The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 05, 1849, Image 2

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P1% 4 '1 4 91113 ILO Ils
SATURDAY inesuita,' MAY 5, 1869
raTemunt Wadi:arm blabid
Oa Weedy, and Weekly ~The Da3lT.
Daus par annum; the Trl.Weekby Is Five per
abeam; the Weekly is Two pollas per lan ,ureely .
srAfritiming aro eueedj,remested to tand in
Jorai favors before 6r. or., laid as early ar t del' a.
practicable. iambi mews totbasenod rpeel
led time will invariably be domed atoll ordered oat
1110Wrill AIfIrMICIA39.
• Ativertiemento atirobserlptien. to the North Amer
ican and United States Gazette, reDadelphin, wetted
azoi forwarded from this oleo.
for TelsgraPble
ii•• next jin n...
H. pert Psie•
Par Loy
urrik BOL—The .Getzstte Lew. Bac," has
been removed. from WI old situation, a window
a the Post Odic&
In num cad the as Ilitad usages of the party.
the maeritte'lia na fad Whigs of Allegheny
,00taay, will aisemble primary meetings, in their
"savant neeinn Digisie onlitatarday, the 51 day of
Jane, 1949; to elect two ll a from each district, as
Delegates Ma County Con entiodi to moat at Ms Cou n
lipase od Wednesday, th e Int, day of gone, at 10 0 , 0101,
44 M., torpot In nomination imitable ettodidales to he
supported by.tha party at the General SksCort in Oc•
tubes neXt Mr, lattimasons and Wags of the t0.wn
.%,, I lli t cta7frnr md,rlLugi !"hettnnio.r. of 2 atd
"- - , .those or tit?... ards.and boroache and Pat
towastur o posonen the hoarsenand 9, P. 11..
101:1T. eitllOT CS,
. . eiliThigni of the COMMItet deur:asp deuce.
aplusr, v3O. -
Our Wmiliingten Cowespondent. "lunius,‘,
trcaiblmraiirimierable cotemportry of the "Union"
SD 115 'Min by the editor's frequent allusions
totes s , his last paper, the editor gives the is the remark of "Janitr," that Mr.
Westoilittsedthe' columns of the Union through
the agency ot:gr. Fonts.. What authority our
cemeePonderePunt to his statement, io relation to
these rutkeirreishet,.Senalms, we cannot say, but
presmaitted he will speak forkimself. It certain
ty Is ant =wish that any writer kw our columns
shaold.tenke any statement' without a tangible
fotiadedhl . , andyre hive miStaken our correspond
ent mach, if he writes otatight that he has not a
witisfeetory knowledge of, or makes a statement
which he does not believe to be true on sufficient
testimony. He to Liable to imposition as well es
others, and may have been deceived in this in
stance; if so, he will frankly acknowledge it.
We thank the Union his advise, and shall
try to profit by it, when .heart is occasion, but we
chink theSerm ascribider? ld lean:eq applicable to
.eat modern .Junitts," whose correspondence has
given thevenerible editor as much annoyance as
thaPsigigal Junius did the heads of government, by
his conommaimmions istWoodfal, I's paper.
The editor of the PoStis Welcome to can us wi
many ugly names as he choose s . We take such
thtligs from such a scrum, as rather complimen
tary than otherwise but he shall sot escape from our
chugs, by misrepresentings We did not say
the ban beptopofes to effect item this banks, for the
purpose ofredeensing the scrip issues, was "bean.
lesa,"hilt Ole proposed was upon those institutions
which rendered the loan lamest impassible. The
heartlessness "consists In closing up avenues for
relief, while pretending the utmost sympathy for
the unfortunate holders of the scrip, and in lament
ing the hardships to t h e poor from the deprecia.
tion of one csurettery, while industriously endlav
cuing to discredit that which remain. •
Germs, Raumasio.— A call appears in the
Philadelphia papers, for 9 &all Bead meeting, to
be hoiden last Wedneiday evening, which eras
signed by an immense camber of names—some
two thousand. The object of the meeting was to
take measures to raise funds to complete the
Central Rail Rood to tiollidayeboorh, in time ft4'
far the buck of nest year.
This is an exceedingly important movement,
and most heartily do we with it may succeed.
It will give a spur to exertions in this quarter for
the Western road, and infuse a cheErful confidence
in the minds of the whole commuelly. If
effort succeeds, we 0)11 have uninterrupted Rail
Road commrmieation from Johmnown to Phla•
dolphin, *ri.Eg, adding vastly to oar facilities
of travel and tratispottalkia. The Weatem
vision win also, we presume, be 'immediately pot
cinder contract, giving no, by 1851, a continuous
hue to Pidlidelphia. • .
!Eat Foutue Nara--Our Telegraphic
pitches announce the arrival of the America, and
bring some commerical news, but are exceedingly
unsitisfamory is regard to political and social in-.
telligence. All we learn from it is, that continental..
Barone still continua la an unsettled and Neer,:
like condition; and that Republican France is
about to interfere to place the Supreme Pontiff
aver the Roman people. This latter intelligence
does not =prise us, for nothing such a versatile
people do is surprising, brit it is a hurnihating
tore of folly and ineomistency. Republican,
France—Republican pow only in name—toadies
an armed tone to Melt Republican Rome, and to
place over her free citizens a despotic and absoa .
late temporal and spiiitual sovereign' The neat
move in France will beta declare Louis Napoleon,
President. Gm life, anti from that to the title and
~, powers of Emperor—thetransition will be easy.
PCCILTO24 bowttralC,-This institution Mei been
opened under favorable auspices 'Parents who
with to give their boys a thorough classical and
mathematical training should embrace the rare'
opportunity afgxrded by this institution. Sea lid , .
vertisement. I •
. -
Last acccemts state that the Cholera is extend.,
ing its ravages in Mend Renton and Omer,
go had been invaded tri IL At &kiln, also, they
wernsalterbag from its nonce. Al San Luis and
Monterey, also, they bad experienced its attache- .
At the latter place, it had not been so malignant
its character u It area In 1839, and none but
cde of the latent clue lied been snacked.
Matthew wool, who was convened a kw days
since, lathe 'Criminal Gond of New Ymn, of mur
dering his wife, by administering poison to her in
buckwheat earn was du Monday :Wooing sen
tenced to be hanged by Judge Edmonds. TIM
23d of June was appointed as the day of execu
tion. lie beard the sentence with rem calroneXt
and composure.
COL. Bt sia—A correspondent of the Boston At
ka:gives a short biogiaphy of Col.:Bliss:the gallant'
AM 'and secomplishadSecratay of Gen. Taylor.
Colonel W. W. B. Bliintiias horn in August,lBlo
and passed the earlier years of his life, in Lebanon.
hl - .M. Wm father, Captain John EU!, graduated
at West Point in 1811, was promoted to the rens
of Captain in 1813, saddled at Mobile in 1822. Col.
Miss mitered the aillitrial academy at the early age
of knkeen, and graduated at the age of eighteen
with the highert honors of his elm, which led to
lds immediate appointinent as Lieutenant. For
his bravery and prompt discharge °filmy, he wall
FIT PAPA fu IMO, and served through an the MO?:
Ida way, es assilaant Adjutant General, with the
nutit :of ;Captain. When our army repaired 10
Tail/. le diseharge the duty of Adjutant Gen,
end; with the rank of Major, and in all Taylor'.
bare bright battles the duty of first Aid.
itazuctin Commie Asarm.b.—The New York
Trtbane coataini a Widialent of the official income
of oar Consols abroad, by which it appears that
no Coast:date is at Mama worth slopoo. The
largest amount received is by the Cen,al at Liv
erpool, who in 1645 recelted 59,90395. The eon.
wiLmes at Rio de Janeiro and at London are alio
worth $9,000. The neat best are the Consulates
olHavana and Glasgow, both of which yield NI.
=By upwards of $6OOO. St. Thomas and the
the Fithdwielt Islands. each yield $4OOO ; sin,
other posts yield $2OOO, per annum, eighteen alb
worth $1000; and the remaining ninety Consulates
range from 1000 to Si Per annum, mach the Witl
ess proportion of them being worth less than $5OO,
'The Conrail at Alexandria, in Egypt, receives a
salary of $3OOO. Three thinsals on 'the coast of
Barbary each receive a salary of $2OOO, and five
in China receive a salary of $lOOO a year tech.— ,
0110 . IS !maul receives a salary of 5500. Sev
eral of the Mina Ootiiala have made no return et
G'sorna m Orracatts..;—The Union (Farmer
, TS", Li) Expositdr, GG the: 3d loch notices the
adjoirnment of the Dishier Colin there, entil
sesmnd Monday to hine'neit and says: "The pre
Titicaca of cholera and about the neighborhoc
of e
anneise, was", the iedion assigned ' thr the ed., ,
jotypmene." • ••••.
as Ewing, Secret"-, 'r the e l
pattmea llie 'Ha
a n'
therrdenur, returned to Wiuddngiutt_
birajail VD th e /:!hl",.
A ittesexurred in NeW °floras on the night of
the 23d nit, Which delmoyed sevend buildings
with their contents on the Levee,between Too
lotturimi Menem streets. Among the eefferers
we see thenames of Mr. I. Bdisino, Mr. Plulpher,
and Mr. Shropshir• e dealers in clothing; Mr. Gen
dolto„.gexam-Mde. Dismay, Ude. Metal and Mr.
Hun, dry goods dealers. The lOU is estimated
at • $13,002i the greater part of which is — covered
by'lnsarance. '
.Tlie Swediah.bsique Valeria,*ltich arrived et
New York on Monday from Stockholm, has made
oneof the longest taf,dreariestpaaasges on record,
hayirig been one hundred anit , sixty one days in
plug t h e ' m ay_ Betides a large cargo of
irqb, she has on board ■ goodly number of passen•
gas, all more or lasi sick from the weld and pri
vslion they auffered on so tedious * voyage. The
was given op for lost, in the newspapers,
a it* whale ago.
Tlei pyre Ccor.—The Baltimore American
saysthat later accounts from the peach growers
s ib not sodiscoUraging no thosb at first reoeived.—
, 07c learn from vatioas points that the damage to
the tows, though vet* great, is not so extensive as
first supposed.. The prospect is that the
coop kill be greatly diminished in extent, but that
weite mot to:be entirely deprived of this moat
wholesome and delicioustruit."
IbloaaLn.—The Dahlonega (Ga.) Watchman
of 21st says: We were shown a few days ranee
two pieces of gold, picked up from the Jones
id Gdmer county, the larger weighing 329Aiwta
Una the other 100 dwta There is great excitement
about the mines."
The Nashville Tree Whig states that every prm
tlon of the Nashville and Chauattooga railroad bas
been located, and the work is steadily and rapidly
Gen. Borrow, with an earnest desire to secure
harmonious action to [he ranks of the Wbigo, has
withdrawn Gem the Coogressional canvass in the
Nashville district.
We see by the Nashville pepere that the tw.
candidates for Governor are to canvass the Stat
iht an internal improvement meeting in Mem
phis a few days ago,Ex•Crovernor Jones elated that
&Cotton factory would be commenced there in leas
. 16?ux thirty days,
ton (Md.) Whig says: "A gentleman from Cbesa.
peake city informs as that the canal Mrs about as
much buil:teas at this time as it to capable of do
ing, such is the quantity of freight pa.siog
through( It."
M 02121 AIM ago flaihoosor—The Mobile and
Ohio Railroad Company have called fora payment
- _
of three per cent et the stock on the 14 th of May,
and additional four per cent, on or before the Ist
of November. It tau been determined to posh the
work immediately.
Nrar B.snioan Asousogsrmrs.—The railroad
companies between Albany and Buffalo have per
fected their arrangements for the summer. Six
traiturare to leave the Albany depot dnik, four of
which run through to Buffalo. This arrangement
was to go into effect on and after the let of May.
." A Washington letter says that the appoiatmen
of John S. Gallagher, of Va.,. first Aodttor of th
Treasury Department, in place of Dr. C,olhas, ha
;been determined on.
Theßaltimate American says that the state
ment contained in the annexed paragraph, we be
have, is substantudly correct
800. John P. Kennedy of Baltimore, we believe,
.is engaged in writing the life of the late William
Writ. The work, which is nearly ready for the
Pima, will be comprised to two octavo volumes.
- and will contain the correspondence of Mr. Writ.
;poncho( which isof great interest, particularly il
lustrating the politest history of the times in which
e lived. We are glad that one ivzi competent and
perils, tam writer is to be the biographer of Win.
--Nass York Miner.—
Mal-Den i New Yogic—The New York cor.
respondent of the Philadelphia Penneylvani.,
writing on Monday, says,
'Everything about town, to-day, is in a state of
contusion and transition, Tomorrow is 'Msy-day,
and-those who don't wish to be swallowed up al
together in the general chaos into which heplem
Gotham is Men plunged, are wisely Wittig time by
the forelook. Nothing hot cart loads of lorniture
meet one in the streets, and hero and there, may
be seen men, women and children running with
chain, tables, stools, baby jumpers everything, ill
_r4St, which constitutes the 'gams' of a man's
Correspondence of the Pitishorgh , Gasone.
Nay Toga , April 30, 1849.
The chief news at present is of a political cher
aMer, ud Ls not without interest, as allowing the
dishonor of the Administration just gone into re
tirement It is now definitely settled that the
United States Marshalship salary was sold by
Eli MOWS for $16,000, to an officer, mho acted u
a broker. This Dlfietf being forced to retire, sold
his claim to a successor, Mr. Peek, who has now
taken the government money to pay .kumsell a
debt incurred by the L. S. Marshal, whose bonds
man he was It is, beyond doubt, that the succes
sor of thelametsted Harriso% obtained a bonus for
carious officers, but It remained for Mr. Polk's ad
ministration to plan a .direct bargain and sale of
aces connected with the highest law court of the
Land. Mr. Peck has resigned, but the officers of
the law are alter him, and notice given to thc
bank from which he drew the public fends, that it
will be held responsible.
`A good deal of stir has been created by the an
nouncement that Edwin Forrest hair forced his
wife to agree to a separation. The cause is as
new If it is diehonorable to sei eminent n man—
His wife is an English woman, and so morbid have
his feelings become, by reason of his long and friv
olous disrpute :with Mr. Macready, that the tier
which death alarm should sever are rent asender
to gratify his minions Mtn. Forrest enjoys a rep
utation than Which none could be parer, and the
sole cause of their separation is the frivolous one
now assigned:.' She was formerly Miss
atld daughter a the eminent vocalist of that name.
She boa Secured a separate maintenance worthy
Of Mr. Forrest's ample Winne, And the understand
ing is that each is free to marry again. Me.crca
dy commencing an engagement at the Astor Place
Opens week, and a smart campaign
may be looked for.
No less thin forty four hundred steerage pas
sengers arrived here in the last twenty face hours.
Itla stated he "importers of citizens," that the
number to ad e this year will throw all previous
yetis' 61:Wadi' into the shade, and that we shall
count oar efessione by hundreds of thousands-
Akw paupe'Lti, received from abroad, infest oar
city, bet afandkrom this, immigration is the source
of immense .t µtonal wealth and strength. Our
population is yet sparse, and the supply of labor
inadequate the proper and profitable develop°.
meet of our roams:ice, end the time is yet far dis
tant whet the hardy laborer, of the north of Eu•
rope,' and of Orem Britain. will indict, by competi
tion,an injury upon home born workmen.
The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, the popular
Congregational clergyman, and pastor of the Pil
grim Church. tit Brooklyn, lies stoma hopelessly
ill with pleurisy, attended with symptoms of Ery
sipelas- He la toremost among the leaders in all
benevolent works. and his loss would be felt wide
ly and deeply. The failure of Bishop Doane, of
New Jersey, lb much canvassed, and many won.
der bow - s clatgymen could fail for 8250,000 and
have but gld,ooo of assets. 'The cause' of his
lova has been his connection with various States
kr the erection- of churches, and other attempts to
advance his chinch, of which he is a moat natura l
member. Helms however, a trustiest competence
I in the income of his wife, which reaches 512,000
per annum—an amount that leaves no room to fear
that he will want the necessaries of life; if, In•
deed, he does not get some luxuries.
'he money market hbs attained considerable
*amnesia, and the legal mu is about all that can
be Rad ibr loans. Spears, has accumulated rapid
ly, and there is now in the city near 57,000,000,
against $1,200,000 in 'March. The receipts from
the laterior are large, and the next steamer will
have a million and a half. So good authority re.
port, The hank., encouraged by this accession
of COW. have extended their loans and money is
abundant on good security. Treasury notes close
of VIOL U. B.6's of 1121, and of 1669, 1121 ,
Penisylvanla s's, 8S cash, and Erie seven per
=Oil, at pas, with as upward tendency in these, ,
as well as in fancy soaks.
In markets there le Little change to note. Pri
ces remain almost stationary, so far es produce is
conderned. The Staie Canals open to morrow,
aid the supplies to come, forward will soon give
an impulse to the market.
lande an event occurred to night, by no less an
raelavemest than the'pnxinction of a vaccessfof
amend? byJohit IHronghata. _A more brilliant as
'ilia upon the Grilles of socialism, as well as the
Absurdities of society as at present constituted,
'Was .. ,oolref presented or attended with more soc
oeas whole space of Barton was crammed
with eager apectamcs, to witness 'Romance and
Reality, which has received the approbation of
an audience, whose sanction honors an author
There is point !IS vial souse is the kith:maim
extracts of letters to the Baltimore Patriot, by Po•
WAsrancros, April 28, 1649
Who ought to bold the prnimpal offices of the
Government daring the continu.ea or the pm,
eat Administration in power—Whigs or Locofo-
Can any fair minded man hesitate one moment
in answering this question.
For twenty years the Whigs, believing their
cause to he Jost, have manfully and patriotically
battled for the ascendancy against Lecorocoism,
end the mighty engine of the Government patro
nage, which it held in Its grasp and wielded at its
During all this time, the Whigs, all over the
Union, were disfranchised from holding • portion
of the principal offices of the GOvernment Their
opponents, strutting in the insolence of official coo
sequence, said to them, "Stand off' we are more
righteous than thou' the offices of the Government
are not thineiffor auy respectable portion thereof'
they belongtik us!"
Who hog4gt seen this? Look at the whole
corps of out Ministers and Charge d'Affaires, and
leading Consols abroad—every mother's wan of
them a Lomita', appointed for his Locoicoism !
Look also at every Collector, Naval Store Keeper,
Naval Officer, Surveyor of a Port, Postmaster, Um.
led States Marshal, Land Office Register or Receiv
er, or Sub Treasurer, all over the country, and in
every instance, Where the place the man holds has
been of value, it has hod a Locofceo incumbent.
So w. it, with scarcely ■ soli nary exception, from
Maine to Texas, when Gee. Taylor was mans-tiro
ted as President of the United States.
Was he, a Whig President, to stiller this state of
things to remain? Did the Whigs, who had toiled
and struggled against Locofocoism, and been dis
franchised from holding Government offices of hon
or acd trust for twenty years—did they elect him
for this ?
Did the Whigs expect or design that their Loco•
loco opponents, who had held all the high and
honorable offices of the Government for twenty
years, should turn upon them and say. "Oh, we
have had the offices se long that they belong to us.
as 11-estates. You have elected-your candidates
for President and Vice President, after a twenty
. _
years' hard struggle, but what of that? some of our
party helped you, and therefore Gen. Taylor can
not supereede us in the offices we bold, which he
long to us!" No, indeed, the Whigs expected,
designed, nothing of the kind. General Taylor
expected nothing of the hind. He designed no
such thing. Every where, in every town in the
Union, the friends of Taylor and Fillmore voted
not only agrkst Cass and Boller, but against the
officials of thh Locofoco party, whom they knew,
is their midst—officials here a Postmaster, there
a Custom House officer, here a Marshal:there
. -
a Sub-Treasurer, here a Receiver, there Dis
burser, end what not,—who had been the life,
soul and stay of the Loeofxo party, and kept
it together, while they had all the time been lord
log it over the Whigs who were disfranchised from
holding Government oillrrs, althouga compelled
to bear their full share of the Government's ripen.
It was against these subordinate officials and
their principles, as much an to elect Taylor and
Fillmore, that the Whigs every where went to the
polls and voted is the last Presidential election.
They triumphed. And now they make the rea
sonable request that the Administration, which
they have elevated to power. alter a hard struggle,
shall cause a salutary chinge to be made in a ma
jority of the principal offices orate Government.—
Their request will be complied wall. The groans
and howls of the Locofixo organs will be made in
yam on the subject
Perhaps It would be best for the major portion
of these changes to be made at once. The nine
days' wonder and the nine days' groans, which
would follow, would the sooner be over. As the
changes are prolonged, drawn out, so will be the
groans and wailinga of the Local°cc organs, menu
factured for the occasion.
But, all at once, or by piece meal:the changes
are to be made, and will be. Nothing short of
such a salutary, conservative work will natisfy
the people. They expect it of General Taylor.
and he w ill not disappoint them. Ile is just the
mars to assume the responsibility to such a good
and wholesome work, and he will do It.
The modesty of the Locofoco office holders, in
claiming and expecting to hold on to their places,
to the exclusion of honest, capable and deserving
Whigs, whom they have for twenty years dis
franchised and kept down, is cool beyond all
Some complaint has been made against the ad
roinitaration for procrastinating the removals which
mast be made But there have been good and !
valid reasons for delay in many cases which might
be cited, and one of these is the near approach of
the time when not a few Government officers'
commissions will expire by limitation.
la other cases. where commissions are and of
right ought to he revoked, I am happy to learn
that General Taylor and the members of the Cabi
net are resolved to act promptly. It is deemed
necessary, proper and just that many Government
offices now held by ultra locefocoa should be filled
by competent and honest crieads of the administra.
tam. The country desires the work of reform, in
this matter. done ludiriously. and so dune as ot to
report, it. being done over stain Tay—
lor and Cabinet. I .am hippy to learn, roenu the
work shall be done therouky and ns speed , v as
may be. They are aware that the country expects
it of them, and that their heads, in sl direetmos
are crying out in the language of Shalispearr•
"li `tvrrr dons, wheil lis done.
Thrn ',yr svcql 'lwetse done gawk I y
Action, notion, notion' was what Gen. Taylor
loved when be was putting it to a foreign enemy.
Action will now be the watchword of himself and
his Cabinet. There was work to be done tJ elect
Gen. Taylor President, and to relieve a respectable
portion of the G,vernment'a hundred thousand
office holders from their offline' dotes. That work
was done. Action was the watchword, and action
did it. And now they who bore the brunt and :
burthen, tlie heat and sweat of the day, call upon
General Taylor and the Whig Cabinet to do their
work—to infuse action into their operations—and
the call will not be unheeded.
Nothing has been gained in the Virginia Elec
tions by delay or by the re-appointment of eundry
Locofocos to highly respectable offices. The
Whig party, in voting for Taylor and Fillmore,
voted to have a respectable share, or proportion.
niche Government offices placed in the heads of
their friends. And these of the opposite party who
voted for the stone ticket, did so because they
were, If pouible, more disgusted with the Polk
administration, and more opposed to the Locokmo
office holders under it, than the Whigs themselves
were. Hence it is worse than folly and moon
shine in the Union and its Locofoco adjuncts, to
pretend that General Taylor is bound to keep the
Locofoco incumbents generally in office, heroine
some of that party voted for the Old Chief.
I repeat, action will be had. The whole avontry
expecte it The Whig party calls for it, as best for
the country, best for the welfare of the Whig party.
and best for the success of General Taylor during
not only his present term, but that second - term.
which 1 this day predict the Whig party of the
country will elect him to serve. to body tan
heat hint if he runs. Mark that. POTOMAC.
Banking In the United States
Extract/ram the Report of the nom 114tuAltu Ft
1101.6, Comm/miler of the Stu, of Neu York, Jo
WI ry,1849
Should the country remain at peace, it cannot
be doubted that the stocks of the United States
will be a safe and adequate security. The Comp
troller would therefore recommed that the law be
NO changed ae to exclude bonds and mortgages
from all free banks which shall hereafter com
mence business, and to prevent the taking of any
more from those now in operation, and to require
that ten per cent per annum of those now held as
security be withdrawn, and their places supplied
by stocks of this State or of the United States. If
this reccommendation be adopted, at the end of
ten years the whole security will be equal to a
six per cent stock of this State or of the United
States, which, it is presumed will be ample se
curity for the redempuoa'uf all bills in motile.
• • ..
Could this system of beating be generally adopt
ed in the several States, it can hardly be doubted
that it would prove highly benehciaL It would
create a demand for their own State stocks. The
interest paid upon them would be paid to their
own citizens. Every man who held a bank note,
secvrod by inch stocks, would have a direct in
terest in maintaining inviolate the credit of the
State. The b'asting cry of repadvatton would
never again be heard, and the plighted (nth of the
State would be as sacred as national honor; end,
body, it would give them a sound and unifdrto
14 then ; in additon to this, Congress would au
thorize such notes as were secured by stocks of
the Vaned States to be received for public dues to
the National Treasury . , this would give to such
notes a uorversal credit, co-extenaivo with the U.
Suites, and leave nothing further to be desired in
the shape of a national paper currency. This
would avoid all objections to a national bank, by
obviating all necessity for one, for the purpose of
furnishing a national currency. The National
Government might be made simply secure. The
law might provide that all bills secured by the U.
States stocks should be registered sad countersign
ed in the Treasury Department, as the notes Circu
lated by the banks in this Stale are now registered
and countersigned in this odke. This would en
able every collector, postmaster, or other receiver
of publio moneys, to know that they ware receiv
able kir public dues. The stock of the United
State., by which their redemption was secured,
might be so transferred to the State officer holding
the same, that c could not be sold or transferred by
him, without the sweet of the Secretary of the
Treasury; and in case of a failure of the bank to re
deem its notes, it might be optional with Ibe'Sec-,
retary of the Treasury to exchange the notes held
by the Government fur an equal umountof the U.
Statesstock held for their redemption, or let ir
bo said rind receive the Government'. share of the
dividend.. In this way the National Government
would always be secure against loss. But this
suggestion is foreign from the chief object of this
report, and is merely thrown out to invite alien.
to the subject. But, in conclusion, the the Comp
troller bsta no hesitation in recommending that the
free bank system be modified in the particulars
above suggested, and that it be then adopted, in
preferene to the safety fund system, as the bank
tog equine of this State.
FRAIL TOO itro Weih's Exp.,' •
rion.—The U. S. steamer A. B. Hemel, Cnptnio Oi
way, at New Orleans on the 23d Mt, anived from
Brazos Santiago, by the way of Lava.,
The Helsel brought over as passengers sixteen
of Col. Webh's ill-fated California expedition, o ,
their return home, also a Mr. Buchanan . , who start
ed from New York for California with a pony 0
seven persons, one of whom was murdered a
Matamoros. Five others died of cholera, and be
iha only survivor, to weaduss his way back again
PrOiliness at the
The mob assembled late on Saturday night, bat
by the strenuous exertions of CoL Gap., they were
prevented from doing any mischief The city con.
tinned quiet last night.
At Quebec, on Saturday night, Lord Elgin was
burned in effigy, amid the bootlegs of the excited
In Upper Canada the same riotous feeling has
been exhibited. The Governor's effigy has been
burned in venous places.
In this city, today, the populace have been kept
quiet by the assurance that the French should be
disarmed. The Governor is to attend the session
of Parliament at ?o'clock thiseveniug, and trouble
is anticipated.
Oa Sunday, the city vas quiet, but excitement
vc , as manifested upon the arrival of a troop of
John Young btu been appointed Chief Magis
trate of Montreal. He is n strong pattisan, and
supported the present ministry.
At B ock vine, also, the Governor has been burnt
in effigy, and the authorities were compelled to
assist in the ceremony.
. . _ .
The St. Andrew's Society, and Thistle Curling
Club have expelled Lord Elgin from membership.
Mori - rases. April 30-5 P. M.
Lord Elgin came to town at 3 o'clock to-day.
The carriage was escorted by g troop of Provin
cial Cavalry. •
The streets were lined all the way to the Gov
ernment House by the people, who'hissed, cursed
and pelted the chariot as it passed.
When the escort had passed the French Cathe
dral into Notre Dame street, a company of the 23d
Regiment closed to behind to protec: the cortege.
Opposite the Government House, his Lordship
was struck by a stone on the head, and by an egg
in the Mee.
The troops were then separately cheered.
The members of Parliament then proceeded to
he Governnarnt House to prexottheir address.
As they passed through the crowd they were
actually covered with dirt and the yolks of eggs.
The members were proceeding in such a plight,
escorted by soldiers, to receive the Governor-Gen
eral of Canada.. to present to him an address from
the Parliament, congratulating him on the quiet
state of the country.
Di ring the passage of the members through Sr.
Paul street, the riot act was read, and the troops
No lives were lost, though the crowd was very
dense. This is a sign how troops whose hearts
are with the people, can act if necessary.
The Governor proecededout of town by the sub
A Mn or Benches has arrived from Kingston
and has waited on Sir Benj. D. Urban, to reprasen
to hire the dreadful state of the country, and t.
urge that if something is not done the people wit
march on Montreal,
Biota are feared to-night.
About t; o'clock on Saturday night, a few boys
aseerribled in the Hay market. In the course of
the evening their numbers' increased, until a large
mob gathered, which manifested a riotous dispo
sition, and but for the efforts of Colonel Gregg and
State prisoners. who were liberated at ten o'clock,
much damage would have been done. They
were finally induced to disperse, by their leaders.
On Saturday the city was quiet, excepting some
considerable ercrtement created by the arrival of a
troop of cavalry. John Young has been appointed I
Chief Magistrate of MontreaL He is a strong par
tisan, and as supported by the present mintstry.
Despatches from Quebec state that the Governor
was burnt in effigy in that city on Saturday night
The authorities are using strenuous measures to
preserve the public peace.
In Upper Canada the sem , rpint is manifested,
the Governor being burned in effigy in many placer
At Brookvtlle the authorities were compe,,lled
let in the ceretnqnv.The St Andrew'sSocle
d Dustle Curhug Club expelled Lord Elva
The people are now quiet, ?pan the yrs,
ance of the Government that the Fronch shall ho
disarmed. The Governor is to go to the Portia.
meat House at six oclocL to ni;ht, and much
trouble is expected.
Faou Pansiee--The Sew Orleans PMayune 6.
tiers froui Panama to March Mb, from Mr. Fran
, from which we extract the following:
If the steamer Calitornm should arrive to-day,
the parsenstem going no her cannot leave here
short of fifteen date, sod no other men now on the
lathinms will nail from here Lauds, of forty days. If
the tide of enngration continues to !low in this di-
April 30, 1049.
cotton. I shall not be surprised to see deck pas.
ages in the greasy whale ships mornmand from
hree 13 non hundred dollars. Aleut seventy per
one took passage on the English steamer Peru.
ire Callao and Valparaiso, rionstdenng they will
save time and money by going there for a vessel.
Mrs. Fremont, in company with Mr. Jacobs. has
arrived at Gorgonn. where they are .detained on
account of a slight dine. of Mr. Jacob.
Col. Waller, and the communion, Major Emig/
nd tau corps of Engineers, are all here awaiting
re rilportation.
Mexico Tsturr.—We are indebted to the
Me vsn Minister near this Government for a copy
of the following decree, and translate it for the
benefit of our provision producers:—Not. lateL
'Der.urnmer or nor Txessuay.
;His Excellency the Premdent has been pleated
to direct to me the billowing decree.
The President of the ratted Mexican States to
the inhabitanu of the Republic: Snow ye that the
General Congress has declared as hereinafter
"Art. 1. Is permitted for the term of three years
the introductam into the port of Matamoros and
the Custom Houses of the frontier State of Tamau
lipas of the following articles, vox lour, rice,strar
of es my di,cripttoo, coffee, small grains,"(sensillar
which app;ies to such, except wheat and barley)
'of every sort known by the name of auaertroc
hinter, pork, salted or pickled. All these will,
for then enure import duty, pay the rates subjoin
Common wheat flour, the barrel $1 00
Superfine do 1 50
'bee, per 100 lbs ........ ............ 75
Sugar. do
Coffee, do
Salt Pork..
Small grain,by me.urement 20 per cam.
"Art. 2. Is likewise permitted the mtroducuon at
the Custom House of Paso del None, io the Slate
of Chihuahua, of wood and lumber for buildings,
subject however to the registration provided by
the tariff for other articles generally.
"Art. 3. The Government, in order , truly to a,
complish the object of this decree. will previously
ascertain whether there exists on the frontiers the
scarcity of those provisions which A is intended
hereby to introduce; and it will put au end to that
introduction so soon as the population now favor—
ed shall have been supplied by the national corn—
ineroe with the needful articles.
"Art. 4. Are comprehended within the benefits
of t b law 1,125 barrel* of flour and 150 quintals
tcwt ) of nee introduced through Matamoras in the
month of January Met.
Memo, April 4, 1£40."
Medway Dcraarricar, May 1, 1949.
The Receipts into the Treasury dunng the quar
ter ending the 31et of Much last, were—
From customs, about ........ 61
From lands 359,566 17
From loan of 1 S.l . . . . ... . . ........ 66 500 00
From loan of .... •..
From miscztlancoue source.
514,660,044 66
The Expenditures during the same period, were:
Civil, museeliancous,aud foreign in.
tercouree, (including $1.030,059,
63, under treaty with Mexic0)..82,673,030 64
On account of the army, 6r43 1,637,032 10
On Indian Department 63,697 93
On " tortitications 116,052 69
!merest of Treasury notes and pa,-
lic debt ........ ......... •••• . • • 167,308 6t
fLeimbursementA of Treasury not... 3,510,100 00
Redemption of Treasury notes par
lamed, ate-lotting interest,
Register's Ofnce, May 1, 1849.
Amount outstanding oldie navaral
issues prior to act of 23d July,
1848, as per records of this office-9180,339 31
Amount outstanding of the issue of
the 22d Joiy, 1848, as per records
of this others
Amount onistanding of the :rimes
of the 28th January, 1847, as per
records of this offi.
55,359,139 31
Deduct canceled notes in the hands
of the acwunting officers, of
which SS 160 is under the act of
22d July, 1301, 8300 under the
act of 2810 January, 1847, and
3350 under other acts
14019,339 31
ALLEN A. HALL, Negligee of Treasury.
Gnu. Bitooss.—We heard yeiderday with mit
prire and deep regret that Brevet Major General
Brooke bad received orders from head quitters to
assume the command of the army in New Mexico,
lately detached from Gen. Worths command, and
to proceed turthwith to his destination. However
hancrible line Ueolloetioll conferred by this assign
ment to duty, we have learned it with a regret,
which will be shared by a very large number of
our eilmer.e le whom the General had become en.
deem& We cannot persuade ourselves that the
order will not yet be countermanded, though we
learn that the General has made his arrangements
for a prompt compliance with it, and will leave for
Jelierpon Barracks early this week. We should
imagine that such a command far an Milner of his
rank, hr. services and his years, would have little
charm; that it would be but little ( better than ban
ishment. It we are collect la 11th, It woad eur
prise, ue if the determination of the Secretary of '
War were not reconsidered. We cannot pe
taken to saying that tf long and ardurous Service
and eminent gallantry in the field entitle an °Meer
to consideratioa at the band. of the department,
Gen. Brooke cornea within three conditions.—N.
O. Picayune, dprjlt2..
--- -
Lana Fiox Plizwro Canaan.—Bp the snivel
at Philadelphia, on Monday, of the barque flues
Dallet, Captain DID, the North American has dates
from Puerta Cabello to the 411 ult. They present
a very gloomy picture of affairs in Venezuela.—
The people show very strong dissatisfaction with
the despotic measure' of the government of Mon•
agm, and, have become throughly unsettled. The
price* for all produce, whether foreign or domestic,
were. very low, and trade ow almost at •it stand
stilL It was becoming every day more and more
evident that there most be a change in the govern
ment, and dour previous accounts may be relied
on, that change points to Guzman the present
Vice President. as the successor of Monagas in the
Presidency of Venezuela.
We bear nothing of Gen. Para in there growing
troubles, hot it is reasonable to presume that he is
not idle, though very secret, in the work of roment
ing discord to the government which has over
thrown hot out conquered ham.
In our last advicea it was mentioned that Mon
ages kid; G", political reasons, seized and thrown
into prison at Caprupano a number of French citi
zens, among whom was the Vice-Consul. The
strong protest which this proceeding called forth
from the French Consul Genernlhas added another
to the many difficulties of the Government. The
French Consul insists upon ample apology and re
paration, and the result of the matter was still in
doubt when Capt. D. sailed.
Another;revolution is Venezuela seems, from all
accounts, to be imminent.
Mamma, April 30.,
Trust. or Mat. HoWan.—Yesterday morning,
being the day for the commencement of the tnal
of moe. Howard, upon an indictment for m;irder,
the court room W. filled at an early hour. Judge
Brough presiding; associate judges, Wtreman,
Moore ; and Sadln. A. G. W. Carter, proaecuung
for the State; and Jlidge Walker, 8.. K Commie,
and lidos King for the defence.
The apeeml venire of jurymen was called by the
Sheriff, and the Court proceeded to make up the
panel. Much argument, by counsel, as to the
qualifications of jory men, and the usual queations
were propounded. When we left, the panel was
not-foil, and it was said, there wee Ultle probability
of ceding any Will:MS=l till to day.—Cencrwaut
Gartite, May 1.
The National lntelligencer of Wednesday, noti
ces the following arrivals in that city:
Colonel Hay., a distingumhed citizen of th
Slate of:South Carolina, on a visit to his clauLtder
Judge Bank., of Pennsylvania, well kaaWt
formerly fur several years a Representative cd"Con
grees from that State.
Colonel Todd, late Minister of the United Stale
to Rossi.
Hon. E. H. Allen, of Boston, formerly a Rep
resentative in Congress from the Stale of Maine.
Hon. James Brooks, Representative in Congo .
elect loom the State of New York.
of the United States Government to lea Inneamade
by the British Charge d'Aflairs respecting the pro
posed relaxation of the British Navigation Laws.
has been published and presented to the Houre of
Commons of the British Parliament. The reply
states that a pacific proposal had been made by the
President of the United States to the British Gov
ernment, through Mr. Banaron,by a note addressed
to Lord Palmerston, dated November. 3d 1647, to
conclude a treaty providing "that British ships could
Trade from any port in the world to any port in the
United Staten, and be received, protected, and, in
respect to charges and duties, treated like Amer
ican ships, if reciprocally Amencan ships could in
like manner trade from any pan of the world
to any port under the dominion of her Britannic
Mum-rasa, April 30-5
VIRGINIA ELRGTIOS6. - Of the results of the late
Coogressional election in Virginia we have here
tofore announced the election ofJererouth Morton.
(Whig,) and John S. Millson, Richard K. Meade,
James A. Seddon, Thomas H. Bayly, Rrehard
Parker and James McDowell, (Democrats.)
It now appears to be settled that Thomas S
Bocock (Democrat) is re-elected in the Buckingham
district; that Alexander A. Holliday (Democrat)
has a majority of a few votes over Mr. Forbes in
the Spottsylvama district, and that Paulus Powell
(Democrat) has carried the Albemarle distrie, by
a small majority over Mr. iltatam. Mr. Flourney's
district remains In doubt, salllttiorn bur districts we
have no conclusive returns—three of them being
decided Democratic districts, (though one was last
represented by a Whig, Mr. Felton, who to not
candidate for re-election,) and tie other a doubt
ful district, lately represented by the present Sec
tary of the Navy.
The known loss of the Whigs, than far, in Con
gressmen, is two members—Mr. Botts and Mr.
Goggm. In members of the Legislature, the gain
is on their side.—Not.
Tat Don. AT Ow Polar —The Portsmouth
Daily Trans./riot of Monday says:
'We understood that the recovery of Mr. James
Elope one of the principals concerned in the late
dual) is comildered somewhat doubifill, the ball
having entered his side put above the hip, where
it Wlg osmotic!. Passed Midshipman J. P. Jones
is riorcy recovering, the ball having been extract
ed from his side.
.3 lIM.OO 00
35C1 00
6;1,436 20
2,001,201 03
811.130,091 frO
Sesteary orate Tremury.
135,Er4 oo
5,673,550 00
.The Mato' used by Mr. Jones in this alrair
the same which was in the hands of the grandfath
er of Mr. Hope, Commodore Barron. in the mem
orable duel with Commodore Decatur, In which
the letter was killed. Mr. Hope, we learn, receiv
ed his wound immediately in that part of the body
which proved so fatal to Commmodcre Decatur:"
Mailife's., Bub Lading, Contraaa, Gain Blanks,
Mild, LIMA C6.11/1.111., CLULMS,
POLICIES, Re. &a.,
Printed at the s hortest nonce, at low price., at the
de2h Unreel Oven., TRIED mm.
Improvements In Den y.
DR. ti U. STEARNS, low of Boston, is prepare
manufecture and set BLOCK Tenet to whole end p
alms, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Plate
exposed. Office and residence next door to the May
or office, Fourth street Pittsburgh.
,o—J. P. hl•Farlden. F. A Futon. ial9
Pereira Lenox Suomt..—Prenared by J. W. Nelty
William StKai, N. and for sale by A Joyner, No
70 Fourth Flreet. This will be found a delightful arta
Bun's Biroata.—An Improved Chocolate preps
don, being a combination of Cocoa nut innocent,
usomong and palatable, highly recommended pant
ularly for invalids. Prepared by W. Bader. !Noche
ter, Maas., and for sale by A. JAYNFIS, at the Pek
Tea Store, No. it) Fourth st sachl4
W. 111. Wright, 111. D., Dentist,
Orem, and retudenee on Fourth at.,
opposzte the Pntsburgh Bunk. Offitc
tousfrt7ocOelr I: It A M.
rmm,o.ato P. 1.
On the morning of the 4th Inst., after a severe and
protracted dines', Chorine Gutter, Eng., in the 401.6
)•ar or his age.
The friends of the family are respectfully invited to
atulnd his funeral this afternoon at 3 o'clock, to pro
ceed to the Allegheny Cemetery. (rope his late resi
dence on Peon street.
The 111111.1.1 sermon in behalf of the Ladies' Bi
ble Society of Allegheny, will be preached by th.
Rev. Mr. Passavant, to Dr. Swift's Church, Brave
street, Allegheny, on Sabbath evening nest
A collection will be made in aid of the Society.
Mr The yearly meeting of the Nlannireo of the
Pittsburgh and Allegheny Orphan Asylum will be held
on Trick sy, the rth of tho month, at 3 o'clock, m the
afternoon, In the First Presbyterian Church.
The cannibutors and all interested ore Invited to at.
tend. myeAgt
Fire and Mak Ina Inenranee.—To. PyrrA
et ftf.v N•VIOAMON £3O Fin. ISSre.,NC. C 0111,4.—
chartered Libb—edndnae• to Insure, upon every de
veripooff of properly, at the 4.101. rat.
OPYIe. No. 21 Market street.
For Greenwood Garden.
Rowan FINNNT, Sec'y.
NEW AnnAsmcdc•l'—The steamer
THOS ~ ,eirrr, will commence on
Monday, May 7, to run from the Old
Greenwood Landing, foot of Pm et,
to the Garden, leaving at b o'clock, a. 0, and at etch
hour until 9 o'clock, r. hut tnp from the Gar
den at 10
The 9doaos are supplied with all the delicacies •
the scuon. Tea at 6 o'clock. The Garden, with
large collection of Greenhouse Plants. llablients, A
nerl Flour Plants and Shubberg. TheAcoinfortah
wharf boat Greenwood, will be placed' at the Pi
argot landing.
Es..outor's Notlise•
LETTERS of Executor having been granted to th
undersigned CM the Estate of Joseph Hughey, lat.
et Wilkins townshm, Allegheny enmity, Pa , dace
eel: ail persons indebted to the estate or said deco
ed, will , lease make Immediate payment, and Mos
baring elating ant present them duly Whentica ed to
setdement. iir.NRY CHALFANT, F.:comer
Wilkins township, May 5,1b49--tantS
Loos Not Allegheny Neal,(e a)
M baud and for sale by
m ybW R H Id'CL'TfIIEON, I= Liberty.
SETS. 'NAP ENTIN g-25 bbl. Spis Turpen
prime order, ins: reed and for mile by
royi.dtai ' HENRY C. KELLY
ALTPE'TkE,—;g3 ilsT i roan to .rlivr, tor kale
my 6
. _ . is /1 I H DICKEY /a C.. From Cu
I,f ACKEREL-70 bble No 2, is store end for
cu. very low to close Compliment.
wys JA.31F.9 DAL.Z ELL, 21 water et
_ _
ANNERS' OIL-2d bbl. Brown Oil, landing T
for nle by myd JAN DA UM.
T AIM bbla No Lard Oil, landing f
La simmer jilearenger and for sale by
RONEY DEW SYRUP-10 bbls Honey 'Dew Ay
eatt, tattling from steamer Mersedger and lu
sale by myS JAS DALZ ELL
UST RECEIVFX, a splendid lot of the finest Gold
0 Pena yet made. Pens are generally made of from
ID to LS low. gold. I have bad a large lot manufisetu
wd of 18 karat gold : and hooked with smooth bmr
point., and spring Übe a quill, and confidently recom
mend them as the very best made. Also, 36 dozen of
various qualities nom 81, to 82, and all warranted.
Also, s. few extra Leviathan Pent
corner 4th and Market ILL_
The new and light draught passe
Ret ' , steamer LAMARTINE,
malt N..", master, will leave for ala
and intermediate landings on Alo
do l'Or ' lse L ig 7 h th t or pLass. •t 10
° p ;ti rr ply_ k'cl i al a . biard . w , k o c r t o o ,
IWILL receive Chy and Comity Scrip m par, fo
nn , poverty that may be porchount of ma nt
mile I have advertised in the Poin t to take Once on the
loth and 111th May, nt Lock No. Y, Versailles township
Alleabeny county. WILLIAM L. MlLLER
bieca - Enzi.—its bbl. No 3 to saliva; fin sale by
rowsionA Essirrnma,
/111.113:111 car,
WILL be opened ID. V.) for the admission of young
Gentlemen on Monday, the 9th day of April.
Sastas, (parable in advance l per searion of E month.
English, Classical and Mathematical deparb
English department
A bunted number of boarders will be received.
For testimonials, references and additional Informa
tion, enquire of the Principal. at the Institute, Robin
son street, between Federal street and Sandasky, in
Chislen's Row.
Of Trinity College. Dablin, Ex _War, and Queen's
Scholar from the Royal School of Fn. JAW. -
Federal at, near Robinson at =yank(
Scrip at Par,
H• KLEBER, of Woodoeli`s, No. h 3 Th ird street.
offers for role an elegant lot Checkering's Pia
nos, (Boston) at the lowest cash price, for Prthiburgli,
Allegheny city, and County Scrip. They comprise
from 6to 7 octaves, and were selected by Mr. Chink
crime for this market They are warranted to beequal
to any in the city, having all the latest improvements,
such as circular scale, etc.
Buyers art invited to call previous to purchasin
elsewhere, and, *leo, to bring with them 0121 f, goo d d
judge, professional or othervirm, to lodge of the quali
ty of the above instruments
N 13 —Written guarantee, will be given with each
Piano, entithng the holder to exchange in case the in
-or be proved in the Mast degree imperfect, or
my 4 H. K.
House and Lot for Salo for Scrip.
IA A I'WO story Brick House, containing eight
Ja.rooms exclusive of boaement and cellar, and
suitable for two female., situated on Liberty street,
Allegheny, will be sold low for Scrip. Enquire of
my taltf IL HAYS, Gsrette office
_ _
SHOE PAPER-500 reams downed colors, reemsrd
and for rale by ri C HILL,
_ myl lr7 va,md sr
. . _
BACON -16,003 lb. arum - red Bacon, in More and for
rale by L S WATERMAN,
my! 31 worm and 62 from rt
Iloolna; 211 do N C Tar.
N•YOTICE. 7 AII persons haring claims •gainst the
.I.lumer Loma will ptesse band them in ta ,
ately to JAS. ?Malt, Jr. & Ca,
tnytilt No 38 Water at
- - -
1 - 3 YE FLOUR-40 tails superior Rye Flour. mot re-
IV coined and (or sale by
my 4 8 & W HARBAUGH
FINE FLOCR--50 btils Fine Floor, lust reed and
(or sale by my 4 S & IV HARBAUGH
IATINDOW GLASS-I'ollas Smith k Herron's brat
yy •&:: do .1 S Ilarkell's brand, just reed and (or
nob by my4 S& W HARBAUGH
‘,:t ODA ASYI-15 col. Kurt/ best Soda Ash, just land
-1.,) Ink and (or sate by tort S& W HARBAUGH
- - -
T EN SHAH/is Exchruntlarg o gi , tc , Tt i ft c y l Lake , by
no 4 110 Second et
LAKE LIME—la libla superior Lake lime , reed and
sale by my 4 .5 As W HARBAUGH
BEEN tor
APPLES—ZU bbl,in store and for sale by
43 my 4 S & %V HARRAUGH
PEER aoilo U „ L re t ' y tt —2 m fi g ""81. Apple Butter,
AS' ()LASSES-SU bbls N 0 Molasses, just reed and
'll for sale by my 4 S& IV HARBAUGH
I RERS.—Haying made ar.ngemen. for a
sant supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we willc or,
at low prices Calf and Sheep Hader Skins, Lace Lea
r., pi c kers, Heeds, Shuttles, Hemp Tan. Treadles,
No.: to lb Belt Punches. Wrench., Stripping Cards,
In In Ift in; Patent Dresser Brushes, Weavers Arm.-
et. &c. &c. LOGAN. WILSON & CO.,
my 4 Pea Wood street, Pittsburgh.
IMPTY SHARES Pittahoryti, Cinoinnkti and Louo
12 nude Telegraph Stock, for ode by
ID PEACHES--50 bush just reed by
rr i. t r y4 Louß-
bbi A a
r RNI ar S,: e tt,I'IONG y
Ban sr PriTiODOStl,
May 1, lOW.
THE President ithe Directors of this Bonk have tht
day declared 9 dividend of four per cent. on th.
Capital Stock lur the list sts months, pay able to stock
holder • or their legal representatives forthwlth
vir ADA 130PINAFFON will open her Fancy and
ctrow Bonnets, and a general assortment of Fan
cy floods, conalstiog or Silks nod Lacers, Mantillas,
Fancy Cap*, Hibbons, Flowers, Me. &n., on Frnlay,
OM May, at ID o'clock, a. r . au Market street, near
Tiord. my7:d3t
Per Sertp at. Par.
IffinJOHN H. MELLOR, ell Wood street,
will sell tor eterip at par. the lalawing
new and second band Pianos:
One elegant rosewood 6/ octave Pi•
ano, made by Baker & Raven, N. Y. 8325 CO
One do do 6/ octave - 300 111
One rosewood 6 octave, Gales & Co, N. 1 .• • 275 00
One do 0 do do d 0.... 250 U 0
One mahogany .5 do do dearly new. • 200 00
One do 6 do Loud - • • • BIS WO
One do si do Rosenbaum , 100 00
One do 6 do Gentian 5010
0 e do .1/ do R& W Num. 00 00
One do 5 do Dullish ••.•• • • • ...... 30 tal
Valuable Building Leta for Sale.
Flint; subsenbers ate authorised to oder at private
j, rale, and upon highly favorable terms, a number
or very aluable ftmldtng Lout, cmnprismg a NTT,
portion of the Lo. numbered 07, 00, 00 and 70, in
Wood. , General Plan of the City of Pittborgh, at
led at the Sollth eastwardly corner of Pcnu and W ayne
ei rents, fronting %Meet on the former, mid extending
along. the latter about 600 feet to the Allegheny river.
and being • part of the Real Estate of the late James
Sleyeasost, Eat.. deceased.
A plan or subdivision of the above Lots, in confor
mity with which it le proposed to sell, may be seen so
the office of the undertigned, on Pound, between N as
ket and Perry ass. WILLLAMI fr. KUHN,
my 3
CIASSfA—eso mats flesh Cassia; 7 baler do Clov
lending and tot tale by
my 3
TANNEIRS 011.-60 Wile Brown OP, landing from .
canal and (or sale by BAGALEY & Ni&l/TH
1011 - 0 N YAILN-10Cottsf - Yera, :sorted
Nos, in more .d for sale low by
11. INIUL ASSFS—:aU bbla St Jame. 11 Alelaise
. In store and for sale very low to close conlig,
I)MA UT,-75 sts Pen Nom In store and for sal
1. low to close conwgnoloot by
MANN ERS Tanners 014 - lending fro
1 damn and for sale by ray 3 JAS DALZELL
L INSEED OIL-40 bbl. Just reed and for sale by
I/ A FARNEerocK k co,,
corner In and wood
D RUGS- 4 Sh ,, lo ic raz ei r d otash, in)bilobottleg,
Hypo. Snip!, Soda do
Sub NH ittaranth do
Crimsons do
Cit any ills Lotion do
chloroform do
Inc steetved end for sale by
ray 3 B A PAIINtZTOCK & Co
(101TF.BAB11bblo Copper.. Jew leeches nee fo,
kj sole by WEATON DOM kIN,
tuy3 DO Flout at
FRUIT-44d barb dried Prattle•; 460 do 4.
Lir dpplesi for ride by
Vi Water
'HITt: BEANS-45 bbl s for sale by
nsy3 RHEY, tdATTHRWS_& Co
1 RAD bbls for sale by
ap3 RHEY, MATTHEW 9 & Co
riUTION YARN—;;Odino Ns moored Nos; 150 bales
Batting; an do Candlewick; Cotton Twine; Carpet
Chain, &e. for sale at manufacturers lowest prices by
m)"1 RH EY, !if ATM EWS & Co
NASTOR bbl• for We by
rity3 WAIT, MATTHEWS fr. C.
WRAPPING PAPER—Er 3 bdis ra.. crown. d.
ble crown and medium. for sale b y
foiiare by
DEMI!. AZ , li—* CANI in more ana for vole ,y
m!3 ROBERT [MIZELL, Liberty
I{OLL kW ITER—IV beta freab, for sale by
FLOUR—AIe eels superfine all do fine do; 65
do Rye do; to note and for sale by
mv3 31 water and e 2 from at
IAR D-41.5 bele No I Leaf Lard; 2.3 - 171 — ss do do - 51,1u
, moretold for sale by ruya Ll 5 WATERMAN
Tirsegsdm, In
store end (or sale by szty3 L 8 WATERMAN
DRIED FRUIT-23U bush dried Peaches; 215 do do
Apples, (•s sale by my 3 L 8 WA FERMAN
SCYTHE Arifs;Qiii da7
.ale by my 3 L S WATERMAN
doz Hay R ikes:tin
my 3 1. 8 WATERMAN
GRAIN CRAHLFS--I2 dos superior,•le by
FlSki Lthis ho i Hernnr, wdo At, l mind; for
. 1 1 by &HEY, MATTHEWS & Co,
tn)3 VS water .t
`IHEEE-100 bss exult Cream Meese, RIO reed
kj and for sale by eny3 1 II CANFIELD
Purn 811—le bbls jam reed and for role by
BRL1:1-11 bbls just reed and for sale by
nly.r J 13 CANFIELD
, The splendid steamer
Coles, master, will leave for the abov
all imennediato ports on Friday
She sth Loot, at to o'clock, • E.
Fur frelght or passage apply on board, or to
niy3 PETTIGREW & Co, Agra
T R. , RAF:6Z le MARLIN, in returning their grate
acknowledgments to the friends alb° &Ileum
uon not to a discerning public in general, for the lib
eral pAlroaagn hitherto received, artnealsee at the
same lime tout they have made essential improve
ments in the interior as well as the exterior of the es•
tablishment, during not fall and winter, which will
greatly enhance the comforts and ainusemenU of in
valids, who Intend to visit this place during the enan
An the prevailing diseares are treated here, and they
will endeavor to keep up the reputation the establhao
mint has won through the west, by strict attention to
patients that entreatthemseives tinder their care.
In order to undergo the treatment, patients have to
provide themselves wails two woollen blimzeta t two
cotton sheets, three comfortable* or a right feather bed
and Sts towels. Terms, lug dollars, payable weekly.
• choice white re 'd
and for sale by nity3 BRAUN lb nEgea
rt UM SHELLAC-2 eases reed and for sale by
1, bad N
for nib by myt BRAUN & REITERreed
WR 3PPINO PAPER—IMO reams or rag and
V V straw Wrapping Paper, assorted sizes, receives'
and far sale by 13 0 HILL, 67 wood at
ibs American, Nat reed 11114 for ordc
cr_Oy_rnyl A FAHNIMTOCK & Co
u ON EY--1 bbl. Minalui Honey, jun recd and for
Ja sale by My( B A FAliriniTOOK & Co
TIIE Board of Trade have removed to the corner o
Wood and Third streets, opposite the at. Cherie
Hotel Their Reading Rooms are now open. mil
POTASH - 7 esks No I Potash, just recd and tot sale
LW Liberty .t
GREEK APPPES-1.00 bbl. good reed and for .at
__ by aim W It cnEuN
L)UrrER--1 bbl. liefh Roll Rubor, reed end Wt
1) sale by ap3o W & R hI'CUTCIIEUN
EGGS --1 bbl ree'd and for sale by
sy4o W & It 111,CUTCHEON
DRY DE11111.40-43 bxs Dry lierrin
W 2 g , WIDE: I Mc
A. A. MASON & CO.,
A . AM & Cl/ having
th n releie*d their
store for ire eccon i,letto oi then mewl.
log business. are 11,r preperad to exhibit te their Ow
tall trade the moot extensive •Inek of nob and feeble*.
able Imported nrit ame-le ratinsels they here , eareir
offered la h et, r be
Saloon, hogeth
er with another • len: , oom. ti** bend fitted up and ad.
ded to their retail -404 inient. lbcreby giving them am
ple room for he disren) oi r iinmenan stock Being
constant 4
. in Me ter c pl reeiiionda from thew house
in New 5 ork, they ere *halted Mx ays to offer thc
°ewe., laiew and most dew -slily goods, and at prices
as low as any bowie in the rountry.
Their sloe I. con. . ti, part of
Flea HrNellon 1-I=l.l or extra rich Ilereges,Thactea
Alimonca Delphit ea and Marquise of new and elegant
styles Alto, Poll de Cheer, Pollard/Oka Maim de
Leiria Grenadines, trio, a, Drultlienies,Broche,Toile
do Nord. &a. Sc.
Handled Piece. of new sal rich *tyres !atone.,
Lawns and Orgstidica—aplcuttid de.'nno.
Scorn Hundred Mere* Frigloh said Preach Prints,
Gingham*, Alertness. Orleans Clone Linen Gingham.
Challies, he. Se
SILKS—Tt we Hundred Piero* of rich plain, figured
and cliangrab,c Sibs, of entire!) new st) les. Also,
black Silts for dresses, visims, marmites, era. of rope
nor high lustre.
SHAWLS—Cashmele, Thibet, Long and Square
Shawls, Gros do Rhine, Posh de Seie, Craonnit elvfw,
Silk. Derage, Sewing Silk. Wool Plaid, Grenadine and
Marlin de Lain*.
WHITE GOODS Cambric*, Jaeonets, Victoria
Lavers, Book and Swiss Muslims- Tarletan, Fancy
Checks, Linen Lawns, Dotted_Aluslins, Mull and Noire
soot do, Sc. be.
LINEN GOODS—Damasks, Coveys, Di.
pe rs, H
n illrfa, French Linen aml Drill Dernesle
tog, nub do, Insh Linens, bee make and Sot
y Sheer-
SONNETS--A complete assortment of China Braid,
By John D. Davis. Auctioneer.
t i .
Largo Stock of Dry Goods. i r
, .. , ..•N
On Monday morning, May 7, at 10 o'clock, at l•-...:., :: s
.9.h. ~.A AM hr.: -
the. Coramereml Sal. Room., corner of Wood and
Fifth ascots, will he rnlil, wsthout reserve, for cash
A large osaortment of fresh and seasonable staple 111 . 118 well known Imo of .plcadel prissenger Steam
and fancy Dry Goodewhich among ace =Peri , . 1 en le now composed of the 'sagest, f loat, bea
cloths, eassitreres. satusette tweeds, mans, cononades, bed and furnished, and moat powerful boats oo A.
drillings, gingham., gnu., de hubs cos/acres, plaid waters of the West. Every accommodation nod cons,
viennas, silks sat,., pruned lawns, swiss mush., I fort that money can procure, has been provided for par
tablel t 11 , %bZoc , a u e , el h. end r
andtoi o f ni o x v l ms :h. d w rion , 4 se nie . r c is .,r ll,
a Lt .n n el
a s
, ki f ee pe n o r p n le opfAtix toe five
t yr n o i ? .
white, crimson and flag silk ildlif.. silk and bonne ry , their ~,, The bon, wilt he at the (oat a f
cost and oral buttons, Coat.' .pool cotton, hosiery, Wood street the day previous to starting, (.r lho meek.
gloves. nbbons, &c. • 40.11 a freight add [h.- entry of passengers en the reps
, ,
l ter. In all eases the passage money must he pale lb
m '2 o'clock.
Groceries. Glassware, Furnimrey In
Young Hylton tea coffee, N 0 sager, Vamanufne- I
red tobacco. 20 linnets cider vinegar, sboveW, , SUNDAY PACKET,
spode , larks, wr.pp.-g paper, lrtmvParent and veal.; The ISAAC. NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, en/1
window blind , 0,
1 . 7, 8 11 10117, ...HI dock., , leave Pittsbargt, every Monday monde ; at 10 o'eloak,
queensware, knives and forks t Wheeling every Sande) , evdning ac 10 v. w...
A large and general assortment of household and i May :6,11147.
knolien furniture, dc.. _ —_
At 7 o'clock, MONDAY PACKET.
Ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, retail stock The MONONGAHELA, CaptsSrorft, will leave Pitts.
of cry goods, gold
silver watches, fine entlery, . burgh every Mallitity morning at 10 o'clock; Whftling
... k . , ~,L , 0 m, .„,., ca .,,,,1, ,i.. 1.,, swords, Ac. every Monday evening at 10 V. X.
my 4
I _
50 BIALA,' g lota in Beninlla,adjaansng a. city el 2,lr i il/BERN/A N. 2, c.pL J. K.A.wrisz, wilt
usburich every Tuesday morning in 10 deleekt
Allegheny, at Auurnm. I Wheeling every Tuesday evening ell 9 P. ri.
On Saturday, May 12. at 2 o'clock, P. M., will be t . --
cold en the premises, about 50 Low of ground, very I WEDNESDAY PACKET.
handsomely *minted on Nunnery Hill, hating a COM- I The NEW ENGLAND No. gt, Cam- S. Iksaitk, will
mending' view of the mites and surrounding country,' leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday. morning at IQ
plans of which may be bad at the auction room. ; o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 1111. gi
'Perms, one fourth cash, in Allegheny or Pittsburgh , -
Scrim one fourth on let lannary;180 0 ; remme Paylv , THUKSDAY PACKET.
Lie in five years from tat January. 1810, with interest, pt.. Gluck will leave Pitts
to be secured by bond and mortgave. , burgh every Thursday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
my 4 JOHN D DAVIS, Auet every Thursday evening at 10 e. 5.
. ...._
ESCOTMOot Sale of Books. I The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt. Pln Dow, will tel
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening,' M __,," I Fittrburgh every Frida y morning at lOo'clookr Wlesa.
3d, 4th and Stit, at 7j &cloak, at the store No lIS Woo. ! liar every Friday evartiug at 10 r. a.
street, between Fifth street and Virgin alley, will Le _
An extensive and extraordinary collection of Eng- , OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS,
Bah and American Books end Stationery, Encyclopra- •
diaa,and valuable standard works, in the yarn us de-; r - -s"' , i ,, 9.
purtments of literature, science, and the arts; Annuals
and r legantly tlluetramd books, among which area
~ 1..7P2r., 2 !,..,.,
splendid London editions of very rare and choice I (us citssacrw,)
works; firmUlaina and Pr.," Book. of every d ' s " *. i Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o'clock, A. AL, and on
non. Porriodon, Gold Pens, to gold and silver ease
, rives at Giusrow, (month of the Sandy and Beaver Ca
ofgol the best maker.; letter, packet post, commercia , re al) at 3 o'clock, and New Liabou at 11, same night
post, nap and note paper , envelopes ; blank books, 1 . _
s.cavcs ,P. Now Liabon at 0 o'cloek AL, (making the
memorandum books, etc. etc. trip canal to the river during the *M.) .drl„ollniew
Catalogues may now be bad, and the books will he n , g o'clock, A. M., and aerivu at Pittatutegh at 3 P.
ready for examtnnuon and private talc on Thursday, • ~,..,_t hiw midi ., a nwinnunini line for nnwynni p . n.
Ladies ant gentlemen are invited to call and • sensate and freight between New Lisbon andlltilus
examine them damp Me day. • burgh, in shorter time and at loss rotes than by any
The books are new and warranted perfect, and w ill' ,_,,,...,. mate.
be sold without the least reserve to the highest bidder. nn -
The proprietors eddies Line have the pleniture of fn.
Terms, cash—Purchnsen to pay for and take away •
utty,e w formin the public that they have fined up twisißre rs t clam
Weir book s the day following each sale. Omni
. Snots , for e accommodation of pas1:11
tell JOHN D DAVIS, Ana freight, to ran , in th
nonnnnunn with in ell k now n,
steamers CALEB COPE end HEAVES, and connect.
ing, at Glasgow, with the Pinstmtgh and anCib-
Mit and other doily !MCA of steamers down. Ike Oidl
and Mississippi riverr. The proprietors pledge Knee.
THEATRE. selvesla
an. spare no expense Or tenable to lasuee con
fort, safety d dispatch, and oak of the publics a itkaga
Lime and Manager O. S. Porter. ' o f th e ir P.V.,..,,,_
Ammo can SraOl nananil. W. H. Cosy. I AUTHORIZED AGF:NTS.
G. M. lIARTCN, ' 0 ,.._,,,_
S. AW. lIARBAUGIEI, '''''' ll36
113 - Change of open 7, curtain will rise
ms. Me NV. H. Crisp in 2of his popular chuarmers. It. HANNA, & Co.
myllaf J. lIABBAUGH &Ca. N ew Loh".
Splendid entertainment.
--..-- -
' Sorraro.7 Evsurato, Alec 5- NOTICE The steamer BEAVER,C. E. Clarks,Mas
~,„„„, ter, waMenve ruler dus notice, for Wellsville Anat.'
To eommettee the P.P.l.`r m ` l ""'" ° ' d---- fly, at 0 o'clock in the roornirtg. Pll3
led by Alt W. H. Crisp. from Walter Sean's
poem of the
J ernes Fin James Ms. W. H. Crisp. '
Natl . ggig t- MAIAL .
Roderick DhoMr. Oxley. .
. .
Ellen Mies Porter. • SITMELEH, ARRANGEMENTS for 1549.
Blanch of Devon Min Cruise. MONONGAHELA ROUTE.
Dance •• • •by •• • • Blaster Wood. 1 On/7 73 Milos Staging.
To conclude with the celebrated favorite, Vla Brownsville and Cumbertmd to Baltimore and
Slasher, the heroic. • ...... •- • ..... • •Mr. Cti It ' THE splendid and fast mane 0 S Mall stealers
Crasher the indomitable ....... .• • --his Duna r . ATLANTIC, Copt J Parkinson; BALTIC, Copt A
Rosa Mu. Prior. ' acobs; LOUIS M'LANE, Copt E Bennett are now ...
tp- Monday evening -Farewell Benefit of Ida ...king double daily trips between
I The morning boat will leave the Monongahela
3ilmenarna' can AlAgnigOrra3o3.2' Raga, 1 • Wharf, above the Btidge daily la &o'clock preellely.
Perraa.ou May I, 1819. 4 ' Passengers will tale SUPERB COACHES atßervnia,
T INS B a nk to-day dceland a dividend of four per' villa at 3 o'clock , P. AL, and the splendid ears elsghe
Mom on the capital stook, out of profits for
and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, Ste
hue last six mouths, payable on or after the eleventh' o'cloek,.A. K, and wive in Baltimore the rime even- e
Loft myellot WM IL DENNY, Cashier. ing, in note for the evening Line to Philadelphia and
-- - - Washington city.
May l. ..stt s ... BA.. or Ft r.. " -° " , i , From - Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only MI how=
Ist, 1840. Fare
T (119 Bank h. the day declared a dividend allow p tuto 1 ,,,,, t00t to poittototplooo lfr 1..... -
A. per rent. On its osmial stock, payable on ar after t, Fare 110.%00
the 11th Inst. The e.t.a bent will leave at 6 &cloak, except Rant
Easter% Stockholders will be faid at the Western a 5.„,..„,„, p....,.. u . ~. ~_ ,__.
_„. brig. .
Bank of Philadelphia. TI OS. AL HOWE, 1 oo l ot . i o , o ti ron .,„,„ A u . ii. , o 7.— t i;vd,r a
=wean °Uhler . I aver the mountains the following day . to Ealgerll MI
NEW SPRING MILLINERY. I Coaches, and lodge the turned night in Cumberland,
' Pauengen have choke of either Steamboat or Rail
May AT? at MRS . ' Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia
_and Me
IX] ILL be opened on Friday,
TV BARR'S, Fourth street, between Market and I privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore,
Wood, a fr, sit supply of new style 'Spring and Sam-' .sod r .,,,,,g, 1 their sow ot pleasure . c.o . d . s
ate Bonnets, Flower., Ribbons, d.... j teied ippon. to travel as they please.
The ladies are partici/ invited to call. , We make op the loads and way bills for the Coombe
atelidlis ;es in the Pittaborgh offices, lin order to save time on
PIANOSI ' arriving at Brownsmlle t ) a is Menton
. Intpereint for
mama to . get their tie Sets before . some' 013 board
T HE sabscriher offers few sale a largo and splendid ” Pu.r..
... , , o.oot
of ... ono , oott ... bow , groto t ito , lof the boat, our orb., Monongahela Hostas,. Water
I- street, or St Charles Hotel, Wood a 4 Pittsburgh.
non Pianos, with and without Coleman's celehnted ,
J. hIkICIAIEN, Agent
.Eolian Attmhm.t. The above instruments are war-' °PI . ".
ranted to he equal to any mmnfaeuired in this coon. - Plusburgh 4 Louisville Pao kat Lints
try, sod will be sold lower Mr - my brought from the, FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE.'
Elul. F. BLUhLE, No 112 wood st, . 1 . The *mild new steamer
2d door above b tu I TELEGRAPH No. I,
N. B -City Scup will be taken at par Car a few ofd Baslep, master, will leave for *ban
the above autirtment. inyil p . m 1 0 intermediate ports on Monday's .
-- - i 30111 Met, at 10 o'clock a M.
VLLUABLF. WORKS ON MACHINERY, CIVIL ' For freight orpassage Apply en board, or to
ENGINEERING, dc.-Scorr -Engineers and'
Nlachinisig's Aroolant. V folio volt , one of plows, and . aft . ei ß ek l ei n g ai ld i rva. F N lV ß l E L l G Q°N m &CO •
ace deseriplive of them. I , ‘."`-'
Cann -Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering,
The nave and splendid festpuilen•
dn.. 5 vo. vol.
H.,l,2ArrviL-Tiring mod Mechanical Mordents- gOr PneV,.. I.E6
done S so.
Melon, Waster. Ibt Cleteill-
I Air.....-5',... Engine, ..w editors. ‘.." '''''h earl and Louisville on Thursday, the 3d at ill
enlarged and unproved, arab all late =pre . entents in ' ,
0 , ,. , „ „., „ , ,
month 4 , Nos.. 4 to- lack' A.
fIYIII7ZZI P M " V' °a
LSO & Co, os
Cu-Dic nodal . of Arts, 31 rinfactures and Knes, ' t°
thick 5 vo. with susupplement.GEO B MILTENBERGER.
Cootn-Cyclopsedia of 3,606 Practical Receipts, 8 _trty,_ 2
vo. For sale at LOCKWOODi,
m)1 IV wood rtreet
R. !drama has now open a WI assortment of d
tract., for drosses and sackr-samortg the lot
above at ..let, for ere .et anti .....----,, _ ... =tank, leaf,. ...titursli
ter are some scarce colon, such as rank, blue,green, _ every Tuesday, at R o'clock ,; P. 11.,
Itc, ohm, Phlk, blue, green, sod mode colon . C.. - for ICusbathtown, Cantina, Sunfish, Nome', hare'
meleon Lawn., and a large assortment of embroider- Landing, New Martiorville„Sardo,Sildetsville,Ttlelbs
ed moshns and Lawns
e d h '' .. d k Ni'' . ' i l b l i g" ; . . 7lC lire7p7 Cr e, aes lrl k tile ruA' A l: oe ilr k U t '' ng "r P lut iAnol r dl llo l e ' ll ' In V i n p ' ore l464 -
ope W n:
n lt od ltt v ' e s rs r o e n ce , ot pure m b g a in) se ts a n c.d. osr ail receive d
d u a ls , :
look at his large •nd wean stock before purchasing- R.-custuo-u.,,,, r e. ik„ e k irtwon , . 007 $
at northeast corner 40 and market xts. lat 3 o'clock, Y. AL Marietta on Friday, USA. ,
Wholesale Rooms up slurs .3 1 passing the pc/acquit pan. of Ile above towns
landmga on Friday, before. edglst
TOBADCO-21 boa Cledge's 6 twist To acct., land- t By the above arnuageumt, this boat t o be able to..
Itc. from stmr Caledonia and for de by lay at Plitshurgh on Sundays, and keep teat day as M
ot) 2 '...' t 3 l should be.
I a ATf INti-tbu bales do l, and in ittiliii - lio tiliii- 1 The public may depends:pen tbis boat continuing la
.1.) nog tn store and for sale by the trade during the low water scam.. apESAM
yr . 1 , „ _ a „,,.., I,f ~r COV,,,c, ' ; ri7,7111,0 Louisville and liu Louie Packet taw
e ill e :":" 1" : 1 6 ',. " ° T o b t:',;;;;,,77 3 ,7nhtmb'"y 47:: "" 1,4 k eg; 1 1111) 849 ULA . R TUESDAY PACKM FOR SY. LGULS....
charges an d take them away. um .. The fine (oa t tanning peueegb
myt, WE:STUN BOWEN 90 Front a messier ATLANT/Ss'
, ,
Leo. W Wteks, coaster, will lases
ii.RESII TEAS--5? tit chests frees y o . A li H y .,
for the above and lateededlato Pon+
Tea, per . hip I .... dein...M.o.' l th.. d*P I every Tuesday at 10 o'clock, 1. AL
and for sale by mr.l BAUALEY fr. SMIII i F,,, 1,,,,z1,,,; ~,,,K . 1,07 b o ,a . or , , LINIE-IS fior , E. C. KING,
Com. Row,
‘../ sale by Wt. AI 1111TCHELTREP., el.dem Isuistills.
myl l6° Lib "q` " 'II ULAR Sii - TTle - Y - A - C - Kr - ITIOR sr. Louts
, ,
A T the sign 01 the Planeumd Saw, 78 WOO9l street, e Km fast reamer piesimpei
a fresh sum!) of Carpenters Toole , for vale by t ' I . ' .-
!11l steamer LEN. LANE,
at)2 HUBRISa LAU MOAN 1 ,=' 41: A. IlcPberson toaster, will Iwo G
i o;
, • v - `----• . o above and ntermediate Pall eve •
D A CON-I 0 asks snorted, - now lauding from steer Ity Suitably, at 10 o'clock, ru.
DP Cumberland; for axle by ; Por freight or pusses apply ee baste, or to
mye ISAIAH DICKEY fr. Co, Front st E. C. RING, hp kgit Cam. paw%
Louitrellbs '
LA RD-I:l NAB Nu I, now landing from attar Cont• I -
berland; for wee by ' FOR,,wirrEinvo AND BRIDGEPORT.
my 2 ISAIAH DICKEY &Co . The neat and substantial iteaMe2
1 I li 'HUDSON
101 EAIOYA L-The eubseribers.have removed from .
... 1 , 13,11t ,, : f5 mow , , ~,„,,,, ~,,11 1 ,,, ,(9 rest
4... No 57 Water street, 10 the warehouse recently 00.
......' ...- ,- :, - r -,er regnt ' ar trip. between Pittsburgh
coined by Jame. 51.7, No rS . 4 .. 1 - .. Meeting and tlYidrpon She will leave Pittsburgh.
on Wedn esday an&eeturday.
--, I
For frelOit m passer., apply as bmwtt
FOR m ,R""iorr. i, AND ZANESVILLE: -
1,,,,dim, „.... ~,,,,,,,: 1•....... moThydesmas"l'te'dir:Curire'aurerfo7the'Pabelovs
VI, OLASdES-65 Ws N 0,
IN/ le, 041 for sate d (by my 2 Oil GRANT • i ''.. and fulerteedtele Pens this day, Wed-
' esay, at,4 o'eloek, I, m.
Q BOAR-10 hints NO, just reekl and for sale by. l pb, fl e ,,a,, er passage, apply op b ea m, „ o g
I,y lay 2 011 GRANT • -- -
Q - PRINOPIRMNYSLA - I.* - i:.Olaiii WijaT.Tird ; •Tho fine light draught iteanier
\ 1 near style fancy Pvints, mst arriving and for arde , Item.
et Me present reduced prices, by Hazlett, master, will leave; Dr &lova
and Intermediate portA a• Saturday,
, , 49 we ' d ''''''-- l at 10 o'clock, A.*.
1) OH ROY PLAIDS-One bale 6.4, aLrermil, Slue I For freigla or passa,ge, "poly to . „
- .. Pl-8 . FOIL WiIEELIN W D 4 11 1V NIII II N 4 FL2 8-R H je° . A
1.1., Plaid Cloaktngs, mst opened, by .
Ms.. Thia fine steamer
George Calhoun, rammer, .4 twPil 1.
or above and intermediate port. on..
PRINTED LAWNS -5 ewes n 7, a1Y . 1., IN , ...,3, , Almiday• end Tbursdays, at El • a .
Lawns, fancy printed, .4 4 ,,,., ° :rjr•Vii i l y HA - F° ' l a ta e ' P .w* g''' 4 1 4 j 4 -1- , -;
and for sale by mi 2 SIIA . - . ..• . ..'!" 7- - - I - - 'REGULAR ZANESVILLE encr,ff.
• • _ • _ . •
- • -
(II INGHAMS--A .fall nrs.reem u ", ‘ ,„ d i i tgl or t c ,,,,, h l Th. Sue steamer
13 - and Demesne Gtoghartse, mat MT_ . JENNY LYND,
SHACKLea - s & WHITE 0 Grainger nature', will roe es arms' 10
I , mpg • "
nixiNAT , 0( Asnioxit i - 11. 1 A tr:14,..2 - ",! . . burgh and Zattesvi ' lleflv " aLe lr P l irts k bn: ' o b 4 7ev:: 1_ 4 '144
sale hy mil ay.' ' ~. day. For freight apply to
T eft—es bb North it e m arg r ip , MATA I V' s,
YECotater at
P — -
ANT STUFFS--A. very laws assortment anew
style Summer Cotton end ri colon Pam stuffs }tut I
opening by My t tItiAC6I.EWHITE
GUAmi,S2:OPAL--9 eases reed uar s a rA TER
TS9 irlims "olifii aril@ el - 4 7
- - - .
The new end IpleediyD an i et
nagat i :ehe . t_ AARON a , ; - -
w etet=6 Wt
LI pi Rini TU RP t,NTIN 6—LU hbls just ree'd and lotion Thursday, the ad ' eat , 10 Puns
0 lade by myt B A FAUNESTOCK te , co. For freight or peerage, hippiggeepc;jorsia„,=.4
OTABII-9 stk. just rued tad for Ws
• DER SEED—De lbe ersh, oat reedwed
for eale by myl & Co
1113110 VAL .
"4" 1 1 1t1 1 4 Eu°E11
(or forimstlims and Commission Rim
ALT-200 bbls Do tsh., ti 7
WIG AWE is WCA.Np1..F.520 Zra= t Be7BB N a " hum. bemean Wand
AcoN-5( vas Hams, 9do Sour Cod o, a do
SlB:madam pal reed and Co, clic by
di , IJY, JONFA aro
Florence, Dunstable,
Rough and Ready', Sinter, Eng.
Soh Chip, Flinty, do. Le.
BONNET RIBBONS—Id bons of Bonnet and Co
Ribbon., of the lieu styled. Also, Mack end colored
Tugela, sod Sethi, beat quality. Ale., Bennet Sdkit
und Linings, ArtificiMs,
HOSIERY AND filLOYELbrery description of
ladies and gemlemens Hose and Gloves, Cravens,
Scarfs, Hdkfe Also, Reser, Caere, QV. Ledo
Veils, black lane demi Veda dr. dc.
NEW VISITES and MANTILLAS, of all the huh.
tenable color. and styles .
Lace rAlare , coders, coda, mending collars, chembietts,
Valience. French and English FatiLkllPt ramble do,
Inserting, Belt albboas, linen cambric and I. Bdkfs,
erapes de a e
thousand Pomo!. and Paraeoletis, of every ' , Ariel/,
including the beat mattes of hno Satin and Comeliest.
Cloths, Cassirnerer,Vesting, Summer stuffs„Tweeds,
Jean. Also, Flannels, Cheese counterpane. -
twerhandred cases of the best styles and of every va
hundred cases of all the well known and approved
snakes of Bleached Muslim; NM bides brown &hetet ,
"ery variety and price.
V - • Purchasers may always depend t from the peat
famlities of min ortablitihment, of °humane the ekOleat
goods at the most teasonable mires. The system od
LOW PRICES adopted by this establishment, as well
as their ONE PRICE SYSTEM, having met with such
universal favor that dm subscribers are enabled to of
fer still greater inducements to purchasers. Every or
acle will therefere be marked at such lore rate as can
not fail to give perfect mdsfict•on. Merchants Roos
all parts of the country are invited to call.
A. M. MASON & CO., •
ap.27allmis Cal Market, between tad 4th as.
Waite The steamboat - ,
PILOT N0.,14
Capt. leatta Pitt*