The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 15, 1849, Image 1

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ARMESTRONG ik.CHOZEIt, Cattindnion lierehanni
end ft:elm in Produce, No. e 2 Mirka itreer
BUSfiFIILDk HAM Wbolatale dealers In Dry
Good 1 1 / 4 Groceries, BOOM, 9hooa, Pittabitegh alarm
teetered I I ticks, he., M Liberty. street, Pitt.-
r11X.1.1 f .1.1. mita* Nam.
VILA UP. b. Rant, Wbolenle and WWI Driag
gut,' of Liberty and Clair stmt., PlM
WWI I 4. CULI3ERTSON, Wholesale Grocer.
end C setrolstion Merchants, No. 145, Liberty sty iPtsbo rob. P.de3lty.
BD A FAHNESTOCIi At Co, VirdoWale and
OW .Dragesta, corner • ood and dth its. I• 1
PAM, 4e=le Grocer', 113,and
2D Wood street Pidab • j •
- - -
,A. IdicANULTY Co., Forwarding and Com
*nduion Merchants, Canal gamin, PAlsbnlgh.Pa.
Disaisi.a.• filpilat r - le, Steel andlton
CCOLEMAN,' HAIL. & Co, mantasetaress of
Coach and Thrdie Tinge ' Hama:wad Axles,
Spring and Plough Stee l boo, de. Warpunne On
Water and Front beep, nathurgh•
Alto, dealera 14 Coach Trimmings 'Rad Malleable
Caujii3ga. _
CONTINITES to manufacture Monuments, Burial
Vanity Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Pincer, Cen
t. and. F,leLTopr of foreign:and domente marble, - at
a reignlar and fair price. _ ;
N. 8.-L Drawings Cpr monuments, sunloymfordati
ed, of any desenption. fie solicna share of public
patronage augik.dtt
ws!. n
I?ITGIAgIiZ3NNETr, thud s Eng n iat t tl tier
A2l. 4. M.) Wholesale Grocers, CoandalOonatidiaFOr
treet.. arding Merchants, and dealer. In Produce and Pitt.
Manotactattts, No. 37 Wood at., between .t 1 ■ Wad
CIEORGE COCHRAN, Comm/Won and Poresardlig
Aterebtan. No. tel Wood street. Pinshsni , 41 . 7
TIAMILTON STEWART, Inanufacturer of limey
11 Shirting's, Cheek,. be., Rebecca street, city of
Allegheny. novl6-dl •
HLEE (successor to Murphy &Lee,)WooJ Deal
. or an d Commission Merchant, for the saledf
American Woolens, Liberty. opposite dth st, „ febll
ens. nitsto, Baltemore.
L t. remoma, DDWARD 111161-D,
D. C. leCairkrox, Juan a. WA.611., -
111....ALD46,1311.C1CD191,,cT,Dba.5ec0 ?der;
ants, 41 North WE k. 16 No rth Wintry.,
L.A.ll.6kDr. • WY. P. 10310.
TjARDY, JONES & Co., (soccessors to Atwood;
.11.1. Jones & Co.) Commusion and Forwardir=
chants, deafen in Pittsburgh blandfactared 7
PittaboAL, moh27
titialiikagy it Co, Whole= Dwgra,'Ctro:
) rain* Merchants, and dealers in Prodoce, Norm
ater, and - 1071 , mm streets; Pinsbniah. anaB 4
ig" 11.-CANPIELI:k (4, or Ohio ,)- commit
mi'(4n and Potwateina Merchant, and wholesale ,
ler In Western Reserve Cheese, goner, Pot and
Pearl Ash; and Wernein • Prodnce glIMIrn4T o
treat, between Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. op
Jg - outrwilv, (successor to Earnit & G 0611.14:
I Wholesale Grocer end Commission Merelient,'
miler In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufaetures dor ,
ner Liberty and !laud screen, Pittabargh po. , j ' afitt
I 1 AMES, S . BieciiiinE,llZ IG4 .14.6 and
AlcGture,) Merchant Tailor, St. Charles Budding.,
Third street. near Wood, Pittsburgh.
TAMER A. HUTCHISON, & Ca—Siceessors to
U Lewis Hatehlson & Commiseion Merchants,
: and Agents of the BL Loafs Ammo Sugar Refinery.
No, 43 water and YS front streets, Pittsburgh.
U •
JRTII & Co. Whol•w,-74;..------‘,,c,.„1., r 0..."
..." • dace and Commie ion Merchants, mut Agents
for the Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. 27 Wood si,
Pittsburgh. io2
I OUN T./7sioni-,404 Wholesale Druggist, and deal
, er Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils Varnishes, &0.,
N 0.03
Wood sues; ono door Soods of'Dialliond Alle
(ney, Pi..
• TALtYZ _
tII Davis,) Shiptanandlers,36 Water street. be,ll
. CAN hIELLOII, Wholesale and Retaildealer
I In Mule and ?doziest. Instrameets, School Bonn,
r, Slates, Steel Pens, quills, Printers' Card,, sad
Stationary generally, No. el Wood st., Pittsburgh. •
_ll7___P r ays bought or taken la trail, seen
APSCHOONALAKER Co., Wholesale DrUgglals,'
• No. 24 Wood street,Dittsbargh.
J •
OHN D. DAVIS, Anodonoer,momer fah and Wood
ctreet,yiushdrgh. ortt
JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Bookieltero,.Prilliael
and Paper Illabutoctarere, No. 44 Market at t Paw-
& F MLR LOYD (late J. Floyd & 0e.,)Wh01e44.1
J.__Grocen, No. WY Liberty sutet. sey3
yeanz DALZ U ELC:Wlinlesale Groeer,Cenamis'
idinchant, and dealer in Prodike and Pittsburgh
Idanufseturen N 0.24 Wider std Pieced. nal°
JOIII4 Red 'Apotbeeary,
No. 45 Market at, three doom above Third
burgh, will have constantly on head a well selected so.
sarimmt ef Um brat and frml: out Atedmines,which be
will sell on the most thaseneble tenna,physiclione
sending orders, will berpromptly enCrided I/4 eadenp.'
with articles they may rely apon as genuine
no:ids= Ihrscriptem MU be eccaradelY and
repared from the ban materiels, as any hear of
he day or night
Also for :Me, a lenge neck of (mob and good Pada
lER /ONES, Fomenting and Communion 3ler•
Ch. chants, Dealers in Produce end Pittsburgh emu
atuted trucks, Canal Basin, near:lb st
F L ENNEDY, Clan. 114 it CO., elszufacurrets of very
superior 4-4 Shootings, Carpel clean Cotton
Vine end Boren.
Vesuvius Iron, Works. _ _
T EWL9, D.4.1.55ELL Co., manufacture= of all Al
la an - a Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nails of rale ben
19. Warehouse, 54 avatar and IUS front it
B WAT less le G rocer , Forward.
in g and Commission hierclukra, Dealer in Pius.
Aanufeenues and Produce, Nos. 31 Waterr.,
an q Prom in.
=atm, asaintny, JOBB-IL Lawn
T 001UNIEMASS Manufmturem, and Winsienale
14 dealers in • foreign
,and domestic Variety Goods.
Verism merchants, Pedlars and otben are invited
to cull end examine um prices and quality °four mock,
as with our premnlincreased (militias in =murmur
ing and pinehming, we Mink we ran olleer=sicasi
inducements to buyers as any other hones Wen °film
/OHM WCTLE.IX 1+.1.11131 C. COL
ItireGILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Coombe.
jjj. riots Merchants, No. t 94 Liberty st., Pittsburgh.
MURPHY , WILSON & CO ~ (late Jones, Marphy &
Co.) W holesale Dealers m Dry Good,. Nh• Lls
Wood ert, Pittsb urgh h.
N. 111.1Jcs, ama . , Wlt. 2111XEci.
ALL.M. & Co. Coomusslon and Forwarding
DoddMerchants, Water and Front sta., heyween
and Market us.
2111% /LICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers and
— .o,4 Ceanosis r. moo Aterekants, No. FAA, Lawny:ay Pitts
•• .T t' WILSON, Pommes:ld hliniat — ttio:
ter. Roams, comer of Post Office Alley and
Fourth sum.; entrance on 4th near Market.
I\ - 1" -- 1101.bikS -- i — BON, No. 58 Market sb, second
.17 ftutinzesatoreLicltZgoo,rthecdcwlrs mo.Fizeign
it, Back Notes end Specie
mahout mad an all the principal Chia
h out th. u,„i ted nur.a dealt
TICF 131.1CdtrdaSFER, aunsau e.,. s—tha. Fourth My
. third door above Smithfield, south side.
Conveyaneing of all kinds , done with the greatest
Cu and legal accoracy.
Titles to Real Estate canon*, hc , oegOly
O. KW FOURTH sraus7•—e. hfaalst
trate, datexesum Srasu. Chiefof Police, Bomar
.1•10.11. m
4:27.11ALAT10 SURGEON will attend to the treat.
mem of Diseases Milts •
. 8.. has been engaged in this branch of the meth.
cal profession for sixteen years, and has COndteltd
pahlishment f o r the treatment of diseases of the eye
alone for sevaral years.
OM= and madams, corner of flandasky at and .
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. (wad
PEKIN TEA STORE.—No. 79 Pottrdi
et, anal Wood—An canon*. of Green and
Ella Tens done op in qizarteT y lutl4 : and
ROIIEXT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Reenfylng
Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac•
tam, and an kinds of - Foreign an Domestic Wines
sad Loam, No. 11 Liberty street Oa hand a rem
tarp stock of kuperior old Monongahela widskey,
inlet will be sold low for cash. •, Wrap ..
1-n 103131 a 000l.ss0O, WEIIKL named.
•ROBLNSON & Co., Wboleenlo Grocers, Pnxl
o nod Commission Merchant, arid Dealerain Pits.
urgh Manufactures, NO , lUD Liberty IL, Pittsburgh.
Pa. Joel°
AULIEUT DALZULL & Co, Wholesale. GrOCeri,
Contrabnion and Forwarding .111enthints, dealers
Produce and Pittsburgh Alnufacurres, Liberty st.
Piusbuteh, Pa. feke24 A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Once:
Dealer . in Prod.,' and Pittsburgh idanafactins,
194 Liberty st. • /Yid_
I.,IIMOLDS &MEE, Forwarding and Catandasion
.0 Alerehmes, for the Allegheny . al ery Trade, deal
ers in Groceries Produce, Pittsburgh klanufactures
and Chloride of Limo. .
TheldsbcstYncer., eash,paiOnt a Wats ar tonn
nig. Comer ofrena and Irwin at.. Jaroa
- ii..P....turducrr, • 11101 a. MUM
' ACKLDn' & Wholesale Dealers In
Foreign and Domestle Vey Goods. No. SO Wood at
° r g L 'OM(
& W. linatteutm, vv.4 hi...caus, Dealers
11.7.- in Flour and Produce generally, and reirording
and Commission kterchnta, No. I Water Fo et.,
MITli, BAGALEY k Co., 111tolosalc.OrooersTod
10.Produco &aim, No.2tJ Merkel meet, hem,. WI
Gad fils, North able, nil adolphla
liz taS NICO L L% 14,41 5
oce &meta <Tar Clost
1d... Merchants, No. t 7 Lamy Piuitbagb..
tient, Linseed .d Lord ale.
VON BONNHORST, & Wholesale Oro.
ears, Forwardje & and Uonualsaiop Martia n
/laPttul,urah manufacturea anti Western Pna
deCSeiferemoved to their new wareho
usa(old stand)
tomer of Front st. and Chancery Lane.
ffi t ln .4 BCOTT — ,
" Irlt Wholesale wad Retail dealers /a
/W Shoe% Trunks, Carpelllaga, W
&a, 8. W.
culLw_rc I
*ad auchaeld sly r ll B 1 2ylolPs.. 114 e
ITASSFY &BEM, Wholesale Omen. aneCilouls•
Woo Irrerchanta, and dealers in' Prodnea. No: 86
Wlv. Wlt.dONJ ew , mai . elm
tiliver Won, htdatry Good., tll., ria• 67 US,
le . " 110,7-%
' w-vz.z.
.... 4- . .
--- --- ......_,,,,,,----,,-5-7...-:; --,,,,,...,'7,..7.7414-4',;',-.1.--,,,'Z'_''..W'''''''',"t,ls".•&'--,- • ~,,,-..----- --- '`." '' ' *"..' ' ' 2 , ." . ' -'. ''. ' - -'.. ' . 7 t '''',...' ' ~.... .
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‹.- •
3• .
4 . .
I .
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. .
. i
' . . rff . T* '''
- 11 GR •
.V.,_ , ~.-
~.4.• •
. _____
.. _......
. ____ . ...____
IN .1186.
. ... __.
, 0101 wici,
roWm kreanocirrs.
rIcK WCANDLFZBB, Orriceergors to L. er. J. D
,Wlek„) Wholeacla Grocera, Porcrardieg_ end
Catnunrolon Merchants, dealers in Iron, Male. Glass,
Lawn Yarns tmd Pinaborgh Manufacture, general)
tom. , of Weal and Woler •trreta. Pittburgh. y,
Uritirr—DOWENT.---eoncallinThind Voice-a-oho
TT Merchant, No. IM Front st. between Wood and!
Markel wrote.
I 'UT W. WALLACE, 3131 stone and 21111 Furmsh.
canyl'al„ In ; establishment, No. 244 Liberty st-, nen, Me
mr, le: hi,plii7;_tiiiii3iii,ll7and-R—t-inii dialer-IT,
Dom . titads 0
. ' ESTle%c c iligaif i l d FouguL. D ry
' "h
______ ______ .
wil o win. lk. &I.—Dealers In leather L :des, Ste.
143 Llbeny st.
test7iit`turcmgas; - ----- 7 - run. siCvicusa
IV &R. IiPCUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocery deo
.Y V • MIS In Produce, Iron, Naha, Glass, and Pius.
owl Manuftetairs gallantly, LW Liberty
lar-W:-WILSISI4 WatAlliOre'lry - , - .Silver Ware,
• • and Military G ood . , cr oon? of May et and 4W
Strews, Pittstokb, Pa. N. Ir—Watelies_tind Clock•
!media! reprised. il _
villiA.m SitirrEcMM -- aiiiteiaei of -
Cotes and
shimaimed Liam, Fringes for Dtessen, do.; ' ng
and cataract Cotton Pring. for silk and g ham
Parasoli. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes,
made ZO
or On the shortest nonce.
&mom L
of Attiolen ane and am, entrance: I
N o 85 W il corner liam wee% third door, OVcrWilli Abner 4. Elys'
store, No 14 Maiden Lan, New York
31V it. M. MiTCHELTR.F.E, liibolcsalo (.4.,,,,
• Itectifying Distillers, and Wine and Lultmi
orotnd.. Also, importers of Sods Ash and Eletmh
lig Potriler, No. 160 Liberty street, Pitishorgh, Po
& --
- fIEALERS IN HI tik. AND LRARIt Cll,, Morace o ,
Shoe Findings, de., No. 143 Liberty *Meet, have
.10. i received their SPRING STOCK of goods, com
priaing a large ameortment aniclet in their hne, to
which the attention of purchnaerat In invited.
P B TTIQII~~{r t,
0711.440VZ .A.I.Luo '4,
oet3l No. 44 Water street.
Fronitin Pare Inouronoo Co. of Pb J4pAid.
n IR ECTOEHS.--Charies N. Rancher, Thomas Hart.
Ge To bias Wegner, Send Grant, Jacob R. Smith,
Bone e. Itieharti co r, Mordecai D. Lassos. Adolphe E.
, David S. Brown, Morrie Puns won.
CHARLES N. litswelta, President.
Chance G. %octet Secretary.
Centime to make insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description or property its sown or country,
at mei al low as are consistent with recunty.
w ETil:heMiv trlVeibratrapTuranedd;rellTut7,7smalfslry"unvensdr:
esi . olTord Look prOtecuon to the onetime.
The Mats Of the company, on January 18410,
published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were as
R:ni ti ra tote ......
Ste Temporare Loans
Cash, ate
51,aht,491 71
Sitlee lhete incorporation, a period of 19 yearn, they
, have Paid apwards of one million forte hundred thous
-1 , and defier; losses by fire, thereby- afforriangevidence
Of the advantages Of Itisaranee, ne well as the ability
and disposition to meet with, promptness all Imbitnies.
• mtrlidi J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent,
y Oben N E corner Waal eft Maus
latE7tiff.,"l:t ik— ggLiTlTlLLi.litiitTLA NOR CO.
'IOHIST FINNEY, Jr„Agena at Pi Usburgh for the Del
.l awe Mael Rarely 'ma'am e Company of Pinta
adelphia. Fir eßisks upon buildin Se
and merchandise
tor every description, and Marine 'Risks upon hulls nr
argoirt of vessels, taken upon 1 Le most favorable
4 F - 3 7 WV 2 71111°. - ,:e ) .,`Wi . ; i :... gi°„ ! 'ira''''''' '
,• N. B.—The esteems of this Canape n a y since the estab
liehment of die Agency In this clr.r, with the prompt
hem and liberality with which ever y Malin upon them
Inc loss bas been adlusted, fully ‘r ,m l 'et '.
Snelling the c.f/Mice and patronag e e lid e f rien ds and
'the community at large to the Del awarelima
twice Compisay, while it has the add /Lionel adv.-images
Its imiestiturtan among the most lion...hum in Pl. Cadet
phia--ei having an maple paid-In capital, which l'y the
aperatliin. of its charier a COII.V. flyhieteasins, as
yielding tO'ea , ils person unlaced his due sham of the
profits of be hompany, without inv of wing him in any
G d iontudbilay,.whatever, and therefore as sses rig
the Miguel panymple divested of e chary obnazipo si
nue ft a
te., and in Iranian attractive form 0004
Vite.3474-BD-2 duutisir. - ustSUEL - JIHCE.
Tilt Insinuate Company of North Amenca, li:trough
I asirmy nathoured Agent, the subscriber, oilers to
make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in
thi. eitystidilivituntf, and on shipments tit the Co
Mil and Rasore
, , • DiR.ECTOILS.
Amber 0 Coffin,
Cheek, Tizyler,
Slung W. Jones,
Ambrose him.
Edward Guntit . Jacob M. Thomas
JEA. Brown, John R. D .
7 Who.. .
' ~, P. eoPih Richer.. D. 5W00.1,
W. W
lidenuet F. lirsalkl., ,
SenraelProoke' 9.'Anstin /Mont,
1 ", ARTHUR G. COFFIIii, PreeL
Haut Al Salem:nu Seely.
This Ls the ablest Insurance Company in tit United
Ektes,_hevinig, /leen chartered in Mt Ds :charier Is
perpermil, andlmina lot high standing, long experience,
ample enezeUreaeritvoiiling all risks of au extra has
mob., character,
may be coneidered m odering tun.
pLeeseciarily 1.0 Om may W. P. JONE
At the Cantu:4lg Room of Atwood, Jour. ACo., S.
tore n 4 Frantattelets Pittalitrigh. mays
Frincellon Inilininee Co. of Hanlon!, Conn.
, FUN LL—Tho undersigned, having bees appointed of the Peoterhou Insurance Cu., will take risk s
by properly iu UM city
rs nod laked vicini
s. ty, end on shipments
mch.Raidrsv . Office, No. La Wood erect
rgillE _Once,
been appousted - Agent pro
.1„ tem. off. Insolence Chummy of North Ame
and will lame Policies and attend to the other beano.rica,
of the Agency, _ at to warehouse of Atwood, J 0,1016 8.
Ca. W.ll. P.war et
Emds . " R.Nr,. noticeFl
k.." ARO—Having a lei long time been distreemed
with • severe pa to in the ode nod chest. •ecompanted
wah a dry cough,induced, upon the urgent
cannon or friend. to Dr Taylor's Hanorm of Idver.
wart, and mum any dos medicine hos answered its
porpo. admirably My distress crar produced by a
severe hurt, and was so great that it was watt diniculty
I road swallow ray tood. ladend, I ate mashed Mar
disease must have terminated in Co.unaption, or some
fatal disease, had it not been cured by this Judicious
medicine To all who seek to prolong their lives, 1
would advise the use of Dr Taylor's Balsam or 14 vet
wort. JAMF.S (lOWA N. 4% (Lowery.
TM. medicine facilitate: expectoration, reduces le
ver, restos. strength. and may tie conoidered as su
perior preparation for the cure laid prevennon of all
diseases in the Chest and Lungs. and should rem, l
ed to, even after these diseases have remstral the uni•
al resuedrea In the practice of this old and ver r•
smoothie physician, this Balsam of Liverwort no y .
galled an enviable rep moon for tic rather, as super
riot to th at of Me abun dant nostrums of the day, a
was the character and probity oil. Inventor, to tha t
of quacks and empiric,
CONSUMPTION CURED—My son bovine ik
lent cold, used to cough violently, trumeg quanuties of
thick putrid matter, and finally he could riot turn over
.1 bed, from weakness. He tnimifoited every symy.
nom of confirmedconsumpuon For ox years he had
4-en sub
to the asth m a. Ili physicians, Messrs
motile Ander odd he was Inciarable and
'nett coon die. Yet I son,
was determined to try Dr 'Tay
lor's Balsam of Liverwort, and strange as nay ay
pear, this medicate has fully restored has health .
SOPHIA GALLON; 14 Norfolk street.
SA'd In Pittsburgh by .1 I) Morgan, 03 Wood st ;
Towirmnd, hlarket st; /I Smyser, ror Market and
3d am: Henderman A. Co, 5 Liberty it. Price oduced
81.1. t) per Louie
Jaynes, peetotont.
Sabra. Columbiana re.. fi • Apr. 24 1)11.
TAR. D. JAYNES: DA. fam-1 reel hound to yea
T„/ and rue Maimed public, to avail myself of dos ay.
partunity of giving - publicity to the entr.rdinary effects
/your Expectorant onmyse/f. Hanna bean afflicted
for several years with • nevete cough, hectic fever
arid its col/comae. dareases, and seemed only doomed
to linger out a shortbut miserable existence, until the
fall of I%ni, when, being Wore severely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre.
senpuons of two of the oast respectable phystmans to
the neighborhood and.. denying
daysfit, or the
consolation of survivoig hut a few or weeks at
farthesb—when the hint glean] of hype W. about to
vanish, I had recommended to me year Expectorant—
ad blessed by that Being who d o es all tittngs ia
use of the means—tad contrary to the •xpectrum. of
my physicians and friends, I was in a few days mused
from nry bed, and Moo enabled by the lame( a bottle, to
attend to my business, enjoying mnre better health than
I bad for ten years preview).
Respectfully yours,.ke. b.. W. Enna-
For sale in Pmsburgh ' , at the Pek i n Tea Store, 71
Fourth street.
R 0 1y 11.9 . 9 ... ELX , A
Vinegar render it fat Ruperior to Cologne water for
the ordinary purposes of We toilet, surpotimig the lat
ter in its perfume. 11 prevents and removes pimples,
tenet acid asperity 01 the skin, it refreshes and white,i
the skin, rendering it in/ and .mouth. It correct. the
clammy and bitter taste of the mouth, imparting a fresh
and pleasant breath. It cleanser and whitens the
teeth, and hardens the gums Par all the above par
"—oases, tt is irsedwith water In tarn proportion as may
COEI le found moat agreeable. Hy whaling it and rubbang
tan the temples, it will remove headache applied
GonlmcniOn and Parorardlng Merl hunt. rlrnn latently to • b nor bruise, it will eventually pee -vent
; a „ 26 goon*, '
I correct irmated tor, aud guaranties
t's Rerteral Cot:amend. in boa- om conmgiom w therefore ver ueful for pennant
amid, u•PeelellT p amino. and nale Amen. it
perfuming ni anintnts. For s a ls a by
V it 4 l llollthm . ...
„MM., a nd,PrOartec, and in receiving and LI SELLEILS, Wholesale Druggon,
to nt'ardbg Lmbd. coqmgtmd to his oars. As A. gent for ninkal 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh
the Mansitiaettnes, hei will be conamntlYr impel/ ed oath DlCLagisi
the priaelpal art:mime( Pittsburgh Manufaetnre of the sals is to certify ln I
Parch..., out m ist of
l are r 0 pPnt essen Wholesale pikes. Orders and constgantents blau,., Worm Specific, some two months ago
• win Of mine war
are weV seven yeass old two
teaspoCm u fall, and al agr the amount may appeh„„ ir „, 'ad I have no doubt but them was upwards of
eiimaasto wont. mowed from atm, measunint
sha ' ", NU'35 South Pm . , street, (second storY4 ass quarter of an melt to two inch. long.
• Philademr. •Ll:rCiatads purchased, packed, insured, W HOLLIDAY
Ltd atiiped 10 order. Wool, Flour, Grain, Dried Itruwar Carrot en. Tenn • Dec 27,1,47. 1,62-1
Fruit anti Cheese received one bnattmmmt, mtd sine- ELLERN.
Mince aria--Wm. 801 l .Ir. Son, Mr. IL 111gby and 'J CnLvnavq Jan. AI, H. Sellers.-- your Vermilage hew sold well,
Mr. Ham/by Ph.nbargh.
f et ,-- Mtiu i„„fld legit y spoken nt by an who have used
• . g_goRGE A. BERitY, it. From the /niece. attending the administrator:l co
MOLESALE GROCLERAL you t Ver.Mifuge in every case 1 have heard 01,4 one
j C. sell mon! during the coming mason
Oran I did last. I will he glad to receive another sup.
5 g Toss. Mint, respectfully,
iron, GOttin. Yarns Plitelrestrgh PIY cr um letter I R. CARTER
gglassufaislares generally,
raav, 11. Prepared and sold by H- E. SELLF.RS, 57 Wnoij et,
Noe . 10 w.cian mem ammo
„ o b itld by drugs:W. generally, in Pi traliurgh and Al
BIERCEILi lIROTMERS da to.; k•g. Pad
commisticm MERCHANTS, Vastila -- 3. 'a - .l — itostasan.
For the sate or Produce getierolly. FORWARDING COAUD ISSIO N DIERCH/ATS,
13-I.nitnu %/Mantes mode on copslgnments.
a2441k. ardnit
No. 152 Second str eet
tHE subscriber has removmlhat 'Wholesale Grace.
ry Store to the corner of Hancock street and 'tile
ents. glieny Wharf,• nest door to the Perry llo.e.
meh27:dtf JWIIN F. PERRY.
D. dc G A PRO. —Just opening, a large arid selectud assort
an. "teem of fine Watches and Jewelry, which will
be sold as cheap as In any other establishment to this
or the Eastern
Also—A large lot of variety store Watcher and Jew-
Flry, at very low priers. Pun tewelled II karat Gold
Levers, as low air thirty-five dollar+
tech3o corner 4th and market
For Greenwood sus
Greenood Gardens. ,
min: new and fast running /lir 9,11 boot THOMAS
1. SCOTT, loaves the Greenwood Wharf Host, at the
Poiat., every half hour during the day, landing at the
garden gate.
A fine collecuon oldie choicest Greenhouse Plants
ant for sale la the Garden. lee Creates and other re
freshmeass famished In the saloons
IhnjOela put up Si th•shortest notice Orders for
Bove's, left id the wharf boat, will receive prompt a
'la"italM. DANENROWIti"sir CV.'
No. Gfil South whalTes, n.... 1 No. 117 South Water et
NULL tit-2,2MA_
p. 69.9 to inform dm deniers generally, of
A., Piivda!ght Viatty nave made such arrangements
With the Virgnia i etaelarrers and the Growers of
the West, West Indies, andpaier places, am will Insure
a /up and eel:en:pa supply of the following desenp•
trona of Tobacco, which win he sold upon as &chum
atoduttug teivin as any other house in this city or else.
where, and all gait& ordered from them will be war
ranted equal to reprmentationi
Navaho; St. Domingo; Com.;
Pono,,Ricw Pem'a; Sand leaf to-
'tit ' fc Fl 'du; 1 b- co
di1.30--Dritoch'i celebrated torastic Inag " Zave
dish, fifth a /rage hisoruseut of other popular brand ' s,
and qualities of pumas, Gs, Es ,126, Ifs and 24, Lump
tiv, h, as and .10% Plug; Ladies , Twit. Virginia Twist,
Ito, owe. and pima, in whole and half bores, wood
arid litl, lueallat with sooty variety of stuck, !mimic
the i'nuic..
lgneeeuora La Reed, Hurd 7e Co.)
ozarratAt coninssiosr MERCHANTS
Particular attentiod paid to dm Weald! kinds of Pro
duce, and liberal advances made on cotwiritatem s .
1.. R. At Co. hues leave IQ refer ,o-_
Messrs R. Robison At. Co.
Reed, Parka & Co , ,
" Laws on & Covode, Wellsville, 0.
Bosvvr-II Norsk, Pao. !heehaw/111c, 0.
8. Brady, Elm. 11VCFraufer&"Z'OE".
,oo tAill Plow,
Rhodes fro OglrbY, Bridgeport, 0.
dcaco . dimourayl62
— 4013 — .11T - A;
CommLudon Merchant, and Forwarder,
J Particular attention paid to the purchasing or
I any arocle of PrrAduce in this market. Also to Ont
*warding of Coloodongenerally. Refer to
Melon- lobe insiasery & Co),
Marlin A. Ettockevell }Cincinnati, 0.
B,C. Parkhurst, Peg. )
VyreT rioUnea,k. Pittsburgh, Pr.
Malt INtOm
, Tipuisportatlon to tn. zl•
1 1 , 11 OWN.VILLIZ,
Comatilion anti Forwarding Agents.
Q NA6TON , Pft pku rg h , Intl receipt Produce
going Fi,L 1:412-42.
— A. T. LEECH, JR.,
tkairdin Foreigu and Ihreacche
laddlery4lardwart ; & Carriage "trimmings,
$/0. 133 WiliOd it.. eitLiaburigh, P..
is claw re6chrlng his going supply or Goods, and
i.rite• the attention dr Saddle ea, ' Con.ehmalterni and
Merchasts tit Ins Meek. It has been bought open tbe
'.bet lentill.";ftam. the Lest sources. and he themiore
Wno to
fs poollint helot kfito to -.pond ambauctiott
favoi him tiatli a call. me Mitdbm
v f do ae!7' the taalaornia aerr lcJtißt reecia .a.
A 140,16 atria, on tho loth Met by E.l. r
and berdlY erdcla of Portable tro"ld tled,P as, a troll
by hic'
gold miser ought to have; and fdr'eale
comae ith and tit otitot its
.1. HARRISON ernte.
)UNLOP &SEWELL attorney at Law Offices
Smnkfinld, be tween :hl and 4th sta. '
.. _
JOHN H RANEIN, Attorney and Cott Intel tor en I.
r, ,. . ,0 ” ,,, , d, ,, , trz . :11 0 7 1. 1: i 1r the State
b of Pennay 'Val
i tneltnitnein.—Pinsburgh: Hon kV Forward, Ha
inn & Male?, iiirearallesa A. 11VCIarr, John F Par
assails & Semple. APCoril A Ring.
_ .
A TTORNEY AT LAW. F!.l street, by twe. Smithfield and Grant. ourt
WILL C. Plifiru - SD,
A TTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth are
(k. H. ROBINSON, Atuirney at Law, Pax
VT . oved Ws °Are to the Exehand. Bialdloge St.
Clair n ext door to .klderman Johns arl7ly
4 fifinecenaorsto M'Cord•
ac King) 44%
Fanhlon•ble ll•tter's,,
Cony of Wand and Ftiat &write.
PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentldmen tan rely upon getting their Mats and
Caps tram our establishment of the !oar KAI - MIA. and
WOrarldlnYLlP. Or the LlYinrr nTTL., and at the Lowlier
Country Merchants, purchasing by whole
respectfully invited to sail and examine our
ore can say with confidence. that as reasard,
and mar, it will not auger in a comparison
house in Philadelphia.
81 047 43.9 41
94,724 5.3
96,001 65
• 4,223 25
EN 37
fICORD et Co. will Introduce. on 'Saar
aliada, March lid. the Sr ring . style ol HAM.
s.: in y to.. of a neat and superior hat, arc malt
to call at corner of ath and IVood streets. marl
of new s
and han now op dsome sten a suppylley of
spring Banat-, Ribbons,
Alan, new style filed Netts: Llale Laeas and Edg
ing', Linen Edging., Victoria do; johud klultins and
Jsconots, enihroidered fitugh.. ate. be. aides •
largo asaorucietat k4pring Goods generally, at north
st Corner 4th and Market etreeta
e a
WholeaaJe Raoul* up rutin •
Dr. Bon's Celebrated Remedies.
Tee JACOB $.110.9E, the discoverer and sole per
ne ji Elme
141 r of these most popular and beneficial met
43 of
the Inventor of the celebrated mitre
Nara for inflating the Lungs, in effecting' a cure c
Chronic diseases, your a student of that eminent physi
Doctor Phystc, and is a glad..., of the Übllver.
youPentisylTallin. and for Unity year. since ha. ire,
cation o
i remedies there a to.
n the invest/gm. of disease, and the apish
Through the use of his inflating tube, in connect.,
with ha_ Prophylactic Syrup and other of Es remedies
be ha. gainedan unpuralelled ernmenee curi
Incise dreadful and fatal mal•diet, Tubercular t on
sampuon, Canners, Scrofula, Itheumanion, Asthma_
Fever and Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chrome Erystpe
las, and all their obvionste disease. poeuhar to females'
Indeed every form of discasc vanishes under the use
of Ls remedlcs. to whirl, huinansty h,r—not by the
use of ono coinpound onlj, for that as incompatible
dies.use Physto/ogical Law, but by the use of his rem e .
adapted to and
of disease. preseribed for curb pr. -Misr fo rm
Dr. Roach; Tonic Alterative POI, when used arc in.
vaivably,tmkuoviledgml to be vuperior to all other, us
pa - gatver or liver roll. inasmuch at they leave the
bow,.perfectly free from costiveness; as alw hi,
Carden Pills is admltted by the fatuity to possess pecu
properties adapted to female, but hel
satisfied that bare mmt is ainficient to establish wh at
haa been s aid lit the Oupds of the moat skepucal
The afflicted are invited to can upon the agent, and
proeane (grarbia) one of the Doctor'. pamphlets, gtving
u detailed acewunt efeoek remedy and it, applleation.
For sale by the foltowing agents, lAbli on by Man
rob - gbool the country. i
D.l Ca Pei Wood urea, Pumburgh;
J 111Townsanii• d.ty/fhtts4 ,, Market ~
Lea A Seelt/inati, near the P.O Allegheny etrE
Jim Barkley, Lia..nng, ton, Beaver county, P Jno a.
ObOtt, Enboa Va/ley, ti tt
T Adana.. Beaver,
novtaill y
1 Pittsburgh.
TNT ILL..also attend to colle Pa
ction+ and
TV or. entruste to der
00.1.14, Pa. Refer d
to Lim in Butler
J. 1 ft- Fiord, Lafferty at
ood at ) Patsborg i t .n7
T SWErn-ER, Attorney atLew,off.'
opposlte St. Charles Hotel h
Pr9MPUY to Colleen° • ' • wl
or‘.e. na, in It. manna-ton, Payer
Blickstock, Dell RAT:7 TO
Church dr Carothers, Ihtsbnrgh'elfidly
D T Morgan,
1;1 tOKNali, A
Co yo and Councrilor et Law
Caleinnati., Ohio. lleen°. Southent Ohio
and in ilidiallA, And in Kentucky. promptly and
(alit' attended attended to. Commissioner car the State of Penn
sylomna, file taking Depoutuoas, acknowledgment,
4c. dre.
Rknot go—lion. Wm. Dell k Son, Cnnia, Church &
Caruthers, Wru. /ins. Esq., Wallock k Davis. ats
TTORNEY AT LAW. Other removedto Fourth
street, between Smithfield and Dram street.
CALIFORNIA HATS—IR don vaster pro
California flats, lost received and for sale by
M'CORD di Co,
fel corner oth and Wood etc
au mi
. Dissolution.
RE co-partnership heretofore existing between the
subsctibers, in the Ult. of Friend, - Rhey &
was this day dissolved by &Waal consent Geo. Rhey
wdl .u.le the business of the concern, for which Far.
pose he is nothoilzed to axe the name of the him.
• 1 other Mt i
d Armstrong
February 7, IMP
The subscribers have this daysotsociated themselves
in the name of RIIEY, ISLCITHEWS & Co., for the
Purpose of inmsacung a general Grocery, Contrantsion
and Forwarding Business, at the stand of the late turn
of Friend, Ritzy Cs Co., where they will be pleased to
eive the patronage of the Ctldo,2lO t9 of that house
,nd re out friends. OF t. RIMY,
February 7,1642
We take pleasure In recommending to the coafidenr
• f our friend.
those of Priend, Rhev & Co, or
uccessort buomess, Rhey, Mat:hews & Co.
M!SE ers-pintnership heretofore exiting between the
subscribers, in the mme of Co s onslsle, Burke /a
Cu .1. this day dissolved by mutual eonuant. Mean.
Burke Is Burnes will settle the business of the Con
cern, for which purpose they are mrthorised to use the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned hive this de y kasociated themselve
in the name of BURKE & BARNkS, for she purpos.
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors,
d c., at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke
A Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa.
cottage of the customers of that house and their friends.
In reitisng from the firm of Collate).lc, Burke &Co ,
I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke k
Dante. to he confidence of my friends and the public.
M - 3 — q
partnership soDlasolu long msting ander the firm or
breont Er King, evue by mutual consent dtsaolred
ou the Ist Inst. The bweness will be closed at the old
wend Igy tither of ea using the name of the firm for
that purpose. Being desirous to have our haziness
cloied with as little delay as possible. we would re
spectfully request Mow indebted to calland wide
tbew at:counts. JOHN D. AMMO),
wed H. D. KING.
jObffrOlkiil4.ll're°3, h4o un rll7, n ftnder ‘m tL " s d tyle of 111 ' ' ' C l o t' I L 1
,V. Co., v,u conunue the Hat, Cap and Pit, business in
all tovarious branches wholesale and retail, at the
old annul, corner of WOO. and Oh tweets, whore they
stolena ennitnnation of the patronage soliberally be
stowed on the old firm: JOHN D M'CORD.
N renting (mm the old and well Mimeo flew of
111`Cord & Ring, I mom respectilly recommend to
the patronage of the public my successors, Messrs.
& Co /1.; 5 H. D. KING.
ducal annen
b hip of MURPHY & LEE a this day
Ived mutual t. The buxom. of
law firm will b e
settled consen Lee. J. R. MURPHY, the
Pittsburgh, Jan. 30, led,/ H. LEE.
NOTICE—The undereigned swill condone the Wool
tntaineaa and atteod to the sale of Woolen Clooda l at
lbr old stand.
n reg from the firm or morpby it Lee, I take
lift.. pleasure in reeommending Mr H. Lee to the
confidence of my friends and the public.
Pitthburgh, Jan. 3 , 1549. J. R. MURPHY.
ni H .
subscribers have this day associated them
ye. logettuf r for the purpose of transacting a
wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery bnainess
Si No:PM liberty, opposite Seventh sure; under the
style and beg, of BUSIIVIELD fl RATS.
Putstiorgh, January 1, Indit.
—Our old eastemeni and the public are invited
In give us • call.
11Thl SCAIFE and Capt. JAMkS ATiaNSON
I" hare eritenotioto partnership, under thin firm of
SCA/FE Ps ATKINSON, .d wi ll carry on the Tin,
Copper, and Sheet Iran Ware manufac tory Also Blackstoolung to all its branches, at the old
stand of %Via Se alfe, Finn street, near Wood.
Parunalet attention given to steamboat work
rp l tlE PA RTNER-sHIP of Wit Hats heeled
lieen dissolved ty the death in ant of the artne
the Interest of Wm Hoye Jr, deceased, in ra p id l er nn,
connoting of Hides. Leather , Skins, Oil. he , will be
sold on It, premise, ou the Inth mat
J &NIES LAUGHLIN, Ad.rtisinuor
HA V lhr. day associated with Me tit the Whet,
sale Lronery, Produce and Cao/311.62/1 haziness,
loonier Joseph wider the hem of J. S DILWORTH
January 1.1-49
"lb AliT n Vouni thi.
day trasoctuted emit him, John It ACCurte, the lea
ther bootee. all/ hereafter he conducted under the
heat or Wot. Young k Co. WILLIAM YOUNG.
S OKSt's--Edgar's Venetians of Popery,
y Bey perry; XenopbonU Works; Tacit.'
Works; (leavers/1y 50n0..., by Way Mad; Natural
}tutor, of Enttnestains, Lg. and Tlme• of PitsLif . Hen
ry; Life of Rev Henry Venn; pro Da M 11e sOlge
of Magoon; Theephany e ay Ma,Ailed/WOK . qf GeSl in
by; Memoirs of J Powell Hunan. Barg "Clink fi
afl, Tyng; Hants.;
dle Kmgdom. ti vote; Cheeves'e Lecture. on Pilipmees
Progress; Cheeses's Wandenngs of a Plignot in Me
Alps; Anderson's Domestic t'otattunion; Modern Ae.
comps/In:tent; Last days of Floats: Women of the
Kevolunon, by Mr. Olen; Life of Pollak.; for sale by
marl 2 ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, Mit wood et
lj (/MAN IttAtitYKllSNl—he Chitin. to dispaosias.
AU. ate inqutry; being an attempt to show the onto>. .
ot' its appllcation for tha relies of emtenag; by ti
Nevilituart. Eati., 'unbar of = The reciprocal Indite..
of Body. and Died," etc. The best work ou the sidgert I
publisher!. For sate by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
marls ,
711 wood lit
. --
.. . _
L!FE or FRANKLIN, lllaureled—ln mirage id
publication in Me social form, by Ifarper d. Bro.
User, New York, The Life of Benjamin Franklin, con•
tiating of his Autobioraphy, and a narrative of hit
public life end service., by OM Rey H. fluting!" Weld;
oplendidly embellished by numerepotadanutedelagno,
by John I. Chapman, engravd i the kulehein style 01
an. The work I. printed in e
the r octavo form, on ou•
perfine paper, front bold and legible type. It will be
completed in eight pans, at 25 cent, rach,and loaned
at brief intervals
p k:ach part will he received by el.
y atter by its pobliemtem Pan Is JIM
eceive d d for sale
r an reens tramedmiel
corner market and 3d it.
klin') Lite Ist I OR Y (FF N
vas 4
Vo, lI N
fh a llmor f Hannbahe
CartheAtlntan, tty Jacob
Abbott Illustrated tide, map and numerous entfra.
Adler's ( hammer and Enalott thettonary,
&nary of Lade John, Isom the French of octavo.
!ti. C ten
nell. Illusnated.
We Citele of Life. A eolleenon of Tlnft•
2110111, de , Nlrled to debonair. Life, Man and
Hari s Romance of Yachting
Araiden Loterlausreents, Lane • translation,
sptesubdly Illuatraied. 2 vols„
Just received by
Apollo Hall, Ith
• -
XTEW flLX ) KS—History of Mary (Omen of Scots.
Al Jaeob AbbolL with Cepastep,
History of Kul Cherie" the Fins, of F.rigland. By
Jacob Abbot•, with engravings.
Ifirdory of Alexander the Greer. By Jacob Abbott:
with engravings.
Awry of Hannibal the Caltharnian. By Jacob
Abbott; with engraving..
Received and for wale by
JO lIN STO , N . r d:M J, 1(2.1 us
NE, — oo K:l—Oregon and Canton. in le a n; by
J. Quinn Thornton. late Judge of the Supreme
Coon of Oregon, arsd corresponding member of the
Amerman Limon. le. With tm appendix, including re
cent and authentic utformatton Oil the tulips. of the
(SOLD MIN liStf Calstorrua, and other valuable numb
ter of interest to the cm:grunts, etc. %VIM tlerarions
and • map. lit two 01.0611. •
ItSll nse de 1101C4 GI pages I,Or
book Or life at twenty. by
Lemartine, author of the "History of the
liiroodists, or Permnal Memoirs of the Patriots of the
French Revolution," etc. Just received and for sale
JOHNSTON to erocicros,
meh l 4 . earner market and st•
mil, P. QM..
I\ir ANUFACTLIRERB of spring ond blister steel
Jjj, plough oterl, tteel plough wing., coach and elip
tic opting., hammered !min axle., doalers mod
leable ca.unga, fire engtite lamp., and coach trimming
.orally, comet of anal and I. tont ohs, Fatah. h
noverolblo Allittoring Cock,
Which renders turbid water pure by
removinF all substances uttsillutioerikn
?lea' arn:suildnprLi'thtbmeuybe,,LLt
altering cock, shows a large seposit
impure substances, worms, &a. This
to the ewe more or eta with all hydrant valor.
The Reversible Titterer in neat and durable, an. Is
not attended «h the thean'reMenee incident to other
Flit/men, us it is cleansed without being de t a ched how
the water pipe, by merely turning the k or bond!.
-rem one side ID the other.-
tins easy proeede, the
nurse of water Is changed, and all acenmulations Ic
capons substances are driven of almost insuntly,
about screwing un Me Filter. It also ponerret
ill eof
very e being a top cock, and se sock in many
.oace w be • ' • "
be very convenient and economical.
in be attacked where there L any pressor., high
.ow to a cask, tank, nib, kn. with earn. To be had
esole Agent, W, W. WILSON,
by corner of Fourth and Market sts
THID Alucii
TIHE attention of the p o ublic y i nemin called to
the following coruheateln
Ma. S. Eames—Having tested a qumulty of Gold
weighed by your Areometer, I find the malt proves
your instrument co
Califorrect; and recommend the am of It
to Mom going to rnia, as
m M
raining the ;cal value of GM& RO e
SP best . yomn4 method for ob.
J. B. DI/NUIVY, Gold Beater.
Pittsburgh, March 0, 1840.
Prrtianrt, &tarok 7, 1819.
M. Earnm—.Dear Sir. Having . eor amined dm "Arco
manotaenue4 at your rooms, I do not hesitalp
to commend I t to the eta of those gentlemen who are
about removing to California in march of CinkL
It gives a close approximation to the speed. gravi
ty of metals, and will ecrtunly enable the advennuf r
aneertain when Me placer la yieldmg Hold
moral Yours, teary, J. R. hPCLINTOHX.
Foreign and Domestic Liquor..
A GOOD aseortment of Foreign and Domestic LA
goofs, alwaye on haatd end for sale in guaranies
in suit purchasers, by
Bluspratte , Bleaching Powder,
rehlortde of lame.)
eIHE subscribers have cricenri/ received tdirect Darn
the oratrufacturerst fresh .upply of the ahoy.
eCebrated ratieler which thee will sen at the lowest
market price for cash or approved bills.
recto AND rEnnaroN, estaintrinwes.
THIS establishment long and widnly knowm an
being win ortlie most . 12 / 1 110thOLIA in the ethic of
/Ultimate, has recently undergone very ethic..
sive alterations and improvementh. A. enure new
wing ban been added. containing numerous and airy
sleeping apartments. and erteninve bathing rooms.
The Lathe.' department bee elan been completely
fat a n ted and hued op to a mom miiquo and Deana
atyle. In fact We whole arrangement elite House
th been remodeled, with a single eye cm the part of
th: y comfort and pleasure of
wbirh th confidently Ewen will
challenge conthen.ii with any Hotel in the .110ims.
Thetr table 'slit always be supplied with eeoc)
animal and luxury which , th e ntarket affords, served
nit superior style; white in the Ivey of Wines, le.,
they will not be sorpused.'
willln eonchmundoneon the
on proprie ir tors beg us NV that , •t nothing
be len sir ton
and on the part of their
unistains, In render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends aad the public generally.
The pores for board have also been reduced to the
g meet
GentlemOen.rds inary, 1141,76 per day.
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Hone will nl•
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Howl, free
of charge.
The subscriber having usunted the manage.
Mont of this long established and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Tutvellen and the
generally, that he and he at all times prepared
to accommodate them in all Ming-s desirable in a well
regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroaghly
repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no
pal. will he spared to make the Exchange one of the
very best Hotel* in the country.
of the ve"ryd"Wrealeod pirrn'ap„tr"",K,•Vocuith...
has henmfon
7f i ee i b
TH016.8 6wsToN,
manta or voltam ,Rl3
IkTHE subscriber reapeetfully •nnounces that
e has now opened his new and excellent Hotel
or the accommodation of travelers boarders,
and the pub. generally. 'Tho house attai funuture
are entirely new. and no puns or expense have beta
spared in render it one of the most condonable and
pleasant Hotels In the city
The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
fore soheits, a share of publicpatrone.
octl4-il I y JACOS HOUGH, ProEietor.
I 0 0 - 1 P Eli. CENT sAV fr. n
T HE VIRGINIA HOTEL. on Baltimore street, near
the Depot, Cumberland, is now in complete order
for the reception and accommodation of the public.
Persona in search of ease and comfort, will do well
to patronise this establishment—they will find the
chant.era clean and nice, and the Table so well fur
nished as any in Cumberland, at twenty-five cents,
guaranteed as good as any that can he 6.1 in the
place, at any price, or no charge. No charge for
transportmon of baggage to and from the cars.
CILIMILIT 7001iTil MID ruse rm.
OPPOSITE late Bank of the United States, Phila
delphia. M. POPE MITCHELL,
_ Proprietor
. •
_•.-_ ,-._—__-„..=___
Bhaeklett & White,
D RY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 Wood street, ask the
attention of Morebanm to their stock of AMERI.
direct from bat hands.
Receiving regular supplies of Gm gond. daring the
aeuen, and - devoting a Dirge share of their imassureminent
to Eastern Auction sales, they can cotifidendy
buyers they will find it to their interest to examine
thole amok.
Just received, large invoices of new stole Dress
lianas, Fancy Prints, iliommeres, Cloth., Sanimer
Goods, Laren White Goods, broth Linens, Tailors'
et. brand. and brown and bleached Shootings of varl
Modern nod Antiq OD
ue iture,
03, THIRD Org.., Prrranomm.
2EFA large and
atisortmeut of Furniture, ,
Hotels and private dwel
lings, constantly on hand and mode to order.
The prevent stork on hand marmot be exceeded by
any manufartory in the we.terii country. Persons
wishing to purnse would do well to give me a call,
OS I am determined my prier. o ;n ,, P 1.. ., Pall of
the stock consists in-
Teo- a Tetr; Flaffet Etagete;
LOW. XIV Chrort; queen Eittabeth chairs;
Tea Poyse; f run Tables,
Toilet Tables; Lenox X V Commode r;
French Mahogany Rmisteads, Piano Stools;
So sofas with Plusb and Hair-cloth covers;
Di Mahogany Roc k ing . Ch Fors:
40 dux Parlor do
30 '. Pane y . do
25 centre Tables;
20 pair Divans; 4 pair pier T•bles,
LS Wilt /e top Dremong Remus;
0 Wardrobes, ii Seeretaries and Rook eau.,
D) marble top Wub Stands,
4 pan, 0 1 10.1.rtai
8 pair fancy Work Stands;
fihtivmegtlooarge ne ,. .o ro et u rn . e t n o t . of ... co u nazon rhino and other
11[7 . Steam Boai• furnished on the shonest notice,
and on the most reasonable teem., deels
Chocolate, CdroA, 11., o.
igIT. Ilaker's American nod French Chocolate, Pr...par
-it &Cacao s Coma Paste Bros., Cocoa Shell., Sie
0 mekints arid emriartieva, who would purchase
the best products of Coe gm, free limo adulteration,
mere nutritmu then Imo, coffee, and in quality US.,
par•rd, the •pbacnher recommend, the %).ovo artirlet,
inattul.o . torcd by linuaelf and stamped with hi. name,
His Brom• and Cocoa Put, as delicate, palatable,
and swum. y drinks for inVithidt, convale.cents, and
others, are pronounced by the mast etuitieut ph y Menthe
supenor to any Other preparallona ilia malualactufes
are &ATI,. on %ale. I u ay oulint4ty, by the roost re
sprciablr grocer. in the t o awn; eines. mid by
the n
agents, ilatre-a.liray &co, of ILmoon J un e. M Benne
&. en, Hanford, Coon, Hussey It Murray, New York;
Bras It Stone, Philadelphia, Toomas V Broodier, Bal
dreary, and Kellogg & Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio,
WALTER RARER, Dorchester Mass
Por sale by aug3l IIAIIAI.EY & SMITH, Ain.
rzWreagin wad torCas on Ralf Ia
.. y - h b :: - ,.. -- .J.. , b n:: i.',..." utr,n.r . ,, L...1..',.. ...I;
fuhionahle demist. fur Iron Raiblig, both fur haulm.
and eemeterie. Persou wishing to procure hand
some patterns will please rail and examine, amriudge
for themselves. Reding wilt De furnished at the shon
e., armor, and in the Le.t manner, at the corner of
Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city
aug-29-dtf A LAMONT A KNOX.
_ _
Q R.Xl.ol.rentm & Royster's supertor sweet 5 Ips;
°IV 23 do M A Ruder's " lb "
19 hf do Price & Harwood's "
57 do do do
75 do do Pearl & Harwood " "5A lb'
14 do .1 Robinson
srhf do do
23 do do Wen Dawson
MI do T Wright's
17 do U Anderson " .• ~S do L T Dadeb, `• "
5 do R 31aron's
do Ratclitl
Jun lending from steamer and packers, and for sale
41 north water st and IS north wharves,
& Sos's supertor sweet II lumps
75 half 1, no Webster Old superine sweet lamps
10 •• 51c
Lawrence I..ottier 5s
25 `• 'sentry & Rovscr 3s& bs
20 .• DupLeoont 1,10 Is Eurel " .5s "
95 ° Lawrence Lottier " ss&ris plug
Just landing from steamer. and for sale by
111-:A1.6. RUCKNOR & Co,
41 N water et and 11/ N wharves,
J GLENN. Dook—Bluders.
191 TF: are •ull engaged the above business, corner
9' ol Wood and Third streets, Ptltsburgh, where
we are prepared to do any work in our line with des
patch. We attend to oat work personally, and sans
faction will Int given to regard to Its neatness and du
rabibby. _
Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub
stantially. Book• ill number. or old books bound care
fully or repaired. Names put on books in pit letters.
Those that have work in our line arc tnvited to call.
Prices low.
CLF SKINS--30 do. genuine Preach Calf Skins,
very hoe &rude. A few daunts Philadelphia
Sktris, from the nuaitafaciory of H VI Crawford to
which the attn of boot makers la invited. Just
received and fnr sale by W MUNI] tr. co,
143 liberty st
AT W. — M. - MtC.Oll l / 4 •M104 1
ean be aeen a splendidvanety of sup Royal Vel
vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Boor
.l*, 3 plys and sup and fine Ingram Carpets, of sup
styles and qualities, and cction can always be
found Table Linen., erat.hes, Dior, Dainiuks,
teens, Oil Cloths, Cre..A.c., to all of which we ca
tri.Nll the
latumnatali the nubile.
AVING sold our cadre stock to e Guru, with
a view to closing our old business. we hereby so
licit for him the patronage of all our friends and roe.
Looters. Rll W POINDEXTER,
Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1,548.
0 H. GRANT, NVltolnsole rn
Cancer, Coromsion end
V • Forwarding Merchant. No 11 Water et. stela
- •
A A FULTON, Hen and Brass Founder, he. re
wlt and rflellteleeleed int ellleoll at his old viand,
ere he will be plermed la Ore tus old custom
en and hand..
Charch,Ricanthout. and Hells of every eize, (ruin 10
to 111,01X1pound•. east from potter,. of the ;nom appro.:.
eel models, nod w•rralited in he 01 the best mials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Cormier, Railing, &v, atr tags.
Cher with every variety of Urn., castings, il required,
turned and fiiinhed in the neamm manner.
A. F. to the sole proprietor of Dolour'. Anil -AT-rat-
Von Mazer, an justly celebrated Mr Me reduction of
friction 01 machinery. The Roo, and Composition
can be had alum at all owee. .
A lift.
MHE itabaenber• N—TlNG
ng havi the P
e P
xclusive Agency for
Nelllng the Prinung Paper of a new and extensive
paper null to this viclnity, will lie at all times welt .up
piled with the different sixes of paper ofsupermr qa tan
ty, which we offer at the lowest meat. prier..
Any site or quality will be manufactured to order in
short notice. REYNOLDS SHEE,
JO Om corner Pe/111 and Inv.,
N➢lA BUDDER CIAITHING—Just receives for the
I. California Expedition, a complete assortment of
Own Elastic Clothing, at prierr ranging from 16'3, to
811,60 for suit of coat, pants and hen For sole at the
India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at.
JRECEIVED—Three more of Mos. an lastly
it celebrated Hambargli Pltmos, used constantly by
List, Thrdherg and other great performers, together
with a large tosortment of rosewood and mahogany,
of my own Manufacture. The above instruments are
warranted to be perfect in every respect, and will be
sold low for cash. F DLIPIIE,
Wittig Nn lig IVrind at, lid draw from Sth
Pow Csaltornla.
Ht . :celebrated }Ward Me Powder, in kegs, half
fe 1 , 17 D I '4 or"'
r ;
S coos
a fo, Ellwood
XI aprati'm Patent Soda Aid..
20C) CAVILS pen reeerved per Ivanhoe
4+ and SI Cloud, and for rale by
W I M attrotieLTßEE,
nP2•4P GS.
JAS.. itlD'Et Co.
No. 81,AlroudAtrtet,
TarouLo um.,, , 0000t the P ublic to their
TV Frurentstook o f Hanghig.,..hleh
bealstr ef finial,durillty and eneapneas i
h ied by any establjetmteet In the Union.
ft-sider a large matfett essoneneut of pap. pf theis
oven mansfeentre, they aroma* receiVinv ~ (lest 1"1"
planation of Preach and Idaglish styles o afmr 11111 6 -
togs, parchased by Mr. Lim litnnerd, one of the firm,
ddv in eonsisting of
Parisian manure!tum, 10,9 Mi pieces.
London do- faooo do
Of their own matmfactore they have tup,tuo ees
Wall Paper, and 12,099 &ea satin gludd W indow
Blinds, &a
Mentz. James Howeni di CO. have spared neither
expense nor labor In their endeavors to ma/ the east
er. mall paper establiat s , both ln quality
demure mul ',satiety of tenm; and they are svannel
ed in amen:tithe pub& Mat Hey have aneceedrid.
The whole assonment, foreign tud.homeManufre
tore, will be offered on term* as low ea Moms aust
ere manufacturer. and importers. , eadaY:dif
II W romrseincii, o. aerno
of Pitts urgh. of Philadelphia,
And General Conemleilon Iderehanto
No. 421 Marten Srazer, between Eleventh and
Twelfth BM,
r i t i felrt e enT n an ' dlits " , pe v e 7 . retir
cooed Mesusely. In Prinadmphm,"foir they hav e
se el
transacting a General Commission Business, and trust
that long experience in busmen will secure to them
fair patronage.
127. Particular attention *lll be given to sales of
Flour and Produce generally . ; and any pardons. in
the Philadelphia market for Western account.
REFERENCES—The oretehanut of Pittsburgh gen
erally; Spenger & Whiteman, Lebmer & Andaman,
Cincinnati , Ohio ; H Iphlewcomb & Bro., NV it Clifton,
Lewis Ruffner, Jos Todd, Louisville, Ky , Crow, Me-
Creery & Barksdale, 8t Louis, Mo.; Hewitt, Norton &
Co, W A Violett, New Orlean York;l Gillett. &
Noyes, &Crime. & Morns. Ne s, w
W Thom!.
on & Co., John Tiers & Co, Peter Marseille., 8. 1
Jones, Dea1,18111mon& Bun, Philad'a ap9:3m
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Will give articular attention th
entron e collection of
without d ums, and p
all money received, shall be reintued
Rl innlrCe.-11011. 11 Coulter, Supreme Bench, Pa.;
Messrs Lyon, Shorts & Co. St LOllll4 Wood, Alston: &
Co Philed'a, Jno H Brown & Co. do; Mr. Charles H
Welling, do, Eno, Mahoney di Co New York; Chmen
den. Bliss & Co. do; Bliagher & Orendorff. Baltimore,
NV P& A Murdoch, do; Love, Martin & Co. do; Mr .
John Falconer'blessrs. Lore., Sterling & Co Pine
burgh; Forsythe & Co. do; Hampton, Smith & dm
Mr. L 8 Waternum, do .
EW 0051118—Ai ZEBULON KINSEY'S, 67 Mar
ket street—
k dos very high back Shell Tuck Combs,
3 " median . " "
2 " low "
" plaia high " "
If " narrow beaded top " "
60 " fancy lop Buffalo
to " plain
20 gross com. Horn; 30 dos shell side, assorted ai
ms; 30 gross cam horn Side; 3 dos shell dressing do
12 doe Buffalo do do; 4 do Itnitatton do do; 60 do besi
English Mona; 6 do 8 9 8 fine friary, extra sue; 18 do
.5 8 do do, in boxes; 19 gross 8 fuse do dm 1 do comb
rantinban ruing. JoanO.t dart.. Wll . r.. 114.1.
BANKERS,rs in Hussey, Hanna & CO
to Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates
of Deptunte, Hank Notes, and Speme— Fourth street,
nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Currant mo
ney received on depoute--ffight Cheeks for sale, and
coneetions mode on nearly all the principal points In
the tinned Stales.
The highest premium paid for Foreign and American
Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship
pfd &Ls on liberal tennis ape
Park. Sec.. la:resat Ist, 1849.
Parent erotatter esteesw. Toitler, Sofa, Burrow,
Boot Cases, Writing Dear.
MITE TABLES far surpaasinig every other m
i. vention of the kind now extant. They ean be ex
tended Imp ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed
the lenses ore all contained inside; they an made to
all sizes and shapes, and
itchairabiy adapted for
St.mboan„ Hotel., and large private families, farm
ing when closed a complete centre table.
P.OFA.S AND BUREAUS—Them articles are inval
uable, porerelarly to those who wish to econo
cruse room, and convert a sleeingb,aparunent into a
p arlor or silting room, As they e on opened end shot
t convenience, and when shut, the bedoljatill enclos
ed A great
toss room and lent.. All the bed
steads when cloned a beautiful piece of furniture
tor a parlor or sitting room
BOOK CASPtu--A nent and useful article for parlor
or drawing mum.
WRIT er ING DE-SES-- Poe law offices, comaing rooms,
mead, when close offices; d
a perf when opened alesteeesement bed-,
is visible. eel Desk and Library alone
Ail these articles need no recommendation: the
Imam) of th e whole is, they are warranted . 1 to gat
styn.ol . repair. It will he. for your In to call and
famine the articles, at the usenufseterer's ,store, No:
9.3 Third street, Putsburth. In addition to the alerts
advsnT h r. , they are proorfAaai,n3sanwi3oDwEta,
'la it: EltoN fig.TE 7'O DR UI JA
sealed eertifiea. that immediately idler
having attended my brother, who died at constowlf.
hi March, 1842, I area taken sick gel% the 00.12mptl08
or Liver
(plaint,Compn and yeas reduced so low with this
disarm, Man r yenrs I wan unable to attend to
a c me nn,
either at home or abroad, being for dia
most ume confined to my bed. Airing the above pen.
oil of lime, I had expended for asetheal a tt endance 0
regular Physicians and medicines, to the amount of
Faso. with°. receiging any benefit Merefmia.
Jul). 1043, I commenced taking Dr. Ja' Medi-
cines and hare taken them more or less ever since,
end heltere that it ryas by peraeve co ling in their a.,
that I can now truly say that I have mpletely moo-.
red my health. I believe that JayneL Sanative Pills
and Eapeenarmil are the best family medicine.... in
. ..
I reside In Rpringfield. Otsego enmity, N. V, and
Carry on • !unlace and mach= shop in that place,
and am not interested In any ILIIIIIDet in the sale of the
above medicines, and make this certificate for the ben
efit of those afflicted ELIJAII EATON.
Spnofffield, N V, Sept. Id 13.13. a 4
no t
M A f1;l . td.AcCar L E 2. T . 1 2, 11 . -A a ; the ' 'a tc toad,led
(fasten getierally, tote folloonng brands Tobaccos,
store and to arrive, which being consignments di
rect from manutamuters, he is enabled to sell at cot
erli prices'
130 1 be, fi W Crenshaw ba;
)0 # - James Madison Zw;
•• M.' Lama.
# t rabca r. o
zi I 0' P 1111.131 S.i
4 .;
II I " Dobens & Sim , on 32 4. "d
I '''
a # 4 Oscar Burl 3s;
a # " John, &. Lamm Is;
3 I 4 Warwick, gape ' la;
fe 42 4 1 0 I " 14''"
k j'''''''
L Os, Is
-- Nit Ilachine Woi-kriiiidlern -
11 111117.0 H, PL.
JOHN WRIDIFT & Co., are prepared to build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery pp Pared
description, such
Ltrae:ningill, Alnetunel,,..dpiirtag Pr.ames, Siieel:rs.
Dressing Frames, Looms, Looms, Railway
Citlndla'n7r {Matta?
Iron Shafting turned; all sizes of Cast Iron, Sullies and
ii.„,,, of 6. 1a.., pattern., slide and hand Lathes,
and imul• of ell kinds. Castings of every description
thronhod on short notice. Patterne made to order (or
11.11 Gearing, Iron Railing, &c. Steam
.Pipe or heat
, Factories, Cast Iron IVindom Sash tool fafncy Coo
'^. generally Orders led at the Warehouse of J.
Pal & Co., Libeny street, will kayo prompt aura.
Refer to Blimkstock, 801 l & Co g J. K. Alborebend &
cn. E. Warner, John Irwin A Sons, Pittsburgh iO.
h J Werner, Steubenville.
- PeiTit
,TT NoVlGllTNlAPl—Manepartarer of 101 kinds of not.
M.ationv:'w'doir's nl op.
ermine, I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch
for all kindsof machinery in my Ime, such as willows,
pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding machines, runways,
in frames, speeder., throssils, looms-, woolen
c•rda double or angle, for merchant or country, work,
males,Me ks. &o.; slide and handled!. and Mobile gen
eral. All kind. of slmiling made to order, or plans giv
en for geamig Acton. or mills at reasonable charge.
Floras hi—Kennedy &
, Childs & O n lyke k, Bell
& King, Pennock Co., Jas. A.
irW -COAclt-retprortir;----
Air A. WHITE & CO., would reapeaitally Inform
111.• b et w een üblic that they h•ve erecied a shop on
I.autick, Federal su d Sandusky streets. They
ore Row making ntig are prepareg to meet. orders ler
Seery description of vehicles, Coaches, Chnnothi,
'ouches, Buggies, Plomons, &c., which from their
long experience in the mannfacture of the above work,
end - the hiciline• they have, they feel confident they ore
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms wigi
those wanting articles., thesr lino.
Paying perticular tutontion to the schieuon of male.
lots, and hoeing none but competent workmen, they
nava no hesitation in warranting their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to this" malt,
N. B. &pairing done in the 1t,,., manner, and on the
most ressountle terms.
ossaagraitelii Livery Stable.
the large stable on flat at, runtung through
to Second st, between Wood md Smithfield
as., in the rear of the Monongahela Hon..,
with an enurely new stock of Horses and Carriages of
the best quality and latest styles. Horses kept al hue.
ry in the best manne r .
l'auent Gnuennted GraM S
minse Battery and Patios
bertilatad Poise for Modred mast
Iltde:,spitimesonly &
enled rumen' of t t r i y ie .ir kl E.m at o
ICC pIITTIOSea, and Is the onl can ever known to otan,
by which the galvanic Auldie couveyed to the hp.,
man eye, the ear, the brain, or to .7 part Of the body,
either externally or letunnals, definite gentle
strum, without shooks or p perfec t s e ty _
and often with the happiest °deists.
This important apparel. is now httly appr ove d of
by many of the most eminent glide •• or this coun
try and Europe, to whom the a etertand other. w
It may concern can be referred. Referenee will also hore
be given to mu) , highly respectable chinas,
been cored by means of thin eryte havenest vadliable OPPeteloo
in some of the most inveterate nenrona diaordera which
could not be removed by ant other known' means.
Among venom. other al been prayed to be ed.
numbly adapted for the sore at the followte„ dome.%
nervous headache and other diaereses of the bum.
It is with thus upend. alone that the operator can
convey the magnetic Maid with ease and safety to the
eye, to restore stght,, or cure ilittatirarmai to the ear to
;store hearing; to the tongue and other organs, to re,
store speech; and to the various pans of the body, for
the cure of chronic rheumatism, uthma, neuralgia..
no dolourcus, paralysis, or palsy, gout, chorea or Si.
Vita's diciest, epilepsy, weakness from sprains, setae
nieces. peculiar lo ferlosica, •
contraction of the limbs,
lockjaw, eta. eta
Roghls tor surrounding mound. of Western . Pa, and
pnvilee with the inurement, may b. PiatiottoW ,
FLIT also tested for the cum at diseases.
lunmetions will be given for the various awed
‘al. to be Used 'or various diseases, and the best man.
nrr for operating for the care of thine disuses wilt al
ao be fully captained to the Purchaser, add • Pamphlet
into his hands caPreiudY for iht ml_P o 9 o o.B l
fully prepared by the patentee. 9.
OHEEs rt.
3Cream Cb ß mrso NF on reJ ami fbr mie by my ga
Li H. EATON Jr. CO. urn now opening their Sprang
stock of Trumnings, consisting in part of Man
tilla and Press Fringes,,,Gimps, black arid cord Silk
Luce., blacli Flounce Lace, Btt
uons, Bride; Bonnet
?naming., gents, ladies anal children. plain and lim
ey Hosiery, , Esins 107 men and hot s,Coadis,lsory and
other Fans, Yarn, Spool Cotton, Needles, Tapes, Rab
bit., Putz, fro. an., which they otter for sale, both
wholesale and retail, at Our Trimming Btom.62Founb
street, betweer Wood and Market. 0914
IA BO Market street, see now opening (0 cases, and
packages of splendid SPRING GOODth, comprising
Lawns, Mush., Sereges, M. de Lathes, Gingham.,
Prima French Canstines, Linens, Ribbons, Lae.,
Silks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general ithson
went of Goods. mett47
Bine s the — evelopmnt the California trail Fewer,
No. 75 Masten Snit. Prrnatasin,
HAVE reads. on SELLING OFF their t large
Bock of DRY GOODS—the principal part Ist
which have lately been purchd at the 1.1204 ACC.
non e &am in Philadelphia a nd New York, at a tre
mendous and unparalleled sacrifice!
We have Made sock • large reduction from
der prices that we will now sell a large portion
goods BELOW COST of importation. The early a,
tension of buyers is invited to choice high colored
good. adapted to the California Trade.
Plain and figud Carnelian Cashmere. and de Nunes
silks, all priers,
Very superior ...Ilia fight Super cloak cloths, all co.
and watered bib silks, ton,
Superior reparmure silks, French merinos, all colors,
blk and colored, Black bombazines,
&IQ! black glossy Gm de Cross barred and striped
Villeins and mantilla silks, Brocha fled and strip'd de
best quality, Jenny Luid plaids,
Pare satins, blk and bloc Victoria Lyon°. Mr
blk aetia. , very Ile
Lamanine satin merino., Coberg cloths and r
Super silk warp alpac an l.tres.
Splendid plaid long shawls, A few brocha long shy.
Splendid terken shawls, the finest we have eye.
from N. York auctions, brought to ibis market,
great bargains; now ro be sold at great
P4in and embroi'd thibeti bargains,
shawls, all colors, Superfine and common bro.
Silk fringe, remarkably cha square shawls;
GENTLEhlEstPeGr oo cumhan
frs e silk shawls
Orencli cloths from the celebrated . .l ottany" mane
fatteny. For beauty of knish and permanence of wear,
these cloths have no superior, a few pieces extra fine
jet black and olive canon beavers and other heavy
cloths for over coats, twilled French cloths, manufac
tured expressly for cloak*, French and Amerman eas
stmeres, super west of England do, super French en.
tins for vesting., the bent imported. Plain and fancy
velvet and cashmere castings, merino shins and draw
ers, Italian cravats, linen, cambric and snit hdkfs . Ito
story and gloves.
rush linens, beet long cloth shirting,nitmlins, bleach
ed imd brown moCins of good qualny, remarkably
low; ticking', checks, domesitc nod miported
hams, scarlet, yellow and white flannel, a large lot
very cheap; 6 large lot of white and orossbarred sour
try flannels, chasm brown and bleached Hornsby table
linens and table cloths, RUlal t and Scotch dlapen and
towelling., sans:tens, Kentucky mans and tweeds.
An trattal large stock of blankets, direct from the
manufacturers, mme of which are the best ever exhi
bited, all of which will be doted oat at unparalleled
low priees. In addition to the above enumerates!
goods, our stock comprises a very Inge and c•topletc
assortment of almost every article usually found in a
dry goods store, and as they have been main!) , pug,
chased at tbe casem auctions, hence the late great 11s.
doction of prices. We am enabled and determlnedell
sell them off at great bargains
Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and
the public generally are r.pectfolly Messed to an ear
ly examination Bargains shall be given.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 Market at,
/ebb N W corner of the Diamond
ILS3A rgiltl9,
R ECEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths
of the latest and must approved patterns, and at
priers to suit purchasers, and cheap as Call be pur
chased in any of the Eastern cities, comprising the tot
lowmg veuietlem—
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
Ailminater Carpets, any Mae hall rooms or yes]
Tapestry do Mulles.
Sop Royal Brussels do Tapestry sta. carpets;
Extra sop 3 ply do do do
Superfine do do Chenille Extra sup Ingram do Tufted do
Superfine do Brussels do
Flue do do Chenille Door mats;
Common do do Tolled do do
4-1, 3.1 &
Tapestry Adelaid do do
Damask do Sheep skin do do
4-4, 3.40. Clatrd ye- 1.2-4 Emb'sed Piano covers
neUando 6-4 do
, 4-4,3.4 & 1
plain do do 6-4 wool Table
do do
Cotton ingrain do 64 worsted and linen do do
do Venetian do Bera Stair Rads
I 4,-4 cotton Druggeh 16-1 wool crumb cloths
1/4 woolen do Stan. Linen
0-4 do do 6-4 table do.
Enghsh Table Ott cloths; Diaper do
I German do do do do Crash
S 4
I 7-4 Floor Oilao cloths;do Cnmso n P Snow-Dro p Napkins;
6-4 do do do Purple do
1 5-4 do do do Alarcon do
4-4 do do do Carpet Binding-,
Sheet Oil Cloths, of newTransphit Window Shades.
Tapestry patients, cot to fit
(To the alwve we arc co.tantlr recetving our Spling
Stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths and nteamboat Trimmings,
to which we invite the attention of all who synth to fur
nish their houses or ate.nbolits, as we will be able to
oder goods as low al they can be purchased in rho
East, and of the richest and latest My les. Call and cr.
ammo oar stock before purchuing etsewhere. Ware.
ho.e, N_7s Fourth at. mchtLl W. 3PCLINTOCK.
ritsLar- and ashi
of Goods, adapted to Gentlemen's Spring and
Summer Wass, srjan erceimng at
T HE Propnetor of the above establishment would
respectfully inform his numerous customers, that
he has Just rammed from the Eastern cities with the
most spleridid assortment of goods in his line, that was
ever brought to this etty, comprising all that is now
fashionable, elegant and Cheap an Cloths, Cassitneres,
Cuhmeretts, Drap De &a, and every description of
cotton, hued and woollen Sommer Stuffs; Shin Cra
vats, Suspenders, ke., of the neqr,st
which, together with his very large and fashionable
stock of ready-made Clothing, he is prepared to offer
at his initial low prices.
, Country Merchants, Contractors, and all who pun
ch ue largely, are particularly Invited to call and ex
amine the stock, which is decidedly the largest and
most fashionable in he city, and great attention has
been pa to got it up mutable to the wholesale trade.
Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the most
fashionable manner, and that nothingmay be wanting
to ensure the newest and hest style of cutting. A en
d. em who him had great experenee in the Eastern
cities, has been added to the establishment,
assorunent of STRAW AND DILLINE
1r GOODS, of the moo approved styles tmd
terns, for the SPRING OF 1E49, consisting in pan off.
Fancyand plain FAglisb, American, and French
Straw. Florence, Rutland, Pedal and other plain and
fancy 'Braid; China, Ric; Jenny Laud, Loop and Roy
al Milan edge Braid BONNETS.
Bich French Lace;
Fancy and plain Chum, Etc. &e.
Funcy Braid, Straw, Gimp, Leghorn, and oth er mis
ses' and infants' HATS.
Panama, hfnniila , Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Straw awl
other Sommer HATS, for men and boys.
lion.. and Plain Ribbons;
Bonnet Silks;
Straw Bon et Warehouse, 95 Market street
A L TO. 60 mea g er STREKT— Nave received by re_
!A cent imponatione the following Goodwrir
Mg canons Thitsst Shawn, of venous qaaltnes and
Colors. Fifty dozen "Alexanders" -bat quality Kid
Gloves, together with a goal assortment of col`d
Lisle thread, and cotton Gloves, for spring trade
300 standing, straight turnover Conant , heap Cal
pair embroidered Cuffs, from 60 ets to St,AL
Mourning Collar. In greet vartelF DeMi Ls.. Fells,
the greatest assortmeut ever offered by it.. French
and Engiish 4.4 prin.; Hoyle'. Pnots, small figures
and fast colors; French Ginighamsi irriush
Furniture Chintz; w h i rie satin Dram Table Cloths;
Linee , Gagesk, 9 and 104; Green Bersgesi Gents
black Gros de Rhine tilt Cravats, 31 to 40 inch, the
bestgood s enported; Puree TMIII4 linen cambric and
linen eambric ildkfir, from al to 132,5(k White Goode,
such a. Jsconcts, Lawns, Mall and Swiss Muslim
figured and plain Laces, white and cold Tarlatanar
ke. go.
We ere in the daily receipt of NEW GOODS, and
nein" the attention of purchasers to oar eirtennine
Nona Essr antra ant ann Mannar., Preranntr.
n o ERSONS wanting Dry Goods will plane take op-
L nee that the above house has commenced. recei
ving us NEW SPRING GOODS, and Itivitra the call*
or regular customers and buyers generally. Good.
will be offered at low prices, and purchasers orb! !lase
' I P
Country " dch l e t ' I ' M a n ts ' : n n
t d
t oo
r c e m Invited to
exaraine the assortment in Wholesale Roonu,up mann,
wheria. a large 11 111011.19.11 Or Prima, Gingham. aod
goods genarally an now opening. nor 9
DELT GOODS. ------"
Dry Goods Jobb•r•,
NP0.99 WOOD STREET—WouId call the atienti
of M
GOOD to then large stock of Dome,
orei erc DßY S, tan receiving from the I
porters and Mannfactarers, nod wit/eh they Will •
al very low rates for cask or •pponed creihu
Oar stock is now fall and complete and wel/ wo
the attention of buyer., as we a n delorarined to
cockat low prices as camel hall astak .1
a strong inducement for merchant, ft:MIMI a ,
.! •
by -7u) bbti sctiee'azbr
yy KEY '
wit.micrivaez. :•• :
rn GOODS, 1849.
ENNFA:W & WYRR, coer Wood and Fottnh
street, ore no receising direct from fkr.t Lauds,
• large poach of Fitnev and Variety Goods, inv,udins
Clocks of every vuki . ety, gold and silver Watches,
Jewelry, Meech Print& Combs, Books Mil Eyes,
other article
Wad Hamden., Suspenders, Gun Cap., and all
s id their of which havlng
Ott/chased personally of tho airsonfacturemi tt do-
in the lam wooer, expressly for the Spring trade.
will be sold wholesale at a small adrencel oil real.
Constantly on hand, all deasonptinas o( Looking dilut
es, of OW own manufacturing, at engem prim-a mhiat
'AI MON RINHEY'S, 67 Market street
100 pe, fine China Yaw, aged; US .1.21 twist and
,cut velvet coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Boa.; 2 0
dodo gent's traveller ICC veg. fanny auk Buttons ,
fo dresses; 10 dos Nail 'kerma, email; 100 gro fine
blk, Veal Buttons, asied; 250 do do gilt and plated, do;
25 dos rosewoal Hair Brushes; 4do Washington do;
I do Barbers do, 3 gro Fab Lines; Flab Hooka, Lime.
rick, &e
JISWELRY, ke.—.so gold lever Watches; 50 do de
tacked lever Watches; ludo LePide dlh., to fine dim
mond Finger Rings; 1 dos fine gold vest and Fol,
Mond.; 9 do do Guards; Breast Pies, Finger
Ear Rings, &e.
°LOYD'S., &c.—. 330 doe Ladies Cotton Gloves, as,s'd,
MO do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, &e.; 10 do gents'
silk Gloves; 15 do do kid do; 50 do ladies kid, asi'd; 10
dodo fancy top GOODS-75
VARIETY GOODS-75 pkgs American Pen; 324.)
hes Cotten Cords; ?.5 ps Paper !Malin; 500,00U ntibed
Percussion Cape; 200 gro dress Whalebone do; 100 dos
Ivory Combs; Dressing Combo, Back Combs, &c. &e.
Castors:ash or ISM
Capitol SteCk, Annual Reeelpts, wad
'su A
rplus nand 1,000,000.
iiirse• promptly paid at the Otnielgericitr
bin .r the Wcsiern Stows, located at Cuminitati3Ofilo.
lipinpany to of tong otanding, and will lettoWll
thr.whein the to
States for its solvency and.
prompt payment of loores—hurtog incurred and set
tled. to Me Aansfoction of all concerned. over
Loom, amounting tn the aggregate to Kola
or .1.1..5a5, the ...yip for which are on the Ales of
the t7omininynt Hartford nod Cincinnati.
Th. Phisburgh agency of this office was orixditalty
held•by Moves Atwood. Eag , and was aubsequently
taxed out of the Sone, by a law ...tiny to a prohi.
bition of all Foreign Insurance Companies„last sea,
son to escape lost toy the fire of 10 th Aprtl,lB4s.
Thh agency is no* reorganised under the charge of
the t•iticonancil, who wall receive applicadons and
issue•Poltetes against LUSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE
on Noma, Warthotots. Dwellings, de., with the con
tests. Also, in Roods. Wares and Merchandise a
gainst the p sof disinits sxo lottoSti Nartoarion,
the ourren ales of brerniotu.
Other at N. R. BROWN & BROTHER'S, No. 127
Wood street. FAYETTE BROWN,
Agent Protection Insurance Co. for Pittsburgh and
Not., to the haat,' of Phrtebures
TN conformity rvith'the itd Seepon of the Ordniansa
of the Oith of April, ISO, directing the undersigned
.10 negotiate FOR CITY SCRIP, the Bonds .d Mo
gages of individuals held be the Cirafor property sol rt d, ,
unvausing to TWENTY-Ea:llT THOCSAPII/DOl,
LA nonce it hereby given, that the said.
obligations Will now he disposed of for the fkirpontta
lastiee or the City of Pittsburgh, of the denominathath
of One, Two and Three Dollars.
Further node, In hereby given. that City Bonds,
bearing interest from the 14th day of April is tA9 . , at the
rate of 6 per cent. par annual, will at any time boreal'.
teal. tonoed to the holder or holders of City Scrip, at
aunts of One Hundred Dollars and upwards, according
to the provision s of the Ordinance of the above data.
0 1 , 11 S. R. JOHNSTON, City Treaanter.
A N EIULNENT and experienced Physician from the
East, of 20 years standing, offers to treat alleluia
of a Delicate Nature with prolaptauts rind secrecy.
His nieces. in Bete and other large cities has
been proverbial. B urarge are moderato,And him
cures permanent Old cases of Greet, Stricture, Scro
fula, Fluor Altars, Rheumatism, An/ Syphilis, or any
chronic or inveterare clues solicited.
A cure warranted, or charge refunded.
Orme., St. Clair street, 2 doors from the Bridge.
Teeth Extracted. Advice to the-poor grata
• N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the worst caeca of my disease
PrnLrt to call. -
—-- • -
Manufacturer of Mineral Water Apparatus,
No. 91 ' 3 ' Ob7ovirttair"SLY'r o " n n •l 'r rft. ' , o e ' re ." v ' r Vine,
4 N expenence l oomore than twelve years in the
2-1. manufacturing of Mineral Water Apparel., and
the preparation of Aluteral Water in Bottles and Poen
mins, on an estensi ye scale, with a scientific and pre&
neat kunwledge n( of both brunches of basins., totes
ther with recent Improvernenta to the construction of .
the Apparatus and the preparing of the Wat w
he h. succeeded m adopting wore his visit er
and after years of close study mud practical applica
tions.. applied to the ans in Mechanics and Chenao,
try, enables the subscriber to come before the public,
with entire confidence, and offer there the befit and'
Most complete Apparatus, for the manufamare
of Min
Oral Water in Bottles and Fountains, that can he for
nished in the United States.
He also flatters himself mut the enlarged succeerhe
has met with, and the present extensive and daily in
creasing amount of his Ifustness in both the above
furnishes the most convinetsig proof of It,
chum to tan superiority of Apparatus over those of all
others, roul or the panty and salubrity ofhtlm Wen.'
prepared therefrotn.
Persons who order the Apparat. from a distance,
luny almred that their instf aznons shall.. faithful
ly complied with, and en YSII lo carry seals
either 4'l and or water to tinypart oldie U. Stares.
To avoid diSappolnlM &M. it is recommended . to drone,
who intend supplyu, thernaelvesihe approachutg sea
son. to forward their orders at earl a day con
Afieeral Water Apparatus, Generntora, Pump, and
Fountains, Ornatne tip firrns and Pedestals for Stands,
Fountain and Bore ol Hotels, for don wing Hydrant
Water, together with Coriaug and Tving Alactimes,
and Avery thing appertaining to the above Lualneas,
eons; may on :and. and for sale eel the lowest terms
for cask,
CIROCF.RIES-100 Inps praae I; a-en
l 7 5 pellp Y Imperial and ti I"reas;
50 bm 12s, 56 and Stimna Totamem,
300 Lble N 0 and sugarhortse Alolamesi
2.5 !aids N 0 Sugar,
/50 bola Shad, Herrings, Ids Acre! and Stlrratra
• 30 do pure Fla/geed Oil;
Slot assorted Cattail rams;
75 balm Ilatting and Candlevnek;
bases Pepper and Airpme,
40 x Pearl and Common Snack.;
50 do
mould and dip'd Candles;
10 do Star s
1.50 do No Soap; do
1000(44Idea and Shoulders Diann;
75 dozen Corn Brooms, to store and (or sale by
Jpflxw n f g tl..t Co. Liberty atTl2:uli-:l:rreorp:r.,o=,i.
- and uilarrcirsale
100 package. V 11, Imperial and t; P Tem
30.0 be. Rio and Java Coffee,
ISO pkga S, 12. 1 lump; Ii and s's span Tobacco;
00 elms 0 Sugar; :NO bats 0 Aloidsees;
40 blik assorted Noe Loaf Sugar;
IS do Tanners Oil; lb do Lamp Oil;
Ital gross Blacking,
Mackerel, No 1.: and 3, in bbl. and !gbh's;
300 bz, Ideate 'Cale Ilerang; 30 Las white Pipe. ;
25 Les Pepper, 10 do Alspice, 2 ream Cassia;
5401 IL. Cotton Varn, Non'd Nov, 11.1 bales Bactin ,•
(It bats Palm Soap; .5U do Toilet & Variegated O
'25 do Starch, 5U do Large Raising
10 bales Almonds; 05 do Palm Nuts;
211 Co E Wnlinstoi Aldo Fi.ber,.,
-alt hes ground Nuts; IS boa Spiced Cip.colate,
3 eases !..tquorier,
15000 Principe and Regalia Segars;
40 gross Cut and Dry Tatiacco;
:hi dor Bed Cords, 15 lice Rock Candy,
IS hos Sperm Candle.; 20 do Star do;
I oak timbre Aladder; y certif.,. Indigo;
2 caeca Clover; I do Nutmeg.,
10 bbl. Whiting; S do Chs.:4,
30 dos Backets• ago las Suleratu.s;
20 bas fine cul'elp.wing Tobacco;
Common and half Spanish Cigars.
E ,° lGLlafl S . II r, Wood at,
- apt oppOole St Charles Hotel
Pine anti Cellar Ware lannfactory,
No. 87, COHNEE Monger aim Sinn STY. ; Pry - arenas:.
k‘ocusleaownstaturitthon hand, whole
.l7a.rh Tata r , ' "'
Barrel linirrilf,
Bath Tubs, I Stair Churns,
Horse Buckets, Half BllseelS. rte.
All ether kinds Ware to hI, line made to order.
- -
Diaphragm Filter, for nydriat Water.
1111$ is to certify that I have a
pointed Livaigstoo, Roggen do Co.
1 :Sole Agents for the sale of Jouning's
Patent Diapraltgm Filt.r, (or the oaf
nes of Patabitrych and Allegheny.
JOI-IN GIBSON ! , Agent,
for Walter AI Gibson, 3-19 Broadway,
N. Y.
Oct. 10, 1049,
We have been amen one uf the above article. n
a t the
office of the Novelty Works for three months, O
and feel perfectly nonsked that it is a m total,
mven end uon,
mid we Luke lacuna e in recommending tas a use-
ful article to all who love m water Order
will be
thimkfully reeeired and promptly executed.
octl9 LI VINt•STI iN, ROCKHIN 4. Co
attEAV - viiki4ki „ attif
A i rt ur D A L c Ri. O II R A y F6_ , I T ES . S,.TLBI'V n If tm A ,
of informing has friends and the patine ta general tha sake. ten. t
!he has the largest •to. - k of the to/lowing named ant
; cles,of hue tiwu Inanoinclarc In thls cay-Saddlea,/lar
toss, Trunks and SS'atia. all of which be will warrant
to be made orthe Lest materna and by the best modh
antes in Allegoeuy conitty. Being deteraulied
hie Menetl.l4l2s .onietin lig low -r than has been here
tofore sold by any similar establishment in the city,
hew ouliinvitc persons in !teed of the above named
articles to ha s warshoaw. No 244' Liberty blrect, oppo
site Seventh. Also, 0011.4 made to Order for insohine
gm*: Secoud S.nvmn of this Institution, cedar the
I care of Mr. end Mrs. Llosnons, for Me present
academie year, will COlnnleilee On Lae first oil/ ebraa
ry next, i wane
110.r. - 1 Liberty street.
Arrangement. have been made ray watch they will
be able to furnish youbg ladies Laraine. equal lb any
in the West, for Obtauung a thorough haglish, Classi
cal, and Gruaniental education A Iv' course of Oa
limphieal and Chemical Lectures will be deny:Zed
daring the winter, illustrated ay apparatea The &-
pi:au:lents of Vocal and Instrumental Sham, Modern
Languages, Drawing mid Painting, wal each be under
the Carr e(n intellectualrf CIOSO allontlon
to the morn/ and improvement of thmr pts.
nil., the Principals hope to merit • co nutmatton of the
Metal patronage they have hitherto enioydd. for
, raler or apply to the Pancipala.
dry in a flourishing town, velth Patte iron To m.
n., Tom,
.ndy furituttnee.„ will be told on ceontr.ho:
as, or exchange (or Iron or gwd.t.'
r exceilent or
hti a young man
all coma/. conl.ocOec th e Irma Foundry bu-
Enuusre o(
Ist near %Vaud areal N
Realest, booking STlovaa, Grates. ey:e•
Is" A4l
n s p e
.. .t L.,1 ,, ,
~‘ V ..i...1 ; I , .. d A l
, I c E & ‘
aad 2,7,,,0,.„1,1015d11iarh,
and offer for sale Pratform, Floor and (bottler Seale, ~ -
of the utast unprovadquality; Cooking Stoves, for 'ey e d
and con); Egg Slaves of' wane. tube, T hey common Limbs, hollow %Tare kr. Ka. They Pale ts.-....." 1
touaditecure the liiitehen Range Wbtell has given such -,1,,,,,1...,•,
general satistiotien to those ha ' 11 in toe, b all of
Which they wattle!
thereespeettally Inane the attention o f : i'-'7.-..- :,.);,
PATENthe emu.. and ablie generady. oeulfqhf,',/"..' '
T SOLAR LARD LA.III -1 71 - ir xiii. .41.r/1"--':''''''.Ktril
abortment of h. Co's eelebtaamirfpanto
facture, and supertur to all others in na,,anted ea ' 7:1..'iv,..N*3
church., steantboatf, faebries, dwelling's, anted ea
! t .:''..:' , ,,,,,...,,.1
pri d
aate hulk, and to all other Uses Whale II eheeleia.:, :-.:,?'--, 4
Also,thrandoleo, Hall LanternfiancleLorno,,Wet*k :. ' :-7.:-:•,:,,
Shades, Wicks, Clumnies, Cate, l'llutmere.ffe..4bPt ...- - --
(sea Clutudelters, from oar. tb , roux lights,. , , ' '"
deer, 11': AV -14 1LnIJN, 48 market al
itardwak.....cimapk443.... Evan, ..- ' l°
y WAN; WILSON W ci), Impotirmitiej -
j_i Dealers ittliardwarei cnitery sad' 'lr'Na . ; 4 - . 1 ""
lei Wood street, strove Fllll4 have abtalsrAdie 4 Oen , .-.....„, - ;: ftti...,l ,
cheap 'end well selected cock of ihr.lokkko,'...opokteAt !..7,.. • :rrk , a' , , , , -, - . ,•.
smee Oa &clink of Dd.. m EurepeyittiatSviaetrthCr - ..
" , d4.#7.
undetermined Inset ,orrespownagly.hrar, Aleredtants ' - , ;,.. t ,
.Srha have heen in Me habit ergehtg rot, are Parties
111,1Y re9iMiteil teeall and 106 k ilrougir our sie,k , ..
wevomidently name dry Will Sl , e their exPences.
;;I: Pltri 4 4-3 HOVELSr 4I * - • 93. &Eiiiledes tilaio
kJ vs* 4u do Masan ForkN 00 do Gcntwsk er a ,
. A..; licteheu, klktikelik•ia.k k.
do 894 4,,, d° , A..., tor gale Tat mantilltatins de,
b li P khy. ' nav4' . CiBO.C(N4RANiVaiIm"