Vii........ - _... aa'!fYC.'.~..'')"~,,, u x .« _a: .'.'~° ~. ,~:~~.~`~i.'Z._.:. r,- 7 ..... BY nem TBIAGBAPIL H+ • : 740 , ----:- • :CAI Cult:wan, MAY 15,1869. Two men who gave their agues as Robinson and Ryser, were a:renal to dap on suspicion of being counterfeiters. They had in their possesaitnt &large number of counterfeit and altered bills among which, there , were one dollar bffls on the 'Dayton Bank; allere,d to fives ; cnitnteithif $2O bills on the Lafayette .. Bank, Cincinnati; $5 bills State Bank of Indiana; $2O bills on: . tke\Bitnk of Oneida, New York, end bins on be :State, Bank of Illinois. New You, May 15. The Coroner's Jury have returned • verdict jut% tifying the authoritie• in dringApon the Mob, On' the night of the riot; also eaprembir the opinion,. that if a larger number of police had been °Meted. out, a resort to military force Might have been avoided.. Wassnarron, Mayl`.xh,l B4B. General Scott has been ordered to resume the command: of the fumy. The head quarters of the Eastern division will be in the vicinity of New York city, and that of the Western division at Machined, Ohio. Horace Greeley has been appointed receiver o public monies at Jackson, Zttississippi. • Sr. Loma, May 15 The number of deaths from Cholera, for the meek eliding Sunday night ; is 181. Total from all diseases, 213. Cholera deaths for 24 hours end: tug Monday night, 21. Michael Scene, Whig, is elected Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Louis GREAT FIRE AT WATERTOWN. Nair Yeas, May 15. A. vary destructive fire occurred illWatettOWD, lad evening. The principal business honies,'and diciest Office, with the Northern ane Southern dliuirwith their contents, were destroyed. Ose life tons lost, but the name to not reported. The less amounts to 5250,000, of which $120,000 was lammed. CLNOLVUTI, May 15. Horace Greely arrived hue to day. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. May 15--P M Flour—The market is inactive, and prices de elined.l2ll coats per bbL Small sales ware made at 11,1321 per bbl. The market doted MAL Provisiozuv—Sales of mess Pork at $10,50 per bbL Prime at ES,SO. Bacon—Tbe market is bare. We note sates of smoked hams at 61 to 9c. Sides 51 to'Ge.. Shoolders4lc. Lard is held above the market • ; Err bbl. 7c is demanded; for keg, 71(Slie. Malt -Sales at 87390. per bush. Dried - Fruit--The market is overstocked, and prices ate declining. Grain—The market is unchanged. Sales to day were limited. Feathers—Western are dull at 3105ii31e Gmeerics--Thls market is well supplied at the present time. Sales, however, are confined to the aetnal want of the city trade. CINCINNATI May 15,1849 Flour—The market to day was very firm, caus ed by advice' from New' Orleans. Sales of 1.500 bbls. at $3,135513,70 per bbl. Giein—The market is unchanged in any par. ocular. Bulk Pork—Sales of sides at t l. Lard—Sala of 600 kegs at Ole sr The Grocery market is without change, either in prices or demand. Cheese—Sales at 611236.1 c. CHOLERA IN CINCINNATL Cutcarual, May 15 The number of new cares for the part twenty four hours, was 25; the number of deaths Wee. NEW YORK MAREKT. 00A SLATOBT Flour—Bales of Common Stain Brand, and Wed= at 84 310 U 44 per bh. No change in Gemessee. Grain—Sales of Wheat at fanner prices. Bye --Bala at 56e. Barley at the same deans. Corn • is nar_hangod. Purvialona—Sales of Ideas Pork at $lO 18.— Prime $8 37. Lard is Jinn at 6c per thin bbla. • Groceries—Tlte market la- tinokanited, bah na. regards prima" or "deitaandr' Nrw I'm; May 15-6 r. Flour—The market was heavier than yesterday, and the business done was at a small decline: asks of western common brands, at ft 25; and of good western, at St 50. Grain—The market far corn is heavy, and prices have declined one cent per bit. Other grains are without change. Provisions—The sales of pork are confined to small lots On the supply of the regular trade de mand, at yesterday's prices. Lard it firm. with sales in Una at file. Sams= TO vas Loar. , -The Wisconsin T-- bone states that hiss. Booth, aged seventy' two years, recently gave birth to a fine, healthy son.— The hashiusd, cohn Booth, was only eighty years old. Al a meeting of the Select Council of Phihalal- phis, the !salary of the President of Girard Col • leimarreur reduced "from $3OOO to $2OOO per annum. The proposition to take the power of selecting " officers of the institution from the Directors, and vesting it in the Select and Common Councils of the city, did not pass. remaining elec •grean take place as Gril lions for members of Joys Worth Carolina, Aug 2 Maryland, Tanineasco, 0 2 [antenna, Alabama, % " 6 Minsiuippi, Indiana, " 6 resits, lowa, " 6 Musachnsans, (l Kintucky, “ 6 vacancy) May Warr Rai Do--The Boston Atlas in ekes a eximparison between the growth of New York and Boston in wealth since, 1840 and attaches thit great gainer Boston over New York to the rail roads ofildassachusetta, especially, the AlbatiV Ott% All i er giving the assessed value of real and Personal 'unite in both cities, the Attu uyic--i .2bnaht seven years the increased value of Real ' and Femoral !alma In Boaa was over 373,000 P while In six years the:decreued value in New York wu more than $1,004100. For daemon ex araordinary comma, various persona will be dis posed to ascribe various reasons, but the facts are clear that Boston has gone ahead since 1840 at „ predigirms rate‘adding nearly eighty per cent , ea value of real and personal property, while New 'York has not held her own." Baramonar. ann. Omo ILuraosn Cowrasentl—We learn from the Cumberland Civilian, that on Wed nesday, the Board of Dimmers of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad made the kdlowing awards of works on the line of the road West of Cumber land: • Gradearion—Humbaird and Atkinson, dot and 2,1 sections; John McManus, oth, 7th and Sib; Mut and Maitain,lotb, Edgerton, Lockwood and Marsh, 30th; Langton, Urban and Long, hat' Doti. any,,Evesett and Hitchcock, 32d; Makin,., Marti: non-and Urban, 334; John C. Rodgers. 34t h; Each. =DM Galion 330; G. S. Sherman & Co .; 36th; Langton, Ur ba n and Long, 37th; Dontuey, Everett and Hitchcock, 33tb; Matilda, Morrison and Thhan,"atith; Quin and Clarke. 40th and 41st; Thos. M.l9laccultbia, 424; Samuel Bryan 45th. Bridge Ma so nry—G. S. Marsh &: Co, I tit.aec. Con; Wro. Belly, 6th and 711; PatrickGalliber, I.oth; Edgerton, Lockwood and Blarsh,3oth; P. Donnelly, & CO, 40th; gulag and Clarke,4lst; Thos. M. Mac cubbin, 42d. the next letting will be made in the month of .111116. We suppose the work will now be COlD atenced at an early period. The Civilian interim the renewed expression in favor of the route West from that place to Pit"' burg, and anysr. "The emu. to Wheeling has not itinly been ad-. opted, but, in a short time, a large portion of it will be put under rontmcx la three years we expect to see the ears running to the Monaugahela,and, by slackwater navigapon, cominuniention establish• ed with Pittsburg." • OFFICIAL. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. O:ILLEZTORS OF CUSTOM. G e orge P. Keine, for the port of Baltimore, vice W. H. Maclean, removed. Thomas Ireland, Annapolis, Md., vice Richard Banda, who di d not qualify, John H. Alen, 01find, Md., vice Nicholas Wn ne removed. NAVAL OFVC62.S. Thomas King Carroll, Baltimore, Did.,vice lames V.701k, removed. FOILVETOZA OF COSTOXI. - Mai T. Grano, Baltimore, Md vice Wm. R. Cale, removed. John Blackistone, et Llewelltnabargh, Md , vice A. Thomas, removed. John T.' Stump, Nottingham, 44., vine Thomas Keexe. removed. limith, , vice Charlii Praiir. C. Coremani . Louisville, Ky vice,Ne denial Pr-Porter. . • THE PITTSBITRGIE: GAZETTE PRICES CURRENT, 014r. 1 4'Crii.. Tab rY. 41044 Pearls 640 Seorebbre .... 1 Siderinis .5,00 11 10214 .A5h• •.., 31031 Alwlttre? bbl• • S i N OO B,OO 0 1400100 --TlntylSper tent: Batting-iten V" . • • k'web ...... a BeIIZIS-pet buabeL Sinumotta 420 , - ,_•-•nstaktits+ln don • . .Tlldent'Seatro 4,,,b04 I,_..7o4l4oorantboty, l4o pttnt. Yelltbe '.:,111104:Ms-11' too '0100101 , • • • - .... • . .601010." .:1110 11111011k/-7* . 10 Laiinpai• ... • 60Z . : lierelottrable ISO 401,TS • 4 T11 1 1171sord! '261" COOlOl 00. •-• 1 • 4660000 Black Oak • 40.00 Vantl-Doti 30 per en. Al' 160 river 0 6 1 1 1 1111111 Vragolll --••-.4051 'Cotton-buy free. • Tenn. and Alsboma , -0 004 011otolato-P Nabbet 1 togni cocc., trswed zjra I • Camues-rmty 120 per et. Coy dipped • 1: ...... • 030- M0u1d.... • • • • • • .• • -0101 PitublogbSp4r 0- oneidnati do • 021 Sperm,leat brands. • •30 OM3 Caltbagn-0 Poondty bol. were, ae'd.-4113 kal er do "I Ten tiis ..• -41507 Waged boxetl: Nab. 4070 Cowann areiglion p sat. T. 40 gad irons neg. • • -005 Cotton Ti:no-1r bShortreel "No. Short reel-- 1, "No.ti to No.lo .... . .-16 45 13 ••• . LLo 14 IS • Inersosing 1 etper lb to No b. , 4:=4 , reet p don 08- 07. 700. 41 0 " SW, 900, 1000 0 0 1614 - 01 el I'olll p lb• • • ....030 C 4410 Chain 200 - 43ottott Terine•• • • ....... Sle Candle Wick ..... • • • .-010 .ceree-Dory.S3 par et. Java, Old wbte• • • •• • .42014 Lagnkyra•---•--- 1 3. 0 94 Capper --thlty4Dpr ct: bp: and old 5 pr et: ad tree. bloollung —099 ......... ---.1 8 01 9 lu cake and ingots. • • .10090 Odidagii—Daty 90 po eels Manilla • • —4,00 White rope.— ...... • .190 13 Tanta ------.110 19 PaclPg yarn, fine-.---0 ill common-- —ll 9 Meng. Bed Cris poi dos— Ram long —3,•=1 1 4, 00 Common ---• 01,64 Plough notes • • • ..... 670120 naußla ttle—per 40 yd. 6 thread.---64, 0 0 SD & go d o • • •90103,00 do Plough lines 0601,1/ nosetostlos—per yard_ tDrown Cotton 300 do do ----NORD can Rola A No. 1. 0 7 Allegheny Ilss• • • 7 0 Alleey D Pitt Afill— • Oregon D Union MR, —O7 Nonatook Penn Mill. • ..-0 4 4 Pittsburgh do Loarel )2. • • —• —Or Bongo -- • ' Posehalan A • • • • • ----911 1 * c•— • • •-490 t i t re. nsin; • • •—..s —. 6.4btowamtma• 0011 do do----• • 01010 ii d o : Brown drUla• • 7 08 1 Bleached— . 801,7 Tieldngs --. • ~ Himnum--- • 11AllelkatAi • • • %-013 12 Brown's A. C. A • • tautens —0 14 NO t saPcrlol • —4O / Colored Combrics 410,0 Elroy Printo•—• • • 3 1 0 / 1 Fall Riser BIoC —os Merrimac— • •—•••• —OlO Fall B- Blue lc Orange ostue York Ticksg."P" 1131 Alo Thr lies. 10 0 16 Aaaßetida 18 0 25 Arrow .Root 19 0 14 Aquafortis— 10 0 11 May 15—M. COADIERCIAL .ItECORD. 11349 I ALMANAC. j MAY. 13 Nualay, 15 14 MeadeL '''''' ••• " Tuesday, 16 Wednessla— y, •• • • ........ •••• • 18 Pablo, • PITTBOVRIDI 804.120 Or TRADE COMMITTEE FOR MAY. arias. L L REVIEW OF THE PITT B IS HEIGH MARNE T, eon too writ on= 15, Id reviewing the transactions of the marketior the week just elated, we bane few if any important chan ges to notice. Business gonsrally • ha been at rather a low ebb, and sales for the most part, have beat eon fined only to the regalar limited transactions of trade. The weather during the latter part of the week, has beell so ine lenient a to render if unpleasant for out door bainesui—theu putting a check to that activity which might otherwise hive prevailed—wad forcing our business men to be contented with moderate trans actions. We unpleased to perceive that the undue alum which had obtained cireoluim la our city, in reference to the cholera, hate subsided to a Miry grist estenk the more so, from the fact that these coronet:Ma reports bed to far gained credence in the surrounding country, as is deter the cOuntrytealer from, visiting our nicker Wo believe now the he time will not be long before full confidence will be fully metered—that business will take a Mely turn, and that we will yet sec an ac tive tune in the marietbefOre the nshoring in of the hot the summer months, and the recurrence of a lots stage of water_ The river hover was in Met inapt for all the purposes Of trade, than at present, end business in Mat quarter Las been more or less active during the past week. The following statistics, taken, from the Collector's book at the Canal office, will show the amount of bo- i canal from this point clam, • ICil/4•11D: • Whis Fors, lbs key, Was 3;400 MO OrCetrtei, Os 196,000 Merchandise, Cu 11 , 0000 Posalture, s • 6.9 , 0 &trai Sib nee, St* V 1,500 AiT:llitilflll . p(Ody M.OO Coal, be _•1,6 0 0 Paper, Cie 4,600 Pot Leh, CPI 104/00 Bard Ware, Ibs /5,700 Number of boats weighed from May 7, to May W., 121, Whole amount of tonnage, 1,656,995 Amount of tall. on mune,51,,297 41 slums on the Penaltytriad {tom May Ist to My Bth, i • Flour, bbts • 10,008 13cel and Port, blrts DO Bacon tilt '4500,000 Tobacco, lbs ~150,001 Cheese, 33,0U0 Lard. OS puma Feathers, 1D5 14,700 Wool, IE4I • .31,e40 Cousin, IDs. 119,300 Berne,tbs .034,910 D Stutz, lbi 33,31111 ASHES--Supplies In market teem quite sufficient . thd demand, but sale' have been moderate. We not sales of Pearl Ash to the extent of tyro or three ton at Sle fr lb. 'Brasil soles of Soda AM at 3/c Scorch Mrs at 31413.1 e, and of Pot Ash at 4.1.04/n 4 lb. ALE—WC maim no change id prices. Mc demon 'continues fair, and sales regular at enPr . d/Sdc so pe barrel. APPLES—As the season adrutees, Green Apple become •earce, and supplies Ore snostly of eouinio quality. Bales Adman lots Rola store bars been e fected at 111,2:103450 S bbl.• BUTTER,—Of POMILICM tkOlie[ NW supplies, and a dal Market, Mu:, article pewees otf very slew at 92D10n IP Ih. Nl' best quality af toll.l2lOmmtit Le obtained. Ifor Lauer may be fairly quoted at se per pound. BACON—There are Tate supplies' of Wuteru and city kind Bacon in the market, arid the article may be quoted as decidedly arm, with an qpward teadeoer We note sales of MAUI be, aa., , follours: dO,OOO 6s city cured Bides at Lc, and ILO,OOO Ills Hams to arc Bales of Sbooldew at cede P 6. Or ci.inuati Su gar cured llama, 'we notice receipts to a talc rent, with sales', rerttleuiy, in tierce* at iillefic D. The loose loss of coueu7 cared Bacon Ortmght to our mar. ket—althotigh A.= is of an excellent quality—is reu realty cold at a f to Ic lower than city cored. BEESWAX—O( this article, receipts continue very l 're t. nt "d rry Taiti e t b e ea rti:ZlLly ale f . tel o sTiget ge tii k ;rielm — r pound. BROOMS—The market is partially supplied null, and prices recur - dnvery firm. 82,ati, as ID quality, Is about the eulijg fifures of the market, with smell sake. BUCKETS AN ..IQ:VBPl.....,.Supplies of Patent Beaver and Marietta b ac ke de seem. about {efficient to the de mend, and we acne wattle? }tore al 8.9„.4 for Buckeas, end $ 0 for Tub s--. 140 giro. BEANS—We erotica an ample supply in the alma., with Wei of G 5 tiu at 4.541/70erjp bo, for mixed and pure white. CHEESE-7 - /:A•recepts of ;new Meese have been to IL fair atuanut Land of rood COMMOLI by A at GI, of Cream at 7{llof Goshen at 81-ffiAle +V lb. CORN MEAL--Sallis of kiln dried Coro Meal are repotted to as 05 a limited way from store at 80,00 p c , barrel. • , COTTON YAR N S AND SDESTINGS—The prices Of ell kiwi. hatertot *erred any from our lam, and will be found °meetly ffikted in the above gener al table. We nonce a deduajlon of • in Penn sheet. l o p : A, No I, to now sold arln; and Nonatooks at fr yard. : : , coRDAGE—Tbe officered:all kinds chow ao varia tion Nair our lota report, and are correctly gi yea in the tolloWffitt Manilla repo, try ernl,• Lbtai - • • "j. • • White Boyd, by dal, — ' Tarred PO" by code do - - Packing Tetra, ... r-- • do comMOA, coitus. 62, 11.19 00231,0,00 4 , 00 Vdot. do V coil, ••• • -lbc • Ih. Brolo. 61,62(82503,% dot. Id eon,- • ;..10* lidmpnt Was. . Manilla, Si .. Skimp, gfid P dz.- CRAdEVIfp,-1143 folloodOg are the coniet prices of the diforetindsc - Wilei Cm ts, per bbl ... .......... ..••....83,71 • Boas t :: , 4 . .. ..140 d li t " " 'P " &rum, is 21 BaaackPena---2,50 02,75 • do ICoparia • •Z 0 35 II:hoop, . . .. 0 5 -Camphej, reined• • .40 0 45 Chloride Limo, cask 50 6 Coebiheal•-• ...... 1311 01,50 Cream-Tarim -•• • •Z 0 46 Copieqs , —.40 2 ........ 111 1 0 In Gaits' . 7.!•••••• . - . 55 Gam Liable. , .... •o' soe 0 621 .... 60 Trigileirt I tli• • • - as 40 Shellac 15 0 to Malt barley Glue-per Pittsb. Common. •• • tl 0 13 Mensey-Dury Cuba per gall 75 0 60 Western comb p. lb 18 0 20 libimerag-Duty .0 pr. et Gimeng -0 2: May-per too or 2000 Iles - Timothy 8,000 9,00 Hldea-Doty 5 per cent.- Do. kipps per skin • •I,IKI Green 4 Hemp-Duty 25per cent -r Missouri & Hy • • • • 81400150 Manilla f , lb •-• • - 1010 - Hope-Duty 20 per cent. First 91. '4B 0 0 121 Lodllgo-Doty 10 per cent. Bengal, lb 1.50 01,60 • • - 1,10 01.10 Mauilla • 95 01.00 Iron-Duty 30 per Cent. Bar, Juniata-•• .- 4 0 4/ Common -3 0 - Sheet • 5 0 q Boiler Plates 0 0 61 Nails MO 51 Plough wings.- • • .110 Slabs 1 0 - Ramis Sheet-.. •. - 0 15 Lead-Duty 0 per rent. Missouri . • • 4/0 - Bar 460 - 'll6 sires Pipe per ft 1012/ Sheet 6l Leather-Duty MI pr. et. Sole, Baltimore •• 21 0 2.1 New York.- - • .17 0 10 Damaged. .... • 14 0 18 Slangh.r 18 0 S 3 Skining• • ..... - •- • 21 0 24' Harness, black • -• •12 011 Bridles, black, pr. doz " Mastic -90.01,0 Lithimardered• • 80,0 90 ILitharge f . 40 61 Liquo4en Boot 0 9 Llmtariea Ball.—. •.0 0 28 0. 23 raln Carb 00 Su t, timbre.— .13 . 0 19 him:lso:9; Common--14 8 — sl,yubi.Tarkey ID 0 60 011 Vaidol SW 5 Costor • • • • • .1,90 01,50 " COM 3 0: 10 &SA " Clcrves 9,0, 02,50 " Lemon 2,7 S ar.4AOO u Pcp'co% 5,03 03,00 Op itaui Turkey • • • -4,00 011.1. Vi Qulrtizu ...... =AO ilhnbiab, cool -38 0 GO Sal Aritousc-•-••••45 0 20 Sul 8010 s• • • • ...... 4i 0 Secna , 15 0 0, TartAtic Acid Co 0 10 Vitriol; Blue II 0 12 I Dye Wood—Daty SP. et. Curtwead ...... —• • .550 01. Puitic 2W 3 bulunic4 . 14 7PPed• • '4O 11 areittber.•-dury per. Cl. KeMicky 33 6lt 35 Ohio& Pennsylvn.• Frutt— . . Almodds shelPd. •19 0 92 9oftr.l • • ....... •15 0 17 11 0 14 Cu ts, Zen.. •• • 8 0 9 0 9 Groundnuts.-- - • 62i 0 75 Pigs, Bmyrun 1210 22 514144 ms 0 - Raisins, Mowed. •• • - - Bartleh• 1,90 02,00 Bloortl, old - 0 - Crultberrimi 62 0 - , Lemons, Sicily be 09.50 Oranges do• •• • 114 00 49 hos. Poaches, dry, bo • • 125 0.91.:W 4 4 04 dry 50 0 494 Apple9,Green, bbl 01,10 Tare llrlok-per M. Rondo". -• • 025,03 Common 15 0- - Fl'ossr -fluty 20 per ctn. Extni br91919, 400.- Superfine 2,7 0 03,87 Vine.- • - • • 2.27 443. 50 Rye 'Flour 2,5502,61 d blf. bbls 0 13octorheat, bolted pO-411 14 hlt. Mont.- -• • • • -none. 0•44-per bushel Brad— 8 0 9 -...-• • • 14016 069 h-duty on fore'n. cadet •, 00 per cent. - Mackerel No. 1 12,000 Nq. 1, hit bbls..•• •-efr 6 ..... •. • 6,50 0 0 -_ (4. No. 1, kitts • - 0 0 - Ileriint No. 1•• • • —OB,OO Solnion, No. 1, old • .18 0 - New 0.500 - B.lmd • - 10250 - Cocker dram • • - • 4,0006.25 Red'Fox, N0.1,--••1000 1.25 • 9-- .10 0 1•00 Muskrat - 5 0 - Raccoon ---25 0 27 Dem Bkm pet 0.-14 0 1..5 (}lass ` Black Bottles aides MX 038,00 [Lassen do 35,00 884201 Upper finshed• 4001 02:00 Kips, finished• • •2400 035.00 Calf Skin do. • • • 1500 00,00 Lave Leather• •% 11 1 .80 0 N. England Seating, No. 1 per dos••• .45,00 88 N 0.2 per do, • • .30,00 0 No. 3 per dor• •- • 20,00 0 20 Sheep ski. 4 0 7 Lesusber —duty AI p. e. ad • val. Per M. Pine, err, m, pr M. 0400 , Common "•- . ' .... 011,00 Clear, " 033,00 ' Com`n 11 "• - • 010,50 Clear 2 ——• • 044,01) Com`n 2 " ..... • • 022,00 Wekd biz I in do • I in. common. • • • • 0 Clak do . 018,00 Pine shng's p 16007,60 0 100 Laths, sawed, 2,25 0 2,50 Live Stock.—pc 100 lbs nL Beeves •-- • • ..... 6,000 6,25 Hogs-- • • --- 4,50 0 -- Cows fr. Calves, • 41,00 018,00 Sheep-- • • • •-• • - •I,OU 0 2,00 Molasses—Duty 30 pr. a Sogarbonse— ••• 43 0 45 N.briesms• 280 28 Naval Stores—Duty We Resin per bbl • ... 3,500 4,00 Tar, Allegheny • • 0 N. Carolina —4. Z 0 Turpentine, gall.. •40 0 GO Varnish, Coy l- 0 2,00 Natl.—Dm 30 p. e.—p er keg , 100 Ibis [came nails 1 cent advance per lb.] wawa /anima . • 300 4,012 SO 0.1 " 4500 00 7d 5000 20 .• • .. . ..3250.2020 'ld 3d " 0,500 Spikes per b• • 0 51 Prvssed • 6to St Roder Rivets.-- • 0 Oiaknoa--per th-- hilsbnirgh- • • ...... 01/12—per Linsirs , l—•—• • --SA rd Lard, City --...--54057 Olive--- • 1,30 0 1,50 Sperm bleached 0 1,30 Unbleached 0 120 " 0 1.25 ; 05 0 '76 Tamers per bbl. 14,0E015,00 Salt-Duty:ll/per cent No. 1, afloat- •--- 0 1,31 1, 10 store • • -----0 1,50 Tette 100 boo •-• • 0 Shot-Dray 23 per cent Per keg. - • • • • • 016.93 Per bag • -•—• • 0 1,30 flaltpetr•-per lb. 8‘147517,1e-e- 66 0 91 1 o--per 113-[lO per Cl. off for cash for mnnuf'd Tobacco.] Dory 40 pr. et t hlCigar Leaf— 4 0 6 ; hlatutrid do 4 0 7 1 Ladies' Twist-- 160 40 1 Plug tn kegs- 70 741 I Plog in boxes— 16 0 19 1 Cserendob•— 0 3 19. Lump in boo. • •10 0 14 j " "•-•-•I5 0 ' 16s . 1 ".-.--10 0 64 !Scotch snuff----14 0 16 Cook D ry ! Dry /lb pap• ••0 0 13 Tea.-Doty 091 per cent • Imperial - 63 0 Egt (lunpowder •- 45 0 70 Young Ilysen• •-•30 0 90 Pouchong -50 0 73 Palkatss-per lb. Tinplate-Dory 13 jor. et fri,l 4l 81ue... "Li 0 90 Batten 810 ck...--• 97 393 blf 540 7 I C Tut 0 II 50 Spa Whiting •- - •110 3 TB ll o , w - Duly 1 0 pt. 0001- Chrome Green su 0 4s Rendered • - 1/0 " Yellow No 123 0 35 Rough• ••-••• - - • • 41 " No. 995 0 Bf ! Soap Grease ••- • • • 30 31 Branswfck ffreen• .11 0 grt Vineo-Per nor. White Lead, dry •• • 64-0 6) Solid boxes 0 16 •' Oil. pare keg • -lAD 0 I.fhll W blew-Duty 40 pr. cent. " No. I ..... ••• • - 0 1'33 L P 51aderra•. • • 2,n0 3.,00 Rod Lead 61.0 11 I.l.Tenernge • 1,00 OPp yellow 000 , .---- 1 30 3 1-'6" 75 0 1,50 Vert Red - 4{o • I Dry Malsgn•-•- •GC 0 70 Verdigris •- -•• • • -30 0 38 Sweat 56 0 69 n en per Brea-e•---- Styo &lola do 87,00 to rat— a; Claret per gross. •- • 0000 Window Glass, per boz— Ciry brands. 13.110 net,— • • - 04.50 3 , 243 Pathns An., to:14 to 11102.24 . .^-10110P 1 3 Country branda. 4,.Z151 sxi : —— • 3, 102120—...250213,7520 —...250213,7520 Ounpowder —Dray 20pr. MG. 5,!5 0 5 0 0 gagle, lbs•—•!• • #31,00 110. doz. 1 lb. eanwt`a— 07,00 FrPQ 4.00 Eairte do. in papers-- 88.0 Rock powder AZ 03, 50 Groan—Dory 28 per cord. .... --650 DRIED FRUIT—The =whet is rather Inacuve , boo prices remain unchanged from last week. Sales of Peaches are regularly effected wont ware at 131,115, and of Apples at .4356 e V ba. DRIED REEF—Of this article, the marl. I continues very bare, and we hear of no reportable sales, `I eltle are We in: annul 1,1,11.0113 44 7 2 149 7 .0 442 tlO 4.41 7 11 4 41 7 12 FLOUR—The reeenam by river hare been to a Mir chum, but no Mtge sales have transpired dortsg the week, the receipts being mostly designed for shipment Bost The males or We pasithmoslav ia, (soos Bret bands to amount some 4(1:1 bbls at 03450 70 as in quality Bales from stare in dray load lots at 7ba&i,d7 per barrel. FISH—The supplies at pmsent vre light, and pnces remain very firm. We quote es follows: Mackerel No I 812 kv tolth No 2, Se,* No 3, e 6; Shad 18,3029,13: herring 80, and salmon at 815,30 kv bbl. FEATHERS — We notice moderate supplies and a good demand: 334112 am about the ruling figures of the market, with email miles. Louts McLane Brownsville. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Schuylkill, Williams, St Louis. Yankee, McKee, Zanesville. ctROCEILIER — The market is well nthblied with all Tut Rivza.—There sere 9 fret 0 inches in the articles under this head, and places generelly remain , cannon!, oy pier mark, last evening at dusk, end quite firm at our last quoted taws, say, for N 0 Sugar in Mid WS,. to bbLs at file V N ZIA teeny a t sm,thd. Sugar Rouse 40043 c gr ga LSappier of Codee are quite full with sales of RlO at ;fißlit V lb. Rice BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. is in fan request by the tierce at 44e 9 . GRAIN—Of Wheat, supplies are small, and few Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M., and 4 P. M ulles are makuur. 70215 c may be given as about the Beaver Packets, 10 A. M, and 4 P. M. ruling figures of the market. Small sales of Barley at 150d0, and of Rye at 500550 ka . by Corn scenic 1,06 . — Ja 4 Milltnger• fair request, but very little is coming tn. and .applies Fog PbtLAJDZLPULt. ate liinatr —374 could be readily outward. I) Leech de: co's. packet lino-9 o'clock P. M. GINSENG—SmaII iota continue ton rrive by river, but it being mostly designed for shipment east. •ery little is sold in our market. We may quote the article Fon CMIXV,II.—The fine packet steamer, New at 27e P Po Easlio,d Na 2. Cam Dears will leave as above, dill CliASS—For quotaiions of the canons sizes and day ar yo o io cic a , A. N qualities of Window Citrus, see general table . HAY—Regular sales of gi oil Timothy nom wagon Srasnsosr Earnuarms an Lana Ems.—The sten at WS 3.5,50 Otun. pipe o' the Louisiana expluled near A sittabula on St tram more are regularly effected at .lay lest, killing instantly Richard Willutma, Seynu 84P094,75 P young mat who was worktag his passage to Ene LEAD—Receipts of P have been to a fair anent, George Merritt, deck band, was badly scalded, but and prices remain firm, a t, for Fig at 41. aid lot Barut naa reily 4fc IP et The Louisiana war r wing at the time with the Si LEATHER—For prices of the venous kind tt , urnr aad Wegoa — lelev. Her. qualities. See general table. LUMBER.—Durtng the lain rise in the Allegheny, corinderable qa intones have been brought in. Sales at river of common, at 5, of clear at 916 9:A For good prime, see general table FEED—We continue to quote Stan at 86 Ile from store, and Shorts at 140 lee . Supplies are light. FRUIT—The tile...lilacs of green Apples on sale in the market, are light, and moderate sales only are ef fected from store at 51.M.5.1r51.50 bbl For the 'rot ten kinds of tropical Crum see pnces in goner it to. ble. pip META I.—The past week has been a dull one • for Peg Metal. Considerable lots of flanging Rock and Allegheny pig, and Tennessee lilo ims have arn ved, but no sales are reported to us MALT—Prices, according to quakily, range from Pal to 080 9 bu, from store. Supplies are limited 01123—Fortner quotation.. sre fully sustained. We note sales of No I Lard ai 5tH057c., and No 2 at 50c 9 gall. Nothing doing in Lunseed. LARD—The market maintains its usual quietness, with small soles to bbls :el, and in kegs at toDalc per pound. RYE FLOUR—Further sales from stare at 62.750 bbl. SEEDS—The market continues very dull, and are eon only gain nominal (wood.. as foil Clover, s2,7fr, Timothy 81,752082, and Flu at ti1e2281.00 per bushel. SOAP AND CANDL ES —SaIes of Rosin at dailie— s...ll7 quality; sales of variegated at 100101 e, sales of dipped err Or, of Mould at IUI, a-A of Slur at 2lc lb TAR—Sales tat limited lots at 83,25H81 V bbl. WHISKEY—SaIes of Rectified at 182212 e, cash and ume; sales of Raw at Idc 9 WOOL—Prices range from 25 to 37c for the various grades; see table. Aunottmot, May 14, 1841. BEEVF.—Pnces ore witlytqt material champs The nuntlier offered at the yard on Monday, did not exceed 210 heed, nearly all of which were sold m 84.6 11 01 0 4 52 y 100—according to quality. SHEEP—About 200 head wene offered, the mow of which were sold at prices ranging from 810 to KIM , C2Ol. The condition of the local money market is vinthou ny mammal change Main our loot weekly exhibit. Eto a has 13ecome dull, and currency has grown row • Ince. This has had an improving tendency on h • tea in exchange, which we give ao follows: , 5n.110 Hart Buxom RATE New fort, Phdedelpten Baltimore, Ohin. Indian.. • " Kentucky, „ Virggia, vrh,„hnir, Tennessee, IN this Coon of CommoniPleaa of Allegheny IL. a county, in the matter of the trust of M'Clurg seaoiston, and M'Clorg, De:misted & Co. And note, to wilt May Id, 1810—On hearing the pentode of the trustees, the Coon order and decree that the petitioners may Ale their account a. prayed for, nrthe extent on of the Isla up to this date, end the sold pee/font shell be confirmed "nisi." And the Coen farther fix. Saturday, the 2d day of June next, when said aeattnt shall be confirmed absolutely, and pentieners be dismissed and discharged from all the notice and liabilities as trustees aforesaid, aless good mite be astern to the roateltry. And that doe ounce of the application for the discharge Of the said trustees, be poen in the Gazette and Morning Mercu ry. By the Coon inylfcd2w 11:11.13pt'w , Orrice or TIM OLD AI.)..IIEAT Banos, May WM, DBOVOSALS will be received a tins °Mee until g the :Mb Ina.. for Cleaning and Whnowashing Inside of title Bridge. The Jut and dust to be well cleaned out, and alt of the wood work (except the roof end top tide of the cross timbersj to hare two coats of Louisville Lime, well put an E. W. COOK. mylivitmardi BOOKS: HOOKS" — The New American Gardener, by Thomas 0 Fessenden. The New American Orchardist, The Complete Yuma and Rural modes.. Modes Domestic Cookery, by Wm A Hendersaa last meld by JOHNSTON a& STOCHTOI% myl4 comer market mad 3d it. Pig Bletal--pr ton, Grno, Allegheny. No. 1. Foundry • • ging Lck. No. I Foundry • • Nu Forge Tennessee• •••• • • blamer County. Foundry Pig n b 0 F IT/ • County , O hio. Fo Porno do. •• • —0 Piaster Parts—dray free Flatter Pots te ion. • • •8120 Pro:relator.— Bacon Hoins•••—• • • 6t • Shoulders•— -- • Sides••• • • 5 Bojrrou , s ., t city care_ 47 Lard No. 1, in kgs • • - 608} " 4 'A in kg+. • •0 • " 1, in bbls• sto— " I, in kg e• • 4 0 " I. st roll. 9 0 11 Cheese, W. ft Crack's, Plush. Won't. bbl. 0 8,'5 Potatoes—per bush. Common —0 Neshannocke p bu 70075 Ragit—Dnty 5 per non). Country mixed •-- • 309 :{ Do. good whae.• •-- •Ilte 1 Rlee6Dper Hue ____ a _ 40 4 deeds—doty Linsee 4 d 20 p 1 c. Clover 1,7542 Timothy 1,7502.00 Flaxseed 100 0 Mustard 2.50 0 1.001 Sploes—per lb. Cloves 09 0 31 Giusts in Mau, • • • 0 Ti Ginger o 0 10 Nutmegs • • • • .... 0 1,30 Itepp g , ....... 7 0 9 Alspice • •-- ...... • • 0 :VS Snakeroot—pa, Ib. Senecca ..... •• • • • - Soap—Duty 30 per cent. Pittsburgh No. 1. • • 140 41 Cincinnati 310 4 steel—per m. Foreign Own k shear•— • • . .17 0 19 Do. angle • • • • 0 10 Beet llerman • • • • • • • • 0 13 " Eagle • 0 11 Droop L 0 15 Pittsburgh Alannfacture. German Steel..... • . 0 Of blietur • • • 0 15 American blister. • • • 0 41 - • Sea 51 gallon. Brandy, Bone; .IAO 0 2,50 Rochelle•— • -2,511 0 8,60 Rum,JanPaatli pf-1,50 0 243 N., GO 0 40 • N.,— 40 0 50 Om, Holland • • • • • 1,5 M 0 1,75 Sugar—Duty 30 pet cent. N., hhd 0 55 fair, Add.. • • • • - • 5 055 Havana, white, lb • •9 0 Pe Draril" lb. 90 95 Pulverized, Pdilad . -- .0 10 PORT OF PITTSBURGE► ARRIVED. lelogan No, 2, GiLsoo, Beaver. Battle, Jacobs, Browny, Ile. Atlantic., Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Maeesport. Caleb Cope, A. It.lonics*, Lake Erie, Gordon. Be-aver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Brilliant Crane, Cia. Fort Pitt; Miller, Fnuaklin. Peru, Calhoun, Cin. DEPARTED Michigan No 2, GiLson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville Mee Seas.—We learn from the clerk of the steamer Duck River, garotted yesterday from Rod Rta• to, that the Strainer Amtu Crocker was sunk on the PM ult. in Red Bayou, with about WO bales cotton on board. The tat, It ts supposed, will Los a total loss.— The greater portion of her vary, he, will be wseii— The crick belonpng to the boat is anteing, and suppo sed to be drowned.—(N U Pte. it Insurance Company FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE secretary—J. Eg o s,, Jr. I President—EL hitz.t.u, Jr. Mum - nts—R. Miller, Jr., J W. Butler, Ono. /nark, Wm. B. Holmes. N Holmes, Jr., C. lhmson, Cleo. W. Jackson, Win. M. Lyon; Thos. X. Litoh, jas. Lippin cott, Jas. bl'Azday, Alex. Ntmick, Thos. Scutt. This Company n now folly organized. and prepared to effect lusurance on all descriptions of property ortlnst Lost by Fire—r Ha of Inland Transportation., and on Hubs and Cargoes or Boats sod Vessels. Appnoon°. for Insurance may be mode (for the present,) to R. Miller, Jr. President, at the warebove of Robinson A nuns, No. 21 Wood street, or to J. Fin ney, Jr., Secretary, at his aloe, No. 77 Water street, Pittsburgh. mpH LOIIISVICaI LIM E-175 bbls reed per smir T l 7s graph, sot for sale by myl4 ARMSTRONG CROZER SUGAR CURED HAMS-12 tomes Stagg R. Shay'. mtparior Sugu Rano, ma landing and to rsi rata by tnyt4 9 a. W HARBII Ii G LASS-- by soo bas smarted sizes, onii. ictr arTrfor mita S /a W HA RBA lA/ VISH--Ol tails No I trimmed Shad; 30 bble and half bale No I Herring; 10 do No 2 blackarel; lb do No I Salmon, imit rood and for sale by en yl4 JOHN WAIT to Co DACON, AND FLAXSEED 01L-4000 lb. nano 1). Sides; 2 bbl. pure Flezeeed Oil. in cosi and fo .ale by JOHN WATT & Co, my 14 corner of Liberty and Hand sis . 1 SIRE BRICK-13,000 rfra Drink, landing per canal I.` boat Lake Erie, and for aide loaf by my:4 JAMBS D 41.2:ELL TIRE undersigned Assignee of Samuel Hill, Esquire will offer at public 'endue or outcry, on the pre miser. on die '3oth of May, test., at one o'clock In tft afternoon of that dap, a TRACT OF contain ing 330 sod a half acres, inmate on the ,ilonangahel neer, about one mile above filoacingahela City, i Windungton county. Pa. There in erected on thl tract, a new two story brick Dwelling Ildn•-• Alan, log Dwelling House. Tbero are two good Apple O chards on die premises; about WO acres cleared; 40 0 so acres of which is first rate river bottom There is pm. I " St. Louts, 11;ra . to of 6 foe . ; of StOne Cod, under &I whole • • • equal to any on the Monongahela river, and no conve nient to the over, that it COCA but a tribe to remove at trots the banks to the boats. The land as of the best quality, and contains on inexhanatible quantity of Lanmetone_ Thu tract will be sold in whole or in part, to accommodate parchment. Those wishing for further information, are referred Judge on the premises, Samuel Beck et, reading near the land, and Daniel Long, Inkeeper, Cincionau, Ohio. There will also be roid.on the Mat May, inia, at one BANK NOTES Buvrxo R.O.TY Co ar. City orders, 15 do Relief Notes . , Pounsylvanta Co , " New York, Mnrylsnd, " New Orleans, o'clock in the afternoon of that day, on the premises, • tract of LAND, containing n 4 acres, situated In Pal lowfield township, in said county; adjoining lands of the heirs of David Dolton, Jerome Grable and others; about one half of which Is cleared; on which Is erect ed a Grist Mill, with two run of atones; • nay, Saw Mill; a good Dwelling House, !sc. The terms will be made known on the day of sale by JOSEPH HENDERSON, Asslgnea m77idunay24 - PORTORA All WIIItIVT MTV, WILL be opened (1). V.) for the admission of young Gentlemen on tdondayobe PM day of April. Trans, (payable in advance) per sesaion of 5 molar . tine:tab, C)saalcal and Mathematical depart ment English department 1316 A braked number of boarders will be received. For matimonials, references and additional Inform uon, enquire of the Principal, et the laminate, Robl bon street, between Federal street and Sandoshl, ChtslerPs Row. by Wm. Krlriak. EC 00011:1i61, by Fee- Port-- 0 3, Calabria 1,00 GS 0 7 . _ • Wool per lb—Dory 93 per CetlL Full blood ..... • • - .......... • 0 = I blood 0 91 Lb:ood 0 91 and Corcurion 10 0 27 b leashed 0 26 • • • • • Wlllokey—pet gallon. Rectified— IS 10 19/ Ravi Monongahela IGO 17 lato—per 1b Sheet ........ ••••• • • --• 0 10 Slab • 0 all PretOts—per IN 4- • To Gineuinati: DrY. ..... DrT; l. Goods ...... —•— 15 0 Hoary 15 02 FronLouisville to th . ..... Dry Goods 0 — To .. Louie. Loui 0 Heav To C y ... 0 15 Cleveland and Erie. Dry Goods 0 Heavy —0 To and from Brownsville. 0"11 10 0 - Dry Goods (down) Produce, &c. WM- To Nuthodle. Dry Goods —•-- . —0 60 Hmlrheeling 'ISB Hea v y To Zanesville Dry Goods• 19 0 1321 HWI 0 leaver. Dry Heavy . 0 To New Chleans. Heavy Goads e/ Glass, ece —o— or Tit.. ON THZ FINNYTIVI Ashes, Poi and Peel,.. - 5O Butler and Bacon, 10 Beef, salted, 95 50 Bale rope and Bagging' do 70 Beesstrus, do 75 Bones, ' do 75 Brooms, do 1,10 Cheese, ' do 629 Corn, do 45 Cotton, do Ea Chilled Rollers do 75 Drugs and bledielnes, do 1,00 Dry Goods, do I,ot Dried Fruit do 01 Flour, per bid. 90 Fan and relines, per 100 Ms 1,03 Feathers, do 879 Furniture, do I,OU Glusware, do 75 Glass, Windom', per bo —0 50 Green and dry fruit per 100 lbs 519 Ginseng, per 100 lbs. 1179 tirocenes, do CO Hardware, do 73 Hops, do Hemp, do 621 Hides, (rams 750; dry 111111) do Leather, do 75 Lead, in plea do 0 Lard and Lanl Oil, da so Oil, Castor, do 611 Luweed 011, do 60 Pork, per bbl. do 0 137 Rog., par 106 hoe 52 Ropes; and cordage, da 00 specie trawls, do 00 do 62i Skins, Dear and 73.1160, do 70 Tallow, do 50 Tobacco, Leaf, 56 0 do 21wmfacturad, do 70 Wheat, do CO Wool, do • P7j Nklakey, per 100 lba 75 TO TUX ISIS lOU X0XONO•11112.• SLUR Clnas, No. I—datica, Balt Phil. 14. YI Bacon, Boner, Lard, Chee., Pork, Tobac co, Tallow, W. Glass, and Whisky pr Clay No 2-11cmp, Flax In bales Clam, No.3—Dried Froir Leather, Old Rags, Skins, Seeds, Wool, Class No 4—Reenria, Featherantra,Ginsnl, Hops, !Use, loose Flax Isuluramte. Vales of Insurance on cargoes 0 steam and keel boats. F . ret Pittsburgh to Wheellng,Vo. 0 t " to no from Cincinanu, 0 0 " " to I..rmimillu, Ky. 0# " " St. Lows, hlo " " m Roouville,do I 0 I " to Independence 409 " u to 021e22,11L " " to Merophie,Tert *Ol " to N. Orlma.. I. el From N. (Mew. to Pimlmre, •I 0 i St_ Louis 1/01 MI ,: Ffia Boats W. COPELAND, A. 8., Of Trinity Colley, Dublin, Es-81w, and Queen's Benoist from the Soyul School of Enniskillen. Peduel at, near Robinson at. meTsAlf CLOVER SRED--N2O bash clover Seed. in store and for Wolff_ cty Id J RFLOYD _ S UNDRIES -430 bars Green Rio Coffee 4 5 bbl Boston 7.0 st, do large No 3 Disekerek c an o dlng sad for sate by enyl4 31tlit D. - • RACAL-NATTERBi IMPORTED roa Tux rrrtzettera DAILY eazzrrs. Tate Firm Awrs—Raritovax,—Trevor McClurg am) B1Er: Wm. G. Wall, have removed their studios from the Exchange Bank building,to Fourth street, between Wood and Market._ Their new rooms are much better suited to the purpose for which they are designed, than their former ones, as they can regulate the light as they please- We advise all lovers of the beautiful to pay these gentlemen a viait, 4s their paintings cannot fail to please.— Mr. McClurg, as a historical painter, has few equals in America, while Mr. Wail is peculiarly happy in delineating the charming landscaoes by which Frittabargh is sorrouuded. MAY Pan - v.—We noticed a May Party yester day, composed of some two hundred little very neatly dressed, passing op Smithfield street. They were preceded by three young Indies, with maids of honor holding op their trains, whom we 'apposed to be their Queens. They were, we be lieve, scholars of one of the Public Schools. Tainsfax.LThe eeletuated "Manner's Opera Troupe* appease again to night, in selections from the opera of the "Natillion." Mr Crisp also ap peon in "used up." Mites Brienti is a charming singer, as is also Mr. Clarke. Mr. Manner's also sings delightfully, and we need say nothing of Mr. Buhbook's playing on the piano, as our citizens already sufficiently appreciate it. Few cities pos- SCS3 a professor of the piano forte of more excel lence than professor It. THLVOTY Cetus= —This Church still continues in the date in which it was left by the fare. The roof haa been covered over with boards to protect the interior from the weather, but no eircpa have yet been taken towards repairing it. • Oscatimmots.—The Lawrenceville Omaibussea are dolug a thriving trade in carrying passengers from (hat place to the circus. Moo—The mud in front of our office is very carefully tubed up by the army of the Street COM. miaaiotters, about once-a , fortnight, and then it is left there to be once more scattered over the streets, until they again scrape it up into a pile. Would a not be better to have it carted away at onceT Flanr.—There was fight at the circus yester. day evening, but beyond a few cracked heads and bloody noses, no mischief was done. RCM OFF.-A horse attached to a cart, ran off yesterday, dreara Third street,. but was stopped rather suddenly by the Wheel of the cart coming in contact wtth the lamp post at the St. Charles HoteL Ctacus.—llan Rica's Circus continues to be fill. ed niMitly with throngs of spectators, who ell go away p eased with the entertainment. Somehow or other, Rice has a peculiar Moony of pleasing the public, and his present company assist him to the best of their power. Pnnee of jesters, and ofgood fellows, he deserves that good fortune which will soon till b. coffers. Whenever los circus arrives in a town, the new. Men around with as much celerity , as it did is the case of the famous Daniel Tucker, and all hock to see the great Shaksp, rian Clown,jester to Gen. Zachary Taylor, Pr./. dent of the United States. • s From the Loalrvine Count, May II Tea CROLESU.—Yeaterdny we could hear of but one or two additional canes I the cholera, one of these was IL Chappel, an others on the . mail boat. He was taken home guile sick. A lad named Murphy' died on Fifth street, near the river.' He had been sick two or three days. Dlr. Guemein, on Rollin street, as we stated yesterday, had no cholersould was - perfectly well last evening. A German woman residing et the corner of Jefferson and Preston streets died yesterday morning.— Thereurere two other cases at the upper end of the city both of which were convalescent. J Mr. ones, a voting man who lived soma seven or eight miles from the city, on the Salt river road, came to the city on,„Wednesdny. witii a load of weal. During the day he was attacked with chol era and died that night at II o'clock. We under stood that he neglected to attend to the &sense when the fast symptoms were discovered. A passenger on the meaner United States. from Cincinnati, died before the boat reached Louis ville. The New Albany Democrat, of Wednesday evening says that the cholera is still in that neigh• boebood It says: Two additional members of the Fowler isouly, LWQ aona—have died elder our astir of yesterday. l'etitnother, we learn, has mensureably recoVered from the attack of cholera, but she now has the ereamelaa, and is hardly expected to live. The fate of thin family has indeed been a bard one About ten days ago, the daughter, a young lady, died; yesterday the .father and two sons died; and now the mother is expected to soon follow them. Two or three other cases in the same neghbor hood, on Lower 4th street. between Mato and the river, are reported to have occurred this morr We learn that there were two eases of cholera .1 Madison yesterday, one of which had proved t. al, and the other, a youth, was I a a critical condi The cholera has made tie appearuitx at and in the vicinity of Patriot, Indiana. Three or four cases have occurred. This disease prevailed there with remarkable severity in 1532. The Maysville Herald of Wedneday, says. Since our last, several deaths have occurred from cholera. It Is parable to Race/lain with precision the number; those who profess to know, differ very widely in their estimates of its fa— We are sorry to kern that there hove been sev eral fatal cases of cholera in Charleston bottom, within two or three days. We learn from the St. Louis Republican of Mon day, that the steamer lowa, which arrived at that coy on Sunday from New Orleans, had 104 12 or 15 passenger, by the cholera, and other; were still sick. Among the des,tbe, area that Or Capt. Clay, of Arkansas; he was hurled near Napoleon. Two or three deaths took place after the boat reached that port E+CAPII or MACIASADT —After the preforrnance if Macbeth was !hushed, Mr. Macready panted hrough the iTOR d with the audience who were leaving, on foot and unrecognized, and made his mape. He left the City during the night, and wro, neer. at New Rochelle this morning at 5 o'clock, where he breakfasted and took the early tram to Bostott.-IV. Y Tribune. 17MEEIEI AVALUABLE MI Ll Water Poorer, formerly known es Leonard's, rapuble of punting front 150 to 800 bushels per day. thumb, t t t 7101 acres of good land one half of winch is good timber, the other ball prairie, under fencen. improvements, good barn nod doable frame house The preeent tri.lf was butt le months stnce, upon the sue of one built 10 or go years ogo The old mill rented for SUR per month. Ve deem it unneces•nry to say more concerning the property, u it is nut ea p-eted that any one will buy before egarainmg, Ad Th. property is filo/sled four molds north of Qotney, ll‘ one of the hen Wheat grow ing umlaute , . Thu property, to connection with smil ing end farming, is moat admtrobly calculated lee the raising of rook. For further wheals'', call Ott or siddre.• A. Wheat, tluq, or C J. t ti. A. MILLER_ Quincy, 11l , May, 1819--myl gul testes.' mtt El= . . aThe eplendld Packet Ship LOUIS PHIL IPPE, Rota. tlemeall, master, of SUP tons bar then, will be despatched on or about the Ist This ship offers superior advantages for Passengers, having hero built fur a Havre pack., and hat all the accommodations of the best European Par get Ships. She bas • Gentlemen's and Ladies' Cahlols high and roomy between decks, well ventilated, n'fferiug in every respect topcoat imeommodituans and comfort to passengers and might The ship wilt touch on her passage out at Rio de Janeiro and Valparaiso, giving passengers by her an opportunity to recruit. Mr. /as 8. Wetbered, having pot returned from Cal ifamta' will give such informs iou to passengers as will be of essential service to them He will also give each passenger aerionspanying this expedition the ben efit of his expszience 131 mining, and will also make known to them au arrival the most productive gold platers. No passage will be secured anal paid for. For freight or 7 1 144 .1 7KP F 1 1 Tto RIRCKHEAD &PEARCE. or R. 11. FITZGERALD, No. 9 Commerce at. urylo:dlw--Iflalt. Am rCOTTON AND WOOLEN MANUFACTII- HElM—Haring made arrangements for a con stant supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell m low prices Calf and Sheep Railer Skins, Lace Lem ther, Pickers, Reeds, Shuttles, Hemp 'Terme Treadles Mn 5 to 15 Belt Punches, Wrenches, Stripping Cards 10 to 15 to, Patent Dresser Brushes, Weavers. Brush • lc. he. LORAN, WILSON & CO., my 4 .Ic9 Wood street, Pittsburgh. /MEM JT re H. FLOYD, Wholesale oroeers, Contuussion . Merchants, and Deniers an Produce, Round Church Puddings, fronting on Libeny, Wood and 9th streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. torB Western Insurance Company. IN conform:My with the Act of Incorporation, th Books will be re-opened for the subscription o the reonatuder of the stock of the We.lrfn IntOrane Company (being 340 shareao at their °lnce in Spotty A Co hi Warehouse, wry) a No. Ti Water street, Pittsburgh, on TIIURSDA Y. the 17th day of May, A. a 1818, between tho hours of to and 1 o'clock. Viva Dollars per share will required to be pool the time of subacribitig. J. FINNEY, Jr , rny7altmayl7 Secrete, TIC. Brownsville BAELZ & MASON, in returning their grate ful acknowledgments to Um iriends of the !arum non and to a discerning public in gauersl, for the lib eral patronage hitherto received, announce at the teen Or tam they have made essential improve. menu 111 the letertOr as well as the exterior of the es. tahlishment, daring loot fall and winter, winch will greatly enhance the comfort. and amusements of in- Tali* who intend to visit during the ensu- ing sumacs. All the prevailing diseases are treated here, and they will endeavor to keep tip the reputation the establish ment hat won through the west, by strict attention to patients that entrust themselves under their care is order ta undergo the treatment, patents hove to provide themselves with two woo llen Minute.. two cotton sheets, three corafortables or a ught realises bed and lima. Terms, six dollars, payable weekly. myt.dlni PEPPER AND PIMENTO—DO boa Popper; 20 do Pitoonto,Jton recd and for sale by 148 BAGALEY A SMITH tiDDIEETS. - -0 . 0 dos Beaver R¢2 - 12u, to store soul for Ifito by bolt Jilt FLOYD By Jots D. Dsvt►, Auotion.s. Foreign and Domestic Dro Goods. On Thursday toorainV , 6q 17t h, at 10 &clock, at the Commercial Sala muter of Wood and Fifth streets, will be told; • t reserve, feu cash • currency— A large mom:tent of fresh and seuonable and fumy Dry Goods, embrating the stock of lades , goods more Inms adjoiningcoumy, and may b* ex aminedpreview; to the ale. Also, 6 bales 30 Inch wide brown =lin. At 9 o'clock, Groceries.,Qucerwarare,,Parniture, Sic. Young Hyena and Imperial tea, coffee., chocolate, 10 bbls No 3 mackerel, 9 bbl* eider vinegar, 7 hes Ya manufactured tobacco, 12 by No 1 palm soap, nnr "X and srmAPing PaMr thavel& apartaii, bay and manure forks, window blinds, looking glasses. A large and general asamunenthouseheld and kitchen furniture, cooking Moves, kitchen utensils, he. At 7 o'clock, Ready made clothing, boots, ehoes, !Auk saddles, bridle*, fine cutlery, hardware, gold and silver watch es, variety goods, &a. atyl6 • large and F - caitsas Sal. of chows and valuable London Bads. Miwy of them elegantly illustrated with splendid colored engravings, and also an assortment of very rare classic authors of the fifteenth century. Will be soldon Saturday and Monday evenings, May and 21st, ar-the commercial Late, rooms. corner of Wood and Filth streets, commencing each evening at 7h o'clock. Fall particulars ite catalogues, which can be had on application to myld JOHN DDA VIP, And Executors sale of Land us Lstrer St. Clair soma Atp. On Wednesday, May 16th, at 3 o'clock, v. x, will be sold on the premise•, that valuable tract of land be longing to the estate of the late John Etta., deed, situate on the Washington turnpike ro miles from Pittsburgh, containing 24 acres and perches, more or less, adjoining property or Meseta. Allen, Ramsey and Poniard, having n county of noel arid limestone thereon, and is under cultivation in the ocv , cupucy of Mr. Allen, who will show the property. Terms, one-fourth cub, residue in three equal annual payments, with interest, to be secured try bond and mortgage. myB JOHN DRAY'S, Aunt , AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE nd liannger- Acnao AND Suaz Manua LAST NIGHT OF THE TROUP .L CFERRATED OPERA E- Miss Faava Batarrn, Prima Donna, pupil addle great Mazzacato of Mil., and late of the Opera Boom, N. York. Mr. Ms/m=l. Prima Tenour from the Theatres Royal, Covent Garden and Drury Lane—assiated by Mrs CIA ace, and accompanied on the pano by Mr. 141/160C1 In consequence oldie great expense attending this engagement, the free list G suspended with the uncap don of the gentlemen of the press. WantrestEirkiitioT Mai 1 0— The entertainments will commence with the petite comedy written by Mr. Crisp, entitled USED UP on "rum's encores Uf rr." Pir Chas. Coldstream Mr. Crisp. Mary Wheatly Miss Cnnse. After winch, the celebrated artistes will appear In the Opera «f the POSTILION OP LONJUMEAU. (From which selections will be given.) Thursday—Mr. AI Benefit. ALSO FIYOZINE DISPEUSARY, For the effectual Core of ndigestion, Hypo, Blue Bevil!, and Cholera Tax public generally, who are out of mats, may safely embrece thu universal stigro,sated ocardy, with the m otionse that it tsllloelloll.l, an antidote to care, swanea grief, ollevaton pun, does not interfere with duties of the day, speedily removes hale, and ha been frequently known to reduce tho most choleric to humour upon its fist application Besides, it reinvigorates the patient far next day'. business. All ages, sexes and comiltions have been known to experience sensible relief. Instances are rife of ten years being miruculously added to the life of an orrogenorms, to say nothing of the weß-Imotian CAN of • lady in search of health lowing here stambleill on • goof hutbood. No Psrairs ha been secured, on the in gredients, although ruinous to Europa mad America, and here published to the world, am in the sale posametion of cakg. aJ Pharmacy, tool imposition Is precluded by the fact that if the wasillot of the component AM veriest OT inferier. the compound u invariably framd to museous and useless. The ingrattients are (betinlent and yet how agreeable ') • Meat of the CMhettra, a cocking. of the exquisite Horsemanship of 111'lle Rou ; the manling hatchways! &- owlets end perikots fa. of Young Chi= Hot on his saddlelaa horse ; the great Backman! Tricks on hor•e b•ck, awl Sontressus owl Balancing upon the Tigkt Rope ay Nester dun; the Dramatic Snow of Mame Men. =at and lamtren ; tee Masa style, at Feredacties by II Signor LOlOl Genstam ; Equitation, Illyisountie, Herculean Feats, Pa namint= cod Spectacles by Mama KJEWSZDT, MT, Mons. la Thom, lows Dumas% Rftrima, Narez, IlAnc.arv, 1.1*.t.2b. BMW Mantua", BUM, sad Marna, in equal Rana, sled a mtext rxtf of the ailtimainal deportment and droll ac tions of the eerroptrie Trirk-Born. Annorroon: and the odd family of dudinoure Pardes, Er-aan, Da., Kama ., ALADDIN, add ReITZILT, ; the whole mingled to the emmatency of Ern., with the quake, pranks, and face. of D. Rres, the emu Sliakspenam Jour, and Sax 'hater, the drew Dasher Coeur/iris. The system a prepared for t o o delectable dote by • glimpse of the travethag cortege of the Main:boa as it enters nom • th e Cowl cad Sate Egoipage of Loom Panetta,ir-ilsogg of a. Froth ; the ekgeos Trap pists and [moves eleebettnreseatr of the cavalcade of Florsenten ani womest, and the great steeeruam PORT- Arr.:, drawn by dtouviA stouts and driati. by Das Rim km.df To be well shako wane tam" has been takeo off the wrappers owe It has been discovered that the pattern moo* shakes with laughter during the open. no, enough for all practicable purpose. For Ike esz j his:Tree Wm sod Bole and DAR Mt.'s Soap Joke, bare been found a rpm* and for the eye, the as woolierg itOso, the ea.:roam Jon, the guffaw Omen Rot, and the suporrer fforophentalts. have been found in antaneoudy efficamou.s. tt:F- Csolosi, not egaimo ernowejedevs, for no oitatiou could the mot ver dant ; bat against the only danger to be apprehended, to wit, that the invalid may CALL 11170 :arrant.. of plea sore during the Moo and Etation, or noo co:1w, moo of login., daring the throo of flue MCI. Thin universal Panacea will be woollies! wool at at the grand Hood des betedides to be erected at PITTSBURGH, on Lot in front of the AMERICAN HOTEL, Peon street, on MONDAY, May 14fti, and remain air days. Doors open or I—performance to commence at } to 9 o'clock, P. M. ljj , A Grand Performance will ho given each after noon (Monday excepted,) at 3 o'clock, for the accom modation of Juveniles and Families, who cannot at tend at rushl SOnlisslon OS cents—no half price. DAN RICE, MM., upon Mgr Danis ; Doctroue 91. ROSA, Oculist ; A. TENTER, Ascrier.U.n, SAM THRIFT', upon undue scowl= of Bit. You. g GLENN ROI, Prof. of Mak.). DAN BZCE, Dean if cf... /baths, RATM OF RATES OF LBSCOU NT-CORRECTED BY N. HOUSES £ SONS, F:a•haage Brokers, Na• a Pennsylvania. Bank ofnitsborgh • —Paz. F.xchango Bank Par Mcrch. & Plan. Bank • Par Bkx.of Plnladelphta • • • •par jarti.lll Bank par [lank of Germantown •Par, Chester Chanti• • •rkarl " Delaware Co.• ••par " hlontacruery co.. .par " Northunrerland• •par lutobia Bridge Co.• • par rk,ricatoorn Bank- --•Par Fanners' Bk. Reathug•par Famera'Bk.Bucka Co. par Fumeslrk Lancas'r•pos, Lancaster Co. Bk.• • • •Parl Lancaster Bk. -.--• par ll.. Stater Bank•—•-3. atowitAirille Bk Waattmaton Bk.. • • • • • Gatty•burph Bk.-- • • • 1 Chant be r•burg• • •• • • " usqtachanno Co. Bk.• • 3 Leingh 11. dal ctowni Carlisle • • Farmers' ant Drovers , ,I Bast, Waynesborg• • 1 it Ilairlsbure • " lioueadale••—•—•--• 1 II Leeman 132=1 Pcnkevi ~ nmlng • •• West 13ranch Relief Noma MAL M Ut. Cam. do C. &Co Scrip s. Ohio. State, Bk. and Branches I Mount Pleasant. •• - • • -houbensdlo St. elairssillo• Manama ..... —• • Nese Lisbon- Jinctanam Banks. Columbus do• HEIESI ,lombos rd== Putnam . Wooster.—•.—•— . 70 Ntrusillon -... I Sandeski 11050 Cleveland • I Xenia • Dastan• ..... u Western Reserse••--• " Franklin B'k Columbus " Chillicothe " Lake Erie••• ..... • • " Seiota• • • ^ Loofewoor • ••---1) /boonitoo• —-• • • • --I 5 • Forkn'ro R'k Coatou•-6' Urbana • —.6 • tie ritale tr. ilk of likottocky 11k.of iksoiavtlio• ..... • " *ahem Ilk. gokitlekL' iv : ; Mow York—Citl ISRACKLISTT i WMTR, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 WOOD STREET, A RE tam receiving. e very larg e Peek O( fresh Ibex=of rtcent purchase and importatiou,which to the Dade at touch prtees as cannel fall to give entire eatiafacrion. City and Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our sock beton purchasing elsewhere. • myS Q STRIPE CASSlblbllbli-4 new tty , sj fancy "side stripe" CBlllll6Ciell lust reed and fey sale by MURPHY, ON & Co, I 49 wood sa DIBBONS--A handsome assortment o 11. beautiful styles Botmet Bibbons,just sectl and for sale at reduced prices by mylt DIORPEW, WILSON - it Co EDWARD DUCK-5 balm bogey Cotton Dack, II suitable for steam boat decks, wagon coven, &c., Just received and foe sale by myll MURPHY, WILSON & F _ INE; GOODS-18 pr Gold Spectacles; 8 fine Diamond Finger Rings; P.O Musical Dazes, shell cased; A large assortment of Fans, with fine paintings also, goldond silver Ka Silver Batter Knives; with agate handler, Gold and silver waist Sockfes and Slides. AIso—PARASOLS, dark green and other fashion. ble colors. The shove goods, with • large assortment of Jewel ry, Fine) Goods, dm, will be sold for seem or other good money, at No 67 Market street, by mill ZEUULON KINSEY TTAIHKELLAS-10 eases cotton and gingham Um. U broil., cane and 'whalebone ribs, tort received and for sale by SHACKLEIT & WHITE, rayS PP wood st EAKASOLS-27 cases cotton, gingham and silk Parasols, new styles and designs; green Tore sa 'nth hinges and plain borders, nod beanuful ivo• ry and fancy handles, jest reed and for sale by Inya SHACK LETT & WHITE CASSIMERE-6 pieces very doe skin (blarki fine Cassimere, received es a sample direct from the manufamtmer, for sale by H LEE, _ mye Liberty st rpposite 6th BURLAP AND WOOL SACK—On le and and for sale by my-8 H LEE WIL MURPHY incites the attention of mar chants to the large supply of new Goads just opened In his wholesale Rooms, on lid story, northeast corner Oh and market streets, Piusborgh. This being his second supply for this spring, he bine many kinds of goods at reduced prices, and tome styles nokto be found elsewhere. ositdkerT —C. S. P W. H. Caur. ISOOLDSALK. 011 Y GOODS A I. 1018011 & CO., :;031N, . -zit/NEM AND IMPORTERS, &I Maness Slam, AllB now opening the most extensive and varied, assortment of Spring and Sommer Goals ever exhibited in the Western conntry, comprising upwaribl of Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased to entire packs. ges from the manufacturers, importers, and large me. bon sales, by one of the [inn residing In New York, who is constantly sending ns the newest and most fashionable goods. They name in pan— • ICKI eases rich Spring Pnntia 1 30 cases Id de Lathe; 514 " Lawns and Medias 30 " cotton and linen 120 " bleached Mmilins,all GinghismA grades; 30 Mostirm Iu " shining Check* and 127 - Bipkas 07S1011. domerile Oingisainsi ales and. summer Etas 250 Brown Melding Also, cases and packages of Bonnets, Flowers, , Le- Ribbons, Silks, Shawls, Bereges. White Goody, Millinery Articles, Cloths tad Casseres, Linens, Ho- eery and Gloves, &o. dr. . City .d country merchants will find then stock as large and demrable n. Eastern stocks, and an eraml nattoo of their goad. and priers cannot fail to con mace all that .nth their undeniable advantages and theinues, they can compete wrrn say Erman Joanna. This fact has been clearly demo.traurd to hundreds of their patrons who formerly purchased East. Their muck will always be found complete. ap7 DENCII LINEN AND LINEN LusTaEs—w. r H. Means has now open a fall assortment of a above articles, for dresses and sacks—among the let ter are some scarce colors, such as pink, blue, green, rec.; aim, pink, bloc, green, and Mode colors of Cha meleon Lawns, and a large assortment of embroider ed simslins and Lawns. W. FL IT% recent purchase is uow all received and 'pen, and persons warning Dry Goods will do well to ook at his large and fresh stock before purchasing— northeast corner 4th mid market sta. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. myti DRY GOODS AT VIIIOIII3BALE. MURPHY, WILSON 4. CO., No. 48 Wood at., Pittsburgh, ARE now receiving a new aixibeantiful ssusrxaent of SUMMER tiOODS, purchased within the lust few days ant at greatly redatled prices They are now enabled to otter an assortment, which for scanty of style and lowness of price, cannot fail to give sat isfaction to the moat fastidious. All die really desira ble and useful goods of the season will be found In their stock, and they only ask an examination of it to convince the most sceptical of the facts stated. apCiddsv2itiS VELUM SPRING GOODS WE are now opentug a very large and choice as- Ty sonment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, selected with more than usual earn durum the last few weeks. in the New York and Philadelphia markets, and embracing a great variety of almost every de• senption of the MMm and most fushionuble styles, end large portion of it having been bought at the EAST ERN AUCTIONS at a grew reduction frost the semi hir fates, IWO are enabled to pair great indacenseins to cash buyers, either by whillesale or retail. We would therefore respectfully havoc the attention of the public to our Stock, reeling confident of oar sbilityth sun buyers in lamest every article they may wish in oar line. To the ladies we would especially commend mu stock of Sat..sanm Dates Situ, of which we have a very large and beautiful assortment of the latest styles and most fashionable colors. Lamas DIM, licrini—hlonslin Sr Laium, Cheevre, silk, linen and mohair Lustros, painted L.ewns, gingham Leartus, Foulards, new style 'termite, English, French and Scotch Gingham, linen Ging ham, in great variety, lac. &a. Bosarni—New style Bonnet., very cheap. /lissom aso noman—Of the latest styles and supe rior in quality. Paassoui—A very large and handsome stock of Par noels, of almost every style and quality. finsorts—A fine assortment of spring and summer Shawls, of all styles and prices. Fanoco th.orus—ik good supply of super French, English and Ansencan Cloths and Cassel..., to which we would invite the "hennas or persons needing such goals. A LSO—A full and general supply of Shining Checks, Ti dawn and bleached Muslims, Table Linens, moo ting.,&me Diapers, Cambrics, surruner Goals and boys , wear, Jeconets, Swiss, Nim- Books, Nankin., Prints, Gingham", Cra_pe,Crape Lane, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, "ilk k &c. Per.. wishing to buy by wholesale, should call and examine our stock, asair 'mice. are each as to make it their interest to buy. ALEXANDEk & DAY, 75 Market st, spat northwest corner of the Diamond AHTIFICIAL FLOWERS—Materials for Aruacial Flowers, via, Plain tissue paper, spotted do, Car n ane,paper for coloring, Pink S. ors, Leaves or eve ry mono, bads, tips, end canoe's, e. be obtained at F H & Co.' Trimming Stripe, a. 14 62 Fourth in UNllll4oll.lEl4Y—Worsted patterns tor Ottomans, „Cg Piano Stools, Table Covers, Traveling Bags, with a great variety of =HI patterns. Also, Worsteds of all colors and abodes, by the pound, ounce, or stein for sate by apt{ F H EATON Zr. Co, 6/ Fourth st S ECOND ttIiFYLY—W LL Dlurphy, at northeast cary ner of 4th and Market streets ha•now opening scrogn supply of soma . and Roomer Goods, and ban a large assortment of Dress Hoods of newest styles, and staple Goads of every kind, all of which will he sad low. • aptie /t KEEN fdlisLiN DE LAINE—W K blerphy has recetved the above scarce and desirable article, of the fashionable sbadec also, Green Bunn, apl7 NOTICE TO CONTO.AOTORS. CANAL LETTING.—The under eloped, Trustees of the Wabash and Erie Conti, hereby give notice that they will receive sealed proposals m Ncultingion, Davies county, Indiana, on the Pith day of June next, for the construction of about twenty-four miles of soul Canal, extending front the proposed Dom across the West fork of White River. near the South line •I Omen tcounty to blaysville, In Davies manly. On this por n of line there are to be constructed five Lib Lecke and oue Gourd Look, to be both of -timber, a Dam across Slutkardtx Creek, and one or two small Aque duct., !nether with the usual variety 01 earth work common to a canal. The line will be divided into sec tions averaging, about half a mile in length. At the same time and place, propeanis will be recei ved for building. with cut stone masonry, the piers of the Aqueduct over East fork of Whitt River. The stone tor thisUlasonly mast be procured from the gear nes of durable limestone to be found on or near either the East or West fork of Whits River, from which point they can be delivered by seater. The line to be placed under contract, will be ready for Inspection ten days prevtous to the time of letting, and an necessary information In reference thereto will be given by the Resident Engineer. CHARLIM BUTLER, A. M. PUETT, TOO. U. MAHE. DISCOUNT. IlLurrxrit' thrum Tarts-lianla. April SS, 1t.41 olT7:tjunell 11111rW • , 711Traviy , Derain. comer or art! 1107 v• and Decatur, between .P2-41ain Market street, near lta Indians. •State & Uranches.• 8 - atatkrip • •••• •• Vlesteka.. Ezetimge Bk. aV. 1 Farmers Bk. of Va. -- • " Bk. of the V " Market and Ferri alums. Ay._ J. WESTBAT, -4-11111 V DENTIST, Respectfully tenders his rofesslonal cervices to the citizens of Allegheny city. • to, northeast corner's( the Dishiond. Refer to Bk. of Virginia.• • •••—• I M. tr. M. Bg., Wheeling do Morgantown—• N. W. Bank Va— do Wollaburg•--• do Parkersburg. Dr. T. F. Dale, Dr. M. IL Trevor, Dr. J. B. Hann, Dr. EL M. Knox, 'Bk. of Tennoasee• .• • • 5 & Iderch'ts Bk-- " Bk.• ••• • " 'Union Ilk -- Elisaoarl. !State Ilk of ?amour,— I North Carolina. 'Bk. of Cape Fear. • • • • • '2 Plearbere• 2 Btate Bank 2 South Carolina. Camden Bk Wm. A. Ward, Derdia4 _ . . Rev. A. W. Bildt . , Rev. N. West aratdtra 0. W. BIDDI.III, Derstlal.,•! REMOVED to a new three story brick! on Smithfield street, one door below Sixth street. Teeth inserted from non to an entire eat, on the Vernon principle, with a bean tipreseptation or the natural guro—restonng the or' • shape of the fate. • N. B.—Teeth extracted with little or no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently wised by &mama, pre. venting the tooth ache. which is much boner than en. ring It, though it should be done in five mini/tee, or even Instantly. mnialy of Cluslemon mmen.ial 13k • • of Georgetown-- ,Bk.of I iumburg• • - • 2 'March:mu Bk 2 Planion &Mocha's Bk• 2 Bk. of South Caroltna • • 2 Maryland. IBolumora . . . 1300103 FOR THE SUBSCRIPTION OF Stag In the Citizens , Insarance Company of Plitaburgh. will be opened in the Rooms of the Board of Trade, on Molina Monday of November nam, at 10 o'clock, a. at. Wm. Lorimer, Jr. Robert Woods, Wm. B. hVClare, Joseph Plummer, S. M. Kim Josiah King, John Sheriff, Alex. Roseburg, and H. D. King, ardtbdolova Comonarionera lialtm'e 0R R Seri 10 I 'umber land Dk. of A I othee9 ........ — • I For. Bk. of Maryland. • .., ' Farmer.' & Me bargee " Ilk. Frederick ' Frederick Co. ilk...—. o Hagerstown Bk . o bimetal Bk. —.—.......... r Patapsco Bk • —•••• •• • • 1 Waatungtonflk•-- ,fikalfWertminsier • ... ‘• Illehlgan. 113 k. of 131. Clam. e - - --- Bk. of River &alma. -- klieldgeua Ina. Co. • • 5 WLPar. & Idea's llk 6 ISCOILItin Terrill+. afftFiroln.CohliDee 6 Canardaa• liAll solvent Banks I .Bank of Enel.d Notes li . --fd 70 ge / su. Gold & Spec le Value, Napoleons —• • •• • • 660 Ducats ....... 2 130 9 90 Eagle, old • • • • • • 10 60 Eagle, new ••• • • 10 00 Doabloona,Breondk 10.00 !Do. Patriot. -- —••••• • 1060 jdovorelgae 4 03 ifironeas --• 6 Oo IFrederlendPore - --•s 7 60 ITee ?halm • • • •• 760 rfen Dodders • • • • • 3 00 :Loolsdkni• •• • • 4 50 lirlohßliffii• iNew York •--- • - 1 p. Philadelphia • • • •—• I pm Baltimore --•-• • I pro ..par. latent G'lm- STINE subscriber Offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and without Coleman's celebrated Xolian Attachment. The above instruments arewar rnoud tb be ego.] to nnyAnnignetared in thin coun try, and will be sold lower the- any brought from the East. F. BLUME, No 112 wood et, lid door above sth N. U —City Senp adli be taken at par tor a few of he above assortment. myl . F. B. Bedknd, Pa. rows irmanaan, Indiana, Pa. KING & nOORBEAD, 'WHOLESALE GROCERS, Forloarding and Com. Ty mission Me boats, and dealers In Produms old Pm...burgh Monuractures, corner of ilto Diamond and Diamond alloy, tiusbumls. Itancurama—Dr. P. Shoonberger, piub Mehard Bard, Hon. Jos. ?dorrison, , , Med. S. Mlion, Esq. SimonAq.„ Omenatrar]rk: T. Gen= 1- Co-, Philadelph.m. J. Milliken & Sant, Lewiston., Pa." J.Reamer, Hon. Wm. J. Donallorty 4 ,l 44 Mulhollan & Hay, HIM merrirrov& ONEY DEW SYRUP-10 bbls Hooey DovrA rup, landing from tteuoor Measeoyer.Artd; for solo by aryl JAS DALZEIDI '• DOTASH-9 eeka }du reed and far seta bi I atyl . J C,ANFIELTI MEE saw - A TWO sum . Brick House, mm eight trootait exelasiya of boseateut • • toast; mad su, to} tsru families ? situated •• Libettf =oat. Allegheny' W , swill be sold low for O r& Hogilize m Valuable Building Lola lOr Tadsubscribers are authorizeduioffer mg sale, supon' tildtly favorable tenni, al:amber ,— of eery valeabbilhdldmg Lots, co.tiMag . Amnion of the Lots numbered 67, 6S; 69 and 79, 21 : Woods' General Plan of the City of PittebtMlb ,l4 M 6- • tied at the south eatrwardltcomer °frisked War. streets, fronting 140 feet scathe forme and aiundwt along the latter about 600 feet to the- egbeny and being a pan of the Real &wee( the late James Stevensen, E. 3., deceased. It plan Or subdayision of the above In confer- . may oats : which ais Reap:wed to ea may beam= at the office of die mdevc,gnea, on between Mar ket and Reny at. to 1117 Elli. To Rent. 11: ::WO miry brick dwelling goose , pltrimaritl .4toxted in Oakland, stutLfive toms of Wild.-- s will be rented . qing low if application . to made immediately. Inquire of apPL • HARM) JONES k Co 26 - 5 Acres Coal Land TOY Odor ITUATKD an the latommottelait, shoat Knife* i from I.e. MO Me 3 miles abo thlxd Loek,-ln theinstnedine nett hborhood of M Lyon a. Rhea, And Mr. ;an lierront - poschaso. This fine body of Coal will be mid at thelow price of 03 pet acre—qtus third in hand, borne Lu bee equal Limns' payments, without Irdemst - Title indisputabla Lona** to rxek 7 e . epeiC4 be aorpassed. For further partleana enquired R. RA.LBLEY, who has a daft of Wel Fre peny. Residence Di at, below Feny,Mr. Adaute ROW. N. B. There is atwitter stem of coil on thls 'trent, yea doge the lower, of excellent quaky hiltbdtf C'otratiter — RICELIDSINCM TOs BPIF. LO ACRES OP GROUND, situated near the Pittsburgh and Greensburgh Turnpike, n milts from the city, and adjoining the sUleglionLiC u elv atom on which is emoted a large and well two story brick Llarelling House, together with 'tables, carriage house, the. There is also CM the omnibus larg: „ , rms . ~.t yw o f frult gvovs .c i rre h a e , rid Al spring of unusual ox. eol jal3 Watt. YOUNG, la Liberty tt . - Real Ertate lb. Sala. riE Subscriber will sell, at privet* sale, that Indite,- de Property, on the Fourth Street read, adjoining present residence nod give posseadon Immediate ly. Thete areaboatTille AORES OF CHOICELAND, Ln • higkstate of cultivation. The ituproventent. ate a large Ifni well finished brick'DWELLINO HOUSS a superb' Ram, and other out buildings. Adjoining the iitirellinelt e running Fountain and • geed Pam*hi ch sit constant &apply of excellent water- Thera ts a vatted of Frait Thee and Eihnabbery Olt ' WV:LI; it iVil i fttrente t itir e. ribed P=„trfola cot a large LOT on Paenzylvarda Avenue, at the end of the board w alk. Inquiet of Keane DAVID PEELER. ;alualtle Real Estate tor Sala. MITE Trastees of the Western Ttwologleal Seadnau A havAl - decided to @short perpetual lease, a per- Wong their property in eghottY oitb oar on yen. favorable tenon, front 30 to 00 Leta of different atm. A warrantee tide will be given. Aldan of their ean' be seen at NA LW Wood street. liglartieniart, enquire of either of the ondaralsed tree. JOHN T. LOGAN ALEX- L 617 bIeJLOOL2d L 0 YTIA fabd-if H. C L. HlL l a gy. SAM At st very low HAMM A TWO story Brink House, on Federal at, tia ono door above the northwest corner of the North Common, Allegheny wide lull, patios, dining room and kitchen on the first door. Four roam on 2d story, with a finished attic. Possession to be bad Immediately. Inquire of a2l t 080 B atILTENBERBER, 87 Frontal Frr rrifsits for Sale. MBE following property in the city of Pittsburgh, I. and near the borough of hlenettester, on the Ohio river, is otrered for sato nu .eammodating term= 3 Lots (being _mil-division of LokNo 409 - In the pins of the eigy of Pinsburgh,) haying no Bet front on Se venth street, by 010 met to Strawberry ellef near Grant aired 10 0110 note Lot" fronting on an Avenue, Cl feel 'ide, running from Beaver road to theOldo river. ad dniug ?hi114.'3 Oi: Cloth Foole' For terms, enquire of CHA R EB a. SLIMLY, or I Ar.h1.03 (ALARA, bldtf flurtla's Buildlag, eth T — Viairearrls Pi - reptr — ^ortrlVile )11.6 NINTH WAILLI - OF PITTSBURGH —Bev al Lot[ Baldwin and Liberty streets, In the foot by .190, ,end uliencrit the proposed .."..21 Hamad. For ternnadre MULLES B. LYS) r- `. • orJAtIFSOBBABA, • un;)l..tif Burke% Building, etli et - - - • A FINE two story Brick House, pleasantly aituated on the hill directly book of Mr. Andrew WlllBOlOll property, near Pelutsylvania avenue. 'lhe baser and lot will be sold very low (or sash. For further infortnation apply to H. W. &A. B. HELL, Attorneys at Law, 4th street, between Snaithdold mod Grant. Nita:4f • FOlt SALE, ON frvorribie terms- 4 In. of Ground on the south aide of I'.llll wee., near the Itlonongahela river, fronting th met on Pehu mice; and extending 110 feet in depth to an adey 20 ft wide; a most desirable loca tion either for private residences nr for manafaruming purposes. Wood C at '.COUNTRY•sEvr TO LiFi r - - A two awry Brick Dwelling, with 51 acres highly improved Land, situated in Oakland, to let from Ist April HARDY. JONES b. Co, robe ja.FOß KENT—For one toneve yenta, from the first of April next, a largo two stoned blink Dwelling House. pleasantry situated onthe bank of the Ohm river, adjoining the borough of blanches tor,-tennlll about four antes of land, out bondman, fon/ •afit Ac. Apply to bli - .13 A HUTCHISON & Co • To Let. LARGE and well finished ftlloll3, second ittnoiy, on the corner of Wood end Third streams above the Exchange Mime of Wm H Poisesiiongracn immcdtately. Inquire of 'ad & ROE, IN Liberty at - ' - TO LET—A large bncd Dwelling ttanse, fiT suitable for two families, Isitnated on Federal f• trent, Allegheny, above bit. Graves' store. +lkp to&r11. LEE, Liberty et, opposite &h TAV9I — POIOJAMV, g&TWO LOTS on Beaver sinmr, in the city a ]4l Allegheny, above the uppereemmons, on which is erected a frame building, two stories hlgh,latitable for two small tenements. The lots are each' twenty Met ; In front by one hundred feet deep, and run bark to n stern{ forty teat wide. The in t erv a l taldge on the pre. mists pay o you handseute son the invest „men; and the property well he sold cheap for and Apply 11. 5r..% Olsrk's office., U. S. or to nov - KAY k Co Pon ssfati T E g N round, and 2 fronting b - on l ln ' tisre ' Plo o rt n h ' S,t ' high" lathe florae llisto:klmoulion. Terme 11.1 . 00,, t oy, ROBINSON I?r ‘ ftl. 0 Roam - Six, mikateno Office, Exedras° Du dings, St Char au Scotch Bottom Lin fbr Sale. TEN ACRES OF LAND, 'lowa d In Peebles town hip, M on the ononsracia, tit miles from Pitts burgh—in lots tosuit purchasers.' For Nether partic ulate apply to Fleury Wooer, lid sti or to= A WASHINGTON, aorMdtf" 4th,Above Smithfield stla` WAREFAISE FOR subscriber offerviorr. the three stole belch Warehouse on Wood street, osmopted by It. Tanner & Co. apl7 tpL WILSON, Jr. VALU ABLE REAL ES PATE ohl PENN STREET FOR SALE—A Lot of liretutdisituale on Pena, amry between tiuy and Marburg street+, uliohtirtil thy house and lot noa oceopind hp Richard .eltararda, having n front of 115 tett, and 111 depth 150 feet, wttl bo sold on favorable term. Title unttorseptloaable,. Ea genre 0n5...f C. O. LOOMS, Oh et, neat Wood. ADESIRABLE. Building Lot in Allegheny arty, fe, vonably located, in mina about half as bore, mast gill be sold on .commodaling teems. Inquke of robe 1 D WILLIAIIIB, 110 wood ci jo b FOR RENT—A room in U e /COOnd .MO% Ass_2l3.Wonal garner. • ... .. _., Property inllegheurelty fair gate. rrIIE subscribers oars for sale a number of choice ..t, Lolls, situate In the Scoond Ward, &cning en the Common nrmtne, on easy WIT.. kir, of W. OIH. ROBINSON, Any at or, Si Blair in nr of i AS ROBINSON. on thinnest:use, • myt7xl.kant'T . . FILRISH PURE TSAa s tlfholesale and rata I , at the • DEKUN TEA STORE, i 0 Fenn stree; near Wood, L Pittsbargh.—The subscriber having returned from New York., is now receiving a /Org. all apply of Malt GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the New York Pekin Teo Company seicerrlth gust care for retail sales Our stock being no heavy wb are pre pared to supply Gnxers, Hotels, amboutsand Fam ilies with any quantity and at any nee they may wish; Peek. , to L i and 1 pound pas 1 lb. tin cants. ten, G end 13 lb catty bores, and i half chest. Reuel Grocers are invited to all, as we can and will sell better Tens at lower p eels than any ether house in Pittsburgh. Om stock of fine Young Hymn, unpowder, and tal penal Green, and Oolong Block cos am the tam in the American market. Loveringindouble refined Lo Crashed, and Pal sy i Fy ini i nv i zi . ! ;li o t r C hLth o barrel. St. Do. mingo and Rio Coffees, select...l l lo ' l ' gs most es:prate. tied coffee Broker in New York , Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled CocuMbers and their "11 ble d . N. a—Alt Dr. D. lekyLle'S ' Ainl47 Medicines tussle. doe9.llawS A. JAYNES. nedDICAls BDRGICiAIs OVAPICSII, No. 65s DIAMOND ALLEY a 1 few doors below Wood street, tali - market. 1111tedW f 114 having been regularly eda to th candles . • ▪ - oteadon, and been f or soma tints - • g general . Diraeticer eau , canines Ids attenti i t: the tteaument al -them puss and deßeata cam' plaints fir w his opydrandiles •••., and cartoon peeublirly qualify to atu trt 7 atmen l'im t ofthose l Y e ' otrip '"" htints,(digrqgwkleti time be has had more preence and has caladium pa. gents than ran ever fell to the lot of any private peso• wiener) amply qualifies lam to offer alumnae* of permanent, nod satioLletory °are to all tainted with delicate diseases, and all dbicasei wising them) from. Dr Brown would tutors thous afflicted frith or diseases which base become chrome by time or Ina graouteti by the use of any of the common mimeos of the day, that then compbunts cm be radically and dmr• mighty eared; he having given his careful attenhon to the treatment of each emu, and succeedultaltandiads of instances In curing persons of indommation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred disease* which often result from those eases whore others have convened them to hopeless despair. He parricularlyironts ruck as have been long and msucemarfally treated tly °then to C 011.411.11 him, when every mitishietion elVerl m the., and their costa treated acarefal,tbaroagit and intelligent manner, e omted not. bps lon* eaperianea study, and investigation, arbich o lrgible for lima reeled i:mer e l practice Onedi ina gl ee 714 - flerma or Rupture.—Dt Brown Wen Mantes pen was afflicted with Benda to call, as ha has paid panto' ▪ nine amnion to this disease, ▪ CANCERS also cored. Dr. T. IL Elliott, Dr. inn. Dicksan, Dr. EL B. Mowery, Dr. H. R. Bell. Skin disoaxa; Maori' a Palsy, etc., speedily eared Ch 7 . l7tints . of ealh . seßlliving at a distance, by staling their di:eau wriiing t giving all the itraPi rotas, can obtain medicine: with dOrnuona (or um, 6 7 mg addreasinfee- g T. DROWN, M. Di ? post paid, end oleos. a Office No. 65, Diamond alley, ooyealte the nearly Douse. RicianoltraM—Dr. Drtimula reorlydlsouttertd mate dy for Rheamatinni is a speedy end certabaramedy tor that painful trouble, It newer fails Office and Privates Consaltlng Roams, No. 6,5 Dia mond alloy, Pittsburgh, Pa The Domani ii4wAys home, BT No =re _ _ • - 7 aim TVLIED FIWIT-SGO bush ddesl Peich64. t o do 1.,P 'Apples, Int . sale. br .... 51114 . I___ BI .IfATERKON .6-eirrifeihgkiiiS-510U &fa Sey_!. .0 sale by .7 , 3 Ls wAT E an AN Ebriltikes, for safe by - 1 44 osyl LB waltegatiec. Mff!E FOR Stk.LE ta=l
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