• • ESTABLISHEDMI 1786; BIJBDIESS CAM AilAlSTAOlirtikeßOZEß,Commlision AterChants and okolets In Mum No. 551 6.l2:ker *trent Aeds ILIUM VIA • • W. D. BAYS. TISISIDFLELDtr. HAYS, Vninlernle Wanes In Dry oommieb,Deani, Shoes, PlUsbnigh mann funned trdeleg, err-, No. WO - Liberty inset Pine. bunch.. _...~~, otaana sernria . iti. rup atA a' u jl aiTtallt, Whiteside and Reiall. bonar;praer Uherty and f3t,Vlalr menu, Pin g ; ''' 1 mayl4 euteollsolll, ' K. S. natall. kiROW/ t C1:1131EMON, Wholesale Grocers, and C • dindston Xirrohania, No. 145, Labe d a bus. Pa. . 13 A. i•AsErezvwc. Co., Wholesale and Re . taU Gruggista, corner Wood and oUr eta 131 °LOAMY k SMITH, Wholesale Onaten.l.B and Woedureet Phial= . • C. A. MeANOLTY A. Co., Forwardiq end COm. V. Weston Meretrams, Cart_lMA.l kalgh P.• Mell2 buMMeenle Spring, *xi, Steal moult trail War IN COLIKKANJ HALLMAN Al Co., manufaettlosr. of Coach and Elliat Spnip, Hammered Azle., Wag end Plough , Buse4 Iron, Ir.e. tittrebmso on ilWater and flout mere., Phial:ash. Also, deafen ing Coach Trimmings and Malleable d Camino,. _ • ono BABBLE WORKS ON tt ERTY ST., _OPPOSITE Tv. kirtifir is aiMAlMlLUßOlL Jp fIONTINUER to manufaentre Montunettts, Burial • N.,./ Yank% Torabadload !Room Mantel Pieces, Cen tro and Pint Topa of foreign and domerno marble, at • regular and fair place. N.ll,,,Dravrinp for monuments, 4antuyrrr- famish ed, of deacuption. Ha solicit,' a share of pobliti augn•da WA E. =SL /AIM J. =Nom. IM, & BENNETT, (late DlAlish, Gallagher I`j4' Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Corammian and Fbr liardin Merehazua, sad dealt. in Produce sual.Pink bank Mo=howits, No. 37 Wood at-, betweda VA sod 311 west". Lost( CIEOPZE COClERAN,Commission and Porwurdin 1..1r htarohatit. No. *Wood street- Pittsburgh. myt HORS IXAGOUR FACTORY. A 1111L2011 STEWART, menufastarer of Renoy AJI. Skirtings, Cheeks, &c., Rebecca sure, elly of Allegheny. noe_ls:4ll:_ . y• HLEE, (successes to hramhy Lee,) Wool Deal .llUl. er and Connoiszion Itlerensat, for the sale of Ame . an Woolens, Liberty, opposite &that febtr ant. imam, Brtuousre. L. /. socLoos, wroroso no/u.n, Philada. D. C. DDMLICON, roan a. waiorts, Mr BALD BUCIMit, Tobacco Commission hle Ja aunts, 41 North Water st, L 16 North Whartres Vhda. n 04041 TFARISY, ON & Co, Ounce-wow to;ntwood, Jonas &Co.) COMEILISIOEI and Forwarding Mer chants, denier,. in Pittsburgh Maufachtacti. &good., r.itt, =MIL gut= _ logger nicghg, • eua MOSEY ttlki.,lesula Cirocerts.,Com , rsiltsianblerchuntsduni dealers in Produch,Ncis.6o ' user, and 107 Front streets. Pittsburgh. nosh B:CANFIELD, (Otte of Warren, , Ghirs ) Garattibt- U U - aka and Forwateurg Merehamil -.44 wholesale ' dealer InWeaternHeafirve Pearl Mb, and Western Produce . sininrallfii, Water' treat, between Smithfield and Wood, Pittabargh. 'non • JOHN - WATT( rueeesser to • Erwin Gebbart,) • ILI Wholearde Grocer and ConrdsilbatMetchant, dealer in Produce and PinsbarghOlifigatturea ror • ner orUberty and Hand wears, TAMES S IlleGlllllE,Alate iiiirag of Alioo amd U McGuire,) Merchant Tar, Zt. Charles. &Wawa Thud .treat, mar Worm; Pinabargh. • 'll AMES A- INTiVIIISON, A Co.--Saeceason Lauda lintehimon A Co., Comadaidon, Mereluints, and Ate= of ten - 'St Lows Steam Sugar Rene*. No. 45 water and re.L.gront sinew, Plueborgh. ' !anj , . ~8. , ..e 1 /11.0.47. 0 4T11& Co., Wholesale groversi grce. f l cfrißC l IlairrlP e Zwder e. u of s 1 , 1 -h .,VO ' . . ? 2; d W 4 otrat, m Pillsbury& 1011 N EL MORGAN), Wholesale Drriggirt, add deed !! er in Dye Store, Awns, Oilin Vamaterf era, N n 3 Wood'street, one door South of Ltiarnond TAMES - 11"FltR Jr" & Cc,, (euecersor to G. Alai%) Ship Cheuidlers, 26 Watar meet- - oellt _ CNN Itllar and Retail &tiler in Music and Mat:cid lartrutututs, School Bogit4 r, Slates, Steel Pang, 'Quills,Printers'Carat, and SWlRMarygenerally,No. Si Wood al., Ptibihurgh. Err Rags bought or taken la 11114. 141/.5 1 SCHOONMAKEI CO, Wholallito Dml42lsla, U. N 0.24 Vogul . street, Pittebtrrgh. • - TORN D. DAVIS, Ancticauter, comorph taut Wood strootA_Pittsbotgh. , .38 TOHNSTON STOCRTON, Booktellen, Primers J and Paper Illnaufactorort, No. 44 Market tt., Pius. .b. :3Ott. .111:831 LICLIAILD Horn. J& B Y D , ( late J. Floyd tr. C 0.,) Wholosalo . Orocerf44.l.F.l Liberty meat. sep3 MO , DAIZELL, Who lesale Grocer, Citainassion 210 : 118 4' 4 'l ! Vo.?bli r atel S-Vitts c l s , gh . 2 1t , r i b ' / 114 ' 24 .. l 'Wll4 , YlieDrisgglat sad ary, Zie..o Mem* i'itt. soailatt.rb=K4girtZialie. , o 2l 3t .u.• will sell on thp most reasonable =OM ~ rldrairians senate ordaniwill be promptly anendedta, end siq , - %with articles they:may rely ort as graulne..l. Phyaieians peon .W be semrately and x - prepared from the _ best mania* at any Zama ' be or ht Y hig Also for into,' a largo stock of fresh and joint Pada lent 'ULU trlONES,Forvrarding and Cemmiarion Me &ma t Dealers in Produce antlPitudnargh now • lectured armlet), Cana Basin; near 7th el. dal PE NM MILL P/TTBIIIIIIOIIe.P.L. TrENNEDY, 01411,091 t. CO., Manufachiters of very =parlor 44 Stteannga,' Carpel Quay:. Conan Tame and Hank:. • in. 10.17 Vesuvius Iron Works.' LKW h% DALZELL & Co ., nsuufaconen of alt sea Bar, Blush Boller lon nut Nulls of tho quality. Warehouse, 54 writer and 105 freed at, Aalt) T 8 WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward tog rod Comodauton rdercbani, Dealer in PILL s burg j. h Ainnolitcuires and Produce, Nos. M. Water it., and ID Front C. rR ELEMENIEDY di SAWYER, OOEINGT GLASS Manntieturera arid Wholesale ..,, dextral in foreign , and domealc Varlary,Goods. Itesteiti merchants, kedlari and others ant - invited to cull and examine the prices and Twiny Mott fibs*, es with ant present increased Taellniesin essmuraetur. leg end puttbaaing, we think we CIO offer u great inducements to Layers as sAy other tomes west of the Mountains. 1010 111011 LL. 301/. D. 1100 ILL. MUM= C. ROM. lur eG ILLS to POE, Wholesale Orteeraann Canards- Ifj. 'ion Merchants, No. 194 Liberty rt., eiitsberel. /00 Ar (MPH ,Y WILSON & (lane Jones, Moroni , Co.).WAoleaalo Deslors in Dor Goals, No. 4B Wood street, Pittsburgh- Aorta AT.4.121,___ AWOL. 211XLCI, 111:11:1C1. NALLEN & Co., Conor-tetion - Forwaiding Alerchosta, Water and Front sta., between oel and Market ate. • loon utw givill RICKETSON,Who7CL Grocers 2 atut Conuniasion McManus, Tin 1:0, Libeimat . ., Moa n:l4 Pa. ' _,__....__JLthl4_ Itilln:1111EW W 1ti.130111,y onnilm.lnitimautte Pain -1.711. ter. Botany comer of Post. Mee Alter and Fourthll. . lune; entrance on 4th near Market •-- dtcf.l ~ 110LMI8: eoll.ON, No. LS Martel sh, second e 404 trout comer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and Llomutla 13illa of .Fackenge, Certificates of Dupes it, Mank Notes and Speck. 1r Collections mad on all the p.ritt4pOr cities avert houtthe United Sate. BIJCEMASITER, Azostries-s—Celltee, darth .4 4 ,, third door above Smithfield, south shirt e. of all kiads„dooe with the greatest ewe and legal memory. , Tales to Bost Estate examitted L lte. het.lo4y IndepasuiTdai Pollee Offine. WO. 10S FOURTH STREMt—Cotato/rdngldagis mote, ALMEIXAN firm- Chide( Pollee,. ROME= iterrot. istdthtm,g H. T. Robe rts PTIIALdfC SURGEON vrill wand to the treat ment of Diseases of the te. , R. has been engaged in •• branch of the me:O mit profession filr diteen yews, and has conddened as establishment for the treatment of diseases of the eye alone for several Tears. Orrus and residence, corner of Sandusky st and Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. seta CPEKIN TEA STOILIG.—No. 72Vourth , i t 94' i blY em ck T W erias, o.xt— do id na l arin U q 6t narte . " 4! half ] airt a l ,sue pasta packages, Imaging from GO eta , per pound '._fo,Le Iv .s. JASNSY., AIM for rekbiTeseo. 11011ERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, liecurring 11, Distiller, dealer in , Produee, Pitzsbargh Manatees ood all kinds of Foreign end Domenic Wines and LiSuors, No. Mill:testy street. On hand a very large stock of superior old Monongahela sirdiskeg, .; - which will be sold low for , oWay lan= 11031.0 A, .4/1117X4 31 SWIM= a Co., Wholesale Groton;Probe y. sold Commission Mar-hoots, ant Dee sin Pit: ouutsetoreo, No. tau Libony tt., INOsbutigh., pasurr vaLzaaa. & uo, Wholesale Comers, WombWm arid Famous!og Abrahams, dealers _ Pnolsee and Pittsburgh Manufaeunos, Lbefty it. Pitudianib, Pis • 1.) C. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wlmdexale Orono, Jai Denier in Product and Pitlabungb- Manufactarea, No. IGLibeny at. 0. KEYROLDS, I. Was I) EY NOLIYA ts MICE, Forwarding and Contudenon Ilr Merchants, tar the Allegheny ktivarTradeoleal . u. In G , inarka, Produce, Pitisbutgb•Matintatterea and Chloride at Lime Theinaha,.. Ga rner Mil, paid at ail litacafer acne._ rage. win.? Ot Penn Irwin stn. puem a. c. seaman., , rum I. mum ILAG9..ETT it WHYTE, Wine Medea In 19 Foreign and Don:twit Dry Goods. No.lie Wood at. Putaburgfi. robin( & W. ILARBAUGH, Wool Merchants, Dealers la. in Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding and Coonudeais . re Mehunte, No. I Water no, NUL LAI rgh. t hll7ll, 11410ALEY tr. Co., Vtrholnedr7,ocennhd Proa cep dealers, N 0.223 Market street, between sth and Gil, North side, Philadelphia . . _ 'll.s#4.ltrirreaVitan. JOll2l Palau a.n. oLW , NICOL% Praia., hod lichen., Cds om mil.dea Merchants, No. 1.7 Libeny .L,retukargh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils 1 F. VON LIONNIIORS Tt & Co., ytholosala IL; et. tete, Forvtaraing_ and Lotturtunam Weatem rll 11.1 Pittabuxqn blannfacnota still Western Pro ' ' hare removed to their war wpntamo,oLd , ijina) Na. corner of Front n and Manner; WIC. • .., . , VI, I. 'I NOM A r. Tamil & SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealets to •A•Hoota,Shoaa 3, ! TUlks, Carpet Bee t o saes of and Emottleidsta Patsborgh,Pa. ,. k VEST, Wholesale Gnkeis and -Connote IVolt Mercasss,and doslers iu Prot:Wee,. No. 34 00d Rs. riasasuall• Data tra'`w WILSON, Dabs in WatekpJereLry T Ware, Maim; Goods, Le, Nig. 67 616 to It. yor7 .• . . ~ . . ~ ~ ...171r...;,71' . ,'.1 ;:f.'.,57T.i..'T' 7 ;TiT*134-1,n35-t,l-,7:- t r.,,.--,,,,, .. -, • ,- . 4 . ,,,,, ....-- ,. .. ,,,,,,, - , ... , .*- -,,,,,,,, - --, - - --. -,- -" , . -, ..--- ,,,,,, nIE , ".Fi - t-'''''t-' ,- ;:"- 45 :''i'----, , - , ,, , ,, ,, , - -.7 ,,,, ... , • - • . ... .., . f .. -.. . , .. ...• • v • . , I v 1 ' '-.•:',., 1 ! ~,,. . -- AIME y .... .. . • . . • ::: A 1 1 •• • : •••':4 - • ,-rI . • t •1 ~ ...t- , .- ... .. . _ „ • '••••• • ARDS lOBN D. DAVID WCANDISM WICK & WCANOLIEAS, (newsman to L. to 73., Wick„) Whdlesalo Nil towns, Forwarding gnd CIDDIDISSieII - Mere hams, dealers In Iron, Nails, Ghats, Lotion Yams . , and Pitnburth 3lnufacmres gonoMITI row. of Wood orid,Water •lIVGI.S. Pittsburgh. rkeirrntOWE*-Codunimscon — atir Fwrvanlin Memnon;retook. N0..90 Fpnt .t between Wood sad t WW. WALLACE" air 3 stone and MW Famish. . leg eslablbdpent, No. 244 Liberty pt., near the canal. ' i , ms r.O WI . 31URP1,14 2 _Whalesiis and &tad liTler in , 'oteiszt a4i:Domestie Diy Goods, north east eon= Of Mayan o.d.Foutlh eta, sag& il - Cicomii , i ---7 ir7i,s:iii.... N IVII. YOUNG & Go.--Dealers In leather hides, &r. 143 Liberty.,. , ~0i1yw 1 4, 3 4V ,F=3122,71.__,.,.. ----.-near.iisan- term in Produce, Iron Nail, Glass, and Pitts. burgh MairOftemrce gensially, MI Liberty st, Pitts burgh.. dee2 Ilir:W7Wll29aNiNiriiifie - s,leOrili - ,silver R' . and Efilitary,GoodY, corner of Market and Sth streete r Pittsburgh, Pa. N. o:—Wstehes and Clacks ettrefu7„l7 repaired. der4 Wa.. , lAN satrth, Allsrattfa Cottonaid Line4Frlnges for Dreasea,&r.; Sewing Bak ttAr i t=mi Cotten Fringes for silk and gingham Parsaoht. Gimp, Nriltair, and Silk Bullion Fringes, made *Orde4 on Lhe Shortest notice. . Svonle,eonier of Midden Lane nod William. entrance No 83 William street, third , tiflOT, OM Abuer & store, No 63 Maiden Lime New York Ivo NEs dil. MITCKELTAER. Whoinst l te Gthfl'tt • Bretilling Sinners, end Witte and Lh e ltto, eltstitts. Also, Laporte/a of Soda Ash and Bleach.- ..1g Poli tt der, No. 100 I.lborfrtnreet, Thusburgh, Pn. ne • L s'RS 1N Hllll. AND LEATh6R, Morocco, J,J . Shoe Fthdints,-Itz., No. 143 La/telly street, have tut reeeived then SPRING STOCK, of goods en na prising it large sasortitent Of articles in their hoe, to which the attention ofyureliosers i 5 invited. Atehls . STEAM BOAT AGENTS O7nas , r4ava..lllAzxvi & Co, min . N0..42 Water men. ,INSiTRANCE 1 , 3 =bait:MlTT. ..... ..._--- The F4ltailll Fly insurisnoc Co. of Adak/Air& DIMOV.--Chtirios . N i tazoket i. Th . :Er s ttr i: Geo.: ll Piicluktrb r ic;nler.ll D. .I.oe'mls Atlttlpho E.. D0T4,144r1d a Brawl, Nord, raueno.n. Calms-tag. Base - set, Pruident. Charter's 0. Banker, Secretary. Cantina to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town or country, at rates its lowan are eonsistent with security. To Coilipsmy have reserved a large contingent Fl6,d, width. with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest ed,ali.ofo =pie protection to the enured. The a"sits of the coronet:ly, on January Ist, lea, as putdirth66 Iliptelady tb an net of Assembly, were as 1401 . 6. 16 0 6ett• 61,047,439 41 94,761 03 fEpo e larr iath Loans 00,001 05 Stocsa . 51,5 M 25 CO . b, 35,e104 37 I=l 111X9,499 71 Sm . eliihelr Moorporitton;st period of 19 years, they have paid upwards of Ode volition roar hundred Moor and doltlibi, losses by fire, thereby affordingevidence of the a dpasaaget ofpfsarance, m well as the ability and dispplatlon to meet ariUkprompmem al/ habilides. J. SARDINES LOSS'S, Agent, marly °Lacer N li envier Wood and 11 . sts D A. - ,UlKtrieltPrtfiii.issun.A.arcz co. -dk JOIII9 NNEY, J Catmint at Pittsburgh for the Del ' awn* Alumni Safety Insurance Company of Phila. adelptdaij PirelLisks opoo Moldings, and merchandise of every 7 leserlptioniand Moline - Risks epee bulls or ootgoes p 1 Vetbela, mime epos the most favorable terms. 4 • ICT Cage in the Warohoure of W. IL Holmes A, ins., N0:37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. 8.-411 e !medalls of this Company same the web- Likholtentlkf the Agency in this city, with the prompt ness andlliberality with which every claim upon them for loss this been adiWed, fully warrant the agent in inviting the coulidenceilutd patronage of his friends and the cmustiunity .at large to the Delaware ht. S. Insu rance Cofopuny, while it has the additional advantage tri an ins.Mution among-the tabu flourishing in Philadel s phia—as Fuming an amplepaid-in capital, winch by the operation: tlf its charter is constantly Increasing, on yteldMg lb etwh person insured ins doe share of the profits eg . the company, without involving tumid any responsibility whatever, and therefore as no...easing the Menial principle divested of every obnomous fea ture, andin its most attractive from total AistD - IttAhulz msdnericie.. • vHE liOurnuee Cothpaor of North Amegten, tarough A. to QWy allthbfiXed,itire-lIII i the vulomnber, oilers make permanent and nroraneen property n propey, to ' to city mid Its vicinity, and • on shipments by the Co al and givess. DIRECTORS. Arthur Es Charles Taylor. &M'l W,‘tottes,' Ambrose White, Edward Emitla Jacoblif.Thoinas, John A. Miran, John ItrNeff, JO/MD.IOM Richard D. Vessoo, Thomas P. Cape, Wm. Weill', Samuel P, Smith, Prance Hoskins, Samup4lsmults, , S. ARiborre, .4mitax , G-COVFIN, e.st. 'F ;SZF'f-s pin y to the Vailed miitt4 - "tatirteg beencr s artered in MN. Its charter perpetual, and from ire high standing, long -experience, = le Meanti, and avoiding all tisk, of an 621711 har os character, it may be considered es offering tun- Me security to the public. W. P. JOPik.. At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones A Co., %Vo ter and Front streets Pittsburgh. nrys Protectha Initunnet Co. of linfiford, Conn. -,' CHARTERED IN lierfir L LUSIITEI/ 7 6500,000—AND SURPLUS C AY FU IT A.—Tbe undersigned, havlug bens appointed Agent of ILe Protectiorulustwartee Co., will toot risks on properly in the eny and identity, and on stiipoteata y ultellonal the riven and lakes. ". PAYETTE DROWN. taChttithe Office, No. 127 Wood street r ÜBE SUBSCRIBER Las been appointed Agent pro tena..piaLo iUSUratl6s Company of North Antenna, and will issue Policies turd attend to the other business of the,,Aktr.aey, at the Warehouse of Atwood, Jones b. Co. apt! , WAIL P. JONES. water et FORWARDING & COM M ISSION. M!M=3 t :t: ~ i TOBACCO COMIIIIBIOI4 111BILCHA11T3, No. SO Segal Wharve d No. 117 South Water sc. PHILADELPIILL BEGS tufo= the , trade and dealers generally, of Pittsburgh, that they novena:lde such arrangements with the Nirginns mantitactorers and the Growers of the West, West Indies, and other places, u will insure a large told constant supply. of the following delicrip. dons of Tobacco, which will be sold upon as accent ittodatbsk terms as any Other house in t hi s city or else where ailfid all goods adored from Meal will be war ren...it:oml to representation: Havana; SL Domingo; Conn.; } Yana Porto Hied; Peon's.; Seed Leaf to- Cabaj, . kaki; & Florida; baceo; ALS . .yrunehht celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, a large assOitment of ether popular brands, and vial:lies of poomdi, Sal:2a 16., and 21s, Lump; 6a, 6, a dad Ills Plug; Ladies' Twist; Virginia Twist, &e, stvelit and plain, in whole and tall bones, wood and tin, rb:•ether with every variety of article belong ing to thrilled. Jetedly WOOL, FLOUR AND PRODUC— liIMAII,.. REED & CO., Imuceessort to Reed, Surd et C 0.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOSTON, DIASS. PartiealJ,r, attentiont paid to the sale of all kinds ofTre dune, and liberal advances made on consignments. L. S. &Co. haveleave to ruler to-- Massie R. SoblsOn & Co. / e nd am, j Reed, Ptrks te Co., Denver, Lawson t Coved; Wellsville, 0. . Boiveell.Marsh, Esq. Steubenville, 0. • S. Brady, Lep. W reierson, Er g Wheeling, vs filliggra B Crangle & Co. Gill &Stoat, Rbodei & Ogleby, Bndgepon, 0. dee2o-d&vrtnaylS9 r JOHN i.AcKER OP: PORK AND DEEP, CommLuton laetelunit and Forwarder, N 0.4 CANAL 01110. QT Particular attention paint° the purchasing of of any art,cle of Produce in this market. Also to the forwardifig of Goods generally. Refer to Messrs. John kbausey ft CO, of , . Martinis Stoektooll . }Cincinnah, 0, 8. C. Parkhurst, Esq. Lipplocou Kier h. Jones, . }Piusbuigh, P. Eitslish Sr. Bea ben, • : utanndfiso 018.011.018. COCIMA.N. Comm:Aimless and Lleorvrazdtwg . lllcfrehasst. - 28 WOOD Iv, nimsvagu, riOMINUES te dissect a general Ocatosinion Loud nets. espeeially . lS the pentium add sole of Ameri can hianufacturea MX' Producg . and in receiving and ccrosignedlo We care. As A gen t for the blanksfocwes, he wall be eisosuut.Uf soPPilmi with the pringlpalsirtielell of Pittiburgh hhinafacinre at the lowest 9.sholesole pilees. Orden end consignments are resTiestfully solicited. i 97 viESIVIANDNE:BROKEIt alai - Commission Mer• /XL dant, No. 35 SIAM Front street, {second rt ory,/ PhilsatelPhia. ErrGairds purchased, peeked, insured, and shipped to °flier. Wool, Flour, Drum, Dried Fruit and Cheese received on consignment and stor , age Pith insurance obtained. Fereau(turcsaa-Winikkil d. Son, Mr. R. Rigby, and Mr.llovray Childs, Pittsburgh. feb-dam !GEORGE A. BERRY, WHOLESALE GROCERS FORWADLIN Atil/CO6IIIIBBION Leon, y'i oottt u n . y .. ar g r . t .. 4l.bargia to woo, if Stol7, 1.1171110.011, PA. CO., COM m §jo !s! jyt§AOHANTS, • Far Oa &aloof Produce geflerally. irler idikeral advances made oncarudirmaerm, —liil44ecatOraT ranspartottoot to the Bast 810816E8 & COPLAN, • Conimhzion and Forwarding Agenli. G.lO. lARTON, Pittsburgh, will receipt Produce gvina:l•'LaLhb 0. & C. • . R. T. LEECH, JR., latArter and Daakrin Foreign and Demewie Saddlery hardware 16 Carriage Trimmings, Not in 4 wood in., pittsioargh, Pa. Ts awn receiving 'ail eprnin supply Sf Goode, on , itlidita the iiintlbre of Paddlers, eodebinakera sea ALerdittilo to Li. stock- IlUas been bought upon the best Germs, from the best burets: and he therreore feels konfulent of being able 10 ItirOld satisfactiou to who may favor Wm with a oalL tae hValGoi mo IN TDSE=nsiiiiliei ciTiorMsilii,—ini-Tible for thie ; talifornia service, Just received. ftLia/ to arrive on die 15th inst., by Express, a neat and hi myarticle of Portable Gold ' , cal., which ev ery r i d l, Winer oagbeto have; and i p side by VI WILSON, *add earner nth and market eta AND DEALER IN 1:1=1:1=11 PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 11§419 LAW OFFICES. WM. TOMLIN, ATTORNEY AT Back.; Pa Waalso *nand w collections and all other bast nle'°outland to him In Butler and Armstrong mooting: Pa Neer to J. tr.. R. Floyd, Liberty st..l W. W. Wallace, do James rtlarshall d o Plusborgh. dly Kay & Wood at. j tan 7 .._ _ Co_,_ .. . . jB. SWEITZPA, Attorney at Law, office 3d et., • oppositest. Charles Hotel, Piushorthi will . 1 " ans od promptly to Collections, in Washington, Payette and Green tummies, Pa. REFER. TO Blackstock, Bell &. Co., } Church & Carothers, Eutshorgh. D T. Morgan ___ acl3dl y_-__ - EJ. HENRY, Auomer and Coancellor at Lays, • Cincinnati, ()hio. . Collection" in Southern Oluo, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commiktioner for the State of Sena sylotmia, for taking Dispositions, twkrinwledgmeans, &e. &e. - . Rafts To—Hon. Wm. Bell & Son, Curtis, Church & Carothers, Wm. Hart, tea., Willnek & Davis. a.Z KE — Wa, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office removed to Yount, street, between Smithfield and Grant street. jaa-dan /AIM DUNLOP, J. 11.1.111110tt DDUNLOPSEWELL, attorney at Law, Offices on Smithfield, between fld and eth sts. .1 - 011 N FL RANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Lew rind Commissioner for the State of Pennsylvania St. Louie, Mo., (lateen Plueburgh.) Rsticareess—Pittshurghi Eon %V Forward, timp ani A Miller, MlCandiess & M'Clure, John E Parke, Biseells & Semple, M'Cord & King. ieldity JOHN T. CHOURAN. A TTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grimm ista-dfim Urn. 0. - VRIENII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth evert, neat Grant. tatfully O. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law ban re- T. moved his office to the Exchange Roil St St. Clair et., next door to Aldermen Johns. apl ly HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. WCOILD Co., 4 .19recessors to *Cord & King) Nu hfonabla 111 et, Corrior of Wood and Fifila Streets. DARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon gettaim their Ur. and Caps from our establishment of the noon surratau and maassuumans, of the bar= muss, and at the toursor MGT. Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are rosplsofttily Invited to call and eicannne our Stock; as we con say with confidence that ns rvgardt watt, and muck, it will not sutler in n conipartiifin wtta any house in Philadelphia. febl7 CALIFORNIA HAT...1,-14 do: water proof California Hats, just received and for :ale by IttiCORD ,k Co, teb27 corner huh and Wood sts SPEUNG FASHIONS FOR 1540. 111'CORD A. Co will introduce on Natio 42111dny, blarch rid Spring style of HATS. Those in wont neatand superior bat, are insole to call at corner of sth and Wood streets. want PRINO BONNET RIBBONS. tec.—W R Murphy S boo now open a supply of spring Bonnet Ribbon., of new and handsome style. Also, new style fled Netts; Lisle Laces and Dig ings, Linen Edgings; Vittoria do; plaid Muslin. and Inconel., embroidered Saint Muslin*, he., besides n large assortment of Spring Goods generally, at north east corner dtb and Market streets. ‘Vnolesale Rooms an stairs sort MEDICAL. IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED ➢r. hose's Celebrated Remedies. . . DR. JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro prietor of these most popular and beneficial cued. i.e.., and 0f.50 the inventor of the celebrated Matto- Meat for inflating the Lungs, to effecting a cure of Chronic diseases, woo a student of that eminent phys, cian Doctor Physic, and is a credoste of the Univers, ty orPennsylvonta, nod fur thirty years sine., has been engaged in the urventicanoo of disease, and the applt- Callon or remedies thereto. Through the use of his inflating tube. in erinneetron with hts 2 s rophyiaetic Syrup and other of his remedies, he has gained an ortparatellen eminence to coring those dreadful and rota! maladies, Tubercular Con sumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Ervaipe nerddeavlel those r * m b' ol " rse d ri ' s ' e"r s gt aTe ' s " a r drr the use of his remedies, to which humanity is heir—oot by the ode or one compound only, lot that ancomp.ublc with Physiological Law, Loot by the use of his reme. dies, adapterl to pod prescribed for each peculiar form of disease. Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pills, when used as in. variably acknowledged in be superior to all other. boa truffs'ivr'reocrtllyiverviSer.effierormiTs'ithveansiaths;"aslealevoe me his rediten ,l s434 fawned by the faculty to pos.wipcco :7'77.ll:fie7l7lllFlda:e.rebol:l:449:vrr":ll7CinofealL:7ndapo'r.F.Tth'r"eh'iongb:e:r!st7..nohldi ur Memel remedy and ns spplicenon. For sale by the rolnawing menu, as well as by most Denggi.M. throughout the ronn, .1 Behoomaker Zr. Co, frd street, Pittsburgh; .1 M Townsend, draggle, 4) Market st Lea A Beckham, v near the P 0 AlleghenV city: Jo. Barkley, Darlialeon, Beaver county, Pa h.. Elliott, nal. Valley, " T Ittlatus, Beaver, " novlO-dly I SOUGH, PAIN IN THE SIDI: AND CHESt.CG HED'—Having a for long tone been distressed with a severe pain 111 the side and chest, accompanied with a dry cough. I war induced. upon the urgent soli citation of a friend, to Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver wort, and I most say this medicine has answered tie purpose admirably. Ally distress was produced by a severe hurt. and was so great that it was with dmiculty I could ovrallow my food. Indeed. lam satisfied this disease must have terminated in Consumption, or some fatal disease, had a not been eared by this Judicious medicine To all who seek to prolong their lives, I would advise the use of Dr. Taylor'. Balsam of Liver. Wort. J AMES GOW AN. DO Bowery. This medicine facilitates eXpectoration, reduces fe ver, restores strength, and may be considered as si su perior preparation (or the core and prevention of all diseases in the Chest and Lang., and should be M.O.- cc! to, even after these diseases have resisted the usu• al remedies. In the practice of this old and very re spectable physician, this Balsam of Liverwon has ac quired an enviable reputation (or its virtues, as supe rior to that of the abandatit nostrums of the day, as was the character and probity of its inventor, to that of quacks and empiric. CONSUAIPTION CURED—My son having a vice lent cold, used to cough violently, raising quantities of thick putrid matter, and finally be could not turn over iii bed, from vreakriem. He manifested every symp tom of confirmed consumption. For its years be had been subject to the mama. Ili. phyaimans, Yermoule & Anderson, said he was Incurable. ant must POOll die. Yet I wee determined to try Dr. Tay lors Balsam of Liverwort, and strange as it may ap pear, Mu medicine his fully restored M. health. SOPHIA UALLON, 14 Norfolk street. Sold in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, sr) Wood n; J Townsend, 43 blanket st H Smyscr, ear Market and 3d xis; Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty st. Price reduced to 111,50 ... mr_Lnutle. Jaynes. Expectorant. Patt.cm, Columbiana c0.,0., Apr. S 4, 1011. DLL D. JAYNE.S. Dxsa St.--I feel bound to you and the afflicted public, to avail myself of Mixon porninity Of giving publicity to the extraordinary edema Of your ExpeCtOrant on myself. Having been afflicted (or several years with a severe cough, hectic fever and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed him out a short but miserable existence until the to , un fall IEO, when, Ming more severely attacked, and having resorted to all [cry former remedies, and the pre ecriptiom of two of the most respectable phystetam in the neighborhood without &mitring any benefit, or the tonsolittumof surviving buttfew days or weks at farthest--.Shen the lost gleam of hope was s weeks to vanish, I bad recommended to me your Expectorant-- and blessed by that tieing who does all things in die Use of the means--sad contrary to the expectations of my phyaiclans sad friends , I was in a few days raised from my bed, and met enabled by the bottle, to attend to my business, enjoying since better health than I had for ten years previous. licapectfally years, Ac., Ju.W. Firm. For sale in Pittsburgh, et the Pekin Tea Store, LX pottrth street. nlarshl - • - -• ljt OUSSEL'S A ROMATICh: VINEGAR—The bigh- LL sanatory, balsamid and tonic properties of this Vinegar render it far superior to Cologne water ior the ordinary purpose. of the toilet, iturparong the lat. ter to its partme. It prevents and ICIZIOVCS pimples, fetter and asperny of the skin, it refreshes and whitens the skirt, rendering it soft and month. It corrects me Clammy and bitter taste of the mouth, imparting a fresh and pleasant breath. It cleanses and whitens the teeth, and hardens the gums. For all the above pur poses, it is need with water in such proponiou m may lie found most agreeable. By lobelias it mid rubbing dt on the temples, it will remove headache. If applied Instantly to a burn or bruise, at will eventually prevent filnortificatim. It correct vitiated art, end guaranties 'Dom contagion; it is therefore very useful (or positing Lard perfuming apartment. For sale by It II SELLERS, Wholesale Druggist, meb3i 57 `Yowl street, Pittsburgh • • 115i.lifere.ne In Tennessee. 114119 is to eartify that I pureharad one vial of Dr. MoLams's Worm Specific, some two months ago and gave to a son of mine, some seven yeas, old, two leattlactur fall, and although the amount may appear large, yet I have no doubt but there was upwards of !WO TZIOCIUND tense passed from bim i measuring from an ono quarter of Inch to two (nohow ong. 0 W HOLLIDAY. Rona*Ceek, Carrot co. Tann. Dec 27, 1n47. tr-Pit SELLERS' VERMIFUGE IN GEORGIA— . Com Mans, Jan. nth, 1610. Mr. RI E. Sellerm—Your Verthauge has told well, and has been high.y spoken of by all who have used it. From the success attending the administration of year Versaifugo in every Cote I hove beard of, I em onfident I can eeLl One daring the coming season than I did last. I wilt on glad to receive another sup. ply of 4or 5 gross. Yours, respectfully, lEistant from letter.] IL CARTER. and and sold by 'IL E. SELLERS, 57 Wood it, and sad by druggists generally, in Pittentrgh end Al Inghtly. j mkt UAL Z. lfuirM. C. S. PITiMMI. oio. a. mu... YEATMAN, PITTMAN & 00., FORWARDING It COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 152 Seconds incll27nieru• ST. I..OLAS, AlO. .../rHE signer:her has removedhts Wholesale Green ry More to the corner of Hancock street and Alle gheny Wharf; next door to the Perry House. Incit27:dtf .10111..1 F. PERRY. A PHIL—Jost o I Inc.! assort . - , meat of Etna "Ca n telea ' art73Zo d try " , which unit stlold as cheap as In any other eathbhshatent in this , :or the &Worn eines. Also—A large lot of variety store Watches end Jew airy, at very low low priers. Foil Jewelled IS karat Gold Lovers, as was thirty-five dollars. W IV WILSON, melSO corner 4th and market six For — diearawood Gaidanss LrYLIE new and fast running steam boot THOMAS SCOTT, leaves the Greenwood Wharf Bout, et the olnt, every half hour dating the day, landing of the garden gale. A Ass collection of' the choicest Greenhouse Plan. ars for sale in the Garden. lee Creams and Other en fltattonots famished to the saloons. Baguets put up Si the shortest notice. orders for &Aunts left et the +Ater( boat, wit receive prompt a 'eerie= Wu COPARTNERSHIPS. THE en-partnership heretofore existing between the subscnbors, in the name of Friend, Rhey & Co., woo this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ceo. !they will settle the 61:winces of the concern, for which pur pose he is authorized to use the name ofThe firm. PORTER IL FRIEND, JAMB 'S WOOD, February 7, IBU. GEO. RHEY. Co. Partnership. The subscribers have this day asweiated themselves in then ame of RHEY, MATTHEWS & Co-, for the, purpose of transacting general Groc tand of ery, Commission and Forwarding Business, at the s the late Sun of Friend, Rhey & Co., where they will be pleased to receive the patronage of the costumers of that house and one friends. CEO. RHEY, LEVI MATTHEWS, WM. EBES. February 7,1810. We take pleasure in recommending to the rouadenee ohm, friends and those of Friend, Rhey t Co., Out successors in butanes*, Rhea, Matthews t Co, PORTER R. FRIEND, 1e139 JAMES WOODS. Dbwlattoa . . . TNF: eo-partnersinp heretofore est tg between Oa subscribers, in the name of Constable, Burke k Co.. is this day dimolved by mutual conkaa. Meats. Burk. & Barnes well settle the business of the CO. cern, for whteh purpose they are authorised to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day allsocimed themselves In the name of BURKE ft BARNES, for the purl.* of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Duont, &e. be., at the stand of the late firm of Cmatable, Burke & Co.. where they will be pleased. to receive the pa- tronage of the customers o(that house and their friends. EDNIUND BURKE, THOMAS BADIVIca In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burks a> C 4 with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke & Barnes to the confidence of my Dumb, and the publie Feb 9, IMP. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. febt3-dtf Ml=lt= THE partnemhp so long ensung under the Gnu of itt'Cord E. King, was by mutual consent dissolved. on the lot inn. The business will be closed at the old stand Igy tither of us, usittg the name of the imp for that mime. Being dextrous to hove our busmen-. closed with as Flute delay no possible. we would re spectiftilly request those Indebted to call and the their accounts.. JOHN D. M'CORD. AIM 11. D. KING. Co-Partnership. TORN D. hi'CORD having msocialeal *nth him Ins brother Jame. ender the style of M'Cord & Co., will confine,: the Hat, Cap and Fur bealacM all do varioes branches, wholesale and retail., at the old stand, corner of Wood and oth streets, whore they snitch • continuation of the patronage so liberally ha stowed on the old firm. JOHN 1) M'CORD. jahS JAMES S. M'CORD. j N retiring from the old and well known him of J. filiCord & King, I most respect/11y recommend to the patronage of the public my successors, Mesons. Nrcord & Co. H. D. KING. DISSOLUTION. THE partnership of MURPHY & LEE Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the lute heat will be settled H. Lee. J. R. MURPHY, Pinunamh, Jan. Sit, 11549. H. LEE. NOTICE—The undeznigtled will continue the Wool business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods, at the old stand. H. LEP— in Minn; from the firm of Murphy Q Lee, I laic great pleasure in recommending Mr. H. Lee to the confidence of my friends and the public. Pittsburgh, J.. .In, 1.440. 1 R. MURPHY. subsertbers have thisdiry associated titim .l, selves together for the purpose of transacting a wholesale and retail Dry Goode and Gm:cry business, at No 220 Liberty, oppome Seventh street, under We st)i!e and firm of BUSIIFIELD h HAYS. jaa'l :O7 4 3 . old cttstorr d the public are invited to gave us a call. tai co-PARTEEREIHIP. _ _ . j~jBI. B. SCAIFE and Capt. JAMES ATKINSON entered into partnership, under the Gem of IFE & ATKINS'ON. and swill carry on the Tin, Carper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Ablo, Blacks:unbind in all its branches, at tins old stand of Wm B. Seaife, First street, near Wood. Particular attention green to steamboat work. oct2 THE PARTNER - SHIP of Ws. rk R Iflrs — h — asing been dissolved by the death of ornfof the partners, the interest of hViti Hays, lr. deceased. to raid firm, consisting of Hides, Leather, Skins, Od,.ke., will be sold on ibe penmen on the 15th lost teb7-ul JAMES LAUGHLIN, Adnotstrater. IHAVE tbts day associated with me in the ss , Vole; sale Grocery, Produce and Commission baseness, my Inothor Joseph, under the firm of J.H DILWORTH A CO. J. S. DILWORTH. January I. 149. _ 00-PJLIATNIUMIIIIP—Wm. Young to this day nstioctsted watt hum, John IL M'Conet, tholes- Mei ihrIIIIEN mill hereafter be conducted ander the firm of 'Wm. Young & Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, lenS JNO R . TUN ~+vK ~ DOBIOR 1300KS!!—Edgarts Variation. o( Popery, JI3 by Rev C Soarryt henophonto Work.. Tnettaa' Works . , University nom, by Wayland; Ziattool History of Rothusiarm• Lilo and Time. of Pinlip Hen ryiUfa °Mei , Henry Fenn ; Proverbs of the People Magoon; Theophany, or manifestation of God In Mutat; (demon+ of J Powell Buxton, Bart; Chnot I. • . . Mt, by Tyne; 1i plum, as Import and mod.; The In Id, dle Kingdom, 7 vole: Cbeevers Lectures on ihtlgrien's Progress; Cbcceerho Windermgs of a Pdgrtni tn the Alps; Anderson's Domestic Constitution; Modern At. compilstiments, Last days of I.7isha: Women of the Revolution, by Mrs Elley; Lite of Pollok; (or sale by moll ELLIOTT tc ENULI2/11, 7D wood st j_TEMAN claims in dispassion- II ate smarty; betng an attempt to show the uuut of its applicnuon for the rebel of suffering, by W. Newish., F.K4i., author of -The reciprocal influence of Body acid Mind," etc. The best work cm the subsect published. For sale toy ELLIOTT N 91.12 79 wood 51 LIFE OF FRANKLIN, Illustrated—ln course of publicans. to the social form, by Harper I Bro thers, New York, The Ltfe of Betuonion Franklin, cow manna of has Autobiography, and •narrative of his public life and services, by the Rev. IL Hswun‘s Weld, spleadidly embeilrthe4 by numerous exquisite designa by John G. Chapman, engraved to the highest style of an The wort I. printed in the octavo term, on su perfine paper, from bold and legible type. It will be completed in eight parts, at 23 emits each, and Issued at bract intervals. Each part will be received by Dv press immediately after its pablicaturn. Part lot lost received and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, 1.23 tot.r market and 3d oda • . d o ACAL LAY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, Vat_ II Chalmers' Poadnamons Works, Vol. b. Franklin', Life Illustrated—parts II and 111. The History- of Hannibal the Cannaginsans by Jacob Abbots.. Illustrated tide, map and tomato. engra ring. Adler's Groomer and English Dirtronary, octavo. Story of Cattle John: loom the French of 11, C. !co ndi. Illustrated. Acton, or the Circle of Life. A collection of Thal. and Observation*, designed to delineate Life, Man and the World. Marra Romance of Yachting. Arabian Nights nitertesnittents, Lane's IRMllatiarl; splendid:), illustrated. y cols, 12nio Jost received by R HOPKINS, trOi Apollo Hall, tth at NEW BOOKS—History of Mary Queen of Sent& By Jacob Abbott; wtth engravings. Ifistor) of King Charles the First, of Fatgland. By Jacob Abbots, with engravings. History of Alexander the 6reat. By Jacob Abbott; with engravings. History of Hannibal the Carthaginian. By Jacob Abbott: with eng - M•Ing11. Received and for saleiby JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, febZ3 nor market and asts EW BOOKS—Oregon rnd Cohfonna in leek, by N Qoino Thornton, late Judge of the Supreme Court of Oregon, and correspondtng member ofthe n Atnecan Institute. With en appendix, including re cent and authentic mformathan on the subject of the GOLD MINES of Calliontia, and other valuable rlll.O ter oflutcteall to the emigrants, etc. With illustrabons and n mop. In two volumes. Raphael; or peges of the book of life at twenty, by Alphonse de Lama:tine, author of the "lineery of the Girondists, or Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the Fiench Revolution,. etc. Jut; merely.' and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, mehll corner market and 3d ills PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AlkID SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. 0144 C loon, 10011 7. Vela rs. JONES & 1,1" plough of epilog and blister ateel, plough steel, steel plough wings, conch and clip] uc springs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in mull [cable coatings, fire unglue [mops, and coach trimmings generally, corner of Ross and Front eta., Putstmotb, Pa. feb9 Reversible r IlteringGook s FOR PURIFYING WATER, ' re V mo h lmk ren ag e s r u s lie W ta " n i e d er7n a o t t e eVuliTe b t y a pare crotnn e i the N ti:y l e . , y *rk et , it i te , l g ilLas c zes eh an ow. lto . nr hn th w romAl e t2ns t impure substances, worms, dn. Wm is the case more or lens with all hydrant water. The Reachable Flamer is neat and durable, and Is not attended with the inconvenience incidont to othet Titterers, as It is cleansed without being detached frau the water pipe, by merely turning d! key or handl. from one sale to the other. By thls min process, the course of water Is changeil l and all mccumulations ft impure substances are driven off almost instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. It also possesses the advantage of being a atop !mak, and uncork In many costs will be very couvement and economical. It eon be attached whore there Is arty pressure high or low to ts cask, tank, tub, inc. with ease. To be had of the role Aprol, cell? W. W. WIESON, corner of Fourth and Mittel ins TUE /Limonite-Irian— onenuno of the public is respcaunny called to the tollovring eastiheatow Ms_ S. Essms—Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your A roomoter, fiod the result proves your Instrument correct; and recommend the use c(.11 to those going to California. as tho beat method for ob. mining tic real v a let of Gold. Reap. yours, J. B. DUNLEV Y, Gold Beater. Fitmborgb, March 9, Isla. P 1211131716 6, March 7, 1349. Essms—Deer Sir amin the "At co. meter,” suandsciured at yourro oms, Ido not hamlet , . to commend it to the ate of Mesa gentlemen who ara about removing to California in search of Gold. It gives e close approximation to the specific gray; ty °relent's, and will °Muni) , enablo the adventuns to ascertain when his places I. yieldmg Gold. men , ' Yon., mpl. J. IL hI'CLINTOCK. Foreign and Domestic Liquors. AGOUD assortment of Foreign odd Domestic U. 01011. always on hand and for bee In quantities to suit purchasers, by apl.s W MITCHEI.THEE• Blotapraata , Itieoehinti Powder, (Chloride of Lurie.) 1:1111 subscribers have recent received (direct from the manufecturctel a fresh sopply of the above ce dinned attiele, which the( will mil at the lowest leashes price for cash or approved bills. W' & IdITCRELTSIEE HOTELS BOTN.L. LIGHT STR FOUNTAI EET N BALTIMORE emin env mums - rot. nualmtwous atTlll9 estublithment loug end widely known as bolos one of the most commodious in the city of Balumore, has recently mulergeue very eaten sioe alteratians and improvement. An entire new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping nommen!e, end extensive beating rooms. The Ladies' deportment hint also been completely reorganized and fitted op in a mono moue wd bann- Bil style. In foci the whole arrangement of the Rouse ho been remodeled, with • single eye on the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of their Otrests, and wile)] they confidently uses will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sob- Menial and luxury which the market affords, served Op ton superior style, while in the way of Wines, Ice., sur pro thlny e will not w bpass conelon e the prie ed. tors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the pan of their maistanm, to render this lintel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally . The prices for hoard have also been reduced to the following rates, Ladle.' Ordinary, 51,75 per day. Gentlemen's " 1,50 N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of the Home will al ways be found at the Car and Smooth. , Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. marlf EXCHANGE Rcerz.L. colon. or P17:971 AND rr. can eta., reentstrion, Pa. The bscribe having assumed the manage mem of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared m then in all things desirable In a well regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very beat Hotels in Ma country. The underugned respectfully solicits-4 continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, - Proprietor. ItOttEtk. coax. or rearm AND 014167 5T1116714 li7lloouncesololl. jiIkTHE subscriber respectfully ann that he has now opened his nesr and tireellern Hotel for the accommodatioe of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The house and furnitnre are entirely skew, unit nu pine or expense have hero apared to render a one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The trubseribor is determined to deserve, and there fore aolletta, a abort" of public patronage. JACOB IMUIIII. Proprietor. 1 o ti TAi'sDl OPPOSITION HOENE. EE VIRGINIA lIGTF.L. on Baltitnnre Meet, n ear Tthe Depot. Cumberland, is now its complete order for the reception and accommodation of the imblie. Person. an search of caw and comfort, will do well to patron!". Ibis establlehment—they will find the chambers clean and nice, and the Table as well Air mailed a. any in Cumberland, at twenty-five cents, guaranteed a. good as any that amt be had in the plane, at any peace, or no charge. No charge for wanvortatioa of baggage to and from the cars. WASHINGTON EVANS. tratftgb—s-T7t-Tt-rineenrA.7-- CUUfI ;T tr.. IMTWIIIVI MIRTH AND TIM OPPOSITE Into Dank of the United States, Philr detplu. mar M. POPE hUTCIUILL, proprietor, MISCELLANEOUS. PRESIR SPRING GOODS Ithackittt & White, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, IN Wood nireet ash the attention of Merchant. to their mock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now receiving direst from Ent hand•. Recessing regular rupplies of first prowl. during the season, and derrung a large share of heirt attention to Flames Auenou sal., they can confidently assure boyers they will find 11 to their i1i101 . 01,1 to examine then. stock. /tort received. inree invoice. or new tryle Deese Goods, rimer Prime, Ceweimerev, CintLs, Summer (roods, Laces, %Vine Goods, Irish linens, Tailors' Trimmingsend brown and blenched Sheeunge of nue brands ..._ • Mari JAMES W. WOODWELL, tiodern and A utique Furniture, Kt, Teem Nratttr. Prmastittuu. A large SLISIi splendid assortment Ed Furntate, suitable for Steamboats, 1. ,4 •"*.L. Hotels gradprivate Merl 'ins., constantly on hand and snails to order. The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western eountry. Persons yrishing to purchase would do well to give me a tall, aX I=l determined my poem shall plerma Part of the stock consists us— Tete •Tete; Buirst Mageic; Louis XIV Chair, queen Flimbeth chain; Tea Poyse; l on Tables; Toilet Table +r fem.. XV Commodes; French Iduborany Bedsteads: Piano 81.1.; SO sofas with Plash and Hair-cloth covert; • 4 0‘ 0 3 d tapo p g . T i l o y r Rock - log R; do tr, cent" Table.. 9n pur r Pier Tablea; 16 Ihr nhy P'" g bureaus; ' Vrard ". rot p a, SZretario: and Rook caaao; A .erg large •^1,771,"4,V5Z ir fancy or . ndb:lo3 V fug - future ton numerous to m °l e ro n meth ou. ebnm tSd Other 27 - Steam boat• fomicheri on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms dreg. Chocolate, Cocoa, tat W. Baker's Ankenean and French Minalate, Prepar ed Cocoa. Coca ßrom., Cocoa Shells. &e. Tmerchanui and conumers. who would purchase the heat prat:arts of Cocoa, free from adulterauon, more nutmeat , than tea or entree. and in quality untsr• paned. the nneriber reends the i t / to y, a n by ha - evil a nd com stamped with nainc lin Henna and Coco. Paste. as deltcale, palatable, and ninny drink. for Invalids. cancan/wenn. and others, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians aupenor tet any other preparatton lite manufactures are always an sale. In any quanuty, by the most re spectable grown in the entena emu, and by diet. agent., Ilawn,Gray & co.. of Hann, lames 31 Hance & no. Hanford, Conn. Haney & Murray, New York; Grant A hone, Philadelphia; Tuomax V Ilrundtge. llal- Owner; and Kellogg & Bennett Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER BALER, Dorchester Mmes. --For sale by augh RAO A.LEY A htMITII. Aglo Wrought and Cast iron Railing. E subsentent be from the to Inform the public that they have obtained the East all the Ire end HR detogns for Bon Railing. furl for houses and cemeteries Persons wishing to procure hand some patterns will please rail and exanune, and Judge for themselves. Railing will ke funusned at the shoo /lOU., and in the beat m at the corner of Craig and Rebecca ktreen, Alleghen anner, y city auglV-sitf A. LAMONT KNOX. Manufactured Tobacco. 48 Al , ll (;; , a i na tt & ii ß m or s tor's superior sweet 5 0; 19 tif du Prism & Harwood's " S " 21 do do do " " 16 7.5 do do Pearl & Harwood " 63 lb" 11 do .1 Robinson 16. 57 bf do " 5 " in do do Wm Dawson S 1 do T Wnght's 37 do U Anderson 9 do L T nodes 5 do 11 Alneon's " " A " 9 do Reielitt " " lb " Jain landtnst from steamer and rackets, and for sale by II I ALD, 11104.714N0R 4. Co, 41 north water it and IC north wharven, jr't Philadelphia ANC PAttu b c br s & son, sup, tor rat,n lb lamp. 73 half h. Wrboter Old .upenor sweet 3.1 lamp. 3MI Lawrence Lamer 0 =MMINI 2.3 " Lawrence Lotrier " so&6as plug Just landing from atrium., and for sole by HEALD. LIUCKNUIt & Uo r 41 N WILLGI SI and 16 N arliarves 1 my3l Philadelphia' GLINWEV, nook Illsidors. WE are .1111 to the above bounces, corner of Wood and Thud atreeta Illturburgh, where we are prepared to do any work innur line retth des patch. VVe attend to our work personally. and %ow. faction will be gurbo in regard tom neatness and do blank Books ruled to any pattern and hound cub stantially. Hooka in numbers or old book. bound care fully or repaired. Name, pot on book, in trill letters. Therethat have work in our line are mulled to tall Prices low. 1711.20,11 lALP N.."vry fine flriel, A few &teens Pluladerphia Skin, Mum the manuntetnry o II M Cruvrford. m which the nuenuon of boot makers as menet , . Just received and for sole by W YOUNT() A. Cr, 11+4 . 4 143 liberty st A Fw hr. ROJEINTCRIK ,. ..77I. 7 .377Warui street, csm be seen a splendid variety of sup Royal Vel vet and Tapestry Cnrpent, latest styles. Also Dense sal., 3 Ply. and sup mid 51 , 0 inseam Carpets, of sup stylus and qualities; and in connection ran always be found Table Linens, Crashes ' Diapers, Damasks, kle. atte, 011 Cloths. &e., to all 01 which we coil the ntion of Mc public. uckd N o ILC - . HAVING sold our en.irr work to C with o view to elosingtour old Lowness, we hereby so hen for bun the patronage of all our fnends and cu— touts. V I'➢lRfnrrEß, Tith. POLNDk.XTER. Plttstatrigh, Aug. 4th, lAIB. C IL GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, emenasslon end Forwardtog Merchant, No. 41 Water st. DELL AND DRAM{ FOUNDRY. AWaA FULTON, 801 l and Bross Pounder, bets rc built and comuscaccd lotstneso at hit old .mod where he will be pleased to to ho old eu-ton, en! and Ineado Church, Steamboat, and Bella of every mire, from to to 10,100 pound., rut from pattern. of thr moat approv ed models, and warranted to 1, , of the Ifeot Mineral Water Pumps.eounters, dre.. tone that with every avely ni Braun, Carting., if repaired tnrnad and finished in the neate° manatee. . . . A. F. le the 601 c propnetor of 1-14 PIT'S Arrn-Arrat on Attcrat., ro pretty celebrated far the reduennu of (ricoou In natehtnery. Tho Boxes and Gotapostuou can be had 01 lam at all umes. ix/o.ly PILINTING PAPER. PRE subsenheer. having We excluetve Agency for selling the Printing Paper of a new and extensive paper mill in the. vicinity, will he at oil timer well sup plied with the different one* of miner of 'ripener quali ty, which we offer at the lowest regular prices. Any sue or quality will be into factored to order at short notice. 'LEV &OLDS It lad tin corner Penn rind Iruw rte INDIA RaillEß CLOTHING—Just receivNt for the California Expedition, a complete assortment of Dam Elastic Clothing, at prices rouging from Sss° to e 11,50 for suit of coat, pan. and Imt. For sale at the India Robber Depot, No 5 Wood of. deed& !Lk H PHILLIPS 1 UST RECEIVED—Three more of those so 1.417 tl celebrated llaratiursh Pianos, used constantly by Li.. 91/Albers wild OtIICT great performers together with a large assortment of rosewood and mahogany, of my own manufacture. The above instramenieare warranted to be perfect to every respect, and will be sold low for ooh. F IlLtrilE, denta No 119 Wend Im door from 6th_ For California. THE celebrated Hazard Rifle Powder, In lop, hell hen, quarters and cons for rate by lebt3 S' DILWORTH & Co, 27w00d at. lllnapratt , e Patent Soda Amin. 202 1155.1,1 pot rtnerred nlaulrldral Ivanhoe and St ondd for Ante by , an & hI MITUSIRLTELEE. ineht7 160 LittortY it M CEI/ANEOUS P )7tgaGfN-43 E SR/. i & 00., No. 81 'WOW ttfieti ITOI7LD call the atoretkrn AS thaptiblio wrists . proses stock of Paper 111 rely, beauty of knish, disability and e t now; i t un kratiy establishment in the Urliml- Besides, a Ions! and MI assculthertt of mot of their own manufacrersiberahl how reeetstor a disci. lke poruttleff orPretioll artOEngtihstylesotraper thal lium Porch /wed by Ur. Earl Howard, ono of the One, now la Parisian of Parisian manufaenue, lopoplatts. • London do oco do Of their own manufacture they lunrelooo__ jam. Wall Pow, and Woo pfeonoyodo gist -“ VlitadoW as ePpe e r . nejrealaborkklo"nltheir keinteC'ehiLrveto.Pritieval'allt.neltherB,' ern wall peeot eatabliihrdents, both lo qualhy of man. adnentre and variety of pertero; ara trtrrant ed to as the publlo that thep have aooceedod. The whole awortmeet (ensign and home toulto.- ura, will be a n d terms as low as those of east ern inanufaeturerlee otters. mehil:dif roi w.C. 11. ISTIOLDS of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia. POINDSITBK & REYAOLDB, FLOUR FACTORS, And General Conanalselon InercharaGir •No. 4 AWAIT &Anne between Eleventh Ind Twelfth sta., Parke DELPHIA. I - 11HE subscribers heg leave p•rpeetfully to am:plaint .11. their friends and Me peclic that they . have 1111110. mated themselves Id Philadelphia, .for the perpose of transacting a General Commls,ion Badness, and trust that long experience in [mines. will secure to them fair patronage. I Particular atte,ation wilt be given to sales of Flour and Produce generellyiand any purchases in the Philadelphia market the Western account. iL W. POINDEXTER, C. AL REYNOLDS. REFERENCES—The merchants of Plusbma gen erally; Sroger It. Whiteman, Lehmer & Lawson, Cincumat Ohio, D Newcomb do Bra , W Clifton, Lewis An der, Jas Todd, I..corissilleL, Crow, Me- Creery & Barksdale, St Louts, Mo.; HowitL - Norton & W e Viola', Naos Orleans, Lai Gill, (Motu .& Noyes, hVGregor & Morris, Now York; W E Thomp on & Co., John Tiers b Co; 'Peter Marseilles D Jones, Deal, Milligan & Don, Philad'a. ardim literacy and Counsellor ai Law, tf T. LOUIS, MO. Will give particular anentlon to the collection of Claims, and all money received, shall be remitted without delay. Haezaanom—Hon. IL Coulter, Supreme Bata, T!..; Meese. Lyon, Shorb A Co. St. Loam Wood, Abbott & Co. Phllad'a, In° II Brown & Co, do; M. Charier H do; Eno, Mahoney & Co. New York; Chit/Au den, Bliss & Co. do; Buigher & Orendorff, Baltimore; WF & A Mordoeb, do; Love, Martin & Co. do; hlr. Joint Falconer, ?amen. Zama; Sterling & Co. Pitu huMbi Forsythe & Co. do; Ilantpum, Anith & Co. do; Mr. L 8 Waterman, do. rael,Vd= COM , BS—At ZEBULON KINSEY'S, 67 Mar l\ don very high back Shell Tuck Combo; 3 " medium " " 9 low " 24 " plain high 14 " narrow beaded top " " 50 " fancy top Buffalo " 10 " plain " • 20 gross eons Horo; 36 stas shell side,lessorted %I.'. ro dodo d gi o d ll 3 t d ro ' o n li d O 5 .1" 1 "1 1 . d; best English Horn; 6do 8 S fine I ' vory, exits size; IS do 88 do do, in boze IS gross S fine do deg Ido comb Cleaners. LPI6 WAVIIIIAN PALMS /MUM WM- WM. IL eaa PALMER. HANNA do CO, (Sneeessors to Hussey, Hanna t, Co.) TIANKDRfi, EXCHANGE DRONERS, and dealers 1.3 in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposite, Dank Notes, and Ppeele--Fiinrib meet, nearly opposite the Dank of PittaMugh. Cement mo. ney received on deponite—Sight Cheeks for sole, and cell coons made on newly all the principal points In the United States. Ad vanes made en consignments of Produce, ship ped Eat.. on liberal terms. 4 , 2 GREAVIN VEN PlSCOlikar PoeLtt SZCIIII2II /weasels. is 1849. Patent erne lever ex/machos Tag Was, Baraams, Book Caws, Writing beska LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. TELE TABLES far surpassing every other m a. veution en the tied now extant. They an been. tended Iron, ten to twenty-Svc feet and when closed the lenses are all contained inside;lam made to all aims and shapes, and am admirah adapted for Steamboats. Hotels, and huge prtiate amities, farm. tog when cloyed a complete centre table. .:.SOFAS AND 13UREAUS—These articles, are Meal. stable, particularly to thew who wish to econo. mire rcom, and convert a sleeping apartment into i parlor or ratting room, as they can be evened and shut at convenience, and when shut, the bedding is endow ed. A greatg in room and rent. All the bed. steads when c loned form a beanutul piece of (imam. fora parlor or sitting mom. UOOK CASPB—A neat and unwed srticle for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law officer, coming rooms, and other offices; when opened a moat convenient bed vend„srben closed a perfect Deck and Library alone ISeartiy ' o - f the whole merman . endatio egyet repair. It will 06 1.0.0 - 3310. -mar,,... examine the articles, at the manufacturer's stare, Na. 6.3Thiel street, Pittsburgh. In et:Milton to the altos?, advanor they ere proof against bugs. Me JAMES W WOODWELL. Vig R. ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DE lyl JAYNE.—Ttas cerates, that immediately after having attended my brother ' who died of consirexption in March, ISIS, I was taken sick with the Consumption or Liver Compnt, and was reduced art low with the disease. that (o rour years I was unable to attend to im.iness, either at home or abroad, being for the most time confined to my bed. Danzig the above pod od or time, I had expended for medical axtendmace o regular Phystetans and medicines, to the amount of Won, 'anneal receiving any benefit thererpent. In July, ISO, I commenced taking Dr. Jaynes Mat. eines, and have taken them more or leas ever lace, and believe that it was by pcnevenng in their On. that I can now testy say that 1 have completely tech-. ,red my health. I believe that layne's Sanative Pas and Expectorant are the best family medicines now in tun. I reside , in Speingfietd, Otsego county, N. V , abd carry on a furnace and machine chop in that plane, and am not interested in any manner in the sale aloha above medicines. and make the certificate tor the ben efit of those aMmted. ELIJAH EATON. Sprumteld, N. Y., Sept. 16 IMS. jag M A,2:,,uuvenrlllltel:anztenTttillAo7tH2,`, ' t ' rat r l7l dealers generally, to the following brands Tobaccos, In store and to •nvve, whichbring constemnents di. reet from manufacturers, he is enabled to aea at cad ent poem.: 139 i bo it W Crenshaw Sr 7 0 i " James Madison 3s; SI 1 " Lamanine Ss; M 1 " Aliribean Ss: 21 I " Putnam 6s and Is, 1 13 i " Sabena & Swum dsi i " Oscar Hurl S.; 9 " John. & Lewis lln 3 - Warenek-, enpr IN If . 4 1 7 • " I, l"riS hnsas 5., 1. end .8 .4 b .; ._.. oFlW7. 7 sid - )r — ioary -. rirrasnua, TWIN WRIGHT tc Co., areprepared to build Coßon t.l and Woolen Machinery of every descriptian, sbett as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speedku. Drawnig Frames, Railway Heads, Waspers,tr„...., ui Dreng Frames, Loom; Card Grinders , ho. 'rotight Iron Shafting turned; all 111,t, of Cast Iron, Follies and Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of ult kinds. Castings of every description tarnished on short notice. Patterns mule to onlek the min Gearing Iron Railing. he. Steam Pipe for hyah e Fuetooes, Cut Iron Window bash and ithney cu lla,. generally. Orden lei al the Warehott.e J. runner A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt eke.. U,ll. Refer to Blacksnack, Rail & Co., J. R. Mooreheid & Co, G. Warner, Job,, Lewin & Sons, Pittsburgh: 0. 1 - . Al. Warner, Steubenville. tanlk - --- Penn kleobinelitiop. - LE IiTMAN--hlanafestarer of allkinds eget- JA. not and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, P• The above works being now in Inn and successful op rration, 1 am prepared tocrecutis orders with dispnech Inr kinds of machinery in my lore , conk IUI wilibwy pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding machines, railways, destining frames, speeders, thrush., Looms, woolen cardi, double or singl e, for merchant or country Work, mules,jarks.&e.; sl and handlathesand tool•in gen era). All kinds of shafting made to order, or plan, giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. /Urea & ru—Kennedy, Childs & Co, Blackstock, Bell &Co King, Pennock Co„ Jos. A. Gray. — IYLW OOAOICPKC TO - - ALLYOMITIT. VT" A . WHITE & CO., would respectfully Ittl'orrn .111.. the public than they have erected a shop on Laeock, between Federal at dsandoaky streets. They aro now making and are prepared to receive orders for ove,y nesernstion of veincles,Couches, Ch.iors, i i Re touches, lliiggics, Photons, &c., &e., which from their long esperience In the manufacture of the above work, and the Methuen they hese, they &vivant:Went they are thenabled to do work on th e moot reasonable terms with ose wanting ankles in their line. Paying particular attention 10 th e selection of Mate rink, and having nOne bat compel.* workmen, lthey have no hesitation in warranting their work. I,Ve therefore ask the Intention of the public IP this mutter. N. U. Repairing done m the best inamier, and qt the most reasonable termallstliur - .. - Zlonangatiela Livery Stable. 12. ROBERT H. PATTERSON bas opened the largo stable on Fleet at, running thtough to Second at, between Wm! and Smithfield sts., in the rear of the Monongahela Koine, with en entirely new stock of Horses and Caning. or the beet quality and latest styles. Horace kept al live ry in the boot manner./F2MY - - . ___________ . _ 00AJIPlit — Patents Graduated Galvanic ßettery• and Paten InouGued Pdm for Miriam! andather pupates pins ts the only Instrument of the kind tt has eve f been prmented to thin country or Europe formten. teal purposes, and is the only one ever known to Ituart, by whleh the selveune Auld can be mmanytdte the be. man eye, the ear, the brain, or to any part Or allody, either externa ll y or intornelly, In a definite entla stream, emits= .hocks or pain—with perteet a v— end eke with the happiest edeets. This important apparatus is now highly approired of by many of the most eminent physicians of thiscoun. try and Europe, to whom the tainted and others Whom It may concern eon he referred. Eaterenee sell, also be given to many highly remeetable mittens, who have been cored by meant."( thiemost saleable apparatus of some of the most inveterate nervoasdisorders which could not be removed by any other knows meani Antony venous others, a has been Proved to he ea. smrably adapted (or the core of the following dim..., is nervous headache and other diseases of the brain. It Is with this apparatus alone that 'the operator eon convey the marmite find with ease and safety to the eye, to restore sight, ' or Care untationoc; to the has to restore beennr, to the tongue tool other organ., to m: OWE speech, and to the various parts of the body, tor the cure of chronic rhenouttism, uthma, neuraldw, or tic doloareos, paralysts, OT palsy, gout, chorea or 81. Vim's dance, epilepsy, weakness from amass, Same diserovcs peculiar no foiaalu , emanate. of the limbs, lou?ruvr, eta. eta Ittglits for itarroonding counties of Western Ps, and privileges, with the instrument, may be perennial, a,,d also tested for the eon of diseases. Full)assuuctsons mill be glen teethe carton then:J -(11110 be used for various ans.., aml Ibe boat mlm" ner for operating for the mire of those diseases will al- Lb fully exphstned to the purchaser and a pamphlet Pat lam his hands expressly for the se parental cant prepared.by the mann , &Althea' aatlShcj n WILLIAMS, The .1, Pilisburo -tuu bxe cave Cream Chem,jAleri %,./ and for sal, by mY3 CAN ..~ i.:ir .~.~% 'MY ISM= NOM. I§49'. , ,Kl=V•aiElAWypt,come•Wooct•nd.romil4. 4••••,..reeet•lVCl tvis • !up mock of Farley ng eeory . yanety s nal and User,* inches, hrsirelry, Oreneh pdas, .blerlfookir •end Gloves sineflostary,flasPandtor - P 44 . C4P " 1.1 d all arises articles in their Unc.r,all of whisk having 'Peen purchased personally of The thithiklicloyal•:•••4 ••• ring the last-winter,. expressly, far, Pn, " 4° ' still las. sold wholesale at a mai umlaute* On • east. . Constantly 01l band, all deieriptions of Lesalsies9ins , 4 . 1 . , of oar own neasinfactarine. as eastern prices. miry NEV/FANCY AND VA102.31 ,!% 1 dP : !, 1 / 1 40N IaNSEY'S, 57 Matti street • 100 pro 00e Chine" Vases, &Witt 175 sew twist, .nil cut Velvet Matt BritntaiM 40 firievelveeCsrp.l BALM do do genies travellar,,loo gloss fancy Wk Ilattanal for dresse s; 10 deXAMI Rrimbos, 100 /3/V l / 4 ° hlk Voat B t 000 do do gilt and pitied, deli Z doz rosewdoil Halt Brilshes; 4 do Nuttiogton do. 1 di Ilartteri do, 3 gio Fish Liaesl. Fish Rooks, Li/1W rick; de. j MELBA: az.--50 gold laver watches; 50 do de mehal levtr,WatchroN 10 do Lepina do; 10 fine dia noteid Finger Rings; • I dos fine gold Vent and Fob rtelns; 2 do do Curd., Ilretut Pins, Finger Rings, Bar ROO4, -,2e, ; • I.ILOV rec,-200 dos Ladies Cotton`Glovei, ass'd: 300 do de( Lisle Thread;' fancy top, do.; 1040 gents , silk Gloveg I 2 do do kid do; AO do ladles kid, us'd, 10 d' VEIVII ,PP CIV:4II2B-75 pkg. American Pins, - • 300 bb Cotton Gordy,. 75 ps Paper Muslin . 6011,000 ribbed Percussion Capin 200 gro dress Whaletione 10040 z Ivory Cambir, Dressing Comb., Back Comb., Ike. H. EATON is CO. aro now opening their Sprt. stock Of Trimmings, eons/sung in parrot Mai- Win and Mesh Fringes, Gimps, black and coed Silk Laces, black Flounce Lace, Batton", Bride 'Bonnet Mud:mincegents, ladles and children]. plain and lan. nY Hosiery , Shirts for men and boys., Combs Ivory and other Fans, Yarn, Spool Cotton,'Needles, Tap., Bob bitm, Pins, &e. artuch they offer for- gale. both wholesale and retail, at ittir Trimming Store,tg Fourth wreet_between Wood and - Market apla NEW ORIN° GOODS.—A. A. Maim dr, Co., No, GO Market sweet, KM now opening 40 caste and packages or splendid SPRING GOODS: comprising Lawns, hlnalink Bereave AL dALsincti, Gingham, Prima, _ French Cambnea, Linens, Ribbons , Silki, Glavea Hosiery, and a general atiaat meta of Goods. mch27 l ienecthe P "zdd Faroe, the California O. ER t DAY , tracer :PrreaseoA MEMO OFF their 1 ire DHle prineVal part of rohnwt nt the wont /mo le aced New York, at a ult. turned! ~4. No. 15 , Ham!. Si AVE resolved on SE - vI meock of DRY 000 tell have lately been pun rum &Lis In Philadelphlt mendous and unparalleled We have made such a lar idar,prices dial we will nos Goode BELOW CXY3T of b motion of ti . buyers is Irvin goods adapted to the Cabiko LADIES SRI Plain .dflgared Cantelian slke s Very superior brook's 801 and watered blk silks, Superior reparmure, silks, blk mid colored, Suc n b . lykelossy Gro de Viketto andmantilla silks, . 6 e reduction from our reig n*, sell iy large portion of our impartation. rte early at: I 'M to choice high - colored Mitt Trade. 5,S GOODS. Cashmeres and de Ininee t all prices, Super -cloak cloths, all CO. to French merinos, all colors,' Black bobarmes, Cross barred and striped alpacas, Broths fired and strip'd do, Jenny Lund plaids, Victoria Lyonese cloths, very nc Coborg elCols and keen, boo quality, Pore satins, blk mei blue blk tonna Lamanine satin merinos, Super silk warp alpaca Imams; SHAWLS!! A few broeha long shawls, the Cutest we have ever brought to this market, 1,19 W to be wld Mt great bargains,' Superfast" and ememon bra eha square shawls; Super carnelian sill: shawls GENTLEMENS' GOODS SHAWLS! Splendid plaid long shawl k, , Splendid tarkerl shawls,' from N. York aastions,l great bargains; Plain and embroN thihet hawls, all colors, Silk fringe, remarkably cheap; French emits from the celeboued “Johany'l . manu factory." For beauty of finish and permanence anew, these cloths have 60 6606606 few pieces extra fine jet black and olive canton beavers and other heavy cloths tor over coats., twilled French clothe, manufac tured expressly for Moils, French and American eat simeres, super west of England do, suPeMettellt se., dns for sestinas, the best Imported. Plaintiuld faue vElset and cashmere settings, merino shirts and draw ers, !Wien cravats, linen, cambric and silk bakft,lto ninny and gloves. Irish linens, best long cloth shirting,mullns, bleach al and brown =slim, of good quality, vemarkabl • boar, ticking., checks, domestic and imported ging hunt, scarlet, yellow mad'white flannels, a lams to very cheap; a rga lot of white and croubured try flannels, cheap; brown and bleaeled . ftarnsby tabl linens and table cloth., Russia and Scotavdmperaan • sannens, Kentucky jeans and tweeds. BLANKerS, • - An usual large stock of blankets, direct from th• manufacturers, some of which are the best ever exit' bited, all of which will be closed dui at imptrallele• low prices. In addltion to the above enumerate goods, our stock comprises a very large and camplet - usortment of almost every article usually totted in dry goods store, and as they have been mainly • .• chased at the oasem auctions, hence the late arc a "".: duction of prices. We are enabled and determined sell them off at great bargain. 'Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and the public generally are respectfully in SIIMI • • - OASPSTM 011.ClaOr eti RECEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and Oil Clo of the Latest and most approved pattenti, and t prices to malt purchasers, and cheap as can P chased soy ofihe Eastern eltiee, mmpriNing the f varietleg— Extra Royal Vehret Pile Carpets; Aixmimxter Carpets my size hall roomy, or v Tapestry do tibuleu Sop Royal Braman do Tapestry MIT carpets; Extra sop 3 ply do Brumes do do Superfine do do Chenille Rugs; Ems sup Ingrain do Tuned do Superfine do do Brume!. do Floe do do Chemin, Door mats; Common do do Tolled do do 4-1, 3-4 A {Tapestry Adelaid do do MMMMII Duna& N,3-4 It 4 terVd Ve- nen. do 6-4 do Table do 44, 3.4 do 1 plain do do 6-4 wool • do do Cotton Ingrain do 4-4 worsted and linen do do Venetian do Bram Stoic Rode P 4 cotton Drognen 12-4 woolen do . 16-4 wool cromb,cloihs Stair Linen 6.4 do do 0.4 table Mr • • English Table Oil cloths;, Draper do German do do do do Crank N-4 Floor Oil clod.; Bnocr-Drop Napkins; 7.4 do do do Crunson hush; do do Purple M====l=l 4-4 do do do Carpet Binding; Sheet Oil Cloths, of newTransp`nt Window Shades Tapestry pattertes, cat to fit I LTo the abase we are constantly reeeiving_our Spring Stook °ICJ rpets, Oil Cloths and Steamboat Trimmi to r , which we invite attention of all who wish to web their houses or steamboats, as we will be able. to offer goods as low as they ono be purchased in lbe Bu en t, and of the richest and late styles. Call and x amine our stock before puttbasing elsewhere Walre house, No 75 Fourth st. 'mehtM \V STCLINTOCIC The Largest, Cheaptst and aunt Fashientabla Szek of Goods, adapted to Gfrodersess's Spring anf Sumner Wear, u just nwinng WM. D161310E1 CHEAP CASH CLOTHING- STORE, MG LIBERTY STREAM. TBE Proprietor of the ribose establishment south! rests etfully inform his numerous cementer, B litz he has into rammed front the Eastern cities with ;Me most splendid easontneru of goods in his line, that W. ever brought to this city, comprising ci that is cow fashionable, elegant and Cheep to Cloths, Cessimeres,. Caehmerens, Dom De &a, and every description of cotton, linen anal woollen Sumner Stugiti vat* lidkfs, Suspenders, rte., of the newest styles; width, together with his very huge and insturrieble stock of ready•made Clothing, he is prepared to Offer at his usual low prices. Country hlembante, Contracture. and all who OUT elms largely, are particulnrly ineibid to cal end ca m:aloe the stock, which is decidedly the lazgest* moat fashionable in the eity,l o ri,e,wathititell= Ix= to IS7e t I . lli p o:rn i gri b in ' e ' ex t eetned W :this Most fashionable manner, and that melting may Ire wanting to encore the newest and beet style of caning. A gene demon who boo had great experience in. the Ead,_ra altos., has hero added to the establubment. NEW 000118. R. H. PALMER, OFFERS FOR SALE, AT LOW PRICES, a full assortment of STRAW AND NUL LINE. MY GOODS - . of the most approved styles andipeu• tarns, for the SPRING, OF L. 49, consisting in.pariof— Fancy and plain English, American, and' F nob. Straw; Florence, Rutland , Pedal and other - plin and Macy Brardi China, Rico, .lermy Lind, Loop and Puy. al Mil. edge Braid DORM'S. • Rich French lace; FancLaud plain Gimp, kn. itc. Paneyikaid, Straac, (than, Leghorn , and ether hEs see and infants , HATS. Panama, Mnnilla, Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Straw' .11 other Summer HATS, far men and boys. Bonnet and Plain Ribbons; Bonnet SAN Ardfietal Mowers, Ike. tie. Re. Straw Bonnet Virtzehoutte, I/D Market street rach47:d2er A. A. MASON & CO.. N . O. 60 MARKET STREET—Have received by re,- cent imperial.. the followsitg . Goods, in Six canons Thibet Shawls, of various, qualities and colors Filly dozed "Alexander's" best quality Kid tilovei, together with a good assortment of cold silk, Lisle thread, and cotton Glove. for spring trade. Rich stan ding, uttraight turnover Collars; cheap Col- Wm. 300 pair embroidered Cuffs, from 60 els to 31,24, Mourning COlllO6lll great county. Demi LOCO Veils, the greatest assortment ever Offered by us. French cod English 4-4 ?runs; iloyle's Prints, small figures and fast colors; small plaid French Ginghnons; Rituals Furniture Chinta white satin Damask Table Cloth. Linen Damask , and 10-4 (bean Enrages, Gents black Gros de Rhine Silk Cravats, 3k to 40 Inds, the best goods imported,. Pone Twist; linen cambrie and linen cambric tidal'. from 10 82,011 White Goods, such as Jaconem, Lawns, Mull and Swiss blushes figured and pion, Laces, white and cord Tadautues' no. de. We are in ilia daily receipt of NEW GOODS; and Invite the attend= of pure/man to our extenaive gulch. feb97 NSW SPRING GOODS AT DRY GOODS HOUSE OF W. R. MURPHY; Rosati Eost mom tro ...op halm= ors., Prrrsacann. ERSONS wanting Dry Goods will please take no ucee that the above house has commenced rape/- amp its NEW SPRING GOODS, and mattes the calk of regular Clltintners and buyers genertrtly. Gocats will be odlired at low prices, and purchaser whl have a large and choice assortment to select from. lIT Country Merchants and others are invited to examine the usortment in Virholevale Roma, up starts, where a.-largo assorunent of Prints, (hog arns, and goods generally are now opening, mart) DRY GOODS SHACKLETT & WHITE. Dry Good• Jobb•r•, No. VCOODISTREET—WouId call the attention of Merchants to their large mock of Do:meal:Le and Foreign DRY GOODS,Dtat vamsaanlitmm the porter end Manufacturers, mni width they will sall. at very low raw. hit cash or approved email_ Ovr .took is now R (alt and complete, and well worth the attention of buyers, as we no determined to sell al ouch extremely low prices as eamtot fan to make a a along indaeement for oarrehalats betake atilt with as. metal -xinusKEy-700 bbla Whiacy, in II to re ad (a yy sale by 'WS • '1,7 tEF 111TC1tELTIME ,i - VOL. XVI. NO .. 2,41 , L . IfLSCELLANEOUWA*e , • INNIIIINNCII • TIIK PROTECTION SUE ANDA,gi ; MARINE' - INSURA N CE; n.,-;.-t‘.301,, ‘ , ,•-s, NY UP HARTFORD, CONN. Curitremsa tpes, Carntai Block; Aantiel oughts fond /111.000,00 All towns promptly punt Au iieGeneNgegitarlflrr , ,e , i Ilea for the Western Status, 'owned= einounmlmMe ; • Cothpany tong idaudjog, and . thrilughom the United Smuts trot-he sedWetir.llll4:. prompt payment of loases-4taring. =wrest ettaset.„:, .• tied, to the oinisfsetion of all- esseenti*euet.,49oo,;.; Lows, amounting in the aggfOr. blase SWUM os,botisits ‘ ceipbt the re forWrlneh'iter thksql l 4 / 8101 3, • Uri Compd./al 'Ho and CittetrEdili, loon,/ -141; The Pittsburgh agency of thirdielee - lracarigtnalty held py Moses Atwood; •Eke, 'OW-WV leasegountly- • • sited out of the State,.by - numoldnit4l,-• • WO& of all Foreign Insurance Cotopiopes,lost gulp, ' soh to swigs: low by the fire or todcapritastv , The 13 now roe enter thleharget6l-,:. the midersitnedi who will motivo.spnllonzious:llo4 inqie Policies against LA/SS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE'" • Stores, Warehousek Dwellings, km, with the ego& us. Also, on' Goods, Words and , 'lideitliandlie - pa.at the perils ensues Juin knustolia Rent (*toss( premium. , • Ifea bL DROWN BROTHER'N,"mirt , street • FArErrE BROWN; Are g gh. ent ?to y co rned ., on I , actran . oe Co- for•Ricsbargb scpb erne' 5caup.=.3*.,: . ,,. Natal to the holders of Pittsburg* CO-11.141, e tat t N conformity with the 2d, Barletta* DIVI tithe lath of April,lB4ll,4 ,, e , ing actunda ' negotiate FOE CITY SCRIP. Act 1301e4 MO, ort.. Wee of IndlaldealitteldWthe Cttrior proper!, tbld,. atremting to TWE . N TY-EIGHT THOUSADM J1 . 11;4 0 „.., LlARS"—poblie oottee is hereby )(teen, tm 1 40 SSA otoligatincia mill 00w be Asti qii e:1 of fo r the a Ws . . , , isleuesse the V . l of Pirtibitigh,i,r , tl!el dell_ !mu" . IruZ. T‘ft r aoAcel i r hereby glean , &se biii'ii,A,; Rarin g intexestleAteuiB.th4earorAlollLg!,,zpft . orl iT. t "r be issned to the holder h old en of City ti N -lii' • of Orie Hundred Dollartfthdutierarb'hiecaginir- . . ' toitosprositione of the Or tbe, 1 Olt alt iOIINSTONXI - "Tram ) ----- r ----,,-7., ,, , 6,- . ~ ,=' -,-, *•,.-- ~, 4.-F - - 4).11 Allkl:N=S- , 0 :N. ' ..1 : ' 41 p6--..- t';.; 9 . 6 1 v - 17' . ..', 1i • .., , ~ r 0 0 N.FII ID i ,„piLi. I o. 1 •11V , ~.w,....._; A N EMINENT and experienced A. East, of 20 years standing, offers se stow:incases, :of a Delicate Nature 'rite promptness and decreer His success In Buffalo and' other , loose hara. , been provorbiaL ills charges are modermus„apd eures_pormanent. Old cases of Glees, Strimaraißerio: Cola, Fldor A/bus, Rheumatism, Agsm, gppbillu etrusy. chronic or inveterate cases soheited. , """ A cure warranted, or charge ref ea . Orate., St. Clair street, 9 doors hoos the Bt iAga.l,, Teeth Extracted. Advice to the .poet Vol* d. 11.—Dr. A. walla the worit caecgrof thrta . tielie' to in Pittsburgh call. WILLIAM REISS, Manufacturer of Mineral Water.. Apparatus, afar( Or VIZ GOLD. 1101.1011 7091124.1", No. 213 North descend el, Inhe Vs VIA a PHILADELPHIA -4 N experience of More thantwelve yean flue mannfactartna of Mineral Water Agpirgaine, axe; the preparation of Mineral %Valeria Bottleiraid Routs tains, on an extensive scale, VIM a osivenfionindsonean acct knowledge of of both branches of business, toge ther with recent improvemes in the - CaangliCll nt onelf the Appatatus and the prearing of the prptamtt he has succeeded adopung since m his a t oP and after years of close study and peetetfcaTVl . l* to liens es applied th e ail, in Mechanics cud ay, cochlea the subscriber to come hombre th epublic with entire confidence, and o6erthenr , 4etteslarsd moat complete APPS I2III .4 i Oll2 . =MOW= ad Mar era' Water in Bottles and Fountains, that cants/3111n niched to the United Suttee. •' • *;1- • lie also darters himself that the enlarged sasses he tins met with, and the present extenalve and daily creasing nairelot anis business to boat the above+ do+ parlaterns, furnuthes the most convincing proof of his dolt to din superiority of Apparanis over those others, and of thetpurny end ealubriry of. dieliVetar prepared therein). Perseus who order"the Appliatitsfrom'hAlatirtell, may be assured that their instrlletiOns gull he. WWl* N eoroplied watt, and so packed as to early safely enliei by hand or water to any pert ofthe U. goat. To ovoid diaappoinunem, it is reemtthahredfdle..OPA* who intend supplyum themselves the aparoachirig sea son, to forward their orders at as early a &yeti COII. 'anion/. Mineral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pnait t = Fountain., Ornament,? Urns and Pedestals for. Counters and Bars ot Bosels, ion drawing Gydrant Witter, together wtth Corking and Tying- Machines, nod 'everything appertaining to the aboreekunint" constantly ou hand, and ion sale on the low4a temp for eo-.11, iipi%l din GROCERIES.—WO figs prime Green Km Corner 75 pckgs Y 11, Imperial laid O P Teas; . 50 bla 1235 e and 5a spun Tobacco. 300 'ht. N b and sugar rase biolasiest 51 1 ' 4;1 IlaglTM ‘ b r and . leaner; 2a bg. Pepper and Alsince, 40 boxes Pearl and Common Stared, 50 do moold and dip "0 Candles; 10 do Star do 150 do Not Soap, lONIC Sides and Shmtldfirs Bacon; 75 dozen Cora Brooms, m sugM and for sal, by _540 JOHN WAT T lc Co, Liberty st T lLE w su ro bLe . n . b , e7 , ll rem v ittog sad of! - F for wa . 700 Co ck, frilo v a tier!' " 1"/ ion pkgs s,lth 1 lamp, 18 mid 9a SprmTobasto; 60 tihds 0 Sugar, 200 bbl, 0 111olume 40 1004 assorted Nos Lae Sag 15 do Tamara, ;al, 18 do Lamp Od, 10.1 gross Blacking, Mrctrese , No 1, 2 and 3, In hhls and hrtshrig 300 ta• Lieber mole Herring; 30 boa velum PVC., 25 bgs Pepper, 10 do Alspice, 2 matt CRUM; 5000 lbs Cotton Tarn, nod Nor 100 bolas Batting; so ban Pella Soap; 50 do Totiet Variegakesl;3o, 25 do Starch, Su do Largo sirmins; 10 boles Almonds; Palnallotr, Li" • 40 do E. Walnuts, 21r do nbetts, YOU Ms ground Nuts, 15 boo Spiced Ciocrlifis; ear. Liquonee, , 15 OW Priumue and Revels Misr; • 40 gross Cut and Dry loomen, 40 dot Red ;Mrds, IS ho. Kock Candy; 15 boo Sperm Candles, MI do Star ao, 1 cob ChM., Madder; ceroom lodises. 2 cases Cloves; 1 do Norrnego, 10 tiois Whiling; 5 do Chafir, 50 dog Buckets, 41.2551 tis saiermme 20 bm fine out Chesnigg Tobacco, Common and holt hu.s.mh Ctgars LNG LISH SPNNKI V, 37 Wood s;• sp2a opposite St Charles Hotel TUBS ANO CHURNS. Pine and Cedar Ware Alitantlietary, No. 87, Cll/1113 films... Alto Firm Sm, Prrnmorma. 711110: subscriber keeps common , / on hand, whole _ '. sale and retail, very los rot eash— Wash 'robs, Harrel Churns, Both Tubs, Stair Chums, Homo Buckets, Mall Boobs's, &or All other ands Ware in ass line load; to order. lo2Sully SIAMUKLI(IIOI7.3M 'Diaphragm F il ter, for tlydrisiteWkiers 41eamtutu is to certify that l have ali- - pointed Livingston, Roggen h Co. 6 . Sole 4,rn. for the Sale of Jennhig's ai.nt Diapraimm Filter, for the ell nes of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHRGIESOIT,' Agent, for Walter 111Giblon,hiS Broadway,N. V. W Oet. 10, LI the e have been au no one of the above articles at the office of the Novelty Works for three Mouths on trial, and feel perfectly ermafied that his a surefal - upreadon, at a rtic le ake pleasure IL MCOM4IIcIIII.IIIg tharl (ale to nit who love mire antler. Orderwill be thankfully received amt promptly executed: : A octl9 LI VI NUSTON, ROGGF.N & Co OKiTAZT — MiIerTg liN §ADDLP., HARNESS, TRUNK AND WiUP , MA.N, IiPACTVIII.—fho subseriberbakee Una method o informing his fnenis and the public In general that be has the largest smell of the totloariag aimed! ant . cies of his own manufxture in this cuy—SaddlesHar eras. Trunks and Whoa, all of welch be unllaratrant to be made of the bast material and by. thelsest meet,- ' aloes. in Allegbeoy county. Being determined to sell ins tasenfactures something lower than has been here tonne eold by azy cantor establishment ta, the city, he would invite persons 1..^ need of the abbte named or o o k s to his warehouse, No. all Liberty strait bppo. site Seventh. Also, bonds made to cottony., machine. 'I. oetnni-ly . 1,1 , ,ECHROY. PITTSBURGH, /PHilllshisif. ZNISTATII.II%. YilliE :cooed Session of nos 'Mahon e% .0 0 ,h e j. care of Mr. nod Mrs. Oosuoaa, for, the pr e se n t academic year, will commence on the firm of' Febma ry next, in the same buildings, No. Si Liberoathel ArtAngemems have been made by winch , they alit be able to furnish young lathe, fisoilima mead at any in Ma West, for obtaming a thorough English, ,Clasass all, and Ornamental CdUtratloll. A full Motile or-'hl. lisophical and Chemical Lectures will beclallYered during the winter, illustrated by armaments' The no. pertinent. of Vocal and lastrumanml hissischleidem thanguages, Drawing and ?among. ,will mph Impeder care of a competent Professor. #y airman/Motion to the aural and Intellectaal bapmVnient or tbdir pu pils, the Principals hope to went a eoutinditienisf the liberal patronage they bare Mamma eagle& For terms, see ear:miler or apply to the Principals . ' stemiltf IRON FOUNI. 111 V FUR SALF.I*-A sinir o ss.P isti. dry ut a dounalaing WWII, with Patiehm,,Tools, he, Cll ready Inc business. will be sohl - tin .aceOmmo dating wits, or exelinge - for - IMI oi'grleah . 'llsis otters all excellent imp:snottily ter with asytme g 02 ,,.. wi small capita/ to marameuemthe iron Tountiry mess. be 'inquire el ~. , • SCAIPB & ATKINSON. Int near Wood street doe& Denies, Cooking recoyes, 'Ate. Mtii...snlLA Lherry and Wood .Or , Room) ,f4cts.reLt.,, and offer for sale Plauona, Floor and Cannes ...leak, of the omit truproved quality; Conking Stoves, tot wo. and coal; Egg &ova of mamma saes, • i l atlOr and cdrucuou Want, Ac. ,Tpy also manufacture the Kitchen Range, whleh has goes general satisfaction to those nosing trio asp, lip all of winch they would respecuully nista the _arießtion of the minium; and the public ge.hor. -' pt "DATENT - SOCAR LARD CZtair t s-...mitsig on STW e ILVIOnI2II.It of Cornett. G Cosa celebrate:Llama facture, and superior to all others In adienod to churches. steamboats, factories, Pus:RA, public and prIVAVI halls, and to all other uses wizens a cheup, aafo • sod trilliant tight is cleanable. Also,Girundoles, Roll Lanterna,Candelabras,6lohei Shades, Wicks, Cbmunies, Cart. Trio:awns, ita Also, Gns Chandeliers, from one tolour deed salt"' ilmrdwairea.CheatAior °GAN, WILSON & CO, Importers Gad Wholesale ki Dealer. in Hardware., ihalerry and Saddlery, No Via Wood street, above rirth, hare now in state ■ veep cheap and well .elected slack of • liandaram, bbported memo theoloblias e( prices ia EaroPon sad whAn they are determined to sell aorrerrpoedurgly Low, Alerbb,.y who have been in the habit rit 50IN Emit, ire tarticu• laity ;Nuanced to call and 1001C11.1900,0111 {lock, are conhilently I , elr , ve they will save tacit eapenia i , cent (2 FADES, G . IIOVECr 4 , I . -40 .doi e dpiutea and Giro 1.3 eels; 40M.o.".ltdUi Ad° Skaiti ,SkosSetr, do Socket deli Ass., Picks Sellouts, Vice. ae., for nlo at maronitettuatit price lry..vul GEO COGELEaftraatioadals.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers