Front streets, Pittsbergla " rlovB
-•• • •
B. CANFIELD, (hue of Warren; °filch) Commis.
sion and Forwarding Merchant, Roo whole de
/ender in Western Reserve Cheese; Hun 'Pot and
?earl Aah, and Western Produce , generally,. Water
tee; between ihuithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. spa
01.11 V -WATT, (successor to Ewan tr.• Gebbart.,)
t k i Wholesale Grocer end Crimmission hlerehant,
ale? in Produce and Pinsbargh Blonufaelares, roe.
ter of Liberty and Hand s treets, Pittsburgh Pe„..mitr.„
s (late of the firrilefAigeo and
• McGuire ,) Merchant Tailor, Pt. Charles Blinding.,
(lord street, neer Wood Pittshu ,h.
- IA.PM3 A. HUTCHISON, tr.. Co.--Suce..esprs to
LP' Laois Hutchison tr. Co,
rod Airestts of the St. Lam, Steam StwlT Refinery.'
45 a
waxer lusslP3 INDlO:reels, Pittsburgh- .
S. DILWORTH to co., Whoteaala Orman, Pas
rdace wad Commission Merchants, and Agga.
th Hazard Powder Co. of N. V., No. 27 Wood it,
10IIIN D. MORGAN, Wholesale .Droggist, and deol
!V or in Dye Stud's, Punts, Oils, Varnishes, dc„.N0.03
Wood /trees, one door South of Diamond. Allay, rims-
On . Jaaa
TAMES MUT, Jr., & Co., (raneessor to Joseph G.
Daois,)Ship Chemdlets, 30 Witter streek ,0031
101 i ISTAIA./S, Wholesrde adßetail dealer
ti in.h.tusie and Musical Instruments, School Dorms,
Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printen' Was, and
Stationary generally, No. 81 Wood st, Pittshurgk.
11:711ags bought or taken in med. sepls
1 SCHOONAIAM t. it Co., Wkolesalp Drugmsts,
U No. Wood erect, Pittebargh.
JOHN D. DAVIS, nue!lancer, corner Coth and Wood
=eats, Piusburgh. • ,mv.3
•TOENSTON & STOCKTON, 13ooknalliza,:Printers
and Paper Ilaraffacturen, No. 44 Market ati
Jana Pion,
J« FLOYD, Mx,lesale Grocer., liomMis;ion
Phlinf= tatitr i or Lib u ertrthtg
gnats, Pittsbart,h, ttiyB
TAME 'l;F-:
staimZELL, Molmule Grocer, .t.mtniesion
J Meacham, and dealer in Predate and Pittsburgh
Manafacurreat No. tit Mier at., Pittsburgh. louts
CUM M. TOWNSEND,Druggist gut paUxcarg,
Nri.4ll,larker at., three doors Abele Third aM
bargh,will have constantly ;inland a well selected as.
torment of the best and freshest Med/ethos, which he
'will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physlebina
,alquiing orders, will be promptly amended to, nod sop
d with articles they may rely upon asgenaine.
' Phyaiciantr Prescripuons will be aectuluety And
prepared from the best materials, many henna
ha - or rusitm
- Also (or wale, a large stock of fresh and good : Perth.'
FIER JONES, For and Gummi. Bina Mer
Dealars in l'roduee and Pittkbargit mann
awed assseles, Canal Baain, near 7111 st. dda
ENEON', CIOLDS & CO, Manufacturers of very
superior 4-4 Sheering., Carpet Chain, Coon
and" Batting. Jl3O-lp
L Ew I, DALZELL & Co., mannfaetarers of all st.
P., tier Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nail* of the beat
quality. - Wrirchonse, 61 water and 105 front ss.
laaLo • .
5 W.&T.E11.31" Wholesale Grocer, Forward
. Lag and Commission Merchant, Dealer In Pitta-
CSgh Illannlactaxes soul Freda., Nos. 31 Water at,
and Si Front. i 27
TH0ZA11.12133:137 t /B. .301LN K.
JLA LOOSING GLASS Alannfacturers, and Wholesale
dealers is foreign add domestic Variety Good.
Wealertr merchants, Pedlars and other. are invited
W Will andexamtne the prices and noslity racer stack,
.as withour present increased facilities in msattfactor.
sax antr:parchasing, Ivo think Ho eau Oder as great
neccorass to buyers as any other house west of the
ionlairons. 14,:, D. seam- wuisa C. sus.
Ilisic a G y ILLS k IIOE, Wholesale Grocers and Commis-
Gun I . lerchants, No. 191 Liberty .t, Pittsburgh.
MII.HIPHY, WILSON & CO., Date Jones, Murphy &
Co.) W holesale Dealers in Dry Goode, No. 49
WoodairmliPirteburgh. noel
astam, :MUCK, WM. C. xxxxx.
& Co., Commission and Forwarding
MeTe_hants, Water and Front ete.,. between
Dort and Market sts. • purl)
. '.
'WM.C. M. lIICX-ClllO3.
il f.. t BICKETSON, Wholesale (irocers and
.... t ts, Commission Merchan N 0.170, Pins
rats PA
. lisneliiitcv WILSON, Portrattand 111iniaturikeL3.
An. ter. Boom% corner of Post 'Office Alley end
!. Fourth went, entrance on 4th near Markel
` deen.fltC,
• 10- HoLiat BON,No. u^l Market temtnd
- 'l\'! - door from Corner of Fourth = dealers iu Foreign
it, Bank Nous andSpecte.
Collections mad on all the principal attics
Wog ! hour the United enatea. • • deell
Ntgi door IL E A' Smithfield, th FClthh.l "
Crinveynacing of all lands do= " r u oidt ' th e e . greatest
tare curl legal imentacy.
Tides to Real Emma examined, leo.oet3o-ly
Independent Patna 019;ce.
f FOURTH Maxis
liOOOL iota-4014
iII. -T i t taTiti,, D.,
rig PTII AL hl I C SURGEON will attend to din neat-
Al meat of Diseases oldie
Dr. B. ran been engaged In WiO branch of the medi
cal profession for careen years, and be. talltittae4 eo
establishment for the nettunem of dLretuies of the dye
slow for several years.
, Ontcu and resolenea, canter of Sandusky et and
fitemberry alloy, Allegheny city. ecng
aPEKESI TEA STOILE.--Ne. 12 Fourth
' st, near Wood--All quannties of Eiecn ;Ind
, Mack Teas, done up in quarks, :half, end
„44,kPOitil2 packages, raiiging from CO eta per pound
-ELE . }yd A. JAI NM, Aitler Pekin. tedi Co.
- ILOBLET &WOKE, Wholesale Grocery Rectifying
Distillur dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh libumatitc
o. 11 L f lafraT i Er ' ect. On la end ' sual a W r i'e ry .
, Urge stook of ruperior old litortongabeiu 'whiskey,
, 'arluch will be cold low for cosh. ' apU:ly
.I' -- caircr au:case:l, •13071[1. D. ittAIIII6OI . I.
SOBENSON & Co., Wholesalotarocen, Produee
• and Commission Merchants, and Denten in Pius
b *annuluses, to 160 Labeny it, Pittsburgh.
U Eta DALZIeLIAL B Co, Who!cede 'Grocers,
Counnisaion and Forwardwg . lnuds, dealers
Produee and hasburgh ffiauataelureq L4berty
Pittaburtl3, Ya . • feta
rri. A. • N e • fir er
Deaier,ll / L P U red N ee=l::t'satnu:r Mani/fee:re*,
0.144 Liben7 •
O. 111115011.,
I. L tux.
R EYN°II)3 SUB; Venni:thing .rid C01111714910n
2 1 4m -bent ; rot the Ageutteny giver Trade, deal
and Chloride or ' 's,ri,u.. rm"urgh Merorfeoutroe
The highest prieea, earh, pad et ell fillies tor coon
,,gs. Corner of Peon awl Irwin all. j.,11
kWtw e D ar
Forriso end Vomesue Dry Geale.lio. WPod et. p burgh. : teblftt
W. HARBAUGH, Wool Merehtele, LietlM
ilro. in Flour Ind Praluce geueratiq, and
lour Commingles' Merchants, No: Gf W ar y
tc Cs., Wholuniio
0 Produce deuiers, N0.P.... , J Mullet meet,yetve ep pay
and 6th. North side, Philside.lphis:
uanol crrrsta... roan alcuots,
.CCELLVi . &
Produce wag General
0 mimes .51erchatits, Ilia 17 Liberty sr:, pirtsbnritt
't.t.perm, I joseed and Lard Oils. •
VON 80NN11011,57, is Co., Wholesale az,.
cc., Formanling' aod COMIUII4OII blerehants,
ersin Pittsburgh itanufaciures and Western Pro
here removed to th eir new wrireliouse,(old stand)
Not. " corner of Front and Chancery Lap..
TBOTH & SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail. decers in
Soots, Shoes, Trunk's, Carpet Sags, &n,, S. W.
o met 4th and kludddleid sts,Vinsburgltaa. Js
reE rc Y & Sail, Wholesale Grocers isiThinard s.
, '..slon Mehants, and dealers in Pr o d ea./. Na kb
ood t, fittsbargh.• • ' : Pan
Wvitlisori,_..D4aer in Watches, Jewelry
a 611.hre Arrlitary Goads, ka., No. 67 hfa r
row , • • num arwroszes
117 - IcK BrcANDLESs, Imecouors to L D
y Wick,)Wholeisle Groc en, FOrwarding and
Commission Merchants, dealers to Inn, Nallsi Wan,
Lotion YanwortniDitlabaygh Manufactures generally,
ro or Wood and Water nreets. Pinsburgla
NV23l' ITO — WF2l....coineuillon and 4' tUi
Merchant, No. Elhatt st. between Wood and
Iret street NOD
leirW. WALLACD Mtil stone sad Mlll Formah
ing calablistunent,:No.ll44 Liberty st., near the
~•Po MllRHElY,..Wiiotesaie and Reran dealer in
°reign and Donfezie Dl7 Doods• north ra. ,
corner Of Market and Fourth wa .KT2I
brab., trr .
V --- T --- Tcull oll. — :- :----- no—scriicainion
&. kt.APCUTCrrEON, Wholesale Grocers, des
, ices id Prod's* Iron. Mills, Glass, sad Pots.
burgh Alaunfactares (CrliftUi l 12 1 LihartV 0 ; Pius
Ur W 7 Willifilf,Vireraei — v
i,lelii, - Ailver \Vire,
Y V • and ildßitar7 floods, corner of "Market and 4th
streeta,_Pinabargh, Pa. N. Be—Waiehes and Clocks
.aareftr ;I.' repaire,k ~.. .r, . ~ . data
WI, SMITH, klarusW, --- ,nerd Cotton - 1M!
colorid Linen, re j stes for Dresses, &a.; sawmill
Ankand_eoloriA Cotnalrges for silk and rrina e am s,
Parasol& (limp, Illohilri and Bilk Bullion Pr
mada.mviaer on rho 'horses/ notice. .
ilkrOar4:CotiolkatMaldin-Lano and Williani, entrance
240 Bk. \Withal , street, think 13001% over Abner & Ely. ,
atare,NOCSAlitidanlsanr-blew York •-to
tIT I.I.II , O_IIPLTRE6,•• ATMleaale Croce,
hls • A lso ,
Msolles. sna Wino and - Lisso,
Mogi* Also, losportSts of Sott.Ash gri d Bleach
ttag poins:, IfoaaWS..sty . atm; PossbOrgh, P.
. •
irati - tfic
pEtuAuFIS IN HIDES AND LEATlika p . Monx
Shots Findings, Att., No. 143 Liberty greet, have
just rreeciied Wei, SERINO STOCK of. toads, com
prising Aline Amittotltt bf =idea is.thtir .Intm, to
hlc/t the Acetto3of inlL..tng is incited,
them • •
PET'S/ r Vlric 00.,
marTEls.Al 110 A.T. AO EN T S
OnicE•sovx M. Aura & co,
oalt' 42 W 15444 mr244.
Tita Frankal - Are lativaitritee Ce. of Plande /Ain.
DIBECT OII B..-Charles N. Rancher, Thomas Hart,
ToploslVagner; Stumm' J R. Pand,
Gee'W Richards, hlmilecal D. L ew , ds Adolphe E.
Bane, David 8. Broaroi Morris Patterson.
'Casten:ls;N. Braessta Preaident.
Charlet°. Handler, Secretary.
COlllitige tonna., insaranee ' peypemaPOr limited,
on every description of
. property 'an town or comary,
at rates et low as are etuaTat with scantily.
To Company have resat abuse mes anate Pend,
width with their Capital Preamoms, safely invest
ed, afford amplisprotertion m the examen. •
The osiers of the company, on Jamtury Ay Ibt" Ei,
published , agreeably to art ant of Aasentbiy, were an
........... • 4 40444d5 ,
, 85
Loa. 96,001 85
tiltocas • .51,523 2.5
Cab, /cc. 35,80.1 37
ISLAN,492 71
. Since their bicorporation a period of la years, they
have paid upwards af one foar hundred thous.
'tied dollars, /owes byre thereby atrOrdig_ evidence
the advacaaep,of intutrance, as swell as abiliry
and dispaindoe to meet With in - monies, .11 li bdittea
J. (lAIWINS t LtIFFIN, 4 ent,
.Office N E comer Wood nod 34 all
'DELA Vl l MEWRlErttrittliti VitAki - little tie
MIN FANNEY,:.II., Difbnc l'ittsburgb for the Del
l) aarare - Dlettud Bafetylusateoce Company et Phila.
Stdelphia, Wire Risks apilt bsildino and inemhandise
Of every description, and Mirrine Mats upon hulls or
earyou of vessels, Wien nyon the most favorable
terms. the Warehounii of W...B.Holmes &
No...l7.Water, near blarhet .tieet, Pittsburgh.
MR.-The successof this Company sinen the estab
lishments often, Agency In this ens, with the Prompt
riusil and literatinkwitli which every claim upon them
for kin; ha* been .adjusted, (ally warrant the Um. in
Inviting the eneridenen andparronage of his friends and
the ccommtulty at large lo the Delaware 'X B. /11.1.
mance C.oMenly, whiten hasthe additional advantoges
as aniustiation strong the racist flourishing Philisdel
phin—si Laving an ample paid-in capital, which by the
operation • f to charter is constantly utereasing, as
yielding to ~ach person insured hiedim share in the
profits of Cos company, without involving him in any
responsibil4 whatever, Yid therefore as possessing
the Aldus! principle threw:4;9f every obnoxious fea
ttirciatul in..lts most attractive form, nov4
iu l dul; undue flier stilssegX, oflen 'g. t h o
trustapermanent and limbed insurance on property,
this city ano.:iut vicinity, and oh...shipments by the Ca
nal and Rivera.
Arthur G Coffin, .taimercius.
Charles Taylor,
Am , / W. Janus, Ambrose White,
&t.. 24 Smith 40f.0b Al jhomm
". • • ^
J - pits A .
Brown, . JohtS•ft. NeR,
.John - Richard D. Wood,
ThomasP. IMpc, , el
...ComaeLP. Smith, . , , Fru*. Horkens,
; Samuel limoka, S. &twin &Mono,
Hats li ARTHUR O. COFFLN,Pon't.
Thuµth:ol.le# insurance Company in the United
Stcrea,,,ita‘witaaal ithiineradra 1;54, Mama , m
tiarpettiat, aa4 Ron jai idgla'atioiiiiiigaong arpetionce,
q!upici4; , ..94;-goa - Gioino. 1111,0.14 , # eVza
7: 9 so n ;girtrils l pc tre. b a .
At Coardiegßoom of:Anew], Jones & Co., We
tor and Paint street, 'Pittsbusubi" corys_
w. - artrotica. -- rotia — corissio - E.
frotection Insurance Co. of Hartford, Coon.
FUND —The undersigned/having Leen appointed
Agent ail, Protection insurance Co., will tate risks
propert) lirthe city and vicinity, and on shipments
by canal, and the riven and lakes.
Pal 10. BROWN.
• Oilice,)No tO7 Wood street
mcb.4o. ttw
nOd Isoue PoHet. ned AttehA to %heather owie.
albs Ageoey, watchousertur Atwood, lotto. &
•pt 9 WM. P. JONES. voter al
C: nartianourza . ,
vuslizus IL DANENHOWER & 00.
N 0.59 SooD.:NThasita jadsza. 117 Soallt Water IL
BEGS to inform the trUall slid dealers generally, of
Piusb Or gh, that they bade mule soch arrangements
with the Varglma manufacturers and the Growers of
the West, tteat Indies, and other places, as wtll Maitre
a large sad CMI/1111/ Zgpply of the following deserm
lions of Talmeco, whack will 56 sold oNo as accom
modating It CMS as any other benne in carp or else
where and tail goods ordered from them will be war
rented equal to reprerntation.
Havana; gt Donungot Conti;
Yara; Sorbs Rico, Penn'a; }Seed Leaf to-
Cuba; [glum; k Fiends, burro;
LSO—lrranch's celebrated .Annaatie Stag Caren
dlah, with a large alsornamtt Of ether popular Wands.
and qualnies of pounds, 64, es, 12r, hUe mad 3th, Lump,
fts, q ell ma Ms Slog; Ladies Twist; Vtrgnua Taut,
&a., sweet and plasm, to whole and half hoses, wood
and tin toge th er wttit every variety of article belong
ing to the trade. jrltbdly
tlittecesson to Ithed, Ward &
Particular attention paid to the sale of all kinds of Yro
duce, and Omni advances made on consignments.
L. B. & Co. have leave w refer to— •
Mews R. Robison & C 0../
& • • nttaborgh_
Reed, Parks & Cb., Beaver;
" Lawson & Covodo, Wellmlle, 0.
Hamann Mundt, Fag. Stentreaville, 0.
B. Brady, Ea+ .
W F Peterson , Fag Wheeling, V.l
Met., 13.Crangle & Co.
Gill & Burnt,
Rhodes& Ogleby, Bridgeport, 0.
_ _
ommission Merchant and Forwarder,
o it l E; a P l r ic " l c ene r P .n riT li" ino !P 4 1 1 4 na ' nter " rirt ' r ' o g il ' e f
forwarding . or Good, ;acridly. 4 , Rarer to
!draws: John ewasey & 00,
. Mania & swek.ati }cinch...a, a
S. C. Packharati Esq.
Lippincott & Co.
• Kier a.Jorica, . Pidabutgh, Ye:
-.". Enghatk & Bennett, . - • mardniess
gpunieeion. and Forwarding Merchant.
28 WOOD R 4 Prrnsugagt,
riONTOIVES tatISSCI a general Conunisslo'n bea
t/ nese, especially In the purchase and eels, of Ameri
can Manufacuuts and Produce,: and is receiving and
forwarding (Mods comigned.te his care. As Agent for
the Manutactities, he will be crinstarnly supplied with
the principal articles of Pitubswth Zitannfactrire at the
loarest wholesale prices. Cheers and consignments
are respecuully soficited. • In?
vi - ERCIIANDISE.EROKtit erniCommission Zder•
lei. chant, Ho. as South Yrontetreet, (second story.)
Philadelphia. It7Coods purchased, picked, insureA
and shipped to order. Wool, floor, Brain, Dned
Fruit and Cheese received on cOusignmeni and stor•
rgri, with insurance obtained.
R.sressacce—Wm. Belt &Son', „Mr. 11. litany, and
" " cry Childs, Pittsburgh. , teli.darn
G liap i gis E aLlieUra Y s
Isms, I b Canon Tails. /Ps Pittsburgh
Slitnuthetures ge rally,
00. 10 ' WObD /TIMM, DIM;
Zll R s7 o* - 11., nuoVinutif4a - co.,
For the l. sale of Produce generally.
U" - Liberal - advancs made oft construmems.
Trasuportatlon to the
Commislion and Forwarding Agents.
UARTON, Pit"bccght will receipt Produce
4sys East. &btu-42 m D. & C.
R. T. 'LEE. .1, JR,,
Importer and Des/rein Poszi)crs and liornestle
BiMdiery Ildrdwaro k Carriage Trimmings,
...No. 133 Wood ii.,.Pliciani • Fah, P,..
r4 , ortog Bprint slimly Of Goods, and
'invites the - it:elide - ofSathlters,COactimakers •nd
Merchants ta cook ' . It has befit bonen °P.° tho
best terms, from the best settees, and he therefore
feels conldent of being able to .*cord , satisfachonte
41 . 1 . may Ittvor bite addl.-Ito - MU .ale ieltddm
Bellows, Vices, ko, ' for ti &Indenture rs prides
bJ , bode GEO COCIIIRANieI wood at
• Beater, Pa
'WITLaIso attend w h imlec and all other bad-
Less entrusted in Butler and Armstrong
=nudes, Pa. Refer to
J. k R,Ployd, Liberty cc
W. W , Wanace, do
James Marshall d c , pi u. ,b,, t.
dly Hay rs . Co-, Wood ga j
-- ---- —-- - 1007
JB S . Li 4tAti Anmlley at Law, once 31 . t.,
i , oppdsite EL Mangos Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also
attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette
and Omen counties, Pa
Blackstock, Berl & Co.,
Churrh & )To
D. T. Itio_rs:a2,Caro then,
EJ. Attorney and Con;eellor at Lave,
and,Cineinnalli Ohio. Collection s Southe rn Ohio,
in Indiana, and in Kentuck y promptly and care
fully. attended to. Commissioner Sr the Stine of Penn
s/loon* for taking Demcaitiona, acknowledgments,
Rirga no—Ron. Wm. Bell 1 Pon ' Curtis,. Church dr.
Carothers. Wm. Hay., Fon, Wdlockl Davt 4 net
ATTORNEY °thee removed io Fourth
street, between Smithfield and Grant street
ittd-ddm ;
_ .
a Mi? m.,,,..,,!..2
DUNLOP SEWELL, anorocit Law , .&
a, - fees el
P A.
Smithfield, between fid and 4th am
TORN ILIANICIN, Attomeyand Comma or at Law
V athi COMMISSIO/ICT for the State of Penney Prude.
Etna *
St. Lou (lam ot urgh4
NSMlCES.—Pittaburg Pin to sb lion W Forward, Ramp
.=A M'Candleaa M'Clure, John El Parke,
Bimella A Semple. iii`Cord ft King. jel4:ly
A ?FORNEY Al' LAW, Fourth street, between
and Grunt. Jal4-416m
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth strati, near Charm
ffo. H. ROBINSON, Auorney Law, has re
. office moved his oce to the Exchange, Building., St
r • , next door to Aldermen Johns. apl7l)
(Successors to liPeord & Kin)
Fashion•ble H•tterl, ,
Corner of Wood and Fifth &roan
PARTICULAR' Inland= paid to oar Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and
Cup from oar establishmem of the 2112 r? IKUlSitlats and
woultaisame, of the Lan= Mtn, and at the WWII"
Cannily Merchants, ppichasing by wholesale, are
respectfully invited to sall and Gamine our Flock; as
we can say with confidence that as regards grain . ?
and min., it will not stiffer in a compansorl with any
lumse In Philadelphia. febt7
CALIFORNIA HATS—I 9 do: water proof
Californla.liais, lam Ceeeived and for sale by
& Co.
teb27 corner Sib and Wood sts
IIaN'CORD Co will introduce on Satur
day, March 3d, the String style of HATS.
Thore in want of a neat and superior hat, are invi
to call at corner of Sth and Wood streets. mark
hew now o tily of spring Bonnet Ribbons,
of new and ha nds o mest le.
Alan, new style fird Netts; Lisle Laces and Edg
ings; Linen Edgings; Victoria do; plaid Mastitis and
iStOl.lO, embroidered Swiss Muslins, Az.; betides
large assortment of Spring Goods generally, at north
teast corner 4th and Market streets.
t Vbnissnis Booms on stairs. apg
Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies.
; PH. JACOB 8. ROSE, the dimoverer and role inc,
;mien's. of these most popular and beneficial 'eel
nes, and also the inventor of the celebrated instra-
I meat for -inflating the Lunge, in effecting a cute of
I Chronic diseases, was a student of that eminent physi•
I clan, Dotter Physic, and is • graduate of the Cannel
, ry Peorisynam., and for thirty years since has been
engaged in the Investigation of dbicase, and the a:ph
i Callon of romedies thereto.
Through the use of his inflating rube, in connection
with his Prophyluene Synth and other of kin remedies,
he ba. gained all unpandelled eMniellee curing
those drmdful rind fatal maladies, Tubercular Con
suurption, Cancer., Scrofula, ahem:mown, Asthma,
Fever and Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chrome Erysipe
las, and all those obstinate diseases occulter to females.
Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the use
of his remedies, to which humanity Is heir—not by the
use of one compound only, for that Is incompatible
with Physiological Law, but by the UM of his reme.
dies, adapted to and prescribed for each pecul/m form
Dr. Roses Tonle Alterative Pills, when used are in
variably acknowledged lei be supe ri or to all other, as
a purgative or liver ma inasmuch as they leave the
_perfectly free from conivenesaj as also his
Golden Pine is admitted by the faculty to possess pecn.
liar properties adapted to female disease., bat being
satisfied that a bare trial Is sufficient to establish what
has been said in the minds of the mew skeptical
The affiieMd - are invited to call upon the agent. and
procure (antis) one of the Doctor's pamphlets, giving
• detailed azcsimt of emh remedy and its application.
For sale by the following agents, as weir as by most
Druggist. throughout the country:
ekiboonmaker & Co, 81 Wirral street, Pittsburgh;
J MTownsend, druggist, 45 Market at
Lea A Itcekham,. mei the P.O. Allegheny estyj
Jot Ilarkley,Darbingion, Beaver scanty, Pa.
Jno Elliott, Easton
T Adams Beaver, a "
RED:—Having a for long time bent distressed
with a severe pain in the aide and chest., accompanied
with a dry cough, I was induced, upon the urgent soli
citation of a mend, to Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Laver
won, and I must my this medicine hasanswd its
purpose adnurably. My distress was produce d by•
se cere hum and Was so fire at that it was with do:lenity
maid swallow my food. Indeed, I ant satisfied tics
down.: must bane terminated in Consumption, or some
fatal disease, bad It not been cured by this judicious
medicine. To all :Ma seek to prolong their lives, I
would advise the use of Dr. Taylor's Hallam of Liver
:MlL. JAMES GOWAN, 421 Bowery.
This medicine facilitates cape...anon, sedan, fe
ver, restores stroogth, and may be considered as a se
, pertor preparation for the cure and pre non of all
diseases in the Chest and Lungs, and should be ream t
' sad to, even after these diseases have resisted the as remedies. lu the practice of this old and very re
mectable physician, this Balsam al Liverwort has ac
odired an enviable nepuoroon for its virtues, as moa
ner to that of the abundant nostrems of the day, us
was the chancier and probity of its inventor, to that
of onacks nod empiric..
CONSUMPTION CURED.—My en having a vio.
Icon cold, used to cough violently, rinsing quantities of
thick putrid manes, and finally he could not turn over
in bed, from weak ness. He manifested every eymp.
tom of confirmed cororamption. For six years he had
been subject to the asthma. His physicians, Means..
Vezmoule A Andersen, said he was incurable., and
must aeon die. Vet l was determined to try Dr. 'lev
ier's Hallam of Liverwort, and strlnge ti may ap
pear, this medicine has fully restored his health.
SOPHIA GALLON, 14 Norfolk street.
Sold In Piusbargh by J D Morgan, P 3 Wood st ; I
Townsend, 43 Market st '
• H &inns, roe Armlet and
3d ass; Henderson rr- Co, 5 Liberty at. Price reduced
to iilLso per bottle. pa-11
Jaynes , Expectorant.
Sstme 2 Columbia.. co., 0., Apr. 24,
LD• JAYNhS: Vane Sta—l feel bound to yea
Y. 7
and the &aimed public, to avail myself of this op.
portunitip a iving publicity to the extraordinary eiTeets
of your ' Moult on myself. Having been chinned
for stye yosin with a seven cough, hectic fever
and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed
to linger out a short but miserable existence, nisi the
fall of IRO, when, being more severely attacked, and
having resorted to ell my former remedies, and the pee
scriptlons of two of the most respectable physiciens in
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
consolation of surviving hat a few days or weeks et
farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to
nutialt, I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
sad that Being who does all things in the
use ado. means—sad contrary to the expectations of
my physicians and friends, I was in a few days raised
from my bed, and was enabled by the ear of a bottle, to
attend to my hominess, enjoying since better health than
I had rot ten years Vernon,.
Respectfully yours, ke., W. Ernm.b.
For sale In Piusburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72
Fourth street. marD
ItiO I U y S . S . E . L LO 'S ry A
t ti t hlAT ss e IC . K d V . L . N i EG „ tR. J. T . h . e o i f t g n i? . ..
Vinegar tender it far auperior to Co logne r water for
the ordinary purposes of tho
remov inga the Int,
ter permute. It prevents and es pimples,
tenet and asperity of the skin, it refreati. and whitens
the akin, tendering it soft and smooth. It corrects the
clammy and bitter taste of the mouth, imparting a fresh
and pleasant breath. It and whitens the
teeth, and hardens the gum.. For all the above pur
poses, it is used with water In Mien proportion ILS may
be found most agreeable. By inhaling it and robbing
it on the temples, It will remove headache. If applied
instantly to a born or bruise, it will eventually prevent
mortification. it correct vitiated air, arid guaranties
from con . Vo; it is therefore very useful for punning
and perf g apartments. For sale by
111. SELLERS Wholesale Droggist,
mchfil 57 Wood street, Sittsbnrgh
Its. lieT.aaiTn — Tea'n
Tin t = certify that I purchased one vial of Di.
'll Won Specific, some two month. ago
and pre td • um of min+aome seven years old, two
=spew. full, and Cam Me amount may appear
terse. yet I have no dou t but there was upwards of
two fittatialen wont, mimed from lum, measuring
teal One quitter of an inch to two inch. long.
Rona , ' Creek, Camp! co. Tenn, Deo ri, 1847. jnN
Comma., Jon. 6th, 18th.
Mr. R. E. Sellerm—Your Vermange has sold well,
and has been highy spoken of by all who have used
It. From the turf., attending the ailhilnistraticth of
your •
,out Vermlfuge In every cue ! have heard of, I am
confident I tan sell more during the coming season
than I did lut I will be glad to receive another .up
ply 4,14 or b gross. Yours, respectforty,
(Extract from letter.] R. CARTEIL
Prepared and sold bySELLERS, 57 Wood st.,
and sold by druggisui generally, In Pittsburgh and Al
Jli TC. IZATALI3. Z. D. 1•1111(11 , . OW. L NODIAIIob.
No. 159 Second street,
soch27:dsmo ST. LOUIS, MO
. _
MBE subscriber has removed his Wholesale Greco.
ry Store to the corner of Hancock street and Alle
gheny Wharll next door to dm Perry House.
A PRI/. —Jest op - e7I - 4, a large and selected usort-
Mentt office Watches and Jewelry, which will
be sold as cheap as to any other cstablahment in this
or the Eastern rides.
Also—A large lot of variety stare Watches and Jew.
airy, at very low pmts. Full jewelled Id karat Gold
Levers, as low as thirty...sre dollars.
corner 4th and market ate
For Greenwood Gardens.
lAE new sad fast mining steam Met THOMAS
SCOTT, leases the Greenwood Wharf Boat, at the
st,seary_half hoar during t h e day, Imidteg at the
garden gate.
. A fine collection of the choker Greenhouse Plana
are for axle in the Garden. lee Creams and other re
freshments forniahed in the omicrons.
Bonnets put op ai the shortest notice. Orders for
Soviets, left a! the Wharf heat., wiltroceive prompt a
1113411 iati;i:llllg
rCo -partnership heretofore existing between the
slsenbers, in the name of Friend, Rep it Co.,
sou this day dissolved by mamal consent. Geo. Rhey
will settle the baldness ache concern, for which pur
pose he is authorized to use the name of the firm.
Febniary 7, 1849.
The subseribern bare this day associated themselves
in the name of RHEY,IIXIITHEWS tr. Co., for titt
purpose of transacting a general Grocery, Commissiot
uld Forwarding Thu Feels, at the nand of the late Bra
of Friend, Rhey k. Co., when they will be pleased
receive the patronage of the customers of that how
and our friends. GEO. HUEY
February 7,1840.
We take pleasure in recommending to the co afiden •
of our friends and those of Friend, Rhey & Co, co ,
summons in humors% ahoy, Matthews & Co.
••• • •
THE co-parmenhip heretofore existing between the
111lbscabers, In the name of Constable. Burke tr.
Co., is this day &noised by mutual comet= Means.
Burke & flames 011 settle the business of the con
cern, for rahielt pope.e they are authorised to ate the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undenisned have this day associated themselves
in the name of BURKE te BARNES, for the purpose
of msaufanuring Fire Proof Safes, Vault Mors, de.
de, at the stand of the late firm of Constable. Burke
d Co, where they will be pleased to receive the pa•
nonage of the oustomen of that house and their friend.
. . .
ESMOND Buturt,
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke & Co ,
I with sincere preasare recommend Mean. Burke &
Barnes to the confidence of my friends and the public.
TFIB parmership eo long existin .
g under the firm of
/11‘Cord a Eng, wen by mutual consent dissolved
on the Ist lost' The bluntness will be closed at the old
stand Itly either of us, using the name of the firm for
that purpose. Being desirous to bare our business
closed with as little delay es po ssible. we would re
sgiorttuunest those indeb te d
JO to c
HN all and i mtld
JaZti H. D. KING.
IrORN D. ACCORD having sasoctated with him has
V brother James M'Cord, under the style of M'Cord
& Co., will Continue the Hat, Cap and Far business in
all to various branches, wholesale and retail, at the
old stand, corner of Wood and 6th streets, when they
solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old arm. JOHN D M'CORD
J• 23 JA L B. wcoai).
N retiring from the old and well known firm of
M'Cord & King, I most rexpectflly recommend to
the patronage of the public my successor., Messrs.
hCcord & Co. ja.e3 11. 1). RING.
jridEmtkendZhmip ut o u f m lil w Ulp . H L Y k LEE i. thi. dnp
late firm will be settled H. Leo. J. R. Id The attPHY,
Pittsburgh, Jon. 304649. H. LEE.
NOTICE—The undersigned will continue the Woo
business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods, a
the old stand. IL LEE.
In retirpg from the firm of Mu by k Lee, I tabu
great pleasure in recommending Mr. H. Lee to the
confidence army friends and the public.
Pittsburgh, Jan. 30, 1849. J. R. MURPHY.
MIRE subscriber, have this - aiLy isic;clateil them-
Dehrell together for the purpose of transacting a
otholesede and mull Dry Goods and Grocery business,
at No 220 Liberty, opposite Seventh meet, tinder the
style and firm of BUSHFIELD & HAYS.
Pittsburgh, Rummy 1,1.949.
N. 11.--Our old easterners and the public are invited
to gme us a call. • tal.
have entered intorship, mder the firm of
IFE fr. ATKINSON,. and partne will carry on the Tin,
Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory.
Also, Blneksatutung in all its branches, al the old
stand of WM. B. &M First street, near Wood.
Particular attention c,
given to steamboat work.
TINE PARTNERSHIP of Ww. a R. Make iiiVing
been disvolved by the death Mom of the partners
the interest of Wm_ Hogs, Jr, deceased, in sold firm, ,
consioung. of Hides, Leather, Skins, Oil, tro., will be
sold ornhe premises on the UM inst.
feb7.ul JAMES LAUGHLIN, Administrator.
T HAVE rols day aroociated with me In the whole
." nob Grocery, Produce and COMMAS/1011 business,
toy brother Joraph, under the Mtn of J.B DILWORTH
Jmnary 1, 1549.
( 10 -PAR.TNEMSIELLP—Wra. Young having this
day uacciated with him, John R. hens, the lea
ther beebread will hereafter be conducted ander the
firm of IYm. Yormg & Co. WILLIAM YOUNG,
lans • MO. R. WCIINFL
D. LAWKWOOD. Bootee/ler and la porter
SY of Foreign Hooka, 63 Wood imam., has on hand a
valuable mittecann of English and American Book*
in the different departments of Literalism, which he is
prepem e ared to .11 as tow as they ea u be obtained In the
• Magltricgad.Comidasentai ..Ilooks, Reviews, Alga
lines and Newspapers, imported to order.
The price of any Review, Magazine or Newspaper,
may be aseenained on application to Mr
English and American Catalogaes fianiahed grade.
AM. L. intends to visit the Lantern ewes in a ow
days, sad will be happy to execute say orders for
Books, Engrarings or Stationery, at a small advance
on the cost. er/l
NNEWBOOKS.—Layard's Nineveh and Its Remains,
with so of a visit to the Chaldean iltri•-
uans of Eurdisnn end the Ferias, or Devil-Worsbip
pars, and art inquiry Into the manners and arts of the
Ancient Assyrians, with an introductory letter by D.
Robinson 0 yobs octavo, with about 100 illutrations.
Cheirrer's Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress. I vol,
12mo. Pelee reduced to 211,00.
Cmden's Concordance, condensed: reduced to $1„50.
Macaulay's History of England. Harper's new ed,
two vols. octavo—large print and fine paper, per vol.
75 cents.
Gesenlas' Hebrew and English Lexicon' new ed.
improved. For sale by R HOPKINS,
myll 4th st, neat wood
M— —
AN PRIMEVAL: or The Commotion and Primi
tire condition of the Bunten Being. A contribu
tion to Theological Science, by John Hams, D. D.
Lectore• to Young Men on various important sish.
mem by 11 W Beecher.
Ch.bleg's Works, complete: d rola, ice.
The worts sf TS Amber, uniform eel. 15 vols. Just
reed by my HOPKJNS, Ith sr, near wood
- - -
MACAULAI"S ENGLAND—Harper's hoe edition,
Bvo potinuts; cloth-13 cents par volume.
2 P 7
__corner Market and 3d am
BOORS! BOORS!! —Edgar's Variations of Popery,
by Rev C Sperry; Xenophon's Works; Teem's'
Works; University &mons, by Wayland; Nauru History of Enthusiasm; Life and Tunes of Philip Hen
ry; Lae of Rev Henry Vertu; Proverbs of the People
tit Magoon; Theophany, or manifestation of (Rol in
Christ; Memoirs of J Powell Buxton, Ban; Christ Is
all, by Tyug; Baptism, its import and mod.; The mid
dle Klusdom, 2 vol. Cheever's Lectures on piignm'a
Progress; Cheerer!. Wanderings of a Pilgnm in the
Alps: Andarseon's Dommtio t onatiumon; Modern Ac
compashinents; Last days of Elfish. Women of the
Revolution, by Mrs Bike Life of Pollok; for sale by
marl) ELLIOTP & ENGLISH, Me mood st
HUor"1; - -
4AN MAGNETISM—I& claims to dispassion
ate inquiry; being an attempt wallow the utility
application for the rebel or suffering; by W.
Newnhani, Esq., author of "The reciprocal influence
of Maly and Mind," etc. The beat work on the subject
published. For sale by ELLIOTT &
marl./ wood st
,f EW HOOKS—Oregon and California to 1845, by
Al J. Quinn Thornton, late Judge of the Suprema
Coon of Oregon, and corresponding member of the
American institute. %Skit an appendix, including re
cent and authentic information on theell eat of the
GOLDfeIINES of California, and other • uable mat
ter of interest to the emigrants, etc. With illustration,
and a mop. In two Toktoves.
Raphael: or pages of the book of life at twenty: by
Alphonse de Leirtnine, author of the “History of the
Girondists, or Personal klemoirs of the Patriots of the
French Revolution," etc. Just received and for sale
corner market and 3d eta
IMAM 10921,
rata 1. game.
lUgANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel
in plough steel, steel plough snags, coach and ;II
spnngs, hammered iron axles and dealers La
leant. beatings, Are engine lempA'and roach trimmings
gen A
erally, corner of Ross and Front a., Pinabersh
Roviimible Sfitering Ooek
Whleh tendert turbid water pure by
rimurving all mbstances not voluble ma
), water. 'The melon water In N. York,
clam A , although and pure to the eye, yet
when n
parses en hour through tin Altering rock, shows a large deposit
impure aubstances, worms, to. Thu
is the ease more or less with all hydrant grates.
The Reversible Pilferer Is mat and durable, and Is
oot attended with the inconvenience incident to collet
Pllterers, as it is cleansed without being detached frost
We water pipe, by merely turning the key or handL
from one ode to the other. By thla may process, the
course of water Is changed, and all aricimulations ft
impure substances are driven off almost instantly ;
without unscrewing the Filter. It also poisoner the
advantage aiming estop cook, and 11111 MA t. Call)
con will be very conVenient and econamicaL
It can be attached where there la any presume high
or low to a cask, tank, tub, Br. with ease. To be bad
of the sole Agent, W, W.WILSON,
actin swum of Fourth and Market eta
FT.Tqrvrr - 417
tf aneuttntroTtbeptiblreM — respeetnum nailed to
the following certificate..
IA fl E4lms—thrwing tested • quantiry of Gold
mighed by your Ammeter, find th e remit prover
your muutnant comet; tad recommend the ace of it
to those going to Cuiffornia, on the ban method (or ob.
mining the reel Mite of Gold. Rasp. yam,
J. B. DUNLEVY, Gold Beata,
Pit l thuret, Much 9, 1849.
Prremnreon, March 7,184 a
Eamas—Dear Wm Having examined the ' , Area.
meter,. manufactored n year rooms, I do not Imlai:
to commend It to the use of those geollemen who and
about removing to California in search of Gold.
glves a closelnalimation to the speelto peal
ty of metals, d certainly enable toe ndventvar
to aseertain, an
when his Oases Ls risldspg Gold.
marta Yours, resp'y. J. FIPhi'CLINIETICK.
Foreign and Domestic Liquors.
GOOD Foreign
of Foreign and Domestic IA-
Aguars, !away. 011 band nod for gala to quantities
to sa n k li .. .chokers, by
Bluspratts , Bleaching Powder,
(Chloride of Lune.)
cifHE mime:then have recent], received (direct from
the antandatarere).a fresh empty of the above
cbruted article, which Meg will sell at the lowest
market price for cash or approved bills.
- -
SIXIO /MD Stnne rltOPEntrella.
liTlllll establishment 'long and widely known as
being one of the most commodious in the city of
Baltimore, has recently undergone very exten
sive eltersulons and Improvementa An emus new
wing . Os beea added, eotaathing ratmerena end airy
sle l ogng apurunents. and extensive bathing rooms.
Lathes, department has elm been eampletely
reorganised and fitted up In a most unique and beauti
ful myth. In fact the whole arrangement of the House
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of ,
the proprietors, towards the comfort andpleasure of :
their Guests, and which they eonfidently amen will
chilleng• comparison with any Hotel in the Unn'e.
Their table will always be mpplicd with every sub
manila and luxury which the market afford, served
up in a sopenor style; while in the way of Wines, an,
they will not be surpassed.
In Conclusion the proprietor. beg to aay, that nothing
will be left undone on their pan, and on the part of their
assistants, to render this Ilbtel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the nubile generally.
roi Tht o gr
m s t. for board have also been reduced to the
Ladles , Ordinary, 51,75 perdu),
Gentlemen's " 450
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Rome will al
ways be fond at the Car and Steamboat Landinga,.
width will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of charge. ^thythf
The submriber having assumed the Manage
ment of this long caabilished and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Traveller. and the
Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared
to accommodate them in all things desirable m a well
regulated HoteL The House is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no
palm will be mimed to make the Exchange one of the
very best Hotels in the country.
The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
fellikilf Proprietor.
WINER Or T 0176111 Tp Baft ennui, P 117.111101. THH sabseriber respectfully announces that
he bee now opened his new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of pannier,, boarders,
and the public generally. The house and fumlmns
VV Windy new, and no pains or expense hare been
spared to render h one of the most comfortable and
pleasant Hotels in the city.
The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, a share of public patronage.
oco4.dly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor.
- 100 — P - RdR CENT SAVEDS
HE VIRGINIA HOTE L, on Baltimore street, net
the Depot, Cumberland, is now in complete orde
for the reception and accommodation of the public
Persons in search of case and comfort, will do well
to patronise this establiahmenl—they will find the
chambers clean and nice, and the Table as well far.
wished u any in Cumberland, at twenty-five cents,
guaranteed u good aa any that can be had in the
place, at any price, or no charge. No charge for
transportation of baggage to and from the cars.
caner Sr., BITOTEMI cocain Lao 713711 m.
mndrgrhia. late Bank of the United Slams, Phila.
Bhaeldttt & White,
PRY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 Wood street, ask the
attention of Merchants to their stock of AMF,RI-
direct from 914 hand*.
Receiving regular sopphos of fleet goods during the
season, and devoting a large *hero of their attention
to Eastern Auction sales ' they ran confidently assure
heyere they will find it to their Internet to examine
their stock.
fiat received, large Invoices of new style Does
Goods, Fanny Prim, Cassinscres, Cloths, Bosom,
Goods, Laces, White Goode, Irish Linens, Teflon
Trimmings sod brown and bleached Sheeting, of vesi
ens brand.
Modern and dullq_ne Furniture,
83, Tn . Slam, ?misstated.
A large and splendid
anOrtment of Plarninire,
Hltitible for Steamboats,
alals and private dwel.
lints, constantly on hand end made ta order.
The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by
any ninnufactary in the western country. Persons
wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call,
as I axe determined my prices shall plea.: Part of
the stock coyote in—
Tete %Tete; Buffet Elegem
Louis XIV Chairs; Queen Elsybeth chars;
Tea Poyse;
Toilet Table Fruit Table.;
Louis XV Commoder;
French hlahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stool.;
50 sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth erwerg
50 Mahogany Racking Chains
40 dor Parlor do
30 " Fancy do
85 centre Tables;
pai;blip,iat”rg t lid e r Tabies;
8 Wanlrobelq 8 Secmuiries and Book castes
20 marble top Wash Stands;
4 pair Beacons;
8 par fanny Work B=4
A very large awortment of common chairs and other
furniture too numerove to mention.
OX- Stearn Boos famished on the shortest
d ex i ise,
and on e moo reesatiable terms,
Ohoontato, Cocoa, La.
W. Baker's American and French Chocolate, Prepar
ed Cocoa, Cocoa Pyle, Drama, Cocoa Shells, be.
• exerchareaand conymers, who would purchase
the best product. el Loren, EveTrand adaherative,
more nutritious than tea or coffee, and in quality unsex.
passed, the ybseriber recommends the above articles,
Inanufactaren by himself, and stamped with lita name.
Hi. Broma and Cocoa Pas., as delicate, palatable,
and salutary drinks for invalids, convalescents, an d
others, are pronounced by the most eminent physician . .
superior to any other preparations lis manufactures
sot always on sale, in any quantity, by the most re
spectable grocer, in the eastern cities, and by then
agen, Hawes, Gray & co., of 1301.11 :MM. Si Boner
& co, Hartford. Conn; Hassey tr. Itturnsy, New York;
Grant & Stone, Philadelphia, Tema. V Breathy, Bal.
timore; and Kellogg & Beimen,Cincineau, Chin.
WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Mesa
For tale by aug3l BAGALET & SMITH, Ago,
Wrought and Oast Iran
THE itabserthers bes leave to Inform the public that
I they have °Maine (tom the East all the late and
faahionable designs for Iron Latium, procure for hoes.
and cent...let Persons ensiling to hand
some patterns will pleaw call and extusune, and Judge
(or themselves. Ruling will be furmsbed at the shun.
en notice, and in the best manner, at the comer of
Graig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city.
antsZt-illf A. LAI4ONT ft KNOX.
Dreasufactsured Tobacco. -
4 Q BIS ((entry A Dayster's superior sweet S Ipa
`3O 33 do M A Butler's " " lb
19 hf do Price A Harwood's " " 5 "
91 do do do " "16 "
Mdo do Pearl & Harwood " " A& lb "
14 do J Robinson " " 16. "
57 hf do do . u 3 .
Mdodo Wm DaOrson " " 5 "
XI do T Wright', " " 9 '
37 do 0 Anderson " ' 8 "
9 do L T Dade's '• " 8 "
5 do R ((Inc.'s " " 8
9 do Rateliff " " lb "
Just landing from steamer and packets, and for sale
41 north water et and JO north wharves,
Je3l Philadelphia
W . Ja - N - O r FACTURED —r rOIiA LCTO-2Ci bx 17 - 2 stones
ITI. A Bon's superior sweet lb lumps.
75 half bot Webster Old superior sweat .3s lamps
35 " Lawrence Lager " 5s
25" Gentry . & Roarer " 314. 5s "
230 Dupont (de la Rural " 5s
1 " /McLeod
23 " Lawrence Loaner "Ss &At plug
Jost landing from steamer, and for sale by
41 N water stand 113 N wharves,
nook Binders.
TE ate still engaged in the above business, corner
of AVood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, whore
we are prepared to do any work in our line with des
patch. - We attend to our work personally, and sans.
racoon will be given in regard to its neatness and do
_ .
Blank Books roled to any pattern and loond sub
stantially. Books in tombola or old books bound care
rally or repaired. Names pot on books In gilt letters.
Those that have work in our line are Invited to call.
Price. low. Illy 203 (
ALP siciNt3--aodo: prentdiePiench Calf Skin!, a
very fine article. A few damns Finial:llkm
kis, from the manufactory of II 31 Crawfo rd to
which the attention of boat makers is Invited. Just
received and for sale by W YOUNG & Co,
Jet') 143 liberty en
Al` ' •0.75 •irsitflb areal,
A can be Been • splendid variety of eap Royal Vel
vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest sties. Also, Urns
sels, 3 ply. and sop and fine Ingrain Carpets, of sup
style. and qualltle.; and in connection can always be
fotmd Table Linen., Crasbes, Diapers, Damasks, Mo
rten., 011 Cloths, de. dc, to all of which we call the
anenuon of the public,
AVM° soLd our end= stock to C. H. Own., arlth
• view to clodng our old business. me hereby
for him the perm:owe of all our fricods and cus
tomers. Rix W. POINDEXTER,
Pittsburgh, Mtg. 4th, 1848-
CR. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Gonads,.ion .ad
Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water .t eat/
AA FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has re
built and commenced business at his old stand,
where he will be pleased to see his old custom
ers and founds.
Church, Stesintmat, and Bells of every size, from 10
to 10,1 W pounds. east from patterns of the most approv
ed inoilelit,d warranted te be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing. .... toge
ther with every variety of Bran Castings, il required,
turned and finished in the neaten manner.
A. F. is the sole proprietor of Basun% Awn-Arciu
nos Morsa, so Justly celebrated far the reduction of
friction in machinery. The Boxes and Composition
can be had of him at ail times. jaWly
IIRE subscribersha;Triir 71R7 etielZive Agency for
j selltng the Printing raper of a new end extensive
paper min in this vicinity, wilt he et all times wen sop.
piled with the different sue. of paper of superior quali
ty, which we offer at the lowest termer prices.
Any size or quality will be manufactured to Order at
alum notice. REYNOLDS h. SHER,
" "
Jag Gas
INDIA RUDDER CLOTIEING—Jost received for ma
California bapedivan, a complete aallOrntletit of
Gam Elastic Clothing, at price. ragging horn
Imp for suit of coat, pants and hat. For sale at the
Intim Rubbed Depot, No 6 Wood ai
JUST RECMVEIV—Three mom or Mow so Justly
celebrated Haniburoh Plnnas , awd constantly by
List, Theban slid abler great performer', together
with a large assortment of rosewood and maboginy,
oily own mwinfaciare. The above Instruments are
warranted to be perfect In every.respect, and will be
sold low for rash. F BLUME,
ItARIA No 119 Wood at. 241 done from Oth
Poe Oallforstils.
Tl: eelebrated Hazard Rifle Powder, in kegs, hall
kegs, goalless and cans, for We lne
J S DILWORTH & Co, 27vrood at
allispratVe Patent Stmt. Ash.
202 CAtliid jot received peratennalra lyantaar
and Si Cloud, and Cos sale by
160 Llaelsy
, 1849
11 1100110. JAS. HOW AIIIV& 00,
ouLD Wl thenue nt;;nof therablie.,to tbeit
Mama mock of Paper Hangings '
riety,teentl of fithiatuis and Mestimees,
sti,gte?sed , by any establishment in the Union.
... I . 2 ar Wye nadTtilf easettment of' paperer their
own munfacture, they are now ' adireei ittr
pormiori of French and Engllah stylesof per Hank
ums, purchased by My Levithrirarkoac *lda drm,
now in Europe, consisting of
Parisian manufactere, 10,000 Mmes.
London ' ' do. • &OM sto
Of their own manufacture they have 100,000 pieces.
Wail Paper, and maw pieces satin glued Window
Messrs James Amara l Co. have spared neither,
expense nor labor In their endeavors to Aril the eat
wall paper establishments, both in quality of mars
ufamare and variery of patiens; and they are wairani
ed in assuring the public that they have succeeded.
The whole assortment, foreign end home manufac
ture, will be offered an terms to, low as those of east- -
rn manufaemers and importers. mehTrdtf
- -
IL W.POADVITIII, C. W. ...gnarl
of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia
And General Commlasdon Merchant.,
No. 42.1 Maze= Snare. between Eleventh and
Twelfth sts., PHILADELPHIA.
TE sehaeriticra beg leave respeetfullv to acquaint
their friends and the poene that they brave asso—
ciated themselves in Philadelphia, for the purpose of
transacting a General COMlniss•nn Busluese, and trust
that long experience In bustne” will secure to them
fair patronage.
I[lsc . Particular anentiOn will be given to sales of
Flour and Produce genetallr, and any purchases in
the Philadelphia market for Western ileeoant.
REFERENCES—The merchants of Pittsburgh g..
all y; Springer & Wkdteman, Lehner & Andaman,
CineinualL Ohio; H D Newcomb re Bro , W B Clifton,
Lewis Itturner, Jae Todd Loulaville, Hy i Crow. Mc-
Creary & Barksdale, St Louis, Mo.. Hewitt, Norton
Co., W A Violet; New Orleans, LI.; Gill, Gillett. &
Noyes, M'Gregor & Morris s New York; W R Thomp
son & Co., John Tiers fri Co, Peter Marseille., Bhl
Jones, Deal. Milligan & Bari, Phdad'a- arifC3m
g. (3.
Attorney and Connullor at Law,
Will give particular attention to the collection of
Claims, and all money received, shall be remitted
without delay.
Rerramteas—Hon. R. CoultaL Supreme Bench, Pa.;
!hens. Lyou, Shorb do Co. St. Louts; Wood, Abbott &
Co. Phllad , a, Jon H Bream & Co. do; Mr . Charles II
Welling, do; Eno, Mahoney & Co. New York; Chine..
den. Bliss & Co. dm Rougher & Orendorll Baltimore;
W P lk. A Mattocks, do; Love, Mania & Co. do; Mr.
John Falconer; Messrs. Loretta, Sterling & Co. Pitts.
bomb; Forsythe & Co. do; Hampton, Smith ft Co. do;
Mr. L 8 Waterman, do. mebM,dgm
l\ bet street—
I very high back Shell Tuck Combs;
3 " medium " "
2 " low " "
Y} " plaln high "
11 " harrow beaded top "
60 " fancy top Buffalo "
lo " plans 1.
20 gross corn. Horn. 30 dos shell aids, assorted
see, 30 gross corn horn ' Side; 3 dos shell dressmg do;
12 dos Buffalo do do , • 4 do lositstron do do; 60 do 'bein
English Horopg) do 9 9 9foe ivory, .1(Il le do
Bdo do, in Eitzes; 12 gross 9 fine do do; Ido comb
Clennsrs. npl6
V• 3213143 I,LIfII. .10.1141 k HALM, - WU. C. ELM'
(Succeuore to Hussey, Hanna & Co.)
1) in Foretgo and Domestic Exchange, Certificates
al:kin:lite, Rank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street,
newly oppoalte the Rapt of_
. Putabargh. Current mo
ate'etTo'nraemda7edoTtab'l;r S ill i lle Ch p e rn k c . ip i t ' Y po "l intrin
e Hosted Stares.
The highest primium paid for Foretun and Americus
Advances made on conaignmema of Produce, ship
ped Eux on liberal terms. spy
Park= Saceasto leaner Ist, 1849.
Patent era:slew txtensien Talks, Sofae, Parvenu,
Book Caro; Waring Dec e.
'TIME TABLES far mrpassing every other m
y veution of We kind now extant. They con be ex
tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed
the leave* are all contained inside; they are made to
all aims and shapes, and see admirablyadapted for
Steamboat, Hotel, and large private farm
tog when closed n complete centre table.
8C)BA8 AND BCREAUds—These articles ate inval-
uable, particularly to those who wish to econo
mise room, and convert a sleepingpartment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they can h r opened and shut
et convenience, and when shut, the bedding Is enclos
d. A greatsaving in. room and rent All the bed
steads when closed form a bemaind piece of (annum
for a parlor or tutting maim.
BOOK CASES—A neat and useful *thole for parlor
or drawing room.
WRITING LIESKS—.For law ofwes, counting roams,
and other offices; when opened y most convenient bed
stead, when closed a perfect Deik and Library oboe
Is visible.
MI these articles need no recommendation: the
Yea en) of the whole is, they are warranted not to get
=Log:repair. It will be for your interests to eall and
wowne the articles, at the manefleturees start-, No.
SS Third street, Putsbursd. to at:kitten to the above
advantage; they are pro J f again. bent
fo enl iv e , s CE d IFIFICATE Th y
a l l )!
barna attended my brother, echo died Si Collsasoption
orMaori, tattil,./aisitrakeo.kk wult the C
or Liver CompliMi., and was redticenter=a:
disease, that ter form years I was unable to attend to
my bovine., either at home or abroad, being for the
most time confuted to my bed. Duringthe above peri
od of time, I bad etpended for medical attendance o
regular Physicians and mediemels, ito the stemma of
&PA wohout receiving any benefit therefrom. In
Julp le4l, I commenced taking or. layneli Medi
cines, and have taken them more or less ever Mace,
sad believe that it was by persevering in their oar,
that can now truly say that I have completely rect.,
erred my health_ 1 believe that Jayne's Sanative Pills
and Expectorant are the beat family meibeities now in
I reside in Springfield, Otsego coardy, N. Y., and
cony Oil • furnace and machine shop in that place,
and am not interested In any manner to toe sale of the
abort medicines, and snake this certificate lot the ben
efii of those afflicted. ELIJAH EATtiN.
Springfield, N. V., Sept. 10 1849. jo4
would call the attention of the city trade and
dealers gemirally, to the following brands Tobeems,
In store and to arrive, which being constanmenu di
rect from manufacturer', he Is enabled to sell at east.
ern prices:
130 f bka R W Crenshaw 5.
00 f •. James Madison
01 I Lamardne
I " Alirabcan
ZI f Putnam 5s and Ls;
15 f " Roberts & Sisson ss;
" (hens Burl
o Johns & Lewis Is;
3 f Warwick sups 1.
Henry & James ba, Is and BF
P - itt ISngT
JOHN WRIGHT & Ca , are prepared to build Cotton
end Woolen Machinery of evert description, such
on Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders
Drawing Frames, Railway He Weepers, Spatters,
Dressing . From., Leonia, Card Gnnders, &e. Wrought
Iron Shelling turned, all aises of Cast Iron, Pollens and
Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes.
and tools of all kinds. Casungr of every description
furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for
Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Sr. Steam Pipe for pent.
nig Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash and imiey Cos.
ungs generally. Orders led at the Warcnousc of J.
Palmer & Co., Liberty street, will have prompt nue.
Refer to Blackstock, Bell & Co., J. K. Moorehead &
Co., G. R. Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Patsburch ; G.
C. b. J. H. Warner, Steubenville. main
Penea — Slookehae Shop.
yr WlGllTNlAN—hlanufacturer arail kinds of rot
ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa
The above works being now in full and suecessfol o p . eration, I am prepared to es.utit orders with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in my lute, such as willows,
pickers, spreaders, cards, pending machines, raitways,
drawing frames, speeders, %brogans, looms, woolen
cards, double or single, for merchant or country work,
mulesoack &c.; slide and b.diathes and tools in gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made ID order, or plans giv
en for gearing factories or mills at reasonablen charge.
Ram vo—Ken.dy, Chad. it Co, Blackstock, Ben
& Co., Fling , Pennock & Co., Ina A. Gray.
NEW coA-otrivA-ovony,
, A. WHITE & CO, would respect/4111y inform
the public that they have erected a shop on
Lucent, between Federal ILI d Sandusky street,. They
are now making and are prepared to receive orders for
every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot* Ha
rouches,l3uggice, Phwtooa, dx. , &e, which from their
long experience in the manufacture of the above work,
and the facilities they have, they feel confident they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable tarns with
these wanting articles In their line.
Paying particular attention to the selection of mate
rials, and having none bat competent workmen, they
have no hesitation In warranting their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter.
N. H. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the
most reasonable I.u:raf
~k ROBERT H . " .
B"n t ..
PATrERSON opened
the large stable on First at, running through
to Second at, between Wood and Southfield
ins., in the mar of the Monongahela House,
wall an entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages of
the best quality and latest styles. Hones kept at lion.
fn the best manor. /YWIY
Patent Graduated . Gahxime Battey erned Posen
intstirsta Polss for Maddest =d
arker rpurikaau.
mum to Ma only instrument or the kind mat tip VII,
been presented in this country or Europe (or med.
Mei purposes; md Is lb/only OM:1070f known to men,
by which the galvartio Auld call be conveyed us the hu
man eye, the ear, the brain, or ill any part of thelnik .
either &Mm
eel). or Internally, In a definite
stream, without sharks or pa.--with. park.' onrel; . -
a n d often wah the happtast effect.
This important apparent. to now highly approved of
by many_ of the most eminent physicians of dna coon.
try and Europe, to whom the deleted and other. whom
It may concern can bwreferred. Hafemnes will also
be given to many highly respectable cluseno, who base
been cored by means of this moat valuable apparatus
of some of the Meat anaelariMallersollidlsOrdera Watch
could not be removed by any other known means.
Among cation. others, it tutabeett proved to he ad
notably adapted for the core of Ike following diseases,
omit aersous headache and other diseases (tithe brain.
It Is with this apparatus alone that be Operator can
Milroy the marpaettolluld with caw and safety to the
eye, to restore '464, or cure =aunties; to the ear to
restate betting; to the loofas - and other organs, to re
morn sp
eech,. null to tto various pasts of the body, lei
the cure of atonic rheirmatisen, asthma, neuralgia, or
the delletureoX, pamlystkorpalsy, allay chorea or :IL
Vitals donee, epilepsy, weanmaall from sprains, some
diseases ',coalmen, fensties, contraction of me :nal.,
lockjaw, etc. OW
Itishts tor surroondlng coontles of Wutem Pa., and
privileges, with inumment, may be pumhued, and
elutes. eal for the tore 01 disables.
Full austrucitens will beglVen (of the venous chemi
cals to he used fbr venous disease; and the beet elan
net for operating fa the tiara ethos, diseases anti al.
ao be folly explained to theyarehiser, and a pamphlet
put into his bands expressly for these purposes, eau.
(ally prepared by the patentee. Enflame of
oethint . 8 %ViLLIAId et. Pittsbor,b
riIiEESD-100 bra extra Cream Cheese, itt ree , 4
V and Gar sale by my 3 IS CiNFIb:I4,
Ho. 81 AVoudlSltteir
A RE now wrung the most extensive and vaned
smsorimant of Spring and Summer Goods ever
exhibited in the Western country, comprising upwards
of Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased in enure prat.
pea from the manufacturers, importers, and large auc
tion role., by one of the firm residing In New York,
who is constanty sending us the newest and most
fo.bionable gtiods. They name in part—
ing) eases =eh Spring Prints; lO curs IA de Leine;
21 " Lawns and kluslins 05" cotton and Ithen
120 " blenelted Aiusbns,aQ Glngbants;
grades, 7U " cord Mnslina
40 " shirting Cheeks and ler " Bipkas Cotton.
domestic (Angl:bus; odes and summer Stuffs
250 “ Brown Muslin.:
Also, cases and paexages of Bonnets, Flowers, La
cos, Ribbons, Silkss,, Shawls, Bereges, White Goods,
Millinery Artieles,Clotha sad Cassimerres, Linenakin
story and Gloves, be. be.
City and country merchants will find their stook us
large and desirable as Easton). stocks, and an avant'.
nation of their goods and priers cannot fail to con-
VW., all Hint with their undeniable advantages and
facilities, they can compete won A.TIT Esstgal Serarrl.
This fart has been clearly derrianstrnted to hundtvds
of their patrons who fornierly purchased Nast Theti
stack will always be found complete. ap7
NEW GOODS, 1849. • :
KENNEDY & SAWYER, comer Wood and Fourth.
street, are now receiving direct from first hands,
a large stock of Fancy and Variety Goons, thebding
Clocks of every, vanety, gold and silver Wate-hea,
Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, Hooks .d
Gloves and limitcry, Stsietiders, Gun Caps, and
o ell
ther articles in their tine—all of which bnvtog ,woes porehn.ed personally of the manufacturers east, Mi
ring the hut warner, expressly for u.e Spring trade,
wul he sold whotesale at a small advance en Coat
Constantlyon band, all descriptions of Looktug Glass
is, of OUT 01,1 manufacturin , Woos/ern prices mind
ULON KINSF.Y'S, 5: Market area
eat •
101 fine China Vaara, ve l v et
Carpetwrist and
volvet coat Baitons; 40 fine
do do gtoit`atravolingi 100 groat fancy :ilk Buttons,
for drevam, 10 den Nail Brothel., viPd; 100 gm: fine
blk Vent Buttons, ami'd; ` l O do do gilt and plaie'd, do;
u dot nisei:nod Hair Brushes; 4 do Wtubingtou do;
do Bottom 00, 3 gro Fish Lines; Flab Hooks, Lime
ick, lke
JEWELRY, he —69 gold lever Watches; 50 do de
tached lover Watcaot, 10 do Lepton do; 10 fine di.-
mond Finger mote; I do: fine gold Vest and Fob
. 11,11 ; 7 80 do Doan* Breast Pot., Finger Rogs,
GLOVES, tr.c.—R/0 dos Ladle, Conon Gloves. anted,
300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, ke.; 10 do gent ,
Mk Gloves; 12 do do kid do; 50 do ladies kid, an d 1 10
do do fancy top risk.
VARIETY GOODS-75 pkgs American Prior, 300
big Cotton Cordg 75 pa Paper Muslin; 500000 ribbed
Percussion Caps 230 gro dress Whalebone dm 100 do.
Ivory Combs; Dressing Combo, Reek Combs, 4.C.
H EATON k. CO. aro now opentng melt spring
U . stock of Trimmings, consisting Impart of Man
tilla and Dress Fringes, (straps, black and cold Silk
Laces, black Flounce Lena, Buttons, Brids, Bonnet
Tramming*, ents, /adieu and ckitdrens plain and fan
cyg Society , Shirts for molt and hots, Combs, Itory mud
other Fano, Yarn. Spool Canon, Needles, Tape., Bob
bins, Puts, Ow. dt.c., which they offer sale both
wholesale and reta il, at Car Trimming Store, el Fotuntt
street. betweer. Wood and Market. emit
IVEW SPRING A. Mien, 6 In., No.
11 GO Market street, are now opening 40 C.Cs . and
packages of splendid SPRING GOODS, cornpniiing
Lawns, Muslin, Bereges, M de Leine', Gingharns,
Prints, French Clunbnes, Linens, Ribbons, Laces,
Silks, Shawls, Gloves, Hoslery, and a general assort.
went of Goods. meet?
RECEIVED THIS GAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths
of the latest and most approved patterns, and at
price* to wit purchasers, and cheap as can be pur
chased In any of the Eastern cities, comprising the fol.
lowmg varieties:—
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
Airmintiner Carpet% any Mu hall rooms or cosh
y do tibulca
Sup Royal Braw do
ls Tapestry sutir envois;
Extra sup 3 ply do Brullsels do do
13spet9no do do Cliemile Rum
Extra sup Ingrain do Tuned do
uuperfine do do Rruzaels do
Fine do do Chemin Door mats;
Common do do Tufted do do
4-4, 3-4 & ►Tapestry Adelaid do do
Damask do Sheep skin do. do
4-4, 3-4 & 4 twl'd 19.4 Emb , sed Pinto covers
netian do 0-1 do Table do
& 4 plan do do 6-4 wool do do
Cotton Ingram do 6-4 wonted and ma do do
do Venetian do Bruit Stair Rods
P-4 Ninon Graeae!, , 16-4 wool crumb cloths
12-4 woolen do Stun Linen •
6-4 do do 6-4 table do
English Table Oil cloths; Diopor do
German do do do do Crash
8-4 Floor Oil elothN Snow-Drop Napkins;
7-4 do do do Crimson Plush;
6-4 do do do Purple .do
3-4 do do do Maroon do •
4-4 do do do Carpet Tlindinir;
Sheet Oil Cloths, of newTranspiut Wiatlaar Shad.
Tapestry potter:mad tit
I LTo die above we are constantly receiving oer Spring
Stock of carpets, Oil Cloths and Steamboat Tnmmin
to which we moue the attention of all who with to ra . w ,
nitgh their houses or gamboling, as we will be able to
offer goods as low motley can be purchased' in the
sod of the richest and Latest styles. Coil and ex
'amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere Wom
bat., Nii 73 Fourth at. me h 2.1 M'CLINTOCK.
•-- - - •
77toLargast, Chtopett and matt Fashion.% Stook
of Goods, adopted to Gentfornatit . spring oat/
SUM., Mar, just
33731. DlO 131' 3 6
• - •
TIME Proprietor of the above establishreent would l rasp,- coolly inform his nurnerdim customers, that
he has Jut returned from eke }astern cities vritit the
moot splendid usertmeniof voila in his line, that isru
over brought to this city, comprising all that is now
Cashier:able, elegant and Cheap in Cloths, CusinTeres,
.Caahmeretts, Drop De Etc, and every ducription of
cotton, linen and woollen Summer Stuffs: Shins, Cris
vats, H at's, Suspenders, It,. of the newest st) [es;
which, together with his very large and fultimtuble
sleek of ready.made Clothing, he ts preened to °Ter
at. his erne Inca prices.
Country Merchants. Contractor., and all who pm ,
ehue largely, are paidealarry Incited to call and ex
amine ittgapolock, which is decidedly the largest nod
most fashionable in the city, end gnat attendee ban
beef aid to get it rip suitable to the whoiciale trade.
Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the most
fuhihuntile manner, and that nothing may be wrinung
to ensure the newest and but style of cutting. A gen
11.0an who has had aunt caper tare in the Eastern
eines, has been added to the establishment.
DRY 0001,15.
Dry tiood• Jobbor•,
NO. 00 WOOD STltEkrt—Woold cad the attention
of Merchants to their large mark or Domestic
and Foreign DRY DODDS, jest receiving from th• Das
portal, and hlannismorms, and winch they will tell
at miry low rams for cmh or approved credit
Oar stock is noivistli and complete, and well worth
die attention of Myers, as we are determined tosell
m curb extremely !ow prices as cannot roil to ntakg
among , Li:mincemeat for man:twos to mat" bill with
tt'. oteb3l
-PAEREI 'pause Goons.
WE are nom opening a nit large and Mame sr.-
selected with more than usual eare Minns the last few
weeks, in the New 'York and 'Philadelphia markers.
and embracing o great variety of almost every de
.soriptinn of the latest sad most fitatteMahle styles, and
a large portion of ft having been bought at the EAST.
ERN AUCTIONS m a great reductlotl frekst the-regu
- - •
o " . " D r g r we 4 ...t.. 1 44 to offer great inducements
to cash buyers, either by wholesale or retail. We
would therefore rexpectrally miri,e the Monition of the
public to our Stock, feeling confident of oar ability
amt buyers in almost every article they May whin in
.. shoe. To die ladies we would especially commend
OW monk of
Sn.mrtrot Direr 1111.1131, of eirbien we herrn very
large and beautifol assortment of the /meat sitylcs and
mast fashionable. colors.
Latntln Theitat•Goons—lklouslin do LaMes, roil de
Cl:meet; at, line. and mohair Lastrea, painted
lemma gingham Lawns, Foulards, new style Borers,
English, French and Beach (lineman, linen Meg :
hams in great variety, &e. Sm.
Horns—New style Bonnets, very cheap.
*Unarms.° Flowstm-Of the latest styles and supe
rior in quality.
Fattiness—et very 'ergo and handsome stoat of Par
asols, of almost every style end gualny.
8121arta--a fine assortment of spring and summer
Shawls, of all styles and prices.
Fuca Ccorns—e. good supply of super Freed',
English and American Cloths and Camimeres. to which
we would invite the anent.= of persons needing such
ALSO—A &Hand general supprfotShirthig Cheeks,
Makings, brown and bleached , Alualine, Table lament,
Sheenngs, Diapent, Cambric*, Drillings, summer Goods
mem and
boys✓ wear, Jecoacts, Atelier Sanaa Nan.
soaks, Nankin; Punts, Gingham, Crape, Crape Lace,
Cravats, Glovee, Hosiery., silk Hakim, Vella An. &n.
Persom wishing to buy by wholesale,
and examine our smelt, m our prices are such as to
make it their interest to bey.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 76 Market et,
ap2l northwest corner of the Diamond
AA. IllsmuN A Co., No. GO Market street, have
. on hand the largest variety of Embroldenes
which they have ever offered. The ir assortment con
sists In part of the following goods, van
185 rich embronlered Musim Cayes, from 81,60 t 05,00
850 ' " Collars " 37,1 to 81,00
500 crochet Collars, from 37410 Vi •
030 lace " Bto 124
700 °impure " " ty to 12/
150 Jenny Luld " 613/ to 1,00
180 moths Babas, •• 50 to 1,50
590 pairs muslin Cuffs," 374 to, 62/
Also, Mourning Collars, fkom 181 to OOc.
Call at the cheap owe price store of A. A. MASON
A Co, No 60 Market st. myLO
AS &e.—W. R. Hoard* has this morning re.
catered by Express a lot of handsome straw colored,
green and blue Bonnet Ribbons. Also, gtPesy black
Milks for dresses Visite*, mantillas, he.
Rises Sum. d ress—A large assortment lately teen- .
ved. •
Worm Goons for drosses-.web as swiss 'and moll
muslins, Nansooks, he. Also, embroidered muslin.
for dresses, all at lowest prices, at northeast corner
Foorth an d Market moms.
Wholesale BOOMS op stairs. myld
.12 51varmi imams. open alolt - saaorunent of a.
above articles, for dresses and sackt—among the lat
ter are same scarce Colon, such as pink, blue, green,
also, pink, blue, green, and mode colors of Cha
meleon Lawns, and a large assortment of embroider-
ed molding and Lawns.
W. It. M.'s recent purchase is now all received and
open, and persons wanting Dry Goods will do well to
look at his large and fresh stock before purchasing—
at northeast corner GI and market Ins.
Wholesale Rooms up *tiara my 2
Alt ruiclAL PLOWERS--blaterials for Artificial
Flowers, it Plain tissue paper, spoued do, Car
mine paper for coloring, Pink Sanehie, Leaves of hire
ry torso, buds, tips., and mallows, em be obtained a.
I , II EATON & Co's Trimming Store,
apl4 at
MDROIDER - Y—Worsted paver°, for Lim:lmam,
12, Piano Stools, Table Corers, Traveling Raga, with
a great variety of small patterns. Also, Worsted• of
all colors and shades, by the ponnd, ounce, or skem
for sale by ap l 4 F H EATON & Co, ad Fourth at
ner of 4th and Market streets, has 'low open his
irsourn supply of spring and summer Goods, and has a
largo assortment of Dress Goods of newest styles, and
staple Goods of every kind, all of which will he sold
I rec eived the above scares and desirable lunch
Me ashionable Slade; also, Green Hanes. spir
60 3tAnzaz Stair,
L. XVI. NO. 242
' 7 ';
• V 7 .
.' ir TE"°3
e ,. ;;ma.croe
<.yOP DArrIVDVONN,.^ ' •
• Calera! letock, Anneal Reempts, nod
1111 , 000 •000.
All lonues promptly paid at the General Agency Of
fice for the Western States, located nt Curehmati 3 Ohla•
This Company is of long standing, aid wen imoart
dirmaghtom rho United Sincea in ha !oilman) , agid
prompt paytnent of loaaes—anring lectured nod set
tied, Ma he aansfacnon of mil concerned, mo atil.oo*
limn, mounting in the aggregate to KaAT wawa
OP DOUAI., the reenlist, for which am as the we(
ih- Company at Hartford and Cincinnati . k
Th. Pau/hush agency of this office was"
held by Moses Atwood,' sftq , tad was subsequently
tared out of the Sts
y law antnuntlng to • itrohl
bition of all Foreigis Ware. Companiesinst in au.
son to escape loss by ther fire of 10th Apr“, 1945. • •'
The agency Is note reorganised under the charge of
*he ettamaigned, mho arill meets, applieltheas and
ium reset,. againat LuSB OR DAMAGE DY FIRE
- e n stores, Warehouses, Dwellings, ke„ with - the eon
teats Alto, na snorts, Wires . .and Merchandiser a
gainst the perils of Mamas MUM NAVPIA2II22,III
the currant rates of eternize. •
Offiee at BL It BROWN &BROTHER'S, N 0.117
Wood street. • .FAYSITE BROWN,
Agent Proteedon • Insurance Co., for or
Allegheny Co. anti:dem*
dITY 808IP,
Mews to the Adams al/NU:burgh CUT Sur*
TN conformity. with the 93. Section of the., Onlinancs
T. of the leth of April, 180,d:weans the undersigned
I "to negotiate FOR CITY SCHlPjthe Dondsaad Bon
gamer iedividuals held by the City For property Pold,
LARS*—gmblio notice is hereby given, that thwawd
obligations will now ho disposed of for tho Cotyofate
issues of the City of Piusborgit, of the deomainatleas
of One, Two end Them Dollars.
Ford.: notice is hereby given, that City Bonds,
beating interest from the 18th day Of April, 1e49 OW" e
rata ore per cent. per Renato, any time hereof;.
ter be Waned to the bolder or holders of City Scrip t in
sums of One Hundred Dollars and upwarle,iaceonding
to the provisiews of the.Ordinanconf the ahOlo Oda.
spa , S. R. JOHNSTON Cit • Treasuter.
: 4- : - . - - --- c l =4, --- 2 , 7 ,- -4 , ..;-,:z-- -
1 ' Iflit4A crOilir-8- 0 iH- -)
trz-j - ,- 1 ....,.. , . ;
.;.4 , 4r.t.tat , : t 7 1--
L2l-;._ - ' o ' . 't"'W‘L- . ;':'=r, - ..""- '
r ':' . '''G
0 N .11 t Y ,\ t (:)= . fl N ~
... tria ~ ......„..t . .„.._...„4 , ,,„,,, ....,.,:_-
-LAN EMINENT and expeniancedlan Bali the
ofEas, of 20 yearn standing, offers to treat all mos
a Delicate Natoro with prompt au wit secrecy.
ilis success is Burnie and other lane oh* has
been proverbial. His charges are madman:, mut bla
are. ponnanent. Old cases *Calmat, Strictorkl!ero
fele, Fluor alba., Illhanznatison, Agee, Byplnlia, ar any
Chronic or inveterate cues whetted.
A cord warranted, or charge refunded.
81. Clair street, 9 doors from the Bridge.
Teeth Extracted: Advice to the poor (rain,
N. B.—Dr. A. *aliens the worm cues of any apnea
in Pittsbargh to cull. ' itOl4:dl
Manufacturer of mineral Water Apparattts,
awn or rut otmotOr Lana ealt
No. 813 North Second st.,.eTt7vitUnrithe,
AN expetience of mos t n twelve years . in the
mannfutarinusf &D Water Appafauuy end
the preparation of 6.llneral Wisteria Bowes and goon.
,tains, OD an extensive scale, with a se/entitle and pt.-
im,,,wl,,A ge of of both branches of b.iness, togo
ther with recent improvements in the consul:v.4m of
the Apparatus and the preparing of the Water, Which
he has succeeded to adopung since his-visit ea yens,
and after years of close study nod PractScal
bops as appited to the ans.le Mechanics and Chemis
try, enebles the subscriber to Mani borne' the public
with Cobra confidence, and offer them thebest and
moat complete Apparatas, for the mrinufacture ral Water in nobles and Fountains, that can A
be fur
nished to the United States.
He also fluters himself that the enlargedstiecess he
has met with, and the Present extensive and dally - in
creasing meant of his business In barb the above de
, paranoia, famines the moon convincing proof of his
claim to the superiority of Apparatus over those of all
others, and of the panty and Isaubtity of the Water
prepared therefrom.
' Persons aim order the Apparatus from a anima,
may !leathered that their Mstraotions shall he faithful-
Ay complied wi th , and so packed as to entry safely
enher by land or water to any part of the U. States..
To avold thsappentannt, It is recommended to Nose
who intend supplying themselves the approaching sea
en, to forward their driers so as early a day as eon
Mineral Water Appora?n., Generators, POmps and
Fcmentine, fintsmentel Urns and Pedenalsfor Stands,
Centers and Ban of lintel,, for drowleg Hydrant
Winer, tegothet 'with Corking and Tying Machines,
and everything appertaining to the above holiness,
constantly on hand, and for sale en the lowest tents
for cash,• ap2Baleodom
BOCERII.OO his prate Green Km Wren
I,JI - 7.3 pcirgs V H, Imperial and G P Teas;
60 nu t2s, 5. and Se spun Tohateco;
'SOO buts N O otidiagarhotisa
33 Mugs N O Sugar
' 160 bbig,tShadalertinas, /dotterel and Saltnon;
no &rout. Fiaxseed OS;
sub asserted.Coutth -Yarns_
75 bales Boning and Candleenek;
20 bye Peppir and dispicer
40 boxes Pearl and Common Starch;
50 do mould and dirid . -
JO do Star
WO do No I Font; .
' 10000 Sides and Slamidne Bacint;
73 dothn Corn Limnos, is Aare and (or sale by
ap3o . JO.ILN WAIT & CO, Llbany SI
'gni& eittotriberseatTototioWtocarke-5ZT03,...30-0,....„
lowlatea to plows, yls;
lnlpscluagsti Y H, Imperial and°
300 nes gee and Jars Coffee .
JOU peg* 5, Id, l 10mm"..15 exdb's span Tobacco;
It Olds I/ Suxo,.; 271314113 0 Mohnen
au bbl. mooned Noe Loan Sugar;
lb do Tanners Iti1; 18 elg Lamp Oil; '
103 gross Blacking;
Mackere , Mo 1, 2 nod:3l, in blilaind bats;
300 has Lichee scale Herring; 3014th whithapes;
25 bye Pepper,_lo do Alspice; 2 mats
b astle*
6000 Cotton Fun, ani'd ales Mining,
70 bra Palm Soap; 60 do Toilet & Variegates! do;
25 do Starch; 50 do Large Raisins .
10 bales Almon.* 05 do Patna Nein
tel rte E Wattuitsf 20 do Fi.berts;
200 bgs grounuorid Nuts; 111 bra Spiced ChoeoJais;
3 eases Liqce
-15,1XX/ Principe and Regalia ' Segors;
10 'ITO., Cat and Dry Tobacom
20 too Bed Cords; 1.5 has Rook Candy;
15 has Sperm Candles; 00 do Star dm •
I oak Ombre Madder, I remove indigo,:
I cases Cloves I do Nutmeg.;
10 bbl. Munn& 5 do Chalk,
53 doe Buckets; 020 Ili. Salem.,
YO has fine nut Chewer Dolma.;
Common and bolt Spanish Cigars.
ENGLISH & BBNNETf, 37 Wood at,
N. 20 opPosne St Charles Ho ,
T u 6S Cr'
Pine and Cedar Ware Manufactory,
rll nbscri :1
I L lt x :p .1 41 F 1175 r L f,,,T in " h l::
altlessrui retail, very low ror eash-1
Wash TabS Barn! Chtuus,
Bath Tri*. .StrirChurtis,.
Horse Buckets, Half Bushels. &a.
An r ther kinds Ware In bin lino mule to ortleir. SAMUEL tEIIOIESEN.
Diaphragm /Miter, for ll*grant Wager.
THlsi Is to certify that ilieve ao.
pointed itanageton, }Leggett Co.
lc Agents' for the sale of Jeguaing's
litilailliptiPesweon,Filtr h e n and l 2l l re'grust4c. cif
for Walter 11.1 album, 310 Broadway,
• ri.yi
um. 10, 184.3.
We have been using one of the above articles at the
office of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial,
feel perfectly causled that it la a tumid urrention,
end we talc pleasure in recommending thellly a me
al article to all who lore pure water. Ciden will be
thankfully received and promptly executed.:
.119 uviriositm, ROVOEN & Co
UFAtntlitY.—The subscriber laical/dm method
of informing his fdendo and the pliblic In general that
he has the Largest stockof the bellowing named arti
cles of his own matutfmture in Weeny—dub:l4 a , Dar.
ems, Trunks and Wnips, all of welch he will warrant
to be made of the best materiel and by the best mech.
antes in Allegheny county. Being deterMitted to will
his manufactures something lower than has been here
bah.. +Old by any similar eanblisbutem in: the eny,
he would invite persona ill need of„ the above earewl
articlu to his anusbouse, No. abl LiberlT lamb °Dim
aim Seventh. .41m, bands made to order lot machine
rY. ocern.ty
prrTsalliferiCsal O. KERBY.ire
THE Second Bowdon of this Insdrudoe, Muter the
cane of Mn. and hlr.. Gorman, for the 3lremnt
ueadenne year, will commence on Bin am of Februa
ry next, in the same buildings, No. & Liberty Meet.
Arrangernems have been made by which, they will
be able to furnish young ladies facilities quid to arty
in the Weal, forobtaming a thorough Engliay•Clnorl.
eWend Ornamental education. A fall mama of Phi
lisopluerd atd Chemical Lectures will be delivered
during the winter, illustrated by apparent.. The de
partments of Vocal and Instrumental Mute Modern
Languages, Brewing and Punting; will eac h . bin:lMM
the care of a competent - Professor. By elosellitention
to the moral and intelioctual improvement of their ma
lila, the Principalshope to merit acclaim:alma the
iberal patronage they have hitherto ordered. For
term, see chestier or apply to the Principal.
IRON FOIIWaY FOni BALE.—A areldlirottForte
dry in a flourishing town, with Patterusi. Tools,
no, all ready tan tretnnue, will be sold on atberrunci
dating terms, or exchange forlron or goods,
Thu offer. no excellent opporumity to afforing man
nth smell capital to comment, the iron Vnun dry bo.
sines.. Enquire of
duce let near. Wood Meet.
Scales, Cookies. Stoves, OVOttillisAte.
ItA MISSAL!, WAIXACE C 0. ,, Round- Church,
AIL comer ldberty-and Wood oreele, miumfactore
Wed offer for sale Mitosis, Floor amlCOurime Scales,
of the Most improved gualrlyi Cooking-Stoves, for wood
and coali Egg Susses . 'of ea:iota Ste.. Paster and
common Grates, Sallow Ware, tee. ae..74ty also
manufacture the Kitchen Range, which has given such
general atuisf.tion to those- haring st to use, to an of
which they would respectfully Minus the attention of
the citizen. and the public generally. oetta-dcf _
EI,ATENT SOLAR 1 .Altri.A.llFg—Ass extensive
na.rtment of cornth., In Co's celebrated sumo
facture, and superior to ell ethers in use; adtpuNd to
churches, steamboats., factories, dwelllug., Public nod
private hall. and to all other uses meets t cheap, safe
and brilliant bght Ls desurnide.
Also,tkirsadnies, Salt Lanterns, Candelabras,Olobes,
Shades, thick,, Chime/es, Cans, Tornaters,.te. Also,
Oas Chandelier., nom one m tour li
Bardsrars...Chslu - is
- MAN , WILSON.A. 00, impostors -and Wholesale
.1.4 Dealers at Liardware, Cadery and SaddierY, No
12.1 Wood street, above kliiktraranow sort a very
cheep mid well .m 1.10400( Of traniseettre, twoofted
Siete the decline of Eaicipe, and ..114 th.r
are determined tosell eerrespanditigly low.Wereggwg
who have been in the habit again Em. are Mama-.
I ., ar e ly ,o r=i I,c• esdl Auto our
1,./40 ‘. 5 .thei 11 .4 e.. l P.ncat.
raj, ani
NV sate I; 'v t& StlTCUlZThitpai
- A ILD-114 bbLe /No 1, r 1 ,11 1 2.uL0r1a1 .... w* -