MEDICAL. - -- HEAT CURE OF LIVER coametrer, by b• G east..l, only true, and genuine Liver PIII. &bat Cans, Uktio cotnityrVa.. Much 26M, le4l/. Mr. R. E. Sellars: Dear Sir—l think It • duty I owe 10 lase mad to the . public !suers ly, to mate that I hove be...M=4 arta the Liver Complaint tor • load Cum, a nd so badly that ein abcces formed and broke. Which/ease in • very low /tate, H•vnaa heal of 5 - celebrated Liver Pilli being for .ale by it, H. , in West Libeny, and recommended. to .1•4 1,, RIT Taimatb Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to rive them , a if teal. Ip. chased °tie lea, end foulul diem In be eat what they axe recommended, THE litki.S . lll.l- .VEB PILL EVER USED ; and after tots nefour Laxes Ifitul the disease has entirety hen urc, a-tal 1 ant ao w -/pactiretty well. Reepsedniiy yours, D II CO(.1-311iii. West Liberty, Month 24.1-4, I certllY that I LW/ personally Requatrara wAtt hi r Coleman, sad can bear testimony to It, irate of Ute. above °emanate. A R SHARI . The WM= Liver Pill. are prepared and son JI E SELLERS, No 57 Wood street. and by druge...a It the Two cities. TO THE PUBLIC.—Tbe mist nal. only true and rren• tabs Liver Pills are prepared ny It e:l,llern. and have MI who gummed In block wax upon the ha of his signature on the outside wrapper—ad others UV counterfeits, or base imitations. to ft ft SEL.LERff, Propneme OARATIVIE BAIA All IDECIDI the Rev 48A SHINN, t 1 well known and pot Ol c :cT1 of the Protestant Mellon. . The end brisling been afflicted &ming the pan Wafter With a ,tease ofthe stomach, aranethrtert p:. *LDS great pain in the stemeehfor tenor teeter Watt waltent Intermission, and abet lisrine , t , ed ,".`“" Temedai with hale Keel, was (=nailed with a ofDr D Jaynes Csaninai.e Tut be ow .1, cording to the directions, and Coned moan ably lb t mediate named the pain to abate to three or loot nen eta, and in fifteen or twenty mnutes t .e e ot - 1 .mention wasentirely quieted. rW 610e1C111, nA , at tarwardeasetl whenever indittau n tesof the 41 , 0 , 41, • patnwere perceived, andtbe pa, as tlicreby pre tel.. ed. He continued to age the Me irineevrty ^ cure sal aornetintes en the Morettne• and to a few wee, "path gr, go (kr...toted, that Ate sufferer vrNi rff . .. ad from a large 11.0100.10( oppressere posh, repo t nee ? therefore, be e i tr a t i :: s 7 e ntlY i rectuhuneatuY . I for of the'llo""roltelt and'hoar,..."L Atieg netttp ray ,yfft For sale In Pittsburgh at the PEKIN 'MC o *rob 71E0=ft, near Wood, and al,to et theltrue liitore Of T SCHWARTZ. •reden.l Crt, ' Groat lißoarglish Remedy. LOX Catighs, Co Asthma and C 01 1, 14113 It! GREAT AND 0, LY BEM.F.DY for the eure of tl. diseases,- is the HUNGARIAN F. H . OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Ur Hayti,. 4. LOtsidll, ENO% and imredneod into the Ont.ed Stu, • an der the brim me superintendence of the inventor IF The eel:moral:nary in:Meese of this medieme, in th cite of Pulmonary diseases,warrants the America/ Agent It sodiciting ferrueaustent the war. poomble withal CIO be found in the corcantinity—cases that relief In sato from any of the common temeihes of h., day, end 'have been rivets up by the most diming - yid,: pkystians al confirmed sod tneurrible. The Haingur.• =Salem has cared, and will cure. than:nisi desparant of ones. It is no Track nostrum, but a standard She Ruh Medicine, of known and estaidtited etheacy. Rem fondly lathe United Staten should be suppie••• with BizehanY Hwiwatian Balsson of L not only tr iniadditisol tits aormsusiptive tendencies she chronic halm be used as a p . raventive medicine ail an .cle OLIO, coughs, aPitting of blood, paw in the sine ne.• cheat, issmatiers and soreness of the lungs, bitch. , didlealtY of brutes, bowie fever, nlght sweats, r nut-, allot andirenerel liability, Lotions, initneona, tab old ° VdribuipT P bdolles, !UM per battle, andi full ditec stormier the TeMOlStklnt of health. Ihrinphlem, erattaining a mu, of Englut, and Amer, 'OSA ea:Moots, sad other avidenee, snowing - ilia equalled morns of thin groat Remedy. Me) For sole by BA F the ANI. I .=R k Co, c o ra ,• at and Wood and Wood and 11th sts 41 V VAL VABlolil DiSCOVICRY I CONSVALPTIVES, BE ON YOUR. G UA RD. DS SWAYNE'S • COMPOUND SYRUP 0? WILD CIIOIIEY. rue irII4I7I.IMIOT roa Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Mama, Bronchitis, Lv er Coasplunt, Sling Blood, Difficulty of Breath. let, Pain in the Bide and. Breast. Psipitsnothof &• Rear, Influenza, Croup, Broken Coo saltation, Sore Throat, Nervoos Dehibt ry, and all Diseases of the Throes, • Breast and hangs; go MOM ef fectual end ep..Wry cure ever keeneß for shy of the above diseas es, is DR. SWAYNC • Sz Oompowad Itywesp of Wild Cherry! The medians is no longer amongwoes of doubtful away. has tossed nervy from the thousands Bad; trenched npon t h e tide of experiment, and 'now' .rand, Idg,her la reputation, and is becoming more extensive. tr Dm oamed for anythe other relief at euffreparationan of medscute ever F . United • Rims Introduced generally through th e atztenbeen and Billitryverenn y g m and there arc few towns of bspollmouta but what content some remarkable ev , dseum of Its good effect. For proof of the foregoing etacessons arid of the value and of of Jim awe, thryroprietoi will insert e few of the ataxy thou and leStaMonials which have been presented to limby onme dm first nolwetabllity —men who here 141,,, widen of moral renotalbtlity and justice. than to ec r • tiff ro (nets, breause it will do another a favor. and themselves DO injustice. Such testimony proves rMsi ellitaieely, that Its osrprittng excellence is .estabSiebett by Its intrilisiO merits, and the unqucsuonable author. tat of public opinion. The Instantaneous ogler it of. kris, and the soothing influence dutrused through the whole frame by its use, readers on most agree.. Mud/ for the afflicted. REMEMBERI "Mien men, acting from ernmetennotut ecibmtatily bear testimony to the truth or a liang or pa gat &et, 'omit tesismony, being contrary u. :tett timaldZinteteats and purposes , eocrce• coil. when ic Intro .d commends tmelf in • a •penino Me, 11t In I:U*6SM] Cllidence.”--0:1:toxan'•• Moral READ 'fiiEr HOME CERTIFIt' , ATEs HUM AliOTtl. Cl= 07 P171.-UoNAM •.,, - Them realrer ens rearetly that t , cru ruct.<• in A/operate of Zonsumption, Dr Sw. tytt , • eampagand Syrup olNil Clic rry, It *yawn, sad appears to heal t to. u'tcr• ntl• mating new std rich blood, I..rcr tr. t. other medicine. . • CIMT. Co- Aprt. nth. ISIS. Bewley and Health. Dr. Serayne— Dear Sir. I eerily I.elteve') our hum- ... Co•metiea Ciadis end a .sole[} of preparation. Onle. potosti Syr,. et Wild Cherry tins been :hi , n.,-1., of • rally I. use, when applte4 to the face, very soon spoil It waving my db. I caught 11. Keefe cold. whirl. Grade. .. of it• beauty . They claw the pores of the ektu, and az. flaw bone, attended with n severe couch, that . r cheek the breulauna erkuch. when eature Is not titwaro Mauled all the remedies sehieh I had t he hy at,i , ed by &sedum . powder, or the skin tuflemod by the Itterestaing Until my case el klotird au the iymplunis ..." - alkalies used la sops.s botautill. les t o;ru products.. m p., 4 ,,c on aarapuoa harry thing I tried ocean„ the • busmen be• Thrum' se well ss th the a of to kase as edict, and my tempi tii.t era-tensed ~ tepid. rob sod del.rately tinted and t h e keepers. A 4, 500f11 .a... Anil ~ m, , , ~,c OP hupr• itoper .. • inv. salve and !media y mreulat,oc ~f the flu,la or the Dry recovery. kt thin tune I -,..... reenrunhoden 0u zr, couridor of the pure. rich b1e..1 to the extremities u yOUT invaluable Mechem , . I tfid ~.i with the moat Imp, that winch punt• the etimmenanre in tb. roost 'ego, r .. cd , Th e 1,,,, bp,rie had ue edect to 100,•1..,,,. me beauty. It is that which impart. the lodeeertbahle ~.0,,,,0 , ka, t aa In expeetorat.. irody, .a. , .11.y tbe shade* and flasher a Wealth.. thai all admire, but t i n ,. y . b y d ~,..,.,,,,a. b 0 ...e.„( bus enure.) wea,...l „,... s.owe can do.oriha This tinsel is the offspring of ase rum a) hear, A men oft I ever ere• ix txy We, Om; tors--oot <detester orbs}. If there b of a tree kali easrold be happy tojtve any in!ormanon respectiny. ti,y helthy circalatba there is no beauty. If the lady la asse t that mher • crers may dertve w e benefit lot fad Le driven mole If eh. paint, sad we coemetica, lICM to grateful. rot the unlit uf the k.t.e., , and the blood la Mick. cold and impure, oh. Is not base -2.411 itateglen I refer you to raw An,. Grove West tifut If oh• b• brew.. }.Mori , and th ee. to pur• and Chao= Of erkellt I purcharcl. the inc.], n, a. ' Relive blood, it glees a rice bloom to the cheeks and • . 11 i TnIII4I Jaltullloi,a,,n 4 hrtiliancy to their eyes that Is (.•elaaties. This is .by the sea thorn, and especially the 0p... bit ladles era oo much admatei Ladies to the north eho take but little •teen, or •re scanted I. ebbe roams, or kayo spoiled mixtu r es,lexion by Ma &pall. cation of deleterious. mlt they wish to r• rain elasticity of atop, Ituoymb epints. *pastime .yes and beautifai complexions. they .boold on Dr. Town. rend'. Sarsaparilla Thoneands who hre tried it, ae c.orr than astiaSed, are dellghted. Led.. of every tut; crOo.l our .11ca daily Notice to the Ladles. . _ Wondnf°l Can of a /11oMoilho Minerier. Dr. BWIT I . - --Dear Sir. I feel a debt of grm.mile use yon--and a duty to the aillicmd generally. to Mier My hatable testureany in favor of your Compound Cy nip ofWild Cherry. Some three years once 1 tra• violently Utackedwith cold and inentemarion of me mach was atcompamed wan a. &st rewing in the breast and hesul t .o very conaidera. blo of offensive-ia froth the wnes, eve,- .7111mon chants or weather, however Al 111411110 alarm about my rendition, but wet preny Mad crombeed that I was rapidly going Into consamp. don. I grew duty weaker, and at length we. , wastewalk shoat, or speak above a whisper, i atimellunt weakness of my lung. Dario., tins i Mae I had tried vanonspreperanons pre...nom.. bat Baud nelisf—grovriair all Mc Ulna w 0,.. 1.1 bare 1 anus merised and persuaded by a dear friend 115 Wilmington to make total of your Syrup of Wihi Cher i]. .I.Mast emotes. that rev - untidy IL. been prep, Mead audnet patent dletnea and lam Min those comma out of the m ituids of empe not, On standing pone claims to the profession and practice or amititichia, end having implimi faith Us the saying of my Mends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw. 011 c of rOuy agents, a lbw Wales, and commenced its are. My d:.- sass was Id that time of :clot et months' manding, col,- waquently It was deeply seated. 1 fonini, howeve; attasiderable relief from the am of the first foot or five battler. Bat being a public speaker. I freqdeittly 0101 =opted to preach with my therey increasing strength, rOptIMM those Irelabei• bail already bosun W is • this way, doubtlem, my cure we. greatly relardesi. In consequence of acting thus improdeed, • / had to nee twelve or Moen bottles before 1 area per f=rezor of rill.' hvXrd rup a¢o question, a m t. ' E. 'W ut 1 67. the above indtscrette. The Syltar ed the f.,ort. axial:MAl, took away the dietrewing cmgh, pot a stop to thaiVelnarle of Manor from the tang., and gave them the en tire quern good health I have defer! re d odierireg that certificate until now, for the purpose of being. reerfectly satisfied with the permanency of the care, and mw that I feel perfect.. well I offer it Yrkli. pleasures. Rev. - J. P. roman Dublin county, N. C. tar Cdnation—Bood' Reuel, Tom tlit= genuine prepanmon of Wild (berry, and that is Dr. fewer:Ws, the first ever offend to the public, which has berm mid largely throughout Mc Dalt - Slates and tome parts of . &mom and all pre- caned by the name of Wild Cherry =ma since this, ander Cover of some tl.GptlVe dIVISSIESZLen, in order to give currency to their sales. By tßttle observation, Ire- person aced- uustalts the ganalne from the Mite. Each bottle of the gerlllll.e enveloped with a beautifal steel engraving. Wall the likeness st and ll= Penn thereon also, Dr. Swayns's iiignatima: as farther security,. the porn ur of 14r. lisfeTne will be added hereafter, so a. to eitsilnguish kis preparation from all ethers. Now, it at woo riot for the Wm earalive propane. and known virtues of Dr. =`a be Syrtis of Wild Cherry, per... hat be endeavoriag to give currency to their pas Dann noetrants" by aslant rho elan], of ofwrF Remember, Morays near in maid the name of 14=1_ .t and be note eceived. Dame, corner of Eighth and Race steeMt. Philedelphia. Pal sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN re SNOW DEN, coo MI and Wood sts; 13 A FrairtEsTuux & co, ear Ist and Wood, and OM and Wood eta, Wm TUOPLII, 63 Market et; 0-JONES, lea Liberty sr; JAS • JONM: soy Hared and Perm min JOHN 1111TC11- I=a4kteny city, aad by tia respectable dealer. to rwti3 lITBONO tylDthatt tarot DrJ • Ek• PECTORANT is manor to all Aber rowdies for Omios, ,Coassanyttra, Dnamidther Asthma, and Ober relmo mh/ ~M....hrthat the same pewees who commenced the ma of ti be tkale foadies us pars ago, stilt pre for n ta sit ad er reeediesafiha kladb set wham any ham lewateadneed to try mbar gasperetesai they bsn smart invariably tech =ireceiving thebmdfit whisk eras raimiatily lfrom dm high praises bestowed by the proprietor., asid hare retorted to the nos of JAress'EXIMOIOII.4 III T, a moody that bee most Dilate* renew them. and which proboldy mop bard if:swami in wrestle' pohadvary donuts Pripirai IpA by Dr D. /are Plufsbelphia, Nat mid on MilfdDlOWlf ALEX.. J 511.13 It Eitanti st 11 satialialtetOsi rain - 0104 ta r. Talk W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College4f Elith rulelphia, now offers to the public his indihn Pre amble Placid= Plaster, the quaintcs of which, eller = & dtried experience, has been eatufactottly es- To aD women who may be afflicted awn Pitlapras Uteri. or Fallen Womb, he recomenends ht. plastm, gaanntecing a sore end speedy cure in . the short ewe of from two to thee weeks, if applted earls and laws—disearding all the "models instruhierits sad expensive bandage. so long to use. This he feel. coneolendoes trans.& lessametch as and ha. net failed In one nun ant of Moe. hundred and CAy.three deem Also far Rheumatism and Weak Breast or flack, m ooted with pain, there is nothing to excel 1.1115 Neuter lh elTording relief or effeatlng tare For sale by Is Moot , carter of Diamond and Market art Roan h. Rainer, 0 Liberty and St. Cllll BM Dr JEletrgent Federal st and Diamond, One. &try city i k Co, " Denman and Diamond Birming- JaeQaeaham. doble 1=',11; 1 / a rGa'skiti rei veriestbblu Sugars, lad reehl and for sale at the. pea, Te*Stone,Tylmrlb street, by IWO A JAYNihi 'DOLL BUTTER-10 bbfe fresh, Awe reed unit tor ego b feb l 7 ARMSTRONG 4CRPZER N TARN-40,01.0 Ms assorted Nos. 0, Vern. Q Mato, az.; 150 bales Batting - , 21 do Candid melt: pia sa l e isrWirt stain °J ILATT MOW MEDICAL DS. TOWNREND , S co.rocrxt , cr.-4re ar SARSAPARILLA. IrmaLer mut llttsztv Itit de. The mewl ettreordinery ;Indictee le the World Gust to - op • • (inert &WU, ~.. , dour Moor, Pte." ttr. east eurraslts4 so. ',error tit any mt. It undo. PectiVieey runtelog . unit or nabtrewn/ the The treat Iseuity and atteviosity of ;lie Sanspuilla mur e ll ether inedietruss M • while eradicates the du .. It Lamont.* the buil. It is one of the very bent SERINO AND aumr ca. MEDICINES Ever know.; It not only pie". the whole eyetem. and strenftheres the person. but h r ^vu new. rut earl oct a power possessed by eh other otedicute. And iz lordly. the trend assist alto wenslerlialsurseu It ht. Nuke-toed within the hist two yearn more Shan 104,000 semi of severe eases of dueue i at least 15,000 were considered incurable. It hte cued the lives of mo n inns hum children dories the two put seusuns. 10,000 esteem et General Debility and want of Nervous Energy. • Dr. Townseig'. Bersepantle Invigorates the whole synern permanently. To alb/ who have lost their museolor needy by Om Olsen of medicine or Inners tom tormultted la youth, or the •ecuslve Indulgeno of the parstona and brought on a general rhydeel peon"... tton of the nerve. system Imicude, want otembnion, nun. sensation pr.... decay and deeding henna In, towards that fatal disease, Convention. um IM esr direly rntored by this Nernst remedy. Tale guar fu Inspector to mon Ita•igorutimagiCordinl, 1. It renew. and It:sworn...l the synein, gives activity to the honk, and strength to the musealn worm la • not extrlordioary degree Colasnmption Cured. VII 4 411.0. wed Slenclhea. Cotinnaptios eaH novel Broacititia, Ciinaseiveption, Liver Complaint. Coedit Catarrh, Crazies, eletliate, Srativer t r Mood, Soreness in Um Chnt, Hee= nark Iriirks Sweats, n Profan ating, Palm fa Cu Ass* salsa he eartel. SPITTING BLOOD. firs reti e 2ntaB47. Trartnesanh-1 nerfly Wilma that your Damp.• rills bar ha.a the mean; through Protidal:too, of tartan my lila' I Lava for aarcral yam had bad Cough. bammta vm. Ltd weary It lan I ralrod tarp quasts nf Woad, had night limas, and was groatS tatad a.%1 minced, sad did ant .:Peat to lino. I bars Jr are I raw Samaperffla a sham lima, and than" hag a tranl,rfai alumna bean trnanht to tx lam aim silo to wan ail am tha dlr. I rata no blood. and la, .ash tm to ma Tea win yell tmena that I am Maakfil tar than malt. Tour c4./lest ..rruti, TUI. CUSISLL, 4 13.4er1a, a. Femalelane. Do. Tevosertdisflarkapardla br a ...MO aod ofamdl ono for tacit Cimumprars, aarranneAla, Prolapon U.col, or Fel ore . Womb , Coot:1room: Pilo, Leo nrhas, or ton, ohrtruatord oodtlicaltillommormi. dots, Immanent. of Clot., or laraltuany dlornargs thwart and for the remind proetreo• at du mean— . Matter whether ths molt of lalasenttono ar caring. yt oduoul by Dregolnity, Minna u ...Mn.. Dodds: no b. montorpid:ad data lortironitior .room ea the henna Dams. Panama ...i end lard. calk Ikon Diking It, sr one barons reborn nod lull .1 coorg7 coder Im IMlnevoo tl immedbaaly oduntorsto • torrooloasoon erne female Demo which to do pew onto. of Piantontook It will sat bit a p.ctod of an. In sc..ers of or dalloate • Aaiun, to exhIMI outdid...toe of Ines portkonlid boo re ima amore thy tkat burdanto damn hors t*. retained ot tro. Thatutanda .( no,. when Gallo. have boom oratorio ohlldree, long tow hoodoo of thin &voluble will/ark Our. boon blamed with los, Imlay aspen. To riatlattro mardlPla rated Ltuillem. ithl. En:ma of Smoapori r hart boon oirinenilt Pro torad to referent* to (untie comploina. No tomato who ha. reaa99 oPPmeollifill that ordeal period,"TL Nom of Iffkiii deould neglect to take It, a. It Lo • mottle preventive far say of duo atraproel and haniblo Moms. to which females aro sobioot t thlr Chke elite. Thin period guy In 4 Oymi fir roroorol wok by arty Dar mortiaheo Noo • loos valuable for the. who are approaohloy maishotel. on It lo uloolated to aridat utvo by quick crabs ate blood and invigorstlay the mama loolcord, Wag median. I. tnralitabU fm all the dales. doe. on to which women are subject It boaciet the whole orator.ninon pormumatly W. • ca ...ryes. by removing Oho impute°. of oho body. not to for ittivatilaller as to produce subsequeoi real e., which Is the mw oilman modicum. tale. to fe on. itrealcomas and din... 117 mug a tour bottle. at thi. modicum, moo 7 severe and palatal corneal opera don. may be preveoted. °rest Ins.hag Is 'Masher. and d'hillatres. It te the safest and meet effectual medicine for portly in; the system and relmetn7 the ...eerie. ...admit upon chi/d.birth ever discovered. Itset:47l6mm imati the mother and child. prevents pain said disease in. revues and enriebei the food, those who have used it think it u indlopenrslair: It is highly useful hoth before mad after contnement es u prevents diseases attendant upon childharth--ie Coeur cue., Pilo. Cramps, 81.41. tun of the Feet, Despondency, Heartburn, Vocuttion, Pain in the Rack soil Loins. False Palos. Lletnorrhsce. sod ln cuts... , be secretions end egustJmar the eiv ,aletten it has no equal The crent beauty of t etedicane t it a shrsy• tufa, mid the most delicate use ett.t .owes idly, earl few ea. nu.. .7 other medicine. Imocoe a little Castor OIL or klmenes , a I. seefuL la the open ate, and tight food with this medicine, will always mut. a edit and easy eon. knemant. Thong teat imitate Dr. Tool:mood's Sateapanita hem tomeably called thee stuff a great Seemly for F. Tar, ka , & Ltd have copied our hill. end mrculam ..11,1 »bane to the complanste of writhe. on , 1 for om. --other an .he put up medicine, hare, since the germ meccas of Dr. Toonesed's Sarsaparilla to europium. tocbteht to females, recommended de», although pre mously they did not. A clamber of them Mixtures, Nile ke., ere trajamons to females. as they eggee•ate timeme and undercut. the columnar:. Dr. Tow.. W . . IS the .mly nod best remedy for the mime»oa locale core 1,1311• Lo—ll rarely. if ever fails of atomic{ a permanent cure It ma be utast by the amen delicate fecal»s, mo any case. or by thus expectieg a beton. mother., arch the greaten adfardagaa at It proper» the rystesa and prefects'4WD or danger. and edengthons both ...abet and child. Be careful to get the genuine Thu certAute occlusivelV proves that Ws Sara. pa/ilia has perfect control over the most obstmete amee of th e Maxi. Three omen. cured to woe boo., 14 I.llllo..TatiltEd. Three Children. Ua Togrxratsta—Dear Sit, I have the pleasure to Informayoe that three army children here beau cored the Scrofula by the use of your escellout tevdtriee They were efelctad verfseverely with bad Borer, bare - taken only roar bottles; it took them for which I feel thyself wider great ebligatto. Your., respectfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wooster-et Opinions of Physicians. Or. Toerttoomi to almost daily reoelmos , orders from Phyolelans le differeut pests of the Unica This Is to certify that .e. the ondeskigsted, Phytiolas• , f the City of &thou'', have to aumerove eases preeerlie ti Dr Tovreseotre Sarsaparilla. and behave it to Ise +ov of the most voittehle preparations Is the market . IL P. PULINti, IL D. J WILHON. M. D. R. B. BRIGGS. M. ,lbany. April 1.1847. P. E ELMENDORY, Y. D Owtox to the gg e.. once,. and Autneose sale of Dr Townsend's danapardla. a number or men a•kkn wan formerly our Artatx, have commenced makanx Nampa, nlta Extract, Ehx" Miner, Extracts of Yellow Doca, Ire. They yanevally put Aop in the same shaped bet. Iles, end sows or Nun Masa stoic and vapied our salver ..omauis — tbal are only woradeo Imitations, and .boubt be 'waded. Prat/moat Mae, 126 FULTON San Building. 1 Y Redding & Co, tl State neat. &mon ftyott den, ED NorthSetund street. l'lttfudelplis, S. 8. II Dropout. flutumore V' AI. Cob., l'harleaten ; Wrtinl & Co. ISt Chaztra. Street, N. 105 South pail Street. *that'''. sad he ull the ,rter 1. 11 003 31,e1tants generally thruu.ritout LI.. I uotol West tha Canada. N. 11.—Perarnw nano-lag for this tnedwltte. not be induced to take .toy Druggt•t• put ep tanrsapartllna, andor 'outer , prefer uel:lna bit own. Do not be deceived LIP any—lnquire tor 14 Fowl, *end's, and take no other. L - 14notemb er the rout'- ,mc "Townsend's Snrunpartri .aid by the mole agents It F SELLERS, tie:tern , Wllol,lkle & Semi Ace), No. 67 Wood urn, nod It II rt: aft Y. Aileehetty city. lent • ti NlJll e t . I , a , l m Cream •tn Iln.e to; s:.rtv Alotonde Create. tin, Superfine Itawee . no Porrelux g:r; '.nut. ye .e 0.24 re tender.ool.• Deauhful•pnworr ant, at 1,1 in •er - for the h•ndk re. e .e(; r a wet. r. r • u.•— nl.le for present' Permian. or Caney, new ie., !allay vngetan,e hn.r .rt (4,1 or e.nortue IN7n.p r rs, .; ••••., /Ones' t‘tat, N ;mph :ton:. ,t •e, ftbell Co..p, noon map; tow, wO. a rte., .at tety tins pert titatrie re. II A IA Ildat:d - iTta.lii a t'U Cole tor bib d. TJOW DOES IT I,ollk —Sands, Itriord nod doll. 11 formerly put their Saraupartlla In man I.ottle• bolding a low ounce.. but Dr. Tournaend . , become known. and mhos. or quite ilrtven their Onto battle. out of the !market. tney ure now putung them, up to !awe bolt]. attaining four urn, a• tract Os before. Ciur ry' How nicer. profit did they make be fore off of their arnail bottle,' NA an tz holiest! And s p a r t=ho n Le , r . e r rlu . c . ed g t , h 0 e ,.1 a s: ren gth y a'erel Dr 'lnwn aced commenced normally and fatr;y —gave u• much coedit:me as ht. coutd atiord, ho. inade several into prevemendi, and i• Jetertained to keep up the strength and quality and.will warrant that curb bottle or ht. Sweeper:lla nano.. more than four WPCS the yunmi ty of Narsaparille and•medical qualities, than any nth. or piniparallonof Sarsaparilla in the market. Sold by IL . Seller., sole agent !or l'lttaburgh. and D. 61.1extrry, Allegaerty. rebid bat, smutted clads. for rale ly by noon ISA I a di LACKEY & Co " rit?ol.'" s'nr"l r ' t " a ' . a a l r l ri• [l'l *r o Iliasain- JuZ lustfrc and lot LLA by • spa 1 KIWI) at. Cc MISCELLANEOUS. HGOLD W P 2l . l L l ; a u s i : , Tr h eir .. ed ,,m a= e hln ipi l o o .ni vr on t i r n .!'hey an, now offezrd for pale at thy- -...narr hourr of Par y. firott tr. Go.. No tuu Wool P,l,,burrn Ad Ve PIO rem m California are limited to ea.! and ex. amine the.< labor-eaving machines They are •thiple in the, roo.truciaoh, early I ran.ported on the haex tnue• or horse, weighing eighty poach. each. be ea n put operation in half au lour. They ran be ft: ed with provisions. is the opinion of those who have seen the ioat of one of thew machmesot omal.e.l tile, OW, IWO With [Oil . wrma the 1 1 1.1.1Letili troth 13ii tai.lici• or mod or earth in a day, without toe :oas hi a particle them tnmerai• TheY ean lie Increased Inoire and warted hy WOO, or Mule power, earmdient Tbe oPemiors work without entng iiiio th, water or being expooed to wet, and cohseque,,i.y so,thout en dansering the, heaith They wt d req.., Obi stream of water, and can he used the who , e nod CO' lm put .1110 Opetilliltil where mere:. not • .111, richt wtoer wasa u•mil way Priem 01 sma.leat title lit UM from abroad. ac . companlnd by ca5h....,1 he promptly filled H. I'AREY. at Pe felai-dtt No 11.51 Wood on. P,•,,irgh ---- Bllmagatt dr. Sono' Soda Aals. THE •uhcerMem ore now reeemm e their Fall dock ofthe above article. three vessel.'. etc ,be Nledalhon and Lydia. having cirrived at Pitilath Il of aod Baltimore, and two more. the Stephen Baldwln and Leila .`,n t!. , elpected: they are, therefore. prepaid M receive orders They win receive during the vv.. - ter and ~p ring regular supplies ma NOW Irl , an. novll W h MITCHELTHEI: . • . • MOdLo' r a e , I e n i tro mom., and other wary II rapidly oak, out spow and mama. rand reproduce. the Monaural and dura li ble rneree or new wt , re. Just received aotd nor •rale. ho.e. sale and remi:. JOHN D :HORGAN. peel Drucci•t NOTICE.. M R. SAMI. H HARTMAN bayou, sold his inter itlL es , ni the co-partnership al.:Diemen, Heilman .k. Co. to theremaining planners, low this day ',gored Rom the firm, Pebrurary lb. 1i019.0f p I stiel,l„.lfloAr me mum(aetnreea. he. n ra r h o de hand . and i. eou caws teem vow full supply 01 the a rt.b•le. mode on Piusionrult anol vicinity. which he offer. our rale a, manufactswers pence, LSD , COCHRAN, feta, ' 1. 1 13 WOOll .1 DI A ArBBEIR PA sTE—I gross honks India Rusi• her P.m, an excellent arbele for rendering boots and .how perfectly water proof. and soft w a piece at cloth. One applocratoon of tht• pasts ira aufforlent make tliem =form.. to wrater for 2 or 3 month, and a perfect pre'rentatove from the leather cracking Reed and ior no or India Rut Or. Ho imt No 5 Wood eL tu It J & II PHILLIP , • 'V l d i o " n ' „ u „ ' n ' y '" ir i' e 'n o% Surgery, Ferro , on Cholera. it —c .1: do, lied rand Stroke. Prowling.. (Ore.', Jurosprudence. once.' Chi, Lectures. Brodte do. Frodora Joon., Magendie, Phys.. Nelican on kfroloc.tuov. Pans' Pharmacotogni, BlundelP• Mtdaetferr. do on Ihseara, of Wome. 011t romery ott Pre:H.:my. Parker on Stomach Velpeno on Itrenst, pareque on I Isms. Kramer on Kor. riark on Consumptinn. Celt,' Pop. Med . A ohwell 011 Females. Stewart on Children, p r ,. rn nu Blood, I t Milhous, tlioomon', , Procne, Dupre, Hem' Sur. Abernaihy's Works, Phibipa' on Se moult. ac ke moan'. Pracuce, Ballard on Children. Vvlpeau's Midwifery. Kberbe a Thempeubca. Antimony. Clark on Female.. Cooper on thmocabons. Condor, oh Children. Muler's Peon of Surgery. Churchill', From, Ih-wees ao Children. do on Modwolory, do on remaics. Dung,tson • Phyrausoogy. do actinnary. Lawrence on Eye, on'. Mamma Med.. Watson'. Practice. twins'.nor,. re. Dubglison's l'ractice, do !Howson hledica, Miller's Phyatology, Rworabotbano's Mod— Bartlett no l'ov,s. Hope ou Ileart. 1.01111111 1 / 1 0. On Fcllllor.. runt avong Surgery. Woleonrs:Anatonoy, Willoranora on Respiratory (logrig, Abercrombie on Bram. Hut puma new Rem• ed., he h.c. 11,e al ovr. with ft general rutsornne, t of ,on.lartl NtedscLA Hook% red d and lor nle low =MBEEZE mar; I,etwect, Jth nod Inamon,l BIGELOWS CaRRIAGE iIAtiLFACITRI, ch.,nona anncea R'nei and\field .54,,n. M- N El'(,Eld,Sii would re,,perld, ,, - Inform :he put , oc tinthin maclory y can at aI umes u< found a large , lupply of Funny Carnage Harouche. Rug. and al: t.:1,14. of fancy Carnage, cum, ,n rle ,:aner and neatue,F a, any ;multi lie t'on• krao. lot any Lumber of Carnage, Boggles wad Wa• Kona. will no promptly fii,ad All work of bon own untnafacatrc .add be warren:rd. Rhranan - cra—Col R. Puttersod, R 11. Panenon. D I , auana. E.q.ll,:ncrt RobL.E.4 NI agni. A,. derma, flier; WIRE IEtA.ILIING. LEITEREI PATENT D LTI3I.Ic ArIENTIoN POoil“IVO 10 4111 rotrrety L ortiolo of RAILING. ndole cr, wrought Iron dlr., and soft annealed rod, or and elpre4Alv 4estgried fore nc.:meg Cottage, Cenielerre, linleo s, ['oldie ("founds. /to m prie ar)o.4 from 50 , -ente to 13,110 lilt round:, foot It •- 11l ‘nritpu• de 4 feet Lorb. o wroueld iron , 0•14 14 Inca •t,darr ervt ig 1,101110 . r• OP lo A frt . If de•.red ifsv,•• be made of ony 'loge ht. 111 ton fpans or 59 ro 60 feet ,-th or vv.rhout posts No tote. charg e Tar comparanve .141onee.. ereaz • rrn•tti ,f,d .,ty - .110 WIRE itA ILlNt.L.,aolyt• ,ato.O .roainontel do•tooa rodether with tie e s.tre rue drter at It so.d. aso 4,Uniitd it to sui,ersede lest 1: - .01 Rol rile A-ire:ever :heir s.tve Len 9 • - Foother pa r,ru or• co! r ! k FiROH TERS for Poo", D:amon4l ~oar Sm.loGo.i LOWELL k'LETCHEII, ALCOhOL AND PURE SPIRITS Corn, Fran: an: Vine na , : .:‘,11 , 11111 ii• . 11 1 - . M lid Ordero from l'iniMurgh for AkoLo!, Prot tip, ..• Raw or gre'llicd WhoLley.wol be prompt! 10 at !WWI, Inartet pro, 1,101115rd1, Ok.CLI DAY, tit Oar ucw Coll,oll\ are' . two, No 7.5 Fourth greet ILrh eult , o , o , ed l'scl)10 cover, I l'lnm Turkey red da do 1 a'de ,10 Flg d do do do or,ted do Ito do . do Bordering. Woe Damask; j earpcl I.reen morren Al—.o—Comps Gothic. Transpalenl Shade., so•Nure 'hew. do do Turk .h do do do Chloe.. do Drapery Clunesk do do Nlumlieht View. do do Land•cnipe do do 0, 7' Go kir. do do Cord and nOif r• • Hark Mi Fnd. The abov , .no , loe ol 111.1 wesi A C.lntrier.. n•d Ihme w AIM, to :1,11 dritl•A .1.-urrl on• hou., Ix - r, 'K f . 14 st PRENIII NI FIRE . tIES) PAT.—The Proptletor would respe , ,u,) a!form the nubs( that or has ' , ow Iti•• •%11.... .11 to offer bent C.-1111,1 . , which weld. brattilisti, and alt elude , nil - lima Earthenand Unsswaie %ode., I/roar:Kota. Marl , te. 1. nry, kr ':'h. , ut J... ticuring teem. the' rasti rendering then. n• use(u tor nay purpose whateet, n• they Were before broken. and not mi n er ed by beat, water or nit This Cement t• not weakened in the Irent when sot. 'erred to s Strove dry heat. or when rnereed in hot ..ter The public here long ”nre toil the vereuuty ouch en article. and tothts their e1pr , 1111441. wJi o (plly realised. os It l• applied Without heat end can u.,1 by a ehild The subscriber has foil) tested this article 1- ,, r sale by W%V W11.! , 0N. leap earner market and 4th sat 111=1:10313331 M=l!M!=rlrt=l • TOBACCO. SNUFFS AND CIGARS. A T h.. ° Old a grz u r ,g o i f ,: a p in at th v, tel :s i t e r . e p r , t n a r it nail the attest ion of Country Merchant.. llotei and sintiont ltd /keep..., to a large and superior ...or, mesa al L5ll , elliA ainoi g which nail be the to:lowing loralida, via. Eadlii. RC[F.A, Cas. I,lllClfre La Norma, Sine Ilrund, hi ntvrva and Dollar Regaita, all of w Itch wlil be sold a. lbw as can be had at any other t untie in the etty Also, coninantly on nand and for ars.- and aeleetrd antra in Virelida. Iliowouii. and [ ' MC COI iThrwiny Also, Havana. Cohn nod CoArnon Leaf Totruicn constantly on hand and for sale. , nov3 dam USSAYS AND 11.F.SIEwlif Edwin l' Whippli . , val.. lidmo Dick's work•. zoc:udi..g Wr 100 Vo . 'The Solar 10 Voi• Loond Lhuo. the vol• bound In 3 Stncic house'. IthaLory of Ne Balte. London. vllll lane ;naps and plot. Octavo ll,breer n, new Amerman nd.t/on Note. fta the Neu, 'relll6n/t4l. 2 wok. ovo edmon Macaulay a History'. :Mary .tyle For pale by R mch3o Apn 1101.D4n1.E DRY GOODS—We are now re m- V V ving large noels of Soma end Summer y I mods, selected wall great earn from the importers and rnanufarturers. mod eonemung of a fine earortment of ell grad" usually kept by Dry (food. houses, %Ouch we prepared eR at such pie, a. cannot Mr. to tine .all.(strOon to purchasers. City and tumor, merebams are Invited to me v. a ra tt, arid eyoututol our noel( /Lull Triers net Ore Tut. rtmong eleewlm Cr. El lIA cKLErr 5 , 9 1% ood st. two doors above Diamond aloy meta', •couNßy Alt - llt4:llANTg—Suita & J.utasou, 1 "r 4(1 Market utreet.'"can Aril ran hoau.ry cheaper than they ran repine.- them—having nought them al a ,rge package ,air prevous to the &Avant , price I hey can sea nyo htraw llortncla and Varlet , ' u• cheap an you can any them of Ea•tern Joht.ers and .0. 'l'o et/USTI2I . Nt ERCIIANTS.—W It MCIIVIIT ill• 110. ff open at hut Woolesale Dry Goods . Rooms, nortb east corner of 4th art.l Market streets. l'lllaburgh. full supply of trash Spttug Goods, itteludata newest styles or Itrutta Gtnellama, Lawns. hr.. and lortte• an eat...lawn 01 tu• cock. Entrance to WhoM.o., Rooms from ith .treet "2n0112q1 ETNSHRINKAIILL ILANNE:I.S4.--W. R. Ni1:111 . 111 1 / 1 ,11 , . ILe Cn,1,110,1 0( buyer. to ht. stork of the above rood, of a'l thr dillPrant tisaltue, .w,l to he tar nshrtukal, n .0 the Wa:ah. and at much hirer prier, i.enuinr W•lsh Flannel• also constantly on hand. Ganz. and Silk do, 4 4 Lod a. 4 do, for Shroudtna par- Pose. Home lende• ntad Ltnerys.consuently on hand, et ;age rorth °vet vont , r of Fount/ end Nlar- I. et agree , (eh:. W GOODS. 1,;.1 t 1 ACM .F. r-r A, rTI:, 4t4 Wawa! stet,. nre now 0 receiriag n :ter It ork of DRY t. 000.8. of 'corn: purchase, sad tr..h .t pnitern.. . which they will sell low to U.- trod. Merchatis are regussled to roll nod examine their stock and intr., fete TILANSPA SLAT SHADES-4h.reeelyed and for sale at W .11 .'ontoek, Carpet nteroom, No 75 Fourth •;. • handsome assonmeot on Transpa rent Windoss Stades a trip reduced prices, in setach sse ent the sockuon of U 10.! wodung to parches, .Ire I W IkI'CLENTIOCK 1 .; -. ) - DOZ. S 1 PEKIOR GOLD PENS; YU do noon .1000 4; Table nod TSo Spoon.. 6 dna patios, Olen and sioy Clocks; 10 dos ...sorted Solar Lamps and Gas ' . dishes,: L 5 dog Gold ood Salves Spectacles, open in •ood for sale by o tb l 4 W WI LOON CI Lk; AIL 5.e 715 hhels bur to prone N U Sugar, 1 , 0 IJ 551. assorted No. Lon( Sugns, 42U do ?amasses, Lot Loum by sobau RILEY, lIATTILEWS hCo I EXCHANGE BROKERS, I. HOLMES Ac BONS, Ban , Exchange Brok•r•, AND DRA.L.IO:II NOTES, DR A PPS. ACCF.PTA NCES. GOLD. SILVER AND HANK NOTY.... COLLRATTIONS.—Doha. Nu,. anti Accept...—. payan!rany pert of the I:nton.eolier..l on the ml• nttmentnr ln terms lIKCHANGE on ICY - York. l'hflad,rlua and ornor e.aiun.eca. Loui•,oe, Sem, and New Oilcan, conetantly for sa.c. 11A-1 NOTES —Not,. on 4.1 . 017 1 . 111 tuck.::: 11, mt., Stab, .116,ountPd U.. :owe, A. oi Fore/gn and AL1,1 1 1: 1 111: GO,/ ‘llll 511,,1 : 4,uent nod .old OtE, No 5. Nark, • ,„ t Im Pitul.urgh. Pa ne,2Z, FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Bzus on England. Ireimot. and Scotland bauctft any amount at the Current Rafe. of Lnehange. Afro. Drafts pat - obit. to any pan of the Ofd C0150n..., from II jo 1.1101, at the rate rn O.; folne 1 ale rune, mfthout dedocuon or dueoant. fy JoSIII A ROBIN SON. Europe. tufo General Agent, oZce 3d tf one door meet Of wood. .<ll , ll R OY,. luata K ABIRII RAI3II, BAVRF:RS AND 1-I,II.CIIANGE BROKERS. deafen (0 Forogn and Dotneaue Wile of ESchangr. Crs Offen., of .6epoatte. Bank Notes and Coin. corner of 3d and Wood fareem, directly opgrome St_ Charles lo lel.marZed 1 y Wit.stlM o, N run/ DS— Ohi Ktatuety, Molaourt, liana Notes; pa rthsaed at the :aareat tatea, by N HOLMES to SONS ral 35 Market street B ILL. ov ExcuANGlC—tu g ht Cheeks on Now York. end Coq.lolly for 'sale b Bolumore, y Aopl3 N ItOLASEZ. & St/NS. Market rt MISCELLANERIS. - I)APER met note recconng, duce J from the manufacturers la Nae York. ph. wol Ltanonore. a large and well seiected nalort eal of all the lemma nd most tmpro•ed ra ting! red sod mon PAPER lIANGINt.S. con- Sintlng G ',MO pieces ui Parlor and Fresco; 10.100 Hall and Co'umn, D.Tung room, chamber and odic< r—Pape wtoch would puueularly thr at , ention Itio, having house. to paper, tocall and examine, at the Papier Warehoo.c 01 I' HILL. oPV woo', st CI ARBI. fliNt , T . I,as votooreneed i ieT,i - ee a large manor:mem of Fan , ) VARIETY GOODS. consist/rig to part of Am/total., Ribbon, lALres. Ho siery. 6.vr, Crape. Lela.e. Catnbnes, Nettlup, Lace Yetlr, Shawls, Poncre Handkerrhi,, Kent, Cravats, gH.g hem Ohio 0.1011 Ilandkrrelorfa, corded ,Icirts, 7.e.rvaie Silk, Tlaread, Buituns. Cumlut, Jeu elry, Cut er). dr, Or. Country lu.d coy naerehants arr re.• portfolio ply ited al! and examino his stork, No Wood street. earner of Uptown,' alloy WATER. CCRE ESTABLISIIMIZNT, PIHLIPSIII . IIO. Po. TnK e r e ' 1 1 . . d t, to ' n '" it h i to k t i l Y il ' n m e r' o 'th n t ' Cy ha t . he liant 1001 1,101 I•1,1ng , urnt,ve o i l curd water ettronir and aeon when emploied (tier the method of the re elaatal Pr,esnitz. have removed iron the mind of au thie:ltgent 111.1.11seeriung public every put ta- ni doubt us to its effiCacy. and gained a nta• vet., invor l'ouonlerthg the unsau.i . a , baryresults u: cerned,es heretofore used at the treatment of chronic comptaints.looolololllbl, too, which are 01C(00.411: 0 r: er, >ram ,tmolt a natural wish to set the success of a ineyod by which as, m•ity unfortunate suffereis be treed (torn thetr paths. and infirmities. subscriber having practised sticerss(ully that melmal :or eight years at lit• livdropathic eattahlish• mem, which nag been considerably enlarged and an- Pra ,, ll 111 all lis parts. and at every iespeet, is now reany to rreetve and ste:omnsodate patients who may rho.), to mare themselves under las rare, sktil and expertenre Philipsburg situated upon the left hank of the f thin. opposite to month of the IN; Beaver. ta welt known 100 114 ret'reithihg and •alultrion• 11111104phele, Il• dr hghrinl quietites• and charming 11610,61 .eencr).ro aig every requisite in render the •01011f11 of the in• valldagreeali.e, and contributing 1101 a little to re-, ta The Impairesi it. coat and physical strength The establishment, the first started 10 the Inaeo! Stsces, , vriy thing, bout , „ea•ure and tin na.tnn comfort. e ale mated to al. rs a and Mipp) tsr. of the 1,.111011010. t i the Patient. Prrutii. wi•hing to rid Weinwive, 4 ihe advanW• gr.. herr oderell, w.ll Weiler. address the Faber:l,er Lt et'er, spool panl.l stating as near 00 miFew,i/ We nnitiw 4 weir comp./lit, order io decide and v,Fe We., und Curntnlity by the lit drone., irratmeai. and also what will neeeseary for arm IF Ist e a,ring for weir especial and tieraonal itee Etil\'AßD ACK ER, D Propitelor l'hilweburc, Beaver court). Pa II Rev .1 , Armstrong 1 D -11‘ "1•.; do. Don Thema,. Hort, Beaver. Pa Dr 11arker. in Prof lit hihot Yittiburgi, In I. I'• Ohlo. Rey S. HSneed. New Alteany. tier At tti .1 T I. Sianon, kip., loin. tt toter, Philipsburg. Wan it Mr - Canoe, Fiy I`,iieburgh. A Bidwell, "'An REED, PARKS Sr. Co..' PACKET LINE. 1848. ita =gg i. •• Car NN 1, r ) f , I L I d - ; I . Ir , 41. ,1; 0:, , , ,,, 1 e h1 d e t t : d r r r e r a, r n ve , r , arrt.h, where they eolith,: h - :111 the Mat! kkro.‘ and Clevehtnkl. hvitig hl ear h the., p herure :sir ht. One of the rrl rholtet• :rave WV‘eree :. I' M., muhl ht Ben ver ‘t tie, fuhtir le..a.ntthtt ...r ST. CLA STREET, PITTSBUROD, " " *RS LEvEI:"-iwKl-1- Al II TA 1 SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, 1 1 A•tLL41.1 N \‘ A N I . llli. slyr 1. VIII INI)IhRES AND iENFINI,S, OF I Hr..? quAL/Ty AND I=l IMIE=M11!111 Rend 4,),0ar toe, for Booing and hoe.. 1- oul n .1 ,ntn,ehn. d . KIL 'no kl 11 k.”l xrnt...”4,1 • 11, Rout , luny nil , a.rk 11 .11 tr TFMTII cornrr 40: and •+crutlif.l,l•o, II„ —Tra‘e.lg Trunk•. cnrpct 13,• hr Ar a art,p , nol 1101.1 lor EMESiiI=EI LOGAN, WILSON L CO., Itt iH 1 ERS nun 11 uole•alr [Waters IrlFurentu and lionw•tte Hardware, Cutlery. Saddler). hr . 199 Wtood•trert. Pttlynuratt, arr now hilly porparcti wtta • rrecnt.y nnitortetl•to,k ol Ilardwarr,eutirry Sad dirty . l'arpenter• . Tool., he, to offer very great i tlLerntent• tu %%rater. Merchants, am 40 sLittllon to thr Mali) atlvanta•r• had Iy' our predeces \or, Mc , • Loctan h Kettuntly, we it•vr groat), torresurd our 1 / I ,illle, and purulttnte a.! our goals iron\ hrst haunt, on the very urw ten.. 1 . •.- ;4/nor member* of tha firm devote woo, arra o toot, and lemma conhdent of flying tat. sollait a call from all who may o:MI.L market Mah:Ll BRICK FOR SALE. - - Innroved Machine. for "'high he has ten tnni a patent. and avect m give. purchaser. a writ guarantee tuft ti,gy arc stronger. and will r. •t frost and are wenth• gr 4.1111 11711.11. e les. moisture or dampness thin any olh sr brick, po..essing granter body and aupenor iconire and mach more durable :n every respect, earn k ~ging •ninented to • pressure of peva.: ton., and 1,0%- • haati.otar .110001 surface and even edggs, make front conai to tile heat fro. ..irk hs ; have eteen the rte•fe.l..(aoluoi to a,. who nave purchased. A kiln ran he a-en at my works mud specimen at the Gazette office 'I bore having .0 lined themr,lves for their bt.u4L.114 . e., and wtthitng nand.tne front bnek, or tuper.or hard end solld pav,og brsck, can obtain Si= Iluminr ham, /an, 12, 11.4., B EN N ETT 4 BROTHER, LIFF:fI.rW SIAN uvAcrugEKsßlrmlagleam . ;near Pittabtarghd P.. Warehouse, No. I:17, Wood street, Pittainargdt. ~,W , .l r l :l, ,,e 7, 7 s l llyo li zpo i ;o l l a nd fax! ea, 'orllr W MtlesaleTin u eo a tinTry '' Zl - eh ito are ro t} invited to call rind ex in.. fur ihrterelere. an op, are determined to tell el:taper the , 'a- - stir before bees ofereit to the pub ts tioo • vl, aceumponied by me each or c tel . - , eei - ' "r.UP , II , amended to. inb2s Ninn day avert Iron] them ar ttrer— N do d.o l l op••iry 3 ply Carpet., extra super. o do do do super. 1 3, 0811e1b C•rpets, do Itru••eli.. very cheap, du iMs Inseam 4-4, :-4 , 0 -. ...wry Ve,lettau do 4-4. 3. i tt,,,. 5 - eornmott do do AP of mtilett .1.1 be .old at a ernail adroare, and w”. rouramee a. low v,-.ran h. pprellased 1111 h, east ,-,25 Nl' wel.NTyrK 75 Fourth et ____ COACH MAKIN( 'ibM the very Ilberul recourses u me, the subser,er has re/re/vett sonee he has locir.ed hiehaelf r Allegheny. ,edged him to take a I ea. 4, for • na of years, on the property he now neeoples, . Beaver street, ntronednatel) hes/de the Presbyterian 1:1,or .11 From the Inns experit ne• in the above Lot/sine.. and • de alrC to, he hopes to mer it and reer,ve /I share of publie patronage. Now on tom,: and hunting to order, ?Lock.. y Dug • Enes, open and hip Boggles, and every dew:riot/on of Carriage. mach de order, from seventr/f/ re do/ iv laghlhonaret isera-dti) N SOI:T11 . - The , he Allegheny Cemetery. T :lir Ott tnir nf the Corporniortld on stc mee fo baring penim r s unnm. yto e Ilanairm for the re-eyingrear. I I It in NI. l'renden:. JCIIIN MSS/ILL. l'A Itl rrll Ells, NATI t ANI F.I. lilt.l%lFS. f JOHN II itlitlEhllEßAJEll, JANIES It SPFEIT J 1 I,l[T. Jr . rierreinry nod Treamirer The an mrsi •internent cretonne the affair. or the Company ina sory cropper... condition. Their other in the etty l• No 37 \V ale, Orem. reCI TILE STAR OF TOR 'WHAT 440. \ ENrriAN LILINDRANUFACTOHY En•t .dile of rhe lliarnonel, where Venetian li..ndn of ail the different airre ii.nd color* are aept on hand or nude: in order ride W t. latest and wort approved Kamer:, Nob. lon,at We shzete“ nonce and on the mos Also, the r heap Boman roll or split Blind Trarrepa. my and Paper Cairtnina of all the different wirels and poi ie rn.t, on band and (or .ale lovrior cash. Ohl yell, tin n Illind, pain... , over nod repaired, or token in part pat 10(111 lot 11 , V M WESTERVELT, Pro'pr. 11--MI ern,. done yeah rho beet material and roanrinp, and Oalllllllod to p/aaae the moat fria tonne• aria Iti-dly iecheny e.ty. Aug 10, 161.4. ABIERICAN TELEGRAPII COMPANY 1,,..1111 0 1LL, TITTIOCYBII JUID % F....4TERN LINK Unite a.lh. Elphange, Italtimore • • _ •• • • R P:IA ed .1:1-A) KAritY.—Ths , chargers - ha - ye been rents nit ell Messages to or from Baltimore, rats burgh or Wheeling, ual u corresponding red.s..o, made.n all telphie despalthes for warded from Bs l nmore %Vest of P egni itiaburgh, Po.. arra , —The charge for a taleg-raph despatch to or from Baltimore, httsbargg and Whoehng, I. 43 caws f or the hr.t ten words, and 3 cents for each additional word. NIIMEf=iIMEI cult the completion of the South iVeatere Lind en Telegraph Irmo alernploa, Tenn , to New Ortelaw, des. Nitrite. eon t.c forwarded to Nlethplos itt oats tome. and Istatlod for Now Urbana. BOOKS. ' USW, &,c EW YUI:I.ICATIoNS- .• f . .0t1 11 of Church and Sm.. by Neon, W NoYi. M A I vol An Your. ed.uon u woo sold in oor day on as poolionnon ' Imm Marzare, ,uuth Jourtin!. .tt I V.I. or N1x5..42, Ha, —167,1 , I vt... • I.lfr n,! Kr. FN:Ph Hoyt—new f .e •...grsed—watk uo ./Jll ll=l de Ll,vn Wiactl Optllll.loll at,* and de prat tilihkol Lta .111Cturr In 11.1.1,1 •• oo • •,,o1 narleal:o, rtn•l ts, , wu onprov,,r, of J Bou• C I o d I.2rn. Pr.e, redo , ,l io SI 1.1 MIZMLI 11,tur,a, Prol Tv , r—l,un ror by tnrl,4 RII. \s. Sole Agency for Nt1111126 & Clark., Plano*. e it ST RECEIVED 1111 d open ffillitin we .o: ot • re, t :, , o• Itom • . eelek rated I` in • ~, , e . , , fo ~. !, V.. conoproNne t: t'ei awl : e• • . -. erah :toporta 4 . I repro veutent, i.ot It Lo ne,t ~.... ,f d extersor. po .. e.. ed by no other. A LSO—A hoe ..e;ertion 01 Chic I: erleg, l'im.f.a., •,,io 6 to 7 oelnve. 11. lit.l-TER. So'r .104. at J. W Wod.lwell'e.,3 Third .• N. FL The above wilt be sold at manufacturet• prig ee., ii hoot an v addition for (min. or repen.r• 1 rnarlO Journal and Chronicle ropy PIANOS. A SPLENDID ...mem iffpilguny . apt Throe l Roaewoorlnstrume l Pl nts are ano, ' m at 1... tatteilade of the latent pattern .d heat tuut. , , , .. and well he sold low for rash by F i1LU,4111112 Wood.rtreet. ....41 done above FM, N 13 —Thn, whoare in wnnt ol a good tnatrunient. are ..tog Lnvitod to c.runtne the,te before 1,,r. rha..tog elaewhcr,ati they cannot hr ,eellecl by a:, tr. In the country, , and tail' Ise quid lower than any brour, burghtp hoot Ako)u.t reertved, two plant-p.m' Ham. manufacture,. warranted to 11 .upertor to any Oita ever mid in country. oet- 1 F I, NEW INSTRUMENT. rr autmeribrr ha. betn appointed 'tole .\,II far tbn Cole of CARHA Kt 'S 111Plit iv ES M ON:3, a• thanufactu•ed and and perf....ied Mureh A W - htte, of Ctrteinnun The ii•ua. and ea tent bets, but four octave.. NI, s•r• M a, hi .0 cortlance with the general .I.`aire nn.l have extended the •cala oh these 111.1tr1111,111* to It even 6 octane,. thu• mak tag it praetwn, ~..raolui upon thrrn RD . \ 1110•11 written for theor $t 4a.. Thee xterlor. also. has bean much improved I.) lb. Lod,. of the I. 11 / 1 1111CIll upon a ca.: 5r0.. fi - onr heauticully bronxed tkod • °mauler:rd, r. , der...e. onre Ino•t e Vail. and extretn•.y di 0,1,1, 11:"...:C 'The .• .4JIOW J., to bring in t: • ,a.. 11 of eve, one to ot.rato a perfect rnu•fral and, tLt thewllll . tone. • HI.. 0 1. - guot pi..or rni rule for II eornparnto, II KI.EIO At J RF.AI' MI ,ICAL rh, ‘.." F:urope • . , .aivrouon 01 PlOllO Forte. 4 . 1.1c0l the Ali. I\l'7l' PIANI/ r E. which poototoong ini/ro pow, ono *lx. • ..14an iho qua, Poo,. noeuple 100 fourth a. mut, room. 0111 i, a much inora 41low and too,l "one po.ce.of luriolaro 1' par.,oulofly vorre the •nvlno %pace i• an ot,to. cedsnel) or. and vampoct and occupy :at{ ha morn tloun 1 111101: 1 ,11 . in!•,e Th. , 01/.01 . 1:0 1 : 0111111 01,1011010111111 it• super ininy loom , 1,1 put., in u.n own hand ' , Mono oalt,o may he oo•pected At J Wood wo,: _ Cblakering's Pianos. JUST received end ior •4:e 3: 1111111. MiNgillulaettirers in lee, 1,111111,1, 7, ~ P.d,o Fortes. ti. f { and 7 ocia:es ol i . ,mot elelint pay.erns o, Nriutme and with the late Improved %ex.... Also Oh nand and mr sale !ow . I tee 0,1:,,, , l'; ,:. oa JOHN H .\11 . :1.1.111i tole Age,t fur t_htekering • Pial.o• to; 'A . ~. rr. Pennsylvania -I Wood ..treet 1.1,-- **EN NiUSB • BV 111 . :N111 HEHZ—Tb, 1.e•I fl of ,uol. r. onn roth...two 6114 !t 1111,11 L rta.ll. r In, P.a. o Fortr. nlt per,ormed to 0.. co:lrert, In Me C.rd by Brun 111 rz }iron 11111. COMIC Ju , and for aa'r b) metlll .1(.1t1 H -I woo.i .t . . ANI, wlin Deeurrprl. tnt for the .1 . 1.,:•.urne ndap•Pd tothe pun°, or e1....14, mut,. .:1.11.,111A111.0111p1,,,, .i) r.l 7.; woo , . ; tolkrd ezercl,- pr”gfe,,,, arrunwed 14r,... • . .t.r ,, t ff.° f ILO lu•I rveeiv,. •uri. vof . r• ItIIIN II .141'.1.1.01t. pubLlghera, b) nach2j TRANSPORTATION. inerou• err:Alt-ale, of cures which a -re • a. an wlth a are horn persona In Om IIF.AVER AND 1:1111, r LIN 1: ,thborhood. and they are a •ulte“tht THY LANA ,Nu, Ir IA 0 A. t • A. n ;ter nvor.l 1,1 it• favor l'atat.unru. I ...oe • I I,IN/ ,11n . o. a CO, eorb,llnl W 04.1 and Inland Inaaa LH!, TTUL) • PnYron,, Dr„,„. owl mitl .oroarth..lVe., FALINCIA, Pula unary flgildtax.... "fne •Ncer tutw .th: nthen.lid Pat ne,.. ,ne ; It C rin finel It a duty ...mile,. et: thnothc Ineta,eth .INI/ 1 1 / l••• ”al rub tlura.{ the sea., ot - • I•thl , ice , nn , en , n 4 n.a , nnn , E. , every morumg o „: „ a y I Kr , : ••• e Baku., about eleven near- a. 50, • Heaver e, r, eventh,lththe.„,,e, n , r , UP' of sincn 11,1, g•rl. an arena, Of. I naz Gi toe. ean...out fthul • ken ere eoruplaint• Ond OVACA• n: HZ, . .runt. IL, new UM: urtalort.,,•.‘ r.• A. 1.1 4 1. `"Y • an, p o n 1 1 i J I L./ • ===i f• .101 IN A I.! 11 1.111-1 A.I I •.. Jas. I' flat ~,,, M l'a V., , srve M' and K, , ,g, Ifaa I Fin, • h Plum 1,, SLarsburgi, Pa,,Simron. Pa. ===ESEJ W Cumtotviatin. C.. BURKE & CO'S FAST EXPRICSS :I'TF/T": 1 .744i111 . an.•".l" 1 %mmr - =IOMUIg=P=II ..thuon+ tl.l nt the low., rate. 1 13IL1W1'1.1" !le oirr c• et P., 11.131 7e , ON s ttlll,llV ..Cll Irt Routh lthnr:ra IiAJCSDEN & ra. Pa•senger and Remittance illEtII A NIIDI.I.‘ rouNnue urns.. l.r.`unr erom any part of Eng./L.l. Ir-tand :4:1 , 1 .7 Ws;ea.upo thr mu, ottrra: arr., 1e•.., toast punctuality and Quantum to thr wnnt. n Onn fort of enuntr,rnntr Wr do , inn Illow our pc..., t. to Le robbrd •ennips the: inter; the port.. R. ver talr ennrgn them the mosnrw •he, rr• port,, and see to then - I.e And de 'pate.. them vritnnut drtrnnun by tt. bra; S 11.1.• .n, thl. frarn...l). n wr defy olle of our paAart v.,. to ..nut airy. ern, J(141111,1 4, hour. v. a: I..•rrpool. otners arr.. nr.antrd month, unn, tn... rnu.ll rome r run. R. r r. rrle. urtn, nr, irrqu,tly proved thrtr rnthr.. W• nornd an perform our honorn!.... root clay, end not Irt no thn Ja.t rthrr r:ther performed tan n". or whrn d ..unrd ter, rni.vrtnenre Dna:lA draw at 17 , ,bergli fur any own 11,111.11 lc tom. pays' , at any ol the provalcia /lan lb In [awl. Enonrid, ScoCeuld and Wales. .11 , SIII:A ROBINSON, flurnpenn twitl Geivlratt Ae.nt %trert, ALLEGHKNY VENITIAN lIL A:\ DcmtiNET wA yr. RIII /M 1 A 1111.10 V N •,,Pt• cly !worm :rt.. he hart, I the Ihrta,hol. . -nt Vehittan tt..rt Shu'lrr. xre 1111 . 1 .. tr• .r ta the ht th, hrr.: ted In any in the I. ove n run h.- retnnved vvrth• tne ht I 'lf a ht.row tt.l , uretta•,l e anl wood o(the thtt,t e•- !i.hntent of Hatt a ptaY M tt:Jr Ll " e ' u. P 7fht n ;l d to el'ltn. the pubic at large : wtth every their ta:e IMEMEMMI QUNDRIES--100 package, rre.n Teas-1 Ily.on. l.unpowder cool Imperial; ..110 bogs prime 1, teen Rio Toltec. Srr d 0 I.neto re d o . In do ota lava do. YS beg. bloc 1. Pepper: IU do rimenio lau Chili new eroll N lr ,uglr, .1,4 1,4 Pqllll3llllll du SuFur llou•r do lo herr. , l tag 1:+0 bx• munuiu, luted Tol,tirro, vanou. I All. 01.1 kne tird,:t. A tiro twlst lo IS Potalkurgh plug 150 Lao null OVLiodow (item' 50 do nuls E=MIEMEIMEI poune• (cotton Vern, lllMOrtfll Na. Together with at lull nod gencrol u.surtme•- „rt elent Lilarout ry nu hand,. an,l J h R P 1,01: D. Round Claire], l'lll/•/111,.. nth Id Froltung' on Liberty, Wt.d tt t:11 TN Evr, CALIFORNIA RI PI,F. ima , rSeto: truer boot 11, Jeder.ton linvt., I . Senator. lute Cain di. di untsippt Riflemen, aorta um Noveml ,, , and 11, e. the I_ll . l%ltlllef oN.e - r3lie• ,ehich you "sato,' 10 LI, reeithrut I i ad the honor command Nie.toso, are worth, lughr-t comtnendution I duyht whrther [mummy pie. re• were ‘cr ta•LA• any other OrtillUtlee pArlttlefil peth•el ." their C 011.1113,1011 and Cot14:1. 1011- arrucary I, lire they ore equal to the horst wortlng ritie• The, 0011,. I think. eserril. that on the cud ;retie:7l nod they let. otht, nnt, or watt{ rep., then any other .mull mote 111,e .nee u•ett in •metre :Ilikt‘tg netl,f JEFFERSON DAVN of the , kdra recnoted —tor nt Cv:tfornin W.' PAnhttnhment. No 5 Wr I,II,IFORNIA - Juni r r,i, k.) Camp lilan4r,, affirm c 11 iii• la pairs 0100 on, llitE •.1 wuler Tank, 6 avid ig earn, i& gon each, 1 dor kit. Moue) 0,1,1 cambric tin d lac above Roods lor •o• rt.Ool ”:, torma o, I;stabliehnicat, n mehtl4 JO, I'IIII.I.IPS P•lcnt 60141 Wlnaher•. I)ERSON , going to Crtotornta ran he turit,•:wd with 1 the be.° Pau oiled tiold Waaiter that hx. ye; L.,..r0 introduced to tnr y Lair The weight ot oniy and C. t.e packed in a trunk irLece..sar, Itgot Melts and otner Tonic uped in California. Th.. it4ove i•o:d on the on reaaonabir 1..1,1, iIAYS k tigrr 'S. metal: No 01 M., , ket er I, , RENCII MERINOS AT coNT—Snuth JOI.IIAOII 40 Stork et creel. will or:: tor the balance of the season at coot. their %toot of French Monitor. oomph-- .04' the moot choice rotors Now to your time to •.‘t re toonnotno 4°,13 y RlithoNn—Jo.t tocatved Zroulou V ory'r, Alttflort our et, 30 pa colored Velvet Rabbou, as.oried lo • block •• • embrolJery (woo; lop. wide 1 . :21•1 he <ICC:a MEDICAL 1) F. 5E1.1.111`.2j, Druggt•t• :No 5: Wood 1. So.e A rent for tl.o so!e or Tow Ine,td . . ..-ooivedl.l.lll oc-ren of .tor •.• d SoniFor NI•dioioo •h0u..1 rero:lect 11x HF. Sc • ro - •• Pot Pot. ..ret.. and Il Ml. Wrri or , IJALLEI s NAUICAL I'AIN BAIRACrof: e 7 "...• Iran litont , I. Porn , roy. •he r , rrv..• pro,r,tor, am, Espre,•a, Ma====i FlPag‘. Ovvwx..A!hanv. I Druz' frr!in, vou mire.ou to ',De • • • . , tll row mcaluttl.r Pal, I ,rar,t .13tighwr. 6 yr 4:• 0..1, V. , kEt •'• ,Arned .nto her 1.44, , , r1 her , rnist • !Lt . a rrowd ,n , antlV r,,n,red uoo •oa•e•t, .[Wit I , le n , the uyrrito. I . or- to , r.roor• •,..under. ypoo •prrod no your cim=is==im • o• d , . I' and 1.1,1. it vrn• ve ~ Irer, .• root t,rl hnur. Hhe complut.led OSI, 'The o°, luta rtkpldly,auti there la Jto 1,131 fltre Msr . . .t 550 o m e y dear x.r fur - o 555 f this Mighty arurie. I am your, rellh respect. ItiEo K POMEROY. THE TEST an,! NO MISTAKE 13/2=l 3 / 1 1une.nuA rr tier. and somtung. tooling effect, ale v•, •I r . rv. ol Bun.. Scalds. ke the Counte, , etta— no t. aver under What name, they snat op r tatoy• irritate. and inerra.r Int. rain TO TUE PUBLIC I FA ward P Holmes, of Chatham. Melvni Bridge, .1.,1111,1a rounly. N.Y. have been efilleted w - ith rhea toittstn nt my breast, feet, and all over tr, hotly, for so at I rouul not and, and wa. cared I.y pithr sattons of Dalley's Marcel Pain Extractor EDWARD P. HoLMES. Bader Rtr—l eat my finger with Pt copper hatl, pon...ttous nhILIPC of which caused my area to smell Lt t:b courant shontme from an to the .Ilarge smelling taktng place at the arm ?, with .neren.tag pant. I bream. feat - 10101n, Lock. 1.100 In 101• cstretroty your Patti Fa tractor wan. ttl.ff to me, and n Inch I was prevailed upcnt to tot T 1 , ,. cons...owner wo, that afforded me almost nt,501 rc;aff, and to three Jays I wa,t completely eu• r. JOSEPH HARRISON. Nem York, ~ .Jrer Broome and Su:'.tvar. r ,, pt vrI , F2-11. IR the it iventor 43: Uzi). invaln J.., rvlardy, and never nag, and never Nvni conmani v.o vi n to any ling litr secret of its combination! All E.llrarlier., therelorr, not made and put up b Lim. are ttane cOunle Puorancroa's Ihrors , --415 Broadway. 'New York rr. l'nr•tnut •trrrt. JOHN It 11011,,,N, I,elierol Depot, Dr. VV - M/ !MORN Aeo.• .T 1"..00T5h Oadry's A Itornal Ga 1..., Cure-AO, are. humors. r1,r1v,1,. golunt, peo poll-cva, /1 ti 1.0••• PalnpLleta, contanung er t,, air • ill panic may be had on oppltea : 1.11 JOHN D MORGAN. 4.¢ent. Pingborgh• I:01 Al, SY3IIeII , MS UPZ'ON'SUNIPTION /, go, Ita,.nr rough, get ok .I ca p, nroeme, nr. wehowu!, I , otWeen the •h, - .lllcler 01 tile , behind. 1 , 1 - C.Llnut Srro. Conscarrioa —congi ti ng rth nil TIII M 11,,,, general IJcinlity, great abut - the, 0 , breath ongoing stairs , as a hilt. or walking hula l,llo non. pulse always above one hundred, tor weeks toge th er, drenching cold toward. morning. Catarrh. Consuinpuon e on like a common , •11./In or rtud. I,w. about Inc wer, period when that dila en-c utua.o is expected to subside, some or the 'OM, are uymp tggra The cough Is more troutii•• come. especially wilen lying down Titer , is no bird pnia 1;1 11, che•l, be: dleult breathing. which is v orst tth lying clown The appearenee at thecape 7- a ,11 1111, wt anth is copious, n• cbanged from thick e a thinner auliatance. It is very a t , ertittli to the patient, and emits an unpleasant smell wi.en tthrned to of an uniform appearance, and: is pro,qt thy a mixture apes and mucus, anon miXingllt 1,. Will, part sinks and pert swims. Thu disease nn, occur any habit or at any age, and in char.— tei:on me peculiarity of the cough. . . Tt.” ita,sam 01 Liverwort effects theeure. alibi. In by e I..cto . ration..ooths and heal. the .ungs It never nu,. Whertver this meo.- h.. 0.11 used. we beat of It. success For tha t, f, it nu. been before the public. rind hes been th..rna alt.) te.ted for all complaints of the Lungs. and r.n* proved It•e,t Aupertur Merit to any thing in use nngift roe hundreds of testimonial. fron t phyn. •• rsrr,c., and thorc wto have tneen ku . a we de,ro t. t.. en't the attention of the al theta,. mt., own Read they will 1, It Look ',ft for , -ounterteit. ' Always oh.;r, the .1g• nto, red Tay,r, " on the enraved label. repa red 31 the 'I hotentur Depot, fit Beekman T..tfat, New fork. grid .n rat , nurgh I Morgan Ili Wood at; J Town.end 43 Market If Sal) ser. ca r 3lnf Set and 11..nderson ec CO, Liberty at Price reduced al 11,50 per I rl j A FA lINFSTOCK tr. CO.'S Pr.eumonte or Congo ). 14.11. am ha. great ndvantnee over musty other pre.parn:,..n., no no p.eatavt MS.' permits t i to MMEiEWM • l.tiA ..... Ur elk, ~-ht.rttle .orn , of h.c, had hee•l runnlng .1. lot conshlernbir length gh,• .ahnothatt.ty to,. power MIEMMEM •.n.l uLsaluc ripoiraTr 1.1. e, It:clemency Of .01en I V • a.. 101 l .I.lallutt t• Oac /Ong ytoo.a. rrmody preVen. teriou• ,NI ro • • i••••••rum lan.. with romi•••,.• i,•l p• c't••• rr.p- •• r ; • ..; ,11111 I mr. ; tl.nt l'A 6,„ I I N 101 A kN A. U. , tlty 11. I. I um,,..1.,,h. n 1.. \I Alooartx .) %linoledale Drug Store In th• (Illy of New York. 01 New Yore. tin/ um limper., y la:. and manor Nterthents with lieu,. Pth I• . ty..rtn It Fen r 1 mid A Merit,. turnery. ; cr. A tr• el A }l under'. ibelr nwn YAP./ other anletes . then n n( ••-; .;warty u Inse 0 Ihr v r SnIP , ...It , /: 11 r cny , o ,, rn .47 / A F411' ,4 1-` , 6.k , ' M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT, 1. Ik I • IN , 7 , , , J MERCER V. or oth , r I . wr r to curls ,- ail EXTERNAL Llll ro s II ENIf 1/I,r i A.E,r. I'l II Arrl'S Nrr OINIrr r i ru totrzr their putrid trtistre•rx. I tiii IPritio mem .• rigltt.y tcrtned A1.1.111Z.11.1NG. Tor , I. er, eilernai Er r that it will not I r.:rrr• u.c.l it foi in.; ,r. for or olvirry; the . utntost ktarlyrr rt.rd I decin, Irerore hravert und volearrc Irma 1.1.11011 43 tlt.ttlit ~..11"Intorta: mean. liate .1:1., lit prrrle••ron I of Mr ;o+l,l. of Lim der.. rrl..rrk,e,r, ger,t.eLorn (4 the h,eirro. orutirron. tno ,101. 1 0. 01 pOO ry rurirty 01 tv,r.l tio•r, IIII• 10.001011041 e ,010,-000 tllovrl,ll to .11A11, , \l—lt remoy. , eand,t anatratnlrly 11114 •wvinng, who. Ilho pa. cease.. .H... 4 the UirectLnn. , around 1110 lox 111. A D-A , ll , .—The •alvo has cure) perso. , . of t, hea.:-.eho of twelve years atandlng, and who had It reowtr ...very • ..eelc wog.: vonttnactook plaec EAR , 11E.] 1./tall-At - 711E. and MICE IN nil, FACE. nrc limped I,AO IIEAD—Wc have cred ea.c4 that actual 4 Jr Let cvery thing known, Yell a. the abtllty fil• , oe, aty doctor. On ag e man told u• he had ~noot 6,1,11 I cluidrrn 1.1-Ithou any benefit. who, a tow 01,1, I ,11,1,ent cocci them E=Enliiiiiii=iil 11l 11\+—I:,. one o taa Lem 1111.og,tt Lac wor.d thr rho.andi rural Ihno tocot it NKVLII Ott, givtaor lor L Arottod 1.,. or , thrrcooto , along , .:11- h.or.. • I.o,ormenrfor ,,l 4 4l . .I.3cer E.eyttpe la.. Truer. Chozer,rn. Scald Head, Sore (4.racsr, Sr , . neon, 1, , 'wool. , Anru., A nonPont, ffu‘. PO. ed Nrone. Fiead ache. woima././e,,,,,1 Lae ache, I;u•o1. I,ns oh Pao:go zlte Sirs, S. L , 0), Sores mattsm. ret.4 C.eop. Serrileal or Broken .1, Tooth arAr Aru• :hi Fn.., 4.4 4.e. 'UI.O Fl7l<l —IA:, thanp,mni. path the Cheat and Snd.. olf or the hatr, or the Ot neTconpn• 0 tottment I. the • •tnrdy.) It IN a re .ogn o: direaftr to hoof , cold et 1:011N-L—Orea. ,, otal ti.e of the r •trz-itt vvtrl wr.,), keep ..ort,- Iron, tirovo,o, Prop, need never Ln trou.,lrd w , th 1000, ti thr.y ure tr,orml, CO- ,• lr any part 0, the hotly or limbs %vitt, ~,Lamed case. ehnal,l applied otters. ~AvrioN—No rtm:ment name ofd 1 ALLInTER La wrtt, n ‘1.,.“ a pen on every tah., • JA!dRS hIcALLISI ER. Sole 140111 . 1.0/ Of IlletEtboVC GT I•nne mfiee. No 7d Ncoth Thad ea. • . jl l iii ndelptoa ACI.NTS IN l'lrrascanu—llraun Rear, vorner I,tlitr.y and t•t C.., so.. and L Wtleor Jr, / . 111 . 1 1, r 0f Nl.irkrl at and the Diamond. alp° corner 0: Jai cl 4; J 11 Caw,. corner a Wainut 11/111 Penn It 5111 ward. nil .1.1 at the bookstore at Illfr ld •I. Ire Serand .1, tit .kslegheny cil) If I' , ant an.l J Sargent: by tnutall, Druggm, kitt klllll,l.ll, /I Ka•t I.i nr rtl. II ROWII.1”1, J In Monongahela City, N II I J 'l' Uncle, Browvavllle; John ~11t r are whole.ale agrni. , r 1,7 dvkAll•, EZEEM \ 11-11-1 . 1. tor itte vet y ,tberal esteunirar,ement I kj lt.toe tee. t‘eti to on many ) ear.. I have dere - , met, to et. Ger my Ituotheoo enet•iderably, }jam, ..betterd tttoy.tent rorematt, l will he enabled to pr „mptly. and do the work inout usual ' , tole alai at tat, price, and aok the allehtion of me, ca... nn.l wuarn. in ray large stook of . UPHOLiTIi. (tttt iDa and Undo, ..ilattrasses and Itedloka. Cur ial 1 Interim, Damasks and Morten*. Conoco,. Frio. l'atatla Hniat and Hun., U 1 id, and every tt rue,uou eo n•ly kept 111 an estabiaalunent of the k ta d (leder+ rpeellully *Olmsted and prompilo d to at tehne \ —c.rpct• tirade and put down. . ACIIESoN WOODHOUSE & JUAN WOODHOUSE, l A , r t; ' ;;r:oe " r7ti o p; ). midi a* 71 ' heVern 'h u717;71 ' ;170 rl7 & "" J r . 1/ oi l (or the moutifsoure of TIN, CO1 1 1 . 3:11 A .s• 1/ oil 1 - .1...r• I RUN WARE, on the flittere ..trect and lite Canal in tne In Ward, Al.l-I.IIRNI T. wit , : re they are prepared to furnish nn order, and retail, all crude, in their line irtila tiund rt I trinualt.g, and Carpenter. orders are ace ~ e `rd will reeive tannellinte atten,ion. yn. Al.egheny, et; I, 13-In —dual I A N 1.1..5C APE PA PER— Ji of the Bathe of Monterey; " " Cerro Gordo; Fro de Paris; • Chase do Lyon, •• Garda Francais, C Auvergne; mrbn .u,,st.le lot . Can ,a,gepublac tout a; 40.1 rec'd direct (rum Can., and lur iralVirt 0/0 warebonsd of aPtl 13 C HILL MEDICAL. IN QUART BOTTLES FOR THE REMOVAL & PERALABEAT CURE OF ALL DISEASES efuszarca FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD OR HABIT OF TILE SYSTEM, VIZ. Scrofula or King's Evil, Itheumadsm. Obstinate Cuta neous En: pitons. Pimple. or Pustules an the Pace. Moieties, Biles. Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tense, Scald Head. Enlargement and Pnin of the Bone, and Joints. Stubborn Liner., Syphilitic Symp toms. Semuca nr Lumbago, and Disease. arising from on injudicious nse or' Mercury, Aseitesor Drop sy. Expo'nre or Imprudence tn Life. Also, Chronic Conaututtoaal Disorder, In rho. preparation ore 'lnanely eoncentrated 1111 the Medicui,C properues of combined .with the moat effectual midi the most .Intary productions, the moil potent simples ofthe vegetable klngdous and is has beton so fuliv tested, not only by pauenta them.. selves, but alto by Physimans that it has received their unqualified rerommendation and the approbation of the nubile. and a enntiii"hed on " own merits a reputation for value and efucary far supenor to the various compounds bearing the name of Sataaparillh Diseases hare been cured. such n. arc not tarnished the reeortia of time past. and what it has atready don.. tor the thoii"ands who liave used it, ti Is capable wilonif for the mutton.itt.l .altering and struggling ish thaease. It purifies, rleanses, and strengthens the fountain springs of tin, and infuses new vigorthen , out the whole enamel (Tarn, The following striking and, as will ha seen, perms• rrr oan n• .c of Scrofula, commends nee . 0 f LctersteLecn. . M lientiemen—Sympathy for Meal:ate. led induces roe La inforni you of the remarkable cure effected by lour Sursapaniia the Cote of my wife. She was severely afflicted with the scrofula on Wirer rat punk of the body. the glands of the neck were arratly ritiarged and her limbs much swollen. Alter scarring over a >ear and finding no relief from the retnedte. used, the disease attacked one leg. and he. thr knee suppurated tier physician advised it should be laid open. which was done, but without any ',mixt,. Lenat Iu tin. situation We heard of, and were induced to use Sand: Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced x derlded and favorable effect, reliev ing her more than env prescription she hod ever ta. gen, and before she had used sir bottle,, s o t h e eA pp n . .lintent and delight of her frienda, rho (wind her Twaltb quite restored It is now over year clone the ,ure was effec'ed. and her health remamerfood, show rmg thiwrige woo thorn.hly eradicated from the system. Our neighbor. are knowing to thew nets. n 1.1111,00 very highly of Sands' Sariapgrillw Yours wall :aspect, JI'LIL'S PIKE. En Tree: from r letter received from Mr. N. %V Hee rlen a gentleman well known in Louisa coranty, Va.: :lie:We:nen—l have ared td boy of mine with yu Sernapartila. who a woo attacked with Scrofula., no r det scrofulous furrii.y ••Youru truly, W HARRIS. .•Fredrrinko Hall, Va.. July 17, 1140.7 Sam,. Sans, l'Anti..l.J. —lt seems almost unnecessary mai:met attenuon to an urticle so well known, and ao deservedly popular. as lb. ti preparation, bat paent], often who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, are induced to try worthless compounds bearing the name, nut commanig little or none of the virtue of this oath e root; and we think we cannot confer a greater 1,. befit on our readers than In three wig litelf attention to the advertmemear of the Messrs. Sands in another ro:ll 'lnc bottle has recently been enlarged to bold yurtrt, and .nose who wtsti a really good article will h. iioneetiusten in this the medicinal value of the toot Ihe experience of thousands has proved its ef hear ) to minim Um vuions diseases for which It m r eninrisended. nri.l aI the present time more than any other per), is this toed tem.. useful, in preparing the system for Ft charier of wia.n.—lloma Journal, Sept. 1-4`• Prepared and sold wholesale and retail, by A. B. & I) SANDS. Ingglosts and Chemists, lOU Fulton street, corner of Wini.lll. New York. Sold also by Drag vs. generally throughout the United States and Cana (llP. Puce SI per Bottle; ism Battles for 133 Fo r xnie m Mumburgh. wholesale and rebut, by IL A FA lINNSTOCK. Zr. CO, corner of Wood and F rout •, u rof Stxth and Wood sts; by L fly Il.f'uX. Jr.. comer oC Smithfield and Fourth rto rnt..l corner of Mere., st and the Diamond; also, Eio w A Ft D eor Monona'. Hume. • SALTER'S ;NSENG PANACEA! SUFFERING WITH DISEASED —The mkprrerstrlsed toceen vellich has hohded the how Of the • - n!; vlrton. form, which imutton of the hlrip tames, tor olducr<l- the proprietor agar te call IMGII . thel MIMMEIEg=I EMMEM= f . .,r. if nri!leirtet, urn but the precumn of that fall it •:roy I t.e or m. ,, th rt . how it Om we nip the dentroTerm , tot' we get clear to our cough and o.p,apornoon. to the pohllr. 111. r AND "NIA RE.I E D Y A ,be found In the GLnteng Panacea. In ptv.rorthl. • hay, loon nine to tune punll.hed the ceruficates of 'orop• of our t , e..t knowo raise., who have ekperti • :o o• coit.o , e [IQ v . ' rhe. w/th a mace of to •, 3 i.ang of :hr. “nentry.—from Mt:N OF Tilt; STANDPSO, the liowre.l. As . Logettler wlth wpions Doj Tom JOUR:V.O,4 OF THE DAY. we eae. matahed al pamphlet form, ami may be hut $ $ , l nu) of our agelag througnoUt the country. HUNDREDS OF BurrLEs used In thol etc}. 11161,SANEOg AND TENS OF TIM:YSANDC‘ plough°. the Coiled Slates and Denude, nod we eh& enge any man to point out a - - OlNGlet,' INSTANCE watch, when taken ne - eorbnkt to directions, and Inn the lungs had becofte fully disorgantked, tt has ever tailed to EFFEt - T CURL dy, men, need the afflicted hesitater %t by town to tne unowah.e nortrums, gotten up by unk own individ • for toe assumed name of nallle phy b,•lnn, and palled into notoriety by derttficato• r. par -4,113 equally unknown! tVhtlst a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY cc had, whole vouchers arc at nome,—oar neigh, oCyvhoso it hal, FROM TIER Glt AVE. i/. that thin invaluable medleine Ina) , be placed thlll tic reach o( the poor an well the nob, :re bay. .4! tor pricrat. ONLY FIFTY CENTS, uar Cal t e usuaL Cast Or cough medicines. tt i 'An Lyour agents in nearly every town and villag• L.:se 21, prepared In give full inform. /11:1 relahur to is 1. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, Cinctimai, Onto II YDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, r a.l.kierarann assvin Co., Cu. IR. EDWARD ACKEb. takes Oafs means of re j turnine his thanks to hit (needs and tae public or th,, extrao.lVS patronage he has received, and of in ieC them ha has lately erected a large and •-•, constructed building, for the exclusive purposes k• NVATER CURE EhtTABLISHMENT. at his old awai, at rhillipstiurgli. Pa. on the Ohio , e,Oppo- •Ite the steamboat landing at Theurer, when h. is ti readyo Terms, patients as boarders, and treat lit,ll on Hy. drupaktuc principles. In addition to his long experi ern-e. and the great sorrel. which has heretofore at titled Ins treatment of patients committed is his cars, or has now the additional facilities afforded by an ex tensive builatng erected expressly for the purpose, eon. taining cotrillhoffious and airy roOSIS, and fitted up with , •nrery nece•eary apparatus for bathing, std damints. tering the treatment to if. utmost beneht and comfort of the patient. Plulltpaboreh isa Most delightful and healthy village, easy of .ccss by steamboats, and af fords fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker waren mow afflicted persons was may pates themselves an der hiscare, taat every attenumi shall be paid Cr their comfort: and as Alt assurance °false substantial benefits to he derived. he points with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently cured at his comb lahruent Thc %timer Care Isovu• no irtionoun effects as Is 100 ollrn Loc en.•< with those wao have teen treated on the old system. It removes the Lliarr ens-. Invtgorute• tile system. protects front the dangers incident In change. of the weather. creates a uataral ainl settee appeute, and imparts vigor to the digestive powers. Terms of treatment and boarding reasonable. Far further particulars inquire at the establishment, or address the proprietor at Phillipaburgb. auirttld DR.JA . :CE 8 ALTERATIVE. have been dit'ormed by Alm. Rose of a cure per. tot toed au her by Dr. Jaytaa'a A.D.orrallar•, winch proves .is superiority one; every other remedy of the kind. She has been adbeted for the act SLXICEII 'regal with KS or W S ELLINGS, attended taceratton• and ear/Fatten of cartons bones. do ruin Which tie, nanny pence have been due barged from the,rental bone of the Cranium, from both her n 0,,, wr,ts nod Lando, and from both legs, and from the . lot , nral bone. and from the right knee, trelluief painfal t o, rt . on other pant , ui tree ',rum, which More battlea .11,11 nt u number of u,r .beeteminent col ton en. —Manag area it the time her suderutga have he-to etyma: mg and AvilDrubir About three months o_aro .he It .lidereft IL , try Dr Dlyne's Alterauve orb bat had art nstowshntety happy effect upon her, 0, WITION ng Oil pate and•tor,:;ingr, and mattoma the ret. `watt vot..le at tm-ohony tatty line gee rut analtb t henoebt itnnp tele': re mom; tt that .he now wetgh• 11 , Tor.. d ..ttr colninrheed the use • vartint..c Lee Fer fanner .r'etnnotton. ~.•cf Mr. Door. No 12S I , '.nett rt, l'hl it hot. For •ate— , tara: th. • Fril:i TFA STORE, to liottrth d r V.' env: :Oh R Li TOWNSEND'S SA RSA PARICIJA dosedoses last rermued of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the most ettruordinary medicine in the world: This Ki t' act is put up in quart bottles. It is su limes cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It dcures disease without vomiting, purgtug, meter.' or ebilimung the patient. Loon OUT roa Ouranoms.—Enpnociple4 rams. have copied our tithe:, and put up medicine In the same shaped toddle. see As tech bottle has the written sig nature of S. P Townsend. R. M. SELLERS, Drugglat,l7 Woo-Ist:nay banana ll third and ' , cua, aTownsend's only wbolnanie and retail agent for ratatiuryth A whom, the gentsuna artirle Call ba' had. \I. Crury. bee tsceo neptented me ale ker Allretteity city, of ortiom u,e eencine article can be art CROFT LA ANL/ Si (t f/V lILOCS SWELL INC,h.—Serer la in all its inn/bolted forma wnether in that of .Sings Lvil, enlargements o tfie glands or boaLs, Goitre, White Sant/mess. Uoronic Itheu !natl.°. Canner, oiselDeS of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary consumption, emanate from on. and the saute range. who, . s poison°us p nne i p i. more Of lees Inherent ie the human system. There. fore, holess this principle can be destroyed, tie Fait. cal cure can be erected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a cure roust al necessity follow, no matter under woollen:a the Mscase should manifest itself. This, therefore i. tho M. 0.: v. tiy Jain a'S ALTT.ILITIVI la so ant versalf) successlul in removing sei many malignant diseases. It destroys the vitas Dr principle iron/ whom those diseases have their origin, by entering into the mem/tattoo, nod with the blood is conveyed to the unnelest fibre, removing every particle of 0010320 from the system. Prepared and sold at No. 8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7: Fourth .tree. Pittsburgh ar /h3l NO. r FIACKF.H.F.L-76 k sts we la/ mr law to Mose consignment. (obi DA.L.VELL MISCELLANEOUS. PORTORA INSTITUTE, All eunttt cat, in. V.) ftrf the admission of Toasts V V Gentlemen on Monday. the gat day of April . Taints, .sayteltat at advance) pet session of Sanontas. Estgloth, Clatmeal and Mathematical depart- mem deparmzehl .A 1.03, led :lumber of hoarder" will berehelved. For trehrornualh. reimermes and nddntonal Antarma• enqtnre o: Prmetpal. rOPELAND A. 11 Colle;e, W4l m, EA:Silar, .11 1./garo , : , ` , .....ear from the Royal Selma: o: FAntrkillen. Federal rt. near Iteihnson IL. no3:dtc EDUCATION X . I US & MISS t:II..LAND ervpetifullflnGirm ,hea fiteed• nod the oulalaC. Me. have procured am removed their •clatio, :o it roomy and car. venient boas. 1...e0e GI, et, teeond dwelling cart or Fobenti at whore they are,prepered to rake a few boarder., at ao a row more day aebolors, and where the.' en elowee Emeriti., win oe devoted to instrueuon to all ti , eoNn,a ry r am: he •of Knolls education. ref rrnd rn Mr P':alVmoitri?l'inttsT'ut^7hr Mr A. Short and Mr George Reiter ot Allegheny oily aptit,lt! VENETIAN BLINDS THErentestand best variety overodired in turn e. before—mode on the most approved Eastern plow— and mast fashionable Eastern patter. std.dora. Alan THE CHEAP BOLL, or HOS f`ON BLIND, on band or made to order of al( sizes, and at all prices. Country Merchants and others are invited to call and assocme the above for thetrift/VO3, as nil will be acid witiolesale or retail, mad • liberal dedatitton made to wholesale purchasers, • Boldly A ESTERN El ,T rf , HE SUBSCRIBERS having removed from No. 170 I Not. 172 and 174 Liberty strOel, offer tor sale goods em follows, in store and now landing, vit• 353 bags prime Coffee, new crag 90 ` old government Java Coffee, ISO Ithds prime New Orleans Sugar; 520 Obis Plantation Molasses; 100 St James Sugar Housc Alolasse.7 100 blob. Young Byron Tea.; 40 do Gunpowder and Imperial Ten ne w 40 do Chulan Powehong do, ; 4 crop 70 do catty has V H and XI P do 100 bgs white Brazil Sugar, 60 bla white Ilay•na do, 40 bp Pepper.:') do Alamo,. 100 boxes Mustard. in and 14 cans, 1W do Malaga Bunch RAJILL., 30 Jo Jo do do in hears Str hf bas do do do SO qr do do do 20 oak. 'Larne Currants; 10 bales Stony Almonds. IW Los Richmorid Tobacco, • 50 baskets I:lorded. and Marseille, Olive (hi, SOO Mils and 110 bf I.bla No 3 large Mackerel. 9 " Hooey; 1500 lbs Cheese; 24X0 gall. rimer and spring Sperm Oil; 1000 0 bleached north west Whale Oil, 1051 " and 306,1A0 Crux and Sons Principe Segors, 30.01 M Havana ao 20 In pipes Cognac Brandy, of various brands; 2 puncheom Jamaica Spirits; '1 pipes Holland Gin; 10 quarter asks sup Teneriffe d oe; 10 do Mader do 'At do Lisboa do 40 do Oporto do SO do Sweet Malaga do IS Indian Obis' do do 15 hilds Claret; 20 qr eats Heat Sautern; 40 cases sup Bordeaux Claret, 30 baskets Champagne Wine. 2 doe sup, Stomach Bitters; 200 bbl. pore Rye Whiskey, from I to 3 years old M I L & RICKgrdON Notice to the Public -uirE hereby notify our frictulv andcorrespondents TT at home and abroad, that we will not, goon aat clactrairrxncart, receive freight from any Boat for which J. Newton Jonas Is agent. apll RHODES Jr. ALf.OliN To Consignees and Owners of Goods. Frressonon, April 9, 1619. OWING to the extraordinary • depression in the yel ne of Western currency, we feel constrained to require the payment of Canal freights in rat rime, ec cordtng to the bin colluding. For Penn 'a and Moo Lino—CLARKE& THAW Union Ltnc—HENRY GRAFF & Co.. •• D Leech & Co's Line—HAYS & BLACK. •' littlsham's L,no—WM. BINGHAM. " Reliance Lino—MIO.APFADEN & Co. Pms. Port. BL Line—TA.AFFE A. O'CONNOR Jam Greenwood Garden. rPIIIS delightful Summer Retreat t, mow *pile for me reception o( rimers!, Ice Croons, Fait, Not.. Confectionary, and all the good things nature end an can produev, 'old he served up, in the beet Marines, to the Saloon. The Tea Table will he sptecurgt GS o'clk evConer evetun. y g ducted on Temperanee principles, sink closed 013 Sunday. Bouquets or the choicest Flowers pot up at the short est UOUCO. A large collection of the choicest et tlefiriof Green house Plants, Dahlias, end Anneal Flowing Flit., for sale. • The ner• steamer THOS. SCOTT Iva he ready, m a (ear days, to ran from the:Point to the Garden. A CAaD. TOHN KELLY th CO., tsuccessors to Rath Wine %) tanner tc Co., late Merchant Tuilori,) to. CHESTNUT Street. above Third, Philadelphia, beg leave to inform their (trends and patrons that they have reeelved ihn latest SPRING ANDSUMIER FASHIONS, with a large assortment of ;Vow Style GOODS; compnerng Cloths, Carnal:terns, Yeinings, he. of every description-Ad] of which are of their own im noirtruon. having been carefully veleetedtm Parts, London, ho. lyat ' er . to W orn anitganuFbnie''t'abiaiteorfatvrr met:22am Yfile REBI3ER PASTE—Just recounts, a gross I bottles of Robber Paste. a superior afrucle, highly Important to persons that wtah to keep thelr feet dr) Ii prevent. We leather from cracking, and hill tote a polish over it. For sale at the India Rubber Depot Nu 5 Wood street morn e: AH P LLIPs GOLD! GOLD!! GOLDM GOL HE subscriber, wholesale manaflettmer of JEW T ELRY, invites wholesale dealers and pedlars wa iting South nod West—stlm, country store keepers to call and examine his stock of Jewelry, which wtal be -sold at the lowest prices foe comb or approved accep tances. Constantly on hand and matroia2tunng, large assortment suitable for city or connift trade. E. O. L. BAUM) corner of Fourth and Braaab ais, **tam, aplfhdern Fluladelphia uu ,:i'cbouTl7:lll ptir ' r coven. a n s i . Prtem 50 cents and apwards. , duo, llarpers' Inc ishtion In 2 vole ; a fall simply. liesenius' Hebrew and English Lericop of the Old Testament; third edition, revised, with tare addtuons, etc. Just published. Foe sale by lalap7 It HOPKII , IB, Apollo Batldil Paper Hangings. HSPING purchased nt three of dm largest Facto ries in the East, INew York, Plelladolphi• and lialitruort,l a large .sortment of the newest and most Improved styles of PAPER ke., and mode armngements by which I will be erne bled to procure all new Patterns, sizoolmgeous with their appearance in the Ensern market, I Would in le the attention of those desiring to have there houses papered with the latest stylea h lirper, to call and examine my stock, before purc nelsewhere. I have now on the way from the bast, et,IMO pioces of Gold, Suns Glazed, and common Pape} /langings which I can sell at ponces reungengftom Lanes to $2 P piece. mchla S t: HILL, F7 wood at • Bacon Smoking. HAVING rust compietedthe reirmidingirtour smoke houses, we are now prepared to-receive meat, and emoke it in the moat merchantable manger. The hOLIACr are fined midi all the modern improve. menu, and are capable of enntaining flt, 0 lbs. each. KIER de JOIvEn, Corral. Race, P fm he sa :try. .R C P. hlarkLe l Prepneto s,) are will be constantly supptlng wi th all e Sacralt sues of superior gaahty, winch we offer at the lowest regular pricer,. REYNOLDS &817. E, ===2 PROPOSALS will be received for iklatag W2O tons rat 'rood iron, sunk in Allegheny giver, 6 =lea above Kittanning. Also 140 tons 4 mites above Free port, or mile below MIN Salt Works, between the Island and Salt Works_ The whale to be delivered on, the wharf at Prttsaurgh. ao7 J SOM./021MA KIM IL.Co, 114 wood at Muepratta , Patent Soda Ash. rpHE suirscrlberi are now largely supplied with the above celebrated article, recently received direct from the rautufactorera, via New Orleans/ Per sat!. Jane Ultdden, Carottite Nesmith, pod Far Weti‘ which they are prepared to sell at the-jars; market price for cub or approved bills. W A 01 MITCHELTREE, lOU Liberty et N. B.—Thry will raceme next month another ship ment orta l'hiladelptitsi per ship Globe, and thencefor ward egul•r 'applies. and s. IqCESNB Wlinibt -- rIOLEMAN, HAILMAN le CO. comma° to menu -1..„i facture Small Iron, Spring end Am- Bauer Steel, Plough, Fork and Hoe Steel, Rivets, Spigeu and Wrok Iron Nuts, all sites together with Ouch and Elmbe Springs, hlr Poi, Taper and cowmen Alta*. Hama reduced the price of 'Wrought Iron Nuts, engine builders and others using the aruede, will find it to their alltrfal to give In,. new graneti of Pittsburgh manufactures their attention. o ho ach trimmings and maJeable on-liberal terms Wareuw on t.% liter and Foorth et• febee-tf . • Boarding lYn priv ass family, for • Gainilemwt and his Lady who will furnish his room if required. Locauou in First or Second Ward of tat. city. Addresa d El , Box dl, Volt office, and giro !toms sod location, which will be attended to. apt ~._,___ .___. CIIKAP WA'S...HES—dust iceeirtagoilarge assort. anent M the elimme et gold and alleag,Lpeer W ate h• es ever offered i is this fly ...,..4.--.., Also, my spring Mock 01 he (meat cranial gold and ul cer wgienes, la viral ry. Silver Ware, Military imods. Loam', he. he W W WILSON. aplffcorner lip and Market 05 01 a rkVlran tTal. ---- " - ,ITANTED—A Young Man to a whelesale and re yy tall Dry ueocte Store. Apply at 13 Market so moto.hedll PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PV OLIStIED DAILY , TRIONIMILLV & WM: , Sr as Osumi Buildings, Mitit, tupatik. Pt4l EtAT/L2 0 I? s I hi O. , One insertion or ltlinesi or lets ' SO 50 Two insertioris without al ' terttionn,:ss ....... 75 Three ...... 1 W t One Week Two Week. Three One Month., Two " l'hree . • ar Longer advertisements in same proP° 7 u ,, • One aquare,6 month., without alteration,... 10 Uo . ` . .12 o .... 15 00, Each oddltion.ul square for 6 toontho, . ..... 500 . 12 10 00 One square, 6 months, renewable At' plelgUte, 15 00J " • " 12 " " " 10 1.11, Each additional square for 12 months 10 00 Two square. 6 months, rewableat pleasure, 311 Each additional square, 6 months; ...... 6 0„.„ wasaas on Tlll-OFZILLI rn natty One square. 3 insertions, ...I " •• each additional in5erti06.•....... 31 nom IVO COLDS. Fire lines or less, ono year. ..... 6 Ohl o et months 5 00, one year, doily at weekly, 10 00 " 4• 06 A .,,,,}45,11.15T. tz wzzras For 20 lines, or less, One inserttrus, 60 " Two " " " Thee " 00 " $ E1C2112 I=l2=o at 4 00 i ~..... 600 7 60,t , proportm7l : _:2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers