The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 02, 1849, Image 1

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kaR.ISTRONG &MOVER, C4mmlaeion Alerehantw
attd Dealers io Prodaee, No. .12 Market meet
binet. derB
X. /Tn. W. E. Halt
10101 h. 'WIELD en RAYS, Wholus el dealers fa Dry
1) Goods, Grocerira, Boots, Shoe , Pittsburgh maw,.
rammed articita, &c., No. VO . rly strect. Pina
hurt. 5
. .
IrMYRICI awns, _ ouotuaraarraa.
BHA 1!N & REITER, Wbolesn a and Resit Drug.
11 gut., corn. of Lawny and SS.
Clatr streets, Pau,
bomb, Pa.. mayl4
CULHXdr,O3I 'bo le ~ IsIOWN.
ROWN 4. bULBERTSON, ss& Grocers.
and Commission blercharttaiNo. 145, Liberty sL,
Nt i sborgh. a.
...____ daily
BiSFARNIWTOCIC & Oa, Wt:druid dad Re
• tAit Dr.ggiVly earner Wood and
G SMITH, WltolesaTi Grocers, IR and
intact "Pittsburgh.
CA. 141cANUilif & Foremnimg —and.. C
om• minion Merchants, Canal Rasta, Pittsburgh Pa.
bitquorir — to BPrInF,. Arlo. Ste' el and iron
rtOLEMAN, • MAILMAN & Co, emoutsaturtm of
NJ Coach and Male Springs, Hammered Axles.
Sprlng and Plough Steel, Iron, &e. Warchoace.on
Water and Front streets:, Pittsburgh.
&lop, denten lel Coach Truntelegs and ° Malleable
CF/tanpt. votl:2
piijOiCkIWORKS ON Liar:wry: rr , OPPOSITF.
lug liKeD dv WOOD, PITTSB
EDII.I7ND wuaausis, RAIN
orrrnarEs monofarture _Monuments, - burin.]
Vmdta, Tombs, Bead Stones.lllsnici Nueva Con.
tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic warble, at
a regular and fur price..
N. A—Drawings Ibr monuments, vaults, &o. (*nosh
ea, of any description. lie silicas • sham
.o.f pu übf_ blic
Wll. a. MIXT,
MINGIASH BERNETT, (Imo kkiglish, Gallneher
1.1 4 . CO,) holes , Grocers, Caturtussion and Por
waraan_g Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts
burgh Manufactures, N 0.37 Wood st., between vd and
'Mame?. Of ti
' •
elkliftflE COCHRAN, Commmion wit], Farweriltng
glerehnnf. No. 20 Wood area. flmsburgh
— ElifnuThotrsc FACTORY•
- 113 - AMILTON STEWART, mennfleinrer of Heavy
Shiltingg, CheOls, &0., Rebecca meet, city of
Allegheny. novls-diya
Hu - JAE, to Murphy fr-Lce,) Wool Deal-
LI, et . mad Coe:minion Merchant, for the rule of
American Woolens, Liberty. opposite 6th rt. tebt7
. _ _ _ _
ent. unto. "Wyman,.
A-I. =cases, astwrixo ulaatm, ,
a. c.leCalolo3, .tonn A. warns,
MFEALD&Bilmakni,Tobae.Commiasion Ater
jA. chants, 41 North Water nt, & IS North Wharves,
201:11= DICRZI, JR,
& co., Wholesale Grocers. Coat
i mission Merchants, and deaden In Produce,
Water, and 107 Frant street, Pittaboorh. nerd
T B. CANFIELD, (late of Warren, Onto,) Commis
sion and Forwarding Merchant, and wholesale
dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Boner, Put and
pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Water
meet, between Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. ap.3
i an
OHN MATT, (01.016DT to Ewan Cetbart,)
• ;Wholesale Grocer. d Commission Merchant,
Mee in Produce and Pinoborgh Blimnfactures, rev
iler of Liberty and Hand sweets, Pittsburgh P.)1.4
:1 MIFS 8 McGIIIRE; (late of the fine of Al&no and
tl AleGtdM) Merchant Talor, SL Chr.rles Moldings,
?turd Urea, near Wood, Pittsburgh.
lAMBS A. fIUTVHISON, & Co.—Sneerml
IN Lewitt Flatehison & Commistrion Merchants,
imiLhatents .of the St. Loaw Steam Sagas Itellnery.
No. IS water and MI front atreeta, Pittaargh.
7 B. DILWORTH & Co., Wholegate Urocens, Pro
t/a duce and Commission Merchants, and Agents
for the Hazard Powder Co. of N. T., No. tt7 Wood et,
Pittsburgh. jaa
iOHN DTMORDAN, Wholesale Druggist, sad deal
er in Dye Stuffs, Patois, Oils, Varnishes, &e, no. 23
ood strum, one door South of Diamond Alley, r..-
burgh. , float
. TAKESPOIRS, Jr., & Co, (successor to Joseph a
.. U_Dris,)Skup Chandlers, 30 Witter street eat
OOHN H. MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer
In Maxie and Musical lnstrumettua, School Soots,
sper, Slates, Steel Pens, quills, Printers , Curds, arid
Stationary generally, No. 01 Wood st, Pittsburgh.
117 - Rags bought or taken IL trade sepls
1 SCHOONMAKEII .5 Co., Wholesale Drowse.,
U a No. 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
7 OliN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, Corner Sth and Wood
t) stteets, Pittsbeirgit ; nets
JOHNSTON it STOCKTON, Doolute Kers, Printers
wad Paper Ainnufnentrers, No, 44 Market is, Pius-
Pant nom, ucnaae 'LOYD.
d R- FLOYD (lstia. Floyd Co.,) Wholoule
ey..;aisrLLittert)- Fuca. septi
TANEEZ DALZELL, Wboleenle Grocer, Commission
kr bimetal/4 and 'dealer in Produce arid Putebnrgh
tdanzitatuarea Na %MS riusburgn. inran
• • mi,2l. ToWlViila4DTirugiriststed Apottweery,
iftre ITertet al, three doors above Third st. Pins.
• • rghiwill'lnsve conetantly on lutad a wetl selseted as
sortment of the best and freshest htedieWea, which he
Will sell on the most reasonable term's. Physicians
Sauling orders; will be promptly towelled w, and sop
with articles titer,. oar rsly ?,e9n .
accurately a nd
VIZ prepared from the best materials, at any boor of
l' A
lso for 22, e large stock of fresh end good Parte
li/EN & JON}: , Emosinding and Commission !dm
rhsw Dealers •in Product and Pittsburgh maim
med oriels.., Canal Thuin. near :th
P 11.814 RIEWPT., TTSBUII.43EIi,A.
KENNEDY, CHILDB AL CO., Rlimufactarers of very
4operiar 44 &wings, Carpet Chairs Cotton
Tame 4.4,4 Batting.
Vesuvius Iron Works.
DALZE,LL & Co., itistosfncturess of all
jij ICS 131tr, Sleet, :Boiler Iron nd N-01. of d, cost
quality. Warehouse, O 4 WHIM .11d Uv molt et.
B WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer. Forward
mg And Commiszion Merchant, Dealer zn Pitts
burgh Manufactures and Produce, Nos. al Water st.
and 6Y Front r. 127
THCICIWI 121217 EDT L pt. • ...
Kir•NNXDT & SAVlifell,
I,OOICING GLASS Pannufacturers, and Wholesale
dealers in foreign and demesne Variety Goods.
astern merchants, Pedlars and others are invited
to call and examine the prices and tptafity Of opt *lock,
as with our present increased fleihttes in mnnn(acmr
mmgg purchasing, we think we can offer as great
neemeats to buyer, se any other house west artily
10H] YGII.L WS. D. ..11 . G121 W.I.VMD C. SOL
*CGILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and COMM.-
&ion Merchants, No. L 94 Liberty sh, Pittsburgh.
a 6
VILLSON & CO., Date Jones, Murphy &
J.T.L Co.) Whole.le Dealers 0 'Dry Goods, No.
Wood atrr.4 Pittsburgh. corn
I=S, ALE"- 2 , 11113 Cc, WE.
N , 5 13 .r•N Co. Orinonssion and Forwarding
g Merchants, 111luer and Front its., between
Od and Market sin. Ann
14ILLEf13 RICKETSON, Wholesale Oro; erk . — sod
.o,Coion Mczclauts, No. 176,1 , . tl5Ffl:ll ,, V , Ir
rortratt and klatTature Paul.
ILO. Zxuno, wow of Poet Offroo A LL mid
FM* meet, el:armlet ou 4th near Market.
HOLMES h. SON, No. GS Marker .r, second
iidoor from comer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Depo.
A, Bank Notts and Specie.
I[7 Collections mad on all the prmetpol nines
thin. hoot the tinned .itates. ~ dent]
_ _
kivcialatatat, Fowth at,
JA third draw above Smithfield, south side
4ll•Pyliritillg of dll iffirds done with the greatest
care sad legal accuracy,
ralests Beal EstateermaMerlote. oct3C 6 ly
Pialtoo °Moe. •
NO. FOURTH STREET`.--Comrtutting Nam.
'sate, Minus, tire= Chief of Pollee, Ross.
nsi6.-am si r
Ai. T. lictberte, R. D.,
OrrHALIVIC SURCIFDN, will attend to the treat
memo( Dismues of the Eye.
Dr. B. hat been engaged a, this. branch of the medi
cal profession far sixteen years, end has conducted an
maehlishment for the treatment of dlseeses of the eye
alone (or several years.
OD= end residenc e , corner of Sudasky et and
Strawberry alley, ./tl4dy ectl3
M., ow Wood , -611 quahtities of Oreen and
Black has, done up In quarter, half, and
•ne pound package., ranging from DO
'per pound
WAX (y 4 A. MIMS, AO. for Pekin Tea Co.
'p ODMDMOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying
DIII, Distiller ' dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Manulae
trans, and ni l hauls ot Foreign and DOCIeKtiC Wants
sad Ltquons, No. li Lacrty street. On hand a very
I:lir: h .:1h of . kuyser ,r iovo c id a llanongattela whiskey,
".._ 14 1° . ( an . , , via:ly
call.i. 11.031.011, _ 16.411.1. B. 1001310$.
ARODIINSON a CO, Wholesale Grocers, Produce
i , and Commission Merchants. and Dealers In rin.-
sugh hialiaaClAUCs, No. /60 Ltherty sh, Pittsburgh.
P. Pualu
O kin" D Z . k.1.1., a Co., Wholesale Grocen,
Commission and Forwanhag Merchaists, dealeni
Produce and Pittsburgh alimufsetarch, Liberty st.
Pittsburgh, Pa. . lelrdi
rA . . A. CO d ote Whoicsale Grocer
Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh ktringfactures,
0.144 Liburry st. JY PI
0. IEVNaIRS I. 1.. Bil X' E.
7.20 EYNOLDS L SULK Forwarding and Camiutteunn
CL Merchuntz, for di< Allegtutuy Hirer Trade, deal.
ars in linicenes Produce, Pataturgh Manufacture
and Chloride of ierne.
Thetrigitest prices,. to each, paid at sat/sees for
try mg:. Corner of Pena and Irwin ets. jan.l3
. .
Q. KITH & JOHNSON, Wholesale e wad Retail Dealers
7.7 Da' blillissery toads, Laces, Hosseq and tone) .
Asbeles,No. 46 Mute% street, ;Id door above Third si,
klusburgh. aF.22
. C., TM*. R. Wll.ll.
SIIACKLI:I7 JIL . WHITE, Molesado Dealers 0
IPormo and Domestic Dry Good. No. PO Wood at.
Pittatugh. febriff
-- • - _ '
& W. lIARBAUGU, Wool Mercaluas,.llealers
O. la Flour and Produce generally, sad Forwarding
Nal 4.&Faurassrark Merchant:, No. ra w‘ler st ., phis.
O,ImTM, I.IAUALEY & Co., Wtolcsale Grocer. and
0 Pradacc dealers No.:TM Market meet, between 6th
ono eth, North aide, Ylaludelphlt. nova
nava - rieraiernu. toati Maim" N./.11116.
ELLERS & NICOL; Produce and .t.itnrral Cami
la misfire Merchant., \o. 11 Liberty I'itiabarat.
Spann, Linseed raid Lard Oils.
F. t r UZ , I IiONNLWRST, Co, 'Wholesale : (M
-ears, Forwarding and Comnassion Merchants,
era fa Putsherch Manufactures and Western rm.
dace 1 av e removed to their Lew ...rd....01d 'Rua)
Ai, corner of 'Front at. arul Chancery Land.. -o.
_._.... _ ... _
ril aciTii.e, wan, whak.a.k.a.d.Retsiliiniusta u
- ± , 13 00 L., shoes, Trunks, auks asp, So.;
• me, ot 4itt anas3anitb4sid us, fpnburgn, Pm: pa
rirSE.Y t• BEST, Whoir= 1 0. (Avner; En 4, Conan..
eon iitarckants and desleis.4 Prods .. No. US
audsi,,lqUsbuish:. . • p!..
W WlLSON_llpaler.tWoubel,tl
' UST? viratoillUtuuT Odds, fee , fib. 67 Atkl"
MK IL. poS7
. .
. .
• " . • • ~ e ‘
I -.L allir
. I
, "' I •
• . -
• • , . IZETTE
1 • • • .
toW D. wit!, DAM/ arCANDLINI.
NICK 111 . CA-NDLESS, (stlecossorm to L...t J. '
Wiek,) Viliotannin Grocers, Forstartitng and
Cartubissiun Meithatas, deniell to Iron,
Lotion Varna. and Pittsburgh hlartufauture• gt,nerully,
n( Wood and 1V3.1..y Ittut.arch
fIOIVEN , --Comrtnnaion ond Forward:l,g
Alerclutin...No. Ito Front at between Woon nuJ
Narlint mtrort% urt,4
wW. WALLACE AI Flll . ll/1.i ,•
. inK r esta.lashment, M
No. 441 Lthcrty ar, nnnr the
W R NWRI'III'. Nflotes•te and Hrtuil denier in
. Foreign and Dornoeur Dry Conti, north cult
corner of Market and Fount no. nurD
311. YOtNG Co .— Dealer) in kntintr 11,41 c, kr
1 r 11:1 Liberty
necrtcnto.i. Nutt PeCt, t•litA,N
• . . ..
W • .i. R. 51`01TCHF.ON, Wholronic Grocer., dea
lers in Piudtice Iron. Nail, Glum and Ihttc.
trurghMunalacrutcs generell), 151 Laberty xt, Pun , -
barin. dert2
%AT - AV WlTlibisrWitiehe ... - Jecveiry...tlver Ware,
1'1" . and !Ciliary' Uood., curry, of Ntacket and 4th
greets, rttsburo, Pa. N.. II —Watchec and ttuci t tt
carefully repaired.
ILL AM 0111151, Manufacturer m Cotton and
colored Linen, FrioGer no Weimer. rte.. rlem tog
'Silt and colored Cotton Fnnirre for rallr and combo.
Protocols. Gimp. MOnair, and Silk Dol.. Frotert,
made to order on.the shortebt non,.
- - .
13roars, carper of Malden Lane and Wlll inn,. entronee
No oi Wihioku street, third door, over Almer & Ely.'
store. No es Pdan Lit , New
_York iy In
-ide _
. _ _Y
ur & M. ALITCHELTIEEF:, Whnie.m, urn,.,, Rectifying Distiller.. and t VII,. and Lai°,
Merchants. Also, Importers of Soda A.l, and Ithincle.
tag )pnedee, No..l6ol.lberty street, rihanar K a. p w .
"P . 4 . ._'_._... - ... .
=also PETTIGIIEW *.. Cu.,
STRA Al II I.)A r Ali E Nl' S
OrrEca•Aovx Al Au.c•A A t•,,,
octal No. 4.2 Woter slr.e:
Die Frani:Liu Frye in.furanrs Co. qf
1)11 1 2 , 11_10 1 B y t—Chorler B!ro , ..ker i., Tl7:gans , lllr , r t t , ,.
Geo. W Richrrnli, "' lLltC7l ' :"
Bone, David S. Brown, Morn,, Pnue non.
- . .
Cheeks ti, Reneger, Secretary. •
Continue to make insarsome. perpetual or Minted,
on every desenptiort of property in town or ronnvy,
at rates as low as are consistent With security.
1% Company haveireeerved a large ronune cnt Fund,
Which orith their Capital and Premiums, safely Luse:4-
mi, afford ample protection to the assured.
The teams of the company, on January Ist, le-11. as
r a u blashed , agreeably Lo an net M Assembly, were as
Mo , r l izig t e a l e ••-•/ 51,047,4 - 41
94,7:14 03
Temporary Loans 06,001 01.5
Bmeaa 61ATI Li
Cash, Lee 30_004 37
Since their incorporation, a period of to years, they
have paid upwards of one million four hundred thmis•
and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence
of the advantages of Montano, us well a. the ability
and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities.
marl-ely 03N E corner Wood and hi vs
JOliN FINNEY, la, Agent at Fdoburgh for the Del
aware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Nitta.
adelphia Fire Risks upon buildings and merchanthre
of every description, and Marine Riots upon bulls or
cargoes of vessels, taker, upon the most favorable
.3( Water, neat (Socket street s Pittsburgh.
N. B.—The metes* of thin Congiliuty since tile estab
lishment of the Agency in this eity. with the prompt
ness and liberality with which every claim upon them
for loss has been adinsted, (ally. warrant thr agent in
inviting the confulan. mdpatromge of los friends and
the community at large to the Delaware Al. S. insu
rance Company, while it hus the addmional ad.ntases
as an institution =wig the mostMounstang to Philatibl
phin—as having en ample
con sa capital : wine h by the
Operation of charter is stantly increasing, as
yielding to‘each person insured his due share of me
profits of the company, without involving Into in any
resposoubilny white-ter, and therefore posses-nag
the Mutual ptinevle..divesled of every obit. to. te•,
tore, and in its mont ItlinicUle form. nova
TE Insarisnee:Cam .li pmy at North America, Inrough
its dnly authoril Agent, the inine-ertber. °dere to
make permanent and muted insurance on property. in
this city and in viciuits. and ott shipments h) the Ca
nal and Rivers.
lathar 0 Coffin.
Nn o'l 1%;.,J0ne5.,
John A. Brown
John \S ate,
ThomrieY. Cope ,
Samuel F. South,
Samuel Brook
lienAY D. beep.
Than , a the °ideal Insurance CompaniOin the United
States, having been chartered in l?i14. Its charter is
.perpetual, and train 4s high standing. Inner expene,
ample means, nnstaretiding sit swiss of on extra box-
Woos character, it may be constderre us °tiering UM
ple aceunty'to the pobue. TV. P. JONES.
At the Coolitinitßoont of Atwood. Jones A. ,IV a•
tar And Front streets
Attilfif IPift3 Ult.A . lb" C -
Protection Intranet Co. of Hartford, Conn.
lJ FUND.—The undetaigued, having been
Agent of the Protection Insurance CO., will take rt•ka
on property in the city and vicinity, and on so/pinescu
by emal, and We rivers and lakes,
FAY ern.: BROWN,
nick:Ml.l2m • Office, No Ln7 V. nod ,trier
riqfh; dlikiiiChlikikat. hat. been appointed Ae eta
tem. of (he lasurattett Coloyalty of North Am, TIC d,
Yid will tree° Vatete. watt attend to the Ultati 1..111t,a
of the Agency, ttl the wareltuuer.l.l% Jotte•
Co. not:, 11. I. Lt., a r• t
DalinnllhWaft, J
No. 59 South Wharves, No. 117 South Water st.
DEGs to tufarnt the trare and dealers generally, of
Pinstnsgh. that they h., de !web arrange:nen,
with the Virginia inanuti,arera and the Grower,. 01
the West, West inthea, and other placer. si /0•01,,
a taiga and ronatani sow) . of the fallowing de..erip
hems of Tobacco, which will be told upon as aeroni.
modal:tag terms In) tither hoage to Om any or e,,e•
whim, and all goods ordered teem them will be ...-
routed equal to rapresentatlon,
Ifirvann; St. Deridnigo, • Conn.; j
Tara; Porn Rico; Penti'a.; I•Seeil Leaf to-
Cuba; Ignou; & Florid..) burro.
ALSO—Bitanelds cakbraind Aroma ac Stag INaven
diah, with a •largd, aiworuarat of either popular brand,
and sionista'a of pounds, ss, ns, 16v sad Lamp.
51, 0, 6. nod las Plug, Lodi.' Twig., Virginia Two.
ad,sweet Bad plaid is whole and half L01CM1...0414.1
and un, together with ' ovary variety of min, 1.-long
ing to tho trade. mirgh„
'mutat A. 311, PRODUCE.
to Reed, Hurd & Co ' )
Particular attention paid to the bale of all bind. of Fro
dace, andliberal advances made on eunugnnic Ina.
Lt. R. & Co. have leave to refer to—
Messrs R. Ranson & Co.
McGill & Roe. S
" Rood, Parts & Co.. Bea var.
Luag g on k Coved, Wellowille. U.
Boswell Marsh, Esq • Stertbenvilie, G.
Brady, E.q. I
W P Pec*.n , Y..q l Wheeling ) V.
bless)). It Crangle 4
13111 SW.),
mtq.d.t. ribod y t o s: Ogleby, 13rulge port,
Commission Merchant and Forwarder,
1:17 . Particular ...mutton peal to the purchstinug of
of any article of Produce in tau market. Alto to the
(erwarding of Goods generally. Beier to
!desert. Juhn tiwasey & Co.)
Alartta & Stockwell 1-Cinetnnatt,
B. C. ••
Parkhurst, E.q .
Ispplncou &-Co.
liter & Jonas,. }husburgh, PA
Enzlish & Bennett, mar, dbm
CostunissiOn - a . 114 -. lial : Wardiff f Merchant.
so. t.t WOOD sr., nrrsarsou,
C • • •• •
ONTINUFM•to distin •ct general Commission busi•
nes., especially in the purchase end Bale of Ameri
ca. Manufactures and Produce, and in receiving and
forwarding Goals consigned to his care. As Agein lot
the Manufactures, be will be constantly supplied with
the principal anteles or Pittsburgh filanufarinre et the
lowest wholesale prwes. Orders and consigerneute
are respectfully aolieffeiL
, ERCIIANDI/SE BROKER an d Comnowirin Mcr ,
chant, No. 35 South Prom street, (second 'tory.)
Floladelphla. re Goods porch...en, packed, 1110ared,
and .hipped to order. IVool, Flour, Orion, Wont
Fruit and Cheese received on consignment and slor-
Om with Insurance obtained.
R.Knwiratm.:-P7m. Bell & Son, Mr. B. 111gby, and
Mr. !limey CAnda, Fittzburgh. _
Iton, galls, Cotton Yarn. A. Pltteburgh
glanatetotaree generally,
. eo. 11l WOOD ernxrr, rrrrsanau,N, re.
nEßeileti., Hu OTH/Lati & CO.,
. Poe the ,al.• of Produce genettaly
ED- Liberal aditalieeli mask on coiingiuenot.
asportalionto the ELut.
Comlniggion and Forwarding Amite.
13. u. BARTON, Pittsburgh, will receipt produce
going East. febli-ilgro D & C.
R. 7. LEECH, JR.,
Imparter arid Drain. in Foreicn and Dionerrie
Saddlery Hardware & Carriage Trimmiage,
No. 133 Wend am., Pittsburgh, Pn.
ISlatovinies'tftelZio:lo"[Vggild;e7sP,'l7o:;..llGm7se';s Sun/
diterehtmts to his stock. It has been bought upon the
bows terms, from Me best sources, and he therefore
feels confident of being able to afford sansfaction to
all vetostatt992d:Lth a call. tor hridnrn
Jonsson, 46 Market Street crushing to dare their
stock of Variety Goods previous to their removal, will
sell at wholesale their stock ol Combs, Buttons, Nee
dles Threads, Punk, Jewelry, die, at cost. if. & J
' remove en April td, to No 69 Marko; st. tochva
s. L. AULT. WM. r 101150.
.•- - .
I[JARDY, .10:4"Mi Es. Co., (successor , to Atwood,
Ja Jones & Co.) Commission and Forwarding Mer
chant& dealers tit Pittsburgh Manufactured COOdf,
Mistral* r. • nicti27
W7)l T1N1111.1%.
filtf .'er pa
WILL al.. utend to roll^cuo..• And ali nth,
no). entru)ted hJrn to I:ntl.r and Arm.tro.c
counties. Pt. lirt, In
.1 A 11 Fiord. I.3bery. ••
WW. Wallnee, do t
James Slarnhall do
Sly Kny h Co . Wood •t
T 12 swriTzFiß,.l lAA.. offw ,
017.0.11 e Chnrli-. 110., IA
attrod prommly in eolleetinon. J. NS ant.rarrum. I n‘,.:14.
nod count/ea. Pa.
111.F1-It It ,
Rlaet•lnr 1,. Bell h )
Church A Carothrra. >Prz•t•orvit
D T. Morgan. 1 eel
J. HENRY. Atturt,y Ctt
our,lor nt
1J• Canetlinat, I ft:to.
nod in lonsena, and in Kenitt, Iv, promptly 1.. el
fully attended to. COMIllt.•101,r hsr 110 , 5tai,..f1 . J...1.-
tylvalua or tattog D• 10411.11., ar I, OD,
Ac. tr.r.
Munn, In— (lon. Wm. Bei! A .4,11. , A
Carothrrn, Wt., I lay), Ku, . A Day,
A rronNEr AT LA W. t rrrnovr.l !,.
11. )trret. Sttothh,d and I,rani
/1%. 1411111 .4,41.5X . W1..1
1 UN LOP 0 ,EWEI.I. ni 10, 11it..•..-
Sotaltfir hciween ..:41 mid It. s•-
TOIIN H. RANKIN, A•inrnc) ..,1 t!,...).1 nJ
).? nod Comp...loner m, tht. nt
)lo 01 rit..:•ur; it
111:rxxxnran Hon W Forn-nr.l. ~up.
Inn AlV.nre. John F. Park.,
A NlTord A kon).
A TrORNEN Al' LAW. l'ourt). hetw,
SlautlaGend and (hunt.
_ .
WM. C. 13
k rrt.IINEI Al' I.A NN , r .„
NV. 11. 11.
i R o U r
Ct./ st., next door to Alderman John, JEW:Iy
_ •
Till: .uhen•rther. m addition to his own
tannufacturinv, of Hats, I a= made arraitee•l4
meats wlth Itch,'o.. n.
fashionnld , , Nt t ork o,
alai. supply oi ;o• extra • had
received a tew est.., ran to. suited w,,1
very rich tind hentinfu shot 1. w
and Cap Stn., SinithLr'it =tree, ,CD1:11 •Lot: :0
fourth. ,Vlll . l, ;nay be round o orrot vane, 01 11,1,
and Cdr.. of 111/ own manurne:orr, crhoir•a, two
tad Hats niude to order on ilio,
_apt: %I
111'CORD tr. CO..
ISuecesxors to Nl'Cord
Fashlou•ble Ilatter4,
Corm, of M 0..) an.: I..Vlit Ste. t.".
PARTS:II.AR intention paid 0,.: Reno: I'm,.
Gtl, ennet, C,lll rely upo, ta,• Ilut• and
Cap. front our t , taidvilouel tot thr
wo.49..Au'r, of the harrriqn.v.,.
Country Nleri.hanta, par..nn.ttie I.y win - des:4, are
respectfaby invited to
unit anti , x*,l l / 1 1ke Oa r 014•CiL /i•
we can .ay with confidence u onit yt t.
and en 1: no! ant 'utter lit acomp:Art..l
house to Pailadelphiz
MAT,. CA I",i AN I/ Mt EPS—Th. l a
suhserTher r. nowre,....vinx from the
• ray oeNew Yorlr. n choler a.u,rtment
of Hats, Cap. and Nlutl.. tll pro.l aro
ty and very cheap. wlin,csalv unit re , 4,3
novll Sauthhe:d 'r..., door *nom nl Ith
CALIFORNIA 'LATS.- to dot whir. en.ol
California flot,, rind for .n.c I.
leb2: corner 5,11 and Wood •,
Co. witiintrooure no Saw,
alladay, Nlarch ::d, :t.• r ••,Ir of II B'l,
Thane m wan:al u ita:. are a: , i , -11
to call al corner ofsth and Woo. , ,•r,,et-
Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies.
I)O..JAVOIS ROSE. the ,!..coverrr
pnetor or 1110.1 pol,olor :and
And W..° the luvrtito} td the ,lefiratrd
meter for tdantlitg care .1 •
Chrospe ch•enAe4, was ,tudrisi court, in,
vion, Dorlor Physw. fi• 1, 0 , 1.40.10 I r e
d , ...r •.
' T oe Ponn.ll,,nla, .m 1 lor voro ) , n. n• 1•,.•
engaged lit 'Jae Invest/2m0.. 01 and Lfir
enUon or rerocdie. th,rr to
Through the use, of tux Intlato, ktb,. tor
with ht. Propn) thfllC his rrtn ••,,. -
he. ha. , chntril .2 , rkird
tho.e dre..ifu trit:AlN 1141,141. f • Tim,.
1.1.1p(14111, Ch.irrra. •. 1. • orr.
la, and al. iliorir ntr• 11,n, it. • .• ~r .ra.a.,•
Indeed carry 10rni of is...en•ii • siriiritr• undcr riii•
01 ha•Trnilcitic.. to winch him., Irrir ,••
01 one rompouno to,ky. thai invomp.
with Pliyetoirritirt, bn, ..) thr uro. ao
ole•, adrkptril Out !or eat I, pr.
John FL Nef
Richard D. Wood
Frailsc, kloskro,
Or. Rote'. Togor wtt , :t wed nr.
Vanably a..41n0u - icalx - ral U. be•r o:iy-r
a pUrgatIVII hwalr pill. to , kgro.ach Lta tzar) was. up
Devrels petlectly fret- 1-oin
Golden admittril Lae ,:arta':
Ilan bee tn m [wad..
n nre
or the 1111111111 , t;
The .1111c:ed1.1V11. al rn,. upon 1.,1
procure grnlo, one ol in , • 0ttn1; , 1,6:-.
detalled neeoun, Of el., rethe.,; u.. 0 11. 1171 r
Foraett It v Inc rett crttrtt, t
111 - ..G . Joatt rot, hoot is ro,.
J Achnount.c, ttt ut
J M Trox Almtx, -t
lAm A 8.1,er
11 , a vet , ....
1110 Eli 11011 V• I
T AdHostr {l,o:rt.
11 , 1 ,
v.vore butt n.Jd wa• grcat 11.“111 we. v.:, •1a avral.o. , ray umNi 41 I ,m ~•
uedacine ro a who •a 1 to pre..1,4 ~•. I
vould advise :he o, ot Jr r 3, It, 1iu...1111 ni I ,
wort. A\lF',
Artur ine,hcatit: fu,,lnter
ver, rcAtort. 1.011111:1k ro, -u•
per yr preparn.ti for 11, m. 0.!
diera,re. u: 2.Ald 1..• r•
4 lueven aner
rrlnnno.. In prartn 11,1. At, I v^r
peCtlible phyr,,all., I h.•h.• itzt .•
-am all in on
onrell n en•sulnr repulanon 10: o• n•
Inr Irmool thn 111.0ilairt r 41 . 111• 01 11, .14
rl4l.lllrk • u.J t'lli pow -
CONsUNI rrIoN t'L RED --
lent told, trserd v Otit. rairrolg qurerrt.P. , .-
thick putr - trl mutter, rr, rlir
la: rtr. roir )
111. 1.014. d 11.11 turn r
rri 11014 Ire ‘VVrikikr••• , li d es,/ .)
11101 01 ronfirrocol rowuntirirot. •rx )r, •
• 11 , .01
Lee ro.rbrr, t 4.llrtir 11.. olrlntrirtli• St , • •r •
Vern:rook & .Iratlrr.rprr. •rorl
or. .roa
mort orN.rr 1 , , I nerr• Llr.rorort.l,lt-y
lors Her.rarn ul LAV'T.NOt.. arid rk• orrry
penr, thr, orctlretor Irlr• rr-morrrl tll , . health
sol'lll.l te 1,1. e eN. I 4 N orto.le • tre.e.l
&old In I'llteetturgli P) J 11 Mlier e ttLee, le.J Wood •‘ .
Towtotcnd. Market . II Soo ser, eor lee nr4,. and
:Id llemilcre.ote k Co, u 1.1.ny et. Price ~ i ce .'d
6130 per bottle.
Jaynes , Kspeetorant.
0./1011110,, co . Apr 1,11
Tlift. D. JANNE . ..S . DitAu ,titt frel tutu:, ou
J And IL, lo Iny of 0.1.
portnnuy Of giving :to blitit) to Mc ...tiraorthour)
of your liiper.torant ilty•e,f lia•llig 1'... ttillt.uPot
for 11ciIrrol yrni• will, tome, 10,10 , Irvrr
and tin cOueonlltaul ditesou.• and /0,010,11,1 y tloont , d
in huger out at abort but no.erattle itestre. ttu.
fall of 11101. when, bring too, ...vclui) oluo. ••,1 mutt
Intutrtg rekortrd to ail tot tortut, r , itat-dttut. Mot 110 , pro
ortiptlo,o of cwo of a rl ronprelablv ph). • the tough:to:hoot, ut.thoot ole-N vutu 11.111 1 0.1 , 10 ittt.
solar of •on.llllo a h. w day. or • ..1
tartheat—when trtttard of mop , 0.01.. atom' ~•
alil. I ban' re
c....M..101rd to Tor your F•ipoclor a. I
Li! blettard by that Iktou who dltll
our of Or means—tuvl edoillor) 10 Om oxperlalitosi
my phytticiana nod itteutt, watt no (ow day,
from toy beet, nod V.l, tuttuutt.lD) tto•tom. Of It 101111,
atihnd to Ott bo+tort... 0 , to • toS tutu , : tu , O , tot..
I had for lou year% iltro..ou•
our.. A . W Kttrtt.t.
For 11 " op rittrinl,ol, al Me Pekin "(tut --
Fourth 4100,1.
AtiONIATI , K INE , •A It - ttsc
l r ty ehruitery. Ital.minsc au , l prr roctc• ct
Vinegar rootlet it (hr kapott', to ,o lot
the ordinary purpro.e. It, 11/111 I -urpn•,,g ..c.
ter In Ito pertumc provotito untl roam , o
totter and OLP,ICv) ut woo -I. u rut rcoitc• Iticl ti,luoi•
the ako , , roeulering it nun retct , unutith I: corrcuto leo
rlauttny mitt timer tn... of itic mouth ittiritrtuu , II 11...11
hntl plen•ul,l t,youlh. I,
tenth, and harden. tho F.'. ail tic - lltrrier put
pt.u.ert. it to oacil with ecutor tit ouch hrryurunc y
In. found mem ugtor It, ~.
t 1 on thc 1 , 111, 4 11 , II 1,11, a,l he I• . e rr
i./ u ~I•1114.t
triortilichlto it It cot t• ;./k , l 3101e4
train coutltru,,i, to tic rotor , u•rit, uur,hing
And perfumoor , roornorni•
I, t - 4.1.1,1 -' HS. kir • .
nod ow , : I v
Dr. alleLlarla 112 Teltues•ee.
' '''''''
elOrpraten. full, en4l nittoalal. u , .euYil , '"' ''
array yet I Uarr 1.0 clouta h.,
'WU Tuouleoo Woe,. 1 , 1,... ,1 111.11 111111. Ph ,- tri:
torn Duo quarter Al au inch to two toeller
Roue • IYreek. Carrol ro . IMr l I -47 ”.•.;
SF.LLERS. VEIDIII-1.,{. IA 1.1,111.1
Yr It F. Serie,' 1 our •.•L•S
and her Imell o.ztry•poien oi I y ao ..-
It Fran. Ihe .otrerr Itroiller the eonov , • ,, •,,,
your Verrnituvr every co-. I braid c.
vonfident I run ~,,, re dimly ...r.„“
luau Lint inrz Twill 1.,- e.a.l to rr.c uotlu r •up
ply of 4 or a ern... lour, It - Pprt - 11 1 4 ,y
(I , lllrst n !eller I It I'.,IZTE:II
Prepared and .old uy N. I. !*I-.1,1,1 . 11i- - ,.. 1 tt ooil
and roidby &agate.. grortall). Iu Pitirburall Al
YEA'rPIAN, PITT3IA3 I b co.,
No. I:.1 Secvlld eltcc M i
;IT. LA Is, \NI
t : tur.,o ila: ..r
g b"' nic ' tl Y );Tt f ? ""t
nnfi nc.rto . .l
11. went ana \ atcarn uod J,,arelry. wh.•
nold an cheap Jo " ar tor rAa1 , 11.1 , 0 ,,
Ewa,. clot. ,
Aiao.- 4 tri t e .01 of variety Ann• Va. - to , n .11 .. r.w.
VOry low pT,r.rn Po, ,we,lrcl I-,i Gold
d 011,,,.
Lever , t, or lowsn tair , y-five
moh3o cora. Cls
1 , 111: [maw , n. ,
.uh•erihr Itt the t.atur ht . Prsetzth Whry ar. .
tht• day thgroiveti Icy 111.1111, oohrrot Gen
Diu g,t.e the hu•inm, vitt, eoorctrh. for which por•
rm, nothoracd to o-e the mita , . of .h.. h•m
OD) itilEY
row' , hove ihi. dna' nr..orlated Ihetnu•lvri
RIIEI NIAtrIIENVS h Co. for the
pueprme of traunnr llng a
ge oenti roc r
Forwarcline liu•tor., dlr. itand unite :atr firm
ot Ira d. lihry h Co.. Where shay will be pleawd to
revet,,pa,onage of he comoniers of that 11/7tlSe
WI, our (r...1.d• (4111 RIM
!'r moor) 7 I-49 M 1-11113:3.
revounsuundrrig In the ronfulene ,
oi our trmod• and tu0.... us Frl , llll. Rhuv A. Cu . our
tar cr , mor. n. !qouir••lthcy. Miutheu, A Cu
rriir 10.;0re rimuo be,ve , o •!..•
01 Ow 00rne Contaahlr. CA' trice A
(10 . tielA 4ny ,tO.-otveLl 0101001 ennooo.-- Mro,••
Burk,. Itarno..o,ll .0.010 the bu.tne•t 01 Inv :00
tor wto,h puroos.. they ore authorte,d to Lot at
/I a3ll, I/I the. N A TLLd ' , URI. CONS (ABLE.
EDAM`, I) 111
Till lIA RNI:S
Th. Unlit ho th. day:‘•.or toted thetoselv ,
In the name of 111'100... & l IA RM.'S. tor the purp ,
of Inahataeturtog liru Proof Suit, Vault Dour.. A e
at the •ttout ol hrt !au. Oral of Constable. Burk.
. where they will he plea‘e.l to receive the 1.1
t tounue. tit the co-Iola!, el tiltt house an their trtesok
F.IPOUN 14110:1 , ..
Tilt 'NIA: , 11.111NKS
In ret,Tol,tom lt:ot oi Con,:t ;e. Iturt, .
I wltlt itirtottt, rt.enttint,nl itle,ttrs. Bark , A
Itar:, , 111, colthtlette.. ot !ewts. and the public
rrt. v. 1-41 , N.Vrti NIF n tL, t ONST.tIII.I:
t, 1,111
• • •
THErrthe ,, p imtg f"N•41111g under the. firm o:
\l' ford k ,) wutu.l e onment
.••1 the.
I. ....a '11.1 , 11,ur , a wit, 1,, e.oPel the .111
1. .ther uf u.. uoiet the. nnme 01 the firm
tha; Berig ch • ,rou. t t
closed ,1:11 n.,hn:e rtf. , •
reque•t Moor indebted In run e nRJ settle
their , JOHN U NIV.)1t1),
TfillN 11 NI CORD having n.Loconsed wnh him
brotl,..r Juan.- M'Cord, and, M'Cord
th , . flat. Cap :Ind For hulnotrAs on
nr v anon+ branch.... whol,alr nod retail.
o:d •tund. vornrr oh Woo.! nnd nher• Lt. y
.4 ~ co:al...Hut of the rot:mu:Kr .o t•c
Findkm :or ad firm J.IIN I/ N11'01213
IN r,rtnr, nom the old and wall known firm of
M'Cord A. King. I moon r.,prenlly mrnmonend Io
patronnee 01 . puhlie on) owet,..or, Nl , a.r.
NI ~nrd pc.l,
rrlIE of \ A LEI.: is 01,
clsm.olved ,y mutual eoneeni The bu>koc , ... 1.-
..., firm ,N:1 H R1'115 . .
l'iLaburork. Jan H. II I.E.K
Nt ?TIC Itt—The nat. nrtl
\ o
ttend 11. tle tad, tmlietsl•4.l.l..
la t old stutd a
II 1.1.1 t
In rTrom Lb , tact of Murphy k I takr
cr. 1.
.11 re...m.o.'th; v. Mr II 1, , ,
oi trir.d. alitt the putdic
Ir,.:.i•urol J. 114 hl. K. MI Rl.ll
.at rkta., Ilavr M. nay n•.01 .1 / 1 1 , 1 tarty
!.‘,•the, lor 'hr pa , jab, at Irmo...wig a
4k.1 r. all lit) I.otat• a•al I.rocer Ja•Lar..
a• ?..1 , 1,1a-r, Orpo•ne ait,
aaa brat at /It:Skil-IEI.O IIAI ,
• Pi:taburcal Jar.unry 1,1-49
hay , - r weird into purtii,r , lnp. untlrt Ilir ol
SCA IF E A A I ' hIN,ON. and im cart,
lopp. r. nur. SI,. Iron Warr 111.111ulne tut ,
IN..ek.u.tistngat in, .1.1
.11 .% .1 IT Flr.c .trrt, %% uoo
I , IIE cai \V xc9 N 11,pc
I her., ah.-“ivr.l la) lice death fcc cct,
.1 i•PI •i•r prr ix,11.1
,•7 JANW, Adtnj
11 1 ,. ..101 111 f. .11 111 , .1r..•
. Pro.luce tntil.-stur.
4• t•lu'.l,. r under OW 1,11 - 'S
Co . .I,‘ I .IiTI I
J 11.11.10 I. I-411
CO ,T P A R 9 . 1 K,
r ' ~.‘ls rr:nttcr t troaw led tv • .
k\ \ I Nt
.1S1) It NI \I
VF. It0(11i,—I././.41tc/ //a I . llgrivo • I't/;.r•-. •:
tv l.:fr ///1/1 rm, o(Johr, ~)
1,./. ly, elarrvcr. I/ l/
%Vaddermes at i'squitta al I, NG.
Woo, ho Goo I: i, :1..-.-. 1 ,1
Fr,e,ootl. Ir.a. RN...11..11 , 0m ortr...P.
.I.i iftelid
1,00,1• 111
',vont) ...11.1on
rrrrr•rwee import ,nn
I ..: :1(1'1' .1
~K4.1.1r♦ .1
in. i• n •
. I v.,: panel
1 Ir.4.ri ,1111.11110‘. c 011111 1 134.011( 11. r prom.
:en,F• • ..I coumt” . niro. Lar
Fro 01111,1
Vt . ," 01,1, m Ina
lepoti• ol Cot said Mai FAllia I
11,- Ca., Goole. 1.410 k, compri+lng 1e..t0 . •. 1
111.,1 Aorl.tor. tnrr with Front oot • ..... ..,rovtors:
I .4 •0“111 01 top, C..itso rota. and Nnrrui,, , . or
F .tptort, rd.°. to Me Rock) Mouotnot,
nia, I voi. -vo. pap., Oor
R., Rapt,' Noc.. \York on me I: non
K 111.1 . 1,1 VS
,%po 'll
~ L1•11•11i zt,LI Ttsne. M.." Ile,
laKoe or initl, , r• , :otoll ki
1 . 11,1•1. it 1011• J Vow ell If ux ton. 14,1r1. rk-•
. .
r‘ llnpti•ut, import ood !mole, Me v..:
ktorouru C100.r., • I.eocurt, IbOortni ,
Progro..t Woluuo..K. ot Pagron lo tar
Alp.. ~, , tum'n D0m..., ModerD
foupU•imooe.,, 'lola
cloyin of Wow., of :Of
I ` . r• I.ort bollolt, tor .ale I.v
inurb2 /Tr ENGLISH, 7 9 ,1 'ood•t
H,.M .1 \\l(i N rrtsm clam. ili.iooion•
no. I,rou, all oii.upt to sthow Ow utility
I. 04 np;oo-uoon for the roirt of' .utlrrour.
Nrwohuni. boo . nutnor of n, r•roprocal oahoo,
of 11od, ut.,l Moot." eir Thr work on the aloe,
10.tfuholl For ny ELLIOT"' b. ENGLISH.
marl, ;9 wood •I
111 ~ FRANKLIN. lll.arated--lit
I r ar. ..
I/ pubo tt
ral, lee.oetal Inns, by liana, lir l o.
'sr w Vent. no" .a..
` , ana v , ~ . ...aararby, nee a aarrauve ..-
1,1 Aervicrs.l,y we Rev 11.
.pa.ada:.•ll ,Py
Job racravvd 1ta,1v"..1 tnyir at
art 11, vara rimed 111 the octavo iorin, I/II
a-tltnt. ?Ran bold and :oailtir Ina. It 0
cleat par, ttl2.'t feat. rach, and it•ttect
11001, PTV.II4 Eat tt part stall la• rite cavrtl I.t
ttro•• m11,...,10 alter it. publitalasa. l'all ,r
for •alr. I.v
romer market
f nl'gl I.AI 111.11'14U.
• Jun„. a —%oi 1.
Frunilin apletrllo.) .1
1 , ,11” I 31,." dr•11/.......I . So I, .215 rrrtr. l'u
r 11111.,01
Ilt-tory ul Kr.gluml, upth. rrsu
(•• 111 1, . 1 vol+, oiluvo lo ILur .ilowta•
I: I! K INS,
Apo., 11.1411 4C., 4111.1
A , AI 1.K4 . 111,511.1111i1JF F.Ni.I.AND, Vol II
.1 t tttern l'ltt.thotttatt. NVorlt.,
/ r://.1.... • lA/ . 11 1 / I ..rtter. 11 :1.,:
Thr 1141.1//1/./. /11 //mu., r ... 1p 111 .1“/.//t/
Al/oott. I .ul./11:. tat,. Primp 10.1 1111111,011, r r.
A/1.../ 111. 1 / 1 /41Flitx./•1. lhulotou,‘ or LA . ,.
Is//r) J.l/2. /1/c . Mr./ 11 01 I
to,t r t /tri , ./t I.llr A ito/ 1 //I TI///.1
Apollo 11111 Into
11,T IltVilar, I.4uren
Hs 011001/11.e•
11,.11511 0 . 10/, ‘llll/Ir, 110 I.neNnd
11. no; 1.r..,1 iii Jai... ,
y a e
1 Hannibal Ihe. i'Artimgluan. Ily Jneoh
.11/11I1,1'11 \ a STIRWFON.
. mail, a;
lAV In 0 and California. Is bio; 1./
J Thointon, lass' Judge in the Supreme
1 . ..Jur 8.1 1 401:l.1/1 rat -pond 111. g. 1111r11111.1"r 1.1 the
1)0 . 111.,tut... WI 0/1 appendix. Is. lading re
e.n and •uthrulnr anotrodinin on the itit,eet in the
1.1,11. D .MINES of I:411101111R. nd
ir r il...ereti lo the ein!grunii. etc Wall .111iit pl..
n , lit twip In Iwo V0a1..4.
page ti
A!plion•e i.cniartioc, author a the - linnory in tun
iiiroodti,, or 01'1115 Palm,. 151 tits'
French Its V4OlllOl etc. Ju-t ed and (or nu,
of NsT o ,tN trroCk - ro:v,
inel.ll nin.,x , and All ii•
VI A r .1" I'EN il' I. ANlA•—Conmtroped Croon the
,/ County Su, vr authortzrd ' , we, and oth-
Itevz.,l nod ...proved under
tar map, i Xm. evil Hog weer. upon
data ino , oretl in h county . mule, ...homy of the
/.10 , 1Utur , Alf w 00[10, 01 thu large add bplendnl
Niue roe., ved tldr day and for I.y
Booksellers, OUT market and 8d as
. 2 TIII-1 errtaldislitne It long are. wale, know') a•
one or the ner, hvatictidrou , rn e:ir of
Ita:linrrr. ha. rer ent't und.r,orre very ritro,
Five alte•Ahne. nrut ,rnpro , ..inentr An
,O . r.
Al, Ira, keen adder:. eon.. he retmerr.u. nod nary. •lterrtne arraratter - - aro xt.-J.-rye tartoor, room.
The Lardy,' department vourp:elely
nrorganued rord led ilp In U marl 11O,Ue and !errauti
hal rtyle. In fact the *trot,. arra-gen:ern al the Ware,.
ha. tare. remodeled , c ell • -erele eve on the pan of
the propr•eire... teer-h•rl , t, 30 II plea,ure
then Otte•tx, rand whim turf eorandentry arnrent
elhalernire earrapartton Ph 11,,f,
Thu,' labit- 'co/ a 1,.), serh ever) •uh
r•hnialnet! Irixtire wleelt thea
mrket served
up in ci,p , rror •• - hoe in the CVN, of lVrne•, ke.,
lift,' will not he curpouu,l
111 Ponclaslen propile.l.orn P., 10 ,111, 11011 nothint
111 he 1,11 undone on tneir Ira, and on ore pan to' their
athietant., n-rder thi- 'lore: wortl roolltrneft
palrtolulpr frrenrl4 are: the parrlle gene rully
" rh , pr.' , for hoard have A 4 41 r lootor,l to Itin
fol:ovrlng rute..
l.arner, On!irrarT
N. Il - TIM 11,14.4.t.gc ll"rtt:rt.l of Ow ttl
vrt7• t.ltt.t.l at the nr nod t 3 / 4 r.tats. io 1./111.11/IX,
Nlthtett,trut.. It atm from ta
lle tte trre
uF e,llll tge. trt:tytttf
C11.51114.r Pk.N.1.1 n.f rlit A. 1-I,ALlitirl. in:.. Tb , hay.uo 71..u?n , E1 the othun,-
Ment nod r opulnr
m•rrrrin - nu Truvwilero land Ihr
that h° at! u° mites prepared
Macentumodate Went in al , th°,. J.—orabw
'll.° House ° °ow bell, 1110,01 1 0 1 V
rupa,rud through°. .o Furauu, atiducl. rut run
Plttho will Ire vart°ll° thr FAehang , our ni the
very lie al lin the
Th° ...nlwolt. a I,lllllllUll'lrt
VC the V., plironu.e the 'low, Iterrauore
rtx . e , ed (AVST ,, N,
febindlf Peopretor
LAA A ef.T 1 NIL I , lot'Sll4,
.PI. Pl l l,7ll,rtotrn. r:rrsontoo
THE .010t0r,1 , 1, ro,wortfollo tionouove. diat
lin Ilso now °pro., t. orw nod Ooti Hood
r tlr .maroon oi tra,tdrr.
nod ,d g , ./ier:t..) 'rho to n,r or,d loroduro
arc coot, dod rdio• lots , born
.parrs mrdrr tioo 0 00 , or ow o and
plr:000d Ilido • .o
The .oh+vroo,de,rszkv. , ..l vv, n,! r
core tithe., a .hum 1.1
ocni 7,11% JAE, on. 11. Prorrlor
ll' I I+l TI4 1101. M.:
rpm: VITZGINI \ HOTEL on 1111/11/11111, • , rrr.t. nPur
;he t'unowr!and 111 1 1W 111 1 . 01/110IrlY order
for thr wrepuou und Ilfl . ol/1/111.111111/11 tll 1111• put,l.
Perr.ons 111wa.rra
el var. , rind c ornion. do
to nwrto../. ”
r i•hroaryi lA. d try
.•l 11,1 the n• wr,l fur-
ai, io twr •hy,
~tarannerd n• good a, ) van I, On ,
place, at ally ort, or no 1 - 11nrc \n 11.4rgr 'or
tranwortallon of baggagP
, z A and f i r .,4 o,L T, the o A
['N [TED SITATICEI 1101114:L.
rIIIMICT CTII • ND /I rill ',I
‘PrOSIT , E latt. Ila El h
~Ig i( t
pi t , 0c ., !; 1 1 1 10 . 1 1 . , ,, T ., 1 :1 , : P11t.a.
Blieeklell S While,
I)RYGO"DS /B111.:RS. 99 Nle•nl ort•et. n.t
aurnilm. of hierepue, In On,' •10e, "I
,• AN AND 11. N lit. oA• r,r3ving
day, Irom 11,1
ul. ur , r I f•e••. Jur,,,llia
epe•em nad ile‘nime n •e •13nre wire.,
VAX 0,11 At,. A. •.•-• lurc eae e•mtw,,,
buyer+ thy, hp.• ...a, rr, • v,eme
the, .ko..
1 . ... • te , ,••me I Into• ~einter
•u.l. 1...•••• %, I,,ex!•. r . 1.11 I tor n.
ou, u.•
Modern and Antique Furniture,
!.nz• e.n•L‘r— I .4 ,3. , 11,3
thr '
1.1:1073,•wry 3 tr. ,
, I ‘•
Intei• IV 1 . 1. m.,
r• n xut,eq ...31.
51 , N> n. 3.
4u Jul l'
becollale. Cur ow. 4/..,
5.11 [I LL. .
kt. AI i 5 11 5 5
Wrought 111.1 t east Iron Mailing
Leeching, Clapping rand Uleeding.
K. 1,10N,1
ninnufwotureA Tonne. o.
.11, V. ,o 1
5 t I
Arn., 31.1 pa. teln, art , l 'or • I
111.:1:.D. e IA CI,NI%it
41 !tor, north
\\:e.,, - ft KID •.J„
b 1
r•on •upt. !P, ttunp
-75111101 1.,. Wehcer t rntoi ipp
Duly. .41r. a Ku ••
NI. 1,..0
.14,1111 , 1 . anti for
11 1- . . A CI4NOII
41 N walrt 4i .4,1 1, ,1”n1.
£ J. CIL F.111.1i. Hook iiindera
l iu
are t, guard ill I. e. iauriae-e.
r 4,111 eTrer,..
'Lank lloi• fn.. arl
:o ny pa•io. yk.l 1.44
oion: Itooa• nton!.or• Of old lyonk•
o`ly roinro.. Nano.. pu .tt
Cot .
I. ty
•or to.r. \,
lAA oi
recetved .01 .0.0 1 , ,111 t
.d at.i
tttttt a ;
• . 't n"d "Ir ' V" " r ‘'''" orner or nod I Front -1•. 1...,
NP!.I "or 1.1:;f Crtr....1... 1 , 1 -ort
quo. ....II to
I I .1,,Vv1.N
l.) very fine n
It. 11 1 , 1•111 A lIT
1,11.1•011 . 11. Al,, 011 I
11E1.1. ANI)
ri,„„ 1.. 00 ,k,ki.o. 010 it.- . .., ~
, . 01 0,, „i„ ,1 , V. M. YOUNG sCO.,
111.., i.0.,, , ,....1.,„„,„,,... ,., ,..,, , r0, , ,,,,k. ,
k ,.
.. : 1 )I'.. :k ‘ l l.t.:li , IN Ilithi e .ANIJI.F.ATItt..II.)Ioroveo.
I „„
~ . ,
~,,.,..,,,,,,,,.. “,,,,,,,,,, „,.. ,„,„ , two recroo . ..l th - o " . 1 . 141N1, `t'l it ut `„IN.. coon
~, , N . .,, y
~, u ; ,•,, ,
~,,,,, „
~. , , ~•.., 0 ..r, .. ..oro!triti ,110 rtiriem to lII,If 1110 . 10
Wliii.'il ,^; ,1 ..0 i .iiil 0l purr . hal., . 11% tied
tur,a.l and 1... n ,. .1 ... Ow o.• o• • ot ...0...r
non Ilvuawlu•uy ,
.0 V 0....r..... 1 .. s.ropr.r.or
~,,...4 1 . ..-'..•.' t 4 1.1. vr•.• . ...d..1.0,1 to the I:atut, ol l\ onwo .._
ran tw. hod of to at all ontea 1. , , , • I ti, KI ie11.,1 ',oot. ur to the low lartn...l l% 0 . ,
PItINTING I'APKIt. . 1.,....4t....1, Co , ..Id 1
I \ , n.Mohneght A. SOl.. to re. iloillini
'll"Krobs''-.-h"'"g w,'
' ''' '
'""', : k4 }l6 t ll , ..RT 11 INIt „IT,
) 1
aeltotg tn.. 1.1 „ 1„ 1 ;1.1 „ 1„ 1 ; Vapor ot 01100
. 31.10/11e11,, ' ,
Illi•III I Mo. , Uno,l 4 ll:itur of o%' Mc li.ntol., do, .1
puller unit ttt 11. 1' 10111, 01 i lit . 01 all 1010'1 SVI: k s k .lo. .
0 led With .ho 40100'01 •.(I'. ol paper 01 0 01 0 ,4 r y 0... run, 1,. m. l l , i t i ALs _ j ,„, ~.,„ „, nor .+,.
i,. wh...,..... llikr ut the ....c.., pro . , , JA .0. .....1. on loth Vrtnenta 27 otrik,
Any 111/0 Of 41110 II) 0.0. lb, wamstartur,l In (aril, at
0,„, wan., . KEN Ntli.lir.i. A :all CF. , A,
,•5•• Gut rot... hole, n , a il • WILI O. i • •
I Ni/i I iii 11111 . .1i ,-t.o . rtliNG 10, 11
-1,1 rat ,ur . I ~.' . . ..A., ` .. ...V , aol. l ' uLe,.. 01 Oil I' 0 . ,0 ;: l i
l 'ai
I 1• ,111.01113. i' . .11.0111,1011, V 011111,1000 10. 0 31 . 1110 /I' 01 . 1.0111 /
. ..- ''
uu Eln-tir Clutitiop, ut pr 0 .... ranrole molt .... ...Ai !...
13 , 1.40 for *nit ot rout, polo- :ot Iwo l'w ...0.. at itt... '
~, i :1. ,,,
~,, 1, 7' . ! ,,, A , 11 ,0 7 ,, E , 1 , ) , r .,0
sot,,, 1,
( ' 0!!
lo.lin Rubto, Itenot \r., % Vood at
IA. 11 V 1111.1.1 1 ,, ' ; \ A. '''' r ., • .,, - I. ' , .. , ..t0...`• tun! ,' ntt ~,,, r.. -
.1,..20 . .
_ _ • • .•
r 0.•., • • I . tri 11,1 of 6 re MIMIC, fl/11.01.1011 NA lAA'
1 UST ILD • IIV Li , 1 . 11, • 111., • . , 1 .4, ” • .. ~ , • . • ' .1 . 1 .,-., .' 11.• "6." toritt LEW
ej crlobruird 11,0,11 , 11i$(11 I, .11., tr....t1 .. loo.Ly ,
IX, Tha , uerr nu, 4.teer pt.:, I. r, ~.... to. , I liZ .1 11 A 1?•1 . ,y,.., ~n:. t., , , ,: , ,, , tr ri , A ri , , ,, ,, , ,,A , , , r, , , , , ,, , ,
a tth a large .nnortnarla air,...,woud Ai, 11.11,,,,E . , ' ,' &, •., ', ~. 1 - • ,
of eny ern. nannatacturn l'br Ltt.ovn tutrnal., ~- .... 1 ..", ~,,,.., \ ~, .
q ,. ,. ~,,..
j.. ,
,t... . , ,
4. ,,, , m
arvranted t• Le perlr,, .t, c, e, re•re, Wpti WI. 1.1. •
...:, ~; lt A l'A Iltsr, r,,, , , .., 0,
sold low lot. rash F 111, Li '4E. . L ,„ h.,. vornrr Int and ~,w., ,15
dealt/ No 112 Wood .1, 141 doorfrom 6Ut I
JA.suaY L.M. 1519.
,Inuton &fru. Bu re Emr,
Book Cale... WeitiOg I)aaku.
TLIE. TABLES far surposting every other In
k re ',non at the kind now ellint. They can be er•
lended train tell In twenty-ave feet. and when eloped
the leave. are all ennuttned inane; they are made to
all poe• and shapes, nod are admirably adapted for
Steam boats. Howie, and large private families. form•
tog when ridged n complete centre table.
AND OffREAUS---Theite articles are inval
uable. particularly to those who wadi to [CORO
rnL.e room. told convert a pleeptag apartment into a
I or arlor eating room, as they eon he opened and that
to en nveOte ore, and when shut. the bedding is encloa
ed A great savlng in room and rent. All the heal•
nead• when elosed form a beautiful piece of funotarr
to a parlor or siding roma.
ROOK CASI—A neat and useful article for parlor
or dravnitg mo izt m.
Wlt ITINt DF.SKS—For law offiees, eounung room.,
and other cater, when opened rtirto.ternMeOlellt heti
.l•lld. wilco eio•ed a perfect Drab and LibrarY Man.
All wear articlesneed no recommendation: the or Ow it.. e t to ot
out ttr rcp:ltr tr
It te:rt will h th e for are nt yo interein wortnntedx
titerll and
itt the otanulieturer' more. So
Tliird gireet. Pittatitirgh. In nddition to the above
ritirivivnt.ter, they are proof nguinst hug..
mrr 111 1..kM1-.S NV WOODIC
eIIAND now opentg,o .pleaded iot o
M.° Fortes, worn ae relobratcd lino
of Nun. d Clark. N V. ',com. to
port of the fonowow:
”or ..cant lirotewood ni nruvr h.., wall carved
tootO ling. top and Noah, pro,eettng front nod carved
path.. Int,lrt...
(kw rosr - wood Plano. Ri °nog, elegant and plool.
with Coloznatt , trlnbralcd .Pollan Atrachment, a .w
one rosewood Piuno, square corner. and leg.
These I . .atios boor improvements In the ntechant.m.
stroteing and rover mg of the hummer.. posse•sed
I.y other. ot nos country, and are re °ce rhe Dee
tt. well us the eheapest harms that cart he l l 01101.
AL:sit—Ali 0,0%111 lot of Cluelrering's Pianos, 'corn
7 ton moaves, possessing all the latest Improvements,
at reduced prlccs.
A Llrr Me elegant rosewood rahtnet ('rand Ptasto,
OrtaVr., It to,v invention. HENRY KLhBMt,
feat .t 1 At J Woodwell's,h3 Thud at
foimJOHN If. NIELLOPM(soIe Agent for
Chtek crtng's Puma Fortes far Western
ihoinsylvansa,) No. 'I Wood street,
l'otsl,urrh. has received and now open
(or to!lowtog st.egant assortment. direst from
Ihr tnanu , nelorv. at Mr. Chiekertng's Ifironoto prices,
1 nor Ro+rwood ..even octave Piano l'orst. carved to
We inn.; elegant and rlch at) le of Louts XI V.
(t..e Ho.ewupl curved nevelt octave. new nod t3n
proved ao,le
tale rowwooil nano, di octaves. new scale;
(hie carved. ti
Two round corners, d octave. new scale.
al.oar ar , all irenn LI.. manufactory J Chick.
n, the latest gayle• lannture, and nalh
,the Ilf vr and Improved .rale
ft...v..16 Gems° Pianos, from Um manufactory
01 if \ Nrse Vora, formerly of We Inn of
Soutar, \Vs...motif k Iforhum
P rom word ft octave, Gale & Co, N
I rosewood 01 ochive Plano mode by Bacon & Ito
yen, ♦ew 1 ork
I llattogattv 0 octave ?taw. Made lu BalUmore, and
trit n r tun Ity then wtter, for cash or //I ex
ittt manurarturra, or grocer - tett not;
;lb, tor etnettry %tore. Prier 6300 ta3o
mly oiler
tientled nty hmther, wins died of conntorption
I Le 1-4 . 2. I wan
Irk atilt the Conaupaptton
1 lu anninl . and watt reunced nu low with the
th.t: for lout earn I was unable to attend to
tut t•n.ttte.... roller tit home or abroad, Item,. for the
conhtledro my bed During the att.olte peri
od 0 , tune. I ht..l expended fur trio:Meal attendance o
recti tit nod mcdicon,..ito the antount of *AV, receivttig an) benefit therefrom In
Ju.,. 1-1., I 04111111,11t,t1 tat or Ur Jayuc'. Medi
..t•tt.. lin,. tale', to em 2110 in or leFt, ever siticr,
1..1 to..eve that tt tty peraeveritte in tiotif
11.0 I' istt OW, If ttiV •a‘ that I hove enmpletely teen-.
I br.O.Vr.t JuanalJ,
Exiw.•lotant mvt.v.ts Cannly medi S cine,. now 111
ear, ,e‘ Cuaanee rt.! roneh,ne •Iso thut jeaee,
,el eel eel nna utunurr tue is a.
malt- III:- t.erti he aiell r t :.•,L•
\ I'ACTI,RI.I. Tutt.ko—Thr
31 wow, .}ss• .sirrostsm n 1 Ow es, s.sit
en 1.5. iss Sods:swing lir:Ands Tossacts.”,
it. t. whit Is Isrustconsstssmossta• ,II
•rossa niss:rtst..s.ssr.o.s• In ..s•s
I 1,2% \\' II
', I'
I • I,mturt,-
11 .1,r 119.1
Joni. .`t
: 1 ' War..4.,..x,
Junt, 1.. nod
%% A rERNI
11/IIN KII,IIT &Co,. are` rrpar...l to buald rottoo
and IVoolea Mtlehlorry of dr , eription.,,, It
/•,. Sp , nettn2 Frrnb.A.
Or twin: Frts,or... k1.:„.1w37
•. , Vroug lot
h.„,, urird, „ i.zr. oz Cast Irtm.
11a. err. tu,. late.; patler.l..:ldr and •
It,t,e. A.. ,trrain I•pe
•-• Iron u”.l la:t•
' . 4 ,-, '
tht. L trilirL..ll/1111 Irwur 60 , 1%. trArrr
rr I •
I II %V..rrtrrr.
Peon Machina Shop.
11.1 \
1.1. n /1111 031 , -.1 to • nrnlr.r. •:Ir 111..p.rt,
urn.' wnull
M.I, pi, IV 11.. La , : laive ....rt.,' ..rsvi.
us J Samiti•k,
• • u1..1 at . p..pared to ordr•r•
f . .. NI.. 1111 l
•e - 1 , 1 :be or Ihr us..yr
.r.ii.e.a • h, have ./e) reel ronfillem
t. of.
onsnr mo-n rr , a•onssirlc
'1.1.•••111 , •,11,111 /I swn , r4 , l3LtLa Ihrir work \
itterrialre Wt. xurillmil ol thr matt,r.
N Isl be,t 0,1 the
I ICI - A , ll inn.‘n. - 1.(.11N—N% II %, n .
..t••• tur 1111d11•11 0 01 • •
•11 Matt,. l.tota, rusttrtite
I rat," I•ttrelta.ittg the.. qnotitt t. tt
• •••••11 r. homy • •rtt, of the Mr....
•.. elnibled +s it them at the lowest pt.
.• tr.tve grtreti awl invt•ilile t •
• ;r. wool tly•J itlk do, :tad . h
ran CAZ•tSINIERI:S. ' , dark and !It.. 1/'.ll
• •a1:11 vIisTISUN. reettletnen'..l4 r•ot
t ...t t•Ltrit. tol•ttk 01111 Insley l'favat.. lowa poeket
I itt otieratitrt, Drawer., kr.. at the north
ttrto atd Alathet greet,
ittar•ate 1t..... up ttiairtt
Slonoitgallela Livery Stable.
.7 1 11l t111:11T n PArrEttsoN h. opeurtl
R•ahl and
S. LLLLI1 -1.. Itte Monongahela House.
ati rww te/k al !torus, Mud Corn.... of
Lt., • t•tialtty .+ . 1111111,, .I) .re. Ilortws rcpt al live
tfiethettl lona:ler jyt.hlly
5.. k c I u,
Ho.vr CLAW /laving c0nc1u414,41 to,
k,71 od out 44 4414444 .4444414 444 \I nca4e4 Ttatep4,4-44,
4.44 44444,4 otter ,4! 414,4 at 44-4,444 r pra4c4l than the/ raa
44 boa 4141 444 ar, ~,,, 444 I . l44.harga or 44144,a144,44,
44..41.44 ~ .vo•r .44 4 , 41/.4 only ratnaltahrtl ;tarot. 1,444.4!
404 throve raw", We have the larae444 and 1144,4 a.aurt
t 444 Wt . CAI; lIIId .fer
1L. 4 444 4 arr not to be und44,4414.1
111. 411C14: (•41, M a rk 4 44 .t rrct
ntranr, on mirth 4.44144 at the ihnn4n4l4l
1 . 1 FT-Ift Rt.II S'ltEl. “Rks AND 'PRIM;
AND FACroi(v
,11 \ 11' %took, lot of 1 1 l We 101
of. 1,11. Expre
11 ffrat
1 . ...14.11. Gold -oak, o ..11 eff
, 11,, r tki lo r
1\ \V \\'ll,"l\,
i 1 , 1 • hall
M aopratro P•tent Soda Ash
.) ).) I yap lidu
1% a Mall reti ELTH
16.1 •I
Sourthe Dew? opensent of the CAlifornul Gold New,
No 75 Saucer Sritsrr. Prrranwa,
Icy AVE resolved on SELLING OPP their Inure
„U„ stock of DRIP GOODS—the principal 'pear of
which have lately been purchased at the Lome Ave
r,. Saba in Philadelphia and New York, at a Ire
mendour and unparalleled sacritiec!
We have mode such a large reduction from our reg
ular prices that we will now .ell a large portion clan;
good. BELOW CWT of importation. The early &l
icence of buyers is minted to choice high colored
goods adapted to the California Trade.
Plain and fcurred Carnelian Cashmeres and de ladles
all prices,
Very raperior brochia God Soper cloak cloths, all ca
mel watered ilk silk,, or,,
Superior reparmare silks, French merinos, all colors,
blk and colored, Black bombezums,
Soper black glossy lira de Cress barred and striped
Rhin silks, alpacas,
truistic and rnanulla Wks, Mocha Eg.'d and strip' do,
best quality, Jenny Lrnd plaids,
Pare satin., bib and blue Victoria Lyonete cloths,
hlk setter, very nob,
Lanaartine soon mention, Coberg cloths and caineli-
Super silk warp alpaca an latrine.
Splend id plaid long ehawla, A few hrocha long shawl*,
Splendid terkeri shawla, the fine*t vrii have aver
from N. York nocuous, brought to dam market,
great bargain, now to be sold at great
Plain and embrord thaw borgalits,
shawl s. all color, Superfine and common bro.
Silk fringe., remarkably ohm equarr shawls;
cheap; Super cm:admit silk thaw!,
French cloth. from the celebrated "Johan'," manu
factory. For beauty of harsh and permanence of wear,
thew cloth. have no gupcnor; a few pieces extra fine
;et black and olive carton beaver. and otheritoney
cloths for oyor come, twdlcd French cloths. manufac
tured e for cloak., French and Arne nett ease
gone res, gaper weal of England do, supper Frenchca
.. tor yeghne, the nest Imported. Flaw and fancy
velvet and eaahmere vesungs, merino dune mutt/raw
er.. Italian cr.-irate, intro, cambric and gilt hdkfa.ho-
Awry and glove..
• " •
froth fine., best long Clot!: shirting,uenitlins, bleach
ed and brown 'unsling of good quality, renaarlcanty
low; ocktngs, cheeks, domestic and imported ging
ban., scarlet, yellow and white flannels, a large lot
very cheap; a large lot of white and erossborred coun
try flannel., cheap; brown and bleadhed Barnsby table
linens ansksable cloths, Komi t and Scotch &apers and
toarallingi;htannetts, Kentucky jeans and tweed.
An usual large stock of blankets, direct from the
manufacturer., some of which are the best ever exhi
bited, all of which will be closed out at unparalleled
low prices. In addition to the stove enumerated
goods, our stock comprises a very_ large and complete
vsorterictit of almost every onto usually found in
dry goods store, and as they have boeri toxin!,
chased at the careen auctions, hence the late great
ducuon of prices. We are enabled and deterreund
sell them at at great berguns.
Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailor. and
the public genet-ally are respectfully Minted to an
ly eranunation. Bargain. shall be
ALEXANDER it DAV, 75 Market
N corner d( the ilterciond
YCRI VED THIS DAY, Carpeturg and lid Cloth.
of toe :mast and mott approved patterns, nod at
pure• to sun purchaser, and cheap as can be pur•
chased in any of the Eastern clues, commune the tol
lovrutc r
Extru Royal Velvet Pile Carpels;
• Airtnonster Carpets; ally aloe hull rooms or vesf
Tapestry do t,ltute,.
Sup Royal Brussel.. do Topeory stair earpots;
Extra sup 3 ply do !Unseats do do
Superfine do do Chenille Rugs,
Ertra sup Ingram do Tufted do
Superfine do do Itrtusels do
hoe do do Chetntle Door mats,
Common . do do Tutted do do
44. 3-4 A. Tapestry Adelaul do do
DamtHr do Sheep skin do do
1.4. 3-1 re I tarl'd Ye- 12-4 Enth'insal Nato coven
netian de o-4 do 'ruble do
4-1,3-4 & piain do do 6-4 wool do do
Cotton Ingrain do 6-4 worsted and linen dodo
do Venetian do Brass Stair Rod.
- -1 OM, C" Drugget; 16-4 wore erimab cloths
19-4 woolen do Stair Idnen
6-4 do do 6.4 told.. do
English 'Table 161 cloths; Diaper do
(1,11.0 do do do do Ciimh
-4 Floor Some Drop N:11.111 /1.1;
7 1 do 00 do I'nm.on linsh,
6. I do do do Purple do
O 1 do do do Maroon do
1 1 do do do Carpet 13inding:
'I-et 11l Cloths, or tiewTrarisp at Window Shades
Taio.•try tit in fit
I (To Me alorvo we are eonstantly receiving ourspring
l•qrpct.. 1111 Cloths:old Steamboat Trimmings,
h we wv , te attequo, of :111 who w , .1110
tur, houne. atruntl.n , .. U.l we will he tble to
tuferKo.Na n. it.2,10.w 1,01 t.t purehawli he the
Enw and of the rwlowt Imo.. ftyle* ind ex.
mum.. our -tuck before purebo-aoe.sewttere.
h Nu :.1 Fourth .t tochZl MVI.INTOCK
The I.esegrat, Chenpc. and 'noel Fanheorsable
of Coodar, adapted to Cern:lemon's Spring and
cans,',. J,nu recrirrng at
milt: Prop,'lcier of the above cstabli.liment would
1. respectfully lntorna hie nosueroun custom-re. that
he has lust returned irom the Eastern eine• wytL the
spl 1d sathrtment of goods in hie line. titat was erst brought to this city, comprising all that is now
isehionable, elegant and Cheap in I,toths. l'aseimeres.
Cashrtierette, Drop De Rte. and every de.eription of
con., linen end woollen ennamer Stuffs, uWrla. l'n•
—uts. lidth. Suerenden, Sr.. of the *neWeigt ogler,
lor.,lllnr with hie Cory large and tashimiable
te,nl; made Clothing, he is prepared to offer
rii• uths low rue,.
0.111., M. /client, Continetors, and 0 who (da
cha,ler particuiafly Invwd .10 ca , l and ed
am... der,dedly the lergr-1 and
ntoo tee cop, and great aunt:nen awl
1•. -it pool t•. get :1 up to tor who.e.alr trade
P. rxerowd I try/. mom
11c r. nod :hat 1101nIng toe} nc wnnting
ur..orunrnt of STRAW AND MILI.7S R-
liOODS, of the mc. approval sa) Ica 11.111 J
n {4l,r tn. SHUN" UP F-49, con.tsung m roltr, of—
Fut., d plant rdir Antettrtrnts. and French
`ltruw. Florrnte.. Rutland. Pedal Anil 111.• r Mlll
6,11,1 l ' ldt,l3. litre Jrant 'dad. Idatit and Roy
al NI 1 ..• Maul RON ald7r4
Yu”. platn
11,10 ,+trFavr.litrup. Leghorn. and other MI
end Isaant• HATS
r.111:111,. Ni:1111:/ 1,¢11..r.. 1`..1r1.
wiser summer HATs.,o, inert anti bo,s.
Iptnaml P:11.1 Ritanm,
Artdielal Flowt.n. he he 44. c.
Struve' nrchuu.e, 16 Marlet merl.
IvU. GO MARK Kr treelved by r,
4. ~'tit nu p. the fohow:ng Good.. vit
Stx arton•lntl Shawitt. of
vartorot qualttt• nod
rotor,. Ma dos -Alexander's ' qualtit
t•:ovr, toc..thrr with a goo.l ot....trottent of cord stilt.
1.1.1 c th rend. and .tortoottlocetr. arrow trade
Ruth mantling tstruthitt hirtrover . hear . COir
rn too pair embroidered Ott!, !rum CAI r r gi.t.n.
Mournma 00131• to great variety Drott Vetk•
1,. K rratr•A tt••.ortment evrr ollt.reti tt• French
and ErtGllrth I A Hoyle • Pro., •on!I h.tort,
and !net eolorrt..otil plant French Itorghoots ilrunth
Furniture Cluntc. hitt,. ' , NUM Dania-t'alolg
Linen Darort..l. a. - and ttreert littratzt, (teat.
War k rims de Montt Salt Cravats. 12 to 40 inch. the
Lost good', Imported. l'urtte Twort; linen reughtle and
linen cambric lldkft. from fit to 52..511; White Good,
urth on Joconets. !taw.. Mull turd Saw, Monitor,
figured and room 'Let, white and cordTari3.l l / 1 1f.'
ite he.
toes. ho• Ire„ tided to the ot.talbltallment
We are In the doily reeetpt of NEW (AKA)* nod
the auctlhott of purchauers to our oxtenutve
vtorc (e 127
AT DR) (0“.1):: itoL,E or IV R. M Ur,
NIMTII F.Air t,rK, RR 1 - ru ANL. MARK cr,s.. PITINIII,4II
DKIV+II \ wonting Dry “oods piraselake
1.1 Z:lr :above 1.a.. cominenred recti
ving \ ENV .-.1 . 1{1 I;i , t and tnytte• thernll
of rrq.o nr et..ontcr• :1,44 1.0 Ver.. ar.ner.illy. Good
A.lll hr 0drr...1 lit low wiil havt
Inrg , and Hint,. et..L.,, to •cleCt rain
((J Country Mureliant....d tato,. urn Invited
lo.sorintcnt in Wlinle.alc.
krge am,orLolat 4,1 l'n...Citngh.ains.
good. generally arr now 0i30.4.04 niar9
DRY Gbbbs
Dry 6.0 oda J obb•ra.
ill of Merchants to tlitor large .melr of Donte,d,
and Fnretgn DRY GOOLM:,mm receiving from um lot
porter• nod Manutheturern, nod which they wall 4rll
al vro low rate. Inr rti.h of upproVed rrsJd
Our .tack is now full and complete bud well worth
the attention of huyein, as we nre deterow,oil eel:
at such extremely low ord.., on manor fait to make it
ntrotm inducement for Merchant to matt a bill sehh
as mehtit
I_l OL:tnl.: KUIVING Ifm—lV NURI,IT 01 lieu.. ker,r• and lliOne
nhouiCOLnolenctUg hounc k rept°, to lon
above flood, such an—
u.nd pillow-cage Nliwant.
.... 4 4eetang, from our to thwe , wide,
napeni and TlV•ie I t.'
Towelling, Towel, apd Napx”...
Furniture Pnat• 1,1
St•rwl , lltil for •-ar1..11,.
,tuper prntll,l , liat ,
11.1,% 011(.111 NI
Slrtprd and In. ••
lied II antlet•, 011 a na..:. 00.1 aLzra.
A np .• lein. on Ind.
and will nlwav • ac o tin. son.t tavorahlt.
lit north ra•t ..otacr 1:1.011 , 1 Nlorl,ct t•
Shirilnat nu 111 l land irlah
1.1 .
ai the la rl mak, 1(0111 1110 MU. apu
nrotol zontoutnentrera. and lit warrantrd purr
II." • Ile re.ccivrd addiarnal.uppl).lllltl
ot a saperlor (14.1111 y. 41 I.
Ye, lOW 1,11, Aloo,
,larruag and Iblllow.caor Nlur•ltn..;
lhapar and em(il:
Table Clutha. Ttrwcl A and Napktns
!flank elo. Coot, rpanr , , and
Ilialarkrepiag Orr 1100110 Kaner=ll)
I. (111 I 1)1I4,..lolN/I0.--Stn. ha, French Ala-non,
I..,rusnrito•, 1.10111 and tanc) Ile Lalnca. (some new
tl i". 51.1 1V 1,11,d,, Alpaca, ace.
ann , ln 6 , 04 tar advoaced. all la.a 60 , 41. wJI
ta. •add prlce• Ilaat ranota Intl to planar
IrrWhnleaula Rooms an Ontra_
A. A. MASON i CO.,
lkTr,. tit f MARKEI . I•ontinue them
1.1 veal sottu.anouni Kale of DRY (( H) 4. for
li•y Irmrer. donor( Vrtllett tone Moir vottOle
sale Hamm , sodl I thrown crpro to their Remlfl Trade
la Irr rolorcur A .t M & Co_ erintermr that they are
I,llfrof dry t.ood. ofovery descortion corer ten to fa
tool, pr r rho . o , or bolero, don ,llo every
per i4Oll want or 'TOO,. or who ma y to wattt.
to el rtroufr and pure :1..e from our nue 0, at the lowert
whoir solo role.
Our qrrut oh,et reducing stoek le to rook, room
fnr e.p n I; 004 being our Intel.n to rztotoi to
Iklarelt Ow large.t and thr raettoot hock Of Dry Goods
rr orle.r,l by an} one home. , in AMO,IOII.
c nilNl/ continue. the sole of our Bleached and
Howe o Mushn, Ticktnv. and other Dennet.he Gond.,
nt nor lortner lose rate, noteentnnundute the recent as:l
mur, ellw per cent upon lire Sullen, ea•tctn markets
1, a
COWS -, m l
Patent Genduatni Galva ate BMWs, 8111 V;WIO
Insulated Polesfar kfa , Altal aid ealarrs
THIS to th e cmly 6.unmath of the kind liliggallteler
been presented in this cortarT OT EamPo, )br.
teal purposes, and Is th e only one MI known " 10 An;
by which the galvanic fluid quit be contrayeate the hu
...Ye, the tau, the bnin, dr to seal Owlet. body,
either externally or IslieStlally, in a della. gesill
strum. with:ow shooks or path—with petfitoteterell—
and ohen will the happiest edema
This aquanaut appa ratus IX now blymered of
17 7%=ra, to whoathe tad and °theta whom
It may concern can be relit Refereince`hill' oleo
be gine vernally highly reapeetable chin., mho have
been mind by [Deans of thismost valuable appottna
of some orate most inveterate nerve. disorders Which
eoold not be moored by an :other knowszato
Among venous others, it tils been pros WS"'
mirably adapted far the cum of the felidering diseases,
vim novoas headache and other diseases of dm brats.
It is with this apparatus alone that the operator can
convey the magnetic thud with ease and Wary lo the
eye, to restore sight, or cure sittanrolui to 11S1 ear le
restore hearing; to the tongue and other ote nal
store speech; and to the ult.. pan. of the 1 for
the core of chronic rheumatism, "mum, u or
tic doloureni, minlYsitt, or Palsy, Tom, n ames r Rt.
Vitos dance, epilepsy, woeful.. from apnoea souse
diseas peculiar to females, contraction of the Zan.,
lookmw, etc. eta
pl., Ft , if i :tin for surrounding b emoulesof ZemarabAoluti
also ten for wi the c e nts of disethaat may pure
Full instroviou will be glean for thavarloasebend:
cal. to be used for various diseuea, and the best man
ner for operating for the core of those &seams will o.
so be fully explained to the purchaser, mad • pamphlet
pat into Ida hands expresslylor
_Aosta pe e rs., care
fully prepared by the Damien Engem
octl3-dly S. WI - 111. •t • • ...
Which renders, turbid wnleir*rebY
remorrig i tl o snlornimmisis
thotecti clear imerkre th * ar A
when tt plans an hoar
, filtering cock, shows a Bur
Impure submance.„'wtions,ltte'
is the ease more or leas with alibydradtUratem,
The Reveraible Fame In nen and durableomd In
not attended with the Inconvenience incident tit other
hearers, as it ia cleansed withostbelugds
the water pipe, by merely turning the - key or
from one side to the other. By thin airy iiroeess, the
course of water a ahanged, and all accumulations Co
impure substanees are doyen off almost
without unscrewing the Filter. It alsos k icos=
advmage of being a stop cock, and as each In siaaf
enacto.lll be very convenient and economical.
!lean be attached whore there is any pressers high
or low to a cask, tank, tub, that. with moo 'To be had
of the .ale Agent, W, W. WILSON,
0.17 earner of Fourth and Market sit
ritHE attention of the public is reapeetnauy called to
I the following eerilheatow
B. Swants—linving tested aquantity of Gold
weighed by. your Areometer, I god the melt proves
your instr u ment COITOCI; arta recoatruend the us of it
to those going to Cattfornia oath& host method err ob
taining tiad - real value of Gold. Rona yours,
DUPU.E.W, Odd fir.
Pittsburgh, March 0, lOW. •
Prmastraan, March 7,1E4g.
Mn Eave—Dear Sir: Having examined the “Areo
.• mer," manufactured at your rooms, I do not henna;
commend it to the use of those gentlemen who erg
boot removing to California ouch of Gold.
It ryes a close op rorimatlnn to the rale pavi
yof metals, and fmll untimely wedge e mdmearefer
u fume:tam when his pincer is Ilinklua li ci s n a Trxm
marlin Yours, reapty,
CI I ..UT=3
T .
HF, CLLYTON PAPER MILL, shunted at Matthae
vide, Ohio, having Wen enlarged and improved,
and at a very great expense added new and the moat
fproved kind of machinery, la now prepared to man •
acture alt kinds of Writing,Prindeg, Wrapping and
Conan Yarn Papers, Bonnet Boards, d.e., equal to any
in the Eastern or Western country.
The undersigned having the Agency of the above
Mil will keep constantly_on hand • large simply of
the different kinds of Par, and will have , aaalsa
made to order at short notice. S. C.
Jaffa 87 Wood greet
Pine and Cedar Ware Illanatfletory,
No. el, mows (Lacer Lao Fora Ides,'Pe.
THE aubsenber keep• coollantly on Ural, wholo
sale nod retail, very low for soak— „,... IA
Wash Tubs, Barrel Churns,
Beth Tube,
Horse Buckets, Staff Churns, .
Halt Baskets, ke.
All eater kind+ Were in his line mane to order.
O Ito 5 on :If oath currency, or 4 mos. stpishrd 1611 s.
5 {.1.5 pr upwards, al do par, G moa do, Warns ad
ded. For the Importer quality of this brand we refer to
the glees and soap manotaccaren. of thie city general-
ds•e4 160 liberty at
Diaphragm Pater, for Hydrant Water.
leami Tills is to certify that I ham ap
taunted Livingston, Roggen
Sole Agouti for the tale of Semler,
Patera Mupr i r Filter for the cif
Gee of Piusbn and Allegheny. •
for Walter hl °them:o49 Em.dway, ,
N. Y.
Oct. 10,187413.
We have been news one of the above ...runlet, at the
office of the Novelty Works for three menthe.' oe Itioli
and feel perfectly saostled that it is a metal mammon,
coal we take pleasure in recommending then, as a asa.
fin article to all who love pare water I Peden will be
thankfully received and promptly ...teemed
0,..19 uvlNGsfuni littittiVila k i:o
THE subscriber, in offermg fur sure a hawk:tome tot
of Nunn. & Clark's, (New Vorad am. Mocker
taonion.) Pismo, would direct etteittion to the
fact that his la the only place to the \Vest Where the
madames. of these two maker. Calk be d aide by
rade. and wcerr. colisequently, a correct idea of their
q iodinee can be waned. Tire subennher being anxious
to test their rethts v.• men., and having for an:renter of
) ear, performed upon the PIAUI. of Nuans & Clark,
has laden Otto use lot the lost twelve mouths, Chick
cring Plano, tit order to try as dunthdity and fitness
at an artmomanment to the voice. This Nano may
now he Cecil a nd examthed at am rooms He feels
voulnient of hi. ability to give n corapetrat sad relia
ble (Tinton on the subject..
1,1 4 Xcu
the 1,11.Ier)
A 01111150 PM 101 1.1( new Pianos will be, opened m a
tew day, H KLEHER,
tlecit J W Woodwell's
I'PACTORY.—The substritter takes Mi• inutood
01 to formula Ms (namesend the public to general at
he hoe the largest stools of the following named &ra
ttles of his own manufacture te this city—Saddles, Mar
aca,. Trunks and Wilma, all of which he will warrant
to be made of the best material and by the best meeh
n Allegheny county. Being determined to sell
his manufactures something tower than has been hem.
tonne sold by any sunder establishmem i-t thecity,
he would invite persons in need or the a' ~.c named
erodes to his warehouse, N 0.244 Ltherty cartel, oppo
site berenta. Also, bands made to order for mach/no
r/ oet3o-ly G. KERBY.
'.l."l,•':OciliirScci.7"ll°l al
IrUtu i tt o o e n, th rde e r the
tic ademte ear, will commence on the first of FPebrue
re, neat, in the same buildings, No. 311 Liberty street.
Arrangements bees been made by watch they will
Ise able to turnmb young ladles feedlots t9nal to any
tile West, for obtannog a thorough Eughsh, Claw
tt aI. and Ontemental education. A fell comae of Phi
tesoolocal end Chemed Lectures will be delivered
durum the. Ulmer, it by apparatus. The de
partments of Toed and Instrumental Manic, Modem
Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be under
the tare of a competent Prolhouor. By close attention
to the moral and intellectual isepteng =tent of their po
pits, the Ptolemais hope to MGM a C0111111111:1011 of the
liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyaL For
terms, we eireelar or apply to the Principals.
- -
yIIiENIX FIVE BRICKS-The eutweribers tummy
, been appointed sale Agent. b l y the cormitfitenensm,
oc the snit of the celebrated " ttlania Bricks," are
ow prepared to fill order,. for any quantify, at Val,
rash, per I,OOU. For the consul:tante of farriacos of
all kinds, thew,bneks have been pronounced by corn
pctent judges m being 'opener to all other fire bricks
now to 000. C A SPAN tux , / & Canal Huth.
M A Si ;
o ll l F l A ,x e s T i l,..ll m illl ra ' n li) .„
de Putman 0, and le, 117 do obi &Meer 61; 10 do }t
kens& Sisdon 43 do Henry & James is and ea 10
de Jon , .. ond I,e+vod IA; 3 do Warwick taper lei .7 boa
,oloracing some of the moot favor
siewocub nod will be sold boss to
no h RFA:T FROM TliE. A1d5.NT 1 7.16197: .
us:Az ..trc sUrr.crt trcnr, being the exclualve
i.ora.r. of James Ai uspratt & Sons' Salo Sub Mr this
mare, are aow and will centime., to be largely soa
p, a mitt, On. celebrated brand, which they will sell
en we tows. market price lot cub or approvedntlls
Tney Talc, to the glass and soap thanutheturers f
trio coy generally respecung the oualily.
lee llber[l .t
d) in a flourishing town, with Parlor., Tool.,
sth , all ready for busier., writ be sold on accommo
dating terms, or exchange for Iron or goods.
Thin arbor, an excellent opportoolly to a yooog taut
with smell capital to commence the Imo Foundry be
saass. &nature of
_lst near iiVoird &MN.
Cooking Stoves, Gratina.
a nd ode .
r tOr talc lawionn, Floor and b ank, Seal a ,
in d r iiiwii roprov,l ytialarj Cooking Sloven, Sc wood
nd roul; 110( Stov , .. canox. dux,. -Parlor and
ruitotmo (trate, llothriv irate, In. ikn. Thalso
Xttel.sett linage, which grletrialCh
geltrnll .utt•tartton to those having il Inane, 01l of
wlnrn Vtry se
lATV.O the attention of
lnr ria ten. 3.1 d tnr gendrally.
A TKNT SOL Ait LARD IiATUPF-- - ATnclitifnaiVe
j„ to,..orttnent of Rom;lfus S. Cur celebrated min..
t..4.turr..tod ...sperm, to all others in use; adapted orlon-he, Atta.Mboalts, (Intones, dorelfu t ps, pubbe and
onvots, hulk, Rod to on other uses where ir ng ,
41.1 Imlltoot ngai u ileinTable.
Al+oAriranddles, Hall Laotornoohrodelabraa,Olotwa,
Wtehti, Chunore., Gans, Trtrarpers,/ce A too,
Ga. Chandelier+, from one to four Itstft.
dere. W W WILSON, in
ot•rdwatre—Cheaper [bas Er•rt
r ()GAN, \VII-sON SCo , Importer, d sr
IA Dealers in Hardwares sinner) (MO .
Wood'strem, above Firth, have ~
cheap and well 'elected stock 0 ,
lirece the deeitne of poets ro,
determined to sell corr., T 0...,
who host Oren 111 the habit Oi 41"
tarty requrosd to Cali ems o
vre cunhdeoh,
at u.ic bur
Er amt.., sb, 1-4.. "pr , , unsur
pir.rral Mr( tiurowtril) ,u <4..nsauctsuls kmds of
yurlitter. Prir, os. 11.
tit.trerl bAna tuatftl. ,rurr. /or second q Q .m y
Sulartsr Wick wort. st 6.9
rcd, wtthout prararare A stock dm first qdku,,,
t. bow sn, at 1., ware... -13 loart , i'Wharf, ,
but Byrn. by • I.IIIAV,
snskst works
,tiovia2o, ac.-3u dos 40,1:1ei az -- L -- t 817.
vets; '4U do 'Manure Forks; *Vdtitiribl so
do Seeket.loi Arr., /41400.41 r ka r
I i k u r ,,,,,V,rc.r, rcr—, We ItratsorkerNirerr.pripy,
I by reorllo GLOGOCHIGEN,ii wood
gli lio. ...1 . • NS