X: , TIinMtURGII GAT PBBLISOED BY WHITE & co tivvr.snononi ;WEDNESDAY' MORNING, MAY 16,1869. - Pam Dame flu - errs is pdbliabod eTw-Weeklp,swil Weekly.—Tee Daily is Seleo wowom; the Tri-Weekly is live Doiien . per mutagibi Weekly is Two Dollen per lithium; newly • Cr' Atm . _ :~`~; k T.. ; : ~~~. ~;~ Mina artrearaesny requested to livid In Before be. a., an as early Inthadey as Advertheakents Oat fanned fora .peel iairazilibly be awned USW Ordered Out PHIGALIAMPEUA NURTII AELIMICIAN. Advertisements and sabacriptioria to the North Amer ican atid Iltdiledllltales Gazette, Philadelphia, received and fenverillad Erezetthis edict. • • • anlitexter ilographle News. '" r• ••• next pans. Lotions On ( Maori.. The W T Panel:mos Geese, for this week, in aiidinethte a large azoonnt=s, foreign and do h:wide markets, telegraphic enee, the N. York rota, editorial articles, etc., will also contain Items the siZ LETZTEN ON /10LER.I., By Dr: George Stuart Nowlin:le, giving WI account of the tnr.e.Padtalcnicalnatur of Cholera, and an to fallible method of treating it. These lettere were for. welded Ikons Liverpool by Geis Armstrong, the Amer. lean dung at that port, and hre parsed ardsnit many large edition s in th e south Western States, and have received the approbation of ,the moat distinguish ed Physicians. Ferule et the counter. Priced crate. "One of do Memorial:ma" WWI have a hearing to morrow. Tins N A rogry vs. Whig Principles. The Mercury of Monday, has a budget of charg es mai Complatats spina us, which may be briefly summed up as follows —that we stead have eon wormy, if not by air means, then by Setae means --that we have wilfully misrepresented his state_ meats and arguments—that to trouble himself fur Mier Without misrepresentations, will beadeetded• ly beneath" him—and, finally, that though meet ing itgtonent with tuguannt is alp fair, yet to meet it withstubsesses and °Manned misstatement, is far hom being so, and the Mercury "will not stoop no ankh' *capons." • Nowall this is in a tone and temper which we lade eat deserved from the Mercury, and is en. ,tiretletawarnizted by soy thing we have said in relation to It. 'We are not in the habit of meeting arguments by rricbmuser, nor of wilfully misrepre senting any one. We have especially wished to avoid controversy with the, Mercury, and have only engaged in i 4 when it became a duty which might got be neglected. We are sorry that our neighbor, (iota whom we expected better things, should have suffered biassed' to resort to such shifts. Bettinuch as we might desire to be at piraen with the Mercury, we cannot consent to purchase that peace it the eipease of the Whtg party. When that is snacked, no matter by whom, or under whatever guitie, we shalt, If we consider the', mat ter satirically important, deknd it ; even at the risk of being seemed of being food of controversy, and shall not temple "to Carry the war into Africa" if neyoursty. When the Mercury way established, a abort month ego, it appeared an the expounder of con• sees allye doctrines, which the Post very truly nays, are but another name for Whig princi. Oct. In its long and elaborate salutatory defini tion of ds principles, cnd purposes, we found lit tle, if any thing, to blame, and very much of which we, and all Whip, aunt cordially approved; and to establish whitla r we, with than, have long sting gkal and lamed: Bat we had our misgivings at the timing to the ability of the editor of the Mar es:my to maintain the principle, he advanced, and his inandini in "the patty" at the same time ,lifelther could we very well see how, holding such principles, and such opinions of the men into txisid! leadership the old Democratic party bad &link 'an •be then expressed, he could continue honestly, to act with it, or wish it success. We Vete not without our, dmdts, of the propriety of allowing Um to-hold forth, without cdpanstice Iv contradiction, that the Whig principles ho then avow we e the principles of " the De .; ; ••• •, • • capital ardlit the truth. Te facts Lave allows that our kars were well bonded. Tite editor begins to feel, it is evident, that his position is an uneasy one, and that be tween vile stools he is in great danger of falling, ['preheatlive, It is very probable, that the ap proaching "Democratic" Convention and primary meetings, may serve him the same as they have done General Moorhead, and read him out of the party, ha tutivbought proper to draw a picture of Whiggery, which ought to satisfy the most rabid of thaw whom it appears to be his present pur. pose to conciliate, that, if he is not a very good locokice, he is still a worse Whig. Whether his attack on the 'Whigs will be considered as a suffi cient atonement for his former, and now, it would appear, half repented sins against locobcoism, remains to be seen. If we might be permitted, however, to express an opinion on a subject in which we suppose we have but little buninits to meddle, we would say that it ought. Oar belief is vary decided that the policy of the Post in taking no notice of the Mercury is the correct one. If they do not thrust Ida out, it is quite clear he wdl woo become as good a iocofixo as the best or worst of them. - But we must not. say thus much without giving evidence that it is deserved. We shall come to that presently. In the mean time we desire to notice a small matter.. • The editor ofthe Mercury challenges us to prove that hisprinciples are any different from thaw of the old Mercury, published many years ago, and which was an ackninaledged organ of the then Densoantio party. We are quite willing to allow that, bur so fez from proving, as the editor in his simplicity seems to think it does, that he is a worthy member tithe gouty to which he now adheres, and in mime queer sort defends, it proves directly the serene, and would, of itself, be sufficient to con demn him in any convention of the body which deems itself—and in some respects not without reacm—the party of progniss,par ermitrace. They would treat his as a Rip Van Winkle; though other portions of our friend's writing show, that though stationary and apparently Only half awake' he btu not been to anoteervant as might be sap posed. Winless the following extract, which though longer than we usually indulge in, will repay perusal, and from Its entire troth, demurs to be again and again recorded:— clt has been the fate of our party in this, county, di many year., to be cursed with the prominence • in am rub or noisy, brawling. selfiah, reties politichurs—many of them new converts, who have devoted the beat and only honest period of their political career to the abuse and vilification . Maze Democratic party; who are prompted by a keen acentkir the moils; who signalize their new boraces!bAthe most extravagant professions, and -are seam warm in their new berth till they aspire to the nominations and grasp at the satin control of the party. There is another in coon of a still more depressing character resting =L e , party. All the Agrarians, Fonrierites, and other lazy loafing dreamers and Salesons in the community, have filleted them selves ono us; and the party has been stumbling along uniks the weight of their odious and awful &climes. By this cause a very large dam af the aubstantial moral irorth,tufluence, and intelligenc e , I which of tight belong to us, have been driven from ace ranks,., embracing materials with which they tan have no fellowship. It shall be our endeavor, as Ear as we ens to rescue the party from the load of all this filth and rubbish and to bring back than who have been driven by it from the fold." Now here lies the difficulty in which our neigh bor is In. Though he has not, or thinks be has tot -changed, his party, since the palmy days of the old Mercury, Au. "The noisy, brawling, self- tsh, row.nl.ting politician," of whom he so trtov. kitty speak*, have not only attained to " promi acme In the party which he still adheres to, and wish., to reinstate in power ; but they hive lac. gutted the control of it, and cuts it the fit and at tractive receptacle off' all the Agrarians, Fourier ites,and other lazy, loafing dreamers," of which be speaks. It is this party, so composed, that we war against ; it is tas party which the Mercury adv.. cake- We wish arm joy of his associates, But though we may not be able to show that the editor has changed from what he Was when conducting the old Mercury, we think . that we can satisfactorily prove that he has changed, and -that very mach for the worse, since he comment- ed the new. In his salutatory; written• bat autoatb 11 $0, w. have the following: 6 Penneylvania is a Tariff State. This is a set• tied fad; sad the politician or the party, who os dertaltes. hi wage a unit upon it will derive gni* glory endless profit thorn the conflict. Our Coma monwealth has but one alternative-Ibn Tenif ur Itankvprey. It is the only policy that will enable, ' the Slide to meet her engagements. Oar people are shrewd enough to knaw this; and, whatever they may be told by 'astral politicians, their prass peril goes hand In hand with the pthgrerd:of de meats° manufactuthi... Uoth.very lately, the Tariff' wan consitleted 7, '' : ': , •!- .:•I.' , . 4 .;....' ,- 4 :1 . ,,4 1 -t - : ,, 1.! .. of one Delleattatie sup ft Legislature after another, by the elleasages offolir Democratic - Governors. year after year, and by/the general expression of pity sentimetu every Where throughout the State Buthy Me influence cC doctrines, *rung LP.° " itltutstets, seconded by demagogues asters, at Urine, whose ambition would tread gag) , on the &ad body of the Coalman wealth rather than he disappointed in their schemes, we have been ed no, cep by may, till at lag we have been threat into a Ptetitet' 01 almost - absolute hirstility to a measure on which the vary solvency Of the State aepe.da." There em two Minim to be noted In this extract. One is, that, . 0 14 to the editor'llown showing, the • creed" of the `Democratic" pm her Chang. ed. The other is the editor's around, in strong language:of the necessity of a protective tariff. Contrast # with what he now says, as follow,: "Democrats look M the broad principle; of true justice Of equality as the ground work of their was Th* oppose everything that tends to build barriers between rich and poor, or that would give to the bpner tights and immunities which the latter do 9X possess.. Whigs advocate protection for protection sake, and high revenues amount ing to yethibition of importation ; which would Impose a titan' tax upon the public, and stifle en terprise and industry, by giving rarouTolists a pre mium." „ Whaft is this different lbener than the wont slang of the Poet, on the same subject? Passing over the rlgron iojastfce to the Whigs, which it contains, 'What sort of friendship does it evince for proteictimil What fen! frihnd of that principle, which thq Mercury, Ituf a short time ago,so strong ly uphelisfoaciuld hold Il op as giving immunities to the rick Which the ' jaw do not possess—of en ding enterprise—giving monopolists a premium ! Prom such friends lot protection we may well pray to he saved. Tala, then,—and •so soon—is the end of the wound doctrines with which the Mercury io well couithenced ! I The distinction takenby the editor of the Mercury, between Prothction foe the sake of protection, and something, we know oat and mire not what else, In Cheer nonsense, intended, we suppose, to mys tify the ~e nfoeos into the...belief that the prattle tion,'Whieli he , now advocttets is something very difirenti and greatly more innocent, than what the Whigs flare! SOinethlng so like free trade, that they, need not 6e alarmed at it, and ought not, on that account, to prevent him from being admit ted Into full commodity. Well, be it so. tt.p. better, CA' us at least, that the editor of the Mircury should be wholly loco asao, thin only half a one. Hybrids aye well enough is Nome things, but we like not hybrid politiciane—men thit are neither flab nor flesh— neither cold nor hoi. When we have wolves to deal with, we great!) , prefer that they sheald come in their own proper skins ; we then know what to expect, and we are,therefote, well pleased that oar neighbor has cast away the lamb's wool, in which he made his advent se gently and smoothly. If he in to continue in: his purpose of strengthening the "Agrarians, Fottrierites," arc., by defaming the . . Whig. we prefer it should be done from • looofc, co pl•t&irm, in the full uniform of the . party. Geological Lectures. The Nebular Hypothesis was the . aubj eat of the Ray. Mr. Porter's discourse of Monday e rening. It urn dated by the lecturer, that the chaos state of the isn't, no described in the 2nd verse of the Ist chapter of Geisexis, very reasonably suggested to many miada the Nebular Hypothesis of Laplace. A sum* and clear statement of this theory was made: the nebodat maw extending beyond the orbit of.;the outer planet, by the velocity of its 'ro wdiest threw off successive 6111.13 Ck; these, acquir ing rotation and orbitnal motion, threw off, in torn, smaller masses, ender similar conditions .Thal planets and satellites were supposed to be prcidstc. ed. The original mass ndeasing„became the (central luminary, in with a haminons atmos phere. The lecturer considers that the theory denved 'apposite= the isolation'it afforded of the rings of Saturn and Neptune, the zodiacal light, comets, mudded and the asteroids. These were regarded a, of fossil remains in the solar system, in .diestioniita nature an gripe. All motion In the solar inrstem being in one dl. in the plane of the sun ' s equator, the ye increase of the bulk, and diatinmion lohire azmuirwassesamte prows ancrotea td favor of this hypothesis. It wa r t considered the theory in question sainted on explination of some difficulties in the Let chap. ter tif Genesis, such as the chaos side of the earth, light being created before the sun, and the sun not beifig created till the fourth day. In the Genesis of the solar system, remora* to the Steady of the distinguished Frenchmen, whether regarded as demonstrated or as resting on grounds of high:` probability, the agency, wisdom, and con trivance ot Deity were conspicuous. In the ad justmeti'l of the expansive and adhesive forces of the nebulous mass, in rotation truing hammed on it and its several parts, on being broken up under the Ind4enee of gravitation, might be seen marks of intelligence. Sokikewise, in the nice projectik: vel.ity,resulting feint reunion to gravity, in the relative:distance of the planets, and in the origin of the original mats. The theory did not animal lute law for Deity, nor progress for creation. If the thesry mere true, no department of physical science 'more clearly exhibited the agency and power Deily. The Change in the echelons MILLS from the period 01: - rotation being impreased on it, to the complete unfolding of the solar system, with all id naeltanY and beauty, was not greater than is seen in Deology, beginning : with the granite rocks bearing `marks of fire, and proceeding through various Irma, composed of different mineral In gredient% dec., loaded with fossil remains, up to the recent formations. This seas the close of these lectures. We trust that muo good may result from their delivery and that success in evert department of his labor, may !IWO upon the Reverend gentleman. We aro gratified to learn that our friend, 1019:1711 C. G. Kmuntior, Esq., of Meadville, has been ap pointed Secretary of the Gurus Board, in Wash ington. This Board is composed of three members of the Cabinet, Meters. Clayton, Johnston, and Collamet Mr. Kennedy lay gentleman of ability and learning, and mare than ordinary vigor and indnaln, ind is most admirably fitted for the ap pointment. The salary is about $250 . O. Mr. Ken nedy's DtpC7ol2ll friends is this city will be pleased to heat ofb.is promotion.. L1Z99321i9 029 Cuouna.—We bring to a close, to day, the. itivaleable Letters on Cholera, by Dr. Haw - alm a / a . Nothing we have published for years,has : been more sought:after, and our editions of extra copies have .invairlably been sold out at an early hour in the morning. It gives us great pleasure thaa to gratify our readers, by furnishing them With timely and lawitictive matter, and if these letters shall be the means of saving one life, We shall Mat have labored in vain. The Whole series will be contained in the IVeekly Gazette of to morrow, and will be for sale at our counter this afternoon. Those who wish to preserve the letters, can thus have them in a com pact form. We shall print an extra number to supply the demand. Our correspondent "Pitsburghr makes a mug gestiott about the Senator to be elected this year, from tills District, worthy of attention. Our friends in Butler will see the justice of the suggestion, from the Biel, that although Allegheny county fur. nishes the majority of the =dales, on which the office I. based, yet Butler has always furnished the Senator. In strict justice, Allegheny could have claimed the Senator every other term, and as her &scoria( courtesy has awarded the selection •of the person so long to Butler, the latter, out to be outdone, will, we tram, freely award the choice to Allegheny. However, there in no disposition here to contend about the matter. The suggestion in made; if Butler approves, well; if not, things will go on in their old way. At least we hope so. We fhlly accord is opinion with "Pittsburgh," that ii is of the utmost importance that able and active men should be wlewed as the Antimaaonio and Whig candidates at, the approaching Conven tion. We need such for the causes set forth by nor correspondent, as well as to sustain and de- Lend oar escellerit Whig administration against the virtiletit assaults of Locofocoism, and to at tend m th 6 various important interests of this great-end growing community. The Bta4Department in Washington has re. calved otfic4 notification of the blockade by the King of the two Slaies,:of the portand gulf of Pal mero and itt:dependencies,in order to prevent the IntrodUcfion,Of =stolen:tan and articles of war in the whole aztent of the bland of Sielly. The blockade wail begun in the Am day of Apni, and the Neapoliula squadron will maintain it on the wholeof theu:nnut. 1.w714-zauus i s lett 4 ' zan Prcreid ...14.notd*V - toothed sw °"° " of Timm's THE TRUE PATHOLOGICAL NATURE OP CHOLERA, AND AN INFALLIBLE METHOD OF TREAT ING IT, IN A SERIES OF LETTERS, BY WWI/. STD.LIy EUWTDOILYE S IC D. Lots senior Alysieian of the Bel art General Hospi. teS, re., mid wit, of Lion author and ongi ned diseaverer of the mu, made of Ventilating Earpitals,Ships,Prieatte, and PesUis Buildings, by oh. agency el heat, and other wads. LETTER ViL Gtheruanor—Amongst the objectionable name dies which have been employed for the Cholera, the first I shall notice is blood letting. With regard to this remedy, I would remark that I cannot conceive how any rational practition er could thinliof using, for the care of this disease, a remedy which produces on the constitution an effect the very opposite to that which it should be his object to accomplish—a remedy which would aggravate, rather then relieve the symptoms. The effect produced bg blooddetting is relaxation. It is with this view it is generally employed: as, for instance,in inflammations, and in certain cues of rigidity. The depletion of the vascular system by blood letting, suddenly removing the accustomed pressure or bracing support from the brain, has the effect of diminishing the tone and energy of that organ, and of course, of the Pervious system.— Hence the supply of energy to the muscles is les tuned, and a corresponding dimunition of the con tractile power of the I:muscular fibre is produced. Now, froth what has been stated in the preceding knell, the reader will at once perceive that a pre cisely similar state of things lake place in ,Cholem. I need not say, then, that blood-letting should be at once discarded from the treatment of the dis ease; for everyman possessed of a reasoning mind, who has read my preceding letters, will at once perceive that it deprives the patient of many of his chances acme; and that, by diminishing the force of the resisting power of the vessels through which the serum of the blood escapes, it tends only to hasten the fatal event. All the syratoms at which any man could grasp, in justifying the nee of the lancet in the earliest stages of Cholera, can be at once relieved by a free prespiration. I was once mime to visit a young gentleman, of eighteen years of age, who was seized with premonitory symp toms of Cholera. One of the same family hail, a kw days before, died of the disease, in a few boars' illness. He complained of great pnecordial oppression; violent Rain over the region of the stomach, increased by pressure. great sickness and retchour, but nothing ejected from the stomach, a painful feeling over every pert of the body, as if he had been beaten with a stick; and severe heed ache. His thee flushed, his eyeballs swollen and painful, with a feeling as if they were about to start from their sockets; his tongue white, his akin hot and dry;pulse one hundred and twenty, exceeding ly full, strong, and bounding. Hai bowels had not been affected. After cautioning the medical gOn tlemsn present not to allow such symptoms, as those of which the patient complained, to betray them into the use of the lancet in similar cases, I ordered the patient a suitable dose of the pills and draught presented in my preceding letters, with a. much mild drink as would wash them down .- 1 then ordered hot substances to be applied In hrs ket, and different parts of hi. Irody, with a view to produce presmration; and, after giving the attend. ants the necessary directions about what drink he was to get, and when he should have it. I took my leave. Alter the lapse of an hour, 1 again visited him, and found him perspiring freely; lamakin quite cool; his pulse sixty, soil and regular; and he Was entirely free from pain of every kind. He declar ed that he was then ar well as ever he had been in his life, and expressed a wish to get out of bed.— The crashing about the heart, and the pains /lowed off with the perspiration. He said that he bad not perspired many minutes till he was free from pain, sickness it stomach, and every complaint. He had quite recovered, and was walking about next day. I need not waste your valuable space, or the reader'. time, with farther comment on so absurd • remedy WS bleeding. The next remedy which I shall notice is calomel —a medicine which, in thews and all other coun tries has been universally used for the cure of the disease. Calomel, like tikod letting, tends only to hasten the fatal termination in cholera. L doe, more— Those who escape or recover, in spite of the ef frets of it; do SO at the expense of a ruined C 01.1.- tution. The reasons which are given by medical writers for using it in that disease are absurd, and are rounded on a total misconception of he nature. Some say that they give calomel, combined web opium, as a stimulant "Powerful stimuli," sly they. Opium, as has barn already stated, oet powerful and very valuable stimulant; but the chief stimulating effect produced by ca lomel, m that disease, is on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines; increasing the discharges from them, winch it should be the object to prevent. Mr. Orton, in his work on "Choler" says that the calomel, em found ndbenng to inflamed patches on the interunf surface of the stomach and intes tines brinany of tbose.rstio died of. cholera in In dia. No doubt it bad eihniffitediNese pins-with saga Teir'sWrie4ws:7ihwerun ne , .n ing van pene=,. en.X:fts coat." Ina note ac-. the same he adds—"l have been infor med by a practione . ,r whose obtervhiimil have greet confidence, Mat he had frequentick,tind Oa, medicine adhering,chielly, to those port- of the stomach which were inflamed." !See Mr. Orton'. Essay on the Epidemic Cholera et india,page 02 t Herre,then, is positive evidence of the deutromtve effects of calomel, even in badia—the boasted birthplace of the practice. (ithefd, again. ray that they adtstaister the calo mel - With a view to restore the Lilian secretion. which they allege is suspended in the disease On this subject I beg leave to observe, that the enspeneion of the eectmions in cholera in not the emu but the /.at of the morbid action. When the morbid action thentrected, the wonting hrs.. generally resume their Intictious 'submit any an rtatance. And even though they should not, it se only after the disease has beep cured that medi. tine will have any salutary effects nu those or. gams. First, then, care the disease; and afterwards if n . let attention be directed to the secre cretions. 1 would remark, however, that though, fora very obvious reason, the suspension igen. , is a nharacteristio symptom of cholera, yet it does not appear that the emotion of bile in ever, for any length of time. suspended in thaidthease,even though it does not come off in the dischuires.— On a pea stories, examination of the bodie, of those who have died of the &sense ; the gall bladder has always been found distended with bile. It is not, therefore, so much a suspension of the secretion of bile, as retention of that fluid, which aaroari'll for its non appearance in the discharge, Did time and space permit, I could sattalactortly ea- ' plain the rause of its retention in Cholera. Ido not conceive it right, however, to allow this expla nation to occupy the apace which should be allot ted to important mattere; particalmly as when the ' disease was cored I never anew an instance in j which the secretory organs did not resume their functions; and even though calomel should not counteract the affects of other remedies, which it does, or produce desteuctive effects on the count- l notion. I cannot see any use in employing It ft, a I disease where it has no time to act. If the ;ha cbargca_be made profuse sad watery and Editor each other in quick encesesion, as, in a malignant case, they generally do, they may carry the pa- I tient beyond the boundaries of buratto aid to less than an hour. In each case. the calomel has not sufficient time to be absorbed, even though the ab sorbent vessels were in a fit state to take it up. The absorbents on the internal surface, in that - • disease, however, do not act at all, till the morbid j action iscommted. Those cases, therefore, in which i ST. LotrocUrinott—A change in proprietors and calomel produced salivation, did not deserve the in the management of thisjournal, has been tar name of cholera. bounced. S. 'Rest, Esq., withdraws entirely from the concern, and is succeeded by Capt. Richlthd The advocates fur the nee of calomel in cholera say that all their patients who have been salivated A thicte l y o f this city. T • . by that medicine have recovered; and this alleged : r . hereafter be managed, in all its departments, by • he piper Will fact, they presume, is an argument in favor of its employment for the cure of that disease. Now to Pickering & Phillips, without undergoing any those who do not understand the subject, this would I change to its political character or relations. appear to be a very plausible argument. A little examination, however, will show the fallacy of at The Newport (ft. 1.) Newel mentions the death !: °Mon. Dutee J. Pearce, which occurred In that First, I would remark, that many bore been nub jested to treatment for cholera, who never bad the disease at all. Secondly, during the prevalence of , WWI) on the 9th hunt. Judge Pearce has been tep.l the diwase,individual calm do sometimes, nay 01- I rmentative in Congress from Rhode Eland, U. S. Attorney for the. District, and has filled several ten, occur in which the oth medicarris memo would succeed in throwing off the discus, without ' the aid of remedies, or in spite of the connterecting State offices of , aaPeeaddlitY sad Mutt He died effects of the calomel. And, lastly, opium, which iat the age of 60. is generally administered in conjunction with the cainmel; accidental perspiration may me - Al the hue session of the Sampion County (N, ceed in caries a very mild case of the disease, as i C.)Court ; • verdict of MO damages was elvn s has already been dated, notwithstanding th e Wilmington Railroad Company ( be e bill. adieus! effects of the kilter medicine. Now wh pr at p . I ever calomel may remain in the stomach and in.- ing • negro and maiming soother who had gone to Matinee of these patients, after the disease has deep on the rail road track, and were ran over by been mored,"will, no doubt, be absorbed and will the cars. The Fayetteville Observer remarks—The. • salivate them in the cure of he dis g ease by ood earnest other , and remedies, will thus,pr oduce Mier , propensity among th e aegroes logo to sleep og this t new diaeaoe, to some cc.s worse th at , c h o w.. railroad track is most,noaccountable. J 1,-J itself Hundreds have, In this way, been wr dist. : stances of the kind are stated, and death has free bled sato be rendered incapable of earnings loaf q neatly resulted. of Mead forthemaelven, and have been left to drag out a miserable existence with shattered nod ruin. ed constitutions, from the effects of calomel ad ministered to them for the cure of cholera. Bat none of these facts prove that the calomel, or the salivation produced by it, bad any efficacy In the cure of the disease. The hint is, calomel will not act on the uncut in any wsyto produce salivation until the morbid action constituting the disease hen been counteracted and reversed either by the Agency of other remedies, or by the reactive power of nature herself. The enormous quantities of calomel which were given to patients in Cholera, during the prevalence of the disease in these eouritries,were of themselves sufficient to destroy lifeeven though the nob viduels to whom they were, administered had been, at the time, free from any specific disease. Twenty grains of calonsel'end two groins of opium, to be repeated every two hours till the symptoms should abate, were direrted to be given In the books and pamph. let" publish.] on the subject at that period. A phy. racism, who Is now a vicar of some parish in Eng land,in a letter published in the Loudest Timer news paper, about two months ago, rays that the best re medy he ever sow employed (and it was in New York he bad seen it) was twenty grains of opium for one dose. A physician told myself that his dose {arty wawa of calomel and two grains of opi um. I shall content myself with only one specimen of life extent to which the calomelivng practice has been carried.. A man was admitted Into the Belfast hospital, wlcse mouth was nearly hermetically sealed -up from the effects of calomel, which had been administered to him Or the cure of en alleged attack of Cholera, so that no food could be convey ed Into his stomach but beef tea, thin gruel, or mff Ir, and these he had to suck in through apertures bet ween his remaining teeth. Such as extensive ex coriation sod ulceration of the gums, jaws, lipa,and cheeks had taken place, from the aahvsaing effect. of the calomel, that exteninve adhesions had form. .1 between these surfaces, throughout their whole extent. Big lips and cheeks adhered firmly, to the sect these marls minder, to cut out masses of flesh between the inner angels of the jaws, and to stuff the inner sides of the cheeks and lips with lint, soaked in oil, to prevent Meat readhesion to the subjacent masts, and to gag the jaws asunder with cork, till these parte.healed..—Why unnecessiarily inflict such misery" I have not only already amply proved that calo mel is unnecessary fin the cure of Cholera, but I have now show. that It is destructive. I have cured from two to three thousand cases without a single gram of calomel. I helve a right, therefore, to form a judgment on the snlslact. I trust I have now set the bleeding and calomelizing mode of treating Cho lera at rest; and as I have directed a mode of treat. ing that disease, which, if timely and skilfully em ployed, will infallibly cure It in every instance, I shall not delay farther by noticing any more of the nostrums which have been recommended for its treatment. In conclusion, lest any one, from the foregoing remarlo, should be deterred from the use of calo- mel In other diseases where it may be requisite I would observe, that we do not possess a more safe ' or a more valuable medicine when skilfully ad ministered, in cases where house is proper. I have the honour to be, arc, dec.. G. & H 81, A rmestrert, Lave/pm!, Jan. 12, 184& CuoLsza.—We copy the following from the last number of the Western Journal of hiedtaine and Surgery: " From all points, in this country, we receive in telligence of the decline of cholera. At New Or lau it ceases to excite any uneasiness, although aths from it continue to be reported. No mea nis made of the disease in he last Nashville pers. In St. Louis fatal cases, were occasional ly occurring, at the last dates, and boats from that city, as well on from New Orleans, have brought cholera patients to Louisville within a few days. In this place, scattering cases are spoken of by our phunciarte,but there does not appear to be the slightest tendency la the disease to become gener al, and many Even doubt whether we have yet had a single indigenous cue of cholera. We are nut of that number—The tag European intelli gence is that the epidemic was cottunitting tearful ravagee among the French tooops, stationed at Petrie." The New York Tribune, of Friday evening, in its account of the riot, say!: ...The whole number of troops engaged about the Opera Honee was about 300, between 10 and 50 of whom were injured by the mai:miles thrown by the crowd—some of them severely. The cam. pante►of cavelry could do nothing. The people surrounded them, goaded their bones, and knock ed some of them to the gr..und. The number of persona lathe crowd mast have amounted to 12 or 15,000. The troops remained on the ground tall 5 o'clock that morniug, when they were order ed to more. A Lorna mon Gov. Boorra—L W. Bogg s , at one time Governor of this State, has been, for four years past, a resident of California. Ha is alcalde of Sonora, and has been engaged in eaten. sive bum.sa as a merchant. The Independence Expositor, of last Saturday, publishes the nub, stance of a letter which has been recently receivs ed from him, by his ten, Mr. H. C. Boggs. his not of late dote, having been written on the 20th of November last, but Ito contents may serve to cheer the hearts of gold hunter• now about settiog out on a long roomer we extract the essential pans of it. Fie confirms, says that paper, most of the information received so to the richness and extent of the mines; says they extend over • country eight hundred mile. in extent, and yielding im mense qumuttes of the dust. He obtained, In a few months, upwards of $20,000 worth. Every body gent gold that wants it; and he says there are no poor men in California. He thinks dent seven thousand men are engaged in dimes sold; be. tween nix hundred and a thousand of these are from Greece. Governor Boggs advises his sons here to go to California this spring, without fail, and tells them to advise their relative, and friend. to go alto. He tells them that soy bovines. they may be engaged in here,. tmamportaret. compared I with what they eau Jo to t'aittorms Rep., May 7. Ntat• Treasury G. J. BALL, Esq., the late Treasurer elect, took pmsexaloa ut hie °dice oat Monday baal.—Tboanas bilcholww. Fiat , of Heaver carnally, who wait. find Clerk ur Cashscr under lodge Banks, which ulna ton he tiara! w lb credit to himself and W tor co w. factrou of all concerned, ha• been reinataJled into the wawa 1.11141.11. Wm. Sanborn, Eay , • former Iteprearntanec rum Erma:Lonny mans o:4E7oi:di In Ow, apartment. With theme asatroutta, who i•a worktaag wan !drawn. expecta to du We toraincsa without further aid. A coaahlerahle quantity of the lacw male of Re. he( note, have already been received tato the Tree suryAaroi are being paid out 1.13 hell of the old ones n ematatiori. appnaumouaig.ol#oll! °qr . . i luip in Our commustwedith.,--neonvoureial° ° 6"°S. Llst of the Whig Ones Ilahtete of the Plabite Works of Pomeroylout. On the Eastern likelmon Canal.. ... —OOOOO Western Dtvteion (Mall 00000 - GLlumbla Road 00000 " Delaware 1hri5i0n......• •• • • .00000 Susquehanna Dinsion, North Branch " West Branch jTotal • •.' W e Joliet, this to be au accurate awe= ..., bet in order to leave no room kir • charge of Min, representation in the matter, we Invite any of our Locaococothinpuraries to point out any errors we may have made. mid we shall promptly make the oorrection.—Holfulaynlwrg Register. We commend this list tithe careful attention of the authorities at Washington; tt will help them to a met appreciation 01 the Locofoco party—a party : that is a/lprads, osselsors and isUalefance, m pros. prrity, but all tears, strypliadiens, end abes mom nem, an odarrsty. If anything was legating to convince Oen. Taylor of the utter unwortkonesa of the Locokavi office holders, and the hollow Main .srity of Locofoco pretensions, on the subject of appointments, a little study of the history of that now sighing and disconsolate party, in the State of Pennsylvania, would be sudlcient It ought to be borne in mind, in connexion with this ranking statement of the number of Whigs in °ace on the public works of Pennsylvenia, that obout rive litlaDaanD 1 - 80IIIAND DOLLAZI are au. nuttily dionbuted among the Sopenrosors, Super. intendents, Collectors, Weigh Masters, Impactors, ice., in the service of the Canal Commissionera— Here is an exhibition of Locofoco hberality, which ought to soften the heart of the most unrelenting proscriptiotod in the Union. In view of snob an exhibition of Looofoco snanaviasity and (relies, the venerated Simon Drum" towers op and ex pands to the moral proportions of a real Martyr, whose blood will germinate in Locofoco needling's for years to coma.—Her. Telegraph. Col. Blies, Ma President% private Secretary, than whom a more accomplished gel:Plenm our coun try does not boast at, it is rumored, will shortly rcrliin his regiment, and that L. Col Thoa Crit. tendon, son or Gov. Crittenden, will be sasignedto the pod now so ably filled by Col. B. Par the Pittsburgh Carlos. Ms. Warn— With your permission, 1 desire to call the Mutton of ow citizens, through your colurnas, to the fact that the next Lerishaute will appOrtion the Senators and ltepiesentraives to the several counties for seven years to come. This tended - I it important that Allegheny county should bP well I represented la that Legislature At the time of the lent appointment, to 1841014 ! county was cheated out of a member in the House of Itepresettletivv•—she Laving not quite the full ratio—but the largest unrepresented fraction, arid lother Mnintina On a less fraction getting &member. Thus mull noilleals during the last SeVell years, we I have not Ittni out legitimate representation. • Next winter thin county will have an exam alter allowing us five membeng but probably not enough to secure us the sixth member. is the Senate she will not have the full ruin rgie ri ng e her to two Senators; but very n ee d y thi With Butler as at present included, the &Wei would hove n large excess.. Allegheny will probably be numprOanined on five Members of the Boos, an d two Senator.. I think to view of that probable condition of things, and even sill more, if our Boller county friends wish to continue united with us, that they will see the propriety of conceding to Agegheny the Senators to be elected tide fall. Allegheny and Butler have composed a 8041000:d District mace 1824; the taxattles to make tip dna Senator, and more limn half the olden coming foam this county; and yet, irt our magnanimity_ witt have always yielded one of the Seentorn to Butter. I believe if our county convention weds our claim at this time that Butler will at once accede thereto Ti, ea reuopatle a request the liberal With of,Budar can say, TlataltNET TailLE OF POST OFFICES, eon mining an alphabetical list of Post Offices throagh oat the Wand Staten distances from Washington, D. C 4 orate and terriunial capital. respectiaalYi also "- Whiting the Pest Offices in each State, as ,eel ins coun y, arida an appendin alba United thaws and British Tarifa Just reed by JOHNSTON k ErrocrroN, !Via corner 3d and market sts CREAM CFIEESR-200 tune and 4 tibia fresh Roll Boner, just reed as the W R Boner sad Cheese Depot• sad for sale by myl6 J B CANFIELD . OTASH-10 casks .et bbls 8 Salts, just reedsod for rule by aryl° J R CANFIELD TOBACCO-10 Lae eon cured Tobacco, very floe, for sale by cayid J 8 DILWORTH ec Co —• DOLL BU7TER-25 bblst, Horo md for sole by 110 rayl6 J 8 DILWORTH hCo WRAPPING PAPER-400 reams in Moro and far bale by myl6 I S DILW ORTH &co LASS—IM bra bzli) and 10ald Glass, in etora and lif for ma& by myll3 J 8 DILWORTH &Co Q UM:MIES-31 sacks Feathers; 7 do wool; to do 1.7 Peaches, Put reed and for sale by myla C H GRANT SUNDRIE2.--Baeon, MOO lb. Hants; MVO lb. Shoal dere; 40x0 lb. Sides; 20 bbl. No 1 Lard; a lack. wool; 48 do Feathers; to arrive by sour Dolphin, for sale myill ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, Front st tHERBE-70 bo. now landing; (or .ale by rnyl6 ISMAH DICKEY k Co IME BRICK—WACO Glovers Bolivar Fire Briek,in JL" store and for sate by KIER AskiONES, mylo Canal Basin (ENE FURNACE HEARTH, manafaatured from a \J superior article of Bolivar Fire Brick Clay, in store and far sale by ICIER & JONES Mr. W. W. Wallace having used a Hearth of same quality .4 manufacture for the past elignmen months, pronounces it superior to the hearths now in general use. utylB SUPERIOR HAVANA AND PRINCIPE. SEGARS —IO M Victories, in I-10th box.; 151 do Amiga. iltub g do Oros; lb do El Lobregss Regulus, to l- loth bores: 3 do Venus Regalia; do El Lobregat medic, Regalia.; to do Juno -Sans Principe; 3 do National Trabnor Regalia; 4 do Lemir anus; S do Rio Hondo: 3 do La littetineents; it do LAMM. plantation Rega lia*. The above lust received and for sale by WICK & H'CANDLeS, corner wood and water so TURPENTINE—Ia bbl o Spts Turpentine Jost , Jt reed and for sale by mylo J KIDD & Co C A b R y ""E" In MAGNA Co lb. leer reed eud for "1 ORIGANUM-40 lb. Put rac'd and for sale by 1,-/ mina J KIDD & Co SUPSUP. CAKB. SODA-15U Ibb just reed lind for sale .by nayl6 J KIDD I Co CUILORIDE OF SODA-51dox just ree'd.d for mule by QUGAfL ROUSE MOL bbls sugarbouse ICI Molasses., St 1113110.11 Weattery; lb dada do, Loussi elm Refinery; in store lt as for sale by MILLER Lk RICKULMON. Nos UN rod 174 Liberty st \ RUA/ A PP1.12.4—Z) bbli tined Apples: fed tk.dq J on eon ogarnent and tor sale by =t=ll MUTTON lIAMS-11 bbds Mutton liam, on eon sigamont and (or sale by myld ALILLER A RICKMTSON P/CES-01. roads Coma; u bogs Pepper, 10 do Alspiee, in store and or sale Ly inylo MILLER iIICKETSON DRAZIL eIIAiAR-70Lagy in ..or., and (or sale by myld MILLER Si RICKETSON - • -- - -- • d'IONIMMMS TO C NAL:W-0 6.M /Nissan Rolon• sonis da lamp 01/Teas Tobazeo, lasi reed and (or sale by myld MILLEA RICKETKON EXTRA tierce* Maiming% extra ran used Hum, roceived and far gab, by S & W ItA RHAUGH, fig water and 104 front s! myl6 DUTTER-3 bets prime Butter, reed and for sale by torl6 ti W HARBAUfiII NSW CASTLE EiLAS.%--Etatople boxes of this so pears brand window Glass received, and orders will be promptly filled by 9 tc W BARB/LUG/I tuyl6 . _ D AWN SIDES---6 lands list reed nod for we aryl6 as W lIARBAUGII • WOOL—Tbe highest rout.er pnce at ash, wlll be paid for the different grade+ of well washed wool, by Inyla .4 d W FIAROAOUN Stray /111 Farr. samce Into the enolosure of the .b• scriber, li•lng to Ross tovanslttp, Alleghe: ny county, on the 7th Inst , a tight lay kande MAHE, supposed to be about It: years old, IA high. Tim earner in desired to come forward, prove pro. party, pay clumps. and take ..id mare away, or she will be Fold accenting to law. myll6:w3eT - FOR SALE—Ptro lota oltrbly intruded in the Boor ratdog warn of Wrounghant Th.. lots am zona ted on Denman street, ombered to F I.laueutan'o plan 73, 70, tat, 01 and Ml—Lot No 73 (meting tt Met on Ra 'I A. O mt.. , 70 Met deep; the other lour 71) feet !root each. IT tr/ feel deep. Tema—Gratin part of purchase money may re- Main for ea verde, ...eared 00 mortgage. For part.- ulant, lnqutro {4 SCROYER, aryl. 110 meond ?Vu LET—A good brut Derelhog Holm, mutate on Roblamon Imam, Allegheny. Enquire of loyin SOLOMON FICHOTER Mqii;AP FOR SCRIP—A lot of Ettntral • irettdderlamiifirterraux Massa.; FS feet nt Cr..n Webster I=.:lJlLaitge Med *Rem MCIX: to rand; balance hose, two, three ...I fuer County and Coy SZitp bitruiTor cook payment. In quire of myl.o ti SClit/IfElt, 110 meoad _ T ergo athe Plane and Sas, rd Wood mem, IX • complete amortment of Cl:minium Coopen rmda,for au!o by mylo RUTTER LAUFMAN _ . OATS -100 bath Inn tool and for tole by mglo ARMSTRONG n cierrzeat NOTICE. - ErTTEILS of Adounietratton on. the Ktooe al Georg.. Grant, Eq., tats of the city of Pagebettgb, deco.- henlng been granted to the andantino.",ell pot en• belong Henn. anew .aid estate •ra noutir.l Pa pra.ont 111 1 tune d egally noibenoosonh oettie,ur and tow n In rAyatent 'Naha. F em) a:yk ISAAC M. PENNOCK • - For Kale Low for Cash. TrPHE inmost of the lease of Store. Sue*, Futures, he., with of splendid new ten pin alley, and a large usonment at the inn. tall. end pony all di the lost of order The mason at selling, the propnetor has other business to attend to. There is a very band. same Sabayon en Ern floor, ared the place is regularly Reveled far the sale of honors, kr.. For norther inter. citation, please cell at MICIPL KELLY'S, Smotifield street Pest copy I week. L Proo lams lion. 111." virtue of a precept ander rho Itamla of the lion ,J) Venial:ma Patton, Jr, Prendent of the Court of Comment Plea., in and for the Ptah ludotal COIF/el of Peonsy Ivens, and Justice of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and thuentl Jail Calves y,to and for stud Mame, and Waimea Kerr. and !Simnel Join, k;.. althea, ANOEIAI.B Joule es of the same Coons, and for the county of Allegheny, dated the day at May, la the year of our Lard ane thoosaud eight bandied and forty-nitro, and to me directed, for holding a Court (Oyer and Termlner and General Jail delivery, at the Court Goose, m the any of Pittsbtargb, on the Monday Of Jane next, at IP Public notice :a hercbg given to all iIISUCC4I of the *Pens., Coronae and Constable. of theacounty of Alie gbeny, that they no then and there in their pitmen nor. forta with Mao rolls, records, ingaisittons, egionina• Dona and other rentemlitancm, to do ghoul things whin to Melt respective caeca In their behalf, appear to be done—and also those that will prosecute dm per that new an, or May be in the Jail of said GENII ty of Allegheny, to be then and there to prosecute against them as .halt be fast . Elven under my hand at Pittsburgh, this 7th day of May, in the year of our Lord, one Thauaand Eag ht Hundred and Farry-Nine, and of th e Commonwealth -he Seventieth JOHN FORSYTH, Illmnff. my IGAMivre NOTICE. -- 1 11.11 E Board of Can.) bents organised, and a See-. I racy Laving Leen appointed, the Board is desirous !: ot olittorung, at the earnest possible period, all the in formation that may be compnsed within the terns , of the act of March 3, luili, including "mines, agriculture, commerce, monttlactom., educatuto and other topics, as will *statist a full view of the pursuits, untottry, education and resources of the COLlntry.” The mon. monications of all persons who may feel disposed to make suggestions or eanutbate ittionnanou on the .ablest, will he respectfully considered. Addles, "Ilemutment at State—Census," Washing_ tun City, D. C By order of the Board . my111:31 JOS. C. a KENNEDY, Secretory EXPRESS PACKET I.IIIIIIE, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Exclusively for Passengers 5i...... , .....Z:10 —The Boatel/fight Line Will leave a.n._-.............—ur,-7a. os follow., at 9 o'clock at night, loellum—P Harkey, Wednesday, may 10 Ohio—A Craig, Thursday', 17. Kentucky—H Troll, Fridoy, is. Louisiana—l P Thompson, Satarday, Pi lodlans—P Horsey, Sunday, 110. Ohio--A Craig. hlonday, 41. Kentucky-1f Troby,Tocadai, :AL Isoutmum—J P Thompson,AV edneaday, 'XI. Indiana—P Berkey, Thursday, ID. Ohio—Capt. A Craig, Friday, as Kentucky-11 Trolly. Saturday, W. Lottialsota-4 P Thompson, Sunday, 77 Indiana—P Berkey, n0nday,....3. Ohio—A Craig, Tuesday, Ai. Kentucky—Copt II Truby, Wednesday. may So. For passage apply to W SUBCII, Monongahela 110. f, myl6 or D LEECH A. Co. Canal Balm .to the )lonotalis, Ike Judgro of the Court of C.... cal °antler Sessions of du Perna, in and jar du County of Allegheny. rptiE peduon of 1. S. M'CALL, at the to of 1 . Wain., In the county aforesaid, humbly &betr oth, that your petitioner path provided Memel(' with molehills for the itecOnainotiallon of travelers nod other., at his dwelling house, in the township Store. said, and gray. that your honors vnli he pleased lo grant hlm a license to keep a Public Douse of Ea. tertainment. .And your petitioner, as induty bound, will pray. We, the subscribers, citizens of the lomuships aforesaid, do certify, that the above petthoner is of toad repute for honesty and temperaace, and is well provided with bouts tooth am/ conveniences for the aceOzionodatlon and lodging of manger. .d travel ers, and that said tavern s aeceuary. • Jae Allshouse, And Snowdeu, Ft bldat, .1 Inset S Davidson, /3 Dunbar, 11 Chalfant, W 1 Linn. H Mr. Ninnies, A McKanic', 11 Walls, C my10:00. 'll, the lionarable the littiger oi 'al Quarter &Mann of the 1 ' :lt gl TIFF. petition Joserh Spencer,. of the Rid Ward, city cif Pittsburgh, in the comity aforesaid, handily alteweth, that your petitioner bas provided himself with ...elide for the accommodnatin of trovelers and others, at las dwelling hour:, the Ward tifore. sold, and prays that your honors will be pleased in grant him n n[finne to keep a Publ.e blouse tit Enter. tnihment. And your peolianee, as In duty hound will priLy. P:sn' anffoGr';'Ll We, the subscribers, coMens of the pfuresold Word, docratify, Out the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and tempenuicsomd asll provided with house room and conveniences for t he accommodation .and ic4ging of strangers and traveler., and that said lavera is nenrasary. • ' ,J Wilful", Wm Whitaker, Chns Nelson, N Blm, Thos Benders, Chas Barnett, J C Findley, Li/aryls, W Wilson, R B Phillips, B Burns, fiaml Clarke ,TpcT A LL persons Indebted to the Estate of Wm. W. 41 name, deceased, will Memel make payment on ortstore the let of July nest, to the executors, who sill he found at Dr. Murdock a, Fourth street, between •Datiatfteid end Wood; Otherwise their. acetmots wlll he left lieltie hidds of the proper officess roe dome non. SAMUEL 40111,180e11, Executor. VA OATIIINE hILIKDOCK, Execute:. Dili IRON -250 ions Pig Iron, Motioning FlitllSC7s, P landing and for sale by .1. & R FLOYD, m 71 4 Round Church Ridding. OTA.III-1.5 asks pan: Potash, in glory and for solo J k R FLOYD LIST OP LETTWASI E3LUNING in the Pittsbn* Poi Whet, fame lib tat of hlay to the 15th of lktay, lette. Persons ..himr for Loam, .111 &ma LILY they aro advertised. Adams Ann D Alessusder Eliza• Andersoq Elizs- Ardis Jane beds : bob 1222333 Barber Louisa Berget Rachel Briggs Margaret Bailey Agnes /Mang Mary J Broom Caroline Barr Elizabeth Black Thrat Buckley Ellen Barker Aim Blair Jam Burger ' Mrs Barnes Marry Bowen Elizabeth Durk Ellen Batchelor Maul- Bradford Eliza- Bums Mary do S bath Barrels Mary J Badey Ann Bradley Jute Bushey Sarah Baxter Victoria Bradley Harriet Byme Mrs Bennett Ann Brent Jane 11 Caldwell Jane Christy m Cox Rachel P Cameron Mary A Clanton Harriett Cilia Nancy w Carrara Elizabeth Clarke Hama A Creigg mazy Cashel Mary Clark Ann CrabyThereas R Canthers Margo- Ceuta& Ann Culbert Jana rat Cotteral Ern Cmhrell Virginia Cavanagh wary ACowan wary E Corry Agnes Daily Rebecca Donny. Oaths- northing Sarah R Davison lam rim Duncan amasser Davis Eliza Donau marl Derry Eliza B Danashoo Bridget Eaton Agn. EL. Emily 9 Evans Eliza &alas Hannah A Elm artit Sarah 2 Eva. E Ebbert Anaa C Englivl2. Mary Fairmm Julia A Fletcher angry R Frazier Julia II Farrell Mary Foley,mary Friel mug Alley Catharine Folk Eve Fuller Katie Fleck Eliza F0r1.4 Jute Fuller G m an Fie aeon mediae Crosier Forma Fuller' Gertrud • Gallagher wary George Elizabeth Grate wady A loneGesyn Hellcat Grant humid. Gallagher range- Gilleapth Rebee- Grant NM reL ca Gregg II J who Gallagher BridgenDillinshrun wary GriZa Belle Gunther Yory A Grietb Elisabeth Ann Goodwin Laura Graham emu Hagen Bridget Hemingray Caro- Hoover moment Hate Kies line Hughes Sarah A Harosture Mira- Henry. Helena Haling, Susan beth Henry Ruth A Humphrey, um Haney Hannah Hernng PlizabethHmteker marl J Hanna Man. Herring Hannah Hunter Surnn Ilan. A tin A Hunter Catharine Han Mary Herron C sent X Harman miry A Hibben Elm Huntsman xrs Hays Hitinuth Hill Jana Hutchison H F Hays Harriet fifty Jane urns ffiiMaiiMl Irwin Ann II Irwin Mary J Ivory Rebecca F Jordan enroll .1 Jong% Ann Kearns RaeLel Kennedy miry Kilgore I.einea Kelly Sarah Kennedy Nancy Kirtland mary J Kerry lirldget Kennedy Eleanor Kline Agnes Kelly Ellen Kelm ars Win r Kntral rnry LaveTly Elizabeibl.niug w MI" Longbudge Lamburn Jane Lew,. FLIAlts A Lairsan Sarah Lewis Ann Luck ru Elizabeth Latshaw auto- Laßue Judy Lytle:, mazy met Luria manila E Lynch may Ann Lane Rebecca licusg mamba a Lyon Heurtetrd L Mackerel Sarah Aleselek siophia Moorhead nary Maouy HVIT(I. Attddk o hiar'st Morgan Sarah A Maxon Eualy Maraca . Louisa Mono Hannah E Mn hn Sarah I Sarah Maloney wary Marshall Saran ESloles Sophia Murphy Eliza A hl Alen.< Cath'e M•Credy aluin C Lydia .1 ht'Nulry Fran. S AVCally Sarah hl'Ktenick Al'Bode llndget hllhallinogh So- MILAnd Sarah roan Al'hluters mazy Mlbahfllkmahl Sas. ArNabb Jane M remain% en...1-WM...sync hairy hrQueen awry Ix A hrQuichan Suss. tA'Conaughy na- Al'Earan Sarah hrtairgen . . ry N hl'Fadden Jane eta at hi't-orniiet Carlabl'Fadden naryEM'Willianka, Areoy Elln.beth 11117 . add?.1 nary Garet M=:C=3 Nock awry A Norman limy Nun Sat. O'Neal nary O'ltiley Lacy 0 OxYry rn Pate.A E7t¢abeth Petenoo nano •PtllipsElnabettt Pauemon any Peutgrew Char Piooek El=ben Peel Junto. lone Powell Lonna Peer Ellen Radetty Nancy atehanlson Re- Roche Edon Rattles Dorothy beeea Rodgers Marl Husain Catti'e A Reilly sugar. Roller atuy Reath Margaret Rumba's Jane Rooney Anne Reed a•ry Jane Rohnison Sarah alitoutt Midget Ittrhards Filth J Robinson moulds Roy an Richards R mith A Raab Elizabeth Seem Hamel* C Smiley Jane Steen on Menu Hornet Smith Ann Steen Rebecca Senora• Idarel C Smith AUL% I' Stein lin John Sean. unary J Smith margarm Stickmey Sharer.. Arm Spargo Sarah A Stocking Sophia Slallmau Ells`tob Start Katy Stevan Cane., REM Ti 1.1 1 ,4.1 0 Tidball Rachel "furies Cad,' Thompson sassy CPrasnar Ann Turner Ellss V Wanranght Waal. aartba Wider Sarah 'ad Kary Woodburn aario , ‘Narock Agnes Wllllasils ADA II Cath'c A WA son Flisa Wooden Sarah Weal 1. , , 0t5A Wllatus a rte KRIN.WrIgIa Elias IWheetar EineV4.-Wthiao. • ,orr -dfer Alrem George All. Joseph Arthur Albert Adams John Alexander W Armerran Geo tear. Wm Allender Pearl Arnerbel C D Adams W Anderson Iles Ayres Hoehn X Ager Laurel Anderson J P Attick Wm Ade). Wm Anderson Wm Arkin John Adams Geo it Anderson glielmelAlen Alex Adams !hew Andenkm Robert Arkin An W.. Adams John $ Anderson Sand Ashford Wm Alio. S ir Andre John T 1.,. T Breed .1 B Ilemortt J•rom Klemm nos Brackett DEILII• Batley Robert Jamey nos Mrsddock Simon Batley Wm S' Itlaben Jobe Braddock Paul Berkley Wm klysa J Ltrwg Joke Baker Wm Black Wm Bnagkorat Bever Mr V Black Jo-mph Breen Deems Barrows We. Black Rotten Bradley Jobe 2 Barnett nos klbek Fib 2 Beooeu James Barger lease Barkley Jos D Brophy Rich Burton Robert Reel Demete 'D r erma Cherlem Barron Wm Boeltmuter N Brooke Jaami Punt. EMI Boyle Hoak Brock Casper Barlow F Y Boyle John &meek Patrick Mallet Zepettoth Bargees 211 W Barnet) Bell Wm /I Boyle DaMel Bushnell John C Albert I: Bowline. Fran- Barn Jobm !tell Cimrimi l'-II Wm - • Boylan! H 1.) Bohn Wm E Burns John 11 Bennett limier Hoyle Wiley Beam George W Berms Jame. Al Bounons Alex Burney Therm Hennen &obi 1 Hoyle Charles Haler Squire H 'lemon Wm grown nos 8 8 Buller John Breen David Brown John 9 Burchfield EllaO BNdiv D Ir Heiden John Beech Dr 11, elow E 11i Hingham Thor Call Alt., Clark or 111 Conner John 2 Cat. Patrick Closter N B Cooley C Conoco laiclisel Clash Rota Conway J B Canton Jehn R Clinton Jacob E Candy Alex 2 Cary Henry Cloylcy 1 , H Covell I. T Carey Charles E Clark Thomas Cosgrove Patrick Carlin John Clark R W Cowles Dll , Cary Isiwts Cocain James Cowan Saint thuaidy Michael Collin S C V Costello Mark Cassidy Hoffman Coles Isaac Coyle Wm Corps-ohm Eph- Coale Sand Cox George 1 . 61,11 Conde Patna Cox J F C.ney George Coding Copt Crawford J Carroll Edwanl Cover Learm \V Crawford Ally Cirpenter James Callow Henry Crawford Jme Caldwell Ft F Cooper 'froodlo Cresnai Charle Caldwell Wm R 2 Cooper E7' 2 Creighton Alex Campbell E W Cooper P Craig=ll Jame Cbes• Jain. H Cochr. John T Creighton Mitch Chia.Ll George Conger J Craig John NJ. Ches. James li Con ft Li Crowell John C Chord Hugh Cow N I) Colts Nichol. Cleary Painct ComnterfordFran•Curim Mann. Clark Wm 2 cis Garcia J B _ • Clayton II / Y Cool Peter. Clark Jobb Coolie Wrn E 222521 Davidson Win Demon John Donaghy Thos Davidson Bent !Irene Peter Dotson Charles Didaher 4 Denneston Geo Danube 'rhos Rarer (triage Denning A floss Dobler Jacob Davidson Thos Deviant. John Douglass J W Drury J. I' Dillon Pete amr Drexel fr..titessr Day Day id Dixon James II Demme. Edward Davies Jes W g Dilworth Canal Dufour Dod Dans Elisha II Dixon Mathew Desna Joint Davi. John Donnelly Samuel lAilfy Patrick Dun. 'Manias Rev Darning James Davis Ch. Donopol James Duncan Wm Devi. John E Downer Jame. WDunlap John Davis Dennis 2 Donaldson Rohl Darn Andrew Divine Michael Duchess Char,. Danelo.e John Deems Wen NI Dodge Calvin Dunn John Delany Mlt 2 Daley James Duehana J P Deily Thomas Edward , . lima Fagan John EYIOII J N than Englard Wallet Evans Alban Eti.•n IlenryNthaniel Evans I D o Eyerion 'Mos Elmer Al a onton Evans David EAtlger Wm Ad Elam hearth C Evans William 2 Fessset Geo Fleming Wilson Falwell FreMl W Kiwi. Anthony Fleming John K 2 Foley Willie= Feria Minim Flyn Edward Franklin Robert Fnrley Rat 8 Flanagan his Fritter Win E Fridley Robert Fleteber James View Joint Fumes Cerny Flay Jacob noneh Josep h Fellows 111 Foote Asa Franz!. C D 2 First Inhn Foy J Donny Friuli J Fisher Emennel Forwond Samuel Franklin Ake hole) Joan Fox William Frank & Brother Flynn 1.110 l'orsyth Frarteker Albertil Fleming Ruin t F'osieru Capiloin Teems* • . trallaritr Dr T J (Alvin John B Grseu Brim] Gallaher Wm C F i:rtlfith wm H ~ obrial John tiill .1. hit °BAB John _ . . - - - (fernsld James tAbson Archibald Grout John lierney John Gilley Thomas Grove Jonas ' Gallaher Robert Glenn Alex Gros. George Gallaher John Given Ch.. Griffith Janes Gallaher James Glass Wm Griffith Wm W (Arianiser latentorile im John I intilalit Jan H Glinshid C C Gorman Wm llreeg George W ore Hugh Cloindey Joseph Graham David 11 tiaras Jacob Geoid Joseph W Graham Wm Gardner T Gould John . Graham Jobq 441/sx inept. Grisham Nieholu2Grahrtm Conea "tithe 4 Hanalunitireen Jonathan Ortakam Ch e de . I, lee Rand I /peen James- Gray Alex Gibbs Greeg Wm Graham Lafayette tides Hubert Green R K Rev Gray dr, Reeves Gibs, Edmund Dfirsee Wel Graham hunts Wan Wm II II Green David II Guy John Gilbert H Hall Joseph - ifernott Janes Howe nekti M 11. 0 4 lion David fiersperger AllemHawker Henry I Heigh Joseph P Herbekey Timp- Hopkins Andrew Flutter Joseph thy Howard L I lannen John Henry Willi.. III:MOH Thor Hort Potnck Hingeley Ezra Howard Adam Hums Stephen Hiller Junes Hoot David Hartley Thomas 'Hilbert John Hodson W B corny Wm Higgins Pete Nimbi* Samuel Hums John Hobaugh Saml Hall boo • Hutton COlirld Holbrook 0 L Meth John Hallett A S Hobbs Alex • Hull George Hawks John Heflin. Wm Hussey Edward Haskell 8 8 'Holmes R 0 Huston James Hans Isaac Holmes Reber liyde Jacob Hawes! T Ilona LeWis ' Hirellspn Jai floy• Abraham Holand Silos Babble line), C 0 .14 Thos op John A Hkt., Wtri Hays Joint. ' Han Eark Hays Win Haugh Wm Humphreys Hasid Heil Martin Howell ACo J Ham bond' 11 Harry Davtd Hoover Henry Hunter Henry tl Hendershot C D Ingle. David I. on Padlip lazakd P Darin Jahn A Ingle. Rev Mal Irvine ar Dann A. Faster latdatar Cala. 2 Inane Wm havan Juliet i Imui David ban L Ladle,' List Anderson Eli= Johnuon Sarah S I==ITI Stewart wary Ann T 12= OenUemms's LW. Brown Chas M Byars James Braman Wto !largess Bob Brown Thos Cunningham Joh A A_ltltc. CO. having considerably enlarged their 111..• Store for oho accommodation of their mereas lag holiness, are now prepared to egybit to there re tail trode the moo extensive meek cinch and fashion able Imported and American Goods they have aver offered in this city. Their large Shawl Saloon, togeth er with .other large mete, has been fitted up and ad ded to t here TIMID leamment, thereby giving Area am ple mom for the display of their immense meet lacing constant)). in the receipt of newCoods from there bona to New York, they are enabled always to offer the nevvest, latesLand MOO desirable goods, and at Pelee. as low as actise In the country- Their mock Manua, In part of , Plea Hemmen Pisces alarms nen Bereges, flertia, AJbannes, Delphines end Ma ate climes and Mesmer stylea. Also, Pail de Cherie, Foulard Silks, :Maw de. Leine, On:lmM nes, Pais% 8 " .4i1e !'""". 7 4 gTails du Nord, Ire. fis• Six Hundred Pieces anew and deb styles jaepy eU Lawns and Ohgendies—oplendid designs. - Seven Handrid Pieces Eastlish and Ginthams, A:psecee, Orleans MOM, 'Junk oi ng t...: Challies; ac. SLLECS--Tbwe HorWhod Pieces pt tier plain, figured hie,henb Silks, it entirely new Myles. Also, Silks for dresses, mle% mardillary ita. of imp. nor high lustre. • • stra MLS---Csashmere.Thiltel, aladmi.77 ls Shaw, Gm. do Mat POrl de So le man C Benr k Sevrbg Brt OM , Oren and Muslinds Lbles- WHITE GOODS,— Canrries, JacotMa, Victor , . Lawns, Book and Swiss hlctsLiva, Tarletau, Penny Cheeks, Uses Lawns, Dotted Muslims. Ma l and Nain sook do, kr...ie. LINEN GOODS—Damasks, Cow., Napkins, DI. perm, Hakts, French Linen andlinll,,,Barnesley Sheet- Inge, Irtsla_llo, Isiah Lhzens s best maks sad finish. VONNHFS—A complete amorteleal Chula Brno, • . Jame. Enoch 8 - John Wm JAutou jankson Joins 13 Jeffry Jnoksoit Jonson Hemp is Jackson Leslie 2 Jenntnr• Davl.ll..:onvon Levi Jamison OW • Jewell Clark Johnston /oho B. Jack Wm Johnston Jn:in W Jonr. FAnrnrd Jackson Freirk 9 Johnston Ils.y B Joiws Job s , R James Thom. Johnston SI . JOIIc. Jacob Jackson Henry Joluoton Ja• C Jones 'roans* Jem7 Wm Johnston Ps Dios Jones O. Metthem Jones David Sr - Karnes Geonre S Kerr Prier Kirke Rich`d !Omit= Keller Kelley John 1 lino ark t , Kenny Thos Ktsia, chut e . Kip s . Kershaw WI. Killen Philip !viten Windsor Meted,. Henry Keel). Timothy Knox lino to A Keefe atieluel Kienum Jame. Kyte Robert Kinney ranuhele Kleckner Philip grimmer Wm DI Kinney Wm Kirk James Kahn JoseA Hums Patrick Kinsey John Kroniar John Kerr Wm 9 Yingslainl Geo Krepp Semi Kelly Daniel Kirkpatrick Pat k Korn= WI Lamm John Levin:int/no set 2Logan Joshua Laldlow John Leaning. PhltP Lime - A/at tomb George Leslie James Unlit Derid Jr Lembie Wm Jr Lent E A Lightner Joseph Lambie Win Sr Lee Craven Llttle James g lannberton Alex Leonard John Libsey Grundy Lovely John Lennox J hn Littman Absalom Law George Learch /easy Little. Black &co Levens Henry Leonard FN Lowry John Lawton W B Lewis Thomas Lloyd David R Lowther James T Lonergan Pat'k Lusk Hagh Larkin Edward Lockhan David Lyon George Larkin E Wiley g Loyd David Lovendge James Lent Jacob Long Robert Lyarch Brunet Lenox John Long Henry Loy Wm E Lear John Long Ambrose Lynch Wm Lynch Brian Mackey HN P Millikin Charles Motris tar Menem= Pat% Mills Geo 8 Mooney William Mayhew George Miles John Morgan Morgan D Hagar Abm Miley Jacob H Moloney Pat% Maiming Rich H Mitchell Joseph Morgan Van B May James Miller Geo B Morgan Geo C Matthews Levi Miller 0 W Moots RW • •• - . May W / Miller James B .111errisen 4ohrl Matters Charles Miller James Moore Basra & D Martin Thos Miller Mimi A B Marshall A E • ttlltcholl rhos Moore John Metcalfe Joha Mitchell Jaynes Moore I . . Melvin Jahn F Miller John li Mullen George Mears Jacob Miller Jobn . Murdock W Mello George Miller A Mutter E Mover J C Morrell Wallace. hinsuaDaflleld blePon William Mowry. flobt Maar Gaol Myers William Morgan James IdgumA. Cook Meehan Jame. Moss Ellis Munn David . . blaghin !Boman nos Maroby John M. H B Monk. John blarphy Coma Una 111 Mom WH, Monsbore John Manny Felix Miner & Merrick Moog Jacob B Murphy Barnard Murray Pan Mum - by Pan Rio APRim . ia Theoph- APCoy *'Kee IVllliam olis APCreery Th. selialvay Sand EPBride AngPar APCormileh alichl %PRO John APBridge %V F liPCres David seLaughlin Beni APClelland W J APColly Josiah *-*'lran Janus APClell.d John APCally Robl L siiGinness Jas APC.ty AliCrires Jaz C *'Gee James NPCarty Thos APCrea John a`Gonegle Peon APChriv James APConnell Jas T si'Hugh liam APCartney John lirDermott John al:lough APClery Bawl hllhonnell nieh9 *'Craw J H hrClurey Hugh MiDowell John si.Onimp APClnre Alex H 111Tadden Wm L *Voile H fy ISPCluri JH J PilTerran Jae Alllovem hPCarthey Jos st'FarlandJaraes ArGovera APCanhey John ..'Fadden Jansen . hnilrenv hVC,Fribey Wm le , Feitridge Wm AVG.. Tomas M'Ciriiley Hy sePaddes Chris's. AVG.. J hn Eireann George Mrlllroy Wm Pd'Whinne JDr EPCatlicy P seßse John hPBlnirry hVCartroy W G a , Kelley Alex M'Nulry P Mnaarmey W e WK. A , Whiulty rtes APCliru.k IR 2 ~'Keever Thos hPßoberU A APC.intock W 2 is'Kunrey Th. Waken Bern , d NVCollister Jacob v•Keown John hPNellis Bernard liPC.h - Thos *'Kee (Vie hPßelly Eager Neely Janus n Nelson Robi 2 Nugent Al. Broil Charles 13 Neati John Nicholson Jut a 2 Newman Wm D Nemly J T acv 2 Nicholson R H Hearn H A Norris Thos Hobbs Jonah B Nelson Jefferson Novel. Henry Norris K B ("Daniel We. O'Halloran J H &Conner T H O'Brien John O'Rourke Thos Oberlin Lewis O'Reilly E M Orreutz Peter Osgood L O'Donovan Den'. Owen Pam= O'Connor Thos P Yakima Jae Capt Peterson Peter Plummer A Hon Patron Mauhew Pease Edw'd Pollock radii= Parra! Thos Perron Isesh Price Hardy D Palmer James Plullips John H Pnee John Parsley Sarni Phoebes Thos B Potter WilliamPalmerHy Phillips N 0 Porter wiiliem Paine John PhillipsJ w Proctor w N Park Augustus PhlibpsOreb N Porterfield B Parks J B Phillip. John Proem Edwin Patience Thos Phillip. David Porter wall= St Pe ek u J C Phillips D Pryor John Pe B kl Phillips Saml Potts Palo= Vernon James E Plummer wm Porter James Peters Charles Philpot Hugh m Proctor James Perry Gardener Pierce wafter Premier will/a re Qnin Penick Rhodes Danl Riddle J B Robson Irina= Rhodes w R Ringley & Neal Robbins Clay Ray Pennington Ries John Robbins John Raney Semi Rippard cor Roberuon Stall 0 Rohefty Thos Richey Harrison Rogers John H 3 Flew&Hy George Richardson Jou n Rogers Pan Reeves B C Riebdy John Robinson Rawl G Iteynar George Ritter Jacob Rogers Lumen Rear. villiam Rigney vll Robinson Jo. Heade) , witohel Richardson Chu Roblawn, Coltina Reber dbm 8 Rrainger Eder T k. Co -• Reed Robe Riddie John Rogers George Reed James 2 Richards David RobiatarJamea Reed &Ned Roberta Deal Rob soon John 9 Reed Crawford 2 Roberts David Robiermon AL .fterooldaTlais Rowley Tboa iLßyart Dan! niter n old s Roberedllf rtaa-.6-INur, - Itsorlataenk RatbettordJohn Reed Robert Ra. Wan Ropert Fernand° Russell David Semi Ilannibel Smith John C Stephen Wm thouith Thos N Stewart Roblin Scou R A 9 Smith SaaTll G liehollJohn Smith T A Stewart Thcaleaa Searbonaugh Jan Smith Wallace Stewart Robert Seabrook Thus Smith Nicholaa Stewart George Betas 11 Smith David L Stevenson Gilbert Seauor Wm Smith A P • Stewart Francis Seely C C Smith James Stewart Junes Shane J G Smith James hi 3 Stewart W bow James Smith John Stewart Janata Shannon G r Sinn. William orStephenson Jere- Shannon S r John mink Shannon James' Simms John Stewart Mules Sharp A R sheirky Strocose Wm at Stewart Aseneth Smallwood Rr W South John Small Robert Stevenson . Wm Souders Sane! W Simms David Slivers W D Short A Simpson John Stom John Shenotek Mehl SmartJemes Sunturn Thomas Shank Jacob Simpson Edward Sweeney Charles SheolCSTll W Sherwodd John Snyder Joseph Saran-Thontee Shirr= F W Spear Samuel Swearengen Wm Sickelli Wm Sennett NichelmSarkin Wm Stenninker David Swan James Sitter & Renee Stanley John W Solve. Nicholas Smith W K Steen John 11 Smith Horace Stead Joh. Swearer John Smith James Steel Wm T Tumble George 2 Tamm Leath Thomas W Tumor George Taylor If II Thatcher John Truman Himry Taylor Wm Thompson Geo - Trianon David Taylor Thu Thorn/811 Wm Trainor Patrick Tay/orJohn Titua Henry T T T u Th rp ll Wm in 8 V Thompaori Moore Tomer Adam . relein Trona Joseph Thl omp asell HN Ed and U Upson A C 2 Updegrafjohn Veary Franets Vnasunroren Jo- Vetter John la- Vanhom I reph nob Vaasa James Van Fleet Her- Vandergrift John man Walsh J Weaver JeeremiahWood Doet Walsh Punck Welch Wm Woolsler Miehael Walsh John 2 Welch Steven 2 Wilkinson Jame. Walter Nicholas West Et. Pstchell Wilkinson John W NValer John St eaver Charle Windso J Walla k ce %V 11 White'Richard s r W B Lect Wallace John, Whann W L Wilkinson Wet Wallace Clt White !Kahle. B Wills Wm Wallace Wiliam White William Winchell r C WatetVlll Hottest White Joseph Willock John Ward H Wheeler Rich%l 2 Will John Ward . .t Exalt Williamslienry Wield John II Washolgion Gee Williams Jan Wilcox J R Wettson W Wiilam. Basel SWright James Warden lewto 2 Wright W Wouson James LAVilliare James Wright Wet 3 Waters W D Wlletn Willow Wells ER Wilder s Junes Yates Chutes M Yeanish John' Young John Young W Young Antileie Yomg lifeu W Young John Young Peter Young S• 111.1 Zusuneeinan Whiloterth Angeronce Lodge, No. 039,4 No. 0, I 0. O. F. Mechanic'. Lodge I. 0.0. F. 1 McFarland Lodge Na 30,3. Allegheny lodge-Nam 2. Aline • mile Encampm, No. 87. Iron City COlll.ll O. of A. A hi. Capt. of St. Rt., Penna. Pattentee of Mater Churn. L. L. P. W. Super's of Insane loatitulioa Lycurygas DIVIIIiOII S. of T. Star of Hope S. of T. 3. Lawrenceville Division S. of T. IL Bayardstown Division S. of T.l Duncan do do 3. Pnwburgh do do 9. Ocean Wave do do 1 Teutonia _do - do. Pan Omen, Pittsbu sem. ROSEBURG, P. M. rgh, lila, Isth, 1442. .11 °EI HOSE!! -1000 feet 2 in. 3 ply India Rubber Hose—Jest re celveg for the Betoughof Manches ter, mhlett mill be held in store fora few days. The Bosom Belling Company express a strong desire for the fire depanments of the c ides of Pittsburgh and Al legheny to call and examine and mate a trial of them. The company Is swilling to put them to any test they think proper to conclude upon. roylo J & H PHILLIPS, /inroad st TTOBACCO_] bus Ayres EN Lump Tobacco; 20 do Jasper's 3 spun plug do, In store and for sale by myl.4 J & FLOYD SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW SPRING GOODS.. A. A. MASON & CO, 0 G 6. PRICE STORE-NM 00 MARKET STREET-'WHOLESAIALAND RETAIL ,5: - 1 , -STEAM BOATS. °MetßiS.ViVi & PITTSMIU&II 161. DAIL .v pACK ET LINE. known line or ipreald Pastel:lpr SWUM era 4 now imeepoedat of he lines*,awiMsl,bei ed and furnished,' and thostpotrerhl bun on be waters of the West. Evert , arnounuodation and coin. tint that money ea u p roc ure, bUtunsprovided tutu. Ontferar 'The Line has tun in opt:tenon tot Lye years —has tamed • minion of people withintrthe least it*. %kfiloit Nouns. The boats will be at the foot et 041 street the day previous to utrting, for the ;cup lion of 'freight and the entry of passengers on the tc : p. ter. in an cues the passage money must be paid in advance. SUNDAY PACKET. r ISAAC NEWTON, Cap Mill Cecil Ell, will Dew! Pitisburg4 every linvelny mangey el WetleeD Unicelbw every Sunday evening at to?. K. Hay KEE. .EOHDAY PACKET. . . _ The MONONGAILEL/L, Capt. Bum, win lama wit s . berth every Monday morning et to o'clock; Wireoliat every Monday evornog at 10 v. at. •. . „ I , IIESDA - ' PAVER% The HIBERNIA MOEKurcastAtt ax wlD lesye Piusburgb every Tuesday morning at 10 0' k IPheeling every Tuesdag eyealrlg mlO t. M. WEDINICODAIt PACKET. • - • The NEW iN•IjAND • No. 2 ; Caps. N. ',kat', 'ill! . leave Fideburgh croaky. Walnasday. mom% at l o'clock; ‘Vlaccfing every Wediresdat evening ac la r.•, The _ff_MiIIiSIDAY,P.iiOELIET. Tee BRILLIANT, Capt. Gums, will leave Aral burgh every Tlntreiley mormlng ulO o'cloelii Wh Wiles evert Thursday evening at 10 v. W. . FRIDAY PACKET. The CLLPPER No.o, Copt Pzo DUVAL, *Di lawn Pittsburgh every Friday maritiagatlOp!ektek; %pleat Hug every Friday evening at 10 r, ¢ • NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY I.INII OP CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, 154 9. n e at • (vu ocasaaw, ) Leans 'Pittsburgh daily, otcloel6A-. rives at Glasgow, Mouth anis Sandy and ihnivert. Ca, sal,) at 3 o'clock,. and New al U, mue night Leaves New Lisbon to Cotelock, P. M. (making this trip canal to the river daring the night,) and filrogiris at 9 &clock, A. AL, and arrives at Plnalniniti at 31`.. AL—rbas banking a continuous for carrying pass hangers and• freight between New Lisbon and Pupas burgh, In shortbr time and at leis rates than by any , other routs. The, proprietors adds Lane have the pleasure ogiroi forming the public that they have fined up two furl claire, Canalßoure,for . the accommodation of pussengersetiF . freight, to run kr, connection with the welt. Itutt*lll steam.. CALEB COPE and BEAVER, add COIMODO.., ing, at filtugow with the Pittsburgh and Cinete.,.:, eau and other doily liner of steamers down the (Bier and Mississippi rivers. The propriewes pledge thciAt' salver to spare no expense or trouble to insure cow f cA e rffe p ti v and . dispatch and oak of the publlo • sharp *n ArgIIORIZED AGENTS.. G lIARTON, B. ft W. HARBAUUE, Pinaburgh R. liatiff.A.,.s Co. myThtf J. fiAILDA UGH & Co. Na ' r l't6°M • NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, C. E. C/azknonsg. ter, will leave after this notice, for Wellsville Inmate, ally, at 9 o'clock in the amnia _ BUMMER AILHANGEDIENTB 'ter , 16149. MONONOAIHILA ROUTE. Only 73 11111rse IlitasgAzargs Via Brownsville and Cumberland to .Baltimore and BE splendid and fast ratuungli 9 Mall steamers ATLANTIC, Capt 3 Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt JacobN LOUIS 11FLANE, Capt E Bmett; are nogg making doable daily trips between PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE. The moridng boat will leave the Monosigakele Wharf, above the Bridge, daily . at 8 o'clock preciaely3.. Plumage. will take SUPERB COACIIES at Brown} villa at 3 o'clock, P. ILL, and she splendid ears of the Baltimore ”d Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at 9 o'clock, A. kL,and arrive In Baltimore the game even. ing in time for the evening line to Philidalphistaad - Wishington city. From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only 29 beim Fare 51D,60 Front Patslialgh to Philadelphia, only 40 bonus ~ Fare 912,00 The evening boat will leave at 6 o'clock, except Sap.. day °ventage Passengers by this boat will lodge on board in comfortable Sum Rooms the first night, pm over the mountains the following day . in Eastern built Coaches, and lodge the second night in Cumberland. Pentagram haveoholee"Oreither 'Steamboat or Rail Road between Baltimore 'end Philadelphia, and the privilege of stopping •at ,- Ottraberlaad and Baltimore, and resuming their teats atUltlewure. Coaches char tered to Frames to travel air they please. We make op the loads sad way bills for the Coach- es in the Pittabargh offices, On order to sue time on arriving at Brownsville) It is therefore . imponant for paweagers to get their name before go ing .on hoard of the boat, at our office, Monongahela blouse; Wat e r street, or St Charles Hotel, Wood at, Pittsburgh. . apffidlios J. ISESSIDITsfI, Ply husburigh de Louisville Paellost'Llaef 7 FOB. CIhICINNATI AND LOWSV/LLE. _Thep onvets.==e ILAPLI No.s links, muter, leave for shoes the in interarediato ports pu yt n, at 10 ore-lock A. sc. For freight or paw, apply boa rd , v.,T DGF ‘r myl3 MO OE D. The nab nabwnl,splendM • tz gar paeked. • TELEGRAM No. id, anon, mower, will !wave far Cumin nen and Louisville on Thursday, the .741 hut, at IP o'clock, A. M. For freight or posoago apply on, Ward; BURBRIDUIR I'VILSOMit Co,Or GI &MILTENBERGER. my 2 11Y0U1.16 WYCILT PAM:2 BltTIM= PITISBUROLI AND ItOCKINOPuRT. 'The steamboat PILOT NO.; , Capt. J. N. Ratak, lee7es Pttla cry bayab Tuesday, at P, o'clock, P. for Elszahethtown, Caption. Sunfish, nacu, e , Landing, New blarousadis Sardis, Sistersallle,Tues Landing, bintameras, A.•fteat'a bandana., Vandalic), Newport, Cow Creek, Marietta, Point Dermot, Par hamburg, Belpre, Little Booking sal Health:Apat llockmaport every , Tboradts at 3 &clock, P. Mancha cut Frlday, at 0 ppnnuing the principal ar t of the above wants withers on Friday,tiefore night. By the above ttrraucement, this boat will be able to lay at Pittsburgh au Sundays, and keep that day u It should be. The Puldio zettY depend upon &WlN:tat cg, mamg In the trade dude the low water season. no2folso Loulsvltlle Mad Si. Louts Placket Mai. /SRO. ' 5549. REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR gr. LOUIS The Sae last mann* paraepse steamer ATLANTIS, r . Geo. IV. A Vicki, molter; will Wan or latermednuel Pone Um above and every Tuesday, at 11l edelock i ,A. X. For freight or passage app p on boani, or to.. . • E. C. KENO, N 0.133 Coto. Roaj - ,' maridam Louisvill . e - . REGULAR ST,I7IiIfDWPACOR, ST. Loins no A nn foal rannl4 p a sse Mr'er ~ steamer fiEN;LAR.F., . , A. alePhersoti, master, tvilileiii for a above and taterranliale piatts eve ry Samrday, at la o'clock, P. N. ' • For freight or paasage apply on board, or la . . f • - E. C. KING, No 1.5:1 Qom._ .11lbw marSsillat .Loulsaille I FOR SYHEELING AND BRIDGEPORT. ': The nem and substantial memo. HUDSON, go atzeldillen, master, grill Pe etlo en r regular trips between Pittsbargh . • Wheeling and Bridgepurs , She will leave Plttabbrgh i onWednesday nnsfaatunlay. I Fortmight or passage, apply on board.___ a3b FOR'ktABIRST - it 'ANIFYAN b*T I LLki..... - The splendid paseenger stemarte CO&IET 1 jai Boyd, master, will leave for Me above_ andbXXl3 C. 11610 porta this day, Vhd , neaday, at 4 o'olbek,s. st. . • ,•• For Bright or posmge, apply on board .r. t ... FOR WIIEEIJNO AND - $1.11018H.. • at. The fine Deemer , , CINDERELLA. ' .oeorge Calhoun,. enamor, will leave or•abore and. tntermediate porta) oa Pdoixd r tysand Th ursdays, at 10 AX • . • - ,I• • Foßelk. or passage, apply on board. apIT REGULAR zertigsvaaopioarr. The dna steamer ND, C Gallager, master, wi LY ll NA Us ne ar weekly pao/ost betweati.Tia. burgh and Zanearble—Mares PitMbingh sem Ties day. For freight apply to • ~. . BAEREATORBYTIC Ape, • Noll WaWrat 4 :owpasintuA.p.. „ T , Pfi , /.OSPaLT,AV.I2-7-t, }keep, miater,VDll.l4r;i'4; atirrve ad latatioedath p0rti.•04,5414.1*/ Ilirth,ra 4 o'clock, For Freight orranm, apptr o gorls_ OEEADB . BII,TESHEILOBB,AIII SrIiZIPmGED n REMOVAL, ' oiiit.TE rum noun. ' • s. a AGENT, ' -J • Forortuding and iCominiesioolktee chant;iies removed lo So. tit Front, bei&eica , liVood ' andkitkiibfield sneeze ID2 WrANTEDlOSibishar Wbe - k - 000 - 4 - aiiiNire V, do /lye; MOO do Harley. ; far &Ida kilo highest market price iti each sill be paid by • . , • myti BA W. ILUEIAEGIi W otylvuooo lb. a 0tT,.c., , eilp, warned' trf St w na.ReelJativaratu4n • • I"4FIBT'OCENI:ET. Ftße3l4Ybirlfl;llBl::=:i'Ll.; . 14 :Bort Y. 8 7t ' a r tt 'E :e . I Ribbons, of the best styles. Als z o ° , ° htnek ma adored D ' re ' 4 " d 44 "i° • best gnaht ' Als Bonnet Silas and Lil ap , Artieelals;Art. ). '''' . HOSIERY AND .OLOVEN. —Ps, rt. ileeerifile• '''' bailee end gerttletneas Nose ad • ritnver, rWrst... Scrfs, Mhos. - Also, Deface Cant,. Cr ape I. , se• Veil.; Watt lane dectoNeils,,n; it.e. ' NEW VIdITES and trIANTIL - GAS, oral' 4".'f"l' lonable anima and style.. .EIEBROIDEMES, LACES, TRIMAIIN kt *— ." eYaPe II Collan, ones, sta m lina collars, ('4 Chard/Pa., idirttyces French and English E.TglngS Cambria d% 1 'W" , .. 2 0 , ? Ribbons, linen Calal!no null larnsgidkb, 14 " 13.48.01,S and PARASOL .. -blow than ,‘„,‘,, lhonSawi Parasols and Parasolotta a ovary '14.4'. Rtoladltyy the best mattes of line Satin and Carnelian. i Cloths, CaninnereFlannels, C bee s,Vestings,nor po och,Tvreeds e. no. Also, lt4 Scan .z GINO WOO, cuurri,TRINTS, qi e —Mom r i,,,,, two hundred ernes tithe best styles and of every va riety. - .BLEACIICD and BROWN MUSI.INCT one hundred cares of all the well tenant and'aftpresej wakes of Bleached Mullins; WV bales brown do, or.- ery vivitly and plea. Or Parchaues may always depend, from the ii",.= faeditlea of uns establishment, ofobtarilng the ebeaceso goods at this woo teasonable Pria ol . Th ., .743.1 op LOW plucgs•adopted by thiaestabilabutpn es, welt as their ONE PRICE SYSTEM, having niet rn i,u.,,,, adrenal favor that the subscribers an enabled to of t i ,:".ih7P.. - :". beea'n'"gra=abkutom-w Every v u er y ° r not fail to give perfect satisfaction. Blia.buft, =, all parts of the country are broiled to call. et idAtioii a, da, es ;dirket, be 1.111 0 .11 24. mad Ca W.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers