The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 07, 1849, Image 2

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PUBLISIi6 BY vrorre.h. co
Ptcrsarsaa DAM, CiATicrra 12 puhllahiil
Duly, Trt-Weekly, mod Weskly.The Dolly is Seven
Dollars pct =p m; the TriMeekly is Five Dollars par
sonars; the Weekly As Two Donuts per annum, strizdy
st ad:smut
ETAnn:nisi= ara mutest), munairdlo band In
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Adver. . Amer-
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Bee Tellgraphle Newt.
for Leant DI a Imes next page.
Luny" Box--The "Gazette Letter /roe: him
been removed from its old situation, a winddear
nearer the Poet °Glee. -
Various unfounded reports have been cirictilated
ialbut surrounding mutiny, that the Chole exist
ed in this city , , Nothing could be inure i correct,
and we are glad to see that the Sanitary micas
tee, by a notice in another coluan, have &dilly
corrected it. Out city is at present re arktitily
healthy, and no one incises the least auger in
visiting nod remaining bare, for either b sinew or
Capitalists will perceive, by an advert emerit
our columns to day, that the State is ready to take
a loan of SlOO,OOO. The interest is mails payable
in specie, and a speeifio sum is setapart hem the
revenue of the public troth, for tde P Moot of
the interest, and the redemption of the principal
We publish, to-day, an editorial artielts, and a
communication from the Baltimore Sun, in rela
tion to the extension of 'the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, from Cumberland to the Ohio river.—
We had, sometime since, given up all hopes that
the determination of the , people of Baltimore, - or
rather of the Stockholders, to take their road over
the unnatural route through the mouribuna of Vir
ginia, could be changed, but the article we take
from the Sun, and articles we eee in other papers
in that . city, cogvince us, that there is a strong
opposition to the decision of the Director., and that
aorta will be made, even at this late day, to ob
tain a reversal of the nowise resolution of the
Bond, and to secure the selection of the only nab.
ural, cheap, and feasible route before the company;
and wo feel disposed to do all in our power to ate
silt in an underteLOng which will help Baltimore
as much as Pittsburgh.
We have always beetle& the opinion, that if the 1
voice ache people of Baltimore could he heard in
the decision of this question amine, the choice
would fall Upon the natural route through Pitts
burgh; and now, when there are still more weighty
reasoes than formerly, why the road should strike
the Ohio at this point, we hope the Directors may
be induced to re-consider Mier resolution to at•
tempt the utmost impracticable, and certainly less
feasible route through Virginia.
Since we last discussed this quesuori, a charter
has been obtained, stock has been subscribed, and
a Company organized to build a Western Railroad,
which will connect this city with the Great Lakes,
and with Citicirinata This road will he put undei
contract early in July, and be e puebed ahead with all
the expedition compatible with superior workman
ship.. We shall also have, by next fall, a slackwa
ter steam boat navigation completed to West New
ton, on the Youghiogheny river, thirty-three miles
in the direct line to Cautherland. This improve.
ment.may be-continued to Connellaville, 55 miles
4cm Pittsburgh; and we doubt not the Baltimore •
company could censuucttheit road to Cormellaville,
in !mistime, and for less money, than they could
to Fairminit. They would have a much better
road, of easier grades, and the local trade would
he exceedingly valuable—worth ninety per rent.
more than the local trade of the Virginia mute. Al
Connellirville the road would meet steam boat nay.
igathan, when it would commence to reap a rich
harvest of business, and could he prosecuted to
Palat:ugh at the convenietice of the company.—
We have also a charter from this State to Wheel
ing, and ifthe company wished still to reach that
poin4ilicy could Domino° their road through a rich
country, the whole way to that city, the local trade
aloate bringing handsome rooms.
We might give many other reasons why the.
Board of Directors ought to'reverse their decision• 1
The above Ire additional to those we have for-• 1
merivdvanced, and we hope they may have some
influence with Boss who Control the destinies or
this Baltimore road.
• "Jrrxrus" speaks for hiraselC to day. This we
expected. Ho speaks to the purpose, too, and we
do not think Father Ritchie will make much of
him. We were much surprised to see the old
veteran so mock "riled ups" One would emppose
that he had learned by ibis time to keep cool.
• The loss of power and influence in tbe govern-'
meat has made the old gentleman peevish and
fretful, end he scolds and laments by turns. As
Ile was to kind os to' give us his advice, we will
take the liberty of repaying the obligation, and we
do it with no unkind noUngs, which is, that he
retire from the stormy post of editor of a political
journal, which be Ma au Long held, and with the
laurels he has won, and spend the arming of his
days In quiet retirement.
Ourvntrzn.—The Erie folks claim to have out
witted Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, the Legislature.
and the whole bate, by smuggling through, in the
last hour of the session, a Charter fora Rail Road
from Erie to the Ohio State Line, thus giving them
all the privileges which the Logialatuni had re
pealed' The Erie Commercial says that the stock
hen already been taken, and that the roast will he
surveyed and put under contract immediately .
New York will thus be able to take her road around
the 'Lake Shoreinad cobpete with on directly, for
the trade of the West This fact adds ten Grid to
the importance of building our Weatera road at
ttttttttttt COrtespOladOar e
We have lately published an interest % ac
count of the expedition of Sir John Franklin, who
WU sent oot to ISO., by the British Government,
for the discovery of the North West rootage, sad
whose protracted absence had led to fears that the
expedition had perithed. In addition to sending
oat three different expeditions to relieve or ascer
tain the fate of Sir John Franklin and his com
panions, the British Government has oho offered
a reward of .00,000 sterlitig to any chip or ship
of any country, or to any exploring party what
ever,whieh shall render distant assistance to the
missing steps, or their creole, or to any - portion 'of
Besides, these efforts, the Lady and daughter of
Sir John Franklin have addressed an affecting
letter to the Pre.ident of the United States, askibg
fir each imstataace as this Government can give,
in ascertaining the fate of tlic husband and Githar.
The beauwol truer below, is Mr. Clayton's reply.
Answer by du :-`447el6ry of Seaga of the United States
to the Later of Lady Jane Franklin. di;
Darogrmorr or &razz,
Mr...summon, April 25,
letter to the President of the.
United States, dated April 4, 1849, haw been re
ceived by him, and he has instmcted me to make
to you the following reply:—
The appeal made in the letter with which you
have honored him, In such as would strongly en-
Batee sympathy of the Bairn nod the People of
any portion of therovilized world. •
To the citizens of the United States, who abate
an largely in the emotions which agitate the public
mind of your own country, the name of Sir Illin
Franklin has been endeared by hie heroic virtuos,
and the sufferings end sacrifices which he has ea
cogntered for this benefit of mankind. The appall
of his Wife and Daughter in their dimeu has
been borne Lima the waters, asking the assizt-'1
*ode of a kindred people, to save the brave men
who embarked In his unfortunate expeditiou; and I
the People of the United States, who hove watch
ed with the deepest interest that hazardous enter
prize, will now respond to that appeal by the ex-
prosaion of their united wishes that every proper
effort may be made by thin Government for the
rescue of your husband and his coaqmniona
Tu accomplish the object you have in view, ibe
attention of American navigators, and especially
of olk whaler., will be immediately invoked. All
the information in the possession of this Govern- I
meat, to enable them to aid in discovering the
missing ships, relieving their crews, and restoring
them to their families, shall be spread far and wide
among our people; and all that the Executive'
Government of the United States, in the ezerciic
of its coustitutiousi powers, con effeet to meet this
requisition on American enterprise, atoll, and brav
ery, will be promptly undertaken.
- The hearts of the American People will be deel
touched by your eloquent address to Melt
Magutrute, and they will. join with you in an '
earnest prayer to Him whole spirit is on the waiters;
that your husband and his companions may yet
be nwinded io their country and their friends. •
1 have the honor-to be your Ladyship's friend
and obedient servant,' JOHN It CLAYTON.
• Lady Janes Franklin, Bedford Place, London.
eittllT iVranoart Vutomm.—An extract of a
Idler from Western Virginia, to .a gentleman In
The National lutelligaucersays that the health
Ales city, says:— • -
of the lady ado President,(for a year or two put
"X. and all the struts is destroyed &lei and
doubt %Onetime Mete*lll be a peach into nigwa acnnewhlt icßailint) la at 'Prawn& firma than It
,I hil Var. ° ' hubefont:tiocktiace her mint In Wagington.
AMON •ismuutscproar;c .
Co,nospo4ence of thb 434 zone.
W alerre'm* ' Mai 4,1849. , . .
The defalcation of Ely Maori, Mental of New
York, brings to light a most surprising and dir
graceful state of things. The seizure of the me.
nay, which, it seems, hen I, eo e, embezzled, was
mide March 5[6, 1848, more than 5 Yaw' before
the irriarment Mlle Whig officer who discov
ered the fraud. Mr. Moore had sold out the
ittsiioo Of the duties and the plata of the
plod for a Ines sum 0iv6,00 0 , and ao annuity of
47,4rXft a year—and magus the office over to a
corrupt and unfaithful depth who, after F illed "'
in 4 the government untl the discovery of his mis
deeds, absconds, and effectually escapes the pun.
suitsof public and private creditor..
Now the ;init.:Ole defattli of the Mushal was
kniunn during this whole time to the Democratic
o IOA o f the Court in New York, and it is hardly
possible Id acquit Mr. B. F. Butler, the District At.
turn', of a knowledge of it, or of some degree of
n egligence in not knowing it. Whether Moore had
any baud in the actual misappropriation of the mo
ney Olina yet appeared. Bat while his eubordi.
rate and agent was thus robbing the treuery, he
.woe rosining about the country stumping for Mr.
Candidate Cass.
Hat the money fa gone, the twenty thousand!
This vessel, a brig seized as a slaver, and belong
ing to American merchants. hu been held, with
all her appointments, under proceu from a United
States 'Conn, for more than a year. She must
new be releahed, and the proPeriV must be restor
ed, Hifi can be found. Mr. Hall, the new District
Attorney, will not prosecute the libel. The par
ties gaintlforwani and demand the vessel, rigging,
furniture, and above all the money. The brae/
o're all promptly delivered up, that is at the end of
fifteen months, but where is the money Who has
the twenty tbousandt The rue owners say the
I United Stela Government; but no, the... Govern
ment says it has never been paid into the Tromso
ty, it was last hefird of in the pcasession of our
Democratic know citizen Moore. And the pine
dared merchants torn their weeping eyes upon
that individual, who cooly refers them to bas depu
ty, who bas decamped between two days. Bat
the Government will not take advantage of its
own wrouert-k-woet it thoughl Just bear what its
law officer says--" This money has never been in
the Treasury of the United States; it has only been
in the private custody of one of Its °dicers--
If it be not -6:irthcoming, snie him. If he is
:financially as well as politically bankrupt, we
are very sorry, but we cannot pay you a cent."—.
So the men Will be ruined. They will go to Con
gress, and perhaps in twenty-ilve or thirty years,
they will get a bill thiough restoring the money of
which they have been robbed. This may seem to
. be a distorted or ever colcired statement of the fact,
but it is not.
I do ntd learn that any important movement
have taken place to-day, with refereece to appoint
meets. It is reported that' the Secretary of tit
Treasury has declined to make certain removals
from the office of the 24 Auditor,requested by that
officer. The rumor is revived that Mr. Penrose is
to be transferred to the pod of Solicitor of the Tom
my . that Mr. Gillette, the] present Solicitor, is to
become first Comptroller, and that Mr. McCulla
will retire. In the event of these changes, Mr.
McClintock Young, now Chief Clerk, will become
Assistant Secretory of the Treasury.
Mr. Ramsey; Governor of Mintiest. Territory,
is here, andzill set out for the scene of his du
ties on Saturday Dent.
Mr. Forward, having finished the professional
business he came upon, left town for his few.
dance on Monday evening.
The editor ofthe Union again aaaail me with
bitter acrimony. A week or ten days since, I mm.
mut:mated to you a harmless and amusing piece
of gossip, which was eutrent all over town, to the
elect that Es:Senator Wesicott In a spirit
chief, had been writing articles in the `Eerie, Vein'
upon proscription, which Senator Foote had adopt
ed and copied, and furnished to the Union editor
for publication. I believe I gave this merely as
on dir, and clearly enough manifested my opinion
that it was of very Latin coissoputice whether it
were strictly true or otherwise. The Union makes
this en excuse for one due most ill tempered and
unmannerly smolt* open 'Gamins; which he has
I ever unstained, even tWon that organ of party via. ,
lance and malignity. The story was, told to me by.
i a well known gentleman in the political world,
who had it directly or indirectly from Mr. West•
nett himself; and I may add, that the terms of the
denial in the Union sufficiently indicate that it is
substantially, if not in all its details, tros.
The editor admits that Mr. Weetcott writes for
the paper, and that though amicable relations now
subsist between them, they have been so mach at
variance, that he would not have been permitted
to indite its editorials. When they made up, the
public neither knows ear cares, but I suppose not
until idler the articles spoken of had been written
and pablishisd.
II is very evident That the pan
graphs of mine which' have been copies into
the Union, have been, seized upon merely to
gratify an old grudge, conceived from my having,
on some ocizashros,candidly expressed my opinions
in regard to the course of the Union, as n partizan
journal. I will retaliate none of the insults its ed
itor tatemyte to cast upon me, though I know of no
nue more vulnerable than he ia. Were I delibe
rately to set myself about a description of his ca
reer, since he came td Washington, I fancy he
would obtain little ativanutge over me in the way
of a rust and telling philippic. Jumuc
We learn froorthe St. Louisßepublican, of April
29, that the trial of Loan. Plenum., editor of the
St. Louis iJnlon, on an!lndletztient charging hint
with an ataatilt with intent to kill F. P. Bute, Jr,
was brought to . a eloao,atid the defendant acquitted
steamer, so lung out, =tied at Nem York on
Tneeday, from Liverpool the 29th March, with
over 200 passengers and ■ valuable cargo—both
pia good order end emidition." The S. S. broke
her piston rod and cylinder when five days out
from Liverpool, and her propeller having got
jammed was rendered nucleus, acting, as a drag
sod impeding her sailing.
Tail Naumann HOUST, recently burnt at Mon
treal, Canada, wile a TAM granite building, owned
by the city and rented to the Government for some
$4,000 per annum. Its election cost about scum
MATH 07 as Agvirr.—The New Orleans Dells
of April 6, bey • Lang obituary notice of George
Cooke, tui artist of sou* reputation nt the South,
who:died of cholorn,mt the 12,6 th of March. He for
merlyreilded in Washington, but for some years
he had paned his !inters hi Nevrthieens, and the
summers chiefly in South Carolina and Georgia.—
His pencil seems to have beyn very industrious,
the Delta's notice mentioning that he had painted
more than • thouaind pictures, including portraits,
ImathicepeOiistotical piect tic. He was a de
vimiand highly esteemed member of the Methodist
Church. •
Ls:rim= wan OP Tilt *HMO OF &nem, To
Astruca—The anfattulale Chaska Albert, who
had reached Madrid onqtis way to Oporto, does
not intend, as some of the paperahave gives Otas
to reside ip the latter city. Persona who are se-
outdated intlinatelp with hii movements, have sta
ted his intentions to be,!to leave Europe entirely
and take refuge in the United States of America.
a course which bur many incomes presents •ery
desirable. We L.&lleac that the ex-Eing, after a
short scrjottra at -Oporto, Will sail direct to New
York, and intends to spend 'some time in traveling
through the States. No place, we believe, has been
filed for his permanent: residence.
DIIVOCIATIO Ructarar.-7A !Mint° was tired a,
Poston on Monday, by the deissamms, proclaiming
their satisfaction at the removal °Marcus Morton,
democrat, from the collemorthip aphid port. The
Post, the leading democratic paper, sayer
“If Alr. Polk and Mr. Walker had dime their
duty Mithfally, we should not have been depend•
eat upon Gen. Taylor and Mr. Meredith (or a favor
we now tuotogratefully acknowledge.”
The CornMilakMerl of ..the New York Canal
Food recently advertised for a loan of 8100,000, at
an Interest of arc per emu.. The adequate bids
were more than live times. the amount required.
and tkeamottitt of premium realized, was 81,650'
The loan was awarded - as ddlows:
Hence V/1410, Syracuse, $lO,OOO SS 25
do do' 10,000, 8 00
J. Tbompooe, New York, 2.5,000 7 80
do do 20,000 , 705
' do do
EL Caswell, Hertimer,
Flom the Ba - lihnOta San.
B.Ointa jiid Ohio
The -time ' athanti:& final action upon*
choiceof a mutela the. Ohio for the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad. The, importance of starting rig it
cannot be over . moat:fed, and thirektte freedis•
minion must be encouraged upon every point
bell Mg upon the issue. It is true that during Bev.
eml past yetirs' this subjecuhas been mush before
the people, very generally agitated, and bits from.
ed a prominent theme at most of the public meet
ings relative to the Akin of the road. It is aue,
of maxim, inseparable from the prosecution of
the work, and indispensable to that degree of
success ociumiensmate with so great an muter-
There is a lively interest pervading the commen
t), in relation to this qaeation. it is apparent that the
prosperty of our city will be grealy affected one
wey or the other, as the selection of route may be
judicious or otherwise consequently every indi
vidual, whaterier his nation or calling may be, has
an interest at elate either direct, or indirect in the
result- That there is diversity of opinion upon
the subject before us is not to be domed, but
whether it is Well founded, in the absence of actu
al surveys of other than the Fairmount route, it is
not possffite to determine. Of course, no ems can
entertain a rational doubt but the officers of the
company will act wit t% all singleness of purpose to
t he attainment of the Oeat purpose before them.—
Yet while opittions prevail of the nature of those
intimatedbelow,it la very desirable that they should
be relieved, if possibtectiy enlarged infonnauon,
that the progress of the work
• upon the selected
route may ant he embarreased by doubts and
With this view, we admit the following commu
niration to our columnar and shall share with our
readers the grktificaticia to be derived through any,
means for the adjustment of this vexed question:
80111.—This subject is exciting intense interest in
this city as the crisis approaches—it is of vital im
portance'—demands a calm, searching invesugas
lion, thm k tho'best lights may be elicited, to arrive
at the Or th. Wheeling. on the Ohio river, has
been fixed upon as the point to reach. Then, the
very best mine should be selected to lead to that
city. What Ls the best route ,
The one over man§ mountaind, fearful precipi
ces. at high grades and short:curves—passing
through a cold and uninhabdedtreirion, where no
aid can be hoped for—inaccessible at every step
by a long circuitous line—at a cost of from eight
to ten millions of dollang which, must be tinished
to its terminus before one dollar of net revenue
can be expected. Or by nature's route, which has
so kindly been prepared for us—descending a
stream by gentle incanations and easy corms—
mostly through a highly cultivated andferule COW}
try, inhabited by to community able and willing to
aid in making the road—touting ou its w•ay, one
at the greatest cities of the West, and passing
through matey others—by equated distance very
many miles the shorter, and at shoot one half of tAt
iggst. Would we not, then, with these advantagea,
NI in a better condition to compete with the cen
tral route! No one can imagine that we may reach
the West at any point where a sharp competition
ard‘not be encountered. We shall pause for e
dispassionate answer from the president and di
rectors whom we have for the time being placed
over the destinies of this great work—admonish
ing them not to take a (ptal step on their own high
responsibility wail thiapenple have light.
'Dm Roan sea CPres Fate.
The Galloping Ad to restrain Corporations from
issuing obligations redeemable otherwise than in
Gold and Silver, or in current Bank Notes, passed
at the last amnion of the Legislature, was approved
April 21st, IWO.'
•Sto 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and 110.3:
of Espreretuntrers of the Commonwealth of Penn.
sytraniatini General Asternbly ewe, and st m hereby
enacted by the autherity of the same, That from and
after the passage of this Act, it shall not be lawful
for any Ctuporation within Ibis Commonwealth,
directly or - indirectly, either by itself or through any
agent or ascots, indtvidnal orindividuals, to make,
insane, redasue, or put out, or circulate, or cause
to be issued, re-issued, or put out, or circulated,
any rertfiCate, check, order or due bill. or ack
nowledgment of indebtedness of any description,
for any purpose whatsoever, payable or redeema
ble in anything except in G old or Silver, and that
any violation of the provision. of this Act shall be
held and deemed to be hirfelture of the charter of
any Company so dreading, and say pnvate citizen
may be qatearaminto, proceed according to lam
to have such airiciture decided. Provided, that
thud Act shall not be construed to authorize any
corporation or irOvidual not expressly authorized
by existing laws to issue any note, bill, cheek, or
certificate whatever, in the nature and similitude
of a batik note, sad intended foe eircalalion, and
that all laws inconsistent with thin set be. and the
same are hereby repealed: And, provided farther,
that this section shall amt be coosteu.-d m, rd. to pre
vent any Corporation from drawing orders in the
ordinary course of business not intended for cireos
lattOn or in payment of interest, and that such or
ders shall not be negotrable
. _
Sac. 2d, approved April If/. 1E49 —That it shall
not be !annul fin any person or persons to .sane If
issue, pay out ditorculate for any purpose whets.
ever, any .ottecklortler, certificate fir interest due,
or growing due, on Lehiah Common Lien issued
by the Leislgh Coal end Nov/puma Company; and
tinny perro or pen.ons shall violate the provis
ions of thin ...ob., such person or persons shall,
upon convictioo therol, pay a tine of fifty dollars;
one heir of which fine shall go fur the line ot the
Commonwealth, and the other half for the use of
the person or persons bfinging suit for the name.
Pennsylvania Laws
An Act, in reference to Prom/nary Nat. and
Counterfeit endorsements.
[This act is a portion ocalt omnibus bill which
explains the numbering of the Beene.] A
Section 7. That from and after the pasaage of this
act, in all cases where suit is brought m any of the
counts of this Commonwealth, upon or for the re
covery of the amount dee on any promissory note,
post note, note of hand, due bill, bids of exchange,
draft,order, check, or ocher instrument of wnung la
thenatttre thereof,ao plea shall be held to be avail
able, arid no decent eshall be made or taken by the
defendftt or defendants for want of proper and
timely idealised of payment or acceptance, or
proper and timely protest far and nonce of nonac
ceptance or ton•payment of the same, Unless the
respective places where such demand is to be made
and where such pollee is Li be served or given, or
the narnee and residences Or place of business of
the respective parties thereto, shall be legibly and
distinctly set forth thereon.
Sec. b. That witch such places of demand and
notice, for such names, residences, or places ut bu
siness Cite omitted to be set forth as intereskid, de.
mind of acceptance, as well as protest for and no
tice of ncto-acceptarima, may lie made and given at
any time before maturity of Peal inetruments
regnant acceptance and demand of payment airmen
as protest for and notice of non.payment of the
same at any time after maturity thereof and be•
fore suit Is broight thereon.
Sec. C. That in all such case. of omission os a
foresaid, pronstssory notes,post note, notes of hand,
anthills, end such Ithe:natruments. shall be held to
be payable and protestable at the place where they
are dated, and if they contain no place of date then
aL the place were they are deposited or held for
collection, and bills of exchange, drafts, orders.
checksoar other instrument. or securities in the
nature tkereoC shall he held to he acceptable, pay
able and protestable at the place where the rame
shall or may be addressed to the drawer or draw
Sec. 10. That whenever soy value or amount
shall be received as a conaideratiou to the sale,
assignment, transfer, or negotiation, or in payment
of any bill of exchange, draft,ch ec k, order, prom/est
ry note, or other instrument negottable within this
Commonwealth, by the holder thereof from the en
dorsee at endarseer.or payer or pnye rs of the same,
and the signalers or signatures of any person or per
sums represented to be parties thereto, whether as
d rawerJacce purr, or endorser, shall have been fore.
ed thereon, and such value or amount by reason
thereof, erroneously given ar paid, each endue.
see or endorsees, as well as payer or payers re
spectively, shall be:legally entitled to recover back
from the person or persons previously holding or
negotiating the same, the value or amount so as
dire wad given or paid by such endorsee or ender.
net, or payer or payers, respectively, to such per
son. or persons, together with lawful interest there
on, from the time shut demand shall have been
made forrepayment of the same.
Sec. 11. That all bills of exchange, deaf., or
ders, checks, promissory note., or other lustre.
meats in the form, patens, or rimilitude thereof,
that shall or may : hereafter be made, or be drown,
or endorsed to order within this commonwealth,
upon nay person or persons, body politic, or tort.
rate co-partnership, firm, or institatlou of, or In or
that shall be made payable in any other state, ter
ritory, county, or place whatsoever, for any sums
or sum of snooty, with the current rate of ex
change in Philadelptim, or such other place within
this Gammon - wealth Where the. same may bear
date, or in etntent funds or such like qualification
euperadded, shall he'. held to be negatintiable by
endorsement, and reraaverable by the endorsee or
endorsees in lax her, or their own name or names
in the same trianner,to all intents and purposes. as
bills of exchange mid promissory notes formally
drawn and ordinarily in use and negotiable witbio
this Commonwealth, are now by law recovorablg
ArrnrivEn April fifth, one thousand, eight hun
died and forty-cre.
CUOLEILA AT Inqr Ostutatts.—A loner from New
Orleans to the Charleston Courier, dated on the
'The =ports of our Board 01 Health do not
show the grudnal upproveatent which we had
been ted,to expeot. The deahs duong the lest
weak wag. two hundred and thirty-two. of which
one hundred agd ono wen, ofoltoicta, which l m
inetease on thu Week previous."
Ensoo7•l, CONVICRIO2I 07 VA.—Bishop Meade
has determined to remove the Convention of the
Protestant Episcopal Chinch from Wheeling to
"Cbarfoltdsville, in consequence of the approbate
skins of cholera, which see .0 finnan , ' add Mid as
to forbid the hope of • sufficient estemblago of clergy
and laity for the considerations of the subjects whioh
w some berme it. We understand that the
Bap bitCherch hes done the same in mention to its
Convention ' by; removing it (Ma Lonlwnlki to
lobe other plece—dthe
29,000 730
2,000 7 51
The'rnepeited'editoreff the Nein; Orksann •` BaL
telini * .W)to has been (or the last three mouths
GOIn hantne, end during part of the time been
travelling in the North, has done good service for
the renders of the Bulletin, by writing letters to
them from his different resting places, which,
though of old date when they get back here, are
yet rend by as with much interest. In iliac at
these letters, written from New York on the lib
of April, we find the following views of the rela
tions' between the Slate Governments and the Gen
eral Government, which appear to as altogether
both sensible and well timed ,
"In reflecting upon the immense wealth, popu.
lation,.and resources of the State of New York, it
cannot fail to strike any one how perfectly absurd
is the chimera which so continually haunts the
minds of Virginia abstractionists and South Cam
lina nullifiers as to the encroachments of the Gen
eral Government and the danger to State rights.
For my own past, I think the danger and the en
croachments are to be apprehended on the other
side, and that it is the General Government which
is much more likely to be the sufferer. I should,
for instance, like to know how sun a State as New
York would be coerced into obedience, in case
she took the bit in her mouth, and defied the Gen
eral Government on a question in which the lat
ter had decided right oa its side? We all recol
lect the case of MrLeod, in which New York in-
slated upon trying the mall, and if found guilty,
of executing him, which would inevitably have
brought on a war.-with Great Britain; for it is a
well ascertained fact,that in that event, the British
Minister bad orders at once to withdraw from
Washington, and to notify the British Admirals on
the Halifax and West India stations. Yet the
State of Now York had no right to try that man
for an act which he did by authority, and under
the express orders of hie Government, the latter
boldly avowing the fact, and the subject being
then a matter of complaint on oar part, and of an
gry negotiation between the two nations. The
jury, fortunately. probably for the pence et the
country, acquitted McLeod; but,had it been other
wise, how could the General Government have
' prevented his execution, had New York deter
mined upon it hove always thought this out-
ery about the encroachments of the General Gov
ernment, and the danger to State rights, the veriest
humbug that was ever got up in this age of hum
bugs, and I am daily more and more convinced
of it. A man to day is Governor of a Suite, or a
member of the Legislature, amps thenarbre on the
qui vive to guard his State againat injury or op
pression from the General Government; to morrow
he becomes President of the United States, or a
member of Congress, and, presto! his disposition
and views are instantly changed, and he becomes
an encroacher upon (and an enemy of) the very
State of whose rights he was the protector the
preceding day. What an absurdity:"
Tux PaOartarr to FaanCL—the Paris morer
pondent of the London Morning Chronicle gives
the Wowing account of the present slate of popu
lar feeling in Franco
"According to present appearances we are like
ly to have soon an opportunity of witnessing the
curious spectacle of a republican legislature with
scarcely a republican in it. From all parts of
France the accounts received give the strongest that the Republicans are at a discount,
and that the candidates put forward by the •Mod
ratei will be succetsful. It is not alone the Red
Republicans and Socialists against whom the feel
ing of the country is SO decidedly ehowing
The Republicans do la dedle, or party of the Na
tional, arc almost as unpopular as the Ledru Rol
hos, Flocons, sod Proutitiona Even General Cav
aignac has lost the little popularity he had; and the
very persons who during a few months cried him
up as a demi-god, speak of him num as a hard
hearted, selfish, end bloody-minded tyrant, who, In
order ID father the objects of his own ill-regulated
ambition, allowed the maurrection of June to gain
head that he might have an opportunity of putting
it down. So much for popular favor in France.—
Within the last few months four or flee bets of
public men have risen ti ppulanty , ao l lower,
and, after enjOymg their eihurt.bred greatness for a
few weeks, nave sank into the r pristine obscurity
How bog the great Ines of the present day are
destined to last remains to he wen"
Honarn Milanto ao Lies—A correspondent of
this N. Y Esprewi, writing from Binghamton, April
30th, say,
.A ino.l extr.lorirway murder was .O.llllllCa
In our county on Friday last. A Mr. liongbtarling,
of very intemperate habit,,, was plouviung m nom.
puny wan a young earl, only e.gbf yes,• of ago ,
(IS we r pert 1 and oven-anon t.v unonleation,nE•
able to provemi with his Work, laid biassed down
in int. farrow and went to sleep.
“This young man seeing his father's helpless
condition, took the teem from the plough and dr].
ring them to the barn unharnessed them, and then
went to the house, where he obtained a sharp
seiS, and proceeded directly to the spot where
his father lay, and absolutely chopped his head
ryf , and no he tell, the story, struck the freak-
Ws hood a Woe' which threw it several Met from
.The reason he evolve theborrid deed Ise*
his father wits s drunken worthless scamp, end
that the day previous he had chastised him when"
LNITEMITrfI non CAIJIZILIU.....Ariffe GoLI .1,411.
covered. —Advmes received at New York contain
the Cameros. additional particulars of late iatellie
gonna from the gold region
The Trovada arrived at Magadan an the lath,
from San Francisco, with odvicca to the 3rd of
Merritt. The steamship Oregon, with her three
hundred prwreogers, arrived. at Mazatlan oa that
date—she merely touched there, and proceeded
on her voyage to San Francisco on the same day.
By pnvana letters received at Mexico, it woo
learned, that during the week ending the lath of
March,. schooner arrived at Mazatlan, trout San
Francisco, with ftferen favoured ODSCSJ 05240,000)
gold os board from the Matra- Thu gold had
been purchased at San Francisco, at from ill to
$l5 per ounce.
On dm lbth of March,• berg and a schooner left
Mazatlan for San Francisco--they each earned
seventy passengers. The news which arrived ev
ery day was as good end so positive, that every
one in Malarial was wild to go to the gold region..
News also had been received, that soother Placer
had been discovered in Lower California, which
bid fair to wrist in richness those on t h e Sacramento
Parson Brownlow, of the Jonesboro' Whig, was
knocked down in the streets of that town, on the
Login 01 tee 'id inst. while returning home Gum
hurch with two friend. The assailant had sta
tioned himself in a narrow alley, and, when Brown:
low paused, came up behind him and inflicted the
blow on the back of his head, leaving-him sense.
less. The injury contined him Li his bed, for sev
eral week. He themes a young man named John
Ityland, Jr., with committing the deed who had
been published in the Wing as a deserter from
the tinny walla an Mexico. BrOWnloar reiterstu
this charge and a great many other. against Ry
land. He says that he passed him to the street
during the day, but that Ryland hail nothing against
hint then. It is well known that the parson will
tigM—La-nwrille J trUrna 1 .
LhtaTu or Cantata was with deep
regret we learnt that a telegraphic deapatch was
received here yesterday, announcing the sudden
death of Capt. Wyche ;inter, of the United Slues
Dragoons, in Charleston, on Wednesday afternoon
last. He left this place on Monday evening, in
company with his lady, with the intention, we
understand, of rutting Ler friends in Athena; but
anon lifter reaching Charleston he became danger
oust}, ill, and died the day succeeding his arrival
there. We are not informed of any other particu
lars attending his untimely death. lie leaves a
large number of friends behind hint, oat only among
his companions in arms, but throughout the coun
try, to mourn over his sudden demise. Ilia loss
will be felt wherever he was known, and pnrticus
lar/y in the army, where he was regarded as a
brave and OlerilOrlolls officer 841,11iligth
ran, April 27.
Ryas:laze Bocauctit or A CALIFORNIA SNIP—
ROBLIEROPI, &c.—From a letter la the Now ()I
leum Delta, dated Acapulco, Aped I et, we take the
rumor has been put afloat ben; although 1
have not been able to trace it to any respectable
source, that a snip front Panama, having nu board
a large oundser of passengers, was burned st sea,
and but a few souk saved from the burning wreck,
in a small boa:.
"Oa the 2hth Much, the British hark, John Bit
sun entered this port, forty three days from Pan.
MP, having one hundred and jounces passenger
on board lor California, short of water and proms
roan Three of her paaseugen died on the pa.
sage. She takes on board twenty pusengerf.
"Three Americans arrived trout Mexico venter
day, from whose baggage tho sum of 1.400 w
stolen on the rood, which they Lod nut mined
their arrive! here."
THE Lira COLD WKATISEI rn Misaissicri.--
We have a letter horn a 111.31 M M leer ter, Lafay
ette county. Mies , ,haya the New Orleans Pioa
yriue of April '21,) describing the snow tom at
the lthh rect. From the morning of the 15th, the
snow fell freely, watt a cold wind from the North
which prevaded Curly erghl hours. We copy Gum
the letter
'There was ice frozen over a wash pan half full
of water so think that it was turned bottom up
wards nod still held the water, the ice not break-
ML. Thinasoi L C:idaymorcunr, the I fth.—
Tfroszzn.v.tet.grund was
we had no rain fur two or three week. promo..
Bad the ground been wet or the air damp, every
thing would have been killed. and it is bad enough
as it is. The earn is bitten smooth with the
ground ; all the gardens are ruined, though. we
worked with the pianta to secure them.; the wheat
bndiy injured, and all fruit, peaches and apples,
totally lost. I saw 4.5 day 111111411fillf sad mate,
mon shrubs, an inch thick, killed dead. Delany of
the lot ves ul tho limber and the twigs ale s inged.
About half of Ike cotton crop in this region
had come up, but Is cukemooth to the ground,
and what in worst of all, we have no more ssial.
Farewell for one half of the stand thisseamon.
Tun C.ssnials Palm.—The Toronto Colonist of
the 27th alt., kolas the following language:
••The recall of Lord Elgin,the disallowance by the
Litiven ul the Rebel-aelehttilltg measure. and the
&isolation of the Provincial Parliament, are also.
lately necessary to mune peace, quietness, and
constitutional government to Canada."
What called soluble glingilit . noW beginaiali to
come into use sit a covering: gwSimoodand.;En oth
er Practical PtillaracL.i . SOme of cam glace? arti
sans may like to etcperiment nom It. It is com
posed of fifteen equal parts powdered quarts, ten
of panel' and one of chareoaL These am melted
together, worked in told water, and then boded
with tine parts of water, in which It entirely dia..
solves. it in then applied to wood work, or any
caber required subsianca As a cools it gelatint.
ses, and dries up into a transparent colorless glom
on any surface to which it has been applied. It
renders wood nearly incombustible.
Candlesticks with moveable handles have been
invented, by which they are always kept in a ver• position.
More than 8000 pattern fur uafco prinung are
registered annually m England.
BeeuLiful carpets, with small rose and convolve
lus patterns are nom manufactured.
Some ingenious mathematician has devised new
demonstrations M . 1.6., first six books of Euclid, by
using colored lines, diagrams and symbols instead
of letters.
Good jelly is now actually produced from ivory
There are SOW artists and art students:asides,
Two artists from Cv'ermany are publishing albums
containing mihtnry sketches, portraits, scenes in
camp and in battle. Dere replenished his portfolio
while recently fighting against the Danes, and
Adam while serving watt Endetzky.
There is it German Art Union which has fitly
three crowned heads amongst its members, and
expends a large sum annually for worksiof rut.
Asinine fretivals are now fashionable fit Munich
at which, in appropriate costumes and character,
whole histories are relatuil—N. Y. Eve. Past.
Dr. Foote, of the Buffalo Commennal Advertiser
it 121 said, accepts the appointment of Charge d
Mar., to Bogota, tendexed him by the Admtnt.
Inane Dillon, Zanesville, Ohio.
Aaron F. Perry, Columbus, Ohio.
William Oliver, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Gold S. Sillman, Brooklyn, New York.
Andrew Mortimer. Pottsville, Pennsylvania.
Joseph T. Dunning, Brunswick, Maine.
Caleb Clark, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
At lung by .11r. Kelley, at ikttelnan's Maar
Layfuyttte, badman)
There formerly might have been seen an aged
colored individual, whose cognomen was uncle
And he departed this life sometime .111., some
time since;
And he had no capillary substance on the sum
mit of his crsamm,
On the place designated by nature (or the capillary
to vegetate.
-Tbao lay down the agricultukal implements,
Allow the violin and bow to be pendent on the
For there is no wore physical energy to be display
ed by indigent aged Edward.
For be has departed to the abode designated by a
Lhnd providence 6r all pious, humane, nod be
nevolent mdividuala
Uncle Edward had digus in longitude to die bam
boo Loma/ion which spring. so riposte neously
on the bank of the Southern Munassippi.
And he bad no oreolars with which to 0 observe
the beauties of nature,
And he had no dental formations with or hick to
masticate the Indian Meal cake,
Consequently be was kneed to permit the 1 ndian
Meal cake to pass by with impunity.
When uncle Edward relinquished h•,a bold .ate
'alley, ha minter was exceedingly grieved,
And the lachrymal poured down his cheek e imr
lot loth° ramsfrom heaven.
For he knew ihe old man was bud beneath tee ra
fie would never have the pleresure of bettoldin.l
the physiognomy of aged Ed - ward any more.
JOB P/1.1211:IBIG.
idansfeaca, Bills Lasting, Curaracta 14, Mania,
USN eu.ha, LAM& clasancaria,.thrhi
1.01.7101, y
?hated OA the shaman notice, at Law :Ince*, as. the
denLarne; rtaaaa.
Improvements In lientlitry
DR ti. 0 STEARNS, Into of Roston, is prepared
caututactem sod sct Bun Trrru to mimic tied pi
o( cc spot, imettint or Atmospheric Somme Pinter•
COTFIACIIMM Atip us ova SI :Mal., milers the Derv',
espouti. Mee sail rondo. tee oczt door lc Me Ma
oes ofem. Fourth stmet., Pittsburgh.
lima Iro-4. D. thi'Esch.len, F. IL Ewan.
Plzymag buxom 12 . 11 .1. — Pftpara4 by J W. h ,ll r•
WWI= beet, N. V- :lad to; sale by A. Jaynes, N e.
JilassWa.+nri_ Ticsa.mitiLl be Coco& a.clebabZil uv
obablbe•elege to Amities, bed panic/gaily !or eta IK
Ilarsa'a B. —Ait improved Chaco/ate prepare
Yon, being • combination. of Cocoa oat, tameeena,
eproroling mod petatabie, highly reetwastomded prism
Warty for thyaltda. Prepared by W. Hater, Dorche
ter, it..., utd (or sale by A. JAYN/..13, o the Pet
Tea Stone, No, 71 Pearl It mChll
W. Pl. Wright, 21. Li., Dontlmt,,
(Vann. and residence on Fourth
- 6 •:" 1 " Opp.. the Pntabnorn flank. Oth .
. a n i,.. ou m rs: 4 7 t 51.1.9
AS there are many unfounded and tdies p.
valeta mrelation tu me eatateneo of the r C h utes
rut oily, the Sanitary Committee deem it their duty
notify the publm. that there bas not been n robin'
ens- which has generated amongst to, and there eel
Don. of the usual premonotory symptom.. A fear e
Deb hare been hroUght here by the tame from belts ,
Letteee Menem no danger to b+ apprehended fro
its mammon J9Htst NVulLty
annuary Catownte•
—Ertich of Church and State, by
Ell Rev B W Noel.
The Church in Earnest, by Rev J Angel /amts.
Ado me co Young Men, by T S Arthur, iitlt
Young Ladies " •`
Papaya of Elos—Ch•rtes Lamb
Epstlmam Cholera., by Pro( Coventry
Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious Anecdotes
Compete Wort. of Charlotte Elizabeth, with me•
tapir by her hostmod. 2 vols, , Illtutrated with
steel plates
Oregon and California in ISM, by Judsr Thorntor,
The lam Ezpeditoin to the Dead Sea
Proverb. for the People, or Illustrations of Praetlea
Godliuess drawn from the Hook of Wmdom, by E 1.
Dm•emoy Sermons, by Dr Wayland.
Klemm. at Meteorology, by J lirocklesby, A. at
For saM by K HOPKINS,
my 7 Apollo Butidloc,4lllst
)i AC., ULAI"S KNOLAND—Tierperls Sae minion ,
IVls , portraits. eloth-77. cents per volame
ap7 earner Merket and ad sts
- I\T
IA nu Rom... with nn ...unlit of a Tint to We
Canine on an .
n. of Kurdistan, and iho Vrandia, o r
De•ii Worohippert, tad an inquiryinto ntonwtt
and son of the ancient Aeaynans, by Austen Henn y
Laynrd. Egg , D O. D. Just reed nod for sole by
Clintuclo sod Post pion. copy.
- -
Winton& Insurance Company.
7 N conformity with the Act of Ineorporation. tb r
I Roots will be reopened for the sob.. iptkon t.l
the remainder of the stock of the Wentern Inturane c
Company thetur34lsit sharra,l at their office iIJ Spaul
k W o,oo9 fe L C2d 'loll') No 39 Water creel.
Pittebargh. on THURSDAY. the 17Th day of May, A
D 1549, between the Itottra of 10 and 3 olrlock
Fire Dollars per OMIT will required tn be paid al
the time of suharribt o t t J. FINNF.V, Jr ,
oar dtwayll Secretary
A. d.
Office, !TM 'Dem, Wert side, nest Liberty.
Itetide. the legitimate duties of btu °dime, attenttoit
will be glren to droning Deed. Honda, , Mortgage.,
Mimic. of Agreement, ke Po.ttne end tot
tialr up book. and iteeoninu. renting boozes and col
leetioe rents for now remdmn owners, to. my; d3t
L A 1 . 0; 7 011, - bids r by
H AIR—Iwo itis prime Manly, for sale by
my:_ J. D. WILALA.SII3
VENISON. --Sou ha sub, by
M O d L w AS , S us i t , 34..- e; 94
my 7 Nu 31 antler awl
(rant Ills.
BOAR-20 !Inds prime N. 0. sugar, new crop; le, do
e,7 .merry pnnse old do, for sale by
C r r
t -1 baps Green itio L evf . re v ouryo titslnd
1010 - AILn.S.--350 kap Nub, and Staab. asaaried, and
or sale r L. S. IVATERIIIAN
FEATHERS-alk/ lby ensue Mai., just reed end
, sale by 9. F VON L Cu.
F LU tin tl y l 7 —'' 'hi.
" Rl' VM , 7I1 1 0 " N; 1 11 . 0181' k Co
attlingi, 'rotnte. of We Wubash
and Floe Can,.
herby give notice
that they will receive sealed proposals at Washington,
Davies eoutity, Indiana, on the nth day ofJune stem,
for the construeuan of about tarenty.four miles of said
Canal, emending horn the proposed Dam acenl. the
West fork of White River, near the South hoe •f Green
county to blamrille. to Deifies motility. Orl this por.
don of lam there are to be constructed Eve Lai Locks
and one Guard Lock, to• be bath of limber, a Duni
across Slinkmd i s Creek, and one or two strioll Aque
ducts, together with the usual •artety of earth work
common toe canal. The line will he divided Otto see.
lions morning Moat half a mile in length.
At the same tints and pi are, proposals will he revel
ved lot buitdiag, with col stone masonry, the piers of
the Aqueduct over Etutt fork of White River. The
mane (or this masonry miist he procured from the qua,-
ties of durable limestone to be found on er Oral either
'p m or Wen fork of While Ever, from which
point they can be delivered by water.
The line to be placed under COlaract, will be ready
for Inspeotion ten days prevtom to the nine of teenier,
and all necessary inform anon in reference thereto will
too by the Besides t Engineer.
L_ _mY~lnnnY7
Tnerrets' Orem,
Terre-Nauta, April 7A i 1649.
Fire sad . Marino Insiirsiace.—Tint Prey.
chanered IKAY--contiones to insure, upon every de
scription of property, at the /overt rases.
Omen, No VI Market street.
SAMUEL GC/, Pres.'.
Board= Friona, Seel. myNdani
eizoposate sou A LOAM.
thiripelglah %andel' of the ant Of the Coutial
ofthts Ointennavvealth, entitled "An aet
' to arevlde.Ger the ordinary gape.= of the o°°°,2o
meut the repair Ofthe Canals , and Railroads of the
Cornmotterealth;and the payment of other elaimndue
by the stone,` , upproval the tenth day of April, A IX
one thousand eight hundred and forty-am.,ronulton des—
“Tbat the ' Governor of the Coonmealth p be, and he
...hereby ...homed to barrow, ott the faith of the Com
monwealth and of the revenue here:natter mentioned,
and which. hereby speetheally pledged far the pay
meet of the interest and repayment of the principal,
the sum of four hundred thousenddellam . end ftene
nniheates of loan therefor, redeemable at thirty Tema
Dm date, to be paid into the Internal improvement
ad, and appropriated to the ez,penditures under this
the said loan to bear interest at a rate not exceed.
tog sit per cent. per annum, payable half-yearly, in
specie, on the first day of January and July, to be term
ed the Inclined Plane Los.' It Anther provides,
"That there shall be annually set apart by the Com
missioner. of the lemma) Improvement fund, out of
the revenue of the publicmobs, for the payment of the
Interest and final hquidation the debt hereby an
ti:tensed, the sure of thirty Moneta:A dollars per annum,
and a shall be the duty of the said Commissioners,
oiler paying the interest, annually, to Invest the se,-
Plat, together with its ocesursulatiou of interest, In the
said loan, or In any ether loan of the Commonwealth,
If th e sai d loan cannot be purchased at its par value,
the said investment to form a sinking fund for the re
demption of the principal at maturity."
In pursuance of the provisions ardsaid, struca m
ex.. "min that proposals will be received at the
office of the ficerctary of the Commonweahlt, until 4
'o'clock, I'. M., of Toursday the thirty-first day of May
next, for loaning to the Commonwealth. for the ;ma
posts set forth in the said act, the stint o FOUR HUN
DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, at ante of interest
not exceeding six per centjer annum, oayable half-
yearly, in BIIECIC, at the Treasury of the Comm.
wealth; the .lu4 loan to be redeemable in thirty years
after date.
Certificates of stock for the said loan, in the usual
manner or agreeably to the terms thereof, will be is
sued by the Governor; the same being transferable by
the owner or owners on the books of the Auditor Gen-
The proposals will be required m
an y e.splieldy the
amount offered—which shall not to y case be lees
Man one hundred dollars—the rate of interest not ex
ceding six per cent. and the premium proposed. The
State reserves the right to accept the whol eed,
or any
part of the sari offered, sole.. the proposals stipulate
to the contrary. Did. for the loan must be direct and
explicit. No conditional or hypothetiCal proposal will
be received. Upon the acceptance of the proposals,
the money most he paid into the State Treasury, in
such proportions and as such times, the of
shall direct or appoint, and upon delivers of Me re
ceipts therefor from the Treasurer, ceroficates of stock
.111 be issued in such emanate as may be requested
by the lenders.
The proposals to be directed under seal to this odice,
endorsed .Proposals for loan"—they will not be open
ed or disclosed until the period for receiving them has
claps A, after which no alteration in the terms will be
Secretary of the Commonwealth
fl The Secretary would bring to the notice of those
willing to loan to the Commonwealth, the fart. ghat
the 810,014 set span In the foregoing set, for the pay.
ingot of interest on the loan therein authorized, it less
Wen We 1112011 At now paid annually for the support of
the Inclined Plano: and liana°, the appropranon thus
mode does not diminish the annual resources of the
Treasury. lurat3tavrtmly3o
FMiTVS9'I7-Irtl'4 - 1
1111 E undersigned Assignee of Samuel Hill, Esquire,
will otter at nubile vendee or outcry, on the pre
mises. on the 30th of May, tom, at one o'clock in the
afternoon of that day, a TRACI' OF LAND, contain.
ing 9:10 and a half acres, satiate on the Monongahela
ahout one Mlle above MotiongaheM City, in
tVashinglon county. Fa. There are erected ou this
tract, • new two %tory' hoick Dwelling. House. Al"
log Dwelling House. There are two good Apple Oe
chards on the premises; about BM acres cleared; 10 or
60 acres of which is first rate river bottom There is a
strata of 0 feet of Stone Coal, under the whole tract,
equal to any on the Monongsheln river. and so conve
nient to the river, that it.costo but %Milo to remove it
teem the brinks to the boats. The land is of the best
quality, mid contains an inexhaustible quantity of
immatune. This tract will be sold in whole or in
part, to accommodate purchasers.
'(ose wishing for further information, are referred
to fudge Hill, residing on the premises, Samuel Beck
et, minding mar the land, and Daniel Long, Inkeeper,
Cinetunati, Ohio.
. . . .
There will also be sold on the Mat May, inst., at One
o clock in the •flernoon of that day, on the premises, a
teen of LAND, containing 68.1 acres, situated to Pal
laerfield township in said county, adjointog lands of
the het. of Davld Bolton, Jerome Usable and others;
about one half of which is cleared; on which is erect
ed a Unit Mill, walk two X. of X104<•; • new Saw
Mill. a goof Dwelling House, ac.
The terms A
will he made known on the day of sale b y
REISS—Haring made anangemente for a con
stant supplyof FACTORY FINDING,S, we will sell
at low prices Calf and Sbeep Baler Skins, Lace Lea
ther, Flake's, Reeds, Wades, Hemp Twine Tresdles,
No 5 to 15 Belt Ponchos, Wrenches, Stripping Cards,
10 to 15 Putout Dresser Brushes Weevers Broth
es, he. he. LOUAN, WILSON & CO.,
nty4 UN Wood street, Pittsburgh-
ha opened (15 V.) for the admission of young
VD Gentlemen on Monday, the 9th day of April.
Trans, (payable in advemcc) per session of 5 months:
English, Classical and lilathematical depart
ment SSA
English department SID
Imuled number of boarders will be received.
For testimonials, references and additional informa•
limy enquire of the al the and
Robin ,
son street. between Eedoral Street and Sandusky,
histett's awe
CR Tunny College, Dublin, Fa-Strat, sini Queen's
flown. from the Royal ` School of Enniskille.
Federal on, nese Robinson a. on_sydcf
matoNave Aarialrocaritanil—The atomiser
11109 oco'rr, will commence on
Monday, !any 7, to run from the Old
Greenwood. Landing, fool of Pia 0
. ...
to Mk unseen, Maxtor Valifeelelock, a. it, is al ascii
cam hulas until 9 o'clock, C. as, last trip from the Go,
ilea at 10
Thai ttaloons are supplied with all the delicseics of
ilia season. Tea aril o'clock. The Girders 'with la
Wye collection of Greenhouse Pima Matthews An
nual Omar Plants and Plaubberp Tim corofoalaMe
wharf boat Greenwood, will De placed M the Pm
street landing. my-5
ETAL—leo tons Not Allegheny Metal, (sod) o•
Al bond and for Bale by
ay".. WR H hFCIITCREON, 15•: Liberty et
Hris i•
prune order, Just reed and for sale by
e.f . .r:LIVI. , IXRII-33 bags enula arrive;aa tor le - K
ray:. 12Baall DICKEYFront Co, Bt
1 - 11:1CHHEL—H 1 No 11, in store and for sal.
very low to close consignnt.
tnyd /AMES DALZELL, Si water st
Tr ,liIVEILS' 01L—Yanbls Brawn Oil, landing and
Art .ala by rayS JAS DALZELL
Ld 8D 011.-10 Ulla Nal Lard Oil, landing from
•teumer Messeaser and for sale ay
HK 1" DEW SYRUP—W bbl. Hooey Dew Sy
Jimeing from Wenner Slesste_ger end 1.
...le by myS - JAS DALZELL
7 UST RUC:GIVE.% a splendid lot of the finest Gold
el Pens yet made. Pans are generally mad* of from
to to th kor gold. I have hails large lot mariensma
rod of srat gold, and finished 'run smooth hair
points, and spring likes quill, and confidently recom
mend them ni the very best made. his°, 35 closest of
as gas/Ines from SI, in $2. and all warranted
Also, is few extra Levindsan Pens.
In corner 4th anal Musket stn
Scrip at Par,
KL.P:BER, at WoodwelPs, No. Kt Third street,
offers lor PVC an elegant lot Chtekerine. Pia
nos, lflowoin at the lowest cash price, for Pittsburgh,
Allegheny city, and County Sow Theymprise
from Gto 7 octaves, and were selected by Mr co Chick•
enag for this market. They are warranted to he equal
to any is the city, having ail the latest iTopiovoulclllS,
sorb ae circular scale, etc.
. ,
, .
Buyers .re invite d to rail previous to purchasing
elsewhere and, also, to hung with therm some good
badge, professional or otherwtse, to judge of um quail.
y of the above instruments.
N 11.—Written guarantees will be given with each
Pomo, cunning the holder to exchange in ease the in
strument he proved in the least degree imperfect. or
faulty, my 4 H. K.
WILL 11,01116 Coy and Comfy Sortp at par, for
I. any Property that may be purchasod of me at a
rale I have advertmed m the Post, to take place on the
lath and Itith May, at Lock No.ll, Versailles township,
Allegheny county. WILLIAM L. MILLER.
HOE PAPER—IWO reams assorted color., received
1.7 and for rale by S C HILL,
my 4 S 7 wood at
BACON—Mona Ilir assorted Ilanon, in store and
sada by I. S WATEHMAN,
"y 4 31 water and Oa fronts
Herring' so do N C Tar.
13 YE FLOUR-40 bblo superior Rye flour, jun re
-1.1 eerve4 and for .stle by
my 4 ! 9h. IV HARR! VOH
uyINE FLOUR-60 bbls Vitae Plow .1 , ). rued and
r by tart 96- NV /49.9139Uti1i
UTINDOW GLASS-100bn. Smith & Herron's bed;
yy tt2. do I S brood, Just reel and for
Aalo try
SODA ASS-1.5 silks Kuril best Soda ttub, Just itutd.
me WM for We by opt S HARDAUGD
T EN Sad RES KzettSlut for by % j lgv i ;Ar
1141 Ito Seeondst •
LA KE LlfilE-l b tnbiti saperior Lake Lime, ree'd and
for tart S & 1V IiA.RLIAVOII
6 R KEN A rPLEs--3u obis au store rutd - for tale by
any. 8 & W Ileaunlaili
-APPLE IIUTTER-2 firkins of Apple Baiter. meld
and for rule by, nly4 8&W NA RBA UGH
Ai ULASSIfiat-50 bbfr N U blohuires. Just reed and
L or sale by or 8 & W lIARLIAUO II
_ ..
1I I . f y B.lla nEs Pittsburgh, Cinelanan and Lauis
l' .lilt "telegitiph :knack, lut sale by
- -
f. ti t rood by
,11.1 ht. lil:innetli.:B-iik 9.1 t )2
n E ELABIIt -ou bids far sale by
rIASSIA-00 mats fresh Cairns; 7 bale% do Cloves;
_) landing and for sale by
tuy'l BA6 ALFA & SMITH
I 'IANNI RB OIL—SO bbl. BWwll Ud, I~nd~ (no
1 ennal nod for rule by BAUALEY 3 R.UITH
nay: . l .
(I , OY/ Oil 't AHN-8.100 W. Cotton Yian, ...maned
NOS. i 1 I. t0re.3.41 for gale low blAs DALZELL
1 . ,' ' :.l '4 , t i t 'sj - A ~stio LEIS James 8 H 211OlirrsTs a,
gll et ' store end for •ak eery low to close eorwip.
mein, it` rasa
• 'T., ,iya ....... ___
a NVT:4—;:i sky Peo Nuts, in store ond - tor in
low to clove consignment by
Tt r :i rs io l l 'a oi S id C t l O Tl.— r 5a1t:1 . 3, 615 T m ileis i Clil ti bal iz ,niLszi
L'INSi&ED OIL—It bbta joot reed and fur sale by
invl comer Ist and wood at.
I.) R ' - —tiA Chios-ate M
AciPo-i tt
astbi4b. bot s;
CUd db
Ilyim. SalpA Soda do
sob. Nit. Bismuth do
Crimson, do
Uranville,Lotion do
Cblosobcorut do
!an received and for solo by
WO . PERAS—i2 Lae Copperas, Jost Istoinglattalor
lJ sale by WI TUN BOWEN,
toya flO Front et
\ MEM PRUIT-400 butt dried'Procbes; "I"Tho
kr Appler , for Ole by
cay 3 PS water et
W HITE BEANS—IS bblifor soloby
CHIETI.44 bbl, for tido by
. • •
AAA h! & CO. basingeoasiderably enlarged their
. Store for the accommodation of theirs me:eas
ing bonnets, we now prepared to exhibit to their re.
tail treats the most catensive stock of nth and fasblen
able Imported and American Goods they have ever
offered lershis city. 'Their large Sasserl.Saasua, Wheth
er with another large room. has been fined up and ad.
ded to their retail atisortmeist, thereby givingshom am
ple room for the display of their immense stock. Being
constantly in the receipt of neerGoods from their house
in New 'Vert, they we enabled always to offer the
newest, bleat and most desirable goods, and at prices
an low no nay nOll5O in the taunts'.
Their stack consists In part of
Fria Bean= Pitman of extra nob Beteges,
Alhannes, Delphines mod Mhmaise ofd and elegant
sLyles. Alto, Poi lde Cheer, Foular Silks, Mous de
Lain', Grenlt one, Pekin., Blardiennes,Broche, Tulle
du Nord, Ac. the.
Six Hundred Pieces of new and nth style/slam:mom,
Lawn and Organdies—splendid designs.
Seven Hundred Pieces Realist, and Frawh Prints,
Ginghams, Aipwcas, Orleans Cloth, Linea Ginghams,
Cbßies, ix. &a.
SlLKS—Three / It:tared Piece. of rich plum, figured
and changeable Silks, of tint. rely now styles. Also.
black Silk. for dresses, rtmtes, mutant., is. of supe
rior high lustre.
SHAWLS—Cuhmete, Thibet, Loag and Square
Shawls, Gros de Rhine, Poult do Sole, Canton Crape,
I Silk, Bongo, Sewing Silk, Wool Plaid, Grenadine and
Muslin de Loins.
WHITE GOODS Cambric; Inconel; Victoria
Lawns, Book and Swiss Moguls, Tarleum, Fancy
Cheeks, Linen Lawns, Dotted Mask., Alai! and Now
nook do, &a. ka
LLNETI GOOD?—Damasks, Covert, Napkins, Dia
r }Mikis, FsenchsLinen arid Dans, Bnmo.lnY Shoo , '
ais, Irish do. Irish Linens, best make and finish.
lIONNETI4-A complete assosunent of Chins Bnud.
By John D. Davis, Anatioxiser.
30 mass English and Ameriatia Bndu and
tionery, En tar,
And valuable standard works, in the various de
partments of Merman, science, and Me artm Arumals
end elegantly illustrated book., among whleh are
epleadid London editions of very rare and choice
works; fine Bible. and Prayer Books °tawny due:4,
don. Portfolios; Gold Peas, in gold and silver eases,
of the best maker.; letter, packet post, coartnerMal
post, eap and note paper, envelopes, bleatik,hllo/th
otemoriatdam books, etc. etc.
To be sold at AUCtlall, at the store No 118 Wood
street, between Fiala street and Virirt alley, C 013101,1-
clog at early emille light this ( Mon day) evening, May
7th,and to continue every evening until the whole
stock is sold.
Catalogues may be had, and the books are now rea
dy Inc examination. Ladies and gentlemen are itori.
ted to call and examine them daring the day.
The books are new and warranted perfect, and will
besold without the Mast reserve, to the highest bidder.
Terms, cash—Porehmers to pay for and take sway
their books the day following emit sale.
/OM D DAVIS, !met
Adjourned Sale of Household Furniture.
This morning at 10 o'clock, at the worerooma of 0
Solent fc Son, comer of Wood and Smithfield streets,
will be sold—Au extensive Imminent of very.supert•
or new Cabinet Ware, made of the best materials and
by first tae workmen, embracing MI the variety usu
ally wanted by house teepers and others. Terms at
sole. my 7 JOHN D DAVIS, duet
Large Stork. of Dry Goods.
On Monday wonting, tiny 7, at 10 o'clock, at
the Commercial Soles Rooms, corner of Wood and
Fifth enema, will t. sold, WIII2OIII reserve, for cash
A large assortment of fresh and seasonable staple
and fancy
. Dry Goods, wrong winch are superfine
cloths, cunt:reran saline:us, tweeds, jeans, collonades,,
drillings, gingham', prints, de lain., cashmeres, plaid
vicuna, silks, satins, printed lawns, swiss muslin*,
super long sloths, blenched and brown muslitu, dann ,
ask linen table cloths, cashmere and Bantu shawls,
white, crimson and dug silk takfs, silk and luting
cost and vest buttons, Coats' spool cotton, hosiery,
gloves, ribbons, de.
At 2 o'clock,
Groceries, Glassware, Furniture, &a.
Young Ilysoo tea, coffee, N 0 sugar, Va mrinufae- ,
ured tobacco, 20 barrels cider sinagar, shovels,'
spode., forks, wrapping paper, transparent and vaul
t.a window blinds, Inakmg ginseng, mantel Clocker,
gueensornsa, knives and forks.
A large and general assortment of household and
kitchen furniture, Ae.
_ At T o'clock,
Rudy amde clohinT, boots, shoes, hats, retest stock
f dry goods, gold md site. watches, gee cogerr,
inaltillaGlll3, cavalry lltbrCS, swords, Ike.
50 Banlang Lots in Bestinlie,adjoining the city o
Allegheny, at Alsatian.
On Saturday, May 12, at 2 o'clock, P. M., will be
add on the premises, about 20 lams of ground, very
handsomely situated on Nunnery Hill, hating • nom,
manduag VW:4 , of the cries and surmunding country,
plans of arldeb may be had at dm striation room.
Terms, one Munn caah, in Alleghany or Pittsburgh i
Senn; ono fourth on Ist January, 1P.514 residue payn-
ble on fire years trout lat Jannary, 1919, with buttes;
to he secured by baud and mortgatte.
my 4 JOHN I) DAVIS, Auer
L .at Manager------C. S. Porter.
Ammo &an Si/AZ Aian.•orr W. H. Czu.r.
0- Change of rime—Deanopen To, curtain will Nate
at tl, ptecuely. FAREWELL .F1417.MT OF MIL I.
ON LILY, when he will appear . . Harem
31orma.,1,Fannano, Ma; :
The perunmenee will commence with PlatkapeareV .
piny of
hiLET. •
Hamlet, Prince Or I . 2 PenMerk • 3fr. J. OrJer.
Miss Craiee.
Que.. • • , Mrs. Mediae.
Donee. -...,by• • • •blasser_Wood.
Atte r which the laughable truce of the
Pelham P.lgo • • • Mr. J. Drum.
Jeremiah Clip.. • -- Mr. Prior.
Jae. Chater!) . ' Miss Cruise.
MM. Rau!emu - Mrs. Flier.
Hansel sad Lot for Bale for Berlp. .
M.. A TWO story Brick House, containing eight
La rooms exclastin, of basement and cellar, and
le for Imo familioo situated on Liberty Woo;
Alleghenhwill be sold low for Scrip. Enquire of
IL ILAN S Gazette office
JOHN H. MELLOR, 81Wood streei,
fiffrilimill soli for Scrip at pox, the following
maw and second handTtancer
One elegant rosewood 03 octave Pi
ano, made by Baker fr. aavea,.N. 5:225 00
One do do di oeuvre MO OD
ono rosewood 6 octavo, Gales & Co, N. Y.. • 275 OD
One do 6 du do d 6..• • 25500
Una mahogany 6 do do nearly neav• • 400 00
One do Si do Resente=
One do 0 do (knead -• • •
Ode do Si do W Nouns
Ono do .5 do English
Valuable llalding i.oto for Bale
rpm: subscribers are authori . xed to offer at private
I. We, end upon highly favorable Lens!" a comber
of very valuable Betiding Lots, comprising a large
portion of the Lots nuered 57, GA, 09 and 70, in
Woods , General Plne of the City of Pittsburgh, mum
tail at the wean enatesurdly corner of Penn end Wayne'
sweets, fronting 0(0 tent on the Ammer, and extending
elong the latter about GOO feet to the Allegheny rives,
and being a pert of the Real Estate of the Lao James
S. Stevenson, Eso., deceased.
A plan or subdivision of the above Lots, in confor
mity with which it proposed LO sell, may be seen at
the race of the undersigned, on Fourth between Mar
ket nod Percy eta WILLLAMS & KUHN.
my 3
The Brownsville Water C are Estali/Übe
rt BAELZ MASON, in returning their grate
j_,/ ful acknowledgments to the friends of the institu
tion and to a &meriting publte In simernl, for the lib
eral patronage hitherto received., announce at the
same time teat they have mode essential =prat.-
menu in the interior as well as the exterior of the es
tablishment, during hut fall and winter, which will
greatly enhance the comforts and amaseinents of in
valids, who intend to visit this place during the ensu
ing inunum.
All the
to to
diseases nee, and they
will endeavor to keep up the reputation the establish
ment has won through the want, by otnet attention to
p•uents that entrust themselves under their order tu undergo the treammt, patients have to
provide themselves with two wbollen bi.seta, two
eounn sheeu, three comfortablen or a tight feather bed
and ail towels. Term., six dollars, payable meekly.
.1` E. AICRIRIT loss stow open a full assortment of a
above arteries, for dresses and ucks—among the lat
ter are mune scarce colors, such as pink, blue, green,
Ac.. also, pink, bina,.gteen, and mode colon of Ch.
mel ' eon Lawns, and large assortment of embroider
ed nmalma and LAW..
. . .
W. FL 111 reeent porch/me is now all reeeMed and
pen, and persons wanting Dry Goods will do well la
look at h. lamp mot fresh mode befors•porehosing—
at onrcdessi earner 4th and market Ms.
Wholesale Rooms op sours. my 2
rOBACCO- 4 4bjsOads rttlir 2:bacco, land
gf.=.,.iedot and rby
myt JAS TIALZELL, water at
AffiNte-130 baler No I, anti - 7
bales tie 9 Bate
JO ting, is store and for sale by
m6l'l(3E—Received per sum Consignee, some time
nnee, two bate., contenui uhkaowo, marked "3
C Conrad - The owner 1. boreby requested to pay
ch•rgas and take them away.
myti . WEigION EUWEN L 9tl Front st
taiLottium OF Wig—Moak. of prime quality, far
sale by IV Jr... 151
rayl , - 860 Liberty la
AT the sign of the Plane and Saw , 78 Wood street,
• fresh supply of Cupeuters Tools, for sale by
DC ON-10 eorted, clinv Imiding (trim stmr
j)A qx •as
CUmbOtialldi for 1 1 4 . A 4.Y rqcx . gy e, co, ivro .
lARD-13 Wm No t, now lumlmiirom sun Cum
J beriandi null, by
DENlOVist—The subscribers have removed from
1.1 No 37 Water street, to the warehouse recently oc
cupied by Jame. May, No by Water street:
T A R-2.5 bbl. North Carotins, for sale by
thy t SS water It
MOLAOOb9s--49 bbit N 0, Itmdlog from wow Paoli ,
le, and for sale by my 2 C h ORANT
(2 U 0 AR-10 bhds N 0, Just ree'd usd
PT w NG PRINTO---1. large arro u r v mo g n .. l
b l Yt prb . sl ' t r t eree 27; - '
my 9 sti&e•Kterr & % - tirrE
09 wood suern
_ _. __ ...,
13 OB SOY PLAIDS—Ona D 863 84, AB Irk!, Blue
1.1.• Thud Cloakirip, just I
a. by
my 2 SAA
DAFT STUFits—A very large aseoriMent eft ,
L atyle Summer Comm and Woolen Pent no% tut
'opening by rare stinerrxrr & wif
p tuNTED "wss-5. mull leW COI Dreg
i. c y cprlg n , med
and for sale by my* SIIACKL & wurrE •
INt7 I imvis—A fell aveartmenvOf ti - preach
ty and Demesne amen.% jest opened fur sa%
._ . _
nARI3ONATE of AIHMONA-1 auk reed and for
sale by my./ -' BRAUN & egrrEm
AT COPAL -d tau* reelikul for tale t a
my 2 BRAUN &
3d - resins recd iatifo - riCila Ty—
IFIOTASH-9 cas jut re.ol and Loy ybjb by
Florence, Hamlettie./lough and Ready, Straw, Flat
tish Chip,Fancy, Ise. te.
BONNEP,RLOPiON—L% boons of Bonnet and . Cap
ittbbonsof the best styles: -AWN black and ealmedj:
Tairma, and Satin, hest qaality. Mao, Bonnet Silks, .
'' llOS A4ll lll- arWES—Evary deseriptiorroi
ladies and gend.sena two and (Hovels Craellta.
Scarfs, Edith. Also, Bettye, Gime, Crape Lake
Veils, black Mee dent Veils, to. de.
NEW NIMES and MANTILLAS, of all the fash
ionable colors and styles.
vaPes, callers, cans, standing eon al cambric res,
Vidiencea, PILIICh and English Edgings, do,
Inseninz, Bell Ribbons, linen earobna and laurnildkfk,.
crapes. to. Se.
thentaand Panned and Pansoidatts, of every variety,
Including the ben taaskm of to. Satin and Carnelian,
Cloths, Cassimeres,Vesdngs, Sommer dinifs,TWeettai
.Jealls. Also. Flannels, Checks, counterpanes. .
GINGHAM% CHINTZ, 'MINTS, &c .— Mate thaw
nen lamdred eases of the best style. and of every tie:.
hundred eases of all the well known and appravedt;..
makes of Bleached Mashes; SOH balsa brown do,of ay,
ei r ratiery add price. . •
Purealsers may HwaYe tiel=grOnithei great
f ides of nits establishment, of ob
Mas at the most reasanable prices- The . system st
W PRICES. adopted by establishment,
as theis ONE PRICE SYSTEM, having me with mei
universal favor dm% the sabseribers an enabled to
for still greater inducements to parchment. 'Every ar
ticle will therefore be masked at such km rate as can
not fell to give percent' Satisfaction. .241r-haat. How
all parts of the country an iil•lled to Still.
ap47:dlerus GO Market, between ad and dth eta.
irsi, la Mt
I'L.HLS orell known lino of efilendid pass e nger Steel
re e
eI. nom oomposed of the Migest, sodden, bee
hed and &mashed, and most poverfal boats as the
ureters of the We.t. Every acsonunodation =I eons.
fort that money eon procure, has been provided fot Mr ,
songere. The Line has been in operation foe eve Tema
—has carried a million of people mithourthe lemmujus
ry to their minions. The boats will be at the foot of
Wood street the day previous to ensiling, for the 4a retht
eon of freight and the emu)? of passengers on the
ter. In all roses the passage money mast be ' in
advanea. . .
" .
The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hetaphill, tad}
leave Patabargh every Sanday rnortaagaa 10 Weloak-•
Wheeling every Snaday Avizang al to e.l.
May M,
- -
The MONONGAHELA, Copt-Brom; orillioaVe INCH.
burgh every Monday MOMillf at 10 o'clock; Whoaligis
every Monday evening at 10 o. N.
The I.III37JINLA it. V, Capt. J. Eueseeisme, wilt
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'oloe/0
Wheeling every Taesday evening al 10 1. it.
The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. S. 'Dux, will
leave Pittsliume overt Wedneathry morning at 2111.
o'clock; Whe eli ng every Wednesday evesdatal 122. 111.
11. BRILLIANT; Capt. Gums, will leive
burgh every Thursday montiog 1 0 0 , sloe#Pikeetiv4 ,-
every Thursday eveaung at 10 P. at.
cariraiNa Ain 4r. PITTSBUaIni
The CLIPPER No. a, Capt. Pan Driru, will k w ,.
Pittsburgh every Friday morning at Intivelnek; Wbee•,
line every Friday evening tu 10 r.
1919. lama
• .
(via au sow,)
Laves. Plusbargh daily, at 9 o'clock, A. 6t., mfr./ •
rime% Glasgow, lincanh of the Bondy and Beam Ca.
0t.3 o'clock, and Now Lisbon u 11, same night
UMW New Lisbon at a o'clock, P. M., (making the
trip canal to the river during the night) and Glasgow
at V o'clock, A. It., and anwes a Pivabargb at 3P.
AL-Ibn% malring continuous line (or carrying mu,
sowers and freight between New Lisbon and Pints
burgh, in chewer time and at less rates than by any
other route.
The proprietors of this Lute have the pleasure of
arming the pobtie that they have fined up meant clue
Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passenger...Uß
freight, to run in eonnection With the well known
1 steamers CALEB COPE end BEAVER, and conneell,
lug, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Cinehei
nab and G lasgow,
daily lines of steamers dawn the OWN
end ittowissippi rivers.. The proprietors pledge then*
se-Ives to spare no expense or leoubte to imam toe
fort,sefety and divatch, and a_sk of the publics Share
iwr 'Zilionnun AOENI73.
S. kW. IL&IIIBAUG.11, ) Pit:lA:n.o.
yiktf f. RAILBAUGII &Co. •""' U 444,
NOTICE—Tho ,itearryor DELVED, C.F.. Clarkry ELICIP.o
ter, mill kayo oiler ohm nolloo., for Wellsville
ally, at 9 o'clock la the aro • •
. ,
iN gtiz n it i o a t
flegnatin AITRANGRIRENTO for pglapt
• . IdoN - orioAirsui Roves
-oml7 TS Stiles Bitaighelit "
Lot Brownsville - Mid Cumberl ia. and to ,I=ore .
Pbßadelph ' '
pt J p. rtuu ,kin ung S B l L ,l?l r l ic tteg='- 4 ,,
i_Jecobs; LOUISIPLANE, Capt E Bennem err
• making double daily tel between
I -The morning boo will leave the Ronangataapo.
I Wharf, above the Bridge, daily at Ro'clook.preel a g br a
peaseogers Will take SUPERB COACRES at
as r.rup t
vile. et 3 o'clock, P. hi, and the splendid cars as m e /-
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Cautheslgig‘ g t
o'clock, A. M., and arrive in Baltimore the aaam aaa ,
ing, time for the evening line to PhilsAbdahi a na g
From Pinsbomit to Baltimore, only boat.
Prom Pitts burgh to Philadelphia, onj e mb aar ..
Fare I. D The evening boatori ll tem at no'cloch ßUD ,encejalSen-, i
(d a y aaanings. Pasant:Kers by this boat vii lodge on
board in comfortable Slate Rooms the find night, mm
river the MOU111•1111 Ms following day in Eastern bunt
!coaches, and ledge the second night In Combat:Land. • •
Pmsengers have choke of either Steamboat or Rail
Road between Daltimoter and Philadelphia, and the I
privilege of 'mopping ar:Cunibeitand and Baltimore,
I and ITMlLEttipitlbeir seine at pleasure. Coaches etas ,
tared 10 panes ID nuel as they please.
,We make up the loads and way hills for the Coach. '
es In this Pittsburgh ethers, lie order to save thne on
f arriving at Brownsvillo) It is therefore
,important for-
I passengers to get their tickets before gang on board:
of the host, at our dace, tdonongattela Dolm a Wales:
street, or St Charles Betel, noon st, Pittsburgh, , 4
• apniddm J. AMELIJEN, Agent I
Pittabtirsh t Loulavilla PSOkilt. Lime
The.. }TELEG leStl new
RAP eManter
H Ma.,
Haeleit, master, will Telma rod above
intermediate porn on Villolnes. -
dnk r atimo, al Id oleLock A. IL,
r !gat or pat i miatr 4. ; l a . O i n i tt s o ci wo it
The new and rplendid Out
ger packet, •
TIMEGELA.PH No. 4, • r
oven, muter, viW leave far rAcu ,
omit sad Lonisvßle on Thtirsdny, tit,lo In •
o w lelock, A. M. ttr i t u ri ht or ge nry -
GEO 0 .6.M.TE.NuracrAit u° '"'
my 4
13:6ULlt WLIII.I peck= azagno.
The steamboat
PILOT No. e,
• .z.wnevr,... Capt. J. N. Skunk, leaver Plitattztlyzir' -
. • y Tuesday, trit o'elock, P. 3E,
for Elizabethtown, Captina &hash, Peoesoe.
Landing, New
Landing, bletamoraa, are: eel's Landing, Variation,.
Nbwport, cow Creek, MiHeua , Point HMIII4 • Pas, •
tanbark, Belpre, Liulta Booking and Rock
limmeto—Leaves Hotkingpon evcry b C " tradri . i :
at 3 o'clock, P. Al i Slarletta. FridaY z 616 dk• •
EVH . Lb., Ar i iLb T ipegu , l s
.i f hL the alma. towns
By thee a bove nnange' men thisyboat will he -
lay at Pittsburgh on Sunday., zit keep that dayate
should be.
The ;Alio may depend upon this boat coatilliallir tit -
the Wide during the low venue season. nafellia'
Louisville outt St. Louis Pocket Wale.
Tb. fine ow mammy erearsrofi,
gamer ATLANT/T,
-1.14?- 4 Geo W. Wicks, roamer, so leave
ar the above 1111.4 nature awe pirrsi
err.) TiaiatT, 411 iaCk a:47A. Y . •
Far 40101 or Inuourre on bond .
C 14' dom. RaW,
The fine fut ~ v.annur suaarifier
ili tat i skeenler
A McPherson, swear, will leave tor:
et 1e sk above and noel =dune pone eve•
For r agy,M or pallag. apply an twerp, or ta.
. The taut. and ettbatantial antateal
i li UDSON, ;
• a-. ;••••:-.• Mellfaiea, wane; will pal Colin
'"--'U2- .. et regular trip! between Pittsburgh-
Wheeling and Bridgeport. She seal lealtes ‘ Pittgb
on orgh,
Wednesday and Salntday. • ' ,-
Fat freight or, ._ , FPIT,.m bowl. _ o),p , :,
-- ii - olillatiliVtleit .
.. A . NR ZANISAMX - '• , ,
Boyd, muter, will lerro fat theilitinefi
The pi rklultr i key atealt, L ay
; ,el
--F" f'-
FCHIS4S"W“YETILii%'t74:PINTI;PCnieriP/SU'th: I da : e:il7 :
m ag i
The One rtesmer
Ge r oT a c n tn,a i t e = akzo u ',A
pmts L,:
Hoadays aviTlaundays, at io • a .
For height arousal*, aggiy oa awry ap l 7 • :
REGULAR. zAßEsvitax. pater. — ..
no fins *unmet
0 Gallager, Milner Win tau as a reg-•. ;
er weekly paeliet hemmer, FitHeia
burgh and Zanearrille-leave, Paul:ugh um , Tu.. "'
day. For freight apply to
' ' • :tf
Mig No ril%- 41 w Algt6 atet . in ' ,r,
i • ••
ge n , na . cr .r arid i. lig mA ht tlnseghirreitgrarea
. Otmeart MUM, will leave for 01106 T.
and intemediata lattdioda .14 Mos.
day next. 7th inst., at 10 o'clock,
For freight or passage appltoo "' n il "to
_my3 lo& - rriagEw & Co, Agta,
11111111411. • 40
ci tiMeGronainrzarnsinaita:,.
Forsrardlag Comnimidn Men
ohms, has removed to No. 87.Frolle, between Wood
and Smithfield worms.
LER 8 lb. tr. med
• by myl " 0 A FAHNESTOCK* CO
/38 C°N ;tr i t, rest " B IT2d Su rb ' 7 °'"3"l4
ALT—Am bbls So 1 Sab., far siA,
'9 23 WICK A by