'• _ ; : • ' • • • -2STABLISHED IN 1786. i • ' 111INESS , CARDS. and Draninv tu'Pxodunje, street Alarket atree LtrHFlP,L,',.th RANT, ' Imitde dealer; !a fn t . ia lt t r a y %hoes, Pitublirgh Eirsou .lJbtti7~.ltreetj~ m' . nosmal ct suss , ILAUg; & str.riss, =a, xteuui pm& 4 ristgomsr ot Lt. - y and St. CalliggiCelf, Dacnvir - * CULEt IPlso:4,,Wholesale Gamma, , p 1.414W4 No. /45, Li ra I . 16 ' r•— esalo and Re • B„L'' l 4 l =lT.l.t4.ll2ltihstn. lit B-.CALICY & shirr H, Whalembr Owners, it and 20 Wigs& street Patsburgln ' w 'A.)IrtANIILTY & Cis,leorsviusboig and Com %hi Catalan Merchants, Canal Resin, Pittsburgh Pa. )I:lltquduta BpriZtilide, StAOL /101%144WHAILMAN & Co, mantificuman of ea. Vials Snriogs, Rantanmed Axles, Spring mid Plough 13teekR6n, &a. Warehouse on Water and Fran crests. Pitishuntb. 5 Alsq 0.001.01 10;erelarignamds andoßalleablo p u OCLU LSRBLE WORID3 ON 1410.11174' OPPOSITE Tfiti lIRLDOP WOOD, pritssmum. N,Dnigio wizacitits, tgIONTINUIDS to manufaemm hlouuments, Cmial w \J Yantis , Tombs, Head Stokes , Unmet Pieces, Cam , , rte lostl Pier To of iontga and &ormsdet suable, at Itlr _N.B.—Drawings for monuments, iraidis,&c.fusairh- IA of any desenpuon.:'He tolleits shire of I • - IDNOLLSII tr.. ..13MTETt r a te ftli G a ll h r • 11 4. c 94 - W hole sal is Grocere t numsolon and Far. wardapAldqehanu, and dealers PkboCe oid PitlD baryhuan WI Wood 4, between %rand EORGE COCIMAN,Ceon , ” l .alem and Ftortvarding Merchant, No. 20 Wood meet—Pittsburgh. myl7 MEM wr...sousis VACTOUIf. AMILION STlo - Rea , :WART, mannfseteree ofßea,:H shining., cheeks, Ac., Ilebet . esi 'street, city of Allegheny. ATelnAly• _ H~LEE, Ottece oar to Mntp byyy k Lee) WootDent 'CT and Commission htqtr.bidtt,: bs the sale iicanWoolens,Lih!M7:oPlailudte6 at. f 0617 wit.L - sasts,l3alutttOrez ' ' '7,11 s. =gam, rzwattIOIN.A4D, phil ad , n.C.at'conutsiross tuitra,'„, 'MAIM& BUCKNOlt,Tbauco.Cammission Mer l.* murals, 41 North Wato""st, 11:Nontt Whltrau, PWIL, no,W.tt AL. &. lIMIDT. HARDY, JONI 9 a C 0. ,, (successors to Atwood, Ines & CO.) Corrusunstob and'. Firrorgrdirg Mer chants, lealets" fn Pittsburgh hiturorhousted Goods, Pittsbut h Pg. MLA =157, 10370 a DICTII, 134 rAli,lll a, DICKEY Co.o6'holesele Grocers. Core ' aolutron Northam, sad. itnaleistsProduee,Nos. s 6 nod 107 Front streets. Pitts . styli. no D. CANFIEhD, Sate of Wantrii 3 0 1 ;d0 Cl.roli. VP • situ and Forwarding - Merch ant, end wholesale .; Ter Its Westem Reserve elieescf.. atter, Pot and ... Pearl Ash;and Western Produce generally, Water mot, bettseen Smithfield andWood,lntuhtugh. apS TORN .._ _. WATP, (successor to Ewen & Gehbart,) U Wholesale ' Grocer acid :Coministion Merchant, - dealer ill Produce and Pittshargh Manufactures, nor. . -net of taberty and Hand =ems, Pitaiburgh. Pa. InICII , iIiMES • 5 ItlctiUlliE, (fine knn of snel - 111eGincejklerehant Tailor, St: Chun% Belding; ad ',tient. near Wood, Mubarak- • A. IlintlilSON; dr CO.—.Serceeszorft to g a =ll,lt t e mrL . l l l , lo s &mmistion Mernhnotai "Na 45 water 02 front swear, Pita:* nefin"7.-. Jan} 1 .2. "DILWORTH fr. CO.,Vialcaitto fltocera,-Pro• lla. duo and Commlasidaijderettanta; and Agent. tot the flaunt Powder Co. of N. Y, No. 27 Wood at, .Pitiatteuta. •:toms b. BIORGANy Who Droggiatouut el in Dye Saga, Shins") Vaalahea, N 0.93 Wood street, cote door South of Dimond Alley, PsUa-, • • halalt, Jr, it Co., isle.. fisorlto Jostiird: Ijll2,),Slep Chandlery Od Water civet ot.l °wilt bIELLoa, Witoiesideciiiid dieted dealer in dingle and blusizal illiginiurienti, School Blow n Paper, dives, Steel Pens,, Quills, Primal , Cords, and St a tion ary geaerally,No. el-Wood ge, Pittainirad .it Raga Lo hi or etteri attract. • • sepia .• 1 7 =-SCHOONMAKER & C 4. Wdidodeo Thoirgln+ . No. SVI Wood stroet,'Rittsburgh. • JOHN DAMS, corner 4 a d Wood , . t ili ndcape N r uaet Xitro.44 . gait et ati,iftitej4'-1 taIDNI FLOYD PthYD, (bun -Floyd.k. Co;)Wholesnle. J• Grocers, No. 17.1 Libor attcet. t,,P5 J T AMES Dist 7P7 t , Wholesale GroceriedmmiLdire rdevaunt, and dealev in Plodded and Plusburdd -Underact:des. No.V.Water at., ridsba h. jaald o,'ltHibt - • TOWNIMILN Detain aid Apothecary. Itr - No.-43 Market te4.lllrea itaartaaataTided N. hat behit,teill base taastaatty beeal_a ;well saltaied • auteneraatthe beat and (tab:at al - amides, whictk • '1 tall tell ,)ea the most reastaatdeareas: Pliptic" onlerp, will bet proajpely. *landed to, 4ad sup- eV:F.lth truees they aety rely T. aslemarta XyprepaTed .ans from . '= " seti v gA t Xranykirscrof he daT or mem. Also ter Ida -apart* nook of f 4 „,h astd good Peen fEll k JONLS, Fonenustatgand.Calusatedaa BIE - 4 thaw, Dealass ih Perodart "Adria-et:maga lit eta+ =ties, Caaal Batia.-netilta at. . 40.1 PENH Enid. PILT1.11131.11tOLI1;,P - ENNEDZOH ECO., b 14316 limier* of very operiar .14 Sheeungv, Carpet Chain...4os4watt . • Vesuvius Erns literks. . . EVII9I, DALZELL Co..omartaiariaren of all .1.0 sea Bar, iliteet;:Baller Ina sad ,Nailu °Molest quality. Warehottsa r re wilier sad lee from at. v_WATEB.M.A.N., Wholesale UTOCCT, Fonraiii• agehttra.Comudisunt-fiterchan_Olealar Paw-. andt9Front r-- - r and PT1u5!,7,1".1' al;W"' . -2,Taasua . ,ancaser n. • lona N . sawn j' • 't , ooiClNG9ilt39 af T anari=and. iYhalessia— dealers -to - foreign Ina damcalic.Viriety Cicada N ulna 'Machin% remit, and. others are invithd td a rt tad cncalaern&prizes =dinghy dour cock isartnnar pant lacmandi facilities in mcaufacvn, at m. t r A m i- p iti etteltaing, tn, think wean a ittcr as, gnia p:lbtnents try clan. how lent of th e Monstatas. - ' • . - . io>em»ar. U. D. Des=, ',rum C. 141. cCAILLS k.ROF., Wholash Weer,. sad Commis don / 1 7: 1.1. 4 3 1 N . ?' Lal? 4 rr eu,ftubwilk MUIINJEIY, WILSON ft CO, (Nth Jolla, Murphy k' Co.}Wfialasle Dealett. yrs! Goods, No. 48 Wood UMW,. 1.7 iloveJ • . 41 . •Fli a" C 6, Comminton . and yorw.th4 mmenants, Water: F(on • we., between, nod ttelt Mittel sts. • lene y htt. ILLER RICKETSON Wholesale Grocer. and COaualasion llarrehtals,Dio.l7o, Llbeorp.., Puts lii/A ktik:W. W1.1.49N, ly enroll and 24nlaturereToi *A _ Roma, tomer of Poet Mice Alley soil oexth =set, continee osk4th near Market. . '(V - IiOLTIF3 er BON, No. 63. Margot. h becand AN• door firm earner of Fountr, denten go Foreign and - Dftertio Bills of Exchenigo, VeriEeatesefD 4 Pat Beek Now tog Specie. r • • ' 117'coneethsro bud on' all ihi.pritpal thnrognees Ike United Masan, . • • 33617 • IKICKNAt3TER, Auts:ll.6**-0:5•014 Feu • st.i ibud