~ w :i-r ~ . ~ .:. 4 i s ~ . ~-~-,e:~..:. > , rs~,,.' -~? :; ' ..,.~ BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. REPORTED IhTEITEORAPTIED Pee the Pit-tabliigh DaDy Gazette. FOREIGN NEWS eaßivAx. OF THE S'IltAX SHIP AMERICA. LATER 10.. IL. By °team. St. Johns, the advices, per . putiana America. have been received tri the 2lat ultimo, inclusive, from Liverpool. - The America has 66. passengers, who are ex. pected to arrive at Jersey city on Saturday after noon. The run of our express overland has been made in the extraordinary abort time of 8 hours and 25 minutes. The Ceinatia.steamui avived at Liverpool on the 14th ult., in fourteen and a half days from Near York. Owing to the unfavorable accounts:from the Cow tinent,with regard to the:reloaded plospkta of peace and order, Conon had further receded one eighth of a penny per MI The stoppage of the supplies of Breadatutra from the Baltic is beginning to have a favorable effect upon the markets. The actual advance in picas, however, daring the past week has been bat slight owing to other advert. influences. Money continues abundant and cheap, notw hhs standing some heavy drafts of specie for export to the United States and elsewhere. Consols have finctnatol daring the past week from Pit to 921 , doling on the 20th, at P 2. Our correspondent at Halifax was informed that the America hand on board, la specie, fat the' Uruted Suites, Z 200,000 sterling. Comitereicd acmiunts from East India hq the latest overland mad, aro regarded. as Wetly favorable, and received with general aansfectiorr The accounts from the manufacturing districts ate lots encouraging, although there has been do dim inution of employment.. Trisaaira Ounce, St. Johns, t May 4tlt, 8 A. M. 5 The Royal Mail steamer America arrived at Halifax this morning it 10 o'clock, bringing ac counts one week later Rom all parts of Europe. Corrox—The decline of no eighth of a penny reported, applies more particularly to common qualities of Americarythan to any . other de scription. The public Bale of Sea Island Cotton on Friday was a dull affair, and exhibited a de cline of half a penny. Long stapled cottons of all kinds are heavy and dull. Common and =ordi nary qualities are almost uotareabia at the lowest quotations. Fair 'Upland and Mobile are quoted at 44d. Fair Neltr Orleans Old. Middling do. 41d. Ordinary a0,'::31 tit 31d. The sales of the weak lbot 35,210 bags, of which 2,200 bags were taken on speculation,atid 4,050 for export. At the latest accounts from Fevre, 'cotton ex hibited symptoms of increased activity, but with. out important akin/Son in prices. Baunrriarra.—At Liverpool, on the 17th April, considerable sales of Philadelphia and Western Canal Flour were effected at 245, to 24s 6d per bbl i-but the market receded again, and the article has become dull at a decline of one shilling Main' the highest figure, being offered on the 20th, in quar.titlei exceeding the demand, at 24a 6d per bbl. Sales of Corn Meal it 14s. to 14s. 6d. per bbl. Cosa—g fair amount of business has been go ing forward in corn. The demand for wheat is dull er. the Luau quotations,but for Indian corn we have a fair steady demand at rather better price". White, selling at 311,59 . 3 ts 61; yellow at 3423 s shillings per quarter. Ponevremors—There bas been no improvement a Beef. The imports 'are fully equal to the de• mead, sad the stock on hand is much larger than usual. Bacon—The demand is decidedly good, at prices ranging from 31s 6d.th 40 shillings. The week in first bandit does not exceed two week's consumption. Hams son doll. Common qualities ate forced io the market izt 30e to .W.a 6d, while the Sher qualities sell slowly. at 40 shillings per cwt. Pork—There is a very limited inquiry far pork, which is (idly 2 shillings" ldwer than at last report. The little demand. there la, is confined solely to that beat brands. ottPoinainitcleti t Ipr ship auger, which varies in much iu qitality, that it is offered at the wide range of 51, to 69 shillings. There have been several minds of lard, which have in fluenced aides at Ida to Bie Gd, tar average ties in barrels. Tallow bat been in good demand, and prices have advanced - from 6d to I abillingper cwt. For Cheese, the demand has been exceed ingly limited, and, with a heavy stook on hand, prime range from 31n. to 435. for the best qualities 'al boxes. • NAVAL Eircasta--Saftaunlities Turpentine aold at 'ls per cwt. Nothtng tliilng In Tar. Rosin has further declined. Comitiun qualities now selling at 2a lld to 3s. Rscc—Sales of South Carolina at 16a. 6d. to Scone to in lest demand, without an impor tant change in prices. Tonscco.—The saleti of the week have not exceeded one hundred hogsheads at farmer pri• Ltroixo Cass—Sales at foam .£5 to £5 10. per ton. Wool.—There ID Lido doing ip foreign deacrip firms. The stock on hand is light, and full pipes are paid. ASPECT OF EUROPE It will be obrerved that the French Government Ewa rermlved upon the extrados measure of an armed intervention to - , IV instate Pope Pins IX In Ida temporal atifiereignty at Roine. • A roree,ade. quart in nnaibno and, appointment to the ewer. gency, bas'alrelady been embarked and sailed 6r Ctirita Vicebin. - • The warlike contest . between the several states of Contibental Etrrope'continnes with unabated ay,and with the most disastrous consequences to all the patties! engaged. The Danes are now enforcing n strict blockade of all CeMnian pmts. It is announced. too, that eadgranta from Germany not hereafter be permitted to, piss unmolested. A tolegroptdo.despmetr from Perlin received at Frankkat, announced rile res*nation of the Prus sian Ministry. Arrangements have been made for renaming the visit of the. French Nailonal Guards to London.* The Bank of France virill shonly resume specie paymenta. Prince Cardgno has ordered a levy, en amass, of oil the inhabitants of Lombardy and the Venetian prov. Incas of the ages of 19 to 40 years. Those whO do not appear within Eve days after - the requisition will be considered refractory. The publication in Prondhon'e Journal, which led to its 'Mauro and suppression, was an article implying directly Nit Louis Nepolean was wader pecuniary obligations, whick,censtnened him 'to pursue his present course in politics. It is proposed at Paris to abolish the title of Am bassador for diplommic,repreitentativai of the Re public, and to substitute, as in the United States, that of blinker Plenipotentiary, with reduced sal The Nautical Magarjne soya "Germany is pre occupied with gigantic projects, among them that of waiting the Baltic with the North Sea, through the medium of a canal with lochs.° NEV7 - irott.K MAKILET usns:. • May 8, 18t9. The herelgo new" hue - unsettled Bteednictirs and Cotton. Pn:reisions are firm passim or ,ynnonneing the arrival of intoritrol 51: 1 4 c=7; o i c o P . l :s t. :,o s...(ni m ny w 31: m m a utufactoz cent Rosewood Omni. Piano Porte 7 octave.. Ado, a superb ;guide Pied* Forte. 7 octaves, carved rowrood, the style of {:gal. XIV. n ith a variety of ;Stand oqtace.oo Yenieb the attention of parody... ataltTSetfully solicited. JOHN H. MELOR.. Sole.leont for Chlotatirig'a Piano Forte .for West ern Panzaryliavia. apo pa i rmi-i0 oaks for oato b TissEv ausT tra Btaea's & Shay's cape Sugar Hams, Me% andiot ehte 9t&W lIARDAUGII CICILDAVATCHat 6.*IY) P.Cit i!xiiiin'd eimpletearratentaintltaar an bands or'n't eletiertp• dela, tract WWI to WM. For agile at easternprice. W W COIIMEMUL: RECORD. AP IO APRIL 4. I I ris ok cs.j A. Ws. so 54 55 50 59 so 29 daiurday, 2D Sunday, • .. .. ... 30 Monday, Wednesday, t 3 Thursday, 4 Friday, • "PETTBBOM.OII MOM= OP TRADZ , COMMITTEE FOB; MAY. t. e. tutu.. a. a. mew. r. strizers. I=3 - Draws, Pit ssicann Gas:arra, 8211114 AT Meaning, May 5, 1849. Yeatetday, the wesiber was sultry and lowering, with Occasional slight ihoweratbraughaut the day. • ibaaness on rho wharf woo tolerably brisk, bat a general depreuioti 'nus visible; in the city. The river continues at a fine stage, arid 114 hope that an improve- Ment in business Will, sootily, take place. kat/it—The arrival: by fiver, yerterday, were considerable, but the views of the holders being mach higher than those of the purchasers, the gient propor tiosklyill go forward to the East The only operations we conld ascertain, were sales of Ifit 'obis at K 1,50, 197 at 53,621, and 130 bbls at SW.' PROVISIONSThere is no change in the crtsrket.— Limited sales and prices firm at oar former quotatioes Mama at oc, Sides et sc, and, Shodlders at 4c ft Its.— Saw cure , bilams, ett 81.1tS1c, and ceaversed at 7c 4 7 potted. DMED FRUIT—We mac sole. of .503 bo apples, go exit of the market. of 50}e V ho. OROCERIFS—We have do transactions of import- Mice to notice- The market u quiet, and prices ante chred. Sales of N 0 Sugar at Sante, .cording to guilty. Pollee at 71438 e 4 , lb. Sate% of Molasses at MOM< IS gull, tweets:ling to quantity acd c;operace. Eugar hottia at 43e 4, ALMOND!—The marget is very scarce of Bordeaux. Sales at ISe. g? Lb. CURRANTS—Are selling freely at Or V , th FILBERTS—SaIes at Be P PEA NVES—Age plenty. NOes at 8.2275 ets per bushel. • FISH—The market is active. We note sales of 10 bble Shad at $0 ' bid; No I Herring, 12 Ws, -and No 3 Mackerel, B bbls, at $0 fir kM. POTATOaI.—Tbe steak In market has much dimin laded, and sales are readily effected, from first hands, at 73,Tre110 fiv bo. IlAY—Lem then usual is Miming to mallet, and naively sufficient 'is ofrerid to supply the demand • e note sal, m the uncles hi 6.4159 i ton, with an pward tendency. • scarce, end sells freely at DocsBl.oo per bushel. BAGS—The market is anchnnged, either in price or d.smmi- Aay ti‘mMitY toad he sold at 3W31 em pee pound. • • BEANS—SaIes of ootntoon end tatzed at o le. end of Mali ',tato at 1007 Se bn ENGLISH AND AIIIBILIOAN BOOKS TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, (for many year. connect with Messrs. Wiley and Potnum. and late John Wiley, New York and London,) has established a Bookselling • House at No. U 3 Wood street, between 3d and eat streets, where may be found a valuable collec tion of STANDARD ENGLISH and AMERICAN AUTHORS, at prices as low as in the Eastern cities EI7 . ENGILISeI and CONTINENTAL:BOOKS, Re view; MePtiuee, Newspapers, Ac. imported to order. AIIfrINSTITUTIONS and INCORPORATED SO CIETIESam entitled to receite their books duty free. IrrEnglish and American Catalogues furnished kra tis to all those who dubs them, or sew per mail to any address. J. D. L. will always he happy to eshibitto ladies and kends men his boots, and impart to them any informs. son which he may possess retarding them. rayltf DRY GOODS, AT WHOLOSAL4. MURPHY, WILSON. & CO., No. 48 'Wood at., Pittsburgh, ARE now receiving a new and beautiful assay went of SUMMER 1300DS, pa' rehued within the lost few days and at greatly reduced priers They are pow enabled to offer an assortment, which for beauty ofjoyle and lowneas of price, cannot fail to give sat. isfactiou to the roost famidiotts. AU the really desire. ble and useful goods of the season will be found in their stock, anti they only ask an examination of it to Sonvince the moat acepticolof the fasts stated. uriffetikordw'S I) 00KS FORTidETSUIOPTION - Op STOCK inthe Citizen. , Insurance omptany of Pinsborgh, will be opened in the Rooms o the Board of Trade, on the first Monday of November next, kt lOo'clock, 0. a. Win. Latimer, Jr. Rotten Woods, Wm. B. Mit:lore, Joseph Plummer, S. AL Kier. Josiah John Sheriff, Alex. Roseharg, , and H. D. King, !split:A:Knott Cottudussionery ri tt o E w .u rn har cc. ribe ., rz i m i l 7 reccieing and offeThir sale e 1 100 packagesV H, Impetiol and P Toro 3oo IscOlto and Jaen Ceder; DM pkg. 2, 12, l buns 16 And trs moan Tobacco: 03 hhd. 0 Sugar, 200 Lbls Oldolosses: 40 Lb!. awcuied Nos Loaf Sugar; 15 do Tanners Oil; 18 do Lamp Oil; 103 gross Blacking; . Alsckere', No 1, I and 3, in bbls and ht bbls; 303 boa Litton. scale Herring, 30 !Ina white Pipes; 25 Lgs Pepper; 10 do Alspice; It roam Caws; lbs Comm Yarn, aloft lgos; iW bales Datong; 60 his Palm SoaN 50 do Toilet Is Vattegaten do; 25 do Starch; 53 do Lag. Maisims 10 bales Almond.; 25 do Palm Nat., • 20 do E Walnuts; 20 do Albers; 400 bgs ground Not,; 15bss Spiced Chocolate; 3 eases Liquorice; 16,DO0Prineltm and Regalia Began; 40 prom Cut and Dry Tobacat; 20 dos fled Cords; 15 br.s.Rock Candy; 15 boo Sperm Candles; 21 do 812%, do; 1 est Ombra /Hodder, two°. indigo; . cases Clover Ido Nuunegs; 110 bbl. Whitini; 5 do Chalk; 613 dos Ducket 4000 lb. Solemn., 20 bss fine cut Chewing Tobacco; Common and ball 3.4rani.h Clears. 1240L1SH t LIENNerr, 37 Wood M., WE! opposite St Charles Hotel INSITRANCE 1 • :7- .. v.. TIIN PROTECT lON FIRE. AND 'i%'. , • ...,\ MARINE INSURANCE . cOMPA . lA.W - .4., NY OF HARTFORD. CNN hiPA j, )r, i f.. • - t r. Cansnake to 1545. . .",•'• Cargill.' Stock, Ana Receipts, and staples nand 1900 0 .0 00 e . . All lows pretoptiy paid at the General Agency Of fice for the Western States, looted at Cincinnati, Gino. . This' Compaoy is of long standing, and well known thrianghout the United Sums for Its nOlvency and prompt payment of leases—having intoned and set tled, to the satisfaction of all contented, over 5,000 zstedas, amounting in the aggregate to Wm =Atone I re OF DOUA., the ceipts for which are on the files of the Company at Hartiord and Cincinnati. The Pat/bench agency of this office was origmalty held by Moses Atwood, Edo,. and was subsequently tasted out of the Plate, by a law amounting to e pnthe bitten of all Foreign Insuranto CoMponles, port hi sea aon to escape loss by the fire of 10th April, 1813. The agency is now niorgantsed under the charge of the undersigned, who will receive applications end issue Policlis against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE on Stores, Waren:loses, Dwellings, &c.„ with the con. teats. Also, an Hoods, Wares and Merchandise a vian the perils of Manna atm 1NT.10.0 NAVIOATIO,t, at e entrant rates of premium . Office at 111. H. BROWN & BROTHER'S, No. 177 Wood street PAYETTE BROWN, Agent Protection Insurance Co. for Pittsburgh and Allegheny Co. . amffed-Ant rtROCERIES-100 Elp prime Breen Km Coffee; LIF 73 Maga Y H, lropenal and 0 P Tess; 50 Ins do, 5s and Atsputt Tobacco; 300 bbls N 0 and sagrahonie Moltossee; rs bhds N 0 Sugar, 150 bolo Shad, Herrings, Mackerel and Salmon; 30 do pure - Flaxseed Oth; 5000 assorted Cotton Torun 75 bales flatting ma Candlewick; • 25 bgs Pepper and Alopios; • 40 bore. Pearl and Common Starch, 50 do mold and dirid Candles; 10 do Star do • 150 do No 1 Soap; 10030 Sides [ld Shoulders Baton; 73 dozen Corn Brooms, in COTO and for sale by ap3o JOHN WATT & Co, Liberty at (Milt SCRIP Rona to the holden of Pituinagh City Snip. TIP conformity with tiead Section of the Ordinance of the lath of April, 1819, d:reeting the undersigned noil negotiate FOR CITY SCRIP, the Bonds and Mort gages of individuals held by the City for property sold, ant,lnting to TWENTY-EIGHT 'THOUSAND DOL.- li tg llS”—poblic notice is hereby given , that the said idiots will now be disposed of for the Corporate I ties of the City of Pittsburgh, of the denominations Of One, Two and Three Dollars. Farther notice Is herebygiven, that City Bonds, bearing Interest from the HMI 4ay of April, lege, at the rats MO per cent. per annum,untl at any time bereaf• l'ter be issued to the holder or holders of City Scrip, in ' seam of One HundteslDolLars and upwards, ageording 'to the provisions of the Ordlnance of the above date. seal B.ll JOHNSTON. City Treasarer. W 80011 g, 1849. - E - ENNEDY &SAWYER, Comer Wood and Fourth asset, are now tontiTlns dllect from first band., a large stock ofFancy and anew Gotta* t0...4t0n Clocks of every alnerry, gold and ulster Watches, Jeantry, French Prima, rnt,s, Hooks and Eyes. Gloves and Hosiery, Suspender, One Caps, and alt other articles In their Ilne—oil of which boring neon purchased perstfrally of the'vaanofactuntrs east, do• ring the last winter, hapressly for the Spring trade, will be sold anOlesille *IA =all advance on cost. Constantly on hand, all descriptions of Looking Glass. 0.,0( oar won manufacturing, at eastern prices ottrA Per San Branciseo, California. _ or& The superior A t Baltimore built brig OAr PRAY, will leave for the above pen on Cr ZlLlZaboutthe Roth May. Phevill be fined oat with siipenar accommodations bre paskengers; being nearly new, and one of the beet vessels In the pun of Bahl. more, raie inducements are offered for persona Visiting to emigrate. For freight Of pump Mote •p. W ARSISTRoNG, plicaueo to AN DR E No 55 South st, Baltimore. ap22:d2w—Bolt. Am. icannr. s ATEransos,. ',bar llT,_arrarato WOOD aro Masan, Prrarearm ONTINUE to manorsetore all Sind. of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Af.o, Black smith Work. Stearn Boats bollt to order: redid anal:Won given to Swam boat work. ' swoon bands a fine essortotent of Copper and Brass reeler, Tin Ware, Sr &e. Steen:Wow emir ing Stones, POriabla Forgo., various size—.ll vary conseide t la nd. (or steamboats, Californi• eadarants, or carload Cowponies. ,we *wild respectfully invite SinUil boat men and ;pliers to call and sea cur articles sod prices before pirehasing ries.hem' opal ,W 11.2 DOW GLA;SX:-.l o o ' . - fas Flaii.6 - Ir. — lletniore brand window glass, for .ale by C. my2 for s SA W HARBAUGH ' HEESE- 5 0 .-- ale SI .7C-ibyii--/sre A Co's prime Cheese,Ta More and • myg . 8 W HARBAUGH - ------ led — Apples to boo 11301111P9"PLE6-161"g*d ror sat! , by • .. p'gard". is Etge' ' ' L u' S & W nAnBAUGH IL E - AC-Pir bagr Oil Meal just redo and fOr Q IR eale by myi t '` l l MISS & PRIME PORE-3B bbls in moos and for sale by my* 'SAW BARBA UGH I':lE — .6..Nb--.. 10 1144s — rece . on consigint . ant, aud for sale by nql L______D_____------)HCOC RAN rfk:N SIIAIMS Eleb•mre Ilank Stack, for sale by my 2 o 5CL10Y15.11,11. 0 2nd street ri BEEN APPLF..I4;-211bbtibi.tore ind for rale by kjf my 2 . 8 & W 11ABBAUGH • SOAP & CANDLE --1 W nu do I Foard tdoald Candles, In sune.and for sale by .. my/ . S& W lialta&IIGII rItNNAMON-,-_11%) malte just med and for sole by J KIDD Do C VeRA--60p j kx t r ) . f . t..2o r tn a cr , lfbroled Cho , 4.20 /KIDD&Do • PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARRIVED. • Michigan Ni, 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Bros-nay:llc. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, Wellsville Lake Erie, Gordon. Beaver. Isaac-Newton, Hemphill CM. Beranek . , Mclntyre, N Orleans. 5 3 .-- t a a 5 0 49 4 55 4 57 4 55 Peru, Calhoun, Cm. Embassy, Bennet. Pt Louis. .Hail Columbia, Green, Wheeling Caleb Cope, Murdoch. Wellsville. DEPARTED - Michigan No 2, Glson, Beaver Bathe, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis McLane Brownsville. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Germantown Conley. St. Louis Hope, - N Orleans. Wellsville, O'Neil, Wheeling. Embassy Bennet_ CM. Pacific, Campbell. Louisville. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Lowell, Dexter, Zanesville. It is supposed that the agitation of the water There were 8 feet, 0 inches in the channel Las i caused by the difficulty the Surannit had in landing , evening at dunk, by pier mark and ruing. raised the body from the bottom of the river. The BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Coroner was appoed in for the purpose of holding an inquest. but he declined, se we think, very Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M.. and 4 P. M. property, to burden the county with such needless Beaver Packets, 10 A. M., and 4P. M. , expense, as the manner in wh , ch the unfortunate Fos Ptin-Angumi.s. : deceased lost his life wan well known. I) Leech & co's. packet line-9 o'clock P. M 1401,PITAL. —A petiiion was presented on Thurr- Tux Astro,. Fisar,—This - floe. new .•.• , t Louis packet, day night to the Select and COMM. Councils of leaves ..kry atln o'cl°°ki for Clorum". 1 Allegheny City, praying that the introduction of St Loot ' . ° '" :1 an °°°^ " dir ` °. "'"' Cholera renews from steam boathinto the Infirmary persons travelling to a y of these place., lo lake pas. of the Rev. Mr. PassavanL Allegheny Cate, might sage in this ••tioatingt pt. lace" as. so far as regards speed comfort, and ale; 'nee. the Bari has less. equ he stopped. We mentioned on Thursday morning, that the Capt. J W Kona:, her roaster. Is one of the most a, mauve mot gentl e ma n ly men rn the ricer. an d C a m : Sanitary Committee had engaged the liudding in John Birmingham, one of the must popular or c'ergs Lacryville. at present occupied by Proles., Ste- Take her for •all and all ,- the kind, tit ....thaw linens, as a temporary hospltai, in case there should phrase, is hard to hest be a necessity clinking any cholera patients from Format BOAT AMID., —While attempting in pass the steam boats. over the darn at Farsciagt.m. Des Monica river,under The vigners of the petition will see that the red alt be "' way , the steamer Lutle Dart a rock c ' n° of complained of will be rect tied without any tutor, the piers. carrying away ° r entire Cased, °"°°°' and , by the Councils of A-liegh4tr - y- ma the sulject wheel•house.—(Revrii.e. DISTRIESSI , O StrtAnot, —The Cramer Mary Blanc, fon her way up the Osage rtrer, .oat the channel and grounded. Since that. the water receded, and left her about one mile from the river. to a corn field. We are tarn-Med to Mr. Iloghes. the stteettee clerk of the fine steamer, Ernbas_sy, for late neer papers. IMPORTS ISY LIAVEH. ST 1,01511 3 —P0r Embassy—l, bir fin and skins. A Breton; 33 td. hemp. 1 Schno , maltrr, tetil IS Immo. D berelt,• 10 do do, 8 F Von 11oruth• re: 61 do do. Jo. A tintobkroi & no; 300 bos IG trrs boron. H Grad - & co, di mg load, It Dalin'', 3 boo furs, C /I Grunt WEIEDLING AND St;.7iFIRII—Per NVe:ll,lllc—.27 tob, D Leech & co, 6 do do. / A R e. 71 bobs flour, R MeDborkon & co: 4 IRAs tob. \V ?I Plllll5lOll. WO lobs flour. G A Harry; 2 obis copper. Durhodre. \Voeotl & o; el bbls flour. 21 d , green apple..,..Tr do flour. W It hlcDutebeom..46 beg o os, RA. . 106 do do, owner oar board; S 4 bids flour. IVallu Cmothere l;Cord A to. lib! beans, 24 pcs bacon. I keg butter. I du ',rd. Rhey. Milkman & co; 122 bids d ur, Wire & McCoodlees. 6 sks vonaL Clarke & Those; 7 hhds lob, 244 bbl. an.,, Wm Ellegbaro; 51 logs burley. I do bags, J F Perry WABASH RIVER—PeIf Vermont—stn Cl4ll Ducen, 12 bgs thotthers, 4 do beans. do tleg,,..etl, S & F Von Bonehonth II est. baron. 27 hes tearbers. 12 do toe.. A Laughlin; . 47 skx feather, 1 do woo/. Al Aden & 16 sks fettlbe.s. 7.lther A Itteketson; 17 burs steel. grad Lindsay A WHE.I.7LING—Per Coledotort-120 1.61.. dour. Pager & Forsyth; 5 Lis boron. J Wizen: g moves, t t , 2 rstd.t. Parry, sport & en; 7 bbl. egg,. \V 11a, .4e. 9 skt woes, M Breattout. 1 cotton maehttsc, b 1 Little. L 74 apples, 2 kg. lord. J L 8.11 PORTS5101:111-1.atly livron—Rl to ts hte meta.. NI Alen & co; 40 do do, Irwin. w sh. corn, ItDo.ies & AI Toro; 6 bb s eggs, Hoge ley A Smtlb CINCINNATI—Per Geranueoteto-74n bhis whiskey. R Galway: 41 Ire, buns W Bingham. 140 blots wk..- key. J I'ut ker. Per I B Gordon-70 Lhas bacon. nark A Thew . 100 Lb s bud, A Gordon. LOUISVILLE—Per Lamo , unc.—.3ll.lois pet c.. I do tools, 9 do susdstes, 1 box axes. I bld p bets. I do rontes ses. 53 do scrap tl.Oll. 31 pcs do, Church & Corothers, l t 3 bbl. rink - dosses F A Etcheltnne; Slags c tfee..2 shoe su gar: l bbl sundries, 1 chest do. 1 .chor. 31 111,11. motes ..I bele cotton, 3 cables. 1 Mel: Laken. 34 hods su I Dickey; I box, Clots & flaw. I I n cheat. /5 bals strop Iron, Ishoeuberest. lot 1..0...6 \V ,o.Lth & co; 211 his co too. Grua . & c ; 1 wagon, 1 scb her. nese, Pettsgmer & cu. 42 Rd. susdrt,, 'mat, 3:.b• d from. J N Brow% 3 csk• Curbog & Itoberisol, IW ..t. hams, L 2 Leech & co, 42 hhds kac ic, C 12 1 .9 & Thaw. ST LOUIS—.(4I Wyonsog—ll bhdt. Lob, Forsyth & o 12 do do. D Leech a. co. CINCINNATI—err Clipper •No 9-1 chest, tz to b, 11 ohs ginseng. 2 do leathers. DI cab ik c oil. Harter & Gordon; 1 box, C 8 hialtby, I . d bhd • .o 02. do. 1 do M,FC, W 13ingban; 0 Mid* 100.1. A Hutchison; 12 ha. aller. & Vic I. 4 02, inase, lot V. merman; 10 r of. xi. .tend. IS tits skin. 1 bbl beawax. 5 do poaches, Ai at. Jo. I. Alcldottald; 10 001. lard and daz.oed, 4 bales rag., Gotbrio. ZAINIVILLE—Per L,nwell —PO bb' dour, L a Wa terman; 510 d • dn, Palters k Nicol.. 1 keg alusicsogam water, H P Graff k ett; t Lx, ft H P Imrr. I I I ages Ettgadey & Fratt464 haoat., Loweil; ands la D , each & not do, IV Bille+mf'l3 patent pumps, IV Tate & ea, SO dor bueleta. Llturelt & Ler tin cc. Per Comm bz• clocks, A Gordon,' bbl pm.' t 18 do lard. IG9 bo oats, rapt Lloyd; 3 • We Boor. L 5 Waterman; 3do besswex. 2 k* death-rs, I do go.sen Trude 2r. O'Connor; 15 sks d opples. J snare I; eG 1.01. 11,0 r omen 1 0 61. egg., 3 441 tmmts. J S Dibkontt; lall bb. float, Chttmda & Carothers, 4 bbd, lob a Leech & eo. I to do indwell; 3 bbls lord, 4 •its peaches, W II bor. fl T Leech; 42 sk. oats, W 4. Al AleCutehJoo, 41 do. W Coo. WHEELING'--Per inn Inin'son,-.5 MAI, floor. owner on ho , td; 2 nuts bacon. I craw,. L Watorma,,. 3; ok. hob, Tan& A. O'Connor; 2 aks yarn. II k.,,llers: 42 pc. bacon, Murphy. I% ilsou 8 e., 1 tk. u of, W Bingham WELLIVILLE—Pet C Cope--6• 1/0 . . fluor, passen ger; 6 bids peaches I Dickey & ccr, 17 do ao. x do •p -plea, Small & blinclsar, 6 kg. lead, 4 eta peach-, I bbl butter, 3 bee aasae-ed, Merlorka , . & co. s Icha butter. I hid ergs, A Kirkwood; ItO .k. bran. 2 kg. lard, 7 sks sundries, 1 ton do, pas , engrra NEW OR.LEANF—Yer earonak—ila sugar, 2 lotlghs, I anti.Foto Hall; earthe,,,, Hephy; I bbl scrap iron, T vensentl, Carr & co. 91 ploughs, Hag ok Spear; I lot,l sugnr, l hag coffee. Fq syth & en; 75 bbls real .seen 2ti hods sugar, 1 Parker & eo; r 5 bids nain, B Feknemock. I t rook, D Leech & co; I hhd sandries, G Ledlic; 21 hos lob, W Bingham plrp, Bapil ey &Ih, to bbl. kind oil. M AI cu & w. Err Crams or Ftratat BOAT NAVIOATIONL—The law• City Repabhca. puithithed at the seat or Gayer merit of lowa, on this Desmoi-es river, enimaneen the arri val there of therteemers Herald mild eiermoni No 2, taking large cargoes to. and bringieg heavy ones them that town. Other boats have been, we behave. oUlte reglihNl in their trip. t points on the Destmaines neer, below lowa City, and have s-hsfied ihri-e interested, that a lorobtahle trade can he carried nu with that fer tile valley,. soot as she river is u little improved.— Preparations are making eccomplah tt. by the seam o n bolus an as common on the Remnant. as on the Llinots river.—{St. Lou. Rep. ST LOuts, April 27, MID We learn that a telegraphic diatiatch received in this cvy, on Monday, amouneed the death of Capt. A Shun nap, a( Loutcrille. of choler, :apt. Sh moon recent ly commanded the ill-dued steamer, A Ipn• use de I e manate, bur 1 a Mort time since on the (11l veer, and we learn was on his way to Cinc•towiti, for the purpose of purchasing another boat.—(St- Louis ft, publman H 1.13 AND Bar.—The officers Of the steamer Sans memo, down this moruitig. rep It the steamer Mary Blanc, In attempting .to ascend (have ever. missvil the channel and run aground about 25 or toPes note the mouth, and before they were able to get tier "6, the water fell and left her high and dry nearl a mile rom the main chenucl. There is lin prospect fo y r launch ~,r or perhaps ever gentng her afloat agar. end then tp chance to save any thing will be to tear her to pieces. —the Louis Rep. TANNERS' Lads iaulduzg lor nale ,y 0p35 JAtl DA LZP.LL LARD -T 5 kegs Lard, to store . and forsale lowto close eoaalpfalc ti I t.y n AY Ica 1.7..1 .1 . . . - DRY APPLES-47 tics Dry Apples. so.t roc d awl for sole by arts Mi LEX & APCANI/LES44 • D RY PEACIIE3-10.ks reed And for sole by asoM NOVI k !WC 01..17FS 8R00b1 . 6-01.1 dot Cornßrown*, reed end for Fnlo by apyo \V lc h. 'C A NDLESsi POT ASHES—SD col. Pot Avhes, for ..le by app I.IAbiALEI & SMITH °EARLS-17 est. Pearl Asher,. for rata by ap2l untiALEY & !MITI! SLIUMLII-200 bbls a.soned NO. Loaf Bata: WI; 70 bra Wale Havana Saga', fat sale hy apo SAIJALET & SMITH LAHD -54 aogs and 13 bbl. Lard, for sale by El 2, MoLANsos,..s—lots obis r ;sr Alasasca. .1•1111114, (or sax by apts S W HARI:LAI:OH AHD-30 bbl. pnm. Loa Lail, to store end (or raleby topr3 VI lIAIWAUUU CI lEEE--11 01 ) boar. )u. t received at age W. H.. Ben tar and Cheese Depot. and lor ••10 by J U CA:SNIP:L.O. %Voter at, between Smithfield a. , d , nnd glyitKlL-6 bblo fres - 11-Itati .1 rre'd at the %V II Bellter and Cheese Dep.e, and tee male by aplo J U CA NFIkILD SHcry_hp keys aged Shot, larultng from steamer Swiss Boy sad /or gala ti ap3o JA M NSA HITTCHIBON & Co TO‘VNSEND S S•ARSAPARILI.A-200 don of I.lthe Genuine Lintel., lint reed all for nub: by R E riELLEILI, Sole Agent for 57 no-id at pLuE stAss-5o .b. plod re 'd a , td (or ask by LP •pR/ a V. ah:LLERts, b 7 rood xl SALAD OlL—:b baskets just ree'd and for sa!n by ap3u R E SELLERS ()IL LAVES DER--45 lb. just teed and Ins am:e by Vl .P3U R F. SEI-1..ER3 _ _ OIL RO S E M ARY-45 lb. just reed and lon *.ia by .00 It a:SELLERS JjI IIEROUND' Y PITCH, Gemitne:-I la lb. just ree'd and !or sale by nob It E SRLLS:Ra QULPFIATE 01 , QUININE—Jost roc d and for Pen al by sa:lo C O b A y RSERPONCit 9 r lb. Ant rocib.licbiagDfal: Co CREAM T — ARTA:ft—G , TO lb. - j ' e st reed •nd for sale by N ,3 ° 1 KIDD k Co CONFECTION SENIVA-10 lbs tart read and tat sale by •PIO R,ERs PA tEIitSCILAR LA RII LVAlT'icand and &,., made by,Corseitus Ca rust mold by .W lV v:II.SON, •PJO 4th sad Market st ARTIFICIAL . YLONVF4l9—Material . for artificial Flowers, at= Plain Untie paper, spotted do, Car mine paper (or colortna, Pink Saucer,, Leaves of eve ", tor , , bed., oas t and callow., can be obtained at F IS laisTON & Co.' Triscusung Store. Fourth la 7 portents tor .Ottaiaatil 1 4 Piano O.'note Coverv,"Travelinit Mgt,Mitlt a great variety talian patients. Alto, Warned+ re all colors and aillittles.ti EA TO Nyt ttnee, a, skeill fpg apl4 P Co, cot Foot& ot LOCAL MATTERS. IMPORTED POD. TOT PITTSBUROpI DAILY GAZETTE. Samuel Gormly, Esq, has been elected Freer dent of the Pittsburgh Navigation & Fire Insu— rance Company, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Michael Allen, Esq., oho, for seventeen years, had presided over the aTairs of the "Old Office." BODY Formm:—The body of Theodore Low, who wan drowned on Saturday last. was found yester day morning. Wh;le the steamer Samna:: was attempting to land, M. C. A. Higgison discovered something floating down the river, which, though:not like a human being, presented no singular an appearance, that he wan induced to ge: into a skiff, and lOW out to Nee what it was. He illied the body 11110 the Moat, and placed rt on the oho, at the G at of Ferry it eet, whence it was ! taken by the relatives of the deceased and inter. red. Dtaraltsstso.—We paid a visa to the jail, yester day afternoon, and were really shocked a t some of the sights which we there witnessed. We do not allude to the criminals or vagvarita with which it is filled. for we have have none of that maudlin reetuncnbahty, which regrets to see guilt reap the trims of the iniquity it has sown, bet to the cases of three unf/rtunat-s whose only crime is that they nave been deprived, in the ells' dam of Providence, of the souse with which it gift ed them at their birth. Debarred from that small degree of liberty usual ly allowed to lunatics, whose, madness is not dan gerous to any one, they pine in their cells, never rising front the beds, which death will soon leave tenantless. One of these wretched beings, a German wo man, whose name, the deprivation of her reason prevents her from giving. found, until disease pal sied her hide stock of strength, some amusement in twisting the straw on which she lies into t'antnst tie simpev—in makir,g, 'doll babies" as she called them, and dressing them in some of the rags torn front her owe tattered garments. Another woman 11 named Sarah Morrison. ller I mt., ii, at present. el Li mild type, though, if we are not mistaken, of nue of her Len i fleck•, some yen n ego, she burned t,er own mother to death. She xever vest. to any one except when spo ken to, but nour after hour, murmurs forth the dm cannecied raving. of a -mind titseated." The thud, and one whose case is the most distres s rig of George Martin. He is e-„l that be IS not exp.:le/to hve to see to-morrows Duo. The tone fur which he Lad been committee as a Vagrant, expired a few days ago, and the'Snerlif procured Dome clothes to cover his nuke doe's. They led hint out to the door, .d he nutted to the grans with Which the ground is covered at the side of toe but hi. feeble limbs refused to carry him further, and he was brought back to his cell-- to die. Is it act a hard case that :a go wealthy a com munity as curs. the 110101E.Ilte wretches who have los: their leaf., sLs.uid nave no place of r,ll - ' Is it not shameful that they should be thrust into tit among criminals and be =fond to 1 . 21.11 . in a tilde nil, with no one to to , to rekindle the Isinp of reason—to hail with rai'ture the rust gJawn of returning intellect, and restore those ones more to the world, who thought they are in it are not of it We trust that some of our atabby citizens, who are ever humane, when their attention is called Is the unfortunate, Neal attend to their wants, and pro vide an as lam for the insane, such an is usual y to be 11,und in every Lmm mutiny, so large as ours With proper rare, many of them might recover, or at least, we would have the satisfaction of know ing thtd every en,rtion had been made, and that we nacre not guilty of the sin of inatteation. M 0161 Orrice, Pittsburgh, May 4.—Thera were so Me etZ or seven common canes trefore the Mnyor this morning. Ono wretched young man, npmed McCloskey was detected In attempting to steal some money from I. be drawer of a store near the canal. Thu person who stood in the store struck him in the hen.] with a none, it:dieting quite a severe mount', which bled profusely. The charge ,f larceny against him, was, how• ever, abandcmed; and, be was sent to jail (or 30 Jays r s a yrs-root. Dec 111.—J am. Parks, the deck hand of the ateamt•r Lantarttne. who was taken to the hoapttal of the Rev. Mr. P..stsay.t, died of cholera, yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. The Samna,: which arrived at our wharf pester day f, cm New Orleans, r sports the cholera decreas , there. Sh r bad not a single case on board during her upward irp. PoLics Or tices.—o — a; police officers are now doles; nothing, because crime has decreased so caeca lately, 1,1 to render their offices woe- Neither burglaries, larcenies, nor offences of any kind are committed, w.th the exception of a few cases of drunkenness, which are duly brought be* fore the Mayor. Wr• are glad to see that our community is, at prebent,ns free rum the plague spots of crime as LOCOSIOTIVISS.— We taw a cocoon canal boat which arrived in this city yesterday, from Phda- I W/Altillts, relearn. insure taws.. ou. a. nix" PALetkall. tioNNA nn CO., dolphin, witn Iwo locomotives on board, designed I (Fuece.wira Ltl Hussey. Hanna SE t'o.) for an Ohio Rail Road. The can al boot will be y)ANkF,I4 , . F.X.t'llANtir URoNERSt and dealers taken Into tins Allegheny River and Lowed ti CM- 0 1 , ) ,), 11 .,, ' „71:,.. ' i1 ' N p b?e n5 ., ". .2 .. 4 . e h ,1 ' , "5; g0Y: . .t r t, " i ' i c =i, ‘ ottman, au net the engines will not he reshipped, ueurty °pawl, inn haute of Pio•surah. Curtent ore Web ope, before long, to tee low anottiron mantis I ^ r,l; r 7;:!:: ` ,,, l" , l L ' o ' L r„ ' , l ,, ' , -- ig '4 „l "' n, C : ll g7 k nc ‘ ,g r a, '— g .4 ., ' ,..„ ' .,a '" i d , lectured in our own city, for the Ohio and Penn- I the tinned mates. sylvaitin Rail Road, es well en the cohicet Rail I Go l id lao in...heat prem.am paid for Foreign atol American Road. I Adisncea tondo one..lnman. of Produce, ship. i gnat Eat, un liberal terms. aid ' PALISTINGIS.—WII saw, a few a days ago, some 1 .------7---- .J :c, P. gytiTif, beauktul Oil Paintings, the prodoetton of a very , Attorney and t'onnullor at Law, a T 1.0 L' ia, Nu. talented amateur of thts city, Mr. John It Hance. I Will gleepartiet.Ar etter,i'mt to Pee coileciton of Mr. hi. points better then many prniSISSIOIIIII a/11SW i Clams, a-il all money iccoved, Mail be remitted i without delta 1. TIMATELL — The play of tit c 'Lady of the Lobe ,"l itareessc.-1 - lon it Coulter Sepr.m • Pooch, r, and the farce of "hlAshor and Creakier, " will be t i ' t, k.. . ". L'•'" even:l' '''. at Levu. W''''altk"'"l „ii . toted A Joe 14 Bro.. It Tannin; hie. Charles II presented to night. : Well!. tg. do; Eno. Mello/tee di. Co New %era, Chilton. ._. I den 60 et ,4 Co do. Ilamher h Orendorli lintitmorej ........--...—... -...,... DA NICLAS - IS I lone PILLS:: I—rSts greet Amerman LW S A A Mordt t d , • do, lone , M.rtttt k Co. do; Mr remedy ior coo ut oie moat formidable th a that aeon to 1 Joh.l Fnicom , m••••t• Lower. -,, cri ,, 0 0 C. , l't , . heir ,o, to t Siitct au. at:ander:, dged sup, tit" to ally led,-. I tag", ret , ) ,o, k t.O do , 110t.t ..u . ...t it k Co. do. vide ol t '[., e tier i.d.red to the 1.0 die. The ...II My I. aIV wt., or do tnelidt•tddin 1.. ensy,et tet,t. and allt:sadstit will .0 top leaeue t ie. . NE , s , co ~„,,..._..., zEB,: Li*. li.",NEY'.73, 67 .`0- eulta it hoe never been tried without pro:Nettle the . bet rtyeei— ruo, satuotry elf et. Compounded hi into of the moat I t due very loco :,auk Oho / Trek Comb' , rtriltiC:tl 1.., ti. Liots Li oar country, It l, the pdeth cote . d - meahtito ' " wtoen +thence 'bib and expo rte.,' offer, 10 ho trot v " tow - " aufLtlng. cat l i nod purchase a wiz at toe dr uu store 21 " pialo It.gn " " ' - rot J Ki11i....1r. Co. I ii - n*rrove tit...ll.'llpp - " au " rainy top Buffo , . " to - mum •• ett a;..• eom itunt. aodoe Men mtle, 11SstIttetl SI. IPS; nti gin a emu horn Side, I Jose .1. - ti dre.•tog do 01.1,1 Gun k, do de; 4 do Ituttatton do do. on du Beetlto' igiteh Horn. G do S. 0 S her Ivory ext 71 „de I , do , 0 do du, in bor.e•, !Iglus. S bile do do; I do comb Ciesatters. L'iI2MES;MMWMI Seem. Pittsburgh, Feb. IL OW. NIA - wife has been troubled witu n violent cony h for six or .even year., vu bed we_ her cough that IA tl Al ba 011 I iniu, artier. 1 ill wetly lived i tool rue Cl'' etthe Consuenpoon. Atter we removed to thin r ity I oiaatiolll :Or tier, tone aid again, diderent medic/ to. , ba they • cl ho kind of neht to lie, moi,tha 'lime. I parchnited a 'ionic of your akiagh ' rut , . Ore le, of winell hue doer err wore good than inetbrine .tiehat ever taken. I nave nlAo it•ed StOrr, crostiuge n, or fatierly tent, line .PCO.. th.III.•KU JI (0.,111. Mon popular cough' remedy I prepared and raid by al Woods and inoy be had el Drug. e curtail), in the Iwo W „ IGS a.,d vietaity t0b.21 --•. ---•- - - . :r r lIE subseriherr ....., ten ve..tspectfullv to acquatto ~. .01 . kry i ,J . WEBTEI A it . j . wens tar nds and 11. e to lie that they na•e aka,. WT. DEN rini, ,.,. wed thoinwtv• sat 1 1 1111,,deli Inn. ....r the para... tit Ilespec.noly tenders his um. In nCili% n Iscnct 11-1 COnla,..ni Un.inra•. and IrUlll protean° ,aI rervkiwr .4 lbc ca acne of Ahecheny r by. 1 that k ma ktlwttknak tit Irednnesr will secure to them Office, nuatheaat corner of tits. Diamond. Kafir to I 1.4 nu '"" . g .. a n T • r,..- .) - ;Ina/eel:a allcetton will be given to sales of Dr. T F. Dale, Dr T. 11 F. 111411, FlOO r Ord Produce actietull), 5.• , 1 mot purchases in Dr. M. R. Trevor, Dr. /no theism', the PI Ole dead... martial for Weak...a account Dr. J D. Marron, Dr. it II hluwery,ll W. VOIN DEXTER, Dr. hi. Cl. Knox, Dr. 11. R. Deliti. M Itli'l lata.DO errnicatarat 111111'11F t iCKS - -The rant hants of Patehural, gen- Wra A. Ward, Dmairt, Key A. W Black, . eral.y, : \ pr,,,,,er kti hormun, Let• Mer tr. Antietam, Hey N AVest a pitrai. ma , Cana,' flea. Data II D ..n n comb a lint, M. a Cation. • O. W. DIDDLE, Den LI il-:: • I zwi. Hull, wr, int 'l'odd. I,iat•vitle by; tltow. Mc• eeTi tt..t . Rk ,,, , , v ,, E) to o now ttttoo too, hoes Crean' ADi rkentaie, St I oil., hi 0 . Ilea itt. 00.100 C o~lati. a 112, S.,,l.firld ~,el. one doe, 1,,,, i Co, W A V. alert, New I trice., 1., . 6 A 111. Goileas Slnlh sue, 'teeth ~,,,,,t ( r oman , Noyea :vi'Gre gor it hltirt. New York; 1V II Tllolnp -14 An entire un i on the ~,,,,,,n principle, w i l l, . t,,,,,,,,.. .411 & ' Ca., Jo tat Tkers 1 , Co, Peter Mareetlle.. II 31 tiful reprreentatteu of AG riatevel gura—reconog the 1 J 0,,,, Drat, hl:ltienti tr. Burt. Phtlial t . ap93ra _ orilinal .hare of the awe. N. D.... -.I W 7.ltracurd A% et, little or.oa.ptiA. ' SEttectiti'OrD4Cit:'ll.lPlPdll-rkleVt H at ' r i c " eis l , " l ' as ." . n . ' , ° o " er h e t:ra t :U.: Decayed lb .' - ,• . , ' l'‘ , tont ,,,,, •oked by p'umbg. pro. ammo supply of. mug and room-c Gonda, and has •40.11/4 die tooth ache, which I. moth better ilmill vu- large asdartmcal 4 e lyre.. liooll , of anwest •‘Y le. and nog it, though It should be done ha fire min, ter, or ~,,,i, c,,,,ada irf t every kind; all of attack wilt" t -e- +old es= Lasocatly. a4tILI7 tow. sr? =MS CANDIDATES POE NODITNATION Day., Faxsenr, of. Jefferson loarnahin. aril' be a eand , dive 'or the Legislature, subject to the decision of We Mitimuvnic and Whig County Convention. Maim. .I . nohi. PRIM,. of the homoeh of Nl'Kuerport. Oe a run Mate for 1 . 0.11,10 1 for memo. r or AV,III- bly, at the approaching Ahnfnasoute and Wh‘e Conn. ty Convennon. my3:ll/cleS Corn, l ' ottutzsromce--Jon,t 4. Ifthh Rut Wu 1.:304,1.1hp. has bet b taken op by ht• nutnerout ffierala ro. t r andiasto ,r the pilice rf Couh . y COTIIII4. rtooter. and they wII soppo, It for that offir, before he A rOtinasonte and Ny Lig COIIVCII 1011. MC, on the .6th of Janc. zny3,4l°6 . _ Pauynn!wean —I o (fey my ev Ii of 1.. ea re Ueda, for the oilier of Prothonotary. ed.. eet , 0 the de^,..., the arptoaehing /anima oeie and Wile, County ~onveni on iny.hdlyrirS Fl o oLayracormEas. Cocien COIEII.IoNCH. —1 wilt he a candidate for the office of Couiity Como...loiter. sult,ert to Me df . Zitioo oribe Antimasoidis and 11, lug Conv,nlj,n. afr.a:det einehi fiAI{RIEL ADAMS. WILLIAN M.11.1.15n rondtanto tOr Ih; - rtrtC4 , .(Sh" - 111: so .01 10 iho tioci•lon of the A ntmaronto told Wl.lg Con yr:Ai!. tlry I wIcT Prre Me- Eon - WU—Please onnototto Jotts4 111000 Fold lo, T0 .,-,t it, es a ranthd .tr for oottiotr. subject to the dectsiou of ilia Whig and Ant:too:tonic Cootoottoon. tht to a. re. CLAIR Stimtierkurt.—Cept Jo te '. ova., co , town. .ttePOeted for the a dice of Shert , f eubieet to 11.0 Jectstret of the opprJacifleg Witte and A mune 5.0113 WADI, Bowan' C•awra vs, nf plum 'maw'.Fp, winl,c Rapport. , lor the otter ot Prothonotary, aul,ert la the drciatool the hg and Antninaaaule Camara arra WI. a.as • • I.6O.ONOTART Wan ArCoiodic r.. FAq • wsli be ccp posed lor the oda, of I' rcthcb•ota o to'. he de es•loa 431 the npproa •h•ng A iilll/411,0111C and hay Con velmon, by abaS. I+l ci N UM. Cootos:soloox...-- 0 O.sme, Fog . Roldwm . 44 , w 001ur. 00.11 he soprorool • .00, the Antimaxonic In g C011•C.W111Jr po•Mon of c.od Wale tor Count) . C'onoro.oooner. BALDWIIt TowNsay. SOFIVV•AI.2I . .-1 am a caowdam (or we office n sheriff of A , teghehy eoui.ty, .uleect to the dectßion o the sporoacratig K big and A”ltinu,oh , e. Convention or 110112111 .wt( eou,.ty uet et. CARTER CURTI t‘ Seith Word, Ptit.burgh. April 2, 1,31:0-41h.w'r S 118111 1 ,1•1., %% w Cii•ILLTIJN will he sup ported tor UM Off.. 01 Silent,. .ut,ret to the noruJua liall of tilt Af , ntrot•otot. awl WaLg Count) Convelitton uerU:d.Rwa r F. 103,11 PlTlSElerall. Ma Forrou.-•ou wail please .trite tont I artil be a candidate for unontoatton lor the otter of Prothonota ry, hecore out tarot \\ log and IC County Convention. Your, 8r , SAM I, FA /Lambeth to n• hip, Mu rt 11j - Ito C . of Flamhrth Borough. a-01 be supported. brier,- me .portmeht. a J 'A log Cunty orrnti IL fur p ninwatton t 1.3 a formamba; of I egp,111(1, , he upr dftwleT WHIL, Or OLD I.:LfZ.l3lrill. FELESH SPRING GOOD 4 WE: are how p ca veri lorce choice ms. ortate,tot AND cl )i)IER GOODS, "elected wlth more than u.uni r Ire doting the Met few week.. 10 the New York awl P7.lladciptita ruarketa, 01111 etatar,toc a grew ra•Illy of eftnost every de. oz the th , cgc af.d non fothlohabl,s yle• and • l•rge porhut oi tt navin; been boucht a.lhe ER. AL (1 . 1,,NS at • gnat reduction from the regu. tar mew we err chub eq In otter great Inducements to each th,yers. roller y wbwe.mle nr mail. We arowd theretore rt spehuht;p th%, e the ahetrann of the public to our Mork, frelom t onfideht Of . our ablltty to suit buyer m Llret eve, at tr le the{ Ina) , c‘t.h in our tic 'to . sim led es we would eepectslly commend our stork of 241.E.rNuto rits, StLxs, of wtrvl aL.v e a vrry large nntlof lt/e latt le• and coo. n• MMMEMii)MI Lawn , ¢ 11.14..1 Lawns. 1..1i arm., new ntyle Barr,e•, Enght/t. Fre...rh and ,en rt. liimplams, Imcn Ging• Fre. voirlet!...4: BoNxars—Nrw st y Bonn, 1.. v , ry rhevp. H.LONS s.o V LOW ,:112 , -01 De , siest sty Ics and suer r ior In qualm. P•i....1-A—A vet', large nnil irandsoni< sinci of Par- SfIAWI-s A lift, a••nr , rncl.l or oprlng and sumnacr end prICI, Puthscis otun—A !nod supp' yo: •upor French, I..nsinaa and Anrric amiCae•nncrce wh.ch . ...v. would tunas Inc enendwn od_r ersane need.tig such goods A 'Sal • A f.d.l and gn rat snpn , nt'Stuntno Uhoch, I...nven ut.d h•cs ne I Niu•ude • ,, c I dnr.,.. Snceth..gt, I:tupers.Caruurics, summer tro , Jis . vnd boys' wear, J.coloit, Swiss, Nan gooks, Nash.% Prima, o.nOnisos. Cr•no, ern. Lose, Gruvais (510 e.., Ilaiurry. silk /W.f.. Vella. No Se. Perasiswlel,log to I,u) by who eel'', sbould call end cetunino GM' Stook. as our priers are such aA maim It lam mte rest to boy & DAY. ;5 Merkel st, - - anti north" .. cornor of We Diamond OC E' FANCY AND VA NIFTY GODUA—tat ZED KINSEY'S r 7 Market mail 10 , 1 pr. Coe China V es-• ta.ed, 175 aets twist ind t s. c ,set rust Ihntoes, , uA:te select .Carpet Ilugs; do do sent's try vemg. c.o• tom"' al,k Battens, or doe•.es. 10 d I oil Itru.lte*, 0.0 •'. 1w gro fine bq Vest en do gull and plated, do; 55 5 55 rs;r wr o , list , 11,P14 , . 4do Washington do. I do ilotners do, 3 g Lail Lill, 'll5 Ilook., Lune rirl, be J &c gold t•ver Watchevi SO do de actred lever Wane ,e.. tir do I opine du. 10 fine thy mond Forrer Rom, t dor fine gold Vera end Foto do do rianol, Nrenrt I.lrts, Finger thugs. Ear Rote, 6' (1 , 11 - :.:4, dox I.ado • ...lir 3 0 0 do do Lion • .04.. 00 • I 0,:,, id do do Sou do :a • lot 5:0, as. d. 10 dodofo•io y top •ix VA 111 ii• g • Aft/e:lell, Piro.. 'O4l eoi • iin Car r \lot Dtio ribli•ii 1 . ,00-.1001 CUI , • • 232 p. tia boibi do, Hai dor Ivor} n< Ivory :,re ..log Combs, tisici t ~m,,. le it, apg Cl 1,• a - 'Ai a, la. • ore thea Spring rthel al Tr or, C00,1•11tif WI 01 of ?Ilan 'tiara If [VI 'aid Sole Lae.. l.b.ea Foivoico 1.10.1*, tinning Trlbrimidga, pinta. hirf, and tinarus Oath and-aao ey Mosier), :qui . . .13, tors, an , bo a. Comb. Rory and other Fano, Yam Spool t'octio. liob• Dm, I' ssss s ar o aitorli limy off, r row, both orbolesale and 151,1 al floor l'iontrosis eforc. 02 Fourth sorer,. torligeer pliti Ha, ter. bpl4 FAV SPltt/Stt ../111,S.—A A M.. 01 A t:o , No. 1' GU Market omeec see now opcnilig 40 ca., and package. of •picedli S1111M: comptt.m, Layea.., M.ll'l I.l,•egr Mdc &dude., gban, French Auks, edda aro. 1,47r.4. liumtry, kod a geLcra. ao.o, tricts,l WHOLE SSLE 13 K Y 000 DS A. 4. )1A OA & CU, aN En, AN U i 111•IRTF:RS, . v. ee er +.n.l, ftRE now Menlng the woneitellAive land earned amortnicant or ,prt..g and Sormort Goody ever eaflibileff in the A'emert, country comprittftg upward. ar E,V0.1 11 ondred Cases, ourcalmed fa rot" r packa ge. from them unarltarrr, importer., mot large lauc• info sa.to., by oof the firm re•fding in Yiew 1 orb. who il% Coustan ne t y Paitatug Us thr nrwest and most fashionable goods 1 hey name to parr— 100 trues 1101 Spt Ina if nom; 1 du chat • M de Lane; 21 f• I.awna and u•hn• yd - f cotton and linen 120 f' t fellflitd Musint.,ali fringins. grldes.; , 20 " cord un Muslinaf 40 . shirune Chrekn and i Y`•Btpkas Coluftm domestic f•htptania, 1 ade. and bummer Storrs 250 ff Drown Mlalklln., Aka, cases •nd pat, ages of lionneta. Floser•A 11.1thops, 11-race. 1l hat, Good, Ili ry Artmlen,C.o.ba a.dl.,,alaucres, Wuans, Ito at and and Waves. c cc CAti all.l country marcbraota Et.d Their stock la ,r a.“..1 dram-4,1r. as I-A.:el, atoci, and exarni tialloll !qt., Itnoal• cannol (~ii to con all that wtth u..4l,ltaulc advanta,s and fartlitars. ihr y con romp, Wr. aNt E 10,111.11. Tina tact la, U.rrn rlrar . ) anonat,tra , ed to hundred. ot net r pa , um.; wuot...tturrly p Ir.:hared Elm. Th., stack wt., u...va)s . :uund cOtilp eta ap7 PAPER HANGINGS. MESSRS. JA?. 110 W ARD a CO., No, !SI li oud atnrt, Wout.r) ilia n tr al 111, pub.te In ;heir • p.t3lt mu, oI Pi .cr Ilano, ng which for c re a. nett'. Lwauty or h.,. and aneapne, t uu. surraswal tip al.y t.l the I,nints lleanlce a Ihran an, lull apwarnarn. n , paper o!'thrsr oarlt tnatioraclurr 11. e) err onw rereo,n, u direct im I peh 7. 1 1 0 i a w l o o t . l . . o nr , r b ! I gm. , wag/ la }:urope.conso , .. , a c 4f Panama 11261/ 1:1n , a re, In S= went. I.nndon do 5000 do Of them own man4l, , i4tr they have 100.000 mace% Wall paper, and 12,00 pmemi nano diaaed Window /r Bundy, e, Mewir. James !Inward h ro have spared neither „pee" u r ',her or mi.wr endeavor. to 'lord the ea., ern wall paper etteliitaMitems, troth 111 quail!, of raison uf.mture alto vane , y a; pato , . and they are warrant. ed m /.....rtreg Mr pui.li• that they have au...acted, The whole ameirmucel. !nreign and home manufac ture, will Ire otla red 01/ term• a. low as those east marauticierer. raid Impartr re mele9t•4lll n vv rvlso. ex, C X 116T3oLDO 91 XXI. Kurth of Philadelphia. I POINDEXTER REYNOLDS, FLOUR FACTORS, And 0. / Commission Merchants, No 40'1 Mosier Flevcsath aria rselhlt 1•111LAIW.1.1.111A By the President of the Vatted litotes. I. J AMES K. POLK, Preaident this Untied States of America, do hereby declare tad make known, that nubile sales will be held at the undermentioned lend offices in the State of MICHIGAN, at the petted, Isere. unifier designated, to At the land office at the SAULT STE. MARIE, for the - Lake S. .Int 11 or District," commencing on Monday, :he fourth day of inne net, for the disposal of the so. arcrtroest public lands within the following named iowli.bips and fractional townships, to wit Nora of the tinte fine and Ina of the yrincipol Meridian. Fractional townships thirty-seven, and thirty-eight, toren:ter with Yummier islands of mime nineteen. F1 . .1101101 townshipe thlety-eight, thirtyinine, and forty. of range twenty. Fractional townships thirty-nine and forty, of range twenty-one.. EEMEZE=I Frnetional township. thirty-three, thirt •-four, and thinly-five, and township thirty six, of range twang*. five. Fractional township, thirty-two and thirty-three, and , vrnahipo 011,y-roar and tairty-five, of range twenty- Froottonal tovrnrhips thirty-one and thirty-two, and tawnorop. ttortyAttre. , , thirty-four. thirty-Aro nor for ty 1.1 Z.. of range ta,enly-ae•ea Fi Redone! township. thtriy-two and chitty-three and township forty-max, of range twenty-eight Townslups forty-three and forty-six, of range men- Township forty-three and Cony six, of range Township f.rty-six of range thirty-one. AT 11111 SAME mere. commencing on hlonday, the eighteenth do,' offline next for the ateposal of the ag ricultural public lands within the following named townstops and fractional townshww. North of the .&ua L. ?1 . 241 1V of the priaapai Fr Icitonal ,OCIMOS twenty-fire and thirty-Ina. corth of the wuth bay of Agate Harbor, in township filly in of range thirty. Fractional township .ixiy-se,en, on Isle Royale, of ranee thirty-two. Frocnonal lowEinhips raly-esz and stzty•nevon, on I.le Royale. of range Um-V -throe. Toven.h , p hay-nue, and fraction II townships salty six and .ixty-seven, on his Royale, of range shiny (our. Town•hips fifty and fifty-one, and fractional town ships al y-five and sixty-six,on Isle Royale, of range shiny five. TownAn p fifty-one, and fractional townehtps three, atgly-four, and tiny-five, on isle Royale, of range thirty-tl.l • Fractional to arnahrps sixty-three, stity-Poor, and saiy-five, on lire Haynie, of range thirty-seven. Township fifty, and fractional involutions sixty-three and sixty-toor on late Royale, of range thirty-eight. Township fifty, and tractional township. sixty-three and sixty-tour, on la. Royale, of range thirty-nine. Townships forty-nine, fifty, and fifty-two, of range forty Township forty-nine, of range forty-one. Township forty nine, of range fony-two. Townships forty-seven and forty-woe, of range for iy-ittrr e. Townships forty-rove n and forty-nine, of range for ty-four rotorslops forty-seven and forty-nine, of range far ty-five. tarot:inn! township forty-nine ‘ of range forty-six. Erectionsl townships fony-stx and forty-eeven. township font'-sight and fractional township forty nine, of rouge forty-.even. Fractfbnal townilaps forty seven. forty-eight and fon) -nine, of range Pony-night. hrecuortal township Pony-eight of range forty-nine. AT rug aim. mica, commencing on Mondsy, the third day of September next, for ffie disposal of ail me ' , ohne lords within the townships and fractional town hips abcve which have been, or shall be, reported before the day of sale, na contatning cop per, lead, or other valuable ores, to he offered for ewe in quarter-gunner eections, at not less Wan five dol lars per acre, eTterril the renames and parts Of sections, if any, covered lip thoee mining leasew which shall not ho iictrrontiel by the day fixed for the commence. ment of the public %isle, lu accordance with the prowl , ions of the net approved on the let day of Match, 1817, entipesi "Ap act to establish a land office in the northern part of Ilichignn, and to provide for the sale atone mineral hind. to the Stoic of Meagan." At the land Whim at lONIA, commencing on Moo dey. the •ourth day of Jane neat, for the disposal of the paid. lands within the under-mentioned fractional township•. /Vann of the Base Ltne. and Wort of Ma prirsapal Fractions! township. twenty-one, md twenty-two, with n the former Inthan Reserve, on Manatee river, of range insileen. Lode opprortsteti by law for the use of at-boob., InLotterr. sod oiler purposes, will be excluded from the eeleti The offering of the above-mentioned lends will' be commenced 0 the day• appointed. and proceed to the order to wench they ere no verOfed, with all conveni mo despatch. until the wt.ole shad hare Ixen offered, and Oh thiesttom closed. But no sale ahal, be tent open .0111“, than two weeks. and no pnvate entry of any of the lands wlll tultultted until the eiptratiOn of the two weeks. Given wider roy bond, ta the city of Washinctos, this twenty-seventh day of February, Ann° Domini one thousand eight husdred and forty nine. ItiCaht KU M YOUNG. _ Comon-sslJner of the t.eocral Land Office Nonce to Miners and Pre-Emptlon Claimants sell persons whowere.. me pasFage of the art of lat of Mareh. 1-41, in possession, by actual occupan cy, or any portion of the mineral lands embraced in this pros niustion. under authority of a lease or writ ten permit ro. rclery of War, for the purpose of titers°, mite in; persons who shall be top°. hy actual occupancy, of a mine or mine m orally discovered before the Ist of March, 1647, and rot forth in the act of I.t March, 1817, above mentioned, are authorized tot and and purchase the same at the price. on Or term• and conditions, and to the extent pre robed by that act, Rho no lc.. nuy tone before day teed or the commencement of the sale of kilo. mineral la,td. on making proof of posioasion nc and occupay, arid or comp:ousce with those terms, p. to Lae tosisier and receiver or itie land office. sabrec tripeai to toe , i ecretary lathe Treasury: arid ail ,„ c la imed to die 1.0111 of pre mots" a to nay of the icr.rulturul Mints embraced I. la, proclamation, arc required to scatinah tne tame to the waiWitactlon of the a-linter and recer, and make payment therefor soon "emote/oi eiv l , aner acting this notice. and be. fore the day appointed for the commencement of the public sate or um lands embracing the tract claimed, otherwise ouch pre-emption clams will he forfeited. Time eerfitleate ann.', °animal - tigerttat Satin the Ma rie, Mot peir.ons holding noder lease. or pernuts, or obese. . the occupancy of a mine or mines, have paid up Inc parte:stunt of rents required by the act above ILCRIIORCR, milt be con...lLn on Mot point Pc mins o.oup ying under lenses or permits, will Dot be permitted to reliimursa their rights wider that coos paney, and enter as settlers; and where any such lois es or grunted may expire belore Om day of sale, the rights i no the holders thereof *sill be reearded as reserving the lands covered thereby from entry un duOiy other right nit the day of sale, iirt.en they mill bp offered at mantic sale as mineral lands. RICHAILD AI. 1 (JUNI ; Commtasioner. To the Public The I'mrsieral 11,dr" tneluded in We foregoing pie eleanniam are ch.etly adulated between Lake Sapertor abd the Montreal river. and on lair Royer e, In the larrarern peornaula or klrehrgan, and are rendered ma rely valuable ivy lot eieanadeu maia of topper and other ores found rherern. A conederab e number of those mines have already been discovered in the trap ranges, within a few ml es of Late superior, and from the neological character of the cowty Y. and the explorations already made, it caanot be doubted that others algraLig, if not Yogi raluaole, will be found throughout Nu whole "mine ral re won." • In some of the mines nnw worked, copper is found almost purr, and, It fact most .of the nenee copper nod ores )teld a venter per cellulite than soy other yet titscov• red in the world. Silver Is also found In considerable gunman's. All the necessary materials for the construction of furnaces, and owl for smelting. are Mundial abundance id the named:ate neighborhood ether mineral. the chmate in the winter, though cold, does not in terrupt the operations of the minaret iu fact, that Sea is considered the most favorable for thaw opera- The prot.ity of these mineral Mods to the shore of lake Superior. on which am revert' safe and oicellent liartair4, and the water commemcation therefrom, by the Souk Rtr. Marie, lakee Huron, Erie, km., famish rris y means of transporting the artefacts of these lai~da to the principal markets of the lieited States at c vcry nidiag cost 1; iikcwim app-ars from the reports to this office, that ihr sgriettitural landsore of a fair quality, prod. enig •u.•l imliaary vegatithlea and grass in shun da-cc, und whi. property talied, they have bran found favor ,thr fir drain craps alms: and for .11 , h. pro- An t and good market will he (mum at 'I --such as white and yellow pine, ws,tor piiktiv birch, molly plsoes, vet . > and by its thrifty growth gives eviJenee of the of the soil. Mop., serrating the localinas of the to no,and oiler • • , OfOrm.on rclatilig thereto, derived from the reel .• .1 survey. ac., which psalm be embraced it, MlAmoor, oral be prepared and deposited ut ttto land tuhcc at the Sault Sir Marie, for inspection, an early pr•cucahte,Dolber the commencement of he purl. uslen. RICHARD M. YOUNG, r'ommtssianer of toe Oeimral Land OStee. ap7.d.tawher 000 rani tilt lLliDa. D.J. WILLIAMS, No. PI *tiara aura ST.., PIIILADRLPIITA.. Vrt.NITIAN BLIND AND WINDOW SHADE V MaNUPACTURKR, (Awarded the first and hues est hlcattla at the New York, Baltimore and Mandel. able Tx hit.itMts , for the sopenority of his wuh confirm,' et:made:lce in his manufacture.) arks the at• sttio., of pdichasers to his assortment of say Bonds • .crew and an le slats, with fancy and plans T,,.• ming.. of new etyles and colons. Alan, a large aod ; react al ermortmetw of Transparent Window 'Shade., • vouch he will sell a the l. , west caatnprices . d Minds palmed and.nnua at to lob rgaal to now ==M=t= The ritirels of A Ilinhetty Coast, are restwctfully ncored to call borore buy Inc elsewhere—continent f oil Op-n in the evenings nt - PC2 —WILLIAIII.IIEIBISs. liaaufattarer of Mineral %later Apparatus, MALI Gl' TIM GOLD."' EAGLE AOO TOGIVIALG. do 213 North I,econd et., above Vine, tEßEttNall A N asperience o: more than twelve pearl in the nmarafaetuaing of /metal WaWr Apparatas anal tho preprraool, Minelni Water an Bun es and Post, tains, am an eXteusl re wale, wrath a scientific and pogo knowledge • ror both or basins., loge t ams •Ph ra na intprsvemems in the consfruclawa of alte la pa ary• and the prepanng of the Water, which ha..tic redo in adopung mace_ hit en to Parts. rat t oiler yes a s of study and [semen! sopa w: nous aj applied to the an. to 'Mechanics and ie try, do bl 'he subwriher to come Imlay* the yule w e n emus confidence, and offer theta the hest std ate , complete Apparatus, tor Oa manufacture of Min eral Winer ad Rennes and Fouptains, that can ha fur- LOSOCtI In ha Paned States. fie airs tin en hamlet, that the enlarged success he has met WWI, and he per m s setednve and dairy in creasing mamma of has busines so her la the of de ornaments. furbish, the meat canavtneSag proal of hi. ai p • to the superiority of Apperatu• over those Dated omens and of the panty and stalubtny of the Watery proofed anerelrom. Perron. oho order the Apparatus from a rlimp u g, may be assured 'hat then instructions Shall try faithful. Ir rumpled wWs mad re packed as to carry safely either by land Or own r to env pan of the th. State, -to nvmd das.pronom-an it a. recommended to those tvlio ',wad • bppl, ob,h-turaclves the approaching sm. •ra to forward :hest orders at as early a day as con. , vement. Water App ms, Generators, Pumps and rountutt., Ornarne / Cm& sod Pedestal. (or Solids, 1:11111111101a and Bur. at Gesell., for dearness tlydr•nt t- r, together with forking and Tying kinehtnes, übd everything ttoperosisids to the shove business, constantly on hand, and (or mile on the lowest erns kir en•h, aptAoleoilllns --- lar.les• to teetiordTosiit r, SA LE, and payment received in Use JCDR . 11110/04 of the ni, of Pittsburgh-- All thet valuable property known At oh. OLD DA- Al N I.ol', situate oit (mini street, opposite the Coon MOM, unit bounded by Grant street, Fifth streets Olt. ;need alley so! Cherry alley. property has been divided Into rw - LATT-10.{ hlghly eligible huddles 1,1111, which will be sold to the hidaeet end best bidder, at public auction, on BATOR. DA 1. NI I' 5:1,, icin, in front nettle Coen Home 'Fr on.—thic third in coin, one third in els month., and one third In twelve lumlthw, with Interest from Um duy of onto. By order of dm City Coaneit Aß .B ,rlTttnithl C1,.,,. ConaiiteoCyepiy vittel DR. D. 1111)5T. ~..,, Deraim. Comer orPourti and Decata4Aweext Dirket arul Parr} states . Fla - TRANSPORTATION • • EXPRESS PACKET LINE, FOR PHILADEILPH/A4ANB BALTDIORE, Exchtstesty for Passengers. —The Boats of this Line will leave es follows, at 9 o'clock at night: Kentucky—Capt H Truby, Wednesday, Nay Louisiana—Caw J P Thompson, Thursday 3. hmliarta—P Berkey. Friday, 4. Ohio—A Crnif, Saturday. 5. Kentucky-11 ['ruby, Sunday, 0. Louisiana-1 P Thompson, Monday, 7 Indinm—P Bartey,Tuesdeil 8. Ohio—A Cmos., Wednesday, D. Kentucky—H Traby, Thursday. 10. Latamana— I I' Thompson, Fri day, 11 Indiana—P Berkey, Satur day, 14. Chios-Capt. A Craig, Sunday. 13. Kentucky—ll Truby. trendily, 14. Loaimana—.l P Thompson, Tuesday,ls. For passage apply to W 'BUTCH. Monongahela House, mytt or I) LEECH A Co. Canal Basin sass.. 1849. amilM Warren and Cleveland Passenger Line. Canal Packet—SW ALLOW. " —OCEAN. NA of t h e above Packets leave Beaver every day O (Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning Warren, when they connect with the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arrii Mu at each of these places before night One of the packets leave Warren daily at 5 P. M, and arrive at Beaver in time to take the morning boat for Piusburgh CE S LEFFINGWELL A Co, Warren, 111 11 TAYLOR, do Pro' JOHN A CAIJGHEY Agent, apl3 corner Water and Smithfield ate 1849. PITTSBURGH AND CLISVELAND ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. THE Proprietors of this old established and ,popnlar daily line, consistingof SIXTEEN first class Canal Boats, owned by themselves end running ire CODOCC non with. the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unegradled faeillties for the transportation of freight and passengers, on the opening of Canal navigation, to all points on the Penn sylvarna and Ohio and N. York canals and tbeLakes. K M FITCH A Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL & BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. J. C. BIDWELL, Agent. mark Water street, Pmsbnrgh. i.e. =WELL, D W C. arowamt, Pittsburgh. BIDWELL & BROTHER Forwarding Merchants, 13F,A V F.R, PA., Agent.; for the Pittaine7gh ansiClevelsasel Lou, Pisto burgh and Erse Line via Eris, and for steams IKkal BMW and Catch Cope. Having purchased the large and substantial Wharf Boat just built (or the Monongahela Pactets, hare with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ac commodations for receiving and foramtding, and pledge their utmost anentlou, promptness and deepateb to consienmen4 to their mans and rely on their friends for a trial- marl-dly B. & HBO niaMa 1849. UNION LINE, ON THE PENNIA AND OHIO CANALS. Case/roan & Casks:assume Cleveland, 0. / R G. Psers. Beaver, Pa • THIS Line will be prepa rd on the opening of anvi gation. io transpon freight and Passengers from an PITTSBURGH d CLEVELAND, to any point mi the Canal and Lake.. The facilities of the Line are unsurpassed in number, quality and capacity of Boats, expenence of captains, and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with the oternners LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh and Delayer. and o line of first class Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes. Aogrrn—R U Parke Beaver, Pa Jesse Baldwin, Voungstown, Ohio. M B Taylor, *siren, " Cyr,. Prentiss, Ravenna, Wheeler Jr. Co, Akron Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0 Sears A Griffith. Buffalo, N. V. JOHN A. CA tiOIIEV. Agent, Office. ear Water and Smithfield ate, Pittsburgh. mch2l:ly HEAVER PACKETS. Steamer MICH/GAN No. 2—Capt. Odeon. LAKE ERIE, " Gordon. THE above regular and writ known Beaver Pack ets. base commented mak rig their daily trips to and from Banner, and will continue in run between Pittsburgh and Beeler regularly during the season, as Michigan No.l leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'clock ; 0. 01., and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily .18 o'clock . A. 31., and Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. Al. These steamers will run in cohnectien with R U Parka' Express Packet Line. for Erie; Taylor A Letilinglyell's Warren Packets; Paton Lice of Freight Boats fort leyelandi Clarke &Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland LiginPreight Boats. R 0 Parka daily New Castle Packets_ . CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Beaver, Aganta. JOHN A. CAUUHEV. Agent. Pitirhurgh, meh.ll cor Water sad Smithfield sts NFAE F st. of .j . ;NT y a . n r : . e.rpe d te E na o l ier Ph . T o si t c ,, or a n , o fm i rm c.a l s te s of a Delicate. Natant with prinapiness and secrecy. Hu sneers. In Buffalo and other large cities has been proverbial His charges sic moderate and his 'caresperanment. Old eases of Meet. Stricture, Pem ba. Floor Allots, Ilherimalism Ague, Syphilis, or any chrome or inveterate cases solicited. • A cure warranted. or charge meander!. Ormcm, Sr Clair street, 2 clears from the Hedge. Teeth Extracted. ...dirt', to the poor goals. N. B —Dr A solicits the worm eases or any disease in Forsbargh to call. apblidly • WALL PAPER PAPER WAREHOUSE, . N 0.47 211arbtt um; Pittsburgh, Pa. THOMAS PALMER. ESPECIFDLLi announces./ his friends and emu tomerv. that he Can had at no par period so even aivn a Stock as he has at preuent. Hs cow oiler to ptir chasers, on Vit.( moderato terms, at the old ...Walsh ad Stood nu Market street, a most every article in !us line—inclodirig Counting-room, lied-chamber, Diailtt ry g p room, Parlor and Hall Paper. With Harlem, Land scapes, Fire board Prints, Paper and Transparent MIMI., Shades., Bonnet and I.Stndor-' Boards, wri. nuts. Wrapping. and Tea raper, he is abundantly sup. plied, and requests country merchants and housekeep• era to cad and rzuoine his umnine Rap and Tanners' Scraps taken in trade, at the h• hell - price•, mehltidetne3mT I=EMNICEZZE SIGN OF TOE PLANE AND SA W, .o. 71 Wood Pltlobor HLI lIER AND LA UFAIAN, importers and dealers in Foreign and Domestic lAA auwaair., in all us varieties, are now prepared a eel as love and on as reasonable terms mean be porchasedelsevrhme. We solicit our friends, and the public gemmii g. to call and examine our mock, which eonmws it pan of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PEN KNIVE , , SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Boum Trimmings, such as Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws, toeettur ooh every nnicle usually kept in Hardware Stoma. We invite the anention-of Carpenters and Mechanics generaily in our roam - intent ni" Pools, which bay. beep selected with great care, and which we arc determin ed to mil no of la give liaLlearAio i. •re2. - 4.1.-Var r aooling.—.Galvanised Tha Architects and ewnela of tgs. to the mwq stivatuages which Mee. plates possess over all whet metallic substances hitherto used few roofing, he , as they possess at once the lightness of iron, without its liability to rust, having stow been tasted for central years in this particular, both In this reentry and la Esc rope. They are less liable to expansion end contrac tion from sudden elmzure Of the atmosphere, Man ooze (oon on plates, iron, sine, army other metal now used r roofing, and consequently form a much better and tighter roof; requiring far lees frataent repair., aptilat the first costbut a tride more.A fell supply, of all sixes, from 16 to 30 W. G., con stantly on hand and for sale by GF,P. B. MORSWOOD & CO., 14 and 10Beaver street, New York. The patent right let this article hiving beta secured for me United States, all parties iufweguig thereon, either -by impoGnuou or otherwtse, will be prosecu ted. net3U-d st- r. • -- LITeiT PROOK taus. THE undersigned have °reeled worts in the city or New York, for the polio. of Galvanizing it ani. clan of Iron, which it is de.tratile to PRO rEcT FROIII RUST such as Telegraph Wire, Rolm, Spikes, Neil. Wire fot Fences, and any other article which may be required. For 11. p. for Casks, as • submnute for bale Rope. or Clothes Lws, Lightning Rods. and a host 0 1 in applications, it will be (amid cheap and durable, They would particularly call atte n tion to he Insivani. red Wire fur mime.. it require. no piton, and will no , rust. Also to Spikes and Rolls, the pm...anon w which is of so mach importance, that it will commonu itself to the notice of all those interested. GEO H. ItIORKWOOD fr. CO., Patentoes, .430.4.144ve1y'r 14 and VI Braver •r N Voilt ouILLED T"'subscribers navies( purchasedthe eleynire nght Ostlers Patent (lately zeneseed,t for the tannanteture of CHILLKO ROLLS, le, too prepared to supply all orders at shon notice. All persons are forbid iurringaaron and Patent, ap.edlin I arena ROLLAIANS k. OA RRNOV. **,{{RS. MARSH'S NEW NO VEI.--hlartiaunti. .I.lj er it September Mem by the umber Tem old melt • Wes. ' 'Enda& W yrulham," ..N needs," eta. Just recd by JOHNUTON & S WIC I'ON, apllkdkmT corner Market and 11 •.• in 'aar.lutsg U. GUILDS & CO., NO. 131 - woo D r, PITTSRUPCiII, WOULD reapectfulry invite the attention of wee. chants visiting this city to their eel) , emensive stock al &MONO AND SLIMMER GOODS, eousittlas of pun ttf 2,600 Casts OP BOOTS AND 880 composing evel-y variety of Men's, Wom-n's, Masses' and Childrentit weer, of many new styes. sod of woe. nor quality, idepted to country and city trade. A large assortment of L4p,iss., 1111SISH" AND 13 illt.l3llSttN , 9 60,Eiy . ~ETS, weans which are FLORENOte itgiVAID• Bnu %v. TUSCAN LACE, IstiT/43WIIIRDIS PLAIII ICY! CS., Cli IN A 1 ,1 41.18 - 1.3.1 A in greet tsiriety. Alsb, PE•OWe ERA, /NUNS., UOVS' AIMO ICHILDItMeersi PALS/ I•6it P LiktOLIOMOSI PA NAM/to A NU C A NTON:IIATS. All id which have been perettnseti dime; from the taenufaatutets and importers, and selected al O. the utmost core, and which will he cold ou -uch term es to otake it the interest of We, tern Met...hams to buy of 11. 11. eliri.l) 4 CO, rnehletelAstrthaS 11l Wood street. GEO. W. BEITE & 00., . - - VO RIK their friends end the pubtl. that they have ' L ,w 10141. navy tait.ttion wn weir tote terk, et,1.6. merit in Penn meet, known es dte Pittsbuileb fltemetit having removed their ettlre business to the POINT tIRKWPWV in reit m•toei . vp• • Fora/inand Domestic Llsysmr.. A OCHID .sortmont Foreign out Dom,/Alic soars. al - Wass on hand an for ...lc tan quansiiies, lo emit porchaarrr, br - • op:1S W at MITCIM,TrtE6. - - • lrinapvetta . Powdairi. r" tehloridu of Irmo I etllP. sober ripen!mot recently rectiv6d (direct frost tha manuetaTery) (rah mpply ,toth.,lripre Statrel fn artioe wallah thtfraili's . .ll therlolital 'mttnlgerpriee [or eutt , ot approved Nil, • . • apt w a, 151 MITCIIELVWF L• TITIIIBIIEI'.4I ebb; Wbiskali ist , sfusicliturs*. t$ W 1 1 - .ITCRELTUIZ' • . "WOUSE - S, tOMPARMR kO To suit: A TWO story brick derellirthrwuriPwwwWw., Linn:led it Oakisud, with fire, acres at This will le ranted quite iotr if osopßen,6l , . made inunediatoly. Inquire of •i,_il•F art! HARDY, JONES kY,j,- GO Acre. Coal Loadi tor sate ITUA t ti• on the Monongahela eiver,aboot tamßef - S 1 e-e crgh and 3 mules ahem third Lock, the immediate neighborhood of blesaraLyon Shorb. and Mr John Herron's purchase. This fine body or Coal will be sold at the low price of =per tareetonia third in hand, balance in five equal annual payments, onhont interest- Title indlapetable. Locetion very coed—cannot be surpassed. For' farther panicalara enquire of B. HALSISY, who has a draft of said Me pony. Residence led at, below Ferry, Mr. Adams` Roar. N. S. There is another seam of coal on this West,. about Go feet above the lower, of excellent qaali t z. iyeeedtt 60113 NTECIrthtliZIRM — ii•Olt 10 ACRI,23 OF GOUNDed Pittsburgh and Green ß sbltrgh Tompi,sit izat ke;3near WI 1 from the city, arid adiconnis dle Allegheny Ceti awry, on which ta erected a Urge and well finished two .tery brick Dwelling House, together with ambles, carriage house, be. There m also on the premises a te2fectiona coati .zt . tierand l t n sp}ingnf oxistalalez. jal2. Whl. 1(01412, 142 Liberty at -7--Vlll/11•1Thir1 f Esti - Cr' HE .tibiertbar will sell at privrt,te .ale, that ultra ble Property, ou the th street road, ad'iolnhaly, bra poesencreeidence, and give poas aaa j on aoaaagiata.. ly. There are about TEN OF CHOICE LAND, in a high ewe of cultivation. The , improvromenw are and well finiebed brick D 4 MLLINCI HOUSE, a ivert, litarn,and Other oatAuildit g a a,:liidarngthe dwelling lea, running Fountain and a good Pomp, which fumbles seaward auiply 9f eat e i, a m There m•'variety. of Fruit Tree. and the premila If the above desenbed pmperty la not sold wan, It will be rented for a time 4 lso for note a large LOT, on Permaylvaata Avarua, at t'he and of the Ward walk. Inquire of arnato aVID - Vainablit Real , Estate, tor TFIE Tratstees of tho Western Theological arnaliiry` having 'decided to sell, on perpenta/ lease, a per. .Of their property in Alleany elly offer nt on eery favorable terms, f oapt 30 tog Lots of 'differe a l ma A warrantee title aunt. given. A plea of the lots can he seem at No. tan Wood swot. Fer particulars, ermine &I either oldie underaigned Commune°. .1011 N I'. LOGAN i.suomirr MA ALEX. LCOLM. LEEC4 IL CHILDS. /MAIL. BAILEY. • Al !Amery .5.-Iv TWO story brick , llefuse; Federwt, one door above the northwest corner of the North Common, Allegheny—wide hall. Oleo; dining room sod kitchen on the first door. Four 1 . 00:222 On re worry, with a fini.hcd atria Yossmtion to he had immediately. Inquire of ONOBthIL YEN IiFRGE el_Front st THE following property In the city o Yibabnret, „I. and near the borough of Manchester on the Ohio neer, is offered for sate on accommodating tenant Lou (being sob-division of Lot No led in the plan of the city ofThaborgh,) having 20 (oat front on Se venth meet, by lite foot to Strawberry Way t set Grant street. 10 one sere Lou fronting on ut Avenue, 41 (net wide, mroung from Resent rood to the Ohio rite.. 44. joining Philp 's Cti Cloth Factory. For terms, encore of CHARLES B. =rum, or JAMBS owes .% Borke'e Ottliding, 4th st. ONE G LAyr t es , I• • rty SWIM for 1151111.. 42 feet front omLlbany .u.rn_bz street, lljil bte .. t. to Epoy r ary allay, nearly oppos i te W and conae — ment to Ito biebeegebe. le rbreT, . 111 be filee ad fora . 3 .1. " Y !!" . - ' .I'rlim of fitRLEI3 11 SCill,LYr OT JAMES O'HARA, Barka% Buildirm. 4th at. Property tr. Allegueny Llty for rAE subscrthers odor (or sate • namber of ettoles Lou, situate In the Second. Ward, fronting on the Common ground, on easy terms. Impure of W. O'H ROBINSON, Ally at Law, St Clairol or ofJAS ROBINSON. on tie premises. mytThilmnfr lufeble Property for eue, Ix THIS NINTH. WARD OF eITTSBUROIi —Ser. anti 1.00. 011 Baldyls and Llbens streets, to the 9th Ward, 24 feet 0 , 100, and ad,. lent the proposed depot of tho Central Railroad. - For terms Moore of CHARLES B 8C1.71,t Y, or JAMES (MARA, Barke's Ballding, 4th at_. aFROM toot April nest on re - tanable tars* to good tenant., Jug comfortable two story Brick Dwellings. with coda's, vaults and back Wail& .ugs, wmated on Robinson and Craig streets, Alleghos oy Enquire of 8%4E117E11 & HEED, marnoltf Office Third et, opposite St Charles Hotel FOR LILLE. nA FINE two story Brink lionse,pleasandy situated on the hill directly back of Alr. tusdrow oVatson's property, [War Ireansylvania 11121:1C0. I is. noose nod lot will be sold very low for cash. For farther tcrormatioet Opal'? to H. W. & A-S BMX, Attorueys at taktr,"4th &met, between Smithfield sod Grant. _ a • Mt! • oft eels, ON fryorable moms- Zr..•of Ground on the south side of Penn stree. near the Nlononurahela river, fronting BO ft. on Prim stet, and egtending feet to depth to an a ley VA ft wide, • most deilrable lota don either for private residences or for manufnetoring purposes. Knquire of .1 SeIIOONMAKER & Co t lebOS No di Wood et • - • • • Ltr t i ' g U Dvrelllg g , F lrlih r braen, L s h — rgtly t impr= Land, situated in Oakland, io let from tat April next. HARDY, J01%143 itttli Co, febd- 44 Water aural rCik,FiT=F - di - one 7 b - c th — ree yeara,.frotiVe fir,t of A pnl next, a large two-ea sed brick Dwelling (lunar. pleasantly monied on the bank or the Ouio river, adjoining the borough of bloodies ler. with about roar acres of land, oat buildings, fruit trees, kn. &o. Apply to jay • JAMES A lIUTCIIIBOIIIh Co To A LARGE and well finished liocofig. second StotYr on the earner or flood and Thhfiratteete.. above the Exebaneeetlifie Of m H Possession given hunkedtsitely; betake of •" : isfi & HOE, 'fit Lib,tv a EITO LET—A rano Once Uwer.ta; Howe, suitable for taro (=Mee, 'situated err Federa l' greet, Allegheny, above Mr. Graves' storit.. - 5 '" Annty to H.LEr:, • -4..ekisp felot3 Liberty_st, oppoide sth TWO IffiniThrirtlyrs MI - Ur& ' TWO Lc, I^Suu ikon, street, in the city o Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on • hick is erected a frame Im.lding, two stoties high. suitablo •," for two Paull teuesnents, , The lots are each twenty feet in front by one hundred feet deep, and ion Part ho • street forty feet wide. The bandanas ogthe pre4 muses wi.l pay a very hundsome int...ratt meat, and the property will be told cheap for:ciuus. Apply to U. Sproul, Clerk's °Mee; - noel r ' KAY &Co - . are rrEli LOTS, 24 feet by 171/,' shunted_ on theft* j. ground, and frontigg on the gild" Mirth Coriustondr,.A'-III; in the Moans Vista EA:of/leo. Tenni , JAMES R0H1N34.11Y,.! WhL Rosinsota, otch22-21n Office, Exchange thuldin.y, St Clair et , AFARM Binale en Charger s Creek In BONI:Bon to wiaaltup, •bout five milei front l'iltsb.Ah,emt. Umung fLO acres, with he allo-ofmma. Ifinot . lre of W. OIL ROBINSON, Attorney et Rxrhanke BuOdingt, St Clair et Scotch Doltem Lana [or alto: rr EN ACRES OF LAND, tousled iu Ditelßem ship, on the Moe, tombola, three mil. frt. }414.. burgh—nt lota to nth purchaser. Dor furilmryartie, alum ripply on Henry Weed, 3d IL or to A 'WASHIPicriON, 401. above Smithfield it IMEEEII 11 WAREHOUSE; FOR dAlsitl—Tticaubsor,bas offers for sale the tared store brick %Varela:. sit on Wood street, occupied by R. Tenimr & apt? W hl. WILSON, Jr. " • VAgnitt'lL,'„lroffP„Tnd"=„7.7.7.l Wert, between flay andtartan' *treed. adiainlits the house athnot noweestupled by flacoard }:dlerente, ,oldfrontal Y 5 144; and in depth t2tl be., ,old on tavoriblete.rmk '77th dnezeeptlnnibts, num of G. 0. LOOMS, nth el, near Wood, neret-dtf S'elor Sal.. . . ; . 4 DR.?' SABLE Buddha{ Loi IA Allegheny city, lA £l. vommty I,,csied. in wee about half an mem, =4 , I i Alit be .0:e Ott accommothming MM. Williaf m o , , 1 falv6 J D WILLIAMS, lib onrki..u., -- • FOlf Ri.:NT—A room In tiro second' ett77gr. yri Wnnd , Orr 1,10 _ . tVtiolosale an t retail, at the , 1 r, elf'D' PEritrill'or'sh *. Tite ß a F ejse ° fit u rr l barritig ju n a n t tepsto ... from New York. Is now worrying a , later:4l.lopp of fresh riilliEN AND BLACK Thlite from the nee York Pekinl ea Company, selected with grim Otte (Sr rebel mitt Our Wrek betas now heavy we ate p 4 pared to supply„Orocers, Hotels, Steamboat. aril Fate , r.. , the. with troy guiltily void gimpy pricadiey OM alrl Si. :',, packee in I. I and I powd packatcs, 3 th. Liu econa,: - .. ; , - '; text, Ruled 1214 catty hetes. and la hall chops • Retail Orgers are octal Lir mill, wwe „es!, 'kid ••• ' will roil boner raw at lower prices than par tither ' t. ' noose In Piushorgh LLOr stock of tine Young Gram, Gummier, hh e iv. i ; „i . si ri, peri .1 Greco; sod ooknyg Mack Texs are ihotbeist In the Amonqui market- ~ ...... Loveriug's double refined Lost, Crashedil-MMLAthcc -.'' termed Rusara,,itt retail, or by the bur r ", COPFKES Moen. old Goy. lava, Lastalmt'StiktorYPi.ii:, songs and Rio Cote., soli-wed by the mast Mrpetiertjr'i i' • .7ed entree Bieber in new herb. ' • tr..'..i -.-:-.,Y -es mat !timed Chocolate t r iekled Cllollolbeit sod ,:,:.• .. Galena Fresh Peaches, pat Op to their oiswiiiiii,, , ......, U al ea Rutin% lo bib boson N.tl.—All (Sc. Or. A Jayuc's Family.lredlelnes Ibr eata. -, '.^.. doe9-d&wg ‘7111 • 6.14 large BOZT itr —.-- imted to %V tt:.rprof,' ." .i.t.l PiitMurgh Ii was intian bj a cirayman (nttt the tuts of M , R. MarMy, a liKiltneetions On b sea II at Iniliroell grOtery stare toner orla, and Wood %Imes, but war not dcliestekatul it in • proned hos Wee left . '' • by mitlekc at sonic other boon. 'ltio drayrosa`e ram - , i it known limbo rotten saw gave hen Oahe:, buttim ' • • . Came mid reil•le cc ate sot knew,. ri -her MEP .1 I. & ettatulata. to a•ito ea, • • No 011, DIAbIOND ALLEY a .;•••J•t few doom below Wood &Met, tt4 market. • OIL snows, Orrin bees regularly educated to the medics getta Prue, &Mr WWI hia attend. to the atadmit&Q.al.... i pl aa ryactln and *ehKisc r e o o coo • ad palat. eeb hisy n gaa * k and experience peculiarly sons. •• * no It years .aidoonaly deemed ur ono, ft treatment *ribose complattuaddiattng Irma role be has had mare planners and has eared morn pd. „„ dents than c. over fall um tha lot of any prtram • prae. winner, amply qualitley Mtn to offer milmranece at Teed), permanent, and aulafeetory oar< to all maim* with delicate disease*, and all dmeases wining Meryl horn. Dr. Grown ;amid tufann those alalntld with diseases which tretro become chronic by time or ag2 b r o. a ., of any of ilia cormatiallOsUfaranala the day, tau their volnaitara Cap he radically attillbayiti - T`, ,, ,, ougidy earetbibo haul &taloa careful, ittrairtiort thorn...tent of gnat caeca, and eaccomled in hurpfreiC r ,V of matancea coring penman of todammatloti or at neck of dm bladder,. kmdred thieuee °Roily reitall from those caaes where olluna acme them to hopeless deep. lie parueularly at bane born bog and ommeemaraily treatml oilteiCL W ertivnilt tutu, when mate Meta,. and their cues iteaton in a catobil,tbaraiya .41 intelllgent manner, pottetul out by by, eaity, and tacealiralloti. which it utacycieciblo On ngaged tn general grfooln.C. rettlietrul girt ins elms of disease Qptlerniaor [roomy:, —Dr Drown alto Myth& rO - tons arthrded with Henna to call, as be bae paul pout/ ohoaueralen to this dLleue. CA NChRS alp cared: • •-••-• Skin ft4o Cbetyceatry bra. N,ll—Yadotta of cab sea CON( at a ikritocia bi wrung their r writing., mama all tho toras;ean OW. riteatelaba with ditacttoaf'fin LT widowing T. OWN, 111. 11, y4.11..1440 OiclWe lag a fee. • lake NO.,4Dbusioad alley oppositiattli May . %mac ' • Brifavii ItiliOl 4 / 9 0"" 4 &par Ilienhiatlairos • spee•ty , a tgrtaufe teinedyT , lheCoolafal froulAt ft itch,. Office ar t eon,. too.norfolit looono.. 6511fc. mend !alb/ buret, VA Wallach aharyeA rl , Er*, outgo tat z; , ?- : ,IANF:,