The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 05, 1849, Image 1

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AFth(STRONG tr. CROZSR, Coma:la:don Merchrouts tt;t:lß p. wtes '
and Dealers in Produce, No. Ed Market street
Pittsburgh. g reet
S.C.ticidiviC4D. 7-77--7-
W.. DAV.
utiliDlEL . pic 'HAW, Wrholesale denim In Dry
Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Pittsburgh manu
factured articles, Sc., No. RIO Laberty street: Pitts
burgh. _
IncancsiCa OUCH, awn. Mat=
n DD " "REt T d tail Drug.b
glan s r,r . cr it
r cent,
y pit . t.s.
CVLSCIEti, Tan mown.
PROWN 4. CULBERTSON, Whole, Groc er ,
aad Commission Merchants, No. 1 Liberty
~m, „ „. . Pa. . de3lly.
1101 A. FAIINESTOCK 1. Co., Whol ale and Be
ll, tail Druggists, corner Wood and a eta $7 l
D.CIALEY lc SMITH, Wholesale GiMera, 19 and
da Wood street Pittsburgh. ,
MeANULTY A Co., FOrt;ranti — and C,onh.
MllatOn hlerchants, Canal Basin, ...burgh P.-
eh 2
DlIqUiPIII• &Yid, Bair lad lion
CGLEMAN,• ILAILMAN A Co, man aurora of
Conchand I.:burin Smingt, Hammered Arles,
Spring and Plough Steel. Iron, Se. Warehouse on
mar and Front Ward, Pittsburgh.
Also, &aloft; in, Coach Tritatumgs and Malleable
Canoga _
_ -
rIONTINUFZ ~,to manufacture ht.:porn:news, Burial
V Vaults, UZI., Bead Stone*, Mantel Pisces. Cen
tre and Pier Tops of foreign demesne marble, nt
a regular and !Orr Mire,
N. B.— Drawmga for tanntitheiiia, mirth; &e. furnish
ed, of any desenpuon. re soliens a shore of public _
patronage attp.dtf
WO. L mum,
UNGLISII & BENNETT, (Ude English, Gallagher
4. Co.) Whole_m_le GrocersiComnussion and For- .
warthog Merchants, and deatttra in Produce and Pitts. ,•;
burgh Mratufaciures, No. 31 Wood at., between Id and
3d streets. °eel
G EDRGE COCHRAN. Cormahtsion and Forwarding -_ lderehant. N.. NI WOO 4 AIWA. Pittsburgh. myl7
. 0 Fran ,
TIAMILI ON STEWART, manufarnmer of Henry TVRE ,
Shirtings, Checks, Ac., l'lnDeCca Street, City of L./ T
Allegheny. . • • novls-dlys Geo.'
H to Murphy & Lee,) Wool Deal Btr
er and Commission hierohant, for the ante of
American W.:Wens, Liberty. onposlto sth at. febl7
war. aluan,Daltimora
00060011, cow.= tread, t
D. c. la.C.c.DCMan, Man a. WanntlDDi
F.ALD & 13DCKNOR, Tobacco Commission Mer
comma, 41 North Water 0; A 16 North Wharves,
• biro.-nov3o-tf
_tot 100 ➢icaay.
~103. . Der 0,0807, ]r,
rArial•DlakEY & Co, Viliiii;n7nlo arm:l4'6;in
mission Idernbants, and deed], in Prodnee,Nos.sB
mar. and 107 Front wreak Pitadngh. none
TD. CANFIEL, (lute of Warren, Ohio,) Commis.
s ion and Foment, log Merchant. and wholesale
de:Wain D
Western Reserve (*Male, Butler, Pot tad
WiPear/ Ash, and Western Prodoce generally, Water
t, between Smithfield and Wood Pittsburgh. ap3
" - Ifl W
HN ATT, (succssor te Ewalt Gebbart,
Wholesale Grocer e and Commission Merchant, )
dealer to Produce and Pittsborgh Manufactures, cor
ner of Liberty and Hann streets, Pittsburgh Pa. JE$
JAMPS S McGUIRE, (lam of the fano of Algeo and
McGuire-) Merchant Tailor,. St. Charles 'holdings,
Thad .street. near Wood. Pittsburgh.
J=RS A. RUTCM.SON, & Co.—Seeeeuont to
Lewis liatehieon & Co, Coraranusion Merchant•.
and &genie of the Si. Lori, :Renee Surat Refinery.
No. IS water nod 92 front street". Putsbutrie
JS. DILWORTH kCo, Wholeeale Grocers, Pro
,duce end' Commission Merchant.. end Agouti
for We hunted Powder of N. Y.. No. V; Wood re,
1011 N D. 3.IOIIGAN ; Wholcsisic Druggist, and deal
t" er in Dye sib, Punts, Oils, Vendsues, he., No.fia
Wood sfecet, one door Solidi of Diamond Alley,
be .h. Juni
Alms Kum" Jr to Joseph G.
Davin 4 Gtotn . dten, 20 Water ' , acct. oil
. .
1 011:N. .
whokitim told 'Lentil dealer
0 in Music and DJ newel iIISITIMI^II.. School Bonus,
Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Qofie, Printer"'rtrdh and
Stationary generally, No. 21 Wood et., Pitob
Rags bought or taken la trade. wets
SC/100NALAICER R. Go., Wholesale Druggtsts,
. No. 24 Wood went. Putsborgn.
1 OHN 1k DAVIS, Auctioneer ; corner sth and Wood
if St'CCM, Prithburgh. • on tt.
JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Bookaellent, Pruners
and Paprr Manufacturer, Nb. 41 Market at-, 1 . 01,-
-r &EL FLOYD, (law J. Floyd kCo.,)
It) . Grocers, No. lit 2 Libeny avert. ert , s
TAZUZ DALZELL, Wholcs.le. Cesisint,isou
Maiduilitoind &ale!. Produce and rituburgh
filaztentinits. rict.lll Water .L„ Pittsburgh. intll6,
TO/1N M. TOWNSEND, Druggist aid Apothecary,
IP No. 43 Market Si, three doors above Third at. Pitts
burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected as
sant:nem of the best and freshest Alethcmes, which he
will melt an llus most reasonable terms Physicians
sending Indere, will be promptly Mended to, and sup
plied WWI ankles they may rely upon as mama
=Dr Physicians Premripmna will be accurately and
neatly prepared from the best material., at my Moro(
as day or night
Also for Mae, a largo stock of freak and good Perfe
lER 6 JONEL,Forguerding and Commission Mer
chants, Dealeru in Produce. and Pittsburgh menu
red &melee, Canal Baal near 1111. t. ' dsl
PE/1151 DULL rI .zi lino it, PA.
V EF:h EDI',
he & CO., hi anufacturers of rery
In„ superior 4-4 Sheeting', Carpet Chain, Comm
vatne aubßaning. 0.30-Iy.
Vesuvius iron Works.
Zes i kr a l L hee E t, korlen '' e ' on ' t u dVuTtrof o l f .ht i b l ut
Oahu. Warehouse, 54 seater [melte, Gout st.
6 WATERIAAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward
,, log and Commission Merchant' Dearer in Pltts
ttrgh and Produce, Non 21 Water sL.,
and Ce.! leant
amassErman', .78.
E tows sawn:
InOOIIIINO GLatl± . 6 Manufacturers, and Wholesale
dealers . in foreign ud demesne 'Variety (Mod.
tern merchants, Pedlars and others art turned
to call and ezmnitie the prices and quality of our stock,
as with oar present increased facilities in tonnufactur
ing sad purchuntg, we think we can offer as great
inducements to buyers as any other house west of the
Mountains. jah-ly
it= arecu. JO. O. PICOILJ.. WALTER C. Bpl.
etiILLS & RUE, Wholesale Grocers and Commis
= shut bier - chums., No. 104 Liberty Pittsburgh.
MIJIIPHY, WILSON tr. CO...eate Jone 4
Co.) Wholesale Dealers In Dry Goods, 1!:o. 4'd
Wood strati, Pinat: ugh. 00022
in ALL., num. narks, mi. t. mum.
-RALLEN & Co, Commission emd Forsrarding,
Blerobonin atm. sad Front rm., between
d end blartet sto. ;snit
MCKETSO, , Whore:le Grn no
NCommission tilerelmots, l No.M, LibertLat., Pitts
gh. janl4
MArYHEW 1411.5 0:1, Yortrall and htinhunre Pain.
lot Room, corner of r.Li Office Allay told
Fourth moot, eurtiotea on 4th near Market.
HOLMES le SON, No. 55 Wallet sty second
door (pm cother, of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
and Domest4c Uilla of Exchange, Certificates of Dep.-
gink'Noica and Sped&
Or - r gaietkoto, mad qn all the principal edits
throdghout the United Stale.. deCl7
-NIe.K..LLASTER, Achasou4.%--Office, Fougth sL r
. third door obeys Smithfield, south aide. •
Conv2 - youcing of ell hiuds stono with tho penes%
care atu3 leguraeousicy. .•
rules le Heal Elute &whined fr.e. • 0et.N.17
O. I W Ftw writ STREET.--Cousmiuing Mae.
Soou.. Chief of Polico z Roourr
H. '.Roberta, 111.
nPT2IAL3IIO StaitlEA/li r evlll attend to the treat.
NJ mentor .Diseases of - Me Eye.
Dr. R. hns been engaged in this branch of the medi
cal profestdonlor sixteen 'vim, and has conducted an
establishment for the treatment of &ammo of the eye
.lone for several years.
OIMCII and residence, corner of Sandasky it end
fitrawberry alley, Allegheny city. . ectl3
J . i ii oar k TtcVxdd-0.2111. yap in ot;',Gmir:
oJe yuunr . packages, ,saavng front dl ets. per pound
61,50. Jyt JA 004, Ant. for Pekin Ten Co.
RoininT iIIOOKE, Wholesale . Grocer, ,Ilectiljing
Diitiller, dealer m Predate, Piusburgh Manatee
tares, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic, Wines
and Liquors, No. It Liberty street. Oil bitild a,ery
large rwelr o superior old Alimangulaclitearbiikey,
which aill Le sold low for Cllll. aplCaly
_ • uacit. u. suumorr.
ROBINSON & Co,Wbolesule Grocers, Produce
tend Commission hpreunts, ani.Dealers in Pigs
ri(Norturucturcs, Ncr.oo Lib e rty st, Pittsbu ß rgh.
()BERT DALZV.A..t. co, waoloaaia Grogan,
commisniou oral Forwarding 7blerahants, dealers
•• Produee.sad pttuburgb illaaafaetaru, Lthany
N, • • I',, It 1101 c • CA
heeler in Praluta . n at Pit tsburgh hienstfacuires,
0. 144 Lamm la. / r. 1 9
J. L. lII=
L. U. , Ad o SSULDS,
It E i l :lurchants, 4) k (o B r li the EEr /I . fer•inly leer tude,teir
ors in Groconcs, Produce, Pitteburgh Manefaczerou
sed Chloride, of Leue
Tae P T1.. "7 Cue, Vaid at all times for cann
a." Idg• a..order el ram VW /Min Std.
Searn m JURNSON, Who!title and Retail Dealers
in !diMabry Goats, Latie; Hosiery tuut Filacq
Articles.ltio. 40 Flark.t street, ad door above Third et,
IL 11tu5.. want
stux iiterr a. WHITE:. NViude,,,h, Dealers In
FOrelggi wad botnesln Dry rtio,99 Wood L.
, — fsk4 , ll
FIARBACCII, Wool blerehams, Dealers
O. in Flour sod Produce generally alul
and Commission Alerclimusi No. t 3 Waits st, Pita.
kirri t , 11nGALF,1 &Co Whoiszola.irosesii—aud
Produce deniers, No.= hiss Sot si , esi, between tub
and su,..Nonli side, Philadelphia-
r. nal* i rrr ocumEioiiiimum — cir" . wiiiiii.
Prbduce .4 General Com.
misims 'Merchants, No. 17 Litlerty at, l'inaburga,
bperm, .d and lard Oda.
§iF Vori NnuitsT, & Coe tift•tiesate Gre.
ecs t
. , Forotritms. aiiit . .,Cosottaseion *triton%
aenPiusbusgh Mitintliketutes null WedettalOo
dae~ here removed to their tic wi.ehooeikiiii !awl)
No. 23, comes of Focal it amiChancery-Lam.
T. v. Weir.
rr Rant alscorr, whoicia:e and Itonil des.. in
8.44 Sbou,:fronks, CprP.' liana, 'cc, i W.
0 mer CrAtliikutl Smhbueid so, nitsbure,
A.t3SEY.ta BEST, Wholeala CIT.OIII and Commis
gam Aleselnans, and da ' alars in PradseS. No. 33
and n ritinnaith. paY3
w WiLION, Lealcr Watch"! J.wth.l '
'Abel Wate,Miiilary Goads /cc• • h 0.57 Mar
, • § • • "`:
7. 4 •-•••••
' •
• h -
• ...1P
• •
lA/ MK tr. bI'CANDLESS.,, (successors to L. tr. J. D
NiTick'j Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
d org , 32 l,„d on lil grc hants, dealers •in Iron, Nails, (Owls,
lAtfatt yarns, and Diasborgh..?(lmialacrores generally,
6'004.1.4'W., l'lttxburrik.
WEST BOWEN--Comnuaaion and Forararchng
Ty Merchant. No. Klaftont at: between Wood and
Markel sums. (dial
ur W. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Famish.
Ing establialuaern, Na 244 Liberty st_ near the
mud. _ mares
'VVIL MURPHY, Wholesale and Retail dealer in
. Foreign and 'Domestic Dry Goods, north east
erner or Martel and Poarth sta. aura
Wy tl
M. YOUNG & Co.—Deern in leniner he
143 !Amity it.
W ura-rcuron. ton. leCIITC1130:5-
1V Marc i n Produce.
ba fgh . Manufactures gette ' ralny. Paz*.
tot2rgh. dec2
1 - tr tirtiVlLt4lN, Winchesjewelry, gilyer Ware,
yr • Military Goods, comer of ktarket and
slrecis, Pittsburgh, P. N. I.l.—Watches and Clocks
cA orally froalied. ilre4
AYILI.IAhI alllllll, Manoraeturer or Cotton wad
colored Linen, Fringes for Dresses. the.: Bearing
and colored Cotton Frmgcs for silk and rancham
Parasols. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes,
'Made to order an the shortestnatice.
Sroas, COMM' of Algid!. Late and William. entrance
No-e 5 S UUom ureci, Ilan! Boor, over Abuer tr. Elyr ,
•tore. No R Maiden_ Loa. Neu York jylO
& M. MITCHELTUXE, Wholesale (Ano,,,
• Rectifying Distillers, • and Wine and Ltivo,
erehsoct. Also, Importers of Sala Ash and Bletwh
.4epowd,jr, No, Mid Liberty street. Pittsburgh. PA
T rot BOAT,A N
Oratal No. 4tt Water Street.
Fronllin Firt; . /e.ruronce Co. of Phan:F.4AM..
lAIRECTORS.—CharIes N. Handler. Thomas Han,
SI Tobias Wagner,Eamucf Oran,, Jacob IL South,
Geo. NV Richard., Mordecai IL LCINOIi i Adolf:oho E.
`term. David S. Brown, Morris Pederson.
• Glum.= N. Bunco., President
Charles G. Bunker, Secretary.
Continuo to make 'insurance, perpetual or limited,
to every description of properly in Mot or country,
et rates as law MS are consistent with secant},
To Company have reserved a large contingent Fund.
which mita their Capital and Premiums, safely Invest
ed, afford ample promotion to the assured.
The assts of the company, on January•lnt. 1549, as
poblished agreeably to an am of Assembly, mere as
(allows,(allows,im v
Temporary Loans
Stoem. . • •••
Cash, He.• •
81.3M,4112 71
• Since theiv incorponnion, a period o(19 piny., they
have paid upwards of one Wilma Mar hundred thous
andffollara, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence
ti - the admit - tinges orinsd ranee, as well as the ability
and disposaion to meet with promptness ail Itabtlities.
Office Pi E ulmor Wood and ad sts
OHN FINNEY, Jr., Arent at Pittsburgh for the Del
i/ aware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phila.-
adelplria. lire Risks upon buildings and merchandise
of every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or
parries of vessels, Liken upon •the most favorable
Warehouseinf W B. Holmes er Bro.
87 ° A t TYte in r, near Market street, Pinsimreit
N.B.—The success of this Company since the estab
lishment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt
ness and liberality with which every clrum upon them
for loss has been adiested, fatly warrant the agent is
levitate the eonfulemie and patronage of his friends and
the community at Imim to the Delaware M. S. Insu
rance Company, while it has the additional ad•untriges
as an haduntou among the mast flourishing in Philadel
phia—as having an ample paid-iu capital, which by the
operauou of its chaster is Col2loll.llliy mereastne,
yielding to each person insured tits doe share of the
prohts of the company, without Involving him ill any
l m
whatever, and therefore m possessing
the Mantel priatemlo divested of every ohnomous fea-
tort, and lit it most nttructive form. stout
THE latsuruneo Gonads.) . of North Arnersco, tnrough
its duly authorized Agent the subscriber, oiler. , to
make pernsaneet uid bustled Insurance on properly, In
this city at.d its vsetiuly, and as Idupments I.y the Ca
nal and Havers.
Anhor G Coffin,
Snm'l W. Jonco, '
Edward thanh
John A. Drown,
John Who,
Thomas P. Cope,
Samuel F. :ninth,
Samuel BTFoks,
Charles Taylor,
Arnbrese W hoe,
John It Neff,
Rtchard D. Wood,
Wm. Wel,h,
Penance tloshens.
Austin Alltlo•tec,
HMI. D. So seen, See'y.
This is the oldest Insurance pan; in the United
Buttes, haring bee& chartered 1794. Its charter is
perpcmal, nod Gothits high suitlong experience,
ample means, sod Witildixig alt risks of as extra haz
ardous character, it they be considered as catering am
ple security to the pu9lte. W. P. JONI.
At she Colikitimc-M.O( Atwood, Jolla! & Co, Wa
ter end flout streets Pittsburgh. molt
tetiEriJ9l/Dlt rTi. Ai fr. itz E..
ilotection Ininnince Co. of liartfoid, Conn.
k„, kUND.—The undersigned, having been appointed
Agent el the Protection Insurance Co, will take mats
DO property in the city nyd vietuity, 'and on stopmeink
by canal, nod the aeon and hikes.
Office, No 117 %%nod street
tpliE BJCRIIIER haz been AK<.. , P.
j Win. al the I..urauce CoUtpulLy of North Attie rica,
laud will is.ue Poheielt and attend to the other humnriti
of the, to the warehouse of Atwood. Jo h,. &
apl2 W A N JONE .watery
• C. IL LIAAIMItOWIIR., 1/.41.3,0
No. fa South Wharves, v.-.l No. 117 SOCit Water at
lop - Los to Worm the trot. and dealers generally, of
Al Pittsburgh, that they Dave made such arrangements
'with the Virginia manutacturen and the Growers of
the West, V.'est Indies, IMO other places, as will nuure
a s Imp and consuott supply of the following deecep
lions of Tobacco, which wilt be sold upon as accom
modating terms as nay othet house in this city or else-
Where, and all goods ordered from them wtll be war
rented equal to repretentauom
Havana; St. Domingot Conn.;
Yam; Portollthot Pernea; }Seed Leaf to-
Cuba; IOW; ' &Florida; baceo,
ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromsue Stag Caven
dish, with a lame etWorunent of ether popular breads,
and qualines of pounds,
_As, es, 12s, les and :Ms, lump;
ss, 6, es and IDs Plug - , Ladies Twist; Viegnna rarift,
de., sweet and plain, in whole and half boxes, woo
and te n ,togther with ' every variety of article belong
ing to the rade. entity
LI ai PI, EftEll &
Soccessiirs to Reid, Herd &
Partieolar attentio.pald to the sale of all kinds of Pro
duce, mid liberal advances made ou consiguments.
L. R. eCo, hove leave to refer to—
Messrs R. Robison & Co. i
McGill tr. Roc. I' UZI °Una.
Rued, Pork, & Co., Beaver,
° Lwow:, & Covode, Wellsville, 0.
Boswell Mania, Req. sicubouville, 0.
'S. Brody, Esq.
W P Peterson, Eaq
me4r. 'Le m bo. & Co. w neeLlog, Va
"- Gill & bloat,
• Ithodes & Oglabp, Bridgeport, 0.
3005 A. SHAW,
Commix'lon' Merchant and forwarder,
C:r Particular .altenuon paid to the purchasing of
Many Much, of Produce in this market. Also to the
forwardmg of Goods generally. Refer to
Novas. John . Soraxp R Co,
Martin & Stockorall}Clneinnan, 0.
S. C. Parkhurst, Esq.
Lippincott & Co.
Kier & Jones,. }Pittsburgh, Pa.
En. lick & Bennent, fnartndem
Ir4_.) D 7 Nk.i i
. . . _
Commission end Forwarding Merchant.
xo.'ffi woon in,nrisanson,
riONTIMUIM re trammel a general Communion bud.
la nen, capeelally in the purchase andsule of Ameri
can Manufactures aid Produce, and in receiving and
forwanling Goods eansigued , to his care. As Agent for
she Manufactures, he win by eilastainly supplied with
the principal snictO of Plusliont Mani:decline at the
lowest wholesale pprines. Orders and einnurrnatents
axe respeeifall 10) ited. art
chant, No. 34 Booth Front street, (second story.)
PhiladelOMK 1:50.600ds patchased, packed, united,
and shipped to orget. Wool, Floor, Groin, crie d
posit antrChiese reeeived on consignment and stor
age, with insaranoePOtamed•
lierzaMmas—Wrd. Ben le Son, Mr. If. Rigby, and
Mr. Hervey CORI., Pittobtugh. teo-dam
/font Naas, Cotton tarns & Pittsburgh
Manufactures generally,
on It lam eThOEt, nrrascssa,
For the mile of PiMinee-geneTally.
17 Meal advances made on cons nmenu.
. Wow:importation to the Hut.
Commission . and Fonvardin Agents.
0, AL BARTON Flusburgh, tu. reheipt Produce
pins East. feb12.4.12.71 D. & C.
R. T. LEECH, Jig.,
Importer and Denkr in Foreign wo4 Loaurnc
- aaddltry Hardware &Catriage Trimmings,
No. 133 Welikti st.i Pit/81%71h, Pa.
I 8 now treeivlngittsElprleg apply e hoods. and
JL Invites the emotion of Saddlers, C hmakers and
blerettsats to Lis stock. It has been bortget upon the
best terms, from the beet inure., end he therefore
feels confident of being able to afford rsetteroeuan to
all whe-Int favoritim with. a call. Me hl7:dOm
ll's/ MERCHANTS AND YEDLAft3.—Sberta
Jormmst 46 Mark. Mrtet Mri..ttl to C 10.15 Ulric'
stock of Vailety Goods previous to t heir removal, r ill
soh at Wholesale their stock of Combs, Buttons, Nos
dies, Threads, riim,Jesscirtg, k.c., at cost. S. tk. J. mill
.rerasedu , APsD 2d, to No 66 Market st. tocb.97
• .
HAW ( ) JONES a (1113.0000111 Lo Atwood,
Jonas & Comonsaum slal4sordlog ildr
ek,outs, dealers. la Piusborgh tuned Goods,
YittsblUgh, 01ca.17
bveler, Pa
WI et LL •Iso attend to . ratliernoos nod a.. 1 other bust-
ns entrusted to Ram in Bunter And Armstrong
counties, Pa. Rotor to
1. et R. Floyd. Ltlterty on.
W. W. Wminon, do ;
James Manitaii do
dly Kay k Co.. Wood st.
ITZR. Attorney st OffiCe •I
oppottle st. Cbor!cs 110 el. Vitittmeet., tett: alto
attend promptly to Collections, in Washington. Fayette
sod Omen counties, Pa
lock, Belt b Co..
Church b. Caro:her,. Pittsburgh
D T ocChils
J. HENRY, Altorticy mid CMIFICCI ior al $
Cinettouni Ohio. Collections in ?outiterti ohm.
•nd IR Indiana, mid in Kentucky. promptly ant
fully titsended to. Coornicsicner for the 0 ot Pron.
rylintifte e for tnitiog Depositions, acknotvlctigmcom,
Rcrxa so—lion. Wm. Ilell & Sot,. Carus, Charch &
Carothers. Wm. Hays. Fro.. \\ illook & Davi , . riaa'
F. K Rita,
A TTORNEY AT LAW. 4, akr Four
nrcet between Stntilhfield slnd (, runt strce.
JA.K£3 Db%ILP, J. II tralS,IN row oar..
I.IN LOP & SEWELL. sttorogy ht Law, Others on
Smithfield. between :la and tifists
JOHN 11. RANKIN, Atiornry and roun•nbor st w
and Cosnnil"lozier (Or the Main of PCOII., was
it. Lome, MO., (kV 01 Pittsburgh
Ititgragscrs.—Pittsburgb: W Forward, !lamp-
An & M'Candiess S AVClstre, John
Disowns tr. Sempl , . filTord Sane
A TTORNEV AT LA W, Fourth street. between
Smithfield and Grant.
wm. c. rnIEND,
A TTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth street, near Grant-
Ur a IL 11013INtiON. Attorney at Law. h. re
. moved hra once to the Er rhang. But.d.uvi. St.
Clair .L. nen door to Alderman Johns. arlYly
R1 , C0R.13 CO.,
4 (Ponce:natal:a to 51:Gord & Kmat
Fashionable tter•, '
Con.> of Wood and Fifth &roar.
ARTICULAR attention paid to our Retrul Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their /lots and
Caps from our establishment of the Etta YIATCIMIA 1., and
moat...NS/tut. of the Lanni irrrhea. toil at It, LOWI,I
Country Merchants, purchastne by who:emit, tare
respectfully united to an!: and asamine our Stock. as
we can any with confidence that to regurda ytaLlrr
and rain& it will not auffer inn companion wre any
hon. in Philadelphta. fehl:
a t CALIFORNIA HATS—.I2 ilex seat, proof
California Hata, )ail recefrnil and ion vele by
& en,
deb 77 corner Sib :did Wood it.
•$1,047,433 41
• 94,724 e 3
51,54 25
3+bo4 37
NITORD b. Co. livid Introduce on ~,ur•
41.11Ld ay , Nerd, dd, 13re Sr rlne rt3l , ‘.f . HAI!?
TIIO.O . ..nut au 110151 and rupr. tor hat, are
to Call at corner of ath and Wood street. mart
CI by now open a supp , y of spring :tonne, Rzbbotti,
of new and handsom, myle,
Alm, new style field Neil, Ltale Lc c.. acd
Lattll lidglng, Vlctorla dn. ' , loot NIu•I and
Jaconets, embroidered SiVii, &c.. U. &dell
large asearlineal of Spline (loc.]. generally, ul
east corner 4th and Master streets.
wenioenl. Room. on 0.1
. .
Dr. KO /4'6 Celebrated liemedies.
TIR JACOB RUSE., tne dsseovrrer and •ote pro.
pnetor of thesetr...lpopts:ar old Ined•
iemer. and a!vo 1111P11141 1 of the ree-hertled ru.
ment inditing the Eds.,. eflecnve s co, 01
Chrome diseases, Pp, p 0000111 Wi th al ...went ph) ‘4-
clan. Doctor Vh‘gte, and is a evaddloc DI OW
ly of' •nd (or tin rt v years since hae dr.,
engaged in the r“.endeahno 01 Jr.ea and the %pot,
cation of remethef thereto
Through the Use o(h,. intlatln, Lo runn er, wlth hie Prophyinet,c rup two •f..lher un, •goted,e,
he has gamed all unpara,efs,L, run enre uf•ne
'lwo dreadful and fatal enulud,es,
lmption, Cantor, nero(ulu, Iti,Ullllll,lll.
Fe u ver and Ague. Fever. oh ail line , . r,.,nr hr, •
lan. and all those ol,•finale 41,..ear•rwroLar. in 1,11111.,
Indeed every form of den,. von,..hee ,der
of him remedies,lo wilten Inaat
:ls., Is heir-1,7 , ,
are oi one compound Only, lot that
Phyanueogteul Law, but It) die use of rune--
then, adapted to and preserti,ed for eucu peewit" torts
of dine/tee
Dr. Hifooe's Tonic Allerallve P,ha, ~ile,. a u re in.
variably acknowledge.) wuc •u per;ortoaii oiLes, as
a purgauve or itver na the) ion... the
bowels perked': , rse Ira. 1.4 1-ltVea , ..s, aieu La
&olden ls isdnuna, ins In. ally t., rOAICa3 ps,ll
- properues adapb, ;a lemals , •Ur aelog
minified that a bare 111 a.. a:Gewalt to cau1...6 svaol
bar been laud to the inuel) oi toe mast skepucai.
The afflicted etre invited to cut; upon thr agent. and
procure watts, one of me Doctor • 14rriphiet,
a detatled account deficit remedy and 114 applicatuni.
For sole by thefol'owuttageuta,aa xr.,l as by meat
Druggists throughout the ...wiry:
J J. , clioonm4er & Co. 24 Vood Ftreet, nttsharge,
J Townua , al, druggaq, 4.5-Market sz
A Beckham. - near the P. (r. A , icelscn) city
J. Bark ley, Dart/neva, Beaver count,, Pa.
Juo Eamon VaßeY•'
T AvlAray. Licarcr,
iIJUN , I. PAIN IN TM'. rlll - 9 ,
II a tor thlie
with a severe ot and chest. neromnai..,:d
with n dry vont, I wn• tinimied. also, tt.e nrpint i•
elmuort ot a I :mod. to LP. la, tor • H.. ,
won, and I tri eay tht. mane the hus aliswermi or
purpos• nth:musty 31, et.trees prmtured t,
serer hurt and eras to grrut 11.• .1 mos w.t• dimeni:y
I you d swallow my Mod I um •utiothed mts
Mmase must have termii.nted i, '011•11inp:10ii or •orear
fatal it,ease, had it not Urell y incl•t,aa•
nwdirine To an wha met , t pr 01.., .Isew
would advute the use of Dr Tuyior's r
Wart JAMES GOWAN. l,ti tio•••••••
Tha. medicine faettitnies expecte,. inn,
ver, restsre. stre gib and ma• he ene,itto red s. .u•
pcnor preparation tor the cure and pre .cntion 01 UP
diseases in the Coast and 1.0 and ..Itotbil t, esd•t•
Oil to, even ashen 0 etc diseases have reab.ted ust.
remedies. In the prOCller 01 MI. ••t 1 y , •
speetable physician. this Balsam Mat
Lay of ay., ha. s,•
gamed an enviable r.ptivittoit for ila virtues. a. tap , -
not to that of the abundant naistran• al me de,. es
was the character and probity of its iLventor. that
of quiteks aid enipfrice.
CONSUNIFTION CURED—.My roe havirgn vio.
lent cold, used to cough 'intently. raistaf quo 101C11
ttoek putnd matter, and dotty he could hot turn over
to bed, from %ocelot/iv He nusinfested every •youp
tons of confirmed convoinpuoii. For vie yearn he had
been subject to the asthma. 111. pia,•l4 - 01011. Nies,*
Vermoule G Anderson, said ha was incurahle. un
1T11011101:111 die. Yet I was detertuis.e.l to try De lot
lor's Balsam of 1., r, "sort and strange amay ap
pear, this medicine hum fully restored his health.
- . .
Sold In Pittsburgh by J U Morgan, VJ SS owl bt , J
Townsend, 45 blerket st , II Sir:slier, cur ursct and
3d Ids; Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty ss. Price r•.,luscs:
In 51.5. per bottle.
Jiyue•' Expettairant.
SAL., Columbritua co., U. A pr 21. teat.
TIR.D./AYNErri. Dasa ritih.—l feel bound to 100
and the ailitcted public.. m a•ait myself of tins up.
portunsty of Baring publicity to the extraordinary crier,tr
or your Kepectnrubt on myself. Hal m% been
(or several years with a severe cough, heels, (ever
and its dweases, and seemed out) doomed
to (Inger out a short toil num:ruble exismiree, 411.11 the
foal of IKID, when, being more severely attacked, and
havinf resorted to all my former remedies, and the per
senptions of two of the most respectable ph)•let•111
the nelghborhood without dertvlng any benefit, or the
consolation of surviving but a few . (lays or weeks at
farthest—when the last gleam of //Opt was 05001 to
I had recommended to rue you/ Expeirturrint
and blessed try that &ta ho g w dues w, hung. Ilalhr
use or the meahs--nisd contrary to the •speelellOan
my physicians and /mods, I WA. Ih • few days raised
from my bed, aniewas ennlr lea by thense nun /.111,
. to
attend to my bumntas, EIIIOyI/43 Flout tiener health mac
I had for too year. previous.
Respectfully yOUlf. te., ik6. IV. rams.
For lade to l'orwbargh, at the ream Tea Store, 71!
Fourth erect. mar-9
1 10 1 U y S . SILS ri A A m T . TC . li. , k l ll`l l (.7 AEO
pryC; The 1 1 i
Vmegnr moiler r tar superior ia Coioa wa er lor
the ordinary purposes el' the toilet,•litirpan-tng the Int
tee in Its pentium It prevents anti otnovva pimp, s.
triton end asperity Al the skin, it refreshes and wmtes
the skin, rendering it eon awl 11.1001 It correct. I.e
clammy and biller annul An mouth. treparang a Orel,
nod pleasant breath.. It cleanses sad wlindos anc
teeth, and hardens Ore gums. Pot tillint alove par
poses, it is treed with water m such urn , ortiets as miry
tie found most agreeable. Rr ...ling it and rutionig
It on the temples, it will remove Ite.adatue Ii aginted
malmilly to a burn or Manse, it will vvetitanl'y prevent
mortification. It correct vitiated air. 1.11 gnat, tins
(rem Contagion; it is the Mai, ry useful for puiifitt.g
and pertaining apartments. For sale by
R E SELLERS, Wholesive Druggist,
mch7l 57 Wood sac. t. lirtsourgh
— Di:Merriiie In Tier n HIB .
he t
Le1me,,, e4 , 1 4, ..n 0 1l that 1 pareltived due vial of
I ypeerwc , some two mo,nhe n,Z;
and gave ID son of “1111 e wine Coven yetit. old, two
Tletipealets hill‘ and although t!se am may
largo, 74 I have no doubt mg thore was upwards of
TROSSAVID WO.. permed Rom tom, meastiong
TOM ace quarter of ail ono to two Incnes 4.144.
Rote. peek. Carrel co. Tenn . Dec .17. 1-.17 sagl
S VEttAllFl.7l:s7l.• nib 1i •-
COLOYDC9, JoR Sib, 1,9
Mr. R.l Sollenr—Your Vomiting, has sad well,
sod has been 111011 epoken of by no a fin Lac. used
tt.. Iron/ the inn , ems utiending lye oflnfonsfranon of
your Vcrotifuge in every c0...t. hove 1 , ..fd of, 1 oni
confident / can sell more during the coon v•as.
15.1 did lost. 1 mill lbe glad to eccive ano th er .up
ply of 4or S gross. Yours, reipect.o :y
[Eatroct from letter ] R. CARTER
Prepared Ishii sold by IL. E. SELLERS, M. ood it,
sad sold by druggists generally, in l',ll3Lurgh and Al
leghuy_.o jarl
1/11.a T.lllll/01. F. 0/1.1
IC 111;81....7N•
No. 152 Second plreet,
r0e1127..d0T0 s'r An/.
TILE eukrecolter hae removed hte Vanier:lln (trace
R Store to the corner of Hancock street tuAl Al e
ghehy Wharf; next door to the Yetry Ileum
tochtertdit JulIN F t.F.11.11V.
4 PlilL -r-JustOpeal. V, a large'llod resealed moor',
seetOtof fine lVautttes and Jeo.elr.t. witoit w,ll
be sold as cheap as in any ono I SlAt,:1 , 1111,il 111 (LIS
or the Eastern cases.
41..-4 large tot of rarity more Walelt‘t and Jew
elry, at very Ivor prlces Fuli,wotlyd 19 aral bold
Levers, as low a. durty-ave done.
IY 11',
trieh:lo eon rr hilt nod or ar Itet its
For O rce r n
MillE new mud Letrt,,ning Pleaut emuTHOMAS
1 SCOTT, Icear• du. Greenwood tt Lad 1.1,1“,,n the
Point. even ball boar daring We tiny, at tea
garden gate.
A fine collection of , he cl•coerst Plains
are 101 sale in Ihe Garden Ice Crcal,“ older s.-
tecritomoto hittuktte I lis duo 'll%OO.
HatiaCtS pat Op at the .hones! Orley, forfrogceu,
frotittets, left at the 'theft boat, veil! !rceivv pr.onp:
cation. , apa
Tlf , co.paroterchip heretofore extstt, betuten the
sut.orr•brri.. Lenut f Rh,' ‘'co ,
woo dny dtAsoired by TlJlttli 001150,311 k, Rh
nettle the tine•• °Me roam, (or wMlieh put
poite unittntired to are the corm- •Ite
Febtunry 7. 1‘,49. RIIEV
Thr .13 h. , rther, have thi. Any nu•oelated thetn,lvo.
to too Darn , of Rif V.V.NATI'II k: f% S & Co- for the
purporo of trongacting • geo•ral Grocery,Cornmot,ou
mod Forwaromg at the rand Of the Inc firm
of Friend. Pc Co, where they will he p!oone,l to
rrrr!ve tor pa:Nl:lnge of the onotroners of that hone
and our Irtett! 1:F,1! R HEY,
We t, p'•avure in r,otnon , ”din, , , to the rovrid , nee
of our fre nod •
!Fiore of Prtend. Rhey k Co, oar
suLeg,or• to i.u•lne‘o. Mathew. et Co
Din.,l mitten
TUE ruTurtnerslup bet , e beneeen the
•rine, in the name or Oneweable. Burke fr.
Co . 111 Ow , day m.goiyed by mutual enneou, ilea
Rorke k. It.rom veld rule Ibe busineso of tno cou•
corn, ro wmell purpo.e :tiny net autherAmi to tute
name of we emmern. N ATI' A NI I:I.
The understaned trilve tins dny associated themselves
in the RU RILE & 11A RNES, for the purpose
of m..nofacruru•.e Fir. Proof Ssces, Vault Doors, he.
kr . at ihr •tend of the late firm of Constable. Burke
& . when. they will be Pleased tomceive the Ps
refuge of the customers of that house end rCh ar friends.
EDMUND 1.11:111:F.,
THOMAS liitßrifeS.
In refirmg from the firm of Constrede, Burke & Co ,
I wot rmre pie arore recommend Mew, Burke &
Borne , . to (rr confidence of my friend , : end the pu , lio.
keu P. I-1v \ATI lAN I CONtiTA If LE
frig 1-41(
1 " W'gfrrtt p g. to ntlx y e m x t " ul C i o n z d ls e e r n L it, h .o7,:i
On the Itt nisi. The businets mill he closed at the old
stand by either of us. ut•ns the name of the firm foe
that purpose Belau deslraus to taco cur business
Closed ventt as 1/1110 delay as partible we would to
request those uldebted to call and settle
their accounts. JOHN D M'CORD,
JadefL D. KING
Toirst D. .'CORD haring associated until him his
aa brown: /nines WCord. under the style of M'Cord
. crill comma the Hat. Cap and Fur business in
all its venous branches. wholesale sad retail. at the
old 51/111d, corner of Wood and sth streets, whets they
mile a eonunuanou of the patronngo so libetaliy bs
:towe , d
on the old firm. !OEN 1) AIiCORD.
jiteti JAMES S. tiI*COFI.D.
TN rnunng from the old and well known firm of
Corn k King, I most respeetflly recommend to
111 c onuonage of the public up sucettneors, dieser,
hCrord b Co. to= II. D
Y , t b L e .Ea.. 4 lr"th . i ; ; r d , u ,
lap , firm be svitled M. Lee ' R. AIWIPIIY,
1",,t/imrgh, Jan 11. LEE.
NOTICE—The ondefitgatd wLLi COlll.lll. the Wool
oust r. 5 and attend to an Lode of NVoolen Goode, at
tne 01. stand 11 ,K 1
1., rel,rmcl hoe, the fin, of Murphy d. Lee, I take
e reel plea:erele reennmondief Mr. H. Lee Inwe
eu,,cltlence Lamy (need+, .d the pub..
Ih.Pshergcl, .41, L. 40. J R. S11:11P/TY
~, , A (.004, r Grocrry bu•itle , s,
41:NO nil Liberl) onposne S..ventn .Irreb Linder Itie
.) b•,l firm of IiCS LIAYS.
Pwst•urli. iar.ubry I, I-4V
I , —Our obi r ulloiners laid the public ore invited
In g,v, n.. call. )25
y y v entered partnertaap, under the firm of
ATIONSON. *ruin enrry on the Tim
Copp, rind Sheet Iron WorThliennufnetory
A ,no. Itlactounloor In nii as broacher., at the old
1.1111 Wm U ei,lllo, Pant lareel.near %Scrod.
I' 1 u ra
o ur
r I ' 1:1e
wont R 0
hr c g
..icr. $. nt 11n. llnl Jr flitti turn.
Rule, t....tiner StEt:te. ac..
.1 MI thc r.
~ 1 11. a Mt., LA LI. t - 1 I.IN. Adolion.irnior
111 ~.• r
.. /4.1:11-d wnele•
rnou, ond 0nt0t..,,0n bu. urn..
~te firm. a 1 a DIt.H Olt 111
e 1 a 1111-WORTIL
.i.i..wary 1 -49
r•O-PARTNECLAIIIP-1`:m l owl.,Onvt
1,5c4.121eil Joh:. R M . Culte. the
tit hervaitcr cooduetell :he l.. 71 14 Win. A. Co WILLIAM 1 OLNG.
J\(l It • , I•il NI
LifeTit -'— d l ' in " e ' s ' o ' f
Wanderings of & Pilgrim in thin Shadow fir Mount
Blanc, b) Lteo 11Chee , r. 1) 1/
of the Pilgrim, at oath. In N•vr
log ml.l/1 tetti Reprinted from the onsl , tal no'nftle,
wtlo historic& and loco, ot promdenee,
pr,m o r. percons, 0) Lwoige :3 Cheerer I)
I ftl.ll , nee to Import and modes
/f,il ward Beech, I)
Lye 401 Cr..rc.• or 201 , 1 Foci, -
.1 I.; ll),11.1. s, It totft, of Nlr. Fomer 00 u r , ac,2l
0: 11 ..... Jot 111 Stft.loftlril —new 111, on
~ o v.. .4101 a r Au,. 01 ' Th:
t,, a, 'moon! Ltooas, for , e m row
prict. y I 1./ IT I ft. 1 - ,Nlott MI 79 NV.. ct,
curl between 4th st ~ rd Diamond a'My
) 1 1 ),C; ON
on„AA .1 1 1 0 N I zst.
rme 1
l:ou Irljo2t.
rFOII-10.10 Appe so a.J. .u. 1111 2. r and Ia, IC 0, ',nu ft.l ihe the Gold N , vie•,
a] r ut• rft11...., ~Icrril to 1114131.11.
A 11, ,worn 10 .1 a 1 nd mop, 2 Y00r.., (lOU
1 . - cetera tlnnool, immg ts practical and
~• :;02.:00 guide lu 1,,l persons era'ing to the gold
0 An, yr.( of Lim noe ,log)', Il ors Col
cr.r. Lond... I vol im• - er ttse
Note• frat-I in Ca. 1101103 c0rt12 , 01.12 ine prom
of the eoualry, viat, the ionic irom Fork
tea...worm, 0o . to 'hog, Ca' From toe oat
et •1 0,005 of Col. Fremont end k.mory, 1 vc,i,
rift vane , 25e.
het'a a Guide Do . k; comproing the !act na
med ..vort.llor.ft log•lh, with C0:.Fre211,0103 lieogravhscal
o' 1 ever nod Ntirtauve oithe
Ezpedition to ISO Hooky >100m5..., he,
w 11 0 amps—l 101,00 n, over
Rev. 1101.11.1 Noe!'s tt or& on the lit:woof Church
and tciam —1 voi. I::no. 51,25.
Just rcerivol R. NO PKIN!‘,
0,1,20 Apollo 4,1 i et
orks, Ulmver•.•s I+ersom by \ V4O !FA. ',ly al
.P. 1 'leTilfp, of rbilip
0, I.r. Hr. tit of the Veorr•
1 Nl,o^ , Tneop'muly, or i °I God
AI, row, of Fomell limn, Cone
oy Tymm, mnport mod tumdes, Ja • o$ , L ,
ki,g•ona x., t Itcrser'• 1.e..t. ren en l'ilFrim's
kvcr moverlng. of P.l.,rmn
I:, , ser , veni ore • Dome... Modrrn A F tl.O of 1,1t.h.. of toe
Nr 0,100,1 OF Al., I oF of Pallet.i,,r mnIF
N 0 oTi & E..1,F11, vu i .1
I: \ NIA I, N IY.ll—hA claim , to dirp...1,13-
‘, torp.,), berg aa att rapt .how k“< auto ,
ils uppl4 sawn lor toe !clic, •alietiag. tP.
New Eat, ,, of .-. 1 . 11c rociproc.l mfluenen
nt {Zod, butaq k m• the •al.lecl For sale lip El.l.llYrr &
79 wood el
LIFE OF FRANKLIN. Illo•trated--Lt Ittoar, of
pubheation In Ilse soma' form, by Harper b. Itro
otei... New 1 orit. Tile Luc 01 Betooooll Frank be. e0n
...010a of Is, A ololotogropliy, and anarra.lw, of Ins
noolte lac and services, by we Rev gs %Veld,
-pi, odol' emt,e IwheJ by numerous egrzo o oh e de.ogn,
oy I, I tiapmsol, engraved In thojitghest sty,. of
art work I. printe.l in the oetsfeto tot se•
ape, lloon I n;tl and lectble type. It will loct
emit gilt parte, at 25 ern. each, and wased
at tref otter,. 1.01, part r. salved by ry.
ore.. , mtnedistely 010 r 11A t.,:ter.Lato. Part (01 Oat
retely , -1 0,1 ICI sILle by
ia-25 currier market and 3d sts
- -
'The Itooory of A icx,id,r (P.O West: by Jacob Ab
bott, row, aod
'for Iliwor> of tThar.C. Ibe F.rst 01 Lapland: by Ja
cob A boot( - riega t ehgra , loga.
Harper's I.lln FruAk no. splendfdly embellished
by liunWrolls eriumte destrus.,No I, 23 cents. To
completed nt e nunt..era.
t•toutint [hoary of England, up to the reign of
tge 111—contplow to 4 trots, octavo: 1.t.0 float.-
rrctired blest ]
Apollo Itoudin a, 4th et
j ACAL: LA 'n Illy t ORI OF' ENGLAND, Vok.
l'ha,merC Posthuniou. Works VOi. 6
Frank 1110* Ltfe litua.roteil—parta II told 111.
Ilaston, of Ilsonm.,, the t artnaoman: by Jacob
A t, ,, oct. Itlusi:med title, map nod 11,11 C rOUS flgta tnq a.
At.l ,, t't. Grammer and Engleit. Chetionory, or:avo,
Story of Little /oho, rein tar French of M.
11,1 I .lostr..ted
A clOn. or e. Clerk of Life. A eoPeetton of Dials
end t Mv:rvatione, dc•ttined to deltic ate Laic, Maui arid
Hart • Roma of 5
1, -
A rx,a n nce F
I.le rt.ti0re , ,,,...
arger (ranafotian;
npfen,l,,l'y tot,Ll!.nur
reer,vtil try it I 10PICIN",
Apolft Hail, itlt It
k. , V 1;134 , K7 , -11;ncry of NI ory tb, cen of t+colc.
Lly Jacob, Acorn% oah ecgravmse.
nl Ktny LS/Juries titc hm, 01 E.agional. Uy
Jac. MAKcc, cc.bll cbgrac.p.
111.‘or) of Alexurlo. Urcat By Jacoo Abbot , :
with togravince.
I:.•tuty ot [lamb& the Caithaglnah. By JOCOb
itccciv ,. .l .4nd tor 8010 by
fc b c ot moil ::219
ICE , t lit oA(S--Oregon •url ColifOroto in lO4.;
J Qw a Thol.loll, hue !urge of the Supremo
Court or Oregon, ood corre.polo lu4 moinher of itto
I.IItIALC. lot at Uppe4lii3, vein
e., nod sutio-ul.c Worn:lotion vn the eul,reeL „Boas
of orom, a..d otne , r vokothlr tool
ter ro to the r nOgra sae, cm. lb Mt IlluAinoras
sod tt gorp to Iwo votouro
t4phae.; or pug., Cl tat book of hie of twenty' t.y oc Lonimki .e, kWh°, of the ory oy 0.,
larookl••., or l'orso,l Nia.llloll, nt oi the
I re.olt Itt volulloo,^ Ju.l r,11., I ono lor solo
AP OF PENN`ZYLVANIA—Co•nstructed from the
.1' County P•uf veys susuonscd up no .siloostrolottis
of ncLynnedocuments. Hcvnmni son tinproond under
sopconmem of Wm. F. Monts, C. upon
dem yOOOOOOO in each county. Ylij, sm.:low. , of mt
Lmf1 ., .."" A yew :owes tine Mtgs. sod smcnmd
Ms, rnseos 1 ills Joy and for note Ly
elisNq,,N 4 .4 tocirrvN,
Elooksollers nor market and &ISIS
THIS estulnishmrin long and widely known its
hems , me of tar imen commotio,. the city of
lintumor, has recently andergone very eaten.
tire aiterationa and improv-ment. An entire new
wing has I , ell added. roittainine nuineecno and airy
deeping apartments. and criensrce bathing rooms.
The Ladles' department att. also been completely
reorganized and Lord up to am u., unique and henut,
ful style. In tn. the whole area gement of the House
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the pan of
the proprietor, towards the comfort and pleasure of
their Ourats. and which they confidently assert anti
challengecompan with any Hotel to the U./if..
Their tunic will alw son
ays he suppled with even sub.
WNW and luxury which the market affords. served
up in a superior style: whde in the way of Wines, de,
they a ill not in. surrhwo-d.
WM Ei3 US..
lee cone 'LII.IOO tic proprietor, bra to any. that nothing
will be len tendon n on thinr part, and nn alt . . part or Sheer
elven:tam, to teenier the: Hotel stone y the.cominued
patronage of :lour freceeeto and the public generally.
The prne.. for board have ed.° been reduced to the
following Tate..
I.ndirc' Ordtnary, 81.75 per day.
Cienfleaten c • LSO
N. B.—The Baggage NVagon of the Bowe will al
ways be toned at the Car and tateenthott Landing -it,
which will convey baggage to and trout the Hotel. free
of charge. inartif
----- ' — RIC FIA NOE HOTEL.
The veliverilier hasiti.s aveumed the manage
ment of this long eviablishvid and popular Hotel,
respectfully announce% to Traveller% and the
Public generally. that hew
on he at all times prepared
to accommodate them to gut tninge &astable in a well
repainted Hotel. The House is now being thorough-1Y
repaired throughout, and new Furniture added. and on
pants will be vpared to make the Exchange one of the
eery hem Hotels in the country.
The undersigned respectfully solicits a conunnance
of the very liberal pnvovace the House has heretofore
received. THOMAS OWSTOH,
fehadt Propr etor
coVran nv vtwiern 700, rrarrts. rerratteraon.
TilE etth•erther rerneetfutty arrnounerth mat
he ha. nnve opened Inv neve um excellent Hotel
for the aecoottorniatton of trYVelerg. bnardera,
and the putrhe genera:ti rhe houee end Currthure
are VIIIrCIy 11rW itrld Paine or expellee have been
'pared to render it one ni the tonal vorafortable and
*newt llntete at the co,.
'lllle subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
(ore solicits, a share of public immense,
1101:tilt, Proprietor.
1 0 0 13 — Fr; CENT el AVEDI
HE VIRG! SI A h I) MI.. on Salttatore street, n
the Pepot. onheriand, is now to complete order
for the ree-nnol, nod accommodnuon of the pahhe
r,1 , 011$ to renrrh of e nod comfort, will Jo well
to patronize tam c.natri ase
i•hment—they will and the
chunk,c clean nod owe, •tal the Table ywell fur
r.,shed at any at Cumberlind, at twenty-five cents,
guaranteed as good ea any that can be had in the
place, at any price, or no chargr. No charge for
tranzportattonot baggage to and from the can
jal.s dam WAftIiINGTON EVANS.
Cr 11371117 n.. IFTAVIM VoClVell a.. 70 010011 111.
O PPOSITh: late Pank of the United Statca,
dolphin ht
mare! M. POPE M H
ha eklelt k IV bile,
Ft`PG ,, ODS JOtittEßS, tn., Wood street, set the
/ attention of Merchant+ to their mock of A3IERI.
n'a AND Mitt:l"N DRY GOODS, now receivlng
dire,: from hr t hand.
Reemmog regular mpn:les of fiat goad. during the
ammon, and &collo, n lu•ge share at their attention
in I.xstern Auct•on .. , ea they ran confidently aa.nre
buyer. they artfi had .t to :hetr Interegt to examine
Just teerivrd, I Irge co.mer, of I,w ml le Dremt
Ld, Fancy P , ,.. 1 - 4..iturre... Cloths, Sunomrs
Good. a. Gr , Od• • 1 , 1.11 I mv.o., Totlon ,
Trunmior. nod brown nod hi , nrord Sheeuzirs o( van
oo• mart)
Modern and Antique Yurniturt,
Tore: Prt - reet nom
. „. ...t or larr , ?at. r qa
• .totaill ' t rore , trendototx.
Holt IA and private tkvel.
conetne, of h orld ninth . to order.
pr,ont .cork cannot b< exceeded by
any mrmulur,rl 'll mr..1,71 roman . Yeroons
ol•tting to purrh .00 , t1 tio woll to Stye Ine a n il
nay 1 , f1..r• shall pte , sc. Part Of
tJ, etnek in
Tote a Tore. Butler EtarteLe:
Loos, XI V Chalnn, 11nnen 1-lizabekh chain.;
Tea Pos... Irn.‘
Tnsrs Lows XV Comm.:Ler;
F renra Ninhoraoy 11,inlends. Piano Stools,
SU sofas w.ta Pa 1143-4,oth covtrc
SV Nintv4cur, .Chni,
• 40 .14: P•
30 " Fan,
•parr p-r Talkies.
1.7. mart Berena.
• 4N 0'••••• - • 4 •••••••-13••••• Book env,
too kV e•n 051.115.15.
I pat/ .moninn.
01•a•r'anry IS n.k I.tanda,
A Vet, ••1444 . asnorta,n, of eommon ehaira and other
roman, non wornerou4 10 •n••••••• 40
Ualteer Amerieur• nod Frroch rhorol:11, Prrpc,
r 4 Cocos, t.'<wo2 Pcoac. Unman. Coy on Shells, Sic.
110 ow rola.. nod con•urnen, wt ,o purchrow
product ul r.or I'm,: from .lulterntioll,
tunic “atriLioua lea “r cotree. and qualkty un•or.
paned. 4c11. - nher rccommr,d• the alcc•r
”lactured •od .uunred Vv3th ht•
~Ilicr• arc pronco•lcc,l:•, crogn collncol p. +Mans
..penor a.t‘ nren..o.“ vitn:.u.rturclt
i,cCl4l,lc g•occ, ..c 4.1 .;,,
(•ra, . ne.4
t,runl s , ton. 'Noma. V Brunch., Hal
umort, :And Kora,. h :leltre,t4Cl,,cmnau. •'hin.
11,11tCR, I/menet:sr
For sate by aug I.:AL.ALI:I A F•\l mi. Att .
Wrought end Cast Iron Rolling.
, VHF.sul•rd 1 ,, g P,110.111 11,f pubne that
I the) InAre n!...n,ded !.4 ,n 11. e Ed, all the In, and
(wslnonalne d• gn. r Irna lidnnn? 1.0, for houvs
and cemeteries Per..., unwnAnd, 1.. ' , metier hand
emr.• rat:en, nt;,..e.4, Ca and exarmoc..ll , Jadse
(or rnaln-,Yes. Ras Al.lue 11.1,11.01,1 a , anon.
est nouce. and ,•(.•1 at Me corner at
Ctn. and Rebe,en 'tree.. A Or, tinny city
suez)-11f A LANIONT k FLNOX.
Leeching, Cupping . ad
tr B. NOICHIS. IF.mcve..l to M. IL Delany )
n...• N. .5.1 street, ',tweet, Wool and Smity
field. Fresh ~ call.. rrcrlved menth•y--attemlunee all
hour. Reference. the rhystmana of l'otaburgh,
y and Et.rm,,ham
I moat ehrerteily recommend I. tor ph ynielans.fam
-1:1,1 :loci a. my form, frie,lt and pa ,0140, Mr. K. B.
Norr. .• timrnostl.l) acy.o.iott..l wall the Lorn
a,. c...! wortby ot'patronase.
ma,' 17 Si R. DELANY.
Matsu fact a red To , seen.
Q DV , 10..0r5 A H....u.r.ftupet,0,0w,..t 5 lot;
UI do 31 A hol.. , r's lb
11 , .in 1 . I iarwAK.4 . 3 '' 5 "
do do do
. .t5" do tlo r orl Ilutwood " 5A'. lb
II do J Holonion "
57 br do do
2.; do • o 'll'l, . ,ttn
11 do T
37 A, f;
do r
do 1; o ,
.10.1 ioodmg 1,111 • trnmer mud park..., ono Mr ,a,e
by 111 , ..31.1), Hl CliNl,ll 5. Co,
11 north Wt., und lb ,wrtla wharves.
je24 PlolAdelplua
A ATCMT - Fr T.TiTt UI Ii •Joucot
Sod's supt: •wcri lto lumps.
75 boll on. 141 , opcnor. •uv.ect 3s lumps
:16 " Ss ••
25 1.0,1 A Ito, ••.r •• 3:10 Ss "
211 " 1/.spool,dr In I.:dm? 511
Ic " NIL:Leal "
I....vrrorr lAntler 0 5. 01. plug
1.1 Idod105; Crum,. nod , or .ale hl .
111:CKNIIR A Co,
11 N water or luld lAN wharvea,
Atl... dt .1. lila — Ml, Book Binders.
W F. o77% '.' . ‘ a i ri " .l . l 4 ll7l 4 l ' ' d li ' r n i.l ' S " t " ree a t l l7 o l l ll ' t " sl:o " r e g . ft: n w oi .! . r .. e n ' ``TEAM BOAT CLOCKS—Having concluded to II
we are prepared to no any tooth in our line with de.. 0 oa. our enure stork of Kirke's Manne Tonepiegs.
patch We atteml 1 . , our wort pOr.lll/Inljy, .1, 4 1 5.,.. aye now odor to veil them at lower prices than they cart
ineiton will Ire give, I I regard .vs nesters. . rod ilu- Ne e Loud', at any house in Pittsburgh or elsewhere,
mast, . ....I or west. Being tile only established agents here
Blank Books ruli-d to any pattern and bound sub- 1 tor these clocks, we have the largest and (nest snort
41.1LpIIV 14mi.s101 numbers or old books bound rue- met tto tat city. Call and sea.
(oily or repaire d . N ame . p„, on book. .n gilt tetiers Remember, we ore not to be undersold.
Theme that have wort In nor tine err melted to eel' 1 . BLAKE lc CO, Market street,
Prices low mr.avif ockhil c.ttrance on north side oldie Unsmond
- - -- ___
Vi Very li”e artie.e. A hew eivieul. I•lnladelpina .
tIALF alklllti do/ genettinienelt t'alf akin. a
Skins, bavm the manumetory at II lil Crivartord. to i
il ISIAC tore®,
W YOU:M. A , o,
r ANUFACTUKERS of spring and blister anti,
r ia , l e n , e t h ,,,, th: . a d o f e n t r it s te o l l t e
l o y f boot makers t. invited 1 u ,
~,,...;::::::::,....4pui.,:do:: ::::
„ F . :: :
ICI .11,er, 51 N
_... L I . plough steel, meet plough wing., roach a.l etin
- on sprang's, hammered iron axle, and dealers :11 Mali
g ktertuly, corner of Rvins and Front stet, l'itt.burah,
A' ' ' v'''''"u ''" ° I ''''
'''''' r -
~,,„ I, teen a spletolid variety of nip No, so l el
vet and Tapestry Carpets, Istegt Nights Also, Wea
sels, ,I itt)s and sup nod floe lourato Crtrpets, of sup
styles nod out, met, stut,ott roottecttoo eau always he
foto . d TMI. to Idi t c us, Crash e 1 , luap e r s . Du m u u g
.2., ,td o t 'L i t , . ,
to arti e r
TIN I - pO - .—g tto A thr t: c o t ti ns ts: :; l: : : :.. o trtn f: 4,.. P hy i s .e. to rd hs, p: ...u .: tl: : : : fo a r ,
moots Ott Oda., he .tee, to nit of winch we tail the V tit , . C•a6. , .. ner , ce, lost received.
~ „„„ ~,
~,,, ~„,,,,,.
_ili s,„ - m-------- sod , may Article of Panatela ...old -rates, which es.
HA VING told tool cal, S'oelf . C 11 . ,, foghTt with I dry gold tat/. ought to have, and for sale . o y
a view to 0.0•1119 out Old liuoucits we befell so. i W W D , ILSON,
lied for biro tor patrotosste of all our !needs sod cos. , , tnehl3
rini F. celebrated
board little Powder, in :egs, hall
P - ,ttshurgh, Attu 4th, 1 , 18. J, kegs. quartets and guns, for gale by
(0.13 J 4 DILWORTH h (.o. trrornaf at
/ I It. GRAN r, \% oo'eut, Gr., Comengston anti
_.),, F or g .,,,,,t,. u or,. get. 'go ii D leer gt nut?
— 13.1a..L. A - :.1., BA ;t ,s vOUNDit 1 . .
A 1 - 1. girl-,, htto sod liar. I todtdt-t has r
llbuilt toot enninieorril Lugo,. at tog old sinotl,
where et ' , P.m pleased to see log 0 , 1 rultotn.
e fa nod founds
Chu rei1.,1,11111.4.1. and ftel,s of every 4 tte, from lo
to tU,OIO ra.llllb. 1,..1 item patterns of thr maxi approv
ad models, end werro.,,hl to I,e or the b.,1111111,,i;
Water Pumps, i!ottotere Rating, kin . Ono
ther with restry eat ( - I, of llra., C.llll,
normal end fito,h,d .he 'tea. tow r
A I' to the sole proprwor or 11..2.1i's
Ttna \I COAL, an m•Lly reit ltraced Per the redui l/Clr. of
rtz,tsort therinmery The Hosea Quid 1.0111,..”1 , 101
rail be hod or Lion et u,l
THE rabsenoc, home the exclusive Agency for
Idling Oa Yrottog l'apot of a t,cw wad extenolve
rooter m,li to loth v,• I;,, as, to, nl4l tones tvt. rllp
with or 'taps, of ~,,,,,r
ly, att.tco oat rat tha It raga st proton.
,toy sthe ot dos Ity tato to, gunitulue , Urcd order at
taunt nototh 11L1-,lt NULLS a.
,5„, r Vc., , ..1.•U Irwinfti
r. 1 , 1 A kt, !DIMS t,LU t cnnte
—.I received for Itie
G,i,ott-a Eloctittoot, a complete u•-orttnent of
la ala pdssoe o
o eiothols. at pricen ranging from 44,1 Co
$1.50 (or tof cant, nod In,. Far slOa , to the
bolo nubile, Depot, No a
Jer.:o J A 11P/1111MA
core cr mar.ei nr.4 Jti sts
JFLEXLIVEI)—Teree mote of those suf ju-tf y
cy celebrated Iluesburch hallos, used colultar:.l/ Ly
Ltsts Ittalbers and 051.1 r perfumer', teg" , fcr
tat a Wit' 054011141.111 el
. rote wood a..d foutfocany % ,
of my Owl, t.iroalenin re
wa . fraaled
to LC perllnt ever': respect, and will be
Sold tow for cashP
&GIB No tit Wood at, 84 door from SW
on tne toast reolonaolo tenon.
Chocolate, Coco-a-,-6-e-
PArasir Susan, Jassaiv tel. 1839.
Patent crntplents emtesuriern Trabks. r a4ißatran 333 l
Book Cis.tea.SVntireg
.THE TABLES Mr surpassing every other m
y veinier, of the kind now GLIM. They can be el
tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when.elcand
the leaves are all contained Inside; May are tirade to
all sizes and shapes, and see &delimit!) , adapted for
S.teruntioam, Hotels, and large private families, Mao.
tog when closed a complete centre tabtd.
SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These undes are Mgale
table, particularly to, the se who wish topoao
mine room, and converf aleepinie apartment lag a
parlor or stator room, as they can he oneripandtihut
at convenience, and when slat., the bedding{
ed. A great Daring to roots and rent. An the bed
read• whe closed term a beautiful piece of fornitare
for s parlor or sitting roam
1300 K CASES—A neat and useful article for parlor
or &soil/or room.
W RI TIAIR DESKS—For law Maces, counting roam,
and other °Elect; when opened a most convenient bed
.ltad, when cloaca n perfect Dedk and Library alone
is viable.
AD mete articles need no recommendation: the
bosomy of the whole is, they are warranted not to get
out of repair. It will be for your-interests to call and
Gialnine the artleles, at the manufacturers score, No.
is 3 Thiel street. Pittsburgh. In addiuon to the above
advantages, they see proof against biter.
fifill,AND now opening, a aplended lot o
Piano Fortes, from the celebrated firm
of Nunns it. Clark, N. Y. It consists in
part pith., following;
One elegant Rotewood 64 octave Piano, with carved
maul ling. top tuld plinth, protecting flora and carved
gothicl rotewtabl ets. sood Pismo, 63 octave, elegant endP lain,
with Coleman'. celebrated ,Enlian Attachment, a so.
parlor Instrument
Oue Rosewood 6 octave, round Corners and octagon
legs. One do do do •
011 G rosewood Piano, square comers and legs.
These Pianos have improvements in the mechanism.
In stringing and coloring of the hammer*, pouessed
by no others in tnis country, and are at once the best
as well as the cheapest Pianos that nun be bought.
ALSO—An elegant lot of Chiclterbites Pianos, Ram
7 to II octaves, possesving all the latest improvements,
Al i el=u r eTegant rosewood Cabinet Grand.Pieno,
7 octaves, a new invention. HENRY RLELIKR,
feel ti All W Woodwell's,R) This at
filpll JOHN H. IitI.I.LOR, (sole Agent for
Chtc Scribe's Plane Fortes for Western
Pennsylvania) No. al Wood otreet,
Pittsburgh, ha. received ana tow open
for talc. the following elegant assortment, direct from
the manufactory, at Mr. Chiekerlng's (Boston) prices,
One Rosewood seven octave Piano Forte. caned
the :nom elegant and nch style of Loan XI V.
One Rosewood carved caret octave, new and em
proved scale.
One roaewood Piano,ti octaves, new scale;
One caned, a-
Two and corners, *octave, new scale, .
Two Idannel " 6 " "
The aliove are all from the manufactory of J. Chick
cling, Minton, of the latest styles of furniture, and won
the new and improved scale.
3 Rosewood 0 octave Napes, from the manufactory
of H. Worcester, New' York, formerly of tie huh of
Stodart. ‘Vorcesrer Tr Durham.
2 rove wood 13 ortave. Gale & Ca, N. V.
1 rovnwood al octave Piano, mode by Bacon & Bn
van. New York
I Mahogany 6 octave Piano, made in Baltimore, and
left with me foe sale by the nyinier, for cash or in et
cnge for Plusliurgh manufaftures, or groceries stiit
able (or a country store. Price IWO. 14/0
LT.L J AVNE.—This rerufica, that immediately after
buy ivg attended my brother, who died of consumption
Alnrch, I b4v.• was taken sick with th e Consumption
or Liver Compton., and was reduced so low wan the
dmeam. that tor four years I was unable to attend to
my business. either at home or abroad, being for the
molt time confined to my bed. Dunn, the above peri
od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o
regular Physicians and medtcanes, to the amount of
$OO, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In
July, 1 , 15, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi
cine, and have taken them morn or leas ever since,
and believe that it we., by persevering in their um,
that I can now truly say that I have completely 'coo-.
vered my health. I believe that Jayne'. Sanative Nils
and Expectorant are the hest family nietheincs now in
tin t
reside in Springfield, Otsego county. N. , and
carry on a furnace and machine Amy to that place,
and :me not intewisied In any manner in me sale of the
above medicinea. and make this ceruficave for the hen
chi of Ilio•• atillc: ELIJAH EATON.
Springfield, N Sept. l 6 ISAS ja4
4AN Cl , UH. ED TOBACCO—The sabot-riser
would tall the attention of the eity trade and
dente,. generally. to the following brand, Tobaccos,
ttrialo, elnd to arrive. which being everugninents th
reat Ilona mallanealrell. he t. enabled to sell at East
ern prtrec
13n I L. R W Cren•hlar 51,
7u I •• James Math.. ss,
`I I " L.mnrune ss;
Ta I Inane.
re I - Putnam 54 .d
IA I Ruben.* A. Sisson h..
I - “scar Burl
Is. 0 " Johns It Le., I.
3I . 4 Warwick sup . Is;
4, I - Henry A James AI, 1 and IL
TORN WRIGHT& Co., are prepared to build Cotton
sod. Woolen hilmhutery of ever, description, such
as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders
Drawn.; Frames, Railway Heads, Women, Speolers,
Dreastng Frames, Looms, Cord Grinders, &c. Wreath!
Iron Sham ng turned; all slots of Cast Iron, Pullies and
Dangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes.
and uml. 01 all Simla Casungs of every descrtittmit
:amis.' on snort 001.0. petters. made m order Mr
31,1 l Gearing. Iron Ittultng, Sc. Steam Pipe Mr heat
int Fuctorms. Coe: Iron Window Saab and fancy Cu—
n von erilly Order. lett at the Warehouse of J.
Pnnticr h. Con Liberty street, sell have prompt .1.31-
Refer to LiNeiatock, Bell k
'" J.
K M°°"lica
0., I; Warner, John Irwin , r; d
J 11. Warner, rsvenbenvlllek: IvulV
Penn .•ao, Inc 8• op.
, i O l - 12 . 11 rZ i N , ' Al m te ,. (a o rt r uje m r ug' , l , k . :l;d c a n of cixo n t-
Tne above works bring ow m lull and successful op
eflllloll. lam prepared to n execute Orders wi th dispatch
for ail kinds of machinery ill my line. such im
spreaders card, grinding machines, runways,
drawing frame*, speeders, throssila, loom., women
cards. doub. sing le, Mr merchant or country work,
ath:es, J ack, &c.,lide and hand lathes and tools in ye.,
cral All kinds of shalling made :o order, a n plans
cn for gearin g far-ones or 1111111 e at reasonable cliarixe.
Rattan To —Kennedy. Childs & Co., Hiackamock, lie!!
& Co., King, Pennock & Co., Jas. A. Gray.
AW'lfEk"°d"'Z i n form therUtle tet3o7lleeeetqSoo„ l.a
cotk, Ire,w i Federal a d Sandusky Wee.. 'I try
arc now making and are prepared to receive orders (or
every description of vehicle., Coaches, Manors, lie
rouchea, Buggies, Phreiona, !cc., which frogs their
long experience in the mentifectu re a the above work,
andthe 1.1111.1011 they ha ve, they feel confident they are
eimbleil to do work on the moat remioneble term. with
Lease wanung articles in their line.
. .
Paying [turnout. attention to the seleettoo of mote
nal*, and ha•nig none but t competent workmen, they
Coot no ...nationwrranting Melt work. We
thsreforc ask the ittlesition elite public to this matter.
N Repnintsg done in the best maintor, and on tile
most reasonable torsos. /n'-e.blf
-0 •nr net the attentlen of but erste ht., re
wipe., of atinea Goods., embracing a•ery
TO) hne, and from Dm celebrated ..
• et refute. Purcbaaing these gulps toe
•ion inerchant• or agents of the
r•—• he to etianletl •ell them at Me lowriat
r., 04 AlllO, °nye arreen and mort.thie Or!, WM.,
• cheap: wool dt cd Ilk do, and Freon tt itrtosli
American CASSIIIEREPI, black and . Ilk
•.. rt . VE.STINGS, gentlemen's exet
1..,..tki rehief, black aod fancy Cravats, linen I...tcket
IMilershins t Drawer's, to., at the north e.tat
citiocr of 4th and Mark meets.Whoiesum R 410191 up stairs. fah2o
. .
..,_ , _
- Blenongaholia. Livery itillstbleo
the large stable on First at, running through
to Second at, between Wood and Smithfield
sta., in the rear of the hlonougahela House,
trail an entirely new stock of Iforaeo and Carriages of
LI, liest qualig and latest styles. Homes kept at nee
ry I n I,b hest Monne,
.A 2
naprattte Patent Soda Aah.
;)();) eAt 1,4 juit received par warners Ivanhoe
itel../.Gi and at blow!, and for aide by
IGO Liberty at
Shoe Findings. rte., ND. 111 Litrertr strew, have
lust reveler Ihr/r oPIUNri hIrOCK ot cam
poshig a ge vain:trot:trot °Cavities In therr lane, to
winch the atte.,hou purchassra ts inviteLL
ALL peraons Indebtcd ine L'Eiatt Of NVUllarn Me.
Ktnght,d , neared, or to the Inc firma of W. Me
hhight h. Co., and Wm NleKaight h. Son, are notified
to pay, without further detay, to
mettl3.4lm Adwmrtrtoor of W. MYl.l3ight dyed
R'lly rt.,' C A're.RlALS—Just rwe'd and for wit—
ik 5, 3 ant U4I.I.IPLUID, 111C±1.
wt 93
MO de, Conwreemble Toby', of oil colors by
den!, J KIDD
t.l EL, to do housework. Slue who thoroughly
1. ober bustusp, turd cart glveowl e
uo eJou of a Ficrtaane..t Bataan., at fair
at tbla office. mehtsuitt
NUIEU 1.E , —.111 bush anstl Appit, la use
wed(ar •/tI, tnolaa S 11n111.1AUG11
1)n Itln (1/31.11)1-11) eons truo,/utn and for
jj :de by .0 A l'AllAk-.411/en A Oa,
nw.A.lll cornet let nut/ wood st,
Siam Decraiirresent dr the California Gold Fnxer,
No 75 Illastlir Star: rtrtsamorm,
HAVE resolved on SELLING OFF theft lure
reek u( DELT GOODS—the principal part 4.
which have lately been parelinsed at the Lamas Ace.
max Sale. in Plitlmiclphia nod Her , York. I“
o too-
mentions and unparalleled simrißce!
We have made auch a large reduction/roes out reg
ular prides that wq y cow melt a largo portion of our
goods LO LOW COST or irapnrtafiett. The early at-
Within kir buyers Is Matted to elroics lilgei colored
goods adapted to the Cal:Venom Trade.
Plain and figured Canitellaa[Casbnicrea and de tallier
al ka, • all prices.,
Veryrigterior Mucha% fled' Super chink cloths, all ea.
and watered blk silks, , tar.,
Superior reoarninte ailks,lPrumb matit.os, colom.
Lib and colored, 'Mara lionitta urea,
Super black glouy Oro de Cress barred and airipcd
Rhin silk; alpacas,
Velem am/Mantilla silks, Broeba at'd and strip'd do,
best quality, Jrnuy Lind plaids,
Pare eaum, blk and blue Victoria I.yoneu cloths,
blk arena, vary nett,
ne mobs marinas, Coburg emotes and caraelii
Super silk warp alpaca an Inures.
Splendid plaid long shawlo, A f,or brecha long shawls.
Splendid terkeri AblYti. the /deist we lowa ever
from N. York auction+ brouein. to thw market,
great bargains; now m lre sold at great
Plain and embrord Uribell baritainat
spawls, all color., Superfine and common bro..
Silk fringe, remerkablyl chi square shawls:
cheap; Super carnelian silk altawls
French clod:esfrom - the erlehented eleiheov" marree
factory. For !scanty of finish and permanence of Went.
these cloths have no supener, a few piece. erten hoe
jet black and olive canton heaven nod other hovel
cloths for over coats, twilled French cloths, inniudac•
tared esprensly for cloak in French and nneeet..nn
simerea, sum r west of Elneeland do, tuner Pi slice , do
lma for vesting., the beet Imported. Plain m.d Mawr
velvet 111341 caahmere ventage, ca modem shirts in.d draw
era 'ltalian craven, linen, mbric and teak he
nen, and gloves.
Irish brmus, best long clod; elldliiig.maalins, bleach
ad and brown muslin" of rood quality, rcroarkauly
low; bekings, cheeks, domes. and 10.1pC0,11 ging
ham., uaudet, yellow and Whlle 13•.Incla, a large 101
very cheap; n ;Sage lot of white and crossbarred coons
try flannels, cheap; brown and blear - had liar•.sby table
linens and table moths, Rusk t and Scotch diapers and
loan:dings, satinetts, Kenfuek - y Jeans and marlin
An annul large stook of blankets, direct from the
manufacturers, mime of which are the best hear exhi.
hued, all of which will be closed out at unparalleled
low prices. In addition to the above enumerared
goods, our atock.comprt sea a Very large and rompleth
assoinuent of almikst every article twastly mind in a
dry goods store, add an they kern been mainly pur
chased at the eusern auctions, hence the late great re
duction of prices. We are enabled and determined to
set• them off at great bargains.
Wimesale buyers, country merchant, tailors. and
the public generally are respectfully levied to an ear
ly 0....6.nd.n. Bargains shall be. given.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 Market et,
retie N W corner of the Diamond
F.CRIVED THIS DAN'. Carpeung and Oil Cloths
LL of the latest and 1110.1 approved pattern., and at
price. to suit purchaser, and cheap os can be par
chased in any of the klasteru clue., comprotag the lob
lovstng •anctleic—
Palm Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
A urnitunter Carpets; any sae hall room. or vesa
Tapestry do tubules.
Sup Royal Bru.sel. do Tapc*try.stair carpet.;
klatra sap 3 ply do lintsvelr do do
Superfine do do Cisetrit le Rugs;
Extra sup Ingram do Tufted do
Superfine do do Brussel* do
Fills do do Chnonle Door mats;
Common do do Tufted do do
4-4, 3-4 & I Tapestry A Inlaid do do
Lamont do !sheep skltt do do
4-4. 3-1 I totrl'd Ye- 12-4 Emb'sed Piano eavcrs
1,0611 do ti-t do Tablet do
4-4.3-4 & I plain do do f 1 wool do do
Cotton Ingrain do 6-4 wonted and linen dodo
do Venetian do Brows Stair Rods
• - l-4 <rotten Dragger; 16-4 woo crucial cloths
16-4 woolen doLtiten
0.4 do do 11-4 table do
I6nglish Table Oil cloths; Diaper do
lien - non doco do do Crash
0.4 Floor Oil elothst Snow-Drop Napktn&
7-4 do do do Crimson Piosti;
5.4 do do do Peeve do
5.4 do do do Maroon do
4-4 do do do Carpet dialling;
Sheet Oil Cbiths, of new Fransplat %Vtiolow Shades
rope•try payer.. rut to fit
Ll'n the abrove w are conrantle receiving or Spring
Stock of C • rid..., t e
)II (110. g add glr arn.mat ret-owing.,
to which we invite the attention of all who wish to fur
nish their houses nr straniboats, a. we w ill be able to
offer goals us low al tn-y ran lie purchased t t the
Ka, and of the richest and latest styles Call sod ex
amine our stock before purcos,ingraiicre Ware
house, No 75 Spruill rt. mrhsl W. hIrLISTOCK.
The Largest, Chtylpe,t and matt Fradttonothlt Stook
of Good, adapted to Genttoots.e.t ...y.rAng and
StOrtfflLT Wear. espial vvrinng at
THE Proprietor of the above nwsblt.hment
req.. nYuny islheya tn. augherou. cinkomers. that
he has lust :warned from tlio E.•tc a With the
most splendid awortment (signed. in his line. that was
ever brought to 11,1. city, emopostog all thal Is now
fa... table, elegant and C•in:p to t .74ssisteres
C.Ottuerc l, -.. ntaP Do Ete, and every detekunton a l
cotton, linen and woollen :Mono. , tuTs: !•h•rts, is
vats, lids fa. Suspenders, he.. of the ill Welt 45 les:
which, together with Isis very Mega and f¢-his Coble
.to-k of ready male Cirshing, he to prepared to offer
a ht. Liana/ Ma prises.
Country Alerehaom, Contrariors, and all who por
ch., largety..r• paritcal.tly lit in d to ..n Land -.<-
nto •toele wings 1. ll• c ,I:v Ms 'a 'gm: a
o•t lasstenabn an I, eily. •in: rr an lnen to get It Up 11,11,..1 , 0 I, who n.a , e trria
ndem In the Tailoring 1 nee re.euted the mibt
fashlon.hle anneal and that nuittltig may loe wagatag
ao era.,bent gc. •
timnan oha ha• h•ni r ra t ramtern
eats, On. I,ri, added , rem
the establishment.
aseonment of nTRAW ASD maGutim-
It It 1.400D4, oi4et mem approved aty lea and pat.
tern 4, Mr the SPRrNP OP - 1.4d. conrkting . m pan Of—
Facy a d plain Engnm, Amerman, and French
Straw; e
. Florere, Rutland. Pe 'ul and other real atm
fancy ,:raid, China. Rim., Jenny Lind, Loop and Roy
al Milan near Braid BUNSCIS.
Rich French Lace;
Fancy .11. t nlain Gimp, he ere.
Fe ey Braid, Straw, °imp, Le:abort, and Mite; Mu
and Infante' BATA.
Panama. 31anIlla. lamknrn, Palm Leaf, Straw tuad
other Summer itArs, for aro end Ito),
Room t end Plain P.P.Motve
Bnn-et Svkar,
Angie at knaseera, &Aft. ho,
•Stran , Bonnet Warehouse, US Market rtreet
TOGO NI A KKE: :ill( Et.T —Have received hy re
13 rent smporatiunp the kit tow iii i r bond., cm,
ism cartons Th:het chew o,venous qu••aie• seed
colors Filly closet. filet wales ••' Itc•I atta!d; K• 0
Woven. toe-ether widi [good •110.0rInletit at rail etIS,
14-In sliced, and cotio
trata u Centres, fur ',mug trade.
Rtch s 0101014 shl t r C .11aes. eh . a• Col.
lee VO peer cusbroide•ed Cud, front SO ens w 5.Q.5
lou ruing Collars;; great variety. Demi LA.O V. Its.
the g request teesortnima ever by Fmech
and Ettglish 14 reints: III) le's PllOl4, 10411 agorua
and 3., Commo, Moll plaid Frenco Litoshaensi lirlUol4
Fa rota re Chutes; while sit Damsel( Tsui< Clnltm
Linea Damask. 11 8 d aii
Greets /.10.1,,, 1.04.1
csere. de Rhine Cravats a s to Sit toob. the
beet goods tmeorteeli Parse Tuned. burn cambric and
cambric !idlers, from ILk 1.. $43 , 0, \t lute (500,1,,
tech as Jadoucts Lawns, lead Suwi
llgure.3 and plain Lacer, white and eol.d Tarlyteanes'
he. Re.
We ern is the daily receipt of NEW (MODS. and
Invne the attention of porch to our ertenatve
smelt. 6.1,27
Newts EMIT C 0.84 .1m •so Slava Wr m.,
E)ER , GNS wan.tog Dry Goods tell! p:r oat Inkr ..0-
tree shut the above bottle hoe ermeweeed reeci.
tong ne N KW SPRING I.GOD.V, uttd myttee the e.a;,
of regent customers pod hop,. ern , ratty. Gore!.
wall be cliental at lba , Mee, a n d purchnaery set I have
o large OR CIw.Co our, unc-t t, rteleot from..
Country Merclot •ta and Otto re ore inOltod 10
ex a mitre the secortment It. 1Y IsolesaFc Rooms up swim.
where a I trge 43110rIgnen1 of lillign4ll. anal
sew& generally are nOva orwnint 111%.9
Dry Good• Jobbers,
N6`o °OD OTH.F.r.T—'•' owl the attendee
01 or Merebents to that'll. Isom stork of DOCIG , J.O
sod Fort ash DRY CRWS. ;um ratceavatts :rom the Ito
and Statists tore, nod
which they wit l set!
nt eery tow noes :or rash or, pproved oretlic
Our stock II now and complete and well Worth
the attention orbuyere,asw are deter. as to
ach extremely log , P.C. e ,
to cannot fah to male it
a strong unlaced.. for merchants la make •
US_ gPrh3l
stdut commencing 110020 keeping, to hi. ailiOttOSt Ot of
abase, Good. such e.
quilt. and Counterpanes, white and coloacM
'licking. and pillow-case htualins
She• rings, from to Circe I•rds vindo;
Table thimen and Table Ci^itir
TOWSI•1114, Towels end C:aii% tow;
Furniture . Primp add Cantles,
Scortni In Childs, for cur
Super urnited Chitta for to
Embroidered on dow carom 1 . 11U41103;
Striped and barred "
Sod Blankets, ell qaaline• and ones:
A supply of theseillooda is Sept on band,
and wan always ho 2 011 o,de .nO.l mvoralite o,lle,
00,, h ear, Crlfl , Pl tit nod Martin ais forty
eirtilop Mu. Irish Linen,.
stock, e mail of tite beat evoke, (loin the tenni ope
proved mail •facluters, roul du latter ss arrunddi pore
offer—lle Pupal 1 11010 0 , 1 cal addis.uncl supply, toul
offering olitittog Ititldis at a vugierior quality, at
Vetrioct pr. cc Also,
and Pillosoomat hluslinv ;
Ulcer. and Crank;
Table Cloths ; Towel. and Napkins ; -
Bona eta, 41111.. Counterpanes, anti
flousekeeping Dir, Good. gdisi
LADIES' Ua I , Sti. Ca DS—oXiteli ea gvench *mica.
Femme..., plain and fancy De Loinea, teem 1.1.011
Sir!. 'UP{ reenivedff Alpaca.. die.
Ile ' , wan being far advaneed, all these Goods will
be *old at pce , that eannta to plea,
11; he , ir ri e ale Doom, no ai;i;is lania
NoV°. 6 0 Nihilist - A' trrrtv.vs.
. greet semi manual rale or till tit nn.,.. /or ta/
days longer, during which tone rues, crteasi m « env.
sate Rooms ue thrown ',pet, to,Ctear Itetrul Neer
as herclo , otc. A.A. ht. At Cu , kenwe d'elnol Mei ore
selltug Dry hoods of every descr.plen from tea to 61-
teed per can tear than ever (wrote. do mac. every
pertain in want of dry geode, of •JOO may Lem Vualt
to etnmma and purchase train OUT aIOCII, at Me_loweal
whirlesule noes
Our great Otv.l in reddcing stock ' is Id make room
for spring Good., a lining oar Intention toy elhibitin
March the largest end the richest stem , or ilrY tiwe i c
ever offered by any One houm in America:
e ph:01 01011.(l0 the 140 01 001 Itlehelred and
Brown 060a1111., other DOlnCitiC egoolk,
.1 out former low ratem, ulna Illitterdlng the recent nd• of 0 per Cool upon Mag.:nein eanenirca.rketa.
VOL. XVI. 'NO:t.-c.414,',
('asst Gnstionted (intonate Bogue, snarl Paint
Zisruipted Potasfor Maker em4othae
IlLd le the only loanm4
- .ot this tied nth
entor •
been presented in this country art Elutone fin MO!
teU ciurposes,- and to the only One eter buursi to on
by 'Ouch the galvanic fluid can bapostreyedto thetas.
man eye, the ear, the brain, or to airy parlor Ilia=
either externally or internally, In' definite
stre.on, wnhout insects us plaustttrrilto„',
am otleh .6,1, the happleseleal:
This important apparatus Is core mow spin 'porde
by of the most eminent physlotana thia coun
try and &snipe, to ark= Ale inflicted *authors Wileatt
" .. "Y "... , t1 ern he referred. Refereeca .I d so'
be Gyve to many highly iveocetable eititeel What tfiVe
tf beta ourvd by means of h moo valuable app irking
tome of the most inveterate "cravat iliwordeni which
eonad ty any otherihiotern nutaitil
Alamo( verinu, oilier.. ti ken bv,bi plover, to be inF ,
t m t gloy Wonted for the cof , or thelrefiiarin d,sesses,
air onyroes headvebe sod ether *tarot t ithe btaila..
It as :with this apparatus &boor that t h e or , eatto , eg g
',Omer the nespetie fluid .its cue and safety to the
eye, to restore stght d, or teat we:l4year,, th e ear le
restore hearing; to e tonginr attd tube, orettabo, to rej
store sproote and to the ruirsu• port. of the body, rte
the eurc or chronic rheas:rano, uanno, neuralgia, or
lig ikiioureuz, pare:foie, ow palsy, gout, chorea or Bt.
Olitt's dance, epilepsy, seenamois front rpm.% go=
dieenter peculiar to kolialcsietiotraction of roe :tabs,
lockjaw, stns eta
Rights for surnmadinreonntles of Western Pk., aid
privileges, with , b e instilthileal, map be purchww4, sad
eke tested for the cure utdiseaSeS
Fall Instruction+ wilt be Riven to the vedette eheell.
tale to be used for canoes dwearee, and thec'lmat 4 maar .
.set for °penning for um cure adverse diseases tad{ aY
30 be folly espl..tned to the poreltaser, and a pamphlet
pat tine hts hands exprewly for 'these puriloses i eate.
roily prjepined by the patentee, &noire of
actla-clty 8 %yit4..tAms, eittabergh.
Reversible Filtering_ Cooks
Which renders turbid water ports irg
lth., removing all minimums not eatable en
1 ' war r.
pout clear
mom water In N. Vat
t 0 e.... ~, Mout clear mid pun to the oye,
e P o n e ' l l t, " lll:4% ir "l le ' 4:l2Lingli
impure substances. worms, d.o. Tom
di the edee more or :COO with nil Oyallat .rarer.
The Reversible Fitterer Is neat and darnels, and ill
dot attended with the ineonvannince incident to ether
ignorers, is cleansed without being detached dem
die twitter pipe, by merely laming tho - koy, hamils
from one side to the Odle. By thm easy os
proems, the
coarse of water Is changed, and all acemmulations to
impart substances am driven off almost Instantly.
without aneemering the Elite, It also possesses' the
advantage of being a stop cook, and as snob In sum,
cone, Trill be very eonveolantud emanomimaL
it can be attached where Mere is any pressers high
or low to a conk, tank, tab, no. with em. To be had
of the sole Arun, W. W.
OCn7 eamer of Fourth en Maim
rIFIE attention of the public la mapectoury called to
the tollowing certificate.
Is S. Earls—Having tested a quandty of MAC
weighed by your greenlet:lr, I Ind the reindi proves
yonranautunent correct, and recommend the 936 of It
to there going to California, ea Me best method the eb
taintsg the reel video of Gold. Hasp. you"
J. H DUNLEVY, Gold Saw.
~ Pit:shank, March 0, 1840.
Prrivamum, Much 7,180.
Va li.....urts—Dear Sim Hiving examiloolitho "Arm.
meter, - mai-lateen:trod-el your rooms, I do not hesitate
to ea:nomad it to tho an of thorn gentlemen who ara
about removing to California in search of ChM.
It gives close app(OZi114131:111 to the spocitio gnat
ty ottrunals, siul, will eartataly enable um advemomu
to ascertain when his placer ls *Mum Gold
marl* Tralm, ree4 ,o 7, i. R. Mg.:UNTO=
T •
villa, Ohio, having been only end' freer=
sad at a very great expense added new and the
unproved bad a mmetsinery, to now prepuedra gnaw
endure all Itivda of Writing . Printing, Wrapping and
Cotten Yar. Papers, Bennet Boards, dfc4stottal to any
in the Eastern or Western emintr s
Tie andersigned ha log the hey o(the above
Mtlr will keep constantly on ha nda large ',apply of
the different kinds of paper, and will have Loy sins
nude to order at atlplt S. C. FELL,
100 87 Wood urea ,
Pine Sad Cedar Ware alaaufattotT, ,
So 87,, collet. SI•SCIM A. Fine Srg., l'lrtgaiMalL
1111 . E ., :u m b n g o r r r i , lie r
lowcn igv , 4l4 . i . o n II anil, whole.
Wagh Tubs, Unrrel Churns.._ _.:
liiih rube, urn? Crum; --or.. ,
t rge Uneketa, Ilia kliatielig,ke.
1 mart augdg Ware in his line mode to order.
jails-illy 5A511.114L K1401.E111.. - 4*
15 s. 511,5144 A rr e. svais•raTt..N'Ts , 4la.a..9ll—
1 {...,5 {41.1 31 milt eurrenc y. or 4 Anon iiPp , brbillg '
S tong or upwards, J 1 do pur, 6 rang no, interest All
ied. Pot Inc superior,, 0. In, organ ..1, refer LO
me gilt,. and seep alanuta turret of this ^ity Kerrierul-
W k. 5.16.11Te1/cL,TaKE;
IGO liberty .1 .
Diaphragm Filter o for Hydra. t Water.
'Villa is to eermy that I have ap.
penned Lavingeton, }Lassen & Lo.
Oak Agenu for the .le of Jenntog9
Patent lhnorathrrte no the esi
• A of PLl.l.l , sh rod Allegheny.
`4"-"" JOHN tilliSUN, Agent, •
for Walter al OftlsortiSalfroluivray,
. . • •
_ We have been vairig_on , mt the above.artleies
r iltbee aline Novelty %Volga ror Wee maniha on Ntal,
led lee' re-rivetv managed thd7 it N mefin inventibe,
at d we tate pie:mate it. recommending Wont no ear.
At. article to an who loan pare water Order. will be
thank (ally rccetvotl and prototttl, eoted.
1.101 Ni.eararN ivo
H. n.iirN R cio
- • . - .
llititsubrenbcr, odor o g •11.1 n lot
0 1 N u,ni t . b. V1,1[4, ,Nr ttrid snd Cbtetere'
...g a nl:o= not Pianos, would dm,. Ittle.111!On the
inn nay pace a. the IN cat nacre Use
toot abonn, n, :hole too meter. eon "-Irani aide by - '
sac ice croon, con.equently, a corrsms idea tildes?
in...a...c0.. loc . 'tin., 'no 3.Ib•CIaNEI being ansioui
In test mote re halve morns, and having (ore iminbdr tit •
can performod upon tar Piano. of blunts Is Clark, -
...a tadse turn use tot me last twelve mouths, a Chick
ening il.nno, on onier to try rte durability and fitnella
an accotnpanynteut w the eaten. Tios,,riatto may
anew he teen and examtned nit roman ile'fecil
, nattiest of hi. abinty to give a competent and adla,
ale op.toon on the subject.
A kiwi/souse lot of uessi Pianos will be 'opened lei
P. flays. H. KLEIJE.
dee) AtJ W Wood.
A I)DLE, Wt. tLsi tbS , TRU:. it A.N D SI7IIIILIIAIN t
II t/Ain't —lee atibeenber taker dna method
, o - inforeeing his eriends ad the risers! the/
, ha* the lorgeAt no 4 of inr following fished sod- 1
oes of his emsl . nanufacture tit this city — Sastilles,
fruirit• and N'inps OIL Or MOW win warrant
so be made or the lint materiel and ti , j the hest ' Meeks
ooe,u Allecleity county living determined to cell
nu ifinnioactures noinctiotor lower mini lies Lesdhers.
aold 1,1 any amour estsnowlonew m the coy,
00 would co,. perwria . deed of the oimer named.
smetes‘to his wartiliosee, No 141 I.ilierly street. OPPo
sits skercatit. Alm, AsmAssiude to order for iniselmati,
'Yr ontstly. Li. KERBS'.
AL Et — Mlt r iraiTit
'I ill. second Session of this I ostitusoh, antler the/
cam or air_ and Mrs, tar, tell. pfeaart
ear, will COILOIVOCO OIL Ole lint of tolirttl
ry next. in toe tante /intl./thee, Litierty scram '
Arrangements inive !moo eases by Watch they will
:or aloe to lurnilh young iodise hicilitien copal to en) ,
ta the West, for obtaining a thortnic't English, Claw..
• 41. and Oritarnmairal eilaclio. et 7 0 ,40 °CPAS- .
iscputwil and Chemical cluies will Ls dellicre4
luring 'the /miler, tilograted by - apputtes. The de-
isrunents of Vocal 6114 iniarlartOrollti Altstlem
imitg eases. Druwing and Yantests, willCee I he finder
the care ofa competent I.tofentor. lily rose simitticat
to tile morn/ and tutullemtial improvement of Lh hf par
POOCONO• hope to merit a combo.. 1011 01 lba
atom! putrolipet they have hitherto euto)ed. Eke
sank, icc firCOLOI or apply to the Pruteipals.
f i ll ,` L x ,, l la " tr E d i to a l t o C ii K g 4— ea n ts by 7..?trifourrurr. booing
lar of Um edeatated GineFi," are
..ow prepared ai fill order, for soy quantity, ae 341
cash, per OM.
brick boos .“0/. of furnaces of
I..qs, Leese bees, prootaiiired by erica
petent Jukes as being superior to all ones ire orldka
war IS use. C A SPANULf &CA:yr:aim-1
N IA u RLD n z e o - gx
, to Putinsa Jr, re do Hee rc4rT43.. dia:.ll2lo
- S4S.I. - 0 tiro, Joiner 114
e ±dtil 10
Job is .1.1 i.e..' Is; J Waro i tek roper l, 7 bis
iteward as.
babe l'obaccoi, embractng tome of the mutt favor.
•te brand+, on consignent, and vroi be sold Low to
die., 131 m W
A n:ltal Al.l
NIPOR rElt 0110: .T FILInt UI
NIANtIYACTLft autute.rtnera, toeng.uto auppipsi
outlets of Jvtnel Nitutptutt d71041/1 .0f eta
ut.trtfet .re ftvw uttJ Win continue a iteutuegety
setth Ilea re/el...tutu brand, vortatelt tlacy-witl . tual
at the.o merit. intro for roan ur
rite, ret .voat
et 10 the en 4 Imp enano.actUeeipitt
th+s u.ty stoetailly r.ecoung
• •
IRON lOU OR' FOR tiA..F.—rt toll! I too Volta. t•
dr) tu.s.4ouriebing to / . .14 . 41.3 ) Tools
, ail ready fur 1..,41:imea, • In fiC , COI2,IIIIIO-
Jed g tern., or exchange (or Ira , or goods
1 Me cice...ll,,oypvrtu,,Aly,ip„at young men
rtti, cupdal to COSIOnt UGC the troll I , 6tuntry be. •
I. els. Enquirent
I.t_nrer Wani irtmt.
Irc•lce, Cooking Stoves.
.ino odor tor arbe riatforin F" - par4NCabaftior:lll4,..,
I f US' Co .u.; oto vas air ar„
ua coal, otore4V.ll . 2ou•
ion,. on b rata., Irtlroari aro, Otai Tiar -a.
inaitinocturu the. bliestrit V..:411444, 41yr,tel
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1 - ...ClLlra, and ...vent)!l? all f,11113.. In an, A1111rica .. .141 : ,,
14a aria., 'Stet. 1/4.1.1.rf
port .1. hall., aria to all oilier use/ arlicris a cheap, &War , .
anal brllltall barn tisilC•l/41.1e.,
Atilo,Wtal , d•siCA. Nall Laiitoroni`aatielabras,Gleibit
faindas,'%Virlia Clonroala. Cana I rtaibiotas a
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0,1 k1b.1,15 beet
p...erd mitt .no:ttliv 11411. Onnrr, qau.itz • t: wii; c.. xtryi M, 116 M
wYtho. pia fames,. lk syymm of ihr fun quaisly
IY,Yysyr kohyuo ay the vflusbozw, •-bbr4b..o
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