The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 07, 1849, Image 1
ESTABLISIIED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. VarsTitolve ientaitar,Canitniulan Bterctunug AboDelt Prxl cey Na. 31.arteleert usynimi,Dit DV% Mote. deslers In Dry 13Goods, Groceries, lloots, Shoes, Pintbingh menu m:ea .nniittee, u, Nit Ins Liberty Meet. Pins burgh. maw= .aasus,_ cacaos it.Frcra. 13S.AUN & RElTER.,4hoissale and Retail Drug: JD isisthcamer of LI an¢ St. pair mem. Pais- WO, Pa. DATES CCIAWS O3 , W. I. mama. PrtDAWN. 4 CULDERTSON, Whalesaie Osumi sad harchatits, lit , . 1. 4 4 E-. sboSgh. Pa. . dell y. tit A. FAMSTOCK & Co., Wholesale and Se -Os latt Druggists_ corner a 61),...5_ B.I.OILLEY & sum - ....., is and 20 Wood meat Pitt C. itAdeihNULTY a Naisaion Much= Duquiscort Springs Axles Elt,..Aeu wor k*. riOLEhi&O, i HALLMAN & reatufsetunrrs el V Cosa and Eliptie Springs, Hammered Azlea, Spring sod pl u ughAteel, lowa,Ate. Warehouse on Water arid Front streets,Piitsburgh. Also, dealers Ing Coach Trite:pings and Malleable Cashel*. mane wGRES ON•LIBERTY. ST., OPPOSITE, THE BEAD OF BRU WOOD. PITTSBURGH. IZUND ormanns to manufacuon. atonarnarns, Burial C Vaatta,Tronbs, Mad StooMPdantelPieees, 0:31. M. and Pier Tmfrif foreign: ,4ameat.lo marble, * • regular and Wt. price. N. Ba-Drarrings for inonstroctds; &o. famish ed, of any dattnption. •• He soltriu a snare of . Wiz . • • •tf milieus"! & lIENNFTT, (late Engliali, liallagher "ca 4. f.x.4 Wholende Grocers, Coression and For warding Merchants, and& Oen in Produce and Pitts bergh areedienues, No. 37 Wood •L, between WI add 3d greets. Dad EORGE COCHRAN, Corozoloioo ood.F. idercladm, No. %) Woad amp: PinsboosCr= 11021181 L AA tE r ACTORT. AMILTON STEWART, maimfactnrer ofHenry ix, i Shirting% Check.. ix, Ftetieces Mtn City of legbtay.. HLEE, (successor to Munk" h Ice,) Wool Deal er end Commission Illerebsca. for the ruin of American Woolens, lAbarry. opposite 6th et. lOW rUm.lacttnny zoysia limslme Twat.. c.secasomon. op, wesoma, &EALD & BUCItl011 ( Tobacco Commission ?Ser. twits, 1 North Walultstas NorthWharu, taunt atam , Mans aster ern, -_ 6 , DIC Co., Wholexrde Grocers, Com 'ldan Mere ban* and dealers Produce, Non. 4.3 war, and 1137 Front Wears. Pinahnrnit. boyB J. CANPIELD, (Mtn of Warren, Obio,) Com»is. ilea and yorwarcing Merchant, and wholesale dealer in Western Beer4e Cheese, Butler, Pot and Pearl Ash, and Wcatims Produce generally, Watts met. between Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. ap3 LWOHN WATT, (meccas= to Ewan Gebbart,) Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactares, cor ner of Liberty and Rend meets, Pittsburgh Pa. jail 1.1.M.W3 ft MCGUIRE, (late of the firm of Algeo - and Mr:Gnirk) Merclutrit Taller, St. Chutes Bui lding., turd street, near Wood, Pittsburgh. AMES A- HUTCHISON, & Ca--Snecerosars to U Lewis . Iltachisno & Commission &Teraina* and Menu of the Bt. lams Stosm Sagas Refinery. No. 45 Toler =LIN hunt stress., Pittsburgh. 11.1.DLL,:d0F.1011 oa Wh e olenale rocers; Pro (arida ,Thalud Powder C o of I VP:rSI y . teW 4 O ei g Pitsburgb: 01114 WMORGAN Wholesale Drama; and deal 3er In Dye Sniffs, Pa ints, Oils, Vanishes, &r.., N 0.93 Wood street , one door South of Diamond Airy, Pius buret. TAMES KERR, Jr A Co. intermor ID Joseph G. fl inris,mtip Chalidl' en, 36 Water street. oral ills}L( EL MELLO 12, Wholesale audfieutild eal er in.hluale arid Musical lasuruneals, School 800., aper,Slates, Steel Pots, Quills, Printers' Cards, sad Stationszy generelly,No.Bl Wood at., Pittsburgh. , Nhfor bought or taken Or trade. seplS SCROOMIda.Ini t. Co., Wholesale Orutopsts, . No. if Wood street, Pittsburgh. 7 OHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer aitr and Wood ictreets„Pinalough. octi OHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers' J and Paper Idanufactdrers N 0.44 Market at, Pals ied MEN ROTA, =ELM WWI. J& ELFLOYA ilate J. Floyd & C 0.,) Wholesale • Grocer., No. WU Liberty surot • scpS 'FAXES DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Commission Ildeicharrt, and dealer In Produce and Pim!. tomh hianntietmes. No-nt Water an, riustatrait. ianln JPUN M. TOWNSEND, Drunter wad apo th ecary, No.4slfarket st.,three dean above Tian* I se. Pins. bargborill lam eon/nand, outland a wed selected as sorimentofAlUbest gmd.frosheat Tdadaeines,whlehlm will *4 am the mat reasonable.lerns— Yhlabras =AO Ordbrioiitl blapromptly intended ta, =lOU gloat =ivies they may rely von as tenable" Preseripdons min be accurately and y prepared from the but materials, many hear of Also fox age, a lup gook of Crash and good Perin. POO r 0,1 o • • ' " " • ' " or" PENN DULL lUTTB/34M.GEIAPA. VE BusNEDY. CHEaS atiutufactuters of very superior 44 Sheeting., Carpet Chain Conon 'wine sad ja,lo-11 • eau us • n or .• T # ll9, DALZELL Co, caaindnetrattaad all ed gess Bar, Sherd, noilit Iron aad Nails or the best Quality. Warehouse, 54 mazer and lad Irma at. WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, For...mi les and ComeAssion Merchant, Dealer in Pina rdi' Pdanufaetures and Produce, Nos. 31 Water n Front c. • . TELCCILY ••• • ••• OIL • IffIABIDIEDT i SAWYER., bOOKLYO GLASS klartufactarera, and IVltolesale dealers in foreign and demesne Variety Goods. deers .ssexclimus, Pedlars and others are invited to call and examine the prices and grudity of oar stock, so with our presear increased Whims or manufactur ing and purchasing, we think we can offer as great tudutemma w buyers easny other house west of the Alramtains. jag-ly unourato. us. a u'aus. Wll3lll C. SOS. IaCGIUS &ROE, Whalenle Grocers and Commis- ALL ulna Merchants, No. 194 Liberty at, Pittsburgh. MITRPHY, WILSON & CO, (late Jr.,a Mawhy & Co.) Wholocale Deoless lo Dry Goods, No. 4.8 Wood areal, Pituborgh. nort.l M .N. A MEN . & " Co LL =Liond Sorwsadlng %MB ful blad Mark retwa et as. ts, I .l,ter mud Frgt Eon be, ""t° _ PI.2L U. IE ML I ZI L / 2 1. RICKETBON, Wintecrie O re and Coosathsathu Merchuds, Na. 170, Ltherr;, Pius r4th, Pa ,juO4 MlkrtliW WILSON, Portrait and IdinisarePaus- Wt. Rooms, torso of Po/4 Offica.AUey. and Fatima =eat, eutivithe on 4th near Markei. dr.OLdtf. A HOLMES fr. SON; Na 6.sll.s.riset st.,lsscond door from Fourth inrfeign , r,:h of it, Bonk Notes sod Specie. (13 . Collectlons sand Co' all 'inn principal =ties • Mot the United Suites. , dLT./7 • BUCIMASTE.Ri Foarth ,t o LI • third dear above Staislifteldi soak tide. Corileysaciag al} kinds dual with Rio greddert care and /scat accaracy... Mks( te Real Estate exansinad, oI 3C6ly 105 H a Maxi*. trait. ALIZIMINLII Brim- Chief of Roam isr.6•l3ra H. Taloberts, IC D., _ .... TTRALEIEO.I3I:IRGEON, mill attend to the meas. mem of Maumee ate Eye. .B. has been engaged in thin mach of the meth-' cal Dote:Man tor =maltase, and has eohdemed an malliahmeat for the tremment of .diseasss of the eye shams far Douai Team . ,' Ofthet.and remdena, Mimet'of Saashisky at and Strawbarry - alley, Agottetry eirY ect.o aRICKIIII TEA STIME.-Na 72 Fourth "IL, noir ,Wood- , -1.11 annuities of Green and Piek,,Tesa,-done up lit quarter, half, and nue pound packadm mincing Anna 40 eta. Ter pound LA& , NUS, Ala: for Pakin feu Co. 11111M1L6T s BE, Wholesale Emmet; 'lteetitying JUN, dealer In Prodpee, riusburgh Illandrate tares. and 'all kinds of Foreign pd Domestic Wines and do nor al No.ll LlbOny sno tro hand a very large mock of superior old Monongahela whiskey, usb will be sold low for oink. ,• apikly MUMS 1:011=1103 1 ., . ILING2L 14 •0191111111. t&ROBINSON d : Co Whalosale firocen, Plunge and Commis...lOn Manhunt, and Dealers in Pinto ti Manufactures, N 0.160 Liberty st., Piusburgia - Pa. hind° rat= DALZELL & Coi Wholesale Macau, .dot, mid FOrwarding Manhunts, dealers Proitueennd Pittsburgh Mannacuires, Litany st. Picatraretu Pa.: fent& ..1-- j oirr. A. CUNNINCII.I.69I, Wnainliale Citsocar 144, Denier in race and Piusbiugh /111111far.tiVeS. y Linen at. L. 0. I.I7IOLDS,L L. sum I.)EYNOLDS ansr, Forwarding' andeaumussion 11. Merchants, fur the ;Allegheny Mir et Trade, deal. era In Groceries,.Yroduca, Plush:ugh /Manufactures and Moeda sif Mine. Thaltightst puce., in µa, paid, 11l all times for cann a,/ rag. Come* TaPerla and Irwin stn. IWO - - SedITH . 101 11 9 BONONholevale and twig Widen . I hr.'? Good.; Laces, lioviery and Faiiey ALTIMM o. 40 Market wear, ad door above Tilivd it, Maborgh. • nen I. 11 1111.1.CHX41, • TEIOII4I. WHIM WILCKLETT WRITE, Who!assail Dealers in porgy nod Dowsxlts LIT Dada. No:linTilood at Wes • &Urn( W. HAIM/WON, Wcol lelerchxnu, Dealers O. in Flow and Produce genendly, and Forwarding oral Contnnu4on lacrehanuy No, 63 Water ss, Phis. Du .s. ALM, BAGALEY .ftWhoirsal. Grocers and CP Produce ttoders,Nit. PLi Matket ntecii,betweeti 6lb aad Rh . North f! 1 54 4 . 1 Ph1.. /0133 MCIIO rietWErnit" ,l4, ----1 +1:1Lan "3 & ) Produce and &metal Gam. S naiad= Blerchwasi No. 17 lAbonl .1,-Puisburo. . VON BONNODRST, 8. Co, Malaysia Oro. ten, Forscarrtinvina Cotunnutou Merchants, in Piusb It Manufaetures and ;Western Pro. Na... 'have to th eisnew ivarehonae,rold nom n{t• comer of Front it and Chancery Lane. ' 11 .1.110311. , Timm & SCOIT, Wholesale and Retell dealers in Beau. Shoes, Trails, Cexpet Bass, to, 8. W. onlitt etritdarld Boddhllold sta, PlostouSh ; Pa. ja3 TABS= &BEST, Wholesale Grocers add Commis -404 Iferelluus, surd Sealcni lo Produce. No. 313 dad al, Pittsburgh. - pall 2 W. Kr/ISMS, Dealer in Watches, Jawedos knit. MIT= Wan, Valium , Goods, /sc., No. 67 Map. 1663:11 raw $ 3.... . . ..- . .. . ~- .- . . ~• . . . il • . . . - r - -'.- 1 r - - - 1 ' 1 ',07 r . ..; . . 1 - ? . r 1 . . . '.... i ' .; '-l d ' : - : : '. . . .r CARDS. 1011.3 D. 1,11,1,,'_ DA.VII6 arcsaniana WICH M'CANDLE:S9, (successors L. tr. J. D Wick,) Mtioleaale Grocer,. Forwarding and CODIDDINDOD Merchants, dealera in Iron, Nails, Glass, Lemon Yana, and Pittsburgh Manufacture. generally, of Wood and Wale.. .Meta Pittsbnr... Esr BOWF2Sl—Conoussion „pod Forwarding JeftlrhaZit, N 0.90 Front tt. between Wood ana 11 . AWkrt mem. foldtl Try W. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Emma/. . ing estaltiNoto•al, No. 444 Liberty sL, neat the canal. marZ Ur IL MURPHY, Wholesale and Retail dealer la TV Foreign and Domestic Dry goods, north cost corner of Market and Fourth ma sor24 WVL, M o. remit [IT 81. YOUNG & Co.—Dealers le leather hides, &e. ur 143 Liberty st. - ton. al'orreasnri- WIL IePCI I TCHFAN; Wholesale Groeen,-dea lees le:arab:me, I.rou, Nails; Maps, and Plets. burgbazh Manufactures general ly, Ite de l Liberty 31, e 2 Pats- h. W IAni...SON, Watches, fearefiy, Silver WTC.e, Market and eth , and Cloek3 eeee Sousts,comer of Maiden Lane and Witham, entrance Na 85 anima atm; third dooi, over Abner tr. Elys , store NaGS Maiden Liter Now Vora iy 10 M. MMCMELTREP., Wholesale Grocers _ • Itecufying Distillers,;and Wine and Lim., erehants. Also, Importers of Soda AIM and Bleseh- Pig Powder, No. NO Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. sere( "---.• . PETTIGREW t co., • STEAM MOAT AG ENTS Onrscs Azov! M. AUX 2 ic CO, , 0013/ Ni,. U Wm. areet. INSURANCE. INDEUSITY •. . The PraialDA /lire /rue:arra Co. of Philo Mphia. 11RECTORS.—Charles N.Bunaker Thom es Ran, LTobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob A Smith, De. W Bich:ado, Mordeee.:4D, I...ees, Adolphe E. Bane, David S. Brown, Morris Panersoo ettallaa N. Sancta, President. Charles G. Bancker, Secretary. Coodnne to make insurance, perpetual or limited: on every description of properly it town or country,' St rata la tar a are eons:meat With scanty. , hic Company bare reserved a large contingent Fend, wh with their Capital and hemiums, safely invest ed, stood ample protection to the assured. ". The wets of the company, on January Ist, IMP, as pabli.stulai agreeably to so act of Assembly, were as 17,43 S 41 ateMtate" 81,0494,724 En Temporarr Loans 1:16,001 85 Stocks • 51,51:1 25 Cast:, fro 5t,..125,422 71 Since their inemperauen,o,perlod of 19 years, they have paid upward. alone million four hundred Mons and dollar., lanes by fire, theyeby affording evidence c( the adr &wages of Luserance, m well es the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilidea J. 046.13,D1NER COFFIN, Agent, nuerl-dly • Mice N E Muter Wand and 3d sts pat.AviAsuracroTtrez zirstraAavE co. :TOM MiNEY, Jr., Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del i/ assarefdatnal > ty Insunmee Company of Phila. ideiphia Fire ßisks srpois banding - a and merebanchse of cozy dr.tiption, and Dianne - Risks upon halls or cameo of vencls, token apprt the most favorable terms. 'MP . Office in the Warehouse & Bee., 1T0.,17 Water, neat Market ewes; Pittsburgh. N. B.—The succ4ipt of this Company mane the tomb askance* of the Agency in this city, with the prompt ness and liberality with whichevery claim upon them for Mu has twee adjusted, folly warrant the agent in inviting the confidence aufpatiromige of his friends and the community atrgagge to the Delaware M. 13.1.tuu- Mince Company, ifilito it has the additional advantages as an institution w og the moat flourishing in Philadel phia—as having plc paid-in capital, which by the ppemtion of its r us coustantly =reusing, tie yielding to each parson mooted his doe shore of the profits of the company, without involving him in any remonsibiLay whatever, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested -of every obnoxious few Cara, and mas mom ausuctivu form. nova SIRE WILE Insurance Company of North &mance, mrough its duly alithatind Agrai, the mhscriber, otters to make permanent end limited Insurance on property, in Mil my and its vicinity, and en ithipMeClLS by the Ca nal and Elver. DIRECTORS. Arthnr G Coffin, Charles. Taylor, Smug W. Jones, Ambrose White, Edward Smith Jacob M. Thomas, John A. Brown, John R. Ned John White, Richard 11. Wood, Thomas P. Cope, Wm. Welsh,. Samuel F. Sinith, Franco lioakens, Samuel Brooks, . S. Austin Allibone, ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Presk. Mum p. finsanann, bee'y.. This is the oldest InsueeConapany m the United 'States, having been chaffered in 1744 Its charter to perpetual, aid from its high_ sumding, long experience, ample means, and avoiding - all risks of an errs has. ludo. character, it may be considered as offering am ple security to Mr-public. . .... W. F. JONES At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones A. Co., Wa ter and Front streets Pittsburgh. mayG ITllijilni riall.l - I — SE INSURANCE. Protection Insurance Co.. of Itarttord, Conn. CLIAIITERED' lea APITAL 1.111./171113 7 4.00,` CoXi—AND SURPLUS C FUND.—The andertigned i having boon appointed Agent of the Prot ction Imam:lca Co., will tato rin• an property in the city and vicinity, and w thipmerna by coon!, arid the liners and lakes mehifi-dUc• qua: SUBSCRIBER has been appointed Agent pro 1 tem. orate Inaiariance Company of North America, and will issue Polities nod attend to the other Minim,.s of the Ageney, at the worehol.oe of Atwood, Jane+. Co. optO WM. P. JONES. water st FORWARDING & CObt MISSION, C. S. DAXI.BI3.WILIk J. ILLIA.LIND saes. CEILSILLICS B. DILNENHOWN.I3. dr. CO. TOBACCO COIIIIIIB3ON ABBCILLITB, No. 09 South Wharves, i.nJ No. 117 South Water sr PHiLn LiELPHIA. TWOS to throne the troth: and dealers generally, of IQ • Pittsbulgh, that they have made such arrangements with the Virginia mantitamerers and the °rowers of the West, West Indira, anti other place., as will imam a large and constant supply of the following descrip tions of Tobacco, which will be sold upon as accom modating terms as any other house in this city or else where, and all goods Ordered Gorr them will be war. rented equal to representation:, Havana, St..Domingoi Corm; tins, Porto•Sica; Penn'..; } Sired Leaf to. Cobs,4llLll4 Florida; Mem ALSO—llvanetes eekbrated: ALOlDatie Stag Caren dish,.with a largo &awry:neat Of ether popular Mends, and qualitiel ofpounds, lea and Ms, Imam' Ss and Ith. Plug, Lathes' Torten Virginia sweet "and Plain, in whole and half boxes,= fin, together with every ninety of article belong . ir.gto cede. Jeladly • - • WOOL, FLOUR AND PRODUCE. • L V BILN, BEND & CO. , GENZIATOORBTLIRS4aOH/VEVAIIIANT BOSTON, MARS. Particular attention paid to the sale of all kinds of Pro duce, and liberal advances made on consignments. R. & Co. have leave to refer Masers ft. Robison & Co. ..„ ralsonlyn. & Roe, Reed, Parka & Co., Beaver; o Lawson & Covode, Wellsville, 0. Boswell Month, Req. Steubenville, 0. WBrady. Bal. P Peterson, Bog vir.„ 11 .. , Memos B Crangle B Co. Gill & Stout, abode. Z. Ogleby, Bridopon, 0. dec.27-ditudzsylda .JOB 3 A. Yeses, PACKER or PORK AND BEEP, CommLuton Merchant and Forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL NT, CINCINNATI, OHIO. nf i ra; = l re - P7rifett. this oarkol. Also to tho forwarding of Goods generally. Refer to Wens. John Elwasey &Co, •' Martin & EltoelneelllCincitinati, 0. B. C. ruffian; &ff. Lippincott t Co. Kier S. Jones, Pittsburgh, Pa. English &Bennett. martednen Commission assd Forwarding Merchant. a 626 WOOD IT., rrnsorcaos, rIONTINITEA to trensact • general COMEIiWWID nem, "eiticelally the purchase and of amen. can Mentithethres and Produce, and in receiving sod ibrwalding Coeds °canoed to 11/11 Ctn. As Agetu (or the Maustfactares,.he will be constantly supplied with the principal ankles or Piusbergh Mannfactims at the lowest wholesale orices. Orders and consignments! armscilull M. EGOLF, 47.11,CUAND115/3 01101SER mid Commission Mer• 111. chant, N 0.35 South Worn street, {second story I ,Philadelptua. [tOcoda purchased, packed, insur and shipped to* order. Wool, Plant, Grew, Drth Fruit 11.114 Cheese received on coanigiamept tad MI , um with Wastrel:lce obtained. Itzrzameces=.Wrn. Boil & goo, Mr. 11. Rigby, and Mr. Harvey Chat, Pittsburgh.. reb-dant GEORGE A. BERRY, -- WHOLESALE tiftoClittn, 001411M110. AdD COLUMISSION REBEKAH, Iran, Haiti, d t a l t il tOrYarae 6 Pit tabargb Rianutaetures generally, t so. 10 *non r/am, emrrien.ll, /a. ' ABItOEU, BROTHERS & COMMISSION_M_ERCHANTS, PHILADELPHIA, For Ltie gale 01 Pradnoo ienerally. WO' Liberal advanzes made on COLISIVIBICInI. Alt-dicwrlaer riranvervition to the le.est. 11011881 CDPLAII, • 110.0 • V IC L • Cssunktion and Forwarding Agents. G. M. HARTON, Ptusburet, wall receipt Produce going! Egg. febl2.42m D. & D. R. T. LEECH, JR., Importer and Dealer in Foreign altd Domed,. tiaddiery Hardware & Carriage Trimmings, So. 133 Wood et., Pittsburgh. Pa. Ll3 " nove reeeivang lee Settee ImPPIT of Good., mld Invitee the &mention of Saddlers, (Martonleers mud , ettamti to hle stock. It ha* been l ..o l di... ae mtleraes, from the ben mune& and be therefore feelseonteteat of being able to afford saffsfactiau to who ma (aver Mtn with a 'malL too taffmtem fro lIVACHANTB AND' PEDLARS.—ffiam • Jounox, .I.l.artet succt wishinr to, close Melt stook or Vartety'Coods previous to their removal, will wit u sibolesalO their stook of Combs, Buttons, Nero- Wel, hreads, Pinsykseelzi, at eon. 5.k.J...0 remove on April No thb Mattel at. mehk7 A.A. /lA=l. • W/A. P. !Doll 1.1 "ARM JONES & Co, (stammers to Atwood, jUL Jones & CU) Ocusurusuos and Pomading gar shunts, dealers. in Pittsburgh hisaufacturesl Gootts 7 . Pit&truzgh, Pa. lach.77 IRE TIMBLIN, ATTOIMET AT Law, Butt,, Pa WWILL also attend to colloonona and all other betel- TY nese entrusted to hint in Betler and Annstrong COUtilies, P. Refer to - • J. & H... Floyd, Ub , W. W. Wallace, do iirnJames Marshall do / Pittsburgh. di) Y & Co., Wood st. ) Jan? JH. SWEITZEH, Attorney at Law, office 3d st., ~ opposite Si Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Green counties, P. B tre k ;l e C r k' a ik roth il eIEFIM&rs, }TOPrttablUK D. T oc E 3 . 111411 i, Attorney and Conaceilor Law, . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections m Bouiliern Ohio, and in Indiana, and m Ransacks, promptly and care fully attended to. Conmuswoner far the State of Perla sylvattia, for taking Depositions, acknowledgment., • Roca to—Ron. Wm. Bell & Son, Curns, Clxurol & Wm. Hay., Esq.. Wlllock & Lamm. A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office renamed to Fourth trees, between Southfield and Grant meet. Conan and Lc; &ulna n n d C.,,1341maz DIIMAP 11 , uNLor mina. . 11.11111.1903 hi1,,1 d O 7 , tEce. on smit ei d , be„„ n. J --- • OHN 1111aNKIN, Auomey and Counsellor at Law and Commissioner for the Stale of Pennsylvania et. LOU* Mo., (late at Pittsburgh.) assrar-staz—pittsbargh. Hon NV Forward, Hamp ton & ltrCandless & APCIum, John E Parke, Bissells & Semple. hl'Cord & Xing. le14:ly _ JOHN T. COO/LBAN, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, between /IL Smithfield and O. WM. C. FAIEND, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, near GranL tatedly lir 0. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has re . moved his office to the Essehange Buildnv, Claw et, eau door to Alderman Johns. apt .ly HATS: CAPS AND BONNETS. WIDOILD dr. (Roecessers to hreordlc lane 04„, Pa•histnable H ' , Corner of Wald and Fifth meta. pARTILI/LAR attention paid to our ROIIIII Trade. Gentian= can My upon getting their Hata and Cape from oar establidement of the mer Kara:meta and arostaturtantr, of the Laaantr arttss, and at tha rawer Country Merchants, purchasing by Wholesale, are respectfully invited to eel arid aramine our Stock . as we can say with confideace that as regards UAL/TT and non, it will not suffer in a comparison with any house hi Philadelphia. febl7 CASJPORMA RATS-12 don water proof California Hats, nisi received and for sale by APCORD k Co, leb27 corner sth and Wood sty rea SPRING fr. 'FASHIONS FOR 11149.4 M'CORD Co. will introduce on Scar. thladay, March 2d, the Spring style of HATS. Those in want of a nest and supenor hat, an malt to cell at corner o( sth and Wood streets, mare Q PRING BONNET RIBBONS. 3c.—W R Murphy hat now open a supply of sprlng Bonet Ribbons, of new and hmidstunis styles. Also, new style fig'd Netts; Lisle Laces and Edg lay.; Linen Edgings; Victoria do; plaid Muslin, and latonets, embroidered Swiss Mmlins, tee.; besides a large usortment of Spring Goods generally, at north east comer 4th and Market streets. Wholesale Brooms up stairs. at-0 IMPORTANT TO TUE AFFLICTED. Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies. D. JACOB S. ROSS, the discoverer and role prietor of these most popular and beneficial toed. ieines, and also the inventor of the Celebrated instru ment for utfiating the Lungs, in effeeung a earn of 'Chronic dis Cases, was a student of that eminent phys.• man Doctor Physic, and Is a graduate of %be Universi ty of"Peuturylvania, and for thirty years soree has been engaged in the invesugation of disease, and the sprat.- ..bon Of remedies thereto. - -•. Through the use of his inflating tube, m connectma with his PrOphylaeue Syrup and other of Ins remeines, be has gained sn unpunished eminence in coring those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con sumption, Cancers, Scrofula Rheumatism, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Erysipe lait and an those obstinate diseases peculiar to females. Indeed every forte of disease vanishes ander the use of his remedies, to whi9h humanity is heir—not by SW use of one compound only, for that is incompatible with Physiological Law, but by the use of his reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of discs., Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pills, when need are in. variably soknowledged to be superior to all other, as a purgative or hoer pill, mt.:Web as tliey leave the bowels perfectly free limn costiveness as also hie Golden Pill. it admitted by the faculty to possess pecu liar. pro riles adapted to female diseases, but being that a bur nisi is sufficient to establish orbit has been uiti in the minds of the most skepticaL =sitilietwil are an i l i ne to ax et r u N pou the bi agert i lad i ' detsile= b o a n o t o o . i ' esiel remedy in ' d irs al t plicario . Poo sale by Use following agents, as well as by masts Druggists throughout the cou,..ntry: JJ 011 ."'"uk sen e d: G o' g t, 41 Narket .t Len A Beckham, near the P.O. Allegheny city; Jos Darkley, Darlington, Beaver county, Pa. !no Elliott, Fenton Volley, T Adam, Beaver, _ _ lOUGH, ?AD! IN THE SIDE AND CHEST RED . —Having a for long time been distressed with a severe pain mithe side and chest, acesicripanied with a dry cihugh, I was induced, upon the urgent soli citationof a friend, to Dr. Taylor's /Salaam of Lrrer won, and I mutt say this medicine ims .iswered purpose admirably. Sly duvets was produced by severe hart, and was so great that u was with dutlbuil) I couid swallow my food. Indeed, lam Intimated tit s disease mum base terminated in Consumption, or VAS e fatal disease, had it sot been cared by this Adieu:us medicine. To all who seek ta prolong their lives, I woald advise the use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Lava T. wort JAMES GOWAN, 4..,3 Boi eery FAYETTF. BROWN, Office, No; 127 Wood west 4..] This medicine facilitates e xpoctoration, red. ices fe ver, restores streng th , and may be considered es • su perior preparation for the cure and prevenuo. • of MI diseases iu the Chest and Lange, and ehould s resort ed to, even alter these diseases have resisted I ..he ma. al remedies. In the practice of this old and s mry se spectable physician, this Balsam of Liverwort. has ac- Tithed an enviable reputation fp its virtues, so sum omr to that of the abundant aostrums of the day, as was the character and probity of its Inventor, to that " grI:11/71WOV n aFtat.—fily on having a vio lent cold, used to cough violently,raising qumniti e s of thick putrid matter, and finally he could not torr over in bed, from weakness. lie uthoifesmd e very symp tom of eonlitned conemaption. For six years he had been subject to the asthma. Illsphyticians, Idemrs. Vermouth & Anderson, said he was sneerer ,lc and most awn die. Yer I was determined to try 14. Tay lor's Balsams of LIVOROOt end - aminge as it may ap pear, this medicine has fu y retained 6ia beat th. . SOPHIA GALLON, 14 Norfoll, street. Sold In Pitisbargh by .1 D Morgan, tin W nod st y Townsend, 45 Market et; H &user, COT It ark. and 3d sts,• Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty •st. Prbie reduced to 111....50 per bonle. ta2a Jaynes , Expetii„sining., -- Satan, Colamalana eo ., 0„ A p r . 54 , 1041, TILL D. JAYNES Dux ten bound to yon .1„/ and the afilieted publia, to avail myself of this op portunity of giving publicite, to theestraartlinar y egeets Of your Expectorant eau yeelL Ha been afflicted for several Yea n with a severe con hectic fever and its concomitant direases, and seethe only doomed to linger out a abort Mst miserable exist ranee mill the fall of 1839, when, being morn severely attacked, and baring resorted to my formet remedian and the pree• tertpuons of two of the most respectable physicians in the neigtiborhood wittinskdoriving any benefit, or the consolation of surviving - bat a few days or weeks at fartbest—sthen the let gleam of hope was about to vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant— and blessed by that Being who does all thongs in the nee of the means—sad contrary to the expects lone of toy physicians and friends, I was in a few days raised from my bed, and eras enabled by the use of a bottle, to attend to my business, enioymg since better health than I bad LOT ten years previous. Respectfully, /M., • Ju. W. Emu Pittsburgh, For side In Pittsburgh, at the P.M Tea Store, 75 Fourth meet aura OtIBISELR AROMATICK 11114EDAIL—The high- Lk, ly soma., balsamic and tonic properues of this Vinegar sender a fa, nthenor to Cologne water for the ordinary pa rpose• of the Valet, surpassing the lat ter in its perfume. It peeve... and removes pimples, tetter and asperity of the skra, st refreshes and whaeua the skin, rendering it soft end emend,. It correct. the clammy and bitter tune of the Mouth, imparting a fresh and pleasant breath. It cleanses nod whitens the teeth, and hardens the grans. For all the above par noses, It is used with' wraer to inch proportion as May .be found most amembre. By inhaling it sod robbing it es the temples, it will remove ticadmhe. If applied mentally to a burn or braise, it will eventually prevent monificatioa. It correct vitiated air, •nd guaranties Irma contagioth,rt Is therefore very useful for puribing and perfuming apartments. For sale by Rh. BELLEW: Wholesale Druggist, mehll , • 57 Wood are., Putsbargh 11 , 11:115 M to certify that 1 purchased one vial of Dr. 1 McLane'. Worm flpeerfie, some two month. ago sad pea tt) a son of MOWS, some seven yeses old, two toaapsions fa, sod although the amount L.) , appear lame, yet I have no doubt but there was upward. of taro TACICSIED worn passed from him, measuring lota ana gnarled of an Inch to two inches 1..4. Vy Rauh Crisek, Carrel co. Tenn, Dee 27, 1T47 )124 SELLGEW VEINIYUGE - 114 . Courisaea, Jan. eth,1619. Mr. IL Bolton:—Your Per onfuge has gold well, and boo been highly spoken of by all wins balm used it From the success attending th admnutnUou of goal Vermiform in every Ca. I haenheard of, 1 am confident I can Bell snore du ring t orningwason Man I did last. I will be glad to sec Pm &nett m sup. ply ore or 6 glom. • Yount, respell ally, [among from letter.] R. CARTER . Prepared sold b y and sold by R. E BELLRILE 67 Woad at, . br l druggists general/I, In Pittsburgh and Al ti'l2.°Y lion In. • TIMIt•Aii. • • rirelllt , no. I. LOttltnlo• YEATII4I.I9, PVICTIMAN £ c. 0., PORWARDINE It COMILIESION MERCHANT& §scoud street meh27:data• BT. LOLA 8, MO. T RELAIIOVAIsi subscriber has removed Ms Wholesalte Groca• THE ry Ettore to the earlier of Hancock street sod Atte q"tiacrglaV OO5l door th. 1'e 211147 0 AP o..pcoirig, laiie I,tseiccisiraisoit meat of tote Watches nod Jewelry, which wi ti be sold as chap. as hi any other establishrue.vt m ds is or the Eastern cities Also—A large love winery store Watches s usd Jove • airy,vary low per. es Pull towelled HI karat Gish Lavern, as low as ttriny-fisre W WILSON, sn sisah3o corner 4th and market es Per Tfiestew and fast run IMMO reamboat THOMAS SCOTT, leasesthe Greenwood Wharf 'soot, at rho int, every half hoar daring the day, lar ,ding m Ia garden gam. A Eno collection of the choicest Green/. was. Plants ara for sale in the Gardea. ke Citlinl• aad other re freshments tarnished in the naloons. &cum put up at Ma Mamma noueu. Orden for Bo9uera left rho wharf bow s retell ,o prompt • Mint!. ? . 4411 PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1849. LAW OFFICE& MEDICAL. LOW, zimdDll 1:111a4 I :I=l Tcpartnership heretofore existing between the u o- bserthent s in the name of . Friend, HROY 4-Co, was this day dissolved by mutual 000 sent. 0.. Rbey will made the holiness of the concern, for whleh pur pose he is authonxed to use the name of the 6vm PORTER IL FRIEND, JAMES WOOD, February 7,1845. DEO. RIMY Co-Partnershlp. The subscribers have this day associated themselves in the name of RHEY, MAIITHEIVS te. Co., far the p ryous of transacting a general Grocery, Commlasiou and Forwarding Rumness, at the stand of the late firm of Friend. Rhey & Co., where they will be pleaved to receive the patronage of the customers of that house and our friends. GEO. RIMY, 1.F.V1 MATTHEWS, February 7, 1&49. WM. ERRS. We take pleasure In recommendteg to the confidence of our friends and those of Friend, Rhey to Co, our sueetssors in buturiess, Rhey, Matthews & Co. PORTER R. FRIEND, &bit JAMES WOODS. Dissolution. Tlfbc. - =T",g.' - „rmt:fo<7`eu„„Zr,r7,7,;:et' Co.. 11 thir day w is h ed do by mutual couserm Mame. Burke Borer, settle the Mumma. of the con. cern, for which purpose they are authorited to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have thu day associated themselves in tho name of BURKE & BARNES, for the purpose of tusinufacturnag Fire Proof Bates, Vault Doors, &c. tc., at the stand of the late firm a Constable. Burke /c Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa isouage of the customers of that house and their friends- EbhlUttitt BURKE, THOMAS BARN In renting Born the firm of Constable, Burke tr I with sincere pleusure recommend Meson. Burke E. Barnes to the confidence of my friends and Me Feb. 9,1949. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE:. thbl3-dtf Dl.mAnUmm. RE partnership ao to easing under the firm of T fil'Cord & King, was by mutualconsent dissolvsd. on die Ist inst. The business will be closed at the oldi tand* etcher of us, using the name of the firm for that purpose. Bea* desirous to have our business closed with as tattle delay a possible. we would re r ~ tfullyrequest those indebted to call and Sella JOHN D tiVOORD, H. 13. KING. 00-Portraersialp. OHN D. M'CORD having essoctated with 6t o hatJ brother /acme M'Cord, under the style of M'Cord k Co., will continue the liar, Cop ond Fur business in all usvenom branches, wholesale sad Tema, at the old .tur d , corner of Wood and fith streeto, when thee when a continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old hem. JOHN D M'CORD. tisZ JAMES 8. M'CORD. TN recirMi tram Me old end well known firm of A. &Mord King, I mom respectfily recommend to the patronage of. the public my IBUCCGII.On, II • Al'cord Co.&re.% It D. KING. DISSOLVTION. THE pannorshtp of MURPHY tr. LEE is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be untied 11 Lea. J. IL MURPHY, Pittsburgh, Jan. 30, 1849 H. LEE NOTICE--The underststned continue the Wool bosjoese and attend to the sale of Woolen ILL the old stand. 1L In retiring; from the firm of Murphy & Lee, I tale great plea. ire In recommending Mr. H. Lee to the confidence • of my friends and the public. fhitalturg a, Jan-70,1649. J. R_ MURPHY. THErs havtkos E sub ienbee lia - y -- associated them. selves together for the purpose of Iransaeting a wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery Gunnels', at No 241 Weeny, opposite Eleventh street, under the style and I Iran of HUSIIFIELD & ILAYS- Amber ph, /annul. 1,1849. N. 0112 custoinere and the public are wetted to Pea its. a call. —— 1.0 - - - CO-PARTNERSHIP. WIAL B. SCA.IFS mid Capt. JAMES ATKINSON Lave entered Leto partnership, .der the firm of FF. tr. ATKINSON. and will carry on the Tin, Coppw, M sat Sheet Iron Ware mmnfsmory. Ai 90, s eksmalung in all its branches, at the old stand of W m. H. Sonde First street, mrar Wood. Fitment.= tatenuon given to steamboat work. oehl THE PARTNERSHIP of Wo. A R Hays Irving been dissolved by the death of one ofthe partners, the were at of Wm. Hays, Jr., deceased, in said firm, eoniustir i e of Hides, Leather, Skins, Oil, e.e., will be sold on the premises on the 16th inst. feb7-ul JAMES LAUGHLIN, Administrator HAVE Ibis day associated with me in the or bele• sale Grocery, Produce and Commission business, my brother Joseph, wider the firm of J. S DILWORTH u. J. B. DILWORTH. fanner) , I. leap. iNI.I.4 O III.TNICII:SHIP—Wrra Young having dna day usociated with him, John R. 11CCane, the lea ther !arsine. will hereafter be conducted under ,the Ann of Wm Young le Co WILLIAM YOUNG, fans MI. R. weirrir. BOOK TRADE. I\TEW BOOKS—Lecturel on Pilptma Prove. and j' the Life and Time. of John lyarit by the Rey. Geo. 11. Cheerer, D. D, Wid ' terings af • Pdgrim in Me Shadow of Mount Blanc. by Geo B Cheerer. D. D. T 6 Journa l of the Pilgrims at Plr mouth in New k.gland, m 11320. Reprinted from the anginal volume, miL htsioneal and local illustrationa of pirrvidenee, principle. and persona; by George B Cheerer. D. D Second edition. Baptism, with reference to w import .d modes; by Feheard Beecher, D. D. Life and Dorreapondence of John Footer, edited by J E Hyland, wah nouns of Mn. Footer as a preather and a companion, by John Sheppard—new The above, with • large stock of Theological, ilia. lomat, Medical and School Hook a, for sale at low prices by ELLIOTT Jr. ENGLISH, 71t Wood tnarJ between 4th at and Diamond allay O&EGON AND CALIFORNIA IN le49—By J. Q. Thornton, late Judge of the Supreme Coon of 0.- egoo--with an Appendix; Includingrecent sod au thentic information on the subject or the Gold Aline., and other valuable manor of interest to the migrant, with numerous illustrations and a map; vol. 12mo. 51 i; . 1 5 ii Gold-Seekers Manual, being a practical sod instructive guide to all persons emigrating to the vie regions: by D T Anste Prof. of Geology, King's Col lege, London. 1 vol, paper. 25e Notes of Travel In California.; coo:taming the prom inent features of the cousitry,• also, the route from Ton Leavenworth, Mo., to San Diego, Cal. From the dß eial reports or Col. Frergont and Mal. F.mory: 1 vol, 1.1:10 pages. tHe. The California Guide Book; comprising the last na tied work, together with Col. Fremont's Eeogruphieal account of Upper California, and hi. Narrative of the I Ixplonng Expedition to the Rocky Mountain., be , edit 2 maps-1 vol, aro, paper. Sac. Be,. Baptist W Noel's Work on the Union of Church aad State-1 vol,l2nio. 211,21. Just received by R. HOPKINS, meto2 Apollo Buildings, 4th st ILyOOkS! BOOKSil—Edgar's Vanation. of Popery. JO by Rev C Sporty; kenoption's Works; Tacitus' Worke; University Serums, by Wayland; Natural Mutiny of Enthusiasm' ' Life and Times of Philip lien e - Life of Rev Henry Venn, Proverbs of the People Magoon; Theophany, or manifestation of God in Cdriag Sfemoirs of .1 Powell Biumn, Bart; Christ Is all, by Tyag; Baptism, it, Marion and modes; The frlid dls• Kingdom. SI vol.; Cheover's Lecture. on Pagrun'. Progress; Cheever's Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Atyng Anderson's Clemente Constitution; Modern Ae coinpliehmentic Last dais of Kish& Women of the Re volution, by Mrs t2lel; Life of Pollok; for sale by I mull; ELLIOTT & ENGLISH tO wood WILAN MAGNETISM—It. CILLIIS to dispassion ate inquiry; being an attempt togow the utility of in application for the reliet of s en n , by W. NI ..Wham, Esq., author of . 111 e reelprocal influence of Body and Mind," ere. The best work on the .bjeet Published. For sae by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, merle 70 wood in ttIFE OF FRANKLIN, Illustrated—ln cosine of publication in the social form, by Harper ts Bro. ra, New York, The Life of Benjamin Franklin con sisting of his Autobiography. and a narrative of his public life and services, by the Rev. Heating. Wald, splendidly embellished by numerals& litmus. designs, by John U. Chapman, engraved In the highest style of art The work is printed in the octavo form, on su perfine payer, from bold and legible type. It will be completed in alibi pans, at In cents each, and issued at bnef intervals. Each part will be received by ex press immediately after its publican.. Part In jolt received and for sale by JOHNSTON as. STOCKTON, 1¢25 corner market and 3d Its IVIr:CAULAY'S lIISTORY ENGLAND—From ibe accession ofJames ll.—Vol I. T History of Alexander the Great. by Jacob Ab loon, with map and engravings. The Victory of Charley the: tint of England: by de mob Abbau—elegant eugvoangs. Jlarperls Life of Franklin splendidly embelhshed by- ousnerous exquisite designs.kNo I, 25 cents To he completed In If numbers. P.intorial History of England, up to the sago of uvi.ego IL—eon/plebe ,to 4 vol., octavo: Ilia am. ' J. I recanted by R IIfIPKINB, fe be_ Apollo Builainr, 4th in • • - . . _. MAtRAULArs His TORY OF ENGLAND, Vol- U. Chalmers' Posthumous Work. Vol. b. Frain/Nut's LIM Illostreted—mine II and 111. The History of Itannibat the CarthrisMian: by Jacob Abbott. . 111usuated tide, map and nuhtenns engra• Ml rtes. le I's Grammar and English Dictionary, octavo. Stoll, of Little Jelin: limn the French of M. C /ca non. 'lllustrated. Aern, or the Cue/a of LIA, A collection of Tbolts end Observiiihms, designed to deli :meta We, Man •nd the World. Han'* Romance of Yachting. Arabian Night* Entertainments, Lane's translation; aplandidly illustrated. V cols, 12mo. Just received by R HOPKINS, —— feb2l Apollo Hall, ititit_ - MEW BOOKS—History of Mary queen of Scots. .1.1 By Jacob Abbott; with ongruvinga History of King Charlie. the Vint, of England. By !arab Abbate; with engravings. Hiram of Mama:ler the Great. By Jacob Abbott; with engravings. Unitary of Hannibal the Carthaginian. By Jacob Abbott; withgraving.. Received an d for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, febbn .or market and Bus 'EEW nOOKS — Olttgon and Conforms in MSS; by J. Quinn ThomUM, late Judge of the Supreme . of Oregon, and corresponding member of the American Irunitnte. With an oppendix, including re cent and alchemic Informatum on the subject of the GOLD SILNES of Calliorn., nod who' enidttbie ter of interest to the emignads, mt. With Wears.rts and a snap. In two colonies. Ilaphael,• or pages of Me hook of life at twenty. by Alphonse de Lawaninc, antl tor of the t'llistory of Me Otrondlats, or Personal Men till,/ of the Patriots of the French Revolution," etc, Jon received and for solo by JOHNS TON /r. STOCKTON, moll{ e orner market and 3d ste 114 4AN1 P OP PKNNSYLVA--Co nstmeted from Ms CocLuil Surveys authorised by the Scam, and ono et original documents. Revisal:l.d improvm oodet Ma supervision of Win. K Movois, Civil Knatimer, upon daiSaTurr. A d ir lotre h o preir,4 7 ' gi n s d larl ' Ord " lple f int: Map received this day and for ode by J0101E02014 & STOCKTON, 1300kmi,lors, pry martin aml3d au , HOTELS 1 - I.kkii , /.11 , 11:01N , 1/ =E=M==l voou 4.N . 13 Tt11330/TOll, ROPIRI.OII. r THIS establishment lodiland widely known so being one of the most commodious in the city fir Baltimore, has recently undergo:me way exten sive alterations and improvements. An enure mw wing has been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing moms. The Ladies' department has also been connltetely reorganised and fined up in a most unique and beauti fed style. In fact the whole arrangement of the Flame has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, monads the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with only Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with ever) sub genial and luxury which the market affords, served op in a superior style, while in the way of Wines, they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the pooprietora beg to say, that nothing will hu.len undone on their part, and on the part of their assisallnts, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The ?nee, for board have also been reduced to the', following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, 51,75 per day. Gentlemen's N. B —The Baggage Wagon a theilonss will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free Outman mayihf EXIDELSAGIE El realm{ 0 1 . 91171 MC IT. CLAII alt, erriturtmon, TA. The subscriber haring assumed the manage ment of this long ettabitshed and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Fabhe generally, that he will be at all times prepared Ia accommodate them in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture. added, and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undersigned rospectfully solicits • continuance of the very Liberal patronage the House has heretofore recetyed, THOMAS OIVSTON, 111AIIVIN 130IISSE 0011tra 0, /OMR ORD 013.1.7 fßZlif, WITCIIOIOII. lI.THE subrwriber respectfully announces that he has now opened ha new and excellent Hotel • for the aecorumodation of travelers, boarders, and the pubbc generally. The house and furniture am entirely new, and no pains or expense have bees s i mo n t to t H os ow nter i,, lt t ti e ne i o w f the mostcomfortable and The anbscriber is determined to deserre, and there fore so/kilo, a share of public patronage. ocll4-dIyJACOB HOUGH, Proprietor. co — 'KRCENT SATED' OPPOSITION HOUSE, T - • • - uE VI RGINIA HOTEL, on Baltimore street, neat the Depot, Cumberland, is now in complete order for the reception and accommodation of the public. Persons in !march of ealle and comfort, will do well to patronize this estabintunent—they will find the chambers clean and nice, and the Table as well foz rdshed an any in Cumberland, at twenty-flee cents, guaramend as good an any that call be had in the plaoe, at any price, or op charge. No charge for transportation of baggage to and from the can. jals.dftt WASHINGTON EVANS. varrivtb -- ftTevrEs tiowsr.L, =ECM R. • =SIM MOWN AND TUTU M. OPPOSITE late Beet of the United States, Phila M. POPE MITCHELL, ma th rr i' Proprietor. rrnupTrzeß FRESH SPRING GOODS Shaeklett & White, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 Wood street, ask the anention of Merchants to their stock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now recasting direct from lien hands. _ . Reosivtng regular supplies of first goods during the season, and devoting large share of their attend.. to Eastern Anenon sal e., they eon confidently wtsure buyers they will find it to their toterest to alumna their stock. Justreceived, large invoices of new style Dress Goods Fancy Prints, Cassaaeres, Cloths, Sommer Goods: Laves, Wlite Goods, Irish Linens , Tailors' Trimsturt . rs and brown and bleached Shootings of sari- MN brands. roar 3 JAMES W. WOODWELLL 1110 dern and Antique Ftretiiture, EC, Tann Smarr, Premium:at. A large and splendrd assortment of Fumunre, Htable flu Steamboats, otels and private &eel constnntty on hand and made to order. present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any mannfactory in the western COUnlry• Persona wishing to parchrhas would do well to give me a call, as I ant den-mined my once• shall plasm,. Pan of the mock constant in— Tema Tete; Buffet Etaqcie. Louis XIV Chain, Queen Elizabeth claim Fron Tables; zle P t 9 l 7 Zies; Loots XV Commuter. French blehorany Bedsteads; Piano Stool., 5D oaths with Plosn and coma; • 50 blotto-Irony Rocking Chairs; 40 doz Parlor do 30 Pone,' do Wi centre Tables; 21) pair Daemon 4 parr pter Tables; 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus; Wardrobes; S Secretaries and Book ones 20 marble top Writ Stands; 4 pair Ottomores; 8 pair fancy Work Stands; A very large asourtMent of common chairs and other furniture too numerous to mention. RT Steam Boats furnished on the shortest cones, no on the most reasonable terms. deels Chocolate Coen Ash. W. Baker's = l earn; French hocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, , Drama, Cocoa Shelia, the. O merchantsand consumers, who would pusehuse T the best products of Cocoa, free from adulteration, mine nutrition. than tea or coffee, sod to quantY oosur passed, the subscriber recommends the above uncles, manufactured by himself. and stamped with his name. His Broom and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatabbs, and unitary drinks fort nvaluis, convalescents, and others, are pronounced by the most eminent physiciaith galleried to nay other preparations Ho mannthetures art always on sale, to any quantity, by the most re spectable grocer. to the eastern antes, and by theis agents, Hawes, Gray &co., of Boston; James 51 Dunce eo, Hartford, Coon; Hassey A. Murray, New York; Grant & Stone, Philadelphia; Tr nisi V Brundige, Bal timore; and Kellogg & Rennetheineinnati, Ohio. wn.urEa BARER, Dorchester Mass. For sale by aug3l BAGALEY k SMITH, Agri. Itrongtta and Cast Iron IHF. subscribers beg leave to inform the pole a that they hare obtained from the E..t all the late and sh ‘ ionable design. for Iron Railing, both for keine. and cemeteries. Persons snarling to procure hand some patterns will please call and examine, and Judge for themselves. Rnilmg will be furnished at the short cst notice, and to the best manner, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. aurthßsitf A. LAMONT & KNOX. . Liumbidg, Cupping and Binding. hB. NORRIS, Ithiecethos to M. IL Delany • No 65 Flab street, between Wood and Smith d. Fresh leeches received monthly—attendance all hours. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Alle gheny and Ilinsunghain. I most e heerthily recommend to the phyalelans, fam ilies and all my former friends and patrons, Mr. K. B. Norris as being thoroughly acquanited with the bun gee. and worthy of patronage tnarthid y tlfarkialaolared Tobacco 4s wc , t i i(a ; p; : - Ilu lt ik ß :c y•tises superior sw . e.e2 II brdo Price A ll•rwood's ' 4 ' 5 21 do do do 25 do do Pearl & Harwood - Stc lb 14 do 1 Rohn-Iwo 57 h( do do 'X do do Wm Dawson 371 do T Wrlght's T 7 do a Anderson do l. T Dade's do R Alarron's I do Rateliff Just landing Irwin steamer and packet. and for wale by HEALD, DIMKNOR & Co, 41 north water at and 16 north wharves, 091 Philadelphia _ . . . 1 - 1" INSCI'I/RED TOBACCO —I SI la hi S ' ,:d one. In k Son . , super., tweet lb lumps. 75-Ital( laz Webster Old rope nor tweet St amps 36 Lawrence Lottier " Se " " Gentry It Rooster " 3,1 Ss " " Dupont pie is Eure) " M " 10 " SloLeodet _ . _ " Lawrence Loafer .Islfls plug Just landmg from steamer and for sale by kIEALLS, BUCKNOR Co, 41 N water st and 16 N wharves, myal Philadelphia. book Binder*. urE are pull .gagad al the above business, corner TV of Wood and 'Third streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work in our line with des. patch. We attend to our work personally, and eau.- faction will be peen in regard to its neatness and do totality. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books in numbera_tif old books bound care• fully or repotted. Names put on books in gilt letters. Those that have work in oar line are invited to Call. Pores low. my2".ktf A LP 881148--3 O dos genuine Wetiii Gni( Bitius, a very 6ue article. A few do z ens Philadelphia 8 ins, from the manufactory of H 61 Cranston' to *bush the onenilon of boot makers ill invited. Just TECONbi anil for sale by W YOUNG Et Co, tedt2 143 liberty xt Al e W:ILPCLINTOCKR, No. 73 Fourth sweet, can be seen a splendid vanery of sup Royal Vel vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Brus sel., 3 plys and sup and fine Ingram Carpets, of sup styles and yaslittesi and to connection can always be found Table Linens, Crashes Diapers, Damasks, No reen., Cid Cloths, he ho., to all of which we call the attention of die public EtAVING sold our entire stock to C, H.Guntrs, with • slew to clowg our old business, we hereby so for him the parronade of ell our friends und sus mmen. RU. W .. ..P2INDEXTy.... Fl, TiF ROINUEXTER. Pittsburgh, Aug Ith, 1848. Ar I 11. ti RANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and •J • For warding Nerehiwt, No. 41 Water NA mat - .... ... ._ _ joi A FULTON, Bell sad Brass Founier, has re built sad commenced bounces at lus old stand, where ho will be pleased to sea his old custom ers and htends. . . . Chureh,Steambont, and Bells or every size, from 10 to 10,On0 pounds, east from patterns of the molt approv ed model., and warranted to he of the best maternal& Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &n., toge ther with every variety of Brass Castings, it required, turned and finished m the neatest manner. • . . . . . . A. F. is the sole propneter of lieneres Airrt-Arrar. non Airra.l, so justly celebrated for the redoeuon of friction in machinery. The Bones and oompoaoon el. be !lade( him at all tunes. is*lY PRINTING PAPER. MILE subseriber. having the exclusive Agency for J. selling the Mauna Paper of a new and extensive paper milt in thin vicinity, win be at all times well sup- . piled with the different sane of paper of superior gu n ty, which we offer at the lowest regular peters. Any eine or quality will be rnanufacmred to order at short nett.. REYNOLDS & SHEE, jail Sm corner Peon and Irwin 1.11 INike IltErliEß CLOTHING—Jut It/exit/ea for the California Expedition, a complete 1111110nITICIlt of Dom Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from RAW to 51160 ror toil a cent, pants and Illat For rale at the India Rubber Depot, No 6 Wood et. uled2o J k II PHILLIPS JUST ittek3VED—Three more of those so iastlY tp celebrated itambargh Pinnosossed ceasumdt7 by LULL Thelberg and other great performer, together with o Mtge assorunent of rosewood and mahogany ; of my own manufacture. The above instruments art wartented mho perfect In every respect, Ind will be low for cash. ,P BUMS, eldoor from kale No 112 Wood a, 611 MISCELLANEOUS; GREAT INVENTIONS—VALUADLEDEPV/ 2 " Parma fiscraxo Jarresse aaA 181. Patent =zanier cctataion Mara. Sfax, / 1 """`' Ekok carAA:_nuatp...ra. . LEVED. OP wsoll sueps o ming every ( a other m j vendee of the kindness extant TheY mai be en leaded 1...144 m tvrener-dve feet, sad when closed the leaves are all contalned insig ,a, LA: u re made to all mixes • and shapes, and are "Mimed for Smainbants, Rom* and large prime les, form ing when closed complete centre table. SOFAS AND DUREAUS—These ankles we Inval uable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise, room, and convert • sleeping apartment ince • parlor or suing room, as they eau - be opened and shut at coovcaieoce, and when shat, the bedding 'Matelot ed. A great. savmg in room and real. All tka bed needs when closed form • beautiful piece of furniture for • parlor or sitting room. BOOS OASES—A neat and useful article for parlor ordrawing room. WRITING DESKS—for law °Neel, counting rooms, and other Maces; when opened a istestcouveruent bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is steads. • • ••• All these articles need no treonatundation: the Nuttily of the whale L, they ore vr a rran ted 1101 10 get b out of repair. It will for your interests to call and examine the articles, at the masalbetstreee more, No. 61 Third .uevlt Ptatalt• In addition to tae above damages, they are proof &azmt bum metatt JAMES W WOODWELL Jlirr WROSHIVIED, AND now opening, a spleaded tot o Ifi l l 9p9lPiano Forma,_fotora the celebrate:l sAm' of Mums &Mark, N. Y. It condats In _part of the follo w i ng. One elegant werood 64 octave Piano, with caned moulding top and plinth, projecting front and carved gothic tablets. One rosewood Piano, Og octave, elegant and plain, with Coleman'. celebrated Pollan Attachment, • su perior Instrument. One Rosewood 6 octave, round corners and octagon egs. O do do do I One one rosewood Plano, .grace cornett and lap. These pianos have Improvements in theme In stringmg and covering of the hammers, pelt= by no others in this country, and are at once the best as well as the cheapest Pianos that can be bought. ALSO—An elegant lot of Chiekerines Piano., 7to octave ., possessing all the latent a Ti l llVJneTerrent rosewood Cabinet Grand Plane, 7 octaves, a new invention. HENRY BLEB_ R, febl-tf At J W WoodwelPs,B3 Third ) . ?6•1 , f1.0:1111.1.11 1 RiftJOAN IL MELLOR, (sole Agent for Metering's Finns Fortes for Western Perinsylmtnia,) N. M Wood street, PitMbVs reeePred andnom open for sal. the tolloonng e assortment, direct Enna the msonalictory, at Mr. • tenors (Boston) prices, One Romperood seven octave Plana Forte, calved in the moot elegant and rich ervle Low XIV. One Rosewood caned seven octave, new and Im proved scale. One rosewood Piano, R entrees, new @calm One • carved, 0 • Two " round corners, el octave, now scale, Two • panne " 0 • • • The above an all from the manufactory o(J. Chick. ening, Boston, of the latest ay/. of &nature, and with the new and unproved scale. ALSO 02 111,22 AND FOIL 412 lOW 3 Rosewood 6 octave Pianos, from the manufactory of H. Worcester, New , York, formerly of the firm of Biodari, Worcester & Chatham 2 rosewood 6 ostave, Gale & Co., N. Y. 1 rosewood N octave Piano, made by Bacon & Ra- Ye r ' ld N a e lt w ogany York. octave Piano, made m Baltimore, and le A with me fos sale by the owner, for cash or In ex 2nforPiaburoa le:ures, or grocerl:ardli country 133 via_ ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR nj, JAYNE—This cemfies, that immediatey after hamog attended my brother who died of consumption in blarettCl, I wan taketialek Co tun or Liver taint, and was reduced an low with the disease, that (o r rung sgetsra I was unable to amend to my brininess, either at home or •broad, being for the most time confined to my bed. During tberahaut peri od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o re lar Physicians and medicos., to the mow of writtout receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, 1845, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi and have taken them more or less ever sine, trod that it was by persevering in their ase, that I can now truly say that 1 have completely raw% erred my health. I believe that Jayne's Sanative Pills and Expectorant ate the best family medicines now in use. I reside in Springfield, Otsego conety, N;•11%, end carry on a Silence and machine ahoy in that place, and we not interested la any manner ui tea sale of the above medicines, and make this certificate for the ben efit of those adlicted. ELLIALI EATO N} . Springfield, y., Sept. le 184 S. Ja4 .4 gIeUFACTURED TOBACCO,The anbacritior AL would call the attention of the city trade and dealers generally, to the following brands Tobaceos, in wore sad to arrive, which being unssignownts di rect from manufacturers, he is enabled to sell at east- MI prices: 1.7) I bra It W Crenshaw .55 70 t .. James Madison U; 0I " Lemming 3'5" 33 I " 9Th-abeau 6c 23 # " Putnam re wed Is; 15 1 " Roberta fr. Simon sai . 5 # " Oscar Burl r% 91 " Johns fr. Lewis lq " Warariekonspr 15 i feb: ' 11""" '''''.- L SVAITLS/9 Pitt Machina Works and Poundry ...... . TORN WRIGHT & Co., are prepared w build Cot= kg and Wulea Machinery of every deuription, sub an Carding Machine & Spinning Frame., Drag es , Railway_ He Wolper; lipooders, Dressing Promos., Lures, Cud °finders,. &r. Wrought Don Shafting tamed; all sites o(Cast Iron, Pull.* and Hangers o(ibo latest (mums, slide and hand Lathes, .od tools of all kinds. Castings of weary duenpurso farainhed on nhort notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Geanng, Iron Railing, &a. Steam Pipe for heat ing Forgotten, Cast Iron NVindow Sash and Caney Ca. ungs generally. Orden left at the Wareherasa of 1. Palmer & Co., !Alum street, will haus prompt atten tion. Refer to Blackstoek, Bell & Co, J. K. Moorehead & Co, G. F.. Warder, John Irwin & Sons, Pittsburgh ; O. C. & H. Warner, Steubenville. Haig WIGHTMAN— ems ... Man as ufattu• • o err era kind of cor n.. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city Pa. The above work. being now in hill and auecesstul op arauon,l amprepared to execute orders with dispatel for all kinds of machinery in my Imo, each as willow., picker., spreaders, curd., grinding machitma, dr•WIIIff . frames, speeder., throssils, looms, woolen cards, double or angle, for merchant or country work, mules, jacks, &c.; slide and hand lathes and tools in gen end. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv, en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Rion so—Kennedy, Childs & Co., Blackstock, Bell & Co_ King, Pennock & Co, las. A. Gray. 1111:-W-00,itirInaTTORY, ALLULECIINt. A. WHITE & CO at th, would respeetthily Inform at. th e public they have erected • shop on Lacock, between Federal at 4 Sandusky enema They are now making and are prepared to receive opts (or ry eve desorption of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot Be seeches, Beagle., Phanans, le., tra, which from their long experience in the mamfaeture of the above work, and the (aniline. they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with these wanting articles in their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rink, and having none bet competent workmen, they. have no hesitation in warranting their work. We therefore ark the attention of the public to this matter. N IL Renewing done in the best manner, and on th e most reasonable serum pain( i UPER FRENCH BROADCLOTHS--W. R. Moo. 1,0 rue in, ties the attention of buyers to his catenary. u•sortment of above Good., embracing every quality up to very fine, and from the celebrated manufacto rtes of France. Pentium; these goods from the conloWaooll merchants or yenta of the manufactu rers, be is enabled ,to sell Menial the lessen possible prices. Also, One green and invisible green Clot* very chew wool dyed blk do; and French, British and American CASSIMERES, blank and fancy; blk and saucy nun VESTINGIS, gentlemen's .11k poeset Handkerchiefs, blank and fancy Cravats, linen pukat Hdkfs, Undershirts, Dnwera, to., at the north etit corner of 4th and Market streets. Wholesale BOOM up stairs. rebel) - Stable. ROBERT H. PATTERSON ha. opened 3.. the large stable On Pint st, running through 3. S .to Seconds, between Wood and Smithfield ma., in the rear of the Monongahela HOUBn, with an cautery new . stock of Horses and Carriages of Use best quality and latest styles. Hones kept at live ry in the best manner. /TWIT _ . STEAM BOAT CLOCRS—Having conuladed to sell off our entire stock of Kirke. Marina Timepieces, we now Ofrel . to Bell Meru at lower prices than they eon be bought at soy house w Pittat, • • ece, east or west. Being the only rub shed • nts hero for them clocks, we have the largest and est assort ment in the city. Call and see. Remember, we tee not to be nadersold. BLAKE & CO., Werke street, 0ct,30 entrance on north side of the t. amond PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND AND AXLE FACTORY. I 1:11. man, JONNIII.4 IMAGO, : Y[ A lit ir ah k as,'sthet p f o otgY " e d oae bi tt i t e aping a hammered lron axles and deale kohl. taming*, fire engine lampe;and coach . generally, comer of Bose and Front am, Pi 1 WIT IN TIME lot of PittOhl, SIM too California aervice;nist. received. Mao, to arrive on the lOtb inst., by Eon.% and bandy article of Portable Gold Jtealea, wl cry gold miner ought to bare; and for sale or w w WILSO corns, 41b and marks For California. - rrniE celebrated Hazard Ride Powder, in ke I kegs, quarters and cam, for sale by febt3 .1 8 DIL.WORTU & Co, 27 .• • _ Blaspratt 9 s Patent nods 202 CAS Javde,c.eilfd. peelo c r b neamero Iyei W & M harcitemEE, MO Liberty WEL YOUNG & CO, rtEALEHS IN HI &HZ AND LEATHER. Dome% j_l 19hoe F 5 dings he No. =beim sweet, have rest received thou SPRING K of goods, com prising large easement darnel's/ in their prie, n which the attention of purchasers la Leaned. mchie ALL persons mdebted to the Estate of William Afc- Riegel, &erased, or to the late linos of W. Ala• k o ,gto A Co., sod Wm. McKnight & got, oco moiled to pay, without Cunha delay, to ROBERT id'HNIORT, aloha:111m Admitustrator of W. KeEztight, deetd A RTISTS' and fat Su yards smooth Convamoll inch; 2i) " " 30 100.das Compreestble Tubes, atoll colors, by J KIDD & Ca mehlo ANTIC% A GIRL to do h W ousework. one who thoroughly !I. understan4s her bounces, and can glee gam re ferences, ban bear of a perannoteursituadon l at fair ltdif wages, by applying at du Ott. me 1181FJ) APPLES-411U bush lined AppLe,, in 'lota and for Ink by nach23 S tc W HARZAtrOtf ARP) GREEN—I 9 cans traaAnst reel Auld lot P .abs by .13 A FAIIIIMOCK & cotoor lit and wood in DRY la VARIETY GOODS 9, in.; theDend= ri C Ka - Az bro e t o orl ir sa . fdie l Fever . , No 75 illastuse STXXLI, Prrrssuon, EVE resolved on arum DPP - their large tuck of -1111 Y 6100Dif—ithe principal, pi, n. ni hasoßttelYliwin purchased at the tuns Art, non Su in Phllsolelphleand•New - York, or a un atersitiOS and implealleled sacrifice: , We r tave made each urge naltietion few ! Our reg ular p eel that we win now sell a UWEs offor. 0(000 goods BELOW COST of importation. The early 4. cordon of bayou Is invited to choice high colored goods sidapt.d to the Califon:l.Thu%. LADLES DRESS GOODS. Plain ted dgmedCameli. Cashoieres and de 'Lilies Mika all prices, Very superior koala fled Super cloak cloths, all co and Watered bib silks, lora, Superior repannure silks, Prevails merinos, all colore r • bill snd.oolored, Black bombazines, Super black glossy Oro de Cross barred and minted Moe efts, alpa a cas, Vise= and castillas Brocli filed and istriptd do, beat quality, Jenny Lmd plaids; • Pare satins, b il e and blue Victoria Lyon.," cloths, re astirts, vary nch, laritatthsa satin merinos, Cohere cloths and eamali- Saner allk warp' alpaca an instrea . hiftteN SNAPP'S! SHAVVIARI DidepdiEplaidlong shawlar due brucha long shawls, Splendid witch shawls, 13e finest vie have ever Rani N. York Rued: Monks to this market, _yelp bargalum now to Da sold at great Plain w and erabraPd Whet • shawls, all colors, indecounon bro. Silk fringe, remarkahly '" = " 4;are ahaarls; eke* aurrumEl te=liansilk ... shawl. Frepati cloths ken the celebrated "'ottani" =Lois- Gictorg. For beauty of Babb and permanence °former, these cloths bays no ropinion • few piseas eat= fipq jet black and olive ...rum beaver. and other heavy cloths for over coats, twilled Rauh clotha,.=anden uolld cipreuly for elooka, Prenatal:id ilElCriellt one simenea, super wat of &gland do, moor Prima sa tins far beer imported- and fancy velvet an v = h re 's vesting% merino eats and draw en, Dalian crayon, line, cambric and illkltd.lo,bo eery and gloves. Web linens, best long cloth shining mastics, bleach. ed and brown merlins of good quality, remarkahly low . tisk:tugs, checks, domestic and imported ging , Mini; scarlet, yellow snd white dwindle, Ciente lot very_Lcheap; alame tat of white and 4:T*3l6am:4:Lamm try Ihn=ls, cheap; brown and hien:died Hamby table linens and table cloths e turd Scotch diapers and tovrellinis, catinerts, arts and tweeds. An usual large stock of blankets, dirndl from the manufacturers, some of which aro the best ever exhi bited, all of which will be closedent at ouparalleled low prices. In addition to the above catinterated goods, oar stock comprises a verry lnge and camplete usaftMent of &meet every article usually (021111 in a dry good. Steve, Ind so they have been =ally mg, chased at the esteem auctions, hence the lam great ducdon ofprices. We are enabled and determined ter , sell the off at meat bargains. Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and the public generally are mspectfolly Wetted to en ear ly examination. Ban*. shall be given. A r FS ANDER tr. DAY, 76 Market rt, febn N W macro( the Diamond IDA/3-PILTS,OIL OLOT1111; ie. ECEIVED TRLS ALT, Carpeting and CM Cloths of Ina latest and mast approved patient., end at Os to snit purchasers, and cheap as can be pan c Lc any of the Eastern cities, comprising the lel lowsng varietlem- , - Mona Royal Votvet Pilo Carpets; Alzrainlator Carpets; any ono hall rooms or cool Txpectry - do Hassles. Sup Royal Brussels do - Tapestry stair carpets; Extra ara3 ply do Brussels do do Superfine do do Chemile Hugo; Extra rap Ingram do ned dd goporlina do do To ßrussels do Irmo do do ChemDo Door mann 483 Tufted 6... Tapestry DonnishAdelaid do do do Sheep etin do do 4-4,3-4 & e torl'd Pe- 134 Embed Plano covers netian do 6-4 do Table do 4-4,3-4 & 4 plain do do 6-4 weed do do Option Ingrain do 64 wonted and linen do do do Vensuan do Brow Stair Rods B-Oeonon DnagLan 16-4 wool crumb clothe woolen Stair Linen do do 6.4 table do English Table Oil clothe; Cooper do German do do do do Croak • 8-4 Floor Oil olio* Boos-Drop Napkins, 7-4 do do do Cris:Bono Plush' I:M=l==;= 54 do do do Aloroon do 4-4 do dp do Carpet Binding; Sheet Oil Clolhs, of newTransp'm Window Shades Tspestry pattern., cot to 41 fiTo the abase, we are constantly reeetringonr Buie. Bleck of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Bteemboat.Trnummas, to ?which we Invite the attendon of all who wish to for nilth their houses or steamboats, as we will be chic to oboe goods as low as they con be purchased in the East, and of the richeu and latest styles. Call end es me oar stock before pure.hasing elsewhere Ware house, No 75 Foot* st. utehM W. M'CLINTOCK. Tie Largsst,.Cheapezt crud nunt Amin:mob& Sibck re Good', aimed to Grutleme='r Spring and Summer Wear, trjesa recciarag ae 010049 CHEAP CASH CLOTHING STUB, 131 LIBERTY STREET. LRE Proprietor of the above establishment. would nispectfully inform his nunterous CO.LOOVITI, that ,returued (rom mmrmant p East oub ;t n en bi ep i ra ne, Witi{ the eras brought to this city, compritung all that is now fashionable, elegant and Cheap In Cloths, Causslistm., Cashmetens, Drop De Ete., and every description of etinou, _linen and woollen Summer Staffs; Shins, Cra. vms, Mitts, , Suspenders, dec.-, of the newest styles; which, mgeMer hut very large and fashionsble mock of reartylnade Clothing, he Is prepared to offer at his usual low pnees. Country Merchants, Contractors, and all who pmr. chase largely, are particularly turned to call and ex amine the stock, which it deculectly the largest op roost fmluanabie is the city, and great antenna ha be=to gm It up suitable to the wholesale trade. in the Tailoring hue executed in the most fashionable manner, and that nothing . may be wanting to ensure the newest and best style Of cutting. A gen tleman who has had areal expenence in the Eastern clues, has been added to the establishment meh2lat3ro NSW GOODS R. H. PALMER, ECtFFERS FOR SALE, AT LOW PRICES, a 'fall assortment of STBI.A.W AND BEILLINE GOODS, of the moat approved styles and pat terns, for the SPRING OF 1940, consisting in part of-. Fancy and plant Enghah, American, and French ' Straw - Florence Rutland, Pedal and mher plain and fancy Braid; China, Rice, Jenny Lind, Loop and Roy al Milan edge Braid BONNETS. Rich French Lace; Fancy and plain Gmp, An rec. Fancy Braid, Straw Gimp, Leghorn, and other Mas ser and Infants' HATS Panama, Manilla, Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Straw and ether Summer HATS, for men and boys. Bonnet and Plum Ribbons; Bonnet Silkk Artillmal Flowers &A An tui. Straw Bonnet Warehouse, 55 Market street. - mettl7rlltor A. A. arsons 00.. NO. 60 MARKET STREW—Have received by re. cent importations the following Goods, vizi Six cartons Thtbet Shawn, of various qualities and colon. Fifty dozen ...Alexander's" best quality Kid Gloves, together with a good assortment of red silk, Lisle thread, and cotton Gloves, for spring trade. Hirsh standing, straight turnover Collars; cheap Col lars. 300 pair embroidered Cues, from BO 010 to el:tO. Idourning Collars in great variety. Demi Lace Veils, thegreatest anonment ever offered by an French and English 4 4 Prints; Hoyle's Prints, small figures and fast colors; =WI plaid French Omahas.; British Furniture Chlat white satin Damask Table Cloths, Linen Damask, 6 8 and IBA Green Henan; Gents black Gros de- Rhine Silk Cranny 29 to 40 inch, the best goods Imported; Purse Twist; linen cambric and linen cambric Mikis, from alto War White Goods; such as Ismonerts, Lawns, Mall and Swiss klusbns figured and plain Laces, white and coi'd Tarlatimes , do. act. We ere In the deity receipt of NEW GOODS, end invite the attention of punterm to our extensive stock. tob27 LP)%11 ,14 AT DRY GOODS HOUSE OF W. IL MURPHY, Nona Ease coma 4W asn hismarna, Ptrissonon. KERSONS wanting Dry Goods will please take no. dee that the above home has commenced; reeei- It. NEW SPRING GOODS, and invites the calla of regular elletoreeni and buyers generally,. Gmata will be orferedat low prices, and purchasers av id have • large and ehbiee usomment to select from. qj Counto Morahanta and others Mt Invited to eramlne the assortment In Wholesale Itooms,upstain, ghere a large assortment of Pests, Gingham., and ods generally are now opening. mare 11X 000U11 SHACKLETT &. Dry Goods Jobb•ro, I\W. G WOOD STARRY—WouId call the attention of Merchants to their large mock of Domestic and Foreign DRY GOODS, just receiving from the Im porters and Manufacturer', and which they will sell at very low met for cash or approved trait. Our stock to now fall and complete, and well 'worth the attention ofbnyers, as we are determined to sell at sorb extremely low prices as canton fall to make it oorong inducement Sin merchants to make a bill with w. WWI r I ~a~u b~ HOUSE KEEPING GOODS—W. EL blunsav ta vites the attention of house keepers and those about commencing house keeping, to his assortment of Jove Goode, such as— =ad Counterpanes, writhe and colored; and pillow-case Muslims; She/edam from one to those yards wide; Table Thaws and Table Cloths; Towelling, Towels and Napkins; Furniture Prints and Chintzes; Scarlet Oil Mints, for tureens, Super printed Mato, for gullbsi_ Etabroldered window. enrtain BU enankeu, t and b' rred D all qualities and sizes; and' ef.7.lPlioroafys G ood s n 4 th c e °° ¢l . Cllll ll l6 , r k o7:4ls u te b and at north east comer 4th and Market sta. fa bat lartisag af maims and Irtaft — Elitemas R. AII.MPHY invites dm particular attention of W those wanting the above Goods, wide desireLle stock, consisting of the ben make, from the moat ap proved menefecturem, and Me letter warranted pure' ffos..—He het Jest received an additional supply, and is offering Shining Mushne•of a •Utlollo} quality, at o very,low price. Also, sheeting sad Pill kleadins Diapers ant/Crash; Table Clo 'Lktdri and Napkins Blankets, Ctrunterpenes • and lionsekee Goods generally. LADIOP DOM G D uch as Preach Hennas, Peremeties, plain and fancy Do Lantes,;(soine new nyles lout receive,* Mimeos, Mm The mama being far advanced, all Mess Goods widl be sold el prices that cannot fail to please. [CrWholesale Rooms up maim !mall LEMMIaZ WM. 6D , STRYST, will continue their .kg n =serm r, d. -trnral . sto a time il r y coops, Co r Dtt ' l l i% Booms will be th rown open to their RWITI 'hat as heretofore. A. A. hl. it Co., knowmg Shat they ere selling thy Goods of every descripin from ten to fif teen pet rent. Mu than 0000 befo do Invite every paean in woos of dry iroods, or erh may be in wool, toexamine and porchme from OP3IIP3O k , at the lowest wholesale rates. OUT !Feat object to TtdeCiiii stock t to make room for eprlng Goode, it nein; out Intention to exhibit in Mara the largest entfthe richest stock of Dry Goods aver offered b 7 sn dna bonnet in-htoesies. We shell mina= the sale of our Blenched sod Brown Matins, Zelda's and other Damara Goods, odr fawn; low rata, notwltkitkodlog Ike recent ranee of Ib per cent open dm camel fa talterkfitaitcra fkD9. -7 IMMIEffMI VOL. XVI. Parent aroduadrd cosineGoias= Battery and Para/ larraated Prins for liredievi azieloafir Tali is the only instrument al the kind as eve, been Present. In this eountry or Europe for mad- G al NO p ... and is tho only one ever known to man, y which the galvanic fluid can be <eleven:dm the ha. Mari eye, the ear, the brain. or to soy part of the body, either externally or teternally, In a definite gen amnia without shock, or pale--with perfeet and Eden with ahe happiest effects. This unponvit apparatus is now highly approved of by runny of die most eminent phyaleian, of this eon. Icy at 4 grope, to whom the alliketed and others whom it roar concern eon te refermai. Reference will also be Wen to many highly respectable eitteena, who have been cured by menus of IMO most valuable appellant, of .of the Most Invrirrote nervorta illoOrdert which can et be removed by any . other known comma. AmongAmongVarmint other, it hat bran ped to be art. It:drably adapted fin the cnre of the following dtseaaca, na tumuli lomiecte, and other dueascs oil. Dram. lii. with Wit apparatua ak,ne that the operator can echoer the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the eye, et, restore fight., or curelntrittrO to the ear Or restore hearing; to the longue and ot herorgans, to re: ware speech; and to the vilrions ports of the body, for the cure of chronic dicumlaisca , osthrox, neuralgia, or hie dotoctrame, paralysis, or palsy, gout, chorea or St. Vito', dance, eptlepsy, weakness from sprains, some &rearms peculiar to !emotes, contraction of a. limb., loelgtov, eta, eta gt,eho, for surrounding coned,. of Western Pe-, and privileges, with the instrument, may be purchased, and also tested for the cure of diseases. Pall tretructions will he riven (or the natio.. die - a: calm to be used for vanona ducats., and as ben man- ner for operating . for the cure of thaw. diseases will al so be (al l y expl.ned in the purehaser, and ti pamphlet put idol his hands expressly (or thesepurposm, care 'tally t rapareti the pillanlCC. Enquire of . S WILLIAMS, Ville si, Pittsburgh. Reversible Filtering:Tee:sok, FOR PURIFYING WATER, .7: ^ Which =dere mobil water pure by ( tenter . ...... .., nnisovioi l ll c ,uba n tsnees is: soluble to .rr 6 , ,, i,L; clear and pure to the oyt yrl ..V ; - when it pluses m hour tbroakir this Gliering.cock, shows a larva deposal Impure sulssnmees, worms, . Th u to the case more or less with all hydrant water. The ReYersible Filmrer is neat and durable, and is not encoded with the inconvenience incident to other Filtereru,. it is cleansed without beink detached Om the wetter pipe, by merely taming the key or handle, from one side to the . other. By this easy process, the coarse of water Is changed, and all neemmlatione to impure substances are dravca ad' almost Instantly, wnitout unscrewing the Fil ter. It sled possessei the adirmtake of being a stop eslele, and as curb la. may eases will I. very convenientand ecouominal. liem be attached where there Li any T orepress MO or law to a cask, mot, tell, See. with east. of she sole Ageta, NS'. W. WILSON, oeU7 conacr Of Fourth end Market rts —— . e j Trill: ARROBIERTICII• • TICE attention of the public is mom:awry called to the rollorring certificates: M. 8. Eames—Having tested a qoantiry of Gold sr elghed by your owsumotor. I find the resalt provee your insrmammt cornier, and recommend the we of it to those going to California. as the best method for ob taining the real value of Gold. Itesp.yours, J. 11 DUNLEirs , Gold Beater. Pittsburgh, March 0. 10101 Pimehonan, March 7, 163,Y. MIL EIICINS--.DcarSir Having examined Me "Ater. meter,. manufactured at your rooms, I do not /mainly to commend it to the use of three gentlemen who RYE about removing to Calicomin to oeurch of Gold. It givini a eloseimprommation to :et epccific cravi ty of metals, mut will tiertmuly enable the advennfrer to ascertain when his planer is yielding (fold. naarl2 Yours, resply, J. IL. M'CLINTOCI. OLLIVTON PAPZII. NELL. gILIE CLINTON PA PER Al ILL, situated at Steuhet k. villa, Ohio, having been calargtd and improved, and nt a verygreat 'expense added acme and the rood =permed kind or =wafers', , is now prepuredlo man ufacture, all kinds or Writing, Printing. Wrapping and Comm Tern Papers, Bonnet Bonet., et.c., equal to nay in the Eastern or Western country. The and...signed having the. Agency of the above ?dill, will keep sonstanay on hand a large supply or the different lauds or Paper, and will have any else =blew order at short non= it C. 1111.4 009 _ dr Wood street TUBS AND CHURNS. Pine and Cedar Ware tgatinfiketory, No 87, connea AI an= Aso Ftv-ro I'vrtamnacto. THE sallecnber keeper vonvtantty on hand, whote- I sale toad retail, very low tbr earn— Wltab Tuba, Barrel Churns, Bath Tot,, Staff Homo Buckets, I Hal( ituabel, tee. • All otter laud- Wane in Minna made to order. in 77 -.MY SAMUEL KRAMEN. 4 A. V URTIiIGfi ALIGDILIUT y AS. 311 - Sl'll,4W & CONs' I'A7I:PiT SODA A t./ 1 toy tons 31 cash urrettey, or 4 m.. upp'vd 5 tons or apurtads.:/} do par, a mom do, Interval ad ded. Fur the super,or trunidy of tnis brand we refer to the 0.. and arum manufacturers of dda city genets!. ty. 4V lc 31 nirrctiKurime4,4 deal MO liberty st Diaphragm Filter, for Ilydromt. W•ter. taTHIS , le to eertiry that I haVe op panned Lamovetcut, Roggen to Co. s A .It Agents for the 'leaning'! . .to. IN.P..hRto Filter, for th e elf nese( Ihnihurgh ItUd Allegheny. ' • JOHN (111114/N, .went,, le Walter M tielmon,34llllmadwny, N.Y. . . . .--. • Oet. 10, 13113. We have heennemg one of the above nruelee at the °Mee of the Novelty %Vertu for three snantho, on trial, and feel perfdetly ..atmGed that it Ica umtm intendorn and veelittre pieamnd to meommendlue them lasa cm feu ankle to all Ano love pure Winer. thrlors mnl'be thankfully neetved and promptly c.teculeti. . actin I.IVINGS It oi. autitik.UNl tr. Co Advertisement. mut: subscriber, fa odertug Joe sale a bundanute lot 1 of ',tutus & ciartt'v 1 . 0 W,) add t'llwirce.. lye • .1 - 10,1•11,) P1.1,...1. would direct attention to the fact dun Its. te place to ire., where Use tufo - tune., 0: IAO tankers Cots In , tried Mae by side, mid wnerr, consequently. a correct tilt, of their qualtues cue be rotated. sulwertber Leung aiwous to test their relative own., anti bat:talc tor a Inimber of years performed open; theNunns has laden 11. use WI I.w; twelve mouths, a Chiek mop Piano tuarder to try as liefilfilidy and fitness as arcompany trout to the VOICE, Th. Piano may 00w Fern let., wean, Fie tech confident of his ability to pee n etatapcntat and relia ble opinion du the sabre.. A handsome lot of new Pianos will be operied in a few days. H. KLEBEIL At .1 CV rentwe/P. (FILEAT WESTEU,N Q ADDLE, I lAILNP.:3B, TRUNK ANO IVIIfP MAN, 1.3 rnaroitv. -Pm can:wooer Lithe. tom moom i l of informing iiimuls rind trie public- in general hot he has the largr , t merit of the following named ant ales of his two mationimure in this etty —Saddles, flat ness, Trunks sod %%limo, all 01 which In. avail warrant to be made of the be, material dud by the best mech anics itf Allegheny county. Ilistior l detertnitonl to sell his matiulactio es foinething iower than tins been here tofore sold hy any +online estaidinhinent in the eity, hew:mild invite persons miv led of the strove named articles to lus warchotwe, \o. 111 Liberty Weal, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for inaehioe 'Ts H. Kt.:ROY. PITTSBUIIOII SEIMAIM are of Me. nail ]lrs. C.asnoono, for at clvrto resent naudrintic year, will commenco‘m the first of Fepbrua ry neat, to the same buildings, No. rrt Liberty street Arrangements have barn murk by which they will bauble to furnish young Indies facilities equallo any in the West. fur obtuuong a thorough English, Classi cal, and Ornamental education A full course of Phi losophical and CheaIICIII he1.11.1V6 will be delivered during has winter. 1/..lrliti,l by upparmun. The din. pawn:tenth of Vocal and Instrumental Muni, Modern Language, llmwoig mid l'unions, win each be under the care ul a compete. Professor. 13; close nommen to the moral and miellectual iraproverneut of their pu pils, the Principals hope to meat a vomit...don of the liberul thOrouage they have hitherto inutiyed. For terms, see circular or apply to alto Principals. 11611CORX FIRE BRICKS--Tbe .unsenberr navlng been appointed role Agents by the manufacturers, for the sole or the eelebrnied - Ptthus lineka," are now prepared to MI orders for any quuntiry, et gip, . I cult, per 1,040. For rho COnstrnetloll (unlaces of kinds, these bneks have heel, pronounced by eon, patent Judaea as heulg lupe nor to alt other Ire bemire now in ow. C A hI'ANULTY a. Co, Canal Llaktn. iny3o MAN &PAZ - FL' II F:11 ;01 bap 1-11narnne do Mirabena do Pula= .0 and to :sr da offa Rucler be; Id d o 44 4 , pen. & Risser, hs; 43 00 Henry & Jurors 5a and -a; 10 do Johns and Lams' Ls; 3 do Warwick super In 7 to,, Steward GOODS These Thbacoos, embracing come of Um most favor ite brands, on culi•.curnent, and wal t ., sold mtv to close, deen L 11AT/titMAN IPATgIVP SODA Ayii s 'IMPORTED ufitKer FIEDOI. TOE M.A.ll77trir kmas.—The suliscroa.o., Imam exclustve rm ponen of Musprati lc Sone' Soda Ash for dim market, are now and will continue to to, largely sup plied with alla ceiebrated brand, winch they will sell at the lucent inark'et price for east] or sipprovednills T ., lea, to the glass and soap manutacturens this guy cc nerally respecting the quality. W 01 01 rt.,: I lEL TREE, ',in liberty' et Mini .• IRON FUUN Dili FUN ti.tiLik —A smith Imo Foam dri in a flourishing Lo with rtt aer/IN Tools, ac. MI ready for business, . pill ill tie stud on animals:lmi datlng terms, or r relinage for Iron or goods. Tinaoffers an exeunt:hi opportunity to a yon na Man with small capital to commence the iron Fuuudry ba- Endaine co( SCAIFE & ATKINSON. decd. I Ft near Wood street. Reales,. Cooking StOwes, 0 aaaaa - MARSHALL, WALLACE S Co., Roo m ( ',b unch, lig . corner I.4herty .et Wood streets, tommtantore .4 oiler (or core plosion, Floor sod CO‘acc Scales, tba most unprovmt quality, Cookarg Stove*, fur wood and coal; Egg Stoves of various sots, l'urfor and common (irate', Hollow Ware, &c. &r. Tnay u:so manufacture the finch, knAge, which liaa ',lran such general sauslortion to tho. boon; tt In one, to till of winch they would respectfully invite the atteunon the caucus and the public, generally. r c..m( PATENT gOCAit on at a ton ..rtment of Cornelius &..Co e cershraisa mono t i and superior to all others in adapted to Churches, steamboats, (saunas, dr ailing, public and private balls, and to all other sore where a cheap, ion and bnittaat light to aestrable. Alsostlirandulesllall lanterns,Candelabra",Glob, Shades, Wteks,Clatnnte", Cala , Cranawn, &e. Also , G. Chandeliers. from o n e to .111, lights. dres w .Zell. liirdware. 46 market .1 per than everr - L°this, . , Importers and Whole.le L Deetera in Hardware, cutlery and Saddlery, No 11V Weal etre., above Filth,lteVe now an store h very cheep and well selected 6006 or Hardware, imported gime the deelme aunt,. in Europe, tool wterh they 0.. are de.muted to tell eornewoneingly low. Alytelauen tvho hehe been in limit:dot of iFoing Eeet, twe paruce htliY [et:Nested to call oust loot through our moek, oet4 we couhtterely believe they will 000 d their expellees, -- E XP ERIVZSCE3/polpee, an a mato( one and a half thillione,lllACC tb4d, pronounce lhi• smelt GMAT,- passed for durattiLuy ht Um C 011.11.1311 of ull tinde e Punter-ea. I . pee tr 41,4 cash 1...11 LICH; Mr, tufted nitro 21113*11 use. Order,. for • u ficeund. quality Roby at Linea% II be execancO at Pat per 1%4 fSO ac. sued, without ruhmtnee. A .reek of-the—fuest ality qa , noter auk at utr the arehoule, 'Sloan'. Wharf.' Ca nal Beam, by sepa.A. ES, Jciin2umtonityrlll,:orta 61 , AD5416' , 11 - li:a, ao.l74adoz triodes, and 71abb d anis; lb do alanuan -Forks;:4l datitalu lib ovals; .23 do Sontezlio; axes Etatabetri.illlaknak a and pitk n , AI Beibviii,l7 mins m E f rileritt2 taannfactlffilrbprices, Txmligootoxiwwn ~4~~=w.,~. _. y:. NO. 232: M ISt' E LLANEOUB