ODICAL. Great curb of liver eoKU'i.Aitgi i'J if .1 origin*!, ->r a^* V,. > ; • “ m kchUfiH!.®o. v i .1 I • fur trial! I pwchaied g “ e V 1 jheBEST Ll perfectly well. Beipecifti y } coi.KJflANt ' ■.WJRi^nssssnrss M >n TOTHE C KLuC-Th« I'.Ri. I'roprictoi 1 sfe?sgS,Swa 4ECinfrreup*iaraliie«ioo*thlor vQrinvK witbottuntenmeoo®* “t® aflcl . “n!,—*. wll li n nottit remedies with little U'c «eU ac ofDt D Jayne’aCwmmauw Ueu*m- . b j IWU u.. cortlna to the direct*®*, end fo M<J »n ' 0 /foofm.u I SSlcaecMicdthtremtoebaw ate** tad In fifteen ot twenty T V mcwlieiti* wasal 1 S*ribrt ww entirely "< tenmd*u»ed ±trthj\’^cav everyi***™** ed. a .fei free*, end «otd‘ ume* to the lrofl. «* rfcomme-d 1 Mricnce. therefore, ee emu aaluiary mre»* , n C«mi»*'i«.S“ , “f’ bo , i “ u “ “ A SlilN N C Sr d&ua .tih.rn.mKli ud oy, jyji F OT Kl.taP.tahKgh J s'_*'J‘objK^ 0 b j K^ ffachw-A jgl --"- 1 " •' JlJlf Consumption! FO^SSlP^hS S&LYBISMED'VforUio ourea) the the HUNGARIAN BAfcHAM OK •bore di*e**e*t “celebrated Die Bucliao, o) SSodolJd into the’United State. aupetmtcndcnco of the Utvcmoj Jf d, y , Bid ,/.r.ble. The afcft phymicUM(riu care,the mo« dofST!* an Bklsun h“ aaatrum, bol a Blonllard Edg of c**ee- , IIU lilh medicine, of known"™ tou l,l be eupp.ieJ Breir “ Of urn not oily ic wtlh Bach»tf" ““)£Sw e '£ndcneie. of the "Uinoiv, oocnldraclthe conootopnee re la eaeej .-■ bat to be tt»ed a* *prevegp . in ihe utie »»•' SV =o«»to, ■p , s n tnoci..™ ohMl. Irntodon nod «• „i,bt"we"W, emn-i liopo for the reitoreuion ol ncoi 0,,j \more -»ss&a=“- aVV “,r -coiraWff^H^T 1 ® aVARD ' COBPOBRD SUCP CHKRBi. «fTh™l o N^°“r h re *u lh , nmei of- *?* * Waifcfer* m 4 carried LMle*. p ffiroriV..;"" B ?aA„n trf Wild Cherry! cridsml period. 1 * The for ut of tbs Q om p # «UUI ® *£,«*«* Mnonj lh°« of doubL-ul u, u it ih > whleh female* Tii» n»£et»«U®, O .V? y from the thousands dam BM raroae and &*"**>'• period ***T k * U ' atilffj? K^' f F a M*4&9cW* u *' *“* m " ‘“‘“l I "AO** “ f « tS «*««. N« tMDCtoaBP 011 e jf d -nd U tScomto* .more exwuatt. itf*4fir •**•** an approaching "SB 4 **^“"rs£re^.e--- - s?js*st si£jrs?j» ». de.ie.re dCDCO of It* P*? L ra'oe and rffiwtc j of lb - uv.ural turf,.'*'- f nmdnee sabsrducn 1 gSislissESSS? £5S=^ ;ia ■"•“••"■ . fwassssSSsS ggiiSSS-. K3^^=S|~ wboia ÜB ,w..fflieted. ereaies *od ewiebe* in i. i»Hizhl¥ aseJul both b»for" remedy f° r *&* ““ RE>TE>IBKR-’ . think ll U lndU\*ew«We. | l l J disesscs attendant ».»wi«fTOOi coM*cie«Ul»a» uupularv anereonfinonjent, «u prajenu ««Wk«lt ® en t f u> the truth of ti lbin«. ‘ ,f upcn childbirth—ln CoetireDeaa. ni , VotoitiM. beioicontrary tD me.r 0,. K«d. *>«e c » d * ,, SPv!*pSi" Heoorrbar^ JSSnU, fcfJtfSISSS J.’, cunv «.tn.. p^ a itt Raek «d the c.r WO|Wlyi*»» te *“*^ l £iS*lf in » sprc«») mnn .-r . nn «| i n recnlatinS the »*«* t *2!j* bnatt of ibu to troth, *°d » *j ,V-VJ' I saUbon u b»* m a -.j ®ni eioit d Jieate »« HoUECtE'l'iFlCArKs medietoeia. it U roqolr* any-oth-r READ T Cossv*mus..- IBC eM«ft.lly. o: Marnwia. '« As^S^^« 4be * n i-dww.»« •?“* ttd wm fe-i w«h TUstk WWt r "**\ZF conaatnption* B,l>T 5 atefai. E«t«i»o/n the open au. cr . By'«P ol ufw* - t 6nri^ l<: ’ ao ' ’ Other medicine. onwmco- April 25ib, IM< Pr. Bw»yne--I>e« Sj • ttt ; },«h tie mean* or noand Syrup of " dd £, » ? rV er« cold- which rrndu- EJSUyiffc "ir.v.* <»«'"“• “'»; -j]W«ew WOT«, ® tte !’ I hnti recourse u>. *u i *jg£?sS?£& ~„^i'Vr fettss sgS-n? aow u beuny » «nv iafoanuuoti respc. aJ4 be h*PPt “ KZ “L*y denTttocWi-/or ous, th«»o“ cr For ihe uuii of - , - * ,J ; WanitrfdCunof im 1 »S3s , ®‘lL*» 'srssssk wz \ : SfefrS-^SSS e6&BG&ggS&s&> rSA'wS. Is sSt sK f ' s “““r ; i Sa«s?SSEsas^“^ i“P ,J “SS‘ifie toTfont o, <jv USSSribI««IW to “S£,™JS? 1 fn«)“"' u ''.»'; g£»j b c fci“i ; m .Mr ™L7of boule* , '° u '*, St«|. taloytd l«' <W- coanty, N- c d»iim*»a ce *i ino l ier !!?fl DBr»oa neerf miilakp tin. T fe » a »end , » B»f»ai*« , rtUa, * cuml>tr **g t*Ul« of the « en "J* h “ ! ferncrtjr our AurcU. ju*r f V«lfow bnea, -iain, from flje w**- Jfa?«ieel ou«ra v,,l «‘ I r.IU Extras Eliwn: Hutm. Eitnm ,h*p*d t>o«- gUyffSiK. •**‘s* 'SSf "“ n “ m ' | D £‘S; , viS“fc. «; “ ";•“■; ? rfs^s d i 'hSSTSK - - »■••"- -rz DEN,eor sdeth'wtd Wood»vs WM be , udttce j w u*k.-. »-y ••»■•; I ’ ri ‘ ic --' l * l ‘ - ,J * u f Co, cot Ut 9SA Wood, *^Q NKS I I I= <J Ut'ern JA- Sarta j, an |i W| a-.d of four** »'•"<»* h* '» *■ ]■ TUOWf.® P«nn "* JO, ,V*' bo not be deceived by a») 'Ju 1 ' f ), ',..., i;ONE& COT Hand a~j £ y aHre#P<*i» l,lc de s,° 3 •emT*. aud talw w> ®“» ef L-C R !7! ® T I’ ,'.,' AEecbony city, » nQ o«rtl3 i ilie uf oWniend -, Sawaponlto. «.i-J; j»« —• •**■•*■» - rr t -nV.r br-JA¥.\*» KX-. R. F-SELLERS, fioneronj. uo»r«.«-* A." A* gTHONU £ViOI6NCB«»g r ta«diM No. 57 Wood *treeL nnd b M-<- L KKN A *j? “ KcTOBANT U » B P"‘f! '?,!iU«doth.rP^!. r 1 city. ' r - fsiebkks:*- ■“ » f “ »J «<■«• ■»> b..„ C re *m .i» B»«- tti *!"*» "i. oftp **?*_T.rLration* °ny b * ,< AUnondc Cr«:un, u«{ to UJ *. W* rh fopr.,l™ lU.uv.ur. Vorr■. W .1, "'f<- --«■• - ■■■■■ *• • -RSS'.-^SU dodMfcWtf —rn lndian vegetal !« ' »■*■• *»^* ? t&!sSiCoS£n MPW' l ‘“'' , ° ll ' ,n !mnc ‘'•'’ ’ l '' ! • ,, '“ ■ " edjr . N)ITll| . - ‘^^•ar^si^rejisssj.ss ?Sup»M r«rU or F*»leo Wojjb, he £ cufC ln thfl r- raamiieeing » ■«f« v/f aP 9h«d witlr s?® W .n bi« couialAMixuirameni* SSartsS?“h ms feSSSWS*: vßffiWSSiSu ab.-' 5t J Sarg* lll w Denman and Diamond UtrtoniK • ,n - ~ 111111' 1. ”'liTHlsH* sCtiAk^-i) 'i - OVKBaHifSWS®jf; £c&nti U>»f. Cm.li^i C ' e "’ ll ' AjA^KM Sj^^^^gjssi.'ss&ia m * rlt, g '^rußWStc ■y oo*f6«»o r>. s z&r. SA'PARILLA * jt&iS£3L£Z*™ The mMt "*£ „•« Quart Bottlit •itu r. f fiy.mutaf cr iiM> *** Pul *-*t _ h..u.» -rJ •■lr'-lcriij oltliUSu»p*nll. - »«SS-» „ M |» tu-rf- W" , 80 d e rfolruccera. It •>** t«l.lwWB» d “« r, 1 ‘“{“ Tllr . mQW tb»n 100 WU performed wiitaßth. l »f 15,000 were lyitets permanently- of ae 4lete««JT lodber*- “* 6 iSSFi» b r»*tiJ« lh * ” ceMiT# tn . 4u ! reac * °‘ uon committed in r®“«£ t « M rml pby«ie*l proelrm tba p*M»». *° d “ Uwuude, w*nl of-embmou, lian of the «***«« SKSarSdU** ■»* hinuo* «*a*ailon», p “ Cotauiapunti. e»n be eo s&'s&srw& ™-k ™- s ~ <■"“* u <„ Corf l«, . ~ ,-now* ud uirifor*te» the tyettm, eetirtty *\£ E -tr-ru?ib w the rauituter iy*um. Im e moil MlrmordißAry «le?iee tonearoptioo Cnl T d ' _ l, -..i (SJi™! ‘'“‘zJlT' 1 ?/ ’ Su.ui, or Prajbli taica r«tto», P*'» «U< S>l*. «»* i 1 bit* «»d «*» k* otrii- wriTiKOßi-oo^^ HU* tit btaa i,jJ » bid C#a|t 1« li »P Bft. I biT» fCT »* T JJJJ, L rsitwi Urt• qwt> k b*e*»3 »•» «nd *«* ** ’ . neiUy defeUU 1 , ii*«:«fwjad. Wy*#*',“2Mit/Sn. it**« Ui*d u. 4 ul Uv. r »ir —4 r»« a " , l *P" i J£2,7?S Si i» >°« “if-■ - umbW fe» ih«« foaja. I.„ HU.tol.Hl F«xbbl« S*dlrt«e* , #«*§§=«=: •: o» •**“« . | |ttUr7 tohuji r Ue'a. iceeaiifl«ce» *t w , bt mua- - "SfSs:""-: s^ 2 * *§?we. - eo ;ti» hwa« fr»a«- Pwm MfcMl fall of i*d«. frwa ttkiaf it, »* ****,. eSunuraei* OMIT « J f i * T lt » *» lt * •i* tk« “Sf!,xßMud *f w. ll .io« oi B**™* B "*- “ o*UMte«nlflc».iM o< ot 5 «UU«« » 2m, it, .afflict ik* iUM p«rfom*d b«* *• MMrU 4 w a*. Tfcmandj j Uaadi«i»of . •Tjj, wlthont cklUrc*. ! .f .»«. - b "*£*sSS, rf uS »«•*». ! s££»iaJ!ff£oiai-w Be“tT "rt.U Ccwswde*. Ch»lk, * Bd * . f*c* »ery tooa «p< ul tl ™u 7 in •». -hM.pi>Urfu.ti.. £«. lk [T„d ofh* beauty. T* l ** ... bea „auirf »« not th*art rbtek ttoorMlb™*;b 7 lb. *J bry di*e»je ot P° w *,{i» o*b product**# ja th. - hnCßnnJnn* »* r i. C »wd flowdrt. A nrb .Ad ‘idbcAl'lT -ircainir.i of’lb" fluid., or tho |t«o. Attir. »nd booUAl’ I. lb. .«tr.Blu" •■ toonlM ?(•»" P”» "SoUdomo In lb" <nnm «■!•- tb.: « b “ b Ft*''’.?" .bio!, toforu lb* inAwenbttbio "*, to“ l.™ tb.. .u fnv.*" •bud-* nnt U u,. oS.prtn« <■' •» ion. C If ibo. Ii not * “ d n,r»-Mt «f f «t*« r T b**nt7. W too ‘* I *J5T ta, St* A y.to potol, « d “• fur *» drb«*«®*' “ £rV£ unptif*. «&• t* &° l baao ond too bWjJ £***;“ ,*ni*, u»d tooro l# p«r» “ d •CUT* fclo*A bVa* 1* f.^nallnJ. brilltoney to « p 2*Uy to. Spu- Tkb U *ky **• lit lie* to tfc* north Uh Wlto'B* •* B T ,eh ,jiS?« oro «»*»«» to etoM who,Ui» .Sto eomptoxiotj bf tha.ppb roottk. or h»r« *poil»d ‘“ff *“{, . wiih to r* cation afdoUtertow .parkUc* rdß elutieity of Km »** Ur to.o- Sad W-ucft.l «2S b.r. m«d it or. ...non, ”- I „“' ri 1,.A1~. i *• i. rw i SirtopirulL b* -“h" ?( nrToTO<iA'> SA«'»P- ri 'l* l" 'T „Oo. lr did »«■ ‘ “= b “ ‘"...1, d.'.—i *n* wIImA. conrtitoUOß- Dr -* and naii«mißO lb| e BB o*r«ui famalo co® I . pibi»“-i ll "J I '£• '.b„ br AM «■«■ d'“'*“ fc “* l ' , ■ onro. “ “ b ;. mbocomo moib.™ 'tb^inbltK-dPbblJgb “ ■• - “~ >Y” „„J 2S E-£=&■■ - iSj ajutH uad-r peal obbgaooa. Yoo ’lH^ , rw. U CRAI«. lMWeo.w~t oru..c.ir-r wi™ « u. b. .j Dr To»c»euJ * »ar»4pmruiv ~ _. rk ., UM oflU taort ralo.Wa P re | , /'? t PULIN«. H. D . j:wils«»n. m. n. a tL BRKJfJS, *! D ~ IM7 P E ELiIKNDORP.M. D Albaoj. April 1, IMi- r - fort off ol tbeir »m»H U'U.'-. "H* 11 bo ' l * ' ,? And iheT have reduc'd tin- - “ " nwert U> preteiultAtu they an- »- B« 1( »d u- they wr-’ Hr lovrn. Send eonmencril hwnewly iu»d ta»nj # avr <■* much mcdkci.w ft* Jie eou.d Uj« made wv-iw M» p4,Sw">*. “U M .l.wraiwl 10 k<e|> »P u>- «'r..«lk SSSiiy .JiU WUI wntruolll.oi Parll l»llK o' k» c -rl *fta/illft cmiUmi more than tmir time* th-- <|uu:m tv of SaTßftpardlu and medical i ( uaiii.e», ihu'i mi> oth er prep*ra*»a offcft/*aparill'i i» **•« ,a! J rk ' , ‘ . by R. E »ole ascot for I rf-jOurw-i. und D-M. CuflT. Allr»b™t.. , gieanm* .--n f«iTA H"< BALSA A»—<• lJoi i u- ' 1 rci- >1 u-id Ist t **ieby <-P u JkiLtUAU, MISCELLANEOUS. GOLD WA.Sfct-EH.B* H PA.R BY hai invented a roachiue for washing ; . (.inid. for which hejia* made appltcaJtjHt for a rm'«r«l They an- no-r offered for .ale at the ware- , noos/of Parry. Scott A. Co- No. Uti Wood aueel, Pimhureti . , , w Adventurer* in California are invited lo call sud ex- labor-avuig machine*. They are simple in tlu-ir .•oiitmiruon. easily transported ou the u*® l ot innlr. nr horae*. weighing eighty pound* each, add ran r* pul m operation in half an hour. They can n« til.ed with provmouv Ji u> the opinion ol tha*e who have v-rii trif trial of one of those machine* of *malle«l size that two men wilt wa»n the mineral from l?u bu-heli of *and or earth m »*ay. without the low ot a nartielt of the nuncial. They car. he increased lit »ne and worked by water or mole power, if expedient The operator. work without going into the water or beinc eipo*cd 10 wet and ennaeoueiiUV witnoot en dangering llieir health.. They will require t.uta small «lrr tun of water, and can i.e u*e.l the w no»e nm! raM he pul U'lO operation wuere there i* not «uin ' 'price of »m»:ic*t Order* ir mi at.road, ac companied by casb. w'■*' promptly t-ieu H. PAKin • ut Parry,M.m * Co *. b6-dtf No itfl W ood *t. Ptti.bjirffh_ iiaipraU dc Soda Ail»> T'HK.uh.cnoera.ire now receiving their Vail *tock 1 of the above article, three ve,* e i-. vu. the NleJuiatm and l.tdia. bavn)|> arrived at Philadelphia iuni Jtulumoir. and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Iveiia snortly expected, they tire, therefore, prepare to receive order*. They will receive during the win- ■Vf-Jl NT F.AGhE TUIPUI.I-For tir.uint; wm* M lamp R Mlvrr pintr. •nrinin mu! other ware It tapnliv une* ou - 01 „„d»amiß. ami reproduce ih>linvii<» »>'" d “™ l ;£ ag« NOTICE. MR. 3AML. H HARTMAN having kol^, ‘‘”| cr . e«t in Ae co-p«rm<>r»bip of Coleman, Mm a,. « n from the firm. ~ ijm ! .UCI.uH MA.NUFACtSTUKS -*>■• j r -if mil. Vo.ll for iho m.nuiMioror., huMl Ju''“ 1 und i. oounoiuly rcccivui* ■ full iarpi> o j- e . fc f or TkJtKHtCU HO O K S —Cooper > !iur s ,c * l \1 roVAnd'. do. Cruvcrlm* Anatomy. Drueu» iJX ( cll „ lrTa- Recac ou do. U«n and Ssunrfrjt * r,r . . j un »nrudenc«». tiravea'Ciw. i*ptuif». uro M-ri.-inp* Pan»' Pharmncoiocu*, r' ,v :, «?«»«««>• |>.u< d> . _ 11R1 .,.y paikrr on Siomnch \ elpeau »*»*'■ M B°"r.Ti P on Child fn. BMI-. liimiuw*. !*«>•>• im ~j t OU i» on Piuluai*, KlUouon » Practice, ra Blood, c., * Wofk|l Phillip*’ on ?rr„;sr« V»?T of ftimerT- Churchill Vcmaic*. Uew.e. on I'r iMrcn do on Midwifery. do on Female*. Dongbaon « niy-udoyv. do pic'iennry. l-awren.o on M*• * '_* ~,. • lolitcv Kaui>!*"iham ' M'd. Marjicitotirc - , f ga„»' Aborcrouunc on Brain. Dm Kit«or * it of fciHitdanl Tt.«- :il-ovc. w.lh n 4 * nrtnl " , 1 u : Hook- [7,'. ,s r i-A Wood -t. t>eiwr-1, till ami Diamond “V BIIiKLOW S UIUIAU SANIPAITURI, DlUfiLUl aHj strut,. iMwnmd -»•'». Mt.n.OW Wou.J rr-fM-cilully U..| «>«; \?'». »Vi *:\ Carmgrv Hnro«iet*e« Hu?* U 1 k...d. ..I I»«v 'Vor,' Kill Mimen ;,t mi) lountl li. ihe K * s , .riu-H u»r any numi.rr ot Carr.agu*, Baggie* « “ I l mul'ulKli"' « lii !>• w.raltJ. | *«£»,&*. R-r: MR O' • C U WlH.fi UAILISU hkh hy lkttkrs patent it in \TTV.N HON i* Miiioiifii lo m «» UTrl > l * nneleoi ItAltlM- wfou«l«i itou <»f »>'*•• • 1 “ 1 expre*»ly i“• <m fi,f ei.c.«..rs icm.-ienea, B»fro | ~ litvund* 4c. *»pr*«- v.t|u,« from i «*■ nti t ti*- ’Ui m>>* i.K>t lv t» made in pannoi* r'"t»ut"*'»• r•'* i- » u-ci tueh- “‘fa wrouu-i iron lllrh m i. itn-cm-a oWxSIKi KA:UN«. U.rb«MiyoH.. «»•< M ,L *ub me fiutmnv io» ”r *•' *"r" ■ • »f.J- -re it to .u).cf^.lc ‘ inn Rb- •>'< wherever thetf com|'inU'' HM . llr ,-e., Vnr turner p«ruei»»r«. ad- IV M vU-HAIX* UROTHER*. Arcru* irr I'.ltnlfci, Wmitiond an ■ n<-ar yttimb&e.a *U IMUtur^n LOWKLI* FLKTCIIBB! , :t vna'm"r I u*» /c*t ktcbsed r*o* LtUIIU AS D PERU SPIRITS. s ( , w voR K asd p hi l »d.:l phi a V»r I iv-thursh lot Xlrobol, r.reViVH)TTiIST)AY, «, Ibr nr. L.rp.i K hnaM. N» :i Fourth •»«« . I v hoow- •' > . |», Bin Turkey red Cfcuiti Rich c»nljo«**-J Pi Fir J Aa Ao Jo do . d ? A * do »«rden:if - ! c«r. *—«« l'u{k!*h do ° C„ i,r». do dn ***• Draper) Chine* da do LamUrape do do T 1 iorlu< * ‘‘o u ‘ lo r.i ard‘l »*«:-*, Holer * and !*■»«*. Hml 1“' 11,.,-r Ki d* .u * f of iff vitr u>f of " Jt ~:"iW>«' • l ’ or fr ‘ ;r,u :.U, > w mt UNTUCK * ,7 ,. l l-KKMUM HRK PROOF Vkmknt-'t'.; r * *.a liivft iiliMT llMf lu jT”*ni« wiilcb »:■! **id. b*.«li'iilly J i rtCrtiina. Kanhc-n an<l oiaaawar*'. luraJ-.y. •*! “W' l ' ,»ofy. he.. "«hout d,i ' itrurms ; we , F before orokeo OOfpOir wfc**.*- ■* ‘ n “> Ss^»“;*-=K*S®2r U t*' ••>*"* coro JLL\V4"“ UKUnGE «»«,*»’ , \l*nutacUiT«r aad 'l-altt m ill ‘ : ..., A ftz£?~ffssst srST?***. “£« t&Z-Z |>i.,nr K* t _ ’ f | ()U4r t , | U ,. ..nv P;,,-, ).*• mill a. »••' niu , iftT . tariff and M»V« a. \ ,'<»■- Fi« <•»< Wiv'TVrt .*«-»- v sr - coiiiuuii:! *•»*"”> I™* .... , 1 ,«*AV» A.NO BKVIKWI* »r B*«» '' " hip|,lr "Slacaulay’* Hi-->ory. library l|() ,. K j Nrt> For * ttle At'oMo Hui Win((». <ih »i mcluJU * - A vine Q J' a[ c 2„ Ifum llie importer* end n*,e.>“ed »?ell M..A pnce. ■■ ■•■“ .■*- non » P”«5“" ,|„ n- . £«!S? w WoJd .. I*o doov OOO" D '““°" d mrhltt „rer porKage * "* £.r„i ?kmneu and Variety :. ta ,u:^r,r.r^-^“£sjr-- route and tec. T «COC.NT«V rsa sr ■tyle* of Prim. Gmeham*. I.nvro*. “ '.rommition of lu« »tuf •■• . h - lrf , r i Furnace wi Wbolr.ale Koomf from 4ih •««'«• me mu ■" l.«nuine Wci.U Flannel* uUo ccoalurjil) n ’ ; Uu« ami giu do. 4 i »»«! 5-4 do. for SbruurtJ»y pur P< 7l7*mr'lii7d- Whiif t amel. and Lm*eV*. coll * ,! '"' !y on hand, ai .«> nonh c.« rorurr of Fourth and M«r terffU-—* c ; i*-M , Ur- 1.-e •■. HflfiW GOODS. S<!A(1»! ’Trri. \% HITK. Vl* Wood fueel. MJ '* r?c««7i,.it a f ( -h MorL of DRV OCX'!*, ot rerrni pnrcl,n«'. >nd fe—h -tylv polioen.. *e ■ ""‘'d "" y will tell low to tin- irnilr. , Mvmll.i: 1. mv leijur.tvd lo mil .nd mm'*'*'" flock anil pt‘< r. r|VH \ NH!*A ttl .ST !* II Al>K- M ' Jn*l frcvlvvd mnd foi 1 „lpn IV 1K |,|l»C> • -I' "* C.rp.l W«tero<..n, H, 75 Fin.. 111-'. ~ ...eorl.nni.l of • reiii Wn iliiu Pillule* n; XT', reduced pru pi. to winch 1 w mil v,r o uo, o« Uiopc w.ahn.g to pux«-M«. ! fe!?n ' v M’CLINTdcK 1 -inoz BU-K.RK’KGpCUI-EMJ.mi d0n.,.. .ilw 12 Tnl.m .nd lon Bpion. 0 doe pnrlor, offio. *nd o£rrimk. in d»..™'»Jf”k! J '*P , l “ i a, ■ tr S.. . PT W.EV Vttiikwb *. C exchange BMKEBS,^ I. HOUSES * SO>B, i Bll km, *!■>>■"»• 9" k » , i i'll) SUUO n» NOTTS. DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES. OOLR SILVER NOTES. UKAT NOTES. COLLECTIONS.—D/*fu, Note* and Acceptance* in any part of the Union, collected on the mo*l ™KXOILANGE'ojt New York. Philadelphia and Bal- Cincinnnu. Leslie. Safin U«i. and 1 N 7aNKNcItS , -N«^«”^ 1,! »w™. lb. State* discounted at the lowe»i rate* All kind* of fSoS?aud American Gold and S.lverCoin bough. “oficeSio. » Market street. between 3d and 4th, Pittsburgh, Pa. ocnti -■ foreign KXOBASGK. i S on England, Ireland, and Scotland boegbt R Zaf amount at the Current Rate* of Exchange. aW Drafts parable in any part of the Old Countries, fton ±Tu> X(000, « lb. Au rf K u> lb, £ Stortib,, «So"tal.cliob o, iuc.irol. by JOSHD/j. BOBIS SON European ano General A4UI, oince out n oie door well of wood. _ _ oCttBT> - iumuM*.L " Tn»waM> aaioi " ' KP» wltß * HAHIH, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealer* in Foreign and Domc.tic Bill* of Exchange, Cer lificmie* of Depoute, Bank Note* and Com, corner of 3d and Wood •ueela, directly opposite St- Ho fi7EB¥ERS PtHBS^ W O h *°l . Indiana, Keumcty, MiasouA, Bonk Notes; porcliiKJ .. ib. ><.«•« '*“*• k> OLJIES t BONSi l 3 * 35 Market street. BllX'S O'fBXGBANSE-Sighl Check* on - New York. Philadelphia, and Baltimore, Constantly tor sale by N. HOLMES fc SONS. aepi3 35 Market H. MISCELLANEOUS. _ nhiaaid Baltimore, a Urge aad well te looted awort of all lie latest and most Iraprdved style* of *a un *?i«i wd common PAPER HANGINGS, con- MAUtlg ci— , . __ m uuO pieces of Parlor and Fresco, IUOOO Hall and Column; inooo " Dining-room, chamber and office I'sper —which l would particularly invite the attention of liiose having houses 10 paper, to call and examine. >»' >’*P" ' V "' ho,, “ 3 ' 87 S.. OpU ■ ■ —J , Ci aHHI THNUT ha* commenced to receive a !. A ,!£„ of F«e, V ABUTTY GOODS, consisting in part of Artificials, Ribbons, EaecaHo ~,n . filoveeTcrarw!, Leuso, Cambrics, Netting*, LoC< Veils' Shawls, Pongee Handkerchief ganU Cmvnts I tfincham and cotton Handkerchiefs, corded Skirt*, Silk Threads, Buttons, Combs, Jewelry, Cut lery, Ac. Ac. Country and ciiy, merchant. > ire res pj, fully lovned u> ull elwuM hu ,u>ck ' jj" 1 M IVnml .irc.l, ani.T of D,.inonJ tGl.> _ 5”£“? ■ WATER era! IWratISHHSST; PHi LI PtSBURU, PA. rvHF rapid stnde. which Hydropathy has made l since its introduction into this country—the bril liant and astonishing curative eflecu or cold water in chrome and acute diseases. when employed after the method of the celebrated Pneanlta, have removed trom S? ndnd or an intelligent and discerning public, every article of doubt us 10 it* efficecy, and gained it uni rntl favor. Coiuulenne the an*ans£actorv results I , remed.es heretofore used la the ueatmenl o( chronic ntuplaims. (complaints. 100, which are ' rv year,) it must be a uamral wishlo see the success .i a method by which *o many unfortunate suffercts A-11l be freed from their pains and infirmities. Tt e subscriber having practised successmby tbi* nnhod (or eight year, si hi* Hydropathic eatab.Uh menu which nas been considerably enlarged and im ,,roved n. all MS parts, aad ui every respect, is now ready lo receive and uccommodate pauent. who may choose u> place themselves under fats cart, skill and Cl j*tnlLp«Liurg, siiaated upon ihr left bank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth of the Big. Beaver, ‘■’">'*“‘7“ for tit refreshing and saiubnou. atmosphere, ! it* de aehtiui quietness and charming natural scenery . <««• billing every requisite lo render the sojournof **£ valid agreeable, and contributing noi a little 10 re-ce t»bli.hunpair«i health and physical .wn^ The establishment, ihe first started in the I i Shame, eouiaua every lh«»g. both for ““ i-omlon. calculated lo maun a speedy and happf i-i mitiaiinc of the ailments of the Patient. . Pe rson* wishing K> avail themselves of Ihe sdvanta EDWARD ACKER, M l> Proprietor Phillpkburf, Beaver ooumy. Pa. llirsaaivcxa.-Rov'd tlWkeliy, Armstrong, \ D f irk. E*q do; Hon Thomas Henry. Beaver. I Pa.. Th Paiketdo. Prof Ch ESliot, PmsbargU. Pa L L IVikins. E*q Ohio. Rev t» H B»’wd. New Albany, ke hWA?cn. Pnuceton. N J; T U biaitoa, . k - o ,v CU Winter Plubpshurg; " ® i'.onuci E*i Pittsburgh, A Bidwell, Esq.. do. me h'JO B\ FAHNESTOCK A C*o "9 Pneumon.e or Cough Balaam ha* a treat advantage ovrr ra * u ? °^* r , <*\ *s£*«*»*».»i—««gj'i.rvsie:v: rf ',* umj<l •' itnout inconvenience. -fin “» v ?~ h ._„ utrxvvn AND CLEVELAND UNE/vt* WARREN I m oO um.u ... xhe Wv hmre - 1 •• OCEAN, Capt. Waiter*. whirh liall bC rn nuuog >or a co»».derab e length &.¥.£.«■> wh.U,»«.. -».v••*«»• l ,fhrlviiß FlNOW> ' LE ' i e '° e '"'“' ««"• ;; BTA.LUK, t„ r ,Sn»rJ, ».ny .1 Art .«Ita. ■ “ • SEAVEH PACKET USK .. ; . l «„d to »,i,rhl.ort«od. .nd toy »re * n -on, .«» t 0 7,,,,,- ".tout "“"d .to b? B A . —- ILITUS, CASMSEKBS 18D JEXTISEI, j ;. : £££ w ~'“ J ££ mo „„ ' , OTTHF nESTQOALTTV AN* LATEST ST. L» IV '■ SiSS, !oTu-' »£-«< „ »„■„ »,. preP A,.d u> uli «u>rf„ 'n>V*» ">*< S»r. ° ..pocui your .'.too,toy tol-m. '■ Srt??i o onlh Uh.3?* pn*««l »T ■«« « wHl™ - * rf ‘ rn< “ u *° ProrC PARKS A Co, Beaver ■ IJo then-tore ibr the 'ov. «' ™ v ' JOHN A CAIGHEY. Aft P '^“"? h ' low men. e«™*»'T r-oo l , .mcodU.eu*eo l Jo*b^ .or Water an* .u m lur to U... day. “*^r:,K. CC Wlek, Greenville, F»; fur *Ue b) UA I abiie.to. *. A - >aiv MTartanJ and King. Bit; Bend P». , wno .iiiidi(wroMri *d.d Ui ' !;; * fiSSS: ti’ut.bufgK .» .e. LAHTUUt CITIES. . | Vt«riHrrr** l*f their own ! StSiSJsßetsa'SSS MS -"”- A —”rs».T.v i^aS»-feßu^«... ROBINSON fc BOEHM, W South CbttTte* ft, Baltimore^ SarSden a co * puam And aAmlttnnoA Offle.. r uaNRDEN k CO- eonunua to bnitf person* .f &.W, scbu.,,; .., opon the moil liberal term*, with then saaal puneiuaTuy and alianuon to the arant. and c«n toTJLmxcrJ* We do not allow onr paaaengert to be robbed by the iwiedllng tcQ»p* that tofeat the >m- Vtake eharge of tliem the moment they £ KrtTl»B«Wea, and *«e to their well being, and do them wAottt any detention by the firat «h.pa- Jt'e aav thia feaileaaly, »» wo defy one of oor paaten cert to *bow that they were detained 4s hour* Jt m iJ 1 jvemool orttiiat thoatanda of oilier* were deiaiaeO coaldbownUD«me oidcraa. ai. which too fttajoently proaed thou coffu.c C weSSnd » perform eui contracu honorably co.t «Sf Sstoy, and not aetaswa. the e«at»iu*»®«; SS*eS»J oAcora,—who cither performed not ml, or wheniVaaitedtheb-eoft^oncA, Earopean and Oenetal Agent, .;. nflb clreou on* dno» below Wood. SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, lICIUKAI ICILDIYft* »T. CI.AIH STBJSKT, PITTIBCEOU, Al , 4 ; ti Ihe F*•“ “* 0 * ffilliu _ I H..d tt.Vrtir. tor loou *»4 «»•••• TUorti H <iuTTbriiw coaubeaerdfffija Hiiljh*. e< u-«»: Born and **oo tmutX'+Ngi -Vto ib l^'" 'iVelH-ulße*. ol lIW'I* *«inVii.- !>©/» r '" r '! ?MWIT. -C.tm.lo "Titt •«»•<»»■ •«> W P nC V. “!? k .i. e „, n „ A »p.*o«i»4 amd* of home made *«rl, ..ora Pleaar call and etatrua tor ‘ * or ’ 3 TROTH* SCOTT, corner 4th and Southfield *t» S B_Tr**eung Trunk*, Carpet lUga, *e * c b* a call when acting ctiy . __“_si 4 - looas, wnios *• co., IMKORTKRS and Whol«a»e *•*»]■* *9 1 Domc.uc Hardware Jo.!**- WoodtW- Putaburfh, *f* r £Z. f "" y JZf£„ • recently imported *tock of Hardwara, Canary. »** *, r ij „Vr*’ Tool*, ke , to offer aery p**‘ ®.' ”".««*■ L. i»- ““ T « ">• . -muon u> .atea, and feeling confident of min* »aw „«.cu»n. re.pertfuily aolicil a rail from ollwbomay ~«n ;nu> market. .. 016 - - “ baick fob . riMIF amleraicned offer, loi **J« M» B ES£*PT*»a* I or bncK for boildiuf, made by hi* »teai# rr* *> ,£pro*ed otrbme, for which he hu obimintdm pat«>t. and >r««* 1* «»v* purehaaet. a wrmen I?*™I”** 1 ”** UH . y are .trrmjer. ...d will n-.»M Croat and wet weth er ani trabtbe ie». tnoiaiare 01 dantpneaa than any oih- Vt TnA ,renter body and .ap e noM«x »« ■nd much more uurai-U id every w.jfCL B * cb br *‘ hem* .objected to a pseaeurc of .everal ion.. and £► v-.,in* a handtome .mooth «rf«e ai>d, even edfff. they mai* a trout equal to the be.l front brick. Vbevhevr neenChe created a.n.faotion to all who havc purchased. AW* can he eeen at my worKa. and Vupphed tbemvslve. lor their b "' ,dl “* 8 J and KaXme front brick, or anpertor Lard and .ui.d pavtn* bnek. can obtain oREG<i . llirnunrh»rn f June 111, ls4S.. _ “BENNETT* BROTHER, UFEKNSWa.HL MANUFACTURERS, BlriainsUam.lßO&r PlW»lmrrt,]P»i \\artkowc?No. U 7. Wood ttrecl, Pi/O/mrgi. WII,L ron«i»i.tly k cep on hand a food a**ort iS&i/nirr.' ot W««i oi our #wa manufacture, and SOH _. .[uaiiiy \Vhoie*Alc and country M«T- W ebai.u •!•• respectfully mailed to o*ll and f* hi ii«*ia»el'»ea, <cJ wt arc dnioruuxieil t* aejl r*,caver than hafewer before beea otfered 10 the pot)- i'rr Oi Jv.. .ml I.T ac I'r.mp.tkie.l by t•! irfr-'-r-' w.U be orompur anernUd in- feb» NkVV i.-Mll’KlV— Bec'cired Out day ilireci rrom ilie inaiiu/Bcturer — Sew T»|*o«ry Sply CurpeLa. ollra «opcr a,, ' d.. do do aoper. du .1., Brutfclf (.'ariwlf, do very cheap, do do m-n rolOT* tupet Ingralu do 4_*. .H mid :»-4 l»eavT Veneuau d 0 • , mid .Vi emuenoa do do All oi wn.cli wJI*V fold at a »mall adTaitce. and _,H «» low u» can be purcbaied m U»o call .Vrab W M*CUNTOCK,7a Fourth ft CO ach making FROM the »cry liberal endow Mm a meat ibe .absenber hM received »*««• ojnypsr huiocsied n» ¥ll fn~ ha* induced bun lo lake * leeM.for a SE3«—lermof year*, on the property beimw . u- a , e i aueet, ißEardmitly beaid* the occnpiefl, >n h prom the Urn* experience 10 the r^ T b“™“«S3■ d«s?» P .ss, hTh«»-» —■ T he Aileghnar Oemofnry. * T ih-»-r.oel moeun* o( lb* Corporator*, held A V-St.iM lßw*tn* PcitoM wore ono b ' l 'l Jl.Jl iluifcn tor ibe etwoln* yean mutely ««•« • ele ' ) xUONUS M. HOWE, I'feanteni JOHN DIWRtU jksj*k cauuth ; i.s. n - *r 1 1A NIEL JIOI.McS, vi’ilmin M’CANDLKSM, }),Hn II 3110KNilEnot.il, j. FuctiT,Sent presented the affair, of the Th* ‘?T n wr P««P«? 00 » eoaditioa. Their office 1, stab of this west venitian blind mamjpaotory A of tbe Diamond, whore Vdmtiaa nTncliof the different «ize» and color. .1. kern on hand or made to order aft* MKr f*fT lnLrti and moat approved Eaaicrn Ca»b« .Uorte.i notice end on ifar moa reasonable term*. w , p iu Blind Timnapn* Al*o, ,b l e J^ P cSJ WM of»U die difleiem nwud rrncT w* P*?®*, fo f ula low for ea*h. Old Vem pattern*, on luu",*® 1 " aQI | repair«d,or ukan in part uan mind* paw* 6l ' ° a M WESTKRVkLT, PTo*pr. payment lor new anna wilt vhc beat malentl and P k U—All «»•- „ th, moat fu «,„,Hnunt.t>, and r .njltKUy TBISHBiPB COMPANY. A.JBBM C *"VjjnOTOB a»» WO"' C ALrn<oaT, T m™" LINK . . ,h. Klobw»««. BwlMmor.. TtTcilrfcahayo been redu- K^'^^^sSsSSfM limore W' a lelegTaph detptieh u or Rarea r Th. ehum »» ‘Jv&* H « .?»”<* 2& 3 “» Uto, “ h ' dd “ io “ l ~fg. No charge wmadefcr ihotMren ai «*na tar*. ~• -r goailT WeftdfO Line of i until &em?bi*. Tw*-j to New Orleana, do*- doantajtod j mailed lor N«r» Orleana- hw pubuc4tions-Fj.»t ' h 'wi m"a OfClunh tad State: b T B.|~« ' V “■ * . itoo-—BISS. An entire ediuou of itm* * otl U ” A K. Ste.m F,,,,-. »<,** get?stitic principle* upon which u» „‘p^l, t -n »„d the pracucal details oi »« *. tni^ lur ' n d rXuvi uo« M» mint*. tmlU. «eam r.amga"®"- " nd j Uoon.c various.ugeeauonsoi improvement b> J Mooinr C 'CSe.''t"- Lecf.rr'. on It.. Pitrii™'- I , TO*F.~-l>.', ed. |2mo, Price reduced jo 6L<®. . TleC.lt.'..«F.ltt.lr Uacj Franklin - * Lute. illu-traled P«n» fv »>» H, rs; t '" , " ,Ty ß'»s.^r goU A«.ncF for Swut. * CUrIC. 1 JUST RKUEIVKD .ltd opjnine. . JdbiMnra lot of elrr.nl Pi.no*. from th. flSSsßptcelebrated factory of Nunti* A Clark, V., comprising 6,61 and . octave*. *4n»‘t ."ptotomoSu, both in oocbomun »d S' Pianos t™. marlO Joamal and Chronicle copy PIANOS. _ A SPLENDID uwrimsnt mriniu M nnr and Ro*ewood Piano*, just h- BMpaitihKl. These instrument* a» mad« 0 f JJ y I 11 the iateat pattern and be*t material* b ” Sifts, m 2d door above Fltlh. N R.—Thoae wtoo arc in want of a Rood instrument, .ro ro.poctfuUy toTil-d to emme the*: l!£J\t r „~ cbaaing elsewbare.a* they cannot be ewIM W ft “T In the country, and will be *old lower than an) br ° u * b from the East Alsojust received, two piano* •( ««; burgh manufacture, warranted to be anperior to an) ever *old in thi* country. o ct ‘J3 SKW IHBTBUMEST. , rfUE »üb*e riber has been Agenjmt 1 the .ale of CARHARrS IMPROVER MELODE- j ONS. at manufactured and and perfected by Me»«r». , Maxell A Wbitf, of Ctnonnaii. The usual co ’ and extent being b «» four octave*. Mei*m. M.k w, m •eeorflane* with the general desire and demand, have extended the *cale of these instrument* to H and tJen 6 ocuvee, thus rnabirg it practicable to perform Innon them any music wnuen for tho Piano or Urgau. *ifCl exterior. al»o, has been much unproved by placing the body of the msuumeul upon a ca»t iron frame beautifully bronxed and ornamented, rendering l at once a most elegant end extremely desirable aruclo. The pneo i» put »o low es to bang it within tbe reach of every one to obtain a perfect mu.ical Instrument, end, at tbe tame time, a m..i elegant piece of farm ,Uie for a comparative mile. Al XV Woo.lwhV* G'REdff MUSICAL NOVELTY— The”aubscnticf has just receive*! from Europe, and fm *a»e, an entirely new invention of Piano Forte, called the « All -INKT VIANO FORTE, which nosae*»uig un.re power and (weelnesi than the square I’lano, occupic* bui one fcuilh a* ranch room, and is a much more *bo*;y » n ' J handsome furniture [t is brtwhere the saving of space l* an object beUi # »*edrariY near and compact and occupy uig uo more • foora than a small fide table The ' Ji!£ia ‘ JSd * testimonial of US .upenomv fro® the c«leb»£ ' fed pianistMo*ehelle». rains own “J d :£ r £2S:£ lUch ; Chlckari&g^iiaoi. , _ JEST received and for sale at maa utaeturera prices, Tnurraxa new Piano Forte*,6i and V octave*, of tbe tno»t If V 1 |« elegant pattern* ol furniture, and wrth the late improved «cale Al*o on hand and tot sale low, 3 second band PiM JUU.N H MKLLOR, Sole Agent for Cbiekering’i Pianos for Western peiuirylTania, SI Wood street. mars New MUSIC BY HENRI HKR2-Tbc La« Rose of Summer, with au introduction and btUliani va riation' for the Piano Forte, as oerfortned m all hi* coucort* ui th*- Lmicd Statea by Mean Hen Military Polka, by Henri Hert t'otnie Poi Ha. “ * Silver Bell Po‘k«, Ju»t rrceivcd and for *al* bT meh!3 JOHN H MKLLoK. -il wood »t Voeal EatrelMi with an accowpauimeut lor ihe Plan-forte, adapied to the want, of pnrate rnip.U, or ela*#o* in vo/al muaio. French and oietwan compowir., by Lowell ( Mw TRANSLATION. OEBD, PARKS * LLBK * IS4B. VESIIUH BUND) | WAKEBOOM. J. A. BROWN would fully inform ihe public, ihut ha | •pt oa hand ai kit timid °'t the 1 it tide of u»« Diamond, Alle rny ciiy. a complete »•<(>«• ■ rit of Veniuan UUndt; al*<» Ve» inn t*houert ur* made >0 or - in the betl »tyle. warranted lal lo any m ihe United MXte* ■ Blind* can be removed with i mr aid of a terow driver, ivlng purchased t b c »a»elc, >i», and wood of the cabinet e»- jhtbmenlof Ramtay A M’Clel nl, 1 am prepared to luniith sir old outtomert, •» well at j every thing in their line. cfiraDßiis-i® fr * ,h ’ r ~*- v » as*-? e » i "‘ w do 10 do Old j»vn do; 35 bajrt black Pepper; 10 do Pimento IfiO hbd» new crop NO Sager; 304 bbl* plantation Molataet, Mdo Sugar Uooto do 30 tiered* ftetb Rice; 180 bxt Bunch Ra.n.n. lS bi"m»nurMt«.cd Totacco, .ui™ M>. 5 iep Orff» * B"> • •*“' tokMto, 10 “ 9 Herd*’ “ “ “ 150 bxt £|o wfidwr &*»*; *° do *“* u do ' 300 gect ataorted Nelli; 12 caakt Baleratna; 5000 pound* Cmion ataorted Noa. Together with a fall end general aatorttnent o< arti ele, fo the Groe«ry Un®, oo hnnda and tor t«ie by J ft R PLOYTJ, Round Charob Building*, m hl« Fronting on Liberty, Wood and Sixth »t» HrrNKV'S CALIFORNIA RIFLI* -The fol lowing ■< an oxtracl of a letter from the H© n /Min Davit, I H. Senator, lalf Colonel of the M»»- iVSppi Riflemen, dated *h of November, I*7. and ad dreaecd >o the Ordnance office:- , , had ••The ritlet which you u«utd »*> i'"* ’ * lh “StSrS*o=K: "rtSnnl .0 pn.fcov in thnir non.twcunil ud ?*„ In nocnmoT of Urn IheJ ntn ojinnl to th« hnn.i .noninn nlie, Hieir ronj«. I think, elceedi that of KSld’nm™ ““ k "i nnd>l>«y *”■ or wnnt topnlt tinn *»V othor unnll ««■ > k*« a “ d ,i?™n r t” JEFFERSON DXVIS. jo'ofihn itovn **«" (»“ rncenrng-tol knit «t ' hr C,i 'rnchikt ° alfiUn| fc°H FuIIUFS /CALIFORNIA RUBBER GOODS-Jati received, (/KCamo Ulaakeu; 5® officer coat* l»ptiPanuj V-Si nSf lS«<i Miring Boom; 19 l.thmo. Bag* a ■hnki, fl and 11 fallow each: 60 canteen*, I each- \ dor Buck Ala Money Beluj Ido oiled canbrie do'do. The abore gooda for »ale at tho Cali font., onthan, Ekinblikhatnof, H «^ LUpe 'pKUKt Gold WMbm* 7 FfRSONB going to California can bo ftirnilhed with the best relented Gold Waiter that hat yet been introduced to tbe public. The weight ii onlyVJSlba. wul can be packed In a trunk if Decenary AUo Usbi Pick. and other Tool* uied m California. Tbc Jove will be .old on the * l No 01 Market «t French MERINOS AT COST-Smiih A Jobu*o» 46 Merkel «u«u, will teU.for the biJance of the ,-uon at eon, iheiitfeek of Frond Merino*, eomprf *n _ aon choice color*. Now U yoor lima Jo »e -,M&bOT»IM de-ClV '•yy-KLyiJr RlßtKJNg—Jtnt tereieed at Zeuuiou Kin ’ 30f«eMor^VctT«%^« ll > i»«oned color*, * « embroidery Gimp; » P» *«• deed T> K- SELLER?. I)niE(I' lI ' N ® TowSSod’C'”- ti. Sole Ar«ntfoTllM>«ic<? fI) :-^.°j? r 0 ( :hi* ui.V?Hr.n P ariii ! ubMJ«wVTecctted2oU tOIPd Gr«u !»pnn* ar>d SutaEer lJer , i. »ole I'urchwr* *ho«U "™ l ;r r .y l X Tr v for tgent tar Pir.«»<uf<h. and U M Carry BT ,a cur _ ;: — DAILKVS MAGICAL MN EXTBAGTOB. mHK loiiowiii;- c.„ r E. Po I w»ll known proprietor of the , to , vrr t run*lf of Uie iinf-ofi&iire of Lbc Pum to e»crj p»fClit Ki rasas Otnrß, Albany, f*?' '• Mt D.s-MT My De.rritr-Wlth dinar) pl-H.ut- l atidrew you iu relation ?« , | h *ve see -ro irons y our uiv«iu»ble P»m If™ Lately.l'fl* ilaunhicr, tj year* o>d, hod a P of boiling wote • turned into her bOaotn: her *ef w, re d ead/al. -o thus * crowd irvnanuy sathered Ue tore th«* house <o nun :ne eao« olthc teriibir «« a ‘ n * I ton- her c'oii.ea asunder, aud *ooa .prend on > .JVC and sw wa* earned and laid upon abr “- , wa« »o< n 'el eved from her puns, and say! l M M«. •' ...n rtnld la isv and «•' soon in ««eet sleep. f' ,e aslM , ,* . t.i.oer irom iuc t<m of hershoaldet over'mo e ban taitif her chm,, anTround under lh< arm*. Un the shoulder and l.rea.t .m* very deep yri Horn the fir«t hour. *ho complained only when n n-a* Urr»»ed. The «orc healed rapidly, suit) U>rre i« nr contraction >»f the inu»cle« \y,U, many wishes. my dear sir, for your «ueoeh» u the -ale of this mighty article, 1 am your*, with respect. 'UhX). E. POMEROY. THE TEST omf NO MISTAKE* The rename Dailey, *1" 'ter P™>“ce <*n.c . •lautatfeou. r.rlrof. and rootlniui.coolinj eject, in U» *evrre«i C b»c« ol Burn*. scald*, i u«*». kr The Counterfeit*-no n alter under what name, they ‘«‘"-^^Tp'Sbuc m P “ n - I. Edward r. Holme., »f c f“ h * n !l"'|, vu ' I ¥ n ? 4 '’ Columbia county. N V . hare beea rfflietedwth rhea, malum in my brea«t, feet, and al • °' r J ,n y , “ ao’tba, I could uot wand, and warn eared 1., .. ■P^*“-”'^‘tmvrUD?.' U HOL^r' Duller Bir—l cut my Infer with a copper nail .raS'wS'col^V^^rl' try. IB V r „„,t , n thrre dav* 1 was completely cu- S"' "“' r “»mi HARRISON, New York, V th“e‘:^K, B of£,nva,.. 25 SS&IS All Extractor*, therefore, »ioi made ana p P hinu are ba»e couHtcriciw. } «• _ York- P»or.i«™l>« DUPOT.-tl! Broadway, New York, 235Che»tmit street. Plnltt- tn. <rjr JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot, Dr. ««, THORN, Agcnti for Pm»burc!». ]} n tfsy’i Animal Galvantt Cure-Ally ttssvs? asursLS^i ThrauTo, ,capon,able be tad « jg-c -on 10 -- ...ei. Agent. Pituburgh. SPKCUL SYMPTOMS OF CONSHMCi. Quirk pulae. hacking rough. wcakn re.tlrJ alecp, variable appetite, irregular bow., Daina between the aboulder blade* behind. P iCTauu.Li ST*rro*3 or C«™u*rno*.-Coughing niflM and dar, Uabby muaele*. general debility, great ihortne** of brralb on ROing op iiatra, nwending a hal or walking but a UtUe last, pulse alway* above o,ll’ hundred. f°r week* together; drenching cold ,W come* on.like a '■onunon eatarrh or cold, butal.out the period when that die. etuc nitially i» expected to *ub*nle, «omr of the »yn*p anriavittd The cough l* more trooblr- eapeciaUy when lying down. There « nofi«i puo totho cheat, but difficult bwaUuug, which t* lying down. The appearance of the crpee- Son ihilta .. eopioua, u changed from a tlnck ...m.- iimauL to a thinner aubatsuce. Ul* very un pliant lo Iho potionl, Hud emit, mi imr>oa«mt ,ttgl When burned It i« of an uniform appearance, probably a mixture of pa. and maroa. with waterWi .ink. and part swims. Thi* diaeaac may occur u. any habit or at any age, and i* < harac uri»ed by the peculiarity of the cough. The llalaam of Liverwort effect* the cure of tlu* at aidiooa dtaesae by expectoratiou. Mjotha and hcaJ*i the edee.ed 1u.,«, (> ee"er f*H" Wh-r«*=r c-ue baa been uaeii. we hear of H« -ucce«» For thlr teen yean it baa been before tba public, and baa been ihurouibly tcaiedjoi all compluou of tba Lung*, and 1 .. nruved lUelf superior ui mem to any thing in ute. h \s P P rawW give hundred, of testimonial* from phy*H rit ,i, ia* preaa clergy, and tho*e Who have been cu red. bat all we de.ire is to call the attanuon oi the ui li.cwd. and for then own good'hey w,l ‘ lr >‘ : “• . .i’ir. W.L.010 !*,»?» “'£u FiuXumli by 1 U Moryon Sd Wood > Kns^c to f 1,50 per bottle A CARD. / , RATF.,I L for U» »«> übewl aacour, fC mam 1 (t ha.. r~»i»«. lor .o H jr»rv 1 mifiid to enUrte my bnunetl eoa»iilrr*l>}>. JiavlitK a cSpecent Foreman. I will b. cnabkd io fitnJTorder* prompt!*, and «lo the work m oat u*ua ‘ S'Jf-Mr pfcaa, a»d .•» ■* eUnuißd citizen* u> my large •«*>* of bl HOUS« r K\ uOOll9 and Ued*, Matu*»*«* *«J Bedding. Cor *\ M,trnL“D*«»«V* and Moreen*. Corn er. Frm- Vte.ri»ruin Ta»«eU, SpHl tod Roller B.md*.r*nd ‘ e^Jr.f/>l.' o al i .v lrt.« in an eml*bl«*hme..t of the kuid? Order, reapectiully •olieited and promptly at- kJcU to ... ...... S «shiu “ P ° '™' ACHI»ONW^S? S ?“jOH.V , WOODIIOIS<K Vi “So ih» “r —~M"‘ ,b “r, lv ,” !T£ J H u. partitiiralnp, under .Ira Srrn and. yl. J( A - * J R oiffi- Sfolnf “a and ’.ran, all aruclo. u. lhal. line *Hh .M 1MP*.....- *- hcticd, which wilt receive immediateauenliou. City of AUegh*uy ( F>b. 1. IMO —' JtJul paper Hanging** H* VINO nurebiufd nt three o( the large.t Facto rie* IntU'Kart. (NVw York. Phtladelph.a and iK proem all S- Mwndoo of lho*e de.irmg 10 have then hou-e* rue u»e Btieiiuui of pnper, to call nod pawn'd Wllr flia M"' 1 ll.owhon!. “Von lie war Em .M &*'■ »V« P‘~“ af CiUd Haifa inarrd, and common l’apor llaaßmn, *£>■ ■ir.r"’ Bacon Hmoklng* i T a VIMi juit completed ibe rebuilding ofoor «noki l hou«r.,\c* are now prepared to reeuve mrui a „noVr it m toe mail merchantable manner. rhVhoa«t'« ar« fitted with ail ibe modern improve mi nt* and are capable of containing 1100,000 lb». each, mi nt*. anu ar i KIKR Canal Baaui, t near »t 1 hlffN'rfSfti PAPKR—Huaing the eipln.tve agency P il.e Mile of the Mill (Lore Pnntirg Paper, I*. ft Ja t* Mmrkle, Proprietor) ara will be con.tamly .upmled «i«h all tU different w«« of wperior quality, - o'" “ ‘•"■issnsßr wef, j. comer Penn and Irwin it* ThffoPOSALS will be received for ralaing »V“» P,i Wool Iron, .unk in Allegheny river,(l Work" The whom to b. d-I.rer.J or !h« »l ■> . Mu.pr.ttu> P.tont Sodo A.h. r,iiiv ,” M nben arc now lunrelr supiitin* l " llh ' hr I ntaveeeYel,ruled .Hide, recemly r.oei.ed d.ree. ikm .bn m.niri.emrer., l»lo Now t u ,„. II (Hidden. Caroline iSeimith. and farJ**aa which they are prepared to rell at the lowerl market P"" “■ b " ■ W ' o, w * M 111TCHKLTREE, IflU Liberty it N 11 --Tiler will reeelve next momb urorher abip -1V1« PbA.ddnb.alpe, ,blp Globe, „nd .beneelon ward einilar mppUe*. -- DWKBStf’VPOttKS. / ,ULEMAS, UAII.MA.N i CO. coorlnueto mum (J Small Iron, Spring and Am Blmer Slee , Plooeb, Fork nod Hoe Sleel, Bleete, Spike, end Wro’t Iron Nut*, all aizca, tofelher wirh Couch end Ellpue stnrinet hlf Pat, Taper and common Axlea. 8P lUvinir reduced the price of wrought Iron Nuu, engine Ailden and other. B«uig the article wiU find it to their internal t* gi™ thl* now branch of Pitutmrgb manufacture* their aitenliou. ... . _ Coach trimmmff* and maJeable iron on liberal term*. Warehouse ou water and Foorth its. felaW-if ‘ SkMunfing Wanted, T N ft private family, for a Gentleman and i»l» I>ady 1 w t,o will furnish nU room if required. Location jfc Flr*t ot Second Ward of thii eity. Addrei* J. 11. Box fll, Poll office, and give name and location, which will he attended to. ..“Pi— —X .n two a P fci Ya 1 tel, a vie'* of the BatUe of Monterey; l •• u u u Cerro Gordo; l *; u u Bnena Vlffin, 1 - *• Pell de Pam; l •• u .t chate de Lyon, i *• •’ (Janie FTancaU; l “ <« •* Col C Auvergne; Tbe above i* lutujble for papering large publir room*. Just rac’d direct from ParU, and for tale at tbe waiehonsd of «p* S C HILL HKAP WATCHKS—Juti receiving* a IW menloflhe cheapest gold and allver Lever »‘i« «• over offered iuthii city , . ra id and AJBo,my ipring ilOQtt of the Snett * silver >Vatc be*, Jewelry t gUvcrT^TepOTT^rGf 0^ BPI 3 ' culllcl ■»«» . ~ MEDICAL. 1 2 FBRMASEAT OF c SorofcL or «»£ >E ££ toon, Sciaucn A ►cites or Drop "°^?fo-Tmp™s°ic.." C a' Al.o, Chn.™ «-r 1 ‘t l 'sSfssa vanou. compound* bca r utg tt ™« ° f fumuhod « h- Jjn-g with disease It purifies. cleanse*. and mrtn gXhens the fountain spring* of 'tie. and infuses new vigor thro out the whole animal frame. , A.NOTHKR CI'RKOF SCROFULA. The following sinking and. a» will be seen, P . neot cure of an inveterate case of Scrofula, comnieutll it*elflo all similarly ailiicted: Somtroar, Conn- Jan. 1» IMS. >| r i>r» Sasur: Gentlemen—Sympathy for thei afflic ted induce* me to inform you of the remarkablo cure effected by your Sarsapnnlla tn the case of my wt*«- uho wan severely alhiricd with the scrofula on differ* eat paru of the body: the gland* of the. neck were neatly enlarged and her lunb* much swollen. Alter sutfering over a year and finding no rebel from the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg. and be ow the knee suppurated. Her physician advued it should be laid open, which was done, bul wuhout any orrmanent benefit. In Uus situation we heardof, and to use Sands’ Parsapanllt The fir*i boMle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more than any prescription she had ever ta lun. and before she bad used six bottler to tho MU>n ! ishnieni and delight of her irieuds, she found her hrXuuite restored. It u now over a year«nce the i S^7 e ww effec e<l, and her health remain, good, show* 1 the disease was thoroughly eradicated fromilha I JXtem Our neighbors are all knowing tc. the*. | facts, and thin* very highly ofSaada’SanaparUl*^ I Yours with respect, j WwMar Kitruct trom a letter received from Mr. N-,i.« 1 na a gentleman well known in Louisa county, Y«u I itlemrn-I have cured a ne«o boy wj* | your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. HARRIS. 1 “Yours truly, . li* HARK,S ‘ ‘ Fredericks llafr, Va, July 17.1649. SaßsaraxJX.ua —H seem.almost unnccoss*^ ,o direct attention to au article so well hnown.andio deservedly popular, as this preparation, but P»“ e ““ often who wish to us the extract of Sarsaparilla, are induced to try worthless compound* beanne the. mme, but containing lime or none of the virtue able root; and we think we cannot confer a xr*“Ct benefit on our reader* than in directing their attenuon w the adverusement of the Messrs. Sand, in another column. The bottle ba* recently been *^* ( **‘J‘° a ouart, and those who wuh * really good fin'd concentrated ... tin. all the medic.ntd of the i-nM The experience of thousands has proved U* el ficaey in curing the various disease. recommended; and at the present ume mart> other, perhaps, is this medicine useful, mprcpanngUw " ..era for a change of season.-Home Journal, Sept. prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A-B. A D. SANDS. Drugguu and Chemist*. 100 Fulton «£*«»* corner of William. New York. Sold also by Drag- C f«tr generally throughout the United Stales and Cana da*. Price 8t P«r Bool*- “x B-uJe* for 85- in* For sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale *nd row], HA FAHNESTOCK. A CO., corner of Wood l and l rOI | * L , ai.o. corner of Sixth and \\ ood sts, by U WIICuX. Jr., corucr of Smuhfield and Fourth «ta. and »i*o corner of Market st and the Diamond, also, by F.D'V AltD riINDKRJCII. cot Monongala Hodse. SALTER’S GINSENG PANACEA! ■,H. THwVK SITreRINC W.TII MSg® | H unprecedented «»cr«ai wbich ha» ttrmled ta© u»e of tne ' UINSENG PANACEA a *ll the vinou. tbnn* which irtiuoon *'«J« lufne ». t»a» induced ’Ac proprietor *gtun to eall m*n I ’°" 10 \V O N DF,HKUI. PREPARATION. Phc eh«n*abte weather, which mark* our tall lf ntf:W.H, «e hut the preeurwri-of »U Jertroyer COSLMFTION. . | •>. . ,i inv > 4h»15 we nip ih© oestroycTJß i ?;,r".!o; s -.vr.™.£«. «-n- j burn* oi out with a oats Ol ICT -need :u curative power* ‘bese. w«uia u* ~m o(iT from *ll parts of the errantry .--from *^j-dk£.2 , sss£&W i * r,ir « rrau. .»! any of our agent* U>roug»j» the country- I f 1 HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES “ SW ' I nrooehoui the United States and Canada, and we ch_ ' cl ‘«' My mW ‘ “ , whieh. when taken according to direcudns, and be fore Uie longs bad become fatally disorganised, il h*S »«r tailed A pERFEC fT CVHE. mn then, need the aftwud hesitate! vt by reaon to | trio mi*rtaMo nostrums, gotten up by au< o*»indmd- , aals » let the assumed name or some ee •brele- phy rTian. and pufTed into notoriety by certificate c. per sons euoaliy unknown? Whils* a medicine ol .on.eqi ßa “{: N PA ßA , jL KL 1 a) EFHCACV i» u> be baiLwhose voacber* ate it home,— <j»t Qaifh- fboh tiik cb/ivb. In order that this uivolaabic medicine mar bo placed *iSun tho reach of the poor U well the neb, we has* pot the FifTY C*fcSTS, m,t one half the usual cost of codgb medicines. n u or aalc by our ogeui* in nearly every lowa and village Sr “the le.u wlio arc prepared lo me hill Informa i,mi relative to it i. SAbTbfli, Proprietor Broadway, jTmcinnati, Ohio. A. B 1 lot-1-, N Y Ct:y HYDROPATHIC BBTA.BI.ISHJIBHT, ■s ruiLunacgou. bsavub cO., r*. Dr. EDWARD ACKEIt, lake* this mesrn* of re turmujf his thanks to his mends and the PuWUc iur the extensive patronage he has received, ando *- forming them that he ha* lately erected a larje and -eU constructed building, for the exclusive purpose* I.f his WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at hi* old location, at PluHiptbargh, Pa., on the Ohio river, °PP£ «ue tho steamboat landing ai Beaver, where he is ready 10 receive pouenlaas hoarders, and treat them on Hy dropathic principle*. In addition to his long eiperi enoe and the great succet* which has heretofore at tended his treatment of patients commuted t* his care, k* has now the additional faciliues allbrded by an ex irutive building drtcied expressly tor the purpose, con- SJ and n»n,«J Uttd »p «uto | eeerv nccessaw apparatus for burning, and ddminis- . lenng the treatment to the utmost wae “ .*f}Jfcf£?22 of foe pauent. l'Uillipsbargh iso 11,0,1 healthy viUajre, easy 01 access by »«*»“[**£ uvnres fords Lie arid wholesome water. D f* those adheted pervoos who may place ssrsi'E: lr ** l **L *r»te®, prelects from the danger* r,”5n”2 ercato. a nnrnnU SS,“3», and imparl, viyor to ton togetuan nnwer* Terni. oi tijauacnt nml boarima rejaon.bto. ?v,Ttoihnt narucalari inquire al toe uatobluhment, or IS^Stoipwl»to. a. Phillipsbnrgh. augtSd 1)K JAYNE’S ALTERATIVE. We have been informed by Mrs. Rom of acnreper- bvl>F» JoyiM'i Alt«r*tlV*t wfelCll 5! iw*superiority over every other remedy of the kmd She has been Uilicied for tho last silicon year* w?ih NECROSE or W HITE S W ELUNGS, auend*d wnb ulceraiion* and onfbliaUon of various boneodn rinrvrhich time many piece* have been discharged from the ironial bone ol the cranmm, from both her arms, wnmii and banri», and from both lege,and from the left femoral bone, and from ihe right knee, besides painful u leei» on niher pan* of her person, which have balEed the skill of anuraberof ihe most ciftiUCul physiclansof our ein— dating most of the lithe her sufferings have I been excrumuog and deplo;ubie. About three months *;iicc she vi* induced u> uy Dr. Jayne's Alterative, which ha* badoa asionubirysiy happy effect upon her, by removing altpam and swelfingi, dftd tnftrtug the ulcer* to heal, while nlibe sameume her general he»lth lias b«-cotaecompletely centered, ro that tSejiOw weighs ii ins more itu«u she did before *iie cowtncnced ih<' use at this uuly valuable prepauon.—l~at Eve. r*o*L For further uuormatnin, :nqu,ra of Ml*- Rose, No I*s Filbert at, Philadelphia. For sale in Pittwcrgli, at the PLaJN TEA STORE, 7*4 Fourth »U near Wood- Da TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA—M dozen jast received of Dr. TownseudH «ar*«|»anlla, u»e moil extraordinary medicine in the world! Tiu» kJt l. act i» put up in quart bottles, It U «x times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. it cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating theTtatieffl- 4 , ... Look otrr rom lMiTSTtotts.-UnpnDciDlcd iwnoas h*ve copied our labels, and put up medicine in <b« same shaped bottle. See that each bottle ha* the wnuea sig- , “Tk°aEilEKsTu" m-l, a Wood .««, : aiul retail agent foT Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine article can be had. . .„ ut f of D. hL Curry bu* hern appointed the so e Mcu Allegheny c.iy, el "hole die .p, OCKOKULA AND X,™ orot PclmeMny £ le , nouoaotu principle ,„d the •*“ t ““"'”“ ie uie humVh Tbefe. morn or ,e ” or iScipl» can todranojed.no radi fore, unlem thi P P. p at ir the principle apoo “i 1 °h"iho diMhW depend,, il romoed, > core which the ,| owo [njuey under whattorm ”"“°' e ;"Xnld innndeet tu.11.. Thin, therefore ui“.»n why JeT.r’u Aatehatiyi I. .0 uni “JwillVsueecuui'ul in remonng in many mulijuinl • a • aac*. It destroy* the virus or principle I'rotn t d *f? c „ those disease* origin, by entering mto the circulation, and with the blood it conveyed • to the minutest fibre, removing every particle oi * disease from the system. Prepared and sold at Not S South 'lturd Street, Philadelphia. 1 Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 72 Fourth atree. 1 Pittsburgh I TO- K MACKEREL—JO hV in ii* tor sale low N to tltw coasignjaoct febj I £b DAE2ELL GROCERIES, &c SUGAR AND MOLASSES—S 7 hhit prune N Otto- Mr tfkbb!» N oMolrt*****; »»«» fo» aai« on lantlto*, by npll c U GRANT. 41 water H uifbl* -in'.’iTu ao uuia do ior sal* by (jr iptl WICK A McCA.NDLKSM p,:I 7.r.^u f j^^;a^ !8 gco«omNi.^»^»V^„ cCiNMj^ I tin* <HL—»O bt.le for *»!■» by Jlj npll J SChOU.NMAiiLR A yo_ - KvlM’lNu PAPtIR- all l'«'0 ream*, tot \\ j >O|U'O.NVAKBR *.£o Malaga wink—»a qr c»k* **e<> »im. ui in.Liii Hi. ill Of,- undo, :»r liije .0«. u> clfl*e e0n.,0,.i"5“--V H}U» JA> A HI IVHfSON *<* * M' ain »• c-i i) r 11 s -- l.ui'n. blceebed mid brown. Qrt 1 ,ik „„,.i C AK.il ‘I HNOT . LAM) on.- J "I «Mjre*u4 u»r ci.y „ H io James.a ia a'iiis).\*Cu KSobisll i'RJNTs—Super 4-4 put.al<r and oUxqr «ty!e* of Haud*cme Enfli»b Chiutre*. jd»t opened *■ ,i> .Market (treet. northwest cer ot ilia Diamond. Bpy ALKXA.N OER A_D A) L~ iilt.'x 'i c»IfcKSK-*44 UlTjusi rec'd und for»ale by , J 11 CAM-'IELD. Water *uxct, a p9 between drannficld and Wood vt aii .«%—6o keg* Nasi*, assorted »»*<», Oliphant 4 IN Sou's brand, landing and for tale by X ap» JAMES DALZKLLh Water »l , c»k. jusi ree'tf uid tor sale CIOTTON— <*9 bales, vsnou grades, r«r «ale Lj j apa . C H PHAM, il waiL-r «t BROOMS— W dsi extra Corn; 20 do cloth, for salt 7 __j DWILUAWS,UOw^.I POTASH— 20 csfcs Potash, landing and fat sate tow counsomcal, jam>3 y)^I2KLL gICILV LIQUORICE —Just rac'd S"d SHEEP SKI.NS-li doten, fine aruclcjart rec'dsnd. for sale by apfl } KIDDACo. AMERICAN SAFFRON— Just reeM and lor sale by ap» J KIHD A Co Spanish saffron—Jasi rec-a sai«by apU J RlOll A 1-° M A oS" J ““ '"' a “'' i by > «DBtC». IiRINTINO PAl'Kß—4l» ream., varum. uioa, foU Z mpnUe» kept cou*tanuy ouJUnd. by *- “ KKYNOLHa ft SHEK, conicr Pena and Irwin al» / ShiLDRENS 1 CLOTHINO-F 11. KitoT ft Co. I! Hate receded ibeir Spring patterns lot Children* Dre.sea, and are now ready io receive order, tor ma king Fancy Uormenu and hmbroidety. | pattern, for ludie* ana ehildrer*’ garment. .old if I of garment* con.tanliy on band, ftiore Fouriii at, between Wood and Market. lAv 2 bb “ *<* ■ WNER WANTED For 3 hbd- Toh«co, mkd ) Duuaoad A, S 7 Front «t_ drum* A C O U. MOLASSES— bbU S H Molw»es, Jiu<HnS N . from »unr Winfield Scon and for male by apU JAMES I>ALZELL, Water »L. TTIaNTaTION MOLaSSBS—OW bbla PL motion t| r — tIOTTOfi —36 bile* cowl We*t Teuoeaap® . c ° t W‘ n i ! for *ai© by apl3 WEST.UOWEN L W*roiH*_ LINSEED QiL-dSbbl. Lia.c.dQ.M* • HAJIB. W’K have a choice lot ot HACO.N HA.hl3 of our o«m curing for «aic. api4 M OlL_b» & BOfc. ACKEWiC-LW *®‘*“« bbUt wbc “ * a “" low"to Clo,c “* pr»UEBCTTKB-a bol* treat Apple A. rec’d and for talc. apU MOILLS * KQb_ BACON SHOULDERS on conftijjument.— 1 for «ale 10 cio»e U»e l^L M-GILLS & ROE H°5 ,1W "" EJlAckbx** , * k ' to “' w “!WfiSv^ CIOTTON— 17 bales to arrive: for *al« by J ipU »»AIAH DIOKBV * Co, Fwm W .•'KaTHEJ T »pU 4 «ks to arrive; for sale by . „ ISAIAR bICKCTfc Co V i»n i i bills No 1, to arrive; for rale by L *pV _ I__ ISAIAH DICKEY ACo « 4 ii-nS-i*c«ti Ha.m» and Shoulder* toArrivei for •B ISAIAH DICKEY A Co Fi,» v«kkD aO bar to arrive; for wle by tpl« ISAIAH DJCIUSYA Co rIIEA-*i hll tteiiu V H. fSoYiJ ”i j l ‘ r Haund Ctmi«b BnMiiip TOBACCO-36* boxe* wioM bwnd*, •*{*** g« canal and (otnlt by _ apl* JA B FLO YU gCUAtt-Si W. U»fS«s»i, lot «ia fe| RW)YD I-SFillrlpt ■*■ t>.ibET»,pci c .‘"»‘““V„Vd“' logum. for .ole by opU ‘* K pl -° U Zinc w«*ni>imn»»» »*» »»•«*• Rbcercr'. Fire Kindlier SM> Hickory Broom* Wj To. L, r ; a» »-o<l FUoooli “Vd^SSTa".? I lot »il« 0> i « B 1 kd case i Si) pain) tf«l <« bT M ut pooadt, nbban boaad, rpe«»»wl ibia | day on con»»rnm«nt fwntho amaftMTOrai, «°* J&by mp 7 H LEE. Libony H opp»ite tth__ pOTATOa-m A C I ‘O\CON—IO9 pc* Uaeon, landing £rom «uar WelU | tf " 1 ! 1 ,” DALZF.LL, ...c, ■. 1 /S’REEN APPLKS—23 bbl« Gtmu Apple*, (P*r -I'J 1 “ i “ 8 “ d “‘“A'ura DALZELL_ in SAND PAPER-SOQ ream* of topenor quality, all ihe different number*, which wtware enabled to tell at the lowe»l price*. Raisins— whfbi* mb Raiwiu; IUO qi u do do; tof ifle low I o C '°‘?„ C |7“‘ g "°‘° l ‘ >T JAIJK3 A lIDTCIIISONtCo' rfUN't)BTES—3OO bbl* N O Moiaaae*; J N 16,003 Bacon, bog round; 40 bbl» large No 3 Mackerel, 15 « « “8 do 10 “ “ “I Salmon; . j 85 “ pure Flaxaeed OU; ' i*o doienaew Corn U?oams; in »torn ana lor „ls by ..Ml JOHN WATT, CAMP'IiOR-P by apll OOPERPS tSINGLftBS-r*4 case*, aboetiUld . “aplhnestPckac. libli refined. }u*t ree'-d uid tot "talo B A FAHNESTOCK* O Xfr corntrlM and wow* gEGAR9-IMWK» common, tor aula gTOSEPIPES-MO bl» to. u!o by Qj^ m Vi MOEAsSf* °» te“ JN . bbta IS3 half bbU. »pl< M wL_ W'KE^43F!”B&sE&- F IRE BaiCK—3o4»o* < Vh»«nU T ’R«B Brie*, rfttpe- I !S?&te.irSSr« b* *° commadaung tenu by CAM ANU^f^ ln a bM&bqttjMjd l j fiu« maiked W M. U.” rcceiTed pori tleonUl Mo ol OHO U MIl-rfcLNUHEGEH J>elbl. ASil —IS lo m W-.i1A.6> j C«^to^ , V P“4?» sfflwogEttffi* tSoWDEB—^ SUOOkegi Uli*im* r to *« *«**»“■ “4fVp«%arai^ F us .pi?°' ouo f "‘ R°;piV ,o ;'‘‘r'“ r Bny^9SJffi^ Co fAVACOFFEE-U b«p Pffij| f flvPßTtl A Co c C3KS PEARLS; aud 5 k#l» D p*r tteamer Laie t-ne nnJ for j l "®, w ‘ra m.NO W tet, of warier qualay,BHEK low »PU _. . , r —*~ t TjistOLS-’ J 7 Troy Semle. “*s, u<£* u lj PMgJ X l * l * dhoower*, |tABDVt jgjfayfcco . .ka IV a Nw job; re*fo!jiniHoi ■» NLT3 m HAItDY, Co f'* K ““> i»« >«’ d iw““- US Liberty »t PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PUULIS»I'.D DAILY, THI-WEEKLY fc WjnUCLY Jj [ft4 lra*4U4 Jil44jtiil4C3, 31l IL. ntQTikt Fttl QiA* iiatks or adVkbwsJ<!»;„ Unc insertion of ISUnee, or *j{ Twoiostirtiou Three '* " " jgQ Oac Week “ “ *•♦•••**•* j go Two Week* “ “ ••*'*" - * ? * 5 uo Three “ " ‘****'**l! 400 One Month, g qq Two “ " "£1 160 Thru® “ “ *** IT bocger nd.ermeniciiU l» ?"7... 10 00 One equate, 6 months, without a*»- 15 qq 11 " —.>•• 500 £acb tddiUooail •qnar* . t u ...... 10 00 One fquare r 6 months, t«acw* JU, (> „ so 00 " " 12 “ rJ‘l-Bioolto 10 00 EaehtdditionaUqoa'fi 0 * *V bloa t p icattre, 30 00 TWO 3 00 Lach additional ntiVt VEcair ob tu*®*** i Jf 50 °“ *» nunn” owns. , . Fm WU.I I*. 5 00 ;; :: .. one year, daily fcw?4l,, 10 OU ~ # ii month* 00 m vimi Yim< xetibt ibjertjonp^.^.wS o 50 For SO line*, *h • . 0 IS « « Three, ** . lOb <« Three •*0 RETNOIPS » BHF.B a&FIELD
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