The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 01, 1849, Image 1

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Aahigniorqd &CIIOZEit Com m ission Mentors:lto
and Deafen in Produce, No. 22 !Starlet street
s. even ' W. 113,71.0.11..
BVIM D FlA'i.S.l%lsolerale slealere in Dry
Goodis, firm-cries, Boots, Slioen, Piitzburgh menu
(eetored ortieleo, 8.e., No. ItN.) lit be r rt) greet. Pitt.-
nt,n ca DILAV, • • 1380 : d.;. Earn Ji..ll.7l:cot..FlFgrt.fifit;irtV4l:ll:Ani
Retail ( h ug
_ X. L. 1110*10 .
..t .._
BROWN ti CULDERTBON, Vt`hotesale Groters,
J 3 and Co tido Merchants, No. 14 liberty sr.,
Pittsburgh. Pa, ' . • dr .2 7 . 1_11_
B. A. FAIL l• ''S - 111,k . ' &, Wbolesale and. Re.
-I , * 'all D.ggine, ro ner Wood and eth sus }pi
i33TITII, Wholesale Orocere, M and
I.P 'A/ Wood street Pittiburgh.
- -
A. McMillin" is Co., Forwarding-end Com
%-) • mission Ateschanht; Canal Both., P.Mbu'gtt
Is:queens Aiie Steel and Von
(lOU:NUN,' El di I-MAN & Co, manufamturcrs of
N,../ Coach • and I.:hpnc Spring., Ihurune red Aries,
S ... pri - ng and Plough Steel, iron, &e . Warehouse on
Water and FFOIII airmen, ritiebargh. .
Also, in; Conch Trimming" an d Malleable
CONTINUES 16 ruinitificture Moutuneatik, Racial
Tomb., Bend !Stows '
Mantel Piece., Cen
tre and Pier Tops bf foreign and domestic marble, at
a regular and fairpriee. • . .
N. 13.—Oravrinsa for ineiwinents, vaults, &m. Carnlah
ea, of any descrlption. Ile solicits IL share of public
patronage • arig9,4o"
WM. I. EXPLI.II, ..masfTar.erNsrc.
ENGLISH & ICklaiNgrr, (late Lagllah,'Ciallugber
Co.I Wholesale Grocers Commission Mid Fo
warrimg Merchants, mai 'dealer. in Produce and Pius.
burgh Munutucturcs,lt;o. 37 Ital in., between rd'and
ad streets. octl
GEORGE COCHRAN, Commtrasou end Forwarglirig
'Merchant No_YO Wi.l tuna. Pozsburgh. aHI7
HOME laillft.Cdfir.VACTOLLY.
U - AhIyLTON STEWART, manufacturer of fleecy
Shtrunge, Cheeks. the.. Rebecca street, city' of
H .
LEE, leuccomeor to Murphy & Lee.) Wool Deal
er and Commissiou Merchant, for the tale of
Ameneun Woolens, Libeety.spposite nth t. feblY
a. a. atchhor,t. Emrau u"...L.P.t Philnila.
D. C. leC.Onacnii JODI 1. wawa,,
ii EALD & DUCKNOIL Tobacco Comma...taw; .ter.
11 chant," 41 North Water 01, k 16 North Whhrvds
/641.01 SCOlii. MM, If,
ISAIAII DICKEY 4 C0., Wholesale Grocers, Cora
mission Merchants, and dealers In Produce, Nos.-56
Water, and 107 Front streets. Pittrinirsi. novB
j B..CANF d IELD, (lam orWarrett, Otuo,) Commits.
dealer . ir W'mesteFr' rwer n
Reserve tte ' e c s h e tn , tnutter, nntl Voll'"anl
Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Water
trees, between etniVirreld szad . Wood, Pittsburgh.
JOIII4 — WATP, levecessor to - Ewan 2c Gebbart i l
Wholesale Grocer nnd Commission Merchant,
dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh lilminfaetures, cor
ner of Liberty and Hand streets, Pittsburgh Pa. iregl
1.01.E8 MeCIUMLE, 11utc of the Grin of AJgro and
llinGsdin,) Merchant Tailor, Pt. Charles Buildingi,
Third street, neon Wood,
_ - •
J Lakoii
and Agents of the St- Lotue - Stetun Sugnr Refinery.
NO. 45 water and In trent t rev,. Pitn.butfh.
r S. DILWORTH et. CO., Wholesale Grocers, Pro:.
. dace and Commission Merchants„ and Agents
for the Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y, No. L Wood at,
JOHN D. PIOROA.N, Wholesale Drusigist, an deal ,
er in Dye Stairs, Palms, Oils, Varnishes, &e., No. V 3
Wood street, one door South of Dtamond Alley, Pltkia
blush. Putt •
JAMFS XERR , Jr, & "Co, imecessorAo Josepli
Dayl.9 Alp Chandlers, 3d Water street oat
OHN H. IdELLOR, Wholesale and .Retail dealer
U in Main and Masten' Instruments, School Doom,
Paper, Slates, Steel Pena, Quills, Miners' Cards,
SuL_tiot , o , T.XonerallyiNo. Si \Vood et, Pittsburgh.
u.rßase bou g. m 6r tokriiiti,trodo- oopls
SCHOONMAKE.It & Co.; Wholesale Druggists,
No. Wood !M • oot, Pittllawgh.
JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioncor,corner sth and Wood
streets, PolWough. oat'
TeIINSTON & STOCKTOP:, Booksellers, Printers
and Paper Monufactunov, No. ti Murk. of, Pitts
.7011, morn, mail. nurn.
J& R. FLOYD, (lute J. Floyd & C 0.,) Wholesale
. Grocers, No. W.t Liberty size.. scp::
.....-__ . . . _
Jeatirs J) A 1 71PT.T . Wholc Aale ~ rocer, Cemmiarion
aleicitgAttould dbaler in Produce nod Pittsburgh
MamAliketlArce. No. 21 . Wain.. id.. Pittsburgh. 1,016 .
(T O NE , 4: l l , da T rt\ V s N i b :thre n e ' d D eors g :h " ov ft e l llont
bough, will:base constantly on hand marellselected as
sortment of the best and ( ram b le, which he
selLim the most reasonable, tenns. nyuclant
• ;sending:: order., will he promptlatenended to, and sap.
plied with articles they may, peltupon as gettaine.
Z.irrPhysierans Prescriptions:aria he accurately and
....neatly ;tweezed from the, beet knitter/at., al any hoer
ne day or 1/I,ght.
Also for sale, a Largo stock of (malt and good Peet!.
'KIER er. JONES, Forwarding and Commission Mc,
chants, Dealers In Produce' and Pittsburgh mom
fsetarcd articles, Cana/ Bum. near 711 s st. eft
. _ ._ • • , . .. ,
KENNEI?Y, CHILDS 2c CO., Blanufeetniers of very
supener 4-4 Slice.ungi, Cffpct Chain, Cotton
Twine and Hafting. jalol-1y
Vesuvius Ivirek Works.
Lewtb,DALZF.LI.h roartutauturtvs of all
ue bl
s B ar, .t Roger Iron and I% oda of the Len
quality. WarChollllc, 61 water .0 larm 140Ist rt
8 WATEIMAIsi, Wholesale Groccr, Forward
ing and Commission Merchant..l3,aler m rats
urgh hianufactures arid Produce, Nos. 31 Water st.,
and 6 Front 27
TEEM. WM,. /1/1.. man Y. .WIL
T OOKING GLASS tilanufatturers, and Wholesale
14 ?dealer, in foreign and domestic Variety Goods.
‘Vestern merchants, Pedlars and others are invited
to call and examine the pricesand mighty of oar stock,
aa with onr present increased facilities in manufactory
tog and purchasing, • we think we can otter as great
badacements to buyers as toy other house west of the
Mountains. ma-ly
t GILLS &ROE, Wholegollo Or.ocers sod Comm.- ALL gou', No. 194 Liberty al., Poobargh.
MURPHY , WILSON d. Elsie .lones, Mosphy &
Co.Y.Wholesola Deniers fn pry Goods, No. ad
Wood streo, Pittsburgh. novl.
S. oza=s, ollx,rtuatex, -- WM. 1. MYlWit.
and andVa="!ta r otot st
%opt anr.aststs.
. k janG
mx.ralcirrerir: —
& RICIUITSON,WIioIesaIe Grocer. and
11 Comadae:on Merchants, l'icaliti,Liberry.ll_, Pitts
turet. anl4
MerrittAV i !o rtrolt end alutraiareParn•
ter., Rnemr, corner of Poet Mee Alley and
Fmanh street, entrance on Oth near Market_
'IU" HOLMES Cc. SON, No. t.:5 Mallet At., second
doo r from Corner of Fourth, dealers Foretgn
and DOMenie of Exchange, Cendiditte. of Depos
it, Bank Notes nod sped,.
MT Collection. mad ort all the prineigal cities
throughout the United Mates. decl7
A.l DUCKEtAbTER, Mamma:
4-04 e.
third door above Ymithfieid, sonlhA,
Conveyancing of all kinds done , ekeaw.l
care and legal mammy. - • ' ,
Titles Is Real Fame examined, tc. I,'o
No. 111,, FOURTH EirREET.--oom
ruou.. ttlne, )11.0.21art Brag. Chief e4Y 20#110 .
, 4t;121
Ile T. 1C0Ve31 . 14 - 7, - 111: — ii:;
OOT/LAIAIIC SURGLUS, will attend to the wear.
mental DULY.. Of lie Ry
Dr. R. has been engaged in dtis branch of the medi
cal profession for sateen years, and has contluetad an
establishment for the treatment of Mecum . of the eye
atone for sevasal years.
Orszce• and rreddenca n ,)earner of BandaAy at. and
Sr,'cra*ltie alley, Allegbeity city. aettd
}•.l/ Sty near NVened-;-All quanntienof Omen and
Black Team, done no in qarter, half, and
awe ponn I packages, ranging from .5111 cu. "per µmid
SIAM rtJ A. JAN NES, AO. for Preto Fro Co,
ROEEI Wholesale grocer, Readying.
Dander, dealer in Produce, Patsburgh alanufae
tares, and all kat& of Foreign and Domestic Wines
and Liquors, No. It Liberty street. On hand a. very
large stock of solocrtor old Monongahela whiskey,
winch will be sold low for cosh.
._.-...w,i 1 • 6,1•161714. a 106[730,1.
A.0„,N50, 1 / 4 . Co Wholesale Grocers, Produce
, and Commission Merchants, nod Dealers iii Pitt.
ugh branufactares, No. 1.110 Liberty It., Pittsburgh.
Ps. 0 Amu
Itotietcr DALZF.LI., .t. Co., Wholesale Grocers,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dealers
Produce'and Plitsborgh Manufactures, Libeny or.
Pittsburgh, Pa. :'..-. . kb%
CUNICIII9IiAId, Winucsule (kroner
DCllirf in Produce and kinabargh blunafnctures,
1.141.4cr1y et.
L. 0. 1LL,(01.1.0.,
J. L. ens.
1) MN 01...D9 tr. SHER, Forwarding and Cammuston
blerchants, Mr the Allegheny. Rivet Trade, deal
ers in Gremrics, Produce, PittslAugh Manufacturea
and Chloride of Lime.
The highest prices. in cash, paid at alliimes for conn.
WY .67. Comer of Penn and Irwin SM. jangS
AIITII RIIINRIN, Wholesale 'and Retail Dealers
in Millinery I , oodk Luse., Hosiery aad Fartvi
Articles, O. to Market street, ad door above Third at,
C. Iciaccil-Cr, twos.a. win Ts.
SHACitIaITT t WIUT6 , AVOolesale Dealers to
foreign m u d Dosutstle Dry Goods. No. to 'Wood st.
• febl7tt
& Wool Mordants, Dealers
0. in Floor and Produte gouerally, ind Forwuniing
and Connitaninu Merchants, No. 13 Water at., Pins.
01=11, lIAGALEV .k. Co, W.lestdo Grocers eud
Product deaden, N0.2.11' Market Eris. between sth
sad 13111, Nordraide, Plultidtkpbia— ,;, . nose
. sivans; rrrrissraati. touramlota, NuatTLAND.
CIELLF.II.4 .1s NICOLS 7 -Prodaes and iGaztersd Corn
-10 minim idorchants, No. 17 Lthartrat, Pittsburgh.
15Pena,l.hlased 21111 Lard (kits. •
gvF. YON LION N 110420, 2r. Co, 'Wholesale Gro
ce,,, Forsvardwg_ and Lorataisisi. Merchants,
ers in Pitts bur gh Minaraettteiniiistd,Western, Yr.
a L hars [ . to dl cknawiratehouse.l.ld ..,,)
m4l comer of Ftout in s 64 alliaatery Low.
irRAYI.II4r. SCOTt WhOlEalal a abd-Iletait Lka,rs in
./... BOan. "Shiies, Trianha s :Cat-1 Bags, Sce., o W.
.1 nes ni 4%., Pt
. lossi'n, Ph-
'nodTASSEY &BEST, WholeigeGtnearn and Commis.
~ Mercburgts,.han and •dcalem in Produ,:o. No. :1.1
'• ' et Pluati ' • _
• - W. W IVI -- .1,80 - 14 — . Less. Wiacint., Jelvalr)n
Tlr i Bilttt Were, brafisq . - Good., io., No. 57 Mar,
del a . .
=!5 4 4::21
-•- -
D. lowa, DAVID
MT ICK & DPCANDLESS, (successors to L. &J. ID
yy Wtek,) Wholesale. Grocers, Forceardtog •nd
CoMITIPAOII Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nall, Glass,
Lotto, Kenos, and Pittsburgh Manufactures Kt - oniony,
noser• of Wood nod Woo, -11 . PC 1,14 Pnutturglo
ENT BOWEN—Cavil - t0...i0n sad 'Forsnirchng
Merchant, No. DO tont between Wood and
•ITltnt strseta. IrhVl
IiAT W. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Furnish-
yy . ing establishmeni, N 0.244 Liberty at., lient Me
canal. Learn
.._ . _ •
IIT I 1 MURP4IY, Wholesale and Retail dealer in
TT o Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, conk east
corder of Market did Fourth sm. ord'
sil'iaLkoekii; /NO. t Warns
WSI. YOUNG lc Co.—Deniers In leather hides, 3e
143 Liberty et. _
. i si is -ly
am at'orrotros. apar. II.CCTMIZON
VV is R. APCUTCREON, Wholesale Grocer., dea
lers in Product, Iron, Nails, Glad*, and Pitts.
biugh . liliciafactures generally, 122 Liberty at, Pam.
Mitgli. . • i deed
lar i W. WiLit i GEOP i iii i iiii i es,leffailiy,Silyer Ware,
TV s and Military Goods, roruel of - Market and I,h
airema, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.— W . .atebes and Clock.
carefully repaired. dee4
Wi5.1.A..41 MTh, Manuimisar of 'Cotton and
colored Linen, Fringes for Dresses, &a.; Sewing
Silk and colored Cotton Fringes for silk and gingham
Parasol. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes,
made to order on the shortest notice.
• .
Sacra& comer of Maiden Lane and Villa,m,entrane.
No F 5 William street, third tloor, over Abner &Li).
'torn, No C 4 Maiden L.• New Vara ty la
Rectifying lte, and Wine and Lnitio
~lferehnnte. Also ' lmporters of Soda Ash and Elleteh
lag Powder, No. IC) Liberty street, Pi tastmagit, Pa.
0,...A0rE M. A. A. co,
oct3l N 0.42 %Vat. buret.
The franiiin Fire /neuron= Co. of PhauJelphla
IDIECTORB—CharIes N. lianctar. Thomas Hart,
11 Tobias Wagner, Banana! Grant, Jacob B. lquitb,
Geo. W Richard., Mordecai D. Lew., Adolph° E
Bowe, David S. Brown, Monis Patter.on.
0.111..11 N. 11.5.5c5.m, President.
Charles G. Handcar, Secretary.
Continue to make OISIMIVOO, perpetual or hunted,
tat wpm
Oft !Very
as low deteriPtioll Of prope,ty la
IJ. wn or auuntry,
are conmment with security.
TO Company have reserved a la conungent Fund,
Which with their Capital and Prat:mo rge
ms, nafely wrest
ed, atrord ample protection to the assured.
The enema of the company, on Jannary 151, 1,19, me
agreeably to an act of Assembly, watt as
fellow:s, r
MrIVZ $1,047,49a 41
Temporal,' Loam • MOW
54, Enc. . • 14,-123 37 Cash, /cc 34,1iD4 37
• • 12.1 , 492 n
Sums Weir iniorporatiton. perimi of IU peon. they
have paid upwards of one million four hundred thous
and doilara, loasCs by fire, therehy.atlonling runlet:tee
cf We advantages of insurance, as well as the ability
scut disposition -to meet with prordptness all lialtdatios.
• :3. GARDINER t-OPFIN. Agent.
marl-dip N E corner Wood and 3d . as
TORN FINNEY, Jr., Agents,: Eataldthrgh for the Del
aware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of ?WM
adalphita Fire Risks upon buildings and merchandira
of every description, and hiarnm Risks upon halls or
cargoes of annals, taken upon the most favorable
LW Office to the Warehouse of W. B. Helmets Bro.,
Water, near Marketstreet, Pittsburgh.
N. S.--The meccas at this Company since die estaig
dean td
of the Agency in this coy, with ate prompt-
Heti. nod liberelitt with which every. damn upon Meru
for tom has been adjusted, fraly warrant the agent in
inviting the
_couildeum and patronage of his friendsand
the community at large to the Delaware 111.3. Insu
rance Company,'While it has the additional adv.tages
as iminstitutiou Musing the most flouruhing Pluladei
phis—as having an maple paid -to capital, which by tne
operation of tts ehaner is constantly increasing, OA
yielding to each , person owned his due share ei the
Pr.lta.i company, without utvolviug bon in any
raqmusibiloy whatever, and therefore as posaeming
the Mutual priecrPle divested 01 'every obnomOus feu.
tare, and in its most atuactive force
. nov4
1111 Insurance Company of North Mumma, through
medely authoris.o , fitent. the subscriber, oder. to
makepertument and Rutted Insurance on property, at
to city and its Vieuniy, and on shlpmeuks by the Ca
nal and Riven.
Charles Taylor,
Ambrose White,
Jacob M. Thomas,
John R. Neff.
Richard It Wood,
Wm. Welsh,
Futter. Rost ens,
S. Austm
Hum D. SkULIUMILD, Sec'y.
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United
States, having been chartered to MO. Its charter is
per dip standing, and from its di standing, long expenrace,
ample oacansotrul scolding all risks at as extra haz
ardous character, it may he considered - as odertng am
ple sorority to the public. W. P. JONES. Al trawCrumUng`Roorn of Atwood., Jonas Or Ca,
tor and Front streets Pmeharich. may.l
Ptoteetion Immure Co. of Hartford, Conn.
Arthat Coffiu,
:3=l W. Jones,
Moroni Small
Johu A. Brown,
Thom. P. Cope,
Samuel F, Sou :la,
Samuel !hoots,
e/161111,1114) IN Irej.
‘j. FUN o.—The insdermgued, having been appointed
Agent agile Protection 'Mistimes Co., will take ask 3
on propepy tu the city and victual, and on shipments
by canal, and the rivers and lakes.
°Etc, No. 127 Wood aired
metM damr
ft telt SCItsCRLIJEIt. Lou Leen appouneo Agent p.
• tem. at the lat.o ranee Company of NOrtit Arne rn.
and will tsvue Poisetcs and attend to the other hunt,.
Of the Agency, et the warthottee of Atwood, JO.' • h.
Co. apl2 WNI I' JONES. water •i
•C. IL 1.1.11[2.110Yrra.1 I. oiaaWo toss.
2) South Wharves, No. 117 South Water st
•r 11.1111.1.
sIoDSC/S to inform the i red: and dealers generally, of
Ptuatourgh, that they ioa • to made such arrangements
'yeah the Virginia Inautotacturers and the Growers of
the West, -re est Indies, snot oater places,us will insure
large and constant supply of the following descrip
tions of Tobacco, which Will toe sold opon as accom
modating terms as any other house in this city or elec.
whero, 'lndult goods ordered from theta will be war
rented equal to representation:
Havana; Sc. Dottungo; Conn.;
Tara; Port &Po; Penn's.; }Seed Leaf Ice
Cuba; Ignmit Flonda; baceo,
ALSO-11ranciCs . celebrated Aromauc Stag Caven
dish, with a large aisonment of ether popular brands,
gad qualities of pounds, 6s, ea, 12,, Ids and Z.S, I.¢JuN
51, 6, S 6 mud 10s 116 g; Ladics"Pwist; Virpitia Twist,
&e, Sweet and plant to whole and half boies,.wo
had tirt,. together with every vanety of article belong
ing to the wade. plddly
1.111,111, a Els D &
ASuccessors to Reed, Hord & C 0.,)
Pardo/Oar attentirm hold to the ante of all Mode of Pro
dace, and liberal holvaneea made on comegnmenta
L. R. & CO. have leave to refer to--
. blesser R. Robiaotr& Co.
" hloGlll & Roe.
Reed, Parke to Co., Heaven
Laavion t Commie, Wellsyttle, 0.
Bagwell Marsh, Req. Stealmomile, O.
R. Brady, Esq.
F P.1 "" ° " , / WhAellog, Va
Means ft Craogle & Ca.
" GIII to Moat,
" Rhode. & Ogleby, Bridgeport, 0.
Comminion Merchant and Forwarder,
DE; a P' rlt n e i t c eVEVitt e tu n c tion
en It m w a 'b rke " A f IT, L t n o g the
foraraldmg of Goodk generally Refer to
Messrs-. Jahn Rwasey & Co,
Martin AStockwel4Cinelnnatt, 0, •
S. C. Parkhurst, Esq.
LAenu & Co.
Paul/ark& Pa.
Ka ppot u &Jones,
En. huh & Bennett, }
Commission and Forwarding Merchant.
No. 213 num rtrnarrsan,
* C ° ll 3 ess, especiny in the p o i:ref:7o l atT ' d saleOPL i nt:
Can 141.1dattares end Produce, and in receiving and
fprwarding Gnosis consigned re Ins care. A. Agent for
the Pdanuractares, hh will be constantly 'dunned with
the principal articles of Pittsbargh Manufacture at tie
krona mtokmala*ices. Orders sod COn4MMentS
are rsw_ectrally sollpited. iO7
iliffnonCilANDlBs. UROKEH end . Coraraisston Mer•
LV.L chant, No. 36 pith Front street, Lsecond gory
Fialadelphtn. [D. oats purchasd, panned, insured,
p oriehr. Wool, Flour Groan, Dood
i gu d itt i nd awes., reinwed on cononinlent and rtor
•ge, with inonranco ignorant!.
Rsinumeee—Wßiakll k Son, Mr. R. Hirer, cud
lib , _ Harvey ChildEittsbargh. leb-,1.3t0 _ _
wwicoLka.u.s. oaocaus;
!rear Nails, Cotton 'Yarns & Pittsburgh
Elanu.fitethreil generally,
no. 10 man srasrr L rrrnassan, re.
- • atirauckas, BROTICLIEWS & 00.,
For the sale of Produce generally.
137 Liberal advances sande on ...rousignments.
Tygneportation to the But.
Comminion and Forwarding Agents..
Dittchergb, %tali receipt Proditca
- febl24l2m D. te C.
R. T. LEECH, JR. /
Irnyarut and Deahr in Foreign an d lik aaaa ,,
Saddlery. Hardware & Carriage Trimmings,
wo. laa Wotid at., Pittsburgh, Pa.
LSnow receiving' his Spring supply of flood., and
invites the it:emit/nor Saddlers, Cormlonakers and
amm/. to his smelt. It btu been bought upon the
best trims, front the best sourets. and he therefore
feels confident of being able to afford satlsfaetiori to
all who no____lLArvor him with a call. me hYbdem
A Jo‘thOttei 46 Markebstreet wistong to clews their
stork of Variety Goads previoua to their removal, will
sell et wholesale their stock of tombs, Ihmona, Nee
dles, Threads, Pins,Jevrelry, A n, at cost. S. a ./..111
reeterve on April ad to N 069 Market mc h,dy
itammr. 'AY. P. ion 34.
HARDY, JONES & Co. Onacenors to Atwood,
Joon tr. Co,) Coauwoni, Nod Pomading Mot
ekgota, daslew to PO:Wont/It Manolinturbd Good
ilaubuillt, P.. s,
Butler, Pa
L also tend to collections and all other bust-
Writt'ess at
entrusted to him to Butler and Armstrong
counties, Pa.. Reler to
J k F 1. 5 1, Liberty a.
W. W. Wallace, do
James hlershall do Pittsburgh.
dip Kay tr. Co.. Wood st_
II SWF,ITZER. Attorney at Law. office
oppomte tat. Charles llo:el, Potato:opt
attend promptly to Collecoona, in NVicillinguan, Fay.
and Green counuca, Pa.
t R
Rine&stock, 13n11 & Co., FE
Church & Carothers, ITO
D T. Morgan, .
J. HFNRY. Attorney and Councellnr at Lt.
• Cincinnati. Ohio. Colleen°. in ,oathern
and 113 Indiana, and in Kentucky. promptly and car
fully attended to. Commastoner tar the State of Pen
Sylvania, for taking Deposittons, acknowledgment
&c. &c.
REPlit to—Dan. Wm. Dell & San, Curtis, Church k
Carothers, Wm. Ifpys , EsqlWilloek & Davis. re.s
" -
A TFORNFN AT LAW. Otfire removed to Fourth
fl Meet, between Smithfield and Grant street.
./ITHLOP b. SEWELL. attorney at Law, Offices on
.) Smithfield. between 3tl and 4th ma.
JOHN H. RANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor an LAW
and Col.ll.loller (or the State of Pennsylvania
Loma, Mo., Onto of Pitmliurand
Ream - maces —Pittsburgh, Hon W Forward, Hump
&n as hrCandlesa & ISPCluse, John E Pnrke,
Blazons & Semple. hPCord & Krim. jai& ly
TTOFINEY AT LAW. Fourth street, heti:wee.
„A. Smithfield and Gram AIX-416m
-- Writt - Cs - Pll,l E N D.
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, near Grant.
W. moved
ROBINSON, Atiorney at Law,
hifi office to the Exchange Butlilingli, Ft.
Clair rt., next door to Alderman Johns.
itTHE subscriber, In addition to his own
numufacturing of HIM, has made arrange-4
hateressrs Lichee & (the mow
fashlonahle of the city of New York.) for a reg
ular supply of his extra fine Silk Hats. and having lust
received a few eases, gentlemen can be suited with a
very etch and benutifit klint by calling at his new Hat
and Cap Store, SmithLeld street. second door south of
Fourth, where may be found a great variety of Hats
and Clips of bit own manufacture, wholesale and re
tail. Hats made to order on short notice.
BI , COD.D dt, CO.,
4 (Soceesn to &Mord & hang) ilk
rhablon•ble H
Cot saser of Wood and Ftfik see r,.
IDARTICULAR euenuon pout to eur Retsul Trade.
Centlemen eon rely upon getung their lints and
Caps from our establishment of the mom suzeuaLs and
WOU.IOIIO/13,, of the Lenar ermass, and at the UM,.
Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale are
respectfully milled to tall and examine our &pea, as
we can any w ait confidence that as regards goamva
and ratcr,Mi will n ote in a compareton with any
house in philadelpluit. fehl V
iitRAS, alttS - :CVO fifl..4 , 7fi—Theik
subscriber is :low receiving from the
city of New York, a choire aswirtmeni
of lint; Caps and Muffs. latest fashionaJn great vanetysind very cheap, wholesale end retail.
noel 3 ' 4 l3litbGeld .5 Ed door south of Ith
•ACaCALIFORNIA HATS—Ib , dor seater pro ,
California Hat.. just reeetved and for sale by
M'CoRD dr. Co,
rorncr :k and Wood'.
eIiACCORD& Co. will Inuoduca on Same.
naY, March the Spring style of FIATS
Thorn in wantn neat will suiv , rlUt hat, are invite
eall lit corner of Lib and Wood .tert, morn
Dr. Boar's Celebrated lirmetlleL
R-JACOB S ROSE the drtcoverer and rote pm.
prietor thew nins‘poptilar rind beneficial med
icines. and a‘m the, inventor of the celebrated inl
mem for India/lig the Lungs, in effecting Cl.ll, Of
Chronic diseases, was a student of that eminent physi
cian, Doctor Physic. and is • graduate. of the Universi
ty of Pennsylvania. end for thirty year. since hat been
engaged in the investigation of diseue, And the appli
cation of remedies thereto.
Through the use of his inflating tube. in eohnecbon
with his Prophylactic syrnp and other of his rnm..alles,
he has gruited an ule
nparalled eminence caring
those dreadful and fugal maladies. Tubercular t'un
suruptinh, Cancers, Srrafibn. iD.amatrtns. Asthma,
Fever itnd Ague, Fevers or all twos, Chronic Erysipe
las, and all those ob .tmutr diseases pee uhas rtifeutales.
Indeed every forth of diornme vanishes under the use
of his remedies, to which humanity is heir—not by the
oar of one compound only, for that is ineompatibl e
with Physiological Lam, but by the use of his reme
dies, adapted to and prescribed tor each peening, login
nof disease.
Dr. ROsets Tonic Alterative rill., when tired ere In.
*viably aekturweledged to he superior to all other, o.
a purgative or liver 1 Inasmuch on they letter the
boolels perfectly tree Dorn eouneemea., sr also hi.
Golden Pill. t• adnutted by the faculty to po pec
liar properties adapted 4) ietnale dtsesaea, but being
xauxfied that • bare trial ix autheieui to establish what
has been and ist the mods of tile moat skeptical
The manned are invited to call opon the tweet, and
procure 'grans; 134 P of the Doeter'it neetiphlet., giving
a detailed account of eaeh remedy and its appiteation.
For wile by the roil:raring agent, an well an by meat
Druggistatitroughout the country.
J Schnoi.maket & Co. NVood street, Pittnittitgit.
J TON droggint, to ..tlat art At ••
Lea A 15.. e• ham, near the Yti Atlegheny city
Jos Hark my, Darlington, Deaver county. Pa
!no F.Lwu . Fonion Valley
T Adam.. Deaver,
11E.D . -11TvIng a fur long time keen distre•scd
swim a .crew pato to the side and chest, aceompanted
with • dry cough, I wan mdueed, upon the urgent so,
eitanon or a friend, to Dr. Taylor's Balsam of 1./Ver
won, and 1 must msy this rnedimne has answered 112
purposs admirably My dtstrets was produced by
severe bun, rind was so great that it was Wlth derheulty
I eou.d swallow my food Indeed, I are •ansfird mot
disease must have tenstunated 111 C 011•1110130011, or some
fatal <Wedge, had it um been mired by tots juMeious
medlcum To all who seek to prolong their 111,11. I
would advise the sue of Dr Tayloe4 Balsam of Laver
wort. JAMES (lOWAN, 4i Bowe,-
This medicine facilitates expectoratton, reduces fe
ver, restores strength, and may be considered as • ft,
,persor preparation for the cure and prevention of all
eastsumes in aft e rheat and Lung. ; and should tr, rconn
to, even these discase• have reacted h e ` s
remedies. In the procure of dm old and ve re
speetable phystccuk thc of Liverwo rt h a. ar •
gulled on enviable reputation for it. virtues, no tope
rtot to that of the abundant n 0.70101 of the day.. as
was the character and probity of its Inventor, In that
of quacks and empinea.
• CONSChIPTION CURED —llly'son having a v•
lent cold, used to rough violently, rutting quantities of
thick putrid minter, and finally he could not turn over
in bed, from weakness. Ile manifested every •ymp
tont of confirmed consumption. For six years tie had
been subject to the asthma. HA phys tans,
Vennoule & Anderson. said he was in m curable. and
moat anon die. Yet I was determined to try Dr. Tay
lor's Haltom of Ldverwork and strange as it may op
pear, Cc mei:brine has fully restored his health.
SOPHIA GA LLON,I4 Norfolk street.
Sold In Pittsburgh b .1 D Mora. PS Wood at;
Townsend, 4.5 Market . t . Smyser, ,
one Markel and
:Id au, Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty at. Price reduced
to Stall per (mule
Jaynes' Expectorant. —
S.F., Columbiana co, 0 Apr. 24,
R. D. JAYNES: Dana huc—l feel bound to you
had the afflicted public. to avail myself of no. op
portunity of giving publicity to the extraordinary effects
of your Expectorant en myself. Having been afflicted
for several years with a severe cough, hectic fever
and its concomiguit diseases and seemed only doomed
to linger out a shun but Iniseratlie existence, until the
fall of 1842.1, when, being more severely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pe
nt riptiems or Iwo of the most respectable physicians to
the neighborhood without deriving any lieneht, or the
consolation-of surviving bat a few days or week, at
farthest—when the 1.1 gleam of hope was about to
vanish. I had recommended to me your Expectomm—
, aml blessed by shut Being who does all things in toe
use of die means—mad contrary to the expectations of
fromhyins and w a s
I was in a few days raised
my bed, s
and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to my b.inces, enjoying atone better health than
I had for tenyears previous.
Respectfully yours, JAS. W. Earn.,
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea gtore,
Fourth street. mars-V
lL ly sanatory, balsamic and tonic properties of tut.
Vinegar tender it far superior to Cologne water tor
the °glittery purposes of the toilet, surpassing the lat.
ter in its perfume. It prevents and removes pimples,
terser and asperity of the skin, it refreshs and whitens
the skin, rendering it toll nod smooth. It corrects the
clammy and hitter taste of the mouth, among/mg a frt..
and pleasant breath. It cleanses aim whitens the
teeth, and hardens the gums. For all the above par.
poses, it is used eat* water in such proportion as may
be found most age gable. By inhaling it and rubbing
It on the temples, Bevill remove headache. If apphed
Instantly to a barn Or brut., it will eventually prevent
Mortification. It correct vitiated air, and guaranties
from eentMtpri; t Is therefore very useful for penrung
and perfumffig apartment/1. '-t'or sale by
R E SELLERS, Wholesale Druggist,
b 7 Wood street, l'itiatitirgti
Dr. McLane In Tenn
Tins I. to certify that I purchased one vial of Dr.
110Lanshe Worm Epecifte, wore two 1:110116.1 ego
and rove to a son of mine. some seven yeas, two
atartpoons (oil, And although the amount My ppp, a y
Argo, yat I have no doubt but Mere woe upwards of
two gstunagen tom.. pawed from lam, measuring
lone ate quarter of an inch to two inches Mag.
Recur. (leek, Camel co Tenn. Dec 67, 11.47 m 24
Commrara Jou. hth, le4P.
Ste. R. E. Sellers:—Your Vermin:me has sold well,
and has been higlly spoken of by oft who b••• trot
it. From the sneerer attending the admtnistratiou of
confidentfug to every cora have heard of I ant
I emt sell more during the coming season
Man I did lost. I will be glad to receive another sup
ply of 4or 5 gross. Yours, respectlitlty,
(Extractfrom letter R. CARTER.
Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 67 Wood st,
and sold by druggists generally, to Pittsburgh and Al
logluty. gam
JAL, 15•TMN. rrnamrs. 00. 001:110303.
No. 132 Second st,etel,
mell27:dOne_ ST. LOUIS, 510
:TllE subscriber has removed his Wholesale force
ry Store the corner o( Hancock street sod .6.1. e
ony to
Wharf; next door to the Seery House.
mchOultf JOHN F. FERRY,
PAlLlitst opening, • largnanTif Selectee:l tois;ii
. mem of fine Watenes and. Jewelry, whmh will
be sold as cheap as in ally other establishment to this
or the Egyteill clues
Aso—A large lot of variety store Watches and Jew
elry, at very low prtees Full Jewelled 19 karat (Wild
Levers, as low as thirty-five dollara.
mob= corner 4th and market of.
Tirco -partnership heretofore existing between the
srlseribers. in the name of Friend, Rhey a. Co ,
was tide day dissolved by mutual consent. Gen. Rbey
will settle the business of the concern, for which pots
pose he is authorized to use the name of the flim
February ],1849.
The subscriber, have this day associated themselves
n the name of RHEV, MATTHEWS & Co.. for the
purpnso of trao.eting a general Grocery, Commissmo
and Forwarding Business, at the stand of the late firm
of Friend. Rhey b. Co., where they will ho pleased to
receive the patronage of the customers of 11111 house
and our friends GF.O
February 7, 1.319
We take pleasure in recommending to the coo fiden
of our friends and those of Friend, Rhey & Co., o
successors in business, Rhey, Matthews & Co.
D1..0h tlon
rHEco-pannershm heretofore existing between the
subncnhers. in theof Conemble, Belle &
Co.. Is thm day dissolved byname
mutual eommet. 31es , ,
Burke & Barn. tartll settle the beaniess of the con
cern, for which purpose they ari at:libation:lpm'. the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CON,BrAB/..1e
The undersigned have this day associat ed themselve
tn the name of BURKE & BARNES, for the peep°
of manufacturing Fire Proof Surf, Vault Doors, be
be., at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burk.
& Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa
octane of the customers of that house and their friends
In renting from the firm ofCoutta'.le, Burke it Co.,
I with Sincere pleature recommend Medan. Burke .k
name, to the confidence of my friends and the punt..
on the Ist inst. The business will ho closed at the old
. . .. • •
stand 1 entice of us, using the name of the firm for
that purpose. Heine dcosous to have our l/tittles*
closed with as little delay as possible. we would re
rpectfully request those- indebted to all and settle
HQ` , H. D. KING
TOHN D hI'CORD havutg associated anth ham hie
% brother James APCord, under the aryls' of M'Cord
ofo. wall continue the Hat, Cap and Fur business in
all asvarious branches, wholesale and retail, at the
old stand, earner of Wood and sth 111/COU, whore they
when a continuation of the patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old firm JOHN D hl'COßD
IN renting from the old end well tame firm a
!!'Cord & King, I most respeerflly recommend I.
the parsonage of the punier my successors, Messrs
litcord & Co. 5029 IL G. KING.
Tly . partnership o MURH & LEE is thls da
*solved by mutual eonaePni Y
The bast... M the y
late firm mil be aertled U. Lee. J. R. MURPHY,
/.. 30, 1,41 t H
NOTICE—Toe undersigned will emulous the Woo
business and wend to the sale of Woolen Good a.
tho old stand. H. L.Ek:n
In retiring from the hem of Murphy& Lee, I take
great pleasure in recommending Mr II Lee to the
confidence of my (needs nod the public. ...
Poisburgh, Jan. 30, IsH9. J R. MURPHY.'
THE subscribers have Dos day essociatul thetas
selves together for thr p.,,se of transacting/
wholesale and retul Dry Goods and. Grocer). bonne.
at No :bat Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under tit
style and firm of iII:SHFIELD & HAYS.
Pittsburgh, January I, IMO
N 11.--Our old customers and the public are irented
to give us a call. fas
have entered into partnentop, under the firm of
AWE. A ATKINSON,. and veal entry on Me Ti ;Copper. and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory.
Alen. Itlarkiffulthiug In all its branchaa, •t the olel
stand of Wm. U Senile, Ft rat street, near Wood.
Parucular attention given to steamboat work. i
. 1
I been dissolved by the deull of onenif the partners.
the interest of Wen Hays, Jr.. deceased, in said firm.
coos/song of Hides, Leather. Skin., Oil. fie , will be
sold on the premise. on the Ifith mat.
febl-tit JAMES LAtlGHLlN,Administratoks
IRAVE this day ctaw
d with me in the whet l
sale Grocery, Produce and Commission hostiles I
alp bi other Jo s eph, under the firm of I S DII,WORT I
January I. IMO ,;I
. . ..--..- -
(10.. PART St ansuzp—VVEn l'ougre)ng due
ki day associated woh hart, Johne n der lea- 1
thin of \l in. Young ACo WILLIAM FAUN 13, •
J.,,5 Jr 44 I It kfCENE.
STEW BOOKS—Leetttrea oa Frogress
IA the WI and Ttmea of John itubiani. by thaly.
Chcetrr,A D ' Wanderinga of 11Pibeasilo tho Shmlow oeltiochl
Blanc: by Bios B Cherver. D D.
The Journal of the Pilgrims at Ills mouth, in New
Frivand, in MO Reprinted from the original volume,
with historic. and meal litostronons n proiridenco,
principle. and pervious, by George If flinever, D. D
Second edition
Baptist. with reference to its import and modes, by
Ed eanl Beecher, D. D
Lue and Correspondence of John Fn.., relied by
Hytabd, a Itb none. of Air. Foster a. a pre•elier
anda companion, by John Sheppard —new raltrofr
The abort . Snub n lorgr urt of Tbeoloale..
-al, Nle,11,1! and Sc boo. Book., for i.e. 10...-
1 -.1.1.1i /Tr A F::lilfiLl$11. fu Wood .t,
between 410 tit and Diamond alley
-- •
X../ Thonton. late Jodge of the Suprende Court of Or.
rgon—ard an Appendix. Including recent and au
hentic informduon on thr Intere st t Gold gran au-
Sod other vakunr.le [under of Intere to the migrant.
oath unmerou• latistralions •nd a map, eOls. 12ne.
nembl•seelera Manual, being • practical and
instructive guide to all persons emigrating to the rout
reoloor by D T Ansted, Prof of Geology, King'. Col.
lege, London vol, parer Co.
Noie• 0 f Travel in LNinfornin, botopnsang the prom
inent features of the couotry, Woo, the mote from Furl
Leavenworth, bro.. to Sao Dion; Col. F rom ,h o
eial report. of Col. Fremont and Mn,. Emory., I vol.
the Vic.
The Conform, Gmde Doak, esimpnalnit the lam na
med wort, together with Col. Fremont's GesiarnPMc.i
account or tipper Caltiornts. and ha. Narrattre fen
Elploring Boardman to the itorly blountains, ke
with 9 rnap•—.l Col, env, paper. bac
Hee. Harms, W Noel's %Vora on the Como of Church
and State—l vo.. lino . 61,25.
Just received by
Apollo litoldtors, 401
BO S!'
oK—Edirer's Varattrons of Popery.
J,) hy , per C Sperry; Xarrophon's Worts, Tornio'
ork, Loneroty Serums, by Wayland. Nem. al
lhaory or Enrharam, Lira and Taira of Philip Hen.
ry. Lac or Bev Hoary Venn, Proverbs of the People
or . !Hugon, Theophany, or marrestation of God In
Claw. !armoire of J } t owel! fluvon, Bart, Chwar Iv
all. by Ty as, Baptism, as unpon and modes; The Mid
dle Kinsiom, eel.. Cheever's Lectures on 'Pilgrims
Proves, Cheater's Wandering* of Pastan in are
Alp., A ilderston'• DOMCSIIC i on•lnution, Modern Ac
cou 7 Blrehmonw; Last days.of nights. Women or are
Revolution, by Mrs Eller• Lac Pollok; far sale by
mart 9 ELLIOTT & EN(ILISFI, 79 wood a
H vnApi a!mirsrETlsm—lis claim. to dlspaston
Newnham, FAu., author of "The ree "noen
rocal walu try
of Body and Aland," etc. The hat work on the subart
published. For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
79 woorl
OF FRANKLIN, Illustrated—in course of
.„,_4 publication in the sociel form, by Ilarpet & Bro
ther, New York. The Ufa of Benjamin Franilm, eon
stating of his Autobiography, and a &ensure of hi.
public life nod service., by the Rev 11. Unsung. Weld,
splcothilly embellished by nuntcrousexgotnie design.,
by John it Chapman, engraved in ihttinghnst style of
art Tbr work I. pruned in the octavo tomb on su•
perfine paper, from bold and legible type. 14 will be
complried t o
right puns at 25 cents each, and issued
at brief nitrrals FAch , part .vlll be received by ex•
press immediately after its publication. Part Ixi lust
received and for sale by
lutrt corner market and 3d ma
accession of James 11 —Vol. 1.
The History of Alexander the (,'rent: by Janet, Ab
bott, with map and engravings
The History of Charles the First of England: by Ja
cob Abbott—elegant engrairmgs.
Harper's Life of Franklin: splendidly embellished
by numerous exquisite designs-ha:go I, 25 cents To
be completed Ina numbers.
.Pietonal History of England, up in theof
tee 111--oomplete in 4 cols, octavo. 1,0 illu reign
us reectred by
Apollo li!lldine, mhl
NI A 4„...!,/hrULA 11 ;n r. H . It0Fll s ' (i N Work Vol 5 1), Yoh. 11
Franklin's Life Illustraind—part•li and 111.
The Mr.:try of Hannibal thn C'arthactilittn: by Jacob
Abbott. Illustrated title, map and numerous engrn.
Adler's Drummer and English Dictionary. octavo.
!Rory et Little Jelin: trent the French or M. C Jr.
nett. Illustrated.
Acton, or the Circle of Circ. A collection of Tlin'is
and Uh•oreanooa, derigned to dchueale Life, Alan and
the World.
Night. nce of Vacbun
Arabian Nig Eiden/unmang.
~ Lane's translation,
plendidly illustrated. vol., RM..
Just received by
Apollo Hall, Ith st
11,TEW 1 . 1 0010?-111story of Alary goer.. of Scots.
11 By lticob Abbott, wnis engravtngs.
flistory of King Charles the First., of England. 117
Jacob Abbot& with engravings.
History of Alexander the Orem. fly Jacob 'Abbott;
with etigravlngs.
Iflstory of Iltientbal the Caittiagtnian Ily Jacob
Abbott; with en~ravittas.
cot market and note
EW 130 0 ES—Oregon and California in 154 a; by
.L 1 J. Quinn Thornton, Into Judge of the Supreme
A Co m u gic o of n O rnsguTtne". 'lNVTlLTa'rap"petHngritli.em,eimnetaKt. the
cent and authentic niformatton on the .abject Of the
GOLD MINES of Conforma, and other valuable mar.
tat of interest to the emigrants, etc. With illustrations
and a map. In two volumes.
Ilaphoch or pops of the book of life at twenty: by
Alphonse de Lerilliftille, author of the f.lftwory of the
Girondists, or Personal Memoirs •f the ParrIOLO of the
French Revoiotion," etc. Just received and for sale
comer market and 3d Gs
County Surveys embarked by dm Mute, and oth
er original documents. Revised and unproved under
the superclean of Wm. E. Morris, Civil Engineer, upon
data puttered in each county, under authority of the
Legislature. Ak* copies of this large and splendid
Map received thls day and lot sale by
Booksellers, ear market and 34 an
roan •. TIMMITON 1,1
, 0 P21.11814
2T1719 establishment long and widely known as
being non of the most commodious in the city of
Baltimore, has Intently undergonevery cote!).
sive alterations and improvements. An entire new
wing , has been added, containing numertus and airy
47hirri:arciine"s• "d'plirtliffrs"avT.sobtheeingen'ommpletely
reorganized and hued ap in a moat nitigue and beauu-
SS style. In fact the whole aurangement of the House
h. been remodeled, with a tingle eye on the part of
the proprietor', towards the comfort Ind pieasure of
their Guesta, and which they confidently assert silt
challenge comparison with any Hotel to the Union.
Their table will alwnys be supplied with even sub-
Hanial and luxury which the market affords, served
up In a •Uplsllor style; while in the way of Witten, Ac.,
the ln y will not m be surp
concluon the ptused
trill be left undone on th mp eir th of theirnetors begin say, that nothing
pa and on e ort
assistanu, to render this Hotel rt,
worthy the p committed
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The prices for hoard have also been redured to the
follovring relent
Ladies Ordinary, 51.7.5 per day .
Gentlemen's 1.50
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
ways be found at the Car and Stearolonr. Landings,
rge. will convey baggage to and front the Hotel, free
of cha
The thhseriber having assumed the manage
' ment of this long establmhed and pooch], Hotel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
Public generally, that he will bc at all times prepared
to fmcommodatc them in all things desirable tit a well
regulated Hotel She House is now being thofoughly
repaired throughout, and new Furnnure added, and no
very best )
Hotels ss
in the ared to try.e Exchange one of th e
The undersigned respectfully ROll.lll a continumme
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
febadtf Propretor .
COMM OF DOOR. net attater STRULTS,
11 THE subscriber respectfully announce+ that
he has now opened his new andexcellent hotel for the accommodation of travelers, boarders,
and the public generally. The boast and furniture
are entirely new, and no prone or expense have been
spared to render tt one of the most comfortable and
pleasant Hotels in the city.
The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
fore sanely., a share of public patronage.
octl4-dly JACt
_tR HOUGH. Preiplietor
I 0 0 pEit of Nl` if et - VEDT
alore stet, nitro.
I the Peron, Cumberl.d, m now in complete order
for the reception and accommodation of the joublic.
Persons in search of ease and comfort, will do well
to patronise this establishment—they will hod the
r e , T4t i ter a s s e
ll far
guaranteed as good as any tat ran be had in the
place, at any price, or ne charge. No charge (or
transportation of baggage to and (rem the ears.
CITELIOT we ., BIITIV6IVI metro SAD Fifrlf era
OPPOSITEIate Bank of the United States, Phila
Ehatklett &
D R iL G . °°„ .. D VNT,Th E .M.Ih`.- v :: d 41i!
CAN AM) FOREIGN DRY GooDS, n ow r, ce ,y, o ,
direct Boot fir, bands.
Receitirlog regular supplies of first tondo during the
tenon, Rid devoting a large share of thmr attention
to Eastern Aurnon sates, they can confidently assure
b h uye they will find it to Olen . isiterest to examtne
tee rs
Just received. large Invoice. of new style Dress
Goods, Fancy Prints, Caystmeres, Cloths, Summer
Goods, Laces, Walt.. Goods, Irish lAnens. Tudor.'
Tnmmings mu! brown and bleached Fbeetingsof van
oats Wands. marl
Bodeen and Antique Furniture,
fil, TRIAD HT.., PriTatir IWO.
21Els, A large imtl splendid
assortment of Furniture, l .' , stke
gettable for Steamboat.. "'••• -- e" -- • - • - l.ii.
Hotels and private dwel
lings, abustautly no hand and made to order.
Tha,prestnt stock on hand cannot be esceeded by
any manufactory tit the western country Pi merit
wisktimg to purchase would do well to etre me a cad,
as Phan determl , ml run* Prices shall please Part of
the stock consists in—
Tete a Tem; Buffet Et:torte.
Loma XIV Chars, Queen h:itialn•th chit. re,
Tea Payse,
Toilet Tabl. Fruit l'oble•.
Louir XV Commode,
French Maho ' aany Bedsteads. Piano Stom a
SO sofa. with Plush and Ilan-Moth cover,
SO Mahogany Rocking l'oatra,
40 dos Parlor do
¢.S o cr . sitri;'!l'CaYl.,es. do
:'•t p lir lay:in. 4 110.1 ph r Tabies
IS marine hip Liressing Barrio),
e M. ardrobea ii , Secretaries and Book cases
2111martile top Wash Stand.,
4 pair Ounmans;
Si pate fancy Work Stand.;
Avery er large assortment of common, chasm and other
fuur too nuMeroUll to ritentlnal
[Lir - Steam floats funambed on the shortest oath,.
and on the moot reasonable terms dee IS
Choroiate. Cove., AU.
AV Baker', American and Freriela Chem:gnu, Prison,
ed Voce.. Cocoa Paste, Broome. Cocoa Shells be
rittl merchants and consumers who would purchase
.1. khe hest products of' Cocoas free from adulteration,
mart notnttous than tea or entire, and In quality unsur•
passed, the subserdier recommend. dm above articles,
manufaeturml try Massed and stamped with to. nainr
lit. Brent. and Canoe Paste. as delicate. putatatne,
and allot.. y dr,nks for in•alids. eonvaleareata. and
others, an prop ouneed by the most Miner. ph cannon.
iurierior IA any Olher preparations Ho. manufacture.
are always On aa1.... in an,. fiLlutiLity. I.) Me moat, re•
rip.reintor rrOeere ni the eastern cite, mid l" then
agents. }lnc.,a tire> & co, ,if Boston. Jame• Affiance
ik ea, Hartford. Conn. Hussey /t Murray, New York,
Grant tr. Stone. Philadelpata Thernas V Itrundige:llal
ninon, and Kellogg le ifenalli. C19( . 1111.11. I Hilo
WAI-rER BAKER, Dorchester Na..
For sale by isitgal BAriALEI A SMITM. Ana
Wrought and Const Iran lialling.____
THE subsei.hers Les leave to ,torm the ;mbar that
I they hare outward trent the lAst ail the law and
fashtonatile designs for Iron Raiding hon. tor houses •
and rem Person• what., in proeure
ttern* ivifl pleaae Ca and eiatunie, nod Judge
ives Otillng 0.111 Inc formal:ie.! al lilt 010/1-
ell BMW, and It 1/I[ itest manner at Um, form.: of
Craig and Between streets, Allegheny en )
mug:at-du! A LAMONT A KNOX..
- - -
• •
Leeching, Capping end Bleeding.
11" II NORRIS, itnuccesmor to Al. It. Lklany
No SS Filth street, between Wood and South
field Fresh leeenex received tunothJ) —attendance all
boars Reference, the ph) wsetana of Pitt.burqn, Mle•
gheny and Birmingham
I mom cheerfully re end to Me phruician, (am
the. and all my former Irtro comm
d• and patron, , , Mr If It
Norms n. being thoroughly nrquainted with the hum.
and worthy of patronage
_to a egl. I y
Mantsfkotored tobacco.
IQ liXS4entry & Roysier's superior ,sseet 5 to
25 do Al A Butlers
19 hl do Priec & Harwood's
21 do du do
1M do do Pearl & Flatworm'
17 do J Robinson
37 hl' do do
23 do do Wm Dawson
3.1 dt, I Wrlcnt's
.77 do I. A oderson
9 do I. r Dude's
5 do it aeon's
41 do Raici,lf
Just landing I'roto steamer and pa.qata and for .1111
41 norm water nand 16 north wharves,
JtiCFACTLIO:D TOIIACCO--tm ho bl 9 sJone
er Son, superior sweet lb lumps,
75 hull' I, 0 . 'Webster Old superior sweet 52 lumps
34 I.:sorrel', Lanier " 5.
25 (ientry & flower c 30.4 5.
10 "
" Dupont tde la Kure) "6.
25 " Lawrence:l.ll:er •• .5s Its plug
Jut landing from steamer, and for .ale by
II I,D, 111.:CKNOR & Co,
41 N water et and 16 N wharves,
m y3l Ph. luttelpitta
4IE 3. - GLENN, Hook Binder.
WE aro sull engaged in the above business , COTT,
of Wood and Th4d streets, Pitt:dough.
are prepared to do any work in our line writ, d,,
patch We attend to our work personally nod sons
footron will be given in regard to noneatness •nd du
lar;lt Hooks ruled to any pattern and bound sub
stantially. Books In numbers or old book• hound rat...-
folly or repaired. Names put OD books in gilt letier•
Those that have work 111 our line are invited to earl Prices low in) Laktf
C ALF SKINIS—.3O dos penmen French Call it
very fine article. A few
Skins, from the manufactory of H NI Crawford. to
which the attention of boot makers t• invited. Just
received nod for sale by W YOUNG k Co.
jetr 11:1 liberty st
A T W. M. M'crlltsPriikN'sTtii. 9b hour h .trcrt,
eau be seen a splendid variety of sup [loyal Vol.
vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Br..
sels, 3 ply. and sup and fine ingrain Carpets, of sop
styles and qualities; anddit connection can always he
found Table Linens, Crushes, Diapers, Darnsuska,
reena Oil Cloths, kc. ke , to all of which we call thr
attention of the public. sue_.
AVING sold our entire stork to C tietsrer, with
a view to cloning our old business. we hereby so•
nit hurt the patronage of ll
frir tufa atul run.
Pioatargh, Aug Ith, t(-Ih Tllhl POIN DEXTER_
(1 IL GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Como.+ln
•lJ Porarardmg Merchant, No 41 W•ter et, an!
. . ,
1123, AND tiff..igii Vtllnv Mil - . "
44 , 1. A FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has re
built and commenced bus,neos al Ins old stand
whom he wtll be pleased to see Ins old 1,1•1111-
oil and iriends.
Church, Steamboat. and Hells of every etea Rota In
to IO,We prionds. east front patterns of lite most approve
ed models, end ornrranted to be of the best ntaries,
Alines! Water Pumps, Counters, Railing. &a toge
ther with every vanety of Brea, Cioitinga, if retpmed,
turned and Enishild in the neatest manner.
A. F is the sole proprietor of Hatter's Atrn.Arral
MSTAL, so putty celebrated lee the !aileron', of
(rattan in inactunery. The Boxia and .lornpoction
can be hod of hint at all tunes.
iggil I,
THE subsenbeta harwg the exclusure Ageney tor
selling the PrutUng l'aper of new and eileusalve
paper mtll io 1.013 air tin ty , tat II Le at ell tunes iced ./11
pled wtth the altrCIT.Il riled of paper Of suprriar
ty, which we oder at the lowest regular puce.s.
Any tile ot.qualsty wilt be Ataturfaniured to ordrr at
short notice. , REYNOLDS &
Loft Ora corner Penn ~td harm sly
j NINAIIIJHBER CIA/THING—Just reeay.nd 103 tLe
California Kgperltuott, a .complete a... Stoner. of
Gum Elastic Clothing, at fumes magma item AV. to
811,30 (or nit of real, pan. and tau Por aide at the
loam Rubber Depot, No 3 Wood H.
dec2o J & H PSH
118 T BECEIVEI3—Three more of thon •
0 celebrated fiemburgh Piaon,asod constantly by
Thaltenw and other great performer., lultelbef
*lib a Inge assortment of rosewood and mahogany,
of My own manufacture. The above inurement. no
warranted to be perleot in every respect, and will be
sold lot Coy crib. I' DUPLE,
o'4lB No 112 Wood at, Id door In= alt
Pi _
iiptiml AND nowrt o lot o
Piano Foes, fr pening, a s plended
om the celebrated hem
of Nunns & Clark, N. Y. It consists in
part of the followmg:
One elegant Rosewood tti octave Nano, with carved
moul Nog, top and 'Minh, projecting front and carved
gothic tablets. -7. i
One rosewood Piano, 64 octave, elegant and plain,
with Colenian's celebrated •LEolian Attachment, a sus
perior Instrument
One Rosewood 0 octave, round cornett, and octagon
legs. One do do do
One roses.. Piano, agnate rotten and legs.
Three Pianos have tmprovements in the mechanism,
in stringing and covering of the hammers, possessed
by no others in this country, .4 are at once the beat
at well as the cheapest Pianos that ran be bought.
ALSO—An elegant lot of Chicketing's Piano, from
7 m 6 octaves ; pontening all the latest itnpM•olitentS.
at reduced prices.
ALSO—One elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano,
7 octaves., a new invention. HENRY KLERER, At J NV Woodwen'a, El Thad st
...• • • •
JOHN H. if ELLOR, (sole Agent for
cliff!" Cluckeriag's Piano Forte. for Western
Pennsylvania.) No. SI Wood lariat,
Pittsburgh, has received and now open
for sale the tollowmg elegant aasortmeat, direct from
the manotactury, at Mr. Chicketuilps (Boaters) prtees,
One Rol-wood Seven octave Piano Forte, caned in
the mom elegant and rich style of Louts XIV.
One Rosewood caned seven octave, new and tm
proved scale.
One rosewood Piano, 84 octaves, new scale;
One " canted, 6
Two l'
Two l round comers, d octave, new smile.
The above are all from the manufactory ofJ.Chick•
er, Barton, l atest of the late styles of formre
tu, and with
thenew and Improved scale.
tie on IssJeri also voil a. , . LOW
d Rosewood 6 octave Pianos, from the manufactory
of II Worcester, New York, formerly of the dew of
Stodart, Worcester & Durham.
2 wood 6 octave. Gale & Co. N.Y.
1 rosewood 61 octave Piano, ma de by Bacon & Ra
n. New York
I Mahogany 6 octave Piano, made to Bailteriore, and
lett with me fos sale by the owner, for cash or in ex
, change for Pittsburgh manufactures, or grocenes suit;
able fora country store. Price Wad (a3O
A 1;..1 . . ;, 1 i 1 , A DrbE,A. TO,,,,,,NfiIS.CERTLF.ICATiiiiTyOaIer
having attended toy brother, who died of consumption
in klatch. 1.42. I was taken sick with the Censumption
or !der! Complaint, and was reduced so low with the
discnxe. that for four years I was unable to attend to
my boldness, either at home or abroad, being for the
most time confined to my bed. During the above pert.
od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o
pilaf Phystrians and medicines, to the amount of
/Fail without receiving any benefit therefrom. la
July, 1 , 1:1, I commenced taking Dr Jaynels Medi.
eine, and have taken them more or less ever since,
and believe that It woo by persevering in their use,
chat I can now truly say that I hove completely rem,
acted toy health. I believe that Jayne's Sanative Pills
and Expectorant are the beet family medicines now in
I reside in Springfield, Otaego county, N. Y., .4
entry on • furnace and machete !Mop in that place,
',and Am not nor re.ted In any manner io sale at the
above medicine, and make thia certificate tar the ben
t eh: thwie natieted BLUM! BATON.
Springfield, N. , Sept. DS 131 e. jai
1f ANL' FACTUREp TOBACCO—The subae tier
,11 wonid eoll the attention of We may trade and
deniers generally, to thlloroulig brands Tobaccor,
store tel No arrive, being consignmen
reel front manufacture Deis
enabled to sell at wast
rn pr 1,15.
#h.II W Croat:ow sa,
70 1 - James kladison 5.,
al # Lamartine 5. •
3, - .1 - sfiraiwttu
2.1 ut”. .A3t.i It,
15 Roberto k Swoati
I - tistar Burl se,
• It # '• Johns tr. Leans I.;
3 Warwick, supr Is,
de Henry k James sa, Is and Ettli
Pitt Machine Works and D'olandry.
ti Woolen klaVina'z'ow t"-opinegi ne:orrnuoett'
Cartllng Machines, Spinning Frafoes, Bymettem.
Drawing Frames, Railway Heed., Warpera, tpoolera,
' Dremmg Frames, Loom*, Card Gruiden, &o. Wrought
Iron :Mathias turned; all amen of Can into, Follies and
Hangers of the latest pattern, .lide and hand Lathes,
and tools of dl kends. Castings of every description
dilloll abort notic4 - -: Patterns made to order io
o r
Alin Gearing, Iron Railing, ke. Steam Pip e for h mg e al.
Faciorte, Cast Iron Window Rush and fancy Cu
tot:. Orders left at the IVarehouse oil
fair r,O co I,l!Lerry IL rect. win have prompt limo,
Refer to Hthekstock, hell ft Co, J. R, Moorehead
Co, E. Warne, John run Jr. bons, Ilmsborgh
C J If Warner, Steubenville. taoltr
Penn itisie-filliiilfhop.
WlGH TMAN — Manufactoter at nil kinds nt cot.
1.1. ton and woollen mrietunery. Allegheny eq, Pa
• The ahoy.. works being now in full and stweessrul op.
ertion. lam prepered eseente orders wlth dtspathli
loran kinds of maelonery in my line, such es wdlo.
• pickers. spreader, cards, grindiog machines,
dtawmg frames. speeders, thrash.. wothen
rant, double or menet, for merchant or country work,
mulawarks.tse , slide •nri hand lathes and tools g.
erd. All hinds of shafting made to order, or plan• v
est for gearing then:Aries or mills at reasonable charge
fo r
Rin i g. Pennocko—lienned Co. y, Chils A. Co, Blackelock 5 , 11
. d Jaa A Gray
M • A tite W it i a li b7e tast ater‘h"adve'e7e'c'icifudilaYs'ltlolont
I..anoek. tbetween Federal a, d Saitdaky street., 'Il;
are now maktog and arc prepared to receive orders ior
every deseoption of vehicle., Conches, Chariot's, Iln
omen., Doggies. . which 'ram their
long expertence in the maul...titre of the above work,
tie tuella,. they have, they feel confident 121ey are
enabled to dq work on the moat re.onable teems 01th
those wattling arneles in their hue
Paying haulrcular attention to the selection of maw.
rill., miding none but Competent workmen the)
have no he.itanion Wuroottile their work, \ e
therefore teak the uncoil., c ol the public to this math,.
7t Repairing done in the hest manner, sod on lhe
most reasonable terms.
eon. .111? /ICA the attention of toi)er• to h..,• re
r: MI, of above Good. , entbractior ever .
. finc, and teem the relebrated 01:1 0 LL 4.0.4
L I France, Purrhasing these good.
IL L 13011,100 merchants or agents or the
li , enabled to sell them at the tow c m u a-thl t
•• , e•-• , Also, olive /men nod erceil 1
et,eup: wool d),litl hlk do; and French Critish
~ ,n-riean CASSIMEREN, blu-k and tam., Ink
•.I now, •attn VEISTINtiIa gentlemen' s sok ...wart
nri.eretttei, black and fancy entente, lifich pocket
11,1ki., ntierlihirte, Drawers, ,ke, at the north east
corner of itb and Market •trects.
holeaele ROOlll/I up Maim
.. o
4cMonongahela LiveriStaible. o -
Rua:KT u. PATTERSoN has °fretted
the large stable on First eh running through
to riecond at. between Wood and Southfietil
sta., Jo the rear of the Monongahela House
will un entirely new stork of Horses and Carriags "
the beet nuttlny and latest style.. Horses kept of C live-ry In the best manner.
``TEAM ROAT CLOCKS—Raving concluded
to sell
oilour enure stock of Kuthe's Marnte Tnnepteces,
we .w oder to and theraut lower prices than they eon
he boug•ht any how. to Potrhurga or elsewhere,
a•t or west. Delng the only estalt.hed ham
tornhe clocks, we have the largest au. fittest •ssort-
In In the city. Call and see.
Remember, we one not to be undersold.
BLAKE & CO. Market street,
.011 entrance On north aye °I the lhamond
Ilk, 1.14,
n qurao.
JONES /4 1716 G,
0 0 1 ,4, tr ... nt i f ,o, c
and o,‘ l,.lle, steel,
springs, hammered eon les, mid deals. 1.1 mai:
Ratle m. 0., bre engine 1 gs. and voacla trutorunga
generally corner of 11.s1 4n Front sto Put.t,trgh,
I'S l' IN I'IME--Another lea of Pistols, suuable for
tho Couioruu cornice, last reCO/Ved.
Air., ue on the !nth Mist, by Erpresx. a neat
and handy ctroelc ot Portable (cold eelnlen, whleh re
, rry sold miner ought to hove, and Mr sale by
roc 1)13 corner Ith and market sta
I For
it F. celebrated Hazard California.
Hs& Powder, la kegs, hall
Kegs quarters and cans, lor galetehl3 I 14 & Ly
Co. -wood
nopr(str Pa -
dnpt SA •
a k.
.)0.) urcetz i
.e;ltn leanbo
e L ,oLa,ao.iel
nehl , l
160 Liberty st
. . _
177 - % EALERS IN HIDES AND Lt.:ATDER, Morocco,
6hue , No. 113 Wherry street, hsva
N. reeraved Neu' tIPRING STOCK or goods., ram
j prtnng PI large assortment Nur - ticks th their hoe, In
Which the s ocatton of purchasers Is invited.
1 A LL RGI.III indebted 10 the Estate of Waimea 3le•
liseght, th, er area, or to the We firma-of W 3Je•
knight & Co., mud Wm ItteKaught &.bon, are orelfied
to pay, without further delay, to
11.Na:dim Atiountstrator of W. McKnight, deed
ARTISTS, MAT ERlALb—Jewtree'd atlTbrhalt;—
ott pads smooth Caravasa, 27 inch,
42 "
1141 Compreattble Tuber, of all colon, by
— J KIDD lc Co
t,IRL to do housework. 000 760 thoroughly
ilnaenllllll her business, Mid can. ii•E goat
H enn <a <1.41 bear of pennaneol aLL4144011, at lair
If there. •^ 'ay wage., by bpplyalg At lbw office. Mehl-tab(
D E, ED App .
us sco bulb tined Apples. In store
..c1 lb, sale by mch33 S d W 114 RBAUGII
DAMS OREEN—lo s e A s.n; A V , 4l,6tot tied d, tor
std, by
me 1111 corner ist and Wood its
Poiraarr Simla istroaut Ist 1949.
Potent cross-lever ortetaratve Tales, &ifort, Huritoir t
Book Cater. Writing Desks.
THE TABLES for surpassing every other m-
A. venom, ot the kind now extant They can be ex
tended Irma ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed
the leaves are all contained inside- they are made to
aII sizes and shapes, and a re adnitrably adopted. for
Steamboats. lioteis emu/urge privets families, rem
tag when elated a complete centre table.
SOFAS AND BUREAS--The. articles are Inval
uable, particularly to those who wish to econo
mise room ? and converts sleeping apartment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shot
at convenience, and when shot, the bedding is n0e1....
ed. A great saving in room and rear. All the bed.
steads when closed form a bcantiful piece of forntture
(or a parlor or sitting morn
HOOK CASES—A neat end useful article for parlor ,
or dewing room.
WRITING D KS—For law offices, coun ung rooms,
and other o th ers when opened a most convenient hed•
stood, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone
is Visible.
All tnege articles need no recommendation: the
beauty rt the whole is, they are warranted not to get
oat o!rena!, It will be for your interests to call and
examine the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No.
n 3 Third street, Pmsbnrch. In addiuon to the abort
advantaKett, they are proof against bugs.
Inchl6 JAhlkZ l 9 WOODWELL.
&maths Tkodopme.r OW. Cali ' lM I-is Gad 1 , , ,oe, ,
No. 7 Metier Smarr Preys mum
H AVE resolved . 05n SELLING 0 limit large
stock of DRY GOODS—do. pr neipal part of
which have lately been porch:teem t e LARCIR 'A co.
sloe Simla in Philadelphia and Neer?iork. at a tre
mendous and unparalleled sacrifice:
We haymow:le such a large reduction (trio nor rex
ular pnees that we will now sell a large ISOrdon of our
goods BELOW COST of imporiallon. The early at
tention of It ere is invited to choice high colored
goal adapted to the Callfornia Trade.
. .- .
Plain =drill - tired Caineliani Cashmeres and de !sines
silks, all prices,
Very superior brochia fig'd Super - el - oak cleths, all co.
and watered bib silks,ki
1 r. ,
Superior I'II:MERLINS iiiillM Fte ttritTO tillo. alto o lors,
bib and colored, Black mbazanes,
Super black glossy Gro de Cross Paned and striped,
Rhin silks, alpaens,
Visette and mantilla sate, Brochalfik'd and strip'd do,
beat quality, Jenny Lind plaids,
Pare satins, blk and blue Victoria Lyon..., cloths,
bib scans, very neh,
Laraarune satin merinos, Coberg cloths and ciuneli.
Sup stensier silk warp alpaca an lushes.
Splendid plaid long shawls, A few bSHAWLS!! roeha bong shawls,
Splendid terken shawls, the finest we have ever
from N. York auctions. brought to Mae market,
great barrow.; now to be wild at great
Plain and embroild Sabel bargains,
shawls, all colors, Superfine and common tiro-
Silk fringe, remarkably rho square shawls;
uper carnelian silk shawls
French cloths from the celebrated -Johnny' manu•
factory. For beauty of finish and permanence of weer,
these cloths have no superior; a few piece, extra fine
jet black and olive canton beavers and other heavy
cloths for over coats, twilled French clod., manufac
tured expressly for cloaks, French and American Ca,
simerea, super west of England do, super French sa
tins for vesting., the best Gemorted. Mon wad fancy
velvetcoilcashmere 76 suarnii merino shirts and draw
ers, Italian Cravats, linea, cambric and silk hdlrfs. ho
sleep and gloves.
Irish linens, beet long cloth shinwlsoneslins, bleach
ed and brown muslins of good qaalny, remarkably
low; ticking% „cheeks ; domestic mid imparted ging
ham', scarlet,yellow and white flannels,a.large lot
very cheap; n large lot of white and crossbstred coun
try-flannels, cheap; brown and : bleached Hornsby Mble
linens and table cloths, Easels and Scotch diapers and
satinetw, Kenmcky jeans and tweeds.
An usual large stock of blankets, direct from the.
mumfacturers, some of which Sc.. Me best ever exhi•
bited, all of
which will be closed out at unparalleled
low prices. In addition to the above enumerated
g oods, oar stock comprises a very large and romptete
asonmenT of almost every article usually tumid In a
dry goods store, and as they have been mainly pur
chased at the eaten clean., hence the late great re
duction of prices. We are enabled and determined to
sell them oil at great bargains.
Wholesale buyers, country merchant", tailors, and
the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear
ly examinariou. Bargains shall be given.
ALEXANDER ts DAY, 75 Markel
febS N W corner of
RECEIVED THIS DA V, Cniyeting und Oil Cloth
of the latest and moo approved pattern., and
prices to suit purchaser., and cheap as coax be par
ehased In any of Me Eastern cities, comprising the foe
lowing varieties:—
Ex - Ira Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
Aismiruster Carpets; any ore ball rooms or re,
Tapestry do tibules.
Sup Royal Brussel. do Tapestry stair carpets,
Extra sup 3 ply do Brusscia do do
Superfine do do Chronic Rues,
Extra sop Ingrain do Tuned do
superfine do do Brimseis do
Floe do do Chonsile Door mono;
Common do do Tolled do do
4-4, 3-1 Ze. 'Tapestry Adelaid do do
Domaak do Sheep skin do do
4-4, 4-4 k Ve- 11-4 Erob'sed Piano covers
netian do 0-4 do Table do
plain do do 6-4 wool do do
Cotton ingrain do 6-4 worsted and linen do do
do Venetian do Brass Stair Rbds
.4 cotton Dragger, 16-4 wool crumb cloths
12-4 woolen do Stair Linen
0-4 do do 6-4 table do
English Table 011 cloths; Diaper do
German do do do do Crash
8-4 Floor Oil cloths; Snow-Drop Napkin,
7-4 do do do Crimson Plush,
64 do do do Purple do
5-4 do do do Maroon do
4-4 do do do Carpet Binding,
Sheet Ott Cloths, of newTraosp'at Window &lades
i r t,T , ':ll r Za P t:/ t ro rP. C . e. C :re" a eottanTly receiving oar SPno2
Stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Steendwat Trotamto r t,
to which we Lorne the attention of all who wish no far
mail their houses or steamboats. as we will lie able to
KOOdt WI low as the end be purchase te
East. and of the richest and y
latest istyiess Call d
and ex
amine oar stack before purchasitige.sewhe re Ware
house, No 75 Fourth rt. inch2.l W. APCLINTOCK.
The Largos:, Cheapest and most Fashsonadle sorb
of Goes;Le, adapted to Gosielerners's spring oriel
Summer Wear, a just rraticung at
TT HE Propnetor of the above .tabloittnern
1. respectfully inform tua numerous customers, that
be has just returned from the Eastern MM.. Nelda the
most splendid assortment of good. in his line, that was
ever brought ha this city, comprising all that is now
fashionable, elegant and Cheap na Cloths, Cassimerts;
Cashreeretta, Drop De hie, and every de•eripeidri.Of
cotton, horn andwoollen Summer slatrts,.Cra•
eats, kidkfs, klaspeadors, ice., of the newest •tylest
which, together with his very large and lut.hionable•
stock of ready-made Clothing, he is prepared to oder
at his usual lose price..
Country Merchants, Contractors, and all Atha Imar
cheac largely, are partieularly tniritnl eaili end ex
amine the *weir. whiCh is decidedly the 1. 7 ,1,
moo fashionable in ther cuy, and Fres, etterinen.bus
been paid to get it up sultanle to the who eeale. trade.
Order• in the Tailoring line executed in the loom
fastoonal.b. manner. and that nothing yhe wanting
to ensure the IJeweek ar.d best •tyle of nu ma
tting.. A ten
who ho. hall crest expergriee In the Fatier,
eitte•, her been added to the estabilettMenl.
O F . F . E .I B4, :c. °,II Or A g!i i iiA ` T.v L IZD I ( . I ( It .. . S I:IN
RY GOODS e ,pf the moat approved and pat•
tern., tor elmconsisurig in part 01 -
Fancy a plain F:nglish. American. and Freneb
Straw, Florence: Rutland. Pedal and ,atier p,airt ue fancy Scald, Chula, Howe, Jenny Lind , I Aicip •ed .
11/ Milan edge Bran! IJONN F:rs..
Rich French Loco
Fancy sad plain tamp, kr. kr .
Fancy Braid. Straw, limp, Leghorn. and ..rhea
sea and Infanta' HATS
Prurams..lllardlla. Leattorn, Palm r, : . craw end
other Summer HILTS, for men arid boys
Hairnet and Phan R i b bons;
Bonnet Sok.;
Arnfietal Flowern,
Stn. , Bannlt Warehouse, 05 Star k er street
N O.GO M ItKE:f sTREKr—I vc received by re
cent duporlationa the follovertic it:
Six curious Shawn, of various qualities nod
color. Villy dozen "Alexander,' Or.t .Iml,, hid
together with a good ait.ortment of eo:',l mitt.
Li•le thread. untreotion Glove, tor .pr rade.
tßich elanding. /umlaut turnover i brit p
30 pal! embroidered Cuff, from 50 rt. to 51.2.5.
Mourning Collars]. crest variety. Demi 'l.ace WWI,
the arenieet mi.ortment etc, offered by it,. French
and Englsh 1 4 Print.: Hoyle. Prim, Small figure.
and fast colors; small plaid French Gingham., Itritoth
Furniture Chintz; .white natio Itainnek Ta.tie
Linen Dimmk. d. P and 10.3. Green Berms.,; Gents
Mack tiros de Rhine Silk Cravats, 32 to 40 inelt, the
bas good. imported; Punic Ttm.t, linen ramt.rle and
inert cambric tidlrfa, from 41.5-4 w; Wince flood.,
such ita Jimmie., Latent., Mall and Stvia. Muslin.
figured and pita LaCaf, while and cord Tarintanee•
de. Sc.
s e a i r h e e y
uunniou o r , ec r ej r r t c t
° G o r r and
AT DRY Ii(xIDS 110U:44. oF W R.,.111'
Norm EAsr cooxot 4n AND A 4 our 4iF . Pt r ra Beau u.
D ERSONS vrkutiug Dry Good. vrtil please take v
-1. pre that the above house lan> ,commetwed recei
ving its NEW SPRING GIN/DR. and invitee the culls
of ?marmite,. and nuyer• Glands
will be odered at low pric,. and purchasers add have
a large and rho re assortment to odect from
L Er Country :ilerchalitx and oilier, arr invited to
examine the assortment in Whole•ute Rooms. up stair,
where u large assortment Of Print, Gingham, and
goods generally are now opc mart/
DUX 00008. •
Dry Goods Jobbers,
1xy() pp wr lon s•ricEET—Would cull the ritenti,,,
.111 of Merchants to their large most of Dome
a,,d Foreign DRY GOODS, lust receiving from the Ire,
porters d hlnnufaeturers, and width they will -elf
at very low rates for cash or approved credit.
Our stock is now fair and complete. tartrl well worth
the attention of buyers, as we me determined to reit
at such extremely low pricer as cannel fan to malts it
a strong indueement for merchants to make a trill with
-11 rites We attention of honor keepers , and not,
about commencing house keeping. to Mita.sortment oh
above Goods, Ranh ...
Quin. and Counterpanes, white and colored;
Tiekinga and pillow-nose Mutts.,
Sheeunga, from our to three yards wide,
Table Dinpens and Table Cloths:
Towelling Towel, and Napkins; Furniture Prints and Chintzes:
Scarlet Oil Chintz, for curtains,
Super. minted Chintz, for quilts,
Embroidered wi-dow cartons Siestas;
Striper) and barred .
Bed Blanket!, all quainter and size.:
A supply of these (mars it constant% kept Oil hand,
and will urway• be sold on the moat 'sombre testis.;
as north cast corner 4th and Market ski fetal ; ,1
itietteig tileteline - atieriiiiiiLletesas.
IA;IL !IL 141 . 11 Y invites We particular
V • those wanting the above Goods, to his deo/sable
stock, consisting of the best mate, from the most up
pmved manefacoarem, and the loner warranted pure
tlar.—Do havinst received an addittostalsuppty, Wit, ID
°denim :Munn. Muslin. or a superior quality, ut .
very, low price Also,
and Fillow-ease 111 - usilma,
Diapers and Craah;
Table Cloths, Towels and Napkin.
flianteta,Quilts, Counterpane., and
Ilousekgeping Dry Goods generally.
LADIES' DRESS GOODS—Snub no Enoch yredmes,
Paramenes, plain and fancy Ue halnsw, (some new
styles inn{ reeeivedq Alpacas, sae.
The season being far advanced, all theue;lloosta will
be sold at priers that...mita fail to please
1/7 - IWholesale Room. ma main, .
A. A. T . ROM da
60 MARKET STREET, will 'continue their
great semi-tamest late of DRY GOODS.- for 30
days longer, during which time than cotenant, whole
sale Rooms will ho thrown op to thou Retail Trade
11l heretofore. A. A. M. & Co. , n
knowtag that they are
selling 14). G oode deacription from tee to .fib
teen per cent. less llinn ever before, do Invite every
person In want of dry goals, or who may ho in want,.
to e,morn and purchase from Olir the 10Ivela
wholesale rates.
Our great object In =diming stock is to wake room
for Spring Goods, it being our intention to exhibit to
March the largest red the nelini ceo,k of Dry Goods
ever offered by err one hoots in dissiniea.
We shell continue the sale of oar Bleached and
mow. htualins, Tiekings and other Domestic Good.,
at enta farmer low rawer noturitliitaniling the reefitt sale
vanes of 19 per cent upon theiseuneatt bastedd markets.
P,l4-n 4 G,an'surta Gelcunia &Moly_ and Pfoffoig
Zisms/ared Pato for XfieritputitAii
r yttilit is the cidi tustrumentof the kind at, •
beta presentch are emaaatt7 artiortoPeiffire.
perposes, mid Is the only oar ever known to clan,
by which the gatvanio Reid can ba conveyekte.thels.
mem eye, the cu, the bra., of to any partOr :FL
aulter externally or 'mentlly, la • ,defialter.
stream. washout shockaor Pita:et, By—
emd often with the heeppeest eilects.
This important apparataa Is now highly.OW:4 of
by astauy . of the most cinincet physicians of cam.
try and le.. ropee, m whom the althetedand othertiahom
it may, colleens canto referred. Reference will also
begivan mau y highly.m.ptactattlet ettimere,Whe haver
cured by Memo* of thls moat valuable, appamt.
of semi of the most tovnterate erratum diioniereuthich
could not be rentorod lay any otherkums gamma, :
Among rations othemoi has been proved to be eit•
Mirdbiy a odußteel for tho hare of the collosing.dtmaste,
vie nervous treadliebe and otheediettimapefthe brain.
It is with this oppatams astute , that the operator can
convey the magnetic field with to the
eye, to restorniught.oor ewe
ooh ger to
restore heuing; to the tongue cad other o tom tgap
„cook; nod to tho venom', parfs.ol the 0 , the
the cure of chtorno rheumatism, astbans, Call or
tic doloureuz, paralysis, or peley..gahl, dotes - or St.
Vans dance, epilepsy, woakneas tronvapriune, nome
diwases peculiar to magas, aoutritetigm 111,1alw,
lac kjaw, e.lO. 010.
Rights for surrOWldina coantlearofWestantAanii!
pnvileges with the instrument; may be pew mid
also tested 41C the cure 01 disclaim ~ • '
Full inetructions will be given r iot, the 1 /414111144PA15ca1,,
cal,, to lea used for various diseases, and the hest Man
ner for operativg for the cure of those diseased brill al
to be folly egyddlncd ID the purchases axteddlottoPidef
pint ratio lam hands expreuiy for theses po o p:wee, car.
y t faj . ela t ared y by. tho,pateutte. .
'I Be ILLIA.M.B, Vcaahytuath
Reversible Filtering COOki_,_,,
Which renders turbid wacca l pate hy
relnovlng all 4111141 411cC 11 110111101Uhla lo
rf water the crotonwatet is I . l.'York,
e • , 'though oldor tb0.01,41r
‘v,„. / whtln it pews an IMOr thro=a
filiciing rock, shows a lame
impure substance., 1 •02111141, 441,1%1 - 1
I, the case more or
. Itsp with all hydrant water.
The Reversible Pilferer le neat and durable, and to
not attendee' wadi the ine o /1 0 .4 , 111,00 41011,10111 - 41 (Oar
Falterers, ait a cleahsed witho ut being detached Raw
the water pipe, by merely forninaratha ter oi , hindlt
from one ode. to the other. By this cosy peocoss, the
emerge or water Ls changed, and all aceumulations fo .
=pure substances era droves of almost inmantly,
without unscrewmg the Falter. it also possesses
advantage of being a gulp cook, and as suck In many
Cases will be very convenient and smoriondlitaL.
It can he attached where there Ls any pficsaaper high
or love to a curb, tank, tub, be with eggs, itCrbti had
of the sole Agent, W, W. WILI3OhI,
octl7 corner of i:ourat and filarket _
( E lbe KE public is ONIEITHIHe
pliE anon ion o to
1 the following certificates: respeetrilly caned
Ala S. bluuss—Having awed a quantity of Gold
weighed by your Arcoiacter, I find 'the resultproves
your in , trument correct; and rocolusuend,dua use of it
to those going to California.. the best method air ob
taining :ha teal value of Gold. Rewp. yours, •
J. a DUNLEVY, (hold Beater.
Pittsburgh, March 0, L 149.
the flood
Prrraintrilith March 7840
MA Es. Ith-Dear Sit Raving enamilledlhrl.Areo..
nienr,n manufactured at your rooms, .I derail heather
to commend il to the oat of rhos, gentlemen who ..41
idiom removing in California in search or Gold: '
II gtoo. a close approguitaxim lathe %paella, gravi
ty of metals, and will certainly enable theadventorar
to art ertei . when hie placer ts Twirling/001d
mar 1Y Yours, reaply, J. IL AVCLINPOOK.
- - -- -
I ABE CLIN PON PAPER linty anualoct at
1, üben
stilt, tittle tn
hneg been enlarged Mad roved,
Ind at a very great expenso rulaMentaie and most
motored kind of machinery, to now proposed to Man-
II ietert ail kinds of Writing, Printing', Wmppliag and
'neon Yarn Papers, Boon. Boards, Ac., equal to any
u the hasterrior Western country
lite undersigned having the Agency of the above
Mill will keep constantly ou hand a WO , supply of
the different loads of Paper, and will have any tine
made to order at short nouce A. C. RILL,
ED WoAd str eet
fine and Cedar Wait CH illaniatnebry,
No 87. coma Alauxes any, Firm gas, rarattaaa
rimiE subsenber keeps constantly on bah!, whole.
1 sale and retail, very low for cub-- f i =lll
Wish yobs, i Barrel Churns, t
Bath Tabs, Stall Chortle, t
Flo rae Duckett , ' half Umbls :__
All ether kinds Warn in his line Made le et.
eg 1 to 5 tunas cash currency, or 4 rum aM'vd bills
Stem or upwards, 31 do par, a mos do, Merest ad
ded. In, the superior quality of this brand he refer to
the glee and soap maxtufacturent of this arral.
dcri WO sty at
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant ilhater.
11113 or to certify that them ay.
poinic.l IdvingsteN _Roggi& &,Co.
.. 1
v a l e Agents for of emungta
1 , 71 1. Potent Diaptabgni fillter,ir
m rit, the ell
- tics of Pabibargh and Alle y.
.l ilt for Walter M Gibson, 545 illromilWhY i
N.Y. 0
.. Om. 11.1,1848.
We have been camg one of the above ext a ties at the
Mike of the Novelty Work, foe three ion on Gnat,
and feel perfectly satefied that it lan mei& &tenth.,
eu d we tak e pleasure in recommending hearth ante
for article to all who love pore water Ordetts will be
thankfully received and promptlyexecuted,
omit, LIVINGSTON, 11 01llEnti A Co
derliaament. -- 1
•ff , M3 subscriber, in altering. for sale a hatillsome lot
.4, ol ty uoul'a Clark 'h (hew York, and pucker.
aat s I Romig 1 Pianos, would direct nester to the
cart tout he 1. me only place in die West where the
obbruinent. VI these two makers eau bettered aide by
ride and where consequently, a coned Melt of their
&Wine. cm lid lamed- Vie sub.riber being tenuous
to last,lb h late e merle, and having for a number of
y ears performed upon tire Frame of Nanne.k. Clark,
h. laden 11,10 arc lot the last twelve MoitMly r a Chic/t
-eam P/1110 111 order to try in durability min fitness
no an amp in) meat m the volt.. This Piano may
bow to nem/ and exammed at his rowan , He feels
eminent op lan J 1.1,11) to gem a competent led tella
ble epiturrii on 0/. rtilocet
A /121111.1000 101 01 new Pianos eat be opened in a
eh dot. .It ELEtIER,
der? At J IV Woodwellts
h Mad b, 11 Ail \ bAsq, I 111. NE AND WIIIP MAN,
(I II tt Pont __f e e subscriber takes this method
ot 1110111011, he friends and the publte In general that
he has the arge,ialock of We rollowurg,nem e d ar ts
cies /a tor owl, manufacture in this eity t ifiddles, flar
e... frorth and Wed., all of' which he will
to In 111 id, at dui best map ri I t and by tho, bee warrantt
lie, in Ad, giant. i ounry Being dererterned to sell
he inaimaemies mandator lower Wham, been her&
re void by aity Ilona& este Abstinent m the city,
1./• tutu
.mit.' tris d e I.erume to need of he above named
eruct°, in he warehou re, No 1.44 Liberty agora, oppo
41Ic Zlo,l'lllo 11,0 bawls inn& to order 41 Manne
r/ nei3O-I 1 O. HY
'.1".,';:`,`,%.1'.7,,rnfq:.."L"1.1.”...,'"4177"1hrt,e4 diet
acrideinit y ear, Toll commence
the arm of gebrate
ry 11,1 i, 11l 1111. saradi s buildiags, No 5? Liberty street
nge/neg. have been made by which nay will
be utile In lone rth y clang ladies lactltivea elual to any.
„, tea We.,, to r obtaining a thoroogh Pnaleh, 1-1101011-
ea'. and Ornaweittal eilsicommii- A ru/lcoarnetof Phi
noripaical and Cinema: Lecturea wilt ho delivered
Juno?. lire a tia r, Illustrated byapiratmos The da
emon. tie of Voenl and lietruMenta Mude, Modern
Language., Drawing and Penning, will each be under
the lam of a competent Professor, By , clove attention
LLD it moral mid mellecutal mproveme of thee pa
yola, de Principals hope to merit a .10}1 Matson of Me
liberal p armee they hare hitherto, °loyal. For
mine .ce .at tau orapply to the Pr i s e Ida
ia..1,11 El I
1 11 BENI X FIRE BRIChI-The subedrtbers mim 1.,. 4411 , 0111 h .1 . sole Agenta by We nintaufactureta,e
Jur the rtile of the celebrated "Phrenix Bricka,n ar c
tow premien! to hIl action lor and queenly. at Ilkti,
cash, per I Asto For the i onstroehott of remains or
all kind., tlie..e torn ho have been pronounced by com
peva. milgi a as 1011
Lem, •11101. 10 all other fire brick.llo•% in ore t' AAI ANULTV A - CO, Canal Baal.
1,1 ANUI a Atrl I,lth ii)ag k.,-
A,... I am
L , ,0 i
arline t..; 'do Iftrabem 6s, e 8
do Poona. 5, and 1.;:0 do JON Rueter 50 16 do Re
hens .li. tvonon Sr, 4...0
live!ary (r. Jain. 5. sod ier, 10
do Johns and Leo or Is. d Wrimmeir super 1., 7 bra
.111,01.1 n 1 ,
I lee s fot,aoe.a embracing sone of the most favor
ite liri.riar, wi ..ouvig• roma, nails irtil Ir sold low to
ert.e lit de e; I. S - 14 ATER:ILAN
PA TM SYT-tialfirA—A-811-I:_,_-=--=,
PriTY ' I D , 1 •ku'l:'.clr.. ta ao n., s 6Zn i g n ill &t4 e eMe t e .1 2,:
porters of /ernes 'devout & Sons' Sirtla'Auh for thin
market, are nowund mall con:Miele bri th iargely alp.
pit.; v.!, tin • t eebrated brand, hick they will NMI
e t
the lowest market price for hish Or epprovedbills
110 y rider to tile glee. et and pap mahrtacturers (
W e,i) Generally rerpeing thd &mint
_ _ 4 liberty et
I R 4UN 011NDR1 Stilt : , \L$ --A small Iron Pon&
1 dry in n flourishing toter', WM Patterns, Tools,
kr all ready for burinevv, wil llie sold on a d 0 0,,,,,,,
dating terms or exchanseifor mat or gooda
lill• offers oil exerticot opportuntrt tq f tmeß
will, melt . apml to r ommence the Roil Co 7 man
''' k ' und'''''''' & AItINSON bus
decd. SCAIFE
lat near T I Wood street.
g Stove. Scales. Cookin, Gina *** , Aso.ILE AK , IiALL, At ALLACE & PO, Repnd Church,
, AIL eorid t Liberty and . 'Moral ettee,lennufactate
and offer tor Foie Platform, Moor hut tam Scales,
of 10, 11.0,1mpro, t d quality. L 1 C1 1 4 0 1.g.... 1 0ve5, for wo e (
and emi/i l'-irg w :oyc. Cr o yellows ate elf Parlor and
,„,,,,,.. Gate., Hollow M are. An..kbi Tory also
gennufarto re the Eunice Range, whichha s given such
eral satelliction to those hoeing I) Id use, to all 01
blor 11 they errand respectfully invite the utterer., of
the canons and the pooh° gebenally, oct27.dif
I JIA I TINT ICLAR LARD L4ll-.•j----en extealTifi
r axaorlmen tof Cornelius & CO'S eelehiated Mann-
Diem re. and imperial...4"W 011.0 111 ISM adapted to
obiaohes, •
steamboats, 'acumen, dnedlingv, he a p and
prlvate hall., and to alt other uses ettheft i cheap, We
and brilliant Light a dental:do, - ~
Alm,larandolea, Dahl !Aware', Candoiana4lohe,
Shade., Wlrks, Chtianlea, Canis Trtenneg e , ike N..,
Cota Chandeiten t , fr om one to four,liglaa.,
dece tt, %V WILSON 40 aria at
I . l .iaTiire=C i r k - ealmw,,n'ir - ii - r 1 --
r, t. `AN/ WILSONar C O., Importer' sad Wholesale
De detain liordware, Gallery and. Saddlery No
Lu i 'rt cod ,trees. a 1,, , ,,, rink hare no* lb Store a 'very
cheap -ad well selected &Wee of Baytkvara latported
suite the Beeline of pnerst in &IKON' and winci they
ate deterauned no sell cor respaudiney,low Merchants
whit have been in the habit of going East, am ovum.
W.V. requested to tali sold leak Omagh her stock, as
.r e eadulanily behove they arill Nava Il3cir expellees.
0-R-Rainlll - 7- grOvm‘ll. - Efitnuineo”
E x .tre'on;:t ,e- F , ll,`;'''''''',l"' :Te d .t h. if
passed fOrltirilibdifY inithe ' c 'u' orsio n Zaostof all kinds o . f
1 . 888 .8
mo o t 84.1,14 ciuh for Inedsof 10 M, 1 ,...4
/hawed lane mouths Ase Order{ for a Vecond quality
Wheat Brteita will be creamed latallalfer li, if eill
48 211, Whhout &tarmac° 4. ottockag,rtfit firma grainy
now for ,ale at taY• warehoune,•Blo Vane,' Ca
eel iimln, by J eItA.WartdeFLAREN,
Qaprea -..- lienampontam Worts
7 0 -I, Aura,ouoy-AL4,4 7 -su des d
deer pridels-andßho
° veil, Judo rtauure POT 11, 0 Grate htltoveh, NY
do floettet do,. Afbierilarb ea, Manat,h, and Picks,
Vows. 5 . 1 1 z 41.,ifrt(i4ar r of i
weed npnees,
v 4
• i 7 it u _l g ,
t 11. ~ *rein ri t
10.1 J
' 4
- . -".
r. , ft 4