The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 04, 1849, Image 2

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T l rtVieeklyolall weekly'-The Dal Seen
Dollars per Loma; the Tri•Weekly Is five Dollars per
annarniiho,Weekly is Two Dollars per annum, strictly
MrirAntrarnsma are earassUy requested to hand In
.hear favors before 6 I, w.,, and m early in the ear m
practicable. Advertisements itot insetted fora sheet
led urne invariabit be charred mail orderell nut
Adreftisements and shbeeriptions to the North hetet
lean andllnited 'anneal:lase.. Philadelphia, received
and forwarded from We Office.
Gee mire page for Telegraphic News
Por Local Matters see neat page.
Lime Box.—The "Ga...nnt.n Letter Box.' bits
been rtufaved from its old sitesLiao, a window
nearer. the Past o.ffice.
In pannotrice of the established mar. of the party,
tha DellElOeralle ArdiMluom end Whigs of Allegheny
canary will amenable In primary meetings in Wets
trammel Election Disuiets, cat-Saturday, We id day of
Jane 1909, b elect tore persons from each district, as
Delejates to o County Contention, le meet at the Conn
Rome on Wednesday, the fah day elflum,ill 10 O'Cik,
A. MOD al oatemetlyn suitableL eandi ales to be
by the parry at the General 'Fle on in °e
mber next The AnltMasims and Whias of the mt. , -
slAs (Pittexcepted,l meei at the untst plekces fa ,
hold) 02elnas, between the hoar , of ti sad
P . 6 ma taste of the Wards and boomer and Nu
p, between the hours of 7 and it, P. nt•
Chairman of the Commiuse of CottsPond"'
Ma- Cur—St.tvzay,—Some of the newspaper 11l
comments on M c. Curl; position in relation to
emancipation in Kentucky, speak of him as hay.
lug changed bin ground, and some think in a most
• remarkable degree. A paper before as says “his
conversion, hire that of Saul, was unlootted tor, and
is unaoccitminble." We see nothing in Mr. Clay's
Posilion,ittjastify sock language, and no evidence
that he lumof late in any great degree changed hie
view". We have understood Mr. Clay, (or many
years back, as holding the opinion that slavery was
an evil—great an inevitable—both to mullet and
slave, batons which could not be cored but by a
slow and painful praxes, and that it wad wisdom
to stihnitt with resignation to a necessity which
was illcantrolling. lie has been the friend of
universal liberty to mart, and has ever lamented
the tizistence of such a source of Inquietude, im
providence, and many morel and physical evils, as
well asof great political diMetilties, as American
In taking an active part in freeing Kentucky from
this evil, which is an incubus upon her energies,
Mr. Clay is acting , in accordance with his often
expressed and long cherished views, end if he had
muted an opposite course, there would have
been cause for surprise. To speak of his sud
den conversion, displays a very superficial know
ledge of that groat man's opinions nod feeling..
Eirsorrions.--Crooda shipped in this coy, by
the Pittsburgh and Erie Line, by J. T. Idatheri
agent in Pittsburgh, hove arrived in Milwaukie in
etas days, as we learn by bill of lading and tele,
graphic despatch no before no. Thu is an expe
dition which mug be very gratifying to merchants,
and mast increase the number of orders eent to
this city.
Tme Passim Cosistmovra ar Nerivoo.—The St•
Louis Republican contaitui a letter from M. Cabot,
the Fierich Communist, who with his company . of
Icarian has recently removed from Texas to
Nanvoo, which pladh they have purchased of the
Mammn In his letter M. Cabot endeavors to
defend his Association from the prejudices ex
isting against it. The Republican says of them:—
"There is nothing in their
_published tenets or
cOnalltetton at variance with good morals; or at
all calculated to reader them obnoxious to the
communities with whom they may be brought In
contact. They are an Indust/ions, hard working
people, inured to labor in their native land,,and
whilst they bring with them wealth and means,
they also introduce skill and science, and the
ability to apply them to many'useful and necessary
branches of agriculture and manufactures."
Neavoo is aloof the prettiest spots oo the upper
Mississippi, and the finest site for a town, were
the.ohetractions at the Des. Moine rapids over
come by artificial peens. We regret to see its
ErrOSpecla apin marred by al/
. 111.EMpt to carry out
the visionary theories of the Bench Comthartists.
LIVING ne ITIa Corrarrr.=—The rush to the
country this mason is beyond all precedent. At
this early period, nearly every thing ta the shape
of a tenement is taken nom Advanced rents, and
the demand for boarding houses on the line of the
different rail road routes is much beyond the sup
ply. Houses are disposed of as fast as built, and
where, a year or two ago,-poly a few scattered
tenements appearedmow stsods a thickly clustered
village. ire somewhat musing, however, ID
witness the agricultural artic* of some of these
new trade country gentlemen, especially when
they exhibit themselves to the passing strangere,
diligently employed with hoe in hmd, planting po
tatoes,&e. with their embroidered dressing gowns
floatingin the wind.—Borten Trrsoeller.
How delightful it will be for Piusbueghers, pent
up among the hills, amidst duet, heat, and smoke,
to erempe by rail road to a quiet suburban resi
dence, five, ten, or twenty:miles in the country.
Property on the limes of our.wentern and 'eastern
rail roads will be doubled itraiue from this cause,
as soon as the roads are finished, as it will then be
as easy to bee twenty milesimm business, as one
now, and we look to see studded with
delightful villas, the residences of our mechanics
and merchants.
`Pam Out &moo Dana," , ..—The Locofocoo wail
most piteously over the renatval of Simon Drum,
the almost half a century Postmaster at Greens—
burgh. If they did it out of love to him. we should
have passed it by unnoticed; but such is not the
cue. Thorn who lament Ike loudest and shed
tears in the greatest profusion, have never been
Mr. Drum's friends. 'Twice he was a candidate
CM one of the best Maces IA Westmoreitted county,
and each time was defeated by the instrumentality
of some of those vary men. They never manifest
ad say concern for “poor old Simon," as they cow
call him, until he happened. to be ousted from the
Past Office by a Whig Posimmter General, and
the canoe of their lamentation. now is., therefore , :
well understood. If they were really sincere in
what they say, they wonld d.vr him to a good of
fice in Westmoreland, %quaff they have a majority
of 14000, and thus not only help the old man out
of difficulty, bat Mao in some measure compensate
him for services rendered the Locofoco party du—
ring the lam twenty Ave yearn, instead of endeav •
oring to quarter him upon' the Whig party,wluch
he has steadily and mall:Maly opposed during the
same period.
The Metre to from the Somerset Herald. "Poor
Simon mast have been LI D Wrle surprised at his
wonderful popularity and importance, which came
upon bun with a startling suddenness. He at once
Mond himself a political Miutyv held up from one
end of the Stare to the other, as a pattern of
tue and merit, and he no -doubt thought ho bad
only to si g nify his wish, tO receive my MB.- in the
gift of the panty. Ha was Noon brought down from
his high seat, however, Lorna sooner was his name
mentioned as a candidate for Sheriff; than the bit.
tenant vials of wrath warn poured out upon the
Whip who had kindly snatinited to Mr. Dram!,
sympathizing Lomfoco friends a mode of reword
lag him for the petty Mice he had lost, .Poor
Tex POrtlali Vows wet lately taken at Hart
ford, Gunn., in regard to which of tee applicants
Or the poen:mastership of that town should be re
comneaded to the President. 754 voter were poll
ed, nose but Whip voting. A number vote was
recently taken at Medford, N. J., as to who should
be recommended to the President.
Tall TIZAZURY , DIMIIIMET NT —Retrenchment
and Reforesa—The Vbishitigtou Whig contains a
circular from the Treasnry Department, addressed
to the Collectors of Custoins throughout the cone.
try, transmitting to each a copy of"an act requiring
all money receivable from,customs, and all other
sources, to be paid immediately into dud Treasury,
without abatement or redaction, and for other pur'
poen." _lt also invites t4ir attention to the 4th
section of this act which lane the expenses of eel.
lecting the revenue from ells' tows, after 30th June
next, to the "sum of one mill/on, five hundred and
wiry thousand dollars per minim." The circular
then proceeds to state that the expenses for collect
ing the customs (or the past year was 52,1 00 ,Q 00 ARd
that the act referred to :irons these expenses to as
*Matta not exotedingSl,4o,ooo,and consequently
requires a reduction of stein 5530,000 pet annum,
and concludes with the following directing to the
"It will be apparent to you that the reedy coop
iruip. del is o( the Customs will be weer•
wiry in order to meet the requiremenui of,this anti
and way aid that you may afford, or any suggestions
that you may 'mate will be highly valued. To
this end I request ;. th at 50u will promptly rued
to this office • Ihrt of all the persons in any wa
connected with the Cestotog at your port, design*:
tiag the dates of their caltutar appointment, and
theft present appointment, and the rate of comyen-
Sadism received by: them, together twilit a dear,
criptinn ofAtehature of the services rendered by
each, and a statement (it the reduction that am
be made, and the moaner in which the Lame can
be affected with a due retard to the prattle Wer
- - • " For eke .fitt,elizegh.Gozetts. jest it , an "thcreee man.' If to ream., judge, and Further Intelligence by the Cambria
of ... _„. ~,,___>: ...,' .e.._.,.. act as. independeat free agent is thevellgiouta, 're- w we,-
The leaden the aget.toSauicauwe isi ey ,, y ..• . . . .-_-,;,. ! .- ..........4..e1r a ••• a. Courier has a number of inter
- mocifraltd .. 0 . 13, ....MM. of man to Iris creator, . -
kind is truly alarming and protaintaus. Peri and to , his Wow lip4',ee t h at exere i a , t , of the eat i ng Items of news by the Cambria, eaveyed to
breeze that Is wafted to oar shores f ro m Eu ro pe, mentalxrwers whiclialone deserves the name of their correspondent et Liverpool by electro-nag.
. e then fa thillP . subject •
mew a mere netha telegraph from London, from which we
is freighted with tidings of radlealiaMt and social. " watt° t. ,
drum boy in edateltiOn,in the cultivation and use tha k oa ,,,.,„.
ism in their worst forms, calculated, in their' ten.
, of" talmaellard the morel and intellectual endow. - -------- ext ' nte ' ':
&recital° unsettle the fixed order o r thmp, ... meata of man, compered to one of the unlettered Accounts from Rome, attribute to Mazatni the
commission of the tenet atroctous arts. The Potts
overthrow all the great landmarks on which our population ore free country."
t e sppinew tum the above extract is unnecessary., is,ooo
P.P. -Constitutionner says. it is repotted that
I fa th ers reposed, for peace here, and Austrians are marching upon Tuscany.
hereafter. The whole of Europe is fast chtmetmg and I would feign hope that the gentlemen who The -Debra" says, that a report prevailed the
into a vest pandemonium, where men .1 opposite w.-. .0 greatly mistaken in the one e a s e , may not Latiedormore hatibeen surrounded by the peasantry
oohed,' of the walls of Genoa—having given this
• tend any re- be so in the other.
vthws are contending 107 maste r y , wt . report, it states as a fect,fully confirmed, that ['re
gard to the consequence they are entailing neon non has not been bombarded, but eannonaded du-
Tim Aspect ere Affairs in Canada.
hesietaes and German nit twenty-four hours. The soldiers have come
the people . German eteteP- ' - ' d ee le coo _ Aumo or Tn. POLACZ — DtkaDFOL Are mated g
some excesses, and caused some flee or
Philosopher. , with all the " ee l eu ' ee ,. = .,, c ea . nerearim.—The New York papers, of
„Monday six to be shot. The Herald. under date of,
' morning, contain the following details of the la ,
cat of theorists , have attempted to nit in the third of April, says that Jellachich had defeat.
b material and
w hi c h God has drawn between 1-e intel li gence received from Montreal: • -ed the enemy and taken seven cannon, and that
immaterial worlds, m order that they mtght have on the same day General Schick had routed the
Morraxas, April 2S. insurgents
an excuse to pose., We F eltlc. mteti with doubts All day yesterday a most fearful excitement - Nina April 4th—The Ausanans would give
and .uncertainnes connected with their future ieted throughout
battle on ' the fitti. Prince Windiscligratz has soot'
sate. Every sacred and holy temple has been At 2p. m., the mans meeting called to lake into oat to Mitt the army.
rudely desecrated by there mee, to ejkiblmh some mmeideratiOn the best means of preserving th e Thrace —Lettere of the 'Jib state that the Pied-
w ed t h eo ry, which, if U., Is cal ated to de- peace of the country, was held at the Champ de month. Government had replied to the t rearm.
stray, instead of preserateg our species. Enthu- Mars, sod en immense multitude was present.— deputation that an amnesty should be grunted if
siesta in every thing, they infuse their pernicious Strong resolutions wen , Petered, and a petition to the city surrendered Immediately—twelve chiefs
doctrines into thetminds of our young men, who the Queen to recall Lord Elgin was drafted and L of the insurrection and the troops alone being en
voi: throe countries, and they come home among adopted. cepted.
us full of disquteted., and vain imaginings, and At the earnest request of the principal leaders, Bsysitia, Mimics. 6th—The Bat-arise Cabie
restless in pursuit of some Utopian state, which the people dispersed quietly.. I net, at a meeting held on the 2d :nut. resolved to
they are never destined to realize. Thus poisons The five gentlemen arrested have been commit- address a protest to all the Governments of Ger
a( the most deadly character are constantly inf.- ted for rioting. • many, as well as to all the foreign Govern
ed among us, without any one ever seeing their A. manby the name of Perry, the great leader of . means, against the election of an Emperor of Ger
antidote—the peace of individuals, and of society the firemem MU. coy, hue been commated to lad "my.
are often disturbed ; and man left on the ocean of on a charge of arson. Adeleee tend to prove that the insurgents in
uncertainty, without chart or compsss to guide Toweled, evening a rumor rapidly sprea d that Hungary are gaining the upper hand.
him. The great tendency. I might say charade- the French party were being esteem in as special Aararrar--The Poses Pans correspondent says,
rialto of the age, is radicalism of every kind, and eonatables and armed. It proved correct. . 'it appears that La Marmon* had cannonaded Cre-
eituated, as we are, in a free and happy country, t [The British portion were persuaded by the lead- 005 for forty eight hours," yet he had not fired a-'
surrounded as we are by liberal and enlightened en to wait till tamed, wad an encounter took place Bove half a dozeo rounds, to that the bombard.l
institutions, it becomes as cautiously totrivestigate, between about twenty English gentlemen and meet was not absolutely correct. The Genoese
and closely to scan every new scheme that to these constables, who most wantonly fired an deputation was still at Tuna on the 9th, and as
presented to us. It was not necessary to go to them. . the armistice was to expire on that day, it is porno-
Germany to convince the people of the neceesay Only a few of the small parry had arms, which ble that the bombardment bed recommenced. The
of free retools, . they have become a "fixed they discharged upon the mum and slowly retreat- young King is ready to grant a general amnesty
tact" among ea; and us dolesed to quer ed, bearing off one of the party, wounded in the with some slight exceptions.
ton their general utility. But that there are mon. leg by a piwolball We also extract the following from the telegra
%trona inequalities connected with the taxation, up From the cries uttered by some persons in the phis news of the other New York papers
on which these echoolrdepeed, no one can, for a crowd, one of the gentlemen who fired inflame me
moment, doubt. Take,. an example a rich man, that their discharge must have taken effect. .
' who is abulidently able to educate his children, During the whole night these were drilled, arm- Live:armor, Saturday, April 14-1 PM.
, and who boasts that his school tax is but two dot- ad with cutlassea and piste* in the Boasecours We are in possession of advises which left
lore, and that he has seven children to educate. market. Dublin at a very late hour last night. The only
But why cite examples, when all are aware how The military Were under arms all night, and the
unjust this law is, in many respects, and yet mark artillery drawn up in the square topic of news relates to the trial of Mr. (seven DuP
the tenacity of our people for a good education I have the beat authority for stating that Sir Hen- fy
to the memos, as all have cheerfully paid this tax, Jamul Diuban, commander ofthe hare., at a meet.
prefetring rather that temente should be done lo mg of the Executive Conned last night, made re.
themielves, teen that my ores should suffer for marks io - the fallowing purport to CoL Tache,one of
the want of an opportunity of being educated. the ministry.
But taxes of ell kuids are multiplying. If you He demanded to know by whore authority them
take away the rights of individuals by taxing their men had been armed. He mid he was there to
property Mr more than it will rent, you take away protect her Majesty's dominions, and by the aid of
all incentives to industry and exertion, and de- heaven he would do that. It was uncoastitution-
Wroy the very male-spring of society. Man, in al to arm one portion of the populauou against the
order that Le may toil had delve, and patiently other.
accumulate, must not only be secured in the pot- Turning round to lien. Gore he,sald, "Go to his
session at what he has, but La must derive a sue Excellaucy t h e Governor General, and say. I send
lice.t remuneratma from the .me, to stimulate hint a body of British troops to protect him, and
to further exertion. And the question naturally that I will not consent to thin clandestine arming of
arises, is the city in a condition to engage In the French population. Disarm these men, and dad ,
any new scheme of public enterprise ! The 'thf by whose authority they were armed."
fluent taxes at this time now absorb one fourth, It is anderetood that Col. Bruce and Col. Tache
and in many cases one third of the rent of an or. Jo it on an order from the government
dinary dwelling house. And the taxes are by The army are refused to be invett up.
no means at their maximum. This is unparallel- The Bratyh are rapidly arming, and a dreadful
ed. It these things are persevered in, a will drive dght in expected. ,
from our old commonwealth, one half of its cape The 71 st Regiment arrived from St Johns this
tat end most active business tams Already some looming, and the provincial cavalry are momenta,-
of oar most respectable capitalists talk of remit. dy expected.
mg to other State.. The authorities of the State Upper Canada is in a fearful state of excitement
feeling sacredly the chums which our great debt At Coburg, the Governor was burnt in effigy.—
of Pony mations impose, Lave gone into the length The light could be seen at the lake, thirty miles off
and breadth of the land, to seek objects of taxa- The whole upper provuseph are ariniug.
ties., and in many ca.shave made distinctions In the eastern townships immense quantities
highly mviduous and unjust. All kinds of prop- of land have been sold, and large bodies of sturdy
eny are taxed, from the watch that meatieres off riflemen are expected to the assistance of the
the time, to the vehicle that carries the invalid i British.
through your etreete, reeking health and freah ale On the Ottawa, the lumbermen are al. prep.,
Every branch of business has been taxed to as ut. tog to assiat Montreal.
most limit, nod still we have been able to raise Martial low Is talked of, and will be proclaimed
only enough to meet the interest of the debt. and
is not
ace to
immediate end violence. The
that only her a part of the time.
But taming from the State to our own bailiwick, creators of the mob have raised e spirit of resst
the City of Pittsburgh and County of Allegheny. once, which they ore now seeking to quell.
and what do we see ! A darning debt in the I As for annexing Canada to the United States no
shape of scrip, of more than half a million, entirely I . , , the
repedified by the people, and which our mum- ' ree"Y_earcm • mince., person ta community
°teal authorities are totally unable to meet. ALI seems re - SITOIo entertain any such purpose. We
every corner, you hear the mole doleful inqutry— 1 pie below an extract from the Toronto Globe of
"Do you take emit) for gaoler Thus eking .a t what ma • ,
to be public opinionb oth in I .
great favor, that the obligations of your Cay and ,
County be exchanged far merchandise, et perhaps i sad Loser Caoede•
double its value. State notes, reeking with eillu- , "Every well informed person knowsthat the true
via, and looking as if they had teen raked out of motives of the tones who now cry for anaexation,
the kennels, bearing on their face the solemn Mile are to alarm Lord Elgin, and through him the
morons of the city, are in the bands of the petal le. l home government, that they have a change:of min
.,' which they want to dispose of et almost any ; inters and the restoration of the provincial patroa
aacrifice. Revdes this, there is a debt of nearly age They will not succeed, and they may as
1 one million of dollars Imaging over the city and wed renounce the penult at once. if the tory fie.
which she will hove. to provide means to liquidate eon, which desires once more ii take the reins, do
You see her Wadi hawked dem through the not aucceed,of which there is not the most distant
streets, and sold at • discount of tome twenty or hope, it will not be because any mean. have been
thirty per cent, and hardly any one 0 buy eeen at left untried. They have contrived even in Ent:-
that. The city assessment fur the earning year is land to create a belief teal we ere at the rt b/l,ron
spoken of at ox mills, the county at five mills, nod point in Canada, end they look noth.og I.ut aar
the poor. school, and state, at wren mills, making and rebellious outbreaks."
in the aggregate, eighteen mills, which is a cote of •'
=auto that may well alarm property hokk,„. , h looker to as Very much a. if mu. 01 the wry
It is, perhaps , not generally known that the watch.' outbreak in Canada bad refereeee to personal bra
men of the city have not been paidt'aince January tatty to the government ministry. No doubt there
last., and there is not money enough in the treasury ' a a deep hatred of e retteh m d oeeee, bum ummu
to pay even the scavengers in the !accts. The . ,
I only an it em; though pro b ably a large one In the
monetary antra of the city are in as complete a , .
state of confusion as the earth was in chaos when list of incident. The following resolution., adopt.
darkness brooded over the land, and an oinnito- ' ed by the rioters re a meeting held at linewiton on
tent Land called light into being. The Treasury is ! thr*, alt., mmummuudmatum), preceding the,
empty, .d will most likely remain .0 for some .
L i me, ea the taxes of t h e com i ng year w ill ti e b e , 'will give a orirreet idea of their antl.republicso
. psifteicasenre and It has teen, I know, a source of
great trouble to the intelligent gentleman who is
ehairmin of the Finance committee, how to devise
means to meet current expenses. and keep the
"machinery of our city government in motion. In
: addition to all this the new wards will swan re- 1
! Bette their streets to be graded and paved, as well
I us-water and other conveniences enjoyed by the
old weeds. And in conc/nsiOn. I Would mak,
whether this is the litErto agitate the project of a
High School. or any other laud of echoes! For
myself, and I think I may safely speak of the !
respectable gentlemen wher e shined that memorial,
that we are all willing, as soon as the city is in a
condition to justify it, to give the experiment of a
High School, or even a School called the Into of
Court, which was so ably advocated by some of
our most respectable citizens, a full, fair, and im. I
'martial trial. Osx - wtro Storm= ant Mammal-
Nora—An tutellgent gentleman, who travelled
through Prussia a rdW yearn ago, thus speaks of
her schools--
In the importance attached to the air
rangemetas, or the means for defusing scholastic •
education. there is also much delusion. • • •
The social value or importance of the Prussian
arrangements for diffusing national scholastic edu
cation, has bee. evidently overrated; fir now that
the whole system has been in the fullest operation
in society, upon a whole generation, we are morels
and religion in a more unsatisfactory state in this ve
ry country, than in almost any other in the north of
Europe; we see no where a people in a more ab
ject political and civil.condamo, or with less free
agency in their social economy. A national edu
cation which gives a natio% neither religion, nor
morality, nor civil liberty, nor political liberty, is no
education not worth the having. Truly touch
.humbug has been played off by literary men, un
wittingly, no doubt, fur they themselves were sin
cere dupes--upon the pious and benevolent feek
urge of the European public,with regard to the ex
cellence of the Prussian educational system. They
have only looked at the (dreams, almost mechani
cal means of diffusing instruction, viz schools for
teaching people to read and write, and have, in
their estimate and recommendation of the means. uncaring tha
altogether overlooked the all important' cinema ' Lira,
stance that, if these means are not In free action,
they will not produce the end—the moral and re- In the New Orleans Picayune of the 19th inst.,
hemm improvement of the people—and that the • we have the perticulars of the loss of the steamer
almost mechartigal arts of reading and writing may Cron. Pike, which was horned on the morning of
be acquired wit! " lade:M°ral•reihP'''''orevenj the 18th, at the plantation of Mr. Plenum( Harper,
intellectual implovement of the humaa mind, as :
the manual aturplitoon exercise. Point toupee. It says :
La their admiration of the wheels nod ma- The Pike wt.!, from Caiciunati, bound for this
chinery, these 'literary men have Gorgonen to look i port, and stopped at the plantation to discharge a
under the table had gee what kind of work all this sugar mill and engine. In a few minutes after
was producing! Who could nukes°, while read- landing, fire wait discovered in a state room in the
log pamphlets, reviews, and literary articles, out I ladies' cabin, which spread with such rapidity that
of number, on oatmeal education, and on the beau.: toe boat was soon enveloped in flames, and in a
tiful system, iotaas nod arrangements adopted by j short time burned to the water's edge and sunk.—
Prussia far educating her people, and while lost in The passenger. and crew were saved, with the ex
admiration in the edneationel labyrinth o( country I caption of Col. Anthony Butler, of Independence,
schools, and town schools, common schools and Washington co., Texas, who was miming and sup.
high schools, real schools and classical schools, pined to be lost.
g, progymnruia, normal schools, sem- The host and cargo will prove a total loss, but
inures, universines, who could suppose that it is supposed that the sugar mill and engine, being
with all this education, no nue of educe- on the forecastle, will be saved. The cargo can
yon Is allowed; that While readinz and writing 'tinted of bale rope and bagging, whiskey, pork nod
are enforced upon all, thinking and communica. I bacon. The boat's books and papers were lost, but
tion of thoughts are prevented by an arbitrery ten- the money io the safe and drawer saved.
sorabip of the press--sometimes strict, and some- The Point Coupee Echo, in an extra slip, says
times lax! Who could suppose thatite oral tai_
ale use to the people of Present of alibis nation- How the tire occurred no one knows, as there
al education is, in reality, to writ. mil nihniel, co- was but one lady passenger. The Clerk, Wm. A
Foster, had no time to save the books or accounts,
vii, or military reports from infsriors to superior s : and it entente Dr:other way into th e
airmail!, and many of the passengers escaped completely
Who could suppose, at the very period' Victor Cow. • naked.
sins, the Edinburg Reviewers—and so many nth- Co l onel Batler, a gentleman well known In Ma
.- eminent Ilterety men of all countries, were ex. ay parts of the _Union, and a czen or Tex., is
tolling the national education and general acqn,,,, • which state he had lately received an appointment
moot of reading In Prussia, and kindling around from Generni Taylor, perished to the flames, while
endeavoring to route the lady paasenger, who
them a holy and truly virtuous enthusiasm among
the moral and religto.—forthe diffusion of know•
was travelling to his company. The cargo, we
ledge in all countries; that the exercise of worshis under..., was fully insured, the boat partially.
•the Gen. Pike was commanded by Captain R. R.
any whe re else. but in. a church, was prohibit e d,
and made criminal in Pravda, by an edictal law, °doll
The captain and officer. of the tam remained by
teedufferinMd that t he en wreck until it was completely consumed and
oonmanr civil
oes, or
cargo as possible.
other punishments for this Prussian crime of woe sunk, using every endeavor to save as much of the '
shipping God in their own houses, were only fibs,
rated and pardoned by the amnesty of August, —•••• •
The siesmer Glo N re Cht.u 3 heris 4p t ri tini l 2— ail P.
r M noo . n
1840. Who could suppose that while the praises
of the Prussian educational system were resounds
rig in our Senate and pulpits, this educating gov. with later dates from the Brazos.
ernmeat was driving, by religions persecution, Cot Webb, commander of the California cape:
from her educated land, upwards 0(600 cbristuns, • damn, and Mr. Wbb, together with nine others,
went fro m w i c e w ild s o f Amer i co, sli of whom have alsmdoocia the expedition to Cal
limply to enjoy the altarligious freedom ikania, returned passenger to this city on board the
and of commuaiiging private s according to tm; Globe .. They look as if they had undergone much
krrms and docuthes of Luther or Calvin, rather fatigue and hard r daPsthewah eeivithe good health.
than of his late Majesty! ' They give quite a gloomy account of their adven
urbe, could sure that while literary men tares. Mx Audbboa remain.' behind and had
were extolling the gh educational state of:Prussia, determined to proxeutc his journey towards Cell
i, her Marta state stood we low that such a sect as fbatia, with a party who agreed to accompany t em ,
t'. the Mack/era could not only exist in the most eda- One city continues healthful and business gene
caved fher provinces, but could flourish openly, y Is brisk. Daring the past tea days the odes
rind number among its members, clingy, nobility, of Cott= eltWan, to tiro athlwrdlaavY large num
and edueated and influential people. These I bet of ninety thousand bales, the lamas amount of
writers had evidently been deceivurg themselves I sales ever before made to the tame period of time.
and the public; bed looked no farther than Ogre Prices have advanced fully r cent pm, since the
means of education, and bad hastily concluded arrival, and full woohrmalto.s of the de.
that these means mast necessarily be prodnehig I struction to the growing crop by the recent frosts
the end. if to read, write, cipher, and sing be sad cold weather.
eduesties, they we quite right—the Prussian sob. The weather tangy pleasant.
new• and opiwon
R/w/tv.d. That this meeting views with India
notate the attempt on the part of the present min
istry to appropriate a lai ge auto of toe public funds
to reward trauma, (who, with treasonable ileaigns,
rose up in arum against our beloved sovereign and
loyal and peaceable inhabitants of tine country, in
183'7 and 15)
Resolved That we feel ourselves called upon to
show our abhorrence of the measure, by address
ing his excellency, praying that he will not tatlict
such a wound on the feeling. of her majesty's loy
al and faithful subjects (who rallied round the
British flag in the hour of danger, and suppressed
the traitorous rebellion of 1837 and '351 by sanc
tioning a bill that has for its object the reward o
Ruoloeti, That we feel determined by all con-
Stall[1011•1 means never to submit to pay rebels for
their losses, while rebellingagainst their country,
feeling that such as art woeld be Unprecedented
in history.
&salad, That any man or Danaher of men whose
fruitful brains were capable of concocting inch a
measure, arc utterly unworthy the eonfidence of
any free and civilized people
gasoresal, That we consider ourselves an integ
ral part of tee British nation, and wish to continue
so, and behold with chagrin the favors the gov ern.
meat have already conferred on the principal asoe
aims of the last rebellion, rewarding them munifi
cently for their perfidy.
Remised, That inasmach an the French Cana.
diens were a conquered people, we consider that
civil and religions liberties were as mach as any
governthent should allow them, and we firmly
lieve it to be a species of on the part of
the ministry to devote time and money (which is a
sacred deposit) discussing the subject.
flasalred, That although we are not among the
first to remonstrate against the payment of rebels,
we are not last in taking up arms to protect and
defend our sovereign, and this country of our
adoption, from the merciless and treasonable de
signs of traitor., and in the hour of imminent dan
ger we embattled ourselves end defended our
Me. Ifurrr's Cssx—The strong probabihty
that there will be no verdict; and although op to
the latest moment no official announcement was
made, it is confidently expected that .the Attorney
General will—should the Jury disagree—call an
other Jury, and proceed with trial the third, hoping
still to convict and banish from his nauve land one
of Ireland's warmest and moat piled patriots.
Loan CLAR.V+DOni Runny TO RESlON—Rumors
prevail in Dublin that Lord Clarendon will shortly
resign his office of Viceroy.
Tax Nx. , Cnniouc PalNvra—The rumor in
• - -
daily gaming credence that Dr. Deceit . , of Belmar
will be the new Catholic Primate.
There continues to be an abundance of money
upon the Stock Exchange and in the market Mr
discount purpose.
The transacuons on the Nock Exchange to-day
are not numerous. Prices opening at the same fig
ore" as yesterday. both for money and account,
and Up to this hour, 121 P. M. we have no vane—
Lloyd's Buotse do not prreent any important re
lure, of ililierein this morning
LivoaPJOL Corros Msaarr, April 14, 1 P. M
The tone of the market mantel, and a moderate a
mount of Lowness is going forward. In pricey
Were is not any •:hange to report/ The sales are
expected to reach 3,000 balm
LIV.POOL Coax MARKET, April 14, 1 P hl—
trade a is the same firm position noticed in
the report 01 yesterday's market. Few tran.ctions
have been reported to day, bur the priors of all
toads of breadstutis are full, and Will continue ao
until the removal of the blockade from the I Lerman
We also annex tome additional items of intelh
gene's from our files of tbreign journals.
Cana:wind of the Gravure Nary—Commodore
Perry, .1 the United Staten mantle, has accepted
the past declined by Commodore Parker, of cum..
mender of the German Navy. A number of Amer
ican naval officers are ready to enter the German
A Young Trattur—A loy twelve years old
has been imprisoned at Vienna, on a charge of
high treason. The little fellow , had repeated some
nimuive expressions respecting the Emperor and
Wioduichgratz, which he had probably heard in
the streets.
Fall of Nara/eve—The President of France
while ridiog in the Bois de Bolougne, on the 11th
of April. woo thrown from his saddle, but not sera.
curly injured.
Virginia Election Return•
Tee returns of the Congressional election 4• me
in alewlp. nt account of the polls having general
ly been:trept open three days. The returns we gave
yesterday indicated the' election of the followiag
First District—J. S. Millson, dem.
Second District—Richard K. Meade, dem.
Fourth District—Alec. Bowel, dens
Sixth District.—J. A. Sodded, dem.—gun
Seventh District.—Cren.. Reidy, dem.
Ninth Distriet.—Jereminb Morton, whit.
Tenth DictncL— Richard Parker, dem.
Eleventh District Gov. McDowell, dem
Thlrteeht.h Dlstri et. —F. McMullen, dem.—gain.
The return• show a net whtg on of two mem.
hers. The Richmond Wh.g, of yesterday morning,
"From present indications, the Whigs have lost
some members of Congress and gained several
Members of the House of Delegates--probably
enough to give them a majority in that branch of
the Legislature. But as yet, not enough is known
reader it certain."
The Richmond Times has the following with
regard to some of the districts yet to hear
Thud Lhstrta —A von of about 140 in Halifax,
indicates that if Flournoy ferbtgl can hold General
Taylor's vote in the upper counues, he will be hand.
aomely re-elected.
Fifth Distriet.—The three days' elettlon hat
told, as usual, against the whiga in Madison and
Greene, and from this cause and Mr. Powell's per
sonal influence in Amherst, we fear that Goggui
defeated-11 no, this is another whig loss.
Eighth D.trict.—A letter from Mr. Forbes,
whig, expresses the belief that he is elected. The
returns look well. but the none is still doubtfuL—
Forbes was 40 ahead, and all the districts beard
from but middleses, which gave General Cans
a mammy of 'I. If Forbes is elected it II n wing
Fgrecentli Lanct.—Russell, wing, pins largely
in every county, and some doubts are entertained
an W. the result, not withstandign the district gave
Gen Cass 814 majority. The probablity is,however,
that Newman, democrat, in elected by two or three
hundred majority.
Among the important Acta passed by the late 1
Legislature was on revising and consolidating the
laws of the Commonwealth ID regard to Common
Schools. We find toe hollowing synopsis arils pro-
visions in the Gottysburgh Star "
"The annual meeting. of the citizen. to deter
mine the amount of additional tax to be assessed
for School purposes are abolished, and power is
given to the Directors to levy a tax sufficient to
Imp the Sch./. open not more than ten month./ in
each year. The Schools are required to be kept
open at ?mot foot' months ID each year.
The Treasurer of the school fund is made the
Collector of School taxes. The Collector is to fix
a time end place, when and where he will receive
the School taxes, and is to receive two per cant.
Zr all carried. If it is not paid at the time desig
nated, the Constable is to collect it.
Sub• District. are not interfered with—where the
Committee Ma sub diatrict and the Directors disas
gree in the employment of a teactier, the people of
the sub-district have the right to elect a teacher
who must, however, have been first examined by
the Direct as.
All monies subject to taxation for State and
County purposes, are made subject to School Lox.
The Directors -shall establish a wt➢ctent num.
ber of schoois far the educati-in ofavery individual
between the aces of Sand 91 in the diatoms, who
may apply for admission and instruction."
Schools are to be visited by one or more of the
Directors at least once in each month, the retu:t•
of which V 1.11.1 are to be reported to meetings, and
entered on the minutes of the Hoard.
Teachers applying far emplitymcni. are to be
examined, and, if qualified, to receive 11 werllh•
mate setting lorib the branches of learning he or
she is capable or teaching, which crititicate shall be
signed by a mar may of the acting board of Direc
tors, and tot person .thott le emplora as a reacher
aostAatit procured such urniscatt, aoh iv% shrill
be renewed annually.
The olueet4 and mode of assessment are fully
prescribed. tt..• lax in no individual case to he less
than 50 cent, The annual State appropnation of
$200,000 in continued. School Directors am ex
empted from militia duty.
A full copy of the new Lew is to be prepared by
the Stale Supenntendeurand forwarded to the dif
ferent Roards of Directors and County Commis.
Woriers in the State.
Hooper C. 11,cks, Vienna, Maryland.
Robert Mucbell, Pensacola, Florida.
James IL Sanchez, St. Augustine, Florida.
Kilos Pond, Genesee, New York.
.E:sra Sinn!, Champlain, New York.
William S. Malhoote, Yorktown, Virgin..
R arrow oor • M•asuatama—lt is stated by
Ely Mrs rd, the marshal of the United States for the
southern district of,the State of New York, in an
affidavit made in the Court of Chancery, that, im
mediately after bis appointment to the office, he
disposed of a to Mr. Peek for the nun of $lO,OOO,
and $t Esti . per month. It appears, however, that this
shameful practice is by on means uncommon. The
price vbleb this office brought is. cettainly proof
presuccaive that the salary or inooms is mints too
Ur John Franklin'" Voyage of Ws
The killowing notice of the voyages of discove
ry and search of the Arctie Seas, was seat out
from England, by purlieu who are much interest
ed in the fate of Sir John Franklin, in the hope
that, by means of its publication in this country,
it may silt up seine American whalers to endeav•
or to find out the Ereboa and the Terror. The
British Government has offered £20,000 as a re
ward, and;Lady Franklin had previously promised
£3,000 sterling to the commander and crew of a
vessel that shall summed in finding the expedition
of 1h45.
Natter of the Expeoittion of Ihscovery and Searrili
note In the tirette Seas.
In the year 1942, her Majesty's Government
sent out an expedition for the purpose of discov•
ering a north west passage between the Atlantic '
and Pacific Ocesm. along the coast of North
Amerce, or between Davis. and Behnngs
The expedition consisted of two.ships, the "Er
ebus" and the "Terror," commanded by Sir John
Franklin and Capt. Craver . the complement of
officers and men in the two ship, being about one
hundred and thirty eight. They were victualled
for three years.
Their instructions were to proceed to Bathos
Bay, and, as soon as the ice permitted, to enter
Lancaster Sound, and proceed westward through
Barrow's Straits, in the latitude of about 'l4 I siege Itc
ill they reached the longitude of Cape Walker, or
about 99 deg. West. They were then to penetrate
southward and westward towards Behrings Straits,
and it was in this part that their greatest dufieui
ties were apprehended. If these were proved to
be insurmountable, they were next directed to
return to Barrow's 91.1111CP, and proceed north
ward, by the broad Channel between Devon and
Cornwallis Islands, commenly called Wellington
Chnonel, provided it appeared open and clear of
Ice- his evident that their abtlity to follow either
of these courses must have depended on local
eireurestnncea, of which we have no cognizance.
The discovery ships sailed from England on
the 19th of May, 1942, acid were last seen on the
213th of July of the same year. in latitude 34 deg.
45 north, longitude 69 deg. 13 went, fastened to an
iceberg, waiting for the opening of the ice to cross
into. Lancaster Sound.
These ships have never since been heard of, and
it is tor the purpose of relieving them, and at least
of ascertaining their fate, that in ISIS tier Maier
ty's Government again fitted out an expedition.—
It was In three divistona
The first, in paint of time,) consisted of a single
slop, called the Plover, commanded by Captain
Moore, which left England In the latter end r f
January, for the purpose of entering Ben/lags
Strait. or the westward passage. It was intend
ed that she should arrive there In the month ofJe
lv, and, having looked out for a winter turbot,
should send out her boats northward and east
ward, in which directions, had they,been success
ful, the discovery ships would be met with.
Unfortnuately the Plover never even approach
ed, last year, the place of her destitution, and
whatever search she may yet be able to make,
has to be netomplished nos summer. The ••Her
ald." surveying vessel in the Pacific, has orders,
posslbie, to supply her with addltional stores.
The second division of the expedition was one
of heats, to explore the stoma of the Arctic Sea, be
tween the Mackenzie and the Copperintne niters,
or from the 135th to the 115th degree cf west lon•
gitude, together with the south coast of Wollaston
Land, it being supposed that, trl Sir Jona I,rank
lin:, party had been compelled to leave the ships
and take to their boat, tney would make for On.
west. Tne non-arrtval by ibis time 'April. 1949.
of an expreas from Sir John Richardson proves
that his last summer's search was trutiless.
The third portion of the expedition u 1 seal
.consisks of two ships, the Enterpr;se and the 1,
ventigstor,o oder the command of Captain Sir J erne,
Rona. and Captain Bird, which sailed in May, ISIS,
tor Lancaster Sound. They were last heard of
on the 18th of August. when they were at the en
trance of this Sound.
Str James Roes Intended to proceed in the
Enterprise, examining carefully the whore of Lau
caster Sound and Barrow's Strait on hie way to
Melville Island, ur to Batik's Land, and thence to
send off explonog patties in boat.
His second ship, the Investigator, under cools
wand of Captain Bird. appearn to have received
orders lento Sir lames Rosa to watch Lancaster
Sound, fur the purpose of communicating with the
whnling ships from England this summer, and at
looking out for stragglers from the Erebus and
Terror, should any he endeuvortng to reach the
nffighborhood of the fishing grounds.
From the late period of the seusOn, however, in
which the Enterprise and Investigator reached
Lancaster Sound. it is calculated that they .catt
scarcely have had more than a tortnight for their
operations during the last rummer, and thus a
wide held fur search remains open during the ap
proaching ...on, fur who-h the means at present
activity are by no to adequate It is the
general belief of those officers who as ve Nerved
in former Arenc expeffindun. thus tie discovery
ships "Erebus - and -Terror," whatever accident
may have befallen them, cannot have whol'y din
appeared froni those sea, and that sOnte truces of
their fate, if not some living remnant of their crews,
must eventually reward the sexton of the diligent
It is possible that they may ba found in quarters
the leant expected; but, in the tient instance, the
'attention of ships engaged in the search should be
interned to Inc quarters pointed at lathe admiralty
instructions given to Sir John Franklin, and es
pecially to the channels leading out of Barrow's
Strait to the north. The chief of these is that
called Wellington, which it in probable Sir Janies
Ron has not yet explored. and where, it entangled
in the or and exhaused lie want of prova.ions.
their condition must be in the highest degree
It is aleo highly, dcnitil le that the coasts of
Boothia and North Somerset should be carefully
examined, as well as the nhores in the Cult of
Rae:ante and Regent's Inlet, and the want eantword
of the Coppermiae to Great Fish River or [tack . .
River, also, tho sound• and inlets west and north
of Batlin's Bay. which are supposed to communi
cate wok Wellington channel to the went. Some
of these pasta might be explored by boats or land
parties, as would all that part, also unpnavided
for, which lies between Mackenzie River and Icy
It is the opinion of several experienced officers,
that two small vessels of the size of one hundred
nod silty or one hundred and eighty, and of eighty
I um respectively, drawing not more than ten feet
I. I of water, might answer the purpose of careful
search in these seas as well its larger vessels.
Removals and Appointments of Office-
One of the moat amusing. as well as instructive
wammentartes on the slncerity of Locofocoism,
would be a COmparissin of articles gleaned from the
newspaper, of that party before and since the Pre
sidenual election. ll•fiffr that election, the peo
ple were cautioned against "going it blind," against
taking a President who had no fixed principles,
and of whose political creed nothing was known.
who was enUrely unpledgcd, and might pursue the
most raison, policy without forfetung Its charac
ter for veracity and consistency. Since the eler•
bon, however, the tone to entirely changed. We
every day see paraded distorted and mangled ex
tract. from the letters of General Taylor, which his
opponents are publtalung asevidences of hispiedg
ex, not to appoint new men to offioe, but snit to per
mit the men who have so long plundered the pub
lic treasury, to espy a farther pullet Uncle Sam'.
money bogs, rthout obstruction or hindrance.
' Now, everybody knows that Isactlocoism has
become proverbial for cool impudence. Hence.
these loud and titter denunciations against the
prosermtion of the new admintstratiOn are calcu
lated rather to excite laughter, than to provoke
; anger. But that a party, whose police, when in
power, since its organ:seam°, has been to "reward
He friends, and punish its opponents. ' should corn-
Warn of removals on the part of the Whqrs, shown
a glaring inconsistency that may well tan held up
US an illustration of the statx-rity of its profeasiona
of regard for the 'Albin: welfare. We. however,
I do apt believe that any I. amlocoha. been. or will
be dot-harped trout office becatete of hie political
: senummita alone Ad we have said In a former
oa this subject, we have little question that
General Taylor and his Cabinet can find, upon an
• investigation of the oharacters of nine-tenths of the
Polk officeholders, good and sufficient cause for
j the i r removal, without refereace to their political
creed. Neglect, of duty, undue interference in
elections, unbalanced accounts, dice, Ice., could
easily be brought up In judgment against a very
I large majority of thole who have, fur many years,
been living op "Treasury pap.'
General Taylor has made but one bona Ade
Pledge, and to that he will steadfastly adhere. He
has promised to administer thu government faith
folly, according to his itleariof the Constitution, and
as far as lies in Its power, to the welfare and pros
, perity of the whole people. This he could Oct do
more effectually than by purging the venous nth
, nes under Governmept of impure and reckless
officiate, whose only thee was to benefit themselves
at the expense of the country, regardless of the
welfare of those "toiling millions" who support it.
To accomplish this puntication u awork of time
and labor, and it will require all the energies of
stout-hearted "Old Zack - and his mediators to tie
' compliah it. But we have no doubt that the work
will be done. It has already been commenced in
good earnest, and we hope to sae it go bravely on.
We do not believe that a nation can be prosperous
unless the officeholdera throughout all branches of
the Government are haunt and capable, and wo
should like to see that happy state of affairs come
about as sown as pcursible. In a few months more
many changes, we believe, will be effected. and
each change will he to the honor and credit of the
nation, Our Lacofoco cotemporaries need not cry
over the removals thst hots been made. There
are act many more black sheep in the dock who
will have to be expelled, that they may as well
economize their tears until after the Aegean sta.
tale Is thoroughly cleansed, and then they man hold
a general day of mourning, and du it all up at once.
Ilar. I el.
Letters from this oily mode it known through
the newspapers, two or the weeks ago, that the
venerable and respe2ted Mrs. John Quincy Adams
bad suffered n pars/quo attack of such severity a
at the time to occasion her family great anxiety
We are glad to .be able to slate, for the satisfaction
of h er 'l emming friends, that she bus much recov
ered since the occurrence of the attack, and, though
not yet able to rise, to gradually improving in
We embrace the occasion also to say, In refer ,
renew to some erroneous statements which we ob
serve no letters from the city regarding the Lady
of President, that the health of that lady (tor a
year or two eau somewhat tmpared) is at present
firmer than it has before been since her arrival to
Washington.—Nat. inui.
11 f.." - fisb. Bar La/kg, Contracts, , Lw arm,
alum zrus, urcr" cwirl- 03 * c431T4
rcuacum ite• 1
Printed al the shorteartotice, taw prices, al lb<
-detZtZrrrl 0111.1. TbUlDSlraiXr•
luspravements la Dentistry.
DR G 'O. STEARNS, Iran °'
hole and set BLOCI Tom. in whole and pans
of seta. upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Piers
Teerlist cur twain rn rms wrarrm, where the nerve is
exposed Office And residence next door to the May
net M tts
Mime. Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
to—l. B. M'Fndden, F. R. Eaton- 1.19
Yrocatra Liao, Srcata.-I.repared by J. W. Kelly.
Witham street, N. Y., and for ode by A. Jaynes, No.
Four. street. Thu will be found f deltglatful arti
cle of beverage is fraruliea and particularly brr arch
Bnoeta —Ao improved Chocolate prepare'
oil, being a combinsuoa of Cocoa nut; lanocea , , i. -
tgorating and palatable, highly recommended parue
int ty for mambas.. Prepared by W. Baker. Borehole.
r. And for sole by A. JAYNEI4, at the Pekm
ea Store, No. 70 Fourth At Ischia
W. 31. Wright, D., Dentist,
Orrice and residence on Fourth st.,
opposite the Pittsburgh Bank. Office
is ; I;roonmrs2friotko'teol,3cl/1.;.12
DAVID If swoon, of Jefferson townsinp, will hr a
andidair for the Legislature, subreet to the decision
tithe Onttrussonie and \Vltog County Convention om . *
Sil.ll - "T SCRIPII.
WILL receive City surd County Se pat par, for
_ any Property that may be poreka of me at a
u , e I have advertised it the Pont, to take lace on the
15th and 19th May. at Lock No 0. Versailles township,
Allegheny county. WILLIAM L. MILLER.
my 4 dirrayle
Scrip at Par, •
11 ALF:FIER, Wood's.,liht, No. Third street.
odors for sale an elegant lot Chickennett.
nos. IBostont at the lowest cash pnce ' for Pittsburgh,
Allegheny city, and County Scrip. They comprise
trout ti to 7 octaves. and were selected by Mr. Chick -
ming for tins merit., They err warranted to be equal
011 . 1 no the city, having the latest improvements.,
tu..11 as etrcolor seule, etc.
Buyers are ,11ctl to call previous to purchasing
elsewhere. and, 11 alto, to bong with them some good
Ws, professional or othersetse. to iudge of the quell-
I) at the above instruments
N It —\t' rturti guarantees will be given anti each
Piano, emitting the holder to exchange in elm the in
strument be proved in the trait degree imperfect, or
faulty my 4 H. X.
House and -Lot for Salo for Scrip.
24, A IWO story brick House, containing eight
WM room. exclusive of basemennl and cellar, and
eintable for lino families, situated on Liberty ',rem.
Aueeheny, will be sold lour for lacrip Enquire of
toy Ldti IL HAYS, Galena office
Lt !ME PALER—SOU reams rusorted colors, received
0 and sor sale by S C HILL.
111)4 ss: wood as
dUON—B. , VO lb. a••orted Bacon, in Store and for
•ale by L 9 WATERMAN,
Iny4 31 water and Gil front •1
Dernsg, 20 Jo N C Tut.
bbl. No 3 to a 4 va .... for nkle .. by
1 , 1 wli . _
OT IC E. —A,I persons having claims against the
111steatur Union, wease hand them to uninedt
ately I Ai , Jr. a Co,
tny4 It No 76 Water at
) FLAIL R-40 tors supertor Rye 'lour, just re
sired end for sale by
1 .. ;11NE FLOUR--. 0 bbla Else Flour, Jonree'd and
Ica xale by nu) 4 S & W fIokELBAUCiII
SrmW do Herron'. br d,
Al‘ ": ; ‘ d p '.l W , tr ' . •
r Cdr I,f ml l S & W HARRAUGH
QIIDA Kutiz best Soda Axh, 'List laud
0 , og 4 00 tot ,,, U 1 .y 1 S &M; HAKBAUtin
T EN SHARES Er o Aanr aunt Stock byg u l „ i t%
1111 i I lUSeeond at
LA Is r. LIM L-10 bbls superlor Lake La. reed od R
101 sake by 004 W HABIAIitsH
BEEN A r bbl. ,rt store and for sale Ep
IWTTEIt —2 firkin, of Apple Butter. reed
11 ukol for sole by oy4 Sft W 11A R :SIAM
bbj. N ft Molar... 'rut read a
my S tc. IlAßßAUtiti n'
le by
PERS —lisvolg made ariongements for eon.
stunt supp:y of rAL.-roxy FINDINGS, wa will sell
w prim. Cal( and Sheep Beier Skin., Lace Lea
ther. Pieter., Reeds, Shuttle., Hemp Twine Treadles,
Nu .1, to 15 Belt Punches. Wrenches, Stripping Cards.
Iu io 15,i. Proem Brushes Weaver. Brush
e. or he LMAN, WILSON & CO.,
my. 110 Wood street, Bittsborth
ry 5tlOllEO Butsburgh, Cinetntoso and Locos
Teleg mph [Bock. tor sale by
4 ".""I'-'- 11=11%.ZZ 'd &RORER
I)1 FLOUR -9U obl+ for rale by
R..• a Petassuaost,
May 1, 1,49.
President er.l Ihrertors of tlu• Bank have Liao
,lay declared a ativalend of feur per cent on the
• tor the tart sta month, nayeb.e •wck•
hu,det. or thell legal repreeentettacs forthwith.
.t 111 w JOIIN SNYDER, Cn•hter.
FrdM et
Ap A Ak i ll e
w"4 open her
•IA atdant sonmeo
v runiistt; or Silks
Fent-) t`, Ribbons, Flowers, An. ,kc., on aFrid
sin May. 2110 Al o'clock, a. al, on Market street, net:
Thud. tay3 itat
iffilifl JOHN H. Ml .I.OR, ,I Woal steet,
Anil sell for Scp at pas, the following
new and •6000 d nand Piano:,,.
Use elegant resewood di octave A.
Onmeth: I,) Hal, r tr. Haven. \. Y.-.-. 5313 00
Ono do do ei aorta vr ........ • • • • 300 00
t no- ro-en L... 1 tlrtuvr, •ales it Co, N N • VS 00
, 1 0 , ,n• 0 do do
1,010,0, a du to neariv new :110 RI
li do Lond - - • t 25 00
1 hor 110 :Pe In Rownbaum 100 00
One .I” ei do I iennan •• • • • . 50 IX/
do SI do It & W Nunn* •• . • 90 00
it. English :10 00
Valua6ble BELlldt:l4 - Lots foe Bale.
[ 7 IIE hatiseribers are aLrtfroneed to offer at private
ale, and upon highly favorable terms, a number
if err} valuable Lois. comprtung n large
idnion of the Lots numbered 67. On, 69 and 70, in
0, mal.' I ',dere! Plan of the far of Pittsburgh, alma
ed at tile soma eastwardiy corner of Penn and Wayne
eed., [Turning 2411 Teel on the former, slid extending
along die latter about 600 feet to the All•gheny river.
and being • part of the Real Estate of the late Jame,
S Sir ectison, Evo., deceased.
A plan or sabdiviciou of the above LOU, in eonfot
may bar.l whLell it Is proposed to sell, dray be seen
the ofr• of the undersiatted, on Forted, hemmer:l Ala,
set and Ferry WILLIAMS k KUHN.
CASSIA -0u Innis fresh Cissu. 7 bales do Clove:
loading and for sale by
nal : d r r fo l b r
sale y le Br u o A sei;
A O L :arnu n fr i c i n
IARN-10 , 10 U. Cotton l arn, moiled
No., in slot, and for .ale low by
II MOLASSEIS-30 bbl. St James S H
V. 111 ,tore and for vale very low lo close conviro
my 3 JAS DAUM:L.
MANNERS 011.-151/LI. 'runner. OIL lantlnig fro
, neat and for .alc by so JAS DALZELL
'd anal for sale by
Li NSEED 511.-45 bpi. ;ma te e d
corner Ist and wood its
D ItUi.S- Cl.loran, Poissb, i;:ib bottle.
Carte Arid do
{typo Sulph. Soda do
Sub Nil. Bismuth do
Croasots do
;lonvdlc 1...di0n do
t . hlotolOnn .lo
Just meetv.d and 101' 'We by
_ _
101 - TERAS-4 . 4 Is tJppena..)ust landing okrtd
1.,y WES'a.)N HOW EN,
drled Peseher. 480 do d
*4 water .1
WBITE I.II.ANS-4.5 lads for sale by
11/y3 • RIIE.V. AIATT/lEWS 4 Co
( 'RAH CI DI-:R LWt for sole by
ll ap I AlA7ll.ll' \ k.
r 0 N I'A RN —"WI It,. rumored Nat 151ibitea
CJ Ram. 20 du CaadleArtek, Cotton Itc, Carp.,
etc tor tale at rnArtalacturers t prices by
IAS FoR 011.-..13 Obis for sale oy --
Inv 3 klliEY, MATTHF . AVS & Co
IA 7 RAPPING I'APFIR-675 ?Ole stria , t do
V I.l< crown and medium. (or sale by
ova 51ATTHEWS & Co
t/srlON --86 hairs for §O4 by
lJ no 3 lyarrkiElYS &Co
EARL. &811—a caks in I.ose 00.1 for 'talc hy
I- u.a auBERT Dn LZ ALL.. Lahert) aI
AC I - Ist:A—to6h'; f rah forl b
IL - A l lis 7 DA I.Z ELL.
Fl,Ol 4 . 0 au am du, 05
du It) r do, in i and tor lair by
1, 8 W &TERRI AN,
mr3 dl water and 68 from at
LARD—ai I.ble ?it. 1 Lekl Lord, di teiacTdo do, r
.tore Rod for ,Ole by to y 3 1. S NVATERMAN
1. )
my:t I. sPe,xtFAb
c . CYTHE 1.10/ Scythe - Sil'oetbs io
C 1 .11c by ni y 3 L S WATERMAN
1 / AAh 2l tho
k 7..::: by lr . ERA . I_A N.
RAIN CHAI.I.F.S-16 doz tuperour, tur tale by
lj toll t. s WATERMAN
Vlsli blots N . HcrriE4Thlt de No 1;01,1; g.
m).l 3 water ot
u11 ,6 1:4 ,,, F.11;,=:;14 extgi , Cream
I )11 rn,il-1, bala r ust rec'd and for vale by
L 441)4 J D CANFIELD —l.lbbix mst reed nod for do by
Tay sploodrd steamer
m iiel.
g 7' ' C=l"=. wet.lri."Z.VF.rir;
the rtk Inht , at to o'clock, • tr.
For &eta at or paasaisc apply on board, or to
tor 3 PKFTIUREW & Co, Ara
The Browns ., We Water Ctlre Establish
• .. •
'kits , BA EL% & MASON, in returning their paste
l) fal acknowledgments to the friends the Institu
tion and to • diseertang public in general, for the 110-
tal patronage hitherto received, announce at the
osior time that they have made essential tummy,
tering in the interior as well its the exterior of the el,
nblishntent, during last fall and minter, which will
cranny enhance the comforts and amusements of it,
valid., who intend to visit this piece daring the Clusil
tng Wanner.
rill the p rev.ling diseases see treated he re,ond they
wall endeavor ID keep ap the repairman the 0111,11brlah
men t has wen dutough Me west, by strict attention to
patients that entrust themselves order Weir earn.
In order to undergo the treatment, patients have to
provide themselves with two woollen blansets, two
cotton sheets three comfortable, or a ught feather bed
aria str towels. Terms, stn dollars, payable weakly.
A. L. MA & CO.,
• on t he
A, A St . o M te k (o r he ' a s c . ro ' nt ' ln.tnel b er
mg ini•iness.•re h. , . prepare, ext.,: L. nonr
tall trade the most stock of nob and asitieri.
able Imported an , Amertrith Good. they have ever
offered in Ibis on) Their ,arse Shawl thsloott.lo,nb.
with another Pars, room. hos been fitted up and ad
ded to their Isiah s.tortment, thereby giving them ann.
pie room for the dupla} of their immense stock. Being
constantly to the recetrt 01 hew/Goal.. from their bouse
in New York, they are enabled mined)... to offer the
nesse, latest and mont ,bearable goods, and ai prices
tut low as oily Loupe in tie country
Their stock can't•• ts in part of
Free iit,o6Bo Pace of erten rich Bereges, Tissues,
Albannes, gh-lphirrep .d Marquise of new and elegant
styles. Also, Nil de Chrism Poniard Silks., Hour de
Lat., Grenadines, Peking, Brariliennea Mocha, Toile
do Nord, Sr be
Si: Hundred Pieces of new and nob styles JaeCtuewi
Lawns and Orgaudies—eplenclid designs.
Seven Hundred Pieces English and French Prints,
Ginehams, A1p..., Orleans Cloth, Linen Gingham.,
Challies, be. be
SlLKS—Three Hundred Pieces of rich plain, figured
and changeable Silks, of entirely new styles Also,
black Silks for dresses, stein., manullas, tr.e. of sap,
nor high lustre .
SHAWLS—Cashmere, Thibet, Leaig and Square
Shawls, Gros de Rhino, Pooh de Soie, Canton Crape,
Silk, Serowe, Sewing Silk, Wool Plaid, Grenadine and
:qualm de Lain..
WHITE GOODS mnes J.onets. Victoria
Lawns, Book and Swiss Mullins Tarletan, Nutty
Checks, Linen Lawns, Dotted Muslin, Mull and Naito
took do, be be
LLNEN GOODS—Damasks.. Corers, Napkins, Dia
pers, Hdkfa French Linen and lint's, Barnesley Sheet-
Digs, Inch do. Irish Linens, best make sod finish.
BONN ..TS—A complete assortment of-China
By John Di D.w4, Auctioneer.
Large; Sock of Dry Goods.
Oct Monday reaming, May 7, at ID o'clock, at
the Commercial Salm Dooms, corner of Wood sad
Fifth streets, will be told, without reserve, for cub
A large assortment of fresh and seasonable staple
and fancy Dry Goods, among which are stipOe
cloths, casements mulleins tweeds, jean., Dot'Dn.d.°7
drillings gingham., prints, de lain ., .cOslaloeres, pla i d
ennuis., silk., sauna, printed lawns, swim muslin',
s n ese t
Itner eat, bleac h edanode .
e io n To
B m .
m u
ge nii ,:b. d .r ar i lz
white, crimson and flag silk hdkfa, silk and luting
coat and vest buttons, Costa' sp.! coltoll, hosiery,
gloves, nbaorm, ho
Al 'I o'clock,
aremeries, Ulassware, PURIM., lac.
Young Hyson tea, coffee, N 0 sugar, Va manufac
tured tobacco, Ad barte's cider vinegar. shovel.,
sywdes. forks, wrapping paper, transparent and sew
nan window blinds, looking glasses, mantel clock.,
largerquecnewae. knives and forks
and general sasoruneut of household and
kitchen furniture, hr.
At 7 o'clock,
• .
Ready made clothing, boom, sLoes.
relad stock
of dry gds, ldand silver ...annex, fine mien',
musicaJinstruments, cavalry satins, smock,
y 4
50 Bui/thug Lots ie Bent:4l4, adycnning rho or, of
Allegheuy, at Auction.
Ou Saturday, May 12, at 2 o'clock, P. M., will be
sold on the premises, about 50 Lots of ground, very
handsomely saturated on Nunnery Hill, havatg a com•
urtndlng view olde does end surrounding country,
p ens of which may be had at the auction room.
Terms. one (surto each, In Allegheny or Pittsburgh
Petted nue fourth on lit /tummy, 15511, reqdue paya
ble in five years from lit January, 1142, with interest,
to be secured by bond and mong - aso.
my 4 JOHN D DAVIS, A.uct
- -
Eh cams Buoy, Shoe., Fern.. Late aryl Braided
Bonner, Sal, Straw and Palm Loaf Bata, Um.
beak., OT., at Auaran.
On Frtday morning. May 4th. at 10 debt k. at the
Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wootl and Fifth, NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE
streets, will be sold. by catalogue, on a credo of 90 . OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS,
days on all rums over StOn, a inlet-I tosortment, con- I -‘,..
csiing or men total boy.' super calf, grained, kip and • , 1
8 4 4.
thick boots; men and boys prime lineal .d humid faro-'
sns. lath co e. and mows super moroc all and kld .
ledee. and 'hope.. holies and mimes French, lace, Pox al_aneow,)
braid and straw bonnets, gents and boys sllk, straw' , Leaves Powburgh duly, at 9 o'clock, A. D. 1., and tog
and palm Mal hate, gingham and cotton umbrella', • rival at Glaegow, (mouth of the Sandy and Beaver Cale
whelettone and cane trainee . sald at 3 o'clock, and New Litbou at 11, same night.
Tor particular, see catalogues and goods. I Leaves New Lisbon at °O'clock, P. M., (making the,
tuy3 JOHN D DAVIS, Auct Imp enrol to the niter during the nlght,) and Glancy
--- --- - !at a o'clock, A. hl., and armee at Pittsburgh. so 3P.
Exte n star Sale of Biala. ! M.--than making a conunuotts line for carrying p 11.4
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday
~,,,in . ,May. gangers nod freight between New Lisbon and Pit..
3d, nth and 6th, et 71 o'clock., at the . tore No 1 1 9 W ood', burgh, l 9 911.11.' time nod 91 1999 .9199 than by any
street, between Fifth street and Violin alley, will be other ...-
sold— • The proprietors of this Line have the pleasure of in
fortningthe palthe that they have fitted up two firm. davit
An extenave and extraordinary collection of Eng
lish and American Books and Stationery, Encyclopte- ' Canal Bollbb for the 99 x 0 . 799 . 191 100 of 1‘ 999 .• 9 11vm 104
Mas and valuable ...lard works, at the Canon. de- freight, to mo . eonboebott with the well klat 9 fth
pa omen. of liter alum, science, and the artr. Annuals steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and ealtheole
and elegantly Illustruted boo., among which are Mgt at Gbdßow, with the Pftwburgh and einein.
splendid London editions of •ery raze and choice nab and other daily lines of steamers down the 041
works, fine Bibles and Prayer Books of every descrip. ' and hl Pp. flyer, The proprlctuts pledge lbtftfle
fon Porttoitost Gold Perm, in gold cult river cu.,. solves to spare no expense or trouble to insure can
of thr. best makers: letter, peck. post, commercial fart, safety and diTatell, and ark of the pablin a Any,
Imo, cop and note paper, envelopes, blank books, of theft Pedonatte.
memerandam book.. etc ete. AUTHORIZED AGEN'TS.
Catalog - ues may now be bad. and the books well be'
S. &W. HARBAUGH, 1 rtUrbrr ig i *
ready for examtnatton and private sale on Thursday,
a. Lathes ant 1:1nt1...1 are Invited to call and R. HANNA, lc Co. Now Lisbon.
myi ldf 1. IMAM UG H &Co.
ea st them d• ring the day
The books are new and warranted perfect. and will
tie sold without the least reserve to the highest bidder. NOTICE—The steamer BEAVERC. E. Clarke, thy
Terms. cash—Purchaser) m pay fur ri , d take moray ter, will leave after this notice, for WelLsvillepar,m.
tiled books the day following each sale ally, at it o'clock in the morning. r o a
opt JOHN I) DAVIS, Auct
8 URIIIIBEL 411111.4111183111ERT8 ;or 1849.
Only la NIL.. Btliffing.
Lessem and 31.11141ar Cs S. Porter. i Via Brownsville and ihssaberland to Baltimore cad
Annan Aar , &rani oat W. H. Cats, 1 :
117 E splendid and fast miming U 8 Mall steamers
Bonsai and last appearance of MIL G. HOL- ' ATLANTIC. Capt J Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt A.
LAND. Splendid SW—Great Attracthia Mr. G. Hol- • oso o, Louis hi,LANE, ea &,.....,,, .
Lund to o character. First representation of Leveler. , making doable daily trips betw
FIIIDAT Erswrna, Met 4 The morning boat will leave the Monongahela
To commenee with the new and popy., D... of ' wharf, above the Bodge, daily at d o'clock preciaaly
will take SUPERB COACHER at Brown
Monsieur /Seam. the Bur ter- 'Mr. Boli.od- vine, at 3 o'clock, P. M., and rho sle cars ot du
J no. Caspar Levet. Mr. Prior. , Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at 8
Louisa hits P.° , o'clock, A. ht., stud arrive in Bultlutore the semen",
Lhance • • •by• • • •Master Wou -
_ mit, in time for the evening line in Ph/Al:l4lphi% Ind
After which, by
desire, the lay liable Bur- w wi hi tig . too c i ty.
tette of From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, enty 59 hours.
ID winch Mr Cleo Holland will sustaan six different Fromp t .i ion o to ~,,,,,,,,,Fhi, only Ist
characters, interspersed veldt songs. Fare 1119,00 1111.
To conclude with the favorite farce of ' The evening boat will leave at 6 o'clock, age.% egg.
BEET. A ~.9 P A: on slut mvo 13`Hors , day evening.. gars by this boat w',ll '
Hector Templet& one of the B'Hoys•.9lo Hollandl i board ot c . tiot e onotti ,, ~,o to Roo .. 0., fit
, w lodge on
e inwi ti t , w on so ,. . Mi.. Crab'. t over the
the following day Ir, L iti l i l i k" ' g,,,,,
Mracimios' .so NiAn"..."...... 'h.., i , Passengers have choice•of eithe, L 5t P ...,,,,b 0u , g n i l
Premscsca, May I, 1949. ' Road between Balumore and I..nljogoitigiii, and
I , IIIS Bank to-do declered a dividend of four per . the
centum on the captml stock, out a the profits IST privilege
of tape o fl r tV o. d . 0...t H 1d Ba t i a. :p
the last six months. payable on or after the eleventh , tars al to pr,ni e . , ~.„,,,
.... y i y .
tn.. m ratlol why H. DF.NNY, Ccithier- • We make up the load' and way bills for the Coach
______ -•
Ew 3 - 193 .. 89 7 . " or Pnr."°"' ' / 1 , e p art:::llin th nr g e . P :B: b reettla.: 4l : „.i llie ff : "'' ,i. )
k it .u l io •
b th o :eLet er fc * re g. ". .?? "' o o rtan: l 7 o.t t re
May Ist, 1.9.
THIS Bank has this day declared a dividend of four
per cent on or e /Pal stook, payable on or after lor the boat, M OIMMTICA, AlonoatehHiggii4wow t .
the nth mid t street, or St Chart. Hotel, NlToodui, pltinh, -
Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the Weitern , _ .9 5 :db. J. RIFSKIMEN, J. -
Bank of Philadelphta. THOS. hl HOWE, _
otyirdlitt Cashier.
Pin r air ORC i t h NOTN Tu N L F I L:III d I ita g LO w P p U . 4 : I IB ...N I" V o ILLY..;: idne .
1, ,
WLL he opened on Frsday, May Mb, at 1111.4.1 Lalep, mosterorill leave for mon
BARK'S, Fourth greet, between Market and! d intermediate ports on P,spsro,
Wood, ll rrsah supply of nets style Spring and Sum- !30tts la i st,.at 10 o'clock a. m.
suet &moms, Flower", athbons, ter. :Fm f re ight or patmpply onboard, or ''.o
The lather are particularly
ril n
HE subseber oder. for sale a large and splendid sewn+ The new ... 1 .P . .endid fan passes..
1 . aumintent of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac- . gar pocket,
bon Pianos, watt and without Coleman's celebrated: TELF.GitAiII No. 9,
.+.Oll on Attachment. The above insimonents are war- i _ .
__., . . . omo‘t mar.ster, will !my. Sc cindd.
ranted to be equal to any manufactured to t'' in coon- “... ...... 3 . 1 .Ta10 on Tounday, ,A,, 99 tun„ le
try. and will be sold lower thar any hrosgbi tram the o 'clock, A. M. P°r fo::113 or pu-w apply e imp Oa DMA
EA'. F. BLUME, No 112 to woud et, ' B" RR .ftlE WILSOidk Co, or
2d door above,Sth t Csit:o 8 MILTENBERGER.
at pat Ist a raw or!
_____L."o _
the above assortment. 4 4'
-- - 41001talt laltreLT; - sealil mrrisruts '
V k.IND IN SERI NO, de—Scot. —Enginee rs, and . The steambo at
11achinistes Assistant. 2 folio rots., one of plates, aad , PI No. S,
one descriptive of them Capt. J. N. Shnisk, leaves - PitisbatAh
Cagesv—Encyclopaidia of Civil Engineetmg, one very, l`necday„ at 2 o'clock, P.. dl.,
thick, 2 vo. vol. . fOr Eltrahothlown Colinas, Sunfish. Proctor, IlszoOs,
liOt.rAstrim.—Tunang and Itlechimmal Manipula. Larsding, New MLtinaville,Sarda, Sisterstrllle,TaePa
none 8 To. Landing, blatamoru, A. Shoes's, Landing, Vanehrlay
Tasnotda—Steiun F3nyine, new edition, very much Newport, Cow Creek, Marietta, Point Harmer, Par ,
enlarged and improved, with all late improvements in kershorg, Belpre, Little Hooking and Hoc h
nonthy Nos., 4 to— - Rscreadnio--I,earea lioclungport every T unit ;
C—Dictionary of Arts M .nufactures and Moms, .at 3 o'clock, P. M. Marietta 04 Yrtday, at 6a.
thick., VO. watt supplement. . i flossing the
_principal pan of Ow above 10WOSAII
COOL.i—Cye lopmdm of 6OW Pracucal Roce tpts, c endings on Friday, before h i g h,
ro t For role at LOCKWOOD'S, ; By the above meal, this boat will be able to
to) 2 a,' ~,,,,,,,,j, street lay Cl Pittsburg=ndars, and keep Mat day as 11.
do d mum this boat c tiarromi M . ' : 1
h, s
Th our p be ub . i...y
2: R. Mourns; nu now
and a
numment of la, ' the ~,,,,d,„ daring the r4,,,' • - , -ms ,
above articles, for dresses and fa ts—auto ung the lat•I " " star ....f." , fi- 1 11 12 : 411 d
ter re mme , ea me colors, such no pink, blue, a - reen,'
Ac.,al. pink, blue, green, and mode colors of Cha
meleon Lawns, and ll large assonment of embroider.
ed muslin. and Lawns
W. it 's recent purchate is now all reccoved and
open, and persons wanting Dry Goods do well to
look at his Jere.. and fresh stitch heroic porchaamg—
at northeast corner 4th .ttd edrket as.
Whole•alo R9oros_yp •t,on.
TOBACCO -94 bo, Gedgea 6 twilit Tobacco, laud.
trig front nmr Caledonia and for sale by
myd SAS ratzELL, water it
•jlo tl'L'lu-16u bale% No I, angoi6itaJea No 2
ling, sture and for sale by
OTICiI---Kacctred per mar Cunatirnep, some twk
stoat, two hole., contents unknown, marked "1
C Conrad' The owner is botchy requested to pay
charge, sad take t twat away.
WESTON BOWEN, 90 Front it
I, , RESH TEAS—SO hf chests fresh Young pysop
Tee.., per stop Pnoce de Jonnuile, reed the day
[lnd for sole by rtivl BAUALEy Sh s
( ifflASlt IDE OF 1;11111--lu ush• amine gaging, for
L) sale by W t hl MITCHELTREK
tuy I IGU Lamer.), 4
e t,
_ •
ACON-40 coat yawned, now landing from atm,
1) Caraberktud; for sato by.
ISAIAH DICXEY fr. Co, From at
LARD—tlbbly Not, bow landing from sum' Cum
borluml: for ante by
• -
REMOVA vubsettbert hart: iboloved from
Nos) Water street, to the vtrehou.e recently DC.
earned by James May, N °on Water styert.
myY R HEY, Id CITHEWS tr. C.
TAR- North
a c i ficrA , Aynar s &co,
NA OLA9SES-45 bbl. N 0, landing freak.. F 4,4 ' l '
LYI le, and for .le by my7 l 0 0 GRAWr
QUOARL-10 blids N 0, pot coed and for sale b) -
k.i C H °RANT
QPRINI‘ PAIN riswinroeur oi
style Casey Primo, Just urivssis far rol kn e
at the precast reduced prices by
sitaexth - rr wurre I
.• 99 wood Street
ROl3 ROY PLO-DS—Ono bale all wool, /11;a
Plaid Cloaking-a Just opeiw lCL O, by
PANT LiTliPe very loz_fe assarlm.tat of tteD,
style ;Summer Com* and W.len Pool stutraAnst
oPenmg by O SHACALETT . & WWI%
{ANTEDP LA WNP--b bk.. ...w, WO& Drets l
1-....5. fabbr Pn..d..." PgalAlrbt .1114 =HI
and for sate by owl! SHAOKIXIT & WHITE_
~ f ull brAOrbbblat of fuck , French
awl Domelue ulbighams, JONI Opened as Pale
. . --. . . . .
rtoItBONATE of A 51.510111.4-1 cask cred asist AS I
Li sale by miff /11LAUN ic RENTER '
I 'I UM COPAL—O ea., ree'd and (note Wi
Ur miff BRAUN b 'WIT= .
FlorenceMonstribte, Ronth and Ready, Straw. Eng
lish Chlp,_Fitney, ac ac
DoNNE - r RIBBOS—Pr+ boxes of
Ribbons, of the best style.. bo
bleak and colored
Tafel!, and Satin, best quality_ Also, Rennet Silks
and Linings, Artilicials, &g..
HOSIERY AND GLoVDR—Ev.n• an.enpunn of
ladies and gentlemen, Hose and Gloves, Cravats,
Scarfs. lidkfs. Also, Demo, Gauze, Crape Lim
Ombt. black lace demi Veils, ate.
NEtV VISITES and MANTILLAS, of all the
tenable mots and styles.
1 -. 4 e caPes, collars, cuffs, standing collars, cheraisetra
Yalienems French and Englan Edgings. eambor do,
Inserting, Belt Ribbons, linen cambric and lawn Ildtbs,
Crapes, he. a
Thousand Parasols and Plrasoal.l3, of retry satiety,
Melts:tun the best markes of fine Satin and Caseation.
Cloths, Camtmeres,Vestings, Sommer Stuffs;Tweeds,
Jeans- Also, Flannels, Check., counterpanes.
MO hundred cases of the best styles and of every IV. •
hundred eases of all the well known and approved
makes of Bleached Minims, MO bales brews dti,nf gre
edy variety and price.
Pureharets may always depend Lc= Wegreat
farnlities of this establishment, of obtaining the shortest
goods at the most reasonable prices. system of
LOW PAICSE4 adopted b • t/ .l 3 T i s lactlablialment, as well
as theitONE PRICE SYSTEM haging,niet with such
universal favor that the subson rs arewnabled to of
fer still pester inducements to purchrnars Every ar
ticle will therefore fin marked at snob low rate aa can
fatP m give perfect tatiarnenott. MOrntanes from
all parts of the country are invited to call..
A. M. MASON ft CO..
an-el:dim. GO Rocket, between 3d and 4th sta
~ - ~ ~ ~•-
HIS well known line of splendid passenger Stam
en is now compod of the largest, serifb,st, bet
I w
mbed and furnished, and most powerful boats on the
waters of the Weed. Every accommodation and cam.
fort that money can procure. has been provided Mho.-
'engem, The Line has been m opemuan for five years
—has carried a million of people WitilMll. the least inju
wo their persons, Thu boats will be at the foot al
Wood street the day prey... to waning, fee tho rdy.
don of freight and the entry of passengers on the m e em,
ter. To all cakes the pm•age money mast be paid In
The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, will
leave Pausburet every Sunday morning ai 11l o'clock,
I'Vtkeelink every Sunday evening at 10 P
May W,1847.
The, MONONGAHELA, Capt. Sroint, will leave Pitts.
bury,lievery Monday nawiting at 10 o'clock; iVheedlaig
every Monday evening at la r. ea.
. . . -
The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capt. J. KJ.J22222.223, will
leave Ptttaburgb every Tue.,lay menung at LO
Wheeltng every Tantalay erentog at 10 r. r.
The NEW ENGLAND No. V, Capt. S. MAX, oral
leave Yquaborgh ever• Wednesuiay morning 01 14
o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at i 0 P. ■
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gusts, will leave Pitta•
burgh carry Thursday utorrung at 10 o'clott; Whetting
carry Thursday evening at 101. A.
The CLIP PF.II. No.*, Cape Pure Devil., will bon
Pl..burgh every Friday miming al 10 O'dkicili
lid, every Fliday evening el 10 r. r.
LieuWyllie and St. Loafs Packet - Line: '
IS4k4i 114,111.
The Sue fast tanning passel:lo
steamer ATLANTIS,.
Geo. W. Wicks., master, will, Man'.
or the above sod eiterranitase ,p6:14, - ,
, every Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, a. a.
1 Pal freight or puma. niply ea band. or to
E. C. KING, No. 138 Com. Row,
roard.,Kou Loolsvilkr.
The fine fast rovolog PahooA4
I , -..- steamer OEN. LANE,
A. htePhersoa, maser will leave fir
a above and trocrmertiaus posts eve
ry Saturday, et 10 o'clock, r. is. .
1 For freight or pas E t . ac
i 11a1 , 0g:421 3 =1„ .. ,
mars-dtm Louisville
nie neat and eubscahlial seelesear:.
!tie:Baku manor, wi l l perform
regular Inas betereenßlyaleamh
Whening and Bridgeport. She will lease Bonbon!.
on Wednesday and eatordsy.
For freight or pagua,e. ItEeit2.a board. apl9
FOIL AlABit:rtre ANDZA..I(iI.I.2'..
- The spleadid paasengar steamier •
the eboi~
p.risua. day,
;hi or passage, apply on baud. s4nB
Ita am light antaglit warner
Axle; matter, eelll kayo for abets
td sataroaedkata pons a. Saturday,
at 10 o'clock, A as.
For freight or panage i
_ri W pply to
mote BUTLER & BRO, Apo
maim The hne answer
George Calhoun, warder, will lean,
or above and mienaestiate ports 9.
Mondays and Thursday., al le • at
For freight or outage, apply ott board. e7;4 7 -_,
The fine steamer
C Oelleta; muter, will ran es. I mg,
ler deftly packet beraror z e, puup e t
burgh and Zanesville—leaves Pitnsbargh elm Taw
del- Far freight apply to
BAKER & roast-en, Ave, :,' .. .. 4
90.1. P• obi Wate r 5i..,..1
- FOR ST. 1. 4 243 x...-..
P*lk:'4 a lcid r l 7Jßo 7 a 4426 l Lta f, muter, finabova
and bueadam parts"
orsaulada, the 34 a ge, mlO o'clock, •N.
For fteialst as passage, having superior Isecaszagag .
Maw applua board. • sot ,
13 . 2 1:11.111.1r11
FOrsetudrod and Caouostodoil,S.
elmat;ltas removed to No. 67 Pom, between cof
aadßmWdeld mean