The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 04, 1849, Image 1

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A fLNISTRONO k OROZER, Comm issiGh rell saw'
/A y nun Dunn.
s in Produce., No. Zit Martel meet
676:6,11-6-1211., ' .. -
61, ' 6. LIAM
BUSIIIFIELDb HAYS, Wholesale deal/is je, wy
Goods,lSltotheiee , Boots, 'Shoes, Pittelorgh menu
lastared artifice, h.e., No. tea} La beely Woo. Puts
'.l!Et..,,,___._ __-,-- ,.,,. , jah
BRAUN fr. ILKITER, Wholeaalp andftethil Drug.
bun r i tcorrata o(Llberty And Bt. Clan strips, PotW
BROWN it CULBE ' NON, WholnsolcOnnce
add commilidOi Me hams, No. 14,1,.1,,g)crrq
Prtubargh. Pa. . . &Mir.
D AL F NESTOC & Co., Wbolo4; and 1(o
-n. fail
DrUgg'64, corn r Wood and nth MAC WI
AN..GALEY & BNITH , Wholesale timbers, lb and
25 Wood strebarittsbargh.
AIcANULTY & Co.. Forwarding and Com-
C. moo Itlerchanu,, Canal Baoan, Pittaborgl,
kniqueane Spring, Axle s Steel and Iron
COLEMAN.' MAILMAN & Co, manufacturers of
Coach and Eliptic Springs, Yammered Axles,
h Stool. Iron, An. Warehous e r i Ll no on
Want and d r Ero i n ' t ' ilreets, Pittsburgh.
Also. dealers in: Conch Trimming* and Malleable
Casougs. • octl2
CONTINUES to Manufacture Monutnentr, Burial
Vaulut, Tombs, Hood Stones, Mantel Pieties, Cen
tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestie marble, at
a regalar and fair Itrime.
N. B.— Drataingal air monuments, vaults,she. (annals
ed, of any desenption. Ile Wiens a shatc . c , f gr
i bb°
wW. L Essuisn' -- jaggy J. sitiligrr.
UNG(s1811 es fiENNETT, (late English, Gallagher
12 i f ilk Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Conutusison and For.
startling MerchontS, and dealers in Produce and Pitts
burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood in, lienSicen td Rod
2d streets. • ocil
GEORGI.I COCHRAN, Commasmon and Fosorarding
MerelomL No. 46 Wood street. DioaliOrat. mill
HAbIII:ION STEWART, matrafactutre of Heavy
11 Slttrungs, Cheeks, &c.. Rebecca otritel,eity of
jj LEE, (.uccemor to Al urpby & Lee,) Wool i
-I._t and Commission Merchant, tor dm MN or
American Woolens, Liberty, typos. fdt sl.. .0147
otramt, Balbluore.
A.. 3. 0001006, 3130D1.31,0003-0, phit y d a.
D. C. DeCllOlO,l,lOllO 0. WARNER,
LT EALD & BUCENOR. Tobacco Commission Mar
la cantata 41 N Grill Water st. & 16 Nortif Wharves,
P3Ol .
11.06127 tnisist, ra, —
1 - 8A1A1:1 DICICEY & Wholcmale Groce7s;_CAnn-
L Minion Idereluan, and dealers in Prodnee,Nos.6o
Water, and 107 Front streets, Pitt‘beret. 0000
JB. CAN FII LD , (late of Warren, Ohio,) Comm.
don and Forwarsing Merchant, and wholesale
dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Bauer/Pot and
Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Water
crest, between rbtadhfitltt and Wood, Pittsburgh. s t p3
0 - 11(1( wArr, (successor to Anorak & Irtubbart4
WholesaleG rater and Commission Merchant.
eater In Produce And - Pittsburgh Manttfaetures, Cor
ner of LitteriLLind /eland streets. PittsbutghtPa. land
TATI --- d. ldelll , 3&r, flute of iitenr%o(dlArtm and
IF McGuiro Merchant Toiler, St. Charles Moldings.
Maud street, near Wood, Pittgburch
JAMES A. & C0..-.Bncamsor. to
1.410.1 Co., Commodap Merchants,
and Manta of the St. Loui. Steam qotat Refinery.
No. 45 water and cal front streets, rmatnrra
JS. DILWORTH & Co., Wholesale Groecri, Pro
.<Mee sal ComMismou Merchants, and Agests
for the Hazard Powder Co. of N. V., No. Wood in,
OEIN A MORGAN, Wholesale Drat/0544nd deal
er in Dye Slats, Punts, Oils, Varnishes, &0., N 0.03
ood meet, one door South of Diamond Alley,. Pins-
It. •
~wicecaiir _4 . 1
J p i j T — r — t. - j
utadlerr,26 Water street. ondi
JOI3N N r ItIEELLOR, Wholesale and RetaiLdnalcr
in Mtune tad Masseal lascrmants, School Hoots,
Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills. Printers` Cards, and
Stationary gencrally,No. Ell Wood st., Pinshogt.
irrltags boat or 'Wien u trade. cents
J 7 PICIIOONMIsKER:te Co, Wholesale Drugglsts,
. No. al Wood street, PitPlargh. • .
7 0:111V D. DAVIS, Auctioneet, corner 6th and WOO 4
ureets, Pittsburgh.
JOHNSMN a. STOCKTON, .Ilookzellers, Printers
and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market et., htte
litt b. en
JO= /1.0111, ILICILain came.
Ja. FLOYD, (lam J. Floyd tr.. Co.,( Wholesale
• Grocer., No. 172 Liberty street . .p 5
J .
JAMES DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Cehiuman
Merchant, and dealer in Prwlese and Plit.burgh
htutagentrea. No.t7tWater 0., Putsbargh, janl6
JWIN M.. TOWNSEND, Draggut ecd Apothecary,
Na,. 431Sarket sr:, three dean:above Midst. Pitts.
burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected a.-
aortment abbe ban and licattest Mechem., winch he
will sell an the moat reasonable terms. Physicians
sending order., will be promptly mended to, and sop
liALtit:r4,lllilkl ankle* they may rely upon as gertatne
Physicians Prescripue.•will be accurst.), and
ready prepared from the hest materialslt wry lowan(
• day or night
Also for safe, large stock of fresh cod goad Perfu
mery. Saul
lER et JONES, Fortearding and Corian.l.lol3 Mer
r chants, Dealer. in Produce aud Pittiburgb mono.
...cWied erodes, Canal Munn, tie. 7th at: 1121 1
KENN.F.I3Y, CHILDS Pr. Ca, Manufacturers of very
superior 4-4 Sheeting., Carpet Chum, Cotton
Twine and ilatung. 1a30.1y
M=s2 E°E=M4
. .
L E se W s la litlle Z e rn' t, ktler C l ' ina m' an n' d f" :t7a n o ' lll/: 11 1:.1
Warehouw, Si mater and 105 Worn A •
• A ,
L WATERNIANTWSIeaaIe I.lrocer, Forward.
buri:O l gonVa C clUrts "' An2 n l l r d ro c cl ' ure. “ , n tio l:k a.
and 0.1 Front •
y 0011aNG GLASS Mannfacuirers, and NVlndetale
.I_4 dealers m foreigu• nod demesne Variety Goods-
Western merchants,Pedlars and others arc invited
to call snif examine e prices and quality of our stock,
as with Our present increased facilities in manafacmr
mg lita think we ran &feu. peat
IMilLeellltlits to buyers as any other house west of the
Mountains. JaB-ly
JOSE XVI= • lat R. prom, WALTER C. UM
M C ? ,0 1 L 1 ,
,‘& (2 . W N El . o . lmle u r en c;rs or. a3l ,,, Co ub rom unt i h s :
URPHY, VVIL&ON k CO., (Into Jona, hinoph7
/V.I. Co.) Wholesale Dealers to Dry Goods, No: Ali
_Wood meet, Pittsburgh. . nolahl
RN k 1... 21111111r4, Wxi. NMI..
Ca., OMMIssIOII And Forwarding
Merchants,Water And Front sta., between
E And Market sit Ann •
. W. [ICC Willol.
lui II I • R
k, FOCKEIVON, Whol C esale Grocers,and
111. Commission Merchants, No. 1711, Lthertpat, Fast
bargb, Pg.j.l4
MAI? HE W WlLAUN7Wtrirtut ane ManatutePant
ter. Rooms, corner of Post Office Alley and
Fourth street, entrance oa4th near Market.
Nlleums ..k. SON, No. Ca: :darker et., second
e door from comer of Fourth, dealers ill }Amigo
Domenic Dills of Exchaugc, Certificates of Deports.
u s Bank Notes and Specie.
1 . Collections wad on all the principal elties
throughout the United States. . decl7 •
NDUSIJUstiaSTER., dattrastan—Dtheie, Fourth
• Mara door above Smithfield, south side.
VonVeyancmg of all kinds done vnth the greatest
can:AM legal accuracy.
Titles to Deal Male examined,
-- ifildotsc a r r ut i st ß Po4llc e 'Ottlet.
laid-dam es
U. T. Roberts, R. D.,
gPTHAIXIC SURGEON, will amnia in the treat
ment of Diseases of the Eye.
. R. has bean engaged in thin branch of the medi
cal profession for autos.- years, and be. conducted an
establishment for the treatment of ductises of the eye
arom for, several years.
011mor and maiderms, comer of Sandusky st- rend
Strawberry alley., Allegheny: city. • --••
R, nem Wood—All quantities of preen and
Bitelf; Teta, done op to nuance, half, 'end
11 °BERT MOORE, Whoresole Grocer, Rectifying
.a Distiller, denier to Produce, Pittsburgh /Manufac
tured, and all kmds of Foreign and Domestic Win.
dud Liquors, No. 11 Ldrerty street. On hand a very
t o i f i k i,e o . f o r
,w oo f r or o ,, l .n d i. Lonongabels
v drinskpr.
aaiaar atrandson,
M , Wholesale Grement, Predate
and Commianou Merchant", and Deniers
s ,
Miumfactures, No. DM Liberty rt., e t o s h nrg h.
Pa. 10000
&uißEarr 11ALZVLL & CO., Wholesale , Grocers,
Commission and Forwarding Merchant., dealers
duce and Pittsburgh Manufactured, Liberty at.
Pittahargh, Pa. feh24
,tnfr. A. cilliNl.NtillA.M. wuaic. 1 Gamer
Dealer m Produce soca rmsburgh Manainearee,
rio.l44LMerty et Uhl
L. O. 11.1V010.14 1. L stick
ElattrUYS k SHER, Forwarding and Commission
Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal
er, la Groceries, Produce, rural:swab Manufactures
.11 Chloride of Lime.
This highest prices, in each, paid at all times for coun
try Argo. Cornet to Penn ant Irwin WC than
SMITH Sr MIT JUIiNrS4IN, %Vholestilr and flew] Dealers
ill Millinery Goods, Laces, Mosier, and Panty
Artieles,No 40 Market street, door above Third at,
Z. C. I.II.4CLUTt, 1105. a. WHIM
LIACKLETT fr. WHITE, IWhoicsolc Dealers In
4.7 Forc , go and Domcmic Dry Good, N 0.90 Wood
Pataborgh. fehrlif
. .
W. HARBAUGD,' Wool Merchant., Dealer,
in Floor and Freda., generally, and Forwarding
and Commission Merchants, No, N 3 NVater al, . Pim
__ .. . . ... ,
saint, 1.1410.1a,EY & Co,Wholesale Grocer. and
pix„,h,c. decriers, No. term Market street : between IA
and 6th, North aide, PlntadeLphi& tiOvEl
t. ttatta: lITINOCROO. POUNiticnoui, OItII.AOD.
Q.ELLEIrn & NICOL% Produce and (jea, m i c o ..
1 0 . Win& O Merchants, No. 17 Litseny ' Yrh.
1izi .... 4, 1., awed and Lard 94
F Li nstortg .
ta.. VON BONNIIORST, & Cc., Wholesale Urn
ttem, Forwarding. soul Commotoon Merchants,
Is Pmehorgh Manufactures and Western Pro
-1 removed to their new wuchoose,told nand)
" 6 ,
nuance of FONO sr. and Chancery Lane.
'MOM& SCOW, Wholetude wtd Retail dealer. in
Bon Slams, Trunks, Carpet Brno, !ca., S. W.
e, tb,ond
or nein/amid ma, raabutan,
Mille. V k.Wkoleste firmer!, Slid
ood Commit
ratanta, and dealer. in Produce. No. 36
Pittikargh. ' ;nal
, Payer Were, AlilitXl7 Goods, de, Na. 67 tdaz
_ _ •
& (ilsan •
dr 13
i fs' Nliiek.,) Wholesale roner.c evonr• ,
Foram,Sing J. and
Commission Mcrekmts, dealers in Iron, Mad., Gl eat.
linono Vann., and l'lnsborgn Monutomarna ganerolly,
of Wood and . Wurr • rrneu, Poriburgia.
nOwEN—Comm..ion and Forwartb
11 blerehrutt, No. ISO Front st between Wood
Marken streets.
WW. \ WALLACE, Mill stone and Alili Furnish
e lug estiablfshmen, No. Ylili Liberty,u., near iii.
W FL bIURPIIY, Wholesale and Retail dealer in
• Foreign and DUILIttIiC Dry Goods, north ra
corner or Market and Fourth sta.
Wm. Tacna, Btu. a. kt'ancs.
WM. 1 OUNG ft Co —Dealers in leaner hided, &o.
14.7 Liberty m.
triii.l-imerrucon. non. sectircuson
& IL M'CUTCHEON, Wholesale Gremlin, des,
e len in Product, Iron, Nails, Glass, and Pins.
burgh Manufactures generally. 114 Liberty rt. Pitts
burgh. deco
WW Nfirff...R/X - Watchce, - )ii" - Clry, Silver Ware,
it and Military Goods, corner of Market and 4th
sirens, Pinsbargh, l'a. N. B. --IVatchrs and Clocks
earefully repaired. decli
ILLIAM SMITH, Mauunerorer of Conon and
Colored Lamm, Fringes for Dresses, be; Sewing
Silk and colored Cotton Fnnger for silk and gingham
Parasols_ (amp. Mohair, and Bilk Bullion Fringes,
mode to order on the slainesi nonce.
- • - • .
grow; corner orMaldeu Lane and Wllliarmentranc.
Nu nft William street, tntni door, over Abner & Elys
[tore No GS Malden Len, Nov York tyln
& AUTCHELTREE, Wholesale Groner
. Rectifying .odors, end and Ltquo
Ml)e l r r ehartta. th
Also, Importers of Soda Ash and Bleach
mg Powder, No. 1110 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. P.
Onwx mloTs M. A Wm.& co,
0021. No. 42 Witter strert
Tiga Prittnilin Fu hustrante Co. of Philadelphut.
I'AIREFTORS —Charles N. Baneker, Thomas Hart,
Tobtas Wagner, Samuel Cirant, Hiroo R. :South,
Geo. WlLlehards, tdoldeeai D Lea., Adolph o E.
Done. naval N Brown, Alums Pall,•011.
• CHAIM., N. BINCILL. President
Charles 0. &Locker, Secretary .
Coot/titre tp make insurance, perpetual or limited,
tn every description of propeity 111 town or country,
rates ay tow as are eoustntent with secu
To Company have reserved a large conuagent Fund.
kick with then Capital And Premiums, safely
adoriil ample protection to the usured
The uses., of the company, on January Ist, 1549. at
tut/bated agreeably to an ant of Assembly, were as
Vt•ITTI ....
Temporary Lowly
Cash, Az
81,3M,1tel 71
: , titce 'their incorporation, period of IY year,, they
haveOptestds of one tntThou four hundred
711olla losseshp firetELrcbLofordtuf e: e
~„,anagon.n;., ,el,.b ability
and doponitton to meet w i th promptness all liebtlams.
Orme N E corner Wood and :PI sm
,1 0 lIN PINNEY, I,.Agent at Pittsburgh (or dm Del
, await klutitolSafety Insurance Company of Phila.
adhiphsu, for Risk. upon budding. aid merehandue
of , :mvstry description, slid Marine Risks upon hulls or
...goon of V.Se 0., taken upon the moot favorable
[V . Odide In the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes & Ben.,
Nr.37 Water, near Markel street, Ptttsburgh.
N a—The succeu of this Company satire the estate
Liahment of the Agency in thir city, with the prompt
ness and liberality with which every clam upon them
for toss h., been adjusted, rally warrant the agent In
melting the.coufidence and patronage of his friends and
the commuility at large to the Delaware ht. S. Inas.
ranee Cogtl'iulY, while it has the adilitional advantages
us an institution uniting the most dournitung Inniadel
fitua—as riug an staple paid-1n capital, winch by the
operation of Its chance as eonetantly mereaung, as
yielding to each person insured has due share 01 the
profits of the a mpany, Without involving . him in any
rraponatbility whatever, and therefore as possesslng
the Mutual principle divested of every onnomous fea
ture, and in Its most lalrflellVe form. nov4
ruttr, intlrri4lee Company of North At:aeries, tnrough
jt. Oat; kultholixed Agrra the at:too-ranee, odesto
make permationt and !Man I
limited neuriwen on properly, in
thic rity and It. ',Koury, sad on etupotents by the Ca
nal and Ris
Arthur G Cahn,
&troll W. !rums, Charles Taylor,
Ambrose Whn
E4lr.llBlmt . ll
John A Drown, John FL Neff,
John While, Richard D Wood,
neut. P. Cope, Wm. Wci.h,
Samuel F. r , cruth,Frunics Hogkens, ,
Bro,kt, S. Austin Autibon. , .
Herrev p fitreattartn, See'y
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United
S pe t t7lllll " ,lllfro t le ." its ch h a i r gr e s d to dit l ig V .lh . ong h. ex c pe " n " ence " ,
ample emeriti, and avoiding all nsks of au extra her
'minus oboe inter, nee, be considered to offering am
ple acettlity Lb the public. W I' JONP-S.
Al the Counting Room of Atwood, June. aWa
ter and From mecca Pittsburgh. mays
- slag UtiLA NCR..
PrOlectiou insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn,
FUND. -The undersigned. having been appointed
Agpill of thr Protection Insurance Co., will tate nvis
on property ist
guy end vicinity, and on shipment..
by curial, asd the river, and lake. '
Fnl ern.: BRUNS - N.
()thee. No 107 Wool lorret
SCI , SCRII3ER has Leer hppolined Agent pro
tem ol the loougasee Compasy of North Ancer,a,
bwdl t.sse. Polie.. Sod atteud to the other Las.isc-•
of the Age. y,, at the WD(C/1011, ut Atwood, J 0;,...
slag 1V JON El . & water •t
WILLY. ' 1
47}1.11/ D&NENHOIrIitiaL &
Sou* Whama, South xt
Brint,'.gto.,^ttee,";,*. - ,„".'d.dt:'*ucl,'.7L,"":'. 4 A
with the Virginia manutacturers and the Growers of
the West, ta eat Indies, anti other places, as will insure
a large and constant supply of the following descrip
tions of Tobacco, which win be sold upon as
MOdating terms as toy otter boon in this city or else
where, and nil goods ordered from them will be war.
rented equal to representation:
lavaint; St_ Domingo; Conn.; I
..i , hru; Porto Hied; o Pest a, Seed Leaf to
.Duba. Irani, a. Florida;lime°.
'AL.SO--Brancli's celebrated hrouninc Slag Caven
dish, end. a large assortment of ether popular brands,
and qualm., or pounds, Is, so, 12,, the and 4, , ..1,1,00,p,
taa, d, ea and lii, Plug; Ladies , Twist, Virginia Twist.
ac sweet aweet and plain, in whole and hall Loma, morel
and tio, togtiLer with every variety of article belong.
Mg to the redo siltidly
I,lildfl, REED is CO.,
io Reed, & Co
C 0
Particular attention paid to vale of all kind. of Pro
duce., and liberal aslvancev made oil consignments.
L. R. ,ti. Cu. have leave to refer in—
Messis R. Robison k Co.
" alOWn & Hoe,
Reed, Parka & Co., Denver,
Lawson & Covode, Wrilvedle, 0
Boswell Marsh, Rag • nteabenville, 0.
S. Brady, Evq.
W F Pete”on, As 9 1 V.
Messrs R Crangle & Co.
" Gill & flout,
Rhode. & Ogleby, Bndgeport, 0.
Commintonilerchant and I (awarder,
ID- Pentonlar attention paid to the purchasing of
of .4' arucle `Pr oduce in in. i market. Also to the
forwarding of glly Meier to
Mesa". John biwasey & Co,
" Martin& Stockwell}Cuteinnitu, 0.
S. C Parkhurst, Kay
Lippuieou & Co.
Kier & Jones, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Engtbiti & Bennett., 1 ntarn:df.dn
GEOtinifl cnnAN• -
Commission wad Forw ec arding Ile rohant.
no. LC Wools R., ernawanu,
CIONTINUE m transint a general CoMmimilOn Lint
%) ens, eapemally in the purchase mini sale of Assert.
gliniufactures and Produce, aid in receiving and
forwanling Gootheonsigned to his care As Agent for
the Illanulacturcatle will he constantly suppind with
the principal •rucles of Pittsburgh Slanulaentre nt the
lowest wholemle prices. Orders and consignments
aereipt eennyy_nlielled.
e r AIAD.
eb.nt, No. 33 Sinn Front street, (second nary./
Philadelphia. g:rGoods purchased, packed, insured,
aud shipped to maim. Wool, Flom, Grain. Dried
Fnal end Cheese received on consignment and am,
lege, with innerunce obtained.
Rtentaitcas—%Vin Bell tr. Son, Mr. 11. lfigby, and
Mrllarvey Childs , Pittsburgh .
- -
Iron. Nails, Cotton Varna Jr. Plltstraargla
Maanufacture• generally,
• to IU woou tram, errreacaoo, ca.
For Me sole of Produce generally .
Er Liberal advances made on conatgnmenta.
rat:importation to the East
Commission and Ponta/ding Agtati.
G. M Forwarding
will receipt Produce
ipoto* . Bust fetal-dd.. & C.
Inlrteraitd Der*, N Porn . en and Dorntate
Saddlery Hardware k Carriage Trimming',
No. 133 Wood at., Pittsburgh. Pa..
IS nom receistos Spring sapply of Good*, and
iPTIIe• t at:cation of Saddle rs, Couchmaiers and
Marcher* t o *his stock. ft has been bought upon Um
best LOTTLOI, from the best sources, sod he therefore
(eels confident of being able to afford south:erten to
all who may favor him with quell. mo 6V:dem
Jourrsos, 40 Market street wishing to clue then
stock or Variety Good. PLOVLOLL• to the. removal, will
*eh st wholesalo Moir stook al Combs, Batons, Nee-
dles, Timed., rLOIL,JOLVOry he., at COSI. it J. vral
remove on 'Apru 2d, to No do Market at. MOW
r. JON..
- CLARDY, /GNPS & Co, (successors to Atwood,
j a Jones & Co.) Cotannssion and Forwarding \let•
coanta, dealers. in Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods,
Pitusburgit, Pa. 050b27
_ 4t.
Bailer, Pa
W .
ILL also attend to eolleettons and all other Lust.
nest entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong
mantle.. Pa. Refer to
13. R. Floyd, I.lLerty St.
W. IV Wshare, do
Junes Marshall do Putslturah
dly Kay in Co., Wood I. JJan;
T B. SWETTZER, Attorney at Law. °Mee 34
ono:rant St. Chttrl Uwe!. I....burgh. will al
attend promptly to Colleetiona. in Waalmwton.Fae
and Green countlee, Pa
Blackwock. Deli & Co., )
Church & Carothers, Ynt , lturss.
D T hlmgan.
La I. HENRY, Attorney and Councellor at La,
1;./. Cowl unau , tint& Collect lona In Southern Ohl
and in Indiana. and in Kentucky. promptly and ear
fully attended if) Comm:l,l,lonm' far the State of Pen
sylvania, for taking Depoatuons, acknowledgment
Racal ro—llon Wm. Etell & Son. Curti.. Church k
Carothers. Wm. flays, F. q.. lk tllork & Davis.aa.s
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chbee removed to Your
street, between Smithfield and Grant street
!AMC" DI,LOP. t . 11.1111.01.11t8W11
DFNLOP kSEWk:LL, attorney at Law, uMeea of
Smithfield, between 1.1 and 4th .t.
JOHN H. RANKIN, Attorney and Cowmen. at La
and Comm...mon, for the State of Yetumylvant
St. Loom, Mo., (late or Pittsburgh
Ruttarman.—Pataburga: 1102 W Forward, Hemp
no & Miller , AFC.andle. & IR'Clure, John 8 Parke
Bowello & Semple. Nl'ilord & King.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth atr e et, between
Struthfield and Grant.
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth weer, near Grans
O. 11. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law. hor re
- mved his whet to the Exchange Butldtogs.
Ohm rt., ne o xt door to Alderman Johns. a1,171y
4 (Sueenson to M'Cord & King)
lirss 1111116
ablorsabie Hatt•eao
COMM . of Wood and Ftfth &read.
PARTICULAR anenuon pani to our Retail Trade.
Geotlemeu can rely upon getting their flats and
Caps from our ematallehment of the ant oar., ta and
WORISLAIOMP, of the Lan. STYLE, and at the
. _
Country Merchants, purchnstne by w_ho_lesa i l ,. /. , art
rtspeolftilly invited to call and examine our Stock; rui
we can say with confidence that as regards QUALITY
and ma, it will not suffer In a compnrl.•on with any
house in Philadelphia• b•bl7
_ _.
al CALIFORNIA HATS-12 dos water proof
California Haw. tart received and for salt by
:Wei/RDA t•n.
Itb27 corner Slit and Wood ate
81,017,41 q 41
84,724 63
83,001 85
51,523 25
3.,:•04 37
lIIACCORD A. Co. Win introduce on •
day, March IJ, the SFrtna ntyle
Tbone tn want of a Item and auperthor
at. are twine
to call at corner of Sib and Wood men. mart
\7) ha• pow open a supply of spring Bonnet liabbon,
of new and nandleine *tyke.
Also, new style fic'd Nett, Little Lars , and Edg-
I•Igl. Linen Edging-. Vicierta do. plant !qualm. and
Jaconet, embroidered Swiss Muslin, dee besides a
large nation:Pent of Spring liattla generudy. al north
east corner Ith and Market streets;
Wholesale Rooms op stag. apt'
Dr. Role' Celebrated Kemedier..
TIR. JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pee
l.' prietor or these most popular and beneficial
•nd also the torrent°, of the celebrated In for indaung the Lungs, tn effeeting cure of
Chronic diseasea, was a student of that enunent ph y s
emu, Doctor Physic, and is a grad... the Universi
ty of Pettnetyl Tanta. and for thirty years stip, hari been
engaged In the investigation of dise.e. and me appli.
=time or re:hedge. thereto.
Through the use or hu inflating tube. m ennocenon
with las Prophyl.uc Strup and other in hi, remedles.
he has gained an unparalelled eminence to
thou, dreadful nod fatal maludera Tubercular Con
sumpoon. Canrs. Screfu/a, Rheumatism, Anthrtia,
Fever and Ague. ee Fever. of a ll kinds, Chrome Erystru--
end ail those obstinate aiscapes pre ulla to female.
Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the u.e
of hi. remedies, to which humanity is heir -not by the
use Of one compound only, fur that tri Incomputibie
with Phystotogical Law, but by the use ot ht. reme
dies, adapted to and prescrtbed tor each peculiar ion.
of dssease.
Dr Rone's Tome A iterative Pills, when used are in
variably acknowledged to he superior to all other. as
a wean. or liver pill. Inasmuch a, they tray- ...-
bowels perfectly tree from co•li veil..., as also
Golden PILI• to admitted I.) the facutty to posseaspecu
liar properties female disc.., but being
satisfied that a hare trial is suffictent to establish - what
boa been said m t h e :mud. of the most skeptical
The adhered are invited to call upon the twat- and
procure (grads) one of the Doctor'. pamphlets, gtving
a detailed amount of each remedy and it. anoint ...1
For vale by the ((Vowing agents.. wen as by most
Druggists throughout the country'
J Scboonialaker A Co, Si Wood street. Plltsburgh. s
J hi Townsend, droggi•l, 4.5 Market rt
Lea A Berk ham. near the Prt Allegheny city.
Jo. Barkley, liarttngton, Heaver county. Pri
Jim Duo.
T Adams. Beaver.
novlo,ll y
( It 01.:4:11. PAIN IN Tui.: ' , IDE AND CHEST CI •
REDr—ll.ine a tor , ongolllo been tharesseu
with a .1,01, path /11 the side and chest, arromp:aned
stall a dry cough, I was adored. 011011 Mr 11,1,411001
ettat,un of a,end. to Dr T.Mr s Bai.arn of wort, and I must .ay aussordmine an. all red
porpos• admirably My distress was produced 1.1 a
se•ere burl, and was so great that It was Wll/1 did:Lenity
I rou d +u - allow my food Indeed. lam satisfied uta•
disease must have terminated in Consumption," some
rata: downs,. bed a not been cured tiy this j UdICIOU.
medicate To all who seek to prolong their 11‘1 , I
would advise the use of Dr Taylor's BILIsqOI of
wort J A NIES GOWAN, 4% Bower)
Thts 011,11eIlle facilitates expertoratton, redio es it •
ver, restores strength, and mat be considered as a o•
perior preparation In, the cure and prevennon of a,
diseases itt the Chest slid I.ungs, and should i.e remot
ed to, even taler these diseases have restated the usu
al rem dies. In the practice of this old and very re
•peetable physician, this Balcony 01 L/V1, 1 0 . 01 . 111/1 1 1 uc
I.llotrd 11 1 1 enalahle for an vrtues.. *ape
nor to that of the abundant nostrums of me day, as
was Me character and probity ad a. inventor. to that
of quads. and empiric..
- cold, used to cough violena), ratsing qumttte• of
thick putrid maser, and finally he could nut turn over
loed, front
er g oweakess He manifested
tom of confirmed ma:motion For nix yean he d
been rul,rect to the ss,hmn fits physirmns, Messrs
Vermoule h Anderson, said he WY, incurable, and
must noon the. Vet 1 was determined to try Or Tay
lor's Balsam of Liverwort, and strange may ap
pear; this medscine has fully restored his health
SOPHIA 4. AI,I,UN , 14 Noriont street.
Sold In Patshorrh by J D Morgan, 93 t%'ood J
Townsend, 45 Market st H Sense, era Market and
3d eta; Henderson A Co, 5 Ltherty at. peace radtwed
to 8140 per bottle.
Jayne•' Eapeetorwrtt.
SALO, Columbiana co.. U., Apr 24, 1(41
TAR. D. JAYNE& Mutt Sta —I feel bound to yea
1J and the *Meted public, to avail myseit of one np.
porton!, of giving publicity to Una extraordinary ejects
of your Expectorant on myself Having been allhcbrd
for several years with a severe cough, heeue lever
and coneountant disease, and, seemed only doomed
to linger out a short but miserable existence. the
tall of 1.139, when, Ism. more scverely •Uscard, and
having resorted to all My former remedies. and the pe
at-rim.. of two of the stoat respectable physic.. in
the neighborhood without denenig any bench, or the
coma:dolma of surviving but a few daysor weer. at
farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to
vanish, I had recommended to me your Elpectorant
and blessed by that kking who does all things tin the
use of the means—wad contrary to the •xpectations of
my physicians and friends. I sins in a few day. raised
from my bed, and wan ennobled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to my business, color tog sister better health than
I had for ten year, pres.
Respectfutly your*, viou ,
For sale in Pittsburgh. at the Pegth Tea Store, 72
Fourth street. marldi
ly •sinutory, bal•unur and tonic properties 01 11111
Vinegar fender It !ar superior to Cologne water tor
the ordinary purpoines of the toilet, surpao•ning the lot
nen in its perfume. It [never - its arid removes pinnate.,
tett, and asperity on the Orin, it refreshes and white.
the sti*. rendering at sort and PIROOth It corrects the
etausiny and bitter taste of the mouth, imparting a fresh
and pleasant breath. It cleanse* and ash. the
it eth, and harden. the gums. For all the above pis
poses. is tilted with water in ouch proporuon may
he found roost agreeable. By it and rubliong
in on the teraples, it will remove headache applied
oistaoily to a barn or bruise, it will eventually prevent
mortilteation. It correct vitiated air, end guaranties
from contagion; it is therefore very useful for purifunig
atilt perturtung aftertnateas For sale by
R. F., SELLERS, Wlsoleaale Drugglst,
mch3l 57 1%,0a0l street. rutabaga
Dr. McLane In Tenn
, 1 , 1115 Is to certtfy that I purchtmed one vtal of Dr
lloLanenr Worm Spertfir. some two ennittha ago
and jive ID s son or nun, some *even year,. old. loon
.aapoons full, and although In, aunt may appear
'arge, yE have no doubt there woe upwards of
man noon nn Wools. peened Irom torn, uteamnna
Yom ma quarter of an sneh to IRV ouches long.
Rowell Creek. Carrel en Tenn, L. Y 7, 1.47 pV.i4
. ELLEtltr YEN-Mit t IPI
Co.:a:tarn, Jan. nw. 1,10
NIL H. K. Heller.:—four Veroulnge ha. well.
and has been higli y 'poke° of by all who hav• u..etl
it From the,l4l,Glll/lafinitding the admintstratmnof
your Vermdage in every ensr I boor heard of. I am
rontideut 1 nan .11 more daring the coming season
than I did laid. I will he glad to reeet, another %ap
ply o(4 or 5 gross 1 ours, rvyprrtf. I y,
IF.xtrart from letter N t'A RTF.II
Prepared and gold by R F. SELLERtr 57 Wood tt,
• .old by ggists generally, ill Pittslgrrgit and Al
kOnY /A 22
uao a t0R1A. , 31
N n
152 Second ,iredt,
ST LOUIS, 1110
THE subscriber
.HE subscriber ha ß s removrd h Wholesale (Wore •
ry Store to the corner 13( Honor k street sod Alter
Kheny Wharf; 11C21 door to the Perry House.
1.0.27 1/11 JOHN F. PERRY
PHIL —Jew opentog, • large and selected . assort.
lent of One Wwetre• and Jewelry, watch moll
or the
Also—A large lot of variety store iVirtears root Jew
elry, at very low once* pwellerl Carat Geld
Levers, as low as darty-five dol/ars.
meb3-0 corner 411 end market las
For Greenwood Gairden••
fr , HE new and fan rutoung nein. boat TI10:11 AS
SCOTT, leave. the Greenwood Whao Boat, at the
Nom, every half hour &tong Me day, landsag at the
garden oe.
A fine r eollectnan of dm choicest Greenhouse Mann
are for .ale in the Garden. lee Creams and other re.
freshatents furrushed In the saloon.
Boquein pat ap at th. *honest none. Order. for
&Ilona, left at the wharf noel, nr reeerre prompt a
canna 14121
UtRGH Will
TH F. co-partnerslim heretofore elating between the
sulweribers in the name of Friend., Rhey & Co.
was this day dizzoived by mums; consent Geo. Rhey
will settle the business of the concern, for wtaleti pur
pose he is authorized to use the tome of the 'MO.
Felituary 7, ISPJ. (IEO ft HF.Y
The itubseribers have Mir day aasec tilted themselves
pn the name of RIIEV, MAITHEWS & Co, for the
urpose of tranin.ung a general Grocery, COMMIS...IOU
and Forwarding Busiess. at the stand of the law firm
of Friend. Rhey & Con where they will lie pleased to
receive the patronage of the Customers of that house
and our intend.. RIfEV,
February 7 Isik WM. PIIBS.
We take pleasure in recommending to the confidence
of our friends and those of Friend, Riley A Co., our
successors it business, Racy. Matthews A CO.
FIE co-partnership heretofore exiimng between the
1 in:twenties, in the n of CormuMle, Berke &
Cii . is this day dissolved by ame
mutual conseink Messrs.
Burke tr. Barnes will scale the business of the con•
cern. tor which purpose they are authorised to use the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have this day associated themselves
in the name of BURKE A BARNES, for the prime
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Axon, Are.
!toat the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke
A C'n . where they will be pleased to receive the pa
tronage of the customers of that house and their friends.
Inretiring from the brut of Constable, Burke & Co
I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke le
Barn es to the confidence of my friends and the public.
THE partnership so long casting under the firm of
Vord & King. was by mound consent dissolved
on the Ist inst. The business will he closed at tbe old
stand trp. either of vat using the name of the firm for
that purpose. Being desirous to have our Eocene.
closed with as little delay as possible. we would re.
!;meth Ily request those •ndebted to call and settle
heir areoun.. JOHN D M . CORD,
ia.29 H. D. RIND
TWIN 1) Pd'CORD havin ‘ e iusociistecl with Lim hts
brother James 111`Cord. Limier the eryle of Itl'Conl
& Co , continue the Hat, Cep and Fur business ur
all as various branches, wholesale sad retail, at the
old stand, corner of Wood .cl .sth streets, when they
&elicit a eottunuatiou of the patronage so libendly be
stowed on the old Gana JOHN D td•CORD
7 N reertng from the old and well known hint 01
I M'Cord de Klatt. I moat respectilly reoomtnend to
the patronage of the pulthe do , 'accessed, Mresra.
hl'eord h Co 'a. , G. I) KING
- -
_ .
't - h i e S t g s:e 'h l 4 l7l ) ;
Ice firm . IIIA tettled H Lee J R. HURI'IIY.
Psitsburgh, Jen JO, 1,41, H LEE
NOTICE—The undersigned,rtil continue the Wool
u%11.1,1. and attend to the sale 01 Woolen Good., at
le old ataltd H
ht rettring from the hnn of Murphy & her. I take
great ;Pleasureit recommending Mr 11. het mthe
confidence of 13:* wends and the public .
Pntsburgh, Jan :M. 1 , 40 J R MURPHY
THE suLscriber• have this dayas•octated them
selves together for the NI I pose of transacting •
venoie•aie and retaii Dry Goods and Grocery hunitiezn,
at No 21KIElberty. oprmotte :Seventh street, under the
et) le and firm of BUSHFIELJJ & DAIS
Pittsburgh, January I, 1 , 49
N old rustomern and the public are invited
10 Rive u• a c•,I
. . . •
have entered into portnenthip. under the firm of
"WAIVE tr. ATKINSON. and setil carry on the Ttn,
Copper. nod Sheet Iron Ware manufactory.
Klockarattaing to oh its brooches, at the old
stand of Seade, First street. near Wood
Pat - uvular notation given to steamboat work
ri , HE I'....HTNF:RSIIIP of \V & H 14.11 1. having
11 . been dr.4olred by the death or one of Me parmare
the interest of Wm Iloy, Jr, deceased. I n .ant firm.
oroklatonc of Hades. Lento,. Sktus. thi. kr, , Lc
sold on toe pre cmses on It. 15th La,
J A NIF-. L L'l. H LIN. Adm In, strator.
1 ILA VI-. tics day asu.c/ated wt. me In the wbele•
.ale I.roerr:.. Produre and Comm ...ton bowie.,
my brother Je•epth. under thn Firm of J $ DILWORTH
l'e 1 S DILWoRTH
January t, 1,19
'Fete a Tete,
Loma XIV Chairs, 1./Hero Eli/at...tit ghat,.
Tea Poor, Frutt
Toilet Tat,:ea. 1.0111• X V t'ommoder,
French !Mahogany Rekhorad• Reno Stools.
10 solo. with Plush anal Hair-cloth cove,.
.50 Mahogany Racking Cha•r.,
.11 , do: Patio, do
eentry Toole.
0 1 prof Divana; 4 put pier Tablet.
martt , • top Drev•lng Bureau.,
- arri,obea, • Sec retartet and Remit rate:,,
mar Ole top Wash Stands,
4 poor Othantana,
ti pair loner Work
A very large ai1103.1611.111 ot eon.naor char, and other
N EN% UggokS—Letturea on Cogrint Prograoo mud t •
~Heal of
lac Laic and Tone* 01" John Dun> an, tt U
he ~,,o rtroo tommo.
Cie;44Cnbenegv.racr, reuouabm rem In the Shadow of Mount ! and on n'n"
tenor droll
Ll:anr; by Geo H Cherver. D Chocolate, Comm., *.c. jou „
.1 11,0
m 0, .,
to j Ie liager'• Ainertemi and / . 1011rI Chocolate, Prewar-
England. in 16101 Reprinted from the or-0,.,A vo , ume r '.""". "" o° P "'"' 14°.* • Ca "" " on ' A ' ,
Ana ht•tortt Elf and Im . u. ot provolence, r" mr"""''' .ml " ° "" m ""' " 1 " , "" " r " b ""
or:istp,ea 40,1, h) I,eorge II Checver. D "." P r '" N "" fro " '"", " " I. "" n '
tun, nut rsunn. than tea or rode., anLon. aatity 10002f
ocellad edition -r
t3 . porm, ottot ro , rpopp to or Import mot moiler; „ 'mted the •ui , ,rtner rreoutratintda above article,
Edward Beecher D ' manufactured 1,1 Minted hod stamped with tor nam J
Lite and Curre.gottOrnee 01 Jo, Foater, edited by I """ " d""""'"' pu
ttooop , bit t .. o . trr tot tt „ pop , and attlutar, drinlta tor thvaltda, entivalea,tenta, and
and a comm.., t.y Sh•ppard- new 0.111,00 " o " e ' ." """"'" thr. nr "' e" "`"‘ 7 " . '""
Th.. I.ovr ..vlth lurk , •tor 0! Thato;oglt ot. "' 010 " Pr "'""'""" Ila
one, Medical and Strom, tto.,its. for 60/0 at low ore Aiw 'r e " " 10 " 1 """"• rre. '""
I re
}.1.1.10T1' EN(.1.151 I, 79 . Corer. dt Me ega . tern ed. , . end t , ) 10011
agent., Hawes, Irr•y & co 1t0,,,,,,. Jame. NI Bum ,
mar 1
& CO, }laniard. Conn; Hoaney & Murray. New Vert,
it IN A N rALiroRNIA IN 1-4.-14 .1 4. 1 & C. 1 1 !, Pll ,l •&ftiehm l'l , &m. V Bal
-1 I horli ton..ate Judge "1 or Supreme Catln 01 00 ttmore, and Kellogg k Hewlett, Lincusin.,, 16110
000(1-1,101 a, Appradit, 01, .4.1110, men, and au. t WALTER BAKER, Dorcheatcr Meat
!Let t ., tniormu,o i , on the ~heel el the liot,l Whet For tale by .101 DAGALEY it SMITH, Ag,.
,h et "Me, v.'u 0 hie the
of totrrec to the , inigraFtt. Weotaglag k pd Ca•f. loop Ranll4.
“p H l ." THE twit., row, heg wave to totorni the pul.ite that
(\O..PARTIVERMHIP—Wm 1 oung ha.tts this
dayaxaociatral with mut. Jolla IL Nl'Cune, the fea
her,sll N . Ili hereafter be conflurted wader ttfe
Graf VOW' fk Cu WILLIAM \ fl
fans 1:•41 11 , 1 %F.
Gotv.cte. der. Manual. helng v praehr•. and
nistruct,ve contr. to au per.. eut.graung to the goid
region,. Anturd, Prot ol lncoloky, Kate+ co.
lege. London I vol. paper De
ote. or Travel to Caltfornia; comonFung the prom.
'nem ie•tures or the country. also. the route from Fort
Leavenworth, .to boo Dingo. Ca:. From the oeb.
r reigns of Col Fremont and Ma, Loinry van,
-1m age.
The Catilorma undo Donk, comprising the last on
melt work ) together with Col Fremont's Iwograptpral
account or Upper California. and hi. Narrultve of thc
Ekrnottnk Expeditson to the Rocky klountain•. kr
01th map.—l out. V , o , P!',P"Snc
Rev Bap., (V Noel'. (Fork on the Umon or - Church
and Plate—.l •, I 2nio P 1.25
Just received bv
p s h \- o '7 , H . etzn: k. rif
, I;:z u ry . ,
' Works. I • ,, verstry bt Ws) land, Neturais
Hietort I. , into•insio, Lire end Tinier oi
), lics 11c,,rt Provrrtni ,s 1 I/1G Peopl ,
Magons, rheophstitmarine. ..on (irul ri,
l'hrrit, Mr morn of i 3 OPecil Butto. }NH, Christ is
all, by Tpus. thipustin, It/Import sod males, Tire folni
.lle Kingdoms, sots Cheever's Lectures On Pilurtin •
Proers, Lb.. ser's Wunderitign or a lugrun to the
Alps, Anderson Hornet, I onstrutoino, Mods,. Ar•
courphshments. Lest .1. yr of Elisha Women of thr
I k v t"lt^ , t• by Mrs Eller, Lite a Pollak; for sal , by
ntarl2 Yl'r & ENGLISH, Otr wood or
t MAN MAGNKFISM—Its etsrrns to dispsssion
LI ate inquiry. tieing an artrropt to ',bow the uhlny
or its •pplicattort for the relief ur suffenitg, I,y W
Nestrnharti, F_.. , nutlior of .. Tlte reciptocal Influence
of Bosky and Nlnid," ere The brat work on the suinect
published For mitt by EL.1.11Y17 a ENGLISH,
11$ woorl sr
f IFE OF FRANKLIN Illuritrated—ln roue,. or
I_, publication in the L wen d forra. Ilarper A lit°
thin,. New Vorrk. 'Fire Life of Retrlsmon Prhisik Liil.l.oll
ne of hr. Autabiogrophy, soda tremor, or for
public iae and ser.sers, b, dos Rev. 11. Hammes Weld,
pleodsdly eielterlirthorl by oulorroty., exquorite design.,
by John I. l'hopoluir, eirgrorrcd or the highest style or
urt Thrr work / • prilli ed We octavo form, on nu
prritor priper. from hold and Icgdole Op,. It will or
ator eight roots, or col I. nod Isstred
at brier orrery:eh. Foch pro t will be received by x -
press rootirrtllntely allot rt. pitblicolion Part I rri rust
received and tor ritire try
co,or market and 3d mt.
m A 1 ,, : n I I !S J TI n t ,L)—From
Tbe io Alesdader tloc Ureal. by Jacob AI,
Imo, Slits map and engraving,
The History of Charles the First or England: by Js,
cob Abbott elegant crogrnviaga
Harper'. LAie of Franklin:aplendolly embelltsbed
by numerous exqutstte Jesigtta.KNo I, 23 cents. To
e completed to numbers
Mtetonol 11.tory
• or I , Jtglond. the trigs of
ege lll—complete so 4 vol, octavo' 1300 010.'0
.0 received by It HOPKINS,
tutor-- Apollo But!shop, 4th st
M A 1. , t . 11..5. c
.. I . :S p
o rtit . l" () , F; 0 1.4(.1 ,: 5 0 t i .N ., 15, V or. II
Frank 1...• Lat illtl.ifillird—pnrts II and 111
Ils.tory of I hoot
a, the l'artlkagnuan by Jaeob
Ablmrt Illussrated oda, Inap and numerous engra
Aoller's (irnmurer and English thettonar), octavo.
Story of Little /obit: Iron the French of C. Jen•
ned Illustrated
Arlon. or the Curie of lar. A collection of no'.
and 4.tmery anon., de.torneol to delft leaut Life, Man and
the World.
Harts Romance of 1 aslastig.
Arabian Nights F2nerlaiiimenia. Lane's translannit.
splendid!) illustrated. 2 vol., 12th0....
Juin rrecivril R HOPKINS,
A polio Hall, 411
Wl' BOOKS- - Hiriory_of Mary quern of Scots
Ily Jacob Abbas; with engravings.
H,s,ney the First. of Kold•nd II)
Jacob Abbots, with engravings.
Monty of Ale.tander the (Heat. 4y Jacob Abboil,
up oh. nig.
History of Hannibal the Cardillo man. By Jacob
Althon, with engravings
Received and for sale by
fetal cor m .rkrl and axle
-- •
NEW BOOKS---Oremm miU lialtforma in 184th by
J Cptinn Thornton, late Judge o.f the Supreme
Court or Oregon, andcorresponding mernber of the
Ali/menu Institute With an append, r, including re.
rein and authentic information on the subject of ihr
boll) MINI-of Caltiortua, and mho., vatuable knat
ter of title mat In the emigrants, etc ith illustration,
and o map. In two volumes.
Raphael; or pages of the book of life at twenty - by
Alphonse de Lamar-doe, author.( the itishary of the
trtroodtsm, or l'emerial filemoim of the Patrium of the
French Reverutron,' . etc. Just received sad for sale
roTner Market and 3d .0
11.1 AP OF PENNSYLVANIA—Cowan...Med from the
I.V/ Loamy Surveys autbormed by the 1 ante, and oth
er original documents lievord and Ina orwerd wider
the supereuson of Win. K Morris, Civil K ngineer, upon
data procured in each county, under au shortly of the
Legislature. A kw ropier of than lame and apiendid
Map reeetved than day and for sale by
Booksellers, tor ma Orel and 3d au
- • .
7000 AND 11.11,1=03, PROPRICZO64
THIS establishment long and widely known as
L eing one oldie moat commodious in the city of
Bellmore, has recently undergonevery exten
sive alteration. and improvements. An mire new
wing has been added. containing no emus and atry
' , levying apartments, and extenarre battung rooms.
The Ladies' department hasalso been comp letely
rmorgased and fitted up in a most unique and inni
ng style In fact the whole arrangement of the House
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
the propnetors. tewards. the comfort sod pleasme of
their Guests, and which they confidently assert will I
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the•Uninn.
Their table will always be impelled with every sub
stanial and luxury which the market affords, served
up in a superior style, while in the way of Wince, he.,
they will not be surpassed.
In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing
null be led undone on their part, and on thepart of their
assmtants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The price. for board have also been reduced to the
folluwmg rates;
Lades' Ordinary, 81,73 per day.
Gentlemen's " LSO
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of char, . •
salon or MOT Alen er. CLAIR M., rrrinerlilatt, PS.
fit The subscriber having assumed the manage
ment of this long established and popular Hotel,
renpetifolly alinnutleell to Travellers and the
Public generally, that he will be at all ume• prepamd
to accommodate them in all thing. desirnble in a well
regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout. and new Furniture added, and no
pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the
very best Hotels in the country.
The understgned respectfully solicits a continumthe
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
receivefebildtfd. THOMAS OWSTON,
CORMS or r0i.1 . 11 AND OSA:irt stager,, torraseaou.
IaTHE subseriocr respectfully announce. that
betas now opened his new and excellent Hotel
for the arcommod.on of travelers, boarders,
and the public generally. The house and furniture
are entirely new, nnd no porcine expense have been
spired to render it one of the most comsortable and
ple.ant Hotels in the city.
The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, . share elf entitle patronage.
oetl4-dly JACOB HOUGH, Propnetor .
1 0 0 - ta E - 11. ETIC VEDI
THE VIRGINIA HOTEL, on Halumere street, near
the Depot, Cumberland, is now in complete order
for the reception and accommodation of the public.
Persons In womb of ease nod comfort, will Jo well
to patronise this establishment—they had the
chunbors clean and nice, and the Table as well fur.
hshed n any I/1 Cumberland, at twenty-five cents,
guaranteed a. good as any that can be had in the
place. 4I oily price. or Ito charge. No charge (or
trangportiMori of baggage to and from the ears
UNITIeri BtATES lieFfkL,
Cll.Ntrt ST • II 5T . W.1.1 POOMTP ST9TTI SIM
IA PP, iSITE late Bonk of the (timed Siete', 'Phil&
1.1 delphii, M POPE MITCHELL,
merit! Proprietor
- ,
Shaeklet & White,
I IRV GOODS JOBBERS, de Wood street, ask the
1 attention of Merchants to their stock of ASIF:RI
- AND FMREIGN DRY GOODS. now receiving
direct from first hands.
Reemvoie regular supplies of first goods during the
season. and devoting s large share ut their attention
to Eastern Auction mles, they elm coofidently assure
buyers they will find it to their Interest to examine
the, Meek.
Just recetmd, [Mar invoices of new Idle Dress
Good, Fancy Pratt. Cmatincres i, Cloths, Suinimr
G oods. L aces. White Goods, Iris limit.. Tailors'
Trimmings and brown and blear he Sheeting. of •art
°us brand' mar I
Modern and Antique Furniture,
.O Tuteri STILLY, ' rtrtmeston.
2E A targe and splendid
s uitable
of Purimum.
suitable for Steamboat,
lintels and private dwel
ling, constantly on hand end made 10 order.
The present stork on hand e Z.llOOl nt ex reeled by
suay manulactory /II Or wr.tern country Persons
wishing to Timeline.. would do well to give me a esti,
mI am detertnined lay tine, mall please Parr or
the •tock commis in—
A they have on•d from the East al: the late and
fashtostaule deign. hir Iron Radtna. Loth for iton.e.
and cemeteries Persons unit/lista to procure hand
*OlUe patterns ; ideas. en, and examine, and ;nage
for thetoseloe. Rai wig a.. to bed at the *bort
••t nonce. nnd in the beet manner. at the corner of
Orate •1111 Rebecca streets, Alleubeny day.
ausr49-da A LAMUNT a. TOWN..
Leeching. Cupping and Bleeding. —
KR. NOR111:i. iSuccei.noi to M R Ltclany.)--
. Na SS Filth street, between Wood and Smith
field Fresh 'recite. received monthly—attendance all
hour. Refr reitee. the physietans of Pittsburgh, Alle.
uhetly and Bermingham
I most cheerfatly recommend to the phystenutt, (ato
c. and all INN foer !mends and patron. Mr K R.
Nor,. as betng thor rm oughly acqualnted with the tna,
nese and worthy of patronage. M It LWI.A.NI
A poi lo Butding, si
Manufactured Tobacco.
.1 vv HXS (letory k Royster's superlor •w.r.Les Ip
26 do 61 A Fuller's
nllv do Pro,. A Ilarvrood , •• 5 •
21. 20 Jo Io
25 do do Year! k lirtrwood •• 5A 11..
14 do / Hotonoon 10.
hl• do do
•ZJ do do \\'n, Do Wsoll
do r
oo I, \ .dler.on
Jo I. I'
6 do H Nldroo -
9 do 931.101 111
.tentne orol pue kat*. Milli For ~le
FA 1.11 141'171(NOR 3 l'o.
41 north 'ante, *t and lb north wharves,
1424 Pluladelphia
h. A(
5 h• apertur rwcrt .5* 11111,4
wrener lAln, "
25 " Urn., A Rays',', .• :14.t 1.4 "
.2.0 • Dupont 14.• In Enrol "
IU ' McLeod
~other "ha AR. plug
.livo tandm, trot. *lento,. nod (or 'Pie by
41 N war, *land N wharve*,
nt y
W. A. J. GLENN , Boot Mauler*.
- -
WF: are .all ellogr.l nthe 21 , 0, tnoonte,, corner
of Wood and 'rh,nl PlttiLburgh, where
we are prepared to do any work no our line with de•.
patch We attend to our wool kpr r.mhall y. and gate.
furtion will he given n regard to ti• n. ui mud du
r 00,11
Blank Btxtics ruled to any pattern and bound ‘itn.
.103111011 y Book.. nn nu micro or old hook Ki , ollllli 1.11 r..
fully or repaired !Same. put on I.ookv no rat letter-
Th.. that have work In our lone are .111V11Cd 10 rail
Price, low
SKINS-7u doa ptolll3/114! Pretieh Stoll, a
very fine anode A few dozens Philadelphia
Slim, front the 1111111Ufarlory of II 'll Crawford, to
which the aura ono of Loot mail,. la Invited 10•1
received and nor ••Lule Co,
1411 Itherty
AT W. N nyvi.INTIW iti ICA, N.. 76 Four stn,L
eon bear,' at.letolul rune!) 01 sup Baal Vol -
orl nod Tupratry Carpets, lutes; onpleS Also, Bru•
selm, plys uuJ gap and fine Ingrain Carpet, of *up
mt) le. and qualitne•, and in con th nection can alwart
townd 'ruble lane It, 'r.hes. arr, Ilarnakka, !klo•
rerun, Oil Cloth.. to ho , to all of which we cull the
Ml,lllll 01 Iltr ,111i111e.
HAVING •oul our cud, atovli in 0 II thrawr, wut,
u view to clo,ug our old bumw.s, lwreby
hen for lion Ow pllrollagr n 1 nunur and i.
10111 f, RO POI N FATE&
Ptltsburgh, Aug.4th. 1t,40
It ; RANT. Wholesale Greer', Cototsossloo 4 , 11/
Forwarthota Merchant. No 41 Water at ttti to
gY.I. A Dir. ABB PotiriDlt`i
AA FULTON, Hell and Brass Funnier, has re.
built and commenced bunnies. at hr. old 'LAM,
where he will be pleased to ace his old cu.lool
- and friends
Church, Steanilmat, and Bells of every size. from I 0
to 10,taal pounds. east from patients or the most approv.
ed wider, and warranted la be of the best materials
Almera/ Water Pumps,Couaters. Railing, Ae., tog,
ther with every var.ety of Brass Castings, i 1 I rfl Ul tr cl,
turned and finished ti the neatest manner.
A F Is the sole proprietor or ilAinn's A4ll-..1.11,1•
nom fil.r.t., so justly celebrated or the rrductron of
friction in machinery. The Bole. mid Lloorpositom
ran h.. had of him at all tones join I i
. .
i tli se E ll an n l g is t c h r e tli t cna n vi% 1 , 0 , e Liz a c n iu e et w ve s, l7 , :z „ f v o:
paper troll In thm vicLufty,:ilt beat all times well my.
pried with the different sm. of paper of superior quo,-
ty. . winch we oder. the lowest regular prices.
Any site or quality will be manufactured to order at
short notice REYNOLDS: & fa H
awn renter Penn and irwm ids
Nth A RUB/3/1R CIAITIIINGI 7 -4tutt recented for we
Caltionti• Expedition, a complete aseormtritt
Luca Elastic Clothing, at pricesranging from 05.50
Ft / yin for •uit of coat, oalda and Nat For sale at We
India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at.
der-20 IA 111H1LLIPS
JI UST RE CEIVE D—Three more of those so lastly
celebrated Hamburg - la Pianos, used constantly by
List, Thalberg and other great performers, together
with a large assortment of rosewood and mahogany,
of nay own manufacture. The above utstramesits are
warranted to tie pettiest in every respect, and will be
sold low (or cash. P
death No ILI Wood dr, IP door from Nh
E 3 ;= - J: M El
LY :
. • -
PATIOff Slimatnikleabear ha. 1049.
PirMed croakever *Mennen Tobin, Sofas, Burenur.
Book Cases, Wetting Dash:-
THE TABLES far suspasung every other in
-3 venueo of the kind now extant. They eon be ex
tended from ten to twenty-dye feet, and when .lased
the leaves are sil contained Mode' they are made to
CI urea and shape., and are adegirably adapted for
iiwatrlhoomi Hotel., and large private (amine., form
ing,_when closed a complete centre table.
SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are lanC -
PanirabrrlY In those who wish to econo.
rinse room ? and convert a sleeping apartment Ina, a
parlor or lazing DOOM, 11l they can opened and snot
L convenience, and when shut, the beddieg is unclos
ed. A great saving in room and rent. Ad the bed
steads when closed form e beautiful piece of furniture
fed a parlor or sluing room.
BOOK CASES—A neat and cued oruele for parlor
or drawing room.
WRITING DERS—For law Dikes, counting rooms,
and other office when opened a most convenient bed
stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone
All these article. need no reeommendatime the
beauty of the whole it, they are warranted not meet
out of repair. It will be for year Interests to call and
examine the articles, at the manufacturer.. store, No.
Third street, Ptitabanth. In addiuou to the above
advantages, they areproof Learnst bugs.
- -
imminAND now opening, s splended lot o
Piano Ponca from the celebrated arm
of Nunn & Clark, N. V. It consism in
part oldie followmg:
One elegant ilogovrood rig octave Piano, with carved
moulding, top and plinth, projecting front and curved
gothic tablets_
en G tr e CoTe . m=rl i eb n rit2 Attachment, "d Pt r, so
pe nor I netroment.
One Rosewood 6 octave, round corners and octagon
legit One do do do
One rosewood Piano, equate corners and Pep. ,
These Pianos have improvements in the meehainsm,
in stringing and covering of the hammers, possessed
by no others in this country, and aro at once the best
as well as the cheapest Pianos that can be bought
ALSO—An elegant lot of Cluckering's Pianos, from
7 to 6 octaves, possessing all the latest improvements,
i reduced prices.
ALSO—One elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano,
7 octaves, a new tuvenhon. HENRY KLERRR,
(ebt tf At) NS' WoodwelPs, SI Third st
• .
. . . .
111100 JOHN II hIh:LLOK, (sole Agent for
ring's Pi
N o Fort. for Western
Ponitsylvaitia4 No. el Wood nivel,
Priniburgh. has received and now open
(or sole, the lotlowing elegant ....Imes., direct from
Me manufactory. at Mr Clorkermirs (Pinion( prices,
One Rot wood seven octave Piano Forte, carved in
Me most elegant and rich style of Louts XIV.
One Rosewood carved seven octavo, new and im
proved scale.
One rosewood Piano, GI octaves, new soak;
One carved, a ••
Two " and corners, 6 octave, new scale.
The above an ell front the manufactory nt J
Fkmton, of the latest styles of furniture, end with
the new and improved scale.
Rosewood 11 octave henna, from the manufactory
of If Worcester, New York, formerly of the firm of
Stodart, Worcester & Durham.
2 rosewood a oclnVe, Gale 8. Co., N Y.
roseuroofl 04 octave Btano, made by Bacon & Ro.
veil, Neer York.
Mahogany 6 octave Piano. made in Baltimore. and
left with me fin sale by the owner, for rash or in ex
eliangetor Pittsburgh manufactures, or groceries suit;
able lo_ country *tore Price VDU Ja.:nt
JAN NE—This cerufirns, that immediately tiller
having attended my brother, who died oi comminution
in ]larch, 1,41, I was taken stet with the Consumption
or Liner Complaint., and sees reduced so low with the
daseasejliat or tour years 1 was unable to attend to
mi hamttesa, either at home or *broad, being for the
most Uwe confined to my bed. llama the above peri
od of time, 1 had expended for medical attendance °
regular Physicmita and medicipma u to the unworn Cl
WOO. without receiving any benefit therefrom. In
July. 1,46, I commenced taking Dr /sync , * Mesh.
clues, and have taken them inure or leas ever tuner,
sod believe that it twos by persevering in their use,
that 1 ra i l now trniy say that 1 Imve completely reco..
voted my health. I bene•c that Jayne's Stwanve
and Expectorant are the best fanitly medicines now in
I reside 111 Springheid, Otsego county. N. Y., and
carry on furnace and machine shop that place.
and non not Interested in any matinee to We sale of the
above medicine, mid make this certificate tor I be limb
eht of (hoar ELI/ All EATON
Springfield, N 1 , Sept. 16
in would roll the attention or the city trade µIId
denim/ generally, Io the follogrlng brands Tobaccos,
/note to arrive. vrtueh bring consignments tn
rnet truln manirtarturcrs, be is enabled LO 54:1, 4.1 C
1,11 rtrirell'
Kt/ 1 boo 1; IV Crenshaw 5.,
el 70 IJameo Sladoton s n;
I - Lamarune So;
:1 Thralonau
21 /
17 1.,
4 1 '• ...ear }burl 5., 3.
0 i Joon. a. Losi o t..
3 Wkr•nek, aimr iF
On i • Ilenry A Jame. no, lo •nti
Pitt Machine Works ittid Poiandry.
TURN WRIGHT& C., are prrparrti to Inold Cotton
and Woolen Martunery 01 every deuription, such
as Carding Machines, Spinning Filmes, Speeders
Draunng Nmrors. Railway Heads, Wolper* Spoolers,
Lhesatng Frames. Looms, Cord„Grinders, /Le Wrought
Iron Shafting turned, all sixes of Cast Irn, Punter m,md
[lmager. of the tatesi patterns, tide and hand Lalltits
and mole of all It otd• Caanngs of every description
1111 - 111... d of' .orl notire Pat:erne. mad e o, or d er
11 I.earin, • iron Ra,ing. Stearn I t for heat.
~ o r F.. ca Iron Wimlow Sash and my co•
ung • ceiter...iy I irders iefl at the lVareliou.e o:
V.,irner le Co . I. , tion) •treet. orth have prompi .1,11
Refer to Blackatock. Heil A CO, J. K Moorehead &
Co., Is. K Warner, Jn lin h. Soria, Pi ttsbu rgh , ii
AJ H %Varner, Steubenville.d!) 1 . NEW GOODS.
Penn — 1161. e 6 in e - 14 ii-o,p, .
mu tursi AN — Alanufacturer tit ail kinds ol col.
.n. ii ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city. l'a i IFFERS Fiat 5A1.1.1. AT I.IIW PR I CF-.. 1 . n full
The above works being now in full and .uccesaful op- 1, i assortment of STRAW AND Mlll.l.llNE
eratio, I amprepared to execute only., with dispatch ! RN GOODS, of the mom approved styles nod pat.
for Or kinds of machtnery or my lute such as willows. , terns. tor the SPRINI. tit , I-In. consi•toig in part or -
pickers, spreaders. cards, grind.g macturies, ratiwa) s. , Fancy aid plain it;ogii•ti. A/111,1CM, and French
drawing frame. speeders, throsols, Monis, woolen rMraw, Florence, Rutland, I'eJal and other plain 11/11//
cards, double or single, form errhant or country work fancy Braid. China. Rice. Join) Lind. Loop and Roy •
mulearise it •he , slide and hand lathes and not, in grin : iti Milan ed, Hf .4i Its INN FPS
end. All kinds or shafting made to order. or pines at v Rich ' , rem h Lae,
Rorer. fur gearring factories or nmils at reasonable charge ' Fancy and slam ttep. dc &c.
o -- Knerly,Childs A C0.,C0 Blackstock, Ir. . ; Fancy Braid, 1 / 1 41,17/, temp, Leghorn, and ethrt NI.-•
& Co. King. Pennock & t ° o J. A Orel' aid Infants lIATS
. • __.
NEW COACH 'PACT - 011Y, I • r angma. Nliiiiilla. Leshorc. Paha Leaf. Sinsw It Jul
AL1...011.T. I Mi. r ',nosier !PATS, 111 f min: and 1,n,.
NIA WHITE A CO.. would respectfully inform t
. Ike public. that they ,
Laeock, between Fedora' .4.lSissidusky *treat.. lie) 1 A '''''' Flowers,
''''' & :1
have erected • Ito, or ; klo lb i n ire ' t Silk,, "'P LA'
ere now that tug and •re
C r onprepard to receive or d er , to , 1 Slr•w Bonnet ...are..., V., .., ark et street
every deseription of vehicles, ches. Char.'s, Hu. _ mcbl7.d '' w
muehes. Buggies. Pliamons. he., Ice, which from their t
lona expend., 111 the manufacture of the above work,
and the
toedti they have, they reel contident they are
enabled o work 011 Ilse moo rensottsble terns. who.
thew waitin,g articles tit their hoe.
Payola particular attention to the •election Of maw.
nal., and having none 1101 emnpment warklueo. may
hays . licotatrun nn'
warranting their work M....
thriefore ask the Yll,lllllO a the public to tin% mutter
Nlt Repast - Ins done /11 the best wanner, and on tic
inen.l ried•unal.le iCIAIX 6
1110. , ./ It
- - -
rie, .1. var. 11e attenuant of buyhrs to Inger
...1 . 1.1 of rthaVe Goods, embracittg ever,
cey htte. and from die celebrated mai,
••• • 01 Flange l'orchaseng these KO.ll. 1,1•
merchants or agents of themnnte,cth
e, •, lee e, ennaleel to or
(Wenthecoat the loest t ,,,, •e , •1 •
I e AIN) olive
heup. wool d) ad ilk do, and French
ht ete.recan CASS I / 1 1HHF-4, black and hen,•,,
is•• 11 t.c...., wenn VEST:NUS, gentle.. ny atlk
Ila crehiebt, block and fancy Cravats, linen
Wit pck ett., Undershirts, Drawers, tn., at the north o ea,
cornet in 4th and Market streets.
Wholesale Rooms up stairs
Monongahela Livery Stable.
4...TRoBERT II PATTERSON h. opened
r 4...T the Jerre stable on Pint at, running through
Second st. between Wood sot/ Snuthbeld
• in the re. the Alonougabela Hose, rtittrcl new tioek t of Ito.. end Carriages of
the Lem quonty and latent styles. Horses kept at line.
r) lit the hest manner
ITEA Al BOAT CLOCKS--useing rolteluded to .ei
od our route sior k or Kirke's Marine llturptece..
we now otter to .all them lower priers than they cno
t.t. Itought NI., tam., to I'llisttur6ll eit.tto.thrrtt.
n.. Ate. EPA.: the may ..tattli•lsett mgr,%
tor thcae Hoek.. we have te largest and boc.l
uncut to the tliv Call and , .ce
ilmotatuthr r,are not to he undersold.
BLAKE S. CU, Market 'tract,
oral entraoce north lode of the ihatiluild
rrrN. Duman sTEF.L lADDms AND 9Yll/N1
1,1 phmgh rl t : r l i rTr ; H e r pino i ,, "
et r:r w t7 •et bhldrr h-r I,
vringr, hnnidirred trod utirg,l:th.?:aelhrr:.:;:
le •et hi, hrr rag,,,,. lamp, add fOIIA . it II lam. ps,
ratl y, rurder of Ito, .cl Frolll slt
IlSr IN 'mllE-m.11., 1.1 of . Pistols, aLotabic tor
t r the California service. just received.
Al.u. to virtue on the ISth inst., by Kapren., a tient
and handy arocle of Portable Gold , rates, which re
cry Kold miner ought to have. and for sale tr,
W WI 1,40 N.
nichl3 corner 4th and martet or.
For CanfornlO.
Irll 1 , . relebral,l 11. ord mrye Poader, I/I Yelp, hull
s , ,, , ..o,nrters slid cstis, (or sale by
Irhu J S DILWORTH & co , T: wood st
/11 aspratt9 Pateut Soda Amph
,j 1.) CASKS tust recent,' per steamers Itranhno
sutt St Cloud, and 10r sale by
160 liberty st
WM. YOUNG if. CO.,
g NALERS 1N 11114:8 ANL LEATHER, Morocco,
1.1 ttlioe Voiding, Sic No. 143 Laberty meet, have
Poo received that SPRING STOCK or goals, coil,
prising a large a.sortinent or anicles to their line. io
which the a nection of purchasers is invited.
ALKfa pant,. Indeamal to the Emma of IV;W air
ffht, drcrared, or to Lac tare firma ot IV rn NI,.
lataghl &. Co., arllVra. Mc/Cased & Soo, are itoofird
to pay, without further delay, to
mohl&dlo. Adm.. . or W. hlclimoto, deed
_ . _
A RTISTW MATF.RIALS—Jost teed nod lot
y•rd, 100 . 01 Ilrau, 27 mob;
" 42
100 du) CO:4Tel. tbie Tubda; of oil c olon. by
rticl.lo 1 KI VD Co
GIRL to do housework. One who I horougbly
ondersion's her bounces, and eon give good re
ferences, eon hear ofa permanent stioauon, tam'
wages, by applying of thas cites.
111111:1) A PPLEB—brO bush tilled Appiov, m-ob.
J,../ aryl for mla by cooh26_ R ir. W IIIAILBAUGH
PARIS GREEN -19 cans Br= nod for
riale by B A' FAUN !8.C.0,
_ tileb2o r. corner Im and vrtiod Agis
&nee the 1. reialieswent of the Califwvia Gala Pewee,
No. 7 - , MAAS.* Stamm, Pirmisumin,
iIAVE r. , Ivied on SELLING OFF their large
mock of Dalt GOODS—the principal pen oi
k hare lately been purchased at the LAU. Ans
nos Sat. . In Philadelphia and Now York, •t a Ile
mendon• and uuparalleled sacrifice!
We have made such a large reduction from our ma
uls, prices that we will new sell a large poruon m our
goods BELOW OUST of importation. Theeur:y at•
tention o( buyers is invited to choice high colored
goods adapted to the CulilbrnoiTradoa
Plain and figured Cameliaal
pi. Cashmeres and de !nines
silks, all e.
Very superior brachia fig'd Super cloak cloths, all co
uld watered Mk silk,
Superior repannure sii French nierigdui, all coltlms
blk mad colored, Black benilialines,
Sug u r .tk„
ekglosay Gro Cross barred and striped
Visette and manlilla mlks. Brocha fig'd and stmp'd do,
best quality Jenny Lind plaids,
Pare satins blk and bloc Victona Lyoncse cloths,
hlk 'sun, very rich,
Larnarune mina mertnos, Coberg cloths and cainall.
Super silk warp alpaca an !mitres
Splendid plaid long shawls, A few hrocha long shawls,
Splendid terkert shawls, the finest air have ever
fmm N. York auctions, brought to this market.
Painbargunee now to •be sold at great
Plain and embrot'd ddhetl b rgatns,
hawls, all rotors, Superfine and common bike
Silk fringe, remarkably cha Nans shawls;
cheap, Super camelian silk shawls
French cloths from the celebrated "Johnny^ mann.
factory. For beauty of finish slid permanence of wear,
there cloths have no supenosi a few pieces extra fine
let black and olive enston beavers and tither heavy
cloths tor over cocas, twilled French cloths, manufac
tured expressly for cloaks, French and American ens
sitnercs, super west of England do, super French sa
una for vestin the best =pored- Plana and (Sony
velvet and cashmere vesungs, merino shirts and draw
ers, Italian cravats, linen, cambric and silk hdkftl . ho.
story and glove..
. • ...
Irish linens, ben long cloth she rting,Mllllitnr, bleach
ed and brown mustnis of good quality, remarkably
iour, tick Logs. cheeks. domestic and Imported ging
hums, scarlet, yellow and noth, flannels, a large lot
very cheap; a large lot of white and ernsaharred coun
try flan..A, cheap; brown and bleaChed Strunisby table
linens and table cloths, Roan I and Scotch diaper. sad
tovrellings, satinetts, Kentucky trans and tweeds.
An usual large stock of blankets, direct from the
manufacturers, some of whidli are the hest ever exhi
bited, all of which will be closed out at unparalleled
low pricesln ...Mallon to the above enumerated
goods, our stock sienna - ores u very large and complete
avalitmeni of almost every article usually found in a
dry goods storey and as they have been mainly mks
chiwrid at the enscrn auction& hence the late great 10.
ducoon of pricer We ate enabled and determined ID
sell theca ea' at great barguin& •
Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and
the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear
ly exammattou. Bargains shall be given.
feha N W comer of the Diamond
REC VED Till: , DAY, Carpeting and (Ili Cloth
of the latest and inost approved patterns, and a
prices to suit purchasers, and cheap as can be pur
chawed in any of the .E. 14 1. II cities, comprising the nil
lowing v arieues:—
Extra loyal Velvet Pile Carpets;
Alvnlnister Carpets; any tire hal; room. or rev.
Tapest6' do
Sup Royul Broome', do Top,dr, talt trpo.
Extra sup 3 ply do do do
Superfilic do Jo Thelon'. Bop,
Extra .p Ingrain do Too,' do
:.‘uperflor do dr. Brosxem do
Fine do Jo Chem'le Door moo.
eomnon do do Tuned to do
. . . •
4-4,'1-1 tr. 1 Tupeetry Adelmol do do
Dannsk .10 !qirr, •1 I: .10 do
1-4. 3 1 & I twl'd V , -. 12•4 11011.',d cove
TIC firm do GA do Tolde do
1-1,3-1 tr. i pinto do do 6.4 vv.' do do
Cotton loynot do 114 Wor‘ted 8111 i linen do d.
do Venenan do Bras.. Stair Rods
= 4 rOltul3 Drugget, 16.4 wool crumb Oaths
14-1 woolen do Idtien
6-4 do do 6-1 lablc do
1314c1i.h Table (410100, 0 , Mop, do
, 4 Floor Ali I eioth•; Snow•Rrop Nnptln
7.d0 gm do ertm.o. Flush,
0-4 do do do Puspio do
5 do do do Maroon do
.•• • •
- • •
4-4 do do do Carpet Blding,
,Lcrt 011 Clutha, of neveTran.dint Wm.low Shades
Tapeetry pattern, cut to fit
crb tho above ere ore eomiantly rectonnit ..."SnCtnit
:stock of Carpets. Ott Cloth, and Stcantl.oat Trinannoga,
to winch w r the nttenuun of ill d ha 0 - .lt to fur
-11,11 r Itou,ra. or steamboat.,a we rill oldr to
.41. r Rood- t0...N . a thc) can he pnrcisn,4l I the
nod of the nchrat 011.1 :stet .t.leA :all and ex
attune our •10 , k I•cfore purr hn.t of, c:Acwhe re Ware
house. No 7, Foorth turnfin W. AT'CLINTOCK•
Tlr Barges, Cluaprvt and most Fel.ilgiona6ie Sari'
of Good, adapted to Gortielnen't Sprlng and
oznarr Wear, Is rrcrivtng at
lasi 1,1 DKR ry
mitt: Proprietor et the above establit.itment wain.
reepi.etfulll, inform hie numerou. monomers., the
he has toot returned irom Me Eastern ethos wr
th m.
most splendid easeful.. of goods 11l los line, that w
ever brought to thta City, coruttusing all that is
(tohlonettle, elegant and Cheap in Cioths. Caosime.
Ceshmeretts, Drop De ne. and everytiet.ertption o
cotton, lien and woollen Summer Studm Shine, I.
vat..SUSOOIIO, .. Se.. 01 the tto,t,
attach, with his very large and totlaiohald
•tock of ready made l'lmhtitg, he :a prepared to olre
at Ins usual low prices
Cowan Merchants. Conte:tete!, and all who pur•
chase tercel). arc marucularly ,natted to call and ez.
amine the clock, winch ct alcetticd:r one tar,, , , and
most fashiona,,,, in the riiy. great I,:tenttot, lia•
tieen paid to eel 0 up ootttattle lo toe ortott ...tole trade.
I orders to Om Tottnettut ~ ne executed to the 100.1
t'ottitionottlr ntnoner. ~,, tenni: me y lie wanting
I Age, Sun ha. cr., • x, , cr e.,.. te Fa.tert,
etto.s. ha. "yen added to the e-ta, , l,•
VC) 60 MARKEL" STREKT !Inge received I.y te
ll rent importation. the
Sir cation., 'llol.ei Shtssvtg. Viirs.rl/5.,u01mr• and
Colors Flay dozen - Aletitudgeg . 0e..1 quaht, Julu
Wove, together wsth agothl ...,01010.1.1 In ....I'd Ilk
1.1.1 e thread, and cum.. Glove.. lot Trtou 0.0.10
R.Ol. 5 1L1Uillnq. 515.0. 111,11,ner ..I.oup Col
tar 010 pot einbronlered Cull..liont els to SI
!dourning Collar. in great gurtriy Den. Lace Vells
the greategt utotoruttent odere.l lo) U 5 rtcnel.
4.0.1 Ettgii•li .1 I ..utall
Yulaet eolorg. Atnaii I, I:inehanit; line 4,
rum., Chtntr. white , 01.1. Ilutnuelt Titl.lo
Lint, 114311051.. 11. and 10 Si I.tren kiervgr, tient.
hlark I.:rog de Rhine Silk Cravaig. :12 to 411 inch. the
Twat good. nopotte..l,l . orue rm.., linen r . nothrte end
hurl, cantl.rie /Wks, lento qii 22,511;
ouch ax 1100001, Lawn, Mull tind See., Muglin,
figured and plain Lave, white and cord Tarlattiarg'
Sc 60.
Weare HI the Batty rreespt of NEW 4.:011D5. and
“v,(e the tAtteallon 01 purehu•ary i. our rilert•iv,
•ior k
AT DR V GOOD ..3 OF W R. hi U A VII V.
Nog -, rottaatt Ito sap NIA Prerset
DERSONS seaming Dry will please take. no.,
L. Pee that the above house has rornmcoced
crag its NEW SPRINI. 1. kll/DS, and lova,. the ..alts
rn.tromer• and bit generally liooda
will he orfered at low price, and notch. wirl have
large anti rhoice assortment to select from
Er Country Alerrhants and into,. are iticae.l to
examine the assortment in lion..
ale lion.ale 1t00in,,1111.131r,
oltere ssortm
latgr aent of Gingham, arid
good_ generally are 110 W opening MVP
Dry Good• Jobbers,
WOOD STREET—WouId .•all the attention
Mereliant, to their large ....It ot
nod Foreign DR Y tit lOUS,mat receiving Irma the
porters and Maiiiimeture, which they sv , l
At vet) low rule, lot et approved vivito
Our stork Is now full and . - omplele, and well worth
the 0111,1111011 of buyers, as vve are determined to .rllut noeh ettremely lore peter. as runnel 110 to make it
n strong inducement tor merchants to inAte a WI; mob
tor'h ],
HittitiE itEEYINti til.riis--t1 It .11‘11.1,1, ill`
111 o 1C11 the 11 14.14011 01 . hem, keeper. and tho,
about rmmeneing house keeping to hr- .i• 10,110,11 01
above tiooda. such as -
gush, and Counterpane., white and •
T ie
ing. and pillow se,llu•ans,
'"'"nß , . trout onn to three ard , wale,
Table 1./nye. and Table noth•
'rowelling, Towel% and Napkin , '
Furniture Ponta and l'hint7e•
Seariel Oil Chintz, tor ell. tams,
:super Planted Chintz. nor
Krabrindered wa•alow I3IIUIIII
Striped and barred'
Bed Blanket. all qiialitte. and sires;
A supply of the... ronstantly kept on hand,
and will always he sold on the roost Invoruhlr terms.
at north east rower nod Alarket feb.l.l
- snf ;stag Dloolln• and latish Linens.
stock. ron.wiing 1,1 me beat make, from the me.. op
;maned inatwincturer , and Ilia latter warranind purr
O ar _.ff.• boa lu.t rceery r,l an tudditional•appl), and u•
odering sturnitg Muslims of a supertor quality. at a
very . low ja/CC Alan,
Sheeting and Pillow-ease hlnalins ,
Diapers and Crash;
Table Cloth, Towels •el.l Napkins
thank eta. amass, Counterpanes, and
Housekeeping Dry Goods generally
LA Dl}- DRESS (A.S.itis—Such a. French Mesita..
Paramettos, plain and fancy De Lninet Lome new
styles last retained;! Mpserks. ke.
The season being far advanced, all these Goods will
he sold at priewithai cannot fail to plcs.e.
[Er Wbolesale Rooms art init. , . Ant:.
A.A. MASON t --
INTO. 60 MARKET srßF:rr. will continue their
great semr.aininal sale or DRY (00 , 00, for .0
days longer, during which time 'hear estertams whole
sale Room, will be thrown open to thew Hotaal Trade
a. heretofore. A. A. Id & Co., tau nag that they an ,
selling Dry Goods , . every description from reit to hr
teen percent less than ever before, do Invite every
person of want of dry goods, or who may ho m want.
to rramine and purohase teona nor iota, at the Inwe It
wholesale noes.
Our g 'rot object in Tutor mg anon /s to make room
(or Snrimu GroOda, it I.eing Our ioleolloti 10 eibibil In
March the largest and the rkehem noek of Dry Doody
ever offered by any one bowie in Artrenea
. ,
We *hall enottnue the ague otßleached mot
Brown Mullin", Ticlungs °thatour
botneette Googlo t
al our forgoer low rate*, notwt l 4l.l.oatilltS We rec..' ad
:rpm. 01 li peg ceut upop WU ill eastern . masketig.
1014 .
VOL. XVI. NO. 230.
Pawns Grad:tura Gshrossio BacterY.angt,
haunt e d Poem for Anok! esarietki=na
pots the only Instrument attar kind Mr
been presented in this mummy or EttrOlM (or ma
icedporpoises, andirthe only one emir loners to, sum.
by apueh the Wrath, doldszan be ooneored_shilleL
mart eye, the ear, the braimor warm Nate trm =T I
either externally or internally, to • deltate
stream, arithoot shocks or pain-with part antp7
and often vrNt the lettplzettt na , ".
This importaat apportion is nx . r . ah . .ll OprZZeod at.
by Many of the most eiliMent • OZ MEM
try and &trope, to *brie the aFi=ridelluermanan
it may concer n can t• referred ihafhreafte atz.
! p ee
I be nto many highly reapootabie enlaces , who arty*
been cured by meat. of mit toorttahrablit apparanta
of me of th e most inveterate nerrottsdhlindarlt 'WO
coo d not be removed by any other kronen Metal)
or venous others, It US been pro*d to be Nl
ly adapted for the core of the follossitirdisealati s
vizi nervous headathe and other itheaseierthe bras.
It ti_erith this appahrma alone That the , *num eau
corsVey the magnetic tea with ease and Whet bathe
eye. to macre Aught, or cure sonatireame rmthe ean
to the tongue and other organs, tenet
more speech; and DS the various parm of the body, Err
the r ore of chronic rheumatism, Wham, urmeieWis,
tre doloureta, parallels, or palsy, gout, 'charts or Bt.
Vita's dance, epilcpay, warmness from warm; *em* thettares peettlM to.romalett, cootraenee of the limbos,
loegiarr, ate. eta
Righm for surrounding counties of Westorn . l , sad
L njt ,.. l=l.ll . th c e u t iv ast o ro , ment, Only be parch ued, sec
jun instruction, wilt be given for the rarteab CiNV:
elk. to he aped for various disetseti, and the best aeon
nefor operating ter the cons of these diaelmea a/.
•ito pa mphlet '
e tally explansed to the purchaser, and a
pa into his hands expressly for these purposes, care
fully prepared by the patentee. Ftoquire of
AMS, Vine st,PiUsbargh.
As Fitts i*Clook,
Which . renders rende tarttiO,Nager_
recaosuag all substances not salable t o
water. The crotorrentterke N. Tort,
;• th° , o , clew owl Porkto Wafer., T.Ol.
when tt ousts an hour titre. ..t . t=
filtering rook, gums a lane
- ' Impure brume s, worms, ikehia
is the case more or less with all hyllmit orator.
The Reversible Flhimr to osat and siarable,,aad 15
al sueruled with the inconvenience Incident Welber
Fdterers as n is steamed without being , detached hoar
Lht Weler pipe, bal) taming the key or ULM:6
tr4m owl side to me teer. By tins easy process, tlus
course of water la changed_ , and all two to
impure Btlbtlincell
Fi l t er. Off 05015 Ts
wltliain unscrewing the Filter. II mho possesses Mu
advantage or being a stop cock, and la snob In many
costs will he vary cOnvenlarit 11.6 d eocaunaleal.
scan be
whore there 11 say peasant high
o /low to a east. tank, tub, tee. with earn. 'lb be had
octlia oolt , Arent, W. WILSON,
• oust; corner of Fourth and Market ea
anenunn of the publle I. Italpeetmuy loped to
the following COTtlftpat.e.
Ma. S. Estose—Having tasted a quantity of Gold
weighed by your Aroometer, I find the result parses
TO. instrument cornet; and recommend the use of tt
lo those going to California. as the best method for ob•
taining the real value of 4.101 d. Rasp. you;
J. B. UUNLEVY , Bold Beater.
I . .tuburgli, March 9, 130.
I'mattneg, MAMA 7, 100.
Mr F....limp—Dew Sir Having examined the "Arco
teeter," manufactured at your rooms, I do not Ititartarn,
to commend it to the use of those getttlesheit who are
About removing to California in snatch ofililold.
It gis a close approximation to the apes:dila gram
ty of me ve tals, and will certainly onable the adventured
to ascertain when his placer is yielding °gild. •
ruarlti Yours, mop'),MCLINTOCIL
arida 11M.L.
4111 E CLINTON PA PIM hi 114 situated kir Brotban
-Ivine, Ohio, having beenenlarged and improved,
at it very grunt expense added near and the mewl
improved kind of triachilwry,ka now prepared to man
nieeturo all loud& of %Voting, Printing, Wrapping and
cotton Yarn Pap ere, Bonnet Board., kn., equal to any
In the blaatern or Western country.
Theuuderaigned halving the Agency of tho above
Pllll, will keep cooknantly on hand a largo supply' of
abortllhe daTerent kind. of Paper, and will havaa r tLerui
kande to order at Donee. . S. C. ti
137 Wood wean
Pine and Cedar Ware Sanufattory,
No /I 7, rewire Matter awr Prams pre, Prryannion.
fIIIIF, sulnertber keeps constantly on head, Walello.
I sale and retail, very low for cub— -la"
t r lre l bll eh Man
Wash Tubs,
Bain Tubs,
Ilona- Buckets, Half Bushels, to I
All giber km& Ware m ha line Made Weirder,
1a2.5-ally SAIIVELION E 9
- A 1 7 ULLTILIEJA filio - 11 1 110%./0.1%. ,
t jA l 2 .s i t,,,,,,,1:i1incrr dhras cBo.lcryl'AjFlT;7l?Dl,44l.o-L
5 us or upwards, 31 do par, 0 nun do, Internet ad
led Tor din vapertor qualm of this brand we refer 03
ihe Ow, and soap markulacturen of dus eitweno
- • W k 1%1 MITCHELT
tel 100 Beery at,
Dlophfogyn Filter, for Hydr 1
ant. 1;17•44,41,
TIIII4 Is to certify that I have g
ummed Livingston, Roggen & ca.
' Snit. Amore for the tale of Jeanine.
Patent INuprallym filler, for the ell
ties of Yttlaborgh and Allegheny. •
3011 N OLEYAON, Agent,
for Walter Al.Gtb.n, 340 /roadway,
N. Y.
Oct 10, 1048.
We - ave been usintone of the above anteleaar gee
Atfice of the Novelty Work, for three months, an tool,tnd , eel perfect!) "Waked that it is A useful revenuoA,
nod we take pleasure 111 feCOM.llletidlitg them es a ns¢
Fel aro°lc null who love pure water, Orderiwill bk.
thankfully recLlved and promptly ezeeaterl.
.1,101 ra,,nrklif,ercirzwforyattle,tejnnohi,trdeszillot,
osr s !Metros) Pianos, woold direct attention to am
la I that his to the old) plane Le the West wikre
tictrutu th
ente ol these two maken can be tried:l3de h
le an re consequently, a correct Idea ore.*
ott.diqe. ea. he formed Tim subscriber beinglkaolosur
I t .r relative merits, and heylet for • otarthesoll
ea r• performed upon the Planoe of Nun. Clark,
tad<p into it•e int the lost twelve Inouths, ettiek•
Pmoo, tu order to try es .4 Ennui!
n. an te/ °moan) merit to the vc This Eland mil
ow be cern and examined Saco rooms
oi lskin
otifoleol et his elide) to give ompetent sol retie`
opooon on the subject
A bandmene lot of new Pianos wall be oposeo d in
iew Jay a. IL KLBLIER,
_deck At 7 AV WoodwelPo
RP 13 I I solo, ether takes this m BA ./
in informing his friend. and the paid., to general teal
Lc too the largest •tock of the lotion:um named linty
I. •04 to • vat n maim Meture in Otte City— d l Saddles., liar;
lut • and 1N all it which be w mulasti
made tot Ihr heist Malarial and by the best mechs
hit n
400, kites hen) twilit) Being determines! to sell
ianillecterca ssonetlong lower thou has been here•
1010, cold 1,1 Any condor establishment le the enyi
lie would :none persons to need ot the abovenomeil
'rude. to Ito. warehouse, N. 244 Liberty meet, oppo4
Ito a...smith Alm, bands made to order for utschrana l
0et.30 ly (I. KERBV.
cl I"U , W g ' r n' dr ' e
. 1 11' ; ' esettl
aderito en r rnittinence on the first of retermot
r• nest same buildings No. ..4.1 Liberty =sec.
Arratigeeoetit,beVe been made by whleh . ry
I, able to to gushy ouog ladies localities eq ual to 7.11 i,
in u m , Vail, tor obtAtaing a thorough &WWI, Cites.
t al and Oro:mental edoc A will ousraof
li•ophleul and Cherancol Lector es be ddlitered
,wring the inter, iihmtrated by opportune. r ,rh i:
plllM,lte 01 Vocal and Instrumental Alias% VII
La arouses, Drawmg and Palatilig, will each be µMar
the Care Ola competent Professor. By close, oltehnou
to the moral and IllteliCe[llo.l Improvement of their pu
pil. the Peri m: oils hope to mend a continenhoi of the
liberal patronage they have hitherto eujoyeil. Per
v, see trestle( or apply to the Principals.
I y lISEN IX I IRE BRUM,— fbe sotnerthets haring
.11. beep
p imp:noted sole Agents by the MantlAtatntera,
1.,r the le ot the celebrated “Iluencx Bricki,"
now inepneed to bll orders tor •11) ensanaty, et BM,
sth tn.: Lunn or the construction of lornakel of
all Atml. thece brick, have 100 n pry ~,,,, owed bfi
pr.trot oulvesi as hems; .opener to all other fire brinks
tom toest LA SI ANL Ll' YA. Co, Conal
r R .6 1 , 0
m A I ; 4 o l' l l. b ' X ' : Zeta arum, P I Edo Aluabcour
Jo 1 . 001100 r... 0.1 Al JO els Rocker Sr oRo
be rt. 4.1 Henn • le lama lin Mid sr 10
d o i o n as and Lewis is, u do Warwack saw 1.4 7 Gm
0f eward
rlie, re afro.. embractng some of the Mo., reyo r .
Ito brand. on consignment, and will he Mb/ to to
b.e" deco AVATP..II. N
PA TRAIT 8( 1 / 1 , A
‘i Nat llt It Fa-1' FUDAI AIANUSQWIV,
I itEft,l rbe sub.. rt brr, bong the exe.l4SlTe
l. lame. a' rat a
Song . Sala Ash Meth!,
market are now sod mat commit* to he Inset) en,
n tha • t elehrated brand, which they will sell
al Ow lotrest mat bet price (or rash or opprovedbills
Then refer to lbe glees nod soap rrrilulliettirer• I
reepectina the qualtry
ll' A 11 1117ANIFILTREE,
3. lha Illterty st
I RON Ft/UN I)/IV E011.1.+. LE.—A ortaaafl Irm.Poun
dry .oa dourt,hing town, will Pattern., Tools,
for Immioem, will be mold oo aneoltuno
th.,,Nr terms. or roctiongeior loots or good.
II lit•tr opponototy to a young man
aoh mono!' r . ..ottal to OR Iron POortdrY
fleet tst near Wood irreet.
Scales, (tanking Stoves,O SSSSS dims,
j) (. c ß„' r ' e ' tt L r ' i L it . t . cr l t i y A e l tl l ;l l l . tod .. & nd
oat, tor woe Halton, Flnpr and Cl:Miler C
ot thr tn, itnpro vett suably, Cooktug Stoves, Cuiwood
„,, „,„1, K r , stoves of •arions sizes Postai ona
rowraolt water, thatoor IVare, an- tie: 'any .1. 0
sou re the 6.:01 r„ Honse, which ho. Oven such
entiend ratinfselloo In thole having It in nse, to all of
tic nch they would re ..onetfully Inel, te the attention of
enter. and the public generally: octrb.dtf
) ATEN'T st/LA
aceollnlent el Cori:tel.. a, Cos celobralca Mahn
laeture. e n d ittarrinr to all others in otte; odlytted to
eho nestrobtiont, (octanes, dwelhoga , outdo, ned
pnvote Lnlla, and to all other on wbere aid.
es erre%
mid bitlhant Itch, It destroble.
Alwi,litnandolet, Ilan Lantern., Condebabrac,olsl:ww,
Sho.los, Wicks, Chorinte, Cane, Tnnoners, &c ,
tint rhandelteri, from one m four llghts. Also,
\W WlLL3442!tAtozaalret
klardware..Crteaper /dim avejl
tstAN, 'WILSON & , Imposes. swd-pn,i,,t.,
.I_4 De al ers in ii.mar.v. Qaton , ltd Naddloa7. No
1.20 Wood sweet, above Fifth s have now ia Jan da oar T
cheap and well setorWil stock of lialdWate, imported
once Ilse Cern., of pnees in } limpet, lid %duck thoy
arc acterrnotett (0.011 correspandingly lot, Merchants
who hater been 1 , 1 the hobo of going East, arotrortien.
tarty recur...lto call and leek !krona an Wacky as
ronhachtly believe they will save their eilieneer.
01 '%L t LILL - LL VAIR. t31316t0r.t
LIN PI.iIIk.:AICED Judges, ou a Una/ Of 000 h.U.
makons, since pronounce this article lour.-
po,sed for duratruity in the mums:M.lbn of el kind's(
Putsaces. Pnesll3,7o coals for IoPC. 0(10yr M.1
anteettotrie months roe. orders for a ...MOO .spordjty
'Univac brink, knoll locaemstodl9_,Pc!
wnktoot guarantee. A gAck or firlt Oat)*
is wt fOt gale the WeeehOtleelleitinlVW
Iltli Itastn, Ly l stLAW DIACLAitZ*
Iron Wake
j. -PAVE, siIoVELI, —Sada. Sparissiitho-
Folts: do GrunshprOcso
muspoi. and Ple7ts,
at marnt&COrtempikbai
it! IA 91