By Jammu IttEGRAPIL Ct 8 44. 93 8PRD. _l7 TICLIECIRAPHED — ri ?61 , . thei Pittsburgh Dishy thisztts. \TIM zunopEAß IN. • • , . Primanzurrza. May UV:: • Wilmei's European Times says the statett4tt, relating to the alternation between. the President-and his relative istvithout foundation." '7 The reporti that the Preach troops bad entered iiimaa hive been confirmed- The chide 61 - 14te y ~,,, mittlidestion had fled, and the people_ ofraid to:reesianoe to the French troops. . , parines circular states that meierlaeasler and va*fdrundant tor discount at tdmrtps*dta Aisimidoa, b;awever, to thopvn tciiinate, =mem investments. „ American. steam, in =he 'zienstire, share in the general neglect; none, hotrever, newessed Tor ads. 11. S. sizes siandibe4;4llinnis sizes at 4010.12; Indiana fives, 52 Kpittueliw, 916 - 193 Lou *as, 18 1 2 > 88640; Ohio sixes, 61099; Tearie*see' ifizen,+9tta92. Nita Tom, Mayl6. The sleamat Falco] arrived iitirti-tilsgraii with dna days laser iaWl gonna, Mu-Wings tattling ni importance. The ra ny season bad fully set in. Mr. Folks, Lannert ligayor of 'Webbing, dlad re cently at Panama. • CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI. May 16--r. af. There were , three Cholera Zeal?* during the pea 24 hours, and fifteen new &res. Horace Greety is to address s Temperance meeting to night., Ciente:m.27, Mar / 1 " -- .' Daring the pane 24 boars t4iaban been 17 new, cues and 6 deaths. A GOVEINAIF4Ii—FOR7bM,JR)''iNLA Wasnitio 'hlrti 17—e. at. The State Department hart bees put In possess aims of private information toitching preliminary aeranipsments now progreplng. in :California, for the estithlialime n t ore government. ,It ia believed • government will be formed before the meeting sine= Congress. CREVASSE IN THE LEVEE. New Osumi, May P The eremite in the wharthae •not yet been stopped. The water is running over the beet greets; hundred; are leaving' their • dwellings-.. There it a good dell of excitement The river L gal thing. PHILADELPHIA BMA/LET. May Y7—P.M. Hour—• The marker is inactive; we note sales at $4 82 per bbL The sales have been very limited. •. Gnirk—Wheat and corn is in good *seta at ; fah prices With sales of corn at 57c by Weight. .;',.,lfiithing doing is any other description-. 1-14Gluteus— Holders demand a -slight advance. otbisg has yet been done. • Whiskey is dull, at 2l r. NEW YOFIX MANEET: NOON REPORT. May 17, ,MiThe Canada arrived at Boston this morning- FUT—The foreign news is generally, consider ., ad eafavorable. There has, hoWeyeri been tootle 14,gdotie yet to indicate the effect' in the market. Grain—Corn is firmer than hail been: , No wiles &et halderstlemand an advance of two cents per bu.; boyars do not seem to comply. Brach—The market is depressed; Government securities, however, have advan'bed a traction.. Provisions--The market is heavy. Prices are too unsettled to be quoted correctly. CINCINNATIMARK ET. May le—r t g. Maar—The market is native, prices have an dergmus a change. . Whiskey—Farther vales have been nude a inn:lies quotations. Lard--Btdea of 400 rrega at 64g0i. CINCINNATI 'MARKET. May 17,1849. Pour—Moderate sales went made today flumes prices. There is at present but little dis position to operate. Whiskey—Tho market is dull, with sales at 141(Riale. Mi—Sales of Linseed, tram store d 55e., th. market closing dull. Baton is In good demand, with sales of should arm at al, sides at 41, tad Mims, SlaiSi per -Lead—tßsienor Ros piss 2o pail " - Clcoutsa Tuft Lome.—The &. Louts Repub con of the 10th Instant, Six O'clock last evening, 24 cholera eases had been, reported at the Register's Office; 6 of whieb, termi444.4 fitlally. This is a falling MI from the avengeLi:6May of last week of 4 per day. There. lava striking rs: .tacidenee as to the number of easel and death, reported doting the past twenty knit . ftiatlia nt Cin airman and here." The Republican further awes (64 , 14 , steamer "America" reached that city buttettening - from NeW Pflesths. Her °Ulcers repor t*viiig buried tweitywne or twenty-two persorlitati .Yee[ way up, who , diefi on board of Cholera. •'The America -bracgh , tIP st huge number of estfigtniar+, and the disease was confined solely to Mein. Ste left the Crescent City on the 18th instant.. • - - -,cumvs Hrratuton Pula —• Among the eakions nostrums which, sue" daily given to the public foe diseases of the hair; we have ever been averse giving •ay credence to them. i But ..from the numerous respectable teatimonialr,or the virtues of the Hyperion Field,. With which w e' have been lit cored a perusal, we wore inclined to make • trial of the same, being confidently moored that if it did on gd it would dorm harm, and.the result:, erns ns that it certainly gave to the hair a more heall healthy and hutm ent growth , andcompleiely conmeed the akin from the *OW inifileitdi aritlasurerl' tiler it °almost arrintallible eine for baldness-, and a certain pteven librit toile hair turning grey. It is pripalgeonmounded of . ..tmtable extratle, and safe In its ~;..For sale try • atihtieedet • iIiTLAXtX (0... A gentleman of Trittrbeigh, who had adlen,into an open cellar after tbelfireat Pire,"spielned his an• Cl. so severly that he ores unable to retrofit from cry. log out with the pain. friend who lead been usia • B. A. Pahnestock k Cars Rubefitaient and in cored - ofltherunatiam, gave him What remained in the brittle, - and although his limb was greats niollen;: be Was emapletely restored to health in twelve hears :and ' , freed from pain. This is but one of a great =abet of cues which have come under the istnerrotion, of the proprietor. Prepared and cold by' • •'' • -•, B n FAHNESSTOCIC d CO, earner Lt and Wood; also, corner fith.end Woa, ate - . 2 , ll.axes Leila P2L.L.—In offering th is' thedieina to theymblle, the proprietor, are well aware,:that, they have to .COUULer a l hostility generated bran-count less wh eh . have bean palmed upon the public under the 'haat elf : patent mediernee. ,WO are convinced, however, that o is only °seaway. to give their remedy a trial to plane kin public ritimation car shore all medical egeontof 1.11,3 }find, ever otraretilo the It iv the (rewritten at an entleilened, ex perienced and learned ahyrieian, who for newly yearn need inn his own pruner...when int great deedseesaw. La• hint to *Herat to the public at large- ,Fnr..leAt Drag Store of apti J ODA& CoZ; PraellAmatlitiha .• • • Thy ?hue of a precept antler the handa the lion. Bertimniu Patton, Jr), President otther Conrt of Ceeee2oll Pleas,i3 and for the Firth Dalicial District ' of Pentiaylvania, and Justice of the Court of Ofersind 'Terminer and General Jail Deflect", in and kit mild Distridt, and William Kerr, and Stutattil Solms,Es, anirvaAssociate lodges of the some Court; in and county of Allegheny,dated the 7thday Of bray; in the year Mohr Lord'one 'thousand eight hrindred . - and fortyklln c, and to nip directed, for lieWingCowl hit of Ofer and Terrain-, and Ckneral delmOi7,i at the Gout Roost, In the city of Pinslitughphaahe p 4 Nand!) ofJane nem, at IQ o'clock, ray 2.• Public notice is berebggiveu to all Jamie:ea 'of . • Peace, Coroner and Constables of the county of If' Shea,. that they be than sod there in their properger sons with their rolls, records, inquisitions, • • tbsns, And Other remembrances, to do; tholvt• dings winch to their respective offices In their behalf, appear so be dose—end also thou that will inusenule Mopes. Ems that now are, or may be in the Jail pr axid poem. • ty'of• Allegheny, to be then and there' to , prei emu, • Wiest them as shall heists!. Giventmder my band at Pittsburgh, MIS - 7th Kay of 411 .3" in the year of our Lord, one Thismand Pev -7 .lFandMd and Fortytilne, and of the Oinistionwealth -JOHN FORSYTH, Sheriff pt euglthdatfsekle•T atTgar fl LE' SPOOL COTTON: , yiKPRESSLY FOR 'AMINO—The 'attention .of G I Derr -hams is nivited to a new siticleol.BKWJNO vp on spools,mannfactured by thlm Ityje, of gaps, flew Jereey, , whlch Iroor the, mast *paw. t taps It poweese• over the etutomaryskeintedst, '76 suoerstdelliensii • scatl hosms of lut Ktisten • —fagot which btisea ' a i r l ati doz . ". ofs, e el cOutaki'd Set wee ease, wawa, for ti,dring!.hiliong the =troy; advantages which this new mode of Inaltialf OP Tbaci 4 Preeete., eitrf be classed the following: LL The eoOsaoler ...nut. no :time bodi n g the ailk, and seders na 3osain theitangling,so common to this everstion, while the d i ens' treluble of dtsdomi.g the skein ft entirely gd. The coontry storekeeper brill 4°,1.1 therind,Or L t. par his mmehl st,ek in good comEues he am in :smiling by the skein, he ELM. si - - v "..1 • • e ergot theleassnr large gumbo' so intemungled es to be orixot,,r e thi' leas- The Selernum nistead of losing s,J. Si way. the ease, selecting a cettoin color from .• PI of hundred or more skein will generic het elo e ., a n sent Id find the spot of the shed° et colon , he - " search of. bt the The guar of this silk is equal la the beat Dogs., to mattes. Rile quannty on a spool is war, # . d yards,. which Is tho average length of Ma— .rroe, 'hot eeoarinothi the same price, Ufa color s s,. , Well snowed, mid cail _befog a{ the greatest annotf to snit Nl puthaiers, ~ ' • Forman only by the ease. of LO dos spook, —WALD. ,EIOKSTAIAN & SIMS /- 9 016 A N 0.61 N. - A Third 8, Pldlo. S H Wh . zare:6.49, - . jr. LARD 011-20bbls Cinclunatl :Lard Oil, lauding w, front am: Isaac Newton and for side by a _molt " ' J AS DAtaltE,L ris • G-202 bales No • and 2 B Ws% for t.: es myl4 JAI; DALZVI.L' - rrgai3 Of tads 14trasts Olt, lot isle 1.4 JABPALZELA iraief : • 'LAD— 11.4, pusll 111 , 111 - 01=40aby . ~ • istanii DICK 4t, i QULSVILLE WM-40 bbls In store nod" forele .ett,l, • 'rASSEY h.DESIT .x ;4l =ZEE , . te41.0,!;.., gilasiaam;:ra m. 1 8. iiiii , . T ,.. , ~. .. . . ~.s.:: . := -, 47iirri — 6 — /3 80ad1iNe.“.71,414 ' t , ; ,- .4; - 4:44• 7 7 14.4141.04 y, .0....1.. .......... /5 7 11111.11_ P -- r: . ;,...r:/, .4 44 7 8 4'41 7 .1 14 ,,,,r..11,11141a7, .. - '''.. . , 4'44' 710 ''' .82 t4 (8. 91/ , • - _ - ......"1.•;=..- • 441 711 14 rtil/4,-- . 1 1 . :43, 6 .;',;;;' , ../-, ~ 441 712 PI 9H ' opldey t- nusscr- •I,..,Snaa -;,... . 4,r. . 400,,,,76i......,, A ItAtTni Citat, l l.Mproyatin the makketomster• da7;=4l.ks.uubts4iqa.t 6 4,6 1 pfwithout change. F L O UR — The,IOI:46S,6, :14 - yrera oncurrialty il if i tle - ifeil!lt cd ahrfat4:47.iite`s on the wharf.— fielelOncs. . ta rOliltr4;Calallied to limited lota, ..d rllngtd . r.llA 0,7'0 illgOit4i. ,' ' atr.A4-ti iiiespji*:•cir mmOfermg ill the markrfa PC #trieti4llh.l.plfmm Miller.— No sialesoeliiel t Bo t pploes o other grains are Mod.- ate, with an change 6 ii,i.e...: CORN - InLit.:6'W++ may quote nominally from sun at 52 lie bid, for kiln defeAl,, P ROVISIONS—We find no, change In any anteaadar this Ilele , liscon remains quite firm. With az haprovimpandepey, We nOtico cash indexed' CS cats western cased yesterday, at, for shoulders 4r,, sides S, and hams at el, Of 01110 Os city eared at the same figures, and of 400 Eta country, eared bacon 'in differ ent-has ai to be below Rosivignres. Lard is railer dull, and sales liirdied, at S in bids, at nee} in kegs Of oommoa and ordinary roltliutter, the market Is fair ly anpplied, wi It flies in !Ibis at OPIOc; beat quality is worth 11121. Sales of dried iiief at Sic, and of Begat oared cantrused bacon hams, at the same figures. GROCERIES—Fortner !eu:natio. were fully um+ Mined, with sales of 10 blade fair N. 0. Sugar, at 4}e— 'moth. 3lnfasses,, and other articles under this bead are +althorn change. t * - . ; CANDLES--Wo note'santler sales of Pittsburgh and Cintlanati dipped at So, of Mould at 10010 i; and of star at ale qv tk SOAP - Sales of ?min at prices ranging according to quality, from 4 to 41. P Sir v afiefildcd soap is sold at 1.10310/o p lb. OILS—Of Linseed very little liotrered, owing to the high price of the article in, the Cincinnati market, whence we get cur aupphes. pales of No 1 Leal oil at 67c, and of No. R at Idle fr,gail. SEEDS—the market is quiet,, and very halo doing tit tho way of sales, We mattonic nominally 111 fol. lows: Clover 62 ,73.03,03, Ticitidhy 51,7502,00, and Plea at 7 13100 c P h o. , - • • • : BAGS—The rei• alar mica paid in this market f. gOOd liguifilizedkagt is Sic P lb. . BEANS-4e nolo mins from eon, at 70c is ha, • good ankle of pose white. DIY Goons T lt s.or.. — The , follittimg twe will show the Imports °filly goods at New York fast week, with the valise of those entered and withdrawn from the U. B. Warehouse: am we — AlV.:43,aret'h"o4lusae. drn.vraith. Woolens . . Cottou 810,192 8111ta . 187 A 1 Z 1 03414 10,147 Linens . . ' i t s l, /t 0 . . 31,003 11.25, Nllseellabeco, . .• --" : 41721 4,3 w " 22 • :10.3W 4,2 mi --- ,------- 110 , ...0,8611 v 3194,020 tri9.040 • Foreign lane/kat - es From Bazirg's Circular, of Tiesday, April 27 LIVERPOOL E./goyim& halmEr. The transaetions in Beef have been unimportant, the trade buying with caution, and holders not pressing,- We cannot make any alteration in cnotatiol2l In Pork there hums been much doing. Eastern prime mess meintains previouspriues , while Western has bean easier to huveivlng,lo the increased supplies. There continues an active:demand for &tem, at full pnees. all that haa been offered having food free buyers; the &nivele of the list dap or two, however, being very heavy, the dealer. atuicipMe buyine on tones favorable terms next orehk. For hams the demand I, not quite so Fond, bat shoulders are in request. Without variation In peter, the sales of Land resets 140 tons; and the Conon", commutation seem. reviving. The business done in Cheese has hero trilling, the mock is light, and the import of the mason appears, nearly over. There has been a good demand for Tallow, without vanstion la prier. Annexed are the quotations: Beef-duty free -U. O. prime bleu F tee of 304 1ir5,"75129.* do ordina ry, 601073 tr, mess go , bbl, of 200 Bu s 40040 a; do ordinal,. natu ; prime do MOM* extrs family, ihe p tierce, Be, bolsi do do p bb 1;100 lbs. 30.232;0d. Baron-duty flee- p ewt, Eastern 3301.15 Western 1110375 Shoulders, 2450--: it Saft-i.d o ry free- Ole ad 63435. Lend -duty free-Extra fiiie, in kegs and pails, ta awl, 374223 i: fine, in trees and bbl, 33,0355 goad Wt. 3=440; ordinary to middling 215330 s esb Mk nor and grease, 20831 e. Cheese-duty.U. El ss, p ewe: B. P. Is 6d-fine q ewt-duty paid-400431nsiddli ng go. EMU Butter-daty, U. S. 104 # corn It P. in Oa- Grasse sorts-duty free-2.52/IHis., ,• LIVERPOOL IRON TRADE. The market remains without animation, nod puce. are somewhat further depressed. Present quotations Metehtint Bar £ 6 is; best Rolled - 19 Su Hoop Le o IS; Sheet 9)25; Scotch Pig-nen cash-ii lts. AHERICAN STOCKS. There has been a moderate butaness since our last advice.. 1.1 5.6 p cents, 10401tu4 The newa that a large sale of Illassachasetts boods.hed been made m Boston, and the apprehension that they would be divi ded so remittances amongst canons set lees here, have lowered the price to 111. to other secari.ies no change. Ramos, May 8, 1819. Sugar continues quiet—whits 10ib 111; Yellow 7 1 - ; ;oown to Of, thasearadordi, Thu weather has been howry, filling the growingcrop. Molasses. Weser and firm at St nth,. , Bica-830 cake of rite hare been--sold atiltgloi up to the 6tb lost On tha Silt a rams brought 10, Freights continue dial and mactire. BPLarra's Want Vintatacoa.—The following order Mow, at once the demand for and the been of this great medicine- Certificates have been 1,0 multi plied In favor of this yermifuge, that we consider it tmecessary to odd any more. Voss, iul y tee J. Kidd it Co —The Vermifuge left us on sa l e some time ago by . youi , agent, is all sold. It mils very ro- Pidl7, and elves mat satisfaction we are entire ly out of the arsime, and Maids , fiequent coils for n. you criltplease smut us some immegiately. C. A. MORRIS & CO." For mle al the Drug - eurre of/. KIDD At Co myl7 PEPPERAND -_HO btsPepper; SO do Pimento, Jtot recd and forme y myB BACIALEY & SMITH BUCKETS --.SS do: Beaver DatkOns', mn for I sale by myl4 • & a FLOYD Q HOT—Step No I, S and S Shot...reed and for aura L., by myls TASSEY & BEST 13larLE4.11—BAKI ILa o a hand and for aalo by cayls TABSEY It BEST trEG LAUD—j 4 kegs in or and fin solo by myl3 • ' TASSEY & DEbT TAIL -215 bbti on hand ant to: solo by myls TASSEY tr. BEST OULD CAM)/ 1.1-41 cu. for ude by 111. mylo WIOE & BLUCANDLESS porAses-8 enks pii=e 3 for retailing; bii bale by X - myto WICK fr. Id'CANDLEB.9 SCYTHE SNEiTHS-60 do: for iale by aiyio Wick( & BCCAND ROLL 131.1TT1:I1A3 bbls fresh Itall,'Jast . ree'd sod los sale by :3110 WICK & APCANDLESS pat/IT-400 t4Jos,dtied Apples; 300 d, do Peaches; On sale to close coo eat bT EHMtrrtiiws 11010 _2B stun .11 &RD-2I bbh now tendteg nom cam Geneva.; for ntaa/eby Itieti&kl DICKEY & Co, yld . Front et UTTER-0 btla freett W R Roll Roller, host reed at the W R lidder and Cheese DiOn, and for sale J h CANFIELD iCINNATI and for ttOAP-75 Bas jut 4ad ln trtY 9 a& Wibilti tha of Bacon Bides, ractd and for &aro W /14.11.11 n U6ll, 31 wale, and Gd front at CICORY NUTS—dI btda In env, and for nabs by mflO ArdbISTRONG ICROZFIR ATANILLA BEANS-10 lb. of a ecip clones quids, - , l*. ty, teceived sad for We by myll . BRAUN 1. REITER . OIL or LEMON=4 case, cremate -4 pure, a n dreed or Sale by rant BRA UPI is tt EITER —_, _..... OIL 01 , BP110A140?-1 case, wuretrited pun , re ceivad and for sale by • BRAUN a REITER DICACIIE23—.SO halt natea quality; 2.)d0 drtW Ap t ples.for sale by WILILICiAIEI, • JA W lib wood s LAACCIZI:-111C0 Ws prime funny /1•12.1 H 10b0 do .ugar cured dot 4Olat do sugar cared IStiouidara, fox sato my {O.. .1 1/WILLIAMS Figic,. 06la plated Salaiorr a AO ualainara SW; 6.; tiernuc old oNo 1, sAu44 l Mal k" ere; lea» »mend ilallitita; at; bra Li b» sealed lerting far ma* bY fano J MAY 11444.20 mr.As,to half chests extra MMus a Mesa slalom Yong Hymn; Ado Imperial sail Oanpowdar; YO gamy bases various gradee,• far NM" by • ~11my10: ' J D WILLIAMS STORE for D. C. Eme-40 elts Ows.ri j will please call [creams. myto - HARDY, JONES k Co MIliAl7" - - PAINT—In/1 read and for nate b nuld WIOK add'OANDLEAS EARLS-4 slits just ree'd and for 4116 by utylo WICK & AVCANDLEPS REES APPLES...IIO bbls tin We br ' my(U. WICK &41'0ANDLESS TNEYPEACEILZ—P aka iee'd and foi side hq 1.1 Rylo WICK &APC&NDLESS. DRY APPLES-55 ski reed and for sale tir nyID WICK & APCANDLESS i • i;hu ' awl(' WICK & lIVCAIVDLP.SS CKESEL-7.5 bezel; prinmWesttraliceerve Ghee.", ion reekl and for male by JOHN- W.Jirr &64,..LIbely*t SYTS. TUilPk.l.l 7 iiNE.-15 i;!"..tiltilboici order, nisi received end 10, gale by • BRAUN as REITER bees amp to arrive, afid tor oale L.LI) B MILTENBERER, 67 From st ElABS—rativecsAvim a. Swift , / Fatally.ausgiecUpims, reed and for sale by srixB SELLERS & NICOI.B UGAR--90 hbda fait Saga:, an eonsigtinttat tend far SELLERs ik,NICOLS OLASSIZ--itks bbl. Prime moluset; op cooldg.• L sile by ,I.YB • • . Eitmisk Moots Bnecibt—ino,CO3 lbs Hints, side 4 suid ibonlden Vie, Mine, in morn Andros sate by • ' sentess Sicots 7.,i 150N-suollis,tir mile by .Imyt 0 9 .4-Th hipheet pneeln cub paid lor the '' u 'reet Pad.* otclean waited noel, by • mwee_ p C. '""4.44 fer ' saie t: • TCPUM:SCO,Attbaz dunned 64Tobseee, tit Ruud., ea. iettablet tot ' ' -H"• foe a "DA - mx, 17,46 tivei eteateer, (or '' =Ye ILAGALEY-41e1MITI1 .ta~~ ~...,~i~~ ~~ ~~~-r_:a:,~-_~ aNa ~ aU Michigan No,' Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantan, Parkinson, lircnsumnrill e . Camden, Hendrickson, McKeeaport- Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, Welly?"lk• Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Allegheny Belle, Hamm, Franklin. Ohio, Stoops, Gallipoli*. Wellsville, McNeil Sunfish. DEPARTED Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brawassem. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis McLane Brownsville. Lake Erie Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Hudson, McMillan, Bridgeport. Azi a d nGrabilFreeport. Oriental, Butcher, St Lo uia Tam Rivaa.—There mere 8 feet 0 inches in the 0/unmet, by pier mark, last evening at dusk, and fa fling slowly. le 80. PATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M., and 41 P. M. Beaver Packets, 10 A. M, and 4 P. M. Paa Parcaincrzata. D Leech at ccea. packet line-9 o'clock P. M St. Loofa—Jams Milkogec Baranak. STUMM Scat.—The Hole steamer Dime, w. bbls ult ou board, was sunk in the Cumberland but week. Boat and cargo ara a total lost; no &Lau rance. Elbe was owned ILIA conimauded by Captain Barrett IMPORTS BY RIVER. LOMBVILLE—Per Telegraph bids tobac co, Si hhds sugar, Forsph & co; 33 Md. tobacco, 2 bp mroples, W Bingham; 1 Mid do, 1 bx .ample., A Gm- Sus; lido do, 1 do ssusplea, W Bingham; 3 Ws so Wallingford l 0..; 401 c. hams, Clark & Thaw- 3 hhas b, tobacco, 1 bx .ample., J McDonald 0 bk. book., 3 bbl. Blue Lock water, II bap featbers, 3 A HataMum & co; 39 bg. feathers, Brown & Culbertson; 47 do do, ClUSon & fdclUrgbt; 14 bales tan, W 11 Mohacs A bro; 15 bbl. molapes, S McKee & 00;13 blooms, 2 tots pig iron, & Semple; 33 sirs pea nuts, D Leech ;',6. no; 12 bbls, 0 blf empty, Wood & soap 1 bbl sugar, I bg cares, bzs candles, 2do soap, r e d march, Pollard McCormick; I bbl molasses, 2 kegs sugar, I bg coffee, hlf bbl molasses, I pkg tobacco. PALLSTON—Per K B Cloyeland-37 bbl. tour, S McClorkon; Ui sail kg., J Wood; 2100 /b. tubs, Townsend; 60 dor buckets, R Darrell A co; do tubs, 0 A Berry; 6 do buckets, 00 do tubs, Taney A /Joan CIO do bucket., 5 do tubs, Wick & McCandless; 31 do buokets, 10 do tubs, Bagaley A Smith; 3 do buckets, 3 do tub., Brown & Culbertson; 565 do bockats, 24 do tabs, J S Dil worth & co; 4 do buckets, 5 do tubs, Lambert & Shop tom tat do suckers, Grad' & Lindsey; 10 do bockats, Slug er. Moorehead; 6 do tubs, 8 bleClurkam 10 do do, J Parker, 50 do do, 5 do tuba E Mearleton; 20 do buck ets, sdo tubs, L S Waistcoats; 10 do bookets, Duncan; 430 do buckets, 07 do tubs. BF.AVER—Per Michigan 9-3 Obis Potash, 1 do batter, Id bids cider, Wick & 711cCandless; II casks idemen', 23 do 54 do cheese, Hassle'. & Health; 51 bk.* shoe.", J B Canfield. Per Lake Erie, bgs barley, P Krim's; 47 biz cheese, I Decks'. & co; hi( bbl cheese, G hl Hawon; 94 do do, E Elmslet as I do d 0,5 do hardware., J A Cangbey; 11 bbl. salemlus, Wick A McCandless; 5 bzs sundries, D C Waterman; 1 c hessl trunk, I A Shaker. 3 bees whiskey, 9 do dl do potash, 3 kg. lard, 4 sacks rags, Week & McCan s. %Vasa. —As this it the season of the year when worms are most formidable among childreo,tho propri atone of Iti'Lanl's Vermifuge beg leave to call upon parents. soliciting their attention tOIL virtues for the expelling of there annoymg and oCen fatal enemies of children. Their invention is by n physimm of great experience in Virginia, and alter rising it for several years in or own procure, and finding its success so universal, he has been induced at last to offer it to the public as a cheap but certain and excellent medicine. Call and purchase at the Drag store of mythd&wT. J. KIDD & CO. CONQIIMETNG LTD TO Conots.--Gratis—A Scientifi• Treatise on the Human Hale —Of the numerous corn positions constantly imnatinced, for promoting th. growth or reproduction of the hair few arrive even i name, beyond a very limited period, while Bogle , Hyperion Fluid, with a reputation unparalleled, Is still on the increese in public estimation. The singular virtues of this successful invention for revering, pre serving. end beautifying the human hair, are to well known and appreciated to need comment. The very fact of the high and distinguished patronage it enjoys, its general use is all countries, together with name,- one testimonials constantly received in favor, are an ihonues which stamp to superior ercellenec and title over all attOmpl, of a sunder nal-re. Being uoiver sally preferred, its consequent success c • host of imitat ons to start up—but try this once, a nd ases you will find its mpenonty For slab by L. WILCOX. corner of the Diamond sad Market et. and corner of Smahfield and Fourth eta myt.talhleod 'Ecorrour a M'aabru,' and if Mr. Shields bad but been governed by the above motto, be might have mi. wed money and himself much phyvtcal mßering; bat read the following letter, dated Apni 10th, 184 m Sltteidst a respectable farmer of this elem. ity, was taken ill; called in a Doctor who doctored him for Dyspepsia for oneyear, hut he soil got worse . He then discharged his Doctor and paid him thirty dollars. He then got a vial of your Vert:Wage, and one box of Sanative Pills, and by toe use of these med. Mines (coating only 50 ream he dimharged, be says, at least me thousand worms, and in two weeks was an improved hi health as to snood to his business, and has been ita gooul health ever mane, sod my. Dr. Jaynes Vermge and Sanative Pills have made • sound mix of him. WhO. H. DEAN, P. AL, To Dr. D. Jayne, Phila. at Port %Wham, 0. For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKLN TEA STORE, TO Fourth street, near Wood, feblf-dtherS)• Dc tdcLa, hicLamns Lavine Pties - T!!!—This great Amen,.... .emedy for one of me most formidable ills that flesh Is heir to, is now acknowledged mperior to any CONS doe of the kind ever offered to the public. The action is easy, certain, and attendant with no unpleasant re sells. It has never been tried without produeine the most dahuary ellect. Compomded eine of the most eminent physicians in ou r country, ti it the medicine - winch science, skill and expeneuee offers to human ,offering. CM end purchase a box at the drag Mix of my I J KIDD Jr. Co. IN the Coma of Cotranon.Plens of Allee:get:7 s county, In the matter of the trust of 111 1 Clurg Denniston, and 111 1 C/ors, Dentifrice tr. Co. And now, to uric hlay 19, 1819--On hearing the pennon of the trainees, the Court order and decree that the petitioners may file their account at , prayed far, or the execution of the tonal ap to lets date, and the uid account shall be Confirmed “oisi." And the Court further flu Setordey, the 24 day of June next_ when sold account shall be confirmed absolutely. and said peutianars be dismissed and dischargrd from all the Mittel and Nabliitlea as trustees aforesaid, unless good came be Omura to the contrary. And that due nudge of the tfPgilesiiion for the discharge of the mud trustees. he gi ten in the Casette and Pd rang &fortui ty. By the Court' HIRAM HULTZ, Pro — lns. or Sae !Bay Oils, 1049. t pROPOSALS will be received et this 08. unti r the Ruth inst.. for Cleaning and Whitewashing the inside of the. Bridge. The dirt and dust to be well cleaned out, and at of the wood work !except the roof end t ride or the CTOI.I timbers,no have . t eons of Lo w,ville Lew, ere!! pot on. E. W COOK. mykaitetay2o BOOK.Sti—The New American Gardener, .1..) by Thom. 0 Fenced.. The New American Orchardist, by Wel. Kenriek. The Complete Fawner and Komi Economist, by Fee Leaden Modern Domestic Ckwitery by Wm A Hendenor Bast reed by JOH.N.3TON a, STOCKTON, elyl4 corner no. ket and 3d as W • - at•en Intl nranee Company. SIRE AND MARINE INSCR.ANCE. parrer, Jr. 1 President-R. Attu., Jr. Dtascross -R. Miller, Jr., J. W. Butler. Dec. Blaek, Wm. S. Holmes. N Holmes, Jr C. !Moen, Geo. W. Jackson, Wro. Lyon, Tto.s.'K. Limb, Jas. Lmpin con, Jas. fil'Aoley, Amu. Novick, Thoa Snort. To.. Company is now folly organized and prepared to effect le lumina on all descriptiom of property against Los by Sire-, sits of Inland Transp ort m eet and on Hut • and Cargoes of Boats and Vessels . Applicatione for Insurance may be made (for the IL Miller, Jr. Presl lent, at Me warehouse present,) !H to binsot & No. et Woad mean or to J. Fln• ney, Jr., Secretary, at his office, No. 27 %Tater SOW" POLOrtirib; myle .14r Tele graph, and 1.1h14 17G b6l~ read soa for sale by myl4 ARMSTRONG & CROZER QUOAROOREDVAOLS-13 boreal, Stagg6 k. Shay's moan= Sugar Hams,Jost landing and for sal, by . myte 9A WHARBAUGH GLASS -50u Las ssrsTria - sire , suillng and for uda by myll H & W HARBeIJOH 40 - bbfirind half hes No 1 Herring; 10 do Noy Mackerel; 10 do o I Baluunt.ntst reed and for sale by myl4 JOHN WATT & Co I.) — ACON — , APift — PLAXSEED 011.-111 M lbs Baooo .13 Rides; 03 bids pore /loaned OIL In store and for late by JOHN WATT & Co. myl4 ' corn* ef Liberty and Hand sts I, 4 fIEDWICK-10,000 Yoe Urfek - , - lilrTyir coin! boat Lake Elle, and for rile 10* tor' tuna _ • TRUSTEE'S SIADZI. TE andesog.ed Automat °tactual Hill, Eisiotro, will afar at public voodoo Orsodory, tho pro. anus, so the 30th of May, Inst., at One o'clock In the ationision of that day, a TRACT OP LAND, condo log 820 and A hoarier., moats On the ofonorirobila river, about , ono mile above Monongahela GitT, In Washisiguirseaonty, Pa There are meted , oo this Oast • acw Iwo story brick Lrivellog Douai Also, a log Dwelling Dooms. Them are two goad Apple Or. drank on Um prow-twist about OP Karoo olaarodr 40 Of ell acres of which Is lino rate Oar b Oll Olll, 'Thar. is • sootier' 0 Greta Stout Goal, .ustdar tract, espial to any on the Monongahela river, and so copse went to vor, tau II CMOS but II Mantis tumor.. it from lb* ban g s to the boats. The land Is of the best 11.1417. and contains an inesharnitibls quantity of .Lionstoon. This IMO Will be sold in whole or in Part, to atcoiqmodolapurchasers. Those wishing for lember informatum, nee referred to Jadge Dillitealding on the preinisas, klanical Beck et, residing near the land, OAS Daniel Long, inkcapar, Cinemas:4924o.. There w II alga be told on the 36t Hay, Jost , at one o'clock in the afternoon of that flay, on the premises, a 'tract of LAND. cot:deicing Oej urea, situated In ral -10%14C/d townlidp. In said county; adjoining lands of the heirs of David Ihdtory Jerome Grabill and others; about one half of which la cleared; on which erect ed •• Grist /dill ; with two run of sumo.; a new Sow Mill; a good Dwellintlloosa, de. The tams Will be nfade known on the day of sale by II JOSEPH HENDEILSON, designee. PORTOII.4II. INSTITUTE. A au arintral cut 'IA7ILL be opened (b. V.) for the admission of out Gentlemen on h/onday, the OW day of ItPrii- TUX.. Ipsyable in •dimes) pot session of 5 months: English, Classical atal tdarbematical depan , ixtent..4 h 64 7 igthegittiMber n o ' firoanform will be reenisedr • Vor to referenee• and additional loformli don, enquire of the Principal, al the Institute, Robin son Most, between Federal street and Sanded'', to palates Row. W. COPELAND, A. D.. Of' 711 "7 ,-,alk EtayAl ire, Dub lin, Ex-SIZAS, and Queen', .13r1 from the School of Enniskillen. • Federal m.mar Roblowo sL CLOVER SEED-600 bush ehme Peed, InAtere and formila R FLOYD OuNDWES4-160 bag. Omen Rio Operee, bbl. ja - ItortarTat; dolarge a MeetereL Isodtag and for sale b* m 714 R. FLOYD irli 'troy LAVENDER, (Ciordon;) rid of Aethos nr Roxemorff do dio Sot eloi; - rocOded; to o r tp. Immo do do Aniseed; *tam ofetelaPorfootty_pwro, ro diivredomdfar Salo blri:ml/ 1 •BiIAUN t REITER licactort.4 -404 ' now loroj6 from ■ mut pone TOrforsellibt ISMAZ WM:lrk Co 7 '4 :~ ~ aznurzo rxi! Imp yani . trunt lIMLT cumcnic General Assembly sf the Presbyterian Okureh—.o.ld school. Farr Day. Friday, May 11,1849. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, (Old School,) mat to-day, to the First Prer byterian Church, (Dr. Herron's) at 11 o'clock, A. M• The exercises of the day same opened by a abort and Impressive prayer by Rev. Alex. T. McGill, D. D, Moderator of the last General Assembly. Af. ter which the 314th Hymn Was sang by the Con gregation. The 87th Psalm was then read, and payee offered by Dr. McGill. The Second part of the 122 d Psalm was then sung. Taking as his text tie last part of the seventh vase of the eighty seventh Psalm, "All my springs are in thee," Dr. Mc- Gill then preached a very beautiful sermon, which was followed with prayer by the Hey. Mr. Maim, Missionary Gain ncalhem laths. Dr. McGill then stat ed that after the benedietion,the Assembly would be called to order and emanated =cording tr. the images of the Presbyterian Church, and that during the du cautions of the General Assembly no one should be excluded, bat that all their deliberations would be held with open doors He then requested that the standing committee on commissions should pro.. coed to make their report, which was accordingly done. The Clark then moved that several gentlemen, the names whose presbyteries had been chang ed daring the past year, 'lambi take their seats. which was pat and carried. The Committee on elections was then declared to consist cd--Atisside rs , Dna Phillips and Plummer, and Messrs. Mil and Gad:rim—Rohn' &Gina , Maur. Brown and Gordon. The Assembly then adjourned to halt' past three P.M. ArrERllOO.ll 1.16.11011 The afternoon session man opened with prayer, by the Rev. Alexander McGill, D. D. The Committee on Elections reported that the Rev. James Gamble, Gum the Cherokee Presby tery, had arrived, and recommended that he be re ceived as a member of the Assembly. On motion he wits received. - . On motion, the Rev. R. Nevin,ofthe Richmond Presbytery, eras admitted to membership in the Assembly. The Rev. Dr. Murray, of Elizabethtown, New Jersey, was proposed as a candidate for the Maim of Moderator. He was unanimously chosen with out opposition, whereupon, The Rev. Alexander McGill said, that it was his duty to inform Dr. Murray that he had been unanimously elected Moderator, and that be wal ed that through the aid of Altaighty God, he would be enabled to fulfil the the arduous duties which had been imposed upon Dr. Murray then stated that he was tumble to mpreas his feelings on this solemn occasion, but that he would show what effect they had on him by endeavoring properly to discharge the du ties devolved upon him. The Rev. Mr. Gildersleeve eras then proposed as Clerk, bat respectfully declined, wbereopoo, Rev. Mr. Rill was proposed, and unanimously elected. A motion maa Men made to determine the hours of daily meeting, whereupon the hours of from nine to twelve, and from three to free, were pro posed as most suitable. t was objected to this, that the lima was too short, and a inipion was made that the time be from nine to twtOye, and from three to sit. After severations and amendments from various membeteof the Assembly, the hours of the morning lemon were fixed at from nine to halt past twelve, and to the afternoon, at from three to Wilms: dee. A =ton was then made and car. lied, to adjourn, to order to give the Moderator an opportunity ofoppoffting the requalte Committees. Paw:ix—There will be a Battalion Parade at Elizabeth, on'arturday next 19th inst—persons front Pittsburgh wishing to go up, will have an opportunity by taking the Brownsville Packet, which leaves this wharf at 8 o'clock in the morn lug, and returns the same evening. ivxsticrs —The Military Convention mil: teat, pursuant to adjournment, in the new Court House, on Wednesday the 23d instant at 11 o'clock, M.- lilanurretd, Paurruto.—The !mains! painting by Benjamin Wewosi "Caries Hahne- the Elickr, is now in our city, and will be exhibfted publicly In a few days, In the Fifth Presbyterian Church. We need only announce the Gut, as all °tut citizens know the merits of Amenmen greaten! painter. A rare ataxia, is now offered to ail lovers of the "Fine Ana," and we have no doubt they will avail themselves of the opportunity. Trot POST maintains that our statement of a wo man and her child having been found drowned in • heel host, a short distance above Hare's island, was untrue. All we have to any about it, is, that -- bad our information from Mr. Wog. C. Maur - if our oldest and most rained eubscribera.-- - Since , the Post takes such an interest In the mat ter, its local editor had better take a walk to the house o( Mr. Miller, at the head of the island re ferred to, who will, we am sure, give hlm every information respecting the fact. We could, if we pleased, procure the depositions of many person* who saw the dead bodies, but do not think it Went while. d for the language which the Post makes use °fin cliaracte,rising , our statement as a lis, his both ungentlimanly, discourteous, and ontrua We were shown on Tuesday, a number of cir culars from the General Poet Odice, London, to a number of our citisens, stating that there were let ters in that office fn them, but could not forwarded unless the Postage was paid. The aboie letters are from the Pateburghers on board of the ship George Washington, on her way to Ban Francis ca One of the letters from the ship was directed to the care of the Baring', and consequently reach. Pittsburgh, the others all being detained. By the latter received, we are intinned that 'the entire party are in good health and spirits, and are 10 the latitude of the Equator. It id dated the 18th day of March, 1849. The sons odour respected (allow townsman „Joseph Cohan, Esq, are on this ship. Sternixan.=Witeattte thartg es trut from a hand bill circulated about town yesterday alter noon, from Rice'. Circus:—"Conscious of the ani mosity existing against them, they (the Mayor's police) very properly refused to attend to cumbers lea than twenty." The above is a moat singular sentence. We have never beard any of our citizens, except, per the drunken and vile, make any complaints against the police, and we have certainly had better opportunities of judging than any one con nected with a circus, which la here to day.nad away to morrow, could have. We therefore pro. uounre the 'sentiment, in our judgment, untrue, and cannot but hope that the person who wrote out the hand bill, did it without the knowledge of . Mr. Rim A Mourn or Ins Dimr7:—We yesterday new a green turtle, which wubrought to this city from Cuba, via New Orleans. He weighs three hun dred and fifteen pounds, and to, we believe, the largest ever brought to this place. He may be Been for a few days at Beiges }tastily/lu. Panora Cour - run= Mortcr.—George Ma guire was arrested and taken to the week house, c. l laY night, charged with passing three two dollar Allegheny county notes on Mr. Spen cer, a merchant tailor, on Llbeny etreel. On ex. ontinatlon, he proved that hadid not know 'ney VOA bad, ho having mom. to hal/log*o3lnd it from the captain of the canal boat Dubuque. He was, of wane, honorably discharged. A Cousteau was Yesterdaymade before Al derman Steel, agelnu fire young lads for tearing down the fence at the circus on Wednesday night, so well as against two mon who had been in citing them on. aVRIPI swiism IWILL, receive City and County Barip , at par, for any Property that may Po s ypurchase *tem at a sale I have advertised in Me to mite plane on the WM and Itrth May, at Loch No. 4el7ettalllee toonnshlp, Allegheny county. WILLIAM L. AULLEIL mykdtmayla n Bedford, AL . men KIMLIIIII3I, Indiana, Pa RANO P*OOILUEAD, IirIiOLESALBGEOCERS, Forwarding and Corn mission MerelitanLs, and dealer* in Produce and P usburgb Manufactures, corner of the Diamond and Diamond PltubtuTlL Ric Lantdorma—Dr.lud Berd, P. ShoenberTer, ptiathru l t, lion. Am hlnnisan, 2 Eft. Rich. B Elliou ,S Simon D Eaq. rum, ESQ., G P. Osmanli k Co., Ph= J. Ml:Men &Sons, Lewistown, Pa. ROBIDET 'non. WreJ. LicinghayA!'"" i ' Idallehut Ray, aP3wkawar HONEYDEW SYRUP-10 bbla gangly. 'Dew ay. rap,lisitina from Mama MessmAer and , for tale by mid JAR DALEF.I.L POWSII-0 asks loan wed and an We be 0171 - J. El CANFIELD F t wouL,4lbpll ot i • i tev&ta_bf ANT M4140/0 AND WHIG COIIIIITT CONVENTION io n etuurtance Of th e estabEsheduage• of the party, the wentocratic Antinmsons and Whigs of Allegheny county .1411 namable in primary meetings, in than amend Election Districts, on Saturday, the 2.1 day of J . utte, 1.949, to cent two persons from each district, as "mantes Ma County Convention, to meet al the Coon Room au Wednesday, the e th day of June, at 10 Welk, A. if., to put in nommation stumble candidatia to be suPPormd by the party at the General Elect'® to Oc tober next. The flattmatkon• and Whigs of the town atirint cinema:l4 anti meet at the usual places foe primary meetialfs i between the hours of 0 sad BP. and those of the I ants and boroughs and Pitt towns/up, between the bows of 7 and 9, P. M. ROST. CAROTHERS, Chldratato of the Committee of Correspondence Arnt V, 1949. OAMDIDATE9 FOR NOMINATION Cm- W. Ear., of Lower 8L will be supported by hi. numerous friend• for the Levet...hi wthieei io the decision of the Whig and Autimalonie Convention. oryl7:dkrirT EP" At the solicitation of many or hls friends, MAR seam. SsesarzwsLosa has conceded to be a mold/- date for the Legislature, &abject to the decision of the Whig and Antirossonte ronvention. myl7:d&wSZ JOBS V. RowLsen, Esq., of Upper ship, will be supported for the office of County Treas urer, sobject to the decision of the approaching Anti maande and r:A Conve.tion. Sr. C Lan god. PRlMmasirraaT.—Thelitagsof Allegheny county will arse the shiny of We J. MrallO. for nomination to this of at the coming Comity Convention. Air. hi. 6 agood eebig, and is <vary way competent to die. cberlPs the duties of t h e office, and deserving a nomi nation by the pony. ALLIMELOS COMM. MYIS:OItorT .14russius.—Cept. Joon Tonne, of Robinson town . will be supported for the office Of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the approaching Whig and Amino.- senile Cenuention. Scam Weep. apafedlkmeT cot. Romarr — O" . of Plum townihip, will be Llttieti i .t for th; l l “ :,ffl g no e d f r thottotarj e =j . e . ut to . tim ace: Sagamtat..n... — .:l7thr a candidate for the office ot Sheri of Allegheny county, subject to the decision of the approaching Whig and Antimasonie Convention for nominatithr county ticket. CARTER CURTIS. Sixth W. Pmsburgh, April *, 1849—dtarT Snxtorsst.ri.—Copt. W. A. CILALTU:I will be sup Ported for the office of Sheriff subject to the comma don of the Actin:month and IN County Convention. martm&wif T &aura VAIL; PuTsauston. aza Ennoto I will be • candidate for nomination for the office of Prothonota ry, before our next Whig and Antiinuonic County nIV.111101:1. Your., trs., 8/011. PAIINESTOCK. Elizabeth teanishlp, rilareh,f2, !PI)). w - - Romer C. aunt Esq., o tenbeth Borough, Will be supported. before the approachtag Antimasonle and Whig County Convention, for nomination to candidate for member of Legislatare. by the sol7tdirmoThn Euzszrrn. AL UM 111. T.— I Tiffe- IVntos O iThyself a. a candideie (or noun tattoo a. a member of the General Aseimbly, before the approaching Antimasonic and Whig Convention mittawter J. J. Mon; of Versailles tourmi,ip. Cot. Joanne Tan., of htizatteto townatdp, will be presented by kW friends as a candidate for iho Legis• !entre at the approaching Convention of the %Vint( and Antimasonie party. mytiniaver DAM liantanar, of Jederson towashtp, well be candidate for the Legistatme, subject to tbe decision of the Antimasonle and Whig Cotuaty Conventlon. my 4 Ma. WErmc You will please commence the name of ALZ:LefOla Wainer, of Ron toarnahip, es &candi d/ye for the State Leg isl ature, subject to the decision oldie Antimasomc and Whig Convention. The claims ofdfr. Watson, es a well qualified and halivential member of the puny, will be earnestly pressed by those who are beat acquainted with h 133. myB A Goon Wina.l Plerrnolverraar "Avast W. Maass, of Peebles township, will be supported for nomination to dais of fice before the arming Antimuonic end Whig Con vention. The known abilities of Mr. Marks, and his long experience In the *thee, aro sufficient gualUttees fee the correct diachuge of its duties, if he should be nominated. myllbettawkwieT Jamaeson. Ma. Enrroa—Please announce Joux Dna% of Find icy Tewrahip, ati • candidate for Auditor, subject to the decision of the Whig and Antimaxmic Conventlett d&wT St. CLAIR. /and Minn, *fibs borough of Sherpsborgh, will be a candidate for the Legielature,,sutject to the de cision oldie Whig and AntlaullOnli COalrentlOLl. soyittlAttred • Tuolifito Patitryin_of tho borough of M i lfoesPorit will boa osittlients for noisiiintion for member of Anem• biy, at Ette - appoarAingentiguipate land Whig Conn. •ty Convetion- teitYldtzerS -:1-affernynif iiii•earnittlefar the n. " .o FPlTAnclinotarY, Illabject to to deidekevof the ;preachingmitinrentile and Whig Cocintr,Cativeta. 100. 11/P.14.'109 ”Rataate-Caternicos. Coarse ConiCicayi., --- ondidatts for the *thee of Comity carnecjiiciatier.sulneel the eledeion of the Amlartneniteanit,Whis Contention, sprialikceneS ChM/RIM ADAMS. • • -- Wasetera cretEatly. TN ecaufnrmhy with the Act of Incorporation, the 1, Books Win be re-opened for Urn Mthretipthm of the remlbuler of thavock of the Western Immo. Cdarimmy, - (befog ISO - Itieria,) at their OtLce itE•Bpang Co.NWarehouse 12d story) No. 39 Water Mem, Pitts ,on THIffiSDAV, the 17th day of May, A. D. 18410, a*. bow. 0(10 and 3 &crack. Five Dollars per share will reottired to be paid at the time of subscribing. J. FINNEY, Jr , my Itdterayl7 Secretary. whs.. sutra ------- /ANC/ mmassT..s. 190A1PE & AT - IEIB6ON, Pizer er, tirrt•lf. Woos AND 41• SUR. Prell.Crig., (SONTINUk: to saranfacture all kinds of COPPER TIN AND suEtz IRON WARE. Also, Black , - smith Work. Steam Boats built to order. Special aneolion given to steam boat work. /lave on bands afire assonment of Copper and Brats Kett/es, Tin Ware,tie etc. Steamboat Cooking Stover, Portable Forges, sari... sizes- • very convenient ar ticle for steamboat., California emigrants, or rail road reraceifullyinwtte boat me n and oThers to call and sea OUT tole and pricesrefore purcha.ins el.ewhere _ 71 , And ir*RUnitins IVlth nnaccount of • vim to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yesenis or Down Worshippers, and on inquiry into the manners and wets of the ancient Assynanc by Austen Henry Lay.* YIN., D.C. D. Just ere d and for sale by rrig7 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON YOUR Col.-71Xy SECURED. Aggzoimar env, (3d Word,j prin,4u. Mr. H. E Sellers: Being afflicted A for tome,s e ting f e with • cough, which was so severe no to unfit toe far my deny employment. Frequently liter eottehinv, I hone been so merit eabausted. on to be obliged to stt down and rest. Hearing of the good affects produced by your Cough Pinto. I conclided to give it a trial, find am happy to say it produced the droned effect to my can. After using it one night, the cough was abated, and I am bow perfectly weil.Jsatts fotterm.l. This pleasant and popular Cough Syrup is prepared and sold by It E SnLLERS, 67 Wood street Sold oleo by Druggists generally in the two cities and on- or Scrip at Par 51t/iN IL AIELLOR_ Ell Wood anset, FO,lip vrl II sell for Scrip on psi, the following new and second Pend Pianos One elegant rosewood 61 octave Pi , •o, !node by Baker & Ravrn, ST V 19325 CO One do do 61 octave 300 nO One rosewood 6 worn', °Wel & Co, N. V.• • 275 CO One do 0 do do do. •• • 2511 00 One mahogany odo do nearly new• • 600 00 One do 6 do Lond . "• • 1125 0p One do 6i do Rownbeam 1110 00 One do odo Getman •• • 50 (K , 010 do 'Si do R& W Nunn, 90 00 One do 9 do English 30 W my 3 Por Greenwood Garden. amitiNew Atteasontssit—The steamer THOS. nCrITT, will commence on blondes, May 7, to run from the Old Greenwood Lauding, foot of Pitt n, to the Ganten, leering at 8 o'clock, a. et, and at etch even how Mall 9 o'clock, P. a., lent tnp Tom the Gar den at 10 r as The Saloons are supplied with all the delicacies of the nun. Tea at it o'clock. The' Garden, with • Large collecUen of Greerdutual Plants, h 1 it An nual Floor Plants and Shobbers. The comfortable wharf boat Greenwood, will he placed at the Pitt street I.llnl . . nila pleasure of announcing the arrival ors new and splendid auortmeut of Pianos, from the Manufactory of /onus Chickering, Boston—among them a marp,6- cent Rosewood full Grand Piam, Forte, 7 octaves. Also, a superb square Piano Forte, 7 octaves, caned rosewood of the style of Lorne XI V, with a variety o( 7, ef and 6 Orion., to which-the attention of purchas ers Is respectfully solicited. FL MELR, Bole Asent for Chlokarlngi JOHN Plano Fortes fo LO r Wes Pennsylvania_ ,it Scrip at Par, TAKEN FOR CiIICKERING'S PIANOS. 'INC 'CLEVER, at VA . ..dwelt* No itt Third street, offers for wee an triegontiot Chlckering's p kg ta nAollegßonsyto c i ty, she tlo Co un ty S crirpic e,T hey P t cooprice from 6to y °staves, and were selected by Mr. Chick ering for this market. Thry aro warranted to be equal to any is the city, having all the latest improvements, such as circular snsle, etc. Boyars are invited to call previous to purchasing elsewhere, end, also, to bring with them roma good sedge. professional or otherwise, to Judge of the genii ty of the above instruments . N. Ll—Written guarantees will be given with each Piano, entitling the holder Sc ..sehenge In case the in strument be proved In the least degree imported ,. or faulty. me 4 111 /CARAT GOL D PI. TUEIT RECEIVED, a splendid lot of D die lV finest Gold it• Pens yet made. Pena are generally made of from Lb to la ken. gold. I have had a large lot manufactu red of 19 karat bold and finished with smooth hair points, and spnng like a quill, and confidently recom mend them is the very best made. Also, fin dozen of various qualities Dom fit, to 82. and all warranted Also, a few extra Leviathan Pens. W %V WILSON, Comer ath and Market sta ===! 411 ft BBL& TANNERS' OIL, in handsome =all IJLY barrels. OlL.—Constantly on hand, bleached and anhleach: ed lathier and spring deems E/ephent . and It'hale ,o colzef , seleeted W. LAY Whale Oil, su'table far PATENT OIL FOR al &COINER r'—The sobserl. bers are now prepared to supply 'Deviants Pairtnt Oil' in any quantity, mtualniets roarturecturers, ne., are remsested to call and examine the article. Certificates erns emcees, and superionty over a I other oils, them aevetnl of our most extensive manufacturers, are In oar coasession. ALLEN & NEEDLES, As,.. za and 92 gonna wharves, near Caeatorst st, febtlieoddos Philadelt OREM 4, HOPKINS 'Lath John M. Chem , Co.) - N. W. coma Mau= AND CILOALL WORLD Inform Mer BALTIMORE cifuIIy and Merchant Tailor*, V V that they have hued by the goon over their Tal. loring and Clothing department, (or the sale by the piece of Cloths, Casein:lefts, 'resents, Tailors , Trim stungsiand ell meddles adapted to the trade. the oral peaootte bestowed upon them, in this department of their brisiness, husinduced them to enlarge their warehouse, ter enable teeth to meet their increased grade. One of w ill ne who has had long to in badness, devotehls Whole time to per. _ebasinri and'.buyem moy eery upon finding a large stock or whatever to most deshablv of European tad maassfactotevtbri eteno tee procure. N :CU& rooms win he o pe ned on the2iii Muth. &Ming et Chairs westkkaaalas gasps:a:yr IiTHITM, DRY .aboas.-.Lottesfte,. 99 WoOD - STREST '• i t 'BE nao reesivisy.a very /ate meek - of fresh the Mr:o 7 teirguala - ...r:ritlltiu,"' 4 lkl ,„„ Cdizetry Machu* ire leiriteas.ii call ied emembee oar steel. before pneohasineolsexehrie. my 9 CDS Ig—f—TEMPE. CdEISLIKEttEZ-1 end new 3.W e Canty Nick wipe, Catiiadim. just teed and br . MURPHY, WILSON it Cd, dB vrood it DthiltrAr beattlfal A han dsome aumortment of slew ina We at retlacempttaniletees Bonmetßlbboiss,latt m'd and for mYr • • • 7ittRPIIY WILSON &Co HOWARD. DUCK-6 bales heavy:Caftan .Duak, rateable fat wean:. boat 'decks, 'aradta. /cc, Just receivatt tut (trn.j. b i F* 4 / • MURPHY, WILSON 4 Co rum pog--te, Goa r 8 fin a p e Diamond Finger Riv e d; • to Musical Boxes, aW.I cued; A large assortment of Fans, with fine ponungs also, gold and silver gilt. Silver Butter &laver, . agate handlea Oakland silver waist Buckle& and Slides. AIso — PABASOL4t, dark green and other fashion*. Me colors. The above goods, with a.largoassonntent of Jewel. • z ir•F lt-00 1Ttlhte,,, he . attld for maw or other good money , N Marko : zietcas rugny TTIIHREiI eases ' eotto. and Irt - Ci - C; brellas,cane end wheleborta rd., t 00.10.4 and for sale by 8 1Lbeirl.ZrT a. WHITE, myB 99 word o 1, Paratols,'new aryfe* bad clesivta. green Tare ad e 1111- thl, with fringealintd_plait benders, end b ile iv°. ry and fanny haulms; Mg reoM and for .ale by soya SHACKLETT fc WHITE riAßSlMlE—trpieml very Haw doe skin (black) CalHatert, reeelvedu 11 map& dirsec Rom the maimactant,Tot sOs by HLM, Alberti on eppositeah B URLAP AND WOOL SACK--Ott I. and sad for sole by tor 3 it LEE DAY toozierkr WIIIOL E •ALE; W " ft MURPHY inane. the attention of aler . chum. tt the hogs sopkly of now Goals Jostopened In his wholesale Rooms. on 24 story, northeast corner 4th and market streets, Pittaburgh. This behrc his second supply for this spring, he has many kind, of goods at seduced prices, and some inv. not to be found elsewhere- otylbilkorT DRY ROODS AT WHOLE/hitt. MURPHY, WILSON & CO., 16. 41 Wood - at, Pittsburgh, ARE now receivtg a new and beatttyful of SUBDUER QODS, purchased within the last few days and at neatly redoced prices They are now enabled to offer an assortment, which for beauty of style and lowness of price, cannot' fail to give mu ishotion ute most fastidions. AS the/m.lly desire, hie and useful goods of the mescal will be found in their mock, mid they only ask an examination of it to convince the most meptioal oldie tams sate& - Earozaszt - Aarb — Katwitlocarntitsics 7 TANKS D. LOCKWOOD, (for mem] years connect. a. ed mob Meyers. Wiley and Putnam, and late Joho Wiley, New York and Loodon,) has established a Booksellina House et No. 83 Wood stseet, bcrweee 9d end Mit ecreete, when may_ be timed a valuable collo.- tion of STANDARD ENGLISH. and AMERICAN AUTHORS, at prien as low as In the Rasura cities. 117"ENOLISil and CONTINENTAL - ROOKS,, Re- Megozines. Nearapapara !kon,impnrted to order. BOMINSTITUTIONS and INCORPORATED S. CIETIES an emitted to receive their book duty free. fla•Engliett and Anamicau catalogues fa mished gra any address.. us to all Mom who desire Mow, or w mastall.mast to J. D. L. will always be happy to exhibit to ladies and gentlemen his books, and humus to them arty Worms,- gem he may Poe re m. tuldlnt them- raVq_ IiiirOROASN'S• WORM KlLLER—Another proof of in, the triumphant success of Morgan'. Verodfoge. May 10, Mg. Pi - rummer; Mi. John D. Morrow- 1/m y name fir any use in the surering communiry, regard to . the article of lifg r r's Yclirmlfinum.„2; arerj d fv i c 14 , - sre .. lcorne to t, come olurme 4 . ir o d•err lowly so, when 1 9 = I yo b n e r renowned Yertintoge and astonishing to tell, one of them wee delivered o f ahead fifty worms Ofteeo inches long, of the moat frightfrd kind, retembling more the appeatance of eels. The other child was delivered of ahem 110. Thechildren are now doing finely. Yon may well he proud' of yoor Worm Killer. Yours trill Dam Sunsa,Virgth Prepared and wild wholesale and retail by JOHN D. MORGAN, Druggist, Wood meet, one door below Di. sinned alley. mph NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CANAL LETTING . —Tbe under eatimellmd, Mau.. or the Wabash and Erie Cana', hereby_give notice that they will receive seated proposals at Wrwhington. Davies county, Indiana, on the fib day of June nem. for the construction or about twenty-fool , mile* of said Canal, emending from River. posed Dam across Me West fork of Whitenear the Boothiam efrimeu county to ?depurate, in Davies county. On Mb, roar non of late there are to be constructed five !aft Leeks and one Guard Lock, to be built of limber. a Dam across 1211thkard1 freak,' bud one or two wean Acme doe's, together with the usual variety of earth work sensinon to a canal. The line will be divided Into sec tions averaging about half a mite in length. At the seal. time and plane, proposals will be Creel. ord for buildi 1, with eat PIM* Whim, the pier. of the AqUedant over East fork of Wham River. The Inane forcers masonry mass be procured from the guar. nee orderable limewons to be loomd on or near a Oho, the East or Wes' fork of. White Raver, from which point they can be delivered by water. The Imo to be placed Wader nOntinet, will he ready for forpemloa con amya previous to the time Of Letting, and all necessary information in mimeses, thereto will bo given by the Ramdent Engineer, CHARLES SLITLER, T A N MO. ll. ° & Daturas' Ohm; Terre Haute. A ell IHD. my:limier/ 'TS • 13. EitTztt; — vi litlito irt, c.. 7 be twe en roarth Market and Ferry insects. aerl.dfyie 7 , 6- ‘010 4 . 11 lor J. IvEpTuAT, r i p rw o , DEA 'us r, " Resectfully tends has proienstonai Potion. m the eltren p s or Ategbeny er wry, lOneo, northeaat comer of the Ihautond. Refer to Dr. T F. Dale, sladascarrDr. T. U. Elliott, Dr. 11. 41. Trevor, Dr. Rao Dickson, Dr. J. Herron, Dr. R. B. Mowery, Dr. 11. al. Kara, _Dr. R. R Dell. • P1211111121M: Wm. A. Ward, De.d.g.; A . W. Rev. N. WeaL apNWI ••••G. W. DIDDLE, Du:alga.. RI:MOVED - to a near lime stony brick 1104 •111441 on einithield street, one door behave StZlh ,abet. Tooth inserted from 0/IC to ao edjUie set, on the ruction principle, arith a boon !Lad represented a of the amen) gum—reshttzug the origins) N altape of Me ate. _. B.—Teeth eettatical wi th li ttle or no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently saved by pittganng pre venting the tooth ache, which le much boner than cu ring it, though it should be done in km Wavle*, or even instantly. on fjooKs FOR THE staiscartmoN or trlteNt ih the Citizens , Instimince Company of Putsburgh. will be opened in the Rooms of the Hoard of hada, on Eirst Monday of November non, at ilheeleet, n. Win, Latimer, Jr. Hobert Woods, Wm. H. iil'Clarc, Joseph Plummer, - 8. ht. Ater, Jortah King, John Sheri , Alex. Rosablirg, and 1). Kim appahnovl l-5-4nmenen•e.. -•-- • • Hl3 sobseribor eras for sate a large end splendid amertment of rosewood end mahogany grand Ac. uon Pianos, with and wi th out Co'eman , s celebrated AtClil.l3 Attachment. The above instruments are war. ranted to be equal to any utanufactund m bib coun try, and will be mold-Lower tita- say bold 44. from the East. P. 131.1.11dE., No Ilg wood st, dth N. El —City Sone will be tan at MI door above par (n a four of he above assortment. my, F. B VARISBBIIL - 10 - 0 - gale • FuTaitureTind Coneh: of beet quality, on consignment s lord will be sold low to clone. my/0 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co IGet.OUß—lio bids Floor twdarreo'd and for rage by Turin ARMSTRONG & csoz INSELD bble to 'nom and for IMO by DRAUN & REEFER, myll comer I.ibenv and Sc Malt ells YEpANS--2 bbl. for solo by 'Mob ARMSTRONG k CROZ ER FRUIT -50 Peaet r 60 do 1 0 " pl ,, sole by mylo ARMSTRONG 6. CRoZER GiEMOUAL,V- - 65 - 0 lbojti end for tale by II AFA HNESTOCR Co. I ==;=ls BAL& COPAIVA-1921bse b mill_ B A FAIINESTOCK k Co b y BD PBECIPMATK I 11, by myl I A FAHNESTOCK Zo my,. Lobethl WILNON &Co CURLED I N Ll Va i l s b:Chatlat ie a b wory gape. eft s taN, WILSOTI & Co HOVISLS AND FORKS—A vol-y auper.ot ankle of Shoyala and Pork*, In store and for sale by tuna LOGAN, WILSON A Co ThtrE LIME -10 bbh sopeilorTh:;,ke Lime, ren'd and Tor gain by __ toy 4 W DARBAUGH GIMPS bbis to a oteb say{ B & W HdRHAUaH PPLE BUTTER-2 firkins of A jp - Ao Socied .za and- •Ws by inell A R NV H A Rilkunii _ _ _ iurOLAS9E.3-50 able N 0 Molasoas, jam reed a d C ° a P ale 41'8—'14 *PP‘'VVTU":II'ETUEN'am,I"' earl • DO Fr= in ht,ED pmj,bu.h dried O.Obbos; 11GO do diO4 Appleoi for saleby MATTIIEWS & Co. 41 WOW, .t COLT -103 bales in stoa a tro A r t r i l , A cy a. co SSTOA I APP.II-41/0 reams assorted colors, received ID for Ws by 8 C HILL, my 4 7 wood st 43 ACTSW:-10 OM lb. aeon, In ton and lo El rale by 81 wa WATERMAN, aud tint et VED AND FOR IdAke, bills No I JUST REC6167;7---------o 'Par. coy 4 RYR FLOUR—, O bbl. superior Rye Flom, Jusi seised and for sale by ra myb & WH&RBAROR r,iINEI , I2I - UR-760 r tor ash: by 3W HARlan.Unif Ifrinimvi,LQ49 -MO bits Rinitit& Erem --- sse s set tz do J Matadi's brand, jam reed and far rata by bIY4 S . & ‘4 , 11111111NRYL{ S ODA A. 911-1.5 asks Kunz best Sods Ash, last lan d. mg and tor sans by myl 8E W HAIISAUOII T EN SHARES Exchange Bank /hock for are by my 4 SOLOMON SCHOVES. ILO Second st ir oK . - weiuip!—Union of rhumb and State, Sy Rev B ri Noes. ' e Obareh in Earner by Rev J Angel/qtrs. Advice tolroung Men, by T S Arbor Oh Yining Ladies • 111 Eid 117 fde C a h h ole rl by e P s r t O m o b y enty. Oyelopediaor blond and Religion* Anecdote*. Colltplete Works of. autrotte laitabeth, with ate weir by her husband. Sr/DO To. r i hwirged with steel plates. - Oregon and California In 1818, by JudriThernten.• Tbe Ista Expedinon.le the Dead Sue. ' ' • Proverbs fur Gie Yeeplr or Illuitestkins of Practical Godliness drawn Dorn Dar BoOk of:M/oam, by L Name, • . dyeing SermonsAy Delli t rylang.'„: • • Ar4c4 , slWzinlrallesw - 7x. u. „ko t s i bp by laY7 '-."'41/0110110.1dingAihsi BPORTATION 6 .ICPIIICSS PA CELIAT LIN las FOB PEIILADELPHIA AND .BALTLiIOBE. Etelniively tor Passengers. PiRICA — The Boats of JAI/evil' le as follows, al 6 o'clock as Dish -Dultiana—P Batk_y, Wednsday may J. emitl . z Thloadsy, 17. EmnditY—H rmhT. Friday 18. Lonisima—J P Thompson, Saustday, Is • Indiana—P Battey, 800 d,,,,, Ohio—A Cr*. Mod ti, geapsokyll Trahy, ansday, 47, Losussarm-4 P.Thomplon, Wa‘to,,d,,y, Ct indiana—P flukey, Thursday, Ohiss—Capt. A Craig, Friday, %S Kentucky—H. Traby, Saturday, 31 Louisiana—J P, Thompson, Sunday, 27. Indisos—P Burley, atonday, 29. Ohio—A Crai,g, Tuesday. V 9. Kansuelry—Capt H Traby, Wednesday may Far passage apply ID Monongahela Homo, myle or D LEECH h Co. Canal Basin 1849. isk i mi Warren and Cleveland Paesenierldde. Canal Packet—f3WALLOW. a a —OCE O NE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day Mondays excepted) and arrive next morning at Warren, when they connect with the Mail Snag. for Akren end Cluctotui, arriving at each of thue places Woos night One of the packets leave Warren daily at SP. ht., and •wive at Beaver in time to take the nionT rE TAYLOR bTillatz , tO tx t Jr. Co, Warrena hl B do j JOHN A CAUGHE ,Y Agent, apl3 le Water and Stalthd sin 1849. tai l PITTABDROD AND CLEVELAI4O LINE, ON THE PENNWV . VANIA ANDOIIIO CANALS. TIRE Proprietora of this old etnablished and popular plaily line, consisting of SIXTEEN first eta. Canal Boils, owned by themselves and running -In comet , non with the mans boars BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for the transponation of freight and passenger., on the opening of Canal navigation, to ca n alsts on the Penn sylvania and Ohio and N. York and the Lakes_ & PITCH & Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL & BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. /, C. BIDWELL, Agent, Water 1.11.1., Pittsburgh Marl inIST, Plusbur nv gh. Beaver. BIDWELL & BROTHER. Forwarding Merchants, • BEAVER, PA, Agent, for the P ' BEAVER, and Madeira Lane, Pilo. burgh ondErie Line via Brit, and for gam. boats Beaver and Cobtb Cops. Having purchased the large and substmattal Wharf Boat just built for the Monongahela Pahketa, have edit, the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample se pledge for receiving mid fortrazdhag, sad pledge their utmost auention, promptnesa and despatch to consignments to their care, and rely on their friend, for • trial. . Mar 2- dli B. & Etta ea= 1849 UNION LINE, ON THE PENN , A AND 01.110 CANALS. Cesium.° & Coamarimm,CleveLand,O. R. G. Pew Deaver, P. prop,. T HIS . Line will be prep& ,ed on the opening of navi gation, to transport freight and Passengers from PITI'SBUROH id CLEVELAND, to any point an the Canal and Lakes. The fatilfiies of the Line axe unsurpassed in number, quality !ndooPneirY of How., experience of captain., and efficiency of Agent. One Boat leave. Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in eormertion.with the steamers LAKE ERIE Be ave r,lCHl Between Pinshargh and and a line of first aims Steamers, Propeller, and Vessels on the Lakes. Aosars--R. G Parke, Beaver, P. Jerre Baldwin, Voimgrawn, Ohio. 111 B Taylor Mame, Cyrus Premise, Ravenna, Wheeler & Co, Akron, Crawford & Chamberlin, Cleveland, P Sears & Griffith, Buffalo, N. V. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Office, cur Water and Smithfield na, Pittaburgh. mchfftly BE AVER PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. S--Caps. Gilson. • LAKE ERIE, Gordon. T HE above regal iu and well known Beaver Pack er; have commenced making their daily trips to and from Beaver, and will continua to run between P llows:— ittabargh and Beaver regularly during the season, as A. fo Ali M en/genleaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'olock, ~ and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily era o'clock, A. M., and Pittsburgh al 3 o'clock, P. M. These steamene will run In connection with R G Parks' Paperer racket Line, (or Erie; Taylor ec L , efilingivell's Warren Packets; Paton Line of Freight &M for Cleveland; Clarke& Co , . Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight Beam. R G Parks daily New Castle Packets. CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Beaver, Areal. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh, meh.7t car Water and Smithfield as 1000 PREMIUM ELIADS. B. J.-WILLIAM/3i No. 12 Norm SIMI STAN. P LAPRLPHIA. ITENITIA N Rid ND AND WINDOW SHADE V Awarded Me a est Medal• al the No' Yor k, Baltimore en d Philadel phia Exhibitions, for she mpenority of his Blinds, with confirmed confidence in his manufactured aka the at tention of purchasers in hAe asacirtment of 201.0 of narrow and wide slats, with fancy and plain Trio, atinp, of caw style" and cOloll. Moo, a large and general asacntment of Transparent Whitlow Shades, all of which he will 'sell at the !oaten coat Wee.. - Old Olinda paimednad ttistamcd n in look equal to new. DIIALERD SUPPLIED o mecca The entizen. of Allegheny county are reapretlallY nailed to call before buying elsewhere—confident ef leasing all Open to the evenings meld .:cod2rn WHOLESALE SINE WAKEHOIB.B. H. CHILDS dk. CO.. NO. 131 WOOD STRI:ET, Pirrsuuitou, W OULD rcepectfolly invite the attention of met chants visiung this city to their very extensive sloe* el SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting In part or 5,500 CASES OF BOOTS AND SHOES, eomprismg every variety nf hietthi, Women's, Misses' and Citifdrell'S Wye, or many new sty 'CS, aXid Of supe rior qua li ty, adapted ' to country and city trade. A longs assortment of LADIES., AND CHILDREN'S BONNETS, among which ore S'LORE RICE BRAID, STRA W, TUSCAN LACE, RUTLAND, WILDS EYE FLORENCE, CHINA PEARL t L &IA in great 'artery. Alio, ARTIFICIAL FLOW. ERB. HENS', HOTS , AND CHILDRENra PALM LEAF HATS SIREN'S LEOHIORN, PANAMA AND CANTON HATS. All of which have been pnrchascri direct from the manufacturer. and Importers, and selected with the utmost cam, end which wilt be sold oa ouch terms as to make It the Interest of Western Merchants to bat auk IL CHILDS CO, mchl6niker2ml3 131 Wood 10. W. MATH & TNFOILM th eir friends and the public that tlierharrs L no longer emy cotuiection with their late establish. event In Pe. street, known as the Pittsburgh ttresserp bgliaßltrinedPithir..ei•Tire hvsiaeu to the POI N 7 NEW HARDWARE STORE SION OF THS FLA NE AND SAW, 1170. TS Wood street, PlitAbargh. aVISRR AN!) LA UFMAN, Importers and - dealers in Foreign end Doman* EIARUIWARE, b ail its, varieties, are now prepared to all as low an a as reasonable terms as can be parchued elsewhere We solicit oar friends, and the pahlie ivaralry, tc call and Oitttilinef Inn mock, which roams In pa o , KNIVES and FORKS, POCKILT and , e.v KNIVES SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings, na b a Lima, Unarms, Hinges ad Screws, together with every article aually kept in Hardware Stowa We invite the attention of Carpenters and Blechanle. generally to oar anortment of Tools, which have bent selected with great earn, and which we arc deteradni ad to aid so as to give atinsfactlon. apiaki s y MRa MARSH'S NEW NCIVEL-,Mordannt Hall era September Night; by the author of •Two old matil ides. Emilia Wyndham," "Angella;” Just reed by JOHNSTON & Srocirrorg, aplealrarT career Marker and 3d ate Notice to Daguerreotype Artist.. TUST received a small invoice of VOIOTLAKY eI DER'S QUICK WORYIND. INSTRUMENTS— new constmcuon These Instraments praises, great advantages over all others over made, cayenne a 2$ size Plaie, reducing the time of Wiling one•half, and producing a sharper, clearer and better defined pic ture. Th e y, therefore, deserve the attention of all Ar tists- engaged or intending toengage la the.busbasisa Price forte Tube 1175. A general assortment of Voigtieender's Ltunly cele brated Instruments of all Sint, a well a guerreo tyg hlaterials, at the lowest roma It. PETER SMrilf, Cincinnati, Ohlo is our an dierised agent ler the &ale Of th e abows'lnstrumenta A Lot of Pircs can be obtained by addressipg, paid, W. & F. LANGRIIHRI M nge,' Philadelphia, Importers of Dagnarreotypa Eietta Materials, tad Agents for the Wit of Volitlaender's Optical lawn went.-- matrameatitre $Ol rolLegyrw•GralWatalastel Tlsii Plates. (PILE subscribers - begto call the attention oillailders, Archlbsets end owners of Balldhgra to the many advantage% wich these plates possess over oil othn metallic subs • ceohltherui awl for roofing, ece , as ty possess at nee the Lightness of iron, stnthout its , liabili he ty 10 rust, having now been tested for several years m this partmular, both in this coontry and to lli rope. They are lest liable to expansion and contrac tion from sudden change oldie atmosphere, than corp .:ln tin plates, Iron, ZITO, many other mend now used (or rooting, end consequently fame a, =Mb better and, tighter roof; regains far less frequent repairs, whilst the fain cost is but a trifle more. 0, A full supply, of ell sues, from 16 toga ty, , 00 . malady on hate d and far rate by GEO. B. hIOREPt'OOD & CO., 19 sad IC Beaver street, New York. The patent right for this article having been secured for tan United States, all parties hatimiring •1111 en by importation or otherwise; veil proseco• oegM-rlftwlyT (taws , k s tkafteit Attlent. THE undersigned have erected matt e In the city ol New York, for the PurPose of Galeanistegall stn. cies of Iron, which it is.dedrable to raorocrPFUUN Rust, stiett tw Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, Wire for Fences, and.y nther article Which Ina be regained. PoliFor Hoops for Casks, a, a substitute for Berm: lot te. for Lightning Rods, and a ho o th er app lications, it will Ins found cheap and durable: They uld particularly call awaitoa to the Halmuti. zed Wire for fences, It requires no paint, and will net ram. Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of soden is of so mach importance, that it will commend itself to the notice ofall those Interested. GED, it, I.IOII.EWOOD & CU., Patentees, on3D-d&wlyT Id and 111 Beaver fit, N. York. WALL B APSE weaznootur.. No. #7 Maristarnor, Pit,thfugh, TEIONAII PAL 11E114 T) ESPECTFULLY announces told. frunda and cu. all 'tome" that he has had rano ;met peri o d so exleo. va a Stock as he has at present. Henan oder. tdpar. chasers, on czar moderate terms, at the old eatabfith. ed Stand on Market Strellt, •41117111 <1 , 117 article to has line—meladingermntinproom, Bed-ehamber, room, Parlor and Hull Paper. With Borders, land- Kappa, Fir< hoard Prints, Paper and Transparent Window , Shades, Bonnet and Hinton* Boards, wri ting. Wrapping. and Tea Paper, he is allandaMy Sop. plied, and requesta country merehants and hornselieep. era to call aud-ezamine asaanment._ . Rap =id Tanaus , 13eraps take% .trt trriGe. at the highest prince. . InetalAkeropiT BAc.oN fIIDE3-;. 2 ,taribs u—lhal DICEErit.4!-;- ~Ayl9_ Prom rt lISATALICVIRE wp,inaTnit j ,ffj- On innx4.eonnir r ior see hots S,: _ House and Lot LW ea.Lr.fok --- ; --- ' -- jrth, A rwo glory Brick Boom, otorttfoing dirk An-rooms faelorire Ivarotrat"ll=l Ctal4- Mad runablo for me ■lm ate*Dik.Llbeny OMR, Alleghroy, toll:Ube rold low for Sorro.„•klotob*W.,i RAM Girona Otitir Tvaluabl e Bnlld suds rr Eh; enable am authorised to Mrs*. piirahe saki aod - npron hithly favorable tereas,-tiereather of very . valuable Building Lotk empthilegn vo prortion of the Lots nernber el, CB. OD sod Pi tt .bmXß• ai Wiatota , General Plan of the cur or Pittsburyttvaiuta ted at the week eaverardly corner of Pena arstAß sovets, frontin# 240 neat ou do foreset,:and , ott along the latter about COO feet to the A/lash/14. and being I o. pan . of*, Beal &tote Of, the ,telie. Jcas s. sueenuo, .09., deco:Luc -.....-.: .o:t A plan or robe/vision or the ahem. Let; Bt. ostlb• rally midi nolilea ills propOse ti d to siro.,y baleen s 2 the ogles of the ander/weed, on . 'batmen Mar ket and Ferry o. a, -4.1Mr4,11 my 3 - .. • mj tc ri. TWO *tin brick d_wr..ll4itottie; am:audio malaw, stems fof ,latsl l . 4 PuTtg.l ..p97 m tuntv, - Josiiiva Q ITUATta., on this Mennla tiver,about/MMlllea Calm Av. otgh and valesatm* third, Mari la the Immediate neighborhood cif AlMwra. LIMO 0061 oad Mr. Jobn Inrtl ;Ingham This Ens body. or Coal will be sold at the ',owl:mica of =per aero-omn [birdie hand, balance ia five - equal annual paquouas, OM= inurresti Tide lodinuable. Location WrIT good-eannat sarpawied. For pr o f s Mantu tied= enquire of & lIALSLKY, arbor has& draft aid row. party. Resideneendambetow Ferry,Mr..admintlifos. N. IL There is another seam of coal on this emit, about MI feet above the tower, of excellent 4 11 04 ITAlntif GODSTATrICEDIDENDIVI iihsT-Mnitc AOlll2l OF GROUND, almond near tits Plttabarglk and Greonaborgh Torepth e At m u m . from the city, and wllaining the alleghe = ryo ete, au which is erected a large and a r c ed two story brick DwallingSmae. telretha' With =ides, carriage house, iltt. There is also on the Flushes • variety Moll trees, and a spring mfanitiotatax leMea on:gime to thertanstling. WK. YOUNG, 143 Liberty M. Valnablio Baal EstaT4Taii-aiiii.77— MIE subscriber Will sell, at privaxe sate, that hlFourth *aka. ble Property, on the street toad lobo' idea meow residence, and give possession immediate, ly. Beta ore tbootTEN eiGENSOPCHOICS lAN/4- in a high data ofeeltivation The hnproyenumto are /Me pad , Cridi. finished brick DWELLING 11917513, ampere Earn, and other dot bolhfinp- 'Adjoinsug that dwelling Is a reining . TOlMlllin and agood-Pimp, good -Pimp, whir& furnishes a oonstant apply - of nettelientsgatr. There is a variety of Fruit "Nfta end t3brabberr be premises. lithe above &seabed property b not mid soon, It will b etented for n UMW ALIO, for say, tarn LOT, Oa Pylnuda Avenue, at thwebiJw the board walk. Inquire of liptduin DA YID:DEI;rt. NN Tr. 121001, of the Western TheolV.eal Sentinal7 Paine decided to sell, on perpemai lease{ a pet n &Mau property to AllegheuY Ofty tofrar bp,. 10 11 favorable terms, from 30 to 30 Lots or tibLereat mans. A warrantee Utle will be street A pion of thelatieen be wren at No. LY9 Wood street; - • - Com For pa itteeleolars, enquire ofeither of the timer m JOHN T. LOGAN . • ALEX. LACIOILik M ALOOLIMEECH, FL CiIILEPA_ , febt-tt H A TWO story Brick House, on Federai Acne door. above the northwest coma, f the Nortittlitronon,'Alleghenv—vride c oon,) kr, Draw roomartd - kltc hen on the Ant epee Fourcoenza on lei story, with a lialshed . Posseuton to be had inunediauty. leajnitet'et:. Fyn GEO D 311LTENDERO 67 F • reitt Vilsisttatattl far MILD following property i the shy of, ribabargh, . and near the baronet at Alitruibeincr, ottr-the Ohio neer, is attend for ale On 113001:11:2047111g {enittli 3 Lone W.lng subdivision of Lotttto 409 hllltaglan of the city of Fftabarchj having AO teat Rota on venth awe; by 240 root to SuawbarrtaUtty. roar Grant street. 10 WM eon Lots fronting on an Avelino,: 04 feet wide, funning from Beaver road Hobe Ohio river. ad joining Phillips's Oil Cloth FUMY. For wrote, enquire of CHARLES a SCULLY, fehidtf or J BAMorket BS IFIZARA,, s Beildlnk. Wm. TN THE NINTH WARD OF-Powsßl7l4oEhrr -11 erzl Lots on Ittildwin and Liberty Meets,' lathe Ant Ward, 24 feet bylito, Ind adjacent the prepared depot of the Central Dawned. For tenni!me of D. CHARLES SC Yji or .1411.1MO'HALI, Barke's Reding, 4thAn , ou. au*: BilA PINE two story. Brick Ratire,Pletitaiwy aiwated on the hill drectli back otair.datirew Watsons property, near Peluuylvanisiairavits. The hones and lot sod! be .14 very foss Among. For further information. apply tc. D. W. aa. & BELU Allonley• at Law. 4th attest, between Idatith . Bald and Grant, onlaitr — obit am -- E Tc--- n N frvorable tones- it Le, of Oround oh thee. O vide of Plan reeve., ow the fdo t= g oi. s - 1 , fronting 80 feet on Peen note; and e 110 in depth to an &airy :40 fl wide; a most desinahlei I . non either for private residences or for mansfectortng purposes Entpute of if dCIICIONAIAREIIitety•I feblo _ • N 0.14 Wood ei _... JCOUNTRY EIPAT - TO iigT—A two 'story Bock Dwelling, with Si acres highly lutintinSd Land, shoaled in Oakland, to let from Ist AND am. HARDY, JONEBfr.GY,' I fob?: 41 Water igt—e-VOll-UNT-4iirrineto thieis fee:C.7 sUrat mM' um beet of April Liss; a huge two atoned bridk Dwelling liouse„ pleasattly emoted on the bank of the Ohio river, tuijoining the borough of Idsuchei ter, with about Pone aims o/ Wei, out boll lu uees&c. Re. Apply to d -'. ' ge, frult • jaii - _ TA SIFZ A 11 UTORISON it CO -74'----- — To Let. 2 A LARGE and well ankthikA,Roont;oekia story, on The cotter of WoodandThint Urea% above the Exchensedince of it re H Witti g3 .6. , osscsaion given hautesitately. Inoulre of jal ._ 1 1 RILLI/ & Rrillt 'Ol Merry ,t . ____ - nTOLE.,- ivltablb for two • (mach; staieted 44r' elif' h ettnti stem, Allegheny, above 2 .4.. Gray.' Cora. Apply to I. Ll2l felon Lamm rt. opposite Ith m-tvoatrarga-sirLows-roairirm Ai, TWO LOTS on Beaver areal, in the chit_ /a Allegheny, above tla, uppereorruncT saki ta brewed li frame MAIM& two stories big gil i tab lb for two small teammate The lota us ea Snarl Cell in from by one bundled feet,deep, rulti lan End, k a a street lorry feet wide. The buildings ent qut.proi lees s will pay a veryhandsome interest on ttininumi ..ent, and the property mall be cold cheep Wish.* Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk'. office; U. S. or ta , Co • tory4o KAY .k --- -------I,Nlib—s %TN LOTS, 21 feet trkt.7l:l„' sitantal-:oalbtLituti ji it nmd, and %odor ott the'sride Nrth - C one at the Rae. Vista Emeosion. Terms ilnet. teak. JAMES ROHIN.4O_ ,N , WM O'H. 1,1011043(114; ineteltn Office, E.:elm:le Ilatid.., __.. Scotch Bottom Liiia - or Sales, MEN ACH.II OF LANG situated in reebtett town- I . ship, on tho M ooo ogaitals, th ree owes Gootowo. Pitts °argil—in tots to suit purchaser*. For turiLer parts.. PD to Henry Woods. ad it, or to -'li , A wasginitiNA rc.raWif abo______ve Soittbliadd. 111W - AitHrkill.9E FOE atALE.-.Theteribet <dm for sale the three snare Weir Wareitetss• on Wood street, occupied tsy It. Turner it Co. apt 7 WM- WILHUN, Jr. • 171 , LitlABLE, REAL ES TATS ON pENN E ---- r— tsr y FOR SALE -A Lot of Grotuld iltnatigoil Penn trees, between /lay and Pdtrbory *tree te; idioinity due boom and lot now occupied by Richard Foilwarda, having* front of 25 feet, and In deptb ISO feet, *IL be raid on favorable terms. Tulle unexceptionable: Fa. (Nine of C. 0. LOOSUS, tth akneat Wa6d. oct2l-dti . . • or Bala . —;, • A DESIRABLE Building LnllAAMminelirellyi t" v.:m.4161y inctued, in me abontlatf an am; and ill no acid on accommodating term. !Squirmy retro 3 Li WLLLIAAIB, II 0 wood at del, litirlitllNT-the 'esooirrncoTß7 . filijallytnlci .trees. ____........._.........._1421 property Ira A UsghenyClity TUE sabsonbora oder (or age 11l 'Aulabct of4lteles I, Lou, Wixm, In the Secoad Wild, Crruititiggo the Common gromd, Cu clay tarma Inmate ol W. Olt ROLI/Mbld, Any at Laor, St Sili'as or of JAS ROBINSON, an theltretdoett; ,y2•nAT.dAtraT - -.14111 , IrUlf7ll-1111 Wholesale and mull, al Me ' EI)EXIN TEA SIGRB, 70 Peewit Wee; hem W ood__ I L Pittaborgh-The astbaeriber Among loon maraca Dow New York, la now reemving a large fall supply of fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEASfriol thogievr York Pekin Tea Company, selected willstreataate for York sales. Our week befog now heavy we inuire pared to nopply Goiawni Div. l .% ililatalicsueliod-ri•m' duo wlth any quantity and many pnehot,,r aww w, parked in k, 4 and I pond pnekagek. Rib. tin earth'. ten, 6 and 13 lb catty bones, and in Madame. .. Retail Grocers are invited to c 0.11,0 see amp and will will better Dana Mower priees thin any Other Emu* in Pi taboret Oar stank offer Yonne llyson,choliiii In Nemo end Oolong DlookTeas Mt the best ln the American market. bayonet's double refined Loaf, Criksbed, and Pal: venue Sagan, at retail, or by the barrel. ~ 1 coppEES -Mocha, Old Goy. 1nva,74406a„ IX Do onnto and Rio Coffee .. .s selected by the most expono a . ced coffee Broker in New York.. ; . Sweet flplced Chocolate, PleklecrEneatehont and Mons, Frrah Peaches, put up in'theit, own #tims Malaga Reigns; In alb boxes.. N. D.-Ail Dr. D. Jayros'a Punillyafedleinai-fthals. deohdawS --- - - A. JAYNIdfI. --•-- --- 3121110A.1. ilk: ISIIII.GICA 1, OPPICIer , No. DO, DIAIIOND.diIIiEY a .' _- , ~ . - fow doors below. Wood street, toy, ...... - .-L-.-. ' market. ..:,. • . .--'-• DR. 101,01;Vi a itamtii bean ~ i tc2. retraiariyeaacaual to the medico -.•;:::/.. ' - • '• , p rofession, end bead fogeoste_droll 1,f:.:,,:.z ;.;-!,•:.!Z Le general praeLlee,DOtr, manta t : •:..; - ," . ... ; . his Illtiellt4oll to arustinson a t o of .i . :l - 4, : il ' aa„ C iXes Pr fle which hla wh and "p=atot",l . - 1 ~ad a-pe Vnecuullhoirtroonk„, .g..L f-;•,..,..., him. 11 years and dermal toatudy & treatment of thos.s ernamlatinkokt u r 4d , time lic ila.l Lad more ramie. landa Ib iodullnkindre pa. neon then MO G , I.T 11 to the r any private ,proco• un ooo n ....ply duaLfies him to °deg as. - ,.. n e ,,. a g speedy, permaumal. mai sollafeemaY &UFOs_ all adhered ~,,,,, d4c,,,,,, di... L .,. , end all disentea.azising.„Lrherej from. r. Drown would inform those allteted wlth private ' disc.. which Vase bece chronic. ay-tlaza,fitr ad gravased by the am of n om yf the comolorthealnuns ii/ the day, that their t 0141411115 Call be radically fad they. anghly eared; he having given ha eareN. attention to Mc Imminent of nick eases, and succeeded to-htindreda of inmanoes in cuing famous of inflaromation of t e a omit of the bladder, and kindred discsaeotettatkaftea resell trompe cues arbent.plbimiye, eartangeted them to hos dcWeir. BeivlaMtade MIMI sorb RS have been long and unanceetithlly yak k, 70 0,,, m , to tonsuit blot, when every satisfutio• 'nit tie given them, and then eases treated in 4 Can nillAWOUgh awl. intelligent maaelet, penned net by_Atietig ell:fence study, sad invelagalion, which ilistaMoasigi o r am. ergaged in general . premien of medicine Miele SO Vile class °rpm& QT Hernia or Reptide:-LDILDrown alfertnvues park sons &Meted with Herein to call, us he has paid week tiler etwoolou to this diseasti: • - •,' CANCERS also cared..' ''- •• . - - Skin &mate& elm Pi' 'T,•kialry, Ohs., spiedllyematal Cher.. verylow; • N. A-Pat:ems of eith • .lieglivingil idisfayllacy by Inning their ..ineake in iititatg,,,gl.4 a tilt stemy§ toms eanobtain Medicines with dOcedetas fat pap, Ly nreasheff T. DROWN, M. Alkpratils4vAig!Amilcos Oace Donee. No. 6 3,4iardond alley, opposite the turfy . , • - ' Etagewavtc&-Itt. Drown's newly . .lseonn o 4 kozy - dy for Rheumatism is a &wear and e g i ngh re , MattY Lar that painfal trouble. It never toils. Office led_ Private Canonicity N o 6 3 D iii . mond alley, Pinsbuth, Ph The) em( _ahears at .. ... _ _ No ails Do pa. nRIED Pitlfrr-2303 vac. JJ Applef, f r sae by ; at 3 wirwar. ' I3 . .)OFPALST-
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