The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 03, 1849, Image 1
ESTABLISH IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS, : T Z ONG &CROZER,Couunioion Morchanto Asod oleo In Produce, No. Market ee"et Ort bu d . ..-. I. IL lIMOUILD.. W. S. BAIL rGEIVIELD & HAvs, Wholesale dealers in • Dry oods4lirceeries, Boots, shoes. fratabergh snow. ed atticles, &r., No. 210. Liberty street. hur t,. b. lO5 row.= aU Z 07.0. T. =TIM PRJ!..UN /F. REITER, Who <4OlO end Remn Dma g ra i tcorner of Liber:ty d Clair street; Pmo etrl.ll/111 . 10N, 01.. n. 131.01,1. ItowN f COL "• N, Wholesale Grocers. and Commission March , No. lAA, Liberty Pn. deal ly_ A. FAHNRSTCICR k Co., Wholosale rd . Eto, nut Druggists, cortm '2e.:l nod . Glitl , Es, EGAL - Tr & bolerale Gropers, 0 and 80 Wood street Fittabor h. . _ CA- ea.A.Nuvry .. Forwarding and Cora . =salon Merchant., Bnsin, PuGbufgll P.. iachY th.tinellg.•Shia Wels`ks. (NOLEMAN, 'HALLMAN tr. Co, in.a.tiocturen of V Coach and Rho.. Banno4red Azle. Spring and Plough Steel, Iron, ko. W chance on Water non Front talents( Pittsburgh. Aloe, dealers ink Cosa Trimmtngs an Malleable Castings,. octo MARBLE WORIN ON 1,1111.:ATY tiT,IOF POSIT Ii THE HFAPPF . WOOD, FITI'aBFE9 , ,EDDIVNEVWILICiNfia riONTINMI; to mated . ..tore hattnatattatiollortal V Vaults, Tombs, Read Stones,' Mow el Pieces, Cen tre sad nor Tops of foreign and domestic Marble, at a regular and fur pries. N. B.—Dravring• for Monuments, vaults, Sr. tarnish ed, of any darnplion. He solicits a share 'of public peatallege aug9411.1 NM 2. tetoLaM, d 0222 11=112/222. GLLS SI II & KNNETT, (late English, Gallagher Elt CO.) Wholesale Grocers, Corallossioo nod Par warthog Merchants, told deal.. Vrotlace wad Pitts burgh Itlanntartures, N 0.37 Wood as, between .2d mild Sd streets,octl _ GEORGE - - COCHRAN - , C0M1113.1031 and Foorording Merchant. No. 20 Wodd aural. Plod. , reh. myl7 1101LH, 1.10,A46W. FACTORY. HAMILTON HIRWART. manufactarer of Heavy Shining., Cheeks, &e., Rebecca street, sta y of Allegheny. norls-illyo ---- -- - __ . 11. LEE, lelreCessor to _Murphy k 1...-, j Wool Deal . er and Commission Merchant, for the sale of American Woolen. Liberty. opposite sth at. febl7 .__ . ._ . — WIl. FILL., 130.0102000. IL r.scmcsost, 00000.00 V1Z..., i pha . d .. n. c. becalorox, 1.10 1 A. W 1 1 5. ,1 1 HLD 11 IfUCHNOR, Tobacco Commission hier casing, 41 North Water et, k 10 North Whary ea, Phila. nor3U-tf WWI ACM, lOU= DICKEY, It, ISAIAH DICKEY & Vo., Wholesale Grocers, Cow, minion Merchants, and dealers in Produce, Nos-513 ater. and 107 Front tore., Pittsburgh nova T B. CANFIELD, Date of Warren, tutto,) Commis e/ i yon anß Fctrivercing Merchant, and wholesale er:ler m Weuern Reserve Cheese, Bauer, Pot and Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Water meet, between Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. ap3 ITOHN WATT; (successor to Ewagt Ic Gebbart,) Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, ealer in Produce and Pittsburgh r fdimufaetures, cor ner of Liberty and Hand streets, P ittsburgh Fa. ial26 1 AMES. fi Me7DUIIIE, (lam of the 6 of Algeo and 1 11 McGalrr,l Merchant Tailor, St. Charles Buthllav, Thurd streeS_near Wood, 'Pittsburgh. JAMES A. HUTCHISON, y. Co.—Sueceoeori to ill flutehii6n & Cotammaton Merchants, sod Arcata of the M. Louis Steam Sugar Rablicm. No. 45 water and 92 front .trot.: Pittsburgh: B. DILWORTH &Co , tc times ale Grocer. Pro . data and Commission kletclthis, and Apia's the Round Powder Co. of ts. V., No. 27 Wotsl Pitlabmgh. D. MORGAN, Wholesale Draggiik, and deiti tWJ es lo Dye Sara , Paints, Oils, Vaibuslies, Az, No. 03 aid guest, ono door South of Diamond Alley, Piss burgh. janl AISIF43 REZA, Jr., It Co., lencoessortnioseph G. J I;tto,/ StoliChanillats, 35 Water streeL .31 IORN H. MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer J in Mode, and Musical . Instruments, School Boots, Pape; Slates, Steel Pens, quills, Printers' Cards, and Stationary generally,No,El Wood si., Pittsburgh. hmITL . O2r taken io ithde seplp JSCHOONMARER A Co, Whoiesalc Draggisth, • No. 04 Wood rm. Pothhur: h. IOHN D. DAMS, Auctioveer, corner rah alp oo tP streets, Pittsburgh: two: JGIENSTON to STOCKTON, Bookseller', Printers it and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market st., Pitts. ku 1 710110 ILICLUILD fIaUTD. J&IL FLOYD, (Imo J. Floyd k C.o.,).Wholessle Grocers. No. 192 Liberty street. sep3 TAMES DALZELL, IXbolcsale Grocer, CC13.1111/101.1 fame/mot, end dealer Produce .ml Ilusburgh Jdanufacturen. No. 24 Wow! . n., Mltstmmb_ ms ic .. • •...! 4011 N hi. TO*Ne/PiD, Druggis old Apothecary, -,4,11 "Sim 457kleerketat.oirree deers sbovilTbire v. Pam , burgh, will hams oon.tandy unhand is sea selected Ks sormsent of the best saddreshest filetheiney which he . mill sell on the most teasoosble terms. rhyffiCl.ll.llll ®ding orders, will be promptly Intendedly:4AM sop. bedvrith snicks they may rely opouns gegyitne. Physicians Preseripuons will be sitaileittely and • =y prepared from the besprantelials, at say beer of .My or night- Also for sale, a largeetock of fresh nod good Perfu mery. Mal 11:5 & JONEATt'oriirse;long chants, Deiterr in 'Produce and Pitminuph mum eurred •nricleo;tanal Basin, near Tdoid: PENN =a., RITTSDIJitiaI„PA. JS.,EINNEDI, CD U-M E CO., Alunuhtuurors of very superior 44 81sesuags, Curp s ielilkuln, Cotton Timone sad Baulog. ja3o-ty Vaiiiviu." Iron Wo lEWIZ, DALZLLI.a. Co., manutisotarers of all st- J Zus W ar Sbact, bailer Iron wadi(an Nails of the nen quality. ehousa, Itt water l* frata .- janl9 j[..,8 NATEBMAM, WOoicluile GmOm Fromm ing and Commisuon Morclooa, DeLoor to "Pan. nrjgh glanufactores and Prodono, Non. :11 Water at i t. rl and ea Front m 180:14111I• • . KENNEDY a. SAWYER, OOKING GLASS Manufacturers, and WhOlesale JU dealers In foreign and domestic Variety Goods. Western merchants, Pedlars and others are invited to call and eramine the prices and insality ofonr stock, ... with one present ummased faelliues in nianatamer.. Pm and purchowng, we think me man offer . great imlneements to bnyersoa any other house weinof the Blonetaiant. m_e-ly • - MEN mali. it. flood.. ViA.LTHA C. 800. IyIeGiLLS RUE, WhOleatde firoceri and Commis %ion Merchants, No. 104 Liberty' W., Pittsburgh. jet _ - -_- IlliPl4l WILSON A CO, (late Jones, Murphy IV.I Co.) Wholesale Dealers in. Dry. Goods, No. 49 Wood atreng, Pittsburgh. novtl _ s.. sox. 0. stmts... iyl ALLEN A. CO., Musa and Forwarding Merchants, Water mud Front stn., between Wood and Market sic . l oo6 • WIC . 11.1CILIMION• ILL RICAETSON, Wholesale Orouers and Mernhant.., No.l7o,l d iberty:st, Pitts & P. patl4 MATTIIEW WILSON, Fortran untraintniurePau). ter. Boor., corner of Post (Mace Alley and Forth tweet, entrance on 4th near Market. NNHOLMES A SON, Nu. 53 Market et., second a de/or horn corner of Fourth, dealers to Foreign and Domestic Hills of - Exchange, Certificates of Depot n, Bank Notes and Specie. OollectiOns. mad on all the urine-teal cities thughouuhd United State. deer/ • - NI3I.IOaIAIiTES., Atnazstare- - -01fice, Foot& at, third door above Smithfield, wadi side. orsymicing of all laud. done with the greatest care end accuracy. ' Titles le heal Estate eitmined,,rce. Oets l ( 6 lY - rrnibeaciesta Pollee Wanes O. 108 FOC6TII STREET.--Cornmining Marti. ALntexas Surd- Chief of Police ' Dosser Grfl, Jal6-d31:101 A El4itolberts in. b., Oirribuauc SUItUEON, ;rill attend to the treat. MGM of Diseases of the Eye. Dr. 11.. has been engaged m uns branch of the meth. cal profusion for stamen ears, and yam conducted an eaUllishment for the licatment of diseases of the rye alone for several yearl. Oradea and residence, corner of SitOdnidrY a sad Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. ' actLl , PEKIN TEA STORE .tic. 72 Fourth "010 - ; st,nenr Wood—All queonnet Of Orion and Black Teen, done np , in qtntr,. hilt, ikon o.op~~ Packages, Mg, r Agt. fre t "" Yek . : n per pound R°BERT MIAMI, Whoiesure Grocer, iteoutymil i Die - tiller, dealer ho Produce, Puisburgh Dhinufac teXes,und ell kinds 'cit Foreign rind DCOSBC•iIe Wine. and I.Jouore, No. it lAberly sheet. Chi hood a very !are stuck of superior old hiououruhela Whorkey, Pi:lntl will he sold low for cud,. ap15:11 • - apyfai itosimutai, SAXrit. rustriergs. ROIJIN4iON lc Co, WitoligsgleGcsigert, Produce and Cittligmtigkitliferrhants, and Oculars tit Mts. IThsaufacturegi Do Lamm , at., Pittsburgh. Pa. • Pittsburg ISEILT LIALZISI2 , tel Co., Wholesale Osocera, Commalgloo and Forwarding Merchants, dealers Proddee and Fahsbarga blanufaelhres, Linerty eittsburge, Fn. f01e.14 .01/1. A. CLIISININUHA3I, Wholesale tarOCAT' Des/er in Produce and ratsborgb Alanalsetures, .144 I.l,eety et. tyl2 bIi'VNULLni, it MU, Foriaardsng and Consults/o¢ .114, /Merchants, for the Allegheny Weer Trade, steal• en in.Grocertes, Produce, Pittabrugh hl.ufactures and Chionde,af Tnehighestprices t in cash, paid at all times for coon tr, Corner gra...4 Irwak.rhh. 0 innsr k JOHNSON, Wholesale ILII d Retail Dealers He illinery ("nods, Laces, liOniel7 nnd Artielee. No. Anninrlket street, JO door *boy. T1. 411. ‘" Vittslin' • kat, I. C. Zuwc.J..ali, SQ HACh.LETT • W; svho-k.w. Deidoll to Fornign and DOM c Dry 0004. No. 09 Wood et. Passburs,L.febl7if it W. lIARB4II H, Wpol 51osem3ts Dealers O. in Now and Prod co generally, od l Poils9s9ing mod" Commission ?kitsch/I-nu, No. &Maier fit., Pitts. burgh.. • CrD33TII, BAGALEY & Co., Wholesale Grocers Cod Produce dealers, No. tYT Mar keihtract, between sth and 61h.. North !ode, Philadntphia. navy w. silts - rsniraBll.toes rhino., ssairs.s... t i ELLERS & NICOL:3 7 Produce aad com. saiwou Iderchefits, No. 17 leiberly at. , Palabasgts. perm, Liusecrl sad Lard . • L*ih VON BONNIIOR,Sr, a. , Wholepl. era, Foreratiiipg arid Conumslion Merchants, Pittsburch N , lnnufactures aye Western boo, kayo romovo.olo hen . new , sraregecuse,me corner of tont and .y L. heal WROTH dc SCOTT, liibolega: , iandlietaxi dealer; IT 1 Boozer Almost TrUnka, Curritt.laag, 6. 0 me, 411&, rit4bus.:tl,Pa. • LABSEY 1 b 3Eat t Nvirtesx!ie Glace" nod comma.. i na rb .. .l2icn . a accent 111 . , uce, w .W 11.90.14, Dealer in . Wracbeit, Jewelry, • H. e er Ware,OlittaY 0 00,1 14 4 , No. b 7 Mar a -04 x, .• . .- •. , -.- - . . . , • - 1 • -...--,.....,..,..,,,,...--..-,„, ..„....-- ~, ....,.... „•.. ~,,,,,,,--,,,,,,,...„.„.. , „-_,......—,- . _ . . , . . . „ , • , '7' :H•1 ,' i 7...) - ,7:1 :', ? ' 's ~ ,-- - ~, -• •s, .•s ~ 7 T .. z . , r ... . . •ll • '.., .. , ~• • • ~.,„..„ .: S , if , iki . -..,y,i_ ',..51 7 :: • . - 7: • ' • • '''' ' 1. Ai CARDS. DAVID CASIMAISS. tj,7 & i‘PCANDLESS, lanocesson to L. &J. D. yy Wiek,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Cortur6soin .111ere&aots, dealers in Dom Nails, Glass, Lemon Varna, and hosburgh 2danufaconres generally, Wend and Wetcr Ptusbarsh• vue:fr DOWEN—Commosion and Forwarding Ty Merchant. N 0.90 Front st. between Wood and Markel streets. febni W. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Famrsh , y estalilistunent, No. 344 Liberty in- near the canal ma r 35 . . . _ . WWIL iRLIRP,DN' t Wholesale and Retail dealer Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north cast corner of Market and Foumb star augll IAT M. YOUNG & Co.—Dealers in leather Ltda.. rec. 143 Liberty st. eVerreattosc rorim.aCcurcnumh - - - W& R_ 2 VCUTCIIEON, Wholesale Grocers, dea lers In Produce, Iron 111•1111, Glass, and Pm& burgh Manufactates generally, 162 Liberty id, Ptts burgh. W deck W.W:AiN.Watates,leweiry, Silver Ware, • fi. and Minutry Goods, corner of Market and 4th streets, Piusbergb, Pa. N. D.—Watches twd Clocks Cat dee{ Wii.l,lAM &Unit, AlatLe iolllrer of Cowan and - colored Linen, Friwi for Dresses, &c., Scartng Stlk and colored Cotton Fnugeit for silk and glnghtun Parasols. Gimp. Mohair, and Silk Bullion Pringes, madeJto ordni on the shortest nonce. . . . . • • •• Sruhk. corner ofhlatilen Lane and Willtain, entrance No SS William street. third Boor, over Abner & klysit store N 63 Maiden Lane New York , o _ iy lb_ WA: Al. .1111TCHELTREE, Wholesale Grua,. t Acetifying Distillers, and Wine said Light,. ge ' rebants. ALso, Importers of Soda Ash and Bleach tag Powder, No. 160 Liberty street. Plttsburgh, l'h sera. _ -- . - - iviettee PETTIORMW A. Co., 1 STEAM BOAT AGENTS On-m., Alums M. AIL." tr. Co. oct.ll No. 42 Water street. INSURANCE Th. Franklin . Fare instsroom Co. of .Philadelplita. I.) ll lo E biT4 t3 rgo Ct' er . ; i" S am uel t " :2:: ` . i. T .o h :rs t mt - Gcr W Richard., Mordecai D. hewn, Adolph° E. Dyne, David S. Brown, Monts Patmrson, Camas.. N. Ilauciraa Preaident. Charlet G. BanCker, Secretary. Continue to mato anaconco, perpetual or.nnited, on every description of property to town Mr country, at rate. n Into .sure consistent with security. To Compisny havorcserred a large cooungent Fund, which with.Derr capital and Prmmums, aathly invest ed, afford ample protection to the amazed. The omens or the company, on January lat. 'Mu. as publushed 'ammea.bly to an net of 11...embly, were an fallowA o via .re. Real :state Temperer. Loans Sam. Cash, :cc. 81-.T.H.46 , 4 71 Stoop their incorporation, a period of 19 years, they bare .paid upwards of one million four hundred Moo. and dollars, losses by fire, thereby alforthog evidence El . the advantages of inaomnee, as well as the ability and di/position to meet with promptness all 1. GARDINER LOFFIN, .gent, marl-dly Mee 71 E corner Wood and 3d D.ELAW ARR. EEC T CULL IDISCIULNCIC CO. EPOIIY FINNEY, Jr, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del. warehtetno4 Safetylostuanee Company of Phila.. adelphiA Fire Risks upon buildings and merchandue of every deaermtion, and Marine Risks upon bull, or carpi:ma of vessel., taken anon the moat favorable ten.. . Othee to the Warehouse of W. B Hoar., .1. Bro., N 0.37 Water, new Market creel, Ptusburgh. N. B.—The &access of this Company since the eatati. lishnneut of the agency in tins city, with the prompt /Jess and liberality with which every claim upon diem lor tdas has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in writing the confidence and patronage of his friend, and the tommunity at large to the Delaware M. S. lose. ranco Company, while it has the additional adv on institution among the most floaristung P= ptua—os having an ample paid-in capital : winch by the operation of its charter to anima:lndy Increwing, as yteldhig oi each person insured his due share of the profits of the company, without revolving him in any respotutitolity whatever, and therefore as pro:mewing the Mutual priucgple divested of every obnoxious fest. tore, da most autictiVe (OM tior4 Info . ateitiNw. INSURANCE. 'yak Ineuraucts Company of North America, through 1 as duly titalthrized Ayunt. the subscriber, alien make permanent and limited Inouranea Otl property, at this City and lu viesuity, and uu shipments by the Cu rial tool ktic n. sornq W. Jones, tiennard timnh John A. Brown, Jobs Mute. Moans P. Cope, Saranoi S.nah, Saxaoc I Brov4 IDuatt D. SIISLILE11), Seey This Is thr oldest Insurance Company In the United States, having heen chartered in 1.111. Its ehnrier perpetutil;miti from its high standing. long expenen«, ample meant and avoiding all, risks of an area hut odious diarsetrt, it may be considered u oirtemg am ple security to thr public. W P. JONLI.U. alt." . the Clowning Room of Arwood, Jonrs Co., Ws ter and Frontal/eels Pittsburgh mays Fmk:anti mAILAZYIL IBEVILANCE. rrofection IfMinim Co. of Hartford, Conn CUARTE.RED IN las • rIAPITAL LIAIITED—IPORCOO—AND SURPLUS ll PUND.—The undamped, tiering been apintinieti Agent of the Proteetton Laurence Co , will take risks on property to the city sod sterna), end on shipments by canal, end the rimers and lakes. P.O k Err I: utto WN. Offiee, No. lei %Cowl street ,_,' THU SU : he h. Lees appointedA4er: pro tear. oi the lusuraoce Corry.orny of North Amerma, andsiflll /Inc robbieb sad attcue to the other business of the Ag%d:y. at thew arehouse of Atwood, boor, b. , ... apl . 2 WNI I' /ONES. water id FORWARIIING & COhI4IBSION OM=CI O. R. 11/011.110 8.1,411.1X1... OH A.R.Lz w rc. D&NENHOWER & CO. TOBACCO GUNIC/18801 1 1 Alliffl.llllTS, N 0.59 South Wharves, No. 117 Booth \ Voter st_ • PHIL f. ptixis to inform the ,rom and dealers gm, of Pittsburgh, that they ca v e made sorb arrtiagt tavtts h the Virsbilti rarnolliacareri •nd the Grown" of the West, \test lathes, 111.11 oilier places, as will off the large and constant supply of the following descop dons of Tobacco, which will be sold upon as accom modating terms as any other louse in tots city or else where, and all goods ordored from them will be war . rentod equal 10 mpresentouom tit- Havana; Domingo; Conn.; Yam; Porto Rico; Penn's-, ',Stied Leaf to a; Igauto fr.. Florida, S. baeug ALSO-13.a.ach's celebrated Aromatic Bag Caven• dish, watt • forge usortmeat of miter popular brands, and qualitm vi pounds, Is. 12s, Um and Ws, Lamp; se, 6, es mmt DM Plug; ,Lashes' Twist, Virpota Twist, fee. •arcce and plam, to whole and hell mum, wood sad an, top•ther with aviary variety of oracle belong• ing to the male. feladly _ • WOOL, FLOUR. AND PRODUCE. LYMAN, REED k CO., to Reed, Hurd & Co ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOSTON, !B&BS. Panicalat tantalum paid to the sale of all hunts of Pre duce, and liberal advances made ou conargamenre. L. B. & Co. have Rave to refer to— Mews It Robison &. Co. Pznsburph hteom & BAB, Reed, Parts & Co., Beaver, v Loom. Covode Wellsville, U Roswell Marsh, E;q. tileubenville, EL Heady, Ell.q. W P Paterson, Esq l . v Wheeling, n R Crangte & Co. " Gill & stoat, Rhodes & Ogleby, Bridgeport, 0. deeff7.d&wwayind JOHN A. SHAW, PACKER OF PORK Alrl, BEEF, Commission Merchant and Forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST„ CINCINNATI, OHIO Ur' Paruculas attention paid to the purchssing of f any article of Produce in thts market. Amo in the • warding of Goodsgeneratly Refer to Meg. rs. John gummy A Co, Martin A Stockwell i•Cmcmoun, 0. O. C. Parkhurst, Esq. Lim: Simon A Co. Kier & Jones, Eoglteh & Bennett, }Piniburgh, Ps mamdthe • ORURO ke. COCHRAN. COMIXIIJ•1011 and Forwarding Merchant. no. 20 WOOD sr., rrrrasenon, GONTINUES to tronsnet, a general Comentssion bust tom, especially IL the purchnse and sale of Mam ean histauLactures and Produce, and to receiving and forwarding (ktards cornagned to his care. As Agent the tha Alanuftientres, beall be constantly supplied with the principal entries of Pittsburgh Slanufientre at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and constglortenu are respectfully solteiont. 697 . CARD. M,EGOLF , , ERCIIANDItIE BROKER uid Comnueslon Mer• chant, No. 36 ooh Prod street, {second story,) Philadelphia. E r Utkoals purchased, packed, insured, and chipped or d.. Wool, Flo., Oraln, Dried 'Fruit and Cheese received on consignment and suit age, with insurance obtained. IlLecniedices—Win. Nell a Soo, Sir. 11. Flighy; and Mr. Harvey Childs, Pittsburg.h. GEORGE A. BERRY, WHOLESALE 0D.00E11.8,. FOBWIIIIIhU AhU 0031111188108 11E11CRO7 Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns & Pittaburgh Manufacture. generally, NO. wooc rms.. rms. anti, MIGILCE.M., if AC/TILERS & GO, COMMISSION IVIERCHANTS, For the Bale of Produce generally. l o,r. Liberal advances made on conetgameet, -1.24-drear4mT rii • Commie:ion and Forwarding Agenit yd. lIARTOBI, Pittsburgh, will receipt Produce !ping East febl4d2is D. & C. R. T. LEECH, JR., In , and Dade - sin Foferign and Dome:du Saddlery Hardware .1; Carriage Trimming', Mos 133 Wood sit, Pittsburgh:4 Pa. IBnow rem:dung his Spllng supply st Goods, and Invites the Ist:milieu o( Bad dlen Coacbmakers and Merchants to hinstanC. It has been bought upon lbw best terms, Prom the bent worse. and he therefore feels confident of being due' to afford satisfactiod to ha who may favor him with a. call. m e T _ 0 Mk:RH CANTS AND PEDLARS , --Sairrn & Jonason, 46 Market street wishing to close their Swok of Variety Goods previous to their removalordl nen at wholesale their stock at Combs, Buttons, Nee -1 dies,Threads, Pins, Jewelry, &a., at cost. 11. &J. well remove en April 2d, to No 69 Market et meta , - - HARDY, JONES & Co., isuccessors to Atwood, Joni, & Co.) Osnamlsamu and Forsmding Mer• eltsals, desdess m Pdtsbuish Manttfitotured Goods, rtstsbarp, P.. rad?? WILL rho mend to collections and all other busi ness earl:tined to him to Butler and Aralgt2Ong counties. Pa. Refer to I 13 SWEITZF.R. At:.•rutt et Late. office 3.3 •t , opanstte St Casein. Hetet, Pantbanta. veal also attend protaptly o Colleettoan, to ‘Vtattunttnon FIT.. and Omen tonnes, Pt REFER TO Blackmock, Bell A. Co., Church le Carotheyw I.Pitudiurgh D T. Forgan, J. RENRY, Attorney' and Councellor at Low. Cincinnati, Ohio Collect tor. to Southern 0100. rod in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and corn fully attended to Committnoner fer the Bt.! of Penn sylvania, for taktng Depoeitionr, acknowledgmenu, fee he. Rwrim ny—Hon. Wm. 801 l 8 Son, CUM, Church carothers. Wm. Hays, DN.. Wsltems fr. DI. IX. 093 A TTORNEV AT LAW. Other removed to Fourth street. between Smithfield and Grant street. lag.-03m • Tlum.op & SEWELL, attorney ni Low, Wires on Sranhfiold, between 3d . 4in sts - - - J OHN 11. NANKIN, Attorney find Counsellor at Law Jand Commissioner for the State of Pennsylvania St Louis, No., (late of Pittsburgh.) Itassimacm.—Pituburgh: Hon W Forward, Ilarop- An & WCandless & M'Clure, John E Parke. Dissent. & Semple. arCord & ELM • febkly JOHN T. COCHRAN. 4 TFORNEY AT LAW. Fourth street, between /I L Smithfield and Grant. jal2-d6m Will. C. FRIEND. — _ ATTORNEY AT I.AVV. Fourth .trees, near Want. jalSaly VET O. li. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law. nee re ,' moved hie Gam to the Exchange Buittltngs, St. Blur in., next door to Alderman John., apl7ly BATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. DOCOLLD & CO" ji(Successors to M'Cord & King) iga bi P••hlonable Ilatt•iso Corner of IVmd mu! FlitA Struts. ARTiCULAA attention paid to our Retail Trude. Genttemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from our establitihment of the near rases:lusts and seuegyaroarre, of the unmer neet-En. and et the LOWINIT Country Merchants, purchumne by wholesale, are respectfully invited to call and ezmulie our Stock, an we can any with confidence that as mew& QCLUTT and TRICII. a will not Mlle in a conaparlioin with any bowie F ... lnladelphia. febl7 CALIFORNIA HATS-12 dor water proof California Hats lust received and for male by Irc,,RD fr. Co. lehll corner sth and Wood no 61,037 439 41 • 61,7331 17 • 96,001 65 53,53.1 .15 34,604 3" Fa SPRING FASHIONS FOR 11149e4 M'CORD Co will Introduce on Satur. dhllliday,slareh sd. the Spring style of HATS Tito. in want of neat and imparter hat. are Invite to call at corner of sth and Wo , td atreeta mart! STICINO BONNET RIBBONS. he —W R Murphy has now open a supply of s prom Boon, flatibolis, of new and handsome styles. Also, new style fig'd Netts, I.lsle Lace. end Edg ings; Liacußdrangs, Victors do, plaid M o.lto and Jaconets, embroidered Sense Moulton, .&r.,heti,. a !rule 0.111.021M0111. of llf ring . oods generally, at north east corner 4th and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms no rtstr• lIIPORTANO TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. liose'l Celebrated liemedics. riH JACOB S. ROES, the dt.covere r and sole pro pnetor of them moor portst!er nod benefie.el med icines., and sins th e torenior or the celebrated inmen rnent for Inthititlg the Long,effecutm a core of Chronic diseases, was a • {Ude! of Mat eminent plias, man, Doctor Phy.rC d!• a 6 radume of the Um arm, ty of Pennsylvania., mid for thirty yet.r,sMee has beer. enraged in the investigation of disease. the appir• canon OT remedies thereto l'hrough the we of his taflanng tuba. in coil eciroo with lus Prophylaehe Syrup and other of ins rein ho has gained an unparalelled eminence . arms those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con. suroptton, Cancers. Scrofula, Ftheumnican horn ma, Fever and Ague. hewers on nil kinds. ChTolllr Krya, pr ies, and all thew ohounate diereses peculiar to tetisa.'es Indeed every form of chaease v.o.hrs under the ii sr of Ins rented., to which Mullah/1y is be,r—not up 1, to ase of ane compound only. or that ia incotaputtb 'c grub Physiological Law. but hv the an. of hill mem - dies, adapted to and prescribed l'Or each pee u,ahr torn or disease @SEEM Chums Taylor, Ambrose IV bite, Jacob M Thomas, John R Ned . , Richard D Wood, Wm. Welsh, Fruics Um:liens, b...1u," A.W.OOr, ARTHUR L: COnFIN, Umr L Dr. Rose•• Tonle Aliarauve .when U.ed at, rartzthly astnovriodgett to he r,ltyr-nor ro .11 whet. wa a purptneo or liv, Inasmuch N. rl,, y ,• •v. • howels pertechy free Irma •• •st.. al-e h.. Golden is ado:tined 1,) locally to posse pe lint properties adapted IC letnale diseases, hat being strutted thai a bare train la Stlfil••Ift11I la estabiun what has been said in thewud• of the most skeptical The tinseled ere malted to cal upon the agent, nod proedre (emus) one of the Doeuhrt yarn plaints, gialog a detailed ACCI.III/ of each remedy and its ipplication. For sale by the following arch., as well a. by most Druggists throughout the eottutry: J kchoentonker k Co, 04 Wood street. Pltuaborgh. 1 :11 Townsend, druggist. 4.5 Market at Lea A beekharn, - near P Ileatten!, lit). Jo. Barkley, Darlington, Rea net county, Pa Juo V.l.iot,_.E.unon V , • T Adams. Deaver. • 11.4; , .11. PAIN IN Till: S'iDE AND RELY—llaving a for woe bean di•,,s•ed ultta a sove:e blunt° she .we and cher, necoropan.ed Name dry row; n. I was Induced. upon Lut urger: sol. citation 01 a cod, 10 Dr Taylor, Sari ot I.Jaer • wort, and I Int,t nay thl. n:m.di,m• hal sotevecred parposs admirably My dtatres* ven• pn .d red by a severe hurt and was no great that a was Iran doteulty I cou.d .W 1.00 %. ray food. Indeed, I am.atisfied this diseafte 11101“ to led in Consumpt. on. or roma., lata dnseuse, nad si not been cured to. th • iuthetnus med.c:ne ro arbn s.ek to prolong t. nett .1000, I Would adv..< the use of Dr. Taylor's m of lA•er w?" JAMF) , 60W AN bowery Phu inedielite factatates expectoration. reiNees fe. ver, re•bire strebgth, and mayconstilered a• a 411- penal. prep...lan for the cure preve, on di seasos in ,he Chest and lain, and •tiould resot i• ed to, Oven idler these thwaW• ' have roomed the usu• al remedies In the pi - active of thts obi arid very re spectra, pliyoic/an, lbw Balsam of Lsverwort ha. a• . quirril an notable reputation for its virtues. et. supe rior to that of the abundant nos trim. of the day, en was the character and probity of ite inventor. to that of quack. and empirics CON,ILINIPTION Ct.:YU:a—My .on aarmg a vio lootcold, used to cough violently, rsagtog quad be. ot thick putrul cmer, sad finally be could not tont over it, Led, t'toto wealtne..s. lie 1911ntfe,acti every Tope =EI PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1849. LAW OFFICES, WM. TIM/11.1N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa J. it. R_ - Floyd, Liberty xt W. NV. Wallace, do Jame, Mantuall do PktAbwzb Kay tc Co st MEDICAL. tom of remhrened co.tromption. For ma year. he had been ailbjeet to the union.. Hi, phystetao.. kle• , r‘ Vermou:e & Altdermaa, mad ho e. wrabl and toti.l soon de.. Vol I was determi ned ur try Dr. le,' tor'. Balsam of Liverwort, owl &mange 1.• it may ap pear, that medico. hoot fully restored hi. heal tit SOPHIA IiALLUN, II Norfolk atroei Sold In Pittabornb by J U Niorgan, V 8 IV° od et . J Towneend, 45 Idatl,n At . nsmyret. COT Ma rant and 3d N.; liender.on 6; Co, 5 Lato,rty et Nneo to 1.1.50 per bottle laYl Jay - rsie• , Expo ctoramtr Scum. Colunariaon co., 0., Apr. dl, Icli. D. JAY:I:EH' Lacs thar—l (not bound to you L and the tamed eu to resod myself of rum ap pOrtonny of gram g :oo:.11c htic, to the extraordinary effects otyour Expecte rant on myself. Has mg been affirmed for several year. 7•11/1 aaevem rough, beetle (ever and its conconotant diseitagc and seemed only doomed to linger out a shoo but maseruble existence. until the fall of WM , when. being more to rely Atureted. and basing resorted to all my to rater rear ethea, and the p re. acripttone of two of the meat respectable ,shystetaris the netthborhoorl without den ring any be oat, or the consolation of surviving 'Jai a fess : days re weda at furthest—when the last gleam of hope mca about in vanish, I had recommeo ded to me your khepectoratit— and bleared by that Rau ig who does all !hangs to the use of the nmans—cad contrary to the IlipeCtallOn• of my phyaictons and (hands, I was in a few days raised from my bed, and was enabled by the nor of it bottle. to attend lb my businesa, enjoying .nice better health than I had for ten years ph.vious. Reapectfully yours, be., Jas. W. Ertlll. For sale hi luttstrargh, at the Pekin Tea Slum, 7V Fourth street rnmeffi 1,1,1.r51 ATl°tme . Vrse , N , Ell —he mgh ly Vinegar render it um 'opener to Cologne water ior the ordinary purpo• rs ef the toilet, surpecung the lat• Mr to its pertunte it prevents and removes pimples, ' letter stud asperity re the *kit, it refreethms and white,. the aklo, rradeting it toll arid Nam., It corrects the hater and bher taitte themouth, imparung a fresh and pleasant breath. Itc oanses cid white ns the teeth, and hardens roma For all the above pu poses, u t.omd with water n ouch nrodoruen as may foe y tnhallng it and rffialuitg it On Met emples. it chi rem eve headache. If uppited tastantly to a burn or brut.e,it willvventnally pre sent mewl...ion etrrect vit.ated air, and guaranties from contagion; it IV thrlefOre very useful for purifung and perfuming tips rtmcnm. For sale t., R F. SELLERS, Wholcsay Druggist, mch.7l 67 Wood street ffittshargh Venne•see. FIN la to oe 'lffy that I purchased one viol of Iry T Worm Spe-effie, tome two months ago and post to a so of none. some seven yeus. old. two nininseXinsi fall, end ulthottgit the amount may appear 'ro, T.,. 1 have no doubt but mere upwarla of rum Trcsoan. worms lituokni front him, rammunog Soto oast quarter of an Inch to two inches long. W HOLLIDAY Roma'. 'tack, Corral oe. Tenn. Ike 0. 1-47 ,t 12.1 S ka.D.RS' IN (it UItllA 'ln, 1-19 51r. H. R. Seller,.—Sour Versnauge has said a cad hna been highLy spoken of by at! who bass trout It. From the armee. , attending the lientlinglre:lo/1 or your Vernufuge to every cave I have heard Of. I run confident can sell more during the corning season •Mati I did hut I aril. oc. pad to reeeme another sup ply oftorb groom. k our. respect . [Entrant from letter., ItCARTER Prepared and sold by IC E. SF-1.1.1 57 WOOd st, and sold by druggists generally. In P 1 tmuurgh and Ai legituv pbte.: 111a11111017 -- Z. g• rbribthh. 80. a. YEATALAN, PITTMAN CO., FOIMARDING /I GOIIIIIBBIIIN Ant:11101'8, " d . sY to' Lis, AU. raCh27-dartio REMOVAL. 'TILE subscriber has removed his Wholesale Grace. r)* Store to the corner of Hancock street and Al.c- IthenY Wharf, next door to the Perry House mell27.aixf JOHN F PERRY Al'ltlL—Justoienii7g, • ittrge seleate4 assort. noon of tine Watches and Jewelry, Which wit) be sold est:beep as in eliy wther establishment be this or the tune. mune. Also--A large tot of earitmqnone Watches and Jew elry, at very low prices. Fall jewelled IT karat timid Levers, eis Wete u thlro.five dollars. W W W11.14)N, inah2o corner 4th and market sts I , or Greenwood CiArdena. (rtHE new told fast ntang ittestn bunt THOMAS SCOIT, leaves the Greenwood Wharf DIM. at the Point, every half hour dustily the day, landing at the gArden gate. A foie collection of the Choicest breenueuee Plants arc for tale in the (elude.. lee Creams and other re freshments (attached in Lbe vadoons _ ........ - b onn etoguo pm We at the shortest [mute Orders left at the I:hari ill receive prompt crams. ovel COPARTNERSHIPS Dissolution FjOIE co-partnership heretofore existing bemireen the j subscribers, in the name of Friend. Rimy it Ca . was thin day dimived by mutual amsens Geo. Rimy will mole the bu•ineaa of the concern, for which im pose he of authorized to use the name of the firm PORTER R. FRIEND, JAMES WOOD, OEO. RHEY 1=1:21 Co-Partnership. The subscribers have this day assomated themselves in the name of RHEY, MATTHEWS et Co.. for the purpose of trrill.ttinif a general Heronry. CarralliSliOU and Forwarding Rosiness, at the stood oLthe law firm of Friend, Rhey A. Co., where they will be pleased to receive the patronage of the customers of that hoese and our frimlds. EV GEO. RFIEY. LI MATTHEWS, WM. EBBS. MEM= We Mke pleasure ta recommending to the couldeime of our friends and those of Ftiend, Rhey ft Co . our success°, in business, Riley, Matthews & C 4. PORTER R. FRIEND, fah% JAMES WOODS. Dl•solutlosu TIE eo-parmership heretofore existing between the subsertbers, in the name of ConaSbie. Burke & Cu.. t• this day dissolved by mutual mamma. Mews Burke is Barnes will mettle the business of the con cern, for which purpose they are nuthonsed to us, the name aline concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EMICND BLNIZKI; THOMAS BAR N. The undersigned have this day associated themselves in the name of BURKE R. BARNES, 10T the purpose of anufacturing Fun Proof Sales. Vault Duo., a.- he., m at the stand of the late firm of Constable. Barks & Co. where they wtll be pleased to receive the pa tronagc of the custornergbfthat house and their nts. EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BARNES. In miming (rota the firm of Consts!tle, Barka tc Co , I with omen, plentture recommend hicsers Burke & Barnet to the confidence of my trend and the public. Frit 0.1149. NATII ANIEL t:ON STABLE. feht3-dtf usl co Bent d on the let Inst. The business will be closed at die old stand lqyeither of no, using the name of the Lan for that purpose Being desirous to have our business closed with so little delay as possible. we would re spectfully request those Indebted to call and settle then, accounts JOHN I)MTCORD, Pa 3 H. 1) KING Co-Pstrtzt.r.hip. JOIN D M'CORD havtryr sloth him hr. brother James lil'Cord, under the style of hrehrd b. Co, will continue the Hat, Cap and Fur business in all !ts 111.. branches, wholesale sad retail, at the old standcorner of Wuod and nth arums, whon they solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberal!) , ba moored on the old firm. JOHN D &MORD. Was S. ]'COED_ N reonng from the old and well known firm of Al'Cord k. King, I most reepectilly recommend to patronage of the public my endoderm, Messrs. to Co gad 11 . D. KING. - - - DISSOLVTION• rI'HE partnerrhtp or MURPHY tc LEE day thetolved by mutual consent. The Ihnchehe of Me Inge firm wal be ...Jed 11. Lee. J. R. 1111;61'11T, rhtsburgh, Jar. SO, 1,42 H LEE. NOTICK—The undersigned satll courame the Wool online** and attend to we sale Woolen Goods, at aid stood. II In retirmg from the firm of klarphy d. Lee, I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. It Len to rite confidence of my (nand. and mr pubile. Plitsbarglt, Jan. 3U, 101. .1 IL MURPHY MATS aobscrthers have this day assoctated them selves together for me puipose of transacting a W110.80.1r and re Dry Goods and Brocery neatness. .t No TM Liberty. °ppm.. Seventh street, under the Cl) le arid firm of OUSSIFIk:LD is RAYS. Pittsburgh. January I. Ist4o N Ll—Our old customers and the pubis,. art wetted give us • call. CO—PAIL T ERSII IP. WM. B SCAIFE mad Capt.JAMES ATKINSON have entered into partnership, under the firm of SCAIFI.: h ATKLNSON. and will carry on the Tin, Capper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory Also. Ellaehanithm, to all its branches at the old stand of Win It &wade, First tweet, near Wood ==l °Lc/ IPARTNEFL.IIIP of W. & R. ft.,. L I,,cen th”olved hy the death of one of the partnere, thrinterest of «'m flay.. Jr dreeaae4, Is, 1.111 con.t.tAng of tildes. Leather, Shoe. Otl. le, 0,111 be .old on , he permoote• on the Ibth last teu:•ld JAILLLS LA Utili LIN, Jidtrunrstrator, lIIAV k. 111.• day aa , ,,ockarcat wit me in the erhote. .le uroeory, Produce and Cochmtaaton bacneas, tou,r Jo•ep.h, under the firm. of J a DILWORT & Ca S DILWORTII. Jnneary 1. Ir3e 0.• VA T ;ens p— ‘e day asaoefared with hint. John R NP-Gun, the /as. .her Iff,theeff w. hereafter lee conducted under die Irn of I;tt;A f , WILLIAM 11x1:NG, any iNir If M BOOK TRADE. "VIM fIOOKS -- Lecornea on Pilgrim's Progress unt the Lye and Tulles or John Dan) try Me Hee . Ctrs , Cbeever,L. D, Wanderingsof a Pilgrim or die Shadow of MAY. Liens . , by Geo Et Chevy, D D The Journal of the Mann. at Pis month. in Now I . :betas.. in te2h Iteprintrd from the oriap, al somme, V•LUI !nor and 11. , e•i 1.11.11..111 , of provident., principles and person. by tseory4 II Cheese, D D . ..second edibmi MaMMEIMI Late andorrespoodence ot Jon , . Foster, mined he 1 Ky.and. aids not., aMe Intl., Alla prenctirr and a ornpartio, Ly John Sheppard—new eattion The •Irove, .th .erge Clots oi Throtog tonna., Medico: mid School Book. for I at low h) r d Krifil.lSlL 79 \ Von , .1, ,noel norsecen 410 Cl and 11.amond alley ) RFrirrN ANL, CALIFORNIA IN Q Thornton 'ate Judge of the Supreme Court of t egon—aesth an d.epetoll.r. tuel.adlog reerot and mi Melo, mlorma.ton the subject 01 the lie.nd :Mon, and other vs ino,..< rna.ter of ,nterest to the mister, warn unuacrou• knd map, I vu.., 14+10 51,7 3 The Goid-Seel,crs !Manual, netng a praetteel and .truci.vr lo •.1 per.oo. ertugraung to the to 'd region , hy T Arum& Prot of Urology. King . Col lege. London I vol. paper Zee Note. of rm.:el in Caltfornm. comprtstog the prom . nent feature• of the country: aNn the routr from Fort leravenworm,no,to San Diego, Ca; From the 051. et al reports of Col. Fremont and Mot. Emory I eel, WO page. :Lk. ennlornin horde col:v.11g the last ho nied work, together with Col Fremont's Geographira: aeeount a tipper California., and hr. Narrutive of the hlaTiortne Flipeditiort to the Honey Moan:mac setth 2 maps—l vol,hvo, paper. 5., Rev Hiplll.l W Noel's Work ou the I. of COuroh and State— I vol. I2mo 11.:t1 /oat reeeived t. Ore h 22 IL HOPKINS Apo 4Lh ni BooK9' UOOKS' . —Edrar , V•ristoon• of Popery. By 1 0,. ‘: ' , Berry; lenophoo's Work.,Taettu.' Work., I!!overzsty Berson., by Way len d, Natural thotory Lae and Two-. of Hen• r), Lie 01 Itr• firer) Venn. Proverbs of rho reop;o n( TheopLany,rnrutirestatlon Chroit, Menarnrs of 1 Powe or ll Buxton, Bort, llknel Is all, by Tyuc Hamm. its Import and males, The Akid• die Kingdom, • role Choever's Lectures on Ptl t rrtm's Progress, elleever s ‘Vandrrings .of • Pitirrirn in the Alps, Anderson, Domestic onsatotton, MOdern Ar complishtnents, Last day. of lili•hts: Women of the Revolotton, by Mrs Ole, Lair of Potion for ttair by marlll ELLI,Yrr & ENGLISH.'7I) wood st HUMAN MAUNETNM—Its claims to dispassion ate inquiry, being anatv-tept to show the uhltty of ite appiteatton for the relict 0 , auffertn•, by NS. Neernhana. lays, author of "The rerlprorel influence of Body and Allnd." etc The beet wore on the suhleet published. Pot sale by FILLIOTT tr. EN GUSH, marl . / 79 wood st LIFE OF' FRANKLIN, Iliustrated—ln course of publication is the soeird form, by Harper & Bro ther, New York, The Ll(6 of Be an Franklin, cau tioning of hie Autobiography, and a nurmuve of Ms public life and service, by the Him H. Hotting. Weld, aptendeb., embellished by numerous e&quierte deal/cat, by Joan t, Chapman, engraved In the highest Hy, of art. The work it printed in the octavo form, on oll- [main,. paper, from bold and legible type. It will be coati-leo& in eight part, tit corns amen, end tanned or hole, nnerynnt Each part will be removed en pre.. inparthalel r alter ne pabliennon Part Ist lu.l :enivral and Int .ale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, corner market and ad rt• juz CA t: LAW'S HRY ISTO OF ENLL ILAN Ll—From A lA. the acceasson of Jame II —Vol L. .• The ilistory of Alcgauder the (treat by Jacob Alp bott, watt map and crigravtng. The tiottory of Chart. the Ftrit of England: by Ja cob Abbott—elegant engrovoiga. Harper's Lae of F'rankllnt splendidly embellished by num... c-tquottic deaigna.b.sto I, 25 cents To te completed 4 number.. Pictorial litstory of England, up to the reign of lee. tab to 4 cols, octavo: 1.500 Ulustra- R HOPKINS, Apollo Ilutirlirtse,lth st IrL.AY:t , coal' 01 . , ENG I. ANO, Vox. Il Vl , lo,lllllnm.orks Vol 0 Frank!. ll'a LIM Illustrated—part• II Reid 111 The Ilisiory of Hnnnibaf the Orthagnitan' by /nee , ' Abbott. Illustrated tine, map and numerous cugra• rings. Adler's (trimmer and EnglishDienoeary. octa Ica vo Story of Little .1011/1. from the French of C non. 111..a10d Acton, or the Clrele of I.lte A court xon of 'rhols nod Observattons, dettgned to delineate ltr, Mite and um World Han a Romance of Vocation Arabian Nights Entenninme L.., • sreendldly diustruted. 0 volt, Nolo Just resolved by It HOPKINa, ft Id. Apollo Ilull. 4th st - • 1/01HISI—Ilittery of Mary quern of non, Ily Jacob Abbott, wito engravings. History of king Charlet the F trot. of England 11) Jacob Abbots, withengratins History of Alexander We treat tit Jacob Abbott, wlth engrortnx•. History of Hannibal the Uartanstinion Hy Jnrn; Abbott: with engraving, • Received and for tale fry JOHNSTON a ' , TOCKTUN, lob nor market and att. .1 us t reeuved by fibs NEW BOOKS-Oregon nod Caltfornia IS1e; uy J Quinn Thornton, late Judge of the Supreme Court of Oregon, end eorrestpontling member or the American Immune With an appentki, inchadint, re cent and authenue Information oil M. auhledt of the GOLD MINES of Cattier - run, and other valuable niat• tee of totem; to the entugronts, etc. %Knit tile...none and a map. In two volumes. Raphael; or pages of the book of life at twenty. try Alphse Jo Lemartine, author of Mc - kliatory of the Giron on dists, or Personal hlernoiraof the Patriot* of the French Re•olutlon"etc. Jost receive/ and for .ale /WINSTON STOCKTO hd •N. corner magnet end ts MAP OP PE‘lNSVLVANlA—Conetructed from the County Survey. anthortzed by the State, and nth u original document.. Rertecd and improved under the supervision of Wm.& Morns. Civil Engineer, upon data procured an each county, under authorny of the Leglatature A Few copse* of non large and 111,1.31.1 Mop reeetved thul day and for ante by JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, Booksellers, <or market and 3d ate HOTELS -FOUNTAIN ROTEL • -. • • • - LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE roc° use ruirsaron t entlettleerollt. THIS establishment long and widely known as being One of tbe most eitenntothOcte in the coy of Baltimore, has recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvements. An enure new wing has been added. containing numerous and nary ste l etniust i one d :l4 and . e i lt l ; .. nsi;r d e .o bat e r n g e rido om mt. ne, reorganised and fined up tn most unique and com pletely style. In fact me whole arrangement of the House has ken remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their tablet will unsays be supplied with even sub atatilial and luxury which the market affords, served up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines die, they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be len undone on their part, and on the part adieu assistants. to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board butte also been reduced to the following rater Ladies' Ordinary. 14,75 per day. Gentlemen's •• 1,50 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free of charge. marllf EXCHANGE COE= Or FICIN MO R. CLAIR lit, FIITS6I.OII, The subsenber having assented the manage mem of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the, Public generally, that he will be at all Omen prepared to accommodate then In all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroaghly repathed throughout, and now Furnnum added, and no Patna wilt be spored to make the Exchange one of the TOD - beet Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuanee of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOkLAI3 OWSTON, fehOdtf Proprietor. L - X - 11 - 111.11.TINE 11001311 Es coirs. OF FOCI.. AND axon natters, ',TIMM.. THE subscriber respectfally annoonc. that he ha. now opened his new and excellent Hotel fur the accommodauon of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The house and forninue are entirely new, and nopa, or expenue hove be. spared to render it one of the . moat comfortable and ple.ant Hotels to the city The subscriber is determined to decree. and there fore solicits. a share of public paternar. JACOB HOL'EsH, Proprietor. 100 — `01ZIL CETIT HAVEDI OPPOSITION HOUSE . . I, E VIRGINIA HOTEL, 011 Baltimore 11.ree4 nem' the Depot. Cumberland, is now In complete order for the reception and accommodation of the public. Persons In starch of ea., and comfort, will do well to patronize tilt establishment—they will find the chambers clean and nice, and the Table as well far- Githed BS arty in Cumber! ant at torenty•five guaranteed as good as any that can be had in the place, at any price, or no charge. No charge for trensportation of baggage to and from the car.. piLidum WASHINGTON EVANS. lINITIED EIVATESIioVEI, nearer IT., SIMI=II Font I.IW rrrrn Ir. fIP d POSI . TE Bernl! tr of y 4 E l.7 . nited ret,,Ptulo nare2ljahro. Pro new.. MISCELLANEOUS. FRESH SPRING GOODS Bheeklett & IYbite, TAM' GOODS JOBBERS, 99 Wood .trees- ask the Li attention of Merchants to their stock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now reeelentg . direct from hr•t hands. Receiving regular .upt•lies of first goods durum the umeon. and devoting • Gaze share of their attention to Eastern Auction rale, they can confidently assure hoyere they will nod it to their Interest to examine their noes. . received, large invoices of new cry le. Dress Goode. F.ney Pvtni., Gammen, Mass. Summer Good.. Lace.. WWI , / G0C414 Irish Linen.. Tailors' Trio:maze and brown and bleached Bneeung. of cart- out brands. mar, Modern and Antique Furnit are, 'O. TIOSO BMW, Prertarraan. 2EA large and splendid ~, uurtment of Form-ale, F r ., : -.,......, ,, ....-; mashie for . Smaraboam, " ,. ,r ,..-----, .1.. Holes and private duvet- Lake, conumny on brad and rondo to order. The prevent mock on band cannot be eXceeded by any manufactory to floe wemern country Pumas walking to porch ue wood So wet: to elm me a call, as I em Communed my pricer Mall plum Put of the Mock comas. lc Tete a Term Hurter Broome. lon,.XlCho. kr . onen EPA:knob enaLu. rle TenPo ,t " ,i,„, m 41 I a r•loict. IAuLL Xo' Commode, French ?Llannkany BeCem•de. Piano Smola, Al von. wAlc Put , Etna 11 , 4:1 cloth arum, 50 '4lanorkor Rorking Ccanr4 40 dm Purr, ao XL . Toner 40 43.cerAre To:Ce, Ettpa - I , m r‘ l p tir pLer Tehlek I: :cc., m lop I), , cerLor Pa-cnce: ~ , -trthoOc, . Secrelattel and Book eases. En mart,. Lop Wash Ararat. 4 parr Latoomme, ii.pare Marcy Work Sunda; A very large nuortment of common charm and other formate too fritverocto to I:n[111110h nr SLlS th lt e all Boas lo . rze o he . d m on .. tho Mutest dcone,,OoEre, Ohncolittae s - C - O - Com, LosO 1 HN WRIGHT & Co., are prepared to build Conon W Baker's American and Emrich Chocolate, Prep.- and Woolen ktheltomry of every description, such ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Broom, Cocessitzticils. &c. as Cardhchg Mmhthes, Spinning Frames, Speeders TO merchants and C 011.111,1, %rho 1...1L:4 p urr/law 1 Mayans{ Frames, Ra.lway Heads, WUrprni,, the hest produets of Cocoa. free from oduiteration, Dreasing Frames, Looms, Card Grinder, &e. }t'rought more nutritious than ura or coffee. and in itholity nom, I Iron Shafting hinted; all nines of Cast iron, Follies and t h e ro b se r,o er meommends the shone entoles, ! Hangers of the latest patients, slide and band Lathes. icAnufacturrd ay himself and stamped with ho name, and 1001, of all kinds. Cuunks of every description His Lima. rat, a cur., peAtuble, funnaked on short notice. Pattern, made to order and salutary drinks ler inrnltin. conva,cricents„ and Mill Geanng, Iron Railing s &c. Steam Pipe for heal- other, are pronounced by the mem cininent physicians , Factones. Cast iron Wu drew sash and fairy superior to any other preparations MI getterelly Order, left at the Warehousk rim at..., • on saJ<. in any qa.thitir hy the most ie. Palmer &Co , Liberty street, will hive prompt anew. spertathe grocers in Crie easzern cities nod by shun . non agent, lie font, to, of Rosters James al Ranee , Rena, to Blackmaek, Bell & Co, J .Mooreheed & & co. Banton, Colt, Hassey h. Murray, Near York; Co , G E. Warner, Julio Deno & none, Pstshurgh . Qrs. & Stone. Philadelphia inottuu Bruadige, Bal. &J H Warner, Steabeterdle. Innis tuner, and Kr;loge & lietzenti,Comnioan. Ohio rinsildaohisse gimp. ALTI,R BAKER. Durcoester Masa II WlGHTMANSanuthetnrer °fall kind. of cot. For sale meth BALA LEY , & SMITH, eau t ton and woollen moobienry, Allegheny city, Pa - W l reSnglls - e and Caat. Iron Railings The above works being now in full and successful op. ratcrs beg Icave to inform the pub. that , eminent I too prepared to execute orders wall dispatch 'they have obtained from the Pint aii the late and tor all kinds of machinery to my line, such es willows. fwhionahte ileogns for Iron Ratting, both for houses ' pickers. spreaders. cards. grinding machines, renways, end cemerencs Persons whining Co procure Cond. drawing frames, speeders, throwils, loomx woo i, some pattern, will Oen... nail 11.1111 examine- and lodge , cants, double or Nagle, for inerchantor ,ountry work, for themonves, Railing will be famishedth e s hort. mules,iwks,&e , slide and hand lathes and tools in gro an nonce, and in the best manner, at the corner of eral All kinds °ridiculing made to order, or plasm yir. Craig sad Rebece• streets, Alle,iitrly flly. en for imanng factories or mill, as mable charge austii-dll A. 1....at0NT a. KNOX , Rae-no to-Kennedy, Childs & Co., Illarkstock tkll L•eehlng Cupping and Bleeding.— A Co., Kmg , Pcoooek A Co., Ism A„ G ra y, R. NORRIS, thmaesser to M. R. Detany H MEV COACH rgiaTtiwir; --- No SS Fate street, between Wood and Smith- •th.sintemi. bet Fresh leeches reomved monthly-attendance allAl A WIIITk: & CO. would respectfully inform boors Reference, th e phystetans of Flll4klrtal. Alice I 111. th e public that ,key Cave er ,„„ d ow? gheny and Birmingham. Laeock, between Federal so d Sandusky street,. 'limy I most cheerfeily recommend th the physicians, Wu- I am now making and are prepared to receive orders for patrons, Mr K B. every description of Tehtelea, Coaches, Chanel La ther soil is] my former friends and sNOTTi as Ming thoroughly acquainted with toe hum. I roaches, Buggies, Phmtons, Or., which fro m their nos s and worthy of patronage.epoiirtice n the manufactud' she above woes. M. El NV. the facilities i thee have_ otho re . ilabilfacturied Tobacco. Ai.) 8X.9 buntry It Rn) bees supenc: sweet 5 Ins; ! "147 ZS do 7tl A Butler a . ii lb •• I 19 •if do Price A Harwood . ; •• - 5 " 21 do ito ito I I 25 do do pearl k Harwool - " 5A lb" , 11 do ) Robinson " " 1 • " i 37 hf do it.. 23 du ,in \t - .n loi•vson - i• " eft FRo.NCH BROADCLAYTHS—W. R. Alva -31 do I' Wrchiis • cHT invites the allenuou of buyers to his ex..., v., 37 do lf A ..,terson -oilman& of above boods,embracing every ~, i.,..: y 9 do I. r Dade.. e ., .0 eny fiat, and from the celebrated rorna• 5 do 11. Mricoo's 9 do Rib - dirt •• • 1 it ~••• a France. Purchasing, these goods fan, Ike Cosi landing. from . HE A L and packets, and for sale ', . : r. : . i ' hu:t... in .fl i b l or c dh al ni n s se i b il it hli g me n .t st hof l ine manm e a, by HEALD, BLCKNOR & o, a onset ibis-nal 41 north water at and Id north wharves, i i . ... l '.7` ,„ • ,,,., A p l4o , , ,.. o . itiii d er .d ou b n ik so d d oi aLuit a bl F ei m g , r7 h ii t i ' , l r ii , , ,, h , s h , PiKit Philadelphia_vtjaietT,—wiaTeTT--argim-f-,-„.17,,,., , :,;:i ; i ti , a c e; . .c . r m C v}... AS sT SI3 I I N E G R B ES, black and (way, lilk , gentlemen , silk picket AK & Son's superior sweet lb lumps. lliadic e rebid's, black and fancy Cravats, [men pocket 715 half Las Webster Old supenor sweet.% lumps I ildkfs, Undarshirte, Drawers, &o ,at the north cast Oa ii Lawrence Lobler n 6 . " corner o 1 4th and Markel streets. . 2 " Lawrence & R 4 ivti l vf " 35 & tv L Wholesale Rooms up suits. feb2o ml i• Dupont ide in Fare) ii Ca ! 1U ii 51theod DI ouonfraneraCiaalTuteV -2.5 . Lawrence Loafer "si& as plug SiIOBERT H. PATTERSON has opened Just landing from Monter, and for sale by , ls o , the large stable on Pint st, running through HEALD, LIUCKNOR ' e p i, to Sennd sh betwent Wood and Smithfield • 41 N water et and 19N wharves, !1. - i to She 9 7 „. Msscifigahma Rouse, on3l : wan an county maw COCA of I , lOlllCs and Carriages 0 , . oy. the hoot ...noo lnr . 5l styles. Hones kept at live -1!1`2!'---‘d''&‘ — lda b.' quality nod 1 r W. JP J. GLENN, nook. Linder.. WE are sub engaged in the above tininess, come , . IT 2 dIY V Y of Wood and Thad streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work iu oa r line with at, We *trend in nur work personally, and nits .snits- action will lie given In regard to al :lawmen and du l ninthly Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub. dattnisily. Books a families or old tanks team! care fully or repaired. Names put on books In gilt lobe r a Those that have work in our line are willed to , all Prices low myttarl CIALP SKIN - B -19 T cri --- rtudilio French Cal dlr - 11W, - ; 9 e rev) fine article. A few doxene Philadelphia ins, man the manufactory of II NI Crawford, to which We auenuon of boot makers In 111VILCn. Sc., received and for •ale by SF YOUND & Co, Ire 143 'them' b as. omits, roils r cloth.. I JONES .1. QUICIO, i 4 4 ANUFACTURERS of span( and Mister steel, ,' li, plough steel, steel plough wings, coach 5,..1 ellpi ' or onna. hammered Iron ides, and dealer. in inalg ' le able castings, fire engtue limps, and coach trimmings r denemlly. corner of Ross and Front sts , Pintoorgh, I i Pa — tebo • - --- Jt yr IN TlME—Another lot of Pistols , uttabie for the Calmar. mrvice, Just received. I 01.0, to arrivr on the 115th lost, by Express, a neat i Alarrluau• . and bandy article of Portable Gold - tales , which or • ' LT AVING sold oat snare stock to C IL healer, with , ff) Bold 00000 ought to hare, and for sole by ..1.3. a -slew to doting our old buster's.. we hereby so- , %V IV W I LS() N. licit for him the patronage of all our friends and sus- 1 . 1.. f" corner 4th and market its rotten Ili. W. POINDEXTER, ___ THE POINDF-XTER For Ca/Ifornia. , , TUE celebrated Hazard Ride Powder, iri kegs, hill I Palstiurgh, Aug lth, 1641- kegs, quarters anal cans for It Co. oineood at for sale by --- i 1 H. GRANT, Wholesale (muter , shil feta _ 3 1 o 141LW , Vs Forwariluto Merolla., No. 41 Water st. null . VI napratt , a Patent Soda Ails. IiELL A Alb BRASS - 0 - 0A DEF. -- i .)(1.) CASkS Just recenved per steamers Ivanhoe A FIXTON, Ben Brims Founder has re- , 41../Z and St Cloud. and for sale by ja. built and commenced business au'os old stand. where he will be pleased to see s unt cluitorti- , inch ill en and facade. W b. 61 6111CRELTREF, 160 Liberty a , n EALERSIVINIIiIII;ES° I3 ANIN°D Lel ° l'l . l ' hß, 61orocco, . Church , m nu p. S . teLni . h c e . o . t , . a n s o id . i p le ,, l , o , t , every sire. lim : 4, 1-7 . 1 , 0 Shoe rindlnna ike No Itll tth • e gg ~,,. ! l if tist received their . SPßlN ' Go' STOCK a( ;sito L' d .s r ‘ : h e:m 'e - i ed models. and warranted lobe of the best materials lameral Water Pumps, Counters, Saooor, ther with ever) vat my of lira. Coating., a invited. ' Prising a lame .sonment of oracles in their line, to turned and finished in the neatest manner , which the kna..lao 0( paraha,rll is invited. A. F is the sole proprteter of liaaoll''• ANTI-Ant, . _ ....1 . , _ _ . - -- -._ . 0103 Mara", to Justly celebrated for the reducta.,l of . NOTICE. I frit:nen In machinery. The Boles and lontint,ci,•. " .iu ini , ' A per sun. to the Estate al Wtiliam }lc e. be had alum at all times. _ to , _. _, Kiught., Lit ceased, or td Me late fan. of W. Slc• FEINTING PAPER. 1 kuight a Co, sad. Wm. McKnight & Soli, ore rioubrid rusE allbscrtbara having the elelosten Agent-) 0... i . pry, Without tartan, data?tvl3,EßT si,KNlGirr. .1. selling Rio Panting Papal of a new and exie,.o ri . paper edt to this vicinity, will be at ail times writ sup. I manta:dim Ad0n,..,,,,,, 0 , .t w . N „.",..,, d “, _ . plied web the different sans of paper of superior 110.0. 1 4 RTISTS' 5 14THILIALS—Jrio, ,co .1 and for sale-- Iy, which we offer at the lowest regu or paces. 5 h Yards smooth Canvass, V loch, Any, mar. or (locally will be Ilianufaeltirod In order at 1 30 '' short notice. REYNOLDS St SIiEE, _gtcli Out minim - I'r' u, and Ira i icl Irwin • s I iN c D . IIR ru t.; . I3I4 F. R pe C d li i iil o n rl 1 a l NIC--Just I , itiO . d , u , s_CoMpreiim tile Taboo, clod colon t uo ' '' Gum Elasus Clothing, at prices rangunic r rom . E.62o , to . -" W •N TED. . 81.1,60 for sun of mait, pants and hat F sme the I A GIRL to do nousawOrk. One wlzo thoroughly 1 I.ld. Rubber Depot. No t Wood a. i A ' ioe2o , & II plimiApy undersomis bar business, aid can VIC godi go fetendeS, eats (,ear of app anent littlatiOn, al Fa, JUST RECEIVED-I'hr,, more of those ro Justly , huger, by app ly log . this office. celebrated liamtnagh Plano, used constantly by 1 - , , . L.E.s_. . n fhelt l 4olo Lon, Thalberg and carer great perforators, together I DRIED • • PI .h__ fr," off Apples, In Alert with a large asserunant or rosewood and mahogany, , nod for sole by trictaliLW : _kiallll/5114.H ant,' own laanttlaetore The •t." in ''''''. '": . ',7 I [)A tits GREEN —L 9 cans true lost rec 7 d and for warranted to be pocket to every resPect an. w i ll be I tale by R A PARNESTOCR it Co, sold loss for cash r OLL: litE,' ocleatt6 canter Ist and woad eta &mit/ No no Wood st,ld doorfron SI 1 AT Wlii. h la i‘niDet, No. 73 I- mirth street, can be seen a splendid variety of sup Royal Yel• vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Deus sere, 3 plys and sup and fine ingrain Carpets. of sup styles and qualities; and in connection con always be found Table Linens, Crashes, Diapers, Damasks, Afo. teens, Od Cloths, 3.e. te.e., to all of walett WO null the aneation of thu public. •ng-33 MISCELLAICOUS. GREAT INVENTIONISLUARGE rISCOVEBSI PATER' Sutra= .latumerg.ll:4 sl . Patent cratalerer ea:Untie — a Min, nr, Browner, Corant, • TV*ol LEVF Rrett- 2.01 1. WROUG% . IRON. T TABLES far surpassing um,' other ' ventlbn °Me kind now extant. 'They cant. ex tended Mamma to terenty-eve feet, and when closed the leaves ale all contained Ineide; they made to all slue aid &apes, and axe adrairib adapted for Sw-enLhna t, E le a nin , and_ large private • Ms, VAVANV}MIVE ° 4;I tre ruble, partlnulariy to those • who wish to econo mise room. and convert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shot at convenience, and when shot, the bedding is enclos ed. A greatsaving In loom and rent All the bed steads when closed Rona a bounifal pied of furniture (or • parlor or sitrity room. BOOR CASa?.— neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—Per law offices, counting , rooms, and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed "end, when closed a per fe ct Desk and Library alone is visible. Ail these articles need no reconusiendatsow the beauty of the whole is, they are warranted not, get out of repair. Ti will be for your thterests to c ellsod exanune the metes, nt the niannfaennees store, N o. e 3 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above advantages, they ere proof against bogs W WOO nichl6 JIIST .tur.cErvirm, iffmAND now , , a splended lot o Piano Fortes from the celebrated firm , .I . llo7 i n t lA r Cl i arit, N. Y. It consists to One elegant / 1 1 ' otid e gi ° ocIT'i Vitino, with carved mouldiog l . o p and plinth, projecting front and carved gothic tablets. One rosewood Piano, 61 octave, elegant and plain, with Coleman's celebrated Batten Attachment, a su perior lommenent. Ono Rosewood 6 octave, round comer. and octagon legs. One dodo do One rosewood Piano, square corners and legs. These Pianos have improvements 111 the mechanism. in stringing and covering of the hammers, possessed by no others in this country, end are at once the best as well no the cheapest Pianos that can be bought ALSO—An elegant lot of Chickerinrs Pianos, from 7 to 0 octaves, po.ol.itlf all the lomat improUrotents, m :al. l ,=e elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Pomo, 7 octaves, anew mention. HENRY KLEHER, All NV Woodwellls, 83 Thin, . - CHIOKEILIBOHI rIAIIOII. JOHN If. MELLOR, (sole Agent for IMlnChickerinrs Pure pones for Weston Pennsylvania ) ) No. el Wood stint, Ptostmrgit, has remived and now open for sale. the follow.," elegant assortment, direct from the mennfactory, at Hr. Chickentag's (Boston) pnces, One Rosewood seven octave Piano Forte, carved In We mow eicians and rich style of Laois lIV. One Roo:wood carved seven octave, new and Im proved scale. One rosewood Piano, 64 oetvrea, new wale; One " caned, 6 " Tworound corners, 6 octave., new scale, Two " pannel The above are all from the manufactory oil Chick ering, &mon of the latest styles of feminize, and wall the new and improved scale. MAO ON RAND a= lea *2.S LOW 3 Rosewood 6 octave Pianos, from the manufactory of H. Worcester, New York, formerly of tke fun of !Roden, Worcester & Durham. 11 rosewood 0 octave, Onle & Co., N. Y. • 1 rosewood eq omare Piano, ramie by Bacon & Ra- Tht N a e liogn.y wY a ork d by Pl. made in Baltimore, and .eft with me fps sale by the :inter, for east, or in et change for Pittsburgh manufarturta, or rroeeries snit) able for a country more. Price 5300. Ja3o MMRELIJAH EATON'S CERTTFICATE TO DR JAYNE—This certifies, that Immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consnmpuon in March, 1842, I was taken sick yank the Consanaption or Liver Completes, and was reduced so low with the disease, that for four years I was enable to attend to my Luanne., either at home or abroad, being for the moat time confinmi to my. bed. Daring the above peri od of Pb I had expended for medial attendance o regular PhysiDiana and medicine., In the /1111013/1t of cmo, withonteireecivutg any benefit thetefnarn. July, 1843, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi a.,d have taken them more or teas ever since, tand believe that It was by persevering In their use, hat I ran now mull say that fume completely teen-. mired my health. believe that Jayne's Sanative Pills and Expectorant are the best family medicines now to I reside in 'Springfield, Otsego county. N.Y,end carry on • furnace and machine shop an that piece, and am not interested in any manner m the sale of the above =misrules. and make thin cernficate for the ben efit of Mom ailLetct EI,UAH EAT(" Springletd, N. 1 , Sepil6 1845 t a4 MANUFACTURED TOBACCO—The sul.cnber would call the attention o( the city trade and dealers generany, to the following brand. Tobaccos, to store and to arrive, which being consivlrtirnls di rect from ntantaactuntr, he to enabled to sell at east ern pneer 139 6 ties It W Crenshaw S.. 79 # !Ames Ala.ltson Ss, .41 . 4 Lamartme Ss; TI I " Mlrsitess 43 I • Putnam St •ss I t IS 4 - Roserm a mown Ss, • I - Omar Burl St, 9 I Johns St Lever. Is; 48 1 '' " Warw Res ick Jame sap; Is; er le s is, Is am/ B. febil LS WATERMAN Pitt Iltischtsze Nprta and Pouttary uteP the r faciltuu they hare, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable 1.1121 S WILL those wimung erttelcs in their line. Payuis particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and baying none but competent workmen. t hey hare no limmation In warranting their work. ‘N'e therefore sok .the attention of the public to this minter . N Repairing done to the beet manner, and on the most reasonable tame. Jazaat CS UPER 'NC," C TEAM BOAT CLOCKS—klartng concluded to sell odour enure stock of Kirkels Mume 'Tlmemert-s, ; we now °tier to sell them at lower prices than they cnn I oe bought at any house in Plusburga or elsewhere. cast or west. Being the only established agents hero for theseelockt, we have the largest and kunst assort , mein its the city. Call and see. . Remember, we are not to be undersold. BLAKR & CO., Marker street, entrance au north Mlle of the lhamonn PiTTSRVRIIII STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY DRY' k VARIETY GOODS, Bisicatb• DereerpaTlSlMA of the Cabfornia Gold Freer, AL.RX&INDER & DAY, No. 75 Maturay Smear, Prrmscaon. gAVE respired an 'SELLING OFF their large stock of DRY GOODS--the printlikal part of ch bare lately been bnichawd at the babas Arc rotru Sur ens Pbiladelptua lard New ork, ue meadow and unparalleled sacrifice Ve hare made work a large reduction from our reg. aka r prices that we will 110 V, ft I. a large portion occur goals BELOW COST of lmportaboa The' early nt• tendon Of buyers is 111011.G11 to Choice high colored goods adapted to t h e California Trade. LADIFS DRESS GOODS. Plain and flaturadCanrallanteashmerea and dc lames elks, I all prices, ' Very superior brachia Soper chunk elOthst aB co and wa.cred bib silks, lors. Superior reparmure glib., French merinos , all colors, bib and colored, Black borribasineas Super black glossy Gro do Cross barred rind striped Rhin silts, alpacas, Visone and mantilla silks, Broths feral and.striff'd do, best quality, Jenny Lind plaids, Pore sauna, blk and blue Victoria r.yonese cloths, bib 'sten very nc Lamartmc saran merinos, Coberg cl!t‘b, end careen- Super silk warp alpaca am lustres Mame, SHAWLS': A few broena tong shaves, the finesthavn ever brought to ' this Marken. now to be sold__ at great bargain*, Supertne and'common bro. elm sqoareshawlia Super carnelian silk shawls 8' GOOLYS SHAWLS! Splendid plaid long ;shawls, Splendid tetkeri shawls, from N. York aucuona, gnu bargains; Mara and embtor'd tbihe hawl!, all colors. Silk fnerte, remarkably cheap; =MI French cloths from the celebrated monu factory,, For beauty of finish and permanence of swear, these cloths have no superior, a fiinis pieces extra fine let black and olive canton beavers and other heavy cloths tor over coats, twilled French cloths, manufac tured expresely for cloaks, French and MISCriC all min- Amerce, taper weer of England do. super Fietich sa tins for vesungs, the beet imported. Plain and fancy velvet and cashmere vesting., merino shuts and drew en, Julien cravats, horn , carer.= and silk .bo. Nary and gloves - - . Irish linens, be. long cloth stoning, mush ns, bleemb d and brown muillnot of good quality, remarkably tlekinge, checks, domestic sad Impartial ging ham,s, scarlet., yellow mid wade funnels. a large lot very cheap a large lot of white and crossbarred coun try, Q.,16* cheap; brown and bleached Ilanisby table hates and table cloths, Russ' and Scotch dingier, and taw-alum satinets, Kentucky jeans had tweeds BLANKETS. • . . . An usual large stock of blankets, direct from dm manufacturers,. some of which are the best ever exhi. tuned, all of which wni be closed out ut unparalleled low prices. In addition to the above enumerate: , goods, OW stock composes a very large and complete 11.019120111/ of •1111051. every article orally found in IL dry goods store, and es they have been mainly pup chased at the eaoern auctions, hence the late great Itto &tenon of prices. We are enabled and determined to sell them °dal great bargains: Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, sod the public generally are respectfully Invited to an on ly examination. Bargains shall be given. A! RI h. DAY, 75 Market a. febB N W corner of the Diamond CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS; to. RECEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and Chl Cloths of the latest and coo.t approved an pattern s das prices to suit purchasers, and cheap as can he pur chased in any ether Eastern duos, eoraPrisuß the 1 . 1- lowing varieties:— Extra Royal Valves Pile Carpets; Atimimner Carpets; any sae hall rooms or vest Tapestry do tag.. ' Ex o P t it ' Ur; 3 '3 ;l ' dodo Topenry ,0000 carpet.; do Superfine do ' do Chr nolo Rove Extra sop Ingram do Tufted do PoperSaa do do Itrussels do Flue do do Chemile Door Mobil Common do do lofted do do 4-4. 3-1 & s Tapestry Adelast do do Damask do Sheep 'Sin do do " • ' 1,64 Erni,'scd Pimp covers 6-4 do Table do 6-1 wool do Jo 6-4 worsted and linen do do Brass Btarr Rods . • 4-4,3-4 tr. I 14•1'd nettrul do tr Own dn do Counn ingrutt do do Ven , uati ao --4 cotton Deugget; 16-1 wool crumb Cloths 12-4 warden do p.m linen 6-4 do do 5-4 table do F.nglish 11E1146 Oil 6.641 Diaper do German do do do do Ctuit 5-4 Floor oa cloths, Snow-hens N 60141. 6 6: 7-4 do do do Cnubsors Plush, 6-4 do do do Purple do 5-4 do do do Maroon do 1-4 do do do Carpet &mita& Sheet flit Cloth., of neorTranapsst Winddre Shades Tepe•try patient, cut to It, I [To the a_heae we are coextend)" reeetviza6 out Spring bitsek of C.irpeta.ilil Cloth , and stearnho, frimminp, when we Anvlte the attenrion of all w II 0 wish to far- Irish their houses or .tennthont.. n • we will he abir oiler rood, rie law iu they eon he purcintred in the Ea, and oldie neheat anti littera si) lea Call and ex amine our .s.ek before purenletng e:sewhere Wert house, No 75 Fourth before meh2l arCLENTOCK The Largest, Cheapest and nun Fathaotiabler Stank of Good., ca v ea to Gentles en:. .Yyrrng and Sur:neer Wear, ta _Pot rrtncruag at WA. DIGFIVS CIIEIP CASE CEOTIIM STORE, LIBERTY STREET'. • . HE Proprietor of the above establt.: , went would rank etfrUly inform hi+ hsmerotts customers, that he has just returned from the Eastern cape.' with the most spienthd oasortmont a good. to hit lute, that was ever brought to this city, Coluptieiftg el that la tene. fashionable, elegant and Cheap in Cloth, fassimarea t Caahmereds, Deep De LI% and every de.enpuou of cotton, hoed and woollen . ummoti Stunt shirts Cr% vat.. HJI-f.. Sespendem, he., of it. /3C , VC., styles, which, together with his very large and K arlin tattle .tack of road) tiothing, he is prepared to offer at ht. usual Ins prices. t Country alerthanta, Contractor., and all who per- I ch largely are pertichlarty invited to aliW es aminease be +lock. tvlach it One ticuly tan largest ant mot ta.nlndh.tte t Ine nu. mod en,' att-.1 it 11 has of no pa, uo tu,a,le l , st who c.alt trade. Order. in 'ht. l'atkoring I tie in the moat tueuo. ma 'lnt r. a: 1 taikt nuai , ng turf to <usu.. th^ ~ ese,tt and 11,1 my, of eutu, A get.- , 11 , 111.2 ta !to it,, , Amid at rat,wr We ha, her added r ..m inn eitablisence hrntrot t lnc h2l:d3nt MEW GOODS.' R. H. PALMER, OFFERS FOR SALE, AT LOW PRICES. n fall assortment o( STRAW AND DIfLLAS ti.e RY GOODS, or the motet apptoeed sty:es and pat tern, for the SPRING I rF Irds. constatmg 'll part or— Finer and plain Engloth. Amer.calt. and French Steen'; Florence. Rolland. Petal and other rant and fancy &sot. China, Ibrd. loony Led. Loop nod Roy al :Blinn afire Braid BoN N S. Rtch French Lore; Fancy end pin,, Gaon, he he. Fancy Braid, Steno, limp, Leghorn, and other Mts. end Imams' HATS Pllll.ll, Manyin, Leghorn. Palm Leaf, Straw and other Summer BATS, (or melt and buys Bonnet and Plata Rillhon‘, Bonnet SOS te Arttartal Flowers, he hr he. Straw Bonnet Warehouse., If hulks: street runal7mr.lor • .. . . . . *TO. GO MANKET SMELT—Have received hg re . 1 ,4 cent ouvorranons the tol!ow.tig Cards, stn Sig cartons Tharct Shows, or venous quart:re, and colors Fifty dozen r`Alerander,' ben riatiTtee Hid /so C , together with a good lusortinent of co'kl sail, Li le thread. and cotton Wove, /or spring trade eh standing, straight to C•illars. cheep red la . .3iXr pair embroidered ' Cud, !error lib els to BLit. hl urning Collars t i areal review Demi Lace V.,s, the greatest assortment ever offirred 17 as Frew, and English I 4 Print% Horre , s Perot., PAO.. inlets , andrfast colors. swill plaid Franca ieuraharns, !Wire. Furniture Chintz, white satin Ihmark laric Cloths; Linen Damask. li, 8 and 111-S. Green Be rages, Guns black Gros do Rums Silk Cravats, 192 to the bast goods imported; Purse Twist; linen cambric and linen eacabrie Ildkifa from fik to 51,30, Wadi eggenli, such as Jaconeta, Law., Mull and Sinks Mullins figured and Timm Lacer, white and cola Tarlistanea' 1 2t..e. eta ' • ' - • • • We are In the duly receipt of NEW GOODS, and invite the attention of purchasers to our extensive met. Into NEW - aoou tl . - - AT DRY LICAMS MOCAL OF W. R. NIVRPHY, NOM EMS CORNIER 4111 AND M,P6rr %as , ROIL PERSANS waalug Dry Goods will 'Uinta, take ho lice that the above hoot* has commerical grea sing it, NEW SPRING trILRMS, and invites tar r a la of regular custorners and Guyer. generally Gordo wail be odered at low rm., and purchasers va.l havu a large a ul rho a: aasto tau:l , l In ',lca Ruin. tif - Country .%lerelin, t n d eiht ea an. invited to examine the annortineitt in ltihni.ninni where n lerge assortment of l' goods generally are now opewng SHACKLETT & Dry Good• Jobber•, *TO 99 ‘VUOD uITRELT-ICouut uttentum IN of Merchants to their large t•-,1 of Donte.t. and Foreign DRY GOODS, in.'s reeemou from ute Its pone!, and M•nurw-turvn., and which 'try nil sell at very low rate, for cash or upproved ,tfedtt. Our stock to now fait and compin,c. and writ Worth the amentlon of buyers, as aro are detcrrn, Ed . at loch extremely low prices al cannot lot to make 0 a strong inducement fot merchant.. to spoke n Ito art it as ineh3l "'HAWSE KEEPING Gt/Oltale—W R!minty t•.• cites the attenuon of house keener-and Lbose atom cOrriMencluir house keeping, to it. ne wrtmctrt of above Goods, such as— lforlte and Counterpanes whtlet an.: colored; Tickings and ,prltow, NlL:shoe Sher:units, from one to three y etd• wide, Table Warren and Table Qiuths, Towelling. Towels and Furniture Prints ern , Chiroxes. " , tarlet Chintz. for cut - nets: Super printed Crum, for omits; Embroidered wt dow curtain Mualinsr Striped and tuned Lied Blankets. at, qua' I,m. and use, A supply or these floods ts ee. 61/1.11, Fpr ell Arend. and will tuways be •ord on the most navoreble term,. at north errat corner 111, and Martial v. rebel iiiii i ii S ids. red rCfr.h Lln e 3.: 11( R 'HP It Y testae* the u. I r n: 11 tho•c wantrtut the above t r o.,•, stoct. coarisung of the tett mate ;runt nit inn , sp. prov ed mann forrurers, la ad the tat, me r ra.teal pure Ilaz.—fle hat must received on otldnionaT repo vt a td is offering Shoring Musk. o: a super.r gunny, at o • very low price Alec, Sheeting and Pillow -gate Muslim , Diapers and Creeh • Table Cloths, To end Napkins; B.Lnken., fioilts, Counterpanes: and liousekeepois Dry Goods generally L AIKEN' DR.b.B GOODS-Soot Eren..b Nfertnos, • aramettos, plain and fancy De Elting>, tenon he Lyles rust received:: Alpacas. be. The season luring far ado:wood. all the•elloals will sold at prices that C21111(A tall to plena°. (Wholesale Roans 310 rant 5 Hardware—co earl r ou AN. 33. ILSON tr l . l3 ,l33o3Calers and Whaled* La Deiders m Ilerdwkre, hlßlterl and Saddlery No 1.... ti B end re ed, miove rifth,tnirertdw to ewes 'very , cheap and well selected orMek at Alarilware, imported eibee tar deetine of pares is Europe, and arnica Mel - are determined to .11 torretpiandingij low. Merelninta it. A. AlAnt.).% a CO., who hate umwaintholsallil, of glying Part. are NMI.. TO. 60 111ARKET STREET. whl continue their I la fly re9oepted to call end h et i t l soos ., out stock , .s. t li kl great sembannuid sale of DR 1 (..ohillS, for 30 ' ", ,3 ". l eltuY believe they fogy. toot bier expeoo , ys longer, daring which nine their extensive? whole _ye._ .. . . ale Room. will be thrown open to rear Retail Trade i oftlfillN AL LiioL,l%-ait. pait: heretoions A. A. 31.5. Co., knoWthii that they ~re 11, , X PEIII:NCEDjodges, on • trial of one and a half ebony Dry Bowls of every dewholon linen len to U. I r , mi ,,, 0t „, 4 ~„,„ ~,, p....0, ..„0 „ .n.,. . p„, ~„,. tt.. 0. , ~,, be—, d 0 . ,.. x 7 ell I pmaed for durability to We comitracuon of all krads of own in wain of dry goods, or who may be in wain, Furnaett. -Price ta , cash for leads of 10 14 goal a examine and pure neve from our crock, at the lowest I ;intend nines:moth, a, ,. Urderiblor a Second quality whOlesale rates. t 1.50 . .1VZ,• wt.: Ite e icor...l'M IVO per 31 , if m do. our micas nivel in reducing mock is to make room I si te ,t, tk id 0 ..,,,,,,,,.,„ . A stoc k of th e G o o geo m." for donee Goods, it being oat tntention eke exiiildt in I . attar for sale at the warehouse, liklan's War(' Ca 1M Marna We 'ordeal and the richest meek of Dry Gonda' I nal Main, by .I niiiW,AIAcLARIZI r ever offered by any one house In Amend. reptnif Benalecton Iron Work. We shall continue the sale of our Bleached and -- , - Ip A yip t ie, otitrVlß.-±, ac. sl/ dos Spades and Sao. Own Alusints, Ticking" and. other Domenic Gouda, I ,,„, ~„ do Manure Fork at *do Grain Shore :Ist 50 for former low rates, notwitfinhinding We meet. ad. lda .I,,,i s i do, Ale*, lititellelf,'.3l.4loooo and Pick% one. of 1 b POl cent ePe t n ate some to etettent °MI "' 1 Mlow , ilievr.&e., for saisalh - mmiemmorem paces. foLl Iby 110 , 1/13 Uk.1.1 CUSIULAtit 20 .C. 04 • 'VOL. XVI. NO. ::22., MISCELLANEOUS:: OOAWI • Patent Gridaarai Gatimpe Flattery and-Mud IsMiata Palustrof kritaW , lit 4 C 4B = ms * erae TL,<.'lni•ithe,,"htr-r"worki`4. • f i.j ", and is the only one ever kn S ~ n own . w mars by aluch galwank ant 4 nen ha COttimyedld the hi! man aye, dwelt . , the braltkeittnisnipawierlha bo4, ilt, externally or latanally In • iteibille genus wawa, without shocks or paio—nlAh perthetsatair--- mid often with the happiest effects. ' • This important apparatus Is uosettightly emend of bT ru nn =the , te . ort t zals , t i e w naj t atran .. 3 =Ms= 0 .. 0 7 Malceruten Pa reform:Li ~ Retereues-oilll also be stash to many highly iOngetable elated* wile haws been cared by foetal of Wiriest valuable appanalaa Of some of the most tusettsrate 000 s diserthltu mob! cot be removed by tmy other ktiottionearta Among venous other, it has beenproved4o Lio ad mirably adapted fur the cure of the fallowing damns, Wet hem:. headache amtethershasaaell ties It is with this apparatus moon that•thiar one convey the magnetic Cold with asset and sto the aye, to 'Wore nett., or elm antauctums4 uptita ear to realest hearing; to doe tonguanwl other aegaalk to 7.1 Core spOOCh; 10 thersinous puts =dri the Cure of ehrositc rhecterailsm, asnusa,. gni, or uo doioureux, paralYaisi or, - ,ebotti St- Mined, CrOlapar, wantnalla Mal Emma some diseases peculiar to bmules, comimetiott a( Sao limbs, Ice t)aw, eta. eta Rights for surrounding caanttesetWestent Pa, and pnvileata, with thalustroment,norp betvareka-, and also lofted (or the cure at Waukee'. • Full tomrecnons wilkbe given for_the menus ahead tali to he used for various diseases, and llarbaal man ner for operetiogjortheminsar Mose dlsimmeinstll al .so he fully expLarted 41,the purchaser, pamphlet put Mtn his hands expresslr for - theury is* care fully moan:Why rho patentee Pala actLltity S WILLIAMS Vin es • Maui . • Etawarsilbla Elltarthj s Swab* FOR VURIVVIINGAV pf • Which =Went ulrbid*Mgmac, sy liteoeinltlenbste. crbtoa Aceg i t 1; 1 0 4 v:: w7le e n :i tt 'i p:. " sertilarer l h e 'td ftheireack,srhosmalarAV ii substances, worms, _dr.o. is the case more ogl es will all hyalrehfwatett. The Rerantrole Micmac is tbaiit and datable, and la am encoded with the toceoyettience Incident to ether Vibe:era, ea it it cleansed *atom beliwdetieled (tea the water pipe, by iaetcly UMW* ikS iGn op h.ndl• from one side to the other. Ily dila obay,proaesa, it. coarse of water is changer; and all wietushtlationa fo impure substances are dna= off Lestni*Yr without unscrewing {he Filter. It the poistesea advantage of beings stop coett and u sash. in many CAAca will be eel" CaTlVeldent and eedababblal. he. be attached where there [e'en) , pbeeehee high or low to a cask, tank, tub, to. with saw: To be had of the solo Agent, . W..W. WILSON, ocLl7 comer of Fourth and Market en TB A 11ZOISVIVS# THE attention of the public la respeocnauroallod the following eertifleslos: Ala. S. Eames—Having tested a guide, of Gold wolgeoS by your remoter, I fold the proves your Instreunent Correct; add . recOffilitind te4 US of h to those going to Californlii. as the boa method for °b raining the real value of Gold. J. B. DUN&WP Beater. riusborsh, (Sarah 9, 1949. Prrommnott, ?data 7,1940. M. tonna—Dew Sin linoing.onuednittithe "Ars°. meter,. roam:doomed at gout roomy. I 40401 hilattp to commend h to the use of those gentlemen who 11.11 Input . removing to Callfonils le senuottatOold. It cues n close app situation to thet . ipoeillo gravt ty of metals, and ortfl Ottani tatf idventomrt to aicannha <Oen My placer to ytellltoorGold roam Yours, nosp'y, / Et. AITLIVIVOL CLINTON PA.PllialllWaw CLINTON PAPER MILL, attested iu llienban- I vine, Ohio, having been en ed iuut inapro r ml, end 11 e very grew expanse added Peal Nyi the mai tniproved kind of machinery, isillOar SM. nfaeinre kind. of Waiting , LPrhailturp tapping kW Cavan Yarn Papaw, Bonnet 3OSldr h 4O,lllllal to to the Eastern or Western country. The undrnugned having kheAiniaLli the above hlti cow keep constantly ea it a supply of the attlerent kinds of Per, mid will ha, any Wee modem order at abaft note. SAL HILL, ta3o , 87 Wood street TUBS AND CHURN S. Pine and Cedar buts Manufactory, No. 81, comma Mauer Ana Porno Sri; l'rrrssassa. liE subscriber keeps corientaUT ward. T sale and retail, eery low for cult— i•=lls Wash Tubs, • 1 1 . 3 a. rte . ! Churns, Bath Tabs, Staff Chains, Horse Buckets, Half aushols, Vic. All Ot kinds Ware in line made Ic order. • _SALAIUIRLALIIOF.SEI.I A FURTHER REDUCTIOLI• AS. Mu SP SATTk SUNS' ATENT SODA A-90— J 1 tos tons 31 cash etrrreney, or 4315e5: applvil 5 ions or opmraada, 3J ‘lO rmr, 4 MOS do,onterest ad ded. For th e superior quality of this brand we refer to :hc &sat and snap muneraeturert of Ws toy general. . - W Jr. hirfClIELTegE, deal 150 liberty at _Diaphragm William, for Hydrant Water. tli~la I t HO la to certify lhal I have ap. (Knitted Livingation, Roggen t Co. .L_ Sole Agents for Lao vole of J enning`a Patent Diaprahgna Fitter, for the oil hes of Pittsburgh. and Alleglimy. TO!lff GI SON, Agin; for Vitalter 51Gibiron, WI Broadway, y. Oct. to, 1948. • We have been astng_arto faiths above articles at BM othca of the Novelty wPd. (or, .three gtontbs, on trial, nett feel perfectly Waned that'll iv a `useful invention, to d we take pleas/toe in rot:ciao:tending them as a me fa. ameba to all wlio love poop water Order. will be thankfully received and prontittly - exotelted. oath) LIYINhigriUN, IiOGGf N & Co IHE subscriber, la o ße ring for sale a handsome lot of Yams d Clarkls,• Mew York,' sad. Chicks:- ind e ißostnn,) Praline, would duvet attention to the trod that his re the only place lh the Wist where the instroments nflhese two makers can bottled sul• by side, and where, runsequently,, a correct idea of their quainter, en, he formed. The edbliertbertaing.XlOrly to test their fiance 'manta, sod tutcnnyfrat a number of years performed upon tat Vlttllo3 01 to Clark, nes taded Into use lot the eat twelve . .nimbi, a Chick s Piano, in orate to try all durability and flutes. as au be seen to tba Voice. This Piano may now be seen and examined at his roams lie feels confident of Ms otooty to give & competent and lona . bin opttooo On the sobjeet_ A aandsorne Im of [:ess• Minos will be opened in a few days. H. )(LEH Ea, does At J Woodweldo ``ADDLE, HAKNF.R,S,TRtiNK AND, WHIP MAN, I ITAt..II'ORY.—The suL3CrlUs, takes this method 1 - or oonoio g , Ins friends and the public in general Mal or has the largeot stock of the following named aril ales of his Owl, 1111.1161.111 . 13 In this city—Saddles, liar .,'hunts and Warps, all of which be will warn= to be mfad , lfs Su.. .Material and by She best mech- MM., ill Allegheny county Iteltig determined to sell his manuiertures romettung lower than his been hero .nfore sold Jy auy aurnial estatnishment to the coy, he wOu4l persons 1 , 1 need or tkoubovo .f”Cdt• to big warehouse, No. 044 Liberty street, oppo tutelaveuth. Also, Loads muds orOur fur machines q. oda , . I y U. KERBY. p vet tetigte - ari - vrat AL IC— fists.? lITTEIf ' 1: u : ' ,;. p rZir To:lni 0 m 1 Wu rt n 'tb7 d p " re u rt academic year, will commence*, the first or Februa ry tut, to We rotor buildings, No. ML.Rserty street. Arrmgeerns have beta talc "'" the wW tildes equal to toy lit the West, tor obimmus a thorough English, Cluss cm, and Ornamental education. A run courseof Phi isephical and Oltesnical Lectures wilt be delivered durbig We wuiter, ilbiatrated by apparatus. The de- VfltllClll3 of Voce; alit! Instrumental Maine, Modem a.nctuagets, Drawing and Vaulting, sesll oath be under Um 41411 C of a GOUTS:ern Professor. By close auentioo to the enrol and naelleclual Improvement of their pa oils, the Priacipaistope oa merit a UMUnitahon of dm hue., patronage they hart hither. esuoyed_ For terms, see met:darer apply bi die PRUCIpsla. PLlFeti , 17)1REPolf FIRE BRICKS—The roblenbere trams been appointed mre Agents by tne inunafieturers, for the sale of the cerebrated ..Pticeitir lineks," are low prepared to hit order. ter any gu. , .y, c.h, per Iran For the constructs/re Of (unlaces of all knots, (there totaled lIIIOE been proriatteeed by com petent Judaea as velar, superior as all ether fire books near to use. C A WAN uury Zee°, Cartel Basta. - • -• • miag Al N - FACTIIItED ALt i ',tf his Loonartine3n, 33 3lirgbean g 8 .lo Vatman A. and - 1, no John floctar 5., td do ocrts 48 Co 3, anal v; to a..d Lg.nt' 1.. 3 do AVattotek 'up, la 7 bra :Reward :Is l'obaecos,coMmeing smut or ,be most favor. Lie COollpollosa. end wilt be sold :OW 10 .l 1,t01.01 WHITE PATEINTiItIit — A A 811. LMPIAL r 1.1.0 tiL , At fltlh Al.eNTrAirMi I:11S ILe ...been ucrr, beLeg the ea eivat•e erne voters of James eleespeatt none`Soda Ash tor ati, WM.... ILLIW w2l/ etltlll.{ 10 tee largely sure. i lr tc ,l .title this cc'eterated brand, which they soil sell at the. loseast market price (or CUteSt st'ltto , oil tills "racy refer to the vas* And way Inatturrcturets f thee cell' generally respeectiog the quality. & Al AIITGIIELTRF.E, noel lOU Wee at I RON FOUNDRY FOR RAt.E.—A email iron Poem dry Bourishing to with'Fartenta, Tools, roods iur loisigoiks, will tie told of .COSI2IIIO. dull g m rras, or exchange lot Itoo or geode. Th. Off.e arcscctiout oppOrtyagig In • young man ,mull mynal to comormme tae Skin teundry to. E+4yuirc Sealei, tooking gloves, 0 aaaaa fac. Hz:Lint. b. Round Church, witurty and Woad strlteta, manufacture o&r for talc Mat - form FloOrttntt 9CALIGIII., thc. unfit . ro quuttry; CoolrinrStores, tor wood am, coal, Egg eturca of 'aria/manes, Parlor and commou thaws, eropour Wara.,64; /to racy also s,nanut twos& tn. anultmt bas love auch •attaiaction I 0 (WA. 114V1115. in am., to all of 11 , Cli V.11:4 reAPeetillify inhteyhe a.. 114011 of Citr<Vii• iltd.alr'lntokettnendly. orl't7-cht I JIA I 5.5 l cuLA kr EA .1,011111..11 o( eorncnus 2c Cos c , cbtated ma a -I.,ture, and tupotior.toall moon 40 u 44, adapted to urturcitc, steamocetts, Mutants, dtoclittlar, pahlic and . 1 , t, n tt, hid to all o , hlr rc a citcap., oafi Mid hrtlliay, trey, to derranlo., .su,t.,rwidotes, lauturns,r.andclabras,Globea, ?hack,, %Vic It 4, [`tumult,. Oats; 'frstimers, Sc. Alm, Gas Chandettcm, from one to fous t ltAbta t IV WlLl4:tt, 46 market at 1:361:aL3 SCAIrfIZ ATKINSON. • I.IIIIGV ood ei reeL