").“ • "EST I,;.:pslip::, - - 0-:;-17:86,. S CARDSIT A VoSNIONO tiCßOZET,Coountaion Axftaiera . is k.rottsieei No. 21 stro4, Piustoirot. ' = -; e. &Watt -rvi2l/F t r,E,Da RATH; sok tretleti: in-Dry. 15 Good x .oroevriefoHoots, Shoes; Pittstrutgh man*. feet:Ted T.:kite,Liberty; otteet , bomb. - ' • . mortis wes, - ame no ; Lu aormth., gAVI-i REll D'U, Wholesales anal Drag. E oste, r amer of Lawry and St Clair risetsaltts.. r—)Mlll4. B • ROW( t 4. CIiMPOITSON, Whole -la=Oroaera arse ccamisszoc Marc Na 1 rtl at, Patabantb. Pa. Divdf , • •••• &MO. - arid ll.V*Ant 4 =L;' , §:gdf.d h 6iii 1t11; $ SNIM ,Vitalttala GlTodtTh to wd - • frl A. McANGIITY & Co., Forwarding ,and Ooln. V. roissioniderchants,Cansd Basin, Piuskugh Pa. I ' mc.b 2 , .v".....,sqvutarse spring, Axle, siva and Yips ' I _ Works. ("1111.XELM'ITAILMAN & Co, mannfutturars of NJ, Coach and Rliptie - Springs, Hammeted Axles, Spring and Plough Steel, Lroq, tru. Warehnue on Wider and n1)011titell, Fittlbllrgla. __. Aloe, deskrs In; Coach Trinuturigsond ;Malleable ) Castings. °mid MARBLE WOWS ON LIBEITTY_______.I3T OPPOSITE er' - THE HEAD OP WOOD PITTSBURGH Epazown wilauss, •-, . ~ rlommuEs to. manufacture Monuments, Burial ', ki Vaults, Tombs, Head, {Bones, Maud Einem-Can ' tre and Pier Tops of formgn end drimeitic =Mk, at a replar and Gar price..., , N. - H,—;;Thnuangs for monnmenthianlts,tae. furnish " ed, at OJ pationage.T 124npil lie,polleis'a share; ofrblla . i an& asoutu, /Am aim= rt. p r .;vistasil &lENNETT,llatelglish,; Gasp ov . Vi r b 111.1 e GTOOrre;VO Woo:and or, IMAM, &Wan in PrNitleG And bmEhLls~ornot¢rey No. 27 Irocgl eL, between 24 34 imam. drIEDIWECOCIM..P4-Couunistiob antiFOinnalog Ur Merchant. 20 Wood meet. Pittsburgh. titylr _ _lloPllft PACITelet• AbIiLTON STEWART, uninufsebuer r ef Henry H Shirting*, Cheeks, kt., Reimers street, eity of Allegheny. nrIAAW. 13 LEF, (sueetumnr to Murphy ALee,) Woof Deni er and conmussion blerebent, for i4e sale of • Arnetinal. WOtiltall, Liberty. tpposita sth febl7 one imam, Battunore: A- r• =Tat Olt, CD AED • c.attAxxos, rose A. waaboa, BUCIINOII, Tobacco Cocuoicolon i hlla rc l E LD tanis, North Water at, alO North 'Marv.% itiraM6lf , . L.a. 11.1111% IDFARDX, Jo=3 ,tr. Co., successors to AIR ood, JILL Jour& Co.) Com.humOd and • Ater etuutrk dealers, in Pittsburgh blonstracturs4 oody Plusburgb, Pa.. um= • tuna mein _ .11.m9zr trtcirs, TrCS - LtFr:IrCliEY WhoL;a" 1 - 738 IRerandUigni 4c' eti e gag r k. "i,i'N no T ie 1 D. CANFIELD, Sato WlLTrell, 9hif),LCOmmit• . sion and Forwarding Merchant, and arlualesalt , dealer in WCIRETIReIIetTef CheCU, I Winer, - Pot and Puri AIM, and Western. Produce gencraMg, Wiser t ;`meet, between Smithfield and Wood, Pittabargh. !ma OHN weerr, (successor to Ewalt & Gebbarta Wholesale Grocer and ,Commismon Merchant, iale: In Prodned and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cor ner of Liberty and Hand streets, Pittsbirr. Pa. 1020 7 AIDES S MetIUME, Sam of the Loot of Alga° 'and Mersolre,) Merchant Tailor, St. Charles Badding& i 4 11 T 7 Al turd street, near Wood, Pittsburgh. 1 tiE23 HITIEHISON, & Co...Suceottsors to iti Leads Hutchison & Co, Commission Memlumts, andArents of the St. Lams Steam Sugar ,Eefinery. liMfifirmtnar and 03 front streets, Pinata:mg& ?WV ELDILWORTII & Co., Wholesale Crei,nrs, Pro duce:and Commission Merchants, lad. AMP for the !lizard Powder Co. of N. Y, No. fff 'Wood st, .Pittsb h. . h I,onN D..MORGIAN Whelesalo Druggist, and deal , t.P er In Dye Staffs, Paints, Oils, Vamishes,&e, 0.93 ! Wood Went, one door Swath of Diamond Alley, Pius ' :rk. lout ADAM KERR, Jr., & Co, (s.eessor in Joseph O. ./An(s,)DAly Chou/lark% Water street oenl . JI'ODEN 111II.i0D, .Wholesale and Retell drib.. In Mode aanldusunal Wm...A School 800., Paper, Slates, Steel Pe., Quills, Primers , Curds, and Sterlonary generally, No. ei Wood se, Pittsburg h. 11:1- Rap Imaght or taken na ‘sepin 1 BCIIOONMAKEft & Co, Wholesale Dragipsts, . Al Wood Oreel, Pivahorale JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, dander 6ah sIId Wood dude Piusb • : h. dad - TOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers U Oat Paper Manufaeturers, No. 44. Market . h. atm sunup 11.011 , & B. FLOYD, (Im 7. Floyd& Co,) Wholesale • °Mee N 0.122 I.o,erry street.. • aeps 'TAXES DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Cetiimission LIP Zdeichant,And doter in Produce and Pittsburgh biamencuarca. NA*I WguAr .L.VAusb • • ; , JOHN ~.TOW.reeKNlP,Dmaist aid apothecary, . , -No. 45 Matt St. areadOotsaboaoltird sa Pia. banflow2ll bats soostuniyouttaid a well safeeHted es . sortzsentaf tho. bola and-ftabsis:AleOldamyiebialtio A.....„1.-.w...._. p.y.if.u.., PETS:Leis. Preseriposemiseill be aiTaiiiiiinad prepared from Tao best masezials, at say pone 1 ho yor aisl4. Also for sae, a tarp stock of fielliand gocet Pprfa• nosy. innl EtLLER& JONES, Foranuding and Commisidon'Aler clulnia, Dentkrts in Produce andPinstmrgninann axed angjes, Caul Basin; near 7th nt. ddl pas .. I •- I t • ')ILENNEDY, , Co4lilminfacturets of tery 'superior 4.4 Sheatiagt, Carpet Chall1;. Cotton puma sad Boxing; PA- 1 019 ' • Vesuvius Iran Wbrks. L EW I SALZIZIac Co, menunoutrersof in .1. •We'rEablAN, 1 • • .into Omen; Fprward• a lag and Conailierm Memkrult, Dealer In Pius ugh Alatmfanntro and Produce, Nos. 31 Water I, s and - at Front It • ID SUMS L11212113ff, .10MI IL 11/arli ' ILL - MIIMDIf ifs SAWYER, LOOZING GLASS Manufacturers, and Wholesale dealers in foreign and domeetic Variety, Goods. Westernntsrchants, Pedlars and others are. invited to call and examine the prices and quality of Ott suck, rutwith our prcumt increased reentties in manufactur• in lad purchasing, we think we can offer os great inducements to buyers as say other baud west of the MIEN BM= M. D. arial.L. va17.411 ILK CGllaa & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Commis .44 aka Madams, Na WI Liberty eLrelUaburgh. URPHY, WIL S ON ;& Data Jones, Mu rphy Co.) 'Wholesale Dealm ut Dry Goods, : l4- 48 Wood CLTeSt, Equabasst. L ALLIS_ IL= 1,9 X. L. amts.- IiALLEN t Co, Commission and Fotteardin azr=g, Water and' Front eta., beyw an ct a il W. SIOLITSO2I. kin C. NICNESSON, Wholesale Grocers tout eccic cEiOll Merchants, No. I : oWhenr,st, Pitts rah. Pa. lent Arn.tEw w uzoN, roman. aniAkinaintePan iXl tot Rooms, comer or Post °Mee Alley and Fourth street, entrance on Oh near Market. ATHOLMES lc BON, No. n:1 Market st-oceorril XI. door from comer of Fourth, dealer& on Foreign and Domesgo Pills of 'Enhance, illeertilleateseipepos it, Bank Notes sad Specie. 11:7* Collection. mad on all the principal coin throughout the United iitalea tlecl7 ./fljelibletSTEß, Atorands--011ice,Fetirth it, third door ribose Smidifiebl,Setilb aide,.;;, ; Conveyancing of all kinds done with the ;Omen eare and legal accuracy. . ; Tllks to Keel Eatila ClSAmir.-4, oeklllly,_ Independent Pones CUGV - k r ,r , lja 169 FOURTH BTltEef.—Canaitting Wad. A LN trate, A ra ransti Brim. Chief of Police, :Roams Unease tale-drag H. T. Hobertal, rhPTHALMIC BURGEON, will attend to the irent =tad Diceases of tbe Eye. • DT. IL has been engaged in the branch of Jae medi cal forst:teen years, and has =Awed an lunent for the treatment of diseases of the eye alone for =rand years. • Corms and residence, earner of Estridaski st end Strawberry alley; AtlegbrbY city. , 4dtl3 fe-3.,• 4 At, near Wood—All quantities or Orten Itluek Teu, due up In quarter, half, • • one u putages, rantug from.% eta. "Pete 171121. jyi A. JAVNIA Ast.SorretitereaCo. ROBERT 111.0013 E, Whoicside Grocer, ftlyius Distiller, dealer In Produce, Pittsburgh tulle, 'tares; and all hulls of Foreign and Domestie Wittei • Sad LiqUOTZ, 1.1 Liberty wen.' Gan bud a ?cry . LICTO stock or superior old Mcmangultelit vidisitay, Witch willbe sold low for cash: Itol3ll , At - Co, Wboletale Groceni Prodasce • and Commignion I t =hurts, sad Desleest4 Pita. Mannfactures, No. Ifgo Liberty BL, Pittsbu am rgh. j° • ail. puari,x. t Co i Wholesale Grocers,. ri tsysarl i Ng b lo tti re a lLS . 3lWripl i klic fel.% - A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale QloSgr Dealer In Produce and Vitulnask btaFfieltctares, o. lit liberty eL . • - L. o. larritotna, '. :I.- i. sum ) REYNOLDS tiIIIIIEE, Forwtudiffilna m ,C o F.l. d s& Nerchoats, for the AllekkledY s u r r. ` . 7g - l ere in' Groceries, Produce, PnuiltrAttl - lan ‘4.w. " . : and Chloride of Lilac - l ..- Thd hidbut Prieto, in euh, paid la & all limes %W . ' ' rags. Camels( rtnn ang lrWia lltiC r ' . --1 -'l J i f- 1.. c. stucurrt, • , - • rms a Want EI AC 4 LET T . t. -WlirrEi Maclean]. Dealers In s - Fewer and Dcatalle Dry . GoodClio. OD Wood at. . bon ' " febrnf • 8 it 11,..x'frpr4;ev;f0 -I,, F„ti. --- D;id?Th Pores me commission Merchants . , No. fa Wain it, Pitts. , . bi3rsh. " ' BABALEY tc Co„ Wholesale Groeets ant m ro d =e degiera Na2Clldtaket attest,betteeen bib' and 00.Ndrh . 14 . 4 I. 4 B rhi.n. ' I .olAllTusra. & NICOL3 t minEA W . General Com. isheadafeentants, he. „ 17 Liberty at, Pntsb t3perts; Linseed and Lard Oils. _ .... k . --, F. VON! BONMIORST, & . Co,,Wholeaele Gre, • I,.TriEgsrirghrdinVadra=e2latiThr'o, lu, ' ►v. mgcß u cd to their new warebeeee,(Oldleane) Me. earner °aro/mitt Vul c alaKr7 lanel ~ Y. scam TBOTIi & Scorr, Ulu:deals and Beta dealer in ' Ems, Shoes. Trunks, Carpal Owe, kb; B. W. :PrZna at 4 th szOtaigdeld ID,elusblugh, j. 3 T " AIUDn' tr. BEST, Wholesalo Grocors mato:Luigi' +Lan Iderchants, Pn . Antal No. 35 - a*V. rituThargh. . ' 0.42 • wiLsos%Dealer - or mocha, ~4etweJa. athrotwareAntitory, goods, te, No. a 61a. . , "TaDv7 tigh .11.,E-It ••N eta • .2 Y~,:a~ k • . . , . .. . . . .. , • .. • . . . . . . • . . , 4 .„....„ , _ ... .. ..... 7 ~i'. • ' .. ''' ' . - '1 lII' - - . . ._ . . e. e• • •• ' . ~', l .. 'l'..i • i .t. •i... , .. .1' '. i . : ; . . : • . -.G. ~ ..., : - . ; CARDS. SOLal. ,Villeler i l%i'CANDLESEL (successor. w L. i'CL is J. D ':Wiek,) Wholesale , Grocers, Forwarding and . X.cansitlailtm Merchants, dealers in hoc, Nails, Maws iind Pittsburgh Manufactures gennrsDYl o ttotre at Woad and water ~recta. Pitttbargio )V't&eUNtirOi:-Canarusalon -- Plimsttf& Merchant, N 0.90 Front at between Wood aritet streets. thbl4 lUD. W. WALLACE, Mill sumo and Kai Furrorb. II big estitblichment, rim n 44 Liberty =or tba nonaL Mar2s , Wholesale and Kama tic — iTer to T • Imelittt =I Domestic Dry Goods, north east comet or lilarket and Fourth ms. a 4.21 ma. a. itiouis. WAL viqurio & Co—Dealers in leather hides, fr.e. .1143 übeny st. ,anddy WW. IIItVIVEI3OII. • =PIM ll`CITICE11:0:1- VA? - SIL BPCIPTCHEGN, Wholesale Grocers, dea lt lens in Produce, Ire,, Nail,, Glass, and Pam burgh Margaraurres generally, , l4l Liberty Lt, Pitts. deal 11F - AirTWILSON, Ws )ewef elaoei Wore, TT is and Military Goods, roarer of !Rosamond 4th stream; Pittsburgh, N. 11,—Watches and Cloaks earefalaynPtUeAdeed Atian — ufactardt — of — Colont and YY colored Linen Fringes for Dresses,&ed F-0/Ing Wad colond Cotion.Feuges for silk ad gingham Parasols. Ghap., Mohair,.adSilk Hellion Praises, Mode to orderonthe shortest ranee. grata cooler °Maiden Lone ad NUMMI, EIMIII3Ce NoB3 Will:sati street, third door, over Abner & Elys' more, No 63_,Maideri Lauf Now York 151 0 & AL MITCRELTREE, Wholesale Grocers Fere. Rectifyingeota. Dimillosh, and :Wine and Lige°, hants. Also, luiperteni of Soda Ash and Bleach tag Prordevi, NO.4l:4lUisertystreeti Pmaborgh, , Pa sena pEALERs IN HIDES AND LEATHER, Morocco , Shoe Findingalte,No. 143 - Liberty meet, h ave tart received their. SPRING STOCK of goods, Com prising a large assortment of ortieles in,theis lino, to which the &amnion or purchasers is Invited. mehl6 , • •• •". • .P.ET'l7l:ll3.lVarikto., 'STEAM BOAT AGENTS Oirneit MIMI M. Aut., fr. Ca, 'peal No. Cl Water .trees. INSURANCE. • INDIifiRINITV% The Frai airs Fire huus¢are Co. of Phildde lphas. D ERECTORS.—CharIee N. Bauch. Thomasifart, Tobin! %Vaguer, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Gee. W Richards * , Idoniecal D. Lewis, Adolpho R. Boeec David 9.,8r0wn, adonis Patterson. CIIMILES N. Dascses, President. Charicao. DauCker, Secretary., Catalano to Make ins:mince, perpetual or limned, on every deseciptiori of property in town or country, rues as low as am continent with secunty. To Compaulthave reserved a large contingent Fund, which trim their Capital and Pr.:mums ' safely Invest edafferd ample protection to theadwured. The assets of the company, on January Ist, 1849, as publislfs4, sitar: -41 y to an act of Assembly, ' were w fellowa, tar • . . . Real Fq~t'ele,.l 01,04 9e7,,4r90,,77242483 41 rem P or lr' , "?'"'V.; • 96,tat 85 •Dtocks • . t. ... ... . 51,523 25 Cash, .44. 35,804 37 • e1,..1,492 71 Since their itteorporatiori ' a period of 19 /ears, they have paid upwards Of one million four hundred thous and donna, lat.-by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages ofinswance, tws well as the ability and dlspoution to meet with promptness all liabilities. " J. GARDINER t..:OFFIN, Agent, man-ay ; Office NS corner Wood and 34 ate OREsweats st INSIJILAIVON Co. TORNTINNEY, Jr., Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del a/ aware Mutual Safety bisurance Company of Phila adelphia 'Firetßiske upon buildings and 'mcrektandire of. every deseilption, anti Marine Risks upon bulls or cargoes of 'easels, taken open the most favorable fl Cleo in the Warehouse of W. B. liolmes Ss Bro., No. 37 Walei; near Market street, Pinstugh. N. Sl—Them:Meese of this Company mere the eaten lishmentof -thiC Agency 'in this city, with the prompt ness and liberality with which every claim upon them for lom has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in inviting' the confidence mulpatromme of his friends and the community arlarge to the Delaware p. S. luso mace Company, while it has the additional alvantages as an institution among the most gourishing in Philadel phia—as having an arnplerinid-in capiusl, which by the operation of Its charter is , consotritly increasing, as yielding lo eiteh.nemen insured Ma due where m the profits of the 'company, without involving biro ho any responsibility whatever, end therefore WI possessing the Mutual prlnemlodivetted of every obnoxious fea ture, soot Mite stosiamuistive forte. nova _. Oftirt. 7 aMrkllcg - litfliVAASOEs' flpHB Insurance Company of North - Antenco, nuough Mt duly tuithorized Agent, the subecriber, oilers to makePermatiestandlimited insurance on property, in this city and vicinity, and on shipments by the Ca nal' ad given. Arthur 0 Coruti, Chulo:Tailor, • —,etvie dant'l W. ittnei; Edvripit3adilk John A. Brown; . - John R. Neff, • John White, ~ Richard D. Wood, Theo:oat P. Cope, • Wm. Welth, Samuel T. Smith, Frani. Lt.:Aeon Samuel Brooks, S. Austin Athbone, ARTHUR G. cOFFIN, Pieet. Henn D. Rignentent, Seel. " %%JOH the cages; Insurance Company n the tlai.?- 1 fi t acatJmn. Chartered ito.7ni. I to ris 'l" 4.°l l' - -, lts ve - -..tiEL 3 5' 2 P"...,.r" , plc /On r , tcal. pcibue. . W. P. JON}..;. Az the Co Is Room of - Atwood, Jonen A Co,Wa ter and Front s!reets 'Piusborgh. mnyn • sm ,11.41:1XARIN10 INS UILAYCYL. — frotettion laminate Co. of laniard, Conn. • .- - . - ibairnsicED IN MIS. L\ AkTitAl' LINITED— $ 500,006 SURPLUS PUN U.-The nitderraigned, having be. appointed Apra at tha.latinett,t. Inittranee Co., evill WIC netts on propeny6.e etty tutdieiclnity, and on ebipments by canal, and Rte rivers me 2120 dttar gnu; SUMO • LECIEB. h. , been appoloted Agent pro tem.nf the beitrineo Company of Nonh Amenon, and wUlSettle POlieles soul attend to the other bovine. of the Ageney f At the . orstrebe of Atwood, Jone. & aptß ouv P. JtwalS, wvnm .1 FORWARDING & COMMISSION. C. C B. ii•LUNIZOINIII,-: I. 11121 ALDO SAN 3.• CHARLES 13; . DANENEILOWEIt & Co. TOBAUOV . 6OIIIIIIBBOti ItERCILLMTB, No. 69 &mat Whereas,' No. 117 South Water st. . • c' PUMA :.:ELPHIA DEGS to Worm thetrodo and dealers generally, of J„).Flttsburgh,thatther tiasemade such arrangements with the Virginia natratteenarers and the Grow., of the West, West•lndies, and other places, no will insure a large and etrumam.supply of the followinirdeserm done of-Tobacco, which win be told upon as aceom modatidg Ml= so nay other house in this city or else where, and all goods 'ordered from them will be war rented equal to tepreWsetadoo , Havana; St. Domingo; . Com.; Yam; Porto Rico; Penn'a; }Seed Leaf to. Cuba; lgaini; &Mari* bocce, ALSO--idmach , s celebrated. Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with a large asaaruagel of ether popular brands, and qualities of poumla_ 51,8 a 1.25, lge and TO, Lump; Is, 6, ea and. las :Plum/mdies' Twist; Virgo. Twist, tre., meet arid plain, to whole and half bones, wood arid tin,. together with every variety of article belong ing to the trade,,, jet6dly WOOL IiTJLOUR °AND PRODUCE. R.A.A4 REED & Co., (SaCemssors in feted, Brut& C 0.,) DENERAL.COMILIEDIIO.I9 ME.RCLIANTS • • BOSTON, MASS. Particular attention paid w the side of all kinds of Pro dace,attil libmal advances made on consignments. 1.. R. &Co.•haVe.leave in refer to— Messrs b Robitod& Co. I Roe, S • itubnrgd Reed, Parka& Co., Beaver; " 'Lawson & Cavode, Wellsville, 0. Boswell Marsh, Esq. Steubenville, 0. B.. Brady," Esq. W F Petersaa, En q Wheeling, Ve .IBetirs d:; Co. o. s GIB it Wow,' Bhndes& Ogleby, Bridgepon, 0. dees7.d&vrotayl69 JOHN A. AllaAV , .1...AC1L - 461. OF PORK AND BEEF, Conlniinlon Merchant and Forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST, CINCINNATI, 01110. .Mr - • Particular attention paid to the purchasing of 'Of any article - Of Produce in this market. Also to the PneranilingartiOods generally. Refer to • MOUT.. deka 13wesey h Co, " Marna StociveLijCincinnati, 0. • S. C. Parkharsg, Pao: Lippman% de Co. Kier &Jones, Pittstrurg h, Pa. English ihiteramit, . morMilai , OAC, 4 IO.OIII.OOOIIIIAPL, gdonaelsalint end Porwardlzig Illerehant. r 0,%& moon sr, nenserou, C OMUES to y ttmer a genemlCen and Tas Fan Minufaciarei end goduce, and in recei e ving and ferviarding Geode eel:likened to his ear*. do Ancestor the hienufaciarts, he Lard be momently simpliedarith 'the prinaphl Rattle, of O r blarturactnre at the lowest :wholesale pmts. Orders mad eoneignonents are re Lol!ciled. , 107 • • MEQOLF 11A•ERCILIN&ISE ' BROKEll and'Coniatimion Mee- J.r.A. Chant, C 410,33 &nth Front street, (second Mud i.erGooda purchasedi packed, (neared, sad 17:tipped, to. order. Wool, Floor, Grant, Dried Prat ad Cheese 'goateed on consignment • end star. re, withinace obtained. - & Son, Mt IL Rigby, and 'ttsbargh. reb-dam _ A. BERRY, GROOMIII4 -.1111DIMI! Altil COMMISSION 'IIIISCIILIFT I ANL DEALER IN tramowlensier:Mattow Tuna .t . Pittangesh MangiPernewee generally , • la 'lO 'WOrra srareg, enrsserucu, ea. • COIyIta L IBSION ER9 H A N ' TB, Poe the vale of Produce generally. flicr Liberal:deal:tees wade on coangatnenrs. -IsAl.d&urdaff • . ranspottaticm to the Mast. . IJOIIBSY & COPLAN, '• saow.airtz.z.s, COBlMllllolrand Forwarding Agents. ',lft.BdgrON,;ll.itidargb, wdl receipt Produce Eltt, 9.e.T: LEgelli JR., 'Tr/wont - rata, Dialer in'„Fonips laddlerrgarditata -4 . Carriage _Trimmings, A 0.133 Wood stWPlttsburglt, Ps. 1 . 309 w sPri4". -IV/#. O . goods, and UtwatteutionetBaddihnis CPSch?..a.t..± 4 meiT told& owe*. Iglu . been bought apart this but toms, Gom tha.best soureta. and he therefore ( " 33 ..r.h1,01 bring &Waco afford satisfaction to W aka may Amor Wm with a cnU. •OW hillidtthi 711 iiiriFiMit—itatother lot of PWW..4 ,— = 11 . 5-1-, IP . t, fosiaft'orthViritosTetr sad irdl artiuta at to utolti neglini,,t...la n :v " - . eI7 A Ash to bare; And &ital. by . W W WILSON" ple ! td:2' . ' 4Winar4dl and market . rt.; ,P-t, - ,i , 4,...! • LAW OFFICES. WILL also attend to collections and all other bull- Tr nest entrusted to bin in Butler and Armstrong counties, Pa- Ester to , I. & R. Floyd, Liberty st. W. W. 'Wallace, do Jame/Marshall do Pie A. t.' dly Kay Co., Wood st, ) anY T SWEITZER, Attorney at Law, .„ opposite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also , 4 3 1Z . to d mi d t=_Coll: . etions, in Washington, Fayette REFER Blackstoek, Bell & Co, Church it Carothers, I. TO Pntsbarg , h- D T. Moron, EJ. HENRY, Auorney and dinicellor at Law, . Cincinnati,Ohio. Colleen°. in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promPUT and .lre rully attended ta -Commirsioncr Cos ihdSlate ofTenu rylvanat, for taking Depositions, ackacmcieehnmenisi &c. RIM W—Hon. Wm. Bell & Son Carus, Church & Carothers. Wm. Hays, Esq., Witlock & Davis. a. 2.5 ig - Y - 1 - k .- .7KEin.B., ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office removed to Fourth !Meet. between Smithfield and Grant street. pi3oiSm DUNLOP fr. SEWELL. attorney at Low, Offices on Smithfield. between ad and 9th to. JOHN H. B.A.NlCLN,lthoruey and Counsellor at Low and Commissioner for the State of Pennsylvania St. Louis, Mo., (late 01 Pittsburgh.) Rusguasces.—Pittatagh: lion IV Forward, Hamp ton & ()litter, 211"Candlesauk. John,E Parke, [knells & Semple. 11PCord & King, jel4:ly A TrOILNEF AT LAW. Fourth sweet, between A Smithfield and Omni. jel2-d6ca C. FRIEND, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, near (',rant. Arndt) . 0. B. ROBINSON, Attorney at Lase, has re moved his offme to the Exchange Buildinks. 4t Gl i at r r . st., next door to Alderman Johns. opi .ly BATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. 111, CsornORD Co. (Soccpto !Peon' & King) Fox•hronable ilatter'in ANL Corner of Wood and Fifth &rear. PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon ruing their Hats and Caps from our establishment of the nnsr 1.7.11.. nod W0823141.197.11TP, Of the Loons reonno, and at the LOW SGT Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to soil and examine our Stock; as we can say with confidence that as regards gristrre nod NUM, it will not suffer in a comparison with any house in Phihuiciplilic fobl7 CALIFORNIA don tinter proof California Hats, mat received and for sale by & Co, elen corner sth and Wood ate SPRUNG FASHIONS FOR 1849.4 DTCORD & Co. aril l introduce on Satan day, March id. the Spring rlyle of HATS. Thorn In want of a neat and superlor hat, are invite to call at comer of sth and Wood Street.. mar 2 PRINO BONNET RIBBONS, kc.—W R Murphy iJ has now open et supply of sprifig Bonnet Ribbons, of new and handsome styles. Alsa,new style fighl Netts; Lisle Laces and Edg ings, Linen Edgings; Victoria do; plaid Muslin, and Jaconets, embroidered Swiss Dlnalins, ke.; beside. a itarge tusermtent of Spring Gnolis generally, at north east comer gth and:de:act striets. Wholesale Rooms tip stain. - at6n IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED DR. JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro prietor of these most popular and beneficial tried mines, and also the inventor of the celebrated instru ment for inflating the Lungs, in effecting nre of Chronic diseases, saes a student of that eminent physi cian Doctor Physic, and is s graduate of the Craver., ty of ' Pelinsylvania; and for Burly years since has been engaged In the investigation of disease, and the appli canon of minedies thereto, ThfOllgh the use of his inflating tube, in connectan with his Prophylactic Syrup sod other of Am remedles, Ms has gained nunparabilled eminence, in casing those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con sumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatisin, Asthma, Fever and .Ague, Fevers of all kinds. Chronic Erysipe las, and all those obstinate diseases peculiar to females. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the use of his remedies, to which humanity is heir—not by the as of one compound only, for that Is ipauble with Physiological law, _hut by the a. o f his his reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar tom ordisesses Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pills, when used arc in• variably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as pergative or Hoer pill, inasmuch w they leave the bowels perfectly free from costiveness; as also his Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to pc elms. eels liar properties adapted to female diseases, but tiring satisfied that a bare trial is SilirlCi.3.ll to cue blush what has been said in the minds of the most skeptical. The elnicted are invited to call upon the 'agent, and procure (grads) one orthe Doctor's pamphlets, giving a detailed menet:nits:trench remedy and its application. For sale by the rollers/Lag agents, as well as by moat MarJe. s throughout the country: boonmaker Co, 24 Woodatreet, Prosangii, -• wesseveeesewwa.stessucist, 46 Market .1 Jos Bartley, Darlington, Denver county, Pa. " Jno Elliott, Ennon Valley, a a a • T Adams, Beaver, a novlnolly - - • EV TILE SIDE . AND CHEST GD 5..; RED !—lavingu a for long me been thstresited with a severe paint.. the side and chum, accompanied with a dry cough, I was induced, upon the urgent soli citation of a mend, In Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Laver wort, and I must any this medicine has answered its purlieus admirably. My distress was produced by a severe hen, and wasao great dun it was with thatcalty I could ...allow my food. Indeed, lam satisfied this disease mast have termtoated in Consampnon, or some funl disease, had it not been eared by this sadicinus medicine. To all who seek to prolong their lives, I would advise the use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of won.. JAMES COWAN,eIIs Bowery . _ Ambroee ..11bM:punrmi, 1 hi:18011FX Office, No. 127 Wood street This medicine:facilitates expectoration, reduce; fe ver, restores strength, and mat be considered as is su perior preparation for the core and prevention of oil diseases in the Chest and Lungs and shoald be resent ed to, even atter these diseases have resisted the tisn• al remedies. In the practice of this old and very re spectable physician, thin Balsam ot Liverwort has Tithed an enviable repinnuon for it. virtues, as nape nor to that of the abundant nostnims of the day, as was the character and probity elite inventor, to that of quacks and empiric. CONSUMPTION CURED—My son having n vie lent cold, used to cough violently, Tampa ciaallfillea of thick putrid matter, and finally he could not turn over In bed, from weakness. He manifested every symp tom of confirmed consumption. For six years he bad been subject to the asthma His physicians, hies.. Yen:mule ts Anderson, said he was incurable. and most noon die. Yet I was determined to try Dr. Tay lees Balsam of Isiverviert, and strange as it may ap pear, this medicine has fully restored his health. SOPHIA GALLON, It Norfolk street. Sold to Pittsburgh by J D Morgan,. 03 Wood st ; J Townsend, 45 Market at; H Smyser, ear siarket and Sit sts; Henderson k Co, 5 Liberty et. Price reduced to ELL° per booth. / Jaynes,' Expectorant. Columbiana en., 0., Apt. 21, lb-11. T IL D. JAYNES: Dana sm—l feel bound to you and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op pertaahr.of giving publicity to the extraordinary effects of your Expectorant onmyself. Having been inflicted for several years with a severetl cough, beee fever and its concomitant discuses, and seemed only doomed to linger out a short but miserable existence natal the fall of IMO, when, being more severely attacked, and having resorted to all my Conner remedies, and the pre scriptions of two of the most respectable physicians In the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the 'consolation of surviving hut a few days or weeks at farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant— s/ill blessed by that 141..4 who does all things in the use of the means—and contrary to the expectations of my physicians and friends, I was in a few days raised horn my bed, and was enabled by the use of aatle, to attend to my business, enjoying same better hc ' than I had for ten years previous. Respectfully piers, ke., bat W. Erma- For sale in Pittsburgh, al the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth street marlC IjOUSSEL'S A ROMATICh VINEGAR.—The high . LL ly sanatory. lialsamigand tonne properties of tan s Vinegar render it fur superior to Cologne water f the ordinary purposes of the•mUu,surpassing the I st• ter in its pert - ante. It prevents and removes pimp es, truer and asperity of the skin, it 'refreshes and win tens the skin, rendering it snit and smooth. It correct the clammy and bitter taste of the mouth, imparting d fresh and pleasant breath! It cleanse% and winteu s the teeth, and hardens the gums, For all the an a - re pur poses, it is used with water in seek otoppruo ti us may be found most agreeable. tly inhaling it and rubbing it on the temples, it will remove headache. ir applied instantly to a horn or hnnse, swill creme ilty prevent moruficatiOn. ft correct vitiated riir, an d guaranties from contagion, it is therefore very useful for puntiing and perfuming apartinGllllL For side by It I. SELLERS, Wholesale Druggisi, melt7l 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh Dr;lllOlause"si - Prenne.see. •I`iiiS is to certify that ',purchased one vial of Dr. ileLana's Worm Specific, some two mouths ago and slyve fo a area 01 mine some seven yeass old, two teaspoons full, and ellbough the amount may apnea, large, yet ! - have no doubt but there was upwards of tWoThoessWit tuna paused from hint, measuring I.oa, coo gunner of all inch 10 two inches 1011. O W IfOLLILAY. Ratty. Creak, Carrot co. Tenn., Dee 27•,1;4 : ;. S ELLERS' VERitIIFUGE G, T u LJED ,s4 R J G ab Ia— th, Silr.R.E.„Sellers—Soar Verssufuge has sold well, surd has been higb.y spoken - or by all who have noe l IL • I , rom the tureen. attention the rulmtrustration of pour. Vermtfuge la every Lase I have heard of, I am eonGdent I can sell more daring the maul season than I did last. I will be glad to receive another sup ply lAA or 0 gross. Tours, respeontliy, [Extract from letter.] R. CARTER. Prepareirand sold by IL E. SELLERS, 57 Weed at, and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al legluty. its. turtte. za. errniar. exri a Rom:lsom_ . _ YZATAIAN, PI.TTMAN & co., PORWARDINU • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 152 Second street, mch:l4om• ST. LOUIS, MO. rehedriber h " ste re ial mt V ed Al' hie . Wholesale am.re- J. ry Siore to the comer of Hancock &met mat Alle gheny WhorP, mit door to the Perry Hon.. nich27altr JOlllll P. PERRY. IPRIL—Jost o pening, o large and selected sewn . mem of line Watches and Jewelry, which will be void as cheap u In my other establishment in this or the Eastern cities. Also—lt largo lot of satiety Rim Watches endless , till', .1 vCri low prices. Pali jewelled IS karat bold Levers,. low as thirty-five dollars. 'or arsonwon. • Gardens. rllll£ new and fast running noun boat THOMAS SCOPT, leaves the Greenwood wharf Boat, at the Point, every half hour durum the day, landing et the garden gate. A fine calla: don of the ehoicast Greenhouse Plants VII for .aLs in the Garden. lee Creams and other re freshments fanushed In the saloons -•• • • BoOuts pat ofi at dm ft than:at, notice. Order. for I=tti ; Ir. at the wharf boat, w ill receive prompt a IPS .~~- .. burn-... .. ~. _ -~..... ~'q?tkv~3:r.~~c~, ~?.3.=.c+'Ga:~Y'rT,x.~,2:dS!'..c, ,c; ~ 1"..g'.:~~w...9: ~s_-s ~: r , ~ , 3r:7 a;:.•.-J¢?x:_,--='r.J:-,-~1:...._-eaa-_-r-.xw-.:.~.....,,.-_ PITTSBURGH. MONDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1849. WM. TISLBLIN, ATTORNEY •AT LAIN, Butler, Pa aoits T. Ctoo MEDICAL. Dr. Raul Celebrated Remedies. %VW WILSON, corner 4th and mallet COPARTNERSHIPS. rrITE to-partnership heretofore existing_herwren the subsenbers, in the name of Friend, Rhey & Co., Was this day disselvul by mutual consent. Geo. Rhey Gill 'rule the bonnets of the concern, for sahleh pur pose he is authorized to use the nude old, Gm. PORTER R. FRIEND; JAMES WOOD, February 7,1849. GEO. HUEY. CoJkartnership. The subscribers have this day_asitociated themselves in the name of HUEY, bIAITHEWS k Co., for the purpose of transacting a general Grocery Commission and Forwarding Rosiness, m the stand of die law firm of Friend. Rhey & Co, where they will be pleased to receive the patronage oldie customers of that house and our friends. OEO. RHEF, .. MMMI IZI=ELE We take pleasure to recommending to the confidence of-our friends nod those of Friend, Rhey & Co., our .tumecasors m bustness, Play, Matthew. A. Co. PORTER IL FRIEND, febh JAMES WOODS. Dlisolutlan • • _ THE ea.partnerslup heretofore exleting _between the subscribers. in the name of Constable, Burke & day thssolved by mutual consent. Messrs. Burke & Barnes will settle the bushiest of the eon• Bern, for which purpose they are authorised to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, . . EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES The undersigned have this day associated themselves in the name or BURKE & BARNES, toe the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault BOOM a d dr., tit tite stand of the late firm of Constable, Berke k Co., where they vrill , be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the co Mader% oCthat house end their friends. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In reunng from the firm of Constable, Berke & Co., I with .it re pleasure recommend Meatus. Bark* & Barnes to the confidence of my friends and the public. Feb. 9,1949 NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. feblitleltf Dlisolutlon TE partnemhtp so long existing ander the firm of breord te King, RIO by mutual consent dissolved on Me lot inst. The business will be closed tithe old stand 1t either of as, using the name of the firm for that purpose. Being desirous to have cur business closed VA lb as lade delay as possible. sod would re spectfullyrequest joi2P. • H. D. KING. CoePtartuerntalp. JOHN D. ACCORD having associates:l onth him his brother James hl`Coed, under the style of ?d'Cord & Co., will coml.: the Hat, Cap and Foe basine” all a. various branehea, wholesale and retail, at the old stand, corner of Wood and sth streets, where they solicit a onntinuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed or, the old fort. JOHN D &MORD. 101 l JAMES S. APCOS.D. N retinng Ohm the old and well known firm of T M'Cord Lt Xing, f moat respectllly recommend to the patronage of the public my sacccesors, Meson. idleord hCo. Ade H. a KING. DISSOLUTION. FIE partnership of MURPHY & LEE A. dila dui T dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled H. Lee. J. R. MURPHY, Pittsburgh, Jun. D, 1949. H. LEE. NOTICE—The andeltsigned .will continue the Wool Lm.ineta and attend tonlos sale of Woolen Goods at the old stand. In retiring from the firm of Murphy & Lee, I take ghat pleasure 11l recommending Mr. H. Leo to the confidence of my friends and the public. Plttabergh, Jnn.9t, 18411. J. It. MURPHY. THE subse.ribers have this day assoeiated theni selves together for the purpose of transacting a wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business, at No tai I.ll.ierty - , opposite Seventh street, under the style and firm of BUSIIFIELD k FLAYS. Pittsburgh, January 1,1849. N. B —Gar old customers and the public are invited to rye us a call jai M. B. SCAIFF: and Capt. JA2dES ATKINSON novo entered into partnerahip, under tho dna of SLAIFE E ATKINSON. and and cony on ho Tin, Copper, .d Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Also, Blackantittung in all its branches, at the aid stand of Wm. B. Setae, First street, near Wood. Particuli r attention given to stub:a.m. work. • min! • E P.a RTNERSHIP of Whs. b. IL HAT, rir H been e bivalved by the death of one of the partners, the interest of Wm. Hays, Jr.. deceased, in .aid conarsung of Hides, Leather Skins, Oil, &c., be sold on the premises on the 1 5th inst. fes7-td JAMES LAUGHLIN, Administrator. HAVE tbta day wheb sale Grotery, Produce and Commission brisineas, my blether Joseph, undone the brill of J.B DILWORTIt & Co. J. S. DILWORTH. January I. 149. 10—PAIITNE118111P—Wm. Young baring A../ day as eoeihted with him, John R. firearm, the lea ther husinme will hereafter be condueted nude, the firm of Wm. Young & Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, ians INO R. &MUNK BOOK TRADE L)OOKS! BOOKSP.—EAgar'e Variations of Popery, jl by Bev C Spam; Xenophonls Wear Tattles' Works; UnisersWDersons, by Wayland . ; Santini Hinory of Enthusiasm; Life and Times of Philip Beir a;Ml-IIvtIiAIinSIVEX4rtni_LAVY.S4JHJPItY.SPI° not seniors of J Powell Buxton Bart; atolls all, by Tyng; Baptism, its importand ;nodes; The Vmd dle Kingdom, 2 solo. Chcover's Lee tares on PllFint's ;Progress Cheesier's rings of a 1770 de to Al" Anderson's Domestic t oncitution; Modern Ac- Complishments Last days of Eliolia; Women of the acoolutonsly Mrs Ellei; Life of Pallor, for sale by tnarlY ELLIOTT & ENGLISII, 79 wriest et LT OMAN MAGIVINTIBM—Its claims to dispassion . In. ate inquiry; being an attempt to chow itio utility of ko application for the relict or sufkrino-, by Vt . Newnbam, FA2., nailer of "The reciprocal influence of Doily nod Mind," etc. The bon work ou the anthem published. For sale by ELLIOTT /t ENULI2II, made 79 wood in T LFE OF FRANKLIN, Illustrated—ln coarse of JU publication in the social form, by Harper 7s Bro thers, New k ork, The I.ife of liesuatain Franklin, ton al:10o g of las _Autobiography, Ind a narrative of his publiti lae and mrvices, by the Kos. H. Hastbigs Weld; splendidly crobeilished by numerousexquisite designs, by jo4/1 U. Chapman, engraves' to rho highest stye: , of art. The work is printed in the octavo form, odso perfuse paper, from bold and legible typo. It wig Ife completed in clg pan.,eit 25 cents each, mad iMaed at brief balmy a. Each part will be received by ex press inutacdletely e'er its publication. Pan lei Btst received and for sole by JOHNSTON tr. STOCILTON, - core or market and 3d Ina Nl M it itaN ; SHl l l l7 OF N( V a 11. a , mcri..o.. t or :t l Franklin . . Life Illusinued—pans II and 111. Tl. Ilimory of Hannibal Mods rtbngintain by Jittob Abbott Illuomnieil b il e, map end numerous engra vings. Adler's Uraininer and English Dictionary, octavo. Story of Liule John: coot the French of Al. C:Jea nen. illustrated. Acton, or the Circle of Life. collection of tho`ta and Observations, designed is delineate Life, Man and the Works Hart's Itomance of Yachting. Arabian Nights badertaitunents • Lanes translation; nplendoirf Illustrated. 2 vol., Janie.. Just ref .eired by R HOPKINS, feb22 Apollo Hall, itb st NEW BOOKS—History of hlary Queen of Sew. Liy J.acob Abbott; omit engravings. History of fling Cliaries Pirsr, of Eulattd. By Jacob old; our, arta engravings. 41. litatory t of Alexander the Great- By Jacob Abbott wart eagra vistas. History of Hannibal the Carthaginian. By Jacob Abbott: at th engravings. Received and lot sale by JOHNSTON tc STOCKTON, felon car market sild :NW NNEW 1101.tES--Oregon and California in ISIS; by 1 J. Quinn Thornton, lam Jadso of the Supreme Gainof Oregon, and corresponding member of the ....nixie. Institute,. With an Appeudik, meluofog re cent and imam oho information ou the subject of he GOLD kIIPIF.S of California, and other valuable mat ter of Interest to the emigrant...eta. 'With illustrations aud a atop. In two volumes. Raphael; or pages of the book of life at twenty: by Alphonse de I.enutrtine, author of the "Illstory of the Wrondtatt, or Perrnual Memoir. of the Patriots of tic Preach Resonation,* etc. Just received and Co , sale by JOIINSTON fr. STOCKTON, mobil corner morket and id Its =lt= BE= M;MM= _ 13.4 C JOMEIS, JOHN 7. 4m 9 .• JONES dr, EMIG°, end ploegh areal, reel plow gb wings, Gooch "TA tic springs, hammered tree a xles, and deniers in malj !made castings, are minima Im t, and coach lemming" P xenendly, earner of RO. and Front ate, Pitnkburgh, • feb9 Reversible Pilate altos' Coen FOR PURI PYING WA 'T'ER, Which renders turbid water pare by 4.4 - removing all minium°ee not soluble in s ' , fester. The crpt m water in N. York, • e TC,.. • ,g„ although clear and pure to the eye, yet ;1 6 when a muses tau-hoar through tan sts, .filterlog cork, Shoran a large deosit impure enlrszonees alines, &a. Tins is UM Care more or ion with all hy drant water. The Resemble Pilferer is neat and durable, and l not attended with the inconvenience incident to other FM arms,. it is cleansed witlicratbetng detached frau the water pipe, by merely tuning theirey or fret n owe ode to the other. 8y this nosy process, the er..erse of water Is changed, and all' eocasaulations fc it spore subaumees are &ROO Off Ittlitailt Instantly unterewing the Filter. It also poaseiwer, tha advantage of being a stop nook, and as such in Lamy eases will be very convenient and ecommeigal. Ile= he attached srheto there is any pressure high or low to a cask, tank, orb, Ac. with case. To be bed of the sale Agony WILSGN, oett7 comer of Fourth and Market eta TitLii - AlklailtiFatlYti — ZHE attention of the publip,lo respectfully Galled to the following corttheatale Ms_ 8. Razors—Having tested, a rinantlty of Gold weighed by year Arm:meter. 1 had the result prom's your instrument C0111110r; and recontonend those of It to those going to California. as the beat methodthrob taining [Le teal vales of Gold. Rasp. iyoOr,a, J. B. DtiNLEVY, Gold Pithiburgh, March 1,1849. Prrtzumon, b 7 arch 7 t 1849 . • !du Humor—Dear Or, Mahn emulate ca the "Arco. meter," manufactured at your moats, I do' not hacuttli to eon mend it to the nee of throe gentlem en Wen are about renurvingto California ill tielrob of tioldp, It gr.'. a close approsimation to the , spruilY gr u e l ty ofn muds, and will cestaudy tuabla me adventurer to met:stain when his placer f Tieldnur Gold , m ' r Vow.. marr'P. l. efttaN rocx. Foreign and Dominilo Lignore. AG WD &aunt:mint of Forman and Domestic U goon, always on hand and for solo inquantinra to snit - grehaserr, hp /c ltlnnTenntartlLl 31ossratta , Dieriething Pcnrderr (Chloride of Lmze.) artbnetibera have rocerttlf received (direct trete the misinfaetorers) a freeh `hrlPIY .2( 11' chorer efebrated article, which their - will cell al the lowest market price for coah or oppre•vell bill.. TC • oP S A • W hi MIWII4 HOTELS - - - FOUNTAIN LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE • Foca sat ritmorron, ntovercrons. THIS establishment long and widely kouwm as being one of the most commodious in the oily of 130Jumree„et t a recently undergone very eX/EZI. SiSO alterations and .ireprovemeuUt. An entire new win , has been added, contain' ng nmhereue and airy sleeping apartments, and exterudve bathing rooms. The Ladies' department has also been completely retummin e d end fined up in a MOIR U 11.11199 and beauti ful style. In font th e whole armngemenrof the Boma has been remodeled. with a single eye on the past of the proprietors, tin:minis the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and whirl, they endfidentty assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every soh martial and luxury which the market affords, served op in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, de., they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be Left undone on their pan, and on the pan of their eppheantn, to render this Hotel worthy the continued pfnage of their friends and the public generally. m a pne for board have also been reduced to the do owing rates: Ladies' Ordinary, 91,73 per day. Gentlemen's 1,50 N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of the Home will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey.baggage to and from the Hotel, free ofeh• .e. markt IT*TR - M",TeTrlraijij7T/ Comm or rams AND rr. 014311 en. inswivagm, EdThe subscriber having assumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that be will be at all times prepared to accommodrue them in all things desirable In a well regulated Hotel. The House is now be thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no pa= will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very ben Hotels In the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore redelved. THOMAS OWSTON, febadtf Proprietor. / - 7• AlicAfk - tlar E 110 ----- 00110111. 01 10 011111 1110 imam nog LIS, 111011111011 ATHE eubscriber respectfulni announhes that ie has now opened his new and excellent Hotel Or the accommodation of travelers, boarders, and the publie generally. The house and furniture not entirely new, and no pains or expense have been spiercd to render it one of We most comfortnble and pleasant }icicle in the city. The subscriber Is determined to deserve, and there• fore solicits, a share of public patronage. eml4. , dly IACOH HOUGH, Proprietor. 100-IPICIR.S3EfiIif t.JJIj(.K'.tDIIII THE VIRGINIA I lOTEL, on Baltimore street,near I the Depot, Cumberland, is now In complete order for the reeeption and accommodation of the public. Persons in search of ease and comfort, will do well to patronize thin establishment—they will find the chamber" clean and nice, and the Table no well fur niehed an any in Cumberlsnd, at twenty-five cents, guaranteed as good es any that can be had In the place, at any price, or no charge. No charge for transportation of baggage to and from the can. WASHINGTON EVANS. ITNITD - STATES lIWEL, • _gTFur, rrz er, IBITWYIN lOUIYIi .0000 r i P.P 9 f,B. late Bank of th e United Stem m a, Pb Wm=ton.. M. POPE MITCHEI,L, Proprietor. rirgiNIMWM FRESH SPRING GOODS Bhaeldell & White, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 Wood street, ask the attention of Merchants to their stock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now receiving direct from 61.4 hands. Receiving regular supplier of first goods during the season, and devoting a large share of their citation to tinatern Auction wiles, they can confidently assure btryetv they will find it to their interest to examine • their stock. --- last received, large invoices of new style Dress Goods, Pitney Prin., Cassimeres, Cloths, Bummer Goods, Leers, White Goods, Irish. Linens, Tailors' Trimmings end brown and bleached &satins of vari ous brands mar 3 • _ JAMES W. WOODWELL, Modern and Antique Furniture, 83, TIMID Srarrr, Prerantraon. goA large and splendid saos atwortninnt of Furniture, n '..V"F9,ll4iest`i,' suitable for Stnambouta, tif . ., ,, '" ---- -i Hotels and Private dotal . _es, constantly on hand and route to order. • The present stork on band cannot be extended by any manufactory in the western country. Perscons wishing to purchase would do well to give ma a call, a. I run determined my priees shall please. Part of the stock consists in— Tete a Tete; Bullet Ragein; - Loc. XIV Chairs; Queen Elizabeth chairs. T. PO),Gi Fran Tables; Toilet Tables' Louis XV Commode]; French Ala.:tinny Bedsteads; Piano Stools; 50 solar with Plush and Hair-eloth warn; 50 Mahogany Rockmg Chaim; 40 dor Parlor do s. 50 Fancy do 25 contr. Tattler; • bi par Divans; 4 pair pier Tattles; 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus; Si Wardrobes; 0 Secretaries and Book arms; 211snarble top Wash Stands; 4 pair Ouomanst pair fancy Work Stands; A very large assortment Of cOMmon chairs and other furniture - 0w numerous to mention. It 7 Steam Boats furnished on the shortest. notice, end on the most reasonable terms. den LS Chocolate, Cocoa; MT.. - a nd Preqeh Ctirteollte,Prepas- TO merchants and consumers, who would pur - Aasti the hest products of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more nutritimm than tea or coSee, and in quality sonar passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself. and stamped with his name. His Ihnion-und Cocoa Paste. ns delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for invalids, couvalescents,and others. are pronounced by the most eminent physicians superior to any other preparations. lits manufactures are always on sale, in any quantity ; by the most re. spectable grocers m the eastern clues, and by than agents, Hawes, Gray ace., of Boston; James M Mace & co. Bamford, Conn; liusscy & Murray, New York; Grunt & Stone, Philadelphia; Thomas V Bamdige, Bal timore; and Kellogg a Benneta,Cineinnau, Ohio. WALTER B AKER, Doreberter Maas. Poe sal. by angst BAOALBY a SMITH, Attu Wrought and Oaat - ir - ori nothing. KaFlENubserOben beg Icave to inform the publml that they have obtained from the Eas t all the nod e late d tenable designs for Iron Railing, both (or beans and cemetenta Persons wishing to procure hand llama patterns will please call and examine, and judge for themselves. Railing will be famished at the short. nit notice, amble the beat manner, it the earner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. ameM•eitf A. LAMONT & KNOX. illalmfactured Tobacco. A Q OAS Gentry & Royster's superior meet 5 Ipir, ' . 2%.5 25 do MA Bailer's " 19 ado Price & Hararood's " 5 " 21 do do do " "l 4 " do do Pearl & Harwood " " a& ih " 14 do 1 Robinson 166 57 hid° do - " 5 V 3 do do Wm Dawsou " m " ,T 1 do T Wright's " " 37 do 171 Anderson " " 9 do L T Dude's " " " 5 do R Macon's " 8 " 9 do Ratchir " " lb " mast landlng from steamer ullikpackets, and for sale by 11FALD,VIDC1 IYOR & Co, 41 north water it and 16 north Wharves, Jell Philadelphia MONDVACtirEtiliffollAOCO--Dibylif s a. flonls superior sweet lb rumps. 75 half lim Webster Old superior sweetss lumps 36 " Lawrence Leiner " 51 " entry &. SosoPet " 3s & Ss 20 " Dupont (de In Euro) " 6s " 10 31c1,04 fh " I..averence Lottier " fia &Ps plug Jast landing from steamer end (or sale by BLICIDIOR & 41 N water st and 16 N wharves, my3l Philadelphud W. it J. GLENN, Book Binder.. WEareßull engaged in the above businen, corner of Wood and Third tweets, Pittsburgh, when, we are prepared to de any work is oar line with des patch. NVe =read to out work personally, and pal.- faction will be given in regard to its neatness and du rability. Blank Book, ruled to any patient and hound sub stantially. htooks in numbers or old books bound care folly or repaired. Nalaes put PP books in gilt letters. Those that have work in our line are invited to call. Priers low.. my2Cinf CAL SKINS.J3O — dos genuine French Cult Likins,F very fine article. A few linsens YhilEllclphm Skins, from the mtwufsietory of H M Ctutsrford to which the attention of boot maker . is invited. Just received and for sale by %V YOUNG k. Co, • jetl) 143 liberty to A"t r iV. KritCl.ll4lV/CK'S, No:V - 3 - FlitUtri aueeq ..tl. can be seen n sptenihd 'ninety of sup Royal Vel vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Brus sels, 3plys and sup and fine Ingrain Carpets, of sap styles and quatitiesi and hi connection ettA always be found Table Linens, Crtishe4, Diapers, Damasks, No reen, Oil Cloths, di.e. he., to all of which me call the attention of the public. athy.tl scPrusw - _ T_T AVING sold oar coarc rock to C. 11.0aawr, with 11U1,, a view to rioting our old Nimes,. we hereby so licit for hint the patronage of all. our friends and cur. maws. POINDEXTER, THE. POINDEXTEIL • Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1648 - (I 11. GRANT, Wholesale Grncer, bommiesion and V. Forwarding Merchant, No. 411Vater er awl./ BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY A FULTON, Bell andlltan FOPTAOT, Inn re- Inilt and commenced business at his old stand, when ho will be pleased to see his old criattn en and friends. Clairch,Bteamboat,und. Bolls of every size, from 10 1.0,000 pounds, east from piluenis of the most approv edmodels, and warranted to of the beat materials. Minoru' Water Pumpa,Connters, Bailing, toge ther with every variety of Bt-sits Canino, if required, turned and finished in the neatest manner. S. F. le 1.. sole proprietor of ii. 1111 1 .1 A-311-ATTIII -110% ritaTAL, 110 juotly eolebnoted for the redaction of friction to machinery. The Boxes rod Comp.:thou ean be bad of him at ail times. Pll. - I.iff TIN finto A VEIL UWE subscribers having the exclusive Agency for sellingthe Priming Paper of a new and extemove paper mill in ibis vicinity, will be at all times well sup plied with the different saxes of paper of superior quali ty, which we offer at the lowmt regunir prices. Any sire or quality will he manufamared to order at short notice. . REYNOLDS& SIIEE, Jan am • corneLpentlael_i Irwin ate j INDIA RUDDER C - LOPIHNG—Josi renewed ior the California Etpedition, a complete assortment of limo Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from $3.50 to 511,50 for .nit of coal, pant 3 and hat. For sale at the India Rubber Depot, Nm.s Wood st. der.2o n PHILLIPS JUST RECEIVED—Three more of, theta, so Justly celebrated Hauxburgh Pianos, used constanUY by List, Thalnerg and' other great performers, together With a large assortment of rosewood and mahogany, of my own manufacture. The above instruments are warranted to be perfect hi every respect, and will be sold low for muds. F BLUME, della Nn 119 Woad at 2d door (vow Mb T it , Eceletrmterraltd Hille ' rotier, In kegs, hall f.b IP'ynane J ritiVggai Co, rzw.d . ititarprtuta , r Patent Soda Asia 2110 CASita pm received pet immure Ivanhoe VA , end St Cloud, end ter sale b y Al AIITCllh?TB. E, mcbl3 Ide) Libacq n MILSC,EOIIB. PAPER HANAIN,GSA nusaasole-a. Row ARD u•i r No. 81 Todd Street 117OULD cell the 111.41111113 of purpubtier UM: r_ IT prevent stoek ofTspetEflukfunT warl/2 1.;.- nal +beauty ofllnish , dillty.aade i 'll_s - melted by my estabLishnient the " - . 644 _na • tyke and Yell emortrottorof,ps.per of their own they are twos tooelvin.La di ,__ rect Im portation of French and EnnlishatYku 1 P er .,_ 11 ,,..., 11*- ittua,Parebased by kin Lwalltolvar4antletf now on Europe, mamboing of Feral. matinfactirre, 12000 plectra t • London do - 3,000 do Of their own manhfacture they have toopoo feces Wall paper, and 12,000 pieces sada glued Widow' Dllndy &e. Messrs. James Howard k. Co. have spared' neither' expense oar labor In their endeavors to rival ttureastv ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of run efientre and variety of panenti and they 1,1319 arftlfilD , V ed in aiming the puble than they - have uneemoderh The whole assortment, foreign and home manage tare, will be offered on terms as low as those of mild. , em manufaentrers and importers. reth974lf 'w" of Margit. of Philialtptir "*Wa • POINDEXTER & REYNOLD*, FLOUR FACTORS, And General Ootnnalsalasi Merchants, No. WI Maxim Starer, beloreen'Elsnanth and Twelfth sta., PHILADELPHLk. THE subseribent be leave respectfully tanemmini their friends and the paella that .they have 111136 elated themselves in Philadelphia, for the purpose of transacting a General Commission Baskets, and Mist that long experience in Liminess will seem to then feu patronage. 117 . Partmolar attention will be given to sales of Floor and Produce generally; : and any purchases in die Philadelphia market for Western accouriL R. W. POINDEXTER, C.I4..BEYNOLDS. REFERENCES—The merchants oPPittsbargh gen erally; Springer it Whiteman, Lehner & Arsort, Cincinnati, Ohio; H I) Newcomb a -800, W l Clifloo, Lewis Rinker, Jos Todd Lonitville,Ky i Crow, Me- Cowry & Barksdale, St Loan, Ido.; Flawat, Notion & W A Violet; New Orleans, La.; Gill, & Noyes, M'Gregor & Morris, New York; W B Thomp son Zr. Ce., John Tiers Y. Co, Peter Marseilles, M looms, Deal, Milligan e, Bart, aplk3at Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ST, LOUIS, MO. Will give panicalar attention to the collection of Claims, and all money received, shall be remitted without decay. Resmarmw—Hon. B. Coulter, Supreme Beach, Pa.; Messrs. Lyon, Shook & co. St. Loam; Wood, Abbott & Co. Philad'a, /no H Brown & Co.do; Mr. Charles H Welling, do; Eno, blaboney & Co. New York; Mitten den. Wise & Co. do; Danaher & °lsadore. Baltimore; WV & A Murdoch, do; Love, Martin & Co. do; Mr. John Eakoner, Messrs. Lorena, Sterling & Co. Pit. burgh; Forsythe & Co. do; Hampton, Smith & Co. do; Mr. L 8 Waterman, do. mcheSal2m NEW COMBS—AS ZEBULON KINSEY'S, 67 Mar ket street— dos very Sigh book Shell Took Combs; 3 " medium " " " loot " 24 "plain high 14 " corroorbesuled um " " 50 " fancy top Buffalo " 10 " plain 20 gross tom. Born; 30 dos shall side, assorted si tes; 30 VDU earn hors Side; 3 do: shell - dressing do; 19 don Buffalo do do; 4 do Imitation do do; 60 do. but English Rom; 6do $ fine Ivory, extra size; IS do S 5 do do; in boxes; 12 gross 8 line da do; 1 do comb Cleaners. opl6 VietZllllllll PAtalla. JCIMIM-11.1.2111L WIC K. HAM PALBIELL, HANNA £ CO., (Successors to Haney, Hanna & Co.) BANWERS, EXCHANUEUROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestitvgachange, Cardßeams of Deposit°, Bank Notes, and Spade—Fauna attest, nearly OppOCiitt Inc Bank of Pittshurgti. Current mo ney reemved on depoxite—Bight Cheeks for We, and canc.:km. made on nearly all the principal points in the United Slates. EgMlMlMii=l;l Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped Eats on liberal terms. •P 2 GREAVEN now —VALUABLS DISCOVERY! PAM= 811ZIIIMI 411.11 tat, 1949. Patent crootbeter extensions Tables, Sofas, Bunnua, Boot Cates, Writing Dena LEVER OF WROUOHT IRON. . . . , - - THE TABLES fee surpassing every other m y veation of the kind now extant. They can be ex tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed all leaves are all cont nd ained inside . they are made to l sizes and shapes, a axe ad adapted for Steamboats, Howls, and large private amilles, term ing when closed • complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These ankles are inval uable, particularly to those who wish in ccono. mise room, and COI:Inn *sleeping apartment into a parlor or acting room,. they can be opened and shin at convenience, and when shut, the bedding I. enclose ed. A greet saving in room and rent. All the bed steads when closed form a bealnifal pines of furniture for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASES—A. neat and imolai article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms, and other office.; when opened a moetconvenienthed- Istead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone s visible. Ail these articles need no recominendationi the et i. =re o p f w e'll:111% U : l ' iTr a y ' oti w r a imamate d tot to 1= damine lee e t, P i t at the inaintfantorcea store, No. E. 3 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the alave advantages, they ore proof against bogs. mehle W WOOD WELL liVti:Aiiil4alT.47korris , 13 having attertriaser,ir - ho died of consuLption: in March, 184 was taken sick with the Consamption, or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so lota melee the disease, that for four year. 1 was unable to attend to my business, either at home or abroad, being for the mow lime confined to my bed. During the above peri. od of time, I had expended for medical h e o regular Physicians and medicines to the amount of Irloo, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In Judy, 1645, commented taking Dr. a s ev e r ?Jodi. Cnes emd have taken them mere Of leas ever u s e, and {relieve that it MA by persevering le their use, Mat I can now trul y say that I have completely tenon erred my health. / behove that JayneSanauve PD and .I.pccusrant lUD the best faintly medicine. now In use. I I reside in Springfield, Otsego eoanty,"N. Y., and carry on a furnace and machine shop In that place and am MU Interested In any manner In We nate of the above medicines, and make dd. certificate Inc the hea -1 efu of those afflicted. ELLIAII EATON. Springfield, N. Y., Sept 1d1548. lad IaiNUPKCTURED - 10 - 8 - KOOO.-The subscriber AL would call the attention of the city trade and deniers generally, no the follevoing brands Tobaccos, in mere and to arrive, which being consignments reet from manufacturers, he is eauled to sell at cast. 139 bits H W Crenshaw de; 70 " James Madison hi; el " Lamont. itt 33 " Mlrabean ss; “ Putnam Zs and Is; Ib " Robens & Sisson sa, R " Oscar Boil 9 " Johnr& Lewis In; " Warwick nor le; • 48 " Henry & James se,ls and din febtl L B WATERMAN Pltiiiticablme Works and fetary. IT111132,101; TORN WRIOrr & Co., ate prepared to bend Cotton 9) and Woolen Machinery of every descriptien, such on Carding Machines, Spinning Promos, rem, pressing Frames, Railway Beady Warren, Ins% Dressing Frames, Looms, Card a nudists, /cc . rotten Iron Shaftint turned; all uses of Cast iron, Ponies nod Hangers of e latest patterns, slide and bud Lathes, and tools o fkind.. Castings of every description furnished on short notice., Patterns made to older lOT Mill Goering, Iron Raillegt &a Steam Pipe for heat ng Factories, Cut hen Window Sub and fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J.. Palmer & Co., Liberty street, will have prompt don. Refer to Blaekmek, Bell & Co., I. IL Moorehead & 27 . 1.?1: thaTlit aoia — Penn Maobine Shops NVIGHTMAN--Afimufacturer of ell kinds of ca -11 ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city Pa. The above works being now in flan and saceeesfill op eration., 1 am prepared to execute onion with diopatch for all kinds of machinery b my hoe, such as willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, gcindipg machines, railways, drawing frames, Readers, throsals, lcoams, • woolen cards, doable or single, for merchant or country work, mules, jacks, ke.; slide and hand lathes and tools in gen end. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plan. giv en for gearing factories or Mina at reasonabie charge. llnca no--Kennedy , Childs kCo., Blackstock, Real k Co Xing & Pennock Co., Jr.. A. Gray. reapeetthlly Inform M A tie w gZe„ra..7l l l l ,. LCelt, between Federulat , dlanduakyatmets. - Ant on y are now making and are prepared to repaid, orders for every deactimMe of vehicle., Coanties,'Ciratiotli touches, Reggie., Phartonso which hem their long experience m the manufacture of the above week, and the facilities they haveoley fee they am enabled to do work or the moat reasonable terma with them wanting anielea in their Bee. Paying particular Emotion to the seleenon of mate• Bala, and havingnone but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in orarrantmg their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N. B. Repairing done In the best manner, and on the most reasonehle torten ja3Onf • • - - Monongahela Livery Stable. asROBERT ti. PATTERSON lon opened. the large stable on First et, running throne, to Second in, between Wood and bmithfield' ets., In the rear of the hlonongehola Hone wall on entirely new stock of Hones end Carrie. 0 tint beat quality and latest styles. Home kept ol hoe. rim the best manner. WWI/ Patna Graduated Gamma Battery and Pates , /nrukated Rid for Medical most atitergcaa a THIS I. the only bustrament of the kind ever been promoted in rids country or Ibtssepe for me& Mal purposes, mid Is the only one ever known to man, by which the galvanic sold en he °domed to the hitig man aye, the em, the brain, or to any Parton/le body, either externally or huornally, In a . deffulto comma,mile& Mocks or pato—with Pot** safety, Toften with the happiest effects. his important apparmas is now highly approved of by many of the most eminentphysichina of this Mina, try and Europe, to mimeo the a t =Ambers whom may Germ . m caulk, referred. Beferene r a, will alio be siren to teeny highly tespeeteble dillrnart,who hams been eared by means of this Most valuable apparatus of some of the most Inveterate nergeourdliordent width eirokl not ho removed byanybtkor known means. Among various others, it has been_ proved, to be a& m i m ply tempted for the earn of the follimrjeg diseases, visg nervous headache and other diseusettof the brain: ft Is with dm apparel:di dodo thin - the operator can convey the magnetic, Sold with elan -end safety to the eye, to restore mghl” or cam amartreassi to the ear to restore hearing; to the tongue and other organs, to eril store speech, and to the wins parts ol the body, tor the cure of ebroolo themnadaut, nth* nearallfm, el tic dolooreux, puralSals z = tout; chorea or St, tk Vita% dance, espayi fmso spruce, iamb discuses Secular feteales, hominotion of tie /baba, locc,eta m for surropodlng cornier of Weiler. rte , prig , eg os, with the InSuument, may be poet= sad also tested. for the cure at disemeu trollinsintetions will be even for the surto. cher& cab. to be used formirlons dlaCemur u" the heee e t al nor foreparatlng Gm the eon of those illstuses eh let fen/ eXplained to the purchaser, endspeimphlet pot into his hands eipressly for these purposes, cate. ! V oltritr ed bl a w w ` %T ar" . " Ptah • ,• i s - iv/Er:4E 7 4w bxa extra Cream Cheese, lett 1 1 1 4 • "Vfaiat for rale by .0 , I.HCIH/VW I._ DRY,. &Y . :M=7f GOODS. ' ' 1101004 - 1849. rsid:tor&fik=opWi fio t It l na m H b o=t N:4l: , .‘6lt4i F =g, r i tti r d i° r , i.kr=f - January, Fano P•••• 1, 1 •4.4 111 .tr_k. " Gloves Rua BPSPEUaI" other` inlets 4irthisrairm.4.4 °plaids manufacuarers cast, du- P ring Vast wli llenS tlerlegicialt" Mr 'dm Hpring =do, will be sold wittlesale al • wmall . advance on coat. Courmally otilisnA, all deacriptiomt of Looting Glass• es, of oar own manufacturing, atoastera Arleta. mIM3 ILTEW • . CV arNDVARIES 4101.103-ttla ' • ULON SINSEPB, fa Market street • 103 pro fume China-Vises, isod; 179 heti Orbit and ditv - e*fe.cat Sultans; 40 firm velvet Carpel tt.. 2 ° do 41010:130i rrarelaor, 100 fro-so fancy silk Sou, for dresseS 10 dis Nap' Brookes, asod; largos 0o Balton, Ined; WO ~ tla do Whand elated,. do; .0• 41 .44. Wood Rea Battles; 4 do Waihrogtba do; 1 do Barbers do, 'S gro rah Liao ; Fish FlooluLLlntet• 4WELRY,iigold leaer Watches SI do de. tabbed lever Walehes • 10 do Logan dts and mana• Thar= ./ don fine_gold Vest and Fob Cloaks 9 do do Cantors Dreair Mager 'Saga, Ear 111r 34 1.. • • art.-201 dos Ladies Caton Glows, ass'd; 30 ' 0 '1 4 do Lisle Thread, Taney top; ke.; to do gebia' stlk Glhaves• 12 do do Wide; -Wda ladle* kid, ass' , l; l o dop m fat u alop 000DS-10 pkgs .•Anterrean Pins SOO bop Co o Cords; 13 paPtpa 00 0 r0 00 alma Forewsion Caps 909gr0 drew Whalebone do; 100 don Dewy Oinibs Dressng Combo., 'Beek Carobs 6.4. ER. EATON 4CO ers now opexwarth s 'Ems stocker Trimmungs, ecnialeung to cold man: n - and Dress Fringes, taws, Adult SU Loots, black Flngmce lace, Ramis, l a th* Bonnet 07 Tnmmtnae, ltalia and tltildrotuf gain and fall. Hoalery, Shins for oteri amt boia,Corabe,{cory and other king, Yarn, Spool Cotton, Olinda., Tapes, Bob bins, Pins, toc. itc„, frrhiehlthel offer' for sale, both wholesale and mull, thwTrinuningStore,62 Fourth aunty between Wood and Market. • apt 4 SPRING 00083.—A d Woos & Co., No. 0011larket street, are owe opeolog .40 cuu . ond package. of !plend.l4 SKIING GOODS, comproung AIM S , Xe u ncreant ße = Zinelss,, do Shawl., Gloves, Hosiery, an d a ge b neral won meat of Good,. meh27 Sint:titheDs.adopmen: oldie Colifilvdifts r'r SINT, ALDIANDE m R /6 DAY, - AVT . 75 1T h ed onS S ELLII4O ffstock of DRY POODB--tbe principal r pall e sh oars lately been purchased id the loans Are, dos Soros In Philadelphia and New Ifcerk, at a tns- 1 , mendons and unparalleled gratd We have made rack a lorge reduction from our reg aloe prices that we will now sell a large portion of our goods BELOW COST of importation. The early et. , motion of buyen is invited to choice high sabred goods adopted to the Goldoni. T OO LADIES DRESS GOODS. Plain and figured Carnelian ellhrtbrES and de lainesi silks, all prie Very supedko brochia fig' Super cloths, all co/ and wowed blk silks, lots, Superior mean:Lure silks, French merinos, all retina l blk and colored, Block bombazines, &unblock glossy Oro de Cross barred sad Me*, alpacas, `Tirane and Egranilla silks, Brodie field and stridd tiof best quality, Jenny Loud plaids, Pare sodas, blk and blue Victoria Lydnese eloth4 blk wins, very riel . Lamortine malls merinos, Cuban c and canielL Raper silk warp alpaca an bunco lower, SHAWL& Spleadidplaid long ahavrls, Splexalid terkeri shawl*, from N. Yolk auction., real bugain.% Plain and embroPd thibet atuarla all colors, Silk fringe, remarkably cheap; _ fesrbrorjhe long shear] the finest vve have or brought 10 this marke Roo to be sold et gee inpe b Veindeommonb eh& square shawls; Inper camellia silk share JR' GOODS French elotiii7r;ft the celebrated e.Tottany" ,an - Newly: For hearty of finish 'and - pe raumenca of , thmto cloths have nolapeno4 a kw pivots "Ira fens let black and-olive c on beavers arid other hen cloths for over coats, twilled French clothe, - cured eromenly for cloaks, French and American c ti s, super west of England do, supar French's tins for vesunge, the best unporte& Plain and faney velvet and cashmere vesting*, merino shinihnd dra h T ,. : era Italian ennui Mum, cambric and silk &Ws, siery and gloves. STAPLE GOODS. Irish linens, best long cloth shirting, mulles, bleed,- ed and brown muslin, of good quality, remarkably IOW; cheeks, demesne and lmponed ging-. hems, gantlet, yellow and white flannels, a large lot very cheap; a large lot of.white and crembarred - eoultb. try flannels, cheap; brown and lactated Banusby table linens and table broths, Rabin end Scotch diapers atd bowellinga satinciVl A Ml s erms and tweeds. An and large stock of blaniets, direct from ue manufacturers, some of which are the best ever anti bited,' all of which w ll be Mooed oat at unparalleled low prices. In addition to the above enumerated goods, oar Mock comprises every large - and camp] assortment. f almost ovary e late usually round a dry goods store, and as y have bum mainly chased at the easernanctl hence the late duction ofprices. We ate enabled and determin to soli them off at gma n gtiii Wholesale bire7g mereharris, tailors, the piddle geseaally ar e, tfully invited to in e It, examination Aim larrul be given. DER & DAY, 73 Musket at, N W comer of the Ikamon lenewar re. ECEIVED THOS DAY, Carpet:td and Oil t, of the latest add most eoproted tiatterns, ant prices to sett practiasers, .rid cheap as can be t „AtLsed In Wit !tithe Sanwa chiwrommising the . . Extra Royal Volsci Pile Cattiets; &minister CarpetE any size Wallops. or 4 Tapestry - do Blade& Sop Royal Brussels do Tapestry Stair carpets; Batts sup 3 ply do Brussols. do do , 9upenine do do Cheasile Rasp; Rma sup log - rain do Tufted do Ruperflue sio do Brussels do Cheadle Door mus. ' Tufted do - do Adolaid go do Fine do do Common do do 4-4, 3-4 & Vrapestry a ~-.... . --- i. a . Damaak do Sheep it , . o , 4-4, 3.4 4 I parPd Ve- 194 Emldsed Plano co eat, netian de 04 do Table d 44,3-4 fee plain do do 6-4 wool do d ti Cotton Ingrain do 6-4 wonted rjpen do do Venetian do Blau Stab 6-4 cotton Dragnet; 16.4 wool crumb cloths 194 woolen -do Stair Linen - i ' 6.4 do do. 64 table do English Table 011 olothai Diaper do German do do do do. Grub ' 8-4 Floor Oil cloths, Snow-Dreg Napkins; 7-4 do rto do Crimson Plush; • . 6-4 do do do Purple do, • • 44 do do do Maroon do 4-4 do do do Carpet Binding; Sheet Oil Cloth., of nearTramptht Winikow, Shades Tapestry patterns, cut to fit . . Igo the abase we are constantly reenlT our Stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Steamboat to which we mrito the attention of all who wish or nish their lotuses or stermabolus, as we will be eh to offer goods as low as they can be purchased i the East, and of the richest and latest styles. Call an d ex amine oar stook beforeparchismg elsewhere. Ware house, No 75 Fourth st. magi W. IiePCIANTOOK. The Larger:, Cheapest and most Eadtiema6l 4 of Goal:, suraproi to Gentlnames . SprPtg Sommer Wear, squat mewing at ! . WEL DIGEMS , ' CHEAP ÜBE CLOTHiNVIWOBE 1 1.30 LIBERTY. STREET. 111gB 'Proprietor of the above establishment Would h it , . b rzspec t tf re all t y . info r rned i m ... bitn e amerons e Eastern xam:ter,' that meet aplendid uscatalimil of goals in Ms 11 " ne,Ta was ever brought to this city, comprisbog all that is now ti, fashionable, elegant and Cheap In Cloths, Coast seat, Cu re hmetts, Drop De file, and every desert ' nof Coast cotton, li nen and woollen &mutter Ethan Shin era. tate Hdkfs, Suspender., Ira, of the newest let; which, together wt hi. very large and lambi able stock of ready-made Clothing, he is prepared to; offer u t,,,,,w; i 4 o c w regn ic tl, L Coutnictors, and all 'Ars ' chose largely, are particularly innted to call aml ex moste the stock, which is decidedly the largest and fashionable in the city, and great attention has hien paid to get it ap suitable to the wholesale pada Orders in th e Tailoring line executed In the ] most fashionable manner, and that nothingtaay be 1666 to enlace the !lamest and best aryl e of eatllng. gell lien= who has had great experience in the Mtn eine., has been added to the enablishment.. • melt9thilm AS W GOODS. R. +H. PALMER, OFFERS FOR SALE, AT LOW PRICES, a fall assortment of STRAW AND SIILL;NTes RT GOODS, of the most approved mina and pat terns, for the SPRING OF IBIS, consisting in pear ar— rester and plain English, American, and French Straw Florence, Rtniand, Pedal and other plain and fanny 'Braid; Mina, Rice, JeraLind, Loop az4 Roy al Mil. edge Braid BONN Rich French Lang Fauqy and_plate Grasp, Fumy Dield, Sintw, Gim Leghorn, and other firta um, and Enfants' HATS. Panama, BLltailla, Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Straw and other Slimmer HATS., for men and boo. Bonnet kid Plain lillibmA Bonnet Silks, Ardebtal Flosserril, fre. kc. fro. 13trare Bonnet Watekonse, 95 Market anat. ineal.7nl2a, A. A. MASON IA CO.. VV. 80 bIARKEPEITREET—Have nfeetvadny te ll. mot impormionathe following Goods, viE Sir cartons Thlbet Shawls, of various qualities and tolors. Filly . dozen ..alaranders"..besz mudity Kid Gloves, together with a good assortmout of cad silk, Glatt thread, and cotton Gloves, for spring trade. Mott Eluding, straight turnover Collars; cheap Col. fan. 300 pair embratolered Cads, from 50 eta ta 11,25. Mourning Collars In great variety. Dand Lace Vella, the greatest assortment ever offered by us. French and English 44 Prints; Hoyle, Prints, small limes and fast colorE omit plaid French GinghtmE [BOMA FarnhamClitt::tuto soda Damask.Pable I ,C4tha; Linen Dam 8 and 1049 Green &rages; Gents black Oros de Silk Cravats, into 80 loch, the best goods imported! ParsaTurtau linta cambric and linen eambrin }ldles, from yto 82,50, Whlfe'Goods, rook as Jaconets, Lawns,- Mall :and ,filaristr.KlnsUrts figured and plate Laces, white and caPd Tarlaninee de. do. We am In the doily receipt of NEW GOODS, and knit. the =slalom of porchasars to oar eanspkive .took. faM7- •i~; e AT DST GOODS HOUSE 0 Dii.U.AEITEWHY, None Haar comma armami MAI.= dam, PITIVITIZOIL tERSONS anuoing Dry Goads vril! Canso ra no. nee that the above house hu mum= mei • iu - NEW SPRING GOODS, and invite s cane of regular customer. and Wryer* generally, Qua!, will be offered at tow primer and s:or-hexer. have e Ige c a c n .u d ehor er artme . n. i to selee n t . fmna re examine the assortment in Wholmale hem • large assortment of Priam, ulq m i u t.eW ,, goods generally are now opening. btarll DRY GOODS. 814ACKLETT & WHITE, Dry Goods J•blvera,,, 0. 99 WOOD STRZErr".Wend era Ih a eleallini of Merchants to their large sleek of Domestic as DRY GOOD*Jast rennsinlyfronyd u almL powers and Maaafaeumen, ad which der ad at eery low rates for cash or approved crt,, Rannoch le =tartan and eattrolota,•aad weal loath roe ecteatioa at halen.ras Ink lad deWrlnizte4 to self It such aureately low prices as eanadit RdLae it a a along Inducement Otrrocaoa monad& Width TiTUPLEY'rA O WidakC7I-IfiOne . .nd fel yy sakbt liPg.l" 4 W4ll.4lUnir .1 ! d '-'1 MOE VOL. XVI.. NO. ps MISCELLANEOUS. IHIWILLNCEI 1 • TIEPROTECTION•FIiE ilk Nit op RLNStitiCE M. ;ffa pc6 * • oLird. ,And41.44c:404.:ea ir .111 ill, lothes promptly paid Alio Ge c 3tal ligitini,l!,* '. ~,,,, for the Westbrn Strueslocatedat CincipmlM, thThis Company is of long standing, and wall , knolintt i roughoute the United enure tfor its, sateen'? atit s [.... 1 ed, i tem tte, payment slTsliclic i lll of all e i , 1446 V, Set:, se t. sod amountliag in the Aggregate to ate= 11:11LEONII‘ s notssasllorreceigti fisr whiehNust ow the • fame eCo repanpar Bart:end and - Cinciditad, ~...,,, ... ,-. ?The Ptitsburgh agene7 of this °Mee was origin! 11 By midm by ?doses Atorood, -ER, oird•Wzs subuctotuuoy :t4 out of tho, Bone, by a law antottlifilig WO! Prow bitioit 'of ilf Fbritgrilaturnmr Ctimpirdee, jog to marl to escape loss by the fire of 10th AIprBASUL ,-, 4 i The agency is now reorganised under the charge of Bbo•undmio. ll 4 rki • Will Peels., applications and Bathe Policies against - LOSS OR DAMAGE BY' PULE on Stores, Warooses, Dwellings, Ith.,•with tbe; con, teat. Also, on Goods, Wares and blercitloo ll o A gainst the perils of Mums axe CUM) Nitmesitot,lS Dloreurrent rates of prendam. . lOffice at M. R. BROWN & BROTH ER'S, No. fil Weed 'veto • PAYETTE BROWN, , Agemt Protection losusanze Co. fotßittsbargb and !Allegheny Co. .0,&di1m.,W,, CITY SCRIP liatme to the Adders of Pitsabuigh City So*: ' TN conformity with the 2d Seen rif the 'Ordinance e( the tdatimfaxil, _1912, directing dinundindlAndd, "to negotiate FOR CiTY SCRIP, the Bona and Mort gages of individuals heldly the City for property set& ammuniagro TiVEN'FV-EIOLIB yIIOUSS,ND 1)01, LARlF—publie ponce is hereby given, that the said obligations will now be disposed of for the Cozporatis issues of the City of Pittsburgh, of the denominations . of One, Two and Three Dollars. Fender notice is hereby given, that City Bends, beating interest from th e tab dpy of April,l49, at the rate of 6 per cent per annual, will et any .limb ter be jutted to the holder or holders of Cap Sang, In slams of One Hundred Dollars andupwania, according to the provisions of the Ordinance of the above'dater. , ipM S. R. JOHNSTON, Ci Trimmer. 111r RAtT 11{ $1. 17uIii11114;: • ' 1 , r2m ,- t4 A N EILLNENT and experienced Physician from the r . w as i t c ,.o42 , o l years ,.. w s i tlngt p olers to Mid all and recerls. His success .in Buffalo and other large ellie• has bone proverbiaL His charges or, moderate, and hie eines permanent. Old cases of Glee; Stricture, Som. Ada, Moor Allina,Sheumatism, Agee, Syphilis, or any chronic or Inveterate cues solicited. A mire warranted, or change refunded. Teethrin Itgt= stleLt i 4. d t o o o t rLfrom r tilLslr t idge. N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the worm cases olaTairilusas in Pittsbnrch to call. • Hail WILLIAM nexss, Manufacturer of Ilfacrat Water Ippuatue, 1100 Of TUN 001.000 lAA= AND rommuir, No. 213 North Second st.,.above^Vine, PHILADELPHIA.. AN experience of more than twelve years In the mime kenning of Mineral Water Apparatus, Mad the preparation of Mineral Water in Bottles and Form ulas, on au extensive scale, with o scientific and prac tical knowledge nt of bath branches of business, Inge. thee with recent improvements in the construction of the Apparatus and the preparing of the Water, which he has succeeded in adopting since his Wild! :lb :Pau, and after yea. of close suidy and practical, alpUca nom 11l applied to the arts to Mechanics' ana meth. try, enables the subscriber its come batiste, thopuldle snth entire confidence and offer them the bast and moat complete Apparatio, for the mandheMilof Min eral Water in Boulesand Fountains, that. : pm be &T. nished In the United Staten He also debars himself that tho' ealargid brietellbe has met with, mut the preseurestenshwanCliailt.,i.- cmasing amnion of his business in both the above de portment; furnishes the most emriineing proof of his - claim to the superiority of Amp roses over thawed' all others, and of the panty and - aalubrity of the Miler prepared therefrom. Persons who order the Apparatus from a distort., may be assured that their instructions shad be.fidthful ly complied with, and co packed as la olfrafely either by land or water to any part of :her/. taina n To avoid disoppotomnent, It is recommended tattles* who intend supplying themselves tho approaching Sea -104, to forward then. orders at or early a day as Con- Venlant. Mineral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and Fountains,'Onauneat..l Urns and Pedestals for Stands, Counters- and Bars of Hotel., for drawing Hydrant Water, togother with Corking and Tying blueltines, and everything aupertairung to the above business, constantly on hand, and for Waif on the, lowed Moms (or cash, ttiadtdeotlOni GOCE4IL N T-.loobgsPrireen Ras Cores; 75 pass Y H , Impenal and O PTeasi • SO braids, Ss and .3.• sp. Tobacatg 300 bbls N 0 and sagarbouse Molasses; 25 hlala N 0 Sugar, 1.50 bole Shad, Herrings 7itsokerel and Salmon; 30 do' ore Flaxseed I.IM. - 5000 assOrted Colon Yarns; 7512.14 Batting and Candlewick; 26 bgs Pepper and Alspicini 40 tames Pearl and COOLZI_Cip Starch; 50 do monid and dlpl Candles 10 ; do Star do 1.50 do No I. Sot. 10300 Sides and Shoulders Hussar, • • • 73 dozen Corn Brooms,in store and for sale by up= JOHN WATT Ir. Co, Liberty at and 6r sale • 1 low rates as follows, viz -10/ packages V /1, Imperial and G P Tetur 300 Ints Rio and Java Coffee; 130 pkg. 6, 11, 1 lump; 10 and s's span Tobacco; 60 WWI 0 Sugar, _MO bbls 0 Mohacs; 40 bbls assorted Nom Loaf Sugar 15 do Tanners CHI; 18 do Lamp OD; 144 grois Blacking; Mackerel, No 1, 2 and 3, in Ibis and hi bhis; 300 bra Liebe° seals /Jarring; 30 bra-white Pipes; 25 bgs Pepper,. da.A.lspica; 2 mitts Cassia; 51)(Mlbs Cotton .Yarn, used Nhm, 100 bales Diming; baa.Palrit Soap; 30 do TODet & Variegated do; 93 do Star* 50 do Largo Raisins; • 10 bales Almonds; 23 do Pabst Mar, 20 do E Walnuts; XI do Hlbetta 400 bgs ground Nato 15b.m Spiced Chocolitts; 3 cases Liquorice. 15,0:10 Principe and Regalia Segura 40 gross Cat and Dry Tobaeco; , 20 /oz Bed Cords; 15 bra Rock Candy; 15 bag Sperm Candles; 20 do Star dm • 1 ask Ombra Madder, daemons Inducts; cases (loves 1 do Massless; 10 bids Whiting; 6 do Chalk; 60 das Buckets; 400014 Saleratus; 20 bra fine cut Chewing Tobacso; Common and hall SpanrshiCmars. • _ ENGLISH & r, 37 WOGS at, opposhe Si Chutes !Total TUBS AND CHURNS.' ' Pine and Cedar Ware Manufactory, No. ST, cossseacares sap Myra lbrs4 Prlssiosou. 'r vary lovi sabsezibillfbeeps soulassaly on latua, whole sals told rotA f - hub Tabs, ,- 1 Ba r p m Cfitm2.4.l , Bath Tabs, . Stud Churns, Horse Bastes, - - Half p w rbelsieid. . All other binds Waroio his 114esslacts to Order. ja. 6011..T.E14 KROMEN. Diaphragm Filter. for , • . anti Water. *ma THIS IN to hertily• that's have tai.. Vid in aTir i '1 . 1;1; OM& c l lften & • ihl. • Pittard Dia t. g 2 rabgar Whirl for the cil • • . ties of Pi it and Allegheny. JOI Agent' GLBSON,Agan for Walter hiDibliati.,4o,groadoray, .. Oct. 10, lid& We have bean ming one of the above valet at the dam of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial, and feel perfahly.samiled that it is a useful ureardzioa, 1.1111 we take pleasure in recontulandhor heat ai • nee fat article to pll who love pare water. Olden Will be 'limit:My received and prompt* elepotelti mail LIVINOSTON, eOOOEN ik Co — ciiiii6A , FtWkliViatoir , _ . r§ADDLE, FURNESS, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN. UPACTORY.—The subscriber takes this =abed informing his friends and the bublie lit general that he has the largest stock of the following named arti cles of his own manufacture in this eity—Baddlea, Hasv nen, Trunks and Mips, all of Which he will warrant to Ina made oldie beet material and by the beet meek. =ids in Allegheny county. Being determined to sell his manufactures, tor:meting lower than ha. been here lofom .did by any similar entabliihmenr to thecity, he would invite pencils In need of the above named articles to his onmetiouse, N. 244 Liberty mreet, oppo site Sevestb. Also, bond, made to order (or machine .oetatt•ty. GI-40E28Y. Piortsallittilf PICAWAFINT9I , I7I.IPIig utter the Tltro Se ,fr o' gs. B` „f.l " m. onms 4 "..„ 6 "'n 4 thne present ariedetnio year,wi ll commence on any f o un e g {coma ry next, In the ame buildings , No. Llb street. Arrungements have been made by which they will be able to Amish youngladies facilitiececnal to any In the West, for obtaining a thorbugh EngLsh,' Clnasi cal, and Ornamental winced= A full comae of PM- Uttophicel and Chemical Li:mares will be delivered during the winter, illestzated by app ins. The de. aria L g r= Drawin g .rn an d d r =r A , will IL 'o n! c d n' er Lthocare Ma competent Pm/hum. By close wend= to the moral and Intellectual haprovement of their ma- MIA tae Principals hope to meat stcontloustirm of the liberal parromge they have hither.. ,nnloYed. For terms, see cireWar or akply to the Plummets. • • jaeldtf FOUr INDRY FOR BALE.-4 smalliton Facie do , in a flourishing town '4% Patterns, Tools, de., all ready (or business, will be sold oa accounno dautig terns, or exchange for Ircin or goods. This offers an excellent opportunity to lij.nipg mss wltk .m=o caI:M.I2OE the .Folantry ao dams. • scdsPE & ATREISON. • dee& let neon WoodatreeL Stove., grates. &a 4 ARSRALL, WALLACE & CO., Round Church, 117711 corner Liberty and Wood streets, madufacture and offer for sale Platform, Floor. And Contuer ecalso, <tithe most Mimeo-red quallqi Cooking Stoves, for wood and coal; Egg Stores, of•tentiono a/sexy...Parlor and town= Orates, Hollow Wani, &a. ice. • They also natialicture the ruched Range, wyehLns glee,, rock letierid satisfaction to those haring inns duo to ail or which they would respectfully invite tho attention the Citizens Mid the public generally:,,' tf ' DATINT - srica , "ams - - - - 4 . tenare assortment of Coniellas & colobniz,, d mane. faetare, and superior to ail' o thers met. ailapt e d to church, st.=bo.9•%. d.reltingly public nod prtsatehalls, and to ull other isms whorls *cheap, We and brilliant fight is <wearable. Also,Oirandolos,Hnll Latitems,OssdeArro,Globoo, Rhodes, Wick& sfti=icis caiikTtimme Ac.., Also, Gas Chudiliors, from Cite td four • deed' WWILZON, Wismar' st • RaUte*Oheapap - thaji• , v•rl r WILSON d,CO.,..bripecsesearog Wholesale .Dealers to Hardware% Cutlery and - BOOM , No I Wood street, shame Fifth have now in gore a wry cheap and well selected ewes tiltra_.mEYF,_ dace the decline of briedi In they are determined lessen correspondloalY Who have been in the habit of relay Cad, are Darden- WY =Quested to caU lust loos. Oran& 0 401tock, as we e=fid,enUY behove they will lane We ir c4r.ucell EFETDrSI3HOVEI4, I 4". 9) d , Ec_PlAto" gtg, vthodosiz..Ferk4'2odb ureb• Aloe* bd do Socket do; Axes itatibdit,,Alad Pick.' Zelkoosqtoto.i ' larsoliood , tackcecago i sawooVit, .. . • . . AOr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers