The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 05, 1849, Image 4

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-. a.vl. `T- _
rrttr: • '
Old Enablished.L.lne.
THE Proprietor of this Weil known Vim of Canal
Bean, Is now prepartsd. to transport Fassermer.
and Fieightto all potato on the loin EXtenSiatt, New
York Canals untrue LAW, open the most favorable
amused Irish de.pamh. -•
'Ohs Line Tans in•nonnectiun with the Wag= boats
/MATER and
Heels. COPE, btween Pu ,6 “rgh
and EialTer, 081 tre of strain boats and yea
WI on the Lakes, andithellVoy and Awhile.. L. , .
BOW Line on We New Tort canal.
C. REED, Pro.prietor, Erie, Pa.
Bidwell A Brothet,Aneuir ,
W T Mother, A I R.I Meek - Warier , Poseenger
iMmatdenteuhel■ Pittllnutt.
CONSIGTI—W 3 lan, Sharon - IE & s 8011,
ShargadnuM. Smith & Downing do II Plummer,
West Greenville; Wick. Mire Co, ' do: Wet
Harusown; Mavis & Sande, Buffalo, Omer. &
Citr,Sandoshal Jai A Armstrong, Detroit, Kirkland &
Newberry, ebonite; M'Clure It Niblame, Milwau .
lam Wan, Murray h. Hatton ' Reel.; John II karmic,
.WOlgai A Wheeler & rk,,D;Frur York. aria
Atigorvt, Ilp Pmakas , !A,l l s,
ingark A, 4J. ••• --
rinformed • t J
MAR, I. 4" S. CO. have fined •it new and
sp endid Packet Pottsinin during the Munn, be=
[seen Blaitivi/le sad b l yglir—lhn . to he role ,
ad by three heliaes, and e effort made to acconi-
Dradtail will leave Plush rgb ever,'
Mantial, Tuesday,
ve r y rean Finlay, 7 otlev
From Waterville e Monday, "cdneniar•
Thursday and tedUardllt". at I o'clock., a. and amen
as Pittsburgh the same day. A two hoots Back from
tinibma aim tbe bo boat Sansbureb. •di an
ward and downward trip—putung paesengers through
from that place in one day.
Freight foe the above Wife will
on. be receirFarr e ell d
house of the Elearmen'a Me, by J
who are our arnhorisisd Agent. AS HAL L C o.
free of couutdatiout MARSHALL &
Canal Saida, LiborWt, Pitwinergh
A Hank lame. Blalnujille for tiogutown on du.
arrival of the how—reitlrna to boas in moming Fare
from l'ituburghterlf,onegt Iwo $2.-..
. 7 1 0.1 r.
_B Liarl
SilitorMlTM -...ft."---AlN67.datioew LIN lc
illigelit 34- flt/A
F.,th.T.r..sEt vac al
errriaw#l,. Pilti4.llAltruaom N.
• Nowa 130SroN,Ike. •
TaGaLLSßOlMEDlM(Philas t elphi a .
ULM IrteCollgteti Finthumh.
old estibliShed Wit beitigliow in 'fall opera-
T } FA the proptinterithre prepaled ortth.their wool
causative urangements In Swarmd merchandise, pro
duce, and iltin Ike poets, on liberal terms,
with tba regularity, 'Beignsteh anti stray peculiar to
their glade of mantitllll so Mimes, when tran
shipment oil the Wefts em bided.
igAlleoasigammts try end mr this SW reeet cti ved, char
ges paid, and forwarded in any required direon. fr ee
of eUrge eanutthision; adveneseg or MOM...
No Interest 'directly ottridireertly, in steamboats.
All einextbaniestionspiopaptly attended to on applioa
don to the following ego •
T A AF • OrEWS Market strhiledelphit
TAAFFT. & O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, Patahnerb.
O'CONNOR &Co/ Ntinh st, Baltimore. me 1124
AWL.. 1849 .
Fat the
Gi T7 n ta6Mtmflierenerac tween it
Goods shin — -Ityihri. Line,
tee 'carried In fad ,
section lPoitable Goma
ETsubsetibers having . made armalgements to ewe
A rant of gtate.'fricks at Colombia, to have
' goods forwarded ever the Railroads lacam
mavoid the detention:that has heretofore
for the want of Tracks: :Shippers will find tics to their
advantage. No chat** Made for receiving or slap
ping. or for advancing Charges. ihll'amids forwarded
with despatch, and on es; reasonable term. as any oth
er Liza JOtIN FARAhIIS & Co.
corner of Caftarand I.lbemy It, FlimMedlrb.
'P. & FRETZ & Ca
htdi Market at, Philadelphia
1849. -
Tho. BIN 4,11151;
Wet. Meatus!, .1.0 , s Do.e.
Coaducted:ths strietatenbethelieepata
EpD:raprimors of this eetablathro
ut then stock in the Inc-t oarprew'onicr. arra a,
ly preparcdter Ibtward Produce and :Were hen
&so to and from the Eesteth
We troxiiliet our keg experience in the eat - gine I
business, end melees hoention to the intern*. et
=cm all ecture to lie u conthuraucor turd incrtirwc,
of the patronage Ititherro"enduded to Ifinch aro',
Our arr+.lrenwow will °Liable itu in tart) Freir , o
with this utmost despatch., and one prices .hall e
he as low al the )owner charged by other resEoernde
• We have opened cbra. in No 1-3 rrdrreket arreer.
between lth and ma on, Phi;ada, for the arenventao. e
of stoppers.
Produce and Merchant/roe will be overiveA and for
warded, Last and West,-without r, chart , rur fur
warding, advancing Reis la, Morrig , or retain eeion•
Dills of Lading foronairni. awl every doectirre
promptly outmoded to. :
Address, or apply Id • W.ll.lllNtrliA74.
Canal Desna. cordAbotty & Wayne rte s Puoborab ,
• 31fltind.111
. No IE3 Orid trahlerket 6trect . .
• SAM Er 3 WILSON, n gea
No LW geith Ithasat street. !leitmo r.
eaebBi -no to West street, New York
oir - e - irsifiatellet C*l oil
prestßetat Packet Line,
iftgal 1849;
FROM Prnstwori TO FiliDA.DELL'illa. tr. ant.-
7..'111110R5, •
fEeelnethelytiolthosengers.) • •
Pahlinare respeetfolly informed that this Lila
will Claillatasce conning on the Pitth last, end cot,
Toe throughout the e Seuon.
The beats are new, and of a superior clam with en
larged eabins„which-Aril give groats( cannon- The
are the latesterihstruction.
ii - bone will always be in port, mod travelers are re
quested to call and egatelnethembefore engaging pan
Pare only _sine through.) Cote af the boats of
Line Will leaird the landing (appetite U. S. Howl.
comer OrPenniStr.g** l) ... l . cyan , high , at a'. ^'
Mock Time adapt._ information, apply a the
Office, Idanongehcialleusc, or to D Co
titehlyCanal .in
al m a .11111111 V
For th•TrjaroPotatom re gut w
DUSINFSS on DM Lanai .being imorresented, the
Proptietore *film above -Ider,respeetfoßy tetanal
Capone that theraro prepared tO reeelee end for.
ward Foslglawithdespeteh, and et lowest mica.
They would alto eilD the attendee of shippers East
ward to the feet the the Bean' employed by them In
usasportauion, us owned by thentand eammandrd by
Pete af Meat la Balt will find advantageous
to dip by this Line, Is the subscribers ease made ar
rangements at Columbia to barn sac& freight for Bal.
dawn banded directly Dom beau to cam, therebY sa
ving warehouse &spans,.
Freight to ithiladelplna goes clear through in Ow
kerma •
No charge triAdt , Lit receiving dripping or advancing
charges. L giEft it. JON Proprutors,
Canal Seventh street.
ACKiTil—fobs Ar Blistwi Cincinnati, 0, inn. Mr
Callongla & Co. Baltimore; Jae Steeollute
phis; Franr-ls A: Thomas, Colombial. & C0.,C0.,
Pmfainsii4 to .Phi/nd.dpier. and tkirthnerA
(Hamletlvey for Passe:igen.)
THE ptiblle are respeetfaily informed that this Lino
will COO running on Monday, into March.
The bouts of this , litrui are of a npanor elan, with
enlarged gables, U 111.1611 Will giro grazer court
Pa baser.
A beimiidlird.NOlA.M.Pori, and travelers are to.
Quested to call and ellizatille them before engaging pas
sage by other routes.. They will leave the landing, op
posite the U. S. Hotel, comer Penn street and Canal,
eicry, night sit • o'clock.
PA O-3 : nags;
For itiforatatio; apply at the dice, Mongmgahela
ETC" or to D. LEECH A Co, Canaiamin.
N.H.—The proprietors of the above Line are now
:Vollgll d g a VA:Vig , grggAnTrgtv
Tanis Rail g oad NOM Lewistown to Philadelphia. Ai
thattime .Packet will leave every Morning &neaten
ing. Time throughili days. menu
ilagaklB49. MARA
For th e Ulahliention of illarcUm . u.,
ig,00119 tented , . on this Line ate not transhipped
between Pittsburgh arid Philadelphia, being Gar
in Ikeir wettest Portable Haas over laud and wit
terri--to shippers of „merchandise requiring careful
handling, this Is of importance. Na charge mode for
recreivingsa shipping, et for advancing charges. Ali
gOPIS fOr.tra.d wi th dispatch., and on as reasonable
terms as by coy otter
i3asin, Pena st,Pitiaburgb
marl Eilliderhet #. S 4 Commerce la Phil.
JOHN MoVADEN.a. g and Coined.
.ten Mamhants, Canal Basin , Peon at, Pittsburgh.
JAMMU DAVIS& Co, Flom Factor. and Commie
don Sterebants, Market and St Commerce
att alum,
O . 4IA L ICes aside citfier of itte above on Flom,
Wool and tabor metebandize conaivled to theta for
ilhatat ,1849
nernbassai .firronspOrtattan Llne. ,
.1 - ... Canals and Rail Roads being raw giparr i , dind
lagmd order ore are prepad to forward' all
' ofseterehanduto mad predate o PtillgJelphia and
adnotorts, art* promptness and despatch, and on as
good =as as ant other lama
C A dIeANULTY & Co.,
..:'Carol Basin. Penn rt., Pittsburgh.
Ainats—CElAßLEs RAYNOR, Philadelphia. _
u>22. Ross MORRILL A Co. Baltimore.
1.11711240, WAY firREJOHT LIRE.
Firr Slainwitlei Johnstown, Hollidayshurgb, and
all intermediate places -
r:Liat willtonfinue to carry an Way Goods
with their natal despatch, and at fair, rates of
mneffi—C. A. WPAISULTY & Co, Pltutborab.
'• D H 'Wakefield, Johnstown.
JOhtidiller. Hollidaysbutgb.
016131=0—Jatnes Jordon, Smith & Sinclair. Dr P
&potboiler - , R Stowe, John Parker, SP Von Bonn
ham it %Pm. Latimer & Co, Jno 161 , Doritt & Bros,
pirtabairab; John Ivory, Small, idnitiollan Ray, Jo°
andrapoiourrinia. Mehit7
MAI4I 1849.
Esps Packet Line.
"': R .O. p.,MULS, Beaver, Propnelor.
Tai na nd *Pat Passenger Packets,
knAGARA, Ciipt If It Jaffna;man;
LAKE ERIE. " Trilby;
ni ciEN ciTY. Vanadir;
• dally.Lthe keterien *Seaver ane 1164 have
conllnendo ronalavaPA puladde dining the tat.
tO Mere WIC X0P4. 4 . 'WM /Whiff Beaver. slier
the asvivat at thontemuni bantam , Plunbuigii, (I 04
dot% ) advent s. in time Or pameesers
tat the moraft,hoala itilkiffalo or up the Lititz
Tickets: &Talk to Erie and all • 'Alta i r ded)
had byjagOstft. to JOHN' A CAUG , EYeA4 1 4.71,
Oiernor of 'Water gain matting
i glatp ' ander the Sc Charles lienty,
21 - EIR
E OF e, and genuine Liver by
S11011C1.1:61t, Ohio comity, Va. i
Miteh '26th, lbto
ON FL E.Sallesal Dear Ste-I dunk a a duty T owe
RI you and to the public gssera ly, to state the. I hare
been afflicted with the Liver COMplaint tor a lone
tirme,and so badly that an alit em formed mid Leese
which left me to s very low rade Itemise heard of
poor celebrated Liver Pa. ming Mt sale li, A 11
tBnhy"ptyisnle‘tln''U;r;llmnttold 'l7orturaric'srlo'sll,'Mc6ll
a fair trial I ' one boa.and Montt theta te ,
he Jost want the) ate reemumeiniml, 11l P. 131,1' 1.1
VER MI. I.V ER HSI D and aihr avidlsar bogey
I hod the disease has eta re IN lett ins,
I am toms
perfectly well .
j'''P'c""il) '''D"il COLMAN
M est Lthertveilar. h '2 , 6,1 . - 45
I emery that I sun personalty nemeinted ys an itr
Coleman, and eau bear tesumotry us the truth of Me
Move. certificate A It SHARP
Tao genthrie Liver Fin. are prepared and toil or
a E ght..,Efill, No n 7 Wood street nod by drat Imola
in the two cities l
TO THE PVISLIC -The mien:ni t 0 ') it'. 0 nod nen
[dub Liver Pelle sic prepared by It Et-ellen in , Moue
tell near atom; Il block wax upon !he nil o ens It
hop, bad Ms linnet.] re ty the outside strapper-at
salters are coml.:felts, orbue Marino.
zpea II F. SELLER . ; Proprietor
lifiri. If S.D.'S-CA.ILn dir&TIVE B;SLSARI
y fund the Rev ABA SHIN N, d. well knows and par
1. Mar Pen. ma haven s e Protestinthlethodist Church
bsetanderaigned been aßleted d eying the put
vitae ware chemise of the stomach, sometimes pre
doting gweln pain In the stomach for ten or twelve Loan
wit Cit it:UPl...ion, and after having tried Variants
rented , . Wah lade erect, was furnished with a bottle
of Dr Dinymefe Carminative Balsam. Tim he used we
contras to this dt reenacts, and found invariably that to,.
meshethe chased the pain us abate at three or roar min
tad., .and itrlftedn or (wenn mina. c 'err um.)
sensation winentirelyganted. CM medicine si fa of
terbrardensed whenever ituiteatainsof the apple" a n
pain - ' . ee perceived, and th e pain wee th erelay ptevet
ed Csnattnued to use the Menholna en."' even ur, 1
an • es in the mornieg, end in s few wee.
he al so (Sr restore/I, that die sufferer wee relieve
MVP athrge anment of impressive pain. Pron. es
•4 • g-i x np„ , kgrurn:, , ::.crugmnfiti'S'lll!salr:tetC4Tymtn,ltde ll,
..." as. oftheeturneeb end bbwels A Stills 9 V
,poi,Allaytteity utls [di
Vile en Pittsburgh at the PEKIN Tait sl'ilfi
jp,„ Vara otmol y near Wned, net Ilya at tell Drug
Of 111 e scH w A itil. F'ed'eral ....
) u , . "
- .. . - -- - ''-.._ to
• . (Areal , Engglah Yearned)'.
MiOR Ceilidhs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! To .
5„:41,T1LZ1 the OLNOT2iNttl7v , ;
'LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Iluef no. it
London, Englund. and introdurnllnto the Untied Sloan
under the lminedlnte ementecndeurc 01 the insenter 4
The t extraordumm moren of this medicine, in it.
chin of Ptdmonary diseases, breerseits thC,Amermin
Agent la soliciting for undreentthe ',arra possible r
See that con he Maud in the community -eases the:ties'
rasa in vain from any of the common nmedies 02 tie
.day, and have been gene up tii - the most dettaamisi. i!
tdigalehins ns confirmed and incurable The chi nt , i
la Balm= has cared, and will ours:the most desperate
of eases. It is no quack nostrum, but a sent lard V..i 4
llahmetheMe, of known and established efftency.
Every fitlely in the Called State. ithoudd b e s i ,;,,,h r a.
With Boeharia Hungenan Balsam of Life, not o dr y
emmtemel the conumpuve tendenetcs of the eltinnt•
butte be used u a preventive medicine at ell came 0
colds, coughs, -.panne of blood, pain in the silt! a
Mest, leritauon rind soreness f the hi
diffseulty of breeding, Lewis lever, Main. ma
nude and genera debility, asthma, !Absence -Air opt i
°nosh end magi• r
sold in large bottles, et St per bottle, with fall dir
!ions for the restnreaon of health.
Pamphlets, containing a man of Fatemb and Am -
San teruficatee, and otter evidence, .rowing elm vet
equated Menu of this glom Ethglish Rented; may I c
Olibluned of the Agents. gratuitbusli
t For sale by II A FAILNFSTOCK it Ca., eerie - e
stand Wood end 117.04 .aroh sus
'-------V-il.;Tl-fiTilli;ED LSD° VERY 1 min
.. 0118al Resins Von
COaltillaption, Cetmhs, Colds. Asthma, Bronelims 1.,
er Complain[, Spatting Blood, Dillicialy in Breath
m g Pain in the Side end Breast, Palpdanon to
Ate Heart, 'Minute, Croup, Broken Co, ,
eitanon, Sore Throat,Nerroye Debili
ty, and till I/meant of thc'fhroat,
Brea. and L'ungs, the most eft
Inured and spent y cure
ever knovipp for any of
the those disus
es, Is
Compound 87 sup of Wild r I
This tor theme comer mu t ing Cherry, th 0,
aul.ity. It hag pet...ea au 111, from Me Mouttont t. 1.1,
nenCbeil pool the Mk. at eine-Is:tem mud ness .11. t
higher at moult:holt and is ex.]. t., more eTY • •
ly 4,11.1 ItIAL OtIN fil
l e i prep [retort el Ole 110 lOC • ,
ed for the re eof suite it it; mit.
K taw limn Imo line l . et!) Ilene...ay ihr 0 ,, , 1, t ,
Coned Stale
l• um' Europe.anil Mete Sr' low to x se
irapartance lel 20..2at eaa a. •2222232 r, to I I, n [
lever of coo. .41Y tor , • ff.° , to Me o
g ammas,m and el tie rime and , mt. o t '
,'be propri e tor is ill insert ofiw o' !mow t i nee„
tand leidirionVoy AWLS have 1•• a I•V ., 'II 1 •• • '0 ,
tun of the fin t r-,pieett itts Is - Ot 1 ut sso ima, logos'
0,•••1 sor rno,ol reytioneat !tip ROI IO• I. -r
144 it. focus, ties tuse tt [ leoA• , f 111110
emissive. uo ii ,art • • st ti t I aii tt Ore.-. s u
sty to
'ty of pelibe opitoott Pt t et es. ite - it
!beds, sad the sootsr 1.; i tEdente nitosed m oo , , u„
whole frame by ns tpte. reads. , it ii too. mt
R inn tan afflicted
RE.M LNlBl'll'
o Schen scen t emote f ro m coltarieetres• miliebtee
voluntarily beilZ Wain:ion). to Me truth ot a tome. o
pactufulat fact, melt t. ratmity. Mum °mom to [lint
seerldly interests and purposes coerces Leas 2.2012 0
al Irak, and commend, anctf in a tip, ill manner t 2
alletraill ale•lettce "- 0 llogaits Moral blac ins
Bair. a. 3071.1. Celli or YeSSIOVACT Covarstrilas -
Therm Cala eras IL realedy that hay been as suceesyth
so desperate eases fConsumption, asDs host , o •
tlompotmd Syrup ofWild Cherry, It strengthens tot
system, and app.. to heal the ulcm, on Me latlgn
messing no and rich blenal, 1 2 20 scr p0,e....,1 1.1 it
CaI:MAC. April nab, I -.8.,
Dr. Swaywa- Den sir. l verily twedee yma Verb
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry hes been the me n.,. Ot
saving my hfe. 1 eatmin • severe cold,.•bie ti grede
illy grew worm, attended with a severe eounh. Mat
resisted all the remedies whech T taid rerourse to,
Increasing dotal my case asklbited all the•yy mptornYsalt o
Palalanary Consamptton. Every thing I tried seemed
to have ye effect, and my compliant increased so rabbi
ly that iherole es well asw waives ive op a l hopes oi
my recovery . ,At [lns Woe I reendomonnoo to tr ,
your tmalnable medicine I did so web the most hap.
pp results The Goa Male Peal the etteet ta I.ursett tin
~...gbieatizing me to expectorate freely; nd by use
dme I had used thy border.,l was enurely well, and an
10.1 as hearty a tarn la I ever lees In my lt a , a ,
would be happy to gone any inform:dam nspecerig or,
ewe, that Mbar :Men. may d o m. the ber.e...i for
laineh I aza•. gratcfnl For the truth of the stove
natemepoirefer pots to Peter Rub, Grocer, West
Chester of whom I purchased the metheme ..,
Res MIT yoow• Jainti ay..,
Wonderful Cure of a Methodist ..tebai.ase.
Dr. Sunlyeas7-Des.: Sir I feel a de...grant.. der
a y o n--:andysde.ty to the alitimed generally, nt oder
my hemble testimony in favor of your Compound Sy •
Tap of Wild Cherry. SOME three year. since I wns
violently mucked with cold and intlettanntion of the
Lenge, which woe aecommusied with a distrust.
cOugh, pain in Om breast and head, every ent ,id„„
ble discharge of offensave.macas from the hangs, (nu
dely upon change at a/moiler, however A:
fiat I felt walla= ahead my condition, but was pretty
won convinced that WELL rapidly goieg COMMIMp
lion. I grow dolly weaker, and at length was scarce
ly able to walk about, or •pent above •
vvhisper, mai,
wee the exceeding VicllktlESS of rrly lungs. During . thm,
I I had trieevarions prep...mons and prescriptions.
but forted no relief--growing all the time. worse. lust
here I wes advised end of
by dear [mend
Wilndepon to make trial of your Syrup of Wild ch,
ry. teast confess that previously I huh been prein.
a gein g patent medletnes, and am stilt against
the. coming out of the bends of emperi.,. bat under
standing yoar claims to the profession and pramme
medicine, and having imphat faith in the saytng of my
friends, I forttrwith parehteled of Dr. Shaw, one of your
agents; a fear bottles, and ermunette,edlts use. lily dis
ease wall loth. time of OD. monts' ding n
seqntly It was deeply seated. found ,, however.
eensiderablevelief from the nen of the first four or Gee
bottles. Bat being a piddle speaker, I frequently et
Lempted to eh with my increasing strength, and
thereby ruptured Mose veirElS that had already begun
:to hea4 in this way, doabiless,, my cue wet greany
retarded. In consequence of acting thus imprudently
I had esetwelve or ittleca bottles befog I war per
fectty restated. I have on filltatioo, h R 111.117
au the mber of bottles would have made me sound, but for
shove hathserenon. The Syrup alloyed the fever:
oh the
hahlt, took away the distressing,cough, put a stop
to the di.herge of matter from the lungs, and gave
them and the entire system good health. hove defs-r
fed ollering cerufieme until new, for Me purposi
of being perfectly satisfied with the permanency ot the
ears, t offer a ,vine
and now that (Lai perfeeil kE y w v el
Dublin county, N. C.
herpreant Read' Rua.'
There is batone genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, 1 ,
Ind that is Dr. SWAY ate font ever offered to the
public, arida has been sold largely throughout the
United Suttee and Same parts of Europe and rut pre-
pantie. called by the name of Wild Cherry have
been pat out since this, under cover Of some deceptive
cireauestences, in order to give can to their sale, ,
lip a tittle observation, no pitman need mistake the
FOLtlible from the Woe. Ewen bottle - of the ge01.,-
enveloped with a beautiful steel engraving, with the
likened. of William Penn thereon; also, Dr. Sway ne'i
eignetuset and as further security, the portrait of Dr.
dweylte will be added hareater,se 41 io distinguish I
his proardtion from all other.. Now, if it was not lot
the groat flounce properties and known villttes of Lir.
Stra, rut'. Compound SYTup of Wail 'Cherry, per... '
would not be endeavoring tei give currency to their
.fictitious nest:erne by stealuig the name of Wild
(berry. Unracrober, &Ways beau in rated the memo
W Dr. Swore, and be not eems..
NW pa ofv,e, cornet d
er Eighth end Race etecem.
For salowholviale a. retail h 7 OGDEN a SN tr IV-
Dhlte,,cor , ed and Womt str, 1.1 A CaIIPiDoTOCK
c o . car rir and Wood, and oth nod Wood its;
TtlOaN,s.l Mae:et at; 15 JON Ere., Ide Liberty et; As
A JDNMeor Hand end Penn ohm; JOHN
ELL, Allegheny-my, and by all respectable dealer. 1,,
43. P ECTO ILA Tis superior to all other remedies toi
Cerajleb Centaisiptiou,Brormbito, A elliwystid other Putout
. essy s osetibas,u that the Mb* per.on• Wne bOercl th
all e '
W at it lb; their froubm bra ynari ego stilt innien
Refer it to
61.1.7 retrofits of Um Meal and when any Lug been tainted
tryohm preparotiona bate almost invariably 'been
en receiving thelmefit which was reatorrably
rtiwtPlt ' pst hem the high praise. bestenred by die proprietor,
rad Iwo retarrad toWo Aso of Jeanne' &mese-roue.,
rowdy that has iswerlkdett to relieve them. sad which
probably *Mt had its eial he errands pubswouy dorimw
Prepared o n ly by Dr u. Jay. Philadelphia, and told nu
era 7urth e
.I=7•J fourth t
Dr.lirr-P. lnland t s Premium Plaster.
8.. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College hi Phil-
Dsidelphia, now effete to the public his Indian Veg
etable PretuluM Plaster, the qualities of which, ether
m i t = d d. tri 'l l o e ftrev " o n de e htr u ho b" m¢y ' r i oV l lV e"Zwiath
?Milpitas Uteri& or Fallen , ha recommends his
plaster, gnstranmeing ionic s o depecdy cure in the
Mork space of from two to thee weeks, ir applied with
cane and reat—discartllag all the countless instrument.
end expensive b.dirgee oolong in use. Mae he feola
constitutions in among, inardnuebits hae not foiled
In oat moo oat of three bundle and rifty-thrie ptt
Alga qtr Rheamatarti eed Wonkilreem or Back, at
tended withpolo, therein nothing le excel this Plaster
In emoting realer or erecting a cure. Fee Rile by
L of Ditunenit and Market et
Brom ft Betrr, 4 ' Liberty And Sti mt.
llt Federal st an t., d
D Gh r
iamond, All,.
Jacques tr. Qo, . . o beam. and Diamond limning
taw. .
• - •
114. E. SELLER* Dicta tat, No ,nn-.Wood sums,
Sole Apra far the sale o(D,. Toornsena's Geh
enna Sa=Mills, his jut-received 200 Awns of thta
Great Spring' and Snakier Medicine.
Dunilmsers should recollect that Ft E. Dellexa is sok ,
• nein Cdr Dittshugh, and D M Corey (or Allegheny
OFDISPROOF PLOVT-12ti S ale ut Proof Punt, of
a 6Tsb ector . , reed:god for at Um pelt w a re !
, "Was a opt° 3& H PIAILLii . F, 6 wood at
. .
1, •• • . : • . . • . •• . 1. ••• , . •n• Inoi . o ( tie o.e ni;
F.edle in
IL• 11, I' I It. ' • WO, tol.l , •nt.r in , :A.., oi
DR. TO IV rr al JR NDI et a.....t.110, to l . 14 t 1 - ri,,, ~ ,,i: require hot il small
coureCNO ZITIA• - • O• .1, 1t1z . ,. n •,,, ~ ...n imr. ihe whole gestgon.
SARSAP ARILLA oi.. en ..e ; .ii i i., 1.,•.- rILLIOO ,e,
Wonder cc , R1t5.i...0 of a. Aft.
l'• di. of ..ore:li .... n, 2n5 (Oder, from abroad. eg.
The most entrap...oar ille,tietna 14. 1,4 World I ~,n , ...e g by ~..,,,..,....,1, • , promptly ~,,,
Ma Entrees tir pat ay 4 Quart Potties . st 14 0- 11. 1' klii:l'. d P.. , r... :nen,. /.: Co •.,
stew eittaper, pleal• , . tr. and reerridied en , ~..e4ll N., Ini St fn.,: .. I•iii.liur,.
versos to we, r ,, h. •ar . wittiest
Dlusprott dc !louts , Soda A oat.
Milt ir.f. etertwg.. riestrag
or agrist.—, , ,r 14/1 ri'llis:.•nligen, eion. reeriviod their 1'11;1 stock
Pei . 1
. ... • 7ielreiai ni., i,ri.'. ;.,.: .. ...iyine arinvenl at Init:adel.itidi
The great beauty sad sui ...node, or this Sarsaparma , r ,„„ „,,,„
~., .n ,
,r. , . , , .
over all other medicines tali while it °ratites.. theils, 1 ~,,,: :,,,,..
,',._ .. 1 , ' ,, r , _e• tr1 ,,, c , , , 1eite9 llu-dned, a nd
ens, ft invigorate. the hod)) It is nee of the reribrst :„,
....„ :. r.
, ' ,. . , , , , ,. ..1'f..? „ . " . ..
sees • teg , ''int'd. prepured
SPRING AND /3.0145 .
.. T.lll ISEDICINES ' I• i ,live ilurtniZ the wit
~ i ter nod einn.•id ere,. Nupplie• via New 11r
Ev•II•3300•13,1 a [ICS only pa., se the whole system. aro. .... • . . ,one. .
strengthens thr person. but It -ages orm, pure and rind 1 ^w‘ i'.'
flood. it power possessed by Ile other med.teme. And in Al (ll'N't KAtel.F. '11:11 . t.11.1—For donning is-ni
t...lies tbe irrand secret nrit• 44oralerful success. It h a . 111 don-- i.mi ,nrop glinnien, .1:7•• plate, bract, ilti
performed with. the last twn years. more then, ! •,. .1.1 . ..,..1 o' ~.- weir. 11 turnd,y takes out ell icon.
....,,,.. , ..„„... ~.... or discuss, at least !SAM nese . n ... on, • ...I •,...nduce. the hereon,' nod durable
conaldered ineetabla It has saved the hare 'I more i lc., ... ~,,v,....n I -•. Joe. receive,' nod:or who.e
ova 10.000 children durtng the two past masons. i ..t.c nt , .1 r. in: ` '.,. .It/iIN D 51011 GAN.
I ....., Drunclet.
40,000 emu. of General Debility nod ,
went of NervOus Energy.
De Toeutuurt Serespvilla invigorates the w hole I MS. ~I ~ .i . II 11ART)d ,. ..A . 7,
, I,.iying . gold iti• t on,
system permanently. To 11101• who hare lost that . , r l .
, 1 , ...• • .., pertne,. ~ r i onnn..ll. :hints:in S
cities energy by the °Den at mettleite or tudisere- I '. ' ' ' r . nl•ll'••llg I'll rl ller•
. he• thus any ',ti r ed
non committed in youth, or the eecs.:ire tudulgence al , . I...britury
T i I 9.,f
the passinni, and hroeight on • general physical prone*. I lil i , ',it ..., tt.u.,...t. t ..kt• 1 1 111, -• ic and,. r•
~e 0n. ,. .„... 0 „. tit ., 1,...... ti d tt , of ambition, I .I. ...ig,d. Ai:in : inr the mononeentrerg. hog On hem!
fainting sensations, premature decay end decline, hasten- fil .i J. e..i• • .:,i ... r• i-e,, Inc nma I •ttptiy all oracle.
~,,,,,„„.„,„, foulsi Ce e nn t enrtiote, eflf he en. , ~...0.• ~ 11.,,• i... reit need v,,,11 , y n hseh he offers for
dryly restored by thi pleasant remedy. This Saran- ... 1 ~. mei. ......, ~ • r.e i. • liLe i Ctn.:ilk.% N.
panne ts tar sepertor to any
:Sin 11-: I 11111.11 l'., 'Tr,- 1 err,. leoltlef 1:67: 1 R721.-
Invigorating Cordial,
A. It repel..d end invizarstes the sygtren. eves activity I h „ i .,,.. ~ ~,, ~„,,,,,
to the hothig. and .trreurth to the unteralar em. tae• „„„ ~.„. ~„ ~,,..,,. ~„„,,. ~,,,,,,..., 'S
.0 r ,.' . ' ,,, : p. t r, .
even extradnimary derrne. e inn iy, .•anon of thi- inten I. eolliveria to
Coneomption Cured. innkr. i...eie e.i.drvien.. to note, for 1 ,, r .; toolWiii. null
\Assns.. and Strtnetken. Con...op:sou rem be rairtgl. ,i 0., rq., • in• v• ~,,,,. nom tue inutile, eta.. kin,.
Breacgais, Courumptioa. Loon Onexplasni Cold.: Ito ..'.: add for a: Inc , 151tia 'twin, 14.,i0t. Nu 3
Dertorrit. Cmigas, elegem Sfettllne of Mee, I\ ...I, iel,A / .k• 11 I I iIILLII'S
Sorenulta tie Chest, Hems P.A. Pried
Sweats;ifficult re Prefast Stpcto. BIi,ELIITS VA RF.IAGE 3111NLFACTURI,
rPais la tAs Sids. ko., Acme Deconan I ..4.:,, idne-....e. Wool and .SnotAfidd Sneed.
bssa en d ems Se cartel.
1.1 11. lill.l.:1.0 IV would rerepectful,y
. :°••. -. a 4
, Itint ut In• Fin-tory
titr., be tound u truce ruppiy
in i hon. , : llama's,. Itaroucitee i• oc .
laery Carriage., equal iti eie•
to 1, S . nit .1, 11n. S.:10, (SO,
• of t arrtare. liozgire end Wn
rnisile.y Inlet!
. ... .
Irso Tr* Ort: E. 47.
Da Tsernarien--1 verily belle,. that Tear
rillalsa been the means. through ?residence, of rasing
czy urn I have foe several Tenn had • bad Ceeg.
butanes ranee eras.. At last I raised large ea efkaaet. kad id& Swum, wad greetly delettle
wad ao! reduced, and did net expect to Ilya I haTa
only es , / year Elarsaparldln a dent time, and Aar, hen
• f lareniarN change head treellght InA lan 110er n 414
to van Oyer the tin, Min ye bleed. tad 1.17
eengh as
left nu Tea eta well lasglns tnal i
tilantslenn'tbans reran.
Taw ebedirct cerrrtat.
Do. Inewireend'a Canny...l4 Is a soterrolra and eperof y
curt Ur Inelpient Consateptleet,Serreemelo, ?rider.
iltort or ralilAr of the eau Cestiseacos, 1-ce
tortheor or Whit.,
ertelOcelt lilenewor
Der. In e, coutinence
if Urine, et lercl.tary disehorte
theroof. rad for the soma] prtsranae of the gotta ,
aortal+, whatb. Meal of lahorrot lOUs or crone
producer! by Isteralarity, illness or sacidout Plothetz
can b. mare rorprlolod throe In to do; on,.
et the ht.v.i frame. Tomas aD weaktors Ittol
Lode, trend toiltly It. al °toe 116..0 Aim tad fn::
cams{ undo, lte Inducts. It lannedisisly .6291.nC1i
1 . 10 tereelerriorso et the fatalebane, whielt is the great
manse of Bareentets. It will net he .tutted el as. in
trove cf m deletes c wore. ts exhibit eretincateo Cl
area perfootted hot we au astute tho a:fitted, that
hoodoo& of ease, haw. h.a reioortod to us. Thenaando
of to whore (=ales hare beta without oleildroet,
niter nein a flow betties of levalteablo itedlotoot
Imo. boon blamed with dna, healthy ors-polity,.
To,lllLoshoro wad triterrted
This Extrat of Bate:spatlla boa 1.000 .ty r esly p ed to refuevoo to (amble cos?'...uts. s female
who ha.renzoo to suppose slos La syproadla tat
rrldal otitd. 'Ms Iwo of Wo." should saglost to
take it, es It V ombo prosc.tlos for ay of ao
atattercro tad horrible &scabs to ' , Web famed. .re
sabJscs at this Jon at Bfa. This potlckl •ay Is d :
:rya firr stars! years ky late.g aedtzta. No:
It lees 'minable lot toot-e who me approaeMa ao.
manhood, so It aloolated to =at nature. qalolt•
rodbe the blood ad loslgorstia the system Indeed,
Wu nted.wce is lovalaeble Thr Jl t'a• delictio
:•• to orb o , .rorz aro atbiort
It ttl-r ~V o4e rystem, rano , . man", tor '
rora , . nz
!mi . ,. not .0 far . shunt to pr 0.1.000
rota2Minn..hich :3 the ra•--ofroo-t mrdwir ,
fonialo wools roes and dt.o.,.Br,ones
tide oteel‘.oloo, many e. .00.00 nod p•tcful ,3f rl[
tier. may ho
fa root Weald rig to rnrot.hor• ftftti Cft ,, ftrcft.
Ito Oa Wen and moat atTer two zle for
In; tbe aystem, ns,l reftartng ttia outT.riart
ttivn child birth aver dlstovart.l. It •tr.netn•rt I,rta
the mother and rtftlri pravanta raw and A .•
creases nd aurtrt,rt th• food. th , ta ••• o , :
think It la Indftpenrabla. It to Iftrnly tftetul bott, ,
and after contin•ntart, as It pre Vriftt
neon ctrildbtrftv—in Ceativenam, Pftea. t,anet,
In; of the Fart Iteapnadentft . , Ift.arittnrn.unft , ltt•
Pain an flack and 1-ntna Fait. Pena Itat,ntraat
avd in rauslatin, toe samerio.n. a
ealatinn nboa an an.
Ad t err,
triadtenit O. it O ati raft. *s.
It tneeesornlly, -*ay tea , ritae• 4.,
medicine, In won , a Ueda Caatar Oft, at 31.en,tta.
avent. Eneretar In tba *Pan aft. tad ''.not
this nott-01c1n*, altelaye etstare a oaf , •n.t ca, .
Beauty sand newlth.
Cortnenci. Chalk. mid a •sriry nf preparation. rano
redly la ose, ashen epplied to tat fare very soon quo!
• of n. beauty. T. 7 010.0 the pare. of Oto and
cheek the circulation. which. b
nature is not these,
edit). di ..... or powder, or tint atm inflamed the
alkaurod soap., 1.1•1111lifie• itS own prodo , tin to
the - human face Divine." as well as It the rard•c of
nob and delicately noted and variegated floe,. A
frdr_ active and healthy mem:dation a the dotd• or .he
coorsing of the pore. rich blood to tar.
that which pain. , the countenance in the otter •.Oot
tiro tereaty. It to that .bleb 1.31.10 tia• intlevrthal. ,
aat bidet sad dash.. of that all alrotre
ame demeans. Tbla aty ie the offset - ler of no
here--eot of yowler or mapr If there I. not • free and
healthy dreelatioa, there len* beauty. if tha lady le
fair as drily. mice, If Me paint, and am commies.
aid the blood le thick. cold end Mount she or am bean.
dial.lf she be broom or yellow, and there ta pure and
Wire blood It gives • ride !doom to the cheeks, and •
brilliancy to
Lit a that le fascinama.
'This the sealkern, and especially the Spas.
ith ladies, me to mach admired. ladies to toe north
Who tale but Ante .67.170. 0* aro miedtod n clam,
rooms, or bare whiled their completion by the &poll.
eation of deleterious rattans, If they wish to re
gain Gluttony of Mop, buoyant splnts. sparklior eyes
and bet-n.lllll complarlosd they should use Dr. Town.
iend's Sarsaparilla. rimiest/de who bare tried it. are
more than satisfied. are delighted. Ladies of • •ri
elation. crowd one ogles daily
Notice lo Iho I.adirs.
Those toot imitate Dr. Tberuiend's Surat hernia As,
Invariably called their Moira great Reftedy far
•14.11, Ite.„ and hare copied our bills and mecum' ,
which ramea to the complaihm of women, on I for w are
—other etas who pat op medicine. ha + e. lance th e nest
meccas of Dr. Toenterd'a Sarsaparilla in comptsiou
(Meld vat to females.d ed s their %honer pre
dimly they did not. recommen•
narlibm o f Mesa At i. terra Pitts.
lee"are inrorieus• faunal. as they tfr TUTU. d. , e.
sod undermine the constitation. It, Townsend', is the
only sad beet remedy for the 011,11?.. female tom
plainow,it rarely. tf seer falls of affecting a perromient
cure. It ran 60 Wlam by the most rieltrato remain,
In any eny or by those ospeettiq to become mottins,
with the greatest advantages, em it pr .pares i t
m stem
sod prerrents polo or danger, sod mreorthene h e rb
mother and child. B. careful to rot the grouts..
Ncrofnln Cored.
This [Orli EMS. conelusively proweo that Ow S e r..
partite bee perfect control over 'h. most batow,
eau. of the Plood. Three pers.. di cured to one boo.
to unprecedented.
• Three 117bilarrn.
Im.Tos-nsTato—neu Str 1 !loin the pleasure ta
inform you mat three of my children hare been cured
of the Scrofula by Ilse tnni)nt your "ceJleal medicine .
They were edlicted very eerrarely with bad Sure, bav•
Wien Daly four bottle, h rook tmm .w.f, for seht , M
I feel myself under /real obligation
ir,"ZAlanr.'tk.A IN. 106 Wooster-et.
Optsalesl• of r
Ds. ToUrtUinntl %Imo. daily receiving orders (rots
Physicans to tittliirent parts of the Union.
This istn trimly that we, the undersigned. Physirlans
of the City a Alany. u barn in numerous cues Timm&
ad Dr Tosensend , Sssapartila. sed Wive., it to be
on. of the most rultrattio preparstu , s in the market
I. P IL D.
I.VI Di. D.
IL ft libllitOS. 11. D.
Albany, April I. lel] P PRY. lI.D
(Dula( to th• err at surceal sod unntenso nap, of Dr.
ru.n•und • Ser•muarilta. • t,tonbor of rot,: yruro
f or u.,l, ou r A,uutt. enmsurnced maims tlarusp•
rtlle Extra.. Eltam, Differ* Extra,. ol I l ,a.
c. They reouraDT Pm et ur. tho matt uhapc.l
.1, pad !tome of t!.....n1 hr.', *tole uud cpte•l our .u.Dur
ern only movttaeu Irottlous,
•boulol lut svoul,l
Principal Offitii, IS Piatti, Elm Building.
• Y., Rd.bog & Stat ,, 80010 0 ,
. North drcoorlll 8
Hann, Itrunod.l Chr,itio,
witlat & 1:4 Gliartre. N Siodh
Albinn o' y , L i , ,
ntc. ,
0.. Vi , oiz an.: 'i•
ulipirlitg (or this ineitir,on, inon,
not bn induced to take any moor. Lliugdirdi pat
e , drinrinrilln, rod of course prof! , td , ,r
lk. not bo deocivod by any-10dt., for lir 1 .iy ,
nd's arid takeno nap,.
11,ationibor 1n
the 1,
11. F. SELLERS. I,emtnl Wcolractic & total
57 Wood ',roc, and li tl I:11211Y. AJroLau
day. Ir2ll
kJ quick pol.e. gr•
r. t•••- •
rt,lics/1 nieep, 111
Pains betwren tt, Le ILait ,
ImrsLusi." I.l, , artnles 01 --Canc . h.n
night end do y. flabby init.r4.., ,o,l,ll , rnflOr.
gnomic's of An an go.irtr Up .1:.1f, “ ,1 11 . 1,
01.tilikmn tit pa., at sauov
One nondryd. I,rlht . r, d.rnrh/hg
Sweets tbword• rnarnthe.
• Cr' tlartind Cort•ttruptirin roaiy• nocommon
Catarrh or eon; h o t about tiro nyririd ahem that 1.1.-
once woolly t. itoyeniti to AO •101. valn,or tbeysyerin.
Waal ate 04CreVtiln.1 The vottira mar.. trnui.i - i-
COPT; oopeciany whet, lying to, it Tn. ro tY tto fixed
polo the ellest. nut Oar. tilt nreor
word an lying duo: Th. . 0: 0, 0 V.',
{statism whleb y. eirolonit. I. yhtynged :1010a tittrk
yellow moot.. ton pine r tin v.artrelt ro v. ry
plea/ant to the patiout. !rod ,J 1 1 .1• all trlLO!ra.allt smell
whorl binned iv of' nil twin-rm. ~ ~, ninny. nit:.
probottly a mto tore. of pus ow! rotten.. o IPI, MI I 111f L lit
With - wager part ern's. and part .wires-.,'1004 ,11, i ,
:tatty scout an any hair: , or or
terisOd try' the pe:itit varl of nor i•nuyit.
:ther.ifftisaut of I...era-cot ", :,re.
di'ociiire try ogrirrotorariirtt ..iintirr and ...en
m , . Ine
aftecloriirldtrgin It `Wlir rnvvr tiny en,
glut hail bore usod, we hear as irs sure e.• For -
teen rpm i; be,. been bete,.: riie nnil IMP tOOOl
thorongbly terrod for all entnnlaso. or 1110 frutigt, and
has prpved slava t opottor morn to ant thing in use.
We vaigbt give hundreds of tti.nitztontriln "Ma
eialy, the prose, clergy', dad Ibor.' wits b: b e Len,, co
grlclOdy and foe their own geod they w.,. ,ry it
LOok.but fur gountoritiot ! Always °boor ye the tog
! tamale, "Geo Taylor, NT'D..^ on the engraved label,
,and pr rod at the Ih'holesale Depot, Ifeekrunit
sheet, Nose rock.
. bald itt.Pntsburgh by I D !rlorgruta DI Wood at, J
.!;gwrosehd, .15 Market at; II Stnyvor, rot ltlnrket an
3d I.; Ironderson A Co, 6 Liberty at Price reduced
Ln glAft i per tronte._ mar!
Et.-1 n ow-4 tuf For ro, inw
1\ w6lnae rrorllgnmettl feb' LLAL,Z ELL
GOLD WAialltrig;
I' +AIR% ;.....aner.anrcion mursiane rnr sra.trin,
1.. .L . or lan neondr.ll,l3./C211,. for
po!. • arr. rt, w oth.r.c.l nr.•
J ern . ,No la r n %Vv.,
. 7 1 7 navn r. furutrr. wt;; wartunted
t .n It rt. R. 11. Pat 0r:0.,.
.. 1(.7i rr, t' I. JIM.. Ai
iliAr pATl , .. vr
t ••11 ,, N • . 0 , r.
u r,,
' .r 0un0... pr,c ,,, t
lit ttiti, it ruldr • 1,,t2r,
t '.7te ran 1., made of
• •Im••• ot rio •ert.
IN :RE k I.; oi
. • Cllll , ll, it •uprrne,
•.: :.• d For !..1 cr
%, N.... 11.11.1. h 10411THER , ..
tor I' , e,
.tr Ste/c.'11,..1 rtltsbur.e.l
iNS amd anti peritictiid t..
Nltych GOIC/nnou 7'n aal iiumpmt
ttad extent nettle but four octave.. Nleagpt tk
.ceordanc. wttit Mc genera! dr., itnil t!timand
taste extruded Me tonic or rhea.. tinttrutortrt. 10 44
ven netavca, thu. matt., ml pracittcoble
atam utrot nay maw tvfiticit for the mon ea (tram ,
'The czterio• antra Pao Itern much improved I , y Turin
too taaty of the tin...lucent upon titutt Iron (ram
ttettramtii, liroctictl ortiantentrd, Tv:a:erupt, .1.
too.; cittemely dratrattic
prrre it put to low nit to ltrtnc tt ittpit 1 rear
vert. tit oi natit a
per muiticat togtrutitcit
aid. 0 the tone. tt mectt elegant puree oi !urn
1010 !Or gl ~ ,Inparnuse
At and
/ 1 R MI. NlitvELTy—Tit.•
`Tr :u• . n , .101 truth Europe, and for ,ale
IV limit'.rmh. .
I; itiArtiliik: NV IF, 1 mAx
and a,sre,
t.en, on of' our Intadt
”. I .l'n .nvousal rro s serifuS•
..• ..os of c0.,10' 11,olsoross. Hotel .nd
. ICI s's •s"'S 111 ells.‘ IC , tllllOllO
•.• solo,she roc.
. •.. a. La, and tor stsa.r. a :nr[o nod
• . " . . .
, „ . ~„..,, ~ ,-.,,,, ',red Contninn Lraf Tolmre°.
.41.4. lIVI . I t•tt , t•t nr,d : ,, r .:6,.. nov.3,•ltin
QFFt •:, ,, W ARE' \:A\ 1. F.1 , 7i1:111.:ii,.
Birminghnuacer Plilabaratt,i Pe.
War , ltaus , , :..r. 137, W..... 1 strea. Pittsburgh.
UV ; I 1
. - .n, , t,,.. lc c•-, , on it..,1 Foad nf.on
, 5 4:: ,., (1. \ , ,:e, c 1 zur ~ l ct:u r 3 . : • 11.: , ..! ,
r.,,,,1 n • ^Apert,s, .11, L'ati to Lail and rs
*to Ile '„: . ~-,„ ...., P,• w• Etre, ~/.,r0t.g,,...1 to Pei'
\ vccl 31 alls) dittrt live
x •
, do • r 4
Dru,s , c.s Curprt,
,•• A •••'or4 I , .gtnin
4 It 5 , - , cnrunlon do
A 0 . ,etett sets , lte •oul ut arna: advance, and
u. :ow 4 . rat, purchuaed ut thee oat
\ 'l,l Vl . l 75 Fourth at
FROM zte very ',ern: ow:out - fig,
.en,• ! , er recd: fed r.Argr
, tr,e.! , Affcchtu,
tri.t. a iert-e.lrar •
It:rn y r • or t!, properly roan
tc,attte rpriird , str!v ae,ae the
r're•: , aari,tiChur, Fr Or: ;ralq ape, :II IV ,
n der (or p ht. bor •In me ,
ve ri.trrer •.: au 1.- pwortEE,7-.
era Elcieliic•wac liftur
•-• . lfugp,
'arr rr,, ID
•.ln cord, •rrvr:l:y Ere , !a•ter.l
I' I, c A Ileifflteny Cemetery.
k r •;,• „ ,1 4. ilt the t orrornior, 1,14
following wefenv
itie. • •., • MATlggrr% •Ilt the rtttml hg vettr:
I ;it
j. fi.
if. • `iltlENlll-.l<lf ER, I ,
• •
-.•- , efelitry nntl Trearti,r
. ifemnu prr.chtrd it, if fraun of thr
lifti.pertuts entail:ton Thnr °Awe
n•t •ttitt , °I tor t/mlttotttit ,Itrrtt Vt.:swum
art- kept ft. 1.4,1 ttt .1,1, t
1-tantetnitt PM'
t1t."13 t,tl tt.! lI1O•i to t tittatvett tit tutit
It: I. , Pro pr.
ADlEltit 1;4 Tir.ILEGRApt; coMPAKV
v.1,1•1.1\ N.
( he Fe...change. Linn Ilrlore.
1)1,1.1 ; have
or irusa raouttuata.,
a cam...N0..1.1F refluctwan
lande •-: dr•patehes lararenled (tom Ml
urn, Pa
11,4 e I:.• cliarge ior Lek-61331,h despnlel, to ar
aim hetritng. Is 46 rent.
vs oak, and J cent,: far erwh addluoaal
it mule for We zAldreru nod wpm
opletlon of theSuth Weatont Linn of
Trmi. o , to New (Mewls, deo
-I,rwurdr4l to I,l,l,phis by tlo* rouie,
\ CB4;k 11 ilf 51V01 , D1101.711%,
I I a , IN.. us y o • .oeintett theineel vex iogether
uncl• I ihe firth und etytt or A. kJ
or mounfociure of TIN. COPPER
A 11. -lll.l,l'.iiitiN 11 ou the tinnier of 11.olhn•
~„ , . in the Ist NVitril„ti.LuoilLUT
• • ~• , are l•reporesl to fortioth to Order,
•S all tirtieles In their line with
rtutoungh, and Cerpenteri ordrrt are lo-
wen nnaledlnte anent Lull
. L. . • ottglthat , Feb t,
I. tett —4llm
A \ APE l'APhll—
j, I , t ste el the 111100 of Monlereyt
.• t. Cerro Guru: .
I • . .• Buena V Btu,
I •• •• Feta de Sans;
- Chase de Lyon;
Unrdo Fratlealx;
• - Col C Auvergne;
The above ie stumble lor popertng lairs paid.
r-otas. J• 141 rued direct from Par., And for sale as
sae , t 1
/ .41 aryl $ HILL
ALblotitius AT CUST—gOdilt . to dolma - on
so will nclr for the blouse of the
re at coot, diva stock of trend,trend,Merinos, romprl- I
Sou use.
colors. Now it your dme to y'rrl bb. fresh, Jost reed wdTor
1.-r113111 . 3 . 4 e o sale by febl7 AR NO k CROZql_
, --
El an &er • , Ir. ..... cc e B:. oak er• , I I GALLEY'S MAGICAL PA IN EXTRACTOR!
•ND D.A.. 11 pill , : followano from George R. Pomeroy, Esq.. the
NOTES. DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES.GOI.D.STLVER I I,: we . i' known proprietor of the Er Ore,. soenks for
AND RANI( NarSS . itue;f of the importaxce of the ram Kite:L[lor m every
COLLEt - TlllNS.—Dralt... Notes nod Aeeeptnar• - ! p urr ,
payable in nay pun n:' the Emu/Lenin , red on the mo-t , FIZPILVai OTTICIL A!bally, Sept. I.
"uvorn;.l. I , TI a ' NI, D.,, 1 sr. My. DearStr—Willi reciting. , of no or.
EXCIIANI , I. on New \ orb. Phi.inle:phia no.. R. , I d .... r y p,e,t,urn I address you O i re lyrjon ro me neneht
, more. a 1 . ,. ~. nn nun , . Lotorv.ile Saint Lunn. •nd I nave tee , ,row your ni•slunble Pain Esirocior
sew linen... nr.,..t.0... ,o , ..a.e 1.40. 1 ,..C., ii ,, :, dell7hl,l. C. years old, had a pisehus
' RANK ‘t irE.S
into :. ot, sit 01 ,, , , 0. I. 100 k.... 0. , o. Pottlng orner turned into her bosOoll lle , sc" .l. `
United st.:^..ll.coont , Al at their - or:re. rate • A.. Lon.. : were dreadful. no that u crowd Instantly gathered I.c
of Eortneo L// , 1 Ann,rtran (... d and S..ver Coln :mu,' , seto:enroll.. cans , o!the teruthle +creams
sud eo 1 I to, her Clothe% arunder, and soon spread on .olur
(pp" ...,:„ ;;.:, Ni,,,., ..„,.. ~,,..., 0.1 ~., . 1 Ito. ; s a ,ve, nod she we,earned and laid upon • bud. Ehe
Pit, •baren l'a u-t, , von... .el rued from her pains. and says -Ma. 11,. e,
__...— , so ill could , laugh." rind wa. soon in sweet sleep. hie
.. ,
FOREIGN EXCIIANGIK• wt. scalded to a hirer from the top of tier shoulder
'DILLS err i• ''pr nits I re,•1,.1 and scotland hough , o'er more then half her cheer, and retold under the
I) ant' rOIOI I M nt 1.1:c Chrrem Rotes it: Exert:rig , ; aims. On the hhou !der athi breast a was very deep.
Al-n. thefts pave., tin) ~art of •he LI 0 . 'et' 't yet from the last hoar. .lie rompinined only when it
from 11 to 11 , 01. of the rate o , 'CO to th e " .0 wice dre•sed. The sere henleth rapidly. end there is no
without deduetion or disco., ay /1,111 3
SON. K0r01.....t0r • • •" Y • Vl• Oh Many o - ,.n0, my deer err. for your success m
th. .nle of tuts mtge . ., article,
aka Errl .11.1111 • lam your, with respect.
1.! in Foretan .11/.11,01ne.0e Hills of Exchange. Cers : THE TEST cad NO MISTAKE'
tale. , 01 N-IlmOle. [lank N.•••• toot Ca.n. comer of The genuine Phalli will ever produce the same in
:11 and Wmtd streets. thre,lj opposn - i".it arlA sll
s I to- stuntatteous relier and soothin g. cooling edict, in the
y severest rases of Borns. Scolds, Piles, Ste.
BTEIO. FUNDS—is The Counterfeits—no tt error under what names they
o. may appear—alwaye imitate. and increase the pain.
Kentucky, I, Edward P Holmes. of Chatham. Melvin Itridsr,
Missoon. Colurnbin county, N. , Y. have been ettbeted with diet)-
, Bank Noreen mattsna in ray arca. fro, and all over my body. for
purchased at the lowest rate., by years. en that I could noi stand, and woo cored by
N. HOLMES k SONS, e epplithiters of Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor
sepia 35 Market surer. EDWARD P. HOLMES.
B ILLS OF kCICCIIANG F..--ctcht Cheek. on Str—l cut my Anger with a copper m
New Nark, . poisonous nature of which caused my arm in swe l l
Pluistdelpina. and re h,y, is,th constant shooting pains up to Ute
Baltimore. shoOirler. A large swelling taking place at the tun..
Constantly for sale by N. 1101,51 ES k SONS. Jil.a - ar oleo-amok peon, I became fearful Of the Loch.
1.1113 lark, st. jaw. In 1111. extremity your Pain Extractor was re
,cnorn.n?titrielecd.toftir,:eL:oarfl w m tu a, c , lLl usrwii.tpror,evdt.,lll tea a!mn+t
1 instant tenet'. and in three days I wa• completely to.
Itronme and sts, Srpt s.
N(rrici:! - 11 1e the inVentor of this invalu
able, reined). and never has and nsver will common].
c the to .T doing m tn the seerer of its thambinationi
All ExLractor., therefore, not made and put ale
httu, are has.:, counterfeits.
Patients - ma's Dapars--415 Broadway, New York;
thid(.liostnot street. Phil.
.101• IN I) MORGAN. General Depot; Dr. WM.
THORN. Agents for Pttodiurgh.
Dailey's A nemia( Gaivemse CureeJll4
Cures humors, spavin, gnaw, grease, poll-evil,
sores,calls, nod bruises. Pamphlets,ntaining cer
tifiealeo of respectable prunes. may be had on applies
hon to JOHN D NIORGA.N. '
oOCIS-dly, Agent, Pittsburgh.
lONTAINING NO NIERCURY. or other sltneral
I lia• rower to cause n.l EXTERNAL SORES.
c•iiNt tUS WOUNDS TO discharge their putrid nnittors,
h.. f t.ot hems there.
It I. righily termed ALL-HEALING, for there is
•ourer . .., u eilerltill Or laltirnal. that it will not
I•eor111. I hove wool it for the lam sixteen years for
a:. diseases of the r ;test. involving the utmost danger
nod rroponstioloy. mid I deelare• before heaven and
man, 11..11 no: .101 re 0000 lias it railed to benefit when
we pnll,o our Within are reach of mortal Means.
hod int) sicians learned in the professlon. I
beer m.lll--tere , of thee. goepr I, judges of the bench, al.
tient en. Oiwyers. gentlemen of die highest erudition.
tool noutitud , of the poor use it in every variety ot
way. and there hatilteen bet one voice—one universal
P.IICCM ATISNI-11 removes almost immediately
the i..finterhatien end vomiting, When the pain ceases
Reno A
m , e dig croons aro d
r•rr.onsund the box /
!IP 'ACHE—The salve hap cu re of the
to:tot...rite of twelve years standing, and who had it
to4tl .tr ec,ro week eo that vomiting trios place. EAR-
At it it, ~,rrit-nenv.. and ABLE IN THE: FACE.
itte heipth wah ligesuccess.
:.1 • Al.1) HEAD—We have eared cases that actually
defied r seers thltie known, ea well as the ability of Ett-
Iron to eoly dom, men
o. One told lia he had soent
*3Oll or. .1 ,toolren wldema tiny benefit, whets n few
nes , . ot cocci them.
1,—Thete-in nothing better for the rare of
HI. RNS—It is one o we 1.,15t things in the world for
1 1 1 LE---Thoultands are yearly cored by this Gust
er. ti liok 01 Mvuor rrOr 1 tor Ille role,
.ter e nd .ht • ex his d•orelk di.
• ”ao•ror !or be,o•Pla. r ompbar(it, Erprrre
;rar. Tor. Cr oh:n n Nrelrri H e art, Sore Eve, y.
S. , one s . rwtioni Y,e at De'
r ; 1... ,rpartar riarri ger,. raillonn.l.l, , ala P..n nth.
1i,, , ,.. r ;roc of( It the Stto. Sow LiP'• Pro.
•.1 •• • :.0 • Ihr 1.1116• 1ib,17101..
~•• .ct (•rotrp Mr, Braker( iota", Torre:
.• P . i oir Free y'
• ,•, • 11.1 1•ot o. puke ia the Ct..,
f.,:' a, iho mon or the other orcompa
ci i.•et ,T.• tttolent l• ilie true remedy if
•0 . . el iti.etise ,tom
od feel
• - • 1,•o•oroal tom et th ro e ttithment wi.l
o ri• trean g •ove eg People need never n th^y use I . tre , ln•r l O . ) ,
,12,,0rt for ant, port ot the body
1 some en. , it •hount
BUUK UZ5ll',
- 10, 0, Jo., L
Lt IT 1.1 vt,t•
tlat . tti 11,1 n V yarr. 11111,,. by 11.-rman '
nrfare oz . ,s Nark. by 'IV
piece a 1,1. ut.d'lllere a t.,
'Linn upon I. t tte t,Ltd Precept Upon
lecl.otr4 01",T1) . 1 . 00111. by A It.: Lnmarttioc.
Illattruteu Li at Frank In, purl -tn. p4..t
and for •ul- JOIINSTON k t.TtlteliTlO:.
pp eorn,r Tl4.rd Markvl t.ts
- N"
p,A,, .. ‘ . b r o k „ o g n y
Pa....aptly of Ilritclon. by J. D. More I. A NI
Bourne 's t'tectu-tn Strum r
Chamber •e 01 Etml”... LarrAture., 001,
0.n.0.,. finerlil c: ply.
Chamber.' 4,1 l',OL/ 11.0 i 1 . 1 , 10,1L0.11g
K;ooA; , dgr v •..“.0 I
Advil e 10J0 M
, eO,, t'y T S .Artnur, rill
Klnntent• of Met..., or 7 bY J. nrorktc.bY. M A
Proverb , . Mr the Ite,p.o. by F. Magoon
er•Ltv unt.,
I'rt 01 {fut....tit 1,,.101'
ot Holy Scripturtr. tor 011100,10, ll.c •orl 00115 or
rut vOI,
:No G I.Lte, ittu.arutril
14rrtcr t ;u t, day by
X' KW NAIL' cATI“NS y nn the thr Union
n/ Church and Store: by Liaptic AA' Noel. Al A.
1 vol :Ili An <dolor( oh tho. work
wa• Fold 01 One k!ny tia publiention in Loudon'
lreirorn Martatet Smith'. Journal. in Pro
vince of Nitiat , a , ltuArti Brio-187,-9. vol 12rno
)'arm. —Skrivbe. of and Latiol*(ll.oe, hp
Rev Rll l pli Ilan i —at,. ell , 11/WKe , s — . l llll /11.1 , 41, -
1.111114 Il!Aln Al.OO
A Chiechi.nt of ,he Steam Engine. illuatrative at th,
retertiftc ptotelpte, noon winch operAlvin
and the practira: driall , of it. strurtate. in IR annit,a
On. tom nellc, .team tiangsuon, and rvilway,
with var.. nuagettiona of improvement: J Ho urns
P E. I vu' 7Se
The Fn.iy l'intu rah. Part I. 1
kk iln st..
Frrtr'• .. At•tralcil IV and V. Kne
Sole A gene y for Nunn. B. Clorkte Plano•
11 sTr.i‘ri. a,•e• ":2
. 'IC
~,, i 01:1C
C.r-I,rte OS
N nr, tt re.. a. a go.. 11,
rxcri , rd Av
in a.. Mar. any
or hnoo Forte en led Iho oh!,
w hlr h more pow,
nod ..woro.r.. Lltal. the ,aar.. I'moo.occup.ra but on
to .r P.. now': room ail, ion more .hoary at.
hatoloome pwe•.ro lurnuare I; 13 par - Neu:2,ly dr..
Isle Ore mome sonce w Moro L, being
11,17 n rompart. nut occopymg nu in
room tont: o ; rote tatoe. The Pulwrrtlrer has
ham/ ft woonotoß ai 01 roperiortly from ;Ire
o .1 roam, ~,onelit,icm, s own ound wraing.whic
I m,) 1,1 11. I:l.Fltt ft.
10et..; 41.1 IV Woodvvr,“
itifflitiq J 1,7 rt , Tuvrd :tad .r -a:e at inAt
a T^T , T.T. , , till nrcr - TT hr. , Plan
Forte- tx., bi I.d 7 °cut yrs. of the mo
Or pull patterns of Illnlatlre and wit
the otte mtproved T , ale.
Alao an nand and for saltalow, 3 xerond
n. JOHN II :II I-7 !.1.1 142.,
Sole A,nt for Clorlterum, nano. for Wrst ,
I\7EW HENRI 11E11Z--Tlir 1.,t
o. Summer mtrodurumt and Iqt:flat:lv
riauoso for Me hobo Forte. RA erformed lo ad I
co er, 131 thr ir.l ,by p floor, Fier
Nll.llor cl
rq }lvan lieu;
,Over Polka.
Juo aid
11..111,7 111IIN 11 N1F.1.1,01i, SI wood •
aecompanireent (or the
P:uri-home, aorwed to the warns of private pup.e.
or c•ta,. ..ral tnenc Selected from halter , .
E rr , :rn and Gertnnn ernr.pomern. 13,• Lowell Nlroort: iti
inrxe pure. or cl. , eiv enpord no cooraoung lull
. A ~, , .iv arrar.rred Price 75 cern,
r z lreet I Ord. a suppl) of the above, drrcer from the
rnrl,l , wood .1
:=l7- I S--S,
• •„,, n , Cap„ Ford,
• (1 , 11.. AN. Cant l% atter,
aboa , 'Packet% Beavar ere'ry day,
Snaa). exr,Fted) and are ore next ma'am!, al
It' f r, t., waerc tow • with the Mad Stage. l'og
Orr. and Vlcre:a. ,'
“1, arriving at each °ldle, parr.
:light. 0.. , o, the racket. leave. Warren dady,
:• I' NI., and nrr,ve at Beaver to tune, to take the
.tearnt,nat for PlaAell gh
it I'ES A LEYFINri IV ELL. Wrirren
Li TAILOiI, Provirrs.
11.4 ,• 1.1 name.
- •TTLv.s.xl, l,l Capl Jelfee,
" Pollurk;
•• Ir•ax Eitra, " Traliy;
" Bron;
FALCHION, Saye w r.
The abeire new and apleridirl PaarienFer I'io:kr:ls haat,
enitinioneed running between BEAN KR AND,ERI
and vt II run rernintly during the iitio,on—une bout
ring I•:rie. every •
!minting at o'c.lot• it, and one lea,
lag Soave, tee ry rvrlttnit, ttntnetltutely all, tllr n.rrt
vv. ai the .rt tttt bout Irvin Pi.. .burgh
I bnat. oro and soutlortahly ktritinlied. and
tbrougn in only Paiiiiongr.r• Lilly
in.. Leto,. or in Shogun, Palo , ia•• II told tin.
Ilre rrlolo. Cognlonnlo , .
thtouvb to ao punt , nn the Laic can be poroured by
to ;he p•npriatora.
REED, PARKS te. Co, Beaver.
JOHN A (7Art;llEl'. Agt. Pittahurgh.
ear. Water and tirtudiGoid ats.
Bat N V.
it NI Reed, Erie, Pa
C C WOK, Urremlle, Pa,
.WFortand and King, Wig Bend. Pa,
tiny. A Plumb, Strrpshorgb, Poi
IV C Malls, Shoran, Pa;
D C Marhoora,Pulnakt,
R Canninghaoi, Nrtor t`rottle. Pa. tvt
r I , 1;.:.i.1
~'S~'l r s _
~.'.~~ ~ i ~C:
oonptlotot d ally, at the lOrrept rotes.
J. C. DIDNVF:LI. Afoot,
Water Plfeet, PotOturg h.
Rt tBINSON tt.
thil D'7) South Chariot; to, Ilaturno
tto re.
P1.11•013/50r and Remittance Office.
IIARDEN re CO consume to briny pars ons
l ifl N
ikttom any part of Vineland. lr-land. Scotland et
w n i e , i , neon the remit liberal terms, with rot,
tiro sl punctuality and attennon to the wee,. and rem.
fort of igrunt. We do not allow our parsunger• to
be robbed by the veri
rge ctiline scamp. that
et we
dr te
, : aC o w t z h e:t e
d 7 tl c i u n ' ty th i n t boob:: tour he
inat ypo
eor pas.eedlL;
',ors to chow Slat they wore detained eti hours by us tid
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained
months, until they ould lie sent in some old craft, at a
en p p rate, wine!, too frequently proved their cot Ens.
We noel.' toperlorm our contru.s honorably, cost
what it may, and ~at act as was the C 31.01., Rut season.
wan ether otheers.—whe either performed not all. or
when tt suited their convenience.
Diens drawn at rtusburgh any- Gun from LI to
Limo, payable at any orate provincial Banks 111
I.lRelund, Scotland and Wales.
European and General Agent,
Firth . . one doer tuden. Wood.
ir ELV fiffitstiN2.—J wit received at Zettiti.n.
p• colored
Musket Wert,
r• colored Vera., thbberf, assorted roloii); •
. black
embroidery Gimp; le pit wide Pinta, AC,
A polo Bulidittl,,, 4th :t
Prof. Ty'er-I,lroo. For •al
R WWI:INS, 4:11 Li.
at J. 'A W,,od w•. -
j ' A 'S NIT; I
. •
ro: rAgerlt. nil 11:e prmnpai 10.1
S.. 3, Propnetor ot the clove medic ine.
Up' t NOM Tlird sat,. Phil
A..e.,ra Ptresionton—Ltraun !
o Utter, corner of
y und 01 eta... and L 4VOct. Jr , , hornet or
.t and the Diamond, also cot., of 7th ned
Stritthheld J Cusael corner of Walnut and Penn
sw, Nth ward, and soil at the bookstore in Smlthfieltl
MI door tom tiocond 10, In Allegheny city by li P
,eharurtz and J Sargeoe, bY J 1-Y MntOtY OW
isunghern, U Nrgley, Fmet Liberty. M Royriand, Me-
.port; .1 Atestotecr A. r. O 70. Monongahela City; N
Sow man A. Co, andJr Raters. Bros osvtlle; Johu
I;ark ley. Beaver, Pa; ere wholesale agents.
lele.Y7 dewily
1.11.11..1Pr , ill;110, PA
,' nil , . rapid stndes a latch Ilydropathy liaa music
1 stn. its tritroduetion into thit country—the tan
:mat and anonishtua curative effects of cold at
wer in
et:twine and tteale mica., when employed ailer the
Jaelhad o" the celebrated ?nouns, have removed from
the ,m. 4 el an intelhgent and discerning public every
Ise, : ot do.: .. to ta efficacy. aid gained it mu
eer•nt laver Cbtaadenna the a naattatartory re.UU.
ut rem..., heretofore used In the treatment or chronic
romptruniseteornplants,Mo. which areincreaing' ev
ert it must be anatural wish to see the success
ot u method by which so many unfortunate enterers
will be freed from ;heir pans and infirmittei
The uhunlier [minim practised successfully this
ire.hod Inc •Itilit years at his Hydropathte establish
ment, which has b e e n a
enbasged and an-
prt.ed in all irs puns. ail In evenr respect, is nowt
tend,. to mceiVe aed accommodate pallentl who May
rhea to paw, thernielVee under his earn, still and
lia-rtertra. ..
Pailmsburg, punned upon the left buk of the Ohio,
opposite the mouth of the Big Beaver, is won known
for it• refreshing and salubrious atmosphere, Ita de
irghtful quiet... and charming natural scenery. com
bining every meanie to render the scrum of the in.
eat al agree..., and contributing not a nine to .n.-cs.
health sad physteal strength.
The colahltsbroelit, the first. caned in the 17ilited
Stab, comm.* every thing, both for pleasure and
I comtort, calculated to insure a speedy and happy ter.
ounation of the edam.... of the ?WOOL
Persons etching to avail themselves of the advanta
ges here odered, will please address the Larson°.
by wile, (po..t-pold,l stating as near As possible the
I nature of their colaints, in order to decide and ad-
vt.. on the, unless mp and curability by the ilydropothic
treatment. and also whet will be accessary for them m
take alone, for their especial and personal use.
ItIDW A RH ACKER, Dl. D. Proprietor.
PhLipsburg, Beaver county, Pa.
Ritr.6.NeFa—Rev`d. Killtkelly, Armstrong: V. D.
C ant. Loh dm Hon. Thomas Henry, Heaver, Pa.; Dr
lark-r, tie. Prof. Ch Elliot, Pittsburgh, Pa; L. C.
Pericin., Fag 0100; Rev. S. H. breed, hew Albany.
Roy al Alin, Prllletton, N. J; T L. Stan.. rsol .
\ , .v Vora, In. Ch. ‘Vinicr, Philipsburg, Wm. 11. itlx•
Coen. Fly. Pitmbargh; A. indwell, Esq., do.
C . , UN DRIEF-11/0 packages fresh Tom—Y
twoopurster and Impel'1111;
.100 bap proms Green Rio Coffee; 50 do Lagayra
do, 111 do Old Joon do,
25 bags meek Popper; ludo Pnnanto,
Lk, had. new crop N O Sugar;
Oil urns Plantation Alcolasses;
jeo do Nagar House do
as 1,0 rec. Beth Rice; 150 lam Bunch Raisins;
Irko la. , manufactured Tobacco, various broods;
goo kegs ledge & Bro. 0 twist Tobacco;
Ito Foustourgh plug
ISO ho. sslu Wtoodors Glass; 30 do 10.12 do,
.og. assorted Nail., 12 casks Snlermus;
&ruff pounds Cotton 1 0r,,. assorted Non.
Together 01111 a full .d general auortment of art.
cies In the Grocery lone, on hands and for sole by
J & Fl FLOYD. Round Church Busldings,
Info Id Fronting on Liberty, Wood and Stath sts
-- •
LIFORNIA 1111111111 R GOODS—lust retained.
l • J 5 , Canty Blankets, 20 officer cooks, L^ pet Pants.
1.• pairs i•eit linos! Mining Boots; 12 Isilona i Para; 3
scoter "'oaks. a and 111 gold.. each, to
gel on 1,114 I doe Buckskin Money Ito s; 1 di oiled
condo.: do do. he above goods fur at the Cali
fornia ()ninon,/ Fynablistimeni, Nos oda.
mrhthl 1 k 11 I.IIILLIPS
A. BROWN would reimeet
ly inform the publte, that he
:rib. on hand at mond on the
nil ride of the Diamond. A Ile
leny city, a complete ashorb
rat ofYeoman Blind, atm \M
inn Shutter, arc made to or
, in the best rtyle, warrmied
vial to any in the sited Staten.
Bluid• can he removed with
the aid of a screw driver.
tying purchased t h e stork,
As, aril wood ore, cabinet ea-
Hlalanent of Romany ArClel
ad, am prepared to furnish
sir old eurtonaer,well ar
rid .1 every thing in their
y, Na a Wood street, Pitistrurgh.
inchtai 4. A. BROWN
DiAPER HANGIN(..4.-1 am :lox receiving, dir re
j from the manufacturer. In New York, Philadel
phia nrd Baltimore, a large and well 'elected iterort
merit of all the latest and morn Improved •tylev of ea
on. cloud and common PAPER HANGINGS. coo-
strong of—
lo,ooopieces of Parlor and Fresco;
Ilall and Cu.untn:
10ANgt " Dining-room, chamber and office
Paper —whtel, I would parnaularly 1110114 the attention
of those Layton house , . to paper. Co call and exarrune,
we Paper \‘'arehouso of 5. C BILL,
87 wood st
has commenced to !needy. a
U. large asmninent or Riney VARIETY GOOD%
consisting in part of Artifictels, Ribbons., Lace,
*trey, Gloves, Crepe, LOMPL, Call/brieq Netting.. Lae.
Vel:•. shawls, Pongee Handkerchick, gcma
gumbootd cotton Handkerchiefs, corded Skirts,
oemog S ub. Threads, Butione, Combs, Jewelry, Can.
levy, or. Sc. Country end city merchants are tea
peeifinty invited to call and examine his Mock, No Si
Wood street, corner of Diamond alley. mcb2o
I,IXT RAC' OF COPFE.E—An tirlWit which is re
phtly coming into nee as a wholesome, nourishing
de•lensus bevenige, being more pleasant and pal
atable don common Coffee, and (Sr cheaper, ns a email
,tniver co*MIC only ten tent., Wgo no far on (Me
pounds of Coffee. blimufactured by
JOHN S. hllLisErt, Pittsburgh, Pe.
:told atwholesale by H A FAIINEITOCK tr. Co,
corner of First and Wood and Sixth and Wool streets,
Pittsburgh areal
Ai'AI%I.AV'i 111 TORY OF EN6Lroi V—hot.
;NI ter's edition, containing all the Matter, verbatim
et hieratim, of Vole. I and 2 of the London edition, em
bellished with a portrait of the author-2 Vole. in one.
Price, complete, finc. A large supply of the above Cr.
regard and for solo by JOHN If MELLOR,
anti Bl wood et
5(.714DE1E3-4 bales (lotion; 22 Itgs Feathers; t; do
Flaxseed; 4 bbls 1`40.1 Lard, landing from enamor
Euphrates, for We by ISAI&Ii DICKEY & Co.
Et&ttt it
Ik.OA pigs Valens Lead. in score and for sera
a by kb= JA811:9 - A HUTCHISON tCe
• .
DICAL7 - "' - ''''
IN Q _ _ -
Scro sh la or King's Evil, Itheuma ism. Obstinate Cuta
neous Eruption'. Pimple , or Rnitnign on the Face,
Diedolte, 101 r, Cllll5lllO :tore Eye!. Ring WOlllll or
Truer. Scald Head. Esilargement and Pain of the
Bones and loons, rtsubborn Ulcers, Syphilmie Symp.
toms, Schistose or Lumbago. and Distant' anaing
fron 110101.ViOui tose of :Mercury, Aseimsor Dro
m n onp
ty, posure or IMprudence in lite. Alm, Chronic liitorder ,
In 11115 prcparntion are strongly concentrated all the
hledicina! ,trope ties of- isA11,1•421111.1., combined with
the most effectual aids, the most alungry productions,
thn most potent numbs,
artier. vegetable kingdom;and
it has born so fully united. not only by patients them
wives. hot 11,0 by Physicians. that it has received
their unqoatified recommendation and the approbation
of the public. nA has establi.hed on i s own merits a
reputation sor vu:ue and rifsency far supenor tie the
rations compound. bearing the name of Sarsaparilla_
Dtreases have been eured. such as are not furnished
in the record. of inne past. and what it has already
done for the thousands who hone aced it, it is earmble
of doing for the minas:it still mitering and struggling
with disease. It punnet, cleanses, nod wreogilens
the fountain spring, of 'tie. and infuses new vigor thro'-
out the whole animal trnme.
Tlie followmg strg end, as will he seen, perma
nent cure of . therm-rate case of Scrofula, commends
itself to all similarly afflicted:
SOL TIII`ORT. Can n., Jan. 1,1841.
Illessrs. Ss., Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflic
ted induces tar to inform you of the retnarkaltle cure
effected by your Son nparilla in the caso of my wife.
She MIN severely ittlitmed with the scrofula on differ
ent parts of the hotly um glands of the neck were
greatly enlarged and her limbs much swollen. After
sufferlng over a year .d finding no relief from the
remedies used. the disease attacked one leg. and be
low the knee suppurated. tier physteialt advised It
'Mould be laid open, which was done, hot without any
permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of, and
were Induced to use Sands' Sarsaparilla. The first
bottle produced a decided and lavoruble effect, reliev
ing her more than any prescription she had ever m
gen, and before she had used no bottles, to the aston
ishment and delight of her friends, she found her
health quite reatored. I) is now over a yeex Cate the
earswas edge ed, and her health remains good, show
mg the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the
system. Our neighbors are alt knowing to Weiss
facts, end think very highly of Sands` Sarsaparilla
Yours with respect, JULIES PIKE.
Emmet from a letter received from Mr. N. W. !iv
ns, a geutlemon well known in LouLsa county, Va..
"Gentlemen—l have cured a negro boy of mine w th
your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula,
and or n scrofulous family.
"fours :rely, N. W. 11A11.111
"Fredericks Hall, Va, July IT, le-IP.v.
Santis" SASSAPAIIILL..-11 seentsalmost unnecesm4t7
to direct attention to an article so well known, and's°
deservedly popular, as this preparation, bat gaticittS
often who ..vlsh to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, kre
Induced to try ustrahless compounds bearing the nitrite,
out containing little or none of the virtue of this valu
able root; and we think we coranot confer • Ere er
Iteurfit on our renders than in directing theft ittteo3
to the advertisement of me kfwars.Sands in ono er
column. The I,oltle bus zoOrarlii been coluxgesito hold
a quart, and these olio wish a really good article *al
find ervicentraird in Chit till the medicinal value of the
root.' The ' r
of thou.nils has proved its tiF
teary ,a catiog Mc various disease, for whieh It in
r, commenne,l, and at the pre.s.r.ll nine more than any
likertisi... i., this nil-ciente linen'', in preparing the
ity stem for a chatter of nett,. —Home Journal, Sept.
I- I
' grey-Art..l non sold wholesale and retail. by A 13, tt
D sANLis lit hi cis, Allgi eil•••1101 , ,, ion Fallen street,
eorner oi t, anion. New lark. Sold also by Drag
atetstrocral; y throirzltout the Halted States and Cana
iiu•. Price Si tier Itnitir, six Italie. foe SS
0 -1.-„, .:tiein l'utsliurgh, wholesale anti retail, by
H. A, FAIINEST(II:Ii. to (Ur, corner of \Voss/ and
F roil -is . a so. roweSixth anti %Vona AM; by L.
it I I.C.MX. Jr.. rorn, tuff Sfailbfiehl and Fourth etc.
end Uhl/ . iiii,, to %lames so and the Hi-Aomori, alsb,
..y FlitkV A H It YEN IsEitiCil. car Altini.gala House.
• •
I I;..- /. I - 1 NAJ DISEASED
I - tkuird snocess whlCh hat
ttr ntird ILic of the
•" - •
al lye v.trin, artlntion alto Wogs as
.. tt. .tJo-0,1 the propnotor agnan to call auto
t.tott to tht.
Che charc:lo!c w 'Alden works our fan and
m•Lter, it alw end',
ays Iruciu: .noree
Phcee, rt neglected, Are but the preenrears of that fall
Ehe question. Men. how c le ar nip the demurer
he laid? o w shall we pet oar ooughs and
olds , to of vital impor,unee to the public..
null be found in rho t iuwu¢ Planners. In pros( of this
cc bare from time m time published the certificates of
totem of Our Lent kIIOWTIcLti who have: xperi
enced its rurata or rawer+, These, with a mas Of rut
umony from All purl, of Ihr eountry.--frorn
sf,i c ciers 0 , - rho Uoryel , do , together with copious noi
ices items the
eie hove embodied in pamphlet form. an d may be had
crat, of any of our scents throw-Th..lM' ....U.
have tarn used in Ittis city.
throughout the United States and Canada, and we eh..
:e age. any Mull 10 point not a
t which, when taken according to diveeHOna, and be
11re the lanes hail become fatally diaorptouved, tt In L a
ever feiled
Why, Men, need Che milicted hesitate! lib by resort to
the tai-s•roble nostrums, gotten up by ill: t own
u ler the assomml aurae of some ma , hated pulp
ucian,and puffed into notoriety by certificate. c, per.
Wilt equally iniknown! Whilst a meilleitie of
is to be had, strhow vouchers arc of home,- onr
`aors.,—triCulf of whom it hos
In order Unit this invaluable medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have
put the price at
one half the amid cost o(cough medicines. is
Mr sole by our agents in imarly every,tovrn and village
aver the west, who are prepared to gate full inform..
uon relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
_ . .
rl R. RDWARD AChISR. takes thin means of re
l./ turotog hi. Bumfs to his friends and the public
for the extensive pstronage he bar received, and of M
ittman( them dint he has latelyerected a large and
^wit coast/limed building for the eat-lesiva purposes
ni Phil littsbu rgh. Pa., on the Ohio river, aorta
site the steemboat landnig at Beaver, where is ready
to receive patients no hoarders. and treat them on Hy.
dropettne principles. In addition to his long erperi
mine. and Ole great sucems which has heretofore at
waled los treatment of patients. commined in his cure,
he this now the add/no:tat facilities afforded by an en
ode builaing erected expressly for the purpose, con
taming conunanous and airy moms, and fittest up with
every iteces.ery apparatus for bathing, and dilmints
ternot the treatment ha tile utmost benefit and comfort
of the pattent. Pluitipshurgh is a most delightful and
healthy riltagc, easy of access by steamboats, and af
fords fine anti wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures
those Calmed persons who may place themselres un
der Ws cere, that every =lemma shall he paid to their
comfort; and es artatlittnee of the substantial benefits
to be dertved, he points with confideucc to the hun
dreds who have been pennant:luny cased at his estab
lishment Thu Water Cure thaw,. no interimus effects
behtud, an is too Mien the ease with those who have
been treated on the old system free loves the dis
.e,mote, lovtgoraths the system, protects Bark the 4angers
toeident to changes of the weather, creates a natural
and ecuve appente, and imparts vigor to the digestive
powers. Terms of veatmeut and boarding reasonable.
Pori further pesticide. Inquire at the establishment, or
address the proprietor at Plullipsbargh.
Li ea A.T.TriTie
We here beef A lnliirmed by Mrs. Rose of a care per
(aimed ont. by Dr. Jaynes Altorative, which
proves Its eupettority over every other remedy of the
kind. She has been !Aimed for the last sixteen years
with aleerauons and enfollatiou of various bones, do
ring watch time many pewee-shave been discharged from
the irornal hone of the tramway from both bee arraai
wrists nod hande.and tram lama lersouid (Tom tho.le
femoral bone, and from the rtght knee, besides painful '
ulcers fin other parts of her person, which have battler:
ate skin of a tolter of the MOSIMOInent phymmansol
Our tat,—daring renal of the Ulna her sutfitmogs have
been eacrantang and deplorable About three mouth‘
a:nee she Wl9 Itideeed 10 try Dr./antra AlteilltlaO,
which has had an ustormthingly happy elect upon liar,
by removing all pion and swellings, and Caustilft the
ulcers to heal, artille at the sometime her general health'.
has become completely tivntorctl i sto Bun she now weighs
itts more thou she did before 4110 cornnteitecd tee oue
of this tartly V0.11111131e inVpoitefi.—(:at. F.ep. real. ~.'
Fos further miermation, ifiq etre of Sirs. Rose. No- 1.%
Pellets ay, Phllndelploa.
Pot sale in Puthborgh, at the PER.IN TEA sulfa:,
r 2 Fount st near Wood. 115
Just received of Dr. Tearnseltd , i Sarsaparilla, the
mast extraordinary med4utc 111 the world: This
t•actisputuptnquanhauics. it ts nil times cheaper.
pleasanter, and warnuitett superinr-to any
ures disease without vemiung, purging, sickening or
debilitating the patient.
Loos cocoon burs'nents—Unprincipled persona hare
copied our labels, and put up medicine m the was
gusted bottle- See that each haute has the 'wined mg
nature of S. D. Townsend. •
. _
IL E. SELLERS, Druggist. 37 Wood streets beiwcca
Thud and Franb, it Dr. rownsond's only wholesale
and remit agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the seriatim
article can he had.
D. hi. Curry has been appointed the sole agent for
Alleghetry city, of whom the genuine article can be
had. 'Pd
!lA. Feint:rocs,' A. 11 Lleta.,
N. 1. uny
It. L. i• assessors, Pittsbu frit.
G. W. Felinorroc,
holesale Dug Store in the City 01
Seer York.
undersigned are extensively ongor.. u, tho
J. W holesate 1/m5 business at No. iv Jot 0 street, In
Ito city of New 'tort, end are prepared to pply
Drus(tos and country Merchants with Drurs, Paints,
Ws, by entuids, Fers:rty and Amerman itedronery,
Slander, Sea-or & Mulder , . Clienuenls. Waken. own
Ott oration) rtz ell other articles In their Line of boat
emu, 01 a stiperio es Ineis they can bepur.
Owed lath!". at spy eastern &tr.
Vete 1 - nrlr. Feb TO II A. PA IP , cA , Tnrg &
- cftRD.
GCIRATEFUL for the very ntreral encouragement I
have received for so many years, 1 knee deter
mated to enlarge my business eamaticratiky. ,Hasirp,
env-aged a competent Fore man r 1 will be enabled
„,1 o r ders prom pa
y, and do the work Ave out =rd .
; sir pricesould ask the mfeetion - or iner.'
shunt. and damns to my large souk of I.ITHOLBTE.
RY BOOBS and Bads, itlenyarrater .dileddirin Cat.
trale Slatcrulls, Driretarike and Moreent,Coraleer,Frln•
gee, nordetinci, Tassels, Split and Roller aindi. acid
every stuck asaally kept to an establiittidentof Un
kind. Orden irpeetfarly solicited and promptly' at;
tended la
=Urn And flit dawn.
Inc= : Wkr../40BLE;
al. friends and 11,,,put lie, Mee beau procured ant
removed their ?ahead ton rooms and convenient house
in lisomit niece , . warted derailing east of Faberge St .
where May are,rrpared to take • rein boarders, as
wail ass few mom day scholars, end where their ea.
Ma.e., Itlpialou will be iievoted to inattention la vl
the ordinary erenehen Of Engiishiedieation. are ramired to Mr. Ann. Eichbatim, Mr
John tt hleFaddrn and Mr. F Eaton of Pittsburgh.
Mr. A- Snort and Mr. iirorge Reiter of Allegheny mtg.
* 7 .
befmrrmnde on tb. mint
nntolo plain=
and roost fashionable Flute to patterns and onion. Also
onmade to order of et nines. wad at all ogees.
Ganz° , Meech:ohs and other. are Invited to be and
examine the above fat themselves, an all .111 be gold
lobate:gale or rem!, and • liberal dednetion made go
ggootema to porn/acorn
. Igoi city
lIESUBSORIBLES having removed from No. GO
Not. 119 and 174 Liberty street, offer for sale goods L
ae follows, to store nod now laadmg, viz
312 bags prime Culre,e, new crop, c
40 " old goveroment Jan Coffee,
150 had. prime New Orleans Sugar,
5/0 bbls Plarvateon 31olosses,
100 " St James Sugar House Molasses,
Ita h( eh. Young lfy son lea,
40 do Loop., wder and Imperial Tea, new
40 coCholani Prewchang do crop.
70 do eau,. ham k/1 sae G P da
109 lags w hite retold auger;
*0 has white Havana uo,
40 bgs Pepper, 211 do Alsocc,
lit boxes Mustard, In and leh can.,
HA do Malaga Bonet Ileustus,
50 Jo do do do,
50 Stf do do do
50 gr " do do do
20 oaks Zoom Co remits, 10 bales Sicily Almoner.,
100 his Richmond Tobacco,
.50 bcskets Botticaax and Monnalles Olma
200 bbl, and 110 Widens No 3 large Mackerel
9 " Honey: 1500 lb. Cheese,
2010 galls wooer and spring Sperm Che.
GAM " bleached north west Whale the,
1000 erode " do
300,000 Crux and Sons Principe 11
3e,0(0 Havana do
nal hi pipco Cognoe Ilmsdy, of vanoess brands.
2 puncheons Jamaica Spirals,
I pipes Hothead Gm,
10 quarter cedes sup Tenetare Wine,
10 do Madeira do
do Lestoon do
au do Oporto do
do Sweet Malaga do
„ 15 Bolton Obis do do
15 had. Claret; 20 gr est. Haut Sautern
40 eel. sup Bordeaux Clareg
30 baskets Champagne Wane,
2 dor. gaol Stomach Meters,
20,1 Ws pure Rye Whiskey from I to 5 year* old
Notice to the Public.
SATE hereby non() our friends nod correspondents
Y 9 at home and abroad, that we well irot, tormen
mactretire*ocss, tecetse freight from any Root for
whoa I Newton /ones Is agent
rOHN KELLY de CO., (successors to Robb, Wine-
SY brume de , late Merchant Tesdors,) No. ISM
CIIFTNUT Street, above Tided. Plueadelphol, beg
leave to Inform their fnends and patrons that they
have received the latest SPRING AND SUALMER
FASHIONS, with a large assonenennt of New Style
GOODS, comprising Cloths, Casstmercs, Vevungs,
of every deactipsm—all of whech are of their °am sm.
pormoon, having bees carefully selected to Parts,
London, Sr .
Iylnrited to coil and examiao their extensive .100 k.
NDIA ILUISBehR PASTE--Just renewing, 2 gross
I bottle* of Flubener Paste, a superior ele, highly
hoponant to persons that wish to keep their feet dry.
It prevents the leather from cracking, and well take a
polish over it. For *ale at the India Rubber Depot,
No 5 Wood street, nmrs .1 A. 11 PHILLIPS _
p r?l. r*, ' n c le r v " B r o :17;1 eTs c re ' n ' rp ' e o d f la j es K res - .
onng Smash and We.t—nmo, country store teepees to
call and cannons his otos of Jeweler, which v.,' he
sold at Mr lowest price. for each or approved aceepi
Mace. Coastannly one Loon and manafacturing, •
Huge assortment Gamble for rely or nametry Moto
F. 11•10,11.,
corner of Fourth and Branch am, up stairs,
spdealem Phdadelphia
liblaper Slanging.
TJAVING parch.ned at three of the largest Jaen.-
..11 nee se Use Fat-4 [Yea York, Phsladelpht• and
Han ore.(int a largo fresortment of the newest and most
improved styles o f h PAPER 11ANGIN4S.liORDERS,
ac , nod made arrangement* tip which I will be ena
bled to procure nit new Paiterra nam etape... with
their ndp. tnovie int the Ea. ern on irkee, I would en
sete the an en ion of lit,c deanng to have the', houses
papered with the Invest styes of paper, no coliaand
cannon. my Hoek. hetore purchasing else. hare
havenow; on the way Hone the bast, 2linOU piece
of e,ofd, Sado Glazed, and common Paper liangtogs,
which I can sell at prices ranging I,om 121 Ms to 82
no. e. mthly S 15 HILL. el wood at
A h V o u s. s e t r a d , cd m
row i e
preparedll I net
v u :. I: st i,
aud smoke ❑ urn the most moreuttabas manner:
. . . .
The douse• we titled with nll the modern
and are capable acentetning .Xl,OOO Ibe. each.
KIER Canal Dasin,
IllgriATP.A.PMlliaeing the erelosive agene_y
L for the sale °idle htiti Groogrintinfr Paper. l'ffs
B. & Proprietra,s,) wild be enusuttly.
supp.ied with all the dam a sires of superior qnslity,
wtoeh we offer at the lowest rqular prices.
12E1 NOLDS &
_ febllS corner Penn and Irwin sts —
COLEMAN, A CO. conuthic to manse
facture Small Iron, Spring and Ara. Blister Steel,
Piough, Fork and Hoe Steel, Amnia, Spikes and ‘yroh
Iron Nilta, all suns, together with Coach and EliptiA
Syringe, hit Pat, Taper and common Axles. -
Having reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nate,
engine builders and others using the article, will End
it to their interest to gosh this new branch of Pittaburgh
manufactures their attention.
.. • . .
couch uarourruq. and aaal.aole iron on liberal torahs.
Worabottee on IN rarer and Fourth at* feb2U-tf
And W now receiving a line nesortmeut of
Welch he is prepved w make warder
And le the luteet Psshions
Head gustrterr for Boot• and Shoes,
corner of Fourth and Smithfield sixeeta,
Pc-meaner '
TROTH & SCOlThavme commenced
Fathe general Root and Shoe business,l4l
wholesale and retail, would respectfully
innate the attention of their friends and the public gen
tility, to their tpterteld new stock, consisting °lmola,
wornerue, boys", misses'and children, wear of every
yariety,iirtutabbs for the wawa, and at prices to rail the tunes. A splendid article of bottle mintea work,
such as gentlemen's IMO Boots, lathes, nillsesiand
children' toe work. Please call and examine for
yourselves. TROTH & SCOTT,
corner 4th raid Smithfield at.
N. B —Traveling Trunks, Carpet Saga, &a , al
ways on hand and low for mob
Country merely:mot would find it to their intense{ to
give US a call when visiting the en!, m hlit
• •
PORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign mud '
1 Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, fro 129;
Wood street, Pittsburgh , are now fully prepar ed with •
recently imported amok of Hardware, Cutlery,t
Beira., St k Caregivers' Tool, &c., to offer very great .
doormen,. to Western Ilerohants,,as in addition • o •
the many advantages had by_ our predecessors, Mtge
11111.'Logan & Kennedy, we hove greatly increased odr
facilities, and purchase .it Ma goods from first hands
on the very best terms.
The junior members of the firm devote their whole
attention to sales., and feeling confident of givang two
demon, respectfully solicit a call from all who may
visit this market mcht2
11111L11 FOR SALE.
/VIE undersigned offers for sale a stapes°, anal* z z
Jr. of buck for bedding, made by his Swam frees,
improved machine, for which he has obtaided a power,
wad agrees to give purchasers a written guarantee that
they arestroager and will midst frost sod wet weath- •
cr and imbibe less moisture Or damped. than weds. •
et brick, possessing greater Pod y and superior tenure
and much more durable in every respect, each brick • -
being subjected to a pressure of second Cons, and
sensing o handeome smooth. surface and area age*,
' they mate a front equalto the best front brick.
They have gonna the greatrusallafactioa Mali who
havemarchased. A kali can be seen at my 1030,), stud
specimen at the Gazette office.
Those having supplied themselves for theirbailloSPlr .
sod welshing handsome from brick, or superior bud
and solid mortrig brick, ran Obtain them. •
• Birmingham, Jane LI, 1E49. tf
ilkyteW bins i 'nutmeg Shad, go - italt
1.1 No Ido do; 5 Kn. No I tarts do; Ou do No ital.
tonere Herring, half do the Ido do; 2.1 Lbl.s No 3
Mackerel; Br do Net Saliodn. join arriving by caned •
uglier sale by Jai tIN wArr,
(Mif . A - reFtillt
,s.,IIIV—L h e m.. dor throusiosed
' With sae in she wh01, , ,,,51e siscseerT, k'nstluee asill•
Voltollisston Mucosa,. MI- soh" Wilson, underyin hem
Pittsburgh, apni 1,919.
_ •••
CORN 1.11100M14--75 don Coro Itrtnntalclne'd and
for sole by spar R ItOBBSON & Co
3ACON - ?AVM Slams, Shotaideriia
house; for sale by apfir It ROBISON a. CO
AI Os gigratugg Bug/dm/L.l, 3d re scar Mt Pm Offia.
on. ‘ °corim of Id Ones, or less, 80 60
Two Insert:). ',Moto alterations', 0 75
Tlueo • ' '' " 4 .... ...... 1 00
One Week e.... 160
'No lY cells t‘• . ~
.......... 250
Three "-, . .. •.. 500. - 't
Ono 10 0n1.17- : - ••• ..... ... 400,
Two '‘,-
.'. it •
~..,. ..... s'oo , '.t.
Three .!!. ‘- '.', ". 1'6114.1%
ID - • Longer idiertneme to sarn;proportiet. ~, 4 ,,
One squaro,6Stionths,sti one alteration,... LO 013,-;:"V.-
Bach add-it/lutist square r. 6 'months, ....... BOO l. ~,
o o • . tt to .: 10 00 . -1 ''..
Ono square,6 months,gablerele at plemmre, 15 le h'
.1 a• •12 .gg g ri -
klach additionalsqnue for (6 months 10 OW' 1
TWO aquarca, 6 morans t ro teahle at pleasure, 50 . 00 4 '..
Each additional scinare,6lmonths, 8. 0 0 ;;
One square. 3 insertions,' 31 50 '
" each additionil in5erti0n,......... -Sr
Fire liner or leas, ore yar, ' a ' oo '
" f " " Alt mOriter L....... 6 CD
.. ~ 0 0136 ydar, daily & weekly, 10 001
0 0" atz toOrithr " 4 , 00),
40:marinas's,Ts " man : PaTas.
;*ei 40 lines, or lens, O n irizeritori, .4.......50 .
......... 0 IS '
Id - 0 1144. 41
. .... . i qq; "
• ..1..47r . ••••
" " " Vase maths, """