IRANSPORTATION''OES. — FrivsitMMik aliggal 1849. Phi Established Line. orrrawuz. ExTENstos CALNAL. THE Proprietor of tilla two known Lnso_ of. Cm.' EextraiNsar vepared to trenvvein .I . ossengers and Fie* t walk porots an tlna krae Extension, new York Canals sad tko lakes, upon the most fo o orsbis taints and *A despatch . This Line no. to canon, non with the Steam boots. BEAVER sad CALEB COPE, between .Pnisbersh and Bessar,Caditaod's Line of steam boot; and rev sitiOn eMisaAtilo and Ike Thy sod Michigan Lake Ban Line an the,Now York <anal _ _ C. hCRE.E.D' , Proprietor, Erie, pa. BUNTS &...Brother, Agents, Beayes. W T. Matter , A_ gent at JblealtiMen's.Pauenges Ofileehrimonplela House, Pittsburgh. CONSIG—W C Malan, Shwron; I E &B Hell, Sharpsbdrg; 'Smith A Downing,' do; I H Plan:lnner, West Greenville; Wick, Ache: & - Co, do; Wm Henry, Harirtowl4 Davis & Saturn, Maio . Barney Gibbs & Ctri Sandusky; des A'Aesestrong, Lsetroll; K irkland a. Newberry, Sheboygan; ItPClure It Witdatits, Antiven in* Knap, Moray & Dutton, Racine; John 11 Kinzie, Chicagoi A Wheeler & Co, New York. apt ~......... Pfaidstratrits anti Blitniallle Packet Liao iliaftil 1849. fhtiiL t rikkigiLT rft°`',7l.llll..'"E:Sdo.","L4 H. splendid Packet Boats to run during the reason, ne• mean 1 3 / a irmillie and Pittaborgh—thc boots to be tow ed by three boron, and every effort made to accom. modem passervere. Dersmnrasaz;Boats will 1 eve Pinslitir every Mondayirluesday, Thursday nd Friday, at {o'clock, f P. 11. From Blairsville every Monday , titedneeday, Thursday and timelier, a 1? a clock - , a. se., end &verve az Pittsbargb the same day. A Iwo horse Hoek from Indians will meenhe boat 51 Sall/burgh. 14Th on up , ward and downward trip—putoog Pil"`"1"'" through' from that piece in one day. Freight for the above Line will be a.ceitca at the bectse'`of the Boatmen's Line, by Init. Farrell & Co., who are our authorised Argots. All freight received few of ealimbnlk,.. ,I to MARSHALL & Cn. JNO FAMISH &Co, Agents, Called Resin, Liberty et, Pittsburgh A Hart leave. Blairantle for Youngstown on the arrival oldie keLl—teltten l to boat in morning, p u n, front Pittstn . = Youngstown 02—received atoilice uti of Beaes', 0 0: 46 w PIT Tliffetatartitt i tTalili:EtibilitilNid Maga 1849 Fo,ilta Traarportatum of I , rnghtla . ccrul ro ma PIITSBIYHOH;yILILA . HEI.PIBA, nALTatunc, N. 'YORX, vsroN, • _ Turmas llonemon, Philadelphia. Taman & O'Cossms..Pittsburgh., THIS old established Line being now la fall opera. tion,the proprietors are prertared.irith their towel erosive arrangements to forward merthatulise, pro duce, &e to and from the above ports, on liberal terror, with thesegniarilY, despatch and safety peculiar to their mode of trt . u n Fation so obvious, when Iran shipm o erdn the avoided. WAD consignments y and for this line reserved. char geepabl, and &emoted in any required direetiormiree of charge fec commission advnuetng or nonage. Na interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats. All commtunordiattsprompily attended to on applica tion to the roll. THOS.a tat rrAtarket st, Philadelphia TAAFFE,Ie a • a NNOII, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR &Co, North V, Baltimore. utch24 -gib-IV Iff SG NS , LINE 1849. For the TratuMottation of Merman orse bet;re;t: ITITSITURGII, PHILADELPHIA, & .BALTIAHDH„ Goods slipped by this Line, are carried in.four , Seaton Portable Boats. v LilEitibitcribers having made arrange mellte in CO.O Or a want Or stale Tracks or Colombia; In have goods forwarded over the Railroads in ears, nO sow area the detention that km heretofore. °pearl, d for the went of Trucks. Shippers will find this to their advanuapa No charges. Made for receiving or sbip• ping, or for advancing charges. All goods forward”d vita despatch and on so reasonable WT. or oth er Line. /011 N PARRJEN er. Co. corner of Canal and Liberty at, Pittsburgh. P. K. FRF,TE & Ca, =Obtain • ' Ni hlarket at, Philddelphia. MOO 1849. wi Ita!ta/1.,.14 CCU:Tutted on sirict kebberh-keeping Prin7loc*. 18:2trictom of Atm old mtattluned Lane het pat stock ut the tuo:t complete order, and a •prepared to forward Produce and hierchen due to and from the Eastern clues. •We trust thin our long experience in the carrying bna/nesa, mut zealous attention to the tate,. p, oleo.. .. __ ... 1412121 i, will seCtito to cm a cltrotinutoloo onti .LoCrols. orate patronage ItOberio mended to 13inebom's tan Out airangemantr wtll ettablo its to elrry . Preigi with dui utmost dovetail, and our miens stool ulwa) be as low no the lowest charged by Lao, terpoanLl Linea. Wa have opened an office in No Mu dim an,t, hatareentth and sth are, Phdada, for 'lir cAtvenicome at f=o r. .antl Merchandise void be tr,•11,1 and or Eaat and West, without any chi, ran for for: warding, advancing freight. 1.14,11 gr Bahl of Lading lorwu rile& ercr) darftqa promptly attended us. Address, or apply to 1:M I:INGHAM, Canal Bann, cot Liberty di h. B/Pil. HAM S DOCK, No 183 and VO hlarkm etrect, JAMES WILSON, Agent, No North Howard street, Ballimoro . ........ . WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, meh.2l Nn IU West erred, New York eanay m ania Canal dr, 17.. - -. pre■s:Faat Packet Lin% EtiegffalB49.M.ft FRont PRTS.I.IUGn TO PEUDADELPRIA G BAL. TLII.OftE, (Exclusively for Passengers.) wilt co m mence mine runningYouire i rmed t: art s d et! Wow throughout the seaso. The boats We new, and of • superior ChM, with et.. !urged cabins, which 'will give greater comfort. Th. Can Wfl the haat construction A boatarill always be in port, and tweelera are t Quested to call and examine them new, eng, t g,,, pa ameLtearhere. thgronly owe dollar, through.) Hue of tae boats( ine will leave the landing loppovite U. e. How' comer of Peon tweet and Canal, every went at one o otoek l'une of days. For infonnauon: apply at th °flog Monongahela noose, or to D LEECH & Co =lll7 Canal Basin KLIIII4I PORTABLE BOAT Liam, - MEM ..-Forti.erTanspop..z. of height to TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE ti NEW YORI: BOSINESS so The Canal being now resumed, the Prod Mom of the abovaane respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to receive and for ward Freight with deapaish, and at lowest rates. They would also callshe attention of shippers East ward tri the fact that the Beats employed by them in krkluPct,llation, are-owned by them and commanded by '- §ttlitiefallllYt ki cat ' i ' zi Bulk find It nave to ship by this Line, as the subscribers nave mdde ar rangements at Columbia to have such (neigh. for Bal. thrums ,harded directly from bouts to ears, thereby se• sing esarehoase handling. Freight to Philadelphia goes clear through in ilo boats. No chum, =An for reeelvmg h ipp:ns or advaoc ow thug.. KIER & ES Proprirtor, Canal .trees, . AGENTS—John A Shnw Cincinnati, ; ; M ins Steel A. Co., Pnilad , pT i ii:::=el C A ß 't' i tral:Z i Columbia. racial PESIIIIYLVANIA LLUMAL.*. IL. H.OADS 1849. liZaM=M Attabiergito Philwklphio artalßoitioaors. for Passengers.) " — ....""'%lVoonrty,thiti?":laL'rCh. The boats oriels bloc are of a superior Mess, with enlarged. cabins, welch will give greater comfort to Pau A beet wilt always be to part, and iinvelem are re quested to cell and eiamine them before engagin,e mis sile by o th er MM. They will leave the landing, op , pasde the U. S. Hotel, comer Penn street and banat, every 001 et 0 o'clock. PALRE—NINE DOLLARS THROUGH. • Tiess--3S Days. For laloratation, apply at the office, klano - nhala or to D. LEECHCo, Canal Pane,. N. A The proprietors of the above Line are now on "1 =1 Vone "a r i t, in Li e n o e n n or ee P tU! e w ' ll. ° ,7l:l , l, " „; ° .,7 verde Rail Road from Lewistown to Philadelphia. At T apackat will leave every morning and even. hair. Tinis through, 21 day. manic muctiasiftria PCIPETABLE BOAT LINE, 1849, For the trausportarion of stereitanome, BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. G ° ° , e DS cn" en gbt c 4ll thi an a d i gisl e lpTi= h t4 iP re d . tied in War section Portable Poole over land and sioa ter.--to ehippers of merchandise requiring careful handling, due Is of importance. No charge made for reeeiviag or chip ping, Or foe advancing charges. All goods forward with dispathit, and on as reasonable tazass aeby any other Line. JOIIN M'FADEN g. CO, Canal Basin, Penn st, Pittsburgh M DAVIS ilkisft, TN Market & M CommMC at, Nina_ loam MeFADEN & Co, Forwarding md Commi alaL Northanta, Canal Baain, Nana at, Pittsburgh. • JAMES M DAVIS & Co, Flour Faecal. and Commis dos Merthaute, SC Market and 51 Commerce meet Philadelphha matt Ur dimmer made by either of the above on floor What and other mere handle consigned to theta to rags. • nsarl3 illaMa 1849 katehAaata , TranapOrtatlon Lino. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL A HAIL HOAIV, iD MISMADMIIIM AND IllaM7Mana eCanals and Rail Rend, being mow open, mod good order, re arc prepared to forwani all Ittlida of marehanattse aad produce to Piffle '2.10. tual Baltbeems, with preempt.. and daApalca. and on as gaol mama as any attar Lion. C A AIeANULTY A Co., Canal Sulu, Penn at, Pluaborgh. AaturnF—CHARLE RAYNOR, Plutadelphia. • oix27 ROSEMORRILL Co, Dahlman, agligalA 1849, INDMM 11.3BEICHLAWIW WAY ..ELEIGHT For 1311froville, JobncooN flollidoriburgh, giud all inturmedlism places. Line will continue toarry all Way Goods with their usual despatch curd at ftur nuts of Aozwro—C. A. M'ANVLTY & Co, Pittsburgh. • D B Wakefield, Johnstown. John Miler. Hollldaysburgh. • aintanaMsa—lanim JOlllOll, Sibith & Sinclair. Dr Shoonbenori A Moore, John Parker, 9 9 Yon Bonn & Co, Wm UCo, lmer &Co Jno ArDelitt & 'Bros, poinghuysig John Ivory, Sumlt,Mulhallan A. Ray, Juo Graft Co, Blairsville. mchri mataklB49 • --............ .P•—.gaztamt. ~...... B as • IC:prem. Packet Line. .E. G. PARKS, Beaver, Proprietor. MHE new And elegant Pansengrr Pacirren, j ' NIAGARA, CIII3( H II Jedriem• ' PENNSYLVANIA, " .1 II flodlnan. LAKE ERIE, . Id Truny• ' • . QUEEN ET'Y,• '," J Melt:illy: Portnlng It dally Ideue between Beaver and Feil!, have cokustateed fituabig, need noilttoulinno doting the .nn ion to map their vernier trips, leaving Heaver Mier the arrival - o*a morning - boat from Pntaburghi. 0 0 , - eock,,t.ta I and arrive at Vie fnlicne for puede-gem et filkekketherning boats to &Manor up the Liebe TiCk[l.ll through to Eie and nil Lake pork, can be had by b y to JOHN A HAUGHEY. Agt, comma Water and Smithfield me .1 or GEORGE KECK, amisr Ike Ea Clarks Howl .u, .. ~ ,a~`. ,:~ar~: ~.- . J T 7. ~."s. ' c..d+ ~ f_t_ltEiT CITRE . 7OF LIVER COMPLAINT' - by be: la original, only,true, and gerndoe User MIL Snort Cam, Ohio countls V. I MarrJa Plth, MP. MLR E. Sellers: Dear Str—l %Utak it a droy I owe ,to ydo and to the public. gt nen .y, Main %hall bean beettallbeted with the hirer baler for a. long hada, add so badly that an abets, armed and broke, strilett left OM "I • very low awe. *laving heard of 'youS celebrated hirer Vida being for sale by i Shall, in Wut Liberty, and , .4.1 to tee by. 4 Wl' P.V.telad, Dr.E. Smith, secant oed to give them. a far trial. I porehued one bats, and . 'he. be at what they are reeommeoded, . T kik: BMW 1.1. V pzu. Evan USED and Etc, tetras foot boxes I fug the inmate his entirely ten me, and I nen now perfectly well. : : --R `"" dulip " Tiil COLEMAN. Wr.t Liberty, March 26,12.12 f terify, ihyi nu. personally acquainted with Mr Coleman, god ean.hear testinsolo . to the truth of the at certideate. , i . .A R SHARP T h . ~„,,,, Liver Villa tee piepared and sold by R E SELLERS, No 27 Wood street, and by druggists o eines; . inTtltE VUBLIC.—The ort2tital, only true Ind get,. Ems Pills are prepared Gylt ESellens, and have hls risme atampaP,do black sa upon the ltd of each isrs, and his stunitu. fru (h ooutaide wrapper—ail others are couuleraits,ay base lialUitions. .0210 ; : IR E bigl.i.EßS,Prourietor gig; di le AEI+ VAII,IIISI,IIi.Trifir.BALSAJI, - 18p,11 the lice ASA :DUNN, a well known and pop e .01. Cierairmah of tit Vnatestant Methodist Church The ouderwlfnedlinuwi been addicted du rinikthepua winter trial a disease ofthe sunoach, sometimes pro ducing grealpain 10 the stomach for teller twelve ham , without irltcrinintsion, and .aftrr beams tried •orrous , residdirs'irlth littleeffect,Was furnished With 0. bottle of Dr Wayne. cimininative 13.1... Thsabe Used irei cording to the directions, and (maul invariably that dila madrime caused the pain to abate in truer or four tom teen and in fifteen or mons , Mt atesevery unman) sensation was eatirelyquieted. T ine nietficine WWI of terwirdoused whenever ihilications of the approach on palowere perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed.,'.tte continued to use the ,medicine every evening and :aumetibacs in the rooming, and in a few week. hest% piss so far mittored, that the sittferer sea% relter ed from a large amount of oppresilve pain. From to perithee, therefore, he eon confidently rreornmeod I' D Ines Cormirtative Smon tie al tie a salutary Medici, for j d l iSeases of thistamacii and bowels. A SIIINND Allegheny en y. mil .Etir sale in Patafiargh St the PICKIN TEA STD It 72 Fourth Street, 'fear Mfousl,...unti 41.• at ate:Drug SIOIP of II V StlillVa. ITAC Federal sire., .% I tre , ,, ~ - --,---- r, • auestjEuggltate-iilesssaly. RA Coders, Cdlds, Asthma and Consumption! Thu A) tiftA ANDA.IN,LY REXLEDV it, the cure of the nbovn disensei, lethe LIUNGARIAN BALSAM OD LIFE,' discovered lirLite cekelnated Dr. Linehan, of Lon/lop, England, and introduced into the United Imo ender thoumnedipte. superintendence of the inventor,/ The eaknorditutrg cavern of - this medicine, in tis. curio( Prilmondrl diseases, warrants the American Age' its soliciting or vestment the worst pomible ca ses at can be fadmlw the tommunity--cases that sn•rk relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the daykd have titan given up try the most distinguished phy to curable. and ctirable. The Dungan. an am has cured, and will core, the most despemis of s. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard Hag fish Medicine, of known and established efficacy. Every family in the United States should be 'earthed with Duchines Ifuggarian Balsran of Life, not only to Counteract the consamptive tandencses of Ilto climate, but Co beilkaesSproventive medicine tu all rule, IA coldSP coughs, spitting a bland,l pain to the side at ,, ebroit iMtaltion lad renew 0 tie Ittligs; broth, .. difficulty of blaming, hectic fever, nighikweats, cma, ation and generaldebiliry, asthma, inilutak, osough andcroup. 8,3 m. io large Isetaes, sit Itt per bottle, With MU three. (icing for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of F.ngltsh sad Ameri can nerd:hates, add other evidence, s owing the un equalled merits of; this grant English Remedy, may obtained of the Agents, grutuitonsly. For sale trk 'D. A FAIINFS - rOCK it Co, caner of al 44 'Wood toad Wood and rah VLF mar, V 51.1.1 ABLE DX.sCd CONSUMPTIVES, BB ON YO DH sWAYNE , s COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY Tait GILT ICYTITT POT ' Co...pijan, CoUgh., Colds, Asthma, Etr . crtous, Lir 11 c- TP"'". ' 4 "'-'7ig B V l 3 , riAt.t' Val o f tto Ur' n ' of '''. ti ' Ne i 'lean, ' ' " new ' ' sa " Croup, itrolte ' n Coo .ll,ation, ' re Tbsnist, Nervosa bebill ; ty 6 4 „.. Diseirses of . the Trxi, fee al end ' V ewe . , sVer leruramfor my of , - 'the ibove demo, Vls, i• . l. D. SW AYNE'N Thos. BOACHAII JACOB Ducc. Clompellandbyreipor Wild Cherry! ' Tat. medleitic isho longer among those of doubtful atJay. It hue pained away from the thomounda dully 'solicited upon the Mich( experiment, and now etand, higher m reputation, and a ',scouting moo . extensive. ly sad thanany other preparation el medicine ever prodlnied for the relief of 'mitering, mod It has been introduced yen• generally through the I/sited States and Flntlopc, and there are few loVrns lEnplittitnce not c :lnt obtain woe remaskable evi• death of its g cfrocte. For prom of the foregoing sistel(teine, and of the vale and efficacy of the eineothe propriettlO tart a few of the man.) thod• land.kannlOnntni.tAlinhol.ane Leto presented no Imo by anon of the firer reiVert ' thy - on, have loglncr wiemehof moral responai :nay and Annie, than, to cer• lily hi facts, beeagne it will do Rands,. • favor, and therenselveS nn inidatice. Such te.unnosny press, con elp,,Kyry, Nu as •dtprininr, rye...nen,. rnun!n , i.ed by its intrinsic merits, and lane tingatnnzananin flank., publit opinion. 'lll , inwinneeneoo. relief it of. ih r d,wy n d the moffijog intflimace µiroUgh Ire 4,• - notg franih by lu l us, mindere it a mow agree/One nonit4 north , afllleied._ "When teen, oaring from cowls:mous rmpalses, volusikanly bear tmitimony to the-truth df • taing, or parutidar fact, %outmost:molly, being contrary to their workl4insoreste and purposes, coerces rouviclron of dam; and commends Itself In a sperm] manner to tunvotrial credence.?--0•Hog - am's Moral Maxims : READ TUI HOME CERTIEtCATE S . • AMITOXIt CanaoF PCL2IOI.I' Conn'ltYll, , , Ilaeref haver was • remedy that kils been in desperate euea'srf•Consalliphon, wi Dr, Sway - nem rhmpound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the quoin, and appears to heal the ulcers on the lungs, etesll4 neer and rich blood; power posaessed by no ather 4 esedicine. - tf eater. Co., April aerth, t 945. Dr.Swayne—Dear Sir. I nerdy believe your COM poury/Syrnip of Wild Cherry hart been the means or shrill my Ufe. I caught a revere cold, which gradu ally w won, attended with a severe . rough, that resist e id all the remedies *bleb I had resourse to , null myhase exhibited all the syniplonis of NUlVittaaly eouantujinion, livery thing I•itied .eettl,J lialo na !Pat., and my completed inerea..ll,l so rapid y 111 „ ? . frielitis as myrelf, gave up an hopes of .overi.. At this time !was revOn2tOctitled to try your hvaltueole medicine , I did no with the most hap py results. The firsslionle had the effect to loosen the rough, causing me to expectorate freely, and by the iota I had used nix bother, I wan enurely well, and ant now ea beastly a than as I ever was rn mp life, and would he, happy to give any information respecting my ease, that other stifle - rent toe) , dente the benefit for which I MI ao gratcfaL 'For the troth of the above Xuaterneo l li t r „ :.fer Toe to Pater Rath, Griner, Waw Cheater, of whom I parrhueil the medicine. Res try youits, Jamas Aloyeast. Wonder/id Ours of p hlethitdW lifintgw. Dr. Swayne--Dcht Sim I feel a debt of gratitsds due yon—end a don to ll...dieted generally, to offer my bumble testimony in (Ivor of your Compound fity• rap of Wil he s Some three years more I was sioleniffly • With cold and inflammation of the w was ;ar-companned with disuessing too ;pain the fittest and head, • very considera• bin kharge of offecsive mucus from the loop, esp,- eially dime change at weather, however slight_ At Emit 1 felt so alarm normt my candid., but we• pretty soon ....need that I was rapidly going into coition.- non. I grew daily weaker, and at length was scarce :/ able to walk about, or %peak above a whisper, sue in was the. exceeding . weakness of my lungs Dunng d o s time lb. tried various preparauons ssid presenpliOno, but fourid no reliet—iggrowieig all the tune worse. Just here I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in Villmgtnit malted - int of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I moot centre. that previously I bad been straiest matentsmedlemes, and I am cull agannst eMartg Out of heeds of emperics, but under your clairai to the profeaudoe end practice or etediclite, urea tummy implint o f in We .ying art triends, I foram - Mt purchased of Dr. Show, one of your agents, feWbottles,land commenced its cue. My dis ease was at that tiobtiof 20 or ID months' standing, con sequently it was disapty seated. I found, however, b ug l es. Bet relief thou MD Use afire first four or five bottles. Bet being,ts public speaker, r frequently at tempted io preach with my locriutnYng strength, and therebt ruputred those vessels that had already begun to heel in this wayi doubtless, my eon wv fetarded. la consequence of luting thus inmr=y ) , I had to use twelve oi fifteen bottles before I was per fectly festered. I kale no question, a mach smaller number of bottles woilld have made me sound, but ns the atmee indtscretted. The Byrne allayed thei nth habit, took awat the distressong cough, put a steep nth the discharge at rustler (rum the lungs, and gave diem Ishii the entire system good health. I have defer red Ceit,Htig this certificate until now, for the p&p°. sr being . perfectly soughed with the permanency of the rare, a nd nowteat I frel perfectly well I otrer it with denote.• . May. I. P. Jounas Dubliti county, Nyc,.. Important .ortarterm—Row/P Read.' Thl , i .. * b.f..VlM:line preparation of Wild Cherry, and the Dr. SWAT:I2'6, the fast ever odered to the which has been sold largely throughout the Untied States and time pens of Eompe; and all pre plan:wits called by th e mime of Wild Cherry have been Alit outslice this, under Cover of so lile deceptive eireureitences, in order to give cogency to their sales. Ey a Mile ohnervathlS, no person needaf . taki' the gel:midair= Na false. Eoeh bottle of mon it ruiveloried with a beautiful steel etigraVin with the Rheims; of William Penn thereon; Mao, Dr/Siveyuell signatalw. add as tallier security, th: portrait of Dr. Sidayite illLe added horeelter,so as to distinguiell hie preparation Roca eliminate. Now, it it Wu not for the grett curative properties and known viymee of Dr. Seraynol• Comptrund.Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons Would not ha oudoillabong to give currency to their "betitleits nostrums by stealing the name of Wild Lyerryi Rcomlber,LlWllyi bearin mind the mune 01 Dr. Obroyne, end Le out deceived. Principal °Mee, corner of Eighth and Race steeets, Philadelphia, • , Mlle wholesale lied road by CODEN ft SNOW DEN, cbr RI and WOod Ws; A PAIIIITOCK Co, car :Ist odd Wwod, and Gth and Wood as, Wht riloßbr,ta Market ell E JONES, AM Libetty,et; JAN 4 JONES, ear Hand and Penn tie, JOHN MITCH ELL, Allegheity clip, nerd by all respectable dealers to medicine. • o r octl3 A ISTRONti EVIDENCE 'Melo Dr J NE'S EX PECTOMANTT fa superior to all ether 0010.0121 for leughbtausuraptiou,Broachitis,Asthmarod ether Sallow wry thy mina persons who eueommeed ese of din their frailties tee }earl ago. Will prefer it to MI Awl retheillee of the Wed: and whew any haw becalm:lewd to try other preperatutute they here almost inntrieldy been Am Mod ro• remit* the benefit which was resistanddy maopceafroeitb. high mixes bestowed by ttutimprietors, aid hare returned lo tie use et .1 enim'Eartcrour o • a ressedP that has emir felled to reline there; sod which probably liner bad its weal W arreatiog pulmonary diseases. Palpated DO by Dr D. Jayne Phßildelphiamid soldoe etmwfb, ALEX. JAYNES deedltilswifl fourth et • Dr.*. P. Inland's Premium Plinster. l:4IL I.V. P. INLAND, of tholdecheal College, tif tdelphia.; now offers to ths poWio his Indian Vea 1e Premium Plaiter, the qualities ofwhich, after la~gg and trle4texperience,bas been satisfaelorily tahhohed. 'Ai ell mini.who may beenticted wild Pro apsiti Uteria or Pullen Womb, he recommends his sere and speedy core to the short space of :ft= Icio to thee weeks, if applied with care and rest—kii.aiddng all the confutes. tostrotodins' and Urpensischandayesao tong in eau. 11.. he feels conscientious tri stating, turiantoth as he hes not failed in nue ;Ise out of three hundred aid fitly-three pu. tient. 'Alen at' Ithentnatiam and Weak [lmam or Elnek. at tended *ith pa*, there to nothing to caret thi. Phu., affording. relict dr effecting • ewe. For aide by I. Wactii; curter M ket .t Braun* Raba," Lth,ty and SI. Clair ail, Dr J Sitrauni " Federal u and,Diansona, -gactily anti • Jacques &ON , " .Denman and Diamond Dinruna. , Ejtir.l+l4:R.9o Dregglst, No a Wood curet Ili edict' Agent fat ilia sale o(D,. Townsend'. Gen. nice Sar4apargia, 1110 Am received 24.1 dour of dog Orem ligylng and durnhkr Medicine. hirchhura *raid %recollect that RT Seller" Ir lode agent far' DM Curry , for Allegheny . city e. .af.s VIRE PROOF PAINT-20 bbl. Flie Proof Patio, of V: a drii,h totor, rrc'd land for rote at the paint ware lobo of 1406 7& H PHILLIPB,6 wool la 'Pf . LI-,7, 7 f,:: - : , :;5r: , ..;'4 , .. , ,._ - ,:.:..i.. Rt , 1 EMBER! riusieetee Cluth a and . roe. of of peeper.. h. telly I. Oath wbedipplied I. Ilme. ....a aped it of Its beauty. They cue the pens of the id. sod check the diet... which. wken emsro le en thwart. ad by disuse or powder, or the AU infiamed by the abates need b Pepe bentltie Its own prodtion la the human retitle.," as weli az in the gar uc den of nth and delicately tinted sad reiterated lbw. • Si,., lobe and healthy ...ion of the MAU, co the urt. [lithe pure rich blood to the extremitima o that tahlth pal. the couutenence In the amn ea. /. wile beauty. Ills that white imps. the itteecribetle theirs and lathes of lointlbus that all ededn, but norm eau describe. This hasty b the adept. of es hoe--Malefmneler or deep If th.e. 1. not • frr and healthy circulate.; the. Is. besety.. If the lady b error, If the gutai and sea commodu, end tha blood Is thick Niel Oath pall, ohs isnot boas tful. If she ft. litewa etyob., the/ th ere to pure and elfin itioothh givicentell lb= to dm cheeks, amid a brilliancy to their ayse thigh, hatiallag. Tkie Is why tea 00110.111 i. 0141.11peetany the lc.. la ladles.. too much admired. Ladies In the mirth who take but little exercise, or are cotheed to el. room, or lure wailed their umpleten by the appli cation of =deur. 1.1 they with to re p. el.a.ty of snap, buoyent halite aparldlag_ eye, eed beautifial complasik. they eheeld P. Teee wits Paruparills. Thou.. who base hied it, an mate titaa ambled_ are delighted. Ladle. of mrcy moan, crowd oar of. dthy Notice to the Ladles. • . . • . . . Them teat imitate Ur. Teeneeed't Hereaperilla have Inviolably exiled doh oaf • great Rives fox Ft elts, &c, let, end have copied ear bale and circulen which relates te the complaleu of worsen ear I for eon , —other men who put tip medicine, have. Mace the reel mese. of Dr. Teentuand's flanaparflla le complaint. incident to fornabot encommentled theha,_•ll.llanyll pee Meetly they did tat. • roast of them Mutate; Plitt, An, are interior to fonsime, as they syyramete dime*, end undermine the constitutiow De Townsend's lt the only and best remedy for the numenane female mom plainte—le rarely, gem dill. of Wetting a pm-nuncio cum. It can be taken by the nor delicate females, lb any cis, or by the.. expeeting te bemuse mothem, with thefrelltarl advantapt, its h prepares the mimeo and prevent!. pain Or danger sod strengthens bath mother and child. Be cereal to yet the runtine. Thie certificate conclusively proves that this Barsa patina be. perfect control over the mon obstinate di. cues of the Blood. Thmo penmen cured in oae hones is unprecedented. Townitrien--Dear girt . have the pheasare Inform you that throe ef my .kildrea have beau eared of rho fierofnla by the mu of year excellent machete. They were alined eery severely with bed Some ; hare taken only four bottle. ; It malt them away, for width feel myself ceder great obligation. Tense respectfully, ISAAC W. ORALS, 10111 Wean.. Opinion@ efPhyslshose. Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving order. from Phy.letara to different parts of the Union. Tito ts to certify that we, the enders:lined, Phytrieiato of the env of Albany, beta le mum preeerito. od Dr. Towerend's Sarsaparilla, end behave It to ho one of the most valuable preparation. le the market. H. P. PULING JIL D. J. WILSON. M. D. U. B. DRAGOEI, It D. P. E ELMENDOELP, M. 81bany, Apr 1141,1841. Owing the great success and Isnotemse sale of Dr. 8 . 4 .P... 11 ., • number of men who Isere limneor here commented malting Bersepa. Milano, Ilium* Ectruteo(Yellow Desk Le. They generally pat It ap to the same shaped boo der, and vane of them h... stale end copied oar .desr I...anenta--they are only yorthless Imitatloo., and .bould b. arnidert. Principal Oaten, 12G FULTON Elvoe, Han Bai[ding, N Y.; Heading ek. Co, B Watt atrnet. Boston: Orate Suns, I.V North Second welt, Philadelphia; H. Hanna. Drugnist. Baltinnare; P. M. Cuban, Chyle...a: Wright 6: Co, 151 Chartres, Street, N. 0.1105 Routh Pe.ri Street, Albany; and by all the prinelpal Deng and Jlarrhants generally tbrongbont the 1.116144 4eurea West la.lsea Nod tine Canada. N. B.—Persons inquiring for this medicine, should not be induced to take any other. Druggists put up Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling their own. Do not be leeward by any—inquire for Di'. Tow.- rend'., and take no other. Clf Remember the gem, tor - Townsend's Sarsaparilla." sold by the sole agents. IL F. (kneel Wholesale Zg Retail Age/114' No. 57 Wood street, and D. N CURRY, Allegheny city. jeigt (a I. Elfil Ai Quick pulse, hacking cough, general %Tait..., retitle., siwep i variable appetite, I rtrgul nr bowel, palm tretweesi the shoulder blade< behind. , . Inorstssaba hernst-roxS or flonnuserrion.--Coughing night and day, aalthy muscles, general debtlity, great Om - memof' breath on ening hp stairs, aneending tolL or walking but a nttle (gaol, 1.0100 always above Poe hundred, fur weeks together; &cte long old liwea6 toward. morning :.Catarrhal Consumption collies Oa like n common Catarrh or cold, but nbout the pertod when Mat de. ease .111111 r I. , illet,tl to nultritte, some of the symp ' toms are aggravated. The eough la more mould some, enpomally when lying down. Tnere is no hoed polo in the chest, but breattonk which CO worst on lying down The appearenne of the expel toranort, which . Ir changed front n tlock an yellow loam.. et a thier sabo r aaaa. it is Very un pleasant to the patient, aud emits an unpletanut smell when burned It In of WI uniform appearance. nrali. pmbably a nurture of pun mid mucus, as On tal/Olat .Nat Water part sinks and part mirth!. Thu ditteune may wear in cony habit or al any age, nod is eharae. tensed 10 the peculiarity of dm cough, The 112.1.a0l of Liverwort effects the cure of Min on- ;adman. gitaea,e hp ripretOralltot and ike•), the affected lung. It rieVer %Vhc,..vcr tho.meth • eine ha, bean n.tettl, we he: of 'were.. For t?o, 00,, yava Ina• Leyte before the publi c , end ha. been thoorghly tested for all erapplaOitS of the LH ngs, uml ha. prOlfra used superior in mad, m soy 0n..,,, in tow We might give hundred. of tratialOplall from pity., clans, the press clergy, and Muse who hove been so- red, hut ell wo desire no to call the attention of me nr• Meted, and for tbgir own good they will try IL Look out or ol , aerve the rug nature, "(leo. Taylor, hi on the engraved label, and prepared at tho Molest., Depot, 73 Beekman ' street, Near York. Pold In Pittsburgh by J D Morgan t 3 Wood st; J Townsend, 45 Market el; H Stayser. nor Market told uts; YlAdderean S Co, 5 Ltberty st Ynee rrdured /11,50 pet bottl.. art NO MACKEHEL—HI to los, tot' Sur sa..le low in close eotougunbaub tab/ ' OALZELL DR. TOWNS Rrt iir• COZPOOND 1121111 Of SARSAPA ILLA. Woudar and B4t aty tAs Aga T. moat a...ordinary tha World I Ti. Zstract 4 Pet Haulm: it 4 sr' PiattsYtier, and warraitof ar paters Lir 41.19, ea, It w. withesl , “snasfi ri V: icArafttir te r as • ths P 1. ?ha peat balmy and••• 'atta;4.•io.4 9(44 Sarsaparilla aver an alter Maellela. ta . th ••• while h anadlows the &a m.. h lamondes ES hod} It/anal/ tha very boo SPRINIVAND NIMI. MED EINES 'Ever knownhit patent) pito", ea the whole synans awl the porwoh bat it •nrat nays part ww( vied rtz=wev pcnowtotei by tab mbar medicine. And 4 mu hes Ma gram! it Its wonderratensoma. It has performed within tho last two yearn naive than too,oon rums oCoevare calm d &sum ;at h ea t IAOOO were toangered iacarable. Itaa mead the Dm of more than 10.000 children Miring the two past mama. 10,000 came. of General Debility and Irani olV . Vervostr Enemy. Dr. Townsend's paves invigorates the whole rystetn perminendy, To those who have kw, their • wrergef bY edict. of medicine or trollasse tiou committed In 111U4k, or that ego:salve iididgance et the passion; and brought on • partial physical promos tom of the 1111,01:11 tyvjeft, littlids, want of ambition, feinting eermationf, Piiimaturedefay and &thee, heater.. Ins towaras Mai fatal diaimae, Commotion, can he ew ttrel, restored by, th is plaesent remedy. This Pero. parilla is far superior to any ' Inylgoratbag Cordial, Iq4Ltimert end tarigoiates the Bytom, gives addelty re I se limbs, and etreneth to the 1131311.113( gym., le • /Geist .... Jibary deem,. .11Joara caption Cared. !Useoaaxe mad Streuytlen. Oonocaphsvt ear be env!. Breradaa. Oonsumptiot, Arm Creeplard. Colds. Oaten* Oevhs. lairsa. , Spillag of moor, &rears in thr Oboe. Mau rhdh. iGglt Rotate. Diffnatts fn. PNf... Ispect. nal" Perk SW, dle, Aar* tee eaul ee 11. rant SPITTING SLOON► ifste revi, April 4.M1347. Da. Tumors—l mOT believe Mu yam Bunap. rills beo ben the mu; through harldmee of meter my lite I have Die emerelmere bee • bed Coub. It become emir end warm Al lest Inbred btru quad dm Oldest& bed Men Semi; tad us pearly 61411 wed and Muhl, ead did eel expels to live. I him WI yet eleneperftle • ebere that eat *b... h.. • reeedeefel deep Imeaumglit is ete. I moue able to mil ever lb. efty. 1 Mee ea bleed, mad my leftme Ye• eubregles 1 ma tbukft I fey them melte Tar ebedltrefeerniA WIL 11.171112124 R Carkerium. r — .madam. i Dr. Tornewa's eam& anaainarallly. rere ter bleipleat Osaries, Bernamm• Uteri, or ?dim arum Wends Outman ilterC; ermine; or ebetrumd eritillamdelleartres. Imentimere el Mize er Ismleatetry Almberes tem;st, end he ith• peen! prertrathr• if the eystme— no matter Usitterthe rents efiabeiim mare er mum prodamd Dregelarlry, Chao sr aseideal. Melting eu be * W urpoteles tau larellea &sets ea Me has bum Pusanao *llkbW &ad led ettle, fr om tekkm a. am bursa near 90 Dill et merry muter lee Weems. It bureliamly mutemets la. nermieermer et the hub trues, eh:burls the greet eau. al Summon 111 inn ear b• td la la ass. of es &Items • were to I serillemea el emu performed be w•.. wan lie efilabeiolat bulimia of rem ben beim repartee is Tbehanmas et mem elms female. hem been whims eldldree, &Da ariu a Dim battle, if QM Myeloid* mediator, taws beeMblemeel vlfb lt.G luatha thgass. To "[eskers kagiThirrted Lanes. Tbi. - Extraitalbialpsaa hor bon inolosr PA. parud taken. le le female aomplaitta amal• who baa maws w gamma ak• Is appraisal*: tbete erldeal period, • TA tors e shoal agliwa to take se II b• mutat prom:dr. Az ay at tkie ammo= abi Aerials ammo I. .bath Alma. im• entlem as std. •Min• 'fhb patod, may .laysil fir mieral pars viyr multdas. Nes b 6 Iwo eatable ha Mom lake In approach:hag wo manhood. as b. la deg:tad to mitt animet by gala. ming the blood ad Maperalag the wank !.dead, do.asexilelna b Ibr all tha dethmt• disno in to which maid/1m sadist It brutes the whole system, fanciers parmaxently ...mind roomy, by removing Me impurities the body, not so far stimulating ex to prinks. suliweimeni relaxatian, which is th. amo of mat medkinestakm Gt tomb weatoom and disease. By imirit •Gm babes ea thia mediate. may seven ad palatal. vurgical opera tom may be praventenk Glean( to nothirr• and CkihaPeZl. 4th. safeltud Meat efactual medians , for purify. Ins, the &yam, mid nalstlng the maferius =masa mot childritith era dliworecad. It strenrateu both rho mother and child, prevents pain d Gamma kw n/amult enriches the food,rintwa who hare aartl n thinil It is Indluensable. It is highly auk' both haloro and after emallomaut. aa It primate disusws attendant ell.ti , ataSt• Cramps Ins of th• Feet, Des a t leaey. , Ilearanan, Votnitinr, Pan In Me Rack and falsw Pau, Hmantrhare, and In reyolatlrri thi aunalons mat equalising the me et:laden It has .o .goal The peat busily of thia nutdielaelle it is always sat, mad th. mom dalicate use k moat ..eorafo➢7, ray few au* t.q.ire ..7 other medicine is unis.• hada Castor Oil, or Yasuo* i. nsefaL ftteteiss la the op. al, un light Nod with Mb medians, will always amnia • mile and eary con &smut r==== =Earm icseEu„mbus. GOLD WA:iitatrara H . TARRY has invented a machine for washing Hold, for - which he has made application for a 'patent They ore now olfered for sale at the ware house urgof Parry, Soon & Co., Na. MI Wood aired, Ptitabh. Adventurers to California are tootled to rail and to e mere labor-wrong machines. They are simple in l their construction, easily transported on the bark of I mule, nr hones, weighing eighty peaada each, and can be put in operation in half an hour. They can he with provivous. It is the opinion of those who bane seen Me tnal of one of . these machines of smallest nye, that two nice will r eran the intiren t i fro m 1 . 50 bushels of sand or earth in a day. without the lota of a panicle of the anneral. They can be increased in aloe and worked by water or mule power, if .tpedient Theoperotors work without gams lab the water or befog to wet, and consequently without en dangenug their health. They will require but ti small eireant ul water, and can be used the whole se coo ason, mid c. tie put In operation where ther e i s n o i °tent Water to waalz U 1 the usual way. fro, of smallest man AM. Orders from abroad, ac companied by each, will be promptly filled. H. PARRY, at furry, Seen & Co's, tetrOmitf No Itrl Wood m, Pittsburgh. ekopratt Sonar ilibda Ash; rpliE antwenticre are now receiving their Fall stock 1 oldie above artrele, three veasehr,ms: the Junto.. Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and nalumore, and i was more, the Stephen Haldwiti and ,thintly eipreted, they are, therefore, prepared to receive orders. They will remove during the win ter and spring regular supplies via New Orleans. novl3 W A. 111 MITC/lELTREF. 3,101.:NT TRIPoLI—For cleaning win. down and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass, Bri tannia, and other Ware It rapidly take out all spots and meow, and reproduces the beautiful rind durable lustre of new Warn. Just received and for rale, whole. sale and retail. by JOHN D 1 1 101IGAN, Jett Draggial. • NOTICE. II ll. , , 11F1!1 1,p A , N 1~ eat tit the p. of ' to the remanung partners, has this day retired front the firm. February 19,12519-d 51ANUPACTDRES. the trader. .igned, Agent tor the manufacturers, has on feud and r. constantly recetying a full supply of the articles made in Pittsburgh and motility, which he otters for .ale at manusar turers prices. GEO COCHRAN, teloni wood st 1.1 Di A Ifili4iiPTiVir-04 boniciindia Rut; Paste, nu ' efeellent arucle for rendering boots 'And shoes prifcctly water proof, and soft as a piece of cloth One appltratton of Wtp past a Is sufficient to urd.. them inmervtoutt to water Mr • or 3 months, and a perfect pregenteuve from the leather cranking. Reed and fur vale at the India linl,ber Depot, No 5 Wood . febtO .1 tit H PHILLIP9I BIGELOW'S CSBEIAO E ISANUFSCTORP, Diramond Alley, beurans Wood and Sondiftdd stray, K M. BIGELOW would respectfully inform the public that at his FamorY t' --r can nt all name be found a large sapply of Fatally Carnage,. Barouches meet. nod all 'rands of fancy Carnage', q gance and neatnet to any found la the e East. COll- imet, for row numlter of Carriages, Buggies sod Wa gons, will be promptly filled. All work of own manufacture will be warranted. ii.msagess—Col. R. Patterson, R. H. Patterson, E. D Gamma, Esq., Robert Robb, Esq . C. L. Magill, Al derman Meal febtlo.3rn WIRE RAILING. SECURFID HY Lt.rrrEas PATENT. 1)17131.1C ATTENTION is solicited to an en new article 01 RAILING, made of wrought ir Im on stid son annealed rods, or wire, and expresaiy designed for enclosing Cottages, Cemeteries, Balco nies. Public limanda he., at prices varying (ruin cents to 13.00 the ruesmng foot. It is made In punn SU ets of venous lengths, 21 to 4 feet high, with wrought iron posts If orb .snare, at intervening distances of Ito 10 Met. If desired, the pannels can be made of any height. in continuous spans of to G. feet, with or without posts Nor xtr• charge for posts The comparative lightness. great strength and dare- Lulu). of the.WIRE RAILING, the beauty Of ha varied ornamenull designs, together with the extremely low price at which it Is sold. are ceasing it to supersede the Cast Iron Railing wherever their comparative merits have been tested For further particulars, ad dress Al A 11:311A LI.& BRCITIIERS, Agents for Patentees, Diamond alley, near Sauth6eld st, Pittsburgh. feho- 4 1-darn _ . LOWELL FL E TORNIL Or ALCOHOL AND PURR SPIRITS Corner Front and Vine streets, Cincinnati, 0. .re Spir protiiptly anon . fleet/lied Whiakey, ded to 31 lowest market once. otehl6:dly 1, )EC rir I/11 - DS - DAY. at the now Carpet Wore' lioue.e. No 73 Fourth street— Rleli embossed 1 . 1.00 rover. I PlntoTorkey rod Cbints do do Tolle do Eighl do do do Wowled .10 do dodo Bordering, [Our Unmask; Carpel Binding", rwnrw aothtes Transparent Shade.: riptore Mows do do Tort t•h do do do Poie.. Jo do do pry Clones% do do hloooltshi Views do do I.n r.d.r•pe do do do T Gothic• do do Cord ...d Tn.wls, voter uld $lOl., Rook Pun Rotor End.. Tt, elo. re lionde • of tho r,.hem p e w n. le., 10 who ! wee I,lolto the attention Cl Dor r e tho.e 0r0.10n4,0 furors!. or 11101". h -team 6001. and house. marl W. MN;I.INTOCH GEORGE WICYMAN I Ilanufactures und dra , er 111 all kinds of TOBACCO, SNUFFS AND CIGARS. At los Old Stand. corner or SUnithlarld street and Diamond alloy. Hinshargh, Pa . would respectful ly earl the ••Itennoo of Country Merchants, Hotel and Steamboat Barkeepers,t u largo and •opertor asxort• mew of 1:11Y0H14:1) among which grill be loured the following brands. sir Eagle, Regatta, Can Prinripc. La Norma', Star Wand, Minerva and Honor Nagano, all of which will be ,old as low os can be hod at other house in the eity. A1.,rl ronsrun arty iry ou hood nod for sale. a large and wen selected stork of Virginia, Miasoun, and Film Cot Ch. wing Tot,•ero AI., Havana, Cam and Common Leaf Tobae etglantly on hand and for rate. nov.ld6m BEN N ETT 4 BROTHER, MYEFNSWARP. SIANLIFACTUREMS, 131rminghaar. 1 near Pittsburgh.) Pa. Warehoute, No. 137, Wood farce, riatborgis. ftwiLtrormantly k rep on hotod o good armor, mem of Ware ; of our own ruanufacture, anti ituoertoryronlity Wboleaalr and eountry Met chant. art• rrttpertfully Invited to ran and es tone for Lite:melee.. as PVT are deternatned to reit cheaper than hal. ever before beer. offered to the pub IU- Orders gent by loci, aceom panted by die cash on rtv refrrener. sr,ll ho promptly atiended to. fe104.4 V hO% CA M . P. - FS— Iti.C.C•N 07 tins day direct Wont 11 thr manufacturer— :sieve i n TElpe.try 3 ply Carpets, extra gasper, do do do do super, do do Brussels Carpets, do Hiwasels, very cheap, do . do nefecolora super InFratn do 4-4, 3-4 and [Wavy VencUan do 4-4. 3-4 and 521 consmod do do AP of which will be sold at a small advance, and wilt guarantee ai low as eon he purchased to the east •eras W SIT.LINTOCK, 73 Fourth al COACH MAKING. FROM the very liberal encourage , ment the subscriber has received one in_ . ;he has located himself in Allegheny . its - ‘arkik• has induced him to takes leue, for term of year., on the property he no occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beaide th Yrnbyterian Church. Prom the long experience to th above bounces and a desire to please, he hopes to mar it mod reenter a share of public patronage. Now on bend and finishing to order, Rockaway Bag pen. open and top Buggies, and every description o Carriages merle in order, from seventy-eve dollar* to mob, 'Among [me..l-.10 - 1 JOHN SOBTH Th• Allegheny Cemetery. T the ocnoal mocung of the Borporators, held o n Athe tilt MSC., We following parsons were ,nously te•eamted Managers to: the emofog year: THOMAS M. HOWE, President. JOHN BISSELL, JESSE rA Boni NATHANIEL 1101.AIFSI, WILSON kI I CANDLESS, Mnoaeen JOHN 11. SHOENBERGER, J AMI t R. SPEER, J. FiestirT, Jr. Secretary and Treasurer. The or .sal statement presented the affairs of the Company co 1, very prosperous condition. Their other in the city w No. :17 Water atrect. tots TILE STAR OF THE WEST *VENITIAN BIANCO MANUFACTORY East tide of the Damond, whore Ventu Blinds of all the different suet end cola are kept on hand or made to order sae we 1 310.1 and most approved I.:A.lcm (ash lout, at the 'Monett notice and oti the toot .. , ... Al., the cheap Boston roll or frplie Blind Transpa rency and Paper Curtains of all the different sires and pattern., on band and for sale low for each. Old Yelli nOA Blinds panned over and repaired, or taken pan i.'A"ll"sv'ot doßneAlw'iltrtlTeBlßteVsta'Tietr.t:l'Pattd workmanship, and warranted to please the moat fate udnous anglo-‘lll Allen bony city, Aug. 10, len& AIPLEItICAN TELICCIIIAPU COMPAXV. etrraeuanit •no wliacurrt. EsTERN LIN r: (Mee at I Ite Tr e It•r4ge/ Llaltlarkone. DEDUCED 11:114..... --The coarges loan been redu• Li r red un lieseages to or IMO /311111111 ore, PilLs -I:l2ol7tlittell'e:ir"l:pti',"3'elap'ajfere7ol.;:erdied 'he'd:lT:P- O:note Wert 01 Pifielough, Rare.—lint churn° for a telegraph despatob to or from Littnotiore, Pot4ntrgh and 14 1teeling, Is 45 eelna ior the 14,1 ten word., and 3 rents for each m411411°13.1 word. 03 Na charge is made for Mc address and sign. final the completion of the Smith %Vested - It I.ine of T.:terms. nom Alemplue, Tana., to New Orle•ns, den. patches ran 1.. forwurtlrd to bleatpliis by this route, and inoslot ie. Neu. Orleans. 101 l PAlLTrikkftlittP. --- A C ri it t .101)1101;SE & JOHN WOODHOUSE, IA V1,..1. dos day nominated themselves together m Plolruwr.itsp, under the firm and style of A. 6 J. WOODIIIIC/4- UK t aindactore of TIN, COPPER .I,NO Sit EY. \VANE, on the corner of Robin son .rent and the Canal, in the lot Word, Aht..cotexr w b,,, they are prepared to foratioh to order, Winne Inn. and retail, all articles in their line Wlll/ f ouiodry 'foottninge, and Carpenter' onters are FO lit, .11 A Wei/ will "woo ve immedirte attention. i'oo) 01 Allegheny, Feb. L . loisty,--110to ,o I A N w l i nl . o v A , 1: ,.. F. o P , A ih r . :l 6 ll . — ,,k a r Itrev i ' Cerro 'Gordo; . io Hue .. •o F " els do Pam; . VOL..; i •• " 6 Chose de Lyon; o - Cattle Frunculn. .4 - Col C Auvergne; Thf 10,0 , 1 r on woad+, 10/ papenng large public 1 . Jura reed direct from Pans, and o w role or clewre 1.11U..4i of __,_ 11. .0 8 C HILL. I, tlbinillhllllahli.h4 AT ',LiiiT_Zit,, ii,, & Johnson 1 - ; 16 .market *noel. will sell for the bvlonee of the oivunon at vont, their stock of French hlerinos, comp, ning the moon choice colors. Now in your UMe to se. cure harp./ ' duel.' EICHME Houma f. sorts. Banktir• • • Bizehange Brok er• NOTES, DRAFTS :7,6 - dErT.ZI4: aZ, GOLD, SILVER AND RANK NOT} . COLLECTIODroIIs, Notes and Accept payable In any put of the Umotb collected on favoraldo,bs.rms. . . EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and N.J. draorri also, Coreincua, Lontarthe., Soot Low. and New 011<011*, Constantly (or • BANE NCrEFS —Notes on all solvent bank* :It the United Slates discounted at the lowest rates. All 'clods a( Foreign and Amertean Gold and Silver Coin bought and sold: Office No. .55 Itlazket steoet, between 3.1 and 4th, Piewborgb, Po. new FOREIGN EXCHANGE. B ILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount at la the CrtOl of Exchange Also, Drafts pavehle in any part of the Old Countricr from El to LIMP, at the rate of 115 to the L Sternog without deduction or dtscount, by JUSID: A RUBIN SON, European uta General Agent, nine toll at nth door teem of wood._ axisegaueis.] I.W•1111 V as IFIRANIER & RAFINI, tVANIMAS AND EXCHANGE BROILERS, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer. iaies of Deposita, Bank Notes and Cont. corner ix 3d and Wood etrects, directly opposite St. Cherie. lel rnlyttsd I y lINTICHN FUNDS:- Ohio Kentucky, Almond, Bank Notes; purchased at the lowest rides, by N. HOLAIFS Ir. SONS, septa 35 Market street. itoiLLA OP'ETOMABOTC- - Bircht Catevie on New York, Philadelphia, and Balu.more, N. 110LMF4 k SONS. 35 Market st. Constantly for sale by 0tc.13 BOOKS • 61C, &G. • - I ATEW'llooKS—Complete {Pork. ofJohn 31 bloom, 1/ D, in 4 vols. Manhood a Voyage Hither, by Herman Melville. Border War Caro o(N York, by W W Campbell. Here a Little and There a Little, by the author o "Line upon lJne. rind Precept upon Precept " Alcinous of my youth, by A Dr Lamunine. • alustrismd L. Or . Frnakßti, pan oth An received and for sale by JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON, ap 23 corner Third nod Market st. SSW lEDollgL.Dr.Coventry's Work on Epidemic Cholera, AA History, Pathology and tre ra mebl Philorophy of Religion, by J. H. Morn', A. M. Bouthe's Cauchiato of the Steam ' , theme. Charoliens Cyclopedia of Englisu Literature, 2 vols. octavo, fine edition, steel plate.. Chambers' Miscellany 01 U.eiul and Entertaining Knowledge -10 vols, 12 too. Illu.trated Advice to Young Aien, by T. S Arthur. gilt_ " sung Women, " •' Elements of Aletcorology, by J. Brock lethy, AI. A.. ' 72;01 . 5 . fo r the People, by E. S Magoon. Did versity Sermons, by Dr. Waylaud. French's Huh.. Lectures, for 1,4 C-7 —'The fit.. of Holy Senpuires for al/folding the nurittist me of men.' I vol, goo. No. 6 Franklin's Life, illustrated Received this day by 11 HOPKINS, ap24 Apollo Buildiriga, 4th .t NEW PUBLICATIONS—Essay on the the Union of Church and State: by Baptut W Noel, M A. l vol. 12in0.-81,23. An entre edition of this work with sold in one day, on its publican. in London! Leaves from Margaret South'. Journal, to the Pro vince of Massachusetts Boy-1672-9. I vol. 121 no Hoyt'. P.n.. —Sketches of Life and linithicape, by Rev. Ralph Hoyt—sew ed. enlarged—with Munro. tions. 12100. $l,lOl A Catechism of the Steam Engine, illuxtrative of lie seienutio principles upon which as operation de1...4, and the practical detail. of its structure, in its opal., nom to mien, mills, steam navligauma and railway.: with vanoctstiggestions of improvement by .1 Bourne C E. 1 eel. Ithuo. 73e Cheever'm Leeturewon the Pagrun's Progress—new ed. PAno, Price reduced to MA. The Caxton, a Family Picture. Pan I. loc. Frankluthi Lae, allunrated. Pans IV and V. Eats as. Torino.' litstortel., by Prof. Tyier—Unto. For by meh74 11 ItOPKlNgolth Sole Agency for Nnnne 66 Clark'. Plano.. .It7ST IIIi:CEIVED and opening, n Iffßailnew lot of elegant Pianos, from we erlehroWd factory of lit I.llllls & Clark, N. Y., comprouti g 6. s and 7 octaves, with important improvements, both its meellaniton and exterior, ipesmeased by no others, A Lilt--A hoe miccuon of Clueitertng's Pumas, trout 0 to 7 octaves. 11. KLlillililif. :tole Agent, at J. W. Woodwelha 1.61 Third st. N. IL The above will be sold at mattufacuarem mil era, without any Wilmot] for freight or expenses.) - , mirth Journal and ehromele copy. _.. PIANOS. - • fillafi A SPLENDID maortment , gany and Rosewood Pianos, tast tatted. These instrument• are made o f and will he sold h ow the lates c t patter y n and beat numerou s ow lor ash b I' BLUM F., 110 Wood street, MI door above Fifth. N o.—Thowe who arc in want or a good tnattrument, arc respectfully Invited to examine these before Per chasms elsewhere,. they rennet he excelled by 000 in the country, end will be sold lower than any brought from the /Met Ahnti)ust received, of Hum burgh amonfacture, Warranted to be superior to any ever wild in tht country. ottar, F B. NEW INSTRODIEET. PEE sohaeriber has been appmnted pme agent for the sale of CA RHA RrS IMPROVED MELI.MthI ONS, as manufactured and and perfected by Messrs &lurch & White, of Cincinnati. the usual compass and event being but four octaves, ildosara M. a W.. In accordance with the general desire nod demand, have - extended the scale of these Instruments to 41 and even 5 octaves, thus making it practscatile to perform Re n est lhe e m nor7.ll•7,7th ' s =ltch i h m e pro ffi v * Zb o y n p?st r iZ n r . the body of the lasznsment open • r fnm.c tweet:Ai/1y bronsed and ornamented, t renderi ng it ai puce • WWI riegaimi god ell/eusugly desirable amen. theeonce to put so tow as. being it within th e reach If ery one to obtain a perfect musical instrument. nth et the same isms, most elegant piece of Wm. . At I %I IVoado eti'• (IRCAT MUSICAL NOVELTY' sonsertnel kfi ba• nast receteed froinl-:arope, and tor sale, an enure!)r.ror .nvention of Piano Farm, rotted the t 1.4 Kr PIANOFORTE, which posamenna more power and •trectoe•- than the Netare I•tann. orcum.• 6.1 tile fourth as tamest room, and ts • womb •Ixos y nod handsome piner:ol (argon'', It as pattteulasly desira ble *Were the mytn a of space is an object, eedingly neat and compact. nod oceopylng no hos tmre room Man • +mail side table The .utor ohm haa hand a tosurnontal of Its supernal.) groat the criebra. ookpiamat, AlosebeUes, In Lts oorrl band wnung,whallt may be tpected 11. KLF:IIPX, oe 017as_ At J %V Woodwell • _ _ .... Chlokerhar• Planer. iffpfJUST received and bit sale oh e at man tore ry ((rare.,Twl errem new Piano Fortes, 0, hi and 7 octaves. at Me most elev.. patterns of (tinware, and with the late Improved weal, Mao on hand and for sale low, 3 second baud Pima . JOI4N /I .A , lt Sole Agent for l'hickertngla Piano. foe I Wcsien, Pennsylvania, al Wood street, N EW MUSIC BV HENRI BENZ — Thy — Thy JAC How of Summer. with an invoduetton and brilhant va• Hatton. for the Piano Forte, as performed an all hit concert" in tbe United ;Itasca by Henri Herz Military Polka, by Arun flat; Comic Polka, Silver Bell Polk,, l• ~ duct received and for sale by mchia /011:11 li MF.I.LOR, BI wood st Vocal Exerting A ND SOLFFArGIOS, arab an aecompaniment for die Pian-forte, adapted to Mr amnia o( private or class,. In Vocal music. Selected from Italian. French and rierlDan composers, by Lowell Maxon: 711 large page. or closely patted music, contairung 106 exercises progressively arranged Price 75 cents. Jon received. a supply of the abovo, direct from the publishers, by JOHN 11. Al ELLOR, trich2l el wood at -• TRANSPORTATION. REED, PARKA & Co'a. PACKET LIKE. Nig= 1848. daii. HEAVER AND CLEVELAND LINE, via WARREN Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. " OCEAN, Capt. Winters. r,}11101t.1:11the above ee tPe'd‘ l a ' n ' d le ll a r v r7V< Bo ilra ' t r tn ' e V t . r . t r L d t to V Ys P ` 'amen, when. they connect with the Mail Stager. int Akron and Cievelatul, aryivina cook or these plan., hefure night. One oldie rackets leave Warren at 5 P. Al., and arrive et Deaver in time to i onke thr mo. airs g steamboat for Pittsburgh. COTES LEFFINUWELL, Warren D TA YLOR, Proporm. OF.A TER AND ERIE PACKET LINE Tttaaean TO-nit ULAN In MIMI 000 as nvl Packet—l . .lll.Lvo,xu, Capt. Jeffries; " TILIORLPII " Pollock; " Lame Eau. " Truby; PrITONIA, " Brown; FALCHION, " Sayer The above new and splendid Passenger Packers have Commenced running between BEAVER AND kERIE, and well run regularly during the Sel.ll-00G boat lea ving rie ev ry e morning at y• o'clock, and one leu tar Bea E ver every evening, inuteediarely after the urn. vat 01 the sieunitioat Michigan from Pittsburgh. boars are Ilet• and comfortably furnished. and win .on through in forty hours. Passengers io nror pc:Osten thli Lake. or to Niagara Pall. will find Its route the most comfortable and expedluous. Tickers oi.uril to all ports on the Lake ran be prorated by aeßynyr la tho proprielor. Co,Beaver JOHN A. CAU I BEY, R Agt d PIaIab rgh, eor. Water - an Sru ghtle ' ld Alb }Unison, Ba V. al& N C M Reed, Erie, Pa C C Wiek,Oreerarllle Pat WParitmd mad Ring, Big Rend, Pa; Hays & Plumb, Sharpsburgh, Pts W C Mel., &pron. Pa; HC Mettle Pulaiki, Pa, W Cduutam New Caßile_Pa. 1y .. 1 DOILILE & CO'B FAST ILIPAPCSS iga miat FOR CIIMBERI.4IIO. BALTIMORE, AND THE. EASTERN CMES. ri Propnetors of Line have put on New Smelt, and are prepared to forward packarrea al all du. re ripliona daily, at the lowest rates. .1. C. BIDWELL,. Agent, Water street, Pm.... ROBINSON & oetel CO South Charles et, 'Ultimo.. ILAINDEN CO'.' — Passenger and Etaialttance 0111e*. AbtIiANFLDEN & CO. continue . to bring persons from soy part of England, Ireland. Scatrd he Wale, apon the most liberal term., with then usual punctuality and attention to the wants and emu. lon of , emmignona We do not allow Oar liamenkees to be robbed by the swindling scamps that infut the *ca pons, as we take charge of them the moment they re port themaelves, and see to their well bout& and de .paleh them tritium any detention by the fast ship.— We say 141. fearlessly, as we defy one of our tlngsen. Best to show that they wenkdetained ke hours bj‘ein I.,rverpool, whilst thousands or others wen> detained months, anal they could be sent in some old crud, at ,4 2 p rate , which we i. - Nuesaly proved their ruffles. At,,, Intend m.perform oar contracts honorably, cost what It may, std not act all MIS the ease /an ...aeon, with esker othcces.,—arbo either pent:noted not all, or when it suited their ea:mem:del:We. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from El to .LlONgtb d l n e s :Lag d o an f 4r i mmend Banks to Ire- - JOSHUA ROBINSON, Earoptau and Getters] en t Flnth street on* deer teslr,Volreet. AT RII3BONO—J oat reeetve4 etraitTeilKon- V say's, 07 ltl•rkel street 30 ps colored Velvet Ribbon, asserted calory, 70 black. " e " embroider). Gimp; 10 pa vide Plun , &e dee:, oLL aurrEtt-10 bbis fresh, Am reed and TOI 11, sale by lebl7 MiIthIBTRONU & CROZER DALLBT'B MAGICAL PAIR EITRACTOK: T IG: following from George E. Pomeroy,Eri e tLe well known proprietor oldie Ekorekei imelf of Me importance of the Pain EXt/lICtOr CO every parent. EXISTS= Ovrtnr, Albany, Bar-1. Ma Doht.rn My Dear Sir—With feelings of no or. dinary pleasure I address you in relation to We benefit I have received from your invaluable Pain Extractor of Lo mr rhide daughter, 6 years old. had pitcher ning wider turned into her bosotc; her scream. were dreadful. op that. crowd instantly gathered be fore the boxer to Ceara the cause °firm tenibie screams. I lore bee clothes ammier, and I.oon spread on your salve, and she was earned and laid upon a lied. She xaon relieved front her pains, and nays "Ma, I feel at ill could laugh. - sad wtn soon to sweet sleep. She with Resided In a blister from the top of her shoulder over more than hall her co o ., mood under We 1 arms. On the shoulder and breast It was very deep, from the brat hour, the eonthhuned only when it avna The ann. healed rapidly, and there is no Cennartion Or 111, m ..lo 'Aith manywn./ses, ley dear all, fur your succinct in the sole of this mighty article I tun loom, with re. peol. GEX). E. POIILF.ROY. THE TEST and NO' MISTAKE' The genuine Dnlley, will ever produce the same m rcliel. and othing, ooltsig effort, in the severest ease, of Burne scalds Pile., Ike. The co u nterfeits—too t , suer under what names they may appear—always irritate, and increase the pain. 7 1 0 THE PUBLIC 1, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge, Columbia roomy, N. Y., have been colleted with rime ,„ m y ...oh feet, and all over my body, foe .'ryenrr, no that I could not stand, and was cared by e applicant.. of Dailey'. Magical Pain hloramor EDWARD P. HOLMES, fitr-1 rot my finger with a copper nail poisonous nature of which caused my inn to sw e ll .Edenibly , with constant shoottng pains up Os the snoulaer A large swelling caking place at th e ann ?it, with increasing pain, I became fearful of the Lock. pow. In this extremity your Pain Extractor was re commended to me, and which I Was prevailed upon to try The consequence ales that it a=rded me abilast instant relief, nod in three days I was completely co red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New Torh, comer Binonle and Sullivan sto, Sept B. 1646, NOTICE—H. the inventor of this invalu able remedy, and never ha. and never will communi cate to any living man the secret ado combination! All Extractors, therefore, not made and pot up b hint, are buac counterfeits. Picovaimmites Dames-41.' Broadway, New York; hitHc,hestnut meet, Phil. JOHN 1). hIORGAN. General Depot; Dr. WM: THORN, Agents for Pittsburgh. Dadry'4 Arnaud Galvanse Cur e 41.11, Cures humors, opal* quitter, grease, poll-evil, sows, galls, and bruises. Pamphlets, containing cm.. nitrates of respectable parties may be had on applica tion 10 J OHN 1). MORGAN, ' Pittsburgh. =Ea M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT 'IONTAININCi NO MERCURY, or other Mirieral.— It power to crone all EXTERNAL SORM, SCROFULOL'S HUMORS, SKIN DISEASES, POI SONOUS WOUNDS to discharge their putrid matter., and then heals them. It a nghily termed ALL-HT.ALINO, for there Is scarcely disease external or intdmat, that ft will not benefit. I have used it for the fact sixteen years for all d.eases of the chert,volving the utmost danger m in and re onribility, and I declare before heaven and MAUL that not in one rate has it failed to benefit when the patient was withm the reach armorial means. I have had phyrtetan. learned it the profession. I have trimmers of the gospel, fudges of the bencly al denten, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor use it at every variety of way, and there has been but one voice—one universal voice saytng—“M'ALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT IS (SCOW RHEUMATISM—It removes ahnost immediately the intharanenon and swelling, when the pain ceases. IRead the dtrecuons around the box ) IiEAD-ACHE—The mien has cured permva of the head-ache of twelve years standing, and who had It regular every week to that wunimag took place. EAR ACHE, TOOTH-ACHE, and AO UE IN THE FACE, are Latent with like *access. tifIALD HEAD—We have eared cases that actually defied every thing known, as well as the ability of fit tern to twenty doctors. One man told as he had spent gild on his children withou any benefit, when a few boxer of Ointment eared them. TKITER—There is noting better for the cure of Teter BURNS—It 111 one of the beat alms, in the world for Bunts I'll,ES—Thousands are yearly eared by this Ow amin It nava. in giving relief for the Pile, IL,- Around the box are direcumm (or using 11411- lisitir.i Oi nom, for Scrotitlo. LlG l lr Complaiint, Bryan.- Ms True, Grandam, Stahl Held, Sore Ryas, Qutney, vote Throat. 11,ncbilas, Nevroars Afforrieni. Pain, Dm •e of M. Sr,. Iliad ark, aide., Drafaus. Ear eras, Burn, Corns all Llissvixt of Um Ski, Son Lops, Pit, pl.. of Mr Limes, Sorts, Rhstratalunt, Yds, cold Fm. Croup, Swelled or Breksot Brea., nod met, olgito rn Me Pate, 4-it tr. COLD FEET—Lever Complaint, pun in the Chest and Side, falling if of the hair, or the other accompa nier cold feet. ;Thin (hutment is the true remedy.) st is a ogre sign or th•case to have cold rect. CORNS—Orcastooal one of the Ointment will al- ways keep corns pour growing. People need nave be troubled with beet letting use it trequently. This Ointment togood for any part of the body or limbs when inflamed. In some cares it should he applied often. cAUTION—.No Ointment will be genuine utiles. the mune of JA 51 , 14 file ALLIsTER 11 vrniten with a pen on every label For *de by ray Agent. in all the principal cater and town. in the Lotted State.. JANIE 73 Me ALLLSTF.R. Sole Propnator of ao, above aualicne. IL' - h,n p . r...,pu Office, No :N North Third street. Nol . . . Aunt, in PirranCeall—Drano it•Reixer, corner of ',Mem andSt Clair me and L Wilcox, Jr, earner of. et Mark et and the Diamond, alas corner of 4th wad tamahfind sh, J II Cassel, comer of Walnut and Penn eta. Sth avud; and aid at the bookstore to Bronhfrel4 3d door from Seconder:, in Allegheny ray by H P Seherens and J Sargent; by J fi Snub, Druffaisl,,Hir mingtranx, D Neglay, Hest Liberty; II aCialfaaid, Mo. Eraaport, I Alexander Xr Son, Monongahela City-, N Glanorr MAW A CO, and J T Etagere, Bromnsville; John hark lc,, Seem., Pe; arc wholesale agents. ictun,deodly WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, PRILIPSBUFIG, PA. ..... , ME rapid .aides which Hydropathy has made since , t. introduction into this country—Um bril liant an.l tialont•hirc, curative rifts , . of cold water in cbroidc sod acute awciiie+, when employed otter the method of the celebrated Priesnitv, bays removed from the mind of do intelligent and dweerning politic every particle of doubt as to as efficacy, and tamed it am ,rtial favor. Corwatenng the unsatisfactory results of r medics heretofore used to the treatment or chronic co hunts. (complaints, um, which are increasing ea ; cry year,' timust be a natural wish to see the success of a inetbod 11 which to many nofortunate sufferers will lie treed front their pains and infirmities The subserther having practised succeufully this method for eight yews at his Hydropettlie estalillah• mein. which Los be considerably enlarged and im proved in ail its parts, and in every yrespect. is now readv to receive and occommodam patients who may chow., to place themselves under tits cant, skill and experienre. Pintipsburc, situated upon the left bank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth of the Llig BelaVer, it welnown tor its refreshing and salubrious atmospherel.. is de lightful quietness •nd charming natural scenery, com bining every requisite to render the aomurri of the in valiidagreeabie, and contribnung not a Male to re-es tablisti impaired health and physical strength The establishment, the twat started to the Vaned Shoes, curium. every thing, both for pleasure and mitufort, calculated to Insure • speedy and happy ter mination o( the Min:mots of the Patient. Pe limns wishing to avail themselves of the advmta sea here offered, will please addreu the subscriber by teller. ipost-paid,' stating as near as possible the cature of thew complaints, in order to decide and ad re on their fitness and curability by the liydropsahte treatment, anti Oita what will be neeesury for them to take along, for their especial and personal use. EDWARD ACKER, ht. D. Proprietor. Philipahurg,Beaver county, Pa. R ralivtels—Hoied. Killikelly, Armatrong; Y. D. Clark, K.,1. do; lion. Thomas Henry, Beaver, Pad Dr. Barker, do; Prof. Ch ELliot, Pittsburgh, Pa, 1.. C. Perkins, Esq. Ohio; Rev. E. H. Sneed, (dew Albany, Rev 51 Allen, Princeton, N 4.; T 1.. Statton, Esq., Now York; Dr. Ch. Winter, Philipsburg; Wm, H. ?de- Connel. Esq. Pimsburgh; A. Bidwell, Emil., do. 1 wehUrt OIt3:IEM ‘,,,,}UNDRIES-100 packages fresh Teas—T. Ilya. kJ Gunpowder and Imperial; ;Ow bug. prime Green Rio Coffer; 50 do Laguy do, 10 do Old Java do; SS bags black Pepper, 11l do Pimento, 150 hlids new crop N 0 Sugar; bin Inds Plantation Molasses; etl do Seger Mose du -In tierces (rush Rice - 150 bre Bunch Routine; Ise boa mainitactureti Tobacco, venom. brands; a (:edge kegs edge Bra. 6 twist Tohareo; to S Rends' •• 10 •• Pittsburgh plug 150 by, 0010 Window 01301; 50 do 10015 do; :An kegs assorted Nails; .1.11 casks Saleratus; Nan pounds Cotton Yarn, assorted Noe. Together with a full and general assorunent of an Ole. in the °merry boo, on hands and ibr .ale by J h 11 FLOYD, Round Church Buildings, ruble Fronting on Lawny, Wood sod Rath sts - CALIFORNIA RUBBER GOODS-Jonreceived, 3S Comp Blankets; La/officer coats; 12 prs Pants, le pairs nett lilted Mining BOVA; ld Isthmus Hags; 3 waier Tunas, 6 nod id gallons each; 50 contoeas, Roll on each; I dos Buckskin Money Belts;' 1 do oiled cambric do do. The above goods otale (urn. Omitting Establishment, No slor Woalat the Calb metal & 11 PHILLIPS . . ALLEGE/ENT' VENIT/AN BLIND, AND CABINET WARP:ROOM. - —.awlJ. A. BROWN would respect fully inform the public, that he keeps on hand at his stand on the west side of the Diamond, Alle gheny city, a complete assort ment of Veuntall Blinds; also {re union Shutters are made to or der in the best style, warranted equal to any in the United States. HI. Sheds can be removed with• oat the aid of a screw driver. Haring purchased th e stock, tools, and wood of the cabinet es tablishment of Romany!, M'Clel. land, I am prepared to furnish AMA their old, as well an the pablio at large, with every thing inOinstenters th eir line. Agency, No a \Poor' street, Pittsburgh. mchiSi J. A. BROWN. T)A PER HANOIN6B--I am new receiving, dir ec I from the manufacture. a New York, Philndel. phis and Brouniore, a large and well selected araort !smut of all the latest and most unproved stiles of sa tin, glared and common PAPER /lANG/NGS, con eisting of— I thalti pier. ot Parlor and Fresco; " Hall and Column, 10,DM " Dining-room, chamber and office Paper—which I would particularly melte the anemicn of those Mrsinghouses to paper, to call and examine, at the Paper Warehouse of S. C. HILL, Mc, wood Aenced io receive e l a ar ki g ri e l u ' i l i l so N rtmen OT h t o. e( Fancy VARIETY GOUHO, cousisung in part of Aruftetah, Ribbons Late., HO •tery, Glove, Pongee, Nettings,Lahe Vella, Shawl., HilndltelChiela gents Chapala, pitchout and coon Handkereidebt,' carded Skins, Sewing Silk, Threads, Buttons, Comb, awelry, Cat_ lety, Sr Sc. Country and city merchants are res. Wood y 10 call and examine his stock, Na Si Wood sweet, corner of Diamond alley. mcWA:$ FjrritAtfr OF C OF F EE --An articin arineb isra ',idly coming into use as a wholesome, nonrishing and ne , ,ciOna beverage, tieing more yileasam and pal atable than romnion Coffee, and far cheaper, as a smell paper c.d.,: only ten cents, will go as far as four pounds of Ceder. Manufactured bMLLESy JOHN S. , Pittsbuh Pa. Sold at wholesale by B A PAIINESTUCrg ,K le Co, cora. at First and Wood nod SOO and Wood streets, Pittsburgh erell ACA LEL/A.1'78 HISTORY , 17 1,-- • M lees edition, containing all the matter, verbatim et biennia; of Vols. I and 2 of the London edition, em bellished with a portrait of the author —S Vale. It; our Price, complete, She. A large supply or the above ye cooed sod for sale by JOHN 14 MELLOR; unebtN , 111 wood et UNDRIEII4--1 bolos Como; boi Feathers; 2So .rod; hbla No 1 Lard,MoMos from stemma Eophralts, for solo by ISAIAH DICKEY 1 Co, EAD-6oupip Galena Lead, in re a nd for— by aP3 JAAIES A ' 11166 3 111130N &Co MEDICAL. Way, then, need the ailicted Why m ort the to n -ruble nostrum, gotten up by on% on indMid awls s ter the assumed name of some co .meted phy striae, and puffed into notoriety by certirmates c. par. ans equal) y unknown? Malta a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY it to be had, whose vouchers are at home,—oar Add ! bons,—many of whom it has • . SNATCHED FROM ME GB AVE. In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, wa has. pat the price at • at one half the usual cost of cough medicine. at t• r ale by our w agents in nearly every, town and village ver the west ho am prepared to give fall informs. on relative to it. T. SALT Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Oho, lITIMIOPATHIO ESTABLISIIDIENT;- truLLirsacreati, anon cu., re. ILEDWARD ACKER takes this means of re turning his thanks to his friends and th e yuhllt Pthe extensive patronage he has received, and of fn: forming them that he has lately erected a large and well constrneted building for the exclusive purpose. of hi. WATER CURE FTABLISHAIENT, at hos old location, at Plullipshurirti, Pe, on the Ohio river, app..' site the steamboat leadingat Beaver, where helm ready In re., r e patients aim..., and treat them On Hy eropadoe pnerapies. hi addition to his king experi ence, and the great sueceis which..has Lastofore at tended his treatment of patients ,costunitted is his ease, he has now the additional facilitthe afforded by an es leteningne e b t=tko Wd d ' ag7o4 l 3 Y tar & tt7hl;:l 9 t ' ; every neectotary apparel. for and ddminis tering the treatment to the utmost bane t and comfdrt of the patient. Phillipsburgh is a most detightfal and healthy village, easy of access by ithataboan, and. af fords fine and wholesome water. Dr-Acker mutes those atilieted persons who may plane themselves an. der his care, that every attention shall he paid to their comfort; and an assurance of the an benefit s to be derived, be ;ants with confidence to the hut. deeds who have been pertesutently cored at his amt.. tritunent The Watcr Cure leaves no usurious effects behind, as is too Alen the case with those who have been treated on the old system. It removes the Ms. dentinvigorates the system, protects from ffue danger. incit to change. ,if weather, Melee , natural and active appetite, and impart. alga, to the digestiie powers. T crtn• of treatment and boarding reasonable. Vor further particulars inquire at the eatafillahrneni, or address the proprietor at Phillipsbargh. eugtEd ' r Pies uneate . vr!: — -- W e have been informed by Mrs. Rose ti of • cure per formed on her by Dr. Jayne's Alterative, which proves Ile superiority over every other comedy of the kind. She ha , been inflicted for the last taxies. yeast , with NItXtRDSM. or WHITE SWELLINGS, *matted snitt ulceration, and enfoliahno of various bones, du ring which time many piec. bade fern discharged from whic h burr of Se cranium, from both her alma, tenths and hathir, .4 from both legs, and from the left bone, and from right knee, herad. painfal nicer, on other parts ef her person, which have bailleo the skill Of a number of the most eminent phyrocians ol oar mtexchu, —orMg MOst of the ti her sena have been d rnmg and deplorable me About otr three ns months since she was induced to try Dr. Jayne.. Alterative, wLich hoe had an astotOshing ly happy effect upon her, by removing all pain auci swelling., and minfOng the ulcers to heal, while at the mine time Ler general health has become completell tea - bared, co IMO glue nOW the IS Ms more then she id before she commenCed the use or this truly valuable prep...ft —toot Err,. Pon. For further inionnation, Mina° of Mts. Rose. No. 12S Filbert 11,k...0ink/a. For saie to Pitudiargh, on Like PERIN TEA !STORE. Ps Fossil. et. near Wood. / 1 . 3 Et. TOW D just received or Dr. Townsend's Sittrupstrillo, the most eitnionitonry medicine in the world! This Ea. ti act pot up fri quer...lea It is ail limes cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any said. It mom disease without vomiting, purgiug, sickening or debilitating the patieut. Loon OCT roc Istrrastom—Unprincipled persons have copied our label., and 'pin up medicine to the same ithaOid bottle. See that each bottle has the withenaig. imbue of B. P. Townseed. S. E. SELLERS, Druggist, ..57 Wood street, between Thirdiand Fearth, is Dr. Townsend's only wholesale and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine article ran be hod. IX M. Curry has been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be had. apt II A. Estmiaram, A. D. Ile. AL , Y. dry IL L. Fahnsarerh,} 11 Pittsburgh. O. I V °I . F W in Al"n'Th lastle rug Store la the Oily of Stew York.. underatened are extensively engaged in the 1 Wholesale Ihia_g business at No. 19 /oho Erect,. the wiryof Neer Yott. and me Pl °l°.t e° . 44 ,1 7 Drat/slats and ..airyMerchants with Dress, Plum.% 011 a, Dye-ataffs, Min n and Amencint,Pethon owo ery, Mender, Weeoet der'. Chemicals; (of thei r wen:Atka) est. all other articles to Ihdr Mutat heat. 0011, at a twetio,.;aellty es Wires they:" L bi um . thereat ID 1211.1 .y Now Y o rk Fabla lt A. V* trateinntort fIRATFFUL for We very libeial eitcparaiement beet, reeetved y years, ve deter „not, to ootoz, myb a sin .. ,ably.toastdoo Having 00.0t,04 • ma:vetoed Foreman, I will. Po enabled to prorfipthr, and do itur work In our usual uyln and at falr ppm, aztd askine alte r mioa of mot= oo tt omemd maces to my large .rock of UPHOLSTE RY GOODS nod Hedy, Autumns and Belling, Car tel., Material 6, Danieskentid kleMens, Comtism, F}ln ger, Bordering”, Tames, Split end Beller Eind" Ind ermy article asnallg kept In an eramium,... af die kind: 'Orders respectful/7 eoliehed and.promplly at to. N. B.—Carpets made and pat door. me= Wit NOBLE MEDICA-1;.- OMR OB ALL DISEASES AJEULSITIO FRONK AN LIIPORIC STATIC op THE BLOOD OR HABIT OP' THE SYSTER, VIZe Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimplei Orfttstalki 'clatfie_.Pace, Rhombus, Riles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Teaser, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain Of, We Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symp toms, Sciatica or Lumbago, cud Discastut &ming from an injudicious sae of Mercury, AseilesorDrop. ay, Ekposure or Imprudence m Lite Alicy ,Chronte Constitutional Disorders. In this preparation are strongly concentrated W the Medicinal properties of SAlLeurAltllll, combined with the most etrectual aids, the most salutary prodnotionty the most potent simples oTtbe vegetable kMgdom,• and it has been so fully tested, not only by patients them. selves, but also by Physicians, that it has received their unqualified recommendation and the approbation of the public; end lies established on is own merits a reputation for valor and clammy far superior to the various compounds bearing the name of SansliarOla- Diseases have been eared, such as are not furnished in therecords of time pun and what it has already done for the in Aho have used it, it is capable o(doing for the millions still suffering and mruggling with disease. It mmifies, cleanses, and strengtheas the fountain snoop wife, and infuses new vigor throk. at the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CCHEM , ' SCROFULA. The following striking and, as will be seen, permal nem cure of an Inveterate cassof Scrofula, eornmendi itself to ail similarly adlietedt - • Botrivrow.Conny, Jan. L 1618 . Messrs. Sanest Gennemert—Sympathy for the dais ted induces me to inform you of the remarkable care voted by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my wife. She was severely sNleted with the serefula on direr. cot parts of the body; the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged and her limbs much swollen. After suffering over a year and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked oar le!, and be low the knee suppurated. Her physician advisedlt should he laid open, which was dour, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of, and were induced to use Sands! , Sanaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and Mvorable etreot, relics- tog her more than any. prescription ahe had ever ta ken, strut before she had used az bottles, to the ninon. ishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. It is now Over • year line, the core nu eaeeied, end her health remain. good, show mg the disease was thoroughly eradicated frerathe system. Our neighbors era al/ knowing to Mesa facts, and think very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla.. Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. W. Har ris, a gentleman well known •ni Louisa county, "Gentlemen-1 have cored a emigre boy of atlas with y ear Sarsaparilla, who was a...tett with Scrofula, nd of a scrofulous family. "Years truly; N. W./LAW/IS. "Fredericks Hall, Va., July 17, Leas..n Soaps' Serelarknn.l.,-11 SeeintinikinOn Ontrieentittry to direct auention to an article so well known and so deservedly popular, as this preparation, batjhatients to often who wish use the extract of Saraap a, Ore induced to try worthless compounds bearbig the Mane, but eOntuhring little or none of the virtue of. this vaht able root; and we think we cannot confii• a 'stealer benefit on our readers than in directing their attentien to the advertisement of the Messrs. Sands in another column. The bottle has recently beenenleuged to bald quart, and those who wish a really good article will find cOucentrated in this all the medicumi value of the root The experience of thousands has proved Ito ef ficacy to curing the various diseases (or whisk it Is ri commended; end at the present time more thin tatty other. perhaps. is nits medicate awful, in prepabing the lesybstem for a cheese of season.—Home Joarual, Sept. x. - Prepared and told. wholesale and rend,' by A. 8.& D SANDS, Deoggista tad Chentista, lOC Fulton street. corner of New York. Sold also by Drug gnis generally throughout the United Stales and Cana, dos. Price II per Dont& oix Bantu for 55. ED-For rale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retell, by U. A. PAH:YE:STOCK, & CO, corner of Wood and Front sw.t also, corner of Kist/Land WOM1.101; by L. WILCOX, Jr.. corner of Stattlibeld and Fourth sta. and also corner of Market et and the Diamorid; EDIV AK D FENDERICII, cot hionongtela 1.-L9.3au 12337.133 •;INSENG PANACEA! I'o Tilt *W. SU Frßitiflri WITH .DISEASED I I. It Nu —The enpreeealeivird tgareeess which has It. et:el tt the use of the GINSING PANACEA all the truth,. limns whirl Initatiesh of Ihn Imo as iumes,• has Induced the proprietor again to 0,11 attn.. Lott to this WON DERFUL PREPARATION. Ile damnable twearlser which marts oar tall. and *lnter months, is tawny, a frnAttl sonnet 0( COLDS AND UGHS. lex, , neglected, rte tO,O Ste precursors of .thal fe ll .le.tro r ••o • . The question, then, how aholl we nip theeelowawre th the bud! how shall we get clear of sour 000ghs wad olds! Is of vital importance to theirobtfe7. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found at the filtnaeng Parntexe • Ibis we have from nom to tune published tie erttes or Saxons of our best known, eltisciut, who have experi enced its curative powers. These, with a mass of lett tintosty from all pans of the country,—Dom MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Monsters of the Gospel, to., together with copious no from Me JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in parnpMet form, and may b• ha/ (rata of any H of our a UNDREDS uts OF 13 Ihro IrWlconsitry. have he,en used in thla city. THOUSAND'S AND 'TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United Suites and Canada, and we ebAi . .enge any roan to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when takes accosting to directions, and h g . (ore the limp hod became-fiddly disorganmed, it by aver failed to EFF:CT APRTWr CURE ONLY FUMY GENTS, umunaus brfrtt , "..ZgeWV,ll",'„`Fg%thzi rettuttved their school tor a roomy and tronvortiont house in - Leach street, second dwellm• es st ab ot..Feberatal, as when, r . areiprepared to take • %kV hearten), as well a am , Raw day scholars, arawborwattvea 'elochwattendon will be devoted to inatroetionia the ordinary bradawl oflEnaish edueada. • - Saracen are retorted to Mr. Wrn Eiehbatun, Mr. John EL bre Faddop and Mr. Pl,_y.atod of Tittaborro` _ moat approved Easterallialilly and mid faehiontible moat approved onvleolors. Rhea THE CilldtvP R 01.1„ SM. ON tie wade to order of iix or e. i s a n d at ail prie handeli r Coli ea tdryhiere hams or others are limited to call evil' the above for themielves, all will be told •liiholle ortallow:id • liberal to Made witeleattle pave:aura. avidly. 413 HE SUBSCRIBERS having removed frdm No. 170 Nos. 172 and 174 Liberty sweet, offer for mie as gaods follows., to Mortrand now hinaing, vim 330 bags prime Coffee, now crop, • 40 old government Java Caddo; 150 Mule prime Nerti , LlrleansSugar; 5.4 liblePlautahon Molasses; (410 u St James Sugar Noose hiolosu; 1110 hf eh. young Hyson Tea; 40 do Gunpowder and Imperial Tea; l new 48 do Chalon Powehong do crop. 7p do cony boa 1 H and aP do 100 bes.white Brasil Sugar, 011 bra white Ifarmia do; 40 bp Pepper; 20 do Alsip.; 130 boxes Illeunvd, to I and I lb cum; BD do Malagaitunett Raisins; 3D 50 A lb s% do do odo do ddo, r; in layer; qr " do do do SO est+ ZenteVarrants; 10 halos Sicily Aloto4dri 300 boa Richmond Tobacco 50 baskets Bordeaus cod blassodles.ollve Oil; 200 bbls mid 110 hf bbls No 3 largo Mackerel; " Honor; 1535 lbs Cheese; • 2000 g - ttlis winter and spring Sperm Oil; 101 l ` c looo btiLhad najth w*esiWbstotl; 30000 Cm: and Sons Principe Soon; 30,000 Havana . d to hi pipes COIN. Brandy, of variouabrindk; pcnElebeolin Jamaica Spirits; 3 pipes Holland Out; CO cobs sop. TeneridU Wino; 10 do Madeira do WI do Lisbon do 40 do Oporto do 60 do Swam Malaga do 15 Indian ebb, do do 15hbds Claret; 20 qr mks Haat Sautemi 40 cases sup Bordeaux Claret; 30 bastions Champagne Wine; ➢ dossopr Stomach Bitters; 200 bbla pans Rye Whiskey, from 1 to 6 years old _sell_ MtLUER la HICK.MON Notice to frienduli • hereby notify oar and correspondents W E al home and abroad, that we will not, WIDER emicomersness, receive &melt from any Boat for whiett J. Nesnon Jews is agent e t pl a jku4ta ftH D ODES re ACORN. TWIN KELLY tc CO., immunisers to Robb Wine ti brener tc Co. , laus Merchant Tailor. 10. Rel CHESVVUT Street., above Third, Philarlephia, beg lea" to. inform their friends and patrons that they heels received the latest SPRING AND SUISIMEK FASHIONS, with a lam usertment of New Style GOODS; comprising Cloths, Cuaimeen Vesttngs, to of every description—all of which en of thelroWitiM partation, having been carefully selected to Path, London, tee. Mr . Strangers visiting Philadelphia , are relpectfol• ly • sited to call and exa mine them enensive meek. mehßhdttre Pa 1.1111 GIR PAST EM - itutt receivi 'll . mml 4 :l ttles ß of Rubber Pawn, a superior attldC, .hY Important to persons that tvishhx.keep their toot dry. Itrents the /ember from cracking, and will tako a po h over it For sale et the lodte Itu3 tnrr Dep.; No As-Wood street morn J& II PLILLW Fat —l-00LDI GOLDS! GOLDIII GOLDGII e 111: subscriber, wholesale nwomfacturer of "JEW EI.R Y, Invites wholesale dealers and ixidlar. tr. In South and West—also, country SOH* scopes& to autexamlue his stock or Jewelry, which orid,be GO au the lowest prices for call or approved ea. Constantly on hand and 'manufacturing, a lai r assortment suitable for city of Matutty trade. • • • E. G. A. BARER, I corner of Fourth Und Branch Itts,up wain, • aplo:Wint Phtlidelobia Paper Slanglnge. R AVING purchased at tithe oPthe largeat Facto -1141 nee Is the East, INew York, Ptdludniptda -and imere,) a large assortment oldie newest and most iroveil styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, ,andrupda arrangements by which I will be um hi d to procure all new Patterns, simultandtras with thtir appearance in the Eastern market, I would In vite the attention of those dewing to have their housen papered with the huest styles .of paper, to started edmatinamy stack, before perchasing etsenteheni I hare now on the way from the East, 40,000 pieces o ttold, Satin Glazed, and common Paper Hangin p 1 which I can sell at p rices ranging from 121 eta to 11:1 p'; cc, .meitts S e HILL, $7 wood at Batman SinoMug. linvlNGjum completed th e rebailditnroloar imoke [teases, we are now prepared to receive meat, aid smote it le the mostmerehanlable manner. ffhe heases are Stied with all the modern Improve merus, and are capable of containing 300,002 lbs. each 106R &JONES, Canal Resin ' at ' • •mu Sevenths* MITI U Bt 3l-7 Thmingt3eexelaritie agency the the.rtale of the min clue . ftliningpapev, (S. & 41P. - Marlfle, e rr:eprieta dt ,s,) Nil:c o l : 51f be rambled), • :far ere ! l ' a i ti s eVa l t tia tbe 4 l ff ew e Tst reux, t , °Nl'!")., EIEIMOLDS & &cornerSFIRE, WA Penn and Irwin ata ...._ _ _ DIIIZITZEINE 1170.11.109. - ---- OXEMAN,.ItAILICIAN tr CO. continue to manu facture Small from, Spring:and Am-Blister Steel, Phuttil HIXI Scud, Rims, Snakes and Wrcet 1 Po ntall suns, together with Count and Edfutc rings, f Pat, Taper and common Axles. .. , Homing. reduced the price tit Wrought liWn'Nuta, ine handers and otheratiaingthe aruniN wilt find i to thetrintercet is Ole Ildanewbranch bf Pittti uranium their ittefitian.• 4 count% trimmings and makable iron on Rberaltemah alehouse on Water and Fourth ate teled).if _SAM'L. GRAY, •.. MERCHANT TAILOR, ZzOn , ./..Nag 151711.01hc,i, AT. 'CLAIN. 'STEUART, PITTSBITIL6O, ILLS JUTS sacitramso mon .• NEW YOflK AND PHILADELPHIA, now receiving a fine nuoruient of CLOTDR, CABBIIIBIIIIB AND YEATIMA t DF TILE HEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, 'Which he la prepared to make to order IN TUE BEST MANNER And in the latest Falhione Head quarter. for Beate mad 11hue.. Corner of Fourth and Smithfield strew., • ,Prrorstmoth:Pa. !O the gener a l & faCacrri hau and s & Nu Irawholesale and retail, would levee o 11 1 Jamie the attention of their friends and sw - Orally, to their splendid now stock, corwisUng ef mem, . women.', boys', muses' and ehrldrens wear of army. ;variety, suitable for the season, and at prime to tou the rime. A splendid article of home made work, lamb as gentleman's fine Boots, Ladies, misses bed children"' fine work. flamecall and ezaminer ,yonmelves. TROTH &SCOTT cooler 4th and Sinithfiefilats B.—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, &e...fic..„; :ways on hand andlow (or cash Countrymerchants would find it to their interest to grmai s cal when viotibgthe city. m,bit, • • LOGAIP, WILSON tk. .IMPOZIA= %VW:de , stenße, istub:.=irad,; ; Wood isot, Keelung* are now fully prepanai • a recently imported ow* of Hardware, Cutlery, Ott . dlery, Curpeniersi. Merchant lo offer very pewits. threesomes to Western s, as in addition to !rhe many advantage. h,aby our predecessors, ou r sr. Logan & Kennedy, we have greatly increased our theihum, and purchase all out goods! from Ant hands on the very best terms, The Maim members of the firm devote attention - to sales, and feeling confident of gtriagidd wfarman, respootrullysolielt a call horn oil who may isl tdismettet, inc 423. < • -••• tutiblrtl — on RAZE. • rum: f undersigned' ogers for tale a etryiertorattere o brick for building, made by his Stesuerresti improved machine, for which he has obtained a patent, end agrees to give purchasers a written guarantee that they arestronger, and will resin frost and weraresstb. fir and mihibelms moisture or dampers" then moth er MC*, lanssea s sing greater body and superiertatture and mach more durable ni every respect, eldeididiek hang subjected to • {measure of several tonsteraljtz among a handsome smooth =dare and even they make • front equal tome best Irma briek.• . 7 " They have given the greases' satisfaction mall-.who have purchased. 6 kith eon bemen at my workstand specimen at the Gazette office. Those 62meg - supplied thereselve• tor their buibilUga, and wishing hmdsome front brick, or asperiorhird and solid paving brick, can obtain them • - ISAAC GREGG/ Elinsusighavi. June L,leis.-. FlO/1—.2, tails No I iiiin nied tins& 20 halide No 1 de do; 6 bats No I mew do; ba do No 1 nacre Herring.; 20 half do No Ido do; atbbls • Nol Mwterel; 11l do No 1 Salmon; /ant •rn•llT 'bY onnol and for sale by JOHN sync/T ic .. si2&• _ MW OPATITNEtisiIiiF—i have that day' OssoeCn Tai Mb id the wholesale uronery, ProdneeThfid Commission Business, 61r John WdiOrs, auderllie&bl of JOllOl WAIT & CO ' JOHN waTr. - Pbutrurgb,April 30, 1046 . . • riOrefl 111100618-75 due esCrCifironissuist V 'for isle by opz • R 'ROBISON tr. Ca sioat s honsei ior whi by np23 ROUNCIN &Co PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, rtioLiSIIED bAllrY t •Y&1- WEE 3 ........h.. ,... W . 7 61: : it MrkOncrunitwittiirso,Uelmtionsar On Pam kar. DATES OP A OVlLitrigliiio:: insertion of L 2 linen, or Icsa, ..... ....40 30 Two intertioron without alteration. Three 40 ~. Ono %yeah 0 0 .... ••d• ....AI- 210 NO. Weeks • ..... .430 Three rr. . t ".... . .. .:: - 31 1 1:1 - One Month, 4,00 ........- Two , Three' " " 760 . IG" ralkovadvertisemente In' intind prOntqr.l.: o .l o , l ,POZoiCillooth., without ailoratlOD,•• "AV 00 Et. " 0 0 ..•• 1600 Eiackl/dditiiimonl equate for 6 mnrith., ....,.. 3r60 " ''-' " t• 13 " ' 10 : 00 Ono ;Titre 6 ationthsvenewilde at plinigre, IA 00 . ~. 12 '2o 00 Each addilitmalaqnue for 12 Months- •ttt,...- 16/ 00 Two equerry, 6 moothri, Womble at pleuitirt; 30 00 Each additional squirm, 6 martian, ..... ..... 8 00 VPRZE.LT on Taz•vrsocr.T tiff ?LILT raPilLs. 00e square. 3 losoiliOto, • - • • •• • • •• •• ••• • • •61 'OO each additional hmertion,.......- 37 lIIIIINZU 0111120. Five linen or leo, one year. ..... ........ 600 •'" blond, 600 . - one year, daily & weekly, 10 00 ele,truanstra 00 anwairrienworew For 10 tiaea , orlMe cree 'f " •••••.A 0- Three, a 00 n - These month', A iS BSTEELVEJ'.7-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers