The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 09, 1849, Image 4

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    ... . .
--- -pu-rolvt4o.—A-14--. ITEM. LIR K. -
aiiill' :1849. '
Old Estriblished LIDO.
ON TICE Eau , . .-. verfltsisioN CANAL
THE Proprietor Of,mi
this well known Lion of Canal
Awns, is now {itesed to menthes. l'imsenters
and Fthigit to all points on the mite xst g o,,,,, N,,,,
York cari. and the Lakes, npori the most favorable
terms on with detpatch
This Laminas irk connection with th• etram hoot.
BEAVER and CALEB coPE, between Pittsburgh
and Litamfr. C 1 , 1 ithed's Line of steam imais and yes
eels on the/ Lakes, and the Troy tout Nieto : yin Luke
Boat Line on the New York naval.
C. ht. REED, Fropriicor. Erie, Pa.
Bidwell & Brother, Agents, Deaver. .
tt,. T Slather, Agent at J Meektmen's Paalimycer
Other, Motthogabola lionise. Pill.burelt
CONSIGNI.D.S-,W C Malan, Sharon; ./ li & 9 Hull.
Sharpabarg; Smith h Dowitin, , 7 07 I B Plummer,
West Greenville; Wick, Achre t. Co, do; Wm Henry.
Ilartsuranin Davis & Sabots, Buffalo; Bornee, Hibh, &
Co, rilma imky; Jaa 4 Anivarno . Detroit; Kirkland A
Newham, Stieboy'atio• 211• CI eat Wiliam., Miller.-
kie; Broth, Morley & Damn, utinel. John li Rinse,
Chicago; A Wltheler & Co, , evi , York. stp3
Plttatnatilli and Elate wille Packet Lino
i 1849. ififf,w;
T u rL,Tait°ll.l7 . 17'T nl„„mirg:anZte. -I. . w„ d
splendid Picket Beast to ra daring the most., bis•
tones Blairsville and ?Maid rgli—the bean to be tow
ed by three horses, and eve effort triode to accom
modate posaengers.
Davairmens._a.ats will ' leave Pittsburgh every
Monday. nicsdrift, Thiamin nod Friday, at 7 o'clock,
e. Y. From Blairsville eve • Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at o'clork, A x., and arrive
in Pittsbargli the same any. A two Mow Hack Guth
Indrd iana:y.lll meet the boat a Saltsburgh. both on up
wa nod downward miry us:
thug peager. through
trout that place in one day.
Freight for the oboe., Lin will be received at the
.home of the Ithatmen's LI , by Ism. Forma & CO,
Who arc oar authorithd Age to All freight received
tree of commissitim. VI hi ARSHALL & Co.
JNO PARREN & Co, Agin.,
Canal Basin Liberty at Pitmburgh
A Back leaves Manse-Mt:for Youngstown on the
arrival of the boat—returns to boat in morning. Fare
from Pittalangh to Young-minim 9d—recessed at crier
of Boatmen'y Line through nth:banns
prelltifaiiVaii rlitiTstizE wstikr LINE
P I .•• I. S 49 .
For slot Transportation of 1-resg , it to sad row.
Tiu,n so Baitalthint P hiladelphia.
• TAssrk A O'Corinort. Pittsburgh.
HIS old estahlished Lon, being now to fall oven-
Tban the proprietors are prepared with their usual
extensive areraigemcnis to forward tnFrchandme , pro
duce, .4 r to and , from the abase ports, on liberal terms,
with the regelarity, dp.pateh and safety peculiar to
their mode of traneportmlon so obvious, when nun
shipment on the anifti refolded.
RAIL coning - rimerta by rind for thicline recelved , char•
m paid. and forwarded In any regliired Moreno. free
of charge for commissidin. navattrithe or storage.
No interest:directly orirotirectly , in steamboats.
All communlitatiompromptly Attended to on tippltra.
don to the following agents'
THOS. BOHJIITRIEZX Market at. PliiindelPhi.
I'AAFFE & ()CONNOR-, Canal Henn , F . /Mt/mei..
O'CONNOR ,k Co, North It Baltimore. toeht?.l
13-traT.IIENS, LINE.
wige, 1849. Me lia '
For the Transportation of hlercriamme beta en
Goods shipped by this Lino, nee carried Irt . titer
*echo. Portable Boat,
ri , HE ioniser - them having made arrangemcom to cue
1 of a want of Sono Trucks at Columbia, to have
their goods forwarded over the Millroads in cars, so
to sword did detention that hasheretofore occurred
for the want afTrurkk. Shippers will hod this to their
advantage. No charges made for reCeiving or ship.
ping, or lor advancing ekarges. Allgoods forwardid
with despatch, and on as reasonable'Terma as sop eth
er Lilt*. • JOHN FARREN A Ca,
corner of Canal and Liberty si,Pittsburgh.
MS Mork. Si. Philadelphia.
algiM 1849
. , t
1.110ri116T0138,... ..-
loan HMOtthle, Trios. Rl.[um,
W. 13-ntaxa., Jacoa Dora.
Conducted on .net t et Sabbeth•kreptud principles.
THE Propriitor• of hit old estabitPsrd In no have
pan thud stork nt the mo•t complete order. and we
Ihorunghly prepared in tor. ard Pt utlo ~,,•••1 rel..-
Mae to and from tine E
We trust Mat our loot, r I:•ertreee ..1 OW t mg
bummers, ant terdotta atuer t.Q. , to the tt.teref' .. Ot , t3W .
tomer, wan geente to dr. •• • ••• ~trur.e
of the platordtge hltnerLo 1 , L. ;dud, Ltd,.
tier orrnticetn,d, -art relght
wnlit armtmt
be a. low as the lowest ••I•mge, I‘,
LI n We es.
lace dpeura an off/.•e nt No 1,3 Market stn.,
between Inn anal sth ats, 1,01at1,, lot me poorentamee
of ; :b ro ' N ' d ' c a e re eutd Merclptodt•ie vin,l t.e ,••etre•l and
warded, Intel mud %Vet, at alto, anti f•horge nor
warding, advanems ireeght. /storage or "tormscs,jon.
Bills of Ladlog for,. ended, ond every direetrod
promptly spooled no.
Address, or apply to AVM _
C.ansd Blum, ear it :n NV..)tle at &
D ntsbu OC r . gh. •
No 11K11 and 270 Market street, Philnda..
JAME: , WIISON, Agent,
.No IYJ North 'toward stteer,Balltrnoro
W11,1,1A91 'l'TtiitN. Agent. • •
mel2l Np 10 Wert met, New York xr,
Peartsyl•amla r .tazzal tic Kral Heil kitA:
press Best Pftaket Line,
briAuluaivel; - FaSsengers.)
T".l,Fc'oblier.7,"g`..`f.'gulon",lf,:77ll thus tW. Line
lust. tad roa
tu throughout the Season.
The boat, are new, and oft supenor with ere
lagged cabins, which will give greater comfort. The
can nre We latest constr.:non
A boat anti always lie in pore, am/ traveler.; ate re
quested to tall aid examine Mem )•eldre engaging paw
sage elsewhere.
(Fare only tune dolinr. through.) One oldie bows or
this Line will leave the lauding: (opponie U. S. llotel
corner of Fenn .t.ret and Clod. every men at rune e mock Time day.. For inconanuoli, apply at th
Other, Monongahela /ions, or to D LEECH f- Co
metil7 Cann/ Basin
For the Ilranspo• union 01 Fretful m
I3USIN ES'S on thy Canal being now resumed, the
Proprietors the above Llste respectfully in&rm
the polite that they arc prepared to receive and for
ward Freight with despatch, and at lowest rater.
They woald also pall the anent/on of ship
b per, Etut
ward to the fact that the Boma employed y them on
transportation, are owned by them and commanded Ly
expeneneed captains.
Shippers of Meat in Balt will find `.it advantageous
to ship by this Lone, as the littlyrribers have madear
rangemeutsra at Colambia to have melt fretgh- fur LlG
umb handed d r e e d y from bouts to. ears, thereby sa
ving warebouae handling.
Prelght to Philadelphia goes cleat through /n the
No charge made for ref-en/mg rdfing or edam: ,
charges. KIER & JON I , Propri.ors,
Canal 1310 . `Seventh street
AGENTS—John A. Shaw Cinggratatt, 0 km Mc-
Collough & Co. Baru:bore; STeer&
Co., JemlaUel
phta; Prancia A Thomas, Columbia, metal
Ina= 1849. •
Prashrtirgh to nada lrlphin and Baltimore.
lExclesively for Passenger.)
T"Epall}ate vospectledy Informed that this Line
will c*.ntenee running on Monday, lath March.
'the Loata of this Line err of a superior class. with
enlarged calm'', which will give greater comfort to
A boat will always be in port, and travelers are re.
caviled to call and ex them before engaging pas
sage by other router 'Lary tell! leave the randlng, op
posite the U. S.•Hetel, cornet Penn street and Canal,
every night la 9 o'eleell
Time--3f Pays. •
Far Information, apply at the office, Monongahela
D. LEF.CHA. Co, Canal Basin.
N. .—The proprietors of the above Line are dim
buildlngariaddmonal Line of Feasts, to ion as altiove
onorabOliOuneist,inconnechedt w i th t he P en r u y l.
nada Rail Rosa from Lewistown to Phdadelobo.. At
tballime &packet bill leave every morning and even
ing. runththrough, di days. rachtit,
alklilk lB49. lllk4ii
p 0 DS easned on this Line are not tanehlpped
between Pittsburgh and Phillphia, being car
ried In four scan. Portable Boats oer land wa
ter—to shippers of merchandise quirmg caref
handlutgoins to of importance. No charge made for
r eentatog or shipptort, or for advancing charges. Alt
goods forwarded with thapatrh, mid an reasonable
terms as by any other Line.
Canal Liman, Peonat, Pittsburgh
marl tril Market & 54 Comm
____.erce M., Phil&
-JOHN ftIeFADKN & Ca. Forwarding and Cornno
Mon Merchants, Canal Satin , Peon d, Pittsburgh..
JAMES M DAVIS h. co, Flour Fagan and Coma
ea,. Merchant', Market cud S 1 grommemc tem
jtrit. •tomeett mode by ebtle• abbv, 00 PM
X%oot and other tu them
Bsii 1849.
Merchants , Pro.nsportmitlosa LIEU.
ITIHE Canals and ball Rod being now open, and
goo.] order, we are prepared to forwatd all
kinds of therchaedtho and prodocc lin Philadelphia and
Baltimore, twohaitanspiness and dothatela Titid on as
food wain .e say other Una
0 A bIeANULTV a Co.,
• _ -
Canal Basin, et. Pitt...burgh
.arate—CHARLES. RAVNOII, Phllade
=NO ItOSEJMOTLIKILL Jr. C 1in1.m0,..
MUM 1849.
For tioliida ret,
• • • • •
all intermediate place,.
continue to carry all Way Good
witti ileapairb, and at fair rater o
he gi
A. WANI . I.II Co. rityiburgii.
D B WitkrEfld, Johuytown.
John Miller. tlonidaycbtlrick
winralt&hmo—larnr! Jnnion, Smith & F
Shoolintßyer, R Moore, John Parker, S Von Bonn
&Oa fxbsner & Jim & Bros,
Pittsburgh; John Ivory, damn, & Ray, lisp
Graff /si.V. ,
Beaver. and. le.rie Rapes.. Paaket Line.
B. G. PARKS, nets, r, Propnelor.
T}l andelegent Passenger rackets,
J u n it il l effat a6 Z
LAKE ram " A -0y;
(I.IIr.EN.CITY, k JAI alt}:
Formiag datly Line between Fieaver arid Erie, hare
cotueneneasi manias, and wift continuo during tha k. -
eo n
son t 0 make their reveler trips, 'Naval nearer' after
t he arrival of the morenut Plo,o* fi
e teeg, I and arrive or Erie in time for passenger.
to take the morning boat. to liculsio or up the Isake.
Tickets through to Eno and an Lake ports, ten be
bad by appheation to .101115 CAUGHEY, Age,
corner of Water and Sznithileld Ea
4 '7 ' ' • 'l., - ", , r • 7 ,IS4,,ring
h4DICAL. _
original, only true, and genuine In MIL
Slum Casa. Ohio comity, Va.
March %ch. 1e49.
Mr. R. E. Stiles: Dear Sir-1 think it • duty .1 owe
to you and us the priblic gmera Co mpla int that have
been maimed with the Liver t for a long
time, and on badly that an esbeesv formed and 'bloat..
which left me. tee a very love ttate. Raving Staid of
your celebrated Liver nits being for ...le hs• A It
nail r i t , c o o ‘ m .. tt o u , s , r i e , d o
ran lIIPY 1 ptrlicl-it'as':36' o'ut Ins. end limn/ the e m
- to
worse _they ere recommended, THE HEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED and after tak emir bilone
1 and the disease hau entirely witme, aad I unto now
Perfectly well. Respendully lane.
Went 1.0,1 . 1 y, March 20,18.2.
I evenly that I em personally acquainted with Mr
Colem an. and can bear testimony to the truth of the
above certificadi. A It SHARP
The genuine Liver Pins am prepared und raid it
E Sh.L.LERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggisu
ili the nee aim.
TO THE PERLIC.—Tbe Original, only true nnd
Liver Pill. are prepared by R E Stiller, nod have
kis name staM
npe rare 's
d in black wan upon the Lid of each
boa, and his ota re on the outside napper- -nil
others are counterfeits, or base mutations.
apt° it F. SELLERS, Proprietor
ItOhl the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pap
slur Cletrvnean of the Protestant blethaltet Chard:
TbeOndersigraul hewing been allentual durusg the pan
wintegttrith Mann. oldie stomach, sometimes pro.
huc ing greet paMirt - the stomach for IC, lOf melee hour,
Sinnott intenaltakin, and after having tried various
remedies 'nth hate effect, was PasnisSeAl with a bon le
Of Dr DJayncisearminauve Balsam. Thu he used ac
eardeng to the directions, end toned Invariably that . .rs
tuatione caused the pain to abate in three Or four men
atm, and in fifteen or twenty mituttesevera Incas)
sensation weasemirely quitted. The medic ine we. nf
terveusdaused whenever nedicauonsof the appioncie ye
painwere perceived, and the mean woo thereby prevent.
ed. Ile corn:need to Ilse the medicine every evening
and sometime* in the morning, and in a few week.
health was so far restored, that the sufferer was re: is
ed Iron a large amount of oppres.nre peen From e/
macaw. of thestomach and bowel.. A SHIN Nl'
Alleghenyrity.ty II
Fbr sale In Pittsburgh at the P Eli I lit TE• STOB
Sil Fount. Went, near Weed, and also at the Dreg
&ore of II P SCHWARTZ. Peden:Wince:.
- • English Remedy..
- VOR Coughs-Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The
J: GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of Ma
above diseanea to thr HUNGARIAN RALSAIiI or
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr Buchan, or
London, England, and unroduced into the linued States
ander the immediate superintendence of the inventor* .
The extraordinary of this medicine, in tH
care of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American
Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst po sidble ea
seinthat out, be found in the community—cases that Re.
relief in vain from any i of the common remedies of the
day, and have been given up by the mom datincutstied
pilystelarup confirmcd and incurable, The Hangar,
an Balsam has cored. and will mire, the most desperate
of eases. It is no quack mint.. but a otandard Eng•
lisp medicine, of known and establinhed eMeacy,
Every . fainily the United Staten should be supplied
with B
ast snan Balsam of Life, not only to
counteract the pater
tendencit. of the cam.,
but to be tined as • prevenpve medicine in all en.- u
colds, coughs, *Mio oat pant in the
chest, trmatior w r e n s. of tic hags, beech/us,
d iffi cu l t , of t, • „hectic fever, nicht sweats, ell.,
anon mdre u nal p de ility, Banana, induen., whoopi , 4
bonier, at SI per boule, with full dire u
Sold to
lions for
le rentorauon of health
plauphleu, cants a ma. of English and Amen.
etrilk•Stflt, and other evidence, Mowing the in
osaeqdalled moron of thin gran d
Englinh rceniedy, may in
obtained of dm E....n.4 •
For sale by 13 A YARN-F.:STOCK it Co , comer di
at and Wood and Wood and sta. roar,
tot unit '0.1012,ei roe
Ceese.reptiee, Cotts . ha. Cold. Asthma, Bronchi LI V
or Cornplfiln. Spaung Blood-, Difficulty of Breath.
ing, Pain in the Side and Breast, Palautalloti of
the Heart, leatiCet. Creep, Broken Con
•thiffiei. Yore Throat, Nerwous Dotal,
yy, and all Tfiscasea of the ThrrL
Br -
factual and spei _
ever known for my of
the above disc.,
• ea, is
.0 El. SWAY N s-,
Compound Syrup of Wild (:harry! Tt.lemediente is no longer arnone 11,0 , of ,loul.Ift:
bypassed away from the Muumuu.; daily
rnsched upon the ode of experiment. and now stands
• stur reputation. and Is beeonuns •nore
med than any other ^' of inedirair esst
Podium:l for the relief. suffer:as mot
It has been introduced lend t 8 through th..
Culled States and Europ.., and awry are few. tow,-
irapnitanee but what contain Iron, evi
dance of as good edecto. For 1.. 0: the forczn...
statements, and of the value and rilivary of th:s niedi•
eine, tbe proprietor *ill Insert us crudact 1111.0
cardtestimonials which hbve hero pri• le him
men oldie fire respectsbaity—men who boon highs r
mows of moral resrmoobatty man
tify to facts, bac lose II ',sal do ano:ll.,r and
themselves 110 input:lce Stu, lentnnon, pro•e.
elesiTely , thal I.urpTioing let Ire 1,
I.y its irttrineie merles,.o,l the u nquestdmati.e au mon
ty of public opinion 'lshe „110,
iords, and the soothing Influence diduce.l throuch
whole frame by 11. use, renders a a ful.•l a t irreal, ,
remedy 801 the allitmea.
•-liiiten Men, acting from inimeteaulto•
toe ;eland! bear testimony to the truth of a thing. or
part eater fact, such temmoity , being enntriim to their
viosidly inter.. and purpoftes, coerees convirtion
its truth, and commends Vomit' in •
sped,' :stunner in
universal emdenm."--O'llogan't Moral Stamm.
Sind. Awontaa. C cm oa VTLYO3aII: ColencYPThav_
never was o
that Ms been us suer....shil
in depperate muses of Consumption. as •
001:11p0and SyrUp of Ntrild Cherry, It strenc I nen. toe
creatin g and appears to heal , the ulcera 011 the lung.
creating new and nub blood; power pomcased by DO
other medicine.
Coven= Co., April tffah,
Or. 13wayno--Dear Six I verily behere your Com
pound-Op-up of Wild Cherry has been the mews of
saving my hie. I caught a severe cold, whirl gi oda
ally grew worse, attended owth a revere cough. that
resisted all the remedies which I had recourse to,
atereasing until my caw exhittawl all the symptom] of
Falmonary Convamption. Every thing toed t o m] o f
to hove no effect, and my comphont Increased go rapid
ly teal (wends as well as myself, gave up at Lope• of
my recovery. At this rime I was recommended to try
your lavalanble medicine: I did so with the
moot hap
py reanlu The brat bottle hail the effect to loosen lee
sough. catalog me to erpectornte [reel); dty the
lime l'had cacti tat bonles,l woe entirely well, •nd um
dew u• hearty a mut as I ever was al my Ida, and
Do ubt be happy to gle
ee 321 e itifOrCOOLIOI. re/I.OJ 10.7
case, that other au errs may derive the beneff t for
which I am' SO grateful. For the truth of the eke , We
tl.6le2OCll4reler you to rater Rash, Grocer. Wee,
Chester of whom I purchased the medicate.
Res rffly yours, JarOa .11Dituste.
Wonderful Cues of a Illethed:sl Mtr.rter.
Dr. Swayne--Dear Sir I feel n debt of gratitude due
'o you—and a duty to the afflicted generally, to otter
my humble testimony is favor of your Compound Sy.
rap of Wild Cherry. Some three years since I wais
violently attacked with cold and Inflanumwon of the i
Lunge, which was smeompanied with t &strewing I
eough, pain in the breast and head. a very considern-
lig discharge of orlensivegauctis from the lungs, espc
malty upon chan,ge ot weather, however slight At''
fast I fiche° alarm about my condition, bat was prettyon coavioeed
that I was rapidly going into consump
tion. I pew daffy weaker, and at lengib was scarce
ly able to walk shorn, or speak above a whisper, such
was the exceeding oreaknecs of mg lunp. During . dig
'rime [had tried various preparations and prose notions,
ma fount/no relief—growing all the ume worst Jst
hero I was advised and persuaded by a dear
Wilmington to make trial of your S f Wild Cher
yrup o
.1 moot confess that prelim:misty I had been prem.
&cad optima patent medicates. and I am sues against
ikoso,Col3llllg out e(the hands o4empencs. but under
standing your claims to the profgainti pracuce sit
medicine, and buying implica faith in ihy saying of my
friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of y 0,,,
agents, a few bottles, and commenced its use. My dis.
ease watt that tune of Slier 23 months' standing, con
sequently it ores deeply mated. I found, however,
considerable relief from the speaker, first frau or five
mattes. But being a . public I frequently at
tempted to preach wttn teerementt strength , and
to ruptured those vessels that had already bettu
to heal ba this way, doubtless, my cure waa greany
retarded. In consequence of acting thus imprudently.
I had to usa twelve or fifteen bottles before I was per
fectly restored. I have no quesuort, a much smeller
number of bottles would have mode Me mund. but Inc
the above Dulacreuoa The Syrup allayed me fever.
Isis habit, took away the distressing cough. put stop
to the discharge of matter from the lungs, and gave
them the entire system good health I have defer
red toeing this cart:l6cm, until now. for the purpusa
af being perfeetly autistic." with the pertnanency oi
cure, and new that feel perfectly well I offer it ',rah
Rev. J. I'. Joanan
Dublin county, N. C.
Important Cantion--Rind' Read,
Thorn is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry,
and that in Or. SwalXlol l ., the firm ever offered to the
publit, which has been sold largely throughout the
Caned States and some parts of Europe; and all pre
paratipon called by the name of Wild Cherry hare
been put out since this, under coven of some deceptive
maw:lnhumes, to order to give currency to their wiles
fly n observation, no person need mistake the
genuine from the false. Each bottle of the genuine is
enveloped With a beautiful steel engraving, with the
likenessof William Peon thereon, also, Dr. :Couple's
uguanaem and as further security, the portrait of Dr.
Swayne will be added hereafter, ea as to distinguish
Ms preparanon from all others. Now, it it wax not for
the great connive properties and known virtues of lir.
SwayneisCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons he
would not he endeavonng to give currency to their
11OsIXIITOS^ by steahng the name or Wild
Cherry. Remember, always tote mold the name
Dr. tivrayee, and be . of deceived.
fhineipal Office, corner of Eighth and Race steeets,
Poe Mae wholesale and revel by OGDEN A SNOW
DEN, roe WI and Wood sts; R A FAHNLWILICK &
Co, cot gat and Wood, and 6th and Wood mg WM
TkioaN,s3 Market at; S JUNKS, few Liberty sr JAS
A JONES, eor Hand and Penn es, JOHN HITCH.
ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable dealers in
PECTORANT is sayers. to CI other resonhes for
toughs,Coosomption, Bronchitis, A stiuna.and other Palos..
taty effeetiecos, is that the awns perwas who roesunsoced the
aser of it Is their Intabo tho years go, still prefer a to ell.O
other rcrodics of the kind; add where way have been induced I
ta try other prepare.= they hive almost Inrariabay been
beapyorated to roaming the benefit which vas rea.sonabiy
tistionpatest from the hash prole. badoeral proprietors,
nod hare retstruidl to the sue of J•Tare E.II.CTOILAIn. •.•
tonet , Y that hoe =eel faded to realest them. and wheat
probably t 0.., bad its eq.l is arresting pulmonary dummis.
Prrpared only by 0. D. Jape inviadslphia,
'l' NES
thd *aid on
deeXasi bY
ttenf 72 fourth et
_ .
Or. W.P. luburd 9 e Premium Flouter.
R- W. P. INLAND, of the Decimal College Id Mol
l" ...lel*. now offers to th public has Indian Vcs
etable Premium Plaster, we qualines of winch after
long and tried sip rte
has been sansfactonly
I To all women who may be adhered with
Pm:ileums Uteri. or Fallen Womb, he rocommends has
plaster, guaranteetng a sure and speedy cure in the
short space of from two to thee weeks, If applied with
care and rem—diwarding all the countless instruments
and expensive bandages so long in use. he feels
conscientious in stannic, inasmuch as he has not failed
in one case oat of three hundred sad ifry•three pa
Also far Ithecurietosni and Weak Breast or Rack, at
tended with pain, Mere is nothing to excel this Plaster
adording relief or offeaUng a cure. For sale by
Wilest, corner of Diamond and blarketst
Dram a Asher, " Liberty and St Clair so.
Dr .1 Sargent " Federal st and Diamond, Alle
gheny city
Jacques tr. Co, " Denman. and Diamond Bimung.
ham. 143
SELLERS, Drugipst, Ko 37 Wood siren,
R. Sole Agent for the sole of DT. Toornscod'a Gen
eArliptrillo, has lost secured 200 dooon of thly
Orval Spring and Sam For Modicum.
Purchasers should recollect that R is .ale
agent for Pitteburgh, and D M Carry for Allegheny
FIRE PROOF PAINT -40 Ws Poo Proof Paint, of
drib calm, ree'd and for lain at the Ware
-40:1€4..._ . . 4141 Z/44141..8317 w1uda .
.v , rge=l---- , -
..' 7 L i .:l : -. . 7111! ; 7 - 41
, .c•..• ... l i . . 1 ' ' i ; 4 . L 54 4 !, s 21:1
;-- ),, I= !-: , J :if
,z Itm:,.ifitli Al .., ...14.4
'-_,--• c., , r i . 7 , '
"itIU V k tr ikat. IA 11. •
- .+ 4. - ..... e ,_ ~. ~„ - ,-,, ,;,.. , 42,yr - . 1 11
i . 4 , 11t0
DR. TOWN/1E71,11 , N
.1170rWrI =Tau, OP
/router sad Bldsscrg of do
The moat extraordinary id the World I
71ils drroact to pat rp '• Quart Bettie, it 4
Out. draper, , er, rad irarrerit.l n
poker Is WWI n 1,144.0
'ersiittse, rwra rm.% ractrazy
or iLiiii-lootyr
The groat beauty and sur - elority of dim Benanay . lila
over all other medicines la tk while It eradicate. the due
mu, it Invigorates the hod It is ou of the eery ban
Ever known; a oat only purr' es the whole Nyman, and
hens th e preen but It •atu pert Wiwi reek
I food. a power poeuseed by air other medicine. And Is
inn lies the grad secret •0 In wonderful saccus. It has
performed •Ition the Wt tee years, more than 100,0n0
rores of severe eases of dunes; et least 15..000 were
r..midered incurable. It No. saved the lirea of Mors
titan 10.000 children during the two part Beason.
00,000$ casco of
Debility and
want of Nervosa, Energy.
Dr. Town red's Sarsaparilla invigorate. the whole
system permanently. To those who lure lost then
muscular energy by the arca. of medicine or indiscre
tion commuted in youth, or the excessive indulgence of
the ptetione, and brought on • general physical prostyle
uoti of the nervous 111 . ..11. latutia, wet. of ...Mum;
Worms sunlampn., premature decay and dechna buten
log toward. that fatal disuse, Connampuoa um be so
tirely restored Al this plumut remedy. This Sane
iianlis is far roperior to .7
Invigorating Cordial,
As itrenews and rnmsorehre the ...neon. 0 1, ••
o the limbs, and rtreneth to th• muscular eretem. to •
moot eatrannltuary derree.
Vonsiomplion Cured.
anttrut dad St...ware. Consumption rata be nsrek
itraneltt. Comrampttos, Laser Comp/mot Colds
Catarrh, Coveks. dMa.a Spittrag of ttloaa,
Jorestreag tl. Otaist. Assn , Jlu4 /Tie.
50..., Weld* or ?sq.. Erg...
tn." Pain is the
.1.431 out sass ha Oval
rra. Iv* Aril 213 0. 60 .
flkTerwitaxans-1 roily believe that pew Bassapio
Al. tut been the man; thx,..Sh sari.;
sty We. I have for eemzl pun had a bed Cough. It
hexane 01131. &LA AS I rebut lane seams!.
deo cr - hkett.,, kad WO. Swink ud .. greatly &Oat
tatad amt rotloeeel, ezd did ant expo. to Ilse. I bare
Gals cast rues Baraapatllle a short dam ao4 there I.a
a welef,hl Omer beta wv•aght I. ent I apt erre atla
to wall atl eve, the elty. I raise as bleed. Lad sty
tkoth km LlI ma Tea T. well imagine that 1 vet
tboultfil Pet these rumba.
•Ir etodleAtiarmai, _
TM 12.1, ,- •11/ILL,G Oatkaat..rt
Pea:male onadloalata.
T,oruleseli MowerlLlu los veronica sod spou. , u
ton! Per Getaway' , lett, ternaaati Potaapeat
Clurt, et uul ni of the Womb, Caste elms, nen Lae.
eorrittoo, err tutu, obotroeted ot,ddleaholleostrese
1.1. e, :sir/cll.:Joe Of Vein*, el Invelotazy diseharte
thuroof. god for the moral promotion of the mt..—
se manor ',hellso the reset ef lumens. tame et mums.
produced by iltegulorlty, Woes ur eattideui Notta;
coo L. won surprielni tlus lot loelgoentleg Witt.
ma lb. huortas [rum end teal
twat, Ire. WWI it. ot shoo bloom, Mout api of
merry audits lainemea. tattoittutely eittutsracte
the ourroleazeso of the haat. frame, wbteh In the /rear
eau. el Barrel:um. It be utd 01 Of, in
costa of oe dais.. a outurt, to etubebti aurilleottos ol
turn porformed but we me homes tha elatotoel. that
Itosetirede of num hove huh reported to oh Therusesula
if ..sae whon &allies hoer bun whhout
din =tug Cu. badr of tile limit:ells oteelielmo
Imes bean blenlnd with t" haft,
To nether. wad Married Lou/liras
This Extract of IlsraspartileW boo. ar primly pr.
pared In rem.= to fame
aco compialasa No fond.
' , 30 by rayon to =ppm w
. Agay:bin that
tsbleal period, Iseca abold aagleat
Lake It, as It la s ...tart preventlre fbr any ef Ye
amersur and horrible dicey. to which Cantaly are
LTat this thee eta& This period meg la
LT. vtiaarol years by maga/ YU misfireY. Ncr
Is It lota valuable far those be are approaching vb.
manhood, as It is calcolated ro andat uric.. by quick.
•.tag the brood acid loviguridiag the &Teem Indeed,
modirly Is lovalyble for all the daily.y bye
chub -wren are subject
It brae.tne *hot., •raterla renews perpnanataly tha
gal P 41.1,1•4, by removing tle inaparmea at the
lusty net so far cumulating as to preduce subsenuro.
relaxation, which a the era. of rossu mediators taken fact
frmale neckties. sod &way. By stung • fani Irstile• ot
Mia medlcina many Yvan and painful surgical opera
Eton. may ho prevented.
Great Llhosing to Mothers wad Children.
• It Is the safest and me t effectual medicine for puriy
ing the system and relieving the solferings attendant
urvtol child berth ever discovered. It strengthens both
the mother and child, prevents paln usi disuse, in
ereasetsgsnd enriches the food, those who have u.«l it
think It Is tott.penvithla It is highly useful both ',fore
end alter confinement,. it prevents ducesea attends.
upon childbirth—to Costiveness. Piles, Cramps. Swell.
rag of Ma Feet, Iscapondency Ileariburn. Vommitc.
Pain c thp Each ud tot Fslee Plum, Hennorrhase.
eml to raNleting the secretions uol equalising the sir.
relation It bu no equal The great beauty of this
medicine ia it Is always safe, and the most delicete use
h umet successfully. very few roles, eny other
niedicina in sortie a Mlle Castor Oil., or Num.., is
usefuL Exentiot In the open air, and light (ccci with
this insitticinen wW s/weys manse a lisle mod euy con.
Meanly and* flosilds.
Comeatitig, Chalk. and of preparations gene.
rally In toe, when applied to the We. eery soon spud tt
of Its beauty. They close the ports of the skio, and
cheek the circulation, which when nature coot thwart.
ed by disease or powder, or the ekin induned by the
slkalles used Iv soaps.. besot:dim Its own production in
the human fa, Nettie." as well as in the garden of
rich and delicately tinted sod •oriegai , l flowers A
free, sew, and healthy circulation of the fluido or the
couWing of the pure, rich blood to the extremities. is
that which warmu the countenance in the 00Clli•
rite beauty. leis that which imparts the indescriba flZei ble
hades and flukes of loveliono that all admire. hot
geese an describe. Tido beauty ts the olfapring of na
tere—not of sassier or seep. If diens ls not • free and
healthy elrculatipa these Is no b e auty If the lady 1r
fair ae driven meow, Itch. paint. wad use cosmetics,
end the bleed Is think, cold and Impure, she Is not bete.
tifuL If she Do brimwn or yellow, and there is pure and
active bloat, it Wes • rich Hoerr to the cheeke, end •
hrtllianey to their eyes that is faecteatins.
This le why the southern, and eapenally the Spam
ish ladles, are no reach admired. Ladle+ in the north
wbo take but little @minims, or are confined in elmw
rooms, or knee epodod their complexion by tie appti.
nation of detention. mixture, if they wok to re
gain atomicity of esp. lenoyant spirits, sparkhng eyes
and beautiful complexions, they should ass Dr. Town
sends Beraapartlla Thoturazds who bays tried it are
more than satisfied. are delighted Ladies of loser,'
station, crowd our officio daily
`Roder to the Ladies.
, •
Those tout irottath D. Toensend • S.-Lenard., have
Invariably celled the. stuff • coat Remedy for Fe
essUss, kt 8-e_ and have «Thi our bills Lod ortolan
which relates to the compleiou of women...el for wort
—other meta who pm up medicine. have, same the great
Decease of Dv. Toemend. Sarsaparilla complanas
incnient to female.. recommended them, although pre
slowly they did not A nember of these hltattares,
kr. are trpriom to females. L• they eggra.ate
.ad undertutoo the conentation. Dr. Townsend'. u the
only and best remedy for the numerous female coal
platnts—tt rarely. If ever falls of streming • porrrnmient
cunt it um be taken by the mom delicate female,
to any came, or by those expecting to become mothers,
ettli the greaten suivantogea, a. a proper.. the system
sod prevents pain or danger. and otrengthem both
mother and tbild. De cereal m gee the genmne.
I.4crofula Cured.
Thu certihcate conclusieely prow. that tot. Ser.
perille b. perfect control over the Innet obsunate the
of th. Blood. Thee person. cored In one hosse
Three Children.
Turruerro—Deer Elul I be. the to
Inform you Lb.t three of my children he•• teen cured
of the Scrofula by thins. of your •acellcnt rortherna.
They eery tanned very severely soh bad Sera , hen
taken only roar bottles rt took them gear. for which
I feel myself osier Treat 0b11ca.5. ,, ,
Yonne rerreetfutty.
Opinions of Phys rec icians.
U. Townwood eltuost drily eiriej orders hop
Physiets• s different parts of :he Union.
Ir tow terufy mat on, the uncierogred, Physic's=
of the City of Albany. ban in numerous rues preuerth.
eel Dr TooneentEr Sarsaparilla. nod believe It to be
one of the most ...Linable prepare:lons in the marten_
M. FL 8a1111.38. D.
•Ibany, Ap.D 1,1847 P. 81. E.L.MENDOILY, Y. D
Owion to the grant sone,. and unmans.. ntle of Dr.
Tvrtutend't Marsapamth. • nombor of mon o re
formerly our Anent, hav•eamtne.ed Duaapr
mile Entrants, Ells trs. Baton. F...ract• of Yellow Dona,
kn. They certerally put it up us the mama ahaped boo'
dea and anneal them have stole and comml oar miser
tlsoments—they art ouly tworthlaas tornado., and
rlsould he avoided.
Principal Other, 12 FULTON Sive... Run BeMI.,
N Y.; It ,ddina de Co., 8 15utte, Boston Dytot
Sons. 132 North Second street. Philtrdelpho,
tl Dort. ProOrst Baltitonte . P M. Cohen. Cheep... Er.
Wrreht As Co. IM Chartres Strom, V. 0 South
e s s! Street Attrny and Irs 01 te prnr.rirsl Druc-
V. and Ylr.rthar s as gonerally thentr h ghoot i Ors I' ort•ri
West Lida , sod the
N —Persons ingorrlnr for thss medscote, should
not he Indtreed to take utry arbor Urunatsts out up
Sursarroolln, and of robs, prefer Whirs thou cror.
Or, not Iry deerivorl liy nny ngn,re for Dr Too,-
nod take othor r Ylvvvrtetnto, no. 7,1 u.
L tte 7•T ' ovvnatvlttl , Sart. port 113.' .old by tile yob- nt, ma.
IL R. sELLERs. I te.orrei Whol.-volo h Itecati Aecta,
No. 57 Wood vtrrt-t, tiod D. 51 CURRY, AlleFleetty
PMIAL dYM rrom, , lir CiiNSI'IICTIIiN 7
Al Quick pulse. hacking cough. general westioev.,
riaittless sleep, variable npHrttle, iriertnar
Pair. betwee n the •houlder birder behind
lOrxccnnu STNI-rom• os crisvirerriort, --Coughing
night and any, noiveles, deneral debility, great
shortness of bream on smug up stairs, aveending s
hill, or walking but a hole fast. pulse idways above
one hundred. for vre..s lugethrr. even,.- bind iod
sweats towsra• rimming
Catarrhal ronsomptom com, • 0,1 nieroisim
catarrh or cold, bid annul me period when that on
cue usually to expected to subvide, ..0111r . of the Hyrtg.
toms are riggeovaled The eourti ivmore trout,l-•
some. espeetall y hen ly.r, down/e , exert
W. in the ;best, but difficult breathing. whieh'is
wont on lyinit down The appenrcnee nt the expec
toration, which is commis, rl.kogrcl Iroln a audit
yellow mucus, to tom ~er •t/t..,Her It iv very un
pleasant to the pat,nt. unit emit.Ho itheleasunt smell
when horned It t• oi an uniform orpearane, anco
probably a mirth, apes and mucus. a• inisinefit
with water part vitt,. and min swoon This disease
may occur in any habit or at age, and is ckanie
tensed by the peruharity of the coelth,
're. Bala.= of Liverwort eabeis the cure of ibis to
-11111100.11 &KAM by eip,atoration, soothe and heals the
&Betted lungs It never IHII4 Wherever this mrdi•
elne hos been used. we hem . oo sneer. For thir
teenyears it tins been before the public. and this been
thoroughly tested for all rompliions of the Lands, end
has proved Itself superior in merit to sty
thing In use.
ou pier We might hundreds of testimonials horn physi
mans, the press. eb•rgy, and those who bare been cu
red, bet all we desire to to roll the attention of ths af-
Meted, stator their own good they will try it.
Look out for counterfeits' Always observe the stg
nature. "Geo. Taylor. AL 17," ou the engraved label,
and prepared at the 'Wholesale Depot, 13 Csekman
street, New York.
Sold in thodoire I, by 1 It Morgan 93 Wood al, .1
Townsend, 45 Market it; II Smyser. nor Miuket and
341 stet Henderson a. Co, 5 Liberty at ?nee reduced
to 61.50 Per hOlO.- marl
_ -
ICTO. 9 MACREILEL--713 bh awe rad kr sale lo
to don came:mem LPL JAZIDAIXELL
TTPARRY ha. Invented machine for wastort.
v ri a Gold. for rahteh he 12• A mode appl.tauon for
patcnt. They are now offered tor halo at the war,
LL ocac of Parry. Scott Co. No 111.1 Wood,.
htt•iturE h.
Ad.cmurer, to CaLiurrita art invmed to call utd
11111111 - there 111).1.07-51,11g In•rhIlle. Th e y
r vourirur ru.,y trnasported I.a the late• 01
nat.., or horse, wentiong eighty pon.ldn each. kiid
ah be pm in operation in half an boor They eon be
rd proviziona It L.., opinion of those who
ha. e wren the trail oi one otth,re mnenine. or •rgin:,e.t
in. , . Mat two in, •‘.11: witan the minerai from 1511
bu•hel• earth lit a day, w about the at
petruele 01 the mtneral. They eau be incren.ed •ior
and worked by water or mule power, if expedient
The operator, wort without going Imo th• wan, or
being exptoLed to wet, and connevaently wabout en
dangering Inca aiemnit. They wilt require but • •in•ii
otrearn ot water. 21.1,41 ran he arid the whole and eon Le poi into operaGon where theie a not
water to wa,h 111 the t. 1.14111 way.
Pra, of amolleat .Ire 6.3.5 Ord..r. from abroad. no
omparded by caul. sad.l by promptly hded.
11. I'ARRY. at Parry, rir.od tr.
No Itri VOOd rtrui,Lagh
'lll.tas - pratt. al; Sons , god. A.ah.
, r autee-rihera ere now rerciving their Fall stock
.I. 0! the ahove arttele. three vessel, viz' the Juniata.
NiCdililloll a nd iv dia. having arrived at Pl•ilailetphie
Red Bait/more, vie! two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
abort, expected, they arc, therefore, prepared
to re,eivr order. They will receive during the win.
ter and eprieg reKuiar supplies via New I/Henna.
novl3 W h hf NITCIIF:LTRI7.
-ImOUNT F.AGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning win•
don. and lamp glasses, sliver Wide, brags,
and other ware. It rapidly toter out all spot,
and shuns. and reproduce. the beautiful and durable
arise of new ware, Just received and for side, whole
sale and rein., by JOHN I) ItIORG.A N.
it I H 1 4 . A kl I. H. Ilk RTNIAN hang sold his Inter- I
I est
the co.parUierslup of Coleman. Hellman k
Co, remmning partners. has thu day retired
from the firm. February 19, 1649-tf
111., H 51ASC FM:at : WES. The under
signed. Agent mr the manufarturers, has on hand
and 1. emistartly recetvolg a full supply of the articles
made in Pitt•i.urmi and vicinity. which he offers for
sale m manuMeturer. prier'. GEO COCIIRAN,
irb2o 16 Wood st
NDII 111 . 11H1-1R I'ASTF,—.I gross bottles India Ruh
.l her Pour, nn excellent article for rendering hoots
and .hoes f.."relly water propf. and soft iss a piece of
Cloth. Une applicauon of this pasts is sutriment to
make them impervious to water for '4 or it months, and
u petleci preventat,,c from the leather cracking.
Heed and for sale um the India Rubber Pepot, No 5
Wood st. feint J k H PHILLIPS
Armond brneaen Waal and G old
v e ep
Si. BIGELOW would renpectfully
coMerlnform the public that at has Factory
ran at all nom. be found • largo oupply
of Faratly Carnage.. Batouchas !Jug
gle., and at: kind. of fancy Carnage.. equal to ele
gance and tie•tamt to any found In the East Con
tract. for any number of Carnagt t, Bugg.. and Wa
gon.. will I.r promptly Idled
A:l work of his own innnutuempre w,ll be warranted.
11.KnyNt B Patterson, R 11. Patter-on, E.
D I ntin, Ruhert Hold, Elm Cl. Meta,d. A I.
tir .c .r.: trl3oi-31a
DUBUC ATTENTION ItOllelle.d to an entirely
j_ new um,. of RAILING, made of NoToooht iron
hart. unil son mild um., or wire, and exoresrly
de.itigneit tor iiiirlosiug Coitisg-ii, Cemeteries. 1:01eni
Pub ie t•iounds/kesi pricer varying rem
in Id u. the running It is ninde in pannels
of venom. lengths. 04 to 4 fret high. with wrought iron
,41•11 1111, sotiare. igtervoning dtatgnee. of 6 to
IV unit II derned. tne pnintels ean be made of it iy
height. In •conttou. •pana bl/ In AO kel, until or
withnut poets No egtre charge for posts
The comparative lightness, great strength and Our,
tinny of the WIRE RAILING. the beauty of ire reined
ornamental design, together with the extremely lone
price aL winch it is told. are rousing itto supersede
the Cast Iron Racing w' -rover their comparau•ii
nierin- hove been testeal. For further partinutars, ad•
Agents for Patentees,
thamend near glnithAs:d on. Pitighurgh
Corncr and Vlne mrcru. einrumt, O.
)1- 111,111
j'• 111 , 111
=m - nr - rri '
111&75-•-•: 4. ! -.- "
'` • '",*."^"!
1,1..0r0 .or A ..olm l Fora sp t r.
. • Has , or Hemmed \VM•k oy. wlll he promptly sum,
dml to al 4,,ve.t rtes priee. tochl&dly
T - Ii17". OA V. at thr neve Carpet ',
Imose Fourth .treet—
mn,m•-od Fmno <over, Plmo Turkey red Cbuirx
dodo rod: do 1 , 4, d do do do
Woroled do do dodo Bordenng,
b.ue Damank. 1 Carpet Idondtng•,
0- um, 11/othtt, Transparent Sande,
Vmw• ro do
do do
do do
11rapr m Clkine. , do do
Nloooileht Vmws do do
it, do do
T t.ottm, do do
Coro am! Fos.* nolets and Slat, Hook Pulls,.
Itoi.r End-
The ul.ovt. Good% o( the nrhent and newe•l
d• , .. to A - 4)f I, we 11IVIle the altentton ol our , nend•
Hod en•touter, and Wm, winhlng turtosh or re.
. . . .
V.OILG IC W 11.; V3l AN,
Nlalo,orotter dro,rr 1.,11 of
. .
T thd Stattd. corner of Sinatibrid street and
itattlond ale) Pinst.ur,ll. Pa won reapeorn •
• alt , n ion of Country Merrnants. Hotel and
0111 11/111, 0 1 1 ,1 1 . ton .uge and super ior asrort
I'4llllO'ED ssuong winch orth
, 00rid we hrandt. viz.. Engle Heaatta. Ca,
La Nor Star trand. Nlnerva and
fio;inr Regna ma, an. all of which orth he sold as low as
11011 he nod at Ali, other louse in We co{ A:.o. constantly no hand and tor sale. a large and
sioex of V irgima. Nfissoort. and Fine Cut
Chew:3lg Tobacco
Ai... Havana, Cob. and Common Leaf Tobacco,
~o.,, t antly on hemot and for sale. novldont
Birmingham. 'olaar Pittaburgh,; Pa.
Warehouse, Po'o. 137, Wood 'treed, Piltaburgh.
giw ILL conluntiy keep an head a good a...0r,
menu at Ware; of our own manufacture, and
super.orqual,t) Wholesale and country Nler•
char , ~, respectfully noted to call and el
smce for tbcrusc.kes as •re drtermard to eel.
rbex n per thinn her ever beforesfrY.
bees offered to the pub-
IT Orderssent by maul, aecompamed try We COll 01
r,(rronre be. orotnatly attended to. reran
R Kr. 4 —Receive - a - Itus day due, :rum
the: mnufacturer—
New •, a
-'e Tapestry 3 ply Carpot, extra Kuper,
an do do do super;
o JO
&usu.. Carpe.,
do BrauLaela, very rheaP , do
an cch colOta 1411 per InFra,n do
4-4, 3-4 and 5, 'heavy Venetian do
4-4, 3.4 n. id s , 4gommon Jo do
MI of winch artil4m .old at a Kmall odvanert, and
anaranted ttok !OW ras ran be nureit•sed n thr -.mat
W kourgn at
FROM the very hheral eneourufa
went the subs.. -r ban received since
he Pas located ....ell Allegheny.
•LANgliir has induced him to take a leave, for a
term of years, on the property
occupies. .n lievver •t-ect. tuin.ed3ttely bevl3• the
PresbyterlanChurch From the 'one expene nee in the
+hove business sod 11. de•irets plenie, he hopes to wee
3 and rese3ve a ,hair of public petrel-age.
Now on timid and fintstone to order, Rockaway Hog.
ev's. open arl top llogghe•. and every deacrlption
to Carriages made to oiler. !rani se•eloy-ftve dollars to
Menthunaren /01IN SMITH
'l' ha - Allegheny Cemetery.
AT the annual cnceung of the Corporator, held on
the All, trtl.., the following persons were unani
muosiy reelected Managers for the ensuing year.
TOO CAC M. lIO%V E, Fressdent.
J F.9SE enpurriiFllS,
IL.ttON MILAN ULFI3.4, Ma " a g e " .
ANI R t.‘F F. ER,
I i year. J, . Secretary and Treasurer.
'llte annual .tntelnent pre .ohod the affair. , of the
I othpany very prospuronacondition. Their Whet.
the city is No. 37 Water street_ Jrll
tude of the Dymond. where Venntan
Ittntd• of ail Inc dtfferent stLea and color•
kept on hand or tnatle order aite
the at,. and moat approuett Dwell] (ann.
ats. at the. shortsst not., and oil the moo
A 1... We r boup liotnott roll Or
split Mold Tramp.r.,:n.y and Pap, Curtains of nil the dlfferent MD, 1:1
1001C00, 11
howl and lot sale low tore., Old Vern.
,lan Pond. pitnn , over god repaired, nr token ,n part
N U—Al! done wall the best inatertal and
wortman,,, r.n.l warranted Itt. pie.° the ino, fa/
tub/tam nogll,lly
Allegheny oily, Aug 10, IblS,
°Moe at the Exchange, Baltimore
.11, .e -
1-113111. , RAM..--The charge. have I.een redu
ced on .4.1 lo or rrom Balornor. I.
~ t.
burgh or Wheehtd o corresrond ma reducucu
made on an telegraphic dcaparche. forwarded from U.I.
Umore W.utt Putaburgh, In
Rano.—Thr charge for a teleg - raph despatth us or
from BaMmort, Pirishurghhfar echng, le 45 canto
for the hr., .1 words, mua 3 eel'. each atidttio.l
No dodge a lead.. for U address and styes
Cron the complebon of the Mouth Western Line of
Telegraph Iron, htemphts, Tenn., to New Orisons, des
patches can he forwarded to rdediphis try dns route, and
•lled for New Orleans. tell
I:g AVING don day awetelated themaelee• together
to partner.hip, and, r the firm and toy le of A. re J.
Woorateuea an the watinfeetnre of TIN. COPPER
AND SHEEP-IRON WARE, on the corner of Robin.
aon atreet and the Canal, in the lat Ward, Al-I..lionlNT
eery, where they are prepared to furnkah to order,
wholeasie and retail, all &melee in their hoe with
Foondry Primnangs, wtd Carpenters' order. are ace
hoard, which will receive namedutte Maratha
Clty of Allegheny, Feb. 1020.—de.
w P o CE mmtie
Cerro Gordo;
" Buena Vlens,
Feta de Par*
" Chase de Lyon;
" " Garde Frincalry
COI C Auvergne;
The above is gettable (or papering large publre
rem. Just reed direct (rout Per* and for sale at
ho warebonsd of spit 8 C HILL
et Market [Met; will sell for the balanoe of the
sertarot altos", their stock of Preach ?demos, comp,
on the moat choice COISOL Now is your time to
B.aker•, E n.nge Broker.,. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN BITRACTOR:, , rr FIE following from Georre E. Pomeroy, Bect . the
NOTES. URA FTS, ACCEPTANCES. GOLD.SILVIIt I we.. k„oemprnpr~eter 0(0,, E ro reue, sneaks for
AND BANK NoTE. , lortof the tlnportaoce of the Pain ftrrtetor to every
COLLECTIONS.—Drafts. Note.. and Adtv10a333...t
PR, 413; .. y non of We Croon. conected 3.3 rteud ESlllllOOlOOOlOn, Albany. Sept I
tutteroble term..
EXPIIANGE on New York. Phonate:pm. n. 3.1 3.l33'3la'3,l:.4te'n'a'usrer.:33lDo..„%:'4,tro—o n h th e' o V o '" ,r ` the benefitb 0 3, 0 ,33, 0 6 5 ;
utoorr, 333a0 One:noon. Lontavtlle, Salto let,. n. 331 I
see -, ~e f rom , 00r • mvo m o rd o p ool Kerrue.of
New 01den.... con...La:alp for Anle I /111. dauemer , vent, Old, 1.30 o'c"
BANK NO rt..> —Note. •31 *rove. :mot.. In tor 05 54..555.4 vr , Ver tur.ed Otto her boarrtr; bier *cream , .
United State. Is our sod ut the 3oweet role. At: 055 ,• : 51505 oaN ,: nudy uktbered be•
01 FOl , lOO a ..3.1 Atnertcan Geed mod your rtn,r. 30uc,.. .„. to„„ to ,earn the eeu., o' the
and I ker .3.othrs maunder. nod Form apreled
on Sour
olfire No. 50 klarktt etrrct, betreen and 4.33. .33 3.3 e mod aire kvs. erned and latd noon n bed. She
Poterourg)33 50 '3e. , ta , 333.3,3333 .33. earl] root l her po,u, and roes - Ha, I 0.1-1
FOREIGN EXCII ANGEL. , 3 I .3.3•5.3 ougo. ' nod oat noon 31. "keel steep. ...dr .1 to a Notes frocn the too of der ,boulder
DILLS on England, Ire .13.313 and 5.3. rd mnre ~,„„ 3, 3 d, 0,05
and sooOd .nd,r the
n arm' , , st she nird breust it WM. very sleep.
Afro, Droll, 50 v. ,31, to art) Port "( e. fir, hour. •nn entopluirted only utben 31
from 1.1 to 1.31r00, at th e rate 33: 33., - 3 3t33-333, „ n
eor , h e m, mind , root them Sr no
mthout dedndiron or“. 1.1 JoSIII A Rtron.i „(.3, m„,„1„.
in Forel-. ad.d Derneste- Hi,. ur Fie hang , t,er-
uficatro or Ik-too•ne, Lla.ok gild Coots. rory, 01
0011.trrct.. 1.0 "pp.,..a, I:hai tv. Hu-
Brtnk Notcs,
purehrased .t :be lowest rotes, by
twpl3 35 Market .trees.
New York,
Philadelphi. end
Constantly for axle by N. HOLMES & SONS.
sepl3 Nlarket st.
L\V HOOK— Couloir.: Work. of John M
D D. or 4 vol.
Mardi mod a Voyagn Ihrlrer. t.r) /roman Mel,llr.
Ho r d,. Warfare of N York, by W W Compact:
Here a I.role and There a I.rolc. by the Ruth, of
upon lane. und Precept uporr l'recoro
oyoLnY of oty Youth, by A L.,myrurte.
I•ittstratrd Luc of Fronkpart -th.rco , ved
td gol, by J4,IIN,TON & sTucicroN,
1160 KS—Dr Cov.-mtly'• Work on I..p,dini
Choler.. its lit•tory.Caur , ., Path°loc% mod Irca•
Phtlomophy of Re I I) \lorell. A )1
Bourne 's Caterinstn nt the Strain FlogLt e
ChamberA• tnly I lul and Entrltattunn
Knowledge—lP v ob., 12 Ina I..u.irated.
Advice to Young y S Arthur, VIII
EJerne o( Nleteosology. by 1. itrockl, , by M. A..
'' T ` ,7,:e7: tor the People, hy E g Magoon
UnLverritrertorrno. hy ‘Vnylaarr.
French , liu:sennl.returc• me •
,(Iln.y Srrtplur, for unfolding the pinritort!
NO 6 Frnnklin's I.lto, Lllo.trated.
Apo fluodiki t , t[h
NEW PUBLICATIONS—Get.) . on the the anon
.(Church anti State: by Baptist W Noel. !al A
1 vol 1.2m0.—5t.t. , ` An entire editton 01 Ito% work
•Aill 111 One day,on pulttletthon to Lorniont
1.e..v , from Margaret ,11111iCW Journal, to the Pro
vince of Mae...eltukettot Itn, —167 , -It. 1 vol Own 75c
littyre Portno.. —Sketch,. to and Land . cope. Rev Rulph lloyt—tit-w ad en.ergett—with it outra
ttona 12mo SI,DO
A Cal.-cat,' of the Steam Enine, .;:itto ran, of 11,
set,otifir prtomple• upon whoett Ito operation dettend,
a•td ornetteut otttaillt of Its structure. iti upplo'n•
uoa to none, int:, toennt navigation. and mil wu, tt,
wit h ',tumult -oggeuttona of improvement' tty flout on
C. F. 1 vot 12mo 75e
Cheever Lecture% on the Pilgrun, Progr•-••—new
ed. Itno. Pnce rcdu,Ll to SIX.
ThrCILIIO., Family Picturr Part I
FrAnkilll , l Illu.ated Par. IV and V ',Ale
Hmoner Py Pro( TVer—llmo F. .4!
mc6 . 24 It HOPKINS. tin .t
Solo Agency for Num. el, Clarh'. Ploito•
Jl.s . r RECEIVED I.J.d Oponnia.
new 101 of elegant Nano.. Irma i!,
u101111..1 Caftan 01 toot•
comproona 4.4 e a
11 Ifiwl oto.. Oni, I rt . 1pT11,11,... ,Olt. o rena:.o no
on .
exlooor ol f 'ant
ra I, no oner,
SO ant of Clark r: tag Putnua, a,
o tu 7 °eta r , s 11. I I.CRER. ~ a A 151.
1 NV \ u
N II Thr Rao,- wa, b.! at naaultat r • pr
er•, WlOlOOl .4:ly addinna tor !retain
mann Juan", IP
A I . e l.
!. I.NDI
...s 1. I!
"fir : l 9 llw Imr.% plltern D
!ILL !dr. I «M , ,:.t« , •,
411. 1:1.•
R Thor , - mrar , tra sa
ar- rarrprcr:uir r r 1 rraarlitarr.
tit the country, and sentl,y, he .old lower than nn,
Iron :ha Attto just rceet toed, two eta... et I lat,
ttut'ettmattufnetnte. warranted to be tttrp• rtur •o y
•ver Lola in the. eountn . oettl F
I`llE aubarrther Ona been appounted .Suer Ay:rot far
1 lb.. tate or VA Kil.fißrS fMrßovym
oNA.o. manufactured and and prrreen d ha
' , lurch 1 NV hotr. of Culetrulau. Tar artful ',sap.,"
and even: befog hut four octave.. Mersr. NI A It
haeroroatorr undo the 'general de.", deroao,,
avr retendrot the •rale of the., onrorumenor too 4i and
evrn S netavea Mu. making practtratoro to pc rtorna
Upon tnrat an, nunne written fur the t Coto or ./rgan
Ttor rxtrroor. aot.n. has been noteh unproved to) plop one
Or body . of Me onatrument upon raw troll tram.
bruun:u. I bronzed • and ornameutrod, render., of a,
oonr Int.l r vaunt und ran - emu dr•orah'e fruc.r
The prier .v put .fo to brine oo taut rruo
of rver, 0.0,r too obtain perfrel
and , .111110 nt•at rorenot Neer of tom.
mote for t e o•ompar .ore trate
At J 1101. 1..
ft! 1T 'AI. St.VKI.FI-- I I .•
e..111t.: it. - Uf I,ano Fort,. al .., .‘ S.
I-.T , ft Pow• —
nd •0.....tae•• Li.' +goose Pitll/0, • Yr.) 4. ot.•
linatth as murn mom. and l• a touch m0tc.a.....y rr
handsome larwiurr It parucular
b.r where the 'mania of *parr to °Neat.. J
eedinai., 1,01 and ct.rnpact. or,up),ag no 1110
room 111.1 a small tide taLle The •ü .• .t.
hand a legimonial of as nußarloray from
1,1 p/at...Aloscaelle.,w tus own handt,
ma) br ut.prrtrd F. 131,
At 1 iv Woodwc
flifilit )1. ST rcreivrd awl I. .ate xt i 5,1.1
ufacita rri• prlrr, TUIRT.N t he l . .lo
Forte.. 6. 6i and 7 cKlui, , . of tin
drynnt pain< rwt . 11.1n.aufc azhd ,t;tt
the :Mr improvrd Reale.
A:so on band .ad for bale lOW 3 ...cowl nand rv,a::•
Sole Agent for nor kertng a Plan. for Wr.t,r
ren.ylvalun...l Wood mert 10X,
VEVi MUSIC Fir HENRI lIKRZ—Td . e Ids.a an..
o , Summer wan Ettl ilarOdtll,oll and littdta:a
rtauons for the Plano hind, an rcriormvd ek.. Lt.
row,rb in the hatted State , 1, Heim lien
MYnary Pmts. I.y Hvnr.
'ocntr Pod.,
Ju r..reLved and for .ale Lr
or rianart Li, vocal rouoic. (rout
French and I,erroan conyoner, by l snail M.... 00. 74.
large pages of printed mo.c, cooLam.o: / 06
cxrrclosen progrenalvel, •rronlm , 'rice
Jo. t reccored, A ourply,islfel fromwe
pub.her., by JOHN H •11-:t.1.1/H.
caliMi 1848.
cas s as p a ,s s os—SsA Alsl,llW. Car Ford.
" ICEA N, Cars \\
()NE a thr above racket. is.urr Deny, evs
ssiunda, rissrptest) and arstve pr.° sitornssi
ry Slav
Vs arr.,. When. esonne, t wins iihr tor
Alt rues and Clev,altil, us, ',stag ate as, the. , Ware.
uselsste nlyht s n s , t s sr r u ",„,..„„ w„.,
ut J NI.. and •rsts, at licays , r unte to take lllo.lllllg *lea/11400 10r PL.t.arr.h
YEI,4 LEFI'I WELL. Wu rre n.
nl B TAMA )11, "
1 . 110.14,451 Ttl. LA. IN 0.1 .
4.10 Packet —PANNS,VA ,S)A, Capt. Jane,
• Tr.r..muurrt, Po :lurk
•• last Exit, - Trub).
4 , " Fahcation, Saer
The above new and splendid Pomoone, Pau y nch , have
commnced running between DEA VEIL AND ,ER IK.
and veil run regularly daring the ...It —one hoar
leaving Ene every morning at 6 o'clock, and one lea v.
sue Dearer every evening,, immediately after the arri.
via 01 the steamboat Michigan from Putalturgh.
in-: boats are now and comfortably furnished, and
un through in forty hours. Patuteagers to any
point an the Lakes, or to Niagara Falb, will find don
route the mast comfortable and expedmous. 'haat,
throurh to all porta on the Lake ran be procured by
a t tptytag to the proprteMrs.
REED, PARRS tr. Co. Bearer.
ror Water and Smithrield
—Jas C Battle, ti Y
C M Reed, Eric, Pa.
C t' Wink, tireenvlllr, Pit;
Itl . Ferrlaltd a.' Xing, B Mud. Pa,
Sharp‘liarith, PR,
W C Malan.Stiat., la,
1.) C Putask, Pa;
AN' Cll4 l / 1 1111111, New, l'iL ,‘
-L .- ,1 - 7 1: - -z- '-..; .- -_' - :-,=:- . ~ ' . -
r . . . T , • . , r 9
THE Propnetors altos Low have put on New Stock
nod are prepared to forward packages 01 all .le
oertpdons detly, at the lowest rams.
J C. BIDWELL, Agent,
Water street, Pitodalt g
octal 92 South Char Baltimore
Paaaealig••• and Ramlttanc• Office.
All A RDEN A rO. continue to bring pension
from any pert of Eng Lend, I r -Itmd hicutl and 1,1
',Ville., upon themost liberal terms with their
usual punctuality and ...noon to the wants and cool.
fort of emnagrants We do not allow our musengr mto
be robbed by theswietliing scamps that infest tl.l. sea
ports. as we take charge of them the moment they re
port themselvms. and see to Nett well being. and do-
watch them without any del:linen by the (11 , 1
We say thin fearlessly, as me drip oo,of our
ger. to show that they wen, Intoned boor,. lry no in
Liverpool, whilst thousands or others were dmateed
month, until they could no 1.111 111 mine me emu. moo
ch s ;,l p rate, winch too frequently proved their coding
We intend to perform our contracts honorably. cost
what It may, and not act u wit the ease last season,
withether ofricera—who either performed not all, or
whoa tt suited their convenience.
Drafts dome at Pittsburgh for any tom from 1.1 to
ILLopo, payable at any of the provmetal Hanks or Ire.
d, Llginald, Scotland and Wales.
European and General Agent.
lab, PM anal-one door halos ! Wood.
rEL Vla RIBISONB- - JuVrenemsea aiZettit fiui•
y sera, 67 Market stmeb
30 go colored Velvet Rthbon, alarmed colors,
- black "
s • embroidery Pimp; 10p. 'rule Plan , tr.e.
B fresh pm alul for
blab by fatel7 AIIIZTHANG t CROZSR
\ my Mmr mr, 1 r r o a r In
w..lL!c. o f
tni. mitt.) . .nick,
I um your*, with r+gpret,
GEtY E I.O3lE:Rt7'
Tl.e f .. nn me DuHey. will ever produce the .arue
'elle% mud Roothing, cooling effect., in the
ol Burn, Sealllx, Pile.. dt.,e
Cournerfetts— no mire limier what names they
caul appear —a.livaya irritate. andincrease the pain.
I. Edward P. iitallPtl, of Chatham. Melvin Bridge,
Colambtn county. N have been ettlicted urah rhea.
notti. my Inane,. feet, and all over my body, for
ear., ao that I could not stand, .d W. cured by
apphrauona of Dailey', Maglcal Into Extractor
Dailey. Sir—l cut my finger wals a copper nml,
nature of arluca caused my Ann to Pwe:l
Amderubly, lokoth conanutt ihooung pales up to the
stoooder O large ' , welling taklng place at the arni.
.vim increasing putt I I.ecame marfill of the Lock.
law. In Ong extremity your Pain Extractor war re
conswnded to me, arid whtuh I was pregaded upon to
fOneeOlienCe wed that n afforded nle almost
"lOW, rehel, andthree days I was completely cu.
red JOS in
fiIPH HARRISON, Net. lurk,
corner Broome and Stillman au, Sept S. 1,48.
Dam-av is the inventor of this invaiu
abh. rrinedy. and 'lever btu and never will communi
cate in atty living nt In the %caret of an sontinnauon!
All Eatractara, therefore. not made and put up b
him, tire haae counterfetta.
rivirattames Larora-415 Broadway, New York
•Xg", Clle.tout street, Phtia.
JOHN D. MORGAN, General D. 1 ,04 DT. WM
THORN. Agent. for Pituburgla.
Dailey's A ',mat Galuauat C orr-AI4
caret humor., spine* quote, grearee, p 011.4,11
'ore, call., and bruslen. Pamphlet., c ontaining Cr
...ate. of respectable partie.. mar be had on appliea
tom to •
r...15-d I Vis Agent, htuburgh.
'IONTAINING No MERCURY. or other Miner:4.
hh. power all EXTERNAL SORE.
SONOUS WOUNDS to thee harge their patrol matte
aeri own heal. them.
. . .
11 to right!) . termed ALL-HEALING, for there is
itrurrely a dtexternal or inidrnal. that it twill not
i.ettcfn. I hove used it for the Inat sateen year. for
thi•ai.e. of the eheid, Involving the lagoon danger
and repponstbilL:y, and I deelare before beaten and nor one race has it failed to benefit When
• . .
Iti••atient was within the reach of mortal merna
I Lave hod phyrte Lana learned in the profesaion.
iIAVC rot/osiers of the goapt I, judges of the bench. al
dern.en. lawyers. gentlemen of the highest erudltion.
and multitudes of the poor use it in every variety of
way and Mere has been but one voice—one universal
11 lIEWI.IATISNI—It remove. almo.l immediately
the ...tlantmation and swelling, when the pain erases
tho thre.Cl.llls around the box )
II F: IT-Aeh+Erne ralve hae cared persons of the
head-ache of ...lye years standing. tad who had it
re F ntar every weeL an that vomiting toot plane EAR
'I,OTII-At'llE. and Ala E. IN INIE FACE.
are with success
SCALD HE:AL—We have cured ewes that actually
.1, lied o.very thing known, a. well as the ability of El.
leen to twenty doctors. floc m tnld as he had spent
spat on h.. children withou any an
benefit, when a few
boles of Otoinient cure I them
'11.71 - 11:11—There v.. nothing twtter tot the cure of
ISU RNS—It tr on. o the In,. thing% to the world for
ore yn.rly cored I , y tom
111, 1 1 ,161,21 t 1.0 t/1 'vying ....yr!. 11m l'ile•
l. rounal th. nre direction% for Liam% )1 Al.
Otottrnenlya• . ,thotitth, Leror Cpthrthtnt. Ery3tre.
Tenn, Groldio+n. h.s/x1 Head. tio. Ey.. qillney.
1.,1101. ttn.. Nord., Airruons. Pain,
t . t / the hynte. Head oar. cuthina.Lkoh..... ache.
bt,••. , Corns D.seta,th of the Sinn. Sore Lys. P.n.
4 • ot int Lomb, Sorer, ithrionartr.
Po,. .mod
StreAtA BrOkrn 8r0.,. Tooth
00. .iv" on in% hare ¢r 4,
V.1.A . --I.ivr Complaint, Palll the rhea
and Oi •I! 'l, r
r171.1r. or othrr arcnonin
,e% ~
;yr 1'r7.1%,n11 , 1e111 I. do- vu, rent,y I It
A. a mre PLIV d LO hale COO) re,
C. , 41:NS—t oml ose ot tue ointment v 4,4; a!
en,. to p , ..... alOWdid. People need never
r•rolvr.l •nem .1 itrey u t )
/ 00111PtOt O. good tor an) p“rt tne body
or onAov /Laird in some ear, It mould be
aypltotl olieu.
Le ercume uvJeee the
;largo.of .1A MeAt,tA,TER la writ", NvAti a pen
For .0, IA my Agee. to ellYl, prineopa.eLoPi and
WWI , . it, ~ t'~nted Mutes.
00/10 P ol the ILi/4Ve medicine
Prtnelpol Onice roprietor ,
Na .G , NorthTtord street, Ylail
A,1174 PITT...H .- Braun A Reiter, corner or
Lilort> arnl Cinir st.. mut L Wilcol. Jr, corner of
Mrtri. tst •nd the •
Dironoull, alau corner of 410 sad
nrrni.,hcol -1•. J 1 Caster, corner of Walnut and Penn
,5,14. and andat the linok.tote Smohfrc,rl
st. no :nor c.econd at in Adecheny city by P
S. ant and J Sargent; t by JC, :mann, Druggist, Dir.
inclotn, I) Neglr•y, F.oat Laherty, Rowland, Me.
6cr.port J A...xultder S Vie. :Monongahela Cr,r, N
It D00r... h r .1, and J 1' Roarer, 131 . 0."111,111C, John
Bar it y Itcaccr, In, are wholesale agents.
1 . /0. rspid •:11de• which Ilydropeithy has made
trodllololl 11.0 a., Country—the hill
•P••• ••uruttve effects or cold woo, in
oi•ro,e, when rniploTcd eift.r the
• • •1•• • • • •ru;•,l Priesni'a. her. remo.e.l from
. -
nte , liceni and d] ,, cerini.g pub, every
of as efficary, and gaine4
un-anlatry resuit.
8.1 rrtnrtllri InerrWore u.e . glm the insistent Or ehrOnir
rnil.l,l,lefkinniaint , Ilko, which arc ev :
, rear. l ) 1110.11,e a natural wisn to ace ine the 4ucce.
10y whichany tin(Orltinatr• Imldierrig
vv. il irerd Irma their pail M ,. and tnfirnuln
e cut,..criber havinig practiced auecensfully On ,
111,1104i:or eughtyear. a, Lt. Ilydrnputhie eAtabilah•
went, winch ha* hcen •
considerably eillarc e.J and in ,
reJ ,n all lit par.. and in ever!' mann, tiluw
rratlV t.rreetVe and arcOnignodate pallet,. who tea'
paVn III^ITI}C:VPI , under his care. sital and
Pii.nst , urg. situated upon the led Lank of We Ohio,
nt p
ninon of We !lid Beaver, it vn.ll known
reircniting and saltd , riout atmosphere, its de.
agriuul unietnes. and charming natural scenery. cos,
Oinme carry requisite In re rider the sojourn of the in.
v and unreel,h e. and colitributing lint a little to re-ex.
0,. impaired n-alth and physt;al strength
estat , :tsbinent. the first startedin the United
St.oes. colon., every Ming, WO for plea.ure and
raiculated to insurd a speedy and happy ter.
m.antion of the ailments ot the Puttent.
Person. wt•linig to Banal themselves of We advanta
ors h•re oaerdd, please address the subscr wer
I.) enter. Ipo•I paid.) stating as near as pe.Alkoit We
rl:Lturr 11n, complaint, in antic 10 decide and ad
-011 their film,. and curability by the llydroputhie
treatment. and rt,so what will lie necessary for them to
ann niong, tor their especial and persmial
EWA' ARD ACII KR, 111 11 Proprietor.
irshurg, Braver county, Pa,
[lrv), •- Ressit di, iktily. Armstrong, Y. D'
do lion Thou. , . Ilea,,Leaver. Pa • Dr
11,1.r.r. dn. Prof lit Elliot, Pu. 1.. t .
Perin, Fad Otno. Rev S. II Sneed. New Albany,
Rea M Alien. Prdweinn. N T I. Statton,
h art inter. Philtpalonrg, Win. It. Me-
Comte, F.sq Pit.hurgii, A Bidwell,do.
me n2O
`L 1 ,1/Itll›.-10 1 1 package. frr.b Teo., Y. Ily
I,unpo.vd,r and Imperial,
to tni. pron./ r Col/fro; SU do Lgply
In do Old door an.
r/t h.n, . Proper/ 10 do Poneloo,
I e. !Gni.w ern, SI 11 SilPti;
,•I 1.1, 4 1 . .10,1itell •
•or llouse do
Irr•h Ito r, 150 b. Hunch Rais/10.
151/ tnanulactured Tot•nero. vartuu. brand,
1.0.1,e.t.N1g, A. Bro. U two. Tobacco,
10 • htt•burplt
1,11. x• ,10 Ws,olow 1/1/t.s, 511 do Wilt do,
krgs usxortml IG P.l. Solemn,
',Mu pound. 1
°n on Yarn, ao"otttd Nua.
Topetnet wch /nil n.:C. general to.sortment of /sr
lo the Isroeery one, on hand. and for ante by
A R FLOI I), Round Church Budding.,
inn lb fronting on Liberty, Wood and Souti
IA Lin /RN IA It Ii(/OD —Jolt received,
0.1111! Blanco., :V officer 50050, II! We Pant.,
gr. :oo.d !dining Boots; 555 Isthmus Bag, 5
Tank.. 6 and gallon. each; 50 Ca11110.,11, I
aal'on enel., I do, ihkekgkos Monty Bolts I d.)ollcd
llllntiale Jo du 'lnc above goods for oak at the Csh
Oulflung FAtabhgtnent, No 55 Wood at.
mc116 , 1 a 1 k II 1.111LL11.6
A BROWN would re,,ert.
ly /11 , 01 . 111 ?tit po , •1Ir, tout he
rps on band hue stand on the
RI aide of Clue. Lharnond, Alle
rnY a eeutpieir ussort•
ut 01Venitian 21.1 1 Ve.
inn Shuttrr.. are made to or.
• in tile bent ntyle, warr.nted
Cat to fluty in the Curie.' ',tato.
r II:intl , van he removed ....h
-i the aid ot o.loor driver
ing purchnard ; h e rock,
nuA wood of We rut boort ea.
ili.hment of uni ,, ny fr. .11101.
td, 1 11111 pr..parecl to nisi
1.1C1,1151.111,., u. WC, HI
o tnrzn, veldt ry tiong Oo'ir
A Aes“-S, r No . .Ad •Izt eL. INttOourg h.
HU Ir.. 1 A 13ROW1
OA I'alt IIA \ I Ain now reFetvingt. duce
I Lem e sitidar tarer• Ne9r cdk, Phiiadal.
a ioi it a iiinio t e, large Mud Brcll selected ...-
.id, id lan Ihr latest and improved •tvlc• of sis
a. glared 311.1 common PACER HANGINGS. con-
WOO pieces of Parlor aild Fresco;
label II II and Comm.
•' laning.rwm. ebarnher and otter
Vapid —w hirh I would particularly invite the atienuon
ot 1110. e havai4 houses to paper, to call and examlne,
id the raper Warehouse of S. C. HILL,
r,•l wood
soured NtoT has commenced to receive a
asrce Assortment of Fancy VARIETY GOODS
part 01 Artsficielsi li,hbons, Lates„
oar, la ear, !'rape, Lamle, Cambric, Nomads, Lace
tqul).<l•, Potwar Handkerehlefa, sent* Cravats,
dicriam uno cotton Handkerchiefs, corded Skala n revile, Button., Combs, Jewelry, Gat.
acy. an La. Country and city merchants are res
;della ')tolgited to call and exitance Km IIIOC Ir. No 9l Wnoo ..treet, corner of Diamond alley. metal
ATRACT OF COFFE - Fd:-/n article which to ra
j:, cottana into e.g as a wholesome:, nourishing
den Inas neveruge, being more pleasant and pal.
than t otuntan Cofit, and Mr cheaper, as a all
p.tco.une only tau tent, anil go stop, ytour
roaudn Codee. Nlanufactured by
JOtiN 9. MILLEK, Pivaburrit,
Sold at ..abolemin by ES A FAHNESIWK d. Co.
cu First uud Wood and Stalk and Wood .treets,
Plushurgh ap`.3l
U e
t 1:1 S cloinitidnirEstalall'tte'm'lLUtte-;tNverba"i'in;
ot I ocratnn, of Vol.. 1 and a of the London edttlon,
belludied writh portrait of Use author-9 Vol.. in
pnoo, complete, 50c. A i„rgvooi il o
eotwod oil for sale ivy iLjrHLtz,
mch2. MI woods
I:NI/MKS-4 bat, Cotton 2.2 II" Feathery, 2d ,
0 rbustrod; 4 üble No I Lard, landtog from steame
Euphrttle., for sole by ISAIAH DICKEY k Co,
19.25 Front .r
LEAU—sou pip (Wenn Lead, at store and for — Qe
Scrofula or Evil, Rheuniunisco, Obstinate Cuta
neous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face,
Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or
'Fetter. Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the
Bones and Jousts, Stubbs:an Ulcers, Syphilitic Symp
toms. Sciatica or Lumbago. and Diseases analog
from so infodscions ore orThlercetry, Agents or Drop
sy. Exposure , or Imprudence a Life. Also, Chrome
Constinameal Disonders.
In this preparation are strongly concentrated all. the
Medicinal properties of SAIV,PSIIILIA, combined with
the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions
the mast potent simples of the vegetable kingdoodi and
it has been so fully tested, not only by p•tie.lll.• 1.1301 - 0-
selves. but also by Phymcian.that it has received
them Unqualified reeOrninalidallou and the approbation
of the public. and has established on is own merits a
reputation for value and citeary far superior to the
varioUS commands bearing the name of Sarsaparilla.
Diseases have been eared. such as are not furnished
in the records of time pasL and what it has already
done for the thousands who bays used it, it la capable
offfoing for the millions still suffering and struggling
with disease. It purifies, cleanse, end siren/ ens
die fountain springs of life. and infuses new vigor thro ,
out the whole animal frame.
- -
Tile following otrtking and, m will l oneen, perma
nent cure of au tnveterale Case Or:Craft/la. commen ds ltself la anrm
eilnny afflicted:
Soo . ..arum, Conn, Jan. 1, 1819.
messni S•srhs: eientlernem—Sympathy for the at
induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure
effected by your Sarsaparilla in the base of my wife.
She was severely afflicted veldt the scrofula on differ
nt parts of the body: the glands of the neck were
greatly enlarged cud her limbs mach swollen. After
catering over a year and aniline no relief :am the
remedies used, the Macaw attacked one leg, and be
low the knee iiimpunsvd. Her physician advised it
:mould be laid open, which Was done, but without any
permanent benefit. In this mutation we heard of, and
were induced to use Sands' Sarsaparilla. the first
bottle produced a decided nod favorable effect, reliev
ing her more than any prescription she had ever ta
see. Ind before she had used ink battles, to the ILSIOII
- and delight of bee friends, shc found het
health quite motored. It is now over a year since the
cure was offered, and her health remain. good, show.
ink the disease was thoroughly eradicated [tam the
oyetent. Our neighbor . . air all knowing to these
facto, nod think very litelvy tr: Sarsaparilla
YOU!, with rinspout, J17L1178 PIKE.
ll:tract from a letter received from Mr. N. W. line
ns, a genii :m well known in Louisa emmty, Va.:
4.lisi - ittlemen-1 have cured a negro boy amine with
you. Sarsaparilla, who Was attacked with Scrofalu,
and of a scrofulous faintly.
-Tours truly, N. W. HARRIS.
"Fredenclis flail, V., July 17, late.*
SANDS' Sa111•1,111.1.....—Il seems almost unnecessary
to direct attention to an article oo well known, and so
deservedly popular, as this preparauon, hut patients
often who wish to use the extract of Saritaparilla, are
Induced to try worthless rompounds bearing the name,
but commuting little or none of We virtue of this vain
able root; and we think we cannot confer a motet
benefit on our made. than in directing their attention
in for adveruseineffl of the Meseta Sande in 'mother
cinema. The bottle has recently been enlarged to hold
n ittnirt, and those who wish a really good article will
lOW eoncettireted in Sac all the medicinal value of the
. The rYperiezice of thew...J.l has proved it el.
hen in canna tna ',rows diserows (or which it le
rt vonimen.lrd, tool at the pro tone mare than any
other. partiap,li Itto. modiame:toot
awful, to preparing the
apaom for a i'liauge of ' , assn.—Homo Joarmal, Sept.
Pi . ..pared and sold. wholesale and retail, by A. D. a
D rt ANDS. Draws. and Cbernistt, 100 Felton street,
corn., or William, New York Sold also by Drag
o .to lest ra y throughout the Unitetl States and Cann
ot.. Pice r*l per Bottle. Bottles for SS
r -
For Sale to Pittsburgh, arboieliale and retail, by
corner of Wood and
Frrier corner or ttirt.b nod Wood eta by L.
It ii st ix. 1,.. cr ir ow, tin tr aifierl and r o . n h
aid a rof lark.-t 11 and the Diamond; also,
) t'.‘ Ft it FEN DE ICC 11. cor rlonnnga'lo 800..
SAL T1,111. , 19
- The unpsecodented .ICOLFSI Whirl hal
itded the use of sue
- _
thevitrioo• forme sebien irritation n( the lungs as
tomer, hell induced the proprietor again to call &Ilan
Lion to tiot
The weather which mute oar fall lad
e.mter mouths. IA always a Inatful source of
rh, questoon, then. how shall we nip the destroyer um
the hod' how shall we et clear 01 oar t.ettlia and
aids' ts •nal unportanoe to the
. . .
erdi he found 131 the Gin,nr Panacea. In prod.( of Oita
we nave front tune to tune published the eeruhrates of
loaens at our bust known cturen.., who have ripen
mooed its curative hove,. Thrne. with am
asa of les
umouy from all parts of the country,—from
M dinners of the Gospel, kn., together with copious noj
tees from the
mr have embodied to pamphlet 10,1 a, and may 1. had
Stet,. ul Ell y Of our agents throughout the country.
hove to treed In the city.
throughout the Lotted Statet and Canada, and we eha
range any man toSIN yottit
OLE ou
which. when inken according to directions, and be.
Core the :nags had become I atrdly diitorxhnized, It has
aver faded to
Why, Wen, need me agneteit hesitate! \t by sc io n to
h e i nic,eubie nostrums. gotten up ay on, out,
u ler the susnmed name of some ce ,eated phy
item, and puffed into notonety by centimeter, c. par.
.ou+ equally unanown? WWlas a medicine Of
Is to be had, whose vouchers are at horee,—Our neigh
Don,—many of whoa, d has
In onlrr that thw Invaluable rardlc:ne only bo placed
wlthot the reach of the poor as well the nch, we have
put the pnce at
inn one boll the usual cost of cough luetheines. it is
ursate by our lava. u; nearly every town and village
over the west, who are prepared to glee full informs;
non relative to it. T. SAL'rER., Proprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
ritiLl.tratteliati. aka,. tV.,
TAR. EDWARD ACKER. takes thin means of re
-I_,/ turning hLs thanks to his Inends and .the pubha
for the extensive patronage he has received, and of in
forming them that he lino lately erected a large and
—ell con•tructed building. for the exciosive purposes
oienuon,at Vhdlipshurgh, Pa. on the Ohio rivet, oppo-
Otc •ieit m boat landing at Deaver. where he is ready
to receive ruien. as hoarders, and trent them on lip
drophthie prznetples. In adthrion to los long az:pm-t
-enet!, and the great sitcoms wiuch has heti tofore
tended his treatment of patients committed I. ius care,
he has now the additional fur dines aforded iy Cr..
iense hulloing erected expressly for the purpose, con
taining commodlows and tory yootaN and fitted up wall
every necessary apparatus for bationg, and ddminis
termg the treatment to the utmost oetreftt and cornthet
of the patient. Dhilltpsborgh t• a most dellghtful and.
healthy village, tail of access tiy ntentabottbs, and at ,
fords tie and wholesome water. I: . Acker assures
those afflicted person. who may place themselves un
der hi• care, that erCry attention shall be paid at they
corn t; and as an of the substa.tmat benefits.
to lie droved, he None with confidence to the httu
dred, who have ir,ll rormanontty cured at his moat,
Intim:tent The Water Core leaves/10 ounrioas effects;
iiehind, as is too often the ease with those who have
been treated On the old aystem It removes the dis
ease, invlgrater the +poem. protects from the dangers
incident to n
changes of Ihe weather, creates a natural;
• tid active appetite., and imparts vigor la the digestive'
powers Ternisof trent meat and haardaig b reasonable.
rot lur the r pot Moo alai, am it tra the esti] itabillealt, or
ladd rasa the proprietor at Phillipsburg/1.
- -
We have been r - tfortnell y none of a care per
formed on her by Dr. Jayne.% 21.1Sarat.tvo,onneh
,„ 0 „ s wermtny over every other remedy of dm
ezra has been afflicted for tho last mimeo yearn
1•1,11 NECROSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended
arob uteeration. and elliteithol.l of Vartoua bones, du •
rum WOOL moo many pmeen have boon dmoontged loon
the .101 1 / 1 1 bone ut weemnirma, from both her arms,
rer.sla and bnndv. and from both tem and from the left
le.t oral hone, One from the right knee, beatCes painful
uleet3 on other parts of her person, whteh hove butted
the at ~i of num bcr of the most eminent phys,ciens of
oar CA. —daring moat of the ume her vtafermcs have
hero exerusalang and deplorable. About three months
4.oee rho pots Induced to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative.
artneh has had an attou,shmgly happy a . m.: upon her,
by reams ./th nll lei, Ole! aml palmtop the
Ice rig to he a., n the /Dor 1111 e hrt genotal health
110. be-alas retook,' reJurred thao She nom vemplva
es itm more than She the rOolineheee the nee
of Illst truly Intithelof prrpollon..-4Nat Eve Poat.
For further intonhanon ine etre of Sirs. Rove, No.
Vilheri st, rblladv pain.
For sale el l'ouommh, at the VEKIN TEA FroitE,
Poorth rt floor Wood. /Y 3
If just received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the
nines extraordinary medicine in the world! This Ex.
fteflA put up in quart bottles. It ta six times cheaper,
pleasanter, and warranted mpertor to any sold. It
cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or
debilitating the patient_
Loot our rum hirrunon.—linprinclpled poisons hare
copied our labiels, had put up meth.te in sun same
shaped bottle. See that each boats has the written sip
nature of S. P. Townsend.
Ft E. SELLERS, Drugatsr, 57 Wood street, between
Third end Fourth, is Dr. Townsend's only yoholowne
end retail agent for nusburgh, or Whom the go:learnt
article tau be had.
• • • • t••.
11M. Carry has barn appointed the sate wren , . for
Allegheny city, of wSnm the pentium aruela can be
bad. ap4
tt A. FAtillerroca,
I. FAtiseroct,lnusburgh.
G. W. F...inswroc.
Wholesale Drng Store In the City of
New Voris.
ripllE undersigned are essenairely engaged in the
j holeule Dreg business at N. 4.1) Jan strcet,in
the of Nev YorSand are Prepared to .uppl,
etc and oemerry meretiarna wall Drugs, Palma
l.Art, Dye-wogs, Forme and Amerman Pedal:Eters,,./, ir. idaederi Chemicals, (of their ova
,er.ocatioa) ad all other article. be there Lica of basi
l... Of '..laality as by as they tan be per
thawed In tha or any eastern chi.
Near York , Peble H. A. IF IPIEMCK
- - --
t RATE:MIL for the very liberal eimazuragement I
ki" have received for so many years, I have deter
mined to enlarge my busing., cousiderably. Having
engaged • competent Foreman, I will be enabled to
till nu orders promptly, sod do the work in our usual
style and at fair prices, and ask the attention of mer
chants and citizens to my large stock of UPLIOLBTF...
RY GOODS and Beds, Mamas/yea and Bedding, Cur
tain Materials, Daraulas and Sloreent, Cornices, Fun
cm, Bordcringa, Tassels , Spin and Roller 13 tads. •al
very article usually kept iotaeatradutimcnt of the
kind. Orden respectfully solicited and promptly as.
landed to.
N• EL—Calpau made mid put down. •
swat WM. NOBLE.
liff RS A MISS GILL!. srD reaper..fully tnforrm Melt
irtend• and the poblte. they hove procured tai
romoved Mau school to 4 room) and converrent hot
I.seovk )Iwellint a sst of Feller - slat y
artery they ary!pry pared to take a les boarders, to
well as a tow more day scholarly where that S
21teullon well Llevotrd t Instruction In
the ordmory bra/mhos of Engaste , Joauon.
tillynge , ere referred to Mr. Wni Eirhbtsum, Mt
John Lb McFadden Bald 11 , F Duna cf Pinsbas4h.
Mc A. Short and Mt, Lioorge Rutter of Alingbenylnut,
and thdtC
ilrllslyv - arZ;),•lisic: -. _ -
Ah.7- 4- _, - *ThYr "" im ' snWYd r llt.", , , ': .6 4.ri j. '
= • :a....: • : 4
.'57 . 7),5Z. --. riTC,'..7.. •
T"'gre•tert.d beat vamety eve, ,Sated in Oils ellly
before—made on the moat approved &cite, pl.s4-
nr Bosror BLIND, On harkl
aud most fashionable Eastern paUcrus afatlersharef Alfre
or made to order of 1 saes, sad at
Cattalo , 51erchante and others are lusted to eall.llol
era.. the above for themselves.. all will be 1101 , 1
wholesale or refill, and • liberal deduction Mat
wholesale purchasers.
tiE SI:IISCRIBEHS Laving reumered from No 170
Nos. 172 and 174 Liberty atreet, ode, for salesgoods
to follows, m atom arid mow landing. mat '
330 Lege prune Cotten, new units
40 't old government Jai. Coffee,
150 hhds prime New Orlcmr, Sugar, '
Satt bblo Plantation M01..*;
101 " St James Sugar Hon. Molasses:
100 hf ch. Younc, Hyson Tea;
40 do Gunpowder and Imperial Tea, aew
id do Chu!. rowthoeg do crap.
70 do catty brit YII and'l3 P 4 do
100 bgs whs. Firaitil Sugar;
00 bra whs. Has... do;
40 bgs Peppir, 20 do CLapiec;
100 box. Mustard,. 1 and 1 lit cans;
lUD do Malaga Bunch Raisins.
30 do do do do, in layers;
50 hfb. do de do
50 qt. " do do do
20 coke I.te Currants; 10 bales Simi, Almonds,
100 boo Richmond Tobacco
50 baskets Bordeaux Marseilles. Olive 011:
010 bids and 110 hl bbis No 3 Hoge lilac Sorel:
U Hooey; 1300 0,0 Cheese,
20f0 galls wutter and spring. Sperm Oil;
1000 " bloodied north crest Whale till,
1000 " crude ^ do
300,100 enta and S.. Prtampe Seger";
30,000 Havana do
e 0 hf pipes Cognac Brandy. of remota besurdE
V. puncheons Jamaica Simms;
1 :noes Holland Um;
20 quarter cake sup Tenende Wine;
10 Mauletra do
20 do Lisbon do
40 do Oporto
5U do Sweet Malaga do
15 Indies bbls do do
15 hada Clamaq 2t. qr coke Haut Sentare,
40 cases .p liordeanx Glare),
basket. Champagne Woe;
2 dot miff Stomach liittera,
:IC Mils pure Rye Whiskey. from 1 to 5 year. old
_aril MILLER .k RICK4:IW I N
Notice to the Public.
WE herebynotify our friends an en
m rreapuudents
at home and abroad, that we il not, dm.*
.arit cmcratrrarrmes, receive freight from any Boat (or
wh,ch J. Newton Jones is agent.
TOUR KELLY & CO. Isuccesser• to Robb,Wiut , "
brener & Co., late Nierchant Tatiurso No. ICI
CHESTNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, beg
leave to inform their friends and patrons that they
hues received the taboo SPRING AND SliNlslt:ft
FASHIONS, with a large assortment of Rear Style
GOODS; comprising Cloths, Cesuimeres, Yestlngs,&e.
of every deaempuon—ali of htvlmc h Me of thou own mr.
pormrion, havtag been carefully selected to Paris,
London, he.
(Er Strangers visiting Philadelphm, ore respectful
ly turned to call end exfumne their extorts:vet girt.
INDIA REIMER PASTE—Jost rcemvulg : yilttOS
bottles of Rubber Panto, a superior article, highly
Important to perrons that wish to keep their feet dry.
It prevents the leather from cracking, and will take •
polish overii. For sale at the India RuSber Depot,
No 5 Wood street. mars J & H rint.urs__
HETannrcsber i wholesale manufacturer of JEW-
F.I.RY, invites wholesale dealera and pedlars tra
ding South and Wept—nl., country' store geeper% to
call and casino. his tones of Jewelry, which wlt, be
sold to the lowest prices for inch or approved accep-
Maces. Constantly on hand nod maufacturing,
large assortment suitable no city or no n ntry trade.
P.. ti A. BAKER,
corner of Fourth and Branca pro up stairs,
aptindttin IlarilladeJobta
Paper liaoginge.
IQ A VINO at hiss or the largess Facto
rloa in the Fast, (New fork, Philadelphia and
alarge asaorunent of the newest and most
Improved Attics of PAPER IIANU INGB, BORDERS.,
he. and mole armagemetis by which 1 will be ens-
Met) to procure all now Patterns, atomism.aa with
their appearance in the Pasant market, I would 111-
site the an of those desiring to bane their houses
papernl with the immit styles of paper, to call and
egaigutic my mock, before purchaattig elsewhene.
I have cow So the way from the Past, SUMO pies.
of Gold, Stain Glazed, and common Paperthrings,
which I can sell is prices imaging ham 124 a
r VS P
piece. mchla p C HILL &7 wood u
- Bacon Smoking.
A k I ,O I . ING )aatc
and smoke in the most merc y manner.
j The haulms are farldunit dt tho modern resprays
hnents. and are eapahle of contammg 3000.11) lbs. samba
KIER &JONES, Canal Etrha,
a 4 ne. reoth at
11.1Nrihtir PAPER—Having the exelasere agency
10! the sale of the Min Grove Printing Paper, (S.
B. & Ct P. Markle, Proprietor.,) we will be constantly
supplied with all the different sizes of superior gaality,
which we offer at the lowest regular pnces.
febSlcorner Penn and lrwinsta
nuy,tEstirE 'WORKS.
OOLESIAN, IiaIL.M.AN tr. CO. couunue to menu
facture Small Iron. ~Fprlng and Am. Blister Steel,
.Plough, Fork and line Steel. Meets. Singes and Wro't
iron Nuts. all strait, together won Costa and Flume
Springs, hlt Pat, Taper and common Autos.
Haveng reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nu
engine imilders and others uvutg the oracle, will find m,
tt to their interest to give thin new brooch of Plusburgh
manufactures the, attention.
Coach tnnunings and moleable troll 011 liberal toms.
Warehouse on Water and Fourth sat fe62Ortf
And as now receiving a fine us/forth:mat of
Which he le prepared to make to order
And in thn laical Fashions
Head Quarters for Boots and Shoes.
'Linnet' of Fourth and Sinidifietd Wee.,
Prtrt 30./d,..P1.
;IiTROTH & SCO7T having commenced
the general Root and Shoe Ousines4a
Wholesale and retail, would respectfully
inrbe nuennott Or ;het, 'Rends and the publi: gen
erally, to their splendid new stock. constsung 01 wens,
psontieos', boys' IMllact . slid eaddrent, wear of every
variety, mutable for the season, and at priers to amt
the times. splendid article ofitorne made work,
ouch as gentlemen's tine Roo., huh.
childrens fine work. Please cull atm exanstue (or
yourselves. THOTH k. SCOff,
s pomer 4th and Smithfield its
N. IL—Traveling Thiel., Carpet Bags, Ito. he., a -
teuys on hand and low'for emits
Country merchants would find it to their internal to
give us n can when viintine the city. m • 014
Lobes, wiLsots
PIPORTERS and Wholesale Dealer. w Foreige nod
1. Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, kc... 14 9,
Wood street, hitsburgh, are now fully prepared mu
a recently imported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sad
dlery. Carpenters' Tools, &e., m oder very treat in
ducement.. to Western Merchants, as to to
this many r,dvantage• had oy our predeceuors, Mes
srs. Logan tr. Kennedy, we have Kreatit increased our
females, and purchase till our goods from firm hand.
on the very best terms.
The junior members of the 6102 devote their whole ,
attention to sales, and feeling confident of giving set
t:disc/on, respectfully solicit it call :ruin all who may
visit tins market. media
HE undersigned offers for .alea superior article
of hock for budding . , made by his Stearn Mires,
improved machine, far which he has obtained a patent,
and oarIVC4 to give pureltroters a written guarantee that
they are stronger, and well resist frost and wet weath
er and imbibe less moisture or ilampner. than any oth
er brick, posoceslog greater body and Superior texture
and much more durable In every respect, Oath brick
being subjected to a pressure of served tem, and pos
sessing a him/soma XlllOOl.ll Surlier .d aeon edges,
they make • front equal to thr best front brick.
They halve given the greatest moefuctiou to all who
have purchased. A kiln can be seen at my works, wed
rpecunen at the (latrine office.
having supplied themselves for their buildings,
and istuditug handsome. trout I/net. or superniihard
and solid pavoig brick, cart your= them.
ilininnchasn. June it. IV- If
Ny;il,' Y'l,ll—:iflat., Nu I I rtnimr.l,Padi . 1 , 0 hear&
No I do de; 5 It dr No) el,. do. 511 do No I nal
trtore !lolling, .211 bed( du N.I I du do; 'St Dots No 3
Nltackerel, le do sid l SAnnol., p,,t atetvtln{ by canal
and ler nide by .ItlltN ‘vArr,
... Liberty .1
/ 101' r. K1L , 1111 . -1 tisrs this iluy saulet.ted
lirorwy, Prodaeo and
Cainto..oooo Wt iron, 0041 , r - the Linn
Pittsburgh. Aprii 30, I sit,
- -.-- .
BURN RROOMS-7.5 dod Corn Broom; red'd and
NJ for sate by npN R. ROBISON & Co
DAC:ON — ZOO , Hails, 2.`,.001) Shoblderd, in smoke
LP house, for eak by spa, R RoBITrON &, Co
As aid tiettatla Building:, 3ei .t. , nue :4,
IL A'rEd OF All VElL'l'ldl=
One insertion of Itlinea, ......
Two Insertions withuutalte , :thoo• ...... u 76
Three • . I DO
One Week ••
I b 0
Two 'Nock.
th ree
• 7 Month,
A. U. Lt., N. V. Utt
Oa' Longer advertisement. in came prOpoltil . O.
Ono aquzse. re months. CI: , a, wn 10 vo
~ 15 00
Each additionmel vinare for month., 500
12 10 00
One square,6 mrathe, re ne.aale..3 . l elr.anre, 16 00
9. " 20 00
Each additional vinare for l months... • .... 10 00
Two annarea, 6 mouths, rewable al al,,ayre, 30 00
Each addlu.mal square, 6 months. a 00
One vinare. 3 insertion. $1 50
• each additional inaertion, 37
anirrlsell eartn•.
Five elec. or lea., one yea , . ...... ........ 6 00
I. al mon th. 600
'one your, daily & weekly. 10 00
.$ . 4 sex mama A/ 00
AD•11T10111111-141 11 WIIIII /11111.
ror SO hoes, or less, One insertion,
.." " Three,
Three ninths,
... 6 00