The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 04, 1849, Image 3
BY MAGNUM TELEGML th 'RC : . 1 I REPOR4ZD & TEt.EOIiATPHED Par the Pittsburgh Daily' Gasotte STBAILER ELIGELLAINDEII BURNED ! CZCLSWI, May 3. The Steamer Higttlanderrwas berried at Saint Louisan Tumday. She Ivid a full bed, and was bound for NearOrleane. Blots in Schuylkill Cbal PISTUDNISIILA, May 3. Serious riotstook place to day Belong t h e coal digger in Schuylkill county m cousequence of a strike among the colliers. CANADA.—The excitemeat is MU substding. PUILDELPIIIA, May 3. i e The returns from Vtigiot - 41131eate that there is h u t mu Whig Congrestunsh teeted, of the who delegation. WLIIIINOTON, May hoot" Balsasl.l ban been appointed•collector o Shenangtc,illinoia, PAILADELPIIIA MARKET. • Miy 3-6 p.m. Flour—Vid market to day was ifialiVa. Rye Pour—TbiStearket is dalL Sales were made al $2,87 per bbl. Corn Meal—Bales to a moderato extent at 82 per bbl. Groin—Wheat has advanced. We note sales of prints white at 5t,121. Other grains ere an. changed. NEW .Yofili NOON lIIMORT h!ny 3, 1849. Flour—The market is in favor of the buyer. Graiw—Sales of prime white wheat. at . 81,03ai $1,115 fir Ohio. Other grains are unchanged provisions—The market is firmer. Colton—The market is ;improving. There is no steamer yet. BALTIMORE MARKET. Flaar—Dealers are holding off for the advice' per steamer now expected. Sales are reported of Howard et_, at 54,93. City Mills is held at the same firma. Cara Meal—Sales at V2,75rxe2 93. Grain—Sales of prune red wheat at 61,1401,15. Cow—Sales of white at 40a120._ Yellow, at 50e, to the extent of 3,000 bushel. Once7—Modetate at 2:sc. Whiskey—Sales in thin at 220 per gall. =Market otherwise without alierstkia. CINCINNATI MARKET May 3. The river is ainuonary. The weather is cloudy, with the appearance of rain. ,Flour—The market, with moderate busioesa. is five cents per WA. in favor of the seller. We note Wear of WO bbla at 53,0iVr1,65 p bbl. There &no clumsy in other etudes. SWABILS OF LOCUSTS, or grasshoppers, have ap peared to !Texas, literally covering the ground in some place', and devouring the wheat and corn In other party of the State the corn nod cotton Lave been much Injured by cut worms. A Nem War seems imminent bet Ween Russia and Turk Cy. The termer has beam concentrating most of ber available forces in the Danubian Prin cipalities, the sovereignty of which the Csa; has nalarPedi and ordered the derail , there to Include his name in their regular public prayens. Turkey has begun to prepare tar the struggle, and from present appearances Austria is likely to be in volved in the war, as the Turkish Ambassador has quitted Vienna, and the Austrian Envoy has res ponded by leaving Constantinople. Bauman Casall—The following it in* Sumner F Bartell, Saratoga street, East Boston. EAST Bono; Feb if, 1547. Mn. William Boyle--Dear Ypr several years p.m, my wife has been troubled with baldnew on the crown idea head, about six or seven inches In eiremn terence. Alter repeated failure. or tidier !derailed remedies, and by the advice °lntends, the was indu ced to nee your Ilyperior as a wash for the purpose of restoring .bor lost hair, nod I am happy to say that its effect has been to muse the hair 10 grow all over the past affected She has used coo y two bottles, and that Yery irragolarlyf had 'the used d oftener and 'Wore regedar,lent convinced that the growth of the hair weadd have been accelerated f ern, sir, yours re t Son sax F. Bs aarrr. FoPalhy L. WILCOX, corner of tar Diamond and Markel at, and corner of Kiniihfield and Fourth Its. ray3:ditcood r - • - , . • VMS PAFER--50 reams reed nod foi sale by C RILL PMR-9 asks tun reed and for sale by yl J B CANFIELD S - T/RITA TIJRPENTLIE—Itt bblajust testa wl ior We by m7l B A FARNESTOCK & Co. ANDES SEED—I9O lb. fresh. just reed and (or sale by myl B A FAIINESTOCK &Co BtiCON-61 'cab Ham, 9 do Sugar Coxed do,A do Shoulders, jou reed and for ode by • LAO HARDY, JONES &Co CIANDLM-10 boxes Steatine Candles, a sopenor tJ onielo,sust reed and for sole by Niar 9t W Llitnl3AUol/ ree , el and ddr rale al the land r Inc, by .0 7 S t W HAILLIALIM W - 00L—Tho highest market price iu emsbpaid for the different grades of Wool, by sgorl S t W HARBAUGH TATT - 1 kiklll/11Nfldnip rFTirjrribir r JL , WICK KkCii ,3 ties Cams, PM ISU.d du - 0 do G.' 49; fo r . sale by ' ALT--AlO bbl, No I Salt, for sale by S • aOZ WICK & M'CANDLESS PARLOR AIR BALLS—Eh dos Parlor Air Balls, is splendid article, °lammed nixes, jest received el the India Etntiber Depot. No S Wood et. Prressoaou, • IN store and for sale-611 bales MOSS,:by .I. 140 S SCSIOYER, ILO Second mesas LANDING—too to if angtng Hoek Plg me; End for sale by ap2o SCHROVF.B AA LOT OP cAs - nrios r/ for dee cosh • by . 8140 S SCHOYER, 110 Second P - O - Ir&Tl.l:b.ork aeiontmodoring tenni;:7 Lots of Ground in ihrmingham, Y in SeconCiltreel, 2 in Lorrain, and 51 adjoitung now basin, by . ttpffi S POOOYER., 11013ecorid st CIM/7320/;IPNT.- - Tani I.erill4icra, foisale low by 0p26 +fCHOY EA P 0 IRON -47 um, pig iioq a .uperior article, far Vatutd27 nee, for za le b) ndel . ' - 'NICK 3 ArIeCANDLESS - - - 0 Ws (intone Sweet i 7 toes, [uprise., order, in Mare and for Fele by ri.p.% • GIEA)}3 ALILTENBERGBII, t Prom .1 4 . O.GRUILISMVLIIBT&F3 AV Ft frrtriihY.ltTs 11.7 reeelved e lot of them very derirattle gos, of the zest Itmotted shade. top?: GMUSLIN DE R rderper t;oo %7 received the *bore retiree and -desirable uncle, f the &Alembic, rhade; aled, Green Damon. op/7 SALAILATUS-13 eats re — eared and iota. by %VICK & McCANDLE.93 voen - ar: iworAttnza-ipo tu]. prtme N 0 /a sow, 6000ble =daunts, look bbleti iee'd and for W t M MITCHELTREF., • No ILO Liberty et EM=2 Macs to the holders of Pittsburgh. City Snip IN conformity with the Zl.Section of the Ordinance of the 18th of April,lE494lreetlng the twdersicued 'no negotiate FOR CITY SCRIP, the Bondslind Mort- Imes of individuals held by the City for propeny sold, amen:4n to TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND DOL. LASS"—ptiblio notice is hereby 'oven, thht the acid obllirathms will now be disposed of for the Corporate trines of the City of Pituhurgh, of thodenturdesnons of One Two and Three Dollars. Further mice Is hereby giver, that City Bonds, beating interest from the 18th day of April, IMO, at the =SW 6 per cent. pet 11.,11311, Will at any time hereaf ter be tuned to the holder or holders of City Scrip, In sums of One Hundred Dollars and upwards, according to dm-provisions of the Ordinance of the above date. S. R. JOHNSTON. CirrTreastrer.. 11:1T GOON, 1849 —gor ENNEI) Y & SAWYER, corner Wood' od Fourth street, are now receiving' direct (tom first bands, s . lexp stock orntney and Nliriely Goode, including ClOas of every variety, tredd and edger Watches, Jetnary, Preach Prints, Comb., Hooks and Eyes. Gloves sad Hosiery, Sospendere, Gun Cam and all other articles in their line—all of which havlng as anon Massed personally of the mantrfeeturets et, du• tlakihe last winter expressly for ' the dpring trade, arllbe sold whole sale nth small advance no co. Coreaarnly oribuind, all descriptions of Looklng Glass elgralir own =merman:nag . , at ohs:rein price. War /MD Francisco, California. ISThe stspelior A I Baltimore baiit brig OS PRAY, wid leers for the above port on or Oast the 2Uth Slily. She will be fitted oat with camiso ereommodatiotw the paaseagers; Being netrly new. and ono of the best vessels in the port of Bahl =MAW* inducements ate altered for Persons wishing to enigma. For freight or pitssage, mate early op- Dheittion to, ANDREW ARMSTRONtI, Ncilz sown 40 1 ' 1 .5.M. apSilat2*—Bait. Am. JOs_. . the pleasure of announcing the arrival of inew and assortment of of Pitn n ott a from n the mannfaotory ten* Ros enonas ewood fed Grand Piano g Forre.- 4 7 m ocuTret aqiw,b square Piano Forte, 7 o.lobll, caned rosewood, of the style of Louis XI V, with variety of 7.11, arid 6 octave., to which die attention Of purchas ers k 2apectfully solicited. JOHN R. ALELLOR, - Rete Agent (or Chickering's Plant; FOrt4lfrir West. erlaPeartrylvania. .p 23 ..leht. Ler-ATM. Win/AMMO, SOAIFIC.IL ATKINSON„:, Parr dr, _Aterwars WOOO an. Ms attar, PONTINE% to mtmufaeture all kinds or COPPER, J TIN AND SIIEET IRONWARE. ADO - Blast col% Work. , Ana Boats built to order. ft:Z:ll . =: i io . a n ger to steam o br , l f. t o Se p,r o? ;.d Brazs =sa re Tln Ware, &a. tr.c. Steamboat Copp er Stove., Verges, various size.- a very convestieni al• h ello for ate=boate, California ermarantat.or rood 'l ,=l re . - ;aim to eallatr 'ff"ll sa L u'it ' ' . er "' aud t' ptert;eAtt isikkosuithinthars. eP23 15.19 Azaisztac. App.m. 30 Handel, 30 Monday, . . . 2 .... ..... 3 Thanday, • ..... 4 Friday, PITTSUURGE HOARD OP TRADE cominiTke gin mkt. T e. CLWX. a. L 112.tiMIL • - Orrigr4 : EMlsannuati Itlnane Friday Morning, May 4,• 1959. S The morning of W. 6.8. d[1.40111111. . genuine May morning might be irlyitotini to the. In ill afternoon, the weather lienanno glary manly, land gait] nvg eloona gave Indications n Anther rain. The wharf presemed a er..eo of considerable hustle aml activity, a remark which , airisetret ire Cannot ap ply to the bouness opera.ns pithughclat the any. FLOUR—Thn snivels by river, yeitieiny, were beery; but as tweet, the greater part was for the East ern markets:, We =ice a sljghi adeltnoe Preoirno , quondiona, anol a wider moire in prices than heretofore. Sales on the whvf of 100 bbfs bbl, at 53, 87 —Sill one brand—at 83.70, and Int bbla, ex. tra,ailg3.llo, Sales Gam core, by the dray load. at 83, 78083.07. • CAOCESitS—The market remains quiet, and with init'any important change in quotations. We note oak. of 2541}15, N 0 Molasses at 27k. Sales to ay press bk.* at 2410201 c, and Sugar house at 47e 40 , gall Sales of 4 Wads Sagne, prime, at .s}c tg . lb. BROOMS—We forbear quotations, the stock In mar ket being inautficieat to report from. A first rate ant ale would bring 52,50 40 doz. 'PROVISIONS—The market is without airy material aneranon, and prices are well sustained. We ngte sales of 10 htitla and 6 casks, Hug round, at, for Shout. den 4; Sides On, and Huns de ig m, cud.. Sales of 10 &lids dllittoisl at, for Shoulders 30c, and Hams 61e gs lb, cash. LEAD—'Tha snook is not largo, and the market fuse. Sales of Pig at 4ic, and by at 5e V lb. 8L013148- , An inferior article is {nerdy in mark and Mauls/Ile, while that of • good quality a scar Sales at 8.502570 V ton. We note sales of 140 tons the latter &gore. HONEY—Supplies are light, and demand limited. We mune Cubo of 750190 c 41' gall. Mny 3—P. M MACKEREL—Th. market is fins, arab a light stock On hand We no sale•, from first bands, of Halifax at 0540, and Massachusetti inspection at $5400 546.5 per barrel OAEUM—sales at he SHOT—We note sales by the keg at 514,50, and b' the bag at $l4O. PENNSYLVANIA COAL. TRADE. FM. Tue .C112711[11.1. wen. The amount of Coal forwarded by Reading Real road, for the week ending the Nth lilt hes been follows. From ,tehoyllrill Haven, tons Poltavala. Port Carbon, Port Clinton, Xotal Ilia week, 10,2121 Ud Total thin year, 1N,167 00 Tha amount of Coal brought to market by the Syhugl kill Canal. doling the week eating the 26th am, and tined the opemng of the Navigation, ties been to fol lows: Total this aeck Total this year, The amount of Coal shipped from the Laugh Mn from the opening of the nastgabodto the 44th inst, h been as follows- Thir week Total Jul ye. y Lehigh Co, 0,644 CH 91,291 10 Boom Ftua, 2.570 02 5,580 10 Heaver Diewitorr. 607 1H - 3,127 OS Hazleton. 040 00 007 03 Spring Mountain, Win, 976 Or 2.165 09 11...1 ID Beek 1110 2,715 11 Diamond Co, lee On Cranberry Abuts, 256 CO .121 13 .rrtn..rwa. COITIVBIII.4.IrO total supplies for two yeah: 1919 1919 By Reading Railroad, 171,167 00 239,339 b Schuylkill 19,120 16 36,09216 Lehigh Companies, 37,354 01 30,550 07 The pnompairtruclea received at Fairmount during the week ending the With ultimo, have been a, tol-' lows. Cool, tons £1 .3 00r. bble -Phil Com. L' --- ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ROOKS • . :TAMES D. WCKWOOD, nor many years connect ed with Messrs. Wiley and Putnam .d late John Wiley, New York and London,' has established a Bookselling Bonn at No. D Wood Gen, between 3d and 4th streets, where may be Orland a valuable collec tion of STANDARD ENOLLSH and AMERICAN AUTHORS, at prices as low es hi the Eastern nines. 03'ENGLISH md CONTINENTAL:soogs, Re , views, Magazine.. Newspapers, Sr., Imported to order. ur - msriToTioNts and INCORPORATED SO CIETIE are entund to receive their books duty free. [D-Enghsh tmd Amerman Catalogues famirled gra de to all Mow who desire them; °tamper :mil to any address. J. D. L will always be happvto exhibit to ladies mad gentlemen his /rooks, and mmartt to them any inform. non which be may possess regarding them. 3:Enid • • DRY -GOODS AT WHOLRBALE. MURPHY, WILSON & CO., No. 48 Wood .t., Plttsborgh, ARE now receiving a new and beautiful assortment of SU hlbl KR GOODS, purchased within the last fsw days and at _greatly reduced pnees They are now enahled to o ff usorteseul, which for beauty of style and lowness of pore, esamot fail to give sat isfaction to the most fuddle.. All the really desira ble and useful iciods of the season will be found in their stock, and they only job an 01=411410n of it to convince the moot .epticarof the facts stated. apci-dAsw2oS • BOORS FOR THESUESSCRIPTIIjSCIVSTOCR in the Citizens' Insaranse Company of Pittsburgh, be opened in the Rooms of the Board anode., on the fins Monday of November nest, at 10o , elock, IL Wm. .Latimer, Jr. Robert Weeds, Wm. B. SVClare, Joseph Plummer, LI AL Ries, Jottlah ring, John Sheriff. Alas Roseburg, and H. b. 10. 14. aplikdmovl 51.1.14. T r - 7ffer for ule at 'HE subscribers am receiving and or low rates as follows, sir 100 packages V H, Imperial and G P Teas 300 bas rtio and Java Coffee.; 150 pkp 5,12, I lomp; 16 and Bs spun Tobacco, 80 hhds 0 Saga.- 200 bbls 0 Molasses, 40 bbls assorted Nos Loot Sugar, In do Tanners Olt 12 do Lamp Oil; 103 atone Bloating; 1,2 and 3, in bbl. and hf bbla WO b. Liebee scale Herring_ 30 b. who. Plpes; 29 bgs Pepper, 10 do Abloom; 2 mats Cassia; 5000 lb. COMM Vara, ased NOI; 100 bales Batons: 50 b. Polmlloam 50 do Toilet & Variegated do; 25 do Starch• do Large Raisins; 10 bales AIM 9 dio2s do Palm Nuts; 20 do E tit M do Filberts: 290 bg. grotto , • IS b. Spiced Chocolate, 3 cams Lig :`; 15.030 Prineip ..aagalls Seg.", 40 gross pit Dry Tobacco; 20 io: Bed 002915 16 boo Rock Candy - , 15 bas SPotat aliddlos; 20 do Star do, I csk °maw, Malidar, Y eeroons Indogo; •S cases Cloves; I do Nutmeg.; 10 bbl. Whiting;ss do Chalk; 50 do: BriCkets; 4too The Saleroom; ' 20 bzs too cot Chewing Tobacco; Common and halt Spanish Cmars. ENGILLSII &. BENNETT, 27 Wood at, opposite St Chatles Hotel , nag ttk,'W 1W3:7 - Complete Works of 'D D, in i vols. Mardi and a Voyage Hither, by Herman Melville Border Warfare of N York, by W W Campbell Here a Little and There a Little, by the •athor of 'Lino upon Line, and Precept ufion Precept." Memoirs of my Youth, by A De Lamartme. illustrated Life of Franklin, part SM, Jag received and for vale by JOHNSTON tr.. STOCKTON, aptl comer Third and Market nit IsiEWITOOKS—Dr. Coventry's Work on Epideon - e . Cholera, its History, Ceases, Pathology and geol. 10641. Philosophy of Religion, by I D. Moron, A Al. Bourne's Catechism of the Stearn Engine. Chamber's Cyclopedia of English Literatare, t vols. octavo, fine edition, steel plates. Chambers' Miscellany of Usifol and Eaten:manta Knowledge-10 rola 1.2 me. Illustrfned. Advice to Yong Men, by T. S. Arthur, Voting Womeo, " " Elements of Meteorology, by J. Bmeklesby, M. A.,' ' T:L I M for the People, by E.R. Magoon. Univerliti Sermons, by Dr. Waylead. French's Rahman,14., for 1846-7.--YThe fitness of Holy Scriptures for unfolding the spiritual life a( men.' I. vol, Bro. Pio. 0 Franklin's Life, illustrated. Received this day by ap24 R HOPKINS, Apollo Building, 483 at uTINDOVii — dLASSIbIi lusSmith . & Herron's VT brand window 6tw, fa, $.lO by my!! 8 k W HAIL/MUM OMLIE--O0 bra Howe I Co's prime Cheese, rare and for sale by B_W HAHDAUoH DDIED APPLES-1w bay Dried Apple. rn boo shipping order, rn more and for .nit by mr2 Sk.W IiARBAUGII OIL MEAL—D. bag Oil Meal Jog reed/mil for sale by inyil A AL W HARIIAEGH ESS & PRIME PORE-29 Lbls in sabre alba tor sale by awe , S & W HARSALIGH PEGANt..-30 bbl recd on counlgnmont, and 671. nabs by mkt G' COCHRAN rVEN MARES Exchange Bank 'Stock, for sale by rttg2 R SCHOYER, 110 god greet (Y REEK APPI . FfI--:O bbl . ut gora . nd for axle by SOAP Y kCAWETOO hge <95: Pii.p7 Wu do Moab" Candles, m store analor axle by tnyl S/a HAROAVGH C LN ap rio:.l-1 00 kJIiOLEII.IO-2/ Ow k of Dr Forge'. celebrated Cho 'era mediclne.jaat reed and for saleby ap.ll) . J KIDD & Co __ • .DOSE piNN-100 Ws lust ree:Land for sale by J KIDD & co GOLD WATCFIES AND JEWFIAY-11 large and complete 'easeful:tent nosran bands. of all desenp thm, from luso w $l3O. For sales eastern prwes. I. 11, W WILSON pot; ASH—itreska for sale by Ta i ssy a Bess HAMS -I 9 tes Stagg's & Shay's saps Begar Hams, reed and for sale by awn S ACIV lIARBAUGH /..taor =la arm tail uy 4 30 JOHN D MORGAN. Dna st, Wood st INKr—roh, Ans LtaboU, and booboo' Male- V fond. by the c , "k rj n coinotttios to mit poschambs, by W & M PLITCHELTRET. LOAF SUGAR-42 bbla (ITl2ms Refinery) in gore and kw sate by 4 25 W RAI berCHELTREG 6 2 6 2 .5 0 4 60 4 . 50 4 57 4 55 J 2 CO 54 EL et 53 59 16,520 11?. 37,354 01 2.919 001 Grain, bu 0.404 423 0,2 Other Insides, tons ISO 00 1.000 Toe agency is now reorganised under the charge of the undersigned, who will receive applications and las. Polices against LoSS OR DAMAGE BY P/RE on Stores, Warehouses, Dwellings, to., 1. , 11/1 the ran teats. Also, on Goods Wares and Merchandise a gainst the perils of Illsunins son INLAND N•PICI•TION, the current rates of premium. Office at M. H. BROWN k. BROTHER'S, No. IV Wood street. FAYE rrE BROWN, Agent Protection Insurance Co. for Pittsburgh and Allegheny Co. &pH:dem. GROCERIFS-100 bg. prtmel4.ll Rio Coffeei 75 . pckgi Y Xi, Impenal and P Teas, 50 box Ws, 0. and 3. spun Tobacco, 300 Ras N 0 and ougazhouse Molosoes, bad. N 0 Sag., 150 bols Shad, timings, .61.ckerel and sainion. 30 do pure Flarseed 011; 5000 swooned Cotton Yarns, 73 baies Ratting an I Candlewick. Yn bas Pepper and Alopice: 40 boxes Pearl and Common Starch. 30 do mould and chp'd Candles. IO do Star do ISO do No I Soap, 14000 Sid. and Shoulders Bacon; 75 dozen Corn Brooms, in store and for sale by sp3o JOHN WATT & Co Liberty st COPARTNERSHIP—I have thet day unrelated with me in the wholesale Grocery, Prat - nee and Commoueon Runnels, Mr. John WiiPoll, under the, hrm of JOHN WAIT& CO. JOHN WATT Pittsburgh, Apnl 30, 187 h. DEARL asks on hand and for sale by op= TASSEY /r.litT 4/ISHARP Pittsburgh Navuration and Etre Iruu l/ ranee Stock, for *ale by span SOLOMON SCHOVER, ISO Second st guahiy iSoversced, A,/ reed and for sale by R ROI3ISON A Co, moth R ROBISON & Co CCORNBROOMS-75!10x Coro Broom, Teed end for salo,by apt. R ROBPS._hN & Co DACON—Z,IMM Huns. ZAK) Shoulder, to amok. house; (or sale by aped R ROBISON d! Co NEW FISB— 130 Lb!. No maimed Shod; A/ half do Not do do: 5 bills No 1 mem do 50 do Not 8.1. umore Herring-, 20 half do No 1 do do; 20 tibia No 3 Mackerel; 10 do No 1 Ba:mon, lustarriving by canal and for sale by JOHN WATT, Liberty st 13EA-2n hi chests best Youtig Dyson and 20 do Dun. powder Tea, landing and ior sal., by 4021 JAMES DALZELL, Water st G13011.1D NUTS-600 [Mob Groond Nuis, in sfore and for sele by ap2u JA9 DA LZKLI, MANNERS OlL—lb bbla landing and fur solo by ap2B JAS DALZELL LARD-2Akerri Lard, in .10re and ar .-v inie low to elms coompuneor by _ante IAS DALZELL DRY APPLES-4: tics Dry Apples just reed for sale by apOr WICK A. OI'CANDLEIIS DELI PE.itliair-10sks reed nod for sale by ap'm WICK a NPCA D1.E1.93 ZMOS BROOMS -60 do: Corn Broome, recd and for we by apten WICK & ACCANDLESS POT ABll/18-118 oaks Pot Ashes : for tale by ap2B RAC/ALP:Y . & SMITH PEARLS -17 colt. Pearl Ache., for sale by ap2i RAGA LEY A SMITH SUGARS -050 bbls atesoned Nos Loaf .Bugarst 7h boa waste Havana Sugar ' for sale by W..- lIAUALEY & SMITH _.. _ • LARD -54 kegs and 13 bbls Lard, for sate by ap2i HAGALEY & SMITH MES.,{GLASSES -1W bbls N 0 litlittsc& - Tdid — larTdrig, for sale by arLS 8& W HARILAUGH LARD -30 bbl. prima Leaf Lard, :u Atom and for sale by stera 5 & W RAM:AI/GM SECOND 'SUPPLYLW R Murphy, at northeast eo il JIG! of gth and Market street, has now open los ROO= .opply or apring sad rummer Goods, and has • {sego assortment of Dress Goods of bawds, style, and staple Goods of every kind, all of which will lw told low - ap.l7 CIHEESR---1.50 boxes jam reccmd ... the W. R Out. trr and Chreselldpot, and for PI B CANFIELD, Water .0, ap3o between Smithfield and Wood titrrlYEß—ei bbl. W R Inn,b Hod Miser, instieed D at the W R Belle! and Cheese Depot, and for tale by ap.lo 1 cAnyiELD SHOT ---6U keg. send Mot, Mustang from Homer Sarin Boy and for .ale by ap3o JAMES A MITCHIS.N A Co n a_ TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA - 260 des of I.7the Genuine article. gal teed and for ate by R E nELLERS, Sole Agent for lintshorah, 57 wood AI DLUE MASS-611 the mei toed and for tale by •p3U 11 F. SELLERS, 57 wood vs SALAD OIL-6 balkew mtin reed and for ale by ap3o R E SELLERS OL LAVENDER-43 be Just tact.] and for tale by 111 l ap3u R E SELLERS _ OIL ROPEMARV-45 tba JIM reed and torwtle by MOO R E SELLERS -11/EIGIUNDY PITCH, Ganume-116 be Mt reed and for aaie by ap3o SELLERS SUI.PHATE OP QUININE—Jost reed and for sale by ap3o J KIDD k Co COARSE SPONGE.-4UU be lief reed and for .ate by 0p.30 .1 KIDD A Co etREAM TARTAR-4RM lbs Jun reed and for tole V 6 9 .630 I KIDD & Co CONFECTION SENNA—Mt lb. just ree'd and for rale by AFENT — SOLARIAtibIaiIPti and G. Elmrei Cbaudalsers, Ac., mode by Comalius g, Co. Jost reed by W IV wILSON. app 4th and Market st ARTIFICIAL FLOM - EPS—Material. for A.Mfics. FLONeeen, vir . Plate g o , Car mine paper for coloring, Pinsk Saucers. Leave. of pee n, con y, bod., Op., and callow., ran be obtained at P H LATON & Cots Trimming Store, 62 Fa.. at 'd and (or sale by .1. KIDD & Co DR. D. lIUNT, ap 4 • . -- k . ' CO ner ofYourth ,_-- .. • ~,s • Daman. , , D;110 - 11311',RV—Worned patterns for Ottomans, and Deems. , between EA Ptano Stools, tablo Corers, Tr.v. ".Q. B. g ., d ''?,. market and Ferry sureta . eo4dlyin CCU varlet) , or mall WWI,. Also, worate s .n arr :iic arrie °l" by '""j ap i r e ' * i bl tt Fitt it' lV -1 7t d. :. .Zs:l ":4 Ft, '". 'k at , 1, - „ r EA ny l sEnbl "'"' Lead. H'UnTC"*llls"""viONr%Zr PORT OF . PI, SBURGH ARRIVED. Michigan No., 2, MUM, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. • Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, Wellsville Lake Eno, Gordon, Beaver. Larnartine, Duncan. Si Louis. M.senger, No. 2. Woodward, Cin Yankee. McKee, Zanesville. Wellsville, O'Neil, Sunfish. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. DEPARTED Michigan No 2. Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis McLane Brownsville. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Brilliant Pace, Cin. Telegraph,,No 2, Mason, Louisville Cinderella, Pdhoun Sunfish. Caleb Cope, Murdo ch. Comet, Boyd, Zanesville. Consign., J H Lockwood, Cio. There were '7 feet, 0 incites in the channel las evening at dusk, by pier mark and rising. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M., and 4 P. M. Beaver Packets, 10 A. M., and 4 P. M. Fos PniLanat.rnis. I) Leech ar co's. packet line-9 o'clock P. M. The steamer Union was sold yesterday at auction to Judge Warner, of Allegheny, for the sum of 110.650 Capt. Thomas Moore, of Wheeling, has purchased Capt. 8 Reno's Interest in the steamer Genesee, and will, in future, command that doe steamer. Capt. Moore is long and favorably known, and we are sure will be a popular commander Tun hionswe.—Caps. Bacon is lac opinion that the blobawn, hard aground at 95, will not be got off unless she can be launched. The NI. a insured'in four others in t h oo nay for ht 1.1,050. She was worth about doable that amotto.--{Lon. Jour. liresmense Disurrina.—Tbe Peyton. reports having passed the steamer Gee Sent iu me Mississippi `•blown up and one mate killed." The small loss of life leads us in inter that the disaster was probably confined to the bursting of n steam pipe or flue —(Lou Jour STEAMOQAT ArtloB,ll4, La —The officers of the almon er Embassy, down last event ug Wool St. Joseph, report having landed 450 California emigrants Sr that place Sad Independence. The Alton and Tonertrince were at St. Joseph Passed Rim Stewart at Old Jefferson. disabled—matter not amertamed—Meteor alongside Parried Mustang at Lathe Arrow Rook. iamb her lar• board side torn away; Rowena, aground above Her man Rarer I.llLn rapidly, sod navigation beginning to be allowed with teach difficulty.—{sr. Lout Rep IMPOHTB;BY _HI V 68. RANFSVILIsE—Per Comet-4 boa clock's, A (:or don, t 7 bbla pork, 16 do lard. If& tux 0111-1, Capi Boyd. 650 bbl. flour, L b Waterman, 2 tibia beesw., I bg. feathers, 1 do ginseng, Tea& & LYCounur, 15 sks d au. plea, J Dalxell, e 0 bbls flour' 6 bgs rags, Air Thomas, 170 bbls dour. J Blackburn, I bbls eggs, 3 do beams, 7 Ctilarprth, 100 Ltd. hour, Church, Carothers & co, 4 hhds lob, I ) Leech & co; 17thid sob, J C Bidwell, 3 bbls lard, 4 sks pasties, Wm II John., 1 box ord., R T Leech: 43 aka oats. W R 111cCrutobee, el do do. Liao W. Cox IRISH MOSS-400 lbs, a choice wboe article, tee and for sale by tosll BRAUN te REITb:R GUM SHELLAC-2 eases reed and for sale by [33 y 2 • BRAUN fa /LEITER r9OWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA—P 2 doz reed I and for sale by my..l BRAUN A REITER IA7 RAPPING PAPER—IoW reams of rag and VI straw Wrapplng Paper, as%orteds4zea race,ed and for sale by S C HILL, e 7 wood or IA14)11E1.-75 lba Amerman, rec'd and for sale 65 • myl R A FAIINESTOCK & Co II Oft EY-4 bbla Ithssoun Honey, just rec'd and for .E 1 sale by oyt BA FAH 1 IiSTOcK dr. Co Removal THE Board of Trade have removed to the corner of I Wood and Third meets, opposite the 3r. Cherie, Hotel. Theo Reading Rooms are now Open rnyl POTASH -7 est" No I Polean ono reed and for salt by W & R Iff'Cllff!H EON. AWN 132 Idberty GREEN APPPEN— IUO bbl. prod, reed and for •on by op3O W & R WCUTCREuN OTTER-4 bbl 4 1,111 Rod Boner, reed and for DR wale by op3u W & R M'CUTCHEON E GGS -I bbl reed wad for sole by R OICUTCH EON HINDRANCE a - - • THE PROTEV7/ON FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CON PA• NY OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cuatraaan Capital Stuck. Annual Receipts, and swill. fund 11,000,000. All lo•aes promptly pmd at the General Agency Of fice for the Western ',lutes, located at Cincinnati, Ohlo. Th. Company is of long standing, and well known throughout the United State• for ha solvency and prompt payment of loasea—himnit incurred and set• lied, to the satisfaction of all concerned. over 5,000 wean, amounting in the aggregate to aura airkuoith or DOLLAR*, the roc tots for which are on the file• rat the Company at klogiford and Cinch:l.o Th. Pauli:mei agency of thus office eras onginally held by Mo.e. Atdood. Eup, and ma. .liseristently taxed oat of the Stare, by a law amounting to a prohi bition 0(011 Foreign !roma:nee Companies, moor in sea son to escape loss by the fire oflloth Aped, _ . . .. ap.. lin I.lberly .‘ ROLL BUTTER—heed taLe day. I bbi fraab Holl Saver, and for sale by LOCAL NATTERS. Seveiral aentlemen connected with the leading Western Press me now in this city, at the Mon ongahela Honor—Mr. Chambers, of the St. Louis Republican; Mr. Weissenget of the Louisville Journal; Mr. Fisher, of the Cincinnatt Gazette; Mr. Thrall, of the Ohio State Journal, Ind Mr. Lyman, of the Zanesville Conner. Some of them are delegates to the Telegraph Convention, now in session here, and the others are endeavoring to perfect such arrangements as will render the telr. graph beneficial to the press and the public. Cuotsus..s.—We have no cases of Cholera oc carving is this city to notice. It was never health ier, and the few cases which have occurred. have been brought up on boats. The barber of the Clipper No. 2 died daring the upward trip of that boat, after a short i Ilness of but seven hours. Ho had every attention paid to him which medical skill could afford, as a regular physician was n par stager on the boat, but all would not avail. The Clipper is now laid ap. A deck hand died of the eholera.on board the Lamartine, ou her trip from Louisville to this place, and anothea is now lying dangerously ill with the same disease. We deem it our duty to give/ear, is order to avoid the more mischievous effects which would else result from rumor, With her thousand exagge rations No citizen of Pittsburgh or Allegheny need dread the Cholera—it is cot here, and a is not likely that it will come; even if it do, it will pro bebly be of a very mild type, as compared with oth er places. Meeting of the Connell Allegheny The semi-monthly meeting of the Select and Common Councils of Allegheny city was convened last night, and the reports of several committees were read, in which, however, we noticed nothing which would interest the general reader. A proposition was made to appropriate the SUM of one hundred dollars for the purpose of draining the stagnant ureter from Belmont street. Con siderable discussion arose on this question; some members asserting that the sum was too small, others alleging that the driumng would be preju dicial to the public: health, but the resolution was finally , passsed. The following petition was presented to the menthe's of the Select and Common Councils of Allegheny City:— Crrr OF A LLIGIISAY, May 3 The undersigned citizens:respectfully represent to the Councils, that a painful anxiety and alarm now exists in a densely populated portion of the I city, by the introduction from our sister city, of foreign patients afflicted with that moat fatal. and dreadful of all diseases, the Cholera, into an in firmary but recently established in our midst, through the benevolence of a Reverend citizen of Pittsburgh. However much we may admire the humane motives and christian spirit which may have prompted the Rev. Panay.' to open the doors of this Infirmary, to receive the infected I from the decks of every boat that may amen at a commercial city like Pittsburgh, (where they have been hauled about the streets and refused admit♦ ranee there I We feel constrained by a sense of duty to ourselves, our wives, and oar ctuldren—by a proper concern for the purity, health, and hap. pumas of our whole population, and by a sense of the degradation of being thee made the common receptacle of the diseased of every infected port on our Western Waters, to present our mlevance to the Councils, and to pray that your honorable body will make suitable provisions for such Cholera mamma so may be of us, or Goland in our cost moony; but that you will adopt such speedy and efficient measures as will prevent the introduction of this terrible disease in the manner complained GC E. M. Senders John Simpson Thomism Ray Lucius Eldership Andrew Armstrong John Moms John Voegtly W. B. Donaldson Richard Brown L. White Robert Tennison Thomas Hanna W. H. Johnston J. M. Reason The petdlou was then referred to the Sanitary Committee. On mounn, the Councils went .nto a Jolllt Com mittee for the purpose of electing tax collectors the the ensuing year. Meters. 13oroland and Wilson were nominated as Collectors for the First Ward, sod Mr. Wilson wait elected by a majority of three votes,. Mr. Thomas Smith was proposed and elected as Tax Collector of the Second Ward. Mr. A. C. Alexander was elected as Tan Col lector of the Third Ward. Mr. James Graham was then declared duly elected Tax Collector for the Fourth We'd. On motion the joint meeting mite Othoolved. In the Select Conned, Gen. J. K. Moorhead moved that the sale of the property proposed to Le sold for the redemption of City Scnp, be postponed (rum the seventh to the 17th inst. A mistake had been made in the advent:a-11,ot, hung the sale on the seventh, which was Sun- day. A suggeslidn wan made that the Finance Com mittee should obtain the opinion of some eminent lawyer as to the validity of the title of the Couucds to the property proposed to be sold. Both of these suggeettoue were concurred in by the Common Council. The Common Council of Pittsburgh held a meet ing last night, at which the only nosiness of geoe ral Importance was the passage of the resolution agreed to by the Select Connell sumo days ago, authorizing the Finance Committee to borrow 5150,000 for the purpose of redeeming the City Scrip, sad meeting the general expenses of the city. Tusa - rax.—Ti.,-rogla Mr.liolland, the celebtmed Comedian, will appear sor the last lime, which in the night of his benefit, la eight of his popular char acters. Do LIN-mt ' "—This great Amer man ffllled) Int one of the most formidable ill. that deep is heir to is now acknowledgedsuperior to medi cine ut the kind ever offered to the public The any acuon is easy, certain, and attendant with uo unpleasant re salts It h. never been tried without producing the inert *Cuter) effect. Compounded by one of the mull eminent physician. in our country, it 1. the medocine winch science, skill and expeNterme offers to human suffering. Call and purchase a boo at the drugatom of myl J KIDD e Co. “Feososa to 'Weave.,” and if Mr. Shields had bet been governed the above on he might have sa ved money and himself much physical mderingi but read the following letter, dated April 10th, 11518: Mr Wm. Shields, • respectable farmer of this vicin ity. was taken ill; called in a Doctor who doctored him for Dyspepsia for one year, but he .011 got worm He then diseharged his Doctor and thud him thin dollars He then got • via: of your Veemifage, and one box of Sanative Pills, and by the use of these mod ctoes (costing only 10 cents) he discharged, he says, at least one thousand worms, sod in two weeks was so improved in health as to attend to his buolneks, and has been NI good health ever dace, and eays Dr. Jayne's Vermifure and Sanative Pills have made sound man othsim Whl. S. DEAN__, P. M., To Dr D Jayne, Philo at Peal WilliartE r 0.1. For sale in Pittsburgh at the PERIN TEA STOato, 70 Fourth street, near Wood. r febl7-thkerS Settees' IitIIVIAL COOOO Stare ootti Pittsburgh, Feb.. 1,11149. My wife hurbeen troubled with a violent cough fee six or seven years, so had wag her cough that physi mans lin Obio, where I formerly lived,/ told me she had the Consumption. Alter we removed to this city I obtained for her, time and again, different medicines. but they were of no kind of benefit to her. Some Deo months since, I purchased • bottle of your Cough Sy rue. the use of which hos done her more good than any medicine she has ever taken. I have alw used Sellers' Vermithge in my family with fine succese. fluaaa This popular ertheh remedy is prepared and sold by R I) SELLERS, 57 Wood st, and may be had of Drug gist. generelly, the two cities and ththruty mh2l !lone. to the Holders of Sor ly L , Oll SALE, and payment received In the SCRIP 1 , awes of be city of Pittsburgh— . All that valuable property known le the OLD BA• SIN LOT, situate on Want street, opposite the Octal lionsa,iand bounded by Want street, Fifth street, Dm, mond alley and Cherry obey. This property has been divided into rwairri,roce highly eligible building Lou, which will tic sold to Ms highest and best bidder, at public auction, on MATCH. DAY, MAY bth, 1049, in front of the Court House Traam—One third in cam, one third in six months, end one third in twelve mouths, with interest from the day of sale. Sy older of the City Cotmcds. JAB, B. !MURRAY, Chic, Comminute oa City Property J. WESTUATo DENTIS - 1, Respecifully lenders his professional services to the citizens of Alleghen`oi Office, northeast corner of the Diamond. Hefei. ♦LLI.oftR: I/r T F Dale. Dr. T. II I , llltor, Dr M R Trevor, Dr. /no Drawn', Dr J R. llowern, Dr U. 11. Mowery Da M. ht. Kn., Dr. 11. R. Dell. ITIT•15.0 Wm. A Ward, Dentist; Nov A. W. Black, Nev. N. West. ap3lnd Im• GI. W. DIDDLE, Dwtkai Rh:MOVED to a new three story brie* digg a . ... Bectilltbekl street, one door below —'— Sixth street Teeth inserted tram one to an enure set, on the carbon principle, with a been- Mel representation of the natural gum—resionng the ortglited shape of the fare. N 11.—Teeth corrected with little or no p ain. Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plugging, Dr , '" yummy the tooth ache, which much better than co ring though It atiould be done rut bre milleter, or even Instantly. a 0/4:ly _ __.ATION. THOMAS Paean. of the borough of l'ilireespon, will be a =ablate for oomitaatiot3 for member of Assem bly. at the approsehidg Aikiiiiinsanic satrWltigeomo— ty Cone eraton. my3atatar9 Cot NIT ColOtlAsToNElL—Joax S. 9ru., Pao- of Mi Bin War rakalp. has ban taken up by hia name t. toads as n candidate for the office ofsftuoty Commis atone, and they antiupport km far that cave Gator thr Antonuonte and Nst tug Conrad:l6oz, to meet on th. 6th of June coy3,m4H-3 P.T.ONOTAIIT.-1 otter myself at a cantbdate for lb other of Prothonotary. subject to the deemon of th. approaerung Annma•oole and Whig County Concert •on. my3.d.k.ActeS Roa.r C.A020.21. Coen,k . r - e n candidate fo!!kti office of Cour.). Can...lone+, subject to the decimal of the Anumaaffinc and Whig Coneenuon. nrrindkeneS GABRIEL ADAMS Plc NI MAGI', • 'Sher oluidiat Maui, te a candlelite for the office of id. subject to the decision of the Anutnasontc and my IrtaitcT Prrt Ton-asina FAeron—Plen.e antrOulzre JoaiN Rms, of Find ley 'Fovrnf as a ern:Kildare for Anduar, nutrient t• the demon orthe Whig and A.numasotue Convenuan dhwt St. CLAIR Sinuarrsivt.—Capt. Jot. Yon xo, of Robinson town tun, will La supported for the office of Sheriff, snbire to the deetston of the approaching Wing and Antints tome Convention. SucoutiWuln. ap3indikursT Cot. Ronan CAZOTUr.S. of Plum totenslitp, anti be supported (or the office of Prothonotary, subieut tallgte decision of the IVhig and anumasouic Couvendoni* ept7 1V tutp. _ - - Paordortorain. - L - Hcoti M'Coavoct. Fag., wtll beNsop ported for the office of Prothonotary. therecr to the de cision of des approaching Anumasonic rind Whig Con ventson, by aptfl:wteTe Vlarre NV Ulan ronntsconets.—Thos V•nnea, F.eq . of Bald too - nein p, will be supported i afore the Antinnuon and Whtte Convelman for the pokmoll of rend dale f. Cooney Co sonar Burman Towsinte. apte•wteT PROTIIONOSAIIT.—Tbe Why of Allegheny county will urge the claims of WM I. MARKS. for to Una GIBE, at the coining County Convention. Mr. AL ti a good Whtg, and a very Gray competent to discharge the duue• of the office, and deserving • nominntion by the party. ALLEGE.LIT Conan. ruch2o:ll:3t2carttoT Sueuirv•ces.—Col. HUGH DUFF, of Ohio township, will be supported for the office of Sheriff, subject to the nomination of the Vi'hig and Antimasonic Convention. mehxf:worrOato. SHILIII/C/4/rT.-1 am a canoicinie for the office • Sheri( of Allegheny county, Kub,ect to the decision • the approaching Whig and Aunt:um. Conventio for nommathig county hetet. CARTER CURTIS. Stith Ward. Pitinhorah. Aprd I. 1849—clfrderT po ß rlVr " th . c• T' oti o Ci ' ; She ' rfEt . , ‘ a ' u n t7te . c ' t ' ttl the old n b o e turn p a uon oldie Auum son a aid Whig County Conyeation marittd&wlfT hionru Wasw, Prrraucaoh. ou will please ate. that I will he a Cuididete lor nominationlist. office of Prothotiot. ry, before our next Whig and A titunnsoi.:c County CcinuenlJon. Yours, Ice., SAM I. FA 11SE- 4 TOCK Orsaboth Lownahp, March, •_ 1,19. V - boarder C. . of Elicabeth borough will be supported, before the approaching A10111.1.0/11t and Whig County Cott venue, for nomination as a candidate for member of I.egislature. by the up 17..ribwieT Waco. or Olds I:Ligation,. FRESH SPRING GOODS W E are now opentug a very large and choice as- imminent of SPRING AND summun GOODS, selected with more than usual rare during the last few weeks, In the New York and _,Rinladelpitie marketa, and embracing a great vertetYmf almost every de. scripuon of the latest and most feshlonable styles, and a large portion of It having been bought at the EAST. ERN AUCTIONS at a great reduciton from the ergo; Mr rates, we are enabled m offer great inducements 10 cash buyers. either by wholesale or retell. We would therefore respectfully iSIVIIC the attention of the public to our Stock, feeling confident of our ability to suit buyers in almost every article they may wish our line. To the ladies we would especially commend out stock of Srlantana Dana SILLS. 0( wl,ch we have a very large and beautiful assortment of the latest styles and most fashionable colors. L. 4.111. Dasess tioonts—Alousitn dr !Antes, Poll de Cheevre, Wt , linen Lunt tuotlatt Lustre., panned Laures. Knight.. Lawns, FOl.l/11/thl. new style Nlareges, English, French and .' , Puri, litnennens. Intett it:lng ham. in great variety, &c. b.e. Bortaris--New style Bonnets. very cheap. BtUOn ue Ftswna—.4)( the latest styles and sape nor to yohlny PsaueLts—A very Large and handsome stook of Per axols, or almost evert style :Ind quality Sits wz_a—A. fine anutrunein of spends and •uqueser Shawls, of all styles and price. Flancs Clermi—A good supply of sup, French. Kaghsh and Amenean Cloth• and Costumers*, to which we would t ovine the Illent/on of peeves. needing such goods ALSO —A toll and genera! supply of Sturt,ng Checks, Tlcklugs, brown and bleached Mu•linn, Table Litmus. sbeeunnee, [leper., Cluahrtc.. Innlillign.eueauer Goods mean'd boy. wear. elartan. Nam woks. Nan tuns, Prune, lituehalan. Crape. Crape Lace, Cravats, Glove., Healer), s il k Ind.!, Ve6ln, An, dc. • . . , • . . Persons wislang to Guy by whommle, should r all and cleans... our stOel, as our prices sae such as to make tt thou interest w but ALEXANDER I DA). 7.5 Market st., spat northwest corner at Um Diamond EW FANCY AND VARIETY 6001}., , .—At ZEB N DLON KINSEY'S. IS7 Megrket street ICO pr. fine China Yau., 1.01 1. d. In seta terwt and rut velvet eon: Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Barra 2u do do gent's traveling, Ital gross lane"' sUk Hutton; for dresses, 40 dos INI.II Brushes, ass'd. 100 gro hnr Ott Vest Buttons, ass'd, 21,1" do do ;.It and posted, do, 33 dot rosewood this Brushes: 4do Washingum in. do Barbers do, J gro Fob I..nzes. Fun hooks, Lime rick, ke Jcwhurr, he —5O void over Watcnea 50 do de tached lever Wateoes, 10 do io[Pllif do. 10 fine dia mond Forger Root. I dor fine void Vest and Fob Chaor.•. V do do Gonad.; I , ,earn Pins. Ftneer Thrum Ear R. 00 d ,, , I.;,,dic. Cotton (lore. a,. d; 000 do do LAslo Thread, fancy top, do . 10 do ion.' wk Wore.; 12 de do kid do; 50 do ladles kid, us'a, 10 do do fancy top .4k VARIETY (101iDS-44 Otis Ai - swig - au Ram; AO biz Cotton Cords, 73 p. Pap, Muslin; .10/0.01:10 ribhed Percasaion Caps, Rea gro dre. Whooobus. do; 100dor Ivory Corobc Dressaog Oombe, }look Oreoloi, OF, &e, aprO 1.,i1 KdTtr‘l CO are 110 W opnaing tbetr Spring tock Trnumnin, consifflona in part of Man tills and Dreaa Friugm, WIN,. black :nal co:'d Zink Lane, black Flounce Lace. Hutton., Drids, Bonnet Trimming,euta lathe. and r•ildtena photo rod lain CY hosiery,qii erY. frta 113/ meo and tm, Combs, Isarl:Rad mom Fan., Yarn, 5p... , Cwt.,. Needle*. Tapc,l3oh• bins. Pin, de. de., wlurL they echo cal, both arhotraalc and rt.aJ , at an, Trimming More, LY Fourth street. ben:weer %Venni rod Mark. i ap4 EIV SPRI 001.11n11 —A A AI,. i e C o.o N. 11 00 Mart m ore,. now niy,nun eur.e• and paeltagr• of •plendid are I,oo[ln, compri , ,,ny Lawn, Mu*lina, Berra, M. de Lathe, sham.. Prin., French (stabiles, Linen, Ribbon, 1,11, Sidt, Shawls. Glove, llos,t). and • general ...or, tarot ~(Goods rnehli . _ WHOLERALE DRY 17001311• A. A. MASON & COMMISSIONERS AND IMPORTERS, Srnrr. ARF now opening the most extenritre and •antod assortment ni Sprtng and Summer Goods weer thibtt.,l in the Western country, cotoprunttg upwordn of Eleven Hundred Coons., purchased menure packa ges from the llMlll.ll.etu rrn. insportero, arid large our. Loa soles, by one ut the firm ...ding In New lora, Who to acct:) sending us thr newest tad most fashionable goods They mune. in part— ILO rase. rich Smits. Prtuts, At clue• Al de Lotrze, 24 Lawns sod Slo•litis ',IS cotton sod linen VA/ bleached Slus.loaoh I lima/tans grade, •• rord IU shirting Checks andl tl7 Cotmnb. rn doesue itng hoots, odes ood littaapet Storrs Aso - Brown Al., case. and paellaires of Connote, Flower., La. ems, tlibboo., ntlk., Shawls. liereces. Waite (Mods, (Millinery A rue le., Limbs and Csaalmeres, Linen., ho siery and Glove.. dr dr City anal country merchant, wt:! snd their stork as large and desirable a. Eastern stooks, mid an exami nation of their hoods and psi r.• cannot fail to con vince all that with their undeniable advantage. and Medium, they can compete wive an Earrev. /omits Top , (act has born clearly demonstrated to hundred. of their patron. Who formerly purchased Fist. Their stock will always be fund complete ap7 PAPER HANGINGS DIELISHEI• JAR• 110 W ARO a. CO., Mo. 82 Wood Streel, WOULD call the ...eau. of the politic to their present stock or Paper Hanging, which for •a rtety twenty of hinin.durat.ility and cocapti•as, la nu surp, tit ussed by any ertatinent in the Union. Deelde• a loran and foo iwairunent pi paper of their own manufacture. they are pow receiving dire im portation of Fr e.ioh and styleaof Piper Hang jugs, purch ase d by Mr Levi llow aid. one of the firm, now in Europe, con...unit of Pariaian manufacture, 10.1010 mecca London do SAW do Of thou own ton:lnfamy. they hst•o 100.U00 , plecoo Wall Paper, and 111,IX” Noce, 661111 glazed %%Inflow lihndo, rko. Messrs. James Howard & Co have paced netther expecue nor labor In thew endeavors to rival the east ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of Man demure and vmmty of pattern,. and they arti W 01,1131. rd to assuring the public that they have .occeoded. The whole assortment, foretgit and home manufac ture, will be offered on terms as low an thorn of ens, ern manufacturers and imponer• inehtl7,ltf warms.. /06.110• _ . . . PALMER, lIA NNA s co., iSucceesora in Ifu•sey. Hanrin A Co A N KEA , EXCIIONGE kiftUKElftel, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic ExcPange, Certtficates of DtVUIdIC. hank tint., and Speclo—.Fopstii g ss ge t, nearly the blank of Pittsburgh Vurreni mo ney received on depostt, Sight Checks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the proteipint paints In the United States The highesi premium paid (or Foreign and American Gold. Advarkeea made on eon. n ped EaLA on liberal terns. °°."' Produce, ap.7 J. C. P. SZIIIITU, Attorney and Councilor at Law, tIT 1.01:18. MO. Will give particular attention in the reflection of Claim., and all money received, .Lull be remitted without delay. Kaskatccm—Hon. It Coulter, Supreme Bench, Pet, ?d . Lyon, Short & Cc :it Lou, Wood, ?tenon & Co Milled'', Joo H Brown k Co. do, Mt Charles H Weail, do, Eno, klaboney & Co New York; Camel,. den. Bliss & Co doi naught, & Orredord . Halumore; WFkA Murdoch, do, Loc., Marlin *. CO. do; Mr John Falconer- ' Metal, Lorent, Sterling . ?a PMS• bomb; Fopsythe &Co do, Hampton, South A Co. do; Mr L S Waterman, do. men29;d2m NEW COMB S—A Z EBU LON KiNsEvis; 1111- et tweet-- dar very high back Shell Tuck Casaba, 3 medium " " 2f •• plea, lush I " narrow" beaded top " " fancy lop 1/utfaln In " plain 20 gross com Horn; 30 doe shell side. auortad ei ors; 30 Bloc. coin hors Side; Ida, shell dressing do; IS dos Buffalo do do; 4 do loutatom do do. SU du best Enghati Horn; 6 do S S S fine Ivory, extra rice; Ii do :4 111 do do, In boxes; IS ma+ S fine do do, Ido comb Cleaners. ap4 L of l'ltninirgh Philadelphia POINDEXTER & REYNOLDS, FLOUR FACTORS, And General Commission Merchants, No 4s] hisastar smear, toraween Eleventh and 'Twelfth sm., PIIILADISLPII4I. TwEN sahacrlber• bog leave respectfully to account their friends and th e pectin that they Mira, LIMP c ed thernwlyel in Philadelphia. for the purpose of trammeling • tieneral C01131.111,1‘1011 Iltunera, and trust that lout expene nee no towtoiess will secure to them lair patronage. Partieular attention will he green to sales of Flour and Produce generally; and any purchases 01 the Philadelphia market for Western account. R W. POINDEXTER, C M REYNOLDS REFERENCES—The met chants of Pittsburgh gene orally, Springer SPhileman, Lehmer & tandems% Cincinnati, Ohio; D Newcomb & Bro., W Clifton, Lamm, Ruffner, Jar Todd", Louisville, Ey •, Crow. Me- Creery & Barksdale, Si Louis, trio ; Ile wits. Norma Co W &Violet, New Orleans, La.; Gill, (Alerts & Noyes. M'Oregor & Morris. New York; W R Ttiotop two Jola Tiers # Co, Peter Marseilles, B Deal, & Burt, Pland'a. it*.3m TRANSPORTATION &c. ESPELESISI PAOILEV LINE, FOR PIRLADECPIEU. AIMBALTIMOKE . The Roston! cola Lute will lea follows, m D o'clock at night: Keounky—Copt H Truby, Wednesday, way S. Laultiana—Caps J P Thompson. Thursday 3 ludianu—P Markey, Friday, 4. •11111.--A Craig, Saurrday, 5. Kenteeky—H Truby, Elmiday, 6. Loneu.a-1 P Thompson, Monday, 7 Indiana—P Burney, Tuesday, S. Ohio.--A Craig, VS ednesday, Kentucky-44 Truby, Thursday, la Lotustarui—J P Thompson, Friday, 11 Indiana—P Bartel., Saturday, It Ohio—Caps. A Craig, Smiday, 13 Kentucky-11 Truby, standay, 14. 1-.II6iILLIA—J P Thompson, Tuesday, IS. 67 For passage apply a W SUTC H, Monongahela Holz., mye or D LEECH A Co, Canal Basin PITTSBURGH SSD PHIS MINH. REIM 1849. s. Old Established Line. ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. TrrflE Proprietor of this well known lime of Canal Boats, is now prepared to transport Passenger" and Fterght to all points on the kne Extension, New York Canals and the Lakes, upon the 01.1 favorable terms and with despatch. This Line runs in commensal with the steam boats BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between Pinnborgh and Beaver, C hi Reed's Line of imam boars nnit.ves sets no the Lakes, and the Troy and hliclugan Lake Boat Line on the New York canal. C. MI. REED, Proprietor, Erie, Pa Bidwell A Brother, Agents ‘ Beaver. W T Mather, Agent at .1 Meskimen's Passenger Office, Monongahela House, Pittsburgh. CONSIGNEES—W C Nolan, Shaton• J E A 9 Hall, Shtupsburg; Smith A Downing, do; J B Plummer, West Green•ille; Wick, Achre & Co, do; Wm Henry, Ilartstown. Davis A Seven, Betel_ , o. harneY : Gibbs & Co; Elanduky; Jae A Armstrong, Detroit; Krrkland & Newberry, Sheboygan; Pi Clure & Williams, 111tlyran• kie; Knap, Morfey & Dutton, Racine: John H Chicago; A Wheeler & Co, New York. .p 3 .art 1849. t is i gaii Warren and Cleveland Paesenger Line. Canal Packet—SWALLOW. —OCEAN. ONE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day (Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning at Warren, when they connect with the Alpithe l Stages for Akron and Cleveland, anteing at each a n places before night. One of the paeketa Mute Warren daily at 5 P. M.. and arrive at Beaver In time to take the morning boat for Plusburgh. C F S LEFFINGWELLIc Co, Wuren, MI B TAYLOR., Pro JOHN A CAUGHEY Agent, apl3 corner Water and Smithfield sty Pitenbargh and Blairbville Paoket Lln• iNakma 1849. t 66 poblic r 5 1 fieptiktit TrS"'.Lave splendid P lly informed that J. M. MAR acket Boats to run RR fitted now and the sermon, be tween Blrtirsvtlle and Yutsburgb—the boats to be tow ed by three horses, and every effort made to accom modate passengers. DzrAerracs.—UOMl. will leave Ptusburgh every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, _ - , From Blairsville every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. at 7 o'clock, •. a., and arrive at Patsburgh the same day A two horse Back from Indiana will meet the boat at Saltsburgh. both on up ward and downward trip—limit:lg passengers through from that place in one day. Freight for the above Line will be reeettred at the house of the Boatmen's Line, by Jno. Barren & Ca., who are our authorised Agents. All frrightrecerved tree of comninsions. J at MARSHALL & Co. JNO FA RREN h Co, A gen., Canal Basin ' Liberty st, Pittsburgh A Hark leaves Blatrsvillefor Youngstown on the rival of the boat—returns to boat in morning Pare rom Pittsburgh to Youngstown IW—received at office • f Busmen's Line through. apb.dOnt I 1849 • PITTEDURCH AND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND 01110 CANALS. THE Proprietors of this old established and popular daily lute, consisting of SIXTEEN first plus CILOIIi Boats, owned by iliernselveslindrunning in connec tion with the Timms Want VER AND CALEB COPE. are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for the transportation of freight and passengers. on the opening of Canal navigation, to all points on the Pent, sy I rutin and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes. F. hi. PITCH tr. Co, Cleveland. BI 1.)%Y ELL A BROTHER, Agents, Beaver J. C. BI DWELI, Agent. marl Water street, Pittsburgh. D NIDWRI I. Pmtburgil BIDWELL & BROTHER. Forwarding 'Merchants, IiF.A VER. I . . A ‘ pints for ths Plttsbur,;h coaCletvland L. Put.« bra4gh a nd Erse Lao, ma End, and far socinn boat; Beat, and Caleb Cope. Having purchased the large and aulortautial Wharf Boat lust hulls tor the Monongahela Pawn., have with the addluon or • Warehouse, the most ample se. commodationn for revolving and forwarding, and pledge their Ullllo.ltaltl.lol3, prompt:was and despatch to COlllll4 arrletell to their care, and rely on their Blends for a anal marl-dly 13 A 1.1411). ; AITtKIINtS; I O)N 4 , .5e N,Dlitr10101021P11101:Al, N I.3IIHEIOT 'and expezienced Bhp;leutn from the .."1 East, of 20 years standing ' s:Zeta to treat aliernea of a Delicate Nature with pre:mollies! and seererlY• ' His sureersi In BMWb and other , large Mlles has been proverbial. Hu clursgysare terrirdetate, aid hie Old easevof Gleet, StricturitiMere , ;Ti re s:Frain Alh nl na.Rheumatism, Ague, Syphilis, or pay' chrome or inveterate ease% solicited A con Warranted. or char ge refurided. tenors, SR Clair street, 2 loon from the Bridge. Teeth Extracted Adam, In the poor gratis. N. It —Dr. A whella the worst cams Of any disease ihnsburgh to call. splidky WALL PAPER WAR/30E1006E, N 0.47 Maria urn, Pitubmres, Pa. TIIOMA 8 PALMER, F- , PECTFULLY announces Echo (needs a:Masa n, tourers , th at he his had at no past period so exten sive Stock as he has at present. He can offer appar en vat moderate terms, at the old establish ed Stand on Marker street, almost every enters In hiss line--ineluding Counting-room, Red-cbanktrer, Ihning room, Parlor and Hall Paper With Horde., Lan•l- Deepen, PI -board Prints, Paper and Transparent Window Shade., Bonnet and Boier.' Hoards, Wrr one, Wrapping. and Tea Paper, he is anandanny nap. and requests country merchants and housekeep en to call and examine his assortment Rags and Tamers' Scraps takenan trade, at the highest prices inerh2l.lAw:/mT NEW H A It DW ARE STORE. SIGN IF THE PLANE AND SAW, No. 7a Wood Pittsburgh. 11 - USER AND I.A I'FMA N. Importere uld dealer.. El in Foreign soil Demesne HARDWARE, to all Its iwrieues. are now prepared to sell as low and on n reasonable terms as can Inc porohned elsewhere. We solicit oar (steads, sad the public generally, to call and roc stock, which consist. to part ot KNIVES and FORKS. POCKIOF and PEN KNIVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings such as Lock., Latches, Hinges arid Screws to tenth every article usually kept In Hardware Stores We ,none the attention of Carpenter. and ',Mechanics generally to oar assortment of Tools, which have berm selected with great rate, and Which are are determin ed to sell m es to gave *abstraction. •pihdteveT Rooflng.--Galvanised Tin Plates. TII ri hers beg to tall the IttlellUun of Builder. t ...tett!. Ind owners of Buildings, to the mac, Atittnt, t4t • . t IA Inchlnchthere plate. rinsest over all other Ina-Witte .aht,ilfeol Lunen° used for roofing, Ac , us they al once the lightness of iron, without .t. tabil:ior rum. berme now been tested for Wit-1.41 year. c ci • particular. both to this country and to Eu rope 1.,., um less liable to expansion and COliteltr• 1100 t•ttto -udders change of the atmosphere, that. cam. nom 1.11 ttittlst. Iron, Liao, or any other metal now need for tooling, and conseqUentlithrtn a mach better attd tighter roof;requiring far leas frequent repair., whilst the first cost w bat a Dille more. A full supply, of allsiset, fur. 16 to 20 W O., cen trism* on h all n ad for sale by GEO. D. MOREWOOD A CO.. It and 16 Beaver street, New Dora. The Natant nght for that article hairline been iceured for me United States, all pasties infnaging thereurr, rioter by importation or otherwise, will be prosecu rent RUST PROOF IRON. 9111 K undersigned have erected works In the city or I Now York, for the purpose or Galvanising all are e inn of Iron, whir h dew-anti- to I . IBYTECT FROM R HST, each Co Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, %Vire ,or Fences and any other article which may he required. For Hoops (or Cask s, as a subsutute fort ale Rope, ior Clothes Lines, Lightning Hods, and e host of other appllenUOnn, It will be found cheap and durable. They would pour ularly rail attention to the Galvani sed Wire for fence.; it requires lon paint, and will not rull. Also to Spike. and Bolts, the preservation or winch is of so mach Importance, that it will comm.nd ,welt to the nonce of all those interested. CF,O. Ii MOREWOOD & CO., Patentees. oci ..d.kwlyT 14 and Id Braver st,N York ItiCLED ROLLS. Tsubsoribers haring purchased the exclusive J. right of Harley's Parent. (lately renewed) for the suanulaciure of CHILLED ROLL* to., are prepared to supply all orders at short notice. All mons are forbid infringing on said Patent ap:I:dl nth witor ROLLNIANS A GARRISON 11. 0 1..1A p 11L5 .. 1 , 1 , :i r N N E , NOVEL-... 0 h1 m 0 r rd or ad ,,T h w t LI:1 1 11 adin's tales " Nt yudharo,""AntruliAn etc Just reed by JOHNS'I'ON A Si GORTON, oirlOulAwT corner Market and 34.1 SI. WHOLES ILE 8110InVA Kg 10118. H. CIIILDS & CO., NO 131 WOOD STREET, PITMIURGII WOULD reopoctfully invite the attentiou of iner- YV chants venting this city to their very *steam y< stork of SPRL'rI. AND .V.MMER.GOODS consieung in part of 51,500 CASES OP BOOTS AND SHOES, •• emprunug every variety of Men's, Women ~ nod Children wr.r, of man) new orgies, nod of lupe rtor quality, adapted to country and city trade A large assortment of LADIES', SILSSF.IP, AND CHILDREN'S DO N N ETS, missing which arc FLORENCE BRAID. STRAW, TUSCAN LACE, RUTLAND, BIRDS EVE FLORIC.NCS., GUIS A PEARL dr. LAWN, gn-at varlet, Also, ARTIFICIAL PLOW. cgs, DENS', BOYS' AND CHILDREIVIS PAL.III LEAF H ATSOIIEIII.B LP.DHORN, PANAMA AND CANTON HATS. All of which hare been purchased direct from the I annufacturcer mid Importers, and *elected mob the moot nate, and wht:h will be sold to such Lena. as wake it thr intercvi of Wertern Merchant. to buy H. CIIILDS a co 131 Wood creel GEO. W. SMITH & CO., NFOR3I their (needs and the pubbc that they here 00 longer sal connection with their late establish ment in Pane seem, known at the Pit.burgh Brewery I ‘ NralrilT " , " •l 4 l*• th e .'treceutrio POINT Porelgs ati - d Domestic. Llsp - iiig» k VIPOD enorverel of Foreign an bomatllC c0..../W.). nil head and for loro ro goauLLrca to wit porch...MN by apZ W A DI MITCHF.LTIILa: Ilaspraits , Bleeehing Powder, (Chloride of LIMO I rabsmbers bale recentlo received (direct tram the manithtetetorat a fresh supply of the above cc tamed startle, whirls Leg will tell at the low.' mut& price (of each or en:lced bile. 4/t ova iv S N AUTWELTREE inchl6:d& tvtmS TRANSPORTATION LINES. PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LINE afam - 184-9 . .1111W For Liss Parosportotrens of row PITTSBURGH, PHILA.DELPHIA, BALTIMORE, N. YORK, BOSTON, Re. Tnoass Taun groor, Philadelphia Pittsbnigh. rpHlSoldlerablisheilLine being on. lr full *per* , Idisa,_the proptieton are prepared with their usual extensive argangtinents to mod merchandise, pro- • duce, &c._ and the the above ports, on Blend terms, sonh the regularity, despatch .d.wifery peculiar m their mode of transportauou so obvicas, when tran shipment on the way in avoided. All consignments byind Pot Oils lino received, chnr ges paid, and forwarded in any required directions free of charge for commission, ittlvanciag or storage. No interest, directly or indlreCer, m eteatoboats All eonstannieationspn:euptly attended to on applica tion to the following agents: THOS BORBIDGE27S Market at, Plawkrehi. TAAFFE& O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. O , CONNOR & Co, North an, Baltimore. mehSl BOA TIMERS. LING. .111ROP. mln£aLti&4oDn LVRTae, Goods shipped by this Lune, are carried in [v ocation Portable Boato. ruHE subscribers having rnade arrangements ut case Of want of dome Trucks at Columbia, to have their goods forwarded over the Radom& itt cars, no as to avoid the detention that hsa heretofore occurred for the went of Trucks. Shippers will hod thin to their advantage No charges mode toe rereonag or slop ping, or for advancing charge. All goals forwarded with despatch, and on as reasonable terms as any oth er Lied. JOHN PARRFIN &Co, earner of Canal and Liberty et, Patshurgh. P K. FILKTZ A Co, 335 Marker 31, Phdadetphsra, alb= 1849. Yy UNION LINE, ON THE PICNN , A AND 01110 CANALS. CILLWIOII.O.4 Cnumw.m, Cleveland,O. t R G. Pau., Beaver, Pa. $ Yr %IS Line will be preps vd on the opening of mut '. gation, tomransport (might and Passengers from PITTSBURGH lind CLEVELAND, to any point on the Canal and Lakes. The facilities of, the Line are unsurpassed in number, quality and capacity of Boats. cal:oneness of captains, and eillcieney of Agents. Line Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland dally, tan ning to cOillleVllOn with the steamers LAKE ERIE AND kIICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh and Beaver. mid a lune of first class Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lake. Acturra—R G Parks, Beaver, Pa. Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio. Al II Taylor, Warren, Cyrus Prenuss, Ravenna, Wheeler Jr. Co, Akron, Crawford tk Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0 Sears A Griffith. Buffalo, N. Y. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Office, cor Waterand StAithficid sts, Pittsburgh mehhl;ly BEAVER PAOILETB. Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2—Capt. Gilson re KE ERIF, " Gordon. rieliE above regular and well known Beaver Pack ets, have commenced maktng their dully trips to and from Beaver, and will cononue to eon between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as Michigan No S leave. Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'clock, A. 111., and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily at e o'clock, A.M., and Pittsburgh at 3 o'cluk, P. H. These steamers Will run in couneetren with R U Parks' Express t'acket Lute, for Erie; Taylor I Lerfiingwella Warren Packets; Union Liar of Freight Boat. for Cleveland; Clarke A Greg Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight Boats. U Parks daily New Carle Packets. CLARKK PARKS d. Co, Beaver, Agent. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pnwbugh. mels2l or Water and Smithfield eta itlagM 1849 . BINGHAM/I , TRANSPORTATION LINE gkoratratma, long Btrrousat. Taos. tlmuusst, Was 81NG11.1.11, Jscoa Does. Conducted on strict Sabbath-keeping principles. rpHE Proprietors of tins old esnabloMed Lane have pin their stock ru the most complete order, and are thoroughly prepared to forward Pludute and ler-chun ease to and from the Eastern mors We trust that our long expenence the carrytng business, and zealous •114.011 to the Interests of cos lemma. will secure to as a cotmonance and tocrease of the patronage httlicrto emended to Elingham's Lute. our arrangements writ enable us to careY Freight synth the utmost despatch, mid our rinees rhall always he as low as the lowest charged by other respoamble Lane. We nave opened an offme in No 103 Market sweet, between 4th and Sth sts, Minds. for (he con vemance of shipper.. Produce and Merchandise writ be rece,ved and for warded. Fast seal West, without any charge for An. warning. advancing fright, stoma., or comunavion. Bills of lading forwarded. and every drrection promPFy attended to. Address, or apply to WM BING/IA M. Canal 1 / a sto, cot Laberty 8 Way'ne Its, Pittsburgh. BIM: HA NIS A. Bolkff, No lrel nod 276 Market rues!, .1 A NI ES WlT..iltN, Agent, No 12d North Howard street, Balumore II'IULA:If Ti SOS, Agent, m chat Nn In West's:rem, New l'ork Pennayiv ania e &Ana Eli, !Fall 110n74 preee,Past Pneket Line, D W C. WOWLI.J., Beaver c• 19. M_Ob_ FROM Prrn4lllTiii riIIimDELFHLA TIhIORK, • ._ (Er elusively for Passengent.l im . regr n l n fo g lly on li , t i fo e rm ku rcl u, I llzt untie throughout the demon. The boats are new, and of a supenor class, with en iartmd cabins, which will pm, gl , Slei comfort. The cars are the latest construction. • e . A boat will always b in port. and travelers one re. Quested to call and examine them before ettgactim pass Pa r L ' e gc o " tuir n ' tor dollars through tilt of the two. or tAI• Lute Wave the landing loppoano U.S. Hotel. comer of Penn street and Canal, every night at tune o. clash Time J dope Foe informauon, apply at the 'Office. Monongahela House, or to I) LEE.CH h Co metil7 Canal Basta RIWAVS PORTABLE BOAT LINE, For the *fransportanou ni eight to TO PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE. A. NEW YORK YOUSINESS on toe Canal bring now resumed. the DPI Proprietors of the above Litre respectfully intorm the isubhe that they are prepared to rreeive mod to, ward Ererght with despatch. and at lowest rates They wenn,' abut call the attention of shippers Ens, ward to the fact that the Beats employed by them in trattsportauon s are owned by them and commanded by expencuced captains. - - gluppent of Mesa Balk mil hod II advantageous to slap by this lane, as the subscribers nave made at. rll./Igra4CMLS at C.ltimbla to have such fret, lot Bat manse handed directly Iroto boats tc ears, 'beret's sn vinjO marabous< //audit ca. b Right to Pluladelphos goes cleat through al the bouts No charge made h•r recel rrng slupping or actrAncio¢ KIER It JONES, P AI...ENTIS, -John A Show, CU - leinooO, O ~.Inn. M. Cuirou,h h. Co Ilnltrone; Ina dicrl & lb , Phtln.lel- Nog, Franc!, A Thomas, Coiumtoo. noth3l PkiNNSYLVANIA CANAL £ LL. 11../ALPb, atat P-CPRS FAST PACKET LINE. FROX Ptusb 111, 0 ,5 to Philadelphia and Batmen: (Excl./rely far Passengers fi'llE pubhe arc respentfunly inform. than th Line 1 will gornmeniVEllininning . Monday. 19th March. rbr boats of thLF Line are on a •upernor with enlarged Cant., Which veill e gleaner comfort no pa•tengon A b will ulwa) bn in port and traveler" an. out to call and eiwmuv them Lemma nmptoag pa, I.y mbar routes They orfll !cave be landing, op le S. Hotel. nornnt Yensand Canal, ..v.•fy main. MI 9 o'clock. }'ARE—NINE DOLLARS THROttill Tare-31 Days. For Information. allay aIA! ulsee, Mononiattcla 11..05e, or to D LEFXRP & Co. Canal Basta. N proprietors of the above Line are now buildtag en aditutunal Lute of Poclirk, to run OA above on OF ahout June lat, in conneehoii with the Pennsyl vania Rail Road from Lewistown to Philadelphia. .ht ittat tune • paclet will leave e•ert morning and even tag. Time through, 2ti days. nachlB FICLIANCIT PORTABLE. BOAT LINE. illiaMl 1849 . - Mita- Fur thettranspottation of Morenanotte, II 1t:M..114:N PIIII 1)1,1. Pll lAA ND I 01.)Dt4 carrier on this Line are not trnikhipped between Pakhurgth rind Philaileiphia, being car ried in four •ection Portable Honk over land and wa ter —CO shippers nil merchandise reharnua careful handling. this kof importance No euarce mate for ie or chipping or for advancing c it/In,, An ger... forwarded with 41t,inoch, and on a- ern unable term* a- by Lay other I.llle. JOHN Co, Canal Bach, Penn ct. l'atcliurgh JAR it DAVltit h t'o, marl Tr Market H s.lComeseree at, Phila. litaNFd.DEisi h. co, Forionfittog and Commis man Merchants, Canal 811.111, Peon st, Pittsburgh. JAMSZ M DAVIS A Co, Floor Factors and Commis sion Merchants, 717 Market and 51 Commerce strifit, Kulatielobia. aeon - n — Advemces made by either of the above on Float, tNrool and other merchandme cramped to them for mart 3 1849 . reser' Et robs:its' Transportation Line. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL & RAIL ROADS, xt runAnahrta. 4WD antalSloll2- Fr RE :Anal, and Rnd Roods being now open, and tu good Order,'we are prepared to forward nil It incl. of Merchnnditie sad produce to Pluladelphia and Baltimore, with promptness and de[pateh, and'ou goof tenni as sop other hum C A AI eANPLTV & Co, Canal Elustn. Penn st. Pittsburgh. Ancirca—CliiißLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia. enriD Rosi , MOD MU, ri Co. lialtininm uwwww. l 7.C=ll. Q ( • ==ll.. HERCHANTS , WAY FREIGHT LINE. For anrraville Johnstown. Holltday aburgh, and all interinedlate placer 7 , MS I Inc will continue to carry all Way Good. with their usual despatch, and at fa.r rotes of Irrigh. A exace-17 A WANIJI.TV & I.u. + / ac ,), I) H Wakefield, Johnstown John Miller. Holliday situ: h Harraa‘cau—Jantes Jordon, Smith k Hlnelau.J)r Y- ulhoenberacr, It Moore, John Parker, e Von Bonn buret & Co, Wni Latimer & ro, Jno M l Devitt & Bros, l'ittahurxh, JOhil Ivory, dam., Mulhollan 1 Ray, Jno ()rad & Co, Bleat...llle meh..l7 M!!M 1849 . Miab B tad Brit. Expres• Packet Lice. EL O. PAHL'S, Beaver, Propneter rj , IIF. new and elegant Paraenger Packets, NIAGARA, H H /ernes: PENNSYLVANIA, J H Hodsnarn LAKE ERIE Al Peony; QUEEN CITY, o 1 ,lit Ha t : Forhang a deity hint between Heaver end F.r.e t have commenced niluolug, and mill continue donna the sew ton to make their render ins, tearing Heave, tenet the arrival of the morning hoot from Pittehergt, .41,... clock, v. a i end arrive at Erie in time forsera to take do. ntortung bows tr. Pedalo or up r 5 =La . Tickets (breath to Die end all Lake pone, can he had'by spoke:won to )MIN A CAUGlikle% Ant, • corm , of Water and • or GEORGIIKECR, . under the Elt Charles Bout - WiIIKEY -MO Mils I storeraml for • 'rt.. WVIrarrIMELTREg 'IIWYOak To Rant. la 4"T b*k 'i•i d rer me 'exei P al l"3ll44 l=4...4l, • in tee mated vim /oar !IPPLIC,IMM b. made imMediately. leuvire of : ap47 11.4116 , t, heiEit &co 988 seta Cowl Land lOW Hagy ITII2. YES t on the Monongabela river,abeittllheitt from Prieto ureh and 3 m il es above third Lark, •` Met buotedgue neighborhoodMessts. Lletti B•Wh i • MI Mr John Heron's parches& This Ave body or Coal will be sold at the low price of 1133 per tem—moil third In hand, balance In five equal mama paysicaltlht without Interest This indiiputable. Ltleathon We 17,1 • good—cannel be surpassed. For *rem enqu.n. of S DALSI, who has a death otim=l;l27li perry. Ftesidenee 91st, below Ferry, Mr. BdamiißSlV. • N. R. Thom is anegher seam of coal oet this about 60 feet above Me lower, of eimellellt emit .iymitchf • cbuNTATtitigisinr. von „„.. 1 ato ACM 3 OF GROUND, skewed Mir the Putsburgh and Greensburgh Turnpike, :flags from the coy, and admitting Me Allegheny ,Gete awry, on which is erected a largo and well imbed two , mom o f bnek Dwelling House , legman, with cables, rarnage house, 9c . There is also on the pronfsees • Mot of font trees, and & spring of tact sea! as.' celtenee contiguous to the dwelling. 1.13 WM. YOUNG, 143 Liberty 21 VIT 2 ito 1 Estate for Tni.,%.ll..teperinber.7l.l sel the l, private de, that otleat his r th swan road, ildioedsti present reatiettee, and give poweadon trogantellaga. There are about TEN •ORESOFC14010131.8121), m a high state of eultmation. The intprodranta q tame and finished bnek DWELLING HOME. an • superb Bain, and other out burl ddicdoutgelsi dwelling to • runnang. Fountain and aimed PuIIIII, which cadahes a mutant supply of great it There m a variety of Fruit Trees and ahmthbury on the premise. If the above described psoptetY eel sold man, it will be rented for . time, Ad, for ads; large LOT, on Pcnuaylvanta Avenue, at 14 ad the board walk. Inquire of apthd3m DAVID ZIEMER. "- Inable Beal 1/Estato for ruff F. Trustees of the Western Theological baring decided to roll on perpetual Lease, • par. con of alma property in AlitruY wry, offer on vavy le te favorabrms, from 30 to Lots of Mae= du: A warrantee nth, will be giro. A pion of the lolleati L.o seen at No. to Wood Moot For particulars, cOgune of either of the onderelgoe• Cammidre JOHN T. LOGAN Aufx. H. CHILA By. BAWL. At a very law Rout. • A TWO story Brick House, en Pedant ith4: - one door above the northwest rumor of ttte; North Common, Allegheny—wide hen, parlor; dimity room and kitchen on thefin; door. . k oar noon on 2d Slag, with a finished attic. rOss.4lol/ to be had immediately. Invitee of• • api I GEO B AIILTENBBRGEB, Front it • Valuable Real Estate far following property in the city of Pi and near the borough of Manehnster, on the Oble nom 3 , moffered for sale on acoommodmin . g MOO= o h'f l ts ( ) ,b 03=0 4 it d;01 4 G il it pity fP •entb amen, by 240 at TO SUZIONSITY allay neat Caret. 40 one mere Lots fronting on tranne, SG fest wide, rurunng from Beaver road t om Ohio dam. m ad.. joining Phillips's Oil Cloth Factory. For terms, enquire of CILABLEM B. SCULLY. or J AMaI onisae, Harke's Building,. 4th aL - - febt.ihr Lot on L thils itTy BliinsTt tbs. E LOT, t 2 Met Meal on Liberty stree t, 110 Oat to Brewery alley, nearly opposite Wen strum, said movement to the Monongahela riser,erill bolas cal fur a term or year. Empties of Cli ARLEZ B SCULLY, or JAMFI3 O'HARA, (eke tf Bartels Braiding, 4th st. Proper s Alrogheny City for Sale. ttfl e ettr E ss d . ll ; , „%ja r i m be n r ti lf g elic Common ground, on easy terms. tldhe W 011. ROBINSON, Any at Law, St Clair is or of JAS ROBINSON on thepremittes. myl7,ltr.wtfT Yianabli Propiri F y tor Sal% IN N E NINTH WARD OF InSBUROH.—esn, ern! Lots on Baldwin and Liberty tuners, la Has nth Ward, 24 feel by lull, and adisaent Cos pro psaei depot of the Central Railroad. For MISIZIATO of. ES CHARL B. Ir. or JAMBS O'HARA, Bartels Baildlog, Uh at • • . • AFROM Dit of April next. on reasonable teems, in good terinntri, az comfortable two story Brick Dwellings, with collar., swills end bank bad tett, fAluated on Robinson and Craig strznaumMro ny cny , l'nquire of SWEIT2BR te at a Httlf OM.. Thlrd .t, opposibs St Charles Hotel FOR SAI.Z. '" A FINE two /Wry Brick -House, pleasantly situated on the hill directly beak of BEr. Andrew Waison's property,. near Pennsylvania 111.91110. ./ tkc house and lot wolt be sold very low for tube For further informsuon Low, 4th street, A.S. BELL, Attorneys at between Smithfield antl Groot_ opiate R SAME, tryonatile term. & Lo. of Ground on the tenth ki 'hie of Peon atter, near the hlonongaheln river (=nom SU feet on Penn street, and extending 110 Gatti depth to an alley 20 ft wide; a moat &nimble lona. non either for private residence. or for manufacturing portion., Enq uire of J SCHOONMAKER & Co, labia No 24 Regal at COUNTRY SEAT TO LET—A two nary Ruck irssreiling, with 54 items highly improved Land, situated in Oakland, to let from lat April - °CV- HARDY, JONES & Co, 44 Water mem FUR RENT—For one to three year., from the hr.of Ape) nen, a largo two &treed brick UarelHouse. pleasantly 'Roared on tbn bear It , Ohm nver, actionting the binnugh of kleneheai , 1 ,101 ,haul four acres of land, out building*, fruit /cc Anp:y JAMES A 1.41.1TC11381)N & Co To Let. A LARGE and well firdalted Room, eecond %tors. on thy comer of Wood and Third atmets, e the Exchange Mike of Wm H Willlame. P1414.4401a given immedtateOr.. Ingo re Of is s I.IGGMLS R0E,194 Iclamlty IRAING—A wo., taken by a dmyman nomade acre of W. R. Murphy, with direction to leave it-at &Vlore's grocery ISIOrL ' corner of let and Wood ethers. t o m tr. debveretk and ais supposed has been left by at ,ome other house. The traymanta face to tnowo by the person wha gave him the box, bat his name end re...deuce arr not known. mchste TO ' LET—A large brink Lsiento; ;Zino, thimble tor two families, situated on Petters] Allegbeny above fill. Graves' nos*. . E. LEE, Liberty n, oppowns dth TWO acies - sex 'AND - covBPbimas2 rwo LOTS 011 Beaver street, in the pity, a/Lt . Allegheny, above the up wo per Commons, on whtelt is ethe Led frame building, t merles high, skitable for ten small tenements. The 100 ate each twiny fret t trout by one hundred feet deaf., and rub bank 10 other ar forty feet wide. The bulb:hop on the p ten miss, id pay • very handsome tattiest chi the I.nvestd meet. mul the property will be sold cheap /or eksh. Apply to 11 Sproul, Clerk's office; U.S. to 3,00 P KAY *Co - POR 1010Gffi t I ", i 'sj ro. l' l °, l.74;d 2 flo f n or ti t ng by ori " %e ""te wide N i o ' ril th"Lig Cnmte t in the Banns Vista Extension. Term COO, Osdt; - JAMES ROBINSON W. Olt ROBINSON, IllflaeLtro (Mice, Esettanfia Beddow', St Clair at — POTI. -- ISALTE. - AFASht situate an Chanter's Creek, to Hobinten . township, about five miles front Pittsburgh, coo twt acres, with the a110w... Engels,' of puled 4it;;;; - : 8;; - ernill strect. IV. &11. ROBINSON, Attorney at Lar, J imP. , houlltt St Ch un Seoteltilloittati [pr Sale. TII\ ACRES OP LAND, situated tn. Peebles Warn. thin, on the Monongahela, three miles Intrat Pitts hot,: h--in lot. to sunrterebasers. For further panto r • npply to Henry Woods. 3d ett,, Or to A WASHINGTON; 4th, above Ehrdthiteld Itik— WAREHOUSE FORSALE.—The anbieriber oilers for sale tin three atom" brit% Warehouse IVuod weal, twcapied by E. Tanner & , ou. aptt WM . WILSOMOr. 17 - AMIABLE REAL h'STATE ON PENN STYLEEP Y FOR SALE —A Lot of Groartd sisals intent, between Hay and Marbory etre. pta, adrosnuNg tor noose anti lot now ciornapied by Richard E4wyta, nnvinK a front of in feet., mild in del:turn° feek*HlSY - mold on favorable terms. Tiltn unexzeptlatlable. ki.• gulre of C. C. LOOMIS, Cab st, papx .. 'or Bale. _ A DE9IFILBLE Balding Lot in Apeltheny Euy, ft. 1% ',stably I.,ated, in use about nail an szogl4l . , old he sold on accommodating terms. Lequire a . fobd J D WILLIAMS, 110 al ... . ; ,AA FOR RE:VF—Aroom in the second stam Na. . . I B W it% oal street - - •- - - lel - IW - rnl Vint E 'l' 50 A S Wholesale and retail, at the IJEKI7I TEA STORE, 70 Fourth street. near Wood, ' g Pittsburgh. -The hubscriber haying Just remuoo' : I nun 'len , York, is now rererring a large fall an . te•l GREN AND BLACK TEAS, from the JIM l'ort. Pekin T en Couipany, 'mimed with gramme foi . ' ' need.l sale, Our stock being now heavy we &VIM- . ' 1., supply Orneent, Hotels, Steamboats alidFatoe - : i. tih any outnlity and at aay once they may wish; .. ~ eiii.o in i i and I potent package*, 516. tin end.' ' ter, I; and 13 lb easy bons , and chest. Retail b e tt er,.Gro are invited to call,. we can And well .11 er feet at lower ;meat than hay ether houte 111 Pittabone, (), stock of fine Young Hymn, Gunpowder, and I.m. Ire it il Green, and I.Solong Black Teas are the betel in • ' the Amerman masker. Loverartva doable lefined Loaf, Crushed, actfrPol7 - , - studsours, at retail, or by the harreL " -• • 1 • euFFEtin-bloehit, Old Gov. lava, Leguira, p( i l)e.. • l, mine, and Rio Coffees, selected by the mutt et p etlmV . . red coffee Broker In Now York. sweet Sowed Chocoltue, Pickled Cactimbera and - ' Itnlons, Fresh Peaches, pot up in their own Mice Manna Raisin., ut 3 lb bogus N tl-All Or. C. Jayne's Family Medicines female. , deeti-dkart3 A. JAY 7.... , • -- MEDICAL. cio SULLOICAL. 0/T/ill _ _, . ,i.... 4.... No 06, DIAMOND ALLSY, ie „.. .„ , ;.' 3, i. - 7 few Mugs_ below Wood gullet; 514::,., C.' -.... • market , ,i:.:. , , - .* ;tigta , .. - 3 DU. BRAWN, loving:been , ' 4 .... , : N.. 1., regularly educated to am medic& a and beeahr some timl ,' ' l'' 'F', ',.-- • 4- - in general practice 1301. nottfizieli at :.":.." - i . . his attention to the trestrackor d." 4 , .... „1. 1 4 Male private mid dellesdp meal " , fati t...... ' - , plaints far which hot opponssue s 4 .7..1 . . ...: . , cud nrpenence poi:Mundy ginalifh`Z , t1' .. ,.... ..... ih. 11 years usidootudiy= ~., to mu y treatment of those compOuntsild time he htmliad more practice and has carettingrWpitS e, hems than ran ever fall to the lot of any jrkno /,..,,..• , litirMOti amply qualifies him to oiler immanneett MI speedy. Taut:36l.UL and satisfactory care to all afillets4 - ~,,, d e f . ,,,, ddy,•••••dt, and all diseases,arfaing (beret from. D r , aeown would storm Mons &filleted with pinata • Macaws whisk bass become chronie• by time Or ad-- gc,cated by Wear of any'of the common imatiwor. s i t the day, that their complaints can be radisally and tho)~ .4 (welly cured, he having given his eaten:' - attention ie. a the treatment of ouch NOES, and acteceededin trandreakoo, of instances in curing parser, of indaimustkin-er gbh neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases whienankm. , rosin( from those enact where ahem have coimigooo, : the.. to W deals:LW. lie Particularly lionteuraoh. as lau. been long sod ousuccelifally treated bloating , to comma him, when eve?' tatisfactlea willto . them, and their cues treaty. lea eartSid,l.6o .! Intelligent manner, motor mat by a !onkel:portent* ~,,,;,,, ~4 kom E uta wan , wkaial It is Ireptinubbr for that engaged m goner.' practietti"of Medicate to give Mt' one iftss of disease. Venerate or Raptair,. - rpktrown_ Mho Invate put WaruilLeted with Derma to Call, as Vilma paidpartter War attention to ads diseise. - - • - - cenicEtts also cured. 0 - enrskin . s e amen also Pi' ',Patty, 0151, sPeeddl cuslilll ages •e N. LL-Pat ry inots of yak sea living at a dlallanCaii truant Omit a n muse In wraintr,„ giving *BIM SY . tome, aim obtai metli w cOns with dr:cermet Tor rise, / • addreeting '1'...8E0 , Ed.. D, PoarOdiazdthallolnl ik. ie. , a fee_ erm, NO.,°nl*DO''"l""Thilli::"" no.. • Rapywpou,. , ....D r . yvvoanewl7 dlaccorentd‘hilm. y forMterunattem is a speed72 l 4 . 7-. 1 . 1 . MOSST - 651 ., s.t.i.ji,eaittlAtuevle..ll.=tre' ilibmn. Nom-b-iy'J , ra. l sllerrottm.,iniblla'll PI: . ..C. k-I. ' .- 1 - I . IP III i . 1 .... 11 , 1 nf!, -- 4 ! Mr N 9. " "... ''P". . ,_ , . `•••7•4..° HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, Eze