LINES. • D• - • Vigita is. ' .....". '',. --11- ' Old Established Line. '.. ON Tut ERIKE,'ITENSION CANAL :MEM Pp:Orient of the welt known line of 'Coma; - , ,,1,r Hopi, la nnw prepared to'transport Passen^e, rej Mind F•eighLtO all v o , ilus on the t rib Extension, Now, ,York Canals and Takes, upon the most favorable, kerns and with derpatchl . • .Thu Lind rams Inieonnection with the torsos boats, BEAYEB. and _CALEB COPE, between Pittrborgh, 'and BeaseeC /51 Bene Linn nf steam home and yrs 1 :nelson the I , stkes, an d the 'troy mid etichig. lake' Beal Line on the Neer York cane. i t ~.; .. _ C. it REED, Proprietor, Erie, Pa. .. - Biderell & Bro li Agekts• Likiivei • .., W T.lllather. eat at .1 Desk irinill'S FtStenter Otidet,,MOdddphthi use. Piusharge. .., CONSIONLES-t C hietan, Sharron JE& S Re it, -131sarpshurg; Smith & Downing. o; Li Plummer,. West Greenville; Wick. AtlaTe & Co, do, Wm Henry. littdtdOWltt'D.lo & Simon, lintaini - linme k r Gibbs k dam . 4 Bo; Sandusky; Jay A. pnathvog, Detroit; girLtand A 'Newbeily;StieboyeaM DPCtare & Wil. s, rill.w.ta. kir_ ~ Knap,hlarley & Datost,lisehlm . atm LI Kinzie, Chicago A . Wheeler & Co, New Yor up , . Mletabiurgliaroll Olnissolito ticket Lbtedi 1849.' ORA*OI r jr: publle aro respectfully-informed-th at .I. hi: - i -• • ' MARSHALL A CO. - bun fined out new and rp d Packet Dolts to Inn. uring the .semOn. he4' .gweenlilairseille ang.Pittsburdit.,-.he I r to be LOW: td by three Mimes, and every ems th de to accord. 'Monte passengery -.'77l7imosta—Boals will leave liStsbureh evell ~. Monday, Tnesdly, Thursday and Fridley', al 7 cklkekr s.w. ,- From Blairsville every' blond , Wednesday, ViklkdkliindSatnnias, at 7 o'clock, N. and amen , ell'illabatglitite tainutday. A two h rse Stiehl/mu ::Indiana will meemite boat at Sahel.o b. both on op. 'w mard and downward Mr.-pawn pas ngerathrOugti Sat that piano in one day.• ... 'Freight Coelho above Line mill bli:eived et MO home of Abut Botomen's Line, by .7 .. FkiTek A Cu. eWhO are oar authorised Agents. Ali , fight reetheo • dodge ectoolmions, ..oa rsAitegA.L.L. A. Co. I • , . JNOFARREN & ~ Agents, 1 Canal Basin, Liberty or, Piusbuigh I A linctleares libundrAdo roe Younptown on the anima ofthiTusal—rettrne to tionVin morning, E.... `from Pittihargh to Youngstown VI-reentved at Ohm `•of Boatmenis Line throe. • . Arendain• 1 . IVISDT.I.II, • PORT •, E BOA T' '----',-", 1849.= „ Fwd. T r . , . ~ . , Of. ra g want; .MTSOINIGII, HILADEARHIA,BALTIMBIE,IN. '013.K, BOSTON, &c. - ilds.7 -4.• 1 ' -• ,• • B.111511)01L, Philee p ... - • --....l - 'Terri A O'Conaon. Pittsburgh. .'..-..-ITHIEioId estehnehed Line being - now in full opera. J. tkin,the,proprietora stre.prepered_wun their usual '4 .. .extensive trrangementa to (onward merchandise, pro ' dnce,leksto ettd - fron the abovaporsou liberal Lerma, *tit theireplarity, dorpolch and El fety peen' im, to their mold or trastauon %obvious, when non . ihipment On ttie wa r ds avoided. liAll eamignments y and for thin line neared, char go paid, and forwentlitl in any required directions free of charge he ur coramiselon, advancing or storage :,,No interest, Moo dy , or indirectly, in ~ mean:a:on]. " • 'All comtennientionsmomptly attended on applico dem to the folkirriweitenun Td105,13011.111i151.278 aluskct st, Philadelphia. TAAFFE A CPCONNO II , Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ' crcomon A co,ticirth at, fo r ßae. . nich2l ------'-'4:1).--4-1D BLV. N til i SI E:. • . . ... -,-- ..,t ,, ,.4......r . 1849. ilaii i li . ~ ~ . ..........__ . ' . For the Ttansportntion of bleteussuwo ust.can PITTSHITROII, PHILADELPHIA, Is BALTIBIOR.E: ... Hoods aldprst by this Line; - ' are carried in Grar , , -•- /- - seem= ?actable Boats. , IlillEsabseribers havingenadearrangemerds Mt erten of a want of ewe Tracks la Columbia, to 'base . • it goods Ruwarded over the Railroads is eearrss,, d, as to 111T0j4 the detention that bar berevfors occurred for the want or Trucks. Pillagers will find HUI to their advantage. No charges made for renewing or ship 'ping, onion advancing charges. All goods forum, esa with despatch, and on as reasonable. terms us nay et ry. !sr Lino. JOUN FA REHIN es Ca, earner of Canal cold Liberty st, Pituburgh. l' K.•FRFTZ er. Co, 3133 Market st;_2biladelphist.,.. algal . " 1849. . o iNanalulpviLA.NsponarAT -1 * lnornurrona, . Briruntea, • Tun. tirnaluat, Wu. Manaus, 'Aeon Dora. • Conducted on strict Sabbath-Ineping principle. INS Proprietors of this old establi:hed Line have pultheir rtociLin the roo-t conspiete order,and tenably prepared to forward Produce and Ate relate dna to Lad from the Eastern cities Wu trust:that oar long experience in the carrying bendnetre, and realetwattentionto the interests duet.. tomer!, "eaten. to us a continuance and Increase date patronage hitherto emended to Etinghntn t s Line. 'Oar arrangements will enable to eon,. Freight with the utmost deepateh, and our prices AO entity, be as low as the lowest charged hy 40er tesporotible • We have opened no offiee in No Ib3 Mortat Moo, betwooo 41 nod :no at+, Ithilads. fur the oonverdenee of skrz:s. will be received and for warded; Enet and West, without arty charge for for warding, advancing freight. storege.or coon:random . Bins •of Lading forwarded, and every direction pre encoded to. , apply to war. mGulat, Canal=reoiLiberty Wayile - Pitt.tholti i_ F BINURAC , IS & DOCK, NolB3 and Market street, Pld'ada..: 3AMEB WILSoN, Tgeto, No 10 Mirth Howard •treet, IMlnotore" ' WILLIAM TYSON. Agent, ; mg en No to West street:: New York; 4 emazylywati. *anal & -Bait tkoad-klev T ..pre...Feat Packet Line, , alltgral 1849 .. Mn ITrrazuoli TO.PBIDADELPIOA *ILO, TIMBRE, (Eldnalvelg for Passenger.) HB - pabile ere rupeetfully informed that this Lion tLlmill commie:nee running on the IBM ;net, end em._ tie throughout the Season. The boats are new, and oft superior clam, with et . larged cabins. which will glee greater comfort. The oars are the latest constructlon. A boaiwill alwarr be in port, and tnerelers arc n - guested metal and examine them harem engaging pa.- - . llFortiere. only nine dollars through.) One °fete btratit I Line will leave the landing Opposite U.S. Rate, COMM of Penn street and Canal, every night at nine p clock Time ^l dna. Fir information, apply at the OfkaMerion-mhela House, or to I) 1.E3 CU & Co ' mchl7 Canal Basin ithifarl; PORTABLE BOAT LINE, =cm, .10 . Ma IFor the'Pratupo , tatt.t. tit Freto , e , TOPHILADELEHIA., BALTIMORE & NEM, YORK B um,. on the Canal bring new resumrd, tier Proprietor. of the above Lien r•-•pet flatly inrOM _ the public that thee are prepared to receive and (or. ward Freightaith despatch. and at lowest rates., They would else cell Me attention of shtoperstat • ward to the tact that the Brats employed by Meal io transportation, aro owned by theca and commanded by experienced captain. Bhippers of Meatin Balk will find it advantagecru. to ship by this Line, as the subsenbers navels:Me ar rangtunerns at Columbia us have such freigh• for Bel , tisane handed directly from boats to cars, thereby ta- Vying wareboum handllog. Freight to Philadelphia goes dear through , in the bOata No dome made for receiving .hipping Or aavonelog charge. BIER &JttNt.s Proprietors, Canal trade, Seventh street AGENTS—John A. ShawClueirtouti, Oi Je0.14.- Celtough &Co, Baltimore.; Jo steel & Co., Philadel phian Rebels A Thomas, Columbia_ mepll PILNINSYLITAINIA CANAL & IL. ILOAD/3, atiiiE2lB49. &&1411.13a PAST LINE, • • . 7100 Pre/rsrtriii to P.AiLmfelpkia cord Beffmora (bizelosively for Pa/denser.) publlM are respectfagy informed that this will commence running on Monday, h. ' e boleti of this^Lxne. are of a superior Mace, enlarged tablas, *Mich will give greater comfort ' to A to always be in port, and travelers are re. quested to call mid erasaine thembefomengaringpam sage by other route.. They will leave the lending, p oq ua theeornemPenn street and Canal, *very night sr o'ebiek. , FMCS—NINE DOLLARS TURMOIL LASE--NINE Days. + FOrlaf'mcoatitni, apply st the office, Monongahela Hoose,it g/t ' U. LEECH le Co, Coma Basin. N. Pee—Coe proprietors of the above Line are now Dalldm az i a ad,upecd jaw of Packet., MIS übdir• an Or alms June lac commetion with the Peensyli: • wardaßall Bond from Lewistown to Philadelphia. At that time a patter will leave every morning endear.. Time through, 44 days. • made , 1849. 4 . :A ` For the transPoirtadon o niercimians. • Ble - TwhEN PHILADELPHIA MID pirtea RUM GOODS carried on this Line are not treitshipried between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia,. being car ried in font reed. Portable Dole's over lan& and O. sez—to 'lappets of merchandise requiring' careful handling, Mi.!, of importance. No charge male for receiving cfralappine, or for adrancing - eharges. Alt ? goods forwarded - Iva dispatch, and on as reasonable Mira as by anyother Line. - JOHN WPADEhr dt Co, Canal Basin, Peon at: Pittsbur gh JAS al DAVIS,* Co, • 127 Mattel A. 54 Commerce phili . gail JOHN IIIePADEN & Co, • Formarditag. Co das Merrekgras, C 1141.91 iLuln,•V,e:onst4l9l4;276. JAMES M DAVIS A Co, FlearraetaM amiCommi. 11/01111erehanta, 417 Martel wed 64 Cemmerae flaa, ' marl otrAa Tamen made by either atthe abdtgdn floor, ~• V ir- C ad And other merehandMe eaelaSted to them ter Miala ZIZIIIE 10 Aft • Rterattansst Transportation Line, VIA PENNSYI.VANIA CANAL tc It AIVROARS, To rustatturnm An Lammas DBCanals end Rail Roads he intr now oPe+4, an,d, food order, are prepared to forma= m .in merchandom and produce to Pm iidelphin and 'Balthetote, with promptnets and deopmcb, And on as 'pad terms SA Sprether Line . C A MOANUf.TY COCA, 'Canal Ruth, Peon nt, Putsbutgb. - AtiaM—CRARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia. MTV acrszatosaux & Co, Baltimore. 10 , 4 n, . so , tv immix Tot WAY inluicawr, Ll/51.16. For Blairsynle.Johnstonn liollulagstintsh, atid-• all intermediate places. ..rStina .cillzontinne to carry all - Way Good. with &sir usual despatch, and at fair rates of Assalis—C. A. hPANULTY & Co, Pittsburgh. DB WakeSeld,Johasiown. • John Miller. Hollidayaborgli, • Smith & Sinclair: Dr F gihoenbergar, R Moore, John .Prirker,. P F Von 800. liana& Co, Wrn.J.,ebruer & Co, Jno 11VDavin 8. Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Samichigiapuu, dr.Bay, Jon ?Grad &Co, Blairsville. rachr7 • - 1849 • ' • Heger and _Ergo Magmas. packet L i... G."-FAKE, Bearer, Pmpnetar. - ..Tlm new and elegant PO;;;;OrMOT Packet. ; rilloA RA. • - CaltlFll , Jeffrit•s; PENNSTI:VANLA; 3 . 1 1.;/ldradnn: e KE.ERIE, „ QUEEN enry. • - Me 211/b); Forming a daily Line between Bolivar aini.Erle, bayo datamexaced multsg, and will continue dating• to make their rornlar tripk,-leaving 43tarler 'after tho arrival of the morning boat from. Pntaborgb,. it 0, clock; p. at) end !unreal Erie _in gme for' parlingers to take the morning boatvto Ifelffalo Of 07 lad Lalja. Tleketa Erielind all Lake ports i cap be 'Asa try SPPileala to.JOHN A CAVGIJELfigt, • corner of Water and eMr-i MEDICAL. C3ILEAST CURE OF - LIVER COMPLAINT, by he Ur . original,,only true, and genuine Liver pilLi •• BUM Crum, Ohio evenly, Va. / • ' • .' rdaroh ethilblit. 3 • R. E. Seller= nett bir.-1 think 31 a•Anty Dire to you and tokhe public gsnera Iy, to glate,that 4 hive been afflicted with the Liver mititint- ler * lone time and se badly that an abiess ihrintedsuid broke, tritiCri let me in a very love state. Hawke; beard a C your celebrated Liver Pills being nit -sale by A R . Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended-4a me . ma physician:Dr. E. Smith, I coaelatied tat give theme a fair trial purchased one box, aitd fad" WW 2 W be Just areal : they are-reconintendeiri THE BEST LI VER PILL. EVER USElik , and after takingfcear beams I And the diseue have annoy telt me, land I am novo perfectly well. Respecutdly lean, D H COLE,ILAN. • - • irk - . - ' West Li ,, erty, Mama V 5, p s is. I cetrit dm lam personally acquainted .situ Mr Coleman, and can bear testimony to the truth oft the above certificate- A SlLift? Toe gender Liver Mils 'are' prepared and Bold by EsaLLERS, NO 57 Wend street, and bin dZigliXt.ll ill the two chug. . • . TO THE kUBLIC.—The original 0)* the pia tam Liver kills a repared uy R.Ehhe- os; hid b e t 4 eels nu. ramped Inbiaoksta.a upon thel lei of each box, and his shreatere,on ' L ew outsid e wrapper--all otters ere conuierfelm, r or base imitation'' tMae — Trafir. , B CABRIIILATAVN,EittiSgaII VRO2d the Rev ASASUIN N, e weilknewu and: t i. l a1%C14 4. mtui of the ProtraumtblithedinCh • 'the fl ed hang Mee Maimed daring Limp *intertidal e tsetse. of the imeataehiamaetimea.prat being greatpaln in the stotmeh tenor. fa t loeimlhaaM without intatmitatha, mid • alter. h Meg Wed maion manatee with twain effeet„vras thrashed with 4 ;botllt 'of Dr Diaries Cattolltuime Balsa= This he Med ae. eottlimg Te the amnion., and feud invariably that thei Mediethe caused the pain to abate in three dr fear min , cud;in ,fifteen of twenty-mindlea exert one entathirtatimentirely.mtieted. The medfoine with al aied whenever indications ofthe er.promitot p werepereeived,andthe pentwita thereby proventi ed' lid totitinntd Inuit the toedieine wrap evening and sornetlittes in the morning, and in if raw weeki health was eo far restored, that the Wrenn' A. toilet edit= a largo ansonnt of opptegaive path,. groat 4.1 patience, th erefore, he can emitideetly re.mthett,1 ii I.l.lagne's Carminative Lialsiebt, ak 4 441131.4,7 mµµiitr io Mr damsel of themenaeh and bowels. A ALWYN I) For gale In Pingtrugh at the ' P A R II IVN I VEA d I3 . 4 7O. 3 R I t2Founh Erect, eat Wood, and alert at the Drag Store of II Y SCBW atrrz ved,sl iterp., Annie. • areas English Resdodii Conghs,_Colde, Asthma and Consiamptioni TW GREAT AND ONLY ROIIFIDY forthe muciof th• diseases, to the bIUNUARIA.tF/FAISAAI OF g. • ..• . • fir the celebrated Dr.. Buchan, of OtOt .n, England, and introduced into the United States under the immedurne superintendence of BM Lutetium if The extrnordinary sneeesi of this medicinei to ti 4 Mae of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agent in rulishingfof trnannent the wora . pornllde ea. ass thit can be found 'n carnmunity—eases that mei relief to vain fromam•of. the common comedies of the day, and been been Oven up by thrt most distinguished physicians as confiritted and Incurable. , The liongurb an BMsnut boa euredi and will sex, the Most des ram of cases. It is no quark nostrum, bet n,4 Ecg lisli medicine, of known and establithedefacnoyi Every ftimily In theEnited Steles should be supplied with Booboo's Hungarian Bee= of Life, not only to Counteract the comairepuve tendencies "a the Climate, Mum h e rut a preventive medicinela sll CILSCJI colds, cafe., spitung of blood, pain Le, the side and chest, irritation and soreness of the Wags, broehma difficultyOf bresting,itectie fever, Wet sweets, tuml. at= miters' debility, asthma, whoopirn cough Croup. din booing, at it per bottle, with fidl direc tions for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, ernotainiftg a =so of English and Arneti elm certificates, and other evidence, showing the un impelled merles of this groat English war ba obtained' bf the Agents. gratniuntal . Per sale by B-Ayb IE eirrner qf st sad Wood and NV andvlth - mare Iv AIX ABLE .DISCOVILETT` CONSUMPTIVES, BE ONYOUE GUARD. DR..SWAYNOS . , t COMPOUND BIBUP.OP WILD CIIDRILI. ma oases _Venter roe,. Consumptioa, Coughs, Colds, Astrotte, Bronchitis, lit er Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breath , ing,Bath imthe Side ruist, Pidpitation of • the Heart, Dribteaza, CuCroup, Broken Con- Cstationaglore Throat;Hervoue r*bin . ry, mug all Diseases of the Throat, Breast audio:toga; the most af fect., end speedy, rare ever known for any of. the above' dina.- ~ es, le DR. SWATH-1:' Coltspound Syrup of .W.Mat Otkarrit ' This medne is no longer among thaw Of drobtfal Delay. It lass paned away Rom the theatands daily labached.uponthe tide of expetiment, , and now elands hßlhar in reputation, and is becoming:more raceme., , ly used*. any other preparation of medicine swat I prod..ed for the relief of , It has bete Introduced very generally Armagh t e 4 ' almost States and Fatroperandtbore am few towns 01 imposterrs bat what contain same remarkable ler:. of it. good effacer:. For proof of the fore-study roamer., and of the value and efficacy of that tne4t due, the proprietor will rows a few of the meLy that liand du e t tentimonals which h ave been presented to tom by erie a. e reepeetnhilny -men who. have higher , vice; lf momi rouse and Intake, than to our : nry to feels, tmeause h vrill do anoth,er • . favor, arid theme:tea no,lnlainiee. Su. temmony staves eau- clueivelY,yhat ha stripriring excellenro ts established by lta intnnsie Mills, and the unqaemionable emtheri m ty of public Winton. The instantarteent relief it ad, lords, elid. the soothing littluenee dtiniseg through th e wholo..fronie bf, its use, renders it a "eat agreeable =Wady for the afflicted REBTEMBERi ' .When ratro, acting fro mm matecieroloos t 114.1154 1 ,, rebuttal* bear testimony the truth of a thing, br , ,paritettlar fart, zaehtestimotty,dming a s Crary to lbw world4interross and pummel, coerces eonviction of its tra ' and reicamends 'wolf in a epeclal martner to aniiminialetedicacar—O'Hogen's Moral hisixims. READ THE HO CERTIFICATES. I , ems, &so.= Cass a tesaro:taxi Consmarrion,--- ' Dhererialer tr. a remedy that has been es successful In desperate . cases of Consamstion, .as Dr. Susanna , . thanthowiti Syrup of sprit Castr o ir 4ret , ohm. the symeuti'and appeals to hear rirero leers an the tan., creating !tette auliTieb blood; poorer:possessed by en tater aedlelne, CUM . = Co., ll.pritZth, 0849 . Dr. Swayue—Dear Sir. I ve ri ty believe your Com pound Syrup of Wdd Cherry has been the means ot saving coy life. 'taught a severe Mild, which gra.- ..* grew worse, attended with a severe cough, that remind ell the remedies which I had recent. to, still tactearing until my ease exhibited all the stlmplems of Pulmonary COMinMptlon. Everemed y thing I iried se to hove ne effect, and my complaintitthresrod en rapid ly that friends as well eamyself, gave apall hopes of my recovery. -At this dam I was recommended to try your Invaluable utedielne: I did, so with them:et hap py results, The brat bottle hod the effect to loosen the cough.;_cattring role to Mem:orate freely; and by the ime I had owd six botiletbi area entirely well, wad 010 . taw hi hearty a. To , nan I over soak la my ife, and amid be happy a rove say informalaen respecting My case, that other sufferers may derive the locneth for which lam 50 gra tefal. rot the troth of the alrive ' itatentenAl t refer' yea to Peter: R*4 Grocer, Weal Chester, of whom I pureharod thameffiebro. Res ally yours, . 411=a Mows. . . Wonolaful Cuss of a AtaAlitt AMAX. Dr. Sway.- Dear Ste I feel a de trot gratimde due I a yonh,ond a da r ks tho anlicanurally, to oder my hatable teanaio 'to favor of your Coropiautd Sy- I r o of Wild Cherty..-Some [hr.', years since I was rlolently ottackedwith cold and inllammtalint et the coTwhich woe aceocaanied *WI a distressing ! 1 1 1/31 11" ser bl e oVitennivelsaucas Bocc i Winn)* ". rislly up= itimthe at weather, however alight- Al Mat !tease alarm about maw ndition. etas pretty moo Minvinecd that was rapidl a ge cingSo • I grew de* weaker, and wens roarer- ly le to walk ahem, er Speak aborts a whisper, such • was the excrieding weakness of my lungs. Daring this 1 &aegis. triedvations prep and Prescaptootai, out found no rellett-grohelog all the WO.. Jam nen.' was nditised and p er °B by a dear friend in Wilmington vo wake tritil draw Syrup of Wild Cher. W . ,1 1505, cIYnR I. dtailet=ittily I had be. mein. Mow. hgematiratens m • and I =Still against ~ ilirgol.seetilyni,e.iiodo,.minutitce.g_i.....onetitaisuk.d:.shrinbylir7gsdSpitibgeorralgivtipr,H,tlo,4o.cbGtinup:".rbc,Tilly,rtinf Idtaivr-erd, nanding goer claims tri,oilltl!liost and Patents of radleirre, and having filth in rho. saying of my Wends,' forthwith pardon* or tor ‘ tiOliaa, one olyent agents, a few bottles, end mansnencerilts /tan. My 41.- 1..0 was at thaitimeaS)or 85 Menthe' anading, con- Wormany it was - deeply . acme. I. folthll, however, eanablerahlri relief train the abet th e RHO foot or five bow.. yint,being a public malddreTal tramming. learned to read I whhottil .rorrealyng strungth, .mod thereby r° tide that bed *Bendy begun to heal; Wilds wan . doubtless,. soy,cFro was greatly tetarded. In constetpletteer i f arlinidl m, iffirdcp* , I had to 5L545 cwelet eclair= beaten beer, was Per thSebyrestored. I ha. en gueStioa, a tench a midi.,,. a 'r of bottasmadd have Made re Sou., but for the a 0 indiscretion,: The Sysup ellayed.the fever uh Imbi took away tiro distressing dough, put estop to the pf mania • ado sus Wolfer and gave &Well and the eat (Takla's:rood heath.. I have defer red adoring this certiShwu dog nu*, for dbuiPtorWlau at being perfectly lathlike with the 'permanency of th Cure, end now that I feel perfettlytwelli offer it N.% SAT. .1, P. Joaeart..; Diann norinty,N. C. horn* . i .Coution-42artrir Rea! 'There is hut onagenffine preptuntiortorWlld Cherry, and that is Dr. Swarrihl/2.,the grafeier oared to the while, which has been . sold larc throughout the Untied States and some parts of _row.Lalidollltro parattous exiled tby.the name Of ,571 d! (Murry have been pat out since this, under enact of seine deceptive cireammances, In ordento give &throne) , tether sales. . By a Bute observation, no pentoo. , , heed inisuthe the enveloped from the lathe.. Each boula of 'titi• genuine ' enveloped with %Warangal steel engraving, with the likening of William Penn thereon; also, Dr. Sway.. a siglattatee and as farther wearily, )he portrait of Dr. Swains will be added bereatter, so „as to distinguish his preparation from all others.: ait .. sot for the growl cur.. p ro perties add known vat.. of pr. '''. Closely. Remeraber, Hways bear in mind the name at Dr. &myna, teed bet am deceived, . - rancipal Mos, corns: or Eighth and Saco steeets, 1 P'iladelphia. For cola wholesale and retail by HopiElit A s Nciw. DEN, coy gil and Wood etr, .13 A PAHNESTOCK & CO., ear . toast Noodi aod 6th and Wood sat; WM 111J23,s6,ghlexiletastiiI3dJklffik..1.7,thIgii6liticAty QA ELI, ELL; Allegheny city, and by ' all respectable dealers oetth in ma11imt,_ ..... ,.......1 ... 1,....___:.._..._.,__Z---------.---- , --' . • ._.. _. ST noNa itVIDIZNei that Ilr .1 itYlorEos EX. 1.64.1 . 0it1i1iT Is nupariorto all ether mein. PR 0, bidiC4'"qs l ... plum#4Koo4uusird ea., i ,, ,a.j. sr,,al.,,:rg:tv , r•P-- - ::th ------ , et their romialissolthekihrli amatherosoy h as hit n At e i l' to try othexpreparatiato they lisre aiming invariably been utb=tnt earawbolthe who& anal war reasonably ern the Ink palm birioled tiy the propiloon, ...4]tape retuned to the.. of 41erthal l gsvainossel,, is a party that Dad error failed to vsbec•Paeat- aad .. m.b riediebiy ewer had it. eiwal la 011104 pirlowool acrwarr„ tadiaredne y iry Dr DI, Jayne Iphithithiplaix, end swim 4= - : AIX/. JAIr NES *a 7l Fourth at Dr. W. lnland., rweraxio*xYPlitutstre. Dg-“lT,lf.,lrigeottilrtlh&r:tal"stille.Chis° l ll3=: etable Premium Platter; the Outlines or wticF9 after tiled expedience, hat been eadafac Lardy es. tubhdlecd. To all women who May be aliened with Prolipsus Uteria or Pullen Wes*, he recommend* his plaster, gaumotecingfleece 'speedy cure lo the short spore of from two to thee weeks, if applied with card and rest--discardios all Me foamless instruments add:erpetudae bandages ao long 'Aare. Thu ho feels cooseLeonnus is matte& inanciach as ha has not failed in pot 0000 out of three butideml and hrty_ t h,,,,, den ts. Also Mr Itheconansm and Weatireast ,or Back, a t . tended with pado r shore neohluAth excel this Pilawer affording ushered effecting • care..lror lisle by LWilcox,comer,of Diamond and Market at Erman & Etcher," Libenyand 8L Clair ate Dr J " Federal stand Iliantood, drherry ear Jacques & Co, " Denman 'and Plhomild Binning. LtE SWABS, Draggift,, PIO 07 Wood sixtee, f3oie Agent for the zaleofl4.Towozend'sGen • e . S.nspasut., hail Jut retested ZOO dozen of , this Oteet Spring sod BumEet Medicine: , Porebseers shoold rieoilect Wit HE Sellers le sole Witt for Pittsburgh, 0r.4 D Caul. for .O.lbigheny Cltlf .P 3 IMEDICAL. —•— - 1 tfr,l .. 11 t ..... 1 ,11 . e••• - • . !!.. ~ 1%.'n•,.r •••.••‘• •,, u :• ever: -11 .14 4:114 . 1..5i 1 -, -- :t ..,- , ----..--t-,-; --, ,•. 3 . -- —,—..-'. __.. • ,, s 1-.... AlLitri) 11 • I 011 forri • , ..,: . ..7•: ---- : - .7 -17 .;- F;v1.:7k-,.. : .—i?1:•J _ .<•••••, • •• - • - ~. •A.D R. 0 MOT'S It D , 15 corn.= =num or • SARSAPARILLA. Nadud Blasim d e tL 4n The mat ettrardbase Selina Is h. Work' I !Nis Itrtmct U pal ay gaol Buda: U O •S‘ taaaterpar, Sta. Orr, sad aireadtsi da labia asit. Li -ar, intact ateritiap, amnia% macaw tadallU , •Sap The crass basely .ad aseiority of MU Sananadla irruallattantallehm vale hatdates dm Ca ass, Lt. Istlystraue the bod) lib au of theary best SPRING AND SON! MEDICINES Ear Mani U at *sly yor , o the tarok spasm. and Nl l 4 l . realla ball • *au oast ad rich . Spam passed by Mahom.dklna And I. Wailes Ma pad mast of It. anderfalaveren. It has . perforand ands the lea Ms yam, Ears thee 100,003 sum of avant canef dinar: at hest 15,0)) ware Mondani Incaddd lulus sad the Ilan of acre Man 70.1.000 alldnadartai the too pm mama 10,000 . eases of General Debility and Wool of Nervous Einerp. Dr. Toarnaad's Sassa_parilla: loripataa dm ',hots arum paranattly. To thaw alto Aura lost mandareusay by the edam of UMW. or Indium tioa cosadund InJos* or the eassna Loalgense of . the maims, and heath% ass guard physial promo. don of the admit tram Inadtuda, sat ambition. Wales ausadoes, atoms» dray ad dacha loam log towards that fatal data Conatoptbas, to a Maly .atoned by dna pleuranady. TIM Sum wilt. Is far sepanor . m ay • laivimtrating Cordial, A. It ell.rl ad turtiorstas the system, gnu eativap to la laths, and ttrettirth zdasszdat le • taat ouvisadiarr degree. • • Consumption Cured. lamas asa Strengths. Cosurskidialt cess `_ Dnnvhina, Onsonytios, Lars Oossylnat Colds. Catarrh, Cada Juba dynasty rf mast Satan aDu Obist Ham rho* Arm Matz Mall a Pro/se Eg.a.• ratan Pax I. Sta, Au. end ass ha mal. SPITTING BLOOD. Apra DA Tewitenro-4 mill ifro Gli." York th" 4 7... 11 °4 1 &hi hes bees the mile" Wont hAnd=oo l ... , call& I Iwo Ow &mini rem hol • bed Smill Weser Arse =I own At kw 1 nod lam gear& Om alto* bad Gen Imam and nu patty deb wed awl id. .d, .adGi not expeo to Um Rave ally moo& yea SanaperlDe., gas Ges. d a erminth I thane base nu& hi OM lea saw Ws to ad •••• the #l7. PIN IN bleed, mod s 7 toegh Ise IA me. 'Yes eta veil hoses* Su SAWS Rs these maim Tar 'Wan' wa Ms,a asium.a. a. Ventals.,iitiMiushm Twasaurs Ilanautha Is a mouse ti ti c S or sr. tor the4Sl eessaaptlea, lanura turps. Uteri, titheCl Webb, ardwrawb • sentoss, st lam warrasted ekullgsalellasata• tlea, bulbous ed Oda, lawshatary alarms tares; and fr the pant prosnuln it tbs mam— a ustur washer to norah ef &Warms, ea emu, paused by basthirla, Cass es as Nadas ea be MVO I=Pa Iss bttom's'eldaa album al Ohs tormas trims Tuswilt wawa sad bal sas, trots maths that we tame rasa ad NI al surly ander Its Islate► It astedbuthr ostudarseu surnlassas if the is b* bomb whirl /a the pas eata atituressea. Itllo as beeata at aa ha eiMa Of= a I noes. _ aaathialia. gals bid ii as airs Oh. athlated, hadredsatausaum bass monad is vs. Thowassis at awe whore Weft. ban bees without alldua, attar •dm beam tas hnolaala mad" Use b.a bjm.a el& lab healthy altandst. Tar Makers endOliarlail Lanai. Enrial Of SaMPlartl4 kw has ionft pre• pared Is ratans, to lama easalataro - Ile blab tag al num se Napa als* 1. critical read, • Pb. awl dam' take U. es it Is aside pretwsthe ger at d gts attriataaa hanibla thous to whia dabs arm M a at thb Lou WU& nia period am It &- Mad fa several yaws by se./ Oda .tidal. Nee ha ratable ter thews who an b y we• =shoed, ma tt ealsolasel eau nom by iota• atm du Mad sod aftwahChs spun. laud, tale tudlchas losalmtbk U. tat balleata Alma to which wawa au salsa . taus du whole sy.. paimaantly the .mot ...yam by baparide. qr the body, ma mfr altonlatb4 a. ta madam samMlamS re whieb I. the madlciaas take* COI amp. maknem .d disease. by ...Wm bodbm of thl. medial. =ay myna and m..M mem' apar. aims may ba promos.. Great BlMsingle lllMbers and Children. h is the eaten aid' dm effectual =saki:n[ov postcp he the synths, end relisdag the minded attendant apen chilcildth diecovered etnratthens both the mother did chid preeente polo sod drama in cites. and mid. the Iced, Mew who bot h use I. think - hi bellipadabla It is highly usefu t i tre and Mee endement, es It promos deems Me t upon childbirth—in CalliVeMai Pits; Craatig. Ibrah im of the Feet Deen h T. Bambara, Y.otalting, Pain In the Rack end False Pokat, Hasiaonrhain and to the dm then um end opalilted the M eddler.- it de so rapid Tb. greet bean=this medicine la h glow ..4 ..d the mak L cant ramenfultg, ney CM GM. Md. ileY db. In sem a hula Com 011, es Illegtmen, eschd. Kurds* In the ors dr, the Light bed with thiiimedidne, 11•••7• none • admit say ear lbessal. Beauty mod limakb. Cometlea. Chalk, end_• model) of foilgemOn. fen. M/ la Ina whoa epsilon to the hot, may mos spoil h of Its beauty. They close the pores of the skin. and abed the circulahoa which wawa nantrab mu hwart =beim or powder. or abe skin lassoed by the used la mama boodlei ice our groductlon to the • henna face Dielait*.es wall b • garden ol Mob and delicately tint Choerbr dowers.' • from sabre and healthy oof the lab* tbe coursing Of the posh roams the estreadtiss. that which yams tk• moo stqui. the binary. Within which impute indamihable duds. and bathos of Walloon that admire, Is. nowt. ilsectibs. heamy is the °twin of so t o of roan r asp. If them b •ot • M. mat Numbcbselatitro,there le no beauty. If the lady Ls her shims mins, If she pant, sad ase T ot and tbeUmd is thich. cob sad impala .he Is not beta tifel tlf eke bohemia ...piker, and there Cep end sotto* tekeid,it glom • rick Moon t. the cheek; and • toillisney thels eye. that Le Thb is why the elistliiier=lll the Spar lab Wilma are so mach Wise Is the worth wbo.tske ion little eased" as are ...ism ta Close roma. OT have ired ash etonppletdon by the p. tattoo of delsobbse miztateh that . wish as ea pia elasticity of.stma Yawata ephits, epuldlaym ,„ mid bowed complachnot they altonid are Dv. mad . . Ilerimperals... Thom:sada who Use cried lA, sit more thee satithed, are detained. Wise of sem ambit caved oar dial daily. • Notice to libit Ladles. Thom east imitate Dr. TowessodY Binapariaa hime lamb* called their Mora at Brusly= de, de. end him yenta oar Id& and. which odium to the complains, of wansma wee I for wore —other as. who pat et, medicine, tom dam tho meal success of Dr. Taira:mad', liameNtrifis la complaints incident to bombe re -mileat4 thebvalthoadityas Tionsky thoy did nat. • eemberettlimit Ma an te d to ameba they and endue:doe conedtettoa. Dr. Vowi r = b the wily had best ready Om the osawmise. tonal* our plaint.--it racy. If our tafte of Whales • ainamn atm It nbe takenassli'deWat• por image% la Shy f a it s or by Bow espeabor tomismisnotheta wide the rental adrantapS es h prepare* Unmet= and prostrate pals or Wyse, mid sheastbects bash mother and chili Be mush' to get the mumina. heretaln Cared. Tido cortlfintos conchtsionly prom tint fhb. Bk.. boo pottoca mount ova the ms obstinate din man al tit. mood. Thies perm.. caul In ono kotoo totproudon Three Children. Da TOWISTIM—DW 8fr,.l two tin plump . Info= yos thottiwoo of ksy ebildson havnbotanWarod ottho Elentiols by Ike no of fear azeottont ntodlato. TI. y went ifilieW oaf Mann with bwl Nom ; Sao takoo ooly four Uttlas ;It took those sway. tor ortdok I tool sena iseeeineu Opialnn of Physicians. Dr. Terrnotoid b Owed daily receiving ware Denn diffarent,part• •of the Pales. Wifo certify Bat Te, the underdined.PloreldeP of ha My of Albany, have in 011=11113= MOS ell Dr. Townsend', Serstgarills, and believe orb ®o °fete mart valasble pnrpera PULI N G eb: H. PY I D . .1. VVILSON,IL D. ft. B. BRIGGS, Y. D. Albany, Apt I.IHI. P. E. PJ..IIEItDOR.P. tl. D OAIYTIOW. Oath* to the great row= and =sass ale of Dr. Toosseadtie thirsapardia, • number of laid mho were remedy oar AVM& itnlicornsuanced oralting flareapr rift Extract& Ugh& Muer& Extracts of Talkie Deck, Re. They generally put it up ht the ram shaped bat. dras end lone of these Wm not* sod copied our elm tionnento—they. are cab— : worthless' Wharton& sad shield be avoided. principal Offlca,l92l FULTON "met, Ilan Badding, ding &Co., IBtata rim; on; Dyost rlastll2Drogniss,s"thag'thtiroo"ir.7 aton. Wright & Co, 151 Chartres Strine N. 0.; 105 &oath Pearl saw. Abner; nod by all the principal Drag gins and Iferchants ganeradly threastiont the Unfold awes, Wass ladles and the Canada. N.D.—Persona inquiring for this medicine, should not be, indoced to take any other. Druggists pot op Sarsapatilhm, and of course prefer selling their own. Do not he deceived by mpaquira for Dr. Town• send's, and take no other. Remember the gems• 11:16ownse nd's Sunapee l 0,0 sold by the sole 4Sa. R. &SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retail nt, No. 57 Wood street, and D. AL CURRY, Aileg_ ny city. Pao QPEC I / 1 1. --- EIYIIIPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION.— la quick pulse, hacking cough, general vreaknew, reale. sleep, variable appetite., Irregular bowels, pains between the •botilder Wades behind. lalararala Sverroas or Constrgeruns—Coughing 'night and day, gabby muireles, general debility, areal donne. of breech on going up stairs, ascending a ha, or walking but a little fast, pulse always above one hi:united, for weeks together; drenching cold sweats towards morning. Catarrhal Consumption comes on like a common catarrh or cold, but about the period when that dr ease usually Is expected to subside, some of the symp toms, an aggravated. 'The rough Is more troth!, some, especially when lying down. There Is no fixed pare M the chest, but difficult bteathing . , which I. wont on lying down. The appearance of the expec toration, which in copious, is changed from a thick yellow.micus, to athlnner substance. It is very un pleaiant to the patient, end emits an unpleasant smell when baited It toot an uniform appear... y .os probably amixture aims sad mucus, as on maths:lit with water part sinks and part swims. This disease say occur fo tiny habit or at any age, and Is eharae tensed by the,pecaLiwitr of the cough. The Ilalsain of Liverwort effects the care of this in sidious &nue by expectoration geoids and'heals the affected luggs,„ It never fails. Wherever this nsedi eme gm been rued, we hear of its snecas. For thir teen years it haabeen before the pabile, and has been thefusghly tested for all complaints of the Longs, and has pruned Itself eripenor laraeritto any thing In we. We might give hundrode of testimonials form physi• chins, the press, elergy,andthwe who have been en. tad,,but all weideAns to to call the mention of the ad, dieted, and far their minx dad they will try jt. • Look,out for counterfenal &lame observe the .1g estate, "Geo Taylor, ICEt," on the =waved -label, and prepared ,at . th e :Wholesale Depo r y3 Beckman street, lievrNaTk• dote In Putsborgh,by T D Morgan 93 Mood sit Townsend, 43 blesket sit atheYlar. ear Market and es; Henderson & Co, 6 Liberty at Prise reclined to !LAO per bottle. marl ith mr s, of trors liftdirt 2 NO. IZSACKEREL-70411 , Uilare itlf inle low 101a011seCirilliviibenL fob, IMUELL, m180E110E:kis: - tiatkieRTMICas, GOLD wATDEMcis lIPARRY has invented a machine . ior leashing .. (lola, for which he has mute application for a patent. They axe now offered for sale at the ware ,,, of Party , Scott it Co., No. 1W Wood , Wreet, Patsburgh. • Adventurers to California are maned to rail arid ex amine these labor-saving macaincia They are simpar 4 In their centurions. easily transported on the bock of i males or borses, Welgtang eighty ponds each. and 1 cart w pm W eporstiort to half so hour. They can be cfiledollt.provistons, It is the opinion of those who hive seen the trial &one of these machine& of smallein = ilUMom 7g lw.'nth t n' t i rticlsof tan d or earth Ia a day, the te eOf particle of the mineral. They can be incrcued in airr and worked by water or mole power, if expediei t. The operators work-without going Into the wnter or beirivezposeilio wet, imu cnsequently. without ere dangering thew-health. They will requtre but n wenn stream of water, and can be used the whole season, and can be mit loin operation where Marais not suffi cient water to wash in the usual way. . • Price of smallest slie IS:15. Orders from abroad, sr, muipaniad by cash, will be promptly filled. H. PARRY, at Parry, Scott & Co's, No MI Wood in, Pittsbargh. Ellaspratt 6 So.* , A:L. THE subscribers are now receiving their Pall stock critic above article, three vessels, vim the Juniata. Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and Balumore,nod two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Leila, shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared to receive orders. They will receive daring the win ter and spring regular supplies eta New Orleans. walk • W L hi hIITCHEI.TREP, 01.111 T EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning win dosALse and letup glasset, silver plate, liras., Bri. mania, and other ware. It rapidly takes out el spots and stains, and reproduces the beautiful and durable Insert of new ware. Just received and for sale, who,w. sale and retail, by JOHN D NOR_ ,GAN ja.25 '• Druggist all= itir R. SAUL. H. HA RTSIAN haring sold his mur -ILL est in the eo.parmership of Coleman, Hellman & Co., to the remaining partners, by this day retired (torn the firm. February 19, 18.113-if Ut racial, lib Hat Aro U FAtfl &KS. mulcts I signed, Agent for the manufacturers, has on band and is constantly receiving a fall enmity of tha articles made in Pittsburgh and vicinity. which ha offers for sale at maimfactorers price. GEO COCHRAN, fetal 21l mood et INDIA RUBBER PASTE— 1 Kros,bottlet. alCr:Rut; ber Paste, an excellent article for rendering boot. and shoes perfectly water proof, and ark us a piece of Cloth. One application of this paste Is sufficient to make them Impervious to water for 2 ar t months, and a perfect prevents it from the leather cracking. Red . d and for sale at the India Rubber Depot, No 5 Woodst, felie4 t tr, H PHILLIPS BIGELOW'S CARRIAGE LANUFACTORY, Diamond AUq, Noma Wood and grrritgjohi Bower. E. M. BIOELOW would respronfaliy r inform thepublic that at Ms Factery can at all times be found a large apply of Family Carriages, Baraches Bap gies, and all kinds of fancy Carriages, equal in ele gance and neame.• to any found In the hhaL Con tram for any number of Carriages, Baggier, ad Wa gons, will be promptly filled. All work of bia own manufacture will he warranted. Ran:Lana—Cal. R. Patterson, R. H. WM:tenon, E. D Gazam, Eaq., Robert Robb, Ego., C. L. Magill, AA, fehZ.,lm derma Steel. arinz -- nematra: - SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT. . - PUBLIC ATTENTION is solicited to an entirely new article of RAILING, made of wrought iron bars, and soft annealed rods, or wire, and expressly designed for enclosing Cottages, Cemeteries, Balco nies, Public Giounds, he., at paces varying from 611 cents to 1300 the running fool. It is made In panneis of various lengths, 24 to 4 feet high, with wrought iron posts inch square, at intervening disfances of oto 10 feet. If deuced, the pannels can be made of any height, in continuous span. of 60 to 00 feet, s . 0511 or without posts. No extra charge for post . The comparative lightness, groat strength and dura bility of the WIRE RAILING, the beauty erns varied ornamental designs, together with the extremely low price at which st is sold, are causing it to supersede the Can Iron Ratting wherever their comparative menus have been tested. For further particulars, ad. dress MARSHALL fc BROTHERS, Agents far Painntess, Diamond alley, near Smithfield st, Pittsburgh. kin:Sam LOWELL PLETCHER, IPPIPCTGII2I GP ALCOHOL AND PORB APIRITA Corner Front slid Vine gtreets, Cincinnati, 0 _ ____ inektls3lly I.CEIVr D T ❑ri DAY, as the new Carpet Nam. house,No. Fourth street—. Rich embossed Piano coven ' Plain Turkey red 'C`aints do do Table do Fled do do do Worsted do do do do Bordering; Blue Damask; Carpet Bindings; === IljaGmoreen o—Camps Gothic, Transparent Shades; Scripture Views do do Turkish do do do Chinos, do do do Drepery C.hiness do do Moordlaht View. do do Landscape do do do T Gothic, do do Cant and Tassels, Itotera and Slats, Rack Putties, Soler Enda The above Goods ale of the richest aid newest ogles, to which we trivia:Vibe attention of Our frtends and easterners, and those wishing to (lumina or re plenish steam boats and houses. mar] 2PCL/NTOCK otoaam-14111111f - Mann fee to re t and dealer in ad kinds of TOBACCO, strovve ARID CIGARS.. A Dlis Old Stand, corner of Smithfield street sod amond alley. Pittsburgh, Pa., would respectful , . is rail the auction of Country Merchants, Hotel and Steamboat llarkeep-ra, to a large and superior assort. meet of IhIPORTED CIGARS, among which will be Pound the following brands, vim Eagle fteritie;Cat cellos, nrbielpe, La Bermes, Star Mond, Minerva aim Dollar Regahas, all of which will be sold as low as CID be had at any other hen= In the city. e Us cmanl hand and or sate a large w e ll s o le on d cock on Virgirda,A f lssoun, , and Fine Cat Chewing Tobacco'. Also, Manna, Cabe and Common Leaf Tobacco, constantly on hand and for sale. nov3oldtti ECARPETS-4iic - olved — Esday - direoi nice LI the oninufactmer— Ness style Tapestry 2 ply Carpals, ours taper, . do do do do super; • do do Brussel. C y perm do .Byussels, cm cheap, desrieh color. taper ingrain - sod 6.1il berry Venetian 4434 aild4:4l heavy 'Velum_ do 44, 44 and 6-8 ,common do AU of which will be sold al • small advance, and will Fumanti. •• low as can be morgues! In the east oeCtat M'CLINTOCK. 7 S r.Unb sr - _ COACH MAKIN mom the voty liberal =COMO meat the cobweb= hoc received am= he. hoe located hltenlf is Allegheny, hot (inane./ hiotio Pao a lease, for • of yews, on the property he now rejtes, In Move =nue; tcomedhnely beside the TtaillAChilsebi Poem the long eZpeelenee in the abowilmanen and a desire= phase,' he hope* to mer it tied receive a &area Public potttentge. Now on hand and enlaNnt to order, Rockaway ling• irsiictpt es it,n sad top Bunten, and avittrdosariptioo of bade= oiler,. _hien tottenvAloe - Ulan ;ft eththaniud. llette4Ul /MIN SOUTP - • - _ . I lig my 0 omatiory: AT the sena ideneedug of,de Correneleilh..kok on the f thlnst., Lee WOuring person Sere meld- moult' reerseted elaseprs tor 410 anal n,Muil TllOhL4s ht. HOWE, Pt...olden'. • JOHN DISSMAg , MBE CABOTIWAIII, NATILANIEI.4IIIII.II4IES W1L80NA1TA54144234.. la l ug O n * .101 IN 11. 81110k211ERWSR, JAMES& SPEZX I. }Vow, Jr., Seentary sad Trealoger._ The annual attune= M presented th e in of the Cement los very grown= col:Poe. Tbefroift., ha do city n No. 27,1Veres linnet. , _.1a19 THE' Stall ow Tan VEST " *VENMAN BLINIIIIIANUI,T East side of the Dimond, where V IM Minds otaill.thadl&inoividzea , end c on are kept on hand armada to order etle she lawn and moo unproved Feraerh huh. kms,ot the ahortest wino and on the tool re...loanable tenet Al. o , the cheap Boston roll or gra Blind Trantpe• miry and Paper Curtains of all the different sizes and porter., on hand ondfor Bala low Cornish. Old Wai l= Blinds Fanned over and v repallTiV eL takon in pen P V. ,• ll n eit 'o ur w o dell a :tan/It T ' I rt Pr ond 40nm:wip, aie3 warranted to please the-moatgee Wows y Allegheny any, Aug. 10, 1048. sugl. AM:141:10AN TELEGAAPII oortrAlly. luummoas i. rrnastrzou L VTUICI.4. ~ K'~' - Rl - ' EftN IJIOE °Oleo ete the Earthlings. Deltlessortes to EDUCED RATES.—The charges have' been redo ced on all Messages tom from kraltimdiro, Pitts made! dlhg reduction b trr o t r al . n . e l le e gr 'h a n tNicd d espillCles f orwarded from Bal timore West of Pittsburgh, P. itaca—The charge for. it telegraph despatch to or from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Witeelingt I. 45 cents for the firm ten words, and 3 cants for each additional word. ' . . [Cr No charge is made for the address and signs. tore. Until the completion of the South Western Line of Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn., to Near Orletuls, des, patelesnan tine route, and melle.l ler No fhleane. 101 l pgl,vJ•l:4:4 mf;? ACIIIFSON WOODHOUSE A JOILN WOODHOUSE, 11AVING this day asnyelatett themselves together 4 to partnership, nod,. r tuchrtn and style of A. &J. Wurosiousa for ant Manufacture of TIN, COPPER AND sHErtlitoN WARE, on thenorner of Robin. son street and he in the Ward Altrahiht Tte"heyePrPa tn a,, '"d wholesale and retail, ir=cles their promptness. Foundry Trimmings, sod Carpenters' orders are so , Roiled, winch till receive mtmedisie attehtion. • City of Allegbenyjelltplo.--40in LAp7D9CA YE PAPER.— set, a view of the Bottle or Mower, " Cerro Gordo; Buena Vilma; - Pets de Partin. Chace de.l.,yon; u Carte Ftworals; t. ol C Auvergnin••• . The above is suitable for paperiorlarge public) room. lost reed direct from Paris,, sal. at warshoord r i Wel 'B c 1 30. P a u ls. t G le.-4..herrocat L.mtud for wasl — sti J. clothes, came... elks, Hun and Sae furniture— saving half the labor and dispeashg entirely with the Washvoard. The &nett Witten carpets,..after having been in use eleven yews, have been perfectly restor ed, without the slightest injury to the fabric, and enth. oat removing tram the Som. 111,FM not iujureque cloth. Directions aecomninyinceach boobs Price SS cents . For sale by sawyrotitsEn a co. . T 9 S 4 weed st • 1 C. onus Po ~ In b. • ouieb; Club) Acid ~, do Hypo. Salia. Sods - do s..b Nh.tusinula do Calmat. do O. b...k10 Lotion do Chlotokm*. do Jut riosibmi sad kty solo by_ co7S - HA. IFALIMMiIItit Co ,_ :. s. EOLBLEB s 50118. Bankers. Exchange Brokers. NOtiA, DRAM AccerrANm. GOLD, STLVER RANN•NIYTE24.' • - • . . • - COLLECTIONS.e-Dtafts, Nowa and Acceptances payable in any pant of the Cato% colleeted on the most favorable tarsus. • EXCHANGE 011 New York, Philadelidna and Bal e. also. Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Louis and Nw Orleans. consnantly for sale. BANK NOTFFs—Note* oat all solvent banks in the United States daroonted at the lowest rates. All kinds of Foreign and Amnon. Gold and Silver Can bought and sold. • Office No. SS Market street. between 3d and 4th, Pistaburgb. Pa - am MI FOREIGN EXCHANGE. ELLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount ,et the Current Rates of Exchange. Draft. payable In gay part of the Old Canonic., Goal £1 to 11000, at din rate of SS to the .f. Sterling, withal:l deduction or dtscount, by .TOSHU A ROBIN. BOP, :Europe. ano General Agent, ogles sth at one door west of mood. anti -Id amm isowarso 1.A.1131 ttlrAN/GUIS AND EXCHANGE BROII ERS, dealers in Foreign Lod Domenic Bills of Exchange, Cer eal. of Depoilte,•-Bardt Nolevand Coln, comer of Orl and Wood stream, directly opposite St. Quarles ma I s -RN vans— Ohio, Indiana, Kesimety, Minoan, • Bank No teai purchases' at the lowest rates, by N. HOLMES & SONS, 35 Market street. Wit Cheeks on sepl3 11 61.11617 . lOW New York, rbne.dolphinebil miumore, C* 10, mu. by N. 1101.2*S & EONS. so. ' l LIY 13 3.5 Market rL lit101i& IJ6IC, • ,INIEW BOOKS—Complete Works of John M Mason, D D, la 4 vela. Mardi add a Yuyage Fritbe,:, by Herman Melville. Eh rder Warfare of N York, by W.W.Ctunpbell. Hare • Little and There a Lujle, by, the author of 4 Line upon Line, end Precept open Precept." Memoirs oftny Youth, by A De Lemartine. Illustrated Lim of Frank in, part 9th, just received end for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, apS3 corner Third and Market as ,X — E.W BOOKS— , von ry . or on Epidemic Dr. Coventry'. i • NV k Cholera, its History, Cannes, Pathology and treat ment.. . . . Philosophy of Religion, by J. D. Moran, A. M. liouttel Catechtim of the Steam Frigine. Chamber's Cyclopedia of Digital Literature, 2 voles dotty°, fine edition, steel plates. Chamber. , Miscellany of Useful and F.ntenaining Knowledge—lb vt•la, 10 mo. lilastrated. Advice to Young Men, by T. S. Arthur, gilt. " Young 'Women, Dements of Meteorology, by J, Brocklesby, M. A, engravings. Proverb s for the People, by E 8 Magoon. • University Bermont, by Cl.. Wayland. 'French's Holnein Lecture., for 10161—'The (Mem of Holy Scriptures for unfolding the spiritual life of man.' I vol, by°. No. 0 Franklin's Life, illurtrated Received this day by apfit 'STEW PUBI.JcATIONV.—F.saay on the the Union 1.1 of Church and Statm by Rapti., W. Noir. M A. knot. I.2mo.—Stiti. An entire edition of thin mock was sold in one day, on its publication in London: Leaves from Margaret Smith'. Journal, In the Pro-1 vines of klassachnsetts Ray-10713-11. 1 vol. Illmo 74.. 1 Hoyt's Poems.—Sketehes of Life and Landscape, by Rev. Ralph Hoyt—new ed. enlarged--with illustra tions. likroo. 61,00. A Catechism of the Stearn Engine, illustruive of the scientific principles upon which Its operation depends, and the practical details of its .tructara, injts applica• don to mites, mills, smith navigation, and railway.; with various =wade= of improvement by J Bout. C. R. I vol. thno. 72c. Cheater's Lecture. on the Pilgrim'. Program—new ed. 12r04 Price reduced to 81,00. . The Canons, a Family Ptetore. Part 1,. Franklin's Ufa, illustrated. Parts IV and V. Ruts HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, 4th a DS. . Tacit.' Histonesi by Pot'. Tc t er—litmo. For sale by incb.24 HOPKINS, 9th W. Bole Agency Coo Moons & Olarlk , s - Plaskos. JUST RECEIVED and opening, filpfnew lot of elegant Pianos, from the celebrated factory of Nunns 0 Clara, N. V., mimpriwng 6.4 and 7 octaves, with important Improvements, both in mechanism and exterior, possessed try no other.. a Liso A hue selection of Chick en ties Punta., main • in 7 oeures. H. KLFUER. Sole Agent, at J. W. Woodwellis, '3 Third st. N. 11. The above oral ho sold in manufacturer* pri: en., without any addition for freight or expenses.l marlo Journal and Chronicle copy. PIANO& A SPLENDID uwartmunt • if fi lcii gany and Rosewood Pianos, last I. uhod. These instruments an, made e s the latest pattern and best materials and will be sold low for cosh by F. BLUME, 1111 Wood Strael, Pd door above ruin. N.D.—Those who are in want of a good antrument. are respectfully Invicid to examine these before pun <balking elsewhere.. they cannot be excelled by any in Me country, son will be .old lower than any brotwhi Rom the Cow. A !adjust received, two pianos of Ham, bargh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any ever sold in Iht• country. oct23 F. B. Tsubsertber hes been appointed ale Arent far the sale of CAROM! rs IMPROVED itIIILODEr UNS, as mannfeenared and end perfected by Meek, March & White, of Cincinnati. The usual compass and extent being but four octaves, Messrs:M. & m •ecordance with the general desire nod demand. have extended the scale of these instruments to 4i and oven a °maven, thus mnkieg it practicable to perfecto !port them any tango writteator the I tunom• Organ. The eraerloroilsa, has been much improved by placing the body of the instrument upon a east iron liana neanufelly bronzed and ornamented, rendering it al mice most elegant and extremely desirable article The price is pot an low ma in bring ii iser. the reach of every one to obtain a perfect musical inurement. and, m the same awe, • mast elegant piece of fornf nue for a comparative trifle. H. HLEUEE. At 1 W Wooderelf's licatc - AL — NzvErri —The aulneribet hu fast received from Europe, and dbr sale, an entirely new inVel.oll of Plano Forte, called the CAB IN ErPIANO FORTE, which pomessing more power and sweetness than the square Ptano, occupies but one Broth es much room, and it a mach more showy and handsome piece of furniture. It is parricutarly desira- Ole where the saving of space is an object, bang er• asedingly neat and compact, and occupying no mo re room than a small tack laid. The subscriber has ID hand a testimonial of Bs superiority from the celebra. tddputrust,tieschelles,ln his own Land anithigartuct or be inspected. H. KLBBEIt, 0ce.77 At 1W Wdodwell's Cliiokerhars 11.irrr received and for sale at man. ofacturers prices, TeiliTIAN new Piano Fortes. 6, 6• and 7 octaves, of the most elegant tritterns of furniture, and with the ate improved scale. il.Wgso=ndiTonle low. 3 second hand Pi, as JOHN II hIELLOR, /Joie d pi for Ctuokoring'e Pi.. for Western Petnltylneds, 81 Wood street. mars th ks: . W . MUSIC r3Y - HENaI HHHI-41rIce Lart rite\of BLUM. r, with an Introduction And for the Piano Pope. as performed in .11 ht cpaccn. in the Un kit Stet. Military Po by Itui by Kcnri'.Uma. Comic Polka, Silver Ben Polka, " ilia received and for sale b pada: JOHN HTSLELLOH, 81 wood at Vroosl Esamtw A ND SOLFEGGIOS, with aniedempaniment for the A Pian-forte, adipted to the wits of private pupils, or Ouse* in vocal week.. Selected from Italian, Ranch and Herten:l compose* by Lowell Heron: 76 lane pages of closely printed manic, cornaledng 1110 exercises progreselrely arranged. Price 73 cente. Jeer lecelved, i supply' of the above, direct (rasa the publishers, by JOHN H. MELLOR, mclel2 61 wood et TRANSPORTATION. aBED, PASIXAS d Clathia PACKET LI KE. i ngiMi 1848. , Actigt 6 3.. atSAYER.I3O CLEVELAND LlNE,tria WAIIRE,N. Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. " OCFAN, Capt. Widen. • rtioCalle above Psalms leave Beaver every day, (Sandy. excepted) and arrive next worrung, at rt, where they connect with the Ida Stages for Altrongted Cleveland, arriving at each of thaw places padre night. One of the rackets leave Warica daily, at g F. M., and arrive et 8e..,. In' thee to take the mooring steamboat for Piusbragh. COTES & LEFFINGWELL, Wainen, j 13 TAYLOR, PrepOtirs. MATED AND ERIC PACKET LINE. SUM= TOVIIILLIZEN TOSTT novas: waral Packet,—Psammvanta, CIDt. Jeffries; aliat Polloelq " Laza " Tmby; Perroma, " Brown; 0 0 VALLCitton a Sayer. cotenee'd' new and ruhelng bettsf i e d e i n P l3=rll l lNtiZ r l, ind rtin ;romsarly doling the season—one boat le,,yeag Belo cram mormelyat g o'clock, and one leas , Heaver every evening, Munediately sifter the &ni sei. in th e steamboat Hieing. from Pittsbamit. beats are tees and comfortably famished, and vstikttait throngh la forty,hours. 'Passengers to any pollen the Laken, or to Ntasata Palls, will find this rota the. most eomfortnble and expeditious. Tickets thrtnivb 40 all pone an the .Lake can be procured by o,,mfrag to the proprietors. REED, PARKS& On, Beaver. . JOHN A. CAM:7 MY, .4,l:Pittsburgh, coo. Vtrater and Beolthhebilv . tro C Harrisert,lterelo, N 4: C hI Heed, Erie, Pe. C C Wick, Greenvllle.,lPm • hlTatlenrkend flog , Big Bend, Pa Hays & Plumb, Bhapabergh, Pa; •-W C Malan, Eittaraii, D 0 Mailman, M • ask), WCdnoln bam Now Leads Po. ) VIIELHE & C6'l9 TOAST EXPRESS FOB . OUEIDERLA Lak NSTERI4 DT BALTIMORE, AND TUE ?PRE Proprietors of this Line have pot on New Stock, and aro ,prepared to forward packages of all de acriptlon• daily, at the lowest miss. ' J. C. BIDWELL, Agent; Water street, Pittaburgkl. ROBINSON & tionitg octal 9:1 South Charles at, Baltimora IiARNDEN & (XV. Passenger and graineltaano• Oltßees *HAMMEN & Oil amain. to bring persons from any pan afßogland, Ir^land. Scotland or Wales siy anat i Athe eruzia.,litzrenzia WOOL eanult,thoemit (",, o tPr eti Wo do ntn allow ourpasseng rt . be nebbeatry the min:Ulna scamp that infesl.ML.,,, t° . ports, tee we tact charge of therm they re port theresolree lt en4 see to their well being, nod de- Teel them wi ' tff say deterithuthy the flint stdpa.— . ~,,,,,hi, fe 02211, IA wieder one of Otliciaiii. ieti to slow that they wens detained IS !mum yus in 1,,,erp001, whilst' Offtesands of others were mined months, bra they eottld be awn Inispee old math at a eb:p rate, which too frellneat4 Prayed Bier cilia. Wa Intend to perk= our contacts honorably, tom whit it may, and sot ICI ii was the ease lax BOWIOD, with upet orneen s —who eiher performed not affi or T. , hen it suited their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh fer an nun from a to 4 , 0 , 0 . payable at any of the pros/octal Banta in Ire- Isse, sLgland, Scotland and'Wates, MARVA ROBINSON, ~ Eatopean find General Agent, W.. man atn.l. MIN AN. h.q.. 15r....4 try E 6 RdttONS—Jostterolvad at &paw, X L . V aora,67 Monet street, pa colored Velvet Ribbon, aoitited /WI 6" cinbotidari WM 10 pa odds Platioat;, coca - - e t fa n /9 bbikifii_ast n CAoDE • • • • Timm Kt. DALLEY'S THE, following from Gear: F. Pomeroy. EN., tbo well know. proprietor o tba Expsess, spear. fat itself of the impormtwo of the Pain; EZynelor 10 ovary parent EX:intras Ornery Albany, Sept. 1. Me Dsitert My Dear 81r—With feeinws of no or. dinar). pleasure I address you in,relation to the benefit I have received from your havalanktle Pain Extractor. Lately. my tittle daughter, 6 ream old, had • pitcher of boiling water turned inro ,her bowel her screams were dreadful. so that a erdwd instantly gathered ho lism the house to leant the cause of thy terrilite screams. I tore her clothes asunder, and Boon spreader , your salve, and she was carried and laid upon • bed. She was noon rel , etred from her pains, and says "Na, I feet as if I could laugh:. and was soon in sweet sleep. She, was scalded to a bluer .from the tots of her shoulder over more than half her chest, and round under the arms. On the shoulder hod breast it was very deep, yet from the first hoar, she complained dilly when is as dressed. The'core healed rapidly, and there is no contraction of the muscles. . With msny wuhos, my dear Mr. for your success in the side of this mighty article ? I ma Tours, mat respect. GEO. E. POMEISOY. TEE TEST and NO MISTAEE' -.- The genuine Dailey, will eget produce the same tn• atantanconi rclie4 and anotns, cooling effect, in the severest cues of Burns, Scalds, Pil[ll,&e. The Counterfebs—no I. atter under whainames they may appeu—Uways irriuus P UBLIC the pain. TO THE otied.P. Rotates, of Chttham, Mohan Bridge, bin county, N. Y., bate been eiliieted arith rhea, t 'in my brawn, feet, and all overmy body, foe m tinat I could mt amid, and arm cured bpi apphcanons eiDallenpreal Pain Emu= AHD P: HOLMES. Blr-1 cut tor finger with a copper nail poisonous wore of which caused my um to sweli r({siderably, with constant goofing pelt:slop to the • noateer. A large melting taking place at the arm jiy with increasing pain, I,becaute fearfolof the lock. In as extremity your Pain Extractor was re commended to tne, and which I was • revelled upon to try. The consequence woo that at • •wled meadows% instant relief, and in three del.l was completely do. red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New York, corner Broome and Sullivan sts, Sept S. PUS. NOTICE—H. Dawn' to the Inventor of this MMw able remedy, and never has and never will commard• cote to annoying m an the secret of ns combination! All Rometera Melaka., u$ made and put op b hire„ ambase counterfeits. Ptomaine's Doors-4LS Broadway, Now York D Chestnut street, Phila. JOHN H. MORGAN, General Depog WET THORN, Agents for PirLshurgh. Dasley's Assanal looms Curs.% Cures humors, Ravin, quittor, grease, poll-evil, sores, galls, and brinses. Pamphlets, eoutalalag cer tificates of respectable parties, may he bad on applica tion to JOHN A. MORGAN novHS-Ellyis Agsrt4 M'ALLISTER , B OINTMENT CONTAINING NO MERCURY, or other Mineral.— It has power to cane ail EXTERNAL SORES, SCROFULOUS HUMORS, SKIN DISEASES, FOir SONOUS WOUNDS to discharge their putrid maraca, and then heal. them. It ie rightly termed ALL.HEALING, for there Is acamely a disease external or ladles!, that It will nol benefit. I have used-it for the last aixteen year, for all diseases of the cheat, involving the utmost danger and reopened: City, and 1 declare before heaven sad man, that not in one case has It Jailed to benefit when the, the reach L.f I have minister, of the gospel, judges of the bench, al dere en lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitude. of the poor am It in every variety of way, and there ha been baton, voice--one universal voter saying—"WALLISTER; YOUR OINTMENT IS GOOD!" RHEUMATISM—It removes almost immediately the inflammation and swelling, when the pain cause. (Rend the direction. around the box ) HEAD-ACHE—The salve has cured persons of the head-.she of twelve years needing, and who had it regular even . week 'ottni vomiting took place. BAR. AkklE, ToOrH.ACHE, and AOUE IN rUE FACE, are helped with luta success. SCALD lIKAD—We have cured cants that actually defied every thing known, es well as the ability of fif teen to twenty doctor. One moo told as he had spent 301 on hm.cluldrert withour any hermit, when a few bole. of Ointment envoi them. TETTER—There is nothing better for the cum of Tener BURNS—It is one of nos best UM:evens the world for Bum. PlL.ES—Thonsands areyearly cured by this Oint ment. It novae Mils in gin Mg relief for the Nee. Around the boo are directions for using MAI. litter's Oinumnsfor Scrofula, Lino Complaint, quips. Lam, nom, Madam, Scald Head, Sore rya, Quincy, Son Throat, Li...Antra, Semmes Afflictions, Pains, Da mes of Me Spins, Head oak, asthma, Deterrent. Bar ache. Sums. Coro, all Doman qf the Skin, Sore Lips, Pim ples, ill, Swellang of a. Limb. Born, lammation, Saes, mid Feu, Croup, Bevelled or Brokers Baas. Rath mem Ague en as Face, ¢a itc. SECT—Liver Complaint, pain to the Chest and Side, falling off of the bate, or the other accompri nm, told feet. iTnis (hutment is the true remedy.) it is a rare sign of disease mhave cold feet. CtiliNu—Ocemional one of the Ointment will ai rway& keep come (rata growing. People need never Ito troubled with them if they use it frequently. (if- This Ointment Is good for any part of the body or Mali. when inflamed. lit some cases it should be applied often. CACTION—No Ointment will be genuine maces the name of LAM fJ ide.A.LUSTEIR is trinnen with a pen Oa every label. Foal r in by my Agents in the principal cities and towns in the United States. JAMES hIoALL3STER, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. . d lEr hil rmeipal Office; No 23 North Third street, Phil- PRICE 2 CENTS PER BOX. Aooem is Plnsatmen—Brasurt& /WM', corner Of Liborly and SiOlair stx and L. Wilcox, Jr, corner of :Market - st end the diamond, also corner of-4th and Smithfield err J H Camel, comer of Walnut and Penn tilt wank and told at the bookstore in Smithfield st,Ntdoor from Sattondak•in Allegheny- eita Lry LI P Selterarts and J Sargent; by 1 Smith, Droggutk mingles* D Negieg,Enst Liberty; 41.12owianddde7 Kempen; '1 Alexander laS4n, kionongeheln City; N Bowman JF. Co, and T Rowers, Brownsville; John Bartley, Beater, Pm toe artrolesale agents. febT74tendly . . , PHILI PaBUBO, Pe. A. IIE tepid amides which Hydospattly has made since as introduction inns this counery—the bril liant end anoniehing curative effects or cold water in chronic and acute encases, when employed after the method alike celebrated Pricanits, have removed (mot the mi..d of an intelligent and discerning public, every panicle of doubt as to its efficacy, and trained It uni versal favor. Cosoldering the unstaistemory remelts of remakes heretofore uts In the treatment of chronic eomplainta, teomplaints, too, which are inensasing ev ery year,) a mon be a natural wish to see the semen of a mauled by which so many unfornmate names. snit be freed from their penis and - infirmities. Tie subscriber baring practised enecesaftilly this method for right years o his Hydropathic establish. mem, which bas Meat comsiderably enlarged and-im proved in-all na pans, add in every teepee; is now ready to receive and encommodate patients who may choose to place themselves under his tam, shill and ''''perience. Philipsburg, situated upon the left bank of the Ohio, opposite the month of the Big Beaver, is well known for lie refreshing and salubrity.sunumphens, its de lightful tinicumm and charming. natural meocrY, com bining every requisite to render the sojourn of the in valid agrocabe, and contributing not a Wale to rem tablish impaired health end physical strength. The establiehmont; the first maned in rise United Stoles, contain. every, Ming, poth for pleasure tad counon, calculated to mare •speedy and happy tor initiation of the aihnenut of the Patient. Persons wishing to avail thainselves of the advanta ges/ere adored, will please, add the sulrecriber by t r uer, (yoyt-pnid,) suiting . as near as possible the nett= of their. complaints, .111,order to decide and ad vise on their fumes and curability by the Hydnipathic treatment, and-also what will be neeemary for them to take along, for them especial and personal use. EDWARD ACIEF,II, M. D. Proprietor, Philipelnitg, Beaver comity, Pa. Banrassesa.—Revd. Killikelly, Armstrong; Y. D. Crark ; Em. do; lion. Thomas Henry, Better Pa.; Dr. Barker. do; Prot Ch. Elliot, Pittsburgh, Pit; L. C. Perkine,Esiq. Ohio Elev. S. H. Sneed, New Albany; Hey. Id. Alen, Princeton, N. J.; T. L. Station, Esq., New York; Dr. Ch. Winter Philipsburg, Wm. H. filo- Cannel. Esq. Pittsburgh; A:Bidwell, Reck do. ° mead SUNDRIFA-100 package* fresh Teas—Y. lly son Gunpowder and Impanel; W bags prim e Green Rib Coffee; 50 do ILagnyrs do; to do Old Java do; - 1 2 5 t n b e lo se ck cm " p P ri 1 1 4 ) d rg ' L; Pb"a*i • WI Wile on Mobilises 50 do Boger House do =I tierces freab Rice; 150 las Bunch Retains; 150 bus Manufactured Tobacco, ar e co, 20 kegstiedge & Bro. Carrier Tobaeco, - 111 " Herds' 10 " Pittsburgh ping 150 bee 0010 Window Glass; 50 do 10212 do; 300 kegs assorted Nails; 12 cask. Balurtutts; 500 n pounds Cotton Vans, assorted No. .Toget.r with a full and general assortment of arti cles the grocery hue on hands and for sale by J & FLOVA ,Bound Church Bale, mhls Fronting on Liberty, Wood and Sixth itS nALIFORNIA• RUBBER GOODS—Just received, 35 Camp Blankets; 20 talent coats; I.opor Pains; 18 pairs non lined alining Boots; LS Whams Bags; 3 water Tanks, tltand IA gallons each; 50 canca ns, g aheo each; dos Backiklaldonay Hefts; Ido oiled cambric do do. Tbo above goods for sale at the Cali fornia Chnfaing Establishment, No 5 Wood at. nich9s J 3 II PHILLIPS INITIAN BLUM, WeltEßl.lold. A. DROWN would respect inform the public, that ha on hand at hls stand on the aideof the Ihrunond, Alio ' city, a complete assort. rf %redden Blinds; also Shatters axe made to pr the beat style, warranted to any in the United films. Bahamas be rernovedalth re aid of a mom driver. tg pourohesed th a met, , and wood of the cabinet et, ihntentof Ramsay& hPelel / am prepared to fernlah old mummers, as well as pew. ol large, or., my thing in their line. . Agency, No n Wood street, Pittsburgh. MCWAI J. A. BROWN. PAPER lIANOINGS 7 - - Tim now receiving, dliTc from the manufacteren In New York, Philadel phia and Banknote, a large and well retooled assort. moot of all the latest and most Improved stylee of ea. tin, eased and common PAPER HANGINGS, corr elating of -10,103 pieces of Parlor and Fresco; 10,000 " Hall and Comm; 10,000 " Dining-room, chamber and office Paper—which I would panicalarly invite the attemion of those having houses to paper, to call and examine, at the Paper Warehouse of S. C. 11114., spit 87 wocea / lARBUTHNOT bas 'nommen° to race re a V. lamp amerMnont of Flme7 VARIETY GOODS, ceoasuog tn parlor , Artificial', Ribbons, Larch Bo n10•Gs, Crape; Leine, Cambrics,BettinimiAee v.f s , tahawls, Pors. Handkerchiefs, pots Cravats, pochadi and • cotton. Handkerchiefs; Corded Shirts, :sewing Bilk, Threads, Buttons, Combs, Jewelry, Cut lery, ic. &e. Country and cay - ellMehants an, res. pectfully termed to call and examine lilt stook, Ho 84 W oo d .trot*, coma of Diamond Vey. mob* - vrrttecT OF COPFEB—An **tide which I. Ya pyidly corning Into See as 6 wholesome, nourishing and de icious bererage4etrre score pleasant and pal atable than, common Coffee, and air, &mayor, as a .Iciall paper cosune only Ice seas, ga 11.1 far as Gan, pounds of Corfu. Manufactured by , JOHN 8,b111.6E1t, Pittsbunsh, P 6 sold at wholeaale. by B 6 FAILNESTOCK & cornor ofFlisraiid.Woml and Kith and Wood struts, Pittsbotshscat CACI. MACAULAY'S ILIOTORY OP kiNteLneur—din ler's edition, containing all the matter, vetbstim et Maratha, of Volail. and 9 oftlte London edition, em bellished with a month of the audon-11 Vole. in me. PrieeTetia SIM., 4 large supply cif the Menne re (wird! Mr sale* JOON MELLOR, me Pt arod W4DI/14.4-4 iota* doom MI by. Fialbsrr, ido Plusee t t 4 bbliNo blard, lao4un6 _Avat tte.44st EaPkratal, to oak by LlALeat DICKEY . co, gbiti 1 pi.lo galena tea, Inlntim and for, We , jr7' A CliiisON',N:Ao • MESE CUSS OP ALL PROM AN 111 DIME 181%7m OP TUN ODOM) OR .11A BIT OP • TUB SYSTEM VIZ. Scrofula or IGng's Evtl, Rheamatoß, OhsiMate Cuta neous motions,' Pimples br Pustules on the Face, illomhes, Mies, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Mennen Drum, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and .1011112; StubbornlTicers, Syphilitic Symp toms, Sciatica' or Lambasn, and Datum arising • from in injudicious nseofhlerem,AscitesorDroP ry,Exposure or Imprudence m Also.Chronio ConstitilionalDisoniera In this preparation - aro strongly concentrated all the Medicinal propenies of SADWAILLIJA combined With the most creme! old; the most salutizy production, the most potent - simples ofthe vegetable kingdom; and it has been so fully tested, not only Irt patients them• selves, but also by Physicians, that It has received their unqualifted recommendation and the approbation of the public; end has established on is own milts • reputation. for valeta and efficacy far -superior to the various compounds bearing the namaof Diseases bane been cured, ouch as are not furnished in the records of time past; and what n has already demi-for the thousarilhOirlsolmso used it, it to capable of doing for the millions still suffering and strogPlittl with &seam. It prvilles, cleanses, and. strerurtbsns the fountain springs of life, and Infuses new vigor Hun , out the whole animal Hamel . ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The following striking and, en will be seen perma nent ere of an:inveterate case of Somali, c ommends Itself to all zimlllarty afflicted: Sonaron, Conn., Jan. 1,1848. Messrs. Saw= Gentlemen—Sympathy for the 'fille ted induces me to intone you of the ronsikable ante effected by your Sarsaparilla in the ease of say Wife She was severely alatetesi with the ;mufti's on differ ent pans of the body; theglands of the neck were greatly enlarged' miller limbs much swollee. 'After angering over a year and finding' no relief them the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and be low the knee suppurated. Merphywician advised h should be laid open, which weedene, but wittram any permanent benefit In this situation we heard of, and were induced to use Sands , Sarsaparilla. The nest bottle produced • decided and favorahis effect, ing her more than any prescription she had ever to, inn and before she had used six dudes, to the mama the and delight of her hinds, she fotind her . benith quite restored. It la new ever a year sines the' cure was effee'ed, and her health remains good, show ing the arena was thoroughly eradicated from the , system. Oar neighbors are all knowing to these facts, end thins very highly of Sands' Sarnpnrilla. Yours with respect, MIMS PIKE. Enact from a letter received from Mr. N. W. liar, ris, a gentleman well known in Louisa county, Vat “Gentlemen—l have cured a negro bay of =lowa your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked With Scrota* and of a serofnlorts forady. "Yours truly, N. W. lIILBRIEL ' "Fredericks }fai t, Va., Yuly 17,1.80." Samos , Sanas rsani.s.—lt seems almost unnecessary to direct attentionie an article so well Imo**, and to deservedly popular, as this prepantitm, but patient. often who wish to use the extract of lanapardla, are Induced to try worthless compounds be armg the name, bin containing little or none of the virtue of this Tract able root and we think we cannot confer a neater benefit on our readers than in directing their attention to the advertisement of the Means. Sands In another column. The bottle has recently bean enlinged tb.hOld a quer, end those who wish a wally good,artielit Will find mieetarated in this all the medicinal imlne of the not. The experience of thonsands has proved Its ef. honey in curing the rations diseases for which it is commended; end at the present time more than any over, perhaps, is this medicate useful, In_prrioning the I T m for a change of ecaarnrc—lionle JOu nal, 'dept. i,lptired and sold. wholesaletuatretail,hY A. B. D. SANDS, Druggiits and Chernista.loo INlton Went, • earner of William, New York. Sold also by Drag grste generally throughout the United States and Cana da*. Prise SI per Bottle; six Battles for ta Irj For said in Plitsbargh., wholesale and Teton, by IL A. FAIINMOCIC, CO, comer of Wood and Front ets., also, corner of Sixth and Wood sts; by . L. WILCOX, Jr, earner of Smithfield and Fourth su, and also earner of hlarket st and the Diamond; also, by EDWARD FENDERICIteor hLouottgala Masa febO,lnt SALTEIWS ANSENG PANACEA! TIIt:SE KEEFE/ID:0 WITH DISEASED LEM:S.—The anpreoedouleA Success which has mended the on of the GINHENG PANACEA all the various !coma — ;bleb Inhofe:l of the lungs aa• sure., h. induced the proprietor egaln to call Men t"'" thi. woNimana; PREPARATION. The ch.gable weather which marks our 00.1.. and winter mouthe,/saturuya a Cranial source of COLDS AND COUOHS. Zito., if neglected, are but the precursors of HM OS rho question, then, how shall we alp the destrtrfer IL the Itedt - how obeli we get Clear of ear ars& and olds? is of vital importaned to the pohlie. TILE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found m the Ginseng Panama- In Itroaf of thin we have from UMe to tune publialted the certificates at donens of on best known oily ens, who hates apmi enced its curative power.. These, with a mass of lea clumsy from all pans of the country from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRS 7. STANDING, Minims. of the Gospel, ko., together with copieue no& Ices from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY we Wee embodied hi pamphlet IMM, Inn miy be hid Oath , of any;ll4,7l.rmWs OP lts INqVA country. have been used. in thinelty. TUUUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Muted States anstOadada., and we An lunge only man to pelts Ohl SlNGLEDisteicz- a which, when taken aceordlngto direetiona, and b.. fare tlts, Jnnoi had become fatally disergaluxed, k b u , aver outott thr balT A rick et.l CORE Why,. then, need tie al UMO.Ake:Atte %V hy . resort to the mio•rable mammas, gotten up by one aura trullyid• tale a ter the stemmed 0.1.6 of some CO .botted phy. Onion, and puffed into notoriety by centllcinos sons equally unknown! Whilst a medicine of • tNpAg • tar rri, EFFICACY " Is to be had, whose vemehere an at twmg—aat Wets born—many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM TUE 0114VE. • In order that this breehrobla medicine eitay be placed the reach of the poor as well thelich, we hero pitt the price as OILY LINTY MONT% lust one half the smut cost of cough medicines at to for sale by oar agents In nearly evetytowe and village over the west. mbn are prepared to pve 'full inform: ion relative to it. • T. SALTER, Provides Broadway, Cineintuul, Ohio. 11YraliFIPILVIOlnliiSTAISLEBH.111101,T,7 ralliArzartall, SC4.I co, PA. I R. EDWARD ACKER, lakes des mean. of re turning tilithenks to Ls friends • and the pablie extensive patronage he has received, and of In forming therm that he has lately erected a large and well constructed bedding forte !remiss of his WATER CURE BSTAI3LIBHMESIT, i= s l location, of Philliprough, Pa., on the Ohio elver, oppo site the eteamboat landing at kleaver,where kohl reedY to maim petteuts ea boarders, and treat them on Hy. dropethic prommle. In addition to his dome experi. once, and the great suecen which tea heretofore at. tended hit treatment of patients committed I, his care, he has row the additional facilities afforded by as ex. lenlM belleingereeted expressly for the ;Impose, coo. raining commo dious and airy rooms, and fitted op with every necessary appuelas for bathingoted darttiel. teeing the treatment to life almost beuehi and comfort of the patient. Phillipsbergh la a most delightful arid healthy vii easy of ustess. by steamboats, and at , fondsam age, awl sabot-name wster. Dr. Peke+ wore* Ulos6 afflicted personewho may place themselves lin den:Henze:that every *Herniae shell be paid to their comfornetad ho in assurance ofthe summed* benefit,' to be derived; he points with confidence to the hen :Beth who hove been permanently orned, at We emits lialuartu. The Water Cure leaves no' Stiarionanifetts behind, as to too often the ease with those who - have been treated on the old sun= It remove. the di. eue, invigorates the system, protects from the daisgers incident in ehtujell of the weather, ern= a nate:el and active appetite, and impart. vigo:aAe digestive rs powe. Tertis of treatment and board reasonable. For further parderders inquire at the litromerii,:or address the proprietor at Wallipshugh., C===U=l . . We have been informed by ?dm Rose of. a cue KT. formed en her by . Drb Jhagne , a Altsiathritorldeh proves its superiority over every other felted, of the kind. She has been afflicted for the last slateen years with NECSOSI lor WHITE SWELLINGS, attended with ulcerations and extfoliatlon of warbtat butes,. dui rings/Mich time many pieces have beep dMollarged from the,lrontal bone the oranlogp,Ppumheai her luzi, wrists and hands, and from hoth, .1 qs, and from s ates, left fe,...end bone, led from Qd right aueo, besides palatal clean en ether parts of have rson,*Neh hive balled the skill of a luuntur of the matt eminent phyllelut el oar eity--during mom of the time her suderingillata been eZer.VlUjj and deplorable. Ahead- Guns Rkialha since she was [educed to-try Er- Layne* Alienate, which has had an amon4hingly happy elect aped her, pitemoving GI-pain led dwellings, mid unions IGO Meer, to heaLwltile at My sane timelier general health has become completely reskired, so that she now weighs ZS los more than she did before Me commenced the era of this truly valuable prepatlem—fmn Eve. Pest. For farther information, inquire of Mrs. Rose, No. 12S. Filbert at, Philadelphia. Fee sale In Pittsbugh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, yY Fourth It. near Wind. TOWNSEND'S BARSAPAWILL —ISO dozen .L/ just received of Dr. Townserstre Senospanlld, the most extraordinary medicine In the world.' This Ex.: u act la put up in spurt bottles. Itto six times cheaper, pleaseiturr t and warranted superior to any sold. it moods:lm without rotoloog, pinging, rlssestv jta debilitating she patient. Lam 1701 6 101burrsatos—thwrioolalpi pupae Imre earned our libels, and pr• up rpedlciSgs - the sume shaped boob. See that mph Wattle bar the written As. mule of S. P. , Tfutontdc IL E. 07 Wood meet, between Third and IPei Di.VormwroPs only wholesale mil small agent or Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine article can be had. D. M. Curry has been appointed the sole aggv. for All d egheny city, of witacn the genuine urtiale ean be ha. apl - it sia - atistrroca, O. L Fattacmxs,}Firrburgh. O. W. F W hathi Near York.irog S his the our of ilk undersigned am extiusalvely -.1411.4 la the T lA baleasarDrag Imalness as No. da Asta sum, jit thy of New 1 mir k ./ are prepared Face Odr a , ‘l./ 4 = d ls, F• eetso gtiV Asi tVw XteiTi - Witchery,, A war Naas CticadealA (rmoire!, isderustlant aui all other articles In their Otte or bait. Daiwa( a sop& tdattlY S. loses Aar ean blnalk deemed In W. 00 any eastern Near Voris. Plabla Is A Vans rorwsogi, G Dave Ith r °t u,' , 1 1", mined to a% • MY scasidentiy. aeeaz ;eeee - • anapaest fotems s sasb a rtt 17,0 9eiem prompt% add do die wtrtk 'mu UAW .tyta 111 bat poen% kudalklke ttatttion met* Datum sod la p37' Wigs Stock arAIPIKOLVIT, •ay 4.Xitei pad_ MAN Mittman Ind B4dding Cur htm r ig a , mimmit sad Stmens, CamicFrite Beettlesizp, assels, Bplit atad ttollerB ws, sad amity &aids in estalish:am at kW", OtautzwpieWWl solicited sad prompttlat H.B'-Ctutrii Ina& sail pm dim wit, ada *NORIA ~sc~Lo~~'~~" . EDIICIATIQM. C...r WtIC . MISSGELLIAND respectitally itatarna th eft . - c,..' 4 1-. ~* a&4the midi°, the, bare promoted fink 7; :7:Z• renamed data school to &nanny and convenient Minas t,-.5, in Lacer-rata-cc second darelling ass of . Fqeral it , . . 'where they arettreparad to take a ' r. trace ,c ~ . win as akw awn, daVoloolaca, and vi . r 4 ea- Clailve attention will, dervOled. to init. c74goik Li ill ... , . the orittnerytrfanchei 174114 cdOcachtmo . • f, ace :refeaced in I.IITIVOL Elchbaum Tn.. ' ln j M:Fadden and Mr. F. Eaten of ,Fir..b!ntai. Hr. • . Sac , rad 111r..Gee4alleiter of Mfeghenycfry. . . ... - oltririel;;;;Zro;difrittithlty “Irrilore—¢.4. itn, moat ardrroirerlEastern Mar and Rote fashionable L.11.r0l patter. andeoßns. 4RO , THE CHEAP ROLL, or PO VON BLIND, va tarari ar made to order of al(aizea aud at ail Fria& CoantriMerchaata and Wart are layitt4 ta aatard examine the ideal' far thenuelvel, _as ailvrill pa WI whadeaale or ratadorkd a liberal dedoadals rap& utelesaleparehaaers. avidly _ WESTERVELT HE SUBSCRIBERS removed from Nettin T N0t.179104124 Liberty sheet, era for said polo kadvlet in Yore Conte, w Wang, 350 bags prima newOropf " old goventrabot Jars COffeeic t 150 bltd. prim* New Orlearlaflogall •••. 060bblfTlantatian Molasses; 100 81 /antes Sugar Heusi Molisiesq' 100 bf eh. Young Ilyson Teal, 40 do Geopowder and LMperkal Tea{ nom 40 do Chu!. Brython, :do • ortyp. catty his II ki and 0P • di. BM bp white Brazil.Sullp; • ' • • 60 bxo white Hama do; 40 bg. Pepper; NI do glptee; 100 bores MaPard, In g and g lb owns; UM do Malaga Boma Raisins; 30 do do do do, in layer.; dObfbSs do do - do. GOP " do do do • V asks &sae Currants; 1;b 4 :: AIME 7 9I: • p bra Richmond Tobe • GO bashers Bordeaux and Liles 011ve 081 NM bbls and 110 hf bbls Noll Largo 1514 4 4fe1; 9 " WM; Melba C2teeset , . ZTAL galls wryer and spring Sperm Oil: " bleached bomb west Whale 01.1; 1000 " orado • 3121,093 Cruz andflems PritiMPllt &furl 30,000 amens t. 20 bf pipes Cognac Brandy, of various • SI puncheons Jamaica Spirits; 3 pipes Hollandelm 20 quarter Pas sap T.:mail:Le Wino; 5 . • 4 10 do Madeira do : 20 do do Lisbon' 40 Oparto - do 60'• t do Swee&Malaga ld bbls do do lb bads Clare; IMP asks Kw Saiitenli SUP agrdeallz Claret; 33 baskets Champagne lALtatti_ . dos supeStomach Bitters SOO bbl. pure Rye Whiskey, from 1 to d rearpgg apll MILLER at RICRETPOLS • • • • . • liL by noliiy our (mods and eareeilieudehta % amei .4 abroad, that are will nOt t _ MOT WWI CtacalasTatunwcaltra freight as. aay 511•1 .°Cl'.l" 1.1""" " " TgafiES .t.m.coanr.. _ &pi/ 0. A - CAIID. Tom KELLY & CO., (=censor. to Robb, Wino. IP Imam & Co., late Merchant TaiLorsj Noi. 'ciLEsTrurr Street, ahovo Tura, PitilaArdphio,, beg Lump to (aorta their Rion& and pommy that_gHl have received the Went SPRING AND [Waimea FASHIONS, with Ta-large sAmbrtment of Now 5171. GOODS; aampHoing ClotbaXamimarsa, Vestings;&o. of ovary dor:notion—Ml of which aroo'HiellllMlW portation,.. having bean earefoly. salnam . dwimbi, London, kn. stnuaxers Malting Philadelphia, IlrillipeCtfill• lylnvite meb2bAdmd to call and awoke their meth@ Mae". TkanA P?!. TNDltsfßUßßilli PASTE—Jost receiving, j. "boniest of Rubber Paco, a superior ani4e, imparts= to persons thai visa to !seep their trot , Up. po i' o u v ij er th il. For fi ra t ° re be r tie Ali n No 6 Wood street, load J GOLLM acmckus GUI. BE subscriber, wholesale manufacturer of JEW. T ELRY, invites wholesale dealers and pedlarstre- Mnf Bomb and West—also, country store seeptavio cal and examine his stud of Jewelry, whicherid be sold m the lowest prices for cash or approved accep tance. Constantly oo Imo and manufacutting, a large assortment suitable for city or country trade: ' E.G. A. RARER, corner of Fourth and Branch MVP Minis 1 apto,dom Paper Asada p. MarAVING purchased at dirse of the largest Facto- IX ries in tile East, (Neer York, Philadelphia and Basimore,) &lane assortmentatihe tielkoehandimose improved styles of PAPER FIANOINOS,BORDERS,, /so" and made arrangements by which' twi eee bled us procure all - new Pancras, simultrusecneywitts their appearance In the Encent market, 1 smiler In 'en° the attention of those desiring Id haretheir Wakes papered with the fittest ityles of paper, masll and examine my stock, before parr-Whig elsewhere: - 1 have now on the way from the but, 20 , , X 0 aims of Gold, Sean Glued, arid coniniort — Paper Hands g% which 1 can will ai lima ranging tiom Ilk eu to piece. meta B G HILL. ER wood st Bacon Eleciaidtss . .AVlNGJarteolopletedttiarebuildhrofour drake hirosea, we aremow prepared to receive „aura; and smoke it in the meat =rebuttable ararder, " ' The Mores am fined with all tilt modem big/roar manta, and are capable of eentitilelar KIER &JONIEDL Canal Buie,* at anithOrreffith pt ' toaurrixo PAITII , - - IfiWflUTiefaziti 4/ - far the sale of the MITI Grove Printing Paper, (th }LAG P. Markle, Prop weatilltart with the different dna ofsuperia; rto„ ffeli t' v i re afar as the lowest Molar Pd.*. REYNOLD& & BREA Abel cornet eSDlßAtlditivitists D11161,028NE WORMS., p c .l OLESIAN, dialLhlitlkl SttS. - costume t i Sian. femme Small Iran, Spring and Pinillastereksel, it, Foresail Hoe Steel, Itmets, Spikes and WWI Iron ata all shies, mother with Coach and 111. On Springs, hif Pah Taper and common Silva +.q Haring reduced the pore of Wrought Iminfligts, engine Milder* and others using the snde, mitrind it to their interest to gore thinness branch of Pinabeigli manufactares their mention. SAM'L. MERCHANT ,TALA , iZ0N414,011.11u/LpiaGri.„ IT. CLAM STUMM. PITTSEIVILCM, Kurt= =roma rAnx NEW YORK AND.PEILLADELPHIR. And in now receiving a &a anonateat of. CLOTHS, CASSLHEBES IND Tit**, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES Which he Is prepifed . tonnake b *idea% IN THE B' VAIYMIII And in.tto latest P•aitionn Head littualtera for Hoots *Ad Plum" Corner of Fourth and liddildield atrentt,„_. rrrt=444l4 ea. EIO9747t47OO C TILIZIM illTikbut * o-a ho =tio ' n and n tinr dead* a wonld nrl:44taliallirt= wally, to thcir eplaintid turtiatopk,conalm.; aratatts, "romans', boys', mutest and children' wear of 4 P1 ,1 7 variety, writable for Ma season, and at. pries, to 'au .tho time. A rplandid articled' home =ado work nuchl at gentlemen's find Boots, Wish admit and children' fine work. Please call and anaiaina. for Yotirrelvra TROT & wort. corner 4th so dfkalihdeldids N. ll.—Tratreling Tracks, Carpet Bata, &a. Atod,, a way" on hand and low tor oath Country inerchards would and It to their Intim" ea pro vs a call when Inett the city. m t Loam!, WILSON & TISPORTERB and Wbotema•Dellen in Porsign and DOSOrolia Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, 100, Wood streee,.lindburgh, are now fully preparta iniu. a recently Imposed suck 'ortlardwaraiCa tl eit; Sad dlery, Carpenters Tools, See., td Mier vary gait !a non.= to Western Olelahatos; as Itt addttlent tes, the Pliny - advantages had by • our predeatiONl arlO'Logoe Kennedy, we We greatly Inereashkhus hecilina, and purchase all our goods from litthlitada on the very best IMMO The jimior members of the fraidevots 'Wiring° attention to sales, and' feeling confident - oCittvirtgaah vtd tafamta, tote solicit a Cali from iii wrnleap market. - 118.101 K FOR SAWA. THE undendgned cats for date, a rinpertorarnelo J. of tun' ma c hine uilding, made bie hta Meantime, Improved for prele he hattobtinntdahlSenth and eighties to gritspurehaers a: Smitten guarantor that 'they ire ;Miami mill resist froth and waUsmath er ara imbiloo moisture or dampen th an sAI r btitgipossessing greater body and supaiortsmana VA immix more durable In every reaped, Saslif.lok =blamed to • Prealeinpf word warm?. Po. a' handsome =milli surface and era Was, Vary maki a front KAM lathe Wm frost 6rinky.;, _ • They lave th e greatest satiafactiou . P.M. have pure ' 'Akita coo be seen at ml,Titoadh specimen no the Guam offt:e. ur and mad paving brick, can obtain UMW. 21044 ISAAC 0 Mreabahhamt, Jana 12,1848, It le - W - 448111—tio Obis No (Igoe:deo Shish 20 hob do No 1 do do; 0 bbls No 1 mu dot SO do NOI 84,1- 1410000 Hooting 20 half do No 1 do doj 411 LOU No 2 Motive/eh te ao No 1 Saloum, ;log inv". . 41 sad fox sale by JuklN .hrri atolB 4.4.1012 at COPARTNI4IIIB/11P-1- Oro th. "I littteet.toth With too is the wholesale Unwary, ?Aldo. sad Coatmisuon 11t0d0n!,31,. JOb " 1 " 444 un Antha 142 . ofJOHN WATT & _ Cu t J9 l ll.oy4err. • Pittsburgh, Moil 3 0 , • - - OIIN BRQ01113;75 dos Cornl3tOoln.4l.ol C fof .slo . .Pti_ a LIMULSOMbTo 81iCa147192.1 by 'lll%. ILIVALI9O—Nrrat" PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PUlllaital DAILY, 7'Bl-Witlau:v 4,WEE,ICL.T. St cii. o . 4 . 44 t B oi ki ‘t., 34l4 wew Out Pas Wks, ' 11,57'16 0 ofi An.vmagnatims. o , e macAiesi or nlillCl- OT UNIX,••• • •+••••ii° 5 ° ThoillitniOaf WitheiltaitentianS 1) 76' 1 ., • •• 000000 Throe 4. ' -1 6 D Quo Week ' . 4 160 . 000000 OA, Two Weeks ii .. -..- • --s so Threw .. ~ ~ ***** •4 ..• s oo ...."„ ....... . 4 . 00 ~ 6 00 Thies ~. - ~ .. ... ...... '” ,„, ... 117 / 4 °M l SJ6Wertisements is auto 14; 47 A i r"' Pregaitere 1 Omaha, without Literal:wow, 10 00 I 111 13 " , ~, . ea. 00 Bub siblitiansl - itir 6'inonths,.....: SCO " ID OP •.. -0.... FS thle ittititi, 6 igtonthsmaavrabig st 0-Tui l 4, 15 1. % .i. 00 Cairidditionalaquiszefor ISnionths..•..... ,44,, 10 00 T I C° liqWwes,6 mouths, re'wiblest olessum, $o co ,Enek dditionslsquare,6 isosit s r, .... .. .4, ... 8 OD inclasi on wist-wsswir ti rum ,WIWI,. One ovum., insertion, -..... ...... ... - ”..51 60 each additional iaserticui,...un., ss ltirriliff CARDS.' ,_ , Five lines or len s oil year. ••.. ( .. ,{ .6 00 months 00 11 11 11 arie year, daily & wee 2 1 .6140 00 ail months " op . 4121•31121311111"1 VI WISILLT Pot 2 0 lira; or leire,Orre irieirtiolc4....74 603 , 0 n ir Two, " • Three, " o 11 11 TlireWarlattle, 1 1111 1 11 ;. 'e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers