I. STORTAVO PITTROBUGH AND 51L1K712110., Old ' F.MMiattail ON TnfruttE racTEtisloS.cetTAL:'' T" . d( lb" well kallwil /Jae of Canal inOW ineffEfOd 111.15TkPOnerMern and Pteightto all points on I.bo, Frie.E.itenten Nate York Canal* and deeLakee, upontite. Mort fdvorahid terms and widvdespatch. ' This Lute nms in connernon With the rinaio Beata' BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between Pmsburgn and Beaver, C M Reed's Line of esteem heats and yes' seta on the Lakes, sad Malloy aril Michigan take Boat Line on the New York castaL C. M. REED, Proprietor. Erie, Pa. Bidwell Zs Brother. Agents, Breyer. , W T Mather, Agent at J Melton.", Passenger M ee, tdonongniteln Boone, Pittsburgh. cONSIGNEm.—WC Shanxi ; JE & Haiti Sharpakong; Smith "ttdeming Plummer; West Greenvill,, Wma r achre A ' Co, do; Wm Henry,. Haslato,n; Davis & Button, Regale; Barney, Gibbs Co; Sandusky; las A Armstrong, Dent* Kirkland Newberry;Sheboyeata Maine A Wililmas,lllllwatt kie; Ham, Mara:TA Dutton, Racine; Jobe Ii Winne, Chicago; A' Wheeler Co, New York. ap3 Plitairdailkand Blairsville Packet Line 1849 • fßri4 Tuf i umo io72,. ...l .l p cw f . az Infra , zd tl:at e J ittentlid Packet Boats lOnto Line 31e o ro u tmo ' Z re tween Blainvillaand Pittsburgh— th e boats to be too , ed by th ree horsei, and every effon Made to ,arvolo modate, pas elist& Dukknitsul.—SOlins will leave Pithainth even' Mondag, Tuesday, Thuriday and Friday. ot t o'clock, Y. Prom Blairsville every Monday, ,WesittorO s sY , Thursday-and Bauder, atiotioe..., .1 and arr ive at Pittabm M trlhe ammo day. A two bane ark .0 Indiana will meet the boat at Saluburgh. both on op want and downward Miing passengerathrough from that jilactaln one da ft. Freight for th e above no will be received at the honee of the Boatmen'. 4ne by Ina Fatten k. Co who ate oar atabonsed . • - free of comminton . Jht MARSH I. k. JNO TABREN to Co, Agdnta, Canal Beam, Liberty at, Pinata:ugh A Hack leaves Bialnsvilla for Yeangahnoti Ori the met—renmils to boat la morning. lime from Pitlabusgb to Yoangstewn 62—received„at office of Bontimeres Lioe through. LINK Ersa=lB.49. _um For the rtzteejarrtStttort tr.r,77l,27 .7- ono. PITTSBURGII, riIIi..ADDLPHIA, BALTIMORE, N. YOBS, ROSTON, &e. • . Toots. Boanma. Tearer.tr. o . C.omon, Pittsbamh., rr WS establlsbed•Lirmbeing now in hill opera /. timar lito4 , MPtiotor , t ore Prepared. ith their taunt crumble arrangements to forward . metoltandise, pro dace, &c.•to and from NO shove port., on liberal tenni, with thersgolarity, despatch end safety peculiar to their made of tmarrturion so obvious - , when too, ahipatent on - the lite wavoided. otAll conslgnmente by and for this line reterwed, char- gespahl, and forwatded any requital directions free * f charge for commission, ads.cmg or storage. No Nimes; dire ctly orindimetly, in steamboat. AB commurtigtionspromptly attended to on umbra. don to the Ghll a greets:, • Tam. DO nit fi 278 Matitet TACAFFEas. s •NNOR, Canal Bolin, Pinsbareh. O'CONNOR its Co, North in, Baltimore. trich24 ------ "SrO'A?r3UR, NS , 16 IN le:— For the Transportation of 111 e au ue; , PITTSBURGII, PHILADELPHIA, & itAtmmoße. Goods ahipped by this Line, we carried In Thitr metro, Portable Boots. ?rim =beanie:a having made arrangements in case I, of a wont of Stow Track. at ColuMbitti to bin , . their good. forwarded ovar the Roilroadi 'in earei RO as tD avoid the detention that hoe heretofore occurred for the wont of Tracks. Shippers will and this to their advantage. No charges made for receiving Or ship ping, or tar advanelng charge.. All gocOli forwarded with dr:apt:eh, and on os ronsonoble terfttOito on). oth er Lino. • JOHN PARREN & CO. corner of Canal and Liberty st, Pittsburgh. P. K. FR= g.' Co, 7 MS Marker at; PhilEdelDhol. MMM EaM2,1849. A A*l BusionAn. , ....n. ssponw Paomurroas, Jowl Ilmonan, T . -Altana/at, Ihrronss, /sVIAgt. Conducted on strict Sabbath-ken drrinciples, THE Proprietors of this old estxtil Bed Lane have , put their stock in the 00,1 comanWittrdet, and Iry oroughly profound to forward Pecidtse4antiAlgrehuo due to and from the Eastern Mtics . We , • trust dint our !Gag eXperir nce • 111 the cart - Otte business, and sealotatattenUon to the Interests of cus tomers, will secure to tin n continuants and Inerett, of the patronage hitherto extended tp litegtottn's Line. Oar arraogemems enable us to carry Freight with the inmost despatch, and our irticra eboll else be as low as toe lowest cliargeil b, other resporthble Linea We have opened std °dice in No ISt Market sweet, between 4th and sth au. Ptultulla, for the couvemence elt pert. off Produc e and Merchandise wig he received • and•fue. warded, East and West, •willaot.t any elartrOa' for for warding, advancing freleht. storage or commiceion. Bills of Lading forwarded, and eNry &rectum promptly attended to. Address, or apply to It M. PINGIIA3I, Canal Basun, car Ltberty Waybe ry Pl(t•ibOrpll. • BENOI A LOCK, No MI and =MarklAl.l3et street, ithilalct • JAMES WILSON, Agent, No t. • 152 Shrub Howse Ittree.l., BAItli1101•15. WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, s mch2l . .No RI West street, New York etEreufylvants Cannti. liatiritoad preas;Pose Packet Lane, Nagai lA9 * MM: FROM fTFTSBUOH TO PRTDADELP/iIA t .11.51;.7 TIAIORE, THdic (Exclusively for Pasusengeral orilf :O e re " ran Y ontaTig lost, atal l' enn tmue throughout the Season. The boats ace new, and of a superior clans, With et largest cabins, which will give greater comfort, Tr.. can are the latest coniuncuon. A. boatwill always Lain port, and travelera arc rr gawked to call and e.sannue them before engaging pus sage elsewhere. Ware boil moo dollars through.) One orate boots s. thin Line iveleave the landing topposite U. S:: Hotel comer of Penh outer and Cams', every nig - Mat nine o' Meek 'ffime tli days. For information, apply at the Oillice.„.lllondaluhclu Hausa, onto 1) Co mchl7 Canal llnsm a . IC Pa---.k..T.AßLalia4l For,tftlZ BOAT. L/lNail atlihe Transport... os e resent to TO PHILADELPIILa, BALTIMORE A NEWS ORA - 110110USIN FRS on the Canal being now restinted, IL) Proprietors of the above Line respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to receive and for ward Freight with dupatch, and at lowest latest • a They, would lso e of. shlppersEast ward to the feet that call the th Bonsattenuon employed by them in - experience d captains. transposal:ion, are owned by Meta and commanded by Shippen of Meat in Bulk will find It advaniqcour to ship by this Line,. the noteatrtbers have made el• rangernents at Colombia to have such fredgbl..faklnd timore hooded directly from boats to cars, thereby se amy warehouse handling. Fre ight to Philadelphia goes clear through in do • 7 No charge made for . hipping or OVIVIWOntg ehargei. KIER & JON S-S, Proprietors, Canal Rosin, Seventh Street. AOENTS—John A. Show Cincinnati, o ; Me Callowth &Co, Balumore; Ins Steel th Co, Philatael. phis; Francis AThomas, Columbia tneb.3l PENNSIfisVANIA CANAL. dr. 1 itoexas, agia 1849. Miti EXPRESS FAST PACSET LLNE, cone Pittsburgh to Potilade/pAiis Aniiiktilietora irdrelnavely Mr_ seengera.) T H„E, d u c h o'...r." , 7.en'tgiL'°;:dy, th .rieL.Lt" b e. The boats of this Line are of s ite erior class, with enlarged cabins, which will Mee greater comfort to passenger. A boat will always be in port, and traveler). ate re. quested to call and examine them before agitimpas. sago by other routes. They will leave the la eng nding, op posite the U. S. Hotel, corner Penn street and Canal, every night at Li o'clock. • FARE—NINE DOI.LA RS THROUGH.. Ttime--3I _Days. For information, apply at the office, Monongahela Hons., or to U . LEECH Co, Canal Baba. N. a—The proprietors of the above Line are how building an addittonal Line of Pockets, to ran as above or aboatJune Ist, to COOtteelloll with this Permiyl vatda Rail Road from Lewistown to Philadelphia. ,at that time a packet will leave every morning and even- ing. Time through, II day. locale HiritIANCEEPOR 11 TARLE OAT , 1849. For the transportation of inerettostana, BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGIL GOODS carried on this Line arc not transhipped between Mahwah and Philadelphia, being ear. Sad In four section Portable Donna over land anctira• ter--to shippers 'of merchandise requiting cderfol handling, this Is of importance. No charge made 'hit receiving or shipping, or for advancing charges:, AD/ goals forwarded with dispatch, and On as rcalonalde, terms as by any other Lute. . • , JOHN NPPADIN • • • C•" 1 134" r, P h on t on Artr7 4' • marl VI Market A Si Comiaettaat, Phil; •,•: JOHN MePADEN G Co, Pomanhog and Carpi:alit eon Iffershanu, Canal /kern, Pena al, PitHbarirb.! ; JAMES M. DAVIS Co, Pinar Far• acid aim 81mila/ft, ?27 Market and Al ai rnmeree • reet,' Philadelphia. mAn'rfavngttL:Pl':72=l.7l2to aala. aatiEß 1849; Merchants, Trasasportutton Line.. : VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL & RAIL. ROM) FLILSIOLLIMI/1 AND .I,2IYORIL. TIME Canals and Rail Roads being DOW Open and in good order, are are prepared to forwaid kends of merchandise and produce in Philadelphia ona Baltimore, with pm:rimers and despatch. and o n tor:alien= as any other Line. A IIIeANULTI" & Co., Canal Basin, Penn at, Pirtsbitrgh.' Ataturrs—CHAßTßS RAI - IVOR, Philadelphia. Mr 27 ROSE MOILRILI. &Co Baltimore • MANI 1849,, MaiM ERCHANTS , WAY krREIGIII , LINZ. For Blairsviliel-Johnstown, Hollidaysborgh, and all intermediate places T.'tirinJV'';'YratGe7 l l:ll, freight. AVANULTY & Co, Pinshargh. DOH WakeSeid,Johnstoven. John Miller. Hollidaysborgh. Riorasantam—Jaimes Jordon, Smith & Sinelair F Ehoenberger,B. Moore, John Parker, F Von Bent.. horst k Co, Wm lielimer & Co, km hit/ikon* & Bro Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Siimit, Mulhollan & Ray, Jno s. .. Oraft&Lo,Blairsvil/e. mehn -ale= 1849• =ask: 8.... and Bale Expram. Paok.ite. Mike, R. O. PARKS, Beaver, Propnetor. • THE N tatind elegant Pasenae l lP H ae j hetv . :, •• , PE NN SYLVANIA , a e Pt ./ II 1117 Z, „LABE...ERIE,Trony• 'QUEEN ClTY : Naiad) : 'Forming* - day Ll= betvieen Eirer and Erie, have - ellerteneed than*, and trifle hive during these a. , ton uutla-theinerular trips, 1 Jving Heaver utter the arrietthol the morning boat (pot Ylathargh, •eloe,k;-?..ar.) end arrive at Erie in time foi,pasoemters to take the coming boats to Burfato or to the - Lake_ „. Tickets through Co Erie and all Lakaports, ran be bad by application to JOHN A CAUGHEY. Agt. corner of Water and Smithfield eta or OXISRGE - BECK, under the ei Charka Both/ ~} f 1 s a==!! G BEAT CURE. OF LIVER EogneLAINT, by be , only trne, and pettier, /Aver MIL ii , A _ , • • 'EmilOhlo nnry, Va. / klatch 20th, IMO. j • b Me. IL EL Salem Dear Sir—t think it a duty i ...' to you and to the public rum ly, to atate Mail l on g beenaillieled with the Liver Complaint for • long time, and lio Amity, that an oboes formed and.l22nhar Which-lea me in • yelp low state. Having beard at your eeldbrated Liver Pills being fot mre bP 4 R Sjhar t' i ‘ e We" Liber ty , end recommended to me by MY p Takla ,a Dr. E. &moth, I concluded to awethan a fair trial. J prenated one box,and found them to be Hun what they are teeornmended, THE MST -LI VER PILE. EVE.R.USED; and odor L•idelr Rem bozo. I find the dime. has entirely let Me, and I am now perfeetlY 'well Respect:all 7...2. - D id COLEMAN. Weal Liberty, March 20,1642. Leertify Mat lam personally acquainted with Mr COleinani end ean hear testimony to the troth of the above Oeitilleate. A R BfLP . • . Tax gala. Liver Pin. are prepared ..„, 4 .. oia by R E BEL,LEEtt, No di Wood urea, and by a:natal. in the two eines. TO TIOI PLIBLId.—The original, only true and ge,„ caw Llvor Pill , are prepared by II Etiellers, atui have by eureeatampad in blgict wax-noon the hd of each 1,,,,,, mall his signattire on the, outside rapper --all ,/ii. te alb cottate 'felt; br base traltatious. - apTOL, R E SELLERS, Vropnetor ithiAVII/E'S - 0-A—prifilitll/di ( ;1110.111be Ilter ASKSHINI2, a well known and pop • r • &au fJlerfrimau of id PbutectanitdethrodatChanch The I:lidera/Med hiving treenail/round durhig timpani winter oath dovi a p disease'o s f t h o e a sumach, sometimes pro- a p te ro withontOerMisin;ued m ft c e ho ivn no ri o d r •arion rs reinedie with Tittle erect, was forniabed with a bollix _ofar D JaYners Carminative Balsam: Tina he used ac• cordinx to the (limner:oh and found invariably that Mit malaria chased the pain to abets in thren or four mia. atah and in Allan br twenty minotenevery jutive-al 'herniation Was entirely /aimed. The-medicine as a • ierleardatfted whenever indications of the approach ot. .phihmere.Oredived, and the pun wee thereby prevent. ~ed, He nonthmseete use the medicine. every evening andaorgetinteUtn the morning, and in • fewk. ;tenth chain far tailored, that the aufferer wag . reti wee es 'ed from •Ithrgehmoant of oppreadve pain. From ex teriener u teteinre, Ile can nonAdently recommend D a Jaya IrEarluative Salina /a I. salaten7 mahicin. Yard isc . b thestoniach and bowels,. A slim rib' li., ~eitya g n F . 'or salVlrjElttsbergh at the It I ON TEA ft ' 22 roarilikutreoL gear Woolf, and also at the Drug inre odltP SCHWARTZ. Federal . treat. AI Imo,. • Ailf oriAat. English Barnesly. DOR :9:)tighs, Amines and Consumption! The IBATANOOM.II , REALEDY for the cur of the above ro see, is the wavomueN HAL/3LS OF iiinosered by. tie celebrated- Dr. Buchan, of LOndod, Fpglorut, :intim:educed into the United States under the umnediate superintendence of the inventors. ' The estsiordimtry etteeem of this in 114 cum of Mtbrutaissr diseases, warrants the American Agent la golielting for treatment the worm possible ta kt.oll.from.ll:i be fantod intim community—caeca that se e k 'relief vain from any of the common remedies of the day., d have been given up by Menu= distinguished physicitmens emillimed and incurable, The Ifunguri an.BalMun him cured, end will eure• the most d desperam gag ' : efficacy. Evert:by th Uni ' ted States tamale be supplied with octant. 114atian Balsam of Life, not only to coontelmerthe consumptive tendencies of the chrome, but to be need its • preventive medicine M all cones at colds, !wept* spitting of blood, pain in the side and 'Mast, irritation and soreness of the longs, broshius, illlaeollY,or. healing, beetle fever, night mica., emaci. atioa endnend debility asthma, induces., srlioopi n dough loud ge en:Fun. .0.511 in largo bottles, at per bottle, with full dine. lions lbs the nsuration of health. T3 tst4 thiets, contelning winasopf English and Acted, eon ates, cool other evffence, Mooring the on. equal merits of this great Dagliah Remedy, may be ob ed otthe Mgents, gratnitmuiy. For' sole 'by B A FABNESTOCK & Co, comer of eland Wood and Wood and GM eta nave CO4VALUABLES DISCOVERY! SUIILPTIVES, BE ON YOUR GUARD. BR , AY _ COIIPO,IIIID CIIER6L , . MS MOOT omen roa Consimptlon, Coughs, Cold., Asthma, Dnanchitis, Liv er Complanit,Bintung Blood, Difficulty of Breath- Lig, Paio la the Siche'aud Breast, Palpitation of the Ilea s, influences Croup, Broken Can . aitutspe, Bore Throat, Nervous Debili . mond rdiDiseams of the Throat, Bresnan/11moms; this moat cf . ' feettial and opeely mu*. i / ever heroin for any of I ; the above dimes ell, iv , '‘ DR. SWAYISE' aciimpansul Syrup or Wild Cherry! Thistuedicine is no longer oolong them of doubtful abty..; It hat pained away from the thousands daily tadhhcd uportthe tide of experimeut, and now stand. ~ .,11... big iin reputation, and it becoming more extensiv;- ly 0 Om any other preparation of medicine ever pri , ell for the re:h suffering erb( suffeng man. It ' been introduced very generally 'through the Doi d Plows and Europe, mid there are few tow., of inspdrtatice but what Contain some remarkable evi det6a. of its good effects. For proof of the forescrog suaelnetna, and of the value end efficacy of um HIM/l -eo? the proprietor will rimer, a fear of the many thou ... !testimonials which have been presented in butt ;.y mre of the first reapectability—men who have nigher rresant of moral, respumildlity and Mimi, than to err , Iffy to. (sets, Lei muse it will do another a favor. mid thenwelica no Injustice. Such resurnotry proves coo alosiecly,thatita surprising excellerree Is established liy its Intrinate merits, and the unquestrohable author, 4Of Peblie opinion. The occantoneoos relief it 41- unit, so n through d the soothing roduence diged thc whole frame blh.im ,one, render. it • moo agreeable moody tot that a fflicted. RICII EMBER! . Whicia rued; acting from commenuo.anpulaes, mlitaairily beat testimony to the truth of a dung, or Putetha fnuouch testimony, being contrary LO there world:Vetere/is and purpose!, coerces contothron of. Os tro t!, and mitre:treads Itself in a special manner to : saisCimal.eredgisco.”—fYllogan's Mara) Alrutats _ ~/,::. READ 411 E HOME CERTIPICATLS. . SIUCAILO,II.IIII OGRE 01 PCIMOSI6I3T C 0.16031,10.— rhereAmoar erns a remedy that has been as au ~ ~ ~ s a l ; in domain clue of Consumption as Dr. Swayur a vogoosthd Syrup of Wad Cherry, It stmingthern the , uutuuund appears. to heal the aleers on the Lang, ensailag new and rich blood; power possessed by no . other medlebta . Croatia Co, April With, Lela. Dr. Ewaync--Dear sin I verily believe your Com pound Spap of Wild Cherry has been the means or saying my life. 1 caught a severe cold, which gradu ally grew wont, attended with a severe cough, that restated all the remedies which I had recourse to. snit increasing until my care exhibited all the symptotas of Ealmonary Consumption. Every thing 1 vital seemed to havens effect, and my complaint increased so rapid ly that friends as well . myself, gave up alt hopes of my recovery. At this time 1 was recommended to try , your levaluside Medicine: I did so with Me most hap py resells.' The trot bottle had the effect in loosen the ' cough, causing me to expectorate freely; and by the , arr. I had coed aix books ,1 was cnoreiy Well, sad am now a. hearty a man . 1 ever was in say life, rind would be happy to pi ve any information rhapeeung my mac, that Other Sufferers may derive the benellt fur Which 1 urn to grateful. For the truth of the above j olt itetenien : I refer you to Peter Rush, Grocer, West Chester, of whom 1 purehaned the medicine. Bee ally yours,. ' JALICO Mousni. itinanful Cure of a Misthodist Minsurr. Dr. Dwayne—Dear Sin 1 feel a debt of gratimde doe _ yon—end a duty to the afflicted generally, to off, my humble mstimeny in favor of your Compotnad Sy. tap of Wild .Cherry. Some three years since I was Indent', attacked with cold and inflammation of the Lung., which waz accompanied with wra very a dharessing fire'Lettigelo the of offe "- nar mucna head , i3.7,°*"ldern ., Melly upon ...go of watther, however slight. .M firm / fatten alarmobout my condmen, but wa. pretty MOD DONVitIONtI that I to. rapidly going into coivtimp , don. I grata daily weaker, and at length was scarce. ft, able to walk shoot, or %peek above • whisper, sorb pas ite exceeding weakness of soy lungs. During tow 4.ine had tried eerie. preparations and presermhons, Out found no reLief—gtowing all the time worse: la. hare I was advised and preruoded by n dear friend .1 Wihniegtoct to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I mom ionfess thou previously I had been pre/e -choed against patent 'ID.CIDINR, and TaMMIII against (hose coming oat of the hands of =aeries, but under. riturding your C 111.11.4 to the plateau= and practice of Medicine, and having implicit faith in th e saying amp friend., I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, a (awls:rates, mud commenced ;l aw, one. My dis c/am was at that RIDEi of 20 or 15months' stuullog, eon requently Duras deeply seated. I found; flowerer eonsiderablet relief from the auto( the first four or five bottles. Bat being a pablle speaker, I frequently at. terapted to preach with my increasing strength and thereby ruptured thom vemels that had already begun m heal; in thin way, doubthus,. my cure was greatly :retarded. In consequence of noting thus imprudently, had to use twelve or fifteen bottles before I was per. featly restored. I have no question, a much smaller artuther of bottles would have made me sound, but for the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed the fever ail habit, took away the distressing cough, put a stop tO ;the discharge of mane, form the lungs, and ave them mil the entire system good health. I have degfer red offering this cerufietimustil now, for the purpo of being psrfeetly satisfied with the permanency of the m sure and mar Map feel perfectly well I offer It with 1 Sloane. Ker. J. P. JORDAN Dublin comity, N. C. • Important Caution—Read! Ready Micro is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, ind that is Dr. Swailtet, the first ever offered to the piddle, which has been sold largely throughout the United States wd some pans of Europe., and all pre parations calbol by the name of Wild Cherry have been put out since this„.under eaten of wale deeepove circumstances,' in order MOO eurenetiathelr Ilya Rule observation, no porsdn - need-allataku the genuine from the Wm. Eons lihlll4 - of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful steel Nig 1119iSig, with the lateness ofWilliam Penn thereon; Wto, Dr. Stvnyn,. I tigdaturktinut.i. further security, the portrait of Dr. I Sample : Will ter added hereafter, so es LO d/Stilllllll,ll, hit tirepillitiOlt from all others. Now, if it was lux lor e Cr eaf i ct e ra m tr p t properties e c if f d l i v tw& e virtues m o so f Ire. ; sreuir&lo. , be endeavoring to give currency' o their. .fietitiol *airtime' by stealsng the name of Wild'' 7 1 :IteitY. .filenkcinbar,cdßoYa bear.in mind the tome 13? Svftyno4-iind be not de pandpal,ce, comer of Eighth and Rue M.P.; Philadelphia. ale Wholesale and retail by OGDEN le SNOW% RHN, tot lid and Wood II A PAHNl.wroext Ca i Tl crils 1 ,2117.1 i; 4"Voki4ettst.rad n r, s ; W A I JONkhel, ttoriiintd and Penn sts; JOHN . 1411 e ' it; ELL; Allegheny city, and by all [expectable dealers to inedlchte. iITRONU YVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE'II PECTORANT is turner to ail ember remedies Cam toe Dioothins,AMlnas,aatiother Pelted airy elleetbool, is that tbir same :promo. erbocommeneed the am of it ha thelrAmilie. tea pan elm mill prefer it loall other iemedlex Gnu kind; and wharseay hays beemindiaced to tryatherM a y hue almost oruiatmy beat ltittlytog the belletli which was clalsombl r limed from the high prat". besiowedhl ProPrteMeh and hararetarted to the Yee of Java.' Exraoroasas, s aosoody that ha never tailed to reline thaw, arid whit!, probably never told Wurzel Is arresting pubsocary Friparad ealy by Dr D. Jaw» Philadelphia, and aold ALEX. JA NI:23 ddcYydßwU '72 Fourth et , ,71ri W. P. Intand , a Premium P/aater.', rap. W. P. INLAND, alto, hteditral Drollest Id Phil idelphia. now offers walla Public hi. Matto Yea. p,,,,,ban,'Fiaster, the Realities of which, alter .10o#Mod tried experiedee, has been, ilarisyaet or fly lei To on women 'relto may be alleteic whit Prolapse. Uterine. Fallen Womb, he recordmends plaster, guaranteeing a lure and speedy cure is the short space of from two to thee weeks, If applied with Mire and rem- dMearding all the comities. outrun:mots and cipensimo bandages:lo bong in see. Tlds be fens emmtlehtions la StOling, Insomuch int he has not faired to tote .' ea.. out •of three hundred and flAy-thre e pa dew Al so for 'Mertonll= and Weak - Breast of Beek, at. tended omit pain, there te nothing to excel this pl s ., to affording rellefor droning n cure. For sale hy pe L Wilcox, comer of lhainond and Market st Bruno A R.inter,," Liberty and rit. Clam sts Dr 3 Sargent 0 Federal st and Diamond, Alla 'icittxty city Jacques A Co, 0 Denman and Diamond Bmo:ting ham.ed lE. SELLERS, GrUgutts No 67 Wo °d ... .4 Ps Solo Agent for the rude af Gr. do en Gen. no Sartspartlis, has tort received 200 dozen of this _Great Spring and .SurnErt Medicine. • Purclieseri shard recollect that II E Sellers is sole ,agent for Pittsburgh, and.•D DI Curry for Allegheny ony n• . r PROOF fAIDIT . f bble Eire Proof Pl;lni, of holad'of, op J ot Bale at the I 'm 'Tr' .• . 2 -!-7,5'''... ..,:. ~.:_-... • 0, - StLatafD F .....1_ ! - .f.L.Loj.f.i.giM:ti ) 14: 1t:04414 ` ' k• a.....kkt•ink::4prel, ~,,;. _ - i'' Ii 4 - .;.1 1-7 1 I- . - I tptl •.1 ii :i ..- 1 •-',,-Ifli - -.•-•-. i: SARSAPARILLA ifirxer.er eth lacea44 gig /v. The most entraordinerr .I.efne M World i /AL Abirect is 'and tip M lettere Sauk, it de them amp.. plasm her, sal warm* etl iterfer to thy eel. 1/ .et, ...117aMrekesedy Um The poi Away end mity et this •— tridietentillath es . imse k Iti=et: . mi th. , % It is the eller very best PA MEDICINES thowni It not only p the whole m and' D. P.... 4 both e ` 'oft,, .I* . por. me m " tied /%73 .1 . Ater possemed by titad ern idiobm And hie [ulsllth the thandmeent grits wander e d team It hee performed within the lest two yeas; more than 100iX10 mums Of were eases of &seam; at lean IA reoo we monde:rod *mumble. It the ed the lives of coon Man lb.1:00 obildmn dm the mwo pen semons. • JO.OOO woo and Geral De ergy. bility ithaust et of Nerve en !. En Dr. rowneend'e fithiruk invlsondea the whole iymeatt pathumatly. o thou who here lon their ememilmtherthloy the erect. of medicine or Wiser. non entomltterd M yowl, oitha exonedve Waltham el the bthught mt . ortil physical proems don olthe newrons system, mm wtht orambidos te s t etheatkrth. premium decay line. hems. 10/Nude thm fad Abase, CeanteptioNanddec tt- LIMY_ red by tide Osamu remedy. This Sass partite is fa , thtterl or to nth Lavigeratleg Derdial, As brans., end Livigorates the thwam, gtres activity tone limba, and arena to the mosculer system, Is • tams Istreordinery deems. ceimateption Cared. fitecßEz. Stresyrithat. Othetoeptlth ea. be tire{ aftemavti" Liver Complain& Colds . CinclAt Anima. Sirit..l meth. Jansen in Di aut ffrosil Olen, Ifemie Red. irsdrbS Swat; er Prafam Zsysebr rmemey Path ea us Aids, 4.' 1 .. • Aso nth the be earth. i SPITTING BLOOD. Are rot* Arpril SISSI47. 1 : 1 OA Tomeremeem-1 nap balm dui yaw Sim.. as kw bau tb• mama plank Paandhuayof aut., caa . lift Ile rLla aenralt i albri n z . b d ad unit. t . ilaka.a.i. bad If* Ives% ad vu shey debtll =A nu m% sal did sus sow Is lra I haw wiy d yaw Iluseitsai • in flea, eat Sure ha + a lr i mmes bing Ines& Is as lat Tuts all. . II me Ow atty. , Latin is Pm{ aid sky 0.. , la L ltax.... a laa L aia well bessise Um I as ba k.l„ Tins imindimiimmst Irk Rummem„ in Catbartuat ' PaseistleinLedlstas. Dr. Tarnanyalimpankta a swamp %tad, Va r.. * r L itt so IV a l Si l aP l k ea,liati biTEnus 'imarn Mob Cr seesbc . es . tesoblitnueted este.esesatesstree: Se 'loam et Vette, er Isrehansay alsehtsP th. e, D.r. =I he Iheesseell jrseesegee et Ike oyeses—. es miss Owls* the nails et luaus nue et liiigek paoduad by frawdaltry, Caw at sadden/. Subtas o'r ihb :hauswi a"."l:l7"4 l•Slau. . adwaa lkas 13i = ag ad elhU r bad/Who...WM* ft, at sue MK= 1113111334 Nei MAI p weecteltetblectett 11 tesatedistely eisatersete swes.we , _ et the /bade trans whh.bb the Insi sees. et museum It sill in bit. , .. if 11.11. el la ' ittlata is ba int aardleatatat unto partariaws t bat Ira ass semis She Aided. the bad4hado amass ban bow nparbad w u. Tlalesteds ray abaft Ambit haw baaa without akildna r ada - I;ata.bsubta ef. die tante:We malaise, ha bwa bland with taig lisigge seprlss. . TU. 1 To •bilSibtas and llllmurrind Ladles. Awed ar lbensparMe bse espeeed y ses Pulls Jerstesse ter dude Wilpic bees hlta. Se hada who. Jamb to appal. A* br c =w=that en. Seek period.. did Saw .f W . ee, tab. is u It Is a gouda maw:ft lb. vamp of lb. anlaarais ad barrels allawati I. wbbdi baudaa us inbloes at We time telltle. Tbie t n.r h e ..4 I. = " f brette r %k W * at pu' • 4" ... ! I v 7:. esiebsg, a. 1.1 h esfeektes Is actsassn. kg Wet. ealaa tba Waal and barlyradar th e rwatm . Weed, adaimadlefas M havalatbla ibr - 0 lan &buts Aiwa. ...: 16:1 *lda wawa eta aattfora. It bracer the abide synem, return peneteeteetly the it a mat evert,. hi removiar the impanel. o f the bale, am . Car babar as to rade. atatmegamp relaxed.; which le e mute 011210S1 med... takee foe female weakeesiand &team By Wag a feet banes at title reStichte. elme7 twee. atai Petered =mien Wm.. tamm maybe prevent.. °lt th retailleasing So illlntliners mad Children. e Wen Ind meet etionnalotediensfar miry int the mean and relieving the safferingto attendant upon enfold:dethrone, dheerand. It strengthens both OwOw mother a n ehild prevents pain ..d disease. ht. AM inims tb• Ind. those who fine wed it dick ft is thdlepeonable. ft Ishlghly natal both before efterettathinnn, es It palm.. sonstiset upon ehildbinte-fts Cendoestan, B P=Cranip_a Beeli ke; ed Chi Feet, n.N Vomiting, Pen in th• • I =7/dse Patna Hemorrhage ad in reqatating the eacretion and equalising the ci _damns 4 has en tined ra. grant beauty of this Pthedidne ik la la dray. aft, and the most defeat. no medicine; annalft, nay few nen minden thy other nen • ittl• Cason Olt, or &spies* OefeL Exercise in the open gthd hod bath this edicine. sill dean tessera • nth and any con ihnenund Itisagy sad listalth. Ganalea, Chalk, attd • runty of papaw.. gene. MUT to am, whawappllad b the SW very FOollappg it of ft. bonny. Thu clue tha pone at the akin, and check tha carnhatela. which. whets awn 4 not near. ed by &sew CM power, or the skin tanned by the alkalies used la soapa beehive la own prodoetleo . the - Wain fece Divine," as watt es in tba wan of nob .ad delicately tinted and varisgated dowers A free, active sad healthy candid,. of We Cada or not Wowing ante pose, rich blood to the eatremities, I. hat which paw the coutenuce In the meat aeon ... beauty. LW that which impart. adescrlbable shades and Salon of lovellaue that all admin, bat dm. caa del= Thu s hatto 4 the ollitpring of we tasp—ppipg wok If 4 an • Doe sad banal eiresdatioa thus hi wo Wag. If ths lady la fair ea &tea =ow, If oho pain, wad us ecatudes, • and the Wadi. that, sell tad bopara .b. Is not taw nail If ella Imajereas or lance, awd thaw le pars lad actin klood.it ghee • Oak blow no the abaft and • brilliusy al their wpm that Ls fesetwing. This a shy We wawa aspacially- the Spas Isdas,ara no each tdhGnd. Ladled In tha earth who aka hot litita usreas, or are ocalud in date rows, or have epoiladthat eutplatton by lb. spoil ' tuna of didwriou lawns, If they arab to re. galaaliadolty.: nf nap, barnat avails eparkliss aye. and bewatlfal compbrriona, they B 110•14 UM. Dr. Ture. ...d'. Satuparda Thews& alto hate tried lk ore than ,satlafted, an delighted Leine of every nation, wed oar one daily. Nedra to the Ladles. TWIG tut loan. Dr. Twasend'e Bans p arm a ban lovadably &riled their stafft plop Remade fin Po wain, kw, 1.4 - and lune °opted one We and circular. whlcknlatuto the compleatte a/wan, weal for ww. —other nu who ma op .11ama, hew attee dm great newt of Dv Towinend'e flareaparila is emplanes itteident to ferules, reconneaded thnre, altholigh pre Wady they dad not. A number of than Wawa, Pita kv, are lap... to tunas ae tiny quanta Wane. and nalenoina couthation. Dr. T o wnsend.. is the onlp, and ben remedy the maw. Wade COI, cote—itrarely, if ever Lila of off • penuout cam It au bed takso by tha ante delkueWanes I soy cau, or by thaw expect.' I 8 Wow authors with the mum advanagew tt tha sweat and 'parasite Pala yr dagrir, strengthens both owlet WIWI& De cusfklitigat the aitre. Mero. Thla certificate ctutzl lla eal = rat Cored ill y pm. that thit @vs*. para has perfect mead am - the mart °bathe. ate eases et the Blood„ Tbraepreons cared le one boas. Three Children. Warns yam Lit Totohnigleb—Deas SD: I hive tha 'pleasure to OM throe el mjikildran hair. Mom mold [the Scenfialn by din on of .paa niceties,' seadicina Tieele idgfeted any nteraly allltbad Bern; have nil. only four bind.. 1 It OWL thens away, for which I &id repair undergreat obllratiox Ton.. saspectfally, ISAAC W. CH.AIN, 106 Woonsmx. °phalanx of Playlet/sax, Ds. Townsend alsoost,dally receiving endue hen Physician. in different Parts of the Unloo. Thia is to <artily that we, the anderdined, Physician. (ditto City of Albany, hove in 110=070114 caw pretwrib od Dr. Townsend . . Sasaapatills, and believe It to be woo aka, [llO4 ...inside renovations la the mask.. H. P. PULINO M. D. J. WILSON, li. D. R. IL BRIGGS, D. Albany, Xr.tl I, HUM P. E. ELMENDORP, M. D CAUTION. Owing to the great aueeesa and intomoso sale of Dr. Townmoda Barsapaullba • number of men who wan formerly our Agent; harm tommancod making &map. rub Extract; Ellsh; Hitter; Extract. of Yellow Dock, o. They generally put It up to the same shaped hop .de; and some of them ban mole and , toplad our &her tisnnent•—they low only .worthlaa. 'mitotic., and alloold by avoided. Principal Office, DM FULTON St.., San flaildiag, N. Redding it Co. 8 State street, Boston; Dyott A Som. 132 North Second street, Philadelphia; 8. 11 . Hence, Drexel.. Salumore P. Cob.; Chluiatoti Wricht X. Co, 151 Charts. Street, N. O.; 110 South Pee. Street , Albany; and by all the principal Drug rim and Blerch.ts generally throughout We tinned armee West Indies and the Canada. N B —Persons inquiring for this medicine, should not be indoced to take any other. Draggle's put up Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling die. own . Do not be deceived by .5-2nqture for Dr. Toorm send's, arid take no other . Remember the genu ine "Tcroeusend's Sarsaparil a," sold by the sole agents . R E SELLERS, General Wholesale A Road Agent, No. 57 Wood slouch and D. Al CURRY, Allegheny city. .le2B QPECIAE—SYM PTOMST)F — bONSLTiII7ISI.I - - 13 ss Quick pnlee, haclurQ cough, general weakners, pains between restle sleep, variaLle appetite, irregular bowels, the shoulder bfailes behi nd t Seeing:lan nz COtt3OatITION --Coughing night and day, flabby ruuseles, general debility, great hill 'bonne. of breath on going up stairs ancending a ,or walking but a little fact, pulse it ' lways above one hundred, for weeks together, drenching cold imeilla towards morning . Catarrhal Consumption come. on like a common catarrh or cold, but about the period wben dho ease usually is expected to subside, tome of the sprit , Let. are aggravated The Cough T he or some, espeeLOly vidirM lymg down re le no fixed pain in the chest, but difficult breathing, which is worst on lying down The apearence or the expec toration, which to t • °pious, to changed from thtek 'elms mucus, to p a thinner subrutrce It to very tan Pleasant to the ttent, and emits on unoleeeent smell when burned It Is of an uniform appear.ee, ancOs probably a 012 tort of pus and mucus, anginal with weber part make and part swims. This disease may occur in any habit or at any age, and is charm, tensed by the peenllartty of the cough The also of m Liverwort etre cts the .lire of this in attootecsidious disea . se by eXpeCtoration, moths and heals the t lung It !totter berry., this elite bail been tudd, tee hear of lie success Pormthir teen years it has been tido, the patine,d has been thornagVy tested for all complaint. of the an Lung., end has proved Itself superior to mene to any thing in use We might give hundreds of teettmonials from physt Clam; the press, clergy, sad those who have bee cu red, bat nil we desire te to rail the attention of th e af li.nndi'hr e7lg".dy will itatiout f: counterfeits ' th ey Xrve the mg nature, .Geo Taylor, D," the engraved label, aV Prepared at the Wholesale Di pot 72 Ifeekman l ffi: ll'* :Lli c ti k rgli by llt Morgan 03 ood st, J TOwnsend, 45 Maiket At, fl Stays cot arks and 3d BON Ifondemn & Co, 5 Liberty st Price reduced per bottle maSS N O. 2 MACKEILEL.-76 b'r to itut -4 . It IF we low to dose conmsnournt. fob/ 111 DALY/CLL. GOLDwitil- - - - - - - - - - -----_, Dr PARRY has invented a allele,* for washing Ai.. Gold, for which he has made application for a patent- They are now offered for sale' at the ware. house of Parry, Scott & Co., No. 103 Wood sumo; Pittsburgh. Adventurers to California are invited to call i and ex• amine these labor-saving unettines. They tee shame nu their consuuclion, rally transported on the back of male, or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, and eon be put in operation in half an hour- They can be f fiLed vent provisions. It is the opinion of those Wk. have seen the trial a one of these machines of smallest me, that two men will wash the mineral frum tau bushels of sand or earth in a day, without We lose of a particle of the mineral. They can be inereued their< ' tad worked by water or mule power, if expedient e operators work without going Into the water or being exposed to wet, and conzeouently without en daugering their health. They will require - but a small smear= of water, and can be used the whole season. and coo be put Otto operation where there is not m stullL erit water to wash in usual w. Price of nuttiest rile the 835. Order, ay from abroad, se rompan-ted by cub, will be promptly filled. febd-dtf ii. PARRY, at Parry, Scott & Cu,,i No 103 Wood sr Pinaburgh. jig es. praTiTTC-8-einii—R?da-irili---" THE subscribers are now recetring their pall stock attic above article, threeyeasels, via; the duvet., Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Leda. shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared to receive orders. They will receive during the win ter and spring regniar supplies eta New Orleans. novl3 W & M MITCH/MDR 4EP oIINT EAGLE TRIPOLI -- rr—iiirdeaulng dows and lamp glasses, silver plate, Mai, lin tamale, and other ware. rapidly takm out all spots and stains, end reproduces the beautiful and dumbie lustre of new ware. Just received and for sale, whole side end retail, by JGIiNI) MORGAN, NE. - - - of Ni. R; r iSA . 2IIL. H. HARTAIAN having sold his tot,. the co-partnership of Coleman, Realm. & Co., to the remaining partners, has thia day retired C o., the firin. , _ February 19,18184 YURES.--Th und e r. i lr,r ,g?::l L ,l (i; g :ilt fortt f AN te.i'mAanufstaturers—, hay on hi 41 and is constantly receiving a full supply of the arti:les made in Pittsbumh and vicinity, which be offers far sale at manufacturers pores. GEO COCHRAN, feLiall ood st .1 it rl t as ß p c LI Eeß.l:l2selE—, article eLs bottl e r e,, 1 ,,i. i ii - b ß o tt: ; and times perfectly water proof, and mil Mt apiece of cloth. One application of Mis pasta is saffnumit to moire theta impervious zn water for it or a month., and • perfect prevent•tive from the leather cracking. Reed and lot sale at the India Rubber Depot, No 5 lN'ocal ti, fricla J& H Pii/LLIPS_ BIGELOW'S CARRIAGE RIANUFACTORT, Diamond they, Mimeos Weed and Prnit/pfidd Strom. - K 111. RICiELOIV would respectfully ........,,t,„b..-. infirm the public that at his Factory % srmoill. .f L. _-,..0•.7 can at all times be found a large supply Family Caniages, liarouches !lug gies, and all kinds of fancy Carriages, equal in ele goner and neatneis to any famed In the EasL Cots. tracts for my number of Carriages, Baggier sad Wa gons, will tie...promptly Bled. All work of his own manufacutre will be warranted. Rmatmcks---Col. R. Pattentrin i R. IL Partenio dermm n K lk Ga ma, Esq., Robert m Robb, Lim , C. L. 1114111,'Al- Steel. febSs.3m 'ol7lll£ RAIL SECURED BY LEITEI RSPATENT. PUBLIC ATTENTION is solicited to an entirely new article of RAILING, made of 'wrought iron dbars, nod 'oft annealett rods, or wire , and expressly signed for enclosing Cottages, CeMeteries, Ilaleo ce. Giounds, de., al prices varybtx from de ce tsnts t0g3,00 the running foot. It is made in panne!. p d various length., to 4 feet high, with wrouht Inta feet.l Treh iraterveTicoLdittanmzels.ooff I; height, in continuous spans oral posts.et, with or without posts. No extra charge fo The comparative lightness., great strength nd dun. batty of the WIRE RAILING, th e beauty of tts varied i ornamental designs, together with the extremely price at which it is sold , an causing it to supersede the Cast Iron Railing wherever their convention merits have been tested. For further pine an, ad. dress MARSHALL to lIROTHERLL Agents for Patentees, Diamond alley, near Smithfield st, Pittsburgh. Lo wiLCiiariciiien, — ...71,1,101 OP ALCOHOL AND PURE SPIRITS, Corner Front end Vine streets, Cincinnati, O. lir— Orders from Pitt•buorii for Alcohol, 'hire Spisv It, Roar or Rectified Whiskey, twill be promptly amen ded to et lowest inorket price. mehls,dl y Ri:CElVti.DiWic-b—Tsr, at lhe near Carpet Ware• house No. 75 Fourth meet-- Rich ernho ' ssed Piano covers Plain Turkey red Chinta do do Table do I Fig d do do do IN'Errsmd do do do do Bordering; Blue Damask; Carpet ILindmigs; el•en Inoreen 11.$0.—Camps Gentiles Transparent Shades, ,ar quote Views do do nirktsli do do Oiliness do do do Drapery Chine... do do Moonlis Vmara do do I mini scope do do do T I•ollitc• do Rock Rolex Ends. The above Goods are of the noticat and names, , t) le, to herb we loVite the attention Of out (riend, And etactOrnern., orrd Ltirma ',slung furtush or plenish •tesun bouts and hou-es. tune) W. APC olziotiok WillfWA's, LUSTOCK - • Alantithetu re ElNlLlFllll r and dealer AND in all G d• TOBACCO,CIGARS. A T his Old Stand, corner of Snoheld Street and th Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa, would respecthil ty call the attention of Country Merchant, llotel and Steamboat Barkeepers, to a loge and superior assort ment of IMPORTED CIGARS, aong which will be found the following brands, alai Ea m gle, Regalia, C.o. cellos. Pnivethe, La Norma', Star Brand, lltherva and Dollar Regalia, all of which will be sold an low al can be had at any other house In the airy. Also, constantly on hand and for sale, a large and cell selected slunk of Virginia, lhasoun, and Fine Cut :hewing Tobacco. Also, Sayan, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco, onstantly on hand and for sale. noel:dam BENNETT It BROTHER, BiFEENSW ARE MANUFACTURERS, ' Birmingham, buss Pittsburg/4J Pa. Warehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. WILL coastantly keep on band • good assort mein of War% of our own manufacture, and supenorquality. Wholesale and country Met chants are respectfully invited to call and el gr..e for thenuci•es, as IR, err aleterssUned so sod ebeaper than has ever before be e• offered to the pub Ile.__ Ill 3.• Orders sent by mail, accompanied by the each o coy referenee. will by promptly attended in. feb2s NIll -V CAlltl'itTg—Re'ectiertrus day—direiriroo the manufacturer— New o style Tapesuy 3 ply Carpets, egly• caper; do do do dr, do o supe Brussels Carpets, do do ric Bepaseis, very cheap, do h-nolo% supet Ingram do 4-1, .1-4 and 5.,d heavy Veneum do 4-4, 3-4 and 6 Untroon do do AR of which on e sold atsmall advance, and will guarantee as low as can b ey orehased in the east •er23 W APCLINTOCK, 75 Finsinh nut COACH MAKING. FROM the very [Menu 11 eacoare • mutt the subscriber has received nine gs / _,...-located taken AllerMeny, t'hititi g lig 2 b. induced him to a lease, for•• term of years. on the property be now oecumes to Beaver street, Immediately beside the P resbyteltanChorch. From the long experience to the above bummers. and a desire to plea., he hopes to mor n and receive a share of public patronage. Now orband and finalllng to order, Rockaway Bag. goes, open and top Doggie., and every deserfpdon of Carnage. made to order, from seventy•five dollen to eight beware. Ikep3.dtfl 701 IN SOUTH -------1 2 ,- KTCK ,Irriii iTheriii---"metary. T the Rectal meeting of the Corporator., held the but IntL, the following person. were gnu morally toeseeted Munger. for the etultdng year THOMAS M. HOWE., Vlmudiull JOHN BISSELL, JESSE CAROTII2OIB, NATILkNIEL HOLMES WILSON nrcABDLESSI JOHN 11. suomnEctokn, JAhlkH R. SPELT, ) J. M.., Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. The annual statement presented the .fairs of Mr Company in a very prosperous condition. Their offaci In the city is No. 37 Water street. MIX THE STAR OP THE WILRT VENITIAN BLIND 24 Aisl'l-oi . rog 1 - East side of the Diamond. tvire Vestillan Mtn. of all the different sizen and colors ere kept on hand or mode to order Kite ~..w, ,e t r ia: ,, lotest and most Unlit:Med Eastern rash. 2011.5,111 the shortest notice - end on the mos Also, the cheap Boston roll or spht Blind Transpa rency and Paper Curtains of nil the different uses and * patterns, on hand and for sole low for cash. Old fl AI Vent uon libud• ',awed over and 'mooed, _or taken in put ' N. ayment ter near WESTERVIL, T, Nov, li —Ad V/04. done with Ma best material and ororktriattstap t and warranted to please the most fan. mho.. noslll-dly Allegheny eny, Aug. 10,1E49. -- - • -- • - • -- AMERICAN TELER.!..aPII COZIPANY "''" nVE rn YriMi LINE. DPelee at It AT life Ent— T Exchange, Ham mer .. EDUCED hr• rhurges have been tcde ced on all hle.sagus ro to m froufßanimonr, Pitts burgh or Wheeling,. and a correspond*, made on all telegraphic despatelms‘orwamled from Bal timore Worn of Pittsburgh, Pa. BAl72.—The charge for a telegraph dasporei, to or from Baltimore, Pausbargh and at Wheelin, is IP cents (or the first tr words, and Centa for each g m word. ilinonal [la. No charge is Made for the address snd sign. r. ' completion oldie South Western Line of 'rum Aferophia, Tenn, to Now Orleans, dea n be forwarded to blethphis by Ws mote, and Nrmy I /rime.. ACHES ON ‘VOODHOUSE & JOHN WOODHOUSE; AY/NC. this day usrociated themselves together Ala in partnership, under the firm and stylaof Wornatures, for the manufacture of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE, on the corner of go ner creet and the Canal, In the In Ward, errs, where they prepared to furtush to order, wholesale and retail, all article. in their fine with prompt..l .. p„,,,,d r y Trimmings, aDd Carpenters' orders are ow . i watch will receive immediate aUennee. illy of Alie j eheny,yeb. t, l B l o .—deto • 1 ANL/SCAPE PAPER— ,' .1 I ...et, a view of the Bottle of hloate m , , „ " e Cerro Gordo. I . , ~ . 13nefla Visati 1 i . ~ .' Pet. de Par* i .. " " Chase do Lyon; ; : : C &PA P a r" 'se /I r e! The above is suitable tor pampos 1,,,, pu b tk roma. Junt tree ellitel (rem Peru, . and for sale a: the warehouse of eP.2 0C HILT. ILIKENCII MERINOS AT Cl-WT-4,3rtiohr.ori. „L" 10 Market street, will sell forth* balance of the season at cost, their mock of Reach Merinos, certopn ow the most choice colon. Now IS your came to Se once bargains deem - `.. N. 110 LBIMIS i SONS, — B ank•r•t hag s• B ok •r a, • Lira Maxie; Is NOTES, DRAMA ACCEPTANC, GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOTES - COLLEC T/ONS.Drults, Notes and Acceptances favorable ten._ payable in any pan of the Union, collected on the mom EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal. arnbre,• also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Stunt Louis and New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANK NOll4.—Notes on all solvent banks in the United State. discaanted at the lowest rates. All kinds oforedign mtd Arnencan (Sold and Silver Coin bought and sol Ogee No. 55 Market street, between 3d arid 4th, Pittsburgh, Pa. on= FOREIGN EXCHANGE. ILLS on Llgtand, Ireland, emd Scotland bought any amount at the Current Know of Exchange. ..11, Drafts payable in any pan of the Old Countries, (roar it to 1000, at the rate of $5 to tho litterbug, SO without deduction or ducount, by JOSHUA ROSt.si- N l., European Lou General Agent, oCko Cub at ($l. door_ not wood. on - II Ur.= [ cpsYnlin la ER RA BANvr-R -AND EXCHANGE BROTERO, in Foreign a.d Domestic BUS. of Exchange, Co dcalu naCates of Deposit; Beak Notes and Coin. corner 3d and Wood atreetn., directly oppoithe St. Charles It tel. inirrrid I y ATACTerrkHHI FUNDS— . Oh'o indians, Xmncki, Masonsl, Pachseed at the lowest rates, by Bank Nome; sepia N. HOLMES & SONS, 8 35 Market et ILLSIOPXO -E kiskailaß,--rbgbitkieeki o New York, Pbtladelphtn, and Com/wily for We by N. HOLM liware, sepl3 ES & SONS. as market BOOKB. • UN)C, IiVkIW BOOKS—Complete Works of John IR Mason, D in 1 vols. bland and a Voyage Hobe:, Hernsan Border Warfare of N York, by W W Campbell. Here a Little and There • Lode, by. the author of "Line upon Line, and Precept upon Precept." Memoirs of my Youth. by A De Latuarune. Illustrated Lite of Franklin, part WI, just received and for sale by JOHNSTON ASTOCKTON. apla corner Third and Market sts lu--=—K-AW BOOKS—Dr. Coventry's Work on . Eptdeint .11 Cholera, its History, Causes , Pathology and tree noun. Philosophy of Dilution, by J D. Moved, A. hl. Bourne's LA' teCilllM of the Steam Enione. Chamber's Cyclopedia of English Locraturr, a vole octavo, fine edidmi, steel plates- Chambers' Misechany of Useful and Entertanint Knowledge -10 cols, ib mo. Illustrated. Advice m Young Men, by T S. Arthur, gilt. Young Women, •" •. Dements of Meteorology, by J. Brocklesby, M. A. 'n rio ' v ' e n rt ' s for the People, by R 9 Magoon. Universdy Sermons, by Dr. Wayland. French's Hulsesu Lecturer, for 1046-7.—• The fitness of Holy Soriptures for utifelding the spiritual lie of men.' 1 vol. Cy*. No. 5 Fran k Int's Life, Illustrated. Received this day by R HOPKINS, ap2l Apollo Buildi Nl:SY PUBLICATIONS — FIa ngs, 4th st _ o(Church and Stara ot y the the Union vol. 12m0.-81,25. eiTtirs? P e T tglion ' or t * rti l : work was sold in one day, on its publication in London! Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal, rho Pro , vine's of Massachusetts Bay-1678-9. v01.12m0. Hoyt's Poems.—Sketche• of Life and Landscape, by Rev. Ralph Hoyt—new ed. enlarged—with Dunn lions. Limo. 81,00. A Catechism of the Steam Engtne, Montrone° of the scientific principles upon which on operetion depends, and the practice/ details Oros structure, to its norther.. ou tou minus, mills, steam navigation, and railway! C. E. 1 vol. Itlato. 7 with varios suggestion se s of improvement: by J Brnou . Cheever's Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress—ne ed. limo, Price reduced to 81,00. The Cantons, • Family Picture, Part I. Pic. Franklin's Life, illustrated. Pans IV and V. Eel Tatiana' Histories; by Prof. Trer-12mo. For sail by- inch2l R HOPKINS, 40 st. Sole Agency for N 1113822 & Clark'. Pianos. NOVJUST RECEIVED and opening, E new lot or elegant Pianos, front the celebrated factory of' Nun. U Clark %nth important imp.N. V. comprising 0,14 .d 7 octave ..mama, both in mechanism at egterior, possessed by no others. ALtdill—A fine selection of Chickering's Piano., tr oto 7 octaves. If. ELEDER. Sole Ag ird i e., Wood welPs„. N. B. The above at will be sold at manurecll Th ' eon, without any addition (or freight or et mato ___ _ Journal and Ch centric cop, PIANOS A APIA:MAD assortment fffiglii gus ed ty. . and Rosewood Pianos, are m,t wh These instruments ade the latest pattern and best matenals and will be told low for earth by F. BLUME, 112 %Wood street, Al above ?In. N. B.—Thos who are in want of adoor gond instrumnent. •re respectfully invited to examine these before pur chasng elsewhere as they cannot be excelled by any m the Country, and will be sold lower Mau any brought from Me Rost AltoPist eceiaca, lianlosone linn. bomb roslinfacture. warranted to be superior to toy ever told to Rua country. .122 NEW ISINTROMENT. TOR subeenber has been apprnmed Sole Agent Mu °NS the, e sale of CARHART,S IMPROVED MELODF , manufactured and and perfected by Morns March ik White, of etnetalltan, The usual compass and extent being bat four octaves, Messrs. 141. & W. in accordanc e with the general desire and demand, have extended the team et these instrument+, to 4 and even S octaves, thus making It practicable to perform upon theta any ntUale ernuen for the Piano or Org-eui The exterior, also, has been much Improved liy planing the body of the uuttronlein upon a east aron frame beautifully lironxed and ornamented, rendering it •1 Once• • most elegant and extremely desirable article The price is put so to as to bring it within the reach °revery one to obtain a perfect outruns/ tnellanient, sod, at the same time, a aunt elegant piece of turn,- tale for a comparative trine. It KLEMM, At it . . .1 W W. gis R.LAT Mt_ sitJAL NOVELTY— 00.. re The .../WI I,J has Just rreeined from Europe., and for sale, nit entirely new invention of Plane Forte, railed the tjAlt INET PIANO POEM which pot...tttog m0te1...i.e..' and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies tut one worth as Mach roorn, and . • much snore showy and handsome piece :of (seal are It ts particularly destra ble where the milting of space 13 an object, being ex• ceedingt, neat and compact, and occupying no moth thorn titan a small side table. The subsenber has in led aitnil a testimonial of its supenonty from the celebra piatust, Moschellea, to his own hand wining, w hid, may be ilispeeted. H. KLF.lllqt, oct.t.l At I W Vt ow...WA ------Chlekeriews Plano.. IiIt,JUST received and for sale al man ulseturersprices, Ithisrnoth nets. Piano Fortes,ls, di and 7 octaves, of the most elegant patterns of furnoure, and with the late improved stale. Also on hand and for sale low, 3 second hand Pisn• os Sole Age JOHN 11:MELLOR, Penn Agent lon Cluckerinsri Pinkie for Wetter, rylvania Si Woodstreet morn NEW MUSIC HT HENRI HERZ—The. Last Ron f Summer, with an introduetwn andlnithant v, nation for the Plane Forte, ea performed in all I concerts in the United States by (tend lien. Military Polka, by Henrilien; Comic Potha, Silver Hell Polka, Just received and for sale by nichl3- -- JOlll4 H MEL,LOR, 91 wood - - Ll A ND soLFEuulos, to t he n accompaniment for the Fian-fortc, adapted to wants of pnvate papas, or chutes in vocal music. Selected nom Saban. French and berth. composers, by Lowell 51asont !arse pages or closely printed - music csootag 108 caercums progressively arranged. Price 75 coot. Jost received, • •apply of the above, direct (root the publishers, by umbra JOHN H. NKLLOR, 81 wood el " TRANSPORTATION. REED, PA RRS 848 0 , G•. PACKET LINE. maima 1. bags HEAVER AND CLEVELAND LINE, Y.-fa WARREN Canal Packet—SWALLOW, C¢ t. Fool. OCEN, Capt. Wetter*. hE of the above Pack A ets leave Beaver every day, (Sandays excepted) and arrive next morning al °emu, where they connect with the Mail stage. for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these plaeea Deface rughb One of the Peek etc leave Warren daily, at h P.M., and arrive td Beaver In nine to take the tag: 7l' 2l%. f.o l:Vrirat al El TAYLOR, ~Proirndra. BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINFI 1111.011 To Tilt taus in FORTS Uncle. s.a.e.! Packet—Prinurbvskts, Cali. Jeffries; " Tuxuisen, e Pollock; Luse Enu, • " ?ruby; Pyrktous,, Brown; n . FALLIIIOn, '. Sayer. The above new and splendid Passcyger Packets hays cotruhenced running between BEAVER ANDtERIE and wII run regalorly during the season-1311 C bout tearing Erie every morning at 8 o'clock, and one lean. in , Detiver every evening, Immediately after the aril. cut of the steamboat Michigan fie in Pittsburgh. "boats ore new and eninforinbly furnished, and point on Win .1111 the L thro . ugh In forty hours. Passengers to nay. Aes, or to Niagara Fulls, will Ind this route throorthe most con ieortuble niid expeditions. Tickets b to all ports on the Lake Cull he procured by it,ipsying to the proprietors. REED, PARRS Co, Beaver JOBN A. C o A or ti . ‘ 3 ,y r ,..Ar. s ntA e u rl ~ 13, .. C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y. C M Reed, Erie, C C Wick Greenville, Pa; APParland and King, Big Bend, Pa; nays Plumb, Rharpsbargh, Pa; C !Bolan, Sharon, Pa; D C Matilavn Palaiiki, Pa; W am Nen, Castle Pa. ÜBLIKE & CIOT PAST Ezpnicas --- - - - FOR CUMBERLAN ,1) BALTIMORE, AND Tiff' EASTERN CITIES. gW E Proprietors of this Line have put on New stunk, seri and are prepared to forward pnekuges of all de. ph°. daily, at the lowest roma J. C. BIDWELL,. Agent, et, t% lain stre Pittsburgh. ROBINSON BOEHM, octal ail South Cherie. at, Baltimore. RARNDEN Paamonger and Itandetanne Odle*, nJIANRDEN A CO. continue to bring persons efrom my part of Ragland, ',viand. Scotland Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with Met, Millafpmetuality and attention to the onsets and com fort Of EMOligTslllta We do not al low Oar passenger, to be robbed by the awicdling scamps that infest the sea. ports, as we lake charge of then, the moment they re port themselves, and see to their well being, and de. vetch them mt.. any detentron by the urea ships.- We toy this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passe', gars Le show that they Weft detained 48 hours by us in Livomairri, while; thouaanda of others were detained months, mill they could be rent in some old craft. at a eh ` ; p rate, which too frequently proved their odic e. ntend to n o t our contracts honorably, rust what II nay, imd not tot as was the case last season, with ether Macvnlr - who either Performed not or when it parted - their convenience. profts drawn at Pittsburgh for any NOM from At to to payable at any of the provinctal Banks it, England, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROrtyammtg, Ithropean and Gene.) Ag,nl, 1...1 Finb nne dram holem.ll7nnd. VKI.VITI'BIBLIONH-Just received at 2 coulou Kin. scy'a 47 Market abaci, 30 p. colored Velvet Ribbon, avelyted 30 " blikok doos !I 0 embroidery GOO; lb ps wide Plain, toe OLL isurres—io bbla &ash, -r— j.t 4 1 '' - T;r jlk, sale by (DO AithISTRONO&CIit OZER . . MALLEY'S MAGICAL HIE EXTILICTORi • T AG following from George E. Pomeroy.% the wen known propnetor or the einreas, rye for parent_ Itself of the importance of the Pain Mrtractor re every Mn. Drat.: Ems Oereo, Albany, Sept. 1. Aly D Sir—With fehmrs of no OS dinury plc.., I address you in relraio e n to the benefit I have received from your inseams/de Pain L7:sraessor. Lasely, my tilde daughter, 8 years old, hod a pitcher of boiling stutter nutted into her hoarsen; her screams were dreadful. so that ts crowd instantly gathered. tore the house to learn the can. of tbe terrible sereania sore her clothes asunder, and soon spread ors year salve, and she was carried and laid upon a bed. She was.. teLesed,from her pains, and says "Nos I feel as ifi could taught" and was soon in sweet sleep. She vs,s scalded to a blister front the top of her shoulder neer more than half her chest, and round under the arms. 00 the shoulder pod breast It was very deep, yet from the first hour, she complained only when it WWI dressed. The sore healed =pithy, and there is nb contraction or the muscles. WWI many wishes, my dear sir, for your tore.. the Mille orris.. mighty article, I am yours, with respect. GEO. E. POIdEROV. 1 THE TEST and NO MISTAKE' . The genuine Dailey, will ever produce the same re surname°us rebel; and soothing, cooling ettect, to the severest cares of Barns, Scalds, Nes, ke. The Counteneits—no n suer under what names they may appear—always irritate. and increase the pain. TO THE PUBLIC I, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Co elvin idge, lumbia county . , N. V, have been erlhe M ted with ßr rheu matism In my breast, feet, and all over my body, for s'• 1 years, w that I could not stand, and was cured by e eppheaticats of DalleyhallitegieaJ Pain Extractor EDWARD P. HOLMES. -Dailey, Blr-1 cut my finger with a copper nail, poisonous nature of which caused my arm to awed cc Asiderably, with constant shooting Pains up to the shoulder. A large swelling taking place at the arm. ?it, with Increasing pain, I became tearful of the Lock mw. In this extremity your Pain Extractor was re- mmended to tam and which I wan prevailed upon to try. The consequence was that it adorded me almost octant relief, and in Pave days I was completely ea red JOSEPH HARRISON, Ncw York, corner Broome and Sullivan ate, Sept 8.1848. NICEH. Dabber is the inventor of this invalu able re OT medy, and never has and never will communi cate to any lima man the secret of its combination! All Retractors, therefore, not made and put up b him, are base counterfeits. PROPILESOVIS I/ernes—AlLS Broadway, New York; t.ns Chestnut street, Phila. JOHN D. hIOROAN, littera! Depati Dr. WAL THORN, Agents for Pittsburgh. Dalky's Animal Geiternse Cors-All, ewe. humor., apavin, (minor, grease, poll-evil, sores, galls, and bungee Pamphlets, containing cer tificates of respectable parties, may be had on applica non to JOHN D MORGAN, novls.dlyis Agent, Pittsburgh. M'ALLISTERIS OINTMENT t IIi:STAINING NO MERCURY, or other 'Alineral.— It has power to cause all EXTERNAL SORES, , ,' SCROFULOUS HUMORS, SKIN DISEASES, POI- SONOUS WOUNDS to discharge their putrid matters, and then heals them. It is rightly termed ALL-HEALING, for there ik scarcely a disease external or Intdrmil, that it will not benefit. I have used it for the lastsixteen years for all diseases of the cheat, involving the inmost danger and responsibility, and I declare before heaven and man, that nut in oue ease has it (ailed to benefit when the patient was within the reach ofmonal men.. I have had physicians learned In the profession. I have I nunstcre of the gospel, judgesof the bench al ' dermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor use It in every variety of way, and (hero has been but one voice—one universal voice OOD! eayIng—"hPALLISTER, VO POUR OINTMENT IS G" RIIEUMATISM—It removes almost in the inibusimation and swelling, when the pi t Read the directions around the boil HEAD-ACHE—The salve boo cured persons or the head-eche of twelve years standing, and who had it regular every week so that vomiting took place. EAR.. Au E, *roam-Acne, and AGUE IN THE FACE, are helped with like succese. SCALD DEAD-I , Ve have cured eases that actuall defied every thing known asNsrell as the ability of flu teen to twenty doctors. tine man told us be had spec Sam on his cluldnoi wnhou any benefit, when • fen boxes of Ointment cured them. TEITER—There ie nothing better for the care o Tette, DURNS—It iv one of the best things In the world fo. Bu run. FlLElO—Thonsands ate yearly cured by this Oint ment It SIEVeII fails in giving relief for the Piles. V - Around the box are directions for using ATA/- heter`i Ointmerdfor Scrofula, Lien Comp/stint, Erysipe las, Teeter, Childtam, Se /d Head, Sore - E,yo, Quineg, So, Throw, Brunehiten, Neeteus Affections Poe,. . I:N -ut.< of Mr Spree. Head ache, astArna,fleatnen. F,tr athe. /ow, ['orris, all Damsel uf Sidi., Sore Lip, Pro', pies. Sine/ling pt the Limas. Sam, ilhaonatiret, Ales, cold Fort Creep. Swelled or Brokr Breail, Tooth arhe. Ague an the Foes. r 1,1,1/ FEET—laver Complaint, pain An the Cheat ci s V old fullitig card th, hair, or the other accompa nie.o (eel. (This Ointment is the true reinedy'.) It i• sure sign of tliwase to have cold feet. COIINS--Oceastimal use of the Ointment will aL ways keep corn. front growing. People need never be troubled with them it they tiro It frequently. (El- This Chrome,. is good (or any purl of the body ir Midis when inflamed. lo some eases it should be • pplied often. I-ACTION—No (iintment will be genuine unless the ante of JAMES IdeALLisTEK to wntieu with a pen • a every !abet. For sale by ray Agent in ell the principal chino and ewer in the United States. JAMES MALL ISTER Sole Propnegor of the oboe medthil Prthethal Office, No North Thi v rd .thect, delphot. PRICE VS CENTS PER BOX. Aoavrs to Prryssnang—Braun & Reiter, corner of Liberty and St Claw sts, and L Jr, comer of Marketaad the Diamond. also came! Of 4th dad Smithfield sin; .1 111 Cassel. corner of Wahkut and Penn Atli ward; end sold at the bookstore it Stnithiseld st, Ad don, from Second an in Alleghcm). Mt/ by Sehwant and J Sargent by J 4 Smith, Drareist,ild , Newby, East Likernri H Howland, me. J Aleatuider & Son, lklommgabela City; N Bowmen & Co, and J T Rogers, Browsmadle; John Berkley, Beaver, Ye, are wholesale aFetta. In b 97 -denally WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, Ptlllill'SLlUlll3, P. pliF: repid suides which ilydropathy Liss made 1 store its troducuen 111{0 this country--the 1....1- iirrt MA a.totioiting curattve effects of cold walnut i el tome and acute ilti , eruicia. when employed after the in thud of the ccieliraied Price lOU, have removed from La . mind of wt iiiielligeat and diacernind. public every v rude of duslot as to its efficacy, and gained it um ...rani favor Considertng the unsattsinetory results of romedtee heretofore used In the treatment of eemplamts, (complaints, um, which are tuereasing en. cry year,) it most be a natural swish to see the success of a memos] by which so many unfortunates sufferers will be freed from their pains sad itiftratitwa The subscriber having practised imileessfully this method for eight yenta nt his ifydremethie establish. meat, which has been considerably enlarged sod im proved in all ds parts, and in every respect, is now ready to receive and accommodate patients who may choose to place themselves mules his core, skill and ex OTIOZICG. htlipsburg, 'twitted upon the lea bank of the Ohio, °t wine Me mouth of the Big Beaver, is well known for its refreshing and salubrious atmosphere, Its de lightful qutetness and charming natural scenery, catm int/tog every requttute to milder he sojourn of the in. ' b te, and contributing not a little to reies. a . 1 1, /l i en r se7s7ired health and phyrieal strength. The establishment, the first started in the United States, costal., every thing, both for pleasure and comfort, maculated to insure a speedy and happy ter minalion of the ailments of the Patient. prmons wishing to avail themselves alike advanta ges here offered, will please address the subscriber by letter. (post-psid,) stating as near as possible the nature of their complaints, in order to decide and wt. vise on their fitness and curability by the Hydropethie treatment, and also what will be necessary for them to take along, for their especial and personal use. EDWARD ACKER ilipsburg, M. D. Proprietor. , Beaver county, Pa Ritrausacks.—Retcd Ph. Killatelly, Armstrong; Y.*D, Clark, Esq. do; Hon. Thomas Henry, Beaver, Pest Dr. Barker, do; Prof. Ch. Elliot Pittsburgh, Pa.; L. C. Perkins, Ohio; Rev. S. H. Sneed, New Albany; R M ev. . Apes, Princeton, N. J.' T Stanon, New York; Jr. Ch. Winter, Philipsburg; . tYra. H. Mc. Gonne!, Esq. Pittsburgh; A. Bidwell, Esq., do. meh2o S . UNDRIFIS-100 packages fresh Teas—Y. H Gunpowder .d lathen. y :urn bogs prime Green Jaya 1120 Coffee; 50 do Logo) do; 10 do do; bags block Old Peppdr, 10 do Punentoi 150 WWI. new crop N 0 Sugar; (04 bbl. Plantation Mont..; 50 do Sugar House do clu berees fresh Rice. ' Ilk b. Bunch Raises; boa manufactured Tobacoo, surto. brand.; 00 keg./ ledge A Bro. 0 woo 'Yobareo; S Herds' " I. Pittsburgh plug 15. Los //clll Window Glass; 54/ do 10012 do; ISM kegs assorted Nails; IS casks Balerntua; 5000 ((kegs Cotton Yarn, sorted:as o/l. Together with a full and general rtment of AM les in am Oroenry line, on hands and for sale Ly it H. FLOYD, Round Church Building:, mlll6 Fronting on Liberty, Wood and thiclit CIALIFORNIA R ÜBIII,III HOODS—Joni received, 2...) 28 Comp oleo O Writer coats; 12 prs /hum, tv parrs inst hoed 1111hing Boots; 12 Isthmus Ram 2 a' tar Tanks, 6 and 12 valous each; 50 customs, I evimil each; 1 dor Buckskin Money Belts; I 2., oiled cambric do do. The above goods for lute al the Cali fornia Oniflutsg Establishment, No 5 Wood et. mcli24 J & II PHILLIPS - - ALLEGHENY VENITIAN inanno, AND CAtuNkrr wnahatuum. I. A. D ROWN would reaper, ly inform the p hlic, that he Hie on hand at hie stand on Lint et side of the lhamond, Alle np city a coenplete mison of Pe.nman Blinds; also Ve to Shutte rs Lee made to or ale best etyle, warranted to tiny in the Caned States. Bantle can be removed with the aid Of a screw driver lag porohased t h e stork, , end wood ord., cabinet es• Himont of Ramsey &Viet ld c am ustotn prepareere,d to fornieb r o as ll oSt large, with every thing in their line as Agency Nob Wood siren; Pittsburgh. medal J. A. BROWN. APER ant now receiving, dir ec from the manufacturen, in New York, Phlladeb dim end Delmore, a large and well telected assort ment of all the latest and most improved styles of ea tin, glazed and common PAPER HANGINGS, con swain of 10,0u ptecee of Parlor and Fresco; 10,1 mu " Hall and Cannon, HOMO " Dining-room, chamber and offi ce Paper—which I world partimilarly invite the a of those having houses to paper, to call examine, spa 9. and at the Paper Warehouse of s. C. 111 LL, l ARBUTHNOLT 137 wood el Gnu commene ei reeclee a ~ arge inteortmentt of Fancy VARIETY GOOLIS , eunmstiog in part of Artificial., Ebbbon Laes, lict sissy, Gloves. Crape, Leis., Carnbriel, Nottlngs, Lace Veils ' Shawls, Pongee Ilmidkerchiels, gents Cravats, gingham and cotton Handkerchiefs, carded Skirts, Sowing Silk, Threada,Bettona, Cambs., Jewelry, Cut lery, Ice to. Country and any merchantn ale Teti pectßilly invited to call and examine hie stack, E 4 Wood street, corner of Dimond alley, incidto FEL EX aI'LA e L e 'r n i ° el g F into u r se na a wholesotu'e, noOri?hirii7 em , ,Re dly u beverage, being More pleasant and pal atable than common Coffee, and far cheuper, as lion -tall pep, coming only Hu cents, will go EH far ate four pounds of Code. 11 .ufnetured by Sold at hole JOH N S. MILLER , Pittsburgh, Pa. roe Fire by B A FAUNESTOCK in Co, corne and Wood . and ninth 1.1 Wood street, Pittsburgh tijfACACCAV 3 I4 lii. lees edition, containing all the Ina OF s Iter, ye " u ' in et literatint, of Vols. I and 2 of the London editio'nb,ein bellished with a p Matt of the author —2 Vol.. in are. Pelee, complete, . A largo supply of the above re eeieed and for sal by JOHN 111141,L0R, xnels.t4 SI Wnod at QUNDRIF .12 Les Feather.; it d — o k) Flaxseed; 4 html. No 1 Lard, loam g from *reamer Ea ~bs, for sale by LSAIAJI DICKEY & Co, • Er. 13.1e-rarLea• Mora Sy qr.% JAMES Ale' ." TCLUSON k Co AFE D I CIL: 7 ___-.nricaor _....0 OVAJ.ltiiiil:47siiii-musisti- PROM AN IMPURE SPATE OP '' _ THE BLOOD OU EIADIT.OP THE SYSTEM, VIZ. - . . ~, Scrofula or gimes Eml,-Hheimutthoo, Obstinate Cuta neous Bruptions, Pimples or Postoles on the Fte,. Blotches, Bit., Chrome Sore Eye', Rie_g Worm or -Tenet, Scald Head,' Ealanument and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn icSyphilltie Symit. toms, Sciatica or :Lumbago, and. Diseases arWmg from an in as eC i rMereorT,Aseitesor Drop sy, }...posure or lotprodenee m Lila Also, Chrome. constitutional Disorders. In this preparation are strongly eoncentrated all the Medicinal properties of SaI , P4III.IA, combined with Me most effectual aids, the most Aleatory productions, the mon potent ildrapitl, 0(60 Vegetable magdm; arid it has been so (oilyy tested, . not only by patients them selves, but aly Phymciana, that it has received their Unqualified reestimmendmion and . the approbadon of the public: and has established on idr owe merits a reputation for valUO arid efficacy far superior to the vane.. compounde butring the ne of Sarsaarilla. Diseases have been cured, such mare not tarnished In the records of time puny and what nhas already done for the thousands who have used it, it Is capable of doing for the milli°. still satlering and straggling with disease. It purifies, cleanse., and t'lllgmel'' the fountain springs of life, 4 Janus new vigor taro'- out the whole mutual frant . c. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. • The ( . 11 ."..41, mihiol/ and, es will be seen, perma nent core of an inveterate case of Scrofula, commends itself to all similarly afflicted: - Soo r - rieo ' er.Gono.. Jan.l, 1919. Messrs. Senor. Gentl emen—Sympathy for the tele ted induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected She was by your Soreaparill a In the ease of my wife. everely afflicted with the scrotnla on differ ent parts of thirbrodr: the planar of the neck were greatly enlarged and her inntnonich swollen. After suffering over a year and Ending no relief from the low the knee remedies used, Me disease mmoked one leg, and be. imp porated. Her physician advised it should be laid open, which was dopey bat without no permanent benefit In this similar, we beard of, and were induced to two Sands' Sarsaparilla. The fire bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, relic, Ing her more than any prescription she hod ever ra ven, nod before she had and six bottles, to the IMOD. iekmenit and delight of her friends, she friend her health quite restored. It is now over ••year since the cure was effec'ed, and her health remains good, thaw ing th e was thoroughly eradicated hero the *yearn. Oar neighbors aro all knowing to Mesa facta, and Mint vegy highly of Sande, Sarsaparill.. Yours with respect, .TIJLIGSPIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. W. litr es, a gentleman well koom in Louisa comity, Pa., "Gentlemen—l have cured a negro boy of rens with your Sarsaparilla, who wait auaiked with Serothia, and of a scrofulonejfantily. "ours truly; N. W. Waal& "ffreder4s.Hel, Va., July 17,11348." 5A..10 a. , July semen.= unneceutuy to direr ntion t o n. an article as well known, and so deservedly p opes,op as this preparation, but patient!, often who wto as the extract of Sathiparillo, aro induced to try worthless compoutuls bearing the name, but containiug little or none of the virtue of this Ten able root; and we think vte cannot confer a greater benefit on our modem than in directing their attention to the advertisement of the Messrs. Sande in another column. The bottle bus recently becumilarged to hold a quart, and those who wish, a really good article will Clod concentrated hi this all the meditemetralee of the not The experience of thousands has proved its ef rt ficacy in n curing the various diseases fur which It is otO commed; aunt at the present nine more Men any m this medicine useful, is preparing the Fry m er, pereami em for a change of .ason.—lionie JoUrnal, Sept Prepared and sold. wholesale and retell, by A. D. h. D SANDS, I.lruggime.d Chemists, 100 Fulton street, corner of William, New Pork. Sold alio by Drttg , r. seminally throughout the United States and C.a. dos. Price $1 per 13.1 e; xis !Mules for 85. D. 1D- For .10, in Pittsburgh, arbolesale and retail, by A. ?ANNE-STOCK, k CO., earner of Wood and Front •. also, corner of :hub and Wood 1114 by L. Wits:ON, Jr_ comer of Smithfield and Fourth sts„ .d i , racr of Market st and hr Diamond; also, by Kt/WADI/ PLNDERIC/1. ear Alonoitgalla Novae; b•bp-.lm TlitsSE. si.:l7=NU WITII DISEASED lA/NC:A.—The unprecedented wiccess which hat - Jed Ulu ose of We GSENG PANA the various fo IN n. tvhreh Irrita C tion EA of the lungs as t°s, thishas induced the - proprietor again to call anen- WONDERFUL PREPARATION. rho, etc/mg:W e was Wa r ...Wed. marks our hal -mod winter months, la always a Cruttjul source of COI.DS AND COUGHS. lestroyer Nese, If neglected, ore but the precursors Of Was fbe question, then, how shall eve nip the destroyer km the bud! how shall we get clear of ant nought and ewe is of vita/ importance to the public. , • THE GREAT AND ONLY RZAIPXY will be found in the Gins onk Panacea In proerof this ac have front note to time published the certificates of dozens of our best known citizen., who have expe enced 114 curative pourers. These, with a In m of t ee imam.. from all parts of the COllll/47, —(M11 MEDICAL ALEN OF THE Mgr STANDING, e 'mizzen of the Covet, together with copious not es from the OURALS OF DAY; we have emb b odie d totu pamphlet HE forts, nod ausy be hasl stmte ofvany of our agents throughout the country. HUNDRED'S OF BOTTLES have b used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and we all 'rage any man kSIFttrIIISTANCE which, Wirer, taken according to directions, and be. ors vet tho [on too had become fatally disorganised, h.. failed 17FELT A PERFECT CURE. * Why, then, need the mllicted hesitate? 11 by r esort tc, the rat...rable nostrums, gotten up by ens own individ. sale u -ler the asattled name of some ce treated phy. skim; and polled Into notoriety by certificates sh. sons equally unknown? Whilst a medicine of . par. UNPARALLELED EFFICACY ato be bad, whose vouchers are at homer-oar neigh, hora,—tansy of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE.. withinrder that thia invaluable malicine may be placed the reach of the poor as well the rich, we hays pat the price at ONLY li`TY GENTS, Put one half the usual cost of cough medicines. it la Mr sale by oar agents in nearly every town and village i ver the west, who are prepared to ewe full inform. on relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, 0h10... llif DROP A TRIG ESTABISUBLENTT PuiLLlPsattaGel ISEAVYIII,O„ PAL: na. EDWARD ACREk, lakes this means of re-' Ai turning his thanks to h a friends and the public, for the exteMive parentage he has received, and of ht- , . forming them that he hoe lately erected- a large and ••••ell constructed building, for the exclusive purposes of his WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at hut old location, at Phillipsburgh, Pa., on the Ohio flier, app.. cite the steamboat larubng at Bearer, where the is ready to receive patients as boarders, and treat them ea Hy. dropethic principles. In addition to hie long expert, ence, and the great tureen; which has heretofore •t. tended his treatment of patients committed is Ids cite, to has now the additional kicilities r by . an ex. meiotic !militate erected expre s sly fo We dgy rose, cot. mining commodious and airy rooms, and fitted up with every necessary apparatua for bathing, and dihrfflus. tering the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort hof the patient. Plaillipsbar g h is a most delightful and ealthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and af rds fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures nose afflicted persons who may place themselves an der its care, that every attention shall be paid to their comfort; an ti as on assert/LILCO Ohba substantial benefits to by derived, he points with confidence to the -hun dreds who have been pertnanently eared at Ma cuau. lisbnient. Ti, Winer Cure leave. no injurious effects behind, as is too often Um case w ithin those who have been treated on the old system moiree the rib,- - invigorates the systent, protects ham the den changes of the weather, creates a alto eprycitto, and imparts rigor to the digesti Terms or treatment and boarding reesonab J (treatment inqUire at the establishment, a, s the proprietor at Phlllipsborgh. wfflicl 3111 DM. J isl IV ii.'n i iL l ' Ett.ealirii:. -- We hav e been informed by Mrs. Rage of :scum per. rorm e d on her by Dr. sleyastra AJlerathrea which proves Its superiority over every other remedy of the hind. She has been afflicted for the Lug alateen year* with N EC tit r .., , Er: or %V IIITE: SWF:LUNGS, attended with ulceration. and enfoliation of various bones, du ring which time many pieeet have been dittellllged 11419 the 'rental bone of Um cranium, from both her went, wrists and ,hands, adder both leg., and from the len fe.soral bone, andr right tow, besidet painfni ulcers an other porta of her person, which - haw bolded the skill as a number of theninst emtnent physicians of our Ott, —during , emrst of Itio• dine her sufferings have em, excrutattig nod deplorable. Atom three mouths since elle won induced to iry Dr. Joyne's Altoratise which lion had ea tmtontshingly happy effect upon heti t.y removing all pain and prwellio gs , and rooting the air cis to heal, while. at We - same tiro° Mo. general beelth nos bccome completely restored, so that she now weighs J. 3 lbs Mot, then she dui before she commenced the use of this Indy valuable prepanon..—lNst Eve. Post. For farther intonnation, inuutre of Mr,. Rose, Na lar Folic, t st, Plailtidelpltia • For tale in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, Z 2 Paulin St. nen/ Wood . DO , DR. TOWNSEND'S SARS APARILLA,—,SO doten just received of Dr. Townsend 's Sarsaparilla, tin, , most ertroordinory medicine to the world: . This Ex ' b ast IS pal Up In quart bottle.. It is sia time* chestier, pleasanter, and wammted superior la any told. It cores disease without vomiting, purging, sickening: or debilitating the patient Loot OUT WA lourramons.-I.loprincipled pmsons have 'opted our labels, and pot up medicine In the same shaped bottle. See that each NAM: has the written sig nature of S. P. Townsend. R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 31 Wood meet, heorest Third and Feurth, 11, Dr. Townsend'. only wholesait and retail agent for Plusbergh, of Whom the genuine article can be had. 6ID. Al. Cloy has been appointed the sole vent for oaheny city, of wham the gerrame article can be d. _ apt 11.A;Feiteturroca, A. D. H N utt, .h '. City B. 1.. FAnenurroca }Pittsburgh. O. W. Faunertne, W holesale Drag Store lo Dos, Clay of New York. g TIE andersined are extensively engaged to the Wholesale Drug buttiners ist No. et John snots; itt is city of New I °Of and are gregenra to sapply _ 013,r‘u.agi4111,..• auinda,,canttntryide.r.drehatttlantli.lburariiimPoinui: Meurer, .Fewer & Mender. Chemleulalof their nip s tofortatianj as: all ether articles kt their Rae of Intsiv sera, Of • sopetio ::;xolitY as tow as they can bapat.:.l Matted in thgt ttr ally eastern far. _• , , I Now York. robin It A. FA uvKATruit e e. A OA.H.D.. • t e e very lateral en couragement i GRtiAaLreUeelvelirfothr so many y.i,„ I ,kco mined to enlarge toy huaineas havetonaiderably 14 engaged a competent Foreman, I wall be enabled to All all order. promptlr, and do the work in ow usual style and t o falrprfees, axed ask the attention of 'met. and ium to toriuse °i and USHOLSTK-- RV GOODS and Ueda, Montawei Bedding, Ear g.,4 blaternals, Damasks and Marcella Cornices, Prm ges, Sorderters, Teasels, Split and Roller It inda and every article usual) kept In an eatablishment of the Mad. Ottlers respectfully solicited and promptly in tended tn. Nm e= . B. — eartraUl made amipat down. . ' WISNOBLB. SALTER'S itNSENG PANACEA! PITTSBURGH GAZTE, p u üBsfIED DAILY, Titi.wP,BB ET i.Y & WEEKLY Lime Gaut,. thriaints, ad AL, ger,,,e gee pen (eke. RATES OP ADVE One RTG. ne tear:mon of I 2 lines, iu 1e55,.... ISIN . dlo . 51 2 Two insertions withoutalteratie.,...• ...sr. o ." Three O O n n e o : W e e k . „".. ...... ...‘.... 71 it oo TwoTWeeki , 160 Three ~ I ;:Two ::::..,4 Three r, ..1.......6 E.Lnger edverosenieut s in s,ii pope n." 3• One iquare,6 inuaths, without elteratinn,:e. 10 00 ~ ~ o .... IS 90 Each add )Gon„teliqitare for 6 enon l h l 4 ' 5 013 i! ~ "10 00 Oneitquare,6 months, renewable a t plaqinGe, G, 00 Pt . • ” ." .-•:20 00 Ea chedditionalsiqaare for IS inendia..... 4.4. 10 00 Two aquarem,ls months, re'erable 11l pleAnArek . oo 00 Each additional sqoare, ii months, .......... 8 00 WZZIELT o a, Sat-wirczir 10 0•107.....PAP1P15. One equare. 3 insertions. . _, , ea, 60 " " eackaildilionai insertion_,"... .44 '.. "SY ivennes canna. year, . ......... 6 00 rive lines or lon, One months,. ..... . 00 L• • onoyear,daily6r.lreekly,, 10 00 wonder . ••A 00 Anvinsurtnirtirsl mints./ Lift". For 20 lines, orlon, 0 Ti One inerrtkul,'....l.44 80 60 Tire, r• • - Three, .• lau Tina imam, . .R.DEre A TION. li cas..i. raiM.o -IttiAND.i.,..ipticilly:tabriaVisri ' , 4 .2 - 1 in c r i.od s ~,,,t the flllbibod , Woe knee procured auk,/ r ,-.-, .repacled thaitashool to-a room - rani.=•bylaw ' 4- ' .r. Laqtack street, *agora boa sepal of Fitoral st, - crbeirlAbay ofe!plepatea 'to urte s . tl•or boardera, as wilFas ICtier mote daycbelara,•ancl-ectuare done ex.- • - , chuieeettoottoerrill be do:muted to pictrucdort in all Aserdioary Otanchei cif teach edroatioa: • • •I i ~ ..A . , .44torco;era arc referred to Mr. W.: EiGhbialn, Mr, Jeilui B. 3 lcFaddcn wld Mr. F. Entoa cf PittaOerga.. ' - 'I / 11, A.Shott add Mi. George Retort-1- Allegherry'ettt. ~....___h r. _ .__,. • • • IrENIinTIAN /MIND& , beton :— taad e on varysty ova, erect tklo any, and most Whit:mat le P.% mr'er'"oa";ll7:.'lai.f. THE onliap RO4L, or 130 b'folli ' lli..1 on hand or Made triorder of all the*, prices'. • • Pont:it:y.4f Grahams and eters are ,ovited ealtam/ examine th e above for Zotrolves, alt bill be sold Wholnneo , et.lould Itberal dr:action Made to wholesale porc.6asen. . •Itt • ' • A V.' ESTItIt WELT ?FIFE SURSCRIEH'ILS having removed fran'No.l7o - '1 'Not. / 7 2.and174 Liberty street, aferforialdgMoula. asrbllotas, la more and non lauding, sir 40 350 bags 4. prime Corea new - , ad gosemulent lava Coffeat 150 hhda prime Nem, Or tri . , 620 bola Planuillon -Molasses; 100 " St James Sugar Ilona !dolmen; 100 kl ch. Young Hylum Teaj,, . t . __ 4 , 40 do Gunpowder mid im P erioll : i e I "L p. 40 do Chula Pomehong 70 do many has 'lr H add G P do ' 100 bga whim Brasil Saga r; • SO has whito Havana do; 40 tigs Pepper; 20 do A/oplOO; • NO boas Mustard, la ,i and i iti cane: • 1 30 do IO do Malaga ihoteb Raisins; do , 50 bfbx, do do do ddoo, to layers; 541 qr " dodo do masks Zaino Carats; 10 babes Sledy Ad:nom BM ha Richmond Tobacco; * 50 baskeM Bordeaux and MarscillasOUve Olt 200 bbls and 110 hf bbla No 3 large Maokareh ' D " Frowsy; 1500 lbs Cheese; MOO galls winter rind spring Sperm 1000 . bleached north mat Wha le le Oil; C • • • IMO " erode " „ do 300,000 rna and Sons Principe Sega ' , 30,041)11aT To 20 hf pi •CO CO.: Brandy, of •urions brands; , 2 pima cons Jamaica Ss; 1 pipes Holland Gin; p irit - • .%) quarter oaks Pup Texerille Wla a; 10 do Madeira do 11403 do Lisboa do ~ • do Oporto do CO do 15 Indian MIL Sweet Malaga do • do do 15 hhds Claret; 20 qr aka Haut Samara; 40 cases sup Bordeaux Claret 30 basket. Champagne Wm.:. 2 dos saw Stomach atterli toll to 203 bbls pure RYe Whiskey, from I 5 years old MILLER tr. RICKETSON Notice tit Use Pub/Ins hereby 31 o f our fnends and eonesponderds WI llama and abroad, that sae will batlika• env taimostersanrs, receive. Remits from any Boat for which J-Nession Jonei Is agent attn. RHO/PIM& ALCORN. • ' TORN KELLV & CD., IMeeessors to b, Wise. brener & Ca, late hl stchant.Tuilorsj. No. ICU. CIIMMUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, beg leave to inform their Dined, and patrans • that they have received Me latest SPRING AND SUMILSR 'FASHIONS, with a large assentuent New Style GOODS; comprising Cloths, C.assime rcs, Vantags,ta. !every desernnion.,..alfor which ans of their own int portation having been carefully seleetedni Pans; Load° , tr.c.. flr n eitrangers visiting Philadelphia, are respectful ly malted to call and examine them extensive stook. mehthdem NbIA ___ • RUBBER PASTE—Joat rs mm gg row bottles of Rubber Paste, a superior aniefe, Meaty Itamomre mt to perstms that wish to keep their, test dry. Drs he leather from erwking, and will take a polish over it. For gale at the Ind= Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood street. mars & It.PRILLI PS .4 (3OLDIS GOLDIII - Ow.Duic rti,ryb,•,=:;,.-th,:l:-'*zetAzuf.ac.llier cif JLM sung floe. and West—also, country store Jeep., to stre call and examine In, stock of Jewelry, Which veld he sold at the lowest finecs for rash or approved ace.. tances. Constantly on , h and and numufacturtags • large .sortment imitable for city or corintry tr.e. • E.BAKR, • Corner of Fourth and Brunch stn , up stairs, apittdern Plillattalohla A VNI Piper rionliages TT IC purchased at three ot We largest Facie nes in gr the East, (New York, PhiladelPhl• iteThilnorv,) a lar sod ge ovvertment of the newest and most improved styles •of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, hr., and made anangementa by which I will the be, eons to procure all new Patterns, simultaneritorivitir ap pearenec in the'Farenruilarket, I would rite the attention of those desiring. to have their houses papered with th latest stylesorjuiper, to nail and examine any stock, before purchasing elmwhere. 1 have new on the way twin the East, f. 1400 pieces of Gold, Satin Glazed, and common Paper Hangings, whirl, I can sell at prices ranging from Mlcm to r piece. rochts G BILL, S 7 wood et . Bacon Smoklug. ler A VINO last completed the rebuilding ofonr mote 2.1. houses, we are now prepared to receive . may and smoke it In the most merchantable assurer. The 0.116. see fitted with all the modern Improve.nein, and are capable of cent...a:Au lbs. es.. hIER amid a 1 near Sevenths( 111111RINTINWPAPERIFItirrig ilmexclusiriitieng l[ fay the saloof the Mill Grove PiintLog 'Paper, O. A All P. Markle, Prot:dicta:N . l We will be co.thrillY Impeded with all the different sixes 'of arrperiorquallty. which We offer at the ' o *mq - regular price.. feh24 REYNOLDS Oh STILE, per., Penn and Irwin as nvq,vir.ssE - worm s . nOLMAIV, HAILMAN ft CO, continue to mans- . S./ facture Small hen, Spring Ind Am. Blister Steel, Plough, Fork and Hoe Steel, Rivets, Spikes and Wridt Iron Now, all sizes, together with Coach and Ellinjg - Springs, hl( Pat, Taper and ..non Axle. Bevies reduced too price of Wrought Iron'N . ,uts engine builders and others using- the amele, will hod in Weir interest to give this new branch of Pittahtillik , manufacture. their attention. iieu.l, trimmings and makable lion. Rectal terMs. Warehouse on Water and Fourth eta fotallstf SAWL:GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, EX CH *I, 0 E BUILDING . BT. CL AIR STREET, •PITTSIII3IIOII, HAS MST RYSI/112PID IEDY NEW YORK ANDYRILADELPHIA, And is now reseiving a fine assortmeatof CLOTIIB, CASSIIIRREB AND YIIBIIIBB,, Or THE NEST QUALITY AND LAW/ST/31TUE% Which he is prepared to make to Owlet • INTIM BEST 3UNNER And in the latest Fashions; ma —itiiiiiignan hoes. Corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets,. , Ptrisstmon, PA. Iv/ theTß..o.llln: SLlOryantivtz.c,otooneed.AFlN rk,,,whoresale and Cobb, a Arnold respectfally#K, inst.e me attention of their friends and the priblllit women' en erall, to their splendid ciew co se stoek,naistingef mem, , boys', miss' and.eidldrens wear of. etrcr7 variety, saltalithsfor the mason, and at priers to,Slnt the times. A splendid boon, home made Work, inch as geotlemen's fine ts, ladies talsiesand ehildrens fine work. Plemko call and examine for yourselvel. I TRarn a scam comet' dth and 931thifieldna N. A — Traveling ?milks, Carpet Bags, &a. tus., al ways on hand and low for eakh Country aserctuints would And it to their . internal to give as a ad! when visitinn t he__ ___ 'city. • • rtithld, LtTAB - 11 - I* - 11 - IMPORTERS urt Wbolesabe Dealers inForeign and A JDoniestic Hardware Codiry, Saddlery, &c.„1110. Wodwl etreet, Pittsburgh,' - are how fully prephreiLlwith a recently in:monad stock toe .,, rdware, Caderysead diary, Carpenters, Toole, to offer Yery great in ducements to Western tiferehants, u adddiths to the many advantage; had by our prededelsons, !der el. Logan & hennedy, hale greatly increased our faciles:and Do parekese all oar goads Hoot flatheads rt.l easy b-,l° member of the firm devote their Whole attention to sales and feeling eonfideub of giving sat mfaktion, respectfully solicit y boot all 1•111) may visit this markeL melo3 11111.016CPOlt SALM. TU: „ °3 - lellifg; • - -9 r -t" improved machine, for which tre ' ll i as 'y 2 ' . t al, al = an d are to give purchasers a w ri tten . guano!. that they are Wenger, non mill mein final nal ivej wrath et and imbibe less moisture or dampness Mans* oth er brick, possessing ulnae, body and superiddld2l., and much more durable in every respect, cub brick being subjected to a pressure of several tool; Pee " sung handsome sample shrines and evIM pa they melte a front equal to the best front Wick. ges, 1 hey have given the at satisfaction Mall who bare purchased. & kiln can be seen army works, Sod speciroen at the iimetle Mike. Those having supplied Otero/wives forthelibuildings, sod swishing handsome front brick, or StalWrient hard sod solid paving brick, Call obtain meat. • • Birmingham, June RI, tide. ISAAC GRINCiI TEev Stott-iro bbie 2u airr o II N. Ido do; Won No mew do; Bertiegi 20 half da N jaw o do; Si Obis No 3 blaceerel; IC do Not Salmon, •rriving Venom] and fur wile by .11.MaN WAIT,, apiht • Litmery utile any essootated with me in the wholcove tirocery, Produce and Comdusnon Business, I t Wilsou oridettle fina ofJOHN WATT& CO. Jthinrilherr. Pittsburgh, April 3d, Min .CORN BROOMS-7n dot Corn ltioo d m v for sale by •pSh R it oll l3ol , lk Co fjoACON- kaput/ Hams, ".3 2. co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers