-~ i !I _.: .. _.- .. dCi..n... ~M -. BY MAGNETIC-TEUlnflr REPORTED*: TELZORRPRED For thr Pittsburgh I Atli assorts CHOLERA IN CINCINN(TL Coleman, May 14. The Boned ofgerdth report!' 46 enseli and 7 deaths during. the 24 hours ending noon on Sunday; and 20 cases and 3 deaths in the 24 bona ending noon to day. Nica Yoix, May 14 The city, remains quiet. A. clamber of the mounded , lltal e not expected to retssviir. The gehs ni opistiala is, that !decreed) , leaves for Eaghted is the FlikeitniS. PHILADELPHIA maxim'''. • k. Mayl4-6 PM Floor—This market 13 inactive; alappinginanda are bold at. St 75; buyers do not seem to take bald at than figurer- Grain--The market to day did not exhibit soy activity; sales were confined to small piumels; prices have a downward tendency; saleagaime white whest,at $1 10; prime red, SL OS, Rye— Sales were made to a moderate extent, at 58c per busheL Coro—Prices have slight! 'defined since hut report. No change in other descriptions of grain. Provisions—The market remal without alter ation. Whiskey—Sales in bhls, at flit. r gal. There is no change in other ar eles usually re ported. NEW YORK MARKET. azedirr. I , May 14-12 et Flour—Tbe market it unchanged; we note sales al former quotations. Grain—The market bas exhibited no change either as legends prices or demand. Cotton is dull, and buyers am not disposed to pay previous price. Money Marlret—Prices have deelined a shade; transactions are very limited. Business generally is inactive. New Yogi, May 12-4* Flour—The Bales to day have been mo+trate, comprising Genesee, at 553118 22; sales Omit em, at $4 44611 50 per hbl; Ohio. a 1 $4 75 tow bbl. Grain—The demand for corn is much linfa than It was, mid prices are declining. The ealasato day Comprise prime yellow, at 6( 62c; sales alprime white, at 57e. la other grains I notice sides of 8000 bushels rye, at Mc. There is no change in any other descriptions of grain. Provisions—Pork may be quoted as $lO ilia sto 25 for mein, and $8 37 for prime. There is n good demand for lard, end prices have an upward tendency; emirs In bbl.. at eiest. Whiskey—Sale. in bbl. at alto per geL Groceries—The market is unchanged both aa regards prices or demand. CINCINNATI MARKET. May 14—P. M. The river fell three feet since morning. • The weather is very pleasant. Flow—The market Is heavier than yesterday, and the business done is at a slight decline i 03,60 per bbl. is Ogrere4. Whiskey-41e market is dull, and prices have declined, with sales at 141. Provisions—The market is inactive and busi ness is unusually dull, The steamers Milliard and Telegraph No.l left together thia morning. Vtaatsta Emmrrrom—The Richmond Whig gives the allowing as the full remit of the Virgin. Ma election:— • For Congrea-14 democrats and 1 whit. State Sennte—Democrats 21, whits 11. • House of Delegates—Democrats 73, wiltss e. 2— democnntic tnijority on joint ballot. 2L. KtiftiNaDizisrl THEATRE Lessee and Manager..--.C. B. P . Acana Ast, S-r.noz Mutacmt W. H. tuni. GREAT ATTRACTION—FOR 3 NIGHTS ONLY. The celebrated Opera Troupe. Mum ELIZA Ilmax - rt, Prima Donna pupil of the great Mazmicato of Milan, and late of the Opera Rouse, N. York. 'Mr. MAfframs, Prima Tenon: from tbi,Tbestres Royal, Covent Garden and Drury Lane—agitated by Mrs. Cr.artaa, and accompanied on the pia.* by Mr. Ronnome. In consequence of the great expense attending this engagement, the free list I. suspended with the excep tion of the gentlemen of the press. The truccuintuchts will commeuce with the ANGEL OF THE ATTIC. Michael Magnus Mr. J. Auli. Menem, eriih a tong RiasDritisc. After which, selections from the Openi of CHILD OF THE REGIMENT. Marie, the Child of the Regiment, •Ifilies African.. Alorchioncim ..... • him. Clarke. —• . Th , Mr. Madsen:Salptzio ......... ••••• • f • •-•• ... Role. For programme of mato, ineidents,..ko.., see deg hills. Dance, by24nta Homer. To conclude with the drama of the • ROBBERS OF THE.BLACE FOREST. •M.D FOr6EINE DISPENSARY, For the effect.' Card of Indigestion, Hypo, Bine Dovng, and Cholera! Tag public generally, who are set ef art, 'may safely cabince this totirersal sager-mood remedy, With the as. wirance that it to incenons, an antidote to cani, , ,thatagea dayprior,. alleviates pain, does not interfere with dntles the , speedily es bile, nod has been4roettently known to reduce the most choleric re heconattxtpats ill fins application : Bantle*, it reinvigorates thOptknentd,tbr nertday , a tatainsea All agar, sexes aid coo:Meat tige been known to expectance sensible re*, f. lindekage rife of us peon being minwrolously ridded to e tf as aesgatorlasi, to say.nothinged Me mel:I-tame Vtae a r f=seareh of lacaltb having tier. aniabled•pn No Palmer heel:eon itecatedi - Y0 tha. ahhoogirfannons Extrope . And AnntricaTand rereTiMclished to the amid, are in the age proassion of thie Celirre gf natroscey, tool impothion is precluded by the fact that if the !smallest of the componthi parts spurious or offeior, the conipmad Is iar.rway fotod to us =moo and melees . • twedienta are (harmless and yet hoar agreeable :) n Mast 'of -the °macrons, a Induce of the. , exquisite Honterunaelnp of Arlie Rona; the turtling bocktond So. inseams and mile., feat: of Young Otran Rot OS his =Well= hone; the gredt )3etekucod Triat.lslll tam. back, =I &molars and Bukariag upon the - Tick Envy T/7 Most. Ixas • the Ihrunatic.Feesters of Matra Mani 0. .11 BTETIL 1 the patina stylet of Zrattunort by R Signor Iran Orncust ; Eqnitatrudolnal Herculean Fran, Pantotainua sal 8 by Mean , KLITAIDT Dar Mona La.Tnozasi boamr ihamodA Itoarran: ltacire, Havordur, and Madame. Rim Mazroart, Hum, and Nacre, in equal parts, and it ( 45911r.' , ^iorfl •• , : ..-. c g...,„& , Itibt . .L11,4111-4M ;' 74 t ir g i EN[i ": 1.‘ r.0 .. •-_, ''''",-`"•'''' S.; . . w .' ,?.? . --"e" . :''' : ti "Ft,' ~)• .: ..- , e - _-.4 " • slant. nie or the whthath.l lieportmertt acid droll no. tiom of do eceetalrie hick-11 Azasirroax., and the go; family. ed" dimimaive,Eoniee, , Dan. Kasen ,ALannitr. and Itc - rneartt ; th e whole tingle: to the eosuistme"r of Enna, with the quirks, menbt, luscl ACLU= of ,II A.. Mee, tho grew Mokapmeoe ;lesser, ezei B A N Tana?, the peen pork= Coo:aria. , , .The eyesore se replied for this delectable:dam by glimpse of the tareelimg eaters of the thatitation es it enters tmvn ; the Coot rad boots .Equipegi of La= Pamper, Renging of at Freed : the &pea riam = at gargssees AC= alflllSatl of the cavalcade of a and 1.11141, and the great dersesiteln POW dans, dorm dsozefisli steeds anddrient 0* Dan Blot hisoseer' To to well she& ess.seken takes," has beeu taken p? the - wrapper. since ft has been discovered that the palm junnahly *ars with.latelter &chaotic opera. lien, eamtgb (or all practicab le papules. For Us ear, Ileareate Trireard Bugle mad Das Recen,Seatgi and Jams have been timed o sprojle and for the see, the be fatal:dr ROSA ; the charming 411• s. the gallant GLINDI RAW sad the supra Perepherudie, have beta found in stardea.,.h. efficacious. EY - CAUTION ' not against caan, (or no imuudina could tako-inthe toost,ver u.th_t against the only danger to be apprehended, to . ther ale, invalid nay TALL 1350 mcnuctga of pea se. daring the Mono and Equitation, or um cosvcre, emu of Inagkier, during the thro. of Dal Rim grated Perumen wlll ho preicribed teheiesoll IX the grand Heel des tossedides to be erected at "PrZTEIBUTICI, on Lot in fironter the AMER MAN HOTEL, orr,BlolallaY, remain atz dnvs. Dosts opert 'at 7—petform"ed to commence to 8 o'elock, P. u. Er A Grand Performeneebe given each after nocortMondni exe-ep.do at 3 o'clock, for Mn accom modation of Javemies and Families, who cannon at tend ai"OM Anntleaten 03 cents—no half price. D A N NICE, upT_Elu. D.N. ; Maw AWL 308 A, °mad ; A. 11ffiVmgL A.rinalitt SAM ileu m own Itsidus no,. of .811; Yount GLENN AOL r cf. 41 .A , ..F'n , DAN 332 02:6 1 ). au' ftslty. BI.II3ILEMS De 50 doz Enacts in Acne and : Wally myl4 J & It:FLOYD DOOIU 1300X8'—Tha Now American Gardener,_ 11 b 7 Morena CI Feteender , .. , _• The New American Orclarann, by Wm4nri . k. LC:M The Complete Farmer and Racal . bfPcs , Modem Domestic Coolieryi by Wrn-ir Hannrirma lost reed by JObDiSTON titTOCICTON,- tares . • co dr Niclret ' ~~ TOVERCLit RECORD:f TORTIWIITTESURGEL- • 1 49 I - £Lanec. ALMAIIAC. !co% ,••• L 3 Band •••• I•l , ;Matairi. ---- .. . ISrTheB+3l l ••• • • ...... 10 iNedgesday, •• • 1/3 PHUT, • • 4,3 PIT' surruan dean or %Imps Co HOR. MAY. •• , .*- 4111 C.• _ •:" Mar char iaihre ludirute ofannday, the temperature With* as*atharhttderiliantia.*retrianterisd change. and daring instanter, h*ite 'coil. and eloady. The .market &mink sus inaniiiide, and sale. were main• if i hinfin.d to liolisealiwtOans. -ob..p.d .1w • I•••. 4 qUihtnal!A ilarietitii. whirr, and ealaa in that quarter ten "few irridfar beAargau?, 51.011 - 11—The ontrols „wens. 116; . and snips vivre effeetedin amned lota 6Ny , frini first bandy 14 59,700 473, and from 0t 000 141113,750133,57 V obi. GRAth—Wi hear 6t no 'riles' tilllkrbeit et Bye Corn Is seven, and would bring snottily on On when, 37e. Saiesof Oats o,9fiSe, of Halley at 56fit00e BACON-4alesof y 1,090 5s Sides, airy cured, at Sc. ,Od of 90,000 15i Homo, in different lots, nt Ole 0 lb PEARL ASH—Sale of 9 too, at Ste V lb. ===t! •Pnichs.tranna, May 10, 1.49 There i nreis Ofrereul 1060 head of Beef Cattle, of which 150 were driven w New York, and 61 head unsold.— Sales atr E 5,75 P.lOO Ittai • Cowsi and Calves-EMI otTored—Srdes at SG m 1112 for Nry C 04441114 to rit rot Springer, and 1518 10 S3o for Stash Goes. lioga.-710 offeted-i-Fales now and dull, ranging from 11.5 to IMAO tie 1 0 Si. Sheep and Lambri-IMM offered—Pale. from St= to 8440 for Shieep, !MA to $5 for Lambs, 01 to quality. Humans, May 11,1349. CoII6S—AI the scales lao /deuday there were COO head offered of arid& 425 were sold to city butchers, ICO were doyen to Mil:debiting, and 75 were driven to Washingtort. Prlceli ranged from 82,75 to 84,25 on the hoof, etanal to 85,504488,85 net, and averaging 83,75 HogerThe supplytwas good. IV° quote from 84,75 to 155,114. Banns or me 13/11.213/02t2 too Onto RAIL.HuAII. 'gbe faiiy w iug mo Mernorands of the trove! upon the Eialumirie stud Ohio Railroad during the month. of March Ond , April, 1849. In Meech, the nm4ortation eastwardly into the city of HaltiMorrh In comb of the pnompal staple, hos been n. folloerc. - . PinOr, Cc. 4, Tot:rate°, bias Grain, Meal, tr...., tom Pork and Bono; Iron, Land and Bunter, " Hogs, to number, • The number of Bop tnmsponed to the 0 months ince October 15t.11849, has been 155,095, against 90004 ht.the eisrrarponding part of the previous year. The tonnage westward front Baltimore to alt ports of the mad haa been 6564. end the revenue therefrvm Warrens/el of the month from passengera, has been 1457,05/31.420n the Main Nem, and 1114r5,45/9 09 on the Wolin Brandt—together 1492,351 91; from freight On the; aid Stern * me 04, and on e Washington Brace DOD 10—together 1371:43111 23 Total revenue Conn Fia.asengent and freight on both roads, $170,963 54. This ulitte largest month's revenue that has been re ceived ;since the opening of the road. In April the receipts upon barb roads. daring the Ciondframonnted to 16120369 95. The:tritstspenrunion outwardly into the coy of Bah, more,doring the month, in some of the pnnetpal sta pes, h ;ft Osten so follows: , 14,1dr, WI, •• j Cdal,tddi Tobacco; tiltdsj•• • • • • Grain, Meal, he, wk. Pdtk Bacon, Lard and Butter,. " ..... • Hogs and other, nye stock, eons Viz— m oss in number, .......... . Horses and Mules, i Horned Crude,— ..... =TI 'TItIEITEE , B SALE TE underaignea Arieignee of Samuel Ink &moire, win Offei at public "endue or outcry, on the pre misee, an the:3oth rif May .lost., at one &sleek in the afternoon of that day, nTRACT OF LAND, contain tug 330 and a half acres, Mender on the Monongahela Dyer, _about', one Mile above Monongahela City, In 'Washington totenti, Pa. There are erected on this tenet, • new Iwo sorry belch Dwelling House. Also, log Dwelling Rouen There are two good Apple Or chards on the prenfises; about OD acres cleared; 40 or 50 styes of which 10 first rate river bottom There is a Swam bf 0 feet of Stone Coal, under the whole mot, 'equal to any on the Monongahela river, and so conve— nient to the elver, that it cools but a trifle to remove it 'from the bank!. to the boats. The laud is of the best ttAlity, and contains an inexhaustible quantity of estone. This tract will be sold in whole or to Tan, to accommodate purchasers • Those wishing for further information, ore referred 40 Judge Hill, residing on the premien hamuel Beck let, readingnese the land, and Daniel Long, 'Memel', 'Ctncitenati, Ohio. • There mll also Ito said ore the 31st May, Snot., at one 'o'clock in the afternoon of that day, on the premises, a tract of LAND, coatairung Gei nen., situated in Fal. lowfleld toureship,: In said county; adjoining lands of the heirs of. Dan a Dolton, Jerome Grable and °n about km half of which is cleared; on which is erect ed • Grist Mill, with two run of stones; a new Saw Mill; itgered Dwelling House, Sc. The: Emma will be made known on the day of solo by JOSEPH HENDERSON, Aesigne. mg7roltmay24 . POICTORA (WILL be:opened (D. V.) for the'admission of young IV Gentlemen cita Monday, the Ott day of Apra. Thum (payable in advance) per session of 5 months: Enghea, Classicaland hlathematical depart. • cleat • •• • • . English departorast 816 A ignited nunaber of hoarders will be received. For restimoniels, reference• and additional Informs lion, el:ignite of Rio Principal, at the institute, Robin son street, between Federal street and Sandusky, to Chisletraßow. • W. COPELAND, A. 8., Of Trinity College, Dublin Ex-Sicar, told Queen's Scholar from the Royal Scho:ol of Econakillen i Federal at. near-Robinson maya:dlf tiCON-1 obd Sides now landing from atom Deno. B vaLfor Glyn_ LSAIAII DICKEY &Co VARNISH=IOO gals Furniture and Coaeli, of best quality, on erinalgansent, and will be sold loss to Mom. mylo ISAIAH DICKEY & Co FLOUR- 120 libls Floor to-day reed'and for sale by tuylo ADAISTRONG & CHOKER lar ICO R Y NUTS-6 bbl. in store and for sale by mylo ARMSTRONG & CROZ ER MANNERS OIL-50 bbl. Brown 0_ landing from canal and for sale by BAGALEY Zs SMITH my 3 COTTON YiEN-1000 lbs Cotton zu Yarn, sorted Nos, in store =dim sale low by my 3 I /AS DALZELL Lt. H. ktOLABBI3S-30 Dbl. St James 8 H Molases, 0. in store and Connie very low to close consign ment„ by my 3 JAS DALZELL EA NUTS.-75 as Pee Nuts, to store and for sale P lovriossiose consignment by my 3 /AS DAL7.F.LL ANNERi3orr:=lsll - LictlianiiiZai loam T cam!' and for salt by my 3 JAS DALZELL • L INSEED OIL—.IO br i nplr i ze s ;d by my 3 corner In and woo• All D RUGS—Chlarate Potarb, in lb. boffin; Citric Acid do Hypo. Sulpb . Bodo do Bub Nit. bicrumb do Cmasoio do Granville Lotion do Chloroform do it= leCtived =1 for sate by my 3 B A FAHNEATOOK k. .('lO GRAB -MI bbl. Coypc_ras, jost landN and for llllePtle . WESTON MB ES, MY3 90 Front wt DFRUIT- , 400 bosh dried Peaches; 480 do do jJ &pal* for sale by RHEY, MATTHEWS & Co, my 3. . 29 tale( sl WifrE BEANS -4S bail for sale by VTmy 7 RIMY, MA THEWS & Co EC A B alpha —24 - bblrfar sale by C RHEY, hIATTITF:WS & Co (.2110E PAPER—GOO reams mooned eotors reenved Mut for sate by s C dry 4 .7 wood st 11/4t;ON-11141X0 lbs &slotted Bacon, in store and for JI Sale by L tl WATERMAN, my 4 31 water and tel front at JUKE RECEIVED AND FOR EALE--30 bblo No I flortior, 20 do N C opt. I. WATERMAN YR PLOUR—io bbls superior Rye Flour, Jill re ,ceiVed sad for sale by rhyd 8 & W HARBAUGH FINF.; FLOUR- 60 bbls hsue Flair, - rusirecEii sod for Mk by . a/y4l g k W HARDAUGH TIF --- FKDOW OLAJ33-100b.us Smith k Filwron's br'd; VV. 415 dal 3 Harken's brand, justree'd and for sale 'by rey4 3k W HARBAUGH Q. MI6 ASH—LS esks'irans best Soda Ash, jest land lag and for sale by myi S& W HARBAUOII TEN gIIAILES Exchange Ila&k Stock forante by SOLOMON SCHOI ER, illy& 110 Second rt 1 &E.ELIME-10 bbts aopenor Labe Lime, rac'd and .1.2/ for sale by oty4 A & W lIARBAUGII G,KEIKN ArPLL_N--3o bbla ut scorn and (or sal, by my 4 8 k W llARLinUtall ArPh":lTr4R — fit - .'''k - 7'd .e.r.I4;,ATA,(; ..4.35E,-513 bbl. N 0 Molnar., mit r., da d in{ oda by my{ S& W HARE& UGH ' . TE SHARKS Pittsburgh, Clll.llll/111 and Louts grille Telegraph dwels, for vale by - 444 r N HOLMES & SONS IttraPEACHES-;.50 - 1 - tuabB7sare'd by cuyt. ARMSTRONG, & LRORFR RXE FLOUR-2D bble for sale by S.lny4 . AKIIIISTRONG & CROZER CksslA—eau mats fresh Cams, 7 bales do Clove. )andlng and for sale by fIrY3BAGALEV & SMITH EASS.:-200 - &vs Da rn Glass, IM do 110.5t2 do, 70 do r ts 9, far sale by WICK A McCANDLESS 4.% tiKWH doe Parlor Air tralls, a rtaid article, of assorted vises, just received at a Robber Depot, No 5 Wood st. J to H PIULLIPS Stearice Caridlea, a superior irtictei just reed and for sale by S k %V . HA RBAUGH FtliEbi-50 birsTtlat reecit end Gir safe ; id the laud bt 5P27 IS h IV HA HSAUO ft PoYClteenwood Garden. A i t s ' Naar A1111010INCII:—The steamer T,llOB. CO'.ST will commence on tdonday, !day 7, to rem from the Old to Greenwood Landing, foot of Pitt at the lcuilng at 8 o'clock, a. a, and at each nron hoer Arad O'clock, a., lea trip from the Gar den. 10 a. ts. Vcs Balnotaa ard supplied arilh all the delicacies of dor ammo. Tercet 6 o'clock. The Garden, with • Mtge eolleetionnlGreenhouse Plants, Dattlions, An ttwat . 81ttnr_ Planta and Shobbery. The comfortable st7xetrm..* Intl be placed at the Pin the 11 , OF LAVENDER, Kawd..) oilor mum or ri Rosetmaryi do rio Suecini, rectified; d. do Orig.- wadi do do ".... " ,d; of ...oh, perfe.l pure, re- Ceivedattd tar ask by aril BRAUN a, REITEEt 14- 4 45 4 4_• 4 41 4 41 4 41 7 6 7 7 7 8 7 9 7 10 7 11 7 19 Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson. McKeesport. Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, Wellsville Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Nominee, Smith, St. Loma. Yankee, McKee, Zanesville. Lowell, Dexter, Zanesville. Flora, —, Cin. New England, No 2, Dean, Cia. DEPARTED Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baum , Jacobs, Brownsville. Allautic, , Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis McLane Brownsville. Lake Erie, Gordon; Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Isaac Newton, Hemphill Cin. Cinderella, Calhoun, Sunfish. Tag Hives.—There were H reel 0 inches in the hannel, by pier mark, last evening et dusk, and BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Browervtlle Packet", 8 A. M, and 4 P. M Beaver Packet", 10 A. M, and 4 P. M St Loui►-Schuylkill. Fox Putraemestre. I) Leech de co'L packet line-0 o'clock P. M IMPORTS BY RIVER. CINCINNATI—Per Flora-10 Gls .peltries, W B Holmes;? asks bacon. 10 bbl. beans, 41 do apples, 21 do lard. 17 hgs (embers, 1 bbl beeswax, 155 do pork, W Binghtun, 10 asks bacon, T Wriche 59 bls cotton. K. Peunock & co; 50 lam sides. J Sle.Fsilen & co; 10 Mile lard oil, 1) Leech & co; IPS do whtskey. B Moore; 121 tail pork, 1 box, 11 Gran . & co; 1 box mdee. I W Butler & bin; 12 bdl. steel, Jones & Quip., 2 bbl. broken glom W McCullough. ST. I.ol:l9—.Per James Ringer; 100 pigs lead, Og. den & Snowden; 100 do do, !interred & Pears; l 9 bales skins, 23 pkgs fors .d slims, A Beelen, cks bacon, Pennock le !duel/ell; I bx Forsyth & cm 4 hxs. I ck md.e, I Ildcladem 4 hhd. tobacco, Clark & Thaw: Circus company and fixtures, D. Rice. W HEELING-1 1 e t Cinderella-2 cal" ware, T Cun itingbaut.4l bids dour, 2 boo bacon, 1 keg lard, owner. 9 bps dned apples, Geo A Berry; 0 bbls dour, lao A 111.r4. 74 do do, S itlcClurkan; lot sundries, H Graff, 5 bbls dry apples, 1 crt 2 eta rags, Von Bonnhorst; 1372 pee bacon, W Bingham, 3 eats do, I, 51 Waterman; 06 tads flour, kleClurk an; 33 bgs oats. 13 bids apples, NV H Hays; 50 do flour, J S Dilworth , d !Md. lob, El Leech & co; '2 do do. R Darrell & co; 1 box eggs, W Greer, 12 kb& rob; J A Roe; 7 sits dned fruit, Armstrong & Cry ner. 100 bbls flour, (3 A Berry; 6 do do, W Hazlett. ST LOUIS—Per Fairmount-46 bls hemp, 13 cake bacon, J McLaden & co; 313 pks buffalo robes, A Hee led, 10 calm bacon, Kier & Jones; G 4 his hemp. 19 sks wool, Clark & Thaw; 1 box mdse, 7 bbds 79 mcc bacon, D Leech & co- 9 oaks do, R Bruce Jr; 2 bls sdrsaparills. 1 keg furs, D Fitzsimmons & co, 0 cats ware: 1 box do. H Graff & co cirma AVALUABLE MILL Water Power, formerly Siloam as Leonard', capable of grinding from LSO to 300 bushels per day, together with 700 acres of good land, one half of whica is good timber, the other half prairie, under fences, improvements. a good barn and double frame house. The present aid! was built lb months since, upon the site of one built Is or V) years ago. The old mill rented for ilk , t3 per month. tie deem it unnecessary to say more concerning the property, as it is not expected that any one ail buy before examining, he. This property istitunthil four miles north of gurney, in one of th e best Wheat grow ing connives. This property, to conileCtiOn with null ing and farming, is most admirably calculated for the riustng of sto-k. For farther particulars, call on or address A. Wheat, Esc- or C k. U. A. MILLER. Quincy, 11l , blay,lB49—mytibdlsetcwlmS Aentogra Sala of Real Brenta. ON TUESDAY, JUNE filth, at 3 o'cloock, P hl., will be sold on the premises by order of the Ex ecutor., the estate of the late Edward Patchett, de wed, that valuable LOT OF GROUND, adjoining the properly of John Seaton, beginnmg nu the Dia mond or panne square, at the diameter of 94 feet from the corner of the Diamond and Market street, run. sting thence by the Diamond and by lot No. 34.6 wen wardly 142 feet to Decatur street; thence by said at. souuswardly about 16 feet to a 3 feet alley, 'which rims along the end of the warehouse late of James Adams, deed; thence by the rood three feet alley eastwardly a parallel line with Fourth street, mittl it passes the north east corner of the said warehouse about seven feet; thence soothwanily a parallel lute with Decatur street about eight feel; thence castwnrdly a parallel line Watt Fourth street until 2 ranges -with the west side of the Diamond; thence southwa dly a partitel line with Market atreet. two leen thenceeast wardly a parallel into with Fourth Street edL feet, and thence northwardly a parallel nue with Market street 20 feet to the place of beginning. On which are erect ed BUILDINGS fronung on the Diamond, and on De catur street, antnect to 111 .11110 J ground tent of 161.5 111, payable semi. annually. Tramt—Oar-third cash, residue m two equal unnu al payments, with interest, to be secured by bond and JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. m°' =d3h4wts G UM GIIAIAG-25U B I A tis F j A us t uv s Un c u K fo , : c sal o c by myll corner wood and tat sts 1015ALS. COPAL lb. just recd end for tale by royll B A FAIINESTOCK /t Co , EJ) PRECIPITATE-75 lb* polo Toc'd and for sale by myll B A FAEN &STUCK & Co **TRW RIBBONS, BLACK SILKS, BLS. BARS. I,CIES, Ac.—W. R. Monrur bas t his morning re. csired by Express a lot of handsome straw colored, green and blue Bonnet Ribbons. Agso, glossy black Saks for dresses. Valdes, mmaillas, Sc. Itxxcit Bus Lam—A large assortment lately rec.. red. Wain Goons for dreases—onci as SWISS and mull inctslins, Nu:moons, de. Also, embroidered =ldling for dresses, all at lowest prices, at northeast corner Fourth and Marker streets. ==== MORGAN'S WORM KlLLER .— Another proof of the triumphant success of Morgan's Vernufsige. Primernott, May 10, 1849. Mt, John D. Martin-1f my untie is of any an to the suffering community, in regard to the Illieie Of Morgan . . Ye . mufuge, you are . perfectly welcome to it. I had two chtidren sorely afflicted with worms,- 1 be came alarmed, and very justly so, when I tned your renowned Veruotoge, and utonlshing to tell, one of them wog delivered of .00 , 11/ fifty worms fifteen inches long, of the most trightful kind, resembling more the aappenance of eels. The other child was delivered of about M. The childrenare now doing finely You may well be proud of your Worm Killer. Yours trtry Dsvoi Soars, 'lngot alley Prepared and sold wholemle and ietotl by JOHN D. MORUAN, Druggist, Wood street, one door below Di. amond alley. melt Air A NN'Sc. S. AXES—Diu cot Maw... J oao, ogle. In tented C. R. &nes, to store and for gate by LOGAN, WILSON & Co URLED lIAIR-100 lb* Curled Hair. a very *ape C nor article, reed this day and karate by myth LOGAN, WILSON k Co HOVELS AND FORKS—A veryaper., grue/e of Shovels and Forks, gtore and for utle by tnyl2 LOGAN, WILSON A Co FLAXSEED OIL -4 bbl. Jun teed and for sale by myl 2 8 & W lIARILIAUGH 1rj.6.1/01ki SIDES-11,0M Ib. , reoelly rleazott .morel ,Dlll tor -ale by ISAIAH DICKEY re Co, slyl2 • Front et ETALIC FIRE AND ‘V ATER PROOF PAINT o bwol eoo•uotly; for oak" by myr/ • ISAIdli DICKEY R. Co flarroN— 105 b•lee more; for sale b- milt . _ ISAIAH DICKEY re Co LARD-I2S tarts No in stare, for sale by myl2 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co GOOBER PEAS—ItiOO bush in store: for safe b, rayl2 ISAIAH DICKEY tn. Co FEATHERS—On bond constantly; for sale by myl2 ISAI_AH _ DICKEY _S Co AAA MASON P. Co, No. 60 Slacker weer. have . on hood the largea ornery of Embroideries which they have ever offered. Their twor tinent con sorts in pert of the following goods, cif !SS rich embroidered hlusdn Capes, from 5E50 0 5,0 "57i l 0 51.00 Collars SOD crochet Collars. 'rota 37i to :6 no liimpure " Gt to 12i 150 Jenny Lied " 02} to 1,00 1110 muslin Saints, " 50 to 150 500 parse muslin Cults," V/ to 02/ Also, Mourning Collars, from IEI to 25c Call at the cheap one price store of A. A. MASON & Co, No GO Market at. cam - Lk hIONxA fear boa rust reed and for sale by myd S & W HARBAUUH YOUR Colluil MAY BE CURED ALL2OIIIM Crrr, Ward,) Aprl aJI, i s Mt. R. E. Sellers Being afflicted for acme time with a cough, which was so severe as to unfit me for my daily employment. Frequently after coughing, I have been so much exhausted, us to Ise obliged to en down and rest_ Ifeartng of the good effects produced by your Cough Syrup. I concluded to give it a trial, end am happy to say it produced the desired effect In my c. After using it one night, the cough was abated, and are l ant bow perfectly wed hots 301111110 N. This ple.ant und popular Cough Syrup is prepared and acid by R E Sh•LIAILS, 47 Wood street. Sold also by Druggtsts generally in the two cities and vi cinity. my 11 K. B. CAHLISABAN, A'FTORNEY Ar LAW. Offlee on Fourth street, between Merry alley and Grant st. ruyl:lly__ VANILLA BRANS-10 lb. of • very choice pull ry, received and for nit by nryll BRAUN lb RRITER (AIL OF LEMON-1 ease, warranted pare, reed and role by !styli BRAUN & REITER IL OF IIEROA&10T-1 ease, warranted pure, re eetved and (or stir by myll BRAUN & REITER ulf or L INSF:EDto.e and sor sale bbl. m i;HAUN d. kErrEit, MO, Liberty and EN Clair Ms m=;=3 CST RECEIVI.D, a splendid lot of finest Gold J Pens yet made Pens are generally made n( from In to j 5 ker. gold. I have had • large lot mAnufrietu red orle k¢”t gold. and finished with rmunth heir pointy, and spring like a quill, and confidently recom mend them as the very hest made. Also, 36 down of various quelities irom 81, to 82, and Mt warranted Also, a few extra ',Milken Pens PANS -2 Ws for sale by anylo ARMSTRONG & CROZKR F 1 , : rAtt;;; 11 5 ( 0 , 4 , 4 do e lm ;11 -or ir N t.:;!—U mon of Church and Store, by The Church in Sternest by Rev J Angel James. Adelce to Young Men, by T II Arthur, gilt Young Loam. " Eamay• of Stlte--Charice Lamb. Folderol,' Cholern, by Prof Coventiy. Cyclopedia of Moral and flagitious Anecdotes Complete Work aof Charlotte Elizabeth, with mei toms by her husband. Y vol., Hvo lilwareted with steel plates. Oregon and California in Iblit, by Judge Thornton. Tho late Erpmiluon to the Deed Sea. Proverb. fur the People; or Illurtrationa of Practical liodhcass drawn from the Book of Wisdom, by E L Magcron University Sermons, by Dr Waylead. Elemonts of klemorology, by J itrochleoliy, A. M. For rate by K HOPKINS, tog' Redding, 4th at Jona FLOYD RIC.IO Ftorn. Jats. R. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers. Commission Alembents, end Netters In Produce, Round Church Iluildlega, fronting on Liberty, Wood and 6th street., Pittsburgh, Pa. myt kl' iCTURFENTINEL4S 'ipte 'l'mperiup g , S prlsao order, lam reed and for sale by myßdlw HENRY C. KELLY x ~'~ LOCAL. MATTERS, — =Porno Fox TICE mrssmusic DAILY warm. Ihurraccrion ov Pansierv.—We took a stroll up the banks of the Allegheny yesterday, and were really astonished at the amount of property de tanned by the late freshet. The dam of Mr. Stephen Morrison, between Ham's Island and the 1138111 land, swept away, and legs, rafts of timber and branches of trees are piled together, so that men can walk arrow from the shore to the island, with perfect safety. The water must be some fifteen feet deep here, yet the timber is Sojammed together that it reaches to the bottom of the river, and protrudes about two feet above the surface of the water. We understand that the bodies of two men who were drowned in attempting to save some lumber, are supposed to be in the gorge. Altogether, we have rarely beheld Such a scene of desolation as the channel between he island and the shore presents. NIKZIINP or rag FIRSZILEN'II AB.OOIATION.—The meeting of the Firemen'. Association, held in the hall of the Vigilant Fire Company yesterday even. ing, was organised by calling R.. B. Roberta, Esq. to the chair. and appointing J. M. Kenney, Secre tary, and D. Campbell, Treasurer. Wm. M. Ed gar wen then appointed First Chief Engineer, Win. Gorman, Second Chief Engineer, and Third Chief Engineer, David Fur =mons. The following "Committee of Conference, and Inspection" was then appointed: Eagle, Wm. Gomm,' Allegheny, Edw. Gregg; Duquesne, Wm. J. Howard, Jr.; Nep tune, Geo. Funston; Niagara,J. Shannon; Vigilant, E. S. Neal; Good Intent Hose Co., J. M. Kenney. FOUND Daowrizo.—The Gazette of yesterday states that a keel boat was found floating down the Allegheny, full of water, and sunk to the roof, in which was found the dead body of a young and handsome woman, with a little child clasped in her arms. The boat bad been landed a title above Hare's Island, where some fishermen discovered the corpses, when the water subsided a little.— Duper& We believe the above is a coax. Reporters are sometimes imposed upon.—Parr. The above is not a hoax. We made every requisite enquiry before laying the fact before the public, and although it was published to no other paper, we can vouch for the authenticity of our report. The bodies were conveyed to Sharps burgh, and, we believe, interred there. The keel boat was taken to its owner, who lives some severty miles upon the Allegheny.—Gazette Arrearrao Quiets—John Grid an Eng liahman, from Staffordshire, yesterday attempted to cut his throat with a pen knife. He has been boarding with Mr. Knox, is Irwin street, for some time back, and had suffered a great deal from sickness, which imperil:Waned a desponding frame of mind. He made the attempt with a pen knife, but luckily, a gentleman interfered, and although the gash he made was a horrid one, and bled pro fusely, still he is now considered out of danger. The wound was carefully sewn up, and dressed by Dr. Crawford. ASSAULT AND Berner—Mrs. Ellen Batman yesterday entered a complaint before Alderman McMasters, against Nicholas Moan, who had committed a violent assault upon her. He struck her several times with stories, one of which she brought to the Squire's Office, nod winch weighed upwards of four pounds. Scum or Too PRAM— E- 7. Beams, on oath of Witham Dunn, was yesterday bound over to keep the peace, before Alderman Steel. Coatstas Scott,.— Mn. Mary Foreman was brought bekre Alderman Steel yeaterdey, charged with being a common scold. She gave the Squire a taste of her qualities, and is to have another hearing to day at two o'clock, which we most certainly alma not attend. Tnesraa—We were highly delighted last night with the beautiful gems selected front the opera of "La Somnamula." We don't know which most to prairie, the staging or noting. Miss Brienti gave a most beautiful impersonation of the lovely "Amiai," while Manvera woo all that could be de sired as Elvin°. These two Artists most play bold the highest position in their profession. Mrs. Clarke deserves great credit for her careful sing ing and acting as Lisa, while Mr. Archer sustain ed the part of Bodolpho in a very musician like style. In relation to the '• Child of the Regiment,' ma give the following front a correspondent, "Had we not seen Miss Brienti tart night in the comic and lively part of Marie, in the Child of the Regi ment, we should hove decidedly considered her forte the serious opera, but the naivete and ease with which she gave the role of the 'Vivandiere,' has placed her justly, In our estimation, 'as elud ing between the comic and tragic muse. We speak of her now as an actress: as a vocalist, we blow of no young lady, whom claims to he con sidered as a prima donna are higher than Miss Brienti's. Movers, as Tonio, last evening de lighted us , be is always the sound and perfect ar. ust ; his military tang was admirably given, and only escaped an encore by his own management. Mrs Clarke looked and acted the Marchioness to perfection.' a DAN Braes Curcus.—A Trip/a Corps.—The greed Shakspearean tins three airings to his bow. A regular old fashioned circus troupe, such as one does nut see every day , a complete children's troupe, if possible more expert than the grown persons, and a collection of performing ponies, that are so singular in their tneks, which are simi lar to the gambols of a parcel of merry children, that they are properly called a family of ponies. Aroostook, Dan 'lice, Mlle Rosa, Master Jean and Menter, the wissard Bugler, are luminaries then even the unfavorable weviher ca nno t conceal laThe splendid Packet Ship LOUIS PHIL IPPK, jinbt. Den:hall, master, of SID tone bur then, mill be despatched on or about Ma lit den, Thu alum oiler* superior advantages fqr Passenger*. having been built tore Havre packet, laud has all the accommodations of the best European Packet Shipa. She has a Gentlemen's and Ladies' Cabin, is high and roomy between deck., well ventilated, arcnag in every respect superior accommodations and comfort to passenger. and Haight The ship will touch on her passage oat at into de Janeiro and Valparaiso, giving patsengera by her an opportunity to recruit. Mr ha S. Wetbered, having lust returned from Cal iforum, will give ouch info.. ion to pawengers will tit of essential service to them. lie will also give eash passenger accompanying this expedition the ben efit or his exp. turner in mining, and will also mote known to Item on arrival we most productive gold placers. No passage will b secured until ptud (or. For fretgbt or passage apply Inamedzately ro WETHEISED BROS., No. 2 German a BIRCKHEAD & PEARCE, or R. B. FITZGERALD, No. 9 Commerce a mylCkdoc , --IBolr. Am W W N% ILSON, corner Ca and Market fa. TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller aM Imparter 0 of Foreign Books, 6.1 Wood street, Mu on hand a valuable collection of English and American Books in the different departments of Literature, which he is prepared to sell as low as they can be obtained in the Bkin cities FNjtlishand Continental Books, Reviews, Maga zine. slid Newspaper', imported to 01616 T. The price of any Review, Magazine or Newspaper, may he ascertained on application to Mr L. Engltsh and American Catalogues furnished gratis. Mr. L. Intends to Mutt the Eastern titles in a few days, and will be happy to execute any bider. for Books, Engravings or Stationery, at a small advance on the cost. myit ON THE STEAM HNOINIK--A Catechism of the Steam Eminc, illustrative of the scientific prin ciple. upon which us operation depends, and the Nee l/ed details of its ISMICIUM, in Its application to mines, mills, steam tavigation, and railways, with Various suggestions of improvement By John Bovivrte, O. E. 1 vol. Is mo, Prom the last London edition. For sale by R HOPKINS, soya Ith st, war wool For San Francisco. AUCTION /SALES. By JoOm D. DR ( rLi, Anothanentr Lost and e/coang Sole of an Crea7llloo and troop, dinary collemon of English and American Boob and Stationery, Engrelopralua, And valuable standard works, in the As sr a, partments of literature, science, and the arts; nattlot and elegantly illustrated books• among which are splendid London cif:nous of very rare and choice works- fine Bibles and Prayer Books of every deserip don. ' Portfolios, Gold Pens, in gold and silver eases, of the best makers; letter, packet post , counneretal post, cap and note paper; envelopes; blank books, memorandum books, etc. etc. To be sold at Auction, at the store No lid Wood street, between Fifth street and Vtegui eel-amen 'ang early rofidle light on Moltday and Tuesday ev ni enffs, May 1451 and lath. On Tuesday evening, at Sr o'clock. about 250 reams of Vila. and `Superfine Cap, Lener, Commercial Pour, and P.ck. Post Pr-Per, d very superior article. Deal ars will find It for them interest to attend. . . . . •. The book. are note ready for exammatlon. Ladles and gentlemen are invited to call and examine them daring the day. The books arc new and warranted perfect, and will be sold without the least reserve to the highest bodder . Termer cash—Purchasers to pay for a , d take away their books the day following each sale my JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt Large and Pcuntsva Sale of Awe and valuably Lomdon licaks. Many of them elegantly 11lammed with splendid colored engraving*, and sire an assortment of very rare classic authors of the fifteenth century. Will be sold on Saturday and Monday evenings, May WM and 21st, at the commercial sales rooms. corner of Wood and Fifth streets, commenciag each evening at 71 o'clock. Full particulars to catalogue. which can be had on application to mytii JOHN D DAVIS, Auet Sprang and Stiouster Coshing, Cloths, Cassia:es 0 Silk Haft ta, as audition. On Isaesday morntng, Mac 15.11. el the Commercial Wes Rooms, corner of Wow! .d Filth 101. will be sold, by catalogue, without reserve, on a credit of 10.1 days, on ensuing over 8100— . 1.14 doz super tweed cloth coats; 9 do: crown caati mere do; 1 7-1/ do: super cnohmaret do; 3 doe check ood grimmer do; 10 do: plaid summer yens; / 3-10 do: block :atm do; 3 dot figured do do, 5 7-1• J dot cation mere pant.; 11 SI/ do: Palo Alto dodo, SD do: linen drill do; 13 do summer do e do commode do, 10 do ru pee French canitmore do white and fancy .10010, flan nel shire, super London brown tad wool black cloths, also, 350 woes large silk hdkla MYIO JOHN D DAVIS, Auct E.:reenters sale of Land in Louses St. Oalr (OWN shay. On Wednesday, :day loth. at 3 o'clock, r will be sold on the Prettuses, thin valuable tract of land be longing to the estate of the late John Hague, dee'd, situate on the Washington turnpike road, 2j pules from Pit-sburgh, contarelng 20 acres and da perches, were or bets, adtonung property of Messrs. Allen, Ramsey nod Poniard, havtng quentity of trent and limestone thereon, and to under eninsunon the on upancy of Alr. Allen, who will shun the property. Ternts, one•fourth CUP, residue it, three equal annual payments, with interest, to beeecured by bond and mortgage. myB JOHN 0 DAVIS, Aunt ANTIMASONIC AND WHIG COUNTY CONVENTION. In pursuance of the established uswgei of the party. the Democratic Anomie°. and Whigs of Allegheny coomy, will assemble in primary meetings. in their Jane, Election Doane., on Saturday. the 911 day of ISIS, to elect two persons from each district, as Deleates to a County Convention, to meet at the Court House on Wednesday, the 6th day of June. at IC &elk, A. M., to pat in nominnuon suitable candidates to be suppotted by the party at the General Elect on in oe, tober next. The Anuniasous and Whigs of the town ships (Pitt excepted.: will meet at the usual planes for holding primary meeting, between the hours oft and 5 P. M., and those of the Ward's and liorougha and Put township, between the hours of 7 and 9, P NI. ROUT. CAR(YTHERS, Chairman of the COMmlllec of Correspondence April 27,1849 CANDIDATES FOE NOMINATION Aatonent.v.-1 °Her myself as ettiolidaie for notni natton as a member of she General Assembly, before the approaching Antiniasontc and Whig Convention. J. 1. Mos". of Versailles township toyl-i:d&wtnT Jon,. N1)1.1.x. of the borough of Sharrishu rgh, wdl be a candid., for the Legislature. vaticct to the de cision of the Whig and Amino-mu:lnm Convention. nry Itid..t 'seri Toohus Pena.. of the borough of hllicesport, will be • candidate for nomination for member of Ascent big, at the approaching Annennwittle and Whig Coun ty Convention. 13aldeur9 Paean onatainr.-1 ofrer myulf . a candidate for the Offiee of Prothonotary, Bi:inlet to the decision of the approaching Azdimuouto and Whig Comity Colman ton Mr&O&POCS Ronny Caloruca• CoosTY Colni/aaIoSTIL-1 will be candidate for the other of County COMMieininer. subject to the decision of the Antitnalionie and Whig Convention. apiriditatteS GABRIEL ADAMS. Cot. Joann TALMO., of Elizabeth township, will be presented by his friends az a candidate for the Legis lature a the approaehing Convention of the Whig and AMOSILLISOLISC parry. myted.twT DAVID Keaseot, of leTerson townehtp, will be candidate for the Legislature, autoteet to the decision of the Antimasonie and %M - his County Convention. my! MART. Ma. Warm You will please annt•ance the name of A 1-RILOIDEOL {17•11.1S, OLIROSI tOSSLIZIOO, RS a elm:li dom for the State Legislature. subject to the decision of the Antietam.. mid Whlg Convention. The claims of Mr . Watson; as • well influential membet of the party, tall; be earnestly preased by those who are hem acquainted with h m my‘ A (icon Woo PllOlllO3OBl ALCILVd )b.11”, of Peebles township, will be supported for nomination to this of fice before the ensuing nntinimenisc nod Whig Con gentian The known aliihues of Mr Marks, and his long experience us the office. are sufficient guarantees for the carnet discharge of its duties, if be should be nominated ingu.ilXnw&wicT arrlataoa. Mt. F.orrog—Picaso announce Joan 6raas, of Find ley 'Ft...n.1,11, tut a candidate fur Auditor, subject to the dectaton of the Wing and Aut.:anaemic Convention ddcarT St. CLAIR Sitratrval.TY.—Copt do nls V try 30, of flohinwon town abdlaavall be supported lot the office of Shand. autuect totha daemon of the approaching MIA. and Annals- Aortic Convention. Saco,. Wan. ap.lo:lAce•T Coh Rohm' C sem of Pluto township. wilt be eupporteu for the office of Prothoitotitry, subject to the deetston of the Whig end Ant:masonic Convention Soghtrent.cl —I am condsdote for the office of Shrrott of Allegheny county, subject to the decotton of the opproachlog Whig and Aill111.1•011/1 . Convenuou for norninattngcounty ock - rt CARTER CURTIS. Huth Word. Potgbargh, Aprtl 2. 1.42--.l.tter 8111.1/I•Lpt --Capt. IV A. CIIAILLTua Win be MI ported for the other of Shenft, .utneet to the noretna uon of the doumasonte and Wing County Convention. mar9Wdartf T Fintreo W•an. Prrysaunou. Ma Enrrow--You will please wale that I will tw a candidata for noun/tattoo for thr other of Prothonota ry, before our next Whts and Antornasonte County , ConvenUon. Yours. de , FAISNE9T(H3K. iliznbeth township, Plarrh,22. IMP QT HOIBIRIT C. Viraura, kip , of Elizabeth Borough, vnll be supported, before the approaching Anucouseine and Whig County Co3veutten, far nonneattott a. a eandtdrde for Member of Legt.lsture. by the apI7:dfr.IVICT Wa OF Oho Iluzses-rn. It,fACAULA.Y'S ENGLAND—Hospees fine cdmon, IIVI vo , pot - touts, cloth—;s cents per volume. For sale by JOHNSTON h. STOCKTON, ap7 corner Market and 11 I\TEW AND •vAt.u); Its [Lemmas, with an account of a rr.act to the Chaldean Chrtadans of Kurdistan, and the Yeredts, or Pooh Worstyppers, and an Idgmry into Mr manners and sets of the anotertt riss)nanr., by Austen Henry Layard. Esti , D C. D. Jost rem rl and for sale by me? JOHNSTON k STOCKTON Chronicle .nd Post please copy Western I arenas Company. I Nlconformity with. the Aci of In, orpornoon, the Hooke will be re.emmed for the mhoeription the remainder of the cock Cl the Westorit Insurance Company (being MO ahareiA at then office in Spam, & i . Warehouse, (24 morn So. 19 Water swam Pittetiorgh, TiII;RSDI V, the 17th day of May, A between the Imam or 11l and 3 o'clock. • Free Dollars per share wai feotured be pool et the °MC of setbscranog. , Mr:dtrtimyll ~ c rtlary. Vie Brownsville Weser Cure lastabllstiv. latent. lIAELZ k NI AraoN.m returnlng thelr grate ful acanoarledgment• to the friends of the Instan t.a and to a disterins,g pairlse 111 general. for the ere] patronage hnnerto recerved, announce at the sante tune rust they Imre mode ca.:sale' improve ments in the interior as well as the calmer or the en. tablishutent, during Last fall and winter, which sill greatly enhance the comforts and atnusements of In •alule, who Wood to vunt thu place during the ensu ing earataer. All the prevailing dtrenms are treated here, and they will endeavor to keep up the rt natation the establish ment has won through the west, by Strict attention to patients that entreat 'themselves under their cart. In order to undergo the treatment, pailems have to provide themselves with two woollen blunter., two cotton sheets, three comfortable. or a tight leather bed end sir towels. Terms, sin dollars, par able weekly. mylki/Im For Sorip at Pax 1116111111 Ji mil MELIA/IL 81 Wood amis. will mil tor Scrip 0% par, the fol,ost mg new and second band Pianos: One elegant rosewood 64 octave Pi ano, made by Baker h. Raven, N 1' ..... • • •3323 Oil One do do 6$ octave . Rai tin One rosewood 6 octave, Gales & CO, N 1 .• . .27 - 4 at One do 0 d 0 ilO do• •• • 2ao 1.10 One mahogany 6 do do nearly new • 216) 10 One do 0 do Land - •• .. 225 00 One do 6$ do Rosenbaum • 1011 00 One do 0 do Gennan 60111 o,e do 51 do it & W Nunns• .•• • • • 9 0 WI One do 5 do English 20 00 rig y 3 • I eiBOR IPI SCRIPH WILL recve City and County :Icon a t pir, for any Property that may be purchased of me at a sale I have advermred to the Post, to tested place on the ledi and 11th Slay, at Lock N. 2, Yerroulles townshrp, Allegheny count,. WILLIAM 1.. MILLKR. _ nrolatur ern ENGLISH A NO - 4111 Ificreacs - fro - c - K.) .- TAM ES D LOCK WOOD, )for many years eminen t, ed with Mono, il'iley and Pular., and late John Wiley, New York nnif Lotidned ear ntabli.hed a Bookaelling Houve at N 0.69 Wood street. between 11 and Ith streets, where may he found ennoble collec tion or STANDARD ENGLISH and AhIERICAN AUTHORS, at price. as low a. hl the Eartern cities ID - ENGLISH and CONTINENTAL. BOOKS, Re news, hinge:llles Newspapers, a e., imported loonier. lIYINS'rITUTIONS and INCORPORATED 140- ciETIE6 am emitted to receive their hooks duty free. Dr F.llgllsh and An..nran Catalogue. furnished Fre- r --,----- -------rnawarre r. to to allM h those who desire em, or sent per mod ' elly address , THE subscribe acre for sale a large and splendid I D. L. will always he happy to exhitrat to ladles and r /.. assortment of rosewood end mahogany grand wAn.ch Ac law. 1.111110•, With And WllllOl4l Coleman's celetiratet) sou entlemen his hooka, and (moan m them any In The above nutriments are war n which he tiny possess regartilog them. onitr ' Atibalt n.'n' ... t his to be equal to any manufactur ed in non wrs. a. snAirs: 10 ' 5 ' .'...... ranted dlll be sold lower Ma^ any blared from the 43104.11/rE 4 ATKIN SON, try, m r'. BLUME, No 119 wood .1 Flan ... SIMV.r. Woo° •00 Hi-11MM Pll - 11.00aultt, . E4 ' nth 1 IONTINUE to manufacture all kinds of COPPER, 9rl door above t/ TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Block . N B -Clty Senn soil be taken at liar far • fear of smith Work be Alton. assortment. my 2 F. B. - Steam Lbws built to onler r a:a. sum, Bedford, P. roan stoolitiko, Indiana, Pa. KING 4 MOORHEAD, 5r=0 1 1 . 1%171117 " ... et: 7 tia " Wt. ' 0 ." :171 o b r& w pp o e r r k inil BranTlT LESALE GROCERS, Forwarding and Com. Kettles, 'rin Wart, &e. Sc. Steamboat Cooking Stove, Ty n iZolon Merchants, and dealers La Predate and Portable Forges, various sires- nvery convenient ar- Pot.burgh Manufactures, corner of the Diamond end ucle for steatabouti, California emigrants, or rail mod thitmotid alley, Pittsburgh. companies. Rarniencas-Dr. P. Shoerdmrger, We vrould respectfully myna steam bout men and Richard Bard, pi.b.gb. othersdo call mid gee OW articles and prices before . Hon. Jos. Morrison, SL Lonis, purchasing elsewhere. apll Rich. S Elliott, Esq. Gnu. at run OLD ALLISOLIFOT alidIZZ ( S imon Drum, FAR, Greenbergls May 91h, IrAn. T. Oemmill Co, Philadelphia. 10 ROPOSALS will he received at this office soul J. Milliken & Bons, Lewistown, Pa. 1 the 90th last, for Cleanink and Whitewnhing the J. Reamer, Diode of this Bridge. Tee dirt And dust to be well Hon. Wm. J. Doug - herrn j Bedford cleaned oat, and all of the wood work (except the roof Malbollau & Ray, libebm.. 5 - and top side of the cross tinitorsd to have two coats talklw4Ta9: of Lot:n..llo Lune, well put on. E. W COOK. 11ONEY DEW SYRUP-10 bbl. Honey , Dew Sy. IstyVAl.ll.y2l:l rup, hooting frank mourner kleszelkiat and for -- ----- EPPER AND PIMENTO-110 bp Pepper. 95 do . 5 - 15 by mYS /413-DALBELL Flamm, ' Just reed and for sale by oaks p POT m9B BAGALE y , 8 ,,,,, .AB yi li-9 last nee kl 414 5:11144 - -by .741.411,79F1ELP DRY & VARIETY GOODS. SHACILLETT t WitlTlgr D,RY GOODS JOBBERS, W WOOD STREET, ARE now receiving a very lam stock of fresh Deeds, of recent purchase and unportstiou,whieh they will sell to the trade at path prices as cannot fall to give entire satufaciiins. Cup and Country Merchants are usvited to call and ersuntne our cock before purchasing ellewhenv myt SIDE ;STRIPE CASSIMERKS-1 ease new Lyle fancy "side stripe" Outdates., just reed and fur sale by MURPHY, WILSON & Co, --'` 1.1161:10NS—A handsome assortment • nem • • 11 beautiful styles Bennet Bibbons,Just reeld and for sale at reduced Wets by my! , AiIIaINTY, WILSON & Co HOWARD DUCK--3 bales heavy Cotton Duck, suitable for steam boat decks, wagon covers, Ac., oast recetced and for sale by mytl MURPHY, WILSON & Co C'INLIC GOODS—Ib pr Gold Spectacles, fine Diamond Finger Rings; 10 Sluaiesl Boxes, Mien cased: A large assortment of Fans, with fine pausung, al., gold and silver gila Silver Butter Knives; with again handles; Gold and silver want Buckles and Slide. AIso—PARASOLS, dark given and other lasblol2.l - colors. The above goods, with a large assortment of Jewel ry, Fumy Goods, tee will be sold for seam or other good money, at No 87 Sleeker meet, by myll ZEBULON KINSEY MBELELLAS-10 cases conon and gingbam Um. LI bra., cane and whalebone ribs, just received and for sale by SHACKLET7' 3 WHITE, niyd 99 wood st YARABOLS-25 eases COttol2, gitighild and milt Formal., new styles and designs; green Tare nub fringes and plain borders, and beautiful ivo. ry and fancy bandies, just recd and for sale by inye SHACh LETT & WHITE fIASSIMERE,-0 pieces very fine doe, skin {black) ll Cassimere, received as • sample dir tot from the manufacturer, for sale by H LEE, _rayB Liberty stiokmosite nth DCRLAP AND WOOL PACK—On kuld and fa . LI sale by mye H DR 0D 8 AT virnotace. W R. MURPHY invites We attcution of suer chants to the large wapply of Ilinw Goods rat opened in his wholesale Rooms, on 2d story, northeast corner 4th and werket streets, Pittsburgh. Thu being his second supply for this spring, he has many kinds of goods at reduced prices, and scone styles not to be found elsewhere. etytd&loT IIOLILSALEC LILY GOODS A A. MASON 14 •Mlr.. etONERS AND IMPORTERS, DO Mara Smarr, Alts: now opening the most extensive and varied assortment of Spring and Summer Goods ever exhibited in the Western comity ; comprising upwards of Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased In enure packa ges from the Ma.111.1(11CUIIVII, importers, and large We lion sales, by one of the Ann residing In New York, who is constantly sending as the newest and most fashionable goods. They name in port— ion cases nch Spring Prints;l 30 cases 2,1 de Leine; 24 Lawns end hlus/ms 35 " cotton and linen 120 " bleached hlushim i all 30 " 2e i llit=tat grades; 40 " shining Cheeks sad 27 Blokes Cotton dome.. Inoghams, rules and summer Staffs 250 " Brown hl.hns; Also, cases and packages of Bonnets, Flowers, La ces, Ribbons, Silks, Shawls, Bereges White Goods, Articles, Cloths sad Guanineret, Linens, Ho- Neil and Gloves, An. Ac. City and country merchants will find their stock as large and des,nable as Eastern stocks, and an exami nation of their goods and prices cannot fall to con vince all that with their undeniable advantages and r.illties, they can compete arm lay EL IMO Jour. Tide fact has been clearly demonstrated to hundreds ofdibble pation who formerly purchased East. Their stock will always be found complete. ap7 VitENCH LINEN AND LINEN LUSTBb23—W„ r IL Mounts has now open a full usorument of a above articles, for dresses and saeks—amoog the lad les are some scarce colors, such So pink, blue, green, tee.; also, pink, blue, green, and mode colon of Cha. mein., Lawns, and a large assortment of embroider ed muslin. and Lawns. W K M.'s recent porehaw is now all received and open, and persons wanting Dry Goods arDI do well to look at bi. ,arge and (rest, "lock before parchaaing— to norlbeast corner De and wastes sta. Wholesale Roams op stairs. my 9 DRY GOODS AT ISDOLESILE. MURPHY, WILSON & CO., No. 48 Wood at., Pittsburgh, ARE now receiving anew and beautiful assortment of SUMMER GOODS,purchased within the last few days and at greatly reduced prices They are now enabled to offer an assortment, which for beauty of style arid lowness of price, cannot fail to give sat- Lefecuon to the most fmtidlous. All the really deaira ble and useful goods of the season will bo found in their stock, and they only ask an examination of it to convince the meet sceptical of the facts stated aptitid&ormrS FRESH SPRUNG GOODS WE are now opening & very large and choice •a• ronment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, selected with more than usual care during the last few &reek& in the New York and Philadelphia market& and embruing o great Tamely of almost every de. scription of the latest and most fashionable styles, mid a large portion of n having Leen bought at the EAST ERN AUCTIONS at a great reduction from the regu lar rates, we are eubied to offer great Inducements to cash buyers, either by wholesale or retail. We would therefore reopeetfully Main the attention of the penile to our Stock, feeling confident of our ability to suit buyers in almost every article they may wish hi our line. Co the ladies we would especially commend our stock uC ZWLlanto Dam Sivas, of which we have a very large and neanufal assortment of the latest &Lyles and mmr fashionable colon. Lamas D. Goods—hionslin de Lames, Poil de Chasers., slit, linen and mohair Lastres, painted Lawns, gingham LAW., Foulards, nevi style Bareges, English, French and Soo.elt Gingham., linen Ging hams in great ninety. In. It. Berme—Neer style Bonnets, very cheap. amens 41. Inovradts—Of We latest styles and supe rior in qoalay. Pax...ohs—A van , lugs and handsome stock of Par asols, of utmost every style and quality. Stuarts —A fineassortment o( spring and summer Shawls, of all styles asuipriona. Fddletzraid—d. good supply of sapet Freda, Englishd American Cloths unlss e/nacres, o which sod woo' invilo the suenuon or persons needing such goods ALSO—A fan and general supply of Shlreng Checks, Malaga brown and bleached Mualins, Table Uncut, Shet Ong., Mope rs, Cambric., Dn liogs , summer Good. mane and boy.' wear, Jaconeta, hlulka , Sanely Nan nolt Na nano, Pouts, Omaha/no, Crape, Crap° l.ace, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, stlt Hdtra Veda, ke. /cc. Persons tombola to buy by wholesale., shemid can and n Our clock, as out mess on such as LO make o aartnor lntern? to buy. ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 Market st, northwest corner or the Diamond ARTiFICIAL FLOWERS—Materials for Artificial Flowers, v. Plain tiasae_rafwf t fCmd do k Car. mule paper for coloring, Pink Saucers,Leaves or eve ry Dorm, buds, Up*, toil callows, can be obtained at EATON A. Co's Trimming Store, - apt 4 MAPourth as - LIMBROIDERY—Woratea pone.. for unomatis, ii Piano Stools, Table Covers, Trosthog writ a great variety of small posterns. Also, Worsteds of Jail color. and shades, by the pound, onpcts, or skean for sale by spl4 F, H EATON & Co,'64Fonnit st SECOND SUPPLY— W It Murphy, s northeast eor. nes of CA and Markel street., ha. now open his SIMON° supply of spring nod summer Good., and h. lagc asoortmen I of Dress Goods of newest styles, and staple Gtools of every kind, all of which will he sold low ap547 REEN MUSLIN DE LAINE—WEI Murphy has k 7 received the above Kure and desirable article, of the faahionable shade; also, Green Haragea 5517 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CANAL LETTING..—The under -7 =DX' signed, Trustees of the Wabash eend Ewe Curd, hereby_givenotice mat Limy wilt receive sealed propoudt at NYashingtort, Doyle, enemy, Indiana, on the 117th day of June next, for Inc construction of about twenty-four miles 01 said Coast, emending from the proposed Dam across the Wevi fork of White River. near the South line of Green county to Maysville, in Davies county. On this por• n. of line lire are to be constructed five Lift Locks ami flue ti,inrd Lock, to be bailt of timber, a Dam merit is sltiikardis Creek, and one or IWO small Ague cum,. imtenter emit the usual variety 1 arth work cemutiali to a canal. The Line will be divided into sec .. itvcreging about half a mile in length. At 11 . 10 came nine and place, proposal, will be recei ved ion tivildt .g, withcut moue masonry, the piers of Mc Aqueduct over East fork of Whim River. The smile •or Ws masonry Must be procined from the gear. meof durable limestone to bit found au or near whet havt or West fork of White River, from which point they eau he delivered by water. The line to he placed under contract, will be ready for itiqueetion ten days previous to the time of truing. and nil neeestisay tolOrMatloll.ln reference thereto will Inc given by the Restdent Engineer. - - . CHARLES BUTLER, A. N. PUETT, THO. U. BLAKE. Tansrasd OrVICZ, Terre Ileum Ap.II n. 1.19. S my7:tjune27 01441 DR. D. 1111121 T, sac Dentist Comer otYourta and Demeter, between Martel and Ferry meets setrldryin • Viotu t „.._ - .7 . .."71K. J. WEST HAY, .r—.. ..s.'DENTIS'i, ReapectruDy tenders his proCemon al se r ',tees to the cittuna of Abegheny eDry. 0111.1, 11011.1166.1 l corner of the Diamond. Refer to exxxotryrt: Dr. T F. Dale, Dr. T. U. Ritmo, Dr. M. 11. Trevor, Dr. Jno Dickson, Dr. J. B. Demon, Dr. R Mowery., Dr. M. M. Knox, Dr. B. R. Bell. . _ . Wut A. Ward, Letitia; Rey. A. W. Blink, !ter. N. West. apdtad lux" G. W. WIT — 3LPLE, Dentist . — RiAlO V R awry D to a new three aw b ri ck I I a rug ' t h re fi n ' t_ ' d e ' l ' h Tn27.l% ° „ ` : to an conic set, on thin illet3oo pnnriple, with a boo. Vol sh ap e the natural guna—restonnsthe original shape of the face. N. Ir.— fee ...unwed with little or no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently waved by plugging, pre veaunc the tooth ache, which is much better then cu• ring it. though tt should be done ia five minrses, or even inWently. ^ - „Sir m C i t vatll be opened m the Room, alba. Board of Trade, on the first Monday of November next, at 10 o'clock, 0.. r. Wm. Lorimer, Jr. Robert Woods, Wm. u. firClure, Jogeply Plummer, Jostrih - King John sheriff, Alex. Reee and 11. D. Kiel, %Pi ihdlNolli COMMIIIIIOOerI. TRANSPORTATION ko -- IMPRESS - ps.orimr - rami, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Exehrslvely for Passengers. allalMl—The Seam ofUls Line anil lease as follows, al 9 o'clock al Intl:: ge.fterry—Capt H Truby, Wednesday, say 2. Lonisiana—Caps J FTimenPann, Thursday 3. _lndiann—P Battey, Friday, I. Ohio—A Craig, Saturday, d, Kentucky—H Traby, Sunday, a. Louisiana—J P Thom son, Monday, Indiana—P Many, Taesday, Ohlo—A Craig, Wedar.dny, Rentuelry—H Truby, Thursday, Loundamr—J P Thompson, Friday, II Indiana—Pl3orkey, Saturday, 12. Ohio—Capt. A Cru x, Sunday, 13. Kentucky—ll Truby, smaday, Leal/40.1. P Thompson, Taesday, 15. IV SUTCH, For passage apply to aryl a House, or D LEECH m alt 1849. sami Warren and Cleveland Passenger Llne. Canal Packet—SWALLOW. " —OCEAN. QNB of the above Packets leave Heaver every day 18tmdays excepted) and arrive next morning at amen when they connect with the Mall Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places before night Ono attic packets leave Warren dilly at 5 P.M., and arrive at Beaver in time to take the morning boat for Pittsburgh. C C E B 8 LEFFINGMr AYLOR ELL & Co, Warren, pa, T, do JOHN A CAUGHEY, Ag s ony • apla , corner Water wM !Smithfield tin r - • , 1849. oggsm i PITTNEUEGU AND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIOgANAL.S. THE Proprietors of Sus old established anli pap alar daily Line, maiming of SIXTEEN first class Canal Boats, owned by themselves and running in roomer uon with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for the transportation of freigh t and passengeri, on the opening of Canal navigat ion, to all points on the Penn sylvania and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes E. fit FITCH A Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL A BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. man J. C. BIDWELL, Agent, Water street, Pittsburgh. I. iubC. =WAIL, D. to. a inuars:4„ &rg Beaver. BIDWELL & BROTHER. Forwarding Iflerthanta, BEAVER, PA, Agent: for the PitzsburgA 12111dCleveland Liens, Pat.,. burgh and Ens Line via Ena, and for steam Mott Banker and Cold, Cop. /laving purchased the large and !substantial Wharf Boat Just built for the Monongahela Petaluma, Lave with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ac commodations for receiving and forwarding, and pledge their utmost attention, promptness and despatch to consignments to their care, and rely on their friends fora trial. maiSsily Q & BRO. akilmi 1849. UNION LINE, ON THE PENIVA AND 0010 CANALS. Caviar°. & Casmasium, Cleveland,O. t p rom ., AG. Paw, Beaver, Pc s rpHlS . Line will be prepa . ed on the opening of nevi- Arg.ugitC:frfnrCilt4l•Ndl),Punnrpoin" fromon the Canal and Lobes. r The facilities of the Line ate unsurpassed in ormber, quahry and capacity of Boats, experience of captains, and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with lie etellifell LAKE ERIE tap MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh end Beaver, and a line of first class Steamers, Propellers and Vessel, on the Lakes. Attairrs—R (3 Parks, Heaver, Ps. /ease Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio. M D Taylor, Warren, Cyrus Prenuas, Ravenna, Wheeler & Co, Akron, Crawford k Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0 Sears & Oriffi__, _th Baffalo, N. Y. JOHN A. CAUGHEY. Agent, Office, nor Water and Smithfield sts, Pinshurgh. nichfflity HEAVER PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2--Capt. Gilson. LAKE ERIE, " Gordon. HE above regular and well known Beaver Pack em, have commenced making their daily trips to and from Beaver, and will conuane to run between Piusbargh and Beaver regularly during the anonon, as follows: Michigan No. 2 leaves Pinsbargh daily at 9 o'clock, A. M., and Beaver at f o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily at 8 o'clock, A. BL, and Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. M. These steamers will ran in connection with FL (2 Parks' Express Packet Line. for Erie; Taylor & Letßingwell's Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland; Clarke & Co's Plus burgh and Cleveland Line Freight sows. R O Parks daily New Castle Packets. CLARKF, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents. JOILN A. CALIGHEF, Agent. Pittsburgh, meh3l <or Water and Smithfield as ROOD PERIIIUM BLINDS. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 12 NORTE, Siren STEER, PHILADELPHIA. ITENITIAN BLIND AND WINDOW SHADE Y MANUFACTURER, (Awarded the first end high er. Medals at the New York, Baltimore nod Philadel phia Exhibition', for the superiority aids Blinds, with confirmed confidence in his manufacturej ~k, the at. tention of purchosers to his awortment of Yo,, Blinds of narrow and wide alats, with Caney and plaiteTrim nungs, of new styles and colors. Also, a large and general assortment of Transparent Window Shades, all of which he will tell at the lowest cask prices. Old Blindspainted and trimmed to look equal to new. FT DEALERS SUPPLIED on liberal ten.. The einiens of Allegheny - county are respectfully netted to call before buying ebtawhore—eonflent of leasing all. Open in the evenings. nactitleodant Notice to Deign type &runts. TUST received, small inioiee of VOIGTLAEN er, DEWS iII.IICRWOHEING INSTRUMENTS— new construction. These Instruments posse. great advantages over ell others ever made, covering a ..1.3 sixe Plate, redeem* the time of sitting one•hail. and producing • iharper, clearer and better defined pic ture. They, thereforeoleserva the auention of all Ar tists engaged or intemilcitto comma In the business. Price for me Tube SIP,: A general assortment Yttigthender's Justly cele brated Instruments, cifas well as Depletive. type Materials, at the loweit ratec MR. PETER. SMITH, Cincinnati, Ohlo, Is our au thorised agent for the side of the above Instruments. A List of Prices eau be obtained by addressing, post paid, W. & P. LANGPNHEIM, Exchange, PhiladellihM, Importers of Daguerreotype Materials, and General Agents for the side of Votpleander's Optical Insult mem.. maramoddm Hosang.--Galvanised Tin Piaci& . THE submnbers beg to call the attention of BuUders, Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantages which them plates possess over all other metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, de, its they posse. at once the lightness of iron, without its handily to rust, having now been tested for several years In this particular, both tit this country sod In Eu rope. They are less liable to expansion and contra, lion from sudden change of the atmosphere, thou com mon On plates, tom, zinc, or any other metal now used for roofing, and consequently form a coedit better and tighter roof; requtring far less frequent repairs, whilst the first cost Is but a trifle more. A Mil supply, of all sixes, from IA to 30 W. G., con stantly on hand and for sale by (31513. B. MOREWOC/D & CO., t 4 and Id Beaver street, New York. The patent right for this ankle having been secured for the United States, ail parties nitro:wing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, will be prosecu ted. oct3o-dtzwlyT Tunderomned have erected works in the city of New York, for the pogrom of Galvanizing all arti cles of Iron, which it is desirable to PROTECT FROM RUST, such as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, Wire mr Fences and any other article which may be required. For Hoops for Casks, son substitute for bale Rope; for Clothes Lilies, Lightning Rods, and a host of other applications, it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly call ettentioa . to the Galvani zed Wire for fences; it requires no paint, and will not rust. Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of which is of so mach importance, that it will commend itself to the notice of all those interested. OW. B. 1110REViOOD & C(l.,PaLentecs, oct3o-d&wlyT . 49 14 and IS Beaver st. N Vnrk WALL PAPER WAREROUffiE, No. 47 hiaralet meW , Pittaburgh, Pa. THOMAS PALMER, DESPECTPULLY announces whiz fnenda and cue n, tomer*, that he has had at no past period so exten sive a Stock as he has at present. its can oiler to par chasers, on my moderate terms, at the old astablialt ed Stand on Market street, stout every smelt In his Connting-room, Bed-chamber, 4/teleg ram?, Parlor and Hall Paper. With Borders, Land- Wscapes, Pire•boand Pen., Paper and Tranaparent Window Shades, Bonnet and Binder.' Boards Wri ting, Wrapping. and Tea Paper, ha is abundantly sup plied, and raga.s.a comury merchants and houmkeep era to call and eramine his assortment. . . Raga and Tamers' Scrap taken in trade, at We Ingham prima. nach2l..d&rr2mT NEW HARDWARE STORE. SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, No. IS Wood Pittsburgh. rIyDEER AND LAUFAIAN. Impqrten ancrdealen in Foreign and Domesne HAN.DWARD, in all to varieties, are now preparetto sell al low and on as reasonable 1.2113 as can be purchased elsewhere: We solicit one friends, end the public gsnemlty, to all and examine due stock, which consists in pan of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PP.N KNIVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Tetua:lgs, such as Lock., Latches, Hinges and Seniors, together with every nettle usually kept in Hardware stores. We invite the attention of Carpenters nod Steens:nes generally, to out assortment of Tools, which bare been selected with great core, and which we are determin ed to sell so as to give sausfactioti. aperthtwT • MLM MARSH'S NEW NOVECLAlerdanin Hell; or a September Night by the author of ..Two old inen's Wes." "Emilia Wyndham," "A nu ell a," etc. Jan reel by JOILNSTON & srocrros, aptlkdlersT GOT., Market and CHILLED ROLLS. T . . . HE subscribers having purchased the. each:Wye right of Harley'. Patent . (lately renewrAi for the niannisztare of CHILLED ROLL.% are prepared to supply all orders al . shortica. Ali Venoms are forbid totnn ea on oral] Patent. apldlanteraroT BOL ANS 2r. GARRISON. • WINLESSLE SHOE WAREHOUSE. 11. CHILDS di 00" NO. 131 WOOD STREET, PrITSIM2OII, 111TOULD respennally invite the attention or VV chants vi.idng . thss city to their very encesive stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS; eonsisting 111 part of 11,500 OASES OP BOOTS AND 511005, compnnag every variety, of Una's, Womert's,,lmmq . 1 ,„„d ch,f,hva's moat, °fanny new stylerhand of tam tier qu .j.ny, adapted to cannily and city trade. t A lame assortment of LADIES', EISSZri AND CHILDREN'S DO FLORENCE N-NIE: . which am FLORENCE na.4lo.lsTn4Vi„ TUSCAN LACE. RUTLAND, DlltDS EVE FLORENCE, CHINA PEADIo r Ia LA‘I - Ng in peat 'satiety. Also, AILTIFICIAI.Mow- EON, 81185' , BOYS" AND CHILDREN'S PALO LEAF HATSODEN'S LECHIORN, PANA NIA AND CANTON HATS. All of which have been pnrebnud direct from the mantifettasers and impostors, and selected with the utmost ease, 'and which will be sold on tech terms ne. to make It the bitetent of %Venom Merchants to boy of as. H. CHILDS A CO., Mehltbd&w2mS 131 Wood street.. OZO. W. SIIITH , TNPORM their friends and the public thutheybuN L- no longer'any emmentiormsalb their lognistobliab, moot In Penn met, , known aothe Plush:it:o[V Art,' having removed their claire •bovinees to th e In, rtarWRR Vh. Pin Rter,L • orolfiid C't PIRITS: TURPENTINE—tOItbis bast teem ‘oa br S 8 .1, 3 bet an •' A PAIINESTOCIE & HI►IUSES, LOTS, FARMS, 110 Ifenaiso nungTialrtrltatigllSTlGatip:"-- Aar, A two story Brick House tontoining eight . -11- intabref m o; si ezetooi„e of bm""lL4raltiri.Al'enssTiaLbee:llrtforltreetreielnl Allegheny, will be sold low far Sari?. !Annie/ of. •• . my lidif vatsanU Bulldhag !„,og h rga HE subscribers are tooffer aL,Rtivales. I sale, and epos tay.able terms , a ntmber . eery saleable Building Lots, comprising a Lugs portion of the Lots numbered 67, gig„ 60, sad 70, Wu... General Pla of the City of Pinabegh. ted at the south cairtranity corner of Pennmt-Wayna rmikts, fronung `NO feel cm the former, and mending • along Ow loner about 6PO feet to the Anegbeny elver, s sd be,. a part of the Real Estate of the lam Jams • evevoiseat, Foe , deceased. A plan or subdivision of the above Lots, la coot.. mity with which it it proposed to aril, nay be office num as the oce of the undersigned, on Fon* between Mar. ket and Ferry sm. WILLIAMS KUM. earl To TWO'Storr beret dwelling house, ploattam/g situated in oakland, cci eve acres at land.— Tbis twill be rented q low' it application suede immediately. Inquire o ap2l H ARDY, JONES k.C.O • . tide A - ore• Cool for Llatra, -- ,7 Cr M from ITA 7 • 1. • 5. on the Monongahela river, about It loges , • d.rgta and 3 antes =rarer third . Loa, the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon &orb, • and Mr. John Derree's perch... Thign u .Ood pg Coal will be sold at the low price citeglhacre—ons t hi r d to hand, balance In five enteral annual goosing % without interest. Iltle Indisputable. Location Tem good--eanant smpased. Fbr er piugettlagl enquire at 8. LUMLEY who has admit otialdcs. perry. Residence 2d at, below Ferry,M 2 .44,,,,, N. B. There la mother helm or coal ma tbis traM, .b out og feet abovo the rower, Cl excellent jratant ooVikritir 10 4C.RM OF GROUND, data mar the Pittsburgh and Greensburgh Tumik,„ , !mmdie city, aud =limning tha Coo e eay tee)., On which b. erected a large and wen molted two story brick Dwellio_g Hoose,rogether ,stables, carriage home, tee. There la also on tbots, pumas la vanety of non urea, and a spring rammelex. tellenee conugnoas to the dwelling -- . jarg WM. YOUNG, 10 Liberty at MDR eubscriber will sell. at private sale, that vtlato ble Property, on me Fourth 'meet road, edj o w hit his present residence, and give pm/tendon Imesed/ato fy. There are about TEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, to a highstate of °alumni.. The improvements, CO a large and well finished brick DWELLING BOUM • a superb Barn, and other out buildings. Adjoitungthe dwelling is • muting Fountain and a good -Pomp, r which furnishes a constant supply of excellent water. Them is a variety of Fruit Trees and Shuabbery att, the premises. If the above described property 1.1..nnui., sold soon, it will be rented for a dam Also, - for arda, a large LOT, on Pennsylvania Avenue, at the end 01, the board walk. Inquire of DAVID BEELER. Valuableftriat HE Trustees of the Western Theological Satillitaty tiln having decided to sell, on perpotnal tease, a: por of their property in Allegheny alty; odor °lsmer, favorable terms, from SO Lois or dilrareas dtaL A warrantee title will be given_ A plea of The 101.C121 be teen at No. 10 Wood street. For particulars, onetdre of either of the susisujom Commuttee. JOHN T. LOILLN ALEX. Ltuoudri, h I ALCOLIII LeEca, IL CHM& 'At a very lOW Bent titA TWO story thick House, on Pedrild i. • one door above the northwest cornet'e(the• North Common, Allegheny—wide, hilt, parlor • dining roam and kitchen on the first floor. Four rooms on *I story, with a finished mac. Possession to be had Immediately. Inquire of apt 1 GEO B AILLTENB REGER S 7 Front 12 ' t re auTh -- i 6 t - i - tteal'Estatik for THE following property In the city of l'itutheXgh, end near the borough of Manchester, on the Ohio over is offered for teleran tmcommodating tor= 3 Lou tbeinrr sub.divialon of Lot No 402 In the of the city of Flnsbargh,) having :V feet front onplan Se. (leant street, by Y.lO feet to Strawberry alley rear street onevere Lott fronting on an ATOLLUD, St Rot" wide, running (mot Beaver road to the Ohio river. ad. " Joining Phil6pt.l OP Cloth Facnorr. For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JAMES CISHAILA, febl-dtf Elarke's Banding, 4th st. tTrfar 1 - N THE NINTH WARD. OF PITTSBURG/I cral LAMS on Baldwin and Liberty streets, In Ole - 9 9 th Weed, 21 feet byloo, and adjacent the proposed epot. Sao Central Railroad. For te rmslmreve- -. . ,4, 7 CHARLES B. SO r • 4' . or JAMES O'HARA, - -• ' 1,1 Burke'. Banding, 4111 - - Po A FINE two story Brick House, ' , lemma,' situated on the hill directly back of h.T.r. Andrew: Watson's property, near Pennsylvania aventh. tee bow and lot will be sold very low for cash. For further idlormstion apply to D. W. A. A- 8. BELL, Aturtneys at Law, rich stivet, between Smithfield and Grant. aplßuf Von HALE, fecorable terms- a of Orotund on thelittaMti O side of Penn *rte_, near the Monongahela river, fronting [ll feet on Pct. street, and emote:Yrs 110 fee t in depth to an ...ley 00 ft wide; it most des ra)Otloca • - lion either for private residences or for maneaclurlng porposps. Enquire of J SOHOONDAJ(ER A Co, No 21 tVnod M ni'FOUNIFTY skiTh TOL,KI—A two sitou Brick Dwelling, with .5a acres highly Unproved Land, situated in Oakland. to let from lot April next. HARDY, JONES & Co s feb2- 44 Water street ffiPOE RENT—For one to three yesire, - Woillis - first of April ner4 a largo two stoned brink Dwelling House, gleasently situated on the bank le. of the Otio river, adroining the borough of Alminhes ter, with about four acreaol land, onabuildings, fruit trees, Re. &v. Apply to I. S JAWS A RUTOLTISON& Co •To Let. - lit'A LARGE and well finished Room, second mory,Orrthe cornet of WoodOhd Third erectly shove Om Exchange °Editeo( 'M@, 11 Wilidarne, posse.siongiven immedtately. insoire or_ Jaz hvolu...mAjtue. led Liber ia, • TO LBT—A 'siege brink Dwelling noose, A suitable foe twat slung Ifituatul On Federal street, Allegheny, oboio Mr. Groves' store. apply to f 11 . LEE, ch 23 Liberty et, orpoatto dth TWOII-OW9 S B— ANWILOTSTPOO:42Lig Jo, TWO LOTS on Beam stenen, In the airya Allegheny, above the erre& Comethe which (erected a frarn*hutlding; Iwo starlet hig h , unltablo or two small tenements The lots are ear seventy feet to front by one hundred foot deep and run btu% to a street forty feet settle The boildrfigs on the pre, mists will pa) e very bnedeoute interest on rho Invent; useuvand the pfopeny wdl be told cheap for auk. Apply to 11. Sproul, Clerk's offiee; Q. 8. en to ryB no KAY It CO . - Ptars -- Lutr— TN LOTS, 24 feet by GO situated on the higlgte ground, and fronting au the wade North Columns in the Baena Vistn'Eteasion. Terms.ll,oo, each; JAMES ROBINSON . Wh I .O4I. , ROBIZIPSON,, — triehgtsbn Office., Exeirsiore Scotch Boiiirm - Ls TEN ACRES OP LAND, situated its Peebles town. shin, on the Monongahela, three miles from Phu. bergh—ln lots to soil ankh:teen For (either partic ulars apply to Fleury Woods, Of. or to A WASHINGTON, nos/2-drt Ith HOSE FOR , shove Smithfield se, offers for ,ele the three stars brick Wayhouse on Wood street, accepted '.O ft. Tennis, a. GIL WAL WILSON, J . \FALL ABLE REAL to Fa i t.‘,N PEAN o - PRKET V FOR SALE—A Lot of Uroood esteem, on Penn triet, between flay and blarbury arrows, adioinirti the Noose end lot now oorupten by Ricbara klberarta, bemire a front of feet, and in depth 130 feet, will be sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable.' en . quire of C. 0. LOOfillS, Lb st, near Woad. • oet2t,lrf `or Sale. A DI IRABLIi Building Lot In Allegheny city, fa. vozaely located, to vac ono. half an mere, end will be told on accoolcoaLldng terms, !Noire of • lobe J 1.1 WILLIAMS, /JO wood 4 jro, FOR RK—A nocond Cnidl S3 Wood wea NT n Prope eu rty 01 Allegherry Olt %ME bsenbers o der (or sore a number of enoin• 1 Lots, Brame in the Second Ward, frothinyon the Common ground, on any terms. Impose of W. 041. ROBINSON, Amy at Law, 8t Char n. i or of JAS ROBINSON, on thepremlore. Pt •S• Whoa...ale nod r-tad, at the • El ERIN TEA STORE, 79 Fourth Erect, near Woo 4, L Pittsburgh.—The snb.riber haring lust returedi from New York. is now receiving a laryfallenyplp of fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAR. Dom Me New York Pekta Tea Company, selected with great Aare kir retml soles. Our stock being caw heavy we are pre pared to supply Grocers, Hotels, Stearatroattiand Fata l:lea with any quantity and at any price they may what; packed In I, and 1 pound packages, sth. tin eanit lets, a and 13 thi catty bores, and in half diem. Retail Grocers are invited CO MU, a, we can And will sell better Teas at lower prim.. lA= any Wier house in Pittsburgh. Our stock of fine Young Hymn, GunPowdet. and Lett- perial Green, and Oolong Bleck Tea% areihha bait In the Amencan market. • Lovericre doable leaned Loaf, Crushed, sad Pak Tamed Sagan, null, or by the barrel, COFER .&3-.3teteht4 Old Goy. Java, laarairaylift adage and Rio Cones, selected by the most eapetten. end coffee Broker in New York. Sweet Spired Chaeolate, Pickled Cueumbiaratimult Onions, Fresh Peachy., Put atria their awalattie. , Malaga Raisis; in 3 lb bones. N. 11.—All Ltr. D. Jayne% Family Medicines %tubs , .deep-derwS thJAYNFS. .• • MEDICAL. & SURGICAL, OFFION I _ ' ..,,,...,, No. OM, DIAMOND ALLEYsi 4. - 4 I _,,,p-' .; few doors below Wood meet, to 55-4..., ' murk.t. , 4t 4 , - ~ DR. 1311.01i9n, having heel Sists"i' AL:: • regularly educated to the mall., il.r. - 7.".." , i5=. profesaion , ar.d been for some tista ,:fi1.}.74-,,,.....?,,,,! to general practice now COnfinelt '* . : - .1 - . ``l '?' , ' hit attention to Mte. licattnenf C•t'' I - 7 .1 "-•• • ;,...:,',.* those pnlatr . and delicate csaml ii5.1....1:....,"1 . J . • t plaints doswhich his Opportunities E s :t-.= :mi l _. i s Rad experience pernltarly rioalhig:•,-! .... •.. •• • .4.- • h.. 1.1 yeah assiduously degOteig ' .0 Gully ic Iccannent of those complaints,(urns & . .. A a k time he has had morn practjec and hese.. more pitl, ll Limns than can ever fall to the lot of ..y pi v y, prat tnianct) amply gantries him to na-ce aasnrILOCES•44 spee ithdy, permanent., and satisasstory car,. w i al w in dethsale diaeases, and all diseaatisii from. .a. or: Brown would Inform tbo.d alamted.Withriatioai4 disewca which have become camel o . fir c gm e ..,....... U dine by tee ow of any Of We n 0 k t y",.,,,,,, m ;14 . 16,, the day, that their complaints catr be realimily and thara aughly cored; he having' shrenhit- mobil' anemia» 'id , the treatment of welt ewne, , aerfa4MC6eated in hotulred•'' of Instances in curing poreenk4r inflantotation•or OW 4 neck of the biadderoirol, held d disease. which often remit from Wore casel , wheret ' there Save consigned them to tuwelestrileapalr. • froParticalati immix seqh , I a have been.lerielurd anruteeWeily treated by other* to consult him, when every satisfaction will be ea - - ni;,ft thew, and their vises' Irenrod in in earth/14re *AA Wtchipnt manlier,' gore red oat by . 4„ . 0 . ,, g , Iged9l *d tri v estigenoil,-7hickAin M4Pgies4ihafoti *ried la general practice of =theme : to,gioggs ea class iif demo. Irrliemla or Ihiptara—Drtroara ate° Irnelims4 7 ma satiated with.Hernie toe ,as hahaapatAp alaraltanticio to this &ease. CANCESI.B 4,1.0 carol ,aro /Pei* must plturs very low. N, - B.—Pauczs of clth ttlug.ro..,Abox, *ming qukr c.ll.eas4,in, I.,rnuaff,Wytlg a., min obtain anallefiicl ditecuons. for um,: T. uttosyrribLAi t/0 , 00420. 83, bilw itmldlalay,c;piiiwili the wart Ituvoiratem,...Dr:Urpftret 11etvly discoverat nalibn loratremtuattren is a speedy guut tens* tl=cilfldrilti thatrafacti trauble. A noderraill. Office and Consultivr R.foray No. 64.14, mond dScy , Pinabarp, Pa. Tie Doctor thogyv ham. tu- eon! , nO td Pffacting 215.d0 do 4 111.1.CRN.NA.W., =MOM V ..Iteplar..k.z.rie by coca • --sviliEBstEerfo—... .0 ohs by . isty3 • G - MOD3-15.doz . iloy 11 , 0,13 Scythe ekreatir. 1.8 WATERMAN O! ula - by Low.aUtll4f,`
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